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PART AMERICA PLANS TO GERARD CONFIRMS PLAY IN CONFLICT WITH BRAZIL CUTS VIMY RIDGE THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT CRUELTY CHARGES TERRIFIC BLAST IN Washington, April 10.—Tho un- derstanding reached with the al- BONDS WITH AGAINST TEUTONS IS CLEA RED OPEN FIGHT American asatst- lies provides for anco In the war during tho first year to this extent: .. IN PRISON CAMPS MUNITIONSFACTORY Tho employment of all avalla- blo Ameri can naval craft up to THE KAISER, OF TEUTONS ON AiERiCA and Including the ciaB« of de- Btroyers to fight submarines In Children Shoot Arrows European waters uidifo guard tho Tipped With Nails at ¦ sea lanes' for tho protection of KILLS, 250• WORKERS¦ ¦ shipping; . British Prisoners. BY BRITISH . - / ¦/ ¦wm U. S. BELIEF . The ' aBSlgnm orit ' of American NEWS HEARS cruisers t8 patrol allied pobscs- THREE HUNDRED INJURED IN .EXPLOSION^ slonB from Nova Scotia to Pana- NEWSPAPER IN WAR SEEMS CERTAIN ma and to «cout for and round GENERAL ADVANCE WHICH DESTROYS PLANT OF EpDYSTONE ;!!f§l up German raiders in tho Atlan- IS AUTHORITY FOR TRAINED SHEEP . QUENTIN SEC- . ' FOLLOWING BREAK tic. ST. AMMUNITIONS CORPORATION. ' ' -p&M Tho strengthening of the Amer- BREAK REPORT. BITE CAPTIVE ALLIES TOR GOES ON. WITH VIENNA. . ican battleship fleot, no lramcdlato ubo fc r which is ' contemplated. Itolsc Army of Million. Former Ambassador to Uerninny Tells Tho raising and training ot an Canadian CInn In ?icw Tork of army of 1,000,000 men, a . part , or 9,000 PRISONERS FALL NEARLY ALL OF DEAD ARE WOMEN; AND MAY REGARD SEIZURE all of which will be needed In RECONSTRUCTION OF linrbarutm Practices Wit- S^ Kuropc If the war lasts moro than .. . nesBcd, V year ' longer, BEFORE FIERCE DRIVE GIRLS EMPLOYED IN POWDER CONCERN OF SHIPS HOSTILE ACT Tlio reduction ot tho ra'.o of ex- CABINET IS PLANNED ¦ change by the extension of liberal - ¦ ' ' '¦ ¦ credits to th e allies, the loan of , New York, April • 10.—British . " . . '' • ' ., .- • ' 'W$h'i4M House Ways and Means $3,000,000,000 proposed by tho nd- Ministers, to- Resign in a charges . of. cruel treatment of war German Line Wavering, and Hints of Plot to Destroy Works Given Strength by;Eacjj §| mlnlslrntlon being tho first , step prisoners In are confirmed is Made ' Committee Preparing to accomplish' this purpose. , Body and New Wat Gov- by- James .W. Gerard. , For the first Leisurely Retreat That Most Favorable. Spot for Work Was :Sc^ne"xii |S The employment of the German time since his return from Germany Precarious and Measure Authorizing and Austrian merchantmen for ernment to Be Built, ' I the former American minister at the ' Great Blast—Thousands of Feminine Workers .jEm^J| tbo .transporta tion of supplies to Uncertain. Plan of Council. di nner.of the Canadian club last ¦ ' Many Attracted by High Wages Paid. , t tho allies. ployed ¦ . Huge Loan. , ¦ - i ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' , 1 ¦ ^jSM . . ¦ night told some of the things ho had - ¦ < ¦ •¦ . - ' ' ¦ ¦ '! * .<> The development of a vast ship- . - , - _ . .. ^ *y^ building industry In the United seen on visits to tho Gorman prison ¦ ¦ —Tho.British of- —War. be- States to furnish bottoma badly camps in the capacity of official rep- London , April 10. Washington, April 10. noedo'd ns tho result of submar- LOudon, Ypril 10.—Diplo- fensive between Lens and . St. Qucntln tween the United States and \\tmtrla- f resentative of tho British and Cana- Chester, Pa., April 10.—A terrific explosion .[a t- th@M Ino destruction of tonnage. > matic ' relations , between dian governments. . with which' the Bpring operations ' llungary Kcenm practically certain to- Tlio supply .of a vast quantity grea laat of the Eddystone Ammunitions Corporation Brazil and Germany have . Boys. Shoot Arrows ut Captives. havo opened and which Is still In t p $ || | day tallowing the break In diplomatic of Htcol to England and Franco. progress has proved oven moro suc- " ;h relations. PrcHldent Wilson however, Tho Bupply ot railroad .rolling been broken off according to ¦ "I have seen small boys," said Sir. Eddystono, Pa., a mile from .this . city,, is reported to. avef^ tvbs believed (o have no Intention ot stock and rails' to and ¦ 3crard , < "with German simplicity and cessf ul than tho earlier accounts in- «M {orchis It by nsklng congress to de- American onglnoers to organize the Evening News. . kindness march -about the prison dicated. , ' ' . . ' killed from'125 to 250 personB-and injured -at>:least;; ^00v clare Hint a state or war exists unless railroad transportation in Russia'. To Hrenk Todny Suys Itlo. camps armed with bows and arrows Gen. Sir Douglas.Hate today reports inore. A railroad official asserts that . nearly. 300iiv^e:^ sonic fu ture overt net Is committed. 1' rcpnratloiiH Hushed. and shoot arrows tipped with nails that yeatordoy's capturea exceeded 9,- ¦ of Austrian now en- Rio Janeiro, April 10.—Tho official at Uio prisoners.^ At another camp I confirmed. :• : ' . Th e seizure of n number Tho administration is report regarding tho sinking of the 000 men whllo 40 guns fell Into tho killed but this estimate cannot be: ': i^M ships in American ports- n)ny. be inter- gaged In the work of getting all visited they had trained German The Canadians ¦^ ' Brazilian steamship Parana-which tho sheep dogs to bite the British and hands of his troops. EXPLOSION AT 10 O'CLOCK ' 'S preted us a step or War »y .Austria* of thoso activities under way. governm ent has been awaiting before who had ono ot the hardest blta of The stat us of Uulgnrla . and when the guards went through the the front to contend with, arc now In '' •¦ taking definite toward Ger- canip they took the trained dogs' ith The explosion occurred soon after 1Q.o'clock ^Jthe^ were not known today, but officials many, Is beli eved to. have been w complete occupation of the famous ¦ generally believed they would break .re- them and' it was seldom that they eastern slopes hellet room of the ) shrapnel -buildingwhere ¦abbut^lCM ceived today from the legation in Par- failed to bite British soldiers. . Vlmy ridge oven Its ¦ velutloiiH eventually. is. " having been cleared of Germans. Tho irls ere ; employed ^.putting ' tho •'finishing- touches . It Is expected the government this The commandant of this camp Tvns , havo repulsed" Gennan g w IPmm Prepare Lonn Jlensuri'. j af ternoon will sever relations ¦with removed, after long delay, upon com- Canadians also In building adjoining, approximately 3, s CENSUS Germany. , , • . counter attacks. shells.^ a 00P/ h^^S a Preparation of a measure authoriz- ILLINOIS - plaint of Mr. Gerard. ' * second-explosion demolishecl this ing a luge hond issue In accordance Switzerland will take chargo of Bra- Gennan Lino M'nvcrlmj. weire'stored. A ¦ buildi^S with the administrations program for zilian interests at Berlin. These reactions by 'the Germans in- sheUs k every dii-ection:' .:• " ,; ;v;^M and scattered the ^.J financing the war, was the task he- DioJ! Calls' Cabinet. dlcato the importance they attach to . ' . -.. Bbma eo Small. , !: ' means com- BILL IS ON WAY HUGE GERMAN NAVY MOVE conquerors , ¦ ?:, Wr im fore the house ways and President Diaz has notified tltc cab- tliis position whonco tho . ' , Oftlelal's'ot Uio KddyBtono 'AmtoB« mittee today. look down over tho plain of Doiial. . The program as announced by Sec- inet ho. will summon it for a confer- AGAINST RUSS FORTRESS With Vimy ridge gone, tho whole Ger- tlons corporation .this - nfternoon.iBfw; following ence upon receipt of Information , re- ,French towns Iho dnmnfo to tho plant; who not retary Me " -loo last night, THROUGH SENATE garding , the Purana M-M.-htfjfr.'hfm ro. man lino covcrjns the WILL ooS conferem; with congressional lead- .^AT -KRONSTJlDT* EXPEGTEfl of mdustrlaTdlsTrlctsto tho north be- KlICHIN lous. Annolinccnicat wns mado '_titf|| was ready uucsted rrbiiTnicTIegatibh in Paris. leiBure- ers nrnl jthers, virtually It Is learned from a reliable source comes a wavering one and the all department*.would '.resume , <>liej$|l lo be .id before congress today. It Appropriation of Million Attack on Famons Inland Defense to ly "retreat the Germans - may have ' zation of a' bond is- tlmt a reconstruction of the cabinet planned is made uncertain and pre- tlons tomorrow morning.-wlth\tbb,ro^1 calls for authori was discussed at tho last council,of Come as Soon as Gulf of Finland PILOT WILSON coptlon v of , thrco * dop sue of $,".,0(10,000,0110 of which JJ .OOO,- and Half Provided For carious. . , - artmontB^v^ to the entente the ministers. It is proposed that the is Free From Ice, Cit- "With the capturo of the famous departmento will , .rcoumo wortJSfjif^ 001)0011 .would he loaned present administration chiefs should . . ¦ ; . The committee measure prob- Checking Up State. izens Fear. ridgo the British made a considerable April 24. . • .:- .. \ r::.: V;-'\-a'-ii |g ¦ allies the house to- resign in a body as soon as relations strido along the road to Doual, while WAR MEASURES ^. . ably will bo laid before are broken .with Germany. Nothing Is.known .as. to tho^auso; morrow and its ' consideration begun the capture ot the high ground north- " Recognize S'oir ItusH?a. Kronstndt, April 8, (via London). west of St Quentln tightens the chain Also De- of tho exploBlon. though there.rlsS Sprlngnctd, 111., April-10.—The bill April 10.—Kronstadt la feverishly ap- Democratic Leader suspicion It was not due to accldentJgS imlieatlo'ns arc that It will meet Brazil has recognized the now gov- whlch ' tho Anglo-French forces aro "" by both house proposing a completo census ot the pealing to repel an . expected perman drawing around the town. Tho Ger- He Will Give . Basil Grccnlio, a Russian lnBpSJteg with prompt approval and, material b in Illi- ernment of Russia. clares ¦ ¦ and senate. men, industries naval attack when the Gulf of Fin- 'mau diversion southeast of Vpres, ac- in tho billet departmont, ; who. Wa8/Tjlj| nois available for war started its way . Paper Demands Mur. laiid is' free of ice. A .correspondent cording to Gen. Haig'a. report, mot Chance to Oust Him. Kijrlil ]>rnll Opposi tion, of the Associated , Press visited the with no success. . jurod and brought; ,to a.hospltalj'^iere^ through the senate today. The bill Pcrnambuco,' April 10.—The Dlario said .thcro waa n6 powder in;,thol|oa^| lifforts to break oppositi on to the was favorably reported at "a hurried Dc Pernambuco, one of the principal famous. iBland.fastness by travel over Tbo news of tho successful opening ' ,' ¦ ¦ of the proposed army vast Ice wasto which soparatcs It of the now British offensive has Washington, April 10.—Democratic ing room and no fire. There *ls inn .iitip ,1,-afl feat ure meeting of the Hcnatc appropriations papers in "northern Brazil In an edi- 4ip announced -his confirmed, rumdr of two , arirestsi',r b}i |i hill were continued . today by Presi- torial filled with warm nralso.' . of from tho mainland and found the gar- stirred intense Interest and high hope Leader Kitchin today * H e arranged lo confer committee held beforo tfie session and rison working night-and day in antici- among tho pcoplo throughout tho readiness to pilot the administration nothing can bo learned'to ¦ substantlato! dent Wilson. President Wilson, calls on the gov- house. the story. ' /' ' ' ¦' - ; H«;' with Itcp. Anthony , of Kansas, a re- was reported to the senate and read ernment to acceptr America pation of the long predicted assault. country. Whatever the enemy may war propaganda through tho iSg Hie house mili- Curtis of Grant 's'lead In have claimed as lo the retreat In tho Ho votod. against tho war resolution . Immediately calls wore sent for out;.; publican member of the first time. Senator its conduct of•. f oreign relations. Tho The fortress is entirely controllc side.old and physicians,. firemenilinjg Miinmlltco and opponent of con- Park, author of the bill , said he would by a council olected by. tho troops Sommo sector, having " been prear- and there waa somo doubt or his posi- tary rongly ho paper says: ranged , and strategical , It Is contond- police from sunoundlng, cities. "Thejw scription, to ascertain how st undertake to have it read a .second "After- - reading President. Wilson's whicli is unanimously resolved to de- ' numbers; ' the United Stntcs should not fend Russian frcodom and territory to ed that their recoil before the hlow de- Mr. Kitchin announced that ho responded In great .' v.vlTfim belie ves time and put on final passage-in the messago to congress »wo cannot but livered in the Arras-Lens region caucus an buildings in which tho ciploalons clc.-.; apply flic volunteer system in raising ¦ believe in the' sincerity of the opin- the last. Tho council is equally reso- car*- would gtvo tho democratic - senate tills week. lute against tho -annexation of ' for- not bo explained away in nny such opportunity to de?!do if it desired to currcd, caught flro- and tho flames.a(t| " ions which he has defended f rom the ¦ manner. It is urged that Uicro is no or two hourB* fight, wero\confhie4|xpj " There was considerable talk today Women Volunteer, very beginning of hlB admini stration. eign territory. * - . deposo him as house leader. Whllo a ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ to be presented by posslblo voluntary- clement In tills re- largo majority of tho democrats dis- these structures. ' .- ,, .' ..,S'.'-SsSIf of a compromise Patriotic women who have volun- At the opportun e moment he arises to no Mcanwhllb charred bodies wcre'?be»5 service, and tirement and that there can bo agreed with his decision tho general , ,i;j opponents of compulsory will find a means Ihc occasion. * .i __i..J '. it ^ '^'i t*C':?. teered Uicir services '" disputo as to who look tho Initiative, lllg {J.UIIUU 11U1U iUV .Wl UUtVMJSO'UUU ^. lUT although ihc administration ; recog- at once ot aiding tbo state IE the.bill' fcollng is now that ho Is willing to no hint was g v- FARM EDITORS PLAN WAR ACT A now chapter .In the conflict on take chargo ot tho war measures ho Jured persons wore -being.plclioa;V M$ nized tills possibility passes, according to Adjutant General tbo western front has, begun and and taken to Cheater, a mile away; TBB it will recede f rom its insis- who explained- Kb purposo ¦S Is not opon to attack. To avoid or at ¦ , eii that Chairman Dent Dickson, DISCUSS NATION'S FOOD NEED t.' Louis,, , April 10.—Editors and whether or not it is to provo the be- reduco opposition from'tho re- two main hospltalB of tho city;>$$ tence on conscription . (o the committee today.- .In addition publishers of farm journals with an ginning of a decisive battle It is least ( soon, filled ' and others injured', wcirj declared it would he- at least a week to 10,000 enumerators to' lake the ccn- publicans tho democrats declined to l Is reported Washington, April 10.—Need ' of estimated circulation among farmers bound, according to the prevalent meeting of the ways and means taken to tho Fifth regiment armbrj before a bill of any sort sub without pay a corps of 150 glrla mobilizi ng the nation's food: resources of ten million," will , attend a confer- opinion here, to lead to results of the call a and a frame tabernacle recently:erect committee. will be nccdcd. ' committee ;today i to consider tho bond from his . - I was the chief topic for discussion at ence here.' tomorrow, at which means ilghcst Importance. . The main' fea- program until the republican, ed hero for religious services; . r3>#| Hcnds Munitions . Hn nril. . General Dic'tson ' stated that the a special mooting here " today. of 'tho of impressing their readers with tlio , of the battlo thus far, on which Issuo ' "'£ Scott fed eral government would order tb,o .- ture members wore nairted. '- lIlnts-ol Blot Spreail. .//?i |l A. Scott, ot Cleveland, Ohio, National Agricultural society. Mem*- Importance of making their crops this attention has been focused, is tho ; . ¦ Frank organized guard to other places and bers from various parts of tho coun- capture of Vlmy ridged Tho Immense "Spotlight Unmpnlgn." . ¦ No tfficJ&l'OfJthe ¦ ' .company i'^Vif will head the now general munitions ' be necessary to f orm year the biggest. I n the history of the duly will be to supply said it would try were in attendance. country, will,bo planned. Tho confer- value of this series of heights, which The .democrats will remain In con- found .who.- could -tell - anythlng-^df4iKi board, whose new units to guard the state. ;" The society Is expected to recom- dominate the plain from an elevation ference with tho republicans until explosion. ; There woro ,whlspersTof|« the army anil navy with munitions enco was called by Secretary of Ag- 1 The board, the crea- .Tito Oppose Hill. mend early graduation of senior stu- riculture Houston to work in connec- of 300 to 500 feet, has been recognized they draft a bill that cannot tn called plot ' to ', destroy the plant. Ittth^ ' and equipment. oughout the war and great sacri- republicans, f ooling ' ot which Is announced by the Senators Dunlap and _ Turnbaugh dents in agricult ural colleges. This tion w.ltlt tho conference of agricul- thr partisan. Somo was a plot no more effcctlvoyt^po] ¦ ¦ tion Ifi cotn- would release about 10,000 trained men tural experts. ¦ ' , . fi ces havo tfeen regarded as justifi- that there has been a tendency to keep could havo boon selected' foryf.^tl^ council of national defen se. opposed the bill, which carries an ap- from corigresB as ; ' 20 army and navy officers , propriation of $l ,500,0d 0, on. tho for work in th c farmlnc sections. Tho farm, conference in expected to able If they resulted in Its posses- material tacts away work. . It .was ¦near-thb-Delawirei'tlyi ' nmed of them adopt-a resolution asking congress to sion. , < , ' to war ' plans, frankly, say tholrs Is a or bank and well Isolated. 'Th'e>plafi and IndiiBlrliil leaders. Most of grounds that formation is available ¦ - ' on munitions standards through other sources. ' pass a law" guaranteeing "minimum Fought Here In J015. , "spotlight campaign."' , - .,,,i was originally' constructed",ao6n:Vafti ¦So oxporm . ' Assurances have been given by dem- er the European war-startcd,;by.-Ba][q: manufacture. The war appropriation bilr whs in- ALL U. S. TO BOOST RECRUITS prices for¦ ¦ farm produeta and farm The French and Germans fought and ' • ocratic lcadors that congress will ob- '- trod uced in the1 senate. It proposes labor. fiercely f or control of the ridge in tho win I>)comotlVe interests. Repontlj^) to appropriate $1,000,000 to mobilize Now York , April 10.—Favorable re- summer of 1915, both sides suffering 1 tain all ot the' detailed information was taken over by tho.ItuBBian:govirB plies thus far from five , governors and it dcslros regarding the. conduct of ment.which bad-been. cmployin^|ai$iu and maintain troops or to assist the heavy losses, but in the end the. Gcr- 1 UTAH GOVERNOR TO AID JEWS United States in maintaining them. - nearly 100 mayors Imvo convinced tho maus held tho -main portion of tho tho war and they aro iurging rocom- 10,000 peoplo making' iihell8tj ,-v;!::| i | | recruiting committee of the mayors' RUSSIA WANTS NO MORE LAND position. Later Uie British took over mcndatlons not to block tho demo- . Placo TiiorougMjr.Guara' York, April 10.—Henry Jlor- committee , on national defense.'that cratic program by asking, for unnec- , eaj |.^ New campaign to , London , April 10.—Russia has re- tho French line , and were ' ousted by ¦ , ' ncnthau, chairma n ot iho , almost every state in the union .will tho Germans from tho part of tho essary details. ' . • •¦ • ' , Tho place, has ' ' been , thofflugllt 5aIs" 0,0(10,0110 for xurrerlnr, .Iew« MEATLESS DAYS AND U. Si co-operate in making special appeals nounced all idea of territorial expan- , had been won by their, Quick action Is required, they In- guardcd-nlgUt 'and day .and .after/H^iy * war zone , gave outAn- Hlon , according to a Petrograd' dls- ridge which I mmense searchlights inado'. n the eustcrn for army and navy recruits¦ on¦ April predecessors. One - military critic, sist,,and It only can-be accomplished oYery^pJ div a lelegram from Onv. Bniimber- CONTROL OF FOOD URGED 1R' ' ami 19. - r. patoh to Reuters' quoting a statement commenting on the • present battle, by ovory.member' taking the highest tlon of ground as'.light ," as;!day$B^ Ulab, pledgin g Jlr, naumber- of Minister of Justice Kprensky. Min- " " ;. ' ^ . ' " addltioQ Bocrct service men\a^diflo' \Zl of lot the total thus describes the Importance or ¦ the patriotic .stand. . ; . [f er to give onc-lenlli BY ARMOUR, BIG PACKER Istor Kcrcnsky In tHo courso of a Vlmy heights: - • , '' ' , To Oppose Universal Service? . tectives worked .in tho.yarlpus'depftS ! amount that Utah mny raise for Jew- speech delivered on Monday before tho "They aro admittedly the bastion of ments disguised. as muhlUonJ^m$k.9*l ONE DEAD IN-DUBUDUE BLAST military delegates,.declared that.while Despite, KHchin's announced wil- ¦At undertaking.place dtCo)rpnS ish war .rfllef. the enemy's main line. Whatever olso lingness to father tho administration's tho. Furors ('onsenrntlon «f Food Supply Dubuque, la., April 10.—A dost ex- Russi a wished no more territory she has been allowed to go, ho. held Vlmy s White there are eighty bodles/.swai would defend to tho end tho liberty ¦ rovenuo measures, several of , hla girls ' of Country mid Urges Farmers plosion In the shavings room of tho ridgo with grim resolution and lav-, Mends express boliof that ho "¦will- ty-nlno being those of , Jrfhii ' : which she has won. ' all the " arts in fortifi- sands of- girls f were employed. .afstK to Tut Forth AH Efforts Farley and I.#oetscher Sash and Door ished upon It oppose universal military, scr^lco^ and to Increasq Crops. factory at 6:30 this morning caused cations and defensive skill that tbo: , surprise waa < causod plant most of them coming tiom'igfm the death of ono man and fatal injury war has taught him. Upon It hinges' training. Much adclphia ten miles away. ' TheyflMB | THE WEATHER of another. The dead man ifWames tho whole strategy of the , enemy's re- today by tho republican committee on attracted by tho.high waBcy;yajij||j —Government Reed, 70 years old, - laborer. west. With Vimy flrmly committees nominating,Representative ChlcaBO, April' 10. TODAY'S WAR NEWS treat in the Martin . of Louisiana, u , progressive supcrvifilon and control of food .pro- The injured man is tMaurico Hoyno held ho can swing hhi line farther o ..voted, for tho ro- Chicago, April 10. (5, laborer. . . ' south slowly baclt, until each ,part ot protectionist, .wb^ ' J0^SoZ>s. llUuoiH—Fair duction and food prices are Yavorcd it reaches tho position.whero ho has-a olcctlon of Speakor , Clark, on the ways y^J£52{SV ami lit CONDENSED FORM and means committee. ; - ^- w armer tonight and by J. Ogden Armour, ono ol the lead- mind to stajid, and he can cover , tho ¦ . ... , . . TO LOCATE SlflH tSf ' \A ' packers nnd dcalor. of tho Industrial , districts upon Tho other new- 'republican member i/ \t\ probably tomorrow. ing HORSEMAN LEAVES BIG ESTATE Bifl GAINS HAVE BEEN .MADE DY French . Representative *r ¦ — Purt- In a statement last . night which he depends much, f or supplies. of the \ committee Is Li lol Missouri . country. . the British in what seems lo he a , Sterling ; of Illinois. ' Immediately * ' ly cl0lI(I>' tonight he also advocated conservation of the ' Ncw 'TorV. April 10.—A transfer tax general movement along the French "But with Vlmy gono the defense of ARMOa iW lili \ \ iBl report shows that the late Janies , B. these districts con hardly bo- main- after th6 naming of tho " republican WJv J J »ml tomorrow , food supply of tho nation to tho ex- front Heavy casualties have hcen members-arrangements: werd ; com- prolmbly becoming Haggin of this" city, who acquired a Inflicted on .the Germans, and more tained. Tho pivot of. the whole., re- ffl ^Sf *r£&SN tent , of establishing one or .two moat- fortune in mining enterprises and been tak- treat shifts and gives backward and pleted for a meeting of tho waya and fODA^ORTOiS ^^ -t**^ unwcttleil In west " than 5,000 prisoners havo instant-danger of fracture. . , nieans comralttoo 'late ' ,today to con- portion ; warmer tonight, and In oust loss days a , week, Bu cli.as they now owned valuable racing stables, left-to en, together with enormous quan- la In " ' ; ¦ havo in . Ho urged 'all farm- his family and relatives an estate, of ' . At .tho moment there-Is, nothing to sider tho . proposedv ,$5,000,000,0p0 Is- .¦Washington , ..' April' ;.10,^s|ii^ffi and aoulh portions tomorrow. titlcs"of war stores. ' . suggest a doubt'that the ridgo will sue. ,, Secretary McAdoo and experts ., jO wu—Partly cloudy tonight and to- ors to put forth unusual efforts to $20,614 ,761,' having a, net value or $18,- THE- GERMAN- LINE HAS BEEN 1 Dnnlols>wlll announco , toaorrp5g I ncrease the food supply and BUggept- 041.455. penetrated to a depth of from two to bo held, but tho battle is still fiercely from the troasury , departmant - ore porhapif lato' .tpdny 'itho ilogJW^M morrow, becoming unsettled in west raging and thero Is little, disposition ready to appear In executive session. portion; warmer tonight in and cd that the government guarantee to llvo miles and the attack Is still In locted.for.-tho U1.000,000,;aiiaWi^ffl the fa rmer a minimum price of $1.GO progress. Tho artillery preparation here . to indulge In confident prcdlc-. and. $1,700;000. proJ«oU!o,p)antg^ffl south portions ami In extreme east # tlons. Nevertheless the opinion - IsS . petition tomorrow. a bushel for all tho wheat he can before ' tho infantry attacks wore , was as!.improssloaiamppS .aiyj^ffi raise this ,year. MARTIAL LAW IN GUATEMALA launched In described as rescm- expressed that If tho Germans aro GRAIN' ELEVATORS SET AFIRE tha SoleoHon ¦ driven from the ridge, With- 6ors that . j .^oalig^ffl Water Works Report : Tho suggestion of meatless days ' y Guatemala City, Guatemala. April • bling a veritable Inform). ' . . definitely ¦ In tie miadlfweste>n, secJlaSW^ Qulncy declared in MINISTER OF out the hopo of reattacklng, they, are .Minneapolis, Sjinn,, April ' 10.—' westem;m Tempera ture— j . Ogden Armour was emphasized by 11.—Martial law baa been DR, LAURO MULLEll, Two grain elevators, wero destroyod In southern;phlo,, ¦ ¦ th e course of tho hog market at tho Qua tetnalu, The action was taken on • rorolgn affairs of Brazil has refused likely .enough to be compelled to ac- Kon t^^ April,9, 5 p. m. : , . "52 ' , minister and knowledgo defeat and retire to what, by fires believed ito havo' been of ln- tu<^.l.;^ftK»;K^Sfiffi^M| April 9,, 11! (midnight) 43 opening , today. Choice iicavy hogs information of disturbances along tho to receive tho Gorman 1, lino . running coridlary origin hero early today. Tho 1 made a new high record of $16.50, an Mexican ana Salvadorean frontiers/ ' tho' Indications arc that Brazil la is called tho " Mouse . April 10, 7 u. m. ..; 43 from ' .Verdun' through MesIorpgrrMau- ¦total lops' will, be hcarlyJ$,riO.Q,000,, - in , ' -... ..,..;.... CO advance of $1.50 In a llttlo moro than supposed to have been created with oh the .verge of breaking off rcla- : s«Veaj;-j fectS ^ ^^ M '. Aprir lO, 111 Mi. ,..-... ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ , ¦ ¦ ' ; ¦ : ¦ beugo-and LUlc.y,: - * ,.. ; ., :-V 'tV v- ' * . y^;,<5ttaatrf--riUy;',j^ ,s;'a5-):p - 0,7 (covf aU ot..2. - , , a wook. " - , .. German assistance. . -:. 'tlons with-. Germany.. , ' £ i- IHTeri i.; ':..;V" ; :A> ' • ' - - '• ; ' V ; ' ' : ; . v •\<; iii ,&\: ;;/J ; ;;/'. .. ;.: ; ' :^»^V?- -» ' ! ^- - : - ,:- .t ;: ' .Vi :' . laSilSiiMili ^S LOCAL T BOARD MARIANS PLAN LOC * ^ DEATH OF CHARLES HOLIDAY TO AL NEWS { FHREE HUNDRED SEVEN YOUNG WOLVES QUINGY SOLDIERS Lived In (liilncy for Years — W»s at PLAN PART IN WAR ! FOR LARGE TASK ^ TItACKED TIinOVGir TII E SNOW - | Pauslcs, plant now. Gcotcmnim Exprcas Jleascnger for tho Bros., 'rilmnc 273 or 56«. TAKE OATH TODAY Wnbii.sli. REPORTED DEAD .(>X FAH31 .NEAR XENVOX 6jf I 1L F. Chittcntlcn of Mcndon was u SITNn .lT. (TILL -APPOINT COMMITTEE TO- COMMITTEE OF QUIXCV KOTAUY. MEJinEIlS OF I business caller In this city today. COMPANY P SOU MOHT FOK ARMY Y. 31. C. A. CLUB OCTLINES PLAKS FOR " STATIOXED Charles Hollld&y, used U7 yenrs I Miflaea Jcnnlo and Daisy Palmer ar- AX BHERX.t.V 1-AKK ' died In his home 1110 North Flflli WORK. TAKING CAKE OF SOL- .' IN EXPLOSrON taster roomlne with the white rived last night from Larchmont, N. JUST ACI1OSS THE IHVEIl. utrcet, nt 8:30 this morning of llcarl blanket of snow aided Lewis McClel- IMEIIS' DEPENDANT | Y., S. for a 'visit with relatives and discaso. Mr. llolllilny was born in land of the Mcndon vicinity to fled a friends. Chupln, MorKim county, 111., und lind (BULLETIN) | nest of seven young woI'vcb on the IMnoIs Pledges $300,000 ns-Its Part- Two Ilc lived in Qulncy far 17 yearn. He waa Chester, I'll, April 10.—Three I \V. H. Hodgcrs of tho boys' depart- gular Army Captains Jlcro To- George Baldwin farm " ly Closer OrffnnUatlim In County— . Work Undertnkpn Probnbij- Ik Most i merit or the local "Y," returned last employcd'unti! ten years ago, when ho hundred person* arc reported to , but despite at- day to Administer IVdern) Oath to retired, hk exiire.sB messenger (or the hare been killed In a tempts, he neither wag able to trap ¦V: ' Officers to Be Elected Tonight. Important Civilian Tn.sk In evening from n visit with hla folks in terrific ex- Macomb. Two Compnules, Wnbnsh, the last 17 years between plosion which wrecked the liorts lior kill tho mother. When ho was Present Crisis. Qulncy und Decntur. - hi the Eddystonc ' * W. E. Qriminer of Kansas City spent Ammunitions crossing ono of tho fields Sunday " Ho is survived by his Wife, three eornoratlomnt Eddystone, Pil, one morning ho saw what be thought wero ¦ ¦ "Wor k In connection with the local Saturday and Sunday with his par- children, Charles N., James ' B. and milo from here C. A. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Georga Grimmer Not a slacker wag this morning. wolf trnckH and he followed them and i.^r-HL for tho national move of of found among tho Miss Katherlnc. at home, tho latter a Hundreds wore Injured. The dend ¦ The task of taking care of tho de- 1)12 Cherry street ranks of the Headquarters company lound the don. There wero seven tntBfn g $3,000,000 for tho purpose of pendent families teacher at Mudlson school. The fol- aro mostlT women und girls who of Qulnuy soldiers as Don '' U MachlIlc Gun company of tho young wolves there and these he cap- ". tho erection of Y. M. C. A. buildings i.iidertaken by the notary club will ho 't miss tho greatest event of a ?-,., '?, lowing plctcrs' nnd brothers In the were employed In the plant. tured but the old one was not there. year— the base ball danco at High- I'Ifth Illinois Infantry when these two neighborhood of Jacksonville, III.: - in the wur camps of tho United States carried on, on a strictly business basis, units of Qulncy's soldier ¦ Ho put tho young ones . Inside a land, Wednesday evening. boys took tho Mrs. Lizzie Anderson, Mrs., Fannlo • The foregoing dispatch Is be- ¦ army will bo the main topic under dia- according to plans outlined at a meet- ¦fedoral oath at tho Armory today trap, thinking tho old one would enter '. Cuasion In tho "Y" board mooting ing of tho committee at tho Hotel August Holdbrcdcr, who has been Williams, Mrs. John Sloodr, lllair lieved to ho tho foundation for tho the trap when aho saw'the young ones Two United States army mustering Holllday and \V. W. Holllday and Mrs. report which which will he hold in tho home of the Qulncy, last evening. ¦• ill for some time. Is Improving nnd officers gave the was circulated Inside, hut she was too foxy and Gcorgo B. Caw- b» will bo nblo oath. They aro Cant. Fannie Lamb of Colorado, also sur- t hroughout thlB city today that tho • gonoral secretary, . T commltteo that has assumed to bo at his drug storo Sllllngs and Capt ltacadalo would not Then ho attempted to ¦ ¦ Ihorno, tonight Illinois has pledged full chnrge of In a week If IiIh improvement of tho vive. Edison plant had hecn blown up. tho work comprises, J. con- Twenty-third Infantry. Both havo shoot hor nnd was partially success- $300,000 as her part of the full amount Will Wall, chairman Eltirldge K. tinues. ' - , The similarity In tho names would * ful but did ; , been employed for tho past sovoral indicntu such to not kill her. He brpufcnt , and a committee will bo appointed to Stono. Elmer King, John Korn, Har- Rev. and months in mustering bo tho case the young ones to town toduy and sold . take charge of QulncV's share of this lira. G. A. Buttrlck and suard troops in vey O. Rlggs treasurer and Will A. W, H. Gay arc In Plymouth attending and out of federal service Momhers LICENSED IN CHICAGO them to Q. A. Urban, .who will add .worl& Pfelffer secretary. thorn to a list of curios. It Is report- - ' It Jb the plan to build an Assocla- tho annual meeting of the Qulncy of the regimental field staff also took . . The work undertaken by the Rotary tho federal oatli today. According to Information received ed that there Is a pack of grown , tlon .building for every unit of 5*000 District association of Congregational from the Gardner Governor company 1 chifc In probably the moat important churches. * REMAND HARDING wolves In the neighborhood and that soldiers. The buildings will be oper- civilian movement at tho time when Company ¥ nt Slicrmnn l'nrfc offico, Miss Edna Hoffman, daughter CASE the wolves have done much damage ated by five secretaries under a sim- Special Close-out Bargain: of State Representative W. H. Hoff nat lr.nnl gimrfl troops are called out; Good Company P Is now stationed at 7 to smaller farm stock. ilar plan as Is used In the regular quality, attractive glass goblets cither man, who has been employed there SDIT AU.UXST ED ' • and only tho best possible coopera- , Sherman park, Just across tho Missis- 'MITCHELL fY'a." Not only for tho benefit of the tion can aubure the success of the plain or etched, special at, euch He. sippi river from hero. for some time, Jeft laqt night for Chi- WILL HE IIEAIID AGAIN IN United States but alao in other coun- Docrr Dep Tho company cago, and from the fact that a mar- . . work hue, according to members of 't. Store. moved over thero early yesterday COURT HERB.' tries will this vast movement 'be felt, the committee. Mrs morning, and many riage license was issued there yester- since the leaders In the movement . A. B. Kcnnard of 322 North of the relatives' day to Miss Hoffman of Qulncy nnd . Tho Rotary club has generously as- Sixth street left today for lloopston, anil frlonds of tho memberu have • Tho order of tho appellate court ot Too Late to Classify feel.that tho people In the opposing sumed all the expenses of carrying on journey Clarence Walker of Chicago It Is sup- r armies are not enemies of tho Y. M; III., called thero by the eorlous Illnes ed over to Bee tho soldier boys. posed they are to be married today. this, the Third district , remanding the work so thut every penny donated of her mother, tho suit or George] and |C. A,. Great .good Is bound to come, Mrs. 3. W. Swisher, of . • Cup!. Ucatty Buck. Mr. Walker, who is a son of Mr. and Dora Harding L.ET TIIE WOUK OVER FUnKITUUH for dci.tndent families will bo spent that place. ' ' ngninst Edward Mitchell, which was , i for It has been tried, but not on such Capt. James' B«utty of the Mr«. Shamp Walker of 1000 North , Co. slvo you iirlcctt on unhotaterlnff, i a large basis. - ¦ n thflr bchal fi All firms, corpora- J. H. Stetncr Machine heard by n Jury in the circuit court mnttrosa maklnw. anil furnitu re pack- tions businessmen and individuals , county school super- Gun company who yesterday returned Eighth street, has been located In Chi- ¦ Ing; also rebuilding. Thujio 840-J. 830 , ':.' .Members of the local staff are very , intendent, accompanied by Mrs. Stoln- cago for three yearn, being with tho hero was filed this mornirij. The ore expected to contribute their share from the .Mexican border, where ' ho was heard hero Stato BtrcoL :elC v enthusiastic over the movement and er,- is homo from Milton , la. Mr. nud Edison Commonwealth Gas and Elec- more than a year toward raislntr the necessary funds. ' has been with tho Sixteenth' Infantry, ago, and Mr. and Mrs. Harding sued AUCTION—FRIDAY. APRIL. 18, AT Ii30 . thero will no doubt ¦ bo an Interesting Mrs. Stelner visited thorn with¦ friends announced this tric company. It was known that he meeting tonight Mr. Cawthor'ne says Personal calls will not b.e mad o but over Sunday, ' ' afternoon that, ton and Mlsa Hoffman have been very l!d Mitchell for. tho payment of board p. m., at S10 HiinipHhlro street; ' the funds will be raised by correspon- more men were needed for the Ma- D rosHer, comtnotlo, rockers, furs, dln- that the surrounding counties will be ' gooil friends, but no announcement for children of Ills sister, assurling ii k table, run kg, wnsh machltiu, taken Into closer union with the , d ence, and those from whom contribu- It will bo tho biggest event of ita chlno Gun company. Nothing but an agreement to this effect kitchen cabinet, etc. - J. Hump, auctlon- .cen- kind In a dozen young men in of their engagement has ever been was en- j tor. here and that a close organization tions are asked aro expected to reply years—Uic base ball tho best physical con- miulc, so their wedding will come as tered into. Mitchell denied ' this and eor. - ^ 2 (Will, bring the results which are be- promptly. The entire time of the carnival and dance -Wednesday eve- dition will be accepted. Thero were won In the court here. ' ning. four enlistments this quite a surprise. Miss Hoffman ia a The Hardings FOR SALE — HAIR RESTORATIVE ing striven for. commltteo will be used 'In administer- afternoon. very attractive young woman nnd a took an appeal to tho appellate court (not a dye), RUurivntuurl to rentoro ing relief. Tho first pobI Cnpt. Dcalty has been with the rog- pray hair to Ito natural color; uIho for ' Beside the discussion of the war Lenten social nctlvlty graduate of the high uchool -and the and unless tho case Is settled out of Mildness, * work before the "Y" there will bo an Until the relief movement was of the Knights o£ Columbus hero will ular army for a month and a half, court, it will bo tried Itching scalp and dnndruu . G. C. 13. C. . again. '.rhqnci H27-J. ; ' x 12 election of tittlcf.re. started probably the heaviest contribu- take placo tonight when a dance will studying methods of warfare and be- The suit of .Mary Kaufman against tors to Qulncy's part in tho nation's bo given at tho K. C. hail by the coming more efficient In handling a Hnrm Herron Is being heard today In FOR SAL.K—TliniOU GOOD WORIC machine gun in nrea, w«lj?h t 000 to 1100 pounds; defense, were tho dependent women Knights of Columbus Study club. Infantry unit tho circuit court. Tho plaintiff is double sot of driving harnuas and" ami children of soldiers who w.cre Movies or theatrical attractions THREE FIRES THIS MORNING r ub- Don't fall to attend the Fifth will represented by Attorney John E. ber tiro runabout. . L'2£» South aoventh. avenue Pho no 18E1-M. . 12 DEATH OF MISS ADA TILLSON called, to the front; These women whim, cost Qulncy soldier boys nothing, for Qulncy firemen were kept busy an- Wall and tho defendant by th,c law '. -x and young girls were forced to In- to be given Wednesday night at Manager Busby of the Hippodrome tho St. Bonlfaco school hull , by tho St. swering . three alarm's this morning, firm of Uovert & Lancaster. Personal FOR SALTS—SPLENDID TEAM OV Granddaughter of Out. Wood crease their labors In'order to make and Nelson &. Schwlndlor, motion pic- Injuries as the result of a collision . horabs, 13R0 pounds. $300. -W. It. Van- Die; in Nicholas Branch No. 1, W. C. U. but In no instance did a serious blaze , ;'¦ ¦:' ¦ ' ' up for the deficit in tho family in- ture theater proprietors, announced develop. between Mrs. Kaufman 's automobilo loosur R. R. 7. Teluphone county \ Omaha— Burial Will be In . Everyone invited. Admission 25 cents. today lhat the service S71—2 rlnttn. , xi;: come catiHcd "by the loss of tho .princi- uniform of tile When an oil can on the back j>orch and .Mr. Herron 's buggy arc claimed V , ••: (|ulncfr. pal , support. The Rotary club be- Johnny Castlo, manager of tho ROidlers would be regarded as a pass WE HAVE. A NICE LtNIS OF SI2COND- ¦ ¦ of the L. M. Thompsoji home at the and damages afo asked. The plainti ff '¦V\ -" ' ' - lieves there are many people In Mules, and George Pennoyer, secre- In their houses. - hand and usod curs, many of thuin ua ¦ - tary of. the Hannibal corner of Twentieth and Oak streots alleges .Mr. Horron is to blame. Rood as now, to fit uny pockfitbook , - . Mn. Oliver Glenn, of 214 Qulncy hotter abl e to- b,car tho brunt Base Ball as- caught fire and exploded this South of tbls burden, and for that reason sociation, woro hero from Hannlbul morning nnd can refer you to hundredti who . Eighteenth street, ' recoived a tele- last night on the firemen arrived In time to extin- tavo bought ' HDuond-hund cara from today tolling of the have undertaken the task. The funds business. They made the uh. , Irwln-Overtanrl Co., 316 Mai no Bran^ sudden trip in automobile guish the blaze before it-had caused trept. Unod car depart ment. xlll • doath this morning of her cousin collected will be used tb provide for ST. JACOBI damage. ROTARIANS TO. AID NATION , Miss tho dependants of soldlors. An aged BAZAAR ?10 ;tAda Maria Tlllaon, In hor home in Tho Power Boat Ladles will givo a Later a grass fire at the corner of DO YOU DKSIRI3 A R13AL SNAP IN mother, who apparently cheerfully, whist party in the power boat n fl rnt-clauB second-hand roadster f Omaha, Neb. Tho remains will bo club BIGUKIt SUCCESS TIIAK EVSH lit'. NlnteetUh and Jersey streets was ex- AddrctM On C'ItIc Appreciiitlon hy nutomobile. - You can set It If you brought hore for but with a tear in her eye, bade her house tomorrow afternoon. Arrange- ! burial and are ci- s honor; POKE—ENTKHTAIN 3IENT IS tinguished without any damage what- VvoU Jolin Gill at Meeting Toduy hurry. Wo havo a fhiu running- M«tz ;;i>octod to arrive Friday. Mian Tillson son go defend his country' ments have been mndo for special ever. nuiuhlnc, d ecldoCly the can feat rldlusr " and the wife who was forced to do prizes, an FEATURE. —Itosu lutlons Adopted. niautilnd on tho market and , tho ma- , l Is survived by her brother, John Tlll- d the women expect to en- Shortly before noon firemen re- chine that Is used by the >non Una outside work In order to support the tertain" a . large number of . sovornmoiil Blstor, Miss ¦Nannlo . Tillson, their sponded to an alarm at the corner of At the weekly meeting of the Rotary tn mall trios over the mountains, etu. '. . both of Omaha, and little ones when father's company was friends. , , St. Jacobl's church school hall was , It I n a hill climber, a n eimcnUal re- ¦ ono uncle, Daniel will-both be prop- literally packed Iant night Fifteenth and Slate streets, where the club tit noon today In the Hotel Quln- qui rement In thiH - Wood of Qulncy. Miss Nannlo Tillson called for service, when tiie home of Wiobmcr was the imrt of tho country. erly cared for by tho Rotary club. - H. A. McCoy, an old classmate of entertainment, the closing feature of scone cy thu resolutions .regarding the caro Thin autu has not been run fi.000 miles. Vr 'hi* been tn uoor health slnco she was "Farmer" nusk at the of a roof fire. The damage was not It Ih In /irat-claas conditio n. Thti - University of tlie annual spring-bazaar of the laoles' of soldiers' families In the event of price Ih placed at a injured some time ago, and it Is not Missouri, a dairy Inspector in SL over ?2r». In taking tho alarm fire- death in wur were unanimously adopt- flsure that will1 ¦thought «he -will bo ablo eowing clrclo wan tf lv on. In (he uft- bo q uite attractive. Addrcna P-22,*' to. come. Louis, was hero for a short visit last ernoon . too, there wai. a latge crowd men got the wrong address and their ed, as published clsowhero in Tho care Jour nal. x tf • e Decodont was born In Qulnoy on IrVAGQNMAKERS PLAN DANGE evening on his way arrival at the scene of the blazq waa - to tho northern present and tho articles on wale at the , Journal. The following resolutions . ;February 30, 1864, being a daughter part of Missouri to visit some dairy Intn. . * . were tihio adoptud: FOR RENT—OFFICE ROOMS, DfcaiC « •: of tho lato Gen. The Currlngo and WngonmakerB, In btiznar found ready sale. A new fea- room, residence rooms. Eclectic John and Anna Ellza- a well attended meeting last evoning establishments. ture was a rcmrket ' hnotli at which Whereas,- Tho United States by an Agency, 235 North Kixtli. 'Phon« : bcth Jlilson. Tho father died In 1892 af)f,fi-J. In tho Eagles' hall, Instructed their Thirty substantial prizes both canned anil fresh vegetables, act of Its congress is in a state of «_____^__- xi 2 ;in Qulncy, and then tho family moved at grand wur. ¦ " social committee, with George Pauk masque, carnival and danco at High- eggs and othor things wero ' soid nnd ' wanti3d -— Second-hand tent, :. ;to Omaha, whore .Mrs. Tilluon died In EASTER AT BETHEL A. M. E Whereas, This condition was about 10x12 feet. Eclectic 1805 as chairman to plan the time and place land, Wednesday night. t'llR was especially a success. Theto Agency, ¦ s , her remains'being brought here for u benefit danco to be given In the also wert! articleH of needle work, Ileautlful and Impressive services deemed by Uh people representatives, S.U North Sixth. 'Phone 20Gfi-J. a!2 ;: for burlul. Mrs. Tillson Tho annual Easter suppor given : y was a daugli- near futuro for members of tho aprons, fancy work, cups, sur-bonnets, were held at the Ilotliel A. M. E. as the only means to keep our honor FOR "SALE—TOUI.OUi3E OOOSE EGOS tor of Oov. John Wood. Tho family tho ladles of the Bluff Hall Congrega- etc.. homu cookery and rcfieshmenw church, Sunday in observance gfEnst- without stain—our dignity without VI per dozen. Mrs. Cella Miller, i belongiid to tho organization. ' Six new members woro tional church last night ¦ ' R. . Presbyterian ¦ church taken In nud eight applications re- was n do- on sale, and aa a ret>r,H thu 'proceoils er. The decorating committee did It- insult—our democracy without con- 3. Loralne, 111. ^13 ...here. •' ' . , . Ightful social event and was largely tamination. ceived. were excellent. s.elf proud and the church was a bow- ' BEAUTIFUL BATES COUNTY, MIS- attended. A number of Quincyans T er of flowers Whereas, Tho IjubIh principles of ~ wont down on .he feature of the evoViInp's en*or- , with hlrda and rabbits uourl , cprn , clover and blue grftsa jSErerjIWnir for luo tho 0 o'clock train and tatninent wus a play entitled "Noi a alno In evidence. There*was a large Ilotary wero inculcated anil engen- f arms for wale. Write for .free book- a.r, out tir^, Ralph Tuiklu p .of 1230 North Sev- some went in automobiles. lot. Chas. ll, llowman. Iiutlcr, Mo. • £,_ , He" *o«or Supply Co. enth fitreet.'Bpent Sunday with frlonds .Man .in the House.' It Is a most attendance at, each service, and fine dered within the hearts and minds of FOR SALE OR KENT—IMPROVED ' ;(,;Wholenalo. 703-6 Maine, listen. n Hannibal. Mr. and Mrs. liusscll Wells aro re- amusing little comedy and the lariies music and inspiring sermons were those who llvud , labored and loved 17ti acres I n Lynn county, near Par- ceiving the congratulations of friends thut look part nil did splendidly. The given. 'The Hunutfy school pupllH gavo under the canopy of a democracy nell a nd WllllamHUur Ki Iowa; " rn nted whose blessings and privileged wore lust year ut 9'j per acre. *B ,000 down, . over tho birth of a daughter. Tho baby cast was composed of: " Mrp. Uln^a," an Easter offering (if . $lG.S3 for for- easy tu ruis on Lalancu. Will Hell this waa born last Tuesday at home and Mrs. GeorfC Hpe; her mti !den sifit«r , eign field work, and alno this depart- wrung from freemen's Cock through month for 51 DO per acre. Mary M. both sho and the mother arc- doing " .Miss Lucy Kidcr," Mrs. Fred I,ub- ment went potted plants to all aged ! trial and travail, , .Sturkey. Perry. Iowa. xl2 splendidly. Mr. and Mrs. Wolls now hert; "Aunt Mcilnda," Mrs. August and sick members of the congregation, , Be it resolved, That inasmuch as "He who serves most serves AGENTS WANTED—HERE IS THE havo four daughters and onn Ron. Schluetcr; "Jeasle Hay," >.' rs. Harry rimong those made happy by tills gift best," on« live affe nts' seller of tho year. 1 Sacger, and "Kute, the Quincy Rotary club offer and ex- Special Close-out Bargains: " the Irish maid, being Mrs. Daniels, who recently be- Needed In every home, offico and f ac- 48-Inch Mrs. Fred Fuuhr. came 101 yuars old. tend Us undivided nnd unrestricted tory. Sell on alRht. A sure repeater. black mobalr cloth , worth $1.25 a mornl, physical anil ilnancial support 100 per cent profit. Send .postal for . yard, makes - In-addition to thn play, there waa nii rticiilarg. Irene Co., Box 534, Gibson up nicely Into skirts, a program by the hcIiojI ch'ldren that to Us country's president, congress, City. 111. suits, coats, etc., reduced now to, a xlZ , * was much enjoyed. Mirs Bertlvd the army und the navy, yard, 39c. Docrr Dept. Store; the President FOR SALE OR EXCHANG E—FARM Schachtsli-k's pupils In th«i first grade DEATH OF JAMES RILEY , Senator Lewis and Con- of Ait} acres located In Kitchen ¦ William | Lchbrlnk • returned last gave a motion song; Until Llppe sans copy of these resolutions be sent to coun ty, Min nesota, adjoining town of a solo James Kiley, aged 60, a retired mer- the president, To the i evening from Cedar ltaplds, la., , and Ktbul Pipe and Virgil chant of Edlna. Mo., died , at 9:15 Sonator Lewis and Con- Kiilnted; price $35 per acre; mortgage Peop le of $4 ,000; will trade equity for prop- ¦ j where he lias been for the last three Schachtaiek played a piano duct. o' gressmen King and "Williams. j days at tho "While all the members of the circle clock last night in SI. Mary's hos- An enjoyablo,feature of the program erty clear. Frank Mahoncy, Clius City, ' ( bedsldo of his brother, Iowa. It. R. 4t xlS helped In making the affair the big pital from anemia, having been a pa- waa an address on . | | Robert, who Is confined In a hospital tient there since last Wednesday. . "Civic Apprecia- [ there by a dangerous illness. Mr. success it proved, special credit 1b tion " by Prof. John Gill of Trenton, FOR RENT—LOWER FLAT OF FOUR duo the committees in charge lie Is survived by his wife, two X. J., a former teacher in rooms; water, kuh and was stove; Lbhbrlnk reports his brother still In , who sons, .tlie Gem guod collar. larRW yurd. Terms reaaon- ¦ were: Candy booth, Mrs. Harry Sae- Peronoma and James and two City.IiuHlne.sH college. Prof. GUI has uhltt, Nice neighborhood. Inquire at a critical condition. ¦ ¦ ¦ ger and Mm. William JJeckgerd; mar- daughters, Gertrude and Catherine; traveled extensively ovor the country 3H Elm Htrcot. . xl3 - Tho annual "Egg Hunt" of the Mad- ket, Mrs. Herman Huddc ami Mrs. one brother and four sisters, lie Is a hut says that of all the cities he hus devout Catholic nnd a member of St. WANTED — WASFTING TO TAKE , ison school pupils was held yesterdny Rote: needlework, Mrs. Fred Kueh r rlHltcd, Qulncy Is tho most beautiful. home or work or clonnlnir nf any I afternoon at Madison park. Children and. Mrs. Hautqr; kitchen Mary's church at lSdiiia, . Tho remains kind. Mrs. Nellie Stalf , Mrs. Henry Ills address was a. call to a stronger , 20& Maiden lof tho upper grades brought eggs and Peter, Mrs. H. Krueger and Mrs. Anna wero shipped to that city this morn- appreciation of the merits of our city Lano. xU! hid thorn whllo the children of tho Brackenslek; sandwiches and coffee, Inc. and a more united effort for further WE ARE TIUYING ALL KINDS OF first and second grades carried on the Mrs, Fred ' Fuhrmtm and Mrs. August fitivnncmnpnt- Junk, kino hottlcs, We uro paytiis Adams County hunt. Tho uffalr is Boot! prices. Call-UK. Wo will come and an annual event Schwagmeyer; home cooking, Mra. get It. Teleph one 3224-J. D..Hchneld- at the Madison school. John BrackenRiek mid Mra. HoUnVan; Y. W. WORKERS RESIGN inali , IO» *5r«ii

IS ADOPTED '. ' »\ 1 i' ' w^jg r . . . ^—— ¦ i ——— ' 1917 CURTAIN TOMORROW Z"' ;^ ' ^mSm Vote Pour to Four Accord 1 ^ ' ~^ ' Pirates Open in Chicago and Cards Meet Reds in Cincin- . ing to Announcement of ' -- ii' '-'I!'".," '.',' "^^^*'*^^* ^^ ' ~ ' ' ^g^^^ —¦¦SSSS55S555S ' nati—Sox Play . Al Tearney. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Browns in St. Louis and Tigers Face ^2SI«iwvh^S'^ ' * . ' . i ' - ., ' ' ' *" , " ^^^^5253^2S5^^^^^^2» '' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' '' ¦ ¦ ' Indians in Detroit. . . . ' ^mmw^peaiii ^^ . . , : '.- . • . • ^^^EgEgS S ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ; ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ • ¦ : ¦ - • ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ . . . . • . . - -:-:f: PRESIDENT WILL SUSPEND . . . Now fork, April 10.—The National Following la 'thu National league 'league announce the following aul schedule for tomorrow: " N ew -York VIOLATORS OF NEW LAW islgnmcnts of. umpires for tho opening at Boston.:Philadelphia ot Brooklyn, 5 oiit of 9 on a PuUman | Plttshurg at Chicago and St. Louis at isnmo of tho 'season, April 11: Or Day Unanimous Tote Iteiiulred to Hill the Cincinna ti. In the. American leaguo ¦ iand BranBfteld ut Brooklyn; Byron ¦ ¦ ' ' "' opening tomorrow, Chicago :>lays . ut -Much Discussed ltiile of Three-I : ' ' * ' - ¦ • • and Qulgloy at Boston, Klem and ' . , • . . . . , • . . . .- . ,V . - , ,7. St. Louis, Cleveland. at.Detroit,, Wash- League — Itockford Alone ¦ Emsllo ot Chicago, Mglor and Orth ington at Philadelphia and Boston at A random test was recentl They smoke Fatimi s at Cincinnati. Now York. ¦ . .. Could Force It- y not aloho .- . . mude in a crowded Pullm an Club for their likeabl e ¦ '¦ ' Chicago, ApTlt 10.—The so-called taste —but for -. .., ;-• '£ "rookie" rule, under which clubs ol Car —and it was found that , of the the common sense "man-comfort " ' J ROCKFORD BOSS REPORTS tho Threc-J" league are obliged to car- . ,*^ . ry five pl ayers .who previously had no men who were smoking cigarettes , that they find in this ): league experience will not bo changed delicately 1 RIFLE CLUB HcyuoIdH Arrives In Xew Town Sim- President Tearney announced Jaat ' . 5 out of 9 were smokin g ; ; day—I'liir(>rn . Fatimas , balanced Turkish blend. Fatimas i. Will Jtcport on ' night. . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ wWfa : April 111. Tho club owners cast a mail vote ¦ ¦ ' ' pIeH8e tongup : J on the proposal to change the rule ¦ Probabl y an unusuall y high per- ^ ^ ' ; _ g SHOULD BE from flvc to tlireo . Four vot- f Rockford. U K, April 10.—Frank Rey- ed In favor o[ amending the rule, and • W to *r** . ** , . : nolds, centa¦ ¦ ¦? ge even¦ for: Fat imi but Ais ^ «°f ^ - # who win lead nockford's , le- four opposed it. Untier tho constitu- , e l . leave you feeling "?fit " afterwards. " REORGANIZED gion on tho diamond this season, re- tion an unanimous voto Is required. case is merel y one of the many / , ' > ™" - ;. ,r {' ported to the officers ot the local as- Mr. Tearncy, In advising tho club ° Somcono who has the time to do bo Bdclallon late Sunday , afternoon and owners of tlto vote, said that ho would evidences that more and more You don' immediately got busy In arranging suspend any manager found guilty of t have to thin k of "how 5:- Hhould revive the Quincy Rifle club. details for tho training ' season. ThlB cl ub became Inactive, last year, violating the rule. representative men are now-a- many" when you are smoking ' a ' ; 't Reynolds will order his players to The point on which Tearney based ' bcciiuso of lack of interest , after it assemble April' 12. his decision,- in view of th'o tio vote, . .days choosin g a sensible .cigare tte. sensible cigarette like Fatima - ' .: ' ¦¦ ) ' •£ had enjoyed a year or two of good, in- There are several dealu I n process Is found In articles ono and two of structiv e Hport. or negotiation which may add further rule 38, of the Thrcc-I league by- Just now it Is highly important that strength to tho Rockford lineup ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' which laws. Tho first article states that iha . - , . . i ^^ l ^ w ^ m ^ ¦ ' ' '< our boj B and young men, especially , Manager Reynolds hopes to announce constitution of the leaguo can bo al- _ . .i9 and Uie older men too, for that mat- within a few days. tered or amendod by a two-thirds ma- ter, learn how to Bhoot n ride. Indis- Boss Reynolds will bring his family jority at any annual meeting of the criminate riflo shooting 1b not only n to ttpekford an soon-as lie can secure league, or .by unanimous voto of all waBlc of time, but dangerous. Rifle dcHlrahl o aecoramocatlons for their members at nny other meeting. shooting under the rules of the Na- housing-and will make til s home In Section two of this same rulo. says tional Rifle association is a liberal ed- thi s city until the end or the playing that any section of tho constitution ucation in the use of the rifle. season. can bo suspended or mado non-appli- The targets arc of a. size and kind cable by unanimous vote of all mem- that fa standard and the standard la born, From these sections It is seen set as the result of years of experi- tha t Tom Reber of Itockford could menting. An out of door , range- can MANY, MANY BLOOMERS make the rooklo. rule .to stick, if all easily bo secured, at a very little other towns voted acalnst it. ¦ • , Below-is a list of members of the coat and it Is likely that tho Fifth Bloomlngton (cam, who will' report tc regiment officers would seriously con- Manage r Darringer (his week: A Sensible Cigarette sider pcrmfitlng th o club to use the Pitch ers—Joo Willis, lronton, O.; ^| i ndoor range at the armory, though Uhnrlea Schlnnskcr, Gra'tton, 111.; Jl. CASTLE WANTS SMITH ¦ ¦ the matter has not been broached to C. ¦ : them as yet. .lloyd, Hortonvillo, Ind.; Earl Flch- • ' ¦ " ' : " ' ' ¦¦ arty, Warren, lib; John Ehresraan, • • . . . - •¦ • : "What Is needed is for some ono who' Groveland, III.; Walter Lambrccbt, Dlil'EXDS OX WHETHER IICllLEn ;. . , ; ' . 'io ^ -iy : r\'/^y ^ ' •unders tands tho matter to call a meol- Bloominglon; Peter Mcstcl, Colllns- MAKES (101)1) OX BLUES, ^§ ing of boys and young men to reor- vllle, 111.; Earl Snulsbnry, East Liver- IS ANSWER, ganize the Quinoy rifle club— a leader pool , 0.; Lctly McDonald, Humbor to take charge of the reorganization Tiny, Canada; J. E. Hartraan, Spring- work. That Uicro would be a liberal field, 111.; J. P. Brown, St. Louis, Mo.; Hannibal, Mo., April 10.—Manager rcapon so to tho movement just now is n. 13. Van Gildcn, Capo - Girardeau, Castlo returned Sunday night from not to be doubted, and that the re- Mo. ; Ray Richmond, Filmore, 111. Kansas City, where ho was In consul- sults would be especially beneficial tation with Manager ' Ganzol o[ the onually Catchers — Elmer Johnson, Prank- and wise. Just now. is' certain. for(, Ind.; Fred Begeman, St Louis, Blues In regard to Pitcher Art Smith. Mo.; John W. Manln, Colllnsvillc, Ganzcl has four recruit pitchers, but owing .to tho bad weather tho 'Blues ,111.; Mortimer Main , Danville: Frank Rock Island directors aro Just as will bear all , contested cases inythf Ryan, Bloomlngton. havo encountered on their, training bitter against the schedule hut also GRAHAM'S BATS BROKEN trip nono of them havo been allowed ANOTHER KICKJROM ROCKS court .tiito week and next weok,'itlli| Infleldors—Harrj- Williams, Omaha, state that they will go.,ahcad and do COURT JURY REPORTS morning reported to Judge AXefi Bert Graham suys that sometimes Nob.; M. Bolt, Colllnsvlll o; J. A. Wil- to work onoughsto show what they can Siijs That Moline and Islanders Hnre their best to do. Tho K. C. manager Ib a great be-, . mako their club suffi- Practically all ot tho cases that' ;wM too much preparation Is a waste of son. Springfield; Sam Moore, Uloom- .ruined Them In How Against ciently . Btrong to attract the fans at TOST AGAINST rOTTLB FIKSX bo heard by tho jury are of.'nUno.r&uft time, LiiBt winter he worked long Infiton; C; W^ Wa(son, Detroit, Mich.; licver In seasoned pitchers and at Chart. tho gato In spito of tho counter, attrac- ¦ 3 into tho night, while ho was wintor- least, tlireo of tho four will have to CASE SCHEDULED TO BE portance. • ' . : "'- .v - '^ ! IU)Ilo I3arringer, N. Vernon, .Ind.; tion at Molinn. - HEARD. Tho first cose scheduled for hearing iug In sunny Texan , and thin work was Harry^ Donica, Laporte, Ind.; Zalo be released. Castle has tho promiso of The tlm o for kicking nliout tho Dot counting out nccs and duces, but Smith if ho doesn't bIiow enough to was that' of Thomas H. West: agiliitffi Ronkctto. Canton, 1U.; R. S. Padcrnl, Tlirco-I league chart having passed, Tho Jury in tho circuit court tint L. O. Pottlo. an assumtislt .-. r-ifWr "rather to tri mming three good, strong .lolitft. Ill, nose out tho other throe. Tho Mule the. newspapers of Rockford coDtlnuo MOLINE STARS HOLD OUT hats with which to iiol e long ones for Outfielders—Howard DarrinRer, Is* manager saw .tho Now York Giants and their'ti . Detroit Tigers in an exhibition game me honored custom of kicking Tctl'H Ad Men this season. He brought Vernon', Ind.; Antly Kyle, Toronto, bout- the schedule. Horo 1b a hit of In, , Molino, 111., April 10.—Nothing fur- Sunday at the Blue's park and made ther has been heard from Yank Davia ¦ ' -¦ ¦ • • them to Quincy and took ono with him Canada; ' Charles O'Berta, Glllespie, formation from the Rockford Rcgis- ¦ ..¦ . . . . .j. to the park each of thrco days. On , S. Wilmington, 111. tho trip home "on the baseball spe- tcr-Gazeltc: and Gcortit)' Dobbins, Pcttlgrew wrote ' ' i r ^ 111.; J. B. Francis cial. each day, when ho leaned against the " "A " Joke.-" to Yank yesterday requesting that ho flfl cold pill , he souked the sphere out answer one way or tho other. It is BfcMB ^ i This la what tho Molln o and Rock ' ^ BB ^fflBi» Bk B '^ B i Sw j i^^^^ rTiTBnS^ M^TflC lBi ^^^ B^ of tho lot but broke tho bat. Now JARRETT LOSES DECISION Inland clubs cull the now Threc-I understood that Dobbins Is planning ^^ B all of his three, well groomed bats schedule which "Hcrcamed for approv- to do back-stoppi ng for tho Rosoland uro broken and Manager Ted 1b fig ur- St. LoulB, April 10.—Presiden t Harry WARING FINDS MINISTER al," said screaming being done lit P.co- Kclipsc team this season. ing with a steel construction firm To- Jnrrett of the Alton club Saturday In signing Iteil Donovan , tall pitcher ria and Dloo'ralngton. ¦ > : ga rd in c reinforced steel war clubs. received a tologram from- .President lost year with "Winnipeg In tho North- It has juHt dawned npon the Hock Al Tcnrncy of tho Three-I league In ern league, who won 21 gamea .and Island and Moline clubs that ¦ tho real MAKE OUTFIELDER OF FflLK • which Tearnoy sald that Alton had no lost His, as tho records of that leaguo schedule, the one drawn by Frank Moline, III., April 10.—NelHon Mc- DARGY IS MATCHED right -to tho players under reserve to show in the Reach guide issued re- C. lender, was tossed Into tho waste Nelll reports that Hay Falls is not the Davenport club, whoso franchise cently, Ted has signed a wonder. This huBfccl in favor of tho one which ran (Milwaukee getting much consideration from tho , Win., April .10.—Um Alton took over last winter. man Donovan is the-minister of the truo to' tho form Inld ¦ down by some of manager of the Galveaton club. Hay Rowlands of this city, a middleweight, Jarrctt immediately mailed to Tear- crowd. Ho has been nominated for tho southern clubs, whOBe word ap- has not-only been- denied a tryout at has been matched to meet Les Darcy 7ioy a letter I n which he assorted that chaplain ot (ho Quincy team. There- pears to bo law In 'tho Thrcc-I. short, but the manager recently took Monda y Eve., Apr il 16! fn an eight round bout in Memphis, ho could not coincide with the league fore inasm uch as Billy Sunday Is not Th o Kinder-schedule did not permit him out of tho infield altogether with Tenn., April 30, it was announced here executive's views, an-J that he intend- in .tho national pastime any moro, any confli ct , of dates In Rock Island the intention of making an outfielder last night. The bout will bo staged ed to obtain the Davenport players Donovan has 'boeir named tile present and Moline. . Vh tho schedule adopted out of him. on (he last day of the month , provid- no matter In what manner, If not Billy. Sunday of tho game. Ho will the Rock.Isl and and Mollno clubs aro ing Darcy succeeds In defeating-Jeff peaceably, by legal procedure. not loavo tho hotel at night, and all called to play on conflicting dates on Smith in their bout at New Orleans Jarrott declares ho will wait until his tlmo in :the daytime' I s spent in tho homo lots THROUGHOUT THE GAMP POINT CHARLES FROHMAN Presents on Aprl J 2'J , which was recently Tearney has received this letter, af- closely observing training rules. Ho SEASON. . . ., '. . o 't> cloned. fording him an opportunity for a set- Is working lllto a Turk to got in mid- Secretary U r; Blackman, of tho Camp Point, 111.. April 10.-Sarah, ^^^^ ^ tlement ont of court, before invoking season condition and. has overy ear- Mollno club, Is quoted as follows: the 10 months' old daughter of Mr. the law to got the players whom he mark of a great pitcher. ¦ Tho hurling ' "This chart is a Joke. We will make and Mrs. Harry Dean, passed away Btarf, earlier , no prot est on It and bo far as Moline Wednesday of last " 1T DOG REYNOLDS QUITS Is entitled to, ¦ he Says, by tho lcagU3 in the season, caused at their homo, I Cl -"A Great Actor ia fnnsiituHnn. ¦ . Tod n llttlo "worry, bu t tho way this Is concerned, we expect to follow out ¦week. Too death was caused by Mollnc, 111., Apri l 10.—Boss Xcd bird is whipping them over, Ted is the dates assigned to us. It does seem, measles. Funeral sorvlccs ware held a.Oreat Play." j Peltigrow is In receipt of a letter from certain ot a first Btrlng fllnger In ho\tcvcr, that a llttlo more effort at Friday "afternoon , conducted l>y Rov. % Doc Reynolds, former Detroit luirlcr, I I BOWLING RESULTS hi m. Ills manner Is solemn, his ideals equalization should havo been exer- I'uiUer, with¦ burial at Evergreen I I ' m^ W -N. t. Ametleun ^ raying that his arm fs In such shape high, his appotlto craves for nothiug cised." cemetery. ¦' ¦ that It will not respond to treatment In bowling games on (he O H . ——¦ . Labor but that which Is wholesome, hla droBS ^ ^ . .^ A and that therefore ho will not report. templc alleys last night the ' Labor Is of tho Puritan garb of tho seven- ^^ B ^^^^^ H ^ H ^^ _ A t Ily the consideration . thus HliQwn by Temple association won three In a teenth century and his conversation Doe, the Moline Base Hall association row . from tho molders, taking the first is free from vulgarism. Therefore, is saved the cost of a round trip by a margin of tu, tho second by ID ho has boon nominated- for chaplain ticket from D'cnvor t o Moline. and tho laHt by 30. of tho team.

BBB^HHBSHBHmHHKmBH nMHHBHHBHIMHBBH Mi \ A|LL ' ' WtTH THftT STOFF.V PRACTICE 1^ A OOKE ¦ ¦ ' ¦ iTHIS MORMING lARRt Oi.d( ' - JAWAY TONIGHT—LAST TIME ¦ ¦ ¦ ;—T^ poy ' oc Htr rRftMES upan ekcose) amyw^v)! ho wohdefo • 7 | uojir '^nrf^ f-^ \^=- ^^ ^ l ^ WER6 // iHORT MV Dftt> FINGER J•'(i^VOs ^AiiSsiiiHjl ^ **^ °"'T' ^ MORHIHM LOSING 6ALL-6ftliK! In a Comedy of Cheerfulness H\ VV( DOCTORS y UREPR ^tWhOa '*RAC ''CE EVEP.Y b/NY, | TELLGET ORDIfRS V* KMOwjv^V ° ETTV 7"^* J ' "YOU ITJS A OIN?< - ^S^POYS, DOCTORS 0Rt)L-R5vj^JlflWftY ra ^ '^ M^— G MUCH p ^or"?-^ J W ^9 ° WORKji- 1 ¦jf^ ^TP ^ rfc? *^ - Or ^m nF (_ Tf~ _ ¥ _ OP r *i ^^^S r ^^^ T' _ ^y _ \jy _ ^Jr^^r. ^Avt »ft ^ T ir I - —B^ ^^^ ^ B^^^^^^^JWM1 B^^^ B Kr * *l 'J *L Vvy'i^v4( ^1 *l?/l X A*2tf^ 1 tm ^(^9 r * \ *fl ¦ ! " Mister Antonio " | By Booth Tarkington lH ¦ prices:- .: ' . • .:¦,, /;. \M Lower floor—first 12 rows $2.00 4mjl Lower floor^—last-S rows.:. 1,50 vTjif| Balcony—first 2 rows 1.60 ?{^B ''¦ ~ 9 " Balcony—next 7 rows ;..!..... 1.00 jMa - • . Balconyr-r-last 6 rows ,.'...... 75 V^ffl iiicy s Givic - ' Box¦ seats .- .:.v.-v..'^ . ..¦.,..!. 2-.00 ^Jh !Qii • • - - :; ¦' ' - : : ' ¦¦:¦;:¦ - i 1 '¦ ' -: .- - "V, . > ^ ffl Eiposit ioe : "'. ' Sale of seats opens Saturday? at 9 A, M. M^^H ¦ ORDERS when accompanied by check and ' ¦ ¦ seif.^^^ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ • ' nqy^. . dressed stamped envelope fiUeii , < %§mM ^ IAPRIL 16th to APRIL 29th KICKING' ABOUT. MORNING PRACTICE !' . j ;/: - , -INCli tfsi .yE; Place¦ Your ¦"Wan t Ads" to ^t)alhrAdtfi "- ^ ' s ^ a l JW3INCY- JOURNAL Lured on by the prospect of unlimited WORKS ON UNTIL HIS |gp loot, they would fatten on the coun- ) BODY ACHES try and invite to their standard all MENDON I LOCAL NEWS SSttiVrNcws. '. Established 1>7S the lawless and disloyal elements. Exorcise U tha Best Preventive of gfig ffioJuutnal Established 18S1 "The , popuu... . unguarded MONOLOGU E These spring colds yield rea-dlly. SickneaM mlddlo west would bo their objective. Swaynlc's baths, I04 & No. 6th. Most people give little or no atten- IpfeyW'^'?: i V'-iTelcDhone Numbers. That danger was sensed by the gen- was re- tion to the exercise or rest of their KMEilltorlUI Rocm. ;. .Main No. I An amusing investigation W. T. Ross of Woodvillo was a busi- S&frEaltorllU Room. Main No. 42 eral staff of our army two years ago, cently made by ono ot our leading ncsi) caller in Qulncy yesterday. body. . So long as the average person Sv.KtlualntB« Ofllco Main No. 41 when. It laid before tho prcBldont Its magazines aa to tlio most unpopular has not an attack of biliousness or language. Supervisor H. P. Scarborough of rheumatism, so long as there is no statement of a proper military poli- )h Bath. word in tho English Payson was here yesterday on busi- ' The Turfc "Uotton" proved far and away tho pain or ache to remind him that some- ^'aK^ *'' -¦ ' 'Subscription Prices. cy for tho United States.' For nn i nvalid who Is physically un- tion. is Graham flour whole wheat , by prepared- ness. thing is wrong with his machinery, he ¥fe,'I!>" 'Jl iill. nor week lOo appreclato Wour advice moat despised follo wed " &'/«Delivered Uy Carrlor, por weok. ..ia«o " 'Tho center of population of the able to tako exercise, by reason of de- flour? Would ness" as a close second. U is easy Don't forget tho Arlou coiicort find goes on wearing it out and never re- tL'.P-MEntenid at the Qutnoy post office as United States is in tho middle west,1 formity or disabling disease, the Turk- as to whether bakinc powfler contain- why such dance "Wednesday, April 11, Eaales' pairing. Professor Irving Fisher, of ¦'¦-;¦¦ to ace, or rather to hear, - (] r^i-f.'-\ . . «ocontl-claas matter.) said that carefully prepared state- ish hath Is an excellent and enjoyable ing alum is harmful or not a gritty combination of sound as in h all. . Yale, says: " !i&&j,' ' " , ' (way of working up a free elimination. > ' (C. H; 13.) .The hygienic life should have a t \ / ment, 'and here should bo located a gotten Is avoided by all cultured por- Don't forgot the Arlon concert and ;h'-V; " Special ncnrrsentatlTcs. 1 For the man or woman In reasonably Answcr-r-Graluim flour Is made from sons preparedness" cornea proper balance between the rest and £%-?' ¦ mobile force for use In case ot need. , but why " da nce- Wednesday, April 11, Eagles' exercise of various kinds itS't'y <*•' I-osan Payno Co.. 1'ltth Avenue good health , temporarily entertaining whole wheat , but tho bran . Is not under tho ban, 13 a mystery;.unless, hall. , physical and E.,f;,lhllldlns, New York. "The plan of tho general staff pro- some supposedly trifling ailment, It la ground so fine. Alum In baking pow- can it be, .tho English speaking-na- mental. Generally every muscle in the ?8;;; O. I.oKnn Payne Co., Marauotto Bulld- posed that one-fourth of tho entire la delusion and a snare der is certainly Insignificant so far for propared- George 13. Cawthornc ' addressed body should be exercised daily.' tion s are a lazy people , Muscular exercise should hold the It'is'PoV.'IioifiB^ayno Co., Publicity Bulld- infantry forces then recommended for ! The effect of a Turkish until is de- as any direct uctlffn goes, but, while neBs certainly suggests hustling- Our about 40 members of . tho B. G. M. In 'MCrtnft,-. Boston. 1 prJsiilon. 'It does not , aa popula rly , nutri- the Y. M. 'C. A. Sunday afternoon. attention, and call into play will power. ¦' Krcsgc Bulld- national defenso bo stationed in the It whitens the-bread It lessens own pet aversion is "squnlor," it ^¦ -''f r*u. I-offau Payno Co., imagined , "boll out" a lot of. poison or tive value by converting tho soluble sounds so like a strcet-carnlvnl For health's 6n.lto try Swaynio's Exercise should be enjoyed as play, not ijS iaV'itij:,.' Detroit. middle west, arid that nearly a third unhealthy matter. It eliminates a lit- endured as work. of the total cavalry ot the regular phosphates of the wheat into Insoluble squawker! Then, too, thero no earth- baths. 104 % North Sixth. The niost beneficial exercises, arc tle more water than the subject ordi- aluminum phosphate, and In cases of ly excuse for such a word. Poverty, Tho tenchora' training class of tho tefe;--. " • SPECIAL NOTICE. army bo stationed on tho Mexican narily eliminates through the skin. It anemia or weak digestion is therefore those which'stimulate the action of the ' t CorreBpondo.ice of all description, sickness, " ndveralty; yet, but aa long St. Paul's church will meet in tha heart and lungs, such as rapid walk- PiSAi^-.'ivlicther Intonilod for the business or border. Is an error to supposo that the perspir- objectionable. Ume water may bo aa a human being has any one of his school hall Thursday evening. ing; running, hill climbing and. swim- (f' vVlhovcdltorlnl departments, should bo "Whon that plan was laid beforo ation, oven when very free, carries used instead ot alum to whiten bread, flvo senses left, squalor and .ho need nung. Sf^.'oddrcmcd to "Tho Qulncy Journal," any considerable quantity of Impuri- wholesome than In- Lou Willing, assistant storekeeper ' ' any Individual. the president, two years ago, Germany and lime Is rather ¦ novcr dwoll under the eamo roof. It The exercise of the abdominal 7-;<:.and. got to now is to ties froni tho body. An adult In or- jurious. is odd, the effect , certain words hare at tho gas office, ]s ill In his homo wns not the menace that It dinary health , elimi nates about two with a serious attack of pneumonia. muscles is most important in order $r?rt — our safety. - And more recent recom- A Cure of Chronic Hronehltls. on difforent persons. Tako " tho word to give tone to those mtibclcs and thus 0 pounds of perspiration per day, 99 *^ vandal" for Instance to us, it sug- Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Salem •:'• -gg* mendations of tbo general staff urgo per cent of which I am forty-four, and for years have " aid the portal circulation. For the <»• - is water. had chronic bronchitis. Your Ideas gests "In days of old, when Unlghts church will hold their monthly coffoo same reason erect posture, not only in ; that a much larger forco bo provided There Is a classical experiment In wore bold, and all In armor bright, In tho school hall Thursday afternoon. standing but in sitting, is important. £?\v;y\' "Cnc' "Corf, One Country, One Flatf" It had have greatly interested me, and .I have " : f or tho national defonso than which a rabbit died a short time after found that by maintaining the temper- salllcd< forth to punish vandals. It Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Moore ot Support the hollow of the back by a thought sufficient In 1015. 1U tody was covered with varnish. ature ydu recommended in my home brings to our memory, history and Bluffs spent Sunday with friends and cusliion or otherwise. A rocker or a peoplo scout- This led to tho notion that cessation of l*vo romance, bat we'vo khqwri persons to Ulted chair is restful to the portal cir- "Two years ago many porspimtlon would and orflce I had the best winter rolatlvcs In tills city, their former ed the suggestion that .Mexican armies canso poisonoufl bad in years. In there any hope of show symptoms of hydrophobia, at home. culation if the lower back is properly ' United effects. However, tho death , was due a euro for this condition? I was In- the mere sight of it. supported. Breathing exercises, both could seriously menace the. lo marked alterations ot body tempor- Ernest Bchrcnsmeyer of Denver, by suction and otherwise, for pumping 1916, formed by my physician somo years And isn't It amusing, just mention Slates, ' but the experiences ot utii rc. If such an nnlmal 1b kept at expect only tompor- "rosy," and humans will purr like Colo., f ormerly a druggist of this city. the portal circulation free of stagnated when -wo found thot It took practically abnormal temperature by artificial ago ' that I can Is here for a visit with friends and blood, are very helpful. ary relief. (P. J- a) kittens. Rosy, the fairest flower that relatives. all tho armed forces of this country— means* no morbid symptoms follow Anawcr—Yes, a good many cases ot blooms, the sweetest porfume wafted, Exercise should always be limited all the regular soldiers in the country the application of varnlHh. Hence It Is chronic bronchitis are curable. Much the color of a sunset cloud, the dim- BidH for dog tags aro being asked by fatigue, which brings with it fa- national guard ot scarcely reasonable to. Imagine a the artorlcs, pled face of a sleeping babe, the blush for by City Clerk Duke Schrocr. Speci- tigue poisons. This is nature's signal and a mobilized Turkish bath removes poisons from depend.) upon the state of when to'rest. If one's use of diet and nearly iiiO OOO men—to hold back tho kidneys and heart. And also other on. a sweetheart's face, wo sco thorn fications f or the tags arc on file in the . tho body. " . all, In rosy. office of the clerk. air arc proper, the fatigue point will be Villa f ollowers and sympathizers, have lesions than the bronchitis in the chest " " much further off than otherwise. Stout, lazy, overfed individuals do must be eliminated. The open air life, Jlnstnr In Monilnn—K«stnr Borvtcc.i For good news—call up Swaynle's opened the eyes of the American- peo- enjoy some bonoflt from a Turkish •t Oiie_ should learn to relax when not or the nearest possible approach to It, were held in tho several churches, baths. HIb advice may benefit you. in actrvity. The habit produces rest ple. ' . - bath. It Is a sort of vicarious exer- hygienic clothing, diet, exer- many out of town visitors wero with 104^ North Sixth. , cise. Real exorcise, lo produce per- sunbatliB . even between exertions very close to- "Recent dovolopmcnts have Im- cise, and especially autogenous vac- us, tho snow drifts wero just as deep Miss Amelia Gruenewald of Daven- gether and enables one to continue to mensely Increased the danger from spiration, would accomplish a great The desert dryncss as In other places, and It is supposod , . deal more for any one who could take clno treatment. port, Iowa, Is visiting hor parents, repeat those cxvtions for a much lon- that iiuartcr. A unlllcd and German- or tho air In heated apartments in the that more eggs wero consumed, for Rov. and Mrs. Frank Gruoncnmld, 321 time than otherwise. The habit oi it. But It is hard to convince the probably tho chief aggravat- Tho Journ al recently made a state- f;cr ized Mexican army, llrcd by prospects stout, over-nou/lshed, automobile-In- winter ia South' Eleventh street. ying down when tired is a good one. ng glory ot wrcst- ing cause, and you have discovered ment as to tho wealth of the town. The same principles apply to mental of loot and a rallyi toxicated people that exercise is real- dryncss. Easter Shopping Extraordinary— A good attendance was present at , ng back Texas; tho great southwest how to diminish that rest Avoid worry, anger, fear, ex- ly good for one. Mr. -noosovelt's fa- Diet to Iteiluce. Two of Mcndon'B fair dames went to the meeting of the PI Iota Kappa Sun- citement; hate, jeakmsy, grief and all nnd California from the hated 'Grin- mous woodpile would look fearfully Qnfncy Saturday last, presumably to day evening in the "Y." Supper was out of place In the back yard of a Kindly tell me what, diet I should served after tho meeting. depressing or abnormal mental states. goes,' would give us a problem vastly my weight. I am 64 do their Easter shopping. Before thoy This is to be done not so much by homo where malda and other retain- take to reduce wero safely landed in their trundle The St. Nicholas branch No. 1, "W. repressing these feelings as by drop- more difficult than last summer's f u- mchcB hy 105 . patroling of ers take all the available exercise. ponndjj^ q p beds, a train of cars, two automobiles, O. U., will hold a whist at tho St. Bon- ping or ignoring them—that is, by di- tile pursuit of Villa and Tho Turkish bath Is a substitute for ^ ' 2,000 miles of unfriendly border. Karrcl Diet. A glass f our horses and sovon men were em- iface school Wednesday night. A verting and controlling the attention. ES- CjIA'ilBEIl OF COMMERCE SHOWS the lawnmowor, the hoc, tho axe and Answer—The ployed on tho Job. large attendance is expected. The secret of mental hygiene lies in "If Germany trains and officers n the washtub, but not nearly bo benefi- of skimmed Imilk, hot or cold, sipped ' IIial1 1'ATHIOTISJT. . 2, G and Honor to Whom Honor Is Duo— William Doerr, charged with un- the direction of attention. One's men- |'?/'/f-- •: great Moxlcan ' nrmy It will bo done cial as real 'exercise. slowly, at G a. in., 10 a. m., Mondon has, without a doubt, put'in tal attitude from a hygienic stand- 't ' ;' There arc big possibilities In tho QUESTIONS AM) ANSWERS. 10 p. m., and ho other food on that lawf ul shooting of ducks, was ar- j .: with Germany's customary thorough- water taken that a fi no man as .road commissioner, raigned yesterday In the county court. point ought to be optimistic and se- niovbment by the Chamber of Com- aggrcBslvo methods.. Once Wliolo Wheat Urend and Constlnntlon. day, and tho less but ft ]s only fair to 'say. that whon rene, and this attitude should be striv- J^K ness and . , day the hotter. You should . .oso two He gave bond for his appearance later. ^f-mor'cb'.to luorcaBo the food aupply of , it will ' Our little boy, aged four and a half Frank.Potter (tho retiring ono) goea en-for not only in order to produce ' let that army cross the border was troubled with constipation, but Ifl pounds each Karrcl day. One or two Progressive District Court of Hon- health, but as an cud in itself, for (" firth ls.' section by encouraging agricul- , con- out, we lose a fino public sorvant strike hard for a ruthless invasion of greatly improved since wo adopted such days a week. Other days Tho east ond residents of the village or, No. 74, will give a complimentary which in fact ev en health is properly &|>,Wri3 ana pointing out to .tilloro ot tho the rich states and cities of the Mis- ourself to a maintenance , diet. dance this evening in the K. of P. hall l . whole whoat bread on your sugges- fine y owo- Mr. Pottor a vote of thanks, for " sought. In addition, the individual fe mail practical moanB of Increasing tbo sissippi valley." Dr. Brady will answer all sinned loiters portnlnlnjr to hcaun, ino nnraM that is all he would take, for dragging for tho members, their families and should, of course, avoid.infection , poi- '.ot the soil. • . . ' of •vrltors nre never printed.' Only lnqulrlca of Roneral Interest aro answered friends. - sons and other dangers. fe^jlold Which Is all 'bunk" as Tho Journal In Sli-column: *iut n\l Inquiri es will bo am.worc.1 by mall If a.ftftmpefl aelf- and putting in shape the streets In ':Wjien tho. ploneor fathers cume to nritlressod onvolol*** la oncloHOtl. noquestB for (Hukhobib or-treatmont or inai- that section. Grand whist" given by women's La- Occasional physical examination by 5^;£ secB It. But If wo aro to have troops Addrew Dr. William Bratly, caro of this a competent medical examiner is ad- K'jjilaf' garden spot of tho earth, they stationed In the middle west to guard vlduSl Sahob ConnorV considered!^ Hack to the Lund—Julian Boy or, bel League tonight at Labor Temple. newBpapor. . wlfo and little daughter arrived In Prizes and refreshments. Admission, visable. . In case of illness, competent ^5-fp'untl, that all that was necessary for this garden nnot of the earth, they medical treatment should be sought. ; Mondon Mondny evening on their way 15 conta. • ®-j?.tli<>ra to nrnko a good . livelihood for should ho stationed in Illinois where plant; and Sara to Clinton, Ind., to tako up fa rming, was to ' cotton manufacturing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Odcll of Keokuk f^jlli jijisijlvcs and their families they can strike quickly at any foe landed in a shoo factory. They took Mrs. Boyer's father having glvon hor spent Sunday with relatives . and i&fri&Jkl d the soil"—-to cultlvato tlio best thnt threatens St. Louis or Chicago. thoso Joba because they could soon HITS AND MISSES a farnu For. tho last. 19 years Mr. f riends in this pity, Mrs. Odell re- ^ii-apoia .: In their respectlvo terms; and learn' the work, while Dan being am- A Little lYu&Menae .\«m nud Then Doyer lias been a miller at Colton, maining through the week for a con- Si ;tljsr' 'could-wo'll afford to lot most o! bltloUB and having a 'turn' f or ma- Cal. Julian Is a graduate of tlio old tinued visit. ^. A THOUGHT THAT STRENGTHENS Mcndon "High/* was a membor of tho EvWlMY fctheir iand Ilo Idle, ot in pasture. Timo chinery, sti.ck to h |B plan and was THUMBNAIL ESSAYS. Tho conference of the Qulncy pas- gg. I'ATIUOTISII.AKII NATIONAL hired by tho automobile company. Junior band, the Cog. Sunday school | |'£iaafl. -^gradually changed conditions so TBIBE. Vile*. ' . and all othor Mcndon standard Insti- toral circuit of southern Illinois dis- llETiqUETT E ' That was a year ago. Now Dan, Delin . Files arc the bano of babies, horses trict of tho Evangelical, churches will ra;'ti>9 farmers cannot neglect bo much oi and Sam aro city people. They are tuti ons. Ho spent Sunday with his eir More and mbro the One thought that cheers the Amer- and left flcldera. Thcro are house- meet In tho St. Paul's parsonage be- Hi^ land. land ' pale nnd not so strong. Their even- aunt. Mrs. Hoffman, late of this place, ginning tomorrow at 9 o clock. ' ican people at this timo, and that with amusements; flies and butterflies, to say nothing of but now a resident of Denver, Colo"., ' |§i'as -ue on cleared and tilled. : Yet In Btrongthons their patriotic ardor all ings are filled tho Hhoofllcs in the blncksmith KhopH "W. and including movies, walks in tho bright lights, nnd reports her as being well for pno Mr. and Mrs. H. Rusk of Colum- $£thV.15,.counUcB around tho more, Is.the fact that this nation is and -hoarding houses. Then there Is of her oeg. 85. bia, Mo., parents of "Farmer" Husk, la still much land that visits with other young workers, the of the L*atin name tetnpls fugit. iJifAaams thore I nvolved In a war It did not Bock. No sometimes a bit of beer or some other arrived Sunday morning for a visit fei'is.'inpt producing any foodstuff whut- nation ever displayed moro patlcnco relaxation. Even ambitious Dan has with their son. Their three daughters, oyjir:¦> .And there ls.-vory much moro to work . On the Other Jlainl. Misses Fern, Edna and Ruth, accom- ly ; - ' nndcr BUch trying circumstances. lost his first determination Sir:—A Japanese homesteader ut panied them . | '3>jirid 'tliat raises only a part of ono for tho futu re. The Bplrlt of resigna- Q. H. S. HAPPENINGS . Arid this Is tho history of all ware tion of the poor is eating their vital- Kula, .Maul, wrote tha KhAtiIu! ' store tSyjJPP,', tyhereiw It might woll raise two America has fought and won: That for th ese supplies: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Olingcr of Kco- ' or at least ono Tory largo ono. ity. And hero arc some of their cx- "Cooperation" was the subject of a n kuk spent Easter with Mrs- Ollngor's llCfrops, this nation did not scok- *.tllom;- that perlonces written'In this report: "Pleze send me 10 poundfl of sugar, father, Herman Reckmeyor, of South fJ^Tho. old order of thingsof sticks pow- 242 who 2 pounds of coTo nnd 2 pounds of tec, i nteresting and very wel l rendered ad- tho minds many they wore not ontored' into until It "Delia Is one among 53, my wife- gave berth last nito to a big d ress given by Principal George HUI- Fifth street. Mr. Olinger returned ^icrKillyUn. farmers. was Impossible to avoid them. were working February Mast. The home yesterday but his wife will Tislt fomowhat characteristic of our ' when she baby boy, also a screw driver, nit yer of tho Mendon High school to the hero until Saturday. IWi It.,f8 As a consequence, history tells , us pay roll 1b . bigger than trap and door .mat. It weighed 10 students of the local school In the when departing from a shop, a ho- gf/iftrniorB that they ''-'-;uriusWl conditions now existing, fought for mankind unselfishly. has barred the playing of "Dcr Wacht "cooperation with the school and Its or- aJI lottera, enclosing a two-cent ii'imp, ^nattonartamlno upon us,' that Idea is "Dan gets $21.72 a week; and a ' ganizations", and. with fellow men Is George Thumani who has been cm- purtal nlns to matters of etiquette, an- I' No man knows what this war will There arc Am Khlnc," with dr esucd to hur In caro of tiita paper.) ^gaining ground rapidly. year ago it was $19.31. Gardens aro sprouting. the Ideal state of afralrs. Mr, HII1- ployed for tho past year as clerk, amount to. No prophet has arisen 111,971 In thoso factories now. where yer's t alk was interspersed at several the Tenk Hardware company, rc- £'V.?Tuo Qulncy Chamber of Commerce, year ago. Blgn ed his position Saturday afternoon Questions Ansivercd by AHcIu Hoyt. to declare it will bo a short struggle, 93.55G worked a . . Jluro Truth Than Poetry. intervals by timely poetic quotations Artlsta: Really well-bred people- ¦K*~realizing tho dlro need for moro food- "But how much belter oft aro Dnn, to Illustrate his points. A solid argu- to take a similar ' position with tlio . ' or a long and 'bloody conflict. But Whon the Germans can't reach otlier men or women—never go to extremes siv st,urf '; and knowlna25 to 50H 1b possible to Delia and Sam, really? ¦ ment -it was toward establishing—as Reid Motor company at Seventh'and .^V,j>rotluco from per cent more ot this all peoplo. of-this nation are "Th o factories pay more to their - ' fhlps , . ho defined cooperation—a sympathetic Maine streets. in stylo of dress. Fashions are only Is certain: That It is a war for the . And sink them like a ylouc; t'^tuan' now raised around Qulncy, . workers; tho pay roll IncreaHO runs attitude toward other men. John R. Edward. Morton , tlio O. K. conduc- general suggestions, and should al- right upon behalf 'of the people of from 10 to 38 por cent. Moro workers They halt prospective sailing trips ¦ Kirk , tho rather of Toild Kirk of the ways 1)0 ,1j m'ay;-' well tako tho lead In showing Uy blowing uj> their own! tor, bus sold his residence pu Prairie modified lo suit one'a indi- the - United States, and a war. for tho arc busy, as many as one In five moro High school faculty, and who Is the avenue in . Lawndale to Carl Bucklo, vidual face, figure, coloring nnd per- g.tlio' tillofs of Jhc soil how to go about In KOino kinds of Industry ; and many president of the Kirksville normal increasing food production , for thorc relief and bettorment of mankind in , whi ch . Tlio Inspired Compusttor. who will tako possession May 1. Mr. sonality. How of ten wo have beard ^ u well a h re t ho e, and of them enrao from the farm ' school also gavo an entertaining talk. Morton has purchased a lot on Six- " greater nor moro important Europe, s s e a m works to reduce the supply ot food The heudwrlter wanted to say that Mr. Kirk visited his son while pass- some sonslble . woman say: "That ^js *no . moro than hero at home. revenue was being sought, but tho In- teenth street near Broadway where ho gown , l s handsome and stylish; it ":p within the power and provluco for ha all, nnd to Increase the cost of ing through here en route to. Ilannl-r will erect a new home. ' S#' TJ'prK.. 'Dan, spired compositor on the Springfield looka well on you, but it doesn't look : ' Cliambor. It . shows highest our living. And listen to Delia: ' bal where he will speak at the High H".'ot 'th« . . she is saying, '1 think wo had bolter State Register set it: school. U. S. - Parker, acting High Prof. John E. Gill, a f ormer teacher like you." She.means, of course, that ^.'patriotism. on tho part of the Chuin- stayed on tho fa rm. You 'get the big- SEEK nEVlCXGIl] FOR princip al, presided. In the Gem City Business college, 1b although no definite fault can be ^ft bisri- and ii . deep realization of duty Moral: Stick to the Farm I gest pay of tho three or us, almost $90 AID OF HNTI3XTF, IN hero from Trenton. New Jersey, for a found with'the garment, there 1b a ¦ "PltOSICCUTING WAR visit with his mother, Mrs. Mary subtle something that prevents a per- (/>tp.;.Uio public. Not all men can fight a month. Your pay would be only Arrangements aro being made by fect blending of costume wHh line but tho work $25.50 on the fnrm, but look what it the Seniors for the annual Senior ex- Molse of (118 North Soventocnth Btroot. per- |£ jn^/.ttio ^altlo of With a disgusted smile, John Smith The (J orgon Knot! He Is accompanied by his 12 year old sonality. tSWoi wlio stay ut homo, it properly costs us to eat. A $5 bill Jusl melts - cursion, which will tako place, this IT. S.: A gentleman imonld ^'" laid down tho Monthly Ilovlow. of the meets tbo grocery man. CQ. B. N.) ' - year on. Frid ay, May 4. The annual son. Prof. Gill Is now vice president Btcp off 'di^cctcd and 'carried out, . Is none the down when It A Hard Tics Social will bo given and treasurer of a business college in a fltrocl car first in order to assist tho l^- Bureau of Labor Statistics of tho U. S. Back home you • gol your inoals with complimentary float by the seniors lady to alight. S&ieB'ayimpbrtant than ' that of tho men I. Thorc Krlflity evening by the KpworLh lca"gnc , June. Both excur- Trenton. Just as ho should Htep department' of labor. "Why docs the the Job, nnd so did Kain and of the Grace M. tf. church. Thcro wilt will take place In . out of a can-Inge or an automobile jV 'ritytho,front. Thli; the Chamber will arc four men In that automobile fac- sions will bo civotl on tnc G. W* Hill. Henry Koennlng, an old and well first. government . get out Uichc senseless three worked last year, bo no admlsHlon but. guests will he ^poiut' out In this movement. , ' tory where, fined for weaving any fancy dress or known einployo In tho Burlington publications?" ho . said. "Hero arc and nine In my mill whore eight Health and weather permitting, the yard u, who lives on Cherry betweon pages of mussy figures that menu worked when 1* camo I n, but none of jowelry. botany classes, will hike to South Ninth and Tenth , arrived In Now |fiJXMJE OKEASKHS ABE COMING! nothing. I think I will write tho de- s go morning lo study 1 us aro as woll off. Dan, let' If the Censorship Keeps Up park on Thursday York City fr om Germany C" ycara .war gels on Homo pconlc'B ' ' Those particularly to be ob- on ^i C:'I^hi8 . partment of labor to tako . my name home.' " - " • ' , —, .April" — plants. a^o yesterday, Eastc.r Su nday. Mr. FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER '^^ejryos' .mightily. Now^ a "Western off their list. This Bluff . Is not worth 1 "But Dan won't go. H e doesn t served arc the Algae, or Ihc mosses Kocnnlng- hua lived In Quincy for a Is pointing Tho company of the water forms, lo complete a ^-;$6\vsnapcr out. In all serl- mulling." ' Uncle Chnrllo picked up wnni tn let Marv Harner think he - regiment National and Bin all number of years and has many that a great army of unified fai led. cou rse of study of those ptuntu which friends. lie bus, two children, Miss PAIN IN STOMACH, rjjousness, the offending periodical and looked cuard, stationed somewhere In by O. 11. Fra nk in *''Jjkioxlcans—Carranzlstas . and VlllistaR "Now, John, look at those lublcs . guarding a fired lins been conducted Christi na Koonning of Thlr.tleth and at .the article. "John," said he, after again. - . the classes during the past , few weeks. Broadway, and. "Tony " Kocnnlng, who f(f leered by TeutonH, Is likely .to a moment, AIvc .es- shots on day at — . - ¦ "tills Is really. Interesting." "Boots and shoes: Eighty of the ¦ wero Hftvcrely- lives in Kansas City. BACK OR JOINTS £"cfpiib through the "unprotected West" "I'm from Missouri, snorted the prac- tablish ments were aHkcd-for reports; "Pinafore" is already being boosted. I-ouls and' ChicaEo, " and one was ————; Captain - play to be given by the There will be ' -.an old-fashioned sKittjd'strlko at St. . tical farmer. "Show me something!" 68 replied. They pay every week; was Bhot in the The musical (By Samuel Hamilton thcMlddlo west thecities. In Iheiu In February. — of the April 20 Is being advertised prayer-meeting In the East End Chris- . M. R) i&VA-; other wild ' "All right , Joh n. Listen to one slory 56. 199 worked tor . . Jle will . - ;, Juniors tian ch urch tomorrow evening, In recent yearn InvrallgnUon lij i^^Qdndiog alarm nfrwspa- , l»lij; 60,226 In February, 1917. . That — about tho school' on bulletin boards. and an 1 see In IIicho tables. worked hard for. lhe pre- I nteresting program has been pro- means or X-rays, the observations ot $tfjfor':!rhc Spokane Spokesman-Review , means that 0.G per cent more were "Aubtrlu,' breaks with America," says The cast has. scientists midi as Caiman "A husky fnrm laborer. Dan Jones, th an In 1916; and the sentation or the famous opera In a way pared, feat ures of which tv!11 bo old- , (Jru tzncr, |jSyn 'c;. . ' - , . ' , worked from early dawn to 'plumb working in 1917 tlio man from across the river, but It vacation time songs a nd personal testimony on Pavlov, Ji\jwicr, Hawk, prove that nn .:: " try to pay roll figures show, that It cost 18 to do It J ustice. During the abundance of water >?t&^ficJcrniauy. ^vill Btrlke us dark' for Farmer Johnson, on a fine nearly approaches a bust." entied practice of tho en- the Bubj ecl "How and under what cir- Is necessary In place in Ohio. per cent more to pay Ihcm. In other week Ju st good bodily housekeeping. To *)%!uirbugh.*Mexico. Dan thnughl be earn- shows the rising tire#ompany was held once dally and cumstances 1 became , a Christian." drink Is by ed more than Johnson paid—being words, Ibis table A blowup, ole top. timo extra each The paBtor, Rev. L. C. Mauck, will a pint of hot- water lipfore meals Is l&^'lfalexicb' . dominated (icrmatl cost of labor In tho industries report- of the cast alone one good practice, ; human. ' Besides, being an uvbraBo Director . Clarence liincbergor have charge of the service, and will and thoso Buffering ^¦.in1liJpnces. Great nmnhnra of Ucrman man anyway, Dan getting—this ing; nnd the Increasing number of letter blow! - day speak on the Hubject , from a eatarrhiil . condition of tho was mployed In the Induatriea reports commendable progress on the 1 "The Waiting ffiriteryiSSls, unablo to return to Ger- In 1015—only $22.80 a mpnth In real workers e whom he Is coaching. Brotherhood ," a Icnaou applicable to stomach will find benefit In adding "aro In that country. The Car- monoy, ' that have reported. Thirteen Indiw- Lhinp. . purl of those tho great Issues today. . nbout.10 grains (one-sixth of a lovol $jn 9i»y,- besides board. Like ony other reported; the percentage.of f^f&azo.', government Is ' counseled by human creature, Da n did not realize trics have . What If tho cost is. eoIue higher, announced thai the April by Icy tensnoonfun of. baking-soda,' drinking employed rose in every one except , what It has been Injuries ^ 'caused walks In It. an hour before each ^filiose' influences, nnd at their direction what the board was worth'. But ho which , lost 1.2 we're living here but once numbe r oC tha "(l" -wlll be issued Fri- April are rather unusual, noverthij - meal. ¦ made his recent could remember , that his pay had cotton manufacturing, though our way bo through the mire, If your kidneys urc nick, or yon suf- ^j Cftrranza rejected per cent, and woolen, which lost leas , day next. less thcro has been a good chance for fer with lumbago or risen only Jl.so a month since liH O. what though our dollars now arc such during this month rheumatism at KfjiijjqpoBbJ asking our government lo Dan could n't hco much in that , cspe-' Ihun I per cent; while Iron-and steel runts; what if Hie day -be dark and , especially on times, jialn in the back or back of the 'in andun embargotho on supplies worked 21 por cent moro and automo- C C Mnh cr of Payson hn» returned Saturday, and some evidently took jf&pitfyjllin.- other dally when-on Saturday markets'he dreary, we enn live our lives in joy, where he is a member neck, take u little Amtrlc beforo s^Sil^fensland entente nl- bile plants . 19.7 per cent more. Pay tho way lie iipsldt: down and lo Champaign, advantage of th o chance. For it is meals. Anurlc (double strength) can contemplated tho shiny red tan shoes rywhere; 37.S per oonl though or the medical class of the-Unlycni ty reported that Mrs. E. E. Pallardy of in King's, store In town , now marked rolls rpsc eve weary. - wo hope and happy means sun of h. V. Mn- be round nt any good drug store, anrt 1 In iron and slccl , 33.9 por cent In au- " of Illl noK He is a Clayton Injured hor anklo Saturday was. first discovered by Dr. |(§||$SIcxlcb baa several'hundred tliou- '$5.00 a pair, and thought of Sunday employ.. .hiHl smile and fchoo uway hcr, editor or the Payson limes. evening by a fall on thn Ice on Sixth Pierce, of could meeting, l(ic only amusement of the tomobiles, 2D.S per cent In leather your trouble, don't let them fray and the Surgical Institute In nuffalo, N. Y. PMn47~)ycil-armcd Germanyand seasoned flght- working, 23.C per cent.In pnper-mak- (a « - - street between York nnd Jcrsoy. - Ami When run-down, ^^^•in/cn;. and If unlto countryside, nnd Mary Harper. get you down; tho load you carry William Barnkow , when life indoorfl "The Weekly Banner reported a big Ing. In each of these trades . thou- a bubble and you have no good excuse baggageman at tbo bus brought about, a r.lagnant condi- ;?;-llio'.' ¦ ivarrlng . plenjcnta tbore, train and Delias and Sams Wabasb utatjon, received an Injury to i demand for'workers In the new auto- sands of Dans ¦ . to frown. Your \vny is through the Itemnty tion In tho circulation—most every- th'ehvyith'Gornian'reservists and offl- are lolllnc. These figures -arc the Kyou choose to pick Mix This Simple his hip In a full on the station plat- ono Is filled with uric ncld—especially J^' ¦ . Gc ¦ mobile plant. In tlio city. So nan frtigrnnt . meadow form on the samo nicbt. £'' c$t thvjro'^ with rriian soldiers/ this quit bno Saturday night; and Mondny short, nnd simple nnnalB or tlio poor, that wny, you need not penetrate ni-half "unt'n Mums did as Dan did , Ulls year, John," Bald mation." you'ro about. What If your life seema C<].nmu.tl(t» on"-liulT "mnici: fluid i«r.- Fire Insurance men of the city will quent urination or the pains and stiff- ft«tnqugli;id guaj'd thoVlong border, and Unclo Charlie, Interrupting himsel f. worn nnd heavy, what-if life a torture tr:ict llui'hu. TuUr Iuhiiii and mix with meet tomorrow evening In the Hotel ness of the Joints' and high lilood- Hloiihl ' K lX OUneVK BlMKl PHI" Kln.or 'K lTE ttUIIITH ¦ ^htfo '.mait5^d forces to inoet the "That's bad, Charlie. Will the farm- Hccms, you'll have Joy and rapture If ullst l r. Oii^-to two Nowcomh. and (hey win have an a prcssure arc also often noticed. Every J much* your store- ' of go|den «f wlmplf uronmlle special guest. l<\ II. .lones of Chicago one should drink plenty of pure v:n- i&iliteijdGi&f ancl givo. them battlo; they era be ablo .to plant as. ground HULL COUPLE WED you levy on KMiHimonfulS nf thlH njlxtui-f after each , Kjjjfc&old&jvebi) . up. through the -Mtss.ls- with so many leaving?" "I am afraid drnaniE. " So forget tho ,h«rlS, ,tho jmln meal ami at IimI\ tUxrn wilt tu.uii . iiui publisher, of the Illinois Inspection tcr and exorcise in the open air as , John. Tho reports Indicate 2 per , and I6rget the tainted air; the Ulflncyw. bladdnr ami urinary or- Bureau, which deals with fire Insur- much as possible. I have found tlint Rtjtltiljajley, and cut' tlio United . States not Hannibal , Mo.-. April 10.—Saturday and sorrow cans In koihI working condition. Hiirh cent loss cultivation this. year. But afternoon at 4 o'clock in IiIh office on and don't go seeking cloudfl or hor- Hyin ptoniN as buclmchc. rheumatic paints anco rales. Ho will be the guest of Anurlc is nn nntldotc for this uric let me, jro on with , my Interpretation Center-street, Judgo Allen 15. Ocnt ro\y all tho trouble you can bear, In the jolnm and other unmentionable the local men nt n tl o'clock dinner, acid poison and' that It will dissolve ^^^ijt^t^iiiE^fpr ccBV. 'would fctriko at of thlB Inblo. Dan look his slstpr with symptoms aro quMdy Btouprd. after which he will rIvc them a talk. the accumulation of uric ncld In the : Bpolto the words which made Mlsn Ar- ** Any Kood drupslut lias W Ingred- BSSwM?*''*)!' ciUciV~pb'-6li .i^ou ls, Kansa3 him to the city; and another country neif Smith .the bride of Unrlow Heed. 1'ahioMs Sentences. mixture. - An'-ono. can He Is on ti tour of the a late aud Qu la- body . much as hot. water . tlliisolroa ients for thin ' ' ' • ¦ ; :' '¦ ' KB^K^|.JJp3eih,;Oni alin and - Chicago* hoy wcnt'-along. \Dclln got a Job In a The coudIg HVo at Hull. ' ' . "Show me a smile." hilx. I . Advt. cy Is one of his stopping places. sugar.—Advt . . .< \ - > ' "I gnret and Miss Harriet Wells and S. Ei , BronBon, charged with embez- streets seem* txi .le KOEWiftlg iisSSffiSBl zling 000 of Iho f unds of tno Flnlcy the troll accordin g to tho ¦prevaJHffll5a §ge9 Women Organize To . | Miss Carlcne Mohrenslcchcr relumed J8. . members , of .Ho to thc 'Montlcello institute yesterday, Buildi ng and Loan . association •. ot opinion of -tho 'M*BWK|Sb Aid Quincy 3oldier8J STATE NEWS Oznrlt, will not bo fried April 9 In tho Ing and they: thou ght ..thstf iQqlffiagSffl and MIbs Rosealphla Payne, who' has should repair that part herar£!Uuiu |BHn| been visiting her mint, Mrs. E. A. Christian county Circuit court. Tho defendant and representatives of the Ing of any other portion; '-:?-?A|V;J Sffl5fflH IN SOCIA L CIRCLES This afternoon In Iho tower . room Rogers, went back tmlny to resume feprcscnttd f£ra J 9| witnesses, have' reached Th o meeting waa of tho Public Library building a meet- their similes after the Easter vaca- FROM MISSOURI complaining tion. an agreement whereby Senator Bron- members of the association froin >$ire«f@g{ ing Is being hold by a number of wo- son nnd bla b6ndsmcn will put (20,000 oral points along tho . trail. - HatyeK ^^ By DOROTHY ALEXANDER-Telephone No. 1 men for tho purposo ot forming a so- ' to tho credit of the association and Higgs aim Tom Bcatt y wero" tho ,Cliilrf ^gj y to exist during tho present war | Prcslijlcrln n I lg liil to Meet—Tho What Our Neighbors Over ~ ' ¦ ¦¦ ciet regular meeting of tho court proceedings havo been post- cy. representatives.¦ . ' v . ^ " .'(s^BBiS that will work for tho benefit ot tho | tlio Women's Guild * poned. ¦ ¦ ' , Tho CommUtav7,^Wf4sSHS Quincy soldier boys. I t Is . bollovcu ; of tho Presbyterian church will bo the Elver Are Doing It Is hoped by tho mombora ^tha&$ |p an automo- that much moro effective work can bo hold tomorrow.afternoon in the church them in the meCM-S li she had Just stepped from parlors, The April and Saying. Aged Joplln , Hanker OcU Divorce. . th o movo taken by bile, "M rs. Knocker" appeared In dono by such nn organization than by section members Joplln , Mo., April 10.—Thomas W. int- will bring about the results;wbi

i^tJCH . EXTlllJSIASJl AT BANQUE1 "WILDCAT" OX n. L. .TIEYUBS' SHOCK DISmCTLT FELT AT '0 ; "'¦/; IS ST. BONIFACE HALL LEASE ]|AS MADE ' SFKINGFIELD AND OTHER ?!f^?";- LlST NIGHT. ' . ,.,. GOOD. CITIES OF STATE. "T f ter .-—- toXti 'L he Best Place to Shop, A Air -i^rfSdh , | :ffc'' <>*SfIxrSpcaliersv- .Present Cull for AsbIs- Plj-month Oil Company Omis tho New St. LouIh Seismograph Indicates ,(?5, tonco in the Work—Bnnn .net Is Producer and Is Going Qimko Is In Xeir Madrid Fault ¦ 1 A]\; Excellent—Acti ve Campaign • . . After 3Iorc. • District. , i ;$l.,L. .' ;. Begins TotlaT. Beginning of : Tomorrow—- Th e April Sale ' ;5>*-Twt ' , Plymouth, 111., April 10;—Tho now Sprlngfiold, 111., April 10.—Buildi ngs V* £i".Wlien business men make mi ln- oil wel l on the R. L. Meyers lease, and homes In central Illinois were £ vestment they want to know that they nine miles east of nere, was shot with rocked by an earthquake shortly after Rugs, , ,.:w'H) get from it. The St. Aloystus 3 o'clock yesterday . afternoon. Tho Linoleum Curta ins and Drap eries! " Orphanage has a record of nea'rly good results yesterday, giving pros- Bhock was distinctly felt at Sprlng- :. 60, years ot faithful servico In thi pects of a yield of at least 10 barrels fcld , Jacksonville reported a slight Tomorrow will be-a ¦ I'iijommiinlty and all . I nvestments , bo per day. This well Is apart from tho tremor and Carlinvillo reported a Red Letter day on every housewife's calendar. The dffifiKSSSBSiSr^l) '¦'th e}!, large , or smal l, which Qulncy others In tho Plymouth fi eld and Its slight tremor and Carllnvllle advices heavy, expense of furnishing the home with new Bugs, Linoleum; and - fr^^^p^myf VJteopld mako in a new building will success opens a new portion of tho a a Id the buildings rocked, but no dam- Curtains will.be substantially reduced by this sale. ' • , V Bring, multiplied results." " field. ago was done. Tho tremor lasted 40 ^SfP^I^I^ .'.' "''.iTh esO were the words of Attorney Tho Plymouth Oil company, headed seconds. Preparation months , ' ;?.'1>'; P. Green last night in a forcc- by C. B. Bousquct, which owns this Chimneys Full in St. Louis. ago brings prices that challenge duplication today. .-'¦ 'tir address before over 200 porsons well, has 360 acres teased in the lo- ^te^lir'^ ¦ ¦ in St. school St. Louis, April 10—A distinct earth- ¦ ¦ i ^f spmblcd Boniface hall cality and proposo to spend $30,000 in Yours is the opportunity to select the things you need for, Spring and ft$ uSO/Hl :"' ^u tho-banauet meeting preceding the developing othor wells In their lease. quake shock was felt for. soveral sec- Summer at a price less than their worth today. • - . f t ¦'' ajiflro campaign for funds tor a now Tho only other recent developments onds yesterday afternoon throughout W^&N ¦ .oj'phanage building. . ¦ • In tho Plymouth field was tho drilling tills section, and the after-vibrations Come tomorrow—while ' .V,i '*We havo been hearing much about In of a now well on tho Leo McAllis- continued for eight minutes. Several assortments are at their best. ' , Ms.gf^^wmM < ;flca co with honor ; why not comfort ter lease at Colmar by C. O. Elliott. windows wero brokon nnd several j;-wlUi honor?"or Is he continued "If peace chimneys wore knocked down. '.i^flUl hon commendable,is as comfort Tho seismograph at St. Louis uni- "sT^ith honor surely necessary. versity indicated that tho quako was $1.75 Velvet Rugs $1.39 $3 Velvet Rugs $1.99 ";'.'i"Theso orphan children are human EDDING In tho New Madrid, Mo., fault region, ¦ ": and' deserve the comforts of children WOOD-BERRY W whoro a series of violent earthquakes A splendid assortment of.these hand- A noteworthy value specially timely .. j 0&£]^^^Fsz&fiMM&$w -who are blessed with a parental wns felt from December, 1811, to just now- elve' Marc h, 1812. This scries of quakes some Velvet Bugs, all 27x54 in size, , these beautiful A' t ,^^ ^^^3 home." MtOMLNEXT UARTIIAttE COUPLE Ru s iu tlle~ ^ ^BSSS3*~>- '•\ SurrlToI of Hie Fittest. XAKHIEI) TODAY—BEAUTIFUL Is said to have caused a greater finely woven of good durable rug S 36x72 irize will find a ~- ' change in tho contour of the earth host of ready takers at tlie special ,«¦» >;;r]udgo Lyman McCarl effectively ro- 1VEDDENG AT ItltlltirS than any other earthquake in the his- jamsvims, tJieytiipv Mlwill giiHvp e long-^eailonrr \vnir X.»/ i7 Substantial savings and exqui- "'-¦ yhave resulted In wayward children nmrriago of their dnughtor, Lonore , . ; and Otis Wood, of was rOeordod twolvt' seconds later. : :— ~ >.:'" Had they been given proper training. this city. The group Tho nftor-vi brat Ions ended at 3 . . site new patterns are the appeal- ; ;; . ~ ; In the absence ot Paul Wclsonhorn , of asaemhlcd guests, that included the ' r near relatives o'clock. ing features m tins Aprii suie oE •> "a 'brlcf address was mado by Rome and friends of the The tremor was felt as far south "'.'iSVI sklrchen who told of tho co-opcr- younc couple were greeted by the 9x12 Tapestry Brussel Fine Axminsters at ' beautiful Bong, as Cai ro, III., and Poplnr Bluff , Mo., * ' •" tme quality Body Brussel Rugs. bintion or tho Knights of Columbus in "I Lovo You Truly," north %: :wa campaign and asked for the aSBls- sung by Miss Mary Symonds, and Im- , a» far as Hannibal, Mo., and We offer extra sp^ai for ' 'tho -work. mcdiatoly Dccatur and Bloomlngtan, 111., and Rugs Reduced Saving "Prices pa in the .p^¦ tnuco of more young men in following the bridal party cast as far' aa Murphysboro, 111. .^xquisite' tterns the ?«: ¦!• - .Iffako nn Heir of the Orphans. ' appeared, as Miss Golda Brant of IT you are searching for a moderately Those of you who prefer Axniimters ^eek ¦fii','V;>What are you going to do with Hamilto n, played¦ tho Mendelssohn 1 now small demgns, all in the 9x12 . sy^your money when you leave this wedding march. priced , handsome ' and durable rug will find Quinoy 's greatest assort- •ja-oWdJ" asked Otto Buorhmann, ono Rev. W. P. Boyd, pastor of tho «zc, worth $3,.oO, now reduced Carthage Presbyterian church C GO AY BE LOST for some room in your house ™e here, and .extra special for this 'Si qt.Oic managers of tho campaign. "The , mot the AR M , these ^ •vtf lHfihGr law says you arc but tho cus- party before an altar of Arborvltac, oT-o,,; 0,N n t>.,~ oj. ' T3 i • ii sale arc special values that make to $32,50. banked with hugh baskets "'?ii'VoUlnri ,o'f your dollars and It will bq of pink and TJtOUHLE HEIXG ' EXl'EKIENCED Sv'fit'blosslng to you as you mako It a white roses. Tho double ring cere- -^ My ¦ 'ii blessing to others. mony was used. , ' IN UAIS1NU IUKGE.SUNK WITH arSL.srs/srs. ssssasa-^=-s ' russel m tho« 9x12 size ;'f;CV'Whon you mnftc an heir of tho Tho bride was a lovely picture 80 TONS OF COAL. This special sale brings .three won- Bagdad Axminsters in the 9x12 size, -B«-7-Bugs *—, , SK' frle'ridicsB orphan you are following wearing a gown of white Georgette blcss- cropo over white silk, and Hho carried deri'ul values. every of good . . quality rug and worth $41.50, havo been re: ^Ytuo ;Master 's Injunction with the Difficulty Is being experienced In >i;i'ijig of obedience. When, you leave a Bliower bouquet of white sweetpcas d d f ^o $35.75. waiting with Iro- and malden-halr ferns. Tho brides- raising the heavily ladened bargo of $17.50 Tapestry Brussds in the 9xl2 " ^ -^ ^ ^'¦it'to thoso who arc tbe Gardle Eastman, which sank Sun- ^Vo^^^ pSy vV jiatlcncb yaur laBt breath, you leave maid , Miss Marie Cron k, wore a frock -^¦thein.a.herltago of cupidity and ran- of blue and gold voile, and carried a dax night in tbo bay. Tho barge ia size, choice ot haudsome .Floral and : . loaded with 80 tons of coal, two car- priced now at $21.75. j 1 S -'cor, Why not put somo of your money bouquet of pink sweotpean and mafd- Oriental .patterns, reduced now to jVtyhcro' It Trill bo a Joy forovor to you on-halr fern. Tho bridegroom was at- loads valued at about $400. In rais- You may choose from these fine qual- Sale of LmoleUITl and and your children?"' s tended by his brother. Earl 'Wood , ing It ompty bargos will bo partially >x aO' lty _ i' submerged uround it and chained to •t ^' seamless, extra long nap Aximn- -, . Itork. state's attorney of Hancock county. ?'*.". History of Orphan After congratulations and best wish- the sunken bargo. Tho ' water will $21 Tapestry Brussels sters in Sin^l Oriental patterns, and ffiv'Jn on adrcsB bubbling with Irish es had been extended the happy cou- thon be pumped out of tho empty in the 9x12 CongoleUm RugS i' inspiration , Rev. Fa- barges thus lifting the sunken craft r l«it but full of ple, the company proceeded to tho din- Size offered in Moral and Oriental For • covLg ihc 'thor Leo Tholcn , of Nauvoo, gave an ing" room, whoro a wedding breakfast Tho f erry baot J. T. Davis, from ^^SZ! ^'^, . .JL - of . *; Interesting history ot orphanage work was served. Tho decorations in tho Hannibal , came to Qulncy late yes- pat terns at the special prjee of $16.25. . ^ . ' kitchen, dining rooms Halls : that tho $19.98. , , ^ 3it this country. He Btatcd dining room were beautiful , and ono terday and is now on dry docks In tho in ¦V'tlrst prnhanago In America was built feature of the tablo was tho wedding bay. Repairs necessary aro expected $25.75' Tapestry Brussels . in 11^x12 $32.50 Axminsters (he 9x12 size* etc., there is nothing so pi-aeti- L-'.-T>y tho Spaniards in Mexico in, 1542 coke, a wonderful oxample of the con- to take , almost a week it is said. Tho sizes, benutif-ul Floral and Oricnlal in choice Oriental and Ploral £innd.since then, charitable people .of fectioner's art, a gift from tbo bride local ferry boat B. B., which was on pat- cal as Linoleum or Oongoleum. 3';all denominations and sects havo groom's father. The cako was the tho docks yesterday while repairs w^ro patterns to select from, special sale tcras have been reduced for this sale ' it's easy to keep clean rc- jV/ell.tecd to caro far noglected and home- contor pieco of tho table and over it being mado on tho ruddor, was put in price $22.75. . to $25 25. • i., ' KTIesV~6hIIdron. f rom the chandelier extended ropes of commission again today. - ^ quires no senibbmg,• saves . Tho U. S. steamer Nauvoo, which K$S/ Hcckcnkantp Toastnmster, smilax to bn.skotfl of roses at cither " end of the table. Six friends of camo horo- from Kookuk yesterday thil-ty millutes of work eacl] yi'ivrl William Hcckcnltnmp, Jr. prc- morning on tho first trip of tho sea- n I c l l • rri • i .1 n l . e jijhled .,' as toastmaater and introduced the bride served, namely. Misses Min- ^ ' witty but etfectivo nie Harris, Helen Cronk, Erma Shra- son, loft southward bound lato yes- week b"',1h6 speakers in a , terday afternoon with nine empty- Records Smashed in This April Sale of l-'-aanncr; Jlr. Hockcnkamp spoko der Josephin e Wolfe, Helen Coppin _ ' We offer in this sale, genuine ' arguments In opposition to and Kathcrlne Berry. Mr, and Mrs. barges, a bargo loaded with coal, and -, . - fri tiricfly of Charles Edwin Buscb, of Chicago, a quartermaster bargo. * coi'k back linoleiun in a large fv'jthd campaign which had como to his littCCI a PA V/UlI llffnitlC laillO. S observauon recently. Ono of tho sug- were present. Mrs. Buscb, In a large • ' „„_ - .; ; . . assortment of attractive pat- ¦ vgestlons was that tho orphans in this measure, was responsible for the ar- '* . $1.25 Voile Curtains handsomely trimmed in terns, at the extra special price ;- district should bo sent to tho orphan- tistic decorations. DISMANTLES RADIO STATION ^T" - ""^ 13^ \ ~i' "PIS n 'age. . In tho Alton diocese but Mr. The brldo Is ono of the most pop- ' 'ac^ ec'PnK au(l insertion, specially reduced to of, a sq. yd. 59c. ;'¦ ' Hcckonkamp stated that that instltu- ular and attractive young women ot I 1*8 ¥* I 3 »'"'Uou - would only take full Catholic, Carthage. She . is a graduate^ of the Lorulne Minister HoccItos Orders n Ku : ",- orphans and that they muBt bo over High school, class ID 12, and also of From Go Tern men t to Quit Oper- 88 I & Vo5?curtains with dainty edging of ° '^f • °~r- i> two' years- of ago. Tho St. Aloysius Ferry Hall, at Lake Forest, 111. She ations—Oilier >'eim J th0 ^™ ^Ih 01Mm 0 '- ' pvphahago will receive all classes of Is especially active In tho Presby- ' " 0 1' eat iDSOrU °n CXtl 'a SPedaf Snwu children, including infants under two terian church and Is a teacher In the ; I i • / 1 I" Sl. ' ^ S™andfor ^!oS0 ? ont ilt ^' .ycars. primary department of tho High [By Staff CortcapontTcnt.] ' 8 L' ^^n ^. schbo). Mr. Wood was graduated Loraine, 111., April 10.—Rev. Low $M M U.75\Aiamuisette curtains with hemstitched. sq.^f yd. 89c. EU',': .- Bnnqnet Is Excellent. from the high school in 1907, Baldwin , pastor of the Methodist Sk lioins, reduced to the pair, $1.89. ¦ v i iS ^W ^ S , . i .V'-!: The* banquet "which preceded tho attended . tho Carthage college church In this village and a licensed Pretty Afarquisctte curtain^ , 2 1-3 yards long, Ovirbgram was excellentlyof prepared sovcral years, and graduated amateur wireless telegraph operator, ' ^^HB /-i i V» the direction Mrs. Elizabeth i^^^^M ' LOUgOleum ^viinder and of in ceramics at the ..University of , Illi- received a letter from the radio de- extra spefial while tho assortment lasts at 98c. KUgS i*-^Portkamp members tho nois. Ho was employed by tho Maplo partment of the government this ! »i lJpflarlKOT Kne. ¦ LaceLace ¦ .f^Qhrlstian Mothers society. The tables morning instructing him to dismantle '¦ 11/ ' j . . Extra special while they last, ¦ ' Leaf Pottery company * of Toronto, iiftT?-H':VMB«i«R^ Nottinghamv l ¥ c ' ¦ W.'i^lj'ro In chargo of 'Mrs. Anton Ohne- Canada, until, the ' company closed his wireless outllt and to notify sta- Curtains " , one , in ' fine quality VtnU*. and had attractive decoratlonB down at the beginning of the war. tions in his vicinity to do likewise ^ BiSi ^ H quality j STottiugham Wcjf Jonquils, tulips and ferns. Tho scr- Since, he lias been in Carthage and within 48 hours. Rev. Baldwin imme- Curtains, 2y» Congoleuin Rugs in tlie/6xf) , ' excellent, about 30 young diately compiled with the order I ^lil ^^ filuflili j l 7 i;vTJce '.was the Is holding a fine position in the Dime , re- ',^8^0xiS^~^^^^^^^ yards long in Biege, Ivor} and wliite. Attrac- size, reduced to $3.75. > . ^Avjomcn-ng asfrom various sodalities Savings Bank. lie is an officer In moving tho overhead wires and dis- ¦ ^sorti waitresses.' The Invocation connecting his outfit. ' ¦x \J^ * . five plain centers with lace edges and inser- n, • „„ j !__,., ' . , * Senator Berry's largo Brotherhood ^trom ^ Jian..some S'w-as given by Uev. Dean Dcgenhardt "the Presbyterian J. Frank Adai r, p who haH been con- . Ldon, Regular $1.50 vaLs, special at , muHjw wr.3 furnished by thc\ Co- Blblo class of . g» /i'ltnti church. Tho couple will reside in nected with an automobile school In l i0 ^ylnmhlan orchestra. wish of their Kansas City the past few months, has - ' ^' ' Carthago and It is tho accepted a position with the Electric * " . all 9x12 size,' worth $12.50, ^'•S'#' ¦' "fRl" Actlio Campaign. many friends that long life, happiness . : ~ . I' . ' - ' special npw at $7.49. ir./s^Fbr.moro than a month tho work and prosperity will attend them. They Wheel Works and expects to move to t , were tho recipients of many hand- Qul ncy in a few days. t're -'organizing for the . campaign hns CHIaens Nominate—At a' caucus r^-Veon.-.'promoted under the direction some gifts. -' , ' • held Saturday night the following Madras Lace Curtains 35c Mar quisette 27c : . ——— fri-F Otto Buehrmnnn and W. E. Blbcr, wero nominiited on the citizens' tick- Specially purchased for this AprU i\fiH.Chicag ^ and tvHhoush several thou- * Handsome madras lace curtains, 21/0/_ uej i -dollars have al ready et as inqmbcrs of the town board1 : R. sale Soecialujivuui .Values i hi 111\VL ^'liafld been' se- K. Adal r, president; R. I* Oossard, , fine quality marquisette curtain ,!'£i.Vr.ed, 1 -t ho nctlvc solicitation did not BILLY SUNDAY ABLAZE trustee for one year; J. AV. Karp, vards lone in Ivorv, Biege and white,¦ materials, 40 inches' wide and offered • Cmnll D»».o fk-j.bcgtri - until today. About 100 women trustee for two years ; M. K. Nelson, ¦ " Omail IVUgS ;$tm.d 75 anon nro assisting In tho work. WITH HIS PATRIOTISM trustee for two years; Frank Murry, in ecru, -ivory and white. Makes up f?;lb;-lB: hoped to securo the $50,000 at Offered in charming plain centers - (. ' New York, April 10.—Billy Sunday trustco for two years. m ciy into attractive curtains, suita- 27x60 extra long nap Axminster jMlife^en! d -of two weckB but tho cam- Itricfs. J> k;pal5n;. . tvIH not end until tho full scored a homo run in the first inning ^« or window in- the home. ' played on Tbe secretary of the Loraine .Boost- and attractive all over patterns. Reg- 'W Kugs, attractive patterns, rogu- i'-fanjount-bas been raised. of tho biggest garao ho over er cl ub has issued a call for a. special AVorth 35c a yard, sale price, a yard , ' "God 's nine"—his light to win New lai %o*3.oU 50 valutsvaIn.,s , bpccwl;.,, a.l(t $2.48.eolf? York. meeting for .next Monday night to dis- ular $2:50 value, special at $2.19. 27c. ;• , Tho ringing cheers of 60,000' wel- cuss special matters pertaining to coming voices resound through every tbo welfare aMhe community. —— 3(ix72 extra long nap Axniiustcr ilVE HURT- AT MONROE . A home talrnt . company known as ' ' gpiv;/ :. glittering cranny of the great white tho Dixie Minstrels will give an en- ' Ru s choice from handsome ' way. - . SPECIAL NOTICE! . S '- SaSiDBED IVHKS HEAM FALLS AT It was a smashing initial victory. tertainment at Hcdrlck'B hall Satu r- ^ Horal and Oriental patterns, i."»' ;,".:-' . F. & M. BA1?K—ONE And as the stocky grenad ier of God day niclit. . If you are not ready to have your new rugs delivered you can reap the bene- 1)-;^;, ;;-" ¦;. - - SEKIOUSLY. reached , his clenched fists heaven- fit of these special prices by making your selections now,.paying as little as regularly sold for $4.50 and $6, ward and yelled dcllanco to . Broad- a dollar down and wo will .hold the rugs to be delivered when you arc ready., extra special now at $3.50 and $4. A^SIonrbo City, Mo., April 10.—Five way and the devil, the enemy waa CIVIL WAR VETERAN S DEAD nleni-' ill citizens ot tills place,, were perturbed. JnJuYcd..'lbis forenoon, when a beam First off , be stole tbo foe's thun- Aliljnli Stiiuffcr rnssos Aitiij at His ' ' der* by announcing that , not ono cent eight children wero anco wns noted. Tony-Slbbl ng and Jlrs. fdll on them at tho Fanners and Mcr- p* Home In Itovcrly ¦ nt the Ago of To tlilR union Oeorgo Ehr- cllants .bank. Tho Injured .aro .Wll- of New York's .!J would he take 75 Years. JOSEPHUS BLAND horn , fiv e of whom aro living. His Young Ladles' Circlo Organized— gott won tho prizes. Kofrcshments Hatri> Mudd; Tandy nagland, l^Vank for himself. FUNERAL OF wife alao survives. The children are: A missionary auxiliary sociotj com- won-; served after tbo game. The Thbnias, Claude "Watson and William "Every penny, whether T get five Mrs. John Graudstaff , William Bland, posed- of 14 young ladles wns organ- committee In chargo consisted of Jlrs, JPlnn,ey.! ' Mr. Mudd was Injured most. thousand or five hundred thousand." IBy Sta(T Correspondent.] SittIccs Conducted This Morning for Jonephus Wand, Jr., all of tills . city, i zed Sunday morning immediately Goorgc Brommelmeyor, Mrs. Herman , i is said Sunday, "I'll give to the Ameri- Beverly, III. , ' Ap ril 10.—Abljnh Itesldcnt of Canton, Who and Robert Blond of near Canton, following tho service at tho Slbblng, lira. Bernard SJlO iliutfqred broken bones and t can Red Cross and, tho Y. M. C. A. - Affeil Disciples ' Ecigols anil ** Stanfter, an old soldier, , Bland nt homo. Mra. George Ullman. feuFCaVhb also suffered'Internal injur- work among the troops. died at hla Died Similar. and Miss Elizabeth church. Mrs. Q. T. Hall, superintend- pifi&.-X'The others escaped with- bruises " . homo -In Beverly Saturday afternoon. Eight grand childrcn also survive. ent ot tho northeast Missouri district All wore taken It was a . . ifjmS^ contuslons. ¦ to s my answer to tho Bkunks Mr. Stauffcr wns born In Beverly M r. Bland . was a faithful momber C. W. B. M., was instrumental in its Bihclr{homes. been • "That' townsbl]) about 75 years ago and had . Canton, Mo., April 10.—Fu nernl ser- of the Baptist church and a man of organization. Yesterday afternoon prkmen havo engaged who say I'm out for the money," he . ' j^-^ in for yelled. . always lived near . Boverly. He vices for Josephus. Bland, an ased many sterling qualities and Christian Mrs. Hall gave a very Interesting ad- . SLIPS FATHER TIME K. 0. ^pyeVai'days razing the bank build- leaves a wlfo nnd eight children , five in falling dress before a largo assembly in tho nnd well known rcsldont of thiH oily, attributes. Ho had been 11. 1). Towno aged S6, u former iDE'iPr'eparatory to .erecting a now ono BOim and three daughters. lie was a Sunady morning at health for several yearB and was n church auditorium. Tho mooting wns Rta4vUib -aocldeht occurred incidental soldier In tho civil war. Mrs. William who passed away conducted by Mrs. E. N. Canon. Qulncy man slipped me over on Fa- tho clock at his homo, took place patient suTforor from heart trouble th r Time , ^ajtlic'-iv^rk bf'tcarlng down struc- POLICE COURT NEWS Kurfman. Ud and Dan Stautfer of 3:45 o' He will be creally missed by his fam- Prominen t Minister to Spoak—Rev. e and established a new pre- ' ¦ : ¦ from the'Baptist church at 10 o'clock Clarence N. Biglow parcdlKss record last week, In a shoot- ms&ti: -:. '¦ - . . Edward Hewlett nnd his son 13. R. Lomax were called hero on account morning, Rov. W. C. Scott offi- ily nnd host of rrlonds. , assistant pastor Howlott were , discharged by .ludgo of the death of their father, Abljah this , of University Place church, Des I ns match at Los Angeles, Cal., whe n ciating. Many friends wero in attend- Knicli! Templars! Enstor Service—A ho brr.ke 43 clay pigeons out of 50 Reardon this morning when they were Stauffcr. sorrowing family, largo crowd attended the Easter ser- MolnCH , Iowa, will have chargo of the arraigned before him on' a vagrancy ance besides the pulpit of tho Disciples' church herq fhol s. Incidentally Mr. -Towno won FREE ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT and -the floral tributes were unusually vi ce conducted by tho Knight Tem- tbe jrntch and the day 's honors. charge It was alleged the man bol d remains were laid plars at* tho Baptist church Sundny next Sunday morning and evoninc. Sy i.'iii niiBSlon. too . will bo chargod up ¦ the former's aunt iMrB. Funnle beautiful. The" Mr. Towno resided hero a number SJf feipi UliiBirtttda ; locturd on Yel- MRS. TABLER DEAD AT COLMAR at rest In Forost Grove cemetery. aftornooil. J. M. Irwin delivered an of years iiro being nt ono time a m, m- Gathwrlght near tbo corner of Eighth s. J. Bland was bom near Can- excellent address. 1 SpMendld music by &j£fctcili e;p4irj£ Qt .tbo .Vermont Street and Locust streets about ,8o'clock .Colmar, 111,, April 10^-Mr D. Josophus her of the firm of Towno and V.'il- MSS.;V«nurch this oionlnfc, ndJ- will Tabler passed away.at Her home, cast ton Mo.,. July, 1834, nnd died In Cnn- a union choir . under the direction of llaiTis, who operated a li very r.ud ¦Monday ovonlng. Mrs.. Gathwrlght said Ho was 83 years Mrs. E. P.1 Condit, was given. Easter ST. ANNE'S CARD PARTY aHy.**ulIcctlo)i lio taken up. Tho eu- she lost '$75. ' i of town, Saturday morning. Tho fu- tori April 8, 1917- transf er stable. Jlr. Towne .was al- tmlilnmont, whlcli In ol tho highest neral was held yesterday -afternoon at old at time of .deathi He was reared lilies and pottod plants , graced the Ono of tho most successful ovcntB p[ ways n.-nlmrod, and wns inclined tii ' Trouble with his father-in-law at was educated in tho church." # . yestorday aftdrooon MSIfgiwill. be:absolutely free. It Is their homo .1016 State street, resulted Hills Grovo church. , on a farm and ( waB tbe card athelt'c sporl s. Howcve* his unique iteSfcgpj iaer tho.direction of a trans- ' The Easter exercises which woro country schools. When a young man C. E. Jonlors GIto lMnylet—Tho party glvon in Uio school hnll of tho record established last wcck./ secnis in tho arrest of Herbert Charle at actively in farming; for ofChrlatian Endeavor St. John's Catholic church by tho taiitlnehlal.railroad , but It Is . not slm- 6 :30 o'clock last evening. Chnrlo hold at tho Christian church Sunday he engaged Junior society ^ nothin g short , of marvelous. / Sftfafeitaycrtlslng exhibit, either. A pleaded guilty to a charge of. Intoxi- morning woro well rendered and en- a number of years ho has lived in gavo a charming missionary playlet members of tho ' BU Anno's society, JliWji/ittcjidanto 1b expected ; to on- cation before Judge Reardon this Joyed by all present. Cant on, having retired when advanced entitled "Dorothy Deference's Dream" tbo- sowing circlo of tho parish. Nine- . Sheriff Jcrhn Caens, .who Iiob boetr III KKlKii'-oducatloiliii ftncl ontortainracnt morning and was fined $3 and costs, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ward HJg- ego bogan.' *Ho was married to Mrs.' In tbo auditorium of tho Disciples' teen -tables wora arranged, for tu« with an affection' to.ono of his cdri, PSH#cui* i ! ¦;iwiSfMrcd ,?,i.: ; the , lino totaling 44:25. / :. ' ;lO8t recently,- a fine baby girl. . ohn Early or Lewis county in ISO6. church last night. A goodly attond- gamo, and .Mrs. Job -Dimtorst. 'Mrs. waa cqusldorably Improved today,-. "