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rRroAT,"AtretmT Ji7i55lj PAGE 8IXTEEM ttirttingSwto Average Daily Circulation For the Month of 4nljr, 1943 The Weather Foreonit of C, 8. Weather Boreaa =4T Howard I. Taylor of South Main 7,494 street has bean spending the week Wai* Must Wait Joins Coast Guard Board Grants Al>out Town Engaged to Wed Little change In temperature to­ with hie daughter, Mrs. W. S. Mambor ot tho Anett night. Sage, of Greenport, New York, Two Petitions Sta.tiQna7 For Men Baiena of drcnlatlono Game Outcome Manchester— ’A City of Village Charm ipfgiiaai Mtah*. A - ^ Frederick J. Rogers of .7.7 Well­ UmA Mts. WnBaot lUnn*. «< 231 ington road, la spending? his va­ cation at the Gregg Cottage at A d io u glTMt, Buckland, hs* en- All Depends on Results 2^ning Officials Also (Ciasslfled Adverttaing on Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Utted In th* Army Air Corp» Lake Haywood. , ^ , In The Armed Services VOL. LXL, NO. 276 M^aeta to lenro next Wror Party Action. tion of the day. despite the fact Ansaldi for the construction of a | anesc Force Trying " tpond Id days in Ottawa. Canada, able Life .vwurance .Siu-iely has 70 foot building on Iw d on Bid-1 udth Mr. N i n e ’s relatives. that Qiere will plenty to eat been sold to John R. Allen, local and other gamcs.'’08ano will servo w’ell street for storage of tools, To Pierce Waahin^n, Aug. 32— (.P)—With real e.slate and Insurarfce agent. Ojr Blanchard Germans Generally ..Miss DoAs Perrett clam chowder during the afternoon trucks and equipment was defer­ Flying Tiger candidates choseh for 18 of the 34 Trying to^nd corporal Albert Edward Bells, The tranirfer was made by Robert Lines After Stealthy Desert War and at 6:30 a chicken and spa­ Big Cy Blanchard, one of the red until the next meeltng for the Senate and 282 of the 435 House Maintain Initiative' aon Mrs. William Bells, of m H. Smith, representins Robert J. Miss Doris Perrett. daughter rt purpose of inspection by the board. Oakland street, has reported to the Smith, fnr. the property, located ghetti dinner. best right-hand pitchers in Man­ Landing at Night; Back Home seats to be filled In the November -Mr, and Mrs. I>eonard J. Perrett, A chance remark some time ago Application Denied Other Southern Thea«| Armored Force School WTiccled at East Center ^nd Cone streets, chester during the past 15 years, elections, political obaerveta. eyed Tank Arsenal Now Fought of 117 -Middle Turnpike east. is about the C oifs softbqll team was The application of Frank C Wreck Seaplane Base. ------Vehicle Department, Fort Knox, has a frontage of 117 feet on East haa enlisted in the teri4; (]Iose • Quartet engaged to marry Paul Flnkbein, picked up seriously.. ."Goose" Lar­ Jones to convert a 2-tenement witb interest' today the'Texas Dem­ Kentucky. The Wheeled Vehicle Center .street. sort of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Flnk­ Coast Guard and will leave on Sep­ sen took up the cudgels for the building at 115 Main stfeet to a Seven Months Knocking ocratic senatorial primary run-os^ Fighting Devfslopi school turns out experts capable of bein, of .lll Walnut street. tember 4 for Manhattan Beach, Pearl- Harbor, Hawaii, Aug Labor Upset In Trenches firearms team. Thomas Smith, em­ 3-apartment building in a Resi­ rspalrlng in fast moving combat Long Island, New York. His fa ­ iJP and the New Tork American La­ ployed at Pratt * Whitney la not dence A Zone was .denied. 22,— )— United States Ma­ Jap Planes Out of From Thrust by S< such vehlclsa as the tiny “ peeps.” ther, Cyrus Blanchard, Sr., Is tak­ The application of David Gerber bor party convention. taking any chances and was ac­ j rines stood fast in their hard"v s tu i^ "Jeeps” and armored scout IV o ,>iore Filf' ing his physical examination for for permission to construct a Skies Eriough for War Production Board Will l.ast. Only Intil viet; Wipe Out Van- Sciliebel Ordered cused last night, following the won positions in the Solomon A fter next week's Republican ears. The course covers eight the netx quota of inductees which stand for the sale of sandwiches, state convention in New York and weeks. For iNoiiiinalion committee meeting, of having his will leave within a short time. candy, cigars and soft drinks on islands today after . wiping Any Man, ISeale Says. Agency Is Attempting One Side or Other guards of Nazis in Hillsl team at the Old Golf loU for the primaries in CaUfoniia, Misaissip- To Attend School Blanchard was one of the bast Adams street in the Vicinity of the out a 700-man Japanese force pi, and South Carolina, the first Mrs. B. S. Carrier and daugh­ past two weeks engaged in secret all round athletes graduated from Service Insignia To Get Quick and Swings into ISe.w Me­ UAC Plant, was approved with a which tried a stealthy night Seattle, Aug. 22.—(iT*) — Seven half of September will close the Mo.scow, Aufi-. 22.— ters. Helen and Gertrude, of Cam- otto H. Herrmann, of 610 Cen­ practice. This accusation was de­ the M&nchester High School in the two-year time limit attached. $ months of knocking Jap planes out pre-election campaigns which with Peaceful Conclusion. chanical Offensive. Red Army men drove backl btidge street, are spending a ten ter street, today tiled a proposal nied by Smith, but Larsen insists past decsils, having starred In Action of the application of 1.00 landing to pierce the Ameri­ First Lieut: Frank J, flchlebel. for Republican nomination as Con­ that his scouts actually witnessed of the Burma and cfilna skies is few exceptions reached an all-time days' vacation in Madison, Commander of Company. G. State football, baseball and basketball. John McCann of 30 Laurel street Stationery Boxed can lines. Other Marines and low inattractlng voter Interest. the (Jermans in the KIets-| stable and Robert N.. Vettch. of the sessions Cairn. Aug. 22—(,7*) Front line Guard of this town, has been or­ He has three no-hit, no-run games for permit to remodel the third American bluejackets, with MaJ. enough for any man's nerves, says IX Miss Renomination By TTtc Associated Press kaya area of the Don bendl Mias Eleanor Berggren of Walk­ 24 Church street al.so filed his "They need it." declares Larsen dered by the Adjutant General to to his credit and his most out­ floor of this site into an apart-' Sure he'll write more often— just send him this practical Jamaa Roosevelt, the president's Robert Neale, one of the famed To date, 12 House members— 8 A War Production Board agency war in the western desert has be­ er s tre e t entertained her office proposal' for nomination as Re­ whereupon Smith comes back with standing feat was In pitching the northwest of Stalingrad by a| attend the First Service Command ment waa deferred until rough gift. Includes 50 large T'+xlOl-j single sheets and 50 eldest son, one of their leaders, de­ Flyjfng Tigers. Democrats and 4 Republicans— undertook today to bring to a come old-fashioned trench fight­ aaooclates at the Hamilton StSnd- publican Registrar of Voters. School. Concord, Mass., from Sun­ a snappy answer "And you'll know High School Into the state Inter- building plana of the work con­ stroyed a Japanese seaplanq baae surprise attack last nighti eVle. credited with downing 13 have missed renomination. Three quick and peaceful conclusion a ing like that of 1918—only the at4 Propeller Company with a dog The final date for filing propos­ day. Aug. 23 to Saturday, Aug­ it. too before the game is oyer." .scholastlc championship by down­ templated are presented.- This envelopes. Smoo{h, white vellum paper with service in an extension of the United lanes and destroying three while the Germans generallyl ro a s t last night at the home of als is midnight, August 24, and to A t a late hour last night neither other House Denfiocrats lost out in strike at the Chrysler tank arsenal trencheq aren't so good. ust 29. ing Bristol High at Mt. Nebo in s house ia In a Residence B Zone. Statea offensive to Makin island. others on the ground, came home races for senatorial nominations. maintained the initiative inj her hrother-ln-lsw and sister, Mr. date only two proposals have been team nor the club ,-could find any­ The board granted the applica­ insignia embo.ssed in gold color. The interim in the mechanized Lieut. Schiebel will atUnd the 16-innlng game. He left his em­ In the Gilbert group, 1,500 milea to his bride yesterday with the es­ Only one incumbent senator— W il­ in Detroit. and Mra. Herman Johnson, of filed for the Board of. Selectmen one who would undertake to um­ tion of Lena M. Scranton of 305 sweeps which characterized the other southern theaters,^ th« school for a special coursis in Mo­ ployment at the Hamilton Propel­ northeast of the American-held timate that a Flying Tiger's life liam J. Bulow, a South Dakota The case wa.i In the hands of the Ksaaington street. The latter part from the Republican side, Frank bile Guerrilla warfare with two pire the game. It was expected Spruce street to make alteration Libyan fighting wijl last, of Russians .said today. Cloae-quaT' ler Company of Ekist Hartford, to­ Solomona. was the klhd that no man could Democrat— has been defeated In W PB Board of- Review, which was rd the evening games and a social Clancy of 38 Benton street and officers from the brigade staff, Thomas Wray would accept with to a building at this address for course, only until one side or the ter fighting developed from th« day. lead for very long. nomination races thus far. set-up under a stabilization agree­ time were enjoyed. ^ Victor J. Johnson of Porter street. five officers from the First Mili­ a little coaxing. ' ■prospective Hsc. as an apartment. Eneir Surprised and Destroyed other swings into a new offen­ Soviet thrust and the Nazi tur-| It was understood that If his fa ­ "Less than a ycar really does it.” ment with the Building Trades The Democrat party has yet tary District and five officers Send- Him Communiques issued by Admi­ Today's Texas run-off decides sive. In the meantime the troops vigors were reported to have 1* ther is accepted Into the military ral Chester W. Nimitz, command­ added the modest airman, with a (Council of the American Federa- Miss Jean Richmond of New to file a proposal for any office. from the Second Military District. the 19th senatorial contest witb are ..fighting from ditphes about on the battlefield 200 dead, tw ol service his brother Thomaa, also a er of the U. S. Pacific fleet, told smiling glance at the bride he left Senator W. Lee O'Daniel, who fail­ ti'OD of Labor. Tork City is visiting her brother ■ Included in this detachment will 19 Meetings Held fins athlete, will'Join the Navy field guns, eight machine-guns, 13 , This of the fiareup of fighting in which ed to get a majority in the July 25 H. L. Weckler, vice president.of munitions trucks and a radio ata-| sister-in-law, Mr. and . Mrs. be Captain William M. Tobin. Com­ making it the first family In Man­ TALL CEDARS (Continued on Page Nine) (Continued on Page .Nine) James Richmond of * i i Main mander of the Service Company of the enemy-.was surprised and de- I primary, vying with the Runner- j the corporation, reported that 475 tion. Alien Certifying chester to enter the armed ser-\ stroyed. Up James V. Allred.' | A F L constructipn workers had Street. the 2nd Battalion and Lieut. Wil­ Bv Appeals Board vices 100 per cent. Hts mother dted Admit Sustained Attack* liam L. Dwyer. 2nd Battalion In­ TOMCHT In first detailed accounts of the Allred called O'Daniel an Isola- | Mopped work at the arsenal on or- This relatively 'limited opCra-l a few years ago. Ideal Kit Solomon island fighting, where the ticxiist in the campaign. The lattier A Red anldler peers from one of a line of Russian tanks moving deiii. of Ed Thai, secretary of the Mlantonomoh Tribe No. .1®, Im- Blanks Soon Due telligence Officer. 8:15 O'clock tion and a report that Russian de-l The annua] report of the 2kming up to the battle front to go into action against the German Invaders. Four Rangers . proved Order of Red Men. will .Marines with a Navy covering Civilians Face retorted that no man who had a DetrdiL Building Trades Council, tachments, forced ever deeper In-I its regular meeting in Tinker Board of Appeals submitted last record for 1941-42, It was stated force captured Japanese positionH son in the Arm y— as he has— was | in prowst against the hiring of to the central Caucasus, had! Hartford, Aug. 20—It is expect­ night for record shows unusual Oran fie Hall hall Monday evening at 8 o'clock. that the similar board of West and lent the enemy fleeing into an isolationist. He also contended , some members of the Congress Of pinched .off and w'ipcd out Germauil ed that the forms for the certifica­ activity last year with. 19 regular hilla and Jungles, Admiral Mimltz the war was not an laSue. Industrial Ot^nizatlons. Tell of Parts tion of aliens.will be received by Police Court Hartford held but 10 meetings last 20 Reg. Games \ t c Probable Cut vanguards in the hjlla aoutheaatl meetings held. 76 hearings on ex­ 5 9 Mrs. WUllam P. Hall.* of Wood- year and scheduled nins hearings related the destruction of the Expected to Name McGoldrirk E. J. Hunt, o p ia tin g manager, of Pyatigorsk were balanced byl the local U. 3. Employment Ser­ ceptions heard of which 51 were Iswn circle, la spending a vaca- on zoning matters. $3 a Game for 25c Japanese force. The., American Labor party in 20 Years in Prison -said that the strike.^ "does not In­ acknowledgment of suatainedl vice office within the next few granted and 24 were denied and Mopping up operations, with terfere with tank production” at Diiriiifi: Forav lien at Columbia Lake. days, State Acting Director W il­ A continuance was granted in 2 $ 1 . 0 0 In Electricity New York vvas expected to name Nazi attacks southeast of Kleta*! one not acted upon. 2 F re e 0 this evening to proceed to Sweepst'ake! of Aug. 7, the communique said. . Suspends or Halts nounced opposition to State A ttor­ tion. A t the 'Vernon plant of Alcoa nioHt AnythinjK After launching one counter-attack after! Qulsh'a Funeral Home to pay re­ procure certification because of the make regular payments to his Coe and William E. Buckley. Mrs. handy writing-platform, and folds compactly for travel- Lutheran Pastor Is Con­ in Los Angeles, 300 aluminum I lack of official forma, and this ilc- wife and the continuance today Alice Johnston Is clerk o f. the Dr Robert R. Keeney's offl.-c But last Wednesday night 700 ney General John J .. Bennett, se­ Jxperienees; Geriiians another and in some places werel spects to the late Mrs. Inez M. $5 Door Prizx! well-cquip{>cd Japanese landed Work on 85 Public lected as the Democratic nominee. Balir Insists workers walked out. f?IO officials Steele, mother of Mrs. J. Russell fect will be remedied in the near was in effect to assure nti eom- board.' • will be , closed from Saturday. ‘ing. And it contains 50 man-sized sheets of white bond thrownng the Nazis on the defen-| from high speed (mats outside the On Monday, Empire State Re­ victed of Charge of said the walkout waa unaiithor-- S ta y e d with Bullets. slve. PRkln, a member of the auxiliary. I future. pUance w ith that order. In comps rlaon with the local Aug. 22, Ainttl Tuesday, Sept, 8. -Vnd Private Projects. Ized George W. Taylor, vice chair­ paper with colorful Army insignia.. .25 envelopes... Marines lines, on an unnamed publicans . open- a two-day conven- * Conspiracy to Violate Several small German . fofcsa,| tion to pick, a candldata whom, man- of the W ar Labor Board, ap­ combination line-sheet and blotter. island, and attempted a break­ ^ He Intended London 22. — (Ab Four mostly of automatic HfleiAen<[ through. Washington, Aug. 32 — fiP) — most everyone believes will be ; Espionage Statute. pealed to the men to go back to American rang which crossed the Don at] “ During the darkness only hand- Civilians were confronted today Thomas E. Dewey. | work now "as loyal and patriotic who believe citizens." The workers quickly vo­ Its curve southwest of KIete-| to-hand fighting was possible," the with- probable "widespread cur­ California selects candidates they may have beeiv^the first Unlt- kaya in an attempt to eatablialll Tuesday, for 23 .House' seats— Hartford, Aug. 22.—(/P)— To Aid U. S. ted to return to work immediately. communique aaid, "but witb the c.d States K'ldiers fight on a bridgehead only about 40 mileill tailment" of electricity consump­ tViree more than at present be­ William B. Taylor, west coa.st Final Close-Out of breaking of day the Marines were Stocky, Rev. Kurt E. B. Mol­ French soil in this war \Vlien they tion as the W ar Production Board cause of census reapportionment. director of the CIO United Auto­ from Stalingrad, were declared byl able to maneuver. While on bat­ zahn today faced a prison Moscow newspapers td be suffer­ To Be Sold! suspended or halted work on 85 Gov. Ckilbert L. Olson is running Sticks Stearlfatitly to mobile Workers of America, said .scrambled a.shore at DIeppKwith M ■ talion held the front line another sentence, possibly 20 years, ing heavy puniahmefiu A mac)ilile.| Buy That Fur Coat You Have Wanted public and private power projects. for renomination on the Democra­ the work stoppage resulted from British Commandos agreed t^ay battalion moved to a flank and Story About Tiiriiiiig they’re .ready to tackle almost any- gun (unbush ’ accputited for about | IM offering for immediate sale a modern 6-room Readjusting its entire wartime tic ticket. Taking advantage of a after being convicted of a a company lockout .of some skilled SUMMER DRESSES drove the then withdrawing Japa­ thing after their experiences in state law permitting croaa-fiUng, nese. to the beach. expansion p i^ ra m to reduce the charge of cpnspiracy to vio­ Over Information Ob­ workers. 'Tlie board qfficial intima­ hooae on Delmont St. The owner has been transferred to Attoniey General Earl Warren, a that foray. (Continued on Page Ten) ■\ 670 O f 700 Japa Dead amount of power available for war ted in a telegram to tho workers Republican, filed both as a Demo­ late the espionage act by at-1 th.at the board’s rejection of a The qifartet- Corp. WUlipm R. another d t j and the property will be available for occu­ “ The action continued until late work as well as essential civilian tained from Gestapo. Reg. $3.98 Values, cratic and Republican candidate tempting to deliver military | wage Increase demand was the Brady of Grand Forks. N. D.; Staff aftenioon. Of the 700 Japanese, needs, the board announced last pancy within 80 daya. The property has a 2-car Rarage. for governor. W ill Rogprs, son of secrets of the United States, cause. Sergt. Kenneth Stemson of Riis.sell, During HALE’S August Sale Ot Furs $ 670 are dead, the rest prisoners. night tha* its action had "sub­ Newark, N. J., Aug. 22—lA’i- - Minn.; Corp. Franklin M. Koons 2 .5 0 the late comedian, is a candidate ■4e«ws heat with oil burner, and a modern kitchen; insula- stantially enhanced the probabil­ his adopted home’, to Axis poiver.s. 3leaMige Sent to Board 1 Mann* loeses were 28 killed and For seven hours of cross-examina­ of Swea City. Ia.. and Sergt. Alex ity of widespread curtailment" In for the Dem.ocratlc nomination for The 47-year-old pastor of an an­ The union leader jnc.saaged the Flashes ! tlofi. etc. Fun price ia but $6,300; $1,500 cash. For 72 wounded." the House. cient (3erman Lutheran churc^ in tion Herbert Karl Friedrich Bahr board: J. Szima of Dayton—sprayed the Marines in the Solomons, com­ luxury uses of electricity. Germans they encountered with (Late Bulletin* of tke (JP) W ire) appohitmcnt to inspect, please call 7 Reg. $4.98 Valuea.. Decide Primary Contest Pblladielphia's Franklin - Square steadfastly stuck to his story that ■ "Stoppage of work at the A l­ manded by MaJ. Gen. Alexander "Small Margin” For .Additions new Garand rifle .sings andCas one South Carolina Democrats de­ coa plant b\ Vernon today was $ The revised, program. WPB showed no signs of emotion lato he came to this country with the said, "we'were picking ’em off like Now ...... 3.00 A. Vandergift, U. 8. M. C , thus cide a primary contest Tuesday yesterday as a Federal Jury of not In protest to W ar Labor Bfia-d Fire Oentni.vo Derby laundry saia, gavi the green light only to intention of turning over to the ducks all day long.” "added another page to their his­ between Senator Burnet R. May-' tlecislon hut wa.s precipitated • bv sufficient power proepecis to as­ eight man and four womens after United States information he ob­ "W e found we were haring fun." Derby, \ug 2'!.— i/Pi— Fire tory of outstanding achievement,” bank, who is filling out the term two hours deliberation, found him the local Alcoa management wh'j pletely destroyed the Excetatorl sure electricity for war and in­ of James F. Byrnes, now on the tained In his relations with the they said. Reg. $5.98 Values, the communique noted. guilty. yesterday arbitrarily discharged laundry plant at 146 Hawktaa| IS STnX THE direct war production with "a U. S. Supreme court, and Ehigene Gestapo. Their first task was to scale a Robert J. Smith, Inc. The communique also told of a Sentences Co-CV>nKplratoni e members o f our union. We have' street,. Derby, today, guttlag small margin" allowed for possible Blease, former state Supreme He insisted ye.sterday he never ’/6-foot cliff north of Dieppe and Now . , ...... $4 .0 0 Marine patrol and a Japanese de­ Although Judge J. Joseph effected their restoration today tein|M>rary wooden building, which I •MMalnStioat Phones 34S0 • 5343 FAVORED FUR additions to the present munitions court justice. Intended to go through with the knock out two German pillboxes. tachment in the Solomons last Smith, granting a defense plea, plan he and the "German Geatapo through negotiations. ...” was erected after the dlsastraMl Muskrat Wednesday, In which the. Ameri­ schedule. Nominees for six House seats First Pillbox Empty Demands of the war program, cnntlnued the pastor's case until agreed upon In Germany an.d had A spokesman for an A F L local "It. looked like a aiiieidc mis­ fire there in 1923, and threateotng I cans lost only six killed and 13 also will be chotfan and Olin -D- Reg. .$6.98 Values. the board explained, made it im­ Johiistoh, former governor, faces Tuesday, he immediately sen­ mental reservations when he told union said in the capital that a sion, hut damned if we didn’t make tile entire neighborhood, whil*,| wounded while wiping out the ene­ more than 1,000 |>eop|e gathered t* I 8 SPECUL AUGUST PRICE GROUPS possible "to preserve the stand­ Wyndham Manning in the Demo­ tenced three of the clergyman's the Gestapo he would act for them JiirisdicUonail dispute •betwee'n-two it, " said Corporal Brady. The Now' ; $5 .0 0 my unit of 92 offlcera and men, here. The 29-year-old former Buf­ A F L unions, may "remove thou­ wateh the three loral eompaalen | ards of reliability of service ob­ cratic gubernatorial contest for co-conspiratora including Ger­ first pill.box wa.4 empty when they who continued resistance ."until served in pel ce times. the office now held by R. M. Jef­ hard Wilhelm Kiinze, former falo. N. Y... engineering honor sands of highly skilled Journey­ arrived.' and their junior hel|iers, battle tb*| tSie last man waa killed." “ Civilian inconvenience and sac­ feries. State law' prohibits a gov­ "fuehrer” of the German-Amerl- Student asserted he was innocent men welders and burners "fro m "Whal the Hell; We thought blaze for six hours to finally extin- [ giilsh It. The firemen were badly I Reg. $7.98 Values', Major Roosevelt, who In Novem­ rifice." i* added, “ must be expect­ ernor from serving (wo successive can Bund. of the espionage charge, only ac­ their Jobs in four Henry J, Kaiser we’d go get the other, one." Brady iROCICWOOI. $ ber, 1940. left film producing In ed, particularly during peri^ of terms. Kunze, a self-described German cepting., the Gestapo Instructions ship.vards In Richmond, Caiif. But relati d. . . . handtenpiied in their efforts by a I $ 6.00 Hollywood for active service in the so as to be able to return to this defictixc alanii rail, the result of I Now ...... Mississippi's primaries on Tues­ citizen, although born in Camden, the' threat o f an immediate ticiip They were heading for the aec- draught or other adverse weather several .alarms ringing at once ow i$iy NIW Marine Corps, waa'second in com­ conditions .or in the event of seri­ day designate Democratic nomi­ N. J., was sentenced to 15 years. country. appeared removed when Local 6S1 ond ‘ pillbox under fire from Ger­ the old type boxes, "nie (Ire was mend of the devil-dog detachment ous accidents affecting utility sys- nees for seven House seats -and The others. Dr. Wolfgang Ebell, Asks About Final Remark voted to ask government aid in man anipers'when two British Spit­ iOSTMi: A Cil Then. Assistant U. S. Attorney so hot that the houses across tke Reg. $8.98 Values, whKh raided Makin Island Aug. temc.” decide a contest between Senator 43, El Paso. Tex., physician, waa settling the dispute. fires fiew low and pul ,i^ out of ac­ 17. The commander was Lieut. W all Doxey, successor to the late given seven years, and Dr. Otto Thom Lord asked the defendant Ray Stewart, thb union official. tion with m'aehine-giin bullet^. street were blistering and their I $7.00 Accordingly. WPB stepped up owners were relieveorted te- Alleged to Be Involved Shepard's Name Lipked ination and Bahr left the stand, MAMCHISTIR COMH' ed the decision,' "Guilty,” in a voice Senator George C-alls for day. The hroiuleast was heard by t ! walked to his seat where for a few I (^S in New York. The new* Fm not only getting year-round In Swindle- in Whis­ (Oowtlaned oa Page Nine) , With Progress for moments he u’as on the verge of ^Fraiik and Candid' (Continued on Page Nine) * (Ooatlnoed ea Page Ten) : agency said the Iraq premier In aa key Warehouse Papers Nearlv Half Centurv. colls pse. Consideration of I-evv. I Interv iew challenged Mohandas K. ^ comfort now, but I am gutting Caracul Lamb • • . The government contends Bahr Miandhl of India to "ask the Japa- Trcaaary Balance came here as a spy, had no inten­ ' nese to w ithdraNv friHii China and ^ Oiicago, Aug. 22— (iP) —John Ban on Kin New York. Aug. 22—UP)— Finley tion of aldliig this country and hla Washington, Aug. 22. (/P»— Youth Sliocits cosfi dividenA busidut!" (Jake the Barber) Factor, who ! other iwcuplevl territories b*fore Johnson Shepard. 74, whoae name Washington. Aug. 22— UP)— The question aa to possible punishment With tho double objective 6f avert­ asking the British to withdraw made millions by hla wita, includ­ for half a centiiry was linked with position a t the Treasury Aug. 20: indicated consciousness of guilt. ing inflation and finding more war t suaa your new house has dto m aximum in comfort ing a few biicka at cards from the I from India" Using Pier the progrese of Amerlca'a rail­ RecelpU, 927.707,883.9®; ex­ funda,'Chairman George (D., Ga.) Womaiu Self I • • • Duke of Windsor, faced, a federal . Bahr was arreAed July 6 aboard and economy that only the proper insulation plus the roads. died early today at Rooae- of the Senate Finance Committee B Indictment today charging him penditures 3151,717.452.31; net I Chennaull to Retain Command proper amourU can provide. ua for actual records on V ?• velt hoapital after an lllseas of balance, 34.264,5S«437Ji«. I. ealled today for "frank and can­ C O A T s U y (Oonttnned on Page Nine) Washington. .Vug. 23—h/Pi—Brig. and 11 othara with a 91,000,000 six months did” consideration of the Individual foel uvings made possible with J-M Super-Felt Rock Size® 14 to 42 mail fraud. Relatives and. Friends Wouhils .-Vnolher Wom­ Gen. Claire L. ( hennault, who M WAKTED A native ot Saybrooli. Oban., he Income tax. provisions of the new Wool—the {>att-type insulation which is fireproof—“fol. Bench Warrants issued hers dia- Barred from Meeting began hla railro^ career with an and Man; Seen Re- the Vnwrican Volunteer Oroup-^ rioaad that a 24-count indictmant revenue bill. Mying Tigers—In their warfare thik'-has moistureproof backing-makes homes up to 15* the Northern Pacific railway at That will be the first matter to waa returned TTiursday in Cedar Gripsholm Passengers. St Paul, Mina., aad after aerving fiull of Lovers’ Quarrel against the Japanese hi China, will cooler in hottest weather, as w^II as saving up to 30% on Rapida. Ia.. aHegtng the 12 defen­ Sailors Duchess^ Guests; come before the committee Monday DEPENDABLE MAN FOR aeveral other roads waa traaafer- when it begins two weeks’ execu­ retain command o( I'nlted Wtata* fuel bills in the winter. SOUTH AMERICAN BAUM MARTIN dants swindled soma 300 persona, fliees In China. The War Depart­ New Tork, Aiig. 22—UP)— Regu­ red to New York where 1m met tive consideration of the measure. Warwick. R. I.. Aug 22 -'/T)— mostly midweatemsra, of 91.000,- ment explained toda.v that tl*e ap­ Tt's these fuel s a v in g thatt make 000 sinee 1939 in whtsksy ware­ lations baiTing relatives and and married Helen Miller Oould, Paradise Ashore Is Found Aa it passed the House, the bill Four persons in^a parked automo­ frlanda of Uwas arrtvlag on tha daughter of railroad pioneer Jay / called for $6,271,000,000 more taxe.x pointment of Brig. Gen. Ciayten L. home owners say they are "gettiag cash DELIVERY WORk house raoalpt transaetiona. bile were accosted shortly after RIsseJI as rommnnder of .Vniartea* Thqmaa B. Hart, regional di­ diplomatic exchange ship Oripe- (Sould. over a full year’s operation, includ­ dividends"... The whole story ia yours, Dyed Skunk IWMin from the pier in Jersey City, Ralli~ai rsaaartlnai Tarrytown.‘N. T„ Auff. 22— (/Pjfly guests whom the ducheaa-)ias ing about 92.5>00.000.000 more from midnight today by a 19-year-old .Vir Force* In Oilna, Burma aad rector for the Saeurties and Ex­ FREE, in the book shown below . . . N. J.. have been announced by Railroads with which ha had — Instead of spending your next volunteered to entertain, individual Income taxpayers. youth who shot one woman to India, juinounred In .New Delhi y**- change Commiseion, said the gov­ terday by Lieut. O n . Joseph 8*11- Vour copy is waiting for you. ernment alleged that Factor and Harry U. Dumlng, collector of been associated aa a dlxactor or In shore leave in aome crowded city. Oaest Houee Hunwn Open Harvest Time for Treasury •death, wounded another woman Also Responsible cuatoms, other executive capacity Included sailor, why not come to a peaceful . Known during World W ar I for well, woiiid not affect OmnuMlt, the otbera persuaded holders of George Implied to newspaper­ and. a man, and then shot and kill­ • « • Ask for FREE book-complete story The ehlp la due next Tueeday. the Mlaaourl Paclfle, the . Teaai estate on the Hudson rlvar and get her work in Franco in behalf of reoaipts to surrender them on the men that Individuals might be ed himself. Deputy Police CTtief KUIed by Cliarged Haadla of itome Insulation — promise that whiskey wquld be Dumlng aald It may ba two or and PacMc. the New Orleana, all tha food you caa eat, French aoldlers. the ducheas, daughtsr of asked for even larger contribu­ High School Boy For Forrest R. Sprague reported. Fitchburg, Maas.. Ang. 2t .'-4ft $ 2 7 9 - ^ battled and aold at big profits by threa daya bafora all o t tha 1.451 Texas aad Mexloo, tha Draver aad aervanta to wait on you, boraea to j Railroad Pioneer Jay Gould, haa tions when he declared that “ from fully illustrated — .4 J-U Saptt-rtu Matt Tax Included. paaaengers are disembarked from Rio Oranda Waatam and tha A fourth man in the car, which — Henry B. Edgartoa, IA of OW- three now defunct Chk*go eon- ride aad pretty girls to dance with. : thrown open a g u ^ house on the the standpoint of the Treaaury, waa parke< in the Oakland P 'sch pecked *with stimulat­ • ■ ■ •utijr iMtallaS . . . tha Bwediali ahip. Ptrst to be per­ Weatam Padfle. A ll for free! And Uaten: In the cord, w'B* killed today wla “ panies. United Bottling and Dia- Gould estate where she now Uvea. this la the harvest time, and later aection, escaped injury as five molMartproor backlBS*'* Port Time Work mitted ashore, he aald, would be Bastdaa Ms railroad afflllatlona, morning a eoft-footad maid gently tp assist the driver o f a ing ideas for the home. patBSBcnt... •rasroof— tribuUng Company, A. A. Slater The ducheas provides everything on with declining incomes it will be ahoLs poured into the vehicle. and Company and The Old 0*h United State# dlplemata, then In be was a director of the Her- lowers the shades ao you can sleep .except the dancing partners, but trurk and touched it door SUBSTANTUL SAVINGS ON EVERY COAT too late. Sprague aaid the shooting de- wim, M40NI oa caa om Bottling and Distributing Cotn- order, foreign diplomats, paaaan- chaata Fire Aaauraace Oorpora- tOl noon! the Navy TMCA sees to this item. " I f we are serious about paying which was charged electrtcaUy k ^ pany. gera In transit to othef eountria®, tion and the Ampere Bank and A dream? No. matay, R'a a Do the tara Uka It? ; veloped from "a lover*' qUarrel." high tension power Ub m ■* ' Sa« Charlos Woivtrit for this war. and checking the I He identified the aa-sailant'ai THE W. G. GLENiNEY CO. DURING THIS SALE H-hrmats for Arrest laaMd other A m ^can offleiala, other .for­ Trust company. dream-come-true. AMc the 10 blue­ One .day during a aoftball game rising living, coats due to in^tion. down with tke wreelb T1 eign officlala. American cltiaena I E a rl.L a Garie, who waa dead on Coal. Lumber, Masons* Sapplies, Paint U. 8. Commiasioner Eklwin K. He realdad Is tha old Gould jacket* wbo'vc Just finished spend­ a cautious bluejacket warned an­ now is the time for us to aA c he of tke truck. Kr*oc4h P. and other paasengera. arrival at Rhode - Island hospital. SM No. Mala St. TeL 414® .\Uncbeoter Rainbow Cleaners Walker lasuad warrants here for ManalOB oa Fifth avaaue. Suirvlv* ing such a weak aa gueeta o f tha other that the grass waa slippery 40. of HheANOM. Vt.. te the arrest of Factor. Henry and FteMre la Osavey Maaaagea tag are hla two adoptad daugh­ Duchasi ey Kuml. JhNS-IVlANVIllE eUMCNISTM OeUM* ard. BOW la a flta ry cboffMi ky the H ffrd N avel dteU M couple mere months here if- he Mrs, a sp a sd dted te t to ba th n fb et g m ip at aueb ws«k- OM Page Two> 9 iOaaUaaeff oa Page T w «» ...... I',. .- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22. 1943 PAGE THREB ■ MAJVCHESTHrR ETTnsTnVG HERALD. iMANCHE5TER, CON'N. I^ATTRDAT. A l’GT'ST 20. 10tS • 7 ^ Revivals Still Sunday School Lesson Famous Ballet Youths’ ‘Air Schooling’ Seek Officers Daughter Laes Got Auto Service M e n W h o Envision Worthwhile -Coal . Coupons for Tickets Churches Are Lush Hits Master Dead News From Manchester’s Neighbors '111 Draft Class ^Eosts Frozen Can Be Tremendous Power for Good To Be on Major Scalt Boston; Aug. 22-;;f most and who played a vital role in giv-j Committee Named Rockville, chemist, two recaps; enee. By Counril in Chicago. names them specifically and also is Erik Motlean of Manchester; A story of New O rleans in 1788, th a t In looking over ap- ping church is one. are to hoM a ( harlcs Ademac, West WiUington. and 51rs. Griswold. Methodist and St. .Mary's after he became the medium of become Intimately associated with first major succe.ss. particularly the Civil Auriinautics ing this country its network The following committee has To such voliinteers the follow-r places them under control at the it tells of a French bondman who Adminl.stration. and . Hie United nHcatlonB for aupplemental aup- united service at the W’lnd.sorvllle’ defense, one tube and one recap; The Red Cross sewing will be ing rule applies: Episcopal higher and nobler experiences. But the experience that is possible for Afte'r that he originated many commercial airways, see this be'en named to have charge of th e chiiroh at eleven o'clock, with the After 30 months of untiring industrial and commercial levels. Church of the Nazarene cannot reveal that he Is •'really a States Office of tojdcatlon under ,'5 Um o f gmaoUn*. the w ork la hln- Elmer L. Usher. R.F.D. 2, Rork- resumed at the Center Wednes­ "Any volunteer offfofr candi­ the story tells how the deceiver every (Christian who seeks God’s ballets and with perfection of the gram bringing about notable outing to be held Sunday. August Rev. Dayton Loomis preaching the work by the collectors for Polish It la effective now. . 466 Main Street, ManThester nobleman and thereby claim his Russian dance form-by him and Commissioner Jidyn W Studebak- 6y the fact that the appll- yille, painter and interior decora-' day, August 2dtb and Mrs. date applicant who upon' comple- A t Center Congregational Juliet, the lovely Marianne. The was himself received, and the guidance and God's help. - rh.anges in our education systet • euta do not atate the houra of .30th by the Rockville Lodge of sermon. Relief the committee announces The amendment also outlines Rev. James A. Young, Pastor. church: point worthy of note is that with Jacob's religious practice also Sergei Diaghileff they brought it er. Its willing >pnde-worker.s are generally: tor. two recaps; Arthur W. Hot- Charles Sumner will be in tlcn of four months’ servit-e has that the total received was $1800, Paris police are l(x)k!ng, for him amployinont in a clear manner. KIks at Osano's in Bolton: A. W. .Mrs. .John Richie h.as returned to charge. 5lrs. Herbert Hutchin­ the things which must be done by lb 40 a. m.—Preacher, Professor all Jacob’s evil tendencies and has become a symbol and an ex­ to America for triumiih After tri­ leading ediicqjftors and aviation i n- A revised co.ncert of geography;! tin. Box 24, W est W illlngton, de-. not been selected for attendance which has been forwardce granted and the volunteer I arciak, 75 North street tomorrow schedule.) .sibillty, and w as utterly weak In faith were willing to be tither's. It caps; George W. Lewis, defense ufficer candidate applicant, will :>e a t 1 :30 p. m. sharp. All delegates I Gertrude E. Wilson, 10:30 Second ma.ss. 1942 it is a pat and corny plot, but many ballets for 2c Dc Ba.sil Bal- > " of aviation, .courses wall not. neressarily bal ■'"ghtfts, and thla shows that the seen many times In productions The wedding of Miss Ernestine August 27th for the same pur­ Repair and rental of parts and (Tholr rehearsals following each ways in which Jacob waa strong. is not for those who are giving worker. Foster jrtreet, Wapping. relieved from duty Imnlediatct.v, and members of these societies are W eek back in 1928 it was a vei-y roman­ let 'Russe and^so for the Ballet ""Pi^nings nuy be I fliers. Many will not be qualifled| buses are not overcrowded ana given by the Community Players •Mae Longuquil, daughter of Mr. pose. accessories, such as radios, heat­ ' Wednesday at 7:30 p. m/Prayer mass. Our leslbn Illustrates what the great deal less and for those who ‘ phymcallv. But aviation, in war­ two recaps; J^mes M. Lyman, de­ TTie NiitrUion Class will meet transferred to the enlisted reserve requested to be present. ers. etc. tic and oxciling story that wdn the have s great deal to give to Russe Of MqnifV Carlo. ' that employees are applying for in this city. fense- w o rk e r,' R. F. D,, South .ind Mrs. J. Walter Lnngueull of . and Praist service with the pastof power of God and the vision of God Thrive va^fTs later he joined Mik- i administrator and nne of time. and in peaceti’iiie, needs m oral Somers to Robert E. Stebbins son Monday at 1:30 at the North corps, returned to his home, Prices of all commodities such as applau.se of the eritiCs just as its may do with men w'ho have posi­ cavil at Jacob’s establishing a gMoUne when transportation Is . joying a short furlough at their in 1936 settled civil claim s in the it removes any other sense of a look round," said the old man tf> meet at the club rooms on West tives and intimate friends. The case for 81,300,00. .AND THEIR WOMEN! Reach New Peak lough, crime melodramas, but For several months, without fan­ ^ 'llaln street at 2:30 o’clock. homes here. ceremony was performed by the moral or mental Inharmony.” ■n recent seasons -he has fare and with only one bare offi­ with a quick amile, and we head­ Ch^rmtte Mary Drake has re­ Held B.V Kidna|>eni 12 Da.va ' : I •,;one in almost/ entirely ed out. Sugar Rationing Rev.. Alfred A. Rapp of the Ply­ On July 1, 1933, Factor was kid­ S DAYS— B ,i. NEXT .MON. Throuih SAT.. AUG 291h cial announcement, a sizeable fleet TSv adekdSyeafs Inaamuch as the govmment Is turned "to her home in Rosselle Incom e Taxes The Salvation Army I for nuuical .ahqyri of the of dirty little Hull and Grimsby "About here." said the old man Park, N. J., after a visit with her mouth Congregational church. naped north of Chicago and held Washington. Aug. 22. -typi--The : type that atfract^ e bal'd-hcaded quietly to the seaman handling the urging that all surplus fruit be .Syracuse, where Mr. Hayden was for 12 days. Court records show­ Major and Mrs. N. J. Curtia trawlers have been patrolling vital uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. volume of new home 'mortgages iow. Abbott, ^ e many other sections of the western Atlantic, sensitive listening device. preserv’ed, the local Ration Board Charles J. Eastwood of Maple assistant. The duuble ring service -^lav Be llijjflier ed he paid. $70.P0O for his release. BULKELEY STADIUM *^^H AyiroWD ^ accepted for insurance by the , itizens aroauid'Broadway, doesn't •TAye, air,” answered the sea­ smnounces that persona who have was used. The church was deco­ Four members of the Touhy gang Saturday, 7:30 p m .; Open air Slowly and methodically they ate To my present ear' street. Federal .Housing Administration ! need to go tq/uie barber very often man. Engines throbbed for minutes received an Insufficient amount of rated with gladioli in many beau­ went to prtgen for long terifis for j service. dropping depth charges whenever Mrs. Gordon H. Dimock who (Continued from Page One) reacheil a new six-months peak in ! . . . his blonde hair, to be polite, and the sea surged under the bows, sugsr for "canning may apply for haa charge of the Red Cross sew­ tiful colors. Miss Marjorie the kidnaping. I Sunday. 9:30 a. m.— Sunday a skulking U-boat la detected, UNITED AIRCRAFT CLUB, INC. the first half of this year despite La slight^ thin. Who's talking? ■•weeping up stra y mines a n d 'p ro ­ the seaman raised his eyes from a. supplemental ration providing ing here announces more sewers Stephens, of VCmon, organist at Factor reputedly broke the hank school and Bible class; 11:00 a. m. wartime limitations on materials chairman of'the New York Fed­ a t I.e Touquot In 1P30, tak in g $650,-. tecting United Nation merchant­ the instruments. "Here, sir." such sugar is used only for can­ arc needed to aasiat in this work. the East Hartland, Conn., church Presents ’ • Holiness service. This meeting and labor. The old man leaned over the .rail THIS MEANS in g surplus fruit. where Mr. Hayden has been stu­ eral Reserve bank. The jlTan (too. He once told reporters he 1 will be conducted by (Taptain and men from surprise attacks. WlUSTIUU Up to date leaa than 20 women could best he coupled with collec­ Abner H. Ferguson, FHA com- of the bridge. "Action statfons." Next Monday, August 24 and have been meeting at the church dent p'astor, played the wedding "took" the Duke 'of Wind.aor. then ' Mrs. Bramwell Crawford, officers ^ a sh Vieliiiis" "But it's been a bit dull the past MIVIN6 TO tion of taxes at the source, he said. Prince of Wales, for *500 at missione'r, announced today that few weeks, sir;" said one sailor. A bell rang insistently throughout M«lt I Wednesday, August 26 are the for months. march. The bride wore a light from New London, who are visit­ the mortgages insured totale^ the trawler. Men poured from the blue chiffon gown with acce.saories Puts Taxes <*n Current Basis Chemln de for and said he didn't THE SKY FOLLIES ing Manchester for s few days. "We haven't spotted the Hun for Rnal dates for eppllcatlone to be Mrs. Calvin McCray of Hartford The Ruml proposal calls for a $449,5.55,650. an increase of $bK- Bixlieg Sought mesa deck, rolled off piles of rope received at the High school library spent Thursday with Miss Marlon of baby blue and carried a bou­ think the prince had much card WORLD’S 14 ALL STAR ' Sunday, 7 00 p. m.--Open air days." bookeeping operation by which the sense. 820,400 or 3.9 per cent over /the For the first time, newspajier- where they had been sleeping, toss­ bstween the hours of 1 and 5 In Pease of Main street. quet of pink roaei and swansonia. service; 7:30 p. m. Great Salva- corresponding 1941 period. ."Whlcn taxes on 1942 Incomes, normally LARGEST I | | J i I IV THRILL ACTS ■ Baton Rouge, La... Aug. 22 iJb mep have been permitted to take a ed magazines aside, dropped their the afternoon. Persons applying H er m aid of honor waa Ml:,s collectible in 1943, would be can­ ! tion meeting. waa the previous high marit. washing, stuffed half-eaten oranges must bring their sugar ration War Bond Drive Opened Emily G. Hayden, sister of the Visitors and strangers are wel­ Army rescue workers searched per.’onal look, and 1 have just re­ celled and the payments credited AERIAL \ i l l V \ j U L J too PERFORMERS Only 21 states and District a heavily wooded section near hero turned from aboard, a trawler un­ into their pockets, and raced to the books srlth them. groom. Aaron Pratt of Windsor against- 1943 taxes, th u s putting come. of CTolumbla gained -In volume guns. Skeet Shoot Hollywood, Aug. 22.—rf/P)-.-The and Toliand was beat man. A re- Weekday Servlcea ’ today for addition.'il vietim.s nf a officially, dubbed the "Five Star Fi­ the taxpayers on a runrent ba.sls. com pared w ith last y ear. U)e rec­ —vsh of two p- ’ • nal." TTiat's because of the five Eye Bridge for Orders There will be a skeet shoot on government, eyeing Hollywood’s cepUon followed at the home of George said that the source tax T hursday. 7 30 p. m.—Open air ords fluctuating frbm an Increase Officers eyed the bridge for or­ substantial pay checks, today, late yesterday. Seven bodies had lart on her stack, representing Sunday afternoon at two o'clock the groom's parents after which should amount to at least the 6 SIX GRETONAS THE FAMOL'R FISHER* , sarvice. of 822.6 per cent in Nevada to a ders, the men froze to their cold opened a drive to pledge at least .Mr. and Mot. Hayden left for East I: n n m.—Holiness iK'cn rivoverm . ,'ive submarines she’s sunk since at the grounds of the Rockville F riday, 7:30 p. per cent normal fax rates, •>rt>b- Cyclists of the High M1rs! Of the Flying Trapsm! decrease of 98-4 per cent tn North , The A rm y .said th a t nam es of the Namsos evacuation in Norway steel tools of death. BETTER 5,000 film industry workers to HarUand. They will go later this ably more, and should he applica­ service. D akota. "Full, speed ahead." called the IN 6 1MPOBT.4NT WAYSt A dvertisem ent— . boost their September war bond In­ month to Berkeley^ (ialif., where -O pen air the victims would not bo made where her skipper won his first ble to the hulk of all Individual in­ TOD.VY A NDSl’ND.W S aturday, 7;30 p, m.- The variations reflected. Fergu­ public until the relatives had been old man down the speaking tube vestments from 10 to 20 per cent Mr. Hayden Is s student at the < LUCKY STARS . THE GREAT FRANCISCO service, this meeting will be a DSC. Saree monej tost—Black and white cat Rat- come- - professional fees as w:cll as T>V() FIltST RUN HnyI son said, the .Impact- of the coun­ notified. A gunner lieutenant of the Royal to the wheelhouse. of their salaries. . Pacific School of Religion. salaries and dividends. The House * coiUMi/A sicrurt Daring Act ISO Feet High! "W Peer of Swaying High Pole! 1 very special service. try's inversion to a total war "Full speed ahead it is, sir," Assures prompt, rooprra- Bfday, Aug. 15th on Middle Road. fOWXID SMAlt C rash In M idair Naval Volunteer Reserve, a W elsh 8 Donald Williams of Hartford Is has approved a 5 per cent, with­ tr - - -- basis, with substantial gains in Officers at Harding field, near sung out the wheelman. live attention Rockville. Child's pet. Finder Twenty per cent of Cbsta Rica's spending some time at the home football player of no little renown, please call Manchester 8456 and holding levy against salaries and LEWIS A OU\T.R SISTERS D’ARCr GIRLS ' Zion I.4itlieran states “having important war pc- here, said the two planes were in welcomed me alxiard. It was "Unllmber Number One star­ Inriudes special free national budget goes into schools, of his parents, Mr. and Mrj. dividends next year—not, however, WII.I.IAM noLDF-.N High and Cooper Streets tivitirs, while home building a flight of five and had just tak­ board depth charge." reverse cha^ge^\ which are free and compulsory. Frank Williams. SHIRLEY TEMPLE. South American Acrobats! Aristocratn of the Air! night,* and the fog was thick rvsminat on br a trained an an additinnai tax, but simply an _^KRAN4 T.S DEE In Rev. H. r . ft. Hteehholz. Pastor "practically stopped" In so(n' olh' en off on an "operational mission” enough to ladle. Binding chains rattled free and TNeroN •ecToa: motor dorlor It is reported officially that the advance coTlectlnn of 1943 taxes. I ' H O i ers. when they crashed in midair. The fell to the deck. The charge was ChECX-UP. YDUUSEEi Wilbur Cross Highway from State ‘Meet The Stewarts" Ward Room Onre Fish Hold He prrsrribes only . In 1944, under, the House plan. C.AR'nER SISTERS A r.APE A,\D CONC'HIT.V Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. three bombers' not Involved re­ He wore h)s usual sea-going uni­ primed,, atid seamen stood by. one Line to Bowler farm ,to Skunga- 10 per cent of such income would rarUlan .-\rrobats! M World's Greatest Perrh Act! 10 a. m.— Service tn German. turned safely. holding the trigger rope. 'necessary operslioss (flaiig. Tolland Center, Paulk HIU talvage Chairmaji Hilled form': A pair of'swimming trunks be withheld. STARTS TUESDAY Text of eenpon: Mark 7. 31-37. The planes crashed into the and a .45 revolver. He led me " F ir e ! ” ^ Y'ou po]r only for vkat to Leonard's Comer in' about two Corporations "rax “Too High** Theme; Three lessons that we ground about 400 yards a''part, one With a crushing "w l^m " and a you need when you need H weeka will be open to the public. Pl.US Dt'NlGA.N TRIO iirjlR TAYLOR C?heltea. Mass., Aug. 22. oPi- - down ladders to the ward room George said he thought the pro­ FOR .3 DAYS learn from the story of the deaf- bursting Into flames immediately which In size had the same relation trail of. black smoke. ' the depth I.englhening car Hfe at The Democratic electors of the Dare-DevUs On High! And His Funny Clowns! The home front has its casualties, and the other beeoniing deeply posed 45 per cent combined normal m ute. to a cabin that a. telephone booth charge arched gracefully over the minimum cost town of Tolland are notified that too. James S. Hanlon, 58, chair­ embedded in sofL rain-toaked side, paused at the apogee of Its | and surtax rate on corporations has to a footiwll stadium. "Used FV«Y P»VWF\T« OV MU.e CARNIVAL there will be a caucus of electors was “too high." unless provision NISSISSIPPI OewMat-Oongiegatlonal Clmroii man of'this city's tin salvage cam­ earth, according to the Army. to be the fish hold." he said. "Per­ arc. and fell into the green sea. on th e 27th day of A ugust, 1942 6 _ DUNICAN-REYNOLDS GIRUS — 6 paign, waa killed last night when Of the known dead three were In a matter of seconds, white OK tis s* o n M oni were made for postwar refunds, Sensational Acrobatic Skating Revwe! Hproce Street haps you'd prefer the gun deck." at Tovvn Hall, Tolland at 8 p. m., "When the total effective tax* in- R. B. Green, Minister a truck, from which he was help­ officers and four enlisted men. I did. foam bubbled from the surface for the naming of -delegates to the eluding the excess profits tax, gets ing to unload tin cans, backed up Indicating that more airmen So. on the gun deck, with a without a sound. The underwater S tate. Congreaslonal, Coimty, 'Ben- were in the colliding bombers, the Monday^ August 24 up above 80 per cent--and we've UNrvftsAi

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, lf94S . X >6im MANCHESTER EVENING .HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONW. 5A1TJRD2^I, ADGUBT 32. 194* PAGE FIVE Elect Officers Yes, We Have No Bananas Talbot Decides Early Arrangements Daily Radio Programs Of New Group Congress Best Thompson Estate Raid Japs Are Paying for This Now Home Front Shows BM tm W*r Time For Soldiers’ Mails I*eo Beauchamp Chosen To Be Candidate for Tangled , Status Yet] Postmaster O i i i a l i A n . personnel should show, In add!- Linked with Spy Trial ^rges All RadioAmateurs Presiflent of the Pine Full Term to Repre* tion to the name and address of sent Fifth District. nuunces Full Details of the sender, the name, rank, serial Much Action Froniised, management 'The Acres Assbeiation. number, branch of service, organi­ FBI Move,j^ Early Last Liberty Ship Will Be^ (Jorporation plant at Bayonne, Jf.l How to "Semi Your zation. / .P.O. number of. the*ad- lliu ted o r in M akin g ; J-. where workers a week ago ha4| Naugatiirk.'Aiig. '22 i/Pi Cong. dressee and the post office through To Help with Extra Tubes Americans .all. are the new resi­ May Against Vonsiat- Launched in 24 Days „ , . , , ° atriick because the W LB denle Joseph E. Talbot (R--Conn). chos­ Christmas Packages. which the parcels are to be .routed, r r o d u c t i o n , r r o g r a m them a pay raise. ' dents of Pine Acres terrace. This en in a special election last Janu­ for instance: sky First Drew Atten­ ' Upon reconimcndation of n _ I (Wide*phony: 10 Allen Preecott Variety; was demona’Irated In no uncertain Arrangement* have been made From John H. D(ig ■Still Scrambled. Navy itaelf. President Rooaav •K*w Tork. Aug. hrinM'^10:30 Canada’s Stafe Party. ^ ary. sayii he'll be a candidate to tion of Public. Richmond,, Calif., Aug. 22 roHd) —Wartime u..c.often brings...... ^,-oa a American Eagle Club; way la-'t night when, the tlnie ar­ by the Postoffice Department;' 205 West State Street, — (;P)— Richmond Shipyard ordered the plant given over to represent the Fifth Connecticut Postmaster Thomas J. Quish stat^ Boston Mass. ___ Bituatlons. For Instance * 5.30 California melodies return; » rived to.call to order the organiza­ No. 2 hesitates to show up By James Marlow and the management again after the district at Washington for a full ed today. In ^cooperation with the Hartford. Aug. 22. The spy William Pinkerton workers had pledged no furthai Ho manufacturer advertised not America Loves s Melody; 10:16 tion meeting. The session wa.. held To. Private William D. Doe_ Boss Henry J. Kaiser as mis­ .‘I term tlius ending any speculation War and NaVy Departments for work stoppage. tranamlttlng tubes he i Tropical Serenade. (A rm y serial number) rase which led to the espionage taken, but-^that 10,000-ton New York, Aug. 22—(Wide In the cellar of No. 72 Unmore as to his part in the fail campaign. the acceptance pf Christmas par­ . The three-man committee amateurs ‘ ------Company F, 167th Infantry conspiracy tri.il of the Kev. Kui t | Liberty freighter he said the World)—This was another tanglc- *_es hut appeals to , drive and the 75 or an residents, Talbot, the first Republican to cels for members o f our armed f(x>t week for Americans on the pointed by President Roosev T «*nerimenters to be the sell- Sunday Brings; Talks— . „MBS , 11 . men and women, were aeated on forces aerving optside the Conti­ A.P.O. 810 c|o Postmaster, E. B. Molzahn first came to public other day was going to be id aaperlinenr ^ ^ Re<-iewlng stand "Business be elected from Jils district In six New York, N. Y. built In a world record 27 homefront. two -^eeks ago to investigate thal benches, boxes, chairs and planks years and the only Connecticut nental United States. For the pur-r attention early last May when FBI, Much action wa* promised, or 'nation'.*, rubber situation report~| In Man In Wartime;" NBC 2:30 p. m when Leo Beauchamp, the temfio- pose of clarifl'eation, the term A l­ Parcel* for Naval personnel days act ^ lly will slide down member of his party In the House agents raided the palatial Thomp­ hinted, or was In the making. edly waa Inquiring into legal ■ ? % u E l J S r « 5 ‘ the''A”r?«lca^ So-undlable "Challenge of the Four rary chairman.^called the meeting. aska is exihsidered outside the ahould show, in addition to the .the ways In 24. of Representatives, Issued- a for­ name and address of the sender, son estate of Anasta.se A. Von- Clay P. Bedford, general Much remained to be settled. Lit- ' pects covering possible draaUol l^m o’^M ar^-^ue "take, this Freedom.; ” MBS 8 Forum "Taxa- ■To the right of his desk was a United B'tatcs.. steps to conserve tires. The tn-l mal announcement last night stat­ the name, rank, or rating of the siataky, eccentric vojd, or leader, •man.iger for the Richmond Ue was. sl: “ Broadcast and police sU- tlon Methods. standard with the United S tate^ . In', order that such parcels may quiries. might include the poaalblal NBC— 2 Sammy Kaye serenade; ing he felt -it was hi* "duty to re­ addressee and the Naval unit to of the All-RuSsian National Revol­ yards, said last night a re- The scrambled production pro­ need your tubes— new or flag. It was the first time that IM reach the addressees in good time, need for new legislaLion 'or execu-* 3:30 Official Array Hour; 5:30 turn to Washington to help in which be is assigned, or name pf utionary Fascist party. arningement of schedule gram still was scrambled. The Then the adv. said: A flag has been on display at any^of ahd in good condition, postmisters live orders by the president.'. Britain to America: 6:30 Victory prosecuting the war effort” ship, and post office through which This was an organization which would make the greater speed threat of inflation ' still was a stion axUU where many ln>- the meetings, but the reaso^waa *re requested to observe the fol­ Meatless Days Suggested ' Parade finale. Jack Benny: 8 He had been mentioned for the parcels are to toe routed, as, for Vonsiatsky, who ’.’ ad a fondne-ss threat. Both may bo cleared up in Bt broadcast stations are op- soon apparent. M r. Beauchamp lowing instructions, , . possible. ' n Voluntary meatless days sudSl Vaudeville show Including Eddie lieutenant-governor and for virtu­ Time of Mailing \ instance: for brown-shirt uniforms, huge Present rectwd for^ ship­ the weeks ahead. , atlng wtthout spares, where p^- safd. "W e will open thls/meeting watch dogs and a private ,arscn:il, a.s Americans anew in the First | Cantor; 8:30 One Man’s Family; ally every other nomlnatlon-on the Christmas parcels and Christ­ From John R. Doe building, 31 d A ’s. Is held by Donald M. Nelson, needled to ■tations have been off the air, w-lth the salute to the flsg " Ever%> Re^iubllcan ticket. hatched with another m M in the anger by the mounting . critfeism World war were suggested a* pos­ imporUnt services l«v e 10 Phil Spitalny Girls. one arose and atluted. mas cards should'be mailed dur­ 206 West State Street another Kaiser yard, at Port­ sibly a gixxl Ide.i right now byj CBS—3 CBS Symphony, Nelson " I feel that the times are now early 1930s in H-irbin; Manchukuo, of tlie way he nms the War Pro­ Ihsen chrtalled for lack of a tube. fliate Is Prepared ing the period beginning October Boa,ton. Mass. land. Ore. Roy F. Hendrickson, chief of thal Rockefeller sneaker: 5 Gladys so critical," stated Talbot, "that I with the avowed purpose of bvef- duction E(oard. returned from a It iscplalna “to amateurs and ex- The meeting last night was call­ 1 and ending November 1, 1942, To- Agricultural Marketing Adminia-| Swarthout; 7 Rex Stout "Our DespitejU. S. banana shortage, caused by lack-pf shipping facilities, owe It to those who sent me to throwing the Stalin re g li^ by week's vacation with these prom­ ISitliBenUrs frtto have tubes on ed to hear the report of the com­ the earlier the better. Patrons are John M. Jones. Seaman 1st Class ti-ntion, who said this country may| Secret Weapon; ’ 8:30 Crime Doc­ fruit U "plentiful on Guatemalan plantations where this worker tote* Congress in January to go back propaganda, . when ho saw this and ripped the ises; '■ I C id , for which they have no mittee on organization. It had encouraged to endorse each gift 1 Naval Unit or 'Vessel) have' to ration meat. Reason: tor; 9 Mlscha Auer: 9:30 Jane load to shipping room. there and continue my work. parcel "Christmas parcel". Special Velvat Music; 9 Bam Dance; 0:30 Ma Perkin*. CBS-^-3;30 Explor ing Boanl are additional gasoline tion measure adopted by the weight to six pounds. veloped during the trial that the work of a spy, “which is funds- .txls menace w.is on their northern $.50. They w^re aUo informed that CTare of Postmaster, More Japanese Than tee which might be headed by a was a World war corporal. ]H o t Copy drama, new lime; 10:15 ing Music; 4:30 Stephen Vincent coupons granted to persona who Huntsvllle-Slnclair Company These departments have pointed 36-year-oId Bund "fuehrer," the mentally a dirty busine.ss.” ".ariz.in. (When and Hol- the co.st of a charter yould be $20 San Francisco. (Taltf. States First Spy, Trial neutral outsider. IXsibor for Victory. , Beiiet on "Our W ar Alm s;” 5:45 on its coal-mining properties. out also that members of the arm­ only native-born individual among IrinU fell. .Tapan itiiniediiitely press- and $5 as a filing fee. have aakad for them. Tpey have Unit* located within the conti­ It was, to the best knowledge of Dutch Gave All They Soldier Absentee J’oters CBS—7 People's Platform; 8 Ben Bemie. BLU—12:30 Farm and Sprinkling the graveled ed forces are amply provided with the defendants, went .to Mexico . d dem.'ihd.s in Frcncli Indo-Ghina The ciimmlttee. If created, prob­ The officers were named as a not been called for. The list of nental limits of the Unltefl States court officials.' Connecticut's first ably would consist of such offi­ ladMlers with Wings; 8:30 Com Home program; 3 Prescott’s Holl roads cools the tires and they food and clothing and the public late last year, visited the German and The Netlieilands Indies. The committee to select a name and to names Is printed ti^ay together may be addressed direct; using spy trial, and the spectator* flock­ cials as Nelson, the price admin­ IjSndoe drama; 9 Hit Paiade; 9:45 day; 5 Los Angelica county band. last longer, company officials is urged not to Include such mat­ embassy where he renounced the French gave in; the Dutch did draft by-laws for the organization. with the lia*. of those who have name, rank, organization and lo­ ed to It a* they-would to a top­ Los, Angeles, Aug. 22. (Jb istrator, the Treasury secretary, Ijeaslea Dragonette; 10:15 Beards- MBS— 12:15 Bill Hay read, the said. ter in gift packages. land of hla birth and became a not.) - More Japanese than sol­ They wtll report at a meeting next had their appUcations rejected for Not more than one Christina* cation. flight Broadway show. Nor did Had in Fighting Japs the budget director, the secretary Inr Kuml on “ Pay As You Go Bible; 2:30 Opening new blast fur­ citizen of the Reich. Japan suddenly sent two eco- diers are eligible to cast ab­ Friday night. some reason or another and* who Postage their Interest flag during the en­ of commerce, the agriculture sec­ Tutation." nace, Ashland, Ky., L L Gen. Wm; parcel or package shall be accept­ Had Outfitted Boat nfiinic missions to Batavia.' The may, by making certain change'!' 126 No. School street; Dorothy tire four week*. A long ■ line of sentee ballots- in Loa Angeles retary and the W ar Labor Board BLU— 7:80 Swop Night; 8:30 Knudsen and others; 4:30 Sara­ A fter the meeting last night ed for mailing In ^ any one week Postage must be fully prepaid,' When picked up by Mexican po­ and death for us. Remember, we lii'.'.t demand wa.s for more Indies in their application, still have a Robinson. 12 Westfield street; spectator*, a good proportion of county next Tiicstlay. chairman. Iroen Hornet; 9 Summer Sym- toga race. this committee met and went over when sent by, o f on behalf of the flhe rate on parcels o f fourth claa* lice early In July, Kunze had out- Ran Losing Racr in have no other place to go.” ..il: the secnr.d pre.sentrd requests chance to get more gasoline. Adolf Simmon*. 316 Center street. them women, waiting for the 80 Michael J. Donoghue, reg­ by-laws that had been prepared Mons-Ypres Post same person or concern to or for matter (that is, parcel* exceeding lltted a 26-foot boat with which And so It was. Americans and V liich would have given 'Tokyo pToblenat to be 8ettlrd 'Die Hats follow; Steven Sudorak, 79 Rtdee street; or 90 available seats wa* a daily .Efforl to Prepare for istrar of voters, reported to­ for another subdivision, certain the same addressee. eight ounces) being the rone rate the government charges he plan­ Britush. at that time, could arid ciiiiipletc economic dohiinancc in Problem* that need settling In­ Walter Abbott, 53 Alexander; Samuel Taggart, 80 Wells street; sight in the coiirthouse corridor. the Indies. The Tokyo newspaper, day that of 6,000 absentee changes being made to meet local Preparation applicable from the post office ned to keep a rendezvous with a War in I*acifie;. Htipe- were Iciiving the Orient for, places clude wagea, farm prices, taxe.s, 1080 1380 Clayton Allison, 396 East Center; Maude Thompson. 101 Hemlock B. W. V. More than once bailiff* forcibly .\.'' Brown. 12 Cheater . Shea membgrs of our Post have he'en same sack, but to withstand the only book* conforming to the re­ bail and raised a defense fund for china. Now en route home counting native regiments. In 1 is a Pacific war," said, "you Ahey fought. _^lnatantly, ' unhesltat stock prices. . interest rates”— FARM C IW IT IJO—Connecticut League of 3:45—News. provement Association, Osano’s Drive; Burton’s, Inc., 841 Main; enjoying the company of John weight of other sacks of mall, quirements therefor are accept­ . him, stoutly maintained his Inno- ' with other repatriated .'\mer' i the Air Force. Iheie were about which in the long transit may be probably would be safer in Shang­ Ingly. ■*' An associate explained the sec­ Women Voters 3:56— W ar CommenUry. cottage. Clarence Carlson, 52 Woodland: Post Walker who is a resident of Spring- able at the special rate o f three cence, Hollywood,' Aug. 22^—(Jh^Thc leans, he tells here how val­ .500 planes, (inly half of them first- FlATFOtM FOR THf NORTHIAfT plied thereon. Furthermore, hai," It was a fair and aimling land, retary has reached the conclusion 8:85— State Theater PreeenUtion 4:00— Hello from Hawaii. Monday, August 24 Leroy Carlson, 198 McKee; George field, Mass. Mr.sWalker, .who is cents per pound. Stickers, or la­ The trial, which the govern- I iantly the Dutch of the East line. and the Dutch fought to save. It. each parcel U subject to censor­ bels resembling postage sUmps nient said cost It "considerc’’ Iv Loa Angeles Eixaminer said today lndi<^ fought against con­ j It was the woman who an- that some form of price fixing 4:00— Pan American Holiday 4:25— New*. Meeting of Republican Town CoIIina, 1.0 Gardner; Louis Cook, No. 2046 enjoying his vacation here in Man­ They tried h.ird; V. F. W. ship. delay tn handling may be are not permissible on the outside • more than $2,00C a day," began that ■* pre-nuptlal financial agree­ I sweri’d. " If there is war, I would Purchasing commissions scur­ should be adopted to stabilize 4:80— “ Smarty Party” 4:30— To be announced. Committee at Municipal building 65 Benton; Edwin Cowles, 33.No. chester at the home o f Mr. and quest.) ' ried to America, offeiing any price at 8. minimized by securing the cover­ July 28 in Hartford's jam-packed rather have-him die fighting here- farm, food and industrial price* in 1,0:00—I>fBC Concert Orchestra 3:00-r-M*tlnee *t Meadowbrook. Elni: Margery Daley. 33 Stephen: Mrs. Richard Grlmley, came to of parcel*. ment will be made by Film Ac­ for plane.*, t.inks. guns. Neces­ Standard First A ir Claaa, Lin­ ing of the parcel so aa to. permit Federal courtroom. By R«‘lman Morin " \Ve were both born here." order to prevent inflation and re­ 0:80— “Man Youf BatUe Sta- 6:00— E«*o Reporter—News. Mrs. .lanet Dama. Hilliard; Henry this country 28 years ago from the Permissible Additions tress Norma onearer and her *ki sarily,. Rritish needs took priority. - Uons”—United State* Navy 6:05— Sports. ' coln school, 7:30. Demuesy, 577 Hartford Road; V.F.W. to Assist city of his birth. Belfast. Speak­ ready Inapection of the content*. In addition to the name and Priest S U r Wititea* instructor-fiance, Martin Arrouge, Aboard 8 . 3 Grip-tolm. at Sc.i, .Vnother Veur N'l'tMk'd 11 Danish Fishing tain wartime economic unity. Combination Packages 'The Duteh got some help, hut it Meanwhile, the military was Program < 6:15—Treasury Star Parade. Last day to file applications for LeonsTd DemlcHeli* 550 E. Middle ing with Mr. Walker. I wa* more addrea* of the sender, which la After some preliminary- “apar- . which will give him no share In Gen, Hein Tec Poortiii. later to town primary. Many combination packagea w ill Aug. 22 (Wide World 1 '-The wii.sn't enough. moving In and out of plants where Lmg (imr lo pay out if necdH: no 0:45— Doye O’Dell » 6.:30—Frazier Hunt—News. Turnpike; William Downing. 113 A.A.F. Reeriiitiiig than plea.sed when he informed me required, inacnptlon* auch as ring, the proaecutlon produced Its 1 he, community property. They will l>ecoinc coninianiler-in-chi»d' of the Thursday, August 27 probably be made up. including Dutch tried hard. Meanwhile. shrewd, stubisun \’ess«*ls Are Seized war production was endangered by 8 :00—News 6:45—The World Today. Chestnut; Fred Ekllund, Buckland: that he had served 15 years in the "Mersy Chriatmas". ' "Please Do Star witness, the Rev. Alekal Pely- be married Sunday, army, had been showing me maps Democratic Caucus to name mlicellaneous toilet articles, hard Dr. Hubertus Van Mook, head of labor and management disputes lump rum paymenit; imall semi­ 0:16—Gome On And Dance 7:00— People’s Platform. Edna Fpx. 15 Edgerton; Frank British Army. ■* Most of this time Not Open Until ChrUtmaa". “ Hap­ penko, a priest In his late 40s who ' I love her." the story quoted They ran a losing race against delegates to four conventions. candles, soap, etc. The content* and statl.stlcs, the whole defen.-e they don’t come now. Wo want to talk husine.ss. They want Woods Machine Company, South T:30—litasicana 8:55—Eric Severtd—News. I.eona Gromulaki. 125 No. School; one week from tomorrow, due . to way ao *s not to Interfere with He, It developed, bad aaaociated herself. I expect to go Into the need another year, at least." Town Primaries, Legion Hall. can Club Where he lljces to talk transit, damaging the content* of odds. But they tried to own us." His problem was to Danish fishing veusela had been Boston, Mass., and the machines debts: pay for land, improvnnenn.' T:45—Major de Seversky 9;00—Your Hit Parade. Elmond Hodgkins, :i83 Center; getting a better location to hold the address.’ or on a card enclosed during the spring and summer.of Arm y Air Force* very soon, and I "Suppose they ilo come" now?" ' Friday, September 11 about the olden limes with many the package Itaelf, or caualiig dam­ Nowhere in the Orient, through evade Japanese demands, without seized and move’* been eble to make a "Then we fight u1th what we - Meeting of Board of Control, of the hoys. age to the covering of the parcel. cept Dr. Ebell, but It was not the swift-running month.s of 1941. bringing the crisis to a head. From there had defied a W LB order re­ Lians on farm" real estate only. Mow mary 10:30—Eileen Farrell. Thelma Jeffries, 266 High; Ethel cured the Italian iriiib Grove on ple dedicatory atatementa not of a good living." have." ports. Chamber of Commerce, Manches­ Kilpatrick. 20 Roosevelt; Ann We were happy to meet John Oiriatmaa boxea should be en­ was there so much consciousnes.s of January through June. 1941. he quiring Inclusion of maintenance 8:80—Velvet Music 11:00—News. Keeney street for the whole day. nature of per.spnal correspond­ shown how he came tn contact The Ebcamlner added that stories Tile general got only a fe\^^,afalled. Finally, the. - Japanese Denmark 1* German-occupied. have farm inrnmc and subManriai ter Country club. Knice, 24 Proctor Road; Anna Walker and hope that hli vacation closed In strong container*. Can­ danger, so much deipcratc effort, of membership and arbitration 9:00— National Bam Dance 11:05— Sports Roundup. •Sunday. Aug. 30. w ith them until the defense cross- o f Misa Shearer’s wealth have months. Oq Dec. 8, 1941. fhe The Admir.ilty c’. come, from Argentina where he they have any illusions about Ja­ f'lvilianH Worked I'urtously 10:15—Labor For Victory 12:00— New*. mlst Club, Manchester Country Was very glad to see that Ser-* and toilet articles in simples mer­ ordinary value. However, It" was finally settled, she elected to The problem of fhe In>lies was wiite'rs in the North sen would do Union; Mrs. Bertha Lepper, 24 cruits in the Aviation Cadet Corps'. was pastor o f the country's entire pan. They saw Japane.se hand.s The eiviliifn popukation wa-s 10:30—The Victory Hour Club. geant Harpid Lindsay Is home on cantile form may be inclosed with­ ahould be suggested that articles forego her widbw’s share o f the the protdeni of all the democra- so at their own rlak and peril Dudley: John Lenthan, 25 Ruasell: Commander Frank Drake will Ukrainian colony, and Ijad a reaching southward, tighteplng working ftiriousl.v. Every man 11:00— New* Tomorrow’s Program Tuesday, September 15 8U1 eight-day furlough. I hope we in parcels without affecting the of considerable value, espedally community property In favor of cie.s materiel. Defense began Alfred Laplant, 13 Short; Hazel pick a committee to take care of blanket asaignment-'from the FBI, around their rich and beautiful and woman had a job. Young.ster.s 11:15— Nelson Olmsted Meeting of Retail Credit Bu­ meet him soon and hear from him parcel post classification of such those of small size, be sealed and turning It Into a trust for her too late ( nuking Fuel for Power 11:80— Hospitality Time a. m. Uine, 54 Chestnut; John Lavado, Manchester and they will have he said, to do counter-ea'plonage children, Irving Thalberg. Jr.. J l. archipelago. in their ’teen.s were in.-some kind 8:00— News reau, Manchester Country Club. 50 Flower: Evelyn Uoyd.. 121 as to lv>w he is enjtoying himself packagea. sent flrst-class registered mall. Perhaps that was more under- of wrvlce. 5'oti saw men in uni­ 12:00—News and Baseball Scores Luncheon meeting of Retail blanks, etc., to help any young Sharp pointed or abarp-edged w'prk. He made the acquaintance and Katherine, 8. Refused .\n CV>mpromlse 8:05— Bert Buhrman at th* Organ Parker; Herbert McCann, 90 In our United States Army.' Use-of Money Order* stand.ihle in the case of the Dutch form who could not^have pns.sed 'N ew Newport. Ore. (Ti --- TAXI? AM. Merchants Division. Chamber of man in town between the ages of instruments, such as raaors, of Dr. Willumeit through a mutual They also knew what it would 8:80— New* Phejp* Road; Joha Moriarty. 382 Last Sunday evening in the The poatofflce department rec­ the physical test for any other Victor Stone and his wife were at i 12:10—Your Number Please Commerce,' Manchester Country 18 to 26 years who wishes- to take knives, etc., must have thsir Ukrainian friend. Intimating to mean to resist. Yet. they, refused ' than for any other people. They CALL 8:35—Columbia Ensembl* East Center; Thomai McKinney; Orange -hall the members who coiy om m end to the public the us* of -\rmy in the world. Since the war. sea 10 days in-o trolling bo:it'wtiile ! lAND SANK LOANS HilP 12:30—Starlight Souvenirs Club. exam* for the U. 8 . Army Air th# 'Cfliicago Bundsman that he all compromise. 1 >'*‘1 ridden out the last European 8:46—Burl Ive*—Bongs 103 Blssell; 'Thomsa Morgan, 26 duct the bingo gaifies made m new poinU or edges protactsd so t^ey postal money order* to transmit Shower of Gifts 1 have seen Japanese photographs Coast Gunnlsmen searched for \ 12 .-OO—News Wedaeaday. September 18 Corps. w-as a pro-Nazi anti-Bolshevlat Perhaps that was because this I war. They had had more than a 6588 YOU HEIP YOURStlF 9 ;00_N«ws of tk* World set of I.IXK) cards. These new cards cannot cut through their cover­ gifts of money to meinbera of the of Dutch prisoners. Some have them In vSin. "'Stiine va s a fisher-1 Maneheater 4-H Club Dance, Orchard: Harold McIntosh. 92 Need Alnnea planning to do propaganda work Whs home to them. I centun,- of peace. Hollanders In 9:15—Radio Votea of Religion art much smaller than th* old ings and damage other mail or in­ armed forceb outside the limits of man. so they had food. Ice Intend- , Prompt 1 MR. R. ELDRED DOYLE City View Dafice Hall, Keeney Hemlock: Frederick Mahoney, 60 The Arm y needs skiUsd pilots, For l^ide-Elect white hair, men of 60 and 70. T omorrow's Prograai 9:80—New* Maple: Peter Malstrella, 8 Ford: one* and are much appreciated by jure postal amployaas. the United SUte*. With regards to among Ukrianians in the United I d the cemeteries of , three H " '!" " '' The 3.0rtO-miIe-long neeklance of ed for packing the catch provided Safe! BOX 35 street. * accurate bombardiers and naviga­ perlsbabie Matter State*. are family burial plots with date* : never lid .vatcr. Anil they finally made port p. .m 0:45— Gypsy Caravan 'The Manchester Trust Co., 923 tor* for its bombing and fighting the- player*. So we have decided cash remittances, the pubUc ie ton, for years, islands buzzed with activity. It Servtoel TOI.L.kND. CONNFXnCFT Friday, September 25 No perishable matter should be informed that at many places Father Pelj^iehko speaks Rua- going back two Centuries Hoi- I under their own power .by using | 8 :00—News 10:00—Church of the Aalr Main. planes. The V.F.W. will arrange to make another set of 1,000 card*. had argtied for an adequate Air wa* a desperate, furious race Ijsnd Bank ReprrventaMvrs Norwich District Conference at Included In any parcels. where such force# are stationed sian, Gerihan and Spanish but no landers never had come out to the licking fuel In their engine. i 8 :10—Charles Oiurboin, organist 10:30— News Howell Miller, .S-M Porter; These cards will be made at the A miscellaneous shower was Force. The Navy leader. A d­ against time. but. without modern South Methodist church. to give you a physical examina­ Prohibited Artlclea . there is a local prohibition against English, and testified through an Indies only -to work anfl then re­ 8:30—NBC String Quartet 10:35— Wings Over Jordan James Nichols. 251 West Center. tion. revealing defects which may home of Comrade Feed Baker, 380 held TTiursday evening In honor of miral Conrad E. L. Helfrlch. hang for big ship.s to he a.-rngned 9:30—Words and Music 11:30— InviUtlon to Learning million automobiles goes l.OOO.OOO comb. 151 Pitkin; Herbert Not- In addition, the V.F.W , will give home at 6 p. m. The brlde-to-)>e wa* seated un­ .solely for the defen.se of The might not have been too late to there is no midnight there. I 10:00—Highlights of the Bible 12:00— Rhythmelodlea pounds of lard, the product of 20-, tage, 14 Beech: Nathan ■ Noble. Don’t forget oiir bingo games In ons, or compositions which may al money orders can be cashed at rusatiOn ag-ainst Molzahn coricem- der an umbrella, decorated to rep­ dies, a feeling of solidity different you a short mental examination kill o f Injure anoht.er, or damage A. P. O.’s wherever they are locat­ from any other white territory in Indies , 10:30^Stories of America with 12:15— Your Sunday Serenade 000 hoga State Armory; John O’Leary, .36 the Orange hall. Monday evening rd efforts to obtain a passport on resent a roae, from which fell similar to the army’s “screening the mails, are unmsllable. ed, and they are paid in local- cur­ the Far East. .■\ppropriatlons In Dribbles Tom Terrie* 12:30— La*t Minute New* Washington; Nick Pencheff, 5.59 test," to determine in what sub­ We have increased our prizes and which Kunze could travel to Nile-green streamers attached to CASH * How To .%0dr««s parcels rency at the rate of exchange In 10:45— VI and Vilma, vocal duo 12:45— Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir Main; Joseph Pontlcelll, 483 Hilla- jects you should “ brush up” before are drawing big crowd*. Although Europe or Japan with military in­ the many beautiful and uoeful One ^Sunday afternoon. I was But ' wa.-» half a 11:00— News and Organ town: Russell Priswaldo, 64 Birch; a heavy storm was in progress lasL Addresses must be legible. Par effect on the date the order* are formation the government **y* gifts. Among them was a- lovely olUing with a highly-placed gov­ world away fro m ' Java and Su­ taking the army quiz. cels addressed to overseas Arm y Issued. 11:16— Day Dreams With Bud 1:00— Church of the A ir Harold Puter, 71 Gerard: Raymond The V.F.W. also will provide in- Monday evening, one of our big­ the conaplrator* collected. boudoir chair and hassock pre­ ernment officer in hi* cottage in matra. and defense appropriations LOANS Rainey 1:30— Press News Queen of Club Rldplfl, 52 BiaaeU: Richard Reich- strutioni in subjects op which you gest crowds was present. Come and The priest *wore that Kunze en­ sented'to her by her fellow aaao- the Java mountain*. We were had come In. dribbles. J 11:30— Muaical Souvenirs 1:35— Bobby Tucker—Voices enhach. 406 Woodland. -nay need help. When you are con­ take a chance oh our. big prizes listed his aid in obtsdnlng such ciates at the Bon Ami: looking across toward the stra­ TTien the .Record World war, and Wfeea • lamm la maaaaamaa, 11:45—Commando Marj’ 2:00—Spirit of “ 42" Har\ey Sandford, 40 Auburn fident of passing the" army test*, and enjoy your bingo with new r document and referred him to Refreshments were 'served by tegic Poentjak pass, leading .down on May 10, 1940. the German Army fa a loning last year, and that ed. Friend* smd relativea were He said. "Yes. we must hold the The Indies reeled under the debt*, for.medical or den­ chord 5:00—Th* Family Hour— Gladys Pick Nominees Stephens. 217 Calumet aveque, Under 21 years, you must have on a subsequent vUit when he saw present from Rockville and'town. pass. It may mean holding all of shock. Then the.v steadied, aflil tal service* i>r for *ome 1:30- Modern Music 1 Swartout, Deem* Taylor, A1 Aurora. Illinois: Delphi* St. John. your parents written consent. •“Mie clergyman the latter told him Mias Brozowski will be married Java, and that’s a matter of life just In time. Within a month, the similar worthy purpose, 1:45—WUe Man Goodman 205 Henry: Astrld Tltcomb. Buck- You must have, perfect eyesight In Waterbury he "did what he could’’ to help Bept. 26 at St. James’s church to are invited to *ee Penosal 2:00— Sammy Kay’s Sunday Ser-i 5.45— Willlsm L. Shlrer-Newr* land; Newton Taggert. 39 ,Wood­ and hearing. Kimze. Frank Savlno o f this town. for a cash loan of $10 to ensde 6:00— Edward R. Murrow land; Charles Thompson, 52 Chest- TONIGHT You must be between 5 feet and The government Introduce $300. 2:30—Curtis Ensemble 6:15— Irene Rich “Dear John." wood Drive; Owen Thompson, 155 6 feet 4 inches In height. much other testimony purporting .2:45— The Sabbath Meaaage 6:30—Sgt. Gene Autry Benton; Walter Timmins. 339 Tol­ Waterbury^ ^AUg- 22. — fdh— AdmiMion 50r WHO CAN GET A You must weigh not less than State Senator Mirtiael V. Blans- to show that Molzahn was an ar­ Foes’ Dress Worn LOAN? 8:00— Music For Neighbors 7:00— Our Secret Weapon land Turnpike; John Wolcott. 117 105 pounds nor more than 200 dent Nazi sympathizer, but this _S;15— Commentary by Upton Cloae 7:15— Time Out for Laugh* Hollister; George WUklnson, 89 field. 15th District, and ex-R*p. Pervuoal makes loaiu to pounds, and physically rerfect In John F. Tobin, 16th District, will be the defense, while combatting It credit-worthy men and' '8:80—^Thl* la The Army Hour 7:30—^^We the People. Tanner; Christ Werner. 988 West all other respMts. with evidence It said showed ex­ To Instruct Men ,4:80—Mr., and Mr*. Consumer 8:00—World News Tonight Middle Turnpike; Earle White, Jr.. Democratic nominee* for th* Stata women, single oc married. Air Corps Pay Senate. actly the opposite, dUmUoed a* Thee* loans are niad* on 8:00— Program from New York 8:30—Crime Doctor 295 Main; Michael Wozniak. 145 Cadets receive $75 a month plus mere “window dressing,” pointing WANTED . ju*t your signature alone. 8:80— Britain To America 8:55— Eric Severeid Blanafleld and Tobia won Watsr- ' Center. $1 per day subsistence, also their Six 25 out Qist there wa* no such charge Eii-en though you're em- 0 :00— New a 9:00—Micha the Magnificent Applications filled out improper­ bury Democratic Sanatoria! prl- camp Roberta, Calif., Aug. 22— uniforms, clothing, quarters, medi­ in the Indictment. plo.ved on a new job. or 0:15— Harrv Horlkk'a Orchestra 9:30^Star Theater ly. must be- corrected and sub­ raariei last night, Blansfleld egsUy {/Ft— Thousands of soldiers at till* cal care and a $10,000 life insur­ Molzahn, on the ata«d for the ha\a newly moved Into 0:80— Strictly Sports 10:00 —Take It or Leave It defeating William J. Stanton, local Army post saw two'men tn Axis DEPENDABLE MAN FOR mitted to another board meeting ance policy. Upon graduation he la better part of - three days, said he th# community, you can :45— Yale .Interpreta the News 10:30— News C. I. O. candidate who also bore uniforms casually atrolUng the before books can be issued. The commissioned a second lieutenant B ig never even knew Vonsiatsky, Ebell apply for a loan her*. :0O—The Remarkable Mias Tuttle the indorsement of th* Central D oor premises yesterday. 10:35—They Live' Forever following come under that claaal- In the Arm y A ir force reaerve and or Willumeit and knew Kunze only t^:80—The Bandwagon Libor Union. A. F. of U, and Tobin The two. It developed, arer* only A SEN8aU.B SOLUTfOM 11:00—News fleation: aadgned to duty. He then receives by sight although he was fairly DELIVERY WORK 'BtOB—Star Spangled VaudevtUe triumphed over Patrick Wailaca, a Camp Roberts sergeant and A Loaa of $100 11:05—Sports Round Up ■ Jennie Abom. Avery; Rudolph $245 a month. 'w-ell g^^alnted with the latter’a eeam B:80—One Man’s Family 11:10— Newa Analysis a newxomer here. private dressed in the full field < r $20.60 when promptly m- Carlson, 53 W alker‘ street; Louise The posts committee will bq in The CIO. during the campaign, Games father, an organUt and choirmas­ BtSO—Manhattan Merry-Go-Round 11:15— Bobby Byrnes Orrheatra. Darling. 234 Keeney street: Joseph Prizes ter at St. Paul’s Lutheran church, uniform# of the NaxU and Jap paid in 18 monthly eonaec working order soop and If you denounced Blansfleld as s “Isbor- Conserve and gel along with what you have. Keep your uUv* Inetallmeata. I f a h-AiSS—American Album of Famll- 11 ;30—Wao<^;,• Herman's Orchea-' Fraser. 14 Hsynes; Joseph Frey. Philadelphia, wlio testified for the troopsL Anpy officials wanted to I I lar Music wish to get into the Arm y Air baUer.” chiefly because o f his ad­ Also Responsible loan is the beat -iujU0iM tra i 599 Center street: Judge Harold defense. famlllarim tta* men arith the ap­ houae in repair. Insulate it to conserve fuel and provide Corps, get in touch with Com vocacy. th* union clalmad. o f in- to your probleBs. etaa* fc -Hour o f Charm Gamty. 141 Pitkin street: Walter Denied Dfaeaaalng Passport pearance at th* enemy. 1:80—3oa and Mabel mander Drake or one of the com­ corpoiAtion o f labor unions. Blans- Cooler SeBtfog Arrangemenu more home e4>nifort. Cjmvert your furnace hark to a coal or phonS u* today. ^ Prediets Aecldeat Glamsnn, 202 Oak Grove strMt: mittee. field contended that ha had support­ He acknowledged a vUlt from J: 0 0 —Newa ^ Father Peiypenko, but categorical­ High School. Boy For II ^mantator Laura House, 201 E. Center street: Past Commander Ernest Lih' ed ail labor measures. Doidile Call far Duty hiirner. Peuny Bingo Starts at 7:15 Sharp ly denied dUcuasUig K w u e’s paaa- |t:S0— Victoiy Parade Philadelphia, ^ u g . 22. ..Pi-;-i Kenneth Irish, 4 No. School street; dera, Clarence Wctherell and Jack Ifa yo r Vincent A. Scully and the port troubles. In fact, ne said, the 1:00— Newrs and Baseball Score* Standing on a street comer, W il­ Ed. Jedslnnlak, 164 Henry street: Buchanan were selected aa the Dcmteratic town committee orr . Boise, Idaho—<05—Tad Turner, Twm mtm Dancing' After the. Game priest'a German wa* bo poor he Port Time Work I>oans may be obtained to do this work, See MB for further 10— Orchestra Oolo liam Rock said to a friend. "Look Hamilton Jones, 18 Bralnsrd committee to collect the post share ganizatlon openly supported Blans- former dean o f men at the Uni­ ■ riNANCS^C# at that car travel Thera goes n Place: Charle# Kuhr, 184 W. Cen­ towards the fifteen training flsld and Wallace. never wa* able to understand ex­ versity of Idaho, kept trying to t:S0—CSiarlea Dant and hla Or- information. * * f ^ hospital case." A'block away the ter street; Jean M a rc ^ 47 Avno- plane* the V. F. W. Is ilcnstilig to actly what the man wanted, but get Into the war—and now look! Indhridnal. Seats believed he was aaidng Dor money. IlfS —Nawa car struck hla seven-year-old dalt Road. Anas McAdama, 18 Oak the U. 0. government St any of Rejected in hla quest for *^ Arm y Charles Waiveris Before they can be alaetad to On one point the defense and daughter. Mary Jane. She eras Shapely Jaan Curtis is one good street: Frederic Meitzner, 84 'Trot­ you comrades wish to make conunlsaion. b* tried the Navy. ter street; Akmso Nobis* 185 Flor­ small donation, let this committee the Hall of nm * at New Tork 5 Fans Refreshments Free Parking pronecution agreed— that Father He waa rafuaqd again. Now, In the ' n. is a British dead wrhen she reached the hospi­ reason for popolsriiy of Beyar- Uhireraity. men and wpmaa must Rainbow Cleaners kjr tlm Am tal. Police heM tha driver on a ence strcM; Edith O’Brien. 99 know In some w ay and they will Peljrpeako sM m S Molaahn a le t asm# mail, he’s neaivad'noUoaa The Manchester 'J'rust Company ly Hills. C4gi.f, C o ^ Oub pool be dead fot 85 yean . tar m m Kn which bora MoI« dumq drunkga drlV’iojL Laurel street; Alexander' Olbrias, go after IL ’ that both Us Army aM Navy a 'h a v* 8i so Harrison S|re«l Meaabcr Fcdaral Dagoait hw. C «r^ V—


IS adequate for indiscriminate oneration, on this one charge re­ ifvoi'ding the ludicrous, merely ] HamlfrBtfr service beyond the limits of their garding one story, does not, how­ shut their eyes—and talk and • S E R IA L STO RY own district. Even for J25, or ever, touch the main indictment Comment think. about something., else. Washington in Wartime 1E»ttiitt9 Xfrald for a greater sum, they'd rather of the American people against Still and all the Podsiia.^ strain By Jack Stinnett these three newspapers.. That in­ WHEN A GIRL MARRIES PUBUBHEU BY THB __ not be considered responsible 'for From the River Road is there. To let oneself visualize i • XaRALD PRINTINO CO.. INS fires outside that limit. dictment is that, through policy thiB country bereft of its freedom! Washington-He's the Army's ’ General I has issued a memoran­ eOPVNIONT. 104a. II BliMlI Btrtit By Malcolm Mollan BY flENE RYERSON MART N tA SKRVICK. INC. They have solved 'their own dictated by t^ielr ownership, which and brought under the heel M uo-dollar-a-year-man. dum defining the justice's position Mancheittr. Conn. If you went back through Ar- THOMAS FERGUSON problem, to their own .satisfac­ represents the nearest thing Mr. Mollan, retired editor of The Herald, preserves his contact Nszl-Jap domination, with all in­ -probably the only time that the Oontral Uanaccr with hia former daily raadtrs by writing a weekly letter for these my annals to the days when men. department waa ever called upon Poundtd October 1. 1111 tion, within their own district. America has to a "Cliveden set," columns, in which he agpraaaes hia own leisurely arrived-at con- dividual and property rights abro­ I fought for glory or convictions to determine the status of a mem- True Confeeslon "You've been through a lot and CHAPTER XIV They do not feel called upon to these newspapers are specialists .vlctions concerning some major, matters and hia observations gated ind no more, liberty of ac- : and not for booty or pay.' y'ou ber of the supreme court, you’re tired and upset. I shouldn't Pabllibed Evenr ETentnc Except Tom gave a diamayed whistle. have started talking about our ■nndari and Holldaya Entered at solve the problem of those who in defeatist paralleling of the Axis concerning aome very minor ones, as seen from hia home on the Hon, spe"b<;h or tho^ht, that i might find his equal. But if' you The decision (Sec. 62, Title 5,' the Poet Office at Mancheeter. banks of the Nlantlc River. Look -for hie contribution each searched the annals of the U. S. Federal Statutes) was easy. The "Good heavens, girl, what have engagement. I only meant that propaganda line. This Indictment would be theH)Itimate'd^h of the Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. live outside that district. w eek-e^. supreme couft, you Would never' justice could stay with the Army you been doing to yourself? You if you’d rather have the loan of SUBSCRIPTION RATES , 'That leaves hundreds of North has not been formally presentM. disagreeable. the exercise oi , find a justice who "took a vacn- oi stay with the court. He couldn't look as If you'd lost 10 poundi.” the money now, Instead of a Ob* Tsar by Mall ...... and perhaps it never will be, and aucb vision is not^to be tolerated.' ;tion" to join the armed forces as do both. The memorandum hasn't Enld'e face was white and ring—” 'Epd property owners pretty much Thera art lots of thlnga to s«a,''ted, hiking down one of the roade drawn, and in Letty’e houae dress, Per Month by Mall ...... t the news story in question had jhadid. been m.ado public.. It probably "Tom, please—" HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE GIRLS ' Blnsla Copy ...... I to ^thclr own devices. They them­ hereabouts, nowadays; and to that cross tha huge (now almost Podsnap would waVa it behind I'm .talking about bushy-browed. won't. There's really no need. In two alzes Jtod big for her, she ac­ Johnson Bros. Town’s Bicycle Headquarters Knofla.Work [ Oallyered One Tear ...... 11.00 little to do with it. All the grand He patted her shoulder. "All selves a^e^^attered into several most of us the things that we ace empty) parking field, a battalion him. His American chains just I .^2-.vear-old Frank .Murphy, the Army circles, It i.s a foregone con- tually looksi aa if she had shrunk. right. We won't talk about it. Don't wait uny longer to make appointments for Perma­ 'MEMBER OF different coibniunlUes. none of jury investigation revealed was look the other way and igimre ir. j bachelor associate justice who’ is 'elusion that come October, when She emlled^wanly. "Oh. I’ll be THE ASSOCIATED PRESS are about as understandabla as - of rookie Soldiers, presumably I’ll- wait." Well Equipped nents to start the school year. We are booking thebt that the Chicago Tribune had "Life as usual" is their reeburs I'on ai tive duty" as a lieutenant the. supreme court reconvenes, ail right—now. E v^ the Best a. The Associated Preti ts exclualTS. which is big enoilgli^^to maintain the apectacle in a planetarium to from the camp at Niantlc. As s ; colonel in the tank corps on south- Lieut. Col. Frank Murphy (like It had been a hard week. Mom I, IP entitled to the use or republics- wideawake, intelligent reporters. to escape this monster . of . She pushed herself away from now and suggest that you do likewise afonce. ' UOD of all news dispatches credited its own fire departfeerit. Nor, a three-year-old child. About once | parade outfit they were not so em maneuvers, following weeks of members of Congress In the arm -' had been strong enough to go him. Her voice was desperate It didn't go into the crackpot to It or not otherwise credited in stretched acros.s the whole'iKirth- a week we drive down to Niantlc I'hpt. Their uniforms were of vari- agreeableness. training at Fort Benning, Oa. jeo forces w h o were ordered back home the day after her thrilling but determined. '’The false situa­ Electrical Contractors ' this paper and also tbs local news Lieut.-Col. .Murphy's case is j to legislative duties by President rescue, but she refused to leave n’» Oldest Contrac­ ‘ em geography of the town, coiitd, pomposity of the Tribune's pub- tion Into whlch"ehe had .weakly pnbllsned herein. ' for suppllea—It'a nearer than New ous'ahjides of khiki, their caps ot Life aa usual, entertainment ac i un'ique for a . number of reaHons. the hospital until she had been l. All richta of rspubllcatlon of Itstter. America's Colonel Blimp, Koosevelt) will be placed on the allowed herself to be drawn bad Always Keep a Little tors ,^re Specialists on I, epeclal dispatches herein are also they well unite, into an efficient London and the parking problem diverse "Vintages, while more than usual; tires and gas and sugar am i' WheiV. he stopped down from tJie Army's inactive list. assured thsl someone would be * resarrsd. ______^______' system of fire protection, even who, IHifn when he says "our all fixed hablU and custom.-* as suprenW ourt bench for the. sum- with Pop every minute. to be ended once and for all. Bit Ahead of Times. less baffling—and while we're just a few of tjaem were clad In "Tom, you don't understand. Repair'Jobs. j though, one day. they may oe whole effd'rt., is. to win the war" •» ' nier adjouadjburnineht. he announced However,. jf the justice quit And upoh Enid had fallen the Pull aerslee client of N. E. A. there we usually take time out to blue dungarees. But they were usual-r-if they possibly can be that he would'return to the Ar­ I’m not going to marry you.. I— •ervlcs Inc. means "win jftort,of the war and, the Army torrioijrow,- he would al­ burden of keeping that promise. As we have announced before, If you-arc planning to do any I 99 East Center Street highly populated enough to fi­ stop for a while at the parking leamirig to walk—whlcti wangled. Anyhow, follow the ex­ my the vv.i.s a captain in the 8.5f!i don't love you. 1 never have." ready have written a chapter in Tor Letty had her babies to Uke Johnson Brothers, l every day street, and have a talk with -Al­ i and dapartmenta to refrain ffom ter got it by organizing for it and be a stupid fool and damned thing more, she ^ventured timidly in the year, can be blame4 Upon BilVs Tire and Repair Shop you can guess about what they they will be strsight-bseked and night's sleep. bert F. Knofla or a competent jpubllc debate criticizing each paying for it. lot more than they do Hitler and lucky It you don't pay for your that perhaps it wobld be better if faulty electrical Items. . Ope short may be looking forj feeling quite tough and alert, and the ..trains at .the wrong times you wind up Mom waa in the cottage kitchen member of his staff. If you wish to SEE FOR YOURSELFI other and to refrain' from public By the same, token, however, Hirohlto. she didn’t drive bick to town circuit can easily burn (lown a telephone, the' number is 4386. sure that it is not either sharks and the ships will be carrying folly wltb the last penny ot your smitten by a. boomerang. with the girls, where Tom had with him gs they had-, planned. HIGH GRADE controversy over questions of pol­ Th* Governor's record on the whole house. It is much cheaper, Caters Only to Bicyclists They are Manchestors’ oldest and You c a n go those w'ho nave already achieved nor schools of menhaden. On other them and their guns and tanks possessions, the last ounce of Connecticut found them that Sunday morning. She could take a train, you will agree, to fix the damage icy has a laudable aim. I war is good enough to deserve dis- most reliable builders. over your car their own .fire protection cannot days there may be many times and supplies wherever it is that your freedom. Because that's pre­ Hia words focused her worried at­ "I don’t suppose It allf hurt before It can cause trouble. Just It la, however, distinctly the , creet campaign handling. • tention upon her youngest daugh­ you to ride once more with ine," like fire,-electricity is a good ser­ Prior fo the present period o f : pair Shop which is located at 180 Repairs .Are Important with a magnl- consistently frown' upon the de­ more activity off-shore—many they are now carrying those who cisely whst yrill happen if yo’j PRINTING wrong method. sire of those who happen to live ter's face. It waa the first time he cut .in harshly. vant, but a bad master. existing shortages, anyone who Spruce street. Bill can be depend­ No doubt after a season's use. fylBg glass Manhattan vessels moving mysteriously, too already have put their rookie days prove to be numerous enough. Y ankee she had really teen the strain in ’Toni—I didn’t mean that! I’ll Well Established ed upon to fix your bike into pre­ those of you who own cottages at JOB AND COMMERCIAL A great deal of the criticism outside fire districts to gain serv­ wanted a bicycle simply went out when w* got By George Tucker far away to'be made out at all ac­ far behind them; and other young By A. H. O. it,-the hollows under the dark be glad to ride wltb you, if you Johnson Brothers, as most of fect running condition at a mini­ any of the nearby lakes, are apt PRINTING amd controversy which has come MaWhester people Vnow, is com- and bought one. Since the recent through serv­ ice and protection for themselves. men who now are wrapping up That New London Council Quotations sober eyes. . , want me to.” mum of cost to you. to find that some part of the curately. ! priMd of four brothers, who are tire shortage, and the still, more Will Give Advice icing It — and see for yourseff Prompt and CMcleat Priottoo from Washington officials them­ There am be no closed book, no New York—It is giving no com­ "She does look right peaked,’ "I came up here to get you, stnicture is in need of aome repair You may get the impression packages in stores or driving de­ New London’s City government Those politicians who have been i Mom agreed with Tom. With life-long residents of town. They recent gasoline shortage, bic^le-s If home person has prospects of ot All Kinds. selves, officials, as the President closed corporation, on a great and fort • to the enemy and violating didn’t I?" work. Knofla Brothers are just the II It doesn’t asHtfy every staad- livery trucks or filing papers in' hasn't any war—it only has Ocean right on this war are, we think,' We must prepare to protect the vigorous decielon she took the dish It wasn't a cheerful ride. Tom are well established and reliable are playing an important role in obtaining a bike through the. local persons to see on this matter. says, "of equal standing, thougli vital public service such as this. no weather secrets to say that that some of them are warships, ard. big corporaUon offices or making Beach to woriy about; and the'ri: likely to find their rightness auto-1 firesides of our fathers arid the towel-out of Enld’e hand. "I ll was silent and surly, and Enid dealers, a n il'^ joy .a reputation as the business of getting from one rationing board, be should see Bill Don't delay any work upon a COMMUNITY PRESS twt necessarily of equal under­ If more people want and need fire "Rain" is very much in the air.. and you are just as likely to be altars of our God here in Amer­ help Letty with the dinner, Yoiu Such. Johnso^Brothers .comprise place to another. In spite- of. the after getting the O.K. Bill will A. B. Holmw J. to. Bskvs Broadway will soon have a full neckties or "practising law” or matically appreciated by the vot-1 was harried by a sense of guilt. dwelling which might be termed COOK’S SERVICE ST A. standing,” has seeided Irresponil- wrong about that as right, be­ isn’t any room in 1^ municipal ica. borrow her bathinz suit and go Ernest \V„ Elmer J., Victor J., and (act that pumpihg a bicye’e is de­ give sincere advice as to Just what protection, they must be en­ ration of Sadie Thompson's high- She wasn't accustomed to feeling vital or even leas -at the present Manchester Green. Phoos MWd $51 No. Slain St. IM. a m working at jobs that girls could Sjcull for headache.'* ot'er such ers. I —Senator Joslah Bailey, North MKlm with Tom before we Ruddlph. pendent to a certain extent upon make and type of bicycle to get. Me. couraged and helped along the top white shoes, the Rev. David­ cause what you have decided must for a that she had behaved badly—and tinne. Especially in the building 'do, will be trudging about the On th'e other hand, we suspect | Carolina. Located at their new headijuar- physical exertion of the rider, it He is one man in town who really On these occaaiona, the chief son, screechy phonograph records, be a cruiser a dozen miles away things as civilian defense ' ■ p^ou- eat, Ilil do you good." , ' she knew she had to Tom. game does the old adage apply, road to getting it. that they run a dangerous risk of Vainly Enid protested. Tom ters at 533 Main street, they nave la nevertheless much better than knows his bikes. After buying .the "A stitch in time saves nine!” ’TTiis and the mountains oCNsbraskA.. is apt to turn out to be a couple counUysids, getting their first lems because the space Is over­ Sh* was also uneasily aware capably composed for their ex­ walking. gMUlt, has been, as the President losing what bepeftt might De America will not fail to bring dragged her out of . the kitchen of the secret hope beating deep in wheel, one should remember that can be confirmed b'y many unhap­ Concrete and Cinder Blocks Only, this time, it will be Mar­ taste of fitting for the world's one staffed with the migraine of the. panding business, spacious store The average person should be it will require a little attention at snd BHmer Davis hold, to crearo ot thirty-foot beam trawlers half theirs if they are too bold in try­ Christian principles of peace and threatening: her heart. A shameful hope that py home owners who have had to J. R. Braithwaite Reinforced Lintels and Good Decisions Wait lene Dietrich who plays the girl- big job. Beach. This week, so I see by the ing to claim that they hold an ex’- good will to all races and creeds "Now mind your mother. Get apace, which is most essential in able to look into the future a short times, such aa oiling, adjusting of public confusion, unnecessarily who-fell-by-the-wayalde.. Origin­ that distance off shore; the lights she wouldn't admit even to her­ the effecti%’e display of their many pay dearly for something which Window Silk paper, the City Council voted to clustve patent on the war: and even to people of our enemy into that bathing suit, pronto— distance and see that the bike will c.akes, and many, other such undermine public confidence in the If bMte made waste Alont, al "Rain" from a Somerset and ahadowa on the sea, particu­ The World'e One Big Job— self, but that was there as she said electricar accessories. They wel­ be playing a bigger role than ever. might have had cost one third less Keya Made, Locka Repaired. . ALL SIZES Tlitis, Governor Robert A. Hur­ Rations. ' ' or"—hi* eyee twinkled—"I'll, put ‘.hings which seem trivial but go beforehand. Maughani short story was by larly at this time of the ypar, are that's it. And I don’t know of transfer $5,150 from "unexpended her constrained goodby to. Tom. come a call at their store at any Defense workers who trsvel a a long way to insure long life of Full Supply On Hand 'government, and add to the ge- that would be sometimes toler­ ley doesn't have tci proclaim to It on you myself." Will OU-e You EaUmate Toola Ground John Colton In collaboration with balances" in regular city appro­ when at last they reached the un­ time of the day, and they will hap­ short distance to work, or who the bicycle. At An Times Jight of our enemies. able. Waste .can be paid for, or highly deceptive. But you can al­ anything better calculated to de­ the voters that he was "right” on — Elsie Papajohit, christening mine "And lay dow'n there In the sun pretentious little frame house\ on For those many who are plan­ Maugham. .The producing rights priations to the Ocean Beach op­ sweeper. pily help you with any' estimates live in the outskirts of towm, will Bill has been in business for a Yet. on the other hand, there replaced, or compensated. ways do a deal of speculating flate one's ego than the realiza- the war before Pearl Harbor. He until you get some color in your Elm street. which might be troubling you. ning upon building in Manchester Ldivn .Mowers Sharpened now belong to Colton. . . .Veteran never pulled his punches at the find that they are simply out of good number of years and any have been occasions when such But baste does worse things about what la going on out there tl()n that he was, in the words ot erating budget, giving solemn rec­ face,” Mom added. A hope that quickened the But above all they are vitally in­ luck when their present tires arc statement which^ he may make to before winter,. Knofla Brothers J. HUBLARD Broadway observers remember time; he made his stands blunt, • The American aky dragons are Reluctantly Enid ducked Into Electrical Utilitiea the original "Rain" with the late ognition to the Park Board's as­ tempo of her blood while she took terested in seeing to it that your worn out. They can, however, ap­ you on your bike, must be-consld- are the ones to see about it. They criticism and controversy weri than that. It leads human lives —whether you are looking at a the Williams cartoons, l^m thir­ definite aind clear, even at a time sowing the seeds of hope In the the bedroom and put on Letty'e will give you estimates on the ■Jeanne Eagles, as one of Broac^ sertion that it was short of funds people in occupied areas. They a quick bath and brushed her present' electrical equipment laats ply for a bicycle at the local ra­ ere ' as final. For many years he Re-Conditioned & SONS based on good grounds, and di­ down irrevocable trails from big freighter full of war materiel ty years too soon—or a good deal when it was feared that the war bathing suit. Saying that she was hair until it gleamed like pale you for the duration. Things coats which *0111 be accurate. They > Concrete and Mason way's greatest excursions. .It has largely because of "unforeseen issue might divide his own party ■ stimulus for Chinese so)» , tioning. board, and more than like­ hen been located at 180 Spruce rected at good objectives and. al­ which there Is no returning. There perhaps on her way to join a big more than thirty years too soon too tlr?d to swim had been only gold, and fixed it carefully in the aren't what they used tb be even ly, can obtain one. There are many will glvd you free advice on many Guns Repaired had many revivals In many sec­ behind him. The whole stale i dlers. street, and while there has built Contractors though unpleasant enough to cer­ are impulsive actions and deci­ tions of the country, the most convoy somewhere to the easL or —to take any active part in the contingencies including extra ex­ an excuae. The truth of It was, new way Hank Holliday had ad­ if you are one of the lucky rich. persons who already own them. up a splendid . array of . bicycle subjects, which will prove their 314 East Middle Tumpike knew his stand, and remembers it. — Kung Pao, Ciiinrac newspa­ she dreaded being alone with Tom. mired. Your .present equipment will have worth later on. Despite prloritle.'*. 52 Pearl SL Phone 4200 tain officials; perhaps even to the sions which never loose their bold. noteworthy' being Tallulah Bank­ merely at a little market packet doing o f that job. Uselessness, at penses caused by the dlmout and" per. Bikes Need Repairs equipment.. We Imagine that you Manchester Phona 6987 And. at the- time at least, he had Then she slipped tntd one of to last, and one way of insuring One sure thing of the matter is would be surprised if you knew' Mr. Knofla will serve all of hia President himself, have achieved .A spot decision in one direction or head's at the Music Box some five carrying a scanty cargo of clams such s' time, is deaolatlon.. —save the mark!—"promotlom the gratitude not only of Derno- It was half a city block to the this is to let John.son Brothers care or six years ago.. .Present plans We are on the verge of ei preci­ her old summer' dresses hanging that. Just as s car needs repair just how many pieces of equipment customers as well as can be ex­ good results. another, a sudden step over some to New York—because sometimes among park personnel.” crats who thought as he did about lake front from the cottage oc­ In heff bedroom closet and took for it. Phone either 6227 or 7606. work at times, so does a bicycld. go to make this (list class bike pected at the present time. call for a "musical" Rain, with the war, but of many. Republicans pice and we arc in deadly eameri cupied temporarily by the Shar- There Is a world of difference line, can commit a life. And the you have to stay quite a while and Podsnap's Yankee Kin But’ note, ju ^ b y way of horri­ a critical Inventory in the mirror. It IS merely a machine which is shop. Don’t delay anything about re­ book and score by Jerome Korn who. appreciated his fqrthrlgnt •about it. ■ . ona Then «)ne had a choice of We Have Been in the and Oscar Hammerstein...Prob­ ble exampleyto other cofiimunities —Jawaharlal Nefaru, Indian lead­ She didn't need any makeup, capable of wearing but after cer­ Remember. Bill haa anything pair work upon your house. See Johnson Bros. between the conaldered statement spirit which needed the spiir of do some close watching to discov­ I wonder If there are any Dick- courage. scrambling recklessly down a or call Knofla ’ Brotheni now. and able production date: Xmas. of sim ilar size, what "unexpendcl er. for the sunburn she had acquired tain treatment. Then is the time you may need in the way of bike Plumbing and Heat­ o f a Donald Nelson sind the imput- Impulse bo make the decision In er which way the craft la going. I ens addicts among my readers. In partirular. It was appre­ steep bank, or walking another that afternoon had reddened her that a bicycle repbih man must be repair goods, and these combined satisfaction will be guaranteed. Electrical Contraetera • • • appropriations’* were tapped ,I'j j sive meddling of an Ickes, our question is not ever likely to mus­ Because every Dickens lover wiil ciated that he was a prominent In tirms of what will be requir­ two squares to the resort hotel lips and given her face a soft and CAMPBELL'S selected. by the owmer. Just as with the excellent skill which he Don’t forget they are located at ing Business for Many Most NY reporters thought The Freights Roll By and going down the atei>a there 533 Main Street Secretary of Confusion. ter the courage for a direct about- that JIOO.OOO life Insurance, policy put a few more scads into th e ' . spokesman for his race and re­ ed to defeat our enemies we have lovely flush. Above her pink carefully as if he was -getting his had acquired after many years in 875 M'ain street and the phone recall quite ^vividly the author's to the boat pier. auto . fixed. Pfobably the most Years. on Ray Bolger, star of "B y Jupi­ Usually. If you should apend purse of the Ocean Beach man-1 ligion at a time when efforts only juBt begun to pet into our cheeks -her eyes were wide and FOR SERVICE the business, will insure you s per­ number Is 4366. Tel. 6227 - 7606 There is a world of difference face. It stays in the predicament Immortal analysis of Podsnappery were being msde to have that Tom elected the p*,th down the popi lar bicycle' repair man in fect running bike, which will last ter," just another publicity gag— half an hour at this spot, your agement for a further stake in its stride.' shining-.. .and expectant. Out of Gas — Flat Tire — Rely on our experience and between a statement from a man in which it haa landed itself. In "Our Mutual Friend,” and f race and religion regard this — President RoosevelL bank. He helped Enid and then, (To Be Continued) town is Bill Green's Tire and Re­ until the emergency is over. but it wasn't. . The producers view of the Sound would be cut perpetual bucking of the tiger in etlll holding her hand, raced her Battery Trouble — service for best results. We WiU Gladly Girt T« Who la responsible for some specii That is the way many people called him "indispensable, exbni- have been wondering whether we war as nothing more than de­ off several times by Jhe great a game in which the pards are served trouble and retribution through the shallow breakers that DUAL eifil Eattmataa. he program, and who wants to select vocations they -regret ever brdlnar>', and unique." That'a didn't have, in America, a.«bnsid- I've been training soldiers for 25. laden freight trains that seem to stacked against it. The sum of for one ot our present allies. years and I .have a thorough were dashing lazily -on the sandy Prisoners Will Center street studio ■ are' many Paul W. Dougan brush aside interference from afterward, the way some people quite a handful of praise. .Ray is erable number of relatives of beach. The water was 'cold, de- Shell Gas and .Motor Oil be forever rolling by, headed cast. $1,430.89 is taken from the appro­ Thus Governor Hurley's record knowledge of what they can do. Keep your car well greased and Smart Folks other Item.s *^hich will go far to Johnson & Little men who have opinion but not re- marry, the way some people build ■ ® singing, come John Podsnap, arid whether an on the war is, in rfrllty, some­ This parade Is way and beyond opite the hot Augiiat eun beating make you more lovely. Among . . . . . fdiSn, dancer who is also an ex- Of course you know nothing of priation for the state tax; $963.41 ^ ork on Farms have the oil changed frequently. General Contractor 100 Center Street Bponaibility, and. a department a home, the way some people “ Americanised version of English thing better and more courageo'n what anyone could anticipate. down on it. these is the well kno**-n M on lq ^ Baagao — Botrlgarstere acrobat who dances on rubber what Is contained in the box cars, When ahe caught her breath. Phone 5876 bead who keeps seeking toeholdi lect ties of fraternity and friend­ legs and practically carries “ By comes from the appropriation for than can be implied by any state­ Uol. Don C. Faith, after review­ CAMPBKI.L’S Like Weldon’s make up. which you will both Podsnappery wasn't mors or less Enid turned over on her back and and Builder Jupiter," a smash Broadway mu­ but you do see some strange cargo interest on 'current loans; from ment that he just happened to be ing W AACS. San Francisco, Aug. 22.— SERVICE STATION need.,and appr6 :iBte when you are In spheres outside his oi^m. ship. to blame tor their attitude toward "lucky" . enough to become a war floated. Tom struck out with his California's back-to-the-f a rm 1 on your vacation. The Monique sical hit. Go down -the line and on the flats-^a big shipment of Cor. .Main and Middle Turnpike The President's order affects And if. as they go through life, the appropriation to pay the coun­ vigorous crawl stroke and swam movement for state prisoners will count the other comic-dancers.. If hundreds of creOsoted piles, for In­ their.^wartime responstbllltiea governor by being in office when I believe present wage controls make up are essential blends Concrete and Masonry both kinds of discussion, prohibit­ they complain to themselves over ty tax is taken $1,255.8^ war began. have been much more effective out thto the lake -until hie head start Monday with the release of Beauty Studio on East which will make you look your GIBSON’S anything happened to Bolger. stance, which you know very well "Mr. Popsnap," reads the DIck- 10 Folsom convicts to work in a BILL'S TIRE^ ing both, indiscriminately. Under their lot,, loudly blaming every none of hU contemporaries could That's just a specimen of how Cpnnectlcut voters, we think, than most people suppose. was a mere bobbing speck on the best at all rimes of the day. Also Work — Alterations ensiah text, "settled that what­ —Senator Prentiss Brown, Michi­ pear orchard near - Sacramento. Center Street Is Hair­ and take his p la c e .,..A reporter for are going to be incorporated in New London is running the finan­ will be inclined to 'extend credit green water. Then he turned and at the Weldon Studio, you may G4RAGE It, there shall be nothing but one except themselves, then j’ou for this—barring one ' develop­ gan. cams back to her. the water foam­ This, officials indicated, will be KRAUSE'S B. n . GIbooo, Frop. one of the , Manhattan dallies the building of a pier aomewhero,- ever he put-behind him he put out cial problem created by Ocean dressing Headquarters. purchase leg. make-up In all flat­ Pollyanna public comihent from can be sure that what really ment. That woulcl be for the (3ov- ing from the drive of hi* strong but the small beginning of a tering shades. 56 Gardner Street REPAIR SHOP cornered the former Bostonian maybe in New England, maybe in of existence. There was a dlgnl- Beach. Employ^a must be pro­ any official. All we shall know rankles them is the realization emor to fall in with the extreme I'm not a Communist, but once arms. Board of Prison- Terms and Pa­ GREENHOUSES The Weldon Beauty Studio At the present time Miss Juul Speetadzlng In Wffl. H. Green, Prop. and a.H^ed him how his head felt, Ireland, or old England, who flsd conduslvenesa— not to add a line . of campaigning adopted by you've seen those. Russian men roles plan. In time, the plan prob­ 21 Hartford Road ^Uackestar Phone 6105 about a problem will come when that they made a big decision In moted, salaries must be increased, He looked at Enid and grinned. which la located at 99 East Cen­ Is- advising an appointment for BEAK now that hia feet had been valued grand convenience— in this way of Congressman Herman P. Kopplc- and women laboring and dying ably will be extiended. to other at a hundred g ra n d ...."M y head knows? *^Dr perhaps Invasion the Beach must continue to put There were white circles under Sperial Atteottoa ter street, has been for s. long young girls who will soon be go­ Wheel AUgumeat, Columbia and Elk Bicyclea. the President announces the solu­ needless haste, that they took one mann of the Firet dietrict. Mr. for their cduntry you’ve got to state penitentiaries and prison barges that we saw .Z rolling getting rid of disagreeables which her eyee now where a few min­ Given To PtinOe time the hairdressing headquar­ ing flack to 8Ch(x>l after Labor tion. That will be.BO, at least, so- up a front, whether the city de­ admit .they're showing something. camps and may go far to help SAVE UP TO 30% U. S. Tires. ,< »» « h < , « "had done much towards establish­ Kopplemann himself, on his rec­ utes before there had been ehad- Orders - TeL $700 ters for smart Manchester wom­ Day. A permanent. Individually Brake and through Niantic on flat cars a fault on its ' obligations or not, ord, has been a "good war con-, —Seaman John Tntteranll. California farmers, with their har­ 'far as administrative officials are considering the merits of what than alive." Bolger is an ex­ owt, and the rest of her face was en. Tq list the reasons why this styled, will go far to Insure a neat On Plumbing Carburetor Repairs, Service,' couple of months ago may bay* ing Mr. 'Podsnap in his lofty place gressman," much better, on hie vest labor problem. Specialist la F»- concerned. Obviously, the Presi­ may have been several alternative ! insurance salesman and inventor whether it does .the smallest thing turning a beautiful scarlet. He aeral and toed- particular salon has acquired such hairdo. and Rlectrt- taken part In this week's Com­ in Podsnap's satisfaction, record, than was former Con­ My crew calls our ship a spook laughed. "We'd better get <>ut and Tentative plans are to dispatch Serriee! Accessories. dent will not be able to shut Con­ choices. I of the Lmdy Hop. which became to provide against sir raids. and she sure was a spook to the d I n g Arraago- a splendid reputation would re­ In closing may we suggest that cal Sapplle* mando raid on France, or others don't want to know about it;' gressman William J. Miller In tho dry or youTI be parboiled.’ the prisoners to the fields and or- I gress up, and if the order sticks, This len't I f . famous when Llnd- Well, anyhow, the $963.41 di­ Jape. chard* in groups of SO. Guards iBMta — quire much space but any woman whatever, your beauty needs, call by bayisg dl- This isn t waste, it s huma,i ■ Atlantic in 1927. , interim before him. But Mr. Kop­ She followed him up the sandy 1 who ha.<* visited the Weldon Beau­ 185 Main St. Phone 5012 180 Spruce SL - Phone 5450 yet to come -may figure vitally- in don.'t choose to dlscuae it; I don't verted from payment on current —MaJ. George B. . Glober, M>m- will accompany the convicts and | at the. Weldon Beauty -Salon, nr debate in Congress may become tragedy.. It'a why people w h o ^ ^ * plemann came back to Hartford beach to the foot of the bank Ikrt Florrcra ty Studio know* why this . is. rect at the great second front movement admit it!' Mr. Podsnap had even not long ago and touched off the mander of U. S. flying fortress. return them to their cells each j make an appointment by tele­ supremely important once again. feel the impulse for a sudden de- ‘ I have It straight from the ipterest will go quite a w ay to where some scrubby tree* threw Potted Plaats Among other reasons, they like phoning sooik when it transpires. You get acquired a peculiar flourish of his most damaging boomerang of hia a thin shkde. She sat down on night. , I In any case, it Is the wrong so­ cision coming upon them should' maid who has it straight from meeting the loss on the latest I can see unlimited use for cargo Prevailing wage* will be -paid the smooth-running attention glimpses of hugs castings and right arm in often clearing the political career by proclaiming the yellow saniLand shook her SUPPLY lution for an obvioua evil. The achievement of the Be'ach man­ planes and gildera now a j0 in thc the worker* and their earnings de­ which is so courteously extended Note 70tb Anniversary I.ANDSCAPING AND ... ,u,.uy .„4 p „.. ..owi 'i;: boldly that to elect a,Republican ’ hair free from the cap. Tom to them, they like the type of WAYNE W. plates that, for all you know, may ivxirld of Its most difficult problems agement, when a swimming meet to Oorigress would . be to “pro­ post-war period.' posited to their accounts. THERE IS light solution is theoretically slm- governor on their mind, waiting ' -sequence of ‘‘Joan Crawfford'a Ut- flopped on hie stomach beside her, work which they are given and OUTUET TREE SURGERY be parts of great gun mounts and by sweeping tbem behind him (end waa held at a cost of $1,500 and long" the war. He. In other words, ^—Brig. G ^ . HaroM L. George, watching her. ICnld met hie eye NO I.IMIT St. LoUia—iP )—Mr. and Mrs. F. 1180 Main St. Cor. Trnm- PHILLIPS ple. It is hot to select, hi the for the impulse to cool. When. If ' e.it picture, "They All Kissed the U. S. .Army. Mutt Help m th Hay Crop more Important they -are more U. Hugunin. 92 and 89 years old. now and then strange looking conaequehUy tbecr away) with $400 was given out aa constitut­ proclaimed hia own exclusive pat­ and then looked away. than satisfied with the moderate bsll, Hartford. 7-946S Evergreens, Shrubs and Complete Refrigeration first place, or keep, after they it has cooled, consideration of the ■ Bride." waa cut out because one ent on thia war. TO YOUR respectively, will C:Clebrate—quiet­ of Joan's hats was too seductive. contraptions at whose potential tboee words an<) a flushed face." “Nice here.'len’t It?" Tom asked prices. prove their lack of-quality, bureau problem or proposal brings the ing the receipts. Wonder how long There are many Republicans This Is the biggest kick I ever Hollywood— UPi —The fanner's WARDROBE ly.—their 70th weddmg snniver- Shade Trees Trimmed Service — All Makes ___ Just how seductive can a bat lazily. wife, Mrs. George Zarzana of rural Famous Permanent i»sry today. smd department heads who are Ir- use you caq't make even the wild­ Now the pomposity of Mr. Pod­ before the sta^ will have to take who look on the potential re- got, seeing how much pleasure Services — Sold — Rebuilt impulse to warmth again, then be, and just who can make a hat those boys got from a few old Enid agreed. Roosevelt, won’t be able to appear When Yon Have At the present time Miaa Juul, All Work Carefully and respoi^ble meddlers in problems est guess. snap was, as Dickens m akes very over the running of New London. nomlnatlon of Mr. Miller with He sat up suddenly, remember­ who is the owner and operator of you can guess that it la more thaiTThat can upset the Hays Office to misgivinge, aot believing him a songs and gag.i. with Movie Actor Henry Foncia in Neatly Done. AUTHORIZED not properly their own. We want thl» extent? The man who made But you do get the impPeaalcm clear, a peculiarly English pom­ M. M. —Al Jolson. entertaining I'. 8. sol­ ing something that Had been on that radio show after all. Both are The Aid Of A the Weldon Beauty Studio, is fea­ a passing Impulse, and a basic in­ auitable eandidate on war Is­ hia mind. "Say—I suppose the COMPLETE COMMERCIAL good a&rhinistrators who have the all Joan's hats for this pix is Wal­ of a tremendous effort In produc­ posity, impoBSible to match any­ Niantlc River Road, diers In Panama. airplane spottqga, and were as­ SINGER ^ turing the famous Ondolea per­ ACTIVE WOMEN Conn. .State I.icen.oe. stinct in your life, which will lead sues. But although such Repab- hospital bill for your folks waa manent. It has gained wide­ . FRIGlb.MRE SAI.ES ter Florell, a Frenchman, son of where outside the tight little isle. signed roles iiT s script called courage -and the right to speak to happiness. But if you finJ, tion and movement and a feeling Waterford, Conn. 11 cans may disapprove of Mr. pretty stsep, wasn’t it? I meant SEWING MACHINE spread reputation as ' the .most an antique dealer, who used to Miller, Mr. Kopplemann’* brand ■ The papers and press associa­ Eyes Aloft.” Farmer Zarzana BUILDING KEEP FIT A.ND SERVICE out in public when -.they think when you turn back to the propo­ earn Yiia living aa a ballet dancer of rec'}gnition of an enornwui You WOUI4 doubtlSH find it ex­ tions are doing a Job which should to ask before I went away that telephoned NBC and said that was natural looking permanent to be SERVICE JOHN .S. IX OLCOIT of campaigning merely strength­ Singer Sewing Machine Co. With A things-are goirii\ wrong ' We can sition, that It stays cool, then you before he discovered Hollywood need to hurry, burry, hurry, and tremely difficult to identify any win the admiration of ths public. morning if you needed any money. fine but his wife had to help with had. Men, and women too, dis­ 117 Ilolliater St. Tel. 8.597 68 Dcimont St., Phone 3622 ens fhrir Republicanism. ’They rv* got a little In the bank----- lae. COAL — CORE get along withenii the talk, anJ and the waV to promotion and still again hurry. of that gentlemM'a American rel- Japanese to Move —Dean Carl W. Ackerman, Co­ the hay crop. like that artificial look which la Summer Spencer! can be fervently thankful that you can concede Mr. Kopplemann aome that I've saved this last 7t7 Mala St. TsL SaSS ao often displayed oa a woman the gervices, of those who ipeciai- pay via mllilnery. Florell also atlvea by any similarity between hia good points on foreign is- lumbia. Kebool of Journalism. RANGE AND FUEL OILS didn't Jump, when you hbppcned makes h a t^ fo r Garbo, fJert^de You tee, perhaps, a very long To Arizona Soon month to buy you a ring." walks from the beauty parlor,. Not Ixe in running everj- bit of. busi­ their deportment end hie, because soee; they won’t yield him any She straightened up Jerkily. ao with the Ondolea. As soon to feel like jumping. Moat good Lawrence, and Gypsy Rote 1 ^ . passenger train, obviously occu­ patent on the war. If I did not think tha Soviets, Prompt Deliveries ness not their ov'n. who takes pff everything, Inclu^ this has always been a country in would win. I would not bo a gen­ Tom stared at her. "What’s the as you step from the dryers, your InJividnnlly Deitgaad OAK GROVE decisions will wait for your fair pied entirely by Navy aailora— Governor Hurley has shown At All rimes ing her hat. when she appears be­ which chuff and swollen didacti­ Sain Francisco, Aug. 22—(M^— eral. matter?” hair has acquired a look, which MOON'S consideration! pMily the bad ones and you wonder on what particu­ Japanese will start moving Aug. signs of trying * to proclaim bis , “Oh, Tom, Tom—don’t—” THE makes you think that it is a nat­ fore her dear public in "Star and cism has excited a prompt auto­ —MaJ. Gen. Alexander L. Belyadv, See us about the Expanding Fire Protection behave as if they had to have you Garter.'’ the rich man's burlesque lar errand they are speeding, feel­ 26 from Santa Anita, largest of own patent on the war. As inter­ chief of Soviet Purchaolng Oom- "Don’t what?" ural feature. 'There ts no feeling MANCHESTER .ANNIE SWIFT DAIRY in a weak moment or not at all. show on Broadway. ing aura only that presently they matic barrage of ridicule and so the west's 17 assembly stations, to preted by Alcorn the Second, who misslon la the V, 8, . _ "Don’t buy me a ring now.” . loan you may In the irorld like ths one you will LUMBER « FUEL CO. 3rd Floor, Rnblnow Bldg.j FEEDS The wording of the rule adopted has quickly been reduced to tat­ the Ckilorado river relocation cen­ isn’t watting until the twilight of "W hy? You want one. don’t FALLOT get avhen you know that your hair Phone 4437 Fred H. Sankey, Prop. will be manning America's fight­ bis career aa a state’s attorney to need to purchase, Telephohs 5145 For Cattle and Poultry. by the directors of the Eigb'b ters. But it was not the pompori- ter,’ Yuma county. Aria., largest I am not Inclined to underosti- you—an engagement ring?” is soft, lovely to look at because Hours: 2 to 8 and 7 to 9 The Unholy Three ing ships' aomewbere on the aev- take the political stump, Ctover- School and Utllltlea District wita of the permanent resettlement mate our opponenta.' ”Noi!" It was os if ths word build or remodel of the famous Ondolea permanent. Pasteurized A Thought en seat. Or maybe, within a brief ty that was the fundamental camps. nor Hurley haa already applied secapsd of Its own volition. Cer­ STUDIO AND Any wxtman is Invited to call at INSECTICIDES regard to fire protection beyon'i The unholy three of American —Admiral Doenltz, Oermaa aah- spaoS' of time there will be rolling characteristic of Mr. Podsnap, it Twelve hundred svacueea. the for the patent, and our own ^ ru - . marine commander. tainly Enid had bad no prcmfdl- a home. "s- the Weldon Studio for a demon­ GivMyou tiM district boundaries conveys a pic­ Journalism, the Chicago Tribune, A wrathful maa sUrreth up was his delusion that he could get Wartime avU Control Adminis­ aal of the ciovemor's ipeecbet taUd intention of uttering IL But stration of this permanent. You “ Milk That Is Milk” ture of borne houaehoMer, tele­ by three or four trains of com- shows thaL he has ambitions of CAMERA SHOP Liberal I o a r s for the New York Daily News, and strife: but he that Is alow to aagi^ rid of what Dick.ens called "the tration announc^ today, wlU Bristil Reoerres Aceeptod as she Mid it, her derision waa will be moat welcome. Cream Dairy Products LARSEN'S appeasbth strife.—Proverbs 15>tq. pleteljr empty cars, both passen­ make up the flrit contingent to reading anything Republican out mads. She waa too tired to go on long terms are made Mowlque Make-Up phone in one hand and a 125 de- the Washington Times-Herald, disagreeables" by putting them FEED SERVICE ger and freight—and you gueaa lea've the famed Los Angeles race­ of-the picture for the duration of Hartford, Aug. 22.—OP)—Th* pretending; to go on trying^ to promptly after receipt Also to be found at the M.East fH ue bond_m the other and flames have been fairly and honorably behind him, clean out of his sight. this war. Well, when he does this, STUDIO PORTRAITS 2.13 Oakland St., Phone 4856 38 Depot Sq. Phone 5406 Anger is momentary nAadness, that they indicate the completlun track, where nearly 19,000 have Bristol Stats Giuird Rsservs, a fool Tom—and heraelf. of application, an.d the ■t bU back, "aasuring” fire head- exonerated of charges of having BO control your passion or it will' And with that peculiarity in mind been held since the Western Df- even Alcorn the. Second can make sportsmen's organisation com- Tom ayod ber incredulously. of some troop movement, that an effective reply, and what Ray COMMERCIAL cost of obtaining is Sharterb of bis "bonb fide” ability published confidential naval infor­ control you.—Horace. j it Is easy to believe that we have fense Command's Military A'reS 1 4 »sad of 4t expert mialuincn "What do you mean, you don’t NEW to pay thb,district's fee for at- they have delivered many soldiers was cleared of Japanese June 7. Baldwin, who did some courageoux yesterday became tb* third unit want » a ring 7” *1** tniculencs very smalL QUALITY ttorry yoa bad mation. The grand jury sitting on in this country a very large num­ early decision making of bis own PHOTOGRAPHY t— ding to his fire; Cat Aloae Not Serriag and their equipment of guns, • These first 1,200 formerly were accepted for possible emergency faded from bis voice. "You haven’t PRINTING! a amack • up, T. P. Holloran the charge, with WUliem D. ber indeed of Podsnap's kinsmen. residents of San Diego. Remain­ when hs plunked, for Wlllkie, can active duty as part of the volun­ changed your mind, have you?" Stop at our office tanka or whatever, and are has­ rh* priaUag' but wwTJ be Webably It sren't be thbt bat. Mitchell sb epectbl attorney di- Sherman Oaks. Calif. —: (Aa — In other words Mr.' Fodansp, tor ing at Santa Anita to)* transfer do on this issue will be even more teer reserves of th* Connecticut She didn’t want tb hurt Tom. and receive full infor­ FUNERAL HOME tening back to the point from |ofe nr* do lor glad !• iwaka actuality, it isn't the money the reeling iu inquiry, has hesrii the 'D'*" there's the Lswrrence Fumlas later are a large group from lx>e effective. State Guard according to Gov But—how was ah* going to tell MOVIE CAMERAS mation. HOUSE which they came. si] his exalted belief in himself, y o s will i.JHgbth District directors are aft-' * ' " * Angeles city and county and Even In pollUcs. there Is such Robert A. Hurley. him? ’Tears roes to ber eyes, and provo aatts- Ideally laaatad—«aavi couldn't take it; hs couldn't face a thing as moderation. ‘Tbere la she struggled against them. She AND PROJECTORS < rvpeirt at lew |«r. although they certainly feel papermen who prepared the story • Tralaiag for the doh smaller numbers ftom San Frmn- toctary, Ss- p r I e a a — oa away tmm tka baay volunteered for the WAVES, Navy facts. Neither, evidently, can a tlmJ for aaserting your owa Allens to Be EUglbla mustn’t cry. h* musth’t mak* Itled to It when they perform cloco, San Jose and Santa Clara 8 essM N will qoickly y -a a dll tafa. Otadaatlvc in question, and their tesUmony auxUtary. Their daughter, Mrs The other day we indulged, these particular Americans of counties. virtues, and n time for letting ’TOm -sorry for her. The Manchester PAINT foe those wrho have paid Carl Goodell, 2«. is a WAAC and a r a a t ba I left no doubt that the stoiy mere­ roost unusually, in the expendi­ whom I am speaking. Mr. Pod­ them epenic for themaelvea, n Hartford, Aug. 22.—(dV-^WIi- Puzzled, he watched her fyr a UM P a la t l a g ^ her husband's In the Navy. John FULL LINE OP BuUding & Loan toward tha astahUshment ly represented legitimate use of ture of a few quarts o f the pro- SM Enlist Within Week- <. ttroe for aeanlling your oppo­ Uam G. Ennis, acting Oonnecticui moment ’Then be reached ever a Fumiss, 19, saw action at Peerl snap, becauso be ' couldn't face nents, and n time for gentle- director of Federal Employmert M y fire departmnL available facU which didn't’ ha\-e New Haven. Aug. 22.—( ^ — and pulled ber against him with Qaamy . aarvteal AMBULANCE 8EBV1C1 Harbor and David. IS, is an auxih clous tasoilna, taking Um trip to facta, swelled up, got red in the With today's rstunu yet to be mahly telem nee, ttmee when Servic* said yesterday that al a proprietary and gentle metton. PHOTOGRAPHERS* Association WINTEK’S AGTU BODY Oa .Vha foMit at iasus is that tha to hs considered "confidential nc-| lary poLce irr-.-enger. Micky,, the JOHNSON PAINT CO. “U It'a y i / i r t k PIxiBt— DAT AND NIGBT ■ Rocky Nock Stato Park, a fow face, ^ d gestlculatlvely swept coimtod. Navy recruiting in Oon- yon mnat gmh credit nad ttnaen allena. after being 'completely in- b i d caught her breath. 955 Street WILLIAM H. SLUIBIJ)GB Edwin Jokason. Prop, dlrectosu d o not val tnferiaatioa" at alL fa n'l».'s . -I e <'og. Is registered necUcut wrent over the SOO mark 4 1*6 1 yea mast wait far It to veetigated and certified, (gould b » - "I guess I know bow you feel, EQUIPMENT W« lika Pta It" ;IO." V ray k I v:: Z oible. the fam- miles beyood Niantic. And Just them behind him. Hia Yankee m apmss atisst r*k s m s asa Main St- i Tet SSM ITSCeaterSt.' sfuipm cst j The grand jury** deeiaten at ex-1 for one iccek yesterday for the eoBw te yea, and aome ft men come eligible for rtamptoymoat is honey," he said aoothliyly. ise w. Middt* rpk. EM. flea t haea't dcat asvthlsg. as wt were Issvtgg there sppoar- enuatoa, with a better talent tor first ttase nrtwn ST mm bnllstsA when yea de the wreag tMagx war produettoa plaiiti ■-'-.—.I ' / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, 1941 P A G B v N n r t^ -• 3LAITCITESTER EVENING HEUALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, 1941 Texas Primary Four Rangers Hftra’t How To Use (he Bayonet State Issues Romance Hits War Plants WUdty76 more Industrial establiahments in operation than Association of Maryifacturers tour] i If*''-" didate in the-race for.New York's his three American cornpanions, Like West, Atwood la generally ’ Atwood conaidera hii women- governorship for the first time in there were, in 19.39, male employ­ was a little puzzled whim a pleased with his women welders, employees as intelligent aa th e’ its six years' cxlattnce, the power- French housewife became v ment increasing by 81 per cent in men, he aaid, although “ they gsn- ' Isalancing American 'Labor party the same period and female em­ riviters, machine operators, etc.— angry because he tramped throug 1200 of them work at North Amer­ erally do not prograea to better 1 goes into convention today with her vegetable garden. But he ployment by 53 per cent. Jobs as rapidly.” - its choice still uncertain. Manufacturers Foiled ican—but thereJe, none the leas, didn't worry about it. . a certain diaclpli^ry problem. This la easily understandable, he Heretofore the ALP always has | "Any minute I thought I'd see The figures were obtained by "Sometimes; it's Just a matter said. In view of the fact that th\ I picked the Democratic nominee to The 2'4 ton truck costs about a Gerfftah helmet followed by a polling .3,374 manufacturing and work is new to them, and that head iU own slate, but that party's $2,000 or slightly more then the handful of grenades," he said. industrial establishments during of a young and inexperienced fore­ the past several _ months. No at­ man and rather aggreeaivs girls," most of them plan on marriage selection of State Attorney Gen­ purchase value of 100 of the $18.75 Moving into an orchard, they rather than life-long careers. eral John J. Bennett, Jr., was un- War Savings Bonds. We need thou­ found a German antiraircraft gun tempt was made to poll the num­ said Atwood. “ You find that every­ ber of workers in mercantile and where. An occasional girl Just uses North American, maker of B -2 5 accepUble to the laborltes. sands of these trucks. You can help crew at work. bombers, the plane that waa used. Chop Down Oiin'()iew service eslablis'.iments. the talents she was born with to Three Men Mentioned pay for them by. buying U. S. War make headway. by Brig. Gen. Doolittle in thn Savings Bonds every pay day. Help "I saw them getting ready to The 3,374 industrial establish­ Three men have been mentioned ment.' . compares with 2,798 in Tokyo raid, is as considerate a s . in various quarters as possible fire at the Spitfires," Szim'a...said. "We don't mind, as long as it swell the War Bond quota in your 1939, TTierc are 350,000 men em­ doesn't interfere with production." possible of Its employees. The Ann I ALP baton bearers but none— not "1 was getting my rifle ready provide! inexpensive meals, and a 1 county. when a British officer said we'd ployed compared with 193,(K)0 To Hire More OIrls even Chty Comptroller Joseph D. three,years ago and 141,000 wom­ little go-cart with coffee and sand- -| McGoIdrlck, previously agreen up­ do it the quick way. So he calla up At wood intends to hire more some Bren gunners and thqy chop­ en compared with 91.000. wicbes makes the rounds of thS on by ALP pilots—was a. sure en­ and more girls, he said, because shops all day long, in case anyone. ped down the gun crew. In the main armament centers. they do excellent work In many trant. "They started firing back. My I.jhor Uommis.sioner Cornelius J. needs refreshment. While the party chiefs met in Ball!* Insists departments, particularly In those Cigarettes are forbidden, of hat fell off. I bent over- to pick it Danaher reported, employment requiring manual dexterity. pre-convention conference yester­ up and found a bullet in it. 'Hien 1 has Increa.'cd at a proportionate course, as a fire hazard, but chew­ day to choose their runner, infor­ "Girls are a little more inde­ ing gum, peanuts, candy, are pro­ He Intended got a bullet over my shoulder. An­ rate, except in Bridgeport which pendent and harder to discipline mation that McGoldrick would not other hit the concrete. That guy Master Gximerir gergeant Jesse L. Reynnldi, bayonet insirxetor at h.as outstripped all other cities, vided in vending machines scatter­ accept the nomination was brought the 8aa Diego. Califs Marine Corps Base, demonstrates the proper than men.” he went on. 'They are ed through plant. had me picked aa hla meat!," with an increase o f ' 107 per cent used to getting by with things to them by Deputy Comptroller method of srlthdrawlng from a bayonet thrnst. Sergeant Reynolds over normal. At the lunch hour, music Is ToAidU.S. The Americans said the Ger­ lias trained thousands of Leatherneck retmils like these in the use that men don't get by with. George Marlin. mans were " plenty tough." but Went Hartford I,.rads broadcast through t^e ampUfler,' Mayor F. H. LaGuardia, said by of the bayonet. N . , "They often violate safety rules. and for after-hours entertainment they agreed that "after that ex­ Hartford has shown an increas­ They will not keep their hair un­ politicians to have been considered (Gontinueid from Page OnO ed ^lnployment of 72 per cent, but the company provides sports and as a possibility, dodged the ques­ perience on the beach at Dieppe der control. We cannot seem to dances. we are no longer afraid of invad­ the neighboring town of Ea.'l tion yesterday when asked by tjie .diplomat exchange liner convince them that flying hair ing the continent." Thla eometimea relieves the pain Hartford has more than trebled its Atwood would like to hire wom­ newsmen for his views. Drottnlngholm in Jersey (21ty and for a little while. Some times the manpower. Jumping from 6,000 to can get caught in revolving ma­ en engineers. If he could find caps- The Herald Tribune said it un­ made the lengthy statement which nerve trunks are surgically severed Civilians Face more than 28,000, while West chinery, and cause a terrible acci­ bIe *ones, but Is “not too optimia- derstood that Wendell L. WilUtie forme the baala of the govern­ American Fliers Take which. If properly . performed, Hartford shows one of the great­ dent. Such accidents have happen­ tlc" on this point. Some 300 wom­ had made known to party leaders ment's case on July 9. ■ leaves no future pain but of course est gains in the entire state, skj'- ed, although not'In'our plant.” en now work In the engineering.- that he woiild be unavailable. The The broad'-shoulderetl former Part in Patrols is not advisable since paralysis is Prolialile Cut rocketlng to tqe highest level of inr - Atwood said' that perhaps he department there, but their tasks | 1940 Republican presidential nomi­ athlete waa boro in Germany but London, Aug. 22. • (>P)—United the result.. dustrial activity in its filatory- and other industry executives were are mostly routine. nee la leaving soon for Russia and became an American citizen by States Air Force pilots, flying Readers interested In further In­ a gain of more than 860 per cent the Middle East. virtue of his father's naturaliza­ Briti.sh Spitfires, took part in pa­ formation on the subject arc In­ 111 Electricity •over normal. , ' Expected To Aid Deway tion. He returned to Germany in trols over the Straits of Dover and vited toTiend for Dr! McCoy's arti­ Practically the only large com­ ing blazing enemy ships plummet PoliticianK saw* the announced 1939 aa an exchange student to northern France during the morn­ cle entitled "Neuralgia." Just ad­ (tiinllnued from Page One) munity In the state which has not Nei;>'e8 Hit. earthward. action of the ALP in entering its study engineering after attaining ing. dress your request to McCoy lelt the effect of the war effort is His arduoua months at the con­ own candidate against Bennett, honors at itensselaer Polytechnic The American fliers operated Health Service in care of this where materials are unneeded for Danbury, which actually shows a Flying Tiger trols, when a typical working day who won the De'mocratic nomina­ Institute. with R. A. F.'units; crossing the newspaper, enclosing a large, self- war uses. diminution of 163 employees, a’ loss staurted at 3 a. m„ took his weight tion Thursday over U. S. Senator Death Maximum tieutenee straits at frequent intervals. address^ envelope and six cents ' The program provides for a total of more than 2 per cent over 1939. from 176 pounds to 147. RAILROAD W'ORKERS PRAY FOR VICTORY_U slnr frelcht car wheels for pews, these Atlantic Coast Line rail­ James M. Mead, aa Bidding Planes returning from the Ca­ in stamps. of 5,600,000 kil^'atts of'new capa­ Danaher stated that already Back Home If convicted. Bahr faces a maxi­ Plane Shot Down Onoa road workers at Rockjr Mount, N. C., hold wockly lunch-hour prayer meetincs in machine yard.Rev. Gilliland McKinley conducts services. strength to the chancee of Form­ mum aentence of death on the lais area roared over the town of city until early 1944, Including there had been., a tremendous de­ er New York Dletrict Attorney Once his plane, waa shot down. charge of conspiring to commit Deal at housetop level.' Questions and Answers 3.400.000 kilowatts for private pro­ mand for the statistical material (OoBtIniied from Page One) Tbomaa E. Dewey, expected to espionage with German agehta in jects. The 85 projects suspended by housing and public health auth­ Another time he escaped into a get the Republican nomination several neutral nations. (Prolapsus of Bladder) or halted represented a total ' of orities, and that printed copies of cloud with two Jap fighter plane* when that party meete at Sara­ yasis Claim Downing behind shortly after their marriage on his tail and came out of It with The trial waa adjourned until Question': Anxious writes: "Can 2.200.000 kilowatts scheduled for the complete survey will be avail­ toga Springs on Monday. able in the near future. last summer. The Flying Tigers, 20 bullet holes In his ship. Monday with indications it would Of 4 British Bombers prolapsus of the bladder be cured operation in 1943 and 19^4. It waa the big ALP vote of reach the Jury of alx men and six The readjustment permitted or American Volunteer Group, Once a Jap bomber literally 400.00 that decided the 1938 guber­ Berlin (From German Broad- with an operation?" women soon afterwards. Answer: The operations for rais­ construction operatiqps on Federal was disbanded when the U. S. Air blew up In his face; natorial contest in which'Gov. Her­ caats), Aug. 22—(dh—Four British projects and hydro-electric devel­ Deparliiig Soldier Force took over in China July 4. bert H. Lehman defeated Dewey by The defense said it would rest bombers were shot in the ing a prolapsed bladder have not "Seven bombers came over Ran­ in a few hours and Federal Judge down opments which did not call for 64.000 ballots, and the Democrata western Baltic by German Naval proved highly successful, but have To Register for Draft goon," he related. ‘;i wanted to be William F. Smith said he had been great expenditure of war mate­ Is Given a Parlv sure of getting mine and so I lost this support In choosing Ben­ artillery yesterday, the high com­ brought about cures In some cases. rials. Today he, planned to register for nett Instead of Mead; whom the Informed both sides would be com­ mand reported to ^ y . In ^djtlon, The best plan is to do everything closed In on It. We usually open plete shortly. In trimming the amount of selective sendee. (Ire at 600 yards, but I was ISM ALP had said It would back. a communique said, a British plane possible to strengthen ,the abdom­ power availijible for war wor)t and Sherwood Porterfield waa the Neale rode the full round of was brought by fighters off inal muscles so as to raise yie q^h- than 200 feet away when I open­ A I dowji e.ssential civilian needs, the • re­ guest last 'night t!f a group of thrills and narrow escapes during ed up that time. Tbe bomber blew Belgium. er prolapsed organs which will be vised power program fitted'WPB's friends at the Highland Park Com­ his term in the service of China, In Texas Oratory Dies Desert War found to be lying on the bladder. which he n-rote some spectacular up. Part of It came down in the German planes were declared to pfevloualy announced policy of munity House on the eve of his re­ leading edge of my wing. That have scored direct hits on war ob­ WTien the cure of the general pro­ stopping construction of moat new turn to the Southland to Join his chapters in ad historic saga of To Rumbling Echoes lapsus has been effected, it will be same part or another tore half of Dallas, Texas, Aug. 22. — (4)—: ^ Now Fought jectives on England's southeast war plants which could riot have unit stationed at Macon, Georgia. American heroism, in the air coaA by daylight. found that the bladder will not been conripleted within the next 12 About 50 friends and relatives of ajlainat ataggerlng odds. He felt my aileron off. It Icnecked my The oratory of a Texas acnatorial collapse aa It did f<»nierly' when plane out of controL campaign died to rumbling echoes months. , . ' the soldier were present and an the chills that come from Zero In Trenehes the stomach and intestines were evening of games' was enjoyed and fighters riding ypur plane's tail. "I brought it out, and then aflt- today aa Democrata cast their pressing upon it. ‘ ballota for Senator W. Lee, refreshments were served. He experience the pung-pung of er a while two Jape Jumped me. (■Pappy) O'Daniel or James V. HEALTH AND'DIET Private 'Porterfield' was given shells piercing the cockpit beside The bullets came In the nockpit. I (Continued from Page Oaej (Sties) Norris Pair Given a punfe of $37.50 as a farewell him. And he exulted with his fel­ shook them off and came da Allred. J* Question: A. R. writes: "Are The senator, who describes him­ ADVICE present. low Tigers in the thrill of watch­ home.'' 18 Inches deep, six feet long and % sties caused from Impure blood or self to hi's followers as "just an old two feet wide. A Honsewarming- clodhopper that you've picked up," Furnished, by (he McCoy defective eyes, and what is the Both the Axis end United Na­ Health Service remedy?" . had 48.3 per cent of the more than tions are well dug in along^a line a million \’otes cast In the first pri­ Answer: The acidosis which Silk printer.' employed by (?he- from Alamein .to the Qatta'ra de­ Address rominunicatlons to The makes aties or boils possibly is cre­ ney Brothers called at the new mary, while Allred gathered 32.1 pression. Herald, Attention McCoy per cent. ated through wrong eating habits. home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Norris . The desert frontliner looks out Health Servtoe. The irritating cau.se may be from on Adelaide road last night for a NIGHT CLUB I N T E R L U D E _ Myma Loy. film star, ' Thus Allred, to win today's run­ across a series of barbed wire en­ vlsila a New York nlxht club with husband John Hertz, Jr. off, must capture moat of the 178.- rubbing the eyes and Infe.sting the house warming.- They presented Send the tanglements and minefields. The eyelids with a common streptococ- Mr. and Mrs. Norris with some 411 votes cast in the Drat primary atrip between the mine fields is so Ty|<$Hi of Neuralgia for Dan Moody, third man in the cous bacterium. • Defective vision special furniture. Michael J. Mlni- narrow that New Zealand troops cuccl was master of • ceremonies race. Moody has said he will vote who went out at night to fix A distressing pain in the course has tts effect in producing sties, folr Allred. of a nerve is termed. neuralgia. mainly because the one who is suf­ and all present wished Mr. and their own fields said they could Mrs. Norris the best of luck in Home Town The . Democratic nomination hear German soldiers talking. Those who are suffering from this fering from eye-strain is liable to i f . amounts to election In Texas. trouble are v/cU aware of the rub the eyes more frequently. th^lr new home. A lunch Vas serv­ Must Rat Before Dawn ed by Mrs. Norris, the party Undaunted By l.ead The aoldier'a day begins at 5:30. symptoms. Neuralgia is practically Allred, former Texas attorney- breaking up late. As an added fea­ He mbat breakfast before dawn always associated With either .a BIssell to Head Air Forces general and governor and ‘Roose­ diet deficient In rnineral elements ture there T.’aa a special presenta­ for two reasons: The flics and tion made to Michael James Minl- velt. appointed Federal Judge, waa the enemy, and right now the flies or some toxic condition within the undaunted by O'Danlel's lead. New Delhi, Aug. 22.— — cucci of som) special lumber to be are the greatest torment. body and is therefore frequently Lieut. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, NEWS ^Characterising himself aa a stretch found with diseases of this type, used by him in work that he is do- A head poked above ground dur­ commander-in-chlef of Allied injg at hts home. runner, Allred said last night. "We ing daylight hours is the signal such as hysteria, neurasthenia, shall win a battle that will be forces in C^iina. announced today for a flurry of firing. But soldiers anemls. beribet. etc. that Brig. Ccn. Clayton L. BIssell. flashed around the world, the vic­ Occasionally drugs or Industrial Approximately 105 boys are must eaL and each dgy on.e of 46, of Kane, Pa'., has been placed born to every 100 girls in the tory of Texas over ieoIationUm each amall group of men riska hie poisons are responsible, for neural­ to Your and aU that goea with it." in command of Air Forces in United States, census figures haw neck to elide out Into the open gia. Among these In the order of China. Burma and India, In hit closing campaign speech to boil a pot of tea for lunch. their frequency are lead arsenic, shown. ha daelared: With th e. darkness comes sleep alcohol phosphorus, nicotine. Io­ "Z don't aay that averyone who for some, work for most noise for dine. opiates, copper, silver, pto­ SOLDIER! votaa for my opponant la a Rooaa- all. Wire must be extended, the maines snd various coal tar prod­ velt hater, but I do aay that minefield work must continue and ucts. ' everyone who hates Roosevelt first usually the sky la alight writh Neuralgia may be found with Do you write to your soldier? and Hitler second will vote flares and the flash of sheila ft-om any toxic condition of the body and against Jimmy. Allred. both sides, plus bomba and straf­ frequently precedes or follows the Of course j»ou do! But you "I don't aay that everyone who ing from the air. acute 'diseaaes such as infliienss. votaa for my opponent is a Nazi That's what the "lull" in the mumps, whooping cough, or chro­ enn't write every day. Here’s aympathiser, but I do aay that Battle of Egypt means to the men nic diseases such as social Infcc- every Nasi aympathiser in Texas in the front lines. tlona, diabetes and nephritla; or something else you can do, will tote against Jimmy Allred." may come as--m reflex, from vari­ Denies leolatlonlein ous focal Infections such as decay­ though. Send him a subscrip­ WINS 10 STRAIGHT _ Boston Bed Sex pitcher Tex O'Danlel denied Isolationelm In Fighter-Bombets ing teeth, ’hyorrhea. infected ton- SPOOL GIRL — E velyn Huahsen (above) wen his Itth straiaht game by defeating the a epeecb last night and professed Your Tires If tion to The Manchester Eve­ aila, sinus trouble, prostatitis, ap­ Barton, New York ofRce worker, New York Yankees. .11 was his 16Ui victory of the season. Last admiration for Z*reaident Roose­ Attrick Axis Vehicles year Hughson's performanee was mediocre, winning S and.loslng X < Cairo, Aug. 23.-rdP)—Despite pendicitis, and la often associated ning Herald—that’s the hest holds armload of typewriter rib­ velt, whom be deacr^^gd aa "the with diseases of the brain or ner­ bon spools collected in drive. greatest itrategiat the wmrid bat duet etorms which prevented wide­ spread aerial operations over the vous system. way to keep him in touch ever seen." Fractures and bony disptace- He reiterated hje contention Egyptian front, R. A. F. fighter- bombers successfully attacked menta, especially of the. vertebrae with home. It’s a little that the moat Important issue fac­ and riba are very frequently, the They Can Be ing the American people la the Axis vehicles and troop concentra­ tions. yesterday, a British com­ cause c4 neuralglL thing to do, but think threat of losing our democratic Neuralgia of the Faee form of government. munique eaid today. Land activity, however, was con­ Usually termed tri-faclal neurat- • what it will mean to him! He denounced "the professional or tic douloureux, la usually politicians, labor leader racketeers fined to artillery exchanges in the northern and centraUsectors and caused by disease of tbe teeth, si­ Act NOW! and politically-controlled newspa­ nusitis. inflarfimation of the gas­ pers." tp night patrol skirmishes, the bul­ Vulcanized letin declared. serian ganglion, or vertebral pres­ 'The senator has repeatedly sure. chargad that Communistic labor- One German - plane was shot down over the Nile Delta last night Neuralgia of the Back and Head We know how to do the work nght. Vl'hy leader racketeers are trying to get May ^ caused by vertebral die- control of the government, and and an Italian aircraft was de­ trust to blow-out patches. Arrange to leave THE placement, tubcrculo-Ms of the ver­ that they opposed him In the cam­ stroyed off (Cyprus, said the an­ nouncement. tebrae, strains. Inflammation of the paign. meninges or spinal cord, aneurysm your lire today— ready tomorrow. of the vertebral artery or a reflex Germans Dmen Four from pelvic congestion. Keep your batterv’ charged because pPeseut Public Records Neuralgia Between the Riba HERALD Attacking Planes May be caused by tuberculosis driving conditions will not allow the generator Rome (From Italian Broad- of the spine, subluxation of tbe in your car to do it. We have a modern casta), Aug.' 22.—(g>>—German- riba or vertebrae. Inflammation of RATES: (tjdtelalm Dasd fighter planet, escorting an Axis the heart, pleuritls, aneurysm of quick charging unit that charges the battery The Savings Bank of Manches­ convoy In the Mediterranean, shot the aorta, exceptionally full stom­ ter to Louis Bayer, property at down four attacking British ach. Inflammation of the eplnal in your car in 30 minutes. One Montli .. 75 CenlR •-M SMrldga stnat . planes, the Italian high command cord. etc. lUMago lateattsa reported today. Neuralgia o f the Shoulder Remember— ^Batteries are scarce. Make WllUam T. Murray

German and Rumanian troops Fire cn .Tlain Street -V have captured Krymskaya and Would Rebuild nIANCHEStER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, 1948 PAGE ELEVEil it W|A Bat;^ Held in Theft Kurtshanskaya, towns in the low­ Weddings Is Put Out by The Herald North Eiiders’ ■ Obituary er Kuban river valley, while other Axis forces have dislodged the Stprm Sewers No reflection ia intended on Deamlb^sults Of Automobile Russians from fortified mountain the firemen or ap|iaratus in Outing Sunday the South Manchester Fire d e-. positions in the Caucasu.s. David.son-MacDonald Funerals Weather conditions and terrain partment, but a Main street I Three Manchester .Men were described as extremely diffi­ Mis.’i Muriel J. MacDonald, Oiairman Chamben to j fire was put out by The Her­ Improvement Associa­ jeporl Man Fj daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ald last evening. 1937 High School Stars Ready for Pagani Tomorrow Mrs. Inez Steele cult. Ask S30,000 Appro­ Down Flight o f Stairs e funeral of Mrs. Inlz Steele, Turned Over to the On the front west of Moscow, MacDonald of Fourth avenue, State Welfare Commissioner tion to Go to Osano^s w i f e ^ William Steele, who die 1 Korkville Polire. V several Soviet tank attacks failed Weymouth HeighU, became the priation for the Work. Robert J. Smith was coming At Bolton Lake. After Being Struck. late Wednesday evening will be east of Vyazma and Rzhev, the bride of Ruaacll L. Davidson, sun out of his local Main street held thls^rftemoon at two o'clock German communique said. of .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davidson office when he noted a fire" I Three Manchester youths, Wal- of this town last Sunday afternoon David Chambers, chairman of The annual outing and election Tunney Turns \ Par in Protection Bridfeport, Au*. 22—W — I«- from the Wilham P. Quish Funer­ I»eal Soviet .Attacks Fall the Board of Selectmen said this burning a hole in the awning al Home on M i^.M reet. Rev. Dr. ' ter Rogowskl. 18, of 368 Adams at the First Baptist Church in at the C. E. House and Son. of ^offlcersv'bf the Manchester Im­ Babe Ruth Faces Relations Badly Strained riu received late yesterday S.outhcast of Lake Ilmen and in morning that he was going before Earl Furgeson, paMor of the .street, John R. Lee. 18, of 1220 front of Leningrad local Soviet at­ Weymouth, Weymouth . Height.s. Inc,, store. Re couldn't reach provement Aesociation will be held police »ay, he was struck Tolland turnpike and Frank Zar- The pa.itor. Rev. Dr. ^tanlcy Mar- the town meeting in October and Takes an Odd North Methodist churCh will offi­ tacks faded, it was added. ask the voters for an appropria­ I the awning, but a passerby, j tomorrow at Osano'a Cottage, er the bead with a baseball bat ciate. The bearers will bC}.^Arthur emba, 16, of 610 North Main In.the far north the German Air pie, officiated at a single ring somewhat taller, thought he ] street were ai rested here yeaterr ceremony. tion of $30,000 to rebuild the storm Bolton Lake. Meml?ers of the as- knocked down a flight of and George King. Peter Ckajiion. Force attacked an airdrome near could. ! aociation will leave Depot Square Walter Johnson at Between Contending Clubs day afternoon by Officer Winfield The bride, given in marriage by water system of Manchester. As Sports Slant ■teps at 701 Hallett street, re­ William C. Pitkin. Fred Knmm Murmansk and a troop camp en he reviewed the present system ik Not quite making it. the at 11 o'clock In the morning mak­ Grant Eggleston. Burial will be in' ,R.. Martin for the Rockville police the Rybachi peninsula. h*>r lather, was attired in a gown nted in the death at 2:40 a. m. h>i- taking ah automobile In Rock- is entirely inadequate to'take car* stranger was handed a copy of ing the trip by automobile. the Center cemetery, Ea.at Hart­ Other Air Force blows listed of white Duchesa satin en train, The Herald by Commissioner vill}» last Monday without permis­ princess style, with a yoke o f seed of the surplus water after heavy Matthew Merz, treasurer of the Warns Sports Writers ---ay of nichael Chuba, 44, of 644 ford. were the destruction of a Russian storms due to many causes. Smith. Jumping up and strik­ association said this morning that Art Pongratz iHaHett street in St. Vincent's hos- sion, ilrlving if to northern New minesweeper in the Gulf of Fin­ pearls and leg of mutton sleeves, Yank’s Ball Park England abandoning it in New The chief cause of the trouble, ing the awning with The Her- the financial situation of the as­ To “ Ljiy Off” Service Former School Teantl taL Miss EMrAhelh llnurigan land, a small freighter sunk and. and. a long veil of tulle which alcl he was soon able to -knock sociation was in good shape w Hampshire.. flowed frorti a coronet of pea'rls. which exists now. is the fact that Fishing Notes [ HU alleged assailant, Michael The funeral of - Miss Elizabeth 98 Soviet planes shot down yes­ large mains are connected with the Are out of the awning. $118 in the bank and all bills ; id. Stars; Cut Lavish Gan Trium ph; Chanecil B & ^Iad, 49, of 701 Hallett street, Hourigan, who died at the Man­ The boys allegedly obtained the She carried a white prayer-book Former Home Run King ear from a RockvilU; dealer for a terday plus six destroyed on the smaller ones and this creates a Commissioner Smith said In addition, hi said, there was ^ M6n in Blue being held by police on a tech- chester Memorial hospital Thurs­ ground. Six German planes were with a white orchid and stream­ bottle neck which cannot take surplus in th Christmas fund. -The To Aid War Funds in Praise Out Entirely. Remark Starts Old! eal charge of breach of peace day, was held this morning at 8:30 short trial and Instead.-'.jt _is .claim­ ers of bouvardia. later that he had seen, a good ed. they drove to MancH^ter anti reported -missing. . care of the surplus water. He cites many fires started with a copy officers are as follows; President| ■ and [pending a coroner's hearing. In at the T. P. Holloran funeral'home Krymskaya, clalqned by the Miss Elizabeth MacDonald, a seve:-al bad places in Manchester Edward F. Moriarty; vice presi. Benefit Game; Yanks^ By Harry Grayson Feud Blazing; Jaclde] ^ t y Court this morning, Horehlad and at St. James'.s church at'N.9 picked up anothvr youth, agsiil 1.1, sister o f the bride, was maid of of The HerakI but he had nev­ anti drove to Maine. , German-Rumanian force, is a rail­ which leave the streets flooded for er before seen one used to put dent, Dante Pagani; financial sec­ New York, Aug. 22—Stop lion­ May Opposes Olbert* I was granted a continuance to al- o'clock. Rev. EMmiind Barrett' road town some 20 miles north­ honor. She' wore a gown of pale a- considerable period after the Wallop Senators to izing atbletea in service, (Comdr. celebrated the requiem maas. Parents of the youogest boy re­ out a fire. retary, George Hall; recording Game •News iOiv the police to complete their east of Novorissisk, which is an blue marquisette and lace with a storm has passed. -iccretary. John Zapatka; treasurer, Keep Faces with Sox; James Joseph Tufiney warns the / I Burial was in St. Jamea'a ceme­ ported him rni.ssing from home and critezgenqy base for the Soviet tiara' to mdteh and carried a bou­ boys in the press box. For some reason or other, aa yet tery, the bearers being John Mc- investigation di.sclosed his connec­ Mr. CTiamt^ra has made a Matthew Merz; chairman of the Black-Sea tieet. quet of light blue delphiniums and thorough study of the situation (Cut on sports ballyhoo, proposes unexpialned, there is a little bttj n s s s S 'to U.UI. j».p« *. Convllle, Leo Rj'an, William Lap- tion with the disappearance of the Ian Broadcasting Commission said executive committee, Lawrence Cards Top Pirates. 'M oirla' sHorehlad accused Chuba yellow, roses. The bridesmaids and has had many complaints from Converse. the former heavyweight champion. OampbelTs Story ' George Tells One "of feeling behind the baaeteU I v i tn In F N* (Horehlad'sl wife pen and William MrLaughllc. other t/iree boys on the trip, were Miss Jessie Dowling Of Man­ in a report beard by CBS in New Forget athleUc "extravaganza," Earj Campbell tells this o n e .. .. Metcalf went fishing up north' j In Rockville City Court this Finns Ctos^ Ears property", holders who suffer con­ York that “some tones" of bombs It is expected that the matter By Austin Beialmear game at the Oval tomorrow after* j dbring the > B 8t year despite a chester, a cousin of the-bride and siderable damage after every of a service flag for Depot Squar* Uke all-star football and baseball before Metcalf gets back from his and remember that this corner morning, Rogow.ski was commit­ .Miss Helen Murphy of West Hart­ were dropped on Maobisse, a Japa­ AP Sports Writer fishing trip. Said Earl "A chap warned you about "tall stories" noon between the 1937 HlglLaekOOl owning to >«ay away from To Separate Ppace storm. His estimate is low, ac­ will come for discussion dur-. The AmerUian League. Which games: ted to the State Reformatory at , _ ford. Both wore dres.ses styled nese hide-away in the central Profeaaional athletlciam (he came in here yesterday (I -forgot but never as big as, this one.- Cheshire and John Lee was fined Berlin J From -’Gerfnim Broad­ cording- to engineers, but it was mountain^ of Timor. ing the short business meeting. A'" holds the upper hand over the Na­ stars and Paganl's Weat< Sidte sitting W ltn'^fe Trailer Colony Rilke Z)f yellow marquisette and pointed out to him that if the key, clam chowuer luncheon will bo means sports) is "wonderful non­ to get his name) and I noticed that George's story: " I went fishing up $25 and costa \yith $10 o f the fine casts)', A'ug 22— —The Finnish Much damage was done and the tional LealDie in World series and his springs were down and the north, practically the same place Zlggy Olbert is going to pitch fttf| Horehlad told Lieut. that remitted. He _ was also placed on minister of finance, Vaino Tapne'r, lace vfith tiaras to match. They places -were taken care of anil served about 12:30 and at 5 o'clock all-star game performances of the , sense" to Comdr. Gene Tunney, MHten he returned home fiw nw ork carried deep blue delphiniums and uniform mains put In much of the Japanese troop concentration may who modestly remembers that he tires looked as though they might i that told about. In fact I'm the Stars and O org e .woodte^ jprobat-ion for' six months.. was quoted in German dispatches have been broken up. he said. a chicken dinner will top off the past few years, will attempt to yesterday, he found hU wifesgit- Will Not Budge pink .roses. Verna MacDonald, trouble w'oiild be eliminated. day's outing. catch up with its older companion made $1,000,000 in 30 mlnutea by need air. But beUeve it or not, he that it was the same place for the Pagani team. The gasM The charge against the pair was ftxjm Helsinki today as declarin^-|P‘" « Tells or Thrilling Battle the ■ because'^when Lee came home he will stArt at 4:30 sharp. Itin f on the rear second fl , taking an automobile .without the in a speech that "we have closed the bride, was The most troublesome spots are loop tomorrow in baseball's con­ virtue of such aillinesa. had two bass, caught down He then went into -the One Australian-manned Lock­ said that he lost his watch and a How It Start^ owher's permission. our ears to all allurements of a jurtlqr bridesmaid. She--wore a the underpass 01) Center street, tributions to w sf relief. We hold no brief for the boys in state, that were so big that they ___ “drink a few beers" When gown , of yellow marquisette and further down the same street, near heed Hudson bomber escaped from the press box, who are simply try­ ", , 1 ,111 J ______, ; big fish swallowed it before hc- For the information of baasbalt I daration Sent to Two others involved were turn­ separate peace." ' the raid after a thrilling “hide Far behind the senior circuit in completely flll^ ^e rear ^ coujd get into the water after it. k Short time later he heard Chu­ ed over to the Juvenile authorities. lace and- a halo of yellow flowers rroctor road and on the east side Trying to End funds produced for the armed ing to raise a few miUioa dollars his car. He told me that be bad fans the first game of the seSaonl Hiu4^ on . Situation i Tanner, denour.ced "aggressive and aeAi battle the gorges of Weil, friends, Lee ia happy. I got in which the Stars -appeared they.l te 's voice on the back porch. i Bolshevik imperialism," the du»- in her hair. She carried a colon­ of the vicinity of Cottage and forces through receipts of desig­ for Army ano Navy relief through to make the trip in low from South hia, watch back because I caught P)—Embat- in depth. , Speeding at- tree-top level" the tal eomewhere near the National era it was almost like Pagatd'6 1 was best man, and the u.shers Hudson once evaded three pursu­ Labor Upset WilUain Orie\'« con'cloded (Tampbell. watch back to Lee last Tuesday Im failed to act quickly, I went tled trallerites in SoiltJ^^W(ndsor | Fiiieiiiies Back were William Davidson of Man­ League's gift of better than a These critidsma by a high-rank­ 'Plenty Pbeoaaata .. .but kept the fish." Did we ever team with Buck Bycholskl playr Into the house and obtained the ing Zeros by "aiming at one gorge quarter of a million dollars. , ing Naval official ehow a aurpria- ing first base. Two or three rabtdl sent a declaration to oo v e m o r; chester? another brother of "the and diving into another at the last Judging from the circular letter hear that one before? t e t " Horehlad is said to have bridegroom, and John MacDonald- (Continued from Pnge One) TTie Yankees will be- aided by Ing lack of unanimity by the East Hartford Ready followers of other teams in thef Hurley today saying that "we•. Wf I At Kletskavu About Town Marines Standing minute. But . the gorges converged the Wgi^ington Senators and both this com er, got from the State told Lieut. Morris. a brother of the bride. Navy. Board of Flrae.cies and Game, there The three day field trials over league resented the implicatlMi | When Horehlad returned to the have decided not to budge' frolrohti and the bomber met up with its said at Oakland, Calif., that a lo­ teams will, have the help of their Grieve Stuck Was the press responsible for Bridal music was played by Mrs. pursuers again. , will be plenty birds released in Labor Day week-end sponsored by that it was a picked team fidml porch, it U alleged he struck Chu­ our trailerirciiier lotsioi» atai Southoouin WindsorwinasorIsorp- 'v ^ ^ ^ Fast in Hard Won cal executive board had recom­ brightest stars of former yeara— ;irAl I John B. Merr.ill, organist of the these 7 this neck of UiSn woods this fall. the East Hartford chapter of the the league. " t e over the head with the bat as unless we are evicted by physical I 7rom Page One) Chairman Leon A. Thorp of the The battle continued over the mended that the. men leave their Babe Ruth sind Walter Johnson. The Navy pre-flight program Fir.st Methodist church. East Wey­ sea at so low a level that one of They make one gopd point, how­ Connecticut Spoytmen's Division ia Rivalry Keen the latter stood at the head of force by those who would obstruct ‘ — Evacuation Committee of the lo­ jobs and take work available else­ Although the main attraction at To Baseball with its emphasia on blg-Ume the war effort.” 60 of Ihs riflemen, it was announc* mouth. Preceding the ceremony. Solomon Positions the Zeros crashed when its wing ever. regarding the liberations of in rca(liness. A big field has en­ A glance at the box scora Cte* Um stairway. Chuba plunged cd. cal defense council, has been forced where" in other yards in the area. , Yankee Stadium it supposed to be football. Important eoacbea, big tered and some of the best dogs firmed the latter statements abdvfi. | The State Board of Health has to put over the meeting of his spe­ Miss Dowling, one of . the bride- dipped Into the waves, Meriot said. the doubleheader between the the birds. Heretofore a member, or tewn the stairs as the result of Cut DouV Infantry Column maids, sang "O Promise Me." He said the action was taken in games and all the ahortening that in the New England states will be It practically was the West Indicated It will refuse to allow the cial committee from Tuesday. protest, against the establishment two clubs, top billing has gone Former State Senator members of sportsmen's clubs, the blow. town to renew the license of the Soviet trOopbv, were said to be Following the ceremony, a re­ (Continued from Page One) t smacks of sports emphasis there. team. But another glance at the I .1 Horehlad was arrested a short Aug. 25 to Friday Ofe 28th. The of a boilermakers' union within" to the Babe and the "Big Train.” All-star- Army football teams have always witnessed tk^ actual Release Birds .Sunday trailer site owner, John F. Coyne, cutting down a o «m a n infantry ceiving line was formed with the Found Out That It's releasing of all birds. That, ap­ Stars' lineup showed that the] - after the flght by Radio Pa- meeting will be held at 8 o'clock on Col. Evans F. Carlson-, while Molzahn Faces the jurisdiction of the Welder's With Johnson pitching, Ruth which play exhibitions against Lee Pracchle, chairman of the which expires Aug. 28, unless jide- column *mou.se-trappbo4k ten. ' At Oval 3-1 Lead Majors To Pitch May I toe, sold that the new group, to be morning. He will undoubtedly turn western front—part of an area in corsage. , paused to kiss Mrs. Molzahn and the'power to call a strike. He said, their ovirn, bloating 21 hits, off can League All-Stara in (Cleveland, AB R But Angelo is not being stem* I the document, which bears 47 sig­ which the Russians have been rnain office. Following the dinner Mrs. Davidson was graduated men. ' however, that he planned a quick nolly, American League umplre- Tlie game was very close and at E. W'rzb'ibkl. c . ,3 0 I known as the Allied Industry Oom- and the opening of the presents simply said. "CKiodbye,” as he was three Washington pitchers to be refused to co-opersite to the ped.ed into getting Woodend tomor* | natures, over to his Emergency probing on the offensive—were re­ from Weymouth High school and Suffer Moderate I.osse)i appeal to President Roosevelt, Inchlef, went scoutuig for mate­ times Sereflne had the Tigers H. W'rib'ckl, 2b .3 1 I xnlttee for Salvage, will help in games were played. Miss Mader “Ships of our expedition gunned started on the way to (he grim, crush the Senators. 17-7. extent. of being seen with .Lieut. m Five Sets o f Brothers row. He will start Jackls Ifay, | Housing Commission which will ported to have driven the Germans was employed at the Aetna Fire Hartford c'o'unty jail to Spend his from the board's decision. Phil Rizxuto led the way with rial, several Eastern League man­ worried. Both teams played good B-Gryzb, l b ___ 3 1 Castro Hits Homer I household and farm collections of received many beautiful gifts. She and sank one small 'transport and Jack Dempsey of the (Coast Guturd. one time member of the club ^ ' meet at his offices Monday after­ Insurance company in .Hartford. first night behind the bars. five hits, two of them in the six- agers' recommended Grieve. bail during the early.part of the Sumlzlawskl. ss .2 "0 Now Playing in Two I scrap. from a populated place, killed sev­ is to be married on August .29 to one gunboat," the communique ' (Commander Tunney charged Sixth to Put Game on the two teams were fighting noon, it was said. eral hundred and destroyea six Mr. Davidson -was graduated from Until last nightj when the run first inning; while CTharlle Grieve was bought by the this to "Navy decorum." game and the Cloak team gave H. Gryzb. sf . .3 I other tooth and nail. That, ■SB*! I, The group, which plans to use William P. Murray, of Charter said. “Considering the nature of fFoods Plant President American League in 1937 but was their pitcher excellent support for Loops; Piaul Waner German tanks, M d four enemy- Oak street. In St. James's church. the Manchester High schodl.and $25,000’bail put up for Molzahn by Keller poled his 22nd home run Isn't therie something in "Navy K'tk'v'ck, 3b, .ss .3 0 Ice; Murray Is Field­ tie readers, is really sometlung’. j its own manpower and transpor- this operation our forces suffered and Joe Gordon blasted "his 14th optioned fb the American Asso­ the first three Innings. Then, BycholakI, if I tsdlon where need^,-* will establish To Form Fighting Unit blockhouses. -V Is employed ' as a supervisor' only moderate losses." hiz partahionerz at Old Zlon'a Removed by Army decorum” having to do with the Oldest of Group. The West Sides beat May for Um | No .Abatement Of Peril the Hamilton Standard Propelleb church waa revoked, the former into the stands. ciation for a year before being boys in blue getUng their signals when the going got tough, they "Vincek, cf .. . ing Star. cup and then used him sgaiiiat tt e I I coUecUon depots and build collec* Members of Campbell Council Neither Roosevelt nor either of Boston, Aug. 22 —(VP) —The brought up to .the blg-Ume. weakened and the Tigers came A midnight communique indicat­ K. of C., .will meet at their club- plant. German A rm y' cavalry" officer in Army detail which seized T h e - 8. The TankeSa needed the victory straight? Kosak, rf ..... i Stars. But stranger things ha’val I Uon bins throughout the statet Its Hartford, Aug. 22^(/PI — The tKs other two officers In charge of to preeerve their game mar­ Many critics say he is one of through with some timely hitting Castro'e home run, in the first Wide World Features Capitol Rangers, 40 sportsmen ed no abatement of the peril in rooms tomorrow evening at 7:30 the rMd was .on the casualty list, World war 1, had been residing at A. Woodz Machine Company has 10 1-2 Olbert, p ..... happened in this happy tltUs ham* I Issoek will be voluntary an^.is ex* a local hotel. gin. for the second-place Boeton the best judges of balls and to help their own cause.,., Both Baseball's big leagues have five skilled in the use of skis, snow- the two-way thrust against Stalin­ and proceed In a body to the home Bantly-Sfhaller XdmlriU Nimitz said. removed Harry C. Dodge, presi- Just tell us what you want us Skrabaez. r f ... of the sixth inning at the Oval last sets of brothers, ranging from vet­ le t' before and there ia no rsaate I I peeted to be carried out for the Graver Penalty Eliminated Red Sox whipped the Philadelphia strikes in the business. pitchers were working nicely and 8. Gryzb, 3b ., no%^- for changing habits. May] I duration of the war. .- ' shoe's, small arms and ammuhltion, grad, but the eighth week of Field of the late Daniel Fitzpatrick, No. Georgette Victoria S c h a 11 e r, The surprise raid Indicated that d ^ t of the company, from any to do, fellows, and we'll do, it night enabled the Bradley Field eran Paul (3000 hlU) Waner to 11 South Main street ancl pay their The conspiracy In which Molzahn part in the possession or opera­ AthleUca. 7-5,= in an arc light whether It's filling pages with allowed only ten hits between Parclzk. If .. %«11l be hard to beat by any I - Pointing out that the allied win form a fighting unit for any in­ Marshal Fedor Von Bock's big daughter of the late Leon and Vic­ American forces are seeking out game, although they were out-hit. ball team to triumph over the rookie Harry Walker. How re they push was ending with lines of the respects. was convicted of participation was tion of the plant. •torica about the services or limit­ them. Vlncek and Herman Rubaeba, rf . Both Angelo and Pengretsl I unit's aim is "one of the major vasion emergency 'in the Hartford toria Schaller. of 105 Spring street, Japanese bakes and strong points to . doing? Here's how; area. Under command of Robert Red Army still Intact. waa married this morning to Wal­ on some of the hundreds o f enerayr in operation, the government said, Dodge had offered to cooperate 12 11 ing ourselves to those quaint Wierzbicki both hit triple# into Weal Sides, 3-1. The blow came agreed that the game would get I I contributions to the war effort." from January, 1941, until "on or Tony Lupien hit two singles and right field to help their cause with a mate on the paths and it underway promptly at 4:30, ehaijxl C. Dudley, of Hartford, this outfit In the central Caucasus, Ger­ Mrs. Alice Nichols of 127 Por­ ter John Bantly. aon of Mr. and held Islands in the south Pacific in production at the plant,' under Road Riders chatactera who frequent Jacobs Totals 30 4 6 21 11 0 Bill Dickey. Yankees, sidelined I Mr. Clemow said that its work will about,” December 6, 1941, the day the government. The 92-year-old a trtpis and drove in four of the along. put the contest on ice. George |.auppllment collectioru made has joined the Volunteer Resen’es man detachments assigned to the ter street, has- returned- to her Mrs. Fred Bantly of 95 Walnut area, for a continuous "stepping Red Sox runs, three of 'them on a Beach. Independent Cloak often by umpires but • league's of the Connecticut State Guard and drive toward the Grozny and Ba­ home after spending ■ two weeks street, at 10 o'clock in the St. stone” offensive against $he Japa­ before Pearl Harbor, thus elimi­ plant vfaa seize* Tuesday on or­ But, aa they say In the Marine Anderson did a nice job behind Woodend and Ed Wilson put on a [through regular commei'clal chan- nating the graver penalty of war­ hit-run single with the bases AB R H PO A E dazallng exhibition of pitching hardest-bitting catcher; .314. will be called out for duty only in ku oli fields were reported re­ at the home of her brother in James rectory. Rev. Vincent Hines nese. ders from President Roosevelt Coming Back (Corps, give one order and make the plate for the josers. but a few Hence, i.s . . . . 0 0 George Dickey. White Sox. eight I nela. time espionage. loaded. costly errors in the field hindered . 3 0 2 1 with honors going to Wilson. an emergency. Col.- JOeeph P. pelled yesterday southeast of Winchendon, Mass. performed the ceremony. Makin Island is.the most fxzrth- after $he management refused to it ao easy that anyone ,can under­ Benevento, if . 3 0 0 years younger than Bill. Reserve Vic’s Vent The aim of the conspirators was comply with a War Labor Board Cleveland's Indlane squeezed the Independent s chances of vic­ 1 0 0 Woodend'i mates gave him bril­ Nolan, State Guard chief of staff, Pyatigorsk. Maid of honor for the wedding erly (aland of the Britlsh-owiaed out a S-2 decision over the Chi­ stand it. Wylot, 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 3 1 catcher, light "nitter: .211. anhounced acceptance of the unit Field dispatches said this fight­ Private Earl H. Rudln has re­ was the sister of the bride, Ceclle Gilbert group, and ia one of the to collect a wealth of information directive. Even the boys in the press box. tory. "The Independent's lone liant support despite three errors iThousaiid Search "a)K3ut the United States Army, cago White Sex in another night First Event In Years to Serefine. p .. . , .3 0 1 2 5 0 chalked up against them. Murray today. - ing centered along a 50-mlle as­ turned to Fort Jackson: S. C., Schaller. Best man was Mr. Bant- bases attacked last January when Hlatement by Army tally qame in the fifth when And­ Walker Cooper, Cardinal catch­ Barons 10-41 Navy, Air Force and defense In- A statement last night from the game, etrongthening their hold en Anderson, e . . . ..3 1 1 2 0 • 0 cut off one rally in the third with phalted highway toward Nalchik, after a week's furlough at hia ley'A brother, George F. an American Naval Task Force third place with the help of the Be Held August 30 in erson doubled and Correnti- dupli­ Ojirenti, lb . . . 0 r 13 1 2 er, with Morton forms majors' / itself 100 miles west of Grozny. The bride wore a yellow crepe duztrlca and-deliver it to Germany Army occupation force aaid: .1 a double play and the eame player For Missing Tot home here. struck in the Gilbert and Marshall Detroit Tlgere, who tripped the cated the feat and Anderson came Sch’lm'st'r; sf . .2 0 0 I 0 0 only brother battery. Bala around ToMn to Enghnd Natural defenses of the Cauca­ / ___ princess style gowm with yellow islands. or Japan through the 36-year-old "All connections of Mr. Harry C. Hartford. Coast Guard home on the hit. and Horvath teamed up to pull off Kunze wh'b .went to Mexico last St. Louis Browns. Kosak, cf .. . . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 .300. Losers FaU Apart ia| sian foothills appeared still to be M'r; and Mrs. Clarence Brown, veil and 'white assesaories. She Three hundred miles norj;h of Dodge with the. pooaeaslon and The Indepentienta executed two another. Georg\e May stopped a Wlnthrop. Mass., Aug. 22.—(P) Washington, Aug. 22.— — fall and was arnstM there less operstion of. The 8. A. Woods Ma­ Mel Harder pitched five-hit ball Puzzo. 2b ...... 1 0 0 3 3 1 runner ai the plate, just before Morton Cooper. Cards' chucker. behind the Russians conducting a residents hc^f 30 years ago, but carried a corsage of wrhlte gar­ Mrkin lies the Japanese base at for the Tribe to shade Lefty Thorn­ Connecticut State Bicycle Road sparkling double plays in the Rates among top t".lrlers. Won 14 I^st Frame; Winneral j — A corps of almost 1,000 volun- Daniel J. Tobin, president o t the fighting retreat- south of Kras­ denias. The maid of honor waa at­ than a month after the Federal chine Cotnpany plant in South D'Aranzo, rf .. . .2 0 0 0 0 0 the last doubli play: But the Twl RatM now living in Wisconsin, have Jalult on the Marshall islands, ton Lee, who gave up only seven Cliamplonshlps are to be held in Lowers Bars field. The Tigers made one dou­ gylfeies. Wears No. 13 Jersey. taeia scanned the coastal area to- Teamsters union and a vice-preal- nodar. German-occupied Kuban tired in a powder blue princess Japanese-owned. Jalluit and the grand- jury indictment was return­ Boston were iwvered today. Colt Park. Hartford, August 30th, —I champs could not hit Wilson, ex­ Score Six Times. been renewing acquaintances here. ed here June -10. blows but nicked (5rls Hockett ble killing in the seventh inning T o U la ...... 23 1 4 14 5 1 day for trace , of little Mildred drtit of the American Federation river port. Soviet soldiers- with­ style gowm and hat to match with further north Japanese bases at "A t the request of Maj. Ralph'F. under rules and" regutattons of the when Katkavepk picked up a 21 cept for one run in the last of the Beiale, last seen.-yesterday while They are astounded at the olzahn'a part, the government Gow, Ordnance Department, now with a pitched ball after loallng Paul Waner, Braves' outfleider, ^ ^ ■ of Ihbor, will leave for England drew again in one sector, the com­ a corsage of yellow roses. Taroa and Wotje in the Marshalls, the bases and forced in the decid­ Amateur Bicycle League of Amer­ grounder, threiv to Parcisk at Score by innings: sixth. Francla made two brilliant playing 09 a beiich. ,. shortly "with the full approval of changes in town in their 30 years cha^ed.^^ed. was to help Kunze obtain operating the plant on orders of Yachtsmen with Minor in twilight o f gtyat career. Hitting! - Gleason took care M tha | munique said; More than 2,000 away from here. They planned The mother of the bridegroom also were hammered in the Janu­ ica. The first event is scheduled second who threw to B. Gryzb to catches that helped 'Wilson out in around .270. ' Barons at the Y field lai The blond, blue-eyed child— President Roosevelt" to investigate was attired In pale pink wrlth thApaasport of some neutral coun- the secretary of war, Mr. Dodge ing run. Tigers ...... hOO 112 0— 4 Germans were reported killed by a surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Al­ ary raid. Home runs by Barney McCosky for 8 a. m., rain or shine. Any rid­ Physical Disability Ac* end the game. ^ two frames Loyd Waner. Phils' outfielder : «il«ht and Vic's won, KM. ACite | I four years old tomorrow—was British war production and ex­ a Russian unit In three days. black assesaories with a corsage Continuing thetr. pounding air try other than the United Statez. and Mr. Kingsland Dunwoody,' Independent...... 000 001 00— 1 The Bradley team played it# bert Irmlscher, of Burnside, Dr. Ebell helped Kunze across vice president and general man­ and Rudy Y"ork sparked a four-run er may compete who has a racing "Little Poison" when Paul w a s;"'M touched for 11 hits and every clad in a bathing suit when she plain -the production effort) being Soviet bombers and Naval ves­ of mixed flowers. tactics in the far southern Pacific Tiger outburst which carried De­ wheel and "who is registered with cepted Now. farewell game of this season in left home about p. m.. - accom- while here, at Mrs. Brown's cot- the border from EH Pom to Juarez, ager, left the plant 'today. Two-base hits: An^lerson. C or- "Big Poison" Hitting: .295. icounted heavily in the ecoriiit. 2 made in the United States. sels hammered away at Adolf Hit­ A rrteptlon will be held this front. Allied planes under Gen. troit to a 4-1 dectsidn over the the ABLA. Registrations may be Manchester and had the distinc­ ______I It was a tight game and went Into) jpsnled by her pet dog, Pugg>’. ler's factories and ships and a V ge at Columbia Lake. Friends afternoon and evening at the home Mexico, and Dr. Willumeit attend­ "FTtiduction in all departments Tennis Entrieg rcntl. Three-base hits: Vlncek, H. were present from Hartford and Douglas MacArthur's command Browns. made with Wataon Nordqulst, 71 New York. Aug. 22. —' Local Wierzbicki. Double plays: Sere- tion of defeating the 1941 and Dixie Walker. Brooklyn outfield­ extra Innings but the Baroas fell j Puggy returned home along Earthshine Is responsible for broadcast beamed to western Eu­ of Mr. arid Mrs. Armand Chete- flew from their Australian bases ed a meeting -in (Chicago July 26 proceeded smoothly. Minor diffi­ Coast Guard headquarters today also included Mr. and Mrs. H. lost year where Vonsiatsky and culties in regards to identification The NaUonal league program Webster street. Hartford, (Connec­ fine to Correnti. Serefine to CJor- 1942 Twl league champions. Qi^ er. Hampered by injuries, his hit- apart at the seams In the eighth | [about S p. m. the outline of the whole moon be­ ropean peoples said Uiat "a great lat, who is the sister of the bride. to bomb 'Maobisse in Portuguese was confined to a pair of after­ ticut representative. ahnoimced the immediate enlist­ their last appearance here they offensive against Horst of New Haven and Mr, and Some 50 guests will, be present. Kunze talked Rver the latter's plam passes of a few employes that ex­ - Close Tonight rentl to Anderson, Katkaveck to ting's off. Average la around .275. frame and yielded six run* Thai Through the night, the dimmed- ing faintly visible sometimes TTmor, for the second successive noon gamee, but in one of these Ail contestants must have reaid­ ment of additional personnel for 'downed Moriarty Brothers te - .i box score: jaut shore area presented an eerie when there is a new moon. Germany is now being prepared." Mrs. Wells of New York City.- ' The pewly married couple will dey. to take the informztion abroad. isted yesterday bad been complete­ Parclak to B. Gryzb. Left onbaSet; Dominic DiMaggio. Red Sox the St. Loula Cardinals walloped ed in the atate since on or before its sailing vesael patrol.- This ssrv-: who were then the champs and outfielder. Fine fielder, good hitter, Vic's I picture, with hundreds of flash­ Bombers Raid War Plants leave on an unannounced wedding One Allied plane was lost in the The details were not disclosed by ly adjusted today." the PitUburgh Pirates. 10-2. and ice. already in operation; is for off­ Tigers 5. Independent' 3. Bases on A large force of Russian bomb­ Apprentice Seaman George C. trip after the reception,, the bride the government during the trial. The WLB jlirective had ordered April 1st There will be races for Entries for the town tsnnls balls: Serefine 0. Olbert 2. Strike­ last night the} repeated against baby brother. Hitting 295. AB R H PO A ■ lights and lanterns sending rays raid which, a communique said, reduced the lead of the idle Brook­ juniors, ladles and aeniors. A jun­ shore work. Paganl's entry. The bpx score: . O. Phillips, ss . .5 3 0 1 I of light into ever>’ nook and cran- ers raided war industries of War­ .Sadrozinske, 21 years old son of wearing a 'suit of navy blue writh the company to include malnte- tournament definitely cloee to­ outs: Sereflne 1, Olbert 1. Um­ 2 2 resulted in hits on crossroads and lyn Dodgers to six games and a ior is a rider who has not reached Because there is an admitted Bradley P PhilUps. c .. .5 0 2 4 0 t ] ny. A Coast Guard boat searched saw, Blast Prussia and Upper Si­ Mr. and Mrs. William Sadro­ pink assessories. They will return- naiice of union membership and night. The East Side Recreation pires: Kennedy and McDowell. Joe DlMaggio. Yankee outfield­ buildings, and the downing of one Lake Tankers Will arbitration clauses in union con­ half. hia 17th birthday by O ct 1st of scarcity at this time of men ex­ AB R H PO A E L Mataya. 2b . .2 1 0 1 0 1 I offshore. klBERTY UME#?IO(S lesia Thursday night and left ex­ zinske, .of 52 Ridge str^t, has home on September 1st, at which of three Japanese Zero fighters a It was the seventh etraight trt- perienced in eall, (Toast Guard au- Center Office will receive entries Time; 1:10. er.' Greatest of trio. Just out of tract. thi^year. Swann. 3b .3 0 0 1 0 0 long slump. ' Hitting ,311. Halloran, lb . . . .4 1 1 1 1 0 Mrs. Frank Beale, the child's plosions and fires behind, it was completed his basic t^otiiing at time they will establish their home which rose to iaUrcept the Allisd uifiph for the Cards, who are gath­ thorlUas indicate that minor physi­ up until nine o'clock tonight. The announced. the U: S. Naval T r y in g Station at 168 Cooper street. Following the championship drawings will be made over the Lord .Ironside, BrlUah eoldler,' Baker, rf .3 0 0 2 0 0 Vince DlMaggio. Pirates'out­ F Phillips. 3b . .4 1 2 I 8 8 I Bsother, sent her two other chd- formation. Help Move Oil ering eteam for their im^rUnt •vents, in the afternoon there will cal disabitltlos will be waived. Francis, cf .211310 A. Tensted, If . 4 0 I dren, James,- , and Frank. S. out Red Navy men were efedited at Newport, R. L; and has been , The bride attended local schools a— ^ .4 week-end and 'wUl be announced in orao weighs over 250 pounds, fielder. Good defensive outfleider. 0 1 8 0 10 Woman Is Beaten fuor-game showdown with * the be staged a colorful Wheel (Cami- While it is desirable for" men with (3oes, c .. .3 0 1 8 0 0 P. Gleason, p .. .4 0 1 0 8 [to look for the girt in mid-after- with sinking a 15.000-ton German granted a^ seven daya leave. He and at the present time is employ­ Dodgers next week. John Beasley the Sport Page of Monday's Her­ privately, called "Tiny"' by the Hits far but not frequently. Aver­ 8 vM. Feature event of the program, sailing quallflcationa to enroll for May. lb-— .21-0100 Lazziu*!, at .... .2 0 0 1 0 1 1 noon. tanker'in Baltic waters and a is a graduate of Manchester High ed at Cheney Brothers Throwing Bombers HU Again Washington, Aug. 22—((PV—The pitched six-hit ball in registering full time work, intermittent Mrv- ald. Play will begin on Tuesday. troops; age around .250. minesweeper and .two patrol, boats school. - ■ bn his return to New- departmenL The groom is a grad­ petroleum co o r^ a to r's office an­ commencing at 1:80 p. m., will be Wilson, p .3 jO 0 0 10 Rostek. r f ...... 4 1 1 1 0 S' When the dog, an almost insep-. While Out Walking his l5th win. while Stan MuMal a ooatume parade. Entries will be ice, calling for as little as SO days Castro, if ..T'.-rtS 1 I 1 0 0 8 I arable companion of the child, re­ in the Barents Sea. port he «ill seek to qualify as a uate of Manchester High school At Maobisse Base nounced today it hod approved a and Walter Cooper each cracked a continuous, duty, will be accept­ Herman, sf .... .8 2 0 0 0 in the class of '37 u d is now em­ judged on ortginaltty and beauty Honlker. ss 0 • turned without her, Mrs. Beale The midnight bulletin contained radioman. His uncle, George General MacArthur's Headquar­ plan for emergency movement ot two-run homer. ed. Barton, at ..... 1 - 2 2 0 no direct reference tor previously Worthner, is a Chief Boatswain's ployed os on inspwtor at Colts ters, Australia, Aug. 22— UP) — 15,000 barrels of essential oil prod­ Bridgeport, Aug. 22.— —Don­ The Chicago Cube routed Ray o f costume and wheel decoration. Dtmiek, 2b Diet Does It I notifled police. Patent Firearms. Any vehicle with wheels and with­ A committee headed by the well- Air raid wardens. American Le- announced German attempts to Mate. Allied tembers struck "their second ucts to the east through use of ald J. Bishop, of 257 cjoleman SUrr and beat the Cincinnati known yactabman, Drake Spark­ T o ta ls...... 38 10 U- 24 6 *4 establish a bridgehead on the Don The bride's gift to the maid of out motor will be allowed to com­ Major League Standings 34 I 5 18 0 I gionnaires. Auxiliary Coast successive blow yesterday at the Great Lakes tankers and barges street, ia being held today under a Rede, 6rS. to give Bill Lee hie 13th man, has undertaken to pass on 8 Beer Barons bend, reporting simply that "in the Bags of sand have been placed honor was mother of pearl rosary Japanese-occupied village o t Mao­ between Toledo and Clevelon", $1,000 bond on an assault charge mound euceeee. pete. West SIdea AB R H PO A B Quards and police, aided by hun­ beads and the groom's gift to the qualifications of can didates for' area southeast of Kletskaya. (80 on all floors of the Municipal bisse, Portuguese Timor, and a Ohio. in connection with the attack last AB R H PO A E P. Anneilo. cf .. .4 .0 1 2 0 0 dreds of private citlsens. jomed in miles northwest of Stalingrad) our best man was a - billfold. The this special patrol service under 8 the widespread hunt for the girl. building to. be used in event o f an Royal Australian Air Force The plan calls for temporary use night upon Mrs. Katherine Mondo, Leagna Leaders sail. It is expreaoly stated that Murray, 2b . .3 0 1 4 2 I Brazinskf 2b .. .4 1 1 2 8 troiops repulsed fierce enemy at­ . bride's gift to the groom was a spokesman said "they finished off 50, of 208 Harral avenue, who was Gentllcore. 3b .. .4 , 2 8 8 air raid. of these facilities to accomplish Union Local 743 Interviewra will be arranged only T m IMU j ** Beealts Hie Standings Pagani, cf ..3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 tacks.” ^pen and pencil set, while the what remained after the Thursday struck over the bead with a blunt NattOMl laasw i .3 2 2 8 1 8 the earliest utiliostlon of pipelines upon receipt of written application BMrtvn Bsstem Kapurs, lb . .3 0 0 6 0 L. Falcetu, tb ... Concerning the southern arm of groom gave the bride a pearl neck­ attack.” now being rearranged, expanded inatruihent while she waa wklking Batting—Reiser, Brooklyn, .388; Gaili. a t...... 3 0 0 8 0 1 the Nazi pincer, it sold: lace. Softball Leaders to the Coast Guard Sailing Veasel' Williamsport 5," Hartford 4. I W. Horvath, as . .2 0 0 2 s 1 Special Requests A Japanese Zero lighter, one of and extended in Indiana, Ohio and near her home. Lombardi. Boeton. .325. Committee, care of the New York Hedlund, c . .2 0 0 5 0 0 Gedraltls. cf .. .3 0 I 0 0 1 Engagements Reported AtUieks Repelled three which rose to challengs the Pennsylvania, the announcement Mrs. Mondo, who received a se­ Runa---Ott New Tork, . -SS; Albany 2-2, Scranton 0-1. ' Albany ----- McCruden.'i! . . . .3 0 0 3 0 8 Yacht a u b , 37 West 44th street. Binghamton 8, Wilkeo-Barrs 1. Wllkee-Barre Salmonsen. if . 2 0 0 0 0 0 "Northeast of Koteloikovskt (95 An(]rswfi-Jonte raiders, was shot down into the said. vere laceration of the scalp, a pos­ (UiBM ad Charter Oak etrMt: Slaughter, S t Loula, 79. New ■York city. Aceto, p ...... 3 0 0 0 4 1 .miles below Stalingrad) repeated For Gas Granted (Only gams bcbeduled). Scranton . , . HaMs. rf .. . .0 0 0 1 0 0 The wedding of Miss Ann sea. One Allied place was lost, the It is to remain In effect pending sible skull fracture and bruises of Moaday-y—DaltyiaMi Iiide- Runs batted in — Medwlck, Men who qualify will be Inducted May. 3b . . . . .2 1 2 0 1 0 Pagani. r f ...... 2 0 0 2 0 8 WiDUns-Wetherell heavy attacks by tanks and motor­ Jones of Ansonis to Alleq And­ first to fall in more than a dozen completion of a new 100-mite pipe­ both arms, la reported in "fair” Brooklyn. 78; ElUott .Plttaburgh, NatfoMl Williamsport Rubacha, ss ... .3 0 • 1 1 8 psDdent Cloak. with full military status. Including St. Louis 10, Pittsburgh 2. Greene, rf, if . .2 0 1 0 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wit- ized Infantry were repeped. In an­ In addition to thooe who have rews of 181 Main street took successive attacks against Timor line ocroea Ohio from Foetoria to eonditloB in S t "Vlncent'a hoapital Tueaday— Pioneer ParachuU qg. 78. Binghamton regular Coats Guard rates of pay Oilcago , Onclnnatl . Hartford ... Woodend, p . .2 0 0 0 1 0 aaas of Albion, Nebraska, an- A dapper young waiter other sector the enemy sent 100 asked for extra gasoline there ore place this morning st 10:30 at military bases and shipping. Akron, which wUl eliminate need where she waa removed by Dr. Mi­ Beer Barons. Hits—Slaughter, St. LeuU. 145; for men joining the patrol e i ^ r 6 8 ToUls . 32 4 24 10 " i tonics into an attack. Only a few Medwlck. Brooklyn. 138. (Only games scheduled). E lm irs'...... the engagement of their named Phippa, also a few other special requests the home of the bride in Atisonla. Activity in the nortbeastem aec- for lake movement to. Cleveland. chael "V. Sdortlrio, city ambulance Wednesday—Tlgere vs. Beer on a permanent or intermittent 21 1 4 18- 7 8 Score by innings; .oucceeded - in breaking through. too (New Guinea and New Brit- Doubles—Hack, (Chicago. 31; Anaetlean Sprlngfl.eld aughter Elinor, to Midshipman Said—T m going to take that have been granted but the The groom is employed at Cheney Deputy Oxirdinator Ralph K. surgeon. Barons. I V ic 's ...... 800 000 Ffte S. Wetberell. son of Mr. The infantry which followed the hooks have not os yet been called Bros, and the bf^de in Ansonio. ais) was reported limited to re­ Daviee aaid it waa planned to ob­ T%e alleged Assailant waa appre­ • Thursday—Uakm Ltieal 748 va. Marion, St. Louio, and Medwlck, New Tork 17, Washington 7. Bradley ...... 000 003—3 'Beer Barons...... 300 100 41 Mrs. Wells H. WethereU of all my tips Unks was cut off by Soviet troopa for at the local Ratiohing board. The young couple has made no connaissance. tain government financing for tb6 hended by twm pasaersby. Donald Tigers. Brooklyn. 30. Boston 7. Philadelphia 8. Want &dee ...... 000 001— 1 ! Two-base hits: A. PhllUpa k I Its annihilation is now procaetf- Detroit 4. St. Louis 1. nut street Miss Williams They are: immediate plans for the future Lbckhaed Hudsons mada up tha Une and to btiUd it with second Loren Foots mad Thomas Schom- Games at the TAf.C.A. Triples—Slaughter. S t Louis, 16; Brooklyn j.: Phillips. Three-base hit#; O. Phtwl And boy Savings Stamps Ing." Cleveland 3. Chilcago 2. Two base hits; G. May (2) Greene. Ittoadad Froncia Bhimer College, "R " books to be called for: Hen­ because of the fact that the fores which blaatad Maobtaae'a hand pipe. ' doif, after hearing Mrs. Mondo's Monday-r^Ken’s Service Station Nicholson, (Chicago, 9. LsagM S t Louis ' Home runa: CSstro. Stolen bases: Ups. Home runs: Faleetta. Haunt Carroll. Illinois. Mr. So boys at the camps A vain attack on Russian posi­ ry glode, R.F.D. 4. East Hartford; groom has b^ n placed in Class lA cross-roads building arsaa. Tha •creama: u d giving chase caught vs. Pioneer Parachute. Home runs— Ott, New York. 21; Batting—WllUamo, BiMten. J 6 I; plays: Gleaatm to Halloraa to tions in a aetUement on the west T oday's fewri New Y o r k ...... 65 Murray. Double plays; MuVay to BHkereU. a graduate of Bowdoin Have hamberm. machine James Anderson, 597 V^jion of Selective Service and expects Zero was shot down In a 30-mln- Waraww Attacli BTprlss him* Tueaday—Tigers va. Vie'a Pack­ Mize, New York, and CCamiUl, Gordon, New York, A36. Cincinnati ...... 59 Kapurs; Murray To Horvath to Up* OentUcore to Braatnald i l l 5B«»g». and a member of Psi bank o f the upper Don near Voron­ street; Carl E. Balkus, 253 School to receive hia call within s few utc battle over mountains, valleys Police said today that Bishop Bihoklyn, 20. Rune—Williams. Boeton, 104; F alcetu; Left on baaos; Bear Ba^| guns, and •hips!'* ezh waa declared to have cost the age Store. Pittsburgh ...... 54 Kapura. Left on bases: West [JItelaa fraternity. Is in Naval street. weeks. and sea by a bomber which hod . Moscow, Aug. 22.—(dV-L. V.' was being questioned in connec­ Wednesday—Unkm Local 748 Pitching — French, Brooklyn. DlMaggio, New York. 95. WilUamoport at Hartford. 8:80. Chicago ...... 55 Sides 2; Bradley 6. Bases on balla: j ons 0, Vic's 6. Baaaa on balls: Germanz about 200 dead. 'Elmira at' Springfield 2 (n.) laaerre cTasa V-7, training on books to be coiled for: been forced frota the Allied forma- Sumtsov, com m oner of ona of the tion with an attempted attack 00. vs. Dairymen. lS-1; W yatt BroOktyn. 16-4. Rune batted in—WUUama. Bos­ Boston ...... 48 Woodend 2. Strike outs; Wilson 7; ' Aceto 3. off Gleason L St ■ the U 8. 8. "Prairie State", William Boehm, 134 East O nter Five thoossad to 0800 men com­ UotL Soviet planee that raided Warsaw two West End women as they Thursday—Vic's Package Store ton. n i; DlMaggio. New York. 85. Wjlkee-Barre at Binghamton (n) Philadsiphia ...... 32 Woodend 5. Umpires: Mileskl and ; by Aceto 2, by (SleaaoB 2. RM9 ( Ute Tork Qty. PrY>r to enters street: Louis Cervinl, 10 Cottage .The victor then withdraw. De­ Thursday night, reported today NotwoglMi Hits—Spence, Waahtagton. 158; (Only games echeduled). ; Aceto n for 6 n a a la t Nazis Claim Capture prise a brigade in the United waljted akmg Hanover street near It. IndepeiideBt (Soak. Awwricns O'Lsary. B v tte oervice In July. Mr. Weth- street. States Army, under command of tails ooBceming the fats o t the that the attack so surprised the Iranlatan avenue' on Thursday Beaky, Boeton. IM . Natlenal I Glaaaon 6 for 4 runs la S « a i roiyiartad w>Ui the **»*• O f Tupo Towns "E" books to be Colled for: Louis a brigadier genersL one American plana lost wers sot O m e n s that they did not use night London. Aug. 22.—(iPj— The Doublen—DUfagglo, Boston. 84; ClnclnnaU at Oilcago. W. , Winning pltchar: Oils aw A Vierling Steel Works of Berlin iFroifl Oerman Broad­ Schaller, 40 Stone street; Samuel The ouananiche, fleres 8gbtlag annooDcsd. anti-aircraft guns or sssrchHghts t'aion Local 743 .... Norwegian government in London Higgins. DstrolL U. . Philadelphia at Boston. NSW York ...... 80 Te Be Naval Attaote ing' pitcher: Aoeto. uawt** ite. Nebraska No date has casts i Aug; 22——Prince aoo. ‘nma: 1 :88. PloBssr Parachute •Keentad three Norwegian Sober- Homs- runs—WUHana, Bonton. S t . Louis ...... 62 Bsrtil of Sweden, grandson o t King Bssr Barons ...... mm for feeding two starvlag Rua- ‘89; Laabs, St. Louis, and KeUsr, Boston at PhUadalphia (I). Detroit ...... 61 (3uataf V and a caqftaln in the Tha Orsahs at O ssk . aiaaa. found atranded . on tha NSW York. 88. Washington at New York. Chicago ...... 51 Bwsdlsh Navy, has alriTsd in Lon­ ward tavaMoa U t e d St Nssr T osIl Chicago at CUvslapd. W sshlM tte ...... 47 don to sarvs as Naval attaote of aloas at tha •L U M i te DMrMt. AA tte BwaBsk Mgatite. T W E L V ® MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, 1941 HANCHE5TBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1941 PAGE THTRTBElt

MICKEY FINN In Thne! LANK LEONARD Sense and Nonsense OLD MAM NO TIME TO TALK W HAT ARE t h e f o o l ] HES GOT t o SWEENEY TOMJTMIS tS you GOidO HE'LL NEVER MAKE I - TOLO ME YCXI HrYeRf TAKE TO OO wnrHj t h e r iv e r ! M AKE IT IN Ode To A Motor Car! A recruit failed to salute a cap­ Office Manager — Pardon me, HADN'T COME Hm-^ANO RUNJ Farewell, pi-oud steed of rubber tain. The captain followed him young lady, but in the matter of EM? lyBEFORE THET.^ t i m e .i and steel— inside and demanded: dress, don’t you think you could O U T SO— VVE GOT THE 00 OFf^RUNit A parting salute to each gear and Captain—Don’t you recognize show a little more discretion? BOMBS! Announcements Automobiles for Sale Buildinif— Contracting 14 Help Wanted— Female 38 the uniform ? are Announcements Building Materials 47 Rooms Without Board 59 wheel: Stenographers—You fellers No longer will we roam together Recruit— Yes, sir, (feeling Cap­ never satisfied. FOR RENT— LATEST TYPE FOR SALE-VAN TYPE BODY FOR YOUR REMODELING or WANTED—WOMAN OR girl for Mjuidiester HAVE YOUR OLD rugs and cloth NOW IS THE TIME to lnsulat* DOUBLE ROOM for war worker, Laughing at dlatance or the weath­ tain’s coat). Pretty.iilce uniform; hospital bed, for home use. Rate* with doors, 9 ft. long. 5 ft. high, repair job call Wm. Kanehl, con­ housework, 4 room house, one Ing .made Into new rugs. Any that house. In older houses where with private family, bath on sama er. look at this thing they issued me. Conservation of tires and gaa Evening Herald reasonable. Call Kemp’s Inc. Tel. 6 ft. wide. Call 2-1515. tractor. 519 Center street. Tele­ child, good salary. Call 7907 from siaB. Order now for October de­ Insulation cannot be put ifito the floor. Breakfast optional. Resl- rationing on the eastern seaboard livery. Tel. 6595. Agent will call. 6680. phone 7773. 10 to 2 only. ■Milled Advertisemenia 1940 PLYM O U TH sedan, radio, side walls. Insulate tbe attic. , denttal section. Phone 2-1076 eve, T il happier days return once more. Junior — Mother, - teacher saya. put a crimp in vacation outings Fluffed rock wool;' $89c bag. With replacement made for the beauty fades away. Is that true ? this year. The wise vacationists Count >lz nraraso worda to a lip*. GLIDDEN ENDURANCE house heater, seat covers. Terms, $9 nings. •lUala. Bambara and abbrovlatldna paint refreshes.' preserves your weekly. ’Trade* accepted. 1939 Moving— Trucking- GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. New Blanket rock , ■4irool $3.15 roll. tire we tore. Mother—Yes, darling, I believe are celebrating their vacations this It Is. ooBBt aa a word and oompound home. Weather-resistant. Perfect LaSalle 4 door sedan, $445, terms, Model Laundry, Summit streeL Montgomery iVard A Co. Phone We herewith part in tender sor­ summer In the old home town com­ ord* aa two word*. Ulntmnra coat Storage 2U 6161. row. Junior—Then why doesn’t nurse foundation .for repainting. Check­ $6 w’eokly. 1937 Chrysler sedan, Boarders Wanted 69-A munity without the necessity of I Brio* of thre* llnao. BOOKKEEPER faipUlar with fade? Daddy often tells her she _U a* rat** p«r day for tran*l*at $195, $4.50 weekly. Telephone s t o r a g e And look ahead to a better tomor­ orders from Washington. Wanted! erboard Feed Store*, 1063 Main ahorthand and typing for general row. is a beauty. street Flrtance Manager. Brunner Sales Moving and Packing. The Austin Garden— Farm— Dairy M ^ v * Harall IT. IBST .Co., 80 Oakland street. • Open A. Chambers Oo. Telephone 6'J6C office work, including payroll ROOM AND BOARD for genOe- Mother—Shell fade away tomor­ She (to Cousin John who had Caab Cbarro wanted. Also must be w illin g !^ Products 50 So hail, farewell, my faithful row, dear. OBaacntIv* Oara...| 7 etaj • oia evenings. man. 25 Newman street. just returned from the tropica)— onaoentlT* Daya...l t ota 11 ota Auto Automobiles for Sale assist on odd jobs in mill Ip^is^fe friend! Oh. John, dear, how kind of j^ou ...... Ill otalll eta Repairing 23 time. Apply Manchestep^^Cnlttlng FOR SALE—BARTLETT pear* RCJOMERS A N D BOARDERS T is au revoir but not the end; Well-bred people are those who for canning. 36 Griswold street. to bring me this dear little mon­ All erdara for trr*KnIar inaertlooa Auto Accessories— Tires 6 Mills. Manchester ^rfen In per­ wanted. Home cooked ineals. Con- 111 not forget you, 1 further say. can Insult each other and make i t key! How thoughtful you are! OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W ILLIA M S 1941 PLYM O U TH DELUXE sedan, Telephone 2-0583. OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR HOOPLb rill b* oharKed at th* on* tim* rat*, Mechanic AIOVVERS SHARPE.NfcD. repair­ son. tlnuouB hot water, showers, 330 Since -Six instalments are yet to sound like repartee. But— it’s Just like you! flpoela] rate* for lone tarm ***17 1939 Plymouth Deluxe sedan, 1938 n e e d n e w BRAKES? Ford, ed, shear grinding, key fltUng, pay.—Jimmy Patterson. ■______adrartlatne elTen upon raquaat. Appl3^ In Person. Plymouth Deluxe sedan, 1937 Adams streeL adjoining United Chevrolet, Plymouth relined with duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. WANT HOUSEKEEPER. Aircraft, Buckland. / TVIANKS; A LOT, OH, YEH ? WELL , C?ON’T m PUFF-FF.'? EGAD,' t h a t Ad* ordarad bafora th* third or Plymouth Deluxe sfdan. 1937 Household Goods 51 • LOOK, AMOSp (tb day will b* chareed only for the best Oomax brake lining overhauled. Braithwalte, 52 Pearl White^^^l8-50, in modern home, Man—W hy you have no speed­ M A - AND I’LL BE FEROIT THAT SASKlT WILL SUFFICE FOR TH E o o c ^ MEAsNi AOtaal numbar of time* tb* ad DEPOT SQUARE Dodge- coach, 1936 Dodge sedan. $8.95. W ill call for your car and street. neajvhu* and churches, pleasant ometer on .vour car! FUNNY BUSINESS SURE TO BR1N<3» IT ON THERE WILL CARRY drod, ehareing at th* rat* aam* Cole Motors— 4164. . A BEAUTIFUL HOME Full Of FIRST LESSON, MEN.'- q u i t ? IS PERFESSORf deliver same day. Phone 5191. m, near bath. Tel. 8295. Furniture. New living, dining, Wanted— Rooms— Board 62 Friend— I don’t need one. A t 30 RieHT BACK AS A LOT OP OUR ©RUB AN’ but BO allowanc* or refund* can GARAGE P IA N O T U N IN G and repairing. COME.BOSVJELL.AN HOUR mad* on alz tIm* ad* atoppad Brunner's, 80 Oakland street. bedroom, kitchen,, rugs, lamp, miles,an hour the headlamps clat­ WHY, ', THAT THE \ -**• RONALD 241 No. Main Street FOR SALE—1938 , Deluxe four Player piano .specialty. Jijhn NOOR (BRASS NEEPS STUFF THAT SHOULD tar tb* nftb day. tables. Reasonable. Albert’s Fur­ GENTUSIMAN w a n t s ROOM, ter; atytO the Windows rattle; at OF THIS INDIAN CLUBBING T 'M PHON^ ? F - r JE S ' ITo forbid*": dlaplay llnea not door sedanj. good rubber, priced Cockferham, 28 Bigelow atl^ct Help Wanted— Male 36 60 the whole car shakes; and If I CUTTIM© AS SADLY COME SACK WITH IT, SO niture Co., ■ Hartford. near Cheney Mills Write Post IS ENOUGH FOR A CHAP JUST l u n k e d old • - right for -quick sale. Phone Garages— Service— Tel. 4219. go faster than that my teeth chat­ AS MINE-WORSE-- I ’LL HAVE ENOUGH liT" 7 P rb * Herald will not b* reaponalbl* 2-0987. WANTE!D—MIDDLE AGED men Office, Box 203, Mancheater. OF YOUR a d v a n c e d GETTING r mor* than on* incorrect Inter* Storage 10 FOR SALE— FLORENCE gas ter. MUCH WORSE,' . NOURISHMENT TO ALLEN & HITCHCOCK, to do bench work. Apply Tober YEARS >a of a w adTartiaement ordered LA W N MOW ERS,.^arpened, oil­ range ond kitchen range, with oil I I I _ PUSH-rr/ UP 1 ON THE: ■ FOR SALE—1939 OLDSMOBILE ed, adjusted. Disked up and de- Baseball Mfg. Co.. Elm street. Br Bor* than on* tim*. ING. WANTED TO RENT OARAGE In burner. Can be seen at 99 Nor­ Summer Homes for Rent 67 With the President asking uk to POFFrFF.' STEAM : ' / / / / yfiV T 's "TiS I iarge bam. 8. P. $4,400. D. P. MASONRY, SLAIING, SLATE Addreas Nelaon Besaette, Man­ apud a* FULL PAYMENT It $800. salary. Apply Weldon s. 901 Main Machinery and Tools 52 Second Actor (with dignity)— dd at tb* boalntat office on or ba­ walks. Outside fireplaces. Repairs street. - BOY W A N TE D TO work on soda cheater, Conn., care of Mrs. E. S. Yes, but I don’t cat here. th* aavantb day following, the Cornell Street. Two-fotir room on all kinds of slate work. Sulli-. fountain. Full time. Good salary. SILO FILLERS, USED Farmall SUverstien, R. F. D. No. 50. Inaartlon of each ad otharwiao single. A ir condition heat. Oil van and Lewis, '37 Charter Oak WANTED— GIRLS FOR bench See Mack at Weldon Drug Store.., tractors, Oliver plows, harrows, b* CHARGE RATE will b* oollaet- homer. Two nnflnlsbMl' up. W A N T E D — B Y YOUNG couple, It might help some to remember No ratpontlblllty for error* In street. Manchester. Tel. 2-0418. work, steady and clean work. 901 Main street. manure tpreaders, Fordsor. parts, 8. P. $6,000. ID. P. $1,000.. apartment, flat or home for rent, that when you hit a high speed on ilapbonad ad* will be attumad and Apply at Tober BasebalJ Mfg. used Case' tractor on rubber. Dub­ youi automobile travel you’re not ilr aeenraey cannot b* guaran- CHEF W A N T e — n o HARD preferably centrally located, ref­ Edgerton Street. Six-room Co., Elm street, Manchester. 6 lin Tractor Company, Willlmantlc. wearing out the tires belonging to job. Good pay. Six days a week. erence. O H 2-0089. doplex. Steam heat. All Im- someone else. They’re your tire* In d a of ClMnUlcstloiie provements. S. P..$6,800. D. P. Write Box D, Herald. Must be a CLEARANCE FARM store mer­ you’re shortening the life of. $1,000. [?1ROPEBSOR. ooooaoooaooooooaaooooo* Jones Says: “ N ow Is The Time citizen. chandise. Rubber tired mowers, Housas for Skla 72 IB O U T OTN , aoaooaaaoaaoaaaao B Newman Street. Thrpa^^am- Notice regular $169.95, now $161.45: con­ Two thoroughly inebriated men 8 '2 2 WHY MOTHERS GET GRAY Ry. TwfHthree room 'M d one crete mixers, regular $88.50, now 8 -z r lAis F E E T , t o o : To Buy And Get Prepared For Situations Wanted— FOR BAL£—SJNOLX 7 ROOM M-cre driving like mad in an auto­ T l l M i k S *B*aca****e**a« alx rooma. A il Jmprovementa. $83.95; saw frame, regular $54.95, mobile. ■’Notice is hereby given that my house, with large aun room, “Wlio’s your velerin»ry7" •e.aaaaaaaaaaaaaao 8. P. $6,500.^JD ;^ $1,M0. ^ ’ Female 38 now $52.25; portable milking First Drunk (fumbling for I r O Q n d * * a a w a a a a • • a « wife. Mrs. Josephine Gladysz, who ateam beat, 2 car gafaga. Located Newmaii^treet. Six-room Old Man Winter” machine, regular $166.95, now w ords)—Shay, be sure to turn out O m M I B M t S a a a a a a m n a w a a • at present resides in Manchester. REjLIABLE W OM AN would like 43 Scarborough Road, racoadi- BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What Goes? $158.95,. All farm equipment re­ for that bridge that's coming down BY EDGAR MARTIN '*****a****oo*a atMPd dnplw.^'^Two-car garage. All Connecticut, has left my bed and position as housekeeper. Or care tlorted and now ready for occu­ Aetemektlee Improvements 8. P. $8,800. COVENTRY PROPERTY quires only 10 percent do^’n. the road toward us. SIDE GLANCES board on August 21, 1942, and of elderly couple. Stay nights. pancy, Apply Edward J. HoU. BY G.4LBRAITH ©TEPWEN.VOANT V »blM (or Salt ...... $1,200, Wards Farm Store, 43 Purnell Second Drunk—What do you OWA V.OOV1 ,C O «K -E 6 6 (or Exotutuffo a o '* # 8-ROOM SINGLE, all Improi-ement*. Approximately 2 arre* of henceforth. 1 shall not be respon­ W rite Box I, Herald. Place. T e t 5117 or 5118. mean, me turn out? I thought L O O - J T U \ 0 c C fS V L 6 0 t S S JL ^ AeoMtorloa—Tlrat .a*'(«« Mancheater Green Section. land. Cloae to the new aircraft plant Beantlful IneaHnn. sible for any debts or liabilities In­ IUpairtn»<—Palatias Six-room single. Fireplace. you- was drl\1 ng!’ N_0 0 \<«S O F \.00\< ScllOOlS **'**a**o*a*oaaaaa Y* People moving away reason for s e llin g ...... $4500 curred by my wife." Large lot. Steam heat Oil Poultry and Supplies 43 HERE 6VW\’FYl OF ? 0 6 l Ship by Trvek ...... ’■ John Gladysz. Musical Instruments S3 You cannot believe all you-hear, %MU9 . T o t OMWm Hlro *...... * * * • • • •MaaliiUa «a burner. Oamge In basement 6- ROOM SIN G LE , artesian well, electrlelty, harn, poultry- house, VOUR ^\^>AP9tPRiV4& COMB. Stafford Springs, Connecticut. BRO ILERS— L IV E OR Dressed. Hospital Notes but when you are approaching a .jv — ------arvloo—etorag* A 8. P. $7,800. D. P. $1,200. 8 aere* of land. People moving out of town. Priee ...... $3800 USED S T E IN W A Y grand piano DOVAjKi ororcUi — Bicycle* . . . . . ,'A Manchester Chicks^ l36 Summer railroad creasing and hear the hXia Autoa—Motorcycle* Oft Porter Street Six-room StreeL Tel. 6971. (as la) $100.00; used upright — whistle of an approaching locomo­ Bad PntaMdaBBi a»ailie* single. A ll improvements. Two- 7- ROOM SIN G LE , flreplaee, hot water heat, eleetrielty. Approx­ plahos $35.00 up, cost of drayage Admitted yesterday; John J. tive it is wise to believe that a ■XVESY. alneta Semce* Offered IS car garage. One acre ot land. imately 20 acre* of land. P r ic e ...... $1,500 extra; new spinet; console piano 6. 9taatlona Wanted—Male . . . . M plex. Hot alr-pipeless furnace. (2) NEW 4-ROOM BI^'GALOWS, practteally readv to move EXCrreMEMT..LASFMWUTE . . . nent Agenelea ...... *0 AH Improveroenta 8. P. $4,500. •n t® ...... •••...... $.5900 and $6000 Dies ffom Injuries London, Aug. 22.— OP)— Three lAva Bt— k -P eta Fealtry— D. P. $1,000. F U L L TIM E Swedish ships carrylhg 15,000 tons PREPARATIOMSOM Vcklelea W E ALSO H .W E some other New Bungalows with attached gar­ BCMtERS AMD TRANS tga—Bird*—Pets ...... 41 Oakland Street Section. Four- Torrington, Aug. 22.—OP)—W il­ of wheat given to the Greek peo­ dr* Btoek— Vehlclea 41 family, live rooms each. ,\ll Im­ ages, nice locations...... $6960 up liam B. Sprague. 55, member of ple by Canada passed Gibraltar PORTS BOUND FOR IPonltry and Buppllea ...... 41 provements except heat. Large EXPERIENCED the New York City law firm of Thursday en rout* to Greece, a for­ garden space in rear. 8. P. ANOTHER GROUP of 4-Room Bungalows ai . , .$5950 each Sprague, Seymour and Sprague, eign office commentator reported Wanted —Pete—Ponltry—Btoek 44 Far Palo—XtaeeUaaaMa $4,500. D. P. $1,000. died at the C!hark>tte Hungerford today. A N O T H E R G R O U P O F N E W H OUSES, alee residential section. ilea For Sal* ...... 4( Keeney Street Eight-room hospital this morning of a back The ships ar* the first to sail ■ i*e»sr*wSlse«.»*i.T.i».*sauae«r.aw. B-2X ata and Aceetaorle* ...... 44 Some with two complete bathrooms...... $7500 to $12,500 SALESGIRLS single. An Improvementa .Mod­ Injury received la a fall at his sum-, under a plan to serjd 15,000 tons'of ybt rr ifca Htv'CC lat t w « ft »$* OM ling Mateiialk ...... 47 mer home In Morris several days grain monthly from Canada to the **I wouldn't put off buying these thinga loo long— I have a enda — Watchea—Jewelry 41 em bath. PIpelesa heat. Gar­ SPECIAL! 2-FAMILY HOUSE, Just on the markeL Six Salary 3'eetneal Appliance*—Radio.. 41 distressed Greeks. * He u;;ed to be in the billboard age. Chicken ooop. 1 , acre of rooms each. Hot water heat. Very centrally located In a nice sgo. hunch the prioriUea board is going to crack dotra on ua faol and F#m ...... 41-A land. S. $5,500. ■ D. business.” ' _ Sen—Farm—Dairy C^dnota id P. neighborhood ...... $6600 And Oppoi^unity popcorn men pretty soon!" iRonaehold. Goode ...... il $1 ,000. " eblnery and Tool! ...... il 6-ROOM SINGLE, very large lo t ...... To Earn Bonus ■leal Initrumenta ' I l COVENTRY ....$4500 Shasta Daisy . Filet Cloth I and Btora Equipment . : . 14 TOONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX ilala at tha Btorea ...... 11 Cottage. J'‘oup rooma 6-ROOM SIN G LE , 2-oar g a r a g < 1 to I '', acre* of land. Neat APPLY W. T. GRANT CO. ■taring Apparel— Fnra ...... 17 Fireplace. Artesian well. All looking pince ...... ’...... $e000 ■anted—To Buy ...... furnished. II 8. P. $2,000. D. P. UrN*.qfltl$r>6k»te, >w- ~l*ard-.Ha«ela 1 Heaeeea $500. ■taataaranea 2 -F A M IL T H OUSE: West Side, 6 nnd 6. 2-car garage ...... $6400 iRoonia Without Board ...... — II North Coventry .Section. A L L E Y OOP Indigestion : BY V. T. HAMLIN ■•oardera Wanted ...... I l- A Small Fami. Nine acres of land. 5-ROO.M SIN G LE , warm air heat, all Improvements...... $4500 onntry Board—Rctorta W N e a r scho ...... ,...... $3900 Babarban F o r.R m t...... 44 Small bam. Poultry housea Steam heat and two-car pglCELE^! Bummer Home* For R en t...... 17 S. P. $3JIO0. D. P. $800. 2-FAMILT, 5 and 5, on a very large lot...... •...... $5300 aarafie. Situated on large, IHV6 JX Wanted to Rent ...... 11 |H Real e*tat* Por .lal* South Coventry— Wall Street well landscaped corner lot. bonds V 2-FAMILY, 4 and 4 $5000 ■ Apartment Building (or Sal* .. il Section. Two-famlly— two-four Ready for immediate occu­ STAMPS 1^*1011* Property (or Sal* . . . 71 rooma Steam beat downstaira TODAY ___a * and Land (or Bale . . . . . 71 All Improvementa S. P. $5,200. 2 SINGLE HOUSES, 7 and 5' room*, all ImproveoMata. Price pancy. . ■■oBoee (or Bale ...... 71 for both boo iw * ...... $6000 Lota (or Bala ...... 71 D. P. $1,000. This house can be financed V S i Raoert Property for Bale ...... 74 through the F. H. A. Plan. ■ubnrban for Bale ...... 1i For quick result*.. ,w » want your Hstiugu as we have cash cus­ -Y -z , Eetata for Kzchang* . . . . II WINDSORVILLE tomers waiting for good property. SEE Wanted— Real Eatat* ...... * Tl ■..ocated on Reservoir Rnad. • » . »7*»7 Aaeeloa Legal !••Mc** Fifteen mHea from Hartford. llAgal Noticea ...... FOR TERMS AND PARTICULARS SEE Thirty aerrs of land. Elghtaen acres of tobacco land. Rest Stuart J. Wa$ley 8241 wroodland. Six-room dwelling, Real Estate and lasnraaee 14-42 also three-room dwelling. Elec­ JONES REALTY State Theater Bnilding tricity and running water. To­ bacco shed. On good roeuL Tel. 6848 • 7146 31 OAK STREET PHONE 8254 or 7247 T 8, P. $4300. D. P. $1,200. I f you want to stretch, your fall S *12 wardrobe foV a very small cash [I e outlay, add blouaea to It! Here to<^y, in one pattern, la that In­ I|UU) RYDER No Place For Little Beaver BY FRED HARMAN dispensable tailored blouse for FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Saboteur SaccefiafuUy Stymied BY MERRILL BLOSSER suits, jumpers and Jerkins . '.*ote that this style la cut -with the < 7 ;------WVTT VtXl MEVER ASK-UMV ME. 'tbu »MD R^TCHY, U » Q tlMC AGO* SOME i wider collar and very . narrow A SMALL ONE -• tDOUT OM Me TOGOnO KYStERf M £SA^, YES, w r BROUGHTIHE MAM ME'S AN a l i e n ------I n H e HAD ENOUGH O D he (SET L C . U T T L e ©TORIES AfiOUT Kf PEOPLE (50 TO MESA-ONLY . lapels . . . and also an oiwrblouae, MATCHES AND OTHER ------r ANY FIRES J u s t BIG encxjGw .MYSTERY M E SA /W I flUrts. Pattern No. 8241 U in alxes 14. HES- s til l OUT / KA TATTOOED ON BURN EVERY STICK J PRO­ OWN GOOSElj ^6. IS. 20; 40 and 42. Sixe 16 HtS ARM / O F WOOD *4 TK B /FESSIOIAL No. 1 style, short aleevea, takes SeCTON/ FIRE-BUG. 2 1-8 yards 39-lnch material. No. By N r*. A nas Oifc*$ tkms for tha Daisy FUat Taacloth EH? 2 style, short aleevea takes 2 yards. Cbol and refreshing looking—a (Pattern No. 6813) amounts of matarials spsciflsd, filet chart for For this attractive pattern, send whoU field of whit* dalst«s spread ISc In coin, your name, address, woriring, s i^ 10 cents in Ootn, O pattern number and aixe to The over a Ug-mashsd filet tea doth! Your^am e and Addneaa and tha y - Mancheater E-vening Herald, T »- It measures 42 by 42 Inche s —Is Pattam Number to Anne Cabot. d£.y'a Pattern Service, 106 7th mads of '‘mlle-a-mlnuts” bands cf The Evening Herald. 106 Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. snowy srhlts set together with Avenue, New York (3ty. Endoae 1 Find aU tha styles you n$ed for bright red. Use 'datfodil yellow, cent postage for each pattern or­ school sewing, for all ages, too In navy tflus, rose pink liistaad o f tha dered. t>te Fall Fashion Book which is red. If you prefer. My popular Album— 32 page* m iuflt off tho DroM. Make this taacloth for happy tb* dssligne you have admired and Pattern 15c, Pattern Book 15c, portias with your oora * f amUjf— asked for aeadleworli of all type* vV On* PattSfn and Pattam Book make another for aoms tucky au­ —is aow available. Bead for your ordered tegatbar 2Se> btfiflM Ic tumn bt$da! ^ y ^th s **j^^(3$bot Album ' t e u iv iiM ! paatflaator aM & * / PAGC FOUSTEEir f l A l U R iJ A T , AtJGUST 22, 1942 iSamlfrjBtrr 1Ei»ning HmtQi Avuragu Dally Ctreahtlon The^WeaUiar For ttw M ean at July, 1843 Foteeeet of U. B. Wenthsr bulanc* corps, plans to enter the Roosevelt has given hla approval Young W om ^ New Britain hospital to taka up of scrapping all historic monu­ 7,494 About Town nurse training. Both youn^ women Heard Along Main Street: ments honoring past heroes of all EAT SUNDAY DINNER IN COOL COMFORT hkye been active in the church the wars to aid the war effort, » ef the andtt Cooler tanight. Honor Guests you^vj>eople's group. Mch monumenUi, statues and un­ Give the cook a break tomor­ I e f OtiTsilattnne Tht »ffu l*r monthly meeting of Miss *Turkington. In addition to Ami on Some of Manchester's Side Streets, Too used metal bric-a-brac of other row. Treat the whole family conflicts to be put into the melt­ Manchester—--A City of ViUage ChanH tlM CSittotopher Columbu* Society taking up theological studies, will to a delicious Sunday dinner win b« held mt 2:30 tomorrow after­ ing pot and proper honor restored Nazareiie^Spciety Given as.sist the deah-^ of women in the \Vc met a friend of our* from rawer a fire In Buckland ,^om« after the war. at The Tea Room. noon at the Italian American Club college dormitory. - (ClaaetBed AdvertMag on Pegs U ) MANCHESTER, CONN.,^IONDAY, AUGUST 24, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS looma on Eldridge atreet. Miem- New London on Main atreet the night? Wc were just wqncleriiig There is but one auch statue In VOL. LXL, NO. 277 hora are urged to attend a» there Farewell Party to Tw«i An evening of games and a other day and he wa* telling ug of and we don't expect any/answera. (own—the Soldier'a Monument lo­ PRLME RIBS OF BEEF Will ha Important buelneiw to come .4t Center Springs. frankfort roa.st was enjoyed. Miss a stunt that has been used there We don't blame the north end's cated in Center Park. There arc before the aeaslon. Marion .lanes, president of the that could be copied to advantage diatrict directors, 'they have a three old World War guns in town Roaht Turkey YPS" offered prayer and the group in Manchester if some patriotic problem before them, and they Ked With Army Captain's Murder that could be turned inli and prob­ Native Roast Chicken Miaa Marion Turkington and ■^ng gospel rhorus'es during the organization will take the tip and are trying to-solve it If their new ably will be when the nation-wide ' Membera of the ChUdren of Miss Mary Ferr4s. both of the evening. Ilev. James A. Young. In sort of aponsor iL nian doesn’t work out they will no scrap the monuments drive starts. Lobsters Shrimp Chinese Capture^Big Soviets Battle Hard behal^of the group presented gifts Everyone who travels along the 'aoubt try another. Mary Sodality wUl meet at St. Nazarene Young Penpie’a aoricty, Scallops Soft Shell Crabs ' Y *- Jamea’a church tomorrow evening; to the defiarting membera main highways near an army or We’ve always been of the opin­ This column ’has received some were gueets of honor at a fare­ at 6:30 and go in a body to pay On Monday night Miss Ferris, navy station has seen service men ion and It seema to be the major­ fan mail thia week which we think their reapecta.to Daniel Fitipatrick well party given in their honor who has served in the local am­ waiting for a bua or other means ity opinion along Main atreet that we ought to pa.ss along to the of U South Main atrect. whoae last night in the Center Springs bulance group since its organiza­ of transportation. They are either there ought to one town fire readers. Two letters are on sugar daughter, Miaa Marie Fitzpatrick, going.to some nearby city for en­ department aupported by town for canning, and one is from a To Save Stalingrad; Park Lodge'oh their eve of their tion, was presented a gift, by her THE TEA ROOM Linchwan Jap Base; la a member of the aiociety. tertainment or going home on fur­ taxation and giving the entire departure from Manchester to a.saociat os. lonely. hearL We know*, we should “ No Wines — No I.iquors — Just Good Food” lough. They cannot "thumb" a ride town protection. We outgrew that be more keenly interested in tke fiirther their educations. under army and navy regulations. village pumper idea long ago. 883 MAIN STREET OPP. ST. JAMES’S CHURCH Miss TJirkington plans to enter canning epistles, but somehow our Miaa Bernice Juul, proporlotor The best they can do is stand heart goes out to the poor lonely (g the Weldon Beauty Studio on Eastern .Nazarene College. Wol­ along the highway and look—well, This department certainty laston. Mass, this fall and Mis.s Post to Help aoul who craves companionship. Kaat Center atreet will return to I thev are allowed to look wlst- meant no criticism of the work of Here they art: Germans Cross Da the atiidio Monday after having Ferris, who has served as a cor­ I fully. Darwin Raid Beaten the local rationing board in its "Dear Sir: been away for aeveral week.«. poral in the local emergency am- New Londoti bas a lot of service commenta last week. We were In Rceriiitiii" men either passing through the "Please answer for me a clvU only diacuaaing tbs things we had question 'What can be done to have Fight ReaGhitely in city or leaving for furloughs. That hearq. We can’t help it if people Brilliant Defense hy Al­ Secon^^ Moat Im port* Infantry and M ^ il. Di-; ^ e t t o U C r y city has the submarine base, the excitement in this town?’ To tell talk nor can we control what they you the truth this town is plain Defense Now ^ Baae viaiouH Break Through •/ row. Flat Corridor Be* \’ F W M eiiihers .Assist Coast Guard academy, military talk abouL However, the ration lied Fliers in Cur* in Kiangai police units, aailora from ahipeMn dead. There is nothing to do. no board’s manager, Erik Modean, roller skating rinks or good dance tiu P-4D Fighters i*ovince Beseiged for East Bank Defenses; | J^ine aS Old tw:een Don and Volga In Filling the. Ranks o f the h.arbor. soldiers from the varl- explained the situation adequately In Aleutians nu* island forts, ail using New halls. I walk up main street every SUPER-BINGO Foreign Office Spokes­ To Halt German Units R. J. AMENTA in an Open Forum letter the other day aqd to tell you the troth it’s Send^'Japaneae Home Two Weeks; United Aviators. London- as a point of departure day. for week-end leaves or furlougha. deserted. The, shows are getting man Quoted as Say­ A s Nation After River Cross­ Incidentally, wa did haar o f on* s200 IN PRIZES With Little to Show I Seen Better States Army. .Planes Expert Instruction on A'nder»on-Shea Post. V. F, W. of Naturally the highway* leaving sickening. Every day I’m tired that city are used by the service fellow who applied for supplemen­ from, doing nothing. I go to work ' /' Aid Chinese Ground ing ‘Great and Deci­ ing; Another Thrust >fanchcstfr, b.Ki been selected by tal gasoline giving as his reason For Efforts Except I ■ / men to start their trek homeward. and when I pet home, what is there sive Battle for Stalin­ Sccoml Front * Pressure Moves *SIowly Ahead Spanish Guitar, Banjo and Mandolin I.;rut.-Gcncr.il Arnold, Chief of the .Many of them watt along the high­ the fact th.at he Wanted to go to to do?T-^Nothlng. Read the paper, Gaps Left in Forma­ Senator Wallgreti Says Forces; Oiuhsien and I’ nltcd Slate.s Army Air Corpa, ways until offered a ride—or rath­ New Jersey, to see his'girl friend. ait around, listen to- the radio, ARMY & NAVY CLUB, Inc. grad Has Now Begun'. For Beginners and Advanced Pupils. If he went, he went by train. tion aa 1 3 y D ow n ed. Military Situation Is Juihung Are Menaced. Boys* Advised by Bul~ On Kotelnikovski Area with other V. F. W. poets through* er they did until the city did some­ walk a short while, over and over Others have had to go by train, again. Thia is getting monotonous tcinkle Military Deci- Private Lessons Only. out. the country to aaaiat In secur­ thing about IL *Much Improved* ift^ —^ ' I At several, different point* lead­ haven’t they, E. M.? ' ' I know plenty of people who agree Saturday, August 22 General MacArthur’s Head­ Chungking, Aug, 24.—{jp) Berlin (From German Moscow, Aug. 24.— (/P)— ing recruits for the Aviation Cadet .broadcasts), Aug. 24.— {IP)— sions Leaders* Duty. Telephone Hartford 6-4737, Mornings! for Information. ing from the city benches have with me. What do you think of this AT 8:15 P. M. 25 GAMESI quarters. Australia, Aug. 24. AU of ^iaakmt Area. — Chine.se forces have cap­ The Ru.ssians battled reso**' Corpa. been placed close to^the highway There is a saying that bus situation? With this war going on rman infantry and mobile driver* sometimes meet the fun­ — pital to get the list of admitted find a dime. She did however, pro­ LLMIT ON MOST OF THESE OPERATIONS passage, the narrow atrait be­ Chinese offenaivea today. pilots, navigators, bombadlera' and "Keep up your good work and Red-haired Margaret Herlihy leans on the arm of her father, Russian Attacks Smashed and discharged patients. The duce ^ c e by piece, three pennies 16 YEARS. tween Buka and Bougainville in By Canadians Under heavy pressure, toe Jap­ By Big Convoy DINE AND DANCE gunners and an opening la thus and one nickel. She looked ques- maybe there won’t be so much ex­ Lieut. w against Allied Air tion Fought in Raid on press dispatches said the fail of Moscow, Russian attacks also were itaclf were countoc-altaeklng to ^ the driver, who took the money "I can only speak for myself, but WEAVERS. FIREMEN. MACHINISTS. CAPA­ Juihung Waa expected ahortly. relieve pressure. The lines on ttin anyone can see that you are a poor Forces which have been hammer­ smashsd, it was claimed. O f Ainerieaiia Results W’e were remarking to a friend ,ind dropped Into his change con­ BLE OF OPERATING LATHES. SHAPERS Dieppe; General Pic* outer defenses of Stalingrad ap» ,RHYTHM MASTERS benighted male. ing the enemy-held Island of 'Ti­ Chinese, correspondents entering On toe front southeast of Len of ours the other day that a cer­ tainer. "Is that ail you-got." ask­ AND DOING GENERAL MACHINE SHOP mor in recent weeks, was the first Shangjao, one of the railway cities In New Speculation. peared to be highly mobile w ni. DELiaOUS FOODS — MODEST PRICES! ■•’You a’sk what are the ladies tnre Pieced Together. Jngriid, in toe Lake Ilmen area both Armies maneuvering ewift^F j tain .person had castigated every­ ed the drl\’er. big foray since. July SO when the Vacated by the Japanese, found it toe Germans made some alight Free Eirlargeipient canning? So far I am one of the WORK. tor position. St^^cs Roast Turkey Roast Beef one on The Herald staff because •‘Til give you the rest tomor­ people who hka found something Jspaneee eent over 37 Heavy reduced to a heap of blackened Full War Footing gains, it waa said. London, Aug. 24.—(JP)—^TTie ar­ With Every Roll of Film he didn't like something that was row." she declared jheeplahly. bombers and 33 fighters. In that By Ross Monro ruins as toe result of a three-day A Soviet tank detachment wi Half Broilers Polpettine Veal Cutlets to can. ALSO MALE BII,LER AND WORKERS FOR Canadian Press War Corrvdpondent A total of 166 Soviet planes was rival of still another American con­ Developed and Printed 40c written in these columns. "Well, ’’Well,’: said the driver," I’ll just attack seven fighters and two fire set by Japanese Incendiary destroyed by (Jerman fighters and sent against the flank of the O e » Fine Wines,— Liquors and Beer ' "My young daughter and-1 went MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS. Somewhere in England. Aug. 24. bombs and grenades. voy—the grreatest yet—with more man force northeaat o f Kotelnl* well,” consoled our friend, "don’t hold the token to make sure that down to Keeney atreet and picked bombers were shot down at tbs anti-aircraft batteries yesterday, heed that because that fellow is you do pay it." The colored wo­ ^ APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE cost of one Allied plane. —(P)—They speak with aw’e in breaking all records for enemy thouMnds of fightlng-flt United kovskl and keven ot tha <3ennns SO Oak Street Tel. 3894 ELITE STUDIO 17 quarts of slrawherries at 12 Chinese Widen Hold machines were destroyed and 800 so narrow minded he can look man descended the steps of the VeCeraas Among Defenders Canadian Army camps of the Plans for Brazil? aerial losses in a single day on the quarts for a dollar, gleaned by the Chinese forces were fighting States troops stirred BritUh ob­ ■ ' ' - i . through a keyhole with both eyes!" bus, grumbling to herself, and aa way from a Herald ad. Canned. 13 \ Ainfihg the American defenders 'main beach at Dieppe” where fiercely wito toe Japanese today eastern front, Nazi military quar­ servers anew today to speculation That did make iia feel better, but if suddenly struck with a thought ters reported today. . '(OontlDaed on Png* 18gh6); quarts. I have canned five pints of Cheney Brothers at Darwin yesterday were some three Canadian infantry battalions, near SuichAng, about 45 miles on a second front. ALICE COFRA-N we don’t intend it for all our cift- she turned and said to the driver, plums, contributed by a neighbor veterans of fighting In the Philip­ west of Lishui in southwestern German losses were put at only The size of the convoy, so large ica. w ’e really do welcome criti­ "White boy, take off those / a tankmen, engineers and provost eight planes. (Known Aa Qocen Alice) and a' basket of white pe.ifchc.s pines and Java, and their bag of fought the longest sustained action Chekiang province, after other Step Up Patrols that its laden troopships and trana. SPlRirUAL MEDIUM cism, eapeclally if It Is fair and glasses!" bought from Pero which produced IS planea was believed to be a rec­ units had widened toe Chinese ports scattered to many British constructive. of toe raid on the old French town. Seventh Danghter of e Seventh Son The bua driver was wearing 11’-i quafta. I am planning on ord for one day in thia area.. The battle of toe beach was the hold on toe Chekiang-Kiangai Given Stveeping Potvers ports to unload men and weapons Bom With a VeU. dark glaaaes aa protection against more peaches and plums and also The filers carried out what Gen­ railway to 110 mile*, toe Chinese now dispersed among waiting Flashes I \ The soldiers from the Armory nvain Canadian attack—boldly di­ ATTENTION Reediags'Dally, Including Sondav, sunlight, arid at her command he pears if they are available. eral MacArthur'a communique rected at toe town itself. From Central News Agency reported. To Execute Nazi Justice American bases, accounted only (Late BnUettns ot tha (Si WUmf U A. M. to 8 P. M. Or_ By ___ Appoint...... ^ here who went to Bolton the other reached, up,'took ' off the glasses, called a "briUlaat tactical Inter­ A 1 W- Is .e X Three German \ "The lack of the sale of jars la toe stories told by toe men who The fighting near Suichang has And Italian Nationala Elerlln (From CJerman Broad­ partly for the'predictlons of second ment. In the Serrlee of theT Fe^ i night as guests of a group of ,cl- and looked at her with a question underatandable. Most people al­ ception.” came back this general picture has raged for two days aa Chlnsse * casts), Aug. 24. — (/P) — Fuehrer front possibilities. DO YOU KNOW THAT BEAUTIFUL |ile for 80 Years. vilians had a great time and they in hia eye. ■ The rmidere approached Darwin Given Maxlmom Sentenee ready have them. Why hot make a been p lec^ together. troops drove eastward toward Is Tightened; Preeau- Adolf Hitler announced today ,the Emphasis on .4ir Strength New York, Aug. 24;—1A*)—Wer* I )68 Church 8treeL Hartford, Ootin. certainly proved what a clean, high "Ah jiist wanted to be sure that survey.of jar rubbera and tops and from the west and the P-40’s at­ The E>sex Sottish landed at Lishtil, to which tor main Japan­ Bombers Toll apjidlntment of Dr.' Otto Georg Britons noted also toe prepared­ Phone 6-6«01 type, gentlemanly army Uncle Sam tacked' them first while they stUl ner Von tiemm, 44, fomaor Oer* | I’d recognize you again," she said you will probably be surprised to 5:20 a. m. on toe eastern half of toe ese force waa reported withdrawn, tionn Taken Against Thierack as Reichs minister of ness of the Americans for absorb­ man artillery officer, warn aentew Cocker Spaniel Puppies is getting. They are a great bunch, with a snap and . turned up the find the food already canned and were over the eea. Three enemy mlls-Iong gravel and shale beach, the agency said. * justice, and gave him sweeping ing reinforceoients, the -frontline and they know they’ve got a job ed - today In Federal court to t o _ street. in people's locker* ready for win­ bombers were caught in bursts cd 75 yards wide. The Royal Hamil­ In the fighting for toe (Jhekiang- Podaihle Token Attacksd During Night powers to go beyond existing caliber of the men sent to this war to do. We were talking with one of fire. They left their formatlona, years' Imprisonment and a ai6i86a*l W o M Ch a m p i o n s t o c k ter. ton Light Infantry went in at toe Kiangsi railway, toe Chines* said Bv Axis Submarines. statutes to execute "National So­ theater, the material which accom­ fine for conspiring to sell Dutch f them about hia life in the army and • Everyone likes to "toot his horn" "■you have .also overlooked. the jettisoned their bombe, and Ameri­ same time on the weateto half with three of their columns drove saat- cialist justice." panied them, toe variety of asked him what the various inter­ can pilots saw them turn for hojoe and Belgian diamonda In th ARE b r e d RIGHT HERE IN MANCHESTER? over a personal accompliahment ■fact th«tt the sugar'allotsd is for the Calgary Tank battUon, provost vard into Chekiang province and ! Slight Damage Caused The decree making the appoint­ branches they represented, the em­ country In \1olatlon of Prealdsnk| pretations army terms are in now and then. So we’re going to do the 'totlre season and one pound is to crmtii into the sea- * and sappers. Les Fusiliers Mont 'orced the Japanese to withdraw ment gave Dr. Thierack. Dresden phasis on air strength in both men Mrs. Denslow Will" Be Gl^d To Show You These Adorable thlo war. For instance, what does 'The remainder of the Japaneae Bulletin! Roosei-eifs freezing order of 1848. j FILMS a little tooting for The Herald. given for each member of a. family Royal landed as reserve. from Kiangshan. 20 miles from In Spattered Raids; jurist and former president o f ’the and supplies snd the psychological Von Clemm, who is related iff Puppies In I.ight, Golden and Dark Red Solids — Blact "K. P.” mean in this army, we We wonder how many readers ap- for Jam and jelly. flight came on In three groups. Faced Thlek German Fire Chuhsien. Chuhsier. is a potential Lima, Peru, Aug. 24,— (A*) people’s court, authority to'"estab- moment of their arrival. DEVELOPED AND ' asked. "Oh. that stands for 'Keep Although peppored by American Deep Daylight Incur marriage to Foreign Minister Je* and White and Red and.White Parti-Colors. pnclate the fact that Thursday’s ’’Your* truly, Halfway-up toe beach, atretched air baae and was one of the main lish a National Socialist sdminis- The announcement that the vast achira Von RIMientrop of Oer* I RoleUng’ now." he replied. full page stories of eye-witnesa ac­ acroae the Canadians' path. was. r — Peru extended today to I AT THE PRINTED "Mrs. B." aiona in Hostile Areas. sea train had disgorged new fight­ many, was convicted la^ week by I counts of the great Commando aa rnge Tam) barbed wire. The attackere faced (ponttnoed on Pnge Fonr) Braxil the rights of non-bel­ (Contlnned on Pnge Eight) ing strength on British Soil came 24-HOUR SERVICE I We don’t know whether or not a Federal court jury. The Ploneepl raid on Dieppe, Occupied France, Well, the pollUcal pot l.n town a thick German fire pquriqg from a ligerency in the war with while London papers were filled ! there is a junk dealer’s trust, but came from cabled accotmta that row of., buildings looking to toe Import Company, which the O e^ f Film Deposit Box has juat about atartM ' to sim­ London, Aug. 24.— —Three with comment analyzing Prime man-bon New Vork liiipoit*e| Jack Frosi^ K ennels ! it certalnW seems as though Man­ were hot released by British cen­ mer. It may give indications of beach across the broad promenade Germany and Ital.v. The gov­ German bombers were reported de­ Mlnfster Churchill's recent mission At Store’ Entrance chester sKould-hsve received a bet­ sorship until after noon that day. edge which waa supported by a ■headed and which wws also mi 26 GARDNER STREET ^ HIGHLAND PARK boiling oyer the week-end, and by Defense Rests Exemption Cut ernment also announced it stroyed during the night out of a La Cart Is Put to Moscow and calling last week’s vioted. was fined 610,000. Be( ter price for the scrap iron salvage The Heiwld was the only paper Tuesday we’ll know what’s cook­ long aeawall. Battle of. Dieppe only s portent of collected here a .couple of weeks coming into Manchester Thursday The defenders had field guna and would propose that other small number of enemy aircraft fines represented the m axlnxM l ing. Whatever happen* between things to come. peniUtv-. KEMP'S back. It was estimated that there that carried the complete eye­ now and Monday midnight, it al- In Bahr Trial the row of buildings they occupied .American countries hold a which came in over east Anglia Under Arrest Because of 24-hour-a-day work were 50 tons in the collection here. witness accounts of the great raid. bristled with machine-guns and OViDependents .* • * moet seema a certainty the town permanent consultation” on and spread widely over the Mid setting up huge bases in Britain, Sit Morn Executed Oragat, the Hartford junk deal­ The Herald’S full page of the We Have Some 4 trench mortars. the American.s now ,are able to er, offered |5 a ton for the junk wilt get its usual allotment of collective ineasures for conti­ lands and as far aa northwest London, .tug. !4— J’'—The ex­ Commando stories waq chock full crackpots seeking public officev It The R. A. F. and toe Navy plas­ absorb ground forces at a greatly pile just as it was. The local sal­ of real adventure yams, Here was Defendant's Wife Not tered Dieppe for lialf an hour be­ Senate Finance Commit* nental defense. A decree siini' England. SiispenHed O P A Aifle ecution oi 35 more t'zeclia, Croutoj vage committee didn’t think that -is to be hoped that the number of accelerated pace and the striking and Slovenes by the Germans a* top-notch action far more thrilling Called as Witnefw in fore to* Canadians swept in from ed hy Presideitt Manuel Pra­ The bombers caused slight dam power of the Air Force, it wa* was enough and asked for other than any -melodramatic movie di­ sound reasoning folks willing to tee Votes for Reduc­ Charged with Giving Italians was reported today with| Not A Mansion!... be candidates for public responsi­ and 5 Room Houses small troop-carrying craft and big­ do and approved hy the cabi­ age, but there were casualties, an pointed out. can be doubled and bids. Leverant, a Junk dealer frofn rector ever dreamed of portraying. Espionage Conspiracy. ger tank-landing boats. authoritative statement said. ac«'unipi>oying ' threat* that h Colchester, said h* would raise bility outnumber* the crackpots. tion to $300 Now. net said that “ Peru deems Out Gas Ration Books. redoubled quickly now that the There was grim realism and there The first wave of Canadians met The night raid followed deep h'lmtages would be killed, for ee< Midvale DefenM that Dragat bid. and he did. He of. was fresh witticism.' If you miss­ W s'v* had enough of the weird the (A xis) attack a(;alnst new assault in occupied C'roallfc I fered 16 a ton. No other bids were sort of candidate. Newark, N. J„ Aug. 24—(P)— Washington, Aug. 24.—(dV-The daylight incursions into hostile ter. Hartford, Aug. 24.— Wil­ (Continued on Page Four) I ed those stories dig up ’Thursday's (Oontlnaed an Page Four) Brazil an aRiu’ession against ritory by both the Royal Air Force The I’zci'h gsi-crnment In London I 'submitted, so the Colchester man and a 6 and 7 Room The defence in the trial o f Herbert Senate Finance Committee voted liam H. LaCart, 42, suspended as- reported that tw.o patriots. Vladls* I Herald and read Mem. and the_Genpona Jutt A Coty Cottage On The Hill i took the local lot Tipped in advance that the stor­ And aa a fellow said along the Karl Friedrich Bahr on espionage tentatively today to cut to 6300 the the American states in ac­ fisunt to toe state OPA gasoline lav Brazda of Cersenioe and Fran- | Houses ' conspiracy ehargee rested sudden­ Now, newt acCounta In papers ies were liable to be released The street the other day—it surely 6400 exemption for dependents vo­ cordance with^the fifteenth Score Hits at Emden rationing director, wae arrestetf , ti«s‘k Janik ef Preroy, were pot I ly today without calling the de­ Two of toe R A, F.'s Wellington Bombers Bald Now Being Completed all over the East hav* stated that Herald prepared to print them looks as though ■ fuel oil is goins Told to Drop ted by the House In individual in­ declaration of the Havana esrly today, charged with Illegally I (Icat for “trca^nably favoring I ^ itli 3 to 4 arrea of clrarril land in the -Man­ junk salvage la worth 610 a ton when they came in; ‘Iliey started to be this ednter’s bunUnc ques- fendant's Buffalo, N. T-. wife aa a come taxea. bombers broke through clouds over giving out gas ratiqping books. For Defense Workers House in Stonehaven witneea. conference and consequently th« enemy, possessing arme and] for iron and 615 a ton for cast iron ooming about 13:30 noon. Two Uon! Chairman George (D „ Ga.), aaid the German Naval base of Emden He was arrested and presenteil sheltering In thetr flats persons| chester Green seetioii. 3 rooms first floor and steeL And. at thoas prices the Mrs. Bahr eat quietly in the will accord Brazil the treat- and toe Air Ministry Mid hits were Tobruk Base LOCATED ESSEX AND desk men /iandled the telegraph — A. Non. I , AU Distrust the action, taken on a 12-6 vote, in Hartford, police court this wanted by the Gestapo." The Ital-| junk dealers are said to be able matter Thursday, one of them de­ eourtroom as Frederic M. P. would add an estimated 6220,000,- morntng on a warrant charging DURANT STREETS Paerse, court-appointed defense Ians were reported by Reuter* tw I and space to finish 3 rooms on second floor. to make a very aatisfactory profiL voting his time to the Sye-wltneas Some are ready for occupancy and others 000 to the 66.271,000,000 increase (Coetlnued on Page Two) '(Crattained on Page Two) conspiracy and held" under 610.000 executed 15 Skn-ene .soldlerB j Some Ready for Occupancy. As we said’ in opening this dla- stories. Through careful prepara­ eounsel. announced completion of bond. His ca.se' w-as continued to All ronvcnienecs. Garage. Poultry house. Ma earn shortly after the trial re­ in Federal revenue provided by toe .Ameriran .Army Planes j Ilf Rome. cuaslon. we don’t know whether tion, fast editing and rapid type­ Wedding and Farewell are nearly completed. Drive down ^ihia Hesitations and Jealous* bill aa it passed the House. . * Friday pending a heanng before INQUIRIES INVITED or not the junk dealers have a sumed foOoiring a week-end le- Again .Active in 0|ier- FrUil trees. $6,(KH). Terms. setting the stories were all cleared ies Also Delaying Vic* The committee rejected a.Treas­ U. S. Commissioner WiUiam J. Child’s B«*dy Found trust, but— ! by three o’clock and cerriad In full Partiea For Soldiers week*end and look them over if you are in ury proposal to link the 6100 cut Wholean. ■■ ... WInthrup, Ma**„ .Aug. 24—(AV-I ARTHUR A. KNOFLA in Thursday evening's edition. Na Atlaaspi 6e Olv* Steey Industry to Keep Women ations on Egypt Front. m The government. In rebuttal, tory of Democracies. in dependency allowances with u AssIsCant U. S. Attorney Valen­ The body of .Mildred Beale, 4, w**] There's a Mg rambling house We theuglit It was a swell Job the market for not^only a houae but a home* Increase from 6500 to 6600 in toe tine J. Sacco said, that ■OPA offi­ Exclusive Agent on Hilliard atreet juat east of the Our Specialty. presented teatlroany tn an en­ fi>iinii t^Hiay In Belle Isle ereek.| Two 5 room singles almost nsvr. Garages. and we hope a eouple of reader* personal exemption allowed single cials bad consulted with him and Cairo. Aug. 24, — iiP- — Heavy Itcarhmnnt. about a mile Telephone S440 • 5938 railroad underpass that la occu­ sppreciated it Fieos a iMiewtall Te a-Meal! deavor to Bhosr that Bahr made no •Detroit. Aug. 24.—(Pi—Attorney though he had an persona. For Many Jobs After War that be was arranging the U. S. Briti.sh bombers made a'successful half from her home. The daugtoj Laundry In basement, brass plumbing, show* 875 Main Street pied entirely by Negro families. Oeneral Francis J. Biddle today attack on the Axis supply base of We don’t know whether it was the W c have some houaea for resale aa follows t Jty before Ms arrest to' Married. Osnplea Untawched commissioner's hearing Jor Tues­ ter of Mr. and Mrs, -I*rank Manchester has few Civil War, A. PAGANI A SONS called upon toe peoplee of Canada Tobruk at dusk yesterday to bring Beale, the child last wae seen Fl^| Alheit F. Keoa*. T sllii colored man'a aanae of humor dr government Agents he had and the United Sttaea to bntah The committee voted to retain day momingr er baths, kitchen rahinds. $.>,.300 and ■fri. 4sae - satt Bpanlsh-Asserlean War er World T*l. 5790 toe House provision fixing exemp­ Los Angeles. Aug. 24—UP)—Uke«. "I couldn't do that with my big Suspended Last Tuesday to a climax a week-end of aerial day afternoon near, Ellta Be* just an innocent mlstaka that’ In­ War 1 metal relics to turn over to heeu sent by the German Gestapo away the "besttationa, distrust, to spy on American war produe- tions for married couples at 61.200. it or not. women industrial work' hands no matter what they paid State Ot’A Director Cheater activity over the Egyptian front in In 'iVfnthrop. $S,700 aaeii. Terms. fluenced the atreet numbering of the nation’s scrap pile, when, aad A Duplex on West Center St. and jealcmelee," that he said were era hired because o f the war « • • the two tenm ents In that houae. tiOB. The new rate of exemptions thus me. and neither can roost men. Bowiea suspended LaCart last which United Stale.* Army planes If, a eountry-wWM eoUcctieii e f dela^ng the ultimate victory of emergency are going to stay on Prodoctioa Rate Increnaes Urge* OU Supply Committae The numberi are 7 and 11. They Bahr, tsetltyliig In his oem be­ the demoemciae. would be 61.200 for married cou­ ■riiesday after he had been ac­ again were active, a British com­ such objects Is authortaed. 2 Family Flat—Welker St. y half, said h4 tn tended to Inform ples, an additional 6S()0 fon each the job permanently. "Our production rate shot up cused of illegsUy supplying gaso­ munique announced today. - Washlngtoe. Aug. 34 -8 _ are not the correct numbers, but If It was rsported that Prssident Read Herald AdVs. T h is homr la vary dark, maka im> 50 acre farm in Mansfield. B room house, Democratic Caucus the folks who live there feel any United States eCflcials of his mls- dependent and 6600 for aingE per­ A checkup In four major atrt tmmediately in toe department line boqka to Louis J. Evaria, Jr., The American fliers were report­ reeentatlyej Treadway (R-Maes)l mistake,” he warned tn a prepared introduced lcgt»laMon today luckier under those crap ahqoter'a 7 Room Single—Walker St. Men which he said he undertook addreas at the annual meeting of sona. Thia compares with present craft plants in the Los Angeles where we used a large percentage Windsor constable and supernu­ ed to have attacked enemy work­ large barn, t6,500. stars, they are welcome to them. anly to gat out of Germany. He exemptions ot 81,500 for married area visited by reporters on the of ,women," said Harry Wood' merary policeman, and a. reported shops in toe western desert In Ing on the president to appolat an| The Democratic Dectors oY the the American Bar Aasoelation. He emergency committee ow | We're quite sure no one else,will ■aid ha never hnd n chance to be eeld he waa delivering hia remarka couplee. $400 tot each additional National Association of Manufac­ head, another vice president 500 books were, diacovered miss­ bright moonlight Saturday night, Town of Bolton are hereby noU- objecL Alao a new 4*Room House on Walker St. alone wnh govenObent man dependent, and 6750 for alngl* per­ turers tour shows more than 12.- Vultee and president o f Consoli­ ing from OPA headquarters. scoring numerous bits. learn supply. The eommlttee ' fled that there will be a caucus of particularly to Canadian dele­ reeommead to the president ' Ollier koBsee $5,500 and isp. ^ DINE X n D d a n c e a t REYMANDER'S aboei4 the Drottnlngholm in New gates. sona. * 000 women cuzrently employed In dated, an affiliate where 7,500 Evans and two Hartford men R. A. .F. fighter-bomber* contin­ said electors on the 37th day of Wonder what would happen to York harbor. Bahr was arrested Emphasising t b ^ tha action ot aircraft production jobs. more women are employed. were arrested Aug. 14 and ued their attacks on Axis overland ures for Increasing nnd teg August, 1843. at Community Hall, SPECIAL! Rout Tarkcy — llRWlRg — Gibtet Sauce “The legiona of the enemy mnreh diktributioa faHUtle* for that “ Pay or B um ' policy of the ; after several days at questianliig sUn aa conquerors—In Russia, on the committee trma tentative, W aal Move Wetwen Weskase "We’d like at least 5p per cent charged with conspiracy to vio­ communications yesterday, and Bolton Center, at 8 o’clock P. ■north end fire dspartmaat if a life ! FiDet Migaon Roast Beef and then knade a statement de­ George said that subaequent- oon- Executives of all four oompan- women In both companies, and late toe war powers act on which numerous dogfight* develop^ with leum products so that ear tha Mediterranana. In Agin,” Riddle "will reedve ito fair ahaie of • K.W'T.), for the naming o f dele- were lost in a heue* outatd* the DeHeiou Half Broilcra Tender ^eaka tailing Ms relatione with the Oes- naaertedt slderation ot proposals for post­ lea—North American AvUtion, believe that after the war many rationing regulations are .based. indecisive re ^ t* . the bulletin said. rates to the State. Conffrcesicaat; dlstrictT Wonder if the new policy { war refunds and tor debt deduo- Douglas, Vultoe and’ Loekbeed- of them edU stay on. The jobs Evans told police be had gotten 70 Transport Plaae Destroyed available supply.” ' Clama On the Half SheB Soft Shell Craba topo. BnHntoSii«*niimdn T im e prseees, and still they ounty. Senatorial and Probate will affset inauranoe rata* outside THE JARVIS mnmli. W* have made our ex- tiona might affect the exemption Vega—aaid they liked women they do best—rivatlng. welding books found in hia possession from One enemy transport plaiM: wa* -onventlona, to naaae a Democrat- the fire district? Wonder w hat. VEAL 8CALLOP»(E A LA MARSALA With eqMpl*Hnn et tbs g oper cnees, anld w* wens unprepared, •cel*. wiwkers Snd wanted * more' c f and electrical work—wQI come to LaCart. reported destroyed hy BritUh long Treuw]^ Balaaca ■r Town Committee aad to trans- would ba said if emaeone ta the PINE WINES — UQUOB8 AND BEER meat's rebuttal, toeUmony w aaid that democmeles move aiowly. O w ssit Baals Fh vesed Utom. ' be regarded aS' aromen'a 'wi LaOart denied any Implicafflbn in range fighters northwest of Dema W. Harry England >et such o^ber buatneaa aa may north aecUen. yet outside the fire- ^ eenpistod and there remained ”Do democreciee move slowly to Chairman Ctork (D„ Ifa) m / Hugh Fenwick, vice president ef war or no war.” the affair, lioweVer, and waa al- and at least one AxU bomber 'sms Washington, Aug. property com* l{Cfet« said cauciia district, esUled the south end dc-1 R E A L T Y C O . only emnmntkme.by both tod their death T* the attorney geh- today a eubeonunlttoa would n Vullee, sacplained It this way: How aboqt the woman's hi loered to remain at hia post until destroyed during an attempted at­ poeltkM o< the Treasury M g. Manekeeier Green Harry A. Munro, pertinent for help aad got U? I E u ta u r a n t and the jndgere tonrge to t *m l asked. ommsnd that the Seiuto 'Ftana ‘X**: that doRye hunler* prnhlsme T TttMday when hla suspension was tack on a BritUh airdrome. ^eocipta. 684.742,TB8«; Dca^Baratic Town Cbainnan. Wonder erhat would be said if the | C enter StriBel PkM e 4112 er 7175 U. a. Attor- He artmnnteked the barristers to Oonunftto* writ* Into the new ri to a girt placing fine elec­ WfO, Douglas la opening announced pending further inysa Except for BritUh night petrol pepdltiure*. 6174,4 Dated B Boltesi. Oena::, Aug. south'6n 35-37 OU Street 4 Talephue S921 tric wtria in precUe posit tone on a ntirsi^ to toke qme of,the chil- belaiK*, 64.1 iMEl. MO. . ’ /