
¦ " " . ' * ' " • ' ' . • : ' ¦ ; mmm n^ '— ' ' • i ii« ^^ P PART AMERICA PLANS TO GERARD CONFIRMS PLAY IN CONFLICT WITH BRAZIL CUTS VIMY RIDGE THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT CRUELTY CHARGES TERRIFIC BLAST IN Washington, April 10.—Tho un- derstanding reached with the al- BONDS WITH AGAINST TEUTONS IS CLEA RED OPEN FIGHT American asatst- lies provides for anco In the war during tho first year to this extent: .. IN PRISON CAMPS MUNITIONSFACTORY Tho employment of all avalla- blo Ameri can naval craft up to THE KAISER, OF TEUTONS ON AiERiCA and Including the ciaB« of de- Btroyers to fight submarines In Children Shoot Arrows European waters uidifo guard tho Tipped With Nails at ¦ sea lanes' for tho protection of KILLS, 250• WORKERS¦ ¦ shipping; . British Prisoners. BY BRITISH . - / ¦/ ¦wm U. S. BELIEF . The ' aBSlgnm orit ' of American NEWS HEARS cruisers t8 patrol allied pobscs- THREE HUNDRED INJURED IN .EXPLOSION^ slonB from Nova Scotia to Pana- LONDON NEWSPAPER IN WAR SEEMS CERTAIN ma and to «cout for and round GENERAL ADVANCE WHICH DESTROYS PLANT OF EpDYSTONE ;!!f§l up German raiders in tho Atlan- IS AUTHORITY FOR TRAINED SHEEP DOGS . QUENTIN SEC- . ' FOLLOWING BREAK tic. ST. AMMUNITIONS CORPORATION. ' ' -p&M Tho strengthening of the Amer- BREAK REPORT. BITE CAPTIVE ALLIES TOR GOES ON. WITH VIENNA. ican battleship fleot, no lramcdlato ubo fc r which is ' contemplated. Itolsc Army of Million. Former Ambassador to Uerninny Tells Tho raising and training ot an Canadian CInn In ?icw Tork of army of 1,000,000 men, a . part , or 9,000 PRISONERS FALL NEARLY ALL OF DEAD ARE WOMEN; AND MAY REGARD SEIZURE all of which will be needed In RECONSTRUCTION OF linrbarutm Practices Wit- S^ Kuropc If the war lasts moro than .. nesBcd, V year ' longer, BEFORE FIERCE DRIVE GIRLS EMPLOYED IN POWDER CONCERN OF SHIPS HOSTILE ACT Tlio reduction ot tho ra'.o of ex- CABINET IS PLANNED ¦ change by the extension of liberal - ¦ ' ' '¦ ¦ credits to th e allies, the loan of , New York, April • 10.—British . " . '' • ' ., .- • ' 'W$h'i4M House Ways and Means $3,000,000,000 proposed by tho nd- Ministers, to- Resign in a charges . of. cruel treatment of war German Line Wavering, and Hints of Plot to Destroy Works Given Strength by;Eacjj §| mlnlslrntlon being tho first , step prisoners In Germany are confirmed is Made ' Committee Preparing to accomplish' this purpose. , Body and New Wat Gov- by- James .W. Gerard. , For the first Leisurely Retreat That Most Favorable. Spot for Work Was :Sc^ne"xii |S The employment of the German time since his return from Germany Precarious and Measure Authorizing and Austrian merchantmen for ernment to Be Built, ' I the former American minister at the ' Great Blast—Thousands of Feminine Workers .jEm^J| tbo .transporta tion of supplies to Uncertain. Plan of Council. di nner.of the Canadian club last ¦ ' Many Attracted by High Wages Paid. , t tho allies. ployed ¦ . Huge Loan. , ¦ - i ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' , 1 ¦ ^jSM . ¦ night told some of the things ho had - ¦ < ¦ •¦ . - ' ' ¦ ¦ '! * .<> The development of a vast ship- . - , - _ . .. ^ *y^ building industry In the United seen on visits to tho Gorman prison ¦ ¦ —Tho.British of- —War. be- States to furnish bottoma badly camps in the capacity of official rep- London , April 10. Washington, April 10. noedo'd ns tho result of submar- LOudon, Ypril 10.—Diplo- fensive between Lens and . St. Qucntln tween the United States and \\tmtrla- f resentative of tho British and Cana- Chester, Pa., April 10.—A terrific explosion .[a t- th@M Ino destruction of tonnage. > matic ' relations , between dian governments. with which' the Bpring operations ' llungary Kcenm practically certain to- Tlio supply .of a vast quantity grea laat of the Eddystone Ammunitions Corporation Brazil and Germany have . Boys. Shoot Arrows ut Captives. havo opened and which Is still In t p $ || | day tallowing the break In diplomatic of Htcol to England and Franco. progress has proved oven moro suc- " ;h relations. PrcHldent Wilson however, Tho Bupply ot railroad .rolling been broken off according to ¦ "I have seen small boys," said Sir. Eddystono, Pa., a mile from .this . city,, is reported to. avef^ tvbs believed (o have no Intention ot stock and rails' to Russia and ¦ 3crard , < "with German simplicity and cessf ul than tho earlier accounts in- «M {orchis It by nsklng congress to de- American onglnoers to organize the Evening News. kindness march -about the prison dicated. , ' ' . ' killed from'125 to 250 personB-and injured -at>:least;; ^00v clare Hint a state or war exists unless railroad transportation in Russia'. To Hrenk Todny Suys Itlo. camps armed with bows and arrows Gen. Sir Douglas.Hate today reports inore. A railroad official asserts that . nearly. 300iiv^e:^ sonic fu ture overt net Is committed. 1' rcpnratloiiH Hushed. and shoot arrows tipped with nails that yeatordoy's capturea exceeded 9,- ¦ of Austrian now en- Rio Janeiro, April 10.—Tho official at Uio prisoners.^ At another camp I confirmed. :• : ' . Th e seizure of n number Tho administration is report regarding tho sinking of the 000 men whllo 40 guns fell Into tho killed but this estimate cannot be: ': i^M ships in American ports- n)ny. be inter- gaged In the work of getting all visited they had trained German The Canadians ¦^ ' Brazilian steamship Parana-which tho sheep dogs to bite the British and hands of his troops. EXPLOSION AT 10 O'CLOCK ' 'S preted us a step or War »y .Austria* of thoso activities under way. governm ent has been awaiting before who had ono ot the hardest blta of The stat us of Uulgnrla . and Turkey when the guards went through the the front to contend with, arc now In '' •¦ taking definite action toward Ger- canip they took the trained dogs' ith The explosion occurred soon after 1Q.o'clock ^Jthe^ were not known today, but officials many, Is beli eved to. have been w complete occupation of the famous ¦ generally believed they would break .re- them and' it was seldom that they eastern slopes hellet room of the ) shrapnel -buildingwhere ¦abbut^lCM ceived today from the legation in Par- failed to bite British soldiers. Vlmy ridge oven Its ¦ velutloiiH eventually. is. " having been cleared of Germans. Tho irls ere ; employed ^.putting ' tho •'finishing- touches . It Is expected the government this The commandant of this camp Tvns , havo repulsed" Gennan g w IPmm Prepare Lonn Jlensuri'. j af ternoon will sever relations ¦with removed, after long delay, upon com- Canadians also In building adjoining, approximately 3, s CENSUS Germany. , , • . counter attacks. shells.^ a 00P/ h^^S a Preparation of a measure authoriz- ILLINOIS - plaint of Mr. Gerard. ' * second-explosion demolishecl this ing a luge hond issue In accordance Switzerland will take chargo of Bra- Gennan Lino M'nvcrlmj. weire'stored. A ¦ buildi^S with the administrations program for zilian interests at Berlin. These reactions by 'the Germans in- sheUs k every dii-ection:' .:• " ,; ;v;^M and scattered the ^.J financing the war, was the task he- DioJ! Calls' Cabinet. dlcato the importance they attach to . ' . -.. Bbma eo Small. , !: ' means com- BILL IS ON WAY HUGE GERMAN NAVY MOVE conquerors , ¦ ?:, Wr im fore the house ways and President Diaz has notified tltc cab- tliis position whonco tho . ' , Oftlelal's'ot Uio KddyBtono 'AmtoB« mittee today. look down over tho plain of Doiial. The program as announced by Sec- inet ho. will summon it for a confer- AGAINST RUSS FORTRESS With Vimy ridge gone, tho whole Ger- tlons corporation .this - nfternoon.iBfw; following ence upon receipt of Information , re- ,French towns Iho dnmnfo to tho plant; who not retary Me " -loo last night, THROUGH SENATE garding , the Purana M-M.-htfjfr.'hfm ro. man lino covcrjns the WILL ooS conferem; with congressional lead- .^AT -KRONSTJlDT* EXPEGTEfl of mdustrlaTdlsTrlctsto tho north be- KlICHIN lous. Annolinccnicat wns mado '_titf|| was ready uucsted rrbiiTnicTIegatibh in Paris. leiBure- ers nrnl jthers, virtually It Is learned from a reliable source comes a wavering one and the all department*.would '.resume , <>liej$|l lo be .id before congress today. It Appropriation of Million Attack on Famons Inland Defense to ly "retreat the Germans - may have ' zation of a' bond is- tlmt a reconstruction of the cabinet planned is made uncertain and pre- tlons tomorrow morning.-wlth\tbb,ro^1 calls for authori was discussed at tho last council,of Come as Soon as Gulf of Finland PILOT WILSON coptlon v of , thrco * dop sue of $,".,0(10,000,0110 of which JJ .OOO,- and Half Provided For carious. , - artmontB^v^liv to the entente the ministers. It is proposed that the is Free From Ice, Cit- "With the capturo of the famous departmento will , .rcoumo wortJSfjif^ 001)0011 .would he loaned present administration chiefs should . ¦ ; . The committee measure prob- Checking Up State. izens Fear. ridgo the British made a considerable April 24. • .:- .. \ r::.: V;-'\-a'-ii |g ¦ allies the house to- resign in a body as soon as relations strido along the road to Doual, while WAR MEASURES ^. ably will bo laid before are broken .with Germany. Nothing Is.known .as. to tho^auso; morrow and its ' consideration begun the capture ot the high ground north- " Recognize S'oir ItusH?a. Kronstndt, April 8, (via London). west of St Quentln tightens the chain Also De- of tho exploBlon. though there.rlsS Sprlngnctd, 111., April-10.—The bill April 10.—Kronstadt la feverishly ap- Democratic Leader suspicion It was not due to accldentJgS imlieatlo'ns arc that It will meet Brazil has recognized the now gov- whlch ' tho Anglo-French forces aro "" by both house proposing a completo census ot the pealing to repel an . expected perman drawing around the town. Tho Ger- He Will Give . Basil Grccnlio, a Russian lnBpSJteg with prompt approval and, material b in Illi- ernment of Russia.
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