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The BG News June 26, 1991

Bowling Green State University

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by Patrick Murphy sports editor

The Mid-American Conference made a surprising step this past week when it invited the Univer- sity of Akron to join the confer- ence. The invitation, which makes Akron the MAC's tenth team, was unexpected only because the nine member Council of Presidents representing the MAC made the decision so fast. "We were all somewhat sur- prised at the speed the presidents acted, but the authority of the conference rests with them," Jamie McCloskey, the MAC's as- sociate commissioner said. "We are absolutely thrilled to be a part of the MAC," said Jim Denmson, the athletic director at Akron. "This is one of the biggest things that has ever happened to the university." Akron is expected to formally accept the invition on Wednesday when its Board of Trustees meets, Dennison said. Summer Job BO Newt Photo idttor/todd Swanson If they do accept, they could Tom Konecny, a senior sports management major from Bowling Green, paints the rails at He said although he has a lot of work to 'get done before September, I like it because it's quiet begin MAC competition as early Perry Field Monday afternoon. Konecny started In May and must have the job completed by and I'm getting a good tan.- the first football game on August 31 when Bowling Green takes on Eastern Michigan at home. : ] See MAC, page 7. MAY DOWNTOWN BUSINESS Rape remains a problem New bar opening in BG Co-owner pictures bright future for Photographs with college social scene by Kimberly L. Brown This is an extremely powerful staff writer message that could keep people the college scene usually has, but doesn't seem to from putting themselves in a po- by Kathleen Hanway Report staff writer have here," lie said. sition that could lead to becoming He said the bar will have live music on Thurs- Women, "Wake up!" a rape victim, she said. day, Friday and Saturday nights. A variety night Rape is not just an inner-city on Standriff recalled a University Picture this: a new bar in Bowling Green. will take place Wednesday's, and students will be violent crime, and it occurs in freshman who came from a small Yes, University students will have an additional given a voice on the type of event that will be on small rural towns too — including town where she could go out at bar to choose to freauent from the already 10-plus that night. Bowling Green. Rape night and feel safe, and as a soph- bars in the city — called Photographs. "We want to let students decide what they want Incoming freshmen who may omore realized she needed to take Photographs will open in early or mid-August at from a bar. I'm even open to putting up a sugges- hail from even smaller towns sexual/rape criminal reports, more precautions when she was 135 N. Main St., right across from Up- tion box right on the wall. Whatever they want is may not realize how often date- neither of which have yet been raped. town/Downtown in the old Roger's Drug Store. what we are going to try and give them," he said. rape occurs on college campuses. cleared. Many people who have led shel- Bar manager Bill Mover, 24, said the bar will Moyer said once a month — to keep with the Since January, 43 people have According to Standriff, 85 to 90 tered lives are very trusting of offer students 19 and older a new and exciting theme of the bar — the bar will feature a modeling been in contact with the rape percent of the people who contact others and many do not realize alternative to the bars already in existence in contest, in which males and females can win cash crisis center located at The The Link about rape are Univer- the danger in trusting others until Bowling Green. prizes. The winner's pictures will be posted on one Link," said Sandee Standriff, di- sity students. they have become victimized by Although he admits Bowling Green already has wall in the bar, which will be plastered with pho- rector of the Victims' Advocacy "The majority are freshmen, them, Standriff said. a lot of bars, Moyer said he and his partners, tographs the bartenders will periodically take of Program at The Link. the majority of them knew their Of the 43 cases The Link has Robert Goldt, 26, and Nick Tokles, 40, saw a need patrons. A report released by the De- perpetrator, and the majority of had, Standriff said only one of for another bar geared toward college students. partment of Campus Public them were using alcohol," Stan- those rape cases involved a "We were looking for something different that :: See Photographs, page 4. Safety for May 1991 states two driff said. stranger. See RAPE, page 8. Bottle bill draws mixed reviews Recycling Center Gayl Pearson, the coordinator by Kimberly L. Brown "Bowling Green is a leader in recycling and for the Bowling Green Litter Pre- staff writer vention and Recycling Program, is ahead of every other waste district." is celebrating what appears to be gets new addition Senate Bill 5, known as the bot- a defeat of the bottle bill, al- tle bill, appears to be dead due to though she believes the manda- by Kimberly Brown lack of support in the Ohio legis- -Gayl Pearson, coordinator for BG Litter tory deposit bill on beverage con- staff writer lature, while some celebrate, Prevention and Recycling tainers will resurface in the fu- ture. others are disappointed. The Jaycees' Recycling Center recently started construction Dan Rapt, organization direc- At best, this allotted time tor for the Ohio Farm Bureau in should be used to educate those on a new addition which will be completed within the next few person from throwing them from he said. who do not fully understand the weeks, according to Bill Blair, the Public Works Director. Wood, Lucas and Ottawa counties their car windows. "In Michigan, they have found is disappointed that the bottle bill proposed bill and its possible "Everything is completed except the electrical wiring, which In addition, people may pick up a 78 percent reduction of con- repercussions, she said. is currently being worked on," Blair said. does not appear to be passing. cans and bottles off the ground tainer litter, a 61 percent reduc- According to Rapt, "Of all the The Bottle Bill appears to be a The addition allows for quality control, Blair said. for a little extra spending money, tion of bottle litter, and a 24 per- conscious effort to further the re- Gayl Pearson, coordinator for the Litter Prevention and Re- solid waste plans that have been he said. cent reduction in all litter since B resented to the Ohio legislators, cycling cause and save our envi- cycling Program said, "the new facility gives a cleaner and According to Rapt, farmers ex- the passage of their deposit bill," ronment but according to Pear- more efficient working environment while loading and unload- le Senate Bill 5 seems to have Rapt said. been the most comprehensive. perience property loss when cans son, "it is a hidden tax system, ing inside." The bottle bill creates an econom- and bottles are tossed in their While proponents lament the and is not helping the entire Before the addition was built, recyclables were stored outside ic incentive." fields. apparent defeat of the bill, its op- waste stream." and the wind and bad weather created problems, Blair said. "Farm animals are being in- ponents are appeased for now, In 1988, State House BUI 592 was 'inc new facility was made possible by grant funding through When purchasing beverages, jured by stepping on or digesting citing the bill would hurt existing passed. This bill is a solid waste the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Division of Lit- an automatic deposit of 5 to 10 pieces of bottles," Rapt said. recycling programs and would plan that mandated every district ter Prevention and Recycling and matching funds from the city cents would be placed on each Michigan now has a law similar not promote the recycling mate- of Bowling Green, Pearson said. see CENTER, page 4 bottle or can, this might keep a to that called for by Senate Bill 5, rials other than cans and bottles. See RECYCLE, page 8. MAYS BRI11 S: VOIR CAMPUS AM) lil<:Y()M) ing, although the person need give any more money to the at 2275 Collingwood Blvd. Call twood, former President Rea- Campus not be a University graduate. Parent Music Resource Local Red Cross at 248-3331 ext. 253 gan and tycoon Marvin Davis The nominations should be Center, which the group to register. were among the guests. forwarded to the Hall of Fame claims has used the money Nominees wanted for Committee at the Sports In- from 7-UP to create a climate Learn First Aid: Crowe stops cawing: formation Office. Nomination in which rock 'n' roll is being The American Red Cross Nation Chris Robinson, lead singer The University Athletic Hall forms are also available by slowly but surely outlawed. Greater Toledo Area Chapter of The Black Crowes, col- of Fame Committee is accept- lapsed at a weekend bash in ing nominations for the Class writing the Sports Information The group urges "everyone is sponsoring First Aid classes Office. who loves this country's free- throughout July. The eight- Merv dropping poun- London, forcing the rock band of 1991. Nominations will be doms and its culture,r to write hour braining program covers dage: to cancel its European tour. accepted through Aug. 1. Merv Griffin has shed 50 Robinson, 24, collapsed dur- Anyone can nominate a former £rad fellow involved in John Albers, president of general first aid treatment for jycott: 7-UP, and tell them why they emegencies such as bleeding, pounds since he stood up at a ing a party thrown in honor of athlete for consideration. shock, and broken bones. The star-studded ceremony and the band's arrival in England, The nominee, if an athlete, Graduate Fellow Michael are boycotting his company. Leo McHugh is part of a (7-UP, 8144 Walnut Hill Lane, program also includes CPR popped a button off his dinner publicist Mitchell Schneider must have completed his or certification. said Monday. her eligibility at least five national group calling for a Dallast, TX 75231) The group is jacket in the general direction years ago. boycott of 7-UP and all of its also calling on the entertain- Day classes run Thursdays of a former Israeli prime min- Robinson and the rest of the Nominations should include products, including those put ment industry boycott Mar- July 11,18, and 25 and evening ister. band flew home and the a list of athletic activities, out under other names, such as riott Hotels, which they say classes are Tuesday July 9,16, Griffin, then 240 pounds, was European tour was canceled. honors and contributions while Dr. Pepper. federal tax records reveal has 23, and 30. The cost is *33. being honored last year for his at BGSU along with their The boycott will last until also donated money to the Classes are at the Greater work on behalf of Israel's He- compiled from local and achievements since graduat- 7-UP publicly pledges not to PMRC. Toledo Area Chapter building brew University. Clint Eas- wire reports Opinion


-\MiTWfmn***'* JILL NOVAK The BG News EDITOR ON HI,... WE'RE AN INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE FOUNDED IN 1920. PERFORMIM PUBLISHED DAILY DUKING THE ACADEMIC YEAR AND CHARLES TOIL ROBERT DAVIDSON MANAGING EDITOR 'SST. MANAGING WEDNESDAYS DURING THE SUMMER SESSION. ,0FF EDITOR EXKU7JWHRE 214 WEST HALL BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY ON PEATH ROW, BOWLING GREEN, OHIO 43403-0276 IVAN GROCER CHUCK TRAVIS CHIEF COPY EDITOR EDITORIAL COPYRIGHT 1991, The BG News CONTRIBUTOR AT THE STATE MAC takes good step AMERICA/ / And then there were 10. Cleveland located just a little more Akron University's acceptance than 30 minutes away, Akron has the into the Mid-American Conference potential to draw heavy crowds. should prove to be a huge boost to both And that is great news for the MAC the Zips and the conference. and its fight to stay at Division I-A Mom, a mid-age deadhead By pulling Akron in, the MAC should status. I should have known things After my gig, I went over to happens when your parents raise increase its exposure substantially in In order for the MAC to continue its were going to be strange when I Good Tymes to check out Big you to appreciate the strong ca- the Cleveland market. Division I-A status, half of its teams heard my mother went to the Hunk 'O Cheese. I wandered into dences of Beethoven, as well as Schools, such as Bowling Green, will must meet NCAA attendance requir- Grateful Dead concert last Dick's little bar and was con- the grace of a buzz-saw. Looking increase their time in the Cleveland ments. Thursday night. sumed by the crush of the crowd. like the wild-men of Borneo, the Amid throngs of earth children Seeing the Cheese is like listen- Eye let off a fuse with a bass area twofold, when expansion offically If the school has a stadium with a dosing immaculately, my mom ing to an electronic version of the guitar/drum attack that had takes place in 1992-93 season. seating capacity less than 30,000, then sat, looking like a chaperone at a Masai Warrior ritual dance. guitar-hero Mike Winger slashing As it stands now. Kent State is the it must maintain a 17,000 average at- prom. Turbo/Funk/Trash/Metal out incandescent leads that flew only MAC school that receives much tendance during a four year period. "They were so nice," my mom notes bounce off the walls like across the darkness of Good attention in Northeast Ohio media. And Or, if the school has a seating capaci- commented on the Deadheads. handgrenades. Shotgun rapping Tymes like static electricity, "They made sure I was having a heeds the crowd like a baptist causing Dick's home-made Cher- with the demise of Kent's football team ty more than 30,000, it must have an good time ... they offered me minister on speed. And likewise ry-Bomb shots to glow in their and basketball team during the 80s, average of 17,000 attendance once dur- blankets and food ... and the mu- the crowd responds like a horde own fishbowl. Kent still has trouble earning respect. ing a four year period. sic was good too!" of cockroaches fighting over the A power trio in the true sense of Akron is different, however. True, Akron's Rubber Bowl seats 35,202, I can just imagine my mother top of some hill. the word, the Eye blew out the the Zips have not been powerhouses by but despite averaging only 12,164 last walking through the parking lot fuses in Good-Tymes in the of the concert examining the psy- middle of their set. Never miss- any means themselves. During the last season, they have already met those chedelic schoolbuses and the ing a beat, the Eye incorporated four years, Akron's football teams credentials, something MAC officials merchants of toasted cheese the lack of power with a rhythmic have compiled a 25-28-2 record, while could not be happier about. sandwiches and acid, as if she Word Up interlude that brought the es- men's basketball has gone a decent In addition, with 10 teams competing, was on a shopping outing at sence of true musical spontenaity 94-49. each is almost certain to have at least Krogers. back into Bowling Green. I stood Now, though, Akron will be playing five home football games a season. She accompanied my brothers before them proudly, holding my and sister to the show and while by cigarette lighter aloft like the for a conference championship, an au- they examined reality in their Statue of Liberty, saluting the tomatic bid to the NCAA tournament, Something an embarrassed Bowling own special way, she examined Chuck boys for their bravado, when the and a possible trip to the California Green had to deal with last season hers. power kicked back in and my hair Bowl. when Tulsa cancelled leaving the Fal- Actually, it shouldn't seem that Travis was blasted back in the aural as- strange that my mother became sault. Led Zep's "Moby Dick" But the real key is the school's loca- cons with only four home games — and a Deadhead for a day. She is had nothing on the Eye that night. tion. With the luxury of more than the first not until October and after a about the same age as Jerry Gar- columnist The third night of musical chat- 200,000 residents and with downtown 1-3 start. cia and she is working on her taqua occurred at the world master's in chemical dependency famous Howard's Club-H. It was counseling. Perhaps it was a field Somebody recognized me and an intoxicating night of soul trip for her into the land of those pulled me into the slam pit. Be- kitchen chats with the muse. The who tune in, turn on and drop out. fore I knew it I was in the midst of Homewreckers with local legend The underlying current of the a ferocious brotherhood. I was Steve Athanas were blowing The right to know trip was sort of a musical chatta- tossed up and down like an old mean riffs of rhythm and blues qua, I think. A chattaqua was a sneaker in a drying machine. I music. The horn section breathed Should health care practitioners, if was wearing gloves and appeared to be traveling tent-show that used to became part of the primality of like three cats grooving on a infected with the AIDS virus, in- taking all of the precautions necessary cross the country during the last the crowd. stone cold water bong. And Ath- form their patients of this fact? century. Under canvas tent and That was the first day of the anas, who is a musical harlequin, during medical procedures, they were illuminated by kerosene light, a chattaqua. brought out the soul children in The question poses a myriad of prob- still infected. And, with AIDS being chattaqua brought philosophy, I woke up the next morning all of the crowd. At the end of the lems, because of the political nature of such an unpredictable disease, patients art and culture to communities feeling like my pelvis had given night, I found my coco-butt buddy the disease. AIDS is not seen as a value deserve the right to choose whether or dotting the great plains and birth. I literally could not move. and we commenced to crash our free disease and therefore those afflic- not they want to put their lives at risk southern pockets of this country. The slam pit had bruised some- foreheads together, until the skin ted with this condition are not only vic- And for three days a musical thing deeper than the muscles in on my forehead split and a red- by being treated by an infected doctor. chattaqua of sorts descended my thighs. I had been kissed by badge of courage trickled down tims of illness, they also are victims of The Center for Disease Control rec- upon my life in Bowling Green. the spirit of music. my face like a crimson mask. the social fallout that accompanies the ommends HIV—infected doctors and It all began on Thursday night And received one heck of a Once again the music had taken disease. others use gloves, and those with active after I finished my weekly stint hickey. its toll on my flesh. But the three However, it seems only fair that lesions avoid direct contact with with the Merry-Can Men at Easy The second day of the musical day musical chattaqua burned health care professionals should in- Street Cafe. I usually get up in chattaqua took place again at like a spear of hope, deep in my patients or equipment. support of them. I sing my tunes. Good Tymes. On this Friday, breast. I wondered if my mom form their patients they are treating if However, Ohio and New Jersey have It is like primal scream therapy Vambo Marble Eye was having a felt that way after seeing the have AIDS, or if they carry the HTV- adopted stricter guidelines for AIDS in- for me. And I feel better after- record release party/show. The Grateful Dead. virus. fected doctors which limit them to non- ward. Eye is the culmination of what Greatf ul for the spirit of music. Although recent research indicates invasive care, which means the doctors AIDS infected doctors are likely to cannot perform procedures such as transmit the virus to patients in one in surgery. At the least, these guidelines every 420,000 procedures, it can still should be implemented nation-wide. happen. One must realize the risk of patients Alone does not mean lonely To date, five people have contracted contracting AIDS from their doctors is He loves me...He loves me what life has to offer. Some of •'. can't take it anymore! I am no not... He loves me.-He loves me good, and some of it extremely longer interested in trying... I'm AIDS from their Florida dentist, David slight. According to Dr. David Bell of not... done... and all that good stuff. Acer, who died Sept. 30, 1990 from the the Atlanta-based CDC, the risk of a These words may seem childish The senior prom was good. I Goodbye to the fighting. Good- disease. These are five people who had doctor transmitting AIDS to a patient is to some, but I can still remember was with the one person that I had bye to the days when waking up deep trust in their doctor, and who one-tenth the risk of dying of anethesia wishing the outcome would be always dreamed I would be with. thinking about the fight the night unknowingly became the victims of his during surgery. that he loved me. I would pluck I loved that man with all my before just makes you want to ill-fortune — and who all are on the every last petal, all the while heart and soul. He loved me too ... throw-up all over. I have better However, the risk is one patients hanging on to the hope that he I know he did. If he were here to- things to do with my time. verge of death. could choose not expose themselves to would be mine, and his love would day, he would tell you so. Doug To me, that is the most valua- Although the patients believed Acer if they knew a threat existed. endure through even the darkest died a few months after prom. ble realization I have ever come weather. That was definitely bad. to. I am free to pursue my career, That was then, this is now. I but most importantly, to look have grown up quite a bit since after the well-being of my child Letters my flower plucking days. I went and help him to be the best he can along with the love myth all possibly ever dream of being, and through my teens, and can now Off the more. form of consideration. That 141 past may offer comfort in ignor- say that I have finally come to the So that's what I am concentrat- Death editorial years after the fact there are per- ance, but it is hardly dignified. realization that I do not have to ing on at this point in my life. If a sons still interested in the demise Roger H.HaU, have a love-interest to be happy. Beat relationship comes along later in devalued history of a president seems to me to be PhD graduate history The realization was a startling my life, then I might reconsider great respect for the dead. I fail one for me, as I had grown up my realization. But the path that of U.S. president to see how dignity is preserved by with Cinderella and Snow White By I am going to walk along, at least allowing a possible crime to exist ingrained in my psyche. As a for now, is meant only for two, without investigation. child. I truly believed that to be Kathleen Hanway my son, Anthony, and lonely, but Editor The BG News: What seems to be at issue is the Respond loved by a man was the ultimate happy me. I could not disagree more with editor's lack of respect for Tay- reward for being a good girl. But Toe BG Newt Opinion page If I can offer any advice to your editorial "Respect the lor. The spacious argument that now I realize that I can be a good Graduation from high school, young women who may have had Dead" (June 19) and am at a loss "much other history remains b yaw campcs forum. Let- girl with or without a man. ters to the editor should be a on the other hand, was pretty many more unhappy encounters to understand the logic upon unclearly documented," conveys No. I am not a raving, bra- good. I was proud of myself, even with men than good, I would say which it was presumably written. the attitude that Taylor's death is maihnnm of 209 words hi burning radical feminist. I am length, typewritten, the whole world didn't notice. I step back and take a good look at The tone of the editorial, regard- unimportant. As to the editorial's Just a tired 2&-year-old single had done something that a lot of what life has to offer without de- ing the exhumation of Zachary comparison between Taylor and rtanhlf spaced and signed. mother of a 2-year-old child who Please mclode your year, my ancestors hadn t been able to pending on a relationship with a Taylor's remains to test the John F. Kennedy's controversial also is searching for the meaning do — I had become a high school man. theory he was possibly murdered, death, his unresolved case has major, and phone number of life, albeit in a different way. oa the letter. Neither phone graduate. That was definitely Drink up all of life's other offer- is most disturbing. There is the hardly left Kennedy with any good. ings and soon it will become ap- condescending attitude that au- "dignity" in death. anmbers, nor addresses will beprlnted. Nor am I a man-hater. As a Although some things in my parent that you are enjoying thor Clara Rising's "only vested Certainly, whatever the out- the BG New reserves matter of fact, I would say men short existence have been good, them so much that you don t miss interest is in writing an accurate come of the autopsy, few things the right to reject any mate- interest me very much. OK, I most have been peppered with the heartache and bickering of a book." While demanding "digni- will change. That is not the point. rial that U offensive, mali- lied, I am extremely infatuated the bad. Relationships are in that relationship turned sour. ty" for Taylor's remains, the edi- To the living relatives of Taylor, ctoas or libeloas. Aba, we with everything about men. I love category. torial dismisses the value of his many of whom have kept this is- reserve the right to edit ail the way they smell, the way they I nave tried, without much Take it from me, there are life by trivializing the importance sue alive, the matter Is of keen letters for clarity and move, and the way they talk. I am luck, to keep my men. My Italian more rewards from searching for of his actual cause of death. As consequence as it would be in any always trying to find out how they relatives put as much importance happiness within yourself than far as the issue of respect goes, I family. Correcting, when neces- Please drop letters off or tick, and how I might be able to on this as on breathing, and it has from searching for it in another see the proper determination of sary, inaccurate knowledge of address them to: assist in that process. been what I have been striving person. I should know, I am living any individual's death, particu- "who we are" is vital and should Editorial Editor So why all the gloom and for ever since that first kiss. proof. larly if the person was murdered, be one of the important responsi- ZltWestHall doom? I guess you could say that I am now going on record as Kathleen Hanway is a staff as the highest, not the lowest, bilities of all people involved in I've experienced quite a bit of saying that I'm tired as hell, and I writer for The News. Campus

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991 The BG News HIKES SRC fills void for active children Youth Fun and Fitness Program lets kids exercise and explore University WBGU TV airs

than competition,'' she said. by Terri Hoppert "One thing we really try to emphasize is Matt Kirbabas, a floor supervi- creative cooking staff witter sor at the SRC, said he enjoys participation rather than competition." having the children around and by Pamela J. Ruloivski co-produces "Heartland." Now that school is out for the said they appear to enjoy the pro- staff writer She said Midwest cooking summer, many children are look- gram. has not been covered com- ing for new and exciting moments -Lauren Mangili, assistant director for Youth prehensively and it has a lot to fill their free time. Fun and Fitness "It's fun having them there. Students interested in to offer. The Student Recreation Center They're excited to come in and brightening up their diets Many of the recipes fea- offers an answer for active they look like they're having a with some Midwest cuisine tured are "heritage recipes," great time," Kirbabas said. might tune in to "Heartland," with ethnic flavor, which she youngsters — the Youth Fun and many people in the community various physical activities such a cooking show which will air Fitness Program. are members of the SRC, they as wiffle ball, soccer, kick ball said are her favorites. Some on Channel 27 this November. of the recipes she obtained The program was created when wanted to make it available to and ice skating. The program runs from July 15 Denise Kisaoeth, an em- the SRC opened for faculty use. It those children as well. Swimming is planned for the through Aug. 2. Grades one weren't even written down, ployee of WBGU for 10 years, she said. was only available to faculty The Youth Fun and Fitness third hour. During the hour, chil- through three attend on Mondays is the co-producer of "Heart- Program hours are 1-4 p.m. The dren learn water safety skills, children, but has since expanded and Wednesdays, while fourth land: Cooking From Quilt Adams said it took about to include the children of all SRC first hour is devoted to touring the [ilay water games, and have time through sixth graders attend on Country." three years and a lot of trav- members. University. The children visit eft for open swimming. Tuesdays and Thursdays. According to Kisabeth, the eling to finish the book It also is available to communi- several University locations in- Sportmanship is an important new show, which is now in "Heartland." ty children if the 20 available cluding computer labs, the music part of this program, Mangili There are still openings for the production, will feature "a openings are not filled. department, and other areas of said. program, according to Mangili. wide variety" of native According to Ron Gargasz, Lauren Mangili, assistant di- interest, Mangili said. "One thing we really try to em- For more information contact recipes from eight Midwest program manager for Chan- rector for the program said since The second hour consists of phasize is participation rather Mangili at 372-7482. states. nel 27, "Amish Cooking" was Both "Amish Cooking" and picked up by 240 stations in "Heartland" are based on "virtually every market" and After a brisk morning jog, enjoy a copy of The BG News cookbooks written by Marcia in 10 of the top 25 markets, the Adams, who also stars in and show ranked in the top 25.

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WOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL 24 HOUR ACT NOW CHARITY SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT R.E. MANAGEMENT is currently leasing units for the Fall of 1991 Benefitting Come In today for a complete listing i >i available units HOSPICE ASSOCIATION 113 Railroad St. (across trucks from WOOD COUNTY RESIDENTS Dairy Queen) 352-9302 6:45 p.m. Friday. June 28 thru 7 p.m. Saturday, June 29 CITY PARK BALL DIAMOND

Come join in the fun of this community project while benefitting care for cancer patients in the area. WELCOME • Two 20 - member teams will play continuous Softball for 24 Hours beginning at 7 p.m. Friday Night. Student Services Building FRESHMEN! • 6:45 p.m. Friday see a precision parachute jumper land to ki N«wi/Toda Swanson ticing that many of the bars had and owner of an appraisal busi- lines in front of them. ness in Tiffin. "We saw lines in front of some Tokles owns a bar in Toledo Faculty Fashion Show )JK± The Echoes of Poland 0$ of these bars here, and saw there called Nick and Jimmy's, as well Michael Marsden, interim chairperson for the IPCO department, wears was a need for a bar like ours. as partnerships in four other es- his tuxedo to the last IPCO faculty meeting at which he will be in charge. There is definitely a market for tablishments in the Toledo area. Marsden said he wore the tux because he wanted to "go out in style and Internationally Known get the last word in," and because some of the IPCO faculty consistently r made him feel undepressed. His successor, John Makay, will take over Award Winning Folk Dance Troupe i I as the new IPCO Director on July 1. i I Free Publie Performance i A Lube, Oil and Filter I Friday, June 28 I CENTER i o $17.95 Continued from page 1. 7 p.m. i I Shuttle Bus Service Available I Veteran's Memorial Building City Park, i Call or stop by for an appointment The cost of the new addition is $68,155, Blair said, and it will al- Bowling Green I low the center to handle more recyclable items. i 353-3060 "With the new addition, the Jaycees' Recycling Center is four k<-v— Information I times the size of the original building, which allows for addi- i 275 S. Main tional volume," Blair said. fjf**t IM.SIJ Continuing Edurution i I 419/372-8181 Please bring this ad with you. I The Bowling Green Litter Prevention Center provided a i. $30,000 contract through Wood Lane Industries to process the re- cyclables, according to Blair.

The Jaycees' Recycling Center, 1040 N. College Drive has a 24 World Student Association j hour drop off, provided the recyclables are sorted and properly The Flower & Gift Shop Center for International prepared. Currently, the center pays 19 cents a pound for alu- That Adds Programs minum beverage cans. Your Saturday Summer Activities I Flower Basket Personal Touch! The only times they buy back from the public are the second July 6- Toledo Art Museum and fourth Saturdays of every month between the hours of 9 a.m. (410) 352-6395 • 165 S. Main St. • Downtown B.G. & Shopping and 2 p.m. - (Next In Kunfntnn'* K<.'«liiiiranl, Depart 9 30 am Free Parking Return 5:00 p.m.

July13- Put-In-Bay I Perry's FRESH & SILK FLOWERS • WEDDING FLOWERS • WREATHS Monument Depart 8.00 a.m HANDCRAFTED GIFTS • STUFFED ANIMALS Return 8:00 p.m

BALLOONS • LIVE & SILK PLANTS July 27 - Sauder Farm & Cratt Village WIRE SERVICE • BASKETS Depart 9 30 am Return 5.00 p m. AND MUCH MORE! / August 3 Seneca Caverns Special Snack Baskets Depart 9 30 am I B.G. 'S FINEST RESTARAUNT 'Need ■ Birthday Suprise? Return 3.00 p.m Made lo order. We'll send noi only flowers and I (24 hr. notice required.) balloons but a Birthday Cake loo Serving N.W. Ohio for nearly 40 years... (24 hr. notice required.) Van lor each trip will depart I ON TIME I • Daily lunch & Dinner Specials No Minimum on Dtttvtry from the Union Oval; !***»**»»**» return times are approximate. I • All Your Favorite Snacks, For Cost and reservation I Sandwiches & Cocktails information please contact I • Extensive Dinner menu RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS I ANNE N. SAV1ERS I Center for I International Programs I 10% off 372-9948 I WITH THIS COUPON I Expires 9-10-91 • •SAVE THIS AD •• y 163 S. Main St 352-2595 §

Welcome new students and parents The BG News is the University community's MY DEGREE GOT ME THE INTERVIEW. primary resource for news: The nation's ARMY R0TC GOT ME THE JOB. best college • Campus You can begin to develop impressive leader- ship skills with an Army ROTC elective. newspaper • Local TAKE MILITARY SCIENCE 101 NEXT SEMESTER 1989-90 .Jt^EJt!SC-"r,VE CREDIT HOURS • INTERESTING, EXCITING TRAINING Society of • State „»..,.._ f NO OBLIGATION • SEVERAL CONVENIENT SECTIONS TO Professional CHOOSE FROM • National Journalists CONTACT ARMY ROTC AT 372-2476, 151 MEMORIAL HALL Look for it free of charge daily - during the academic year at 90 locations, on ARMY ROTC and off campus. THE SMARTEST COLLEGE 214 West Hall 372-2601 COraSE TOO CAN TAKE

> > ■* '" -' Local WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991 PAGE FIVE The BG News Movie tradition lives on in the Clazel BG theater surviving the test of time

hosted live acts such as magi- The busiest nights for the by Jessica Cunningham cians, jugglers, and singers. Clazel are Thursdays and Satur- staff writer "Entertainment in those days days, but Hardy said business is was so clean, clever, and delight- slower during the summer Time has not forgotten the ful — it gave you a lift," he said. months when the majority of 1930s. The decade that hosted the University students are not in Great Depression and the rise of Bowling Green. Hitler still bring vital images to almost everyone. And in the Take a walk The theater industry is a very United States, many can still re- down weather-conscious business, member the sound of Franklin Hardy said. When the weather is Delano Roosevelt's voice beam- Main St. nice, business is slow, but when ing through the radio during one it's inclement, business picks up. of his famous Fire Side Chats. | Hardy said he always has the Less people though took notice Exploring B.G.'s i University in mind in determin- to the construction of a little mov- ! ing what movies are shown, be- ie house in downtown Bowling downtown cause many of the patrons are Green. In 1991, the movie house business scene : University students. still stands and since its creation, many have enjoyed its comforta- During the school year, mid- ble confines for a movie and a night shows keep night-owls oc- show. Today, we'd like you to en- Raney received his archi- cupied on the weekends and joy this week's feature presen- tectural degree from Ohio State Thursdays are always bargain tation, the Clazel Theater. in 1915, when he was 25. That nights — all seats are $2.50. There It's not only open every day of makes him 101 years old, only 36 are also weekend afternoon the year, but it's also "the best years older than the Clazel. He matinees. piece of architecture on Main saw the first sound movies — a Street" claims Jack Raney who step up from the silent films to The Clazel shows about 30 first- designed the Clazel Theater in the which he had grown accustomed. run films every year, and it hosts early 1930s. Kevin Hardy, manager of the an annual rock 'n' roll film fes- BO N«wl/Todd Swanson The Roman/Ionic style theater Clazel, said the old-time theater tival in April. In the past, it has The Clazel on Miln Street has the character of an old time movie theater and is open everyday of the year. was built during the "heyday of hosts about 16,000 movie-goers featured Pink Floyd's "The movies," Raney said, and it every year. Wall," "The Rocky Horror Pic- Many are out-of-towners who ture Show," and plans to show travel to the Clazel because they Madonna's "Truth or Dare" in like the idea of the old theater, the fall. which is scarce in Ohio, Hardy Bike tour takes Rails to Trails said. Its outer marquis design has "Movies are 365 days a year — been in the movie "Creeping Ter- even on Christmas Day people ror" and a University film pro- The future Park District facili- The tour will be Saturday, July Kalmar said participants will duced last year — "Cinema et by Alicia Gagliano ty will utilize the non-operating 27 and will start in North Balti- receive a commemorative Slip- want to go to the movies," Hardy staff writer B&O railroad which connects more at the annual Good Old pery Elm Trail water bottle spon- said. jp Bowling Green, Rudolph, and Summertime Festival. sored in part by Cycle Werks. North Baltimore. The early registration fee is $6 Work to cultivate the buckle-up habit. All aboard... According to Kalmar, the 13 According to Kalmar there will and entries are due by July 19, It could save your life. The Wood County Park Dis- mile multi-purpose recreation be two different routes available 1991. Route Maps, a rest stop in '*"--iii MttwnurPOr'o'irkiln '*"***«***9^'*4 trict, the Black Swamp Bicycling trail will be used for biking, jog- for riders. A route of 31 miles will Bowling Green, and route patrol TlHreotrt ol low |I*«K c r*W*\ ruf4X*l «VHT*o rt "»« fromlX"** Society, and the Friends of the ging, walking, cross count™ ski- run from North Baltimore to will be provided. Wood County Park District are ing, and possibly horseback rid- having a bike tour to support the ing. Bowling Green and a 62-mile According to Kalmar, all Slippery Elm Trail Project. Kalmar said the Wood County route will run from North Balti- proceeds from the bike tour will _■■ Mill Ml I II I I II II II Park District made a purchase more to Grand Rapids and back go to the construction and main- Andrew Kalmar, special agreement in March to buy the to North Baltimore. tenance of the trail. projects coordinator at the Wood land for $100,000 to be paid by County Park District, said the Park District levy funds. 4" x 6" Big Shot Rails to Trails project is going to utilize the abandoned railroad be- The Metric Century Bike Tour Welcome Incoming Freshmen tween Bowling Green and North will help fund the Rails to Trails Color Prints ... Baltimore. project, Kalmar said. r\ No Extra Chargel DAYS IN N Bowling Green, Ohio Stay in the comfort of our Jeans - N - Things attractive rooms! 531 Ridge Street • Remoie Controlled TV, Bowling Green. OH 43402 Showtime, and Satellite Cinema 419-352-8333 • Special Sunday night rates Welcome Pre-Reg Students • Corporate, Government, Senior and Parents! Citizen & Group rates BGSU Sweatshirts, • Questrio Restaurant & Lounge T - Shirts, tanks, huggies, Located at Interstate 75, ID holders, mugs, tum- Exit 181 blers, keychains, etc. Days Inn of Bowling Green 1550 East Wooster Street Check out our Sale racks Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 For advance reservations, 40 - 70% off call 419-352-5211 or toll free 800-325-2525

LAJUWWWWWWWWW**^^ ~Z PREPARE TO BE AMAZED ! ! THAYER CHEVROLET WANTS YOU TO SEE THE PERFORMANCE and DURABILITY of 1991 CHEVROLETS at the m Qaftny WOOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 4" x 6" Big Shot Color Print* imUKtKmC03ZSK9 on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 8pm BG Stort Only - Sam* Day Sirvici 12 $6 ADULTS $3 AGES 6-12 Set us lor avoiloble processing lime. EXP. Good on 35mm C-41 process 4' x 6' color 5"i prints only. COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY 21 DEATH DEFYING FIATS OF DARING ORDER. This coupon not volid with any 24 other oiler. 1 roll pe' coupon. *' * 6' EXP. INCLUDING print not available m 1 hour. 8"! B.G.N "CHIVY THUNDER" Exp. 6/27/91 36 EXP. "THE WORLD'S FASTEST STREET LEGAL 11": ^ PICKUP TRUCK" YOUR ASSURANCE OF QUALITY ^bee Joie Chitwood III & the Chevy Thunder i BLUE RIBBON PHOTO . pickup truck at Thayer Chevrolet, BG, FILM DEVELOPING • CAMERAS • VIDEO 1l7N.Miln, B.G. . ... Ph. 353-4244 Tuesday, June 25,2-4pm. Optn Mon.-Frl. 9-i; Sit 9-5; Sun. 12-5 OT^ff I'l I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I PACE SIX The BG News WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991 MUSIC ^>$E-*4fc, Avery honored by Dave Baskind sing. staff writer well, that wasn't exactly a classic in the poetic field, but then again, Seuss and Frost don't Although my poetry owes much write for this newspaper. And, for commitment more to Seuss (Dr., that is) than Seuss and Frost aren't about to Frost, this week at "Summer ask you this week's music trivia Trivia Tidbits" we thought we question: by Terri Hoppert bus station because, he said, "no- would give it a whirl: Which of these was the only staff writer body else is crazy enough." It's summertime another year. album in history to produce seven Avery considers his contact It's time to find a peaceful pier. Top Five singles: with people the most likeable part We run around and get so tan. 1. "Thriller" by Michael Jack- If one looked to the dictionary of his job. We have as much fun as we can. son for a definition of grandfather, We turn up radios so, so high 2. "Born in the U.S.A." by they might expect to find a pic- "I don't like to be alone," he and gaze into the B.G. sky. Bruce Springsteen ture of Gilbert Zardy Avery, or said. July the Fourth is almost here, 3. "Rhythm Nation 1814" by <;:/.. as his friends call him. the air will fill with fireworks' Janet Jackson Recently, Greyhound honored Avery said University students glare. 4. "Saturday Night Fever" by the Bowling Green Greyhound are among his favorite cus- We'll try to jump in any pool, various artists station bus ticket salesman with a tomers. 'til autumn comes and makes us 5. "Shake Your Money Maker" plaque for his 60 years of service. "They're always good to me," cool. by The Black Crowes The recognition is one Avery is he said. It is not uncommon for July and August make us hot 6. "Whitney" by Whitney Hous- proud of, and which he considers and our brains then will start to ton students to pick flowers for me or rot. a distinct honor. send a box of cookies, he said. Let me tell you all just one last SJ|SU|S ,)AI..I Avery said he likes everything dox U.IAJS .i.mptud 0} J.I \.i rnnqie "I'm the only one who has 50 about his job but it ties him down thing: Xnio am s| „H8I UORBN UIUJAUH,. If the music's on, you know I'll years, let alone 60," Avery said. and he rarely has time to go any- S.UOSipBf JSUBf :j.)HSIIV Avery drove buses for Grey- where. hound for 35 years before retir- He does bowl on two teams, ing. Retirement did not suit him however, and belongs to the Elks ( OMI •111 (»\\ • Mil K • IIOI;\ however, and he returned to the Lodge and Odd Fellows. IN A I NIYKRSrn »\M) Bowling Green Greyhound bus Avery summed up his last 60 station to sell tickets on a com- fears saving, "It went in a hurry, MARCHING BAND CONCEK1 BAM) WIND IVSIA1BU. mission basis. hope the next 60 don't go that v ii \ i in .in- interested In playing In any oi ih<- .itxnc ikinds. fast. ' "If I don't sell any tickets, I The 91-year-old Avery said he we Invite you lo STOP BY THE BAND OFFICE (Room don't make any money," Avery has no plans to retire. IOIO Musical Arts Center) or telephone (372-2186) before lO N.wt/Todd Swan ion said. "What would I do if I retired?" Gerald Avery calculates an answer to the question of a perspective bus compleilng youi regisiraik >n foi fall! He is the only employee at the he said. "Get another job?" traveler. ["here is plent) ol oppourtunlty lo continue youi participation In bands YOU DO NOT have 10 i«- .i nui.su iii.il' it l" | 'I. i\ M mi insirumriil .n B.G.S.L" MARK'S ATTENTION PIZZA py, GRADUATES! Catycorner to Founder's 352-3551 Start off on the Right Track VOTED BEST PIZZA IN B.G. "Pizza so good we eat it ourselves" 1991 Dodge Colt 'GL' 2 DR Hatchback T* LARGE PIZZA l FREE ONLY $159.°° mo. rt^^PRESEMTS: One Item I 2 Liter of Coke $5 l with any LARGE In house only l 2-item Pizza Exp. 7-3-91 l Carry-Out $5.°° l while supplies last.

FREE $1.50 2 - Liter ol Coke Pitcher of Pop Aulo trans. Air cond, Sun roof, AM-FM with any LARGE with any food Purchase 2 item pizza. Stereo, Tinted Glass. and Student I.D. Delivery * 54 Month closed end lease. 1st payment while supplies last. Exp. 7-3-91 security deposit due at delivery, payments do not include tax. Rebates Applied. UP TO SIOOO. CASH BACK TO QUALIFIED WHAT A DEAL! GRADUATES. See Dealer for details. Coupon Specials

10:30 A.M.-9:30 P.M. MARC ANTHONY ROMAN (Limit 2 with this coupon) 2 Piece Expires Meal $1.99 7-10-91 JUNE 28th 9:00-1:00 2 Pieces of Chicken NOCOVER^ ] Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, 1 Buttermilk Biscuit White and dark combinations only No substitutions Customer pays all applicable sales t.i> O piece Expires STUDENT Meal $1.99 2 Pieces of Chicken Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, LOANS! 1 Buttermilk Biscuit The rising costs of education are a big concern of college VVhiie and dark oombinaiions only No substitutions students and parents. Mid American National Bank offers Custom* pays ail appucabk* sat—an. TONIGHT several loan options which can help pay for tuition, books, O PicCC u-lmii 2 wiih ihis coupon) Expires Eva Marie Saini Theater. University Hall student fees, or any other educational expenses. 9 FREE 8:OQ p.m. FREE • STAFFORD LOAN - A preferred student loan with a low Meal $1.99 '° ' interest rate. It is awarded based on financial needs 2 Pieces of Chicken Free Popsicles!! TODAY and has an annual maximum loan amount. Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Outside Off-Campus Student Center at Noon 1 Buttermilk Biscuit • Ptus/SLS LOANS - Supplemental loans with fixed Friday, June 28 yearly borrowing limits made to the parents of While and da« comomai'Ons only No substitutions Ct»stom«" pays ail applicable sales tax Detroit Tigers vs Cleveland Indians dependent students, graduate students, or independent undergraduate students. ty f>{fftpf* (Limit 2 wlih lhls coupon) LxpifCS Departure from Union Oval at 5:30 p.m. Game lime 7:30 p.m. • No CO-SIONI* RlQUIMD Cost: S8.O0 includes lickei & iramsportaior? Low MINIMUM LOAN AMOUNT Meal $1.99 Only 14 available lickeis! Mid Am does not require co-signers or credit approvals 2 Pieces of Chicken Sign up by June 27th in the UAO office lor student loans. We have a minimum loan approval Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, ol $500. Saturday, July 13 1 Buttermilk Biscuit Mid American Bank makes it easy to obtain educational financ- White and dark comb-nabont only No tubcbtulions Cedar point Trip ing at the same time providing fast, efficient service. For Cusiome* pay* all applicable saies tax Depanure form union Oval 8:30 a.m. additional information on financial aid and student loan pro- Cost: S20.00 includes lickei & iransportation grams, please call Sylvia Chandler, Student Loan Officer, toll Sign up in the UAO Office - 3rd Floor Union free at 1 -800-686-9441. "Use Our Convenient Drive Thnj" Call 372-2343 for more information j£& Kgntucky Pried Chicken Get all of your camping equipment Mid/lm from (JJJnJc) tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, etc. 1020 N. Main, 352-2061 Mid American National Bank ft Truit Co. Call ihe Office 372-2343 for more information 1851 N. Research Drive, Bowling Green. Ohio 43402 DRIVE THRU HOURS: Son.-Thur*. 10:30 •m.-B:30 p.m.; Member FDIC Frl. a Sat. 10:30 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Sports

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26,1991 The BG News PAGE SEVEN NHL selects six Falcon players Pronger, who tallied 10 points Other players from BG who In addition, junior goalie Ang- All-Star Classic by Patrick Murphy on three goals and seven assists were drafted included sophomore elo Libertucci was selected in the spoils editor this past season, is the second wing, Keith Redmond, who was NHL supplemental draft by Phil- highest BG player ever selected selected by the Los Angeles Kings adelphia. comes to Anderson BG's hockey team set a record in the entry draft. in the fourth round. Libertucci was 12-15-1 last year this past weekend when they had Pronger also was the third Aris Brimanis, a sophomore and posted a 4.67 goals-against The University will host some of the best high school basket- five players selected in the player selected from the Central defenseman, was selected in the average. In his career, he has ball talent Thursday when the Ohio-Michigan All-Star Classic National Hockey League entry Collegiate Hockey Association. fourth round, 86th overall, by the Sosted a 28-25-2 record and a 4.35 games come to Anderson Arena. draft. Philadelphia Flyers. AA. The women's game starts at 6:30 p.m. and the men at 8:30 The five Redmond, who was the 79th His selection gave the Falcons p.m. players select- selection overall, posted a four a total of six players drafted by Chris Webber, who was considered by some to be the nation's ed beat the pre- point season in 1990-91 by scoring the NHL which was also a school top high school player and Jalen Rose, one of the top quick for- vious record of one goal and assisting on three record. wards in the county, headline the game for the Michigan team. four back in others. The previous school record of Both players played in Detroit and will attend the University 1983 and 1984. Brimanis posted a nine point five players being taken in one of Michigan this fall. "This brings season last year by scoring three draft dated back to 1988 and 1986. Some of the players featured on the Ohio squad include Eric recognition to goals and six assists. York said he did not expect any Snow from Canton McKinley, Antonio Watson from Columbus the University _ In addition, BG had two in- of the players to sign professional Eastmoor, and 7-footer, J.P. Reafsnyder from West Chester La- and the pro- Redmond Pronger Brimanis coming freshman drafted. Tony contracts this year and expects kota. gram," BG s Prpic, a wing from Culver Mili- all will be here and ready to play For the girls, Michelle Shade, from Pickerington, will be play- ockey head coach Jerry York Nelson Emerson was the 44th tary Academy (Ind.), and Brian in the fall. ing, along with Vonda Ward from Garfield Heights Trinity. said. "It is a direct reflection on pick of the St. Louis Blues back in Holzinger, a center with the De- When the team reports back for Shade and Ward were considered to be the top two prospects in how hard the players have 1985. troit Junior Red Wings, were se- practice, they will have a total of Ohio. They shared Player of the Year honors in girls Division I. worked and on their talent." Michigan's Aaron Ward was se- lected in the entry draft. 13 NHL draft picks on the team Shade will attend BG this fall. Sophomore center, Sean lected in the first round — fifth Prpic was selected in the fifth (11 in the entry draft and two in Local players in the boys game include Lazelle Durden from Pronger, was the highest Falcon overall — by the Winnipeg Jets. round, 105th overall, by the Mon- the supplemental draft). Rossford and Shane Komives from St. John's. The girls include drafted when he was selected in Lake Superior's Brian Rolston treal Canadians and Holzinger "We are very pleased with the Nicole Like from Holgate and Lisa Kovatch from Sylvania the third round by the Vancouver was also selected in the first was selected in the sixth round, selections," York said. "I think it Southview. Canucks. He was the 51st pick round, 11th overall, by the New 124th overall, by the Buffalo is a very optimistic sign that six •'They should be great games," Ken Kavanagh, BG's assistant overall. Jersey Devils. Sabers. of our players were selected in athletic director said. "These really are the best high school the draft." players Ohio and Michigan have to offer."

MAC : Continued from page 1. OUT OF POCKET EXPENSE as the 1992-93 season, Dennison ministrative nightmare trying to NCAA bid situation," Dennison said. juggle the different conference said. "The MAC puts the cham- The addition of Akron to the schedules for each sport. pions of several sports directly OUR OFFICE POLICY MAC will also help the conference Akron now is a member of two unto NCAA tournaments which in a number of ways. conferences. The women play in will enhance our entire pro- IF YOU HAVE QUALIFYING HEALTH INSURANCE First, it would help to ensure the North Star and the men's gram." THAT COVERS CHIROPRACTIC CARE. WE WILL AC- that the conference does not slip basketball team plays in the Mid- Akron also will help the MAC CEPT WHATEVER YOUR PLAN PAYS AS PAYMENT into Division I-AA status. Continent. The Akron football get a better hold on the Akron- IN FULL. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PAY YOUR According to NCAA rules for team now is an independent. Cleveland market, McCloskey DEDUCTIBLE OR CO-PAYMENT BECAUSE WE ARE Division I-A football, at least half "The MAC also helps in the said. WILLING TO ASSUME THEM. THIS MEANS TREAT- of the conference must maintain MENT WON'T COST YOU ANYTHING OUT OF YOUR a certain level of attendance. POCKET. If the school has a stadium with a seating capacity less than AFFORDABLE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 30,000, then it must maintain a 17,000 average attendance during 1072 N. MAIN a four year period. 2 Blk. N. of Poe Or, if the school has a seating Bands Qj1 capacity more than 30,000, it 354-6166 must have an average of 17,000 on ^~ attendance once during a four July <5th Dr A. Neumann, D.C. • Or K Mar«lara. DC • Dr. S. Mesic«. D.C. year period. Akron joins BG and Western 4fe presented by Michigan as qualifiers in this catergory while Toledo, Central Portage Quarry XJ£- <*>„« Michigan, and Miami meet the Recreation Club, Inc. ■" WFM104 first criterium. "This is a big boost to our foot- Admission $10 in advance $12 at the Gate • BUCKEYE EFFICIENCIES • ball program,' Dennison said. "It is good for our other sports as Tickets Available at Finders, well. It puts everything under one all Shed locations and the IDEAL FOR UPPER CLASSMEN, GRADUATE conference." Portage Quarry. Dennision added it was an ad- STUDENTS, COUPLES, ETC. • LOFTS • • Short and long term leases. REFRIGERATORS • $390.00/month includes phone, color T.V., full cable w/ HBO, •SOFABEDS* sportschannel, ESPN, CNN, SPACE SAVERS & more INC. • AH utilities paid Pre-Registration • Message service Special • Heated pool 00 • Plenty of free parking LOFTS - *50. • Near campus FIRST 200 ORDERS for the 1991-1992 School Year PHONE: 352-7365 or 352-1520 J.T.'S CARRYOCIT 352-5475 405 Thurstin Ave. Our lofts meet university approved specifications; fire retardant sofabeds (Across from Supply Limited, Order Today! W°\UN COMMONS SUMMER MacDonald Quad) m the SERVING HOURS ***** <8> MONDAY - FRIDAY HOT BREAKFAST 7:00-9:30 \ CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 9:30-10:30 LUNCH 11:00-1:00 DINNER 4:30-6:15 WEEKENDS BRUNCH 10:00-1:15 B. G. S. U. DINNER 4:00-6:00 FOOD AMANI DOWN UNDER OPERATIONS - LOWER LEVEL - SUNDAY - WEDNESDAY 8:00-11:00 PM

All Quantum '90 debit cards, charges and cash accepted at all times. Note:lf you previously have had a Quantum 90 account with us you do not need to have your I.D. encoded again. PAGE EIGHT The BG News WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991

RAPE "Rape survivors say, 'I trusted him,' and are RECYCLE I Continued from page 1. blown away by the fact that someone they Continued from page 1. "Rape survivors say, 'I trusted in Ohio to devise and implement a "If recycling centers closed, According to Pearson, there is him,' and are blown away by the knew could do this to them." plan to clean up environmental who would recycle newspaper, now a bill being considered for fact that someone they knew -Sandee Standriff, director of Victims' waste in their district. steel food cans, office paper, city curb side programs. could do this to them," Standriff The goal of the bill is to reduce cardboard, paper grocery bags, "Most cities can handle the said. Advocacy Program at the Link 25 percent of the waste in landfills or pickle jars? To clean up the operating costs of the curb side According to Jacque Daley, di- and since passage of the bill, environment we need to handle programs, but the problem arises rector of the Prevention Center, nals — Men with violent or abu- The Student Health Center many districts have started recy- all aspects of the waste stream," with start—up costs, if they are 90 to 95 percent of rapes on this sive tendencies or negative views receives approximately one rape cling programs. Pearson said. already having their trash col- campus are alcohol related. toward women. victim a week, but accurate rape If Senate Bill 5 had passed, The recycling process would be lected." Pearson said. "Rape is more likely to occur if Sue Perkins, a nurse clinician statistics do not exist, she added. these efforts would have been lost counter productive with the im- you and others that you are with at the Student Health Center, said "For every one [victim who because the monies that cover the plemetation of a Bottle Bill be- are consuming alcohol," Daley people need to be aware of what is comes to the Health Center] there operating costs would be for- cause the emphasis is no longer said. going on around them to prevent are three that are not coming in," feited, Pearson said. on environmental clean—up out "One normally would not do rape. said Perkins. For example, the Bowling on making a fast buck, she added. things that they do when drinking People need to be educated," The Victims' Advocacy vol- Green Jaycees' Recycling "More funding for the entire alcohol; alcohol impairs reason- she said. "Do not get yourself in a unteers are specially trained to Center's only money maker is waste stream is needed, not lust a ing and judgments, Daley said. situation that you cannot han- counsel male rape victims, but no aluminum cans, Pearson said. part of it; such as household haz- Daley recommends taking the dle." males have contacted The Link. These cans not only pay their cost ardous waste," Pearson said. She following precautions to prevent Perkins suggests to stay in The Advocates are volunteers of shipping and processing but believes additional funding rape: groups when going out and to who help a victim sort out her op- also cover the costs of processing should be given to the solid waste • Learn to be assertive, say ex- never go home with someone tions and emotions. In addition, other recyclables, Pearson said. districts that are already estab- actly what you mean. alone. advocates help access medical, According to Pearson, more lished by the 592 Bill, because • Be aware of situations where In addition, she suggests limit- legal and psychological supports than 80 percent of the Recycling they have feasible plans. alcohol and drugs are present. ing alcohol and drug use, because in the community. Center's total profit is targeted "Bowling Green is a leader in • Know what your values and if a woman is not in control of "We do have survivors of rape toward deposits. If the deposits recycling and Is ahead of every morals are concerning sexual at- herself, she will not be able to be at The Link, so they can relate to were taken away, the recycling other waste district," Pearson titudes. in control of a possible rape situa- the victims," said Standriff. centers would be forced to close. said. • Be alert toward danger sig- tion. Classified

KUWAIT SAUDI WORKERS NEEDED $35 00 Sony CO Discman • $55 00 709 Fifth HELP WANTED * up per hour Tax Free Both skilled & unskil- Nintendo Gameboy $30 NEW 2 BR unfurnished apis •00 THIRD STREET LOST & FOUND led For info caM 61 5 779-5505 Eitt K-253 Universal remote • $20 00 2 FULL baths' CaH352-3570after4 00 Private Parking Lawn Maintenance Pan and full time help for ATTENTION High efficiency heat ft hot water Currently renting lor Fall 1 901 FOUND watch m parking lot between library Knickerbocker Lawns Call 352-5822 $7 25 starting pay Work part-time around NEWLOVE RENTALS and University Bookstore CaH to identify. class schedule Co-ops available Local stu- Maintenance Man Our only office. 328 S Mam 354-8444 dents preferred Call for interview 30-40 hours per week FOR RENT 352-5620 Onebedrm fttwo-bedrm vacancies i 382-1060 CaH 352-5822 Futy furnished Conveniently located SERVICES OFFERED EASY WORK* EXCELLENT PAY' ASSEMBLE 1 bedroom api 1 block from campus Quiet Very reasonably priced PRODUCTS AT HOME CALL FOB INFORMA- Make $150 - $250 Sail 50 funny college area partialry furnished Call Newkjve Renisls. 801 Fifth Phone 352 4966 or TION 504-641 8003 EXT 5972 T-shirts to incoming Freshmen during Freshman 352-5620 Free gas heat water ft sewer come lo our office at 800 Third #10 Certified teacher seeking tutoring jobs Call Orientation & make $1 50 to $250 No financial FREE MAID SERVICE! 353-6974 Evening Office Cleaning i bedroom unfurnished apartment Check us out before you rent obbgahon More information l 800 '28 -l130 Laundry facilities • private perking 10-15 hours per week immediate Occupancy Call 352 5822 Close to campus-9 12 4 12 mo lieeea Summer tutor for all grade levels, all subjects 352-7454 NEWLOVE RENTALS Experienced teacher Call 3546581 PERSONALS Our only office. 328 S Mam D 4 G Rentals 352 5620 LIVE DOWNTOWN Nicest Apts mBG CHILDLESS COUPLE wishes to adopt white FOR SALE newborn A family ol love, hsppmess, ft secuh- 3 units left 850 Scon Hamilton 2 blocks from t BR unfurnished apts ly awaits this special child campus Modern, furnished 2 bdrm units new 824 Sl«th Graoous quiet living Legal confidontialexpenses paid Golf clubs tor sale Taylor make gold shaft carpeting, laundry faol A C reserved park- 2 BR furnished ft unfurnished epts Prices from $225 mo 800-359- 7495 Sunny ft Glenn drive 8 5 degree Like new $139 00 Call ing max 4 pers unit No pets 9 mo lease Quiet living NEWLOVE RENTALS 354-5944 or 352-2223. Sam $650 00 mo 12 mo lease $595 00 mo Ph FREE GAS HEAT. WATER ft SEWER Our only office. 328 S Mem 287 4255 or 287-3233 Laundry facilities private perking 352-5620 WANTED NEWLOVE RENTALS Our only office 328 S Main CINEMARK THEATRES 352 5620 A few good tenants needed Female rmte needed lor fa* semester or fall ft HELP WANTED Mt Vernon Apartments. 802 6th St 2 bdrm spring semester FREE membership to Cherry- furnished, dishwashers, paid utilities Csl Gary 1 Would you Ika to work for wood Health Spa It interested contact De at CINEMA 5 "ST at 353 7934 yoorMlr? 843 Sixth 354-7818 Please call after 5 00pm Please ? Would you ■■■ lo Ml your own l?34 H. Moin Si. 354-0558 J 2 BR unfurnished apts CARTY RENTALS •" 352-7365 leave message hourt? 2 FULL baths' Smgle rooms • 2 bdrm ft 1 bdrm apts 3 Aro you Mft-moBv«lod"> $4.75 Adulli/$3.00 kidi 11 I under Female roommates lor 1991-92 school year 9 or 12 month leases Near campus 4 Ara you a Wt of an antrapnnawr'7 and i«nlort ovor 60 Pnvate parking Call Amber at 354-8367 High efficiency heat ft hot water BOIIN HOOD KEVIN If you aniwarad YE5 to alt of ffia abort. NEWLOVE RENTALS DAG Rentals - Close to Campus you art Jutt Via paraon wt ft looking fo'l PRINCE OF THIEVES PO 11 KOSTNEB Our only office. 326 S Mam 234 1/2 S College 2 bdrm upper rear apt *» an Aaiarltaj Pi Mitt Cimaua Haa- 1:10. 4:00. 7:00, »:4» 352-5620 DON'T SIGN UP raaaalaflva. you Mil be raaponnbfa lor Newly remodeled Kitchen Stove ft relng Max CITY SLICKERS PO 13 BILLY ocrupancy 2 people Plenty ol parking No placing advtrtlaing on bulUBn board* 1:30,3:50,7-05.9:25 CRVSTAl You »4tl alao hava tha opportunity lo war* pets Avail now 12 mo lease S395 00/mo FOR A STUDENT on mediating program* for IUCTI clont* Ph 287 4255 or 287-3233 DON'T TILL MOM THE CHRISTINI Need en apt tor summer or fall? aa Amancan Eapraoa. ford, and Botlon ■AiVSITTIR'S DEAD PO 13 APPLEOATE WE HAVE NEARLY 500 UNITS LOAN UNTIL YOU untvtralfy Thar* on no aala* Involvod 1:05, 3:OS, 5IO. 7:15. 9:20 Many of our rap* ilay with u* long aftir Furnished or unfurtiished apts graduation For mora Information. caH or OYINO VOUNO R JULIA CALL JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS SIGN UP HERE. writ* HI al Via following addr*ai 1:00,3:05.5:15,7:30.9:45 ROIERTS at 354 2260or stop by 319E Wooster (across from Taco BeU) Wall Di.n.y Production! no paiui or AMERICAN PASSAGE lo pick up our listing ft speak IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN AUGUST ROCKETEER PO iuportav»n with our friendly slatf- NETWORK l:O0, 3:10, 5:20, 7:JO, 9:40 10. 1991 COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES. YOUR CAP AND GOWN ORDER MUST BE ADVENTURES OF PLACED BY JULY 1 1991 PLEASE PLACE 1-800-727-6783 PIPPI LONOSTOCKINO O Sublease August - May 2 bedroom apartment mWaMHirrliw lO-OO AM ONLY $290(5145each) 3520208 YOUR ORDER AT THE GIFT COUNTER IN THE mm. *« lint 4107 UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE OR BY PHONING • NO PAttIS ..NO PASSES/NO SUPIBSiVIBS 372 2851 IF YOUR ORDER IS PHONED IN j YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW YOUR CAP SIZE 0\Benedptf0 . '432^WOOSTBR * ' SUMMER HOURS: | 1*353-4663* 5\, g:.K NO FASTFRtt J»*.„..Q* I ALL DAY DELIVERY S3.50 MINIMUM B.G. TAXI SERVICE* ON SUBS Sm?> ***$. 352-0796 SUNDAY | STARTER Hum Salami, Provolone Cheese $2.00 $3.35 ' VlnWnAnnnnnAAWVVVVyVVV^r^rWVmW j HURDLER Swiss A Provolone $2.00 11.33 j SPRINTER Turkey $2.00 $3.35 j W t are Bowling Green Stale U n i v <■ r * i t y ' » l I'ACI R Ham A Swiss $2.00 $3.35 I a RUNNER. luna $2.50 $3.95 I J JOGGER Roast Beef 32.50 $3 95 j J MARATHON Ham. Salami.Turkey. Swiss, Provolone Cheese $2.50 $3.95 | HOWARDS club H j « \1 KAWAY Salami. Turkey. Pepperom. Provolone Cheese $2.50 $3.95 j J RELAY Roast Beef. Ham. Turkey, Provolone Cheese .. . $3.00 $4.25 | 210 N. Main 352-9951 (Above SIIBI tun *■.!■ mi to. lettuce, tomato, OMOO, hot peppm. otetano. iialiu REASON piAbotewh rude hot upoarequotl I) ■• - k t o p I' ii I. I i - li i ii - Service Bureau j PASTA "AalA J PLATTER . .. pasta, homemade spaghetti sauce, garlic bread $2.95 j J SPAGHETTI . homemade spaghetti sauce, garlic bread $2.95 NU-TONES Above with meatballs or sausage $3.95 Thursday, Friday, Saturday. lEx. bread 60€/ Best in B.C. TO USE SALADS a CHEF SALAD. Lettuce. Tomato. Cheese. Ham. Salami. Turkey. Croutons $3.95 I al n ll a w hole lot more. • GREEK SALAD Lettuce, Tomato. Cucumber. Onion. Pepper,Greek Olives. 18-20 Welcome heia Cheese *m.$2.25 I $2.00 cover after 9:30 l| $3.95 21 and Over | TACO SALAD. Lettuce. Tomato. Cheese. Taco Meat. Sacho Chips, and $1.00 cover after 9:30 SMQ Taco Dressing.. ./Extra Chips or Dressing - 999..., $3 95 HOURS: | TOSSED I SALAD . Lettuce. Tomato, Cheese. Croutons $1.60 Mon.-Sat.: Noon 'til 2:30am I , , 1 UniGraphics Sunday: 2:00pm 'til 2:30am I Free Pop Wilh Any . Free Pop Wich Any ■ Free Pop Wiih Any I 9" Sub or 9" Sub or 9" Sub or 211 West Hall 372-7418 VOTED BEST BAR IN B.G. AGAIN j Pasta Planer Purchase ! Pasia Planer Purchase ■ Pasla Planer Purchase ! • Mini-Pitchers Every Day* I I 1

It isn't easy for most people to admit being homosexual. Society has shown enough contempt, ridicule and malice toward gay men and women to make outward denial of their real feel- CENTER FOUCHCHCI I Out Of The ings easier than being open. tiNOKwiOin.uirpo i\ ws Things aren't really much better for gays than 22 years ago when • Abortion through a riot in New York sparked the start of the Gay Rights movement. 17 weeks Critical issues are examined in Out In America A provocative • Morning after panel discussion follows a film profiling parents who have come treatment Closet And to terms with their children's sexual preference. PROUD TO BE PRO-CHOICE Tune In Tonight at 10 on WBGU-TV 27 16 N. Huron Toledo, Oh. 43604 Phone Into The Fire It's television worth watching. (419) 265-7769