
4 /^l- ^^

1958 Annual Report

of the

City of Rochester ROBERT W. WATSON, Mayor Sixty-seventh Annual Report


Gitu ajj RocUedien^


For the Year Ending December 31 Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight 5.52 ,n'


THE "Record (i/) ^ress inc.

Rochester, N. H. INAUGURAL ADDRESS By Robert W. Watson, Mayor

Gentlemen of the Council: The year 1957 has been a year of improvements and accom- plishments for the City of Rochester. Among the many projects we have started and completed, have been the McClelland School —one of the most modern elementary schools in the state, which was dedicated last September and has relieved congested con- ditions in the elementary schools throughout Rochester; the Congress Street Parking Lot which was started in 1955; as well as tne footbridge on Dewey Street and the sidewalk through Hanson Pines—this matter having been tossed around for some thirty years. Highland Street in East Rochester, a section of U. S.' Route 202, which has been in deplorable condition for some time, and South Main Street, one of the connecting links with Route 16, have been resurfaced. The year 1957 has also seen the rebuiliding and resurfacing of Union Street, as well as many other streets throughout the city.

The authorization of a new fire truck to be added to our Fire Department will make that department one of the finest in the state. And our Police Department is very ably run by our three-man Commission.

In 1958, as in the past, our main concern will be to conduct City affairs to the best advantage of all who reside here. Our readjustment of property valuations is nearly completed. This will tend to distribute the taxes more evenly over the entire population of the city.

In continuing our progress in the Public Works Department, inadequate water mains should be replaced. Our paving and street building program should be continued and some modern- izing should be done in this department.

Sewerage disposal is another problem that is knocking on our door and will soon require our attention.

Our schools continue to be our problem. Spaulding High School is now filled to capacity, and with the ever-increas- ing school population, this matter will need attention in the near future. Also, teachers are becoming more and more difficult to obtain, due to more attractive salaries in other areas.

Our Recreation Committee has accomplished a great deal in the past year, and I feel that this program should be ex- panded in some areas.

The City of Rochester needs industry, and I believe that with a functioning Industrial Committee, Planning Board and a full-time Planning Director, much can be gained in this direction.

In conclusion, my thanks go to the 1957 Council, whose help and cooperation have been greatly appreciated. I'm sure that with the help of the new Council, many things can be accom' plished which will benefit our city in the next two years. CITY GOVERNMENT


Mayor, Robert W. Watson

COUNCILMEN Ward One—Norman F. Blaisdell, Reginald G. Hurd, Sr. Ward Two—Floyd H. Busch, John H. Ineson. Ward Three—Sumner W. Watson, Henry L. Paradis. Ward Four-—^Marc E. Lemoyne, J. Paul LaRoche. Ward Five—George E. Michael, Elmer R. Waitt. Ward Six—Oscar J. Turmelle, Albert K. Locke.

City Clerk—D. Arlene Baker. City Solicitor—Robert A. Carignan. City Treasurer—Lorraine Callaghan. City Accountant—Frederick M. Steadman. Collector of Taxes—Downing W. Osborne.

Comtnissioner of Public Works—George C. Nadeau.

Chief of Police—Ernest J. Levesque.

Deputy Chief of Police—Nelson E. Goodfield. Sergeants—Clarence A. Woods, Leland L. Waterhouse. Patrolmen—Laurent V. Autotte, Alvah L. Cox, Charles E.

Dame, Raymond E. Ellis, Nelson S. Hatch, Willis M. Hayes,

Arnold Horn, Sidney J. Hurley, Deus Levesque, Nelson

Moreland, Charles W. Wheeler, Joseph G. Zuromskis.

Chief Engineer of Fire Department—Ralph G. Seavey. Deputy Chief Engineers of Fire Department—Ralph W. Dun- lap, William Kenyon, Ernest Winkley, Charles R. Grenier, John M. Header.

Overseer of Public Welfare—Leo E. Beaudoin. Sanitary Officer—Frank N. Dow.

City Physician-—^Charles E. Moors, Jr. City of Rochester 3

Board of Health—Charles E. Moors, Jr., Leo E. Beaudoin, Frank N. Dow. Plumbers' Examining Board—Joseph A. Rainville, Beverly H. Davis, Frank N. Dow. Assessors—Albert R. Chalmers, Albert L. Mabbett, George J. Potvin.

Trustees of Trust Funds—Walter A. Bickford, Wallace Hussey, Bernard F. Nixon.

Trustees of Public Library—Albert C. Hervey, Harold E. Cope- land, Reginald G. Hurd, Sr., Winifred E. Hartigan, Sumner W. Watson, Lucien G. Paradis. Licensing Board—Mayor Robert W. Watson, Chief of Police Ernest J. Levesque, Commissioner of Public Works George C. Nadeau.

Manager of City Hall Auditorium—Frank B. Miller. Building Inspector—Miles H. Dustin. Janitor—Odilon Ferland. Janitor, East Rochester Hall—-Everett H. Johnson. Janitor, Gonic Hall—George Lachapelle.

Sealer of Weights and Measures—Clifford J. Grenier. Public Weighers—Dana Copp, Chester A. Davis, J. Raymond Fisher, Wallace N. Fisher, Miles Hill, Robert Hussey, Charles Mattocks, J. A. Morrill, Albert C. Mortimer, Roger E. Page, Orlando E. Pickering, Hill Pollard, George Sewell, Chester H. Smith, Olive Page Tufts, Albert Warburton, Joseph Woodes, Bert Woodward.

Surveyors of Wood and Lumber—Arthur Bonenfant, Frank Hazelton, George J. Potvin, Arthur S. Wallace, Walter Williams.

Fence Viewers—Harry F. Lemke, Frank B. Pinkham.

STANDING COMMITTEES, 1958 Finance—Mayor, Watson, Waitt. Public Works—Mayor, Watson, Hurd, Busch, Turmelle. Police Budget—Mayor, Lemoyne, Michael. Fire—Blaisdell, Paradis, Ineson. Legal Affairs—Mayor, Lemoyne, Waitt. Claims and Accounts—Mayor, Watson, Locke. Public Buildings—Hurd, Busch, Paradis. 4 Annual Report

Purchasing—Mayor, Lemoyne, Michael. Traffic—Lemoyne, Locke, MichaeL Street Lights—Lemoyne, Turmelle, MichaeL Elections and Returns—Watson, Locke, Ineson. Bills in Second Reading—Hurd, Locke, Busch. Recreatioyi—Blaisdell, Huvd, Waitt. Printing— Paradis, Locke, LaRoche. Public Inst)uction—Mayor, Ineson, LaRoche.


Ernest W. Campbell, Chairman; Albert C. Hervey, Secretary; John C. Richardson, Jr., Ludger J. Cossette, James L. Foss.

ROCHESTER PLANNING BOARD Mayor Robert W. Watson, Frederick M. Steadman, Secretary; Elery J. Lyndes, Herve E. Lagasse, Ernest L. Rolfe, John M. Meader, Dennis E. Brennan, Larry Cote, George E. Michael.

SELECTMEN AS OF 1958 Ward One—George E. Pray, Armand H. Grenier, Erik 0. Holt. Ward Two—Bert D. George, Herbert E. Taylor, William Rat- cliffe. Ward Three—Diana A. Lachapelle, Rita L. Carignan, Glenna H. Rubins. Ward Four—Lucille G. Sylvain, Gerard G. Labranche, Vercna Skammels.

Ward Five—Altert C. Hervey, William Gerrish, Harry S. Johnson.

Wa7'd Six—Vernon E. Hersom, Philip J. Estes, Raymond Beau- doin, Jr. MPORTANT RESOLUTIONS AND ORDERS Passed by the City Council 1958


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester : That the Finance Committee be and is hereby authorized to hire in anticipation of taxes a sum not exceeding Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, said sum to be hired on notes of the City at such time as the best interest of the City requires. Passed January 2, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That pending' the passage of the annual appro- priation measure for the fiscal year 1958, the Mayor be and is hereby authorized and empowered to validate orders on the City Treasurer for all duly approved and properly classified claims for operating expenses of the City of Rochester or any of its municipal subdivisions. Passed January 2, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dol- lars be added to the 1958 City of Rochester Budget to provide for Urban Planning in said Citv of Rochester. Passed February 4, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester : That the weekly wage or salary of each full-time employee of the City in the departments of Administration, Public Buildings, Fire, Public Welfare, Building Inspection and Public Works, be and is hereby increased by adding a three and one-half per cent {Sy2%) cost-of-living wage increase to the sum to which he is entitled under the General Ordinances, as amended, or existing pay schedules, for the current year, 1958: and Be it further resolved, that the above increase be retro- active to January 1, 1958. Passed February 4, 1958. :

6 Annual Report

RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE TRUCK FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That the Finance Committee be and is hereby authorized to raise eight thousand six hundred and twenty-two ($8,622.00) Dollars, upon such terms as they may deem to be for the best interest of the City, for the purchase of a Mack truck and body and for the installation of same, for the Public Works Department; and That the said equipment be purchased by a joint committee, composed of the Public Works and Purchasing- Committees. Passed February 4, 1958.

RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE SNOW LOADER Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City

of Rochester: That the Finance Committee be and is hereby authorized to raise One Thousand Four Hundred ($1,400.00) Dollars, upon such terms as they may deem to be for the best interest of the City, for the purchase of a snow loader for the Public Works Department; and That the said equipment be purchased by a joint committee, composed of the Public Works and Purchasing Committees. Passed March 4, 1958.


Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That Section 23 of Chapter XVI of the 1952 Gen- eral Ordinances of the City of Rochester, as amended, be further amended by adding at the end of Section 23 the following new section No parking on the easterly side of the Chestnut Hill Road from the Spaulding High School Drive, to a point one hundred and fifty (150') feet southerly of said drive from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M., Monday through Friday. Passed March 4, 1958.


Be it ordaiyied by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That Section 23 of Chapter XVI of the City of Rochester Ordinances, 1952, edition as amended, be further amended by striking out that section of line nine (9) and ten (10) which read as follows: viz. "Northerly side of Pine Street between a point three hun- dred eighty (380') feet westerly from North Main Sti'eet and North Main Street," and inserting in the place thereof: "Northerly side of Pine Street between a point one hundred —

City of Rochester 7 sixty (160') feet westerly from North Main Street and North Main Street." That the remainder of said Section 23 remain unchanged. Passed March 4, 1958.

RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER PARKING LOT Whereas: The Church of the Redeemer of Rochester, a re- ligious organization, situate in Rochester, has made every en- deavor to fulfill paragraph D, of a resolution authorizing sale of the old High School lot on Wakefield Street in Rochester, which was unanimously voted in the affirmative at the special October 1957 meeting of the Rochester City Council—and Whereas: The Hubbard Shoe , Inc., a corporation with a place of business in Rochester, has not taken advantage of the consideration of the Rochester City Council and the Church of the Redeemer in the original resolution in the agree- able siiiuing of an agreement regulating the use of the existing parking lot—and Whereas: The Church of the Redeemer has acted in good faith to execute such an agreement, and now finds that it must conclude the purchase of the Old High School lot to comply with its church canons regulating construction on property Be it resolved: That Section D of said resolution be removed at this time by vote of Council with the knowledge and under- standing that the Church of the Redeemer shall make the park- ing lot available for public use with or without an agreement, as has been its intent and consideration. Passed March 4, 1958.

RESOLUTION TO RAISE $12,200.00 FOR THE SCHOOLS Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That the Finance Committee be and is hereby authorized to raise Twelve Thousand Two Hundred ($12,200.00) Dollars by means deemed most advantageous to the City, to be expended by the School Board in the following manner: 1. A sum not to exceed $6,000. for replacing the heating system at the School Street School. 2. A sum not to exceed $5,000. for exterior painting at Spaulding High School. 3. A sum not to exceed $1,200. for interior painting at Spaulding High School. Passed March 4, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: Wherefore, your Petitioners pray as follows: A. That said water and sewer may be extended as above re- quested; B. That a sum not to exceed Seventeen Thousand 8 Annual Report

Seven Hundred and Forty-seven ($17,747.) Dollars and Eighty- five (.85) Cents for water and sewer extensions as above re- quested be and is hereby appropriated for said water and sewer extensions to be paid for in cash by your Petitioners as herein provided. C. That the Finance Committee of the Ro- chester City Council be, and is hereby authorized to raise the sum of Seventeen Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-seven ($17,747.) Dollars and Eig'hty-five (.85) Cents for water and sewer construction as herein requested by means deemed most advantageous to the City of Rochester. Passed May 6, 1958.


Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That Section 13 of Chapter XVI of the City of Rochester Ordinances, 1952 edition as amended, be further amended by striking out the whole thereof and substituting therefor the following new section: Section 13. Any person, firm or corporation who shall vio- late or permit or allow anyone to violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, other than Sections 9 and 10, shall for the first, second and third offenses in any calender year be fined twenty- five ($.25) cents, to be paid to the Chief of Police within forty- eight hours of such violation. Any person, firm or corporation failing to pay said fine within the prescribed forty-eight hours shall be fined One ($1.00) Dollar for each violation, and for any offenses exceeding three in any one calendar year not more than Twenty ($20.00) Dollars upon conviction in Municipal Court. Nothing in this Section shall prevent any person from being heard in court in lieu of the payment to the Chief of Police provided for herein, for the first three offenses in one calendar year. The Chief of Police shall account monthly to the City Treasurer for all moneys collected under this section. Passed May 6, 1958.


Be it resolved that the Mayor shall, within two weeks time, name a Committee of five from this Council to serve as a Liaison Committee with the School Board, with the following-

objectives : 1. To communicate to the School Board the various sug- gestions that have b«en or may be made to the members of the Council by parents and teachers. 2. To study and evaluate with the School Board the al- ternatives relative to the forthcoming needs for a Junior High School. 3. To attend all meetings of the School Board in order that the Council may better appreciate the problems faced by the Board. 4. To report to the Council the accomplishment of the School Board. 5. To arrange, as the need may arise, for public meetings City of Rochester 9 where parents may discuss education and thereby provide op- portunity for the Board and School Administrators to explain their programs to the public. Passed May 6, 1958.

RESOLUTION ON 1958 BUDGET Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That the sum of $1,208,526.00 be and is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of the City of Rochester for the ensuing year in accord with the budget herein adopted, and That the sum of $1,029,842.00 plus such overlay as may be necessary is hereby ordered and directed to be raised by taxa- tion, on the polls and rateable estates within the said City. Passed May 6, 1958.

RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONEY Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester : That a sum not to exceed Nine Hundred Twenty- one ($921.00) Dollars for said water and sewer extension on said Howe Street as above requested be and is hereby appro- priated and that the Finance Committee be authorized to raise said sum by means deemed most advantageous to the City of Rochester. Passed July 1, 1958.

RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MONEY Be it resolved by the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: That the Finance Committee be authorized to raise a sum not to exceed Eight Hundred and Forty-five ($845.00) Dollars for the extension of water and sewer services from their present terminus on Elizabeth Street in the City of Rochester, in that part of Rochester, known as Gonic, to the property of Adelard Breton and Irene Breton. That the Finance Committee be further authorized to raise said sum by means deemed most advantageous to the City of Rochester. Passed July 1, 1958.


Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That Section 23 of Chapter 16 of the City of Ro- chester Ordinances, 1952 edition as amended, be further amended by striking out of said Section that section which reads "north- erly side of River Street between a point ninety (90') feet westerly from North Main Street and North Main Street" and inserting in the place thereof "northerly side of River Street; southerly side of River Street from a point forty (40') feet westerly of North Main Street for a distance of ninety-four :

10 Annual Report

(94') feet easterly from said point; northerly side of Chestnut Street from River Street to a point forty-five (45') feet west- erly from said River Street" That Section 23 of Chapter 16 of the City of Rochester Ordinances, 1952 edition as amended, be further amended by adding to that section which reads "No vehicle shall be parked or left standing within the City of Rochester for more than fifteen (15) minutes on the westerly side of Congress Street from Central Square to Arrow Street." the following "or the southerly side of River Street from North Main Street to a point forty (40') feet westerly from said North Main Street." Passed July 1, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Rochester : That the Mayor be au- thorized to Quitclaim the City of Rochester's interest in and to a certain tract of land on the southwesterly side of the road leading from Gonic Village to Meaderboro, known as the Old Edwin Pray Property for the purpose of clearing the title of the within described property. Passed July 1, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester. N. H.: That on Tuesday, September 9, 1958, at the State Primary Election, the polling places in all six wards of the City of Rochester shall be open at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and shall close at 6 o'clock in the evening, Daylight Saving- Time. Passed August 5, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That the Finance Committee be and is hereby authorized to raise Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty- two ($12,722.00) Dollars for the purchase of equipment for the Public Works Department, as follows 1. Roller— 11/2 ton, $1,350.00 2. Truck Body, Plow Frame and Ram, 6,372.00 3. Two Sidewalk Tractors and Plows, 5,000.00 That this money be raised upon such terms as deemed to be for the best interest of the City, and that the said equipment be purchased by a joint committee, composed of the Public Works and Purchasing Committees. Passed August 5, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester : That the Finance Committee be and hereby is City of Rochester 11

authorized to hire in anticipation of taxes, a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars, said sum to be hired on notes of the City at such time as the best interest of the City requires. Passed August 5, 1958.


Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That Section 26 of Chapter XVI of the City of Ro- chester Ordinances, 1952 edition, as amended, be further amended by adding at the end thereof the following: (57) On the Flat Rock Bridge Road, before entering the Salmon Falls Road, from the Flat Rock Bridge Road. (58) On the cross road, before entering the Chestnut Hill Road, from the cross road. (59) On Waldron Avenue, before entering Maple Street, from Waldron Avenue. Passed September 2, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Coiincil of the City of Rochester : That the City of Rochester expend the sum of $16,000.00 to purchase the Anita Churchman property (so- called), situate on the southerly side of River Street in said Rochester. That the Finance Committee be authorized to raise said sum by means deemed most advantageous to the City. Passed September 2, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester : That on Tuesday, November 4, 1958, at the Bien- nial Election, the polling places in all six wards of the City of Rochester shall be open at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and shall close at 6 o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time. Passed September 2, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That the Finance Committee be and hereby is authorized to hire in anticipation of taxes, a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars, said sum to be hired on notes of the City at such time as the best interest of the City requires. Passed October 7, 1958. 12 Annual Report

AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCES RELATIVE TO DOGS Be it ordained by the Mayor- and City Council of the City of Rochester: That Chapter 15 of the Ordinances of the City of Rochester, 1952 edition, as amended, be further amended by adding after Section 4 thereof, the following new Section: Any person may, and every police officer shall seize any dog not properly licensed as required by Chapter 466 of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, as amended, and cause it to be transported to a Veterinarian authorized by the City to accept such dogs. The Veterinarian shall keep said dog at the expense of the City for a period of seventy-two (72) hours. If, after such time, the dog remains unclaimed, then, and in such event, the Veterinarian shall dispose of said dog at the expense of said City. Any owner of a dog, so seized, may reclaim said dog dur- ing the "seventy-two hour period therefore, by furnishing proof of a proper license and reimbursing said City any sum expended for the harboring of said dog. Any unlicensed dog so seized and harbored in the manner herein prescribed, and unclaimed by its owner, may be claimed by any person who will license said dog and reimburse said City that sum expended for its keep. The City shall pay for the harboring and disposal of un- licensed dogs exclusively from the receipts obtained from the sale of dog licenses. Passed November 5, 1958,


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Coiincil of the City of Rochester: 1. That the sum of $4,900.00 be and hereby is ap- propriated for the purpose of demolishing the buildings situate on River Street and completing installation of a parking lot. 2. That the Finance Committee be and hereby is authorized to borrow said sum on such terms as appear to be most ad- vantageous to the City. Passed November 5, 1958.


Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Rochester: That if found necessary in closing the accounts of the year to transfer from a Department where there is a bal- ance to a Department where there is a deficit, the Committee on Finance be authorized to make such transfer. Passed December 4, 1958. ASSESSORS' INVENTORY

Land and buildings $14,678,420.00 Mills and machinerv 1,584,675.00 Electric plants 1 494,800.00 Stock in trade 1,864,000.00 Boats and launches 9 90.00 Horses 44 4,400.00 Cows 537 40,275.00 Other neat stock 30 1,500.00 Sheep and goats 67 670.00 Hogs 20 200.00 Fowls 9,008 6,756.00 Gasoline pumps and tanks 24,285.00 Portable mills 1 500.00 Wood, lumber, etc 11,925.00

$18,712,496.00 Polls 5,707 11,414.00 National Bank stock taxes 1,649.74 Amount of taxes to be committed to collector, including poll taxes and national bank taxes 1,036,403.91 Amount of property valuation exempted to soldiers .' 1,062,300.00 Tax rate for the year 1958 58.00



To the Honorable Mayor and City Council

Gentlemen :

In accordance with the provisions of the City Ordinances, I have examined the financial accounts of the City of Rochester and the results of the budget operations for the year ended December 31, 1958. Various audits, spot-checks and investiga- tions have been made thi-oughout the past year as a check on the functioning of our internal control system. All disbursements from City funds are examined each week throughout the year before such expenditures are made by the City Treasurer. The Funded Debt at December 31, 1958, shows a $48,873.06 decrease over 1957 which is accounted for as follows: Issued: General Fund $67,844.00 Retired General Fund $89,155.64 Water Fund 27,561.42 $116,717.06

Decrease in Funded Debt $48,873.06

The General Fund Revenue Surplus Account at the end of 1958 is $36,145.53, an increase of $15,870.05 over 1957. The entries causing this increase are as follows: Increases: Sewer Construction $407.01 Appropriations Unexpended 856.00 1958 Budget Surplus 22,014.79 Federal Aid—Schools 17,722.95 $41,000.75 Decreases: 1958 Budget $7,500.00 Federal Aid— Schools 17,600.00 Adjustment of Tax Accounts 30.70 $25,130.70

Increase in Revenue Surplus $15,870.05

The Rochester Water Works Revenue Surplus on Decem- ber 31, 1958, showed a decrease of $9,521.11 compared to a sur- plus of $163,386.96 in 1957. It is my opinion that the accompanying financial state- ments represent fairly the condition of the City of Rochester on December 31, 1958, together with the results of operations for the year ended on that date. Respectfully submitted, FREDERICK M. STEADMAN, City Accountant. :

City of Rochesti^-r 15

Exhibit 1 —General Fund—Balance Sheet

DECEMBER 31, 1958 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash: In Bank $16,891.61 In hands of City Clerk 3,463.25 In hands of Tax Collector 186.75 $20,541.61 Accounts Receivable: Due from Tax Collector $100.00 Job Work 4,881.08 Special Sewer Fund 32,851.04 Tax Liens 3,709.79 Taxes, 1958, Uncollected 78,171.99 Timber Taxes, Uncollected 963.60

Tead Taxes, 1958, Uncollected .. 10,963.00 $131,640.50 Materials Inventory as at December 31, 1958 1,756.46 Deferred Charges 1,660.28

Total Assets $155,598.85

LIABILITIES Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable: General Obligations $71,158.66 Accruals 3,049.16 State of New Hampshire Head Tax 10,958.00 Special Appropriations, unexpended balance 12,015.57 $97,181.39 Notes Payable—Sewer Fund $10,000.00 Deferred Credits: Departmental Credits, pending collection 4,881.08 Special Fund Balances 4,623.77 $9,504.85 Reserves Tax Abatements 1,093.58 Veterans', World War II, Burial Lots 1,673.50 $2,767.08 Revenue Surplus: Federal Aid School 214.95 General 35.930.58 — $36,145.53

Total Liabilities $155,598.85 :

16 Annual Report

Exhibit 2—Capital Fund—Balance Sheet

DECEMBER 31, 1958

ASSETS Real Estate: Land and Buildings $2,194,947.06 Personal Property 596,215.41 Future Taxation to Retire Debt 256,750.00 Municipal Investment in Water Works 356,393.69 Trust Funds (see Exhibit 7) 72,518.09

Total Assets $3,476,824.25

LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Funded Debt: Bonds: Water Construction $590,000.00 McClelland School 295,000.00 Notes Special Sewer Fund—Mains 10,000.00 General Equipment 65,840.00 Sewer Construction 14,000.00 Isinglass Bridge 1,000.00 Gonic Bridge 5,000.00 Storm Damage 6,000.00 Congress Street Parking Lot 14,000.00 Parking Lot and Gonic Hall 23,575.00 Swimming Pool 16,000.00 Footbridge 18,795.00 River Street Property 20,900.00 McClelland School Site 10,800.00 School Repair 12,200.00 Trust Funds: Principal $70,238.26 Income, unexpended 2,279.83 72,518.09 Capital Surplus 2,301,196.16

Total Liabilities $3,476,824.25 City of Rochester 17

Exhibit 3—Comparative Summary of Revenues and Expenditures

YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1958 Over Under Revenues Estimate Actual Estimate Estimate Tax Levy, $1,029,842.00 $1,034,036.49 $4,194.49 Auto Pei'mits, 72,000.00 69,328.27 $2,671.73 School, 41,684.00 47,123.60 5,439.60 State of N. H., 35,000.00 32,805.16 2,194.84 Revenue Surplus, 5,000.00 7,500.00 2,500.00 Parking- Meters, 5,000.00 25,000.00 Miscellaneous Income, 20,000.00 24,190.78 4,190.78

$1,208,526.00 $1,219,984.30 $16,324.87 $4,866.57 Actual Income over Estimated, 11,458.30 11,458.30

$1,219,984.30 $1,219,984.30 $16,324.87 $16,324.87 18 Annual Report

County Tax, 69,300.00 69,102.59 197.41 Legal Adjustments, 1,000.00 1,000.00 Employees' Retirement, 3,650.00 3,663.23 13.23 Buildino- Inspection, 2,950.00 2,995.99 45.99 Planning Board, 5,000.00 5,000.00 Social Security, 4,250.00 4,422.44 172.44 Highways: Commissioner's Salary, 2,976.00 2,976.00 Maintenance Payroll, 48,355.00 39,570.43 8,784.57 Street Cleaning, 9,000.00 8,985.71 14.29 Snow Removal and Sanding, 18,500.00 29,480.39 10,980.39 Road Materials, 12,500.00 12,308.54 191.46 Gas, Oil and Tires, 8,000.00 7,548.19 451.81 Repairs to Equip- ment, 8,500.00 8,499.58 .42 Surface Drains and Culverts, 4,000.00 3,943.58 56.42 Sidewalk Repairs, 200.00 178.42 21.58 Bridge Repairs, 1,500.00 1,498.35 1.65 Cutting Bushes, 2,000.00 1,992.44 7.56 TRA—App. "A," 1,888.00 1.887.13 .87 TRA— App. "B," 9,130.00 9,260.42 130.42 Power and Light, 500.00 514.93 14.93 Fuel, 1,800.00 1,420.71 379.29 Insurance, 3,297.00 4,074.51 777.51 Telephones, 450.00 437.78 12.22 Other Supplies and Expenses, 2,000.00 1,962.47 37.53 Street Signs, 500.00 498.65 1.35 Sidewalk Con- struction, 1,000.00 986.30 13.70 Rubbish. 21,000.00 21,084.83 84.83 Sewer Main- tenance, 4,500.00 3,544.29 955.71 Shade Trees, Parks and Commons, 3,000.00 2,999.00 1.00 Public Band Con- certs, 600.00 600.00 Civil Defense, 400.00 192.50 207.50 Memorial and Vet- erans Days, 500.00 500.00 V. F. W. Con- vention, 600.00 600.00 Chamber of Com- merce. 1,050.00 1,050.00 Christmas Decora- tions. 200.00 200.00 Recreation, 11,978.0 10,867.67 1,110.33 City of Rochester 19

Sidewalk Con- struction, Brock Street, 4,000.00 4,000.00 Tax Readjustment, 3,000.00 4,277.79 1,277.79

$1,208,526.00 $1,197,969.51 $26,242.12 $15,685.63 Budget in excess of expenditures, 10,556.49 10,556.49

$1,208,526.00 $1,208,526.90 $26,242.12 $26,242.12


Budget over Actual Expenses, $10,556.49 Actual Income over Estimated, 11,458.30

1958 Budget Surplus, $22,014.79 :

20 Annual Report

Exhibit ^1— Real Estate and Personal Property DECEMBER 31, 1958 Real

City Hall, Fire Stations Central Station, East Rochester Station Tiger Engine House, Public Library, Police Department, Parking Meters, Hot Top Plant, Municipal Garage, Schools: Spaulding High, McClelland, Maple Street, Allen, School Sti-eet, Gonic, East Rochester, Parks and Commons, Water Works, Ward House, Ward Four, Bonny Lot, Farmington Road, City Dump Lot, Farmington Road, McDuffee Lot, Farmington Road, Dunlap Lot, Farmington Road, Gravel Pit, Charles Street, Hanson Lot, Salmon Falls Road, Ward House, Ward 6, Wentworth Street, American Legion Building, Garland Property, East Rochester, Sundry Real Estate, acquired by Tax Collector Deeds, Materials Inventory, Sewerage Department Equipment, Ward House, Ward Two, Parking Lot Entrance, Salt Shed, Parking Lot, Congress St., Swimming Pool, Footbridge, River Street, Bilodeau Property, IDJD C c

-I— CO +- 3 o +- _Q Q« XI ^

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LA +- Id X 22 Annual Report

Exhibit 6—-Summary of Taxes Collected


Balance Uncollected, January 1, 1958, a rt CO 00 00


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t-H 26 Annual Report

Exhibit 8—Rochester Water Works Division BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1958 ASSETS Plant Assets: Land, $22,208.50 Structures, 21,429.67 Water Supply Equipment, 64,078.67 Pumping Station Equipment, 2,457.24 Purification Equipment, 10,751.16 Transmission Mains, 649,891.45 Water Storage Equipment, 16,488.13 Distribution Mains, 479,344.12 Services, 109,733.31 Hydrants, 46,355.27 Meters, 59,779.20 Shop and Garage Equipment, 42,764.36 Office Equipment, 2,570.17

Total Plant Assets, :

City of Rochester 27

Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable, $19,834.59 Accruals: Payroll, 483.28 Interest, 2,458.33

Total Current Liabilities, $22,776.20

Reserves Depreciation of Plant Assets, $458,616.90 Water Main Construction, 6,290.56

Total Reserves, $464,907.46

Capital Contributions: Municipality, $356,393.69 In Aid of Construction, 33,705.49

Total Capital Construction, $390,099.18

Surplus (Profit or Loss), $153,865.85

Total Liabilities, $1,621,648.69 : : :

28 Annual Report

Exhibit 9— Rochester Water Works Division STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1958 Revenues Commercial Sales, $64,163.25 Industrial Sales, 11,815.68 Hydrant Rentals, 270.00 Merchandise Sales and Job Work, 4,294.52 Other Income, 6,527.86

Total Revenue, $87,071.31 Operating Expenses: Water Supply: Superintendence, $300.00 Water Supply Labor, 2,235.32 Pumping- Station Labor, 1,935.57 Purification Supplies and Expenses, 923.85 Power Purchased, 1,806.81 $7,201.55 Distribution Superintendence, $2,815.48 Engineering, 4,820.84 Maintenance Labor, 15,630.26 Meter Department Labor, 595.24 Meter Department Expenses, 2,242.43 Repairs to Mains, 364.99 Repairs to Services, 1,075.80 Repairs to Hydrants, 554.76 Repairs to Meters, 688.53 Other Supplies and Ex- penses, 3,950.50 $32,738.83 Other Salaries, $2,600.00 Office, 895.02 Insurance, 913.28 Shop, 1,634.93 Garage, 10,181.41 Taxes, 468.21 Interest, 15,229.07 Loss on Capital Assets Re- tired, 16.48 Freight, 128.78 Employees' Retirement and Socikl Security, 2,120.63 $34,187.81 $74,128.19

Net Profit Before Depreciation, $12,943.12 Less—Depreciation, 22,551.73

Net Loss Transferred to Surplus, $9,608.61 :


To the Honurable Mayor and City Council of the City of Ro- chester, New Hainpshire:


I submit herewith my report of the Public Works Depart- ment for the year ending December 31, 1958. January was a rough month from the standpoint of storms and ice conditions. From January 8th when we had 15 inches of snow, thi'ough March 4th it was necessary to work every day on snow removal, either plowing or removing snow from the business district. We patched a part of each of the next seven days and on the 15th of March there was another snowfall of 16 inches of wet snow. On the 20th the crews were out at mid- night and plowed through the blizzard of the 20th and 21st. The last storm we had to plow in the Spring was on April 2nd. We had snow again on December 4th and the 15th and part of eight days were spent salting and sanding the highways. We have hauled gravel onto nearly all of our gravel roads this year and our Grader has made several trips over them to keep the roads in as good condition as possible. A part of the year it was necessary for our Grader to work on Saturday to keep up with this work. Several times during the season we interrupted our usual operations to mix and stockpile patch material and considerable time each month was spent with one or more patching crews on our streets and roads to keep them as free from holes as pos- sible. Our streets and roads were given an application of asphalt as required to keep them in good condition. Also, North Main Street from Strafford Square to the junction of Ten Rod Road and Farmington Road was resurfaced with Hot Top using Town Road Aid "B" Funds. Liberty Street was resurfaced with this same material using City Funds. Both of these sec- tions should remain in good condition for years to come without further treatment. The middle of June it was necessary to call in a crew on Saturday to work on trees damaged by high winds. We have carried on the usual spraying operations in connection with our Shade Trees under the supervision of our Tree Warden, F. Bruce Tasker. We have found it necessary to take down several of our large trees this year due to wind damage and a very few diseased trees. A quantity of Shade Trees have been ordered for Spring delivery and these will be set out to replace trees that have been removed during the past years as well as a few isolated locations where trees should be set out. We have also continued our program of cutting bushes on our country roads. A quantity of Street Signs were ordered and nearly all of them were installed during the latter part of the year. Streets 30 Annual Report

leading off our main highways now have Street Signs. We have cleaned our Surface Drains and installed addi- tional surface drainage on Allen Street, Harding Street, Pres- ton Street, Richardson Street, Russell Street, Brock Street and Washington Street. The Chestnut Hill Road was rebuilt, widened and shaped up to give the proper drainage and surface treated early in the season and the second coat of asphalt was applied in the Fall. This completes this road to the Farmington line with a black top surface. Also, we have built a section of the Blackwater Road this year. Work on both of these roads was done under the Town Road Aid "A" program. Spring Clean-Up week was conducted as usual and we have extended our rubbish routes as petitioned for during the year. We have, also, kept a stockpile of cover for our dump. We have constructed and surfaced over a mile of sidewalk on Brock Street and Washington Street leading to the McClel- land School and have laid sidewalks as petitioned for. Also, we have repaired sidewalks as required during the year. The Water Division raised the gate boxes and manholes in connection with the resurfacing of North Main and Liberty Streets. The 2-inch Galvanized main on Gagne Street was re- laid with 606 feet of 6-inch Cement Lined Cast Iron Pipe. Water Main extensions have been laid on Wadleigh Road, Russell Street, Riverside Drive, Paradis Drive, Howe Street, Elizabeth Street, Oak Street and Towle Street, Gonic, as well as on Park Street and Florence Drive using 2,632 feet of 6-inch Cement Lined Cast Iron Pipe and 300 feet of 10-inch Cement Lined Cast Iron Pipe was laid on Linscott Court. Sanitary Sewer Mains have been extended on Howe Street, Elizabeth Street and Paradis Drive. Our Screens have been cleaned at the ponds regularly and our ponds treated to stop the growth of algae. We have sent samples of our water regularly to the State Board of Health and all reports indicate the usual high quality of our water. I wish to express my appreciation to our Mayor, Public Works Committee and our City Council for their help and understanding and to the employees of the Department for their loyalty and assistance in helping us. Together, we are advancing the objective of making our City a better place for ourselves, our children and for generations to come.

Respectfully submitted,

GEORGE C. NADEAU, Commissioner. : :


To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Ro- chester:


I have the honor to submit for your consideration the fol- lowing report of the Rochester Police Department. Total Criminal Arrests 223 Total Motor Vehicle Arrests 266

489 These cases were disposed of in the following manner: Brought before the court and sentenced 349 Released to other departments 7 Dismissed 6 Found not guilty 8 Released after safekeeping Ill Bound over for Superior Court 8

489 The amounts received from fines and fees may be found in the annual report which is submitted by the Clerk of the Municipal Court. Below is a list of the monies turned over to the City Clerk Street Meters $14,793.99 No. Main Street Parking Lot 1,510.80 Congress Street Parking Lot 411.87 Parking Fines 1,365.00 Beano Permits 580.00


Following are the activities of our Department: Doors Found Unlocked 394 Traffic Investigations 185 Accidents Reported to Station 390 Fatalities 1 Motor Vehicle Arrests 266 Criminal Arrests 112 Warnings Given 125 Complaints Answered 1,789 Aids to Other Departments 463 Lodgers 267 Calls for the Ambulance 211 Personal Injuries, Auto 115 Animals Killed or Hit 148 Juveniles 40 Aids to Individuals 812 Simple Drunks— Safekeeping Ill Payroll and Store Escorts 241 Traffic Details 122 Street and Traffic Lights Out 194 Special Officer Assignments 4 32 Annual Report

Breaking-, Entering- and Larceny 23 Auto Thefts * 3 Suicides 1 During- 1958, our department adopted and organized an Auxiliary Police Department. The Auxiliary is beneficial in many -ways. It gives the department valuable assistance in handling traffic on Sunday morning- at the various churches throughout the City and they aid the regular officers in many phases of Police work other than traffic. Halloween is a time when this department gets assistance from our Auxiliary. These men contribute a great deal to keep the Halloween damage at a minimum. The City of Rochester is very grateful to the Auxiliary Police. This unit is composed of civic minded and generous citizens who are ready at all times to help our city and the regulars on the Police Department. They also remain alerted to go to the aid of the Civil Defense Authorities whenever they are needed. This maintains a twenty-man emergency unit within our City. I would at this time, like to express my sincere apprecia- tion to His Honor the Mayor, the Members of the City Council and the Police Commissioners for the very fine cooperation and assistance rendered to us during the past year. I also wish to extend my thanks to the members of the Police Department for their loyalty and devotion to duty, and to the other Mu- nicipal, County and State Departments for their interest and assistance in dealing with the problems of our organization during- the year just ended. In closing, the Rochester Police Department would like to extend its thanks to all the residents of Rochester, to the Press and Radio, and to all others who have worked with us during the past year. Such cooperation has aided us immense- ly in the performance of our duties.

Respectfully submitted,


Chief of Police. :


To the Mayor avd City Council, City of Rochester I hereby submit my report as City Solicitor for the year 1958.

All matters presented to the City Solicitor have been dis- posed of except for two cases still pending- in the Strafford County Superior Court, to wit: the first case is a zoning matter, and the second is a claim against the City of Rochester for damages suffered when supports on a bridge on the Little Falls Road gave away.

I wish to thank the Honorable Mayor, Robert W. Watson, and the members of the City Council, as well as all the depart- ment heads with whom I have worked almost daily, for their cooperation during' the past year.

Respectfully submitted, ROBERT A. CARIGNAN,


To the Honorable Mayor and City Coimcil, Rochester, N. H.: I herewith submit a statement of the condition of the Finances of the Rochester Municipal Court as of December 31, 1958. RECEIPTS

Cash on hand January 1, 1958 $000.00 Balance in checking account January 1, 1958 16.82 Received from fines and fees 7,394.00 Received from sale of civil writs, entry fees and executions 43.36


Paid to City Treasurer $2,000.00 Paid to Motor Vehicle Department 4,878.00 Paid to Department of Employment Security 27.00 Witnesses and other fees 48.72 Printing, supplies, probation and stenographic hire 166.61 Associate Justice 270.00 Bond premium 5.00 Cash on hand December 31, 1958 54.18

Balance in checking account December 31, 1958 .... 4.67


Complaints filed as follows: Local Police Department 343 State 57 Department of Employment Security 11 411 Civil cases 4 Juvenile cases 40 Small claims 113 157

Total number of cases 568 VICTOR CARDOSI, Clerk.

This is to certify that I have examined the accounts of Victor Cardosi, Clerk of Municipal Court of Rochester, for the year ending December 31, 1958, and I find them as set forth in the above statement with all payments to the Treasurer and otherwise properly receipted for, together with a cash balance on hand of $54.18 and checking account balance of $4.67.


To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Ro- chester, N. H.: I herewith submit mv report for the year ending December 31, 1958. I have tested and sealed:

Scales 191 Gasoline Pumps 130 Kerosene Pumps 2 Grease Pumps 39 Liquid Measures 112 Yardsticks 12 Cloth Measures 3 Wood Carts 3

Respectfully submitted,



To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Ro- chester: Gentlemen:

I herewith submit my annual report for the year ending December 31, 1958.

There were 226 alarms in the City of Rochester, which consisted of 57 box alarms and 169 still alarms. These include 20 car or truck fires, 7 Engineer's calls, 6 out of town calls, 32 brush fire calls, 7 false alarms in Rochester, 2 false alarms in East Rochester, and 4 false alarms in Gonic, 27 chimney fires, 9 g'rass fires, 12 oil-burner fii'es, 52 property fires, 12 miscel- laneous calls, 24 smoke-scares or honest mistakes, 12 first-aid, accident or emergency calls, and 11 special signals. There were 18 alarms in East Rochester and 20 alarms in Gonic.

There were 11 special signals: In Rochester there were 2 Permanent Men's calls, 2 air-raid alerts, 1 no school signal, and 3 signaling no meeting of the Girl Scouts. In Gonic there was 1 air-raid alert. In East Rochester there was 1 air-raid alert and 1 no school signal.

Estimated value of buildings $534,140.00 Insurance on same 331,790.00 Estimated loss 18,039.92 Insurance paid 18,039.92 Estimated value of contents 219,700.00 Insurance on same 194,500.00 Estimated loss 5,739.37 Insurance paid 4,339.37

At this time I wish to express my appreciation to His Honor, The Mayor, Members of the City Council, the Committee on Fire Department, the Police Department, the Board of Deputies, members of the Department and to all other persons who have rendered us help throughout the year.

Respectfully submitted,


To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Ro- chester, X. H. :

We hei'eby submit our report for the year ending- December 31, 1958:

Number of infectious or contagious diseases I'eported:

Measles 245 Mumps 92 Whooping cough 69 Chicken-pox 97 Ringworm 1 Scarlet Fever 4 Strep pneumonia 2 Virus infections 13

Clinics: Well baby— 184 attended

Tuberculosis clinics—3 held during year—105 attended Mental hygiene— 117 attended

Whooping cough vaccine given to 122

Whole number of deaths excluding stillbirths for year 203

Number of stillbirths 10

Number of deaths from cancer 29 Number of deaths from cardio-renal and arterio- sclerosis during the year 104

Number of deaths from tuberculosis 2

Respectfully submitted,

FRANK N. DOW, Health Officer,


To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Ro- chester, N. H.: The following shows the names and amounts of direct re- lief furnished each applicant by the City of Rochester, N. H., for the year ending December 31, 1958: Lucien Boucher $721.95 Dolan Downs 466.03 Alice Gilbert 32.00 Edmund Sylvain 11.00 Henry Gove 20.00 Ivan Tattersall 20.00 Carrie Bellan 10.00 Thomas Cullen 20.00 Ernest Bryant 39.97 Sadie Cooley 14.25 Ida Fortin 22.23 Alice Henry 325.15 Walter Hersom 56.00 Guy Griffin 765.75 Eva Head 7.55 Lewis Henderson 134.75 Francis Hanscom 86.00 Isabelle Jerome 52.18 Grace Garland 11-70 Edward Lagotte 525.79 Armand Potvin 390.56 Louis Potvin 286.56 Merle Little 52.00 Leslie Sanford 109.60 Raymond Pouliot 410.50 Eva M. Stone 720.78 Nelson Cote 210.00 Ellstone Downs 270.00 Leo Mailhot 150.00 Fred Bowen 242.50 Mabel Abbott 47.75 Warren Rainaud 32.58 John Curry 250.00 Harlene Tebbetts 246.24 Pierre Gagnon 96.00 Claude Towle 35.00 Madeline Harrington 373.39 Minnie Malsbury 65.60 James S. Ward 368.03 Clarence Smith 24.50 Marjorie Labonte 646.88 Chester Whitney 1,459.45 Elizabeth Caverly 16.00

Total amount for City welfare $9,846.22 City of Rochester 39

Board and care cases—children : Aloha and Gregory Morin $648.00 Ralph Hayes 420.00 Lorraine Tuttle 438.72 George and Michael O'Brien 928.35 Norman Therrien 210.00 Lawrence Rennie 403.05 Donna LaBrecque 428.43 Carol Brown 324.25 Richard Boggs 593.55 Roy and Cheryl Towle, Joi and Terry Towle 290.24

Total amount board and care childrenI Board and care adults: Trevelyan Corson Alfred Gate Flora Turmelle Luella May Laura Dunnells Walter Harriman Joseph Perreault Philip Bartlett George Powell Annie Sealey Charles Lepage William Boisvert

Total amount for board and care adults .... Total amount for soldier's aid Office expenses Total amount written Refunds on direct relief: Mabel Abbott George Powell Chester Whitney Henry Camire Frank O. Ward Franklin Labrecque Henry Morin Charles Lepage Everett Capen Fred O. Bowen Alfred Gate Juliette Boggs Laura Dunnells Nelson Cote Winfield Goodwin

Total refunds Net amount for direct welfare, board and care cases, soldier's aid and office expense Amount of appropriation 40 Annual Report

Old Age Assistance (25% paid by the City of Rochester) $13,995.30 Refunds on Old Age Assistance 1,066.34

Appropriation for Old Age Assistance .... $18,000.00

Respectfully submitted,

LEO E. BEAUDOIN, Overseer of Public Welfare. o H U LU Q.

Qi O


REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN OF THE ROCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY To the Honorable Mayor and the Board of Trustees of the Ro- chester Public Library: I herewith submit my annual report for the year ending December 31, 1958. At this time I wish to express my appreciation to His Honor, the Mayor, to the Board of Trustees, and to the mem- bers of the Library Staff.

Respectfully submitted, M. FELICE BARIL, Librarian.

TRUSTEES Robert W. Watson, ex-officio Albert C. Hervey Term expires 1958 Harold E. Copeland Term expires 1958 Reginald G. Hurd Term expires 1959 Mrs John L. Hartigan Term expires 1959 LuciEN PARADls Term expires 1960 Sumner W. Watson Term expires 1960 TREASURER Lorraine Callaghan STAFF LIBRARIAN M. Felice Baril CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN Bernice E. Torr ASSISTANTS Maude B. Place Eleanor T. Smith Rose C. Dandrow Phyllis J. MacKay, substitute (resigned December 2, 1958) Muriel A. Lincoln, substitute (replacing Mrs. Phyllis J. MacKay) CUSTODIAN OF LIBRARY BUILDING Edward J. Dodier LIBRARY HOURS Mondays through Thursdays 2 P. M. to 8 P. M. Fridays 2 P. M. to 9 P. M. Saturdays 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. REPORT OF LIBRARIAN Population served (U. S. official Census, 1950) 13,776 Number of days open during the year 303 City of Rochester 43


Volumes in the Library January 1, 1958 59,268 Acquired during 1958: By purchase 664 By binding 17 By gift 37

59,986 Withdrawn during 1958 44 Books in Library January 1, 1959 59,942 Unaccessioned volumes in Franklin McDuffee Room .. 1,836 PERIODICALS Magazines and Newspapers: Library subscriptions placed for 1958 ... 79 Gift and complimentary subscriptions 49 REGISTRATION Borrowers registered during the year: Main Library, including out-of-town subscribers 613 Total number of borrowers January 1, 1959 9,179 CIRCULATION From the Main Library: Adult 33,783 Children's 31,050

Total from the Main Library 64,833 Through East Rochester Agency 1,100 Through Gonic Agency 4,374

Total circulation for the year Circulation per capita CIRCULATION BY CLASSES Main Library E. Rochester Fiction 17,126 731 Juvenile 22,491 202 Biography 3,883 55 Periodicals 6,824 General Works 571 Philosophy 297 1 Religion 567 4 Sociology 1,582 12 Philology 160 Science 2,261 10 Useful Arts 2,093 12 Fine Arts 1,658 5 Literature 1,653 17 History 3,667 51

Total 64,833 1,100 4,374 70,307 44 Annual Report READERS Number of readers and students counted; Adult 7,936 Children 4,230

Total for year 12,166 ROUTINE WORK Number of books, periodicals and pamphlets charged for use in library 4,329 Number of volumes issued to teachers for school work 7,270 Number of volumes used by students for required reading 1,467 Number of volumes repaired at the library 10,435 Number of volumes rebound 10 Number of volumes selected and prepared for agen- cies 2,449 Number of volumes transferred to basement 9

Number of volumes borrowed from State Library .... 46 Periodicals and pamphlets filed 7,294 Reserve postals sent 411 Notices sent for overdue books 493 ROCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY RECEIPTS

Balance January 1, 1958 $301.18 City of Rochester, N. H., Appropriation 19,111.46 Interest on invested funds 876.16 M. Felice Baril, Librarian, fines and sundry receipts 1,240.66

$21,529.46 EXPENDITURES Books $1,549.21 Periodicals 519.80 Binding 80.39 Printing, supplies and incidentals 162.21 Building repairs and supplies 206. 3S Lighting and lighting supplies 551.90 Telephone 153.60 Insurance 121.36 Fuel 1,165.07 Expenses at Gonic Agency 225.00 Expenses at East Rochester Agency 60.00 Employees' Retirement and Social Security 634.16 Salaries 14,712.48 Miscellaneous: Incidentals (Librarian) 77.57 R. A. Carignan 56.93 Bank Service Charges 13.69

20,289.75 Balance December 31, 1958 1,239.71

$21,529.^6 City of Rochester 45 BEQUESTS John McDuffee Annex Fund $5,000.00 Samuel D. Felker Fund 5,000.00 Charles and Aroline Greenfield Fund 5,000.00 John Greenfield Fund 5,000.00 John Hanscam Fund 5,000.00 Jennie Farrington Annex Fund 1,000.00 Sarah E. Varney Fund 1,000.00 Olive Maria Woodward Fund 273.59

$27,273.59 GIFTS 207 volumes, 352 pamphlets, 33 periodicals, 23 subscrip- tions, plants, flowers, floral displays, and window-boxes.


Amount of money on hand January 1, 1958 $25.00 Received from fines and other sources 1,240.66

$1,265.66 Turned over to City Treasurer $1,240.66 Balance on hand December 31, 1958 25.00

$1,265.66 Respectfully submitted,


For the Year Ending December 31, 1958

School Board—City of Rochester

As Organized for 1958 Chairman, Hon. Robert W. Watson Ward One—Herman L. Robinson, Richard S. Parker Ward Two—Paul M. Fortin, John L. Hartigan Ward Three—O'Neil P. Richey, Jerome J. Lachance Ward Four—Joseph J. Hebert, Leo E. Beaudoin Ward Five—John G. Torr, W. Bradley Corson Ward Six—Percy C. Grigg, Ronald C. Taylor

STANDING COMMITTEES, 1958 Finance—Mayor, Corson, Torr Teachers and Salaries—Beaudoin, Hartigan, Grigg, Lachance, Hebert Studies, Textbooks and Supplies—Taylor, Fortin, Richey Schoolhouses and Grounds—Parker, Corson, Robinson Transportation—Grigg, Hebert, Fortin Vocational Training—Richey, Torr, Robinson Athletics—Hartigan, Beaudoin, Parker, Lachance, Taylor Floodlights Committee, SHS—Members of the Committee on Schoolhouses and Grounds of the School Board and Public Buildings Committee of the City Council


Myrtle L. Cheney CLERK Rose E. Hartford ATTENDANCE OFFICER Frank N. Dow Office at City Building open from 8:00 to 12 A.M. and 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. except on week-ends and holidays. REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS

To the Rochester School Board:

I herewith submit my tenth annual report as Superintendent of Schools in Rochester. The report includes financial statements and statistical summaries taken from the permanent records of the School Department, along with several tabulations concerning per- sonnel. The narrative part of the report provides supplementary information on the above items and explains briefly certain problems that confront our local public schools. TEACHER CHANGES AND SALARIES Teacher changes in Rochester during the calendar year 1958 included replacements for ten high school and eight ele- mentary teachers. The total teaching staff" was increased by three members at the beginning of the school year in September 1958 with two additional teachers at Spaulding High School and one at the Allen School. The above number of changes does not include those teachers who were transferred from one position to another within the city. The number of teacher replacements in the Rochester Schools during the last year compared favorably with the State average. During the school year 1958-59 a total of 899 re- placements and new teachers were employed in the school dis- tricts of New Hampshire. This annual turnover of 20% makes the teacher market a highly competitive business. The most common reason stated in teacher resignations is professional advancement. Higher salaries is usually the chief incentive. This motive is less apparent among those teachers who own property or have family ties in the community. The accumulation of retirement benefits, based on years of service, has become an important factor in retaining experienced teach- ers in New Hampshire. Only ten years of such experience can be transferred with credit to another state. The salaries of all teachers in the Rochester Schools for the school year 1958-59 are listed in Table I herewith. The aver- age gross wage for an elementary teacher in Rochester amounts to $4,041. The average wage for a high school teacher amounts to $4,279. If payment for extra-curricula activities is included the average for high school teachers in Rochester would amount to $4,366. The comparative gross wages for the thirteen city school districts of New Hampshire amount to $4,413, $4,668 and $4,775 respectively for the above listed catagories. Pi^ o ocdocdooocsolooloocooooooooooooooooooo loooooiooooooo O C 1T-ITtLO(M

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O 52 Annual Report ENROLLMENTS AND CLASSROOM NEEDS The total enrollment in the Rochester Public Schools amounted to i!,268 pupils on December 1, 1958. This number snows an increase of 94 pupils over the November 1957 total enrollment. Between the above dates the enrollment in Grades 1-6 was increased by 59 children and by 54 pupils in Grades 7 and 8. The total enrollment in Grades 9-12 had decreased 19 pupils during this same period. A significant increase in the school population of Rochester started in 1949. In less than 10 years the total enrollment has increased M'/o- The graduating- class in June 1959 will include about 105 pupils. It is expected that more than twice this number of resident pupils will enter Grade 9 at the beginning of the next school year in September. The normal capacity of the Spaulding High School build- ing is 950 pupils according to the architect's statement. A study of Table II, showing the enrollments by schools and grades, indicates clearly the need for additional classroom space at both the high and elementary school levels. The en- rollment in Grade 9 always exceeds the enrollment in Grade 8 of the i^revious year due to pupils entering this grade from the private schools and neighboring school districts that do not maintain high schools. The number of such non-resident pupils is shown in Table III. At the present time the excessive number of pupils in cer- tain classes in Grades 7 and 8 interferes with instruction. At the present time a joint committee, consisting of six members of the School Board and an equal number of Council- men, is at work studying various plans for providing additional school facilities. It is estimated that five additional classrooms will be needed at Spaulding High School next year and at least two in the lower grades.


December 1, 1958

Grades School City of Rochester 53


FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1957-1958 54 Annual Report


December 15, 1958 Tuition ^ o

ot:a 0)^3 rtM Fc«5 S«c C50.5 >+J_eSS' l-l l.^l ^1 1^1 l-o «i| P-J«l ^

21 i^.!^.l!^l^s^l^ e^«-^"ll^ 1 o

< 56 Annual Report


Name of School City of Rochester 57

6. A permanent partition has been built to provide two regular sized classrooms at Spaulding High School. 7. Central supply closets have been constructed in three of the elementary school buildings. 8. A limited number of obsolete typew^riters and sewing machines have been replaced with new machines. Other ma- chines, including duplicators and office equipment, have been overhauled. Some new equipment for visual education has been purchased for all the schools. Furniture to seat study hall classes in the Music Room has been purchased. 9. Wardrobes have been installed to replace the cloak racks that obstructed the hallways at the School St. School. 10. The doors at the School Street and Gonic Schools have been rehung so that they swing outward from the classrooms into the hallways. SCHOOL COSTS The school tax rate per $1000 of assessed valuation in Ro- chester amounted to $29.47 and comprised 50.82% of the total property tax in 1958. The median tax rate for school purposes in all the districts of New Hampshire was $32.94 per $1000 and the median percentage of the total property tax for schools was 60.92'/ for this same period. The median per capita cost for current expenses for the school year ending in June 1957, the latest statistics available, amounted to $246.56 for elementary and $360.98 for high school pupils in New Hampshire. The per capita cost in Rochester for that year amounted to $207.77 for elementary and $287.30 for high school pupils. Only one other city in New Hampshire had a lower per capita cost for either elementary or high school pupils. No other New Hampshire city had a lower per capita cost than Rochester for both ele- mentary and high school pupils. Comparative tax rates are not the best indication of actual costs due to variation in taxable wealth per pupil among the several school districts of New Hampshire. The question of what the taxpayer gets for his money is the most important question. The increasing school population, the demand for addi- tional facilities in the schools and the decreasing purchasing power of the dollar necessitates many compromises and con- cessions in order to reconcile demands, actual needs, and what the city can afford or is willing to pay. The lack of state aid or some other significant source of revenue for the maintenance and operation of schools in the city districts of New Hamp- shire places too much burden on the local real estate tax rate.


January 1, 1958 to December 31, 1958 SOURCES OF REVENUE Tuitions, Grades 1-6 $193.00 Tuitions, Grades 7-12 34,923.40 Supplementary Tuition Grant, New Hampshire 373.71 :

58 Annual Report

Tuitions, by Districts for Foster Chil- dren, Grades 1-6 956.82 Tuitions, bv Districts for Foster Chil- dren, Grades 7-12 1,617.25 Federal Aid, Vocational Agriculture 2,293.12 Federal Aid, Public Law 8Y4 17,722.95 State of New Hampshire, Rebate on Per Capita Tax 406.30 State of New Hampshire, School Building Fund 6,360.00 Rentals 372.50 Appropriation 514,734.91

$579,953.96 Special Appropriation for Painting Spaulding High School and Re- placing Heating Plant at the School St. School 12,200.00

Total Revenue for School Purposes .... $592,153.96 EXPENDITURES Administration Superintendent's Salary (local share) $6,500.00 Tax for State Wide Supervision 4,170.00 Salary of Other Administrative Per- sonnel: Attendance Officer 876.00 Census 531.40 Secretaries 6,349.84 Supplies and Expenses: Postage 159.20 Printing and Office Supplies 689.90 Telephone 1,539.90 Travel 293.01 Instruction: Teachers' Salaries 338,373.41 Substitutes 2,952.00 Textbooks and Other Aids 7,596.31 Pupils' Supplies 10,202.08 Salary of Clerk 2,236.67 Vocational 3,614.91 Other Instructional Expenses: Graduation 210.26 Flags 22.89

Library and Reference Books .... 1,907.12 Testing Program 1,119.80 Travel 289.02 Operation of School Plant: Janitors' Salaries 38,284.17 Fuel 12,830.88 Janitors' Supplies 3,675.51 Light 8,612.81 Maintenance of School Plant: Repairs and Replacements 15,274.44 : :

City of Rochester 59

Auxiliary Activities: Health Supervision: Nurse 3,821.70 Physician and Medical Supplies 593.74 Transportation 25,664.98 Tuition for Handicapped 220.24 Helping Teacher 216.00 Tuition for Foster Children 2,480.85 Fixed Charges Retirement 18,927.61 Social Security 6,508.14 Insurance 8,497.75 Capital Outlay: New Equipment 5,333.54 Debt, Interest and Other Charges: Payments of Principal of Debt 23,730.00 Payments of Interest on Debt 9,593.51 Special Items 6,054.37

$579,953.96 Special Appropriation for Painting Spaulding High School and Re- placing Heating Plant at the School St. School 12.200.00 $592,153.96 LIABILITIES

Total Amt. Unpaid Bal. of Loan Dec. 31, 1958 Bonded Debt: McClelland School $316,000.00 $295,000.00

Notes I McClelland School Site 12,000.00 10,800.00 Special Repairs 12,200.00 12,200.00 CURRICULUM AND GUIDANCE

A review of the curriculum is constantly underway in the schools. The following recommended changes in the Program of Studies at Spaulding High School are submitted for further consideration by the Board 1. The provision for teaching Stenography in Grades 11 and 12 rather than in Grades 10 and 11. 2. The requirement of one course of Mathematics for all pupils in Grade 9. 3. The elimination of the requirement for Physical Edu- cation beyond Grade 10. 4. The maintenance of one division in Applied Physics in Grade 11 in addition to the classes in Physics for college prepara- tory pupils. 5. The establishment of remedial reading classes. 6. The establishment of non-graded opportunity classes for slow learners. The advisability of continuing Vocational Agriculture at Spaulding High School for the limited number of resident 60 Annual Report

pupils enrolled in this course is questioned. The value of the course is unquestioned if a sufficient number of pupils enroll. The State of New Hampshire established an area vocational school in Dover several years ago to meet the needs of limited enrollments in certain courses in neighboring- districts. Voca- tional Agriculture is one of the approved courses in this pro- gram. At the present time the tuition fees and transporta- tion costs are paid by the State of New Hampshire. The testing program in the schools for Grades 1-12 pro- vides valuable information for the Guidance teachers and others. The needs of individual pupils and groups are evaluated. Achievement tests are administered to all pupils in Grades 1-8 at the close of the school year. Intelligence tests are ad- ministered in Grades 4 and 6. A complete guidance battery is given in Grade 9. A testing program, sponsored by the State Board of Education, is completed in Grade 10. Midyear tests in general educational development in nine subjects are sched- uled for Grades 11 and 12 at the close of the first semester. The achievement tests, administered to pupils in Grades 1-8 at the close of the last school year, were consistently good. Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 exceeded the national norms in all subjects tested. Grade 7' fell slightly below the national norm in one subject but exceeded the standards in other subjects with an average in all subjects well above the median. ROCHESTER SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM

July 1, 1957—June 30, 1958 L INCOME Cash on Hand July 1, 1957 $2,913.77 Children's Lunches $43,942.91 Adult Lunches 1,514.02 Government Reimbursement 9,999.81 Miscellaneous Income 651.13 56,107.87

$59,021.64 II. EXPENSE Food $38,252.74 Labor Children 1,119.55 Adult 17,362.47 Equipment 577.18 Sundry 1,649.18 58,961.12

Cash on Hand June 30, 1958 60.52 in. ASSETS Cash on Hand $60.52 Inventory 1,000.26 May Reimb., Estimate 1,172.18 (Actual receipts July 11, 1958—$779.71) June Reimb. Estimate 747.72 (Actual receipts August 8, City of Rochester 61


$2,980.68 Note: Reimbursements are prorated at the close of the school year by the United States Department of Agriculture pending demand and appropriations for this purpose. CASSIE RICHARDSON, School Lunch Supervisor.

March 16, 1959 In my opinion, the above report is true and correct and the bank balance on June 30, 1958, has been verified. FREDERICK M. STEADMAN, City Auditor.


Cash (checkbook) $3,399.25 Savings Account (Sept. 1957) 2,620.76 Bonds—Waste Paper Drive $879.00

Misc. Income—Hi-Y .. 55.20 Interest Income 85.86

Total Additional Income 1,020.06

Total Savings $7,040.07 Total Assets $7,040.07


Class 1957 $474.21 1958 306.61 1959 812.49 1960 847.22 1961 521.20 1962 127.68 1963 37.97

Total Liabilities $3,127.38


Sinking Fund $2,892.63 Earned Surplus: Bonds—Waste Paper Drive $879.00 62 Annual Report

Misc. Income—Hi-Y 55.20 Interest Income 85.86

Total Earned Surplus .. 1,020.06

Sinking Fund and Surplus $3,912.69

Total Liabilities and Sinking Fund $7,040.07

I have examined the accounts of the Student Activity As- sociation for the year ending June 30, 1958, and believe that the above financial statement presents fairly the financial posi- tion of the Student Activity Association at June 30, 1958. FREDERICK M. STEADMAN, City Accountant.

SCHOOL CALENDAR, 1959-60 School Sessions Number days 1. Fall term: Start September 9, close December 18 68 2. Winter term: Start December 28, close February 19 39 3. Spring term: Start February 29, close April 22 39 4. Last term: Start May 2, close June 22 37

Total 183


Sept. 8 Teachers' Meetings Sept. 21 Children's Day, Fair Oct. 12 Columbus Day Oct. 15-16 Teachers' Convention Nov. 11 Veteran's Day Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Recess Dec. 21-Dec. 25 Christmas Vacation Jan. 1 New Year's Day Feb. 22-Feb. 26 Winter Vacation April 15 Good Friday April 25-April 29 Spring Vacation May 30 Memorial Day School must be in session 180 days. Any increase or de- crease in the three days included above for closing schools be- cause of poor weather will determine the final date for closing the school year in June 1960. No shortened sessions will be permitted except on Novem- ber 25 and for emergencies. NO SCHOOL SIGNAL

Twenty-two upon the central fire alarm will be the signal City of Rochester 63 for no schools. When sounded at 7:05 A.M. and 7:45 A.M. all schools will be closed for the day. The same signal will be sounded by the Fire Station at East Rochester and by the Gonic Manufacturing Co. Notification will also be broadcast from stations WWNH and WTSN. If sessions are shortened during the day the same signal of twenty-two on the fire alarms will be sounded and the time for such emergency dismissals announced by the radio stations. Signals for sending pupils home early may be expected at 11:15 A.M. but may be sounded at anytime during the school day pending the type of emergency and civilian defense orders or regulations. CONCLUSION

I wish to thank the School Board, City Officials, School Prin- cipals, Teachei's, and other employees of the School Department for their help in operating the schools. The cooperation of par- ents, citizens, and various organizations is also appreciated. Respectfully submitted, JOHN H. FRYE, Superintendent of Schools DeceiTiber 31, 1958


Born July 22, 1903 Died February 28, 1958 A teacher in the Rochester Public Schools since September 1923. Principal of the Allen School since September 1956.


Born January 30, 1943 Died May 25, 1958 Spaulding High School—Grade 9


Born February 25, 1942 Died December 20, 1958 Spaulding High School—Grade 10 GRADUATION EXERCISES


Tuesday, June 17, 1958 At 8 P. M. Rochester, New Hampshire PROGRAM

Processional, "Pomp and Chivalry" Roberts High School Band Invocation Reverend Charles D. Maurer Welcome Sidney Leavitt President of Senior Class Selection, "Mannin Veen" Hayden Wood High School Band Address Congressman Chester E. Merrov^^ Selection, "Gaudeamus Igitur" Arr. by John Work High School Band and Choir Awards Superintendent John H. Frye Principal John M. Cotton Class Ode Class of 1958 Presentation of Diplomas Mayor Robert W. Watson Chairman of the School Board Alma Mater Class of 1958 Lyrics, Cynthia Sprunger, 1956 Music, Edward Madden Benediction Reverend Floyd G. Kinsley Recessional, "Pomp and Circumstance" Ednard Elgcir High School Band City of Rochester

CLASS OF 1958 Class Officers President Sidney Leavitt Vice President Roger Tremblay Secretary Patricia Cullinan Treasurer Elizabeth Grassie Executive Board Members Jean Anne Rumazza Peter Hartigan Gilbert Keene

Class Advisors Miss Frances Bailey Mr. Ernando DeVittori Motto "Today We Follow, Tomorrow We Lead" Class Colors Red and White Class Flower Red Rose Class Marshal, John Meader, '59

MEMBERS OF CLASS OF 1958 *Edna Mary Abbott Albert Alfred Lachance *Nancy Lee Ainsworth Roberta Theresa Lachance *Elaine Helen Allaire James Wilfred Landry, Jr. Janice Marie Ames Philip John Lang- Robert Ernest Andreason David James LaPierre Neil Waldron Arlin * Sidney Robert Leavitt Charles Whitney Beach Carl Woodbury LeClair, Jr. Irene Janine Belleville Richard Philip Lenfest Vicki Jean Bergstrom Steven Reginald Loring Richard Allen Blaisdell Richard Thomas Lunt Carol Mae Bov^^en Shirley Celia Massingham Richard Fredric Broadbent Lora May Mattocks Donald Edward Brooks * Allison Virginia Meader Robert William Brown Sharon Lee Meader Carol Ann Casey Judith Mary Ann Menard *Elaine Marian Chapman Marilyn Gail Morse Carol Ann Charles Lorraine Anne Moulton Zane John Chase Charles Richard Naimie Margaret Rose Chenette David Patrick Nolan Charles Herman Clark Wayne Henry Osborne *David Billings Cook Jean Janet Osgood Russell Irvin Corson David Franklin Page Judith Parsons Cram Elizabeth Patch *Patricia Francis Cullinan Ronal Norman Patch Don Howard Day Joanne Barbara Plante Joyce Lane Day Ann Marie Poire Paul Henry Dearborn Joy Purrington Ronald Richard Doyon George Arnold Raymond 66 Annual Report

Naney Carlyne Drew Bruce Elden Richards Royal Hervey Edgerly *Jean Anne Rumazza William Irving Emerson Robert Frank Santerre John Albert Fifield Janet Cameron Saunders David Charles Fisher Norma Estelle Sawyer Kirby Edw. Lawr'ce Flanagan *Carol Lee Sayer Beverly Ann Foster Marianne Rose Scala Charles Fournier Priscilla Ruth Schilling *Paul Ernest Frye Charles Harvey Scott, Jr. Ross Edward Garvin Richard Nathan Shorey, Jr. Carl Lawrence Glidden John Richard Southworth Laurel Alvin Goodrich Frank Charles Spiers Lewis Herbert Goodwin Mary Elaine St. Cyr Mary Louise Gorman Frank Harrison Swain, Jr. Joyce Mary Gowen Richard George Swinerton *Elizabeth Louise Grassie Ronald Clark Tebbetts * Rodney Allan Grondin Kenneth Franklin Thereau Elaine Theresa Guerin David Scott Tibbetts Louise Emily Hartford * Lorraine Elizabeth Treble Peter Francis Hartigan Roger Alfred Tremblay Janet Esther Hayes Richard Allen Tufts Phyllis Harriet Hersey Sylvia Ruth Tuttle Ruth Ann Hill Mary Gladys Varney Charles Sears Hodsdon, Jr. Cynthia Marie Vasoli Cynthia Ruby Holland Marilyn Frances Vayo *John Joseph Hourigan Sandra Joyce Waterhouse Beverly Mae Howard Rebecca May Watson David Hanson Howard Alan Gerald Weinstein Donna Marie Jackson Joyce Ann Wells * Stanley Sherman Jacobs Juanita Marie Whitehouse Eleanor Ruth Jacques Sharon Elizabeth Wiggin George Albert Jerome Naomi Luise Wilson Peter Dennis Joos *Virginia Marie Wuesthoff Gilbert Leroy Keene

Members of the National Honor Society, wearing white tassels. CITY GOVERNMENT

AS ORGANIZED JANUARY 1, 1959 Mayor, Robert W. Watson COUNCILMEN Ward One—Norman F. Blaisdell, Reginald G. Hurd, Sr. Ward Ttvo—Floyd H. Busch, John H. Ineson Ward Three—Sumner W. Watson, Henry L. Paradis Ward Four—Marc E. Lemoyne, J. Paul LaRoche Ward Five—Geovge E. Michael, Elmer R. Waitt Wa7-d Six—Oscar J. Turmelle, Albert K. Locke

City Clerk—D. Arlene Baker City Solicitor—Stephen O. Wallace City Treaszirer—Lorraine Callaghan City Accountant—Frederick M. Steadman Collector of Taxes—Downing W. Osborne Commissioner of Public Works—George C. Nadeau Chief of Police—Ernest J. Levesque Deputy Chief of Police—Nelson E. Goodfield Sergeants—Clarence A. Woods, Leland L. Waterhouse Patrolmen—Antonio E. Anctil, Laurent V. Autotte, Alvah L. Cox, Charles E. Dame, Nelson S. Hatch, Willis M. Hayes, Arnold Horn, Sidney J. Hurley, Deus Levesque, Nelson Moreland, Charles W. Wheeler, Joseph G. Zuromskis Chief Engineer of Fire DepartTnent—Ralph G. Seavey Deputy Chief Engineers of Fire Department—Ralph W. Dun- lap, William Kenyon, Ernest Winkley, Charles R. Grenier, John M. Meader Overseer of Public Welfare—-Leo E. Beaudoin Sanitary Officer—Frank N. Dow City Physician—Charles E. Moors, Jr. Board of Health—Leo E. Beaudoin, Frank N. Dow, Charles E. Moors, Jr. Plumbers' Examining Board—Joseph A. Rainville, Beverly H. Davis, Frank N. Dow Assessors—Albert R. Chalmers, Albert L. Mabbett, George J. Potvin Trustees of Trust Funds—Wallace Hussey, Bernard F. Nixon, Walter A. Bickford Trustees of Public Library—-Reginald G. Hurd, Sr., Winifred E. Hartigan, Sumner W. Watson, Lucien G. Paradis, Al- bert C. Hervey, Harold E. Copeland Licensing Board—Mayor Robert W. Watson, Chief of Police Ernest J. Levesque, Commissioner of Public Works George C. Nadeau Manager of City Hall Aiiditorium—Frank B. Miller Building Inspector—Miles H. Dustin Janitor—Odilon Ferland Janitor, East Rochester Hall—-Norman G. Quimby Janitor, Gonic Hall—^George Lachapelle Sealer of Weights and Measures—Clifford J. Grenier 68 Annual Report

Public Weighers—Dana Copp, Chester A. Davis, J. Raymond Fisher, Wallace N. Fisher, George H. Hamor, Miles Hill, Robert Hussey, Charles Mattocks, J. A. Morrill, Albert C. Mortimer, Roger E. Page, Orlando E. Pickering, Hill Pollard, George Sewell, Chester H. Smith, Olive Page Tufts, Albert Warburton, Joseph Woodes, Bert Woodward Surveyors of Wood and Lumber—Frank Haselton, George J. Potvin, Arthur S. Wallace, Walter Williams Fence Viewers—Harry F. Lemke, Frank B. Pinkham

STANDING COMMITTEES, 1959 Finance—Mayor, Watson, Waitt Public Works—Mayor, Watson, Hurd, Busch, Turmelle Police Budget—Mayor, Lemoyne, Michael Fire—Lemoyne, Paradis, Ineson Legal Affairs—Mayor, Lemoyne, Waitt Claims and Accounts—Mayor, Watson, Locke Public Buildings—Hurd, Busch, Paradis Purchasing—Mayor, Lemoyne, Michael Traffic—LaRoche, Locke, Michael Street Lights—Lemoyne, Turmelle, Michael Elections and Returns—Watson, Locke, Ineson Bills in Second Reading—Hurd, Locke, Busch Recreation—Blaisdell, Hurd, Waitt Printing—Paradis, Locke, LaRoche Public Instructioyi—Mayor, Ineson, LaRoche


John C. Richardson, Jr., Chairman; John Ware, Albert C. Her- vey, Arthur Brown, James L. Foss

ROCHESTER PLANNING BOARD Mayor Robert W. Watson; Frederick M. Steadman; Secretary; George E. Michael, Herve E. Lagasse, Ernest L. Rolfe, John M. Meader, Dennis E. Brennan, Larry Cote, Elery J. Lyndes

SELECTMEN AS OF 1959 Ward One—Howard R. Holt, Armand Grenier, George Pray Ward Two—William Ratcliffe, Herbert Taylor, Freeman V. Parshley Ward Three—Glenna Rubins, Rita Carignan, Diana Lachapelle Ward Four—Gerine Paradis, Gerard Labranch, Lucille Sylvain Ward Five—Harry S. Johnson, William Gerrish, Albert C. Hervey Ward Six—Raymond A. Beaudoin, Jr., Philip Estes, Vernon Hersom City of Rochester 69



Ames, Frank H.—land and buildings, 8 Spring St., $1,100 Amidon, Frank and Shirley—land and buildings, 28 Summer St., 3,100 Auclair, Alfred and Evelyn—land and buildings, 4 Front St., 2,000 Adjutant, Carl R. and Jennie—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 1,600 Atkins, Vernon and Vera—land, buildings, garage, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,400 Allen, Bertha E.—land and buildings, 28-28A King St., 3,500 —land and buildings, 20-22 Winter St., 3,000 —^farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,300 Anderson, Charles and Elizabeth—land and build- ings, Milton Rd., 2,400 Allison, Joseph—land, Bull Ring, 100 Arneault, Beatrice—land and buildings, 16 Green St., 2,200 Appleby, James and Ethel—land and buildings, 6 Portland St., 3,300 Ashton, Donald and Doris—land and buildings, 40 Autumn St., 3,300 Abbott, Wallace and Evelyn—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,200 Atkinson, Glendon—land and buildings, Betts Rd., 2,000 —DiPrizio lot, Chestnut Hills Rd., 200 Allard, Paul—land, Richard lot, No. Rochester, 100 Almond, Lloyd and Paula—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 2,700 ^ Amman, William C. and Monica—land and build- ings, Salmon Falls Rd., 4,000 Atkinson, Melvin W. and Charlotte—land and build- ings, 18 Cocheco Ave., 2,500 Austin, Robert and June—land and unf. buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,000 Adams, Mabel L. and Herbert—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,400

Bickford, Bernice—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,000 Bickford, Annie—land and buildings, 17 Hickey St., 2,300 —Hanscom lot, Hickey St. Ext., 100 Blaisdell, Electa, Est.—land and buildings, 5 High- land St., 2,300 70 Annual Report

Blaisdell, Norman and June— land and buildings, 15 Summer St., 2,800 —land, Summer St., 250 —land, Portland St., 1,200 Blaisdell, Roger and Bertha—Chisholm lot, Salmon Falls Rd., 250 —^land, building's and garage, 18 Portland St., 3,500 —lot, 18 Portland St., 250 Bell, Ethel—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,300 Birch, Lloyd and Arline—land and buildings, 270 Portland St., 1,700 —lot, Portland St., 100 Blaisdell, Elwyn F.—land and buildings, 16 Hickey St., 2,800 —garage, Hickey St., Bliven, Eva H.—Melrose grill and land, Milton Rd., 2,000 Brooks, Mildred—land and buildings, 18 Main St., 3,300 Birch, Arthur L. and Martha C.—land and buildings, Adams Corner, 2,400 —land, house lots, Adams Corner, 1,000 —wood land, Adams Corner, 350 Blaisdell, Leon and Josephine—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,300 Blaisdell, Albert and Hazel—land and buildings, Portland St., 2,700 _ Boggs, Lucien A. and Ruth—land and buildings, 2 Warren St., 1,700 Brown, Harold and Alice—land and buildings, 266 Portland St., 2,400 Bliven, James E.—land and camp, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,500 —4 cabins, Milton Rd. and land, 5,100 —6 cabins, Milton Rd. —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 4,000 Blaisdell, John D. and Abbie—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,500 —land and buildings, 1,800 —machinery, —land and buildings, 1,400 Beard, Charles W. and Ruth—land and buildings, 19 Walnut Ave., 2,700 Berry, Agnes C. and Dana D.—land and buildings, 30 Summer St., 1,300 Belleville, Estelle—land and buildings, 12 Mill St., 2,300 Burley, Norman and Priscilla—land, Hickey St., 100 —land and buildings, 14 Green St., 2,300 Benton, Alfred W. and Margaret—land and build- ings, No. Rochester, 1,600 Boyd, John and Pauline—camp and land, Milton Rd.. 2,300 Boston, Floyd E. and Mona—land and buildings, Franklin St., 2,500 Beaulieu, Roland and Marie—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,000 —lot. No. Rochester, 100 City of Rochester 71

Bickford, Carroll and Marlene—land and camp, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,100 Brochu, Henry L. and Rowena—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,900 Bailey, Ralston and Christine—land and buildings, Portland St., 2,100 Belleville, Ernest and Juliette—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd.. 2,300 Blake, Lillian and Alfred M.—land and camp, Cross Rd., 1,600 Bousquin, Robert N. and Violet—land and buildings, 6-8 Front St., 2,200 Brennan, Stephen and Arline—land and buildings, 18 Grove St., 3,000 Brochu, Maurice and Lily Rose—land and buildings, 3 Pleasant St., 3,100 Barry, Edward A. and Arline—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 2,800 Butterfield, Ferman R. and Elaine—land and build- ings, Milton Rd., 2,300 _ Bickford, Lewis R. and Jeanette—land and build- ings, off Salmon Falls Rd., 1,100 Blaisdell, Willard and Ruth—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,500 Bickford, Norman and Vera—land and buildings, 3 Cocheco Ave., 3,300 Baxter Realty Corp.—machinery, land and buildings, 50,000 Baxter Woolen Co., Inc.—machinery, 50,000 Bartlett, Henry B. and Iva—land and buildings, 33 Summer St., 2,600 Breen, Robert and Nathalee—land and buildings, 269 Portland St., 3,500 Buczynski, Francis and Annie M.—land and build- ings, 30 Cocheco Ave., 2,800 Booska, Allen and Ruth—land and unf, buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,500 Barker, Floyd and Muriel—land and buildings, Mil- ton Rd., 2,400 Bellemeur, Raymond E. and Eleanor—land and buildings, 4 Spaulding Ave., 1,800 Belanger, Louis and Ella—land and buildings, 16 Pearl St., 2,300 Bonenfant, Gerard and Beatrice—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,000 —lot No. 7 Brown, Arthur and Pearl—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,200 —lot No. 9 Beale, Atala—trailer. Pace Maker, Hopey Trailer Park, 2,000

Cegiel, Ellen, Est.—farm and buildings, 2,800 —sprout land, Franklin St. Chamberlain, Florence—land and buildings, lot, No. Rochester, 1,800 72 Annual Report

Chalmers, Forrest and Catherine—land and build- ings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,000 Chalmers, Albert R.—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,500 Clark, Arthur—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,800 Cole, Clarence and Nellie M.—land and buildings, 20 Summer St., 2,500 Coburn, Don P. and Dorothy M.—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,500 Corson, Sidney—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,200 —land and pasture, off Salmon Falls Rd., 400 Corson, Fay—land and buildings, 18 Autumn St., 1,400 Cox, Angle—land and buildings, 39 Autumn St., 1,200 Currier, Bernice and William—land and buildings, 13 Portland St., 2,700 —lot, Walnut Ave., 200 Corson, Frank I.—field and woodland, Salmon Falls Rd., 400 —land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,700 Corson, James, Est.—farm and buildings, Adams Corner, 4,000 —McDuffee lot, rear Eastern Ave., 50 —Hoyt lot, Eastern Ave., 200 —Parsley field, Portland St., 1,400 —Cross lot, Eastern Ave., 300 Corbett, Hazel B.—land and buildings, 90 Main St., 4,000 —land and buildings, 25-27 Autumn St., 4,500 —land and buildings, 3 Autumn St., 2,700 Christie, Clark Est. and Arline—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 1,600 Colwell, Abbie F.—land and buildings, Portland St., 2,800 Cole, Richard and Stella—land and buildings, 9 Summer St., 2,700 Canfield, Robert and Rita—land and buildings, 246 Portland St., 2,900 Clough, Robert M. and Myrtie—land and build- ings, 1 Spring St., 3,200 Charles, Rodney C. and Ellen—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,600 Converse, Raymond and Elizabeth—land and build- ings, 4 Main St., 3,000 Canney, Mervale and Marjorie—camp and land, Old Milton Rd., 400 Cheney, Walter and Velma—land and buildings, off Salmon Falls Rd., 1,000 Copp, Maynard and Nora— Otis lot, Milton Rd., 300 —new garage, toy shop, 4,000 —new house and land, Milton Rd., 3,500 —land, Milton Rd., 500 Chenette, Doris—land and buildings, 2 School St., 2,100 Cooley, Alice—land and buildings, 16 Cocheco Ave., 2,400 Canney, Linwood, and Pauline—land and buildings. Old Milton Rd., 1,000 —unf. camp. Old Milton Rd., 300 City of Rochester 73

Copp, William and June—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,700 Corson, Hubert and Nora E.—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,400 Canney, Weymouth and Helen—land and camp, garage, 800 —land and camp, 700 —land and camp. Old Milton Rd., 700 Cilley, Ralph W. and Rhona—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 800 Colwell, Clarence—land, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 700 Corriveau, Henry and Beatrice—land and buildings, 3,000 —land, Portland St., Colbroth, Gertrude—land and buildings, Broadway, 1,800 — lot and buildings, Broadway, 100 Crawford, Warren E. and Elaine—land and build- ings, Milton Rd., 2,700 Carpenter, Hollis and Doris—land and buildings, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 800 —unf. new house, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,200 Currier, Perley and Elsie—land and buildings, Low- er Summer St., 2,700 Countryman, Don D. and Corinne^—land and build- ings, Autumn St., 2,500 Curran, Alice C.—land and buildings, 35 Summer St., 2,500 Clough, Leland—land and buildings, 147 Wakefield St., 4,000 Clough, James and Grace Est.—land and buildings, 23 Green St., 2,500 —land and buildings, 8-10 Green St., 2,900 Cross, Frank, Jr. and Josephine—land and build- ings. Cross Rd., 1,400 Campbell, Clajrton D. and Virginia—land and build- ings, 8 Grove St., 2,400 Cook, James and Dorothy—house, land and build- ings, 12 Portland St., 2,800 Cegiel, John—land, woodland, Franklin St., 300 Corson, Royal—land and buildings, 54 Autumn St., 2,400 —sprout land. Autumn St., —land and buildings, 50 Autumn St., 4,000 —greenhouses, Autumn St., —lot, Autumn St., 150 —land, Salmon Falls Rd., 500 —land, Salmon Falls Rd., 200 Chase, Howard and Winona—land and buildings, Franklin St., 2,500 —unf. house and land, Franklin St., 1,300 Caron, Alberta—land and buildings, 12 Walnut Ave., 3,000 Cleary, Daniel and Marjorie—land and buildings, 24 Walnut Ave., 2,800 Conley, Beatrice—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,000 Carlton, Kenneth E. and Lois—land and buildings. Eastern Ave., 1,500 —land, 100 —store, 1,400 74 Annual Report

Clough, Mamie—land and buildings, 73 Main St., 1,000 Cook, Roland A. and Eleanor—land and buildings, 36 Cocheco Ave., 2,600 Chisholm, Alice and William—land and buildings, 7 Union St., 2,800 Cox, Ernest and lona—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,300 Cathcart, Robert and Florence—land and buildings, 44-46 Front St., 2,500 Carlberg, William G. and Ruth—land and buildings, 2 Main St., 3,000 Chase, Alton and Avis—land and buildings, 34 High- land St., 3,000 Cooper, Walter and Shirley—land and buildings, Curtis lot, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,700 Copp, M. D. & Sons, Inc., new garage and addition, Milton Rd., 5,000 Coulombe, Philip and Elizabeth—land and buildings, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,300 Chenette, Arthur—land and buildings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,000 Chamberlain, Frank W. and Mae C.—land and buildings, 35 Grove St., 3,000 Cobban, William and Irma M.—land and buildings, 16 Highland St., 2,900 —land and buildings, 29 Grove St., 3,500 Cole, Charles—land and buildings, 24 Summer St., 2,900 Cardosi, Lorraine—land. Cross Rd., 100 Chase, Norman W. and Sandra—land and buildings, Franklin St., 1,500 Colbroth, Arthur L. and Helen G.—land and build- ings, 291/2 Main St., 1,800 —land and buildings in rear Castonguay, Norman—lot. Summer St., 200 —lot, Portland St., 400 Christie, Melvin and Cora J. —land and buildings, Spaulding Ave., 1,800 Cormier, Edward—land and buildings, 22 Cocheco Ave., 1,600 Canney, Victor and June—land, Wakefield St., 200 Carpenter, John and Jeanie—land and buildings. Lower Summer St., 2,300 Carpenter, Robert and Martha—land and buildings, 20 Highland St., 2,500 —lot, 18 Highland St., Copp, Thomas B. and Verna—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,500 —2 lots, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 250 —land and buildings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 2,400 —land and buildings, 6 Crockett St., 1,200 —lot and buildings, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,000 —lot and buildings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,000 Canney, Robert—land. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 600 Cummings, Frances F.—land, Salmon Falls Rd., 400 City of Rochester 75

Davidson, Mary P. and Margaret—land and build- ings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,000 Dorr, Ray N. Est.—land and buildings, 5 Weare St., 2,500 Durg-in, Dora M. Est.—2 lots, Haig St., 200 Durgin, Fred C.—land and buildings, 4 Hickey St., 2,300 Duquette, Gladys—land and buildings, 22 Grove St., 2,900 —lot, Pearl St., 250 Downs, Ina—garage, Milton Rd., —store, Milton Rd., 1,000 —new house, Milton Rd., 1,300 Deveau, Lawrence and Eleanoi-—land and buildings, 2,000 —greenhouse, Salmon Falls Rd. Davis, Merton and Mary—land and building, No. Rochester, 1,800 Doyon, Lionel and Marion—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,100 Dodge, Richard and Alice—land and buildings, 30 Main St., 3,000 Downs, Dolan and Esther—land and buildings. High- land St., 600 Dubois, George and Louise—land and buildings, 27 Grove St., 2,300 Demers, Alexis and Louise—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,000 Daney, Isabelle—land and camp, Salmon Falls Rd., 200 Dame, Daniel O., Est.—land and buildings, 25 High- land St., 2,300 Drew, Charles M., Sr., and Pearl—land and build- ings, Milton Rd., 2,700 —lot Day, Harley and Vera—land and buildings, 4,000 —barn, Salmon Falls Rd. Dix Realty Co., land and buildings, 10,000 Dureau, Jos. E. and Beatrice—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,500 —land, Milton Rd., 100 Doherty, Richard and Norma—lot, Milton Rd., 100 Doherty, Willey and Ruth—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 1,000 Dean, David and Christina—land and buildings, 32 Highland St., 2,700 Dame, Forrest P. and Hazel—land and buildings, Spaulding Ave., 1,800 Douglas, John R, and Caroline—land and buildings, 570 Portland St., 4,000 —lot, Portland St., 200 Davis, Paul—camps unf., Salmon Falls Rd., 200 Dame, Edward and Hazel—land and buildings, 15 Second St., 2,800 —land and buildings, 14 Court St., 2,000 —land and buildings, 14 Common St., 2,000 —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 3,000 —shop and garage, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,500 —machinery, 300 76 Annual Report

Edney, Helen—land and buildings, 19 Green St., 2,400 Elliott, Pearl and George—land and buildings, 14 Walnut Ave., 2,700 Elliott, Vernard W. and Annette—land and build- ings, 4 Abbott St., 2,000 —land and buildings, 42 Main St., 3,500 Elliott, Elmer and Violet—land and buildings, 2,90u —lot and building, 5 Green St. Esware, Henry and Alice—land and buildings, 3,300 —brooder house, Eastern Ave. Eisner, Raymond W.—land and buildings. High- land St., 1,200 —garage, Highland St. —land. Highland St., 300 Ellis, Roger and Betty—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,000 Evans, Theodore and Sophie—land and buildings, 5 Union St., 2,500 Easton, Henry 0. and Pauline—land and buildings, Spaulding Ave., 1,800

Frost, Hazel M.—land and buildings, 23 Summer St., 2,500 Faunce, Angle M.—land and buildings, 16 Abbott St., 2,700 Furbish, Harold and Lera—land and buildings, lower Summer St., 1,900 —2 lots. Summer St., 250 Fowler, H. E. and Algia—farm and buildings^ Salmon Falls Rd., 6,000 Flavin, Hattie, Est.—land and buildings, 14 Front St., 2,500 Furbush, Erlon C. and Susan—land and buildings, 11 Grove St., 3,500 —garage and oil tanks, —land and buildings, 25 Grove St., 2,500 French, J. Wesley, Jr. and Vivian—land and buildings, 1,700 —lot and garage, Portland St. Freeman, Helen—Land and buildings, 3,300 —garage, 2 Summer St. Fowler, John and Louise—camps, Salmon Falls Rd., 500 Farmer, Celia and Thomas—land. Eastern Ave., 300 Frost, Verne—Trailer house, land and buildings, Portlant St., 900 Fowler, Verne and Mary—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,400 French, Lewis W. and Gloria—land and buildings, 8 Autumn St., 3,500 Forest, Frank—land, Milton Rd., 100 Foss, Sarah Drew—land and buildings, 26 Union St., 2,000 —small house and stable, 1,200

Grenier, Clifford and Rose—land and buildings, 44 Autumn St., 3,400 Grassie, Leo J. and Marie—land and buildings, 32 Walnut Ave., 2,500 City of Rochester 77

Griffin, Clarence and Mabelle—land and buildings, Portland St., 3,500 —land and buildings, 17 Knight St., 5,000 —land and buildings, 24 Heaton St., 3,500 Goodwin, Elizabeth, Est.—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,000 Garvin, Clyde and Evelyn—land and buildings, 14 Portland St., 3,500 Gray, Rhetta and Herbert—land and buildings, 18 Summer St., 2,400 Gauthier, Joseph and Regina—farm and buildings, off Salmon Falls Rd., 2,200 —sprout land, off Salmon Falls Rd. —land, off Salmon Falls Rd. Gosselin, Albert and Thelnia—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,500 —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,000 —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 3,000 —lot, Milton Rd., 100 Green, Fred and Louise—land and buildings, garage, Highland St., 1,200 —Lord lot. Highland St., 200 Grenier, Evelyn—land and buildings, 16 Mill St., 1,400 Gagne, Joseph and Evelyn—land and buildings, 9 Highland St., 2,300 —machinery, 200 Gibbs, Clifton and Una—land and buildings. High- land St., 1,500 Grenier, Frederick and Gertrude—land and buildings, Lower Summer St., 2,200 —land and work shop, 200 Gorman, Philip—land and buildings, 251 Portland St., 4,000 Gauthier, Ernest and Idafae—land and buildings. Autumn Place, 2,500 Goddard, Albert H.—lot, Nutter St., lOO Germon, Richard and Lorraine—lot. Union St., 250 —land and buildings, 12 Front St., 2,000 Gagne, George and Viola—farm and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 3,500 —land, Somerswoi-th line, 200 —land, Salmon Falls Rd. —land. Old Milton Rd., 500 Gagne, Everett and Blanche—land and buildings. Summer St., 1,600 Griffin, Mabelle—land, Salmon Falls Rd., 700 Germon, Harry and Cecile—land and buildings. High- land St., 2,300 —sprout land. Highland St., 1,000 —land and garage. Highland St., 3,500 Gilmore, Robert and Louise—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,300 Gray, Maurice and Ruby—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,000 Grenier, Armand and Helen—land and buildings, 15- 17 Green St., 2,500 —land and buildings, Autumn St.. 3,400 78 Annual Report

Gilbert, George E., Est. and Marjorie—land and camp, Elat Eock Bridge Rd., 800 —land and unl. house. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,600 Gauthier, Leo J.—land and buildings, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,200 Gibbs, Eugene and wife—land and camp. Highland St., 1,000 Grenier, Charles R. and Muriel—land and buildings, 20 Mill St., 2,300 Grovenstein, Robert P. and Margaret—land and build- ings, Adams Corner, 3,200 Gray, Fred H.—land and buildings, 18 Green St., 3,000 Grenier, Bernard and Ruth—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,500 Gauthier, Wilfred and Phyllis—land and buildings, off Salmon Falls Rd., 1,600 Griffin, Roland and Phyllis—land and buildings, 252 Portland St., 3,000 Gibbs, Clyde and Barbara—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,400 Gilman, Robert and Lorraine—land and buildings, Cross Rd., 2,100 Gerry, Robert E. and Joan—land and buildings, cross Rd., 2,400 Gerry, Elmer and Gertrude—land and buildings, Spaulding Ave., 1,800 Griffin, Roger E. and Clara—land and unf. buildings. Autumn St., 500 Goodfield, Richard—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,800

Ham, Ralph A. and Mildred—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,000 Hartford, Solomon and Fannie—land and buildings, 2,300 —garage, No. Rochester Hartford, Albert, Est. and Hazel—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 600 Holland, Gertrude and Wealon—land and buildings, 27 Cocheco Ave., 2,500 Hurd, Reginald and Alberta—land and buildings, 26 Autumn St., 1,600 Holmes, Ronald and wife—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 1,600 Hartford, Robert and Marjorie—land and buildings, Broadway, 2,800 Hubbard Shoe—machinery. 61,100 —land, Highland St., ' 300 Hodgkins, Viola—land and buildings, 27 Main St., 2,400 Hall, William B. and Minnie—land and buildings, Betts Rd., 1,000 Hersey, Austin and Helen—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,600 Hamel, Helen—land and buildings, 5 Spring St., 2,400 —lot, 5 Spring St., 200 Hescock, John and Elizabeth—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,200 City of Rochester 79

Hull, Ethelyn and Frank—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 2,400 —garage Haney, Donald M. and Rita—land and buildings, Portland St., 1,500 Hill, John and Elizabeth—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 2,800 Howe, Joseph and Mildred—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 1,700 Hurd, Lester W*—land and buildings, 13 Green St., 2,500 Ham, Forrest—land and camp, Milton Rd., 100 Hodgman, Richard and Dorothy—block, land and buildings. Mill and Main Streets, 5,000 Home, Charles and Clara—land and buildings, 1 Cocheco Ave., 3,500 Hill, Donald and Louise—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 2,300 Hanson, Philip and Ruth—land and buildings, 264 Portland St., 2,700 Home, Harold—land and buildings, 3,200 —back land Hilton, Philip and Pauline—land and buildings, 38 Autumn St., 2,400 Hayes, Raymond and Elaine—land and buildings, 14 Union St., 2,800 —lot, 16 Union St., 200 —lot, 18 Union St., 200 Holt, Howard and Jessie—land and buildings, 8 Pine St., 2,700 —land and buildings, 14 Mill St., 1,700 Hall, Carrie E.—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,700 Huggard, Clayton and Elsie—land and buildings, 247 Portland St., 1,900 Hickey, Thomas and Alice—land and buildings, 7 Green St., 2,400 Hayes, Willis M. and Fredina—land and buildings, 32-34 Cocheco Ave., 3,000 Howard, Francis and Margaret—land and buildings, Portland St., 3,000 Hinch, Paul Ji*. and Barbara—land and buildings, 2 Portland St., 2,900 Hunt, Henry and Ardena—land and buildings, 16 Grove St., 3,800 Holmes, George and Dorothy—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,000 Hurd, Florence and Ralph—land and buildings. High- land St., 1,200 Ham, Herman and Mary—land and buildings, 28 Cocheco Ave., 2,600 —garage Howard, Ralph—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 400 Harrison, Ralph Est. and Kate—-land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,600 —land and shop, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,000 —Mooney lot, Salmon Falls Rd., —land and unf. buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,000 80 Annual Report

Huppe, Evelyn and Leo—land and buildings, Port- land St., 3,000 —lot, Portland St., 300 —land, off Salmon Falls Rd., 150 —land, rear J. J. Stuart, 150 Hopey, Walter C. Est. and Lillian—land and build- ings, 500 —trailer house, Milton Rd., 500 Hersom, Clarence and Yvonne—land and buildings,

15 Hickey St., . 3,000 Hodgkins, Allen and Lillian—land and buildings, Cross Rd., 2,100 Hagerman, Gerald and Dorothy—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,300 Haney, Warren and Dorothy-—land and camp, Salm- on Falls Rd., 500 Hersey, Charles and Dorothy—land and buildings, 24 Highland St., 2,700 Howland, Ehrick D. and Lois—land and buildings, 2,800 —lot. No. 10 Salmon Falls Rd.,

Inglis, Margaret—land and camp. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 500

Jacobs, Georgianna—land and buildings, 34 Autumn St., 2,800 Johnson, Mary C, Est.—land and buildings, 30 Wal- nut Ave., 2,100 Jones, Ruth— land and buildings, garage, 8 Union St., 3,000 Johnson, Freeman and Margaret—land and buildings, 40 Grove St., 2,300 Jacobs, John and Kathleen—land and buildings, 29- 31 Cocheco Ave., 3,700 Jacobs, Irving and Edith—land and buildings, 8 Weare St., 2,600 —lot 10 Weare St., 300 Johnson, Eileen—land and buildings, Betts Rd., 1,000 Jefferson, Wesley and Louise—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,500 Jones, Raymond Jr. and Charlotte—land and build- ings, 29 Autumn St., 2,900 —garage Jones, Eben—land and buildings, 10 Highland St., 2,300 Joos, Victor and Marion—farm and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 3,100 Johnstone, Hugh and Margaret—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,000 Jones, Abbott and Glennis—land and buildings, 12 Main St., 3.500 —lot No. 10 Main St., 300 Joblonski, Edward and Beatrice—land and buildings. Main St., 3,000 Johnston, Gertrude and Bessie—land and buildings. Lower Summer St., 2,700 City of Rochester 81

Jewett, Clayton G. and Marilyn—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Ed., 2,300 Johnson, Russell—camp and land, Salmon Falls Rd., 800 Jackson, William H. Jr. and June—land and build- ings, Milton Rd., 2,500

Kimball, Winslow, Est.—land and buildings, 19 Co- checo Ave., 3,000 —lot, Cocheco Ave., 200 —2 lots. Green St., 400 Keniston, Edward R. and Olive—land and buildings, 18 Pearl St., 2,000 Kay, Ellen—land and buildings, 3 Main St., 2,800 Katz, Jeannette—land and buildings, 36 Highland St., 6,000 —old Field Shop, 1,800 —Shoe Factory, 25,000 Keniston, E. Richard and Phyllis—land and build- ings, 19 Pearl St., 2,600 Knapp, Arthur C. and Minnie—sprout land and build- ings, Milton Rd., 1,200 —Intervale, Milton Rd., —land off Milton Rd., Knox, Chester and Doris—land and buildings, 1 School St., 2,300 Knights of Pythias—Blaisdell Block, and land. Main St., 5,200 Keniston, Robert and Rose—land and buildings, lower Summer St., 2,400 Karcher, Chas. E. and Marion—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 3,000 Knox, Charles—land, trailer and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 400 King, Richard and Louise—land and buildings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 2,200 Kiser, Paul D and Shirley—land and building, Salm- on Falls Rd., 1,000

Lambert, Alphonse and Anne—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,700 —land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd. & Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 900 Lambert, Peter and Melda—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 800 Lambert, Albert and Cecile—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,500 Lamontagne, Lena—land and buildings, 8 Walnut Ave., 2,600 Labby, Thomas—land and buildings, 41 Mill St., 700 Littlefield, Maude—land and buildings, 37 Grove St., 3,000 —lot. Grove St., 250 Lewis, Chas. W. and Lydia—land and buildings, 13 Walnut Ave., " 2,400 —lot. Cor. Walnut Ave. & Highland St., 200 82 Annual Report

Libby, Albert and Blanche—land and buildings, 4 Warren St., 2,700 Lambert, Alfred and Phyllis—land and buildings, 2,000 —garages, 2,300 —land, Milton Rd., 300 Landry, Chas. W. and Marion—land and buildings, 259 Portland St., 2,700 Lachance, Donald and Lucille—land and buildings, 263 Portland St., 3,300 —sprout land, rear 253 Portland St., —land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,600 Lachance, Arthur and Tressie—land and buildings, 257 Portland St., 2,700 —land, Portland St., —barn, Portland St., Lunt, Thomas and Olive—land and buildings, 4 Pleasant St., 2,900 —garage Lanoix, Evelyn—land and buildings, 2 Abbott St., 1,600 —garage Lowell, Helen M.—land and buildings, 11 Hickey St., 2,700 —lot, Hickey St., 200 —buildings, rear 11 Hickey St., 800 Lachance, Richard and Katherine—land and build- ings, 256 Portland St., 2,500 Lewis, Mary P. and Walter—land and buildings, 31 Autumn St., 2,100 Lamontagne W. Jr. and Doris—land and buildings, 7 Grove St., 2,100 Libby, Leroy H. and Josephine—land and buildings, 30 Autumn St., 2,100 Lord, George and Grace—land and buildings, 18 Mill St., 2,600 Lee, William and Mildred—farm and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 3,600 Leavitt, Arthur and Vivian—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,900 Lavalle, Elmer and Margaret—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,500 Lavoie, Antoine and Brenda—land and buildings, 2,100 —work shop, 13 Mill St., Lewis, Demerice and Kenneth—land and buildings, 15 Sheridan Ave., 2,000 Linoleum Shop—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,800 —land and buildings —store, Milton Rd., 3,000 —garage, Pleasant St., 100 —camp and land, Milton Rd., 200 Lizotte, Wilfred and Evelyn—Hotel property, Main St., 6,000 —filling station, Main St., 3,000 Larochelle, Wilfred and Ruth—land and buildings, 11 Green St., 2,700 LaBonte, Richard J. and June—land and buildings, Autumn St., 1,700 City of Rochester 83

Lachance, Lucien and Doi'othy—land and building, 14 Abbott St., 2,500 Lemieux, Edgar R.—land and buildings, 250 Port- land St., 3,300 —land, ott Portland St. Lemelin, Helen—camp and land, 42 Highland St., 900 Legassie, David J. and Doris i^.—land and buiiuings, ott Portland St., 1,500 —garage Lemoyne, Raymond—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,500 —land, rear of buildings Leavitt, Paul W.—land and buildings, off Eastern Ave., 1,000 Lowell, Kenneth and Eleanor—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,500 Lamie, Fred and Rhea—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,000 Lovejoy, John H. Jr. and Rhona—land and buildings, 15 Portland St., 3,000 —lot, Portland St., 300 Lovejoy, George and Joyce—land and buildings, 6 Cocheco Ave., 2,400 Lucier, Arthur G. and Iva—store and land, 2,000 —land and buildings, No. Rochester, 2,500 Lanoix, Robert and Evelyn—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,800 Lewis, Henry and Eleanor—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 1,100 Letendre, Albert and wife—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 1,900 —land and buildings, 4 Richardson St., 1,700 —lot, 6 Richardson St., 200 Lemke, Harold J. and Audrey—land and buildings, 12 Union St., 2,500 Lapointe, Maurice and Ruth—Night Hawk, 1,700 —land and buildings, Milton Rd. Lenfest, Charles M. and Simone—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 500

Morrill, Naomi and Charles—land and buildings, 242 Portland St., 2,600 —land. Eastern Ave., 200 Manchester, Geo. Est.—land and buildings, 2,300 —lot, Autumn St. Morrill, Lewis—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 2,500 McGrath, Annie—land and buildings, 8 Hickey St., 2,900 —annex in rear Metivier, Robert E. and Jennie—land and buildings, 2,700 —stripped land in rear —^^woodland and field, Salmon Falls Rd. Morrison, Arthur and Lillian—land and buildings, 17 Mill St., 2,500 Maxfield, Emile and Vera—land and buildings, 27 Highland St., 2,800 Marcotte, Joseph and Marie—land and buildings, 1-2 84 Annual Report

Front St., 2,800 Header, Ralph and Louise—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,900 Menard, Henry and Phyllis—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,000 —lot. Cross Rd., 100 Mason, Elizabeth—land and buildings, 41 Main St., 800 McKenney, Quentin and Joyce—land and buildings, Highland St., 2,300 McBride, James E. and Joane—land and buildings, 27 Green St., 2,000 McCrillis, Otto—lot. Summer St., 100 —land and buildings, 4 Cocheco Ave., 2,100 Mendler, Alden R. and Elizabeth—land and buildings, 17 Main St., 2,600 Murray, Col. Charles R. and Roberta—land and build- ings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,000 —sprout land Moulton, Chester and Phyllis—-land and buildings, Lower Summer St., 2,700 MofFett, Joseph and Madelle—land and unf. buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,200 McLaughlin, Chas. and Martha—land and buildings, 42 Grove St., 2,900 —garage McKay, Alden and Doris—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 2,800 Morrison, Walter and Katherine—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,100 Moreland, Nelson C. and Corrine—land and buildings, 5 Salmon Falls Rd., 2,800 Morphy, Edmond and Betty—land and buildings, 3 Abbott St., 4,200 Minor, Ernest—land and buildings, 27 Summer St., 3,000

Nixon, Bridget—land and buildings, 11 Abbott St., 3,200 Nason, Wyman—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,800 Nute, Inis 0.—^land and buildings, 1 Main, 1,700 Nesbitt, Lois—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,500 Nichols, Henry and Ruth—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 1,000 Normand, William and Marv—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,000 Nixon, Bernard and Shirley—land and buildings, 14- 16 Main St., 6,000 Nevi^comb, Arnold and Irene—land and buildings, 3^/^ Pleasant St., 2,000 Nesbitt, Thomas and Louise—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,800 Nisbet, Edna M.—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,000 Normand, Edward—land and buildings, 2,000 —1 lot. Cross Rd., 200 Nesbitt, James and Pauline—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,600 City of Rochester 85

Nichols, Winston and Yetive—land and buildings, 23 Highland St., 2,900 —garage Nickless, Donald and Claudette^land and buildings, 29 Main St., 2,300 Nedeau, Teresa—land and buildings, 37 Mill St., 2,800 Nau, George F. and Charlyne—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,300 Nickless, Arthur and Evangeline—land and build- ings. Cross Rd., 1,700 —land. Cross Rd., 200 Navelski, Martin—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 4,000 Nesbit, JDonald, Mary—land and buildings, 12 Green St., 2,300

Parsons, Ralph and Zilda—land and buildings, 26 Mill St., 2,500 Parsons, Albina—land and buildings, 2,100 —lot No. 9, Mill St., 150 Parker, Sumner—land and buildings, 23 Walnut Ave., 2,300 —land, greenhouses, buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,300 —lot, 200 Preston, Herbert M.—land and buildings, 25 Green St., 2,300 Power, Bertram and Mabel—land and buildings, 14 Grove St., 2,800 —land and buildings, 10 Grove St., 3,500 —small apt., 10 Grove St., 1,700 Pease, Willis and Edith—farm and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 5,200 Peterson, Lester and Doris—land and buildings, 700 —store, Main St. —land and buildings, 3 Green St., 2,600 Paquette, Mattie—land and buildings, 6 Spring St., 2,000 Fouliot, Leon and Virginia—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 2,700 —garage —Linsley lot, 200 —Averill land, 150 —lot. No. Rochester, 150 Purvis, Catherine—land and buildings, 3 Weare St., 2,600 Parker, Homer—land and buildings, Portland St., 2,000 —lot Plante, Alphonse and Barbara—land and buildings, 2,700 —garage, Franklin St. Pierce, Fred and Irene—Camp and land, 22 Union St., 600 Pray, Geo. E. and wife—farm and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 3,900 Pierce, James, Est.—land and buildings, 2 Spring St., 2,300 Patch, Clarence, Delia—land and buildings, 1,500 —camp in rear, Milton Rd., 500 Peterson, Carroll and Florence—store, building and land, 3,800 —old barber shop, 37 Main St. —land and camp, lower Summer St., 500 86 Annual Report

Pierce, Lawrence and Maude—land and buildings, 7 Summer St., 2,600 Paa-e, Edward and Lorna—land and buildings, 22-24 Mill St., 2,500 Piader, James—land and buildings, 49 Autumn St., 2,500 —lot Panosian, Samuel—land, Milton Rd., 1,000 Phillips, Paul R. and Edna—land and buildings, 4 Weare St., 2,300 —lot, Weare St., 150 —intei'vale, 250 Perkins, Melvin and June—land and buildings, Cross Rd., 1.600 —land, Barber lot, Cross Rd. Preston, Russell Jr. and Marie—land and buildings, 6 Green St., 2,500 Phillips, Fletcher and Luella—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,300 Pearson, Charles and Virginia—land and buildings, 32-34 Main St., 2,800 Purington, Richard and Charlene^—land and build- ings, 85 Highland St., 2,600 Parent, James E. and Sylvia—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,800 Paradis & Roulx—land, Portland and Salmon Falls Rds., 1»000 —lot, Dewey St., 250 —lot. Park St., 300 —lot, and unf. building, 35 Park St., 2,500 Pelletier, Archie—trailer, Milton Rd., 1,000 Poole, Walter and Virginia—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,500 Parker, Willie Sr. and Edith E., Willie Jr. and Vivian—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,700 Poore, Cecil H. and wife—land and trailer. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 1,200 Packard, Arthur—trailer, 700 Prince, Llewellyn—land, Salmon Falls Rd., 500

Quimby, Willis and Gladys—land and buildings, 52 Main St., 2,500 Quimbv, Ruth and Norman—land and buildings, 23 Mill St., 3,300 —lot. Mill St. —land and buildings, 14 Highland St., 2,800 Rippett, Thomas and Grace—land and buildings, Broadway, 1,600 —lot, Broadway, 200 Robinson, Thomas M.—land and buildings, 15 Walnut Ave., 2,800 Rhodes, Wilbert and Mercy—land and buildings, 27 Autumn St., 2,500 —Varney lot, Salmon Falls Rd., 300 —field, rear Autumn St., 200 —

City of RocHES-raiR 87

Ramsell, Fred and Blanche—land and buildings, 12 Hickey St., 2,300 Richards, Oliver and Alice—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,500 Rolfe, Ernest and Ethel—land and buildings. Main St., 3,700 —garage and land. Highland St., 3,100 Roberts, Lillian and Isabelle—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,300 —pasture and growth, Salmon Falls Rd., 400 —land and buildings, 36 Grove St., 2,500 Robinson, Nellie——land and buildings, 20 Pearl St., 2,300 Roscoe, Catherine 1/2 land and buildings, 12 Abbott St., 3,500 Roscoe, Francis W. V2 land and buildings, 12 Abbott St. Robinson, Eleanor and Eugene—land and buildings, 10 Abbott St., 2,700 —lot. Pearl St., 200 —Richard Block, and land. Main St., 6,500 Rogers, Granville and Lillian—-land and buildings, 26 Grove St., 2,700 —1 lot. Grove St., 250 Raab, George, Est.—land and buildings, 28 Main St., 3,200 —land and buildings, 9 Autumn St., 2,000 —apt. house, 28 Main St., 2,800 Raab, Edgar and Madeline—land and buildings, 23 Grove St., 2,400 —lot, Pine St., 300 Reed, Hazel and Corliss—land and buildings, 26 Highland, 2,200 Raab, Arthur and Margaret— land and buildings, 12 Grove St., 2,500 —woodland, Portland St., 700 —land and buildings, Portland St., 1,800 Richards, Alfred and Ellen—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 2,300 Ramsey, Lawrence and Ruth—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,800 —land, Milton Rd. Robinson, M. Glover and Roberta—land and build- ings, 28 Portland St., 3,200 —2 lots, Portland St., 500 Robinson, Herman and wife—land and buildings, 22 Portland St., 3,500 Reynolds, Milton and Marjorie—farm and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 4,000 —Robert's lot, 300 —cut off land, off Salmon Falls Rd., 200

Routhier, Lionel and Dorothv^ —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,300 Rogers, Asel and Catherine—land and buildings, Mil- ton Rd., 1,600 —back land, Milton Rd. Remick, Gene H. and Doris—land and buildings, Mil- 88 Annual Report

ton Rd., 3,300 Randall, Rowland and Thelma—land and buildings, 30 Mill St., 2,100 Rollins, Chandler and Joyce—land and buildings, Spaulding Ave., 1,800 Rocheleau, Norman and Lorraine—land and build- ings, Portland St., 2,800 Stuart, J. J. and Alice—farm and land, off Portland St., 2,000 Steadman, James, Est. and Delia—land and garage. Pearl St., 700 —lot. Pearl St., 300 Sinclair, Mylo, Est.—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 3,000 Stewart, Maude—land and buildings, 10 Summer St., 3,200 —^lot. Summer St., 200 Spedding, Benn and Winnie—land and buildings, 29 Walnut Ave., 2,300 Spaulding Fibre Co., Inc.—land, factory and ma- chinery, 500,000 —land, Hartford Est., 100 Spiller, Burton—land and building, 25 Main St., 2,800 —land and greenhouse. Pearl St., 800 —land, Salmon Falls Rd., 400 Stuart, George A. and Phyllis—land and buildings, off Portland St., 1,300 Spinney, Roger and Ruth—land and buildings, 254 Portland St., 2,700 Sunderland, Geo. A. and Myrtle—land and buildings. Cor. Pearl and Grove Sts., 2,800 Stevens, Elwin and Pearl—land and buildings, 43 Autumn St., 2,700 Shorey, Evelyn and Fred—land and buildings, 45 Au- tumn St., 3,400 —woodland. Autumn St., 900 Smith, Leila and Martha Carpenter—land and build- ings, 27 Walnut Ave., 2,500 Slack, Esther—land and buildings, Portland St., 2,600 Stacy, Walter and Doris—land and buildings, 5 School St., 2,700 Shaw, Alexander Jr. and Margaret—land and build- ings. Cross Rd., 2,300 Stevens, Clinton and Rachel—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,100 Stevens, Jeannette C.—land and buildings, 7 Mill St., 2,500 Shaw, Frank and Elaine—land and buildings, 12 Summer St., 2,500 Shorey, Myron and Mildred—land and buildings, 10 Union St.,. 3,000 —garage Stanton, Gordon and Elsie—land and buildings, 35 Cocheco Ave., 3,500 Stone, Robert and Arlene—land and buildings, 34 Summer St., 1,800 —lot, 10 Autumn St. City of Rochester 89

Schlenker, Myrtle and Esther Hasting—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 300 Seaman, Paul and Lucille—land and buildings, 5 Pleasant St., 2,500 —store, 51/2 Pleasant St., 1,000 Smith, Justin and Anna—land and buildings, 4 Au- tumn St., 2,800 Smith, Gerald and Lorraine—land and buildigs, Port- land St., 3,000 Slater, Esther and Edward—land and buildings, —buildings and camp, Milton Rd., 2,200 Shepard, Wm. and Gladys—land and buildings, 24 Autumn St., 2,800 Stuart, Erlon and Avis—land and buildings, —greenhouse, Milton Rd., 2,500 Shatford, Raymond and Antoinette—-land and build- ings, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 2,500 Splaine, Frank Ji". and Janice—land and buildings, 63 Franklin St., 4,300 —garage Smith, Earl F. and Ruth—land and buildings, Mil- ton Rd., 1,000 Spear, John and Mary—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,700 Silver, Leonard A. Jr.—land and buildings, off Salm- on Falls Rd., 300 Sewell, William—land, Milton Rd., 500 —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,000 —land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,300 —land, Milton Rd., 200 Sylvain, Robert and Jacqueline—land and buildings, 3,300 —lot No. 1, Salmon Falls Rd., St. Germain, Eddie P. and Sylvia—land and build- ings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 2,300 —garage Smith, Stanley and Jean—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 3,000 Stillson, Wesley—lot, Betts Rd., 100 Sleeper, Harold and Kathryn—land and buildings, Portland St., 3,300 Tebbetts, Celia, Est.—land and buildings, 8 High- land St., 1,400 Tebbetts, Everett J.-—land and buildings, 21 Au- tumn St., 3,500 Tibbetts, Georgie—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,500 Thompson, Herman and Vinnie—land and buildings, 7 Walnut Ave., 2,300 Tibbetts, Maynard—land, Eastern Ave., 100 —sprout land, Salmon Falls Rd., 200 —stripped land, off Whitehall Rd., 100 Thomas, Marjorie—land and buildings. Highland St., 2,600 Tanner, Herbert—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,600 —garage —land, unf. house, Milton Rd., 1,600 90 Annual Report

Taylor, Walter and Louise—land and buildings, High- land St., 3,000 Turmelle, Roland and Barbara—land and buildings, 3,200 —garage, 500 —oil tanks, 300 —lot, Milton Rd., 200 Trafton, Ashton—land and camp. Chestnut Hills Rd., 100 Turner, Vincent and Inez—land and buildings. Cor. Grove and Pleasant, 3,000 Turmelle, Ernest and Anna—land and buildings, garage, Milton Rd., 2,400 —store, Milton Rd., 1,100 —house, Milton Rd., 3,000 Thompson, Gladys—land and buildings, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 500 Turner, Harold and Agnes—land and buildings, 80 Autumn St., 2,800 Tebbetts, Merle and Eva—land and buildings, Broad- way, 2,600 Tuttle, Ellsvi^orth and Grace—land and buildings, 6- 8 Mill St., 3,000 Topliffe, John M. and Ruth—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,300 Thomas, Donald and Priscilla—land and buildings, 10 Cocheco Ave., 3,000 Tardy, Henry-—land and buildings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 250 Tierney, Jos. O. and Abbie B.—land and buildings. Lower Summer St., 2,800 Thomas, Frank and Delia—land and camp, Franklin St., 1,100 Therrien, Martin and Evelyn—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 2,300 Thurston, Leslie and Mary—lot, Salmon Falls Rd., 200 Taylor, Burleigh E. and Mary—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,700 Tilton, Helen Jackson and Glen—land and buildings. Highland St., 900 Trask, Rodney—land and camp, Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 200 Tuttle, Robert and Annie M.—land and buildings, 2,700 —lot No. 8 Salmon Falls Rd.,

VanBuskirk, Catherine—land and buildings, Broad- way, 1,300 VanBuskirk, Harry and Theresa—land and buildings, garage, 5 Green St., 2,100 Varney, Albert and wife—land and buildings, 21 Green St., 2,400 Veterans Adm.^land and buildings, 11 Summer St., 2,300 —land and buildings, 2 Grove St., 2,400 —lot, Portland St., 250 —lot, 4 Grove St., 250

Warburton, Bessie—store, land and garage, 500 —sprout land, Salmon Falls Rd., City of Rochester 91

Warburton, Eva—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,900 Warburton, Harvey and Janet—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 2,500 —Corson lot, rear Eastern Ave., 100 —Pike lot, off Salmon Falls Rd., 200 —Wentworth lot, No. Rochester, 400 Welch, Charles J. and Ella—land and buildings, 18 Walnut Ave., 2,800 Wright, Hannah—land and buildings, 28 Mill St., 2,300 Wilson, Robert P. and Charlotte—land and buildings, 35 Autumn St., 2,500 Witham, Julia and Clarence—land and buildings. No. Rochester, 1,600 —land and camp. No. 26 McDuffee St., 800 Witham, Edward—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 1,200 Witham, Arthur and Frances—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,800 —land, Milton Rd. White, Annie—land and buildings, 7 Pleasant St., 2,300 Wixson, Oscar—stable and land. Autumn St., 400 —store and apt., garage. Autumn St., 2,300 Wilkins, Lucy—land and buildings, 12 Cocheco Ave., 2,600 Williams, Ethel—land, rear Salmon Falls Rd., 50 Weeks, Merritt Sr.—land and buildings, Adams Cor- ner, 3,300 Warburton, N. Albert and Mabel C.—land and build- ings, 4 Green St., 2,100 —lot, Salmon Falls Rd., 450 Worcester, Eldor—land and buildings, 6 Pine St., 2,700 Weeks, Quentin and Ruth—land and buildings, 267 Portland St., 2,900 Warden, Perley C. and Mary E.—land and buildings, Milton Rd., 1,500 —unf. garage and greenhouse Wood, Alma and William—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 4,000 Wiggin, Harry and Mabel—land and buildings, Mil- ton Rd.*, 1,600 Ward, Lovisia and Charles—land and buildings, 31 Green St., 1,400 White, Roland and Arlene—land and buildings, 12B Summer St., 2,800 —lot, Summer St., 300 Witham, Norris and Muriel—land and buildings, 3 Hickey St., 2,700 —lot and garage in rear Waters, Kenneth and Evelyn—unf. house and land, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,000 —lot, Portland St., 250 Weeks, Merritt Jr. and Alberta—land and buildings, garage, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,800 Woods, Margaret—land and buildings. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 2,000 92 Annual Report

Woods, William and Jean—land and buildings, off Portland St., 1,700 Willey, Cecile and Richard—land and buildings, Salm- on Falls Rd., 2,500 Wiggin, Gerald and Linda—land and buildings, Cross Rd., 1,400 Wiley, Richard N. and Alma—land and buildings, 7 School St., 2,700 Wentworth, Harold and Catherine—land and build- ings, 6 Union St., 2,800 Wallace, Peter and Eva—land and buildings, 28 Walnut Ave., 2,300 —buildings, 281/2 Walnut Ave., 1,600 Witham, Raymond and Olive—land and buildings, No. Rochester, 900 Willey, Leon and Flora—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,800 Wiggin, Lester and Audrey—land and buildings, Mil- ton Rd., 2,100 Warden, Chester and Yolanda—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,300 Waterhouse, John R. and Eva—land and buildings, 265 Portland St., 2,700 Webber, Ella St. Pierre—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 1,500 Weare, Francelia—land and buildings, 5-7 Main St., 3,200 White, Roger and Velma—land and buildings. Cross Rd., 2,400 Weeks, Richard—lot, Portland St., 250 Weiman, Carlos and Ellen E.—farm and buildings, Chestnut Hills Rd., 3,500 Wagner, G. Frederick Jr. and Lucille—land and build- ings, Salmon Falls Rd., 7,000 Warburton, John E. and Norma—land and buildings, Salmon Falls Rd., 2,700 Williams, Ralph—land and buildings, 25 Summer St., 1,000 Young, Lendell—camp and land, 300 —camp. Highland St., 200 Zuromskis, Joseph and Etta—land and buildings, 11 Weare St., 2,400


Andrews, Raymond—farm and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., $4,000 —Woodworth farm and camp, 1,000 Almond, Beatrice and William—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., " 2,800 Alden, Arthur G.—house, land and buildings, 5 May St., 3,000 Allen, Philip—house and land, 5 Harding St., 2,600 —lot, 3 Harding St., 300 City of Rochester 93

Autotte, Theophile and Alma—land and buildings, 23 Linden St., 2,500 Allen, Herbert A.—land and buildings, 11 First St., 3,200 —lot, 18 Second St., 300 Allaire, Kenneth and Nellie—land and buildings, 9 May St., 2,300 Allaire, Wilfred Est. and Mabel-—land and buildings, 11 May St., 2,200 —land and buildings, llA May St., 1,000 Allaire, Raymond and Rose—land and buildings, 9 Furber St., 2,100 Allen, William 0. Est.—land and buildings, 19 Up- ham St., 2,700 Allen, Bertha—land and buildings, 9 Myrtle St., 6,100 —land and buildings, 15 First St., 3,200 Ainslie, Gertrude—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 5,000 —block and land, Central Sq., 21,000 Andrews, Marie—land and buildings, 37 Winter St., 3,500 Alimi, George and Beatrice—land and buildings, 13 Furbush St., 2,500 Arnold, William and Regene—land and buildings, 19 Second St., 2,800 Adams, Joseph and Doris—land and buildings, 115 Charles St., 4,200 Avery, Lydia and George—land and buildings, Lowell St., 2,300 Andrews, Haven W. and Virginia—land and build- ings, 72 Charles St., 4,500 Auger, Louis J. and Monique—land and buildings, 9 Howe St., 2,200 —lot, Howe St., 300 Anderson, Jo and Lucille—land and buildings, 6 Wilson St., 6,500 Alimi, Arthur and Jeannette—land and buildings, 7 Mclntire Ct., 3,700 Anderson, Frank L. and Mary B.—land and build- ings, 30F Hancock Terrace, 2.200 Autotte, Laurent and Rita—lot, Rochester Hill Rd., 200 Allen, Lawton and Alvce—land and buildings, 2 Henrietta St., 2,500 Andrews, Edna J.—land and buildings. Route 125, Gonic, 1,900

Bailey, James, Frances and Philip—land and build- ings, 51 Winter St., 3,500 —lot No. 49 Winter St., 200 Berry, Maitland J. and Tessie—land and buildings, 6 Hunter Ct., 3,200 —land and buildings, 8 Hunter Ct., 1,700 —2 lots, Hunter Ct., 250 Biron, Frank Est. and Rose—land and buildings, 8 Hancock St., 1,900 —

94 Annual Report

Bergeron, Emilio V. and Edna— Valand and buildings, 31 Lafayette St., 2,300 —land and buildings, 12 Common St., 5,000 Becker, Howard C. E. and Mary Lou—land and build- ings, 125 Charles St., 4,700 Bickford, Wilbur and Nellie—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 2,700 —land, Old Dover Rd., 300 Bliss, Susan Est.—land and buildings, 7 May St., 4,200 Blanchard, Emma—land and buildings, 37 Upham St., 4,000 Blanchard, Valentine—land and buildings, Kimball St., 7,000 Bickford, Walter and Edna—land and buildings, 5 Broad St., 6,600 Bibeau, Cyrille and Elaine—land and buildings, shed, 2,300 —2 lots. Old Dover Rd., 400 Bilodeau, Mary J.—land and buildings, 10 Common St., 3,100 Bilodeau, J. E. A. and Mabel—land and buildings, 86 Charles St., 5,000 Baker, D. Arlene—land and buildings, 4 Furbush St., 2,800 Blackadar, Fred and Ina—land and buildings, garage, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,700 Blais, Adelard J. and Emma—land and buildings, 32 Linden St., 1,600 —garage Brennan, Susie Est.—land and buildings, 22 Hancock St., 4,300 Brennan, Frank Est., Louise, Agnes and Margaret Land and buildings, 15 Hancock St., 3,000 —Garage Breton, Arthur A.—land and buildings, 31 Silver St., 2,200 Bonser, Mary S. Est.—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 1,000 Bonser, Byron—land, garage, Rochester Hill Rd., 600 —land in rear and hen house Beland, William and Laura—land and buildings, 27- 29 Winter St., 4,300 —land and buildings, Court St., 3,200 Boyle, Walter and Gertinide A.—land and buildings, Lowell St., 2,000 Bowen, Lena—land and buildings, 84 Hancock St., 1,800 Brown, Chai-les Jr. and Arline C.—land and buildings, 83 Chamberlain St., 2,000 Boivin, William and Louise—land and buildings, 9 Old Dover Rd., 2,500 —land and buildings, 7 Old Dover Rd., 2,500 —land and buildings, 5 Old Dover Rd., 2,500 —land and buildings, Hancock St., 3,500 —land and buildings, 9 Lincoln St., 4,100 —garage Britton, Helen—land and buildings, 9 Broad St., 8,000 —tool house —lot. Broad St., 400 City of Rochester 95

Barcomb, Albert E. and Lucille—land and buildings, 22 Broad St., 10.000 —land and buildings, 60 Wakefield St., 6,300 —land and buildings, 15 Broad St., 6,000 Brock, Rita B.—land and buildings, 24 King St., 3,800 Binette, Joseph and Lea—farm and buildings, Gonic Hill Rd., 1,900 Blood, Lillian and John—land and buildings, 10 Os- borne St., 2,600 Breton, Napoleon and Laura—land and buildings, 183 Charles St., 3,000 Blood, Willis and Dora—land and buildings, 1 Brook St., 3,000 Burrows, Pauline Est.—land and buildings, 47 Win- ter St., 3,100 Barba, Emelio—land and buildings, 26 Linden St., 2,700 Bedard, Maurice and Mildred—land and buildings, 29- 31 Lincoln St., 3,100 Bonser, Robert and Mary C. —land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,000 Bergeron, Fabien and Rosalie—land and buildings, 128 Franklin St., 4,300 —lot. Cor. Franklin and Chamberlain Sts., 300 —building, 128 Chamberlain St., Beauparlant, Joseph—land and buildings, 194 So. Main St., 2,600 Boston, Ernest and Alice—land and buildings, 49 Linden St., 2,400 Bond Realty—land and buildings, 65,000 —power plant, 100 So. Main St., Beach, Martha—land and buildings, 26 Dodge St., 3,000 —lot Brazeau, Frances and Raymond—land and buildings, 30C Hancock Terrace, 2,100 Breton, Arthur and Rose—land and buildings, 2 Osborne St., 3,100 Boudreau, Alfred and Mary—land and buildings, 15- 17 Dodge St., 3,600 —land and buildings, 11 Dodge St., 2,500 —Garage Bergeron, Isidore and Lucille—land and buildings, 6 May St., 3,000 Babb, Malcolm and Alice M.—land and buildings, 11 Furbush St., 2,600 Bernier, Helen and Fernand—land and buildings, 1 Richardson St., 1,300 Brogan, Alice—land and buildings, 9-11 Upham St., 2,400 Boudreau, Albert Jr. and Barbara—land and build- ings, 78 Lowell St., 2,300 —lot and camps, Blackwater Rd., 500 Beaupre Motor Sales, Inc.—land and buildings, 130 So. Main St., 11,400 Bowering, Herbert—land and buildings, 159 Charles St., 5,000 —land, Hansonville, 100 96 Annual Report

Bailey, James and Philip—land and buildings, 34-36 Winter St., 3,300 —4-stall garage —land, 32 Winter St., 400 Brown and Horsch Insulation Co., Inc.—land and buildings, rear 151 So. Main St., 1,000 Brock, Grace H.—land and buildings, 31 Broad St., 2,200 Blackadar, Walter and Rachel—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,200 Blanchette, Arthur L. and Drina—land and buildings, 34 Richardson St., 2,300 Bryan, Edward and Martha—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,800 Babin, George and Palma—land and buildings, 17A Lincoln St., 2,300 —land and buildings, 17 Lincoln St., 3,300 Bouchard, Lionel and Grace—land and buildings, 2 Woodland Lane, 7,400 Berry, Howard M. and Helen—land and buildings, 9 Wilson St., 4,500 Berkey, Grant and Lena—land and buildings, 7 Henrietta St., 2,200 Busch, Floyd H. and Jeane E.—land and buildings, Sunset Drive, 7,400 Baker, George and Evelyn—land and buildings. Hill- crest Drive, 4,500 Billings, Marion—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 4,000 —lot in rear, 200 Brown, Philip and Constance—land and buildings, 8 May St., 2,200 Bellemeur, Ernest and Vasilia—land and buildings, 34 Harding St., 2,500 —lot, 100 Bisson, Wilfred and Marie—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 2,000 Bisson, John D. and Antoinette—land and buildings, 38 Whitehall Rd., 1,600 Brown, Clarence and Harriet—land and buildings, 3 Howe St., 2,400 Bennett, Merton J. and Florence—land and buildings, 36 Whitehall Rd., 4,100 Bailey, Frances—land and buildings, 14 Granite St., 3,000 Berry, David A. and Sylvia—land and buildings, 15 Hillcrest Drive, 4,300 Brooks, Reginald and Gertrude—land and buildings, 196 So. Main St., 3,300 Bowen, Robert E. and Anne—land and buildings, 4 Bradley €t., 2,800

Crocker, Myrtle J.—land and buildings, 153 Charles St., 3,700 ^ Cheney, Maurice and Marion—land and buildings, 16 Howe St., 1,600 —2 lots, Howe St., 600 City of Rochester 97

Carrignan, John and Blanche—land and buildings, 4 Crockett St., 2,500 Caplette, Joseph and Marion—land and buildings, 142 So. Main St., 4,200 —land and camps, rear 47 Brock St., 400 —land and buildings, 47 Brock St., 1,400 —camp and land, 106 Maple St., 1,700 Card, Henry W. and Elsie—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 2,600 garage Cheney, Myrtle—land and buildings, 2 Harding St., 2,300 —lot, Harding St. and garage, 300 Conrad, Lelia—land and buildings, 197 So. Main St., 2,700 Conway, Mary A.—land and buildings, 68 Charles St., 4,100 Carter, Albert D. and Rose—land and buildings, 3 Richardson St., 1,700 Cate, Laurence—land and buildings, 104 Charles St., 3,600 Campbell, Ernest and Marion—cut over land, Black- water Rd., 500 —land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 3,700 —cut over land, Lowell St., 200 Champlin, Helen—land and buildings, summer house, 8,000 —new building, Rochester Hill Rd., 1,500 Chase, Frank B. and Ethel—land and buildings, 15 Crockett St., 1,900 Clancy, Frank and Grace B.—land and buildings, 32 Broad St., 3,600 Colby, Mary—woodland, Lowell St., 300 Chick, George and Ragna—land and buildings, 22 Harding St., 2,700 —lot, Harding St., 300 Champlin, William Jr.—Jackson farm and Libby place, 1,000 —Home place and hangar, 1,000 —Tibbetts property, no buildings, 1,500 —King farm, 2,000 —part of Frost farm, 200 —new house, Rochester Hill, 11,000 —addition to house, 11,000 —woodland, Rochester Hill Rd., 1,000 —growth, Rochester Hill Rd., 300 —Frost farm, Rochester Hill Rd., 1,400 —apt., Rochester Hill Rd., 2,500 —tool shed, 900 —metal airplane hangar, 2,000 —Meader pasture, 1,200 —Labbe property, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,600 —front of home place, Rochester Hill Rd., 400 —Emery property, 1,200 —cut off land. Old Dover Rd., 100 —woodland and field, part of Chamberlain farm, 1,000 —C. Hanson lot, 800 —Hooper lot, off Rochester Hill Rd., 350 98 Annual Report

Champlin, William Jr.—Bertha Allen lot, Rochester Hill Rd., 150 Creteau Battery Station—station and land, 10,000 —land, new buildings Crennan, Delia F.—land and buildings, 29 Upham St., 4,000 Cormier, Arthur and Regina—land and buildings, 15 Spruce St., 2,500 Couture, Emile J. and Marion—land and buildings, 10 Dodge St., 3,900 Creteau, Geo. A. and Nellie—land and buildings, 1 car garage, 6,000 —4-stall garage, 18 Common St. —house and land, 40 Leonard St., 4,800 —lot, Leonard St. No. 38, 200 -—4-stall garage, 40 Leonard St., —7 camps. Maple St., 4,000 —land and buildings, 192 So. Main St., 3,700 —land and buildings, 192A So. Main St., 3,000 —land and buildings, 20 Wentworth St., 2,500 Chasse, Helen and Thomas—land and buildings, 217 So. Main St., 4,000 Cavanaugh, Laura—land and 4-apt. house, 24 Lin- den St., 5,500 Corson, Ralph and Mary L.—land and buildings, 87 Winter St., 2,100 —garage -—shop and buildings, 1,300 —machinery, 300 Cousineau, Richard L. and Katherine—land and build- ings, 3-5 Brock St., 3,700 —lot 21/2 Brock St., 200 -—garage, stoi-ehouse, 7 Brock St., 2,000 —McAllister land, Farmington Rd., 400 Coram, Elinor A.—house and land, 5 Logan St., 2,000 Canney Realty Corp.—Auger block and land. So. Main St., 35,000 —block and land, Portland St., 13,000 Corson, Raymond and Harriett—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,200 Creteau, Richard W.—land and garage, 2 Furbush St., 600 Conrad, Randolph and Laurentine—land and build- ings, 61 Plante St., 1,200 Crocker, Richard W. and Barbara—land and build- ings, 7 Edgewood Lane, 6,400 Collins, Raymond and Alice—land and buildings, 16 First St., 2,500 —Corson lot, cut off. Chamberlain St., 500 Card and BonSer— land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,800 Chesnel, Alphonse and Pauline—land and buildings, 77 Winter St., 2,300 Charpentier, George and Muriel—land and buildings, 31 Upham St., 3,300 Couture, Robert and Leodena—land and buildings, 26 Hancock St., 2,700 —

City of Rochester 99

Cronin, Fred and Edna—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 4,000 Cook, Mildred Amy—land and buildings, off Lowell St., 1,200 Casey, Rosamond—land and buildings, 3 Blake St., 4,000 Casey, John and Peter—land and buildings, 1 Bryant St., 2,300 Cocheco Bottling Co., Inc.—land and buildings, 25 Lowell St., 26,000 —buildings, Portland St., 3,500 —land and mill, Cross St., 3,000 —stables, 1-2 Cross St., no land, 200 —61' triangle, Portland St., 300 Caplette, Arthur—land and buildings, rear 47 Brock St., 400 —lot, Little Falls Rd., 100 —land and buildings, 28 McDuffee St., 1,900 Cafasso, Lillian and Joseph—land and buildings, 3 Sunset Drive, 7,400 Conrad, Frank P. and Louise—land and buildings, 23 Dodge St., 3,500 Cardin, Raoul D. and Doris—land and buildings, 16 Richardson St., 2,000 Carter, Leo and Elsie—land and buildings, 10 Croc- kett St., 3,000 Creteau, Marion—land and buildings, 32 Harding St., 3,100 Cullen, Thomas R. and Alice—house and land, 1 Wilson St., 4,500 Carignan and Hooper—land and buildings, 15 Han- son St., 13,000 Cooper, Arthur and Elizabeth—land and buildings, 32 Richardson St., 2,100 Callahan, Betty and John, Gene and Edith Minicucci land and buildings, apt., 12 Furbush St., 4,900 Caplette, Wilfred J. and Doris—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 3,100 —lot —unf. building, 1% lots. Prospect St., 700 Campbell, Mary and John—land and buildings, 7 Whitehouse St., 3,800 —lot Chase, Wallace and Adelaide—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,300 Crocker, Onyse—land and buildings, 30 Linden St., 2,300 —garage Cooper, Richard F. and Elizabeth—land and build- ings, 1 Dartmouth Lane, 7,000 Craig, Donald E. and Elizabeth—land and buildings. Woodland Lane, 7,400 Chamberlain, Charles and Hazel—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 3,000 Carignan, Bernard and Arcinia—land and buildings, 231 So. Main St., 2,000 100 Annual Report

Chase, Bernard and Geraldine—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 1,500 ^new house and land, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,900 Caron, Robert J. and Eileen—land and buildings, 3 Mclntire Ct., 2,300 Cossette, Josephine and Paul—land and buildings, 11 Wilson St., 4,700 —lot, 12 Wilson St., 400 Crosby, William E. and Edwina—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 2,300 —field Cote, Paul and Eleanor—land and buildings, 3 Sec- ond St., 2,900 Colby, Harry N. and Lucille—land and buildings, 21 King St., 2,700 Carville, Arthur and Gertrude—land and buildings, Hillcrest Drive, 6,400 Coraine, Anthony and Concetta L.—land and build- ings, Crockett St., 3,800 Cafasso, John and Irene—land and buildings, 38 Broad St., 5,500 Couture, Jacques and Irene—land and buildings, 8 Osborne St., 4,000 Carignan, Bertrand and Estelle—land and buildings, off Whitehall Rd., 1,400 Carr, Vincent and Mary—land and buildings, 10 Harding St., 2,400 —lot, Harding St., 300 Caron, Roland and Kathleen—land and buildings, 14 Hancock St., 2,400 Clark, Roger E. and Marion—land and buildings, 190 So. Main St., 2,700 Cheever, Norman and Doris—land and buildings, 31 Adams Ave., 3,000 Clough, Norman F. and Arline—land and buildings, 6 Howe St., 2,300 Comiskey, Marie—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 9,000 Cardin, Alphonse and Henrietta—land and buildings, 122 Charles St., 4,200 Constantino, Robert and Mary R.—land and buildings, 7 Dustin Terrace, 2,400 —land and buildings, 13-15 Heaton St., 3,000 Couture, Paul L. and Lucia—land and buildings, 198 So. Main St., 4,000 Callaghan, John E. and Alberta 0.—land and build- ings, 2 Sidney St., 5,000 Corson, Hazel and Leon—land and buildings, 63 Franklin St., 3,800 —land and buildings, 16 Silver St., 2,700 —land and buildings. 19 Silver St.. 2,300 Collins, David—lot and building, Whitehall Rd., 300 Collins, Jake M.—lot, Whitehall Rd., 100 Conrad Farm and Home Supply—land and building, 57 Summer St., 4,700 City of Rochester 101

Duffy, James—house and land, Rochester Hiil Rd., 2,900 —brooder house, Daigle, Desire Est. and Anne—house, land and store, 3 Spruce St., 3,100 —land and buildings, 4-6 Spruce St., 3,500 Davis, Forrest and Lettie—land and buildings, 17 Lin- den St., 4,800 —tank station, Franklin St., 2,000 —land and buildings, 29 Harding St., 1,800 —land and buildings, 27A Harding St., 2,000 —land and buildings, 29 Linden St., 1,500 —land and filling station. Cor. No. Main and Ten Rod Rd. 2,000 Drapeau, A. J. Est.—land and buildings, 23 Knight Ct., 1,700 Dockham, H. F. and Grace—land and buildings, 88 Charles St., 3,700 Dlabal, Gerald—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,300 —machinery, 1,000 Downing, Thomas—lot, Bradley Ct., 200 Dustin, Miles—land and buildings, Lowell St., 2,500 —Dearborn lot, Harding St., 100 —lot, Dustin Terrace, 150 —lot and cellar, Dustin Terrace, 500 —2 lots, Dustin Terrace, 100 Desaulnier, Charles—land and buildings, 70 Hancock St., 1,100 Dunnells, Otis C. and Winona—land and buildings, 21 Dodge St., 3,100 —2 lots, Howe St., 200 —lot. Dodge St., 200 —land and buildings, 21A Dodge St., 1,000 —lot, between Small Ave. & Dustin Terrace, 100 Doris, George and Mildred—land and buildings, Lowell St., 1,700 —land, Lowell St., 800 -—garage, Lowell St., 600 —camp Demers, Elizabeth—land and buildings, 17 Church St., 3,000 Drouin, Napoleon and Ophelia—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 1,900 Dupont, Frank—camp and land, off Plant St., 300 Duprey, Edmond and Nora—land and buildings, 171 Charles St., 2,800 Drown, Joel P.—land and buildings, 7 Adams Ave., 2,800 Dame, Eldiidge and Frances—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,000 —storehouse —land and buildings, Nutter property, 2,300 —Dame farm, Rochester Hill Rd., 1.500 Drapeau, Arthur and Alexina—land and buildings, 15 Court St., 1,500 Dunnells, Philip W.—land, Howe St. and unf. house, 400 102 Annual Report

Denault, Leo and Edith—house and land, 116-118 So. Main St., 4,400 —diner and kitchen, 114 So. Main St., 4,000 —land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 5,000 Drapeau, Walter and Jessie—land and buildings, 40 Richardson St., 2,200 —Garage Drapeau, Kenneth and Jennie—land and buildings, 38 Harding St., 2,100 —garage —lot, Harding St., 300 Day, Alden A. and Elaine—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 2,200 Dame, Robert E.—2 lots. Linden St., 400 Drapeau, Maurice and Irene—land and buildings, Lowell St., 1,000 Davis, Horace Est. and Hazel—land and buildings, 23 Broad St., 3,500 —garage Dame, Charles and Catherine—land and buildings, 51 Linden St., 2,400 Dalrymple, John A. and Beatrice—land and buildings, 4 Sidney St., 4,500 Drapeau, Jos. H. and Gwendolyn—land and buildings, 20 King St., 2,800 Demosthenes, Arestedis and Valerie—land and build- ings, 2,500 —lot, Howe St., 200 Duntley, Earl R., Jr. and Wilma—land and buildings, 29 Adams Ave., 2,500 Davis, Donald and Irene—land and buildings, 27 Harding St., 2,100 —lot, Harding St., 400 Delaine, Hilda 0.—land and buildings, 124 So. Main St., 6,000 Dame, Richard and Jean L.—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 1,100 Dietrich, Horace and Doris—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 4,000 —lot 28, Cooper and Hall Development, 800 Drapeau, Robert and Frances—land and buildings, 32 Knight St., 3,700 Dubreuil, Leopold and Lauretta—land and buildings, 90-92 Charles St., 6,800 Davis, Claire and Raymond—land and buildings, 31 Winter St., 3,900 Daigle, Normand and Bessie—land and buildings, 7 Spruce St., 1,800 —land and buildings, 8 Logan St., 2,000 —land and buildings, 10 Logan St., 1,800 —land and buildings, 5 Spruce St., 1,400 Darrell, Walter—lot. Sunset Drive, 600 Doucette, Pauline and William—land and buildings, 57 Franklin St., 2,600 City of Rochester 103

Dore, Ray E. and Sylvia—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 1,100 Denton, Kenneth and Mabel—land and buildings, Cor. Anita St. and Rochester Hill Rd., 5,500 Daudelin, Harold Sr. and Marilyn—land and build- ings, 21 Farrington St., 2,500 Davis, Harold and Helen—land and buildings, 18 Richardson St., 2,400 Dostie, Armand and Florence—land and buildings, 71 Winter St., 2,600 Dube, Robert J. and Lillian—land and buildings, 6 Anita St., 3,200 Dickie, John E. and Mary E.—land and buildings, Dustin Terrace, 2,000 Drapeau, Robert J. and Marguerite—land and build- ings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2.900

Elliot, Sarah—land and buildings, 144 Charles St., 4,£>U0 —land in rear Evans, Susie—land and buildings, 61 Winter St., 3,200 —garage Evans, Charles and Agnes M.—land and buildings, 2 Broad St., 3,500 Emerson, Kenneth and Florence—land and buildings, 152 Charles St., 3,800 —land, Old Dover Rd., 1,000 —land, tanks. Old Dover Rd., —land and buildings, So. Main St., 6,400 Edgerly, Claudis and Dorothy—land and buildings, 60 Lowell St., 2,500 Eck, Kenneth and Henrietta—land and buildings, 199 So. Main St., 2,800 Edgerly, James H. Jr. and Jean W.—land and build- ings, 9 First St., 3,600

French, William and Lillian—land and buildings, storehouse, 191 So. Main St., 3,000 Forcier, Paul and Alice—land and buildings, 34 Lowell St., 2,300 —land, Lowell St., 200 Fisher, Delvina—land and buildings, 106 Charles St., 4,500 Fisher, Charles & Sons—filling station. Winter St., 2,300 -—garage, shed for coal, Winter St., 800 —service shed and store, Milton Rd., 5,000 —land from B.&M. R.R., Winter St., 2,000 —pumps and tanks Fabian, Frederick Est.—-land and buildings, 14 Os- borne St., 2,200 Fownes, Robert and Rose—land and buildings, 105 Charles St., 5,100 —-land and buildings, 29 Academy, 5,200 Farmer, Tressie—-land and buildings, 190 Charles St., 2,700 —land and buildings, 194 Charles St., 2,200 104 Annual Report

Foster, Edith—land and buildings, 136 Charles St., 4,200 —land and buildings, garage, 98 Charles St., 4,500 —land and buildings, 37 Broad St., 3,300 —land, read Broad St. Freeman, Chester A. and Florence—land and build- ings 10 Richardson St., 2,500 —lot, 8 Richardson St., 200 Foss, Ethel P. and Henry—land and buildings, 129 Charles St., 4,000 Fisher,— C. Elric and Antoinette—land and buildings, 6,500 1/2 Long-ley lot, Whitehall Rd. Flaker, Roy—land and buildings, 117 Charles St., 3,500 —garage Filian, Paul G. and Josephine—land and buildings, 13 Court St., 2,500 Familgetti, Anthony and Harriett—land and build- ings, 43 Linden St., 2,700 Foss, Janice and Robert—land and buildings, 15 King St., 3,100 Fournier, Wallace and Lucia—land and buildings, Cor. Preston and Harding Sts., 2,500 Fay, Wilbur Est. and Hazel—land and buildings, 1 Sawyer Ave., 2,500 Forcier, Antonio and Blanche—land and buildings, G Hancock St., 2,700 —garage Furlong, John and Margaret—land and buildings, 33 Adams Ave., 3,000 Feineman, Ardys and Robert—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 6,700 —lot, 1/2 of 6-7 Fleurie, Jos. A. and Bertha—land and buildings, 35 Richardson St., 1,700 —garage Fontaine, Joseph and Simone—land and buildings, 46 Harding St., 3,000 Foss, Sumner and Evelyn—land and buildings, Croc- kett St., 2,300 Ford, Fred and Yvonne—land and buildings, 19 Crockett St., 3,300 Fowle, Ann and Arthur—trailer, leased land, 2 Small Ave., 1,600 Foss, Lawrence and Verna—land and buildings, 189 So. Main St., 10,000 Fontaine, Russel J. and Irene—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,000 —lot, Villanova Lane, 200 Familgetti, Frank and Ida—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 3,200 Fox, Harvey D. and Elinor—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 4,900 Fortin, Paul M. and Celine—land and buildings, 229 So. Main St., 2,500 City of Rochester 105

Foster, Alfi'ed and Claire— land and buildings, 4 Dodge St., 2,800 Feeny, Willard and Rachel—land and buildings, 8 Anita St., 3,200 Fowler, Maude A.—land and buildings, 19 Adams Ave. 2,700 Foster, Telesphore and Leona—land and buildings, 21 Knight Ct., 2,600

Glidden, Josie Est.—land and buildin-^s, 7 Richard- son St., 2,100 —lot, Richardson St., 100 Gari-an, Marjorie—land and buildings, 74 Charles St., 4,000 —land and buildings, 74A Charles St., 2,700 Glidden, Robert and Evelyn—garage, Richardson St., —lot No. 9, 300 •_lot No. 11, 200 Goodwin, C. E. Est.—lot 215 So. Main St., 200 Goodwin, Blanche—land and buildings, 5 Second St., 2,100 —land and buildings, 7 Second St., 2,300 Goodwin, Laurence W.—land and buildings, 213 So. Main St., 4,200 Grondin, George D. and Pamelia—land and buildings, 5 Furbush St., 3,200 George, James Est. and Anna—land and buildings, 15 Lincoln St., 4,000 Gowen, Wesley and Lillian—land and buildings, Gonic Hill, 1. 100 Guild, M. James and Eva—land and buildings, White- hall Rd., 5,000 —trailer Gilroy, Harold and Jennie—land and buildings, 18 Harding St., 2,400 —garage —lot, 3 Harding St., 300 Gamblin, John S. and Lottie—land and buildings, 7 Furbush St., 3,200 Gravel, Arthur and Alice—land and buildings, 97 Winter St., 2,900 —lot. First St., 300 Going, Charles W. and wife—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 6,000 Grassie, Bernard and Ruth—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 8,000 Glidden, Thurlow and Gertrude—land, buildings and garage, 19 Dodge St., 3,700 —lot No. 17 Dodge St., 200 Gagne, Leon and Alida—land and buildings, 8 Spruce St., 3,300 —land and buildings, 17 River St., 5,500 Giguere, Fernand and Nettie—land and buildings, 7 Court St., 2,400 —land aiid buildings, 23 Logan St., 1,700 —land and buildings, 21 Lo.Tan St., 2,400 —garage 106 Annual Report

Gilbert, Oliver—land, off Whitehall Rd., 100 —land, off Whitehall Rd., 100 Gilbert, Adrian and Irene—land and store, 201 So. Main St., 2,800 Gagnon, Arthur and Nelida—land and buildings, 1 Hancock St., 3,000 —store, Upham St., 3,400 George, Bert and Edythe—land and apt. house, 151 So. Main St., 7,000 Gerry, Richard and Marjorie—land and buildings, 7 Harding St., 2,100 Gibb, Herbert and Florence—land and buildings, 30 Harding St., 2,100 Gilbert, Armand and Doris—land and buildings, 19 King St., 3,200 Gilbert, Roland and Rachel—land and buildings, 43 Harding St., 2,000 —lot No. 41, Harding St., 300 Guild, Frederick and Cecilia—land and buildings, off Whitehall Rd., 1,700 Great Falls Products—land and buildings, off Lowell St., 18,000 —machinery,— 18,000 Gagne, Leon 1/2 interest Texaco, 153 No. Main St., 2,850 Grierson, Martha and Harry W.—land and buildings, 12 Linden St., 3,000 —garage Guay, Roland and Honora—land and buildings, 13 Richardson St., 2,300 Gingras, Oscar and Adelie—land and buildings, 33 Winter St., 3,600 Giberson, David and Marion—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 1,400 Gravel, Lionel and Marion—land and buildings, 23 Western Ave., 2,300 Ginty, Matthew and Phyllis—land and buildings, 23 Crockett St., 3,200 Garnsey, Richard and Carolyn—land and buildings, 15 Wilson St., 4,100 _ Gravitt, Bruce B. and Louise—land and buildings, 5 Hillcrest Drive, 6,400 Gagnon, Lucien and Noella—land and buildings, 82 Lowell St., 2,300 —land, Lowell St., 200 George, James M. and Pauline—land and buildings, Charles St., 2,800 Grant, Harry and Margaret—land and buildings, 8 Mclntire. Ct., 3,700 Gray, Ralph and Ruth—land and buildings, 12 Logan St., 3,200 Grenier, Arthur and Rachel—land and buildings, 6 Spruce St., 2,000 Gagnon, Fernand and Annette—land and buildings, Gonic Hill, 2,400 City of Rochester 107

Guay, Alfred L. and Lydia—land, trailer and lean-to, Small Ave. and Dustin Terrace, 1,000 Garran, Marjorie and Edith Foster—land and build- ings, 4 Broad St., 4,000 Gilbert, Emile and Mary—land and buildings, White- hall Rd., 2,800 Gagne, Bernard and Blanche—farm and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 4,500 Gauthier, Rose A.-^land and buildings, 28 Western Ave., 3,000 —lot, 300 Gregoire, Philip and Margaret—land and buildings, 37 Harding St., 3,300 Greenaway, Bernice and Herbert D.—land and build- ings, Rochester Hill Rd., 6,500 Gilman, Donald and Gemma—land and buildings. Small Ave., 3,100 Gilbert, Anna A.—land and buildings, 4-stall garage, 20 Logan St., 3,100 Gagne, Richard and Anna—lot No. 35 and unf. building, Whitehall Rd., 1,400 Gray, William and Susan—land and buildings, 4 Furber St.,— 2,500 Gelinas, Thuribe 1/2 interest in Texaco Station, 153 No. Main St., 2,850 Hall, Albert I. Est.—land, Dry Hill Rd., 700 —Wallace field, between Rochester Hill and Lowell St., 6U0 Haley, Joseph Est. and Eula—land and buildings, 50 Hancock St., 3,500 —garage Haley, William, Sr.—land and buildings, 40 Hancock St., 3,000 Hanson, Harold—land and buildings, 15 Linden St., 3,100 Hartigan, Mrs. Ed. Est.—land and buildings, 13 King St., 3,000 —land and 2 houses and garage, 11-llA King St., 4,500 Hooper, Theodore and Dora—land and buildings, 30- 32 Common St., 4,400 —field in rear Hooper, Lawrence and Emeline—land and buildings, 28 Common St., 1,900 Hayes, Frank R. Est.—land and growth. Old Dover Rd., 250 Henderson, Leon Est.—land and buildings, 6 Spring St., 4,400 Herron, William and Mary—land and buildings, 34 King St., 2,600 —garage Home, Wilbur, Jr. Est. and Esther—farm and build- ings, 2,500 —small building, 800 —new shop, Gonic Hill, 2,000 108 Annual Report

Home, Ralph D. and Beatrice—land and buildings, 121 Charles St., 3,000 Howard, Clara P.—land and buildings, 75 Winter St., 2,500 —garage Huntoon, Eugene—land and buildings, 10 Furber St., 2,500 —store, Winter St., 500 Howard, Abbie—land and buildings, 9 Winter St., 1,500 Hunt, Gerald and Mildred—land and buildings, 2,800 —lot, 22 Second St., 200 garage Hackett, Henry—land and buildings, 2,500 —Pike lot, Whitehall Rd., 300 Hobbs, Rodney and Marilla—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 1,300 —Pepin lot Hescock, George Est. and Pauline—land and build- ings, 3 Whitehouse St., 4,000 Hamilton, H. G. and Mary—land and buildings, 4 Spring St., 3,200 Healey, John Jr. and Alice—land and buildings, 54 Hancock St., 3,000 —land and buildings, 38 Church St., Gonic, 2,100 Hobbs, Maurice B. and Dorothy V.—land and build- ings, 120 Charles St., 3,200 Hussey, Chas. D. and Frances—land and buildings, 16 Dodge St., 3,000 —land, Chesley Hill, 150 —lot 14, Dodge St., 200 —pasture and land, Rochester Hill Rd., 800 —lot, Howe St., 200 —lot 18, Dodge St., 200 Hartigan, John L. and Winifred—land and build- ings, 145 Charles St., 9,000 —land and buildings, 55 So. Main St., 10,000 Hight, Norman Est. and Gladys—land and buildings, 92-94 Charles St., 3,700 Hughes, Napoleon and Floi-a—land and buildings, 79-81 Charles St., 4,800 Hanscom, Francis and Germaine—land and buildings, 30 Plante St., 800 —camp Hayes, Leon and Arlene—land and buildings, 53 Harding St. Ext., 2,200 Huppe, Wilfred and Mildred— land and buildings, Lowell St., 1,200 Hussey, Robert D.—land, Flagg Rd., 100 Home, Robert D. and Bernice—land and buildings, 8 Crockett St., 2,500 Hurd, Angle and Wesley—land and buildings, 67 Winter St., 3,500 Hourigan, John J. and Margaret—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 6,500 Hunt, Bernard and Helen—land and buildings, 55 Franklin St., 3,000 City of Rochester 109

Hayden, Leslie and Thilda—land and buildings, 35 Broad St., 3,400 Hayes, Effie—land and buildings, 107 Charles St., 8,000 Hinshaw, Cecil—land, Whitehouse Rd., 100 Huppe, Bertrand and Thais—land and buildings, 4

Howe St. , 2,300 Howard, Cleon and Alice—land and buildings, Edgerly Way, 2,000 Head, Frederick and Irene—land and buildings, 30E Hancock Terrace, 2,200 Herron, Robert and wife—land and buildings. Old

Dover Rd. , 2,000 Harkinson, Ralph E. Jr. and Lucille—land and build- ings, 11 Hillcrest Drive, 5,600 Harwood, Martin and Wynette—land and buildings, 21 Crockett St., 3,300 _ Hill, Miles and Verna—land and buildings, Dustin Terrace, 800 Hyder and Kalil—land and buildings, 27 Hancock St., 15,000 Hamilton, Clifford and Adriene—land and buildings, 28 First St., 3,000 Hawkins, Donald and Marion—land and buildings, Colman St., 3,000 Hess, S. Robert and Mary Lou—land and buildings, 9 Sunset Drive, 6,000 Hall, Fred W. Jr. and Jane E.—land and buildings, 4 Dartmouth Lane, 5,500 Hughes, Ernest R.—land and buildings, 27^/^ Rich- ardson St., 3,100 Howison, Philip and Geneva—land and buildings, 13 Hillcrest Drive, 5,800 Hale, Samuel—land and buildings, 31 Linden St., 2,500 Hartford, Warren—lot, 3 Franklin St., 200 Hackett, Francis and Dorothy—land and buildings, 16 Richardson St., 2,600 Hoyt, Gus L. and Violet—land and buildings. Sunset Drive, 9,400 —land and buildings, 53 Main St., E.R., 6,000 Hall, Robert L. and Eugenia—land and buildings, 29 King St., 5,000 Hatch, Ellis and Barbara—land and buildings, 31 Harding St., 2,300 Hayes, Raymond— land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 1,500 Henderson, James E.—land. State St., 400 —lots 125-124-1/2 of 123 Hanscom, Freeman and Helen M.—land, Franklin St., 200

Ineson, John and Mary—land and buildings, 160 Charles St., 5,000

Jeffrey, Mattie—land and buildings, 3 May St., 3,500 Jones, Frank and Doris—land and buildings, 1 White- house St., 4,700 —lot and garage 110 Annual Report

Jones, Maurice and Maude M.—land and buildings, 4 Whitehouse St., 4,500 Junkins, Elmer and Helen—land and buildings, 203 So. Main St., 3,000 Jenness, Sumner L. and Helen—land and buildings, 15 Farrington St., 2,500 Joy, Ben D. and Elsie—land and buildings, off White- hall Rd., 1,200 Jones, Samuel and Irene—land, lot and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 2,900 Johnson, Robert J. and Harriet M.—land and build- ings, 32 Silver St., 2,600 Judd, Edwin B. and Mary A.—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,500 Jasper, J. Alan and Barbara L.— land and buildings, 19 Wilson St., 4,500 Jones, Carl and feeatrice—land and buildings, 4 Henrietta St., 2,500

Kendall, Kennett and Mary N.—land and buildings, 82-84 Charles St., 6,500 —land and buildings, 1 May St., 8,000 Kilcoyne, Peter and Nora—land and buildings, 23 Plante St., 2,500 Kendall, Robert E.—land and buildings, 6-8 Second St., 2,500 Klinger, Leo and Tathiana—land and buildings, 103 Charles St., 6,500 Kenyon, William and Doris C.—land and buildings, 9 Blake St., 2,300 —lot, Cor. Blake and Hancock Sts., 250 Kendall, Mary N.—land and Wentworth block, 18 So. Main St., 25,000 Kendall, Gordon and Barbara—land and buildings, 51 Harding St., 2,300 —lot 49, 200 Keating, Chas. E. and June—land and buildings, 22 Dodge St., 2,600 Kondrup, Alfred B. Jr. and Beatrice—land and build- ings, 80 Lowell St., 2,000 King, Samuel and Frances—land and buildings, 75 Charles St., 5,500 Kelley, Oscar and Mildred—Buildings and land, 151 So. Main St., 5,000 —land and buildings, Nola Ave., 4,700 Kaltsas, Andrew and Irene—land and buildings, 10 Knight Ct., 3,200 Knight, Frank G. and Flossie E. and Gretchen—land and buildings, 28 Whitehall Rd., 2,800 —lot Kendall, Alvin and Nancy—land and buildings. Col- man St., 3,000 —lot City of Rochester 111

Knights, Frank and Beverly—land and unf. buildings, Whitehouse Rd., 1,700 Kazanowski, John J. and Alice—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 3,000

Laurion, Edward and Yvonne—land and buildings, 22 Logan St., 2,700 —land, buildings and garage, 76 Winter St., 2,900 —land and buildings, 6-8 Heaton St., 4,500 Lachance, Albert J. and Marion—farm and buildings. Chamberlain St., 3,800 Larose, Mary—land and buildings, 20 Common St., 2,800 Lachance, Victor G. and Ellen—land and buildings. Chamberlain St., 3,000 —land and buildings, 58 Portland St., 4,500 —M^ork shop, Portland St. -—machinery, 1,000 —land and buildings, 37 Autumn St., 7,000 Lemire, Matilda—land and buildings, 23 Winter St., 2,000 Lamper, Herbert and Hazel—land and buildings, 8 Harding St., 2,100 Leavitt, Viola E.—land and buildings, 6 King St., 2,500 Levesque, Mary E. and Charles D.—land and build- ings, 32 Hancock St., 4,000 Lemire, Alfred E. and Amelia—land and buildings, 24 First St., 3,000 Leary, John—land and buildings, 7 Farrington St., 2,300 —lot, Furbush St., 200 —land and buildings, 12 Court St., 2,400 Levesque, Joseph and Bernice—land and buildings, 16 Linden St., 3,000 —5 lots, 137-141 Haig St., 200 Leclair, Rose A.—2-apt. house and land, 21 Winter St., 3,400 —garage, 21 Winter St. —land and buildings, 13 Winter St., 3,700 Lambert, Clara—land and buildings, 12 Knight Ct., 2,200 —garage Lemire, Sadie—land and buildings, 111 Winter St., 2,700 Lincoln, Harold and Alice—land and buildings, 19 Farrington St., 2,300 Littlefield, Perley—land and buildings, 3 Furbush St., 2,700 —building in rear Langley, Ray E. and Gladys—land and buildings, 7 Dodge St., 2,900 —2 lots, Dodge St., 400 Lemay, Napoleon and Kilda—land, garage and build- ings, 147 Charles St., 4,800 —land and unf. buildings. Old Dover Rd., 1,300 Ludden, Helen Est.—land and buildings, 131 Charles St., 8,400 —lot, Sidney St., 250 —land and buildings, 3 Sidney St., 3,500 —summer house, in rear 131 Charles St. Logan, Laura—land and buildings, 1,700 —lot. Old Dover Rd., Ludden, Thomas and Mary—land and buildings, 8 Court St., 2,700 Lord, Clayton and Helen—land and buildings, 26 Plante St., 2,300 112 Annual Report

Larrabee, John— land and buildings, 28 Broad St., 3,000 Libby, Lillian—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,000 Langevin, Benoit and Isabelle—land and buildings, 2 Richardson St., 1,500 Lachance, Albert O. and Beatrice—land and build- ings, 22 King St., 4,900 Laurion, Leda— land and buildings, 38 Silver St., 2,600 Lefebvre, Wilbrod and Rose—land and buildings, 17 Knight Ct., 3,100 Lacasse, Alfred L. and Helen—land and buildings, 64 Lowell St., 1,500 Lyndes, E. J. and Eunice—farm and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 4,000 Lord, Amelia—land and buildings, 81 Winter St., 2,200 —garage Lord, Jennie—land and buildings, 20 Richardson St., 2,800 Lavertue, Margaret and Joseph—land and buildings, 79 Winter St., 2,400 Lamb, Franklin and Martha—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 2,300 Levesque, Ernest and Ida—land and buildings, 3 Dodge St., 1,800 —building and garage, 3 Dodge St., 1,200 Lachance, Ruth—lot, Howe St., 200 —land and buildings, 10 Crockett St., 2,900 Lincoln, Harold Jr. and Muriel—land and buildings,

17 1/2 Farrington St., 2,200 17l^ —garage and apt., Farrington St., 1,400 Leavitt, Charles—land and buildings, 12 Dodge St., 1,700 Lanoix, Ethel and Catherine—land and buildings, 12 Church St., 2,400 Lepene, John and Eleanor—land and buildings, 1 Sunset Drive, 5,700 Lesperance, Alvin and Gertrude—land and buildings, 26 Lowell St., 1,500 Laliberte, Wilfred and Mae—land and buildings, 21 Harding St., 1,900 Lavoie, Loi^ena and Paul—land and buildings, 16 Crockett St., 2,900 Lavoice, J. Henry and Marie—land and buildings, 33- 35 Uphani St., 3,700 —land and buildings, 35A Upham St., 1,700 Leach, Mildred—camp, Rochester Hill Rd., 500 —public house and land, 1,500 —5 camps, 1,200 —camp No. 2, 500 Lagasse, Raymond and Rita—land and buildings, 4,100 —laundry, 15 Signal St. —land and buildings, 17 Signal St., 2,900 —land and buildings, 4 Knight Ct., 3,700 Landry, Armand and Frances—land and buildings, 13 Furber St., 2,600 Logan, Marion—buildings. Old Dover Rd., 200 Lanoie, Imelda—land and buildings, 23 Hancock St., 2,800 City of Rochester 113

Lowd, Burton and Florence—land and buildings, 30 Silver St., 1,900 Lemoyne, John P, and Louise—land and buildings, 15 Furber St., 2,400 Langelle, M. Ellen—land and buildings, 35 Winter St., 2,600 Lafontaine, Donat and Antoinette—land and build- ings, 10 Furbush St., 4,800 —land and buildings, 1 Furbush St., 3,000 Libby, Sidney and Cecile—land and buildings. White- house Road, 1,600 Lamie, Paul and Theresa—land and buildings, 7 Hillcrest Drive, 4,700 Lanouette, Rene—land and buildings, 39 Richardson St., 3,000 Lamper, Charles and Stella—land and building, 3 Lowell St., 2,100 Laurion, Joseph and Louise—land and buildings, Gonic Hill Rd., 2,600 Laramie, Howard D. and Helen—land and buildings, 47 Upham St., 2,500 Lacasse, Robert A. and Maryann—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 1,900 Lazarus, James and Catherine—land and buildings, 9 Furbush St., 4,300 Lavoie, Roland and Irene—land and buildings. White- house Rd., 1,300 Leib, Ralph and Edith—land and buildings, 108 Charles St., 3,300 Lewis, Sidney and Edith—land and garage, trailer, 40 Lowell St., 1,000 Leman, George and Pauline— land and buildings, 24 Richardson St., 3,000 Lessard, Emile and Pauline—land and buildings, 16 Second St., 2,800 Lamper, Bernard—lot No. 6, Anita St., 300 LaBarge, Frank and Germaine—land and buildings, 1 Western Ave., 3,600 Laurion, Raymond—land and buildings, 210 So. Main St., 4,000 LeBrun, Angelo L. and Stella—land and buildings, Sidney St., 6,500

Maybury Shoe Co.—machinery, Maybury, 40,000 —machinery, U.S.M. Co., 28,200 —machinery, Compo., 7,700 Malonev, John R.—land and buildings, 17 Richard- son St., 1,700 —lot 15, 100 —lot 19, 200 Malone, John and Lillian—-land and buildings, 195 So. Main St., 2,500 May, Philip Est.—land and buildings, 34 Silver St., 2,000 Marble, Martha—land and buildings, 116 Charles St., 2,900 114 Annual Report

Maxfield, Fred and Fannie—land and buildings, 20 Linden St., 3,700 —land and buildings, 18 Linden St., 3,000 —land and buildings, 22 Linden St., 3,000 —garage, 18 Linden St. McCallister, John Est.—land and buildings, 149 Charles St., 2,500 McDonald, Peter Est.—land and buildings, 7 King St., 3,300 Mitchell, F.C.—land and buildings, 37 So. Main St., 20,000 Mitchell, Emily—land and buildings, 67-69 Charles St., 6,700 McClelland, Robert—land and buildings, 6 White- house St., 4,200 —lots 8 & 10, Whitehouse St., 600 —land, rear McClelland School, 150 McClintock, Roger and Gertrude—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,500 —garage, Sampson Rd., 150 Morgan, Beatrice—land and buildings, 48 Hancock St., 3,200 Moisan, Rudolph—land and buildings, off Whitehall Rd., 100 —land and buildings, 17 Winter St., 3,900 Morgan, John Est.—land and buildings, 110-112 Charles St., 5,200 Moore, Geo. A. and Verna—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 2,600 —land, Whitehall Rd., 500 Mortimer, Arthur and Albert—land and buildings, 155 Charles St., 3,500 Mondou, Camille and Alice—land and buildings, 15 Knight Ct., 2,400 —garage McDuffee, John and Mavis—land and buildings, 3 —Broad St., 6,200 1/4 Farrington block, Hanson St., 2,500 Mondou, Noel and Marie—land and buildings, 13 Knight Ct., 1,700 Moore, Lionel and Louise—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 6,200 —land, Nola and Anita Sts., 2 lots, 400 —land, Wentworth Ave. and Franklin St., 700 —lot, Plante St., 200 McDonald, Jane Est. and Louise—land and buildings, 34 Academy St., 4,800 —garage Maxfield, Walter and Mary—land and buildings, off Plante, St., 2,800 McBride, Martha—land and buildings, 14 Church St., 1,800 —2 lots, Portland St., E.R., 300 Marquis, Rose-—land and buildings, 8 Dodge St., 2,600 —1/2 lot Marcotte, Robert and Eva—land and buildings, 33 Linden St., 2,700 —

City of Rochester 115

Morgan, John and Adelia—land and buildings, 5 Blake St., 2,100 Mann, Germaine and Orman—land and buildings, 13 Farrington St., 3,000 —garage Martin, Carl L. and Rachel—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 5,000 McGinn, Anna—land and buildings, 7 Blake St., 2,500 Morgan, Nellie—land and buildings, 52 Hancock St., 2,900 Morin, Robert V2 interest land and buildings, 93 Winter St., 1,600 Malone, Norman and Ruth—land and buildings, 193 So Main St., 3,200 McGregor, Ronald and Floris—land and buildings, 18 Osborne St., 2,700 Malone, Lawrence and June—land and buildings, 12 Richardson St., 4,000 Marcotte, Robert M. and Patricia—land and build- ings, 31 Plante St., 2,400 Mickelonis, Agnes and Peter—land and buildings, 21 First St., 1,600 Michel, Andre and Katherine—land and buildings, 15 Church St., 3,400 Mui'phy, Francis and Christine—land and buildings, 39 Harding St., 1,700 Miles, Russell and Vivian—land and buildings, 5 Sid- ney St., 4,200 McClelland, Maude Est.— V2 land and buildings, 21 Walnut St., 1,500 Melanson, Roland J. and Marie—land and buildings, 36 Richardson St., 2,400 Moors, Charles E. and Jean—land and buildings, 6 Whitehall Rd., 6,200 McDufFee, Charles and Beryle—land and buildings, 246 So. Main St., 3,400 Mallett, Elmer and Jacqueline—land and buildings, 119 So. Main St., 2,500

McCoy, Richard and Merlyne' —land and buildings, Lowell St., 1,500 Mansfield, Gurdon and Mary J. —land and buildings, 32 King St., 3,300 McNally, John C. and Laura—land and buildings, 96 Charles St., 2,900 Marsan, Maurice and Hilda—land and buildings, 65 Winter St., 2,900 March, Carl and Evelyn—land and buildings, 30 Rich- ardson St., 2,100 Markesinis, Lambros and Aspasia—shop, store and land, 211 So. Main St., 2,900 —lot, 209 So. Main St., 200 —land and buildings, 26 Harding St., 3,000 McDonald, Louise—land and buildings, 9 King St., 3,000 Mountain, Omer—land and diner, 101 So. TVIain St., 3,500 McDonald, Jane, Est.—land and buildings, 10 Court St., 2,400 116 Annual Report

McGill, Ardelle and Charles—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 4,500 McKay, Robert and Betty—land and bviildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 4,000 Morphy, John and Geraldine—land, buildings, lot, Whitehouse Rd., 1,500 Martel, Raymond and Audrey—land and buildings, 26 Richardson St., 2,800 Mahoney, Gladys—land and buildings, Cor. Small Ave. and Richardson St., 3,300 Michaud, Joseph, Est.—trailer, Rochester Hill Rd. on leased land, 300 McEntire, Kenneth and Kathleen—land and buildings. Woodland Lane, 6,400 Mucher, Nonie and George—-land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill, 9,900 Murphy, William and Florence—land and buildings, 23 Adams Ave., 2,800 Morse, Blanche—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 1,800 Malin, Albin J. K. and Marcia—land and buildings, 3 Dartmouth Lane, 8,800 McDuff, Howard and Virginia—land and buildings. No. 6, Old Dover Rd., 3,200 McNeil, John E. and Priscilla—land and buildings, 9 Church St., 2,100 Merry, Mary J.—land and buildings, Towle St., 4,200 Masury, Eleanor F. Est.— lot, Hillcrest Drive, 1,000

Nangle, Annie—land and buildings, 7 Church St., 2,900 —lot and garage, 35 Upham St., 400 Nadeau, Eudore and Valida—land and buildings, 19 Logan St., 2,600 Nangle, John and Emma—land and buildings, 2 Blake St., 2,900 Nickerson, Henrietta and Vane—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 3,000 Nelson, Albert and Gertrude—land and buildings, 127 Charles St., 3,500 —garage Nacsin, Myra—land, Whitehouse Rd., 50 Neai, Bess—land and buildings, 87 Cnarles St., 5,300 —land and buildings, 83-85 Charles St., 7,000 Nadeau, George and Emma—land and buildings, 39- 41 Winter St., 3,700 Nadeau, Edgar and Irene—land and buildings, 73 Winter St., 2,600 Nash, Alton and Barbara—land and buildings, 20 Dodge St., 2,900 Norton, Harrison and Ethel—land and buildings, 50 Harding St., — 2,400 Newbury, John and Henrietta 1/2 interest land and buildings, 93 Winter St., 1,600 Norman, Robert— land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,000 Nolan, Harry J. and Gertrude—land and buildings, 20 Crockett St., 3,200 City of Rochester 117

Norman, Bernard and Lucille—land and buildings, 7 Anita St., 4,400

Osborne, Lovella—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 600 Otis, Forrest and Nora—land and buildings, 8 Fur- bush St., 3,200 —land and buildings, rear 6 Furbush St., 1,700 Ouimette, Edward and Marie—land and buildings, 32 Plante St., 2,300 O'Hagan, John Est.—land and buildings, 9A May St., 1,500 O'Malley, Lucy—land and buildings, 24 Common St., 3,400 —lot in rear Osgood, Robert and Evelyn—land and buildings, 30 Broad St., 3,900 O'Brien, Olive—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,500 —-Pearl place and buildings, 2,500

Palmer, Harold and Blanche—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,500 —Young lot, Lowell St., 200 —Watson lot, Rochester Hill Rd., 200 Pelletier, Alcide and Antonia land and buildina:s, — "^ 72 Hancock St., 2,500 —lots, Hancock St. Palmer, James and Ellen—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 2,700 —turkey houses Palmer, Catherine—land and buildings, 100 So. Main St., 8,000 Parker, Elmer—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 1,900 Phillips, Harry Est. and Gladys—garage and land, 111 So. Main St., 2,700 —garage and land, 109 So. Main St., 4,500 —land and house, 7 Knight Ct., 2,000 —pumps Phillips, George and Agnes—farm and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,700 —sprout land, Chamberlain St., 200 Pratt, Nettie—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 1,700 Potvin, A. F. and Rose—land and buildings, 44 Lin- den St., 4,000 —garage Plante, Gerald and Anita—land and buildings, 24 Hancock St., 2,900 Pike, Raymond and Cora—land and buildings, 27 Western Ave., 2,500 —land and camps, 10 Beau View St., 600 Printy, Miriam—land and buildings, 5 Mclntire Ct., 3,900 Pierce, Norman and Margaret—land and buildings, 9 Harding St., 3,500 —2 lots, 11 & 13 Harding St., 300 Page, Roger and Lucienne—coal pocket land and buildings, 14 Spruce St., 5,000 —land and buildings, 157 Charles St., 3,500 lis Annual Report

Perreault, Jerrine—land and buildings, 6 Broad St., 9,000 —land and buildings, 12 Charles St., 5,200 Palmer, Weston—land and buildings, 141-142 Wake- field St., 6,500 —-land and buildings, 6-8 Summer St., 5,000 —land and buildings, 53 Wakefield St., 5,000 —garage, 49 Wakefield St., 2,000 Public Service Co. of N.H.—land and buildings, trans- former and lines, 494,800 —machinery and sub-station —land flowage, Salmon Falls Rd. —land, Portland St. —land, Wallace St. Plante, Wilbrod and Cecelia—land and buildings, 4 Spruce St., 2,500 Perry, Harry V. Jr. and Armande—land and build- ings, 32 Whitehall Rd., 3,200 —land, Whitehall Rd. Portrie, Arthur and Doris—land and buildings, 7 Lincoln St., 3,000 Pallas, Samuel and Helen—land and buildings, 8 Whitehall Rd., 8,400 Perreault, Lionel and Beatrice—land and buildings, 2 Hancock St., 4,200 Prockniewicz, Benny and Jennie—land and buildings, 6 Dartmouth Lane, 6,100 Phillips, Gladys—farm and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 3,200 Perkons, Antone and Wilda—land, off Whitehall Rd., 100 Peyser, Frank and Anne K.—land and buildings, 26 Broad St., 3,900 Pine, Alfred and Pauline—land and buildings, 21 Adams Ave., 2,900 Pozzi, Antonio and Mary—land and buildings, 9 Anita St., 4,500 Potter, Lynn and Katherine—land and buildings, 47 Harding St., 2,300 Pallas, William and Betty—land and buildings, 114 Charles St., 3,000 Pieroni, Chas. A.—land and buildings, 89 Charles St., 5,000 Palazzi & Sons, Inc.—land, Farmington Rd., 100 Page, Raymond and Ona—land and buildings, 12 Fur- ber St., 2,300

Rhodes, Thad and Mary—land and buildings, 15 Ave., Adams ^ 3,000 Rigazio, John & Sons—land and "Buildings, 25 Sum- mer St., 6,500 Richardson, Rolfe and Mildred—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,500 —land. Old Dover Rd. Roberts, Perley and Hazel—land and buildings, 208 So. Main St., 4,000 Russell, Ethan—farm and buildings, Lowell St., 1,000 City of Rochester 119

Rochleau, Wilfred and Alice—land and buildings, 4 Common St., 3,100 Ratcliffe, William and Edna—land and buildings, 95 Winter St., 3,400 Ross, Florence—land and buildings, 17 Harding St., 1,600 —lot, Warren and Richardson Sts., 300 —lot, Harding St., 300 Ryan, Edward and Edna—land and buildings, 17 Lo- gan St., 2,900 Rogers, Samuel and Roberta—land and buildings, 29 Lowell St., 2,000 —land and buildings, 14 Union St., 5,000 —buildings, rear 14 Union St. —lot, Lowell St., 200 Root, William Jr. and Vera—land and buildings, 1 Preston St., 1,600 Routhier, Joseph and Adeline—land and buildings, 11 Lincoln St., 3,900 RatcliflFe, Alfred and Janice—land and buildings, 10

First St. , 2,700 Randall, John and Lois—land and buildings, 70 Lowell St., 1,800 Robitaille, Moise and Edythe—land and buildings, 162 Charles St., 2,300 Rivard, Arthur J. and Carmelene—land and buildings, 142 Charles St., 3,000 Ryder, Warren and Alma—land and buildings, 103- 105 So. Main St., 4,000 —land and buildings, 7 Woodlawn Ave., 2,800 Rigazio, Domenic and Mary—land and buildings, 30D Hancock Terrace, 1,500 Routhier, Alberic and Cecile—land and buildings, 188 So. Main St., 2,700 Rigazio, Lena—land and buildings, 10 Linden St., 5,000 —garage Reynolds, Arthur and Lillian—land and buildings, 19 First St., 2,400 Roulx, Henry and Emily—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 3,200 Roberts, Roland and Lydia—land and buildings, 22 Richardson St., 3,000 Roberts, Clifford and Virgnia—land and buildings, 34 Broad St., 3,700 Ross, Robert and Carole—land and buildings, 29 Broad St., 3,500 Russell, Allen and Thelma—land and buildings, 27 Richardson St., 2,800 Rennebu, John and Barbara—land and buildings, 16 Hancock St., 3,400 Rollins, C. Carl and Bessie—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 8,300 Riley, Mattie—land and buildings, 28 Plante St., 2,900 —land and buildings, 7 Knight St., 6,500 —garage, 5 Knight St., 2,000 120 Annual Report

Rines, Elbridge and Marjorie—land, Lowell St., 500 Sanborn, Joseph Morrill Est. and Beatrice— land and buildings, Gonic Hill Rd., 2,200 —farm, Rochester Hill Rd., 1,500 —land, Main Road, 400

Sanborn, Ernest and Gladys—farm and buildings. Chamberlain St., 4,000 Sawyer, Guy and Caroline—land and buildings, 65 Franklin St., 3,400 —lot in rear Scahill, Mrs. Thomas and Nora—land and buildings, 11 Church St., 2,700 —garage Scott, Elizabeth and Edward—land and buildings, Lowell St., 1,000 Seavey, F. H. and Elizabeth—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,000 —camp and land, Old Dover Rd., 600 Seavey, Carlyle and Esther— land and buildings, 126 Charles St., 3,500 —store, Lowell St. Smith, Etta—land and buildings, 11 Linden St., 2,400 Scahill, Thomas Jr. and Pauline—land and buildings, off Plante St., 2,800 Stevens, Ella P.—land and buildings, 23 King St., 2,800 —garage Stevens, Fred K. Est—land and buildings, 3 Far- rington St., 2,700 —land and buildings, 25 King St., 3,300 —land and buildings, 32 Mill St., E.R., 4,500 —garage Scagliotti, Carlo and Louise—land and buildings, 16 Logan St., 3,500 Sanborn, Joseph and Roberta E.—4 lots, Rochester Heights, 100 —lots 141 and 142 100 —land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,700 Sylvain, Eudore and Albina—land and buildings, 19 Linden St., 3,000 —lot. Linden St. —4-apt. house, 21 Linden St., 5,100 Stone, Elsie—land and buildings, 163 Charles St., 2,500 —public garage, 1,000 Sherwood, Norman and Dorothy—land and buildings, 118 Charles St., 2,500 Spurling, Delmore and Celia—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,700 Sealey, Annie B.—land and buildings, 14 Farring- ton St., 1,800 Sielian, Servant and Henry—land and buildings, 89 Winter St., 2,600 Stone, Reginald and Roselyn—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 3,000 —garage and breezeway City of Rochester 121

Sylvain, Leon and Alice—land and buildings, 11 Far- ring-ton St., 3,000 —garage —land and buildings, 53 Chestnut St., 3.800 —lot, Furbush St., 300 Seavey, Ernest and Alexina—land and buildings, 28 Silver St., 2,500 Scott, Wemyss and Marion—land and buildings, 22 Knis-ht St., 4,200 —lot 24, 300 Scala, Michael and Mary—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 5,000 Sawyer, Gladys—land and buildings, 44 Lowell St., 1,600 Snyder, George and Thelma—land and buildings, 16 Furbush St., 2,800 —lot, 250 Stackpole, W. A.—land and buildings, 181 Charles St., 7,500 —Quonset hut. Old Dover Rd., 1,500 Scott, Grover F. and Claire—land and buildings, Lowell St., 2,600 Strafford Broadcasting Corp.—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 13,000 Sessler, Roland and Margaret—land and buildings, 17 Furber St., 2,300 Smith, Paul and Helen—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 6,600 —play house —field and sprout land Smith, Helen—land and buildings, 7 Central Ave., 3,800 Soule, Mildred—land and buildings, 27 Adams Ave., 2,700 Sullivan, Hazel—land and buildings, 14 Harding St., 2,400 St. Jean, Anthony and Louise—land and buildings, 30A Hancock Terrace, 2,000 Smith, Eleanor and Eben—land and buildings, 161 Charles St., 2,700 Smith, Harold and Caroline—land and buildings, Cor. Franklin St. and Adams Ave., 3,000 Schafer, Joseph and Evelyn—land and buildings, 5 Court St., 2,600 Strong, Fred and Helena—land and buildings, 6 Sid- ney St., 4,000 —house lot, 2 Wilson St., 300 Scagliotti, Joseph and Mary—land and buildings, 195 Charles St., 2,900 —lot, 197 Charles St. Seifert, Oscar and Molly—land and buildings, 7 Wil- son St., 5,000 Sawyer, Philip and Louise—land and buildings, 28 Richardson St., 3,000 ^garage Spencer, John and Althea—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 4,000 Simon, Herman, Jr. and Norma—land and buildings, Henrietta St., 2,800 122 Annual Report

Swett, Alfred C.—land and buildings, 17 Farrington St., 2,400 Sperr, Harold and Margaret—land and buildings, 140 Charles St., 3,900 —lot, Lowell St., 400 Strang, Lawrence and Virginia—land and buildings, 4 Wilson St., 4,500 Stowell, Raymond and Arlene—land and buildings, Crockett St., 3,500 Sicard, Carlton and Irene—land and buildings, 29 Richardson St., 2,800 Scala, John F. and Marion—land and buildings, Dart- mouth Lane, 4,400 Sevigny, George—land and buildings, Towle St., 4,000 Studley Lumber, Inc.—kiln, Silver St., 7,000 —land, 13,000 —machinery, 15,000 —bai'n, Western Ave., 1,000 —stable, 1,000 —other buildings, 1,000 —lot, 37 Thomas St., 300 —lot, 15 Yvonne St., 300 —unf. house and land. Grove St., Gonic, 2,200 Spurlins:, Robert and Gladys—land and buildings, 46 Hancock St., 2,500 —lot, rear 46 Hancock St., 100 —land and buildings, 30G Hancock Terrace, 1,500 Smith, Bernard and Elizabeth—land and buildings, Villanova Lane, 3,400 Stanley, Paul H. and Marie—land and buildings, 40 Harding St., 2,200 Sleeper, Stephen and Virginia—land and buildings, 24 Plante St., 2,500

Tebbetts, Robert and Gertrude—land and buildings, Rochester Hill, 2,800 —garage Tessier, Octave and Kilda—land and buildings, 76 Charles St., 4,200 —land and buildings, 46-48 Lafayette St., 4,400 Thivierge, Odelia—land and buildings, 21-21A Lin- coln St., 5,600 —land and buildings, 23 Lincoln St. Thomas Annie—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 500 —garage Trickey, Phyllis—land and buildings, 12 King St., 3,000 Tuttle, Maude^and and buildings. Chamberlain St., 1,700 —garage Trask, E. Bertha—land and buildings, 18 King St., 2,900 —land and buildings, 14 King St., 2,600 —land and buildings, 7 Logan St., 2,400 —garage Tuttle, Ora G.—land and buildings, 20 First St., 2,000 City of Rochester 123

Twitchell, Frank W.—land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 1,500 Tremblay, Pierre and Lucia—land and buildings, (5 Knight Ct, 2,600 —garage Tremblay, Rene and Antoinette—land and buildings, 11 Knight Ct., 2,800 —garage Towle, Gerald—garage and land, 120 So. Main St., 15,000 —7-stall garage, 1,000 Turgeon, Edward and Rose—land and buildings, 2,600 —lot, 6 Court St., 200 Tracy, Linwood and Edna—land and buildings, 5 Sawyer Ave., 2,900 Thivierge, Theodore and Rita—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,800 —garage Therrien, Norbert and Stella—land and buildings, 25 Farrington St., 2,800 —lot, Farrington St., 300 —land, rear Chestnut Hill Rd., 300 —lot. Chestnut Hill Drive, 300 Tuttle, Ellen—land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,600 Thurston, Kermit and Rita—land and buildings, 100- 102 Charles St., 4,000 —land, Farmington Rd., 250 Turmelle, Irene—land and buildings, Crockett St., 2,500 —shop and garage, 500 Towle, Stanley and Helen—land and buildings, 10 Whitehall Rd., 6,400 —sprout land and buildings, Barrington Line, 1,500 —camp and lot. Little Long Pond, 250 Theberge, Lionel and Lea—land and buildings, 225 So. Main St., 3,400 —1/2 lot, Howe St., Turcotte, Albert—land and buildings, 200 So. Main St., 4,100 Tuttle, Roscoe Est.—Farmer home and land, 5 Tut- tle Ct., Gonic, 2,400 —2-apt. house and land, 4 & 6 Railroad Ave., Gonic, 3,300 Tebbetts, Doris—land and buildings, Cor. Preston St., 1,200 Tri State Realty Co.—land and buildings, 150 So. Main St., 10,000 Taylor, Robert and Doris—land and buildings, 59 Harding St. Ext., 2,200 Taylor, Herbert and Barbara—land and buildings, 3 Henrietta St., 3,000 Tower, Arthur and Minnie—land and buildings, 29 Silver St., 2,400 Therrien, Alphonse J.—land and buildings, 26 White- hall Rd., 3,400 Towle, Leslie E. and Alice D.—land and buildings, 79 Chamberlain St., 2,800 124 Annual Report

Tasker, S. Maude Allen—land and buildings, 206 So. Main St., 3,100 Therrien, Norbert—land, Chestnut Hill Rd., 200 Trask, Lawrence and Alice—land and buildings, 68 Lowell St., 2,200 Thompson, Herbert E. and Angie—land and build- ings, 23 Richardson St., 3,000

Universal Service Station—land and buildings, 144 So. Main St., 3,500 Urion, Paul and Dorothy—land and buildings, 27 Broad St., 5,000 Underbill, Augustus and Janice K.—land and build- ings, 9 Knight Ct., 2,800

Varney, J. W. Sr. and Mabel—land and buildings, 101 Winter St., 4,000 —laundry —land and buildings. Eastern Ave., 2,200 —lot, Eastern Ave., 200 Vachon, L. Henry and Mary—land and buildings, 2 Common St., 2,600 Varney, Chas. W. and Marjorie—land and buildings, 2 Dartmouth Lane, 8,400 Varney, J. W. Jr. and Anita—land and buildings, 103 'winter St., 2,400 Varney, Robert and Joyce—land and buildings, 12 Whitehall Rd., " 8,800 Vallee, Ludger—land and buildings, 30B Hancock St., 1,900 —land and camps, Rochester Heights, 700 Vallee, Joseph and Esther—land and buildings, 31 Richardson St., 1,500 Veno, Arthur and Lillian—land and buildings, 6 Henrietta St., 2,000 Valliere, Arthur and Priscilla— land and buildings, 30 Hancock St., 4,500 Varney, Herbert and Adriene—land and buildings. Chamberlain St., 3,200 Varney, J. W. Jr., and Herbert W. Varney, 2 lots. Eastern Ave., 200 Vigneault, Alfred J. and Lillian—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 3,000 —lot, Russell St., 200 Vondell, Arthur and Mary—land and buildings. Juni- per St., 4,000 Veterans Administration—land and buildings, 31 Western. Ave., 2,400 Varney, J. W. Sr. and J. W. Varney, Jr.—lot, East- ern Ave., 100

Wallace, Stephen and Margaret—land and buildings, 5 Bradley Ct., 2,200 —land and buildings, 4 Scott St., 2,800 Waldo, Mrs. H. F.—land and buildings, May St., 400 City of Rochester 125

Whipple, Mildred—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 1,900 Winkley, Scott Est. and Noreen— land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 2,000 Wright, John Est.—land and buildings, 47 Linden St., 3,000 Wiggin, Henry and Gertrude— land and buildings, Whitehall Rd., 300 Wormhood, Harry and Lora—land and buildings, 242 So. Main St., 4,200 —land and buildings, 244 So. Main St., 3,500 —5 cabins. So. Main St., 1.900 —land and builSings, 223 So. Main St., 3,400 —land and buildings, 236 So. Main St., 3,200 Wheeler, Hilda—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,900 Wingate, Fred and Lillie—land, house and shop, 3,600 —land. Rochester Hill Rd. Woodes, Norman and Florence—land and buildings, 18 Second St., 3,200 Waterhouse, Alfred and Hazel—land and buildings, 7 Bradley Ct., 3,100 —lot, 8 Bradley Ct., 200 Wright, J. Morrill and Charlotte—land and buildings, 45 Linden St., 2,700 Weathers, C. Donald and Marion—land and build- ings, 18 Broad St., 4,700 garage Weeden, Warren and Anna M.—farm and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,700 Wilson, Orrin and Louise—land and buildings, 25 Adams Ave., 3,000 Woods, Edith—land and buildings, 7 Hovs^e St., 2,200 Wheeler, Earl and Alice—land and buildings. 55 Harding St., 2,000 —lot, Harding St., 200 —lot, Dustin Terrace, 200 Woodward, Jos. P. and Patricia—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 3,400 —garage Wescott, Dorothy—land and buildings, 17 Adams Ave., 4,000 Wilcox, Sanford and Ruth—land and buildings, 37 Richardson St., 1,600 Whitehouse, Norman and Dorothy—land and build- ings, 27 Plante St., 3,500 Weeks, Lee and Florence—land and buildings, Roch- ester Hill Rd., 2,600 Wagner, Burpee and Winifred—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 2,200 Williams, Walter—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 5,000 Woods, Clarence and Lucille—land and buildings, 25 Harding St., 2,400 Welch, Kenneth and Marjorie—land and buildings, 156 Charles St., 4,300 Woodman, Cleon and Jennie—unf. camp and sprout land. Old Dover Rd., 1,000 126 Annual Report

Winchell, Laurence and Mary—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 2,000 —land, rear Eastern Ave., 100 Welch, Winnie—land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 1,600 Wolters, Paul and Doris—land and buildings. Wood- land Lane, 7,400 Willey, William— land and buildings, Chamberlain ' St., 2,700 Wotton, Donald and Vera—land and buildings, 59 Franklin St., 3,200 —lot, Wentworth Ave., 200 Woodard, Otis and Constance—land and buildings, 38 Richardson St., 2,000 Wilson, Richard and Janet—land and unf. buildings, Harding St., 1,500 Whitehouse, Herbert and Louise—land and buildings, 2,200 —field and growth, Rochester Hill Rd., 800 Wagenfeld, Kenneth and Velma—land and buildings, 204 So. Main St., 3,000 Wadsworth, Frank—lot, Howe St., 400 —unfinished house Wilson, Ralph O. and Daisy—land and buildings, G Furber St., 2,500 Winters, Raymond and Barbara—land and buildings, Rochester Hill Rd., 4,000 Wilson, Austin and Marjorie—land and buildings, 2 Edgewood Lane, 3,000 Young, William and Beatrice—land and buildings, 7 Upham St., 2,600 —land, Old Dover Rd., 200 Young, Angle—land and buildings, off Broad St., 3,000 —lot, Whitehouse St., 300 —3 lots, Charles St., 700 —land and buildings, Gonic Rd., 2,500 Young, Joseph and Lillian—land and buildings, 5 Furber St., 2,500 Yankee Real Estate—land and buildings, 21 Academy St., 5,100 Young-, James and Elizabeth—land and buildings, 17 Wilson St., 4,000


Abbott, Grace T.—farm and buildings, Meaderboro Rd., $3,200 Andreason, Nels and Gertrude— land and buildings, Old Dover Rd., 3,800 —brooder house Adabahr, Harold and Marie—land and buildings, 2,800 —lot, 160 -—land, store and building. Old Dover Rd., 2,300 City of Rochester 127

Anctil, Irene C. and Bertrand—land and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 3,700 —2 lots, Preston St., 400 Aichler, Alonzo and Dorothea—land and building, Tibbetts Rd., 900 AUard, Ubald and Marie—land and building, 8 Oak St., 1,700 —land, 500 —new house and garage, Oak St., 4,100 Allied N. H. Gas Co.—plant, Gonic Rd., 66,000 Anctil, John B. and Edith—land, house and garage, 98 Gonic Rd., 2,800 Anctil, Neree V. and Ila—land and building, Gonic Rd., 3,300 Abbott, Walter D. and Marion—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 3,100 Ashley, Arnold and Barbara—land and house, Mead- erboro Rd., 2,200 Aubert, Leonel and Elsie—land and house, Janet St., 2,200 Bickford, Ernest W. and Fannie—farm and build- ings. Concord Rd., 3,200 Baxter, William H. and June—land, camp and growth, 1,200 —camp and garage Benner, Walter and Florence—land and buildings, Hussey Rd.. 1,500 —land 80 Bunker, Geo. E. and Emily^land and buildings, Han- sonville, 1,700 —2 henhouses, 1,200 Beaulieu, Ida M.—land and building, 6 Demerritt St., 2,200 —land, building and garage, 40 Main St., 3,700 Beaulieu, Mary and Ubald—land and building, 15 Union St., 3,000 —land and building, 4 Church St., 4,100 Beaulieu, Raymond F.—land and camp. State St., 600 —lot, Glenwood Ave., 60 —lot, Glenwood Ave., 60 Berry, Dean and Dorothy—land and building, Brock St., 1,500 Breton, Rosilda—land and buildings. Cor. Brock St. and Lawn Ave., 800 Beaulieu, Lionel W. and Ruth M.—land and building, Gonic Rd., 3,300 —lunch stand, Gonic Rd. Breton, Clifford J. and Armanda—land and building. Church St., 2,700 —garage —lot. Church St., 160 Breton, Theodule and Albina— land and building and work shop, 31 Main St., 3,300 Boutin, Ida—land and building, 43-45 Main St. 1,800 , Bowen, George H. and Bessie—land and building, Hansonville, 1,600 128 Annual. Report

Boivin, Albert—4 apartment house, Mill St., 5,000 —3-car garage, Mill St., —lot and building, 9 Main St., 500 —apartment house, 11 Main St., 6,700 —store and rent, 19 Main St., 4,000 —land and building, 1 Oak St., 2,700 —land, Rochester Neck Rd., 400 —land, Seavey Hill, 100 —land and building, 8-10 Church St., 10,000 —land and block, 60 Hanson St., 7,000 —barn and growth, Rochester Hill, 500 —land and building, unf. shoe shop. Oak St., 13,500 —store and rent, 15 Main St., 4,000 —land. Grove St., 200 —land, Pickering Rd., 300 Bonenfant, Lydia—land and building, 85 Main St., 2,500 Barrell, Ferdinand and Marjorie—land, house and garage, Pickering Rd., 1,700 Brock, Martin Est.—Allen farm and building. Wood- lawn Rd., 6,000 —Bradley lot, Washington St., 300 —3-room house and land, Washington St., 800 —Evans lot, 200 —office building, 2 garages, Washington St., 1,500 —Corson house and land. Cor, Washington and Foch Sts., 2,000 —land and building, 17 Brock St., 2,100 —land and building, 26 Willey St., 1,800 —land and building, 43 Brock St., 1,700 Brock, Florence—land and building, 18 Autumn St., 2,900 —land, house, 2 stores, 102 N. Main, 9,000 —house, 102A No. Main St., 1,400 —land and 2 camps, 110 Washington St., 1,300 —camp No. 1 on island, 500 —camp No. 2 on island, 700 —camp No. 3 on island, 500 Blaisdell, Lillian M.—land and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 1,700 Billings, Luke D. and Florence—land and buildings. Grove St., 1,700 Britton, Paul J. and Emma— land and buildings, 62 Brock St., 1,200 Beaulieu, Emma and Edgar H.—land and building and garage, 33 Maple St., 2,300 Beaulieu, Cecile B.—land and house. Oak St., 1,500 Berube, Wilfred and Wilda—land and building, 24 Brock St., 3,000 Bickford, Louis and Whielhemina—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,700 —sprout land, Lowell St., 100 Benner, Howard E. and Marion E.—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 2,200 Boisvert, Gerard and Florence—land and building, Washington St., 1,000 —lot, Washington St., City of Rochester 129

Bruce, Edward—land and building, Washington St., 500 —land and camp, 200 Berube, Robert A. and Norma—land and building-, Elizabeth St., 1,200 —land, Milton Rd., 100

Barthelemy, Richard and Sylvia' —land and buildings, Flagg- Rd., 1,800 Bickford, Gladys—house lot, Old Dover Rd., 100 Briggs, Llewellyn—camp on leased land, Blackwater Rd., 100 Bunker, Alonzo—lot, Rochester Heights, 30 Beaulieu, Octave and Alice—land and building, 21 Sherman St., 2,500 Beauleiu, Henry P. and Edwina L.—land and build- ing, new garage, 25 Sherman St., 3,000 Beaulieu, Paul A. and Pauline—land and house, and garage, 22 Sherman St., 2,500 Ball, Blanche A. and Fred H.—land and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 2,000 Brown, Mildred—land and building, Brock St., 1,500 —store building. Brock St., 1,000 Begin, Roland 0. and Mary E.—land and buildings, Page Hill, 1,200 Bly, William D. and Rose M.—land and buildings, Meaderboro Rd., 2,000 Bourassa, Gerard E. and Mary A.—land and build- ing, Meaderboro Corner, 2,200 Burr, Wilfred F. Jr. and Glenice—land and building, Page Hill, 2,100 Bryant, John C. Jr. and Marilyn—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,800 Buchanan, John 0. and Ruth O.—land, building and farm, Rochester Neck Rd., 4,000 Beaudoin, Robert J. and Marie J. —land and buildings, Estes Corner, 1,700 Burns, William R. and Barbara—land and buildings, Crown Point Rd., 1,600 Boucher, Robert J. and Joan—land and building, 1,700 —lot, 8 1/2 Brock St., 120 Belostock, Alecindia—scrub land. Old Dover Rd., 160 Belair, Edward V. and Lillian—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,900 Brochu, Edward J. and Eleanor T.—land and build- ing and farm, Blackwater Rd., 1,400 Brown, George F. and Mary J. —land, building and garage. Grove St., ' 2,800 Brown, Ellis and Addie—land and building, 25 Brock St., 1,200 —lot, Evans land, 100 —lot, Brock St., 100 Brownell, Laurence R. and Patricia—land and unf. building, Gear Rd., 2,200 Billings, Carlyle—houselot. Oak St., 160 Blake, Albert—land and shop, Route 125, 500 —

130 Annual Report

Benoit, Leon E. and Theresa—land and building, 4 Grove St., 2,800 Bryson, Chester W.—land and garaoe, Hansonville, 300 Breton, Adelard H.—land and cellar, Elizabeth St., 800 Boucher, Armand and Lucienne—land and trailer, Cor. Waverly St. and Park Ave., 800 Carig-nan, Edgar J. and Rita—land and buildings, Gonic Rd., 3,000 —garage, Gonic Rd., 3,000 Camire, Henry—land and building, Pickering Rd., 400 Caplette, Wilfred J. and Maria M.—land and build- ing, Rochester Heights, 2,300 —lot, 51 Brock St.

•—-lot, Anita St. —lot, Nola Ave. Camire, Leo—camp and land, Pickering Rd., 300 Caplette, Pierre and Aldia—land and buildings, and farm, Hansonville, 2,500 Caplette, Oliver— land and buildings. Old Dover Rd., 2,200 Couture, Ernest and Antoinette—land, house and garage, 3,200 —lot, 69 Main St., 100 Carll, Irving R.—land and building. State St., 800 —lots 71-72-74-75-78-79, 400 Clark, Frank W. Est.—sprout land. Dry Hill, 100 Cook, Edward E. and Lena—land and building. Con- cord Rd., 1,200 Chiefalo, Joseph L. and Elsie M.—land, house and garage, lots 25-26, 1,700 —lots 27-28-29, Rochester Heights, 200 Croteau, Exavier—land and building, 24 R.R. Ave., 2,800 Corson, Agnes L. Est., Stevens. Anna L. and Robert land and building, 66 Church St., 2,900 Cossette, Eugene Est. and Antoinette—land, house and store, 34 Main St., 4,000 —land, house and store, 38 Main St., 2,500 —land and house, rear 38 Main St., —land and house, 32-33 Main St., 4,000 —sprout land, Dry Hill, 200 —sprout land. Four Rod Rd., 100 Cossette, Ludger and Aurore—land and building, Harding St., 2,800 —land and building, 94 Gonic Rd., 3,300 —land and building, Felker St., 500 —lot, Gonic Rd., 200 Cullinane, Dennis and Clarice—land and building, Brock St., 3,200 —lot. Brock St., 200 Cartier, Eva and Jeanne—land and building, Hard- ing Ave., 2,000 Chesley, Gladys and Earl W. Palmer—land and build- ing, Meaderboro Rd., 2,000 Caplette, Hervey J. and Priscilla—land and build- ing. Old Dover Rd., 2,600 —land and building. Cor. Park, Schley and Jen- ness Sts., 2,500 City of Rochester 131

Colby, George and Elizabeth—land and building, 18 Harding Ave., 1,800 Canney, Ethel—land and woodland, Meaderboro Rd., 400 Clark, Eugene F. and Margaret—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 2,700 Catin, Bessie—land and building, 4 School St., 1,700 —lot No. 6 School St., 100 Connelly, John F. and Lyvette— land and building, Grove St., 2,800 Camilla, Charles—land and building, 3 Elizabeth St., 800 Casavant, Rita—land and building, Janet St., 2,500 Cormier, Raymond and Valea—land and building-. Dry Hill Rd., 2,500 Corson, Annabella and George—land and building, 6 Brock St., 1,400 Casavant, Lionel and Rita—land and building, Janet St., 1,800 Colburn, Clarence and Bessie A.— land and building. Brock St., 1,000 Cormier, Albert—land and house trailer. Dry Hill Rd., 300 Cote, Francis and Ruth—2 lots and camp, Rochester Heights, 560 Caverly, Valmore and Elvena—land and building. Reservoir Rd., 600 Chapdelaine, Rene and Elzire—land, building and garage, 53 Church St., 3,200 Cormier, Robert—lot, land and house, Dry Hill Rd., 1,700 —lot. Dry Hill Rd., Carrier, Wilfred, Jr. and Laurette—land and build- ing, 1,700 — 1/2 lot, Waverly St. —unf. garage Canney, Raleigh and Margaret—land and building, Washington St., 900 —house, Washington St., 800 Connelly, James—land and building, 2 Winter St., 2,200 Chapman, Paul R. and Florence—land and building, Barrington Rd., 300 Cormier, Roland J. and Beverly—land, building and garage, 11-13 Brock St., 3,300 Chaplin, Lester E. and Margaret—land and build- ing, Hansonville Rd., 2,900 Caverly, Albert D. and Loretta—land and building, Hansonville Rd., 1,300 Cumminsky, Melvin and Martha—land and building, Washington St., 1,500 Cossette, Gerard and Lorraine—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 2,700

Cochran, Robert P. and Dorothy* —land and building. Old Dover Rd., 2,800 Clavette, August and Alfreda—land and building, 89 Main St., 3,000 Cormier, Paul L. and Jeannette—land and building, 35 Railroad Ave., 4,000 Chapman, Robert L.— land and unf. building, Barring- ton Rd., 400 132 Annual Report

Colbi'oth, Fred L. and Betty Lou—land and build- ing, Old Dover Rd., 2,700 -—house lot, Lowell St., Cooper, Ralph H. and Irene—land and trailer, 700 —old camp and 2 lots, Waverly St., 60 —lot No. 70 from Carll Couture, Leon and Priscilla—land and building-s, 4 Winter St., 2,300 Coons, Robert M. and Elizabeth—large motel, Route 125, 9,300 —5 single cabins, 1,500 —2 double cabins, 1,200 —4 room apt. cabin, 1,500 Crisp, Geo. F. and Barbara A.—land and building, Estes Corner, 2,300 Couturier, Fernand and Stella—land and building, 30 Norman St., 3,000 Cardin, Arthur H.—land and cellar. Route 125, 300 Clark, Elwood W. and Anna—land and buildings, 36 Oak St., 3,000 Corr, Robert A. and Irene—land and unf. building. Concord Rd., 300 Charette, Richard and Delores—land and unf. house, Flagg Rd., 1,000

Darling, Edgar H. and Alice—land and building, Han- sonville Rd., 2,000 Dupont, Philip and Ida—land and building, 24 Oak St., 2,700 Daggett, Ernest and Olida—land and building, 31 Oak St., 1,800 —land and unf. camp, 800 Daggett, Andrew and Lucille—land and building, 33 Oak St., 2,200 Desmarais, Emilien and Marie—land and building, Brock St., 2.300 —2 lots. Brock St., 200 —growth land, rear of Brock St., 100 Duquette, Wilfred—land and building, 21 Church St., 2,500 Dumont, Emile and Eva—land and store, 1-3 Church St., 6,200 —land, house and garage. Church St., 4,200 Dutton, Laura F. and Everett—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,800 Draper, Reginald and Phyllis—farm and building, Meaderboro Rd., 3,100 Davis, Wallace W.—land and building, State St., 1,600 Durgin, John E.—land and building, Blackwater Rd., 700 Lydia land building, 64 Diambri, Peter and " — and Church St., 2,800 —lot. Church St. Dubois, Paul A. and Florence A.—land and building, 27-29 Maple St., 4,200 Duquette, Arthur and Mary Jane—land and build- ing, 18 Sherman St., 2,300 City of Rochester 133

Dui'gin, James F. and Marg-aret—land and building, Pickering Rd., 800 Davison, Leslie R. — land and building, Hansonville Rd., 3,200 —grain building Dupont, Edward C. and Madeline M.—land and new house, Hillcrest Drive, 5,800 Dore, Kenneth and Beth—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 2,500 —lot in rear Desmarais, William and Alphonsine—land and build- ing, 11 State St., 700 —lot No. 127 and lot No. 128 Drew, Wilbur and Charlotte—3 lots and 2-room camp, 600 —lots No. 100-101, Cor. Lawn Ave. and Waverly St., 150 Dupuis, George P. and Eva M.—land and building, Old Meaderboro Rd., 2,000 Dustin, Edith H.—land and building. Concord Rd., 3,300 —pasture and stripped land, 500 —Springfield lot, 100 —wood lot, Dry Hill, 100 —land and building, 73 Charles St., 4,500 —land in Intervale Dougherty, Edward and Doria—land, building and 3- car garage, 32-34 Church St., 4,000 Dubois, Roland L. and Pauline H.—land and build- ing, 9 Brock St., 2,200 —back lot Davis, Emily F.—new building, Hansonville Rd., 300 Delaurier, William and Irene—land and building, State St., 900 —lots 65-67, 100 Davis, Allen N. and Elizabeth—land and building, Estes Rd., 2,700 Drapeau, Henry A. and Jean— land and bi^'lding, Meaderboro Rd., 1,500 D'Chiara, Genarro—land and building, Hansonville Rd., 5,000 Dumont, Paul J. and Charlotte—land and building, Hansonville Rd., 1,500 Donlon, Richard and Marcelline—land and new house, 8 Grove St., 2,800 Dexter, James R. and Marie—land and building, 5 Grove St., 2,800 Davidson, Richard A. and Lillie M.—land and unf. building. Railroad Ave., 3,200 Drapeau, Normand and Geraldine—land and build- ings, 14 Lafayette St., 4,900 —land, buildings and farm, 505 Washington St., 2,500

Emery, Geo. W. and Una—land, building and farm, Rochester Neck Rd., 3,000 134" Annual Report

Elliot, Ernest E. and Parmelia—land and building-, 35 Church St., 3,300 Emerson, Irving- C. and Vivian B.—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 900 Ellis, Dora—camp and lots No. 33-34, Brock St., 500 Emerson, Rex and Vivian A.—land and building, lots 39-40, 1,800 —lots No. 37-35-41-42, Roch. Heights, 300 Emro, Guy V. and Florence—land and building. Four Rod Rd., 1,700 Ellis, Chas. P. and Carrie—lot, Meaderboro Rd., 400 —land and unf. house, Meaderboro Rd., 2,100 Elbridge, Roland and Marion—lot and unf. camp, 500 —land, Meaderboro Rd., 100 Elbridge, Melvin and Delia—land and building, Mead- erboro Rd., 2,500 Emerson, Maurice and Annie—land and buildinj-. Old Dover Rd., 2,800 Emerson, Richard—land and house. Brock St., 2,700

Fleury, Joseph Jr. and Mary—land and building, Harding Ave., 2,500 Foss, Lillian L.—land and building, 114 Wash. St., 1,700 Foss, Harold D. and Lillian L.—land and building. Dry Hill, 5,700 —camp, off farm, 300 —land and building, 33 Church St., 2,800 —land, building and garage, 87 Maple, 2,500 —lots No. 86-87 & 1/2 of 88, Maple St., 200 —lots No. 82-83-84-85, Haig St., 250 —land and building, 51 Charles St., 5,700 —land and building, 6 Glen St., 2,200 —land and building, 12 Glen St., 4,600 —land, Hansonville Rd., 350 Fontaine, Bertha—land, Rochester Neck Rd., 100 Forcier, William J. and Rose—land and building, 19 R.R. Ave., 3,200 —land and building, 156 No. Main, 7,000 —lot No. 46, Tuttle Ct., 200 —lot No. 45, Railroad Ave. Forest, Clarence J. and Anna—land and building. Brock St., 700 Fernald, Kenneth and Doris—land. Old Dover Rd., 400 Forgues, Wilfred—land and building, Roch. Heights, 1,200 —camp and land, 1,300 —lots. No. 57-59-61-143, 300 Foss, Ii'vin E. and Dorothy—land and building, 3 Brock St., 2,800 Frost, Gladys and Bernard—land and building, Wav- erly St., 600 —lot No. 6, Waverly St., 100 Foss, Everett and Barbara—farm. Concord Rd., 1,300 French, Clayton and Marjorie—land and building, 37 Brock St., 2,000 City of Rochestkk 135

Fleury, Richard J. and Shirley—land and building, Main St., 2,700 Fifield, Robert and Phyllis—land and building, 86 Church St., 2,200 —land, Hansonville, 100 Foss, Kenneth A.—land and unf. building, Dry Hill Rd., 3,000 —land and building. Cross Rd., 1,200 French, Franklin and Hattie—land, building and gar- age, 33 Brock St., 2,500 Fifield, Geo. L. and Emma—land, trailer and cellar. Brock St., 1,300 —lot Foss, Norman E. and Doris K.—peach orchard, Dry Hill, 400 Flint, Hervey N. and Nancy—land, house and gar- age, Blackwater Rd., 1,400 French, Gerald E. and Bernice—land and building, 45 Glenwood Ave., 1,200 Fogarty, Leonard—land, Dry Hill Rd., 200 Felong, Michael and Elizabeth—land and building. Oak St., 3,100 Fontaine, Albert T. and Leonida—land and building and garage, 2,200 —henhouse, 63 Brock St., —machinery, 400

Goulet, Amedee J. and Alma—land and building, Roch. Heights, 850 —house lot No. 117, State St., 50 —garage. State St. Gosselin, Carlton and Viola—land and building, Otis- ville, 1'200 Gardiner, Geo. T.—land and building, Pearl Corner, 800 —land, Meaderboro Rd., 100 Gilbert, Walter A,—land and building, Chesley Hill Rd., 2,000 Gosselin, Nellie—land and building, Hansonville, 1,000 Giguere, Aime and Anna—land and building, 25 Maple St., 3,300 Gilbert, Arthur and Blanche, Estes Rd., 1,700 —land, Barrington Rd. Guilbeault, Florida and Anita—land, building and 9 Harding Ave., garage, ^''^nn Gilbert, Alice—land and building. Meaderboro Rd., 1,900 Goupil, Raymond and Alice—land and building, 11- 13 Maple St., 3,000 . Gilman, Ivan F. and Alice—land and building, 18 3,200 Oak St., —land, 24 Oak St., 700 —sprout land, Meaderboro Rd., —land, building and new house, 20 Oak St., 2,500 —land of Arthur Lord —land and old house, 200 136 Annual Report

Gaulin, Leon and Florence— land and building, Han- sonville, 2,000 Gagnon, Adelard and Mary— land and building, Flagg Rd., 1,200 Gonic Mfg. Co.—Rand lot, sprout land. Dry Hill, 300 —Canney farm, 400 —land, pasture, dam site, 1,000 —filter plant, 20,000 —land and building, garage, 5 Whitehouse St., 8,000 —land and dam, Gonic Rd., 500 —mills and machinery, 310,500 Gonic Service Station, Lionel Beaulieu—gas station, 2,000 Gervais, George and Bernadette—land and camp. Rail- road Ave., 400 Gagnon, Joseph R. and Rose—land and new house, 5 School St., 4,200 Gouin, John B. and Yvonne—land and building and garage, 62 Church St., 3,300 George, Albert A. and Theresa—land and building, Grove St., 2,800 Gagnon, Jos. A. and Fortvmate—land and building, 59 Church St., 2,500 Giguere, Laurier—land and building, 28 Railroad Ave., 4,000 Great Elm Farm Corp.—farm and building, Jenness farm, 6,000 •—pasteurizing plant, 5,000 —cow barn and 6-car garage, Pickering Road, 3,000 Gilbert, Arthur Jr. and Justine—land and building, Estes Corner, 2,500 Gagnon, Joachin and Alma—land and building, 5 Harry St., 2,500 —land and building, 34 Maple St., 3,500 —land and building, 36 Maple St., 1,000 — 1/2 lot No. 18 and V2 lot No. 19, Harry St., 200 Gilman, Gerald F. and Theresa-—land and building, 22 Oak St., 2,800 Gourgue, Robert A. and Madeline—land and building, 20-22 Church St., 3,700 Gove, Henry L. and Gertrude M.—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 1,200 Gagnon, Conrad and Cecile—land and building, 93 Main St., 3,000 Gervais, Louis and Rita—land and building, 46 Main St., 4,500 —land and building, Winter St., 2,200 —lot No. 7, Maple St., 200 Goodrich, Wilfred T. and Lois F.—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 5,000 Gagnon, Pierre and Lucille—land and building, Rail- road Ave., 1,200 —garage Greer, Alfred M. Jr. and Delia M.—land, farm and building, Flagg Rd., 3,000 City of Rochester 137

Giguerp, Arthur and Lorraine—land and building, 15- 17 Maple St., 3,300 Gray, Chester E. and Frances E.— land and camp, Crown Point Rd., 300 Gagnon, Adelaide and F]lie J. —land and building, Tuttle Ct., 2,500 Gi'enier, Reginald and Jean C.—land and building, 22 Railroad Ave., 3,000

Hall, John C.—land and building, Railroad Ave., 800 Hale, Samuel, Est.—land, Wendell lot, 150 —land, Babb lot, Flagg Rd., 250 Hale, Richard G.—land, growing pine, 100 Harris, Rose M.—land and building, 75 Main St., 2,000 Howard, Fred G.—land and building, Washington St., 1,300 Hamel, Elsie—land and new house, 68 Church St., 4,200 Hamel, Edward and Noella—land and building, 70 Church St., 3,000 Hamel, Wm. D. and Ernestine—land, building and farm, 81 Church St., 1,200 —land and building, 80 Church St., 3,500 Houghtaling, Earl W. and Frances E.— land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,000 Haynes, Edith M.—land and building, 19-21 Maple St., 3,300 Hart, Walter E.—land and building, 60 Church St., 3,300 Hayes, Cora E.—land and building, Roch. Neck Rd., 4,000 Hayes, Jennie A. Est.—land and building, 83 Main St., 2,500 —land and building, 87 Main St., 2,500 —lot, 85 Main St., 200 Hebert, Thomas—land and building. Oak St., 2,100 Hatch, Ellis R. and Anna—land and building, 800 Haselton, Frank—land and building, Roch. Heights, 800 Hebert, George and Emelia—land and building, 13 Railroad Ave., 3,200 —lot No. 31, Levi St. Henderson, Roland—land, building and garage, 1,500 —5 lots. State St., 300 Hines, Kenneth—land and building. Concord Rd., 1,400 Hoey, Leah—land and building, 40 Maple St., 3,300 —sprout land, Hansonville, 100 Holland, Mary Est.—land and building, 84 Church St., 1,700 Howard, Roger H. and Natalie—land, building and garage. Reservoir Rd., 2,400 Huppe, Alcide and Blanche—land and building, Roch. Heights, 1,300 —lots No. 120-114 Howard, Ormsby L.—land and building, Dry Hill, 1,900 —3-room camp and land, 750 —land and camp, Washington St., 800 Howard, Elmer L—camp on leased land, Washington St., 100 —2 lots, Washington St., 300 138 Annual Report

Howard, Herman—land and building-, Reservoir Rd., 1,400 Hamel, Edgar and Rebecca—land, house and garage, 40 Church St., 2,400 Hussey, Margaret—land, house. Little Canada, 900 —lot. Little Canada, 50 —sprout land, Flagg Rd., 70 —land, unf. house, Roch. Neck Rd., 1,000 —land, Flagg Rd., 200 —land, Rochester Neck Rd., 150 —land. Dry Hill Rd., 50 Howard, Carlton A.—land and building, Dry Hill, 1,200 Hull, Arthur H.—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 1,900 Huntress, Jeannette and Ralph—land and building, Pickering- Rd., 1,200 Hanson, Charles P. and Ethel—lot No. 43, Cor. Glen- wood and Waverly Sts., 200 —2 lots, No. 36-38 Healey, Chas. E. and Margaret—land and building. Little Canada, 1,700 —2 hen houses Hersey, Ralph P. and Lucia—land and building, 16 Harding St., 2,000 Howard, Bernard and Marjorie—land and camp, Washington St., 200 —land, rear Washington St. —land, Washington St., 200 —camp on leased land, Washington St. Harding, Ralph and Catherine—land and building. Brock St., 1,700 Hamel, Herman J.—land, Pickering Rd., 300 Harrington, Bradford and Annie—land and building and garage, 35 Maple St., 2,600 Halliday, Howard and Lois—land and building, 48 Church St., 5,000 —land and building, 72 Winter St., 3,300 —land and building-, 72A Winter St., 1,800 Howard, Russell C. and Bette—land and building, Washington St., 1,000 Hussey, Walter and Catherine—land and farm, Hus- sey Rd., 3,000 —building on Hussey Rd., Hebert, Robert and Noella—land and building, 82 Church St., 2,700 Hemenway, Bernard and Cora—land and building, 2 apt. house, 27-29 Brock St., 3,000 Huppe, Maurice—land and house. State St., 1,200 Higg-ins, Stephen and Avis—land and building, Mead- erboro Cor., 2,500 —land and store and house, 1,000 Hebert, Geo. T. and Gertrude—land and building, 26 Railroad Ave., 2,400 Ham, Robert F.—land and unf. house, Flagg Rd., 330 Hamor, Clarence W. and Gertrude W.—land and building-, 39 Brock St., 1,400 City of Rochester 139

Hussey, Kenneth P. and Betty L.—land and build- ing-, 6 Grove St., 3,000

Jenness, Myron I.—land, buHdinfi', farm, 3-car ga- rage, Pickering Rd., 4,700 —Allen lot, Salmon Falls Rd., 400 —cut over land, Pickering Rd., 300 —James Osborne lot, growth, 200 Jenness, Emily and Wilbur—land and building, Dry Hill Rd.', 1.500 —field, Dry Hill Rd., 100 200 —Chesley lot, land, Jenness, Myron I. and Chas. Teague— sprout Hanson lot, 300 Jones, Arthur and Hazel—land and building, lot No. 1-700 23, 76 Brock St., 100 —lot No. 21, Rochester Heights, Jones, Sarah—land and building, 90 Chuich St., 5,000 Jacques, Maurice and Alma—land, house and garage, 31 Brock St., 2,000 Johnson, John E. and Mae E.—land, building and garage, 4 Brock St., 4,300 Jacques, Antoinette—land and building, 24 Church St. 3,700 Jenness, Sarah—land and building. Cor. Brock St. and Washington St., 2,000 Jenness, Murray and Catherine—land and new house, Pickering Rd., 2,500 Jenness, Chas. W. and Barbara—land and building, Washington St., 1'400 Jacques, Jos. L. and Violet—land and building, 72 l-^OO Main St., Jones, Robert F. and Marilyn—land and building. Railroad Ave., 2,200 Johnson, Ernest W. and Rita—land and building, First Crown Pt. Rd., 1.200 Johnson, Irving O., Sr. and Clara— land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 1.400 "00 —Frost lot and garage, Johnson, Irving 0., Jr. and Shirley—land and build- l.'^OO ing, Concord Rd., Jordan, Norman P. and Georgette—land and build- ing, 17 Railroad Ave., 330oon Jepsen, Edith—land and camp, Blackwater Rd.,

Kirouac, Henry L. and Bertha—land, building and garage, 64 Maple St., 2,700 8 Keller, Donald Est. and Janet—land and building, 3,000 Brock St., —2-room camp, Washington St., 500 300 —land, Farmington Rd., —land and 3-room house, Janet St., l.OOU —land and building, Elizabeth St., 1,500 —land on Milton Rd., 1.000 140 Annual Report

Kirouac, Ernest J. and Theresa—land and building, 3-5 Felker St., 3,000 King, Napoleon and Dorothy—land and unf. house, Pickering Rd., 700 Keller, Roger F. and Eileen—land and building, 15 Brock St., 2,100 Knox, Edward Jr. and Elaine—land and building. Dry Hill Rd., 2,000 Kusnierz, Edward M. and Mary E.—land and build- ing, Crown Point Rd., 1,900

Lambert, Edward and Evangeline—land and build- ing, 36 Railroad Ave., 2,400 —garage, Railroad Ave., 1,700 Leighton, Charlotte—land and building, Meadei'boro Cor., 2,000 —wood lot, Four Rod Rd., 1,000 —land and building, 68A Church St., 3,300 Lanoix, Rose—land and building, 5 Oak St., 4,200 —2-car garage Lambert, Maude E.—land and building, lot No. 87, 900 —lots 88-89 Roch. Heights, 100 Lapierre, Emilienne G.—land and building, 18 Rail- road Ave., 3,800 —land and building, Harding Ave., 1,700 —lot, 20 Railroad Ave., 200 —lot, Harding Ave., 200 Littlefield, Geo. L. and Clara—land and buildings, lots 102-103, 1,300 —lot No. 98, Rochester Heights, 100 —camp and lot No. 132, 400 —camp and lot Chamberlain St., 200 Littlefield, George F.—land, camp and garage, Roch- ester Heights, 800 —lot 121 —11/2 lots No. 122 and V2 of No. 123, State St., 200 Larochelle, Jos. A. and Agnes—land and building, lot, Hansonville, 1,700 —lot, Meaderboro Rd., 100 Lagotte, Rose A. — land and building, 6 Church St., 4,000 Lavoie, Lena—land and building, 6 Grove St., 3,500 —land and building, 7-9 Felker St., 4,000 Larose, Clorida—land and building, 55 Main St., 2,500 Labonte, Hester and Lorraine E. Bennett—land and building. Oak St., 700 —land. Oak St., 100 Lanoix, Omer—camp, lot No. 16, Lawn Ave., 500 —3 lots, 17-22-24, Rochester Heights, 200 Lamontagne, Ovide—land, farm and buildings, Straf- ford Rd., 2,900 Lepage, Charles—land and building, State St., 800 —lots No. 110-111-112-115, 300 Lachapelle, Aime J. and Malvina—land and build- City of Rochester 141

ingr, 35-37 Main St., 3,700 Lachapelle, Geo. and Dianna— land and buildings, 16 Sherman St., 2,200 Lizotte, Francis and Yvonne— land, farm and build- ing-, Gear Rd., 2,800 —land, Gear Rd., 450 Lyons, Fred Jr. and Edith—land, house and garage, Meaderboro Rd., 2,400 Lenfest, Harry H.—land and building, 40 Railroad Ave., 3,500 Lacouture, Jennie—land and building, Roch. Heights, 2,200 —lots, 137-138, 100 Laurion, Israel and Malvina—land and building. Little Canada, 1,400 —Land, Cemetery Rd., 200 Lunt, Laurence and Adelia—farm and building, Blackwater Rd., 1,500 —sprout land, Blackwater Rd., 100 —Pickering lot, Blackwater Rd., 200 —Bickford lot, Jenness Rd., 100 Lyons, Fred Sr. and Florence—land and building, Strafford Rd., 1,000 Lyons, Lincoln and Sylvia—land and building, Straf- ford Rd., 1,900 —land. Crown Point Rd., 100 LeClair, Carl and Margaret—land and building, Flagg Rd., 1,600 — field and woods. Route 125, 300 Lessard, Narcisse and Marie Anne—land and build- ing, 10-12 School St., 4,000 —land and building, 8 School St., 2,300 Lord, Arthur R.—Kent lot. Dry Hill Rd., 250 —Hayes lot. Dry Hill Rd., 200 —Roberts' lot, Dry Hill Rd., 350 —lot, Meaderboro Rd„ 200 —woodland, Meaderboro Rd., 200 —land near Estes Corner, 100 —Beck lot, Meaderboro Rd., 300 —pasture and growth, 1,000 Lachapelle, Leon and Dorothy—land and building, 85A Main St., 1,600 Laurion, Alfred and Flora—land and building, 47-49 Main, 3,500 Lefevre, Joseph—land and building, Otisville, 300 Laurion, Eva—land and building, 41 Main St., 3,300 Laurion, Willie Est. and Alexina—land and building, 74 Church St., 3,200 Lanoix, Gustave and Rose—land and building, 55 Church St., 3,700 Lane, Leslie M. and Dorothy P.—land and building, Hansonville, 1,000 Laurion, Lucien and Blanche—land and building. Rail- road Ave., 2,300 Lavoie, Wilfred E. and Dorothy B.—camp and land, 500 —unf. building, 7 Harding Ave., 2,500 142 Annual Report

Laiose, Maria C.—land, building and garage, 57 Church St., 3,300 Lachance, Bernard and Lorraine—land and building, —33 Railroad Ave., 3,500 —land, lot 49 Railroad Ave., 160 —house lots, Tuttle Ct., 160 Laferte, Hector and Sylvia—land and building, 32 Oak St., 3,200 Lanoix, Robert and Theresa— land and building, 1 Mill St., 2,300 Langelier, Lucien and Rose E.—block, 29 No. Main St., 15,000 —land and building, 8A-8B May St., 3,200 —lot, Upham St. —farm, Meaderboro Rd., 7,000 —farm, Strafford Rd., 2,000 —slaughter house, 2,000 Levesque, Donald M. and Stella— land, house and store, 25-27-29 Main St., 5,300 Little, Merle and Margaret—land and building, Han- sonville, 600

Lytle, Richard and Mary" — land and new house, 34 Oak St., 2,600 Lacasse, Raymond and Edie—land and building, Washington St., 1,400 Loring, Normand A. and Sylvia—land, farm and building. Route 125, ' 2,800 —filling station. Route 125, 2,700 Lacroix, Geo. and Francoise— land and building, 29 Oak St., 2,800 LeClair, Graziella—land and building, 38 Railroad Ave., 3,300 Lagotte, Wilfred and Cecile—block and store, 21 Main St., 4,300 LePage, Emile—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 2,800 Letendre, Ernest and Christine—land and building. State St., 1,000 —lots 145-146-151-152, 100 Lecroix, Gerard and Bernice—land and building, 67 Main St., 2,800 —lot, Larose, Donat E.—land and building unf.. Railroad Ave., 2,000 —18 house lots, off Railroad Ave., 1,000 Lloyd, Charles P. and Nellie—land and building. Con- cord Rd., 1,200 Laurion, Roger—land and building, and store, 21 Brock St., 2,200 Lachance, Jerome and Virginia—land and building, Roch. Heights, 3,000 Lapierre, Lorenzo and Marguerite—land and build- ing, 29-31 Railroad Ave., 600 Libby, Dwight and Doretta—land, house, barn, ga- rage. Reservoir Rd., 1,600 City of Rochester 143

Lagasse, Leo P. and Theresa— land and building-, Oak St., 3,300 Labelle, Norman and Pauline—land and building, 49 Maple St., 2,500 Lincoln, Laura—land, building and farm, Blackwater Rd., 2,200 Laurion, Roland— land and building, unf., 8 Elizabeth St., 2,700 LaChance, Robert and Daisy—land and building, 7 Elizabeth St., 2,800 Laplume, Julien and Aurore—farm and building. Con- cord Rd., 1,600 Lane, Wm. and Phyllis—land and buildings, Crown Pt. Rd., 6,000 —sprout land, Sheepboro Rd., 100

Michaud, Leon and Blanche—land and building, 23 Sherman St., 3,000 Masse, Napoleon and Wilda—land, building and ga- rage, 74 Main St., 3,300 —lot, 74 Main St.. 200 Malsbury, Minnie—land and building, Otisville, 700 Meader, Dana W. and Albert E.—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 5,000 —meadow and pasture —Jenkin's lot Meader, Harry H., Est. and Grace—land and building, 54 Church St., 5,300 Mueller, Antoinette—land and building, Jenness Rd., 2,900 Meader, Hazel—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 1,800 Meader, Chas F. and Wilma—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 1,700 Miller, Elinor M.—land and new house, Washington St., 2,100 —woodland on Wash. St. & Hussey Rd., 200 Mills, George W. and Henrietta—land and building. Dry Hill Rd., ],000 —wood lot, 300 Mitchell, Chas. and Alice—land, building and garage, Flagg Rd., 1,500 Mitchell, Edith F.—land and building, 65 Charles St.. 4,200 —land and building, 194 No. Main St., 3,100 —land and building, 23 Union St., 4,300 —lot, 67 Charles St., 500 Mitchell, Karl and Edith—farm and building, Grove St., 7.300 McElwain, Marion— land and building, 56 Church St., 4,700 McCallion, Neal and Bertha—land and building, Washington St., 2.200 Meader, John M. and Frieda—land and building, 37 Church St., 3,200 144 Annual Report

Maclver, Anj):us and Marjorie— land and building; and farm. Pickering Rd., 3,300 —land, Pickering Rd., 500 —land, Pickering Rd., 400 Miller, Malcolm— lot, Washington St., 200 Miller, John and Doris—land and building, upper Wash. St., 2,300 Mountain, Elva—land, house and store, Gonic Rd., 3,300 Madore, Joseph and Lucille—land and building, 14 Harding Ave., 2,000 Mattocks, Wm. Jr. and Thelma—land and building, 39 Maple St., 2,000 McCarthy, Jos. and Verna—land and building, Oak St., 1,200 Masse, Ulderic—cut off land, Peaslee farm, 500 Meader, Elwyn and Virginia-—farm and building, Meaderboro Rd., 3,300 Miliette, Adam and Julia—land and building. State St., 1,200 —lots, 151-152 Rochester Heights, 300 Mailhot, Ernest and Flora—garage, Oak St., on leased land, 200 Morrison, Edward and Dora—land, house and ga- rage, 5 Brock St., 2,800 Maclver, Bui'ton and Josephine—land and building, Pickering Rd., 1,500 Marble, Alv^^yn and Mary—land, building and ga- rage, Hansonville, 2,000 Mikula, John and Sarah—land and building. Crown Point Rd., 2,200 Moore, Donald and Shirley—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 2,000 Murray, Rose A.—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,800 —house lot, Old Dover Rd., Mallen, Joseph—land, building and garage. Old Dover Rd., 2,300 Metrick, Nicholas and Mary—land, building and farm, England Rd., 2,500 Mains, Walter—land and building. Route 125, 1,000

Nixon, Jane—land and building, 25 Oak St., 3,000 —lot, 23 Oak St., 200 Newton, Henry T. and Pauline—land and store, Little Canada, 1,000 New England Brick Co.—land and brick yard, build- ing, 5,000 —machinery, 45,000 Newton, Henry, Jr. and Rosilda—land and building. Little Canada, 1,300

Osborne, Geo. W.—land and building, Pickering Rd., 3,300 Otis, Irving—farm, Dry Hill, 1,100 —Beebe meadow. Dry Hill City of Rochester 145

Oakes, Elijah P. and Lydia—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 1,000 Osgood, James and Helen—land and buildings, Rail- road Ave., 1,000 —land and camp. Railroad Ave., 400 —land and camp, R.R. Ave. —lot, Raih'oad Ave., 100

Osborne, Gladvs" E.—land and building, Washing- ton St., 1,200 —brooder house Osborne, Downing—land and building, 31 Church St., 2,300 O'Brien, Eugene and Josephine—land and new house, 27 Sherman St., 2,300

Pomerleau, Elsie and Joseph— land and building, Pickering Rd., 1,300 —pasture land Pasek, Albert— land and building, Church St., 6,000 —apt. 12-14-16-18 Picard, Napoleon and Sarah—land and building. Con- cord Rd., 1,300 —sprout land. Dry Hill Rd., 200 —garage —land, Frank Winkley Est. Pouliot, Raymond—land and camp, Brock St., 600 Parshley, Ralph W.—land and 1 lot. Old Meaderboro Rd., 100 —lot, Estes Corner, 100 —camp, Washington St., 500 Payeur, Leon and Delvina—land and building, Church St., 1,000 Parent, Patrick D. and Yvonne V.—land and building. Railroad Ave., 2,500 —land, meadow, 300 Paradis, Lionel and Barbara—land, house and garage, Flagg Rd., 1,700 Price, Edward and Rose—land, building and garage, 1,500 —Pickering Rd. Pike, Edwin—land, building and garage, Rochester Heights, 1,200 Paradis, Henry L.—farm and building, Hansonville, 3,000 —lot, Gonic Rd. —12 lots, Rochester Heights, 200 —land and unf. building. Gear Rd., 500 Parshley, Bennie R. and Evelyn—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 1,000 Pepin, Antonio and Louise—land, building and ga- rage, 14 Brock St., 2,300 —lot next to 14 Brock St., 200 —lot. Cor. Brock and Elizabeth Sts., 300 Plourde, Alfred and Louise—land and building, 26 Oak St., 2,500 Pizarro, Florenzeo and Lovella—land and building, Hansonville, 1,200 —

146 Annual Report

Pomerleau, Ernest A.—land and building, Hanson- ville, 2,000 Paradis, Philip and Geraldine— land and building, Flag-g- Rd., 3,700 —slaughter house —barn and Babb's field Paradis, Paul—land and new house, P^'lagg Rd., 1,100 Pomerleau, Jos. A. and Marie D.—land and new unf. house. Cor. Tebbetts Rd. and Blackwater Rd., 2,200 Philbrick, Wesley A. and June—land and building, Washington St., 1,200 —land and camp, Washington St. Potvin, Armand and Maurice—land and camp, lot 149, State St., 700 Piper, Ann and Ralph—land and building, 2 Church St., 6,000 —land and 2 apts., Willow Brook, 3,300 —land and building. Willow Brook, 1,800 —land, Rochester Hill, 700

Raiche, Victoria L.—land and building, Rochester Heights, 2,800 —lots 93-94-95-96 —lots 82-83-84-86-30 Rochester Country Club—land and buildings, Church St., 15,000 Rand, Elizabeth—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 2,600 Raab, Dwight F. and Helen—land and building, 31 Maple St., 2,800 —lot and building, 179 Portland St., 2,000 Rand, Carlton and Elizabeth—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 3,000 —filling station, 800 —store, 2,000 Raab, Dwight, Wm. Yancey and Albert Lachance land, Milton Rd., 900 Richardson, Raymond—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 3,700 —land and building, Old Dover Rd., 1,500 —lot Russell, Richard L. and Etta—farm and building, Gonic Rd., 1,900 Rose, George E. and Daisv— land and building, 21 Brock St., 2,000 Ruel, George and Viola—land and building, Harding Ave., 2,500 —store, Harding Ave., 3,000 —garage Robichaud, Ronald and Mabel—land and building, Rochester Heights, 2,000 —land and camp. Brock St., 330 Roulx, Henry and Elise—land and building, 27 Oak St., 2,500 City of Rochester 147

Ruel, Alfred and Blanche—land, building and garage, G Harding Ave., 2,800 —land, building and garage, 9 Church St., 2,800 —land and building, 1 Demeritt St., 2,200 —land and building, 3 P'elker St., 1,500 Richey, Ernest and Rose—land and building, 51 Main St., 2,800 —2-stall garage, Felker St., 200 Redden, Sara W.—land and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 2,000 Robidas, Albert and Delina—land, camp and garage, Flagg Rd., 2,000 —henhouse Ramsey, Normand and Irene—3 lots. Maple St., 400 —land and building, 28 Maple St., 5,700 —land and building. Main St., 6,700 —warehouse —house lots in rear, 3,000 Ruel, Valmore G.—land and building, Ramsey Drive, 3,300 Ramsey, Herbert A. and Cecile—land and building, 17 Sherman St., 2,800 Ramsey, Alphonse and Helena—land and building, 30 Maple St., 3,100 —lot, 15 Winter St., 100 —North Star Motel, unfinished, 10,000 Regnell, Keijo and Ann—land and building, Meader- boro Rd., 2,000 Ramsey, Leonard and Thelma—land and new house, Grove St., 2,500 Richey, O'Neil P. and Anna A.—land and building, Felker St., 3,600 Ramsey, Yvonne—land, building, apt., 7-9 Maple St., 4,500 Remick, Verne E. and Maxine—land and building, Pickering Rd., 1,200 Rubins, Ramon—land and building. Oak St., 2,600 —land and building, Hansonville Rd., 600 —scrub land cut over Royce Shoe Corp.—machinery, 12,000 Randlett, Talbot C. and Marguerite—land and build- ing, Washington St., 2,000

Scrosati, Emile and Leona—land and building, Roch- ester Heights, 1,700 —lots, 1-2-3-4 —lot No. 8, Brock St., 100 Severance, Clayton B. and Gladys—land and unf. building, 1,800 —sprout land, Dearborn lot, 600 —Ramsbottom lot, sprout land Sampson, Mary E.—farm and building, Sampson Rd., 1,100 Scruton, Ruth V. and Joseph—land and building. Horse Hill Rd., 1,500 Seavey, Weldon and Lucille land, — building' and ga- rage. Old Dover Rd., 1,500 —

148 Annual Report

Smith, Mary I.— land and building, Gonic Rd., 3,300 —land, across from gas house Sevigny, Eugene and Helen— land, building and ga- rage, 32 Railroad Ave., 3,100 Stahl, Edward 0. and Jean R.—land and building, Pickering Rd., 2,700 Stevenson, Ernest and Ruth R.—land and building, 71 Main St., 2,800 St. Onge, Marie Anna— land and building, Little Canada, 1,200 Scott, Charles Sr. and Louise— land and building, 23 Brock St., 1,800 Sylvain, John and Eva—land and building, 17 Rail- road Ave., 3,200 —house lot, Levi St., 60 Stackpole, Norman B.—Bell's place. Dry Hill Rd., 130 —woodland, 260 St. Peter, Everett and Orena—land, building and ga- rage. Little Canada, 1,300 Smith, John A.—land and building, Otisville, 1,000 Stevens, Sylvester—shed and addition, 400 Soucy, Edgar J. and Mary L.—land and building, Blaekwater Rd., 2,000 Springfield, George and Lola—apt. building and ga- rage. Main St., 3,300 —lot, Rochester Hill Rd., 425 —3 lots, R.R. Ave. and Maple St., 610 —land and building, 70 Winter St., 1,500 Scott, Marshall and Florence—land and building, Mill St., 2,300 Smith, Buran and Alice—Florys, Glenn and Edith land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 4,300 —field and pasture —Hobbs lot, wood, 1,000 —new garage —land and building, Sampson Rd., —4 greenhouses, 1,000 Stone, Virginia and Carl—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 4,500 Sylvain, Wilfrid and Palma—land, building and ga- rage, 7 Grove St., 2,800 —ice cream stand, Main St., 500 Severance, Bernard C.—Green lot, land stripped, Blaekwater Rd., 40 St. Saviour, Irene and Dolphis—land, building and garage, 48 Main St., 2,300 Stevens, Lawrence—land, Hansonville, 60 Scruton, Arthur—land and building, 1,300 St. Peter, Joseph and Brenda—camp and land, Han- sonville, 1,000 Sanville, Walter E. Est. and Mabel M.—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 3,300 City of Rochester 149

Staples, Irene—land and building, 9 Sherman St., 2,000 —cottage in rear, 500 Stevens, Blanche M.—land and building, Meader- boro Rd., 300 Stanley, Maurice—land and building, 5 Elizabeth St., 1,200 —lots 80-81, Rochester Heights Shaw, Joseph W. and Florence Y.—land and unf, ranch house. Oak St., 2,800 Steves, Thomas and Prudence—lot with cellar, Oak St., 1,700 Smith, Alice B. and Glenn H.—land and building, 11 Sheridan Ave., 3,200 —vacant lot, No. 13 Sheridan Ave., 300 —land, rear of 11-13 Sheridan Ave. Sylvain, Romeo L. and Arlene—land and building, new house. Horse Hill, 5,000 Steele, Helen C—land and building, Concord Rd., 1,200 Smith, Richard L. and Susan L.—land and building and hen barn, Pickering Rd., 5,500 Simons, Richard A. and Mary—land and building, 50 Church St., 2,700 Scannell, Richard L. and Martha—land and building, Meaderboro Corner, 2,700

Teague, Edith J. —land and building, at Dover Line, 6,400 league, Neal F. and Merion—land and building, 3 Grove St., 4,200 —land and building, 28 Jackson St., 2,700 —garage Theroux, Diana—land, building and garage, 58 Main St., 4,600 —land and building, 62 Main St., 1,300 —^Felker building, 3 apts., and garages, 56 Main St., 4,700 —land and building, 4 Oak St., 1,400 Tessier, Louis and Lucy—land and building, 68 Main St., 4,200 Towle, Claude and Evelyn—land and building, lot No. 55, Brock St., 600 —lot No. 53, 100 Tuttle, Merlon and Ida—-camp and barn, Strafford Rd., 1,900 —farm, Evans Est. —sprout land —land and building Tremblay, Bertha—land, building and garage, 8 Harding Ave., 2,700 Theroux, Roland and Yvette—land and building, 6 Oak St., 3,000 Thomas, Lawrence and Eleanor—land and building, Little Canada, 1,100 —land and building, 700 —lot —garage 150 Annual Report

Tremblay, Louise—land and buildings, 73 Main St., 4,000 —land and building-. School St., 3,000 Tremblay, Ernest and Antoinette— land and building, Pickering Rd., 2,200 Taylor, Lena—land and building, Hansonville Rd., 900 Towle, Gerald and Beulah—farm, land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 4,300 —building on leased land, Willow Brook, 300 —land on Farmington Rd., 400 Tremblay, Arthur and Imelda—land and building, 36 Church St., 3,700 Tremblay, Adelard and Delphine—land and building, Pickering Rd., 1,000 Tebbetts, Muriel—land and building, Blackwater Rd., 1,400 Tanguay, Sylvio and Louise—land and building, 30 Railroad Ave., 3,300 Thompson, Blanche and Ralph—land and building, 12 Brock St., 2,000 Tremblay, Gerard J. and Raelene M.—land and build- ing, Pickering Rd., 2,700 Turcotte, Wilfred J. and Sylvia—land, camp and ga- rage, Roch. Heights", 1,700 Tuttle, Lawrence and Prudence—land and building, 7 Brock St., 2,000 Turner, Helena—land and building, Washington St., 2,800 —4-stall garage Therrien, Edward and Annie—land and building, Crown Point Rd., 400 Tessier, Albert Sr. and Katherine—land and build- ing. Grove St., 1,700 Trueworthy, Raymond and Muriel—land, building and garage. Brock St., 2,700 —lots 10-14, Rochester Heights —lots 7-9-11-12-13-15, 400 Theriault, Norman and Isabelle—lot. Oak St., 200 Talbot, Alphonse, Jr. and Rita—land and building, Crown Point Rd., 1,500 Tufts, Orin and Beatrice—camp, Dry Hill Rd., 300 —camp. Dry Hill Rd. Theroux, Emile and Lorraine— lot, 92 Main St., 400 Twombly, Kenneth and Lucy—cottage. Old Dover Rd., 1,000 —camp, Old Dover Rd. Talbot, Norman N.—land and new house. Crown Point Rd., 2,500 Thibodeau, Solon and Grace— land and camp, Waver- ly St., 400

Urlau, Rudolf and Agnes—land and building, 1,700 —lot and garage, Horse Hill

Vickery, Harold J. —land, farm and buildings, Mead- erboro Rd., 7,000 —land and building, Madison Ave., 3,700 — 4 house lots, Madison Ave., 1,100 City of Rochester 151

Vayo, Francis and Elizabeth—land and building and garage, 34 Railroad Ave., 2,800 Vickery, William and Natalie—land and building, Sheepboro Rd., 2,400 —land from D. F. Jenness Vittum, Paul W. and Marion E.—land and building, 2,300 —lot, Strafford Rd. Valleton, John and Dorothy—land, farm and building. Crown Point Rd., 2,100 Vachon, Alfred and Jeanne—land and building, new, 4 Elizabeth St., 2,800 Vachon, Norman and Svlvette—land and building. Brock St,. 2,000

Wallingford, Maynard Est. and Hazel— land and building, Hansonville, 1,200 Wallingford, Wayne—land and camp, Otisville, 1,200 Wallingford, Collis and Pearl—trailer on leased land, Otisville, 400 Watson, Sumner W. and Raymond S. Watson—farm and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 6,000 —Danforth lot, 100 —Witherell land, 1,000 —land, Rochester Neck Rd., 100 —lot, stripped land, 800 —Babb lot, Pickering Rd., 100 —lot. Ham field, 100 —house and land, orchard, 1,300 Weed, Charles and Yolanda—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 1,800 Welch, Nellie 0.—land and building, Sherman St., 2,500 Weed, Anna—land and building, Old Dover Rd., 2,100 —land and building, from Chas. Weed, 800 Winkley, Jennie—land and building. Concord Rd., 1,300 Winkley, Charles F. and Mai'jorie—land and building. Page Hill, , 800 —farm, Evans place, 1,500 Winkley, Joseph and Dorothy—land and building, Concord Rd., 1,000 —land Woodward, Edward and Pauline—land and building. Old Dover Rd., 2,800 Witherell, Harry W. and Ralph—land, building and garage, 5,200 —pasteurizing plant Watson, Charles Jr.—farm, Rochester Neck Rd., 1,000 —farm and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 2,000 —land and building, 85-87 So. Main St., 7,000 Wilmont, Roland and Katherine—land and building,

15 Felker St., ' 3,700 Waterhouse, Lester D. and Ethel C.—land and build- ing, Pickering Rd., 1,600 Weymouth, Clayton W. and Alice E.—land and build- ing, Waverly St., 1,900 152 Annual Report

Weare, Alonzo and Florence—land and building, Meaderboio Rd., 3,000 —pasture land —scrub land Watson, Robert W. and Teresa—land and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 2,000 —sprout land, 500 Watson, Blanche—land and camp, Blackwater Rd., 800 Wotton, Wilbur, Est. and Delia—land and building, 24 Sherman St., 2,500 Wormhood, Leeman B. and Norah—land, building and garage, Rochester Neck Rd., 1,300 Weeden, Betharlene and Scott—land and building, Rochester Neck Rd., 1,300 Waterman, Roger—land with trailer, Pickering Rd., 200 Young, A. J. and Ina—land and building, England Rd., 2,500 —land from Proux farm, 1,000 —land, old Pickering farm, 1,500 Young, Richard and Annette—land and building, new, Pickering Rd., 2,300 Young, George and Ruth—land and new building, ^ Pickering Rd., 2,4C0 York, Nellie—land and building, Flagg Rd., 2,000 —barn Young, Lewis—house lot, Pickering Rd., 100


Allen, Marion O., Henry G.—land and building, 12 Madison Ave., $2,600 Aubert, Rose—land, building and garage, 34 Wash- ington St., 3,300 —1 lot, 37 Jackson St., 200 Anctil, Antonio E., Jacqueline S.—land and building, 2 Darrell St., 3,200 Archambault, George, Rose—land and building, 2 stall garage, 52 Chestnut St., 5,300 Arguin, Aurea—land and building, 34 River St., 4,000 Archambault, Louis, Alberta—land and building, 16 Lyons St., 2,800 Archambault, Philip, Mary D.—land and building, 22 Lafayette St., 5,600 Austin, Carl M., Jeannine R. — land and building, 13 Kendall St., 2,800 Ambrose, Bruce E., Lois—land and building, 13 Lyons St., 3,000 Beaudoin, Edward, Germalne—land and building, 46 Lafayette St., 5,100 —1 lot, Brochu Court, 300 ——

City of Rochester 153

Beaudoin, Leo, Modeste—land and building, 10 Wash- ington St., 2,500 Beaudoin, Joseph E., Bella—land and building. Ten Rod Road, 1,700 Belanger, Edgar, Florence—Lot, Cor. of N. Main & Ten Rod Rd., 600 Bernard, Eugene, Albertine—Lot, 14 Harvard St., 300 land and building, 75 Chestnut St., 3,100 Bernard, Wilfred V2 of house, land and garage, 63- 65 Maple St., 2,600 Bernard, Emily V2 of house, land and garage, 63-65 Maple St., 2,600 Beland, Napoleon, Edith—land, house and garage, 57 Chestnut St., 5,500 Boyle, Raymond H.—land and building, 50 Wash- ington St., 2,700 Belanger, Albina—land and building, 34 Chestnut St., 4,400 Belanger, Albina—land and building, 27 Lafayette St., 4,400 —land and building, 271/2 Lafayette St., 3,300 Belinsky, Anna—land and building, 25 Maple St., 5,300 —land and building, 24-26 Maple St., 3,500 —land and building, 23 Maple St., 2,800 —land and building, 28 Maple St., 7,700 —land and building, 4 Leonard St., 5,500 —2 lots. No. 10-No. 12, Leonard St., 600 —land. Chestnut Hill Rd., 400 —land and building, Milton Rd., 3,200 —land, Milton Rd., 500 —land, Milton Rd., 700 Begin, Alcide, Georgiana—land and building, 27 Washington St., 4,300 —1 lot, 30 Roy St., 400 Bridges, Lester L., Florence—land and building, 100 Maple St., 3,300 Bergeron Baking Co.,—land and building, 7 Waldron Ave., 8,400 —machinery, 600 Bergeron, Louis, Albina— land and building, 48 Chest- nut St., 5,400 — V2 land and building, 31 Lafayette, 2,300 Blair, William—land, building and garage, 13 Wash- ington St., 2,500 Brooks, Robert E., Pauline—land, building and ga- rage, 64 Pine St., 3,200 —Lot, 62 Pine St., 300 Bilodeau, Valire, Beatrice—land and building, 16 Harvard St., 2,800 Bousquin, Audiana—land and building, 5 Gagne St., 3,700 Bryant, Burton D., Helen J.—land and building, 44 Fine St., 3,000 Boudreau, Albert, Clara—farm and building, Ten Rod Rd., 1,600 —field and wood, 100 154 Annual Report

Boudreau, Joseph, Patricia—land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 1,300 Blair, Gerard, Louise— Lot, Washing-ton St. —garage —^land and building, 58 Washington St., 5,500 —lot, rear 58 Washington St., 200 Bolduc, Napoleon, Rose— land and building, garage, 63 Chestnut St., 2,500 Belanger, Robert, Irene—land and building, 44 Chest- nut St., 5,000 Boivin, Flora—land and building, 11 Maple St., 3,500 Bouchard, Julien, Leonie M.—land, building and ga- rage, 31 Pine St., 5,000 Benner, Hudson—land, building and garage, 60 Wal- nut St., _ 3,500 Boivin, John J., Victoria—land, building and store, 137 No. Main St., 6,400 —land, building, 7 Springfield Ct., 4,300 —land and store. Main St., East Rochester, 6,000 —barber shop, 69 Main St., East Rochester, 1,200 —farm, Twombly St., 5,200 —land and building, 28 Knight St., 6,400 —land and building, Upham St., 2,400 —land and building, 10-12 Harrison Ave., 2,000 —land and building, 6-8 Harrison Ave., 2,000 —land and building, 10 Jenness St., 1,000 —land and building, garage, 16 Park St., 2,700 —land and building, 30-32 Walnut St., 4,700 —land and building, 13 Hancock St., 4,500 —lot, 9 Springfield Ct., 200 Brock, Ralph Est., Maurice—land and building. Ten Rod Road, 5,500 —land and building. Ten Rod Road, 200 —office, 700 —land and building, Pine St., East Rochester, 4,000 —land and building, 36-38 So. Main St., 15,000 —land. Ten Rod Rd., 700 —garage, 500 —land and block, 40 So. Main St., 7,000 Bergeron, Martin, Margaret—land and buildings, 55 Pine St., 3,300 Brooks, Gladys M., Edward—land and building, 51 Pine St., 2,500 Brochu, Elizabeth—land and building, 13 Moore Ct., 4,100 Brochu, Joseph—land and building, 33-35 River St., 3,700 Boyle, Mildred—land and building, 82 Maple St., 1,000 —lot, 84 Maple St., 400 Bilodeau, Leo, Jeanne—land and building, 24 Chest- nut St., 2,800 Buck, Kenneth, Alice—land and building, 11 Chasse St., 2,500 Bernard, Alfred, Anna—land and building, 71 Chest- nut St., 2,600 City of Rochester 155

Biron, Marguerite, Joseph—land and building-, 62 Maple St., 2,800 —lot, 60 Maple St., 200 Boudreau, Leonard, Marion—land and building', barn. Ten Rod Rd., 2,200 Biron, Mary I.—land and building, 51 River St., 2.900 —land and 4 apartments, rear 51 River St., 4,000 Bolduc, Donald, Elizabeth—land and building, 10 Lagasse St., 3,000 Bisson, Olivine—land and building, garage, 15 La- fayette St., 3,200 Bergeron, Irene, Joseph—land and building, 44 La- fayette St., 4,100 Beaudoin, Raymond J., Marie land and building. 37 — ' Pine St., 4,500 —lot No. 36, Wakefield Manor, 100 Baxter, Evei'ett E., Germaine—land and building, 11- 13 Gagne St., 2,800 Bennett, Lottie M.—land and building, 67 Washing- ton St., 3,500 Boudreau, Ernest J.—land, building, barn, hen house and 4 hen houses. Ten Rod Rd., 1,600 Benin, Robert A., Eva—land and building, 24 Pine St., 3,000 Breton, Joseph E., Corinne—land and building, 30 Washington St., 2,900

Blanchette, Louis, Genevieve—land and building, 24 ^/^ Pine St., 2,500 Brochu, Archie, Est. land and building, 68 Walnut — ' St., 2,800 Beaupre, Omer P., Mary land and building, 9 Ken- " — dall St., 2,800 Belanger, Arthur, Barbara—land and building, 85 Washington St., 2,200 Burke, Edna I.—land and building, 81 Washington St., 2,200 Braudis, Roy and Arthur— land and building, 43 Pine St., 2,500 Beaudoin, Kenneth, Lois—land and building, 22 Jack- son St., 2,600 Bourque, Lionel J., Pauline—land and building, 19 Oak St., 3,200 Beardsworth, Norman J., Florence—land and build- ing, I Duquette St., 2,900 Boudreau, Wilbur—land, building and garage. Ten Rod Rd., 2,600 Belanger, Vincent, Jean—land and building, 54 Washington St., 4,500 Blood, Carlisle R., Annette—land and building, 4 Lyons St., 2,500 Beaulieu, Joseph. Alvina—land and building. Chest- nut Hill Rd., 1,200 —land and building, 9 Gagne St., 4,100 —land and block, 4-6 Lafayette St., 6,700 156 Annual Report

Boufford, Gideon, Rose—land and building, 1 Link St., 4,900 Bennett, David A., Joan—land and building, 3 Wood- lawn Rd., 2,800 Boulet, Louise—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 1,800 Bergeron, Lucien, Catherine—land and building, 38 Chestnut St., 3,000 Brunelle, Robert J., Arline L.—land and building, 6 Snow St., 4,500 Belliveau, Philip L.—house lot, 3 Roy St., 500

Campbell, Walter, Carrie—land and buildings, Mead- erboro Rd., 1,000 Clark, Roy E., Hazel—land and building, 33 Wash- ington St., 2,500 —land and building, 2 apts., rear 33 Wash. St., 2,700 Connell, James Est.—land and building, 66 Pine St., 3,000 Carignan, Albert, Gladys—land and building, 8 Wal- nut St., 5,500 —land and building, 177 No. Main St., 8,400 —land and building, 2-4 Walnut St., 7,000 —land and building, 175 No. Main St., 6,700 Corson, Belle P.—land and buildmgs, 86 Walnut St., 2,700 —2 lots, 86 Walnut St., 600 Cormier, Alphonse, Lillian—land and building, 31 Jackson St., 2,800 —land and building, 29 Jackson St., 1,300 Corson, Harry, Hilda—land and buildings. Farming- ton Road, 2,300 Couture, Edgar, Anna—land and building, 18 Chest- nut St., 3,100 Couture, Eudore, Serefine—land and buildings, 11 Jackson St., 4,200 Couture, Raoul—land, building and garage, 1 Brochu Ct., 4,000 Crossley, Hazel, Leo—land and building, 10 Walnut St., 3,700 Cormier, Alfred Est.—land and building, 22 Pine St., 3,000 Coulombe, Nelson, Sadie—land and building. 111 Maple St., 2,500 Chasse, Albert, Lucie—land, building and garage, 68 Wash. St., 2,800 —land, house and store, 24 Oak St., 8,400 —land and building, 4 Harvard St., 2,800 —land and building, 62 Washington St., 7,100 Colby, Harold—land and building, 3 Gloria St., 5,500 Couture, Ruby E.—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 300 Custeau, John, Marie—land and building, 10 Oak St., 5,000 —land and building, 94 Maple St., 3,200 —lot, 96 Maple St., 200 —land and building, 10 Harvard St., 2,800 —3 lots, Washington St., 600 Cyr, Joseph A., Jr., Mariange—land and buildings, 3 Brochu Ct., 2,300 City of Rochester 157

Cyr, Joseph, Ernestine—land and building, 16 Haig St., 2,500 —lot, 14 Haig St., 300 Charette, Albert, Laurette—land and building, 65 Chestnut St., 2,700 Charon, Anita—land and building, 15 Oak St., 2,500 Cormier, Leo J., Rena—land, building and garage, 14 Washington St., 2,800 Chretien, Eugene, Jr., Madeline—land and building, 24 Jackson St., 1,700 Cook, Ernest P., Margaret—farm, land and barn, 2 henhouses, Farmington Road, 2,800 Cormier, Armand J., Evelyn—land, building and ga- rage, 56 Pine St., 3,800 _ Chevalier, Claude, Marie—land and building, 11 River St., 5,000 Corson, Earl J., Janet—land, building and garage, 12 Lyons St., 2,800 Curry, Jeannette—building on Fair Grounds, 300 Charles, John R., Marion— 1 lot, Eastern Ave., 200 Cotta, Charles—land and building, 6 Haig St., 1,800 —land, rear of 6 Haig St., 100 Caron, Ravmond, Alma E.—land and building, 30-32 River St., 6,000 Clough, Forest A., Rena—land, building and garage, 5 Duquette St., 2,800 Cardosi, Victor, Freda E.—land and building, 54 Walnut St., 4,000 —1/2 of Lot No. 7, 54 Walnut St., 200 Congram, Earl J., Jeannette—land and building, 25 Madison Ave., 4,300 Carlson, Richard, Louise^—land and building, 8 Hale St., 3,800 Couture, Romeo E., Florence— land, building, garage, 10 Roy St., 3,800 Canney, Vincent P. —land and building, 105 Wash- 'ington St., 2,800 Cote, Rene A., Dorothy—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 2,300 Carignan, Robert, Georgia—land and building, 7 Gloria St., 5,100 Chasse, Adelard, Ann L.—land and building, 6 Ken- dall St., 2,800 Comeau, Robert B., Glorine—land, building and ga- rage, 11 Duquette St., 2,800 Cassily, Francis, Eunice—land, building and garage, 14 Lagasse St., 3,500 Carrier, Wilfred, Sr.—land and building, 15 Harvard St., 1,000

Dame, Florence E.—land, building and garage, 41 Pine St., 3,800 Dallaire, Mrs. Amedee— land, building and garage, 18 Pine St., 2,900 158 Annual Report

Doyon, Ernest, Alfreda—land, building and garage, 9 Moore Ct., 3,200 —house and land, Whitehall Rd., 700 —land and buildings, 61 Pine St., 2,000 DesMarais, Alfred G., Aurore—land, building and ga- rage, 7 Chestnut St., 5,400 —land and building, 135 No. Main, 3,500 —land and building, 15 Chestnut St., 4,200 —land and building, 25 Pine St., 4,100 —store, 27 Pine St., 500 Desmarais, Alfred M., Florence—land and building, 18 Washington St., 2,200 Dubois, Eugene, Bertha—land, house and garage, 6 Harvard St., 1,700 —Building, rear 6 Harvard St., 600 —lot, 7 Harvard St., 200 Dubois, Leon, Yvonne—land, building, and garage, 73 Pine St., 3,400 Dubois, Alma—land and building, 75 Pine St., 2,800 Daigle, Raymond, Julia—land and building, 13 Oak St., 3,500 —garage, 13 Oak St. —lot, Cor. Maple & Oak Sts., 300 Duquette, Philip, Alice—land, building and garage, 49 Washington St., 3,500 Dow, Frank, Albina—land and building, 31 River St., 4,400 —land and building, 29 River St., 5,600 —cottage No. 1, rear 31 River St., 2,000 —cottage No. 2, rear 31 River St., 2,000 —cottage No. 3, rear 31 River St., 2,000 Dorr, Lucia—land and building, 9 Harvard St., 2,200 Dostie, Odias S., Amanda—land and building, 21 Bridge St., 6,000 —garage, 21 Bridge St., 1,500 —land and buildings, 40 River St., 5,700 Duperre, Mary—land and building, 16 Lafayette St., 3,300 —land and building, 18-20 Lafayette St., 6,700 Dolbec, Alcide, Aquelina—land and building, 12 Hoover St., 2,500 —lot, 14 Hoover St., 200 Dubois, John—land, building and garage, 17 Lagasse St., 2,900 Dodier, Edward—land and building and garage, 4 Maple St., 6,700 —land and building, 130 No. Main St., 6,000 Main St., 4,100 —land and building, 128 No. _ Dyne, Jennie—land, building and garage, 8 Madison 2,000 Ave., . Dubois, Nellie, Clement—land and building, 113 Maple St., 800 Dube, Arthur, Almoza—land and building, 34 Maple St., 4,800 —garage, Maple St., Drapeau, Henry R., Gloria—land, building and garage, 6 Lyons St., 2,800 City of Rochester 159

Doherty, James L., Anita—land and building, 107 Washington St., 2,800 Duchaime, Norman, Jean—land and building, 93 Washington St., 2,200 Descary, Charles—land and building, Foch St., 1,000 Duchesneau, Robert, Angela—land and building, 18 Lagasse St., 2,700 — V2 lot, 18 Lagasse St., —building, 18 Lagasse St. Donahue, Arthur L., Velma F.—land, building and garage, 22 Lyons St., 2,800 Desmarais, Raymond—building on Fair Grounds, 200 Devittori, Barbara, Ernando—land, building and ga- rage, 53 Washington St., 3,100 Duperre, Edmond, Yvonne—land, building and ga- rage, 2 Snow St., 4,000 Desmarais, Walter, Janet—land and building-, 21 Roy St., 6,000 Dusseault, Richard, Rita—land and building, 26 Wash- ington St., 3,300 Dumont, Roland J., Alice—land and building, 2 Ge- rard St., 3,500 Dubreuil, Rejean, Rachel—land and building, 44 Maple St., 3,300 Desmarais, Raymond W., Pauline—land, building and garage, 68 Lafayette St., 4,900 Duntley, Robert A., Lucille—land, building and ga- rage, 3 Gerard St., 4,000 Dumont, Roger—lot No. 36, Adelia St., 400 Daudelin, Alfred 0., Jr., Lorraine E.,—land, building and garage, 2 Kendall St., 3,000

Enaire, Raymond, Flora—land and building, 9 La- gasse St., 2,700 —lot, 7 Lagasse St., 200 Eaves, Hollis J., Bertha L.—land and building, 14 Kendall St., 3,000 Erickson, Minnie—land and building, 28 River St., 2,600 Egan, Anthony, Lillian—land, building and garage, 53 Lafayette St., 4,700 Earle, George N., Anna G.—land and building, 9 Snow^ St., 3,500 —lot, 9 Snow St., 300 Emerson, Robert L., Evelyn L.—land and building, 17 Snow St., 4,200 Elling-wood, Stanley, Anna—land, building and ga- rage, 9 Woodlawn Rd., 2,800 Edgerly, Royal H., Lois—land and building, 122 So. Main St., 13,000 —land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 4,700 Evans, Sumner R., Gladys R.—land and building, 20 Heaton St., 3,500 —land and building, 53 Pine St., 2,800 160 Annual Report

Edgeiiy, Royal M., Carole L.— land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 3,500 Ferland, Alfred, Eva—land and building, 23 Wash- ington St., 3,800 Ferland, Odilon, Lumina—land and building, 5 Moore Ct., 2,300 Forcier, Julien, Theresa—land and building, 34 Pine St., 3,500 Ferland, Lucia—land and building, 29 Lafayette St., 6,700 Fontaine, Albert P., Leona—machinery, 500 Freeman, Everett J., Dorothy E.— land and building, 103 Washington St., 2,800 Frenette, Alphonse, Leonie—land and building, 7 River St., 4,000 Foss, Mabel—land and building, 14 Haig St., 2,300 —garage, 14 Haig St., 800 —lot, 200 Fernald, P'rank, Harriet—land and building, 21 Pine St., 2,300 Ferland, Bertrand, Alice—land and building, 11 La- gasse St., 2,700 Ferland, Alphonse J., Lillian R.—land, building and garage, 11 Cleveland St., 3,700 Foss, Carlyle W., Carrie A.—land and building, 2 Hale St., 2,800 Fizz, Grant E., Jr., Ruby—land and building, 87 Washington St., 2,800 Flayhan, A. C.—land, building and garage, 3 Kendall St., 3,000 Fabian, E. R., Anna E.—land, building and garage, 19 Kendall St., 3,500 Flanagan, Edward, Jr., Anita—land and building, 75 Washington St., 2,200 Ford, Frederick R.—land, building and garage, 3 Duquette St., 2,800 Friend, Robert, Janet R.—land and building, 26 Lyons St., 2,800 Ferland, Armand, Doris—house lot, Elizabeth St., 200 Gagne, Aurore, Marianna—land and building, 3 Springfield Ct., 2,600 —land and building, 12 Springfield Ct., 3,200 —lot, 10 Springfield Ct., 200 Gagne, Emilio, Jennie—land and building, 36 La- fayette St., 2,900 —land and building, 34 Lafayette St., 3,300 Gagne, Albert, Exilia—land and building, 6 Moore Ct., 3,500 —land and building, 8-10 Moore Ct., 3,700 —land and building, 12 Moore Ct., 1,200 Grondin, Ernest, Dianna—land and building, 19 Gagne St., 3,000 —lad and building, 47 River St., 5,000 —garage City of Rochester 161

Gelinas, Maurice, Beatrice—land, building and ga- rage, 51 Washington St., 2,800 —-land, camp and garage, 1,600 Godbout, Antoine, Rose—land and building, 14 Cleve- land St., 2,400 —lot No. 16, Cleveland St., 200 Gingras, Alphonse, Ida—land, building and garage, 21 Chestnut St., 6,400 —land, apt. and store, 21 Lafayette St., 5,200 —storehouse, 500 Goodwin, Vivian, Neal—land and building, 16 Wal- nut St., 3,600 Gilbert, Raymond D., Erna—land, building and ga- rage, 19 Hoover St., 3,000 Gilbert, Oscar, Jeannette— land and building, 10 Roy St., 4,000 Gilbert, Harold, Helen— land and building, 10 Hoover St., 2,800 Grenier, Jos. A., Olia—land, building and garage, 43 River St., 3,300 Grenier, Olivine— land and building, 23-25 Lafay- ette St., 4,700 —store, Lafayette St., 800 Grenier, Alice—land, building and garage, 28 La- fayette St., 4,200 Grenier, Arthur, Mary E.—land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 1,800 Grenier, J. Ludger—land, building and garage, 98 Maple St., 2,500 Gravel, Aime, Yvonne— land, building and garage, 40 Pine St., 4,500 —land and building, 38 Pine St., 5,200 —land, building, 89 Pine St., 8,000 —land and building, 11 Yale St., 8,800 —barber shop building, 3,000 Grondin, Edgar, Dora—land, building and garage, 8 Pine St., 3,900 Gagne, Donat, Cecile—land and building, 26 River St., 4,500 Grondin, Henry, Louise—land and building and ga- rage, 16 Pine St., 7,000 Griffin, Norman C, Blanche—land and building, 3 Madison Ave., 3,200 Galanis, George, Lucille—land, building and garage, 2 Adelia St., 4,500 Gauthier, Arthur, Lillian—land and building, 19 Pine St., 2,400 —land and building, 17 Pine St., 2,900 Gareau, Raphaela L., Jean P.—land, building and ga- rage, 61 Lafayette St., 6,000 Grondin, Paul R., Stella—land and building, 14 Pine St., 3,400 Gaskell, Harry C, Charlotte—land and building, 56 Maple St., 2,600 162 Annual Report

Gonneville. Rene, Florence—land and building, 49 Pine St., 4,500 Guerin, Joseph, Alice M.—land and building-, 14 Gagne St., 3,300 Glover, Archie T.—land and building, rear 63 Wash- ington St., 1,200 Griffith, Karl M., Mary A.—land and building, 11 Lyons St., 2,800 Gilmore, Arnold W., Florence—land and building, 3 Hale St., 3,300 Gelinas, Oscar, Lorraine—land and building, 15 Lyons St., 2,800 Gagne, Roland A.—land and building, 7 Brochu Ct., 3,200 Goddard, Edward, Norma M.—land and building, 36 Washington St., 4,100 —land, building and garage, 18 Highland Ave., 4,100 Goddard, Romeo V., Ada—land and building, 35 Jackson St., 3,300 Grenier, Wilfred, Vivienne—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 3,700 Gould, Richard E., Doris—land and building, 15 High- land Ave., 2,300 Goodell, George W., Carlene—land and building, 1 Lyons St., 2,800 Grenier, Archie, Thelma—land and building, 2 Thom- as St., 3,700 Gagnon, Leo, Rita—land and building, 6 Lagasse St., 2,700 Gagnon, Richard, Pauline—land and building, 1^/^ Chestnut St., 5,400 Grenier, Norman J., Frances—land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 2,800 Gray, Edwin, Elizabeth— land and building, 18 Oak St., 500 Gagne, Robert D., Madeleine—land and building, 12 Jackson St., 2,600 Grenier, Robert H., Catherine—land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 2,200 Gile, Leon D.—land and building. Four Rod Rd., 1,600 —land and building, 9 McDuffee St., 2,000 Guillemette, Joseph V., Janette V.—land and building, 79 Washington St., 2,400 Gagne, Albert, Dorothy—land and building, 55 La- fayette St., 4,000 Grenier, Norman, Yvette P.—land and building, 14 Moore Ct., 3,000

Hebert, Eva—land and building, 57 Maple St., 2,500 Hebert, Alice, Otis—land, building and garage, 12 Cleveland St., 3,000 —lot. Oak St., 300 Howard, Clara—land and building, 58 Maple St., 1,500 Hussey, George V., Gladys—land and building, 7 Madison Ave., 3,000 — lot, 5 Madison Ave., 250 City of Rochester 163

Hussey, James—land and building, 15 Washing-ton St., 3,300 Hebert, Emily J., Armand—land and building-, 13 Jackson St., 3,000 Hopkins, Charles, Beatrice—land and building, Mcad- erboro Rd., .5,000 —bi-Qoder house and hen house Hatch, Norman, Dora—land and building, 42 Chest- nut St., 4,000 Hart, Louise^2 house lots, .5-7 Harvard St., 300 Hebert, Ernest J. —land and garage, 10 Oak St., 900 Heroux, Raymond, Irene—land and building, 15 Mad- ison Ave., 3,200 —lot, 300 Hammer, Donald J., Margaret—land and building, 83 Washington St., 2,200 —Lot 4 Herman, Katherine—land, building and garage, 5 Lyons St., 2,800 Hanton, William C, Elaine L.—land and building, 2 Gloria St., 4,000 Hemenway, Norman F., Joan—land, Foch St., 200 Hebert, Romeo, Carrie—land and building, 5 Wood- lawn Rd., 2,800 Heuss, Frederick H., Ruth E.—land and building, 28 Lyons St., 2,800 Hosser, Charles F., Sarah—land and building, 4 Du- quette St., 2,800 Hancock, Ellsworth, Claire—land and building, 111 Washington St., 2,800 Home, Dwight L., Shirley— land and building, 12 Kendall St., 2,800 Hall, Fred W., Sr., Grace R.—land and building, 6 Hale St., 3,500 Hardy, Robert—house lot, McDuflPee St., 200 Howard, Christine—camp, off Four Rod Road, 200

Jacques, Thomas—land and building, 3,400 —lot, 67 Maple St., 300 Jacques, Rose Aime, Ludger—land and building, 16 Springfield Ct., 3,400 Jacques, Ernest, Fernande—land and building. 17 La- fayette St., 6,700 Jacques, Alice—land and building, 13 Pine St., 2,800 Jacques, Albert, Laurette— land and building, 7 Gagne St., 3,700 Johnson, Clarence—lot, 63 Washington St. —land and garage, 2,200 —land and building, 65 Washington St. —land, rear 65 Washington St., 5,500 Jean, Constance—land and building, 50 Lafayette St., 3,000 Johnson, Edgar, Dorothy—land and building, 58 Wal- nut St., 6,000 164 Annual Report

Johnson, Doris R.—land and building, 99 Washing- ton St., 2,200 Jolin, Theodore, Viola K.—land and building. Ten Rod Rd.. 2,500 Johnson, Paul K., Doris—land, building and garage, 4 Kendall St., 2,800

Keene, Leslie, Rachel—land and building. 77 Chest- nut St., 5,200 —lot, 7"^5y2 Chestnut St., 300 —lot. Flat Rock Bridge Rd., 200 —lot, Meaderboro Rd., 200 —land and building, 45 Leonard St., 2,000 Klein, Grover H.—land and building, 14 Chasse St., 2,500 —land and buildings, Ten Rod Rd., 4,500

Lacasse, Regina—land, building and garage, 19 Wash. St., 2,900 Lacasse, Lucien, Desneige—land, building and garage, 1 Chestnut St., 4,000 Lachance, Armand, Rose M.—land and building, 45 Pine St., 4,900 Labrecque, Arthur, Rose—land, building and garage, 81-83 Maple St., 4,700 —land, 85 Maple St., 400 Lavoie, Severina, land and building, 80 Pine St., 3,500 Landry, Jos. A., Emma—land and building, 58 La- fayette St., 4,200 Lagasse, Wilfred, Charlene—land, building and ga- rage, 3,500 —1 lot with tool shed, 300 —lot, Wilfred St., 300 Landry, Aime—land and building, 47 Lafayette St., 6,700 —2 apts. in rear Lagotte, Mederic— land and building, 58 Pine St., 1,800 —land and building, 58 Vs Pine St., 1,100 Lamontagne, Joseph—land and building, 144 No. Main St., 7,400 Lefebvre, Gerard, Rachel—land and building, 32 Washington St., 2,800 Larochelle, Clara Est.—land, building and garage, 60 Chestnut St., 5,500 Larochelle, Maurice—-land and building, 14 Spring- field Ct, 1,800 Larochelle, Leo, Orina—land, building, 79 Pine St., 2,900 —lot. Maple St., 300 Luneau, Albertine, Henry Jacques—land and build- ing, 37 Chestnut St., 3,300 —garage, Waldron Ave. Larochelle, Alfred, Alice—land and building, 3 River St., 6,200 —land and building. 30 Chestnut St., 4,900 —land and building, 32 Chestnut St., 4,100 City of Rochester 165

Larochelle, Mildred—land, building and garage, 114 Maple St., 2,500 —lot 112, Maple St., 200 Larochelle, Eugene, Mildred— land and building, 12 Haig St., 3,500 —land and building, 8 Haig St., 1,200 —land and gas station, 5,000 —block, 5 Pine St., 6,000 —lots, 99-100 and Va lot 101, 20-22 Haig St., 100 Langevin, Louise J.—land and building, 11-llA-llB Chestnut St., 5,700 Laverdiere, James, Diana—land and farm, Ten Rod Rd., 5,700 —land, building and garage, 28-30 Pine St., 6,700 —land and building, 26 Pine St., 3,400 —land and building, 136 No. Main St., 4,400 Leblond, George Albert—land, building and garage, 70 Pine St., 3,100 Lamontagne, Lucien, Norma— land and building, 5 Lagasse St., 3,000 Letendre, Azarias, Virginia—land and buildings, 6 Waldron Ave., 3,000 Letourneau, Archille, Lydia—land, building and ga- rage, 17 Gagne St., 3,000 —land and building. Front St., East Rochester, 2,200 Letourneau, Alfred, Marie—land and building, 26 Jackson St., 3,200 Letourneau, Edgar, Zenaide—land, building and ga- rage, 11 Washington St., 3,500 Lefebvre, Omer, Rosana—land, building and garage, 22 Chestnut St., 5,000 Lefebvre, Alfred, Laura—land, building and garage, 71 Washington St., 5,000 Lessard, Belona—land, building and garage, 11 Har- vard St., 1,900 Lessard, Joseph, Rose— land and building, 32 Jack- son St., 2,800 Labrecque, Michael, Irene—land and building, 33 Pine St., 2,700 —building on Fair Grounds, 300 Laroche, J. Paul, Lena—land and building, 6 Jack- son St., 4,200 —gas station. Cor. Jackson and No. Main Sts., 6,400 —land and building, 160 No. Main St., 5,400 Laliberte, Philip, Evelyn— land and building, 23 Gagne St., 3,500 Leary, Frank A. and Gladys—land, building and ga- rage, 5 Kendall St., 2,800 Letendre, Delphis and Jeannette—land and building, 9 Haig St., 2,000 Letourneau, Gedeon and Elsa—land and building, 11 Lafayette St., 3,300 —garage —land and building, 13 Lafayette St., 2,500 1G6 Annual Report

Labrecque, Albert R. and Pauline—land and build- ing, 64 Maple St., 2,800 —garage Lloyd, George H. and Frances— land and building, 17 Kendall St., 2,900 Labrecque, George and Rita—land and building, 8 Foch St., 2,500 Lovely, Wallace E. and Iva—land and building, 23 Madison Ave., 4,400 Lapage, Rose A.—land and building, 105 Maple St., 2,500 —house lot, 107 Maple St., 200 Lavoie, Leo, Doris—land and building. Cor. Highland Ave. and Maple St., 3,200 —lot, 20 Madison Ave., 300 Lenfest, William, Marjorie—land and building, 63 Pine St., 2,700 LeClair, Richard J. and Virginia—land and building, 14 Madison Ave., 2,600 Labonte, Roland—land and building, 2 Lagasse St., 3,700 LeBouthillier, Leo P.—land, building and garage, 14 Oak St., 2,800 Lemire, Alphie and Dorothy—land and building, 15 Yale St., 4,200 Lagueux, Wilfred and Jean—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 4,400 Labo, John and Lucille—land and building, 2 Yvonne St., 4,700 Labrecque, Robert E. and Janet—land, building and garage, 90 Pine St., 3,500 Loranger, Jean P. and Ubaldine—land and building, 10 Snow St., 3,500 Littlefield, Willis A. and Laura—land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 3,800 Leahey, John—land and building, 9 Gloria St., 3,500 Ledbetter, Aubrey and Jennie—land and building, 7 Hoover St., 1,400 Larrabee, Erwin and Estelva—land, buildings and ga- rages, 21 Kendall St., 3,500

Marcotte, Arthur and Eloria—land and building, 55 Washington St., 3,900 —lot, Adelia St., 400 Marcotte, Leo and Yvonne—land and building, 15 Gagne St., 2,500 Morin, Virginie—land and building, 30 Maple St., 2,400 Maxfield, Albina—land, building and garage, 51 Chestnut St., 3,500 Maxfield, Alphonsine—land and building, 73 Chest- nut St., 2,900 Morrison, Phil. W. and Gladys—land and building, 34 Walnut St., 2,800 —lot, 400

—land and building, 123 1/2 No. Main St., 1,900 City of Rochester 167

Martel, Claudia and Elmer—land, building- and ga- rage, 36 Pine St., 4,500 Martineau, Hormidas and Hazel—land, building, ga- rage, 10 Jackson St., ;],500 Maxfield, Maurice and Mary J.—land, building and garage, 6 Oak St., 4,200 —land and restaurant, Washington St., 1,700 Marchand, Walter and Florence—land and building, 78 Walnut St., 3,500 —land, Meaderboro Rd., 200 Mireault, Evelyn—land and building, 78 Pine St., 3,500 Marcotte, Laura—land and building, 64 Walnut St., 4,000 Masse, Ernest and Albina—land, building and ga- rage, 14 Maple St., 2,500 —land and building, 12 Maple St., 3,200 —lot. Pine St., 200 Maxfield, Hervey J. and Geraldine—land and build- ing, 59 Lafayette St., 5,400 —land and building, 25 Richardson St., 3,500 Mondou, Antonio and Marie A.—land and building, 4 Roy St., 4,100 —lot. Pine St., 400 Maxfield, Norman—land and building, 73 Washing- ton St., 3,000 Morin, Arthur and Angelina—land and building, SOB Maple St., 1,600 Miller, Hugh P. and Mary— land and building, 18 Maple St., 3,500 —lot, 18 Maple St., 400 —lot, Washington St., 100 Morin, Benjamin and Alma—land and building, 10 Maple St., 3,200 Marchand, Franklin and Florence—land and building, 18 Madison Ave., 3,500 McLain, Donald and EfRe—land and building, 80 Walnut St., 3,700 Martineau, Ernest and Catherine—land and building, 12 Snow St., 3,300 Mersereau, Russell E. and Charlotte E.—land and building, 4 Hale St., 4,400 —land and garage, Milton Rd., 2,700 Marquis, Leon and Beatrice—house, Ten Rod Rd., 2,500 Moon, Ernest and Helen— land, building and garage, 9 Duquette St., 2,800 McGuire, Joseph J. and Alice—land, building and ga- rage, 10 Kendall St., 2,900 Maxfield, Armand and Evelyn— land and building, 5 Hale St.. 3,000 Maxfield, Napoleon and Frances M.—land and build- ing, 4 Oak St., 2,500 —lot, 98 Maple St., 200 Moin-ison, Roland S. and Lillian—land and building, 3 Lyons St., 3,000 Moffett, Leo F. and Marie—land, building and garage, 6 Hoover St., 2,500 168 Annual Report

McDonald, P'rancis J. and Lorraine—land and build- ing, 14A Madison Ave., 2,500 Marcotte, Norbert L. and Doris—land and building, 60 Lafayette St., 3,300 Morin, Ludger and Priscilla—land and buildings, 1 Thomas St., 4,500 Maxfield, Robert P. and Rosa L.—land, building and garage, 86 Pine St., 3,300 Meader, Carlton E. and Louise— land and building, 20 Jackson St., 3,000 Moffett, Nelson J.—land and building, 85 Pine St., 1,500 Meader, Paul G. and Pauline L.—land and building, 11 Woodlawn Rd., 3,000 Morrison, Harry A. and Frances—land and building, Meaderboro Rd., 4,900 Marcotte, Norman L. and Stella B. —land and build- ing, 5 Roy St., 5,000

McEwen, Thomas A. and Mary' — land and building, 3 Yvonne St., 6,200 Martineau, Joseph E. and Madelene—land and build- ing, 9 Roy St., 3,000 Marble, Harold N. and Laurette F.—land and build- ing, 10 Chasse St., 2,500 Maley, Richard W. and Jeanne M.—land and build- ings, 16 Kendall St., 2,800

Nadeau, Olida and Aubin, Yvonne—land, building and garage, 42 Pine St., 3,700 Nelson, Hannah, Est.—land and building, 45 Chest- nut St., 3,000 Nadeau, Arthur and Doris—land and building, 32 Pine St., 2,700 Nutbrown, Wilfred and Lillian—lots 95-96, Lowell St., 100 —land and building, 43 Chestnut St., 4,400 Nadeau, George H. and Florence—land and building, 7 Snow St., 3,000 Nickerson, Maurice—land and building, 18 Walnut St., 3,500 Niles, Roy E. and Stella—land and building. Ten Rod Road —3 henhouses, 4,000 Nichols, Walter and Amelia—land, building and ga- rage, 9 Lyons St., 3,000 Nadeau, Leopold and Rose—land and building, 102 Washington St., 3,200 —lot Newall, Alfred P. and Florence—land, building and garage, 8 Kendall St., 2,800 Norton, William L and Gail H.—land and building, 5 Thomas St., 5,500

Olson, Ella J.—land and building, 23 Pine St., 1,500 Ouellette, Antonio and Beatrice—lot, Glendale, 100 City of Rochester 169

Ouellette, Joseph—land and building, 9 Lafayette St., 2,800 Ouellette, Philones—land and building, 56 Chestnut St., 4,000 —land and building-, 56 V2 Chestnut St., 2,500 —land and building, 58 Chestnut St., 5,500 —store at 8 Oak St., 2,800 —land and building. 20 Oak St., 2,700 Ouellette, Albert and Mary—land and building and garage, 41 Lafayette St., 6,400 Ouellette, Alfred—house lot, Ten Rod Rd., 400 Ouellette, Alphonse, Jr. and Yvette— land and build- ing, 31 Washington St., 3,800 O'Connell, Clarence H. and Mary S. —land and build- ing, 30 Lyons St., 2,800 O'Connell, John J., Jr. and Phyllis—land, building and garage, 72 Walnut St., 3,000 Osgood, Lawrence E. and Elizabeth—land and build- ing, 13 Woodlawn Rd. —1 lot, 3,300 O'Leary, Paul F. and Lucia A.—land and building, Darrell St., 3,200

Paquette, Mary—lots 50-51-52, Hoover St., 400 —cabinet shop Paquette, Joseph—land and building, Hoover St., 2,700 —lots 53-54, Hoover St. —lots 47-48-49, Hoover St., 200 _ Peters, Arnold W. and Lorraine—land and building, 77 Washington St., 2,200 Pepin, Philias and Valia—land, building and garage, 26-28 Walnut St., 5,900 —land. Whitehall Rd., 200 Ferreault, Philip and Anita—land and building, 15 River St., 3,200 Pierce, Ethel and John M.—land and building, 116 Maple St., 2,000 —lot, 116 Maple St., 200 Perreault, Leontine—land, building and garage, 65 Lafayette St., 5,000 —land and building and garage, 69 Lafayette St., 4,500 Pinkham, Frank B. and Vera—land and farm. Four Rod Rd., 2,400 _ Pippin, Raymond J. and Louise—land and building, 94 Washington St., 3,500 —Lot —store building, 94 Washington St., 1,200 Paradis, Lucien and Jerrine—land and building, 90 Maple St. —garage and shed, 5,200 —land and saw^ mill, Flagg Rd., 500 Poisson, Rene and Bertha—land and building, 38 Washington St. —shop and garage, 7,000 Poisson, Mariana—land and building, 15 Moore Ct., 4,000 170 Annual Report

Poisson, Imelda—land and building, 29 Chestnut St., 7,100 Poisson, Ida—land, building and garage, 5 Brochu Ct., 3,700 —garage, 53 Chestnut St., 100 Potvin, George J. and Beatrice—land and building, 12 Lafayette St., 4,200 —land and building, 12A Lafayette St., 2,200 —block, 145 No. Main St., 8,000 —garage. No. Main St., 3,800 —Spiers Brickyard and office, 3,000 —Garage, rear 145 No. Main, 600 Pridham, Margaret A.—land and building, 95 Wash- ington St., 2,200 Perreault, Mary C.—land and building, 17 Bridge St., 6,100 —land and building, 171/2 Bridge St., 3,300 —land and building, 38 Lafayette St., 2,500 —land and building, 381/2 Lafayette St., 1,300 —land and building, 40 Lafayette St., 5,000 —land and building, 12-14 Chestnut St., 6,100 —land and building, 10 Chestnut St., 2,500 —land and building, 8 Chestnut St., 2,000 —land and building, 36 River St., 2,200 —block, 25 River St., 4,800 —lot and garages, 2,900 —land and building, 38 River St., 2,900 Parenteau, George and Mary J.—lot, 54 Pine St., 400 Poulin, Ulric and Lumina—land, building and garage, 42 Maple St., 2,400 Pomroy, Donald and Abbie—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 3,000 Perreault, Roland—store building, 67 Lafayette, 700 Pheasant, David J. and Marilyn—land and building, 21 Madison Ave., 3,800 Pinkham, Wendell and Marguerite—land and building. Ten Rod Rd., 2,700 Peck, William H. and Mary R.—land and building, 16

Madison Ave., " 3,500 Peabody, Carolyn—land and building, 97 Washing- ton St., 3,000 Paquette, Leon—land and lots 56-57-1/2 of 58, Hoover St., 300 Parker, Lauren E.—land and building, Ten Rod Rd., 600 Pinkham, Harold and Doris—land and building, 2

Duquette St., _ 2,800 Paquette, Everest A. and Elizabeth—land and build- ing and garage, 10 Madison Ave., 3,900 —lot, rear of 10 Madison Ave. Pepin, Albert W. and Irma—land and building, 27 Madison Ave., 3,600 Perreault, Rudolph—land and building, 34 Leonard St., 4,700 —land and building, 1 Gagne St., 5,200 —garage Pei'reault, Berthold and Catherine—land and build- ing and garage, 6-8 Central Ave., 5,900 City of Rochester 171

Portiie, Edmund J. and Barbara—land and build- ing', Ten Rod Rd., 2,800 Peavey, Fred R., Jr. and Catherine—land and build- "ing-, 5 Gloria St., 3,200 Pai-adis, Alexander a