University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-24-1909 Carrizozo News, 09-24-1909 J.A. Haley Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/carrizozo_news Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 09-24-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/carrizozo_news/67 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cattt3030 IFlews. A Journal Devoted to the Interests of Lincoln County. VOLUME 10 CARRIZOZO, LINCOLN COUNTY. NEW MEXICO, SEPTEMBER 24, t'JO'J. NUMHKK 33 TUBLIC SCHOOLS OPEN. COURT WILL BE HELD AT CARRIZOZO. to reach Carrizozo within two latious to all, and may the little a4 The Carrizozo public school Pursuant to call, the citizens weeks, soon after which the act-u- nl one grow to womanhood in the opened Monday, with four teach- of the town met last Saturday work of grading will begin. new county scat of Carrizozo, and ers u I their desks. The enrollment night to hear the report of the The greatest obstacle to the sur- may she and it grow until they went beyond 200, and this has committee, which had been ap- vey, so far encountered, was what become the fairest and best in ben considerably increased dur- pointed at a previous meeting to is known as the "liig Hill," be- the whole laud of the maflaim. ing the week. secure a building in which to low Picacho, and the survey cut E II. Chapman is principal, hold of district I that down to a nine percent grade. the next term the LINCOLN LOCALS. mid will have charge of the up- court in this county. The com- From Lincoln this way the J. U. Higgle will move per gra les and the high school mittee made a report of its inves- work of the surveyors will be! his family from department. Miss Elsie Mount, tigations, announcing that it had light until they reach the Nogal Capitau to Lincoln next week. handles the intermediate grades, three places under consideration, Hill, about twelve miles cast of Mrs. Elizabeth Ouuitit the pri- viz: the Skinner buildinir, the Carrizozj, and there the skill of PostolhVc Inspector Crawford mary, while Miss Antic Hensler Hank building and the Public the engineer will again be put to was checking up the local ollice uonducts the school south of the School building, and recommend- the test, That hill has been n this week. railroad. ed that all three propositions be terror to teamsters since Adam Probate Judge Lucero was in The enrollment is so large that placed before the judge. The re- was a boy. However, by circling town this week attending to some the board finds it necessary to port of the committee was duly and bridging it is believed they probate business. a fifth and hopes employ teacher, adopted, and the committee was will get around or over the hill j H. O. Hunt carried two prison-- ' by next week to lighten the bur- instructed to proceed to Alamo. with a tolerable grade, and lessen jcrs from Carrizozo Saturday, and den of the teachers in the present irordo and present the different the distance considerably. The returned Monday morning. of congestion. The two state locations for the consideration survey from Nogal to this point Attorney Sherry of Alamogor- lower rooms in the main building en- ()f tnc judge, presents no difficulties to the do was transacting legal business now so densely packed I'.nd are that 'phc question of the care of the gineer, the survey, no doubt, at the clerk's office Monday. lloor space is at a premium and i prisoners arisintr, the suggestion will follow the present road. A force of carpenters is at work desks for all is out of the qucs made Kink The construction of this road was that the Skating shingling several business houses lion. might be secured for this pur means a great deal to Lincoln this week, among them the Ara-go- n Classes in the high school discussion, a county, in it will make more pose. After some that house and work have been organized by accessible the Exchange motion was adopted authorizing points that are far apart buildings. Prof. Chapman, and the enroll- the committee to include the and difficult to reach, and at the Sheriff C. A. wife, ment itt this department is ex- Rink in the proposition. same time arouse a public spirit Stevens and and pected to increase rapidly. This The committee left Monday throughout the county that will County Treasurer Watson and wife too'; a spin in an will hi tli'c only high school in morning for Alamogordo, but be- result in a general building of, auto to the t.ic county, and it is believed that fore going had received assuran- good roads. The building of, surveying camp near Hondo last Sunday. this department will prove of ces from Judge Coolcy that court this road will require quite an! ureat interest throughout the would be held in Carrizozo. Ar- outlay of money, but the territory' The Most Rev. Pitival, arch- county. riving at Alamogordo, the com will aid, either by convict labor, j bishop of Santa Fc reached town Prof. Chapman is a graduate mittee met the judge, and went by an appropriation or by both. Saturday afternoon. On Sunday of Mississippi College, Clinton, over the propositions it had to It is estimated that eight months ,,u administered the sacrament of Mississippi, has taught for ten offer. Judge Cooley indicated a will come and go before the work Continuation to a larire number years in that state, and brings preference for the Skinner build- is completed. of children at the church. About the best ol references. lie is a ing or the Hank building, and no- 500 people attended the service. is gentleman of attainments, tices were accordingly posted on MASONIC MEETING. Miss Mary Walter has received possessed of energy and an ambi- these buildings. The regular communication of her commission as postmistress tion to succeed; therefore, we see The jail question was disposed Carrizozo Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Lincoln, and will assume the no reason why a high school of by the judge declaring that he will be held at the Masonic hall, duties of her office on the first of should not be built up here lo- that would take this matter up with tomorrow night, Sept. 25th, at October. The new postoflice, - will be a pride to all. IT Short Stevens; thus relieving 7:30 o'clock. Work in the first !catul ca8t of tl,e ,,ole, ls ucinK Miss Mouutz and Mrs. Uumiii the committee and the citizens of and second degrees. As this will renovated, and new fixtures have are not new in the schools of Car this responsibility. be our last communication under been ordered, which arc expected rlzozo, and their j The venires will be drawn at the existing dispensation, all to arrive in a few days. is .sufficient evidence of past sat-- ; 2, Alamogordo October and the members are requested to be pres- Deputy Territorial Engineer itfftii'.tion. Mistt Hensler is teach-- 1 term of court will begin here the ent, as business of much import- Lewis, with four assistants, has iug her first school here, but her! first day of November. Judge ance will be brought up. Visit- pitched tent on the courthouse and goneral know!-- 1 references Cooky anticipates a three weeks' ing Masons cordially invited. lawn. They arc engaged in the Cdgo, combined will? Iior experi- term of court, and feels that, even survey of the Ros well-C- o rrizozo ence in leaching, induce the ho- with that length of term, owing to THE ARRIVAL OF THE STORK. road and expect to be Carrizozo llar her department will be that the long interval between courts, in about two weeks. Sheriff C. satisfactorily conducted. Sunday morning at an early it will require active work to dis- A. Stevens arranged a social in Do uot forgot that, in order to hour, the proverbial stork visited pose of the heavy docket. their honor Monday night at auccossful school, teacher the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. J. hntn and which quite a good crowd was anil pupil must work in hariuo-tiy- , Holland, quietly deposited a THE ROAD SURVEY IN PROCRESS. nine-poun- d present and a few hours spent in uudi-vidt- baby girl. It is said null both require the d dancing. support of the patron. Let Assistant Territorial Engineer to be a cute little bit of human- Lewis, who is in us nil pull together for a success- charge of the ity, and has been christened the corps surveying the Roswell-Carrizoz- o Helen Frances, in honor of rela- "Nifty" that's tlte expression ful torm, n long term, and let us '1 lav tho foundation of Carrizozo's auto and wagon road, tives. The little girlie has begun the youugmau uses when he in- fmitru in thu upbuilding of a has completed the survey from to enjoy life, and papa and mama spects our line of fall suits and 4 UKigiiificunt school. Roswell to Lincoln, and expects are well aud happy, Congralu- - overcoats. Ziegler Bros, no Incns wcro BUfforcd to go to do-ca- y LUCKY MAN. by tholr Spanish conquerors. In somo spots tho waters aro still left to Mow In tholr silent subtorraneous channels, whoso windings and whose Bourcns hnvo been alike unexplored.
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