
THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, THE BUYERS GUIDE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Magazine Notices. Published every dey (Sundays excepted·) by the I THE PRESS. narper's for an un- POST LAND PUBLISHING Magazine May presents CO., usual TRADE CIRCULAR. MONDAY APRIL 1!>. variety of entertaining matter, and is At 109 Exchange Portland. MORNING, St., full of beautiful illustrations. The novelty of Terms : Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- ALLEN «fc CO. BIG the number is The BARGAINS (lo striking. opening article ers Seven Dollars a Year, if paid in advance. We not read anoiiymous letters and commiuii by Henry J. Van takes us to the RETAIL TRADE cations. Ίhe name and address of the writer are ii Dyke," Jr., lied THE MAINE~STATE PRESS IN all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publics River Valley and across the border into Manitoba. 8 published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a OF NEW tion but as a guaranty of good faith. The resources and the picturesque if in advance at a PORTLAND, ME., year, paid $2.00 year. SUITS, We cannot undertake to return or com features of preserve the country and its peculiar people munieations that, are not used. the Rates of Advertising : One inch of space, the (including Mennonite immigrants) furnish Aon-zth of column, constitutes a "square." NEW ontircly fresh pictures for pen and and S 1.50 first 75 cen«.s OVERCOATS, pencil; per square, daily week; 4ter The Trade Circular Is Spring in following Clothing! the use of the latter •freek after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- respect- QUARTERLY CONVENTION OF CUM Mr. W. S. Mary, the um every other day after lirst week, 50 cents. fully presented by the undersigned Re- BERLAND R Ε artist, lias been very efficient. Equally novel Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; tail Houses of Portland, with a view to NEW PANTS. Bear ii3 mind the great advance iu WOOLEXS, and (lien lool COUNTY FORM CLUBS. aie the of old Dutch one week, $1.00: 50 cents per week after. show the extent and of articles over our I'rice List and Inducements. pictures life which Mr. Special Notices, one-third additional. variety Special ïlie Quarterly Convention of the Reform Club; and the names of Henry Brace—assisted by tile pencils of Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction handled, those large of Cumberland will be lield at Pyle County and Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three inser- dealers who make this City the best OUR Stone—presents in his exceedingly inter· tions or less. $1.50. market and trade centre for' the South Casco, April 2Sth and article, entitled Old Catskill. Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State people est^g Mrs. of Maine. at Lilie's Press" (which has a large circulation in every part commencing 10 o'clock. Wednesday forenoon second paper on Music and Musician* not It is that of the Stale), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, S3T*Parties prepared to visit Port hoped every Club in the county will re· in WILL BUY MEN'S LIGHT to the address England is, in every page of it, a revelation 'And 50 cents per square fcr each subsequent inser- laud, may order goods from the follow- CHECKED SUITS spond Bent out by tlie Committee ο tion. BEADY-MADE DEPARTMENT. the last Convention and make this one of the most of phases of English social life unfamiliar tr» ing classifications with reliance perfect profitable conventions ever held in this Address all communications to that their SMeat and Genteel Business Garments. county. the of American readers. The orders will be at- Every Club should be one or nior< majority social PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. promptly represented by tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed or Delegates. side of English musical life has furnished Mr. The members of the club and citizons of Soutl money refunded. NEW SUITINGS, Abbey with motives for a number of Caseo will make ample provisions for all delegates delight- ENTERTAINMENTS. S8.00 Don't fail to come, Keformers. ful drawings engraved for this article. TUOVS, ΪΪΟΚΗΚ NEW In OVERCOATINGS, M. H. MOSES, President. addition to this ACBICIIIiTliRAI,Furnishing Goods, Plant Stands, Bulbs, &c, Ο. B. these, artist lias also contrib- WM. C. SAWYER & 22 COIXEY, Secretary. PORTLAND THEATRE. CO., Market Square NEW TROUSERINGS, uted to this number a charming illustration of watc fîuc a Neat FRANK CURTIS.. LESSEE AND MANAGER. hes, Suit. Robert Horrick's poem On Chloris Jewelry &c. Light is Walking in American Silverware, tlorkx, Buys Spring Striped Solon Chase utterly disconsolate over CHAS. H. LAMSON, 201 .Middle street Ι!ΚΓ QrEJIE*. Ye Snowe. Less picturesque, but OSE NIGHT OIVI/lr, fusion. perhaps, Worth at least $11.<10. quite as novel, are tlio îilsl, I88O. i»rug*, Paint», oils, descriptions, by the late Wednesday, April Pratt's Astral Oil. » Apothecaries;Agts. All the ex-Governors of James W. Milner, of the fisheries and fisher- The Famous Comedian, W. W. WHIPPLE & CO., 21 Market Square Republican Massachusetts are said to be for Grant. men on our Middle Atlantic coast (from Chesa- MÉ. FRANK S. Drug», Medicine», CHANFRAU, CUSTOM to Toilet & DEPARTMENT. poake Albemarlo APOTHECARY;Articles Druggists' Sundries. $10.00. Bay Sound), with excel- Supported by GEO. C. Mk. Sherman's that FRYE, Cor. Congress & Franklin Sts ΞΞΒΚΒΕΒΒΒΖS5B3K3SÎV friends claim he is lent illustrations. Mrs. Treat contributes TAYLEURE'S For litis amount Ave will faruisli A \OBBY UMO'V BLACK WOlt. a, SPLENDID COMPANY, Chemical·*. sure of a hundred front the South. second STED FKOCK SUIT, never sold before less than delegates paper of her Home Stndies of Nature, R. L. Tayleure, Sole Manager and Prop'r. APOTHECARIES;imported Perfumes, Soaps, Toilet Articles &c. NEW COLLARS AND CUFFS, $13.UO. FRED T. MEAHER & full of interest, aud The greatest of American Dramas, by Edward CO.. 473 Congress St The New York World calls the Massa- beautifully illustrated Spencer and Clifton W. of the Balti- ΡΠΟΤΟΟΒΑΡ11Υ. NEW NECK by J. C. Beard. The paper on the Tayleure, DRESSINGS, ΞΧΑ HMC ΪΝΕ chusetts Edftunds' "boom" a "booinlet." Metropoli- more Press. 4RT permanent a tan Absolutely Photographs specialty. NEW Museum of Now York is very timely, by LAMSON, opposite Falmouth Hotel GLOVES AND HOSIERY, Congressman Acklen of Louisiana has in connection with the recent removal of KIT, photography, by XIKT OUB. THE ΛΒΚΑΛ'ΙΊΑΗ TKAVKLLKlî Artistic CONANT, OUR FANCY BLACK WORSTED COATS and VESTS at $8.00 failed to obtain a renomination.. His trick- this institution to its permanent location in .1 478% St., Preble Ho us Β Redding FRANK S. CIIANFRAU. Congress opposite ery in the House killed him. Central Park. Among the illustrations, be- Sale of seats Monday, April 19th. apl5dtd MATERIALS,Architect*' Λ sides pi«tures of the building (exterior and in- ARTISTS'Engineers' Supplies, Picture Art Goods Frames, It is now stated that are CYRUS F. DAVIS, No. 8 Elm St "authoritatively" terior) engravings from some of the most FURNISHING Mr. Tilden has concluded to make remarkable Blank BSooIcm & DEPARTMENT. in the Art of the Lectures 1)\ Mrs. L M. ; Staiiosiery, Speaker paintings Gallery tj Diaz. BOOKSAccount Books of all kinds to order. Randall his heir—to the Presidential nomin- Museum. Mrs. Lizzie W. Champney contrib- 11ALL L. DAVIS, 63 Exchange St Be sure and look through our Children's Dcuartment. The luany readers of the works of the well-known ation, not to the bar'l. utes a quaint short story, entitled Salgama M II LUI," iUIB. AUUJ 1Y1U1 tOIJ TOI UO 10 Stationery & Town XJÎiXη, gl?lU €™ood*, Condita, illustrated learn that she is soon to deliver in Portland a BOOKS, School & Theological Books by Pyle. Another short Sabjmth _ The United States Circuit Court has de- ALLtiJM SHOES. A Large A»»ort- declare also. with other interesting matter, contains some Β1 ment of Fine and Low Priced Goods. Tickets for course very pithy rellections 011 wood In the Γ>0 cents; Evening tickets DAVIS & CARTLAND, 210 Middle St The latest of engraving. 25 to bo had at story Tilden's withdrawal cents, Stockbridge's Music store and the drawer, which is full t f store. Manufacturer and Importer bright humors, Sturges' Drug apl2eodtd of NAVIGANTIN! comes by the way of St. Albans. It is CIGARS.Havana wholesale and retail. CATARRHINE, tliero is a new Cigars, poem (illustrated), entitled ERNESTO PONCE, cor. and Middle Sts as authentic as the other Exchange A Certain Preventive and Cure for A JB-^EE, ©UB.EI, SPEEDY REMEDY probably stories Mine Schildhood, by the author of Leedlo HO-VOS, Watchr» aud Jewelry, and to the s\me effect. Yawoob Strauss. DIAManufacturer* of masonic Gooil·. β J. A. MERRILL & CO., 230 Middle Street. —FOR— * The opening paper in Appleton's Journal Beecher The Tabulators' official reply to the re- for May is of interest. Cleau»isig, Carpet Cleaning of the Ilale very great It DYEIWii,and Featlier-Bed Renovating at FOREST CITY port Committee is to be published NAUSEA consists of selections from a DYE AND copious HOUSE, 13 Preble St, op. Preble House. SEA-SICKNESS in of the form a to the Green- supplement work in Men'* A Children's. recently published England, entitled CITY IT A. L L, Boy»' HEAD THE back and Democratic . Its CLOTHING.Clothing Manuf'rs and Dealers. FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS : & Conversations with Distinguished Persons dur. C. D. B. BRONCHITIS CATARRH. FISK & under is said to be Wednesday Evening, CO.. Preble House ASTHMA, length appalling. ing the Second from 18U0 to April 28th, Mass. Feb. Empire, 186:1, by Youth'» & Boston, 20.1880. REV. HEIfBY men'», Boys' Tlie "Navigantin" was a great success. We liad a and the late Williams Senior. Mr. WARD Fine Goods & Gents' rough passage up everybody sick except a tew CATARRH Tiie Nassau Senior CLOTU1N», Furnishing Goods. who had your medicine. I am sick but this time 1 took a few Adjutant General of South Carolina J. & always doses of the "Navigantin" and CATARRH, was Master in C. F. R. 182 Middle St smoke ànd as as enjoyed a and had unusual FARRINGTON, my meals well if ashore; all my family used it and had not the of Sea- Developef Deadly is for the Chancery, op Sickness. slightest sympton busy enrolling "troops" coming A Gent»' Good» SAML ΛΫ. ELDRIDGE, W. U. Tel. 109 State Boston. Poison in the portunitics for with FurniMliing Co., St., Elead The intimacy distinguished CLOTHINGBoys' and Children's Goods a political campaign. Edgefield and will deliver his celebrated lecture entitled Specialty. which French such men as CHAS. Maturate* the If left to run contemporaries, including MCCARTHY, Jr., 109 Middle St Newark, N. J. Nor. 17th. 1879. it* conrxr, massacres are to be if To whom it may concern: This certifies that 1 have tried for Hamburg repeated, Thiers, "Navigantin" Sea Sickness, and have breath, and i* carried SOON DENTROVN Guizot, Kenan, Me'rime'e, Lamartine, "Amnaomonts." strictly Pure found it to be, as claimed for it, a sure preventive of that terrible affliction. to the from and Manufr'd Fresh Dailv. necessary, keep negroes voting. Barrot, and Prince : and he noted Tickets 50 cents reserved seat. For Confectionery, Wm. F. Lumber to the ILuugM, sowing the SOFT TISSUES Napoleon including sale ALLEN &G6 BAILEY, Merchant, Newark, N. J. at 20th. GOW, Congress St down all his conversations with these men and Stockbridge's Tuesday morning, April the Meeds of CON8UJIP- OF THE MOSK ASB Since the Liberal victories in apl7 d3t i»ure Astor HOUSE, New Feb. .1880. England candie*, been York, 27, of others equally famous. The article in Confectionery,French & American Styles, mfr'd daily. "Having troubled with sleepless nights and consequent nervous exhaustion, I tried the TION, which it i« a TlIROAT.affect» both which have put a quietus on the Apple- tin" sent me for "Navigan- Jingo pol- tons' C. O. 13 you Sea-Sickness, and found perfect relief. 1 now have a Journal consists of HUDSON, Market Square refreshing sleep and clear head. fruitful camse. aiiil the London remarkably spirited JOHN P. Sight Hrming, icy, Saturday Review admits BUSINESS CARDS. Kid G Ribbon*. STRUT!IEHS. and suggestive passages from these conversa- lore». C AT A It RHINE eaiiHCN .«ΑΙ) BREATH CORSETS.Laces, Worsted &c that "it may he ultimately necessary to ad- Embroideries, Crewels, N. tions. The editor has a E. S. Annapolis, S., Dee. 3d, 1879. η grouped together MERRILL, 4(57 St In the of in a severe quickly deauMCM aud Continunl DROP- mit the JOST & Congress crossing bay Digby storm, it wa very rough but I was not sick as usual, and pretensions" of the United States to number fflORTOS, derived Benefit from the large relating to Louis Napoleon, manufacturer. great ^Navigantin," which 1 can heartily recommend to'others?" sh^ldbe'u'uwH- heals the diseaMcd INC! in the Throat, the to to sea without and protectorate of the Isthmus of Panama. which some CrackerBaker of Bread, Biscuit, Cake and Pastry. ling go it, believej'Nayigantinv\i'iU prove a great blessing ο τ-ersons who suffer give new and strange insights into FRESCO with Sea Sickness. part*. It is safe. sure HEADACHE, DIZ- PAINTERS. W. C. COBB, 28 & 30 Pearl St SAMUEL BOOTHBΥ, Agent Am. Bible Society, i^EWlSTON, Me. tho late Emperor's character. and NpeedV in it* ac- ZINESS, I,OSS OF The Bangor Commercial 'describes the Altogether Churches, Halls, Private Dwellings, &c·, CROCKERY, Wholesale and Retail. this paper is of interest. Another WM. E. and ME and A of Chase and at striking I>ecorated in En c THOMES, tion, plcnsuiftt to liOlSÏ, meeting Fogg, Garcelon Caustic; Oil, Distemper and Water 408 Congress St., under Music Hall PRICE, SO Cents per ISottlc. very fresh article, or story, it may be called, is Colors in the highest style of art. une. The accoinpany- HUNDRED OTHER Bangor as "one of those gatherings of stern, by Ivan called Monsieur Fran- Cloaking» & Trimming*. PAINFUL Tourguenietf, 423 illDDlii: Dress SOLD ΙΟΥ ALL ing cut illustrates it* EF- determined who met to consult ST., PORTLAND, ITIIi. CLOABiS,Dry Goods, Goods, Silks and Velvets. spirits, up- which describes a and EASTMAN FECTS. cois, mysterious eccen- Prices reasonable and satisfaction BROS., 534 Congress St UMC. on the most important crisis that has ever guaranteed. tric Parisian character, whose remarkable pre- apl5 dim* goods, siik», shawl», arisen in the affairs of the State." DryDress Goods, Woolens, Linens &c. MILLET. political diction of the revolution soon to follow (it CHAMBER LIN & LITTLE, 227 Middle W. F. PHILLIPS & Wholesale The in the role of a stern and deter- was in will be CATARRHINE Cap'n read now with -11(1 CO., Agents, ill. WILL CURE 1858) profound mar 2 9 PORTLAND, Silk», Sat:n», Velvet» dMW&Flmo* mined must have been attention. This Lewis W. M. GOODS, Tiie worst class of Catarrh, no matter how severe and how This has been estai- spirit very funny. sketch is dramatic, stirring Pendleton, D. DRYuloaks, Dress Goods, Fringes, Domestics &c. long standing. fully lished by numerous well attested cases. Among them may be mentioned those of John B. of Wool- and full of M. TURNER BROS., cor Elm St Bailey point. de Lcsseps' reply to tho Congress, wich. Me., who was cured of the worst form of Catarrh: Robert Dunn nf Τ .r wis ton- wlm ha/1 loaf That the Hon. F. very amusing person, Suez Canal article in the RY GOOD»^ Done orme nose; and of jolrn Andrews of who liaee any by desiring paper to an alleged attempt to take him STATE ST. COR. CONC2RESS, Morgan, the author of that article. There is a A Cloak into a tan He was Trimming», Lace», yard. thinks the attempt on and one on Kid H am &c. paper Metternich, the French Office S to 9 A. M. 2 to 3 P. M. at 7 P. DRESSGloves, burgs, Worsteds, Yarns Beware off Patent Nostrums f hours, M. H. 1. NELSON the result of a to "administer a maris dlmo* & CO., 443 Congress plot regular painter, Regnault; The Philosophy of Draw- GOODS, Toy», Game*, Bird C'ATARRIHIIVE in prepared on Correct Scientific ami Pathological Principle» by Republican bulldozing," but it is much ing-Rooms is discussed; Science iu its relation ate old actitioiier off Jheiviston is a FANCY* Cages. Baby Carriages, Archery &c. pi î «ia»Rl« h«nling preparation containing uo inju- To the imitations and Fraud ice FA1LUD more that his assailants mistook to the of Crime is a CHAS DAY, Jit., & CO., 187 Middle St protect public against caution ail purchasers of rious properties, and lias» îVEVJEfS TO CURE. A«k only for probable discovery considered, and DR11M!) numoer οι DRlTM0ir& ft Κ Cnutoni aud Ready frlarte cadîmwk: Di^niABic di him for a jackass, and wanted to see what striKing examples given; a paper 1711 (ïp.nra' FiirnishÏTia finode- ASTERS ι.:,ι «ϊ :—λ — λ.:.1 1.1 —-ι— to see that the word CAPCINE on the label is d. Do not allow some be Λ called the Story of the Merchant of Venice is ATYlifva & UU.Ui'AJN Z'ZJ correctly spell other jumierw sac3 ^fk. 1=2 ï, Middle st RHIN Cottiisellors-at-Law, under a similar with the assurance that it is the same or as in very readable: and the editor'n IMcklrd and NmoUed palmed off sounding name, thing gowi. Rear departments E'M'wIi, ; THE M extern entr of u PRICE *73 Yox-U Tiiuee are well filled. C3DTsTΤKNNIAL BLOCK, FIKII:Oysters and Lobsters, Wholesale and Retail. mind that theonly object such vendor can haue is the fact that ihey can bug imitations at the prices less than C33NTS, LANG & 578 St from West Point contains SARCHBNT, Congress that the and this substitution to a small additional .UASI.C:» FBEE ΟΛ RECEIPT correspondent ap- of genuine, they hope by gain profit. OF PRICK. The 98 2Ξΐ2£θ2ϊ.£ΐΖ3.^0 St. Foreign and DouttKlic, iiauii parently the most important information Minister's Sociable. Nuts and Children's 'δΕΑΒΙΈΥ & JOHNSON, Ph:irainceu(ifnl t'Eamsiâ»}*, New York. FOR FRUIT, Toys. SALE BY AI.L yet discovered iu relation to the I B. P. Shillaber in the Cambridge JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND. JOSIAH D. DRU2I2IOJTD, JR. GEO. H. CUSHMAN, 480 Congress St apl4 eod&wlmo DRUGGISTS. outrage ^'Avenue."] no25 dtf There was no the y*\i I τ» oo«iw, Neckwear, dlw* cisco makes cltiiu· the of uiski^g apl4 Eu,s oS Portland grounds a ruling young but we had Artificial teeth inserted, from one tooth VT Underwear &c. Fine Shirt.s to order. W Hi ^CHAsi'] Pier, days, huskin' bees and that has been in to a full set. CHARLES CUSTIS & CO., 493 Congress St O.'lï." WlilTTkN PORTLAND. only given outline by tele- quiltin' bees, and apple bees and—" "Bumble- cleansed and extracted In the beet d'eeth tilled, Wliole»ale and Retail. feb21 d3n graph. Judge Hoffman said that if the said manner and at low bees," Ike, breaking in like a boy on thin possible prices. Fine coffees and Groceries. ICfMitU S I corner FSenaant Si. GKOCERBE^Teas, Fancy ι of a to ice— "and ncr, ΕΙιςίι, & 235 right Legislature restrict corporations though we had good times, and so- tf GEO. C. SHAW & CO., 583 Cong. Middle HE interest of W. P. NEWMAN, in our comjt- 1880. in the manner intended the law in ciable Staple and Fancy, Ten Reliable 11 ny, expired April 12th, by ques- enough, goodness knows, when the red Good, Men, WEST FALMOUTH MFG. CO. Thr Promoter antl ears (IROCKKÏE*,JC Wholesale and Retail. Pfrferlor ol AfiMitut tion should be admitted there would be 110 were found, they were to the su- West 1880. " nothing DB. J. J. CHENERY & 484 St a of from one to five thousand Falmauth, April 14th, lation. of this MONK, CO., Congress Capital d3t^ limit to the perfluity There was a slight disturb- to WEST. aplo harm which be accom- & ν Tea», WITHdollars, go Steady employment The might ance in the circle as Ike in his restlessness <>K1D. 31c(«ill University? IVIoiUreal. fro assois, and secured. Rcfcrmri' and Vilalizfr of the Cnnned Flour and Grain. good salary. Money plished. This is plain 011 placed his heel on a GroceriesCoffees, GSoods, Address C. P.O Box Blood· general principles; circumjacent toe, but it 423 CONGRESS Cliadwick C. N. & J. B. LANG, Portland cor. Greer St 28*6, was stilled as the master of ST., House, Boston. Mass. EDUCATIONAL. but in the case in hand the Anti- ceremonies came apl3dlmo The Producer and particular to PORTLAND. 1'ackle, Skates. luvigoraCor of Nerve up introduce the minister. "Glad to see Revolvers, Fishing * Chinese yon, and ITInHcKe. * law passed by the of said the GUNS, Agent for Du Font's Powder Mills. Legislature madam," minister, "I hope you may Oflice 9 to 11 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. 48 St Wanted· find the liours, G. L. BAILEY, Exchange OF,OKGE A. LIBBV, The California is in conflict with two hour spent with us a happy one." "I A Ν DRY GOODS one Builder and Niipporler of Brain things: d2w* Experienced SALESMAN, know I shall, sir," replied she, "for apr2 ARDWARE, Cutlery, Too!», J\. who bas been in a store in the city and that Power. first, with the made the United happiness Glass and Builders' treaty by depends very much on how we H Supplies. can bring some trade. Address "D," this Office. Teacher of the Organ enjoy ourselves T. L. MERRILL & No. 9 Market States with and with and satisfies JTIRS. S. SPEXCEK'S CO., Square mh31 dtf 238 MIDDLE STREET. China, second, the enouçli always me. How could t — I in a & FURS. Fine New nel dly Fellows' Compound is of Constitution of the United help enjoying myself scene of such life ]VTotli and l· reckle Lotion. Special Syrup composed States. Judge HATSYork Goods. Buffalo & Wolf Robes a specialty Birds and animosity as this?" "V»rv true, madam." Singing Ingredients identical with tliose who con- Hoffman observée in that the 237 Middle St Canary "the "And then the blazii MERRY, Hatter, closing lights, like a AVill remove the worst Moth and Tan and TO LET. consterna- Freckles, instruction in English and Clasi stitute senseless of and the music and Αολυ> Blemishes from the skin. Five dollars forfeited in ATS, Cap*·, iiloven, Furw, Healthy Blood, Muscle aed N<;rve cry 'The Chinese must go' is an tion, rs make it seem Buffalo & Robes. ical like Pharaoh laud." The any case of failure if used according to directions. H Umbrellas, Fancy Studies. and Brain whilst life itself insolent denial of the minister was called 7 Market To IjCt. FEMALE CANARY Substance, is authority of the and the I*rice 50 cents. Also, Madam liagertys Centen- JOHN G. HAYES & CO., No. Square Given to private pupils by the subscriber, BIRDS, away, master of ceremonies asked Mrs. of the and sold and 12 acres of on St. House directly dependent upon some of them. United and measure P. if she would like nial Beautiiier Skin. Manufactured Wat chew, Chiouoraciers, land Ocean States, any of police "an ice," which she faint- Mrs. «I. P. 121 Freest. Call for trial contains 11 finished rooms, furnace, hot and heard. "A nice ?" she by Holland, JEWEIiRV.Clocks, Charts, and Silverware. HOUSE Gold and Silver Fisli, Cages, Flow- or health laws, or State made in ly replied, looking Hot ties which are away. Sent to any address cold wa'er and bath room. For sale or rent on reas- legislation, at him and given WM. SEN TER & CO., 54 Exchange St J. W. er Pots, Vases, its union with the hanging on to the long as if it on of All order? promptly attended onable terms. Apply to D. S. WARREN, 162 Com- CGLCOItf), Fancy Brackets, By blood and its effect the of that will be receipt price. spirit cry promptly set wore tho top bar of a gate; "oh, A rush to. Agents wanted. apr7dlm* EWEJLRV, H'alcluis, Diamond*, mercial St. aplôdtf Baskets, Sea Shells, Aquar- the very." upon muscles, reestablishing tko one aside the courts of by the contestants in a here broke J Solid Silver and Plated Ware. 143 Pearl Street. ians, Fernerii s, Funeral by the United States." game in be- ARTER BROS., 521 Congress, cor. Casco S£ jan'Zi dtl and toning the other, it is capable of effecti- tween them, the band gave a crash which Designs, Flowers, «See., seemed to start the the LIFT Clock», Siivei Ai For Rent. ng the results: Secretary Sheu.max in reply to a call roof, mass of people HEALTH ROOMS, «VELRY, Watches, following waved to and Ike Plated Fine Watch Repairing. on hand. fro, started off with a new JE Ware, No. l Fore Eastern Promenade. All VALUABLE DISCOVERY constantly of the House, has sent to a de- SWETT & SWIFT, 513 Congress St"., Congress crony in quest of some suggested and modern at HOUSE. It will or peanuts, 337 i?Ii27 MW&Ftf action of the many "lost," when she realized a CLOCKS and hot and cold water, bath room, furnace, cement rel- years terrupted Heart »nd Palpita- that figure was WATCHES, numerous remedies without avail, I was persuaçd been in one before WILLIAM M. Silverware. Fine 1 mi· ami frond stable with water. A stood house 8 Weakness of wounded, yet only instance standing her, and a cold spoon was be- STEPHENSON, D., JEWEIiRV Repairing. to your and healing salve, and am hp- tion, Intellect eaused oy H. 2U1 Middle Street rooms, batli room, cement cellar, good water and try drawing grief, have the ing thrust into her right hand. It was the at- CHAS. LAMSON, to sav it has met with success. murderers been convicted. On the nice stable. An rent 0 bath room tw complete weary, overtax or tentive upstir's, rooms, JMMVAltLJ U ï\ ÛJJN JN Cj * irregular habits, Bron- manager, again, with an ice-cream ID l.r.cci, Sinallwaree nud For sale low or rent on reasonable otherhand 10ό GLOVES, and water. Government officials have .. .uuu no iutiicu iici ΐυ bit&O. X Oil v. nun No. ί) Mas. chitis, Acute or »ΓΘ jLjfc-i-iuiiea riiruieuiu^ viumub, mnca.ii-j terms. All near the Ocean St. Horse R. R. Apply to Knapp St., Boston, Chronic, Congestion of the VC'Vy PHMCIAM m SLllOËON, & 507 & 509 been prosecuted in the State and surprising, sir," said she, "1 was un- υ\\'ΕΛ, MOOHJS Ο'.)., Congre» apl3U2w J. P. TYLER, Oak St. Boston, Nov. 21,1878 Lungs, even in the most courts, smiling. is alarming stages. conscionable at the moment. Thank FUBNIMlllKe fiOOBS, Neck- Mrs. Jul ye M ye as: Dear Madam-It vrth evet}· effort made to obstruct the enforce- you; I that 1 to the beneû ι will. I am very fond of Office S26 Free MEN'Swear, Gloves, Umbrellas, Fine Shirts, &e. Oiiices rP. ο Be Lei. the greatest pleasure testify partially ice-cream, Street, have received from the use of and ment of the federal and this is which is At FABNH WOKTll'S, 150 Exchange St your drawing uvoa m v uire, jieurai- laws—proceedings in mauilla, too, my favorite." sized with a room con- i recommend it to all WEEK'S OEFICE.)' good office, private salve, certainly t'iat a She ate with a sense of (1*33." Fine healing which maioritv of the twnnle r>f tl.o Sm.ti. enjoyment caught Κ It (SI Λ ΛΤΊΓΛ ■ l.OK. A nected. over store of H. L. Davis, No. 53 are troubled with boils or ulcers. gia, St. Vitus 7 d2w* ONE Dance, Epileptic Fits, Whoop- from the scene, and went soon api M assortment of Cloths for Gentlemen's Wear. Exchange street. Rent reasonable. Apply to WJVl. Yours truly, seem to of the away after, ing Cough, and is a most won- sympathize. Many letters when Ike had joined her with AUG. S. FJ.IINALD, 237 Middle St H. ^TERRIS, Real Estate Agent. aprl2diw* ΛΎΜ. T. LEGGETT, Asst. Supt. Pawnbrokers, Jrayon Portrait Nervousness, plethoric pock- Bofctoi. Artist, derful from the collectors and their con- ets, bidding the manager convey a NOTICE. II. I.INSltïT City Hall, aving just opened a Studio in Portland will in or- i adjunct to other remedies in sustain- deputies good night from her to the she MBS. E. it. 1er to introduce liis style of work, take ordèrs for ■ tain of party, saying had enjoyed M FOW1JÎ, «le ing life the of graphic picturqg deadly conflicts with real No. 4 Elm St T© Let. Price "35 auti 5© cent* per box. For 30 days, for life size Portraits at §15 during process Diptheria. a sociable time. DR. JOHN BUZZELL Crayon each, j the violators of the and by nil druggist.*. £§? Sliawmut Avenue, and warrant perfect satisfaction, and Por- I laws, the warfare (.I.'VEUV <& KJîAIj f,ACJES. Τ )RE formerly occupied by Amos Grover, No. Mas*. d every to apr5 BSomIoii, y trait to be a solid Crayon, free from all Chemicals I Do not be deceived which has been A h;is removed from corner Park and Pleasant Sis. A. 059 CONGRESS ST. aprl2d2w* by remedies heaving a carried on and is still in Tortuous Politician. M11 S. FLOOD, S and and as as an Oil 437 St Photo-tracings, lasting Paint- Congress inc. J similar name, no other preparation is a sub- is even the between Pleasant & progress, unparalleled by expe- No. 03 HîûtIi, Spring. & . TO LET APKJi, êsî, Portraits made from life, or from of IL! Bi\URY FM€Ï «O0D.1, pictures any stitute for this under any circumstances. ditions the of and Shrouds. kind. Also of from a against brigands Southern A Brief Political of the 8 to if A. and 2 to 4 P. M. M Mourning Goods & Children, description, and History Chairman Office hours from M., St Genteel Double Tenement House 27 picture or a for the dlw MRS. 1. Γ. JOHNSON, 4ΰ'J (Congress person bearing resemblance. Europe, moonshiners have been al- of the Democratic Portland, April 15, 1880. Art Critics work State Convention. May Street. M. G. PALMER. pronounce my the finest ever Look out for the name and J 1. most ÏLLUVËKY VANVY dtf exhibited in Portland. address, without exception, supported the Flowers and Real Laces. marlG by M Velvets, SHOES Full particulars given at Studio. FELLOWS, St. John, Ν. B., on the in and Casco S ta yellow communities which have done their G.G.SAUNDERS, MUS. J. DRY DEN, Cor. Congress they [Kennebec Journal.1 House to JLct. Koont Λ'ο. <1, Hammond wrapper in watermark which is seen work. The mover and packer of l'SD€, Miiiic itooicM, ITIwMical Block, by communities are all Democrat- F. B. in and Merchandise. "OUSE No. 8(5 Winter Street, containing 31 market Square. the before the Torrey March, 1875. worked most M Instruments holding paper light. ic. and voted for lion. » Bath Hot and Cold earnestly William an IRA 0. STUClvBRlDGE, 156 Exchange St IIe Rooms, Room, Water, Samples will be on exhibition for a few in Rice, convenient and of O. G. days unswerving Republican, for or Bath. PIANOS AjND FURNITURE pleasant. Enquire Boyd, window of Stubbs' Bros., Street, and Vick- Mayor F. & itllSit ISOOli^, Piaao^, or of II.*E. 101 Com- Temple Price $1.50 per six for B. in 29 Exchange St., SOULE, . & 431 and 433 St. Bottle, $7.50. Yankee Torrey September 1ST."», voted for Hon. Organs. Musical Instruments, &e. Bry Leighton, Congress Versatility. And Jobbing of ail Kinds. MIHIO mercial Street. mJilGdtf Studio from 9 to 12 A. 2 to β Ρ Sold ali Wm. Rice, a Republican, for C. K. lfcVWES, 177 Middle St open M.. M. and by Druggists. The Englishman seldom his Representative «ISOLES ALE 7 to 9, and jy25 changes busi- to the Legislature from Bath. F. B. Co.'s Tea Wednesday Saturday Evenings. Torrev Oruers left on slate at Wilson & Store, Euterior fi)rcora- dim FM&W&wly31 ness or profession. Tlie in abandoned b 8>AS»EE£ ΙΜΑΛ<;ΒΛίί^, AXD aplO representative Ameri- 1878, the old hard prin- or Samuel 3 Free St. Block, will &e. To Let. money Thurston's, X tions, Drapery Work, Upholstery Goods, V*· can is a natural of ilie and Jack-at-all-trades. and ciple Democracy, gave adhesion ta promptly attended to. janl2eodtf G. M. BOSWOKTH No. 4 Free St. I31oek KETAIL. BEST IN THE sowing 4 Τ 09 High St. one unfurnished front parlor, WORLD. the Greenback delusion. F. B. planting perhaps to-day, teaching school next Torrey pre- A- OBGANH, Cliickering & Sons' Jr3L chamber outlooking Spring St. and High St. sided over the hard money Democratic Con- & and FOR week, next year law. ΡΙΑΛΌΝKnabe's, Lindeman Sons', Weber's, Ed, to Congress Square. practising He will un- vention in 1878, which nominated S. McCameron's. BAILEY & NO YES, Agts, Exchange feb28 dtf JALE. dertake anything, offer himself for Major 185 Middle Street. anything, Clifford Belcher for Representative to Con- di The old and reliable firm of backed by an confidence in Λ OliiSANW. mhl astounding seli, gress, but immediately abandoned Major Bel- Instruments and Lowest Prices. To Let, Viitter BroS & Co. otrer l'or sale on and trusting in his good luck. ΡΙΛΛΟ*The Best genius, I have cher and worked untiringly and voted lor So- SAMUEL THURSTON. No. 3 Free St Block in California seen a mau A GOOD RENT of six rooms, centrally located, reasonable terms, there entire young of 27, brought lon Chase, the Maine apostle of Greenbackism to up to no trade or OTOVES, ίΐΏίϊ 6; iD Jiacc*. Jr\. in good repair, with Sebago. Apply stock of Stoves, Etantes, and prolcssion, superintending for Representative to Congress. F. B. W. W. F. Jl the of a Torrey or Furnace Co.'s Goods. CARR, building road >3 Sol« Agents J Magee ZEBLEY, Hitclicn furnishing goods. magnificent over those with Ebon F. Pillsbury, fugled the nomina- N. NOV ES & 12 St fel7dtf 197 Newbury Street. Alps of America, the Sierra STEPHEN berry, A, S'.'N, Exchange 3 Broad St. (Drexel Building) New Ye To any one to Nevada, lie di- tion of Joseph L. Smith as Greenback wishing engage rected the operations of candi- &*'ï'© fc'ESJj Furnaces, αικ( s&aiigt'M. in the stove and kitchen furnish- surveyors and bridge date for Governor in 1870. F. H. builders, as well as the finance and Torrey, Card and Job Printer, Sole Agents lor theFalmouth Range." DIRECTORY. IN ing goods, also general supply de- issisted in 1879 in nomiuating Alonzo Garce- Book, i & Ο. Β. 172 & 174 Fore St BUSINESS DEALER BOND jol> shop partments; for his forces. 100 miles from the lon as NASli, ii Democratic candidate for Governor. Pl.ClU KIBEBT. Issued by cities, counties and townships ο connection, will fiud this one nearest settlement, the train F. 13. NO. :st ϋ ΗΙΛ ΙΗΚΟΡ FUBNACISS· >f the required baggage Torrey in the political campaign of 187!· «Src. best oi»|>ortuities offered of a small army. In various kiuds of skilled ίΟ· Wintbrop Ranges, IVinthrop Parlors, Public. idvocatcd the election of L. an Accountant And Notary his season. labor ho Joseph Sioith ANDREW MULNJX, 109 Centre St M This is without doubt found his tools. His was the execu- but voted Oak Timber & «ΕΟ. V. OlMtc Ne. 184 }IMdl< OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, Governor, for Bion Bradbury. F, Piles, Ship Piank, CODMAN, lie best stand in the State of tive capacity to use them. This man was uoi B. AlffjOR. Always oit h:«U4l the î>c**l street. Corilaiui. Torrey endorsed the Garcelou infamy. F. NEBRASK tlaine. Address NUTTIïli Β RON "brought up." He came up. His education ii. s»itv l)E€H PLANK. TJ German, French and English Goods. SOURI, KANSAS, Torrey took spécial pains te secure the ilis- t'IItE, W. 11. &'«> k CO. embraced merely the three K0HL1NG, ExchangeSt Estate SS9 Market Square, I'ort- It's, "readin', ritin' Iranchisement of tho town of Woolwich, after Real Agents. IOWA AND COLORADO. and 'rithinetic." That ended at 15. < »r Timliit »· audi l'low HcauiH, Treenails, lAIJiOK. and, Maine. Then he ;lie citizens of that town had ex- JOIIH V. ΓϋβνΤΕΚ, No. 93 Enhnnjji with the world. honestly Tifpuai! «mi W Latest attention to bonds of thee mar 13 ν tf grapples A few months in the pressed their at WedgCN flunking Τ Importations. Nireet. Spécial given defaulted Walker, McGraw Co., Detroit Midi. preference the polls. F. B. ιβ it <8 Ιίπ?» Free St. Block j and All class* village store, a few more at a I'iiU' nu.-ί Eiciiitocl; EE in;.', A. E. WEBB, Nu. î* States, information furnished. trade, which is i'orrey, in the recent election &t Af I abandoned municipal Ιμ γ. Bex Konri! SUins?«> liai road Securities, interest paying or defai, THOU. half-learned, a or two at a 4 i'all lint* S«*.s»S he starts for the West. Goods always on ba,nd. d Arrived ng of a stalwart Republican for and τ Ι %νΐΫ1. A. f&oom 11, Printer» mar 10 [Established 1870.] in some frontier town he Mayor, Β <. JORDAN. AH'rwt. Maine. IL CUESLKN 2<Π > Middle S. QU!1\'€¥. All persons are cautioned against seeks not the voca- he regular Republican nominees for Alder- tf ËxcSiaage Wo. IIS Ëxchnugc ?*trcei, tion for which he be one may specially fitted, but nan, Councilman. Ward τ Κ ΦΚΚΊΆΚ.ΚΙδ^. «Voo:l i»iaiJ .?E«*S;slIi< rusting any on my account with· WAITT & Warden. Clerk and "g j TEA 1,1, A MHACKFORD, No. 33 Plein BOND, looks for whatever there bo to 1 &c. Vaults Cleaned and Ashen Reniii ut, an order from as I shall may do. Let Nonstable. F. 1!. Torrey, March :id. ^ Caskets, Coffiiis, £hrouds, Caps, j îSiJcel. me, pay there be an OMnlB* to till and lie attempted ■·· ··>;;, 3;·;· ; ίο AfiBNTH, 5:i doe* not ask ο deceive his Deinocrutio friends < S. U HEIlLMIl, ..-..chaiν A Τ from to cord or loa»H such hills after this date. RlnrkmoneNlrrrl, KOMTOM liiuiself and associ- $4 $0 per $3 per wlietlienbis is the exact to ates on mold till it. his a letter rae>i<:κτ akkes#. viwïi· *«♦*£*««. j', Sï. Mewing .Tlncliinc I<« |»:tir Orders promptly attended to by HEKRY B in· iMohi So. He committee, by publishing in callinjpr POTTER, Popular Fine Cietf Tobacco uiu 11- rushes in, and where he fit I he Agent, 'Terrace, in the ftienr ot tL GiBSl doesn't lie Argui, giving the that he Advertising ;»ud even rcuulsito to<" iunorals. er, 1 Marie'» addressing W. T. nfactured iu :rims a 1 impression only Robes, Refreshment Rooms. Detroit, nutl the χι-eat fav- patch otf he or adds one there until he oted for R. S. λ· McKENNA & ?x;rJOHKB 424 Ooogrer» h (longreiP) Streett my24dly feadti 588 Congrei orite in all Hunt, esq., as a Washington Building, (Providence, R. Portland, April 14, 1880. ap!5d3t· wentern citie*. iuar4eod3ni makes a rough fit.—The temperanoa Graphic. ι nan. F. B. Torrey's solemn asseveration in

% MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 19. CHAPTER OP CRIME. Palermos 3 50 : ILLINOIS. 50@4 Family, ψ lb.. 28 α 30 10s 5d; California average at 9s 10<*a>10s Cd; cli At jVute. Store Mayaguez Mcli 25, sch Helen Maria, Look, fro I 20,aJ25 do at 10e 6d@10s lOd; Corn at 5s 7(1; Peas 7s 4 ! Peanuts- Baltimore, disg. Appier. Provisions, &c.,—Pork at 62s Gd; Beef at Β Ar at FINANCIAL. TRADE 70 Green 75s; Windsor, NS, 13th inst, schs Alma, John- I CIRCULAR. the Bath Times that he was not one of the A Horrible Affair Id Wilmington.! G0@1 3 00@3 21 con at 34s 6d@30s; Cheese at 71e; Lard at 37s 9 Boston; Massachusetts—A Heavy Gale on the Lakes. 1 02 Dried Western son, Almeda, Smith, and Ada S Allen, Dud iu the to overthrow Virginia 50@1 0@ 61/· Tallow at 34s, at London 44s. ley, plotters desperate attempt Family Feud Results in the 35 Eastport. the will of the Murder of Chicago, April 18.—There are almost Tennessee.. .1 20@l doEaetern.. 6(gj evi Old sch people, whilst Gov. Garcelon hourlj lb. 10,&llc 13th, Clytie, Laughton, Baltimore. a Child. of vessels or Castana, φ Sugar. Ar at testifies before the committee reports ashore, dismantled disa " Musquash, NB, 14th sch F Γ investigating bled Walnuts. a2@14c Granulated.... @ 93j C^OIVCJBES» will always be found Pure and r inst, Hall, that he was in Boston, 17.—Mrs. John by loss of seamen. Three losses of lift " Kellev, New York. Swan & consultation espec- April Driscoll of 12@14c ExtraC θ' liable. It makes ligbt sweet buckwbe; witliTorrey, are Filberts, @ dumplings, Ar at St WHOLESALE on Maiden was arrested on the reported The wind lias been " «John, NB, 15th, sch Bob- Barrett, the of was for of to-night. verj Peoan C ially question aliens, which to-day charge ll@13c @8M cakes, pie crust, biscuits, etc., bins, So West Madagascar, a four old high all and accounts of the Yeast Powder Harbor; Kith, Jed F Daren. the purpose of out Senator Lamson murdering year girl of John Credon, day, gale to-niglu Svrups @45 £3p*Congress and Slade's Englif Old sclis counting other received the 16th, Yreka, for New J Β from a neighbor. The of the child was found report accidents on the lake expected. Mustard award in the late Mechanic Drisko, York; Sagadahoc. body Knowles, « -AJNnr> Fair. Both are sold no Pinkham, do; Emma Crosby, rosby, foi lii5 AilU Tho Democratic State after this morning near the railroad, and it is be- Δ Noted Organization Disbanded. by leading grocers, take otl New DRluiiitU) Committee, Trniik Elevator. er. Philadelphia; England, Portland, lieved was Grand Cameron, carefully reviewing Mr. Torrey's political ec- placed there by the Driscolls after The Packing Men's Protective and Benevo- (and all sailed.) the child had been killed The following is a statement of Grain at tlie Grant centricities of the last few years, may find at the house of the lent Union, an organization which inaugurai ISO Middle Strc ei 1 latter. A hood last worn was Trunk 17: SPOK.EN. good evidence of his superior qualifications for by the child ed the mammoth strike at the stock yards Elevator, April MARBLKiliS. the found buried in Driscoll's other cir- April S. lat 34 40. Ion 84 chairmanship of the State Committee of a cellar, and last winter, and which at one time comprised Wheat. Peas. Barley. Corn 30, barque Chas F Ward {CANAL BANK BI.OC K.) who would subvert the of the cumstantial evidence is Mrs. Cars. Cars. Cars. Cars frcm New York for Sagua. MANUFACTURING INTERESTS party rights peo- strong against 10,000 to- nearly members, virtually disbanded 30 At Cape Porpoise, April 15, at tbe bride's bom April lat 31 as and at Driscoll. Balance on band 170 1 54 14, 50, Ion 66 11, barque Alfred, Dealers ill ple fairly honestly expressed the day. Rev. W»P. Ward and Miss (ïovcniiui'iit, llimii i "The hood of the Received 30 1 3i by Merrill, George Helc Keazar, from Pernambuco for New York, with loss polls, although it would not be surprising if dead girl lias since been M. Rice, both of Cape of mi&zenmast. pal and found in the cellar Porpoise. Uailroa'ow is the time the ceiving one hundred Ill U VI BANKERS, to take advantage of and blood came upon the articles in the cellar. and thirty francs and n casks, 578 Va hush oats, 0 bbls herring,35 qtls hake In this city, April 18th, Arthur Glendowei Mill And Dealers August 27,1878, bequeaths another colored ne child of in Investment Securities returning and the increase In A Drunken Husband Accused of the Mur- pistol returned to Madrid. Soon after youngest Henry C. and Ellen A. Peabod} prosperity man, Peter "nil that certain and 4 ja30 deodGni trade and Barnes, money ward the order was revoked and ho was direct- aged 7 years months. manufactures, and we con- der of His Wife. of Maine C'enral. In this 18th coming to me from the United States Govern- ed to kill King Alfonso. Otero declares if he tteeeipi* city, iust., Carrie H., daughter < Tuesday and fidently invite the attention of both Jacob T. and Ann F. 19 Wednesday, Bridget Curtis, aged 45, and of intemperate had not made the Portland, April 10. chandler, aged years. and to our ment for services rendered as a and attempt he would have been CITY OF 1 purchasers excellent teamster, was 20 cars [Fnneral Tuesday afternoon at 2 at the shippers habits, found dead in a stable in the rear assassinated. Two associates For Portland, miscellaneous merchandise; o'clock, BIDDEFORD itë facilities for where I accompanied residence, 51 Danforth Street. Relatives ai securing stocks direct from have killed Tecumseh, the Indian of her house at Boston Highlands this after- him to the of the for connecting roads, 87 cars miscellaneous n.er· April 13tli and lliii, gate palace and remained chandise friends are invited. Burial private.] flrst hands, and for the chief, under General etc. noon with a number of bruises about the head. outside. prompt shipment Harrison," The de- In this city, April 17th, Ella M., wife of C. 1 MUNICIPAL BONDS. of goods to any desired, and to the ceased The husband of the deceased, with whom she Worcester, and daughter of J. D. I/eathe. point came to his house about seven years Reassembling of the French Chambers Daily Dome»tic will embrace the largest and best stock of POPUIiATIOl* following list of as an iu- frequently quarrelled, has been arrested on Receipt». [Funeral Tuesday at 11 o'clock, at her father 14,504 Warehouses, and remained there until New water bush AMNENMED dicatiou of the ago, his death in of murdered her. York, April 18.—(Herald cable.) The By conveyance—1000 Cornmeal to Gi residence, No. 62 Tyng Street. Burial at convei VALUATION importance to which the suspicion having & Co. DEBT of the French on W. True of the Commercial aud September, 1878. Singular to relate, Barnes's A Tragic Affair in reassembling chambers Tues- ence family.] 14®, SSI Manufacturing interests Pennsylvania. day is looked forward to with much interest. Boston papers plaase copy. of the of The would City have attained. knowledge tho life of the deceased is ex- 18.—There is ]?lini«Bg StockN, In this 17th. Nellie D. on undersigned reconnues Emporium, Pa., April We shall then see whether the furious denun- city, April Bibber, these bonds for especially intense of Alonzo and Almira N. investment of trust funds. It wil tremely limited. he had referred at excitement prevailing at Caledonia, ciation of the the Closing prlccs at Portland daughter Bibber, aged 1 bo Although by clerical par- Mining Exchange, bj noticed that the debt ■* ts»™»» ··*■—»- —· IniulruifniM, Mrrd. over a brutal government vears 10 months. different times Pa., murder committed there will find It is T. H. Mansfield & cent oi aMNewcii ACSKICUI/ri'KA·.KENDALL & to his life and his war ty logical expression. probable Co., brokers, 07 Exchange street irom z.îl thin Mondi DRESSGOODS valuation. The law"" ο WHITNEY, Market Square experi- a [Funeral spring Street, Saturday by noted forger and named serious will be without the the State of Maine ami Mhors, Ijenther Ar ence, yet these reminiscences had slipped outlaw nothing attempted Portland,Me., April 17: afternoon at 2Vz o'clock. Burial at convenience < prohibits any.city or town in Fiutlingn. Harry English. A posse went from St. ration of the creasing her indebtedness more than BOOTHC. J. WALKER & 153 and from his memory. Ho, however, recollected cope left centre. Acton the family,] with the most attractive line of five per cent ο CO., 155 Middle St Marys to apprehend English, and arrived at 12 Island assessed valuation. that Graham had said he had shot Tecumseh The Anti-Socialistic Bill in the German Atlantic ....150 At Peaks April 18, Luther Sterling, £>i lui nnd Khoex, Lenther &- Finding*» his house at 5 o'clock. Constables Wrenth and 75 A. while he was lying in ambush at the battle of Ammonoosuc 50@00 fever, aged years. FOB MALE R¥ BOOTS F. COX & SON, Manufacturer». Volmer and Justice Burk met Englsli Reichstag. In Browufleld, April Mr. Isaac the Thames, October 3, 1813, and was shot coining Bisbee 1 00 13, Spring, ûg< uuu is, nuufM nnlow>> Green Corn. clothing cient excuse to exclude the memorial from 50 do from §130,000 to 84, 104. 363/s PORT OF PORTLAND. Turner CANNEDJ. W1NSLOW JONES, 159V4 Commercial St $150,000—yeas nays Westminster It is Bros., An Abbey. that Sales at and amendment abolishing the Indian com- reported Auction. Bought Sold by .Tient*. Fi»l> and Leon Say, the new French Vegetable·. mission was agreed to—yeas 112, nays 65. The ambassador,intends 20 Boston & Maine Railroad 128 Va CANNEDPORTLAND PACKING 22Γ Commercial Fourth Day's to submit a SATURDAY, 17. CO., Proceeding's—Temperance other amendments were remonstrance against the memorial. $3000 Boston & Maine R. Is. 181)3 120 April Cor. and agreed to without di- Congress Elm Sis. and Oil of Vilrol H1H. vision as Arrived. apt 2 Anniversary—Enthusiastic Meeting:. and the bill amended passed, a vote Foreisrn Notes. Second Board—First Call. sndtf SAMUEL CHE.HICALHATWOOD LEAD CO.. office 208 Fore St being taken by and A Steamship Teutonia, (Br) Gibson, Liverpool,—t HANSON, yeas nays. Constantinople despatch says Sahib $2000 Eastern R. R., 4Va 92 Jlanufacturer» A Jobber·. J> Torrance & Co. Mr. McMahon from the committee on Pasha, president of the has 5 Eastern Railroad 36 BUTLER & & Market ap- ministers, pro- Vê New York—mdse t MACHINE CLOTHINGMORGAN, CO., Middie [Special Despatch to the back the to the Sultan to 20 Continental Mills 80 Steamship Eleanora, Bragg, t Press.] propriations reported special deiicien- posed convoke the national as- Fox. 194 MIDDLE IVannfartnrer· A Jobber·. bill with Senate 200 Blue Hill Mining Co. Henry STREET. Saco, April 17.—The of a sy amendments. sembly under the modified electoral laws. 9% Scb & t mhlG eodtf CLOTHINGALIJiN Se CO., 221) Middle and β St« announcement Mr. Polly Clarissa, Ball, Machias—potatoes Temple Conger raised a point of order that the Prince Gortschakoff is less feverish but una- & Bro, and to H Blake. Wholewnle. temperance anniversary brought together a Berry shingles by Cnrgo or Cnrlond. bill must be considered iti committee of the ble to Sell Gott, Brooklin. RANDALL & that filled sleep. Sir uk Statement. Toronto, COAL* MCALLISTER, 60 Commercial St company the church to its utmost and it was thus referred. A Sch Cranberry Isles. Carpet whole, ambassadors Ivy, Stanley, Beating CITY the Constantinople despatch says New ADVERTISEMENTS by Cnrload or Ton. of York, April 17—The following is the week- Sch Forest King, Tainter, Calais for Boston. Cnrgo, capacity. Mr. Springer, who had been all the powers havo a Bank COAL·, S. ROUNDS Se SON, 30 Commercial St acting Speakor signed protocol agree- ly statement ending to-day: Sch Moro. Calais for Boston. Rev. John pro tern, called Mr Cox to the chair and Mr. ing to the made between the Smith, Collins presided. arrangements Loans, decrease.. $ 4,220,100. Sch V R Gates, Webster, Calais for Mystic. Dealer in Hpeeial Coal·. Manning offered from the committee on elec- Porte and decrease HENRY L. After the of an Monténégro. Specie, 4,972,800 Sell Benj Reed, Reed, Kennetffec for Newport. DOG NOTICE. COAL·, PAINE, 207 Commercial St singing appropriate hymn, tions, resolutions for an A increase Investigation into the Portsmouth, Eng., despatch says if no in- Legal tenders, 1,930,100 Sch Mattie Holmes, Gilkey, Bangor for NYork. Whole»ale, by or Cnrload Rev. Chandler offered facts to the Deposits, decrease AT FOSTER'S FOREST CITY DÏE Cargo Perry prayer. relating anonymous letter which telligence of the Ata- 2,748,000 Sch St Elmo, Burnham, Green's Landing for Ne\ Sec. 1. owner or of a COAL·,SARGENT, DENN1S0N A 118 Commercia missing training- ship decrease HOUSE, Every keeper dog shall an- CO., The Chairman an purported to be an to lanta is received as ves- Circulation, 144,900 York. cause it to be gave account of the tem- attempt corruptly influ- by Wednesday, many increase 13 Preble Street, opp. Preble House. nually registered, described, and Roa»tcr» nnd Hpice Grinder·. ence action as a sels of Reserve, 644,300 Sch Metropolis, Reberts, Vinalhaven for Boston licensed for one in the work in Springer's member of the the Mediterranean fleet as can bo year, office of the city clerk, COFFEESISE & 184 & 186 Fore St perance Conway, in which lie has Sch Elwell, Rockland for therefor to NEVENS, ilection committee in the case of vs. spared will be ordered to in the search. Ariosto, Lynn. Machine M. N. by paying said clerk th^sum of twenty- an Donnelly join patented by Foster, Prop. Hpice· nnd lirooer·' Hundrie·. been active participant for two IrVashbum. A Cleared. five cents, and shall cause it to wear around its neck years past. London despatch says Sir Stafford Nortli- New York Stock and monev market. COFFEEH,G. W. SIMONTON & CO.. 13 & 15 Union a collar distinctly marked with the owner's name Mir»., Rev. J. B. Hamilton "Where is Mr. McLane moved to the resolution on cote has aire vacated his Point-a-Pitre—J H Hamlen «5 Carpet at all tenuou* of the sang my lay ady official residence. (By Telegraph.) BrigJSrnest, Lunt, Renting year and and shall into Hpice·, Créant Are. he table. Son. ami In all kinds oi* weather. registered number, pay the city Tartar, and an Rejected—44 to 09. New York, 17—P.- closed in for such license one MORRISON & 250 Fore St boy to-night,"' delivered earnest and April M.—Mun^y Leavitt & C< Leave orders treasnry dollar. COFFEEH, WHITTEN, The resultiou was —106 to abundance at 3 cent, on The Brig Manson, Gardner, Bath—Chase, your for Carpet Sec. 2. adopted 55. per call. bank state- Beating Whoever keeps a dog contrary to the Tlchl· A Prod are Dealer·. eloquent address, warning his hearers THE ment was Sch Rebecca Florence, Crowell, Philadelphia—I the day before, when you want against The House then went Into committee DOMINION. decidedly better. Carpets provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit ten & of#the W Clark & Co. Beaten and returned the same dollars, CO.llTIIHHIONTHOMPSON HALL, 163 Commercial St the danger \Vhich threatens our from vhole on the Sterling Exchange is lower. "We quote day. to be recovered on complaint to use for the country special deficiency bill. bankers slightly Sch Casco Pierce, New York—Berlin Mill city. HTOCK Exporter·. Mr. asking rates, 60 days' bills, at 484V2 per Lodge. aprl3 dsn3w Sec. 3. All fines and penalities in the the great ovils of McMahon made a short explanation of Scb Persis L Smith. Harrington, New York—Star] provided GEO. S. HUNT it Ill Commercial St intemperance. £ (of §4.8665 par value),and on demand $4.87 sections be recovered on COOPERAGE CO., he report, of the committee on Montreal a Free Port. Va. Mills. precediug may complaint Rev. T. a former of against $485 and 488 one week Commercial before court of China and Gla·· Ware. Tyrie, pastor one of the the appropriations ago, New any competent jurisdiction in this ipon bill, during the course of which some Montreal, April 17.—A and influen- bills at 4 83@4 83*4 gold. Sch Rachel Jane, Cashman, York—Rumery city. CROCKERV,C. E. JOSE & 140 3k 142 Middle St churches in this in large Burnie & Co. CO., city, followed, declaring, iassages of words occurred between him and tial deputation from the board of corn rue roiiowing are t.o-day'8 of Sec. 4. All other ordinances to | trade, closing quotations Sch & Tabor. DESIGNS, relating licenses Window·, Rlind· nnd Fixlnre·. au excellent that the Christian Ir. Conger. exchange and Government securities : Frank, Boothby, Bangor—Kensell PAPER for are speech, church harbor commissioners will leave Bl*ke. jCHIOCH dogs hereby repealed. DOORH,J. A. LEAVITT & SON, 250 Commercial St United Sch Myaiic Tie, Beals, Jonesport—Ν as a The committee then arose and at 3 this on Stafes 6's, 1881. reg 105% Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effeet when whole is pronounced in its condemnation o'clock city Tuesday next for Ottawa to join ap- Rlind· nnd Fixture·. , he House United States 6's, 1881, coup 3 05% SUNDA Y."' April 18. Latest proved. Window·, of the adjourned. other delegations from western Canada to United Styles, DOORH,CHAS. S. FARNHAM St Commercial St liquor traffic. He referred also to cer- States new 5's, reg 1021A Arrived. [Approved March CO.,292 make an effort to the to 30,1878.] tain get government as- United States new 5's, coup ν 103% Window·, Blind· nnd Fixture·. hindrances to the success of the sume the Sch t< AT- LOV PRICES. This ordinance will hereafter be enforced. temper- indebtedness of the harbor commis- United States flew 4 V2's, reg 108% Abby Weld, Gardner, Eastport—herring strictly DOORH, LeGROW BROTHERS, 24 Preble St ance WASHINGTON. Dana & Co. C. K. BRIDGES, which he sioners for the of United States new 4 .. cause, among named, 1st, a dis- deepening the St. Lawrence, Va's, coup 108% PIPE, Emerv Wheels, Garden Bor- United States new Soh Fred & Jack, Godfrej, Millbridge. City Marshal. between this and so that 4's, reg v. 106% Short & Harmon. der. J. agreement among its advocates city Quebec, Mon- Sch of Ellsworth, Grant, Ellsworth. Loring, April 10th, 1880. apl3dtf DRAIN W. STOCKWELL. 1 W. Promenade concerning United States new 4's...... — City treal may become a free 106% apr7 dsnlmo we practically port. The Pacific 6's of 96 Sch Sinclair, Ellsworth—sleepers. Chemicnl· A- Drng't» Hundrie·. methods; 2d, want too much at once. The Inter-Oceanic Canal Scheme. desire is to ...< 122 Eagle, declare it so from the opening of Sch Richard W Denham, Kennebec for DRI'GN,J. W. PERKINS Se CO.. 74 S 7(5 Commercial St Rev. D. W. Ce Lâcheur was the Washington, 17.—Dr. this The following were the quotations of next speak- April Long, for navigation year. The government ie closing Rebecca Florence. LI Pninter· A Mfr«. leven stocks : SAILED—Scbs Terrapin, Hnpplie· er, in a years consul at Panama, testified be- known to be favorable to the and others. If want a W. F. PHILLIPS & to who, characteristic speech, kept the project. Chicago & Rock Island 192 Mills, Zingo, you Nice DRUGGIHTS, CO.,134 138 Middle St j }re the committee on the canal Va audience in humor and inter-oçeanic The Temperance Law. Illinois Central ITIedicine·, Paint· nnd Oil·. good made several t hat he had a 105% 146 lias been GRASS to of the B. & Sch of pur SEEDS. good opportunity judge St. Ν. 17.—The C.. Quincy 125% Nicola, Machias, tons, DRIJGH,PARSONS, BANGS & Co., 117 Si HOMiddle St sharp thrusts at the croakers who are 1 arious and John, B., April recent deci- chased tlie Berlin Mills for $2,000 explorations made in that & Alton ... by Co, Portland, pro- surveys sion of tue Dominion Sunreme Court, on t.lm Chicago 105 Good·, nnd Woolen Good·. sl Sch of Machias, 156 tons, rebuilt Fancy nouncing the Maine law a failure. ountry, and he believed all of them were Chicago Alton preferred 2 25 Kalmar, recently STOKER Se 64 temperance act has caused a stir in also bas been the Berlin Mills Co foi DRY BROS. CO, Se 50 Middle St. lade hastily and and with re- quite Kings New York Central 130Va purchased by Orchard Grass, Rev. J. R. of Nashua was incompletely Some of the tavern ftît.OOO. Soli <4arl»nri_ of Manhiae. 166 tons, has Timothy, WRIT GOODH AND WOOLENH. Day introduced s nits not county. keepers have Lake Shore 106% sufficiently satisfactory to induce cap- been at Co'umbia for Blue Red WATCH. t WOODMAN. TRUE Se CO.,137 to 141 Middle St and received a welcome closed, while others remain Michigan Central 91 purchased §2,200. Grass, Top, from his old associates i alists to invest money in any schetne founded open, having licenses from the Council. Those con- Erie...... Ν. Ν. GOODS, Ac. that evidenced the esteem in v pon such a basis. county 42% scb Alice Mil'et, Y. Clover. WOOLENS, high which be is in business will be EASTPORT, April 14—Ar, Dean, Cog DRV A. LITTLE & CO., 23« it 238 Middle St tinuing prosecuted. θθ°/4 Portland via Pembroke. held his brethren of the * lemocratic Senators over Northwestern 94 gins, Hungarian, White Clover, either High, or Low by Maine Conference. Consulting scb Ida C Boston Medium, Cowl·, Woolen» and Fancy Good*. the Northwestern preferred. 108% April 15—Ar, Spofford, Ingalls, His speech was an admirable Electoral Count. for Alsike Clover, Western Clover. we can snit DRVTW1TCHELL, CHAP ΛΙΑΝ & CO., 159 Middle defence of the ΓΗΕ SOUTH Milwaukee & St. Paul 78 Sid, seh Carrie Belle, Banks. Priced, you. Every Maine Law The Democratic members of the Senate AMERICAN WAR. St. Paul Lace·, Fancy Good» against the attacks of its enemies. preferred *...1023/4 ALSO— Watch warranted. c >mmittee on an FROM MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. EDIBBOIDEBie*.JOHN F. RAND. 9ti Cruet rules d of the Senate select New Jersey Central 78*4 St Camp Meeting John Allen closed the meet- c Union >minittee on the subject of counting the elec- Pacific. 88 Passed Dover 14th inst, barque Florence Treat, CooiI·, Trimming», Smnll War» ' iral votes a Great Panic in Peru. Western Union Tel. Co from Savannah for Amsterdam. PRINCE & 151 ing. held long private meeting to-day, 2 -105 Veazie, FANCYMERRILL, CO., Middle St * Old at ltottefdani 14th Belle Morse. ΙΚΓ The ith a view to upou some recom- Washington, April 17.—The following de- inst, ship Flower and Seeds Dry and Picklcd, Orale» in Mall. following, presented by C. F. Allen, D. agreeing New York. Vegetable iendation for action in to the electoral has been received at the Chilian California Hutchins, FISH, DANA & CO., 124 Commercial St v., »- uaii man vi we commiuee on regard spatch lega- mining mtock·*. Ar at Havana 13th tue duty of )unt to be taken tion her this inst, brig Castalia, Brown, FOB HALE AT THE by the Senate at this session, evening from Panama: Portland. Dry, Pickled and Smoked. Christian wa? — citizens, unanimously adopted : t wa« substantially decided to recommend Panama, April 10 Callao is blockaded by 8-a^·'-.· FISII,GEO. TKEFETHEN St CO.. 0 Commercial Wharf otut Quotations of ϋπ i;»iokv \ «> Λ. Lowest » Liin cmnan a. ex- clôsing Mining stocks Resolved, That we vie» with alarm tho iat the two houses of Congress shall iad«P4 jiT navy. panic to-day: market Price .un. Denier* in Fre»h Fi»h. ists there and at Alpha .. 7 Hale & Norcross 5 from into prevalence of both in ew joint rule, providing that, in case only one Lima, and the inhabitants are Brig Augeiia, Mitchell, Cienfuegos, put F JORis LOVKITT & CO., 104 Commercial St corrupt practices, pri- Alta SVé Julia Consolidated. 1V4. Lewes, Del, with loss of sails and cargo shifted JEWELRY vate and îrtilicate of the elector»l vote of a state be Seeing from those cities. 16th, Finnan public life, in individuals and in po- Belcher 3 Justice in a 8th inst. Haddles and Yarmouth Bloaters. hncontorl in Pn«im»oo Ι* oV.rtll The Peruvians have been defeated in Los 13,4 gale THOMAS litical parties; also the fact that both branches Best'& Bclcher.. —12 Mexican IOV2 Sen Win Duren, Doyle, from Boston, arrived at FISII, McEWAN & CO., 104 Commercial St the near we have a of our national legislature is controlled by >cted, except by affirmative vote of the iVngeloa Magueza. Bullion 33/8 Northern Belle. ...15Va Eaftport 15th with loss of foretopmast and jibboom very fine assortment Receiver*and .Hiller»' ro and Agent*. men who were lately in rebellion against our houses, that, in case of dual returns, rhe Reported Capture of a Pe- Car- California 23/4 Ophir 10% in squall in Quoddy Bay. Kendall & of tasty and desirable at FLOUR,NORTON, CHAPMAN & CO., 93 Commercial S t either shall be counted unless the two houses Cho Jar... .· 4»/4 Overman 1 % Sch Abby Thaxter, from Hoboken for Boston, was goods governmect. go of Arms. · Commi*»iou .Hcrrhanl». Consolidated Va .. 3*4 run into off Clinton, schr ο and Whitney, lowest 15th, Baird, dis- Resolved, That all ministers of the free that one of them is the true and va- Raymond by prices. FLOURBROWN St JOSSELYN, 137 Commercial St gospel Panama, April 6.—The Chilian Times of Eureka Con 19Va Union Con 26 masted. A tug went to her assistance and would MAINE in our should advocate the α return. mli3 PORTLAND, Receiver country principles March 13, says: The Knight'Templar, report-· Crown Point 2Vé Sierra Nevada 15% tow her to New London. dtf and Dealer. of civil as in the word of The and best FLOUR WM. L. ALU 82 liberty taught God, April Reports of the Crops. 3d captured recently at Arica, is a wooden Exchequer 2% Yellow Jacket 7% largest stock of EN, Commercial St and in the declaration of our national Gould & 5% Bodie DOMLJKSTIC PORTS. all be»l independ- to marque sf 443 tons, owned in Liverpool. The Curry 8s/s crade», Werner· .Hill» ence and Washington, April 17.—Returns April Potosi ; should also denounce all fraud and and were at Savage 4Λ4 3% FRANCISCO—Ar 7th C F FLOUR, ,J. B. DONNELL, 29 Commercial S show an increase in the area sown in wheat (hip cargo valued 3000,000. SAF inst, ship Sargent. in private and in indi- Rio to Victoria and and oppression public life, st fall of 13 cent, the The Herald's Lima letter of March 24, says: Aiberton, Janeiro, (ordered pro- Coal Grain, Wholesale Dealer»· viduals or in per more than fall pre- ! MARR St political parties. are In to ceeded) FLOUR LITTLEF1ELD, 155 Commercial St ous. In the area sown in there is a de- rhings brighter. order mollify the The Wool Market. Very rye scb M W Cheap Resolved, That we recommend to all mem- after the defeat of the Huascar in JACKSONVILLE—Cld 12th, Drew, Ma- SILVER LOUR» Pro vision* and ine of 0 cent, as with the [>eople WARE Staple Groceries per New London. bers of our conference not now citizens of compared pre- April 17—[Reported for the honey ELLAS THOMAS St 8ti the ious A.rica on Feb. 27, the Chilian is- BostoNj Press].—The F CO., Commercial St year. The condition is 98, precisely the government following is a list of this afternoon: Cld 13th, barque Clara Ε McGilvery, Walnut, United States to become citizens with us, and sued a false price»quoted Receiver* A Whol. irne this as last despatch announcing the capture Ohio and Port ipain. in Orocer*. to in the April year. m Pennsylvania—Picklock, 55@58c;Choice 300 Tons White Ash the State. participate responsibilities and duties }f the a with XX at Fine CHARLESTON— Sid sch M A Come and see. FLOUR HOWES, HILTON & Co., 88 Com'l St of There is a large increase in fall sown wheat Knight Templar, sailing ship, 52@55c; X 52@55c; Medium 62@65c; 16th, Achorn, Egg citizenship. those States which irms for Peru. The agent of the Coarse 48@50c. Michigan—Extra and XX Achcn, Boston. ITEanfr». Fine A Common. have heretofore shown Valparaiso 52@53; from one of the best Collieries in denied the Fine 52@53c; Medium 60@G2c; Common NCRFOLK—Ar 13th, sch Laina Cobb, Cobb, from Pennsylvania. Will FURNITUREWALTER COREY & Co., 28 Free St the spring that the experiment was unfor- ihij? immediately charge. 52@53c. sell the or as Other Western—Fine and X Medium Bostn. lot, quantities desired, much less than a MAINE. and Iowa and Ne- 48@50c; 60@ present market to close uphoi*tery nfr* a Dir. tunate, all, particularly 62c; Common 47@48c; Extra Su- BALTIMORE—Cld 16th, barque Minûie Hunter, price consignment. FRENCHCLOCKS. OEO. A. Pulled, 45@55c; All orders must be FurnitureWHITNEY St CO., 46 Exchange St ■aska, report great disaster from the winter, MINOR TELEGRAMS. No 1 at fleece Parler, Boston. accompanied with the cash. perfine 48@70c; 3ô@40c. Combing DEALER* and η the whole, the wheat crop thus far looks as 55@65; Fine delaine 54g}58c; California PJ1LADELPH1A—Cld 15th, sch Mercy Τ Trundy Warrhon»emcn. Wanted in New Seven chiefs of the Shoshone and Bannock 20@47c; A fresh GRAINS. W. THAXTER & 2 & 3 Hampshire. ■vorable as in the spring of 1878. The condi- Texas 30@42«; Canada pulled 45@60c; do Combing Cro'ley, Boston. importation just receiv- CO., Gait Wharf [ndians told the Indian Commissioners Satur- A Levi G and Lewis-ton, April 17.—Sheriff Kent of Rock- on of live stock is favorable, better than for 52@55c; Smyrna, washed ..; unwashed ; 16th, ships Burgess,Starrett, Liverpool; ed. Some new and Feed, Receiver* A Dealer*. Jay that they were anxious to settle down to Buenos res barue F L Cienf W. very handsome TABOR St iveral years. No disease is other Ay 20@43c; Cape Good Hope 32@35c; Carney, Yates, uegos; brig Liberty, J. GRAINK.ENSELL, CO., 11 Central Wharf ingham county, Ν. H., identifies the man ar- reported men. St schs Charlie DEERI1TO, [arming life like white Australian 50(®56c;*Donskoi 32@33c; Montevideo Devreux, Pierre; Morton,Lath wait, patterns. « flour lan cholera among swine, and that is no Silver and feed. rested under the name of Marden as one 42f®47c; English Combing Caronas; Spray, Hall, Antigua. Billy orse if as bad as last It is that the Mexican government 50@60c. Grain,WaLDRON St TRUE, 4 & 5 Union Wharf year. reported The tendency of prices has been in favor of CI 16th, schs C J Willard, Wallace, for Portland; wanted for ii as demanded of the United States the extra- buy- Flour and Hoyt, breaking into the post office the decline is not so marked as Altrela, Allen. Danvers. 210 Commercial A few more of Provi*ion». ers, though last Street. those nice Whit- W. & C. R. dition of Gen. Marquez, a resident of San and the DEL—Ar sch Geo W GROCERIES,Milliken, 107 & 109 Commercial and store at Raymond, Ν. H., and the depot week, transactions have been confined most- WLM1NGTON, 15th, Jewet apl2 dtf Jet Λ FOREST FIRES. Francisco. ly to foreign grades. Bla\ St Simons. by Spice Grinders St Coffee Roaster* and store at Newmarket. He is also A at Delaware Breakwater F suspected A New Orleans that floods in 16th, barque L Car- GROCERY,TWITCHELL, CHAMP LIN St CO., 175 Com1 dispatch siys fA An· of assault on Jefferson of Camden. néyYates, Cieufuegos Philadelphia; brigs A Flonr and Healey the Bayon Chilts have submerged the Jackson pel? GENUINE Proviaion*. The sheriff domestic Markets* Mitchell, do, (see Mem); Liberty, Devereux. GROCERIES),SHAW, Η ΑΛΙΜΟΝΟ & will take him to New Hampshire mmense Damage Done in Virginia railroad for six or seven miles. lerre; sch Silver Spray, Hall, Antigua. CARNEY, 113 Com'l (By Telegraph.) 5CW LONDON—Ar sch Nellie V BRACELETS M> NECKLACES to-day. Oliver B. Eldridge, a prosperous farmer of New 17.—The market for Breadstuffs 14th, Rokes, York,April χΤκηρβοη, New London. Grocers.CHAS. MCLAUGHLIN St CO... 84 Commercla Activity in the Ice Business. West Mass., hung himself Satur- and provisions ruled fairly active during the past Springfield, W YORK—Ar 16th, brig Walter Smith, Wake· and A1LROAD COMMUNICATIONS EN- in a fit of the blues. week, but closed unsettled and decided lower. PAINT Provi.ion*. Gardiner, April 17.—Most of the ice com- 3ay schs Cook PRESERVER & CONANT Cotton-—The market closed steady and firm at leyMatanzas; Borden, Lunt, Brunswick; Groceries RAND, 153 Commercial St on the Kennebec are in DANGERED. Learned of New York has ordered WiConnors, Morrissey, Charleston; C Which will insure panies busily engaged Judge ll%c foç Middling uplands and 12c for middling McNicliols, Paint upon outside surfaces to last Flonr and Provi*ion*. * their the distribution among the policy holders of Orleans; sales for the past week have been Ronson, Machias; Shekinah, Jones, Portland; Da- Atwood&Wentworth GROCERIES,FLETCHER & 159 shipping stock of ice, a large number of 26,570 Kock- CO., Commercial St the late Guardian Life Insurance of bales on the and bales for future de- viAmes, Green, Kennebec; Richmond, Hall, Company spot 1,222,240 J Ν for /"I BOCER8, Proviaion» and vessels having already arrived. Eleven the funds held the livery. lar; Huddell, Boothbay Philadelphia; R S TWENTY Flonr. Petersburg, Va„ April 18.—The forest by Insurance Department. and * YEARS Vj AMES, CHASE St 157 Flour closed dull and No 2 at 2 Hcgdon, Stearns, Lucy Baker, Robinson, from BATES, Commercial St steam tugs are now on tho and which have been in this weak; 60@3 75; Rot emploved river, res, raging vicinity George B. Prescott of New York, electrician and land; Olive Branch, Whitaker, Ellsworth; S W OB a fact which 509 and Supperfine Western State at 3 85@4 50; com- LOIVGEB; has been demon- St. provision*!. ir M Harmon's Laura others are on the The steam the past week,have become uncontrollable, 3f the Western Union has mon cay, Harbor; Robinson, Congress GroceriesSHAW, SON & 149 to way. tug Company, resigned, good extra Western and State 4 55@4 90; Luce, strated actual trial. and aplO ST&Ttf HAWKES, Commercial St A Ε by Prepared sold _ Tecumseli from North arns and stables in numliers have been to take of the Gold and Stock good to choice do at 5 90; common to choice Poland; Hammond, Simpson, do; Augusta by 1Λ Flour nnd Carolina, is expected large charge Company 10@6 Heick, Herriek, Swan's A F ROCEKIEM, Provi»ion». istroyed and in many Instances farmers have is Vice President and Executive White Wheat Western extra at 4 50: Island; Howe, Ellis, U WOODBURY & 139 next week. Manager. 80@5 Fancy and Provi- LATHAM, Commercial St ist all their horses and do at 5 common to extra Ohio 5 20 Wren; Eugene, Clark, Pushaw, Alley, ASAHEL crops, farming imple- The Giant works at 65@7 00; good C H WHEELER. Flour and powder Berkeley, -ear common der; Eaton, Swain; Olive Avery. Bishop; Provi»ion«. The schooner Mabel L. has loaded lents. A number of cabins have been burn- @6 85; to choice extra St Louis at 5 20@ D. W. Phillips San were blown and 12 Dcglae Haynes, Hodgdon; Lyra, Bray, and GROCERIES,TRUE St CO., 92 Commercial St the Francisco, up Friday, 7 00; Patent Minnesota extra at 6 00@7 00; choice Hyena, F.A.ROSS & CO. from the Great Falls 1, occupants barely escaping with their Abbie Ε ice houses for Washing- white men and 12 or 15 Chinamen blown to to double extra 7 Mills extra for the Gainer, Providence; Willard, Farnum, Dealer in Paints and Flour nnd ProTi»ion*. ves. The destruction of cordwood and tim- 20@8 15; City Wiford. Painting E. M. ton, 1271 the of atoms. West Indies at 5 85@6 20; low grades extra 4 Materials, GROCERIES,STEADMAN St CO., 145 Commercial St tons, being largest amount ice 3i· is immense. The Priuce 50@ J 17th. sch S G Hart, St Kitts. George county 4 75; Southern flour dull and weak; common to fair Pinkham, 145 MILK ROCERS and Dealer* in Flonr. ever on one vessel on the Kcnnebec. re has been orch- Gen. Grant is meeting with warm receptions How, barque "John"' Jackson, from Buenos STREET, BOSTON. very destructive, involving extra at 5 25@5 60; good to choice extra at 5 70@ CIΤ SMITH, GAGE St CO., 92 Commercial St •ds and hundreds of fruit trees. In Illinois. 7 the sales for the week have been bbls. Ays. Circulars sent A Maine Claim destroying 00; 81,000 n, DRY referring officers Jersey. Mass., yesterday destroyed store, Ô2Q1 14@1 15; Cap», Robe» and JLOVIDENCE—Ar 16th, schs Norman, D„ HIEBER Fur», (.lore». of the Olive Cape and an store. White at 1 20@1 30. Reed, S°M HATS,BYRON GKEh '«UGH St 234 brig Frances of for May, April 18.—A forest fire is Iwelling unoccupied S G CO.. Middle St Machiasport large Wheat—the market closed dull and weak: No 2 Brtswick, Ga; Hart, Hart, do; Nellie Eatofi. ν in northern and southern υαιαιο· IN Agei. for Oriental Power loss by her collision with the United States tging Cape May Red Winter 011 and seller 1 xvuBviiU) ΟΧΈ!. Mills. umberland south of and spot JApril 30V2v^l 31; Si 16th, schs Hardware.Ν. M. PERK ΓΝ*: a- IV. v„ ■> υ——·· nnnhn»» i- -» Τ—l— ολ counties, Millville, returning from a funeral yesterday were as- sales at 1 27 for May and 1 253/4 for June; No 2 Abigail Haines, Mazrell, Portland, lere a Ct;> S Williams, to load ice has been great loss of property. The saulted by a party of roughs, but tliey dis- Chicago nominally at 1 23® 1 25; JXo 2 Milwaukee Tyler, Kennebec, for HOMEMADE BREAD BAKERY. by ileum, Va* A Water to the United States Prcidence at §1.50 pr ton. ΗΕΛΤΙίΊΟSMITH Si pipe. 1866, district court for the tizens are greatly excited and extra forces persed the mob a at 1 27®1 28; No 1 White 1 25V3@1 27 for April; 533 me ami SaMill ABBOTT, 38 & 40 Union St by bayonet charge. Se Mail, of Gardiner, goes to to load Congress Street. Continues. district of Ma ive been ordered out to subdue it if 1 23@1 25 for May; sales for the week have keen Virginia Κ Ο >. Steel, ine. possible. A land slide occurred at Mineral King, Col., oyst.« fof Providence. Carriage Hardware Ac. 4,275.000 bush. Thii is the best in It is I Κ. CORKY & CU., 125 & 127 and crushed the house of ScïEtta A Stimpson, for Camden or will place the Citv to boy your well known that we have Commercial Heavy Storm on the Coast. Saturday boarding Corn—the market closed dull and heavy: Νο£ Bangor, Cake» and M load 2" for Mobile at §2.7C per ton. •ie«. all kind» of made the Λ, le cl. Heavy Hardware Ac. the Empire mine. One report says 15 men are on spot at 52c; May at 46(5)46% c; June at 4£%@ :om the ciioicest material». Pantry, purchased entire stock of Camden, April 17.—A heavy storm of enow THE PRESIDENCY. PASfTUCKET—Ar 16th, sens Gen IROA. E. STEVENS Si CO., 140 St 160 missing. Four are known to be killed. Other 46V2C; steamer for April 50®51c: sales for tb Scott, Rich, O. Douglass at great discount Commercial Calaii Fair Wind, Woodward, Ellsworth. and flic h. Cine and rain has here The idvices that all are alive but a number are week have been bush. added and Hard Wood prevailed to-day. say 1,082,000 NKHTPORT—Ar sch C A the same to our own stock. KUFUS OATs-^market firm; No 1 White at No 2 ô lGth, Sproul, Sproul, HOT MILK and CREAM TARTAR LIIUBEK,DEERING & CO., 2ί)2 Commercial St steamer Lewiston of the Portland & Machias sadly hurt. 50c; ?ortloid for New York, (and sailed.) BISCUITS We now propose to Not a Bright Outlook for Samuel. at 47c;No 3 White 44c;N« 1 Mixed at 42c; No 2 ô Every afternoon at 5 o'clock. Eastern, Western A The Wells House at a Alstar 16th, schs Frank Norton, from Fall River Mouther· line, put in here for harbor. She could not Hamburg, la., large 42c: sales for the week 478.000 bush. 1 Ll'.VB£K,S. H. Si A. It. DOTEN. 25ti to 2U4 Adbany, 17.—The Times br Rowland; do for Kennebec. ha^l a fore St April Evening aotel, was burned Saturday. Pork—closed more steady but inactive; new mes Hyena, Having long experience in my 14 make her landing at Rockland. ates that 162 anti-Tilden have been / Saibd, schs Island Belle, Jos Bakery Spruce, Pine aad Short. delegates on spot 10 75; April 10 70 asked; 10 30 bid Maj Farwell, Alabama, Pleasant street, (which 1 shall continue to The tfrike of the employes of the Brooks Pushiw, IKmiI Webster, Nellie Ε Star. Ellen run) 1 LCIUBEB,RUMEHY, blK.N iK & CO.. 332 Commercial Gardiner, April 17.—A severe storm of hail ected to the State Democratic convention as 10 60 bid for August; sales for the week 2000 bb' I Gray, guarantee to sell better goods for less than St ron woks at has terminated, 'eritfrs. Ja» Heiiry, Rath S Ε G money .tlfr. ir as heard from. Reading, pa., on the spot, and 11,250 bbls for future delivery. Hodgdon, Knight, any other bakery in Portland. i'anadn Spruce A Piue and snow, with a heavy gale of com. to work at the j jookott, and others. for Kiver La Plate wind, rhe men go Monday employers' Lard—closed more steady; prime steam on spot at llot Plnui LC-V1IICK, Trade, South America. 17.—A number of ΝΕλλ BEDFORD—Ar sch Martin W Brown Bread for sale C. menced at midnight, about an inch of snow Syracuse, April large :erms. 7 17Va(&7 20; 7 17% hid for April or 7 22% 16th, Bates, every ON ALL M)D S. CLARK, 270 Commercial St May; ( Rockland. Sunday morning, from my bakery 14 Pleasant St. LOTS. jlegatee to the Democratic State ccnvention bid June; sales at 7 27Va for July; city rendered at iould, falling. The Boston boat due this morn- Col. Jas. H. Jones, commander of the Sid lith, sch Lucy Baker, Allen, New York. aprl4 d3mo (Îutlenc, .Ttoulding» Ae. early ive arrived. The Courier the dele- 7 15(®7 17Va; refined nominally 7 55@7 67V2;sale8 This LITIBEK, LEGROW 24 glasses Marine at Charlestown, Mass., WOOD'S HOLE—$Jd sch for sale affords all an BROS., Preble St had not arrived at 9 m. ιιό.1 ινπ α_ Corps navy for the week tes on the and 15th, Oomo, Bunker, oppor- ing p. ιυιιυπο, Auvrxuuou) xiiucui 15,000 spot 62,250 tes 'ouldstoro. All tlich. Pine A Hard 18. It is fard, died Saturday from pneumonia, aged H6. for future Premiums at STATE 1879 tunity to buy Wood. Death of a Prominent 19; doubtful, claimed that Hewitt, delivery. VINiYARD-HAVEN—Ar schs FAIR, Ll'.HBEK. WIDBEB Sî 22U Citizen of Rockport Tallow quiet at 1-160. ISth, Ethan Αί- BACON, Cem'l St. 'ev'.in and Purser have abandoned Tildeu for 6@6 α, Bli*e, Porto Rico for Charter Straw Camden, Butter—weaker; State and Western creame- Portland; Oak, «iood», Silk» Ac. April 17.—Alexander Martin of and Emma W JOHN oymour. ries 24@30c; Western and State dairies image Day, Doxry, Portland for ΜΙΙΧΙΛΚΒΙ, Ε. PALMER, 243 Middle St a business man AND COMMERCIAL 18@25c. sw Yok; L L Mills. and Rockport, prominent of Cam- Hancock Delegates Appearing. FINANCIAL Cheese—firmer; State factories at Armstrong, Maggie El- DRY and 100111/ 13%@15%c; GOODS niiiinrry t-oo.i-. i, Litilejohu, do for do; Muskeo, do for den and father of Hon. H. 17.—The Demo- Collins, MillineryBIBBER, MORRILL A 04 Joseph Martin, Montpeliek, Vt., April LAMSON, » McMANN, Crow ilade^hia; Pcacedale, do for Portland Daily Wholesale Market. WuiSKEY~nomiiiai at 110 ^ gal. for Western. Arnold, Narragan- —AT— was found dead in his bed this morning, pro- •atic caucus elected six Hancock delegates t Piei Carrier», Illuminating A .tl'chu'r. April 17.—Wheat lower at 1 11 for OILS.JOHN CONLEY 4 of the State convention. The delegates unin Portland, April 17. Chicago, *4 '«DGARTOWN—In port 14th, schs SON, Mira., 25 Com'l St bably heart disease. 1 07% for 1 for Corn Seventy-Six, ructed are sure to vote as a but the May; June; 03V2 July. high- oinsoi, Rondout for Boston; fm Varni»he» A unit, The are quotations of Flour er Diadem, Fu'ller, Old Prices and Oil*, Supplie». following to-day's 85V4c for April; 353/4@35yec for 35yec Ε G Less. W. Postal Changes. lucus a resolution the ein- *May; àdoutfordo; Willard, Simonton, Portland Artist PAINTS,JOHN PERKINS & CO., 74 & 70 Com'l adopted urging irain, Provisions. $c. for June: 30%c for July. Oats higher at 29c for IPhilidelphia. St of all honorable means to secure the 29%c for for Oils, Varnixh, Bru»he» Washington, April 17.—The following loyment Potatoes· April; May; 293/e June. Pork higher OSTON—Ar David Photographer, Ac. 16th, ship Brown, Colc^ord, W. F. PÎ1LLL1PS & tate delegation for Hancock. 9 75 April. Lard higher at 6 72V2 April. schs Isaac Ï PAINTS, Co., 134,130 Λ 138 Middle postal changes have been made in Maine: Rose, busli:— fcapore; Campbell, Snow, and A R Early ψ Detroit, 17.—Wheat Opposite Oil· all A Sherman Boom from Ohio. Houlton April lower;extra nominal; Vers, Thompson, Baltimore; Clara Ja e, Allet. Falmouth-Hotel, F. SUPPLIES, kind· Office O. F. ..50@ A. Ross & J. B. established—Bay View, Me., No 1 White at 1 13ya; 1 13Vi for April; 1 Ih Amboy; White Foam, Dix, and Lester A Lew- PAINTERS' FICKETTSCO., 187 Fore St Cincinnati, April 17.—Of the fifteen coun- Maine Central 45(a} 13Va HE. Co., Page postmaster. for May; 113 June. frendieton, lloboken; PORTLAND, A es Grand Trunk 46® Seventy-six, Robinson, and * Hanging», Book» Postmaster — Horace in Ohio whose conventions were heard Fuller, Up one flight only. Stationery appointed Kellogg, Proliiics, Eastern 46@ fiem, Hoboken; Sea Flower, Lincoln: no4dtf PAPERLOH1NG, SHORTSi HARMON, 208 .Middle St Me. om today, ten have chosen delegates to the «. Baker. and Vancebore, Grand Trunk 42@ Jrving, Telegraph, Tliorndike, «New Viucgnr, tate convention unanimously in HnTana market. k; Delaware, Kellar, A Τ Cor. Brown Cider, Ketchup Ac. Republican Tacksons 35^40 Rondout; Haynes, mblG Congress Sts. PICKLES,Ε. I). PETTENGILL, 8 Si 10 * k, Mfr., Market St ιvor of Sherman's nomination. Two (Tre- The above are car small about Calais; Elizabeth, Ray, and Panama, eodtf SPORTING. prices for lots; lots (By.Telegraph.) Β Webber, CARDS. A Uen'l ont and are in favor of and Ivorth; Mary Smith, for WEDDING_ Commi»»ion Ucht». Clark) Blaine, 3c higher. Havana. April 17.—Sugar market in I AJaloney, Thomaston unchanged York; Maria Theresa, PRODUCEH01H1D0N Hi SOCLE, 101 Commercial St iree divided. tone, but toward the close of the week there was a Kclloeh, Rockland; Ella Flour. «•ira? η. Ices,ices, vveouer, Ipswich.ipswicu. WIÎ.LIAM S. Fruit» A Rowell and Brown Accept livelier business done and prices rose about Ve of a Webber^ LOWELL, Euucy «iroccrie» O'Leary's Superfine 4 00 Yellow Com, sch Wm G PERRY Si 50^5 real for No 10 to 12 d s at 116th, Moseley, PRODUCE,FLINT, Com. Mclits., 7 & II Moultou Challenge. MARINE NEWS. Extra Spring..5 2f>a}55 0 car lots 59 except Clayed; 8% @914 ^aton and Bellaty, Charleston; WEBER " Phinney, John Ε for PIANOS No 15 to 20 d s — reals perarrobe; Sanford, Berry, «JOODS.-Hall Rubber New 18.—The 5LX Spring 6 25®G 75 H M. 58 gold lO^igllVfe &ebec. ENGRAVER, Co. York, April News " Molasses No 7 to 10 at n RUBBERC. H. BOSWORTH. Sunday :>ate, @48 reals; Sugar 7V2@7% reals; 18th, barque Syra. 191 miDVLe under Falmouth Hotel Rowell and the Muscovado common to fair at Pettengill, schs H'l'BEKT, Portland, Tl & 11 Cuion JhickenR Ex Mess.. 11 75@12 00 0d@35s; loading at ports on wfor Rondout; A good Small and Knight, seven S. Providence, R. I., concluded ilwarks down to the water's edge." The Eben north coast for United States Hume, Rockland; Water A Saturday night, Fowl Plate 12 25@12 50 (outside ports) per hhd J?Donohue. Wiscasset forCalderwood, new. L3TEA.H, «α», Vcutilnlinic Pipe Sullivan took first with a score of isher was towed to Island for : at 4 50; hhd Molasses 2 Newark; Laura Η stop organ, nearly Will be Ο DANIEL prize 355 City repairs. Ex Plate..12 75@13 00 Sugar 00@4 per 75(a)3 00. Je and WIN'SLOW Si SON, 7 Cross St miles. Schooner from Norwich for Egg»· at 2 321/i®2 32V2. Melville, Friendsnip for do. sold low. Address or inquire ot ¥ER 60 Pork— Spanish gold Ann; CUTTER A Mary Haley >w. Potatoes. .3 75@4 Exchange 5th, sch S J Watts, St FOR SALE. ,Tlola«»c» ■ inporler». United States 60 at Kelley, John, NB. P. went ashore at Sands' Point bbl.5 00,0-5 25 Backs.. ..16 50@16 75 days gold 3Vé@3% preni; short UCESTER—Ar C.ITIAKSTOiy 148 Newbury St. SUCARUEO. S. HUNT & hiladelphia, Inione, 011 19th, schs Reuben S Co., Agte Eagle crate..3 Clear 15 00 sight do at4V2@5 prem; London 14% Hunt, mar36 dtf A 30 inch ReBuery METEOROLOGICAL. „st night and is full of water. Bermuda, 25, 50@16 @1514 Ε^,η, Gardiatr for New Champion Paper Cutter, in rimUNKS, Bac», Mess 13 00 prem. Be York; Chilion, Pope. erfect order Boxe», Ac., MfrK. St Dira. INDICATIONS for the next Schooner Scud, from New London, is ashore Kound 50@14 for Portland; Cynosure, do for running· for steam or hand A J. L. BRACKETT St twenty-four HqgB...6H@7 I Hams 12 fai Howard, Bcl- CO., 2135 Middle St ; Hart Island. Chewe. 10@ ower, will he sold at α ITlarkeia. bargain. Call Mfr». and HOURS. Maine 15 @16Mi ! Xard. European IBURYPORT—Sid η Bag» Ac., New 18.—The steamer 15th, sch Challenge, Me- FOK (IHIJIA or address WM. M. TRUNKS,G. B. BROAD & Dealer», War York, April sound Vermont 15. @16Va i rub, φ ft 8»/«@ 8^ By Telegraph.) seist George. DEOORATION MARKS, 111 CO., 152 Exchange St Dsp'T, Office Chief Signal in lb .8 ) liode Island, collision Friday night, .ST. y. Factory 15 @16V2 I rierces, ψ. @ 8*4 April 17—12.30 P. M.—American secu- KSPORT— Ar sch xchange Street, Portland. Mfr», l.ub'enting A Wool Officer, D. > London, 12tb, Onward, Lowell, aprl5 Oil» Washington, C., lached here in tow this She is but Frui Pail 93/4 @10 V4 rities—United States bonds, 4Vas at sld 14th for New d3t VARNISHAUG. P. FULLER St 208 morning. 1 lllVfe. Pod, (and York.) Sleeve CO., Fore St April 19, 1 A. M. .. ) ightly damaged, and will soon take her place Oranges. Kegs 17—12.30P.M.—Cotton Buttons, Crosses, IVI1ITE LEAD A For New 3 00 Beau». Liverpool,April market J. II. COLORS, Paint». England, jon the line. Palermos^bz 50@4 at FOREIGN port». BATES, Τ Τ BURGESS FOBES St SO 00 Pea 2 10 easier; Middling uplands 7d;Orleans 7 1-16; sales Late CO., Commercial St followed Vralencia^ca8e7 00@8 00@2 7,000 for speculation and Amain Mch Nellie of S. M. Pcttengill & Co. rising, by falling barometer, warmer " Mediums 1 87 bales; export 1000. IS, brig Husted, Brewster, Medallions, &c., ( 17~00LENS A Tailor»' south and east ^box 75^1 froston, disg. \V CHADBOURN Trimming». winds, partly cloudy weather, The California legislature adjourned sine die Lemon». Yellow Eyes 2 10@2 20 Liverpool, April 17—12.30 P. M.—Flour ΙΙ&αί Newspaper Advertising Si KENDALL. 1H8, 170Middle Winter Wheat 9s Anarara Mch 26. sch The Artists' Material S Agent, possibly followed by light rains. riday at midnight. Messina 4 00@4 60 Batter. 13e; 3d@ls; Spring Wheat 9s 103 Cephas Starrett, Bab· Store, Kim St., 1 PARK (7ΛΝΚΕΕ NOTIONS and bid* Navassa and Baltimore. ROW, NKW YORK. 1 tirut»' Fnrk aplliFJl&Wtf One Door from Congre» Send (or Un of ni»hing Uood». Agents 100 ebole· Newspaper». !o. Waterbury Cloc- SHEPHERD A CO. Φ PRINCE VS. SKILLIN. GERMS OP THE DISEASE. The Brunswick Postofflce. SOMERSET COUNTY. PRESS. Mb. Editor:—Will NEW ADVERTISEMENTS you allow space iu your Mr. Wm. Hurd, an old and respected citizen MINING STOCKS. AUCTION SALES. of died The Answer Defective An paper for a short statement about the Bruns- Athens, suddenly on the 8tli inst., at Apparently Fatally Important Recommendation from the the advanced MONDAY MORXOG, APRIL 19. wick which some of age of 90 years. Commissioner on postoffice, correspondents Health. Within a few years the farmers of Somerset THE F. 0. BAILEY & the Argus are commenting upon as though a CO., THE PRESS Tlio answer states that defendant believes county have devoted more attention to the CARD. serious breach had been made in the Republi- raising of wheat than be obtained at the Periodioal Depots of N. G. there was an that formerly. At the mill AUCTIONEERS, May election Sept. 8, 1879, Mr. Editor:—In tlie of the of H. S. JAHIE8 W. ï) \ VIM a busi- * Brunei & Arm- report commis- can party hero by the appointment of the pre- Steward enough toll has been taken Kn(jm prominent essenden, Marquis, Co., Andrews, ness man of will be at the Prince, the petitioner, was a citizen and eligi- on within the Ellsworth, Mo., strong, Cox, Went worth, Hodsdon, Hayden, W. P. sion public health, which was appointed bj sent incumbent. The facts are these: past year for the grinding of wheat corner and Fore Welander. lile to but defendant does not know to make 75 barrels of Morris, Exchange St.; office, how Walker last summer, was a recommen- flour. Chisholm on all Mayor Two for the office obtained a LAST Boston & Maine Depot, and Bros., petitioners on many votes were thrown, or Prince received, the Mr. A. F. is now contracts WEEK, Tuesday the 20th trains that run out of the dation that entire of Knight making Falmouth, inst, city. system accumulative large proportion of the signatures of the Re- with the of L. Hodsdon and H. B. Kendrick. and of same. He farmers in the of Fairfield accompanied by Col. William If. Darlings, Private Saw, requires proof denies that be abolished. As no vicinity Plum Street, Portland, Me. privies utterly steps have publicans of the town, with some Democratic for sugar and in Secretary, and will offer for sale Bath, of J. O. Shaw. fair records of of lists of beets, spite of the ill luck of Kichard Foss. the persons voted for, been taken in this which Lcwiston and Auburn, direction, however, and as names. Both candidates were ardently sup- attended their venture last aeasom, ONE Auction Sale at 10 Λ. M. Biddeford, F. M. Burnham. at said town meetings, for commis- owing to HALF Every Saturday county none are inexperience in the manner of culti- — ·' Jellerson's Bookstore. apparently contemplated, it behooves ported, and for various reasons worked hard THE —OF THE with the number of votes for vation, they are hold of the matter Λ scut» for (he Celebrated (eucord Hume** G. Dennison and W. sioner, each were us as who have a for our taking Brunswick, B. H. Marrett. people regard com- each either or with A. Beale. as against other, personally considerable interest. Richmond, G. duly made up required by law, and that eur health and our H. fort, lives, to do what we their friends. In this dilemma the Groceries and Store Woodford's Corner, Moody. thereof sealed through PENOBSCOT COUNTY. CITY I BOSTON MINE. Fixtures at Auction. copies duly up and can to u F. A. Verrill. attested, mitigate nuisance which we ■■ Cumberland Mills, are indis- same which usually A son of Sirs. Clara This property is one of the largest and best on TUESDAY, April 20tk.at o'clock P. M., J. Irish. were transmitted to the thing happened happens, Genthner of Parkman, LAST Gorham, Secretary of State ; to man the great Mineral Zone of Blnehill, and is under the OXat our salesroom. 33 Street, we shall posed suppress. The report mentioned in such cases, an unobjectionable third aged seven years, was drowned He DAYS, Exchange Saccarappa. at the Post Office. denies the recently. personal supervision of O'Connell of Neva- sell a stock of Groceries, of Tea:; and To- petitioner has rightful claim that he above was in both was sought for, and Mr. J. W. Crawford, an left his home at 9 o'clock in the Timothy consisting Rockland, O. C. Andrews and E. R. Spear. published the morning forenoon to da. Capitalists are requested to call and examine bacco, Spices, Soaps, Canned Goods, Extracts, D*mariscotta, E. W. Dunbar was lawfully or that ho should have upright citizen of honorable war record, was spend the day at a and charts and Starch, Tubs and elected, papers, and, therefore, it is to re- neighbor's, attempted prospectuses. Pails, Crockery Ware, Fancy Freeport, W. .J. Parker. unnecessary put forward and obtained tho appointment. to cross a brook near his Marble .Meat been declared elected and notified thereof ; de- the which mother's house and aprl7 d3t Goods, &c., Top Bench, Scales, Safe. Tliomaston, S. Delano. peat arguments were urged against It is entirely probable that had either of the fell in and was drowned. Show Case, Desk. Jkc., &e. B. Lane. nies that was declared and noti- THE Vinalhaven, this method of disposing of excreta. other candidates roceivod the united support I<\ O. ÏÎASÏiLV A: CO., Aurtiom-er*. Waldoboro, G. Bliss. tli^petitioncr Nobody OXFORD COUNTY. fied of his election by the Secretary of State ; de- has to of all the signers, the one so supported would apl5 dtd Wiscasset, Gibbs & Bundle' attempted refute them, and evory Last Mr. A. J. nies have beon as was Master Joseph Friday, Knight, a well Yarmouth, C. E. Coombs. that he, the defendant, received less votes reason which existed for appointed, known advancing them at Given, the last and de- citizen of East Rumford. received a Stocks. Aiincial «alt· of DceriHg Rt'ul Es- Auburn, V. R. Foss. than postmaster, recently severe petitioner for the office and demands that time obtains with ceased. the rolling of a Mining E. Judkins. force now. Suf- accident, by Lisbon, C. equal his left log upon LAST HOURS tai»· at Auction, Hallowell. H. H. Allan. proof of same ; admits,and believes it to be to As it is it would be hard to find outside of leg. It was broken in three places. true, fice it say that the united voice of the sani- At last 21st, at 4 F. Pierce. near two accounts he was "IVTEDNESDAY, April commencing Augusta, that the Governor Council the personal adherents of the quito comfortable, but τ f and considered the world them to be foremost will All (lie Maine and New o'clock P. M. First, the two story house tary proclaims in candidates an probably be laid up for some time. Hamp- returns from Portland prominent intelligent Republi- known as the "Crocker" at tin* head of fatally defective, but the ranks of the can who is not shire Stocks. at- property, diseasc-producing agencies satisfied, and Brunswick will WALDO COUNTY. OF Mining Special Pleasant Street. Second, five building lots on Clark CITY AND VICINITY. denies the votes of the of Portland were show its usual at the next Street. three lots on South city with which civilized communities have to con- Republican majority An old gentleman named John tention given to orders for Third, building Street, election. Thompson, Acton, a part of the ''Freeman Garden." At Γ» legally given in, or that the acts of Governor tend. Republican. some 70 years of of Portland o'clock, age, Searsmont, recently Acton, Boston Acton, the "Morton Place," at Allen's Corner, Dec ring, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS and Council were null and void. walked to a distance of 20 of S TO-DAY. He claims The is not but it is so im- Rockland, miles in consisting two-story house, rooms, built in subject attractive, seven Forest City, Deerinpr Acton, aud that he took the oath of LETTER FROM JOHN hours. 1878, by the day, and finished throughout, 1 Vb office January 1,1880, in of its char- BENSON, JR. MISCEU.ANEOL'S NOTICES. portant that, spite disgusting IN GENERAL. Fdgemoggin Silver Stocks; aud acres of choice land, with apple, pear and cherry and claims to now hold the office that the For House Cleaning. ; acter, I beg you to give publicity to a few facts The trees, ornamental shrubbery, &c. The above prop- Kennebec Journal says that Mr. Pit- COVERING'S Amnionoosuc, Haviland, Grafton, is well located and will be low. returns of the were sold Parties NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. county examined by the and in He Reiterates His man erty suggestions relation to it. Charge Against Ex- Pulsifer, the sworn of the and desirous of In are invited to Governor and stenographer Atlantic Blue Hill Bay Copper purchasing Peering The Last Week—A. W. Love ring. Council; that he was declared Hale committee lias finished examine. For or call In the report of the commission it was esti- Councillor Parker, and Produces Cor- transcribing his Stocks. Orders particulars private purchase Pure Paints—Notice. elected ana notified the of notes taken before the committee. The work promptly executed. on F. Q. PATTERSON, 379 Congress Street, or at by Secretary State; mated that 1200 cart-loads of were Farmers' Notice—E. D. Pettcngill. night-soil roborative Evidence. makes 1000 of GrRAKTD in new time of sale to Dr. Goodhue's-J. If. Russell & entered on the duties of the and pages foolscap closely written. Club Stocks Old Co. office, has not moved in the This was almost The Companies. F. O. BAKLEY À CO Auction?*-!··. Australian preceding year. testimony of ex-Gov. Garcelon makes Cjape—Horatio Staples. abandoned his claim. He further states that 5019 Correspondence solicited. If stormy, sale next pleasant day, same hours. AVanted—Smart Energetic Man. certainly an underestimate; and, during the pages. apr8 dtd all the which he ended the Lost—Red Wallet. proceedings by is held to year just number of loads would John Benson, Jr., ex-Deputy .Secretary of Fourteen Maine vessels loaded with ice for β,000 Acres—Geo. F. Foster. answer, are commenced and under probablv rango between 1500 and 3000. It is State under the Southern into IMPORTANT MALK OF Ix)St—A Bundle. prosecuted Pillsbury government, pub- ports put Gloucester, Mass., impossible to calculate the for a GIFT BOOK amount, shelter from SALE exactly Saturday, the Cider For Sale. "an act providing for the trial of causes in- lishes in the Newport Times a in storm. The JOHN S. but almost every permit covers from two to sharp letter, St. John MORRIS, Another Large Line Todd & Moree. steamer for Boston also put in there. volving the right of parties to hold public four loads, the number to reply to ex-Councillor Parker's denial of the Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Store Fixtures varying according 23 Portland. AT to the size of the vault. An of IN Exchange Street, Ac., AUCTION. office," purporting be approved March G, inspection the truth of the former's testimony before the novll dtf Fuit House Cleaning.—There is to records in the Marshal's office furnishes the Navigantin is itself a comfort nothing 1880, one Frank W. Davis to act Hale to the effect that in proving great shall sell on THURSDAY "and by assuming account of committee, early WTF. FRIDAY, compare with James Pyle's Peaeline. It following the permits issued from to sea-goers who are afflicted with > * 22(1 and at 10 A. M. and 2 P. as Governor of the State. And he further Parker met him at and in- sea-sickness. April 23(1, Va the 1st of April, 1879, to the same date, 1880: November, Bangor each the entire stock of and does the work in half the usual time without Hundreds are to to its M., day, Clothing that the formed him of an error ready testify efficacy Goods of Store No. 482 alleges pretended legislature passing April, 65; May, 105; June, 100; July, 54; in the Dixmont return, t. ~ Stocks Furnishing Congress street, or else. Sold all Mining soap anything by grocers; but August, 47 ; September, 58; October. No- PORTLAND. occupied by Orriu Hawkcs, and consisting of Men's said act was not a legislature duly and legally 91; and requested him (Benson) to go to Dixmont beware of counterfeft». vember, 61; December, 43; 18; Febru- advertisement. Youths' and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Coats, Pants, aplOeodot under the constitution and laws of January, and look after the matter. Benson Vests, &c., Shirts and organized ary, 10; March, 27; total in one 745. It says: and Sold &c., Drawers, Overalls, year Bought Hosiery, Hats and Caps, Gloves, Linen and the State of but in violation of the will be noticed that as To substantiate additional the Paper Pure, wholesome, nutritious and stimulat- Maine, many permits were is- by testimony Μκ. Lovebixo makes another mani- Collars and Buttons and Bind- grand -UY- Cult's, Suspenders, same, and that all the acts and of said sued in May, a month when the weather is truth of my statement, I would at this time ing without intoxicating are Malt Bitters. doings festo in to-day's paper. He will that ings, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Jewelry, &c., as in the five months from submit the give away the one Safe pretended legislature were and are usually quite warm, following: Fixtures, largo Herrings cost $500, inoperative the 1st of November to the 1st of a 1st—That the hotel at the Penobscot rosewood piano this week and lots ol valuable 1 ill 1 --.1 April, period register T. H. MANSFIELD & Walking Jackets, Talmas, Dolmans and CO., Gas fixtures &<·. w ucu uio Lt3uj£juraturu is peculiarly îavoraoïo Exchange, Bangor, bears upon its pages the gifts. rors, Counters, Stove, Listers, in choice The entire stock will lie sold reserve. styles, just received at Suoli is the gist of the answer. It to for the work in In June, names of F. G. Parker and John Benson, Jr., without appears question. May, Jnly, F. O. ItAIIiEV A: CO.. Auctioneer·*. 253 Middle street. and months in we as both been at said hotel at the time at 67 Studloy'e, apr!7d2t bo defective in that there is no August, which have about having Exchange Street, «lt« I fatally Frank of the elioiccst literature the world ever apl5 all the hot weather we ever get, 3tiG permits mentioned in my testimony before the com- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. consisting W. Davis, purporting to be Governor for saw for Ward off Consumption by Dr were given, very nearly one-liali of the whole mittee. This fact is a mâtter of public record, POHTtAlVD, MAINE, using Maine. / F. O. BAILEY Λ number. In July and there were and any person of the said CO., Horse's Inhalations. av9d&wtf August, by inspection regis- also Auction Sales of the same more than a hundred. Thu?we see that ter will observe the truth of this statement. Another Mistaken Keformer. the AUSTRALIAN CRAPE Auctioneers and Commission Merchants ordinance which forbids the emptying of vaults 2d—I will submit the following:! Harper's Bazar.—This beautiful weekly forenoon a went to Messrs. Saturday boy from the last of June until the 1st of AFFIDAVIT OF IN COACnilAN'tt DRAB, EVERY publication is a welcome visitor to the Septem- THE TOWN CLERK OF DIXMONT. SATURDAY, .Salesroom .'15 and 37 JExchnuge Wt. parlor Murdoch & Freeman and asked one of them is One Dollar Each ber, practically ignored. The police that a circlc. The number for the ensuing week has say I, Perigrine "White, resident of Dixmont, in the at 10 o'clock Λ. M. to sell him a of cider. He said they issue permits during this period in of on oath and that At HORATIO F. O. BAILEY. C. W. ALLEN. been roceived by N. G. Fessenden, Lancaster pint his moth- only County Penobscot, depose say STAPLES' dtf cases where the vaults are some time the latter JalO and D. er was sick in overflowing,(which during part of October, or ear- llall, Wentworth, 553 Congress, corner Decring and she could not get it in Λ Λ It Λ gale of Furniture and General Morchan f seems to show that the average citizen does ly November, 1879, ffolin Benson, Jr., of Ply- Kegnlar Oak street. there. AUSTRALIAN CRAPE dise at 10 o'clock a. m The boy made up quite a pitiful story not think of removing the filthiest kind of filth mouth, in said County of Penobscot, called upon N. S. erory Saturday, commencing me at house in and in as IN PEACOCK AND FRENCH Consignments solicited. oc3dtf and then went to Sheriff and said that ho from his premises until it forces itself my Dixmont, my capacity BLUE, GARDINER, Ring upon ClerltfOf said town of an office which I do Supreme Judicial Court. his attention the of the Dixmont, had succeeded in a of cider by reaching top vault, now and have held in said town for fifteen At PRESIDING. obtaining pint under the influence of nearly HORATIOSTAPLES' STOCK BROKER, PETERS, J., or, excessive heat, by me to show him the of from Messrs. Murdoch & Freeman on Frank- years, requested records S at r rda γ .—Michael Ο. Neil and wife, Helea M. emitting appalling stenches. Such thought- the September meeting as held in this town. As And Dealer in Mining Lands. Maine and New lin street. A warrant was lessness has a criminal the reason for so AUSTRALIAN Gift 11. O. vs. and look in the access to the CRAPE Free Stocks Neil, Inhabitants of Deering. Action of issued, the light of the desiring records, Hampshire Mining bought and sold. information the bane- the said John Benson, Jr., declared in pres- IN DARK injury to plaintiff wife, July 11,1879, from an ob- firm were fined S30 and costs on the tes- widespread concerning my MAROON, boy's ful influences of ence and hearing, that he, had been in- CENTENNIAL BLOCK, struction In putrefying ordure; but it will Benson, WITH the highway, the alleged obstruction be- timony. They denied the sale and formed a in a appealed. doubtless continue unless and forci- by gentleman high authority, and At HORATIOSTAPLES' a stand under a tree at frequent member of the Gov.'s that the Dixmont re- Mo. 93 Street. ing peanut spreading elm It is said that this boy had spent the forenoon ble reminders call our to Council, Exchange people a sense of their turn was defective mar22 the of and and a new return was required. dSm junction Spring other streets in Deering. in to obtain a and their I would therefore endeavoring half-pint of liquor danger duty. sug- Benson, then and there told me that he did not AUSTRALIAN CRAPE The horse backed and and wheeled that the committee on know shyed, Kicked, from various as gest health give an offi- what the defect was, but that he had been in- parties, asserting above that IN BROWN around, tipped the plaintiff over the back of the cial notice to every householder if his formed by said gentleman at Bangor that it was AND CREEN, EVERY BOOK. if was for his that, mother who lay sick of fever. is to have this return as wagon and fractured her collar bore. The plaintiff privy-vault in such condition that, with absolutely necessary remedied, Gen. Neal additions to it might injure the prospect of fusion victories in At HORATIO STAPLES' Club after, Dow went to its The Shares that the to the Shortly Judge ordinary contents, it will need alleges fringe covering of the stand, other towns in the State, unless Hie mistake was rec- and a emptying by the 1st of he must moved the was the which Knight procured warrant for September, tified. FURNITURE. by breeze, thing frighten- searching -OF- have it cleaned before the 1st of and that I AUSTRALIAN CRAPE ed the horse. the establishment of Messrs. Murdoch & Free- July; would further state that upon the conclusion of if the contents of his vault -are found the ENCYCLOP/EDIAS, to be examination of the said record by the said IN the was man for which he t ο within RAVEN BLACK, Defense—True, plaintiff hurt and the cider, believed be stored twelve inches of the surface (the limit Benson, that he, Benson, told me that I was not at SETS OF road was a located highway; that the peanut stand on the premises. This document he took to prescribed by ordinance) or in any way escap- fault, and furthermore I would say that I BOOKS, on to have never but one return as law on trucks had been there for several with the the ing the surrounding land, he will be in- signed required by At!H0RATIO STAPLES' Acton silver h days sli3riff's but for reasons πι office, satisfactory for to be sent to the Secretary of but that some of in dicted maintaining a nuisance and punish- State; PRAYER knowledge selectmen, the day time, but not in time previous to the time Benson came to see me as 246 Junction of Free. BOOKS, 40 declined to serve it. i\o. Ht. they He then went to ed to the full extent of the law. With such MiddleJSt., the so that could not have 24 hours aforesaid a certain person wrote me from aplD dit ARE ALL TAKEN. Exchange night, they Augusta Capt. Black, Marshal, and that officer notice as this no citizen could and notice of its there at Deputy plead ignorance desired that I should send him a new return of BIBLES, presence any one time. But of the or referred him to the City Marshal. Mr. law, rightfully complain if he were our September meeting, and also a copy of the rec- A limited amount of the Treasury the peanut stand was not an calculated to Bridges fined as ord Another Line object heavily the result of his negligence. of said meeting. 1 sent the copy of the record, Large Stock will now 1>« offered for thought the opinion of the City Solicitor in a new return I horses that it did I have never sent. — ALBUMS, not would — &c., frighten ; frighten this horse. Furthermore, suggest that if the city OF Sale at cts. the had better Witness hand at this second 50 per share at The trouble with thi? horse was not but premises be"first secured, and in government is to continue its sanction of accu- my Dixmont, day of FOR THE SPIUM OF 1880. fright, gen- April, A. D. 1880. eral he bad case that official he mulative privies, it should amend the ordin- AT PRICES SEVER BEFORE KNOWN. badness; behaved badly before on that thought proper, would car- Perigrine Town Clerk. J. A. STROUT'S AGENCY, ances so as to provide for the punishment of White, day, and [trouble happened to culminate at this ry the precept into effect. The 93 Exchange Street, PORTLAND. attorney all who have or vaults at Dixmont, April 2, 1880. overflowing leaky Subscribed and sworn to New the stand had before me. Four Leal Clover point; probably peanut nothing to do it not best to take the action. time of the Goods thought proposed any year, and to prohibit under Properties* on the Acton lode for «ale. a trade with the mischief. Don A. H. Powers, Justice of the Peace. Expecting very large penalty, the emptying of vaults from the 1st of .11ST received by LOOK! LOOK ! mar 24 dlmo horse The New Telephone With to the raised Mr. the we have made lteply—The was kind; this was the first Exchange. May until the 1st of October. By this simple regard point by coming Season, The new of the Parker, namely, "that I had told a how trouble and must have had an adequate cause; the quarters Telephone Com- process one of the most disgusting of our nuis- lie," great preparations, and have now ances do we stand? AT THE cause was pany in Merchants would be greatly reduced in offensive- alleged adequate. Exchange building, third statement is to TODD & in stoclk one of the ness to the senses, and somewhat lessened in My given the world under MORSE, Judge Pete re instructed the jury for the purpose story, are very spacious. The room and is operating its power for ill. F. H. G. oath, substantiated by circumstantial of the trial; that the fact that the stand was remov is evidence and 177 40 feet long by 15 wide, lightand airy.An en- diçect testimony. middle Street, NEW. ed would have no on the Mr. Parker makes a bare statement without every night bearing ques. different of connections MUSIC AND THE tirely system making DRAMA. foundation either in fact FIRST DOOR FROM EXCHANGE. tion of notice, provided there was notice that it was or theory, and it Gifts J_iA±iU-ÛJt)T botweon subscribers has been adopted, and a would seem that the New and elegant Dress Goods with habitually there by day. Verdict for defendants. gentlem.in, when pre- Splendid new switch board capable of sented with *he choice that out" NEW AMERICAN WATCHES Trimmings to mateli. Mattocks with Neal for plaintiffs. accommodating • KIT. "counting 300 has inevitably brings up, that of taking upon him- Dennett for subscribers, been put in. Hereafter NEW and defendants. Wednesday night Mr. Chaufrau will self as a member of Gov. Garcelon's FROM SIX DOLLARS UP. BUTTONS but two subscribers appear Council, will be upon a line. a in choice single at Portland Theatre in "Kit," the mantle of knave or that of a fool, had styles. Municipal Court. Thus it will be seen that supported by Frciacii Marble, Imitation French every line now in Mr. very unanimously voted himself the outer gar- BEFORE JUDGE KNIGHT. Tayleure's company. The Philadelphia ments of a and Alarm Clocks NEW HOSIERY. use must be reconstructed. In addition to fool. Peep O'Day THIS WEEK! BEST ASSORTMENTS Saturday.—Cornelius Intoxication. Ledger says: The best assortment of fine to Crowley. Mr. — — goods those now in use, have orders for over 100 Benson says that Parker recommended AT Κίηβν) δ.Ί οι»! nncia they the be found in the "Kit, Arkansas Traveller," is essential- him city. more to be in as fast as (Benson) for Deputy; intimates that Michael F. Conroy. I.ouil noise in the streets. telephones put possi- ly an American melodrama, and bears the VERY LOWEST PRICES. of ble. honor Parker last summer to the Re- NEW Fined $1 and costs. Paid. Some twenty men are now engaged in of being one of the originals of the agreed support ELEGANT HAMBURGS. modern school of character nominee for Governor in CLARK'S DIAMOND DUST POLISH, ONE ONE Choice at low David F. Murdock. sale. Fined S30 and putting up wires. The central office, or ex- impersonations. publican case it patterns very prices. Single Kit is a life-like picture of the Western man not be The best Silver Polish in the world. costs. Appealed. change, will, after a time, be for the should Davis; denies that he ever was kept open of a distinct type, fall of over on the aplO MW&Stf NEW GLOVES pluck, or for his transmission of messafffis nil ηΐσΐιί nnrl Sinn- alert for adventure, fond to a remarkable de- paid promised anything testimony; in all the latest shades. FURNITURE Brief Jottings. of OLD days. Heretofore it has been closed at 10 gree the convivial cup, and mafle up of says he has been and shall continue to be a ROSEWOOD PIANO Disagreeable day Saturday. Mercury ?7'3 at qualities oddly at variance, all of which have NEW o'clock and all day Sundays. Greeubacker; and concludes by denouncing CLOAKS, ever shown in Portland. Il avilis 7 p. m., and same at noon. me enect οι mixing sentiment with fun in a Dolmnii:*, Jackets Mr. as a crime. Talmas, Walking Henry Farnliam will remain the man- manner that enchains the interest counting-out Dr. Goodhue's before the advance Value of foreign exports !ast week $152,- and is very Tallied at $350. and Ulsters. bought great ager under the new with Messrs. amusing. The embraces a number of 19S.86. lumber company, play New England Association. Ladies' and Children's Garments made in we shall give our cus- Long exported 14,837 feet. other characters wlio share the with ROOT & HERB prices, Ticrney, Welch and Walden as switchmen. glory The annual of to order at short notice. Officers Hanson and Miles made two seiz- "The Traveller." Mr. Uhanfrau has meeting the New England tomers the benefit of the same. The other played Buy a Book, you may get it. It is liable to go at Call and examine our and learn employes will remain as at present, the so Association will at goods ures yesterday. part often that it has grown as familiar be held the First Free Bap- any hour, Please call and see our new styles and others will be as that BITTERS, prices before purchasing. added to the force. popular actor himself, and if the sizo tist church, corner Casco and Cumberland Marshal Bridges, Deputies Crowell and of the and look through our immense The number of calls answered each aver- audience last evening and the interest Black made two seizures day streets, commencing Tuesday evening. Tho are Saturday night. evinced may be regarded as any indication, DAY W. F. stock before purchasing. We ages about 1100. will be the Thegreatblooclpuriiier OR EVENING. STÏIDLEY, The fourth annual May ball of the Ancient it is safe to say that Kit is as great a favorite following programme ; It has stood the best of all in a to make our prices as ever. Service of and tests, Time, been in position Order of Hibernians will come off at Hall Tuesday evening; Prayer Praise, having City SUNDAY SERVICES. led by Rufus W. H. use sixty years. 253 Middle Street. satisfactory to all. The tickets will be for sale today. Deering, Esq. Sermon, by apl7 SM&W&wtf May 3d. Bowen, D. D. This preparation is a per- 40 GOLD WATCHES. 40 STATE STREET CHURCH. will be devoted to a eonsideration of fect renovator and The of schools re- Wednesday invigor- Saccarappa supervisor our educational interests. Ser- ator of the system, because NEW JERUSALEM CHUKCH. At State Street Church the Wednesday evening, ports l'JSO scholars in the town, an increase of yesterday preach- vice of Praise; Paper, Foreign Missions, by Mrs. it cleanses the blood of all Buy a Book, you may get one. The Rev. Théo. F. of by Rev. Dr. W. E. Merriman was able and V. G. Our Mission Mrs. poisonous matter, and thus 130 over last year. "Wright Bridgewater, ing Ramsey; Paper, South, by F. S. Mosher. eradicates disease by sup- Mass., preached yesterday morning from I Sam. very impressive. The morning sermon was A bright light in the direction of West- Thursday, a. m. Service of Prayer and Praise; plying an abundance of 40 SILVER WATCHES. 40 xvii:50, David Goliath. The Jews based upon the tenth verso of the third Rev. John Pa- pure, rich blood. Cleanse brook was noticed last but no lire in smiting chapter Paper, Temperance, by Malvern; evening, per, More Laborers in India, by Rev. F. L. the blood, and health will follow swiftly and surely. THE WORLD-WIDE FAME the Church and the of I Corinthians:"But let man take heed Wiley. a one. that has been represented Philistines every p. m.· Service of and Price 50 cents per bottle which is far bdow all Buy Book, you may get vicinity yet reported. how lie buildeth The Thursday, Prayer Praise; the great enemy. Goliath, of his thereupon." text of the Paper, The Ideal Pastorate, by Rev. J. A. other medicines of its kind. None genuine unless Messrs Cloudman and Valentine are to build boasting discourse was from the Lowell; evening twelfth chap- Paper, The Resurrection of Christ as a Historical manufactured by OF TIIK CELEBRATED a strength, personifies Saul ter large double tenement house at the corner of infidelity. repre- of Acts, second verse: "And he killed Fact, by Prof. R. C. Stanley. 40 DIAMOND RINGS. 40 Manufacturers and Dealers sents the man of feeble J. H. RUSSELL & CO.. Salem, Mass. Main and Pleasant faith who dreads this James the brother of John with the sword." Thursday evening. Service of Praise: Union streets, Saccarappa. all and in For Communion Service; Addresses by several {JSp^Sold by Druggist Dealers Medicine^^S a one. The giant. forty days the defiance of the giant CONGRESS SQUARE CHURCH. clergy- Buy Book, you may get farmers Jiave commenced to plough in men. apl9 MW&S3mo in all kinds of is endured, when comes a youth, in the At Congress Church Rev. many places on the Cape and a few have strong Square Dr. Bolles faith of the God. was Business Changes. planted Living The different sects greeted by a large congregation. He spoke 'ALWAYS >?JàBCT TBS BUST· 240 AMETHYST RINGS. 240 McPhail Pianos peas. The which are jealous of one another the of the of Heaven and of the following business changes are reported Bosworth Post G. A. 11. lias bsen invited to represent Kingdom wide tho week: a one. lias been acquired by intrinsic merit. M. PAULUS brothers who ask "Why earnest thou down significance o£ words. He showed in this con- past Buy Book, you may get visit Bangor Wednesday, and institute a relief Leader of the FRENCH and hosts of nection what wide Portland—Eastman admit great BAND, 1 &c. thither?" The wild beasts slain by David are spiead power the kingdom Brothers, ΛΥ. P. FURNITURE,mh30 BEDDING, dtf corps. The date will probably be to of Rome in Eastman magicians testify to their surpassing excellence. changed passions and evil desires, and those who have possessed Christ's day. It was an Bancroft, style Brothers & JBancroft. Band some time after 1st. and E. 40 Gold China Tea Sets May slain these need fear no enemy. David had eloquent powerful address. Freeport—Joseph Davis, general store, 40 sold to P. C. Pinkham. SOLD WHOLESALE & RETAIL BY Β. B. Russell & Co. of Boston have is- not proved Saul's armor. The truth must be NOTES. just a one. our we cannot Oxford—Blake & Edwards, stoves, Buy Book, you may get sued a now map of Maine, which is for sale in own; rely upon borrowed weap- Florence Eilis has married Mr. of dissolved, ons, but must meet with Brockway now H. O. Blake. (his John infidelity truths the Gilsey House, New York. city by Russell. Every town is cor- which we have lived out. Ono Phillips—M. S. Hinckley, grange store, sold small truth in Mr. Frank Parker has been to LARGE OIL PAINTINGS The size is the mouth of a engaged play to Geo. A. French. 40 40 rectly represented. 23x33 inches. true believer has more effect female characters in Rice's Samuel Thurston, Surprise Party, Turner—Geo. A. Stevens & shoe The Portland than a thousand unproved weapons. The aud with Co., manu- Grays challenge the Polo Club opens the company His a of the women today. mfcny facturers, dissolved, now Dresser & Fisher. Buy Book, you may get one. NEW greetings of Israel "when they friends will be to 3 Free St. of the Portland Skating Rink to play them a pleased know that Frank has Ellsworth—A. A. boots and Block, PORTLAND. HOSIERY, returned from the wars showed how much made so Bartlelt, shoes, nol5 tf good an engagement. sold Muare syba i^smsoz&tzi usa game of polo on skates Thurslay more is faith and childlike to W. H. Davis & Co. AT OWEN, MOORE & CO. evening, acceptable simple Sir. Edward C. Swett of Boston wishes it Is endow! tr everv PH/ CTICAL PAINTER. Silver Castors. at the innocence. Belfast—Carle & Mansfield, dry goods, dis- 40 Elegant 40 April 22d, rink. understood that the advertised in 007EBINQ Ca?ACITÏ & DURABILITY company solved, now A. P. Mansfield. The lecture several Maine cities as EXCEED ANY KNOWN temperance delivered by Mr. The Public the "Edward C. Swett PAINT, Buildingi a one. Library. Bangor—Dunbar & Co., grocers, dissolved, tainted wit ft our if Buy Book, you may get dramatic is his name Prepared Paints. not satisfac- L. W. A. Johnson, at the company" using entirely now M. T. Cates & Co. will be NEW PARASOLS Abyssinian church, The annual meeting of the Public without his tory, Ecpair tcd a) our Library authority. Smith & Expense. last evening, was well attended and of much was held and the Miss Edith Woodman, grocers, dissolved, now Saturday afternoon, officers Stanmore, supported by Messrs. A. F. Smith & Co. 40Great American Sculittures40 AT OWEN, MOORE & CO. interest. Eleven names were added to the of last year were re-elected. J. W. Lanergan, \V. H. Southard, J. F. Fan- ning and E. Moore, Miss Jane Parker and pledge. The librarian, Mr. S. M. Bates College. Buy a Book, you may get oue. Watson, reported' will make a to Hew others, Maine Three hundred and trip cities this The CHANGE OF AGENCY! thirty-six shares of stock that the namber of books distributed is less college boys are making preparations I Spring Hosiery week, NEW LISLE GLOVES playing "Don Cfesar de Bazan" and the OtJR PUKE PREPARED PAINTS of the Cape Elizabeth and Marine. for the of base ball. Railway than for the previous year. The falling off is "Lady of Lyons." The Boston Herald says spring campaign The nine 4000 Other Elegant Gifts. Miss Stanmore an are sold at Portland only bv 4000 AKTD AT OWEN, MOOO & CO. Company were sold at auction by F. O. Bailey accounted for by the fact that the demand for made exceedingly favorable has been selected with H. B. Nevens for cap- impression as Julie de Mortimer in "Riche- & Co. Saturday. They were bid in Chase new novels or works of fiction is not tain. It is expected that there will be quite a W. F. PHILLIPS & CO., Buy a Book, you may got one. by supplied. lieu" at Mr. Gilfeather's benefit, last Thurs- Bros. people the forfti of novels at Union's number of important games played soon with General Agent* for State of Maine. Many buy cheap day evening, Opera House. wlm!7 NEW MILLINERY The steamers running out of Portland were published in the Franklin Square and similar The Rice Surprise Party will play this week other clubs in the State. The students are get- CLOVES. detained on the New England circuit, under Mr. C. H. Saturday by the storm of the early libraries instead of taking them from the ting ready for a dramatic entertainment to be AT OWEN, MOORE & CO. » Smith's local management, beginning at Lynn morning. The wind blew heavily at sea but library. There are also many new this given for the benefit of the base ball associa- FARMERSIVOTICE. REMEMBER circulating evening. Mr. Richard Golden, the Le We have opened, and now oifer the lin*>st and no is damage reported. A chimnoy was blown libraries. An average of 200 books per day are Blanc of the "Evangeline" combination, joins tion. most extensive variety of Ladies', Gents' and Child- Rice's Farmers wanted to raise Cm- ren's that we have ever and an ele- tien I ο nblîlv WtAK down on Wolf's block at the corner of Frank- delivered the clerks. The whole number Surprise Party today, in place of Mr. The Bates Seniors have secured Beeves' THESE IS Λ Hosiery shown, by stock of Ladies' Lisle Gloves, in all the new and Louis Harrison, who has severed his connec- cuuibcrs lor ricKies. Address gant lin Middle streets, by the but oth- of books in the is an increase American Band for Commencement concert. and desirable and offer them at that gale, library 25,878, of tion with the to for the shades, prices Aï OWEN, MOORE λ CO. company tour caiuiuu ιαιι lu Λίβυ an υι erwise there were no accidents in over last prepare The date of the concert will be June 27. E. ». ^icabc. ciugiiim uiajiiiij town. 747 year. The total number of sub- of his sister, Miss Alice Harrison's new PETTENOILL, in party. Edward Everett Hale will deliver the ora- Villi Willi ever DVVH. Laces, all the new styles. Also Hamburg Edg- Next the scribers for the It is said that John A. Blanche and Irish Thursday County Commissioners past year is 306. McDonald, tion before the Bates literarv societv at the 8 market Street, Portland, Hie. ings Insertions, Swiss, and Val. Edgings. will meet at Roosevelt and Alfred Collier have entered in- w2ml7 Also Ruches, Puttings, etc. AKD Woodford's Corner for the pur- The treasurer, Mr. Edwin A. re- next Commencement. Frillings, Tuckings, CORSETS WAISTS Noyes, to a partnership for the next sea- All at bottom prices. pose of over and the of the production going examining the old ported receipts year, including son of Mr. Collier's "The operas, Sultan of Law Titles in Âroostook. CIDER FOR SALE ! AT OWEN, MOORE Λ CO. couuty road leading from Portland balance on hand, as S4,194, and the Mocha" and "Nell The through expend- Gwyune." organiza- In the Massachusetts Filtered Cider in five gallon kegs, for fam- to the tion will be known as tho Legislature. Friday, Doering Falmouth line, and and itures 54,050.20, leaving a balance of $143.71. Blanche Roosevelt NICEily use. fixing Mr. Knowlton o£ for THESE GIFTS opera and the will bo the commit- 8 MARKET HTUEliT. A. B. the lines and as laid company, pieces brought Hampden, aplUdlm BUTLER, defining bounds, down in out with a Board of Trade. very strong cast, imported costumes tee on the judiciary, reported the following UMBRELLAS the original records. It is hoped that some and a grand Italian ballet. Wanted. ARE GIVEN AWAY At a special meeting of the Board of Trade resolve in favor of certain settlers upon lands 347 Middle Street. parts of Ocean street be AT OWEN, MOORE & CO. may widened and SMART energetic man, of good standing and aplO dtf Saturday morning, th9 matter of introducing personal. in the State of Maine: straightened. A acquaintance in this city. Address box 836, dtf important improvements in the Merchants' The trieiids of will Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Com- P. O. All advertisement which has apl4 About three weeks ago Mr. J. S. many Judge Peabody Portland, apl9d3t EVERY HOUR Benson, rooms was he and is authorized and been to me Exchange fully considered, and a sympathize with him doeply in the loss of his monwealth hereby very profitable both CJUK ill mo AUioiiUUU liuusu, set «1 t.l*ap Daitecl directed to convey deed to Samual A. Hol- Lost. and S. T. TAYLOR committee, of Messrs. T. little son by to others who have appropri- consisting C. Her- from scarlet fever. of the of with cheese iu the cellar of the hotel, brook, Treasurer State Maine, for Oak and Streets, a red ated the same. hoping sey, Chas. anil Messrs. "Washington A. M. 810 Broadway, New York. McLaughlin George P. Wes- W. II. Goodrich of the Hartford the use of said State, all the title and several dollars and a few From 9 to 10 P. M. thereby to beguile-tlie unwary rat which had right, BETWEENwallet, containing cott, were appointed to carry out the H. T. of interest of the Commonwealth to the settlers' papers. The finder is requested to leave it at 69 IF YOU WANT TO FIT A IMPORTER OF made havoc his plans of Courant, Sperry the Hartford Post, among eatables. He so situated in Number SPRING STREET. apl9d3t Paris Fashion Journals and Patterns. Has an forgot the Board. Couillard of the Boston and Davis of lots, called, Township agen- the matter until last Herald, in in the of cy for the sale of his imported patterns and Wednesday when he A Seventeen, Range Seven, County System resolution passed that the Board approve the Boston Advertiser, are at the Falmouth. in the Stato of to Pine Lands of cutting garments at went to examine the In it was Aroostook, Maine, make 6,000 Acres Wisconsin DIFFICULT FOOT trap. found a of the bill before Russell, David Moulton and Chas. of said lots to the settlers, in the are now offered for sale. No bettor investments female rat and of lier Congress suggesting the George conveyances REMEMBER «ο TO 455 Corner of Elm, eighteen progeny. The same manner that the Commonwealth these lands on the market. All Congress Street, more frequent publication of statistics received W. York have been chosen by Ilsley would than applications f.itlicr of the family must have them Lodge, done if no had will have attention until 10th. GEO. F. brought from have conveyance been made. May 230 Middle PORTLAND, ME.. consular officers from abroad as a benefit delegates to the Grand Lodge of Good FOSTER, 229 Brackett Street, Portland, Maine PALMER'S, Street, looJ during their incarceration, or they would this taken for "Le Bon Ton," "La to the commerce and of the which meets aplO eod3w Subscriptions have starved. industry country. Templars, at Bangor on Tuesday. Failures. Where you can get α wide or uarrow, full Mode Elegante," "Bevue de la Mode." A resolution offered Hon. G. P. On Hon. Elisha or elim Boot, just the width and by Wescott Monday Allen, the Hawa- The failures for the week are Lost. length Thorough instruction in the art of cutting by S. T. following past that will be easy aud graceful, and eujoy also passed, the Hurd iian who has Taylor's System. Terms $20.00. Accidents. opposing bill before minister, spent the winter in reported: Saturday, a BUNDLE containing two Books the rare luxury of weariug a perfect fitting .is in violation of and a Slate. The tinder will confer a favor boot. Good» «eut by mail without ALSO — Mr. had a crushed in Congress the spirit of the Washington, left for New York with Mrs. and D. ON by prepaid Hugh Cragie finger the C. Stevens, confectionery, Portland, the same at COBB'S extra charge. of leaving Bakery. ap!9d3t* GIFT Dress in all its branches. are re- Miss Allen. After GRAND SALE .Making My prices calendar of the Cumberland Sat- treaty Washington. visiting New York and failed. Paper Mills, markably low while the Superiority of iny work and Boston will be Soule Brothers & Co., &c., Free- urday. they foe some time the guests of dry goods, HI. «r. the excellence of my tit is a well established fact. The Teutonia. port, failed. WIIil· PAJLJflJElt, Mr. J. the tool Mr. Allen's mother, Mrs. Hobbs, at niartî FM&Wtf Bradford, maker, fell at The steamship Teutonia of the Dominion Bangor. Brainard A. Osgood, saddlery goods, &c., Doten's Mr. Lnther Sterling, the oldest resident of is failed and in MRS. L. LOVEWELL, Mills, Saturday morning,· and cut a Line arrived at this port for the Lewiston, reported insolvency. Saturday first Ulric ïour Boots 1111(1 gash in his clear to Peakes'Island died yesterday. He had lived DeLisle, grocor, Lewiston, lias failed ! nnrRF,FOHE vn-xj 455 JHock. head, tho an NEW GOODS skull, eight time. She is iron screw ship of fine model and is in POSITIVELY CLOSE Shoe8 will cai, Congress Street, Clapp's inches iu on the Island years. He wag insolvency. you jan30 d3m and 1741 tons iifty highly ~ length. register. Her officers are as fol- Daniel Bisbee, grocer, Mechanic Falls, is re- and esteemed all RTTVTIVfJ" examine my A horse belonging to E. lr. Emmons of lows: respected by who know him, ported financially embarrassed. ^ SPRING GARMENTS IN of and leaves a of nine Geo. A. stock tioods. Westbrook was frightened at tho cars near the Captain—J. Gibson. family children, eight Osborn, Waterville, general store, failed. received all BEWARE First sons and ono just and foot of Green street, and ran officer—J. Linter. daughter. I.OOK Λ Τ ην ΡΚΙΓΕ8 Saturday, away. Second The horse officer—E. Pearce. Bar Mills. dashed the wagon against the fenco Associated Third officer—P. Braniff. Charities. NEW SPRING GOODS Ladicii' * r. Kid s» J.OO. #1.^ ; OF IMITATIONS Σ on the road aud Narragftnsett Lodge of Good elect- Saecarappa throwing Mr. Chief Engineer—R. Howard. At the annual of the Templars PORTLAND B.adic»' Au». Kid 9ft £0, ; meeting Associated FOR Emmons out bruised him The 2d Engineer—G. Patterson. ed the following delegates to the Grand Lodge EACH DEPARTMENT. lTliMNf**' Water Proof only $1.00. considerably. Charities last week the following officers were The original English Pressed Cook- animal was ;>d Engineer—A. to be held in 21st and 22d: Mr. caught subsequently near Cumber- Wiley. elected for the Bangor. April A full line of .Men's Boys' and Youths* liai., •1th Engineer—J. Davidson. ensuing year: and ed ured Ham can be land Mills. The was smashed to Mrs. J. \V. Meserve, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Com:, and. Button Boots; also a good assortment of Sugar carriage Chief Steward—R. Owens. President—William Seuter. & and Infant's Shoes. atoms. Lock, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Morrison. Vickery Leightoii, Children's Ladies Boots made The Vice Presidents—J. P. Baxter, Prentiss SATURDAY EVENING to order at lowest cash at had at wholesale only of ship brought a large general and NEXT ! prices A team cargo, Loring, W. W. Thomas. belonging to a man from Deering, one The 431 & 433 Strest. passenger. trip from Liverpool was Secretary and F. Turner. STATE NEWS. Congress ran away on Treasurer—Philip <13t Buy your Books early and got the best selections. F. W. JOHN P. 1IO It Its, Exchange street, Saturday night, made in 17 days, and was noted for apl7 DEARBORN and the severi- The old board of directors was re-elected S, collided with a break- of the lamp post, thereby ty weather. with the addition of JOB 381 CONGRESS STREET. a George S. Hunt on the LOT. ing wheel of tho wagon and the harness. FRANKLIN COUNTY. No. 10 Market of the Portland Street, Tl ι.· owner the Journalistic Visit to part Fraternity and W. H. The Odd Follows of are to have A JOB LOT OF Repairing of all kinds promptly done. jaSOdSm put wagon in a stable, and rode Acton.—On Satur- Farmington AttKtVr I flK HAINK. Messrs. Hobbs on the part of the Men's Chris- a grand celebration there the 26th of the home horseback. day W. H. Goodrich of the Hartford Young pre- tian Association. sent mouth. Wilton and New Portland ffirotu r for if· A horse Courant, II. T. of the lodges BOOTS and SHTOKS A.W. LOVERING By A*l* your IXiiltlie r or ^41 runaway attached to a Sperry Hartford Post, are to "Hardly Always" light wagon participate. a dtf knocked a Couillard of the Boston (Jons.suns ot Misses' ami Children's will tho with you of down child on Fore stree t and se- Herald and Davis of Real Estate Transfers. HANCOCK COUNTY. Ladies,' opportunity linger purchasing Goods, at half at from bruised it the Boston Advertiser, The selling price verely Saturday afternoon. accompanied by sev- following transfers were reported in Tlio Whig says that on Frank agent, BUY YOUΚ eral Portland Thursday CAPT. ISAAC liM<;iia gentlemen, made an excursion this county : Caudage, foreman of the Stover Hill STAPLES* BARGAIN SHOE The Saturday Mine, STOKE, Cumberland County History. to visit the Acton mines. was almost killed to the The weather was Portland—Mary Shea et al. to Adam P. instantly by falling 56 UNIOW STREET. TITCOMBS PUJIE FURNITURE, UARPETINGS, The suits the bottom of the shaft. He was at work on a against subscribers to tho Cum- unpleasant, but the spirits of the Leigliton, laud and buildings on Vaughan party were which was some distance FOR SALE.—4 settees, 2 office desks and 1 Plated Ware, berland County History are set down for trial street. staging, suspended large 497 Street. FAIOII\(iT0\ Crockery, &v., proof against climatic influences and the down the when a safe. ja!7tf MAPLE (Win, trip shaft, portion of it gave Congress —•AT to in the Court 011 the Deering—Elisha Dunning Sarah A. as Superior --M inst. and will was very agreeable and away and he fell some 75 feet to the bottom. the season is rapidly waning away. Wedun i1 satisfactory. Yester- Moore, 5(i40 sq. ft. of land. our be taken that or m "duty" to apprise you of the arrival direct from up day soon thereafter as the North KENNEBEC COUNTY. at 9 o'clock ADAMS Λ 8U>BI*SOVS, day visiting journalists were taken down Yarmouth—Ammi Loring to Isaac Piano For Sale. Open Every Day, the maple groves, fragrant with the aroma of the can bo reached. they The trial will attract the Lobdell, 52 acres, 150 sq. rods land. The that G. woods. Friday, April 10th, of another lot of the no κχηίΑΝΟΕ mtrekt. harbor, dinner being served at the hotel on Reporter says Capt. W. Chase GOOD seven octave piano, for sale at a bar- Candy. Popular will be maintained. mu;h attention. Little Gorham—Zebrlon Whiting to Asa Libby, of Gardiner has sold his trotter "Kennebec gain. Enquire at 83 CARLTON ST. price·* Chebeague. A when the Gifts begin to be given away. Call corner of and The Cheapest and Best place in the State, lot of land. to Boston for 31000. ap!7 dtf I Congress Exchange Streets. Boy" parties apli) illw apl7 dtf mhl eodûw would gladly have carried her back without MAINE CITIES. LEWISTON & AUBURN. Wit and Wisdom. THE PRESS. it if she would have taken him for better or RAILROADS. RAILROADS. STEAMERS. worse. Afterward she had parted with her Saturday, April 17. trinkets one by one for lier daily bread, till Jottings bv Press Correspondents. Judge Martin decided at Bridgeport the Grand Trunk Β. 11. Co. of Canada. Miss Bertha's Valentine. she could all but the There is a interest manifested in the RE-OPENING earii—with shining ring special other day that certain evidenco was inadmissi- that had and which was at Pine street M. E. On and alter THE POPULAR Angus given her, meetings church, con- ble. The took Hi MONDAY, Oct. 13tli, OF BATH. attorney strong exception to 1879, trains will now worn quite thin; though the odd legend ducted S. B. Jordan. passenger leave by the ruling, and insisted that it was Portland as follows : within was admissible. [IIar[ier's Bazar.] engraved yet plainly legible: C. F. Nason retains the Bound Brook Route. championship "I know, your Honor," said he, "tliat Everybody said that Miss Bertha was verj Sj®g"Tliougli lie seek till he be gray, warmly, BETWEEN 7.10 a. m. for Auburn and Lewiston. Short Notes—A Sketch of the Black badge. a. much alone in tlio world, wondered what or Love will liud out the way." it is proper evidence. Here I have been 7.4» ni. Mixed for Gorham. PROVIDENCE LI® Hon. W. F. Golding entertained a select New Trenton & 12.40 p. in. fur Auburn and Lewiston. earth she would do if her eyes and liealtl: But in all these she had never Maria—His Lastest Mischief. practicing at the bar for and now York, Philadelphia. twenty years Λ forty years, 1.30 p.m. for Island last in a I want to Qorliam, Pond, Quebec, Mon- should fall her, and pitied lier in that easy- saved enough from her necessities to pay company evening very pleasant man- know if I am a fool?" "That," treal and West. the a 5.10 m. TO NEW going way which subtracts nothing from the her homeward passage. If perchance she ner. quietly replied court, "is question of fact STATION IN NEW YORK p. for Auburn, Lewiston and Gorham. YORK, and not of and so I won't but leaves a residue of seif-satisfac- a few dollars soul's Satukday, 17. Motcalf was thrown from a law, pass upon it, ARRIVALS. VIA PROVIDENCE. pocket, got ahead, syme poor April Officer carriage but let the Most Central Station in Philadelphia while jury decide "—New Haven Palla- 8.30 a. m. tion in the conscience, they paid as lit- greater need appealed to her; and it was First snow storm of the season. and from Lewiston and Auburn. today badly injured. dium. Philadelphia & Reading: K· R· trom tle for lier services as they could Bui now fifteen since she had Weeks four Passengers Gorham connect with this train at OPEXS APRIL 3, For Tlie Season of 1880. help. years gravitated mortality deaths. The is being repaired by Lewiston Junction. Miss Bertha never she as to Great and cast but depot carpenters NINTH AND GREEN STSUET», grumbled ; put Herrington anchor, The·Boston boat was the Father is Well. 12.35 p. m. from and West. delayed by storm, and masons $200 will cover the loss. Getting AND THIRD AND STS. Montreal, Quebec many stitches and as much eye-sight into the no one in all the dreamed that ro- today; BERKS 12.35 p. m. from Lewiston and Auburn. ONLY 42 MILES OF RAIL. place not arriving until this J. My daughters say: "How much better father fiue as if she had been a ducal mance had ever touched so and old evening. F. L. Dingley, Esq. and Hon. B. Ham 3.20 p. m. from Lewiston and Auburn. sewing paid plain is since he used Bitters." He is Mr. Geo. Hanscom, for Hop getting Ballast G p. m. from Lowiston and Auburn. Steamboat Train will leave Boston &" for every stitch. It was her way never tc and commonplace a body as Miss Bertha, telegraph operator have returned from their Southern visit. well after his Express Double Stone Express long suffering from a disease de- Trains, Track, Providence Railroad Station excep- But was not the who was made to to tend the this city for the past 25 died at his resi- Br «tire to tirketH railroad or steam- daily (Sundays «light anything. sewing doubtless sew, years, The are ready for circulation. clared incurable, and we are so that he b:«y (at any PASSENGER city reports glad boat office in New OFFICES: ted) at G p. m. Connect at Fox Point Porvt- only occupation in which she excelled. II and stir and broths and mus- dence this morning. He was a used r Bitters.—A of England) vin wharf, sick, gruels genial gentle- A gentleman entered a complaint at police you lady Rochester, Ν. Y. dence, witli the Entirely Piew and iTIngnifi· any poor struggling mother with little chil- tard the poetry of life for man and a BOUND BROOK ltOUTE. cent plasters, leaving worthy man, whose loss will bo today, that his wallet, contain- 74 EXCHANGE STREET dren about her fell ill, Miss Bertha her She had been out headquarters Maggie Dewer, eleven, has died in toddling younger neighbors. greatly mourned. had been aged just her needle into her cushion ami toward the last of all ing a largo sum of monoy, stolen Paterson from -AND— quilted January, watching Samuel cerebro-spinal su- STEAMER Capt. Morrison with his family leave him. meningitis, MASSACHUSETTS, stepped into the breach; when watchers night, and as she stepped into the frosty air, from DEPOT AT FOOT ΟΓ A town for New lias perinduced by excessive jumping of the rope. ST. Miss Bertha came to the and and to remember that she was York, where the Capt. joins bis Sale of seats for Joeh Hart's opened at and the well-known and popular failed, front; began hungry Her little sister, three New York and Philadelphia when the visited the little and she ship Oracle. Ballard's. years old, died from the { small-pox sea-porl drowsy, suddenly encountered Dr. Association same cause. Parents who have Tickets Sold at Reduced Rates ! of The Einmctt Dramatic are to large families Great Herridgton, it was she who wenl March coming round a corner. There are fourteen vessels on the Batli and wish to reduce STEAMER RHODE give a variety entertainment in Lyceum Hall, expenses should make a NEW F.NCI.A.M» AGKIVCI, To Canada, Detroit, Chicago, ISLAND, about from house to house, giving of and hear their stocks. uote of this.—Oil Milwaukee, draughts 'Speak angels you wings,' oji the evening of the 21st inst. The proceeds City Derrick. Cincinnati, St, Loui». Omaha, Sag- and the and inak said he. "I 319 Washington Street Boston. Arriving in New York at 6 A. M. This is the on- doses, comforting dying was of you, Miss Ber- The Prussian are to towards their inaw, St. K'anl, Salt Lake thinking will load ice at the A rctic for go replenishing treasury. City, ly line affording a sail Narra- the last toilet for the dead. tha, this minute." In invisible H. P. BALDWIN, Denver, San Francieco, delightful through ing ghastly very New Orleans. Saturday's locals, Hartwell It is sweet to gannett Bay bv to live, but oh! how bitter—to be mh2Gdly Gen. Pass. Agent Ο. R. B. of N. J. daylight. "What does it matter me?" she said "Don't turn my head, doctor." should liavo read invincible Hartwell, and and all points in the Returning, leave Pier 29, North River, at 5 P. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Goldstein's have road troubled with a and in A. when someone expostulated at the risk, "Well, you see, the brig Jane came golden wed? manager Marck should Monk. cough, day night. But West ami Southwest. M., arriving Boston at 7 M. Abby Northwest, No intermediate between "There's in the wide world to mine in last *eek. She's a ding invitations for next, Dr. Bull's Cough is a sure landing* Prov- nobody whaler—been off these Tuesday evening Syrup remedy and idence and New York. as JOSEPH General whether I live or die, and for disfigure two years. Most of the crew in April 27tli, are on crimson woolen. the cost is 25 cents. HICKSON, Manager. Tickets and belong printed only Eastern Railroad, W. J State Rooms can be secured at Com- ment—law! I left off for Great SPICER, Superintendent. office 214 caring my good Herrington, and the deuce take it if The funeral of the late Deacon Thomas oclC dtf pany's Washington, corner State Street, such as were, aren't all FAL.I. Αΐνυ IVimTEB SCHEDULE. and at Boston & Providence Railroad Station. looks, they twenty years ago they down with the ship-fever; occurred from his late residence this The reason Simpson David employed a sling on Go- J. W. Time was when I should have been as scarec came ashore as well as you are, too. Now RICHARDSON, Agent, Boston. Dr. Fiske liath was because he as of about marked and tue Domer afternoon, officiating. couldn't get any giant Oototocr 18, 187Θ. Rnmford Falls & BucÈfleld A. A. FOLSOM, Sup't B. & P. R. R. any you being losing is, some nave families to look af- —Cincinnati but it doesn't in Since last August from time to time ladies powder. Saturday Night. ®P*2 eodCmo my complexion, signify the ter them, and some haven't; and all the peo- Η.Α1Τ.Ώ Ο A T»_ have been -... j least now. If I were ugly as a nightman ple are scared as were in the small- assaulted and frightened on the \ they u% \1 INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. folks would give me their sewing to do jusl pox panic,and nurses can't be found for love street by a man dressed in disguise. During "The Best Cough Medicine in the World.' MALT The old ίί^Λ"·™ the same, I or least not UNFERMENTED Vegetable Balsam. Cutler suppose." money—at enough. I've been the first part of his career credence was not Pulmouary Eaetport. €alai«. St. John, IV. II., Annap- but I should hate to be so Bros. & Co., Boston. Small reduced to 35c \v indoor and N. "Oh, disfigured up myself these two nights with one poor to the stories ; olix, Halifax, generally given that frightened Large, $1. P. Ε. I. that Sam wouldn't like to look at me!" sail fellow, who's wild as a and J ·'«·· President. C'harlottetown, hawk, and women so no decisive action was Sue all and and am girls told, Portlsui .March ocldtt Blair, pink white, eighteen I ready to drop, not to I'rniiiM Leave Portland speak Xaken. During the winter he has dressed in a Little FALL ARrXnGEMENI. with the world before her. of my other and I can't giris sometimes the rope and patients, find any- black ulster with which costume skip die, £ a. ui. Daily except "I dare long cape, maîTbîtte^ but murderers Monday^ (Night Express say; but there's no Sam to can body willing to look after and I didn't has him the familiar title of die because they can't skip it.— from Bangor) for Portsmouth. two trips~per week. liiin; given "The (nniiti Rntnwlow Mini.* Saco, Biddeford, whether I'm a STEAMERS. fright or not;" and Miss Ber know—I thought to 'There's Miss Black Maria." His mode of is to Newbiiryport. Salem, Lynn and Boston. A special myself, operations Pullman Car will for On and after tha drew in her breath with a a: she's cross Sleeping be ready occupancy Monday, Sept. quick gasp, Bertha, to do a turn frequent streets concealed from view. « a- j- always ready good in Portland at 'J p. ra. aud will be attached to this te22«i- tlift Steamer "N»«w Vnrfe if the fact hurt her. anιιιθίΐ happy you that, £.45 a. ui. For Boston and and at ϋ for ana to He'll die if Λΐΐυνν IC-Ugt) the Daily except Sundays. Monday Thursday p. ijl, Eastport you." ''Exactly. you don't. It's through agency of the famous "Wyo- at 1.30 m. CUNAUD, 1NJT1AN and « St. John. "A but two gentlemen have seen such a person. way stations, arriving p. precious long road." missionary work. Miss Bertha. I inoke," or "Nerve Food," which I received i in. train with Returning, will leave St. John and -me dqn't Both of these agree in their with p.* Daily except Sundays. Express ST il Eastport Aunt Janet was old as the hills know as the man has a sou description from you, I am restored to health and Pullman Parlor Car for Saco, Ports- WHITE A LINES, da vs. ?8"Why, to pay a nurse." the ladies, of whom there are good Biddeford, very many who aud Connections made at for St. before she married Uncle Artenias, and Par "I don't want if he said have had spirits. My physicians had pronounced my mouth, Newburyport, Salem, Lynn Boston, sailing weekly from Boston ami New York. Drafts Eastport Robbinston, any money, has," dealing with the scoundrel. Tues- at 5.30 in season for Sound and Kail Andrews and Calais. «nu i'hannll'c connrwl wïfa «rno tin nliintnit she. case Rriglit's Disease of the Kidneys, and in- arriving p.m. for 1£ and upwards issued on the Royal Bank of day afternoon a ladv came into ©ur office and connections South and West. Connections made at St. John for Digby, has cuAble; but thank God. I am to Ireland. CON U Η ESS STREET, Annapo- Everybody chances, they say." "That's Come home with me and stated that she had been the permitted lis, Windsor, Kentville, Halifax, N. S. ; lucky. frightened by enjoy a further lease of life For Portland, leave Z*o»tou, ocl&dtf Portland Me. Shediac, "Yes, 1 suppose has chances drink a of Mrs. scamp the previous on Winter street by using your Amherst, Pictou, Summerside, Cbarlottetown, P. E. everybody cup March's coffee, and evening wonderful 7.30 a. m. 12.30 and 7 p. m., at 12.10, 5 Ν. some hill. A man remedy. Gratefully yours, arriving I.; Fredericktown, B., and all stations on the but f them are small— I'll take to the approaching frightened and m. mighty hardlj you Herrington Arms. away I). C. Hikes, D. D. S. lip. STOXIffOTOff LII£ Intercolonial Kai way. worth she the scamp. The lady us a minute de- ticket* to all Month and calculating," returned. There's where our patient put up when he gave Through poiut* (^""Freight received day of sailing until 4 Miss scription of the fellbw and it tallies in Went at lowest rates at Ticket Com Bertha, to be sure, never acceptec came ashore. Looks as if he had no kith impor- Depot Office, FOR NEW YORK. o'clock p. m. or tant with all mercial J. M. and at the Union respects Scholar failures at an exam- street, French, For with maps of Routes, State anything but thanks for these services in th< kin in tne and I don't remember preceding. Tuesday AND MEDICINE.—Prepared without fer (after repeated 40 Circulais, Tickets, place, his last ladies Tickét Office, E. A. Waldron, Agt., Exchange A1IEA!> OF ALL ATIIFKS. Ko.vuih an»l any further in format ion at sick few evening coming from a private resi- 17100Dmentation from Canadian BARLEY MALT in apply the room; indeed, dreamed of offering face in these ple arithmetic)—"Please, teacher, I can't." street. Company'» 41) Ocean parts." dence on Middle street were in the and HOPS. MALT BITTERS are warranted more Omce, Exchange St., (opposite remuneration. One have "Poor stopped Pullman Car Ticket* for Seal* and Insurance Co.) or of any might sup- fellow! Poor fellow!" Miss Bertha gateway this One of the ladies Vitalizing, and Teacher (sarcastically)—"Can't" (Bravado) This is the Inside Route by person. ran Nourishing, Strengthening, Purify- Berth" xold at Ticket Office. Only se20tf A. R. R. R. Wharf. posed that the universe had her foi had she had been reason of their richness in Bone auti Muscle Depot STUBBS, Agent. provided forgotten up all night and back, the other requested the right of way and ing by "I never use such a word as 'can't' and never LUCIUS TUTTLE, Point Judith. their benefit, with seed-time and bar was Material than all other forms of malt or Avoiding along breakfastless. pushed him aside. He raised both arms as if Producing will." General Passenger and Ticket Agent. the common medicine, and free from the objections urged vest, air, and other common "1 thought, to be sure," she dur- to embrace lier, whereupon she ran s reaming D. W. SANBORN, Master Transportation. Steamboat Express trains leave Boston from Bos- TIME. mused, against mal· liquors. For feeble digestion, Sick Scholar the from under o«13 dtf CHANCEJ>F for which was t< the to the house. Afterwards she was (pulling puzile his ton & Providence R. R. blessings nobody expected ing next night's vigilst—"I thought to be accompan- headache, constipation, inactive stomach and liver, Depot daily, except Sunday, return ied home and was afflicted with show me how at 5.30 m., connecting at Stonington with the en- render any other tlian to make use o: sure, he was a young man ; but he is hysteria lrom deep-"seated coughs, consumption, weakness of the desk)—"Then teacher, please to p. STEAMER HENRIETTA. grayer the do i:5—15—14." tirely new and superb Steamer Rhode Island, every them. Her staid at than I am. fright. Another lady was chased kidneys and urinary organs, emaciation, mental and · neighbors home, stiflin; I wonder if his wife is recently Wednesday and Friday, and with the ele- looking and the villain bore her fhawl before she physical debility, ulcerative weaknesses of females, Teachers need not say there is 110 such word 0NH T0 Monday. On and after with burned brimstone and a camplioratec for him home soon. He isn't away gant ana popular Steamer Stonington, every Tues- Monday, April 12, vieather-beaten A exhaustion of mothers and the are as η and escaped. young girl in mid winter return- nursing aged, they can't.—Hartford Courant. and in New York Steamer Henrietta will leave atmosphere, yet caught the infection like a his hands are white and soft truly marvellous. day, Thurfeday Saturday, arriving sailor; from the School was .50 all oilier the East Side Custom House Whf. ing High used in advance of lines. while she walked abroad in the thick of it like a roughly MALT BITTERS combine a Food and a Medicine $4 alWnyM Bag- 4 I don't believe he ■BSakat m. Leave gentleman's. ever and frightened so by the fellow that she was checked through. p. Harpswell at and in the most perfect form yet devised,"an corum end The and infirm are gage a. aa. shirking nothing, came out, like thos( tarred the ropes before this Per- out of school aged strengthened and Tickets at of Boston & Maine and 7.45 aprSdtf voyage. three days from the effects of the themselves to the weak, convalescent, overworked, procured dépote men from the unscathed he is in faculties Malt Eastern Railroads, and at Rollins & 22 Ex holy fiery furnace, haps reduced and scare. We have mentioned some of the many nervous, and as brightened by Bitters. Adams', circumstances, debilitated, sleepless, melancho'v, and W. D. Little & yet more or less reduced in finances. Shi went to sees his fortune. I wonder cases of which complaint has been made· Of the purest, safest, and most powerful restorative in NEW change St., Co.'s, Exchange whaling YORK, Street. BOSTON "STEAMERS. was a cheerful and doubtless sent ti if he will die." course mention of names is not but medicine. body, But the disease left her desired, we At where Mr. VIA L. W. D. S. warmth and can to Ask for Malt Bitters prepared by the Malt Enniscorthy, Parnell attempt- FILKINS, BABCOCK, carry healing into the sick room little time for reflection and the prove suitable persons, if proof be Gen. New York. President, suri.-iises, Bitters Company, and see that every bottle bears ed to the Passenger Ag't, But Miss Bertha had not been olt wanted, ouriassertions. While not all the speak other night, he was driven octl dtf always services of the doctor, and the occasional as- boys' the Trade Mark Label, duly signed and enclosed and useful and talk and other gossip current is and from the a shower of had Portland & Worcester Line thoughtful for others. sistance of the other nurses whose patients credited, in wave lines as seen in cut. platform by eggs. It while of course the sensation is made MALT BITTERS are for all will be seen from this that are so "You must sale — — have been pretty once," tlia were all the relief af- greater by druggists. eggs plenty AND convalescing, being by many untrue and wild stories, still suffi- apl9 dlttT&FN o7 in Ireland tUat allowed to PACIFIC MAIL S. S. CO. he> dless Sue had said t< forded her. as tliey«re spoil.—Mil- chatterer, Blair, One night she moved about cient that is true is known to waukee Sun. her one establish the fact day. the room, the fire into a stir- coaxing glow, that such a mysterious nuisance remains a FOR "What makes think so?" asked Miss the Norwich Line Steamers. CALIFORNIA, you ring gruel in the porringer, pouring the mystery and carries on his annoying and scan- REAL ESTATE. her faded to Bertha, lifting eyes the mirror wine, discharging the ninety-and-nine little dalous mischief in our city. A reward t>f £50 Express Train leaves Portland at 1.15 p. m. JAPAN, CHINA, "It is like tracing the existence of the ex duties of the sick-room, it seemed to her for his apprehension would be, we be ieve, in- THE Connecting at New London same evening with the WONDERFUL fast steamers of the Norwich Line at New tinct megatherium from a foot-print in th< that the patient followed her with his strumental in nipping the Black Maria's career arriving Sandwich Inland*, New Zealand and The favorite Steamers Forest City and John rock," eyes in the bud. For Sale or York next morning at 6 a. m. Auatralia. Brooks will alternately leave FRANKLIN WHARF curiously—those great hollow, Exchange Tickets, State Rooms and Seats in Drawing darkling eyes The new aud steamers sail from New Portland, and INDIA WHARF, Boston, daily, at But Sue spoke truly. Bertha had beer full of sad —FOI*- Room Cars dbcured in advance at Rollins & Adams splendid questioning. ork oa the 1 20th and 30th 7 o'clock p. m. in her 22 and at the Cth, of each month, (Sundays excepted). fair day; the hair that was white ai "Do want to ask me Exchange Street, Depots. this line are reminded that you anything?" she carrying passengers and freight for San Francisco, Passengers by they se- uew-fallen snow J. W. PETERS, Gen. Ticket Agent. cure a comfortable had once been brown and said, beside his and Real Estate. as below: night's rest and avoid the expense pausing pillow, meeting Effects of the of J. M. LUNT, Supt ocl3tf and the eyes which were sunken the Extract inconvenience-of arriving in Boston late at night. bonny; to-day gaze. S. S. Clyde.. .April 10 | S. S. Crescent City April 30 Tickets and and had looked out like jer* Staterooms for Bale at D. H. pale, lucent beryls "Perhaps", he Saw S. S. Acapulco Apr. 20 | 272 Middle Street. from faltered—"perhaps—you Water-poweï·, Mill, Boarding YOUNG'S, under dark lashes; time and toil and could tell me—where I am—and how—I House and Store. All complete and in The Passage Rates by this line INCLUBE SLEEP- Through Tickets to New York, via the various trouble had robbed the ING MEALS and all nec- Rail and Sound Lines for sale at low rates. satin skin of its fine came here? Am I awake or dreaming?" good running order. The ACCOMMODATIONS, very , and seamed it with cheapest essary expenses of the trip. Freight taken as usual. a line "You are in the town — — many of Great Herrington property in the market. To be disposed FOB THE Through Emigrant Tickets to New Zealand and J. II. General little of remained to her COVLB, Jr., Agent. youth but a heari at the Herrington Arms," she answered. of owing to the owner having no time to CELERY AND CHAMOMILE UP- Auntralia sold at greatly reduced rates. Circulars apr5 dtf alive to generous impulses, and the coloi 'You have been ill with You attend to it. For of giving full information regarding the climate, stil ship-fever. particulars enquire WHITE MOUNTAINS, and of all the above countries and the that still burned in her cheeks in of came in the whaler products pros- spite Abby Jane, Dr. March ON THE NERVOUS pects for settlers senl free. the frosts of her forty-odd winters. Yes, tells which had HOTELS. me, pickhd you off the J. W. DEEROG, Vt., For freight or passage rates and the fullest infor Miss Bertha had had her heyday. Miss John- wreck of the bound for Burlington, mation, to the General Eastern Atlas, ÛSew York— 210 COMMERCIAL, STREET, apply Agents, eon, the squire's daughter, who lived in the you and others. You have been €. L. BAKTLETT & CO., very ill, Montreal, 115 Slate cor. Broad Ronton. finest house in Great and wore and must not or address P. 0. BOX 934. Street, St., Herrington, you talk." or to W. D. LITTLE & silks that could stand alone and apl2 deodtf CO., sable cloaks "And you have saved my life. I heard the Ogdensburg, aplOdtf 31 Exchange St., Portland. REVERE HOUSE, reaching to her heels, who ate off French doctor so this say morning." the" and AND WESTER* POINTS. china every day, and had never known what "Hush, hush; that's only the doctor's System Digestive Boston, Mass. it was to suffer from hunger, cold or fatigue, palaver." WINTER ABRANOETIENT. who had never had a sorrow a or lover- "Miss Bertha, I'm afraid you've won that Commencing Feb. 9, 1880. REDUCTION OF PRICE. even she have envied Choicest migiit poor Miss Ber- poor fellow's heart that you ve been House Lots Organs tha those taking LEAVE PORTLAND: 7.45 a. m. 50 to halcyon days wlieu Angus Aiken care of at the Herrington Arms," said Dr. PHILADELPHIA $2 $3 per Day. loved her, when walked •Through trains to Burlington, via they together in the March, dropping in a week 01· so after he had 'ells River and connect- moonlit Montpelier, Direct Steamship Line. Notwithstanding the redaction in price, the hith- gardens in their English and ordered her home to take care of with trains on Central home, herself, lest g through erto unrivalled excellence oi the table will be sat beside the and Vermont R. R. for St. Albans, Montreal and strict- fountahis, listened to the he should have another patient on his hands. CENTER Og- Leaven each Port and DEERING, densburg; also through cars on this train for Ν wan- Every Wednesday ly maintained. silvery monotone, like some sad and gentle "He's been me about IN CURING pumping dry you; ESPECIALLY ton via St. Johnsbury and Vt. Div. P. & 0. line. Saturday. CHAS. B. voice No doubt Miss Johnson wants to know FEBRIN, Proprietor. complaining. why you never married. I Situated on Clinton £.45 p. m.—For Fabyan's and intermediate sta- oc28 would have bartered all her Avenue, eodly dry-goods and told him because nobody asked you but Par- SICK tions—mixed train from Upper Bartlett. IVo for an HEADACHE, ARRIVALS IN PORTLAND: Wharfage. imported finçry experience as rich as son Chapell, and he was too a pill—" big 11.ΙΟ a.m.—From and intermediate sta- this of her elderly about whom "That's Fabyan's From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 p. HAMPTON seamstress, because youdidn't for sale tions. HOUSE, 110 romance β twined to prescribe him," are now offered m. From Pine Street Wharf, linger. To be sure, said Miss m. —From Bertha. Fever and Ague. β..'SO p. Burlington, Swanton, Ogdens- at 10 a. m. IIΛ Y .71 ARK Ε Τ In Great knew Philadelphia, SQUARE, everybody Herrington that Just then Sue Blair put lier head in burg and the West. > Insurance one-half the rate of rosy The true antidote to the effects of miasm a after the visitation of the Parson at the is ON EASY TERMS. J HAMILTON. Sup't. vessel. Bowtoii 3c OTaine R. R. small-pox door. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This is ''sailing Opposite Depot. medicine one Portland,Feb. 7. H fa7dtf for R. Chapel had invited Miss Bertha to share his "Have smoked of the most Fine trees have been left on tlie Nervous Freight the West by the Penn. R., and South you out, Miss Bertha?" popular remedies of an age of success- lots, which wil Headache, Neural- This old « by connecting forwarded free of commission. and well established Hotel temporal blessings, which consisted of a said she. "Is it ful proprietary and is in immense demand* ad greatly to their attraction. It is intended to lines, quite safe for me to como specifics, JEi«ht Dollars, llounil lhas been recently reatted and refur- otuu.il aim luui wherever on this Continent fever and exists. beautify this avenue with double rows of shade PaNHage Trip $15, aiviaij liuscuievous DOJ'S Willi in? I've sujIi a valentine—from ague Meals and Room included. bished in first class style. Prices to suit lovely Sam, A wineglass full three times a day is the Dest possi- trees, and to make it the most beautiful site for su- gia, Portland and torn jackets and dirty faces. of course—that I must Nervousness, Worcester Line For or Passage to Ithe times. Rooms large and show you, even if I ble preparative for encountering a malarious atmo- burban residences in the neighborhood of Portland. Freight apply airy, cosy "The wanted a fi. B. SAMPSON. Λ Kent. and all the modern conveniences. Hcrse cars pass parson housekeeper," the v>auv.u tue icvcii XL » Ot. V tUtJUllI16'S sphere, regulating the and the jjav, liver, invigorating to IV. S. O QCiJiu if» IS on the house to all' of "Of course a man stomach. Applv ARDL\EIS, PORTLAND & ROCHESTER R. R. Loue Wbnrl, ton. places amusements, publie neighbors agreed. of his you know. Did you ever have a and to all business houses. valentine, For Sale all and Dealers oclTcodtf Centennial Block. buildings principal Vis. age don't fall in love like a an old Miss Bertlia?" by Druggists generally.. itora to Boston arriving at th« Unetnn a \Taïr.a boy—with apr2 eod&wlm SPRING ARRANGEMENT. maid, too! Seems as she must Maine Fitchburg, Lastern and Lowell Dépote will find this though have "Once—ages nearer the For Sale. PARALYSIS AND 4N» On and after Steamship Company. beginning." INDIGESTION, .. ThurNday, April 1, the nearest first-class Hotel. thought he'd ask again—with a house all car- 1 "Oh, by-the-way," put in Dr. March, A Farm pleasantly situated. 3V2 SfciO, Passenger Trains will leave from to and Preble at Semi-Weekly Line to Xew ïork. Ζ. T. FAVOR & peted garret cellar, the gentry "here's something for you that I took from THE GREAT miles from Portland in Falmouth, PREVENTING, Portiand, St. Station 7. CO., Proprietor*. in his so to ! I CATH0LIC0N, on the old Λ© a. m. and 1.15 p. m mh8 .16m gates, speak wonder what the mail as I came It's a wonder Yarmouth road near arriving along. I Graves It Steamers Eleanora and Miss Bertha expects—at her time of too remembered it. Hill, contains 05 acres, Franconia life, Perhaps it's a valentine a leave Union at 7.30 a. m. and —when offers of too; good two-story house of 10 ing Depot, Worcester, Will until further notice leave Franklin Wharf. marriage aren't as as it has a blue LI.15 a. m., at Portland at 1.15 m. and plenty stamp. Who knows?" rooms, hard and soft water in house, barn 40x50, arriving p. every MONDAY and THURSDAY.at 6 wrinkles." 6.00 m. Portland, "Perhaps so," laughed Miss stable 20x30. Cuts about 25 tons of hay. For p. P. M., and leave Pier 38, East River, New York, But Miss Bertha Bertha, open- further of ALBERT For Clinton, Ayer June., j expected nothing. There ing and particulars enqnire J. MER- of the Fitchburg, every MONDA Y and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M WOLFE'S reading: RILL on-tbe or of A. B. HOLD EN 400 Neuralgia Heart and Nashua, Lowell, Windham, and Ep- was that in her which she would not WYOMGKEnerve'food. C premises, These steamers are fitted up with fine accommoda- history "Though lie seek till he be Street. ping at 7.30 a. m. and 1.15 p. tu. gray, (Formula by Bir Robert Christieon and Chu. Winfield M. Congress mar8eodtf tions for passengers, this a convenient exchange for the kingdoms of the eai th and Love will And out the Scott, D.) For Concord and at making very way." Manchester, points North, and comfortable route for travelers between New the thereof the dust A sovereign cure in Incipient Sudden Death. 1*15 p. m. glory ; of twenty years Angus Aikex. Insanity, Epilepsy, York and Maine. During the summer months these had in nowise Palpitation of the Heart, Neuralgia, Nervous TO LOAN ! For Rochester, Alfred, Wat- tarnished the of it. "Hehriîîgton Arms." Dysl $!S0,*>00 Springvale, steamers will touch at Uaven on their pas- Schiedam brightness of and Vineyard Aromatic Loss Memory, Opium erboro (Haco Kiver.7.30 a. 1.15 She had her anniversaries pepsia, Eating, Melancholy, On First 4-Ιπνη Mortgages or CSood Notes. in., sage to and from New York. which no one Debilitated Youth and Manhood. Broken m., and (mixed) at 6.4a p. m. Passage, including "Why, what does it mean?" she Down Con- Returning State Room, §3; meals extra. Goods destined reckoned but delicious anniversa- cried, etitutions, Nervous Weakness of the β.ave Rochester at (mixed) 6.45 a. in., 11.05 beyond herself; and "Who Kidneys, Blad- Houses and Stores For Sale and To Let. Apply Portland or New York forwarded to destination at ries of half rising flushing strangely. could der and Urinary Organs, a. m., and 3.40 p. m.; arriving at Portland guessed happiness ; days full of Barrenness, Impotency, W. H. WALDRON, Real stat*» 180 Middle once. For further information to have been so cruel? Who conli Chorea, Female Broker, Tnis Preparation has Won a Reputation 9.35 a. 1.15 m. and 6.00 m. apply sunshine and the music of the know? Hysteria, Weakness, Tremors, Nerv- Street Tip Stairs sei>24-eodtf (mixed) m., p. p. HENRY General Portland. SCHNAPPS. spheres ; dark Who—" ous Nervous and Unknown to any Other Article, for the For Gorham, Cumberland FOX, Agent, and Headache, Physical Debility at- Maccavappa, J. F. AMES, Pier P. R. New York. cruel days, when the clouds that threat- tended with Nervous Cure and Prevention of these Diseases. Westbrook and Woodt'ord'n. Ag*t, 38, "My dear child." said Dr. Irritation, Irritability, Restless- Mills, Tickets and State Rooms can be obtained at 22 ened showed no silver March, "who For Sale. Read τπε Following Interesting State- at 7.ÎIO a. 6.15 and linings. On such a could know what? ness, Sleeplessness, &c., arising from excesses in m., 1.15, (mixed) 6.45 Exchange Street. On and after December 1879 Angus Aiken is the name HOUSE on Pine, and 2 frame houses on ment of this Discovery. p· m. 1st, morning, so many years and Alcohol, Tobacco, Opium, ana other causes well and until otherwise these Steamers will As a ago, Angus of our at the known BRICK Street, for sale at a The 1.15 m. tiain from Portland connects at ordered, general beverage an»l necessary she bad out to patient Herrington Arms. to those who suffer, arresting all Losses from Spring bargain. p. not take dec5dtf gone gather spring C. P. MATTOCKS ÔIV2 St. Celery lias only come into notice within the J une. with lloosac Τ unnel Passengers. flowers, Didn't I tell you that you had won his the System, full ana Manhood. Exchange public Ayer Route for ί corrective of water rendered aud the wood had been full of heart? restoring Vigor marl 8 the and at impure by spicy odors, It's a valentine indeed!" dtf last few years as a nervine, but scientific experi- West, Union Depot, Worcester, for and ι he blood-root was $1.00 and New York viaNorwich Line, and all vegetable decomposition or other causes, pale waiting for "Just to Price, $3.00 per Bottle. ments and experience have proved a doubt rail, CLYDE'S think," said the second Mrs. Cha- beyond via Springfield, also with N. IT. &■ Ν. Ε. R. them, its petals all on at such anoth- SOLD Β-5Γ DRUGGISTS. that as Limestone, of the tiptoe; pell—"just to think of Miss ~FOR SALE. it controls nervous irritation and periodic ner- Κ. ("Steamer Maryland Route") for Philadel- Sulphate Copper &c, er date to the Bertha marry- they listened vous and sick a and the Aromatic is nightingale's ing at her time of life ! Who's to do headache to marked degree. phia, Baltimore, Washington, &, lew Schnapps superior to every while the stars stole going 4 Mouth and with Boston & R. foi Philadelphia fluting, out as if to our SHANNON & story and half House witli addition, But a combination of the Albany 11. sewing now? Wonders will never cease. MARWICK, Extract of Celery the West. other alcoholic preparation. A listen with them, and the new moon a Chemists and Stable and ail in re- public hung And to think that it was an old Apothecaries, outbuildings good and Chamomile, which has been but in Close connections made at Westbrook bow low in the affair—of recently .func- England trial of over 30 years duration in golden heavens, and she had βole Proprietors and pair and nearly new. Lot contains troduced to the tion with trains of Me. Central R. every twenty years'standing! And they say he's Manupacttjrers, profession and the public by myself, through R., and asked, "Do you never wish by the new about one acre, excellent garden and at OrandTrunk Transfer, Portland, with STEAMSHIP LINES section of our country of Wolfe's been from Dan to Beersheba to find 143 Trumbull has produced such marvellous results in ner- through Cdolpho moon, her, and St., Hartford, dona., IL Β. Α. well of water. Tliis is curing trains of Grand Trunk R. It. Angus?" "Never," he" had an- has more than property situated vousness Schnapps, its unsolicited endorsement money he knows what to do Send for and headaches, and especially nervous and tickets to all South and at by swered; "but X shall 1 shall wish Pamphlet. about four miles from Portland on tlie Through points West, FROM BOSTON to-night; with." sick and Depot offices and at 'f^Jins & No. 22 Ex- the medical and a sale that me ap8 Th&M&wlm headaches, neuralgia, indigestion sleepless- Adams', faculty unequaled yon may love forever and ever." Gray road. Λ good title and immediate change Street. in connection with OIjD COLONY BAIL·. ness, that it has excited public attention and news- KO other alcoholic And then he had kissed her, and "the night- possession will be given. The above aprldtf J. M. LTJNT. Suot. AD. by any distillation have paper comments; and, therefore, I give the follow- ingale kept fluting." There was that day in property will be sold for $675.00, and is BOSTON TO THE SOUTH, insured for it the reputation of salubrity June which should KNOW THYSELF. ing information to the public to avoid have been their wedding (lie best bargain in Deerin^'. answering BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD. Semi-Weekly Line, Qniclf rime. Low claimed for it. For sale all HE untold miseries that re- hundreds of letters of by Druggists day; and the time when he kissed her ou the of Z. 0. LAM- inquiry about them : Rates, Frequent last, TIsult from indiscretion in Inquire premises Departure». and Grocers. under the early My Celery and Chamomile for the cure of WINTER AKBANUEMENT. golden laburnum tree ; and then life may be alleviated and cured. BERT, or of JOHN C. COBB, 31 1-2 Ex- Pills, Freight received and forwarded daily to FALL that dreadful Those who doubt this headaches and nervousness, are under RIVER, there connecting with the Clyde Steam- morning when her father assertion change Street, Portland. prepared my On and after Oct· came should the new medical All but can remain on and are Monday, er», nailing every WEDNDSDAY and SATUR- tome, black as a thunder and purchase $200 Mortage. supervision, intended expressly to cure Trains cloud, work the PEA- marl d&wtf 1879, Passenger DAY to Philadelphia direct, at swore she should never published by LEAVE connecting marry the son of the BODY MEDICAL headache, neuralgia, indigestion, sleeplessness and Jl^M^JwillΤ PORTLAND Philadelphia with Clyde Steam Lines to Charles INSTITUTE, "-fob BOSTON at a. man who had ruined who and will cure case 8.45 m., 8. Cm D. him, had robbed Boston, entitled THE SCI- nervousness, any where no or- 3.30 ton, Wa»hington, C., George- TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION. 1.00, p. m., arriving at Boston at 1.30, 5.30, D. him of the invention into the of ENCE OF LIFE ; or. ganic disease of the brain or cord exists. 3.00 town, C., Alexandria, Ta·, and all Rai perfection spinal p. m. Returning, leave Boston at 7.30 a. m., and Vr ater Lines. life's Son <1 «hich he had all his SELF PRESERVATION Hundreds of 3.30 put mbney, his hopes HE Pond Cove property, situated on the Shore cases of many years have 12.30, p. m., arriving at Portland at 12.10, Rates named and Bills ft, Exhausted nervous and standing of iven lipid vitality, Through Lading ami his for physical debility, Γ road, Cape Elizabeth, one mile from Cape Cot- 5.00, 8.00 p. m. energies years. Bertha had re- [>r vitality impaired by the errors of or too been cured. No matter how chronic or obstinate from any point in New England to Philadelphi youth tage, five from the Ocean House, and four and a For Scarborough Beach, Pine Old fused to renounce her lover on slose to business be restored and case Point, For rates of and other to accountTof application may îalf from will be sold at June the may be, a permanent cure is morally cer Orchard Freight, information, apply 18 BEAYER lier manhood Portland, auction, Beach, Saco, Biddeford, and D. D. C. STREET, father's wrong; there had followed a regained. $th. on the if not of. tain. This statement is made Kennebunk at o.45 a. MINK, Agent, Two hundredth revised and premises, previously disposed after years of experi- m., 1.00, 3.30, 5.45 196 Washington Street. Mass then her father edition, enlarged, just rhe consists of a or two p. m. Boston, scene; had seemed to It ;s a property large farm, good ence in their use in the of Wm. P. A: General soften, published. standard medical work, the best sized with all the general practice medicine. For Clyde Co., Managers, and traveled to London with in ones, buildings thereon; a valuable Wells, No· Berwick, Salmon No. 12 So. lier to talk the the English language, written by a physician of These pills are also valuable for school Falls, Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. >rchard, mostly both early and late vaaities. children Cireat Falls, Rochester, Farmington, feb6 NEW YORK. matter over with a She had been great experience, te whom was awarded a gold and apples,of Ν. no29 lawyer. L'here are tori! nice hay annually cut on who suffer from nervous caused an II. « Dover, New Market, Exeter· dtf to jewelled medal the National Medical Association. forty headaches, by glad enough go, for was not some- by ;he estate, and the amount of large and early veg- Haverhill, Lawrence. and Angus It contains beautiful and very expensive overworked brain in their studies, and for all class- Andover, & where in the of London at his engravings- ; tables raised is something uncommon. There is Lowell at 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.30 p. m. Norfolk, Baltimore Washington great throng rhree hundred pages, more than 50 valuable es of hard brain whose pre- excellent pasturage, and about 40 acres of Wood- workers, over-taxed ner- For Alton Bay at 8.45 a. m., 3.30 p. m. work? Would she not be sure to meet him? icriptions for all forms of the re- Norwegian prevailing disease, and. There is plenty of a vous centres need and sedation. For Manchester and Concord But the after reached the luit of many years of extensive and successful water, including boiling repair Nervous (via Lawrence) ΝΤΕΛφΙίΗΙΡ UNE, day they big noisy prac- and great quantities of ice are cut every at 8.45 a. m.; (via New Market at iice, either one of which is worth ten times the ipring, tremor, weakness and paralysis are being Junction) city her father had taken lier out and on vinter on a running brook on the farm. On that daily 3.30 p. m. First Claim >rice of the book. Bound in French curea tnese Steanuhipe. a cloth; price >art of the farm the ocean, a of Dy puis, rney correct costiveness bu Train leaves Kennebunk for Portland board ship, sight-seeing; and >nlv sent mail fronting village Morning at suddenly, $1, by post-paid, lunimer residences could be erected, are not Γ.10, arrives at Portland at 8.07. while she looked and listened and The London Lancet "No should be unsurpassed purgative. JOHN HOPKj. WM. wondered says: person η and that too without with The 1.00 p. m. Trains connect with Sound S, CRANE, vithout this location, interfering Directions on box. 50 or Line WM. and talked with the valuable book. The author is a noble every Price, cents, six Steamers for LAWRENCE, D. H. MILLER. Captain—who was in benefactor." ihe farm. aprddtf New York· COUGH REMEDY boxes for the the $2.50; postage free to any address. No The 3.30 p. m. trains make connections with From Bouton direct every WEDNESDAY secret—suddenly shore, the masts, An illustrated sent to all on of 6 fVlP Qtponlpe KûffOn fr» nn/1 *1.λ— sample receipt order Vew Y~i»rk all rail· and SATURDAY at 3 P. :ente for filled unless accompanied by tlie money. For 91. postage. Tickets to all out The author refers, sale all wholesale and retail Through Points South and Freight forwarded from Norfolk to and standing to sea. bound for America. by permission, to JOS. S. MM SHE. by druggists. Depot, West at lowest rates· Washington W. I. P. Alexandria by steamer Lady of the and what a and hateful FISHER, president; INGKAHAM, vice- LOTSJOR No. 106 North Eutaw Md. Trains on Boston & Maine road Lake, Oh, it was connect with long voyage ! resident: W. M C. S. street, Baltimore, all through rates given. how she PAINE, D.; GAUNTT, M, iteamers between Portland and longed for the sight of Angus, to [>.; H. J. M. D.: Ii. H. M. One of the choicest lots at the C. W. BENSON, M. D. running Bangor, Freight forwarded to Petersburg, Richmond and all DOUCET, KLINE, X.WW D.l », ..tuvuiw, »ju,-ujiui ι-, Oli· Points South and Southwest via say one to tell him it was I. K. M. D.; N. R. M. D.. and ναιαίΒ, Va. and Tenu. Air just parting word, HOLCOMB, LYNCH, 'WEST END." 65 feet on Con- John and Halifax. Also connect with Grand Trunk Line. C. Ρ no fault of it w ivnnvxrwi.T. tu τ* Gaither, Agent, 240 Washington street. hers, and she should love him rains at Grand Trunk and Maine Central To all >hia University of Medicine and Surgerv: also gress Street, 80 feet on Carlton St. Station, points of North and South Carolina and be- forever and ever! What terrible the ind Portland & trains at Transfer via days they 'acuity of the American University of Ogdensburg Sta- yond Atlantic Coast Line, John S. Daley, Agent were which carried her Philadelphia; Also HOUSE and LOT Parsons, & Co. ion. 306 Street. farther and farther ilso P. A. BISSELL, M. D., president of the Nation- adjoining Washington Bangs All trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for to all noints in the * πμλ from ru re· il Medical Association. refresh- And West bv Raltimnrr» England! The fine weather seemed Muduiuiciy Vo. 92 Carlton St., modern built, nents. First class Rooms Address Dr. W. H. PAR- Dining at Portland, JK. Κ., M. W. Davison, 219 wasted without When storms TTI? A Τ WHOLESALE Cransfer Lawrence Agent, Washington Angus. bore Made from Grape Cream Tartar.—No other No. 4 Bulfinch Street llJLAL :onven:ent for two one of DRUGGISTS, Station, Exeter, -and Boston. street. prepa- £ER, families, THROUGH TICKETS to all down upon them she shivered ai the ration makes such hot Mass. points West and Ship via Seaboard Air Line to only light, flaky breads, or luxuri- ioston, The author ΓΓ1Τί\Γ^Τ^Τ he most desirable locations in the ioutli Raloigh, Charlotte, ous 1? may be bad of M. L. Ticket thought of from him. But as pastry. Can be eaten dyspeptics without fear nay be consulted on all dis- A D. i OJCiJuJj Williams, Spartansburg, Greenville, Atlanta, the Carolina* dying apart by Boston & Maine and at and of the ills resulting from food. >ases skill and ijjent, Depot, Union Georgia Points. A. H. Torricelli, Agent, 93 they drew near the New her heavy indigestible requiring experience. îity. 117 & 119 Middle Picket 40 St. World, father, Sold only in cans, by all Grocers. de8 St., Portland, Me. Office, Exchange Milk St. Through bills of lading given by the above weakened a and M,Th&wly JAS. T. by long useless struggle Royal Baking Powdeb New York. The above property will be sold FuRBER. Gen. Supt. named agents. with Co., S. H. STEVENS, Gen. Portland. fortune, and broken utterly this ap30 dly it a fair and on Agent, Pafcftage to Norfolk unci Baltimore including by price, easy terms ocll dtf Berth and let "unkindest cut," gave np the contest and GENERAL AGENTS. Meals, Class, !?9. 2d Class, $7. >f to GEO. H. For or passage to Norfolk, Wash- This is the best lay down to die. payment. Apply sel lawM freight Baltimore, Cough Remedy known 486 ington, or other information apply to cure for loss of Voice, Coughs, "Promise me, Bertha," he 3USHMAN, Congress Street. E. SAMPSON, Colds, begged—"prom- aprO dtf Agent, Bronchitis and all troubles the no2dtf Central mi — ■» *" affecting ise that you will never write to that man's Csmith's HOP BITTERS. Maine Wharf, Boston. a son, that you will hide yourself from him. CA Medicine, not a Drink,) Central Farm For Sale In It irritation and re- Promise ine, or I shall not rest in CONTAINS TOLBOKS COMPOUND OF Instantly allays my grave. 'M£dicatJ-& moves all Huskiness and of the Promise, and I shall die will- IltlPS, ISUCI1U, MANDRAKE, Westbroolx.. Portland, Bangor & Macliias Dryness child, easy, throat and increases the and flex- Can refuse this prunes^- DANDELION, ΓΛΝ the road leading from Cumberland Mills to power ingly. you last request? And the Purest and Best Medical Qualities of Lf Windham, containing 62 acres of land of the PURE COD LIVER I STEAMBOAT CO. ibility of the Voice. And amidst and distraction Ber- I RAILROAD. grief poor at.τ, test Title and other Bitters. quality. perfect terms easy. The SPRING tha And she had her arm is in the best condition of ARRANGEMENTS. promised. kept prom- TIIEY any in the town. ise for and CURE ror particulars enquire of LKANDER CLE- OIL AND LIKE. MONDAY, JAM'Y. 20, 1880, Commencing April 'id, 18SO. F. T. MEAHGR twenty years better. Never one. us. All Diseases of the & CO. word I Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, MENTS, Saccarappa Village, Me. for Angus had crossed the water to I and Farming imple- Sidneys, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleep- aents included in the sale if desired. Passenger Traîne leave Portland for Ban- The Favorite Steamer LEWIS- tell him whether she lived or Jlessness and "3 died, though especially Female Complaints. Dated April 1st, 1880. apr2dlmo* Dexter, Belfast and Waterville at TON, Charles I)eering, To the will Master, longing thoughts and wishes went out to Coueumptive·—JLet thoee who lan- for,2.30. and 11.16 P. M. ft leave Railroad Port- Proprietor», 0r under 12.35, Wharf, him on wind «■ mild laxa^TSiciueB $1000 IN GOLD. FARM ΓΟΒ SALE guish the fatal severity of our-climate For at «MSBODESSBicland. at or on the arri- every that blew, though of cathartic mea i inff. Skowhegan 12.30,12.35 and 11.15 p.m. 11.15, night Ào h 5i wrat2Lelirect through any pulmonary complaint, or even those who For Hallo val of the Pullman Train from after her was wet without child* Will be paid for a ease they will not cure or five miles from Portland one mile Augusta, well, (Sardiner and Boston, every nJglit pillow with bitter efferfrsJ)ufc naus^°por a help, or| Scarboro, are in decided Consumption* no means Fridav for Corner Congress & Preble follow repeated for Oak Hill acres by despair. Brunswick at 7.00 a. m., 5.10 and 11.- evening, Rockland, (antine. Streets, he anything impure or injurious found in them. [N from Depot, fifty of new There is a safe and sure 12.35, Deer tears, though had never been out of her land, remedy at hand, and one 15 m. Iule, Nedgwick, South-went and Bar 'i-aïfL· WifiSP0takenatbedit?5£etal>teand Ask for will be sold " p. is χ your druggist Hop Bitters and try them luildings, fifty apple trees, cheap this easily tried. Wilbor's Cod-Liver Oil Harbor, (MU. or At first she had althfuC* ^UeationKjedleationise/tiirefl/ji on Compound of Por Rockland and all stations on Knox & Lin- De»ert,) Mill bridge, Joucm- mind, waking sleeping. entirelyjffg^ before you «ο the to EDWIN ^THicians recommend1 sleep. Take other. pring. Apply premises MOSES, and Lime" without possessing the very coln and port, and Also leave PORTLAND, Jltt. comforted herself with the belief that he ^-Unirgj.if.q keep nauseating R. R., for Ijewiston and Farmington Machiattport. Portland thet^, april c d2w* flavor of the Oil as heretofore used is every Hop Cough Cure endowed by via at 7.00 a. m. and 12.35 m. Tuenday evening, same time, for Mil- would find her out isathe sweetest, safest and best. the of Brunswipk, p. For Sale all himself ; but, as time mh5 Phosphate Lime with a Por at a. bridge, at Intermediate by Drugginti. oc4dtl Noleodéthp&wlyll Ask [louse and Store Lots healing property Bath 7.00 m., and 12.35 and 5.10 p. m. touching landing!·*. this faded and Children. For Sale. which renders the Oil doubly efficacious. Remarka- For Returning leave passed, hope died, and was Fnrmiii«ion, Monmouth, Winthrop, j Machiawport every Monday «BAÏ»8 SPECIFIC cliauce for investment, corner Brackett ble testimonials of its efficacy can be shown. Sold Read West morning at and given decent burial. How should he know R1EDICKNE. The Πογ Pad for Li vqt and field, Waterrille and Water- | 4,*tO, Milbridge every Mon- Stomaçli, Kidney is and Pine Streets. House A. and day and at A. rior ·ηρβ-| RAKE contains nine pleas- by B.Wilbob, Chemist, Boston, allldrug- ville via Lewiston at 12.30 m. ThurMday 8 M., at that she had proved true, that she had loved TRADEMARK THE to all others. Cures by absorption. Ask p. touching Arnmtt mn OreatTRADE MARK druggist. .nt rooms in good repair. Enquire immediately at gists. TT&S&lww intermediate landings, arriving in Portland same him on and on? should Rem- >64 Why he not sup- ngiith D. I. C. is an absolute and -1 CONGRESS STREET. Evening, connecting with Pullman Night Train lor an irresistible cure for drunk For Lewiston and Auburn. that she had left him of her edy, unfailing marl 5 dtf For the Life of all Flesh is the Blood thereof— Boston. M- nmfrT&nmB. pose own choice use of Prescription For the cure for Seminal enness, opium, tobacco and narcotics: Trains leave at 12.30 will Free., speedy Cure of Hew- because she Lev. xvii, 14. Passenger and 5.05 p. m. Passengers not be disturbed until inal Weakness, Lous of Manhood, and nil scorned the son of his father? Send for circular. The tram at 11.15 unless morning, disorders Weakness, Sper- fl···· leaving p. m. also has a passen- wishing to take Pullmau train. Trains leave brought on by indiscretion or excess. Any No doubt he had I m louses and House Lots for Sale Druggist taught himself to unlove matorrhea, po- by druggist*. Hop Bitters Mfg.Co. Rochester, N.Y. ger car attached, connecting at Cumberland next day for Boston at 8.45 A. M. and 1 has the imrredients. Address j^Above&old JuncJ P. M. DAVIDSON her; had almost forgotten the old fondness, tency, and all dis- IN DR. Ë. «Γ REED, tion with a mixed train for LewistonjAuburn, Steamers leave for Boston at 7 P. M. dailv. «fc CO., 78 Nueimu Si., Ν. Y. eases that I'EERING. and Waterville. The 11.15 m. The Lewiston connects at the old hurt; had married some woman follow, ap2 eodly Winthrop p. Rockland with Sanford je-4 good as a sequence of to is the Night Express Train with Pullman S. S. Co Steamers for w*d&wly21 and was Lpply CHABLEM RICH, sleeping Banger and happy by his own fireside with his * Clairvoyant Physician, car attached close River-landings, Sklf-Abuse; oclStf 15 making connection at Bangor every Saturday morning. Coining West connects GEO. P. children. he was Loss of Exchange St., Portland Me. Has removed from 124 Centre to Middle for all stations on the KOWELL λ She hoped happy; as for Memory, St, 274V2 Bangor & Piscataquis R. R„ Monday's for Boston. On and after June i)th will CO. fobsat.kT near Market "where he is to the Ε. & N. A. that she did not care to BEFORE TAKINB.UBiversal Lassi-AFTER TAKINQ. St., Square, prepared Railway, and for St. J oliα and connect each trip, both ways. good woman, think treat all kinds of Chronic Diseases." of her tude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Prema- Halifax, Il oui ton, Woodstock, St. An- Passengers from Portland forwarded Advertising Agents, overmuch. But she ture Old rhe best cliance in For Sale. the two the Dr. (Fridays) to daily pictured Age, and many other Diseases that lead to New During past years has treated drews, lit. Stephen, Fredei Fort Bangor and at usual rates. FOR ALL THE him in the Hampshire of tcton, River-landings LEADING midst of his family—pictured Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. An of 40 horec not Hundreds Cases in Portland, and in all Cases ho Fairfield and Caribou. for same NEWSPAPERS, HE stock of Engine power, new Freight points from Portland (Tuesday him and the color et-F ull particulars in our which we Liquors and Fixtures, Nos. »ut nearly n* has given Perfect Satisfaction. Dr. Reed's Renova- Trains arrive in as aud IO young handsome, with in pamphlet, A 4 good. Passenger Portland Friday) forwarded at REGULAR TARIFF «FBlt'K NEW desire to send free mail to one. Γ ii Bow Portsmouth. It is Pills are what need for a Medi- trains of TREBT, VORH his smooth the bronze shade in his by every HQsT* The Street, ROl'AIi LFICHTOIN, ting just you Spring follows:—The morning from Augusta, Gar- RATES this company. cheek, Medicine is sold all me of the best locations for the Whole- tone to the Stomach and the The Press be Specific by druggists at $1 per marJldtf IVootifordi*, Deering. cine, giving Purifying diner, Bath, Brunswick and Lewiston at 8.35 and Steamer City of Richmond is withdrawn from the may found on tile at our office. waving hair, the in his for- lale and Retail All his are sparkle eyes, package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free business in the city, been Blood. medicines Composed wholly of 8.40 a. m. The day trains from route until further notice. that Med for that Bangor, Dexter, getting twenty years tjad robbed him of by mail on receipt of the money purpose for twenty years. Vegetable Substances to the Exclusion of all Pois- Belfast, Skowhegan. K. & L. R. Tickets and State rooms by addressing The stock is For Sale. Farmington, R., securad at Union Passen- E. and light and trade good. Reason onous Minerals. and all intermediate stations at 12.45 and 40 FRESHMAN A BKOS. youth beauty. THE «KAV 12.52 ger Office, Exchange St. 1TIEDICI1VE CO., for selling is, the owner about to en- Y new House on Clifton at Dr. Reed treats Cases with success at a m. The When her father died there being Street, Wordford's, Equal p. afternoon trains from Augusta, Bath, All communications by mail or for had not been gage iu other business. IHUist two can be Consulted or telegraph No. 3 Mechanics' Mich. be disposed ML Peering; story with ell, 8 large sunny distance, personally by Letter. and Lewiston at 5.45 p.m. The Night Pullman rooms should be addressed to enough money left in the to take her Block, Detroit, >f on or before the 30tli of ventilation and for Examination $1.00 train Advertising Agents, purse BP" Sold in Portland by » 11 and April. Inquire ooms, drainage excellent, good gar- Charge Express at 1.50 a. m. GEO. L. DAY, Gen. Ticket home to Druggists by »f J. I. («rant on the len. Terms Office Hours from 9 to 11 A. M. and 1 to 9 P. Agent, England, though C'apt. Krervwhere. nov2 premises. easy. FRED. 0. NASli, M. PAYSON TUCKER. Sup't E. GUSHING, General ll*