Medieval agricultural texts from Rasulid ' 0yI 1)dnte/7\ | lvldrlln^[ t. Tvartsc0 7

Although the Arabiz.n Peninsulais seldom associated Ayyubid army of Turks and invadedthe coas- with agriculture. a long and successfultradition of tal region. At the head of the force. which contained cultivation can be documentedfor Islamic Yemen at impressivecavalry units. was Turànsháh,brother of the southwesterncorner of the peninsula.The lamous the famed . From their base in rhe Marib dam of ancientSaba. worthy of mentionin the Ayyubids were attracted to Yemen becauseof the Quran. madepossible a major irrigationsystem in the lucrativetrade route which passedalong its coast.The easternpart of Yemen.While irrigationwas practiced trade from and was an important econo- along the major wadis. there was also extensivepro- mic factorfor Egypt.Thus. control of Yemen.particu- duction based on dryland farming, both rainfed and larly the major sourhernport of , was of high water runoff harvesting.Many of the traditional prac- priority. The Ayyubids rvereable to subdue much of tices can still be observedin the Yemen Arab Repu- the Tiháma (coastalzone) and southernhighlands, but 1. blic Fortunately,there are also a number of impor- they were not able to oust the Zaydr imams of the tant texts which describethe agricultureof Yemen. centraland northernhi-ehiands. The zenith of Islamic civilizationin Yemen came The A1'1'ubidd1,nast1'was shorr-lived in Yemen due about with the establishmentof the Rasulid dy,'nastyin part to resupplvdiÍhculties from Egypt. In 1220the from the l3th through the l5th centuriesA.D. Geo- last Ay'yubid monarch. al-Malik al-Mas'[d. con- graphicaily,Yemen was at the periphervof medieval quered and gave it as a Íref to a trusted emir 'Umar. Islamichistory. However. the Rasulidsultans ushered named N[r al-Dïn In eight years time this in an era of royal patronageand cultiration of the arts emir becameregent and by 1234hebecame recognized and sciences.Several of the sultiins\\ere accomplished as the legitimate ruler of Yemen from the Abbasid 'Umar scholars in such fields as astronom\. astrologl. caliphal-Mustansir. took the nameof al-Malik botany, medicine. veterinarv rnedicineand agricul- al-Mans[r. the first of the Rasulid sultans,who like ture2.The corpusof agriculturaltexts is probabll the the Ayyubids were originally'Íl-om central Asia. This most detailed description of a medier.,alagriculturiil did not stop the Rasulidsfrom consolidatingcontrol system for any part of the Arab World. Althou-shthis over most of Yemen and inventin-ea -{enealogywhich traditionhas only recentlybeen studied in an1'detail it includeda Yemeni connectiona.A1-Maiik al-MansDr offersa uniqueportrait of the full rangeof agriculture was murderedin 1249in rhe town of Janadin south- in its ecological,economic and historicalsetting. More ern Yemen. His son. al-Malik al-Muzaffar Yusuf can be known about agriculturein Rasulid Yemen ruled Yemen at its sreatest extent for a period of than for any other period in the countrv up to the about 45 years. During this time there was extensive present. building of mosquesand schoolss.The sultanswere This articlecontains an annotatedbibliography of great patrons of learningand the royal court attracted the major Rasulid texts concerning agriculture in scholars from around the known world. Numerous Yemen. There are undoubtedly a number of other texts were written in Rasulid Yemen. which became texts as yet uncataloguedand unknown outside the one of the major intellectualcenters of the period. The many private libraries in Yemen. However, the extant declined in later years and disappearedin texts cover a range of subjectsfrom general treatises 858i I 454. on agriculture and cultivated crops to tax records. A dynasty as important as the Rasulids was not This bibliography is based on researchby the author without its chroniclers.A number of important texts in Cairo (Dár al-Kutub) and San'à' (Great Mosque, on the period by contemporary or near-contemporary Western Library). as weli as texts available in maior authors have been published. The most famous his- 3. Europeanlibraries tory of the Rasulidsis The Pearl Stringsof al-Khazrajr (died 812 1409).a work which was edited and trans- lated (by J. W. Redhouse) at the beginning of this The Rasulid Era century. The history of the Ayyubids and early Rasu- lids is well coveredin the al-Simt al-Ghalï of Muham- The year 569/1173was a major turning point in mad ibn Hátim (Smith 1974-8). Other imporranr the political affairsof southernArabia. At this time an works on the period include Ibn Fadl Alláh al-'Umari

Manuscriptsofthe Middle East 4 (1989) aqlTer Lugt PÍess.Donkersreeg 19.2312 HA Leiden,Netherlands. 1989 rssN0920-040r D.M.VARISCO. AGRICULTURAL TEXTS FROM RASULIDYEMEN l5l

(1985),a work attributed to Yalryá ibn al-Husayn can be found in the Bughyatal-./allahrn of al-Malik al- 'Umára (1968), Ibn al-Dayba' (1971), (1976), al- Afdal (see I. C.). The text contains seven chapters JanadT(1983-9), and an anonymoustext (al-Hibshr dealing with the following subjects: (l) Times for 1984, Yajima 1914).There are many as yet unpub- Cultivation, Planting and PreparingLand; (2) Grains; lished texts, although surprisingly little researchhas (3) Legumes(qatanl; (4) Fruit Trees; (5) Flowering been done on this important period in Yemenó. and Aromatic Plants; (6) Vegetables;(7) Agricultural Pests. Virtually all the information is relevant for Yemen. A variant title of al-Malik al-Ashrafs text is The Rosulid Corptrso/'Agricultural Texts given in Ibn al-Dayba' (1971:2:51)as al-Tuf'aha/ï ma'rifat al-íilaha.The Yemeni historian. Muhammad This listing covers the known Rasulid texts which al-Akwa' (197174) claimsto havea copy of this. treat agriculturein someway. Information can also be obtained from the chroniclesand various biographical I.B. works. The texts are distinguishedaccording to (I) Title: Al-Ishara íï al-'inàru. General Agricultural Treatises; (II) Agricultural Author: Al-Maiik al-Mujáhid AII ibn Dáw[d (died Almanacs;(IIl) Tax Data Records;and, (IV) Miscel- 164i1362). laneousTexts and Excerpts. Comntents'.There is no known copy of this text, but it is quoted extensivelyby al-Malik al-Afdal in the Bttghyat al-.fallahtn. There is apparently an excerpt L GeneralAgricultural Treatises from this or Mílh al-malclhain the Ambrosiana (Ser- I.A. jeant1974:26). Tit le : M ilh ul-ntulul.tu nru'rilut ul-.hltll.tu. ./ï 'Umar Author: Al-Malik al-Ashraf ibn Y[suf (died I.C. 696 t296\. Title: Buglt.t'urul-fulldllírt ./ï ul-usltjar al-muthmira M.s.s. va-al-rurahtn. (l) Vienna.Glaser Collection. No. 247. 243 pp. Author'.Al-Malik al-Afdal al-Abbás ibn Ali (died The text is incomplete and breaks off shortly after 178i1376). discussion of the kádhi plant (.Pandanusodoratissi- Mss. ntus).Each page has nine lines in a clear hand. The (l) Cairo.Dár al-Kutub, Zirà'a 155.257pp, 23 lines harakat are often provided for plant names.There is per page. Incomplete copy. The text has been des- no colophon and the date of the text is uncertain.It cribed by Meyerhotr (1944).A hand copy was made of was probably copied after the Rasulid period. this ms. for Meyerhoffin 1931. (2) Yemen.Private Library. (2) San'á'.Great Mosque. WesternLibrary, Zirá'a Copy after 11721758. The text is incompleteafter l. 177 pp.Copied 1362i1943.This ms. is said to be discussionof the coconut (1rclra.jt|).An edition of this b1-'a certainYahyá ibn Isma'r1al-Ghassáni (sic), and ms. was published by Muhammad Abd al-Rahim this error is also found in the publishedcatalog for the Jázm in the journal al-Iklïl (San'á'),3 (1985):1:165-WesternLibrary. 207. This edition has a number of printing errors and (3) Tarim. Private Library. Copy from 1197i1782. editorial mistakes.Another edition was published by This ms. was copiedby R.B. Serjeantin 1953-4. Abd Allàh Muhammad al-Mujáhid (Damascus:Dár (4) Istanbul,Topkapi, Ahmet III. A. 2432,fJ. l77v- al-Fikr. 1987,176 pp.), but this is severelyflawed and 225r. Probably copied l00li 1592 by a Kurd at the should not be used. Al-Mujáhid did not examine the Turkish court. This text is not listed in the published original ms, but only used a handwritten copy by catalog. It is bound with a copy ol al-Filaha al- Jázm depositedat the Yemen Center for Researchand Rumíva of Qustls (CassianusBassus) and both are in Studies.To further complicatematters this latter edition the samehand. There is no mention in the text or the is full of irrelevant statisticaldata on current production title or the author's name. This is an incompletetext figuresin the Yemen Arab Republic.Since al-Mujàhid and full of copyist errors. The copyist clearly was not did not consult Jázm before pubiishing his version, a familiar with many of the Yemeni terms. lively debate ensued in the Yemeni newspaper a/- (5) Abridged version in Mixed Rasulid Ms. (San'á', Thatt'ra (12131i81,Thursday, No. 272) in which Private Library), 6 pp. This text was apparentlyowned Jázm noted the errors in al-Mujáhid's version and by the author, who has marginal notes in the ms. complained that his work had been plagiarized.The Comments'.This is a major medievaltext on agricul- versionof al-Mujáhid is without any scholarlymerit. ture with extensivequotes from CassianusBassus?, Comntents'.The reading Milh is the acceptedread- Ibn BassáI8and Ibn Wahshryae.In addition, the ing, although Jázm prefers Mulah in the senseof the author citesthe earlier texts of al-Malik al-Ashraf and plural of malaha. The term milh, however. with the al-Malik al-Mujáhid.The chaptersinclude: (l) Types figurativesense of science('ilm) fits the corresponding of Land and their Quality; (2) Fertilizer; (3) Water; usageof ma'rifa in the title. Major excerptsof this text (4) Selectionand Clearingof Land for Cultivation; (5) t52 MANLSCRIPTS OF THE MIDDLE EAST 'I (]9I]9)

Agricultural Seasonsand Activities (including alma- information on agricultural activities per se. For a nac); (6) Grainsto; (7) Legumes(qataní1; (8) Vegeta- similaralmanac. see II. H. bles (buqul and khadrax'At):(9) Spicesand Herbs; (10) Floweringand Aromatic Plants;(11) Fruit Trees;(12) II,D. Pruningof Trees;(13) Grafting of Trees;(14) Proper- Title: Fusul ntajmu'a fi al-anva' v'a-ul-zuru'x'a-al- tiesof VariousPlants; (15) Major Usesof Plants;(16) hisad. Medicinal Plants. The statement by Sálihiya Attthor'.Unknown. (1984:567),who quotes the wrong number for the M.s.s: Ahmet III copy, that this text was not written by a (l) San'á'.Private Library, Mixed RasulidMs., two Yemeni is absurd. An edition of this important text is and a half pages.l4th century. under preparation by Prof. R.B. Serjeant(Cambridge, (2) Yemen. PrivateLibrary. Xerox copy with R.B. emeritus).The abridgedversion will appear in a facsi- Serjeant.Perhaps lSth century,poor hand. mile edition edited bv Serieant and Varisco for the Conunents:This almanacis similarto that of al-Malik Gibb Trust. al-Ashraf(fI.A). which was probably one of the sour- ces for it. An edition and a translation are underway by Varisco.A facsimiieof the San'á' text will be edited II. Agricultural Almanacs by Serjeantand Varisco for the Gibb Trust. II.A. Title : Al-Tahsira fï'ilnt al-nujun't. II.E. 'Umar Author'.Al-Malik al-Ashraf ibn Ylsuf. Títla: Chapter 5 in the Bugh.vutul-/allahín (see I. Ms.: Oxford University. Bodleian Library. Hun- C), tington233 (Uri 905).Chapter 32. pp.97r-108r'. Aurhor'.Al-Malik al-Afdalal-Abbás ibn Ali. Comments'.This text has beenedited :rnd translated Cotittlt(,nts:This is a partialcalendar which provides by Varisco. Medieval Agrit'Lrltureaul Islurttit'Stiettce; iniormation mainly for the winter months. The Alntanuc o.f u YentertiSultut (Cambrid-ee:The Islamic Texts press).This is the earhest II,F. Rasulid almanac.compiled ca. 670 1271. It is also Title: Sulv'atal-ntahmum /ï'ilm ul-nu.jr7rtr. the most detailed and remarkably lree of copyist AuÍhor'.Al-Malik al-Afdal al-Abbásibn AlI. errors.Of addedvalue is a discussionof many of the Ms.: San'á'.Private Library. Mixed RasulidMs., 25 almanacterms in a separatechapter and further notes pp.. 14thcentury. on plantingtimes and periodsof rain. Contntenís'.This is a uniquealmanac in chart form accordingto the degreesof the zodiacrather than the II.B. solar year: thus it is a perpetual almanac. It was Title: Jadttul al-Yawclqttlï rtru'ri/ctÍol-trtuwotlt t. compiled around 111 1315-6for Ta'tzz. This alma- Autltor: Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn al-Tabarï. nac also contains a ri'ealth of astronomical data for known as Abu al-'Uqll ( 1300). Ta'tzz.A translationwill appearin Variscoand King. 'A Mss: Unique Zodiacal Almanac from Rasulid Yemen.' (1) Milan. Ambrosiana Library. No. 302 (C, in preparation.The original will be publishedin facsi- 526).Copied I106/1694-5. 11 pp. mile by Serjeantand Varisco for the Gibb Trust. (2) London. British Library, Or. 3147..íJ'.l3-17. (3) San'á', Great Mosque. Western Library, fladíth II. G. 59,.ff. 347r-366v. Recent copy. Title:' Al-Anwá' wa-al-tawqT'át...'. (4) San'á'.Great Mosque,Western Library. Majmu' Author: Unknown. ll,.fl. Ilr-27v. Copiedl3l9i1901. Ms.: Cairo. Dár al-Kutub. Taymur Riyádiyát 274. Contments'.Ab[ al-'Uqul wasa court astronomerof pp. 102-125.15th century. al-Malik al-Mu'ayyad (see King 1983: 30-32).An Contntents'.This almanac was compiled for 808i editionof this important almanacis underpreparation 1404-5with astronomicaldata for Ta'izz. It is clearly by Varisco. derived from IL F. An edition was published 'Al-Tawqr'áI by Varisco, al-zira'iya wa-al-'ilmlya bi- 'asr II.C. al-taqwrm al-majhul min Banr Ras[l', Dirasat 'alá Title:'{l-Qawl shuhural-RDm ...'. Yamantya(San'á'), 20 (1985), 192-222.A translation Author'.Unknown. will appear rn Arabian Studies and this will include Ms.: Cairo. Dár al-Kutub, Miqát 811,.íí'.6lr-68r. corrections of the printing mistakes in the Arabic Copy probabiy from l4th century. article. Comments'. Almanac for 727i1326-7 with very general information for each month. This was com- II.H. 'Al-Qawl 'alá 'ashr piled in the reign of al-Malik al-Mujáhid. This is Title: al-shuhfir al-ithná al- primarily dietary and medicinal in focus with no RumTya...'. D-M. VARISCO. AGRICULTURAL TEXTS FROM RASULID YEMEN ll-i

Authttr'.Unknown. vant to Yemen, it also containsimportant information Ms.: Cairo. Dár al-Kutub, Taymlr Riyádiyát 274, on fodder crops, especiallysorghum. pp.7 4-7 5. I 5th century. Comntents'.This is a brief almanac by month with IV.B. information on diet and medicine. as well as basic Title: Wu.jud.fïzahr taqw'íntqadrm. astronomicaldata. It is similarin subiectto II. C. Author:Unknown. Ms.: San'á',Private Library, Mixed RasulidMs., I III. Tax Data Records p. l4th century. Comments: This brief excerpt contains planting III.A. timesrelevant to Wádr Zabrd12. Prot'isional Title (title page missing): Al-Sha- ntil li-al-qatt'anínal-iqtísadíya fï al-Yaman. Autltor'.Scribes of al-Malik al-Muzaffar. Ms.: San'á',Private pp. Library, ca. 400 NOTES Contntents'.This extremelyimportant document is a type of Doomsday Book for the reign of al-Malik al- I Traditional agricultural activities are described in Muzaffar (died 69411295).It consistsof tax data and detailin Varisco(1982 a.b. 1985a) basedon ethonographic copies of letters relating to taxes sent to the royal study in the Yemen Arab Republicin 1978-9. court. There is a wealth of information on the local 2 For a listing of the books attributedto the Rasulid economy.agricultural costs. trade and manuÍacturing. sultans.see al-Hibshl (1911. 1919). 3 An edition is under preparationb,v Muhammad Abd Researchin Cairo \\'itssupported bi' a Íèllowshipfrom al-Rahrm Jázm.Jázm also has found severalsimilar the AmericanResearch Center in Eg1pt.Study' of the mss. under a grant lrom the volumesfor the reign of al-Malik al-Muzaffar. in the Great Mosque was conclucted National Endowment for the a research associateof Dr. David A. King. The author wishes to III.B. thank Prof. King for drawing his attention to the rich (?) Title: Fasl /i nta'rifat al-matanimw'a-al-asiqa Íi collectionof Yemeni astronomicalmss. al- Yuntan al-ntu lr t\sa. a The Rasulidsclaimed a distant descentfrom Qahtàn. AuÍlnr'. Al-Malik al-Afdal al-Abbásibn Ali. legendaryancestor of the SouthernArabs. through Kuhlán. 'Umar Ms.: San'á'.Private Librar.v. Mixed RasulidMs. ca. but this was clearly a political invention (See ibn 2 pp. l4th century. YIsLrf1985: 100). Contment.s'.This document \\'ils u ritten in 113 5 For an ercellent discussionof the history of the 1371-2and representsan agriculturalgazetteer. where rrtotlrusuin Yemen.see Ismá'r1 al-Akrva' (1980). ó crop information and tax times are noted by area or The most si-cnificantuork has beer.rthat of Prof. G.R. (1969. not alnay'strustworthy. major town. An English translationhas been pub- Smith 197'l-8).A uscful.but 'A history of Rasulid literature is prorided by al-Hibshi lishedby Varisco. Royal Crop Registerfrom Rasu- (l e80). lid Yemen'.JESHO. in press. ' For a discussionon the Arabic translationof the text of this classicalauthor. see Sbath (1930-l). III.C. I For the publishededition. see Ibn Bassál(1955). q Title: Mulakhkhas ul-.fitanx'a-al-albab w'a-mishah ol- There is an extensiveliteraturc on the Kitab al-Filàl.ta hutla li-ol-kuttah. ul-irlahatí1'aof Ibn Wahshiya (seeFahd 1969).An edition is Attíhor'.Al-Hasan ibn Ali al-Sharïfal-Husayni (died under way by T. Fahd. but a facsimileedition of the Ahmet 815,1412). III copy has been published by F. Sezgin through the Ms.: Milan. AmbrosianaLibrary, H. 130. Institut fiir Geschichteder Arabisch-IslamischenWissen- Contments:This text on Rasulid administrativeand schaften. '0 has beentranslated by Serjeant(1974\. tax structureis being edited by R.B. Serjeant.For a This chapter rr SeeG,12. Suppl. I. p.901. discussionof the contents, see Cahen and Serjeant 12 Information from this text is presentedin Varisco. (l e57). 'Agriculture in Wádi during the Rasulid era'. in Preliminart' ReporÍ on the Citr of'Zuhid. Toronto: Royal lV. MiscellaneousTexts and Excerpts Ontario press. IV.A. Title: Al-Muglmífi al-haytararr. 'Umar REFERENCES Author: Al-Malik al-Ashraf ibn Yusuf. Mss.: al-Akwa'. Ismá'rlibn Ali pp. (l) Cairo. Dár al-Kutub, Taymlr 377, l8l 1980Al-Madaris ul-islantrl'a/ï al-Yaman.Damascus: Dár (2) Milan. Ambrosiana,B. 33. al-Fikr. (3) Rome, Vatican Library, V 980, 1128. al-Akwa', Muhammad ibn Ali (4) Berlin.6195. 191| Al-Yaman al-khadra' ntahd al-h(tdara.Cairo: Mat- Comments'.Although this is a veterinary text rele- ba'at al-Sa'àda. 154 MANUSCRIPTS OF THE MIDDLE EAST 4 (I989)

Cahen, Claude and R. B. Serjeant Sbath. Paul 'L'Ouvrage 1957'A fiscal survev of the medievalYemen', Arahica 1930-1 géoponique d'Anatolius de Berytos 4:23-33. (IVe siecle)',B.l.E. 13:41-54. Fahd. Toufic Serjeant,Robert Bertram 1969'Retourà Ibn Wahshtyya',Arahíca 16:83-88. 1974'The cultivation of cerealsin medieval Yemen', al-Hibshi, Abd Alláh Muhammad Arabian Srudies| :25-14. 1911Masadir al-.fikr al- Arabt al-Islantt ./ï al-Yaman. Smith.G. Rex San'á'; Markaz al-Dirását a1-Yamaniya. 1969'The Ayy[bids and Ras[lids the transfer of 19'79Hukkcttn al-Yanlan al-mu'allifun al-mujtuhiduil. Bei- power in Tthi 13th century Yemen'. Islomíc Culture rut: Dár al-Qur'ánal-Karim. 43:175-l 88. 'asr 1980Hat'at al-adabal-Yantanr fï Bant Rasul' San'á': 1914-8 The Av't'ubids and Eorlt' Rasulids ín the Yemen Yemen Arab Republic. Mrnistry of Information and ( 567-694i1173-1295 ). London: Luzac. (two volumes) 'Umar Culture. ibn Ylsuf al-ansab.San'á': Dár al- 1984 Ta'rrkh al-clax'la al-Rasultya fi al-Yamurz. Damas- 1985Turlat at-ashabJi'na'riíat cus: Matba'at al-Kátib al-Arabi. Kalima. (secondedition) 'Umára Ibn Bassál (Najm al-Drn'Umára ibn Ali) (Edi- 1955Libro de Agrit'ulturrz.Tetuan. (Editors: J.M. Millàs- 1976Ta'rtkh al-Yantan.Cairo: Matba'at al-Sa'áda. Vallicrosaand M. Aziman) tor: Muhammad al-Akwa') Ibn al-Dayba',Abd al-Rahmánibn Ali Varisco. Daniel Martin Adaptive Dynamic'sof' Water Allottttittrr itr ttl- 1971Qurrat al-'ut'urt hí-akhhur al-Yuntun ttl-tnuvntutt. 1982a The Cairo: Matba'at al-Sa'áda. Ah.jur,Yenten Árah Republit'.PhD. Dissertation.Univer- Ibn Fadl Alláh al-'UmarI sit1"of Pennsylvania.Anthropology. 'The highland Yemeni agriculture'. fools 1985 Masalik ctl-absar /ï ntanrulik al-antsàr. Cairo: 1982b ard in I.F.A.O. (Editor: Ayman Fu'ád Sayyid) und Tíllage4:3 : I 58-I 72. 'The (dhurah) al-Janadr.Bahà' al-DTnMuhammad 1985a productionof sorghum in highland 1983-9Al-Suluk tabaqat al-'ulama' wa-al-mulrk. Ycmen'.Arohiut Studie.s7:53-88. .íï 'Al-Tau I985b qr'át al-zirifil a u a-al-'ilmrvabi-al-taqwtm San'à': Yemen Arab Republic, Ministry of Information 'asr and Culture.(Editor: Muhammad al-Akwa') al-majh[l min Banr Rasul.' DirdsAt ]' Jàzm. Muhammad Abd al-Rahim (Editor) 20: I 92-121. 'A 1985'Mulah al-maláha fi ma'rifat al-flláha'. Al-lklíl in press Rasulid agriculturirlalmanac for 808 1405- 3:1:165-207. 6'. Arabian Stutiie.s 'Agriculture al-Khazraji. Ali ibn al-Hasan in press in WádÍ Zabíd during the Rasulid 1906-18The Pearl Slring.i; .4 Historr oí' the Resuliyl' era', in Preliminary'Report on the Círt' o/ Zabid. E. Keall' D;'nast1'of Yemen.London: Luzac and Co. (Translator: editor.Toronto: Royal Ontario Museum. 'A J.W. Redhouse) in press Royal crop register lrom Rasulid Yemen'. King. David A. JESHO 1983Mathematical A.strctttontrin Medieval Yemen: A in press Medietal Agriculture und Islantic Scíence. The BiohibliographicSurve.t'. Malibu: Undena. Almanoc of a YenteniSultun. Cambridge: The Islamic Meyerhoff. Max Terts Society'. 1944'Sur un traité d'agriculturecomposé par un sultan Varisco.D.M. irndD.A. King 'A yémenitedu XIVe siècle',Bulletin de I'Institut d'Egrpte. in preparation Unique zodiacalalmanac from Rasulid 25:55-63.26:51-65. Yemen'. Mujáhid, Abd Alláh (Editor) Yahlá ibn al-Husayn al-qtttral-Yantant. Cairo: 1987 Milh al-malahafi ma'rí/at al-/tlaha. Damascus: Dár 1968Ghay'at akhhar al-Fikr. Dár al-Kátib al-Arabr. (Editor: Sa'id Abd al-Fattáh Sàlihiya.Muhammad'Isá Áshur) 'Muláhazat 'alá 1984 makhtltát al-fiIáha al-tatbiqrya fï Yajima, Hikoichi al-maktabát al-ArabÏya wa-al-ajnabiya'. Ma.iallar 1914A Chronicle of' the Rasulid Dynasty of Yemen. Majmu' al-Lugho al-Arabrl'a bi-Dimashq59:1 :566-586. Tokyo.