
Center for Knowledge Management

Starting Your ORCID Profile • Creang an ID • Entering Basic Profile Informaon • Adding Publicaons

The SPI-Hub: Scholarly Publishing Information Hub™ is authored and managed by the Center for Knowledge Management at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. © 2020 Vanderbilt University, All Rights Reserved What is an ORCID iD? Introducon Importance for grant seekers What does this tutorial cover?

Getting Started

Step 1: Register for a free ORCID iD Creang Your ORCID iD Table of Contents Step 2: Verify your email address

Populating Your ORCID Step 3: Employment history Step 4: Educaon/qualificaons Record Step 5: Works


2 Developed by the Center for Knowledge Management at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, the goal of SPI-Hub™ is to be the go-to place for researchers’ and clinicians’ and bibliographic needs.

As part of this mission, SPI-Hub™ provides indicators of journal scholarship expressed through in 25 fields (e.g., indexing status in biomedical databases, stated adherence to publishing policies/best practices, reporting of policies such fees and licensing options). https://spi-hub.app.vumc.org

3 This video guide will aid you in creang your ORCID profile and leverage SPI- Hub™’s “My Citaons” feature.

The “My Citaons” feature allows you to retrieve and review SPI-Hub™ established journal scholarly criteria for the journals in which you have published.

One of the opons for “My Citaons” includes use of an ORCID iD


4 What is an ORCID iD? The ORCID iD is an open-source and non-proprietary persistent digital idenfier that once obtained, disambiguates and uniquely idenfies you from any other researcher.

• An individual researcher’s ORCID iD is formaed as hps://.org/0000-0002-1825-0097

How will an ORCID profile help me?

• Allows researchers to have an accurate, comprehensive, https://orcid.org openly available record of all their publicaons, grant awards, and professional service.

• Accommodates a personal statement of your unique interests and accomplishments.

• Allows linkage to other systems, including the eRA Commons plaorm used for NIH grant applicaons (see next slide). 5 hps://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/noce-files/NOT-OD-19-109. The importance of an ORCID iD for grant seekers

• Recognizing the importance of researcher disambiguation and the opportunity for tracking professional outcomes along the career path, the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Agency of Healthcare and Quality issued notification that all individuals supported by research training, fellowship, research education and career development awards require an ORCID identifier at the time of submission.

• Once an ORCID iD is established, grant seekers addressed by the NIH policy must link their ORCID profiles with their eRA Commons account.

6 This guide explains the process for establishing the most foundational ORCID profile components: What does this • Creating an ORCID ID guide cover? • Listing your employment history • Adding your education & qualifications • Linking to your publications

7 Geng started

We recommend that you follow along with the creaon and compleon process by having two browser windows open side by side.

Window #1 Window #2

8 Step 1: Register for a free ORCID iD at hp://orcid.org/register

Enter your name and email address

Create a password (8 characters, 1 letter or symbol, 1 number)

Note: The Visibility Sengs field needs to be Update your visibility sengs set to “everyone” in order for your ORCID profile to be publicly searchable and viewable and for your ORCID profile to be used in SPI- Hub™. This seng can be updated at any me.

Please note, visibility settings can be updated for each element in your ORCID profile on subsequent screens, thus allowing you to customize exactly what is seen by the public, trusted parties, and only you. 9 When you are done, select “Register” Step 1 (continued): Register for a free ORCID iD at http://orcid.org/register

Once you select “Register,” the system may respond by suggesng exisng profiles that could be you. If none of the exisng profiles are yours, select “None of these are me, connue with registraon.”

10 Step 2: Verify your email address

You are now brought to your ORCID profile page. You will noce a message at the top of the screen requesng you to verify your email address.

The ORCID system has sent you an email that includes a verification hyperlink. You will need to verify your primary email address before you can begin adding information manually to your ORCID record.

11 Populang your ORCID record

Step 3: Employment history Once you are in your ORCID profile, select “Add employment” to add current and previous employment experiences one at a time.

Required fields include: • Organization name • City • Country

Optional fields include: • Department • Role • Dates of employment

When you are finished completing the form, select “Add to list.”

You can then add another employment entry.

Please note, it doesn’t maer what order you add your employment experience; the system will reorder them in reverse chronologic order. 12 Populang your ORCID record

Step 4: Education/Qualifications

Next, you can select “Add qualification” (such as certificates or training programs) and/or “Add education.”

Required fields are designated with a red asterisk.

Note: You can add mulple educaonal experiences to this secon, and the system will organize them in reverse chronologic order.

13 Populating your ORCID record

Step 5: Works

• Works refers to citaons of your publicaon history, including peer-reviewed journal arcles, white papers and technical reports, and other gray literature.

• ORCID offers mulple ways to do this. We are going to focus on the most streamlined approach – imporng mulple citaons at once using the “Search & Link” opon

14 Populating your ORCID record

Step 5 (continued): Works o The search & link opon allows you to bring mulple citaons at once into your ORCID profile. o We recommend using Europe PubMed Central, as it contains all of PubMed plus addional citaons. o You will need to grant Europe PubMed Central permission to access your ORCID profile. Click the “Authorize” buon to do so. o You will be directed to the Europe PMC site. You will need to accept the privacy noce to connue. Check the box and click “Connue.”

15 Populang your ORCID record

Step 5 (connued): Works o Next, Europe PubMed Central will respond by searching and displaying a list of publications by authors matching your name. o Use the checkboxes to indicate which items in the list you want to import into your ORCID profile. o Next, click “Continue” at the top or bottom of the page. o Please be aware that you can modify the search statement in order to affect the search results.

16 Populating your ORCID record

Step 5 (connued): Works

o You will have the chance to review the selected citations before adding them to your profile.

o Once you are satisfied, select “Send to ORCID.” You will receive a confirmation message and can now return to ORCID to view your profile.

o You will immediately see your citations populated and sorted in reverse chronological order by the date of publication.

17 Populating your ORCID record

Step 5 (connued): Works

o If there are citaons you would like to add that are not in Europe PubMed Central, you can also add them individually.

o One opon is to use a digital object idenfier (or DOI) by choosing “Add DOI” from the “Add works” menu.

18 Populating your ORCID record

Step 5 (continued): Works

o You can also add references manually by choosing “Add manually” from the “Add works” menu

19 Center for Knowledge Management

Basic profile • You have now completed a basic ORCID profile with complete your educaon, employment, and publicaon list.