i .s " r - rRroAT,"AtretmT Ji7i55lj PAGE 8IXTEEM ttirttingSwto Average Daily Circulation For the Month of 4nljr, 1943 The Weather Foreonit of C, 8. Weather Boreaa =4T Howard I. Taylor of South Main 7,494 street has bean spending the week Wai* Must Wait Joins Coast Guard Board Grants Al>out Town Engaged to Wed Little change In temperature to­ with hie daughter, Mrs. W. S. Mambor ot tho Anett night. Sage, of Greenport, New York, Two Petitions Sta.tiQna7 For Men Baiena of drcnlatlono Game Outcome Manchester— ’A City of Village Charm ipfgiiaai Mtah*. A - ^ Frederick J. Rogers of .7.7 Well­ UmA Mts. WnBaot lUnn*. «< 231 ington road, la spending? his va­ cation at the Gregg Cottage at A d io u glTMt, Buckland, hs* en- All Depends on Results 2^ning Officials Also (Ciasslfled Adverttaing on Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Utted In th* Army Air Corp» Lake Haywood. , ^ , In The Armed Services VOL. LXL, NO. 276 M^aeta to lenro next Wr<lne»ilay O f Colts-Aircraft En­ Deny One Request and Mrs. Edward Lynch, of 2'35 Ver­ for d u ^ non street, is at the Rohan cot-, counter at Outing. Defer Two Others. tage at Pofnt-O-Wooda, for a va­ Vmrry jL Howlwid. «on ct Mr. Texas Primary Soviet Tanks Moving Up cation. $ad Mr», A lfr«l A. Howland, of . 1 The Washington Social Club will Two deferments were made at i SMcfcUnd Btreet. who U in the hold its annual outing Saturday a f­ the meeting of the Zoning Board Marines landing Miss Emily Hou.oe, of East Cen- Red Soldiers Force of Appeals last night, one applica­ Arm y A ir Corps » t Miami B e«h , .ter street, is spending a two week.s ternoon at the Rod and Gun Club And New York norlda, haa been asaipned to Offw tion was denied and two were vacation at Sprague I,odge. Estes in Coventry. The committee head­ granted. MTS Candidate School. Park, Colorado. ■ ed by Dav-ld Dickson met at the The board also approved the ap­ club rooms. last night and settled plication of George L. Fish, build­ Fast in Hard Won Decision Eyed regular monthly meeting of Frederick H Pottig. Jr . son of the final details. But the commit­ er. .for an exception for the con­ the Christopher Columbus Society Mr. and Mrs, F. H -Pettlg. of 241 German Foes Back tee could never settle the question struction of a portion of a build­ -I* * " . will be held at the Italian-Ameri- Summit street, has enlisted in the of supremacy as to which war in­ ing on Henry street which is 1.7 eaa club on Eldridge street. Sun­ Political Observers In­ United Ststes Navy and expects dustry has the belter softball team. inches' over the building line at Solomon Positions day afternoon at 2;30. All mem­ to report, for duty next week Fri­ C oifs Patent Firearms or the one point. The appeal was taken at terested in Senator­ bers are asked to be present. day. .• ■ Pratt * Whitney Aircraft plant. a previous meeting and continued According to well Informed cir­ for Inspection. X ial “ Run-Off a n d Mr. and Mrs. David Neville, of A six room house at )77 East .^ ip e Out 700-Men Jap- HH N In Kletskaya Areal cles this will be the feature a t t r i ­ The application of Andrew A T2 East Center street have left to Center street owned by the Equit­ I..al>or Party Action. tion of the day. despite the fact Ansaldi for the construction of a | anesc Force Trying " tpond Id days in Ottawa. Canada, able Life .vwurance .Siu-iely has 70 foot building on Iw d on Bid-1 udth Mr. N i n e ’s relatives. that Qiere will plenty to eat been sold to John R. Allen, local and other gamcs.'’08ano will servo w’ell street for storage of tools, To Pierce Waahin^n, Aug. 32— (.P)—With real e.slate and Insurarfce agent. Ojr Blanchard Germans Generally ..Miss DoAs Perrett clam chowder during the afternoon trucks and equipment was defer­ Flying Tiger candidates choseh for 18 of the 34 Trying to^nd corporal Albert Edward Bells, The tranirfer was made by Robert Lines After Stealthy Desert War and at 6:30 a chicken and spa­ Big Cy Blanchard, one of the red until the next meeltng for the Senate and 282 of the 435 House Maintain Initiative' aon Mrs. William Bells, of m H. Smith, representins Robert J. Miss Doris Perrett. daughter rt purpose of inspection by the board. Oakland street, has reported to the Smith, fnr. the property, located ghetti dinner. best right-hand pitchers in Man­ Landing at Night; Back Home seats to be filled In the November -Mr, and Mrs. I>eonard J. Perrett, A chance remark some time ago Application Denied Other Southern Thea«| Armored Force School WTiccled at East Center ^nd Cone streets, chester during the past 15 years, elections, political obaerveta. eyed Tank Arsenal Now Fought of 117 -Middle Turnpike east. is about the C oifs softbqll team was The application of Frank C Wreck Seaplane Base. ------ Vehicle Department, Fort Knox, has a frontage of 117 feet on East haa enlisted in the United States teri4; (]Iose • Quartet engaged to marry Paul Flnkbein, picked up seriously.. ."Goose" Lar­ Jones to convert a 2-tenement witb interest' today the'Texas Dem­ Kentucky. The Wheeled Vehicle Center .street. sort of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Flnk­ Coast Guard and will leave on Sep­ sen took up the cudgels for the building at 115 Main stfeet to a Seven Months Knocking ocratic senatorial primary run-os^ Fighting Devfslopi school turns out experts capable of bein, of .lll Walnut street. tember 4 for Manhattan Beach, Pearl- Harbor, Hawaii, Aug Labor Upset In Trenches firearms team. Thomas Smith, em­ 3-apartment building in a Resi­ rspalrlng in fast moving combat Long Island, New York. His fa ­ iJP and the New Tork American La­ ployed at Pratt * Whitney la not dence A Zone was .denied. 22,— )— United States Ma­ Jap Planes Out of From Thrust by S< such vehlclsa as the tiny “ peeps.” ther, Cyrus Blanchard, Sr., Is tak­ The application of David Gerber bor party convention. taking any chances and was ac­ j rines stood fast in their hard"v s tu i^ "Jeeps” and armored scout IV o ,>iore Filf' ing his physical examination for for permission to construct a Skies Eriough for War Production Board Will l.ast. Only Intil viet; Wipe Out Van- Sciliebel Ordered cused last night, following the won positions in the Solomon A fter next week's Republican ears. The course covers eight the netx quota of inductees which stand for the sale of sandwiches, state convention in New York and weeks. For iNoiiiinalion committee meeting, of having his will leave within a short time. candy, cigars and soft drinks on islands today after . wiping Any Man, ISeale Says. Agency Is Attempting One Side or Other guards of Nazis in Hillsl team at the Old Golf loU for the primaries in CaUfoniia, Misaissip- To Attend School Blanchard was one of the bast Adams street in the Vicinity of the out a 700-man Japanese force pi, and South Carolina, the first Mrs. B. S. Carrier and daugh­ past two weeks engaged in secret all round athletes graduated from Service Insignia To Get Quick and Swings into ISe.w Me­ UAC Plant, was approved with a which tried a stealthy night Seattle, Aug. 22.—(iT*) — Seven half of September will close the Mo.scow, Aufi-. 22.— ters. Helen and Gertrude, of Cam- otto H. Herrmann, of 610 Cen­ practice. This accusation was de­ the M&nchester High School in the two-year time limit attached. $ months of knocking Jap planes out pre-election campaigns which with Peaceful Conclusion. chanical Offensive. Red Army men drove backl btidge street, are spending a ten ter street, today tiled a proposal nied by Smith, but Larsen insists past decsils, having starred In Action of the application of 1.00 landing to pierce the Ameri­ First Lieut: Frank J, flchlebel. for Republican nomination as Con­ that his scouts actually witnessed of the Burma and cfilna skies is few exceptions reached an all-time days' vacation in Madison, Commander of Company. G. State football, baseball and basketball. John McCann of 30 Laurel street Stationery Boxed can lines. Other Marines and low inattractlng voter Interest. the (Jermans in the KIets-| stable and Robert N.. Vettch. of the sessions Cairn. Aug. 22—(,7*) Front line Guard of this town, has been or­ He has three no-hit, no-run games for permit to remodel the third American bluejackets, with MaJ. enough for any man's nerves, says IX Miss Renomination By TTtc Associated Press kaya area of the Don bendl Mias Eleanor Berggren of Walk­ 24 Church street al.so filed his "They need it." declares Larsen dered by the Adjutant General to to his credit and his most out­ floor of this site into an apart-' Sure he'll write more often— just send him this practical Jamaa Roosevelt, the president's Robert Neale, one of the famed To date, 12 House members— 8 A War Production Board agency war in the western desert has be­ er s tre e t entertained her office proposal' for nomination as Re­ whereupon Smith comes back with standing feat was In pitching the northwest of Stalingrad by a| attend the First Service Command ment waa deferred until rough gift.
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