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Chapter 4: the American Revolution, 1754-1783

Chapter 4: the American Revolution, 1754-1783

Creating a Nation 1754–1816

hy It Matters The British colonies grew to dominate the W American coastline, especially after defeating their major rivals—the French—in the . As Britain’s position in America became secure, however, the colonists challenged the authority of a distant British . Discontent grew to rebel- lion, and the of America emerged from the War with unique visions of government. Understanding the events of the early history of the United States will help you understand the govern- ment’s design and the nation’s ideals. The fol- lowing resources offer more information about this period in American history. Bible used to swear in President Primary Sources Library See pages 1048–1049 for primary source readings to accompany Unit 2. Use the American History Primary Washington’s Inauguration at Source Document Library CD-ROM to , 1793 find additional primary sources about the by Jean Leon Gérôme Ferris early history of the United States.

112 “The country shall be independent, and we will be satisfied with nothing short of it.”

, 1774 The American 1754–1783 Why It Matters In the early colonial period, the colonies grew accustomed to running their own affairs. When Britain tried to reestablish control, tensions mounted over and basic . In 1775 these tensions led to battle, and in 1776 the colonists declared their independence from Britain. With the help of and , the colonists defeated the British in 1781. The Treaty of in 1783 formally ended the war. The Impact Today The Revolutionary War experience had important results. • Common political traditions of our nation were born under the pressures of war. • value and protect local and the right to representation in government.

The American Vision Video The Chapter 4 video, “Women of the Revolution,” chronicles the lives of women during the Revolutionary era.

1754 • French and Indian War begins 1765 • passes the , triggering throughout the colonies

▲ ▲

1745 1755 1765 ▼ ▼ ▼ 1755 1748 1751 • ’s • ’s • Chinese invade Tibet Dictionary of the English Spirit of the Laws and control succession Language published published to the throne

114 Washington Crossing the by Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, 1851

1775 • First shots of the Revolutionary 1770 War fired at Lexington and • Bristish troops fire Concord in on colonists in Massacre 1781 • Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, marking the end 1783 of the Revolutionary War • signed to officially end 1776 Revolutionary War and recognize the • Declaration of independence of the United States Independence signed HISTORY

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Chapter Overview Visit the American Vision 1775 1785 Web site at tav.glencoe.com and click on Chapter ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Overviews—Chapter 4 to 1780 preview chapter information. • ’s effort to • Empress abolish Russian serfdom fails 1776 of -Hungary dies 1769 • ’s treatise on • patented , Wealth of by Nations, published

115 The Colonies Fight for Their Rights

Main Idea Reading Strategy Reading Objectives Tensions between Britain and its Organizing As you read about the grow- • Summarize events that fueled colonial American colonies grew as British leaders ing tensions between Britain and the discontent. sought greater control over their North American colonies, complete a graphic • Explain how the Stamp Act affected the American . organizer like the one below by listing the relationship between Britain and the causes of the French and Indian War. colonies. Key Terms and Names Causes of Union, French and Indian Section Theme War, Treaty of Paris, customs duty, Civic Rights and Responsibilities The French and Indian inflation, Quartering Act, nonimportation War colonies used economic to fight agreement, Parliamentary power.

✦1754 ✦1758 ✦1762 ✦1766

1754 1763 1764 1765 1767 French and Indian War begins; Treaty of Paris ends Stamp Act Townshend Albany Conference meets French and Indian War passed passed Acts passed

At first, colonist John Hughes was delighted when his friend Ben Franklin helped him to get the position of stamp collector. By 1765, however, he feared his job might cost him his life. Anti-tax protests had grown so strong that Hughes barricaded himself inside his house to avoid being attacked. He wrote frantically to Franklin in : “You are now from Letter to Letter to suppose each be the last you will receive from your old Friend, as the Spirit of . . . is to a high Pitch. . . . Madness has got hold of the people. . . . I fancy some Lives will be lost before this Fire is put out. . . .” Just a few years earlier, British soldiers and American colonists had fought side by side in a successful war against France. After the war ended, tensions between Britain and its colonies British revenue grew. Britain wanted the colonies to help pay for the war, while the colonists questioned stamp Britain’s authority to make them do so. Misunderstanding and distrust slowly turned many colonists against the British, creating situations that would eventually lead to revolution. —adapted from What They Didn’t Teach You About the

The French and Indian War The French and English had been vying for dominance in since the late 1600s, fighting three major wars between 1689 and 1748. Although most of the fight- ing took place in Europe, the conflict eventually spilled over into America. Whenever

116 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution France and were at war, their colonies went remain neutral. The colonies also agreed that Britain to war as well. In 1754 a fourth struggle began. should appoint one supreme commander of all British troops in the colonies. Finally, the conference The First Skirmish In the , the British and issued the Albany Plan of Union, a scheme devel- French both became interested in the River val- oped by a committee led by . The ley. The French had discovered that they could cross Plan of Union proposed that the colonies unite to from Lake to the in western form a federal government. Although the colonies Pennsylvania and follow the river south to the rejected the Plan of Union, the effort showed that . This allowed the French to travel from many colonial leaders had begun to think about join- to easily. At the same time, ing their colonies together for their common defense. British fur traders entered the region, and land spec- ulators—people who bought empty land hoping to The British Triumph In 1755 the new British sell it to for a profit—became interested in the commander in chief, General Edward Braddock, Ohio River valley. arrived in with 1,400 British troops. He To block British claims in the region, New France’s linked up with 450 local troops and appointed , the Marquis Duquesne, ordered a chain of Lieutenant to serve as French forts to be built from to the Ohio his aide. Braddock then headed west intending to River. Duquesne’s actions prompted Robert attack Fort Duquesne. The general was not worried Dinwiddie, the , to order a about being ambushed by the Huron and other British fort built in western Pennsylvania. Before the Native American allies of the French. “These savages British fort was completed, the French seized it and may indeed be a formidable enemy to your raw built Fort Duquesne at the site. Dinwiddie then asked American militia,” he told Benjamin Franklin. “Upon George Washington, a young officer in the Virginia the King’s regular and disciplined troops, it is impos- militia, to raise a force and expel the French. sible they should make any impression.” As Washington’s troops marched toward the Ohio Seven miles from Fort Duquesne, French and River in the spring of 1754, they encountered a small Native American forces did ambush Braddock’s French force near Great Meadows. After a brief troops. Braddock was shot and later died. His inexpe- battle, Washington retreated and built a stockade rienced troops panicked. Only George Washington’s named Fort Necessity. A little over a month later, a saved the British from disaster. As shots large French force arrived and forced Washington to whizzed past him—four holes were later found in his surrender. After being released, Washington returned to Virginia, leaving the French in con- trol of the Ohio River valley. As the fighting between France and Britain expanded into a world war, the 22-year-old Washington became a hero in the colonies for his coura- geous attempt to resist the French.

The Albany Conference Even before fight- ing started in the Ohio River valley, the British government urged its colonies to work together to prepare for the coming war. The government also suggested that the colonies negotiate an alliance with the . The Iroquois controlled western —terri- the French had to pass through to reach the Ohio River. In response, 7 colonies sent rep- resentatives to meet with 150 Iroquois leaders at Albany, New York, in 1754. This meet- Analyzing Political Cartoons ing became known as the Albany Conference. Appeal for Unity In 1754, as French and Native American forces were threatening the The Albany Conference achieved several colonies, Ben Franklin drew this cartoon urging colonists to stand together. A popular leg- things. Although the Iroquois refused an end at the time said a snake could put itself back together and live if it did so before sunset. alliance with the British, they did agree to Why did Franklin’s use of the serpent legend make his appeal for unity seem urgent?

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 117 hat and clothes—Washington rallied the troops and Duquesne. Realizing they were outnumbered, the organized a retreat. The ambush had further conse- French burned the fort and retreated. The British quences. Having seen that the British could be beaten, built , named after the prime , on the the Delaware people of western Pennsylvania began same site. Fort Pitt eventually became the city of attacking British settlers in their territory. . For the next two years, the French and Indian War In 1759 a British fleet commanded by General raged along the , as both sides raided each sailed up the St. Lawrence River to other’s territory. Then, in 1756, the fighting between City. Wolfe discovered a path from the river Britain and France spread to Europe, where it later up the steep cliffs that protected the city. On became known as the Seven Years’ War. While , 1759, as his troops marched onto the Britain’s allies fought the French in Europe, British Plains of Abraham near the city, the French under Prime Minister William Pitt decided to send most of General Louis Joseph Montcalm attacked. Both Wolfe Britain’s troops and fleet to and and Montcalm were killed, and the British won the to attack the French and seize their empire. battle. Fighting continued elsewhere in the world The British fleet quickly cut off the flow of sup- until 1763, but the British victory at Quebec was the plies and reinforcements France had been sending to turning point in North America. North America. In the meantime, the Iroquois, realiz- After Spain entered the war in 1761 on the side of ing the tide had turned in favor of the British, pres- France, Britain seized Spain’s colonies in and sured the Delaware to end their attacks. With their the . The Treaty of Paris finally ended the Native American allies giving up the battle, the war in 1763. Except for a few offshore islands, the French found themselves badly outnumbered. treaty eliminated French power in North America. In 1758 General John Forbes, the new British com- New France became part of the , as did mander in the colonies, sent troops to attack Fort all of Louisiana east of the Mississippi except for

History Through Art

Fatal Meeting The in 1759 was one of Britain’s most dramatic victories over the French during the French and Indian War. Both commanding generals, the French Montcalm and the British Wolfe, were killed on the Plains of Abraham, the bluffs above the St. Lawrence River. What did the Treaty of Paris stipulate about the status of New France?

118 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution New Orleans. To get Cuba and the Philippines back, The Proclamation Spain gave to Britain. To compensate Spain of 1763 for its losses, the French signed a separate treaty giv- Y HU N D MPA ing Spain control of New Orleans and all of S CO O BAY Louisiana west of the Mississippi. N'S QUEBEC (Part of Reading Check Examining Why were the French MASS.) and the British interested in the Ohio River valley? N.H. MASS. N.Y. °N S R.I. 40 N I CONN. A PA. T N.J. The Colonies Grow Discontented N U MD. To achieve its victory in 1763, the British govern- O DEL. INDIAN M VA. ATLaNTIC ment had borrowed an enormous amount of money N RESERVE A I OCEaN H to pay for the war and was now deeply in debt. LOUISIANA C A N.C. L Many British officials thought that the colonies A P 70°W P S.C. should pay for part of the war, especially the cost of A N stationing British troops in the colonies. The policies GA. E ° W 30 N Britain adopted to solve its financial problems S angered the colonists and set the two sides on a WEST EAST ° course to confrontation. FLORIDA FLORIDA 80 W Gulf of Proclamation line of 1763

The Proclamation Act of 1763 In the spring of 0 300 miles Original 13 Colonies 1763, a Native American religious leader known as 0 300 kilometers Other British Territory the Delaware Prophet convinced Pontiac, chief of the Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection Spanish Territory Ottawa people, to go to war against the British. After uniting several Native American groups, including the Ottawa, Delaware, , and Seneca peoples, Pontiac’s forces attacked forts along the frontier and 1. Interpreting Maps What physical barrier follows the burned down several towns before British troops approximate boundary set by the Proclamation of 1763? stopped them. 2. Applying Geography Skills Why do you think Pontiac’s war did not surprise British officials. colonists wanted to move west of the boundary line? They had been expecting trouble since 1758, when reports first indicated that settlers were moving into western Pennsylvania in defiance of the colony’s treaty with the region’s Native Americans. British first lord of the Treasury. Grenville had to find a way officials did not want to bear the cost of another war. to reduce Britain’s debt and pay for the 10,000 British Many officials also owned shares in fur trading com- troops now stationed in North America. New tax poli- panies operating in the region and did not want to cies emerged from his efforts. disrupt the fur trade. They decided that the best solu- Grenville discovered that British customs agents tion was to limit western settlement until new in America were collecting very little money. treaties could be negotiated. Obviously, merchants were goods In early , King George issued the Royal into and out of the colonies without paying Proclamation of 1763. The Proclamation drew a line customs duties—taxes on imports and exports. from north to south along the Appalachian Grenville convinced Parliament to pass a law Mountains and declared that colonists could not set- allowing customs agents to send smugglers to a tle west of the line without the British government’s new vice- in Halifax, . permission. This enraged many farmers and land Unlike colonial courts, where the juries were often speculators, who wanted access to the land. sympathetic to smugglers, vice-admiralty courts were run by naval officers. These courts had no Customs Reform At the same time the Royal juries and did not follow British , a Proclamation Act was angering western farmers, new violation of the traditional English right to a jury of British tax policies were disturbing eastern merchants. one’s peers. Transporting colonists to distant Nova In 1763 became prime minister and Scotia also violated their right to a speedy trial.

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 119 Causes and Effects of Tensions With Britain The act changed the tax rates levied on raw sugar and molasses imported from foreign colonies. It Causes also placed new taxes on silk, wine, , pimento, and indigo. • 1764, Sugar Act Merchants throughout the colonies complained to • 1765, Stamp Act Parliament that the Sugar Act hurt trade. Many were • 1767, also furious that the act violated several traditional • 1773, Act English rights. The act specified that merchants 1774, Coercive Acts • accused of smuggling were presumed guilty until proven innocent. The Sugar Act also allowed British Effects officials to seize goods without due process, or proper court procedures, in some circumstances, and • Colonists protest that their rights have prevented lawsuits by merchants whose goods had been violated. been improperly seized. Parliament, however, • Nine colonies hold Stamp Act ignored the protests of the merchants. Congress. In many colonial cities, pamphlets soon circulated • Colonists British goods. • Sons and Daughters of condemning the Sugar Act. One pamphlet, written by formed. James Otis, argued that because the colonists had no • Tea dumped into representatives in Parliament, they could not be taxed during the “.” for the purpose of raising money. Parliament had the • Twelve colonies attend the right to control trade, but taxing Americans to pay for . British programs was different. Otis’s arguments gave rise to the popular expression, “No taxation without representation.” Despite the protests, the Sugar Act remained in Parliament’s efforts to tax the colonists led to growing force, and Grenville pressed ahead with other new protests in the colonies. policies. To slow inflation, which happens when Analyzing Information If you had been a colonist, how money loses its value over time, Parliament passed would you have reacted to these taxes? Why? the of 1764. This act banned the use of paper money in the colonies, because it tended to lose its value very quickly. The act angered colonial farmers and artisans. They liked paper money pre- Among those arrested for smuggling and tried by cisely because it lost value quickly. They could use the vice-admiralty court was . Hancock paper money to pay back loans, and since the money had made a fortune in the sugar trade, smuggling was not worth as much as when they borrowed it, the molasses from French colonies in the . loans were easier to pay back. John Defending Hancock was a young lawyer named Reading Check Adams. Adams argued that the use of vice-admiralty Summarizing How did the British courts denied colonists their rights as British citizens: government hope to solve its financial problems caused by the cost of the French and Indian War? “Here is the contrast that stares us in the face. The Parliament in one clause guarding the people of the realm, and securing to them the benefit of tryal by The Stamp Act Crisis the , and by the next clause depriving Although the Sugar Act began to bring in money all Americans of that privilege. . . . Is there not in this for Britain, Grenville did not believe it would raise clause a brand of infamy, or degradation or disgrace, enough to pay all of the government’s expenses in fixed upon every American?” America. To raise more money, he asked Parliament —quoted in America’s History to introduce a stamp tax in the American colonies. The Stamp Act passed Parliament in 1765. The Stamp Act required stamps to be placed on The Sugar Act In addition to strictly enforcing cus- most printed materials, including newspapers, toms duties, Grenville also introduced the American pamphlets, posters, wills, mortgages, deeds, licenses, Revenue Act of 1764, better known as the Sugar Act. and even diplomas, dice, and playing cards. The

120 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution stamp tax was different from other taxes the colonies the declaration argued that only the colonists’ politi- had paid to Britain. Parliament had imposed many cal representatives and not Parliament had the right taxes on trade, but the stamp tax was the first direct to tax them. The congress then sent a petition to King tax Britain had ever placed on the colonists. George asking for relief and to the British Parliament With the Stamp Act set to take effect on , asking for the repeal of the Stamp Act. 1765, Parliament passed one more law. The Quartering On November 1 the Stamp Act took effect, but the Act forced the colonies to pay more for their own colonists ignored it. Throughout the colonies, a defense. If the colonies did not provide barracks for movement began to boycott all British goods. People British troops, the act stated that troops could stay in substituted sage and sassafras for imported tea. They taverns, inns, vacant buildings, and barns, and the stopped buying British cloth. In New York, 200 mer- colonies had to pay the rent. chants signed a nonimportation agreement, pledg- As word of the Stamp Act spread through the ing not to buy any British goods until Parliament colonies in the spring of 1765, a huge debate began. A repealed the Stamp Act. flood of editorials, pamphlets, speeches, and resolu- The boycott had a very powerful effect on Britain. tions against the tax swept through the colonies. In Thousands of workers lost their jobs as orders from Virginia, the passed a series of the colonies were cancelled. British merchants could resolutions declaring that Virginians were entitled to not collect money the colonies owed them. “The the rights of and could only be taxed avenues of trade are all shut up,” complained one by their own representatives. Other colonial assem- merchant. “We have no remittances and are at blies passed similar statements. our wits end for want of money....” By the summer of 1765, huge mass meetings and demonstrations were taking place. In , a merchant named organized a group called the . The organization grew quickly throughout the colonies. The Sons of Liberty organized outdoor meetings and demonstrations. They also intimidated stamp distributors. In 1765, for example, a Boston mob hung an of the city’s new stamp distributor from a tree, then pulled Popular Protest his house apart and burned the wood. In Newport, Past: Colonial , the wife of a pro-British merchant Protests described a similar protest: In the 1770s, colonial women entered into In the morning ...a mob assembled and erected the spirit of protest, “ too. They stopped a gallows near the town house and then dispers’d, drinking British tea and substituted chocolate or coffee. and about ten a clock reassembled and took the Sometimes they even gave up buying the ribbons they used to effigy’s of [several] men and the Stamp Master ...to trim their bonnets. The British cartoon above made fun of said gallows where they was hung up by the women protesters in Edenton, . neck. . . . And about five a clock in the afternoon they made a fire under the gallows which consumed the Present: World Trade effigy’s, gallows and all. . . . About dusk they all In late 1999, protesters gathered muster’d out again, and . . . broke every window in in Seattle, Washington, to protest his house, frames and all, likewise chairs, tables, pic- the World Trade Organization tures and everything they cou’d come across. meeting. Established in 1995, the ” WTO handles trade disputes and —quoted in Eyewitness Accounts enforces agreements on interna- of the American Revolution tional trade. Protesters objected that large corporations had too In October 1765, representatives from nine much influence in the WTO. colonies met for what became known as the Stamp They also objected to WTO Act Congress. Together they issued the Declaration meetings being held in closed of Rights and Grievances. Drafted by a wealthy session. Farmers, environmental- farmer from Pennsylvania named , ists, and labor groups were among the protesters. in History paper, paint, and tea imported into the colonies. Violators of the Revenue Act Sam Adams had to face trial in vice-admiralty 1722–1803 courts, where they were presumed A passionate defender of colonial guilty unless they could prove their rights, Boston’s Sam Adams was either innocence. The Townshend Acts, like a saint or a scoundrel—depending on the Sugar Act, allowed officials to seize who was describing him. His second cousin, , who would under certain circum- become the nation’s second president, stances without following due process. portrayed Sam as a “plain, simple, To assist customs officers in arresting decent citizen of middling stature, smugglers, the Revenue Act legalized dress, and manners.” Sam’s enemies, the use of writs of assistance. The writs however, saw him quite differently. The were general search warrants that royal governor of the colony called him “the most dangerous man in enabled customs officers to enter any Massachusetts.” Adams enjoyed his location to look for evidence of smug- reputation as a fiery agitator. “Where gling. Writs had been used before, but there is a spark of patriotic fire,” he in 1760 James Otis had argued in court once declared, “we will enkindle it.” chapter of the Sons of Liberty and that they were “instruments of ” wrote several political pamphlets that Born in Boston, Adams graduated that violated people’s rights. The issue from Harvard College in 1740. He encouraged Americans to rebel against briefly studied law, worked as a clerk the Bristish. remained unresolved until the Revenue and merchant, and managed a brewery Adams showed particular skill in Act of 1767 declared writs of assistance before being elected tax collector for uniting Bostonians of different social to be legal. Boston. As tensions with classes. He forged an anti-British increased, Adams, who had a passion alliance of merchants, lawyers, and for political issues, discovered his true other members of the social elite with Action and Reaction Not surpris- talents: speaking out against British tax artisans, shopkeepers, and common ingly, the Townshend Acts infuriated laws and organizing resistance against laborers, all of whom worked together many colonists. During the winter of them. He helped organize the Boston to protest British tax policies. 1767 and 1768, John Dickinson pub- lished a series of essays entitled Letters From a Pennsylvania Farmer. In these essays, Dickinson reasserted that only With protests against the Stamp Act mounting in assemblies elected by the colonists had the right to tax both Britain and America, British lawmakers them. In addition, he called on the colonies to become repealed the act in 1766. To demonstrate its authority “firmly bound together” to “form one body politic” to over the colonies, however, Parliament also passed resist the Townshend Acts. the . This act asserted that Less than a month after Dickinson’s first letter Parliament had the power to make laws for the appeared, the Massachusetts assembly began organiz- colonies. ing resistance against Britain. Among the leaders of Reading Check this resistance was Sam Adams, cousin of John Adams. Evaluating How was the Stamp Act In 1768, Sam Adams, with the help of James different from other taxes Britain imposed on the colonies? Otis, drafted a “circular letter” for the Massachusetts assembly to pass and circulate to other colonies. In the letter, the men pointed out that Townshend’s taxes The Townshend Acts would be used to pay the salaries of government offi- During the Stamp Act crisis, the financial prob- cials, a power the colonial assemblies then held. By tak- lems facing the British government had worsened. ing this power away, the Townshend Acts would Protests in Britain had forced Parliament to lower weaken the assemblies, which the colonists elected to property taxes there, which caused a further drop in control officials appointed by the king. revenue. As a result, Townshend, the new British officials ordered the Massachusetts assem- Chancellor of the Exchequer, introduced a series of bly to withdraw the letter. The assembly refused. new regulations and taxes in 1767. These came to be Furious, the British government ordered the called the Townshend Acts. Massachusetts assembly dissolved. In August 1768, One of the Townshend Acts was the Revenue Act of the merchants of Boston and New York responded by 1767. This act put new customs duties on glass, lead, signing nonimportation agreements, promising not to

122 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution import any goods from Britain. ’s mer- chants joined the boycott in March 1769. In May 1769, Virginia’s House of Burgesses passed the , stating that only the House had the right to tax Virginians. Under orders from Britain, Virginia’s governor dissolved the House of Burgesses. In response, the leaders of the House of Burgesses—including George Washington, , and —immediately called the members to a convention. This convention then passed a nonimportation law, blocking the sale of History Through Art British goods in Virginia. As the boycott spread through the colonies, American Mockery In this cartoon, a funeral procession mourns the repeal Americans again stopped drinking British tea or buy- of the Stamp Act. Third in line is “Mr. George Stamp, full of grief and despair,” carrying a coffin of his “favorite child, Miss America Stamp,” who “died hard in ing British cloth. Women’s groups, calling themselves 1766.” Who do you think George Stamp is supposed to represent? the , began spinning their own rough cloth, called “homespun.” Wearing homespun became a sign of patriotism. Throughout the colonies, American descent known as both Michael Johnson the Sons of Liberty encouraged people to support the and . When the smoke cleared, three . In 1769 colonial imports from Britain people lay dead, two more would die later, and six declined sharply from what they had been in 1768. others were wounded. The shootings became known as the . Colonial newspapers por- The Boston Massacre In the fall of 1768, as violence trayed the British as who were willing to kill against customs officers in Boston increased, Britain people who stood up for their rights. dispatched roughly 1,000 troops to the city to maintain News of the Boston Massacre raced like lightning order. Bostonians referred to the British troops sta- across the colonies. It might have set off a revolution tioned there as “lobster backs” due to the red coats they then and there, but only a few weeks later, news wore. Crowds constantly heckled and harassed the arrived that the British had repealed almost all of the troops. On , 1770, a crowd of colonists began Townshend Acts. Parliament kept one tax—a tax on taunting and throwing snowballs at a British soldier tea—to uphold its right to tax the colonies. The repeal guarding a customs house. His call for help brought of the Townshend Acts again brought and sta- Captain Thomas Preston and a squad of soldiers. bility to the colonies, but only temporarily. In the midst of the tumult, the troops began firing into the crowd. According to accounts, the first Reading Check Examining What was stated in the colonist to die was a man of African and Native Virginia Resolves passed by Virginia’s House of Burgesses?

Checking for Understanding Critical Thinking Analyzing Visuals 1. Define: customs duty, inflation, 4. Evaluating Why do you think the 6. Examining Art Study the of nonimportation agreement, writ British were so willing to pass new taxes the Battle of the Plains of Abraham on of assistance. in the face of colonial opposition? page 118. How were the British able to 2. Identify: Albany Plan of Union, French 5. Classifying Use a graphic organizer move their troops up the steep cliffs and Indian War, Treaty of Paris, similar to the one below to list the acts near the city? Quartering Act. passed by the British Parliament and the colonists’ reactions to the acts. Reviewing Themes Act Colonists‘ Reactions 3. Civic Rights and Responsibilities Writing About History What argument did the Stamp Act 7. Persuasive Writing Imagine that you Congress make in protest against the are a member of the Sons of Liberty or British taxes? the Daughters of Liberty. Write a pam- phlet explaining what your group does and urging colonists to join.

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 123 Comparing Accounts of the Boston Massacre

n the night of March 5, 1770, Captain Thomas Preston sent British troops to protect the Customs House in Boston from a group of Ocolonists who had gathered nearby. Twenty minutes later, the troops had killed or wounded 11 people. The tragedy became known as the Boston Massacre. What happened that night? You’re the historian. Read the two accounts of the Boston Massacre below. One is Captain Preston’s report of the event. The other is a colonist’s account that quotes eyewitness Samuel The Bloody Massacre, Drowne. After reading the accounts, answer the questions and complete the activities engraving by , 1770 that follow.

On Monday night... about 9 Nay, so far was I from intending all our lives were in imminent some of the guards came to and the death of any person that I suf- danger, some persons at the same informed me the town inhabi- fered the troops to go...with- time from behind calling out, tants were assembling to attack out any loading in their [guns]; damn you bloods—why don’t the troops. ...In a few minutes nor did I ever give orders for you fire. Instantly three or four of after I reached the guard, about loading them.... the soldiers fired, one after 100 people passed it and went The mob still increased and were another, and directly after three towards the custom house where more outrageous, striking their more in the same confusion and the king’s money is lodged. They clubs or bludgeons one against hurry.... immediately surrounded the sen- another, and calling out come on The whole of the melancholy try posted there, and with clubs you rascals, you bloody backs, affair was transacted in almost and other weapons threatened to you lobster scoundrels, fire if you twenty minutes. On my asking execute their vengeance on dare.... the soldiers why they fired with- him. ... At this time I was between the out orders, they said that they I immediately sent a noncommis- soldiers and the mob... endeav- heard the word fire and sup- sioned officer and 12 men to pro- oring all in my power to per- posed it came from me. This tect both the sentry and the king’s suade them to retire peaceably, might be the case as many of the money, and very soon followed but to no purpose. They mob called out fire, fire, but I myself to prevent, if possible, all advanced to the points of the assured the men that I gave no disorder, fearing lest the officer bayonets, [and] struck some of such order; that my words were, and soldiers, by the insults and them.... Ageneral attack was don’t fire, stop your firing. In provocations of the rioters, made on the men by a great num- short, it was scarcely possible for should be thrown off their guard ber of heavy clubs and snowballs the soldiers to know who said fire, and commit some rash act.... being thrown at them, by which or don’t fire, or stop your firing.

124 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution Crispus Attucks, the first colonist to die in the Boston Massacre

Samuel Drowne [a witness] Land), and there followed them, with their bayonets, driving declares that, about nine o’clock and soon discovered them to be through the people in . . . distur- of the evening of the fifth of quarreling and fighting with the bance. This occasioned some March current, standing at his people whom they saw there, snowballs to be thrown at them, own door in Cornhill, he saw which he thinks were not more which seems to be the only about fourteen or fifteen than a dozen.... provocation that was given.... soldiers....[The soldiers] came The outrageous behavior and the Captain Preston is said to have upon the inhabitants of the town, threats of the said party occa- ordered them to fire, and to have then standing or walking in sioned the ringing of the meeting repeated the order. One gun was Cornhill, and abused some, and house bell... which bell... fired first; then others in succes- violently assaulted others as they presently brought out a number of sion, and with deliberation, till met them; most of them were the inhabitants, who . . . were nat- ten or a dozen guns were fired; or without so much of a stick in their urally led to King Street, where till that number of discharges hand to defend themselves, as he [the British] had made a stop but a were made from the guns that clearly could discern, it being little while before, and where their were fired. By which means moonlight, and himself being one stopping had drawn together a eleven persons were killed and of the assaulted persons. number of boys, round the sentry wounded. All or most of the said soldiers he at the Custom House. . . . saw go into King Street (some of There was much foul language them through Royal Exchange between them, and some of them, in consequence of his Understanding the Issue pushing at them with his 1. On what events of the night of bayonet, threw snowballs March 5, 1770, do the two accounts at him, which occasioned excerpted here agree? him to knock hastily at the 2. On what descriptions of the events door of the Custom do the two accounts differ? House.... 3. As the historian, how do you assess The officer on guard was the credibility of the two accounts? Captain Preston, who with Activities seven or eight soldiers, with firearms and charged 1. Investigate What happened to bayonets, issued from the Captain Preston after the events of guardhouse, and in great March 5? What were the immediate haste posted himself and results of the Boston Massacre? his soldiers in front of the Check other sources, including those Custom House, near the available on the Internet. corner aforesaid. In passing 2. Mock Trial Assign class members to this station the soldiers roles in a mock trial of the Boston pushed several persons Massacre. Include other witnesses, a prosecutor, a defense attorney, a The site of the Boston Massacre judge, and a jury. in present-day Boston The Revolution Begins

Main Idea Reading Strategy Reading Objectives After years of escalating tensions and out- Taking Notes As you read about the • Describe ways in which Massachusetts breaks of fighting, the colonists declared rising tensions between the colonies and continued to defy Britain after the their independence from Britain on Britain, use the major headings of the repeal of the Townshend Acts. 4, 1776. section to create an outline similar to the • Summarize the first battles between one below. Britain and the colonies. Key Terms and Names committee of correspondence, Boston The Revolution Begins Section Theme I. Massachusetts Defies Britain Tea Party, , minuteman, A. Government and The First Loyalist, Patriot, , B. Continental Congress acted as a govern- C. Declaration of Independence D. ment during the Revolutionary crisis. II.

✦1773 ✦1774 ✦1775 ✦1776

1773 1774 1775 1776 Boston Tea Party First Continental Battles of Lexington and Concord; Declaration of Independence Congress Second Continental Congress drafted and signed

On the night of 17, 1773, a group of men secretly assembled along a Boston dock to strike a blow against Britain. One of the men was George Hewes, a struggling Boston shoemaker, who had grown to despise the British. Initially, Hewes had taken offense when British soldiers stopped and questioned him on the street and when they refused to pay him for shoes. After the Boston Massacre, which Hewes witnessed, his hatred grew deeper and more political. So, after he “daubed his face and hands with coal dust, in the shop of a blacksmith,” he gladly joined the other volunteers on that cold December night as they prepared to sneak aboard several British ships anchored in Boston Harbor and destroy the tea stored on board:

When we arrived at the wharf . . . they divided us into three parties for the purpose of Tea chest “ boarding the three ships which contained the tea.... We then were ordered by our com- mander to open the hatches and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard, and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders, first cutting and splitting the chests with our tomahawks, so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water. . . . In about three hours . . . we had thus broken and thrown over board every tea chest...in the ship.” —quoted in The Spirit of ’Seventy-Six

Massachusetts Defies Britain Despite the tragedy of the Boston Massacre, the British decision to repeal the Townshend Acts had ended another crisis in colonial relations. For more than two years the situation remained calm. Then, in the spring of 1772, a new crisis began. Britain

126 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution introduced several new policies that again ignited New York and Philadelphia, the colonists forced the the flames of rebellion in the American colonies. agents for the to return home with the tea. In Charles Town, customs officers seized The To intercept smugglers, the the tea and stored it in a local warehouse. British sent customs ships to patrol North American The most dramatic showdown occurred in waters. One such ship was the Gaspee, stationed off December 1773, when the tea ships arrived in Boston the coast of Rhode Island. Many Rhode Islanders Harbor. On the night before customs officials planned hated the commander of the Gaspee because he often to bring the tea ashore, approximately 150 men searched ships without a warrant and sent his crew boarded the ships. Several thousand people on shore ashore to seize food without paying for it. In June cheered as the men dumped 342 chests of tea into the 1772, when the Gaspee ran aground, some 150 harbor. The raid came to be called the Boston Tea Party. colonists seized and burned the ship. This incident outraged the British. They sent a The Coercive Acts The Boston Tea Party was the last commission to investigate and gave it authority to straw for the British. King George III informed Lord take suspects to England for trial. This angered the North that “concessions have made matters worse. colonists, who believed it violated their right to a trial by a jury of their peers. Rhode Island’s assembly then sent a letter to the other colonies asking for help. History In March 1773, Thomas Jefferson suggested that each colony create a committee of correspondence to Tea Tantrum In December 1773, colonists in Boston took matters into their own hands and dumped hated imported tea into Boston Harbor. Why did communicate with the other colonies about British Boston tea merchants hate the so much? activities. The committees of correspondence helped unify the colonies and shape public opinion. They also helped colonial leaders coordinate their plans for resisting the British.

The Boston Tea Party With tensions simmering in the colonies, England’s new prime minister, Lord North, made a serious mistake. In May 1773, he decided to help the British East India Company, which was almost bankrupt. Corrupt management and costly wars in India had put the company deeply in debt, while British taxes on tea had encouraged colonial merchants to smuggle in cheaper Dutch tea. As a result, the company had over 17 million pounds of tea in its warehouses. To help the company sell its tea, Parliament passed the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Act refunded four-fifths of the taxes the company had to pay to ship tea to the colonies, leaving only the Townshend tax. East India Company tea could now be sold at lower prices than smuggled Dutch tea. The act also allowed the East India Company to sell directly to shopkeepers, bypassing American merchants who normally dis- tributed the tea. The Tea Act enraged the colonial merchants, who feared it was the first step by the British to squeeze them out of business. In October 1773, the East India Company shipped 1,253 chests of tea to Boston, New York, Charles Town, and Philadelphia. The committees of correspondence rapidly alerted the colonies that the tea was on the way. The committees decided that the tea must not be allowed to land. When the first shipments arrived in

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 127 without the consent of Parliament. Although the British Parliament had authorized the troops, colonists believed their own local assemblies should have had to give their consent as well. In July 1774, a month after the last Coercive Act had become law, the British introduced the . This law had nothing to do with events in the American colonies, but it angered the colonists nonetheless. The Quebec Act stated that a governor and council appointed by the king would run Quebec. The act also gave more territory to Quebec, including much of what is today Ohio, , , , and . If colonists moved west, they would have to live in territory where they had no elected assembly. The Quebec Act, coming so soon after the Coercive Acts, seemed to imply that the British were trying to seize control of the colonial . In the colonies, the Coercive Acts and the Quebec Act together became known as the Intolerable Acts.

The First Continental Congress In May 1774, the Virginia House of Burgesses called for a day of fast- Analyzing Political Cartoons ing and prayer to protest the arrival of British troops Paying the Tea Tax This cartoon by a British artist shows Bostonians forcing in Boston. When Virginia’s governor dissolved the tea down the throat of a tarred and feathered customs official. In the back- House, the burgesses went to a nearby tavern. In a ground, colonists dump tea in Boston Harbor. Why do you think the words resolution, they urged the colonies to suspend trade “Stamp Act” are hung upside down on the ? with Britain and to send delegates to a colonial con- gress to discuss more action. At least one burgess, The time has come for compulsion.” In the spring of Patrick Henry, was ready for war: “I know not what 1774, Parliament passed four new laws that came to be course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty known as the Coercive Acts. These laws were or give me death!” intended to punish Massachusetts and end colonial In New York and Rhode Island, similar calls for a challenges to British authority. congress had already been made. The committees of The first act shut down Boston’s port until the city correspondence rapidly coordinated the different paid for the tea that had been destroyed. The second proposals, and on , 1774, the First act required all council members, judges, and sheriffs Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. in Massachusetts to be appointed by the governor The 55 delegates to the Congress represented 12 of instead of being elected. This act also banned most Britain’s North American colonies. Florida, , town meetings. The third act allowed the governor to Nova Scotia, and Quebec did not attend. They also transfer trials of British soldiers and officials to represented a wide range of opinion. Although England to protect them from American juries. The opposed to the Intolerable Acts, moderate delegates final act required local officials to provide lodging for believed a compromise was possible. Other more British soldiers at the scene of a disturbance, in pri- radical delegates believed the time had come to fight. vate homes if necessary. To enforce the acts, the Shortly after the Congress began, the moderates, British moved 2,000 troops to and led by of Pennsylvania, put for- appointed General as the new gover- ward a compromise. Galloway’s plan proposed a nor of Massachusetts. federal government for the colonies similar to the one Taken together, the Coercive Acts violated several outlined in the Albany Plan of Union. After the radi- traditional English rights, including the right to trial cals argued that the plan would not protect American by a jury of one’s peers and the right not to have rights, the colonies voted to put off its consideration. troops quartered in one’s home. The king was also not When the Congress learned that the British had sus- supposed to maintain a standing in peacetime pended the Massachusetts assembly, they responded

128 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution with the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. The Loyalists and Patriots British officials were not declaration expressed loyalty to the king but con- alone in their anger. Although many colonists did not demned the Coercive Acts. It also announced that the agree with Parliament’s policies, some still felt a colonies were forming a nonimportation association. strong sense of loyalty to the king and believed Several days later, the delegates approved the British law should be upheld. Americans who backed , a plan for every and Britain came to be known as Loyalists, or . town to form committees to enforce a boycott of Loyalists came from all parts of American society. British goods. The delegates then agreed to hold a sec- Many were government officials or Anglican minis- ond Continental Congress in May 1775 if the crisis had ters. Others were prominent merchants and not been resolved. landowners. Quite a few backcountry farmers on the Reading Check Examining How did the British frontier remained loyal as well, because they react to the Boston Tea Party? regarded the king as their protector against the planters and merchants who controlled the local governments. On the other side were those who believed the The Revolution Begins British had become tyrants. These people were In October 1774, while the Continental Congress known as Patriots, or Whigs. Patriots also repre- was still meeting, the Massachusetts assembly defied sented a wide cross section of society. They were arti- General Gage and organized the Massachusetts sans, farmers, merchants, planters, lawyers, and . They then formed the urban workers. Committee of Safety and chose John Hancock to lead were strong in New England and it, giving him the power to call up the militia. In Virginia, while most of the Loyalists lived in Georgia, effect, the Provincial Congress had made Hancock a the Carolinas, and New York. Political differences rival governor to General Gage. divided communities and even split families. The A full-scale rebellion was now underway. American Revolution was not simply a war between began to drill and practice shooting. The the Americans and the British. It was also a town of Concord created a special unit of men between Patriots and Loyalists. trained and ready to “stand at a minute’s warning Even before the Revolution, Patriot groups brutally in case of alarm.” These were the famous minute- enforced the boycott of British goods. They tarred and men. All through the summer and fall of 1774, feathered Loyalists, and broke up Loyalist gatherings. British control of the colonies weakened as Loyalists fought back, but they were outnumbered colonists created provincial congresses and militias and not as well organized. Caught between the two raided military depots for ammunition and gun- groups were many Americans, possibly a majority, powder. These rebellious acts infuriated British who did not favor either side and would support officials. whomever won.

Causes and Effects of the American Revolution Causes Effects ¥ Colonists tradition of self-government ¥ United States declares independence ¥ Americans sense of a separate identity from Britain ¥ A long war with Great Britain ¥ Proclamation of 1763 ¥ World recognition of American independence ¥ British policies toward the colonies after 1763

The conflict between Britain and America grew worse after the passage of the Intolerable Acts of 1774. Analyzing Information Why do you think the tradition of self-government played a role in the colonists decision to declare independence?

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 129 Lexington and Concord In 1775, the British supplies had been removed. When they tried to cross government ordered General Gage to arrest the the North Bridge on the far side of town, they ran Massachusetts Provincial Congress, even if it meant into some 400 colonial militia. A fight broke out, forc- risking armed conflict. Gage did not know where the ing the British to retreat. Congress was located, so he decided to seize the mili- Having completed their mission, the British tia’s supply depot at Concord instead. On , decided to return to Boston. Along the way, militia about 700 British troops set out for Concord on a road and farmers fired at them from behind trees, stone that took them past the town of Lexington. walls, barns, and houses. By the time the British Patriot leaders heard about the plan and sent Paul reached Boston, they had lost 99 men, and another Revere and to spread the alarm. 174 were wounded. The colonial forces had lost 49 Revere reached Lexington by midnight and warned militia, and another 46 were wounded. the people there that the British were coming. He and News of the fighting spread across the colonies. Dawes and a third man, Dr. , then Militia from all over New England raced to the area set out for Concord. A British patrol stopped Revere to help fight the British. By May 1775, militia troops and Dawes, but Prescott got through in time to warn had surrounded Boston, trapping the British inside. Concord. On , British troops arrived in Lexington The Second Continental Congress Three weeks and spotted some 70 lined up on the vil- after the battles at Lexington and Concord, the lage green. The British marched onto the field and Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. ordered them to disperse. The minutemen had begun The first issue was defense. The Congress voted to back away when a shot was fired; no one is sure by to “adopt” the militia army surrounding Boston, whom. The British soldiers, already nervous, fired at and they named it the . On June the minutemen, killing 8 and wounding 10. 15, 1775, the Congress appointed George The British then headed to Concord, but when Washington as general and commander in chief of they arrived, they found that most of the military the new army.

Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 1775

4 In retreat to Boston, British 3 Colonial militia inflict suffer over 250 casualties 14 casualties on British at and Americans suffer 95.

Concord's North Bridge.

r e

Minutemen v Minutemen i


Prescott Lexington c i North t April 19, 1775 s Bridge y M Concord Gage Medford April 19, 1775 N 2 Revere captured; W E Dawes turned back. Menotomy Re S r (Arlington) ver e e v i 1 R April 19, 1775, fighting begins Charlestown

y on Lexington Common: eight

r Cambridge

u Americans die, 10 wounded.

b d r u C e Boston harles Riv Boston S Harbor D Colonial troops aw DORCHESTER MASSACHUSETTS es HEIGHTS Colonial messengers 0 5 miles British troops American victory 0 5 kilometers Lambert Equal-Area projection British victory 1. Interpreting Maps Which side suffered the most casualties at Lexington and Concord? 2. Applying Geography Skills About how far was Lexington from Boston? 130 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution Before Washington could get to his new command, however, the British landed reinforce- ments in Boston. Determined to gain control of the area, the British decided to seize the hills north of the city. Warned in advance, the militia acted first. On , 1775, they dug in on Breed’s Hill near Bunker Hill and began building a fort at the top. The following day, General Gage sent 2,200 of his troops to take the hill. His soldiers, wearing heavy packs and woolen uniforms, launched an uphill, frontal attack in blistering heat. According to legend, an American commander named told his troops, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” When the British closed to within 50 yards, the Americans took aim and fired. They turned back two British advances and were forced to retreat only after running out of ammunition. The Battle of Bunker Hill, as it came to be called, helped to build American confidence. It showed that the colonial militia could stand up to one of the world’s most feared . The British suffered more than 1,000 casualties in the fighting. Shortly afterward, General Gage resigned and was replaced by General William Howe. The situation then returned to a stalemate, with the British trapped in Boston surrounded by militia. History Through Art Reading Check Interpreting Why was the Battle of Bunker Hill important to the Americans? Colonial Confidence Alonzo Chappel painted The Battle of Bunker Hill. The battle showed the colonists they could win against the British. How does the artist portray the colonists’ courage?

The Decision for Independence and join the Americans in fighting the British. The Despite the onset of fighting, many colonists American forces captured the city of , but in the summer of 1775 were not prepared to break the French did not rebel. away from Great Britain. Most members of the The attack on Quebec convinced British officials Second Continental Congress wanted the right that there was no hope of reconciliation. When the to govern themselves, but they did not want to arrived in England, King break with the British Empire. By 1776, however, George refused to look at it. On , 1775, he opinion had changed. Frustrated by Britain’s issued the Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion refusal to compromise, many Patriot leaders began and Sedition, stating that the colonies were now to call for independence. “open and avowed enemies.” With no compromise likely, the Continental Efforts at Peace In July 1775, as the of Boston Congress increasingly began to act like an indepen- continued, the Continental Congress sent a docu- dent government. It sent people to negotiate with the ment known as the Olive Branch Petition to the Native Americans, and it established a postal system king. John Dickinson wrote the petition. It stated that and a and Marine Corps. It also the colonies were still loyal to the king and asked authorized privateering. By March 1776, the George III to call off hostilities until the situation Continental Navy had raided and could be worked out peacefully. begun seizing British merchant ships. In the meantime, the radical delegates of the Congress convinced the body to order an attack on The Fighting Spreads As the revolution began, the British troops based in Quebec. They hoped the Governor Dunmore of Virginia organized two attack would convince the French in Quebec to rebel Loyalist armies to assist the British troops in

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 131 The Declaration of Independence Had Condemned Slavery? In 1776 the Continental Congress chose a com- Jefferson’s condemnation of slavery, mittee to draft the Declaration of Independence. which is excerpted below, the history The committee included Thomas Jefferson, John of the United States might have been Adams, , Benjamin Franklin, and very different. Robert Livingston. Jefferson later recalled the fol- lowing in his memoirs: “[The committee members] He [King George] has waged unanimously pressed on myself alone to under- “cruel war against human nature take the draught. I consented; I drew it; but before itself, violating its most sacred I reported it to the committee I communicated it rights of life and liberty in the separately to Dr. Franklin and Mr. Adams request- persons of a distant people ing their corrections. . . .” who never offended him, cap- Franklin and Adams urged Jefferson to delete tivating and carrying them his condemnation of King George’s support of into slavery in another hemi- slavery. The two realized that the revolution sphere, or to incur miserable needed support from all the colonies to succeed, death in their transportation thither....He and condemning slavery would certainly alienate has [stopped] every legislative attempt to pro- pro-slavery colonists and force them to support hibit or to restrain this execrable commerce the king. Jefferson modified the draft accordingly. determining to keep open a market where If the Declaration of Independence had included [people] should be bought and sold....”

Virginia, one composed of white Loyalists, the other While fighting raged in the South, Washington of enslaved Africans. Dunmore proclaimed that ordered his troops to capture the hills south of Africans enslaved by rebels would be freed if they Boston. He intended to place on the hills to fought for the Loyalists. The announcement con- bombard the British. After the Americans seized the vinced many Southern planters to support inde- hills, however, the British Navy evacuated the pendence. Otherwise, they might lose their lands British troops from Boston, leaving the Patriots in and labor force. They also increased their efforts to control. raise a large Patriot army. In December 1775, the Despite their defeats, it was clear that the British Patriot troops attacked and defeated Dunmore’s were not backing down. In December 1775, the king forces near Norfolk, Vir- issued the , shutting down trade with ginia. The British then the colonies and ordering a naval blockade. The British pulled their soldiers out of also began expanding their army by recruiting merce- HISTORY Virginia, leaving the Patriots naries, or soldiers for hire, from Germany. By the in control. spring of 1776, the British had hired 30,000 German Student Web In North Carolina, Patriot , mostly Hessians from the region of . Activity Visit the troops dispersed Loyalists American Vision Web at the Battle of Moore’s and Independence As the war site at tav.glencoe.com Creek in February 1776. The dragged on, more and more Patriots began to think and click on Student British then decided to seize the time had come to declare independence, Web Activities— Charles Town, South although they feared that most colonists were still Chapter 4 for an activity on the Carolina, but the Charles loyal to the king. In 1776, however, public American Revolution. Town militia thwarted the opinion began to change when pub- British plans. lished a lively and persuasive pamphlet called

132 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution king’s support. Paine argued that had been set up by seizing power from the people. George III was a , and it was time to declare independence: “Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separation. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, ‘Tis Time To Part. . . . Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression. hath been hunted round the globe . . . [and] England hath given her warning to depart. Oh! Receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind.” —from Common Sense

Within three months, Common Sense had sold 100,000 copies. George Washington wrote, “Common Sense is working a powerful change in the minds of men.” Increasingly, many colonists were 1. Why do you think Thomas Jefferson, who was a slave- ready to declare independence. One by one the holder, wanted to include this paragraph? provincial congresses and assemblies told their rep- 2. Would the course of American history have changed resentatives at the Continental Congress to vote for significantly if the Declaration of Independence had independence. included Jefferson’s statement? If so, how? If not, In early July a committee composed of John why not? Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson submitted a docu- ment Jefferson had drafted on independence. On , 1776, the Continental Congress issued this Declaration of Independence, declaring themselves the United States of America. The American Common Sense. Until Common Sense appeared, nearly Revolution had begun. everyone viewed Parliament as the enemy, not the king. In Common Sense, Paine attacked King George Reading Check Analyzing How did Thomas Paine III. Parliament, he wrote, did nothing without the help persuade colonists to declare independence?

Checking for Understanding Critical Thinking Analyzing Visuals 1. Define: committee of correspondence, 4. Synthesizing What role did the com- 6. Examining Maps Study the map on minuteman, Loyalist, Patriot. mittees of correspondence play in the page 130. Why do you think Paul 2. Identify: Boston Tea Party, Intolerable colonists’ move toward independence? Revere and William Dawes took differ- Acts, Second Continental Congress, 5. Organizing Use a graphic organizer ent routes on the first leg of their Battle of Bunker Hill, Declaration of similar to the one below to indicate journey? Independence. ways in which colonists defied Britain after the repeal of the Townshend Acts. Reviewing Themes 3. Government and Democracy After King George III refused to consider the Writing About History Colonists Acts Olive Branch Petition, in what ways did of Defiance 7. Descriptive Writing Imagine that you the Continental Congress begin to act were a participant in the Boston Tea like an independent government? Party. Write a diary entry describing the event.

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 133 In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, What It Means [Preamble] The Preamble The Declaration When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one of Independence has four parts. The Preamble explains why the people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with Continental Congress drew up another, and to assume among the Powers of the , the separate and the Declaration. equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should impel force declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

What It Means [Declaration of Natural Rights] Natural Rights The second part, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, the Declaration of Natural Rights, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, states that people have certain that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. basic rights and that government should protect those rights. John That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, Locke’s ideas strongly influenced deriving their just powers from the , this part. In 1690 Locke wrote That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these that government was based on ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute the consent of the people and new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing that people had the right to rebel its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their if the government did not uphold Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments their right to life, liberty, and long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and property. accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the endowed provided forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to unlimited power reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. What It Means [List of Grievances] List of Grievances The third Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now part of the Declaration lists the the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of colonists’ complaints against the British government. Notice that Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of King George III is singled out for repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establish- blame. ment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. usurpations unjust uses of power He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. 134 134134GlossaryThe Declaration of Independence He has forbidden his to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large dis- tricts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of relinquish give up Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formida- inestimable priceless ble to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfort- able, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, annihilation destruction have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. convulsions violent disturbances He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to Naturalization of Foreigners process pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions by which foreign-born persons of new Appropriations of Lands. become citizens He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their tenure term offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

135 The Declaration of IndependenceGlossary135135 He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislature. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our , and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their acts of pretended legislation: quartering lodging For quartering large bodies of troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring , establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its render make Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: For taking away our , abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislature, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. abdicated given up He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with perfidy violation of trust circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most bar- barous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. insurrections He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeav- oured to bring on the inhabitants of our , the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. petitioned for redress asked In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in formally for a correction of the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only wrongs by repeated injury. A , whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free People. Nor have We been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circum- unjustified authority stances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have consanguinity originating from been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, the same ancestor acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

136136GlossaryThe Declaration of Independence [Resolution of Independence What It Means by the United States] Resolution of Independence The Final section declares that We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in the colonies are “Free and General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Independent States” with the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by full power to make war, to form Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and alliances, and to trade with declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and other countries. Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British , and that all political connection between them and the State rectitude rightness of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

John Hancock Pennsylvania Massachusetts What It Means President from Samuel Adams Signers of the Declaration The Massachusetts John Adams signers, as representatives of the Benjamin Franklin American people, declared the Georgia John Morton colonies independent from Great Britain. Most members signed Rhode Island James Smith the document on , 1776. Stephen Hopkins George Taylor North Carolina James Wilson George Ross Connecticut Samuel Huntington Delaware William Williams George Read Roger Sherman Thomas McKean Thomas Heyward, Jr. New York , Jr. Richard Stockton Charles Carroll of Carrollton Virginia John Hart Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Harrison Thomas , Jr.

The Declaration of IndependenceGlossary137137 The War for Independence

Main Idea Reading Strategy Reading Objectives After a war lasting several years, the Sequencing As you read about the war • Describe the strategies behind the colonists finally won their independence for independence, complete a time line Northern Campaign. from Great Britain. similar to the one below to record the • Summarize the scope of the war at sea. major battles and their outcomes. Key Terms and Names Section Theme William Howe, , Nathan Global Connections Hostility between Hale, , Marquis de Lafayette, 1776 1781 the French and British caused France to Saratoga, letters of marque, John Paul support the colonies. Jones, Charles Cornwallis,

✦1775 ✦1778 ✦1781 ✦1784

1776 1777 1777–1778 1781 1783 Battle of The British surrender Washington camps at Cornwallis surrenders Treaty of Paris Trenton at Saratoga Valley Forge for the winter at Yorktown signed

Colonel Henry Beckman Livingston could only watch helplessly the suffering around him. A veteran of several military campaigns, Livingston huddled with the rest of George Washington’s army at its winter quarters at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. The winter of 1777 to 1778 was brutally cold, and the army lacked food, clothing, and other supplies. Huddled in small huts, soldiers wrapped themselves in blankets and survived on the smallest of rations. Livingston described the army’s plight in a letter to his brother, Robert: “Our troops are in general almost naked and very often in a starveing condition. All my men except 18 are unfit for duty for want of shoes, stockings, and shirts. . . . Poor Jack has been necessitated to make up his blanket into a vest and breeches. If I did not fear starveing with cold I should be tempted to do the same.” —adapted from A Salute to Courage The Opposing Sides The struggle at Valley Forge was a dark hour for the patriots. No one knew if they were strong enough to defeat the powerful British Empire. On the same day that the Continental Congress voted for independence, the British began landing troops in New York. By mid- August, they had assembled an estimated 32,000 men under the command of General William Howe. British officials did not expect the rebellion to last long. The British troops, called “redcoats” because of their uniforms, were disciplined, well trained, and well equipped.

138 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution Compared to the British troops, the Continental Another problem for the British was that they were Army was inexperienced and poorly equipped. not united at home. Many merchants and members of Throughout the war, it struggled to keep its recruits Parliament opposed the war. The British had to win and pay their wages. Although over 230,000 men quickly and cheaply; otherwise, opinions in Parliament served in the Continental Army, they rarely num- would shift against the war. The United States did not bered more than 20,000 at any one time. Many sol- have to defeat Britain—it simply had to survive until diers deserted or refused to reenlist when their term the British became tired of paying for the war. was up. Others left their posts and returned to their The European balance of power also hampered the farms at planting or harvest time. British. The French, Dutch, and Spanish were all Paying for the war was equally difficult. Lacking eager to exploit Britain’s problems. As a result, the power to tax, the Continental Congress issued Britain had to station much of its military elsewhere paper money. These “Continentals” were not backed in the world to defend its empire. The European bal- by gold or silver and became almost worthless very ance of power also meant that the Patriots might be quickly. Fortunately Robert Morris, a wealthy able to find allies against the British. Pennsylvania merchant and banker, personally Reading Check pledged large amounts of money for the war effort. Identifying What three major dis- Morris also set up an efficient method of buying advantages did the British face in the American Revolution? rations and uniforms, arranged for foreign loans, and convinced the Congress to create the to finance the military. The Northern Campaign The Continental Army was not the only force the The British knew that to end the war quickly, they British had to worry about. They also had to fight the not only had to win several battles but also had to con- local militias. The militias were poorly trained, but vince the American people that their cause was hope- they fought differently. They did not always line up less. At the same time, the British had to make it safe to for battle. They hid among trees and behind walls surrender. If the Patriots thought they would be and ambushed British troops and supply wagons, hanged for , they would never surrender. then disappeared. This kind of fighting is called General Howe’s strategy had two parts. The first guerrilla warfare, and it is very difficult to defeat. part was military. He began a massive buildup in New York, hoping to intimidate the Americans and capture . This would separate New Colonial hat The Opposing Sides Colonial Advantages British Advantages Fighting on home ground Well-trained, well-supplied army and navy

Good decisions by generals Wealth of resources

Fighting for their rights and Strong central government

French alliance: loans, navy, troops

Colonial Disadvantages British Disadvantages Untrained soldiers; small army Fighting in unfamiliar, hostile territory

Food and ammunition shortages Fighting far away from Britain and resources

Weak and divided central government Troops indifferent; halfhearted support at home

1. Interpreting Charts Why was fighting for their Colonial rights and freedoms an advantage for the colonists? 2. Analyzing In what ways would a weak govern- ment be a disadvantage in war time? War for Independence, 1775–1777 Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Edward Rutledge. Howe told them that anyone who put American forces down their arms and swore loyalty to the king would British forces be pardoned. The Americans quickly realized that American victory Howe had no authority to negotiate a compromise British victory and was only interested in talking them into surren- Fort dering. They refused to talk further, and the stage NOVA was set for the first major battle. 0 100 miles SCOTIA

0 100 kilometers Albers Conic Equal-Area projection Opening Moves Despite the size of the British . R e forces preparing to seize New York City, the c QUEBEC n 7 e 7 MAINE r 17 °N Continental Congress asked Washington to defend , 45 w e (Part of MASS.) a n L y the city. Congressional leaders feared that if New . o t g S r York fell without a fight, it would hurt American u Montreal B morale. Washington agreed with this assessment, and he moved much of his army to and 4 Burgoyne surrenders 7 Island. 7 at Saratoga, 17 , er Ft. Ticonderoga Oct. 17, 1777 The inexperience of Washington’s troops became eg L , 1777 t. obvious when British troops landed on Long Island in S N.H. e How the summer of 1776. Many American soldiers fled, and eral Saratoga Bennington Gen 776 Aug. 15, 1777 17, 1 another 1,500 became casualties. Fortunately, the March Oriskany MASS. Boston British did not move quickly after their victory, and Albany Bemis Heights Aug. 6, 1777 Oct. 7, 1777 the surviving American troops escaped to Manhattan N.Y. R.I. Kingston CONN. Island where they joined the remainder of 1 British capture Washington’s army defending New York City. New York City, 1776 Ft. Montgomery Using their ships, the British could have landed °N 40 New York City Heights troops north of New York City and surrounded the PA. N.J. Aug. 27, 1776 76 American positions, but again, they moved too Princeton ly 17 Germantown Ge e, Ju 70°W Oct. 4, 1777 neral How slowly. Washington abandoned the city and headed Trenton Brandywine Creek 2 Americans attack British to the northern end of Manhattan. The British then Sept. 11, 1777 Philadelphia at Trenton, Dec. 1776, captured New York and used it as their headquarters and Princeton, Jan. 1777 for the rest of the war.


DEL. 7 About this time, Washington sent Captain Nathan

7 1 3 Howe captures

, e Philadelphia, 1777 Hale to spy on the British. Although Hale was dis- w MD. o H guised as a Dutch schoolteacher, he was caught by l a N r e the British and hanged. Brave until the end, Hale’s n Atlantic e E VA. G Ocean W last words were: “I only regret that I have but one life S to lose for my country.” Shortly afterward, Washington moved most of his troops from Bay Manhattan to White Plains, New York, where the ° 35 N British once again engaged the Americans in battle. N.C. 75°W 1. Interpreting Maps Name two sites of Crossing the Delaware At the Battle of White colonial victories in New Jersey. Plains in October 1776, the British forced Washington 2. Applying Geography Skills What was to retreat again. Then they surprised him. Instead of the role of the British Navy in the war? coming after the Continental Army, the British troops headed toward Philadelphia, where the Continental Congress was meeting. Washington’s troops received England from the Southern states and demonstrate word of this new plan. They had to move fast, but to Americans that they could not win. they managed to get there ahead of the British. The second part of Howe’s strategy was diplo- While this march was taking place, Thomas matic. He invited delegates from the Continental Paine wrote another pamphlet to help boost Congress to a peace conference. The Congress sent American morale. In , he

140 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution reminded his fellow Americans that “the harder the Howe’s operation was a military success but a conflict, the more glorious the triumph”: political failure. On , 1777, he defeated Washington at the Creek and “These are the times that try men’s souls. The captured Philadelphia. To Howe’s frustration, how- summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will in this ever, the Continental Congress escaped. Howe crisis shrink from the service of their country; but he failed to destroy the Continental Army, which soon that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of took up winter quarters at Valley Forge. There, man and woman. the bitter cold and food shortages killed nearly ” 2,500 men. —from The American Crisis Even amidst the harsh conditions of Valley Forge, Washington managed to secure training for his army. By the time Washington reached Pennsylvania, Joining him at Valley Forge were two European mili- winter had begun. The British stopped their advance tary officers, the Marquis de Lafayette from France and dispersed into winter quarters in New Jersey. In and Baron Friedrich von Steuben from . These the , armies did not usually fight in the winter officers helped Washington improve discipline and because of the weather and scarce food supplies. boost morale among the weary troops. At this point, Washington tried something daring France Enters the War General Burgoyne did not and unexpected—a winter attack. On , know Howe had gone south to attack Philadelphia. 1776, he led approximately 2,400 men across the icy In June 1777, he and an estimated 8,000 troops . The army then attacked a group of marched south from Quebec into New York. From Hessians at Trenton in the middle of a sleet storm. the eastern end of Lake Ontario, another 900 troops They killed or captured almost 1,000 men. Several and over 1,000 Iroquois warriors headed east toward days later, at Princeton, Washington’s forces scat- Albany. The Iroquois had allied with the British hop- tered three British regiments. Having achieved two ing to keep American settlers off Iroquois lands. small victories, Washington headed into the hills of Despite some early victories, Burgoyne’s forces northern New Jersey for the winter. were not able to defeat the Americans defending upper New York. The British troops and Iroquois marching Philadelphia Falls In March 1777, King George III east from Lake Ontario were ambushed by militia and approved a plan developed by General John then driven back by American troops under General Burgoyne to isolate New England from the other . Meanwhile, Burgoyne’s own troops American states. Burgoyne proposed a three- could not drive off the militia. With his supplies dwin- pronged attack on New York. He would take a large dling, Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga, New York. force south into New York from Montreal. Another The American victory at Saratoga was a turning point force would move from Montreal up the St. Lawrence River to Lake Ontario then head east into New York. A third force, led by General Howe, would march north from New York City up the valley. The three forces would meet near Albany, then march east into New England. Unfortunately for the British, they did not coordinate the plan. By spring 1777, General Howe had made his own plans. He loaded about 13,000 men onto ships and moved them to Maryland. From there he attacked Philadelphia from the south. Howe believed that History capturing Philadelphia and the Through Art Continental Congress would crip- A Savage Winter William B.T. Trego painted The March to Valley Forge, depicting the difficult conditions ple the Revolution. soldiers faced during the winter of 1777 to 1778. What hardships did the troops face at Valley Forge?

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 141 in the war. It improved American morale and also con- While Clark fought the British in the West, Chief vinced France to commit troops to the American cause. , also known as Thayendanegea, Both Spain and France had been secretly send- convinced four Iroquois nations to join the British. In ing arms and supplies to the United States well July 1778, British troops and Iroquois warriors before Saratoga. The Congress appreciated the attacked western Pennsylvania, burning towns and supplies but wanted the French to send troops too. killing over 200 militia. The following summer, In September 1776, the Congress sent Benjamin American troops defeated the British and Iroquois in Franklin, , and to France to western New York. These battles destroyed the ask for troops. The French, however, were not will- power of the Iroquois people. ing to risk war until they believed the Americans Farther south, the people suffered a simi- could win, and the victory at Saratoga assured lar fate. After the Revolution began, a delegation of them. Shortly afterward, they began negotiations Shawnee, Delaware, and Mohawk convinced the with the United States to create an alliance against Cherokee that the time had come to drive American Britain. settlers off Cherokee lands. The Cherokee attacked set- On , 1778, the United States signed its tlers in Virginia and North Carolina, but the American first two treaties. In the first treaty, France became the militia units were too strong. By 1780 militia units had first country to recognize the United States as an burned down hundreds of Cherokee towns. independent nation. The second treaty was an Reading Check alliance between the United States and France. By Describing What was the effect of June 1778, Britain and France were at war. In 1779 the the war on the western frontier of the United States? Spanish entered the war as well, as an ally of France but not of the United States. The War at Sea Reading Check Summarizing What was General Americans fought the British at sea as well as on Howe’s two-part strategy for winning the war? land. Instead of attacking the British fleet directly, American warships attacked British merchant ships. To further disrupt British trade, the Congress began The War in the West issuing letters of marque, or licenses, to private ship Not all of the fighting in the Revolutionary War owners, authorizing them to attack British merchant took place in the East. In 1778, Patriot George Rogers ships. By the end of the war, millions of of Clark took 175 troops down the Ohio River and cap- cargo had been seized, seriously harming Britain’s tured several towns. By February 1779, the British trade and economy. had surrendered, giving the Americans control of the Perhaps the most famous naval battle of the war region. involved the American naval officer, .

The Turning Point: Saratoga

General ’s plan to capture upper New York and seal off New England from the rest of the United States began well. His troops easily seized with its large store of and sup- plies. In response, the Continental Congress sent in a new commander, General . After this early victory, Burgoyne’s march slowed to a crawl. The Americans felled trees in front of his army and removed crops and cattle from the region to deprive his troops of food. Militia forces staged ambushes and hit- and-run raids. These tactics exasperated Burgoyne. In des- peration, he retreated to Saratoga. An American army nearly three times the size of his own quickly surrounded his troops. On , 1777, Burgoyne surrendered to General Gates.

142 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution Jones commanded a ship named the Bonhomme Richard. While sailing near Britain in September 1779, Jones in History encountered a group of British mer- chant ships protected by the warships Bernardo de Gálvez Serapis and Countess of Scarborough. 1746–1786 Jones attacked the Serapis, but the Bernardo de Gálvez was born in heavier guns of the British ship nearly Malága, Spain, in 1746. Following fam- sank the Bonhomme Richard. With the ily tradition, he joined the military, and American ship in distress, the British at age 18 he traveled to America with his uncle, who had been sent by the commander called on Jones to surren- government to inspect . In der. Jones replied, “I have not yet 1769 Gálvez was placed in command of begun to fight.” He lashed his ship to Spanish forces on New Spain’s north- the Serapis so it could not sink, then ern frontier. During the next two years, boarded the British ship. The battle he led his forces in battle against the lasted more than three hours before people in what is today west . In 1777 he was appointed gover- American forces. When Spain declared the British surrendered. nor of Louisiana. war on Britain, Gálvez raised an army, Reading Check Summarizing Even before Spain entered the fought British troops near Baton Rouge What was the American strategy for attack- Revolutionary War, Gálvez took steps to and Natchez, and captured the British aid the United States. He exchanged let- forts at Mobile and Pensacola. His cam- ing the British at sea? ters with Patrick Henry and Thomas paigns were important to the U.S. vic- Jefferson, and he used his authority as tory because they tied down British governor to secure the Mississippi troops that might otherwise have been against the British, while allowing used against the Americans farther The Southern Campaign French, Spanish, and American ships to north. The city of Galveston, Texas, is After the British defeat at use the river to smuggle arms to the named in his honor. Saratoga, General Howe resigned and was replaced by Sir Henry Clinton. British officials told Clinton to begin a campaign in the southern states where TURNING POINT the British believed they had the strongest Loyalist The Patriots Rally After the , the support. The southern states were also valuable British began subduing the Carolina backcountry. At because they produced tobacco and rice. The first, everything went well for them. Many of the set- British hoped they could keep the South, even if tlers were Loyalists and agreed to fight for Britain. Two they lost the northern states. British cavalry officers, and , led many of the Loyalist forces in the region. The Fall of Savannah and Charles Town In These troops became known for their brutality. December 1778, 3,500 British troops captured Ferguson finally went too far when he tried to sub- Savannah, Georgia. They seized control of Georgia’s due the people living in the . backcountry and returned the British royal governor Enraged at his tactics, the “overmountain” men, as to power. they were known, put together a militia force. They After defeating the American and French troops intercepted Ferguson at Kings Mountain on October trying to take Savannah, General Clinton attacked 7, 1780, and destroyed his army. The Battle of Kings Charles Town, South Carolina. Nearly 14,000 British Mountain was a turning point in the South. Southern troops surrounded the city, trapping the American farmers, furious with British treatment, began organ- forces. On , 1780, the Americans surren- izing their own forces. dered. Nearly 5,500 American troops were taken The new American commander in the region, prisoner, the greatest American defeat in the war. General Nathaniel Greene, hoped to wear down the Clinton returned to New York, leaving General British in battle while militia destroyed their supplies. Charles Cornwallis in command. The Continental Greene organized the militia into small units to carry Congress then sent General Horatio Gates, the hero out hit-and-run raids against British camps and sup- of Saratoga, to defend the South Carolina backcoun- ply wagons. , who was known as the try. Gates attempted to destroy a British supply base “Swamp Fox,” led the most famous of these units. at Camden, South Carolina, but failed. Greene’s strategy worked. By late 1781, the British

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 143 War for Independence, 1778–1781

ME. °N (Part of 45 MASS.) Supe Lake rior

American and/or L a k allied forces e N.H.

L H 3 Washington and

a u British forces

k r Rochambeau rush o e N.Y. MASS. n toward Virginia,

M American victory August 1781 i West

c h Fort Point R.I. British victory i ° g N e 40 a ri CONN. n E PA. Fort ke New York City La

Fort Valley Forge 1

Fort 8

7 N.J. Pitt 1

N Miami , O T LT E I 5 E Cornwallis is trapped; L AM MD. H the British surrender at DEL. F Vincennes H S Yorktown, 1781 I (Feb. 1779) IT 70°W R K B Cahokia R A 4 French Admiral (1778) L VA. C CORNWALLIS De Grasse keeps r e YorktownD British ships iv E R G away io R Kaskaskia Oh A S °N (July 1778) N.C. SE 35

Wilmington 0 r 8 e GREENE Kings Mt. 17 v , i T R Cowpens CORNW EE i AL MARION L p L F Atlantic I p S H i 2 British capture Charles Town Camden IS s IT s R i and Camden, but are S.C. B Ocean s s Charles Town 8 i defeated at Kings Mountain 7 17 M in 1780 and at Cowpens T, EE N FL in 1781 GA. SH RITI E B W ° 0 200 miles Savannah 30 N S 1 British capture 0 200 kilometers Savannah, 1778 Albers Conic Equal-Area projection 80°W 75°W

1. Interpreting Maps How did the French help American forces? controlled very little territory in the South except for 2. Applying Geography Skills Where Savannah, Charles Town, and Wilmington. did the final battle of the war occur?

Reading Check Explaining Why was the Battle of Kings Mountain a turning point of the war in the South? The Battle of Yorktown In late April 1781, Cornwallis marched into Virginia, where he linked The War Is Won up with forces under the command of Benedict In the spring of 1781, General Cornwallis decided Arnold. Arnold had been an American commander to invade Virginia. As long as the Americans con- early in the war but had later sold military informa- trolled Virginia, he believed, new troops and supplies tion to the British. When his treason was discovered, could keep coming south. With more French troops Arnold fled to British-controlled New York City. on the way to America, the British knew they had There he was given command of British troops and very little time left to win the war. They had to secure ordered to begin raiding American positions in Virginia. Virginia.

144 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution After Arnold’s forces joined those of Cornwallis, the British began to conquer Virginia. Their com- bined forces encountered very little resistance until June 1781, when a large American force led by America’s On , 1777, the Continental General arrived in Virginia. Congress declared the first Stars and Stripes the offi- Outnumbered and too far inland, Cornwallis cial . The Congress determined that “the Flag of the United States be 13 stripes, alternate red and retreated to the coastal town of Yorktown to protect white; that the Union be 13 stars, white in a his supplies and to maintain communications field representing a new constellation.” For by sea. Americans past and Cornwallis’s retreat created an opportunity for present, the color red the Americans and their French allies. The previous symbolizes courage; year, 6,000 French troops had arrived in New white, purity of ideals; England. With this support, Washington decided to and blue, strength and march on New York City. As the troops headed to unity of the states. New York, the French general Rochambeau learned that a French fleet commanded by Admiral Francois de Grasse was on its way north from the Caribbean. The Treaty of Paris When Lord North, the British When he learned of the French fleet, Washington prime minister, learned of the surrender at Yorktown, canceled the attack on New York. Instead, he and he knew the war was over. In March 1782, Parliament Rochambeau led their forces to Yorktown. As the voted to begin peace negotiations. John Adams, American and French troops raced south, Admiral de Benjamin Franklin, and conducted most of Grasse moved into near Yorktown. the negotiations for the United States. With the French fleet nearby, Cornwallis could not The final settlement, known as the Treaty of Paris, escape by sea or receive supplies. was signed on , 1783. In this treaty, On , 1781, American and French Britain recognized the United States of America as a forces surrounded Yorktown and began to bombard new nation with the as its western it. On , Washington’s aide, Alexander border. Britain also gave Florida back to Spain. , led an attack that captured key British France received colonies in Africa and the Caribbean defenses. Three days later, Cornwallis began nego- that the British had seized from them in 1763. On tiations to surrender, and on , 1781, , 1783, the last British troops left New approximately 8,000 British troops marched out York City. The Revolutionary War was over. The cre- of Yorktown and laid down their weapons. During ation of a new nation was about to begin. the surrender, a British military band played a popular nursery tune, “The World Turn’d Upside Reading Check Describing How was the war won Down.” at Yorktown?

Checking for Understanding Critical Thinking Analyzing Visuals 1. Define: guerrilla warfare, letters of 4. Evaluating How did European coun- 6. Examining Art Study the painting on marque. tries aid the Americans in the war for page 141. How has the artist portrayed 2. Identify: William Howe, , independence? the condition of Washington’s army? Valley Forge, Marquis de Lafayette, 5. Categorizing Use a graphic organizer Saratoga, John Paul Jones, Charles similar to the one below to list the pro- Cornwallis, Battle of Kings Mountain. visions of the Treaty of Paris. Writing About History Provisions of 7. Persuasive Writing Imagine that you Reviewing Themes Treaty of Paris, 1783 3. Global Connections Why were the are a colonist during the Revolutionary French at first reluctant to sign an War. Write a letter to convince alliance with the colonies? European nations to support the Americans in the war.

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 145 Critical Thinking

Understanding Cause and Effect Why Learn This Skill? CAUSE Britain needs money To understand past events, you should look for why or how an event or a chain of events took place. This process is using the skill of understand- ing causes and effects. EFFECT Britain passes Stamp Act Learning the Skill CAUSE The French and Indian War left Britain in debt. To raise money Britain introduced a stamp tax in the American colonies. The war was the cause that EFFECT led to Britain’s need for more money. The tax on Colonies rebel against Stamp Act CAUSE the colonies was the effect, or result. The chart below shows how one event—the cause—led to another—the effect. Britain repeals Stamp Act EFFECT but replaces it with Townshend Acts Cause and Effect Cause 1 The Treaty of Paris, which ended the French and Indian War in 1763, eliminated French • Britain passes Stamp Act power in North America. 2 Thousands of British workers lost their jobs after Effect the colonies cancelled orders for British goods. 3 • Colonists boycott British goods The British failure to listen to colonial griev- ances led to armed conflict. 4 The French decided to send aid to the Americans after Burgoyne surrendered at Saratoga.

You can often identify cause-and-effect relation- Skills Assessment ships in sentences from clue words such as the Complete the Practicing Skills questions on following: page 155 and the Chapter 4 Skill Reinforcement because therefore produced Activity to assess your mastery of this skill. due to thus in order to so that led to as a result In a chain of events, an effect often becomes the Applying the Skill cause of other events. The next chart shows the Understanding Cause and Effect Read an account of chain of events in the colonial rebellion. a recent event in your community in a local newspaper. Determine at least one cause and one effect of that Practicing the Skill event. Show the chain of events in a chart. Make a chart showing which events are causes Glencoe’s and which are effects in the sentences listed in Skillbuilder Interactive Workbook provides instruction and column 2. CD-ROM, Level 2, practice in key social studies skills.

146 The War Changes American Society

Main Idea Reading Strategy Reading Objectives The American Revolution changed Organizing As you read about changes • Describe the features of the political American society in a variety of ways. in American society after the American system of the United States set up after Revolution, complete a graphic organizer the Revolutionary War. Key Terms and Names like the one below by listing the features • Explain the position of women and , Virginia Statute for Religious of the U.S. political system set up after in the new political Freedom, Molly Pitcher, emancipation, the war. system. manumission, , Features of New U.S. Political System Section Theme Culture and Traditions A uniquely American culture arose as the Revolutionary War ended.

✦1775 ✦1779 ✦1783 ✦1787

1776 1779 1780 1786 Virginia passes Judith Sargent Murray writes New Massachusetts consti- Virginia’s Statute for Declaration of Rights “On the Equality of the Sexes” tution introduced Religious Freedom passed

In 1781 an enslaved Massachusetts man named Quock Walker took an extraordinary step: He took legal action against a white man who had assaulted him. Given the times, this was a bold step, but Walker believed he had the law on his side. Massachusetts’s new constitution referred to the “inherent liberty” of all men. The judge, William Cushing, agreed: “Our Constitution [of Massachusetts] sets out with declaring that all men are born free and equal—and that every subject is entitled to liberty, and to have guarded by the laws, as well as life and property—and in short is totally repugnant to the idea of being born slaves. This being the case, I think the idea of slavery is inconsistent with our own conduct and Constitution.” While the Quock Walker case did not abolish slavery, it demonstrated that the Massachusetts courts would not support the institution. As a result of this ruling and various antislavery efforts, slavery ceased to exist in Massachusetts by 1790. —adapted from Founding the Republic Wooden statue of an African American breaking his chains New Political Ideas When American leaders declared independence and founded the United States of America, they were very much aware that they were creating something new. By severing their ties to the king, they had established a republic. A republic is a form of government

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 147 where power resides with a body of citizens entitled to A true democracy, Adams argued, would lead to a vote. Elected representatives who are responsible to tyranny by the majority. Minority groups would not the citizens and who must govern according to laws or have their rights protected. For example, the poor a constitution exercise power. might vote to take everything away from the rich and While many Europeans viewed a republic as radi- undermine the . Instead, Adams cal and dangerous, Americans believed that a repub- argued, the best government was a “mixed govern- lican society could be better than other societies. In ment” with a . The executive, an ideal republic, all citizens are equal under the law, legislative, and judicial branches should be separate. regardless of their wealth or social class. Americans Adams also argued that the legislature should also believed that in a republic, the government have two houses: a senate to represent people of derives its authority from the people. property and an assembly to protect the rights of the Such ideas conflicted with many traditional common people. Adams’s ideas influenced several beliefs, including ideas about slavery, the idea that state . Virginia’s constitution of 1776 women should not be allowed to vote or own prop- and Massachusetts’s constitution of 1780 established erty, and the idea that wealthy people were “better” an elected governor, senate, and assembly. By the than others. Despite these contradictions, republican , most of the other states had created similar ideas helped to change American society and govern- constitutions. ment in the years following the war. In addition to writing new constitutions, many new states began to attach a list of rights to their con- New State Constitutions Events before the stitutions. This began in 1776, when Revolution led many Americans to believe that each drafted Virginia’s Declaration of Rights. These rights state’s constitution should be written down and that guaranteed to all Virginians , free- it should limit the government’s power over the dom of religion, the right to bear arms, and the right people. The Revolutionary War and new republican to trial by jury. The declaration also proclaimed that ideas convinced Americans that the best form of gov- the state could not search someone’s home without a ernment was a constitutional republic. warrant, nor could it take away property without At the same time, many American leaders, includ- proper court proceedings. Other states followed ing John Adams, worried that democracy could Virginia’s example and incorporated a bill of rights endanger a republican government. Adams argued into their constitutions as well. that government needed “checks and balances” to prevent any group in society from becoming strong Voting Rights Expand The Revolution not only enough to take away the rights of the minority. increased support for constitutional government, it also led to an expansion of voting rights. The experi- ence of fighting side by side with people from every social class and region increased people’s belief in equality, especially for white men. Everyone was fighting for the same cause and risking death for the same ideas. If everyone was equal, then everyone The Spread of American Democracy deserved the right to vote. While the Revolutionary War certainly transformed The war also weakened feelings of deference North America, it had a great impact on other parts of toward people in the upper classes. The Revolution the world as well. American ideals of democracy inspired had showed many farmers and artisans that they independence movements around the globe—especially were equal to the rich planters and merchants they in the colonies of , which overthrew their fought beside. While sitting in a tavern with farmers European rulers one after the other throughout the early who were spitting and pulling off their muddy boots, 1800s. In , for example, colonists developed one wealthy Virginian noted: “Every one who bore their own “declaration of independence,” in which they, arms esteems himself upon an with his like the Americans, listed their grievances with their colo- neighbors. . . . Each of these men considers himself, nial rulers, declared their desire to live free, and pledged in every respect, my equal.” their lives to the effort. What may have happened to The Revolution enabled the lower classes to American ideals of democracy if the colonists had demand a greater role in choosing their leaders. In lost the war? almost every state, the new constitutions made it eas- ier to gain the right to vote. Many states allowed any

148 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution white male who paid taxes to vote, whether or not he owned property. Although voting rights expanded, in History people still had to own a certain amount of property to hold elective Elizabeth Freeman office, although usually much less (Mumbet) c. 1742–1829 than before the Revolution. The prac- Elizabeth Freeman was born about tice of paying veterans with land 1742 to enslaved African American grants for their services during the parents. At the age of six months she war also increased the number of was acquired, along with her sister, by John Ashley, a wealthy Massachusetts people eligible to hold office. In the slaveholder. She became known as North, before the Revolution, over 80 “Mumbet” or “Mum Bett.” percent of the people elected were For nearly 40 years Mumbet served from the upper class. Ten years after the Ashley family. One day, Ashley’s the war, only a little over one-third of wife tried to strike Mumbet’s sister with officeholders were wealthy. In the a shovel. Mumbet intervened and took South, higher property qualifications the blow instead. Furious, she stormed and work for them as a paid employee. out of the house and refused to come She declined and instead went to work kept the wealthy planters in power. back. When the Ashleys tried to make for Sedgewick. Mumbet died in 1829, Before the Revolution, almost 90 per- her return, Mumbet contacted a lawyer, but her legacy lived on in her many cent of people elected to office were Theodore Sedgewick. With his help, descendants. One of her great- wealthy. Afterward, the figure Mumbet sued for her freedom. grandchildren was W.E.B. DuBois, one dropped by about 20 percent, indicat- While serving the Ashleys, Mumbet of the founders of the NAACP, and a ing small farmers had gained some had listened to many discussions of the prominent writer and spokesperson for new Massachusetts constitution. If the African American civil rights in the late ground. constitution said that all people were 1800s and early 1900s. free and equal, then she thought it Mumbet’s tombstone still stands in The new con- should apply to her. A jury agreed, and the Massachusetts cemetery where she cern with rights led to changes in the Mumbet won her freedom—the first was buried. It reads, in part: “She was relationship between the church and the enslaved person in Massachusetts to do born a slave and remained a slave for state. Many of the Revolution’s leaders so under the new constitution. nearly thirty years. She could neither opposed “ecclesiastical tyranny”—the Oddly enough, after the trial, the read nor write, yet in her own sphere Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back she had no superior or equal.” power of a church, backed by the gov- ernment, to make people worship in a certain way. After the war, the idea that government should not aid churches The idea of denying tax support to churches became more accepted. spread slowly throughout the newly independent The new push to end state funding of churches nation. Massachusetts permitted and began in Virginia, where Baptists led a movement to Baptists to assign their tax money to their church abolish taxes collected to support the Anglican instead of to the congregational churches—the suc- Church. In 1786 Governor Thomas Jefferson pushed cessors to the Puritan churches—but it did not abol- the legislature to pass the Virginia Statute for ish religious taxes entirely until 1833. ; (See page 1065 Religious Freedom. The statute declared that for the text of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.) Virginia no longer had an official church and that the state could not collect taxes for churches. Written by Reading Check Examining Which freedoms did Jefferson, the statute declared: Virginia’s constitution guarantee in its bill of rights? “[O]ur civil rights have no dependence on our reli- gious opinions, any more than our opinions in The War and American Society physics or geometry; . . . therefore . . . proscribing The postwar notions of greater equality and any citizen as unworthy the public confidence . . . liberty, as noble as they were, applied mainly unless he profess or renounce this or that religious to white men. For most women and African opinion, is depriving him injuriously of those privi- Americans, these ideals were still out of reach. Both leges and advantages to which in common with his groups participated in the Revolutionary War, and fellow citizens he has a natural right.” the Revolution’s ideals led to some changes in the CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 149 Emancipation After Independence, 1780–1804 After the war, as Americans began to think about what their revolutionary ideals implied, women made some advances. They could more easily obtain Area Claimed by Great Britain a divorce, and they gained greater access to educa- and U.S. MAINE tion. In 1779 Judith Sargent Murray wrote an essay (Part entitled “On the Equality of the Sexes.” The essay of MASS.) argued that women were as intelligent as men but 1780 N VT. lacked the education needed to achieve more in life. E W After the Revolution, many schools for girls were Lake N.H. Huron S o founded, and the number of women able to read tari MASS., 1780 e On ak NEW YORK increased. L 1799 R.I., 1784 °N 40 ie CONN., 1784 Er ke African Americans Thousands of enslaved African La PENNSYLVANIA 1780 ATLaNTIC Americans obtained their freedom during the N.J., 1804 OCEaN Revolution. In an effort to undermine the colonial OHIO DEL. economy and hurt the rebellion in the South, the MD. 0 200 miles freed thousands of enslaved people. VIRGINIA 0 200 kilometers British officials, however, also seized thousands of Albers Equal-Area projection KY. African Americans and shipped them to British plan- 1780 Date of emancipation tations in the Caribbean. NORTH Immediate emancipation Many planters promised to free their slaves if the TENN. CAROLINA Gradual emancipation slaves fought against the British. General Washington, SOUTH Slaveholders could in order to counter the British offer to free enslaved CAROLINA legally free slaves people who joined the British, permitted African Slaveholders required to obtain county court Americans to join the Continental Army. He also GEORGIA approval to free slaves urged state militias to admit African Americans and to Slaveholders could not legally free slaves offer freedom to all who served. About 5,000 African 80°W Americans fought in the militias and the Continental 30°N No formal abolition Army during the Revolutionary War. After the Revolution, more enslaved Africans gained their freedom. Many American leaders real- ized that enslaving people did not fit in with the new 1. Interpreting Maps Which state was the last to pass language of liberty and equality. Opposition to slav- emancipation? ery had been growing steadily even before the 2. Applying Geography Skills Within five years after the Revolution, especially in the northern and middle war ended, some states passed emancipation. How states. many did so, and why did they do so at this time? After the war began, emancipation, or freedom from enslavement, became a major issue. Many status of both women and African Americans in the Northern states took steps to end slavery. years following the end of the conflict. banned slavery in 1777. In 1780 Pennsylvania freed all children born enslaved when they reached age 28. Women at War Women played a vital role in the Rhode Island decreed in 1784 that enslaved men Revolutionary War, contributing on both the home born thereafter would be free when they turned 21 front and the battlefront. With their husbands and sons and women when they turned 18. In 1799 New York at war, some women took over running the family freed enslaved men born that year or later when farm. Others traveled with the army—cooking, wash- they reached age 28 and women when they reached ing, and nursing the wounded. Women also served as age 25. The ending of slavery in the North was thus a spies and couriers, and a few even joined the fighting. gradual process that took several decades. Mary Ludwig Hays, known as Molly Pitcher, carried did not disappear with the water to Patriot gunners during the Battle of increase in African American freedom. While Monmouth. Margaret Corbin accompanied her hus- enslaved, some African Americans worked in skilled band to battle, and after his death she took his place at positions, such as blacksmithing. Northern whites his and held the position until the battle ended. did not want free African Americans taking these

150 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution jobs from them. African Americans often were unable Americans grappled with what to do with the to get more than menial jobs—digging, carrying, property and assets of Loyalists. In North Carolina, loading, or sweeping. Free African Americans also Patriots confiscated Loyalist lands outright. faced voting restrictions, segregation, and possible Officials in New York also seized Loyalist lands and kidnapping and transportation into the South, where goods, claiming the “ of the people of they would again be enslaved. this state in respect to all property.” Other public Despite the hardships, freedom offered choices. officials opposed such actions. The Massachusetts Once free, African Americans typically moved to the Constitution of 1780, for example, extended the cities to find employment. Some found opportunities rights of “life, liberty, and property” to Loyalists, in previously barred occupations, such as artists or and gave much of the land seized from departing ministers. Often, they discarded their former names Loyalists to their agents or relatives who had or worked for several years to purchase the freedom remained behind. of friends or family members. Reading Check Summarizing How did life change A small group of African Americans achieved for women, African Americans, and Loyalists after the some wealth and social status. The discrimination of Revolutionary War? Northern whites encouraged them to focus on build- ing their own distinct culture. Religion was a strong element of that emerging culture. Now free to enter the ministry, African Americans created their own An American Culture Emerges style of worship. In 1816 African American church In the United States, victory over the British leaders formed the first independent African united Americans and created powerful nationalist American denomination, the African Methodist feelings. The Revolutionary War helped this process Episcopal (AME) Church. in two ways. First, Americans in all of the states had a The story was quite different in the South. The common enemy. Soldiers from all over the country South relied heavily on enslaved labor to sustain its fought side by side in each other’s states. Second, the agricultural economy. As a result, Southern lead- ers—most of whom were slaveholders them- selves—showed little in abolishing slavery. History Through Art Only Virginia took steps toward ending the institu- tion. In 1782 the state passed a law encouraging Joseph Brant painted this portrait of Joseph Brant, leader manumission, or the voluntary freeing of enslaved of the Mohawks, who sided with the Loyalists during the Revolution. After persons, especially for those who had fought in the the Treaty of Paris, Brant led a large group of Iroquois north into British Revolution. Through this law, about 10,000 slaves . Why did Brant and other Loyalists leave the United States? obtained their freedom, but the vast majority remained in bondage.

The Loyalists Flee Many women and African Americans found their lives little changed as a result of the Revolution, but for many Loyalists, the end of the war changed everything. Because of their support for the British, Loyalists often found themselves shunned by former friends, and state governments sometimes seized their property. Unwilling to live under the new government and often afraid for their lives, approximately 100,000 Loyalists fled the United States after the war. Some went to England or the British , but most moved to , particularly to Nova Scotia, , and the region near Niagara Falls. This region was part of Quebec at the time, but in 1791, Britain made it a separate colony called . Today it is the province of Ontario. battles and important events in the Revolution. Peale fought at Trenton and Prince- ton and survived the winter at Valley Forge. He is best known for his portraits of Washington and other Patriot leaders.

Changes in Education As they started a new nation, American leaders considered an educated public to be criti- cal to the republic’s success. Jefferson called it the “keystone of our arch of government.” Several state constitutions pro- History Through Art vided for government-funded universities. In 1795 the Family Scene Charles Willson Peale painted The Peale Family, showing his own family in an everyday pose. American artists favored informal scenes over the more formal European styles. What aspects of daily life does University of North Carolina the artist show? became the first state univer- sity in the nation. At the same time, elementary education Revolution gave rise to many patriotic symbols and a began to institute an American-centered style of common folklore. Stories of the Revolution and its teaching. Tossing out British textbooks, schools heroes helped Americans to think of themselves as all taught republican ideas and the history of the strug- belonging to the same group. gle for independence. As the American people began to build a national American Painters The Revolution sparked the identity, leaders of the United States turned their atten- creativity of American painters, including John tion to the creation of a government that could hold the Trumbull and Charles Willson Peale. Their work new nation together and promote the ideals and beliefs and that of other artists helped to build an that the colonists had fought so hard to secure. American identity. Both men portrayed the heroic deeds and leaders of the Revolution. Trumbull Reading Check Identifying In what ways did the served in the Continental Army as an aide to Revolutionary War help create powerful nationalist feelings in Washington. He is best known for his depiction of the United States?

Checking for Understanding Critical Thinking Analyzing Visuals 1. Define: republic, emancipation, 5. Synthesizing Why did nationalist feel- 7. Examining Art Study the painting by manumission. ings emerge in the United States after Charles Willson Peale shown above. 2. Identify: Virginia Statute for Religious the American Revolution? How does this painting reveal the Freedom, Molly Pitcher, John Trumbull, 6. Categorizing Use a graphic organizer republican ideas of the time? Charles Willson Peale. similar to the one below to list the posi- 3. List three features of the political tion of women, African Americans, and system of the United States set up after Loyalists in American society after the the Revolutionary War. Revolution. Writing About History 8. Expository Writing Imagine you are Reviewing Themes Position in American Society on a committee to write a new state 4. Culture and Traditions What new Women constitution. List the freedoms you want aspects of American culture emerged African Americans attached to your state’s constitution, after the Revolutionary War? Loyalists and explain why you feel it is important to guarantee these rights.

152 CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution from The American Crisis, Number 1 by Thomas Paine These are the times that try men’s country, alarmed at one common souls. The summer soldier and the danger, came forth to meet and to sunshine patriot will in this crisis, repulse it. . . . I love the man that shrink from the can smile in The call to arms during the service of his trouble, that can Revolution was heard not only country; but he “These are the times gather strength on the fields of battle but off, that stands it from distress, echoed by the leading writers of NOW deserves that try men’s souls.” and grow brave the day. Some of the most the love and by reflection. It inspiring words that rang out thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, is the business of little minds to against British tyranny were like hell, is not easily conquered; yet shrink; but he whose heart is firm, those of a Thomas Paine, we have this consolation with us, and whose conscience approves his sometime teacher, sailor, and that the harder the conflict, the more conduct, will pursue his principles grocer who became a journalist glorious the triumph. What we unto death. in his late thirties. The first essay obtain too cheap, we esteem too from Paine’s collection The lightly; ‘tis dearness only that gives American Crisis, issued in everything its value. Heaven knows December 1776, was read by how to put a proper price upon its General George Washington to goods and it would be strange Analyzing Literature boost the spirits of his belea- indeed, if so celestial an article as 1. Recall and Interpret What does guered troops. FREEDOM should not be highly Paine mean by the phrase “the sum- rated. Britain, with an army to mer soldier and the sunshine patriot”? Read to Discover enforce her tyranny, has declared 2. Evaluate and Connect What purpose What language does Paine use that she has a right (not only to TAX) do you think essays such as this one to encourage support for the but “to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSO- serve in times of war and crisis? American revolutionary cause? EVER,” and if being bound in that man- Interdisciplinary Activity Reader’s Dictionary ner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Language Arts The language in Paine’s tyranny: absolute power Even the expression is impious, for essay may seem outdated now, but the wielded unjustly so unlimited a power can belong emotions and ideas he expresses are still consolation: comfort only to God.... common. Rewrite the first paragraph of esteem: value . . . Let it be told to the future the essay, using words that a modern impious: not respectful world that in the depth of winter, politician might use in a speech. Try to when nothing but hope and virtue think of current phrases that would make could survive, that the city and the sense—for example, what might we say today instead of “the summer soldier”?

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 153 Reviewing Key Terms Reviewing Key Facts On a sheet of paper, use each of these terms in a sentence. 14. Identify: French and Indian War, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts, Battle of Bunker Hill, Declaration of 1. customs duty 7. Loyalist Independence. 2. inflation 8. Patriot 15. Why did King George III issue the Proclamation of 1763? 3. nonimportation agreement 9. guerrilla warfare 16. What were the effects of the Boston Tea Party? 4. writ of assistance 10. letters of marque 17. Why was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the 5. committee of 11. republic Revolutionary War? correspondence 12. emancipation 18. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris? 6. minuteman 13. manumission 19. Why did a new American culture emerge after the war? Critical Thinking 20. Analyzing Themes: Civic Rights and Responsibilities What rights did the colonists want from Britain? 1763 French and Indian War ends; 21. Evaluating During the war, how did The American Crisis, ✦ 1761 Proclamation of 1763 issued No. 1, by Thomas Paine influence the morale of Washington’s troops? 1764 Sugar Act, Currency Act passed 22. Comparing and Contrasting After the American Revolution, 1765 Stamp Act passed; a new culture emerged in the United States. Compare and colonists stage protests contrast American culture before and after the war in these 1766 Stamp Act repealed; Declaratory Act areas: government, society, the arts, and education. 1766 ✦ asserts Parliament’s supremacy 23. Categorizing Use a graphic organizer similar to the one below to list the events that led to the American Revolution. 1767 Townshend Acts passed

1768–1769 Colonists boycott British imports Events That Led to the American Revolution to protest Townshend Acts

✦✦✦✦ 1770 Boston Massacre; 1771 Townshend Acts repealed

1773 Tea Act passed; Boston Tea Party 24. Interpreting Primary Sources In 1766 Benjamin Franklin held in protest testified before Parliament about the colonists’ reactions to 1774 Coercive Acts passed; the Stamp Act. Read the excerpt from his testimony and First Continental Congress meets answer the questions that follow. 1776 Q. What is your name, and place of abode? 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord; Second Continental Congress meets A. Franklin, of Philadelphia. Q. Are not the colonies . . . very able to pay the stamp [tax]? 1776 Declaration of Independence signed A. In my opinion there is not enough in the colonies to pay the stamp duty for one year. 1778 France recognizes the United States Q. Don’t you know that the money arising from the stamps 1781 1781 War of Independence ends when was all to be laid out in America? General Cornwallis surrenders A. I know it is appropriated by the act to the American ser- at Yorktown vice; but it will be spent in the conquered colonies where 1783 In the Treaty of Paris, Britain recognizes the soldiers are, not in the colonies that pay it. . . . the United States as a country Q. Do you think it right that America should be protected by Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom this country and pay no part of the expense? 1786 1786 introduced HISTORY Land Claims in North America, 1783 °N 0 6 Self-Check Quiz Visit the American Vision Web site at tav.glencoe.com and click on Self-Check Quizzes—Chapter 4 to assess Hudson your knowledge of chapter content. Bay N BRITISH W E NORTH AMERICA S °N A. That is not the case. The colonies raised, clothed, and 40 paid, during the last war, near 25,000 men and spent SPANISH LOUISIANA many millions. UNITED PaCIFIC STATES Were you not reimbursed by Parliament? Q. OCEaN NEW ATLaNTIC A. We were only reimbursed what, in your opinion, we had SPAIN OCEaN advanced beyond our proportion, or beyond what might 0 1,000 miles Gulf of °N reasonably be expected from us; and it was a very small 0 1,000 kilometers Mexico 20 part of what we spent. Pennsylvania, in particular, dis- Azimuthal Equal-Area projection bursed about 500,000 pounds, and the reimbursements, British Spanish in the whole, did not exceed 60,000 pounds. . . . French United States a. Where does Franklin say that the British will spend the Russian Disputed money they collect from the stamp tax? 120°W 100°W 80°W b. Why does Franklin say that the stamp taxes are unfair? Geography and History Practicing Skills 29. The map above shows the land claims in North America as a result of the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Study the map and answer 25. Examining Cause and Effect Study the chart on page 129. the questions below. Then answer the questions below. a. Interpreting Maps After the Revolutionary War, what a. What are the four causes of the colonies’ declaring were the borders for the United States on the north? On independence? the south? On the west? b. On page 146, the Skillbuilder lists clue words that often Which countries shared a appear in cause-and-effect discussions. Using those clue b. Applying Geography Skills border with the United States? words, write three sentences about the effects of the colonial rebellion. Standardized Chapter Activities Test Practice 26. Research Project Research some popular American painters Directions: Choose the best answer to the after the Revolutionary War, such as John Trumbull and following question. Charles Willson Peale. Write a report that explains how the The colonists complained about having to pay British taxes themes of their helped build an American identity. while not being allowed to vote for members of the British 27. American History Primary Source Document Library Parliament. Which of the following quotations best CD-ROM Read “On Liberty” by John Adams. Assuming the expresses their complaint? role of a Patriot or a Loyalist, write a letter to the editor of A “Give me liberty or give me death.” the in reaction to the article. B “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” C “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Writing Activity D “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” 28. Descriptive Writing Imagine that you are a resident of Charles Town in 1780. The city has had to surrender, and Test-Taking Tip: Use the process of elimination to rule out you must face British troops wherever you go. Then you hear any answers that you know are wrong. For example, two of about Francis Marion, the “Swamp Fox,” who is making hit- the answers suggest that the colonists and the British may and-run attacks on the British. Write to a friend in New York already be at war, while only one answer mentions the City describing your experiences and your hopes for victory main issue. over the British.

CHAPTER 4 The American Revolution 155