


day or two longer, but In the hot sun de- ¬ veal : And got the best. Ono fight occurred , punhcd forward nt once they would bring ' COUNVAMi AND JOHNSTOWN. A WALL ABOUT JOHNSTOWN , composition , FORT will sot In very soon. Four At ConemaUBh , Mlnornt Point , nnd Wood' much needed relief The removal of the OMAHA'S SITE CHOSEN , SEATTLE , W , T , , IS BURNIN ( Odlcs wcro found In the roar of the stone vale provisions and clothing nro still badly vast accumulation of wreckage at Johnstown Anxiety For the CornUhinont In the ndgc this morning. Ono was identified ns needed.- . will bo the work of weeks , and It estimated Flooded Dlmrlot.I-. of Wickco. wore Uyron'ft ICcrnvlllo woolen , hat John The others mill burned by reliable thirties to cost over 1000000., " CopjrffjM Jamtt Gordon Hcnnelt. } Soldiers Guard the Entrances to tbo- hose of n young woman and two small to-day. At ono time It looked as If the whole 1SKi A Tract of Land About Blent MUoa Pi.v.MouTit , Eng. , Juno 0. [ Now York The Whole Business Portion of tbV children. village would bo destroyed. The mill was n- Genera ! Malinger SIcUcn SnI'c. Striokon City. In From the City. Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE.J The Town In This morning the workmen found thrco hreostory brick , situated the midst of CHICAGO , Juno 0. A telegram dated nt Ashes. members of Benjamin Hoffman's' family, the wrecks of several houses. The ruins calamity in Pennsylvania has caused the Bedford , Pn. , Juno 5, from W. S. Mellon , which occupied n largo residence in the rear wcrj on flro several times , but wore ox-- greatest alarm nnd anxiety among the pcoplo- SIGHTSEERS NOT ALLOWED. of Lincoln street.- . .Ingulshcd flirht by general manager-elect of the Northern Pn- - . after a hard the bucket THE CHEROKEE COMMISSION- of West Cornwall , largo numbers from nil THE FIREMEN ARE HELPLESS.'j jrlgado. There Is a strong movement on- clflc railroad , was received hero to-day. Ho Tltn LIVING AVD DEAD. parts of the country having migrated to- 'oot lavorlng iho applying of the torch to- was on the train which was wrecked by the The of ascertaining col- ¬ real work what the , ho buildings In Al- ¬ Johnstown and formed quite n Cornish The Belief Growlnc Xlmt tlio Kodlcs- of nnd wrecked Johnstown. Johnstown flood , and It was feared ho was .It Is Selected Jmit Ap- ¬ Over n Thousand Feet of Hose DoJ- number living dead of Johnstown is though the suggestion meets with strong op- ¬ at Peters ony there , nnd there Is very little doubt but in the Icl rls Muflt be Cremated started to-day. A corps of clerks , under the lost. Ho had traveled by wagon and express ¬ An Hnglno Grow ¬ stroyrd ' position there is little doubt the ultimatal- pointed as Collector of Inter- n majority of them , all , are vic- and - direction of n relief committee , out , to Washington to-dny. n that if not A Com- started olutlon of the existing difficulties will bo by- reach In letter ¬ National llollcf ; nal llcvcnuo for N- of No information On the Way From hls morning, and they will go to every house jy this method. Army men have been for dated on the 21 Instant , nt Aitoonu , ho says : the tims the disaster. definite inlttco Proposed. in ¬ this vicinity nnd secure tlio names of the iwo days employed in clearing up the wreck "I have with mo Mrs. Halford , wife of Pres- ebraska District.W- . has been received , but several young men Portland. " living. ' . " "" Another corpu of men will endeavor in the city proper, nnd although hundreds of- ident Harrison's private secretary , nnd her from St. Davy's nud Cnmbourno wcro known to find out who the missing nro , and In this daughter ; Mrs. M. E. Brady , of Chicago ; . liodlcs have been discovered , not one-fifth of- to Imvo been employed In the Iron works TMsmnl SIchtN and Sconce.J- manner It can bo definitely known just how , 13. L. Spangler , Ijott.- . Lhn ground has yotbecn gonoovor. In many Gertrude and United States ASHINGTONBuniuu, TnaOMAtu HUE , I floods.- Nothing But KcsldcMiccs OHNSTOWN , PH. , 0. A eye many lives wcro In Hood. which wore swept away by the . Juno bird's lost the A revision places rubbish Is piled twenty or thirty feet postolllco Inspector. The latter gentleman 513 FoUKTKKNTnSTBSCr , V POUTUND, Ore. , Juno G. Flro brokooul- of the register list shows only 13,000 two lives. " lady men- ¬ I On receipt of tlio news of the catastrophe view from the mountain side this morning that lilch , nnd not Infrequently these great drifts saved at least The WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 0. at Seattle , W. T. , at 2:30: this afternoon hi- 1 ¬ > people had registered by o'clock this after- ¬ tioned as "Gertrude" Is supposed to bo lcl-- Mr. Harvey , of Penzauco , who recently re- ¬ nhoxva that the waters In the Concmaugh- cover au area of nearly nj aero. Now pas- i The secretary of war has decided to pur- ¬ , ovofi- noon at the different registration stations.- . thoPontus building nnd is now raging vulloy nlmost to sages have been cut through In every direc- ¬ lon's wife. chase ns turned from Johnstown , became alarmed , have subsided their usual By this list It apparent n a now slto for Fort Oinnha a tract n district of flvo or six blocks , nnd the lu- is plainly that tion , but the herculean labor of removing ho lovel. With the receding waters the scone largo number of the survivors will not tnko of CIO acres of land about olght miles from for left his married sister with six nro whole business portion the rubbish has yet hardly begun- . Tlio SmiHnry Situation. ; dlcatlon that the the trouble to register. ono of sta- ¬ , children In the stale and ho received such n of desolation becomes hourly moro wlcrd and At the .At n meeting of the central relief commit- ¬ WASHINGTON , Juno 0. Surgeon General Omaha which can bo had for about fOT.OOO. of the town , Involving millions , will go. The , , plnn re- - to his system picturesque. Lllto a desert swept by some tions consequently the of having ? tee, Hastings ¬ [ The above telegram was shown to H- . shock that from the first his istcrh make u General suggested the advisa- Hamilton of the mnrir.o hospital service , has Mr. magnificent San Francisco store Is on- Is canvass was adopted. A great bility of applying to great sea .T , Clarke this morning , and ho was of the life was despaired of , and ho expired yostcr- flcrco simoon , the valley level tin unbroken of the torch the received several telegrams from Johnstown , flro. . The firemen nro helpless and number bodies are not idcntltlcd. They of waste. He explained briefly the great opinion that the selection must bo a part of day at his brother's residence- . plain for miles , only at last to find abrupt , In holpj- have lain in the different morgues for four yet to bo accomplished hoped Pn. concerning the situation there. Ono of his property- . have telegraphed all directions for In days. work if it were .It Is calculated that fully flvo hundred termination the mountain of debris that Thousands of pcoplo from different to thoroughly every them Is from Past Assistant Sitrccon Car- - ."If this is about eight miles , " ho A later dispatch from Seattle says : "A overhaul portion of the south In In ¬ , sections of the state seen them , yet ¬ families Cornwall have relatives Johns found lodgment on some projecting rock have debris , nud insisted it would take 5,000 rlngton , In which ho says : "There is dan- said , "it must bo u section of the 4,000 acres disastrous llro is now sweeping through the thcyiomnln unidentified.- . town , and grief , of course , Is great through- ¬ The work of recovering the dead ROCS on men months to complete the task.- . ¬ I offered to sell. " ( ¬ ger oi sickness unless nctlvo sanitary meas- heart of the business part of the city. Tw At Ninovah they nro burying un ? all the A motion was made after forty-eight or- "Docs the price correspond " out the country- . with undlmlnlshed vigor , tmd as the workmen , that ures are taken. A corps is now being - blocks have already boon destroyed. Man identified dead but In the morgues In this hours further search the of the city "Well , the appropriation only provided for * bccomo vicinity no bodies debris gnnlzcd. . Dead animals are being burned ns In have boon buried unless should bo consumed by fire , engines to bo on the expenditure of 5800,000 , ono-third of .fllUKAT llAhSTUAD l.V UKUtjIN.- . other buildings nro flames , and the conjj ACCUSTOMED TO THIUU OIHSTLY VINIIS , , rapidly as possible nnd disinfectants used they wcro Identified to play upon nny , which was to bo llagration has passed beyond the hand valuable building freely. The work will require considerable used for the purchase of the IN control ol nnd the horrors of the sccno become com- ¬ ¬ A Ills Name to Go to KEEHNO OUT StOHTSEEIlS- . that , despite previous precautions , might be- timo. " A telegram from Dr. Leo , secretary property , and the other two-thirds for the llcport That the fire department. To ndd to the city's monplace , they apply moro dili-¬ buildings Again.- . themselves .A wall has been thrown about Johnstown , come Ignited by the ccncrnl conflagration. of the Pennsylvania state board of health , and improvements. That would the Senate peril n smart breeze Is blowing oft the bay; ((5 ) ¬ , Those whoso relntivcs'or ; make ? 5GOl , or about $GT,000 for pur- ICoptrtoit lfS3 fin JiiniM (Jordan HcimetU- gently to tholr duty und labor with a system nnd noboay can enter it unless it is shown friends still rest says "Temporary depopulation Is being the , of n course , 1 can [ fanning the flames and about ouo thousand produces rapid results. ho has business in the city. The Pennsyl- ¬ beneath the wreck remonstrate strongly urged. " chase site. Of not tell yet BEIILIN , Juno 0. Now York Herald that nny Is my , feet ot Hose have been burned. At present) vania railroad has been making un effort to against such summary action. A pontoon bridge , in charge of Lieutenant whether or not that property but. as I Cable Special to Tun BcE.l Murat Hal- The Altoona delegation has boon onoof the say, it- keep out the crowds , but the Baltimore & The physicians warned the committee Diddle reached Martlnsburg , W. Vn. , this the distance about corresponds , and If to-day Is no Idea of the extent of thu loss busiest nnd most useful on the ground. They is , : stead told mo that ho still shaky Ohio pcoplo yesterday brought in n Hood of tlmt further exposure of tno putrid morning , and will probably bo nt Johnstown- south of the city it is probably i portion can bo formed. The opera house block] two ana bodies could ono , of the 4,000 acres.11 ] nnd suiters much from rheumatism. Ho is took charge of the leading hospitals people from Somerset Valley. This morning have but result by evening. Adjutant-General Hastings the block opposite , ! going Bo- ¬ and the warehouses ran thorn until this morning , when they wcro when General Hastings of ho had n typhus or some other epidemic equally fatal telegraphs there Is pressing for wagon A NEW OKLAHOMA. to take some baths at Joplltz in heard it need at the foot of Column street , nnd also foun conference with nnd to Its victims. Although the proposition to communication across the river. The Balti- ¬ hemia. . relieved by the Pluladoluhin branch of the Scott O'Mnru of the The president has succeeded in completing buildings in roar thoPost-Intolligoncon Pittsburg police , and it was decided to send burn wrecks was defeated , it was evident more & Ohio expects to have a temporary the commission which is to negotiate There Is a report his name is to go to- the of Red Cross society under Clara Barton. They ¬ with that that the movement was gaining many ad- burning. Tlio pcoplo block1) )! Company F, of the Fourteenth regiment to railroad brldgo across the river before the Cherokee nnd other Indian tilbcs lo- ¬ ilio senate ngaln for the Berlin mission. are in the Yestor have also been in charge of the wreckage Somerset for the purpose of preventing any herents , and the result will doubtless bo night. cated in Territory cession occupied by the Western Union nud the ¬ the Indian for the Postr- nbovo brldgo. ¬ that in a few days iho torch will bo ap the further rush of pcoplo this way. A commit- of tholr lands to the United States. It will Intelligencer , nro moving out. " tee of citizens accompanied plied- . ( _ . American Kiijliiocrs in The party of sixty men from Altoona thu militia. $ 'JOOOO Raised For Johnstown.P- have to treat with every Indian tribe In the stop .At Nlnovoh 7-10 bodies wore consigned to [Copyright JSSflliu James Gordon At 0 o'clock to-night the best engine in thfe have done so well that a big blast of- They will off at all the stations along iTTsnuiio , Juno 0. Contributions nro territory and complete negotiations that will the road nnd remonstrate with the pcoplo the earth to-day from the morgues about require the entire time and attention of the LivmiPooL , Juno 0. [ Now York Herald department , fully equipped with ncrow , oto k DYNAMITE town. coming in rapidly for the relief of the TWENTYHIVE CAHTIlinonS- against coming to Johnstown. The This commissioners being. Cable Special to THU of and 1,000 feet of hose , started on n special crowds is tlmt- for the time They Bic.l The visit 10 o'clock loosened up of ARMY OF DEAD Johnstown sufferers. It estimated ¬ nt the debris and made curious ones are constantly will have to thoroughly understand the his- the American engineers to the United King-¬ train , nnd will probably reach Seattle att It possible to ¬ growing , and hinder tire work of placed In 100 at the chamber of commerce $300,000 has tory from oiion the mouth of the old chan was trenches. Less than had of the various tribes the date they dom promises to bo ono of the most satis- ¬ midnight.- . removing the bodies and cleaning away the recognized been subscribed. Chairman McCreory, of took they now own up to pres- ¬ nel. This gang of workmen has located the been by friends. None of them the lands the Later. . On ; factory kind , and the distinguished strangers From several insurance ngoncicf debris. the Pennsylvania road side the were claimed for private burial , however , the relief committee, to-night issued a cir- ¬ ent tlmo they will have to bo conversant | day express which was swept away at Cone , to In this city is gates are practically shut and It is hoped as in the majority of Instances , the , : with the title by which the Indians now nre likely return homo with pleasant it learned that thlrty-onoj maugh. of Ho survivors cular in which ho states The ruins the train about n this move will have seine effect on the Balti-- were too poor to stand the expense. will require 10,000 men days hold their lands , nnd bo prepared to meet n memories of the hospitality of their English blocks so far have oeen burned in the very & "It for thirty hundred feet from the fourth buttress from more Olilo. There is but ono bridge There is an unusual amount of sicicncss to clear the wrecks nlong the ten miles of thousand and ono other minute nnd Intricate friends. business portion of the city, nnd there tfi across the Concmuugh , nnd nothing sov-- - the western end of the stone brldgo. but a about Kernvillo. Physicians claim tlmt destruction nnd plncQ city In n conalt- points which will cither arise during the ¬ Parts pass from Adjutant-General the safe They reached the Mersey in two detach- great danger of the loss of about twenty , Hastings or crul hundred cases of pneumonia exist. Tno lou. . This will cost double amount now in treaty with the Indians or the knowledge of of parlor cars have to-day boon found ns it.- the ; blocks more. Is ¬ Scott will carry ono over . , now great In- which necessary to ments the first being the members of tbo The fire not yet under con well ns traces of the passengers. reaction that the shock lias the hands of the commltttoo and does not ¬ will bo secure a result OLOOM 11LACK AS INK passed , in n measure , has left hundreds of clude relief for and desti- that will not only bo n satisfactory ono to the American Society of Civil Engineers , who trol. The very latest despatches state tml] About 9 o'clock the baggage of Miss Annie the the sufferers ¬ settles over Johnstown as the sun goes down , survivors with their nervous forces badly tute , which is very great , all of which has United States government nnd the Indians , came by the City of Now .York ; nnd second fire ban reached the great coal bun tiers! Chisholmof Nushvillo.Tcnn. , was found. nnd ad- ¬ which will be binding upon parties to She the colored lanterns of the railroaders being shattered and broken. Johnstown been carefully attended to. The destitute hut the the representative members , and their Should these bo destroyed , it is certain that ) n joining villages nro now under thorough mil- ¬ , the Contract , should the Indians decide to was missionary on her way to Brazil for the about the only relief to the darkness. Su- ¬ are brought to this city fed , clothed , and friends , of the Joint Engineering Societies the flames will bo commun Icatod to n very foreign perintendent Duncan , of itary and police regulations. Each place has housed , or sent free to friends nil over the sell the lands to the eovernmcnt. President missionary society of the Methodist the Alleghany of the United States , who arrived by the largo number of wooden buildings. company , been provided with men enough to keep out Wo gcndrous subscriptions , Harrison recognizes the Importance of the Among effects , nnd- County Light is still hero waltintr land. ask the church. her was a bible , actu- ¬ , City of Chicago.- . Later A dispatch 10 p. the arrival of his engines , dynamo , etc. , intruders and nonosnvo those who nro which are coming from all over the country , situation and accordingly looked over the from Seattle at ra in it was n message to bo filed nt Altoona ally n man which have been blockaded in iho Pennsyl- ¬ employed will bo allowed to remain. to bo continued until sufficient funds are pro- ¬ country for whom ho thought could A general reception committee , embracing says the business portion of the city Is In- and to Book Con- ¬ Officers uro arresting men every hour , some satisfactorily fill the bill as chairman addressed the Methodist vania freight yards west of town. Thcro nro vided to complo the nbovo work. the most prominent men of Liverpool , was ashes. . Every bank , hotel and place ol cern , York, announcing she was on the and tons supplies In of them on the slightest provocation. of the commission. The position was tons of this blockade. formed , amusement , lending , , wcro to- ¬ offered Robinson , ¬ and with them were associated a all business houses ail train. Her watch some money and a Greek The sanitary question is the para- ¬ Notices posted in all tbo morgues Female Fiends.J- . first Judge of Massachu- wcro Is day stating to-day bodies would be- setts , a man undoubted ability , who par- ¬ distinguished deputation from the Institution offices , railroad depots , miles of testament also found. It evident mount ono of the hour. The state that after OHNSTOWN , Juno 0. Early this morning , of many lives wcro lost on this train , morothun- board of health is looked on as- hold only twenty-four hours for identificat- ¬ tially accepted , but upon inquiry into the of Civil Engineers , and other technical so- ¬ steamboat wharves , coal bunkers and tele- ion. . Chairman Heinz , of the relief committee, , nt first supposed. The wtiolo train affair is a moro potent factor than the militia If at the expiration of that time they nature of the ofllco nnd its requirements ho cieties of Great Britain and Ireland , nud rep- ¬ graph offices are burned. The fire began neaw rail- ¬ ¬ are not recognized they uro photographed , was informed by several Pennsylvania was unwilling to sacrifice his business STILL A MYSTEIir- . and the civic forcer combined. This after- resentatives of the Liverpool Engineering the corner of Front nnd Pearl streets in; noon , the photograph bearing the same number as road conductors , that two women of Interests , as ho would have to if ho accepted .At least the passengers have not so been the work of the board was distributed orthree , : far the morgue the corpse. the office, ho consequently society to welcome the Americans on their the Seattle candy factory at 3:30 p. m. Too' found and located- . Dr. Lee taking a relay to Pittsburg with the number of questionable character had arrived in town and declined the The work of blasting the gorge nt the appointment. Then another wus arrival In England. To-day a series of ex- ¬ whole of the business section north of Stet-¬ .Tuoro was :v small-sized riot at a labor intention of establishing his headquarters in lost night , whom they think are procuresses , search camp the city hall. The office of the sanitary In- ¬ Pennsylvania bridge was prosecuted to-day como to prey on unfortunate young women.- . begun , and Mr. Baker , of Indiana , was se- ¬ cursions wore arranged for the convenience son & Post's mill along front nnd Second ' this morning oa account of thcro not ¬ ¬ with much success on nny previ- lected. . Ho also declined to accept po- ¬ ! being food or utensils to cook it with. Two spectors will bo established there , half of better than Ho reported the police who will warn all the of the visitors. The committee sent convey- streets to the water front have been burned , ous day. men poles wore sition ho requirements- . workmen complained because they did not which go up the river by boat nnd the ro- - Several armed with suspicious characters to leave town nt once after understood its ances to the various hotels to take thorn Involving a loss of over busy pushing logs loosened by the blast .Today the appointment of John 1J. Miles , of 5000000. The city have soup and meat. This enraged Flynn , maludei take u construction crow up on the All young women who apply for relief will out into so , , to bo dawn to the place of mustering. Is literally wiped out, except the rosldonca who is nt the head of the labor railroad. The latter have adopted crema- ¬ the stream that they bo warned to beware of those women- . Lawrence Kan. a member of the would float away.- . commission was announced , nnd he will be- The enjoyments the day a- portion on the high ground. : p. m bureau , and ho ordered the guards to take tion as their cry, and to-morrow night the of included At 0:30 the men out of town and not allow them to dcsolnto valley will bo lit up with bonfires of AN OLD SETTLER'S THEORY. .On Their Way td PlUsburir. chairman. . The other two mcmocrs of recherche lunch on board the fine ferry boat the flames hud reached the wharves this body are Mr. Humphreys , of enter again. This seemed to have the de- ¬ the wrcckace , which will be Thomas Jacobs , of Morrcllvlllc , is ono of PHILADELPHIA , Juno 0. General Manager Lancashire , whilst crossing the river. An- ¬ aud the steamboat and shipping wora Illinois , a bright young lawyer , and Mr. Wil- sired effect , nnd there was no moro trouble. TUB rVUE OF IIUNDIIKD- the oldest inhabitants of the Coneniaugh- , many ¬ compelled to Pugh , of the Pennsylvania railroad , was son , of , u well-known other nnd in respects quite as inter- put out into the stroanx- Sof valley. . Ho said Arkansas lawyer. The This morning twenty time-keepers nrrivcu dead bodies. Dr. Merrill , deputy chief ot to-day that the water of the , was to breeze wus blowing ¬ notified , to-dav , that the following passengers latter gentleman , although unpointed nnd- esting an excursion that Messrs. A stiff from the north j from Plttaburg , nnd they nro now hard at the state board of health , said to-day : river was much higher in 1837 than last Fri- wore among those ) , who loft Altoona this comniissioncdmuy not bo a the Bros , , iron worus , nnd to west when flro , nnd It soon goff work getting tbo names of the men employed , day, oven after the dam bad broken. "Tho memberif Laird Birkenhead the started "The point has como iu this horror ¬ when morning to go to Pittsbu by way of .Eden- commission that will finally co into the In- railroad.- . nndit, was stated that whole trouble about this deplorable affair, " the Mersey tunnel the best of the fire department. The watcij sentiment should bo laid aside. To endanger burg : Mrs. C. H. Lefforts and Carrie Bar- ¬ dian territory. His resignation would not FIVE THOUSAND MEN AKB AT WORK-. ho continued , "results from the narrowing of In the evening an official rcccotion was supply gave out within two hours tha- the lives of the living that the dead may be , of Manilla , ; bo a surprise to his in , after .It the channel oi the river and the deflection of ber la. Charles Hcorscn. friends this city who is expected that bv to-morrow at least identified is no loncror justifiable. Besides ¬ given , by the mayor of Liverpool , in the town flro begun , nnd then the flames had a clean its course. I well when the chun- - sav that ho has about determined to with- 10,000 will bo employed , but oven this largo they are all past being embalmed , and remember ¬ nel down Among tlio draw from the commission , as ho does not hall. To-morrow most of the American en- sweep. Agrcatdcal of property was uiovcdi force will not bo nblo to remove the debris in friends can scarcely recognize the features ran where the mill below the bridge glory now stands. ConnmnugTi always PHILADELPHIA , Juno 0. General Superin- ¬ consider either the of the office or the gineers will visit the ship canal , in progress , only to bo burned In other places , so quickly less tlmo than several weeks. Last night any longer. Identification" U only possible The has salary attached a sufficient recompense to about flvo hundred of the laborers had no by the clothing or jewelry worn. " been a shallow stream. After heavy rain- ¬ tendent Pettit telegraphs from Altoona that which will bring Mancheater into direct con- did the flames spread. , moun- ¬ warrant him in leaving the law practice. . tents to sleep In , but word has been received Dr. Groff , who is now in charge falls it rises rapidly as all Miss Agnes C. Chrlstman , of Beaver Ford , nection with the sea by way of the Mersey, of the The fact that the commissioners are re- ¬ ll- , tain streams do. Its watershed is porter , from Washington thai tents nro on the way , Johnstown bureau states that tbo board of und a colored Pullman who wore on quired to so thorouhgly every- ¬ after which they will disperse all over the THI3 MONTANA TRACED * . large , und the hillsides are so constituted understand and it Is expected that they will arrive to- - health and the sanitary inspectors , assured the second section of the day express , are thing appertaining to tha tribes they will kingdom. nipht. . that the water runs down rapidly , causing missing. the Associated press correspondent this When last seen they were going meet , which great study InqucHts quick risea and turbulent currents. Pri- ¬ necessitates KstnhllBh the Identity ofthQ Shortly after midnight a riot was reported afternoon that there is no immediate danger back into the car , as if to get something. , unor- ¬ Ito Beaten.- . marily hold com- ¬ and consequent delay and the Another Yacht to Dead Murderers. nt Cambria City nnd word was sent to Adju- ¬ of an epidemic in Pittsburgh "Tho dahgnr- I that the Cambria iron JE89 by pany ¬ ganized condition of the commission , has [Copyrfoit James Gordon 7cnnclt.JE- , , , n ¬ is , " said ho, " pcoplo will bo is responsible for narrowing the chan- HELENA , Mont Juno 0. [ Special Tele- ¬ tantGeneral Hastings requesting detach- that scared into Wreckage PnHslitc Cincinnati. postponed the work of negotiation. was ASTIIOUUNC , 0. New nel ; secondly , the South Fork club for not It Juno York Herald ; BEE. I ment of soldiers. Ho immediately ordered a being sick. Wo need thousands of men to CINCINNATI , Juno 0, Portions of the thought when board gram to Tin Inquests on the dcoq having mudo the dam secure beyond all pos- ¬ the was authorized that Cable Special to THB BEE. ] The launch of company of the Fourteenth regiment to the work on the debris und to clear it of car ¬ wreckage of Conomaugh valley began to it would have been on the grounds long cro bodies of the murderers and murdered of place , when they was casses. " sibility of break , especially when they caused the the yacht Paradox , which will compete for but arrived it fount pass much of this , but now it will be ten days or two weeks the Silver City tragedy wore hold , ¬ the dam to be enlarged by raisin , and third , the city to-dav. Not it was to-day, there was little or no necessity for their ser An inspector who Just arrived from the ? ¬ the American cup If it answers expectations , ¬ caught , knd nothing of interest or value was before the start Is mado. After the commis- vice. reports quici Woodvalo reports great . the Pennsylvania ruilrcad for having con- and resulted in establishing the identity of The general everything district destitution.- found. sion begins Its labors ttoy will bo ongaccd was effected here this afternoon. In the ' , is- is in structed a viaduct with such low arches , the murderers and completely exonerating' last night and this morning states there Thcro nothing town but flour and bacon , anywhere from one to two years. ThoChero- - no in report going und very of with ribs calculated to catch pieces of drift- ¬ presence of a largo concourse of spectators commending truth the that ho was to little that. After noon today- Germans Wilt Assist. keo tribe will probably bo the first visited , and oven the action of the slier- - order out the Tentli regiment. The it was reported to Chief Gogoly , of police wood if they happen to strike diagonally on the vessel was moved to within ten fee' of soldiers the BERLIN , Juno C. Ga- ¬ aud then the others in turn. The government , id's posse in hunting down and killing tha- , the piers. The dam made by the gorge at The North German are getting down to work nnd guards nro committee that n body of alleged rescuers ¬ the sea , and will enter the water at high tide , , if the commission Is successful In Its negotia- assassins. . posted brldgo , It is im- ¬ at foot of Main the bridge is what engulfed the town.' ' zette speaking of the Johnstown calamity at the stone and now the street wore removing tions , will acquire about twenty-two million to-morrow morning at 4 o'clock- . possible to got into jewelry from bodies they away.-. says : "Americans are always charitable. The victims of the murder , Agent JobsO- Johnstown without n the carried land , enough new .It more ¬ . ¬ acres of for n stato. These is than n generation since n lug pass , Gagely ordered a policeman to go and pre- llenvy to Property.W- The condition of the sufferers by the Johns nnd Operator Burwell , were embalmed to- ¬ Iaiuaio lands are very fertile nnd rich in minerals ger-rigged yacht has been seen in English MANY UNIDENTIFIED COItl'SES. tend to superintend the work , for the pur- iLMAMBi'oiiT , Pa. , Juno 0. The people town floods demand German assistance.- . nnd settlers will pour Into them when they day and will bo shipped cast ; Jobst to a pose of apprehending special ¬ waters. In the case of the Paradox the ne- ¬ There nro ut present thirty unidentified the thieves. A hero are a little easier now that apprehen- are opened more rapidly and In greater num- ¬ brother In Dakota and Burwnllto his parents bodies police had to bo detailed to prevent stealing A Carload of Corn. cessity of lowerinc the sail when removing at the Fourth ward school house sions of suffering from hunger have been bers than did the boomers into the territory in Detroit , Mich. Both wore young men and bodies from the debris back of the general hospital.- . JUNCTION CITV , Knn. , 'Juno 0. A These have been lying there for the dissipated. Several cars of supplies brought carload of Oklahoma.- . it from ono sldo of the mast to the other will respected employes of the Manitoba ralUr- , past thrco days ana in that ttmo at least A NATIONAL COMMITTEE. of corn been donated by citizens of ) , . RELIEF up yesterday evening, are ready to bo un- ¬ has the A LITTLE Iinil TAPE AIIOLISHEI . bo obviated by an ingcirious arrangement. oad. forty thousand people viewed them.- . have The relief committee to bo this citv to the Johnstown sufferers.1 The is GO high , Tlio murders have boon identified as Hob- No ono has identified them nnd there is noth- is made loaded and the work will begin some time Soon after Mr. Black assumed the position The foremast feet the mainmast national in its scope. Action to car loft for Chicago last night , nnd will bo , ort Quaido and Julius Quaido , , who ing In tholr clothing to indicate who tlioj- that effect to-dny. The river is now down to seven as commissioner of pensions ho issued an 70 feet, and the foroyard 53 feet long. The cousins was nt a meeting of com- ¬ auctioned off. came hero from southern msft- nro During the past twenty-four taken the finance order to examining surgeons , prohibiting sail area will bo about two thousand square Minnesota hours of the organization ¬ feet at this placo. The body spring. . They had frequently been seen sixty bodies wcro embalmed und fron mittee relief this after them from giving any statement on affidavit in taken noon. The plan was proposed by of Calvin , who missing Jny Gould'H Mlto. feet. Helena , and were undoubtedly this place. This morning flvo bodies wcro parties Miller was to a claim for u pension , without first asking ' connected 'J hit'll In authority , and has been NEW YOHIC , 0. Jay Gould sub- ¬ The Paradox Is the largest yacht ever with several darmu' burglaries within , brought in. Tholr names arc Henry Ludwig given the since the Maynard street bridge went down , Juno has permission from the pension bureau. This the ' official sanction of the finance committee by $1,000 order has been in operation for nearly four buiH at Eastbourne , und is the largest in the past two months. Their former homo was. Albert Worry nnd Oscar Hcnnokamn , o- has been found four miles botow hero. This scribed for the Johnstown sufferers. following clauses in ¬ in southern Iowa , they were ; , .tho this afternoon's years , and it is found that , besides being use- world. been by G- . where outlawed Johnstown and Mngglo Hillside, Morelnnd- : makes two lives only lost nt the Maynard It has constructed resolutions less nnd reason , has ns for various crimes. For two years officers' county. . Occur llenncknmp was a woll- LAUD IIRPINEKX BXPtiOSION. without it acted a bar .Gndsden , the well-known shipbuilder "Survivors of the flood are now nnd must street bridge instead of the largo number to the business of the office nnd caused of that have been on their trail for crimes com-¬ Known merchant of Johnstown , nnd his rola has It- bo for some time , wholly dependent upon fulsely reported drowned there. Advices much needless delay in the examination of town. The peculiarity of the hull is that mitted there. liven , who have been looking for him since issues to them of food und clothing us Two Former Omuliii lleHldcntslirulSRd perfectly straight nt bow tapers Mood , there coming show that the loss of 1 ropcrty is applications for pensions. Recognizing these is the and the had ottered a largo reward for the nro no goods except those brought in bv and Scalded. lOmployrH Orcanlzp. recovery his body- . the very in , , facts , Commissioner Tanner to-day issued oft towards the rudder. Mr. E. 'Hopham , Railway of , heavy all places near hero Morris HUTCHINSON , Kan. , 0. [ Special Tele- ¬ relief committee nnd no places in7filch Juno the necessary order to examining surgeons CHICAGO , Juno 0. Quito an Important HUNDRED KOD1ES Tioga county, is a total wreck. Many mills , the owner , will command the yacht , which .TtteXTYriVE POUND. commerce can bo carried on' Agencies gram to THE BEE. ] A terrible accident oc- ¬ to ruling of Commissioner dwellings and other buildings were swept declare the Black will take part in the yacht race at queens- move occurred in railway labor circles Some doubts have been expressed n to the for making such distribution should ¬ t ¬ receive away and curred at the lard refinery of N, K. Fair- void. The commissioner tut in his circu- , estimates 12,000 to 15,000 people grnvo consideration. It is the Pine Creek railroad has ho town Juno 17. hero, this evening when nine delegates that have with the & Co. , lar that is unable to find any reason or f In Hooded suffered greatly. At Holllduysburg much banks , this morning by which three _ assembled hero , ratified u constitution for been lost this district. Of course unanimous consent of this committee thai law to prevent a man , simply because ho la- thai damage was dono. Bridges were carried men were badly injured. Alva.- . i there is nt present no way of actor another committee should bo appointed for These works are an examining surgeon of the bureau , from Vnndorhllt'H Yacht future government of thrco of the iinportnn away ana great destruction was caused at I8S3 ( mining with any degree of exactness this purpose , composed in part of citizens ol under the general management ot James L. any knowl- ¬ ICopyroM tin James Jorilin Hcnnett.'l ft every point. All along the line of the Phila- ¬ testifying ns to matter within his railway employe associations which ara now , how many nro dead , locality ¬ PLYMOUTH , 0. [ but the guessing this und members appointed by the & de- ¬ Woods , late of Omaha , and they wore Just edge , provided this information was not ac- Juno Now York Herald federated In ono body , known as Iho , governors delphia Reading road in tills city Is reasonable and conservative nnd is basci- of states or by the chambers ol moots eye. of preparing to draw off the first refined lard. quired in his official capacity.- . Cable Special to Tun Bun. ] Thn Alva Order of Hallway employes. The delegate ' 'JDOO, ¬ struction the The number | on close figuring. At least bodies have commerce of the cities from which the con- ) represented houses taken away or demolished can not bo For seine days past Mr , George D. Lewis , IT BUAl'El LINCOLN'S OVSKET- . steam yacht , belonging to Mr. Vnnderbllt , the brotherhood of railway f been found. Two thousand , at the lowcs tributions shall bo received , or in such other brnkcmen , switchmen's aid DBSO * stated yct.but it is quite largo. All nlong the at- .At the request of Secretary , which some tlmo been lying nt mutual j calculation , are in the burned debris in the way ns will glvu this agency a national char- ¬ superintendent of the Fairhunk refinery , Proctor has for the entire river front from Pine street und back Brigadier Townsend ( ) , elation , and the brotherhood of locomotive ) river ; M.OOO uro in the unscnrchedsund banks acter und assure the country St. . Louis , been hero assisting In testing General retired has government moorings in Harnpool , sailed that its most to the heart of the city nro piles of debris. had officially identified largo flag now firemen. The Governing body will thu Cambria , down along generous charities will bo utul the on 'to-day , 3 around works the judiciously , the machinery ana getting everything under ' from Plymouth , eastward. The bo a supreme council , of which. , p. Clothing, which has been called for is exhibition in the secretary's onico , as river ml in the lower part of Johnstown fully applied to the relief of the victims of that following nro officers : badly needed , us so many lost all but what headway. which draped the casket of President Lin- ¬ vessel has undergone an extensive overhaul the the , from ono to two thousand uro scattered In the our unprecedented calamity." , , thoy'had largo ¬ , pro- ¬ president F P. Sargeant of the Fireman's ti on. Seine of the mills uro morning, those jtwo gentlemen , to- coln , in the Great Western docks and will ' valley floin Woodvillo to the bridge , nnd i This '- ACTUAL OASH RECEIVED- . filled people , nnd freight cars association ; vice president. Frank Sweonlo , two below bridge still with and gether with a stcuuifittcr named John Gavin , ceed along the coast of Norway to North thousand or the betwee- .Up to to-day the committee has received in improvised shanties uro occupied by others. I'ETEItS APPOINTED. of the Switchmen's association ; secretary , iJphnstoun and Bolivar. Hundreds wcro , ¬ Capo and then to Vandcrbllt is , actual cash contributions ( , , also from Omaha wcro testing the heat of The president to-dny appointed John Pe- America. E F. O'Shea , of the railway brakcmen'aa- carried down the broad river In the tru- fW795.10 with Tents sent will bo extremely welcome but $17115.45 promised In addition. The greater they may not bo obtained in time to got the lard tank , when It exploded , The men ters , of Nebraska , to bo collector of Internal not on board. ssociation. . nicmtaus current nnd may never como Into Nebraska.M- o to- ¬ part of this Is represented by telegrams from to-day. weather Is cold directly , wore revenue for the district of . President Sargeant was uskcd the hands of the living. them erected The were over the tank and thrown JMoro . n distance instructing . Subscriptions.- night what Is the stiind of the now the committee to draw at present. ngninst the ceiling above nnd deluged with ISCELLANEOUS. ' TUB FBAHFUI. DEATH HOI.I ,. on [ C tsyi tin James II cnnctl. ] order on strikes , and replied : "All certain banks. This is an impossibility , Word has boon received from the Crescent boiling lard. Mr. Wopds , in addition to The secretary of agriculture has issued Huid Adjutant-General Hastings tills us nro no hanking , rail- ¬ LONDON , Juno 0. [-Now York Herald difficulties can possibly arise nro pro- ¬ that there facilities loft hero. Nail works oa the Northern Central several bad bruises , was scalded in a fright- ¬ what purports to bo a very learned treatise : my : vided , but us is secret morning "Jn opinion the loss Is greater The committee hopes that the contributors way , that the place has boon nearly all ful manner from nead. to foot. Mr. Lewis on lard and lard adulteration. It is the Cable Special to THIS Bii.l: The following for the constitution a than wo can show ligurcs for. " Wlllian will forward their money by express- . away. Many part one I cannot btnto the provisions. " washed houses nnd a of wus also terribly scalded , sustained n com- ¬ work of H. W. Wiley , a chemist in the de- ¬ further subscriptions hnvo been received by Jones , of Hraddock , thinks nt least ten t .Today J. D. Roberts stated that Philadel- ¬ works are gone. pcoplo took the nail The pound frncturo of an nnklo ; nnd was severely partment , and forms a number of the "food re- ¬ phia promised , the London edition of the Herald for the twelve thousand nro lost. The stntomcn has 300,000 U now n- refuge in a church onthesldo of tlio hill , and cut about the head. Oalvin was badly und food adulterants" series. There nro 151 Thu llcgnttn at Halt Ijiilco. , 18,0JO had registered nt rcg 1thu disposal of committee. lief of the sufferers by the Pennsylvania that pcisons the the Governor are loft entirely destitute. Most of tlio men scalded , uut it is thought lib Is not otherwise printed pages devoted to the work, and as SALT LAKE CITY , Juno 0. ( Special Tele- Utrntlon huicnus yesterday was incorrect Beaver has reported $100,000, , but has no of the town have gone to work alonir thu rail- ¬ Bcriously Injured. Medical in preface, object is to floods : James B. D. A. Boulton , of New 1 ( assistance was stated the the show gram to THE BIE. ] The dispute between Ono of General Hastings' aids siilu nt made any move to send it , so far us known , road , helping In repairing it, bat tholr fam- ¬ , 5 ; , 5 ; , smmoncd nnd the men werpremoved to tholr the character of true lard. How It Is tnado- Jersey F. H. Snyder Dr. Mitchell aa- o'clock that so muny persons rcglstoroi- Plttbburg has sent about J30J.OOO- . ilies staying can find the Lake park nnd Garfleld beach resorts , nre wherever tliOi hotel , whore they are rcsllpK comfortably- . nnd how it may bo distinguished from its JCl.ls ; C. S. J , , 3 ; David Scott , 1 ; W- . F. to noted oarsmen , twlco or moro that the list had to bo revised .IIRIQIITENINU shelter. Is ¬ the is assuming serious A LITTLE- . .it the general opinion qf the doctors that Imitations nnd the substances used In adul- .Capnmn , 10s. and tlmt the total, was not moro than 13,000 , aud Leo wcro .A tour of the outlying districts of Johns Mr. Lewis' chances for recovery are doubt¬ terating lard , huvo been studied und their proportions O'Connor billed This rc-pistiutlon not only comprehends the Other 1 owns Need Aid , ful. properties described. of to appear nt Garficld bench , and their sculls population town was mudo to-duv by the Associated The others will survive. Various The character the .Movf.mcntK American CnnhontH , of Johnstown nnd adjoining towns NEW YORK , 0. re- ¬ of wer j sent there. Later , they were iidvcr * ¬ Juno Mayor Grant theories nro advanced us to the cause of the mixed lards pointed out. - ( Press correspondent. Affairs are brighten- ( Ci IACO Inj which was ubout a.'lKKt , but embraces ' un- James Gonlun llciinett.l Used to appear nt Lake park. writ-¬ ing slowly and moving forward some ceived thu following from Governor Heaver accident , but the most probab'.o ouo is Congressman Dorsoy , of Nebraska , has At this places fuither away in the iloodec with LONDON , Juno 7.Now York Herald ing both icsorts are billing iho town that the system. Supplies have arrived nt , , : overpressure of steam. formed u campaigning party to spend u region , the total population of which was n- Mlncra this morning dated Harrlsburg Pa. few Cable to THB regatta will positively place ro-- , accommodations pro- - In , to adjourn- - Special UuB.l The United take at their Iciiht 45000. Including villages , straggling Point and nro being Wo succeeded in reaching Williamsport weeks Dakota subsequent the vldcd the comfort of Declared a Dividend. of convention to be- States gunboat Swatura arrived at Mo- ¬ bpcctive resorts. The Gurficld beach follca hamlets ard farms. Chairman Hicks, of the for the survivors. The last evening with seven cur loads of provi- ¬ mcnt the constitutional to a sumo arc being made at Conomaugh am- CHICAGO , Juno 0. The board of directors held this month. Among those who will zambique on Wednesday , and the Cornctto refuse deliver the sculls unless freight Altoona delegation , who has been nil over sions by ferrying the river twice. This , . - Enterprise ut Said to-day , bill of $100 Is paid the charges for huulintf smco lay , Woodvale. Ono or two cases of pneumonia of the Chicago & compose the party are Congressmen McKin- Port the district Sun morning buys the averts tlio present danger of n lack of food. Northwestern railroad the boats sixteen miles , The excitement I- IOSH 12OCO ( nro reported nt these places , but none o , ley , of Ohio , Burrows , of Michigan , und is , to 11,0(0 , nnd hu buses It on The area of the flooded districts Increases company met hero this morning and de- ¬ Kat , it Is impossible to them uro serious. Measles and sore tlirou- Buyno , of Pennsylvania.- . i , fever heat here and talks with scores of people.- . The city of Looktmvcn is In n distressing clared the usual quarterly dividend of Nehraska and Iowa I'oimon predict which resort will curry off the prize.- . huvo urokon out among the children. An T.. ( r.S'PKIt MARTIAL , IAW- . plight , llesorvoirs and bridges uro do- - C. Nelson was to-day appointed post-¬ WASHINGTON. June 0. Special Telegram C. . und E. . epidemic Is I ) . on preferred ] per on E. Wincoto wifo. G. Franklin.- feared. L. Smith , of per cent and J cent , , In- . I any the htroyed , und the city Is entirely covered master ut Hiulcton Buchanan county THE Bcc. Pensions grunted Nebraskans ; M. . A. Malnton und T. Willis , of- .At noon to the borough of Johnstown Gautier steel works, Woodvale , Issued nt common meeting ot the Charles with water. Provisions and other supplies stock. The annual .Piiitnv S. HEATH. Omuhu , city- . and adjoining boroughs , or what is loft of- order requesting all employes to report ut stockholders is now In session. The old Original invalids Alexander May , James ara in the , law.- are utterly ruined. We hope to reach them thum practically passed under martial . to-day. , , David , Irving S. , the mill oOla-s The mill which with provisions to-dny , ns wo did at Wil- ¬ board of directors wcrq re-elected with the TUB JXCITBI: >. Walton F. Weimer Smith THIS . .Frnrum KMiiAi.MiNo nonius.- manufactures street railway specialties , is to liamsport yesterday. Uoth cities need sup- exception that F. L. Ames wan chosen in the James Devoro , Increase John J , Cain , and bo removed to Moxhutii , o- ) , , PAIIIS , 0, [ to- UP to noon to day 7U3 bodies have been another suburb plies , nil bedding , place of I O. Mills , resigned The annual IH - Growo. Reissue Charles Hurklns , Juno Spjcial Cablegram , clothing of kinds and Furry Klucs nnd Grcct- Charles , Johnstown This will lo.tve only the woolen report shows earnings wcro SI.ODI7- , - ¬ : ¬ embalmed at St. Columbus Catholic church Johnstown is being well supplied in those the net Prorctit.P- . Joel P. Calkins , J. Uock Williamson. Orig- Tm UKE.J Two hundred and fifty mem- City. wcro- mill nnd chemical work in Woodvnle. 0U. . u iOiO.tOy. not id With a Stormy Cumbria A number of bodies The respects , , clearing uway the with surplus of The inal widows , etc. Surah , mother of Georga- of of but the work of , ¬ bers the French chamber deputies huvo removal of tlio mill will bo a blow to lines of Mlsbourl AIIIS Juno 0. In the debate on the edu- J. - talttn from the debris ut Kornvlllo this serious wreck and putting things In order will boone earnings of the won the . Bye ; Solomon , father of William U , Cor- signed response to memorial prosperity. la- : , a the sent by fnoruliig , They wore IdcntlOed ns Mr. and its future The now slto is need help of all river wcro $18:3,823, ; total surplus , $7T'JOJ'J cational budget in the chamber of deputies , win. . pf wocljs.Vo will further 230 ] on creek near Moxhnm ¬ members of the British house of com Mm , Joseph , Nora Potter , Mrs. Larry Hlles , cut''d Stoua the stco kinds fur n few days. to-day , the rising of ox-Premier Ferry to ad- Pensions for lowunsi Original Invalids- ¬ works.- . Reese , Frank Bcaman , LUzio Wagner Gov- - Americans Will CVIoUratc In I'nrln. Gunsulls , Joseph Dalit ( deceased ) , moiis to President Carnet , in relation to tbo- Mrs. Cuptuln Mayor Grant tuU afternoon asked dress the house caused n great uproar. The Samuel J. ana LuuraaDd Jcsnlo Jones. A number of l.otfr.n. of Morrellvllle, Unloaded would bo- PARIS , 0. Thojciblnct William , nbfccnco of Lord Lyton , thu Uritfsh cmbas- - I crnor Heaver if portable houses Juno hasconsldcroa members of the right shouted , "Tho blood ol P. Culver Restoration and reissue - thirty cars of goods to-day. ad- ¬ I people arrived from Pittsburg to-day , ecus- icllcf Ho useful. . In a fair minutes Governor Heaver favorably the report of the American resi- Mlshaol Cheesonian. Increased Andrew nador , ut the opening of the Puns exposition. goods be consigned , ¬ the Tonquln dead chokes you , " nnd many I liie eonsldciublo trouble , as they only cat up vises tlmt all to him but- sent u reply , : dents for pormUsion to hold a uubllu celebra- J. Bailey , John 'IV Robbs , Christian Hack , The response expresses gratitude for the ns- - , It read I the provisions brought hero for the survlv-- te send no committees as it only creates nnd bedding nro tion In on Juno 4. President Curnot similar cries wore heard. Do CasRagnac ad- ¬ Carder , Hutphroy , 11 If-- suraucu of uympathy for Franco which tha should "Supplies of clothing Pnrln Peter Israel John L ors. Even the undertaken ) wore unable to confusion. Drafts for relief funds b greatly needed In Williamsport nnd Lock- - has consented to unveil the statue of liberty vised the house to submit and listen. "Wo ford. . Reissue -Samuel V , Duncan ( O. W. ) , memorial contained , und utters the hope that * to H. Scott. of- Bf work In the Fourth Ward morgue this morn addressed James A carload haven. . We shipping supplies to both on day, can swallow our disgust1 explained Bou- - Bonavontura Holnz. Reissue and Increase- those who Hlgn It will join in an Interna- ¬ taipplles was unloaded on In are that _ ing, owing to ( ho slouch. Forty bodies wcro- the track Johns points. Houses I think very desirable , us I troola , deputy for the department of Vendee. Charles Simmons. Original widows und tional parliamentary conference on the 2'JtUi- to-day by thu committee.- . In n funullFcliool room , and all the unknown town relief have urgent requests for moro tents to 8hel- TlioVrntlinr Indications. Finally , on the dcmund of the president , children Isabel , widow of Joseph Dain ; iiKt. . at which authorised roproicntativGu ol dead wore taken from ttio room nnd placed Til CUB WAS. A 1IUSII tcr the homeless uid tlio so nt work re- Iowa and Nebraska Showers ; slightly order wus restored aud Ferry proceeded Armor W , , father of Thomson Lowh ; public opinion tnuy unlto to chase away HIM iu the front yard. They will bo Uept fur u- for the gooda. Thu stioni; overpowered tlio moving the debris , if thcso bouses could bo cooler, winds becoming northerly. with his remarks. Elizabeth A. , mother of Joseph H. Miller. threats darkening the political

] -M .. . , . . B rt n _