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Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-24-1909 Carrizozo News, 09-24-1909 J.A. Haley

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Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 09-24-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/carrizozo_news/67

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TUBLIC SCHOOLS OPEN. COURT WILL BE HELD AT CARRIZOZO. to reach Carrizozo within two latious to all, and may the little a4 The Carrizozo public school Pursuant to call, the citizens weeks, soon after which the act-u- nl one grow to womanhood in the opened Monday, with four teach- of the town met last Saturday work of grading will begin. new county scat of Carrizozo, and ers u I their desks. The enrollment night to hear the report of the The greatest obstacle to the sur- may she and it grow until they went beyond 200, and this has committee, which had been ap- vey, so far encountered, was what become the fairest and best in ben considerably increased dur- pointed at a previous meeting to is known as the "liig Hill," be- the whole laud of the maflaim. ing the week. secure a building in which to low Picacho, and the survey cut E II. Chapman is principal, hold of district I that down to a nine percent grade. the next term the LINCOLN LOCALS. mid will have charge of the up- court in this county. The com- From Lincoln this way the J. U. Higgle will move per gra les and the high school mittee made a report of its inves- work of the surveyors will be! his family from department. Miss Elsie Mount, tigations, announcing that it had light until they reach the Nogal Capitau to Lincoln next week. handles the intermediate grades, three places under consideration, Hill, about twelve miles cast of Mrs. Elizabeth Ouuitit the pri- viz: the Skinner buildinir, the Carrizozj, and there the skill of PostolhVc Inspector Crawford mary, while Miss Antic Hensler Hank building and the Public the engineer will again be put to was checking up the local ollice uonducts the school south of the School building, and recommend- the test, That hill has been n this week. railroad. ed that all three propositions be terror to teamsters since Adam Probate Judge Lucero was in The enrollment is so large that placed before the judge. The re- was a boy. However, by circling town this week attending to some the board finds it necessary to port of the committee was duly and bridging it is believed they probate business. a fifth and hopes employ teacher, adopted, and the committee was will get around or over the hill j H. O. Hunt carried two prison-- ' by next week to lighten the bur- instructed to proceed to Alamo. with a tolerable grade, and lessen jcrs from Carrizozo Saturday, and den of the teachers in the present irordo and present the different the distance considerably. The returned Monday morning. of congestion. The two state locations for the consideration survey from Nogal to this point Attorney Sherry of Alamogor- lower rooms in the main building en- ()f tnc judge, presents no difficulties to the do was transacting legal business now so densely packed I'.nd are that 'phc question of the care of the gineer, the survey, no doubt, at the clerk's office Monday. lloor space is at a premium and i prisoners arisintr, the suggestion will follow the present road. A force of carpenters is at work desks for all is out of the qucs made Kink The construction of this road was that the Skating shingling several business houses lion. might be secured for this pur means a great deal to Lincoln this week, among them the Ara-go- n Classes in the high school discussion, a county, in it will make more pose. After some that house and work have been organized by accessible the Exchange motion was adopted authorizing points that are far apart buildings. Prof. Chapman, and the enroll- the committee to include the and difficult to reach, and at the Sheriff C. A. wife, ment itt this department is ex- Rink in the proposition. same time arouse a public spirit Stevens and and pected to increase rapidly. This The committee left Monday throughout the county that will County Treasurer Watson and wife too'; a spin in an will hi tli'c only high school in morning for Alamogordo, but be- result in a general building of, auto to the t.ic county, and it is believed that fore going had received assuran- good roads. The building of, surveying camp near Hondo last Sunday. this department will prove of ces from Judge Coolcy that court this road will require quite an! ureat interest throughout the would be held in Carrizozo. Ar- outlay of money, but the territory' The Most Rev. Pitival, arch- county. riving at Alamogordo, the com will aid, either by convict labor, j bishop of Santa Fc reached town Prof. Chapman is a graduate mittee met the judge, and went by an appropriation or by both. Saturday afternoon. On Sunday of Mississippi College, Clinton, over the propositions it had to It is estimated that eight months ,,u administered the sacrament of Mississippi, has taught for ten offer. Judge Cooley indicated a will come and go before the work Continuation to a larire number years in that state, and brings preference for the Skinner build- is completed. of children at the church. About the best ol references. lie is a ing or the Hank building, and no- 500 people attended the service. is gentleman of attainments, tices were accordingly posted on MASONIC MEETING. Miss Mary Walter has received possessed of energy and an ambi- these buildings. The regular communication of her commission as postmistress tion to succeed; therefore, we see The jail question was disposed Carrizozo Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Lincoln, and will assume the no reason why a high school of by the judge declaring that he will be held at the Masonic hall, duties of her office on the first of should not be built up here lo- that would take this matter up with tomorrow night, Sept. 25th, at October. The new postoflice, - will be a pride to all. IT Short Stevens; thus relieving 7:30 o'clock. Work in the first !catul ca8t of tl,e ,,ole, ls ucinK Miss Mouutz and Mrs. Uumiii the committee and the citizens of and second degrees. As this will renovated, and new fixtures have are not new in the schools of Car this responsibility. be our last communication under been ordered, which arc expected rlzozo, and their j The venires will be drawn at the existing dispensation, all to arrive in a few days. is .sufficient evidence of past sat-- ; 2, Alamogordo October and the members are requested to be pres- Deputy Territorial Engineer itfftii'.tion. Mistt Hensler is teach-- 1 term of court will begin here the ent, as business of much import- Lewis, with four assistants, has iug her first school here, but her! first day of November. Judge ance will be brought up. Visit- pitched tent on the courthouse and goneral know!-- 1 references Cooky anticipates a three weeks' ing Masons cordially invited. lawn. They arc engaged in the Cdgo, combined will? Iior experi- term of court, and feels that, even survey of the Ros well-C- o rrizozo ence in leaching, induce the ho- with that length of term, owing to THE ARRIVAL OF THE STORK. road and expect to be Carrizozo llar her department will be that the long interval between courts, in about two weeks. Sheriff C. satisfactorily conducted. Sunday morning at an early it will require active work to dis- A. Stevens arranged a social in Do uot forgot that, in order to hour, the proverbial stork visited pose of the heavy docket. their honor Monday night at auccossful school, teacher the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. hntn and which quite a good crowd was anil pupil must work in hariuo-tiy- , Holland, quietly deposited a THE ROAD SURVEY IN PROCRESS. nine-poun- d present and a few hours spent in uudi-vidt- baby girl. It is said null both require the d dancing. support of the patron. Let Assistant Territorial Engineer to be a cute little bit of human- Lewis, who is in us nil pull together for a success- charge of the ity, and has been christened the corps surveying the Roswell-Carrizoz- o Helen Frances, in honor of rela- "Nifty" that's tlte expression ful torm, n long term, and let us '1 lav tho foundation of Carrizozo's auto and wagon road, tives. The little girlie has begun the youugmau uses when he in- fmitru in thu upbuilding of a has completed the survey from to enjoy life, and papa and mama spects our line of fall suits and 4 UKigiiificunt school. Roswell to Lincoln, and expects are well aud happy, Congralu- - overcoats. Ziegler Bros, no Incns wcro BUfforcd to go to do-ca- y LUCKY MAN. by tholr Spanish conquerors. In somo spots tho waters aro still left to Mow In tholr silent subtorraneous channels, whoso windings and whose Bourcns hnvo been alike unexplored. Others, though partially dilapidated and closed up with rubbish, still bo-tra- y their course. Such remains nro HUGE PROJECTS EXP SQtT found In tho Valley of Ntisca, where w tho ancient water coursos of tho In- cns, measuring four or llvo feet In depth by tbroo In width, nnd formed of largo blocks of uncotnontcd aro conducted from nn un- known sotirco. Coming to tho northern continent, wo II ml again marvelous ovldoncos of She Two men whom I refused to reclamation work. Tho Aztecs hnd a marry, sir, have becomo millionaires! most cotnplcto nnd sys- Ho Is that tho reason why? tem of Irrigation. They used wntor from tho mountnln strcnins and hnd CHILD HAD SIXTY BOILS. a knowledge of dike building! tboy surrounded their Holds with hodgos And Suffered Annually with a Red of stone, nnd directed canals through Scald-Lik- e Humor on Her Head. thrill. They showed also good judg- ment In tho management of their Troubles Cured by Cutlcura. ground. When It was oxbnusted It wns permitted to fnllow, nnd Its ex- "When my llltlo Vlvlnn wna about treme dryncsB wns relieved by canals nix montha old her hend broko out In with which tho Innd was Irrigated. bolle. Sho hnd nbout sixty In nil nnd Around tho City of Moxleo tho dis- I used Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutlcura trict wns checkered with patches of Ointment which cured lior entirely. Indian com nnd plantations of cacao Somo tlino Inter n humor broko out bo. which required constant Irrigation. hind her ears nnd nprend up on to Hut what Is Latin Amorlcn doing her hend until It wns nenrly hnlf cov today to solve this great problem crcd. The humor looked llko n scald, which In attracting tho nttcntlon of very rod with a sticky, elenr fluid com- the cntlro world? Surely It Is (link- ing from It. This occurred evory ing great strides In this ns In nil spring. I nlwnys used Cutlcura Soap other directions. Somo of tho re nnd Ointment which never fnlled to publics nro so fortunntcly situated henl It up. Tho Inst tlmo It broko that tho problem of Irrigation Is not out It beenmo so bad thnt I wns dis- yet n nccesBnry one, because tholr couraged. Hut I continued tho use of areas aro well blessed with nbundant Cutlcura Sonp, Ointment and Resol- strenms nnd sulllclent rnlnfall. For vent until sho wns woll nnd hns never tho present their needs nro fully met been troubled In tho last two years. by tho natural water supply of tho Mrs. M. A. Schwcrln, 07-- 8prlng Wells cultivated Holds. Tho questions of Avo., Dotrolt, Mich., Feb. 24, 1008." grent, costly Irrigating schemes have rotter I)rti A Cttem. Corp., Bola I'ropt., ISotton. not come ImmcdlnUly beforo thorn. Tho rapid progress these countrlos A Parting In High Life. nro mnklng, however, and tho sternly "What were the terms ot tho di- 'l'h o rcmnrkablo achievements of tlblo of extraordinary production. To Increnso In population, will undoubt- vorce?" our ulster American republics In Ir- thoa spots water was conveyed by edly necessitate tho snmu considera- "She keeps the poodle." rigation ami reclamation demonstrate means of canals nnd subterraneous tion of this problem which wo nro y l trifling aqueducts, executed on n noble xcalo. giving It In tho 1'nltcd Stntcs. Pore threat no ailment. It forcibly thu Importance nuil progress will Minictliiu'x curry Infection to tin en- of these nations. Thulr They consisted of largo Blabs of free- TJio great mnjorlty of our sister s tire system tluoimli tho food thnt la stone nicely lilted together reaching practlcnl solutions UtiiiilliiH Wlmrd Oil I n sure, quick cure. work, both pnHt nml present, In this without nro cement and discharged a volume of ot or tho ngrlculturlsts. lino development of tbclr tho domnnds of mntcrlnl water sulllclent, by means of Intent Other countries, llko Uruguay and When you boar a girl speak of a vast areas and limitless resources ducts or Blulcos, to moisten tho Paraguay, aro so well watered thnt yeutig limn ns being a boar woll, you thu average limn and Is llttlu lands In tho lower lovel through tlioro has neon no grent call for nrtl-llcla- l enn draw your own conclusions. appreciated throughout thu United which they passed. Irrigation. In tho inoui-tnl- nillltV l, ! I'AIMtll.Mtlt Stntcs. of aqueducts however, the rnlnfall mny l t tip hwM, niHl mim-.- i rmiMilr mr Somo theso wcro of countries, iff.i. cr.ini, What tlii;y Imvo nro doing souioU-me- mill r ami illitrrlH-i- A.a llnliiii'itl liiroiiuiidiunii done, great length- - One, that traversed tho bo grent. but tho vnlloys .mln It 1 uiiniujllwl ami Intend to do rival the most am- district of CondoHiivo, measured be- need water during tho dry scasin, bitious schemes of HiIh country and tween four and II vo hundred miles. and (Kinsoquently the problem ot Ir- A mnlleiiiiiH truth may do mori nmko us ndtnlro tholr enterprise and They were brought from some ele- rigation becomes a practlcnl one. harm than an Innocent lie. energy. If tlu Irrigation export of vated lake or natural reservoir In tho In Kcundor, tho minister of fbo In- the railed states wore to vlult and nnd very Mm. AVInnlmr'n Honthlnu Nrmi. heart of tho moimtalns wero fed terior nnd public works Is active Vor i lillilrvn UwllilHK, .of Inn. tlx Itiiraa, rcilurca Inspect thu principal reclamation nt Intervals by other basins which In encouraging nil plnns for tho ex- 23c buttle. works between Mexico on the north lay In their rotito nlong tho slope of tension of modern agricultural meth- An easy beginning doesn't always nnd Argentina on the south, lie pas-vng- far tho Sierras. In tills descent a ods whorover applicable. The wntnr Jdstiry the llhisb would return not only with now nnd was sometimes to bo opened supply of the cities, at present n vital vnluablo Impressions whluh would bo tli rough roeks (without (tie nld of problem, Is receiving particular niton-Hon- , helpful In extending thu work here, iron tool). Impracticable mountains but band In bnnd with this goes but with nil onthiiHlnBiii for tho possl-bllltlc- uere to bp turned, rivers nnd marslies tho use of wnter for Irrlgntlon pur- of our Latin American neigh-lior- to bo crusted: In short, the same poses, nnd enreful study Is given to that would do inurb to foster obitnclofl wete to bo encountered ns tho latter as well as to the former closer relations of commerce Mini In the construe! Ion of tholr mighty Near Quito now drnln and Irrigation comity, Bald .lolm Hurrutt. dlroctor of mads Nnnr Paxiimnrea a tunnel Is pipes hnvo boon lnld nt considerable thu International Hiiitmu of the Amer- till visible whW h they oxenvatod In expense, nnd In the province or "HI In nn ican Ilopubllos. address before i bo mountains to give nn outlet to Oro" notlcenblo progress has been tho National lmgntlou emigrese Ht tho wateis of a lako. mndo on tho rivers Caluburo, lluonn-lst- Albutiuoripio. N M. Mot of these boiiullceat works of and I'ltal. Irrigation In America In nn now problem. In fart, there .ire to bo found y evidences ( Rreal Irrigating cnunli nnd systems built A GERMAN ON NEW YORK by tho Allow of Mexico and tho of Peru long before the Spanish In u loiter from New York about them on a stranger Is not ravoruble, oanuuott ami even the discovery of fifth avenue u correspondent tells in because or their actions, nnd one In they Ainurlen. A few facts Illustrative or tho limllner Tnnoblatt many tilings usually BiirprlBPd to lenrn that what tboy hnd accomplished In the which would surprls residents of that are tho daughters of respectable par IIilO tu Imaatlou hofoio ISurope in- - thoroughrnio. In the lnlroduclor outs. lie adds: "Woo to him who twiilxiil It or Dowers or Alaska-Yukon-Pacif- ic Exposition tun Mliili Wltil it tit u Im.in. elitulicu tue writer suys iiini uie marilufl one tho 'the iuv Ho will have a valuable orna- OBL 'l'ln eludont or tho prubiem of Yorkor has bo little time thnt ho us Fifth!' Tho wuiulrr nf Uio Mi- It ml 'II like It irtimitall will find abiindRiit material uully speaks or tho streot as "the ment fur his home, more expensive Fine illium ol plntet ot tho bulldlngi int tn SlOgttw. I'ani nnd the Argontlno as Fifth avonuo. The than automobile or yacht, but It will lor 30c mone order, and another ol the cllfol never SEATTLE THE "OEM OF THE COAST" ItUItnblt to prtivp the IkuipMcIhI work w according to tho not bo a real woman." Now York young onion, wiitor. Wry line, fur l UFi. ).o!iiil!. Live 111 (tone by titeeu early pooplos. parade up and down r'lrtb avenuo Tribune. Hcntilu nml In luii Lot ns look rnr a moment at I'oru while some, also unat- Jnrott W. Omlth, 417 Stllllvnp BldK. , Uo 1012, Gootllo, Wniilnglon. Tho lilenn. thu l'oruvlun nbortglnus, tended, tlrlvo. The futboiH, grtindra-tbeiB- Proof of the Pudding. Look wotn Utorough agrlctiltuitBlB, and. brothers and uncles are too "Sny. mn who did thu baking to- IDiieli f the country along tho hunting ilollnrs. Tho women, day?" asked Farmer Wliontly. "Jano, busy PATFNTS llmd rauiw. ftfaoatuil suffered from want of water, he says, aro pretty, but without llg-ui- my donr," answered Mrs. Whently. as little or no rain fell thorn, many Aftor paying a high tribute to "Humph!" snorted Whently. "Do you CDCCHXttilil iiii.ili.M.T.(miii-r.iiuiciwi,irH-w- . rnCCriiriii. it.ijiU.nli.ii tiutH. Ilur frijiii ujrtew waio capable nt buliis thu line nppoaranuo of young girls In know l'vo hentd n good dent about nnd llidaod needed only to Filth uvoiiuo thu corrospondent that college bred, but I uumt say I lib (truperly Irrlguted to bu suueop- - thut the Improautou nmdo by don't think much ot It." W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 09. tho back porch. As Bho looked at Its AN EASY WAV. peaceful silence, Blow tears beginning E courso checks, sho o to down her How U Cure Kidney Troubles Easily nwaro of a form In tho gnrden and Quickly. mnklng Its way townrdB her. Sho speak stnrtod tip, but before sho could It la needless to suffer tho torturer Victor Trimmer wns bosldo her. of nn aching back, tho tnlsory of back- Lide Ann Potter's Wedding 1 como up wed to sea about tho aches, rhotimntlc pnlns, urlnnry disor- dln' ho began, nwkwnrd- - ders, or risk tho danger of dlnbotes or By Grace McElroy Iurs ly; then, soelng her wince, ho enmo Hrlght's disease. Tho euro Is easy. closer, nnd his voice took on a moro Treat tho cnuso tho kidneys with onrnest tono. "Sny, Lido Ann, you Donn'B Kidney Pills. wny. It'opyriidil, by J. II. l.lptilncutt Co.) don't need to got mnrrlod Hint II. Mnyno, Market I know tho reason you're doln' It nnd Tonn., than St., l'orlB, Tlio roadway Boomed iv moro bed ol man Hint's dead and douo for nil, nnd I think you'rn tho best woman kid-ncy- a vo Bnys; "Weak mud Into which tlio wheels sank to one tlml s llvln ami tincortnin. i Hint ever breathed to do so much for mndo my back my own cousin," she went on you omlnoiiB depths ni Lido Ann tlrovu chose Snrah Hello, hut wouldn't rnthor stiff nnd Inmc. Tho hIio n pause, Miller Potior, down tlio hill rund. hut for onro after "Matthn hnvo n llvln' husband?" IIo paused. urlno was cloudy nnd struggles. was killed In war. I fool Knvo no hood to old Dolly's that tho Then, ns ho mot hor oyes, full of won I to somo Irregular nnd had Only when hIio enmo to Trimmer's that I've right to lilm bocnuso der, ho went on hnstlly: "Tako me, got up many times gnto did bIiu nit up something of ho was pa's full cousin and my mother Ann. I'm very stnnrt, I with l.ldo not but night. 1 en- grasping tho nursed him till ho dlrd ho got nt lost her wonted vigor, nnd after can run tho farm ."or you nnd I'll bo ergy, boenmo weak lines B)ii8iuodlcnlly In hur Imnd, fiho wounded. IIo never went nftor any good to you I how," just as ns know not work. Donn's Kidney drovo to tho door with energy born girl that I hoard of, so I won't fool as nnd could im Her face had undergone n hundred Pills removed nil tho troublo nnd re- of grim dotormlnntlon. , If I was takln' somebody elso's plnco. chnngoB while ho spoko; It wns suf stored my honlth and strength." wns too In tho si- 'd bato to mnrry n man that wnntcd eyes Thero gilinncsB fused with crimson now, but her Itomcmbor tho nnmo Doan's. Sold lence In which bIiu followed her o somo other girl, llcsldcs. It's tho softly. shono CO cents n box. presence of biuiio iinmo." by nil dealers. hostess Into tho "You've n good heart, Victor," sho Co., Buffalo, N. Y. tho assembled family circle. HIio No onu spoke, nnd Lido Ann, her said, laying hor hand on his; "but Hint looked around at tho welcoming faces energy suddenly falling now that hor couldn't bo, you know: I'm ohlor 'n Too often when Hie henrt Is willing a moment boforo Breaking, then, still tnle was told, roso heavily to go. you, nnd then, there's Snrah Hello!" tho pursu Is weak. atnndlng rigidly In tho middle of tho "Aro you goln' to hnvo a big din "I know," ho said, eagerly, "but I'll floor, alio Biioko her Iobbou without ner?" then naked Kiln with sudden bo gottln' older ovcry day, and If I answering tho chonm of greetings. Interest. rnlso a beard I'll look every m Ho ns "I como to glvo you n bid," sho said "I'm goln' to hnvo everything a wed old ns you. Thero nn't but n year's "A party!" cried Kiln, delightedly, dln' calls for whllo I'm about It," nn- - difference, nnyhow; and I II JtiBt help OWES but l.ldo Ann niiBWered without look' swered l.ldo Ann, grimly, nnd with a you tako enro of Sarah Hello. lug nt her: farewell as abrupt as hor ontranco "Don't decide now for good and nil," " 'Taln't n party. It's n weddln'." had been sho wns gone. he urged, tnklng rofugo In dolny. "My bouI!" ejaculated Mrs. Trim i think It's nigh n sin for l.ldo Ann "Think It over I'll como up inor In amnzement. "I never thought to humor Hnrah Hello tho way Bho enrly In tho morning, nnd If you can HER to boo n weddln' nt your limine." douri," began 1211a, Indlgunntly; "I mako up your mind to hnvo mo, wo'll "It's my own weddln'," said Lido Ann, thought It wns bnd enough when Bho fix It up then. Nobody but us knows atolidly, tho words bringing n now used up the wholo season's npplcs to how you'd planned to do, nnd If If I'll gasp from hor listeners. Slio waited buy Hint pink Bilk dross, but that do, Lido Ann, nobody ovor needs to LIFE TO n momont, her brown hands douching wasn't hnlf ns bad as this crazy no know but what wo planned and ar- themselves desperately, then sho snt tion" ranged It long ngo." down and her volca deepened n little Victor Trimmer, who had been gaz He strode off Into tho dnrkness nnd Lydia E. Pinkham's from Its hnrd, tenso tone. ing after tho dopartlng buggy with n sho snnk weakly back In tho swing. "You all know tho store Snrah Hello Btrango look In his soft eyes, stopped Something now and wonderful was Vegetable Compound Bots by weddln's," sho said; "hIio her: throbbing nt hor temples and swelling Vlennn, W. Vn. "I feel Hint I o wo cares moro for 'em than for any llvln' 'I wouldn't cnll It crnzy If I was In her throat. All her stnrvcd, sup- tho last ten years of my llfo to Lydla thing, nnd lina ever since shu could you, sister,'" ho Bald. "1 think Lido pressed womnnhood that womanhood ii. I'liiKimnrB vl'BO-- wnlk. HIio'b nlwajs mnrrylng her ,iin I'otter hiiB tho best heart that which had been crushed ns n matter i tnblu Compound. ' yours dolls nnd she's got n whole boxful o' over boat." of courso In her devotion to her sister Eleven nfro I goodness wns n walking weddln' notices Hint sho got mo to The of Lido Ann's heart wns now nwnku and crying for Its shadow. 1 had been cut out of different pnpers for her. was generally admitted In the neigh- rightful herltngo of love, t'ndrenincd-o- f under tho doctor's Awhllo back her Uncle Joseph sent borhood, hut oven Victor felt uneasily kisses trembled ut her lips, tin ' earcbutnotnorullef. hur somo mngaxlnes. nnd In one of that thero wero fow who would view known voices clamored In hor henrt. My IiubIuuhI per-siiml- them wnB a picture of u girl Btnndln hor present undertaking as leniently unborn possibilities stirred hor soul, mo to try beside n grave, with n minister hohlln' ns he, despite the fact that hor ways until, hnlf In terror, hnlf In fierce Joy, Lydla 33. 1'lnklinm'a out his hand over her bend. Well with her slater had long ngo gained sho Hod Into the houso. YuKotnblo Com-poun- d read that story to Sarah Hollo, nnd It acceptance. Snrah Hollo was tip with tho dawn. niulitworked llko n cliarm. It re- was nil about a girl that was engaged Sarah Hollo had novor been llko "Wo 11 tnko some flowers down to my In sharp lieved nil imlna to marry n soldier out In India some other folks. Delicately fair, tho grnvo," sho suld, nnd Lido Ann mlvlso BiifTorlnir nnd and misery. I nil wnores. only no died while Bho wns contrast to her sturdy kin, sho followed her through tho garden The women to tako Lydln 13. IMnklmm'a on her wuy over to him. When alio seemed set nsldo from them In hor brisk wind blow hur flimsy draperies Vegetable Compound." Mns. 13mjia found out he wns dead bIio Insisted on vory babyhood, long buforo tho pltoouB ns sho wntuhod tho roses scatter ovor Whi:.vtox, Vlfitim, W Vn. etnndln' bosldo his grnvo nnd goln reality of the division wns suspected. the Boildun mound, nnd tho chill of tho Lydla 13. rinklmm'B Vcgotnblo Com- over the mnrrlnge service so't sho For Sarah Hello bad novor duvolopcd raw day Boomed to pouctruto to her pound, mndo from imtlvo roots nnd could cnll herBclf his widow. That boyond Hint period of childhood very heart us sho noted. In tho dls horns, contains no narcotics or harm- to-dn- y wonder-woo- d ful drugs, nnd holds tlio record story took such n holt o' Sarah Moll which regards tho world aB a the first carry-al- l of hor neigh-bor- tuiice. for tho lariroBt number of nctual cures that sho uln t thought of of fairy lore and all life's coming up hill. Sho try- medl-eln- nnothor the was of fomnlo diseases of liny similar o thing since, nnd dwellln' on It put It merely iib assorted pluy-thing- ing to stlllo tlio grnniiH which forced lu tho country, nnd thousands of In hor bend that 1 had to gut mnrrlcd their wny out. nt thought of tho near voluntary loHiinioinuis nru on mo in so't wo could hnvo n weddln' In our Llde Ann felt the seriousness of I ii K ordonl. when Victor Trimmer tlm l'lnklinm laboratory at jjynu, house. She's that sot on It 1 don her notion, and hor four of tho i, in,In lila iillli-l- l - rrinn tint limian MllRfl.. from WOlUOll WllO llllYO bCCll unro uncK out, for nr. Wall told me neighborhood verdict wns strength' and Btopped bosldo hor. 'cured from almost ovcry fovm of this winter that Hnrnh Hello's I oned by tho unconcealed horror with pleading oyes brought bnck tho '"lna P' heart Ills cerutlon,dlsplneiMiuMil8,llbrold tumors, gottln' wenhor all tho time nnd that which the Trimmers had received her throbbing to hoi iiii-im- t nnd sho irru.,iltrll,!,s nny groaned as periodic palnn.kiekncho, sudduu shock. uke u frlcht or aiinouiiremout. Sho aloud clenched her brown muds tensely, but ;ii?restlou ami nervous irostrntlon. disappointment, might kill hor rlgh sho drove away from their house, Sarah Hollo, laughing dellglilodly, suffering woman owes It to - audi off, A tremor crept Into the hard wringing her hands with a hopoless- dropped her flowers nnd run to them, horBOlf to glvo Lydla 13. I'lnkham's voice, hut sho choked It back and uoas vei) fur removed from her usual "iBii't alio n lovely brldo?" sho Vcgctublo Compound a trial, wont on without stopping: Bturdy Relfmnstory. Then. Biuldonly. queried, nnd. moved by sudden Insplrn you HUoHH!clnl ndylco If would - "8o't I've concluded to do Jiilt 'B shu n new decision shaped Itsolf In her Hon. Victor put his nrm around her. " your cuso wnio u uoiiiiuuii- wants mo to. 'Tain t much, anyhow," mind nnd struggled forth from tho "l think she's tho lovolloBt ever tlul lotlor to MrH. Piukliiun, nt W or morning. 1 Lynn, JIuhh. Ilor ndvlco free, with suddun defiance, "fur tiif iw has numb determination tho soon," ho Biild, euruostly. "nnd wunt helpful. health nnd strength, to play n little It's oownidliuoss, the vory worst hor to bo my bride distend of a dead uudulwnjH whlB-pore- gnmo fur Burn 1 (telle, that husu't any kind, for II only puts off," shn man's. Sho won't do It for fonr you'd thing or nnybody In the world but to herself, "but I'm goln' to do frot, Sarah Hollo; but you tell hor to HEADACHE me." It nuyhuw, ami lot things nt tho Inst yes umybo she will for you - anil SICK "Hut ho- w- what man are you goln' tnko cure of thmnselvos." thun I'll bo your brother " Positively cured by to hjnrryr cried Jeuuy, ami Llde Ann Accordingly, nt tho noxt houso nnd Snrah Hollo drew back, her bluo these Little Tills. BWnlliiwwl throughout of ICAffllftS hard before replying: tho nftoruoon'H round oyos dnnclng brightly from quo to Tlicy nUo rellnre ni "1'itJn't a real man ut all. I IhUh the formula of her Invitation thtnfrorrttnirrRlnrTriTiHtod her hands, trciMfriim I)ytieiiln,Iu wouldn't want a man around olutlnrln' changed. Only to n wuddlng, Hint "Thnt would bo thu very rVrrirLE nicest r ' KatliUf A lwrftct ren-nlj- up Snmli Belle's dolli and llowerB, wedding hor own, wns her "bid" given, thing ever hoard of," sho 1 ul cried YlVER fur Dlixlucwi, Nuil-Nc- and timybo Intorforln' with hor lilontt hut tho element of the extraordinary ways wanted a big brother! And wo'll UrutvHliiVHH, Had Sho diii't oare anythlni about that In tho withholding of the brldogroom's have a really weddln' Instead of juat TiihIi) In Hi" Mimtli, Cont-ci- l In part of It wna tho picture name, as well as tho nbsuuco of ap- niuko-bollov- picture Sny yes, Toiikik, fnlu tin It that n one! UVElt, iBOk liar oyo an' I'm to bo propriate Joy from hor own demeanor, you'll do It your Hldu. TDItl'lO mnrrled Lido Ann. for Snnh rticy regulate tlio liowcU. l'lircly Vcuetablo, Uuslflu u grave, buiiio'b tho girl In tho aroused neighborhood expectation to Hello!" DOSE, SMALL PRICE, story." the highest pitch. Lido Ann looked nt hor, then ut Vic- SMALL PILL, SMALL "Oh my how awful!" brenthed Tho days went on npneo whllo Lido tor. Into pntlout oyes leaped her tho Genuine Must Gear Ullivi but lIdu Ann turned ou her Ann tolled to perfect tho dutalla of light of a glowing hope. Without n CARTERS mm". tho wedding. On Tuesday evening, word alio hold out hor humls and wns Fao-Siml- lo Signature "Taln't awful n nil Ml In Trim. aftor n Inst look at the ovor-llowln- g folded In his i.rotectliig umbrucu Just shg mp," said. " 'F I got to bo mar-re- u pantry shelves, sho went out ns tho llrst party of her wedding nt nil, I'd a heap rnthor take a lo tlio big applo'trooa which shaded guests came up tlio pathway. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 0i

THE CARRIZOZO NEWS territory is an appanage of Penn- t'ubllahedefftry Prlilay l sylvania seems well founded from Cakkizozo Nkw Mkxico. the manner in which we cling to linlrreil na aocoml oliuw matter Jnno II, lPQA.nt Or, perhaps, some of tlm ixntJilllcn nl Cnrrlamo, Nnw Mtilcn. odder 'Bull." UmActof March a, IH79. that easy $6,000,000 was poured Season HUimCItllTlONhATKai into New Mexico to make pos- or inf ml Duo Vrnir, 11.10 sible the election of one of Quay's III Montlia, . 11.00 lieutenants. I SO, A, IIAI.KV, Killtor. Notice to Stockholders. Cook seems to be making good The annual meeting of the Our New Stock of High Grade and Peary continues making fuss. stockholders of the Iowa and New Alcrchandisc for PALL and Mexico Mining and MillingCom. suggested the A writer has that puny will be held in Carrizozo, WINTER will be on Display fault is not a natural one, but N. M., on Thursday, October 7th, at an early date that it is due to the explorer's l'JO'J, for the election of officers environment Peary made his for the ensuing year, and for the dash for the pole in the transaction of such other busi- ness as may come up for consid- eration. Wc solicit your patronage T, B. Cookkhi.y, on the broad platform of President Taft praise the Secretary. Payne tariff bill. He admits that it has some defects, but says it Dr. L. C. Frick came over from Better dooJs for tlie Same Money. would be an ideal law if the man- Fort Stanton yesterday, and left1 ufacturers had not been permitted last night for New York. Br. to write the woollen schedules Frick is second in command at Better floods cost more. and if the duty on n great many the Fort, has been there almost but they arc cheaper in the long run. other articles had been lowered four years, and expects to be instead of raised. Someone has transferred to another station at Cheapness is not always measured by the purchase said that hell would make a good the cud of his four-ye- ar term. price. Values have something to do in ascertaining of Wash- winter resort if it had plenty He will join Mrs. Frick in if you arc getting tlm most for your money. Com- water and (rood society. ington, D. C, and they will re- pare the values wc arc offering. They will stand main in the cast until the latter the stand the test of close comparison. Minnesota mourns the loss of part of the year. her popular governor, John A. Johnson, who died this week as Sheriffs Sale. result of an operation. Ilis Territory of Nrw Mulco, I H8. the (,'ounljr of Lincoln ( death is a distinct loss to his IN THK DIBTUKT OOUUT. CARRIZOZO state and to the nation. Had he TRADING (0. Jami II. lloorxii, rr ai.. l'laliilltfi lived, his nomination for presi- V. Tim Vaidkmiilt (Iolii Mikiko Company, ktal dent in 1912, at the hands of the DefcndnuU. "The Store where Quality and Price Meet." democratic party, was almost in- oiviii ArnoN No. mi. Wlmrcaa liy nn onlor of Miln li.noil out of tlm evitable, and his strong character Hixth Judicial DlKtrlrt ('"art In unit for nalil Lincoln County, in IhnntioYatintltlml chum-- , of and personal popularity would Into AtiKii't 2.1, IWW, 1 waa eommnnilril lo tnaka nla of thn Amrrlrnn IxkIb Mining claim. In made him a strong candi Noffnl Mlnltif DIMrict, Lincoln County, Nnw have Maxlco. to aatlsfr itltiilffinaiitnutlilMrM In Miltl date. But it was not to uc so. court, rwmlernl on the 12th liny of Mnrrh. IBM, nualimt rnlil mining claim, Ilia tironarty of Ilia rv grave has closed over his ilrfanilant, Thn VntinVrlillt llitlil Mining Com rVM anwMv The puny. In fnror of Ihn folliiwinir portom, to rn. ri hopes and aspirations, and an en- forco their rcntwwllVM Haim nualnat talil mlnlnff cinim, lor mn niuowluit amount, li Stoves and Ratifies. Builders' Hardware. I tire country weeps at the bier of Jatnra H llootwr i0 10 Prnncla ) Anilrnxin .IM.7H an honored son and a trusted Junta Cnrnn 2IH.1I 1j, Itlclmril Hunt m. ii N. B. TAYLOR & SONS official, Arthur Wlllouuhliy 27l.ll A111111 li. (laylonl WI.W John Moore UM.7I llanrv lVtanion Blaoksmithing and Hardware Five years ago Pennsylvania William V. I'nul tngntliar with inlarrwt on anch of aahl nmounta CAKKIZOZO ft WIIITI! OAKS completed her state capital at a from mn win tiny or umamncr, A, I'., iwi. nntll paid. cost of $4,000,600. That sum was Now thnrafflrn, notice le liori'liy glvnn that I Tinware, Paints, Glass, Oils of all kinds, will, on tha I2lh ilay of NiireinlxT. HMi, nt the appropriated by the legislature. linnrof one o'clock lu tho afternoon of wild ilay Atthnihaft hoima on thn jl1i! American l,olti Harness, Ammunition, Etc. The question of furuishiug the MJnlnir rlnlm. In NokbI Mining Dldrlct, I.In. coin Ciiuuly, Nw Mexico, oITar fur aala nt iiutu building was not considered by Ho auction, nml fell to Ihn hllict lildder for cnh. Ihn anlit mtnlnir rlnlm Thn nuirrrinitn the legislature, and that was nmount which will ha ilua on until elocution mi Ihn Hay or aale will lw f .Villi 31. farmed out among the faithful. CHAR A. HTIJVUNB. Bharltf of When the furnishings had been Lincoln Counly, N. M, completed it was discovered that A Clubbing Offer. I CAP1TAN MERCANTILE COM PAN y!" they had cost the state the tidy It has invariably been the great ; P. (I. PETGRS, Proprietor. sum of $'),000,000. An investi- effort of the Thrlcc-a-wee- k edi- gation was made, and it was tion of the New York World to shown that $0,000,000 was abso- publish the news impartilly in lutely thrown away, squandered, order that it may be an accurate ? We carry a select line of reporter of what has happened. m t gone into the capacious pockets It tells the trurh, irrespective of Of the grafters. Yet, notwith- party, and for that reason it has I wc Buy staple and fancy Groceries we sen j standing this stupendous fraud achieved a position with the pub-li- e and a knowledge as to who were unique among papers of its (j 'or at H class. If you want the nmvs as the perpetrators, not a single S Hardware, Tinware it really is, subscribe to the Cas, Sm...Promj has donned prison garb. gruftcr Thricc-a-wee- k edition of the This condition was made possible New York World, which comes p Kandimen's Etc. by the existence of the Quay ma-oliin- e, to you every other day except Supplies, k of which New Mexico has Sunday, and is thus practically price such a distiuquished type to rep- a daily at the of a weekly. We offer this uneqnaled news- resent in S her the United Statcb paper and the Cakkizozo Nkw.h CAP1TAN, N. H. aougross, The charge that this together for one year for $2.00. to jirujiBrtj" pfopnre Utastiiho rtJr itajjgaro iTlf iSlnt Idittn itne mltm iinkcJI H.lnl. iKtCftfik lH rnx'Jtll kmi 12 it liimMS inx'ilii i.,, 1 iTnn-uu.-) am, Cm.!. Iff S 53 CHEAP LUMBER. aafliar publication. l.lnyil Krinik Mr Inl Klik II WlitlBOnk (Irlllilli A IM.i., lux S) tti, h.ii I III cr.ta Dk. W. tux 7 Tn in m ini.Iii II SSI so ii sun For tilt: nuxt 3d iliiy.s, nt our mill T. Watson. , Mi'IU'.I N I'tnnl t nil IJ r II, lux tlln-it.T- lot 30, l, lik ll. Int-n,- 7 ut Alto, wc will sell Uuiihur at Ctil-Itrai- w.' ti Truasiirur and l H.)ilT. ru ( ismlH .lilt lik it! (!nrritnr.ii, tux hii SA ru.tk IS A 07 the following prices: OiMliim lik IU AT rn-ut- : Lincoln county, N. AI. llmny I..I.XA.I Wliltv link ii tnx !t pell It H td tnxil:HM.i.lir.H..;ii ; wi 1". I ll Class - M U n Hull Haiuurl wlwl MKiail rll. n2 First Sld.00 per ft. tad Lincoln, N.M., September I'nrkiT I' W Inl it Iik I 1 U Wliltn ()uk, lux uwt nwl tin .m:II t ll rll, tax 71 i'li SeeiHtd Class - $ I'J. 00 per M ft. 4, l'JO'J. 7 7riivii4oimlii n illriwt.lA 7 10 Trillt HwrHrfM pl.UXa.titlir.MlllNmll.fi HIT HP tnx it St! mtl ID c..l SO il H in order tit close our present PltHCINCT No. 1. Tri'iit Mllllmil Int HI lik.t Wlntc OnkM llnlildt CliHrlr. Inl 10, II lik IVi IVrrituru stock at once. HluiirtllHrtl llriw Trwti nf Imul ntmiitiwii tMXS .MlfllMh.. H I) VI tu.x 107.H p..ii rtici.i:m mil Hi1Ip nm l.tiiKi.ln. Mm Innwevii U'hlliiOulm liii.l Co friin wl mo I II r Ii llunyO In lut 2A, 91. St. IH i' 11 Cnirliuru SLACK & LANE, !l 7 H 4 Um IVuriiloiidn illtuli himI Imtwrvii tlin lux linn nifl lit lax ti'JI -11 Mc.l.ltl III III I s ml MiiMtillitf in Itunun Mlmli.il mid l'KHCINCT NO. '). lltt.t Clnrk, iptnxS.'lM.u I 1 -lil 3111) AFro, N. M. (Iia IiiihI 1'iirltrlii CI.uhw, .lai'k.uu M 1. 1. i Inx 70 .'1 Munuliut in IliiriliJ II pi inx wn 27 nimln tit IUrM..ulllrulal nil III me 111 I 9 r Hit ug wl mu S4 I 7 II fi. I,niiMrl'. A.pp tnx IS III pen ill ciiili" SO IS HI r Lniuiiy I. It i tax li R m 74 n.-t- a 'M I) lit Ih.uw.mihI litt In Mnmilu. know ii n ilia l,nl tiimltin. lut Sit hk 17 ('arrlzntii, Inx l'KHCINCT NO. 10. wti4ilirliiiiH, iiiniiiI mi mum at I 0.1 H. ti nwt IA i 17 HOLLAND BHOS. il Irtlio: lietwvpn T W Wii'mhi nml Ilt'rpm lVriiuiiiln ii tux tit .vti IS liuc) wiill I" II. Inl.il. 1,7 lik S, Mel) mill W I'l.rmwilll. Hit III W ii TO un(. Ml Ilk H f.-- l. Ul J 71 tnx l7itl..nHilrit IA IS III .Mr 11.1I lUifllllini II II ii (hi lMulrinlii'.il IWflB llnrrcm llionrlu mil wo 21 til .Mi'Dimntil Inlm, Si lik II Citrrliirn DRUGS MuhIiiju Traiiipillinu ImkImiIiik nl lln) rll, uwl i.wl mtJI, I II r II, iihIiiwI tnx I S mmi ! n.tiU A IA mi) lit t II SHlMuu 1 lit U'l TV imciir if Jimi. ll.mr.nl".' I it in I In m-- rll.lnx cull MnrtllirH IrfMHiIrn Intltliktti Cnrrlnun JllmtMl AIm.I y Tiiijltln, l . 3 01 IS) t U r HI mtiilli Iwnk nf Itln llnullu lux Hin IA .VI Toilet Articles, Etc. mi llviMmtU tiixmiwuirSrut llitmi-tiwiiill-i nluni; mi Hun nl 2il Mttttlnplliimnliln lut SO, 31 lik Sal'iirrlrnzn Jbu. Wnriliiimii.ii It, .. tax iiIihImSi) linstttian'fl Kddaks, OiiiliHtm IdihI i itl In Kin lluiillii :i:ii tii ails Cnrrlniii, inx .IM n II cu.t ill ;I.1I llMMtwnlRil. Il,nni ii 30 jtl, l'KHCINCT No. 11. S'uriiinii .1 A. Inl I A, HI lik 17 Cnrrltnzn tnx A, 13, IU, IS .N ill Kill Muni n, llirairn wiwl iiIiiiik Imnk Altllllill J Int lik IU 1. Kill, lux S ill il IS, ciwt. AO S 7:1 Indian Curios fit lllu lluiillii tn plamuf ImuIiiiiIiiu. I lJ I'.'ii 11 rn.l I) 211 O.tlc (Iih.. Int 17. S lik SA Currlf.n, lux Carrixozo, New Mexico. Alti vcrtnlii ifHH of IiiiiJ riniiiliitf OniiAlfrl. Inl 1, ti, IS liktl Niwil, tu illw wn Hlnwtatl) ilA I from phi In uwl l fri.ui mhiiIi In II M (Mil 71 I'lmtH li l)m IllrlinnU K II, lut U lik ID, CnrrlMn, tux Hunt 111 I U7 liorili III Jilt. IidIiiii n Krt nt lliifmil lllvtiuiiiil I'lilitx t u tt'.U SSdl A 7 mi SS nwl IA It SI Miiiilnfn hniiittitiil. lu) ,V lliirlnn, iMlnon I hi Itl it ht Nirnnl, tux lln iii.'rn Hllu, lutS7, IS likilrt Currlinii Foxwortti-Galftraitt- i .Mimi liptfiiiiilnt,. nl mr mi I. h llnni. II 111 '.T. !!,., V) 1 tux77 pnuni.riMUm) III .. DIM tniitillxjixx nmrlnl H It ihi in. rlli ihlr tux i'tiMiili) J li Ituii'i.tn IC l, pptnx A AS iiuS7rntaSl 11 11.1 liuittt 31 eln tu onr in. , n llttilim.i Ni.rfnl I'miW iiiiiiIuu A niilllim on, lttin mi HnliltiMiti ,V ('11, lut id lik SI Uurrlri.ru, Inx LUMBER (OMPANY. liMital liilixl wwtli ?.Mal cM utile Itillillitfokilui, lux Hi IU h.i AI cimI Ul II Ml I AI 'ii7 iimIm IA I it IN A, Nimlilt IH A II M, Int. Hi, lik 3, lot I, Unktinwn Owni'rfi, lulu 17, IS lik Stl, 7. iHiffkt WHl.lHrlM tn cur ihi Inl I lnlHS.0, m. 10 X H 17 Shingles, Doors, Sash, Moil dings wWrti In our mi h ii f kimt mi nml mi lit,tnll l.klK II. lik lik lACnrrlrnxii, Inx pen i:rt:fcl II SS (Murk-i- I I 5 IH ' 'Jll 1 IU II .. t tm mmiUi l.ki I II m 8 II tin Ni.iil, lux cii.U M riltnmaJ M. (. urn :ri t lor in, pnrtnnl liuildtni; Paper, Ac. mini:)-iinl- Htitiilrr Irx, IiiuihiA.' lut '11 Nnitul, tux :H1 Mil its ID 10, AOS mmi 3S Ml 11 10 tiloiHt lit ir mi I, wlilrli mh t r tnx Cfla Scwell's P;t i in, Anclio Ceincill, UnnrnnTiir-ri- () tin IA, wiirkcil n Mn ncmttSA ils7 pp tux I 111 mi 8 nnt SO lit! .1 1 1 and ever'tliing in the line I. IT ihi imrtli milis wnt Uncli In i'iir l'KHCINCT No. 12. HmlUi I'. Inl 1:1, l,k 17 (,'nrrUutn, lax A 15 lln ft, ulili'li wir inn nf niirfR' mi II, llri.KU Tlit'iini". .. Itm ;l i 'ii lsrtK'jil I 0.1 ilUnXI in):) of Untitling Material. . SlmpMin Mr, Int. A, (1, 7 lik 21 Cnrrlnuii, liHlrKdl 15 mi miiiiIi hIiIii hiiiIIi XI C I'l.ll inl.V Dm'kxnl. Iriiimliln iitiiiliiu rlaltii : : ' tux :t IM IA cu.t IA ;HW Carrif.ox.o New Mexico o I.bhHi in cnr 7, n III llniiiln iiilulu illat, 15 IU, TA I mi lliiiitunn tux iii Trnitr-- r Aiikiv. Int. 17, Is lik II Cnrrlturu uinrkHil a 7.3vli V, 1 iMxtt our no .limit 1'iwIkSA HI 00 tux SS II -11 II rn.taill 21,VI ItXlOjl I N I'. tO irk ll II III! V.t Klilo liuitlejlliilliitiVlmi.cn. .i tnx II III u)li Tliutnn Juiiif. P. tux II HI 'ti IS rn.t SO HI ill 67 SO wet 1.71 i'li Incur tin I, plum 7 ihi.1 ) ir. a; TliuniMin Mr, lut si, IS lik IS Cnrrliiizu, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. of Hruliiiiiuir. rum I'M JO t U r HI, limn HuiiriiT A, hZiwi nSiii.l mmjJI 1 10 r l:l nix I OA iicuSO I AS X Wluly. A, il IA lit: IA'kh.l, nnrtliMi: .VI' :ilclu Inx ll (17 H'ti III .V) 7 ill Wuuiiirk Inl lik Ciirrltuzo, SAG1CK cl (it ikiii I7cnt.;l0 : ul J?KANK J. II HCft'.. X Kil-i- . Iui 7, .i hk S lluiillii tnxilti l.ltnr Wll.nn W I). InintS. HI lik US t'nrrlzuzu Almi iliri'n nf laml ii'ljiiliilmr tnx h 1 11 :u (ii tiiwiinii', ti si tax 1 IU h.i HI riMta ill 3 :ci FIRH INSURANCU I t . p. r t J- uf ('Hiulnliirln (IiIiku mill Ijiiiu. 7 II :i7 31 III Jiu KT ii tux " ii ixi'l j WMlnJ N, Inta M. II. II. HI lik 4 Currlzuzn Ml. Mlrulul ii limn luiru nf J.luuulu, i it llulitumii II II. tux IU7ll pull M JO IU tux II IM Til runt :U I Mill Notnry Public, '. iil ltl I n n l Ur HI. - urrw. Hlui'k W W, wl Mil m. w ;a lu r HI pp Inx SfS--l ihiii III en-t- 20 Ti IU cll mil t OlliiD In Kirltiitiitii Hunk Currlzuzn. 71 A Wlicotlny 11 It IS lux IIMi'iMi ivi.l.SN) 17 Tn nUS,:l m-- til rill, tnx 711 iwutk) IntSulik Cnrrlznzo tax I IA pun ml ru.t IA 1 ill 1'mlllln Jiwim M tip lux 31 ll r.so II IA riwtm MIT i.u WnlktrWC pp tnx II l Ml mat SO II HI Havlur W II ip lax 3 Is pun 17 cn. SU Uf6 .ilnX I AI (mil SS I'lMtH SO I IU tm Irkra.V Wlinr.'k shk7 Currlzuzn Hlf.liiUMiu J W, III 1:1 ..l7. QISOROIS SPHNC15 Pkkcinct No. 2. iiuIhwI .ce.'tl t r tux Sill hiii II ci vt ill SiS wtni't rtl iihI MHi.Ht 10 r HI, wtttwl Huil.tH-ll- i A 11 Int IU.S0 lik .1 Currixuzii, AimtU Irene U HilMMiln 1' y Wlllli. .1., tlo ri:i, cSni'l m ski t lu r IH, MiiDuiinlil nilil tux A Tt hii 2 ciMt it) il ilA I I. AiMllmulm Iiiiiim nml Int ut ATTO K N II L A W An. tux HI 17 .fii 07 rum 7A tl to tin. T. W. Watmin, I it In, N M fiirmcrly inwuikil liy Mlirmy ftU Tri'ioiuor i'nllcetiir. .i I11.X II HI, I'i'II i'ul SO IV. I ,V lUmiiinl, lut :i lik I, I, it Olllculu lluiik llullillim Int. i lik An. Hli.rk A l.inu', lux II MA ii AUrlMf Si) IS III III In tNX IUM HnUI n.u in r ji ta Well. I'urki-- .V 1'u. U lut In Hlln-- r Klnu, Sheriffs 5ulc. V) Carrizozo .Mlrninl'l I'atrlvln ii u.x i ti wu Jil o 7S lln.p itiliiin, lUiilin tiiltiltiit illilrlct, New Moxioo il Nmv Mniilnrii Jiiiiii Ini ill nrn IH o ill I II 1 Terrllury nf Mnxlrii, i HH. ii tux StM cu IS All 21 I'J IjIiii'iiIii Hftilllii' Miiiirlcln tux SUc '.II 1.11 t.niliity uf f ii :lti ieu l'KHCINCT No. 13. mi tux iu ai m.ii ai c y UK) 8Uiin'riiiiii A.li.ti AIkX, luta II In HI lik 17 Curi.nn, in tiik DiHi'ititT couirr. & LITTLI3 tj.niM.ru Jiiiiii tux IS II HI o JU tnx JfWID ii mii mi I) I IU Hell cii.In ti) II. HiMii'iw. KT 'Iirrt'ii llfiiviii imrlimi iml ru t II 11 Jamkh .ti I'lnitillll i Allium Mr AiIiIIh, In'. 7 lull lik 1.1 1'luuim Va CONTRACTORS & HUlLDHRS rir iii.xii;H.ii:iirii.i.ai .VI Inx 2 .it H riMtn a 311 Tiik V.i!i)Hiiiiiii U()LiiMiMn Cumi-am- m mi uix I '.i i (ft ch.-i- k au 2 l il, W II I lout), i tuvHSI, on. I 20 11 Ttl ll.ifflliluill. Plana nliil lltluHilc nil nil olM' nf Htilltlluua l'KHCINCT No. 3. IlimtyJ H, iitll.x IHlMH)iilAoi)Ht.30 'JtMl furiiKl! nu .Imrt iisIIm, AiM'io.N Nit. mm. Uvlirlnu Frwl . m li st :il oim2ii CM t t.'ti.tfii Jn J, .Xwl .eel ll rll, lit civil. MlillikkOu J K kI ncl mki Silt 7 r IU nwlwoUll rll,Ux7llioii:tli..ti(.'V) MTD WlutwH liy nil urilcr nf wtlo ltt..il nut nf tlin Currizovo, Nuw Mexico. lilt 'Alfltl in I IrJ on.lk Si 'JIUI llkk J (i. mi inx is vi pvu in tm Hltlli Jnilloliil Dl.tilcl Cuiirt In unit tut mUi Lut-un- i IflillNenlny AiIiiIhii i l iiwIiiUhwI l.iiWH yiiliiitiliin. nI m 1 1 I rll,ta.x7lu l.liifulnl uttiit). In lltnulHiti' antlllml ruilK', lit twlfu3lHK)IMt8 rlln.x I1II,7Jb II lilt) i'ii ikniNtii st mi ilntu Aniili.t 1, Itsr.i, I una entiiiuilliilnl tu (' A, M.I l'KHCINCT NO. 4. Mellvitlii m II tHrll. lux 710 ut tlm AitnrlMitt InIi Mlulnx eliiliu, in Qt W. HALL IWi IU wwu S MAI Nouul Mlnliie Dlktrlm, lilumilu County, Now llnliiw Nnuilitm I W ttnnllii frno nf no Mil IVrrjr J l, ihi ii t IV trnti IS Mto W 1 7t MoxImi, IumiIIhI) nJinlniiimitiiiiiltlrMireo In antil A'lTORNHY-AT-l-A- o 1 II r 17 tuiiimixmMoff I'KKCINCT No. 14. noillt. rtmilfnsl 1111 tlie lllli.ilii) nf Mnruli, Hw, Cur piirulli.it nml Minimi ii lux nOpiMi UiwnHlH'rlullr. Jriiaj AlMnonntu Imininnat ik HMItnx mil uwillial anlil inlliiiiK rluliu, lln. inimitj uf tlm Ni.tnry Jlliiitiin Minimi 'i uix I IM imi Mb M 1 lu Olllcii. Ml !, uwt mil ntp 1 1 r IB ili'tuiiiltiiit. Tlw Vitutli'tlillt MutliiK t'niin l'KHCINCT No. 5. tnx 15 4S MMI 77 owta Hi HI D'l IHIIIf , In fnrur nf tlm fiilluwllnt pi'tHiitK, tu llattk Hiiilditif, CarrissoKo. (Jlmvux CjiMIiIci iua 0 4 MM Til Atttuiiintu IniiiMivmiMit (lu. IU0I lux mil tlii'lr rfpwtlvnliiiiiiinliiiil Mllil iiiIiiIuh BniitliM Ifctntniiu Ml Hi, mtt rt mr n t 7 r H4 HWl, UHl t MM t r 10 eltilm, fur tlm fulluwiiiK ilimiiuit. ' 1 Juitiae II. . , . II. wi nSl ! 1 r II, iHt IX tn iwu M lax tun imhi MmMt.M tt MU Iluii.r tWI.IO F. A. OII9WKW .U WJ 11 Mhwini lmtmiTtim Hi. tiB tx tull t'nitnilM I), ti.lorwiii . . tbl.T8 t'UUaNCT No. 0. mi wl, uwt Mil mwi 1 1 s r 10 JkiiimCiiviiii 318.11 A1TOUNUY AT LAW tax 11 iwu m mm m n I. . Illolmril llu.t . . lll.11 Ullkuwll CIsvOMn Mrt me I 17 .... vl mi i AlMtoaHfitn ImiwutwawH (.'. ILK) roll Atlliur Wllliiiiitlibf . . . 9fi.il Carrlv.ox.o 4 nM Ml 7 r W. tin New Mexico. r !, Ml awl mr t tax 1 aw n4 4. hw art 1 ft r 10 Amu U (luyliint . . Wl.tJ tHx W im HI oiMita Ml ingt Julio .iliuiru . till. 71 iJClKCT No. 7. AIhwm AlUua. Int IDlik l'Hrrltf.ii, tux ItMttv 1'nterMin . , . T7I.LI Itl.i W 8 H IW In Itatmr No I, two hotMW K at DM U ii.h It M Wllllum I'. I'uiil , . . SlUt JJEWITT & 1IUDSPMTII In tjprtM UMi. nalHM in Wnrmw BniijjUIl It II CtinJxiixo tiu TI 111 a li.iietlii'r villi iutrrnat nn vuclt ut auM lunumita A. 1).. IUU7, ttnlan. 41 Mama from tlin lllli iln of DoiuhiiIkt, Attoknhvs-at-La- w mmi inn tm riraMIA&aa. UHA,alik7 W tmm pm 4 MM HU UN dnnltuMi, tm until mill. 111 pm It owUtt) Nitw, rnfiiri., U IImmmnhi i 9 an tlif itutlro ultmi Hint I White Oaks : New Mtjkko wukMaiae mi tnx 1 u imiim w.u to will, I Ut ti ilny No. S. lljii in nu tlin uf Nnti'iiiIxT, ItnJ, nt tlm PcmcT Oat 1)8, Into bk tt Ulrrianau, inx III liiilirof una n'aliMk'in tlm ntti'rnmm uf anlil tiny UnH Mm M int UImm m H 19 HI 0kte law It atiau gog lit tlw luifl Iiimiki. 1111 llui audi Aintirlcnn InIo CUtr IT A M lut ttrtw u ttwrtanr Mr, hit lik t Uitttlwuu, lux III MIiiIiik olulm, In Niwil Minlnit Di.trlct, I, In. S, ' J)K. F. 11ANDL15S tiutitvym ttaialtM tm lMtlftMiUII ITT coin Ouitnty, Nuw Mexii'ii, ulTnr fur anlu nt IT Int Wc Wtilt O4V11 tit) llMba hi t Ii Ulwrat limatrilD, lot hk us unrrlami nml null tu tlm IiIhIicM liltltlnr for li M II D13NT1ST tk tu MHM IK lux t tl I hmu 5 Ml ixi.li, I In. wilil iitlulnic olulm. "I'll" ujmri'KUta Sin Mi Vhlu Uulgailn Ii, Ml ltlw t tats Qti lot It lik lit, lux w in of ouMh iiniouiit wliluli will do ilue nu until iixcculltiu on ll R( tlmilnyof .uln will lm5,liil.SH, Onice in Bank lluiidiiiir 1 OUMKIt i&a VtitH bi t White 0k Dtcktu Httrritf , lutt 5,0 l)k , titx 1 1(1 iieu OIIAH. A. UI'llVliSH, Hlmrlir ut II 9T tBiMlMulll II. 174 Lliieiilti County, N. M. Garriisoiio, - - New Muxieo Territorial Game Law. All hunters must have a game liseusc, which may he issued hy MOST STORE. the probate clerk, territorial CARRIZOZO'S POPULAR game warden or his deputy game & warden. The following are the license Tees: IMg name license, resident $1.00 ZIEGLER BROTHERS Hird license, " 1.00 General license, " I. SO Announce their OI'HN HCASON. 1. Deur with horns, from Octo hur 15th to November 15th of each $ & 8 yuar. FALL WINTER OPENING 2. Grouse, native or crested, 8 Mussina, Caliafornia or helmet quail from October 1, to Decem- Of Ladies', Hats and ber 31, of each year. 3. Wild turkey from November Ready-to-we- ar 1 to December 31 of each year. Goods 4. Prairie chicken from Sep tcmber 1, to November 30, of each year, commencing with the year 1115. Days commoncingATuitpAYJ 5. Doves, from' August 1, to For Three September closing; X October 31, of each year. A. It ilmll tw iinl.iwfiil In Will. TUESDAY, September 28, we will put before you the most 5l trap, ensnare or in any manner j) up-to-da- te of Ladies' Toggery, consisting of (I injure or destroy, or have in pos- - line mainly session any antelope, pheasant, jl Hats and Suits, that was ever shown in Carrizozo. fl hob-whi- le quni! or wild niireou within the Territory of New' Mexico for period of five years after the passage of this act. llemember we lead always with a line of new things. 7. It shall be unlawful to kill, trap, ensnare,' or in any way in- jure or destroy, or have in posses- sion any snipe, curlew or plover Come in and inspect our Goods, and you will be con within the Territory of New Mexico, except that such birds vinced that ours is yet without a rival. may be killed with n gun only f) during the period commencing ( September 15, and ending March 1, of each year. THE HOUSE 8 OF GOOD TASTE. 8 8. The right given by this act ZIEGLER BROS. to kill game is limited to two wild turkeys, six grouse, twenty ducks and thirty other birds for 3 each person in one calendar day, and no person shall kill, take or have in possession in any one open season more than one deer For an Up-t- o Date with horns, nor have in posses- Stock ot Call np W. E. W INFIELD a mo av. sion at any one time more than l'hone So -near 4th four wild turkeys, six grouse, thirty ducks or other birds. Watches Jewelry Staple and Fancy Groceries lroi Stn Some good cord wood. See H. S, Camimium.. 2. Silverware Orders tilled hy Phone, and promptly delivered. Decorated China I h We linvo two Henderson wag- Post Cards ons, aijso i in. which we will QjpsQ out at a bargain. Also one Stationery i Wiuouci wagon, elm 2V going eUwip.Cnrriaoao Trailing Co. Edison and I Victor V J I Art you going am, and go-hl- f Phonographs ) U tike au a few of the great - E. S. LONG bttfijfaltlft at Zieglcr Rro, store. mill ft clmici- NMnirtnivnt of Records Manufacturer of rK enre of vonr stomach. - t; Galvanized Tanks, Guttering;, Ul Kflllol dtgeat all the food yon mli tor tllnlla what Kodol does. Visit ttie STOVE PIPE, ROOFING, &c. Hvtry tablespoon ful of Kodol li- - Pioneer Jewelry Store )i nouudtof food. Tr fMte :v.l S.nlh ot Eidiini. Repairing of all kinds, win n it jrarrftHteeti to relieve Bk , or your J. R, IIUMPRtV, Prop. ytj Monty back. Sold Special Kacilitics for Roofing and Guttering. fct Pttdtu'i drugstore and Rolland

1 ,K- - ADDITIONAL LOCAL. County Commissioners that Car-rifco- is the county seat of the cotintv of Lincoln, territory of M. Rice w.-i- viHitor from J. it New Mexico. Parsons yesterday. Mcdonald addition J. C5. Kitsor.it. Probate A swell line of ladies' luils and Clerk and lix-Offic- io Lots 25 and 50 x 130 Feci. stills ure on (1 is jiJii y at Zingler Recorder. Brothers. When you buy a lot here it is 130 feet long, facing on a street Tim front is on the puukiu' and 80 feel wide, whether for a home or for a business location. tlio corn is in the shock or it HEADLIGHT ought to 1)0. Investigate before you buy. The walls of Dr. Padeu's drug 5ALQ0N, A Sipmrc Dent Guaranteed. einruaml hospital are mounting The material used is flkwnrd. W. C. iYlcDONALD. orrice m Bank iiuiidinj;. a brick tiling. S. A. Neid, as- Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. L sisted by a mason from 1CI I'aso, is eroding the walls, while Harry Little is in charge of the frame- GREEN R1YER WHISKEY. work, with sufficient mechanical Itluu itl when )im mvet u HIk. liulp to keep pace with the ma-- All Uhllfl)lltii llpmirl ttlllTli Ocilllcllll'll I'll II iii Hi cm I ii n'ili'1 IiiiK liimr. sou t'y work. Notice Ziegler llros. ad. in this anil is'Htc. They invite you to attend A Kcndiug Koom and Milliard Livery feed Sale their Opening. A rc you going ? Parlor in couuecttou. If in the Prompt John 1 Murray, president of market for Stable. Attention . the Murray-Slcas- c Mining com- JOHN LEE, Haster. Teams or Given all pany, was in the city yesterday. W. M. R.EILY, Prop. Mr. Murray says the new Lin- Main street, Carrizozo. Kigs Phone coln county boundary line almost Call on us. Good Itifli, Fast Teams, Careful Drivers. Orders. touches his company's property, and practically all his traffic CARRIZOZO, N. M. qoiuus this way. The company has plenty of water and fuel and An of Cnv 1'iioNi: No. :t! Itnnu Dlnlmirr I'li'itm is developing a largo body of! Atttt copper and silver ore. Title Billiard and Pool Parlor NOTICE. in connection. It appearing that a certified copy of the order of this board, Is as necessary as a Deed made on the 7th day of July l'JO'J to show that you have a calling an election to be held on The Southwestern Bar the 17th da); of August l'JO'J, on good title to your land. II. II. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor. the proposition to remove the Have you got one? If CAPITAN, N. iW. county seat to Carrizozo in said county lias been published for not order now. four couseccutive weeks immed Liquors, Brandies and Wines iately prior to such election in AMERICAN For Family aud Medical Use. the Cakhizozo Nmvs, a news--; paper of general circulation pub- - lished in said county, and by TITLE & TRUST (0. Hand bills posted up at tliree ol iiNinrimTt:ii) the most public places in each Women Suffer Agonies precinct at least four weeks prior LINCOLN, NtW MEXICO. to said election, held on the 17th from Diseased Kidneys day nf August l'JO'J. And Most Women Do This Not Knowing tho And it further appearing that Real Cause of their Condition tlie returns of .mid election held Do not be deceived by unscru- Thcfio poor, BiiffcrliiK women in said Lincoln county, pursuant pulous imitators who would have linvu boon led to bollevo that their to said order aforesaid, on the you believe that the imitation inUury of 111 ami body Ih entire-l-y 17th day of August l'JO'J. tin to "IIIh of llii'lr box." I'mmlly pills are as good as De Witt's Kid- tliu kldnoya mid bladder nro The Hoard, acting as a board ney aud Hladd.r Pills. There or lnrp,oly ho. Anil In of canvassers, duly proceeded to is'tit anything just as good as small cnsuH, tho ulilnoya anil bind dor nre tliu need and carefully exmiiiue the poll luniks wonderful pills for re-li- d oikuuh, that these the uuiKt lmvo attention. ami certificates of each precinct in- of backache, weak back, Those torturlitK. cnorvntbiB Blck in said county, and continued in flammation of the bladder, urin- licmlnuliuB, ilrnKRhig pnliiR In Imok, session for tlie purpose of such ary disorders and all k duey com- - C.roln nml IIiiiIih. blimtliiKtitid hwcII-iii- uxnmiuctiou, canvass and ascer- nlninlu. Ativ mii rim tiiln I In. uf the uxiruutltlcB, extreme tainment continuously. Witt's Kidney and Illadder Pills! nervousness or hysteria, UtttlosB-iion- said board having duly nml constutit tired, worn-ou- t That as directed in perfect commence feolliiR nro alinoRt curtain fiymp-toin- s canvassed and ascertained the re- of good results. Sold at Paden's of disordered nml dlscnxud sults of said election as shown drug store aud Kullaud llros. ldiliiojH, bladder iiutl llvor. by the face of said return from DoWltfa Kidney nml Illnddor ifio voting precinct of the county rillH linvo, In tltouenndB of mRon, DeWilts Little ICarly Kisers, been demonstrated n rcninrknbly upon the question whether the the safe, sure, easy, gentle little beneficial lu nil until conditions of county sent should be removed fonmlu orj;nnlnm nffordliiB tho liver pills. Tiro original Cnrbol-Uo- d from Lincoln to Carrisoso in said most prompt relief nml ponnnnont Witch lined salve is De Witt's Iciiollt. counts', do 11 ml an the result of Tho name is plainly stamped on Ab nu llliiHtrntlon of whnt those an ntid id canvass ascertainment every box. It is good for cuU, I'IIIb will do, Mra. 1'. M. llrny of nrntlont. aro npt to do. 100 were Cr-riaot- o, Mint votes cast for bums, bruises, sores, boils aud ColunilniB, On., writes that nho wns K. O. DoWltt & Co., ClilcnRO, 111.? 615 for Lincoln, and vory 111 with kidney tronblo, nml wnnt ovory rnnn nnd who arid but it is especially woninn the total number ol voles sunburn thnt bIio Ir now woll nnd that lmvo tho !cnnt suspicion thnt tboy that good for piles. Sold by Padeu 9 them) rills nru whnt rurod lior. nro nilllctcd with kidney nnd bind cast upon the proposition was drug store, and Rollaud llros. They nro vory plonsnnt to tnlto, dor dlHcnsca to nt onco write thoni. 1.A13, majority of 3R7 of the nnd enn In no cneo, produce ntty mid n trlnl box of thcHO rills will vote cast being for the removal dolotorlous offcots upon tho Bystom bo Bont frco by. return mall post- of the county sent to Cnrriaoxo. Tho boat grade of whiskoy for as Byrtipy, nlcohollc, liquid prop- - paid. Do It to dny. J ll it tliorefore cousidurod, order- medicinal purposes only, at Pa-don- 's I -- ed and declared by the Hoard of Drug Store. 0-- Hf "or Sale at Dr. I'aJnu' Drug Store and Holland Uros. ttlfflvlsJld DELINQUENT TAX OF for waul of time in wliiuti to pre- l'KHCl.S'QT NO. 0. l.olitF) Sill LIST .(t injx 57 1 1, i'.mi a&l. Mifi Ilniti'iiii (' II lioiniinnl iritrty ci.ta pare the same for uarliur publi- Blnrk-- llp-i- I'll Inx til k hii t rirtln HI tl tiix .11 tU I -- ii I "ll 'M W IB tl Hlnck A !. LINCOLN COUNTY, N. M. nt - I'rrrj, wiw mill ninl mil III. Inx cation. (!iim liiiinl ,V t'ltttlcl'ti th'iiI iiriiiinil)- inxiHtt. i mi. iii.ii.ai luatu. Um. T. W. Watson, till llll Ml -- li Ml 71 n.l 'Jtl t''l It Dntnliiriinil 1' Ii. nwl rr17 It7 r IS, nt ttrl I'KitciNcr No. 14. Tieasurer and Col- 7 l A I I Amounting to Not Less Than $25.00. ml ni'l nrpiN ti r nol nl iu' Iliiuriic ltiilt"rli. I'M 'X itl II. Tl lector, Lincoln County, N. M. Ii7 ItS h.mi I ID, riMDivi ilin molt 31 IB 10 llnliU-r- Dated, Lincoln, N. M,, l'WHCINCT No. 7. l Jn. Intinm. tlltk , lot H life ID notice of application to .Mull rnlil, tin Wlf, .I'll I ct,rnltt ZiG And Anrlin Cn inwiuiiiI lintpi'rly September 4, l'JO'J. I'lncrr Klnu Iln. I.i.l b 1, 2 Iik tl, InUt. I Iik II for IHX 1(1 mn I IKI rn-- l. 91 IM HI the District Court judgment n Citrrlrntit tnx Ml.t,.'ii I rMiai DTD iV hsiIu for year Ulrlii l Welnlml hiuiihiI itnTly 1'itiii. Mm A Ii. i. 17. IK. in. 'Jl. 21 hk and for taxes the . HI Iiu Pkhcinct No. 1. lux llJin ii7inrii.3l lit 2, IVtrrlznzn, tnx ff!a, I It, I 'JOS on June 1, l'JO'J, llittliik'K ! .1 rty kii delinquent Illniirlmnl llrim pprruitinl irip-rt- y pri'l" ri'.Nrm WIT Inx I HI mutual ill 71 with penalties and costs. tnx !M 71 nnnllr I 'l cnnta 2(1 I S7 !liltn ll.illni!t.iii (Ii.iht;i' ii Inx mill, iiii2:tn (IiiIIiiiim Trlnlil.nl iTiiml prupi'tty No. 8. cn.li. 91 II 111 Thukitoky oi' Nuw Mnxico I l'linciNcr W (J, tnx IU Wl-im- tly M 71 Wlilknr litSllik Mrl) mill, lux IWUI ' t HoMita I lii) In M W Intx n. I. V (Iniitil m W. O. Countv oi Lincoln. lliilttinl Hurry I' hii I (i;. II ITS imrriiitnl iriiirty Intf n.H. III, I'lirnn nl " nU !I7 IS In accordance with chapter 22, Inx I Miiln 3tl 'fi'i wt! Int a hlk i. w Int ilk W lnt I, of the laws of the Territory of Pkhcinct No. 2. Itlk X7, lulu t. X, hlk f'l, Int I Mk II, It t 7 Int AmnuntitiR to Lest than Aliiilln I'uiiliiy l.iilrn, llnlrp Nntillirr iln lilkSS. rtf 2lilk!H $25. Now Mexico 33d Legislative As tux Ml 'J (HI riMlM I IS 5EI Aniilln wlinliilottiitrlx ii'rniiil prill II fit ' Tnprkn Mlnlnu An.nclntlnil-I.- iit I wo I And notice of sale for taxes, numbly thereof, I, the undersign- i rl) tu HI iH'tmll)' : rimlx 31 W Anitllit .ln.it Ih'Iik, r 10, llnl Jinn IihIp, IMnwiirti penalties and l'JOS. io Col-loal- or WaIkiI Aliiilln lii'lmi't nl ltt conls for ed Treasurer and lmli. Unliiti Mnll,l'iiN lli iil i'lnto, iik U rcriinliil In hunk ', .lnrk.I'iii"r (llimri-- , Ilniiltit, Territory New MexicH, of Lincoln countv, in the ma I'W ri'mriN nf l.lnculn enmity I'rlviilriir.Trinit. of It WlillrOiiko ralittiirt ss Inx imcniHUi llMm.li. MM I'liiiiniiintt llrnr. County of Lincoln. f Territory of New Mexico, do ilM, lux liW sa H M. I Wl A mil lit Tlinnton miI mI ocelli I II r III itrti rnln ma Vi'll llnllii, nwl nnl Ip7rl.1, nwl In pttrsuame of the laws of the hcreliy make, certify and puhlish imrl net owl 10 1 II r I"! imrt nwl hit w rrn H tp 7 r III. Int nii nnl mhi 'J I ol. nr I w m'p Hi r II ; Int no I rwl 4 Territory of New Mexico, I, ilia the following notice and list of II II, 1 Int 2iiiImtS.1 Ipilr unit Intuit, t ni'O.ll t (l r 17 nnl Hiilrll. Hx-(Jfli- wU Int WlillfOnkN. uutlursigued Treasurer and delinquent taxes amounting to two II t II r III rnmiiiniiriiiu nt thn llikl siikiR. it iik :ci, iitu nr 12. lit. 7 A n 1 1 , r IT .V IH rnr iii i.:.a.n Collector of said Lincoln not less than $25.00, with penal- rr Iik N l.nt 7 Iik 7, Int nt Nnvnl, mi 1 1 tlii'tirn rnr IMS Hl'rn.t 2D rtm M ctwU l"W county, N. , do hereby make, ties and costs thereon, which In rnr iiui. n litiiiwtniiii2xl!lxl lurli tnx72il Iftiilltl lll Wi'lU iiihI 4 Int nt Mil art In Um umninl mill innrkiil mi tlm HriiHi. tt7 certify and publish the following bucntuu delinquent on the 1st day ww 7 lit, pMkS-'M- r lit, wt nwl Ii7 r itinlirH linrtli Ii Ihi'iiw Ynrlt it. nf (leliii(iiuiit g lie-iu- g t 7 list of taxes unimiiii-in- of June, A. I). I'JO'), the same Mtiliiln t r la. wHnwUrcitiKr II, tux It. -- .trim In llio inlililli'iif llln (Mat) to loth $25.00 pen-alli- es hereinafter set forth and con- ill llnkiiHiiilli nf willed inn lltntntniin mimiiis. ntit than wilh IsxIDhH Inrli. innrkml mi Hih n, .lilo l'nnctNCT No. 'J. names all own- and costs thereon, which taining the of the j w nlUWIi tlintiif iiIiiiik tlipiiititilltinf Mtitiilull ,1 A nf. imI n-- l ro l liH r HI, on tin' llln llnuilii In ii Hilnt mi tlm run rl became deliiitpteni the 1st day ers of all the property on which nwl h- -l ic" II, miIw) 1 no niimiK 17 .V IH rnt M irl II. iiImi3iltrlitfrnil ltlU of June, A.L)., l'JO'J, the snuiu taxes are delinquent, the descrip- whlrli U llniiwlniitt llnk rntilli nf n r III. Inx :0 l. I T7. nmU 7ft !U(I . It'll being hereinafter tion of the property on which lilxKlxlAlm-li- tiinrkml w o iUril mi set forth and iinrllinlili'illii-iir- f rout inlilillnnr llln 1'HIICINCT No. 10. containing the names of all tlm same arc due, the amount of tax- 'Jl I t ' miiiIIi II In i II r II, llninln ii. rh rnr Ilrrrrrtt I'itiihihIii. ni'l ntl "i'0 tt owners of on es, penalties and costs due there- lin I. pliirtinf ln'ulliiiliitf. I'tiiitiiliiltiK h.I nwl tirvt ncV till rll. Inx property which 114 ncrm, innru nr li. Iu'ltiif nil HI (t I -- mi I 71, (.'until n .H Id taxes are delinquent, a descrip- on, and the amount of taxes due I llnit iNirllnn nl Int kc7 t7 r IS. Knitcliw I'iMIiwH, itUix M7WI, n ilt, tion of on personal properly. Ik'Kliitiliiitnt miyi'mmi'iil rnr In riwltM the properly on which the until llln-n- f i c III tlii nrc w nlntiir I'khcinct No. 1 1. said taxes are due, the amount of And notice is hereby given that tlio wmlli linn nf rnlil mtI2, ill In, In Aitilnrnnti Mr M H, ImU I. ft. 8, IV Iik id taxes, penalties and and n llnir-nliiii- l.xhxIH ini'li. miirkiil T costs due I, the undersigned Treasurer 1H. 1. 2.:l, il. 7, 1'. Ill, II Iik Ii, Utn 2. on tint nnrtli miU nt II III. In tint thereon and the amount of io il Iik 27 NiiipiI, titx 2il (15, hmi I il, taxes Collector of said county itmlliiili llii'iiru iinrlli I'Ji.'l rim In llm I 27 2aik will to rntilli Imnk Inn mlnt ilti" nnrlli nf ril due on personal property. of Lincoln, apply the Antrrlrnnllnlil Mlnlnu Cn Ann-rlrii- n itiltin mill ! rnr III llm llni-ii-f rcl2 And notice is District Court, held in and for NiiiniliiilnlnuilM. laxiin. ihii 17 hereby given that tltfiiri, mitilli Ml rli tu ilnri nf Im. I, 17 the undersigned Treasurer and upon ItlltlilliK. rnnlnlnlliK itcrtw. Tniiin-Imw- said countv, the next return Dnitiilit'rty W A, Wlilln linn, Ali'X. k i:i 17. io nwl nwl wo t II r (HI, Collector of said Lin- day, to-wi- t: 8th day of November, mlnlim cliilin, lux tl pitti Or tin I wlilrli l in lint inlililln I it. IMmtll l coln county, will offer for and A. I). l'JO'J, the same occurring nf llln IIiimlnilillliikN whloli viir lis sale ' Unlit Win, Hi'Jix la I. kii i 17, chiUI not less than 30 days after the ill I'lutt ill rll II, it lltiKwIntio KUISxIK sell to the highest and bebt bid- inrli. limit cliMiil tvt'T A lillit'UMt I'uitciNcr No. 12. der for caah, the several pieces of last publication hereof, for judg- In rnr nu'J.n llmintniin nxHxII IiioIi. llniiltiiTiiwni.il.' Cn. Illntiktil In ill lliinltn rlilnOiil A lliMico III ment real es- Inim t 2i tnr infill' TiiwiihIIk, W2 IiiIk. Inx iwn, property hereinafter described, against the lauds, 11 VS S limit-lni- tiit rli w. rnr mi n ciwtH S7 IU IWtH de- both real ami personal, for taxes, tate and personal property III llxll Inch. Iinm rlilulfil ilTA, Uiwlo Mining iinil InniriiVf't Cn- - lln'('fill wlitiiiru llm U rnr Iiii-ik-- HI, II I II r and de- scribed in the following list for iiiIihi Hint mill lt, linllillitui ninl penalties cota, duu and 17 it, ttitrn . wi Is' n. In7 elm ll. liiriitMiHiit. IiiiIIiIIhu. mill, Imlnl to- - ' e, . linquent, beginning on the 15th amount of taxes due thereon, tntilt llinritrnr nn:i tnr II at lilllillim iiihI lniinnriniiiiti. int 4 In nililillc nl ni'tiliilii November, l'JO'J, gether with the penalties and tn rnr mi mill HIlTPfi'lllI Kin ml nn. Tlirlftrtitlll day ol at the nl IIUBrlw 'Inn" HxllxlH ill. Ilinu IU Mini lniiniTnifini. tllx 711 . of in costs, an to w u Ii nn I fruitt the courthouse the and for order sell the eliUflril lliiit friini our IHHimil.n- -l I HI T4 OK ttnr I iluo nf lieulntilliK, of in same to satisfy such judgment. isitt In tin llnuMt T w, mt tnx ai mi, iwn ail, t. Hi as tu town Lincoln, said Lincoln rnnlnlnlim lil.7 nrt, Imlnif n iwitt l'IU!Hirs (lr HutliirlliiH Co ttnal HtUIn, 1 will continue baid notice I II 17 countv; that And further is hereby nf nwl Mil mi II r n. liHiltinliiK nt tint n mirtiiT mi It tt WUiwiHBfn-U- MUB sale from day to day if given that within 30 days after Tux I tOrintae IHhihI nitinlliit uunl W0k necessary llnlilwA Cii. mi Wl. Itwl fttl. t Ml lliniweMmtli II Mt Hi llln IkHilln until all the property deacribud the rendition of such judgment m. 1 10 r IH. Iomi Wit HP otfwk, tltpaa fnlliiwtui! mwinler tif ITAcmU Ik iIUU lUr-m- rtnt-nl- in the following list is sold, against such property, and after tni ll two Mttl nttek nnrtli tiiltt, u or iimmmikI tm. la MRWiMHiiaina) 171 nfnlHitu giving notice by a hand bill post- Ui wt Una of ml fl until the respective amounts duo Mulniiy I'mnk imnuiual imirl nMMioafullnwIai: waniiilw f tt shall be paid; that the fnid sale ed at the trout door of the build- Utx I tirt nut ttu MM llln Itotlli) lJtl. itwwe Hwtlitn ing in which the district of tHitilHlrj ufnliItluu. luiMMHinnat will be held between the hours of court Pkkcikct No. 3. IiimI rnr nf tt 1, ititttlt H mile tn H 1 tun o'clock in the forenoon and the said county of Lincoln is Outktlr it itwntU lot 8 t r l, r iOami nf Wlnnlnu. Inx 83 R, n 01 18 1(11 101 to-wi- o'clock in hold, t: the Court ltottae of mimfii tr ami. four the afternoon of tax IMmMitM II II SlHok SlHt II V. wIim'Imw t.IOrl. at each day of such sale; ami the said county of Lincoln, nt iwrautiullliamx aa (4i im ii ai e ta tmm atM asvl ml mw tp 10 r IS, Inta t, 3 that I'kUlllw J i' imMHWt pMiwty um In It rU. inx mm. -i I m. if a purchaser fails to pay thu leant tea days prior to aa'd sale, m UlltHa ltWNti Wit in amount of hie bid before ten 1, I lie utidcralgued Trenaurer and WM J I' iwrMNMt pmttarMr UtrvHTiA UIOplMHHIII. pt ttlx lit It. ISx-onic- tux n i iwb m mm WW io Collector of the said t oot ia,iti o'clock of the day succcudittg thu 1'ltUClMCT No. 'I. I I'RIICINCT No. 13. coiuu.t of Lincoln, will offer for sale of the properly to him, the I W Wnt I) nl. tiw I ul It t 11 AHafitUiaotMB. pplnxlaluai. .wil3til. proporty bid for by him will be public 1 ? sule at auction, in front of r I Mix l ft) i MtfMMI M SitB 0111 lu pel swiid building, the renl ami perso- rum WlM It tfl el t 11 r U. awl llrtiwttAM.ettiwIaMllllitrll mill for sale, he not bulu te 1 M, WlMtllrlB,BlMlMMU t 11 aaolltttl rll. tnx flat, n allowed to make further bid or nal property tWsmribed in aaitl H r Ii tu II II mi SfeutU IS It It notice, against wliicu judgment Uiomu w mrwiHul imtttttir ltlltluttatt V, Pit ttt t Hi IWUB . ri 21) m K) bids on such property; and that I HD. til 1 77 tax twTtttwiaiiwwUHi llrown It W, UIi tax W. iMt eln I issue and to may be rendered for the iia -n will deliver thu amount UttiHov i M aw I wo HI 11 r IB, uwi , aianwilit J il. mi WW. nit of taxea, pennltieR and coats due mi, utl nwl tMHa t It r IP, frno wl :T Ul purchaser or purchasers ol pro- Nt II rll I ITinilwetlli.V nUU ti Inx Til J, pen !W 31 said a thereon, continuing mc. 'tSUOr perty at sale certificate of said anle MIX II 4U 1 Vit. 71 at III artsUSO from day to day, ah provided by Willi Ulan irwiiml irnttf i Uitulfiiilmit I' Ii. mi tnx TtBlH iirninim purchase as provided by law. m in tu no w owl ixw is rmUS W8I list has not been publish- law, until the same be aold. t. kc, This shall i Kiinllmi ft 1rl n untax liniMt, pciini 1'HIICINCT No. 5. 'JO This Hat ha not been published LMlntit tHI IQtill ed within days after Juitu 2, OItm Jn-- Antniiln iMfwtiwt nruity ' NlulitUll, WitJi.N'IIUI. K.itlta,onlll 081 '10 2, l'JO'J, l'JO'J, for want of time in wliiull within davs after June UxSlilUiMl2 71etMUS mi Oillt .N'nlwf, liuti Bnuil I likU Coruim, ta 11 5 ! Welch & Titsworth

Wholesale and Retail General Merchandise



The first court in Carrizozo will George Eakcr and Joseph Coch- - The drawing of the grand and Miss Edith Wells has accepted be a hummer. ran were down from Nogal yes petit jurors for the fall term of a position in the San Patricio Judge Hewitt is down today tcrday, with a load of apples from court in Lincoln county will take school, on lower Ruldoso. Miss from White Oaks. the old Slanc orchard. place at Alamogordo on the sec-N- Edith has been a student at the The blind goddess of Justice M. Ferguson of the Mesa ond day of October, Territorial Normal University for will rule here soun. spent several days in Carrizozo H, 15. Keller was down from several terms past, preparing for the profession of The song of the saw and ham last week on business. He stated the Mesa Monday with a load teaching. mer makes pleasant music. that the Mesa farmers arc looking 0f vegetables. He had some very Geo. Johnson, formerly a clcr k forward to a big Jacob Zieglcr made a business harvest. fine celery, the first of the local at the Trading Company's store, old-tim- e returned from trip to O.scuro the first of this KoyGumm, an Lincoln product to reach this market. Albuquerque last week. is in- week. county boy, was up from Salinas Attorney W. F. A. Gierke came It rumored that he Tuesday. Roy is now in em- tends forming a partnership with Frank Crumb hassold his ranch the over from Lincoln Thursday and ploy of the railroad company, in W. E. Winficld and adding a meat above White Oaks, also hiscattlc, will return Monday. With re the capacity of time keeper, shop to the grocery store. to Liu H ran u in gard to the removal of the county Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crumb of William Kahlcr, Sr., is chief of By the time another term of scat, he reports "everything quiet White Oaks left yesterday for the Outlook's editorial staff, hav-in- g court is held in this county Carri-zoa- o 0n the Potomac." Douglas, Arizona where they will gotten astride the tripod this should have a new temple of Miss Chcrillc Wells, of White in future reside. The Nuws re- week. If the old veteran is as justice. Oaks, has been engaged by the grets to see these old friends handy with the pen as he was John J. McCotirt and family, of directors of District No. 5 to leave, but wishes them the bust with the sword in the CO's, he school El l'aso, have spent the past of everything in their new home. teach their this fall. This should have no difficulty in main- week in Catrizozn, on district is on the Kuidoso above a visit with W. II. Glcasou was up from taining the usual standard of the relatives. Glcucoc. Alamogordo this week. Mr. Outlook. Ed. Kelly and es- George Johnson Gleasnu is interested in the Car-rizo- zo A new poutoflkc has been Lee Singleton, one of the Bar W left last week for the Mogolloti Liar and owns some valua- tablished at Murray, in Socorro outfit, was thrown from his horse mountains, in search of recreation ble real estate in the town. county. This postofllcc is located last Sunday morning, the fall and boar. VnlWr llviln went in Tiilnriivn at the mining camp in the Little breaking his right leg about three The Gumcy residence, on the Monday to accompany his family Dl,rro9' n,,oul nty-liv- c miles inches above the ankle. He was baccy addition north of town, home. Mrs. Hyde and children wcsl 01 uro, huh tumuy. alone at the time of the accident, was finished this week and is now have been visiting relatives at Cliff Ilulbcrl was up from the but managed to crawl a couple of ryady for occupancy. Tularosa the past two weeks. cnst end of the county this week miles to the Grumbles ranch. The V. S. Kirby, night watchman Mrs. W. C. McDonald returned with a load of wet goods -- pure following morning he was con- fgr the railroad company, has this week from Denver, where apple cider. lie informed us that veyed to the Bar W ranch, where UffUu transferred to Douglas, Ar- she accompanied her daughter, a severe hail storm visited Pica-Mi- ss the broken leg was set and dress izona. A man by the name of Frances, who went to rccn- - cho last Sunday week, doing ed. It will probably be several Oorik has taken Mr. Kirby's place tur Wolfe Hall seminary in that great damage to fruit, nlfalfa and mouths before he is able to take US watolliuan. cy other crops, his place in the round-up- .

i. CARRIZOZO NEWS Tlio most untiHiinl Jowelry this son MAD son hns been the old or Imitation old JEWEL Egyptlnn, Persian, Spanish nnd Italian ornaments. The clinging empire and gowns CAitnizozo NEW MEXICO dlrectolro trimmed with orien- Food tal embroideries In dull tints hnvo Fashionable Women Ablaze with brought this stylo or ornament Into Products Somo day ono of thoso French duels Precious Stones. vogue. will hurt somebody. Diadems or colored mother or pearl Liitisy's Cooked It Ih Impossible tt) keep u good river with pearl points, dull gold emplro wreaths nnd oval plaque pendants of Corned Bmmf down when IIh imino Ik Knw. More Gems Worn Than Ever Before-Stri- king bright gold with bluo or green scarabs Egyptian of a a marked distinc-- 1 It Ih not u deadly IiihuU Just nt Ornaments In tho center nnd pcnrls nt tho edges, There's present to Invito u limn to Jut:))) Into Boston Woman Who Married hnvo been much worn, whllo silver 1 o n between UM$ya tlio Inko. a British M. P. combs nnd brooches rrom old Spanish Oooked Oofned nnd Italian models with settings it and even best IltisIncHB will now tnlio n N'ovor Beef the fresh start London. bororo wns elabor- moonstones, gurnets, pearls ntny-thyst- s and sold in bulk. and hoop up without n break. ate nnd beautiful Jowelry so much hnvo also boon fashionable that's worn by English women as It Is this Hpeclmons Summer Ih beginning to gut Into Tho finest of Egyptlnn Evenly and mildly cured season In London. Tho rich English Jowelry seen lately nro by n Hb regular Btrldo. owned scientifically in womnn hns always been nblazo with lloston womnn who mnrrlcd nn Eng- and cooked diamonds on It Ih plcamint to know that the Ilrlt-Ifl- certain occasions such lish M. I'. As ho wns Interested him- Uhy'a Great WMte ns court gnln nights royal family Ih fond of Ambus-sndo- r functions nnd self In tho Egyptian question somo of- Kltohen, all the natural nt tho opera, etc, Hold's tea and marmalade. but hitherto she ficials of that country ns n compliment flavor of the fresh, prime has not worn n dlnmond tiara nt a to him presented his wlfo with somo Collego students ngnln nro working smnll dinner nnd has been gulltlcsB of exquisite exnmplcB or nntlvo Jowolry. beef is retained. It is pure their passages arroHH tho ocean on any goms In tho daytime. Moro than She put them cnrefully away ns bolng wholesome, delicious and cattle BhlpR In tho storrnge, so to that slio hns In fash-Io- n smiled scornful far too garish. This season she took ready to serve at meal time, spenk. nt tho lovo her Amerlcnn sisters them out nnd has worn them with hnvo for wenrlng chains, rings nnd long, clinging gowns or dull Saves work and worry la TIlrtntlonH highly approved slindcs, are ulso plus of precious stones bororo tho sun which set oft tho ornate quality or the summer. by summer-resor- t mosquitoes, for It has sot. work. keeps the HiibJcetH out nrter dark. This senson, however, she has Other Libby "Healthful" changed her Ideas. Jewelry In tho Meal-Time-Hint- s, Heat Is tho latest excuse for wife-beatin- HEAD OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE all ready How would tho wiro-benter- s to serve, are: enjoy tho wnler euro? Prof, Ernest F, Nichols of Columbia University, Known as Broad-Minde- d Peerleaa Dried Beef A paper linn been printed In n bal- loon, but communication with Mam 8cholar. Vienna Sauaage Is not yet claimed by Us Veal editor. Hanover, P loaf N. II. Prof. Ernest MHk Vlrglnln"YtllThns Its duels, and, un- Nichols of Columbia university, Just Evaporated fortunately, thoy nro not of tho French elected president of Dartmouth co- Baked Beans kind. One or the fighters, If not both, llege Tho now president of Dart- Ohow Ohow generally gets killed. mouth belongs to tho most usoful brond-mlndc- Mixed Ploklea class or d scholars whoso Wo have now Indoor fawn parties Interests nro not confined by tho "Purity hand in hand nnd Indoor bnseball. Yet doctors told boundnrlcB or nny ono field or thought rocs us not long ago that Indoors was or activity, but extend over all funda- with Products of the Libby about to bo nbollshcd mental problems of humnn concorn. brand". mj dtAcnirAHonrtnuir $y Dr. Nichols wns born In 1809 nt Lenv-onwort- Thirteen Now York teachers se- Write for free Booklet, cured mnrrlago licenses on tho first Knn., and was graduated nt or Agri- day of vacation. 1'erhnpH thoy felt tho ago 10 rrom tho Knnsns "How to make Good cultural collego with tho degrco or that thoy must have somebody to boss. 11 Things to Eat". II, year In CHAM orMtl-COlOAC- JMfiABS Affi 8.. Tho noxt was spent Thoro IfTirwIid rumor alloat to the tcnchlng, nnd tho thrco following insist o n effect that Abdul Humid mny emigrate years ns n grnudnto student In math- to tho United Stuffs. Wouldn't ho be Egyptian Jewelry. ematics nnd physics nt Cornell uni- Ltbhy'a a t a winner on versity, ho grocers. tho Cluiutaiupia circuit? daytime Is In good form nnd diamond whero held the Ernstus your llrooks fellowship. Ho received rrom tlnrns aro worn nt tho ovon-- I To deplore tho decline of college smallest or or Ubby, McNeill tig delicate- Cornell the degroo master sol Qreck Is to talk (Ireek to most of tho affairs. Even dresses nro &. Ubby ly traced with Moonstones, euco In 1603, and doctor or boIoiico In students who have not yet "becomo Jowcls. ft m m topazes 1S07, both taken In course. In 1S92 0 o o convinced" of tho vnluo or bard study. nnd amethysts nre mingled with crystals and sown upon not to It used to be that n Minn was Judged outline u corsage or border a tunic. by tho company ho kept. Now ho Is When n coronal of diamonds, n collar Judged rnther by tho company In of tho sntno stones with largo blocks ORLD WEARS which ho hnppens to ho a stockholder. of emeralds nnd rubles Inset nnd n ropo of pearls nro added to this toilet Wealth nnd luxury too often wonlc-e- tho effect Is dazzling. tho mornl liber. Sometimes they Tlnras aro now bo heavy lif nnd broad nro tho tost or manhood n test, by ns to suggest that beauty of design Is tho way, to which many would like to uo longer n roqulslto:oiily slio nnd bo subjected. CV brilliancy of stones seem to matter. Women who do not wear Haras be- It la small wonder that tho King cause they nre unbecoming to smnll, or Scrvla had n fit. With tho state of dellento faces ninkn up tho deficiency affairs there It wouldn't bo surprising with high back combs studded with to hnvo tho whole throwing diamonds and side combs nnd lmlr them. ornaments to mutch. It Is not uncom mon to boo n woman thirnloss yot with SHOES Chicago oxpous have discovered a her colffuru ablazu with precious 230P. $359 dlseaso called "mythomania.'' In oth- W. t. DorOT.AS SHOES are Better stones. Value for tho Price Than Ever Before. er quarters It Is called plain lying, but Ono TliennjIltT.woiVninnihlpiin.l beauty of tho season has 1 , itlrnnot that duos not halt as Interest-In- fvi-IIi-'i- A trinl ) nil IhM It lw)i la sound dressed her hair with n ribbon of dia- iunlnc non llmj W. I Homlm iliori or soloutllle. i M Id Ir alinr. ill ml wru longer monds woven In nnd out among tho IliKll ol hi--r limit m. W. I Dmuilarr!nttlAnfnrltiitt hoe (Irouze curls she affoets. Tho bIoovob Hint ran I i.trxlii ri fur llm I'tli-- I. woil Every time Abdul Humid foil his - of her hall gown were a trelllswork Hi- .luml. Irk of rmr pair a4 throne tot tor ho would send out a row I '" 11 I 1109 fiurnnirr lull value to Hie wrarer, of diamonds nnd a high dog collar of CAUT10K. ili.t vr. I bibu millions to be placed on deposit In Prof. Ernest F. Nichols. tt, r tmn'-'-t n rrL.tMMfnm. the same stones encircled throat. .lltrl t li t'l. some rorolgu Imnk It Is Interesting her TAKE NO BUBSTITUTr. A fashionable bride nttracted atten- ho wns appointed to tho chair of phy-le- s Pluir for livery Mmlir f tlm Knmltr. to note that he selected banks In coun- SIpii, Horn, M'timcil, SIImm mill Cltllitrcn, tion even In that bejewelled assemb- and astronomy In Colgate uni- I1TO, , Im jmiittlM !IU Wliftrrfr. jfpu Ml Wllliia tries whero the people rulo. iwi-ti- .If mir denier rlntutt At vnn wib tnm lage, for slio displayed n long chain of versity. Dr. Nichols wns at Colgate IsllOltlecCkUl uit. W.l.l)OUULAS,lltwklou,Mu. HimmultArtnns now In Loudon show diamonds terminating in n diamond-gemme- d for six years, but two nnd n hnlf years liow to slaughter nnlmals painlessly. purse, which she absolutely of tho time wns spent on leavo of nil Will thoy alio kindly demonstrate a kicked with her feet as she promed- Hence, studying under l'lnuck and good method or making tough beef- ol! od the grounds. or tho University or Hurlln. Constipation steak susceptible of mastleatlon by At garden parties whenover brier gllmpsos ut the sun have permitted tho Jaws of tho plain people? Tense. "For tho uso of parasols It has ojer nine yeart I ittflerfd with chronic been seen "What Is tho psychological moment contllpatlon tid during Mill lime I hid to A boy tike In Detroit filled his mouth that Jewelled handles nro fashionable. In baseball?" n Injection of warm water once every 14 lioun with korosuno and then let It rail In Fans, too, aro wrought with precious "Oh, Hint's when somebody hits the he fore I could have atl action on my boweli. Happily I drops on a lighted match to boo whnt stones, nnd on tho ankles of silken tiled Cascitcti, and today I am a well umplro over tho head with a baseball man. During the nine yeari before I uied would happen. This boy was realty hose tiny gems glitter ns tho centers bat and 14 feminine runs faint in tho Caicarela tiiilTered untold mliery with Internal nn altruist. The mnjorlty or small of embroidered Mowers. grandstand." pile. Thanka to you, I am free from all that boys enjoy oxpurlmonts Ear pendnntH nro tremendously pop- llil morning. You can ute this In behalf of such nt some tuflcrlng oilier one's expense. Incidentally, ular. Tho fnct that they do away with Compromises. humanity. D. 1'. FUher, Roanoke, lit. wlmt did happen satlHllod his curios- the old tasblouud ear piercing nnd "Couldn't you stretch u point to got rirainnt. Palatable, Potent, Taste flood, yot or po Good. Nover Hlcken.Weaken or (Irlpe. ity far all time penult tho adorning ears with moro nowH about our now neighbors?" 0c,2Jc, 50c. Never sold la bulk. Thoeen-uln- o icius has made them the rag "1 might rubber u bit." tablet atatnped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. 93a r

Tho flro hnd boon banked and tho Thu Retort Unkind. A now clork in tho statistical do portmont nHkod tho meaning of "def- conln woro merely smoldorlng. How Gerald A gentleman Is ns MAN THROWN INTO defined icit." "A deficit," nnsworcd Mac, "Is long ho remained thero ho doea not one who never gives pnln. what you'vo got when you haven't got know. Oornldlne Then you'ro no gcntlo-mhn- ; as much as If you Just hadn't nothing." When ha began to regain his sensen you glvo mo n pnln ovury time ft FIERY FURNACE his clothing wna on flro. Ills head you cnll. wiib hurHtlng with pain, but summon- energies Important to Mothers. DENVER DIRECTORY ing nil his ho renchod tho Examine carefully every bottle of door. CASTOHIA a safo and sure romody for I I m mi kimia or mi.ii ouUldo tho flro box hung tho UUN I, LUUN C'll.lNIHHi:.ibit Mnimnoih eala-la- ir WATCHMAN IMPRISONED IN FIRE Just Infants and children, and aco that It malted free. and IlfaWt, Iianvar. cord to tho Btenm shovol whistle. Ho Cor lth BOX OF SHOVEL BY 8TEAM remembered tho camp of track work- BROWN HOTEL Signature PALACE THREE FIENDS. men n quarter of n mllo away. Ho ff&U Kimiiiean I'lnn. (I. SO nnil Untrard. know n blast from tho whlstlo would In Uso For Over :10 Years. T" ,r"m was Tho Kind You Have Always Bought THE AMERICAN HOUSE VSSS tell them that all not well at tho Amerlran I'lnn 1'J.oi nnd upward. DRAGS SELF TO WHISTLE CORD steam shovol and would bring thorn post hasto. A Trying Time. Judge Why did you strike this WATERING TROUGHS, FLUMES K"nw'.7! Ho thrust his nrm through tho box mt Mntn water, iniarunteed, Wrlla nr rail for In his hand clasped tho cord. mail? liinimtliin. (lenryo Kreiind A Co., 1IJI Whim. 81., and Just Prisoner Whnt would you do, Driller, Oolorndn. Workmen Hear Shrfll Appeal for Help as his brain again becamo dark ho Judge, If you kept n grocery storu and Drag Unfortunate from Smol- sounded his blast of appeal, RUGS & and n ninn cnino In nnd naked If he LINOLEUM dering Coals He Loiei workmen heard his call - Iri at Tho and could tnko a moving picture of your Wo pay the freight, Heat catalog-tti to tho steam shovol. A hur- liver mailed free. Contcloutneii. hurried cheesoT Hnrpor's Weekly. ried Inspection failed to rovcnl his Tho HOLCOMB& HAR I " Laporto, Intl. Aroused from uncon-ftclmuncB- whereabouts. Finally tho arm still Saya a Press Humorist: by the heat of tho smolder-Iii- k grasping tho ropo was scon. "Shakespeare, It Is said, never ro life-Ich- fur-nnc- AWNINGS, TENTS llro on which his prnctlcnlly s Tho ninn was dragged from tho peated." body Imd boon thrown, (Ins WIro-innu- , but for an hour thoy could o rni.oit.ux) TIINT AIVNINU CO, "lie didn't havo to run n dally thu.Til" IUrK""l IIUI'H Oim)iI houan In the Weal. wntchmnn nt tlio Bteam shovol no coherent account of his l.nwrenc Ht . Denver, Colo, llobl. H. humorous feature" lliliaimil,14. rrea. rnmp of nn electric lino near Laporto "Hut Montaigne, whenover ho saw n tho other night found lilmtsolf ImprlR-onc- d good thing, annexed It." Gardon Lands Near Donvor In tho flro box of tho BU'nin RATTLER THRUST HIS "Ah, ho was more llko tho rest ol Aliilmlnnt Irrigation water, nenr elec- Hhovol. us." tric nnd at cam transpnrtiitlmii all In al- falfa: rlcli anil; tracts at lino Writhing In pnln, which nugmcntcd FANGS IN GIRL'S ARM In $1TiO per ncr". IVorllmralern l.niul Ci, tho xpnrk of strength loft In IiIh body, Unite to Fight the White Plague. .HIT I'lintlnriiliil IIIiIk., Denver, Coin, ho dragged hlmiioir to Confirming ol tho door of tho tho recent statement DR.W.K, CAMERON'S anti- l .., box, opened It, granped tho cord to BRAVELY HEADS OFF POISON Dr. William Osier that the ...... a . tho whlHtlo of tho engine nnd n ho tuberculosis cninpnlgn Is no longer a eel nl le-- onljr I.., Sf 7.HI, lavt WITH TWISTED KERCHIEF, J v nr, m-- u"ii rniwon anil nnutf wnra liattlo for tho doctorn only, tho Na- mil (a ilnld and idiitlim llllliwall up. lieninl ur THU8 SAVING HER LIFE. tional Association for tho Study nnd Inra, Aramti" Street. (i', I'cotofrlce, IMirer ' Issues a I.n I'orte. Pn. -- l'rolty Prevention of Tuberculosis Fur evei kind nf rnnf, In It Is Hint ll'awalertliilit. .Mmloim. Sndlo Ilelvely Is rapidly recovering Htntcment which shown Ir In Denver lir TIIH ID per cent, or thoso enlisted In tho iVIrMTI.ItN Kl. AT-K- ll from the effects of a rnttlcsnnko's blto ITK Itlillr-INt-l received whllo sho nnd n friend, Miss whllo plague war aro laymen. u(, ell liiiuhlo niils.. uhiiim Main 'DTI. Ilvtmr Harriet Mollnmix, woro hunting wild ila,iler i!ih-- mil liamlla, dowers In tho woods near Hlllsgrovo. Strictly After Nature. ante, in, The fact that sho Is allvo Is duo to A public building was In courso ol In ono of western towns STEAM her bravery In choking tho wound erection tho PUMPS: KltW. m2k Into hnrmlcHBiioBB. of Scotland, In front of which n bust IcIiiiIm of piimpM for all tiurpoaes, Tur-liln- e. Hruco wns being A Duplex, Hlmple. Tell ua yimr Tho two girls were deep In tho of Tho carved. needs nnil the eiiiiilltlniis ami you wilt woods, n mllo from homo, when thoy well-know- liallle halted opposite thu kH a pmnp Hint will iln ynur wnr.c. sculptor ono dny nnd called out: Write iim, .Mnrao fc Co.. wcro startled by tho uinnlstnknblo I73.1-4- Waxen Ht.. Denver. Colo. whirr of n rnttlcsiinko almost under "1 say, sculptorr d'yn no think yo lino Hint beard Inclining u wco thing Our llirlactlori their feet. Springing bnck, thoy CriNim heuim-Inr- a ccnrchcd about until they found n to tho left?" SEPARATORS nr lu-- t In "Man, balllo," said tho sculptor, couplo of fnllcn limbs Hint could bo rlmiiat III lirlre. Write tor Our I'jiIaW, Till! used no clubs nnd then mndo sonrch "d'yo no tco tho win's blnwln' up tho I,. A. VVATK I NH .il UWL II A r 1'IHH CO., ID.Blo Wllieo Hlrrel, Colo. for tho siinko. Ho wns found colled Btreet tho noo?" Tld Hits. Drniir n lingo nnd girls nt under fern tho ON FOOD RELIABLE : PROMPT ouro nnd nttneked killed him. The Right Foundation of Health, ASSAYS (lold, lie, Unlit and Bit-v- rr Having no Idcn of further dnngor, II ad. ilnlil. Hllvee ami I'fliit.er. 1 1 so Clold nnd Hllver rellned Miss Ilelvely throw down liar club nnd tioiiKht Wrlla (nr free inulllliir aaeka. Proper food la tho ot AHHAY i'iace, lien-te- r. seeing blos- foundation cliltll'.N C'U Hit C'uurt nnd, some rhododendron health. Pcoplo can eat Improper I'olo. soms nenr by, tried to bond clown food for n tlmo until there is n sudden o Wlien you some branches so Hint sho could got in 9 t q of tho digestive organs, then nil SPORTING GOODS lenvar. eall them. Shu had hardly raised her on ua in I kinds of trouble follows. rlirniieal plnrn In liny the lie! (luim, hand when thero wns nuothor nngry Tnrltl llnnllnu l?lnfnlna. Tho proper wny out of 1 1 whirr nnd n second big rnttlesnnko, tho dliriculty Il.i-- i' hull and Allilelje la. MfiTl irilera is to to pure, aoll.'llrd Th. II CI l'lrkrll rmrllhtf Onixla fully long, n shift tho scientific food, Co uiinalt l'ontnftl. r JT Ariinnhoa HI. four feet slid from fork Grape-Nuts- , i' nf the rhododendron nnd colled nbout for It rebuilds from tho up. A her nriiiH. Hhrloklng, tho girl tried foundation New Hnmpahlro to throw off tho snake, when it woman says; "Last summer I was suddenly tnken PAINTI'1'liern Is Mnuntnln ft l'lnln I'nlnt, struck nnd sunk Its fangs Into her with Indigestion "t'llmiit v eorreel," and fully Kiinr- - Was Shoved Throunh the Entrance to forearm. It then relaxed Its colls nnd nnd severu stomach nut I. It 1h in ml n by Mrl'lice t Mo- - troublo nnd could not ent food with- IHnnlly t'n., tielivcr, wlman repiltntlnti the Furnace. darted nway. hi iimtn behind thesn Riimla. Ask ynur When Miss Mollnoux rushed to her out great pain, my Btomneh wns so ileuler for further Iiifnriiintlou or wrllo lapsed back Into unconsciousness girl soro I could hnrdly inovo nbout. This li iih fi.r Inteat "Kiiahliiiis In I'lilnlliiK." friend's assistance, she found tho .i Mr.iiNNi co m:.Nvi:it. sounded blast lifter blnst, which Anal- bravely knotting a handkerchief nbout kept up until 1 wob so mlBcrnblu llfo Mri'inn: n ly brought him iiBHlstnnce. wns not living. the nrm ahoe the wound. When tho wortli B. & According to Wiseman's story, ho haudknrnhlef wns seeurely tied tho "Then a friend finally, after much E. nURLINGAME CO., was on watch nbout midnight, when girls twisted a stick under It with nil argument, Induced mo to quit my for- ASSAY OFFICE ho was by two mer Qrapo-Nuts- . accosted whites their stteuglh. Miss Ilelvely Insisting diet nnd try KjlablMinlluColnrado.lrVyj.SBVBfimplenhrmailnr nnd it negio. Tho whllo men woro Hint this should bo dono In splto of "Although I had but lltttlo faith I exiiren.i will rwol to prompt nnil careful attnnt Inn well dressed, Gold & Silver BuMIOfl n""11" Mltedrld Aimed hut apnprniitly malar the the torture It gnvo her. When tho commenced (o uso it, nnd groat wan or purchased. Innuonco of liquor. tourniquet was completed they hur- my surprlBO to find that 1 could ent CONCENTRATION, AMALuAMAilON AND After greeting nwny, him, ono of tho white ried to lllllsgruve. n mllo whoru It without tho usunl pnln and distress. CTAniut is men wild: In my its Wr(le (or iomiL medical aid wns secured, tho physi- Btomneh, 1730-173- 8 Lawrence St., Denver, Colo, "Wo want Homo whisky. Como on cian lolling Miss Ilelvely Hint her "So 1 kopt on using (Irapo-Nul- s nnd with Hint bottle." bravery hnd saved hor llfo. noon n marked Improvement wub "I haven't any." roplltd tho wntch- shown, for my Btomneh wns perform- uinn. A Lover's Trouble. ing Kb regulnr work In n normal way PIANOS "You're a liar!" shouted thu "Muggsy, dls ain't no dlmont ring without pnln or distress. glvo guttlu' itrniigor. yur mo. It's dull already." "Very booh tho yollow coaling disap- "No. dat'H Jus' llko er woman! I'll "VVlNmiiii Jumped to his feet. As peared from my tonguo, tho dull, PLAYER PIANOS he did 10 ho felt slekflilng blow botcher been weailn' dut Mono round henvy feeling In my hend disappeared, In all kinds uv weather an' washlti' Clet quotutloun from tho from buhlud. lie rtmiontborH little or nnd my mind felt light nnd clear; all uv 1 thu w'linl happened prno-UBrill- yor hands wld kinds soap. than Although languid, tired fooling left, KNIGHT-CAMPBE- LL paid 'treo dollars nil sixty cents fur rnd nlto iliioonscIoiiH. he linn n dim Kothor I If I If felt ns had boon rebuilt. .Miixli- - Co., or hourlug 0110 of dut dlmmit, an' It ain't do real t'lng Colorniln'a lnrUea mill tho man Strength nnd wolght enmo rnpld-l- y Imuap any: enn't blnmu mo!" bnck lemlliiK lllliale alure 1HTI. jer nnd. I wont bnclc to my work with Vlalt our oxtenalvo wnrnrooum or "Wall, Mini (III a ho's dond. you're In for To Be Sure. renowed nmbltlon. out and end tlila coupon to II Just its much us we are Tim thing "A writer declares that mothers-in-la- "To dny I am n now womnn In mind KNI6H E UT U I C to do Is to get rid of his body." S GU nn well na i tPB are greatly maligned." body, nnd I owe It nil to HUi.-I-a- Ho then went Into n stuto or Ciillfornln fit,, llenver. comii. course they nro. n Joke-smit- h this nnturol food, Grape-Nuts- .' I'Ipiimii your TO hldo nil or "Of but mull mo now I'lono traces tho orlnio, the has to make a living "Thero'u n IleaBon." rntnlouiicH: ninn liarualu Hat rf tjiqn determined somehow." iihpiI I'liinoa ami liifnniintloii to bum the body. Look In pkgs. for tho full Tho door or tho flre box famous llttlo rcKnnllliK your llnay l'ny I'lnn, wns opened Pinched. book, "Tho Itoad to Wellvllle." arid tho Inaiilmnto form of tho watch- got squeozed In Nnille . , "Sho Wall HtreoL" rrnil tlir nltnve A man wns shoved thtough tho speeulntaH, Hrr letter! new outranco "Bho oh?" one nppeiirN from lime u time, 'I'liey AililieHa to tho furnaco. "No, BtuiioBU." nri- - Kriiulnr, true, uml lull ol liuimin sho lntercaU ABSTRACT OF COUNTY RECORDS. its. The fair this year will have two full companies of United PuruUliul by American Tltln A Trunt Co. The Exchange Bank, (arrizozo, New Mexico Lincoln. N. M. States Cavalry, brought as a spe- DHKD9. cial escort for President Taft, W. C. McDonald and wife to live full days of splendid racing Transacts a General Hanking Business Mudgc, lota 1, 2, 3, I nnd with large purses und the fastest Issues Drafts on all Principal Cities of 5 block 41 McDonald addition to line of horses ever attracted to the World. Accords to Borrowers Carrizozo; consideration $250. New Mexico. Pushball, most every accommodation consistent with John II. Jump nnd wife to El-vl- exciting of latter day sports, will safety. Accounts solicit! d. A. Gclindo, north lialf lot 14 be introduced for the first time and nil lot 15 Jump addition to in New Mexico. There will be INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Corona; consideration $00, the usual baseball tournament, K. A. Orr to E. E. Wright, n2 composed strictly of home teams, sc4, aw4 nc4 and sc4 nw4, sec. 13 each team backed by its corps of tp. 7, r. 14; consideration $1,00. faithful fans; and last but not In trust for minor children of least, the great old Nat Keiss The Best IJrnnds of grantee. Carnival company, the biggest THE BOTTLE AND BARREL WHISKIES. Hight of Way. E. W. Hulbcrt amusement institution of its kind to Colorado Tel. Co., part of sec. in the world. STAG 33 nnd 34, tp. 9, r. 16; consider- This list docs not include such jttSEIPP'S B E E R. ation $1. special attractions ns the airship SALOON E. W. Hulbcrt & Co. to Uol. T. which will make three Mights BILLIARDS AND POOL. Co., pprt sw4 sw4 sec 14, tp 18, over the city daily, the last being GRAY BROS. r 11; consideration $1,00. at night, when a huge search- Choice Cigars. II, Lutz to Col. T. Co., across light traces the ship as it sails Props. property in town of Lincoln; SI. through the air. In a word, the Addic E. Rountrcc and hus- fair this year is going the old band to A. S. McCnmant, half time successes several better! It IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUII int. c2 nw4 sec 15 and uc4 nw4 is going to furnish amusement sec 12, lp 1, r 14; $1125. and entertainment lor thousands, Special Facilities Mrs. Jiiulcs V. Brown nnd hus- and the present indications arc Eor Banquet and Dinner Parties. band to Addic C. Rountrec, half that the whole territory will be int. c2 nw4 sec 15 nnd sc4sw4 sec here. 12, tp 1, r 14; $2250. 1 Seaborn T. Gray and wife to They lead, others follow, in Carrizozo Eating House I the new things for fall wear. F. V. QUHNEY, MnnaRcr. Agnes May, lot 13 block 01 Capi- Kieglcr Bros. tal!; $100. And lot 14 block 61, Capitnu; $100. Those sweaters have arrived at Zicgler Bros. Wc have them for Table Supplied with the Best Harriet Pons to Agnes May, ladies, gentlemen nnd children. the market affords. lots 2, 3 and 4 block 49, Capitau; consideration $420. HUNTINO AND RSMINO PEBS Bessie Hcndershold to Welch & Under an act passed by the last Titsworth, quitclaim, s2 sc4, sc4 legislature, and in effect March sw4 nnd ne4 se4 sec 22 lp 9 r II; 18, 1909, you arc required to pro- consideration $13.40. cure a license in order to hunt or fish. The fees arc as follws: The Carrizozo Bar. Dig umne, mennlnKileer mill turkey, rci. THE TERRITORIAL FAIR. iiuut n.no lliril llceme, 1.00 Bonded Whiskey 75 Albuquerque, N. M. rellent All SI. per Quart. (Im.f ml Ilcotio, curnrlnit lil Knme Hint per September 21, 1909. lilnln, resident M Port Wine .50 Quart. Never in IIIk Kitmo hecutr, mm ri'itilont 2.V(l Blackberry Brandy...... 50 per Quart. the history of New lllnl llcinne.non rtwhlent MM Old Kingdom Blended Whiskey S4.00pcrGallon. Mexico has there been such wide- IIIk Rama llceiun, reililent, nllcii 5,(1) lllnl llretie, resident, nlleu 8.1KJ spread iutcrcst in the annual fair Hint llrcnao, mm rcxlitcnt, nllen lo.U) as is being shown this year. Even TmuiiKitlnllon Mrmll, Urn inima I.UI Wholesale Prices on Seipp's Beer Permit to tininHiit uut of tlm Territory, last year when the National Irri- oncliiltH-- r S.U) to Outside Dealers. l'ertnll tn nliln nut iif thn'IWrltorr Kuril gation Congress gnthcred here lolot IUIi I.O) there was no such unanimous Dupllentci llrvuru, certificate! or wrmlt. 1.00 spirit of interest und All mm rlilntii orcr llm ko of twuha f(t will tiii rriUirril to niy u MhIiIuk ns is now apparent in the Hood liccimo of i.W ml of correspondence coming into Notice (or Publlcntloii. the Secretary's oflice each day. Denmtineiil of tlm Interior. JOHN H. SKINNER II. H. Unit Olllue nt HimwvII, N. M. It comes from all sections of the Anmut H, num. Nnllra tin liereliy ulrun tluit (Joorxo Ij. DllUnl, Wholrntte nml lletnll Dealer In territory. It tells of prosperous of Noun!, N M , who, mi Uctolmr SI, IIWI, inula llomrotmil Kntry No. ItllO, Horlnl No mil. for conditions and good crops, and NWU NW'i A Ml. Hit HWli nnil Nltti HWU Ht'C. IS,TowiiIiIiUoiiI!i. Itiiimn lilnant, N.M.I Flour, Hay & Grain. promises large exhibits and big morrilUu. linn tlleil nollcii of Intention to luiikn Hmtl fivn yntr proof to pMhIiIIbIi clnlm to tlm crowds for the fair. Inml nlKire ileirrllieil, Iwforo A. It Jlnrvry, y H. ('onimlloner, nt III ulltcc In t 'nrrlzuto, "Queen of Kansas," the finest grade of Hour manufactured. The coming of President Taft N. M., on tho llth ilny of October, MOW, rinlnmutimmeiiiw wltneMini during the fair week has had its 11. I'tlliKMcii, of Niigal, N. , IIiilH-r- t I l. ""if. of Nomil. N. M.t 1 1. It, linn, of Niwil. Prciton (Ml delivered on short notice. effect in arousing interest, is N.M.i Wtu, H llourim. nrt?iiillAii, N! M. It ('. not unlikely that the President M7JII T. TiLMrrwiN, HimlMor. will take the occasion to tell the Notice (or Publication. Phone 52 Main street, Carrizozo. people of New IX'itinnt ot tlm Interior, Mexico what he U. 8. Umi OllUiuit itimwiill, N.M., thinks of statehood, Auitimt SKI. Iiioo. and this po- Notlco U hereby alum that V. Marlon llolilin.nt ssibility alone is enough to (.Hiiltmi, N. M vrlio. on Ainiunt 15. ItKM, nimhi inukc llonioiitcml Kntry No. WD, Hor. No. (WHO, for NWU Hoo 22, towu.l.1,1 ID. this occasion of keenest 8 8. rnnue II K, N . M. P. WHITE OAKS COAL. J7RANK TIIEURER Interest. Mcrlillnu, Imi llle.l notlrii of intontlon lo iiiako Uut aside from this llnnl tlre-y- iiriHif to eilAlillnh rlnlm to llm there has lHiiilnlMTHiliorlliailtKifurn(:iiiini,nl lllnlitowur, Leave your orders at Rollatid County Surveyor U. H, t'oiumlkHliinnr, never been a more promising nt liU olllrn In OiiiilUin, Tliu only liomleil Hurveyor list N. M mi thii ii2ml day ot Oclolier, IVU0. Bros, drug store, and I'll deliver In Lincoln ('oiitity Of sports than is offered or a bet- I'hilmant rinmra Ml wltnenoi (,'lnlnm Hnrrojeil, wiilia. 1. ItlHlitower.J. II. Kinney, lnhlr.i Mo. it. Prices on application. Ijohii liiinrnncn ter outlook for extensive exhib Klnloy, 1 iimer iioiiiih, nil or I minim N. nl. T, I'. Ttl.LorHUN, lU'iilnti-r- . tf S, C. Wimnmk. Carrizozo New Mt'xtdo.

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