9 9 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1942)^ **Vifamins for Data at the Herald Cooking School *TAGB FOURTEEN Gcf £ti^ttittg Hmlli ------^------— 7 " an organization of young men and Misa Hasel LuU, art teacher in Zion Lutheran' church women Mrs. John McConvUle, Jr., and will aew for the Red Croea this wohien of Manchester who would Average Daily Circnlation The Weather infant son, Brian Sean, are spend­ local schools, is a member of the Change Place be willing to take part in any call informational committee of the evening at seven o’clock and again For the Month of Jaanary, 1942 Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau Town ing a week with Mr. and Mrs, .John tomorrow from 10 to '4 o’clock. that might be sent to. the people HALE'S SELF SERyi McConville. Sr„ of 72 Kldridgc Eastern ArW Association which is of this count!^ in the present investigating the availability of Of Meeting The Original b< New England! / Th« WOHnf Worker* of the street. The Italian American Societies, emergency. He pointed out that 7,088 Colder tonight, diminishing art supplies for the coming year. the F. T. Blish Hardware Com­ W. B. C. 8., will meet tomorrow ei- Inc., will hold an ImportMt meet­ Mamber of tbe Andit winds. tenboa *t the South Methodist Daughters of Liberty No. 125, pany was showing in one of its Thomas H. Freebum of Lilac ing at the Itallan-Amerlcan Home, windows all that was needed in Boreun of ClreuIatloBS church to tie two quilts. The Ml?- L I, O. A., will meet in Orange Eldridge street. All members are Young Republicans to hall tonight at 8 o’clock, A social street and Miss Elizabeth P. Un­ the way of prevention in case of AND HEALTH MARKET Mancheiter-— A City o f Village Charm peh group will meet tonight at i derwood, a scliool teacher of 282 urged to attend thia meeting ax Be Prepareil to Meet •an air-raid fire. He has arranged will follow the meeting in charge important matter* will be die- O’clock. of Mrs. Margaret Bain and her Sigourney street, Hartford, have with ’’Bob" Seaman, of the com­ applied for a marriage license in cussed. Any Emergency Call. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 ,1942 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS committee. pany, to have the exhibit sent to LENTEN SPECIALS VOL. LXL, NO. 119 (Claaslfled Advertising On Page 18) Bt. Bridget's church women will Hartford. the East Side Recreation building neet this evening at 7:30 to sew The weekly setback tournament Jack Gordon, president of the for demonstration at the meeting. f o r the Red Cross, and again to­ Mrs. Roy Griswold of 22 Grove of the Manchester Fire department street, who underwent a major op­ One case of lobar pneumonia is re­ Young Republican Club, has Mr. Gordon is prompted in this Store Closes On Wednesdays morrow afternoon at 1:30. Dona­ will be held this evening at head­ changed the place of meeting of action by advice of George H. tions ot yam to be used In knit­ eration Thursday at the Hartford ported in Manchestir by the .State Hartford Man Jap Uniforms, Swords Seized hospital, is making satisfactory Health department weekly bulletin. quarters on Main street. All of the the club for Wednesday evening Waddell. Mr. Waddell, chairman ting afghan squares are much teams now have a chance for top of the local defense committee, At Noon progress toward recovery. of this week from the West Side newled and wlU be gratefuUy re­ honors this round and Interest la Rec to the East Side Rec on School has found that many are lacking British Turn Axis f- American Planes Hit Elmer C Long, of 119 Spencer Gold Medal eved. The first aid Classes will increasing each time the teams ■street. in defense equipment. Admits Killing meet tomorrow evening under An­ The Ladies’ Guild of St. Mary’s street, has gone to the Lahey ninic in Boston for medical ob- meet. Hose Company 1 is leading The change has been made With over .500 cards being mail­ thony Chomon. Episcopal church will meet Thurs­ Lge. Pkg. .servatlon. by only 12 points. necessary, Mr. Gordon .said this ed out to Young Republicans to Bisquick 29c day afternoon at 2 o’clock in the morning, due to the large number attend the meeting Mr. Gordon ex- I Efforts to Blast Guild room. Mrs. James Kilpatrick Wife and Girl Anderson-Shea Post of V'etcrans ■ pects that there will be a good and Mrs. Henry Lord will be the turnout and that the Young Re­ Tall Can Happy Vale Hard Blows at of Foreign Wars are sponsoring a Japs; hostesses. Washington Birthday Dance this Manchester publicans will be ready to do their BEFORE YOU BUY ANY part in any call that may come. Can Another Chi(d in Criti­ KIND OF INSURANCE Saturday night in the VFW Hall, Salmon 25c Convoy to Defeat Manchester. Green. Music for Date Book cal Condition at Hos­ CALL 66.37 dancing will be furnished by Tony ALICE COFRA.N Boneless BENJAMIN CHENEY O’Bright's orchestra. Tonight (Known As queen Alice) pital; No Reason I# Bataan Attack Seen NOTICE Lecture, Local Science Clubs at .SPIRITUAL MEDIUM 8-0/., Can 15c Torpedo Hits Scored on Tell I M» Main St. Hale Bldg. Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son j Sardines Given for Shootings. Edwin H. Grenon It applying The Salvation Army Woman's the Y at 6:45. Three Enemy Cruisers a Home League will meet tomorrow Tomorrow Bom With a Veh. Eagle Brand for a general repairer’s license Herald Cooking School at State Readings Dally, Incloding Sunday, I Hartford, Feb. 18.— -’’She Fighter# anil Bombers In the Town of Andover on afternoon at the home of Mrs. And Destroyer; Brit- LcadcrS Bud Arthur Kittle, 146 Summit street. theater at 9:30. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ looked at me, and I looked at her, m Drive Route 8. ment. In the Service of the Peo- | Cans Aitling in All-Import- The hostesses will be Mrs, Rachel Thursday, Feb. 19 Sardines ish Admit Two Mer- f rv * and I shot her." Symington and Miss Eliza War- Oratorical Contest at American pie for SO Years. In these words, according to Air Activity, Heavier AgClinst FoC ant Buttle for Dutch nock, Work will be for the Red 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conttvl chantmen Lost; All 7 /1 ^ i n ^ C t p O r C Deputy Police Chief Thomas J. Legion Home. Phone e-0097 Nippone#e Artillery „ East Imlie# Hit Jap Cross, There will also be knitting Saturday, Feb. 21 HEALTH MARKET Others Reach Port. ------Hickey, Henry A. Loncto today for soldiers and sewing on infant Dance at V. F. W. Home, Man­ admitted the murder of his wife Fire and Landing of l O 1rf/I Vr C tV Aircraft and Inva­ layettes, "Those desiring trans­ Tuesday night. 2 Lessons IT’S EFFECTIVE chester Green. Something Lacking to portation should meet at the cita­ Twentieth Anniversary celebra­ London, Feb. 18.—(/P)— The man also admitted, accord­ Reinforcement# at ------sion Force# in South­ Begins Feb. 19, 8-10 P. M. WELDON’S OWN fish and Chips tor a Lenten Meal Crystallize and Coor­ ing to Chief Hickey, shooting the del at 2:15, tion of the Washington Social British planes and warships ern ; Five Center Church House NEW FORMULA Club. covering evidently important two children, one of whom died Olongapo in Subic Bay Offi- dinate Spirit of De­ shortly sJterward. The other Is In M f. Instructor. In a list of blood donors pub­ Sunday, Fieto. 22 . TOOTH PASTE W u R l 'lI z E R convoy movements in the a critical condition at Hartford North of Peiiin#ula. cial ffoulti Seek Out Bombers Are Downed. A Oronp^H Project. lished yesterday one name wa.s Banquet, Campbell Council, K. Sebastus Marinus fenders of Island. ich Seision. Mediterranean have turned hospital. Little Bit Ooea Farther given Incorrectly. Mrs. John How­ of C. Enemy and Fight: Cell Mrs. R. B. Wadsworth, M l Get A Tnbe Today ard, of 41 Delmont street, .should Axis efforts to blast the mer­ Questioned after his arraign­ Washington, Feh. 18.— (/P) Batavia, N.E;I., Feb. 18.— Friday, Feb. 27 London, Feb. 18 —(A^—Adverse 8075, To Register. At Our Pharmacy! have been Included. Independent Suit Company ben­ lanos Special! 37c pound chantmen into another air ment In police court today, Lonc­ —The start of the long-ex­ Hits Retiring Tactics. (/fb— American fiKhter planes Public Invited efit entertainment for Red Croaa, PICowpBCt U Slul Birds Eye generally calls (his fine sea food fillet reports on Britain’s leadership at to. according to Chief Mickey, and bombers aiding in the and naval defeat, the Admi­ pected assault in force High School Hall. Bull in Tow Singapore added fuel today to the said that Mrs. Loncto called him , '... “ Red Perch” . . . but Sebastus Marinus is just another ralty declared today. Al­ Tues

- g - j Mrs. ,/ames Horvath. 15 West- 5,152 ton vessel with an illuminat­ ) minster road. Illness Hits Japs Claim Nurses’ Aides Mighty Saga ^Brought tix Screen ed sign pointing to it. I Mrs. B. Carlson, 192 Woodbruige Draft Board Gliecks Up Care and Diet Brazilian Ship Lifeboats had pulled only a America’s Olcl«’?*l Cooking School Again itreel. Scrap Iroii Vital short distance from the ship when j Miss Martha Hewitt. 3.1 Foster Police Group Units Cross Still Wanted the second torpedo struck, and she Washer Manufacturer ' street. Dental Helps Sunk by Sub sank in 30 seconds. John P. Dunn. Attracts Many Women I Mrs. W . n. Skewes. Amston, On Out-of-Town Men Pan-American Airways construc­ BL.4CKSTONE Conn. Benefit Asdocialion Is Biliii River Local Class Is to Be Kept To Steel Industry tion engineer, from New York, re­ Mrs. M. Sargent. 160 Bls.sell Firht Hotitile Act of lated here. He told how the boats Finds That 88 Regis* Defects Shown iu Selec­ drifted all day until- rescue ships •Street. Taxeil Now; Five >Ien (( nntlniied from Page One) Open Lntil IMiireli 1; Second S^on at the ?;4«-'“f f , " ' M'.-. Ctie.stertield I'lne, R.F D.. Munchesler tive Service Exams Axis Since Relations summoned by Navy planes arrived .Fight Neeiletl. tered Here Did Not ‘rodaclion Curtailed by JtX'u'S in the afternoon. ManChe.ster. Are Receiving Aid. mass meeting relebratlng the fall Stale Theater Largely Those Cooperating Severed Jbn. 28. Three women and a flve-ycar-old j Mrs. Annie O'Connell. 331 South of Singapore today Dale Book Live in Tlijs Area; Dealers Who Hold 21 per cent of beans and 44 per Can Be Prevented. The follo'ving merchants boy, Freddie Ferreira, of Newark, ' Main street It 18 costing the Mancliester Po­ "W e Japanese iiiu.st cuntinue our R*'gt.stration for the 80-hour cent of asparagus. Parts of packs Attended; Lecturer Is niamifacturers are cooperating to Nortolk. Va., Feb. 1 8 - (/P) -Tw o N. J., were among the 46 persons .Mrs. Charhs R I'ealrnly. h Oalt- efforts together with Germany and training coiir.te for nurses' aides Tonight To Forward Cards. Bark Supplies; May of other vegetables, too, will be Hartford, Feb. 18— Solution o f’ make this cooking school a suc­ lice Mutual Benefit Association which was to liave closed today landed Monday. Popular with Audience latul street. Italy until tlie foe.s of the Axis are First Aid Movies, State Trade earmarked. the nation’s dental health prob­ torpedoes from an Axis submarine cess: over $.30 a day to take care of their will he kept open until March 1. zVsk Federal Aid. Mi.-i. Edward Miffitt. 1>39 We.n brought to their knees. " he added. School at 7;45. A total of 82 registrants signed An attache of the Quartermas­ lem, the severity of which was em­ sank the Brazilian pa.*scnger-cargo Spry-La'Ver Bros. Co. i sick nienibers. Torlay there are or until such time as the quota is Meeting University club at Y at ter General has stated that Army phasized recently by findings that The second session of Tlir ■ Center street. rhe rally, in Mibiya I'atk near cards for Selective Service giving steamer Buarque off the Virginia The United States will manu­ K 1 f i s c li m a n n's Comprcs.scd Mr.'. Joseph Mfwre 7'.* Garden ' five members of the police depart- filled, and at present eight addi- 8. By Paul Qpsner and John Berkley shoe requL-ements for the calen­ denUl disease is the largest single the Imperial palace, al.so was ad­ coast Sunday morning In the first facture more food product.* this Herald's 13th Cooking School Yea.at -Standard Brands. Inc. street. i inent who are drawing benefit.s ; tlonal volunteers are iieedeil. Any Tomorrow home addresses outside the Man­ dar year 1942 will be 42,000,000 cause physical rejections in the year than any nation ha,* pro­ dressed by the Geinian and Italian i girl or woman in .Manchester or New York, Feb. 18. Flash­ © drew another large turnout to the Rlnso. L.UX. Lux Toilet Soap, Mrs. Leonard 3ost. 14 Church j town was called upon Herald Cooking School, State chester district on Registration pairs. Fitch Publishing Com­ Army, will require an about face hostile act against the South duced in history, according to a ambassadors, Gen. Eugen Otl and j vicinity who can give 'the time ing flares of orange flame against American republic aince diplomatic Stats theater this morning, both Lifebuoy. Swan Soap- lycver Bros street. thc.ater at 9:30 a. m. Day last Monday, it was found to­ pany's latest business survey re­ on public complacency regarding report from grocery manufactur­ to pay compensation with pension Mario Indelll. It was the prlnci- should take adi’antage of this op- Ornlorical Contest at American day after cliecking through the the skies, the smell of molten diet and dental care, according to relations were severed Jan. 28 with Co. Mrs. F.dith Fold. ITT EldnJge pal meeting of hundreds held i jxirtunity ports. On the rule o f thumb which ers. orchestra and balcony scats being Bond dread C.ener.al Baking provisions to the members it to obtain a .splendid I.^'gion Home. cards. These are being forwarded Franklin M. Ei'lenbach, D.M.D.. Germany, Italy and Japan. street. lhroi)ghout the einldrc and the oc- , training, metal and sweat and the clang of allows five pall* of shoes per year well filled with a crowd estimated Corp. .Mrs. A. E. Wftman, V37 South would cost the town much more. FrliUv, Feb. 20 to the proper draft boards. Cards per soldier, shoe requirements dint Cliicf. State Division of Dental The Navy announced the sinking cupied lands and was timed to co- , j „ class which recently coni- machinery at Pittsburgh, Youngs­ last night shortly after two rescue at more than 800 women. Sessions Montgomery Ward * Oo. Maui .street. The injury wliich Policeman Ar­ A ir Raid Test.'. 7:30 to 8:.30. No sigrtee, 9T Kl ’ien e Dome! reported from Singapore ^ Women with adult families were tion. Hartford Theater Lazy Liver Bile B. I). PEARI/S of the theater opening at 8:30. i Melorlpe Bapanas .Mcloripe m.hincd on duty after being hit Dance at V. F. W. Home, Man­ the total number of new registra- paratively simple that it probably night brought one body, leaving street. liv an automobile he was taken to that the railway running down the m the class It is necessary that chester Green. Uotis coming under the local Capacity of the Industry, a* the I4 r > c i blinds us to its importance, ac- only one person mis.sing from the To Help Rrlic$e Conttipalionl Centre Close .\ttentlon ' Fnilt Co. Mrs. I'. Schlutt. 8 Ward street. the Manchester. Memorial hospi­ .Malay peninsula and across Slnga- i the registrants have their days result of the building, of new r i c l B J e in ix T B I cording to Doctor Erlcnbach. This 11 pas.*enger* and 74 8rewmen If llrer bile doesn’t flow freely erery dAf Benson Furniture and Radio Co. Twentieth Anniversary celebra­ board's jurisdiction until March 9 Maureen O’Hara and W alter Pidgeon in the screen rendition of .Appliance & Furniture Miss Ruth Bean, the Herald s,| Rockville tal this morning where an X-ray pore island has been reopened to fairly free. plants and installations of addi­ ; calls for regular semiannual trips aboard. Into your intestinei—constipation with tion of the Washington Social Club. when exchange of cards must be Richard Llewellyn’s mighty mas terplece, "How Green Was My iU headaches, mental dullness a half cooking instructor, has made a Dewey Richnian Co. Other Auiirds picture showed that he was injur­ traffic. The causew ;iy and ' no les- The local hospital i.s in great tional equipment, now stands at to the dentist beginning at an Insignia nn Both .Sides .')99 Main St. Phone 7590 Sunday. Kel). 22 completed. Following the ex- Harry James, "The World’s No. alive (eellnK often result. So take Z>r. big hit with her audiences. Clo.>ic ' Donnelly's Watch Repair Other awards for the clay were ed much more than ho was at first than 500 bridges of all sires" were need of these volunteer nurses' 88.566.170 tons of ingot.* annual­ early age with more thought giv­ Valley,’’ now playing at the State theater here. Walter F. Shivers, of New York, Edwards’ Olive Tableta to Insure gentle Manchester Dtv of Hartford Banquet, Campbell Council, K. cha.ige of curds after the October 1 Trumpeter." appears in person attention is paid to her clear, con- , as follows; thought. His back is injured and wrecked bv the British but have aides, because of vacancies in the 16, 1940 registration the local ly, excluding crucible Ca.*tlngs. re­ en to home rare of the mouth an employe of Pan-American Air­ yet thorough bowel movements OUve of C. with his famous orchestra, head­ Tablets are slmp/y wonderful to stir up ' d ie Instructions in the fin er, Gas Co. Free washing from The N'lW it will be several days before he j i)een repaired. Dome! said staff caused by marriage or nurses board gained in the total number vised figures by the American and to. the foods selected to feed ways, aald the Brazilian In.signia Friday. Feb. 27 ing a tuneful, scintillating stage Wostchestor County Surrogate your liver bile secretion and tone up | points of cooking, baking and j J. W. Hale Self Sera-e Dept. Model Laundry--Mrs. Emily Har­ comes back to work. The Tokyo radio, with loud etilrring the i', s service. In case Independent Suit Company ben­ of registrations. It is quite possible Iron * Steel Institute indicated the body. was painted on both sides of the Rpae- efit entertainment for Red Cross. that this district will gain during this week. Although the cause of tooth de­ Trial Over Legary Pyrex mixing bow.ls from Mar­ ford, for four big day.*, this week .March 24 when Josepli Nickerson, a winning personality with an in­ Manchester Coat, Apron * tained by Officer Seymour there is places, broadcast the Iriumphal ‘ elal training would be placed in High School Hall. I the interim this time. This represents a gairf in pro­ cay is unknown, it can be con­ lows—Mr.s. Cora Rul\Hid, '.’u Cen- Friday, Saturday. Sunday and representing three of Mrs. Paton's formal, chatty presentation that ; Towel-Supply. al.“0 the case of Officer Lucius formal entry of Japanc.-^e troop- haige ut one registered nurse at Saturday. Fell. 28 Five Cards Spoiled duction capacity of 4.417,820 tons trolled by replacing diseased parts For Reelor Set terfleld street Monday (Washington’s Birthday). relatives, presented his clients’ makes it Interctslng and easy to Manchester Dairy Ice Cream Thrall wlio is at the Hartford into the captured British strong­ mergenry hospitals W.a.ste I’aper Pickup Day. Soutli I Five card.s were found Incorrect. annually over the 84.148.350-ton with plastic fillings. Doctor Er- Dry cleaning from L'. .'t Clcan- Marry James, who during the charge that Dr. Darlington be- "IT here Ytfu ('an Afford to Riiv (ftntd Furniture follow. One of the features of the Co. Hospital. He had to have the third hold. of .Middle Turnpike. ] or .'(foiled, In the check-up. In most capacity a year ago. lenbach pointed out. Hand m hand Marlow's Dept. Store. S^ers —Mrs. William E. Ri\enbiirg, paSt,.year has soared to the ver>’ with this must go changes in food . ame a major beneficiary through school are the surprise gifts which ; to»- on one foot removed and it A Singapore <^ig. written and Tuevlay, March S cases these curds Involved men who Need More Scrap TalroUville. will be several weeks before he top"^ popularity and fame, brings habits, particularly sugars, cakes White Plain*. N. Y.. Feb. 18. ■fraud and undue Influence." MIsa Bean distributes at the ses- : Milikow.ski the Florist rehearsed in anticipation of th> Bi^ Kii8siaii G11118 Blackout Test. had become 20 years between Dec. Evidence that the industry is Fanny Fanner cook Iss'k from again returns to duty. Officer ii the' swlnglest piiisical aggre­ and pastries which are prime fac­ i/1!r Trial by Jury of litigation | sions,. and she hn.s a knack for in- | New Model l>aundry. victory, was heard for the firs’, Saturday, March 14 31, 1941 and Feb. 16, 1942. Under not letting many producing ma­ The Dcwey-RIchman Co. — Mrs. David Galligan, after three weeks gation of the day. Whether you tors in dental disease. Choose your lectlng humor into the proceed- , Thomas McGill Jr. time over the radio as part of the 8 Father and Son banquet, Eman­ the act these men did not have to chines stand idle is shown in the over the $1,300,000 will of Mrs. Mustard Is sold in tubes like MIDWINTER SALE Adella Reid, 201 So. Main street. Siiia hiiig Germans lik> your music "Sweet” or "Hot." U. S. Cleaners St Dyers. Inc at the Veterans' Hospital in N’ew- register. food wisely: satisfy the needs of Anna M. Paton was ordered yes- ! toothpaste in Germany, Ings. ! Cherry ice cream tart.s fron- The celebration. uel Lutheran church. current week’s scheduled output James "gives Out ” enough of ))oth Weldon's Beauty Salon. : ipgton, has entered the Lahey Representatives of the Hamilton your body first, and then indulge Saviiifjs of fnuii 10/f l») ’U r r A s la the case at excry »e.sslon Manrhe.ster Dairy—Mrs C. W. School children were di.snilsse l Dance American Lithuanian of 1.634,100 tons, second largest to satisfy all theater goers. His terday after an attoniey descnbctl | West Side Dairy. ' Clinic In Boston for further medi- (Continued from Page One) Propeller division of United A ir­ your appetite. Get your teeth and of the sc'nool. a host of prlze.« | Johnson. 156 Biri h sired. from classes for the observance j Citizens' Club basketball team. for any week in history. sensational recordings of "You the Rev. Dr. Henry Darlington, a | Center Pharmacy. cnl treatment and he will be out craft were present at a special those of your children repaired were awarded again this morning. I Complete dinner .Stefano Obu- and public offices were closed. Country Club. The current week’s operations Made Me Love You" and "I Don’t major benefii.iary, a.* a "clonral i Kinney's Energetic Shoes. -j of work at least two weeks. O f­ i have destroyed 36 jioints iti one Friday, .\prll 10 meeting of the local draft board regularly each year. When this is 3Sf Since Grandpo tried ehowskl. TO Wells street. Emperor In View of Crowds at 96 1 per cent of capacity com- Want to Walk Without You.” have done America will have advanced gigolo" Only 9 More Days ficer Harold Heffron. who under- ' day. Military whist, Manchester yesterday to outline a new policy Dr. Darlington. 51. ia re- tor 'f . . . Market Basket Winners Em[ieror Hirohlto. seldom seen ]>arc with a revised 95.5 per cen­ been top selleni in music atores Good quick PERTUSSIN Banana cake -Mrs. Sai.sh Weth- went an operation for the removal Only two on deferment request*. Reqtiests toward better dental health. Market basket winners today ^rell. 62 Cooper Hill street. _ ^^11 stones will not return to by his people, presented himselt newly - recaptured ! Green P. T. A. tra te last week. from coast to coast. His featured the Episcopal rh iin h of ttie Heav­ S."). 1 idled State* places were mentioned - Sosino. on Friday, .April 17 will be based entirely on Job Grows Early His cough* has eased Easy Terms! riowi-is iiuiii .-oono..cm. ‘ O'- w(orK until Marcn i. tseveral times at .Nijubashi bridge Why, many people ask. aren’t artists are the finest in their par­ Dental disease starts to increa.se enly Re.*t on New York'.* fashlon- Defense Stamp* the Smolensk front, and Manak- Annual Masonic Ball at the Ma­ evaluation and will not be tiled if With Mrs. Anna Mae King. 83 Chest-j Florist —.Mrs. C. Sexton, 30 Flor- Michael Fitzgerald is | over tht moat at the main cn- operations at 100 per cent of ticular fields of any in the music at about the sixth year of life, or abie Fifth avoniio. Mrs. Pnton. Also his cussin' RECORDS hovo. On the Leningrad front. sonic Temple. the Job is one rated a* replaceable I FREE! 819. riirelin''C! capacity if steel i.s so urgently business. Heading the list of Har­ when the sixth year molars ap­ who died Jan 7. 1941. at the ape nut street. j ence street. ^ lot home with a bad cold, contract- ; trance to the Imperial palace, in I Neither place appe-irs on any within six months. le c*..** I* ’**4’ r ry James’ star* who will appear pear. explained Doctor Erlcnbaih. of 77. wa.* one of his parishioner* ; Mrs. D, Deyorlo, 109 Spruce Celery rings—Mrs Bede Golh-^,| w-hen’ he was called upon to do' .nil view of crowds slioutlng ban- ' UMiilabl.- in.ips'. Three hearings were held by the needed to win the war? burg, 59 Glenwood street. T j,,ty u, stormy weather during ^ zals from the plaza. I Principal reason at the moment with him is Helen Forrest, lovely Each succeeding year a small j street. The situation was summed up Reports Tell f^electlvc Service board yesterday, songstress; Jimmy Saunders, ro­ Mrs. J. Wood, 66 East Middle Blackberry pie .Mrs. Thomas past week. Because of all i, ^ITie War Ministry announced is shortages of scrap at some number of additional teeth arc b> the Soviet Information Bureau two of which were representeo by mantic vocalist; and Corky Cor­ .I Graham, 14 Edgerton street. ; these illnesses several members of I tne appointment of Lieut. Gen. Judge Raymonc A. Johnson, local nulls. Scrap metal and pig iron attacked so that by the nineteenth j Turnpike. with a ilerlnration that "our troops coran, that young wizard of the Lake Gingerbread — Sue Scheiben- ; jjl,, department were called upon i ..loritake Tanabc, staff oflicer of ' Leaders Bad government appeals agent. Several are ml-xed in the open hearth pro­ year diseased teeth may far out­ I Mrs. Annie Heusser, pflug, 194 School street. carried out offen'ive battles saxophone. number healthy one.* if regular A L L b r a n d s : to work overtime. Japanese expeditionary forces, a.s cases were also reviewed at yester­ cess of steel-nianing. lip.ii You See j streeL Recipes referred to by Miss Bf^ain-st the enemy are continuing' Co-starring with Harry James dental care is not earned out. By LARGE STOCK! 1 Mr*. Yvonne Trudeau. 147 A few months ago the number . vice chief ot the Army general It advance and have occupied sev- day' session. IJealers Hold ’Tight Bean this morning follow: of men that made up the extra ] staff. He succeeds Lieut. Gen Osa- ' In Singapore The need for scrap is beginning in the all-star extravaganza, is the filling these additional teeth <‘aeh Our Tank Truck— I Spruce street. | u a l populato.1 points. " Chief Registrar Elmer A Weden in tour iirlghliorhood. It'* a sign Devil's Food Cake pbllce force was added to, but mu Tsukada who was made rhlct lo bring some criticism of the col­ famous singing star of sl.igc and year as they become diseased, the ] Mary Currie, 96 Foster street. 1 A .''tookholm dispatch to The today asked The Heralo to extend radio, and Victor recordir" sensa­ problem is one of eorrei'ting a few that ttise hou*eli<>lder<> are Potterton's 2 cups brown sugar these men are now working in ot staff of Japanese p.xpe.|iUonar> (Contlnned from Page One) lection system. I Mrs A. Wilson. 30 Norman Ixindon Dally Herald said it was his personal thanks to those who tion. Dick Todd, in jicrson Extra yearly dental defects rath, r than taking no cliniices of running 2 'j cups pastry flour place* where they are paid about forces in southern Asia. "The desperate need for iron and 539-541 Main Slreet I street. 3 teaspoons baking powder reported that a .Soviet .Army corps, i ---- assisted in registration on Monday. added to thi' gigantic stage show a l.'iige number aeeunuilati il be- vliort on their fuel nil supply. $10 a day and''they cannot afford .steel scran may soon lend to Fed­ ! Mrs. G H Bowsell, 353 Main including six Polish divoslons. was al.'o to have ctiaracli rized nie up- The organization worked smoothly are several top notch vaudi ville i rouse of ncgligeiHC over a period And by tlie same token, you will At the Center ' j teaspoon soda to g>ve up time to take a Job that eral confiscation of derdors’ sup­ i street. now only 50 mile* from the fron- I"'’' ranks of the clvillan admlnis- and with little or no trouble or In­ act* Including the interiKition.al of years. know that these neighbors of cup sour milk is to pay them between $4 and $.3 a Uer of old Poland on a drive “ with I 'on. Ineffectual civilian rule. British Turii Axis terference of any kind. He feels plies. " say.* Standard A Poor’*, a comedian. Billy Raves and main p.epeated survey.* have shown tours are assured of clean, 1 teaspoon salt d,ay. Ali of this makes extra work .Statistical agency. "As ever'-onc | gathering ’.uomentum " into White these reports averred, I that these registrars performed a others. tli.il over 90 per ici t of elenien- healthliil heat at a moderate ’ 8 cup shortening for the regular policemen. •Pus.si'i principal cause of labor dlfficul- I patriotic duty in giving their time knows, various ■ steel mills have i 1 fea.spopn vanilla Capt. Herman Schendel. presi­ Efforts lo Blast .This grand stage show, co-star­ t.iry school children have dental eosl. \ ou ran practice the I and effort to registration u well tieen forced to curtail operations dent of the local benefit associa­ ' ^ T h c Poles were said to be p o " "'hich made it necessary for ring Harry James, in person, with (!• 1. I ts. ac' i'iduig to r>i I tor Fr- same foresight and receive the 2 eggs because of the scrap .scarcity, yet 2 squares chocolate tion. said this morning, that the equipped with British rifles, tanas ' soldiers needed on the firing line Iappearing earlier to receive in his golden trumpet and his orchi ■ - :■ i.l.' 1 h. In tlie age gr..u|i 9 to 11 same heating value hy 'phoning burton’s... for Best= (.oiivov to Defeat and truck.'* for land opeiallons and spend tinie^unloading ships in stnicUons. ■some, dealers persist in holding '"iar.* o\ r -ont-le-.lf iia\f dental voiir order NOW. 1 cup hot water fund had been built up by the tra. plus Dick Todd, top singing Sift dry Ingredients, cream members of the department when Russian planes for air support.) i Simzapore harbor. ■ ,h..v' tightly lo their supplie*. star and others, is playing on the decay in I'cn.i.anenl teeth. I’lior ' ee > situation was so bad. they , ‘ The OPA is incensed over the shortening and sugar, add eggs they were young and now that (Continued troiii Page One) Minor Siiocease* Reported .stage of the State theater, Hart­ lo the e'.:iinination only 37 [ler ! said, that earlv in the war only I fact that their price ceilings have lent of these had ever received and dry ingredients. Cook choco­ they-are getting older the $20,0(X) Minor successes on the three '■i about SIX) nut of 12,000 Asiatics : I [ M M ^ ■ ford. for four big days, this week FUEL RANGE OIL late in hot water until thick, cool that they have on hand Is not too an* said, also caused damage t,o o ; , “main am »>;c.uons«c.Uons orof methe ironrfront methe |] Nararbase“^ . w ;re il11 H ■ neeti held responsible for part of Friday. Saturday, Sunday and dental treatment. In fai t, only 20 Suits! Suits! Suits! slightly and add to cake mixture. much to meet the extra benefit eight more cargo wssels, __ ve i ILeningrad .rf*n nffrnd rpdoTl region tile the rentrni central zone I.'-*"1 .^pyrting - for . dutv . . ■ the scrap shortage." the agency Monday I Washington' Birthday). per cent of our population seeks IN .\NV ()l 'NTITV — .\NY TIME! payments adds. "Higher scrap prices, it Is and gets regular dental r.arc (')iit Add nayoring and bake In two cnilser.s and two 'le.siroycrs, and I "c s t of Moscow, and the south- I Given .laps 4SOW P L A Y IN G ! M'hiilcsale and Retail. nine-inch layers at 375 degree* for forced other ships in the conv'v to "e s t were reported in the In fo r-] prom the military viewpoint. charged, would bring out more of Soldier— Prime Minister of the /Vrmy's first lOO.OUo leji'c- From The Picture That .Played 'urn back.) mallon Bureau's mid-day com- the metal - would tap new sources. tions 75.000 were turned down tor 40 mlnutea the reports gave full credit to the New Vork At $2.00 Prtoee! 148,000 Tons Destroyed n.unlquc. Kill .Xmi.v Neetl* Winston Churchill. England’s disea.sed or deficient teeth. Soft Gingerbread L'rges Drive Japanese ability to make all HERE AT REGULAR PRICES! BANTLY OIL COMPANY The British Navy with the aid of In the Leningrad region, tt said, arms cooperate for a maximum Trade notes: ’The War Pniduc- prime minister, waa a solder at 19. 2 eggs gaierrilla detachment* killed 20 tlon B6ard, canners hear, was ten­ .*aw the Spanish campaign in Ccu- 'The fat.il automobile rale 1 cup brown sugar the R.A.F. do.btroyed 148,000 tons effort. This same capacity, they 1. ENTER STREET PHO.NE 5293 tative schedules calling for setting ta. nerved in the Indian frontier Pouost in ciUc?T bet ween loooo nn 1 cup corn syrup Agiiiiist Foe of A.X18 merchant and Naval ship- I German officers and 151 men in added, was inferior on the Brit­ Serving the Public for 23 Years. night raid on the garrison of an aaide for the Army and Navy 30 wars, the Sudan campaign in i 'jr* OOO i>,.p n, the ('cn.sus L'. Tlii8 V^"f‘«*k*8 Ff;iliir«' 1-3 cup shortening t>lng on the supply routes'to [ubya ish side. unidentified "populated place" per cent of the 19-42 tomato park. the Boer War ami the World W.a; 11 :ui I i. is >, cup black coffee To Win War In the three months ending Jan. 31. Alt accounts of the Singapore . M M u i e 1912, A. V Alexander, fir.'l |oid of On the central front the Ger­ defeat ended on the same note— 1 teaspoon soda mans were reportea dislodged from i, teaspoon salt the Admiralty, announced tmiay. unless more aircraft are made a village identified only as “N " 2 cups all purpose flour 1 Continued from Page One) "The goexi work still is going available in the Pacific so that the 1 while in the southwest the Red 1 teaspoon ginger on." he s.ald in a BBC overseas United Nation* can gain an edge MAPLE BEDROOM SUITE j East Indies as long as humanly broadea.st. I Army was said to have killed 200 in the air it will be difficult lo Red. . .Drcs.-cr. . .Chest 1 cup raisins o' the foe in repulsing a countcr- Sift dry ingredients. Add raisins , possible." he said. Militai-y observers expressed hold the Japanese at sea and on ’ attack. and atll well. Mix melted shorten­ I Van Mook arrived in Sydnev to­ belief today that a recent on- the ground. Onl) I’i Suite* at thi* price. we eiiiiniit lm|>e tn iiffrr Fishermen tSiipply Garrison 8ma* 8tre* ing, com syrup and coffee. Drop 1' day from -thoT'nlted States, where sKaught by R A. F. (Ciirtl.-sl The Labor party held a dis- b Gaaranirr* •»iu il a \alur uhni llirni* an* The fishermen of Balaklava, ' On the Same Hbbw - whole eggs. Add to dry Ingredient' h« had conferred on cooperation Klttyhawks which coat the Ger­ cussloB on the general political k| the HIMMU1S I r near the bosleged Russian Crlmein Z.ASU PITTS and stir well. Mix melted shorten- |n the Pacific with officials in man Air Force 20 plane,, prob- situation but reached no conclu­ Trade.Uerl. NO FEDERAL TAX ON FURNITI RE Naval base of Sevastopol, are giv- sions and will continue the aes- In -MISA POLLY- ‘ minutes . Washington. I ably was the leading reason for / l Ready to light .Alone I ing the lie to thi old theory that sion tomorrow. Coooanut Cookie* Field Marshal Gen. Erwin Kom- BUV DEFENSE BbNDS! •'AVc have been faced with the mel's recent withdrawal In Libya I .tioi.se interferes with fishing for \ isil Keilli's Maplf lloust* Non 2'* cups slfteil flour IprospecL of having lo fight alone -j-y,p entire area south of the I in their dally m u r e \ teaspoon b.aking powder iso long that if we have to do it ' ^in pj Gazala-EI» Mechlli lino has I machine-gun \Miiaiil Visits ^Slumber Shop teaspoon‘Balt ’THURS. ; perhaps it woiild not be .' Redding 1 sgg "The thing that shocks ns ts tant part of the Sevastopol garrl-', Extension Table. . . 1 Chairs 1 ed to have been cut severely by revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty .Moflcralcly I’riccd teaspoon soda that If we are beaten It might son’s food supply. the R. A. F. attacks. (Continued From Page One) Blue Orchid To Ladies! 2 tablespoons hot water mean more than the defeat o f The .Attack Northwest Germany The Balaklava fLsherracn re­ The First Lady of the Screes cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam S t i ^ 0|M’ii Thiiroday*'and Saturiliij* I’litll 9 T. .'I. cup cocoanul chopped Netherluiids East Indies. cently challenged the fishern en of Dobbins, of Jacksonville. Fla., B u y u i u I K u r p o n British txjmbcrs attacked objec­ In the Finest Role of Her ^ Other Ktenln-g* lit \p|iiilnlment. ’ j teaspoon vanilla ' If the Japane.se gel The Neth­ Kerch, at the eastern end of the camp commander. Career! ( loHod »*tlm***da> AX N imiii. Mix soila and water and add to tives in northw’cst Germany last . . . Buying . . . erlands East Indies I think there Crimea, to a competition. ___ The ambassador saw outdoor BETTE DAVIS in Every time you buy Chesterfields you get the satisfac­ m o r e ARJIfS rhonr II.VI . . Frr^ I>rMvvry . . . rarklng. , nlglit and, returned safely from I cocoaniit. Combine remaining in- is a good chance that they W ill cooking pots shaped like the ma­ DEFENSE BONDS AND STAMPS I gredients in the order given Drop not go straight on toward Aus- , the o))erations. the Air Ministry “THE LITTLE FOXES” tion of a smoke that’s definitely m i l d e r , far c o o l e r said today. ple sugar kettles of his naUve with HERBERT .MAR9H.ALL ! by teaspoonfuls on a greased I tralla but would swing In to help Claim Cut Off L nits New England and sniffed the The ministry acknowledged, cookie sheet and. press top llghtlv , me Axi.s w in the war by moving aromas of cooking steak, potatoes and BETTER-TASTING. however, that two coastal com- Of Reds Destroyed ----- P L i:S ----- with a fork. Bake at 4CK) degrees i ^painst the Middle Eas. and Rus- and turnips. With tea and cake, AMERICA I mancl planes were missing from Berlin 1 From German Broad­ for eight minutes. sis. that waa the soldiers' lunch. “SMILING GHOST” Carrot Cookie* confine patrol yesterday. casts) Feb. IS.—(/Pi—T he German Chesterfield’s superior " I thliqk they would Given Best Food Obtainable Brenda Marshall to nuisance It reported a German fighter high commaml claimed today for 1 cup of flour themselv.•e* raid* Me*.* Sergt. Crawford Ayres, of Wajne Morris 1 teaspoon baking powder again.'t Australia but ^ i^ s tra lla , was destroyed by planes of the the second successive day that blend of the world’s best 'a cup of shortening. may depend on it that the Japan- i fighter command off the south Nazi forces had cut off and de­ Palm Beach. Fla., and Cooks Nat NOW: SUPER GIANT SHOW ! Nalley. o f Alamosa-, Colo., and 1; teaspoon sell ese would deal with her later on coast of England yesterday. stroyed Russian troops or) the cen­ "ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN” cigarette tobaccos will give Tommy Wright, of Valdosta, Ga., i egg Using Ships Recklessly tral sector of the eastern front. "WE GO FAST" •'^to the U S Tr, proudly told Wlnant they were tfe’ L, teaspoon soda 'Th e Japanese are using ship* Besides prisoners. It said, the you more smoking pleasure U cup honey recklessly I think we could emu­ Mobile Columns Push German.* seized 11 guns, "many keeping the soldiers happy with CO.'UNG TCF-S. AND WED. for i cup quick cooking oat* late them." Deep Into Desert ' machine-guns and a large quan- the best food obUlnable. "SERGEANT YORK” than you ever had before. cup chopped nut.* Speaking of his trip to the . I tlty of Ollier war material. More Before leaving, Wlnant com­ '» cup grated carrot* United States, he said he had not Cairo. $eb 18-(/P<— British , jfjgn 1,000 enemy dead were left mented that he waa "glad to see B U T U. S. DEFENSE BONDS! Try a pack of Chesterfields ' , cup raisins found any under-esUmation of the mobile column.*, guarde.l by fight- ! ^he fiel.l of battle." it added, the men from Minnesota, Iowa Stir soda into the honey Com Pacific war in America. It haa er planes, pushed deep into the ' ..jj, support of the Army, the Air and Texas”—districts he knew In today. bine remaining ingredients in the taken Americans time to awaken desert area south of the Tmlmi-EI | porce threw in strong formations his fl>1ng days. up to its tmpllcationa, he added, but Mechlli line west of Tobruk "with­ of dive-bomber and fighter alr- •’We appreciate what the Brit­ order given. Mix well and drop on MAT WE SUGGEST— a greased cookie aheet. Flatten now their attention ia turning out encountering any opposttlon", craft, particularly on the central ish serviofs have done to help our with a knife and bake at 350 de­ more to the Pacific than to Eu­ a British war bulletin said today. and northern sectors of the east­ troops." he said, "and the friendly Time, Tide and Opportunity The operation was a continua­ “THE BARN DANCE” , grees for 12 minute*. rope. , ern front." welcome they received from the Modem and Square At BURTON'S youTI find the sort of Sulffi Deep Dish .Apple Pie “They and their president are tion of extensive patrol penetra* Twenty-eight Russian tanks ^ p le of Northern Ireland." convinced of the value of attack.” tions undertaken by the erltlsh at For Your Eatertalament. sm.irf women have always cherished... fine ,3 lbs. apples (10 to 12) were said to have been destroyed. 1 tbsp. chopped orange peel he said. ’T h ey’ll go about things the south flank of the line where 51 planea shot down and much Relautlon, and Soctabittty! the Axis drive to regain eastern fabrich, . .expert workmanship . . casual but cup brown sugar in a very American and very dras­ rolling stock destroyed in yester­ Ulster Prime Minister tic way in the next few months. Libya wa.* brought to a stop. ODD FELLOWS HALL 3^,666 parachutes classic lines and, best of all. the best assort­ >4 cup chopped nuts day’s fighting. Visited by Winant Wait For No Man. '4 cup raisina swinging over entirely to war Patrol Osm Destroyed StaUoo S3. Olastoabory Oen%r productions." Belfast. Northern Ireland, Feh. ment in town. 1 cup honey Italy Claims Damaged The only report from the Libyan EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT He predicted that If Japan did land front was of scouting actMty lg._(;P )— John G. Wlnant, United 1 tbsp. butter States ambassador to London, 8 to IS I Pie pastry. not attack Russia, then Russia ' Cruiser Sunk in the area southeast of El Mech- (•a> plaid.- in candy colors that are definitely would attack the Japanese. | arose before the blackout ended Featadag Pare, core and cut apples In thin me (From Italian Broad­ ill where, the Nazi command said, “ good eno'igh (o eat.” slices. Mix with orange peel, brown cast.*) Fob. 18. —(/pi The Italian 10 British patrol cars were de­ this morning and by 8 a. m., waa Art Webster’s Old Timers The pniduclite >ear> of an> person * life are lim­ stroyed. out Inspecting units of the Ameri­ 'sugar, nuts, raisina and honey. high command said today a British Gates A Pest, Prompters ited. Within those tear* it is up to them to make Place mixture in greased baking Three Local Girls cruiser of the 4.200-ton Cairo A British submarine wa* said to can ElxpedlUonary Force In North­ Soft muted pa-tel'< in Shetland.. Gabardine dish. Dot w ith butter, cover with class, previously reported damaged have been "probably sunk” off the ern Ireland. Ihe most of their talents. Likewise it is the time fqaert . and Twi',1. ^ overlapolng circles of pastry. by Axis action, had been sunk. Island of Crete but the communi­ Later Wlnant called at the Ul­ when he or she should make the greatest elTort to ' scored In center. Bake at 375 de- Get ISurses’ Gaps (The British converted all four que did not Indicate whether this ster Parliament building to meet S.W E as much from their income as po*sihle. ' grees about 40 minutes. of the four-inch gun cruisers mak­ waa by Naval or air attMk. Prime Minister John- Miller An' I Sizes 9 lo 20 and 3b to 16. ing up the CJalro class Into anti­ Further British air raids on drew*. If tou haven’t given much thou'fhl to this matter northwest Germany (which have i f ^ ! Re-searchers have developed an j Three Manchester girls, student aircraft ships In 1939. They were hefore. espeeiallv if vou are a voung person. iC.s lime ; efficient and cheap means of pro- , nurses at the Hartford hospital, built In 1917 and 1918.) increased since the homeward Artificial fever, used In treating flight of the Nazi battleshipa WILLIAM TRACY and ILYSE to do so at once. i ducing tartaric acid from com. 1 were among the 78 who have fin­ The high command said there parcels, now Is being employed to ^ 1 1 Main Street, Mauchebter- Gnelsenau and Schamborst) were treat chronic asthma. K N O X (o Ch*etarfi*ld girl), (tar­ ished the pre-cllnical period and had been patrol activity and (rt't the habit of saving eonsi*lcntlv and deposit­ ■ I ------• I received their caps last evening. clashes between Brltiab and Axis acknowledged. The communique, Homm 'SbchB ring In Hal Rooch'i com«dy hit They are Miss Clare Lnvey. daugh­ forces In Libya below El Mechlli, however, called them "nuisance HAY FOOT. ing in this Mutual Savings Rank. Personal Notices ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lavey of about 100 miles west of Tobnik. raid*.’’ by "slpgle Britlah aircraft." Our mo«i« Hart ora doing a Foster street; Miss Doris Stratton, -Ten armored enemy patrol ve­ German plMcs were credited with damaging a amall merchant­ grond |ob *«lllng dafani* bondtt OPEN Card of Thanks daughter of Mr*. Jennie Stratton hicles were destroyed.” a commu­ and onlartaining our toldior*.' of Garden street and the late nique said. man off the English east coast In m: DANCE! Many ol thoni chooto Chottar- TV* deeply sppreciat* th* *ymp*- Thomas J. Stratton: Mias Elsie German and Italian planea daylight yesterday and to have 24 HOURS thy «xtend«d to u> in ’th* d**th of hammered at supply Installations TONIGHT fiold to toad to man In unHorm. Bank our lov*d on*. LUllan Caverly Am- Heatley. daughter of Mr. an' Mrs. bombed Tobruk and a Matruh air- The Savings RANGE la too OatlOB L o ts ... bukiwlet. David B. Heatley of Lydall street droma and raided British supply In the harbor of Great Yarmouth, AND On ^%iTion'^ rnoMT a frequently mentioned target of A N D FUE L Rang* Oil, 7 '.’|C gallon. By relative*, friends and neigh- The trio graduated from Manches­ lines, causing considerable casu­ her*. Daughter* of Liberty No. 12S Nazi air attack. EVERY Fuel OR. 7.2e gallon. L. I. O. A., ‘ideniorlal Tempi* No. Z3 ter High school In June. alties and damage. It was report­ vJ-j Pythian HIster*. Oak Lodge .S'o. 43 The ceremony, which wsis Inter­ ed. The high command acknowl­ I. B. P. M local. .Mil* Anderson »nd esting and impressive, was held In edged four Italian fighter aircraft NaMonal Anthem W ED. N IG H T of Manchester D IA L 8500 pupil* of tirade 5. Molllettr street Heublein hall at the hoepltal, and had failed to return. school. Otrl Scout, Troop i. For tlie The "Star-Spanglde Banner” AT THE CITY VIEW beautiful Cowers and It/sn of cars the attendance was Um it^ to par­ *1110 British raided AjUs-beld w* are moit gratefuL ents o f the students. Mlaa Ethel Bengasi, but damage waa declared was not oSlclaUy tM national an­ DANCE HALL $15 CE.NTCR Joseph T. Ambukewics, Broolcs, director of the School o f to have been alight. One British them o f the United RUtes until Laura M. Nelson. March 8. 1 9 3 1 . when President Keeney Street AT BROAD 8T. Lattlrg D. Caverly. Nursing, addressed the gathering Diane was reported shot down by James ^ Caverly. and the "big sister” of the young the Germans in continuing raids Hoover approved the Act of Con­ m a n u h e s t e r 4 Ur. andwrs. Lattlsg C*r*rl>. nurses plnn^ on the caps. upon Malta. gress witch so d^gnatod IL MANCHESTER HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1942 PACE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WF.DNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1942 I f fim F O U R in collaboration of our two gov­ projection npparntua waa oparaUd ! >“ V(dentine to Neighbor Jacks Vp 200 Cars / ernments which now covers the South America Six Lose Lives Says Criticism by M n. Oabome. Navicerts Not whole field of economic warfare" Fireman Doing Duty Fair Prices Rural Township to List Girl Pays Big Dividends Moat of the ■peaker’a pleturea To Save Their Tires and that the government W'as con­ U .S . Training a n d remarka dealt with the RECORDS ‘As Truck Left Running sidering plans to improve the VICTOR BLUCBIRO During Blaze wealthy Uland o f Jnve In the Los Angeles, Feb. 18— Required Now government was eon.sidering plans New Source of Philadelphia, Feb. 18— (JP) Not Confirmed Dutch East Indies. His picture* DECCA Being Paid Residents for Defense — Shy twelve-year-old Johnny —^tlie Board of Supervisors to Improve the “navicert .system Plane Guides Harrisburg, Pa., Feb. 18— showed the inhabitant*, tbe food has ordered nearly 200 o t the as regards South American repub­ COLUMBIA AND OKEH OP)—Complaints that a fire­ Kane's valentine to a neigh­ production, tho oil wealth, and th* county's fleet of 500 cars Drug Supplies borhood girl paid big divi- Mother and Five Cliil* Necessary Control for lics." man was driving a new fire For Scrap Chicago Feb. 18.—(iP)— H war ; and 60 police wardens to help ex­ r.oiiiinons Told Report animals of the lalaod. The color jacked up, possibly for the Large Stock of Alb«ni*. truck home to lunch each day ' . dends. pictures were particularly Intereat*. duration, ao tires will be American Cargoes Un­ ATigaton Are Very Im- comes to Dundee towrnship. right isting authorities in an emergency. The young non-swimmer dren Burn to Death: First Locomotive —and leaving the motor run­ Next, from house to hou.se, they ( In Evacuation in *Ma- ing since they showed the rich available for automobiles con­ ning while at table—brought U. S. Ii|i|>orteri4 Forced tumbled from a plank into a tropical coloration of the foliage der Licensing System. Richard Thrcvithick, an English­ portant Part of Great Stair Salvage Coniniitler' i" ‘ ^e middle of the ^ e collect*^ an arsenal or more than field pond six feet deep yes­ Two Others Injured. lava Differs. sidered essential to the war KEMP’S, he. an explanation from Fire ^ . folks In Dundee township will be 50 rifles and shotguns, with and the crop*. effort. man, designed and built the first Bombing Machines. Chief Earl Swartz that the To Seek Vital DriijiH terday—and 12-year-old He­ locomotive to run on rails. In' 1804, Famltnre — Mntle Ghairman roialf t« ,eady for it. enough ammunition to make them Dallas, Tex., Feb. 18—((P)—A For * time Mr. 0*bom* talked Cars <4 social workers, th* * Dondon, Feb. 18.—(ffj—The Brit­ man was acting under orders. len Taylor, who can swim, Dondon. Feb. 18.—OP)—Harold on his naUve Auetralla, although ■uperlntendent of schools, he demonstrated his machine's I6S Main St. Tel. S8M . i ; ____ c .- t Every able-bodied man and useful. From Lami Aiiieri4*aii leaped right in behind him. ish Na-zy no longer require* navl- Swartz said he wanted to mother and her five children burn­ MacMill.an. undersecretary for none of the pictures were of the farm advisor, director of ability to haul heavily-laden ore By Fraorl* GnilIlfIS S< t I ^ , woman haa been asked to turn out * Help To ,\rouse Interest She held up Johnny’s head cerU for cargoes leaving the Unit­ get the new truck “broken In" Then came the idea of the mass Countries SE^oe ^ ar. ed to death and two other per­ great continent "down under.” He parks, county assessor, road cars several miles. ! Miami, Fla- Feb. I S - W —« ■gradually before it had to be erilineilt on Waste. | this week and register for civilian until pas.sersby answered her colonies, said today that Informa­ defense. They've been asked to list registralicn. Boy Scouts distrlb- sons were injured today in a fire tion the government had received said that he wanted to contradict department, regional plan­ ed States. Hugh Dalton, minister there iM aay need fo r professional used at a fire. cries and rescued both. orf economic warfare, speaking in T. ' their automobiles and trucks, too, uted handbills^ announcing the By James >Iarln^.. which swept through a two-story from Malaya "did not confirm" a belief that had been growing of ning commission and sealer of • ■«ulde# by travelers over the great rooming house at 1408 South Har­ late. He said there is absolutely no weights and measures are the House of Commons, said yes­ Hartford, Feb. 18 - fact remember to keep a bag of event, the American Degion and New York, Feb. 18. The criticism by Elliot H. Simpson, spAceE of the earth after come from a fund of men wlio fail­ Dow Pierrepont, cnalrman of the | basement In ca.*ie of other civic organizations helped to ral insecticide which contained wood s.rect. American importer. \Vho said disunity with the British on the among those affected by the terday. thU war, appUcaUon can be made United States, the giant w^ch rotenone as its active agent, came part of Australians. The Anzacs “The necessary control,” Dalton ed to make the grade as aviation Slate Salvage Committee, today, riie. arou.se interest, and the registra­ The victims, trapped in the up­ Americans were not considered in order. ti, the United States Army air cadets in the Army’s flying schools. Dundee township lies approxi­ tion will be held in Carpentersvllle dipped into all the world's hills arSJ from Malaya and the Dutch East per floor, were Mrs. D. V. Sharp, Brltl.sh evacuation plans at Pe­ are loyal to the Empire and will The supervisors did not re­ said, "will be secured through the assured the Slate that priic.s being Indies but several South American United States export licensing Now, when a man want.s to get mately 30 miles northwest of Chi­ Thursday, East Dundee Friday fieliLs for the things that made life^J 37, and her children. Jack, 10, nang. fight to the last ditch to preserve tire their own cars. *°The Army will have plenty of paid householders and Salvage ants likewise contain rotenone "We 'have to keep in close system . . . This new arrangement a commission in the Army air Committee for waste materials an- cago, covering a pleasant area of and West Dundee Saturday. longer and more livable here, is Joyce, 9. Kenny, 4, Mwtha, 3, and "It would be a matter of deep it. NOTICE theiTL forces he takes an examination, 48 square miles. It has a popula­ Residents will be asked to trying to solve a new problem with and. every effort is being made to lA’onard. 1.- \ regret,” MacMillan said, .speaking He said that friendship between contact with the defense ac­ will serve the same purpose as the "100 per cent fair in the light ol incr^Xsc their prfKtuction. tivities In our districts," navicert system, namely to pre­ The other day they took a young and if the result shows he might tion of about 5.000 suburbanites, specify wnat volunteer services the help of its Datin American Overcome by SmolM" in the House of (Commons, "if the Yanks and the Anzacs has fellow who has been studying air price ceilings. " Chairman Roger Jessup ex­ vent cargoes from reaching unde­ make a good avtgator, he I.s assign­ Plerrepom 3 assurance was shopkeepers and farmers, mostly, they believe Ihej can undertake neighbors: Mrs. Othclla Meadows, X'l- 'vaa there was any failure under the grown and he believe'! it was a navlgaUon (or avlgaUon) out ed to one of the foiir sv!gatU)r most effii le.itly. riiose who wish overcome by smoke and her 1 prc.ssiiTe of event.s to show all poa- good combination. He believes that plained. sirable or suspect consignees and to people who need cash lased on a state-wide study ot but sll able and willing to take Finding in its own backyard am­ k'cep imports of neutral countries over the Atlantic In a transport .schools-at Miami. Sacramento, care of themselves. may errroll in Ked Cross classes in ple supplies of some of these roots, Naiilrtiin: Regime ter. Annette. 7, suffered a b i^ en .sible consideration to United the will win the plane on a black nighU He was one prices received by salvage Comnilt- war and he stressed the fact that in the navicert area within permit­ San Antonio and Albany, Oa. tee.s frftni scrap ticalers for liiiii- Sponsored By Mayors first aid and other Subjects. barks, berries, loave.'i. herbs, and ankle when she jumped into the States subjerts at Penang at the o; scores of men enroUed in Army Wanted To Be Pilots arms of her father. Twenty-sVx the pictures he had shown of the ted quotas." dicds of...... tons...... of metals,...... scrap . iron The idea for the mass reglstra- „ The mayors . say . they don't sup seeds shut off by the war but 1 (rt^<^^('oiilrol time of the evacuation. It would be Gas Rationing to pay Income Tax courses designed to provide the nir That irked some of them In the other persons escaped. realized ttmt, circumstances being East Indies proved that such Dalton said the. United States and steel, waste riiblier, papii' aiul ' tion was sponsored by the town-| pose the war will ever reach Diin- needed in the huge business of w'as sending additional ropresenta- forces with a conUnuIng supply of beginning because, as Dieut. F. TV lags today coniiiig from Conner- jhipn three nisyors, John M. Tall- dee town-ship. h i. they intend to making drugs and medicines. An oil stove explosion was be­ what tliey were, an inquiry would wealth was worth fighting for. Hiindietls of persons In Maneheater will pay an avigators for bombing, ferry and Merritt, commanding officer of the lieved to have started the fire. At the close of the meeting it Forecast ^oon tlfes to Dondon to assist Ambassa­ llc.it hoi.ic.s and farms man of West Dundee, William Ort- [ be prepared. The township is not After watchliig the re.suUs ob­ Tokyo (From Jartxnese Broad­ he quite impraetlcahle.” Ineonie Tax this year for tlie first time'; and every- patrol missions. , . „ . training detachment, puts it, they an industrial are.i, they point out, tained so far, .S. B. Peniek, Jr. casts!, Fell. 18. oPi Jnpn- Sh.arp. husband and father of He added that the known casu­ was indicated that other joint dor John G. Wlnant in dealing with one'.a t.ox will he ninie than it ever was before. For In order to avoid the miatakioT; n,,.mn of East Dundee, and Henry gatherings would be held in the cronomic warfare matters. - "XU right,” he was asked after wanted to join the dive-and-zoom J Andersen ot (.•arpentersville. and about 'ts only target Us the executive vice president of S. B. ne.se gnveriiment annnunN^ toilay the dead, was at work at a filling alties among European civilians in thos" who may (imi th nuselvcs short of ready cash, a lapse of several hours, “ now of thj aUiiuinuni campaign. Uu‘ na- near future. He said the British government hoys. They wanted to he pilots. nonal salvage for vi( lory program rV y believe it's the first one of community water tower, standing Peniek .and (3)mpnny. one of the that administration of the'-.seized station. .Malaya up to Eeh. 14 were 15 ktl'cd Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 18. (/P>—A Tlie PerMinal Finance Co. is offering loans up to $300 Gradually they learned that w'elcomes ' this new development where are w e?" ^ „ is operating tlirough estahl|.shcrted from Italj and Po­ COLDS official investigation into critlci.sm not'Make Trip Every Goodyear Tire and Riiliher Com­ expect prices for their .salvage ma­ pretense of encouraging Chinese ^ellere misery fast other IrriUUng blemishes, get Arrangemenf.s are mnde quickly and alinply. lem ?" part of the course —enables him to terials out of all (.roporlion to the ' land: doggra.ss. used In medicines, of British arrangements for re­ pany. said in an address. rule of China’s own .soil. Japanese -tftemallti. Rub oa Week; Wearing Tires. Petersons’ Ointment, S6c *11 drug­ Tl'.e.>ie loans are made on signature alone wrtthout ; "Yes, allowing for that." advise the men up front at the ef)n- ceilings set by the government. but brought tn from Belgium and moving clvllirins (Yom Penang. "It will not he possible for us Thh Island could Juat aa well trols that elouds at such-and-s\ich troops occupy both concessions, to drive our automobiles just any- gists. If one application does not nlher seennty. Naturally, a few' facts are required, 'I'hese housewives do not know that Goiiverse for Hour unci .\Irorn Oilirizps (’ilv Hungary before the war: and Digi­ and the French conce.ssion and In­ delight you. money refunded. i have had a signboard on It for all a pl.ice will provide good cover Simpson arrived in Jersey City. Agents for old line insurance W'here as w'e have been doing. Wo hut no emharras.«ing (luestlons are a.sked and oiit- salvage iteiiis mu.si he Inhonously | Of Hartforil for .VI* talis-called Foxglove an impor­ ternational Settlement of Shang­ Peterson’s Ointment also w-onder- sider.s are not, involved. : the trouble it gave him In figur- fn>n\ enemy pursuit planes. broken up. carefully sorted, baled ! 2 0 >Iiniiles Before tant heart stimulant that was pro­ ICKS N .1 , last Friday from Singapore. companies are asking their hold­ are In for some rude shocks.” TOPCOATS fiil for itching feet, cracks betw'ccn i Ing out his position In space. Finally, the school haa made a hai as well. V a p o R ub He said he would reiiort lo the ers of policies to make a special He said Japan now controls 70 and shipped to the mills,' the salv­ l-iinrh with Nehru. lowiiifi 8«|iiulor. duced In Europe; and Stramonium toes. Al.-o nvailahle- Is a ".8itnplifierl Work Sheet for I All Over The World conscious effort to sell its students —Jimson weed -the principal In­ Stale Department in Washington effort to pay up monthly instead per cent of the world's rubber The pilots of bombing planes In­ on avlgatlon, knowing that many age chairman said. Income Tax l’ay> i .s ". This is a convenient form for Topcoat wrathrr is not too far away. "To prevent a runaway inflation gredient in certain preparations concerning alleged BritLsh negli­ of weekly. These men, many whom .sources and probably will control areumulating and ai r:inging the .figures necessary tent on blasting at Japanese con- secretly pined to be pilots. It from plaguing us, the government Calcutta, Feb. 18. - Mohan­ Hartford. Feb. 18. dP A for relief of asthma, which came gence in arranging lor the de­ cover most of Manchester every another 20 per cent soon. Slo|i in DOW anil splprt a coat from our centra^ns In the Dutch Hast In- has pictured to them the opportu­ * • • in mal(ing out yi'iir Inrome Tax Return. Come in has set ceilings on how much the das Gandhi and Generalissimo youthful trio, eh.arged w'ith fatally from Europe. parture of civilians from Penang. (lav, are going to be the first to and get ihi.s Woi k .Sl-.eel free, no oldigation. ■ dies have the Army's avlgaUon nities In post-war avlgatlon and lienting a laborer whom they rob­ feel Uie pinch of tire rationing. Clerks’ Strike Knd.s mills can pay for scrap. I Chiang Kai-Shek met here today. Oiiltlvatlon of Belladonna leaves He declared the Hrili.sh ordered Ilf'S Spriii" slylfs. achools, of which the one in Miami has emphasized that, so far as the bed of were sentenced to three their own women and children to Certain policies are payable week­ San Francisco, Feb. 18. '/Fi—A IT’S EFFECTIVE We have thus .sugge.stion lo make: don’t postpone Army la concerned, they are in on "The Wat Production Board will The generalissimo is on a tour — formerly imported entirely from was the first, to thank for accu­ sec to it that this war makes no 1 to eight years each, yesterday in Fiirone but import.nnt in physi­ leave Penang hut "never notified ly and this means that the agents six-month .strike of AFD Retail WEI.DON'S OWN figuring out liow much Jricaime Tnx'j'ou'll have to rate flights to and from objectives. the ground floor. ir illlonalre scrap dealers. The av- j of India and has conferred with 1 Superior court, on a charge of cians’ proscriptions and pharma­ 'tlie Aniericana to leave." He said must cover their debits. Unusual Clerks, Elevirtor Operators and pay tl-.i.s yc .11 The .soonei you know' the exact Graduates of the schools, members "Confidentially,” one resident several Indian leaders. ' nianslanghter at the close of a ttl^v h^-ard of the withdr.awal by working hours have also played •lanltors agaln.st three major San NEW FOR.MULA an II t the (■•isier It Will he tn plan a w'hornr .Speaki^r ed any chance for new tires when I men entering the course get bust- 111 3 Slayings llie ones they now have on their Spring Steel alone. tinue [hl.s afternoon. struck the blow, both 20. origi­ Datin American countries. ed—flunked—out of It at the end nally were indicted on a charge of Chamomile flowers, used tn Mnnehester’s three sem'iee iluhs of the term. That la a far lower "Several variables control the pst of the agents reported ( prices that a dealer can legitimate­ first degree murder. making' tea and hair tonics, used - Rotary, Kiwanis, and Exchange RE-UPHOLSTERS ratio than that applying to pilot splerinUd cooperation from the Women Watch a» Cum* ly pay. These are ill length of i\ o Effect Is Seen The victim, ('harles Sawickl. 48. to come from Hungary but no-w are - met in a joint gathering lost [ cadets at the Army's flying was. waylaid in a dark alley while being shipped in normal quantities night at the Y'. M. C. A. with Ro­ pollcyXolfi'™ almost In every mins Taken to Face haul: i'Jl quantity availatile; |3| case th^-, question met with in­ •chools. care in segregation, acconling to On Intlian Politics on his way home from a tavern. and exccilenl quality from new le ry acting‘ as the host club to M l A 3-Piece Easy Terms AvlgaUon simply means know­ Iximlon, Feb. 18. M’l An in­ Sept. 13 last, the state contended, hear an inspiring and educational stant applayal. It will take about Murder Charge. trade specifications, and (4) lacil- sources in Soiv|h America. three months to get the large FUEL ing how to And out where yog are. formed source said today that i beaten, robbed and left to die. Derris, an Important agricultu- lllu.strated'leeture on the Dutch It is the road map of long distance Itles of the dealer or colleclor, ” he Dcfcn.se counsel pointed out that number of policy holders here On Ftir said. Generall.ssimo Chiang Kai-Shek's i;.. 1 Indies hy .st.inUy Osborne. Living Room Pay As You SUITS flyliig. When a young man gets Iri the ca.se of Zeriik. whose mother the monthly basis. Dondon, Feb. 18. lyPi-'-A crowd "The government trusts the meeting with Mohandas Gandhi j The meeting proved to be one of through the army's avlgatlon of women watched yesterday at is ill. p.irt of the money obtained waste material industry. We ask should not lead to the Inference t!-.- I'c l ot the joint gatherings yet Only Choose In tliu.'i' linif'.s, |i('o- acbool, he U aa proficient as the Dondon's Bow street police station that their disci salon will have any in the robbery was used to buy 1.' Id eince the tou'n has had three OIL Set student who determined that his when Frederick (.'unimlns, a 28- the people to do the same thing." food Lemon Juice Recipe })l(? turn to uti'iu n. de- Pierrepont aaid in conclusion. effect on India's in.ernal politics. ? ,’ '" e ('lulls un.l the attendance We Carry Our Ow n plane was near Anguilla island, year-oUl aircraftsman, was taken He added that their meeting "It is hard to hellcve that such A DEPOSIT w.i unusually big. 'Hiere were 27 luuuiiililo (lu.'ili’ y tiuit j He has. learned dead reckoning in to face a charge of murder for "After all, these things such as surroundings cxi.st in Hartford." (Jieekt* Rheiiiitulic .Vccounts old rubber boots, old metals and i was most welrnme, however, since KolaM.in.s pie.-ent, 27 Kiwaniiiiis AND in Homespun monii.8 (’cnn"inv in t'lf* \ and both radio and celestial aviga- the Jack-the-rippor slaying of said Alcorn in hl.s pica to the and 25 Exch.iuge club memhers. 38 waste paper, are all articles we the Chinese lender probably would o r AMOUNT I’uiii Quickly BETTER COVERS BRICE!) BKOl’OUTIOXATEf.Y I.OW Uon. In a sense a motorist cross- three women in the West End. . have always thrown away. The obtain valuable fir.at-hand Infoma- court. "The family of one of the with the Exehaiigo club having If yt.u Muffer fr. m rh< u m.-itic, ^r- long run— ' trfA^ RANGE OIL I can southwest uses desd reckoning hurried Cummins into the yard. queatlon today certainly can t be , tion on the vast se tion of India s They saw crime at its worst and simple IncxpfLome re"lp« thnV A>k .\bout Our 7-Point Labor Feature Pl.m Which Includes a Written Guarantes doesn’t brctik down •What price salvage?' But '\\ liat . p'lpu'at on of which Gandhi Is the Q/i l i t t l e - £-4 Turkey Dinner when he estimates his position The women surged forward but poveity at its be.'-t." thouHaiids are uam CALL prematiiroli. Tliat'.fl price will America have to pay be- ' iiopular leader. The lecture and motion picture of Hii-Kx R two»w#ek from the speed he has maintained there was nr disorder. program followed the sera'ing of a xupply. toil.iy. >!1x It wl|b » qo»rl since his last stop. Airplane dead The tall, good-looking suspect in fore it begins to wage war In the This source pointed out that, I-one w'.'iv of rnnmTving home aa well as on the batlletleld' j after his meeting with Mohammer fine roa.st turkey dinner seiw'ed by of water, tdd the Julcf of ♦ Ifirosi. reckoning Is a little more compli­ R.A.K. uniform was reman led un- the Y. M. (’ A. staff under Miss It II eaay. No tr<^ubl« at all Bllr- • All J nnah. president of the All- pleauRni, Tou opijr I ttbU- MacDonald Upholstery Co. India Moslem league, the gen-. WAKE UP YOUR Marion Tinker's direction. Ernest apooiifulB two tlmaa a <1aY* Ofttn 7426 That‘.8 wl;\ V. !■ pivi) Cummins was accused of the , of helping industry by salv- to contend with. WHAT A WONDERFUL M. Bush, president of Rotary, WM within II hour»—Bometln.aB ov«r- Dlndbergh made • his flight to mutllatlons of Mrs. Marget Flor- * Af-'nR *eriou-sIy an.l thoroughly, eraltsaimo had declared he was IM % METERED SERVtCK; 983 Main St., Hartford, American Industrial liuilding Phone 2-1127 our uiKiiuili.'ifd r '('"Tn- only a student, seeking to learn in charge of the program and wel­ nlifht — RpIeniII4 retulta are obtain­ Paris In 1927 by predetermined ence Dowe, 43; Mrs. Dons Jouun- | ^**1 in the scrap! LIVER BILE- comed the service club members to ed, If the palm do not quickly r.ASOLINE.6r,a!s.$LOO dead reckoning based on the direc- . net, 32. and Mrs Evelyn Giitelv, 30 i .all he could about India, and that Jfave and If you do not feel better, IFREE ESTIMATE A M ) DKl IVEItV !N CONN.I m('iKi;iti''!i t'l t!;c r.".V (iiiurd Kalla I>i«ap|M-ar he was not in any way seeking to WklMal CxImmI—Aad Tm UsIw i (HOut •! CONVENIENCE the session. He introduced Elmer return the parkatre and Uu- tion and velocity of the winds he ' Thousands of police joineoint of inter A search, however, was said to i Onuid Jury Without Business In 19,30. Cffoctiya to makinp bilo flow freely, Aik account without ever having to for Cartor'e Little Lirer rilie. lOe and 24e. joy the one smoke together. It w'aa section. have been under way for weeks in I won hy Mcrvfn Tyack, of the Ex­ Before You Buy See The Celestial avlgatlon is a horse of the Croydon district, near the b.g 1-ord.sbiirg, N M. - i/P) —The worry about a minimum balance. change C3iih. a' different color. Complicating airfield outside Dondon. ' for a first grand jury in 20 years in Superintendent of Schools Ar­ Furniture Sale and distinguishing it from naviga­ motorist who^tiacked and tried to j Hidalgo county which must be A checking account in which thur Illlng. president of the Man­ Marion Electric Range tion at sea are the high speed of garrot women he lured Into hli a nice place to live - adjourned you pay only a trifling charge for chester Chamber of CVimmerce, modern warplanes and the neres- automobile and It was suspected yesterday after a three day ses­ was asked by Mr. Bush to intro­ A M ) I P slty for creating an artiflciHl hori­ that another nex killer ml^it be sion. The jurors reported they How to Guard Your Eyesight etch check ^ou draw and each item duce the speaker of the evening. CHOICE OF BOX SPRING zon. loose In Dondon's blacked^ut found nothing to indict anybody you deposit. Mr. Osborne's lecture w'as Inter- It takes time to figure out a po­ streets. with. spcrse<1 with tioth still pictures In OR INNERSPRING MATTRESS sition in spare, and it d''csn't do | color and motion pictures and his the pilot ie imrk theie OPENS A 10 minutes ago.' He mu.st take f l i g h t book and eliminates all the embar­ the speed into ai'rmint and deliver O U T O rassments of having to ask others to the answer for a given i loi knead­ t a x i : A New STETSON HAT ing 10 or 15 minutes ahead. j write checks for you. Moreover, the navigator on n PANTS CALL 4-PIECE surface vessel uses a sextant by | A checking account that means merely sighting on the horizon. . CHECK ■o more bothering with money 6 5 8 8 The Stratoliner A sextant is an instrument which Solid Maple measures the di.stancc in degrees orders (and a money order for $10 Prompt I of a heavenly l>«>dy fiom the hori­ ACCOUNT Safe! Suife zon. The avigator eniploy.s a bub­ costs you TWICE as much as a Sendee! $7.50 ble se.\tant. woiking on the prin­ IN T H E CbsckMatUr check for mwy amount). ciple of a , carpenter's level, to create an aitiflcial horizon from In every way, tl\e CbeckNlasttr MANCHESTER TAXI ITic Durofis his [Kialtion thousands of feet atove .31. Orntelli, Mgr. $ 50 the land or ocean. Plan solves your personal banking .33 Piimrli Place But. like most thing* that look problem. Your CbtchMatter ebteh Bed, nrf*«8M’r, Nllrror. comp’licated. celestial avigation in — PLAN 74 $6*50 ClirAt. principle is pretty slnipU-. Find­ Arrived looks just Uko mmy otbtr ebtek. .'Mtrartlvr Design. ing out where you arc rail.* for de­ aa«.u.LiwoA Mattress or Hand RiiHImmI HiiNh. termining the position of two or BdieaiUeJlitA • * ChechMssttr Box Spring The Playboy more 'heavenly bodies, drawing account by m»»l and con- MANY OTHER CROl PS — Maple - Walnut - Mahogany Imaginary lines fnmi then, toward FREE! • plane in flight and. as in radio fjpo* to »"««1 your deposits if you like. .ot DON’T MISS OCR where the plane must be. lleawwcight Stetsons An avigator's equipment consists -4LL WOOL CALL OR $ 6.50 of a watch set to the second with FEBRUARY BEDDING SPECIALS! • *v- -1 ^ \ , Greenwich mean time, a buhlle WRITE FOR 4-POSTEK MAIM.L TWIN HKl) OLTFIT ONLY S21.95 •extant, an aerial almanac and BOOKLET The Full Hiree Coat Porcelain Finish; One-Piece Top and Back Maple Brxl — Sagless .si|«rlng — ComlnrUihle 3lattreM navigation tables. The aerial al­ Gray Flannels $ 6 * 9 9 NpUsher; Arid Resisting Top; Range Hea\1ly Insulated manac ahows exactly where the ALL WOOL with Span Gbuui; Electrk^ly Welded Frame; Drip. Pan Under $21..i0 INNLKSPUINC M.\TTRESS ONLY 519.50 Other Hats ^3 ^ ^5 ^^ ■tara and moon are at a given Q f t Fine Ansortment You’ll fool fit Bod so wiU your Surface UnlU; Oveialae High Heat Oven I6"xI0”x lB 'i” ; Two Best t'onstriM'tlon — Woven llekliig — Will Give Years of Service! .ailnute In relation to ^he earth. CO^ LRTS f l P O . p O of Q Q Manchester 0\'ca Unita; Osm Equipped with Union Safety Shelves with Lock < It takes .300 hours of study Brown — Natural eyes if the bulb in your I. E. S. Stop Featore; Antwaatlcalljr Controlled Well Cooker; Mwitehes, $32.50 SI PER-REST MATTRESS ONLY $24.95 .aground and aloft for a man to Grern and Teal TM’EEDS flPT'aa/O Pta^oa with Chrome Trim; All Chrome Handles with While Del.nxe Uomfort — Pre-Bullt Inner Roll Constmetlnn. Ikrcome a proficient avigator. but reading lamp is a 150-watt. Trust Co. Trim; Swltchea Ptafailjr Identify Surface linlts; Two Large Stor­ Uholee TieWngs. Compare It \\ Ith $39.,30 Beddlngl W'h«n thess men are graduated NEW A IX WOOL SPRING SPORT COATS AT »12.95 , HOME I.AIJNORY age Drawera, Alao One Storage Compartment. *they aic good. It was some of the Ask for Demonstratioa. iMiAml^ school's brand new avlga- Member Federal Deposit I «rko brought a group of Army Ina. Corp. LfHOUSC>SOH flogfrrasea Into Hawaii In the • attack on B e n s o n ' S MANCHESTER EVENtfJG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WED^^ESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 194S

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CON’N. WEDNESDAY, rEB RU ARf 18, 194',J Winchester Etepcating Arina Co., police equipment _...... 20.13 DeWcy-Richms.n Co’., office supplies...... S..35 McGill, Jr., Thomas, paint supplies ...... 16.81 iatl*K' 18 All of us, perhaps, need to be ' Eddy V\ilvc Company, water works supplies...... 434 32 I name in the headlines no evalua­ of-hand that hundreds of mounted NEW VELVET SOFA-BED ! trolt bombed, or Alaska invaded, ‘ stirred out of our complacency. Education. Board of. light, power and w a te r ...... 747.03 ; tion of personnel "was intended. policemen wer? not sufficient to 57.25 The Proffered Sceptre he was not, you can be suie, try­ and need to realise. In qxir every ] Electrolux Corporation, clectrolux ...... The livable, luxurious charm of English This may be a blunt commentaiy keep the street open. Traffic had ' 95.80 ing to porsunde the country to a day actions, that no creed of busl- j on modern civilization, but since to be rerouted through different Elio, Me. Town of., aid rendered ...... lounge styling—that’s wh.it this sofa- Set this period down as t ^ era Elmore Company, device and gra.’«s cemetei y . . . . 7.00 policy similar to tliat adweated ness or privilege or profit as usual | when hasn’t a dead celebrity been thoroughfares. Headlines on news­ 28.00' bed brings to your living room! Protec­ In which Americans of aiybrecds papers throughout the country Engel. Hans, txnird and care ...... by two isolationist senators yes- can make It pos.slble for us to wl'i ^ a more valuable headline property 15.00 tive knuckle arms! In addition It makes are having a' high old tln ^ ridding than a dead soldier, whose busi­ were in black type for days. Wom­ Fav. Nellie, rent ...... i .20 a roomy double bed, made for inncr­ themselves—or arc Ih^? of all terda.v. this war. But the place where ^ ness Is %'iolence? You can prove en in Sun Francisco and In Rome Fi./'her Co., office suppliis ...... 28.00 = and in Miami fainted. Fogarty. Mr.>; .Ii'ine.’^. board and e a i e ...... their old Inferiority/ complexes President Roosevelt's object: this les-son geems most desperate- I this easily enough by remember­ 21.00 = ipring mattress comfort! Rich rayon and $5 A MONTH. Usual ing that there have been a score Later. It was discovered that !-'ranl; BroUters Paper Co. towels ...... wa.s to warn the American people ly necessary Is In Congress Itself. P'rar.icr. Mrs. Laura, hoard and eaie ...... cotton velvet! Bedding comp.irtment! Down Poymonl and with regard to the Irtish. They're of plane crashes In various sec­ Charles W. Eliot, president of Har­ 10.00 Frev, Stephen, rent ...... , = V Pc. Carrying Chorgo fair game, today, are the British. that this Is a serious, total war, tions of the country in the last few vard University, had also died. 3.50 1 = 2 Sofo-Bod Suit*...... 72-B 1 in which the enemy, as yet, enjoys weeks. Can you remember where. Valentino had pushed him clear Franklin Ribbon & Carbon Co . . arlxm p a p er...... Thev're in a touch .spot, and even Friend. Amos F. , M I), medic.'il .servii e.s...... , 6.00 I = Churchill is floundering around a the advantage of being the pre- and why. or who died In them? I f off the front page. 16.50 = '’’.iigliardone Pio. rent ...... 317.28 ~ bit hclplessly./trylng to ride th e ' pared aggressor. Fighting this Washington Giblln, Mis. Mary, bo.ud aiul eaie ...... Glonney Co.. W G., lumbr, cement coal ...... 124.82 = - atorm with ^ a im s like that one war as It should be fought, we enue to change to the other reallzatitons upon outatanding 35.00 = debts prove to be more or less Gorman. Walter, rent yesterday-yUiat the escape of Uie 1 will have to take some chances; In War Time method. Application to change Goulds 1‘umps. Inc , water work.s .supplies 1 . 2 5 , = German battleships through the | we cannot hope to provide perfect, must be made at least 30 days than estimated at the time of the 10.00 I = creation of the existing reserve, (Inint. \Vall«'n. rent 3.. 50 I = prior to the close of the ta.xable Gu.naf.son's Brownlnlt Shoe Store, shoes English/Channel was really a Brit- | alr-tiglit proteetlon for every scc- By Jack Stinnett the amount o f the excess or in­ 24.73 = year for which the change is to Hale Compimy. .1 W.. furiii.slur.gs...... iah viotoo- Sure, we Americans tor: If the enemy should attempt Washi'.gton— If. come March 13, adequacy in the existing reserve 1.0. 5 = be effective. However, a tax­ Harmon. Ait'ort F , \ital stati.sties ...... should be reflected in the deter­ can w e through that. Just as we token raids, we might not be able tha size of your 1941 income tax payer filing a first return f(ir H.irtford. CUv of. vit il stati.stK.s ...... 112.35 = mination of the reasonable addi­ .32.00 ~ n o ^ Uie way he was leaning on to prevent It; neither, however, knocks you for a loop, and you I subject of aciilosi.s sov; ral iir- 1941 may select either of the two Hartford Hospital, boaul and rare ...... tion necessary in the taxable year. I, 5.00; = “Just can't poBslbly pay It ,' don't ' tlclrs along thi.s line have been ^ methods, subject to the approval Hathaway. Norman, rent u^all the way through that broad- would It affect our capacity to HEALTH AM ) DIE I }oar Federal A taxpayer using the reserve 127.11 1 = blame the Trea-tury Department. written. You are welcome to of the Commissioner upon exam­ Hntiy & Young Inr . radio cquipnu nt defense. ^ t last Sunday. win the war, providing we did not method should show In his return 4.20 I = It's no fault of theirs. seii'l for them 'by writing to Tlie Income Tax ination of the return. Permis­ Havw.ird, A. E . vitAI statistics ...... We are pretty quick, too, to spot ourselvea yield to hysteria. This ADVICE sion to adopt the reserve method the volume of charge sales (or Herald Printing Co., aiivei lising and sul/si i iplion . 216.38 . = Theoretically, actually, legally, .McCoy Health sifrv'lce in chre of . 2.10 , = and anolyre those British defeats. is a tyAr in which many wild and or any other way you want to this new.spaper. Plc.asc enclose | is limited to taxpayers having a ■other buslnes.s transactions! for Hints. William F. ' 'I s t a t i s t i c s ...... furnished h> the Mel -i> No. M 15.(j0 = a large self-.iiUlres/el •■nvel"p,. large number of accounts where the year, and the percentage of Singapore would have been held 11 impossible things seem to happen; put It. the treasury Is officially In­ Health Servli-e Holl. E J., lent ...... 14.00 = terested Ir how you pay your in­ Bad Debts— Method of Deduction credit Is extended over a consid­ the reserve to such amount, the Holloran. T,.P.. aiulnilar.ie...... MacArthur had been in command. \ye had better, the President sec^- and 5c in slamp.s f; r each .s< pS- 2.463.50 1 I come tax. It Is delegated only with .\ddress communirations to The rate artnle ile.siied. Her-' arc erable period of time. It Is not total amoimt of notes and ac­ .larvi.s Companv. .\lcxander patching. trench work. etc. Bad debt.s constitute a consid­ counts receivable at the beglnlng 235 70 ' That’s enough for that front; Ifsd ed to say yesterday, itop worry- seeing that you do pay it. Herald, .Cttentliin McCoj the name.s of the artnl-^ .\ei- granted for the purpose of handl- -Tohnson & Litt'e. lalsn and matciml ...... erable Item in the return.s of many , and end o f the taxable year, and 26.37 not necessary to go Into the faOt | ing about the fantastic thing! And the Treasury Department, Health Service dosis —; Do Acid Ir n ts Caii.se taxpayers and may be treated in .lohnson P.iint Co., paint supplies ...... j the total amount of the debts as­ Kilpatrick. Jamei . lalior and mate’ ial ...... 14.00 that MacArthur would hav^ had , that might happen, and keep our through the court-M, can send ycu .YcMo.sis The /\rnl-AlkaliiU' one of two wavs —clth'T by de­ What constitutes a “ reasonable 20.00 to- the boosegow- and slap on fat certained to be worthless and Kissman. Mary, board and care ...... to surrender, too, if he had nearly | worry on the central effort of win- Do .Void Fruits t ause Acidosis I Bal.mee ( which t-lls whieli food.s duction from gross Income in re­ addition" to a reserve for bad charged against the reserve during 22.00 fines and penalties and a little in­ are a'id-form irg and which are debts must be determined In the Klemman. Louis, rent ...... We combed tha market* to bring you the me»l a million civilians at his back. ; nlng the war where It has to be For many years I have iouml It spect to debts ascertained to be the taxable year. 30.87 terest If you don'L alkaline-forming I. "Chart of light of the facta, and will vary la vet Brothers Co., .soap ...... neccs.sary to explain away the worthless either In whole or In 10.00 Libya—well, Libya, is Just an-i won. Vitamin Content of F ru its" part and charged off, or by a de­ as between classes of business Lewis. Philip, rent ...... I ; outstanding furniture values we could flndl NOW That Is how’ the laws say It | common belief that acid fruits 40.00 other evidence of the decline ot | while the President was saying duction of a reasonable addition and with conditions of business World's Oldest Lussii'i. Mrs Thetvloie, Ixmni and room ...... should be and the laws don't »ay , have any lUrect bearing in pi oibn'- 48,98 to a reserve for bad debts. Tax- prosperity. It will depend pri­ Maiich'-ster Gas Division, gas .seivee ...... we ore able to offer you the biggest array of the Empire It hasn't got the stuff | newsmen. Senators Walsh anyi*'herj that It is any Worry on ing the eomlitlon of the body rulleil ({iilcU Work ,\t l ire Manche.slcr Memorial Hospit.il. hoard and care ...... ■ • 4GL33 I payers were given an option for marily upon the total amount of What Is said to bq the oldest 61.76 it used to have. Let’s not go Into of Massachusetts and Johnson of the treasuiy’s part as to how you acidosis. Maachc.ster Plumbing A Supply Co hardware and supplies. quality furniture bargains you've seen in many Tulsa. Okla. - T Firemen at ' 19'21 to select either of the two debts outstanding as of the close musical Instrument In the world 144 the fact that this was the testing California were taking something raise those dollsrs to put on the | P'rora my experience. I nin con- of the taxable year, those aris­ was found In the Pollan moun­ Manchester 3aati & Gravel-Co., sand I vlnccd there la not the slightest Station .No. 2 went to the blaze. I methods. The method used In II. 10 a mooni Come in today! You’re sure to find what ground for Amerlcsn tanks, and barrel-head. ing 'currently as well as those tains of Czechoslovakia. It Is v Manchester Trust Co . box rental of the same line, with a different excuse for believing that acid put It out and were bark in the | the return for 1921 must be used 60.00 Aa a matter of fact, this sketch arising in prior taxable years, and musical pipe, estimated to re .Mankin. Ina L.. board and care ...... Reduced I New Patterns I New ColortI that they were pea-shooters com­ Intent and recommendation. Sena­ of the Treasury Department aa fruits have any direct effect In .station all in Ir.s.s than M min- in returns for subsequent years 10.72 you’ve been wanting at a low SALE PRICEI Hies The fire i faultv winngi wnsjunlcs.s permission Is granted by the total amount of the existing about 30.000 years old. and >.s Marlow’.s. furnishings ...... pared to what the Germans put in tor Walsh proclaimed that the the .Simon Lrgree of tax cotlrr- I creating this condition. | .’.tarsden A Wa.sseiman. water woi ks supplies ...... 17 83 in the rear ’A.ill of .station N'.. 2. 'the (/ommlssloner of Internal Rev- reserve. In case subsequent made from the tooth of an anlma!. 90.00 the field. country must glvs more attention tora iM ’t nearty os bod at It is In older to understand this fact. ' Marlin. A. J.. highway [losts pointed— not In many Instances It is well first of all, to kn iw 2.10 BIG BBOABLOOM SALE! That Channel battle? Why, the to the “ almost defenseless" posi­ I Meriden. City of. vital statistics ...... ysto}'. I what acidosis means The sim- | Merritt A Co., Joseph, blue print.', etc...... 53 40 British were asleep, as usual. 1.05 Save as much as $8.00 on a 9x12 room with tion of its own coasts, and he You might not get any Treasury ! piest definition is that acidosis re- AUddletown. O ty of. vital statistic.- ...... 1 05 ■Caught napping. They should “ feared," he said, that “ the day Department officials to admit It. ' fera to a lessened alkalinity. In Millord, Town of, vital statistics ...... this fine quality Axminster BroadloomI 49.50 dn have been awake, the way we but they do worry about how you normal he.tlth, the tissues of the Miller. Ray G., blankel.s ...... D e L u x e O R an ge Choose from a big assortment of new mav come when we will have to 18.76 are going to pay your tax. | i)oly are faintly alkaline, how- ' Miro Flex C.impany. s ig n s ...... SenMtional Equalator top were at Aruba, when maybe we i pring back our Na\-y frran the Only 9 More Days o f Sale Values! 19.25 patterns! Florals . . . Leafs . . . Modern ------I ever, through Incorrect habit.s of iiontgomery Ward, furnishings and truck p a r ts ...... burner*... 2 giant -tinvner! ^’Ot a submarine or two after a j corners of the earth simply 29.50 Textures and others! A LL WOOL- Take the 1911 Jolt, for example. | itvlng Including the u.-r of loo .\!oore, D C. Y , M. D . me.iical attention ...... Speedy oven! Fits flush 7293 whole flock of them had invadnl ! protect our shores." Even before Congress passed the 1 rnnny foo.ls which leave an and Moriarty Brotliers. range oil and paits ...... 6 17 P ILE ! 9 and 12 ft. widths. 3.15 to wall! \Mjy pay more? the heart of a great oil shipping ,\t the same time. Senator John­ bill. Secretary Henry A. Morgen- ' ash in the body, the normal alk ^ .Mori.arty. J. Franci.-. vital statistics ...... STYLETONE Broodloom .. I.S B sq. yd. -Pattornod lhau, Jr., ami his staff were out , pnlty may be reduced, pnalucin^ 16.12 center, disposed of a neat group son charged a lack of defense for Mountain Brook Farm, mi'k ...... Twist FRIEZE firoodloom . .S.7B sq. yd. Axminstor With Warnings that 1942 was going | ihe state which wc call acidi>sls. Mueller Co., water works supplies ...... 247.94 o f precious tankers, and even flung the Pacific C!oast. and warned of to be a solid year of paying and j ) , , name acidosis Implies tliat .Nash Co , D. * M . truck i>arts and repairs ...... 6.40 . . . . Solid Maple 69.30 the first German shells of the war a "Pearl Harbor" there. paying and that after that, it ber Cup A Specialtv Co . drinking c u p s ...... ; while the forces of aggression con­ Not only that, but they did • 1 vvlll be adopted to ili-.dgnate the Parsons, Robert E . County Treasurer. County Tax 18.964.42 world, alone? Yes, but that wis quered all the rest of the world. It little extra-curricular thing. They i condition w e n^ w n fer to ns aci- Pearson. Hugo S , nil ...... 29.40 UI2 lWl.iaiLI get out "tax anticipations" certlfi- | 10.00 back in 194U. That’s ancient his­ happens to be exactly the policy Hckle.a. .lohn F.. rent ...... cates, which corporations and In-| Acidosis is often prodiiccl by 172.35 tory. Lef.s look at what's hap­ Pinehurst Grocery. Im .. meats and grocenca ...... both .Nazi Germany and Japan divlduals could buy against that ; u,, of tlio.se foods whu h 32.00 ' wa r r - "ira pening today. W ed win the war Podrove. A . room rent ...... would like to have us follow, for day when they would have to *ay ; j^gye . an add ash In the bo>ly PollariJ Co.. Inc., Joseph G.. water works supplies . . 103.48 It on the line. The corporations ' jq (hp, cause, it is ea'i- in a walk if we dldn I have the It would be tha policy which wt>uld Pnttqf. J. Dyer, vital .statistics ...... 1.05 3-P<*. Bedroom British around our necks. WouUln I hand them the victory they seek bought: the public didn't. , |y corrected by using m or^of the Prentice. Mrs. Blanche, board and care ...... 383.00 ------^ , alkaline forming foods. Bgiefiy Ih-enticc, Ida, hoard and care ...... 88.00 Rich walnut and oriental- "■r? ' ,.,n,i leave us aa the last .isolated There is one other thing- a the acid forming foods are; 44.36 wood veneer* like *uites Hanllv an.v of thu-c .Xmcriva-.v Quinn’s Pharmacy, drugs ...... for. f opposing them in all the clause In tha« law. It permits you : i^teats eggs; fi.vh and starches sin h Quish. William P ambulance .service ...... 22.'30 $20morelDust proofdraw 'vho are indulging ll'.cii.i i-l-,, s ir. •.voild. U would be the policy to pay your incomd tax In four bread The alkaline formiiu; Remington Rand, In c , repairs ...... 3.25 ers! Plate glas* mirror*. quarterly insullmenl.a. * k u a , f^^t f,uit juice, ami .'>uch plearant dispa ra;;cm( nl "f which would loee us the war, for Republic Flow Meters Co. water works supplies---- 1.68 spreading the bump* otil over the vegeUbles PoUtoes and itma 40.22 things British rcii;:,'.' think tha,. this IS a war In which control oi year; with payments due In ' Revmond Baking Co., bread, etc...... lieans also belong In this alka­ Riley Chevrolet Co.. Inc , truck parts ...... 3.00 They are rnerci.y having t!iem- March. June, September and De­ the "four corners of the world" line group. Roberts, Jr.. Charles S., r e n t ...... 16.00 elves what they feel is t lur.g-dc- mea.ns victory. It la In these "four cember. \ long time ago when food.s 15.00 So far a the treasury hrr»'ln Roberts, James, rent ...... layed ticlil hnv. H v [ U-a.-ai.'. it . O' ;,er» ’ that the battles dicta;- i were first clas.sllled. some of the Robbins Disinfectant Co.. Geo. B , J-tain remover . . . 15 00 Washington Is concerned, that's fruits were given the name of 76 00 i.- to lex'k (it,\v> o- that old s- l.ool ■ng our own future must be j Rolston, Jame.s H., dog warden, etc...... tha limit 01 Its responslhllltten to acid frult.s, on account of their 15.00 lie srneiiic of li'.'.: What ar o[e you In helping vuu pay your Komanaka. Joseph, rent ...... • • Panel Baby Crib fought. \i would be tragic If ner- ] containing natural fruit acid.« Rourkf-Eno Paper Co.. Inc., towels, etc...... 14.43 tax. However, In .fact and prac­ Select maple and birch in porlumty tv s- i aiu ind .r tl.» vo',.sne.-;fl at home kept us from I When eaten, such fruits are called St. Milry's Home, board and care...... 40 00 tice. It does a little better by a pleaiing, decoratedit yie! feeling Ih it n' . ''.g last i m participating in these battles. ' acid, but after being burned m Pavings Bank of Manchester, r e n ts ...... 30.00 you than that. 3-way adjustable sprint! the ones u: .. ar, .m top’ h’..a>' th Uie body they leave an alkaline Seen, R. G„ radio parts ...... 03 Savo . . , While Our Stock Lasts! l''c--.dent Roosevelt, yesterday, Here's htw: The collector of In­ ash and hence their final effeet Now! Price Cut on Automatic iiiono'.le-' n;:. ■’ I 't ; ."i« i- ■ Schiebe. Emma, board and care ...... 28.00 ■ vs trying to nerve us to the prac­ ternal rsver.ue in each district Is is an alkalizing effect. Becaii.se Mmttremm. charged with the tax collection In .‘^chulz, Annie, rent ...... 12.00 ladKs of this the so-called acid fruits 27.00 tical Inevitability of using our bis district. If he and hts staff Sheehan, Trustee Martha, rents ...... 6| FT. R E F R IG E R A T O R Theri . only one f!;. m .'ih t:-.n. forces where they can win the real ore often beneficial In correcting Simpson, Alfred, r e n t ...... 15.00 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH 42.S8 precli...^ ’.t n,e:.t. T ie B'.tis:,. vi. lory, The two senators were out ind 7ta*fTare ! » " «cldosls built up by using too bmith Sporting Goods Co., Bob, police Equipment .. Sensational Deluxe model . . . chal­ ^ »m ^ t^ « d! lt ^ " inany acid-forming foods. Pa- Smith A Corona Typewriters, Inc., ribbon ...... 1.00 Polar. . . svhHr they last blast th«r...'a!e n!;e., i of put In that can do It. • sometimes do not imdcr- lenging other makes up to fJO tryir g to frighten us int'J with­ Smith Welding Co., welding serviceiS...... 1.00 at IMa low prirr! For throe radio- over ciUi' ism " e l,d .xe i Vk.r.; drawing from the war. Souther Engineering Co., Henry, services...... 105.60 more.' See it now and get immediate plKWMW srr balH Sn rqiial $1** arta! in tills cj/.: t*;. ; onl1. 1 jf'MIe a good deal of latitude in the .-porrj'. Luella C.. board and care ...... 20.00 Cartam MatgriGla delivery'! This big family sire M W from Bcld-formlng foods. th*y •nfrnr.l. Town of, vital statistics ...... 1.03 «-eho of 1 r ticsm w'r. h tegan r meth *d8 they use In getting in AM mode t* sail at 2$c! ‘n*ay play 12 rrrrrds aut''mat»rally has Food Froster, Food Freshener, I om placen ry In C ongeesa Too| those dollars. They only have to think this means to stay away .'■.ughton Co.. D. G„ furnishings Defense ...... 77.50 England l••e1f. \\ • don t la y Pin doU! CtMhion do4*! .. . and radio grSa Fur.qM- direct! Jiffy trays, Storaway Bin and other stay within the law and. the law Is from the acid fruits. faylor. Howard I . r e n t ...... 15.00 to berate ;r. ■■.■npetvn v It o ught to be repeated that this 'When you wlah to alkalinlze the Op?n Tiie.adav and Thursday Evening.s Until Bofton**' All-rayon anor- 17c $5 MONTHLY, usual specific on many point-s. Thomas, Annie, board and c a r e ...... 25.00 They have toi*e eontroL 2.004-play features you’d expect at dollars Tak# Up to 1$ boily. the best methtxl to u-e Is Cata—d ••**«•! Toad down paymoni and the old e...hool tie, the wav th? nati'/n, if It expects to survive ,n It you can convince your col­ ;i:00.. .Other Evenings by .\ppointmont; These Early American reproductions arc a splendid example rhrall, F. E.. use of car ...... 60.00 naedir. Hear it today! carrying chorpa more.' 5-year Protection! Months to Poy British do '.M ii.si.\ 1-5. u ;i e-;.- lector of your honesty. Integrity the short fast on fruit Juice. I Jii.xt Phone Us. of how much you get for your money.. .at Watkins. Notice, Toomey, David C.. vital atatistlc.s ...... 2.10 me world of today, should be. able have yet to find any other treat­ lorials 'f criticism are bi.t gent.' and sincere eagerness to get that pieafie, this U a Bolid maple group.. .not birch! 'Vhen you Treasury of the U. S.. fiumi^ings ^ ...... 2.88 to win its battles on the horns ment which la superior to this. (.'losed Wednesdays at 12, Noon. . 181.76 rephyrs compared to the bla.-ts tax paid, the odds ore that you'll - come in, feel the weight of these pieces. Pay special Tropical Paint A Oil Co., paint...... ^ front. not find him a hard-boiled whlp- The best fruit Juices to use for Underwood-Elllott Flaher Co., service ...... 25.20 the purpose are orange Juice, 1 the London pi ca . has been pr.nt- ' This week, m the Senate, the rraeker laying on the lash mere-' tion to the quaint, simple, correct details: bracket and scal­ United Mutual Fire Ina. Co., booklets— Defense...... 51 grapefruit Juice, canned tomato ing, right under ajvd up to Ch'.irch- , farm bloc Is scheduled to bring up ly beeswue the law says he can. lop'^ bsMS, tu m ^ wooden pulls, pegged mirror, interesting Valvollne Oil Co., oil and gasolin e...... 48.46 juice, and canned unaweetencfl . 3.00 Ills nose. (Jiir daring tali,. i om- (or action its new bill prohibiting Seme collectors are tough; some panels and posts. A rich warm honey-amber lends_the Visamap Company, police equipment...... I n k i i d Weniolmm R«f! SgI^ pineapple Juice. Clioose any kind Model Home DiHpIavh .-Vre Warren Pipe Co. of Mas*., supplies...... 2,978.75 Materiafe right misllow character to this old fashioned design, The Reg-ilar SI 6* Burlap Cowipare S t $6.98 sod - liirltts on British shortromlrg- arc the govemir.cnl fiom using its ! ^know'^hel'r of Juice desired, take one eight Weldon Drug Co.. Inc., d ru g s ...... •4.80 jr! W *> * I B.nck Inlaid Linoleum’ mere' 'Waterproof, stain- M pale and Ireuiulous wh iniperings | aurjilus stores of farm crops to In- district and ths people in it. and ounce glass every two hours while deep drawers center-iRiided.. West Hartford. Town of. Mtal statistics...... 1.05 Meal fabolas at 1 5 4 you are awake; keep this up for Wearing Sale Tagh, Too! 32.25 Msrhled o ’ ttem in ohns b* eeatroU*d. osd goesmraeBt signed to dotlM at Fort o f Spain. ■Ign of ocldosU Is a fe«Ung > tbtB You or* THaldad. a obat dtstono from bMng slowed down- wrptuMa uBod bo OMk* that ooo> tb* eoMt of V^WMlo. Dm to popular lnt*ee«t In tha JIANCHEStER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CO*NN. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY Ifi, 1942 MANCHESTER E\T:NnNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18.194t PAGE NINE ganized ear'y In 1940 with Robert Warner, editor of the ot tfford S|jafford Springs Press as president. Georg* Lester Bolton has ser/cd as president during the Mrs. Clyde Marshall John O. Netto past year.-Officerd and comiu.LU'cs 472, Stafford tor 1942 will be elected at the Phone 4US2 meeting. The speaking program scheduled Cooking School - Tomorrow, and Friday at 9:15 A Word has been received here of the death of Dr. Frederick P. 1 for this evening at the meeting of the Women's Society for Christian Springfield. Mass., has been a pa­ 6 at the home of Mrs. Dora W ar­ Batchelder, 77, professor emeritus Mlrtl who resigned a-s .she wa.s to Ellington tient for over four weeks in the ren. of applied psycology at Boston Service of the Qunrryville Metho­ nounced that elimination of un­ ment documents be made a crimi­ doubt whether the Senate could ] ! be married. Wes.son Memorial hospital In Shirley and Henry Rau of Paw­ University, at his home in Boston, O. F. Berr dist church has been postponed necessary handling operations and Must R cm rite nal offense, because the bill as it subpoena documents placed by th" Marlborough tucket, R I., are visiting at the head to be confidential. " A T h o u g h t i Mrs. William K. Bath, who Springfield with a broken hip. She Saturday. Dr. Batchekier. na­ Tel. 49S-S, Rockville due to the illness of one of the Spending Less costs has reduced over-all operat­ stood was too broad. i rents an apartment in South Mrs. .lohh H. Steele has the sympathy of her Tolland home of their aunt, Mrs. F'rank tive of Stafford Hollow, wa.s a Possible to Arrest ing expenses to the lowest point The bill. Introduced by Van Nuys Mm. Boward Lord Spencer at Waterfront Park.'- spe.ikers, Dr. Albert Flelschmann. Dociinieuts Bill Willinglon during winter, .spend.s 1178-S. Rockville friends In her misfortune. member of the Stafford Baptist in the company's 82 years, with at Biddle's request, would provide Southern Cross Mrs. Helen Malcolm and Mra. The body of Mrs. Olga Kamp • Wisdom !■ better than rubies.— SS4-2. Cast Hampton week-ends at her home in South church and spdnt summers at the The regular business meeting of For Foodstuff as little as 10 cents o f the retail a two-year prison sentence, $5.00(J Fred Carpenter who has been on Cummlsk of the Ubrary commit­ late of Norwich who died Sunday I Proverbs 8:11. Windham. She i.» the teacher Batchelder homestead in Stafford. the society will be held this eve­ dollar now covering distribution fine or both for any' one who made The "Southern Crb.s.s cohsfells- Nicholas Zalinka and Mlsa Eliza­ the west coast on buSlBess and tee carried over 300 books,, collect­ In that city was brought to Elling-. | One Kind of Cancer Washington, Feb. 18. — (45 — Plans are under way for a black­ of grades sL\ and seven. For many years he officiated at ning at the North school; all mem­ charges for some foods trucked disclosures without authorization tion of stars i.s visible in the M'hal is all knowledge but re- beth Zalinka, are employed in spending some time at his Pasa­ ed In South ftoventry for the Vic­ ton Center Jewish cemetery Mon­ Average Working Man (Chairman Van Nuyp (D., Ind.l Oscar Phillips has given up his dena, Cal. estate returned to his Memorial Day .services at the bers are urged to attend. The direct from growing areas to com­ by the depa-rlment head who had l.Tnited States only at the soulh- rorded experience?—Carlyle. out on March 3rd. Hartford and commute daily. tory Drive for men in service, to day afternoon for interment. Job with the highway tlepartment Tolland home Saturday for a brief Stafford street cemetery. F'uneral speakers who were ti have been pany super market*. said today the Senate Judiciary custody of the information. ernnioat points, hut due to the All townspeople are asked to the Mary (Theney Library In Man­ Mrs. Kamp was a resident of Scientists Give ‘Startling Eats 13 Centf4 Les«8 of wabbling of the earth'.s axis, it anil i.s now emiiloyed on defense Mrs. L. Ernest Hall and Mlsa stay. Mrs. Carpenter will return chester Tuesday morning, which is services were held yesterday at this meeting will be in Bolton For the nation as a whole, on Committee would have to rewTlte "M'hy, it would be poa.xiblo for (.'offec is made from the leaves have old newspapers, riibber. rags work. Oldrich Vana-sek takes hi.s afternoon in the Ruggles street Ellington for many years residing on March 4. them to impound every public doc­ will, at a future liate, be .seen as of the coffee plant in Sumatra, Bernlre Hall were guests of rela­ from Pasadena In about two the collection center for this area. on Piniioy street. She leaves her Evidence’ to Confirm Dollar Than in 1917. food marketed through all trade Attorney General Biddle's proposal and scrap metal ready for Satur­ place. Baptist church. Roxbury. Rev. First .Aid Slovles that disclosure of secret govern­ ument." Van Nuys .said, “ and I far noiih as (^icl)er', Canada. and the beans are exported. tives in Coventry, Sunday after­ wce'ks. Anyone who failed to hand their husband Harry Kamp. of Norwich. ! channels, the Bureau of Agricul­ new book.!! hnvc James T. Rider, pastor, officiated First Aid movies of interest to Belief on Type Affect­ day when Lawrence Burnham of The following noon. The Tolland Community W o­ books in and still have some to one daughter Mrs. Sami.cl Kor.to- j Washington, D. C., Feb. 18.— The tural Economics reports that mar­ East Hampton will make a house the WilliiiKtiin and was assi.stcd by Rev. Arthur all the groups who have taken or been added to Mrs. F3mery Clough. Mrs. Ern- men's club will meet in the church donate, may still add them to those lofsky and one grandson of Wash- - keting coats took 52 cents on the to house canvas. It is asked to Hrand. "Hilvrr- J Dorr of the Stafford Baptist are taking First Aid Courses will ing Men. a v e r s e working, man leaves about Public Library: c.st E, O'Neal, Mrs. Abial Metcalf. this evening at 8. A speaker at the Manchester Center if they ington, D. C. I average out of the retail food dol­ have all newspapers tied up in tip": Carfrae. "Lom-ly Road” : .Mrs Arthur Metcalf, Mrs. Frank wish. church. The body will be re­ he proEonled this evening at 7:45 13 cents less of his weekly payroll lar, eight cents leas than in 1938. MY FOLKS CALL ME ''BEST CAKE MAKER with slides will be furnished by moved here In the spring for 121 men between the ages of | in the auditorium of the Trade Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 18.— u'Pi bundles. , Cha.se, 'Wimlswept", Covert, Arnold were the committee in the State Department of Health. Mrs Mary L. Chadwick, widow 20 and 44 registered for selective dollar at the grocery store today On the basis of food costs Sixteen members of the local “ Fighting Par.son': Dufficid, burial in the family lot in Staf­ school in Manchester. Everyone is —University of Michigan .xcicn- charge at the Women’s Club meet­ All women in the community are of Frederick W. Chadwick, died service at the Town Hall here than he did during the year Ameri­ alone, budgeteers among-working IN TOWN" SINCE I LEARNED ABOUT ' m n g e attended the Grange School ■Flaming Felicia": Pattern, "Love | ing Wcdne.sday evening. ford. I Invited to attend and there is no tifts. working on a theory devel­ families are better off today than invited. Sunday at the home of her daugh­ District A, Eastern Connecticut Monday. ca entered M'orld M'ar I, even ot Instruction, In Columbia, Satur- Is Forever” ; Ralne, "Ju.sticc Do- Eleven men from the town of ter. Mrs. James W. Green of Brig­ charge for admission. The pic­ they were during the "prosperity " Thursday the Red Cross all day Council. Boy Scouts of America. | Mr. and Mrs. John Lanz of To- oped by a University of Chicago though food price." generally have ferred": .Soul. "Alphabet Lucks', I Tolland are attending sessions of ham Hill, at the age of 82 years. tures were made at the P'ratt years of 1920 and 1929. Govern­ sewing meeting will be heki at the comprised of Troops 48 anil 49 maka avenue, spent Tuesday in | surgeon, today presented what risen some 15 per cent during the CAKES ***The^local grange will hold its Randall, "Peppertree *lTin": .Me- 1 the Auxiliary -State Police school She was borr) in Bolton on Octo­ Whitney iilant in Float Hartford ment reports show that the typi­ home of Mrs. C. Preston Meacham. of Stafford Springs, anil Troop 50 : Lynn. Mas.s., visiting old friends j they termed ''startling evidence" past twelve months. regular meeting Thursday night Cord. "Wall's of .Icnco” : Mtushall. They are AUien Crandall. Seigfried ber 1.'). 1859. and lived most of her and have been highly rommended cal working man fed his family when a Valentine program will bf Thursday at 8 p. m. the Metho­ and neighbors. to confirm a belief that it ia now Reduction of extras marketing "Arms and the c.irr; Jone.s, "Is Gilhert. Mick .Szemeylo, Robert J. life in Andover, Coventry, and of Stafford, held a Court of Honor , by thi'se who have .seen them. for J430 last year, compared to possible to arrest one kind of can­ costs by efficient distribiitora has presented. the Kingdom of »pooDa FULL FLAVOR way the Hall gymn in .Suutli Willing- , nam wa.s Uie .speaker on "How ■if Andover Rond has returned to first biological control of any can­ j blind and deaf, have 7500 children cfvera COlbum. He was a member of ' tnitirui hranrh of the quarterma.s- week-end at her home. ant Scout Executive Flarl Reed of quet Hall. .Vmi Arbor senes failed to respond j this type of sales unit, the A & I’ means compliments ton. The score wa.s 34 to 3'2 in I Lent Is In the Church Calendar 8:00 D.l'.V , 1st floor social his home from the Manchester* cer and it provides relief from the Tea (Company. The food chain an­ enrolled. H rup bmvn Uriel Lodge A. F. and A. M. and ter corps' of the F'lrst Corps Area, Mrs. Jennie Isham i.s ill at the Wlllimantlc made the presentn- ; to treatment, it was reported. j firmly pacAod for the cOok: I hear favor of Hartford. At half time it was nnnouneed Wednestlay by I and Us Meaning. ' room. Memorial ho.spilal. suffering caused by a common dis­ this constantly from of Climax Chapter, Eastern Star home of her neice, Mra. Janies M. tions. Harold Hruee wa.s chair­ A theory advanced by the Mich- 1 Blend Spr^*. m U. vanilla nod ooona. of Marrow. For the past seventeen Willington had a four point lead the puhlii' relations office of the 8:00 Maude Arr,'..strong. 2 al­ The Bolton Volunteer F'lremen ease oT old age. women I meet at my Champlin, on Prospect street. man of the Court of Honor and will meet this evening in the Fire- The surgeons freely called the igan doctors for this failure is Add broam augar gradually and rrean year* he had been janitor of Hall At the dcfcn.se dance held by ' area in Boston. He will serve as Harold L. Andrews acted as sec- . leys. Cooking Schools. For Flight men from South Coventry ■ place Room of the Community tliscovery "one of the mo.*l impor­ that there was a source ot male well. ao quickly —Spry mixea Memorial school. He leaves his the sophomore cla.s.s of the State i a ihcector in the per.sonnel and 8:00—4 open alleys. purer Spry lets natu­ are attending the classes at retary. , . i Hall. Henry Mn.ssey, Oscar Krey- tant medical advance.*! of modern sex liormones m" these cases, other Uke magic'I Add egg*, mncly. beat­ wife, a son Walter Colburn of Teachers’ College Friday even-ng i recor.i branch. In his class at More than 100 ncml.ers and ing well after each additkm. Add ral food flavors come South Coveiilrv Thompsonvillc and Suffleld throe sig and Harry Mtinro will have limes." I than the glands which had been South Willington and a sister, Mrs Ml.ss Helen .Tarnhs of South Will-' Ma.^.sachu.sotta Institute -of Tech- guests will attend the annual din­ Refuse to Change Rating Time molaanea aod blend. through FULL and true and d*- I nights a week, for emergency po- ! charge of the oyster stew supper. Dr Charles B Huggins, profes- I removed. Ha Moone of Norwood, R. I. The Ington wa.a one of the committee ! noloey. (Ynndall was voted "most ner-meeting of the Stafford Civic The Michigan report said " N o Pi't aoda with flour S timaa Add llclous." _ Miss S. Helen Roberts ■will in- jI lice training. Each member is n.'iked to bring his ■xor of surgery at the Fniver.sity of | funeral was held at 2 o’clock Tues­ to make arrangements. Her cj- , likely to aucceeil " In the CCC he A.ssociation to he held F ridav-night ! San Francisco, iTi Someone application of this meth'xi to oth­ flour to creamed mixture, alternately own bowl and spoon! (. hicago. developed the method. , day afternoon at Hall Memorial cort was Ru.ssell Tngjnga of Wllli- had s'.ipervlsion over Camp Vol- .struct the first class of the nutri­ at .he vestrv of the First Metho­ forgot to tell the Steinhart Aqua­ er forms of human cancer has yet with aour milk, mixing aftor each ■X. ve- .se.- ' ! Different Kind of Runner John Rich of ' Bolton Center I* bhsed on his experimenUx with sox j church. Dr. Horace B. Sloat, the mantle. Frank Wraight of W ill­ unto'vvn which twice won prizes tion course at Mrs. Thoma.s dist hurch. A ilinner will 'e served rium seals about wartime. Offered been di.scovered. " adfiitinn until smooth. Bake in lOi their breakfast an hour earlier spending a few days in New York hormones, 1 pastor, officiated and burial was- In ington Hill was the e.senrt of Tol.y for top rating among CCC camps Graham's on Thursday afternoon Camp Upton, N. Y.—i/P- Sergt. at 6:30 bv the Women's Society for , The prostate i.x a small sex gland ; I lOij.ir.rh Spr>-greaaod pan in mod­ the Willington HiU cemetery. Mr. this week, the glossy black ani­ ('llv. erate o^ on '.’i.Sn® F.) 60 to 60 minutes. Nelkln of Norwi. h iu the slate. Me was post exchange from 1 to 3 p. ni. Next Wcdne.sday I Dick Bernie appraised a rookie at Chi islinn Service of the Methodist that enlarges when affe. ted with Taste that tempting blend of moiasses, brown sugor and and Mrs. Colbum celebrated their mals repeatedly have refused 11 Froft w th Vanilla Cream Froeting. officer at Fort Terry. New York the induction station and noticed chup-'h with 3lrs. E.ai'l M. M itt as ^ cancer. In .about half the cas' .a ■ TuHi’pedo Explosion the lli.st evening cla.ss will be held until one hinii' elnp.se.s They'd bet­ See what a light, flne-grained rakt golden wedding anniversary in and al.so served in the Coast i that he had listed his civilian oc- chairman. Roy L. Wilcox of Life this cancer spreads to nearby bone Forced to Tend Own Flm-lis at .Mrs. Graham's, with Mls.s Doro­ ter stop being so finicky. Siipt . Mur Closes County Office •^pry gl^'ea. And what n nice little cocoa, so FULL and rich. Purer Spry doesn’t "'dull” 1940. .\rtlllery before he went to the thea Sherlock. Home Service Rep­ ! cupation as a "runner." "Runner." ma.,azinc who spent the first 10 , i ssues, causing excruciating pain, The young people of the Hill days of the war with Japan in the Robert J. Lanier warned, because t Diitchnieii aa'ou make compared to uweg Santa Rosa. N. W lA'- U'.s F'lrst Corps Area in Boston resentative of the Conn. Light and ! the sergeant observed with qiiirk- they may have to go on shortened Joliet. Ill I/TI The Will county ; nd in many cases the swollen expensive cake ahortening! area held a meeting at the church I ening intere.st. "What .school did r>ai-ifie, will tell of hla experience , not that Tom McGrath. Republi­ There was no school session in Power Co., as instructor. ration.", fish being so hard to get. ■treasurer's office is closed for a .land affects the bladder. Both flavor as ordinary shortenings may Sunday evening conducted by W il­ you run. for? " "Oh. I didn't run on the mor’ .ing of Dedemoer 7th VANULA CM AM PtOSYUM town Monday. The registration of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Ben­ week indirectly becau.se of the types are often fatal M’lllrmstad. Curacao. Dutch f bur V. Newby whose topic was, can candidate for corporation com­ • for any school. " the recruit ’replied '.vhen he was on a United States r m t'Rs* Spry cakes are Hfhtrr eakts ereama so easily. It's purer, too, and stay* all men between the ages of 20 nett and their daughter. Mrs. Sey­ ’•‘ ar. Trea.siirer James C. Bell went Castration Is Treatment Most Indies. Fch IS ■■T De­ 3 tabirepfwaa flpnr 3 cup* aifted “ How We Got Our Bible.” missioner In 1040 isn’t sociable. I "1 was a numbers runner in the ■vaisiiip some hundreds of iriles ^ Ilavllght Tim^ 1 TfibicepeoB vugAr - tender, fine-grained, velvety, too. fresh longer. Three big extra ad\'aoU|ca He's just got chores to do out on and 44 who had not previously mour Jay Sindehand o< Washing­ ■ . , I cr active duty in the Marine Corps. Dr. Huggins reported to The tonation of a German torpedo ■ 6 tfihle«por>n8 O Postmaster Edward Bradley and I policy gambling racket. " i from Pearl Harbor. An lidded | .\mencan Medical A'V'ocialion last But the big reason why folks fairly rav« and only Spry give* all thrrf! Change to the ranch In town for Kis first registered or who vr-ere not in the ton, D. C . who is visiting them, Clocks are not always set one i The .state's attorney ruled that wha U h.id nysed to an Aruba is­ 1 tcfispoon ruuUa •raided CTTan family of West Willington visited ‘e.iture of the i logram will be the June his belief that male sex hor- ' 4 teMpoon mU about them is the way they l/i*W Spry today. A nd be sure to come to Free visit in months, he explained a aervic e of the country, took place were dinner gue.sis of the Rev. and 'lour ahead for daylight saving ■ since there ia no trcaaurer, there land be.u h from a raiding .sub-; relatives In New Britain Sunday. i Marine Pirate Hunters I sho'ving of a motion pictu "C of irones were responsible for thi' Blend Ppr>'. butter. Tanilln and aalt. And how quickly they'ra mixed. Spry Cooking School. Time and plao* abo^'a. The Willing Workers attended a I shortage of sheepherders fi'irred ' r.t the Hicks Memorial sehodl. The Mrs. Henry E. Robinson in Put­ lime. They are only set 930 mm- 1 can't be a deputy treasurer and a marine killed four Liulchmen and ! "Connecticut Answers." a reford of 1. c ancer. By injecting male sex hor­ Beat in cup augar. Add hot oream. lecture on home nursing at the him to tend his own flr.eks teachers assisted with the regis- nam. Conneclieut's industrial eontribu- • tltes ahe.id in New ZeZaland. '20 ‘ new treasurer can't be appointed wounded three others dismantling The February meeting of the Small expeditions of V. S Ma­ monrsHmones hen r foumilu u in i theim.- tumornjiucu growth ^ v rB le rd a V alternately with remaining sugar, parsonage Tuesday evening. The his spare time l-.'-'s been irrigatiiiv ' tration I tion *o the all-out war effort. The minutes ahead on Africa’s Gold ■until Keb 25 when the county it yesterday, thus causing the Bullonnaires will be omitted. The rines sought hide-outs of pirates W HS accelerated. By depressing the I casunlti beating well after eaeh addition. Add committee for a social period with Mls.s Margaret Morris, a former Coast. board meets. les ot the war on Am- 100 acres of farmland, himself along the coast ot China in 185.5. i Staffo.'d Civic association wa.s or- 1 I reduction of the male sex hor­ only enough cream to make a nice refreshments was Mrs. Louis Serv­ 1 resident 'o f Tolland, now living in i next meeting will be held on March oruim i“ »il from huhtilc service His vi.sit wa.s brief. mone. he was able to retard the epreading conBietency. Tee thij de- 7 K /P l£ - ice and Mrs. Walter Mather. operation.'*. liriouB. ea«>*-to-nak« Spry fro«(ing A L L - 1 ancer. His treat m*>nl is rastra- The niL*»sile among: Women gathered at the Hill \ for other cake*, ton. Vlt^CTAILI church today at 10 a.m. to make t on exploM\ cs f^re«i by !jndersea < l aft CPEAMEP C'aoaa observed during a two KEMP’S, Inc. (,4ff in (Ae«f ar$ Ustt, Red Cross garments and to knit. which .'iank nr clH-ma^ied pevon fOS EASIER MIXING year period he reported as show­ TEL. 5(>80 )------1 Each one brought her own lunch tankers in the Caribbean, and 76.3 MAIN STREET ^ “ •fC/ig oed Spry re!annea of dist church at Wlllimantlc Friday ing the past 17 months. Of thc.^e. jtlic ili.MiiaiiUing detail. Maj D A. “DIAMOND at 2:30 p.m. when the World Day 2'J had entered the hospital in ■ G. Dc Maagd. Naval Lieut P c l Prayer will be observed. \ fotis.***'. .1 \’('j;el7.one and f.. K«xu- Adolph Wochomurka. son of Mr. agonizing pain. " M'lthin 18 to 72 hours after oper­ man. and Mrs. Charles Wochomurka of BEVERAGES ation 16 of them had what the ictory Willington Hill was a member of doctors called "eomplete relief | Old Training Rase Contain the FINEST the committee which arranged a from pain:" three others had , there day religious embassy at "partial relief; " three had "no re- | Since 1912 incmbcrs of the U INGREDIENTS and are of Brown I ’ nlversitv, Providence. I hef." I S .Marine Corps ha\e undergone he HIGHEST QrAI.ITV ’ R I. You can help save Report on ^0 Cases their preliminary training at Par­ Building contractor Howard | On 30 consecutive cases, observ- |ris Island, S. C. Pratt is very busy. Work on the ; —SAYS— new home of Gallup Service at . West Willington Is going forward —Famoua Food Authority— rapidly And employees are also working on other jobs. 458 hours a day AT THE Thomas Borovick .substituted HERALD COOKI.NG SCHOOI for mailcarrier Charles Lyon Mon­ hoaltli-biiildin:^ day. Sixty-two men from Willington leglstered tot selective service in Rockville Monday and Sunday.’ v e r y doy in Connecticut more than 61,000 calls 76 YEARS NEW ENGLAND’S FAVORITE The members of the Cheerio rooking heat Mill clc^troy thrni class passed a plea.iiant evening are made to our Information operators for THE Friday at the home ol Mr.«. Evei- E ett Robertson in Wejjt Willington numbers that ore in the telephone directory. .? ^ i ■; V DIAMOND 5 011 when the monthly meeting was ^ysiCiA^i'S held with discussion of a future project The hosti ss served a lunch Our records show that the average call to BEVERAGES o' fruit jello wltii orange lustard. i > t A N b ' ■ MAKE DELICIOUS ICE CREAM SODAS .Scotch shortbread and walnut ' Information'' takes 27 seconds which odds up cookies. DRINK-MIXERS AND FROZEN ICES Mrs. Frank Joshn spent the past to 458 hours lost each day. This takes the full week wnth her daughter, Mrs THREE SIZES Clirlstopher Vogel In Chicomar,- time of 57 operators and ties up much central .‘itU. mass. The theme of the semum .Sun­ office equipment. * day at South Wllbr.cton was Honor All .Men. and at Willing- ■ ton Hill. ■‘Chri.at .and Human .\a- ' By consulting your directory before asking lure.' ' Information" for help, you will conserve the time James Barry of .Vor.vtch, who i PALE DRY died there ..Satur.lay after a long ; li.nesa, leaves a son WUllara Barry j of skilled operators and vital equipment urgently of Willington ' | Rev F:arl Darrow ■ f Hartford ' needed to speed the telephone calls of plants assisted Itr Hie ace B ijlnat «at j the funeral aetvace.s for Mr.- ^ engaged in war production . . . of military Homer Neal Thurs-lay afterni on I The bearers were LeP.oy Walker, 1 authorities . . . of defense officials. jfL IM E Louis Service. Williani Pardu.'- and Jerry Pardus Mr. narrow, a 1 RICKEY former well loved pastor her*. I We want you to use your telephone. We want has been called many times to ofli- i cinte at funerals in Willington. to give you quick and dependable service. In these LEARN THE LATEST METHODS OF Miss May Benjamin gave a Val­ 3f0R.\NGE entine party at her home near Hie days when we are stretching every Glass factory seelion F'riday DRY After skating on I’arizek's porni available facility, we can only do SCIENTIFIC COOKERY’ the guests returned to the huu.-e and played games. Refreshments this if we have your continued were served. GOLDEN The state highway department co-operation. observed Lincoln's Birthday and GINGER COOKING SCHOOL the employees did not work. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Crandall ALE of Central Village have been ?aler— Thursday and Friday guest* of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krlvanec at Ea.st W'Ulington. HELP YOUR niEPHONE COMPANY George Horn, son of Mr. and Mra. Otto Horn of West W{Uing- THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGUND TEUPNONE COMPMIV Manchester Division totv, la a. patient In the Johnson SERVE YOU AND YOUR COUthRY Manorial hospital, Stafford ■prtnga. y ie , Hartford Gas Co. ^ Mra. Paulina Helmold has re­ KEMP’S, Inc. signed at Hall Memorial school as teacher of the fourth and fifth gradaa. The primary teacher la Furniture and Music M n lUdgaeray of Labaimi. who took tha of Mlsa Mildred 763 Main Street Td. 5680 . ■ t ' ■ u V '■ i .z. PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY,'FEBRUARY 18, 194* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES'TER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 194* W E TEH

' - . ------' ...... ' ..... ■ - - ■ ' ' ' - ...... : ...... — ------— ------'.1 Cooking School - Tomorrow, and Friday at 9:15 A. M. Cooking School - Tomorrow^ and Friday at 9:15 A. M.

light thrown out by the street been appointed official "mother" for Marines. Her home remains is her son, Ray Hall, a Marins the quartermaster staff found that of 376 XL S. Marines of the Chi­ open to them at all times and she stationed at Son Diego, Calif. Long Underwear winter underwear, issued to sol­ lamps. Woman Mother Devises New Hand-Painted Hostess Tray, Stand General Death Blackout Test Atop the Taft hotel the city as­ cago area by Lt. Col. Chester L. serves as their consultant and diers last fall, has never been worn. Fordney, officer in charge of Ma­ friend os well as mother. She also A vault was mods for tha body Boston Learns Lesson And these soldiers, who were sumed a somber atmosphere with To 376 Marines Found Not Worn Daily Radio Programs only here and there, outside of the rine Corps recruiting in Illinois. arranges "desirable” dates . for of George Washington under the Offered by Swan Soap as Prize Rate Deelines naked to don the "panhandles," as Called Success them. dome of the Capitol but It was Kind of Horn they are called, cut off the arms EMtem Standard Time immediate center, a cluster of Mrs. Hall takes much pride In lights to show where thorough­ The 376th Leatherneck to be In- decided to Inter him at ML Ver» Atlanta. Feb. 18.—(/D—Soldiers and legs. Chicago, III.,— Mrs. Lorraine her new job. which includes ar­ From Trial Blaekout fares still were marked. ranging teas, dances and dinners chided upon her list of "children" non. stationed In the south Just won’t But the Army Intends to keep on Hall, Chicago radio star, has I Coiiverpps Sound Waves Auto Accident Fatal­ wear long underwear, the Fourth Defense Officials Say In New Haven railroad passen­ issuing long underwear. "Sooner or ger station persons groped about ity Rate Still Showing Corps area quartermaster staff has later,” said Rite.-, "the soldiers will Bob Crosby Taking Place Public Cooperates for Whole Surrounding Re­ Landlady Afraid Raid Into One Formidable dl.scovered. in the unlighted concourse or hit a climate where they’ll find the waited in the shadows to snatch a gion Also Must Be* Jf'arden Is Holdup Man Beam of Sound. IiicreaHc in Nation. Ueut.-Col. W illiam F. Riter said thick garments mighty welcome.” ^Grand Job’ . cab at the first resounding note of Of Bing on Radio Program the "all clear.” Darkened If Location Seattle, Feb. 18 (/Pi - "Byer Washington, Feb. 18—(>Pl—The New Haven, Feb. 18.—IF i— 1,518 F'aU to Put Out Ughts New Haven, Feb. 18- (.T,— NOW I KNOW THE SAFE WAY TO GET Is to Be Hidden. aipre Jo.sua blew the walls of general death rate in the United Connecticut experienced its first Complete reports from 1,835 By and large, last night s New York. Feb. 18.—(/T)—Bob 8:00 MBS; 8:55 CBS; 9:15 MBS; wardens (101 were marked as ab­ .lerico," oh.served Prof. Frederick States declined considerab^ last 10:00 MBS:10:30 Blue; 10:45 CBS; blackout last night along the en­ blackout test went off very CYosby is appearing on his brother sent) showed that there had been Boston, Feb. 18— —Officials sm<5othly In .’'Jew Haven, but ! K. Kir.sten. "men have been mak­ year, but the deaths from automo­ WESTCLOX keeps llie lime as usual al the 11:00 CBS; 12:00 NBC. CBS, Blue; tire shoreline from West Haven to 1.513 cases of light.s having been Bing’a NBC program Thursday today drew ffom Boston’s first there were a few exception.s.^ ing horns the wrong way” bile aecideiits kept going up. 12:55 NBC, CBS. Blue. New London, and while it w called to the attention of house­ trial blackout the lesson that, if a Take the case of Air War-" j .«o the I'niveraity of Wa.shlng- The U. S. Public Health service Herald Cooking Sehool night, but Bing won’t be there. NBC—8, Thin Man Adventure; only partial in many places, de­ holders, all of which were extin­ city’s location is to be hidden, the den Joseph Raiano, He rap- ’ ton's famed inventor set out to reported today that the general He’s off the air for the second 8:30, Uncle Walt’s Doghouse; 9. guished without dispute. M W /m m Sf/£S, Whole surrounding countryside al­ ped on the door of a rooming i death rate during 1941 was ap­ Kddie Cantor; 9:30, District Attor­ fense officials said the public co­ perfect a siren that really would | week becau.se of a golfing engage­ operated for a "grand Job." A publicity man for the Defense so must be darkened. hou.ae where lighl.s were shin- j .spreail an air raid alarm. He was | proximately 50 persons less per ment in Texas for the ’oenefit of ney; 10, Kay Kyser Hour. Council said that as a matter of Boston's 800,000 residenU last Ing after the alarm .sounded, thousands in the population last CBS—7:30, Kay Thompson * Street lamps remained lighted motivatial by the failure of Seat- the Red Cross. in New Haven and surrounding fact compliance was, in one sense, night cloaked the city in almost and was chased off the prem­ year as compared with 1940, The Bob will help Mickey Rooney Co.; 8, Mr. Meek; 8:30, Dr. Chris­ almost too good. "Reports Indicate .WITHOUT SNEEZING SPELLS/ complete blackness, but from the tle'.s lecently Installed s,rens to! communities where railroad lights, ises by the lamilady. He re- | carry their warning for any great ' death rate from automobile acci­ run the hour program. Mickey tian; 9, Fred Allen Hour; 10:15, that too many families sipiply put air its location easily was dis­ hospital and defense factory illu­ turned witli a poUeeman to I distance. ! dents increased 18 per cent and making a return engagement as Great Moments in Music. out their lights,” he said, "and sat cernible—a blank spot framed by whom the landlaily a[>ologetlc- ' the death rate from accidents oth­ Blue—8, Quiz Kids; 8:30, Man­ minations were permitted to go the bright lighU of neighboring Professor Kirsten, with the aid M. C.. in addition to providing a unmolested because of the nature in the dark. ally explained she was afraid er than those connected with au- 1 further display of his talent in im­ hattan at Midnight; 9. American "From a standpoint of safety of an engineering clas.s, devised a of their business, but in New Lon­ communities.’ Raiano was a holdup man. She huge wooden reflector. On the prin­ toniobiles increased by two per I personating famous characters. Melody: 9:30, New Series, Cab we would much prefer that a regu­ Mayor LaGuardia of New York, hadn’t heard about "any test cent, ! Calloway Qulzzlcale; 10, Basin St. don, except for the Coast Guard here to observe the teat from the ciple of an aulomobile he.adlight, Like his brother. Bob also is a lar room, properly provided with or air raid" she said. it convergc.s the sound waves into "Relatively I..esB Nunieroiis" singer, and has been gaining at­ Swing. base and the Submartne base, it bIacko\it m.itcrials be arranged In top of the tall Superior Courthouse Deaths from tuberculosis, dia­ MBS 8;.30, Boy, Girl, Band; was total. A t the building, told reporters: one formidable beam of sound. The tention on the air and off with his every home." fOK G £iAAfm H m F ft/iSMS siren is set in the center, just as Is betes, cerebral hemorrhage, heart orchestra programs. He will have -9:45. Miss Meade’s Children; 11, Across the river at Groton, site Need Regional Blackouts disorders, pneumonia and disease j Basketball at New York. of a humming submarine building Home-Making "The blackout was excellent, but a globe in a headlight. of the digestive system and kid- ' his musicians along. USE NEW MNSOl IT!| SAFE. AND REMEMBER Will Salvage I)ls.sl|iates Sound W aves plant pledged to launch a craft a tjie liesson to be learned is the need neys were "relatively less numer- I What to expect Thursday; The month for Uncle Sam, it was 100 .To Hold Auction S c h o o l. irk 9 8 % FREE OF SNEEZY SOAP-OUSTl He said the trouble with the con­ ous," the summary said. The new government series. This for regional blackouts."' ventional type of siren is that the I Is War, will take this theme lor war—Morning: -8:00 NBC. CBS, per cent except in the factory it­ Pointing to the lights of sur­ An expected outbreak of influ- ! Blue; 8:45 NBC; 8:55 Blue; 9:00 self where the wheels kept grind­ f h ea rd th e Car Traeks bell-shaped horn dissipates the enza resembling that of 1918 and ' the second of It.s all-network Sale of Assets rounding clUes and towns, he sound waves instead of converging broadcasts Saturday night— ’The CBS; 10:00 MBS; 10:15 Blue, ing and the welding machines aaid: "What a frame they make. 1919 has thus far failed to mar e x p e r t them. White HcAise and the War." Paul MBS; 11:00 MBS; 11:15 MBS; blazing. Governor Saltonstall said terialize. Officials of the Public ■ 12:00 NBC, CBS. MBS. TrofTic at Standstill sayx blackout looked excellent but Preliminary Steps Tak­ The bowl reflector Is 10 feet In Health Service and the Army-and Muni is to be guest narrator, while The asset:' of the Norton Cloth­ diameter. Profc.ssor Kirsten pre­ Leith Stevens will conduct the or­ Afternoon — 1:00 Blue; 1:45 With the first wail of the air but it is clear to me that we must Navy had expressed fears that See The Westclox Line o f NBC: 2:00 MBS: 3:15 CBS; 4:00 raid sirens hereabouts, traffic ing . "ompany are to be .sold at auc­ have a teat including the entire en to Get 6 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 ' dicted three of them, with power­ due to present crowded conditions chestra. Besides the chains, nu­ ful sirens in them, would be suffi- merous non-network station.^ MBS: 4:45 CBS. MBS; 4:55 Blue; came to a standstill, .street car tion on TTiursday of next week. metropolitan area." in camps and in areas near de­ 6:25 NBC; 6:45 CBS. Blue. power went off and buses and car.s Observers in an airplane said, Pounds o f Steel. ctenl to give the entire city of fense production areas an epidemic throughout the nation are carrying The store was closed by an attach- .Seattle a jiicrcing warning. A test Desk and Travel Clocks the series. NBC—12:15 p. m., Rhythmalres; pulled in at the first parking place however, that though the iocaUon of flu might break out this win­ 1:15 Congressionals; 2:15 Mystery and doused the lights. n.cnt on January 27 and following of the city as a whole was appar­ Hartford, Feb. 18. (/P,—The brought housewives in a northeast ter. However, the number of new residential district scurrying out After two guest appearances, Man. CBS—2:30 Fletcher Wiley; People stood in knots around the the attachment a petition in bank­ ent, the blackout effectively ob­ state through its Highway Depart­ cases during the last week on 4:15 Highways to Health; 6:15. scured Individual buildings and to see what the blast was about. which reports are available total­ George S. Kaufmann is being as­ Green, historic center of New Ha­ ruptcy was filed. The assets were ment and other sources has taken Because the reflector concen­ signed the post of regular M. C. Olga Coelho Songs. Blue -11:30 ven civic life, or lunged into store listed at $8,200 and the store fix- landmarks inside the city limits. ed only 4,899. compared with 61,- a. m.. Prescott Presents; 2 p. m., Officials conneeWd with the teat preliminary steps to salvage more trates the .sound straight ahead. 809 cases during the same week for the Keep ’Em Rolling variety doorways. Extra details of police­ ture.s at $1,098, but the appraisers ; i « i than 60.(¥)0.000 pounds of steel In Professor Kirsten said they would aeries on MBS Sunday nights. Lopez Orchestra: 6:30, Lum and men patrolled with wardens to rcp’oitcd to the bankruptcy court expressed elation at the way the a year ago. Abner MRS - 2:30, Kentucky people took it in stride, apparent­ abandoned street car tracks, about be revolvetl like the light in a llght- DONNELLY’S keep the public off the sidewalks, that the inventory was much less; School; 3:30, Camp Grant in,Re­ one-fifth of which lie imbedded In hou.se or any airways beacon. .\nlmals To Receive First .Aid Programs tonight: The war TTirough it all came the eerie in fact they placed a valut of $3.- ly willingly, although the regula­ view. 000 on stock and only $200 on the tions were backed by the force of roads and other thoroughfares. JEWELERS AT THE CENTER 7:00 MBS; 7:15 NBC; 7:45 Blue; scream of the siren. Blazing the­ a recently-enacted state law. Frank Upman. Jr., acting high­ New London, Feb. 18 —Ani­ ater marquees turned suddenly to fixtures. Bids had been offered to way commissioner, notified Seth Ruler Relieved dull spots reflecting only street the court on the inventory figures. Ckalks Up tist Of Negati^’es The smartest new style In host- . mals as well as human being will The blackout period—probably Low Pierrepont, chairman of the designed to be an nttraetive addi­ be able to receive first aid at Con­ 1080 1360 lamp glare and store signs, neon There was such a wide difference ess tables a beautiful ei;,'i.udlcd WDRC and otherwise, for the most part, hetwen the two sets of figures that Don't miss the the quietest 20 minutes In Boston’s State Salvage , Committee, that Of Aiilliorilv tion to any style of home decora­ necticut College for Women in WTIC Kilocycles Kilocycles modem history—chalked up a list conferences between his office and tray and stand combination which tion. case of an air raid or .similar em­ went off quickly. tlie Referee in Bankruptcy Saul Yale Stolid In Darkness Berman ordered the auction and of negatives. the WPA, at which the attorney retails at ten dollars -is being ergency. The College Riding Club I ■ Wednesday, Feb. 18 Yale. Its university buildings this will be held at 3 o’clock on the Hardly a light showed in the 46- general sat in. have cleared the New Delhi. Feb. 18 .4>. The offered as a special prize at our Unlit Storking Production ,'nnounced today It had engaged a WodoMday, Feb. 18 Manchester Herald aquare-mlle area, except for those way to permit taking up of 5,700 Maharajah of Rewa, ruler of the j p. m. sprawled over half of downtown aftemnnn of Februar>’ 26. Milton homemakir.g school by the makers 7;cw London veterinarian to give P M H. Richmond was elected as trus­ tt- m defense plants exempted from long tons of rails. Indian state of Rewa has been re­ Melbourne. Australia. Feb. 18 a aeries of lectures on first aid to 3:00— Against The Storm 3:00—David Harum New Haven, stood stolidly in the darkness amid the tiny points of tee by the creditors. the test. , , ^ To Remove Rail at Time lieved temporarily of hks adminis­ of Swan, the first really new white cJ’ Maniifacturer.s of women's lings, cats, horses and other ani­ PYREX WARE’S 3:15— Ma Perkins 3:15—Ad-Liner— Musical Coop- Home-Making Dmnonstratkm Not a law violation of any kind Disruption of traffic in muni­ trative authority because of sus­ floating soai> since the nineties. -stocking.s in Victoria today volun­ mals. 3.30— Pepper Young’s Family e-Titlve was reported to police. Neither a cipal centers, L’pman said, would pected romplirity "in certain crim­ This novel aid to gracious home tarily limited production to these , 3:45—Vic and Sade 3:45—News fatality nor an accident of any be held to a minimum- a single inal offenses," a British communl- entertaining is ns practical as it is four shades: Candlelight (pinkish | An Increase from 423.317 in 4:00— Backstage Wife 3:55—War Commentary 4 00 Ad-Uner —Musical Cooper­ RUTH BEAN kind was recorded. mil being removed at a time and tpie announced today with no fur­ smart. The hand-painted tray is tan): Touch of Mauve i mid-grey I; | 1930 to 528,687 in 1940 was shown 4:15— Stella Dallas the excavation filled and covered ative SLIPPER-SOFT Class TOMORROW^'! igoni vahMUs Im s m * Of the Home Rcoaonilea Not one lire alarm was sounded ther explanation. decorated with a graceful Swan Brown Derby (beig# brown I; First I by the population records of New ^ S/G 4:30—Lorenzo Jones Service Corporation, Say at from a box. There was one tele­ with concrete or asphalt within a The announcement merely said motif. Love (sun tan). 1 Mexico. 4:45— Young Wldder Brown 4:45—Mark Hawley, News BMkisg s8crtts...lMw to save tisM, SMSsyl phone call concerning a small few hours. that a political officer had been This lovely Swan tray is 26 6 :00— When A Girl Marries 5:00—Mary Marlin FEATHER-LIGHT "I find chat the Nr* Riato fr a dutim blaze In a tree stump. Virtually all rails taken from put in charge of the eentral In­ I inches in diameter and is niciUi.tcd 5:15— Portia Faces Life ■|: 15 The Goldbergs nyone who has ever been to these grand clothn radtaadf dean, whiter aod Airplane observers said they municipal centers will fall within dian native state of about 13,000 on a sturdy s\and 20 inches high. 5:30— We. The AbboUs 5:.30 Ad-Liner Musicai 06oper- . home-making demonstration! knows hor^ bnghtei, with t i t e t r . It s 98 per ccot the Jurisdiction of local authorities ative A free of laeetr aoap-doaK—iCOMt. 9I1A07- saw only one automobile In motion. square mil/s an - News such an automobile, but allowed It 6:(X)—News show you the latest in home-making. Learn how tc proceed when they found it was His Highne.ss Maharajadhiraja breakfast for a twosome. The 6:15—Professor Andre Schenker 6:05—Rhythmelodlea and place operated by a doctor taking a pa­ The Census Bureau calculates .'tir Gulab Singh Bahadur was born I stand folds neatly away if desired. 6 :3 0 - Musical Appetizer 6:20—Edwin C. Hill the New " Atiti-Snceze’ ’ Rinso washes clothes siaJej that there was one accidental March 12, 1903: succeeded to his I This popular new hostess tray 6•.45—Lowell Thomas 6:30 Frank Parker Songs Sd/i/yvcL Come early — u hiur thsn old-type soaps. How it stops washday tient to a hospital. death, on the average, every .5 rank which r.ntes a 17-gun salute and stand combination is an In­ 7:00—Fred Waring’s Orchestra 6:45—The World Tmiay sneezing spells. How Rinso gives richer, longer- 7:00 Amos n' Andy minutes during 1940. One-third of Oct. 31, 1918. and was granted dispensable aid to gracious enter- 7.15—News of the World bring your I lasting suds. How it speeds up dishwashing. these were automobile fatalities. ruling power Oct. 31. 1922, I taining around the eloo,k and is 7:30— Come On And Dance 7:15—Lanny Ross -if. -if 7:45—Conn. Defense Council 7:30 Kav Thompson A Company friends 8:00—Adventures of the Thin 8:00 Meet .Mr. .Meek Recreation 8:30 Dr. Chn.sUan Jean Hers- Man I’ f 8:30—Plantation Party holt Center Items 9:00—Time to Smile 8:55 Rimer Davis News THE MANCHESTER HERALD EXPERT SAVE COOKING SAVE IN SEDVING SAVE IN STOlUNG 9:00—Fred Allen TIME AND FUEL! AND DISHWASHING! LEFTOVEPS TOO! 9:30—Mr. District Attorney Today 10:00— Kay Kyser 10:00—Glenn Miller’s Orchestra RUTH BEAN 6-9—Junior boys’ game room , 11:00— News 10:15—Great Moments in Music « 10:45 - Tony Pastor’s Orchestra \ open. E. S. and W. S. I 1 1 :1 5 -Three Romeos will give her demonstration 6-6:45—Junior boys plunge peri­ 11:30—When Day Is Done 11:00 News od, F-. 8. I 12:00—War News 11:05- Sports Roundup 6-8—^ y s ’ Intermediate basket­ Get These Modern Glass Utensils 11:10 Music.al Interlude AT STATE THEATER AM. 11:1.5— News Analysis ball league games. E. S. 12:05— Freddie Ebener’s Orchestra At 10:00 A. M. Tomorrow — Also Friday At 10:00 A. M. 6- 7—Small gym open for hand­ 12:30—Strings For Mediation 11:30—Vaughn Monroe’s Orchestra 12:00— Linton Wells. News ball, E. S. ------AT ------r------, 12:55—New# 7- 8—Small gvm open for box­ 1:00—Silent 12:05 Tommy Tucker’s Orchestra ing. E. S. 12:30- Benny Goodman's Orches- 8- 9—Fairfield Grocers’ basket­ Tomemnv's Program tra* 12 5 5 - News ball period, E. S. MARLOW’S AM. 7- 8—Beginners’ swimming class McGilVs Wallpaper 6:00— Reveille and Agricultural for women. E. S. Tomorrow's Program a. m. 8- 9 — Intermediate swimming Growing Children Must Have ENDORSED AGAIN THIS YEAR BY \ Miss Ruth Bean’s Choice fbr 7:00—Morning Watch class for women. E. S. 6:90 Sleepy Slim Serenade 8:00—News 7:00 - News 7:30-10 — Bowling alleys re­ MISS RUTH BEAN 8:15— European News Roundup FA V O R ITE With Everybody 7:10 Shoppers Special— Musi(\ served for Mr. Palmer’s group. HERALD COOKING SCHOOL LECTURER Herald Cooking School 8:30— Radio Bazaar Y ou can use your E. S. time Regular Heidth Check-Ups! 8:55— W TICs Program Parade 7:30— Robart Program 7-10—Bowling alleys reserved 9:00—Playhouse ’> for men's league, W. C. 7:40— Bond Program An Ice Cream Cone COOKING UTENSILS 9:15— Food News 7:5.5- News credit to buy Modern parents now have a definite responsibility in the checking of the THOS. MeGlLLs Jr. 9:30—Aunt Jenny’s Real Life 7 :.55—News Tomorrow Stories 6-9—Junior boys game room PAINTS — WALLPAPERS — SUPPLIES 8:00 -N ews of the World health of their children. Your doctor will tell you that, in general, milk 9:45— As The Twig Is Bent 8:15 Morning Salute open. E. S. and W. S ‘W'e Bought In Advance In Defense Of Your Dollars 10:00—Bess Johnson 6- 7—Small gym open for box­ t>4.5 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6887 8:20—Shoppers Special — Music, EVERYTHING from is the best health-safeguard I Be sure your child drinks one quart daily. 10:15—Bachelor’s Children time ing, E. .S, .. .Buy Now And Save!” 10:30— Helpmate 7- 8—Small gym open for hand­ 8;30-!-News 10:45—Road Of Ufa 8:15— Shoppers Special ball. E. S. 11:00— Mary Marlin 6- 8:30—Boys’ Junior basketball 9:00 —Press News Montgomery Ward FOR THE 13th YEAR 11:15— Rlfeht To Happiness 9:15—School of The Aid of The ENNA JEHICK SHOES league games. E. S. 11:30—The Story Of Bud Barton 8:30-10 — American Lithuanian Americas 11:45— David Harum 9:45— Stories America Xjovea ARE ENDORSED BY Citizens’ Club basketball game, m i x MATCHID 12:00 N oon-G ene and Glenn E. S. Mmm! They’re Soft As MIXING lOWlS 10:00—Hymns of All Churches ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS NEW P.M. 10:15—Myrt and Marge 7- 10-Bowling alleys open. F S. 12:15—Luncheonaires USED AT THE HERALD COOKING SCHOOL By popular request—mixing 10:30— Stepmother bowls that you can use (or 12:30—-Day Dreams 10:45—Women of Courage Miss RUTH BEAN ARE FROM My Teddy Bear Now! mixing, biking, and serving. 12:45—Slngin’ Sam 11:00—Mary Lee Taylor Sergeant ^ ins 1:00—News Designed to At your hand, 11:15—The Man I Married HERALD COOKING SCHOOL LECTURER easy to hold, fine for clecuic 1:15—The Uttle Show 11:30—Bright Horizons 1:30—Marjorie MUU ( loveled Medal mixer. A set of three— 11:45— Aunt Jenny’s Stories Try ojie with delicious Manchester Dairy ice cream— THE WEST SIDE DAIRY 2:00— Wrightvllie Sketches 12:00—Kate Smith Soeahs Use W ards Monthly Payment nested together only QT. 2:15— Medley Time 12 J5 —Big Slater it’s extra good! Everybody likes ice cream cones and Washington, Feb. 18. — (/P' ■ 2:30—Concert Miniatures Plan when you want to “do Jose Calugas, a mess sergeant of 12:30—Helen Trent “ENNA JEHICKS FIT WELL 2:45— Three Debs 12:45—Our Gal Sunday everybody likes Manchester Dairy ice cream, so the over" a ro o m -w h e n the family the Philippine Scouts, has won the 2:55— News a Congressional Medal of Honor, Check This Chart Monthly 1:0O—News combination of the two goes to make up a mighty tempt­ wants new radio—or you need highest U. S. military decoration.. 1:05—The Inside Pag# BECAUSE a new stove! )ust make a reason­ A War Department communique 1:15— Woman In WhlU ing morsel. 1:30—Vic and Sade able down payment and pay the late yesterday said: Letter Carriers balance a linle each mpnth. An "The action for which the award YOUR CHILD; 1:45—U fe Can Be B eaut^I was made took place near Culls. Ask Wage Boost 2:00— Young Dr. Malone * They’re Made To Fit WeU’’ account may be opened with any Bataan province. Philippine Is­ Teeth? ...... 2.15—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne Get Manchester Dairy Ice Cream at Your purchases touiing $10 or more. lands, on Jan. 16, 1942 A battery VA QT. 1QT. 2:30—Fletcher Wiley gun position was bombed and .Vppetite? ...... 2:45— Kate Hopkins Neighborhood Store or Soda Fountain ahclied by the enemy until one gun Waterbury, Feb. 18—(#1—A r«- was put out of commission and all Disposition? ...... ■oluUon requesting wage Increaoea CAMPUS CLASSICS SUCH A CONVENIENT way of the cannoneers were killed or will be contidered at the 48tfi an­ Marines in Need wounded Sergeant Calugas, a School Work? ...... Beaumont III Exclusive at PYRIX tOAF BISH nual convention of the Connecti­ TO BUY THE UTTLE THINGS ^ meas sergeant of another battery, cut Asoociatlon of Letter Carriers )IU The Herald voluntarily and without orders ran (’old Resistance? ...... This good looking dish has to be held here Monday, It was Of Reading Stocks $ 6.50 m 1.000 yards across the shell-swept YES, LITTLE FELLOW! Your mother has discov­ a dozen uses. Bakes delicious announced today by Thomas Pha- IXere'i S thoe that know# what Cooking School arta to the gun position. There he Popularity? ...... ered that New Model Laundrj' fluffs towels soft as a pow­ bread, fish, meat, desserta. len, convention publicity chair­ Clothing, housewares, anything organised a volunteer aquad which Reading material Is scarce In ^ eoUege girla xrant! Cazual |tood der puff. She knows they’re soft enougli for your Cats be used to serve them man. Iceland, according to U. 8. Ma­ Special of the in bur store or in our cm logs placed the gun back In commission .Vmbition? ...... p ip in g hot at the Mr. Phalen said the wage pro­ and fired effectively against the tender skin, that they're twice as absorbent and will last rines stationed at the Arctic base looka with ilipper-lightcomforL may be bought on our convenient table. 9 V i" • posal will be the moot important Month enemy, although the position re­ much longer. \Mien you open your bundle from New 45< Outdoor recreational activities business of the convention which OTkEi sm n mbnthly payment plan. The easi­ m ain^ under constant and heavy Model run your fingers through the soft, fuzzy nap of will attract m o^ than 400 letter were numerous during the summer JapMeae artillery fire.’’ and fall months, but moat Marines est way is with our merchandise your towels.. .feel how smooth and slick your linens are. carriera and their wdvea to Water­ ■nie only other winner of the bury. in Iceland have been spending a $5 to $6.50 Cherry Tarts coupons. You can get $20 worth avanl olnca thla war began was Everything is precision ironed and fresh and clean as a He pointed out that the carriera majority of their leisure hours in­ for only $3 down. Spend them ad U eu t Alexander Ramaey WEST SIDE baby after its bath. Try our quality work this week! will moke their request on the doors during the sub-zero winter like cosh— all in one day, if yov r, Jr„ of Fort Lauderdale, PYIIX riAMlWARI UUCI- argument that coots of living hare months. The -esult is that news­ arho waa killed In action In PAN. It's new and smart— increased considerably during the papers, magazines and books pro­ ___ y like— »nd take months to pey. PhiUpplnca. 15% Saving on Our Cash and Carry Service the latest thing! You’ll want past two yeoro. vide pleasant entertainment for DAIRY all 3 sizes. Wide tat hot* The 50th onniveraory of the the sea soldiera. One rUak Osaka toms. Easy-ponring spouts National Aosociatloo o f Letter Persons wishing ta supply rssd- Manchester Dairy Each diah aervad at the table JoAcph Trueman A Sons You can see food C1/LC 'iTiers will be marked at the Ing material for Marines In los- It Itederick the Great waa pre- 11 52 McKEE ST. TELEPHONE 7706 cook! I qt. size only ..uatneos meeting in the afternoon lond may do so by addressing KINNEYJ d kjr a dlffarcnt cook, and , Pasteurized Milk and Cream NEW MODEL UUNDRY and St the dinner In the evening. books, mags sines, and newspapers PHONE 5161 MANCHB8TBR had kla oam prlvata kitchen The annual (ionvpntion of the to tbe Post Llbrorton First Ma­ WELDON BUILDING Ice Cream Co. arhlch to prepare hia apacUl' Fresh Ea-rs - Cottage Cheese - Ice Cream SUMMIT STREET PHONE 8072 ao»>ciatkM>'a auxiliary will also be rine Brigade, Iceland, c-o Post- 903 MAIN STREET aaaUr, New Tmk City. * te|r MoBOkT- S i MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 194* fitCiHfiliTEEIf

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. ^^^DNE5DAT, FEBRUARY 18, 1942 Cooking School-Tomorrow, and Friday at 9:15 A. M.

seme of the Pearl White aerlala of board of The Joseph Horne Com­ whirl. Hs waa a sergaant h«r« Deaths Last Night zilent motion picture days. pany, large western Pennsylvania but was' released before Uia war a SE8 lj*>LS1 0 » : / S I'f Philadelphia Walter Penn Ship- department store. began. Before his Army stretch ha Montreal—Frank Lucius Pack­ ley, 81, retired attorney and cheat was a Marine corporal. He’s in tha Navy now. Eire 'Out of Hounds' //ow Food Expert Prepares Singer Raps House Quickly Passes ard. 65, author of the "Jimmy expert. Tries All Services Big Problem ! Camp Haan, Calif.—(>P)— Eddie Leaders Face For Aiyericau Troops BY H6NRYBEOAMANN NBA Bgiivw*. nte.’ Dale" mystery stories and of fic­ Pittsburgh — Albert Horn? Racial Stand tion wfhich served as the basis for Burchfield, 71, chairman of the Berryman likes to give ’em all a Read Herald Advs. C o u rt' For Railroad j Fried Chicken Big Appropriations Bill French Belfast. Northern Ireland, The Story: Schoolmatfe In George was saying, "I lj*ar you’ve sociatlons. So far she was unsuc­ road and yelled at the top of hla unaUtown Kings Row are or­ voice, “Stop that, atop throwln’ Feb. Ih v Roliesoii Prefares Sec­ lost your overseer. Know old cessful. Telegraplt said ’ od.iy that liislriiclions to J Vnip nf .^71 to 0 Given ^ amendment by Rep- phaned Parria Mitchell, deaper- Tom Carr?" The boys swooped down the hill rocks at our bouse, you dirty ol’— To G o on Trial 1 om or- Vniti-d ■•^lates .\rmy headquar­ ond Half of Concert > O ie 0 1 O f X 1 0 U resentaUve Smith (D.. Va ) which ately III after overneer father of "O. ye.s. Big bushy head of and passed through the tiny dirty ol’ anoozera, you!" Operaliiip Staff r.ovrr* ^ childhood sweetheart Renee beat* row to D eterm ine Ke- j ters in Northern Ireland had .\fter Warning Sup­ would have banned the closed shop white iiaii ? I’ve seen him. " streets of Jlnktown. The atones whizzed so close to 1 ISMicd orders making Hue iiig Kvery GoiitiiijiPiu y. | With Segregation Talk in Industry, and jurisdictional and her, whisks her away: “all boy” “ Believe he'd be a good rhan for "Looky!" Fulmer Green pointed hit head he had to dodge. He ran gponsibility for Fttll. 1I “out of boimd.s ' for the plies Must Be Ready sympathy strikes. Drake MCHugh; tomboy Randy you." to the blue cottage at the end of quickly around the house and re­ I can troops. Kansas City. Feb. 18- '/I’l —Paul Chairman Cannon (D., Mo. I of, Monaghan; beautiful v'nssandra "Well, I might talk to him.” the street. “That’s where ol' Craiy, appeared with an old rusty pitch- British troops are permitted New Haven, Feh 18 . •!' If | Robeson. Negro baritone, prefaced For ,\xis Offensive. the Appropriations Commttleo Tower whose doctor father, town "Tell you what. I ’m riding out Ben lives." He picked up a rock fork. Holding it ahead of him, ' Vichy. Unoccupied , Feb. IS to ■, ro.as the fionner from ^ you .e hard put to decKie what to | the second half of his concert last warned the House before the final mystery, takes her out of school that way tomorrow. I'll send him and threw it in a long easy curve. he charged straight at his tormen­ _Five leaders of the defunct . Northern Ireland, in civilian night with a lecture against race Wi^hmgton, Feb. 18 • i/T*i— A vote; after social snub from Dordons; .around. I'd like to see him get a It landed with a loud thump on tors. Benny chased them well out i do alKiut blai king out your home | I/ouisc Gordon, leading physician’s of Jlnktown, and came back wip­ French third rcpnbilc, including clothes ami many unolficiHlly segregation and told his audience record .-smashing $32,070,901,900 “ The crisis is coming in the good place. Surely you remember the rotten shingles. The boys spend their leave, from this j or office, consider the problems, spring of 1942, daughter; half-wit Benny Singer, Uie Carrs! " shouted gleefully. ing the «wcat from his face with two former premiers and a former ne was continuing under protest. war appropriation moved to the bla'ked-out aiea aiiipne the lonfronting executives of, a major I Some white listeners immediate­ “ Japan is consolidating its vic­ brunt of schoolboy jokes. Other "Don’t recall them, Thurston.” "C'mon, let ’em have some his sleeve. Allied generalissimo, go on trial A week later Drake McHugh light.s and well-stocke] re,-- railroa i to \« ho.se daily- care are' ly left the auditorium and other Senate today with a 371 to 0 en­ tories. In Europe and in Africa, characters: Madame von Eln. "They came her from New more." A shower of rocks clat­ French grandmother of l*arris came to see Parris after scho^. tomorrow before a special tribunal laurants of non-uai rit.g Fire. entne-tc-d thoiLsand.s of pa.ssengers | followed throughout the remain­ dorsement by the Jfouse. under the enemy is preparing for his York state. Had some money. tered on the low roof, making the set UP by the PeUin regime to de­ and millions in inerchandise | greatest push, the supreme offen­ whom he adores; surgeon Dr. Gor­ Started off in big style horses, splinters of dry wood fly in every "Did you hear about Benny der of the program. There vva.s conimitle# warning that supplies don, whom Parris fears; lawyer | Singer?" termine their responsibility for the , Like the slur.'., train.s must go 'no estimate of the number to walk sive. Unle.ss we produce material carrisge. everything. He tried direction. must be ready against a supreme Skefllngton. "No, what?" fall of France. | on. .troops must he ti iinsportcd. out, . '' by that time sufficient to hold the I trading in real estate. Lost it all. -Mrs. Singer came out on the' Axis offensive this spring. Fulmer Green’s Gang front step.” Get on with you! "He had a kind of fight over Vichy hourly grew more cNciien . Oahu Defense uoikers hauled to and ffom honj'-s The singer made his talk vvith- House Appropriations Committee iront, it will be too late. " W ife went crazy — she’s been in and vital war good.s sped to em­ Debate was quiet and peaceful You're going to hurt somebody there in JinktowTi with Fulmer at the approach of the tnai it I out warning, either by word or members. Introducing the measure Chapter VTI the asylum here twice, but he until Representative Lambertson first thing you know." Green’s gang. They rocked Ben­ Rlom, 20 miles fiom here, winch , barkation points and. when your manner, m the first half of the vesterday. spoke against a back­ Renee was gone. He knew he keeps her at home now and looks iR., Kans.). protested further lend- ny’s house and he got after 'em one newspaper said "may be one Points Shouii railroad parallels a coa.st.al margin program. -8 s he opened the sec­ ground of informaticm furnished would never see her again. He fell after her him.self. He's a good The boys did not answer They lease appropriations and charged with a big pitchfork. He pretty of the moat Important in our his- | as strategic as that of New Eng­ ond half he saul he regretted to privately by high ranking Army his stomach shake, but his eyes man.” grinned and shuffled a shade un­ that “ if the president doesn't near got some of ’em, too. Guess land, your problems are vastly interrupt a concert to make a officials and urged quick action on were quite dry. “ Um send him to aee me. " easily. Mrs. Singer went into change his waya and give up efti- he'd ha,ve killed ’em.” Blamed for Defeat i .\riiiy IVrniltP N ew sm en magnified. ."perch, hut' the bill, which Includes outlays for “Parris: My darling child—you "It'd be a mercy, ma’am, if you the house and closed the door. A In a broadcast to France on Oct. | That is why the New Yrnk, New ciency. vve wall lose this vvac ' "Goodness, I never saw Benny “ I have made s life-long habit tran.sportation and other immedi­ mustn't, n i try to send f ir Renee could take him.. I beard she wai heavy clod shattered against the fight, did you?" 16, Chief of State Detain placed the , To See ainl Jiulfie Haven and Hartford railroad Vith 1 to refuse to sing in southern ate items as wcl la.x for long range Charges •‘Political S|»eceir’ If you'll be very quiet and not a gradiiuate of Va-ssar College back panels, and yells of laughter blame for France's defeat on six ; terminals in busy New 1 "I'k and "No, but he went for *ein that states or anywhere that nu'liences production. The House passed the Majonty Leader McCorm.uk w o rry" there, but she’s crazy as a loon greeted Fulmer Green’a daring and time. Fulmer told his daddy, anid men. five of whom have spent more , .M euM iri*!' Ta k e n . Boston and connecting lines to a are segregated. I accepted this bill with only four hours debate. iD., Ma.ss.i. jumped up to ehuige He knew his grandmoti er could now. Got dropsy, loo. Fat as an i spirited answer. ^ mvriad of other prodiu tion point.s j they had Benny arrested." than a year in prison. ' eng.agrment under guarantee that With similar unanimity yester­ the veteran Kansan with making a not. Never, never, never! elephant.” ! "C'mon," he commanded, look­ AccusaUons submitted to the throughout the six .New England "Sure enough 7 Did they put Honolulu. Feb. 18 /Pi The 1 there woald bC no segregation. day, ihe Senate passed by a voice “ wrangling, political speech" and “ What Ume is It?” "Dangerous, do you think ? 1 ing back at the house as they states ha.s just issued instniction.s him in Jail?’’ chief of state at that Ume by a [ “ Since many local leaders ot vote a $163,806,854 deficiency said “ this is no time for vvliispeis “ W hy—I don't know, child. A l­ wouldn't want to have - ’ passed. "Who does she .think she specially chosen coimcll of political Army permuted newsmen to see to its operating staff covering, it "Just one night. Mr. Green said ! mv own race have urged me to measure, including $100,000,000 for and poison to oivide " Uie poopli- most seven, 1 suppose" "Oh, no, no! Not at all. Just is. anyhow ? Crazy, that’s what he ought to be sent to a reform Juatice named these men; and judge for themselves today hopes, every foiesee.ible conting­ “ I mean—no, no— I mean what I fdl this engagement. 1 .shall finish civilian defense against air raiils, Then Representative Dittor iR , sits and sings. Too fat to m ove." she is. People like that ain't got school, but Colonel Skefflngton Former Premier Edouard Oala- ency. the mca.sure.s taken to safcgiiard the ronerrl. but I am doing, .so and retuiiicd it to the House for Pa.I. rose to i riliciie Cannon lor a time thia week ?" "Heavens. I'll be glad if I can no business livin' round Kings waa on Benny’s he got him diier, who until France was beaten Robert L Pearson, operating I "Oh It’s Sunday" strategic poiirts of Oahu island under protest ’ action on minor amendments. letter he sent Monday to Houso Kelp the poor man. What a life Row, nohow' " off. But they bound Benny's was hailed by his country as us agaimst the potential dangers of vice-president of the road, has been Restrictions Left Intact Democrats, accusing Republicans “ Goodness! Why. I got sick last that must be! " busy working out the procedure, Sings .Ilm Crow Song Orte of (he bolder boys sent an­ mother over to keep the peace” strong man; invasion. In that bill, the Senate left in­ of parliamentary tactics on appro­ Tuesday, didn't I ? ” ■fhe fires of Indian summer other rock banging against the "Fulmer Green is kind of low- Former Premier Leon Blum, while upon Operating .\ssistant .1 Crisp golden crust outside Later he sang the Jim Crow "Longer than that, dear. It's the While It IS not possible to de­ so lender and Juicy inside Mexico I’roliihils tact House restrictions against use priation bills aimed at winning burned on every bill, and the side of the house. Mrs. Singer ap­ down, I think, don’t you?” Socialist who rose to power with a Fran,; Doolan will fall the burden .song, containing verses of racial middle of August.” tail what the offiecrs iinfoliied. and such wonderful flavor I Ilf the protection fund for “ fan control of the House in November. nostalgic odors of autumn filled peared once more. “Go on, now, " "Sure he ia. He's a stinker." popular front of leftist parties; with con-siderahle pnde. it can he of seeing that the plan woi k.s. protest Cannon's letter, placed in the The-miaaie-oi-/vuBu=.-middle—o f—August ?'■. ’’-.the He air. It was the mo.st stirring “ Fried chicken is a big favcuitc dancingi street shows or other pub­ she called. "You quit that, or 1 11 (To Be Continued) Former Generalllssimo Maurice said there are huge new flying Will ('ontiniic to Operate Knl)l>er Exports* ' Eugene Zaehman. manager of record, warned his colleagues to t'e whispered the words. “ Have with .almost everyone And just .v e lic entertainment " or for the of all seasons in thi.s region. have the law on you." Gustavd Gamelln; fields, far more nests of artillery, Bs.sed. says Doolan. upon the I the auditorium, said the manage- Treasury's $80,000 Donald Duck in- on the alert for Republican amenvl- been " Pierre Jacomet, former admin- if your folks aren't fonder of d One warmish d.ay a crowd of Fulmei; stood In the road faring Gets Right Man many more miles of heavier barb­ premise “ that the railroad will I nient had entered no contractual comb tax cartoon film. ments to the $32.000,000,00«) bill.. * “You've been unconscious for iatrator of national defense indus- than eCer when they taste it fixed boys swarmed down the hill after her squarely. "Aw, you shut up." wire cntanglenients, and an in- continue to operate as near to nor­ Mexico City. Feb IS T ' F.f- 1 obligation with prohibited segre­ The big war fund carried $22,- The letter said the Republicans weeks, Harris You see now how tiies and considered one of the I his way," says .Mis.s Bean, who is school, shouting the relief of their he said Keosler Field, Mlss.~i/PT -Sergt. crea.se In the numbers of three, mal as possible during air-raid gation. Seats were available for 888,901.900 for the War Depart-' made a “ clever coup " with heir no very sick you have been, and how moat advanced technicians in conducting the highly .successful feetive today. .Mexican exisvcts of e.scape from the stuffy c; ssrooms "Go on, go on. If you don't b •- 1 Joseph J. Foley waa distributing five and eight-ineh guns on bluffs alarms, ' the road does not expect .Negroes in all price ranges and ment. mostly for ordnance and ex­ fan-dancing amendment to the careful vou'll have to be.' ' France: Manche.ster Herald Cooking .School raw rubber and rubber gevod.' arc “What’s the matter witli me? " ' It was Fulmer Green's "gang." have yourselves. I ’ll sick the dog I the mail to a squadron. He called overlooking the sea.. tran.sportation will he halted short locations, he added pediting production, with a provi­ civilian defen.se bill when no fan- on you!" She closed the door once .out the names and flipped the let- .Guy La Chambre. one of France s this week. banned nnles..; authonr.ed aft “ cem- He said }ie considered it strange “Ycni've had fever— a very bad Fulmer Green had won through to Huge eucalyptus logs have been of bombing. sion that half of this could go for daneing wa.- in the bill and when undisputed leadership after two r .ore, 1 tors with practiced ease. Sudden- wealthiest men. who became air Special committees of operating “ It 8 meltingly lender and won­ venient and necessary " by the Min­ that Robosem made no protest un­ fever." cut. trimmed aivI imbedded among lend-lease aid. the committee already had approv­ year.s of bullying fights and the T i l tell you," he said "I.«t's ' ly he stopped, dumbfounded. The miniater; , personnel have been Treated al derfully juicy with such a crisp, istry of National Economy til the concert was half over. ed s < hange having the .same rflevt. ■ He was silent for a few minutes. the sand dunes to form almost im­ Rulibor stocks are sufficient to It also included a $5,430,000,000 commisslo I of such’ minor dep­ give her ol’ house one good rockin’. ' reason was an envelope addressed; Pierre Cot, also a former air each division point with suh-com- golden! delicate crust And it h i.« Earlier Robeson's attorney, . Ditlcr said the letter was ' nar­ He turned his head very slowly penetrable machine-gun emplace­ meet .Mexico s domestic needs only, specific item for lend-lease, raising redations as gain<*d him the ad­ then wc'll run.” , Private George S, Niedapondziany. miniater. mittees at' 9.II large stationa and such a grand chicken-y taste For Robert Rockniore, said in New row. confining and partisan. ' and on the pillow and looked out oi ments. it s fried with pure all-vegetable said a decree issued last night by the total approved separately for miration and adherence of hla A hail of stones fell on and . The sergeant shook hla head to Fled to United States yards. Arrangements have been York that the singer had called added that Republicans as the window. "When—when did Oot lied to the United States be­ Where but a few weeks ago Spry and Spry alway.s let." you get Pre.sident Maiiiiel .\vila Camacho. such purpose to date to more than kind. His mother, ambitiou.i for around the house. A few windo'.v- I restore cerebration and cried; "Al- perfected with district civili.an de­ off a .scheduled appearance in San­ well as Democrats had support'd she go away?" I fore the accusations were made rifle and artillery companies had the full natural flavor of the food I The ban ineliides automobile $17,000,000,000. a better standing In Kin,'/'s Row paiies shattered with loud crashes, phabet " Private Niedapondziany fense warning centers for in.stan- ta Fe. N M Friday after a hotel defense and war measures. Dllter ""What? Oh!-The Gyllinsons left | k and waa not mentioned by Petain little rover, there now are deeply it.srlf. Do try this recipe .soon It s' tires, and eiisloms in.«pertors are ,\nother big item was $3.8.52,- since they hail moved "uptmvrr, ' At that moment Bennv, rel.irning , stepped forward and took the let- ta'ncoiis notice of pending raids to cancelled his reservations because OpO.OOO to carry forward the mer- and Representative Woodrum 'D , juat the day after you took sick. la bis broadcast. hidden dugouts with frame walls, quick, easy and super-'lelicinus under cirders In examine all ears tried til break Fulmer's old a.s- from a neighbor's, ran duw r. the ' ter. 'E like ’em ! That's the local ver­ ranking officials day and night. other guests objected to presence Va !. joined McCormack in an ap­ "Why?" ' BANANA SCALLOPS Daladler, Gamely, Blum and lights and bunks. ( ris|>-ec»ated F ried < hleken cnteiing Mexico so that a eom- cfi.ant marine program, the goal of Towers along the right of way peal for unity. "Weil, Sven told me he had the dict about Banana Scallops, those L a Chambre are in Bourassol Working Night and I>ay 3-pound frying chu ker cut in seiv- nlete record might he compiled of of a Negro v.hiqh now is 2.877 ships—or two W Malted f tt or oil fS Hrcn liAnAnAi will endeavor to warn train.s en­ After the coneert. Robeson de­ a day at a total cost of $6,704 - offer of better wages ejid he\1 | Chateau, near Riom, after two Work is progressing night and ing piec es tjpe number and conilition of their gay little bites of goodness that you 1 egg rup fin#' corn flwkp crunilii. tering blarked out areas hut engi­ nied this was the reason and said 464.056. The schetlule this year The latest Census counted 19 - have to go. I haled to lose him j bread or rrarkpr crumbi, montha at PortaJet fortress near day on one new flying field of 1 Clip buttermilk tire.s He waa a good manager. " 1 tPAWpoODt talt neers will be depended on to no­ his action was forred by committ­ calls for 786 cargo ships. 136 packaged liquor stores in tin' find on so many lunch and dinner or corn meal. Pau. Jacomet also was confined in which no details can be given out I cup tls'ir President Avila Camarho s cle- "Did Renee— did - " He couldn’t ' tice quickly a blacked out country­ ments in Holl\-wood and el.se- Rejects Closed Shop Ban United States, including 2.6H baTP 1 inch of melted fat or oi^ Bouraaaol Chateau. at which every advantage ohviou.s- 1'- teaspcx'ns s.tlt gree mentioned no exemption for frame the question; he feared the ' tables. . For'shalfotr /ri/ung. ly is being taken for the conceal­ side and advise eonclnctors w here, on the Pacific coast Shortly before passage, the state-run liquor stores. Their an­ Hints on liow to Still held in Fortalet are Paul 1-8 teaspoon pepper I ’ lnted States tourists, but govern­ in frying pan. For detn^/al frying, have deep ketlla House rejected by a standing vote nual sales totalled $586,351,000. answer. | Reynaud, the last premier of the ment of planes and shops. In passenger trains, said D"o- Dip pieces of chicken ir. b .ltcr- ment sourre.s indiralecl any visit "I didn't aee Renee, Parris. An- | There's a reason, . . several rea.sons! ‘•i to hi full of milted lat «»r oil. i Ian, window shades will he draw 11 Test For Trade School Director republic, and George Mandel, his All manner of gunnery practice milk'and dram Ihoroughiv i'otu-||„j; niotori.st in legitimate need of na said she came to the kitchen 1 Heat fnt to 375* K. or until m l>inch cub* of 'and lighting reiiiiccil Icit not e\- Banana Scallops are easy to make, miniater of Interior,. Petain in his is under wav along the coast At j Inne fiour. .salt and pepper in p q'er 1 „ tjro would be pernijlted to buy a door that morning. She thought bread will brown in 40 aecondi . Heat egc and add unl'css a-c-cliitiiv Hartford. Feb 18 ■Pi The broadcast said there were • grave om* point, ci'ew s of lt.3 milliiuet--r . tlugiushed liag. riai e oneS'... Ipic ''' e of chu...... ki n at iiia*xj new .•••>one •».and take it out of the eon- Renee seemed vqry frightened - | "be a Happy YMe they’re a smart, new surprise to serve wait Slice p«’r}ed >>anana« er«>MwiM into l>inrh State Department of Education presumptions’ against Heynaiul gun.s were firing at a ro» k cme ; nece.Hsary. a lime in hag and shake well to 1 try with him. 1 He would have to maybe because she heanl you were thick piece# r>ipintoepg and Tofl m erumbaor corn mile out an'i ttu u aim wa.s com- Peimnnent blackout paint will old tire at the frontier, announced today that it would with meat or fish or on the vegetable UNITED FRUIT and Mandel but said nothing of a roat eveuly with flour. Fry i h > keu 1 show his ■so sick. She ran away again very 1 nirril. Shallfni "y or detp-fat fry in the hot fat I ■* fortably accurate. be applied to windows of mail and in deep hot Spry 1 p'lrer all-v'ge- however, to ronfirni the necessity hold an open rompetitive examina­ quickly^ Sven made up hla mind plate. -Und when it comes to flavor... ■ trial for them. tion on March 28 or April 4 for by GRACIE ALLEN To - nnn'ife# or uuti! brown and t* nder. I>f#iii on BANANAS To Be Taken To ITiaon In response to many questions baggage ears at the first raul in table shortening! at degrees 1- of his purchase. very suddenly. It seeniej queer." thi- position nf trade school dl- SUPPLY well,you better hurry up and try them! urigl.tit’d i :ip*r. S« r'r very hot. Sii aervmica. distrihuUd hff It was arrangetl that the five regarding evidences of unusual this area until brown and crisp on both side- "Where did they go?" military strategism. one officer Engine crews have been In- ilO to 12 minutes!. .Serves 4 Man lo.'-es hi.s 20 deciduous or rertnr. a position In the unelass.l- ‘ to be tried would be taken today I "I don’t know. dear. 1 don't To b8 a happy wife, one of FRUIT DISFATCN OR. commented; I stria led to close ventilators in milk teeth, by approximately the fed servire The salary range ia to Riom prison, which is connect­ (A ll measiireinent.s In this recip<' think Sven told anyone. He packed the fii'st things to do, I sl- "You cannot arrange for the ' roofs t>f tabs, draw .storm curtains 13th year of life. from $3,360 to $4,440 a year. up in a hurry and went off. I ed with the court room by an un­ are level) waj's say, is to get married. defense of Hawaii from books, between locomotive and tender think down toward Hie Ozark derground tunnel. Then -and this is important - I^ a d ie r waa charged with not This is a unique terrain and a | and keep lirehoxes closeil a.smuch Mountains, somewhere. .Now don’t different war. " as I'ossible tAlk any more. Try to go to sleep. — get some Swan Soap! ronaultlng the Supreme War Coun­ Look... cil, on questions relative to prepa­ Pointing to the devi lopment of \\iii \ „t Ig.use Signals You’ll be getting strong .soon, ration for war; Blum was accused troops a.s to depth and to the evi- , Along the right of way. operat- now. His convalescence waa alow and of hribwing of the defii lencles of deme of fire powir far hack from ! uig sicnal.s will n o fl'c doused hut tedious. Gradually he learned to national defense and of • ncgle. t-. the coast, another iifTieer saul; in .Some in.-taii'fs thev will be oh- “ An invader would have to siir- U. S. ENLISTS take a few steps, and then to walk ing to give to armament factories .s, ureil. I'l- hoisled hut the tell-tale ceed by the first blow or not at all. glitter of four paralleling main­ without leaning on Anna. 'the Impetus which the situaUnn It was a long time before he urgently commanded ' As long a-s we have air .superiority line trai ks IS so.ihdhing that sim- Coats and aprons are a necessity and heavv bomtiers anyone trying I ply I ar t be eoiv ealed. could bring himself to so much as Jacomet was charged with hid­ To. Keep You Looking Your Best. look toward the Gytllnson cottage. SWAN'S MORE FUN IN THE BATH! to come in now would invite dis­ ! .'Something el.se lha' ran t he in the meat and grocery business ing as .late as December. 193!*. the It stood empty and close s*,utter«^. fact that “ France waa not re ^ y . aster" completely extinguished are the Yeah, I know, oair bath ia fun, but today. We supply them well The Bight of It struck him with an s Swan bath is super-eztra-^egant, morally and maienally. in the light." in the big interlocking almost physical impact. Me wanted military, political and economu , t o I TS anil yard offii e.s but dis- what with that fresh smell and that Change Polling Place washed and neatly ironed to to lie derwn and cry when he smooth rake and those oodles of lather! domains.” | pat hers offnes will be i;quipped thought of Renee and what had La Chambre w;is said to have I Kan.sas Citv A situation ! with heavy eiirtains and inside many Manchester stores. If happened to her. He blamed him­ been unable to correct the D’“ b| that threateneil to-disenfrani'his*- ! Ilglils, will he shielded self. He could hear again her aviation rituation he found when | nm,i(iei r.f vr.tes in the Fourth'! .'^mall subui lian slat ns yon are not using our service we voice saying, "Maybe we’d better he became Daladier s air minister, | u Rril has been correeleil bv the , have to go without liglii.s invite you to find out how rea­ go back.” SWAN'S MORE FUN IN 7RE KITCHEN! Gamelln stood ai 1 used as thi- i k i... 1 ir.n Board, Tin polling p la ce targ-ci- opes are lii.-nnied a- ’ man In direct rhArge of the war w:is loraled in a groerrv store as |"•.■:Mllle I onsislent w .Mi sonable it is. “I gueaa Uncle Henry could '^’’ou can have fun fatter in the kitchen machine un*il Dunkerque before the board ordered i* moved op'iation. hitch up and. take me to school if you’ll suds up some Swan. It suds < 3 y . a g a in Murder Plot lharged Too many voters were behind on next week, couldn’t he?" Parria twice as (ait as old-time floaties... (A s the trial neared, the G ei- their bills and didn't wan*, to see The average thickness of the asked the qusstlor a bit diffidently even in water that’s hard like anjihing. man radio last night charged that the grocer Election Day. ^ i-e ,ap m Greenland la 1 dOO feeU one morning at breakfast. "I guess the Netherlands I-oretgn Minister' Manchester Coat, Apron I couldn’t walk that far yet?” SWAN'S MORE FUN IN IHE NURSERY! Eelco N. Van Kleffens irv 1939 had 1 Madame folded her napkin FIRST CHOICE! in his possession plans for murder­ carefully, placed It beside her Babies are learning to talk earlier ing the Fuehrer iAd"lf Hitler 1 ^ And Towel Supply plate, and hunted, in her retie Jle thne days, so’s they can ask their for her glasses before she replied and Foreign .\Jinister iJoaihini j PH ONE .3370 roaa to buy Swan^They love Swan Von Ribiienlriip I ' and th.at he at­ 73 SUMMIT STREET "You’re not going to s.hool this year. Parris." because it’s pure aBdipported eastilM. tempted to do wa\ »;lh tlic g'r.- /JM "Wha-at?" His eyes opened ' - ernment of the Reub ' © -X' very wide with astonishrr.ent. . I The radio said papers describ- ."You won’t be strong enough to •Jo FOR THEIR BRILLIANT BEAUTY uig the alleged plot were found 1 start next week, and I have de­ among the personal effei ts of cided to get a tutor for you this SWAN'S MORE FUN ANYWHERE! AND Daladier and the late Frem u 1 winter. ■ Ycm can study at home. ” minister to the Nether Kinds* Baron "Oh, goodness." The tone of bis Try it and see, you’ll love it like me. D’Arnauld de Vitrolles. voice dregiped a little. It was Use Swan all over the house. Swan (Netherlands .soureea in lyoru'-n mixed with dismay. School waa Soap is a honey, more real loap for describe') the new .edernian ■ harge- Sterling Silver really not bad. He had been look­ your money.' EXCELLENT QUALITY as “ utter non.sensc and ab.solulelv ing forward to seeing everybody false." 1 again. "Bealdea," Madame contifi'ued, “you need study in CTermah and MISS RUTH BEAN James Asks IVaee French that you don’t get at Is Available ■chool." HERALD COOKING SCHOOI. I-ECTURER III Seeiirilv K oh “Oh, dear. I don’t know—’’ ‘T il arrange at Aberdeen Col­ lege to get a nice young man to CHOSE Harrisburg. Pa.. Feb. 18— uT'— i and we advise you to start a set in some come here and hear yo'ir lessons. Gov. Arthur H. James terming It Doesn’t Take Any Trick Maneuvers To Tou can study at home, and I'm his action the “Singapore "f pattern. Today’s prices are reasonable •ure you will make better prog- states' rights, " today sued for And there are many patterns to select reM anywray. Of course you can peace in his two-year-old battle Anyone Keep Looking Smart— Even On Restricted Budgets go on wrlth yopr piano lessons if FLOWERS with the Federal Social Security from. All are guaranteed for a life­ you want to." Board ne’er cml .servirc require­ Parris knew that tone in bis Why don't you t r y SWAK SOAP! BY ments for emplves in'the Stale « Put U. S. in charge of cleaning your gar­ -grandmother's voice. It was set- M’s 6 ways keHas thaa aM-etyia Beatles Unemployment Compensation H-i- Can Have A Lovely Skin! Miss time. There are the plainer patterns, w d . Ha sighed. "All right," he reau. ments and you’ll be just as' proud of hdd. the semi-fancy and ornate ones. It was not until Thurston St. 1. Whiter! Pare aad Mild as iMperted eastilesl James told a spec is! leg.slaliv Some i>ooplc are born with it. Others have to them as the day they were bright and Ruth Bean seaalon that be had instnicted cab­ Beorge called on his grand- 2. Sads twice as fast I inet ofTiclals to "make tlieir pea-e work for it. But anyone can have a clear, .**mooth new. Trust your finest coats, suits. HERALD M ther one warm Vfternoon that MILIKOWSKI THE FLORIST with the social eecurity board nf orjmple.xion. A prescribed number of facials COOKING SCHOOL I r*rria learned, from their conver- 3. Finacrl Lasts aad lasts ! W oa’t warp I TELEPHONE The resulls will’ latlon, the nature of his illness. whatever terms are net specifical­ taken regularly will do the trick. Wakes up lazy dresses, blouses to us. In cooperation with the dcfen»« pro­ 4. Richer, ersamier jathcr—even ia hard watsrl LECTURER "So this is your grandson!" 6029 ly prohibited bv st-vtule " mii.scli's, give.s yc',1 a clear, sparkling color, .^nd Referring In recent Waahirgton thrill you! Chose U. S. Cleaners gram and due to the shortage of plated I Maasivs Mr. St. George affected 5. Breaks SMOothst^-^asily I haanngs in wbf' h eomr other gov- this is oiil'v one of the many services that keen you inrpriae. *T’d never have known §. Sssells fresher, dcaacr! Docen’t tarn rancid! •mofsi had proteste.) proposed looking loWlv. Alwaj'p quality work that give* As Her Official s^are we are giving a valuable cook book boy. Been sick, I hear." "Yes sir." inaasures whieh they fr'.t would beautifii! result*'. Cleaners During 7. Feela sasoothcr, fincr-tcxtnred! I at each scMion of the cooking school. "What’s the matter?" Fe<$eraliee the jobless benefit sy»- * D IA L 7100 Her Stay In ' tam. James declared: Madame interrupted hastily. "It 8. Mom mal soap for your money! “Judging from Pennsylvania s Endorsed by Miss Ruth Bean For Prompt Pick-Up Manchester I wema to ba.vs been a spell ot— **|ienence. Fcderaligation is an I Irain fever.” acesmpitabed fact. The Social Se­ "Hm n. That’s not so good. Been curity Boaijd has won the game— Instructor At Herald Cooking School I dudylng too bard, sonny ?" The “I— I don’t think so, sir.” 4$U the proposed law would do u “Parris, ask Anna to maks some wm let them pick up the marbles ' I smonads." 6MCK aUIII~MMI Dewey - Richman U m talk had run to other mat- rolica Buy Drfrii»» Boads Cleaners and Dyers Co. I a n when ha nturnad with glaas- Weldon B and a pttetaar making a pleasant Tneednya, 7:86 P. M., WTIC Sioux thty. Ia ' T* Police here Inkle of Ice. tnakr no secret of what they WE OWN AND OPERATE OUR OWN MODERN PLANT Jewelen — Sutionen — Optidans “By Um way, Haris, ” Ur. St. wiStM lik* to do to Hitler. Hirohito BEAUTY STUDIO awes or ksvsa sapTMsae co«eMrr. caaoMoss. awss. h C o Tbrir bunal asaociation m- 83d MAIN STREET NEAR MON*^C^>ffiRY WARD’S i-w M U.S9S of Its funds Pn U 6 99 EAST CENlftR STREET T XHCnee born PAGE FirrBENL nounced by the South Windsor . I

went back to the station ktid told an attendant that he had the tire. Told to Watch Lucas returned the tire on Feb. 1 Moloi* Torpedo when the owner was absent from Vour Car Deserves Tlie Best! Mrs. Hattie S. 'Vinton; treatlurer. Censor Marks tbe station. Boats Praised Saturday, Feb. 28 Desig­ Mrs. Walden V. Collins; auditor. lAicos admitted that he had been Miss Alice E. Moore; librarian, Oratorical Contest to Be willing to purchase a tire after You Get It At The Home nated for Town South Mrs. Peter E. Bassen; executive the OPM restrictions bad been committee. Mrs. Frank McGrath Held at I-.egioii. Hull; Miss Mary McCusker Postmasters Instructed placed on tire purchase but declar­ Speaker Says Navy Offi­ Of Middle Turnpike. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Burnham; pro­ Judges Choseu. Shopping ed that while in the Lehman sta­ gram. Mrs. Russell E. Levack, To Make Certain on tion oil Jan. 12 he spoke about a cers Are Prejudiced in Of Oldsmobile tire an'd an attendant then employ-, Views of New Vessel. Principal Eklson Bailey, of the Guam Money Orders. d in the station told him he could Manchestef High school and chair- have one of two tire.s in the station Repairs and Accessories man-oh the Legion Oratorical Con­ Washington, Feb. 18.— —The at the time. The attendant placed L lartford, Feb 18—-tAb—De5 examining me leein <>i v.v. ------—,------. — - a, ume or ine weouing. aim. nijide last night. Boy Scouts will tier and Mrs. Ralph M. Grant; test announced today that th« Post Office Department Instructed the tire in the Lucas car, the wit­ vclopnicnt of United Slates motor qchool children and talking with day at 3 p.ni The Rev. H. K. Keen, Brothers, who is a sister of Mrs. of iirs . Asa W. Kili^ The ladies On Manchester Motor’s Budget the mothers of those children. The assemble at the town garage on civic. Mi.ss Alice E Moore, Mrs. judges of the eVent were selected, ness said. torpedo boats has suffered as a rector, wa.s in charge of the cere­ James Plouffe of Hebron, is visit­ worked on bandage.s for the Wind- Arthur N. Stiles and Mrs. Victor all postmasters today to see that hygienist will be at the Public Harrison street, as per instructions rhey are. Rev. TheiTsten A. Gustaf­ mail from Axis-controlled coun­ Later he had the new tire placed Honor Former mony when the mural painted by ing here for a short time. She ex­ barn Community hospital and knit­ King. on his car at another station. He result of Navy Officers’ trsdltionsf Health Nursing Association rooms Peter Hana Katz, known profes­ to all troop leaders and there will son, of the Emanltel Lutheran tries passes through censors and Plan pects to join her husband at Fort ted on sw eaters for tl e Red Croa.s. church. Jay Rubinow, local aittor- ailllllllllll admitted to Officer Edmund prejudice against craft of this from 9 to 12 noon and from 1 to 4 sionally ao Michael Orogo, was receive assignments to cover Man­ The program for the remainder also made certain that the Japa­ Bragg in the near future. A supper of baked ha.sh, hot roll.a. chester, south of Middle Turnpike. of the year follows: March 10. ney and Elmer Weden, past com­ Dwyer, who made the arrest, that fast', light type, Sam Wetherell of Make needed repair* and replacements now. A City Officials p. m.. allowing ample time for in­ formally dedicated. Mr. Keen spoke The registration of males of the salads, relishes, pickle.s, raised syrup Instead. The flavor will be nese could not "cash In” on any dividual attention. ' ' J I illMaps a L K 9 OIIVland territoryVX.llt^V/l> will be alio- I lij ~ Seeds, hostesses, Mrs. Hugh Greer mander of the local legion post. he had driven the car witli the new Essex, who worked for two years small rash outlay and monthly payment^to suit your interestingly on the symbolism ex­ ages of 20 to 45 inclusive took doughnuts and coffee was •‘■erved , different troops who a pleaaant aurprise. money orders they may have tire on for 200 miles. Decision in Regular dental service is needed pressed by the painting, and told and Mrs. Daniel Cavanaugh: April The contest will be held tomorrow purse will put your car in A-1 condition for the coming place at the Hebron Town Hall all by Mrs, Kills. Mr.q W dbur Hills ^ ^ 14, Landscaping for the Average evening at the Legion Honte on Serve frulta Inatead of sweet found In Guam. the case was reserved by Judge on these boats st tlie EIco branch for all preschool children, and par- how the. viitually unknown young day Monday, with Carlton B, Jones I cakes, cookies and plea as dea- The censorship Instruction di­ of Electric Boat Company, told the year. Ex-Mavor Mills ami Al­ lenU are urged to consult their and Mrs Charles H.sli Tie I p Bundl.-« Home by H. O. Perkins, from the Leonard stre e t ^ t 8 o'clock And Lesaner. Viennese artist happened to come as chief registrar, and with several Mr*. Howard Martin spent the will be open to the public. ' serta. You’ll be getting not only rected postmasters bo forward to The case of Samuel M. Baltalion Hartford power Squadron last derman Cobb Given family dentists whenever possible to Hebron to paint the mural, University of Connecticut, host- IT'S INE.XPENSIVE AND YOU KNOW IT'.S DONE helpers. The hall was given a mili­ week-end with relatives in New tioos housewives ^ are easked to co- esses, Mrs. Frank McGrath and There were six entered in the natural sugar but protective min' the nearest censorship office all of 257 Martin street, Hartford, night. i A dental hygienist will not be which it had long been his dream tary appearance by a large flag erala and ^tamlns not present In mail reaching them without Brit­ 1 present at the Well Child Confer- _ I operate to the extent of tying up l^ s Alice Moore; May 12, Flower contest but Janet Brown, one of charged with a statutory offense, He did not reek to criticise N*%-y RIGHT AT Gifts at the Banquet. to do in some church, as a begin- flying at the entrance. Up to 3 p.m. sugar. ish or American censorship ap­ I men, but explained that Annapolis ! ences, as in the past. . Mr. and Mrs Fred Way and , the bundles and placing them on Arrangcnitnts by Mrs. P. Lloyd the contestants withdrew during '.vas continued to Feb. 28 under the ----- ! ences, as in the past. . career. Mr. Orogo's 28 names had been registered. The Heaven haa been described as a proval which originated In Axis am e bond of $1,000. ■ graduates are "Indoctiinaled with Rockville, Feb. 18 —(Special) J - ■ father, Leo Katz of New York, daughter. Miss Ruth, of West | the front porch, or walks in front Davis, hostesses, Mrs. Wiliam J. the past week, leaving but five day's work closed at 9 p.m. Hartford, spent, the week-end at Thresher and Mrs. Marshall Bid- now entered. Chairman Bailey said land of milk and honey—wdth no countries controlled by them. I the Idea of steel hulls and big tur- Members of the City Council, other ! .spoke in an appreciative vein, of ; o: the homes. This will eliminate ManiJiester Motor Sales, Inc. The marriage of Miss Doris I the Wellesway Farm, homestead. I the necessity of ringing doorbells well; June, picnic, hostesses. Mrs. that the meeting would be open mention of sugar. Told to Defer Payment 1 bine engines. citv officials and guests were I rrslllltlh ijl the opportunity given his son by Charron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Mrs. Eugene Gooddle I and seeking other means of mak- .-Vrthur Stiles and Mrs. Carl Mag- to the public and anyone wishing In a ’’purely' precautionary” or­ "Tliis is a war of speed—blltx— C 'ty w nciaui B the people of church and comniun- A Real Oeoulne Bargain der the department Instructed Valvolines Lead 512 West Center St. Phone 4 I'll Manchester praMat at a,dinner given at the ^ ,ty. He thought it a remarkable John B. CTiarron of Eaglevllle to Sunday callers at the home I ing collection. nuson: Sept 15, Flower Show and to attend would be welcome. and the pT'a are full of speed," Dwight Martin, grandson of Mrs. "Bargalna” juat aren’t fbund postRULSters to defer payment of Mountain Laurel In Thompsonville | Miss Olndys M. Rice thing that they should have ac- i of Mr. and Mrs A rth u r Islteb in I Use Town Truck* Food Sale, place to be announced; C«n Enter State Contest he said. "‘They sre vessels of op­ T. D. M artin of Hebron took place Marlborough. I Plans, which have been perfect- Oct. 13, Open Discussion on House The winner named tomorrow j very often any more but here’s money orders Issued at Guam and Firemen’s Toiirnev portunity.” Two known instances last evening at which Ume the ; 157,VI2, Wllllniantic Division ' repted unanimously the offer of ■ one we captured for you— Men’s today at noon at St. Joseph's ! ed within the last week enabled Plants, hostesses, Mrs. Robert Ris- night will be entered in the Dis­ H E U -O t h e r e -.— send Guam-lsaued money orders of their success against the Japa­ members of the council who retir- : the artist, without knowing more church. Eagleville. The newly mar­ Mrs! Jules Reblllard and chil­ Sanforized drees shlrU, white, to Washington for examination to dren, fihlrley and - Gene, of New I the leaders to make arrangements ley and Mrs. Lloyd Burnham; Nov. trict contest and if successful nese in the Philippines, instances ried couple will live in Durham. | DID I SEE YOU AT COOKING stripes, clips and colors, all sites determine whether they were reg­ eo fn>m offtce at the «-t of the j instruction 1 ^%%"‘toT.and ha” in. spent the vveek-end and ' loi this important phase of na- 10, Motion Pictures, shown by The­ there will enter the state contest. I-*at night tbe Valvoltne Oil in which their hit-and-run value Mr Martin is employed in Middle- odore Musgrove. subject to be an­ If still able to go on it will then SCHOOL—no doubt I did and a t W. T. G ran t's for only $1.00— ularly Issued. Orders found to as "vessels of opportunity’’ were year upon compleUon - . Central Pomona Grange uia j Keen only a few examples of Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Win- t onal defense. Trucks vill be as- what enjoyable sessions they are! .setback team surged to the lead tenns were each given billfolds. town. ! signed by the town to the scouts nounced, hostesses. Mrs. Horace be necessary to enter the regional but hurry! have been Issued before the Japa demonstrated, were cited. trict. of which Donald F,. Wood- I work in art. Mias Marjorie Martin was home (hrop Porter. Every homemaker in Manchester of the setback tournament at the THE MANCHESTER Mayor Raymond E. Hunt made for use and drivers will render ev­ Vibort and Mrs John Curtin; Dec. contest, the site yet to be seleeted. nese occupation will be paid. Manrhe.*tcr Fire liendquarters bj' Riding a motor torpedo boat at ward local Grange treasurer is | Mr. Katz preached a splendid from her vvork as librarian at Dal­ The Volunteer Fire Department 8, Christmas Decoration, hostesses, This oratorical contest is held is interested in this annual Herald Here's a real treat endorsed by Officials said they thought most the presentation of a billfold suit- Yeomans hall aermon along the lines of giving was called out Saturday morning ery asaistance to the youngsters. I ousting the highly favored lea'lers. high speed In a seaway la like rid­ deputy, was heW in ton, Mass., over the week end. She Mrs. Clinton King and Mrs. Victor every year and is sponsored by Cooking School and looks forwaro V > Miss Ruth Bean at Tha Herald of the money orders issued befort aWy emboesed -to form er Mayor one's best anu receiving in the to extinguish a chimney fire at the It is expected that the territory to the marvelous performance of V Hose Co. 1. The oilmen are now ing a bronco, only more so, he said. PUBLIC MARKET ■ aaude A. Mills and former Alder­ assisted in the singing at the dedi­ King. Eddie Cantor, famous radio come­ Cooking School: the Japanese occupation had been on Saturday evening with an at­ same manner. An augmented choir home of Karl Links on West allotteil for the first attempt will that "First Lady of Cooking.” ! leading the le-igi^e by 14 points. "Crews wear helmets and gog­ man Eben H. Cobb. Mr. Cobb tendance of 218. A number of catory service at St. Peter's bt cleaned up before noon. "The Use and Meaning of Lent." dian' and is open to boys and girls Banana Pumpkin Chiffon Pie cashed, but that a small numlv ; of shout 30 voices sang, with Mrs. church Sunday afternoon. street. The Are w as thought to be I Miss Ruth Bean, as she literally works wonders on the sUge with a 1 tablespoon granulated gelatin I Both these teams have set a hot gles. " he said. "Down below, all served eight year# In the City .state officers were present; Mas­ Up to the present time the was the subject of the Rev. H. all over the country. The grand still might be outstanding. pace in recent w eeks hut mo.^t of Lewis W. Phelps as organist. out and the engine returned to He­ Marshall Budd's sermon Sunday variety of delicious recipes which you can learn to make corners are j^dded with sponge Council representing the Second ter, Sherman K. Ives; lecturer, Among hymns sung was one, Valentine's Day was observed at Junior Chamber of Commerce has prize Is a full four year's course 1-4 cup cold wrater the league still have a chance to the Hebron Green School by a Val­ bron and In about an hour the fire tons UnJ I 10:45 at the Wapping in any college in the United States kitchen. Besides there’s the inducement of a "parade of glfw e«n 3-4 cup mashed ripe bananas* rubber to avoid getting hurt Wsrd first as an alderman and la­ George Higbee; treasurer, Charles •'Glorious Thing.s of Thee are broke out in the kitchen and the picked up close to five day offered to you by the cooperating merchants that are well worth get into the upper bracket. The Thursday Special Values ter thedty as alderman at large. Curtis: gatekeeper. Ira F. W'ilcox; entine party for the three rooms. are active in this work. With just I Community church. The Christian end carries with it a $4,000 guar­ (1 to 2 bananas) when you're thrown against them. Spoken, " the mu.Mic of which was engine had to be called again. The Endeavor Sociotj; held its meeting your attention. ■ , Four Ares won the prize money You carry up to the bridge a pad Mr. Mills completed three two year Ceres, Mrs. Rosa Johnson; as well the Austrian National Hymn, i All the children exchanged valen­ over 10,000 pounds already deliv- | antee to pay all expenS'*s. 3-4 teaspoon lemon rind Police Court fire was soon under control and the at 7 o'clock. Walter Foster, Jr., We call to your mind this week. . in your column, some of last night and .St. Bridget's took of sponge rubber, and stand on ■ It Genuine Spring Rib Lamh Chop* ...... 1b. 39c terms as mayor and had previous­ .as many state deputie.s and Pomo­ which was especially touching to tines and partook of a nice treat in eved it is expected that this cam­ 1 tablespoon lemon Juice ! aeciand place. The scores: the shape of refreshments, furnish­ damage to the house was small. and Edwin Barber led the dlscua- the menhanfs wiio arc making this rooking school possible for you 1-2 cup canned- pumpkin to help, cushion the vibration in Nice Pieces of Stewing Lam h...... lb. 15c; 2 1b*. 25c ly been city trcasuier. na officers. the artist's parents, both of whom 1 paign will, ^result in much more to join in the throng of women all over America who are realizing 1 Valvoline Oil A surprise came when Aider- ed by teachers and parents. Mrs. CTiaries Fish was a caller waste paper. .sion on the subject, "W hat can we 1-4 cup sugar vour feet. In addition, you must Try Our Own Make Pure Pork Sausage Meat lb. 25c The meeting was in the form or were present. at the home of her aunt. Mrs. W that "Defense in the Kitchen" Is-going to go a long way towards James Munroe (Thaniplin of Hose Co 1 . . man WUUsm Schmaiz, president of a regular fourth degree Grange Miss Dorothy Simpson, teacher \ believe in today and building for 1-4 teaspoon salt htan'l on your toes, bending the Small or Large Link Brightwood The musical program included a i E. Hibbard on Friday afternoon tomorrow ' The worship service Private Jonef winning this war. If you didn’t get to Cooking flcMol yesterday or South Coventry was found guiltv Ruckianil ,Vn 1 the City Council announced that as meeting and the officers’ places Dedication Chorale composed by I in the primary grades at the cen­ i-4 teaspoon nutmeg , of rules of the road in Town Court Four Aces knees .slightly to take up shock. Pure Pork Sausage...... lb. 39c the new mayor had completed ter, spent the week end at her | A Valentine party was held at was led by Linda Grennan and today—ilon't miss out on the last two mornings, 'Thurstlay and Fri­ 1-8 teaspoon cloves were filled by present or past mas­ the artist, who presided at the or­ day where-, at The State Theater, starting at 9:15—doors open at I bofore Judge George V. Losanoi' St. Bi1d,get's "If you fail to do this, and come A Fresh Shipment of Chickens for Frying or Roasting, twenty years as city clerk before boarding place here. the White school bn Friday. A , Richard Simler. I 3 «gg yolks, slightly beater !own hard on your heel.'?, the sud- ters from Granges of the East Po­ gan while it was sung, (juite a W a p p in g Wapping Community church will 8:45 I this inornlng an>l was fined $5.00 Porterfield.* , , , good sire...... each $1.^ he was inducted a,:, mayor, the i mona district. Refreshments of num ber of singers .ifrom Columbia Allan L. Carr, who is an attend­ luncheon was served at noon con­ a ______. — ------I 3 egg w hites ! and costs. i Corn Ilu.slter.s . ■ len shock may pass up your members desired in view of his i ant at the Middletown State hos­ sisting of chicken noodle soup, unite with the South Wind.sor Con­ I 3 tablespoons sugar Fresh Cut Up Fowl fur a nice chicken soup. Spacial doughnuts and coffee were seiwed. took part in the musical program. Mrs. W. W. Grant gregational church this evening "Be Prepared" Is Our Motto On the night of Feb 16 Chomp- ! yferz B.arbers spinal column to the head and Icng and efficient service as clerk | pital. also acting pastor of the sandwiches, hot cocos, cake, cup School here is one of Monday's 1 baked 9-lnch pic shell Im lost control of hls car tern- ; The Selective Service registra­ Following the service many of 7894, Manchester at half past seven, for a A flashlight i.* a necessity at all Hart iVi.an's . .. 1319 i knock you out." at ...... each 9 ^ tc likewise present him with a | tion for men of Columbia between tho<» present were entertained at Haddam Neck Federated church, cakes and candy. This was served grand recipes: •Use fully ripe bananas. ; el.ow porarily on Center street, nearj Reid ,\ue* i. n-era 1343 1 He gave an Instance of a com- was a visitor here Sunday and by the children under the super­ union Lenten service at the Second times and several of them should bUlfold. I the . ages of 20 and 44 inclusive, the rectory by Mr. and Mrs. Moist Black Chocolate Coke ! peel flecked with brown. Broad 'street, the tar stillung an- ' Ilo.se t ’o. .Ira. . . 1290 ' niandlng officer-w ho Was knocked St. Bernard’s Services Monday. He registered hefe under vision of their teacher. Mrs. Fogil. Funeral services for Calvin F Congregational church in South be in every’ home in these times. 4 squares of grated chocolate Soften gelatin In water. Mix to- FINE SEA FOOD BY TRUCK EXPRESS wa.s held at Yeomans hall from " Charles C. Sellers, where a social We note that R. S. Potterton has other car at that point Golnnl.al.q 1275 out "cold " temporarily. Ash Wednesday services will the draft act. Valentines were exchanged by the Chapman, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs Windsor The Rev. H Marshall 1-2 cup shortening I gelher bananas, lemon rind ' and Patsy Flore of 9 Winthrop r.treet. i a. m. to 9 p. m Monday. Horace hour was enjoyed with, refresh- Budd will preach the sermon. a l.srge supply of Iioth low and FROM BOSTON FISH PIER held this evening at St. Bernard's ments served. Our ^ government is in urgent children Frederick CThapman of Pleasant 2 cups of sugar juice, pumpkin, the 1-4 cup sugar, H artford, charged w-ith i c k'e.sr , .Catholic church at 7:30 o’clock. E. Little was appointed by First Miss Dorothy Barrass.o enter- There were over 60 books col­ medium priced fla.shlights in a Chow der Clams — Stewing Clam* — Small and Larga Selectman Clair L. Robin-ionmmnson tovo There were many visitors from ‘ materials which they ask Valley, were largely attended from 1 cup boiling water { salt, spices and egg yolks. Cook driving and operaUng with tle!‘-c Registration Notes I talned her Sunday School class lected at the Sadd Memorial Li­ range of sizes. 1 1-2 tea.spoona soda 1 over low heat, stirring conftantly, tive brakes, was found gui'ty o;i Oyster* — Open Clams. take charge and was a.ssisled by | other towns and cities Including bnng to your Lowe's funeral home on Monday brary for the "Victory Book Chief Registrar Henry Schmidt H ii^rtP Collins and Clayton E York, Boston. Hartford. Williman- *^hoo or salvage committee with a Valentine party at her afternoon with Rev. Truman H. **Tour e j t t are Uk« b rova m oU tset 1-2 cup buttermilk I until mixture is thickened. Re­ both charges and fined J25 an'l who was in charge of the registra­ I home on Saturday afternoon.- Camp" and the library wishes cookits.'* MjB PTt. Jonei, rcftchinf In answer to a request we are ■ : tic. Manchester, etc. chairman. Ira C. Turshen of Ams- Woodward officiating. A group of for ooe. (Cookie, not eye!' Lulu Rcoret 2 eggs move from heat, add gelatin and costa on each charge AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT tion on Monday states that only ton. or to yo junk -Judge and Mrs. Edwin Thomas especially to thank the Christian plen.sed to repeat: 2 teaspoons vanilla I stir imtll dissolved, CJool. Beat Flore, operating a 1930 Poi.tiac At a court which was tried by. One hundred yards of unbleach-i bedrest Boy. Scouta from Tnxip 62 attend­ Endeavor Society and the Pleas­ becoute the boket w)th RUMFORD Hot Cross Buns, Fresh From Our Ovens...... tkn. SOe 584 men registered, a much small­ dealer: of Columbia were dinner guests of Bokinc Powder. It’i been ritinf right* Honey Date Nut Bread 2 cups cake flour, siftcj I egg whites until foamy. Add the 3 Final Clearance Trial Justice Donald E. Woodward ed muslin have been received by | ed the services. The bearers were sedan oi'.’ncd liy .Vlis. K'liUi Kello'.v ' er number In the town of Vernon Waste paper of all kinds, rags, J. Banks Jones on Sunday. ant Valley Club for their gifts. tatting right, for 80 yeert! ^Ifo alum, 2 tnble.s|)oons butter Rye Bread, Whole Wheat, Pumpemickle...... loaf llfl the Hebron branch of the Red Edward Stone, Jbseph Pastula. 1-2 teaspoon salt. I tablespoons sugar and continue of Leu.mon going wo.st on CenU. tlian was expected. There were on Saturday afternoon Frank acrap metals such as brass, tin. The next regular meeting of He­ State (Gatekeeper Ira F Wilcox folka. theft one reeton. FUCRi BEW 1-4 cup honey Chicken Pies, very tasty ...... ea. 15c; 2 for 25c Montie of Andover was fined $5, Ooss for work until another quota ' Henry Rierdon. Luther Burnham. booklet containing dozent of new Blend shortening with salt and! heating until stiff enough to form Blrccl. (ould not stop the 'ar a' 1109 in the first registration. An I iron, aluminum, copper, old rubber bron Grange No. Ill will be an il­ and Mrs. Wilcox, entertained th» I '’gg vanilla. Add sugar, grated choc-' peaks. Fold in baiiann uu.Nture. 12 MunV Ml Wool and costs for speeding. State Po­ is given out. The present quota is Allen Wilde and John Tripp. Burial members of the Pioneer Past Mas- weyt to improTe your baking. A ddrett: the scene of the <’hampliTi Please Order Early! Interesting note was the fact that I such as discarded rubber footwear, lustrated lecture on "Wild Life" Rumford Baking Powder* Box B* I - 2 cup Bour milk olate and boiling water; stir until I'um into pie shell ClilM until a t th a t point and as a eijn.*'i|ii"n.' " two sets of fathers and sons reg­ liceman Emil Struzik was the offi­ about filled with the exception of a was in the family plot in the Wap­ I U-rs' installing team and their hus- II- 2 cups sifted flour few dresses for women and chil­ old tires and tubes. Any material from the Connecticut Forest and Rumford, Rhode Itlend. ch'icolate is melted. Cool slightly.' il.-m. Top 'v ith sweetened whipped Officer A rtluir Seymour, Uin in- istered. Registrar Schmidt also cer who made the arrest. I that is too heavy to handle per- Park Association The speaker is ping cemetery j hands and wivcs»last Saturday eve- 1 1-4 toa.spixin salt FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES Local people who have qualified dren. The meetings for work are add buttermilk which has lieeii ! 'ream, if 'Icslied. Makes 1 pic. ver.iig iting dlTicoi ul tl'.c ' n.'i:'..plm called attention to the fact that I sonally w ill be picked up by the to be Chester W. Martin of Old Mrs Wilbur C. Hills has return­ ning a t their home in Merrow- 1- S te.iapoon soda aciiiient was (Iriveii oil Ihr iv.) ' Zip-in Lined Coats Indian River Tangerines...... dos. 97e as air raid wardens in a recent being continued Monday after­ ed to her home in Wapping after ! blended with soda. Add slightly t - practically all of the Rockville po­ i Aniaton Grain Mill, phone 564-J4, Lyme, who is secretary of the as- 1 teas|)oon baking powder beaten eggs and flour. Bake- it and struck and kno( k* d ovci into ,a Fresh Green Broccoli...... bunch 15e lice force, including Captain Peter course taken at Willlmanlic are: noons at St. Peter's rectory and .sociation. The lecturer's hour will a visit with her sister and family For Those Lovely Bridge Table Wedne.sday evenings at the Jewish Willlmantic Division. The funds s e Rs a p l 2 3 cup dates cut up 375 degrees F.. 30 to 35 m in u t^ In nearby l.vvn, su-^iainiiig .severe u.- Dowgewics are now registered. Helen Hennequin. Luclenne Hennc- ' realized for these materials will be be opened to Grangers and their in New Britain. 1 2- .i cup cboppeil nuts. '^ a n d s •^21.95 and S I9.95 V«lur« Fresh Peas — Green Beans — Cauliflowar. Synajjogiie 2 8-lnch layers. The,Velvet Hand Lotion used by Julies. Burpee Relief Corps quin, Spencer Macht. Marshall given to the Hebron Boy Scout friends. The Pleasant Valley club will Cream tbe butter and odd the Stanley J. Z'lreni'ua of 'lUI Noitli Fancy Large Green Peppers for Stuffing...... Ib. 25c ’The regular meeting of Burpee Squier, John J. Sinder. Louis So- A fine attendance wa-s reported Peanut Butter Frosting Mias Ruth Bean at Thif Herald I Troop. Hebron Juvenile Grange No. 3.5 meet at the club rooms tomorrow- honey. The more air you can beat 2 tablespoons shortening Main street wa.s found guilty ct \f>t .Ml Sizes. 'Women's Relief Corps will be held racchi, Stew-arl Tihbits and La- I at the class in first aid licld last afternoon at 2:30. The all day Cooking Sch'Xii la the sam e fa- will observe Patriot's Day on Feb. llnto the honey and butter, the 3 1-2 cups confectioner’s sugar, rules ot the lo-.l in (oninnU'/." THURSDAY GROCERY SPEQALS this evening in the G A R. Hall. Vergne H Williams. Thursday evening at the home of 17. They will also hold a sale of ; meeting previfiusly planned is ■ fluffier your bread will be. Add the moija Velvet Lotion which i ould Edmund H. Horton, instructed by sifted witii .111 S' ' id' r ; on I 'd ' 1 a t liK* Eggs, local, strictly fresh. Urge size ...... There will be a social loUowing Four local people Mrs Laura articles after 5 p. m. for this bene­ I postponed temporarily, POPULAR [beaten egg and mix well! Sift the give to every woman those lovely interse-tuMi of .Miudle Turnpil;< Miss .Marion Sullivan of Colches- | 1-4 cup peanut b u tter the buMness session with the ful- ; Squier. Mrs Eleanor Tuttle. Mrs. North Eml Pool fit of the American Red Crosa and dry ingredients together. Add the bridge table hands, and Is avail- | Medium S ize...... ter. Gilbert Murray of Colchester j Officer*, committees and the I About 8 tablespoons hot milk W’c.'t .ind "'i ■; r .''; street, involving loiriag committee in charge. Mrs. I Edith Isham. and Mrs. Helen their treasury on a 50-50 basis. program for the year were an- FOOD MARKET I dry. ingredients and the sour milk able at The Center Pharmacy for i a ca r opera tl (, In. M I* : n !.i c .'in. Macaroni, Spaghetti, or Elbow*. Royal Scarlet liUlan Buckmlster. Mrs. Augusta ! Loughrey assisted the choir -Jf was again present-and helped dem- 'T '^ I>„ flia s'lise o sl I alternately, beginning and ending 1-8 teaspoon salt. only 39c a bottle. ! onstrate many u-seful and prac- * '' i-r IBU Blend shortening and peanut' tor of 1"'-’ L'l'.V'epee street. H.it' 5 at $16-88 ...... 3 p k j ^ . 2 0 e Abbott, Mrs. Pauline Blinn, Mrs. st. Petor'.s Epi.qcopal church of ith flour. Add date.* and nuts fui*'J. Z a ic n d i.i wa.s tin*''! ...... 'o ' : ‘ OT 28c Ethel Bodman, Mrs. Mabel Bar- Hebron at a special service there tical methods, incliiiling the pre- ; ______855 Main Street Rubinow Building [last Spoon Into gfreaaqd loaf pan. butter together. SUt in confection-1 Som ething New In \4 iillp.-ipcrs 'v Toniatoo*. good quality. No. 2 c a n ...... paring of stretchers and the man­ er’s sugar and salt and add enough e'i.«t.s. stow, Mrs. Emma Crandall, Mrs. Sunday afternoon It was the oc- The special committee from the “Wherifc Thrifty Shopper* Shop” Bake in a moderate oven 350 de- Have you seen the new Dur.iy J'id'.;inent '.cas re.»e;-vi d m Ir.e Red 'Pitted Cherries for Pies, Royal ScarleL No. 33e Ciechqwakl and Mrs. Carolyn , casion of dedicating a mural re- agement of the aame. The class Manchester Improvement Asaocla- ;raea F. A higher temperature hot milk to make frosting soft! Paint-i osted wallpa|>er that is is w1li meet as usual this week I asp Ol ( ”n :I I-iika? ''f Il.'.'pn Flako Pie Cru*t ...... pkg* 15c Bentley. , ! cently painted for the church ny ation will report back to this body would carmellze the honey and enougli to spread. Will coV'er top.* ! easy to w.ish a* tile and twice as Thursday evening. Miss Sullivan and side.* of 2 ( 8-lnch i layers slri't t'n. 1" ' (i'arped ".pd t ’-" Tomato Juice, Royal Scarlet, 12'j-oi. can . .3 for 38e Mother's dub ! Michael Orogo. The music use.I tomorrow night when a special WHAT A BUY! ■give a very brown crust. (Honey tough as ordinary paper? It also tbeft o! an I’Poii'i'Uile fie from has nearly- completed work with Decorate top with pitted dates. Free Running. Royal Scarlet .. .2-Ib. fundbos 7e MIm Edith Mason, state Home ^ v^.^s a chorale conipo.sed by the meeting of the association will be ;»B u y U. S. Defense Bonds Irequirea low temperatures, i carries a three-year guarantee. the class. the Lelim.'in hiding .’ti'to n .i' Main, 7 at $13-88 Peas, Sweet Wrinkled, ^ y a l Scarlet, No. 2 2 for S7e Dsmimstratioh, leader of the Ex- ; artist in exphanatlon of his work. .held in Merz's Barber shop on Just think how grand to have' a The wedding of Mias Martha-1J and Hilliard strecs Unaion service at Storrs will be Morris (Jolilstein, who will leave Martha-1 yjorth Mam street at 8 o'clock. | [DM You Notice AM the Cooking For the 12th Y’nar McGiU’s Wall­ scnibbable wallpaper In the nurs­ Tlie 1-tate conP'n'lcd th.a* Li v' Cleaned Wet Pick Shrimp, ready to serve can SSe tha speaker at the meeting of the ftracc Bruyette. daughter of Mr. This committee has been author- | Dotted .Mun|ui h soeial rooms at ville, to Victor Joseph George pool at the North End. It met ' Criss-CroHs Cleansing Tissue, Gardenia...... /200 hi pkg. 12o at a party given at his liome la I Brothers of North Westchester, a Marlow's la tbe official The. tremendous selection of range of decorative as well as station wa.s busy at osiier dulic.a iii eight o'clock. early this week with the Board of R o u l e t t e s PORK plain colors and patterns and sell* the station ; ard. Economv Bathroom Tissue...... / ...... 4 roua 21c Wedne.Klay night by the Young .son of Mr. and Mrs. George Broth­ Election. headquarters for all the fascinating wallpapers at McGill’s Theeo will be a short business Circle Club of Willimaiitie. Mr. pyrexware utensils used sre selected from the world's most from 7.5c a roll up at The Johnson Returned the Tire meeting. Miss Mason w ill'have for ers of that place, has recently been Other matters to come up at ' Goldstein was presented with a announceil It took place Deccni- at the Herald Cooking famous makes—Uoyds Imported Paint Company. I-ater this tire was in'i ed or P1AI, 5137 — FREE DELf^'ERY! her subject, "Working for De­ this time will be the positive date CURTAINS tho Lucas ear with the tiie nuin I wallet, and games were played and 1 her 16. at St. Bernard's church. of the annual banquet of the As- j School and any of the and domestic,. Style Perfect. May­ fense " There will also be vocal I refreshments were served. ■ pieces that interest you can be flower, Thibaut, (ilhicago and many For tbe Lunch Bo* bers and letters on t'le inside, ion duets by the Misses Violet and I Tariffville', the ceremony being sociation. Interest, however, at SPECIAL THIS WEEK! A minor accident occurred near 1 found In their basement at really other* from 5c to $12.00 a roll. Do When lunch box Interest begin* trary to the.nS'ial p'a'luie Liter \ era Cobb. . performed by the Rev. Father the North End is centered on the ■'TAIN S3 REFT TEL. 5161 Katzman's Corner last Thursday O’Connell. The maid of honor was swimming pool project and it is [attractive low prices. stop in and see the new .Spring to lag: Stuff celery’ sticks with after the police tjS'l kno.‘ l•■■lge o' The hostesses for the evening p a tte rn a I'ottage cheese, salad dressing and the case, Lucas, It was testified are Mrs. Rose Clechowski, Mrs. night when a car driven by Pri- i Mis.* Anita Brother#, a sister of j believed that with the selectmen vate John HihIIs of .South Coven-1 the bridegroom, of North West- favoring it the minor details w-ill ■ [with "Forward March” Orders on broken salted peanuts, chill; put Richard Blankenburg, Mrs. Julia SPRING LAMB CHOP SALE! flg ., cookies (packaged kind) to­ Harrison and Mrs. Henry Gunther. try w ho is .stationed at-Windsrir | cheater. Louis Blair of Tariffville I be ironed out shortly. pr. Nutritional Defense On Slacks Locks, skidded on the ice and ' was the best man. 1 ’ ------gether In pairs with flUlng of We Have Received Mothers may bring a guest to the LOIN I SHOULDER I RIB The (Tonnectlcul Dairy and Food If your defense work requires lemon or orange creamy frosting: meeting, as the subject is most in­ .struck a cable fence. Hodis and I The bride wore white satin en- Ancient ChineM families com- I Council says: "Breakfast should wearing slacks a good part of tbe Mis.s Isabelle rerleiki. also ol . traine, with finger tip veil, and ! memorate deaths of relatives by separate peeled orange Into sec­ teresting 4fi Inchew Wide. 1 provide part of the dally food time and you are considering tions and at In paper drinking Special Services South Coventry were treated at carried white roses. The maid of putting up a strip of wallpaper 37e lb. 27e lb. 29c lb. [needs and the following patterns making your own. select good, Another Supply of the Windham Community Memo­ honor wore peach taffeta and car- (every time a death occurs. cup. cover with waxed paper h>ld Special Wednesday evening serv­ Medium and [art excellent: .ill Fresh fruit, non-stretchy materials like sports in place with rubber b*nd. ices have been planned during rial hospital for abrasions and GUARANTEED—LARGE—NATIVE [whole grain cereal with milk, denim or spun rayon gsbai^ne. bruises. The lar was liadly dam­ Lent at the Vernon Methodi.st Pin I)ot.w [buttered tQS.*t, cocoa or coffee; See that they arc cut high in the There’a a Definite Hint of Spring church. The iiastor. Rev. Arnold K aged but no aiiest was mailc by 1(2) atewe0 .se.'.qtons Windham Comnumity Memorial .3 lbs. I Co., from 50c to $2.(X). Monday we found it was made of to $2.98. .Mondav ever,mg at 'he Svke.s ' hos).ital last Thursday. I Need Your Empty Collapsi­ Sliced Layer Bacon. 27c lb. Gerbera or African dsfsles fash­ H e r e '* the School. , ble Tooth Paste and Shave A Few Footnote* ioned for her, by Miltkowski, the And • borrowing this "personal Pnncipai .\l!en L firessei 1 The first American warship reg- Cream Tubes. They Contain 25c C.oiinlrv Roll Butter . 37c lb. IVomen’s fall footwear will have Florist, who is contributing tbe matter” from Ted Malone's page awardcu lertiiuate.^ of altendaiiee jI i.larly commissioned by George flowers used at the school each In Goodbousekeeping, we think [just six colors. Including black, a you’ll enjoy It too: to the following [e.pils in Wmal- * Washington on Sept 2, 1775, w as I Much That Is Valuable In Re- John Nowak's meeting of Industry and govern day. working. Svcnograpliy, and Art ,I the schooner Hannah, manned claimahle Metaltt—Copper and iiiced Boi I ment representatlvea decided re- A Personal Matter The remaining classes- of the eve- I | and fitted at Marblehead, Mass.- Tin. CUT-UP FOWL,' Icently. according to an Associated No “Color” Is Now By Patricia Martin ning schoolwill continue in session Each ...... HAM, lbT. A 9 c It isn't so much that I mind the Shirt ]Pre*.* report from New York. The very latest color In Spring 25 more evening* BRING THEM IN AND freckles /V Manhattan Meat Market Men will have black and a range fashions is simply no color st all. Art: Rosallna Bagdanovich Lou- 1 PLACE THEM IN OUR I of six shades of brown, including By that is meant "nsturmr’ with (Sometimes for days I forget that ise Bingenhelmer. Fannie M Eld- ; 442 CENTER STREET, COR. HENDERSON ROAD they're there): •with that "expen­ TUBE BIN! WE WILL FOR­ ] twn tones now used for army no dyeing. It is being shown in erkin. Christine .Miller, Helen L. Military Whist Green Giant I shoes. B ut wzhen You ordained It, "This guinn Mar.- Jane Regan. Peggy WARD THEM TO POINT everything from cotton pose and one: Freckles.” \ sive" look, yet mod­ I ’nderwood. The colors were agreed upon by leather gloves, to natural her­ FRID.W. FKB. 20, 8 P. M, ALLOCATED BY THE WAR FIRST LINE QUALITY MEATS Imeetinga of representatives of the Lord, why didn’t You add. "Red Stenography: Mary B ast ex, PRODUCTION BOARD. PEAS n r o m r a o j i ^ ringbones in tailored suits. The h a ir” ? Alice Carpenter. Barbara Chap­ ( KNTKR CHI RCH AT LOWER PRICES iTanners’ Oounctl of America, Na- purpose is to consen-e dye-mak' erately priced man Elsie tiigglenian. Ann Durci- luonal Shoe Retailers Assodation. ing essentials. HOrSE WE DO NOT W.\NT TO BE AN ALARMIST; BUT— Guest Size 5c < [National Boot and Shoe Manufoe- Rad hair and freckles belong to­ ko, Roseli Erisnian. Ann Ertel, .Allspice* of Group B, 2 S 29e gether: Helen Flaherty, Florence B Lanz, You read every day of a Rubber Shortage—Tires SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT. Jtu re rs Association, TeSctlle Color Tbe Seoltest Dessert of the Month Cenler Church Women. and Other Essentials. Did vou ever give thought Icsrd Association and the War Uke sleep and waking, like meat (Styled by Florence R I.ainz, Ruth Liiz. Ber­ S|>e<-l«I Door P rize’. “Cherry Tarts" and drink, ^ S2-PI*«« S«rvtc« for • \dam Hats) tha Ludwig Regina McMahon Ar­ to the fact that HOT WATER BOTTIiES. FOUN­ F irst C ut . M ALTEX IPnKluctlon Board’s leather conser' Pla.ving Prize*: [vation division. ore featured st Tbe Herald (book­ Uke love and klsaes, like bell and $ 9 i l 9 5 lene Pigeon El.sie Schulze. G ert­ TAIN SYRINGES. AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD The Cnuted Wheat BORAXO . ing School by Miss Ruth Bean and w ether, rude Wilson Refreshments !4er\ed. Short or Porterhouse lb. 35c Women’s shades will be repeat Large Selection of ONLY RUBBER ARTICLES ARE GOING TO BE EX­ C ereal led from tb e 1941 fall and 1943 they are Just one of the treats Uke roaring presses and printing (C £ S 3 ) Wnodworlcing William H. Du- Adral**lon Including Tax, 40c. TREMELY DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN? luring colors and will Include; available to you and distributed by ink. WITH ANn-TAtNUM OUST ker, Albert Gotlier, Chester Par-' Men and M'omen AVelcome! Eye Round for Roasts Ib. 35c The Manchester Dairy Ice Cream Having the one without the other ciak. George E. Rlsleyt William Package...... Jb A W I’Town brown, golden tobacco, turf HO urnut ciuuiM Senk Victor Zieniba. WE HAVE A VERY FINE .STOCK AT PRESENT AT Bottom Round for Roasts Ib. 35c [ton, Uona red and bluejacket. Co. to your.neighborhKXl store'Or (Having the one I have, I mean) . l.«nl«o Service VERY REASONABLE PRICES! What the future soda fountain. Ice cream ia gixxl la about as sad as having a broth­ Bulova Watches Benson’a Furalture and Radio for you as well as the children— er I Rev Karl Otto Klelte, pastor of w ill bring: wc do not know. Drop in and select such Loins of Pork Ib. 29c 1881 fht First Lutheran church, an- Gold Medal Are Co-opmting ask for it often. You’ll never m eet and^ you’ve nev­ bouncea that there will he a L-en- essentials as these while they are obtainable! This Bmoll •m im u r 24e ■to make the Herald Cooking er seen. $^RQfiERS1l» te« tervlce this evening at 7:30 HEALTH REST applies to ELECTRIC HEAT PADS as well. FLOUR Ischuol a suixess and ore featuring 8Uv«r Lining to Sagnr Bbortngo up ■ 11*11 iiiMSKM isa im * m i o'clock at the ehurch and these Legs of Lamb Ib. 29c sdlos. They carry th e 1942 SpoT' It isn’t BO much that I mind tha $2 4 -7 5 Don’t let the sugar slwrtsgs freckles will continue throughout the Len­ THAT VELVET HAND LOTION used by Miss Bean in ^on Automatic Radio phonograph worry you. There are many sub­ MATTRESS C R I S ^ P 6 5 ^ (We all have burdens that we ten aeaaon at the same time. Guaranteed for S Tears! the Cooking: School demonstration is very, very help­ Chuck and Brisket Rolled 5 lbs. 29c amblnatlon 'that w-oa recently ad' stitutes and new flavor treats in Aah Wedneaday Servlee vertlsed in Ufe. It was advertised store for you. Try using honey, must bear); There will be an Aah W'ednesday ful these cold days. |to sell for $124.95 but Benson’s molasses and maple syrup in va­ B ut w hen Y'ou ordained it. ’T h is Csae I* ■.. 0*4 ••• for Pot Roost Ib. 29c one: Fteckles,” aerviee with aermon by the rector. $19.95 » FLORIDA ORANGF^ CELERY HEARTS sre selling It for $99.95! rious ways. Children, for exam­ ♦kii S«nn*»— •#■• wrrlee Rev. H. B. Oimatead. at St. John's ple. ore always begging for cboc- Lord, why did You withhold red wkkli k Umw* e* Um teblM el HHhe *1.** Down and 8I.M Per 39c h a ir? weo4 itmn I* lM4i»s Msszi***. !>'• Eptsoopal church tonight at 7:3U All Kinds of Bolognas Ib. 2 Doz. 35c 2 Bunches 25c Teu’U Be Delighted to Dtecoves olste-honey bar, so why not u 'v jo ^ . Week. Stork Bar where you can And G’bye now, eDi*(pI*te . . . eeoecJ . •. wllk ell ike G L E N N E Y ’S "honey cocoa?” Matthew Wior sIm m you’ll ••*4 *# olwoy* ••• • FIrat ,%ld naaa , PINK GRAPEFRUIT HUBBARD SQUASH bust everything for the new bsby Children also might be in­ eoiTOCi tobl»! . . Cofir****** HHfot 789 MAIN STREET Tbe second new Ftrat Aid class The Center Pharmacy FOR FIRST CLASS MEAT, TRY US ONCE! WE Irem safety pins to those three- trigued with tbs novelty of honey t I be 'Started thta week will have KEMP'S, INC. 4 Lbs. 19c JEWELER I.—., Fine Bedding! “AT THE CENTER” STAND BY OUR WORD FOR QUALITY! ■5 fo r 25c [ornered affsirs—this is t new do-- instead of sugar on their cereoL t u aafrino th is eranlni; at 7 o'clock , rartment st The W. T. Grant Co. If you must kill tbe natural fla­ la Qtt i ^ m , wHlh ; vor of grapstrulb by adding sug­ 977 Main Street Manrhester I In cose you missed Cooking ar, use a teaspoonful of ma|do Advertifle in The Herald— R PliT^ / PAGE SEVENTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 194^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1942 P A C T S P C ITA K Oh Dear! Oh Dear We'll 710 Register Manchester Men Key Salesmen for Bond Brealiglit Session' Plan Benefit Church Club Never Know Time Here Volecloii Ban For Red Cross Manchester High Stages Last Half Rally to Down Weaver Thorp is still coiifiision about For ’42 Inset Holds Party tJie now lime in Mum hosier. In one of the huslnes.s houses Pensions Bill Clouk Workers lo Holil along' Main street the owner fnlorcstiiij; Anjile in Rp- Twi Leaguers Next Featherweight King? ydetitine Party Rai»et< instead of ndvatuiiig the oliX'li (Cuiitlnued from Page One) | Eulertuiimiput on Feb. one hour has turned it Imck an fiiiiil Comes L'p at the Servo Wins Easily Losers Hold Locals 27 ul High School. Donation for R**«i hour, whirl! moans Hint tlio.se ^ l.orul Bureau. time, favor retirement legislation Meet at West who look at this Unieiui’eo arc j for the president, vice president, Cross; W cirAlleiniod. — — . ^ lw(\ hours Ijehind time. The, scnntois and congressmen. Cjoak woi kei n at 'th e In lopi'iid- Over Lew Jenkins Even in First Half .\pi)roximatcly 710 persons had clolk I'la od in oiic of tlie win- j t ausing Ijieli of I nit.l ent and Kills Clonk plrnl.s ini Puie Side Tonight TW rty-four raembers and gncid.s dow.s in the .=itate theater' iL-gi.slcrcd their automobiles for "I am al.so eonvinced that this .‘'Irocl v.lu) lU'e on tne committee ft*111 at two o'clock this aftei'noon, o f the married cotiple^^ cl'>b of the buiiuiiif;. giving llio time to ‘controvor.sy is causing a hick oi for the Red Ceois iKuielit onler- j riiis tigure Is slightly under the Hands Former Cham-1 Coach Clarke Needles Second Congregational churrh en­ those wlio walk alonj; tile est lliat iinitv so neecs.sary for win­ lalnruent Kehrimry 'J7 in High 11 101 Buck Teeth total ol Inst years according to the school hall, hidd ;ui cnlhiisiislic Secretary Nitk , Angelo Pop’s an Unip, joyed a combined Valentine and side of Main slreer ;-h"-as th.at ning the. war. 1 am not willing to pion Pasting Over Ten li I branch oflice of the .Motor Vi hlcle meeting In.st night at the home of Manclicbter Between O w rge Wa-shington party at the it IS a qii.’lil''i' ol tiii '.jc a parly to anvlhing that deters i I I'epartment nf the Legion Home tho chairman. Mrs. Hoy P. Kanis Issues Call to All Mi^* home o f Mr. and Mrs, P'rank \ ni­ , Im k linvinK .sto|>|'e'l. our effort for victory." Rounds; Servo Seeks Halves; Team Clicks ton Wllllaroa of Buckland Tues­ ■ 'l l . la-onar'l .street of ■15 Pine .lire! t. Co-ehaii inen with agers; New Teams Son a Catcher ------^— ! An interesting angle to the pres- t^cnator Iiowney (D . (jallf ), Chance at Cochrane. day evening. Ml,". Farris arc .Mi;i.; Lcnn Giunuil- To Win (>oiiig A w a v . a tii ft.-r defi- ' ' nt situation turmal up tmtay and protested th.nl the night session if ski and Victor - lallo. May Enter Qrcuit. Oueats were greeted at the door i he would n'i' m ik the .^senate committee wn.s, un- o f the living room hy a ( hHimn.;: information could he obtained Anthony J. D'Av.in/.o, ehaiiinan By Ted Meier j Blit Nc cr the Twain iWtliil Manchester High played alug I mlmri., . I a' the branch offiee hen-. If (>er- iieee.s.sary, .s.nytng ’T v e hcaid the Red CroitB volunUHv worker im­ The leini CliVf 'leu --et wa.-i ap of the ticket dlstiih.ition. repoi ted ...,n who takes out his new regis- clamor anil fury of newspapers for Philadelphia. Feb. 18 — (AY — ; Although the actual season Is S l i n l l i M c c I ; \ o l l l l g giafi liaskelbull' in the lii'sl half personated by David Williams wh,. I plied in pi'e-inii- Knciaiid lo poli­ that the tickets .ire .selling loiidily, Marty Servo, family honor reveng- ; tr.iiion and is then rejected by the 50 yeais in California, A delay of and in addiliun to placing them in still more than eight weeks away against Weaver High in Hartford waa attired in the regulation le d ticians * wiio ;id\oea!ed aj'pea.-'e- ed by his savage pasting of Le'At Sears with Yuiiks. iT.spritirm department of the de­ a day or two or even two nionths the hands of llie large eommillec, the Twilight League will pry off last night and were tied, 14 all at Cross nurse’s veil. He reieived merit of tiirmarii' it refeiied to won't eause Maiiila bay to fall. Jenkins last night, now la gunning partment in April will there be j they '.vill he avaiUib'c at Ih ■ W 11- the lid tonight at the West Side their donations for .he work of the a grour' of liclutie a father-."*)!! act in , when the scc.in.l half started, so Oils Hurkinphamshiri' ed.'ite of the line eoopeialiou of rvciyhody. Mrs. David M. Bennett were I tanre lo the cal owner. It is in- ■ Ky.i, appealed on the Senate low 140 pounds for this fight, ’ de­ ing $o advance information the the majors this year but the prin- i did the CCIL chaiiqiions. When Viscount A.slor and his Virginia- and eallfd atleiilion to the c.evcr clared Al Weill, ,:crvo’s manager, played throughout the evening. lived heraiise if the tejecUon Is II lor yesterday for quick repeal cipals will be In different leagues. the heal wa,"> tinned on Weaver posters made by hnijd by one of .after the young coast guardsman league will need plenty of time to Mrs Msrion Seelert was the win- | |^,-p wife made tor poor tires the ear owner Herald Photos action, liut Senator Clark ( D., Kenflclh E. (Little) Ziggy Sears was left out in the i.ild and the ner of the heart-hunting conte.st. i L..j,|y Aster, an eiiergelio con- the employees, an attcntion-coin- from Schenectady, N. Y., virtually prepare for the many difficult cannot obtain an.v new tires under ive h.ave m.i le an ew ellenl Idaho I, protested that the law- d» termined al the start of his final reckoning fiiim-l Manchester ■ecuring over 150 small red heart.s. j ,p,.unlive membci "t Parliament, The three district .salesmen of the .General Baking Corpora tion a ■ pelilng rcatiirc of whi' h Is the Kcd blasted the ring career of the for­ tiie rationing system no.v in force, aie, il-ri William H. problems that are just ahead. b^eball career he would not go to leadin'^ the van 41-27. with Mrs. Virginia VlTiitehill com- i baracterized lh<- Cliveden set i-erord of sales of Bond bread in .Mnnehester during the |;rsl ye.ir TI.ey makers w eie being asked to "hack j Cross and the "V. " The.se ho has mer lightweight Utlist by winning I riieiefore the ear miu«t be placed Happeny, .’>1 Kldi idge A phone call from Nick Angelo, the big show with a p.syehologlcal Wenver Siir|)rises I Burke 11 Hiinilin s tp e l, William Mahoney, 73 .sipruce .stieet and Thoma.s up and crawl in a h ole." 'placed in Murphy's. • .Meltcis and a tlecl.sive 10-round decision at the ing In second with iHI hearts. | reports a-- pun' fwlmn in the gaiage ■'1 hope the Senate will be able I several other vantage points along secretary of the league, reveals strike already against him. Weaver aurpn.scd the Clarkemen -Vr- rhiy<-oi ted tiiat bouts he has lost only to Ray Many of the top flight ball second chukkers hut that waa ns The unscrambling of words per- i In Manchester District L mIu Costanlino turns out to be the sweet­ feasional baseball and labeled one tile ear is not used after Juno 1 now.” Manager Jack San.soii of the State "Sugar ” Robinson." players arc going Into the service far as they gdt all evening. . . .cx- ■ t&lnlne to Washington was an , ^ . , the tax is not payable to the Fed­ theater, has conrented to serve as est thing in father’s candy shop. Twenty of the brightest prospects of them I.%n Sign Infumuil PetlUoa Servo is a cousin of LoiPAmbers and that means some of the eept to be on even fisiting with ta.sk for Mrs. Cliarlottc Tyler s> l*irt*l Hluckoilt eral government. However, if tho ma.ster of coremoiiics. and ready. New York feather aims high. all, leaves tomorrow for St. I’eters- easy The sale of Bond bread in M a n -‘ the .sale of Bond bread has greatly {.'n ilpr .Npw I,aW Jllfl^PS Representative Nichols >n. Other f->g Wright anil WiPyon. team back Into its stride arid this St a Iks ; 10 m the the lett. Thus armed lhc'>- "^''i H,.s gr.iss receipts were $29,858 9d. , around and make fun of their con Jenkins’ loyal wife declared: r > t h c r lidu <>f a figlitrr, the best .SI I iii'.d ami third, > tiM-ly liams. Mrs. Ralph Koekwpll. Mrs. hand ippatiiilly trving to antici- to altai k with complete learlis.- Heretofore the public had no | teams have made siniillnr [irepura- Lulu'.s [laicnls camje from Italy stride is something when It starts Ics.K I h n isian'ls .area to the gre.s.smen ‘’He'il be a cham'pion again. If Ifi-.I lici wcigl'.t ;u'o.--p>'ct in sight, The scori's Ann RejTloIds an? Mrs. I'avid [lati- the sign.il. ne.s.s. data on the fimimual value of the , tions, but his t'AO brothers nikj Ihiee .-is- to click. \ Little Ti«i Fust ea.st. a' ' ; finsito end "i' I'Uig. "Subversive Elrmenta" Blamed Servo dldn;t wake him up I will. By Burton Benjamin and his name i.s (,'arlo ( Lulu I Cos- Team No 1 ( 1) Bennett. (Continued from Page One) 1 : luenn.al pol.tii al i ont'sts lor I'ro-, Aei'iuiling to (’oa h Tlionuis ter.s were born in this coiinlry. His Honor Purdue Every one of the Manchester The speed with which .the light.s ------i-::ari"'v .lava, sii- 1 l!" t till' Mead said that at least part of Knowing the old Lew, I can’t un­ They didn t write many ' hcad- tantino. Perkins ...... 92 113 85 290 The sum of $12.55 was realized ' bate juilgeship eleetions Ihrough- About Town Kolley of the Man'liestir High I father rum, a eniidy stores. f’nUrr.siin . . . inn lads figured in the la.st half rout ' Wore turned off last night, there- terday of attacks on shipping in , m'uucnt wa.s a|ipr-•ac'amg r the the i^mpaign of ridicule could be derstand how he stood there and Liilu ha: t’unc 5’2 straight fights 11 K.S 93 281 and will he utrned over to the Red ! out the sla’ e. linoa about Robert BraiUK-unib school squad it will be impossible Lulu? He got that nani'ig as a Haugli ...... 107 96 83 and when he had the game ap­ fore, 'was protiahly fi-sler , the "Tininr .sea hy a large number luial te.'-t. Ilarttord Man uttributeil to "suhveraive ele­ let Servo hit him. In the old days, withoiu a defeat The other/flight 286 CYoss Claieiice H Smith of Fast The window broken yester ly, Keeton when he was an uosuiig lo allow any var.'ity pl.iyer to play kid becaii.se his baby sister could C'lvcll ...... 1 I-N 106 Hoop Mentor parently safe CYarke switched in H'- said h.o Ihi-i'for. .is.-iuiueil j of i n'’ my )d,an'’S. j Some Irih.i' '.Innts Kllleil ments" which "have.seized this op- w'hen hit. he’d bounce back like a he (-clrh.at-'l ills 20th hirtlklay hy 221 .Hartford, 'a layman. r> ported a has been replaced in the ,M irv I'lr- blocking back tor Colorado Col­ with an ont.'i-lo te«m until alter loot pronounce Carlo. She Crieu;|>o;ntini; .b'c-- AichijfriM. the gross ree.upts of $.'>.-"'27.57 anti net , ney hat store at 893 .Mam str et. Promoter Herman Taylor an­ lege 111 i93o and 37. the aihool .schedule is complrtc'l I Lulu " and it .stuck. Total ...... 2N7 120 37 1 1081 ed Randy Brown who had played «h:»n t^‘ V 'AiiMl'l tn fxn Mctiitii , T'hIhv ? O'mniunuju** fr'tm tlu' :iud \ ,1.;,. 1 ,n r-e tir.'-t iiir a-- Admits Killing opportunities, to create unrest and foi mer king >'f tl'.e fekthers. and Bataan Allark leceipts ot $3 912 14 whieh aeeru- disrupt the morale of our people. " The man who fell through Hic win­ nounced paid attendance as 6.906 Busier Keeton tlucw "tiis body The league will l e.spoi i this ruling n>>-w Lulu'.s yclni.ig ng the cham­ Team No. 1 (3) l.uinhrrt Night Gliinaxes an all out game and Bellia went 1 T W'\ \ in'liiromm:in«l, iR.^Mod sauit-i o 1 t.'.e .Sun 1 l irlau Is, wlueh 11| to him alter cxpi-M.ve.s of his o f­ He al.so declared that of the 96 dow was not the owner o. the and the net gate $9,361. Servo and snuuldeiB against ciieiuc legs | as it ha.s done in p:i.'t ye.ars. pions to runie I'lit lyjil fight Gibson . . . 91 Ml SO int.) the b.ickcourt for Klein- . ■ ^ J I'rinii l tir Ui t Y*^*^^*" ! th»* n»‘ws agency Anela. include f ■ I. Lon.bilk and .'-^uin- 2.5 Yrar.H of Service Wife and (drl fice were paid. .seators and 435 House members, Manchester vVin low . ’ \'' i.shmg weighed 193'j to Jenkins’ 134 3-4. with the unconcerned abanuon ot ' Tile meeting tonioht is .srhod- "I c.'in lick 'env lii>th" hi' sav.s. Adams .... (*"■» 10 1 127 .">26 schmidt. o l i l F * AJ5 I of th'- Slat*' < o\mki1 was jinnounc<*il that forcoa bav 11. I It 'I '■ nm o’uq.ie yost'er- Of tile thirtv-oiie district re­ Company, but an as.sistant Portland Dukes t^aziir ...... 1<»3 ■ •nly 10 could now qualify for aa all blocking backs. There was no ' iileil f> r 7 30 o'-loek sharp. ii'feriing to I'lttgliurg'n Jackie U'il- 1 I 12 1 .'i East Hartford Friday i in NV,v L<*n(lon (hiring thr toMt offering resistance to d-ly said ma.eiMl damage was ports re eiveii in dale many dis­ Lo\v Mail . . . . For Popular ('oach. much as $3,000 a year, only 41 for acclaim, no lieroics. It v\as just 'cn. the NFjA ctiimpicn. .aiiil ■ • - - 93 83 176 East Hartford High comes here ------I when- all llght.^ inclu.ling .“tivet j, ^,nspeci- K'lintinued from Page One) closed variations in expenses of Lent, slight. ar much as $2,000 and onlv 164 | Tod.av. the first d.av a routine j'oj to keep the Colo.auu tt'ii'Y '. who wears a title Taekle (iroeers I- riday evening for the final game (Contlnued fruiii I ago One) | anil all opr inaMula( tur- | -„.i‘t.ori.s of Bomef», but ac- TTie Dutch kept sliarp wat h for ------I Jtid.ge J. Garfield Hayden of d in .'4t. TotaK . . ';io 3,ton’s younqc.'t r.ames Tonight .1 I.'itab.V .. . . s7 7’> 102 261 ous eoiich’.s 25th .season at the of casuallies in the sec-nml bomb-[ ,,f the 1)lat kout He ad h ii. how- -keeping Hie liaiiic moving on I ind expects to give the Manches­ end." tir.'l con- ■ before she could he rcmoveil to a ' Judge Willi'.m L. ('afferty of trihuleJ in .St. J.ames s chuiih aiul Stops Green B.> Hugh Fullerton, Jr, I'f-.tli/U', Cti.arlpy, nian.''i’ ps Cootm - Fast Side Rex- ('. Clark \ . . . 9s 101 113 :;i2 h( ;id' of the basketballing Boil- mg of tho comp. j i ver. that it »U'l unt appeir that that tile Ja(.an se,,Ari the Burma Road —wins Jap Busier ter team plenty of trouble. Man- ___ 1 ...... I Ttie I tie first otiiciaioflicial ncKfiowieug-acknowledg- . Hi'.ur ai o|1 oiienuiveiifTI'll live ' fiospiiai.hospital, anaand .luuv.Jiidv. viriiv....Ycnlically Hie Bn.stol di.slra t. r poried n there will Ite the roeitalion of ’.int/anil thinks Liihi i.s a nifty Vikings vs. (’ enter Billlaids. K. .Mercer V . . 9S 9:; lO.Y 296 m.akers. Tn-o Probes of Liner Keeton, 2i, headlines live years ! chester a second team fell before Nation I 1 , r i, tr, ' i " ' ' ’fially t,i..en I'l.o k- ■ ([,,, .lapaiie.se occu|ialion ms uieiu 'u' ■ 'fallen Siii'2- ' wounded, lav on Hie floor. net Im 'lue nf .$.5.95.5 v.', ,mii gross the m.sary and a sermon m both Now Y'ork, Feb. 18. -T' Look of flphtinc machinery. "Ho Trojans vs Silhro Jrs. Piggy Lambert-drilled teams The w-ar luame Closi-r home to ,„,r uutrn.s Inil had merelvl ^ .Maea.s.sar. chief port of the ' 'T'"mat ra 1! fo o t-, ( 'l-ief H ick.-y sahl that All.vfi'told later. Sjicclal .\ttractlon the Weaver squad last night, 27-17, receipt.s of $s.2 !sh .5. Burninff Ordered churches nt 7:30 thi.s evening v, ith Manchester Green Loses He is a member of Uie Am eri­ for the fitst robin of spring any jfii.s sonic of the mnnncri.'ms of Total ...... 367 :r,i 109 113(1 h ive w on or shared the Western Tony ('anzoncri, rc.scmblcs Johnny Grocers vs. Portland Dukes. ITie score Araericans rv S ' ' ’''' I S'.ntt'-.vestrrn arm of Ceh-l.ea and i j''i', i. . I him th.it .= ho’rtlv before I»neto Ill 'liiiK-hes:'-r Washington. Feb 18 Two aslies also to li ihr.ii'ibi.l-'d. can Volunteer Gn>up. which has ilay n-iw fo lk s ....t h e first of th^ Team n\ . « (3) Gonferonre championship 11 times, First Game of Year r>'.!"d<'c. fi.ehts lik'' Penny I.connnl Manchester 'hnr«^nlTbV\ri^^^^ M .-oitli-a.s, of Sia-rhaja, , V , " y- • ,-tt u.th'lelt t'.!- buildmc. he appeared at ,Iu Ige \V.i;:..:,> S ir-.d . of Hie ngression-jl inveslipatiuns of the I Ma.s.*e.s d'lring Lent will be c le- raiseu navoc with me attempt to new crop of football heroes h^ P P a r .. .. 91 98 289 lirtvo been the runner-up on four an-1 some sav his .style I.s similar The Ree Intermediate leaguers H. F. T. .Mamue.-t r distrgt n. ('• d $.5.i;i'2.- burning of the former French I brated in both churches each mw n- slice Ciiinu H Ideliiic'. and in a dis- arrived Fd Dnnferth of thC/Al- H. L-.id . .. . uK, 11:. 102 3'2'2 ocrnsions. To Snappy (Juintet. to Billv Conn's " So. you .see, (Yiar- wi'l t ik.e the floor startin': nt ilx ()', Zaniailis, rf ...... 4 1 9 mumque I iHiig a "war correspond­ ■idri’ ilte 11" IS per.!-' bus hand, and announced that he r>; from gross ii'ccipts of $8,072.-j ], xury liner Normandie were or­ patcii iroin kangoun is credited lanta Journal says that Cbrirloy (• G i l l ...... 9s 113 .'iu6 Purdu .s sui I 1 .ss is traced to the U-boat base in the raribbean of all pi-n m Hu- Vvas th e F,'. : It Ing- ___ ley r'th er farcies Lnlii o'cloi k tonii'ht. Red hot games Chapman, If ...... 5 2 12 ent attaehel to the War Depart­ . -'sf l’ deler.se i.s s.i-.il ' I'-'fd kill-'d hi.-' w ife anil daughters. 6 i . dered today. with having broagnt down tae' Trlppi, The Wilkes B.irre. boy ' K. Ti... ie . . . . . 97 86 282 Old G.ild iiiid Blacks being much area "siil- n-liii " o u t . it.s ;■ AI Howard’s Big Seven handed The hoy comes from a pretty are pronii-ed between these tesni'i 1 Randy Brown, c .... 5 0 10 But there wa.s ihci iing > vi-h nec , ment." . to depend m la;.-- ilegree on the Note On Kltehen Tattle Judge William F. Mangan of The Senate Naval Cpmmittyo An Importajil meeting of the lUlst ,'Vippunrse air^ a lt loi this at Georgia can heave y 30-yard more interested in making figure 2 L.asi ni'j Ilf's was th-- lirsl in a On a kitchen table was a' note, the Manchester Greens their first touch .scrtloii nlonp New York’s ■IS a I'll (lepi nils on w ho w in.s. i Total ...... 397 •103 g?99 1199 'Jr, on the scoreboard than s on Rnbt. Brown, rg ___ 1 0 of an eventual Naval conn liai k in ' His report sai-I the defen-lers flow of i-’inforcen cuts from th-- New Britain, wh.-h with Berlin approved unanimously a p^ropoeal Y'oung Republican (.'lub will bo intrepid oand. ^ forward pass and by the time the 8 S- M-'S of IIV-' illg ' -s. l!i. .s.-rflollal whlcli the. chief said read: imstilut.ea the Berlin di.strict, net- defeat bf the year last night at the lower e v t siilo ne.sr the river. It’s Coming up fiom Portland. the h.nd'.'. ood. is elnschmldt. Ig ...... 3 0 6 the Pacific. Th-' I'nited .^t iti-s -h'- I "occupied new ]>o.sitions after their Slates The Dut- ii as.scrt of Senator Vandenberg (R-Ml:h) held this evening at the East .''^idc reeelver has * straigli^ned out to hi 1' lioiits (In Ki h Li till- an-i t'n ite d . I love my w ife and Joyce and | ted $7.910 25 out of gross receipts at the East Side Rec by the score callc 1 the G-is Hor.se di.-trict arri Conn . the Dukes, i>ne of Die he-t Tlien- IS nothing mechanical Tuiklngton. c ...... 0 0 0 stroyer Shaw, once officially lust- . vviHulravval from .Macn.s.sar." an-1 that It probe to determine wheth­ Rec at which time the prize of $5 Kewlgns From Navy run. there is Uhai^y alm gside 2 fiom Miifoid to the .New York they have been dUsappolnled m of 56-47. has y iiliice-l such icuphics a qiunttls n'ong t'ne Conm.tU'.it about the play ol Lambert crea- Bellhs. Ig ...... 1 0 cd as lost in the Pearl llarboi at- I then undertook reconnaissance and Jiidv I will not let her go out with - of $13,110.25. er the fire at a New York pier as offered by Samuel J. Turkington lo Join \ olunteers \ yelling for a latprnJ. . . . holdover .-tate line will und-rgo ,i t-'s- OHi- i lhe.se .-(> fa r Behind by the score of 32-27 at Willie Lo.\,i.s Kiivo Brown. Willie A for fuiidamentals tack, arrived at a we.st coa.st port , patrols ’ by which valuable infor- apyh-i-lv. Her father knows about O'her district reports follow: the vc.ssel waa being converted will e awarded the per.snn secur­ Keeton of The flying Tigera re­ story from In.st season also deals Kivi". Valley, will meet the Fair- Faisaii Leads lion.s. stickler ii'U'in.s wiM ill' I's t-'l on M anli 1. lA U lu 'o’li Sing.ypore'.s loss de­ evi ivHiin.g but he don't give a Houlhington, .Iiidge William J. the half the Green spurted ahead Chandler ami ."Sid rern.s Kids field Gt'i' Ois. K> >■ .Senoir Iwagu ' ;ird coiulitigii. l’;ggy the Peerless riitals ...... 19 3 41 from a limping jury-rigged trip; 3. ari l 5. m.atu M was obtained " He said the prived Java of a m ighty deferi.sive for Navy use w(is caused by negli­ ing the largest number of new signed irom bombing patiol duty w ith GcOrpia . . . It seems that :i\rr I IHiIrli forees ahihushed a Jap-nnese dam' Sfie is dead and I am glad Hiirlev, gros.s receiiils, $1,369 18; in the third quarter with Gavcllo le.-irn to lue the.r fi: t.- al an c.arly ihani|).s, nt S o’clock The vi.sitoi-.s belu've.s in training for "habits." under her ow-n pow- r and ns h< mg \ tion, K. N Van Kletr.'iis. .Neth- gence or sabotage. members. and Horvath pacing the attack, with the Navy Air Corps late in when Quinton I.umpkln, the Bull­ B F. T. -letachmrnt yesterday and killed of it. " net, •$1,17» 73 age down that way have run a .string hf vicloric.s. 11 Pike I^ e a j i i i e so his athletes will react properly reconditioned for active service, i mils foreign minister. -I',dared The House Naval Committee leading by 41-38 at the end of the 1941 to join the volunteers. He had dogs’ 235-pound (rosh coach, w-as Chri.stino, rf ...... 1 0 2 I ,",i) or 40. including the commander On the same table lay a .22 cali­ Canton. Judge .Mary P I yCvvIs. At the recent meeting of th* Mon ,\inn tour Title "tr.vght. and ho[ie to keep it in­ to any given Situation and not bo The ves.sel made the 2.000-miIe Washington last night that it authorized Chairman Vinson (D- third quarter. to be in the thick ot Dungs. 3 hut heading for the Orange Bowl, he Cohrllo. If ...... 0 0 0 ber pistol. gross. .$8.86 .86: n-t $582 01 younger membor.s group of the Lulu started boxing when he tact by (lefeatin.g th.e Groce: s. tltrown off .stride. voyag- with a .stul) enurgifny (IFiiiio^e Units I and .several other officers Ga I to appoint a six-man subcom­ Woznlak and Dinnie went to was the last triends in Hotuiadu stopped in a Florida town fur a Laiiiorea.ix. If . 7 3 17 I’oliit l« l)es«lru<'llon rtainly -loes n-it mean thal Ikincto was arraigned in police Avon. Judge Harelav Robinson, wa.s 15. feinting and iiunchlng in ttvt fomuitioii.s are practirally Ixiw, fttle-l In f.vi. month.4 oi rc- mittee to inquire Into the "de­ Girls’ Friendly society of St. town for Howards and soon led Bpimgs heanj ot him until dis­ shave .. "Hurry up," he told the. llitH for Hi^li !Mark> in Di-uhel, e o 6 Some observers jiredicti'd it 'J-avaS will fall court this morning on two charges gross $.373 70: net .$18180. M ary's church, .Mildred Jack.son the ba-'kya.rd with a cousin, Terry unkn'vwn. but the ball eventually pair.s in Hawaii Navy offic-i.s w h" struction of the USS Lafayette, by the score of 52-43 with three patches told ol bis bagging the barber. "Tve got lo work out this Kirshlai'i h. rg ...... u (i 0 (iross Border wotil-l take the Japanese at le.a.sl H avf Iffirt of Siippl.v of first degree . murder and the Tornnglon. Judge J.ames F Ho- was appointed chairman bf the re Young, who is a profe.ssional now. Tokens Furnish I’ ruhlein Turnpike ('.irniit o n .seems jo arrixe m the bucket. disclose-] the v--yage sai-l at H-'-no- I 'There nmi'le ti'Kip.s," iu- gan, gro.ss $7,934 35: net $6."24.- i formerly the Normandie." It em- minutes to go and coasted to vie AVU's lUlst victmi. afternoon” . . , .came the reply: too. They used a sandbag as Lambert was one of Die first to Yolhn. Ig .... 1 0 2 lultl that Hie Sliaiv wa.s m -iryd'- k two week.s to prepare base.s for the case was continued until March 4, freshment committee for the Keeton was born and reared at said in a broadcast, "the rivilian l»nc1o Visibly Nervous 35. I powered the committee to sum- tory. "Y’es. sir. \Vher$ are y ci wrestling punching bag. Then Lulu started N.ew Y'ork J'- Wh.it lo do accept basketball as a scoring Herbert, rg .... 0 6 0 at the time of the p-c 7 attack exiiected direct attack on Java. In month of March. Rita Hadden for Manzanola, a tiny town in south­ West Sidt' population is preparcii and every­ Loncto was visibly nervous as he Litchfield, Judge Warren Mor­ mens wltne.sses. boolis, papers and Woziak and Dinnie starred for tonight 7" fighting n amateur bouts at the with 10.000.000 metal tokens an ; game. His eombiiiatioiis were the and wa.s hit rci.euic llv by bombs, i Into Thailand aupi>ort of this view they pointed April. Helen .Matchett for May and eastern Colorado, where they thing Is well organized. The most was led Into the courtroom at po­ ns, gross, $1,105 51; net $2,791.91. documents and repoit back "such Howards with 12 polntr each while Tompkins Square Boys’ club and optimistic ti.msit company had original pohil-a-nuiiule boys of Totals ...... 11 5 27 one of whieh explode her maga- | to the destruction of air fields In Jane (Tonvers* for June. raise fine melons and sugar beets. The Armory Lunch and G >r- -1 important item on which future lice hcadquarters_by Detectives C. Haddam, Judge Herbert S. recommendations as It may deem Gavello and Horvath were best Une-Mlnute Sport Page won the 95-pound title. He took to manufactured in 1918 in anticipa­ the courts. Hda ro/n ha^ been go­ Reierer. Covie zioes an-1 wrerked Hu lorward .si-c- .south Sumatra, In Borneo and In His parents still reside ai ...anau- 1 ('iintiiiiieit frimi Page One) levelopvncnts depend Is the receiv- | j (junningham and Thomas C. John.son, gross $2,065.30; net $1,- desirable.” best for the locals with 18 and 12 The Forth Worth iTcx) Junior going up to the Pioneer Gymna­ tion of a scvcn-ccnt fare is worry­ miin’.s Motor .'talcs hung ii|) four ing at that pSyc for years. Nine tion. .'Secretary Knox on Ueeemoei (Vlohes hv the defending troops, Chapman Court,- Order of Ama­ nola. His father, J. C. Keeton, op­ Barber. Clad In a light grey top­ 029.28. Chairman Walsh ID-Mass) told points respectively. The score: Chamber of Commerce will throw sium and watching a friend, ing city offlclnl.s. The city Inheri­ point victories bust night at the ' times in the paSj 20 years, a La- 15 lia-l listed the .'^liaw a-s among .and the delaying actions still be­ ing of materials in time. 1 am glad ranth, will meet Frmay evening in erated a store there for 28 years. .m l jios.-ihly [ireva'ilts a more po.sl- coat, he stood, in the prisoners' en­ New Canaan. Judge Lawrence reporters that the Senate Audit Howards a luncheon for Roger* Hornsby George Zengaro-s, work out. pick­ ted the tokens —$175,000 worth expen.se of the Campbcir* .Scivice i fayette sharpshoOjer has fliinihcd Swamp ing fought on all three of these to say that part of the supply has the Masonic Temple. A .social hour At Manzanola High School, ves.-ads io.sl m th-' raid. I.V.- r-'|H>it. closure with his hands in his pock­ Frothingham, gross $3,548.10; B, F. T. Feb. 25 and Is inviting baseball ed up pointers and before long had last year when it took over the team and the New Model Laundry I at the top of the individual scoring ( ould Shell .New l ork islands. arrived already, but we can do Committee was expected to give will follow the business, and a young Keeton won 16 athletic I'rev i-Hislv. tluai.sands of Chin- ets and his eyes on the floor. He net $2,766.46. immediate approval to .the $5,000 Woznlak. rf ...... 6 0 12 men and sports writers from decided on a ring career. line, and now Is tom between sav­ in tho Middle Turnpik- League nt ! column. Jewell Yoimg, one of Slorrs* S(piale Rec Lambert’s many All-Amenca de­ o." the piKssilnlUy ot attack came .south Sumatra said Indies troops Refugees arriving from Palem- expenditure carried in the resolu­ Uoshington’a Birthday cake, ite- versity of Denver, but transferred iiT-uigh th-' sti-'[- pas -'S of the brief proceedings during which East Hampton. Judge Earl C. Howard. If ...... 4 2 10 Hitchcock., former 10-goai polo April. 1939, and has gone through should the present flvc-cent fare Joe Zapatkn and Bert Gili.son velopments. eslabh.she^. the 12- lal- yealcril'.y ui a ]'ies.s coriiii- there still were putting up a stub- bang brought the first graphic de­ tion making poa.sibic Senate ac­ freshmenta will be sci veil by Mi.xs after one semester to Colorado loUti-r arei h.a l Hieir lir-t en- Pro.secutor John P. Cotter asked Hitchco-'k, gro.ss $1,408.48, net I>>onard. If ...... 3 1 7 player, took up skiing this winter 52 fights without a whipping, al­ be raised, and giving them to the led Die Armory bo'.s in tiiiiinph g.iine induidual .scoring T‘ cord of Tho S'lioidofl ttoppovl the Storrs envi H-- .-aul ih-- - .uui.y, i--iu,il horn battle, seeking to prevent the , (alls of Dutch heroism and unhesi- tion on the measure this after­ Ruth Wickham i.ml her coinniit College, alma mster of football's '. IHi ,!a[.a:.':-i patI'o'.s s'-v- for the contlnuahce. $1,184.82. Keating, c ...... 2 0 4 and hasn’t broken an^ bones yet though he had several draws He Federal government for conversion while Fagan, Ki eney an-1 G >rm in ISl pointSy,in 1938. \ tea 111 at t ho V la^t nittht. 37-25 af- rhell .Nc.v Volk or -(top i-uni:.s on invadi-rs from driving south to- tating sacrifice In putting oil tress noon. tee. famous Earl (Uutcl)) Clarke, coach - 1.1. ''..I', s ;i"o Immediately after the arraign­ Say brook. Judge F. "VTctona .Klapptrodt, rg .... . 5 0 10 . . . .An all Chinese hockey team is moves about so fast that he’s a into war weapons. • were top.s for the Motor Sah-s Like all good coaches. I,\inb»rt t'’» a fa5l paruo for three quartera Pelioit un iei , - rtam luiulitu-us. w.sril .Sunifa strait from-their foot­ urea to the torch with methodical ,\gree On No Interference of the profeaelonal Cleveland I'll Relieve I‘r-'ssiire ment, Loncto waa taken back to Markham, gross $1,108.48, net Dinnie. Ig ...... 8 0 12 playing In C7anada and making out team. adapts his game to the ab.l^v of o ' the wav. Tho winners put on a .\.sk-u V. ill til-r II-' l:io.,giil an .VI:;,'i .111 ot.i ns.vi '.v-iuM be lb holds in the Palembang area. The efficiency, braving heavy machine- Walsh said the’ committee Manchester’s supernuni'erary |>o- Hams. available material. the detective bureau for more $1,064.81. pretty w ell... .The National semi- Armorv Lunch ( 4) ;p'.i:t in tho half to draw aM.u k on. .Ma-'iia 'Aa- po>.s i.a. .Mr. ; I s; land TtK' k tiv a.ev of I'nited J.’iparifSe, admittedly holding su- gun fire, agreed that in the inquiry would liccmen are getting plenty of h g- . Keeton abandoned other sporte He is a great believer in wfisit questioning about the tragedy. Washington. Judge (Tharles T. 26 4 58 pro baseball congress Is planning Wright ----- . . 93 103 M 200 .'ihi’iol' ari'l win i;oinj; awAv. The 1 a .1 ■. 1 .1 I- plu- 1 m lot .itl.rii.a- I. - s I n 1 • I Mtoi y he hi hy Jeiiority in numbers and equip­ Japan's first, alr-bome Invasion not supersede or Interfere In any ular work these days with ii.e In cqllege and etuck to football, he e.ills matching men. Any eonv Doctors began autopsies on the Mason, gross $1. 12120; net $783.- Greens a national registration day for all . . 106 97 114- 317 1 scores; t.\.. to the .ipieMi-.r. -d w h-th-i I .pa:. I i; ■ p,:r|i''.-e of sui'h ,i ment. were said to be suffering of the Palembang area Friday way with Invc.xtlgations being regular officers on the sldchnos augmenting hie way-clearing and Two Strikes On Him Glbspn . . . . binalion from a group of eicht bodies of Mrs. Loncto and Joyce 20. B. F. T. 108 118 318 Suiruh*s A mei .1 .ill all auU .Nav al -ll i r.L’lh t..l'.l. t v.o'..ld 1.. 1.. n-lleve iiressille hi'iivv losses. did not excite great alarm but conducted by the Navy and Fed­ with Injury or lllnc.a.s. Thp.so who Une-bucking with One punting. proapectlve players March 3 0 .... Z.$patka . . . .. 92 ! nine regulars Is likely to gel the at 10 o'clock this morning Salisbury, Judge Thomas R. Gavello. rf ...... 8 2 18 . .118 95 ' 92 305 1 B F T was suIIU'.i-Ilt to plev-'llt .-Ul li ,it- Mil Hi-' Hi'iu.-h al-ing the Hilin. .liiva's 40.000.(KM) re.-iolut- Inhaji- Japanese transports arrived tn the eral Bureau of Investigation; are Incapacitated at incscnl are And, since Colorado College Is Looka like Uncle Sam waa about Chanda starting call, di'iiending upon tho Wagner, gross $1,989.61, net $1,- Horvath, If ...... 8 0 12 91 88 2.53 i Tigtle. I f ...... 4 0 *8 taeli.--. he rep..- I, --it.iiiily no’ . On Hi- vji'il s-eithein front t.'int.v were ready to match their Musi estuary, the seaway to Pal­ Also, Walsh said. It was agreed Sergeant Michael Fitzgerald and a small school and rarely has Bix weeka ahead on that one.... Low Man . . .. 74 opposing players their height, 645.36. Greene, I f ...... 1 0 a HolWe.«. rf ...... 3 1 7 S[-e. .ilatioti over Hie i-'S.-;uility '.vli- r- ‘ h- Hiifina load was Hireat- strength and courage against the embang, Saturday night and the that no report would be made un- Officers David Galllgon, Harold more than 22 men out for football, TTie sandlotters’ Idea is that any­ etc. Thomaston, Judge J. Howard Blanchard, e ...... 2 S 7 483 494 506 1483 ! Cowles, c ...... 5 2 12 that Gi rmaii siihmarii’.e.s might hv | em i! the c-imnlunique said that enemv hordes tn a last-ditch battle demolition orderil were issued. Must Disarm Roberts, gross $952.96; net $502.- unUl the commltte had obtained Heffron, Arthur Seymour and Keeton was even called upon to one who'd like to play can sign Scouts frequently h.ave diffuul- Murray, rg ...... 1 2 4 CampbeU's Service (0) 1 G-ibbe-^ rg ...... ii 0 0 oi-ei. liiig iroiii a hiddi'ii ba.se in the . Jiipani .S'- attacked yesterday which will have tremendous con.se- tlvIUmn.Volunteers .\id an analysis of the results of the Luciiui Thrall. play tackle in two engagements. up at the nearest sporting goods ty in attempting to analyze i’ur- 96 Salmonds, Ig ...... 2 0 4 251 Napoli, jg ...... i' 2 2 H'o 1'.-.rihb-’aii an .i ai s-- in iJ.i'i- on Hill P.riHsh lift flank and that quences In the course of the war. Civilian volunteers pitched in Canterbury. Judge Dorothy departmental investigation. ■tore and an effort will be made Spade ...... ,74 85 92 due s play. All Germans .•Server, Ig ...... 0 0 97 299 Liicii.'-. If ■ ...... 3 0 6 '."i.i in th'- wak- 111 ti'i .Mori'—iy 1.'- ' hai'.d-t''-h.'ir. ! l.att'is re.sulted. Will Mean Costly Failure with the destruction squads while Bennett Ritzl, gross $416.60; net Walsh added that the first step 0 to find teams for all o f t h e m .... Ma.'jon ...... 110 92 One h.arned observer, leaMiig 105 107 291 Johnson. Ig ...... » 1 0 2 l.oHl i.ii'l .off ,\i .'.'.1 V a:.'l ’ In a fic'rre counter-attack by In- Successfuliy held. Java will soldiers and town guardsmen $416.60. In the committee inquiry would IloBpilal INole.s Bob Harron, who haa kept 0>lum- Kohls ...... 79 the press box following un en­ 20 7 47 PI 95 278 Navy men hi>i-• 1 gel a lue t--' i|i:in (i.iiki'as Hi-' J.-ijiaiie.-X' were mean that Japan's invasion o f the fought fiercely to. hold off those (Cuntinned from Page One) Killlngly. Judge Leo H. Viens. be to gather all “non-controver- Wolverines Trim bia sports In the papers for sev­ Zeppa ...... gagement, tore uj) his notes and 16 37 Referee—Oane. ••. . 96 93 88 277 the ||'|■atloll ol He- ha.s-' ol 'he 'in- j ■Iriv-'ii l.'.uj., hut uiidir the cover Fast Indies has been a costly fail­ enemy aeriallsta who survived a gross $2,457.54; net $1,610.79. slbl" facts, such- as terms of the eral years, has been granted leave St. John ... I muttered: "How can you tell what Storrs Admitted yeilciday - Levi Ron:, Uei.s.'.'t I'uU within Hie next .v Ml ilerkn- vs i;,st night the Jajianese ure. day-long battle. Sunday morning charter Item on disarmament of Madison. Judge Peter C, M. contract under -which tho Nor­ of absence to go into service with they re going to do .when thi _v Andover; Mrs. Lucllic Jol'iiSon, 33 Hawks 39 to 25 451 466 479 1396 li:.,v.«. ■:;i' 1 the H.hii river in small The United Nations already have everything was ablaze—even busi­ aggre.s.sor nations)" and added: Christensen, gross $2,126.05; net mandie was being converted Tor the Naval Reserve. don’t know themselves 7 " ' .''•kuiwer. rg exacted a frightful toll of ships Sunset street August Uainbinc. 12 Pirates Defeat New Model Ijiundry (0) launbert refuses to gel excited Xvvails Oflii'iiil Real ti"n Ic'iit.v ai iT'il 1-; iccs. ness offices, social halls and some "In that case there will be pro­ $1,316.09. .Navy' use. who ■ the supervising I ,K Wairen. GIcnwood street; Mrs Mary Camp­ . .104 98 113 315 about rule: changes, even though Ig W.i.v‘!'.r..;li)n iniair.vh!:e a'.v.ut—j "l-ignting' w'as I'lging all night and men from the enemv In the In- homes, along with warehou.ses and longed fwciipatlvn by all the Allies Mansfield. Judge R.alph E. An- officials were; and similar mat- The Wolverines defeated the Today's Oorat Star Farr ...... i ZizKar. r bell. 22 Vernon street. . 91 100 292 he may not agree with Du- altera­ oftici.al r-'.Htion trom H;o 1 >v .lar.- a.'-T iii'ghi and w*h.s still coiitifiiimg ■'lies. Ihi* willing sarrlHce by the the radio and telephone stations. nf all Germany, there will be rom - thonv, grossn $302..NY; net $267.72. Favoretl Vikings Hawks lest night st the West R. G. Lynch, Mllwrmuke* Jour­ Perrett . ... .101 Ualla, rl . . Am ong the Indlvi-liial exploit.^ tcl-R. ^ Discharged yesterday - Mrs. CTirJstoff .. . .103 104 107-314 tion In que.-d.on. Queried ab. >ut eiro to tho tiu pe-l-iru; - I tli-j J-l-.t- Hus nii'n'inc ' ''u forn .s ar-' hold- I Ihitrh of their wealth of oil and plete destruction of the German Judge Louis Goldschmidt of the The committee did not decide, Side Rec gym 38 to 2fi. nal: "Ski jumping Is the only sport H Warren. If ' :- 10 25 firms. Otherwise, disarmament ley Obria.s and infant tlaiighler, loimbert’s intensity seems t ’ be elarei] war on Germanv folhv.virg I \lr Fi-ri-es striking Bur k f their effort.s and the footholds for ports and a civilian pilot. R. P. A. net income o f $7,473.70. 25 in the last few seconds o f regu­ forts for the Hawks. “yoit would do better if you did It 467 508 52.3 1528 will be a sinister farce as It waa transferred to his con.batarts. His ' * Referees. Forte and Johnson. the .smKing of Brazilian ship.s. I In Hus t,:i--ling. which rvidentlv ' attempting the final, decisive blow. Van Rees, who was awarded the Hilliard street. lation play. McMulUn led the win­ Wohrertaes thus or so.’ In skiing they make Gorman Motor Sales (4) the last time," Admitted today—Robert Griggs, teams are 10-minute teams i In Ills I'll ss ronf-'ietii i' the Pros- wa.s . n 'h- l.iig- si seal.- ( on th- ' .‘jo far, although yielding ground flying cross for skillfully setting Pleads Iiiiioeeiit ners from the floor but Alvord of B F T judges out of the kibitzers and the Fitch ...... 98 86 109 -293 Avery street; Mi.sa Janet Boyd. 70 the losing team was high scorer A graduate of , Wabash College, lileni iemarke-1 that Washlugi-.n I B u r r i ' 1 fr.-nt. Hi- Allied A n I- ires , to the ovei-w hclm ing forces of the Ms flaming transport plane down Public Records Kennedy, If ...... 0 0 0 ‘Judges' make the sport ridicu­ Bradiev .104 92 86— 282 Polish-A mer leans .Suffer* C ritical Injn rlee Porter street: Mrs. Lena Eaton, with 18 points. The scones: -3 1 0 where he weighed 114 )H-iunds , waa a rumor facton,-, the so’irc- --I ' w- re strik;:,*: hack .strongly j Japanes# in the outer islands of In the Jungle after an enemy at­ Toumaud, rf ...... 4 3 11 lous.” Gorman .. . . 91 96 12.3 more lies than any place in the ! Bi-mbt-rs ha.--'d in Ihiim a .'truck . the archipelago, the D utch have tack and saving Its occupants. To Theft (Jiarges Bolton. * Pirates Taggart, c ...... S 0 8 .121 134 119 -37 4 when he led the Little Giants in I Bo.',fon. Feb. 18—(A5— MaJ. Gen. Warrantee I>eeds Fagan . . . . country Answering a question -u i .i<'i'i'.s.-ji V . 1- a Ja])ancse air- ' w aged a successsfiil fight of di-lay Birth today—A son to Mr. and B F "I Warren, rg ...... 7 0 14 Keeney . . . . .102 111 118 331 scoring as a sophomore forward. To Plav St. Stans Erland Fi.sh. 58. commander o f the George W. Griffin to Bruno S. Mr*. Fred <3oehring of 155 Autumn QtMto, I'oqnote Lambert acquired the nickname of le|x>il’« that Becrelary Kri->x h.-i-i J'lrom t in nort.-iein T h ailand ye.siiT- j anil de.struction. deprivin g the en- Fort Fairfield, Me.. Feb. 18 — SulUvan, If ...... 2 1 3 Brown, Ig ...... 4 0 8 Maseachiisetts SUte Guard, former Uadyga and wife, property on Hor- Tedford, rf ______0 0 0 Oscar Vlt: "If Ty C5obb were Piggy ii his old home town, Craw- fade 1 to disclo.-e the full lo-.svs at I day, and al.vi inflicted dam age on j em y of valuable tim e and loot. \ative Proving More (AY- Having pleaded innocent to a street. Sargent, Ig ...... 0 0 0 516 519 555 1590 The Polish Americans will travel I'ommandcr of the 26th (.Yankee) ton road. Discharged today Frank Carl- Brooks, r f ...... 1 1 3 playing today, he would steal 150 fordsville, Ind., during grammar ! Pearl Haits-r. Mr Risisev-it ud jJ:i[Mnet,e troops and .supply stores ' Last Great Ram part charge of larceny by embezzlement Brl.stol .'lunday to meet the Than MtUch fo r Japs division and one-time president of Greenway, Inc., to Michael and SOD.'843 Main street; Mrs. Edith N. Southergill, c ___ 0 0 0 bosea a season. The pitchers don't school coasting days. As he skit- 1" the.v n-uld ts'st be descnlH-l by v;..r g the .vial'.'. 'rn an d in the .M ar- i B u t if J a va is lost to the U n ited from the Town of Fort Fairfield, Totgls 18 8 39 lo.sest team In the leasfue to their the state Semite, suffereil critical Elizabeth M. McTlguc. property on Chambers, Hollister street: Mrs. bother to develop a fake move­ .Another King With U I. T. tered down the hill, no bigger than the word rot. taban ar-.i. T h- F.-.y il Indi.an A ir . .Nati-ms, it will m ean Japan's to- Bstavla. N. E. I , Feb. 18 -U ...... - ^ w,. . G. Wilmot Carruthera, 30. former 88 B. Southergill, r g ------4 0 8 Hawks pre.scnt standing, the St. Stans of Fierce native soldiers of the Dutch : injuries today when struck Oi a Avondale Road. James Eldwards and Infant 'son. 73 McJIullIn, Ig .. 5 1 11 ment to first or-second any more a mite of a sled, an old stocking Asked for comment on the sirs- K oree t-'irtu :p,H -'! :n re-'ounais-! tal conquest of .the vast, rich In- town manager and tax colleetor.- that city. The team wlll leave th* Indies, armed only with pmtols and taxicab. He was la**" ■William F. Johnson to Warren B. August, Ig ...... 0 0 0 Runners are seldom picked off the Brooklyn Haldane King, lead­ cap stuck straight out. "Pigtail’! tegic vahie to Ihi- United St.ati-s of s III--■ H m . i! '.ruing K ang-e-n h.i 1 j dies .--rchipelago, her com plete Pearl street. Aeeto^ rf ...... Clinton street clubhoiLse at 5:30 swords, are proving more than a Bent Brigham hospital, where hi G. and Gertrude L. Miner, property today awralted ball In Houlton bog*.’’ ing scorer of Long island Unlver- waa later shortened to the present a pnip. Machinery, paint second quarter o f 1840. Imported ing record. In Its first six sklnn- •J' deerjing war. "What Price (Tlory,’' afaottt on a par with oUicr atgu- new thrust into central Burma. the narrow strait of Sunda, and Camithers U not Uat«l In any cbmmander , . oo ... Luzon had recom- was written by a for^r ..larine distress call at sea the signals' soon ■* possible and qgiBintala the These sc irc-'- said the attack on the snidhem shore* of the smashed enemy fotmations *u-1 war effort wsa MUght from the stocks and a carload of cedar T o ta ls 12 2.887.063 potmds of rspsoeed, or isboR the Purple taUiod 287 points, wmmtm al wad by the Cliveden ^et of the local tUrectortea as b^ng a.; gt^ual e o t *«attcrfiM ’s ficfcotM MrtalBljr b M ttta better eC l Corps captain, Laurent EEtalllngs. were "CQ” and "CQD." unbroken atriaff of Tictorlaa. « W «illln(1^ He -said that r-e- V (H . . it O' s'-Miig tx mb- Is’ i-'ls of »,i"!Co and CeUbes, to perior in numbers and arms. ' Lcgislatui'e today by Gov. Arthur .burned In the bl:i:e ol undctei- Refm ii^ Bkteh and Dougtao. eolM . oU. on aTerog* o f -.fi. ) r o ililn t U ' be wae bMnir nwfuBy ^ u t r vr under b|(hicr-plaae escort. | the north kto ss the Java sea. natives prefer to fight with | U. Jamea. I Qilatd origin. MANOHESJ'bR EVENING HERALD. MANCilHSaTEB, COKN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAT^Y 18. 194* aiAxst^nr-s I r-n rt<AL«U, MAtNi;nEiSl tK . t-VNIS. WliUNEOl^AX, r’EBRUARX IR, iv n PAGE EIGHTEEH RED RYDER One More Chance BY FRED b a r m a n

t h____ e r e a c h a n c e ^/WerWER SPRING-^ MEEHS. 1 CA» SET AHOLT5 OF AMO RbtTOMED ANYV^y 8AY ROr ' ^ Sense and Nonsense T b O — THW VOILC IF M6(T. tkABUO V f o r . for eiAULOM VOM’T CRlM Kf S R A 9 S 4 This ona Is told with John Bar­ Lots of pedple like to argue. Bill On little Boya TbUCrtlT?' i c f t o n U6.T RENT Nye used to say; “They Just love rymore In the role of leading man. I watched ' her aa she ,aald: y o u TAKf SALE In one of the towns at which he to argue”. In his day folks had THAT more time to do so. "Come, Son, It'# time tc wash your CHAMCE- was playing, a noon dinner had ears” : been arranged by the tewn’s Mer­ But times have changed, and conditions too—there doesn’t seem And saw his smiling face trans­ Articles for Sale 45 Household Goods 51 chant’s Association to raise money formed to one revealing feara. Lost and Found 1 Am ciiiv'i’mt'nts Police Budget Engagements for the Community Cheat. And It to be time to dp all that has to EOR S A L E — BRAN D NEIW com­ Lists Italian"American ■be done. She acrubbed Un curves and l.IKK ti.ir.i- fOR SALE -PLATFORM scale was a bright Idea on the part of crevices, and then each higher l o s t — w h i t e : BKAGLE: Houn'^ \\ ( T i .n bination range, suitable for gas Arguing has become a waste of |.i\H . U' 111 wcigh.a up to 500 pounds Tele­ the Secretary to Invite Barry- fem ale pup, with black sp 'tf. : • • and coal, or gas and oil. A bar- Given Study morc._jwho rarely refuses an oc­ time and energy, and waste of place; \'i. i; .' \ ' ; P phone tP20 or inquire 372 Main King-Smyth Donors to the Red Cross anything is almost a crime. While agonizing torture ahowed ward. 17 Piirni’H Place. Tcl. -gain at J150 cash. Apply John­ Mr. and Mrs. Mathew J. Smyth casion to appear before a public. on that poor youngster'! face. .itref t. son Bros., 533 Main street.- After the usual formalities, the ■The new order is; Do what you PAY CHECK LOST—Notice i.= of 50 Cambridge street announce It made me think how one Dr. Robert P. ICnapp. chairm an: Lucia Clpolla ...... 1.00 guests found Uleir places at the have to do when you should do it hereby given that Pay Check N ELK' 1 ill' ' Board Disnisses Figures the engagement of their daughter. and argue when it's done, if you small change could help all lit­ B0H0S.)tV 49-A at the local Red Cross chapter, to- Silvestro Cocconl ...... 1.00 long table and awaited the word torm r »t mil u s ..t, nw. W2A-29. payable to'Rlt.a B K o- J-’ ’ CP r.r"- Fuel and Feed Machinery and Tools 52 Mias Evelyn Adelaide Smyth, to to fall .In on the lusclotis grape­ have to argue. tle boys; To Be Preseiiled at Lieutenant Robert P. King, U. S. day announced a partial list ol the S”*!!!*”**” 'o'. '' ' 'A.'' ‘ l.OO And maybe turn such times of ney for week endin? F eb. 7, IIM- .-^.\1,1. - 1- t KN.VGE wood 810 ^ . Mr- and Mrs. P eter Co­ fruit as the first course. The toast­ has been lost. Anyone atlf n] ACC^LAINT VOLRSELE' with the donors to the Red Cross War Fund j mollo College Profeaaor — Give me pain to momenta filled with Joys. p. 1 .oVd. oak well .seas.-ned. Al.-o Sperial Town Meeting. 2.00 master. who happened to be the ing to cash this Uie( k v .!! 1 new Cletrac crawler Model H and some of that prepared monoacc- To have a plain, straight leg OUT OUR WAY BY J. R, WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH M.VJOR HOOPLb w ttr i.r i .( .-.ale in l(,its of 10 cord.s or who are included In the pledge of . Peter Cordera and Family 5.00 leading banker and, oa might be prosecuted to the li.ll oM.i.t ■ : learn all the advantages a Cletrac ticacidester of salicylic acid. washed clean won't make a lad's ■ re Tel WilIimaiTtic 1109 Jl. A' meeting of the police com­ Part of the list Is Included in The | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Correntl 3.50 expected.*a pillar In the church, face surly; the law. Kiiuler ploa.ie ret .t ran give you. Let us explain how arose an<> scrutinized the guests Drug Clerk—Do you mean as­ 'THAT’S OKIE O P THIS le WHUT t OH, HELLO, GENERAL. missioners was held last night to Herald-today. A second list will be * - ...... l.Of So wouldn't It be nice If ears THIMK OF rr, SMS. —S'A ^ ^ A N O check to tlie c'.irpoiale /t on easily you can make it yours for •' Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni for a preacher who would say pirin. sir? Mid SMAiBT HilOTS r I'll Shtl'.A.N. P.G6 la.st fall did not take into consider­ workers for their fine .support ot Mr. and Mrs. Jo.scph Della bowed heads. Then In a aott. grave TOUR FIGHTER, a u c t i o n e e r .' Notice is hereby civon Hint Pai.e dratiiboards for kitchen sinks. voice Uiat might be the envy of watch and wallet. Eternity. rh rv i. let t, ,\n Sed.in. 192,i; Pon­ ation the emergency that has the Red Cross campaign. Fera ...... 3.00 ROUNOHOOBE IP DO VNE Book No. 46876 is.sucd by The tiac .'edan 19:'' Pi-ntine .selan, Household (loods 51 $2 95. Supply O ullft. 11.50 .Main any * clergyman. "There being no arisen since Pearl Harbor. The first half of the list of Lina Della Fera ...... lOti GOOGAN- c f M etc g t F«T VF All orders for Irregular inaertlona n et— Di.shes -Silv erw are— Bengal WA.NTED TO BUY smalt child'.' •Diiiiia"e* Doiif ert Genovesi ...... 5.75 - John E'arr ...... Minnie E'arr ...... will bo charged at the one Urns rata. STO RAG E R an ee—All thl.s foi $165. As a used bicycle. Re.asonable. Tele­ Anna Aceto ...... 1.00 i BY EDGAR MARTIN Spaelal rates for long farm every Moving and Packing. The Atistln .Anderson-Getty .Mary Aceto ...... 1.00; ■Nancy F a rr ...... BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Say advartlslng glyen upon request. special Inducement during our phone 8005. To Oil Tiuikor ' Mrs. V^oln Getty of Earl street. ST.V.MP NEWS Ads ordered before the -hlrd or A. Chambers Co. Telephone 6260 E'ehruary Sale, a $25.00 Defense Nettie Aci’to ...... 1 00, Mrs. Philip E'arr ...... East H.irtford, announces the en­ .Mr. and Mrs, Rocco E'arr. . Htv.aocroi- KlOS-y <18X5 e»*4".*Tv'KT V.C.t'S'tVrt Ct »«,\45’X VSe-R Stth day will be charged only for Bond given away absolutely free .Vmerigo Ag.j.stinelli ...... 1.00 . '■pHE ’’discovery’’ of the Amazon POUM. a<-5 YH VX10RPMV4*' the getual number of times tbs sd gagement of her daughter. .Mis.s I Teresa E'arr ...... -uctLO/ w n . oM.eoM'. 450 to'cKi'LttF-,., -1WCT (- 4aOTH\45' t o tA\=yb ^ with any puiehase of $300 or Rooms Without Board 59 (C imtintied from Page One) .Mr. and .Mrs, Secondo Ago- ^ river by Francisco de Orellan.i i.\‘=>’TtKj-U5WO CFVTMVi“-\ KSO toOOD'? 'e o u T efe4aOivo’ vKtR lijaoox "• 'X'e, ■ppaarad, charging at the rata aarn- Repairing 23 Eldith Lorraine Getty, to Harry M, stinelli . . .^...... ;> 00 j E'ederico E'ava ...... sd blit no allowance or refunds can more. This offer positively expires Anrlerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spanish explorer, is commemorat­ PvCTURt ovv \.\V(-Y. you ^----- ba mads on six time adx stopped ex)>losion.' spaced about 15 min- Antonio .Vgostihelli ...... 2 00 > Mv. and -Mrs. Luigi Felice . ed in a series of eight stamps re- i (sCQK>tK>& vowT '-(OO D04at PIANO TUNING and rppalrmg. E'ehruary 28th, 1942. E'ree storage John H. Anderson, of 26 .Maple i mftar tha flftb day. E'OR RENT-M.APLE- twin bed­ iites apart None saw- a submarine, Vincen/a Agostiiu-lli ...... 1.00 , John E'lrato ...... cently released by Ecuador j S(» OOT 450 OCOD MCXaT ______F40,K)I>.5> No “Ull forbids"; display llnaa not Player piano specialty. John until wanted on this outfit. Phone strert. It us understood the mar­ O O it room for 2 girls. Telephone 8869. they saM. William Agostinelli ...... 1.00 Carm ela E'erno ...... Actual discovery of the Amazon j gold. Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street. or write for free Courtesy Auto. riage will take place thus .spring 25 ' Louise Ferraina ...... P '0 * C i N.50RRN Tbs Barald will not bs responaibla Picked Up Within Hour Bernice .Ylbert ...... where it enters the Atlantic w-as .No obligation. FO R REN T 131 E.AST Center, 1 00 Fonciero Finucci ...... a e o o x for mors than ona incorrect inser­ Tpl. 4219. Th(- crew was picked up hy a Irm a Alexander ...... 1 made by Vicente Yanez Pinzon, a , ooo Tba Inadvertent omiailon of in- Ihcir four lifeboats were launch­ sighted the river’s mouth in 1500. ed, shear grinding, key fitting, W aterbiiry to bath. 1\. y. StoCn'S 1 00 Cati-nni) E'ortiinuto ...... oorract publication of advertising Carl Andt-r.son ...... A small expedition of 50 men COft. 1*41 IT HSA SWVICI. IMC T M SIG UTS. S»T OSS. 'i-ie — duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. Open Wed & Set. Eves. ed. 1 00 l.uigi Fracchia ...... will ba rectified only by cancellation Giovanni Andisio ...... led by Orellana left Guayaquil in of tho charge made for the aervloa overhauled. Bralthwaite, 52 Pearl Earnest Lee Thom as, able sea­ r. and Mrs. Guilio An- E'rancis E'elice ...... rendered. street. EUR S.\LE 4 I ’SEID E lectric Re. j Boarders Wanted 59-A man, of .lasper, Fla . who was oVi Air Reduc ...... 32 ’ , Gertrude E'rankcl ...... May, 1541, to Join a larger fores “Some people make me tired—jou don’t hear nie griping .iV ail adyOrtlaamenta must conform nulli ...... headed by Gonzalo Pizarro which frieeralors and 3 used electric lookout duty - on the forecastle Alaska Jun ...... 2 , iglielmo Anmilll ...... 1 00 ' E’nend ...... because I can't buy any more tires!" la style, copy and typography with SAWS SET AND FILED. COKI' ...... 9-?.'J ' ragnlatlona enforced by the pubileb- range.'. Apply Hale's General EUR RENT - ATTRACTIVELY head when the first explosion Alleghany ...... ittlsta .Ansaldi ...... 10 0 Minnie Galli ...... left from Quito. Together they wood saws gummed Ijiw n mow­ ...... 134 i ara and they reserve the right to E'.lertric Iiept. furnished large double robm, suit- rocked the tanker, gave this ac­ Allied C h e m ...... irolina .\ntonio ...... 1 00 William Victor Gallo ...... started from the eastern slopes of adit, revlea or reject any copy con­ ers sharpened. Geneinl grind.ng ahl for 2 or more. Meals op­ count: Am Can ...... 59' I Maria Arcluno ...... 7 00 John Gambosi ...... the Andes down thou.-iands of sidered objectionable. 15 yeai' exponenve. Cngili.l "1 saw a light, which I took to Am Home Prod ...... 3 8 ', 1 H NNY BLSI.NLSS CLOSING HOURS—Claeslfled ads tional. Steam he.at. continuous Sophie Aseverstas ...... 25 I John Garavenla ...... miles to the ocean. I ' t . to ba publlsUeS same daj must oe Grinding Con panv, 531 Lydall hot water. Telephone 3105. be the mastlight of another ship, Am Rad St S ...... 1John Avignone ...... •jO I A gala Garibaldi ...... Food became scarce and the ex- j racalved by H o'clejek m on aatur- about 75 yards off the starboard Am Sm elt ...... 3 9 ' 1 street. Phone 7958. A. M. B a rrett . .,...... 1.00 ^ Angela Garibaldi ...... pedition separated. Orellana and I BY BOY CRANE days 10:10. Useful Aprons bow. 1 j-eported this light to the Am T * T ...... 126' ' Robert Bartholomew . . : . . ,40 I Pnmo Gavcllo ...... 57 picked men went down river (\ ASH TUBBS On With the Search WANTED TO TU.N’E. repair and V Apartments, Flats. bridge ajid about 15 socond.s later Am Tob B ...... 45' 1 .'•,0 Mr and Mrs. Louis Genn- Telcphoiie Your Want Ada V, Joseph R arta ...... m search ot provl.slons and regulate your piano or player Tenements 63 the captain ortlexed full speed Am Wat Wks ...... 2 '. 1Alfredo .Baii.sola ...... 1.00 veil ...... 3 00 reached the Atlantic in Septeml?er. BY 410W, rris IM C H U M k l^ 6 f Ads srs sccspttd ovsr th« tcls* piano Tel. Manchester 5052. OFemaj lAsy, phOBS St ths CHARGE RATE pivto ahead and hard right. Then there Anaconda ...... 26-'. Pasqiiait- Bau.sola ...... 1 (10 I Mr and Mis. l’.ob(-rt Geii- 1.542, ahead of the other group MV •84TIE4JCI I WAS ONLY SOeT(3F A rECO'. sbovs ss a eonTtnelnc* to adver- l-OR RE:NT TO A .MIDDLE was art explosion and the bow- Armour 111 ...... 3 '. ! Melina Bazzano ...... 1.00 ovesi ...... ' 2 00 Remnants of Orellana’s force, HMC OCACH BMO THE REAL MESSA5€ BEARER tiBsrs. but ths CASH RATES will ba aged business co-.iple. desirable 3 came up five of six feel. 1 thought A tchi'on ...... a-*'- 1.Maria Belletti ...... 1 00 Adele Genlilcore ...... 1 00 decimated by disease and Indian OF ROAC.' iwu Allip FOLLOWED Al A PLANS IZ accapttd a* FULL PAYMENT If Help Wanted— Female 35 room apartment. Heat and hot we had rammed a .submarine The Aviatioi: Cci p ...... 1.00 Sella Genlilcore ...... 1 9o HOURS LATER. TOO BAD. paid at tha builnata offlca on or bc> ...... -1’ attacks, set sail for Spain the nex* >OU ri\* MSJUTES water fuinished. Tel. 3233. tanker listed to port. I believe we Baldwin Cl ...... 13' 1.00 .Adolph G eorg itli ...... - fora tha aavaotb day following tht WANTED- WC .dAN TO WORK Beatrice Bellucci . . month and announced their dis­ to RBVEALW€R£ flrtt Inaartton of aacb ad otherwiaa were torpedoed B A G ...... 3 ', 2 00 .Mr and Mrs Guido Gcor- 1* In grocery department. 5 day Rina BcIlucci ...... coveries to the Crown the follow­ RCAL tha CHARGE RATE will ba collect- "The captain t William L. Evans Bendix ...... 32'... Eugenio Berto ...... 1.00 gelti --'lb M6SMESSAGE.' •4. No raapontiblllty for arrora in week, good a.-ilnry Apply 717 ing year Suburban for Rent 6li (if Philadelphia I gave the order to Beth Stl ...... 59' Birch St. Tavern . . . . .2.5 ' Armaiida Gian Cola ...... 1.00 # • • talapbonad adt will b« tBaumad and Main street- thalr accuracy cannot ba guaVan* stand by the lifeboats but not to Borden ...... 20 Prospero Bomno . . . . 1.00 , Mary Giangrave ...... 1 T>0 War. playing hob with the post­ FOR RE.NT - 2 ROOM furnished ...... 4' 100 -Mr. and Mrs D Gi.uinetti. 1 00 taade .STENOGl-tAPHElK it AN I'EiU at apartment, Rockville Center, lower away. ^Fifteen minutes later Can Pac ...... Anne Borla ...... age of Ethiopia, will result in ;i there w as a'second explo.sion and Case (J. I.) ...... 6 5 ’ . 2.00 .Mr. Giglio ...... Index of Clatssifitationa Burtons. E'ull lime position open newly redecorated, private en­ Luigi Botti ...... postage series soon to be releaseil the skipper gave . the order to Cerro De P ...... 2 8 ’ . Maria Buccino ...... 100 .Mr. and Mrs Michel.- Gin- •irtba ...... A for efficient girl. Goo(3 salarx'. trance. automatic oil heat, linen honoring the recrowning of Em­ abandon ship. After the second & Oh ...... 34 Corino Bus.so ...... 100 offl ' ...... BagaAements ...... 841 Main street. furnished. $10 00 weekly. Adults peror Haile Selassie Expected de­ Marrlagaa ...... t blast the ship stopped dead That Chrysler ...... 4 8 ', Alessandro Calabnni \.(M) I A. G. Giorgio ...... 1 oil only. R. Terrill. 27 North Park signs arc of/ Addis Ababa scenes I Deaths ...... D WOMEi.N WA.NTEI* to work in is why I believe the third explo­ Coca - Cola ...... 6 5 ', Anna Camarilla . . . . 1 OO Ellse Goobgart ...... J-> Card of Thanks ...... i: street. Rockville. and intcr|i/fs and exteriors of the i laundry N(-w .M'slel I-aun'lry, sion, which took place after my Col Carbon ...... 7 0 ', Angelo Camposeo . . . l.Of Rose G ravino'- .-. . . .'...... 50 In lismorlam ...... $ 1.00 1 Arturo Gremmo ...... 1 oo palace. Lost and Found ...... l Summit street lifeboat had left the tanker, must Col Gas * E l ...... 1 '. Ida Camposeo ...... 25 Felix Gremmo ...... l.oo • • Anaonneamneta aeeeaaBAeaeeee t Wanted to Rent 6S have been from a torpedo, because C6ml Inv Tr ...... 23 Maria Carola ...... Parsonala ...... • • • > a motionless ship could not run Coml S o lv ...... 8 '„ Teresa Caselh ...... 1.00 j Josephine Gobbles ...... l oo New Issues: Perak brought an AaloaiaMlea 8-cent red Into use prior to the j WANTED -* WAITRESS. Apply WANTED TWO OR three room into a mine." Cons Edis ...... U ' Lawrence Cassello . 100 I .Nancy Guido '...... l oo Automoblea for Sala ...... * ...... 5''- 1 no ! John H o .ste ttle r'...... >■■ 1 oo Japanese invasion of the Malay | BY V. T. HAMLIN AatOBObllas for Exchan^a a.a L Sh**ri'iHn Hntr!. ^ apartment, for light housekeep­ Savs .Mines Cause of W irek Cons Oil . . . *...... Lucia Castro ...... Something Must Be Wrong . 2.00[Quiein H erkian'...... ’J-'> ALLEY OOP Aata Acoaaaorlea— Ttrca ...... < ing. Joseph Helme, Milner Hotel, Fireman Irving Blumenburg. Cont C.Tn ...... 25';. Maria Catalano . . States Ecuador has issued , AQta Repairing—Painting . '2 w a n t e d t'(»t'NTKR C.IRL for 2.00 i Mrs. Lucia lamonaco .... 1-00 another national defense fund | Hartford. who was in the engine room, said Corn P r o d ...... 52' Frances Cersomino NOW. BY OeTTlM* A»OV«^ Ante Schoola ...... ^-A salc.HWnrk. also a bookkorper, mines instead of torpedoes wreck­ Del L & Wn ...... 4 '. Rose Cersomino . . . 1 00 1 ------raising stamp which supplements | T w ell. s u x . hCBT vyS I S e in Tiat Tf*«no«Y A ROOST, IT SHOULD Autoa--ShIp by Truck ...... ^ OF t h e PTEBOOACTVLV of c o u r se t h s CAPTuRinE HMs-.* stea-ly v."rk. A pjly al Holland] Doiiplas A ire ...... 59 Celeste CervinI .... 1.00, Total ...... $890 60 that issued nearly a year. ago. The ; SB A BlMPH MATTBR/ A«toa->For Hire ...... V ed the tanker because the bulk­ OF A COUFLB I» UKBLV to M PANOtB R O U S, b u t VBAH.TOOl Oaragaa—Service—Storage r.. lo 25; An additional list wil! appear TO OROR A NOCSt— ( Clrnnurk. UhjT Mam WANTED-BY YOUNG couple. heads "sort of collapsed" instead Du Pont ...... 118' David Charnick new -patriotic stamp, which is | J F iO e B R W S'LL COMB OUT AU. RIGHT // ^ SlMPLS.’ Uotorcyclea—Bicyclea ...... U 3 or 4 looms. Call 7142. of ”bIowing upward as they would Ea.stman Kod ...... 131 ■, George Chatcel .,50 I tomorrow. obligatory in addition to normal BINGO.' Wanttd Autoe—M'.'t'irc) c>§ ... it 2.o<): — — ------— - , , A FTSR a l l , W t ’VS GCTT ®eBl»e#e aad I'rof^Baloiml Servirr* have done If w-e had been struck Elec Auto-L ...... 2 1 ', Anna Cherubino postage. Is a 20'-centavos blue pic­ Bualncaa Servic*-e orTrrffl .. II Help W an ted — .M:ile 3ti WA.NTED t w o o r THREIE ...... 2.5 \ Matteo Cherubino 1.00 ( The most quickly -Jigeded food w o n d br. by torpedoes." Gen E l e c ...... turing a warrior, armed with SSC U t >AT Household Servlree tiffered . . . . 1 3 'A room furnished apartm ent by Boatswain John Johansen of Gen Foods ...... 34 Lina Cignettl ...... 1.00 1 is sugar. sword and shield, protecting Ecu­ n Building—Cent racf mg ...... M V A.NTKU ('or.N'TEiR .MA.N an-1 young doctor and wife. Write Larvlk, Norway, said he believed GeiVMot ...... 3 1 L adorian women. Florlita—Kuratr .et ...... U \vai’ rr«« Must bo ‘21 ovt-r ‘He says he cnn'l do il anv other wav but belly-flop!” Funeral Dlrertora ...... Box B, Herald. the ship had struck a mine field HudAn Mot ...... 3 ' ■ Heating—Plumbing — R'-cflrg .. r p:\. ( '.it !• V .*» L..r.t h. Ph- > "because I saw no explosion Int H A rv ...... 4 9 ' • m Inauranea i* ___ ’.. . 2 6 '. “Mile A Minute*^ Teactoth Millinery— Dree^nr.ak.ng .. li J A X m )R MIDDLF: A«;KIb rnor-- flashes." In t Nick ...... t Lots for Sale 73 ...... 13K. TOONEKVII.LE POLKS BY FO.NTAINE FOX MoTing—T ruf*l!: i —Siffance t CrMr fr.■ V l.Lht cloanini; duti*'- Int Paper ...... Public PaaaetiK*-r Service ...... I'' a FOR SALE—BUILDING LOT on In t T * T ...... 2H Palntlag— rar^ring ...... tl4Hi'l h u!.« Apply thorittT. (Tb* B«1I •yadlcit. Inc ) Oak street, also one on Glenwood Johns - Man ...... 57S, Profeasional Ser\; -ea ...... Name Two Squads ...... 3 3 S Repairing ...... WA.XTKD MAN TO w*ik in street. Inquire 254 Oak street. Kennecott ...... Tailoring — f>> emtf—(.'lean’r f .. r. ' Van's Sorvif'e StatU'ii Ligg * My B ...... 69t4 Toilet Oocds .tr<1 St-rvi^'e ...... 3. 427 HarRi'fi! R».'ad From Hoop School Lockheed Aire ...... 20»k Wanted— Bua.n»«* Servic.# ...... 3 9 ', Eduruilonal Loew's ...... • r*Y CfurfiPi and a ...... : \',a .n te:d -MAN, i Lorlllard ...... ISK. Mh- Pri% It,8': u-“ : 9 ...... 2 • S‘tlai5 lav ’.'.fok Apply Additional Books Mont W ard ...... 26 S l'tr.’'.r. c ...... * ‘ K The 'basketball school closed at ...... 4 '- BY MERUII.L BLOSSER N' i " Nash - K elv ...... f r c k l e s a n d h is f r i e n d s A Trifle Sn'iopy M if .cA .— L rj r ■ ■ : the East Side Rec and It was a ...... 15 ", V: Wint< J —I’ V . r, • ...... I AI Chenev Library close race for all the contestants N at B l s c ...... rinaiiriLl who had taken part In the instruc­ Nat Cash R eg ...... 13 pon'U'—S‘ (xf — M -' K ^ a- . • ... 1 . Siluatiiins, \N allied— Nat Dairy ...... 13' H ow MU(D4 I KNOW MA4AT YOU'RE THiNKIKe. • AND MR. FLEECE J . The following books have recent­ tions of the game aa conducted by M b s c l u s , i l l b f back in h a lf an HHm !T h a is Oum r a 'ij- I I m a le 8075 Nat Distill ...... 20 i HOUR. I HAVE AM APPOtsCGieMT T j PUDOLP JUMPEF- he s (.iONEY DOES ISnT gono to LIKE YOU For rr ! / t^ ------t'- r ly been sdded to the Mary Cheney Director Howerd Brown and his lo o k in g a t .' a SATL'RN THE C iry Help unit H M 11 n tlu OA staff. After five weeks of teaching NY Central ...... 9' AT A NEW AUTDMOBlLff / help Wa •- I —> »• ...... t'H ILD w-.anls Library: NY NH * H . ; ...... \ CIGHT— - f a s o o F O B I pay f im a He'.p .1 .* . . n-irne c r by F. J. Camm. ed,. Gears and Gear the fine poinU of the sport an ex­ YEAR PDR amination was held and from these Nor Am CO ...... 8' 5alf BIT.' ■ ’^ar** - . . ... ■’ ' Y . n^cejviarv. rite Cutting; T, E. French and C. L. I^ k a r d ...... 2 ’ 5EIHG MAVOR-7 Hf’p \X'-’ or Fer * Svensen, Mechanical Drawing; 4th two teams, of seven players each \ ij F r • f \\ • - • <5 M .U’ Param Plct ...... 14 m was selected. • U- ‘ ’ m e ... rev. and enl.; F. D. Jones, Machine Penn R R ...... 22 «;Mia” '-.s W.*’.-: — *’ Shop Training Course; 2d. ed.; W. These teams, named Red and Blue, will compete on a sport's Pepsi - Cola ...... 18' Er"!p'. n.'-r.* \ • • • 1 » Aitidts for Sale E Langewiesche-Brandt. Light- Phelps Dodge...... 30 I.h e ^ Tni'k— 1*el.a —Prt'nllT J — Two aprotvs very household. plane Flying; Marcus Langley, night program now being worked ^ rhi < loa sly-;e Order this pattern today Phil Pet ...... 37 D at —H ’ 4 . K it: .-s.XLE .MEN'S R E B U IL T Metal Aircraft Construction; Lin­ out. "nie boys on the Red team are 'o that you can make them both - PieiTO, Suvawlecz. Hayes, Rivosa, I»ub Sve N J ...... 13 I.IV-B ?• -X —\ F 4 '. a.-cl rf-iste-; shov.s. B etter than coln Electric Company, Cleveland, Radio ...... 2 Pou r'' a r. ■* A * ... 4 ■ • 1 .ir- >*■-' See them Sara :n numbers—during your January Procedure Handbook Of Arc Weld- Robb, Cordera and Gaudlno. On the Wan*ert —Pe'B—J 4 t sewing heel Our pinafore style Blue team the roster will read Rem Rand ...... 8'^i For MIbt* IlitnooiiB li g. Design and Practice, 6th. ed.; Republic Stl ....;...... 17 . . . • 4 makes up quickly--you’ll approve Edward Molloy, Pattern Making Kanehl, Glorgetti, Lautenbach. Article* F r •*. . too, nf the way the straps cross in Rey Tob B ...... 25 >4 Iv'AlB ,t'.d .\ . « ...... 4 and Foundrywork; Edward Mol­ Aceto, Rufflno, McCarthy and Sears Roeb ...... 49fji B'j IMit.a' M.-‘ ■ 4 1 h.ack to prevent them slipping at loy, Sheet Metal Work; H. C. Nacowski. This team wrlll be coach l>iani'iriSF - ' , . _ ■ n . ^ T 4 • Socony - V a c ...... I S an^e-IMZSt^AllST M. «ta a n & 4 . Nf \i - : i r** r<* >l;tnrbostrr the shoulders. Add two pockets— Pavian, Ehtperimental Aerody­ ed by Johnny Hedlund and AI 'I'l Fl^rtr. . -\. . -H . : to increa.se the apron’s usefulness. Sou Pac ...... 1 2 S Fu^l at.'l \ ' . . 4 It It !«. Iri'iir.inrt* \’ou Want I namics; J Jlosslyn, Electroplating Obuchowakl. The Red team will be The small tie-on apron may be South Ry ...... 12 S BY JOHN C. TERRY 4ia r d « — F »• • . r' : i < ’ • and Anodising; F. T. Sisco, Mod handled by Ehitt Siamonds and SCORCHY SMITH Deep Thinkers Huu^ehOi I- .• ...... 'I. K l\ M \ lUCOlMMC.S ern Metallurgy For Engineers; G. Buck Bycholskl. Std OU Cal ...... 21S hands and a novelty pocket. F Taylor, Aeronautical Neteorol- In*’ •• jT - r ...... \!l I orni*^ of ln«>iiran< e Std Oil N J ...... 37 S ^ TW5 VLVKL'5 PKTTy PK*' N TWCAfi IS Off:-'* » nd I. , * v... ^ n» .., l.ilo ogy; R. C. Wilson, Preliminary Tex Company ...... 35 AN^WCnN U C tei' S'. '■ l'*‘ S'- • ...... 1 Pattern No. 8075 Is designed for Apparently Brand of Mind NO CHANCE OF TH’« YWOCYABEA. AMP THESfi i CLCAS. 5o.> Main >1 . Nlam lu'ster. Conn : .sizes 14 to 20; 40, 42 and 44. Size Airplane Design. Timken Roll B ...... 37 S 18 If. \rearinif inr f '- —K’:-« ...... icoecH?^ SOT A ST!Ck Of WOCO OK AN)Th.N6) (VNAiK. W^n.t^d—T f' r.‘h*[ih*'ne 6060 ' 16 pinafore takes 2 yards 32-inch Fort-Rosecrands, Calif.—(JP)— Transamerlca ...... < S 66rT,NG A BTtAjSHT >n««ar Bvard-*K^»or»t...... Unit C o r p ...... 9-32 By Mrs. Anne Oabot w t«hl> wlU be the ; Hotala—^Kestaurantp ...... After Quiz Take the case of Private Elso Ya FUet cloth that doesn’t take •# For this a^ractive pattern, send maguchi for Instance. The boyi Unit Gaa I m p ...... 5 S ... -V* . 1 gayest spot In the house when you ; Wanted —Room*—B'»rd ...... 15c in coin, your name, address, lifetime to complete—that s good cover. Make It for your ( Rf«l Katiite For Rrat WANTED of Battery H took a fancy to him U S R u b b e r...... 15Vi Apartmenta. Flat*. l>n**n'rnta pattern number and size to The (Cofltinned From Page One) although they were committed to U S Steel ...... 51*4 Bualntaa Locations for Rent .. .Manchester Evening Herajd To­ Vick Chems ...... 35'* .Hoiiaea For Rant ...... 100 per cent annihilation of the TO BUY day’s Pattern Service. 106 7th after a woman complained they land of hia Japanese ancestors West Union ...... 23 S 'SuPorban For Rent ...... avenue. New York, N. Y. had annoyed her. Akron police a l crisp and colorful a« the first cloth. jlumweT Htimet Fpr Rent ...... Yam was ordered transferred to West El * M fg ...... 7 4 S flower of spring. The wide taowy | For complete crocheting laiate Far %sle Send for.the new Fatihlon Book their luggage. whlte bands of Wg filet meah cro- Uotia for FUet Teacloth (Pattern Apartment BulMin* si!« .. to write, but learned he would be I’tmhrv. (..title and our advance pre-viie of spring McQuaide siUd Angott told him Chet are cleverly put together with No. 5313) amounts of materia'- < Buaineae Property for :4aU ... .-

L ,.- .■ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1942' 1 t . * - , __ j»

a g e t w b n t t Ivrntng Hgratt - ______-T ^^ The Herald*s Cooking School Ends Tomorrow. Come Around Early graveyards throughout the coun- u. agents for the company, make Auoa oonuM^ offer for graveyard purchasea (IbMww A s Qm « ABm ) tor. S P n U T D A L MBDItJBI About Town Scrap Dealers Mr. Pape will represent the- steel within economical shipping dis­ Seveotk Dangliter sf a Seveatk Sew inditstry In which each of approixi- tance from plants. FO R MANY YEARS HALE’S HAS BEEN HEADQUARTERS FOR Bon WItk a VeiL The Weather mately 30 companies operating Average Daily Circulation The Past Matrons and Patrons Beadlnga Dally, InclndUig Saaday, Meet steei-making furnaces and foun­ Evangelist William Robertson of Forecaat of L. 8. Wentber Burma l i u i m COOKING UTENSIILS. NOW THAT ALUMINUM Association of Chapman Court. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appelat- For-tbe Month Qt January, 1942 dries will be asked by the W PB to Philadelphia continues to preach Order of Amaranth; will meet to­ nightly at Gdapel haU, 41S Center ment. la tke ServtM of'tka Pae- HAS BEEN CLAIMED FOR DEFENSE I’lRI’OSES THE DE- morrow evening in the John each appoint a man to be respon­ 15 to 18 degrees colder tonight Conference Designed to sible for that companyts participa­ street. He will apeak at 7:45 every ple tor SO Pears. I Mather room of the Masonic Tem- 169 Cknrch Street, Hartford, Oeaa. 7,088 tion In the graveyard program. evening but Saturday. The general thnq last night. M A N D FOR 1 pie. ___ Speed Flow of “Grave­ public is welcome to attend. PkoDO 6-0097 Member of the Andit Representing the W PB will be Bnrcan ot Clrcnlntlona ; Judy, four-year-old daughter of yard” Cjirs into Metal. Herbert J. Denner of Needham, Manchester-—A City of Village Charm ' .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bryant of Mass'., of the Auto Graveyard sec­ tion of the Bureau of Industrial I Braintree, Mass., Is spending sev- Hartford, Feb. 18 To speed the (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Conservation. He will explain pro (ClassUled Advertising On Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., ’THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1942 , eral weeks with her grandparents, flow of metal scrap from automo­ . \ ' .Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Smith of cedure under- the preapnt setup VOL. LXI., NO. 120 P Y RE X bile graveyards to furnaces turn­ whereby the furnace or foundry , Klwood street. ing out virtually needed armament representative's Job will be to sec 7 = I Manchester Grange. P of H., and materiel for swift prosecution that the dealers through whom his HAS INCREASED TREMENDOUSLY. HALE'S IS^EADQl AR- company normally buys scrap will ‘Destroyed’ Shaw Arrives in United States will follow its regular buslncs-s of the war, all scrap dealers In TERS FOR PYREX AND MANY OTHER KITCHEN UTENSILS. ; meeting this evening at eight Southern New England, auto Attacks All Along United Nations Send o'clock In the Masonic Temple wreckers, auto graveyard owners with a patriotic program consist­ ing of musical selections and read- and operators have been incited to ^ Authorized Dealer 1 mgs Refreshments will be served a War Production Board-steel In- j Coasts Should Be I followini: the entertainment by a dustry meeting here Wednesday Java; committee headed by Mrs. Emma night in the Hotel Bond. :ORRERS Forces to Aid For bakinpr rolls, chops and j Dowd. H, E. Pape, general purchaalng •MmcncuT agent of the Stanley Works, New potatoes. Pee the m-at ?ln.ss I The' Vuiverslty club will meet Britain. Conn., arranged the meet­ Expected in War I tonight at eight o’clock at the \. ing to explain the new joint na­ handlc.s. Only I M. C. A. tionwide program of the W PB and Expect Bataan Push the steel Industry whereby definite I The Asburv Group of the South offers will be made In the next 90 Stiinson Warns of Pos- C k a f l ^ e S ! Mothodwt W. S. C. S. will meet days for the purchase of all L. T. WOOD CO. aiKIn Raids I.ilce That "graveyard" cars located within sible Raids Lik? That ^ ^ tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock 51 Bissell Street W ar Department Says IiK'lude Bfith Ground I at the church. reasonable distance of metal con­ Made by Submarines Expect New UTILITY DISH sumers. It Is estimated that the Phone 4496 InVi Aviation Increasing Pressure on Troo| )S and Bomber^ program will reach 30,000 auto On Netherlands Carib­ I The Women's Foreign Mission Defense Lines and Fifihtcr Pilots from Bakes faster, better! Perfect ; ary society will hold its monthly bean Island of Aruba; After War Vessels Will for candy, steaks, brownies. meeting this evening at 7:30 at the Troop Movements In­ United States; Com- I Church of the Nazaren^ i Must Mass Forces. Serve them pipinfr hot on the dicate Resumption of Join Fleet Lined Forees Seen by table! Two sizes. 10',-j in. The Army and Navy club will | Airlines Head Expects Washington, Feb. 19.— (/P) Enemy Offensive; Sev­ No Means Large size. Only hold its regular monthly meeting i HALE'S SELF SERVE Transatlantic . Service tonight at 8 o'clock In the club- | __Secretary of War Stimson eral Flame Throw- Battleship Anson and Enough; Dutch Fight ' house. The Original In New England! said today'that the nation From Chicago and Pos ers Are Captured. Howe, Newest of King Delaying Actions. Donald M. Ham, 19. of 174 Main should expect attacks “ all sibly Boston Airport. along our coasts and other George V Class to Be street, yesterday enlisted In the Batavia, N.E.I., Feb. 19.— United States Navy at the New places’’ like the raids made by Boston, Feb. 19— Post-war Washington, Feb. 19.— (/P) Constant stirring is hot work! I AND HEALTH MARKET Used by Britain Soon. {/P)— Expeditionary forces of —The War Department re­ This wonderful all - glass j Haven office. submarines on the Nether­ developments in aviation will be ao ported totiay the Japanese the United Nations, including Flameware saucepan really ! Mrs. Stuart Tinkham, of 47 lands Caribbean island of far reaching that the ao-called .. ,1.11 » stud bow resembling the business end of a snow plow, the U. S. Destroyer Shaw, reported The DEFENDER fantasies of Jules Verne will seem With were increasing pressure on London, Feb. 19 lA"! Informed a “ relatively small number of i Stephen street, Is a guest at the Aruba. The secretary urged destroyed at Pearl Harbor, sailed into a west Coast port under its own power and operated from a tem­ let’s you 'see when food’s $ 1 . M conservative in comparison, C. R sources said today the 35,000-ton New Weston hotel, Madison THURSDAY SPECIALS at a press conference that the Gen. Douglas MacArthur's Americans” — both ground done. Cooler cooking for you. Smith, president of American A ir­ porary bridge aft The Navy said it will be back in service soon. battleships Anson and Howe, the avenue at 50th street. New York country be prepared also for pre^ defense lines on the Bataan troops and bomber and fight­ Quart size, Only lines, Inc., said today. newest of the King George V cia.ss, City. A New Felt Sport Hat sure, from "thoughtless persons, ” peninsula in the Philippines, er pilots from the United Green Slantps Given With Cash Sales! to scatter defensive forces to meet Envisioning transatlantic plane soon would Join the British fleet. service from Chicago and possibly States— have arrived in Java Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chartler of such attacks, and troop movements indicat­ They based their statement on With a scoop brim, and ribbon trim. In Black. Boston, in addition to New York Jap Bombers Raid Darwin Twice; ed a resumption of the enemy Prime Minister Churchlll'a declara­ to help defend this island I Mam street, Mrs. Carrie Chartler “ Surent Way to Lose W ar” he said in an address prepared for 1 Qt. CASSEROLE 2-Pound offen.sive. Several flame throwers, tion Tuesday that before the Ger­ stronghold against the inevltabis I of church street and Mrs. Agnes 2-Pound Brown, Rust, Beige, Rose, Sunniblue, Red and "Yielding to that pressure would a Chamber of Commerce luncheon a communique .said, were captured man battleships Scharnhorst and Japanc.se assault, it was announced riiarticr of Park street attended be the surest way I know of to " It will be easy enough to con Two smart dishes in one. the funeral yesterday of Mrs. Jose­ SAMPLE SAMPLE Pursuit Blue. along with three pieces of artillery toilay. The combined expedition­ FREE lose the war," Stimson said. Heavy Fighting A long Bilin River (Continued on Page Ten) ary forces, known previously also Cover keeps food warm or in a relatively minor local action, phine (Chartler) Gebeau, wife of Head Sizes 21!i to 24 (Continued on Page Four) serves as separate pie plate. Moses Gebeau at St. Augustine's Victory will be won, he de­ along with other Japanese equip­ to include Australians, it was said With Purchase of 24 !,'j-Pound Bag clared, by massing our forces to authoritatively, are "by no means Foods bake faster in Pyrex church, Bridgeport. Today Mr. and ment. Mrs. Joseph Chartler went to Pas- carry the war to the enemy. He Potentially Vitid United Meanwhile Japanese batteries large enough yet" but "their ar- ware — and taste better! coag. R. I , for the funeral of gave assurances that urgent prep­ ' Japanese Assault I ’nits CM>i J Units on the south shore of Manila bay Japan Claims I rival serves as an indication that Quart size. Only James Mack who has made his arations were being made now for Says People Struggle for Positions Nations Naval, Sup­ poured shells on the Corregldor The Netherlands Indies do not home with them for many years. Q u a k e r offense. ply B(ue Attacked by string of forllflcatlons, "without I fight alone." Noting criticism which he said On ff'ester U' Bank Plan Strikin or accomplishing a great amount of Destroyer Is Dutch Fight Stubbornly St. Mary's Woman's Auxiliary Want Repeal While Dutch forces fought stub­ had been voiced for failure of the O f Stream T o d a y . More Than 100 Planes damage." Fire was concentrated 1 Qt. Double Boiler I will meet Friday evening in the United Nations to seize the initia­ on outlying Fort Frank, aouthem- born delaying actions in southern Parish House for Its postponed w f tive, Stimson promised that "we moat of the fortifications. Bombs Vietim Sumatra, southern Borneo and meeting. The speaker will be Rev. will selM every opportunity for O f Pensions At Jap Flank Sydney, Australia, Feb. 19., southern Celebes— the stepping Cooking is fun with Pyrex (iiaker^ F lo u r Bulletin! The communique, number 114, . a ware! Use this clear, easy to Edward G. Mullen who recently re­ JWHALC counter-attack and the offensive, — (/P)— More than 100 Japa­ based on reports received until stones to the Java citadel of the turned from Manila in the rhllip- and every opportunity for sur­ Rangoon, Burma, Feb. 19. United Nations—Aneta, official clean Flameware double boil­ M AH CH irrm Con n * nese bombers and escorting 9:30 a. m., e. w. t.. said: Another Runs Aground pine Islands. The hostes.ses will be prise." Byrd Tells Senate in — British troops drove Only Engagement So "1. Philippine theater: Dutcl, news agency, was permit­ er and you can see when food fightpr planes attackec} the Mrs. Catherine Smythe, Mrs. W il­ 90,441 Volunteer In January Japanese forces trying Ao "The enemy is increasing hLs Witb Direct Hits in ted to disclose the arrival of the $ 3 * 4 5 liam Thornton. Mrs. Ernest Bant- $ 1 .1 9 Dehate There Is ‘Near­ Far Minor Action; Japs north coast city and port of United Nationa' forces. . Is done— or check water level Stimson announced that 90,441 cross the Bilin “into the riv­ pres-sure on our lines in Bataan, — at a glance! Quart size. ly, Mrs. Robert Dougan. volunteers Joined the Arm y in Darwin, potentially a vital Waters of Java Sea The battles on the approaches to ly Universal Demand’ er," Army headquarters re­ Hurled Back • from particularly on the right flank. Only AT DEMONSTRATION January, more than doubling the Heavy enemy artillery fire con­ Java are helping the United Na­ Mary C Keeney Tent. Daughters I United Nations Naval and North of Batavia. tions to mass all poaoiWe atrangth record of any month before Pearl For Change in I.aw. ported today in announcing Foothold in Burma. supply base, in two raids to­ tinues. Japanese troop move­ i of Union Veterans of the Civil War SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21 Harbor or in the First World VVar.__ I to meet the expected invasion of I will meet tomorrow evening at that violent fighting with ments behind the oiiomy lines in­ F lo u r day in the first direct assaults dicate a re-grouping of forco.s. Tokyo ( From Japanc.se Broad­ Java. I eight o'clock at the Y.M.C.A. The •This shows the men who are Washington, Feb. 19.—iPi—Sen­ casualties on both sides raged Chungking, Feb. 19—(JFt— An Coinciding with the announce­ Especially milled by the Quaker going to fight this war are not on the Australian mainland. Prime preliminary to a resumption of casts), Feb. 19 - (/P. -Japanese I hiisine.s.s meeting will be followed ator Byrd erty Basket” and legislation permitting Congress­ tion our troops captured three hits in waters of the Java sea merely flew over the city. flours. that three historic divisions had anese, but said the only engage­ first raid this morning, and that plate turns out “ picture" pies I The Parent-Teacher association men to retire on pensions. Rangoon, Burma, Feb. 19. pieces of enemy artillery, .several north of Batavia, Japanese reports There were wide expressions of been ordered into active service ment so far had been a minor ac­ another wave of 21 bombers re­ iw ill holil its regular meeting this Byrd opened Senate debate on declared today. and flaky cru.sts every time. “ Victory Wreath” Patterns in « and that a battalion of Filipinos — (;P )_lIeavy lighting raged tion m which Japanese forces were turned to the attack In the after­ flame thrower^, and a quantity of confidence that the United States evening in the Manche. ter Green .\mbanitador Brand the repeal legislation as Represen­ ordnance and signal supplies. They said the hits were scored and Australia would supply addi­ 2 • living in the United States had hurled back from a foothold in noon. Four sizes — 8 ' ’’ pie plate. •school. .Motion pictures will be tative Gearhart (R., Calif.) told today along the Bilin river, Monday and Tuesday in the course tional troops as quickly as possible. been formed as a part of the northeastern Burma. Four Shot Down "Enenjy batteries on the Cavite Only ■shown by the State Motor Vehicle the House that the people had about 50 miles east of Ran­ Aneta .said that American A m y 's speedy expansion. He said this engagement occur­ shore continued to pound out har­ of extensive aerial operations 11 dcpartm.ent. under the title. "Safe- PATCHWORK QUILTS made it "unmistakably clear" to goon’s railway link to the red Feb. 5 at Tkayld on a small, Four of the .second group were bor defen.ses, without accomplish­ south of Gaspar strait, between ground troops as well as bomber said to have been shot down. l|ty First " All residents in and out Large Shrim p To speed the expansion of land the members of Congress that they Burma road supply line, as allallow tributary of the upper ing a great amount of damage. Sumatra and Java, and that two and fighter pilots, whsch already NKW RED-MARKED I of the (Jreen .section w ill be wel- | forces, he said, men would be as­ did not approve of retirement pay­ reaches of the Mekong river, d irtin , who announced the raid The fire on Fort Frank wa.s, par­ merchant ships als<, were bombed. have aii'ed in the defense of the signed to the new divisions almost Jajianese assault units strug­ 11 com.- to attend. A social with re- ments to Congressmen. where Japanese and Thai units in Australia's thinly settled, re­ 1 From Feb. 9 to Feb. 17, they Indies, now are seen frequently in immediately after their induction, ticularly heavy. freshm'ents will follow. Gearhart urged speedy repeal gled for positions on - the took up a position just inside Bur­ mote north, promised a full state­ "2, There is nothing to report ' adiled. Japanese Air Forces shot the island, heart of the Dutch East Ig. can eliminating the 18 weeks of basic action but the House Civil Service $4-98 western hank of the stream. ma near the Thailand-French In­ ment as .soon as. details become from other areas." I down 32 planes over Sumatra. Indies and headquarters of the MEASURES Members of Hose Company No. 2 training normally undertaken at Committee, aftef hearing numer­ in the past 48 hours some partie.s do-Chma frontier known. ! T h e , captured flame Uirowers, 1 Driving North In Burma I ’ nited Nations supreme command ' of the Manchester Fire Department replacement training centers. The ous House members urge it to re­ of these .shock forces, running a Destroy Pontoon Bridge officials said, were the first re­ I Domei reported ttnlay that Japa- in the southwe.at Pacific, Fill every household measur­ I i w ill meet this evening at headquar- port speedily one of the measures A communique issued subse­ Swlftx* 'Two beautiful new patterns in the popular patchwork gantlet of fire and hand-to-hand The invaders, falling back, de­ quently said the raid lasted about ported on the Bataan fighting ] nese forces driving north in Bur- Reertve Hearty Welcome ing need. Pint, and one cup |l lers on Main street at 8:30 o'clock (Continued on Page Ten) proposing repeal, gave no indica­ stroyed the pontoon bridge they shore fighting, reached several one hour and was directed both front. Used effectively in the I ma from Martaban "smasheil Brit­ liQuid measure, and one cup sharp. Important business will 1 quilts. For gifts or for yourself. Rose, Blue, Green, tion when it would act. had used to cross the streams, the The agency quoted authoritative 1 ome before the meeting making It In the Senate Byrd offered as precarious positions along the against the town itself and Battle of France, the weajxm is ish forces in the Thaton sector sources as declaring that the for­ dry measure. Give all lour! Jewel Shortening 3-Lb. Can 63c Brown. shoreline which British Imperial spokesman said. employed usually against pill box­ and occupied Bilin. strategic rail­ I i nece.ssary for a large attendance. ] I an amendment to a pending mili- Thirty Japanese were killed, he against shipping in the harbor. eign troops have received a hearty Prices from ...... I tary pay bill the measure ap­ forces are defending a.s the next ! Some casualties were Inflicted es and other fixed fortifications way center on the Hnngoon-Mar- welcome but that "their n'jmbers ; vri Bills to Raise said, and others wounded. difficult to put out of action l>y Silver Lane proved by the Senate Civil Ser\'- to last natural barrier to vital After this, the spokesman said, and there was some damage to tahan line. " are by no means large enough yet." ice Committee last night to repeal railway. Chinese forces moved on into po­ service inatallations but the de- rifle fire. Bilin is situate,! on the Bilin The agency said Americans Seek Water Leak , often are aeeti in telephone ex­ 72” X 78” RevereibleY‘Tiilip SUr” Pay Offered the provision of the Federal re­ Only One River Reniainu sitions from which they arc ex- j ta>l» are not yet known, it said. I river 30 miles north of Thaton, 2 Can. 2 5 c tirement act under which Con- I which was reported captured Tues- change offices waiting to place Sauerkraut Only the Sittang river would re­ pected to launch their counter­ Importance Has Grown Treasury Balance greaamen. the President, vice pres­ ,^'all.s to their home towns. an(i that 8-Piece Pyrex Set 11 On Main Street main for a river-Iinc defense of attack and relieve Japanese pres- [ I day, the report addeii. . ident. Cabinet members and execu- . , , Darwin's importance to the , ( Bilin is 7,’) miles airline from in the pa.st six nr seven weeks the Lord Cnl-vert Measures to Provide tive department heada could o b -| the railway if the Bilm were lost, sure on the British in southern j United Nations has grown as Ja­ Washington. Feb. 19 -i.Pi The P ATCHWORK QUILTS Burma. I pan's tide of conquest has rolled position of the Treasury Feb. 17; Rangoon I ! The C L. Hale Construction tain ^ T io n annuities. Whether the first enemy foot- A Domei dispatch from an "un- (rontlnue Allowance for Fami­ holds had been wiped out In the "Our forces hope step by step i southward in the Pacific toward Receipts, $21,213,681 39: ex­ I company is using a compressor to Senator Downey (D., Calif.) to enter Thailand," he declared. (piart cass"ro!(> with pie plate 'open Main street in three places this island continent. penditures, $70,746,043.39: net lies Pushed Forward. Earlier unconfirmed reports had balance, $2,708,920,918.38. I (Continued on Page Ten) cover ami .'^ix .'i-oz. matching in front of the Jaffe and Padrove Toilet Tissue (Conttnned on P »* e Two) (Continued on Png> Ten) Hs location on Australia's north­ told of a pitched battle on the ernmost rim gives it a strategic custard ciiiis. Packefl in a $ 1 .0 0 building trying to locate a water $ 3 *6 9 each frontier. leak. The first opening was made Washington, Feb. 10—(IP)— Bills geographic position not only as a good-looking gift box. Only to raise soldiers' and sailors' pay Defeat Thais In Fierce Fight Flashes ! yesterday afternoon near the east fleet base buL also as a gateway and provide living allowance for Chinese troops have defeated sidewalk, but when It was ap­ for supplies for the defense of the (Late Bulirttna of the (Ah W ire) 3 1 9 ® Blue and Rose only. Smart floral patterns. their families were pushed for- Thai forces in fierce fighting along commonwealth. A ir raid alarms A ir-B orne Units Being parent that the leak was not to be - ward today by legislative sponsors Soviets Claim Troops the Burma-Thailand border, a had sounded there several times New Pyrex .3 Piece ^Mixing Bowl Set. found there work was ‘ started who criticized the administration sp<-cial dispatch to the Catholic before—as early in the war as R\planatlQii*« Not SatKfactory j opening another hole In the cen’ter Large California for failure to take a stand on the newspaper Social Welfare report- Jan. 2— but only aerial scouts had \\UNhlnfTlt'n, Keb. lU.—4-I’>—Sum­ Crystal Cle.ir— handy to u s e ...... Set i of the trolley tracks. W’ork was two measures. I ed today. approached and there had been no Prepared by British ner unders<*crf*t«ry o f ' shut down last night but •was again Senator Johnson (D-Colo) tn- Enter White Russia j It saifi the Chinese took a con- l bombing before. * state, saUl tmlav the I'nfted StAtCH I resumed this morning. W ater has Doz. Now Is the Time to Buy BlankeUt I eiderable quantity of booty but | Oranges . -troduced legislation to increase A t the start of the war in the vsas not satisiled v\ith explanations been seeping through into the i there were no other details of the ' I the base pay of enlisted men from I Pacific, Darwin was essentially a Paraclnilist Fororte’ of Sir Stafford Cripps and .strengthened British striking pow- here.' Physicians In this area wero FOWL, ea. $1.09 GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25c Capt. Oliver Ljttleton Into the son, wha heads a Senate Military Kresty. In the Velizh district. tionality not only of the court Coaxed to Accept Medal er, Margesson disclosed that many railed out' for w reck duty and am­ BROIt.ERS AVERAGE ' i box of 3.1 f o r ...... S1.95 Birdseye Peas were Incorrectly Subcommittee appointed to conaid- Velizli Itself lies 70 miles north­ but of the preeent government war cabinet before a crucial of the British troops In the ill- bulances were sent speoding to 89c to 99c Each. advertised in Plnehurt Tuesday 50” X 50” Hand Blocked er it “We are going ahead with­ west of Smolensk and 20 miles ot Franoe. The trial waa sus­ debate on the war at the next starred Malaya campaign had to IlyiMtIuxo hut no details on the no- night ad. Should have read Birds­ east of the frontier of White Rus­ pended Immediateiy to permit ^ Commons session. Informed Blue Label Grade A Diced C a rro ts ...... 10c out the Budget Bureau.” Lebanon, Pa., Feb. 19.—l/P)— ♦ Mrs. McLaug)Uin had a speech be sent into action without time cldrnts were available. The tmtau eye Green Beans 22c, not Birdseye Fresh Bacon lb . The Johnson bill not only would sia. the prooecuttng attorney tQ^ sources declared today. The were re|>orted to be the Sun Qonen, York 'State Potatoes, whole or 2 9 ® Modest Mrs. Reuben McLaughlin, ' all prepared for the occasion, but consensus In the Honse to­ "for essential preliminary battle V FA L CHOPS Peas. Net Smoked! ralae the base pay of enlisted men Battle Short BntiVloient prepare a reply. four of whose 11 children are in when it came time, it dwindled to training." northbound from Miami, and the diced ...... can 10c LUNCH CLOTHS to $42, but would pro'vlde further night was that a new war cab­ Orange Blossom Speclnl, aootb- The battle in the Velizh district the Army, shyly turned aside con­ " I Just don’t know what to say. It He said. too. that because of 44c lb. WAX BEANS Increases for length of service, up Vichy, Unoccupied France, Feb. inet composed of Churchill, bound. was described as short but violent. gratulations on hei designation as makes a person feel very good in Cripps, Clement R. .\ttlee, . equipment shortages and the need DISHES to $207 a month for a master sec-' l^i_(,(>>_Four correspondents rep- • * * Fresh Pigs' Feet lb. 12e Front-line dispatches gaVb this this city's outstanding mother. a way." bird prlvv te «l; Ernest Bevin. for older tv’pe weapons already in Fresh Whole Haddock. 3 cons 50c 1 Set Only— $3.49 geant with 30 years' service. picture of the situation in other resenUng the American press were "We had to coax her quite a bit Her boys enlisted last year and Pananw Tanker Torpedoed Range and notified officially today, three minister of labor and national ■ production, the Army had been WlUrmstad. Curacao, Feb. l f , » Haddock Fillets. Ample Time to Report sectors: . to get her to accept it. She couldn’t Mrs. McLaughlin "feels proud that Dozen $1.93 ■ 5-GALLON Oil. CAN hours before the opening of service, and L.vttleton would unable until last fall to convert (,P(— .\ Panama-registered ten her Eldmiston, who IntroducM his Russian forcer continuing to understand why she should receive they were ..llling to go before be- Cod. Pollock, Oa Sate Thnraday A t Pinehurst. 1 Only— 91.15 bin more than a month ago, said France's war defeat trial at RIom, be announced within the next I large numbers of infantry into ar­ was torpedoed off the Dutch Isiwid iaielts. Butterfish. Fuel Oil . ed^ forward with cavalry support any particular honor. " said Mayor IM drafted. 24 hours. tillery and Biniored units "of the W ar Department had had am­ in the fighting around Leningrad; that they had been barred from the ""T h ey’re good boys snd I hated of .\rulus today In a renewed ent- courtroom. Other American cor­ C. Ray Bell. which we were woefully sh oit" burst ul Germnn. submnrine aetfv- Dill Pickles 4 for lOe Three good looking patterns in Blue, R,ed and Green. ple time to report on it, as the an unchecked if unspecified ad­ to see them go off but after all respondents, including Taylor "I never expected anything like London, F'cb. 19— —The Without disclosing any details Ity ^ deep__ ^ In the Otribbenn House M ilitary (Jommlttee re­ vance w^st of Kalinin; fierce fight­ they're doing their duty." she said. The quested, but )iad not done so. Henry o< The Associated Press, that,’’ related the reticent 50-year- House of Commons will hold a of the strengthening of British j .\netn news ngency unoaaeed, ing in the southwest, where Rus­ “Do I worry? Naturally. I don’t "The department is worlUng out were admitted. old wife of a W P A worker. ” It two-day debate on the war situa­ armored formations in a rone he sian tanks were said to have hear from them ao much. Frank­ tion with special reference to the W. G. Glenney a bill of its own,” he added, “ but Tlie four men barred are Mel came as a great ahoclt.” described only as "the Middle MarkeU A t a Ufauice Birds Eye cracked the Nazi lines at one point lin and Clarence are overseaa." Pacific situation when it meets T^umfiu/rst Qwcen/.ync. tlM JM! HA M COM If they do not hurry with it Tm Most of The' Associated Press, “ She didn't want to take It at East,” the war aecretary declared New York, Fob. 18—