
Trojan War Reagan Bridwell Character Catalog Middle School Literature I is the son of and and is also the king of the Achilles Greek . Greek Aegisthus is 's cousin and enemy. is a Trojan son of and and is also the founder Aeneas Trojan of .

Agamemnon Greek Agamemnon is the king of and brother to Meneleus. Greek Ajax is a Greek hero from Salamis. Ajax, son of Greek Ajax Oileus is a Greek spearman and swift runner. Anchises Trojan Anchises is the father of Aeneas. Trojan Andromache is 's wife. Trojan Antenor is a Trojan councilor to . Greek Antilochus is a Greek warrior and son of . Antinous Greek Antinous is 's most handsome suitor. Aphrodite god Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and Trojan protagonist. god Apollo is the god of the sun and Trojan protagonist. god Ares is the god of war and a Trojan protagonist. god Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and a Trojan protagonist. Athene god Athene is the goddess of wisdom. Greek slave Briseis is a captive of Achilles. Greek Calchas is Agamemnon's soothsayer and a Trojan traitor. Trojan Cassandra is Priam's daughter and a priestess of Apollo. Greek Chiron is a and famous teacher in Greece.

Chryseis Greek slave Chrseis is the daughter of and captive of Agamamemnon. Chryses Trojan Chryses is a priest of Apollo. Greek Clytemnestra is the wife of Agamemnon. Coroebus Trojan Coreobus is the Trojan betrothed to Cassandra. Trojan/Greek Cressida is the Trojan daughter of Calchas. Trojan Creusa is the wife of Aeneas.

Deiphobus Trojan is the brother of Hector and the inheritor of . Greek Diomede is a Greek hero from . Discord god Discord is a goddess who causes discord among men. Trojan Dolon is a Trojan spy and traitor. Greek Eumaeus is the swineherd of the king of . Greek Eurymachus is the leader of Penelope's suitors. the grandson of and nephew of Priam as well as a Eurypylus Trojan Trojan hero. Hector Trojan Hector is a Trojan hero and Priam's son. Trojan Hecuba is the queen of .

Helen Greek/Trojan Helen is the queen of and the most beautiful woman in the world. Trojan Helenus is the brother of Hector with the gift of prophecy. Hephaistos god Hephaistos is the god of fire and a Greek protagonist. god Hera is the queen of the gods. god Hermes is the messenger of .

Page 1 of 3 Reagan Bridwell Character Catalog Middle School Literature I Greek Iphigenia is the daughter of Agamemnon. god Iris is the rainbow goddess. Laocoon Trojan Laocoon is a Trojan priest of . Greek Laodamia is the wife of . Leiodes Greek Leiodes is a soothsayer and suitor of Penelope. Greek Medon is a servant who helped raise . Greek Melanthus is a suitor of Penelope. is the lord of Ethiopia and the son of Priam's brother and the Memnon Trojan Ally dawn goddess. He is a Trojan ally. Meneleus Greek Meneleus is the king of Sparta.

Mentor god is the old man traveling with Telemachus who is actually a god. Greek Meriones is a Greek charioteer. Greek Nauplius is the father of . Nestor Greek Nestor is a Greek elder from .

Odysseus Greek is the king of Ithaca and hero of Trojan War and the . Oenone god Oenone is a who loved as a shepherd. Greek Orestes is the son of Agamemnon and Cytemnestra. Palamedes Greek Palamedes is the clever messenger of Meneleus. Trojan The brother of Calchas and guardian of Cressida. Paris is the son of Priam and Hecuba and as a shepherd was known as Paris (Alexandros) Trojan Alexandros. Greek Patroclus is a Myrmidon warrior and best friend to Achilles. Peleus Greek Peleus is the king of the Myrmidons. Penelope Greek Penelope is the wife of Odysseus. Penthesilea Trojan Ally Penthisilea is the queen of the and a Trojan ally.

Phemius Greek is a local minstrel forced to entertain Penelope's suitors.

Philoctetes Greek is owner of Heracles' bow who was abandoned by the Greeks. Pisastrus Greek Pisastrus is the youngest son of Nestor.

Polites Trojan Polites is a son of Priam and one of the youngest of the 50 princes. Trojan Polydamas is a Trojan warrior. Poseidon god Poseidon is the god of the sea and a Greek protagonist. Priam Trojan Priam is the king of Troy. Protesilaus is the foremost man who Greek hero who initiated Greek Protesilaus Greek attack. god Proteus is a sea god with a flock of seals.

Pyrrhus Greek Pyrrhus is the son of Achilles and as well as a Greek hero. Trojan Ally Rhesus is the Thracian king and hero and ally of Trojans.

Sarpedon Trojan Ally is the son of Zeus and a mortal princess as well as a Trojan ally. Greek Sinon is a Greek spy who was sent to trick the Trojans. Skaian Gate Trojan The Skaian gate is the gate of Troy leading to the plain.

Page 2 of 3 Trojan War Reagan Bridwell Character Catalog Middle School Literature I Skamander is the god of the Skamander river which is the yellow river Skamander god flowing through Troy. is the Greek herald who announced the fate of the Trojan Talthybius Greek women. Tecmessa Greek Tecmessa is a slave of Ajax and the mother of Ajax's child. Greek Telamon is the father of Ajax and . Telemachus Greek Telemachus is the son of Odysseus. Teucer Greek Teucer is a Greek archer and half-brother of Ajax. Thetis god Thetis is a sea nymph and the mother of Achilles. Trojan Troilus is a Trojan hero and Priam's son. Zeus god Zeus is theruler of gods and men.

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