
11" . . - . I" , nnnnHnnnniFinjqnn! THE BULLETIN IS THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN THE CITY EQUIPPED TO MEET THE PRESENT CRISIS TEAMER TABLE. J ONE YOTE FOR J Frcm San Francisco: America Maru Apr 21 I Sonoma Apr. 25 i Mongolia May 2 a 4p.Lv'v-..- Far San Francisco: - NIi)on ,, Mini Apr. 21 THE EVErllMO.DUCVETIN Vcnturu Apr. 21 B rrom rt lS2Q00jr2E', tOflTEOT. I Vancouver: Moina May r, Evening rj rnlqAV, &m&p)jm. a Tor Vancouver: t Mnheno 1 Bulletin i Miv 3 This vote It good for three weel 3 I if OUR PRESS PRINTS 100 A MINUTE IH from date. Eg j W m Hi fca fc m Ba Ha Kg Ea Hi U f-- f tn EXTRA EDITION fl Ea Sa Ha Ba Ea Ea Ea Mi n MEnr n B Vol. XVIII No 3303 HONOLULU. TKUKITORY OF HAWAII 1?UIDAY. AYKIL '20. WW, Puioh 6 Ousth First Cable Report Johnson SAN FRANCISCO OPERATOR From Fire Swept Must TELLS DISASTER STORY ft And Wrecked City Hang

! A Frank Johnson wax today found OUTSIDE TOWNS SEND ASSISTANCE guilty of murder In tho first degree by KUHIO READY Population Homeless tlio Jury, which was unanimous on the first ballot taken. It wan In the Jury The following cable was received by Supt. Calnei at the cable office room Just four minutes from San Francisco, ihortty after 10 a. m. The operator It at the hut The terrible and atrocious murder near the Cliff Houso: of Ilttlo Simeon Wharton will now bu TO THE Avefo! The earthquake wat wont ever felt. Threw down many bulldlngt. avenged, and tho murderer Is doomed ACCEPT Amid Condons to explain on tlin x. Fire ttarted dozen placet. Water malm broken. No water In whole- hit crime gallon unless lie thould be Riven the boncflt sale district. Fire spread like wildfire. No way to ttop It. It twept both of executive mercy, which it in practi- The Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, In reply to Its cable to President tides Market ttreet right up to Twelfth ttreet. Then worked wett till got cally certain under tho circumstance Mackay of the Commercial Pacific Cable Company, at New York, thlt af to Van Nett avenue, where It wat blocked. that ho will not. ternoon, about 2:15 o'clock, received the following, via Europe! Judge Itnblnson Ret tho Wholesale, retail and about one-hal- f retldence portion burned to the hat ten RENOMINATION NEW YORK, via Europe, Apr 30. tenco next Tuesday 9 a, Un- ground. for at m. To PACIFIQUE, Honolulu: i der tho statute there In only ono pen-ll- y Town San Francltco dettroyed; both butlnett (and) retldence section. under martial law. Panic everywhere. for murder In tho flrtt degree Population homeless in Golden Gate Park and Presidio. A of llouto of Representatives, Washington, April 3, 190G. All churchet ruined or burned. Fire pretty well under control now, but that death. IMItor of Kvcnlng Fire will exhaust Itself tonight. n little, 9 morn- the llulletln: still burning, Mott of ut lost everything. At after o'clock this Trom time to time rumors lime appeared In tho to tho effect Troops control. So far only casualties Inseparable from awful condi- ing Harrison roHiimed pipers Fire Is still raging In spots, Dynamited his addrets to thnt I havo promised not to be a candidate this )eicr, mid to throw my tion. but mostly under control. all tho Jury from tho point where he con- f support to another man fur the Ucligulcshlp Bo far ns I am nvvaro Teleg'rapht O. K. to Oakland. No one permitted enter city; making that stood In way, lack of water. cluded finished 9 CO yesterday, Ho at this statement hux not been made, liy nil) one on his own behalf, but the every effort to rettore communication with Honolulu Inform Chamber of Frightful lots of property. n. in., whereupon Deputy Attorney story been by some, political Commerce. (Signed) MACKAY. t has repeated of in) opponents rive miles from town and cannot get team. moral I'rossor began his argument. As I have novtr made such n pi online oi agreement with nnone, made a very strong Shake was terrific. Lasted about a minute. I'ronsor address tho rumor can only hn rcpcitcd nnd circulated for political purposes. and limited It In time to about fifty Is people I - mall from Kin rrnncisco, for Honolu- Damage It at least $150,000,000. The Million Is still burning In places f As well known to tho of Hawaii, when was first nom- minutes, finishing at 10:40 a. m. After Inated for the Delegitcshlp It was entirely without any request or sug- - lu, whli h consists of ill" sacks .She but not as far out as Sixteenth t 35UO street. dwelling on the evldcnco and the factn on my part Two jeirs ago the party saw fit to nlso brings tons of ion! Sim will Presidio Is thought to be O. K. nf the cane. Prosier went on to show mo for that position without any mglng on my purt sail for the Orient nt 11 o'clock tomor- the Jury how necessary It was that row morning The fire Is burning below Van Ness Avenue but not west of that point. It has never been my dcslro to bo n candidate for this ofllco unless the defendant be summarily punished I fell It to be the wish of the Republican ranks to !iae me head the C l.ir Goodrich, In spouklng of tho Hayt Valley It burning west to Octavla. - In order that jitstlco could be carried 4- ticket During this winder I have rofrnlncd from any expression on possibility of the earl sailing ot the All wett of Van Nett It safe. tout. tho subject of a because I desired to first know whether Mongolia, slid he was afruld that the Detween Van Ness and Market wiped out. I Prosscr reminded tho Jurors of the thnt was tho wish and choice of the rank nnd tile tu tho Republican vessel would not he ublc to lesivet Sail weeping father and mother of the mur- - party i innclsco on time, owing to n seniclt) m Our office dynamited. t ilerefl child, nnd lmnresied on them During the past three months 1 have received an Increasing num- - of float coal When tho Maru left The Palace, St. Francis and most all big hotels burned. that It would be a crime to let the do her of letters fiim nil pnrl's of the. Islands urging me to again head 1 After an unetcntful oage from San there, he said coil of tint nature could Flood Oulldlng Emporium escape be nnd now and gone. lendont tho full COnscqtienccB tho part) ticket; lmt up to the present time I hafo Rtou'dlly declined to t- Francisco, Hi H America Muni scarcely obtained, sliirn Fairmont Hotel In 1 carlhqunkc, he Is of the opinion burned. Devastation all direction and relief pouring of his horrible act. promise anyouo thut would again be a candidate was the In. - f this ut'ernoon at IMS. and Impossible When tho public found that Jurors 4- However, 1 have now decided that If tlin party feels that the two tnat It might he for the tied up get Oakland and Piedmont are all right. Shake wat not to bad there and would not do their duty, said Prosser, victories which hao been won with my name nl the heud of tho ticket, - to the llackfeld wharf Mongolh to fuel. there wat no (Ire. Can leave the city but cannot come back. No meant then outraged public feeling would bo nnd the results that huo been gained for lluwall during my service In - Those, on board first learned (hen ot During the entire trip from the f of reaching town from our station except to walk and Then people would go Congress, good I accept const, the Maru had fine weather nnd through the rulnt, roused. tho are reasons for me, will again 4 tho nwful disaster In Sau rrnncisco, that It almost an Impossibility. 4- nothing of Importance happened It cost us 75 to send a messenger Into past Juries and tako tho Ian Into their the responsibility of leading the light In tho coming campaign. and thoso who had planned to remain town and It was almost Impossible to get one at that price. own hands. In nil tho Important mur Very liuly jours, 4 Oelleve shipping tuffered, but am unable to determine. der rase which had been tried hero 4 J KAI.ANIANAOI.K over fur a timo In Honolulu determined My wife and relatlvee are up country but whether they are dead or during tho past few jears the defenno to procfeed nt oncu to I lie Orient, flar- ;( alive I know rot. had been Insanity, When the public 4444444444444 4444444444t ing that to remain might mean dcla Lord I thlt hat been a fierce three daytl lost confidence in Juries, mob rub) that would not bo comonlent The) Cannot get further nevs owing to would begin. was tho the fact that the city It under martial It thcreforo might post- BEING DEVELOPED 8HOWS law. duty of the Jury to tho Territory to fear thut there be Indefinite Haven't heard anything of Importance from other cltlet. Haven't heard return a verdict of murder In tho Great Excitement ponement In tho sailing of u later in-s- el apparently all. first degree to the Orient, San Francisco papers wiped out. "Return n verdict of guilty of mur- As soon ns tho ship was close to tho 0 i Streets, can't say much of thtm. der In tho first degrco or nothing." ex wharf, newsbojs appeared on tie When we got away yesterday everything looked very claimed I'rossor In conclusion. "If )ou sccno and In a little while people on bad. In This City It IJ N)3vindcr clerk nt the I' S. Fire wat all south of Van Nett except Hayt Valley, which wat wiped don't bring In that charge, let him board were anxiously reading tho llul- out. tso" letln, and learning tho details of tint Magnetic Station enmo into town to- The Cab'e Company can't do any business and there Is no use accept. At 10 M0 a. m , I'rosser finished and horrible occurrence, the news of which day nnd givo u repou of the eaitli-quak- e Ing It the Court proceeded to read the Indict shocked them be)ond expression Al- record made on the seismograph The staff worked like Trojans, never knowing when their lives might ment and tho Instructions, finishing at On Of most every English. reading person on "We have developed tho films tor the i ii Reciept News tho paper be taken or tney might be left without homes or anything In the world. (Continued on Page 3) deck secured a whole period up to this mornlnr." Have grub enough for several days and a makeshift tent to sleep in. Tho passeiiRers who had planned to said Mr N)swiiudcr 'ou li'ive al I have told you alt I know. z remain for a time in Honolulu, hut lat- read) reported that we found the rec- k I er to proceed with ves- lt As soon as get further particulars I will let you know, P determined the ord of the big sho-- etrly on the morn- I think most of the townt In the State did not much. sel to Japan, nro Mrs i: J lllattner ing of tho lSth Tho record Is very tuffer I Good Miss Mr Mrs A. It wat Just the peninsula that so bad, I Furniture Bulletin Gives First and All Details As Clara lllattner, and clear and shows tho shake to havo shook guest. i 1', There It no more news at this time. I'cll nnd Mr. and Mrs Jumeu Todd been n very heavy one I Largett Stock In the City The latter four are Pittsburg people have been up since the night before the earthquake and I am very "Two shakes followed tho largo one. tlreJ. from which to make telectlont. Cabled From San Francisco who are on a trip of pleasure. They One at 2 10 p m Honolulu time nnd will stop Yokohama. I am going to get a little sleep now. mako their first at another al S 45 p in. Honolulu time. i Thcro were only three passengers for If there Is anything new I will wire you. I ho latter was the heavier of tho tvvn Dutchertown don't know; Honolulu lion probably knows moro EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE. Shanghnl, Ono of these. Is Chang Ilucy, nnd lontlnueil with vailed force fur haven't heard about It, but as soon as It It I of tlin California rataHtrupho than After tho first great earthnuakn as three-quarte- Otherwliio known we have communication, guett we will be swamped. Tomorrow we - who has been serving the Chinese of nn hour. of tho first1 HamcB should be O. K. for working If does tho rest world. Tho shod., seized the, city and for minister to Peru The others aro his everything has been quiet here. can catch staff. Guess they will show i first hand was up now; all were hero at different timet. J. Hopp&Co. dellnltn ih'wh Hcihed Miiuu time wero unchecked. All largo clinches Ills term of service Is now "Of eoursc we do not know whrro s this morning from tlio table mm buildings, hotel!), ofllco structure!', nt an end, and ho Is on his wny home Huso ticmnrtt l.avu come from liny pany'H Kan superintendent,' thurthex nod public edifices wero ei- Is u of world. Manny Phillips received a "Old Reliable Furniture House." rrnudsco Miss Helen ll)de pisscnger for may he from any pait the cablegram from Mr. Greene of the San Fran. whoso efforts to reach Honolulu by I ther thrown down or by Yokohama She Is nil artist of consid- Wc would not havo known where thu Cisco office, shortly beforo 3 p. fV. w ditro)ed m. It says; 9IM YOUNG DUILDINO, wlro evident!) did not unco relux (Continued on Page 3) erable fume San I'liinrlsco shock rnnio from had "Lost only office. Everybody well." tfaiWiNWWSh-W- tHB Among tho passengers billed for the llullclln mil Informed us Hongkong are Assistant Surgeons O J I'revlots to the earthquake was Henry Waterhouse Trust Co,. Ltd.. Hyflnge, flcorgR M Olson and Frank 1Mb Hie record shows that there, Hut 131 tt i: Sellers, ull of the 1) S Navy, Ar- un earthquake during Friday Stock and Bond Brokers. Where thate aine from wo, of coiiim To tpend money on clothet Reliable clothet quality It not thur V Cornwall, n retired toal mer- Hong-kon- don't know 'lho seismograph rtconU of unproven It to Offices: Cor. Fort Merchant Stt, i chant, is another passenger for h merit tquan made by glowing advertlte and ONLY TWO MORE DAYS OF accompanied any earth tn mor nnd these shocks mi) Telephone Exchange No. A. Ho Is by his wife der It menti. The America Maru brings two have been tu an) part of the world du' nbiive or below tho sea ' L. a CLOTHES ECONOMY Misapprehension B. KERR'S ,VWVWlWWVWlW. CONSISTS IN OETTING THE DEBT CLOTHE8 AT RIGHT PRICES, About Wills Big Bargain I Snappy Distinctive Styles SUCH OARMENTS A8 Sale Just Opened a fine collection of i ctreet or Many think prop- snappy shapes for dress CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MEN that becauts their This is an opportunity for men to get l the styles which most strong- erty Is small, there Is no ute In mak- ly appeal to careful dressers. MADE IN NEW YORK ing a Will. Thla Is the best reason In A breath of summer is noted In tie world for making a Will, If you CLOTHING, HATS, UNDER-- ? these cool, comfortable oxfords. Their of Excellence Is becom- .iro a married man with no children High Mandard ing a among careful buyers. and die without a Will, your wife gets WEAR and NECKWEAR at Remember that our reputation stands enly one half of your property. behind Every Pair of $3 50 Shoes We real Bargain k Sell! Makers flcwyRK We are willing to advlte you, free Prices of charge, as to the proper legal way I This cut Illustrates a soft vicl kid, The CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MEN, MADE !N NEW YORK, of drawing up a Will, S blucherette tie, with welted sole, styl- ish Cuban heel and swagger toe, A are equal to the to order-tailore- garments In Dont Miss It everything but the price. multitude of sixes makes It within our We have proven thlt to more than a thoutand men let ut prove It to power to guarantee a perfect fit. You. Price The latest styles are always shown Hawaiian $3.50 In our show windows. Expert Fitters. I L, & i! j The Kash Co,, Ltd, Trust Co., B. KERR Co. Ltd, Manufacturers Shoe Co., Ltd, TEL. MAIN 25. COR. FORT AND HOTEL 8T8. Limited., ALAKEA 8TREET. i PHONE MAIN 28J 1051 FORT 6TREET HONOLULU nAAAVVIASVtJllrVinVVVrIAAStVUVtVA.V Fori Street, Doonlnlaw KCKoci?aoc xcs-(2:owoo- s AAt.VVtlVVVVIAAllVVUtAAAlVWVVIA.'VVV

iifilfr- " 1 sflSilfi itfltft fcMlt4fcft Mjthl --ifei.iiA-lii. o ' nvnNiKo lnn.i.r.TiN. Honolulu, t. h.. ntiDAY, apml 20, iion. II . '" II II 11 Mr."WlWI f, TELEPHONE 35. LOCAL AND GENERAL READ BISMARK STABLE CO., LTD, i When The 0no a line for a' week Is the Cost of WiAt Obo a Bulletin Want Ad. the bene. Telegraphers Work WAILUKU, MAUI. fit secured may easily be worth a nun V3 POE'S BOOKS Purest dred, times 30 cents! You Few people have not read "The Ra- White steam autoa Stockyds stable. J1f ven" and "The Bells", by Edgar Al- TELEPHONE 226. Apple Fresh Jam. II rents lb nt factory, 1SI len Poe, but his wonderful prose Hotel St l'c.uh this week K works have only recently begun to be In Burned District BISMARK BRANCH STABLES .' Cider Tlio Hymphnii) OrchcRlrn will bold appreciated. its regular rehearsal tonight Want Poc's marvelous Imagination has LAHAlNA, MAUI. Duller churned dally at the Honolulu originated many splendid short stor-ie- s Is Dairymen's Association. White 241. glasses you want which have been the Inspiration of The following notice was posted In the window of the cable office at The steamer Minna Is reported lo them right many more recent writers. 10 o'clock this forenoon: linvo arrived safely nt Victoria April Dr. A. Conan Doyle, Instance, following received from New Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Sad for "The the York office via Manila: 'Oakland Martinelli's II admits using Poe's "Dupln" as the expects to open office In the burned district today. City destroyed. Me(J Irmgnrd die Horses on short notice. April 11. the barkcntlun Spectacles and model for his "Sherlock Holmes." sages will only be delivered to applicants." Gold (Icnred fiom S.i n Prune Iseo for lluno-lul- ii If you want to get a glimpse of The presumption Is that this refers to the destruction of San Francis-CD-, Poe's great genius get a set of his and mention of the burned district rather nullifies the sweeping n Neatly furnished rooms nt tlio Pop. Eyeglasses Carriages meet all steamers. Com- books that might be drawn from the phrase "city destroyed." In other Medal uhr. $1, Jl.Gu and 12 per week. 1213 made by us will BET, beautifully bound. .$10. words, the great destruction that has been wrought In the business section petent drivers, reasonable rates, new l'ort street. always bo SET, more elaborate ....$15. of san Francisco, has been caused by nre. supposedly the men of the) Brand An American Inily would like to takn Sold on easy payments. Commercial Cable Company's Oakland office are at work endeavoring ta vehicles and live stock. ehtrgc of n snnll lodging house. 8e0 connect up on the tlte of their old headquarters. lid IIiIh Issue Right Tin schooner Alob.i Cnptnln IMbil, i and guaranteed so. Han for Hono A Hygienic Dev. failed fiom Francisco A. N. 8ANrono Wm. C. Lyon Co., Pleasant and April 10. lulu Optician Reforms Suggested MASONIC TEMPLE erage for Young and Old. Oahu Lodge, No 1. K. of P., will ' limited; Y oston Dulldlng, SL, meet tonight at 7)30 o'clock In K. ol Fort Cor. Hotel and Fort streets, upstairs. Events BY BABBITT IN t. Itnll.' King street. over May & Co. Entrance on Hotel street. will be no Initiation by the For Sale Dottled and In Bulk There I2lkft this evening on ne count of tlio Examination System Ban Francisco disaster 4EEKLY calendar. -- by- Whittle & Marsh have n slock of . J' I ! the new Heiitberliloom fabric. Ihey Preceding The Donrer of IMifrntlon held a reg- Hoffschlaeger Co., Ltd. want jou to nsk to sen It A4ttt,.t,,iitf,fitfiiii mm ys i TMWfT3r ular meeting jcntcrday afternoon, at The .Mnklkl .Inpiincie l'cngrcgntlnn"ll vlilch Superintendent llabbllt and rnriioislonc-lnyln- g MONDAY DISTRIBUTORS. rbiircb holds ser Commtirsldnera MVk. Jordan, Mrs. Wil- vice next Suncln) at 3 p in Leahl Chapter Regular. cox and W H. Farrlngton were pres- KING AND BETHEL STREETS I be Letter Carrier shoe for l.u Ih 1UUMDAV nn ideii nil around worKtiinns slice, f!9tor.lv!iti ent Thoflrnt luminous done unn tilt strung, durable mid comfortable Consideration of thn rprfimtni'iiilntlnnii WIIDNtlNUAV I'incKt nunllty Island butter from 'of the Teachers' Committee, which vveiei Pacific Third Degree. Mrs Doru Von Tcmpsky's rnncb, Kulu. a pr no veil. They vvcm ns follow h Don't Buy Unjiiiond ltan b Market. Tel. 401. - That leave of absence nuked for by THI1USDAV Mrs Lennox be granted. The Club Slnblos to. Just received In ha Honolulu Chapter Regular per lliorouglilireil flew of the terriulo late that That leave of .Miss Nina J Adams NebriiHkiiii Horses overtaken San Francisco, the follow- 5 p. m. an I chickens bo granted Iii'hIi iiiibh ions tbolie ing clippings from the latest coast fllc.1 (libit college. That appointment of .Miss Itosn io Cheap Paint The dance 'it Paiinbl hnve significance when phe- OWIOAV li.nl been MONUMENTS, SAFES, IRON FENCE natural to Itoynl School be approved hill, to which Imitations nomena nro considered ns Oceanic Third Degree. for tonight, has been postponed. That appointment of .Miss (louvel.i to IrKiinl Hfiwnllnn Iron Pcnco et iVlontiniunt WorlcM A tornado, an electric storm, heavy 176-18- Wnlnlua School bo approved. HATUMDAY People drink I'rlino beer on uirunnt NEXT TO YOUNG DLDO., 0 KINO 8T. PHONE 287. by n Drink mills and rising rlveis, followed That Miss Knwnlnul be not trans- of lis geiinlnns nnd rellnbllily eartlupiukc be passed get go terrific cannot from to. Mueinae If you use cheap paint you are certain I'rliun .mil Into the best swim (Continued from Page 1) ferred Wnlalua srbool ing. over with ordinary Interest. That Miss Nielsen's appointment to to regret It. paint Is dear at prophesy nf sinking continents All vIMIIng member nf llio Inferior You ran get n complete set or roe a Thn Wnip.iliu nt J15 n month be npprovoti. & In KnKlern hemisphere comes with order nro rnnlhlly Invited to d any price. W. P. FULLER C. Co., the leave of absence' Hillings for Jin nt Win. Lnn when It That be granted lodges. Install-lllelll- iiimethlng of dieadful humor, o meetings of local CO. '8 PURE PREPARED Ltd , nnd p.iy for them on easy Mrs. Anabii, nnd that II. II. Kabau.e-ll- Is realized th it thn prophet "bad an- be appointed substitute. PAINT Is guaranteed to give other guetH coming." nnd that guess The b.irkentlnn Inugnrd waB cleared . Miss Hlteii II. lllcknetl wrote as!ilng satisfaction. It looks be- From v.as stricken Kan Tranc-lsco- Cable bo Fume Isro on I lie Bremen that she granted n leave of nbscncu Is fiom San luth Instant tter and more durable It ti 1 In - HARMONY LODGE, No. 3, I. 0. O. F. for Honolulu with cargo valued ut from Juno order that she could at- than any other paint on the .'i,.l.! Vancouver, II. C, April 9. A tor- - ,tend tlio llcrkeley Hummer school lulf thlo Is n coat nfiiln .1. uttfit n,t llin ltnlii Wltanii ml was grnnieu Meets every Mnmlny evening nt 7. .10 market. The secret of Treat your Iron roof to of U no prescrv mon cannery lllveis Inlet, an the Mrs 8 II, Harry naked to be trana- - In I O () P. Unit. Tort that only the best Ingredients "Amble." Them better it strict. innde. Feed Co., northern eoist of llrltlsh Colninbln, on ferred from wulliikii to llnkalau, K It IICNmiY. Hecrclnry. are used In Its composition and nihil California agents. Gives Details Of I rhltiy, news of tbo cyclone re.ichlulg where her sister wiih located, as hdr UI.MUIt 12 K('llVAIt.lli:itO. N.fJ. that they are accurately mixed. A II I) I) H.. tills city tod ly. Thu tornado struck the husband wns going nvn Hbe All visiting luiiiliora wry cordially Clark, has nn olllre in sild building, .Til. (live cannery building enrly In the morn-b- a wns now pleaHiiutly located Rul- Invited. Ibe llotlon room at hi m n trial 11 rut class work gum ing and in ninety seconds not n stick luku. This remark Is slgnlllcnnt, M n n Iced was left stniiilliig. Heavy timbers Mrs Harry was one of the principal MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. of P. l'urndlsn of tbo l'nclflc Ilnrnt Par-- were scattered like cbalT. The mcn'ln tbo famous cnmpalgn of the Cooke, nt cannery escaped Lewers & mil Niiinber, B2 Pages, IB centH. Great the axnlnst the llarrvs. which tool: every evening nt Earthquake Meets Tuesday Wriifpod Heady Mnlllng. At olllco, Jury The property loss wns about jdnco during tbo Dnvls icglme. This King for. 7:3D o'clock In K. of I'. Hall. LIMITED. llethe streel. -- UU0. wnH referred to the Teae.ier'B com- - street Visiting brothers cordially In- The mvnern of nn Angclus can pro ij . n It pill tee. vited to attend. hlgb-cl.i- any pre Holding, Cal., April 10. A severe Miss Hazel Hoffman asked leave 177 80. KING ST. duce music without H. Hackfeld 4 Co., received the following this morning: for a o.j. wiiiTt2iinAn.cc. ious knowledge of tlio piano I law till electrical storm Is raging tonight In of absence from Junn X. as she wished 1'. WALDItON, K.U.S. BREMEN, Germany, April 19. A tremendous earthquake has struck nn Ncwb Co, San Francisco. all directions from Holding. This city to attend the convention of her college she will seems of Iho To In Washington. was t, Alexander & Baldwin Itouiid for Ilu merlon, where A fearful conflagration followed. the center circle. the fraternity It 1, go out of lomuib'Hloii, bnttlu-hbl- p in the Mlllvale section, the storm 'elded that she could be granted OAHU LODGE, No. K. of P. toon the A great part of San Francisco has been destroyed. Ibis Oregon departed Kan J'rnti-rlsc- o Is pnrtlctilurly.scvcre. Tlio vivid light- - leave, but must provide n sub-nlu- g LIMITED. from The Clty'Hall has been destroyed. that she Meets every l'rldny evening nt April V. Hashes, teen plainly from here, mltute. The business portion of the city has specially suffered. I noon -- brought up K. 1. Hall, KIiir street, at 7:30. Mem- i. P. COOKE Manager The laind Commissioner will Chinatown has been destroyed. jrni n spectacular display, llabbltt tbo matter nt opening of n:i bouicsteailK IS tt tt having tlio regular pupils of thn High ber of Mjstlc No. 2. Wm. ndicrtlse the 8avlng other portions of the city Is very difficult. nt Kennne, Maul, on the V'J'J home-Hea- d Los Angeles. April 9. Iteports re-- School pay tej cents and the outside I.O'Ik No. 8. mid visiting OFFICERS. )enr All the large hotels and office buildings are In ruins. ! lense pl'in, reived hero today Colo-'pupi- n month for tbo use of Ijpc- - brothers cordially Invited. II. F. Baldwin President The water works and pipe lines were damaged at and at. stiilo that the tl The Hawaiian Trust Co. will ndvlic the first the rndo Hlvcr is rising again ns a result writers In the commercial depart- - General Business. J. B. Castle Vice President tempts to save any part of the city are met with great difficulty. I). 1IONI). C. C. jou frco of tlnrge, ns to tbo proper of recent heavy rains nnd that Hoods incut, as wns done In ninny schools A. M. Vice Pres, Miners' powder Is being used to blow up buildings to cheek the fire. W. Alexander... Second legal wuy of drawing up n will. Ha- nro icMillIng in some At tbo In the Kast. It wns thought there-ne- w A. S. KI2NWAY, K.H.8. All means to check flames sections. that L. T. Peck Third Vlco Pres. waiian Trust Co, the have been exhausted. town of Catexlco sctlemcnU by the material used and weur and, tear The situation In San Francisco Is desperate. and J. Waterhouse Treasurer opportun- nerosH tlio Mexican border tbo sltua on machines would bo paid for. It was HONOLULU LODGE 616, B. P. O. E. Tomonnn will be the Inst E. E. Paxton Secretary ity lo buy I2iigllsb Ton bou lues ul lion is reported serious. A hastily In no sense n tuition fee. On motion W. O. Smith Director I Horn's nt fie per jurd. not a constructed levee is all thai now stand by Purring! on this was done. Hcnoluln No. C1C, II. P. O E., Tliro'n great ileal more lift. between the town and tbo river, wlile.li llabbllt said he would like to make will mot In thi'lr linll, on Miller Is very high nt point Crops in Mvcrnl changes In thu matter of exam- every Friday SUGAR FACTORS, The steamer I2nlerprlse, Captain tint nnd llerrtanla streets, vicinity been badly damaged inations for teachers, principally In I c- Yoiiiigren. arrived In Han rrnneisco 'Frisco Cable Man the hive cvrnltiR. Mid tbo Paclllc ura igar d to credits for tlio various subjects COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Apt II 'J fiom lo. took her nluo Foulhercn tracks lly order of tlio 12. TL li bo although llabbltt suggested selecting in make the trip. raid to under water, still tome HAUItY II. SIMPSON, INSURANCE AGENTS ilas intact. teachers to net on the examination Secretary. JublUo Incubators. Tlio buslno.1 K tt tt committee and call them together to 12 Hot hot II. MUHIIAY. I2.lt. mtublne. water iyst in, not New York, April 8. Tbo peoplo of discuss tlio matter. Ha thought Unit Agents Ken M. for nlr. them beforo buying. W Hiirope scarcely recovered from each paper should bo made to repiesetit Mit'hcsncy Bon's, Queen i have Wm. M'KINLEY LODGE No. 8, K.of P. Hawaiian Commercial & 8ugar Co, Ltd., nifiuts, Waiting For Battery tlio shock enured by the accident at n bnBls of 100 per cent. Un thought Haiku Sugar Company. street. C'outrleies, I'ranre, when news comes that several reforms wcio nccuel In Meets every Saturday evening at Pala Plantation. Tbo dame which has been other from Ucrmuny lo the vftcct that the this line. Ho went through several of Hall, for Sat- papers given year 7:30 o'clock In K. nf I'. KIiir Maul Agricultural Company. Used by tbo I'.ulflc Itcbekahs director ot tbo Ilerlln Observatory the of questions last street. Visiting lirotliers cordially in' urday evening, April 21st, has hicu In- nnd pointed out Klhel Plantation Company. Superintendent Gaines of the Commercial Pacific Cable Co.'s Honolulu finds by meteorological nnd other undesirable features o attend. postponed Indcllnltely, Ticket will bu office, In the) dis- In them, l'nrrington supported the re- Hawaiian Sugar Company. has caused the following to bo posted the cable office In the vestigations, that tcrrlhlo mine !' M. M. JOHNSON. CO. yiuil fot later dale. Young Building: aster wns connected peculiar at- forms, but Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Wil Kahuku Plantation Company. with K. A. JACO11S0N, K.RB. Aiilnun rcriianilez drnua attention 'To the Public: I received the following from our general manager at mospheric conditions existing nt the cox seemed rather to favor thu nittbod Railroad Company. Kahulul to tbo fart that the great Sau I'ruu-iln- o 11:55 p. m. April 19: picjent time throughout Huropc, nnd formerly used. HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. E. Haleakala Ranch Company. dlsiBltr ouurrod on tlio twen- "McKenna (our San Francisco superintendent) at hut. Trying to get that us n result tlio whole crust or tun llabbltt said he had with help frotn tieth ntinixersary of the big flro In thU a battery to him.' earth In the Uasteru hemisphere li Mr. King nnd Mr. Wells turned Into Meets on tlio 2nd and 4th WnDNT.S-- dty. April 18, lbsft, which destrojod "This means that we were unable to save our batteries and that New threatened with cataclysmic changes the Public Works Department plans tot DAY callings nf cadi month at 7:30 Another Shipment of l,rii)0,iMii) of iHoncrty. York It trying to send him one from the nearest point." that may Invulvo the destruction of n number of schools. It was the plan " advertise- bids school o'clock In K. of I Hall, street. lire department Inst night ex- The above Is official. This cable was received by Gaines from New entire continents. to for for all the ' nine Tlio once, as cheapen Visiting 2agles nro Invited to at tinguished small blazes In tbo Kconoin- - York. Km li disasters ns the ono that oc at this might the tend. curred nt Cou rrlores, predicts this Her- work. The Hllo High School waii to lenl Health Store on street nod in the) SAM MCKI2AOUI2. W.P. MONUMENTS nn unoccupied building nn Punchbowl man nstronomer, may be expected to be built ot wood as bids on ceiao&t nny como too high. II. T. MOOIH2. W. Secy. street, belonging to M. I UnhluMin. occur again in tlio near future In construction had hcuils-- s I ho damage in both ennea was trilling part of tbo Hiislern I here, all Kinds ot dlro forclxxllnga HAWAII CHAPTER No. 1, ORDER OF probably not ship and JUST RECEIVED California will Bottomiey Safe nro naturally being indulged In by our long time, KAMEHAMEHA. mules to Hawaii for u an Hiiropeun coinlns ns a conkwpicnro of AT 1048-6- 0 ALAKEA 8T., she will need every draught iinlmul she; 1M the impending ruin. Meets every first nnd third THUIIS BY J. C. AXTELL & CO, iuii lay her hands on. Tliercforo tbo In thn history ot inlulng In Kuropo DAY of each month In I'rntcrnlty Hall, shipment of strong, joung mules in- - there lias beori no disaster showing llulldlng. street, at P. O. BOX 642. lelvid by S( human Carriage Co, In The ominous silence that has shrouded San Francisco was finally bro- Odd Fellows' Tort ken last evening by cable message from the cable ruch startling features nti'd marked by p. PHONE BLUE 1801. HONOLULU the Nehinskuii will bo (pilckly bought the management began 7:30 o'clock in. A full nttendanco to lift steadily with the coming of this morning. moh wholesale fatalities ns this ouo Is desired nt every meeting. up occurring in Trance nbout n mouth Wong Hon, Wong Hock Yeo, Tong One of messages received was one of A. W. Cbt-pe- Business. signal the first from the relatives Ting and Chong Clieoug, the four Transaction of When the announcing that T. &. Bottom-le- y ego, Tbo Courrcrlercs mines aro In Bottomiey, This was to Blchop Co. and announced that Mr. charged conspiracy to vlolnta N. n:itNANDI255, CAMARA & CO., the cabin communication had been re- Is the midst of the great ro.il fields of with safe. Immigration laws, morning Kuatiliau. established with Sau l'ran(l(0 was The Is got I'runro nnd nro very extensive. Iho this supposition that the father word and Immediately forwarded (lied n to beard, the dignified Pollen Court ninth) Word to "It Is difficult to eo." said Professor demurrer their Indictment LIQUOR DEALERS. the banking house with which the son Is connected. beforo Judge Dole. Argument on thu COURT CAMOES, No. 8110, A. O. F. U Hlampcdn for (he open air, and In a i J T Kemp, of tho depurtnient of geol- QUEEN AND ALAKEA STREET8, feu mliiutCH tlio room was empty ogy In University, discussing demurrer wns set for next Mondiy OAKLAND DAMAGED. Coluinbh Meets every 2d nnd 4th Tuesday of MAIN 492. Court will probably conveiio again ttiln tl.e tubject, 'Judging by thn dntn that Mnkualil and Maleka Kuhnohiile, thn TEL. couple, each of whom rac)i"iimulli nt 7:20 p. m in Sau An- FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED. iiileinoon lo finish up the work led lias reached us, why thn clliector of thfl Hawaiian li Oakland has been seriously damaged. That city suffered greatly charged on a separate Indictment for tonio Hall, Vlnoynril street. Orders delivered to all parts of city, undone this mninlng has Ilerlln University should take such n VIfIIIhk lirutliers cordially Invited In June or July the two largest ships from the earthquake. gloomy view of Hie fate of Kurnpn nn bigamy, entered pleas of not guilty. to attlnd. tbo world hag ever seen will hn Santa Cruz, Monterey, Cllroy, Holllster and Santa Rosa have been de- the result of tbo Courlercs mine Their rases wero continued for thn A. K. VII2UIM, 0. It., launched In Ionilmi They nro the two stroyed. Many lives have been lost. Scientists. In this country, so far term and they wero released on bonds S H0 eqeh. M. C. PACHI2CO, T. S. Electric Flash Liefhts new Citiinrd liners which are being !' sh I know, aro unaware of nny Impend of built by thn Hn,""0.0i)) loaned by the More shocks yesterday. ing cntastropiie duo to existing met- et i eorological An Judgo tlio other day ..HAWAIIAN TRIDE No. 1, I. 0. R. M. ALL 8IZE8. government for that purpose, ihey Yesterday light earthquake shock s continued. or geographical conditions will each 1m 00 feet longer than mo i threatening thu welfare of our Kmo-pej-n n prisoner on thn clmrco of Healing a uther liner In tbo woild, and will hnve SPRECKELS' CONE. friends." theft for the lead roof from Meets every second nnd fourth REFINERY on the ground be- a grosK tonnage of 3.1.2(10 tons 'Ihey "" home, that Iho lead ntiDAY of each month In I. 0. O. I GUY OWENS Co. " ing permanently attached to the realty Hall are expected to travel at a minimum Sprockets' sugar refinery has bee"n destroyed. Phone Main 315. Union nr. Hotel speed of 21 knots un hour. 'Ihey will was land, and land cannot be stolen, Vlslllng lirotliers cordially Invited to St BY AUTHORITY 'I lav it uccnmnitiilntloiis for 3(ou pisteu-ger- bo learned Jurist seems lo hnve been attend. ' NO nnd will carry u crew of Min men SAY8 CAU8E FOR ANXIETY. jnoro nice than wise In his application W. C Mi COY, Sacliom. "There Is very little cause for anxiety," says a cablegram from New NOTICE. of n well known principle of law. A. i:.MIIHI'HY, It. I Nxver beforn bus u ship btiu built to Cot No Guava Charcoal hiirpasn the (Ireat ('astern In breadth. York, received this morning by Vice President T. 0. Reynolds' of the United Granting that thu lead was real estate 83 feet but tbetia will have n breadth States Paper Export Association, Joaeinln Jose Andrade has filed an so long as It remained attached to thu -- CUT. KINDLING WOOD, Northwest, A Large Stock Always on Hand. o bS feet 'I bey will bo provided with Reynolds cabled for news of San Francisco. His mother and brother cppllculion for a St li cIuks liquor llceuvo freehold house, mid that the thief wtu (levators which will rapldl) triinspoit are there. His message was directed to the New York office of the company. ut AhualiM, Hnniakua, Hawaii. Any guilty only of trespass In detaching It, DELIVERED, $7.50 PER CORD. mm CO., piRsengers from nun iiurt of thn ves t protests ngalnlt tbo issuance) nf 'tliU what did the lead become ns soon as It GONSALVES & LTD. sol to another They will bo fitted In HONOLULU MAN ESCAPED DI8ASTER. license should be tiled In this olllco b) was detached from the bouse, and Of re- QUEEN ST, u ninuuer that cannot bo surpassed by GLASGOW, Scotland, April 20. To Bishop & Co., Honolulu: Bottom-le- y Monday, May 7, 19US. what was thn thief guilty when be A. C. MONTGOMERY llm most gorge mis of modern hottls safe 8an Francisco. A. J. CAMI'IIUI.L, moved It from the premises? Tlicii lllnnk books of nil sorta, ledgers 'I he saloon will hn lighted by n great The above cable was received this morning from the father of A. W. Treasurer Territory of Hawaii. am questions that, might Interest n lun O. BXO 152. MAIN 151. olllco, April moot court Itocheslor Dem- P. TEL. etc., mnnufne lured !y tlio llullctln c dome crowned with u roof of cathedral T. Bottomiey of Bishop & Co. and would show that Bottomiey had been able Treasurer's 'Honolulu, students' 3Ml-3- Chronicle). YARD, corner QUEEN A MILILANI. Company. glass. to wire Glatgow from the shaken and burning city. 17, H00. t ocrat and

iitt.3ai" .1. i t d -- . liiaJt.ti .jSjAtfvia ntjfekva i.wmr J tlUltullu . .... i i.L..k.lm.A, llTlll WiTI,lSV,nfKliL wjlt intJtJtX C Um llfel'lSWAI.lWMlW i ' 'fqW'f1MilM!Mffi!npnMMHPiiMH win am CTMaBaoaHiaKaHBHHIBIHiM P'VIIK' W!" (fWf l'lVPPPilii(PHHBi'11"J',vWIT W"T'. T"

nvr.NiNo nru.nTiN. hon'ou'i.p, t. h.. mum. APim, ? iw, IfWVIrVM EARTHQUAKES Special Bargains In Hope For Dansi erme GREW EVERY BIT OF IT. And wo can NOTTINGHAM Residences ,1W! Has Had More Shocks No Further Delay Is We (XL, Than Other Parts Deemed Necessary m it. win (Mi AjpSWyS? Manny Phillip? of this elty nt II .!') fP Fcrfeil 'sty LACE CURTAILS Of America thin mornlnc received the following By Company cablegram from n lending firm of l'ort-Inti- d. mED M'ADAMG. Oregon, the message coming by ..ilUtnn Jnnrlfon, Wti Jan. i tVi, way AerorillnK to Mnlt-ttlr- i the Pneiric of New York nnd Manila: nt n Iitar Mtui -- Anmi )enr ngtt tnT rrnmptly o'clock this momma lairmrrtrroitrHrtprnitnut nw 1 "Manny Phillips, Honolulu: No in -- Const lias eon lslled with more rnttli H N hfirl tttiA I int siK.l.lllifil I ub prlvatp tho R. Alameda departed fur .S.ui quakes tlinn any p.irt of North iiipswikps llusinesn dlsttlel if ti. piiMntmru ami i;.M;5.:rjrnM"u'f .' other I'mnclseo It nut being thought advM tctimo. ffiXSKri elcMiojPd. IlPsldPiiees reporleil fnfe. wmm tl 11 rortliviml n tuttloon Aiuerien tiiIr la inululily due. it H - ill nr tnhsoIuUtv ITintimu l.lfruarnnlr--i resale Will wire- nble nny iIp- - n.,.1 I ana iwlncr Htmn work fuy brlloM'd, to I lie fiat thnt cnrtlitiunS;r. to ludd her longer Thr tuivilitllnl. hiir Umnmiwiiirtlr Mr Phillips wired, requesting ii i4 arc mote common on boundary llnei pnilure of the Alimrdi wni not inneli Tlllfl nroof lintV ills- - lrr""e tUin it otm nt UKh lice, between Kreat elections and grant iir ns to the San I'rnnelMo iIIITeient tlnn usunl, with tlio excep- IJAInDI.RIM; i. the greatest 'ftr'"n'u'ri'iriirniiiiiaiiinil nstcr. at night, receiving Hie ImlL-oratiii- 1 lirpsxloni. The Pacific ionH In between last tion tlt.it thcr was no music, nncl per-lia- lnirnnilscalti rcme.lv Ki'""1! ,l"'".l !?!?!? M ('. alien c In reply. picat Hontlotm of mountains niul the Hie piow'd was a lllllo dlffercut ill theworlil knnwn. trsiif snnowiin. lmntint.t.k liacer ".". ''- - extreme depth of tlm 1'iiiIIIp orenn. tlrl lOl.lllllt. TS3E7ri? You tit no to votir ilrticLMtt nu.l i. t n fcl i"!''ldl" l"""1' On l It Ultlfriinm,1iffi jminTprr Now nine, - Cnpiiiin Dn'Mtcll lsiltlefcir ate.wlm In were fifty olUco iss.i there emu- was at the of ify-o- It will sad do It c,u;cldy. r--' ""' "" nl"- (utnkcs. niul two-thir- of these were Hie Oceanic .lgeney bcfor-- i tint r.!uee hair, or China's until Just sc l Ibis AIA'P.KTIM.Ml.NT on tho l'aellle slope. 1ST- Approach thpre to niwilli ten cents ill si imps orslher to ruyt.oMii'e, I'rom - to iss:i time to dppart. but was no .1 - ni ve will ftiiil ou n I rge nnnpk- by n turn mail. The samples we give nrii there were Cfll earthquakes In the change In his outers nnd at the last - larc A saving of .it least one-thir- and In many cases a great deal mora iiiiii'gli to tirwluro In in n i il ults, in iimiij- c l)ciiii ( I lilted stales. Of these 117 were on TO SAN PRANCISCO luliiuie he left lor Ills boat. r inn iuiiidi to step lent nam cfliilrf1llimnnilsl1irttbc!nlrt..gr..wi!igngilii. NoWcm ralenlnllilniggl-Jji.tlirc- e the Atlnntlp slope. 0(1 In the Mliel".li PnsMiigriH on tlm Alameda did not can be effected on every pair of curtains purchased during the week slas12Do.,bOo.,$1.00i.r1sJulc. KM0WLT0N CO., Chicarjo. id Vnllpy, nnd lul wcic on thr I'mlno repm to ihlnk HiPre wun liiticli (laiiBer DAHDEHINJi at this store. This Is another one of those rare opportunities present- idope. In New CiiKlntul diirliiR the "."u Hayjte Difficult of entering San Prancls") bay They Tor 8ale and Guaranteed by Holllitcr Drug Co. pndliiK In IST0 were 1M1 (nil l)uw-de- ll, ed to In old jears tlioro lune Hinlldeiue In Cnptnln housewives and hotel keepers which they can replace It In cattluiunkct recorded, nnd l Passengers from Honolulu and Hie nnd ihlnk liu will not take nny llovrd ns many were not undue In or worn out curtains with new ones at a surprisingly Low Cost. that almost Orient, risks entering the harbor. rpiordod nboird the China, clue at San To. be iren..rcd for emergency, the Besides, we have an Immense assortment to choose from. The Greatest Amerlcnn earthquake rrnnrlsin tochii. will know uotlilni! of. Alaincdii took on "00 niblltluuiil linrrelr. was nt Charleston, S. P., on the evcnltiQ the great earthciunkc until tliey nrrl-- of nil before departing nnd that will ue 2 60 to Every curtain Is full length and width 3 yards long and of AiiRiist .11. 1SSC. It was felt (hit u is possmip, is a coiifci'ience ui ii.e;sn fllcicnt to liilng her bark tu llnno KEEP nn nrpa X00 miles wide nnd lOoo loni;. card's dlsliirlniuo, that the China wil lulu In she ennnot get CO Inches wide. cite oil In Han from north to south. Mnny lives were l'.ie dllllcult) In making port. l rumuco. lost nnd nliiP-tPiit- of the Imlldlns The passengers nre at follows: J. S "It would be qullp Impossltblc for TIs-dal- COOL $1.00 QUALITY, ON GALE AT $ .75 PAIR were Injured. Shocks continued for .McC.indless, l)i Orussmau, Mist me, to Kay If there mny be nn)' changed ccvernl montliK. 1. 3. Park. T. II. Petrlc. I), i:. In the fnrmitlon of tho entrnnre to tlm $1.50 QUALITY, ON SALE AT S1.15 PAIR The ci client enrthqunke of modern Tlinmnt and wife. Oscnr llrowue. Mrs liarbo.r of S.m ln(lsco,' eald Captain times wan nt Lisbon, J. W. Mnrtln and daughter. II. (1. Uaiu-si- I'owcirll in mnt- - $2.25 QUALITY, ON 8ALE AT PA'R that Ncnembcr fore leaving "'lint S1.50 1, 17.".". It Inst hut nix minutes nnd Iplt Mrs. C. Ii (liltlllnii. Miss i: K tpr Is simply one of lonjcrture." AN ELECTRIC WILL DO $2.50 QUALITY, ON SALE AT PAIR tlio elty n lienji of ruins. In Hint piiiIU- - (llinilnn. Papialn W .Matson, I. I) naturally tl.e horror of the wreilf FAN HELP YOU IT THESE $1.05 It (1. - rjnako r.o.nuo IIvph wpre lost. It was 1icey. C lccey. Don;an. P. Jlui- of the Itlo .huiiliii wns i ailed to ri the HOT $2.75 QUALITY, ON SALE AT Sl.SO PAIR icit from Imp .MnilPlrnfi to lirltnin. in man and wife MUs I. C. Murmau, Miss minds of iiuit whru It wns suegitted DAYS. lonlrntt with Hip l.lalmn partlKiiinko. I. M llcxluc. Mrs. Parke. Miss Parke, yeslerilay that possibly the partlirpi.ilea $3.00 QUALITY, ON PAIR SALE AT $2.10 nx regards time of duration wiih the .Mrs. J. I). Pembitton, Miss II. H. mm miiile suiiia new daugeis In the en A , WE OFfER YOU O00D FAN THIS WEEK TOR $I3.M. In 17S.1. IIh Mr and Mrs, Hubert McAlpIti-'- wns.be-lle- ed $3.25 QUALITY, ON SALE AT .' PAIR earthquake of Palahrln triune to the Inrlor. and It $2.20 hIiopKh l;pit up nt IntrnnlK for four P. Tliomas nn.l wllr Mrs. A. M. Ilrunn. that tills wiuld effed the r. partli-iinak- e Ilnny Wicks. W $3.50 QUALITY, ON SALE AT S2.-1- PAIR jp.irs. Ono of the effei Ik of Hint Chnrlc.i llnrswell. and pievent their departure mih Hip opening of n pliaam Coil Johmon, Itnwlcy. O Mortevedi Rut Hie rull'iic of the Alnmrdl watt $1.00 QUALITY, ON SALE AT S2.00 PAIR feet Ioiik nnd 200 feet deep. A. J.. J. I and M. P. Cumac ho. J M lined with fearless fairs as llle bint Co. Volcnnlr replona nre morn Kiibjcct to P Cnmaiuhu, Jr.. Morlc P. Ciini.i'lio kIdaI) l nwav from Hip dock cu d Hawaiian Electric $500 QUALITY, ON SALE AT PAIR wife, A f S3.S5 cnrthriuakrH thnn other plurpa, H U nnd lohn S Valente, wife ami turned her bow lor the open im-- PHONE MAIN 390. 1 hut some of must rhlldrrn. I. .Sohs.i Vnlmle, wire and In- Tlicru were to ciiblu rtated, the Bovcro , patuugeis and have not lieen near n olrnno. Some fant. W Schn-iiusin- wlcf iiud daugh- UlOte than .100 III the iteenign This proportion of prices Up to $6.90 a pair. times the sudden ereape of lava from u ter. C l.elinian, wife nnd 4 ehildrcu Thcie will be no effort nrule by Hen olcnno will cause rartlinuakcj. oniiers of the Alameda to make The stock Is d and come lines have as many as six serious tho One i'Iibo of this kind nmis the ;;ient ex trip in less than tho usual time. Cap- different patterno of the Same to from. Price select plosion or Krnkntoa, In the H inula Folks Who May Have tain Dowclill stated just bifcire depart- Ptialts, nnd as n result of It n portion ing Hint he would reach Sun Pram two ?! & Of land mil sunk ISO fnthoms beneath In earl) "Wnliinsdiiy morning, making l!m PAST J wnter. Been Earthquake trip In six djyi. I differ '1 lie (Heinle . H. Honnm.i Is due to SelentUts cunrcrnlng tho raj then of r.irtlitial.ei, hut It Is Kfncr-nll- Fo'lowing nre the nasscngei Hits of leave Ran rrnnclsco at 2 o'clock this GENERATIONS ncreed that they nre primarily due leppnl Im.lls uliletl hnw. Int'nn nniml.i ' llflcrilOOIl, hilt Whether she Will P llbl" to readjnttment In " of tho earth's crust Ticim Honolulu innnv of whom mav " ' " l"1"'"",n "i '"e meal OF N. 8. SACHS clur.Kluii eondltlnun of presaure. When .,.. . . teero eartliQimkei occur hencutli tlio of the a. ...jxii.n It. llllllll ocean, tidal waves me usually cnrthuiiako to ciiiginil plans, she will the Per S. H. Mongolln. April 7. San bilug Ibo A cliniiKn In (onditlou for tlrst full nc count of BUSINESS MEN the of the Promisee-- . Mm. F. the horrible dis- Is U. Nichols. Miss aster Dry Goods Company Ltd. ntmotpherc bellcMcl by some to Louise Nichols, Miss Majorla were "up against with only old fashioned "pigeon cause, earthquakes Nichols, undoubtedly It" the nt tlmci. Mrs S. (1. Wilder. Mr nncl Mrs. A A. CORNER FORT AND DERETANIA STREETS. In the report (JeorRO Darn In tj hole" offleo furniture. Moore. Mr. Ulruy. r Association, lie shows nnd Mis. O. 1'. Mis i:iiiiuii-- the Ilrlllsli that Mary J. Allen, Mrs. Kimball, Today when tho barometer risen an Inch over Miss the Kimball. 0. P. Cooke and wife. Mrs. nn nrea ns Inrnc ns Atibtrnlla, tho . I,. SI. Slnttery. Scliult-"-- load of nlr sinks the land II. Mr. and GLOBE-WERNICK- E tuu Mis. II. I'oeke, two and maid; or three Inches, nnd thnt the B.'iniu chlldien prersuro nn the may deprcs Mr. nnd Mrs 0 P. Castle and two oecin the V. I,. goods have already transformed thousands of offices Into wnter n foot or more. ' daurbteis, Jin, Tennex and son, .!f Mrs M. H. Alexander. H. C Haslon, I I J. C. Dili and wife. I.leut Cnnulr. A. J& IMSEEA Coast Is P. Nlhlnck and wife. Miss Cation, Business Offices Artillery Mlso P. M. llasen, T. n Mrs. Are you so posltiva that yours does not need transforming? J. II. It) an. Mrs. T. K. Mlsit 1 Not Well Equipped Nnrlne Ilynn. Mr. and Mrs i: I. Wad-del- I OF Mrs. .1. W. neigstmm nnd two mmJSEER - children, II. T. Vara, wire nnd child: Washington April J. Some surprla- 'r ln(? tails tc'i.ui iIIiik the lu.ideiiuai) 0 Mrs A. Ilurckers, Mrs. O J Iletlls, Hawaiian Office Specialty Co. the Coast Artllleiy foue hiiiiiuul dipt. Hiewart. Mrs. Stewait .Miss M. wire KM'tt'sfViVnttl.- -. aasLiTY out In Hip reipiil lii'c- - I.. Madden. C. Willard, Mrs I. Ham- l.ll irl examination of EVERYTHING FOft THE OFFICE. Jw letnr Tuft by the Feuate Commlttiu lin, Mm W. A. CunnHgliani Miss N. on .Military Affairs, Tho Secretin) Cunnlngbnm. (,. (7. Itoblnsnn A Mo kin-tos- pvjy&mhx. in n.i'iitcil dat.i sIiiiwIiik tho pn.srut scs. W. Stephenson, .Mrs. A Mm h KM' smxrmma utithoiUeil foue of Coavt ArtllUry u and daughter, Miss Kulumnnii Wnrd. Miss I,. Ward, C. MiVnm-- . mmmmSi:SVii,fff'S;-!AVK-- f sullldent to provide one relict for only 2- - wsty-2- j U per of mines, Mr. and Mrs H. II. Porhes Miss A, yivvw)wiAftwsvvvvinwvvwvwvvwiw cent the kuiis. ruucw -- P& finders, eic, now nctiuilly Instnllcd ' Men lam. It. R. Iliisnicr, Mrs 0. II. .y. Willi-man- , uuthoilzed for the coast defenses of tho Ilosiiier. J. C. MtCnndlcss. II P I red I suppose tl c ,c i) ithuu that Lulled Ktuli k. 1. Wkliman, muse and two pleuKi'i cl V. in i i I'li.iu Hutu the lcot THE BUTTER MUST Mrs. A. This Is exilusUo of reserves, sun ehllc'ien: i:. MeilDib. Mih. Oil iiltei tlo i uf the in ill uf her elnlce ports, etc , and Is based upon tho ac A. K, Pruden, Miss f)enuiec Itlx, (ili)ds K, cpt ierli:.is the clucttcsl .1 Moignn Wi tual number uf olllicrs ami men linker. Miv. II. Iss niul ntleiitlciu uf Hie man lui) Miss MeKenzle, H, of s.n.io other BE THE BEST If the entile force of Coast Ar- children. i:. It. 'lrl'H chcilee, t tillery (ould be mtixtcicd In lluo nnd J, Ecliopncnu, Mis. Angus nnd two Par-snin- a very great being spoiled. . 'RAINIER BOTTLING WORKS! t'.uli man marched to his position. It dniigluerH. H II. Warden. P. T. :: :t :: :: :i n :: t: n :t :: :t :: it :: :: :: t otherwise the meal stands chance of In BWM some articled of diet more or less leeway In the matter of quality may I was also shown that this Is an average Mr. nnd Mrs. 1). 1'.. Thnmns, A. Wlbeck. J. II. Williams. Mrs. 8 J 1 bo allowed without any unpleasant results being experienced. With fl HMf! Honolulu. Phone White 33 K bhoituKii of nunc thnn 'M per cent In II. Idlers, C II. Clapp. Mrs A W. T. l:rnert Wllke.. -....1 butter, however, this is not the cace. The best is none too good for tlio Poai-- t Artillery Lompaules, llottomloy. Dr. W. C. Wile. W. It. S. S. Klbeiln, March 21, for Fan ejRi 9 aiiJ Pi your family and for your guests. i il that, due to this shortage, less tlinu L'i Chilton, Prank Levy. Mr. lr. Me rrnnelseo tleorgo It. Ilnnmil, wife per (eut of tin- - defenses can bo actual- Alpine. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P I. Ktaf. nnd ilniighter: Dr. W. T). riablwtn. Mis. CRYSTAL SPRINGS DUTTER IS THE DEST. ly manned by troops now In service. ford, P. 12. Walsh, wife nnd two rhlb W. I). Ilaldwln. MIssC llalilwln. Miss TWO POUNDS FOR (15 In ease of j sudden uutbieak of war ilron; W. II. Smith. J. Wllhelm. J. Nordmeyer. Itnbprt Hind. Mrs llliul, 73 per tent of tho count defenses would I'reeli ilcks. Thcuuns Prlmu. II. Si limblt, SHssM. K. Wellancl. (Ico V. Keiiilnll. lmu to icmuln Idle until such time ns (!. Ashlkage nnd servant, Miss V., Miss Kendall, Miss Pentou, Miss ll.it-tell- volunteers or mw recruits could bo Thomphoii. A A. Munton. Miss I,. Dunbniii. Miss M M ti.ilnul to handle tlm high-pow- gnub, Per H. S. Soiiomn, April fi. for 8nn nilllnncr, Mrs I,. II. Daidem Miss Metropolitan Meat Co.., Ltd. Water mines p't.iltlon-nudl- ti etc, Finnclseo. Dr. Wocdsey. Miss Keith, Margaret Wallace, W. II. limner R Manacea and s)stem, Paul Neumann, Mr. nnd Mis T. V.. S Churchill, 'this shoitngo Is said to be duo to tin. I.hlngslone nnd wife, r I 'PHONE MAIN 45. fait that the pay Is nut sutllileut to Wnlsli, It. II. risliburn. Miss rish. wife child, mnld and two . 'Hants. men to fur the Const burn. It. Schmidt, Col. nnd Mrs, W. C. Itlike. Misses Illake (2) lV1AAAAVtnCAVVVVVVlArVUVVVVWV A ? enlist Artll Mr. ssB& Digestive .Marvel kry. Thompson. Mrs. Keelcy, Miss Jiuld, Mr. I, Itlce and child. Dr (1 It Me Tu obviate theso conditions Kcpre-btmat- Dr. Kmlly Noble. Mr. and Mis A. C. Dnnogh. W. I. Mitchell. J A Mellon M.opstei Hull has piesented u bill In Spring. Mr. nnd Mrs. I!. O. Hull. Mrs. nh! .1. It. Long. T. i: Synils II P tif,Wt)K'Hif0 Cungiiss which carries lucre used pay A. K Piiiden. J. r. Myhnn. Mis. M. Lntlin. i:. Cannon. I. fl. Kellogg. W for certain grades In the Coast Attic II Avery. Mrs. I:. I,yo, II. A Peter It. Castle. A. Adams. John Purell. Stops that distress after eating lory thnt require technical skill, and ami, M. It. Weinberg. Mr. and Mis. i,,.on llonlgsberger. Chns. Tscliudl 0 Increases the authorized stiength b n. l.cwln. Miss P. K. Honey ami r. Tschiidl. C). II Strong nnd wife about .MM') otlhers nnd men. This bill, two children. Rhenium Denton, Miss Denton. Hubert BETHESDA Per S. Alameda. March 2R. P.. If paused, will luiiensp the authorUcd 8. for Denton. Mrs. Miller. J. Ilranilt P WaiilfRcha'c Mineral ftiengtli tu I." per cent of that lequlroJ Sail Pranclseo. I. I Hell, dillil niul c. Desmond mid wife, W P Mon go OPirriMAI Uafor f For sale by your druggist, or by for .ono. relief, . nurre. J. 8. Ilell, Mrs. II. II lliodlo mery. II. 8 Wnldo, John It True nnd mid two children, Mrs. C, (I Itnckui wife. Julius It Illake, H S Tlttlo K STIMULATINC! mid Infant, Mr. Mis lluhler, C REAL ESTATE DARGAINS. Iluhlcr. II. Miller, W Roseernns It Ilelll Miss Chandler. F. C. Clnik. Miss K. n. A I" Afong. I. I. Wnldron. A New Alan In Every L3ottle. FOR 8ALE. H. Cook, K. Cooper. Mr. Cory. Mrs. Per 8. 8. Sierra. March 13 for Ran POII KALII liVIMtYWIIlIKI!-j- Cor). (7. M. Cashing. 8. Dowsitl. II, Fianclseo Mr. nnd Mrs. II I. W G Peacock & Co., Ltd On easy monthly payments, largo mod T. Klllo't, Mrs. Klllott, i:. rinulgan, Miss Plttnck Mrs Leadbeiter. SOLE cm Cottage, 1213 Mnttuclc Ave.; 4 Mrs. J. 1". ForrCBter, Miss llreud.i Oscar Aulberg. Master Aulherg Mlsn McPARI.ANliiS;Co Sole Agents. IMPORTERS Towlcr, Mrs. P. two bedr., 1 block from 2 ear lines, small It. Ftnzler. dill Ilnniou. Miss llnmllii 12), Miss Iiggln, clrci and Mrs, C. P Harrlug-ton-, Mr. Mrs Miles, Mr Mrs I .an cash payment, bal. V,'o. niirso; and and (leorgu HawUlns, Miss 1 1 a a ,u I , slug. (!. II. Sehaefcr ami wife. It i: A few ( holce Lots nt ruuniil Ave. liar-ffal- N. II. Holden Mrs. A. M. I.cudbetter, Piost. J. i:. Prost. Miss P P. The ISLAND MEAT CO. llasy terms. J. C. Lockwood, 0. Lnmax, Mr. Lowell, W It. Cuslle. Mr and Mrs 2.20 acres tract off Nuimnu Ave. Plen- Dr K, A. Lund), J. Mnrsden, L. V. Hilwln Chase, Miss (Slnd)S Halcud Do You Think? McKesson. Mis. McKesson, Mis T. K T Missis Knlle ty to cur Mrs. Wclherred, water. Closo line. M. Mcldiiim, i:. II, Miller. Mih Mill. i. !u.ch Florence lleinian. ilium lie That's what makes and saves money. Just THINK of Telephone Main FOR RENT. Mr.. Muler and child II W. Mcirlmi. rirovii Minnie Phillips. t:mi Mae King 117 when you want your clothes attended to. In a to secure Its patrons tho very Island meat, G - is splendid position for best Pun IbIii d r. Cottage, Manna Vnl- Mis Moilaii, Miss Morlan Miss Net Bailie Miiilluan IMn.l P.irslo Siu.ilie Kiiminei homo, good bath A V II. carefully handled. Also Island Poultry of every description. let Ideal Kin. J Norman. I. I'eane Mm CrocKcn Mollle PrnebKtel r ha HONOLULU CLOTHES CLEANING CO. ing Mouut'iln air .Stable. Near tar Venue. t'liarlc'D Place II (u(,il Mih ('mi-inun- I14 II 11 lliinnhii; Jam. M line Only Jli" p in. J. It Quc-al- . Mr. Ilcnron. Mr Hobln iTIiniiiiiriiii J I Thciuii.nn Mi ami i. F. COLDURN III, Manager. Office, KAPIOLANI DUILDINO. ill House, newly painted, 3 bedr. KunMnl Mm Mrw HoliliiMin, fl II. Holiertsun.j Mn J T Owrlnir) J Ilnitai S HI $12. O II Stioni;. Mr Rtrnnt; and two (iKKory Mir N S Sncln Jcihn P.ii Jels E. Westbrook House, 2 bedr. Ilcneli Ito.nl. $10, ihlldirn. II 8 Tittle. W D Turli 'ton Mri M P I'tlcr MrH M K MANAQER. u P. 15. It. HTIIAUP.il, Mrd Turk. Mrn J I. Van Saul. .Mlsn Jcuien. MIhh ltiiiherrurd. Kiirlno. Nlchl The Bulletin, 75cts per montii TELEPHONE MAIN 78. FOnT ST. OPP. LOVE DLDO. Walty lliilldliiK. 71 S. King St. P. WiuliniHi Mrs. M. II. Wngcr, 0. oka, C. Miller, wife nnd ililld. i I Conillilons that make no news good news do not otlt In the situation In Waikapu Reservior Just Received Published t:err Day Kxccpt Sunday, whkh Hawaii finds Itself In iclntlon to San Willcox & Gibbs New at 120 Mnx Slice t, Honolulu, the Francisco dlsastir. There is Automatic Utile thai lan ghc assurance to thoso BULLETIN CORRESPONDENT Breaks And T II , b th( bo h.iNe friends lu the wrecked city, Dejomi the eurl. iiuiioiiBiinient thai GAYE CORRECT S10RV Hie leslileine poitlon of the fit) is sup Sewing Machines BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. FAVORITE m posed THE FAMILY MACHINE. ' - ississ- - -l net to haw suffered soveioly. Japanese Are Lost dela In VALLACE H. FARRINOTON Editor 'the obtaining touuectlon uireit Willi Kan rinuclsco may be nc OF COMMITTEE MEETING THAT GARLAND STOVES and RANGES counted for b) penslble nci blent lo the 8TARTED CAMPAIGN FOR DEL- (Special by Wlrelesi Telegraph ! A CARLOAD JUST TO HAND. GET THE UMcruil kt tli w 1 'oUI!l( w lit lllllll) BEST. operators EGATESAY THAT KUHIO WAILUKU, Maul, April 19. Following a heavy rain at 3 a. m. to- - nnlitln a svcnud cluts matter who left the liumlng build' COFFEE and TEA POTS ,ng on Market stieel. Tim more Ul WILL NOT BOLT. day, the new Waikapu upper reservoir burst, and five Japanese below nesting feature Is the nppaicnt Itinbll' were killed. One woman, four children and two girls are still missing. ! CHAFING DISHES SUBSCRIPTION RATES. fSpecial la 7Ae llulltUn) V Tour men were Injured In the break, - t) of eastern ilths toolitnin fuits fruiu ON he Wnlluku. Maul. April 18. ThU "The reservoir referred to must b c on the Walluku Plantation," Bald NICKELPLATED PLANI3HED COPPER. Payabls ft) Advancs. tit) The peisonnl telegrams and I lie fall week's seml-wcek- b contained an E, Faxon Glshop, of Drewer &. Co., agents of concern, - ! Evsnlrttj Bullotln. Star the that this after- WHITE CHINA for DccoraUnK are lu n rvsponnui from those in in tli lo lu glaring big head lines that 4-- neon. "However, It Is Impossible tell from It, which reservoir was paruuintb, kurntieri In II U I .71 ele to .he Uilint likely to nhialii luforiualliui Krpolknl e'e tiled starting Kuhlo's light ! meant. There are several large recsrvolra on the plantation, but no sujwburg lu U. H . 2 no EDDYS REFRIGERATORS and Ice Clicsls tii of I'urupe mid New York nil on Maul, und further that Kepolkal was - one of them could be called particularly rew as compared with I'erycmr, auywheirv B 8 00 n.i) the others. OLD ORIGINAL DIRECT l' point a must wrecking not present nt uuelliiK nt all Who I not you THE flJMTHE FACTORY. 0TILL 11 00 lo terious the could tell their exact size. We ourselves have received no 1'vrjwr, (lotpatd. forelicn. ... ti means (ommunliatlon with ever nude that false repot t must hnva Information UNEQUALED. Weekly Dullctln. of tlio whatever about this affair." been nctlng under some strange : : : : month .5" imutdlate ri'illon of the loiintry IhU mental Fit t s more when one Hallucinations, Imaglulng, ns falsi ycnr, nywbgrei U. the pniteutlons stopj all I'ur In 8 l.oo inusliler the tremendous effort that Iters do, that Kepolkal was not present I'irjuir. peutpahl. fonlKii .... 2.oo in Is lneit.ihly boiliK made to get In at the executive county cummltteo cd v It li Hie mainland, tho Navnl trans Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd. inuih with the people of the illy livery meeting and that the snld Kepolkal SILENCE SWELLS FEAR I port l.awlon will be held In thin port. Territory of Hawaii, ) me.ns for spudy relief and piompt uiu not rnvor Kulilo It had been planned for her to fall to- FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS. Honolulu, Your ecu present ilifurmatlon which the Nation pot respondent was nnd (Continued 1 ) day lor Samoa, but later It was deeld County of Oahu. )): from l'.ii'e tt'M-i- has iinitiesllotiably lieou took nu active part at the meeting of ed lo hold While no statement J Manager not looked for befuro tomorrow mom her. C. 110CKUH, IHislncss of uioughl to luar. April S. kepolkal presided ul the was Company, I.lni lug. made to that effect nt the Naval tho Ilullvtlii 1'ublUliltiK ImiiHillatel) fails were S(cured they meeting himself Kcoln Introduced Station, It Is quite probable lli'd, bilnK duly sworn, on oalh FEAR FOR MONGOLIA. that tho first would be rpread throughout the resolution fur Kuhlo und Kepolkal 1 the world II r.tl.l k: rntiitintii ntmtitn ttv Law ton tuny be needed In San rnti' IciHist' and say That tho fulloulng b) great news and, put the resultillon before the meeting ltntl the ussodallons, c wo- - nni1 'y lioldlng her for orders. M a true und correct statement of tliey und It was adopted without u dissenting the l'aclllc Mall Steamship Co.. thu ulille might be slow lu reaeblul KI-,- 1L" wll lial1'1 lf loilroiI 0111 I ho week endlug April Occidental S. S. Co . and thu Tojo " ' for Honolulu, now farthest iemoed from voice, us alread) staled In the Uullc-ti- n tl10 13th, 1908, of the Dally nnd Weekly sen Knlsha, have cabled to New York ;ln n' Nanl Station are expect Carriage Repair (sWiM dau Krauilsio of ull places on earth, ll0n'- - at any time from tho War K.HIIins of the livening Ilulletln: tbo should least make good And, furtliwr, on receipt of for all possible Information. The " details at the Star M lln"l)epnrlmcnt concerning eondltloiiR on We are paying special attention to Carriage Wagon Repairing Circulation of Evening Dullctln. time In Manila, Is ovenlng Kepolkal request 8. S. Co.'s big liner .Mongolia, a and reaching which more last Judge Coaat. Queen Catuiday, Apr. 7 2430 In ed previously nnnuuneed, was In the port !!' and In our fully equipped premises on street are prepared to closely touch with the Kuropean )our humble but truthful corres N ORDER8 FOR RESTORER. Monday, Apr. 9 2176 tvenues of communication pondent to say for him that what ap of San Kranclsco ot the time of tho con turn out the best of work. vulslou of nature It Is not Impos Ml iiimorK lo the effect that tho ca Tuciday, Apr. 10 2178 l'p to the present time Honolulu can pealed In the Ilulletln of the 7th liuit, and We make a specialty of painting vehicles and guarantee that all 11 2169 klhlo that she has been destroyed, or bio rhlp Itestorer will go to San Wednesday, Apr. with reasuu draw conclusion contained truth, whole first-clas- s the that the the truln. else i without foundation, no or- work entrusted to us will be executed In shape and at mod- Thursday, Apr. 12 2206 It knows much und nothing at least no Injured or hampered that nia for unite as about what lias but tho truth. deM have been received yet to Hint erate cost. Friday, Apr. 13 2184 Happened In San Kranclsco as doci Your correspondent knows, too, thai she will be unable to keep to bor sched- Average dally 2222 ule. onect. sue will not move without or The building of wagons, drays and carriages Is also undertaken by circulation New York or Chicago Meanwhile there Kuhlo will never bolt the Hepuhllcan dors. Circulation of Weekly Bulletin. Is nothing to do but hope for the hc.i party If ho should fall to receive the STEAMERS MAY HAVE ESCAPED. us and this department Is supervised by expert carrlagemen. Tuesday, Apr. 10, 1908 2375 and keep cool nomination The possible fate of the vessels In JURORS EXCU8ED. at the next convention. Judge Do Holt N imber of Weekllea delivered on -- The article In tho of Is port during tho earthquake Is being this morning excused Star this week Jury next Monday the Island of Hawaii alone., ,1083 prompted more by malice against Ku much discussed and 1n the onlnlon of "I" until at the re It possible 1iiest 0f Judgo Clear, Cotmty Attorney Schuman Carriage Co., Ltd. Combined guaranteed average cir- On hlo than by facts. It Is the work ol komo Is that at the first In culation Poriugnese Maui cunning scheming ellcatlon or the cntaclysm, when tho j I'oulhltt, and several of the Jurora, 1507 tome and but unwise l niiLurriN i'iiiiijhhino company politician to lead followers earth began to tremble, the big steam- - n'l '"tvo relatives In 8an Trail, FORM NEW Kuhlo's . CARRIAGE REPAIR DEPT., Queen St., bet Fort and Alakea Sts. 1.I1IIT1U). astray A politician who works shlpi muiiageil. to gel out of port. To The Court held that during the hard of Ily C. O IIOCKUS, In the open to lead his candidate to vic- many, however, this seems to lie Im "train tho uncertainty regarding Iho lluslncss Mnnaicor. Saying Association tory receives the pralso of the Intel- possible They argue that the earth "tent of tho catastrophe neither aMllrtsMl'tftl'''PtlMill'M.'M.lU ligent public, but. any creature who quake was probably Immcdlatoly fob I coiinrel nor the Jurora would bo lu tho Riibecrlbed and svrorn to nopes to be a politician hy using nil lowed by a great rising of the waters it"It irnmo oi minu 10 worK. mo thlH 14th day of J. S Medelros of I'liuncne, M. J representation and falsehoods as his of llie bay or n sudden subsidence of uicuwua. ISIIAI.) April, A. t). 1908. Mourn of Klhel, J liurclu of Wulluku, chief weapon for gamine victory dC' the waterfront district nf San Tran In tho windows of Kort Mrcct bus! i1 ii. nimNirrrn, J 1 eruandez of Kahulul, and Joe serves the unreserved condemnation of dsco ,ness houses nro pictures of San Trail Notary l'utillr. First Judicial Circuit. Amhros of ruuiicue hao tiled urllclec every honorable voter In this Terrlton SONOMA'S SAILING DAY, els"o, nnd heforo theso assemble of association under the name of Young if tellow lu besmear the Today Is sailing day for tho O. 8. S. crowds to mako somo guess nt whnt PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. .Men's Havings nut wishes ntlDAV AI'HII. 20, l'JOG Assoilutlun, l.td, with nonesty nnd Integrity nf jour corrcs Sonoma, from San rranelsco Should poitlons of the city hnvo suffered from WILL tho Ireasurer pondent, lei him como forward under rho bo In a condition to get away, she tho earthquake. In the window of CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE The purposes of tho association arc tils true colors, "r.iild bring to Honolulu much ot de- Trent & Co. appears a large view of THE EFfEoT ON HAWAII and I shall meet him set fotth to bu "to accumulato a capital with ull honorable means that I am tailed Information. Irwin & Co. are Ban rranelsco, as In 1900, which n ironi money derived from the bavlngs. endowed with. Hnougli, no low polk iiiitnrally anxious to learn something constant stream of observers view. In We pack, haul and ship your Whlln cpcculallnG on the business Interests, premiums and Hues of the leal tricks for mc. of her, but, with direct communication tho window of tho Hawaiian Oftlco Spe- (foods and save you money. effect of the han rranelsco disaster otockholders In monthly Installment!, Impossible, they must wait with tho cially Company, ncross tho Btnet, snmu In Dexlefs In STOVE WOOD, COAL and KINDLINGS. lln'iii In ecry rcifon why our people ami to apply tho acconimodat' rest nf the anxious city for any news. another view of San Kranelseo not allow en to git Into ing slockbolders with loans on real MARQUARDTS TONIGHT Mr. nirrard, of Irwin & Co., stated this as In 18111, long before tho made land und otherwise, upon principals n panlc-strlehe- n or pessimistic frumn late of morning that tho Oceanic Steamship incrcDed Its nren. struct mutuality und equality of the Company s CABLES AT SENDER'S RISK. Storage in ot mind Tho .Mnrquanlts will appear wharves, being nwu) from Brick Warehouse, 126 King St. Phone Main 58 It uenents anil obligations. The corpor- at tho tho vicinity tho region H Is stated today at the cabin olTlcc 1 Kn In llmiti of ureal disaster. Ii Opera IIonso this evening they Immediate of Kill conditions largely ation will ulsci make loans to other and supposed to hnvo been principally af. that messages will bo rerelvcd lo bo trui' that arc persons, should have n good house, notwlth. wh.it I lie peoplo make purchase, lonvey und lease lee ted by thu earthquake, may havo sent around tho world for nnv nnlnt In them standing the community Is up. If Honolulu decide wreck such propel t) as It may acquire, and In stirred ruin. tho United States, but all those sent lo that this There was some tnlk of tho concert be- esiaicd Kan city slocks, etc NEW YORK Calllornla must bo nt tho Kendei'H SEISMOGRAPH RECORDS of rr.wclsco will ruin the nnd ing postponed but nil arrangements KNOW8 LITTLE. must lake llatv.ilt along iuto tbo xuur The capital stock shall ho (10.000, In At 11 o'clock jeslerday morning the risk, Any cablegram sent will prob 100 1100 with n privilege ex- had been made und besides first clasi wii-cki- shares, of brunch ablv bo tka)eil in of cunfhlenio und buslncm music Is a good panacea for Honolulu of tho Yokohama transmission for In The Ilulletln reached Mr Njtwaiuler !MM9!M!S man- tension to (100.00U. The life of the cor an over Speclo sent a message defliilto periods. ttunii.itlcm, Hoiiululii ran In tills wrought of public Ilnnk cable lo of the II. S. Mngnetlc Station by tele- way poration shall be lift) )cars. state mind. New York, via Manila, Yoko- ADMIRAL LYONS' lier (eitiilnly no a Ioiik toward San Kranclsco com to the CABLE. phone shortly noon today The ot Tho linkers are us follows: J. The disaster has hama agents asking Secretary I:. II. of Mer. after bringing about the fulllllmcut dltv plctely changed plans Mar bank's there, fur l'urls tho lecorcl uf the seismograph for today prediction .Medelros, president. M. J .Mouea, vice the of tho any Information they might have lu ibants' Association this CALIFORNIA qiiardts. All their property Is In San nftcrnoon re bus not been cloned ko that it Is Hut Man I'Miiclsto ihoiiKh Buffering president; J (jaieln, secretary and legiird to the fate ot tho Sun rranelsco ceived the following: tc Tranclsco nnd their nro de- lmpcslhla to statu whether there has Injury will not in nil humiiu treasurer. These, together with A. J securities ollices. At i) KJ this morning n icply April 19. IMG. Krrlhlo posited with one nf tho hanks rloic to been any lucre nsrcl tremor In Sun Trim-elsc- o lnolMblllly Iw to and Joe Ambrose, constitute was icceUi'd to the of- - mr; neenrunuru lallHflfd lie dormant the cable building that wan burned effect that the in Willi jour rc .Mr N)sinmlcr In speaking of ROSE CREAMERY ;) In Hh tho board of directors were niohablv burned, tliouch quest ot this I havo I tin the lubes of present deslrue tluii Hence It Is Ikes the dale cabled the record of yesterday on to follow 'Iho 110 000 capital Mock lias all been quite necessary that tiny olllccis, owing to or tno Navy, n sais that lloiiotulu kliould llieu refuiiu return to tno coast to earn tho early hour of thoiccreiury and free trans complete iletWopmcut the earthquake In the trull ot mliforluno by Infcrcnco subscribed for by J S .Medelros. M. J. what li catU8tiophe, prmubly cscuped Tho Intlon of my cablegram Is ns follows .Moeua, A left to them uus show u to bo n M'ry suere one. The and a bad nnmo becuuso of our J (iarcla, J l' rnanilez. Joso use of the word "probablj" would H'cretnry of the Navy, Washington arcipt Ambrose, A vibrations of the Instrument mi cssorlatlon with a ure.it city that bus Garcia, Jaclntho Ambrose, clearly Indicate that New York could .Merchants' Association lequesls nil wio BUTTER . A while boy of school scrcing that lu unci Instance Ihn peuilu turn-red- Jaclntho Ilobello.nnd Hobcllo, who Just out Is get no possitiio definite definite Information ut the time Information catastro linn suuiig bcyoiul the limitations of Hjii Kranclsco illliena will not sit on have taken ten shares and paid up 1250 wanted to learn grocery business. Ad Iho cable wus lecelved, plie will pay cables via Hurope cacu. dress W., Ilulletln. if the recoiillng slip. iNow the ruins of their homes and curs the COMMUNICATION SOON. necessiry I.) on. 35c unkind fule They will bu up nml Willi tl.e probable rushing of nsslsl-unc- o Very respectfully, Wireless telegraphy Trldny and Saturday will bo Iho The Pound (loins. They will flKht manfully and has been main last In every form to San Tinnilsio I! W I.YON. tallied years dayii to view tho part-ma- part-hors- ST. LOUIS COLLEGE. loiragcously. Unless the world Is for several ucross the Oulf It should not belong, oven the Hear Admiral, I' 8. Navy, of now on If beach Fresh shipment Just received. booked fur an upheaval that portend California, and tho Mexican Ntiuanu street, between Hotel and cable point been Cnmmnndnul. concluded King. station at that has (Continued from Pago 1.) Urn end of all human acltrlty tho panic Government has contracts submerged destroyed, be- for a plant or otherwise Van Der will subside I'ropte will not stay a. that will afford communlca fore commuiikatflon is established Frltt Lelne (Koloa), 1; Miss niime to break their necks by a fall (Ion over a dlstnnco of about 200 miles, The coach In which Iho Lord Mayor Mary Vincent, i; Chong Nee Hlng, 2; of rides on this port nnd San Kranclsco, Hanging Pfanned down units, bemuse, they feel that b not oniy between tho various Btallous state occasions has It would seem nothing except Hllo Band, 1; V. Jacobsen, 1; of the system, with shipping, been In use since 1757 that E. 3. Kong, 3; Ralph Henry May & Go, fcolim abrnid they may Kit mixed up III but thu continuum o of earthquake shocka BY HENRY OF Kahn, 3; Jose tome fell disaster. attctts tho benefit of this humane law. would prevent tho J. noka, i; Miss Alice Weight. 1: C, Moderation le. establishment uf Sullivan, 1; LIMITED. Kin rranelsco will icenvcr. varies tho world over Tho cable communication And It Is Caesar Gomez, 1; H, T. whip Ik not In In this Korean Lake, 1; Under any circumstances Honolulu disuse Moscow. They HOUSES TO LET thought lu regard to the fact that no Murderers John Rapoza, 1; Edith Tuck, uso It there on men women. rviani. Is fcolnr far afield to seek troublu It It and Bargains cumuiunknlion can bo had with San l; Vincent, i; Geo. Druns, 3; luaugurutM a campaign Its own i in Kaimuki Lots Miss M. A. Larsen, 1! Dr. 8. Jaeger, 1; within Tiauclscu that Is occasioning so much The flvo Koreans from How borders In convince, the people, Tho Weekly Hdltlon of the Evening nil, Gertrude McCann, 0; J. P. Scully, that this homes uiixlety, for the generally expressed wiiosu iicnin warrants were signed yes nil 1'rQii-llsr- IMM city go pot Han o Hulk tin gives n complete summary for sale 4; Ralph Kahn, 14; H. Sti- should to beuuse of opinion heie Is that tho sllcntn so leruay liy Iho Ailing ban hud an eartluiuake. cup imwg oi ino uay. r gx year. fiovernor, hnvo ver, 3j 8. A, Deel, Ewa, 3; J, H, company eageily soeght to bo broken must indi- not oh yet learned of tho fact that on Any tommunjly looking tumble "Trent and Kahn, z; J. A. L. De Fries, 2; May A BEAUTIFUL EIGHT-FOO- T ROUND for cate that conditions nro worse than May 2 they nro lo meet their denih. can usually got It. would be supputod from tho scant news High Qutsefeld, 2; Kohala Club, 2; I, S, up cry Sheriff Henry stated this morn- Dillingham, 3; Wm. Tim TOP TABLE. Any (oiumunlty that ccts a ulieady lecelved, that a considerable ing ho Jr., Ke, 2; that Intended to havo ltev. Mr. Aug. Ko- ns to what others will think of It on poitlon of Kan Tranclsco has been Gomes, 2; Emll Llnderman, Top Is 44 Inches across. hnp-pmr- d vvniiman, as well as a Korean Inter lu count of tiomethlug that bus Your Easter Costume or that tho earthquake shock! preter loa, 2; Chinese Athletic Club, 7; Carl with him when ho broko tho Nelper, 2; R. PRICE, clvewhero eun thereby cause ZS&SSi uru continuing and men are unable to news, H. Hitchcock, 2; Dill S17.50 I S . which he would probably do V. many more people to turn hell 1 ..v.v.;mi Grimes, 3; Pacific Social Club, 2; r'VakaLari .silMiiWVk . get to work on cable connections, Borne time today. thoiigbM In tbo umc channel .IMH iVWVI will not be complete Mrs. Jas. Dougherty, 6; Harry Macfar. BULLETIN UPANY. NEWS SERVICE. ino High Shcilff is at present plan- lane, Any community naturally begins to r- tllil Thu pub 1; Albert Vlerra, 1; Walter I Ilulletln yesterday kept tho Illllt hfu nrmtientiimitu fnv i.nn..i.. nondrr where tho crust will uexl llWit, IT mjyjjIJJUUIffL mmat without one of our stunning tl.. 2; C. Louis, 1; L. Mon Tal, 1; craik aoxp He cousluntly and fully Informed of all which Is IiIub,..! i,i...i" I -- .'ToeK ftMORUtt, tho i n,iu 1; and ho people r ho suggest that the OVT nuws that could bo Thu Fritz Fredenberg, H. A. Franson, In ItfVlfTMlMTMlNIUMiatlAoUtn obtained. first tho Territory has ever exnerlcnced 2; Louis 1; trust Is thinnest theli vlilnlly have I III -- I . 8. Alves, Joe Vagras, 1; lllllll l.vlrn- -ulinrtlif nftnr- 7 ---nVlr.xl; Tl '. piouilro of making many converts. ', " iirinwiiTH win...... no nangeii in threa M. T. Marshall, 1; Wm. Medelros, 1; J. SPRING PARASOLS yesterday moinlng guve tho first in- - 'I ho lliillclln is not nn expert on ", relajs coming In quick succession, ono M. Perry, 1;F. W. Klebahn, 1; J. D. Mc fffjj-jj- lormntlon In regard lo tho San Trnn-'nft- SI cii Hi tmmors and wouldn't attempt tho other. Tho double tran will Inerny, 1; Prof. D. Malkal, 1; W. T, " W to predict whether tho whole l'acfllo " MM""? ,"'" '" !" '"- - 'ii i irsi, iwo men win Uo lutng. Schrrldt, 1; Maile Athletic Club, 1; noon llvo extras vvcro published, glv--1 Coast will break oft tbo edge of tho Fop They have Just arrived and certainly As i.e.on ns they havo been disposed of Mrs. J. E, Shaw, 1; W. Dulsenberg, 1; Rent Ing news as It camo hand. ruutluent and tho sea reach the are tho to Then the next two will bo led out, nnd when Keokl Isenberg, 1j H. 8. Ward, 1; beauties. You will find a largo cama tho regular p. n, , Hockks. We don't appicclato tho ne 2:30 and 3:30 m. 'thevnni ,ien,i ,mi f..n... Miss Kalal Walau, 176; L. Freltas, 1; assortment to choose from, comorl'lnn editions, 4 o'elocK edition. The, cessity of spending time on these mat' and a hg comrades. Thoi.exact hour for tho Herm. Hugo, 1; Rosellne Stone, 1; many Ilulletln on duty i lets. Thuy arc rlo topics for Mother Furnished House, Beretanla Dresden Silk effects, White and stalf lemalncd until hinging has not beer. set. It will be Louis Vincent, 1; Geo. Druns, 7; D. iiii.iuiKiu, icaiiy in gci kctvu ine iictwccn 8 M. lirumly and her followers. Street; 4 bedrooms; pos- colored Linens, White Silk with fancy tlio'n. tho hours of u. in and Sumner, 1; Harry S. Gray, 10; J. What oery rltlzcn of Hawaii should borders, and Pongees, iiowb. The sixth extra edition of m. F, Child, 1; Miss Jean Angus, 1; session May 1, 1906 day was run oft at 10 o'clock night I i do Is to combat at every point the sen- $50.00 last t Ernest Munlz, 7; Manuel Mu-nl- No. 1246 PRICE8, TO and ex- - timent of needless worry and Idle. Klnau 8t 25.00 S1.50 S7.50 EA. half an hour later tho seventh Tho wlrelota moihrni- - nt ,.m.. 1; Walter Dillingham, 1; Only Only was on tho In SITSO peculation uicr possible disasters Lunalilo Street tia Mrects and tho cation aro making moro rapid piogress Lum Chlng, 1; R, A. Lucas, 1; John 50.00 lands of hundreds who had stuycdlln Honolulu has nut burned up or down Walklkl Beach Oermnny than elsowheie A new Perriardo, 1; Louis Vincent, 12; Manl. 40.00 We ...... mi-s- i run 1'ruiulseo will not request lie a have Just received a limited as un.. iu Kn uiu iiunn. BintlOIl IIH8 ICCH nsln i s m,l nt Kakasupa, 1; Rodrluues. 1: Street UAUI A Ani I ' " ni,.. freddv mark of our sympathy, that Ibesn Is- 30.00 sortment cf .,rt,.ii.n bHukcuimnia,nn..a chonwcldo, which will place Ilerlln Chinese Athletic Club, 1; Jno. Botell. Coyne Go, Gandall Lane Shortly 8 o'clock night and Furniture lands teaso to be ns attractive as tbey 25.00 after last tho Dresden In communication over a ho, 1; Miss Mary Vincent, 1; Jim Vler- Ilulletln cabled to Munllu any In have always been, or that our busluoss College Hill for of HI miles Several other sla ra, 1; Miss Mary Gouvela, 4; F. G. I.lmltnl. 35.00 formation obtainable, Tho icply re- liion shnli throw up their hands lu Young 6treet Forsythe lions already exist. Thero nro re- Machado, 1; Dllly Hellbron, 1; Miss HOTEL AND UNION STS. despair. It Is not easy to be cheerful 35.00 Shirt Waists ceived told of earthquakes still contin ports of a piojeet Viva Olds, uing, or damuge for constructing at 2; Jerry Burnlngham, 2; when a ulster city Is known to be In piooerty estlmnted. Nordrelch, a wireless Byttem of long Joe Tata, 1; Miss Helen Gllhus, 1; cut In the ns nearly such damago could bo es- great distress At tbo sama tlmo It It latest Eastern styles and lis dtslanco telephoning, Mrs Lam Yam, 1; Richard Buhler. 2: It Is Cool lolly to nmL'o tho sltuutlou worse made of the newest walstlngs. timated under the clicumstances und so 1; llun A oon Jane Kalanal, Chong Mee Hlng, 2; It Is by dwelling on tho duikcst side ol Chance for Investors niter tho tenlble event, umoiintliij The BUSINEB8 pony w, J, THESE DAYS WHITE MADRAS, EA. lo IIUO.OUOOUO, MAN'S HANDY IN- rtaiana, i; Harvey, 2; n pinllfle Imagination S3.75 o.' .io known numbei DEX, published In Paul Welnholz, 1; Hogan, of dead lu the Saturday nulla. Henry 9; Honolulu will rontinuo to grow It For a few days only, we will offer STRIPED MADRA8, assorted the doomed city reaching tin and the Weekly Mrs. Lam Yam, 2; Mrs. A. 3U0. of the early collapse of tho city "',3n' nlv. Fernandez, AT HALEIWA. will luutltiuo to lefuso to be put out - 1; Miss Prlscllla Charmen, 10; Miss a 9 net Investment. .. colori EA. hall, 0f ' .le- of m lion What rctbarka It might suf- 587500.00 S3.75 of the which followed the,"? ",,"? "T1".! rC.Um? Hazel Hoffman, 5; Mary JUST THE PLACE TO SPEND eailhquuks H. Vn.. iwr icnucrc. 'iuuh Quintel, 1; YOUR fer should Insplro Iho pcojilo to a WHITE LINEN, EA. still laglng, nnd of tho ter ments, building Mrs, J. M. Theotonla, 1; VACATION. S5.50 lor that reigned The Ilulletln night permits and real es- Morris An. greater enrigy and moro unity In over- tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, trod, 1; Dr. McCall, Kahuku, 1; E. S. turning real and Imaginary obstacles extra wus tho only further iuformntlon Kong, given the public 75c1 per month. Weekly Bulletin, 7; C. 8chwartz, 2; Miss Bessie The best of everything It Is Just us en)' to iissumn that mil laid night und sltuo per year Boyd, 2; Julia Dlas, 1; Royal'Gchool, that time, up to 1 30 uftci-noo- SI ALL STORT8 OF AMUSEMENT, tllnmUi and the natural attractions nf Henry Waterliouse o'clock this 1; Henry B. Ryan, 1; no further cabled nuws has been Tom Farrell, 1; ALL KINDS OF RECREATION, Hawaii will druw with as much power Mrs. Mary Farrell, 1: McAullffe. received, except Hint the New WANTED. Jas. ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME. peit yi'.n on they h.ivo this. If n nmv fliun 2; Lum Chlng, 1; Edna L. Voi k ngencj uf tbo Ycikuliama Hieclo Akau. S: H. Tickets and Information at Oahu cltuutliui has in lam, meet It. And that EHLERS manuwa, Martin, 3; Dill Trast Co., Ljjnited. i nunc, wliH li Is i; Geo. Hay. Railway Station and In n manner becoming ilear-hnade- in tlieio luululiflFd notli Hoy about 18 jeors of age, out of Trent 4 Co, or ing Just (Honomu), 4: Thos. McTlihe. 5! Ed. ring up Hotel, who such ilctlnllu, srhool, in learn gioeeiry business; Halelwa King 63. ijL'EOJ'""'."'!" kiov,uo word FORT AND MERCHANT QTREETS. Qulnn, 3; Miss Gladys P. 8. Sabeyi I . LAWTON 18 HELD. American tin.forrn.l A.Mrnuu l' On Bundavs the Halelu,.i Imiir.i ' ,' (Pala), 3; t.'An Helen Lso. . 6. two-hou- r jMONOLUUcfi-- ., t Good - Beat. ,t Go.ods iUiiUUcumiliiinlcatloiKeanlbo oljtnlii ' ' -- -- train, leaves at 8S22 a, m.;s jtollulletlii., 4 ,3302,lw , " WnuL.:u.Wi H 'I V""'MI I" MW.KJIWjU dCJUiJUj ------I ' HiFrarraFiarriirF"F"si " iirBraPar3rarrar3)oioi' THE BULLETIN PRINTED AND SOLD OVER 8000 PAPERS YESTERDAY I 3 9 m TABLE, ONE VOTE FOR if tTEAMER 3 R 0. (7 Frem San Francisco! u America .Mini Apr 21 7 3 Kuntimn ..Apr si w Mongolia ...... Mny 2 " J For 8an rranelseo: a Ntip'n .Mum ..Apr 21 p THE EVENING BULLETIN 3 CONTEST. Vrtililru ... . Anr 51 Z, 82000 PRIZE if From Vancouver: H Evening FniDAY, APRIL CO. 1906, Alimim May t jj g g L Tor Vancouver: Bulletin T H Maheru) , Mny 1 m 2 Thli vote li good for three weed THEY WERE PRINTED QUICKLY AND SOLD EASILY 0 from date. J JT m ttnun fc w in mtahimnll EXTRA EDITION l'KIOB 6 OllNTR Vol. --Will No 33fl HONOLULU. TKUUITORY OF HAWAII. PHI DAY. APRIL 20, 10UG

Five fire whittles will be blown when San Franelsco-Honolul- u ca 4 ble communication la re eitab-- llshed. 4 SAN FRANCISCO RESPONDS I EXTRA Events 2nd. EXTRA 11 a. m. CALL OF THE CABLE Preceding TO Cable Cataclysm Telegraphers At Work EXTRA In view uf tliu icrnoio lain that Ins overtaken 8.UI rranelseo, the follow ing; clippings from thn latest roust (Ilea liavo Hlgnllltanco when natural phe In Burned District nomena tire considered as A tornado, an electric storm, lieuty followed by n EXTRA 9 A From niul rlsliiK rivers, rnlus terrific earthquake lannot bo passed over with ordinary Interest. The following notice was potted In the window of the cable office at Iht! prophesy of sinking continents 10 o'clock this forenoon: J. In tlio Eastern lieniUplierfl romes with "The following received from the New York office via Manila: 'Oakland i It loiiietliliiK of ilii'inlfiil humor, when expects to open office In the burned district today. City destroyed. Mes Is realized tint the prophet "liuil an- sages will only be delivered to applicants." other guess coming." nnil Hint Kixni The presumption It that this refers to tne destruction or san Francis Cable From Bremen was stricken San I'mnclsco co, and mention of the burned district rather nullifies the sweeping con Frisco II Si It clusion that might be drawn from the phrase "city destroyed." In other Vancouver, I) C, April 9 A tor words, great that wrought In business section The following cable w.i received by 8upL Gaines at the cable office the destruction has been the nado ili'tio)i'il the lliiln Wilson snl of 8an Francisco, has been caused by fire. Suppoeedly the men of the from San Francisco, shortly after 10 a. m. The operator li at the hut iiioii cunnery at Rivera Inlet, on thn Commercial Cable Company's Oakland office are at work endeavoring to near the Cliff Houce: northern toast of British Columbia, on connect up on tne site of their old headquarters. Gives Details Of worst ever down many buildings. I'riilay, news of thn tytlouo leaclilnlR The earthquake was felt. Threw this city today. Tho loruiiilo struck tho ? Fire started dozen places. Water mains broken. No water In whole eunnry building early In tliu morn- sale district. Fire spread like wildfire. No way to stop It. It swept both ing anil In ninety second not n nth I. cldes Market street right up to Twelfth street. Then worked west till got was left stunilliiK. Heavy tlmlien Kcatteied like, chaff. 1 lio men to V.n Ness avenue, where It was blocked. Hern cmplojed at tliu tannery escaped In- 'Frisco Cable GreatJEarthquake Wholesale, retail and about one-hal- f residence portion burned to the jury. 1 lin properly- loss was about -- I21IUU. Jan ground. t U II II V Town under martial law. Panic everywhere. A. following Redding, CM, April 10 A socro H. Hackfeld Co., received the this morning: All churches ruined or burned. Fire pretty well under control now, but BREMEN, Germany, April 19. A tremendous earthquake has struck electrical storm is raging tonlelit In ! Mill burning. Most of us lost everything. all directions from IteddliiK. This city For Battery San Francisco. Waiting A conflagration followed. Fire Is still raging In spots, but mostly under control. Dynamited all stems the tenter of tho tlrile. To the fearful A great part of San Francisco has been destroyed. that stood In way, lack of water. east, In the Mlllvnta section, tho storm Is particularly severe light- - The City Hall has been destroyed. ' Frightful lots of property. The lld nliiK (lashes, teen plainly from here. The business portion of the city has specially suffered. Five miles from town and cannot get team. Chinatown has been destroyed. -- jrm a spectacular display, Superintendent Gaines of the Commercial Pacific Cable Co.'s Honolulu Shake was terrific. Lasted about a minute. it a n Saving other portions of the city Is very difficult. office, has caused the following to be posted In the cable offlco In the All large offlee buildings are In ruins. Damage Is $150,000,000. Mission Is still burning In places 1.0s Angeles, April 9 Ueports re- - the hotels and at least The Young Building: and pipe lines were damaged at the first and the at- cnlveil licin toilay stain that the Colo- The water works 1 but not as far out as Sixteenth street. 'To the Public: I received the following from our general manager at tempts to save any part of the city are met with great difficulty. rado Klvcr Is rising again as n result 11:55 p. m. April 19: Presidio Is thought to be 0. K. of recent heavy rulim and that llixuls Miners' powder Is being used to blow up buildings to check the fire. "McKenna (our San Francisco superintendent) at hut. Trying to get All means to check the flames have been exhausted. The fire Is burning below Van Ness Avenue but not west of that point. are remltliiK In tome sections At the a new battery to him.' The situation In San Francisco Is desperate. Hays Valley Is burning west to Octavla. ton it of Cnlexlto niul setletuentA "This means that we were unable to save our batteries and that New All west of Van Ness Is across the Mexican bonier tho slum York Is trying to him one from nearest point." safe. Hon Is A hastily send the OAKLAND DAMAGED. reported serious, Is official. was received by Gaines from New Between Van Ness and Market wiped out. Is now BtandJ The above This cable constructed lewo all that York. Our office dynamited. between tho town and tha river, which i ,j mi. Oakland has been seriously damaged. That city has cuffered greatly Ik very hlKh at that point. Crops In ju Tho Palace, St. Francis and most all big hotels burned. l)r W I). Alexander jesterduy morn- from the earthquake. the vicinity lino been bmlly damaged ii Cruz, Monterey, Gltroy, Holllster Santa Rota have been Flood Building and Emporium gone. ing rceeUoil a rnliln from his son, Wil- Santa and (.ml the youtheren Pacific tracks uru occurring In Kronen about a month Many lives have been lost. Fairmont Hotel burned. Devastation In all direction and relief pouring cald to bu miller watiir, uUIioukIi still rgo Tho Coiirrerlerts mines nro Hi liam, In Han rranclsto, after tha earth- In. Intact. tho midst of the great to.il fields of quake, staling that ho was safe uml well, offlco was In MORE SHOCKS YESTERDAY. IS It It I'ranco and nro wry extensile Win Alexander's Oakland ard Freemont are all right. Shake was not so bad there and building, C03 Yesterday light earthquake thock s continued. Now York, April Tho peoplo of "It Is dltUcult to see," unlit Professor the Clunle California there was no fire. Can leave the city cannot come back. No means 8, geol- Boon this cnblo commun- but Kurope have tcurccly recovered from J T. Kemp, of tho department of street alter - ogy ication censed 8PRECKEL8' REriNERY GONE. of reaching town from our station except to walk through the ruins, and thn shoik enured lij- tint accident at In Columbia llnherslty discussing that Is almost an Impossibility. It cost us $75 to send a messenger Into Courrlere8, KMiice, when news comes tl.H subject. "Judging by thn data that Spreckels' sugar refinery has been destroyed. has reached us, why tho director of the i town and It was almost Impossible to get one price. from (lermany to the effect tlint tho at that Merlin University should such I Believe shipping director of the Ileilln Ohservntory take suffered, but am unable to determine. gloomy view of tho fate of Dirope in. My wife and dead or llmls by metcorolOKlcal and other In. relatives are up country but whether they are the result of the Courleres mine ills-est- Good Furniture $ nllve I know mt. vcstluatlons, that tho terrible mine dis was Scientists In this country, so far Lord I this has been a fierce three daysl aster connected with peculiar at Largest Stock In the City . mospheric conditions oxUtlng at the as I know uru unawaro or any Impend- Bottomley Safe picjent time throughout Kuropc, and ing catastrophe, duo to existing met- from which to make selections. HONOLULU MAN ESCAPED DISASTER. eorological or gcographlral conclltlor.a that as a result the whole cnut of tho -, rat Hi In tho Kastern hemisphere Is threatening tho welfare of our Kuio- it OLASOOW, Scotland, April 20 To Bishop & Co., Honolulu: Bottom threatened with cataclysmic changes pean friends," The ominous silence that has shrouded San Francisco was finally bro- ,.ley cafe San Francisco. that may Involve tho destruction of ken last evening by the cable message from the cable management began The above cable was received this morning from the father of A. W. entire continents, Henry Walerhouse Trust Co., Ltd.. to lift steadily with the coming of this morning. T. Bottomley of Bishop & Co. and would show that Bottomley had been able Such disasters as tho ono that oc- iJ.Hopp&Co. One of the first messages received wit one from the relatives of A. W. to wire Glasgow from the shaken burning city. curred nt Caurrlcrcs, predicts Her T. Bottomley. This was to Blthop S. Co. and announced that Mr. Bottom and this Stock and Bond Brokers, l...... man astronomer, may bu expected to Reliable Furniture House." ley Is safe. Tlicro nrc loo many people, who wunt rrnnklln "It doesn't always pay to occur ngaln lu the near future In any Offices: Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts, B U I L D I N Q . Q The supposition Is that the father got vord and Immediately forwarded - Telephone Exchange No. 4. to brc.tk tlui ninniilony with nn axe rail In n doctor" I'enn "Why not?" part of the Kastern hemlw- It?lfW-A--V-- word to the banking house with whl cli the son Is connected. Algernon "Dlttanco IciuIh enchant- - rranklyn "Just as soon as the phsl- - I here, and all kinds of dim forebudlniu 'U I u iiuji 'lUJimj nro naturully being Indulged In by our 8AYS NO CAU8E FOR ANXIETY. European coining nu a consecpicnra of Impending the ruin, Is very tittle cause anxiety," says a cablegram from New In the history of mining In Kuropo "There for York, received this morning by Vice T. B. Reynolds of the united To spend money on clothes Reliable clothes quality Is not there has been ;io disaster showing President cquan eiK.lt staitllng marked b ONLY DAYS OF States Paper Export Association. . of unproven merit Is to made by glowing advertise features and TWO MORE Hlo and brother kiich wholesale) fatalities as this ono Reynolds cabled for news of San Francltco mother der It. ments. are there. His message was directed to the New York office of the company. L. B. CLOTHES ECONOMY Some Day Death KERR'S F? IN Will You Distinctive Styles CON3I8TS GETTING THE BEST CLOTHE8 AT RIGHT PRICE8. Greet Big Bargain Sale Snappy SUCH 0ARMENT8 A8 aw i J ' You are perhaps overlooking the fact Just Opened a fine collection of that you won't walk this earth for- .you snappy shapes for street or dress ever. Has It ever struck what styles which most strong- CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MEN a terrible tangle your affairs might This is an opportunity for men to get the In, you to ly appeal to careful dressers. be left were answer the In MADE IN NEW YORK final summons today? Your duty A breath of summer Is noted to those you love Is to be pre- CLOTHING, HATS, UNDER- these cool, comfortable oxfords. Their pared to have your house set High standard of Excellence is becom- In order. It will be wise to and ing a among careful buyers. make your Will at once. If WEAR NECKWEAR at Remember that our reputation stands jfredjenjarnii.5(9 you are In doubt as to the behind Every Pair of J3.50 Shoes We & formalities to be observed real Bargain Prices Belli MAKERS NLWyRK In drawing up such an Im- portant document, we This cut illustrates a soft vicl kid, wilt advise you and will blucherette tic, with welted sole, styl- The CORRECT CLOTHES FOR MEN, MADE IN NEW YORK, serve you In any oth- D.ont Miss It ish Cuban heel and swagger toe, A are equal to the to order-tailore- garments In everything but the price. er way that we may multitude of sizes makes It within our be able to. " " " " power to guarantee a perfect fit. Wo have proven this to more than n thousand men let us prove It to Price $3.50 The latest styles aie always shown You. In our show windows, Dxpert Fitters. m .Hawaiian L. B. KERR & Co. Ltd. The Kash Co,, Ltd. Trust Co., Manufacturers Shoe Co., ltd, TEL, ALAKEA 8TREET. MAIN 85. COR. FORT AND HOTEL STS. Limited., H 1 PHONE MAIN 982 1051 lurti oi iiuui --,nunui.ui.u g ' jFnriiStrnfti JHnflfiltiln ieo.fff!tLrf ifWOvao lfi.l:'i l . woflfvoOfOviN The When Not n Carnegie Library, but the Purest works of your favorite authors, at TO WIMP You home where you could put your hands on a book to suit any mood. Books April 1, 190G. provfslon 226. Wblto steam autos. Stockyds stable. Wnlalua. I.ocnl houses are not fear TELEPHONE Apple of humor to Jolly you up; poems for Ing nny Prenli Jam. 11 cents lb. at factory, 1SI ff B, K. Mnlioe, Ksq.. President of tho serious food shortage as n re- thoughtful moments; history and Hotel SL Peach tills week. Jl Hoard of Wnlalua Church. sult of the San Krnnclseo horror. All of like Trustees. BiSMARK BRANCH STABLES K works nature for study; and orders of provision for Sonoma, Cider Duller rliurned dully nt Hie Honolulu standard novels by celebrated writers Sir: appointed to the " Want Tho committee nipposed to sail from San D.ilrj men's Association. White 211 that are as tar above most of the pop. (1. collect money lo defray tlio expenses today. been duplicated In tho Ala- LAHAINA, MAUI. Mi nnd Mrs. W. It. KIiir left on of hao ular slush today as a Turner paint nf curing for the following Sunday meda's mnll shipment Seat- Is tlio Sherman yestcrdny for the Coast glasses you want Ing Is for from above a common chromo. schools: Kniieohe, Walkane, Ilauul.i tle H. II. Paris, secretary of the Me- Mrs A. M. llrmvn was nlKi.ird llio them right You can buy your library on the China, due yesterday at Han rranclsro and Wnlalua, at Wnlnlim, O.iliit, on the rchants' AsFoelallnn hero, has made . Carriages, Buggies and Sad- plan and remember, 1DO0, Hacks, Martinclli's l)r M. I!, flrnssh'inn was nlionid tho 2.1th day of March. beg lo report of tills facL u even though you make a small begin- ns fnllowa: dle Horses on short notice. Chine due In Ran I'rnnclsro jcMcrdny. Spectacles and ning, a library soon grows. lly subscriptions $ mo no Gold I.leut. Ilnrllce. U. S. M. C. left on In See the display the window of lly ronccrt . . : 93 ou the Sherman yesterday for Snn Fran- Office Co. on cisco. Eyeglasses Hawaiian Specialty Fort lly contributions (Sunday mSjjFMB Carriages meet all steamers. Com- St. below King, Imagine such n Medal Nolo Manufacturers' Shoe tjo.'s nn made by us will and March 25, 1900 73 20 library In your own home with books A visit to Venice would not bo com-plc- to new iioiiiicomciit on pace one for ladles' JHOO always be petent drivers, reasonable rates, of your own choosing. 2CS bV n gllmp4o Ox fonts. I without nt least nt tho fnmous Itrldgo of Hlgba. vehicles and live stock. Brand Neatly furnished rooms nt the Pop- liiHinirBi'iiu'iiia Celebrated In Right As per hills In, tho hands of nnd story, In history nml In ro- ular. $1. l.fio nnd 2 per week. 1213 rohr J'ort street. and guaranteed so, llini.'J tvu.M.ittvuri,,titll am ft 1?t- '.vOf! mance, this structure has become a Olive Ilrnnch t.odg'p Win. C. Lyon Go,, favorite with tho nrtlsls who now flock A Pleasant and Hygienic Bev- Itebeknh meeta A. N. 8ANFORD so Ills Od.J Cash balance 90 to tho "l'rldo of tho Sen," ns Venlco evening at o'clock In Optician MASONIC TEMPLE erage for Young and Old. I'ellnwH hull. LIMITED. Things on hand sold II 00 iiscil to bo known, nml como bnck Keep eooll An eleetrle fan will belli Boiton Building, Fort 8L, Cor. Hotel and Fort streets, upstairs, laden wltli canvases Vene- - .Ammitif nn fiitid till Vll showlns you do It. Special nt IXr,U tills week. , .. over May & Co. entrance on Hotel street.. t Ilnwnllnn Ulertrlc Co. whh h wn hnvn turned over to thf In Bulk For Sale Bottled and p.uice nt Progress llnll next Katur-na- y Treasurer of tho Church. Ik P.i-fil- le The committee wlshus to extend lis everting miller tlio auspices of to tho for gen-rrt- WEEKLY CALEHDAH. o by- - ItebcKilh Lodge No. 1. thanks subscribers the Finest finality Inland butler from contributions. Mrs Dora Von Tempsky's ranch, Kula. Itespeitfiilly submitted, Holfschlaeger Co., Lid, ltaynioiid Han 'h MnrkeL 4CI. ANimnw i:. cox. Tel. JU4mutW$mnH Chairman, DISTRIBUTORS. There Is n feeling that Hie llnwnll MdNllAV ocean yacht race will lie called on on OSCAll P. COX. Leahl Chapter Regular. KING AND BETHEL STREETS nrroiinl of Hi" Kan Francisco disaster. J. K. KAIAl'l-'I- . 1UIIMDAV Omnia gathcrod nliout the wlndowa vwxyuliifito. ?v Uv. i'. of liusliichs luiiiseg In which map "SvhlVTil,f..' vf i of J "PITCHFORK DEN" WHIINIINIIAV San Frnntlmu were displayed yester- Pacific Third Degree. day. Mannner Ony of Young Don't Buy the Hotel ltenJniiilnTt.TIIliiiaii.'lire South Csr-olln- expertH Pal- TMIIUNriAV to hear by cable from the senator whoso recent attack on Honolulu ace Hotel, San Franrlsco, when the line Chapter Regular President Itooseudt occasioned wide- C p. m. Is open. spread comment, Is ouo of tho most Cheap Paint Puradlsc of the Vnclflc Floral Par-ni- l ruirAV Number, fi2 Pnges, IS ccntK. MONUMENTS, SAFES, IRON FENCE picturesque characters of tho uppci Oceanic Third Degree. Wrn ped Ready for Mailing. At offleo, branch of congress. Tlio sobriquet cd Ilcthel street. Hfivn11firi Iron Ponco & iVlonumunt Works "Pitchfork lien," which ho earned even HATUKDAV NEXT TO YOUNQ BLDO.. 176-18- 0 KING ST. PHONE 287. Kugllsh Toribnn laces with edclnR beforo Ids eutrnneo to tlio senate, wni nnd In match, Vj Inch r applied to If you use cheap paint you are certain luertlons to lilm on account of the wny Ini'lies wide. U- per ynnl nt lllom's for In which lie referred to a rover Cleve- to regret It. paint Is dear at CONTINUED SILENCE All visiting members nf IIiq Inferior Ibis week only. land toward tbo closo of the lnttcr'i - at-tc- P. &. AVIien order nri- rnnllnlly Invllcil Jo any price. W. FULLER tlio weather Is hot "Arable" second term. Tillman wns tlicn gov- Hirelings of oral lodges. CO.' 3 PURE PREPARED will rool your Iron roof. When tlio (Continued from Page 1) ernor Houtli Carolina nnd n caiull Is wet will present of PAINT Is guaranteed to give ttcatlier "Arabic" distance of San Francisco but the telegraph company will not guarantee de- dnto tlio promised runt. California 1'ecd Co.. nRcnts. for senate. Ho that satisfaction. It looks bet- livery. Up to 1:30 o'clock there had been no messages regarding the dis- J. M. Itvy & Co. have just received aster received In Manila by way of 8uez and New York, so It may be taken tuc nniDni: or mmis in vrsiicr. ter and Is more durable the new I'JU., crop ebiilio tens In HARMONY I. of for granted that there Is not much known of the conditions in San Fran- LODGE, No. 3, 0. 0. F. than any other paint on the hulk. You can Kt a belter quality fur tint) skies nnd canals nnd gondolas. cisco. The llrldgo of Highs spans tho lllo market. The secret of this Is the money from them than cIm' where. Meets every Mnmlny evening nt 7:30 Jubilee Incubators. Tlio bualncii ilell.i l'nglla nnd connects the clucnl I Ingredients In O. O. K. llnll. Tort btrwt. that only the best machine. Hot water system, not hot paiaeo with the oarccrl, or prisons. It i:. It. Ili:.NHRY. Secretary. are used In Its composition and nlr. Seo them heforo buying. M. V. Intel from l.'.lll nnd Is nn elliptical n. N'.n. ni.Mnit sciivAitziii:ito. that they are accurately mixed. MiUlie8iiey i: Sun's, Ltd., agents, (Juecu arch thirty-tw- feet nbovo tho wnter, All Usllliig brothers very cordially ttreet. Inclosed nt the aides nnd nrched . Invited. llnwnll Chapter No. 1. Order of Kn- - Cable From New York Tho bridge contains two cop. wilt n mehamelia, hold ppednl mcetlns nnto passnr.es through which prison- - MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. of P. this Thursday ornlni; nt the Odd Fel- orswrro led to trial or to bear Cooke, lows' building. A full nttendanco Is their Lewers & doom iiniiiiainced. Over this brjdgo, Moot every Tucsdny evening nt dcdird. Th Honolulu of Yokohama Specie bank morning branch the yesterday too, they were often led on their Tray 7:30 o'clock In K. of 1'. Ilnll, King LIMITED. .Mrs. P. S. Itowdter. wife of Kurgcon at 10 o'clock dispatched a cable message to the New York agency of the In- to .execution. Mnny n person In day rtreot Visiting brotlicra conllnlly llossller, V. S. N left on the Sherman bank, via Manila, Inquiring for Information as to the fate of the San Fran- H.i n Hos-lle- d rjono by. when wan not meted vited to attend. 177 KING jokterilny for Krnnclsco. Dr. cisco branch of concern. Justice 80. ST. the out ns much fairness, o. j. wniTr.iinAn. c.c. will Join Mrs. Itosslter in Snn "Let us know if the San Francisco branch of the Yokohama Specie with ns noiv, lat'-r- . brldgo V. WAMJItON, K.H.S. Krnnclseo Bank Is or not," was, In effect, wording of message. went over tho to meet n tratfo safe the the fSlMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB A ocal class for tlilldren nnd r JfcfcM'lV JH fa to when not guilty of any Alexander & Baldwin youfiR Almost twenty-fou- hours later, at 9:55 o'clock this morning, a reply crlmo. OAHU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P. renplo will bo organlroil Saturday was received at the bank from New York, by way of Manila, as follows: LIMITED. morning nt 0 o'clock In tlio lecture offices officers room of "Probably burned; probably saved." Krhlny evening nt Central Union church, conduct- Manager Klshl of Yokohama Specie referring to Meets every ed by Mr. llode. the Bank remarked, the iBBHliBtb)BBVbBBBBBBBBBsflJBBBBBBBY King street, nt 7:3u. Mem- above: "The word 'probably,' It seams to me, would show New York K. T. llnll. i. P. COOKE Managsr Tho Klloliana Art will henr that ber f Mystic Lodge. No. 2. Wm. knows very little of what has happened In San Francisco." n talk, "Art Treasures of Old Slenn." ' Lodge, No. S, anil vlBltlng OFFICERS. - Tho plcturo snows d fatitasf Tubm of cordially by Miss Josephine C, Loeke, In the tin- broil.era Invited. H. F. Baldwin President allien, Alexniiilcr Young Hotel, brown oak ami grnyisn plaster. Business. Satitr General J. B. Castlo Vice President day cwnlng at S n clock. A comfortnblo sofa, with cushions, Is A. n. c. c. IIOND. W. M. Alexander... Second Vice Pres. If ou havo an Excelsior lteedwooil tho most prominent article of A. S. KKNWAY. K.Il.S. furniture. L. T. Peck Third Vies Pres. Tank nttnehed to our bouse J on wilt Ilcliind this stunds a screen which bides 1 Market Street Was J. Woterhouse Treasurer never he oblige In suffer Inconvenience BE.NATOII UE.VJAMIN J TILLMAN. HONOLULU LODGE 616, D. P. 0. E. E. E. Paxton Secretary uiirliiK u Hhorlnge of wnter. LenerR & W. 0. Smith Director Cooke biic a number of sires on hand. If elected be would tiso n pitchfork on Honolulu I.odgo No. 61G, U. P. O. K-- . Iloth Captain and Mrs. Nlhlnckf may the president nml later In n speech nft-e- r III luill, on Miller linve been In S.in during will meet thi'lr I'muclsco tlin his eutrnneo to tho senate called anil Iteretniiln streets, every Krlilny SUGAR FACTORS, enrtluiunku. They left hero on tlio evening, Mongolia nnd arrived there last week, Not Under Water him "the bull necked nnd Idolatrous oc- COMMISSION MERCHANTS and cupant tho lly order of tlio II. 11. Captain Nlhlnck is stationed on tlio of Whlto House," at the HagHhlp Chicago. snuio time referring to Secretary Car IIAUUY II. SIMPSON, INSURANGE AGENTS 'I llslo ns "tho Judas from Kentucky." Secretary. ho "Mlkn Wright" clear Havann The story of the water coming up Market street Is exploded, dgnra Iiiimi met In nddresslug nn niidleueo tho sena- it. i:. MUituAY, i:.n. wllh Instnnt fnor hero Cables received from the operato rs In San Francisco were published enjoying popu- " Ajcnti for mid mo n tiemendoiis and morning to fol lowing tor does not believe In flattery, lie larity on tho mainland. I.c.iillng yesterday tills the effect: Wm. M'KINLEY LODGE No. 8, K.of P. & Co. cigar coming wns onco hissed nt n meeting In Hawaiian Commercial 8ugar Hell them, "Water upmarket street." htamls HiiyRehleu Tobacco was a message ved by local office and later given Charleston nnd broke out with; Haiku Sugar Company. Co. wholesale This service recel the Meets every Saturday evening at are dtstrlluilors. out to the public on. appears In of "ThU Is tho fifth tlmo Pvo tried to Pala Plantation. MUs C. for general informatl It that the haste 7:30 o'clock In K. of P. Ilnll, KIiir Hokc Davison dlslucnted her transcribing the message an error w as made and the sentence should read: poke sumo scusa in tbo heads of you Maul Agricultural Company. light mid was In- - ttrett. Visiting brothers cordially la shoulder otherwise coming up people, but I supposo you want Klhel Plantation Company. Juied yesterday aflenuKin tlunugh "Fire Market street." don't IH' to attend. tlio means is not sub merged or was not when message It, n'nd I you'd beat your Hawaiian Sugar Company. tailing or u horso shu wns driving, Tho This that the city that think better M. M. JOHNSON, C.C. was sent. The destruction therefore seems to havo been done almost wholly stnmpedo Ilko n lot of cow- Kahuku Plantation Company. lioix' slipped on tho sidewalk while be- drums and K. A. JACOI1SON, K.K.8. by the tire that followed the first sever e sheck. ns you did second tlmo I Kahutul Railroad Company. ing driven Into tho Ward premises on ards, tlio enmo You nro n of old fossils, Haleakata Ranch Company, King street. here. set HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. O. E. A clause, of all lire, policies Issued In been paid, but It shows, that other and you can go to tlio devil In your localities liable tu convulsions of nn-li- lauds, which wcro sold at the sumo own wny. I don't want your votes." Meets on tho 2nd and h WHDNKS pruliles that: "This company time nnd under tlio same circum- One of tho famous episode In tho sen- evenings nf each monlli nt 7:30 Another of. DAY Shipment hhall not be liable, for loss or dnmngn stances,, nnd which wero puichased by ator's enreer was Ids, encounter on the oVIoclt In K. of P. Hall, King street. occasioned by nny volcano, Mandamus King Knlakaua, were paid for by him; or tliruugu floor ot tbo scpato with his colleague Visiting Hnglca nro Invlteil to at luuvul-i-lo- n believes ' earthquake, hiiirlrano or other mill the petitioner therefore from South Carolina, Mr. McLuurln, tftiid. disturbance) that the King paid for tills tract also. or by nature," tbo two men coming to blows and be- SAM McKnAOIIB. W.P. MONUMENTS Major Vnn It is further clinwn that tho petition- Vllet, commnnilnnt of ing punished by tbo .senate by tempo- II. T. MOOUH. W. Secy. Camp McKlnley, Is quoted as haying er has often asked the Land Commis- 17 that ho could not venture nn opinion sioner to deliver It n patent for the rary suspension from membership nnd expulsion HAWAII CHAPTER No. 1, ORDER OF lis to whether the fortification of San Against laud, mid has offered to pay tho $170 from tho chamber. It was JUST RECEIVED during bis administration ns governor f KAMEHAMEHA. Francisco had linen Injured or des- with Interest from the time of Hie snlc. AT 1018-5- 0 ALAKEA ST., troyed by the citthquiikc. Ho thinks This offiir has, Iiowover. been refused of South Carolina that tbo dispensary It by Pratt, who claims Hint petition- was passed. Tho of 4 every THIIIIS-HA- BY C. AXTELL & CO., would he wonderful If they had not the law enforcement Meeta first and third J. er lias no right to patent either of each. month In Fraternity llnll, been lujilied. tho tbo new law occasioned riot's, and In P. 0. BOX 642. I - with payment IkjiIbo Odd KellowH' IlulldliiR, Fort Htrcot, At nlKiut o'clock yesterday ntfer- or without the It tbelr suppression tho governor ruled at Hie In con- p. A full PHONE BLUE 1801, HONOLULU iiiioii Judge Do Holt llnally excunoi'. the Shown that land question for n tlmo with an Iron hand. 7:30 o'clock in, nttendnnto Pratt of u long strip, averaging (100 feel Is every meeting. Nicholas and gambling ense sists Senator Tillman was born In Edge-Hel- LIYIXCI II001I. desired nt Jury, (oulil In width, running between two gulches, Transaction of Business. an It nut ngico on a verdict. county, C, In 1817. Ho left When tlio Jury went out tho Jii'rom and that It Is 800 feet nbovo sen love), X tho foot of n brown oak staircase, lead- N. KintNANDRZ, GAMARA An nllernalhe of mnndnmus school to Join tlio Confederate nrmy, ing rail-'in- g & CO., Mood six to six. On u later ballot tho wilt uas never been fenced, used or cultivat- Into nn upper room, Over tho Kuauliaii. - but'nn Illness which icsulted In his los- was M'vcn five, soon tho wns this noon Irsued by Judge Iloblii- ed, that It has not materially changed of tbli hang n bright colored rug. lesult lo but ing ha sight of one cyo provcntcxl his LIQUOR DEALERS. Juiors stood six to six ngalu, and they sou, on dm petition of tho Knplolniil In value since the, sale, and that It Is Kluillnr rugs dceWuto the floor. Tlicro COURT CAMOE8, No. 8110, A. O. F. anything except pasturage. being n soldier. Tlio chnractcr of tbo Is n largo fireplace, QUEEN AND ALAKEA 8TREET8, remained In this proportion 'until tho Hstnte. Mil., through Its attorney, (J. unlit for surmoiintcsl by a end. W, South Carolina member Is a puzzlo to munlcl covered W'ltli,attractlvoplcture3. ovory nnd 4th of TEL. MAIN 492. Ashfoid, ngaliibt Commission- Meets Id Tuesday The steamships In Hun Francisco at glvo Tho Hermans spend on drink In n, observers pf national events and those Tho furniture) Is of tirown oak, to mutch p. An- FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED. er Pratt. It dlretlH Pratt lo tlio each mnntli nt 7:30 in., In San the time of the earthquake were: Mon- petitioner a patent or )oar nliout 1)700,000,000, which Is three participating ju them. Ills friends say tlio woodwork. tonio Ilnll, Vlneynrd xtrect. Orders delivered to all parts of city, to certain lands, golia, Sonoma, American. Hailing to nppenr befhie on April Uu tl,ipes,tlio cost of tho nrmy nnd nay that ho Invariably presents Ids worst The. cntlro clfcct of room is sim- VlrltliiR brothers cordially Invited tho Court tin mscls: Hark Andrew Welch, birU Al- cause, combined, or soven times the cost of sldo to tho public; that' bo Is n man of I to attend, to show why ho should not do so. ple, unpretcmloui nn irmiellko. bert, bark (lernrd C, Toboy, ba,rk Tho petition, cm wns prlmnry education to the country, and great ability, a genial companion and K. C. which tho writ n. n i.. n.UMu. A. VIKIIRA. It., May, barkcnllne Uuioumlo, Issued, alleges following almost eflimls tlio national debt, flro enter only when making n political M. C. PACHKCO, K. S. Electric Flash Lights the facts. The ' K'hnoncr W. II. Mnrston. Tho forego- Kaplojanl Kntate Is tho nsslgneo mid 4 tm speech. ing are only those, which uro In Hie Ho- Tim wm Id has pnly J(),0()q,t)0p,00Q tons Investigation Is to'ho mndo by a ALL SIZES. grantee of all the right nnd claim HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1, I. 0. R. M. nolulu trade. Thee was necessarily, n which the Into King Knlakaua had to of Iron oiu available, and tho supply U committee of tho New York Labor Con- great amount of shipping In tlio .century. other tho lands at Kemoo, In Wiilnlua dis- likely to run JUiotLlusliia.ai'Ji The BU8INE88 MAN'a HANDY ference concerning the conditions lead- I harbor. In- every Meets second nnd fourth GUY OWENS Co. trict. This tract pf land, vlileh published In the. Saturday Bulle. ing to tho murder charges against M oy- KUIDAY of each month In I. 0. O. K. Perhaps you aro a collector of pog cludes G2'4 lines, wbb offered for oalo tin and the Weekly Edition, gives a er. Haywood and Pcltlhone. awaiting llnll. Phone Main 315. Union St nr. Hotel til cards. If not you ought to be. Tlio nt public auction on April 21, lfBT. by AUTHORITY conclso and complete resume of all le- trial In liaise, Idaho, for tha killing. of Visiting cordially Invited to coma was BY lirothera fad lias to stay nnd Is both I.uther Ahoo, who then Minister gal notices, calls for tenders, Judg- Steuncnhcrg- - In tho attend. nnd entertalinng, Loose of tho Interior. , ments, building permits es- to com-tnltt- NOTICE. and real bo held between tho W. C. MeCOY. Sachom. No I cards loso half their value. They It Is shown that nt this miction Kins tate transactions. Evening Bulletin, nnd tho prisoners, Governor a.i:. MunpnY.cofit. Guava Charcoal should bo plated In an album, whciu Kalukaua was tho highest bidder and Pe"" month. Weekly Bulletin, (iooillng bn Joiquln Andrndo filed an 756 of Idaho nml others, will they can bo properly displayed, You had tho tract knocked down to him for Jose has 81 per year. present. Tho prisoners nro Kept In tho CUT KINDLING WOOD, Northwest, A Large Stock Always on Hand, will bo Interested In our lino of albums $170 u memorandum of tho sale being cpjillriitlon for a fith class liquor llceiuo rcnltentlary while awaiting their trial, If you nro interested III postal cards. mado on tlio government's books It Is it Alumina, Hamnkua, llnwnll. Any Tito (ate ittrlko among postal and us It Is Is DELIVERED, $7.50 PER CORD. considered that this safer GONSALVES & CO., LTD. Tho pages of tho pl(iunis aro so pro- also alleged that no patent has over protests against the issuance of thlt telegiaph employes haB convinced tho nnd moro convenient for tha locnl s, rated that, tho cornel's of the cards nro been Issued conveying title to the land license, should bo filed In this olllco by Hiisslau Government tliat women aro QUEEN ST, lilted Into silts nnd may bo romo'ved to cither tho King or nnyoue else1, and Monday, May 7. 1900. moro reliable than men, and hence- i for Inspection, at any time without In the petitioner believes It Is entitled to A. J, tonty-on- o Rng-Ma- Jl. C. MONTGOMERY CAMPJIHU.. forth only women will bo accepted In Sixteen out of the li Dlank books of all corts, ledgers nny wny damaging either the card or have siidi a patent Issued. Tho peti Treasurer Territory of Hawaii. tho postal-mi- telegraphic classes. coronations that took place be- jr. u. uau iui, icl. mmci iui. tic, manufactured by tlio Ilullotln rub tho ulbuiu. Honolulu l'hoto-Bumil- y tioner Is not precisely Informed wheth Treasurer's oin.ee, Honolulu, April Thus In tho course of Urn.) nil tlio tween William II nnd Kllzabeth, both er or not the nurchaco nrlen hau over 17, 1900. 3301-3- 1 places YARD, corner QUEEN A M(.ILANI. , will bo occupied by women. Inclusive, wcro hold on a Sunday, uJJx& A.V ..- - ft . - M&mLJmimMjA - "U-r- X ... , MlMliilTiftllSMt ui.! j,,j,i,mu&$hmt .. irtdflhinrW, .W.V.l , nVRNINO IU1M.RT1N. HONOLULU, T. II.. FRIDAY. APIUI, 20. 1000. a

lUWWlt rlty received little knowledge of what Francisco lo carry out private com- had occurred In Ban Francisco and tho missions; to deliver money, letter or IS Statej-bcjone- Nam . rest of the l the fact that panels from Honolulu people to their n sha- Ban Francisco had been severely Han Frnnclsco friends and relatives Special In ken and that tho loss of life and piop- - undertaking this work for thu reason Danderine Bargains erty was probably very great. that tllo postofllto system of Ban Is probably time de-- SttlBUE Then cablo communication censed Francisco nt this GREW EVERY BIT OF IT. JL Si and awful nnxlety set in, for hundreds morolizcd and Is likely to be to for. And wo can of people In Hawaii have friends' and some little time, and It Is also likely lehtlvus in Ban Francisco. to ho some time beforo perfect cable NOTTINGHAM NEWS POURS IN. service Is resumed. PROVE Sargent Recommends It was announced that when cablo V. A. Ilryan leaves for San Fran communication with San l'ranclnco clsro on tho Ventura and will under-tak- IT. win had been live fire whis- to executo private commissions XttSs tles would blow, Kvorvbody wns on there for Honolulu people. Anything Forfeit LACE CURTAINS Of tho alert to catch the signal when It to bo sent by him can be left' here f sY Chinese Miould come. Such was the strain of 'with Trent &. Co, anxiety that on several occasions when Cd, 11. Miller, of Thro. Davles & Co.. rnso ca'ADARis. fire whlstlo blew for a flro, peuplo will olso go up on tho Vcntuia and Milton JnTjrt'miK. Juu S, iri. the not. I Urn 1)40 ktririo C K Washington, Immediately Jumped at the conclusion will deliver anything thai people hero iTAnKnur-Aor- jA yean oca mr April 9. Commissioner It was agreed cable signal, or ImirrriatiK'orwltarotnoofit mrl in tlciicnil .Sargent of llio Immigration that tho may want to send to frlonds in t. .' iiMmL .vwn n,tori tiuicf I cnt ro bat 1 Uiat 1 wv many rushing to the table onice and Frnnclsco. Hu will have !. .. i. . .11 ;rt Ikfftfl IllVUIII a met drmrrrt tsrrvkc was heard tod.iy by tlio House about San Vli'AYJ iiIitmis iJioxopraiu nun trrumrv nafatofmXhntriTi.jit I the newspaper unices for Information I largs placards printed, bearing tho liLilnro not nlM)lulcIy rU h1 truant rtm Committee iu Foreign Affairs relative uciiiuik tfiitun wonlc mr II. that might give some duo to the fate names people In San to tinsolicitcM. rnMr nln? ll ati ir I thu piopotcel amendments to tliu of Fumtlsio and rtotirH fnJtiufffmU lrmnntrnrtit r (j of loved ones, without waiting tu count parcels M proof Twwillvc Cilnec exclusion net. The Commis- ,nboni letters or are directed fra ThH tint 2'lKFJPl''2KLWL'2ul'?; tho number of blnsts of tho whistle, placards will bu placed proml DANllKtIINIi it the greatest pi" r il El Jv sioner reviewed nt length the difficul- These eui.lrntir,iHimii Hut at 10:15 this mcJriilng the five pen y about the ruined city, so that lialrnnd scalp Invigoraliiic: rcmccly 1 2J,f".Vi.'.'"; .',': ruff. ties In the way of enforcing the pres- p. whistles, rmiounclug that the cable mny somu men BBSHMBHHSnB "c WOTICl lias CVCr I.110WU. rrwiT.mn-- law consignees learn that M . j I.H of T . ! ort wns wcro sounded. KTBLSi XZ v - dirt r virlan !r i,i The causo of There vage awaits them from llnvvnll. " ""Mij;uu.iirfmivKiiinniirein.!..... iiiluMiiafwla((lir..ia. n. On gtc.itcst complaint no this time. Then tl.u bimbbm Imttlo for 2JC. which wllllcuouglit'i tiiirrri.ipi!riiniir. Now was mistake While tho great suspense Under which Sale arose, In his opinion, 1T" vt,,:"' from the fact lttt "' news bclau to pour In Honolulu has been laboring for near mtlsfyyou that it will t.nslucc liair. nd do It quickly, or that what an Ion six -- nto known "seel FOR INFORMATION. by sciiel this ADVURTISIOIUNT to us with tin cents in stunps of silvrr to rmyimL , certificates," In pass- EAOER ly two dnys Is somewhat relieved which ntc reality 'newsboys rushed excitedly and we will send you a largo sample by return mail. The sAinplc" wo gtv c i.k- I. - Scores of. )lu tni,i0 mCssngo from Sal; Franclco , j one-thir- ports lit Chinese privileged to land In I . enough to tKiicfiual result-)- A saving of at least and In many eases a great deal more in tln llulluln ofllce. shout nc "extra this morning, anxiety has but I.I jinslucc in many ei,j lieli gineniH t sV n bide (Ms cuunlry, ero mmlo out In hlniiK falItngnniUt.irttliclia;rtcif:rowini.'ni.'niii. N'OWim i.'-.t- even bcforb.'ihe paper had received any comes In the rc.il' s..lvnlnlldn can be effected on every pair of curtains purchased during Jiy llnlteil Mates' Cointiilur In abated. Tho relief CO the week ollhcrs word oyer. the? wire. Is 6i.s,2Gc.,GOc.,$1.00iH.rboUio. KN0WLT0N DAHDERIIIZ ClilcaE'. Chlnn anil were Bold Tor u consider.!-lo- zatlon of the fact that there forio Kxclte'mtnt was not confined to the ' at this store. This Is another one of Jrjoi.qJ'are, opportunities presents" The remedy, he suggested, was limit to th catastrophe; that Sin For Sate and Guaranteed by Holllster Druy Co. boys', howoyer, for hundreds dropped Francisco has not been swallowed up, cd to housewives and hotel keepers In which they can replace oe5, to'lmVc ofnicrg In Chlhi who shoulfa '' Investigate wlm lover business occupied them at as somd may havo Imagined. Then the tcrtltlcuto Issued to moment If they had no defin worn new a Low Cost" ever- - tho and. tlieie Is relief In news of tho fact 'hat 1 or out curtalno with ones at surprisingly Chinese und who should send to da next, made with tho In which ho ite Idea as.ttrjunt what there is apparently no further uaturnl steamship sailed for tho streets to mingle together Besides, we havo an Immcnso ntcortment to choose from. nrppcr papers to Immigration au- nnl dUlmb.mce threatened and that 'tie the the prub-ibl- c news while wait thorities at the port of destination, the discuss flro which followrd tho earthquake Ii Every curtain Is full length and width 3 yards long and SO to ing (or tho llrst messages over the lino, pretty KEEP means of readily Identifying tho Chin-er- a welt under control. 'riils morning Honolulu knew Hint nlxMt unit tho certificate. Nothing has thus far hevn said CO Inches wide, was still an attempt being mauc It Sargent declared that today Mexico there the shlpolng nt San Francisco nnd to open the San Francisco cable, Sup- Is Impossible to say whether tho So- $1.00 QUALITY, ON SALC AT PAIR Is Hooded with Chinese who mo school- RalncS of the local ruble COOL .75 ing themselves for entry erintendent noma, and the .Mongolia, big 1'ac.llb fraudulent onieo having received word from Now by Into tho United .States. Tho situation ocean liners, have been destrci)cd Jt.50 QUALITY, ON 8ALE IT S1.15 PAIR York that tho cnblu peoples San Frnn the llro or otherwise, or whether they us to Canada Is very much hettcr than was tho Sun ngo, clsco superintendent at In some wny managed to escape. 2.25 QUALITY, ON SALC AT PAIR It uns several cnrs because of nn cablo endeavoring to get 31.50 agreement with tho Finucisio hut if tho Sonoma escaped nnd Is In a Canadian railroads n battery to- - him AN CLCCTRIC FAN WILL HELP YOU DO IT TIIESC $2.50 QUALITY, ON SALE AT PAIR Sargent also advocated nn amend- n;nt condition til make the voyage to Hono- 31.05 MOD AT CABLE OFFICE. to tho present lavv requiring nil lulu on schedule and If she Is not held ment wlilslli-- s lilcv, a mob HOT DAYS. $2.75 QUALITY, ON SALC AT PAIR In reregist- When the flro hick (even though she be unharmed), 31.80 Chinese this country to ho made, for tho ConimeriJal Pacific Cable ered, lie said tho country Is full of she will no doubt bring here people $3.00 QUALITY, ON SALC AT PAIR Company's ofllco In tho Young fmlldln, A S2.10 Chinese who arc here In violation of who can tell of their own personal WE OFFER YOU GOOD FAN THIS WEEK FOR $13.00. wlicio messages wcro posieu as i.isi as In great catastrophe. Inn $3.25 QUALITY, ON SALE AT PAIR thu law After the ho llio SS.IiO arrived, the loeul cablo pcoplo fclie would then send out of tho country they can bring no newspapers contain- tnus shuwlifg how much they appre- unci $3.50 QUALITY, ON SALE AT 32.10 PAIR all Chinese who did not havo proper ing details of the wreik ruin, fur (crlllUulcs ciated the anxiety of the public for nil the newspaper plants, according to $4.00 QUALITY, news of San' Frnnclsco and California. ON DALE AT PAIR dllllculty of Chi- the message of Cubic Superintendent Co. 32.00 The enforcing the In (ouncctlon the local cable Hawaiian Electric nese exclusion net, Sargent sold, Is be this .McKcnna, have been wiped out. $5.00 QUALITY, ON SALC AT 53.S5 PAIR pcoplo docrvt! tho greatest credit, PHONE MAIN 300. muse or tho dishonesty of American prulfo and tho gratitude of tho public attorneys. The Chinese Six Companies manner In they, from 1 In Han fur the width FREIGHTER ARRIYES ' l'rnnrlBco, rig well as other Inter all In nower This proportion of prices up to $6.90 a pair! .. J the beginning, did their rstcd parties, ho oald are the Interests to get communication and, when It was The stock Is and come lines have as many as six now actively engaged In efforts to gel established, spared no pains to deliver Willi n load bf assorted freight, tho different patterns of the Same Price to select from. the law broken down by lax amend- A.-l- l. B. B. N'ebraskan arrived fiom ments. a. 3 yesterday BULLETIN FIRST WITH NEWS. Ban Frnnclsco nt o'clock Ho t'cnlcd that tho Immigration Un with Us afternoon nnd was lied up lo the Hall- As usunl.jtho llulletln, way PAST rein wan responsible, for thu Chinese splendid modem equipment, gave the wharf. Sho left San FruncUeu boycott Tho tommlttro had before It April 12, und the first news uf tho llrst news to tho public. - the Poster bill, hut Sargent did not "rlhquako wn ll'arnci1 ''- ll,"sc "" (I ngiec that this was tho proper remedy it.?l.,.,.C.lJ'."l..vV. . koanl niter lliey arrlve.1 here. Tl.u GENERATIONS ,wi edi passengers S.in 1'runclsco Call. tion was nulled out with tho new of three on board tho Nrbrns OF N. i u cablegram having liecu received from kan were Chai. Ilelllnu, C. A. Hartwcll 8. SACHS and a Air. Underwood, i III emeu, Germany, olllccs of II. , GFE1T EXCITEMENT tho had on n 41 Hnckfcld &'Co , by Ilackfeld, here, The Nebrusknn board iiiiin J. F. her of animals. weru BUSINESS MEN giving tho llrst detailed Infor- domestic Thero definite 31 head cows, horses mules, und (Continued from Page 1.) mation of tho Callfotnln horror. of and Dry Goods Company Ltd. 3(0 hogs, besides n number of were undoubtedly "up arjalnst It" with only the "pigeon. Are the damago amounting nt least to CABLES FROM FRI8CO OPERATOR. other CORNER FORT AND DCRETANIA STREETS. 3ir,o,oon,c(ifi. animals. Including poultry Thu load hole" office furniture. At 11 o'clock, the second llulletln on the Nchraskau was smaller than UVWVU3AAVt"yVVUUVMVVVVWtAtVn l))n.imllo wan used to blow up sec extra was out with all of tho messago vlous to make gaps to check the con usual. Tho Ncbraskan will take on Today the of the San Frnnclsco cable operntor some sugar hero and wilt depart for llagr.itlon which had started In many up to nt received that hour. Tho man Kahulul at S p. m. Sunday evening GLOBE-WERNICK- E places, olmullaneously. pf tho cnhlo Is 'paralyzed tho San Fianclsco end i The water system was Biipcrintcmlcnt .MeKenim. Ho stuck All socUon Hits JOHNSON MUSTi HANG. the business and half to thu ilctermlnailon of getting In goods have already transformed thoutands of offices Into residence district has been destroyed touch with Honolulu nnd tho rest of by fire. At present tho flro Ik pretty the world since tho first of tho terror. (Continued from Pago 1) burn- a. m., wus well under control, though still As soon as ho evidently 11:20 when tho jury sent Oi'Hces ing connected, to deliberate, on Business The Ilrst shock endured for having received tho battery ho had nut Its verdict Are you so posltlva that yours does not need transforming 11:311. Jury to nhout n minute. Tho newspaper build. .been waiting ho At tho returned the Ings wiped cable, com for, wired what room. arc nut. Thu uul to tho ofllco hore with court While It had been out for pany can't do nuy business nud there nil possible' dlspntclr. ten minutes. It bail repent actually only Is nc ass In their accepting It. Tho four nilnutts In tho Jury room, just THE OPERATOR'S STORY. enough chief disturbance seemed, to thu man To ,lhe crowd at tho cablo tlmo to tnko thu flit ballot, Hcndlng tho message, lo bo confined to excl'cd which Hawaiian Office Specialty Go. I nlllcc, thtough tho messages posted by wns iinnnlmoiis and conclusive. QUALITY tho peninsula. "Your Honor, wo havo arrlveel n thu rnblc pcoplo, nlul to tho goncr.il at (Jiprw Hire-ma- n EVERYTHING FOR 8EVERAL TOWN8 DESTROYEO. public, through Iinnnlmoiis verdict," reported THE OFFICE. Ily way tho extra editions of Ilrcmcu, (lormuny. to by tho llulletln, .with nil (ho news T. II I'etrle. handing tho verdict llnelifelil & Co., n cnlilci tu tho '1 r here, this Hint cnino over (ho lino, Cable Bupir clork. morning tells of tho California towns Intvndent McKeiuia .at tho Ban Fran Clerk M. T. Blmonton tinfcildcil the Cruz, .Monterey, Hob paper It of Saiitu (illroy, Cisco end, from tho hut where ho had and read aloud; lister and Sanla Hnsa having been managed to mako connections, tnld "We. Iho Jurors In tho ntiovo entitled and many Uvea lost, Tho couse. find eliarg-- svwiivvrMivvMitfvivvivv'nwwwvvtt San the rtnry of thu havoc wrought, oh he defendant guilty ns Francisco reports Oakland and In tho Indictment. right: had learned II. Ho closed with the "(Signed rledmont us all that statement that ho had not slept slnco ) T. ii. prrniii:, THE BUTTER MUST tho uhako ns not so bad there tho night beforo the earthquake. Ho "Foreman." and thero was no fire. Tho cablo by ho was very Ho wus going Juelgo Robinson asked Harrison If ho way said tired. of Ilremen, flermnny, on thu otli lo sleep" for a llltlo while. Ho would wished to bnvo tho Jury polled, Ho liniut, repents HImun-to- BE BEST rr that Oakland has win any further news as hu got It.. answered In the nlllrinatlvv. THE been seriously damaged, suffering then asked the) Jurors: "Is that Tho moKsago of McKcnna appear otherwise the meal stands a very great chance of being spoiled. In gK'.itly from tho curthuuak?. This In other columns. your verdict?" Blmonton addressed bottling message also reports moru earlhcpiako ench Juror liidlvldiinlly, and each some articles of diet more or less leeway In tho matter of quality may I rainier works CLAMORING FOR be any being With itPJ DETAIL8. unpleasant experienced. S i shocks yesterday and concludes with Iho verdict with n "Yes." allowed without results lisp-S- Honolulu. Phone White 1331 j Is i the; su Ai soon us it was known that mes butter, however, this not the case. The best Is none too good for tf) tho Statement that Hiireeliels sages Ilnrrison then noted exceptions til gar ii llnery has been destroyed, Thu were coming from tho Ban Fran- tho verdict as being contrary to tho your family and for your guests. cisco operator prubLhlllly Is (hat tho Ilremen h telephones nil over tho law and tho evidence, These wero CRYSTAL SPRINGS DUTTER IS THE BEST. city nnd all ovjr tho iHland won call Is exaggerated In Its reference allotted, Tho Court then thanked tho TWO POUNDS FOR (J5d to outside, towns. ed Into uso and newspaper olllees, In Jury for Its Work and discharged it LATEST INFORMATION. particular, were besieged by Inqulrlo Ho set tho sentencing of tho defend Tho Ban Francisco messago thu for dctnlls, nnl for next Tuesday at !) n, m. Htory of tho rablu operator Is tho From Walalua, Walanae, Uwn, Fearl During this" entire scene Johnson latest Information, Cable Superlnten-ilui- r City, Honolulu plantation, and from stood up, ns did tho rest of tho people Metropolitan Meat Co,, McKanna, of course, roiild tho villages of windward Oiihu, trout In thu court room, but bo showed re, Ltd. l Manacea remit Water . where, obsurvn-Hon- In whero are only what cumo within his livery fact, tlieio special sign of distress nt hearing that 'PHONE MAIN 45. A man might lis In a building folks who havo relatives In Ban Fran. his fntcf was relied. 'lie wore Just Just VIMAAAAWVVVVVIAAtyVIAnArWlAAAAnAnAAAnAAnA-V- with tenor nil around him and not Cisco, came telephonic calls asking the 'same' anxious and bewildered look - wns California, A Digestive Marvel --- . icaltzu a fraction of what had occur- What uowi! thero from that has been stumped on his fuco for "4 eel. On the other hand, not knowing Uvcry bit of Information was studied, many dus past, and no pnrtlculur amWm iwkfiiiikfi(iWt0ijlnti pHtahf ever) thing that wns going on around pondered, discussed, 'theorized upon, lhaiigu was noticeable. JiMiJ'Si him, ho might got an exaggerated, Idea und considered with anxious cnnvThb Tliu Jury which returned thu verdict of oci urrcnc.es. significance of each word was thought. As as follows: foity-elgh- fully weighed unci where bopo or Slops that distress after eating After neurly t hours, uf W. M. Iliichiinnn. John Coffee. I.. C nitnu-lnf- e could ho wrung; from a I. '" " HH Ill .., tcrrlhlo suspense, Honolulu this snir King, Julian Harries, CIiiih. J. l.iul something definite 4jf thu tl'iico It wus" taken with (omfort. Nov wlgsen. Harry Kynuin, A. M. IBETHESDA learned lu.irful eur(hihaku In California. or bus anything In tho history of the P. ft l'elrln. W. ill Seiner. S. Aj Weil so thu peoplo here, ar Waukesha's Mineral Willi llio llrst brief nnnouniement Islands stirred ker,. JDh,Yn.tuirbciigv and i:, fi. Width? ORIGINAL Water For by cutastiopho on tyiilucfcday thlii tias-thl- s Ban Francisco disaster. i sale by your druggist, or of thu ALL BUSINESS HOU8ES DOWN. HEALTHPUL - STIMULATIlSia A. 4. Lyon, tho manager of Win. C. itiMiiiirir , REAL E8TATE BARQAINS. Lyons & Co., Ltd., who Is' exceedingly A New Mun In Every Bottle. FOR SALE. Well acquainted with Bun, Francisco, f POR 8AL11 RVURYWIlURU of years, where ho lived for a number S. Yamamoto has filed another pelt. Wt C Peacock & Co,, Ltd On easy monthly payments, Inrgo mod. sayj that ll Is siifo to kay that uvcry (Ion for up ulternattve writ Of man orn Cottago, 1213 Matlo'k Ave.; i bank and big business bouse had been McIATil-AN- Li & Co.. Sole Agents. SOLE IMPORTERS destroyed. damus tu (oinpel Treasurer CiimpMI bedr., 1 block from 2 car lines, small cablcgrnui kays that tho Issiiii u He ns n hnl, "When llio to him cute pharmacist 49t&&l!&WUiHfHfrAmwJl cnt.li pujment, S. portion east of Van Ness nvenuo has or show cause why he should not, A fenv cholcu Iits at l'uunul Avo. Bar liecju dcktioyce), It tu snfo tti maku tho shows' that Campbell refuse,! The ISLAND MEAT CO. gain. F.usy terms, Hvveeplng statement that tho entire lo grant his application although lie InislncbB uf Ban hYnnelsco lias had experience ami Do X.'JO acres tract off N'uuauu Ave. Hen.- section hid the had tharef You Think? been destroyed," 'nuld Lyun's. "All tho rcciillroiVliv Tho writ was ty wutcr, Closa tu car lino. cffurei la. saves money. Main hlg business houses und all, tho banks Issuod by Judge Robinson und made re- That's what makes and Just THINK of Telephone FOR RENT. are locatod In that1 section, Thero are turnable for April 30 147 when you want your clothes attended to. la In a splendid position to secure for Its patrons the very best Island meat, Fun.loiiod C r. Cottage, Manoa Val nono outside of It. They must all hnve Icy Ideal homo, good bath' put out of business, at least' tem Tho Industry or Chile ylelcla Island every Summer been nitrate HONOLULU CLOTHES CLEANING CO. carefully handled. Also Poultry of description, lug, Mountain air. Btnhle. Near car porarily. San Francisco IS like. Hono- tho linvernment the enormous J. F. COLBURN. Ill, Manager. Office, Hue. Only lir.p, in. lulu In that rc'snCct: till' tho big busi sum of. Kfi.ooo.OOO In gold from Hie ex KAPIOLANI DULDNG. Iloure, newly paVllcdpS bedr; Kditklnl ness houses and port etntj. i St. 12. bno section of Uio city.'-- m las ti Jas, E. Westbrook House, 2 bedr. neach Road. $10. nniVATI- - MBRBfiNRERR. Thei'Weokly Kdltlon of tho Evening MANAGER. T. K. H. STRAUCH, Mil n In this city havo offered their llulletln hives n complete summary of The Bulletin. 75cts. montlr t w- - , - w- -, ner w , TELEPHONE MAIN 78. FORT ST. OPP. LOVE DLOQ. Walty Uulldlng. 74 B. King St. pervious as special messengers; ip Sail the news oi tuo day. For SI a yeari1 w: I a - jftitl.t.at L . J -- frfttpfiiifidi..., .- iir.Jr..a. mjmik s J . Bljt ,nlM He Up WKk .1 nVKNMNO HUI.I.ETIN, HONOLULU. T. It.. WliUY. AI'ltH, 20. 1008. ,

Hv! I cossln Hint helns 111) one nml Inline - l',lnnnrn'"for Mnreh to tho settlement fill nlcco run for n year, no matter how rurilllinnlll Will ,or ,,,e ,,ow re- - degraded may bo, In I IN croakcr ,,,vva,,, ? uf our Hawaiian revenue, nnd much trIUal or It and cvfcNIHli BuLLfc K0,,e' n , , . , I llablo Information nboiit the I "sources such case, of roiirsc, the educational Received Kbf- - 111 other words, cheer up. Don't for- - J DUUKs, UUUKlbll 4 and possibilities of the South. (Wells, character of tho theatre would bo en- - Just K IMibllnlicd Every nay Except Sundai, ?.cl l" ". "ytnpathcuc. At the rame Goodhtic, publisher, Chlcnguj. irciy lost, it, nuwcicr, iney suiri wim Willcox & Gibbs New Automatic ,,mc """ ,mo "' lllc "right Blllcs a"a I'nnnlo inH Tltinirc T .;. ; n infill sianuaru, 11 nicy succccu m BKjKt at 120 KIiik Street, Honolulu, aim In brine about fuumililo rniidl- - 1i I tUlMl dllli 1111111:3 4 Orlnlon" with Its new nt- - forming u good stock company, In aHHlMfcV I - "l'uhllc m nuns, uc mi prospect ccr no unrK. rangement of mailer In doubly coincn- - changing the bill frequently, In pre- ME T tl In Mm classical - -- lent ami Interesting, scntlng regularly the standard ft-- 1 1 1 - Sewing Machines 1 t f t f Plays, including, course, anniic- B:: K1IHK.M ANNnilKP.RMP.NT Under tho "Weekly iiuunci of THE FAVORITE FAMILY MACHINE. BULLETIN PUDLISHINQ CO., LTD. 3TANDARD WEDSTER POCKET 'American" und "Koielgn" affalrs, spcato (there should bo nt least one . II IIIIM Sociological," "Sclcntlilc." lltllg- - classic night n week) ir iney wilt un Delegate KiiIiIo'h announcement of DICTIONARY. GARLAND STOVES and RANGES WALLACE R. FAHRINGTON. . Editor Ions," "Mays Worth Hcelng." "Wit ulai this, Mr. Conreld t.nd his associates IiIh candidacy for nomination to a third A CARLOAD JUST TO HAND. OET THE UEST. R , Tho Standard Webster I'ockcl Humor," "Headers' Letters' and "Hook will deserve Hie support or tno puuiic. term, whllo not unexpected, elimi- - v Entered ut tlii1 I'ostolllcc ni llono-ihiIuI- n Hevlcws.' we set In concise but read- nnd wc. for our part, wish the new ven t nates nny Indcriiiltciicsfl thero may lias been created with vlow COFFEE and TEA POTS an scond elan mutter. of meeting Iho every day needs of of- nblc form nil wc need to know ubout lino every possible success. The names lmc been In tho Congressional situa- tho world's doings, tho lisuo ot or tlio gentlemen interested must uo tion. fices, schools and home', pio;csslonat lu CHAFING DISHES SUBSCRIPTION RATE3. people, business men, wrllcis, stenog- ICtli Is u. summary entitled "End garded as some guarantee that the ON PLANISHED COPPER. The Ilullctln believes Hint the gen- Iui- - NICKELPLATED und nil who are engaged in ed- of ihe Horrors of Sea Sickness." ntul Piomlscs made will be strictly liiKiil Itepuli-Hi-nu- rapher Payable Advance. eral colli in the ranks of ucational or literary woik. In tho March lTth number, "To Hunt lllled.' CHINA for DccoratuiB tins been Kulilo should e WHITE Evtnlnj Bulltttn. that Over 30,000 words subjects treat- Leprosy Cure In Hawaii," discusses a If be so and IVrunull, auywburv In U. H..$ .7.', rennmlnntloii desires. ed, Jticlmllng many new words not the coming of Dr. llrlnkcrholT lo "Deserted Ireland," by I'lummcr l?. EDDYS REFRIGERATORS and Ice Chests auywhurw In U. 2.UU The Inipreyrlou hat prevailed Hint tho Jones In "The World Today" for t'riU4rlr, H.. no; found even in the largu and expensive THE OLD ORIGINAL DIRECT SOM THE FACTORY. STILL l'nruar. a&ynbera U. 8 8.00 work of the ofllce has been alto- dictionaries. Ihe spelling of different Mnreh Is a well Illustrated contribu gether pleasant to him he - UNEQUALED. 1'crywar, postpaid, foreign 11.00 and has participles shown at n glance by a now Mr. Hindi's work Is taken up In tion showing the misery nnd Iguor- Weekly Bulletin. In the xlation more on account uiigiuul system, February "Periodical" (Henry l'ruwile, nnco of the Pennant class In Ireland people and l'ruiiiiuclutluu RlinionltM .50 of the call of the than from clearly marked, tho combina- London). Thero Is n picture of a rising )oungl high various I'er year, anywhere In V. 8 l.t'O personal ambition for ofllce. As tion of consonants being indicated lo v 9 actor (pago 213), William Lcwcis, who aciptalnted with 1'crywir. postpaid, foreign .... 2.U0 lie lias become better Italics, black face or other styles of We live In nn age when the dlscov supports I'rnnels Wilson In "Tho Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd. Confess nml Congressmen, his work type Mountain plays or by regular diacritical markings. crors of sclcntlilc truths lire readily Climber" nnd other POBT AND MERCHANT STREETS. has been more effective nml no doubt Vocuu-mar- y Territory of Hawaii, ) Spcclul key lo pronunciation. glvon their clues, nud It Is Intel cslliiR tills senson. Hood for our Honolulu III congenial. III III llll Mill II II III III IIIHI I nTTTTTTTTTrTI "TT" Honolulu, more of Suou)ius especially arranged to read how short n tunc ugo men wnu uuy: IJUMUIIHI )'. Delegate formally sin-te- Count of Oahu. ) Hli'io the has for buslncts, coinincrclal or social enme upon new and stall ling facts, es nccept renomlna-Hon- . O. (1. HOCKl'H. llusluess Mnnngorof Ills readiness to I'letlonnry of English pecially In medical science, were linn! Thai mint pxt client publication "The , lie will not the Iliillvtin l'ulilldiliiK Company, Mm-ltd- we anticipate that rhymes: principal characters in liter- put lu establish their priority. Now Craltbinan" devotes its April Issue being first ilnly sworn, un oath meet with strenuous opiMisltlon, and ature, famous and historical allusions; when a discovery is made. It Is reconl- - largely to art and architecture. Tho NEBRASKAN BRINGS deposes ami snys: That tho following the only thing that could prevent his mils for spelling, punctuation and ed In tho light of every other discovery. lltusttatloiis arc a great feature each Is a true ami correct statement of cir- return to Wnsliinglon would be the signs used lu writing and Up to date we know all what entitles month, nml tho lllernry matter cannot possibility Hint on ills home ho - culation for tliu week ending April icturn typography, piuoficadlng, abbrevia- any ono cibo to trcuits as 10 any par- i excelled. ((Itistnv Stlcklcy, r the 13th, 1906, of the Dally nml Weekly might find work nmoiig llnwnllnn tions; Latin phrnscs, legal form, discovery, and such 11 thing ns Usher, Syracuse, N. Y.) Mules Edition of the Evening llullnttn: people nt homo which be would con- notes, bills and lecelpts; parliamen- Happened 10 me uiscovcrcr oi uncstiic-sl- a Strong Importance. Circulation of Evening Bulletin. sider of paramount tary law; postugc; metric system; per- Is rendered elllllciilt by tho unlveisal Mncmlllnn Company nnnoiince Hie Tlmt n situation will nrlse Is knowl- Saturday, Apr. 7 2430 such petual calendar and concise history or dissemination of ull particular publication of Knlo V. Mnur's book, lie) end our ability to forecast. Nor Japanrsc-ltussla- ii war. edge. Unless disc n cry California will probably not ship Monday, Apr. 0 2176 simultaneous "A Home." This Is Tuesday, Apr. 10 2178 would we attempt to predict whether Illustrated with sixteen e nnd simultaneous publicity nre shown .1 n practical work which should bo In mules to Hawaii for a long tunc, Wednesday, Apr. 11 2169 be will m"ct with opposition In obtain- maps In colors; United States nnd new l.i .llt'ldn ll.n l.r.Mftrv ,lf atrtl'..rv1 la ing renoiiilnntlon. We are, however, Ha- ,llJ ll!l"Jl' "' cvcr' houscliolilcr. Thursday, Apr. 12 220G n possessions Alaska, Philippines, lie credit need bo given to the claims as she will need every draught ani- Friday, Apr. 13 2184 satisfied that the ntlltilile of the peo- waii, (lu.-i- and l'orto Itlco, Also Cuba, of an Investigator who lias had nccesx ; especially kindly .Miiiiii nowo I.Mrs, Average dally circulation 2222 ple toward Ktihhi Is West Indies, Central America and l'aii tu n prior discoicry uf tliu same na i.inoiu, iiuiuor oi mal she hat. Bcller got somo of Circulation of Weekly Bulletin. nnd any lonlest in the convention wlli itiuu. Canada, Eastern nnd Western ture. Two in Ilnly" mid daughter uf Julia Tuesday, Apr. 10, 1906 2370 tnliv- - the form of n complimentary o'i hemispheres; llussluu-Jupancs- c war Ward Howe, Is going to spend two this shipment. N'imber of Weeklies delivered on for his opponent railier thnn n serious territory Including China, Korea, Man- PROPOSED ENDOWED THEATRE, years In Spain. threatening or his leadership. churia. Eastern Siberia, Sakhalin d, the Island of Hawaii alone 1063 nothing I Combined guaranteed average cir- The lliilletlu believes that If Japan and Formosa, showing also Commenting editorially upon the1 Prizes for tho best answers tu tho to opinion of the world's principal cnblo routes. culation 1507 Intervenes niter the the splendid new thc-itr- which a group ot question "What makes u book sell?" Deltgnle us to his duly, he will lead L'catitlful llcxihlo black leather bind- UU1.U7ITN 1'lJIII.lHlllNCl COMI'ANY, wealthy art patrons Including J. Pier- - ro rrrrcd ,y i10 j,,,,, y. Luce Co., LIMITED. the ilepubllcnn party to nnother vic- ing (only), gold stamping, gill edges, - punt Morgan. John Jacob Astor. Wil- ,,, Mass. Schuman Carriage Co,,' In Territory nnd Counties. Indexed, 211 pages, 35c. l.ulrd & Leo, Uy C. O. IIOCKUS, tory the Ham K. Vundcrbllt. August llelmuut, , . . YOUNG BUILDING. Manager. publishers, Chicago, llusluess Harry Payne Whitney and others am ,...,.,.,. rp Among the passengers hooked to tu build In New York City, tho Theatre ,n, "",c ,K."01 n, evening nre - Bulmrrllicd nml sworn to be on tho Claiidlue this ADVANCE, HAWAII! Magazine for March, says: l,rl" of "lc llrl '""ucr of Les- Ilald fore mo HiIh Hill day of Mr. and Mrs. II. 1'. Itnlilwln. Mr. "While the theatre goer may con- - l'' Weekly, which appeared fifty il I SEA I. April, A. I). 1900. t. In U .mi fur tnrftvrreil frfUll the OtlCr Wc arc on tho eve of somo of grnliilnto upon consumma- - years ago. ear tie hlmsclr the i ii. nmiNCTTi:, ntlon recently performed on his most Important discoveries that Imui Hon of this Bchcmc, which Insures for. m PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Notary I'linllc. first Judicial Circuit. Hint ho feels safe tu reiurniug 10 iu ever been made lu the investigation of New York nt least a splendid play-- 1 . 4. .;. home. i leprosy, and tho credit will remain with lioiise. sunmsslng piobahly In inch-- I The llroadsldcs frum Patrick Henry' WILL CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE FRIDAY Al'ltlL 20. MOO Hawaii. llceturul beauty and In elaboration uf "Dcclarallcm of Eights" lu "Signs of n Unix n tlltln moro dip v, uliiln These dlscoierlcs will bo made by equipment anything cl seen on tho the Times" (Pucllle Press Pub. Co.. A Superin- lomatic wrangling, and then Algctlnu own men on own soil, bo r debt of gratitude Is due - our our fixed nml American continent, wc must nut Mountain View, Calif.), ought to bf Wc pack, haul And ship your if hIiiIT oper- will Join Esopui In Hie llmlio oi lorgoi- II1I1 phli- - tendent ti.ilucH and IiIh of perfected before (lie l'cdcral Investi- blind to Ihe fact that is no plaied w hero they cull bo learned oft by goods and save you money. LA ators ut the Tactile Cable olllie In thin tcn towns. ciovcliinn Leaner. gator unites lo begin bis work. Not unthroplu enterprise. Only by cour- - jienrl. city. They hau done all possible to only niu these dlscotcrlcs demonstrat- tesy can it bo termed 'Nutlonul' In any .;. . Dealers in STOVE WOOD, COAL and KINDLINGS. - .u. t..u. .... a ,...,v,....tin. l.ttn -f.ntinol- (he lep- tcciire Itiforiuallon for our people anil II lliu lunuiiiinv . ed In icgurd lu curriers of ucneo. It will be u'tirlvate business! "Tiie rirall" Is Iho name of .1 liuc been uulfurtnly couttcous with agree In .rinsiiniig coiiiiiuuet3 imin-als- rosy, but experiments uro being mado speculation, puro nnd slmplo, iilthough thoughtful llttlu monthly edited by Ihe Impatient crouds. Honolulu ban It is suggested that n icfcrcnduiii which lead careful Investigators to be- wauraaisuu-- in mo (menu prosjiecius joim Milton Scott at llalnvla, N. Y. ... .1.- - . li....l...l.tn ...I..!., I... rnunrtril Storage Brick Warehouse, 126 Main 58 learned to appreciate tho iilue of inblc lle e that a euro lias been found fur that 'all nil profits Mill bo devoted tu .j. 4. in King St. Phone comuiiiiilcathiii and docs not forget tliu to. New York Coinincrclal. the dread disease. Hie ercallon of tin endowment luuil1 "A Preliminary Account of IusecU high character of the men who do the for tho theatre,' which fund, as wo of Ecunnmlc Impoitanco In the llu- - lu f I V, TU llptTIlttl I? Hilt work. rt'l. m l.lnl.n "Tho (lathering of tho Churches." iindcistaiid It, would bo used to exper- - wnllan Islands," by V. W. Terry, con- - ono-ha- lt Volcano of Kllnncn." It Is by S. U aaraasapXBEXxvBKBtsKsaittsaKa tho borrower pnys nn extra "Everybody's" for April. Ily Eu- Imcnt with now plays that, ou their tinned front Vol. 11, p. 73 of the "ll.i- - per becaiise of tho mortgago lax face, might appear strong- - Truclson, who urititi favorably nml TRY THE BRIGUr SIDE tent gene Wood. not bccm to nullan Kmcilrr mid Agilcullurlst," Ij not sen o enthusiastically. law. That being clear, wo do Is a notable article. It begins by a ly to the standard. If this a most valuable conlilbutlon. can (lie-- "I I how any lOiiKclentlous legislator Iiromlse Is fulllllcd, tho projected 1 .;... . r - quotation from Ooldwlu Smith: "This . Two illustrated urtleles, "The (lainu Acirpt cheerful lews. xoti) against tiie laws repc.ii. hwii- aire will eomo nearer to a national the-- Mnrcnnl says that ho will soon com- - iMi8M gathering of I anxious the churches Callfori.lu," by Chas. W. llanlnlnii, 'I his may euund flippant but It Is to ester Herald. tttro than anything we have yel had. It mutilcato with tho residents of Murs. of I shows Hint they bellovo n religious ;i ml on tho Voscmllo Ko.ul' tbu point. will bo n welcome couiprouilse. Only "Surd" Isn ltomaneo of Junller bv Con- - ' crisis to bo nt hand." by II. 11. Howell In Xlurch "ltcereatluii CAUfOBNlA Tho San Francisco disaster the i'i,n t...nnin ulwi nrn lulktuir ten fam Iho futiiro can tell IfiMr. Conicld und stnnco .M. Allen In "Mind" Janii- - (ho The exclusion of Unitarians, recog- for will bo with Interest by leslilenu u brief nctc of the awful occurrrmc, ine may overdo tho thing. lie Is rcullj ins nssoctates will live up to llietr 11- ary, It might Interest tu lead nized ns n mistake too lato to save n and sonic or (Win. 11. Aliuls, nubllsher, period of suspense v.llb all avenues of a luxury. In tho ovent of tho price luring promises. In the absence of know what nn suv Hawaii. miction, is mentioned, anil a reference, author could find to York.) tummiinlcatluu evidently cut off. and being placed bo high as to suggest Im Stntc or city supervision, there will bo pcoplo who New I ROSE CREAMERY Ir. mado to Justice 111 ewer's paper read ubout tho Inhabit Jupiter, finally the eoullrmatliin of niury of tho position, tno puiilic may cianuu iui m absolutely 110 check 011 the 'Enduwed 4. y before tho Conference; n paper In worst fcatuics of destruction to proji-erl- manufacturing imichlues. At nny rale, llieatrc Iho piomoters can run It to In "The Niirtc's Journal of Iho l'a- - One of Iho mojt IntereslInK articles - which tho Judgo took occasion to hit (if t have hail n most depressing effect I... ilnm lu .in, fit, ills, nut utlPIl lirtl- themselves. tlioy bent on Co-s- t" II- - tho scries of "I'auiuus Atncrluiu the rigid orthodoxy of those who siilt If niu elflc for March thero Is an i on the people of this town. Many haw lee will be III common use. Al making money, they may let n success paper Souks" hy (lustav Kulilic ninnliiK lu , flclal would exclude somo of tn iblcst and luetraled entitled, "A Trip to the BUTTED dear filmus ami relatives In the wreck bany I'rcss nnd KnlckcruocKcrr. the "Delineator' Is tliut 011 "Old and the human sympathy which all feci best men in tho country Just heeausu at Home." Tho pathetic story ot l'oi-- . they could not subscribe to an Intuler-nu-t niiiu-- 1 for the suffering bus Klven rise to a There Is dnngcr in tniBts singly unci ter's rnieer Is tohl lu tho April pow Mate of public mind which is altogeth- separately considered; hut there is In- creed. her nml thoso who know the bongs ho 35c. er natural. No oiio seems to bo so slow lo learn wrote will Hud It hard lo read tliU finitely greater danger In the coalition ns The Pound Nuturttl though It be. It Is tho part rtP ,...u,u 1'l.n tilnl llm t C- a nnnow Churchman. Just now skcteh without tears. Ul , nam. ,J o'lh",miflnr friiht ...... - d they aro "trlng" in old Cnlvlnlstic of thoughtful, incii und barco trust have shown themselves able METROfOILTAN t Fresh shipment Just received. way ono of tho most prominent Doe-tor- s In women to shako themtelvcs ilear of to I'lilllppine mil. i nu Itene lliichu writes entertalnlnuly defeat the tnnti of Divinity In Episcopal the clouds of ho now and depression. beef Irust and tho dcather trust stllle tho N E "rcaison's" for April un "Aliierlcu's Cca&o exclusive coiitciuplalluu of the church lu middle Now York. Ilu Is MA.GAZI Ituc-- Suicide." Tho jupcr Ib hoiiic-wh- at tho demand of tho country for untnxed with luvcstl-Kiitlo- n dark side. It Is bad enuuKh without hides. Tho coal trust, tho liibor trust charged n denial of tho miracu- bcnsnllonal, us a eaicful be I n K exaegcruted. and tho steel trust aro apparently mak- lous birth of Christ. of tho subject by others liuu Henry May & Co. It beggars description, but that ing un Insldo urrangement lo advance shown Hint tho danger is nut so great Is no reason why our people tho price of coal. 1'hlladclphla Hee-or- Thero is a reference lu "National us reported. LIMITED. should stand around on the stieet It Kcciiis that .1 large per centum uf ioi hers and allow themselves to be births is nuicr icporlcd, uiul so fulls lo tho hatuls brought tu sort of u pessimistic stand Tho Lady "Did you say you failed HOUSES TO LET eomo lu for consideration ut to 'I here of tho Ho it is redeuiou-btralc- d still. Thero is work bo done. I.. Iiii.liinjul" Tim tlnllft "YPH Bargains in Kaimuki Lots statistician. R S ifiifi U a spirit of recuperation that has to blurted n milk route in tho summer. lliut "figures lie." IRS I bo aro tu be fostered. If conditions when tno wens were an ury. HOMES FOR SALE bioiigbl back us nearly to tliu former 9 Among tho many Bturlca told of status us may be possible utter such a A BEAUTIFUL EIGHT-FOO- ROUND '1'lirrn Ik nn lnoklnc at tile DSlll 3 pan y Mark Twain thero Is ono referring to horror. you burned your money. Trent and copi Just what Honolulu will bo able t when have tho "Mark Twain Club," described lu TOP TA3LE. do remains to bo seen, but of ull thing (ho humorist's hook. "KullowiUK tho Top is 44 Inches across. Us duty Is not tu study whether It la Kipiutor." It hccnis that 11 certain duo to gu tu tho dogs. Your Easter Costume ot Australia considered lilmselt price, S17.50 EVery dlhaster In tho United Statu, tho person pictured lu Mr. Clemen's lias alwujs been followed by un Im- bkclcli, ami resented the description. response country ut He did not to be culled Mr mediate from tho will not bo complete c.iro large. Money, men and material will ''ttfiJ0ak&mgt COMPANY, lllanlc, or to be classed even us un &. not be lacking. Courage has nut been v. I1 Kl J10ITRWSm'MA without ono of our stunnlny of Mr. Clemens. stricken fiom tliu character of tliu .j.' ir ITOCK 0B 0lSS. Murk Twain or ono of his Intimates, IriHtKAMI AtLMn, leaders, though much uf their property vV-fe22l'"-i- has rclleicd tliu biluatluii hy i.tiitlu may bo In ashes. Coulldcucu has not SPRING PARASOLS that tho original ot the sketch wits liv been destroyed, though all Immunity ing lu New Zealand u pompous club may Iremblu ut the possibilities of THE, METROPOLITAN MAJOAZINE CO until who had Mark Twain's writings those happenings which are tu far be- 3 ,J. "WEST 29STREET NHWYOB.K ult hy heart, nnd who was pioud of he- -, They have arrived and certainly 7 11 yond our knowledge r control that For Rent Just lug culled tho "whole thing" In so wo class Ihcm us IhotiKJs of (lod. are beauties. You will find a large ciety lie had elected himself president San Francisco will not ho wiped olf assortment to choose from, compri'lng of. not be lit- T G "S MT tho limp. IkV business will many Dresden Silk effects, White Hut tho sketch was "dressed" fur e?- permanently trausfcncil to competing Furnished House, Berctanla and erary effect, and uittshlo ot a moro idea ej Colored Linens, with The Metropolitan Magazine v.- cities. Her citizens will not falter. To Street; 4 bedrooms; pos- White Silk fancy furnished by thn unique Colonl.il gen- and Pongees. ociept such a defeat as tho pessimists session May 1, 1906 borders, tleman, Iho story cainu out of Marl: suggest is to llguro that vigor, cour- S50.00 Only Only No. 1246 Klnau St prices, ea. Twain's brain. SRITO age und determination have been 115.00 S1.50 to 87.50 For May Ho has ended another ot tho inci- swept away by tho flames, San l'nu Lunalllo Street 50.00 dents whero outsiders have tried to pin T to ho The filth In of "special Maga-ln- e 11 clsiu of tomorrow will refuse Walklkl Beach .10.00 We have a limited as- the cerles numbers" of "Tho Metropolitan bit of Imagination to bumo particular Just received will bo on by all Go. overwhelmed by the disastcis of Emma Street ZJO.OO sale newsdealers and booksellers on April 15, locality or man. Oovne Furniture It will accept tho lessons and sortment of '. Its very attractive cover, designed by Ldv,ard Penfleld, Gandall Lano of which the build anew on safer lines. 115.00 above Is a In black and white, Is reproduced in harmonloua col. "Justice for tho Jew." l'uper covers. Limited. Honolulu, playing an eipiully helpful Colleno Hills U5.00 ors and cannot fall to attract and please tho eye. 125 pp. J. S. Ogllvlu ii Co. Now HOTEL AND UNION STS. mid courageous putt, will i faml by lo Youiiq Street 35.00 Forsythe Shirt Waists 1 It Is a Spring fiction Issue and "Decoration Day" fnumbcr. Its contents York. Prlco 25c. .. .1 , .. ... assist If possible, but uf all things not will teem wlth'good things appropriate to the season. Its fiction features A timely appeal to "tho Jiibtlco of allow Itself to bo lost In worry and cut in the latest Eastern styles and will Include; the world for tho cessation of an un- It Is Cool misery. Thero is wurk to bo done. precedented International crime." of tho typo that calls for tho made of the newest walstlngs. THESE DAYS Work A Chance for Investors The Stampede. Dy nEX F. beach Tho book consists ot n report of tho best that Is In men. If this result of WHITE MADRA8, SC.75 EA. addresses delivered (11 Washington, D. (lod promises to Injure Ha- an act of STRIPED D. C, last January ut tho meeting of AT HALEIWA. sum-clc- Per a few days only, we will offer MADRAS, assorted The Stolen Kasaba. By w. a. waii, ovcry citizen should huvo frascr prntc-b- t agnlust tho U'.tiBsatrc of the every JUST THE PLACE TO SPEND strength and jirlilo to uso a 9 net Investment. colors, 83.75 EA. Jons In Itussla. Tlictu addresses energy that the Injury shall bo the ...$7500.00 Another "Uncle Story YOUR VACATION. WHITE LINEN, EA. Remus" a wldu reading fur they vukc the least posblblo for all concerned, S5.50 By JOEL CHANDLCR HARRIS sympathy fur ull humanity which Ilea Conditions uro what wu make them. eumowltcro lu each human breast. The best of everything A community volunturlly covers 1 that Ships and the Sea. Dy llov. T. .McCarthy. Hon, W. ALL 8TORTS OF AMUSEMENT, or de- joseph l Itself In tho suck clolli anil uslies conrad Htafford, Jlov. D. C. Mcl.cod, lion, Jl. ALL KINDS OF RECREATION, hon- Henry Waterhouse and an appreciation by Bernard Shaw of the work of a young feat will bo defeated. Courageous, American T. Ilalney, Col. Joyce, Hon, Chns, A ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME. Is n artist now In London. The above list names only a very few of the many est fighters win, It matter largely Townn nml others dolhcied nddrebses, Tickets and Information at Oahu of spirit and voluntary selection. good things that fill Its ono hundred and thirty-tw- pages of text and Illus- EHLERS trations, Railway Station and Trent & Co., or give way to grief '. Honolulu must not Trast Co., Limited. nnggs "That man Jones leads n ring up Hotol, King S3. haw many , No one can afford to miss so much of literary excellence. Halelwa ,nnilvfar. Discussion a' dog's life." Waggs 'jYcs, bo la nlnays, On Sundays tho Halelwa Limited, .a FORT. AND MERCHANT. , , - .... -- ftTRPPTR.- two-hou- r ssxasxsssskssm ssissi .a. ShM.UMi4MbMM " .(iao.djGf.aQiJ taRclcMSkcentsIc iivilut train, leaves at 8:22 a. m.; returning, aYrlves'ln. Honolulu atL10:10, nvnsiNo nuM.trriN, Honolulu, t. h aimui. 20. 190c.

.-- . , ' MNOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE .15 t:wn, $21; ZOO Klhcl, $8. Session: q-- y 100 Kwn, 2.1.7C. LOCAL AND GENERAL i I Latest sugar quotation, 3.42 cents, or $G8.40 per ton. The Easiest and Most Unob- HONOLULU, April 19. 1906 2WT if. - trusive way to secure a servant, a KTfc DISTINCTIVE Did. Asked. clerk, a room, a position or any one of C. Ill ewer 5. Co. ... 40G 11. a hundred usual needs. Is by means Smith Examines of an Inexpensive Bulletin Want Ad.l rv'i'i IN MKIAll. I fiW ,J7. ENTIRE J '.v.n l'lntilntlon Co 23U 23 S Autos for hire nt Tcr Stables. Ilawn. Agrl. Co 110 The Y. M. C A. gymnasium class to Jcwclrv of every tlescrintion. ; Ilnwn C. ',4 8. Co 77V4 SO APPEARANCE Kellell Accounts night nt 7.30. Wo do it in a careful, liaiiibtakin nud Iln.vn. Sugar Co 34 35 A salesman lo sell whiskey In bout KW thoroui;li manner. , llonomu Sugar Co 130 Is wanted. Sco ml this Issue. I Honokan Co 10 Wc make iccialty of repairing flue i;5 Sugar nvs The latest developments In the 1'. Tho W. (I. Hall urrUcd from Kau.il a llnlku 8ugar Co 195 1). Kellclt nffnlr, when It was found at mi early hour this morning. vatclic. Knhultti l'ltn. Co 20 22 S Hint tho former court elerk had not A dlscontlmitui(.o hns been filed in Jf jour costly timepiece is out of order Klifet Co 8 Levi & Co. s. & Co.. SUPERIOR l'ltn. only embezzled funds from the Ilarcto the suit of Hurt IiriUK it to us nuu uc will trc.it skill . Klpnhultt Sitgnr Co it 30 estate, hut nleo In the enso of Haiti vs. Ltd. fully ami sciciitilicnHy lor you. IN i Kulon Sugnr Co 150 1'lllpo, has caused the starting of In- Willi 1070 bags of sugar no n cargo. Mellrjdo Sugnr Co., Ltd.. 5'4 vestigation. It In tho purposo to exnm-In- the btenmcr Maul urrhed this morning Onlm Sugnr Co U(! 07 VS nil thu cstntcs nnd discs In which from Hawaii. M. R. COUNTER Onoiuc.--i Sugar Co 20 Kcllctt lias been Involved In order to Urdnr h ulcu broiler, fresh lalanJ LOVC BLOCK FORT STREET QUALITY Ooknln 8. l'ltn. Co n: crtiiln exactly Just how far his beef and c.il nt Itayuioud Hunch .Mar- Olnn Sucnr Co., 'Ltd. ... 3 3',4 extended. ket, telephone. 1CI. i meeting, Ohiwnlu Company . . ... K0 S5 Tills undertaking Invohcj much The degree scheduled for Napa Sonoma I'lMiilinu S. l'lln. Co. ... IB hard nnd pnlnstaklng work nnd will tonight In Oceanic l.odge, has been A Money Present & Pacific Sug-i- r Mill 200 ncressnrlly ho a rnlher prolonged af- pottpuued until miiiio night next week I'nt.i l'ltn. Co fair, ns there are many hundred Items 'I ho Bte.iiner Manna loi urrhed tblr morning from Maul and Hawaii pot It A Sample of the I'cpcekeii Sugar Co 150 lo be examined. Attorney (Icncrnl l'e-lo- Wine Comyany's Pioneer Mill Co 13014 138 when questioned n regard to It, with n number of passengers and u FOR VOU Wnlalua Agrl. Co CO 0214 snld Hint ho wns not at liberty to say nrlcty of freight. That's practically what It amounts C p. m. evening Noenu Wnlliiku Sugnr Co an) thing about It, Judge Do Holt nlso At tills the to when you purchase one of our cel- "DOMBY" Russia Blucher Wallukn 8. Co., Hcrlp .. unx disinclined to discuss the matter will sail for Kiikulhaclo nnd llunoknn I ports. ebrated Wnlmnnnln Bgr. Co 100 icporler to Chief No other plates wilt bu lslted nnd referred tho by on trip. Wnlmca Sugnr Mill Co.. CS'j Clerk of tho Supreme Court Henry the steamer this Jubllco Incubators. 'Hie busline'. misci:i.i.ani:ou8. Smith. system, S. N. Co 121 121 machine. Hot wnlir not hoi Table Wines I.I. Henry Smith said that ho nnd Clerk M. W I nir. See them before buying. SEILER lawn. i:icc. Co 120 hnd Imcii working James Thompson Mithcsiicy it Sou s, Ltd., agents, tjucen II. It. T. & 1.. iiTil 102 on tho matters which Kellctt had had street, Mclnerny Shoe Store II It T. & I., com 05 08 ihntgo of, for several days. llaskctball tomorrow cenlng nt 8 FIRST MEDAL Mutual Tel. Co 9 nro miles "There mid miles of Items o'clock In the Y. M. U. A. gymnasium Oahil Ity. At L. Co 100 to bo examined nnd checked," said Admission 10 cents. Kams vs PIANOS WHEREVER EXHIBITED It. Co Illto It. Smith. "Kneh item lias to he erllled, O Clocks; Koko Heads a. Diamond II. & M. Co 25VS 20 lion. so tho work Is very Blow." Heads. for cash. The ordinary price Is $325 "Have nny more Instances of cmbcz DONDS. Tho enre of Oswald M.i)n1l, charged and we are selling them, money down, In ((lro zlemcnt been found?" naked the re with lohitlng tho Kdmiinds net, was Ilnwn. Terr. -- claims) 100 porter. tct for next Monday. 'I his Is Hie ease tor saiis and 5250 wz A Haw. Terr, la refunding "1 believe Thompson has found n in which tho wife of a promlucnt c r Range money- - Gas couple Items Where can you find a 1003 of minor with which nt Walalua Is Invohcd. better Is something llnw. Terr. 1 there said The annual meeting uf the Y. M. V. saving proposition? & tills stilt to be vert-lied.- " Lewis Co., llnw. Tor. I Smith, "hut has A. will bo lit Id tithe Association h'all 'The 8EILER Is a strictly high-clas- s lliiw. Tor. 3 Monday evening nt 8 o'clock. After piano, beautifully finished, or perfect Sh 100 100 Thompson declined to say nil) thing the business i program of music mid Ilnwn (loU. action and posseoslng matchless tone. 163 KING ST, HONOLULU, H. I. and Cnl. Ilcol Bug. and Iter. nbout tho nffnlr, rcfcrilni; the reporter icfrcslimcnts; the members nre Invited to Spilth. to bo It Is a piano that anyone might be Co. 6s 103 present. Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Joe Cahlnn, a I'orlo 1th nn bootblack, proud own. Hall. li Sugar Co. Oil...., 103 to was today by Marshal Hen- TELEPHONE 240. Haw. C. & H. Co. Gs 101 arrested PASSENGERS ARRIVED. dry on a charge adultery. The wo- Sugnr On .., 102 of Ilnwn. Co. man In tho case Is ono Otlva Morcua, Illlo It. It. Co. Conaoll Heater 1'iom San Trnnrlsco, per 8. 8. Ame- whu la married to Francisco Hortz. Water Oh 75 dnted rica Mnrn, April 20. J'or Yokohama: H. Hackfeld & Co., THE make a cool kitchen and a comfortable The defendant will piobably hu com- II. It T. & L. Co. Cs .... 108 U. Ilcrkcr. I.dnln Hell. Miss Clarn mitted by I'ultcd Slates Commissioner Knlikku l'ltn. Co. Cs ... 101 Illatlncr, Mrs. l:. J. Hlattner, Mrs. Muling LIMITED. cook. 101 this afternoon. Onhu Ity. & I.. Co. Cs.... II. K. IXirphy. A. V. Fell, Mrs. A. F. Perhaps )ou nro a collector of pos WHOLESALE AGENTS. MAJESTIC Clean Economical Claim Sugar Co. Cs Foil, Miss Helen 1 1) do, A. Knntor, tnl caids. If not ) on ought to be. 'Ihu Olan Sugnr Co. 0i MG M1. Mrs. B. I.co, Cleo. Murray, O. II. 1'. fail has come to stay nnd Is both In CORNER FORT AND BERETANIA Labcr-savln- Always, ready I'oln l'lln. Co. Cs 103 Noyes, F. Oldls, Mm. F. A. Oldls, A. btrmtlvo nnd tntcrlnlirng. I.oosa ST3., I'lnmor Milt Co. fia 100 Dr. K. a Strceter, Mrs, I!. C. 8ACH3 BLOCK. ' Oas Ranges and Water Heaters Slreetcr. curds loso half their alue. They Miracle of Wnlulu.i Agrl. Co. Cs ... 100 V. Siiyehlro, Jnmrs, Todd, Mrs. James should lie placed In nn allium, nhcru The 100 MODERN FURNISHED Aro Sold by Dealers and Mcllrdu Sugar Co. Cs .. .InvicH Todd, Mrs. A. (I. Tyssowskl, they tun bo proierly displayed. You S.iIch 7 Tula, $175; I II. Y. Yngl. II. Low bo In J llct. Hoards. For Koic: Jns. will Interested our line of nlbimii The Angelus APARTMENTS. ; er, .lira. jns. ii, i.oncr. i or Huang-)inl- If you nro Interested In po-it- earns. Wang Kim Uhoub, .Chang. Jiuoy. Tbo page of tho albums uro so pro- - Slnglo Rooms and Suites. Electrlo Shin Shin I'c. Inr Hongkong: Ar- pared thai the corners of the cards me Today It Is possible for a man or Lights and Running Water In every ft SUGAR, 3.42 cents W. Cornwall, V. may woman who knows nothing about a thur Mrs. Arthur filled Into Hilts and bo returned room. Porcelain bathtubs. i - HONOLULU GAS LTD. Cornwall, Miss l.va i Cooper. Asst. for Inspection at nuy lime without lis piano, to, with the aid of tho ANGE-- CO., LONDON BEETS, 8s, 5 Surg. Krnest (). J. Kytlnge. U. 8 ,N.; nny way damaging cither the curd or LUS, play the familiar melodies that Unfurnished rooms on second floor) H. (llnsgow, lCdw, Ilolth, Asst. Surg. I ho album. Honolulu I'hoto-Kuppl- y everybody loves, tho popular operatic now available. flcorgo M. Olson, U. 81 N.; T. 11. W. Co. music of the day, or even the classics, of old matters; and, within City and other Island trade solicited. Tiilelen I'rlte. II. Speed, Mrs. 11. Speed nnd lir the the' & Williamson fniit. Assl. Surg. Frank I.. Sellers, II. first hour, the novice with the Ange- Rates Reasonable. VtAOAnAAAWVVVVVVVVVUVVVVVWVVVWWUVVVWVVVVVVVVVUWVVWVV STOCK AND DOND BROKERS. 8. N. From Honolulu: William K. lus, will play better than nine out of. MAIN 2W. , Marquardt Concert TCLEPHONE I Clark, (lcorgo J. Low-- ten musicians can play by hand. Members Hon. Stock and Dond Ex- change. Was Success Owing to a change in the price of "yes," replied the lobbyist, gloom- Artistic certain sizes of crushed rock, prices in i m LOANS NEGOTIATED. ily, "nothing hut praise." l'hlludtd future will be as follow: No. 1, tl.55 912 FORT ST. TEL. MAIN 12. phln Ledger. From nn nr'islle standpoint the ion Hawaiian News Co.,: per cu. yd.; No. 2, $1.80 per cu. yd.; It Oldest in America cert given by tho Manpiardts last Limited. No. 3, $2X5 per cu. yd.; No. A, $1.80 You buy or sell stocks or bonds, night was n complete success, but ow- per cu. yd. ing to the anxiety canned by the San YOUNQ BUILDING 8TORE. T: You want to secure the best prices, We wish to call attention to the Frnndxro disuster tho nttendanco was 4 You on sugar fact that No. has been reduced to want a loan securities, poorer than I' wool I ordinarily han practically the price of whits sand, Largest in the World You have real estate you wish to sell, lieen. Tli program was ns follows PALM making It available for all kinds of con IF You have a house you wish to rent, Violin and l'lnno: "Fantaslo Faust" creto work, for which It Is far suporlor You have ANY business which needs the attention of active, Sarnsnto to any other sand. Harp Soto: Hcraphlqucs". . hustling agents, "Chants Ice Cream Parlor r Zabcl Songs (Late Miller's.) Lord fy Belsei Ttiielen & Williamson About It (h) "Aprlle" Tostl 110 HOTEL STREET, NEAR FORT. See (b) "Vo Who Had $663,023.2S Loneliness LUDWIG80N & JUNGCLAUS, AND IT WILL DE PUT THROUGH WITH A nUSH. Known" Neldllnger FRESH CUT FLOWERS AND I3L. TEL. MAIN 21. 012 FORT 8T. Violin Alono: "Prelude and Fugue Proprietors. AND CURIOS AT THE deposited by Mr. Ebcn Smith, of Los is the sum Ilnch First Glass Lunch Rooms Angels, Cal.. with the Mutual Life, which provides Harp Solo: Fnntaslo on "Homo WOMAN'S EXCHANGE IMAWWWWVWWVWWVVWWIAAMWWWWVWWVVI Knert llomn." Civility and prompt attention to pa Violin and I'lano tioni by capable waiters. A Life Income For Himself (a) WhIIIict'h I'rlzo Song from "I)lo CANDIES AND ICE CREAM ARE HOTEL 8T. Miltstqrslngcr" ,, SPECIALTIES. of In The Swim Waguer-Wllhelm- J Clothes Cleaned and Pressed by th and in the event his dcalh (b) "Spinning Wheel" Lotta There arc various kinds of swims, Volco, Harp and Violin: "Avo Ma dr. j. t. Mcdonald. HONOLULU RENOVATINO CO., Theic's the social swim, for Inctance. rla" Gounod v. Life Income for His Two Children J, J. Fern, Manager. "1 That contains a whole tot of the so- Violin and Hnrp (a) "Nnettlnio" Chopin Offico REMOVED to Rooms ar ";. '.' "' Life Income for His Six Grandchildren ciety folks. Then there's the (b) nn"""""m "lluhbllng Spring" Sauret The Alexander Young Building. Hours: . wjh pr.mpi.yiiwns.ai.. ,- Tho magnificent harp used by Ma- 2--1; "- - -v ...... IN ADDITION TO LARGE CASH PAYMENT8. ItMZ; Residence, The Air.- - " dame Marquardt Is supposed lo bo tho ander Young Hotel. Telephone Call:. "". " Primo Beer 1nrt In tin world 'I lie column was Young Hotel." Tho Weekly Ildlllon or tho Kvenlnft ipiiiiifaeliiroil j I MR. SMITH WRITES: solely for exhibition, Ilulletln gives n complntn summary of nnd took tho prlzo nt tho World's lllank books of nil Borts, ledgers 'tho news of the day. For SI " swim, which contains tho good people Columbian Imposition, So vxpcnsUo etc, manufactured by thu Ilulletln l'ub.i Is my belief that life Insurance Is ono of the best, if not tho II II. ..!,...... ) ''It mentioned and everybody else as well. ivns that Die makers did not expect tiaiii-.f- e r... Fine Job Printing at the Bulletin. over so to 1.0II t, M. uiiii,. best, forms of Investment devlccd. Tho depreciation in other People drink PRIMO BEER on ac- hut when Johann Mar curltlcs which I bold hao strengthened my hello' In life insuranco in "innlt determined to luivn built tho count of its goodness and reliability, finest harp ever constructed, for bin a Company like The Mutual Life, I am glad to eay that this invest Gstdnto the best swim going. wife, bo secured this column of can- In Is tho ono I ment Tho Mutual Life probably beet that ever made." ed gold for tho Instrument. Tim doll-- i ivvvvYvvvvvvvvvwivvAnvvvuvtvvvvvv at1 Instrument was built by tho r These policies arc written in amounts to suit American musical Instrument the needs of (he insured luani.fai Hirers, Lyon A llealy of Chi cagn. nud Is Inrgcr nnd stronger than an) Italian hnrp ever mado. Tho body LADIES SPECIALTIES Is of tho finest nnd most select maple, the rounding board of tho best Amcr The Mutual Life Inurance Go. $100.00 REWARD! ! ! kali fine, tho edges nro of sntln wood Ex In tl.t with chny. The Instrument Alameda OF NEW YORK represents an liicstmcnt of over K fno. It has n register nf fho octaves, R. & O. CORSETS, In various styles, "The Corset of the Day." tho panto as n piano nnd seven pedals, LINEN LAWNS, a nice assortment, "Very Good Values." for tlio unu-- koys used In mimic. Ity W. A. WALNN pressing tho pedal half wnr down, tho INDIA LINEN8, good purchase. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, ..OFFICE 032 AND 038 FORT 8T. ie a transferred from sharp to nru TAFFETA ROYAL, sells To any one person or collection of persons who can bring me One Case Itself. PHONE MAIN 201. ural nnd by pressing it all tho wny HONOLULU, T. II. H08E, ladles' and children's, what you require. , or Incurable OYPHILITIC VENEREAL or LEPROUS SOnES(or any Chron- down tho key Is ngaln changed to flat. In order to mako these delicate ;VVVV.1AVlISVVVVHUVVWVVVUASVVVVWVV o ALSO o ic case of piles. Bring them, and WALLACH'S INDIAN REMEDIES will changes without slurring. Madame Marquardt wears tho thinnest nf soled cure, or else you get the abovo reward. This Is a genuine offer, and I am shoes and her feet cling so ilosy to RIBBONS, Damask Satins etc. etc. tho pedals soma tiavo sho on any caso of above Kind. If doc- that said open to free consultation the mentioned played without pedals. J. LANDO tors have failed, why I can heat; so pass the glad tidings to all sufferers, for hero, suc- One) "See sir," exclaimed tho McCall Patterns CLOTHING: PAJAMAS fall. TRUNKS Wallach'o Indian Remedies knows not tho meaning of Como cessful to Mr Adam Upp, HATU SHIRTS AND manufacturer Come AMI Tomorrow may be too late, , Ids dilatory bookkeeper, "jou nro not AT AND AND NIGHT SHIRTS ns to biislnces as you might CASES ntlenthn CAPO UNDERWEAR SUIT ho Now, It has boon my rulo In llfn ' 1024 FORT ST., I, O. O. F. Dldg. & 151 HOTEL ST., opposite YOUNG Hotel. lo bo nt my desk early nnd late and "Mc. too," Interrupted Mr Upp, "bomc- - E. W. & Co., Ltd. IIiikh I get there early nnd sometime Jordan J. Lor Wallach Inle." PhiladelphiaHi.I'ress. ii i "Mr, Rlchlcy had nothing pralso 1137 Fort Street Bulletin 75c, month Advice free, by mall and strictly private P. O. Box 577. hut pr for tour work for him beforo tho Clll-- I Iflmjl comriilttoesatil-'tl- i' l.Tfend.-- tsAtiMsM,... ifi n v nr " ... t,'- . - ' & ' w ' 'Ac

0 BVENtNO nut.urriN, yoNoMJMJ, t. it., friiiay, a nut. 20, liiofl.

-$ -- zmfJr r- - ;v. Thousands of Women WANTS ARE MADE WELL AND STRONG THE BIGGEST WINNER The Little Ads wild the Big- ..' - Results Success of Lydla E. Plnkham's Veoetabla I" Compound Rests Upon the Fact that II JSoe uw H. iyaV TO -UAY, for Now Ad. Really Does Make Sick Woman Well. Tliouiands upon thousands of Ameri- SPECIAL. NOTICns. can women hnvo been restored to WANTBD. e. licnltli 1y 1'J'illa I" I'inklinm'n Ven;e(a-bl- In a Hollcltor Compound. Tholr letters arc on Hie Hawaii lire for n plrisant, cslab- - In Mrs. l'lnkhnm's ofllcc, and prove this uaiieu 2t Jef-frl- w ninine3, is wanted. iYrma rounds O'llourkc has offered statement to bo a fact nnd not n mere tv'.i DI3HOP TRUST COMPANY, LTD. ncni position to llKlit man. AiMrcM JKO.00O for his services, It. I). II.. HulUtlnVoIIIre o'ITj! boast. uoovuit 111 tt tt it Overshadowing Indeed Is tho succcm In 1IHI2 (he New Orleans Club of this (Treat medicine, and compared if TENNISHiTpURNAMEMT FOR n three nlRhts' IioxIiir festival, rioIn with It nil other medicines nnd treat- Thousands of Island People PROFESSIONAL are R Do a general trust and security OARDS which the nsKreRate purseii nmnunled ment for women arc experiments. bus to fr.O.onn, Dixon Why I.ydla K. Plnkham's Vege- ,H Ororne and Prank hai iness. Skelly met Ihe first nlRht. The pair table Compound accomplished such PARISIAN cop OPTICIAN. foiiRht for n purse of $n.(Mi0. The eee-on- wldesprcnd results for (rood? working for their Favorites Act as Executor, Guardian, Assignee ill tell t of the festival Jack McAti-llff- Why lias It lived and "thrived nnd S. E LUCAS quarter of has opened an office at nud Hilly Mjers met for the light-weig- done its glorious work for a or Trustee. 1119 The tennis tournament In hoys' s i Fort St. Eyes tested "free. chniiiplnnshlii nnd n purse of a century? V;V i r ilii ster-lln- if becauM! of 335Slf at Onlm CoHcro. for which K. O. $1'.,('0. I,. ami Simply and surely Its John Sullivan Jim worth, The- reason no other med- Itnll & Son have nffcrnl n cup for Corbctt foiiRlit llielr nieuiurnhlc bnt'le LAW V icine has even approached Its success EH. nrrt prize nnil the Pacific Tennis Club the flunl nlRht of the cnrnlvnl far a because, A ; Manage Estates, real and personal. Is plainly and positively thero Large wholesome success n riKiptet for mcciiikI prize, Is now In $23.litii1 pnrse. Is no other medicine In tho world to has W. T. RAWLINS. ATTORNEY AND promesa nt the college. t: it t: COUN3ELLOR-AT.LAW- , good for women's ills, 602 Tho first round produced sur- Mlko Twin Stilllvnn In to box ltiibn K. . Safe Deposit Ooxes for sonic Tho wonderful ipower 'of I,ydla marked the BULLETSN'6 Rent. BUILDING. prises. Cnmpbell Van Vllct. who was Smltlnnt.'Ooloi'dilii. Plnkhnm's Vecetablo Compound over 'ho winner of 'the class tournament, tho s of "woiflnnkln-- i d not DENTIST. wnt defeated by Alan l.uwrcv. As Van STMFOil It U astlmulant not because it Is Auto Contest from the Vllet put Lowrey out In DEFEATS CALIFORNIA a palliative, but idmply.ibecauso It U , A. J. DERBY, D. the preceding 75 MERCHANT D. 8. 1110 tonlo and recon-Rtruct- STREET BOSTON OUILDINO, loiirr.iiment, honors nre oicn. Hubert tho wonderful day .a THIRD FLOOR. Thiitstou, who went to ever discovered to net directly it started 3252 If throiiRli the In the opcntnR be HONOLULU. flu.lit, In the Inst tournament, sue Rame of baseball upon the female system, positively luccn Stnnford and Ciillfortilit titmbeil yoslcrday to Waller Mellon the CUltlNO dtseane nnd dlsplaccmenU nud VETERINARY by or 1 F- INFIRMARY. Kail. Stnnlord 'cam won the stoic rcstorltip; health nnd vffor. DB- The splendid prizes the popularity of the Bulletin and the perfect lo (l. The same was n close one an.) Mnrteloits cures nro reported from f of havo combined to vepture A. R ROWAT, D. V. 8., The entries nre larce. nctiiilltiu nil well cnn(cutcd parts of tho country by women who fairness the contest make this a winner, and of Ike tennis players throughout. nil H'TIJATIONS WANTIjn 777 KING 8T TEL. BLUE 3101. of the oehool, hnvu liecli cured, trained nurses who when a thing makes good It IS good. ami Ihere Is promlso of somo exciting hnvo witnessed cures nnd physicians plav befuie the trophies are won. who haso recognized tho virtue In Jjsy The prizes have never been equalled in this country. They are The follonliic are the In CMsijpii Com- winners Lydhi K. Plnkhum's Vepitablc TEN In number, conclttlng of a Sl.-IO- nEO TOURINQ CARJ A Sft50 TO LET, the ouinament, ns fnr as It has bem pound, nnd nro fair enough to plvo played : Tho Pacific Const I.eaRim nponcd to credit where It Is duo. If physicians KROEGER PIANO; A S5.000 INSURANCE POLICY; A St0 SILVER Collage 3 bedrooms iMwwr Hound Kennedy vs. II. (Iros- blR ciowils. Sun Krnnclsco, dared to be frank nnd open, hundreds A S-1- A MA- of on Vineyard Ijs PUNCHBOWL; STORE ORDER; DOMESTIC SEWING St. and cottage of 2 bedrooms on se. Kennedy, Itlehnrds vb. nud Poiltaiiil lend. of them would acknowledge that they IDE I,ydla .11. I'lnlc-ham- 's CHINE; A LEATHER GOLF DAQ AND 8ET OF CLXIBS; A WINCHES- l'eck Ave. Apply 8. S. l'rclc, 2i7 Hi Khtllth. r.lnllih liO. 0t; J. (Inn SlnndliiR of the I.enRiio Clubs: constantly prescribe Vine) ' 3323-1- vs. Clubs. Vegetable Compound in sevrro nnj. 1 II Illtiheock, tlrossu by ilcfnult; Won. lwl. I'd TER REPEATING RIFLE; A LEATHER SUIT CASE; AND A KODAK if ca.es of femalo Ills, as they know by lliios vs. II. I.lilcnte. San Frniitlscn 3 luuo The Iliillcllu nmls It necessary I.tdcnte f.S. will effect n cure. DEVELOPER. Furnished housekeeping ronum with C3- it. .InkiiiM s. H. DoilKo, DiiJkc, 7B, l.oi AiircIcs 2 inno experience that It v In cslnbllih n new ruin In con- - Women who are troubled with pain- gas; nlsu fiirnlidicd cottage. fit, Hihics vs. Ashfoid. Hoozs. 3 fi. Portland 2 101)0 The contest opened on Feb. 1, 1900, and will closo 5 o'clock p. m. - Irregular periods, backache, at. Imiulro No. 8, L'ottiiRo net turn with tlio automobile con- 3, P. vs. V. Oakland 0 .miO ful or Orovo. DoiIkh McDoiikiiII, bloating (or flatulence), weokucss, dis- June 16, 1906. The final count will be made June 30, 1906, and the last 3322 tf tent, 4 7(ikiuxaii. vs. 0 ."00 Thurston placements, In Humiliation, ulcerntlon, G A chsnno In the delivery of a Chi, Seattle .ooo votes from all Islands must be In this office not later'than p. m. on the TsniiR Thurston. 0; It. JO that "bearing-down- feeling, dlitl-les- Newly papered moitpiltn proof house-- paP;r 'rom ,hb per'on now re. Hllchecielt vs. WlthlllRlon, - tt :: :t day of the final count. , ' Wllhlns- fallitncss, Indigestion, nervous keeping rooms. Ainily lliillelin olllco. T "lv,.nB ll t0 another of the same ton. Van Vllet va. .blues, should ramlly Lowicy, prostration or tho take 3232.1 w (' cannot be accepted as a Low l. 3; V. 'ill III lll;'l'i seri- I icy. Hooks vs. WIKox, action toward oil thu nw subscriber, nor will immediate an addl. Hongs, (Imird vs. Peter-ton- . ous consequences, and bo restored to 5 v tional paper sent to a person al- - room collage, HIS Alnpal. near (Juar-r- y PeterMin, fin. K. vs. licnltli nnd strength by taking Lydla K. Hen'on Clcvclmid, O., April 9. Ilan John-son- . Ht., modern conveniences, J1S.U0. rerdy receMng the paper bo ac- - I'liikhnm's Vegotnldo Compound. Any. takes place every cepted as n.new lie llenton, president of ihe American I.c.irus A preliminary count 3339 tf oubkcrlber. vs. W. ICiirIc. Kenton, wny wrltu tu Mrs. l'lukhaui, Lynn, Tho lliiUriln has very llcnlnn lodny put a (jpictus on tho talk of been A. Clunk vs. K. Winter. Mnss., for advlco. It's free nud always careful xlmll nbHo- - Winter. 01, mid his biiucli of betllnR (1000 of- Collages In Chrlstly Ijino. that there bo 110. helpful. Thursday morning in the BULLETIN Apply : lulu fair play In dealing with tho that Ihey will win tho pennant. Au Wong Kwal, Smith Ht., iiiuuka Seiond liounil It. Thurntoii vs. W, ' Hotel. CdltCKllllltH. it nun nlno HOO p.ftcrnoon newspaper wired Johnson, 3071 tf thu nro t. MelkiiiKall. .MeDoiiKall, fi- nskliiR III tn ho would permit fice; but the final count will be made by a fiat lonteclnuis cnunllv Kcntieily whether ! ntralgliirurw.ini In their relations vs. Khrlleh, Kennedy, plnjrrs of his league In bei. Ills reply AUTO STANDING APRIL 19 Newly furnished SO; DoilRO 1 mosiiultu proof room. wun tho paper. Tho matter Is vs. Hooss, llodno. dateii (Jhicnso, folliiA's: of three who will be selected from nt SI Vineyard SI 2728-- 1 committee f limuglr. early in the In any form Is pro-- nltcntlon of "lldllnif strictly St. Louis College Alumni Asso- 3 tho ninny people interested In uin;tcil ny' the American I.eaRiio. Vlrv ROW HALE. order that there may bo no mlu- - Inlinu of this wholesome provision ciation 268115 among disinterested business men uiidcrt'tnnillni: tin to whnt eon. fflUWJp (IE wcuhl niaK? panics nmenablo lo Co. D, N. O. H-- , Hllo .,240032 Kino corner lot In Maklkl. Curbing, MliulCH a now subscriber. dhiciplliii. Admiral Geo. C. Deckley ,2 14353 C-- J. . . water, fruit and ornamental trees 4. $. .j, Tho follow Iiir letter was recched In "ThosoHwIlio hnvo at heart Ihe true Judge A. N. Kepolkai 154123 anil ycstc-ilay'- mall luteiests of bascbnlt will dlscouraRi) Diamond Head 45403 all Improvement. Two min- Tho Weekly IMItlun fiont Iho Coast In Athletic Club.. of tho Kvcnlng to Iho Iho tcuilency In gumlile. Llhue Kegel Club 3S2S3 utes' wnllc from cars nud Punnhou Ilil'lctln gives n summary Stanford University bnssu nm tit ball I earn: "(SIriiciI) II. II. JOHNSON." Mrs. Lucy Wright, Walmea, Ka- aammnnn wf mm mm mnnmnK College. Address It. F this o01c. tho nows of tho day. year. For SI a Mr. Je.i. Woods. Honolulu, T. II. J. 1". Kllfoylo, president of the Cleve- uai 28259 Heir Sir: The land club, said today: Mrs. C. L. Dlckerson 28323 lllanlc books of nil ledgers! HeV Stanford baseball G, sort, For 3ale" cards at Bulletin. team In "I nm (Irmly and vigorously opposed C. 2539.1 Q. YEE HOP & GO. etc., manufactured by tho Bulletin Pub. dj'slrouu of vltdtlni; your city, Thct. White, Kealakekua .. .lapau. n In IkIIIiir by the players or Ihe Clce-lau- Jas. L. Frlel (Mauna Loa) 22701 Hulling Company I Fine Job Printing at nln mnklni circuit. Tho Stan- .... the Bulletin. ford team Is very kUoiir thin yenr nud club or any o:her ititlis. It Is n J. D. McVeigh 22387 Wo always welcome a comparison of prices and an examlna- - bad game ought we lire sallslUd will draiy well. Thev ItiltiR' fur the and to Aala Club 15325 Meat on - y Hon of our fresh meat. This applies to our Business, m.- very imrlnus to make trip be iirocnliil by fctcnt measure.! ir Lea Lorrlllard Cummins 14401 the mid all of our prices are as as is consistent with nxkcil the writer In look Into tho mat- necessary." D. K. Watson 0752 g which reasonable ter and nsecrlnln Just what could bo Miss Hannah Sheldon, Llhue, the standard of quality, and strictly maintained In a most sanl-- " done, how BUS! NESS WRECTORY lonK It wopld tnko to niako Ksual 8530 tary condition. (1 the trip, piobublo rbIo reeefpts, o'c. pimoFiiEaiiE Louis H. Miranda C959 We leel satisfied Hint If they could ro Jac. Kula, Kauai 0IC5 over It would help baseball In your 8. K. Kamaloplll 6121 E BALLASTING. REPAIRING. Jink Joyce, tho pudgy biileher, who Telephone Order Department Territory conidilcrubly. nnd wo nro stacks up ngahiHt Ilob Ward berore Geo. H Dunn, Lahalna . ., ' 5417 very anxious to do nl wo can for thu Hie Mlsr Lucy Kaukau, Lahalna., 2002 --. Patrons unable to visit our establishment are assured cxpe. Hawaiian Ballasting Company. polish-lug- . Oh Menial Club next Thursday Umbrellas r.oalred and brass omnium noys. Tommy Kearns 2333 Hint blink kiiml from $2 to 3 n load Talcuta, 12S4 Kurt SL nlRht. wiel.ed 11 very ruse on t- - ditlous service and tho same careful attention ao Is given to pur- - Tl.anlilni; you for any luformr.tlo.i Chester Irwin 1809 iHcorilliiK to dlidnucc hnuleil. Corn) 3085-t- f the two li. '.ivy weight h he disposed of Von run us. we Raposo, 1617 st made in person. rocks uhle-wuik- rIvo remain, In one iilglii John Llhue Store .... chases for stable, mads mid Very last month. Joyce took firewood. door lielnw jourii. on tl o two big fellows on J. e'e Oraga, Kauai 1500 Third MONEY TO LEND. a. (i. a. riilher short TELEPHONE MAIN 251. N.'KINQ STREET Kins. Mnuimkeii St.; O. box i20. spai.dino nitos. notice uinl found Hint It utterly Sam Chong 1472 2 I. KverythliiR poshlblu was Telephone .Main SIM. should bo dono imposhlhlc iilzo H. D. Joe 1356 On Jewelry m have 0 reduce the of hlu and merchandise. The J. this visit these Islnnds. ponderous imiincli to proper fighting Kalnuikl, Walalae, Palolo linpt. flario :o Hotel It would bo a 120C Pawn and Union. Rrcat boost to basebaU dim. so decided to bring mratcgy lo . Club mmm iiUiuuiiiuau ami M BARBER ami.K SHOP. hero uinl M, would nlso help ndvcrtlso Ids rescue. A liltlo paint mid n plcco A. Souza 1201 For a nice, shavo call PAINTING. thes" Ihlnnds. The Honolulu boys of court plnslcr were Into .smooth at tho n brought CrllCrlnu Shop, Toit fit stund Rood iliunco of ilefuiitlni; this play. On day of Joyco lilt learn In n the tho flglr Estimates furnished on all kinds of series of Raines nnd this nlco iilluwcd th tnformatlnn to leak out Insurance Bill In would udvertlho the SUQA linlntliiK- - M)ik countiy. Y. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. All euarnntccd. that he had had Ids nose split open In SHOTEN If league (oiild Knos Union this souiu nr- training nnd that tho was In llros ntovo Hotol St. to member New York Legislature Wholcaulo & Ratu.Il Ll;iuor Outlier, For house-help- , phono White 2891, Ma. rniiReiiiemi. brliiR the Stanford a veiy bad wny. Then ho ha.l his train- 32131m team hero It mlRht In klkl. Office, m?au that thoro er put 1111 Big Stock of Japanese and American Liquors. Bantal Saloon connection. ucnerni employment would artistic touch of ted paint ho n vIsllliiR teuui como every 011 (From Vestcrday's First Kditlon.) IWILEI AND KINO STREETS. cor. roiiBacola and llcretnnln. Die brldRo of his nasal organ which , year nnd uluii n N. V., April 5. LOCKSMITH. cbniieo for n Honolulu wns cnurcd over wllh a plcru of Tho bills POSTOFFICE BOX.866. TELEPHONE MAIN 82. lenr.i to tuko n tilp to pioroscd by special Investigating Seo the mainland. (ourt plmfr. Tho Job was neatly the MUSIC. Hastings for repairs of Locks, It Is to bo hoped Hint tho banebtilt Kiiiiu.ltteu passed auolher hIuro of Keys, done nnd nobody was wise to thu trick. Mimic lloxes, Sharpening of people will progress stnt-ut- e R"t toRclhur nnd do their The ciLvpiiiichcr did this to druw tho tholr today toward tho Legal Notices. WM. fi. IKWIN& CO., LTD. Mr Jas. Sheridan, pianoforte tuner, Fluo Cutlery. Hear Union Orlll. liluii.ht to ofler thu bonks In tho Commlttco of Sranfonl loam tat blon or his opponents to bis nose In- Senate lian moved to the piano warcrooma Ui.utury galo receipts. tho Wlmlc. stead of his s'omach, which wns In 110 AHHNTS FOIl THIS of I,. Z. Tliaycr & Co.. 1G8 Hotel St., lllanlc IS it Of the hills Introduced by tho com- IN TIIR CIltClUT COUUT OK THU books of all sorts, lcilcors shnp.1 to elver lute tups fiom such Royal Co,-o- f Liverpool, Eng. opponlfo let mute o (originally ten., Insurance Tonus Hotel. All orders etc , by hard wallopers as Willis nud Clashy, but since First Circuit. Tcnitury of Hawaii. At mamifaetilred tho Uulletlu I'ub. D Into seven) passed Alllanco Assurance Co. of London, for tuuliiB prnmptly attended to. lluliliiK IUB UNIT Ills rchenio woikod lo perfection, mi four hao Chambers lu Probate. In the matter Company. thn Assembly aro tho stago of England. both 1111 11 swiitiR their heads off trying and at of tho Hstuto of Clilng Kong Wal, do-- Co. a third reading or final pnssago in Iho Scottish Union & National Ins. of D.111 Uenenr writes lo connect with thut supposedly solo leased. Urdcr or Notlto of Hcjilng 1'l-- Edinburgh, Scotland. that "Kanka" Senate on Iho wuy to tliy Oovornor. Jiidd, who pl.iye 1 "bridge." His atumaeh, whlh was a tltlun for Admlulstintlon. On reading formerly for tho TIichc nro thu designed: (1) Fire Association of Phlladelnhla. Puliation team, shining mai k for 11 milnr plexus slap, hills To ami llllnc thu Petition of Chins eu baseball hnx succeeded restrict lobbying by requiring registry 'Alliance Insurance Corporation, Ltd. In Peuusyl-vanl- a was given tho overlook, although mice, uiiiow or said Clilng Pour wal iiaklug tho Uulvuislty of of "legislative 'Wllheima or Magdeburg General Insur Our hiihehiili loam. 'hoi- - were iIiIrcs of fat several Inches nRcnts"; (2) relatlvo to aliening that said Oblng Fung Will of Leader Itcuear clnliiri Hie acquisition property by ance company. v thai Is 0110 In depth nil over It, of.rcal lift Honolulu, (l.iliu, died lulcMiitu nt Ho Jiidd conulilcred of tho - - m Insuianco companies; (3) making con- haul-s- t hlltei'H on Iho lenm. This Is uoliilu, O.ihu, uu the 13th day uf Maich, , iiudictory pro-sun- 11 ttiitemeiils under oath A, I), muu. leaving uroiicily lu the Ilu- ciulle us Jiidd whs alwayn Ive Special ; u wcuk here. cvldeucu of perjury, nnd H) wiill.ui Isliiuda necessary lu hu iidiulii- - Sale KOLA MINT lillter bishop IiiiiKililliig rebutcu, o OF p D.i 11 says l ibtuicu upon, .inn jiiayiiig that that hu entered In thn nan A fifth, tho hill AND BRONZE BO nnd loo-yar- further penalizing of Adiiiliihitrnllou ieuuo to Clilng Ah FI3HNET8. TWINE swimming ruces for WIRE CLOTH the chnmplonBlilp of thd Middle Kt.'ucn. rniutncatioi or omission of material Ling, AT ROjISTS FRANCISCO matters Jit tho books, and records of Is .Monday, 3Ut Trieiieare Imitations, But tf :t t: It ordered that the A. FERNANDEZ & SON, corporations, has passed (he Assembly, day of May. A. 1). 11)00, lit-1- 0 o'clock nut 41-5- -- 1 compuratlvoly iinlmportuut partic- ii. bo mid. hcicby lif appointed for Oups GENUINE hie lii:,', in., Nos. King St., Katsey Block, bet. only lllahoji .i. is the John . Hamilton of ular und although, lll.n tho others, It bearing jj.ilil l'o'Jtlim Jn tho. Coutt Nuuantl and Smith' 189, was 8ts:; Tel. MSln wliii iircsliled nt the niventy-nevcnt- li udvnnccd lo third rending, If tho Hoom of ibis Court ut Honolulu, O.iuu, THE ORIGINAL (Jons nnd Joo Wiilcott mny bo annual confcienco of the Ncv Sennto adopts this amendment thq bill at which time und place uu pcruun: matched to box Tor thu welterweight Hniiipshlro Methodist Kplscopal cliun-- must bo returned lo tho Assembly for concerned may appear and show ciiusv, Wo nil AImo tltlo It Is claimed that Wulcott'H nt Lawrence, Mass., on 11, concurrence. if any they have, why said Petition The Lunch Otliur Plnvpra April that sults,,everyone's hand Is O. K. that conditions little short uf The "big bill," genornlly should not bo granted,, und that notice taste Is the one :: tt n nniirehy pievnlled In San Francisco, amending tho Insurance law and em- of this order bo published In the Kug-lls- li served by the Consolidated Soda Ltd. Al. Kuufmuunilias been matched to and Hint crime wiis rnmpnnt- then, bodying most of tho radlcul icforms In langiiugo, once a week for thive Water Works, moo I'icd . Cooley at Cohna on lllshup Hnmllton waa not long ago in Insurance methods, was advanced to surrrusivo weeks In the Kvcnlng Uul- Royal Muy nth. Honolulu. ' ' thlr.l rending In tho Senate today, but letlu nuwspnpcr In Honolulu. Annex TELEPHONE MAIN 7J OPP. POLICE ti tt :: linn not yot been acted upon by thu . Uulvd ut IIuuolulu, Oahu, April U 8TATION. Jimmy Hi at and Sam ilcrger havu A3cmhly. whero It Is expected lo bn 1S00. JL Rune to tho BprliiKU Urllt to tmln KE11EWE5IED PU Hni third rending calendar next W. J..U01IINSON. "The icr Herman and llcigerto Eut'lu con Monday nlRht. Third Jtidgu of tho Clicult Court of thu OldJPIantation dllloii .Thp seventh, bill, that forbidding Firm Circuit,, , TH lor O'ltrlcn. P. I). Kellctt, Jiiigu DoUult'tt 4U U t tt-- tt -- :t former ciiiupiilgn conlrlbullons by corpora- Attest: M. T, HlMONTON. This beautiful new Hawaiian sona rMt clerk.-wa- lakt niglit urrcstcil on iwo tions, was Clerk now f SELECT WITH CARE YOUR ARCHITECT Kid (luodmiin lout. on a foul to Mill-tl- now loiuporailly laid on tho of tho Circuit Court of thu on sale! In sheet music form. charges of einliezzloiucnt. It Is today with Iho Circuit. T llaldwln rcu'ntly In llotlon. consent "f Its Flrt ulleced Hint Kellelt prepared two C, - It means much to you. The home you build expresses your per- T u n :s friends, pending consultation nf itm ultorncy forctl- BERG8TROM MUBICCO.," LTD., checks, for $135 and $300 respective- rcimmltloq sonality. "Through Its halls runs the story of your life." Your The declslonsiln'thornront Olympic wlti Its couiiHel, Charles K, tloner. ODD f- home should ly, chargeable, to tho suit of M. F. Ilughes. FELLOW8' BLDO, be a credit to you; spend your money wisely; can help Club tnnrrtnntMit wcro very uusiuls-factory- . ns lo Iho suggestion that tilt 20. 27; liny 4. you every f Scr.lt o nl. vs. IJ. N. Rilvn et nl In make dollar count. bill was nncnnsllmtloiial In Us provi- iSS fnor of ono H. M. Rllva. He got "' The Weeklv rHIMnn nf tl. r,,.nlnn - sion!! rein Ivo In Immunity of witness- JiiiIrp Ho Holt's signature on Iho i An Intcrestlnn orclinoolor.lcul dlscnv- - Bulletin, alveJ.--i mni.i. .,... Ji es ICStlfllllR OS In tholr nmltHnfilltm Tern O'llonrkc la Irylns to have Jim checks na cry has been niniln In Naples In ilia, the news of the day. W. MATLOCK CAMPBELL welloii 8llva! midnrscmcnt, lu.tke' forhlddyi conlrlbullons. Jeff i leu box l'ilsslmmons, Huhllii, nnd then collected thu money for Iil3 construction of Forcelln sncet, A - , Tclephono White OHI wall, (lining t limns, Hnrt, O'llrlen anil Knufmaii own benefit. Kellctt was Oirek from loo H, c. The Weekly iCdltlm of the Kvcnlng vt,-rt- urrcBted, 8)W"For Rent" on which am oiio week upnit. Iiuch bout is to bo Hall was set at $11)00 In euch case. cards sale at rounded the anc cut el v. hu nniiiin niv 1.. . ltt.t tHtttt.tt.t the Bulletin office. been unearthed. " " V to nmTth. d.,7 ' tttt i ,,.-;- ' ..Vi.....'J.;,.v'- . i.i ,.!...... ' hr .Lr I !j,nsijitnMn, in Mjjhld iyMiWniWBaMsMsMfi i illsJaWilM .', "" w.. JMi,lkJtJjigl ttfm. U.,l..)iiW,.a(J. I TAI Ld&16VJtl, ,jrKlr- -' Tr1""iP3H'' zr'&lFmryTrfTrwT,r?&?f'' WTv5'r "'v' mvmr nvnNMNo nuu.nTiN, Honolulu, t. h.. rninAY. aprii, 20. 100c. O. R. & L. COc Castle & Cooke, Ltd J Oceanic Steamship Company TIM13TAUI-- B ID I HONOLULU. . 6, 1904. October Bill H0S TIME TABLE OUTWARD. Gommisston Merchants 11 The tteamen of thlt line will arrive and leave this port as hereunder: ESTABLISHED IN 1858. For' Walanac, Walalua, Kaliuku and FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCI8CO: WajiStntlon 9:15,0. m.. 3:20 p. m. :; Factors jrorl'earliClty, i:wa Mill anJ Way jSugar -- SONOMA 25 Vn.NTUIlA APR. ' fUtdlouA . lliHO a. m D:15 a. ra., ....APR. ll Bishop & Co. Why IfPorto Rico Was AI,A.Mi:i)A 4 ALAMllDA MAY a. ro., '2:18 p. m., 3:20. p. rn., - AOKKTS FOIl ....MAY I ll:o6 1C SIKIUIA MAY p. m., $9i30 p. m., $11:15 p. m. The Ewfl Plantation Co. BANKERS. vnNTtntA ....MAY i II .15:16 25 AI.AMKDA 1AY in INWARD. The Walalua Agricultural Co. Brought Into The ALAMEDA ...;MAY . SONOMA Itonolulu from Kdliuku, Wal- The Kohala 8ugar Co. HICItltA .. junk irNi; Arrlvo AI.AMI1DA ... ji'.ni: iri ALAMEDA JCNH l'l) alua and Walauno 8:30 a. m., 0:30 The Walmea Sugar Mill Co. Report t The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo, Commercial ' JITTERS , and Travelers' p.Arrive Honolulu from Hwn Mill and The Standard Oil Co. n connection with the salllna of the above steamers, the agents are pre Qeo. Letters of Credit Issued on ft rail- Tearl City tTHC a. m., 8:30' a. m., The F. Dlake Steam Pumps, There are littnilreds of men nnd pared to Issue to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets, by any Centrifugals, from San to In State's, and from New 10:38 a. m., 1:10 p. m., M:31 p. m., Weston's the Bank of California and'N. ft ORGANIC ACT AMENDMENT road Francisco nil points the United The New England Life Co. women who have not eaten a hear- York by any line to all ports. 5:31 p. m, 7:30 p. m. Insurance M. Rothschilds &. Sons, Lon. ft steamship European Dally. of Doston. ty meal for years. Their stora-neh- s don. TO COVER ELECTION LAW FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO t Sunday Kxrcpted. The Aetna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, have "gono hack" on them. Sunday Only. Conn. t Correspondents for the In stteli cases tho Hitters will bo Tho Halclwa Limited, a two-hou- r The Alliance Assurance Co. of London, train, leaves Honolulu every Sunday American Express Company, DELEGATE KUHIO FINDS LITTLE found very helpful. It strength- Wm G Irwin & Co,, Ltd 8:22 a. m.; returning In Ho- PROSPECT FOR PUBLIC BUIL- "" at arrives Wm. & Co., Ltd and Thos Cook A Son, OCEANIC CO., GENERAL AGENT8. nolulu at 10:10 p. m. Tim Limited 6. Irwin DING ITEM AT THI8 ens tho stomach and cures Dys- 8. 8. Interest allowed on term SESSION. stops only at Pearl City nnd Walanno. pepsia, Indigestion, Poor Appetite, WM. G. IRWIN. ..President and Mgr. and Savings Bank Deposits, 0. P. DENISON, F. C. 8MITH, JNO. D. SPRECKELS. ,1st Vice Pres, Washington, I). C. April 2. 1000. Heartburn, Bloating Cramps or Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 8upt. O. P. T. A. W. M. QIFFARD 2d Vice Pres. Hdltor Kvetilng llullelln As el Kidney Ills. i H. M. WHITNEY Treasurer, V tendy reported by cubic, I be Commit Claus Spreckels. Wm. Q. Irwin, RICHARD IVERS Secretary Ifl tie on TerrllurlM lim favorably report ' E. I. SPAULDINO Auditor rd the Revenue Hill with the single Occidental and Oriental Steamship & Co. umendment tint the term lie reduced Claus Spreckels SUGAR FACTORS to the rarn. Although tills olo -- and insued by' a rale majority In the rum-m- i Coast Yachtsmen Go., and Toyo Kisen Kaisha - . I It was only BANKERS. COMMISSION AGENTS tec. iller the hurdeit Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave this 1 ml perFomil mem MUCH IN HONOLULU, : : : H. Agents for of effort nmoiiK the INTERESTED port on or' about the dates below mentioned: t. Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francisco, hers that this net Ion wns sceurcd. Mr. No- - f'ltirfiti wild M'nM nlie.mt frnm mint nf San Francisco AnenU Tho Cal. FOR JAPAN AND CHINA: TOR 8AN FRANCISCO: vada National Hank of San Francisco. Western Sugar Refining Co., San Fran- the henritiRs his been very hesitant lu Our Ocean Race Music at the (lie Draw-Exchan- on tno Nevada Na cisco, Cal. his nttltlide up to Inst few dityj, I 19nfi 1900 Bank of Han Francisco. Baldwin Locomotive Phila- hut nt the meeting, lie mndc th strons- - , . , tlonal Works, Ktys thn Pan Krnnclsco Call of Ha- ; . '..APR. 21 MAUI! APR. 24 London The Union of London nnd delphia, Pa, est plea In fmor of nur bill. The re- AMHniCAMAnU '..;.;. NIPPON waii's ori-n- yacht nue MONflOt.lA MAY 2 DOIIIO MAY 1 Hank. Ltd. Newall Universal Mill Co. (Manufac port which Is to be submitted to tin) Smith's Tho exact date of tho race has not CHINA MAY 0 MANCHURIA MAY H New York American Kxchnngo Na turers of National Cane Shred- IIoiikp by .Mr. t ole hail, lit Ills rfctiurst. - been set. hut it wilt probably take placo " Call t Msnlbi. HONKONO MARU . . . MAY IS tional Dank. der), New York, N. Y. ZOO liren pievlimsly prepared hy my Hecr-- some tlmo In June. The local yachts- o- Corn Hxchango National Pacific Oil KAIMUKt. Inry nnd wm nlMi approved by both Chicag- Transportation Co., San men am iery much Interested in Dank. Francisco, Cal. .Mr Hutch nnd myself ,s will bo seen the WRZ?vX uffalr. nnd when the I --a 1'nlomn nr- - Prls Credit LyonnalH. l.y tho lepnrt, into tins been made i.t the romp.irlson with the lineal (oiull-lio- lives here she will be given a ruyai Hongkong and Yokohama welcame. llniiklng Corporation. C. Brewer & Co., Ltd, In l'orto Jtko; this was done L- Sunday It wan found wns tho Tho starling place of thn raro will niiHo that this New Zealand and Australia Hank QUEEN HONOLULU, T. H. probably be Melggs wharf, It was FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO Hank of Austra- STREET, rltiRle reeommeiidntluu which nppcnled of New Zealand nnd Rome tlmo ngo that thn rncv lasia. FROM TO 5 P, M. in tho chairman nnd certain othrr AGENTS FOR: 2 liieinherH ol the Cointulltee; nuil It wi.n would surely be held during the cinomli ..Victoria and Vancouver Dank of K tnxt Agricultural I ol May, hut this date has been pott British morion. Hawaiian Co., Ookala their opinion that It would a no lie Urn Ht Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., North J Sugar Co., poned In order In glo tlio Honolulu Deposits recelxcd. Loans mndo on Plant. Onomea Sugar Co., stroiiKcxt icrommendation for uso with Honotnu Sugar Co.,Walluku Sugar Co., many mcmlters of the llouxe. ymhls n ehnneo In arrive hero and get approved security. Commercial nnd shape - pepcexeo sugar Co., The Planters Don't Miss It BIG 8TRUGOLE AHEAD. Into lieforo entering tin- great Travelers' CrcdltH Issued. Dills of contest of ocean speed. AMERICAN-HAWAUA-N Line of San Franclceo Packets, Chas. Ill reciirliiK this fuwir.ihto report, I li- CO bought nnd sold. Ilauilli-ip-n hr.ve been a SS. Brewer & Co.'s line of Boston Packets, of our Unlit been won. arranged lint miiKf has lolhiws: Direct Berrite between New York tnd Hawaiian Islands, Via Pacific LIST OF OFFICERS: hut It Ik eWdent Hint n liltf Htrunnle Is An nllownnco of one hour Collections Promptly Accounted For, fool lennth, C. M. Cooke, President; George rt III nheml of im The nillon of the ter nf whlrh will be ns Length Robertson, Vice President and Mana-Oer- ; Hpenker In pluiliiK the bill In tho follows: uf water Prom Now York to Honolulu Hue, plus one-ha- lf 8.8. "ALASKAN" 1 E. F. Bishop, Treasurer and Sec- Colt Acetylene liiilott Cnlnnd.ir iiiHtead of (lie House. overhang, Hie meas- to sail MAY MAY The retary! F. W. Macfarlane, Auditor; P. iih urements to he taken when the bunt Is 8.S. "TEXAN" to sail 25 First tiiiiiiunr ih. nihen inuirniini; inai leudy C. Jones, C. M. Cooke and J. R. Gait, tie Is still ontHised lo the ineaj for tea with nil stores on board. Freight received at all times at the Company's Wharf, 41st ' Gas Generators cither Thesi' AMERICAN SAVINGS Directors. affords lire or that he ItmlHts on IuivIiik It mndltluiiH piovldo n fair system Street, South Drooktyn. practically within his own inutrol. of nllowuntes. A Superior Light to all others, dcvcloiis fact home of Tho finish of the raro will ho off tho Prom San Prnnclsco To Honolulu Direct. the that to MAY 3 GO, Aeeytlene Gas Is superior In quality, tho Demoiruts of the Committee, who famous Diamond Head, known lo every 8.8."NEVADAN" sail AND TRUST viti- . . MAY 21 and cheapness radiates less heat, were favorable to the luenmirc tire now traveler across thu Tailllc. S.a."NEDRASKAN". to sail 3LjWcS3!EH Is- ates the air less and has no Injurious InlrndlnK to op tine It lo'tliat npparcni-J- y The arrival of the jnrhls nt tho Trelght received at Company'a Wharf, Greenwich St., OF HAWAII, LTD. I eyes. lands will Inaugurate rt effects on the innrerted opposition of the Homo-ei:U- x celebration. and each month thereafter. For further particulars Inquire at will have In he met. If, however, 'Iheie will be wreiths for tho lclor SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL... $200,000.00 WTT . .CTf". the office. only I'nyno won over, end great feasting on the part of tho Prom Honolulu to San Prnnclsco. we ran line Mr VIA SAN FRANCISCO. PAID UP CAPITAL $100,000.00 Also Calcium Carbide of all sizes. In ami ran Ihc of tho natives, tin well us the foreigners, nt 'secure lonscut tlio Islands, 8.8. to sail APR. 22 President' Cecil Brown drums and small cans, for Generators Speaker to the bill (ailed up, I lu fact. It will bo n reg- "NEDRA8KAN" lme day C.8. "NCVADAN" to sail MAY 13 Vice President M. P. Robinson Life and Fire ana Automobile Lamps and all sizes n m hopeful that It ran bu passed; but It ular fete lit Honolulu, 'and cer Cashier L. T. Peck and grades of Gas Mantles and Gas now seems llkily that we shall liul bo ono will be exlemled an Invttntluu to Burners, be present Join lu Iho IiIi-m- . Prom Sonttlo nnd Tacoma to Honolulu able lo do (lib until tuward the end and tenth 8 S. "NCVADAN" APR. Insurance-Agen- ts Thn visiting yachtsmen will bo ten to sail 27 Office: Corner Fort and King Sts. of the seldom 8.8. "NEDRA8KAN" to sail MAY IB 8AVING3 DEPOSITS received nnd dcred n reception by tho members nf CHANGING ORGANIC ACT. ." FOR INFORMATION AT Interest allowed for yearly deposits ni report Klcrtlnn Commit- the Hawaiian Yudit Club. The nip will FURTHER APPLY Washington Light Co. Tho ji tho be presented the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, .1 my there to the winner of tho G. P, MORSE, AflKNTS FOR tee No. unanlmuiisly fnvnrltiK race, H. Co., riulcs and regulations furnished up- eleitlon wns made tho House on nnd oen house will prevail. Whlfo Hackfeld & Lt C. W. MACFARLANE, Manager. lo the big (iirnlval Is going on GENERAL FREIGHT AGENT. AGENTS. HONOLULU. on application. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE IN- March :!;. Chairman Drlsroll strong- at thn SURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. ly empliuslrcs both in the repoit nnJ other rures will be on in the' 't Telephone Main 145. 143 Merchant St. beautiful harbor Hiirronndlng Honolu- Ltd AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COM- In IiIh speech before the lloimo thfil The Yokohama Specie Bank. lu. All the yachts will be to com- Canadian-Australia- n PANY OF HARTFORD. the election laws of Hawaii should he asked Royal Mall provld-Iii- r pete, and the amateur tars of the' levlbcc! and an addition mudu , ESTABLISHED 1880. city will Incidentally see liluio Stonmsshlp Cnmpnuy. Exhibition specially for tho election of a nrhllug I Iiiimi dlsctihi'rd within Iho few clau follow 8teamers of the above line, running In connection with the CANADIAN- - lo t'oiitresn. ing (he Hum Capital Rnhncrlbod Yen 21,000.000 insurance Ihn latter suhJiHt with Chnlrmnn Hani. rnie (hey hne ever be" PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver, D. C, and Sydney, N. 8. W., Ire foro witnessed, though the Is kju-ul- Capital Paid Up Yen 18,000,000 I ton of the Committee on Territories spoil and, calling at Victoria, D, C, Honolulu and Suva, FIJI, and Brisbane, are Part horse Part man nruund Honolulu, Ilcccrvcd Fund Yen 0,910,0m) I ml he ndvlsej that the itiitlon of due at Honolulu on or about the dates below stated, viz.: Inws the chniiKeM to elcdlon end nil de From Vancouver Victoria, D, C.i From Sydney Drlsbane. HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. to the Organic Act ' and and to sired amendments (l'or Ilrlsbano nnd H)dney) ' (Kor Victoria nnd Vancomer, JI.C.) B. which was born at Pearl City, Ewa, be inrefully koi.o over by the liar As OLD MARIPOSA TILLS Domlmy, F. DILLINGHAM CO iiiid luidhv MOANA MAi C MAHKNO 1 BRANCH AGENCIES take place on Nuuanu St. between mclallon tlio Commercial ...MAY Hongkong, Honolulu, Kobe, London, ilitriiiK the romliiR Hummer nnd n MAHUNO JUNI5 2 AOItANdl MAY Jn LypuD, Nagasaki, Nowchwnng, Now LIMITED, King and Hotel Sts., beginning Satur-day- , rlnclc bill be limwu uji eniliodyiut; nh AOItANdl JUNi: 3(1 MIOVi:itA .... . JUNK 27 Bhang OF STORM York. Peking, San Francisco, Apr, 14, 1006. tho amendments desired to the Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and hal, Tleu'sln, Toklo, Osaka. General Agent for Hawaii: Act. It would therefore bo well Jill For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to col- (Itlicns who are In thta Tho hank buys and receives for ADMISSION, 10c. for interested 8nn I'r.inrlsio. April 9. Tlio Oceuuic lection Dllli of Hxchango, Ihsiicb Atlas Assurance Company of London. mutter to prepare their siiKKestloiiH In Tkeo. H. Davl & C Ltd. Qeieral AgCHta. tn.imshlp Com':ui)'s steamer Marl- - i trans-ne- t Phoenix ho got-K- Drafts and Letters of Credit and Assurance Co. of London. definite form m that they can pusa In port early jeslerday a general banking business. New York Underwriters' Agency. together diirltt'; tho Hummer. itnlved Shoeing. morning from Tahiti, Hhu sailed from J, F. Morgan, President; C, J. Campbell, Vice President; J, L, McLean, HONOLULU BRANCH, 67 KING-ST- . Providence1 Washington Insurance Co. Horse Tho Item of 3u.C0O fur LeKlstallo I'ipKte Mnrcli 27 ut 13 a nuk- N. E. Gedge, 4th. FLOOR, STANGENWALD passed Houso durlni; tliu It in., Secretary; A. Treasurer; Auditor; Frank Hustace, BLDG. txpcnucB the ing the trip to port In pass tho this eleven days, Manager. jirtht week mid will doubtless ami minutes, j.rw.iV.&tA.n.jAiAXAijekAjtvj roou ns bill up In llftrrn hours nine W.W.Wright Co. Ucnnte ui the loinen Tho Mariposa brings further news of CLEANING and DYEING Gatton, Neill & Co, LIMITED, that branch. Wo todny secured from the etornii and tidal swept Hustace-Pec- k (ho of the Committee on wues that Co., Ltd. r. have opened a horseshoe- the Atolls mid low Wrartfldw making tpccUtty oftn Limited. a report on the out other Islands ' ing department In connec- Tonltcirle.i. fuvorahle of the Society group. Including low- luvtvwk. Mil appropriating t;;r,,0UU for lllllng In the 63 QUEEN ST. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, tion with their carriage er portions of Tuhlll. DRAYMEN, Sanitary Steam Laundry, shop, etc. Having secur- the naval nation, uud building retain- QUEEN and RICHARDS ST8. The previous reports regarding tlio 1 . DEALERS IN first-clas- s ing walls of tho Hamo and shall mtiko ruuiiv iciiii to Boilers Iron ed the services of a loss nf life nnd dnmtigu to properly In with charcoal tin effort lo luvn this lucorpuraled In WW or steel tubes; general ship work, shoer they are pre- that locality seem lo have been great- Firewood, and Coal. WWwww pared to do all work In- tho next ikllclency bill. Stove Steam ly exaggerated, largely owing lo ALSO WHITE AND OLACK SAND. TELEPHONE MAIN 295, -- truded to them In a first-clas- s PUBLIC BUILDING8. hearing ot tho geography of tho , Y. W6 Sin & Co. ;i)ff & CO. manner, :: :: :: :: I'iovIouh to our before tho on tho part of (huso writing for ON BROS. Committee on lMibllo llulldlnK nnd tho prees. I by FRUITS AND GROCERIES. Telephone Main 78 (Irounds two weeks ngo, wns told Tho loss to Tahiti wns comparatively Aloha Company ENGINEER8 AND decided nut the chairman Hint they had Plight, thn main renter of tho ovory CENERAL CONTRACTORS. any of tho Terrltorlej to have storms Fresh provisions nnd fruit by Plans to nllow having been In tho I'numotos group. BUILDING and PAINTING CONTRACTORS. House furniture of all but- and estimates furnished for Gitv place In the bill. Knowing tliU California steamer. Fresh Island all Meat Market The loss of life so far fouls up to l.MI kinds repaired and varnished. Yard and lawn work a specialty. Tools fur. Hawaii. classes contracting work. dnnger wo made vigorous iirgumcntK ter ftom TEL. MAIN 245. iiutrad of more than loot) as err nlshed. Cooks, Yardboys and Day L borers supplied on short notice. 1123 1180 Choice Island Vege- Honolulu and llllo on Fort St. and Nuuanu St. ROOM 300, BOSTON BLK.,' For Beef and for the rlilmsof ruusly reported by sotno afternoon pa Office, GREEN HOU8E, 8. King M. Walklkl road. Tel. Whits 2401. Honolulu. tables. California products by every Ihn ground th.it revenues now paid lo P. O. Box 0S1. Tel, White 931. steamer. the Federal Trnisury were iivullablo I'rrs. ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, for I'ubllc Ilulldlug8 In the Territory M. & Co. In s. SANG CHAN, Phillips nnd were part used fur such FILED THE BULLETIN. 75c per month MERCHANT TAILOR, Watch and Jewelry Club HULL Wholesale Importers and Jobbers This has been followed Blnro by a HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU. personal Thn. will of tho Into Stew, Suits tnado In oider In tho latest EUROPEAN AND campaign of interviews with Cotharlnn l.OO SOc. a week of A mini nrd has been (lied for prolmto hy Kn. Manufactured ..$ Stylet. PerfCct fit guaranteed. Clutli-ln- AMERICAN DRY GOODS. and members the Commlltto, Our $65 White brr of these men linvo expressed them Iher Valentin, who Is named 'as exerir cleaned, dyed and repaired. FORT and QUEEN (hmdlstjiudwati STS. .tcUca definitely In favor of mtlli.g tor. It dtuposea of J10,:io0 real estiilo ICE A, R. lisldo mid giving nt leant pro- - nnd I5.7I.7.2K persoiiulty. The loga J, Vieira&.Go. their nile Bronze Monuments any, lslon fur a public building silo fur tees am as follows; Delivered to part of S. SAIK1, city by courteous drivers. P. H. fturnette, US, HOTEL 8TREEJ nr,,FORT BT. Honolulu. James Blowatd, $20011; Catherine J, rriio Omnibus Public Iliilldlngs mil Lloyd, llfiOfi; Jaa. W. I.Ioyd, $500; are marvels of beauty and du- DEALER IN BAMBOO FURNITURE Attorney-at-La- and Nofary Public. wfl not ho reported to the. House for Nellie (lares, $20(1 j Allco llndrllffe, rability. They stand 5 feet '8 Oahu Ico Electric Ct AND PICTURE FRAME8. Real Estate, Loans, Collections. ilays: but rum re $200; Jas. Rtnward. $200i Kilns Inches, the 'four sides are fit- ul FASHIONABLE SUITS nbovt trn certain A. Kewalo. Telephone Dlue 3151. 'Also. Cabinet Maker. Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses. rmiiliK made to mo by n member today I.luyd, $M0; Lucy A. I.lnyd, $200; ted with removable tablets Phones: Office Mala310j Re.Wh.l311. MADE TO ORDER FOR MINIMUM 1 nru ery hot.eful that we are lo Im Catherlno Steward. $200; Hcnjanl with raised letters. Endorsed Office, 79 Merchant St, Honolulu. glvei n place In the bill. I.Ioyd, $100; representative of tho Ho. by "The Scientific American" 'TELEPHONE BLUE 881. PRICE AT moss-proo- BUILDING MATERIALS Very truly yours, man Catholic Church nf tho Hawaiian as f and strictly J KAiaNIANAOI.r.. Islamhi, $100, nnd Mary Catherlno everlasting, OF ALL KINDS. THE HAWAIIAN REALTY AND MA- FRED. HARRISON, 1 J. P. Rodrigues, Delegate to Congress, I.Ioyd, granddaughter, all the reslduri BUILDING MATERIAL WiisrVlngtnn, I). C April 2, lUOO. 8oe Agent .for Islands, DOX 184. Dealers Cor-- TURITY CO., LTD. Cor. ALAKEA and MERCHANT STS. mil remainder ot trstntrix's real nnd In Lumber and ) - -- pcnmiinl esrato. This residua would 20 cent, sold by per cheaper than SITE FOR CABLE STATION." amount lo about tho tntnl value nf thn ALLEN & ROrilNSON, Beat Estate, Mortgage, Loans and In- other dealers. Doorr, screen doors, CHOICE SELECTION QUseN ST., :: :: t: :: vestment Securities. I cal estate, when all Iho legncics aro J. M. Davis Honolulu. sash and builders' hardware. II. April II Advices paid. SEWING Office! Molnlyre Bldg., Honolulu, T. H. C. B. REYNOLDS, OF FINE JEWELRY Vlrttirln C, MACHINE REPAIRER. nt S S BOX 2SS. 141. NOW ON DISPLAY. fium I'lJI slate Hint I lie IlrillKh 1256 P. O. PHONE MAIN Alakea St, mauka Sailors' Home g FORT 3T. nearT3ERETANA. has plated n reservo on Kail-nln- Han KrantUeo, April 9."iCnp'taln Sr.vlng mashlnes rented, $2.50 per lUrlll) II Islanil of Ihlrty-si- x tiereg for the Ccorgn Dexter, In command of the ATsll!UUialiniMlMrltniP I Is ept on file at E, THOS LINDSAY mjonth, FlesKand Strancih tor Slok ane) stiillou of Ihn rnrlfiu Cable nirrj-pun- schooner Tahltlf nne, met with n tcr-tib- ln .,Nu TH3 PAPER! C. DAKE'8 ADVER- - lllank hunks of all sorts, lodger, cable Nervous WOfnii.B to pswalHiss In e4ih4 ' and HiIh area will bn excluded death durlrg tho recent gales nnd A machine cleaned and put In or sai hr.maklna stronstt rlen red tlood 1 T I S I N G AGENCY, cte manufactured by. Ilia Ilulletln Pub MANUFACTURING JEWELER, 4 Washing- waves swept over der-.$1.- 00. clietidltenetr stlvlnKvouvtrsnsth ta 124 Santome St., Francisco, Cal., Halting Company. FORT STREET, trout tho sale of KiiiiiiIiik and tldnl that hn Islnndii Is. Sold h DruBsk 's, 8 els a bos. Sn at Tnliltl .mil Ihn P.llimotllH. Iln wnfl or ninU"d on ol where, contracts for advertising can ton Inlands, Willi h Is nilvnrtlsed to take rlt3 boi rof E2.,oi reaalpt ' 'devoured hy WiHaxsalxnitMonia Traatmant, b made. for L Fine Job Printing at the Bulletin. Weekly bulletin 1 per year. place at l'ljl'on TiieBilay next. sharks. Weekly Bulletin SI per year. R. aOSANKO 0OM PnilndalphUw Pax I

i . - iini'lBi'-iiiiifn- i r it ,., . i ' in i im kc. r - iitaliib JNIate ,tf'.' Ui jm-j- kJ,.XMi.kJ m,',jBBHhlw t L.&tikdiMJwdM--pHBX(aVsi- UsHHWWsMssBsaBssMHsHr mmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;'Siv FW? "!t-t- '


SHIPPIN6 INTELLIGENCE BEST PAINT VALUE It's Delicious! TIDES. Whitney & Marsh Covers T m Most II ji g aj3 ?3 r sii you have never tried i Most 1 in Econom- wir p. m.ltt. a. ma m. p. m P'm - o - oi . .4 ical 6 II 17 I 5 II it J '8 4 16 I 40 6 M I It MB M I rf I p M I J "I ill 6 4 S 14 J 19 o 4 I I I I I IS GORDON GIN m. ' WHAT Looks 18 o lj i.j 1 J ; 1 j' I 41 5 1' 47 I I I ' I Full I 1 6 7 Host 19 mi 4 j4 J 40 1 41 5 Jl (I I 8 ft II 10 I J I.J 1 jo 8 9 30 5 J7 tl 4(6 .357 I m I yam-ll-1- mz& I Measure do so at once. It li superior to any gin p m a. m I I In wher- Jl 1 1.4 17 S V 9 It J 6 t it 441 HFATHtSBLOOH the market and finds favor I ' lPiEl I I I lalaar 3TBlaVM'fiV'"'' IB ever told. Wears I Always For sale at all leading hotels and 1 bars. 111 Longest 5'"rBI" Uniform New moon April 25 at 0:35 a, in. fc5' 'I bo tides ai Kaniilut und llllo occur s9 about an hour earlier tbnn at llouv Tlios.FJlcTighe&Co. lulu. Hawaiian Standard Tims is lOh 30m 80LE AGENTS. slower than Greenwich time, being 101 TO 105 N. KING STREET. that of the meridian of 157.30. Tbo ? E. Hall Son, Ltd. TEL. MAIN 140. lime whistle blows al 1:30 p. in., whleb j 0. & Is Ilia name as dreenwlsb. Oh 0m. ARRIVED. FORSALE HAWAIIAN Througlibred Stock We have it in all Colors Friday, April 20. I now offer at prlvnto sale the resi- Stmr, Manna I .on, Slmcrson, from lience of Mr. J, Emmelulh, sltuata on Just arrived per Nebraskan, Horses, Maul and Hawaii ports, 5.25 n. in, thu Ewa extension uf Judd street. Tim Opera House Fresh Milch Cows and a large number Htmr. W. (1. Hall, H. Thompson, from property has n frontngo of 80 ft. on aJBqi of Chickens. Now at our Kukul St. Kauai ports, 5:12 a, m Ask To It Jud.l Kt., and 1ms nn aren of about 2 Stables. This stock personally select- Stmr. Maul, Dennett, from Hawaii See acres. ed by C. H. Belllna. porth, C a. m. Tho basement aud first floor of tho Thursday and T. K. K. 8. 3. America Maru, (lolng, dwelling uro substantially built of nat- from San Francisco, 1.15 p. m. ural face rock. Club Stables Second story Is built of wood, store- Saturday Evenings FORT above HOTEL SAILING TODAY. ' H.uement contains laundry, ST. New Scenery For Corporation Notices. room, Ico room, room, APRIL 26th AND 28th. bath and large TELEPHONE MAIN 109. Stmr. Claudlnc, 1'iirlcor. for Maul room. Floors throughout nro of ce- Three Trains ment. THC MYRTLE BOAT CLUB portu, 5 p. in. "The College WldovT NOTICE OF ELECTION OF OFFI- SWSSSSSYVJSSSSSVS A Kuktil-hacl- First floor contains Tllo floor veran- I presents Stmr. Noeau, I'edernnn. for CERS. and Honokaa only, 5 p. in. da parlor, dining room nnd kitchen Daily GEORGE ADE'S GREATEST SMOKE 1 The new scenery Is completed now with brick set Montaguo French t tho production of (leorRO Ado's W. C. PEACOCK CO., LIMITED. COMEDY, DUE TODAY. for 4 range and China closet, fernery ad- VIA "College Widow," and Is flno in every joining dining room. Mike Wright Cigars respect, depleting faithfully n real old At n meeting of tho stockholders of Upper lloor bed rooms American-Hawaiia- n S. Nebraskan, cuntnlns three S. coIIckc gamo campus nml all V. C. PEACOCK & CO., LIMITED, UNION PACIFIC I "The College Widow" HAY.S'ELDEN Wccden, from San Francisco, this even- and the sewing room, storo room nnd hatb TOBACCO C0..7 that goes to make up a collego exist- held at Honolulu, April 18th. 190G, tho appli- & DISTRIBUTORS. ff ing. room with all modern sanitary --TO- ence, I following Olllcers wcro elected: "No End of Fun from Start to " Mlknliala, Gregory, ances. Stmr. from Tho rehearsals going flue, full W. C. Peacock President (Irounds KuiiQl ports. 6 a, in. tiro nro terrncod with stone 0MAHA, KANSAS CITY, of snap mid vigor, and nil tho cast' Andrew Brown.... Vice President 'walls of a substantial character, sup- Htmr. Claiullno. l'arker, from mhui R. L. Auerbach Treasurer BIQ CAST) C tall right Into lino with their parts porting tho terraces. portH a, in. C. S. Weight CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS mid the notion and fun heglui! when Secretary A complete system of drainage, car- NEW SCENIC EFFECTS! Fresh Bakings a a T. F. Lansing the curtain rises and doesn't let up; Auditor surf water from And All Principal Eastern Points. OF BREAD, CAKE8, COOKIES, ETC., DUE FRIDAY. of- ries .ico tho entire SPECIALLY PAINTED KCENERYI until the fall of tho curtain on tho Inst' The above O Hirers constitute ex premises. EVERY DAY AT THE ficio the Hoard of Directors of said act, where Juno and Hilly Ilolton plight , Tl'o properly Is well cultivated and tfeatc on sale at Wall, Nichols Co. A.-I- I. 3. S. Weedon, from corporation. Denver, Nebraskan. troth for llfo nnd prepare to for commands of f To Box office opens Monday, April 23rd, San Frnmlaro, a, m. Ieao C. S. WEIOHT, ino tho finest views PERFECTION HOME BAKERY the West with the elder Mr. Ilolton. of tho city the sea. T. K. K. S. 8. AmiTlcn Mnru. (loin, Secretary W. O. Peacock & Co., and No Change &x,Giv The second act will he n very pret- Price very low. i Cor. BERETANIA AND EMMA STS. from Snu l'rnliclfco. n. In. collego Limited. .1302-3- (. ty one. Tho scene, tho Chicago. will he n familiar one, all FOCUS DUE 8ATURDAY. and JA8..F. MORGAN, V CURE YOURSELF tho girls In their pretty whlto frocks AUCTIONEER. lie suro your ticket roads via the your peppers on our now lino of 190G Cnr--a nnd summer costumes, and tho boys In Business Notices. 44 - Klnau, i'rccmnn, from llllo UNION PACIFIC. A by rialuK.II. ' V. lllii fo- unnatural Stmr. their dress suits, all bent upon huviug Suiting. now lot Str. Nevadan uwuw. ttLrtiarjtf., Inflammation., and wny ports, n, w .trwtar.. Irrluiluiia ur ulceration ni. n real good tlmo at tho Faculty Recep- OFFICE DEPOT QUARTERMASTER, Just opened up. I tt a) r I For full Information call on rHtiii fiiu. CMuiBiTrV' luutuua lii.uil.ranM. tion. Ico cream Is eagerly sought by U. 8. A.. Honolulu, 11. T April 10, PAS8ENGERS ARRIVED. 190G. S. F. BOOTH, Q. A., --ttHPKIUT1,O.BBJBfcu! wr pulauttuu,. tho crowd nssembled nnd It runs out Sealed proposals In duplicate. 1 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cat. aW. IT.S.A. bbbT Nuld lir Ilruirn-latM- . very soon, much to tho disgust and for ttincdorlng V. 8. Array Trnnspurts aaaaafrVV fur ll orS UIII...IJ.7X Per stmr. Molina Lna, from Maul disappointment o( nil present. This during the tlscnl year ending June 3u, The swell grays JaWS I trr. I and Hawaii porfs, April 20. p. V. Is also the act In which Ilolton, tho 1907 (coaling nnd discharging coal) Hhlpman, Mrs, H, Mrs. M. , which are raging T. Forrest, great is persuaded to ie- - will be reiehtd hero until 11 n. in. ICHICI LARGE STOCK OF Rich-an- S. L. HItORers. F. A. mnln at Atwnter to play on tho team. April 30. 1900, nnd then opened. In- GENERAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, high. A. (1. Thrift, Jas. I.yle, Mrs. I. Tho scenery, effects nnd music formation, letter of Instructions mid cor. Emma and Beretanla Sts. Japan- Japanese Provisions I.awlnr, E, H. Edwards, Mrs. J. Les- throughout tho play aro very pleasing blank proposals run he obtained from ese and Chinese Laborers Supplied. lie. Mrs. K. J. Hardco. l)r. A. C. Wall. and hound to ho a distinct feature, the undersigned. C. F. Humphrey, Jr., Work of Kind Under- Ki- Contract Every The Cool looking Mrs I'. F. Frenr. M. F. Scott. Miss nnd, nil In nil, tho "Collego Widow ', t'apt. & Q. M II. S. A., Depot Blue 2181. taken. Telephone Sayegusa ln WrlKht. W. W. Chnmlicrlaln, Mrs. on April 2Gth nnd 28th, Is calculated kind. 33G0-A- pr. 1120 NUUANU 8T. M. J. UlsRell, Miss lllsscll, C. T. Wil- to be a decided hit from nil stand- 17, 18, 19. 20. 27, 28 TELEPHONE WHITE 716. der, Mrs. II. Sllv.i, A. II. JueKson, J. points. William T. Patv, H .l'orteoui, Mrs, 8. Kclllnol, Miss M. OFFICE DEPOT UUAKTHIlMABTEll. DAVID DAYTON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, CtinimliiKs. H. M. (ilttcl. 8. l'ontnnl, V. S. A., Honolulu, II. T.. April 1G. $20lo30 Alexander Young Hotel Mrs. A. Marelela. J. F. Hacl.feld. 190G, Sealed proposals In duplicate, 137 MERCHANT STREET. ALAKEA STREET. Our Clothes are l'ci stmr. W, fl. Hall, from Kaunl for emptying nnd cleaning dry earth All classes of Building Work April 20. M. II. Fernandez and Mr. nt Cnntp McKlnley, II. T dur- Beginning with May 1st, 1906, the churls promptly and carefully executed. Perfection. Austin. ing the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1907, LOTS FOR SALE 180). Alexander Young Hotel will be d Office 'Phone Blue i ed will ho i reel veil here until 11 a. in. IN KAPIOLANI PARK ADDITION Residence Blue 2332. on the European Plan only. mm 'Phone April 30, 1900, opened. In- NOAH W. GRAY MANAGER PASSENGERS BOOKED. and then and Other Desirable Localities. formation, letter of Instructions mid HONOLULU, T. H. Washington, April 9. President G, Geo. Per stmr, Claudlnc, for Maul ports. blank proposals can be obtained from HOMES FOR SALE W. LET, A. Martin Rompers of tho American Federation tho underslgnnj. C. F. Humphrey, FRE8H FLOWER AND VEGETABLE April 20. Dr. A. O. Derby. Mr. anil today Jr., HOTEL of Ijibor, speaking hefuro tlm Cnpt. & Q. - ON WILDER and GULICK AVE3. SANITARY PLUMBING AND TIN. ST. SEEDS FOR SALE. Mrs. II . 1. Ilaldwln, Miss Wells, Mrs. Jl., v.' 8. A., Depot Quarter- 8MITH WORK. of the Houso Commit- muster. M, Jno. l'arker, Mrs, J no. K. Notluy.Mrs. OPEN SATURDAY8 UNTIL 9 P. tee an Foreign Affairs legardlng Chi- 3300 No Reasonable Offer Refused. WAIKIKI SIDE 8MITH ST. Mrs. E. M. Chas. K. Notley, Mrs. Sol. I'alelholau, Apr. 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 2S. Bet. HOTEL and PAUAHI. Taylor nese, exclusion, declared that President Win. McGrew, Jno. K. Notley, Chas. lloaBuvelt had cxpicsscd himself to Good Workmanship. Work Completed YOUNG BUILDING. O'Sulllvan, Mrs, S. Ami, Mrs. !.. Cos-t- a him as faorlug tho iidmlsslon of tho i When Promised. TEL. MAIN 339, and child, E. A. I)agy, V. C. Jef- best class of Chinese Into this country TELEPHONE MAIN 125. fries. BUSINESS DIRECTORY merchants, professional men. stu dents nnd travelers, without offense, Have You Seen French and Milk Bread molestation or Indignity. Gompcrs was Worth Knowing A SPECIALTY. ALL KINDS OF DENTIST. speaking in opposition to the Foster bill amending the existing ex- pleased CAKES. Chinese That all men's palates are clusion laws, but devoted a with the fare served by the The KNICKERBOCKER A. B. CLARK, D. D. 8. himself to U. 8. Weather Ilureau, BOSTON BLDG., R. 311. MAIN 303. consideration of tho question "f Orient- - Office, ill labor as alfectlng tho United States. FAVORITE GROTTO FOUNTAIN BRUSH? VIENNA BAKERY Local He strongly opposed nnythlng that OPPOSITE CLUB 8TABLE8. April 20. would open tho doors to toolle labor I Corner HOTEL and BETHEL 8T8. Temperatures B n. in., 07; 8 a. in , aud said tho law Bhould bo extended Headquarters for Automobiles with r; to other Asiatics and particularly to Splendidly Equipped Fireproof The Latest and Createst In- S. H. WEBB 70; 10 n. m., Jl; noon, 72; morning DRINK li tho Japanese. American laborers, ho Garage. - Best Mea! In Town GUN AND LOCKSMITH. minimum, G". said, should bo protected against the, vention for GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. llaioinetcr, S a. m 30.00; absolute pauper labor of China and Japan and VON HAMM-YOUtf- COMPANY, Ltd. humidity, 8 a. C.5I4 grains per BATHING AND SHAMPOOING. Safes Opened, Typewriters, Cash Reg- in., Our New Tea there should bo no relaxation of tho CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT, isters and Sewing Machines, Lawn cubic foot; relative humidity, 8 n. in.. administration of tho present law. 82 per cent; point, 8 n. 111., Gl. on HOTEL ST. near NUUANU. We Call to see Mowers cleaned, adlusted and repaired dew It. K. Campbell, expert of tho Immi THE COBWEB OPEN NIQHT. have them. Wind G u. m velocity 5, direction CAFE,, ALL REMOVED TO UNION STREET. gration Uureau, favored an Improve N.; 8 u. in., vdlocity 9, dIVectlun i.', The 1905 crop of choicest teas ment on tho present law, but opposed them. QUEEN T. Manager 10 n. in., 7, direction :.; noon, the pending bill. lie. was closely ques- and ALAKEA STS. Oda, To Stenographers and Typewriters: velocity 10, direction S. has Just come to hand and we tioned by Representatives McKlnluy FINE MEALS, Rainfall during 24 ended 8 a. Hayes, WINES, LIQUORS, hours are now selling It In bulk In and who, with the California YEE CHAIN Wc have Just received a new line of in., .09 Inch. delegation generally, bellevo the bill AND BEER. FANCY DRY GOODS JU8T OPENED. typewriting paper. It will be greatly Total wind movement during 21 any quantity. will never bo reported. TEL. MAIN 492. ti'j Clcthlna, Hats, 8hoes, Ectc, Chinese CHAMBERS DRUG CO., to your Interest to Inspect same. Prices liouis ended at noun, 235 miles. -- . a --hnir (in.-- ftimn!,, anh. 5 and Japanese Silk Goods. Handker fi. - - ,.. ..r...... ALEX. McU. A8HI.BY, Is Camara v. I If you use this tea there no ex. Intimate Friend: "Don't you drend & Co,, Props.8 Campher-woo- d mllt,4 Wall Ml.kAl. fn Bu. chiefs, Matting and tl Section Director, U. 8. Weather II u tho of housekeeping?" ProH-- Cor. Fott and King Sts. erythlng office. trials Trunks. for the cuse for not having the very pecttvo Hrldo: "Why, It will NUUANU 8T., corner PHONE MAIN 131 bo a picnic. Wo aro going to have nil HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, King. P. O. Box 053. Honolulu, H.T, choicest beverage, because REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. tbo cooking brought In nnd all tho PRES8ED, REPAIRED AND BY AUTHORITY this tea Is new and fresh. work sent out." Chicago Trlbuuc. DYED BY THE WORKS a HONOLULU IRON Entered for Record Apr. 19, 1906, Improved and Modern SUGAR MA- ROYAL WAILUKU SIDEWALKS. From 10:30 a. m. to 4 p, m. Besides, you don't pay for the 'For Sale" cards at Bulletin. City Renovating Co. to CHINERY of every capacity and de- Emmallno M Magoon Harry S package, and we offer a better to Boiler Oray I) 1153 s: :: street. scription made order. work SEALED TENDER8. Will cull for andfortdeliver same, and RIVETED PIPES for Irrigation Hawaiian Hotel Harry S dray to Kmmcllni M Ma- quality for the money than purposec a specialty. Particular atten goon , M WANTS TELEPHONE MAIN 196. Table board for summer months, Will bo received at tho ofllco of tho tion paid to JOB WORK, and repairs Hoard of Supervisors, of County Richard S Kelly to Emmullno M Ma- you can get elsewhere, " $50.00. Room reasonable. the executed at shortest notice, and board of Maul, Wallul.u, Maul, up to 12 goon .. ,., M Hr Want Column See Paee Ix Address, H. BEW8, Manager. o'clock noon, Tuesday, May 1st, A. D. Entered for Record Apr. 20, 1906, 1900, for the construction of a cement From 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. 8ITUATION WANTED. PIANOS Wing Wo Tai & Co. 11 - sldownlk along Main Street and Mar- Hugh Howell and wf tUj J Nlsh- CEYLON, OOLONG, STE1NWAY and others wltz A n liable American woman with ex- DEALERS IN IMPORTED GENERAL C. FARIA ket Street, Walluku. Specifications and blank forms of William Klnnev to Antonio Pavao.AM ENGLISH BREAKFAST, perience, would llko to take charge THAYER PIAN') COMPANY, MERCHANDISE. will makn you a nice two-piec- e suit proposals may bo obtained at tho of- h da Bllva to Itosa d(i Cunha Rcl uf a small lodging houso; references UNIQUE ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS. and allow you to pay for same 2t $1.00 fice of tho County Cleric, Walluku, Mary I da Bllva and hsli to Mrs Ito- JAPAN, YOUNG HY80N, exchanged. 1071A. off LIUclIku St. 156 AND 158 HOTEL STREET. 041 NUUANU STREET. per week. Maul. sa da Cunha . . ,, 1) 33C3 Tel. Main 268. P. O. Box 015. No proposal will bo entertained ex- Rosa da Cunha and hsb to Mrs Mary And Other Varieties. " " HOTEL opp. BISHOP 8T. cept upon tho blank forms furnished. I da Stlva M WANTED. F. D. WICKE, JUST RECEIVED A certified check In the amount of j Frank a da Hosa to Evan da Stlva. PA o FOR o Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars u. v, itaea to ah mo ' Salesman to sell whiskey In bond to CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF WCLL SODA WATER drawn In favor of W. II. Hennlng, Mtuakamt Satsu jo I,. Chong ....CM tho retail trade. High commission. Office and Store Fitting, Cabinet Mak-In- g SEASONED KOA LUMBER. Distillery Co , OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY, Chairman of tho Hoard of Supervisors, Southern Hattluioru, and Polishing; Calabash Turn- Will Be Sold Very Cheap. accompany proposal. 7, 1906. Md. 33G2-- BUY OF THE must each Recorded April J. M. Levy & Co. ing; Repairing and General Jobbing, WM. FRED. KAAE. Wm. Olepau as Tr and wife to Henry 1082 ALAKEA 8T., rear Y. M. C. A. FONG INN CO. HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS Clerk of the Hoard of Supervisors Smith. Tr: M: lot 11. hlk II, Kuplnlnnl Hoy about 18 years of ago, Just out of 1152 NUUANU ST. P. O, BOX 909. for the County of Maul. I Tract. Honolulu, Oahu; pes. land I.eleo, KING ST. PHONE MAIN 149. school, to learn grocory biiithioss; The Weekly Edition of tbo evening FACTORY 1425 EMMA 8T. Arrll lGth. A. D. 1900. I Honolulu, Oahu; $325.- 11 2S5, p 72. American preferred, .ddr-w-- i v,, rtulletln gives a complete summary of Weekly Bulletin SI per year. TELEPHONE BLUE 1871. 33C2to & Incl. Apr. 28. Dated Apr 3, 1900. Ilulletln, 3302-- w tho news of tho day. For SI