9 9 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1942)^ **Vifamins for Data at the Herald Cooking School *TAGB FOURTEEN Gcf £ti^ttittg Hmlli ----------------------- -----------------^-------— 7 " an organization of young men and Misa Hasel LuU, art teacher in Zion Lutheran' church women Mrs. John McConvUle, Jr., and will aew for the Red Croea this wohien of Manchester who would Average Daily Circnlation The Weather infant son, Brian Sean, are spend­ local schools, is a member of the Change Place be willing to take part in any call informational committee of the evening at seven o’clock and again For the Month of Jaanary, 1942 Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau Town ing a week with Mr. and Mrs, .John tomorrow from 10 to '4 o’clock. that might be sent to. the people HALE'S SELF SERyi McConville. Sr„ of 72 Kldridgc Eastern ArW Association which is of this count!^ in the present investigating the availability of Of Meeting The Original b< New England! / Th« WOHnf Worker* of the street. The Italian American Societies, emergency. He pointed out that 7,088 Colder tonight, diminishing art supplies for the coming year. the F. T. Blish Hardware Com­ W. B. C. 8., will meet tomorrow ei- Inc., will hold an ImportMt meet­ Mamber of tbe Andit winds. tenboa *t the South Methodist Daughters of Liberty No. 125, pany was showing in one of its Thomas H. Freebum of Lilac ing at the Itallan-Amerlcan Home, windows all that was needed in Boreun of ClreuIatloBS church to tie two quilts. The Ml?- L I, O. A., will meet in Orange Eldridge street. All members are Young Republicans to hall tonight at 8 o’clock, A social street and Miss Elizabeth P. Un­ the way of prevention in case of AND HEALTH MARKET Mancheiter-— A City o f Village Charm peh group will meet tonight at i derwood, a scliool teacher of 282 urged to attend thia meeting ax Be Prepareil to Meet •an air-raid fire. He has arranged will follow the meeting in charge important matter* will be die- O’clock. of Mrs. Margaret Bain and her Sigourney street, Hartford, have with ’’Bob" Seaman, of the com­ applied for a marriage license in cussed. Any Emergency Call. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 ,1942 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS committee. pany, to have the exhibit sent to LENTEN SPECIALS VOL. LXL, NO. 119 (Claaslfled Advertising On Page 18) Bt. Bridget's church women will Hartford. the East Side Recreation building neet this evening at 7:30 to sew The weekly setback tournament Jack Gordon, president of the for demonstration at the meeting. f o r the Red Cross, and again to­ Mrs. Roy Griswold of 22 Grove of the Manchester Fire department street, who underwent a major op­ One case of lobar pneumonia is re­ Young Republican Club, has Mr. Gordon is prompted in this Store Closes On Wednesdays morrow afternoon at 1:30. Dona­ will be held this evening at head­ changed the place of meeting of action by advice of George H. tions ot yam to be used In knit­ eration Thursday at the Hartford ported in Manchestir by the .State Hartford Man Jap Uniforms, Swords Seized hospital, is making satisfactory Health department weekly bulletin. quarters on Main street. All of the the club for Wednesday evening Waddell. Mr. Waddell, chairman ting afghan squares are much teams now have a chance for top of the local defense committee, At Noon progress toward recovery. of this week from the West Side newled and wlU be gratefuUy re­ honors this round and Interest la Rec to the East Side Rec on School has found that many are lacking British Turn Axis f- American Planes Hit Elmer C Long, of 119 Spencer Gold Medal eved. The first aid Classes will increasing each time the teams ■street. in defense equipment. Admits Killing meet tomorrow evening under An­ The Ladies’ Guild of St. Mary’s street, has gone to the Lahey ninic in Boston for medical ob- meet. Hose Company 1 is leading The change has been made With over .500 cards being mail­ thony Chomon. Episcopal church will meet Thurs­ Lge. Pkg. .servatlon. by only 12 points. necessary, Mr. Gordon .said this ed out to Young Republicans to Bisquick 29c day afternoon at 2 o’clock in the morning, due to the large number attend the meeting Mr. Gordon ex- I Efforts to Blast Guild room. Mrs. James Kilpatrick Wife and Girl Anderson-Shea Post of V'etcrans ■ pects that there will be a good and Mrs. Henry Lord will be the turnout and that the Young Re­ Tall Can Happy Vale Hard Blows at of Foreign Wars are sponsoring a Japs; hostesses. Washington Birthday Dance this Manchester publicans will be ready to do their BEFORE YOU BUY ANY part in any call that may come. Can Another Chi(d in Criti­ KIND OF INSURANCE Saturday night in the VFW Hall, Salmon 25c Convoy to Defeat Manchester. Green. Music for Date Book cal Condition at Hos­ CALL 66.37 dancing will be furnished by Tony ALICE COFRA.N Boneless BENJAMIN CHENEY O’Bright's orchestra. Tonight (Known As queen Alice) pital; No Reason I# Bataan Attack Seen NOTICE Lecture, Local Science Clubs at .SPIRITUAL MEDIUM 8-0/., Can 15c Torpedo Hits Scored on Tell I M» Main St. Hale Bldg. Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son j Sardines Given for Shootings. Edwin H. Grenon It applying The Salvation Army Woman's the Y at 6:45. Three Enemy Cruisers a Home League will meet tomorrow Tomorrow Bom With a Veh. Eagle Brand for a general repairer’s license Herald Cooking School at State Readings Dally, Incloding Sunday, I Hartford, Feb. 18.— -’’She Fighter# anil Bombers In the Town of Andover on afternoon at the home of Mrs. And Destroyer; Brit- LcadcrS Bud Arthur Kittle, 146 Summit street. theater at 9:30. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ looked at me, and I looked at her, m Drive Route 8. ment. In the Service of the Peo- | Cans Aitling in All-Import- The hostesses will be Mrs, Rachel Thursday, Feb. 19 Sardines ish Admit Two Mer- f rv * and I shot her." Symington and Miss Eliza War- Oratorical Contest at American pie for SO Years. In these words, according to Air Activity, Heavier AgClinst FoC ant Buttle for Dutch nock, Work will be for the Red 169 Church Street, Hartford, Conttvl chantmen Lost; All 7 /1 ^ i n ^ C t p O r C Deputy Police Chief Thomas J. Legion Home. Phone e-0097 Nippone#e Artillery „ East Imlie# Hit Jap Cross, There will also be knitting Saturday, Feb. 21 HEALTH MARKET Others Reach Port. ------- Hickey, Henry A. Loncto today for soldiers and sewing on infant Dance at V. F. W. Home, Man­ admitted the murder of his wife Fire and Landing of l O 1rf/I Vr C tV Aircraft and Inva­ layettes, "Those desiring trans­ Tuesday night. 2 Lessons IT’S EFFECTIVE chester Green. Something Lacking to portation should meet at the cita­ Twentieth Anniversary celebra­ London, Feb. 18.—(/P)— The man also admitted, accord­ Reinforcement# at ------- sion Force# in South­ Begins Feb. 19, 8-10 P. M. WELDON’S OWN fish and Chips tor a Lenten Meal Crystallize and Coor­ ing to Chief Hickey, shooting the del at 2:15, tion of the Washington Social British planes and warships ern Sumatra; Five Center Church House NEW FORMULA Club. covering evidently important two children, one of whom died Olongapo in Subic Bay Dutch East Indies Offi- dinate Spirit of De­ shortly sJterward. The other Is In M f. Instructor. In a list of blood donors pub­ Sunday, Fieto. 22 . TOOTH PASTE W u R l 'lI z E R convoy movements in the a critical condition at Hartford North of Peiiin#ula. cial ffoulti Seek Out Bombers Are Downed. A Oronp^H Project. lished yesterday one name wa.s Banquet, Campbell Council, K. Sebastus Marinus fenders of Island. ich Seision. Mediterranean have turned hospital. Little Bit Ooea Farther given Incorrectly. Mrs. John How­ of C. Enemy and Fight: Cell Mrs. R. B. Wadsworth, M l Get A Tnbe Today ard, of 41 Delmont street, .should Axis efforts to blast the mer­ Questioned after his arraign­ Washington, Feh. 18.— (/P) Batavia, N.E;I., Feb. 18.— Friday, Feb. 27 London, Feb. 18 —(A^—Adverse 8075, To Register. At Our Pharmacy! have been Included. Independent Suit Company ben­ lanos Special! 37c pound chantmen into another air ment In police court today, Lonc­ —The start of the long-ex­ Hits Retiring Tactics. (/fb— American fiKhter planes Public Invited efit entertainment for Red Croaa, PICowpBCt U Slul Birds Eye generally calls (his fine sea food fillet reports on Britain’s leadership at to. according to Chief Mickey, and bombers aiding in the and naval defeat, the Admi­ pected assault in force High School Hall. Bull in Tow Singapore added fuel today to the said that Mrs. Loncto called him , '... “ Red Perch” . but Sebastus Marinus is just another ralty declared today. Al­ Tues<lay afternoon at the Billings against Gen. Douglas MacAr- Sydney, Australia. Feb. 18 all-important battle for the simmering discontent In some > Saturday, March 14 expected to attend the meeting. though It acknowledged that two and Spencer plant, where he l.s Appealing to the tfnited Nations During the past two months Cecil name for it. thur’s lines in Bataan was in­ Dutch East Indies have Father and Son banquet, Eman­ British merchantmen were lost. It British circles which have been employed and told him that ohe of to take the offensive, search out NOTICE uel Lutheran church, England had mailed to over 500 dicated today in a War De­ struck damaging blows at OTHER BIRDS EY'E SPECIAI.S declared all others reached their demanding government changes.
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