750 NATURE February 23, 1963 voL. 197 that the Plan is making a real and valuable contribution stances available from the Centre has been extended by a to educational co-operation in the Commonwealth at a set of thirteen substances intended for checking tho high level. accuracy of different instruments and methods for determining melting temperatures. The sot of World Improving Britain's Overseas Technical Co-operation Health Organization melting-point reference substances IN reply to a question in the House of Commons on includes: January 29, the Secretary of Technical Co-operation, Mr. M.p. M.p. D. Vosper, said that he had reviewed how far Britain's Azobenzene 69° c Salophen 192° (; Vanillin 83° c Sulphapyridine 193° c overseas information met the changing needs of the day Benzil 96° c Dicyandiamide 210° (; and had decided to extend the effort in three main ways. Acetanilide 1!6° c Saccharin 229° c Phenacetin 136° c Caffeine 237° c First, an increase was proposed in the British Council's Benzanilide 165° c Phenolphthalein 263° (; English language teaching and training work, including Sulphanilamide 166° c greater use of modern methods. Tho Council's repre­ sentation in new and developing Commonwealth and Tho substances are a.vaila.blo in a polystyrene plastic foreign cotmtries would also bo strengthened, together package together with a. leaflet on "Directions for Use". with some expansion in Eastern Europe. Secondly, Tho following authentic chemical substances are also British Information Services in some Commonwealth available: countries in Asia and Africa would bo improved and Size (g) Size (g) extended. Thirdly, supplies of television material to tho Chloramphenicol 0·3