Who We Are and What We Do

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Who We Are and What We Do 1 WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO THE KIMEK YARD Idea and concept, and organizing of financing of ship hall and ship lift by Storvik 1989 – 1993 for the Kværner Group and the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Industry. Opening of the Russian market for industrial trade and ship repairs and conversions. The Kimek yard is the mother of maritime Kirkenes. Photo: Bernt Nilsen 2 3 STORVIK & CO AS, NORWAY CONTACT US OOO STORVIK CONSULT, RUSSIA STORVIK & CO AS OOO STORVIK CONSULT STORVIK & CO OY Havneveien 50, N-9610 Rypefjord Vorovskogo str., 5/23 office 645, c/o Colleqium OY, Sepänkatu 20, (Hammerfest), Norway Murmansk, Russia 90100 Oulu, Finland STORVIK & CO OY, FINLAND tel: +47 911 45 845 tel: +7 8152 488 290 tel: +358 400 215 666 fax: +7 8152 690 290 e-mail: kare.storvik@storvik.com e-mail: murmansk@storvik.com e-mail: bjorn.storvik@storvik.com irina.popova@storvik.com Arctic Europe Business and Technology Partners Storvik is also present in Oslo, Helsinki and Stavanger. Aberdeen International Associates are representing Storvik in Aberdeen and in their international markets including North America, Latin America, West Africa and South East Asia. Storvik’s brief is to visualize, promote and assist in implementing Arctic Europe’s business opportunities and arctic technologies in manners that are securing sustainable economic development in the region. As well as secure profitable, stable and good business to operators who are coming to the Arctic Europe to operate and establish. GENERAL OVERVIEW Storvik & Co AS was established on range of experience combined with daily September 13th 1993 with the purpose market follow up, particularly in the fields of rendering business development and of offshore oil and gas exploration and OF STORVIK’S CURRENT ACTIVITIES technology advisory and partnership production, shipping and marine activities services to a diverse range of clients. as well as transportation and logistics drives These include local/regional government, the main activities with repeat clients for Arctic Europe Market Reports civic groups, ports, Trade associations and Storvik on a daily basis. individual businesses from Multinationals Logistics, Oil & Gas, Mining, Port Developments, Northern Sea Route to SME’s – the majority of Storvik’s activity CV’s for all of the Storvik team are available is centred around harsh environment and and provide a good overview of the The Arctic Europe market is subject to daily for many years. Samples and price can be cold climate conditions. capabilities within the company. These follow up. Information that is not easily and provided on request. can be obtained in the staff section and readily available in public media is immedia- In the early 90’s the Storvik directors had individual profiles at www.storvik.com tely edited and distributed through Storvik’s Storvik is also rendering services related to bid been busy with development of their idea, different e-mail lists. invitation databases. On behalf of Nordic clients the concept and facilitation of funding for Much of Storvik’s work in the market is of Storvik is monitoring the different databases the turnaround of the Kværner Kimek yard a nature were others freely can harvest Storvik’s quarterly market report for Arctic and reports to clients requests for proposals in Kirkenes. They were instrumental in the where Storvik has been breaking new land, Europe Russia has been issued to subscribers relevant to their services and supplies. opening of the Russian market for western ploughing, sowing, nourishing and watering. trade and industrial activities, and then Storvik is proud of its role in developing decided to establish a company to provide Arctic Europe including its door-opener role Arctic Europe market information material a broader range of business development, with Russia. International Trade and business support Professional business and technology know- of market material is always connected to services across the region. This 2018 – 2019 brochure attempts to ledge coupled with design expertise is used active distribution by Storvik, electronic or describe the areas that we are active in now. to produce market information material for in hard copies at meetings, conferences The foundations of the company are built on And to invite the market to explore what we ports, places, businesses, academia and and exhibitions, or by direct mail. Storvik the staff that have a long tradition in working can do for them as advisers and partners in others. Brochures, exhibition stand displays marketing material is not made for the as a team and its individuals experience their Arctic Europe work. On basis of what and advertisements. Moreover, production shelves. from entrepreneurial industry management we do, and can do, given our knowledge roles in the Northern Hemisphere from and network. Also in fields not described as Market information material for Vardø, Kirkenes, Hammerfest, Alta and Narvik is available on www.storvik.com North America to the Far East. This wide present focal activities. Hammerfest wall display Hammerfest wall display 1896 x 2338 millimeter 1896 x 2338 millimeter 6 7 Typical Arctic Europe stand at Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston and Offshore Europe in Aberdeen. 17 89 KIRKENES - IN POLE POSITION Alta - Альта - Vardø Town Your Closest Point to the Narvik Typical stand activities. Table discussions, information to a visitor and presenting the Arctic Europe at the map. Город Вардё 瓦尔德镇 New Petroleum Province Logistics and Technology On the China Polar Silk Road The Alta Link Barents Sea Air Transport Solution – Grow your business in Narvik Travel from North Sea locations to Hammerfest centre and vice versa by B737 planes, assisted transfer in Alta and a smooth high speed craft fjord ride The Narvik – Bothnian Connection Search and Rescue (SAR) Base Economy winner Regularity winner Comfort winner Time competitor KirkenesThe Arctic Europe logistics, industry and HSE centre Norway – Sweden – Finland Sea Route Ship Supply Services Free Alta transfer bus service secures fast and stressless connection – Internet and mobile telephone access during fjord Logistics and Technology Cooperation ride – The Hammerfest speed craft terminal is at Pier 7 in the town centre – At the doorsteps of Thon Hotels, Smart Hotel, Scandic Hotel and the Hammerfest business and administration centre. Forefront Supply Base For freight contact your freight agent TheALTA LINK Helicopter Reach from Vardø КиркенесЦентр логистики, промышленности, обеспечения безопасности и охраны здоровья и окружающей Vadsø ECONOMY WINNER Kirkenes Hammerfest среды Арктической Европы REGULARITY WINNER COMFORT WINNER ALTA TIME COMPETITOR 300 nm Tromsø HIGH SPEED CRAFT LARGE PLANES Harstad Narvik 200 nm Bodø Sea Route Ship Supply Services Vardø Port offers to serve oceangoing vessels at three selected positions TRAVEL EXAMPLES in the sea lane outside their coast. The actual position selected depends Oslo airport - Hammerfest centre: 1210 – 1620 Stavanger airport – Hammerfest centre: 0935 – 1620 on weather and sea conditions. By means of seaworthy smaller vessels operated by skilled seamen they are catering for each vessels individual Typical price NOK 1269 Typical price NOK 1841 requirements. For provisions, technical supplies and consumables, spare parts, mail etc. as well ass for crew changes, repair crews, cargo inspec- Hammerfest centre - Oslo airport: 0900 – 1355 Hammerfest centre – Stavanger airport: 0900 – 1550 tors, surveyors, everybody who needs to board or disembark the vessels. Typical price NOK 1069 Typical price NOK 1757 The services are cost and time efficient in as much as no course deviation is required and no port costs are involved. Alta – The Finnmark region largest urban centre. Climate and weather winner – a preferred all seasons Nordic resort Hammerfest speed craft pier University – Industry – Port Deep sea port – Large industry land development areas. Useful Contacts Photo: Hans Idar Haldorsen Andenes VARDØ TOWN: www.vardo.kommune.no | hallgeir.sornes@vardo.kommune.no CCB VARDØ BARENTS BASE: www.vardobarentsbase.no | cvc@ccb.no Hammerfest Futurum Senja Narvikgaarden ea Hammerfest speed craft transfer bus stop um ar VARDØ PORT: www.vardoport.no | vardhavn@online.no FINNMARK ENTREPRENØR: www.finnmarkentreprenør.no | post@daugaard.no ole Harstad r te Vesterålen VII pet u Narvik Town business growth o B Narvik Town real estate develop- y Sortland By road R prese r ntly 1 o dland 20 k a a m/ d or p N e rop 4 Norway os 4 e he S d k i m T n advisory services n NT ment and management services P r 8 5 e Stokmarknes km VARDØ PROMOR: www.vardopromor.no | hodne@vardopromor.no NORLINES VARDØ: www.norlines.no | vardo@norlines.no h t Evenes By road r Melbu km 57 km in NTP 125 (2 posed 01 Hammerfest Photo © Vegar Herstrøm o /pro 7) Narvik km 160 N ntly ese Lødingen by rail - Finland - Russ e , pr by sea ia - CIS - China oad Sweden - S y r outhern Norway - E www.futurum.no h B urope www.narvikgaarden.no t m o Lofoten www.vardonf.no | post@vardonf.no www.ofr.no | th@svi.as r VARDØ BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: EAST FINNMARK REGIONAL COUNCIL: f / Svolvær o 73 km T ad m ro k By 8 8 t 2 Leknes r ø o d o P B o d t l r d a o o r W y www.kystverket.no | vts.nor@kystverket.no y B VARDØ VESSEL TRAFFIC SERVICES: At exhibitions - an m ro Å /f visit the Arctic Europe stand To Nor HAMMERFEST dl Sweden and ”Energy Exerter” arriving from the Dolginskaya field in the Pechora Sea Буровая установка ”Energy Exerter” прибывает на сервисное обслуживание в AS Design Storvik AS/ Reklamehuset Nord & Co gateway to the Barents Sea VI for service in Kirkenes. Placed at the Tschudi terminal facilities. Project Киркенес с Долгинского месторождения в Печорском море. Пришвартована1 management, Henriksen Shipping Service. на терминале «Tschudi». Руководство проектом – Henriksen Shipping Service. Vardø Kirkenes Hammerfest Alta Narvik brochure brochure brochure brochure brochure ARCTIC EUROPE EXHIBITIONS Storvik is actively exploiting the enormous activities at international exhibitions.
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