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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-77056-9 - A History of Islamic Societies: Second Edition Ira M. Lapidus Index More information INDEX A ‘Abdallah Mahmud, al-Hajj, 755 Abacha, General, 751 ‘Abdallah b. Muhammad, 763 Abadan, 94, 137, 478 ‘Abdallah b. Salim, 435 ‘Abbas, Amir, 747 ‘Abdallah b. Yasid, 306 ‘Abbas, Farhat, 591, 593–4 ‘Abdallah b. al-Zubayr, 49 ‘Abbas I (Shah, 1588–1629), 235, 237–42, 244, 246 ‘Abduh, Muhammad, 464, 466, 516–18, 581, 592, 603, ‘Abbas II (Shah, 1642–66), 240, 243 609, 664, 820 ‘Abbas (uncle of Muhammad), 53 ‘Abdur Rahman, Amir, 720–2, 848 ‘Abbasid empire Abdulrahim, Imaduddin, 673 administration, 58–66, 105–6, 108, 110–11, 122, 185, Abraham, in Islam, 24, 69 192, 217, 286 Abu al-‘Abbas, 54 collapse of, 94, 103–12, 117, 119–20, 123–5, 131, 133, Abu al-‘Ala al-Ma‘arri, 126 135, 187, 290, 292, 356 Abu ‘Amir b. Garcia, 313 in Egypt and North Africa, 283, 285–7, 302–3, Abu Bakr (Almoravid, d.1087), 402 308 Abu Bakr (Caliph, 632–34), 21, 32, 45, 95, 685 history, 45, 51–66, 88, 151, 184–6, 253, 567 Abu Burda, 143 and Islamic culture, 67–82, 99–102, 114, 126–7, 142, Abu Dhabi, 577–8, 580 186, 216, 260, 285, 311, 313, 358, 381; and Abu Hafs ‘Umar, 307 Muslim theology, 78, 88, 136 Abu Hanifa, 176 legitimation, 68, 102, 104, 108, 186, 216 Abu Hashim, 53 military organization, 58–9, 103–4, 217 Abu Jummayza, 763 relation to tribes, 53–4 Abu Maydan (al-Andalusi), 140, 309 religious policy, 65, 99–103, 142, 816 Abu Muslim, 53–4, 65 and Shi‘a, 53–4, 65–6, 81, 95–8, 107–8, 133–4 Abu Sa‘id b. Abi Khayr (967–1049), 138 ‘Abbud, Ibrahim, General, 766–7 Abu Talib, 20, 22 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, Shah, 464, 622 Abu’l Kalam Azad, 631, 640 ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, Sultan of Morocco, 332 Abyssinia. see Ethiopia ‘Abd al-‘Aziz b. Sa‘ud (Ibn Saud), 464, 569, 572, 848 Achaemenid empire, 6 ‘Abd al-Hafiz (Sultan of Morocco), 333 Acheh ‘Abd al-Hamid II (Sultan, 1876–1908), 251, 460, 496–8, kingdom of, 253, 385–8, 392, 397, 464, 660 500 in modern Indonesia, 669, 672–4 ‘Abd al-Karim, 609 Acrazas, battle of, 54 ‘Abd al-Malik, Caliph, 50–1, 69 activists, Muslim. see revivalism, Islamic ‘Abd al-Mu’min, 307 adab literature, 76–7, 80, 101, 185 ‘Abd al-Nasser, Jamal see Nasser, Jamal ‘Abd al- Adal, kingdom of, 436 ‘Abd al-Qadir (1776–1806), 419 adat (law), 657, 664 ‘Abd al-Qadir (fl.1832), 587–8 Aden, 254, 570–1, 576, 830 ‘Abd al-Rahman I (756–88), 311 administration. see also under the names of countries and ‘Abd al-Rahman II (822–52), 311, 313 regions ‘Abd al-Rahman III (912–61), 300, 311 Arab conquests, 41, 44 ‘Abd al-Rahman, Sayyid, 765 post-imperial era, 114, 116–17, 119–25, 127, 143–4, ‘Abd al-Rahman, Tunku, 677 148, 151, 154–5, 187–9, 192–3, 206 ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Rashid, 432 pre-Islamic, 3–5, 8 ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Rustam, 302 ‘ulama’, 207, 217 ‘Abd al-Raziq, ‘Ali, 521 Adhruh, 47 ‘Abd al-Wadids, 300 al-Afdal, 287 ‘Abdallah, Amir, 545 Afework, Isayas, 772 ‘Abdallah, Faruq, 649 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din (1839–97), 460, 474, 516–18, 603, ‘Abdallah, King of Jordan (1999–), 545 632 ‘Abdallah, Shaykh Muhammad, 649 Afghanistan ‘Abdallah al-‘Ahmar, 571 and Caliphate, 92 941 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-77056-9 - A History of Islamic Societies: Second Edition Ira M. Lapidus Index More information 942 Index Afghanistan (cont.) Aleppo, 39, 109, 253–4, 265, 274, 287, 289–91, 296–7, and Europeans, 354–5, 471, 722 535–6, 550, 715 Islamization, 198 women in, 854 in modern era, 574, 648–9, 679–80, 712–14, 718–25, Alevis, 798 792, 806, 812, 826–7, 830, 835, 837, 844, 847–8, Alexander the Great, 6, 128, 130, 229, 263, 293 867 Alexandria, 33, 58, 77–8, 139, 178, 254, 513, 515 post-‘Abbasid era, 109, 112, 114, 116, 127, 135, 137, women in, 857 140, 356–7 Alfonso VI, King, 313 Safavids in, 235 Alfonso X, 316 women in, 725, 824, 863 Algeria. see also under agriculture; industrialization; Afghans reformism in India, 202–3, 447 administration, 218, 325–6, 587–8, 590–1, 596, 616 in Iran, 218, 244–5 Caliphal era, 302, 304, 307–8, 319, 325–6, 328–9, in Pakistan, 648 333–6 Aflaq, Michel, 540–1, 543 chronology, 300–1 African Americans, 785, 806–8 diffusion of Islam, 201, 302 Afshars, in Iran, 244–5 economy, 588, 590, 592 Aga Khan, 779 and Europe, 301, 326, 460, 467, 586–97, 602, 616, Aga Khan I, Hasan ‘Ali Shah, 375 790, 793–4, 797, 803, 841 agha (chief), 325–6, 587 independent, 597–600 Aghlabid dynasty, 285, 300, 302–3, 308, 334, 401 Islamic community, 214 agriculture legitimacy, 326, 334–5, 599 in ‘Abbasid era, 62, 110 and Libya, 613 Algeria, 598–9, 616 military organization, 326, 334, 818 Arab conquests, 34, 44 in modern era, 460, 467–8, 535, 584, 586–600, in Caliphate, 54, 76, 99, 184 615–18, 820, 824, 826 China, 730 and Morocco, 606–12 and diffusion of Islam, 22, 200, 202 nationalism, 820 East Africa, 433, 766, 775 and Ottoman empire, 325–6, 334, 446 Egypt, 513, 516, 525–7 political parties, 594–5, 597 feudalism, 123 pre-modern era, 319–21 India, 357, 362, 624 relation to tribes, 326, 334, 444, 586–90, 818 in Inner Asia, 345, 350, 686–8, 700–2, 704–5 state and religion, 334, 599–600, 740, 830, 840–2, Iran, 39, 111, 114, 226, 228, 231–2, 235, 480–1 871 Iraq, 38–9, 110, 114, 543, 552 war of independence, 595–6 Islamic community, 209 women in, 592, 598, 859, 863 Java, 382, 652–4, 656 Algiers, battle of, 255 Morocco, 327, 335, 607–8 Alhambra, 309, 316–17 Oman, 576 ‘Ali (Caliph), 21, 45–7, 49, 87, 138–9, 178, 233–4, 243, Ottoman empire, 248, 269, 457, 494 246, 267, 304, 349, 374, 685 in post-‘Abbasid era, 148, 151, 192 and Shi‘a, 53, 65, 95–7, 102, 134, 176, 180–1 pre-Islamic, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22 ‘Ali b. Daud (Sultan of Harar), 436 Southeast Asia, 388, 390, 656, 664 ‘Ali b. Dunama (1476–1503), 405 sub-Saharan Africa, 400–1, 406, 410, 418 ‘Ali Mughayat Shah, 385 Sumatra, 654 ‘Ali Pasha (1759–82), 324 Syria, 39–40, 549 ‘Ali Pasha of Janina (1788–1822), 280 Tunisia, 304, 602, 604 ‘Ali al-Rida, 102, 134 Turkey, 500–2, 506 Alia, Ramiz, 788 West Africa, 733–4, 744 ‘Alid dynasty, 53, 178, 180–1, 285–6, 485 Ahl-i Hadith, 643, 825, 851 Aligarh modernism, 459–60, 517, 621, 628, 631–2, 820, Ahmad Baba (1556–1627), 409 846 Ahmad Bamba, 742 ‘alim. see ‘ulama’ (religious scholars) Ahmad b. Hanbal, 102 aliran (social units), 666, 669 Ahmad al-Jazzar, 297 Aliyev, Haidar, 717 Ahmad Khatib, Shaykh, 664 Allah’s Nation of the Five Percenters, 808 Ahmad b. Taymiya (Ibn Taymiya), 149 ‘Allami, Abu’l-Fazl, 372 Ahmad al-Tayyib b. al-Bashir, Shaykh, 762 almami, 414, 416, 418–19, 426 Ahmad b. Tulun (868–84), 107 Almohad dynasty, 191, 214, 216, 283, 300, 306–9, 314–15, Ahmadiya school, 295, 437, 749, 759, 768–9, 779–80, 797, 319, 321, 327, 333, 335, 613, 815 806–7 Almoravid dynasty, 191, 214, 216, 283, 300, 304–7, 309, Ahmed III (1703–30), 282 314–15, 327, 334–5, 401–2, 416, 815 Ahrar, ‘Ubaydallah (khavaja, 1404–90), 347 almsgiving. see zakat (almsgiving) Ahwaz, 33, 58 Alphonsi, Petrus, 316 ‘A’isha (wife of Muhammad), 47 Alptigin, slave governor, 114 Ait Ahmed, 595 Altynsarin, Ibragim, 692 Ajnadayn, battle of, 32 Amalric (king of Jerusalem), 290 Akaev, Askar, 713 Amanullah, 722 Akbar (1556–1605), 357–8, 365, 367–8, 371–2, 377–9 American Muslim Mission, 807 akhbari school, 246 Amin, Idi, 778 akhi (youth fraternity), 249 Amin, Qasim, 856 Alash Orda, 692, 694, 697 al-Amin, son of Harun al-Rashid, 103 ‘Alawi dynasty (Morocco), 214, 301, 327, 330–1, 335 Amir (rulers) ‘Alawis (Syria), 541, 543, 548–50, 583, 773 Bukhara, 696 Albanians Nigeria, 733, 737, 745–7, 751 in modern era, 510, 785–9, 803, 806 Transjordan, 540 and Ottoman empire, 250, 252–3, 264, 267, 273–4, Amir Khosraw, 263 276–7, 279–80, 498–9 amir al-mu’uminin (Commander of the Faithful), 311, Aleksander, king of Yugoslavia, 787 322, 416, 421, 424 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-77056-9 - A History of Islamic Societies: Second Edition Ira M. Lapidus Index More information Index 943 amir ul-umara’ (general-in-chief), 108 Iran, 126–8, 130 Amirid dynasty, 313 Middle Eastern societies, 136, 184, 186, 205, 283, 285, ‘Amr bin al-‘As, 33 541, 583 analogy. see qiyas North Africa, 321, 333, 586, 591, 593–5, 600, 603–4, Anatolia 607, 617 and Arab conquests, 33, 38–40 in Ottoman empire, 261, 265, 502–3, 509 and Caliphate, 54, 58, 287 in post-‘Abbasid era, 114, 122, 151, 188 diffusion of Islam, 197–8, 201–2, 444 revival of, 537, 580, 744–5, 824 in Ottoman empire, 250–3, 259–60, 265–9, 272–4, Southeast Asia, 662–3, 676 282, 323, 325–6, 446, 457, 492–3, 498–500 Spain, 309–13, 318–19 in post-‘Abbasid era, 112, 117 West Africa, 408–9, 740, 742, 746, 751, 755–6, 758–9 in pre-Islamic era, 6–7 Arabic literature social change in, 278–80 classical, 67–8, 73–6, 80, 100–1, 183, 185–6 Turkish and Mongol settlement, 214, 226, 229, 231–4, in Ottoman empire, 267 248–50, 258 revival in, 537, 539, 603, 662 in Turkish Republic, 508, 786 in Spain, 311–13, 315–16, 318–19 al-Andalusi (Abu Maydan), 139, 309 Arabism, 538–40, 567, 578, 580, 593, 598, 614–15, 756, Andalusians, 313 758, 767, 778.