·, . . . ( . •


Vol. 2Q_:'_"_N o. 5 ·SAN FRANCISCQ, -~ALIFORNIA. . JUNE, i9G·l

·officerS ·Praise ·Big , Gains in Merribership . . I - . . · The Obligation of our uni'on was given to approximately the l,OOOth member duri'ng a double-purpose. visit · to the state of Havvaii by Operating Engineer officers last month. Sofne of the members in the state of Hawaii havr. belonE:(>d to- the intef"'national for as lo~g as 20 years. . ~.. Besides offiCiating at the reading of the Obligation, the officers participated in negotiations with representatives of the .Haas and HaYQie Company, which is starting a .new de- velopment on the island o( Hawaii. · . lVI'a king the . trip were - - --"------. Br.others Al Clem; business ~ ~ --. 1 manager; Paul Edgecombe·, reae·fQI id president; , W. V. Minahan, ·· . , - recm;~ i ng - ~c~respond ing secre- Bi ~~ .T A IHAI-p. tary; and Newell Carman, Inter- J • V ~ ·national Vice President. 1 '- · , ., ~11 commented m: the . "tre- J~~f'i!"if},lf!!.tiir"u· lfPlt" ~~n mendous job of organ~zil1g''_ that ~~Vr! ~~ ~ ~ . illV. ~as been done on th: Island ~ur- .. President. J· ol~n F. /1~i;, dv mg. tfitl past three years. Then .. _. . . . _nne . ~ - there · were unly -300- members; 1l~as s~g~ed I)].to law a .$394: _mil­ now there are 1000. ·lion area' redevelopment bill-;;- ; . :.~.: x~ ,_ K_kiser- Ha\,_vaii KaJ ho_usi:n2: I p'r~J- ect~ :: cordi_ng' V;. M~alian were· "The labor . J1 is riot one of the. i?- · = k "t · 10~ementth t' k~y m~as~res ~L 1 t , new Adm1mstrabon s pnonty · . 'offiieis ·of Local' 3 'talked to members on·. - ·Ate Kal~, ·Rudolph ~Artuyo and Foreman ~~e:e ~~~. 2~hr o~gc~b~~e~l~e · program _to stem the recession. _ - the iob. With Business 'M-~-na .l!:er AI Clem-- . l'ViHiani :Kanatti. · ~- · - · , years, Hawaii did not have a I The· legislation will result in _. ,~ieft ),_, PresideutPanl Edge~ombe, and' ~ - . strong ~uilding Trades Council more work for Engineers. , · · . . · o~· a strong Central Labor Coun: 1· The ne\v law, similar to those 1 "e.11• i·N· · D '" R · c \, ~ 0 f h' h Eis'enhpwer vetoed in 1958 and 5"J I I On. I I a . y en Ies . e· po· rt .In ·. spite t _Is , t e repre- 1960, seeks to create new jobs I . ~ V . . _ · ~ . · ·, . . . ., sentabves on th~ Islands, Broth- by helping to attract new -indus- It ' u s· s •I'" I - ers Haro~d Lewis, Rupert Teves .tries t o . lJTban areas having. ll n . : . .. ' t I .. J: ·.ch-. d . c· I ' ~nd , . now , Bert .. Nak_ano ?n. the ehronie . unemployment and to 0.; ·_:,,··U t-' -·__:··· 0·_,--f·.····w_,· ;. '.:'·. ,0~-~•.. : [... •__··. 1(<: __-_ ·", _.._il .··.:_ _ :,__ :'_. . : ___· _Jpya_· r .- f_. O__ _, ... 1... 0.. :S· e_· _._._·: . . .· ~s~~~l~e.~f ~~~,au, ~. are dom~ an~· ~;~~ .. a~~l!sc;~~~~~~n~~!~fl:I; .. . . President E.dgec?m~e ~resided against the. use of :federal fUnds at· the meetmg ,1n which· the 1 . " • · , · • - · ··· - · .. ·- , .· · · · · _ · · · ·· :·· · ·• ·· There is a "real need'" for the-Hunters Point shipyard and the Obi" .- t' . d It w held to . p1ra~e. md:ustry from other ·· ·' pneinii16ymefl.t _ d.ro,p p ~ g\aho.qt N<1~~. hiis ·no· !>.lans to close it; Na,vy ' \J:il.dersecrefary .Paul .B. 'Fay, Iga 1011 ~as re.a · .. as .. commumt s; · . · ·· · · ·· ·· · · · · · .. · ·s ·· · tl at th:e· Washmgton school. .. . 18, s~as?il~ llY ) .9 ·_ 5 :million by :·m.ld- Jr . ;::: ~ai? in a~ ~·rap.clsco recen y. . · .: ·. • . - · · · . The· president ·said he was LQAN FUNDS ~pril; . 'Secret_ary..; of -· Labo'r. .. Ar; ·.,_His ~.mphati c statemen~ came durmg a~ msp~t!~n tour of the. "part!_cularly impressed by tll.e It .authorize$ the_horrowing of · -- t_llu r · J . ~ Goldl'>~_rg_· ~nn.o~n_· ~e~i. . :~.·- Yr~· :vh!Ch .r_ecent 'Yashmgton -rumors h~ve _ s~Id _ -IS . mar_ked for so~darity o'f the mell)be:ship as J $200. miilion from_the -:rreasury ""--. ' ~ ./. -.- , .. · . ·', .·.· · : . c ?sJ.Tig . . · · . _ . > . .~ · . . . . . · · evidenced :bY the attentiOn they to set: up two revolvmg 16an ~ ... :· The ': lP,?!es ~ \ tot~L w~:s d~o:wn ·,, :}i'~Y: ·~a1~ ·- ~he .s~at.us of a~l NayaL mst~11~t~op.si:s : bemg ,;-eVIev"Y-e9; expr~ss~d at - t~e : rp.eeting. I ~m funds. of _$1~ - mill~on ea.ch, one - ..' altettt 500;900' .from JIJiarch~'· Ho}V, · .. b.,U~'<} t hink- def1mtely this-shipyard lS m good/ sh~pe .. ·· . · certam, he said, .!Jthat, barqng, for nidl:lstrra:l re-development ' ·,.. e~:;; : '\t ..;. \Vas__ , ·still .. _i .3:. ·:m_· illi(;D:_ · ~ ..·:.; Ml:n~y L?~a~ . 3 . member~ would . . . lsomething unforeseen, the. mem- and the-other for rural develop- . high~r than · .i~ Aprii : l~s Ly~~r~ :~_l~e ' a~.f~ctect 1f the yard sho~- ldj . .I ...• ft .. ·ev . bership ?f .Local .3 in the Stat~ ment. _ , ·. · . ~ .. ,, . ·.• . ,_ ... -.. close.. _ IJ~L'&A of Hawau IS destmed to grow. From- these the government . ~e,' seasovan~. -.il~Jl?:St1,d r(l_t~ : pf- ~> >. c?· ·. 5-DAY TOUR '~ - I . Page': . Vice President C- . . . ~~ ~:.wo:t:k:::15 : ~~~kS, Jil' :; lq_ng~~· fO~e: _ ··: Z ;,- ~';1 : ,. O · · · ury·· borrowmg of another. .. $100 .. :~ , : more!>th(.ln : s~a s qna'tiy:;tij .. aj~· oit: :-?~>-~> - . .· .. ~ . '. . '1._ . . million fdr a f und. to-·''finance ' .,~,i~~&&~ t~~!f~.~~,~: 5_:_ft;ep·. ·· s~, :: Urg · 'e_.. d .:' [0 ·:·.:sp· : Ur :~ EC:Onomy . ·:. -~~~~~~!oru;s~~111.go8s~~~ yce:~:. ~~ ,. ' ... '· ·. · · .... · · '·· · ,. ·'· :··.'!' · -...·" ·· · · · · ·· - · · -.· .-·. - · · ..... • · - · · Ithe cost of constructwn and Im- g_O:U,Q{)_D ·wit?OU!· ' ~ ?~!S --: fq.~i :. :n.i~e. '' :: .. · /. ·. > , '.. • •• • :. ~ •• ; •• .. • . • •• ·::- ,_, • • •• : .. _ • :, - • • •• "· . prov~mep.t of such public. fa,cili- th_an -half-a _year:. ·>. ·· :·. · .. 1\ji~J9~. step s ~ to... stiml!late.. the .JObless for . 1pg r~ th , 0 10 0 't.h - ' ID:C!t~nall~ m reducmg the. n~J.!.l - . - · . '· . : - · _ to ' . 65·.~ ' mi1l~on· il{ Aphl bur, 'wfl.st ~ ~J~~·:.:£f}~~· -s ~ - ~ · -. e .~J, ~·_ , li ·' .'' -·· jobless, ) riclu"ding clairh~nts who jail sente~ces, the price. ot _ele<:" nual .a~J?ropnatw~s for techni­ a.l!>out- the·· saffie ,number as the ·· D:oti.gla.s said the ' ~'hard core" have exh~usfed 'their benefits trical eqmpment, .I am: told,· fell cal aid m -prepanng redevelop- _month before. of unemploy¢ -consists . ot tho(e and · are no-· 1()hger. on -the lists.' 20 to 30 p_er cent." 1 ment progrl!ms. ··' / .. J ! i' i~':. · • •:• .,., .... 'r ; ~ \ ~'' "' ·• ~-· -.-~·:-- ·,~

The $1% millioi1 ~ontrq.ct to build gel)erators for the Trin- ity River project at the Spring Cr~ek · tunnel power plant was . ·awarded to ·· Allis-Chalmers of Milwaukee, ' Wise. Allis-Chal:ri:J.­ . ers will have 2Yz years to build . anq · install t,he generators. · • Bids were.received by Bureau of Reclamation, Lewiston, for Trinity .River Division to clear . Lewiston Reservoir. site, approx- imately 56_0 acres steep highside . and rive1; bed areas. Andres . Cleghorn of Loomis was loW · bidder of '$40,982. Re~eivill.g ·recognition as the lOOOth member of Local ·3 · co:rd.i.ng "Secretary W. V. Niinahan, President Paul Edgt>­ SHASTA COUNTY in Hawaii is Brother Thomas Meyer . .The -cere~nony wa~ combe, Hawaii Representative HarQld Lewis, and Interna­ Realignment and widening of witnessed (from 1 by left) Business 1\'lanager Ai Clem, Re- tiQnal Vice: President .Ne\vell Carman. Whitmore road between 5.8 and ' 11.8 miles each of Millville will iHawaii begin soon. This contract was • ! awarded to Brown-Ftly G:ompany . of San Rafael in the amount of $419,000 . . Construction of two n~w southbound lanes ·to provide a­ ;B)T Harold Lewis, Rupert Teves 1 party by the shop stewards of ''When I get home, I am going child. ~rother Bill ·'began to de- ! four-lane fre':way between Cot- . and-B:ort Naka·no · I ~awau. .a ~Ike ny other busm~ss to m~ ~ tl~e · floor. and ct_It the cl· ~ne and nem,ly got hit over the j' tOI~wood and JUSt nort~ of Bruce . . Tl. b' . th 1 Lip, there are moments of JOY dmne1 taole legs, this Is . the Jl1ead b" Brothe Teves. whom .Dnve m Anderson w~ll cost at ' · ~e · Ig news last mon vvas 1 ~ l 1 aJ t · 0 f th 12 . l ... ·t . f 1 t1 lth ' ,,nc av:, 1 - b t" . " - · r ' . ' 1 t $5 ·8 ·ooo Th 1 b'd · · 10 1 ei. . ne o ese mo es . Brothe Paul Edo·ecombe claims eas u ' ., e ow I was . J Ie uutia Ion ° t le ~ sanc I men's· was at the tea house ' Brother. Bill- Minahan a very . ··b , · 't th Ha a .. b a L • ' r · "' . 1I ,;ubmitted b. " Ransome Com- 0 11ch ' · · • . . ' • can smell a luau ten mrles away. ~ • J ,,mem er. m e -"~. u .. r where the floors are matted and cons·eJ;vatlve man didn't qmte .· . . • . . :. pany. of"Loca1 3. The Hawa11 members • . n • . . . . ' . , .Judg,mg from the · way -Brother , . _ . . . " h d t h , . B. tl ,_1 Ll1e legs of the chnner _ta bles understand the hospitality of the , Paurducr into the local delica-1 Ransome ~ompany JS p~esent- .. 0 1 1 1 Nwer~ . ocnore B a~ e ~,/T e ! are not more ·than 12 mches Island people. He,_ thro.ugh "Sam- c·es .-t- o'''OlJ~d· n ' t _•,ake . fo • Iy engaged:-- m the ope.ratwn of"' . ewell arman usmess man- . 1 , 10110 1 . . Al Cl 1 · ~ 1 ,..., 1 . . • I , I ·l ~ o d' t · ._ tl f R . dd' . · ' P .d p · ,· on g. · I I~Y ..::;amson, o"a . ·r epr_esenca: ; him to pass for- a "Keiki Ka 1r movmg sou 1 o . e . 1~g. ager. em, -- resi ent · au1 ON" TFIE: FLOOR · ti\' 'of· ·the 0 1 ''Eda b d Laborers UniOl1 lo Th. k · t f k 111 g · .R ·d· S . 1 . . . ' e · · ' -Lf.\ina IKe Pono" (native son of l Is wor consis s _· o ma '' ••· . oe..com e an . e.cor m_g. ec 1 The partakers of delrq~us catecL Abe; Bung, who _went to . th land). . ~ fox holes ~nd bu~lding pill-~oxes · }e~r~ ~- V. MI~~han ~~SI~ ~s Japanese food l1ad no alternat_Ive with 0 0 ~ollege ~ro hl1er B1ll's son- - ~rother PauL an old t-imer. in for a movre st-udio which Will be· • ,.~n . B a hspecTial mee Nmlo but to sit on . the _- floor usmg mitiate rot er 1omas m-la.w. · -Cmncidenta-lly. a luau . 1,1 e .. ]·'b . 'IllO-"';,Ine'nt . '"aS " "'~- lli·ck I moving t_o 'the Dr. Price Rane:!Jt · eyer, b t · · Wl , . t' f t) .. · . ·. . t · l · " or . '·V . ' · ·'1 1 • . . :ia cat·-skinner, as:· the O.tl 1 1 . 1,000th al_ .a ' two-me~ cBus_ 1Itol n .. .Clien A\nba ~vel .. eas was m progress a II to recognize trhe local " Hoomali- · ·~ s~uth of Rlledbd1If1gl,. wdh~rTeh a Rwa'!' i . , I c mne1 was over , 10 1er em e s 1,0me. . _ . , male" {B.S.). It , win be· a lona. picture w1 · e . 1 me .. . e .ea- .Jllemqer. 1 co'llected ' a dozen or so of these .Abe · Dung mv•Ited ' Brother :· ".'m , be:li o , h , fol'o: et th . ex~ - · ,ding Employment of_flce · states· f The visiting "Alii"·- of Local 3 cushiol)s an? recl_ined without Minahan :and_ the rest ,·of' the;, L~· e:si on . re :, e .·. o s e · l·that many of om -·loc(!l · b.oy~ l wiU ;and "P Brother Newell Carman even removmg Ins legs from . grotJ_P to participate m the c~le - p _ . I be taking pa:rt in tl1e i ilmi!lg, 9f' were tre 1 ated to a tea house under the table remarkmg: brat.wn of the ·chnstenmg of a ' THANKS this picture. ~ - _ In seriousness, the represen- 1 GRAVEL PLANTS 0 ~J!.f;tflor~ ·- ~.e.o tatives and l:;em_~ers,in , Hawa~i ·l · ·· There has be : ~n ·:~ ~ ~te _~ dYr. V.~;- . Contributo-rs Shipyard T v ·f m~~ i;D ~~~ want to say m_ahalo for their crease of gravel p~_imt. ~.in ,Nor:th- !!l_.!' ··g :.... 'A_;:n 1f!.· help ~ in st ~? ightening _s~veral J e_rn Califori1i_a \viJh~·' Wt-;t~ .. ~~'?- i~ fl - ~ lll - En·_ gineers ·~ Stay_ Open,_ B ~ labor :·probl~111s m the .Islands. 1 trona! plants 111 operatiOn. These 1 Their mere ptesence made a few Igravel plants mean steady year Blood Bank's Fay Reports iln. AWA;; companies shake. . . ~- round work for a number of ' I ~ ~ !3 a The, out-of-work list Is up to brothers. . • · Operating Engineer blood Continued from Page 1) (Continued fron1 Page 1) 81 .at this writing and very little ~- Much of the work on . High~ •bank contrib\Itors _recently in - ~ men, who would be directly af- for '~' ork th firm plans in the new work -Is :f.oreseen until July, way 299-W this year will be in eluded: . fected. • t . tl ff t d tl , when highvvay and development and around - . I RedehiJ.a The work ·. Hs" ~ e, .. :; o H.Ic ers mspec_ e ' . 1e I iobs are expected to begin. There I consists of tunnNs o·~nd power At the request of interes!.ed awau hai ousmg pro]eCL. · tl · ? · - · b ·n . . . - sAN JOSE: Harold S. Martin San Franciscar-s 1 398 76 1 's There is a tremei1dous amount ~~ . e .;>· w pipe me JO I 1hous es, also relocatiOn of H1gh- , · ' . . . · . 11-Ieeia on Oahu that J . M. Tana- 1 299 G'bb d (twice); Richard Zimmerman senators and represent"tlves m of dirt to be moved at the pro]-1 · : .. way · I ons an R ee d are ( ai·ess l1ave a· sl"e,d tl1"e Secre-1 ect ancl most of it is volcanic I' lea Compan twice); K enneth B. Holt, Robert Coll"' ' _ ' . . y prcked up._Hawall- 1in .... full swing with one shift on .E. ·Martin, . an Dredam!?; was low bidder on 'I tl Wl . k t . - . · t and Ruby Pounds. tary of Defense to review the rock. 1n addrtwn there IS a rna- . "' .' . b . 1e . 11s ev own PlO]eC · , • . • • ~ • • • , • 1 the Kahului Harbor JO on MauL value of the l SISKIYOU COUNTY · S A N T A R 0 S A , UKIAH: yard. ]Or drec~gmg JOb connected with The $300 nlillion development . . , If h k the pro] ect. · I . . 1 B1ds were opened tne other ·clia.rles . Norton . a,Jid F~oyd s ip repair wor is cut "It' . . t tl t H by Haas & Hayme still has no , day on the Yreka Mt. job The down, it was suggested, Hunters · . s a P Pare n 1a enry , definite startina Webb. · · t · 1 t b time. !'. . b'dd tl · · b · R P d f . Kaiser has contnbuted a great b . . . 1ow I er on _us JO . was ay om mig 1 e use 1 or con- d , 1 t 0 tl - f tl Hood ConstructiOn IS still ne- . Kizer the same· contractor mov- FRESNO I{ N Ale a d Strllctl.on and overl1at1l of 11u ea le economy 0 .le 1 a· t· t· a t o· t th · T · I ' :. . . x n er . - islands,'< Brother Clem com- -~ bo Ia m o . ~ _oe . a no ei r ous- ing the dirt on the freeway ,and -Stanley Hensen. clear submarines. at me nted. dale subdiVISIOn m Kaneohe and Castella. - I VALLEJO: Ed Kirk. (Note: ENGINEERS "Wh1'l l 1 d , d'f1 has no new work for our broth- Slate Hall & Hamilton are • ~ . e we lave Ia our · ers G Kobatake is holding his ' · · The Vallejo blood bfmk 1 .is open Operating Engineers at Hunt- ferences of opinion with this • • • W . W . NI , well 1 1 on their way on a $7 rrul- , until 6:30 p.m. the third . ers Point, IDC!ny of whom have firni from time to time on the I ol wln . m daJ)~ m , h ar upe, . o- 11ioi1 project. This area ·Was a Wednesday of each month. worked there for years, operate whole they treat our ~embers mH~Iah an T\.aneo et. t· Ltd 'constant. hazard tn motorists: ll • f t th d . . , , · 1g way ronspor a 1011 . PIPE LINE a cypes o cranes a e yar . with the respect due them." 1- · . ' · · 1 OAI(LAND T d C Eda R tl tl 1 t d Al B f . · · has had to cut Its work force . . . . . p· : . . e ox, bar ecen y, 1ey . e ec e . . u - cThe of fleets concluded that l ]" f ·k- ' The Canadian Calrform~ Ipe If01 ' 0 Locke and Clmton ~- Webste_r ·l fington to serve as their stew- although their visit was very ac' woi · 'Line has made terrific progress · (To make an appomtmen~ m l ard. · .· short and their schedule busy, • HELPERS · the last few months. At present Oa.kland, telephone · OLympic 4- Captain Charles A. Curtze, tney enjoyed themselves and Our thanks and appreciation they are locat.ed at. Burney and 29.21.). · commander of the base, recently Icame aWay feeling the trip was to Brother Harry Robins, Andy Oak Run. Approximately 100 1 STOCKTON: Roy Brawley, Al- to,ld Local 3 that 6500 pers?ns m,utually valuable-to them and Ako, and Charles Kamalani who Engi!leers on this project. . ton Wolbert and Lawrence· r. la1e ~mployed at Hunters ~omt., to the members on the Islands. ente'rtained at .. the stewards Iron Gate Dam, Hornbrook, IS Smith. . II earmng about $160,000 :a · day. ~ They agreed that · "members party with Hawaiian, Japanese once ag..ain in full operation. Ap­ Captain Curtze a:;sured the un- can rest assured that their in- and English songs. Mahala Nui proximately 35 Brothers are em- SAN. RAFAEL: A permanent , ion he would ,do everything ·pos- teres'ts__ are being well-preserved aJso to Brother, Hiram Olsen, ployed here. This dam is being bl0·o-d procurement center is !' sible to .maintain-the - ~von' force ?Y -the thre·e agents 0'11 the who arranged for the entertain- built ?Y .Morrison-Kiiud·sen Co~- · now_ open at 508-A Fourth st. that rs now employed. r· Islands." ment at the special meeting to structwn Company for the Call- • . ___ _. ____ . initiate Thomas Meyers into the fornia-Oregon Power Company. .. 0 0 ~ I f' ' e u· . . - t N - h Brotherhood. The crest of the dam will rise . ~CI - 11 orni:O . nl.ons· : ._ ew a·g·. . The Hawaiin . brothers have 173 feet above the Klamath's expressed the hope that the of- rocky bed. The top of the dam California union membership Labor Statistics and Research. bers was not enough to bring ficers won't wait too long before will stretch 685 feet from can4 passed the 1% million mark for . Although unio ~ membership the area's totil.l back up to the returning for another meeting Yo_n wall t? ~ canyon wall . . Wh~n the first time in 1960, John F. was at a record. level for the 1 July ~ peak of , _ in Hawaii. On .this note, we want I this dam 1s completed,_ It Will Henning 1957 763 500 , Director of the State's State a.s a whole, m both the Los-r · . . . . . to jnfor.m the local brothers that l:cost COPCO $6.5 milliOn and 5 3 0 De·partment of Industrial Rela, Angel_es- Long . Beach and ~an ·. _ P:- year-to-year d~op of. • ~ , the officers will be back to ini- will hav~ kept '150 men em- tions, announced last week. Francis~o-Oakland Metropolitan 1 umon members was reported m I tiate the 2000th member here; ' ployed smce last September. . Unions ·had an estimated! 1,· areas it remained· below the i the six-county. ,- Iso do your share and· organize I Iron Gate dam will generate 756,000 california members in highs es'tablished before the I Oakland ' Metropolitan Area,· l he unorganized. Your "kokua" I power . arid control re-regulat~ Ju.ly 1960, about 15,000 more 1957-58 recession. 1 brin~ing t.he. total down to 463,- t will certainly be appreciated. the flow. of the Klamath: than in the preceding July. This Union membership in the Los 14QO m July 1~60 , compared wrth · · · Brother Barney Word · 'Qas • ] count is based .on replies re­ Angeles- LDng Beach Metropoli- the, peak of 479,500 reached in _ · . ENGINEER; NEWS b~en 1 assigned to this office as· ceived from nearly 3,400 local tan Area reached 760;400 in i July 1957. The 1 per cent drop Published month!y 'by Lo~al Union No. Dispatcher. Brother Word ~as · unions · · ,, , ~ - b h' ·f · 3 of the Internahonal Umon of Opera!- d . tl Executive returning · the annual July, 1960, a gam of n of 1 per ·m mem ers 1p rom 1959 com- ing Engineers, '474 ValenCia st:; San ~ ~ serve y.ou on 1e . . · . ' '· •··· · · membership questionnaire of cent over Ju~y · l9~9. However, ei~e-d, with .a rise of over 2 per · ;~~nc;.i:I !· ~~\~~~~~~/~~~lir.•>St- Board and als{) on.the ; g~revance · !~the · Deparhrienes . Di\risfon of the net add1t10n 1 of 3,600 mem- cent m employment. . · · comnutte -~ , · . ·. . , - · · :,. j ,__


~: - .· t .

_;, Diversion of S.i~ve'r Creek at .Union VaHey Dam OefU> This is an·ear:th fined dam and will ~--.

: ~- '?·- -be' a ife~utif'~d ~~!{~ : site' whendt is .c,om,pleted. . 'The dar;. w'~tl ).>a_~~c~: p · ~- 7 T,O(l.O ~ ac· r~ : f~~t. . . ; . . . ' . .. . ·e,: _

' -~~- . . ~ ., -_ :~ . _., ";.-·.· / . ... _.. Jf.r. ,_.•l ,

-~ ~--- ·_ i' e ! o~; he~ic ·otl:~e t .: used b~t- th-e Bech tel ~ Cor- -· p·oru\ion ·with the Jaybird P-e nstock and power rf©USE· ·iirJ back .grO_lHH.{ , ·J 'bs ·-_· ·- . II c

-• LET ' ui:RElREAD YOUR PRESEI{T . -~~~!~;T~R;tiE~;~ I ·R ;J•iiLf A~-E .. - • OU:RVIOR K:Is GU·ARANtml -- • FREE lOANERS WHILE--WE .­ REBUILD y 'o-UR~IRES ;

In compliance with action of Executive Board, wa.Ilets are to ):Je given to : burn. In badi: is Pi·esident Paul Edgeenmbe. A t the Sacramento· District pasi membe:rs of the Grievance Committees who have served over one . meeting held on May 4, wallets were presented by · Business· Manager AI · yea.r. At the S~oddoi1 District Meeting held on May 9, walle~ were pre­ Clem to Brothers Harry Crigler- a.nd Geor-ge . ~1cFadden. : At· the table sented (left) to Brothers Harvey Edwards, La.rry Chapman and Sam Co- are W. .V, 'Minahan and H. T~ Petersen.' ·

allets' .Given ·_f·or riev_ance (om ·i ttee.· : S-ervice Prior to going qhder local au- 1 cal union as well as helping to . our officers: rule, tl;at our/ union has been Bvard . voted · unanimously _to• . tonomy,. the Grieva~ce . Commit- ~ expl-ain the rights o_f unionism But in ma_ny .instances, \lue to made better.. We all owe a vote .present a. wallet . to any brother tee sat m the 1~ d1stncts com- to our brother members. - . not being familiar wi t h . these of thanks to those brothers virh0. wpo had served for a perio'fl of 1 prising Local 3. We find in taUi:ing to these. laws , they have violated some devote one evening a _week to ; one year on the Grievance Com ~ These .brothers who were members who served on the of the rules. And it is through serve on the various Grievance [ mittee. In the last round . of elected to s-erve on the.. Griev- Grieva,nce Committrie that the ~he efforts of th~ brothe:s serv- 1Committees, . helpin'g _ t h·e i r meetings · in Se . - Ill~ By Paul Edgecombe, Jerry Dow~ Tassa Company); and a two-sto_ry· Laux, N~~~s E~~s~y .and · Richmond. Some ·tearing down l ·Yuba Erectors, ·a· division of · and G2orge Baker _- . addition to -the 5th a:nd Mission , ~ .. , ,. old parts of the plant, others Iy b - C. . l'd t d d t . f · · St t G - · · .(.. H . · & ·H _,_ -~ ' c\ · · , . t' -. dd't· . - u a onso I a e n 1 us nes o Construction work in the Sair . r _ee . _ arage;. · aas ayme, ~ The Oakland area is rolling. · erec mg new a I wns. · - . . __ · ...... ~ -~ _ ._ . , · There have been approximately ·. Blake· Bros. quarry looks like ~~ner y v~ll~, h~s t~e conJract fo: F-ranci~co c.. :·c a :t'::e a- \ ba-s·:· not·' - i~ - - ~::'- · DIAiVior4p REIGHT~· ~'iit;P: / 7'15 .. men cleared during· the .it might.. be. back in pro_duction I· te tsu -s ruf~tlhlresB ai~ . sMupet~ - creased s i nce .: la~tAJlont.lJ., but we ·Appr9ximate,l_y,.; ~9 : ir t.nJ~itll:t!l'l;s - · . · . . s rue ures o ···- e · emc1a- ar 1- - 1 d th D'am-orld :month of . May.. . . . for the· season after a· slow off ~- B .d .. Th. . b . d have maintained:.. a normal work are emp oye ...on. ~ 1--~ . . , · d' t . : . . · th and on . winter. _ . . . nez rig~: . Is JO rs ~n . er Heights Prqjfkt, puttipg ·in seW.~ -- The Imme Ia e future m ~ ._ ~ ~ . .. ._ . __ _· . the . supe.rvlSl'on of Fra.n . M~r- force. ·We" still -have many Engic er's · ·and ··-pa\fing: ·• iffie streets·} 1 ~rea . as a_ ~hole I 0 _oks . excep ' ·. Quarry Pr?ducts IS r.evampmg 'I p}1y, proJect manager, and 'Bill neers ' on 'our Ollt-of-Wm'k •list: '' Atkinson; Low.riEfC' Paving-:·: and hona_lly good for this ye;lr. Ac- Its p_la.nt, with- ele_. ctnc .. motors ZI'eg"Ier, p·roJ'ect' superi·nte· nd·e ·n't·. . ·Ir" th. e·.fr·e· e. '''ay'p._ r.. o'-g-·r--.a--_m doesrl't._. V ll E . th. ,.. "' ·v ~ , ey ngmee}'Si;, ·1 §..!i,~,r;._ " _ ~~ ~ 3q~1,\l c.or. d_m.g to, some of the r_eports, re.pJac__ ._ I_ n~:t_ .the ga_s__ _and __ _die _se.I _en- 1They are in the process of co_m- develop _·s.. oo ... r.l._,_ __ __ u_r. _d__ _ irt -niovirig t . t f · tb' 1. ~ ~h 11 b f th b t ':lh h d th · 9 . rae ors per Oi ffi:\P~r--, itJ S ,, »:p,t./} L IS w1 · e one o e es years gmes w IC oesaway .w1 a pleting the last water pier engineers· ar& ..goirlg ' lb have to · h ~·:; . this area has ~ver had. Most aU lot of' grief for the plant opera-: which is a slipform method and>... ct() elsewhere for employment. Fayl _ Improv~mbent __ Bas aJ.t.eyetn. of the Brotliers who normally tor.- · · -- . - . o . 1 12 - . _ · . - rr10nt 1 sewer JO on ay P ree · .. k . t f · 0 kl_. d 1-. 11 · . IS .the _last of pie_rs poured by All indications are that build~ M. J.· Lyunch and Walter Len- · wor ou . o a an . 1a are :Rosendahl cranes are busy all this method. , · · · . . . , ~ - · th B' · .· • Jl:)a rd at 1t as are a. humber of over ·.th~ · tountry. si'de . . Lee ·. J. ke1t have CI e::' s on erry · · · -~ On . ~ Brothers who moved in from I · 1 · d · dd · d' · d the· M_artinez side, ·_they Street s·ewer· Job·· ·McQmre nn d· - · mme Is omg o s ' art en s have ·all the steel erected and ·h · ·. a · th SPECIAL NOTICE - Brot · Hester have begun work on the. ~ ·. er ar~as. a~l o~ei': Bob _Smith i~ keep_irig the cement deck poured for· the ers fnterested in going -to Tenth and Fulton sewer ~ob___:.; !he drrt movers have be~n his d1rt spreads workmg fairly roadway. At the present time, work at Sa1i Francisco Naval · approximately ~600 feet of 36~' gomg real goog, and from. all .m- - steady ~ - . . . . they have stqrted erection of [ Shipyard- contact the · San inch and 18-inch· pipe to be ili~ , d~cations we will be short on · Peter ~iewit kicked off the El the steel trusses over the Car- Francisco Dispatcher immedi· stalled. d.?z.ers, scrapers, pulls art~ blade Portal Shopp~ng · Center !n San _quinez:Straits: 'Commencing the ately. . On .the huge federal building, - hands as well as mech~n1cs and • Pablo :and h1s subbed out . the Jatter part of June, they are . 1 . . _. . a crew .of 25 engineers are em- grade sett.ers e_arly thi.s_SJ)ason . tr~n<:h~ng to S. M. . Roberson, planning on erecting one span mg construction should m~re~se played excavating, . surveying,. . In Berkel~Y: th~re IS a bee- P & D trenching · and various of steel· per month. ' · ~ - soor: -due to the many ~mldmg pouring· concrete and .. well points bi~e . of act.lVlty on the . new others· with 0 . . C. Jones- doing - The method used . in the : box . p,!:_oJects . that are P.roposed ?J keeping the hole dry. Engineers bmldmgs gomg up on the cam- the grading and- placing the; f t' g Th b .· f t- Just mclude 0 starte~. Th~y the on the well points are workinct P¥S at t~e Unive~sity of<9 ~ lifor- base and w~ll do the surlacing i~gsi:e~:~s ~~.;d in ~he~: R~~h- Fp?tana ~ooper~trve apartmen~s,. arov_nd the clock, ' seven~ d~ys pe~ 0 1 ma. They _are bemg erected by ·later this fall. ·-' . _ · . . P . ·· a.L an est~~ate~ cost o~ $29 m1l- week. _ . . · _ • _ Lh E t N - d St lt . - . \ mond yard and then floated to llon (Pacific Company IS the con- . . , . ~ e I1\~omF o;s_eL a~ , °C e · A~d . while there ~re no ex- _the bridge and firmed in place tractor); 0 Lone Mount d a ~ro~ · ~eptronally . larg~ proJects to t~e j by' ceme1_1t filled steel ca~sons, . for womeri- (Rothschild, Raffin l~g.e of conduct~ng the :f1rst of•- . bi~ ·of the wo k'.e o_ut qu te a _-nort~ of .this a~ea, there are ~u- 1· The · bi~ge~t problem . on this and Weirick); USF Law school, flClal me~bersh1p me~tmg,. May. · Sh t-t kr; A h R merous other firms who are n:n.- JOb was. fmdmg bedrock to. sup- a million dollar addition . to . the 22, 1961, m - 0 n a uc venue t e .an- . t t . t ll' -· - th~ beautiful c1ty . of_ · _ . . . - '. ._ provmg s r.ee s, ms a. mg .new \ p:ort the p1er. .s., The. . (1\1 . . . H 1 1 0 . . 200 B th En 5 overall campus & K Corporation); _ono u u. ver . . ro . er . ~ _?me ~o . IS corg;tructmg .a dr . al)-d _replacmg. .o.~d p1pe lines, length of th~s -bridge is · 6215 Pine and Ma~on 19-story apart"' gme~r~ .at! ended and witnessed VI.der. rsla~d, subbed out to gradmg. subdlVlsrons, and all '[ feet and itis supported by piers Iment house (Cahill Brothers)' a the Imtratwn of Tom Myers as ~Itchie Miller,. D~ll~ - and the tpat go~s w~th the us:ual season- ~ro~ 100 to 138 feet above the three-story studen( parkil1g 'fa- ~he thousanth enginee~ in that ~ - h& MB Conhstrcuctwtn· Ct?· Tche al constructiOn work. - water level. - ' cilities at the State-college (Amo- state. · . .. . . : Jp n ranag ons ru9 ron . o. · · · . . · · · · .The · hospitality . shown us on the Gil . tractis going full . . . , . · _ ·· . 't,hroughout our stay made our !},last· on the married student's Sou'thern Alame·da Co~~~n· ·ty Report· .. . . ; trip a memorable "occasion. A housing on Sixth · Street in Al- · _ · ~ . ~ - . . · - · . Japanese tea garden dinner .and bany.:, with 0 . C. Jones doing the ...The work in · southern · Ala: · draglfne to _get it out: They have dustry in this· area is going full a ·native luau was a most tin:­ grading, ·and Prodanovi<:h on meda County is -going quite-well. been .. wo-rkirl'g two. shifts' and bla~_t now ~ All the plants are in usual event and. afforded us an the pipe. _ · _ · There are m~ny dirt jobs_ going have ~eally,.- had a battle. · ._ . :. full operation ~~nd all. hands j opportunity_ t.o become · better _. RICHMOND full blast and a lot _of Eng ! n~ers The Rock Sand and Gravel m-. back on a full-week ·basis. · acquainted. · · · · ; The yards in Richmond are are employed by 'v arious con~ - .· . . . .._ _ - · . •

:::p~~~/ ~~~bs~a~ ~:n?~~t~~ tra~!~:s : Hood at Ltvermore is A_·... F_L_· - Op.p __ ·o . ses. >. Ta_· X .Cred _ it P_l_a-ri . I;J.ess l:)as been gpod to the broth:. still- working a big spread o·n its - - ers working at Par Terminal canal and pipeline jop: They are Preside:ht .. Kennedy's • invest- 1 Stanley H. . ·Ruttenberg said _ lion tax credit plan as a "busi· and Learners have been able t6 digging the canal with rubber- me~(t~x cr~dit proposal "would IAmerica n~eds "the durable ness tax subsidy crash program" keep some ·Engineers on the pay- tired rigs. They": have


June is "Appr~ntf(!eship Month'' in California, and .we in .Operating .Engin~ers ,;JjoCaJ 3, are. especiaJly a w a r e· of th~ , 'value- of apprentk~ship)rain~ng. . • •· -~- ' · · The objective of "Apprenti<:;eship ·· Month';, is to tell 'the ' :people or thesiii.te about the progressive steps taken by labor . :and ,:rp.anagement, ·with ,.assistance :'from:. state and 'fed~ra1 agencies - ~nd public:s.chools, to expend and imprO\ie .the qual,. . ' ity of appreriticesh'ip. '...... - ' ~~b : Rapp. Co:nstruGtion: h-a5~jl!'~t -~~-· . • • men. -· ' '' · - · ·/ · 'S. .. f"L~ - f ' R -t - ei -:ac- -~ . _I.Q OS _0 ._ . ·1. e - e. -Urn ~. .. g·a_l n . our own appi.~enticeship training p~ogram y;as the subject • · · By;_RUSS s-\.VANS.ON .. b~aith . Construction just ·started Jurkovich ·!1as just started on ·o~ a _ disc~lSsion . by Tr_easurer H. T. Petersen 're~ently. ~e , .· .In the .past fi~e :or ·six report~, \ ont a $1;150,000 pipeline job ·the · re-surfacing job ~ · Clov_er- VICe Pr~1dent Jery . Dowd, an.d· myself attended a . . the Santa- Rosa-Ukia·h area :neet~g · has .fronLSanta Rosa to·- Petaluma . .. dale. . held by the San-Mateo County chapter of the Engn~eenng been -somewbat ~~ slo)v; .. but in-.1 -Argonaut Constr:.~ctqrs are/ . . · TWO 1 SHIFTS·. . . and· Grading Co~ tractor-S."' _ . ·: :.. -· . · - _· creasef~ activity •ii (, .: .••J:>tisy a,t G.ualala 1 ~~nt.a ~o_~? - t~e !~a? · jo? :~_nd '. Luhr .Construction • and. -Miles Treasurer Petersen,. at. the :·: .. ·~,> ..• _ I? -~~ pjpeline . jobs . . Arthqt _B. on :{he lev~e '.Job : _near .l\Ji:ce. This. meeting, I believe; is a typical .example qf· the kind of . JB~n -_aud ~ 7 ~m~p~()n ~ne : {lt~~!~ .SJfL?gs .scattered work at IVlld, 1S_!lellma _k,er Is wo~~1 ~g_ arou!Jd ~nion and employer relationships tnat exist in Local 3. We tyYP 1 e.? . on~ -shift. b~Sl~, .on -t.?e!r.· d. ~!o~m, _Lower . La~e . road, I the clock on _a 4reagmg:o ~perat~ -can sit dmvn . at a me~ll with. the employers· and make our :lgghway .]ob , _ £~9-m : > WUJ:~s?p::t.o ;:.:VV~~te~ly, Lake·' Roaq ;at ~ealds~ 1 ing:. at ·B_o,dega· Bf!y., Frednck~on 'views known to them ·· · '/ - · · ·.· .. Healdsburg._ Guy ·. F. ,. :.)~tkmsonJ5urg, -.Rohnert ..Park ,Carey\ Brothers is in full swing · atN~pa · : · . ()~1C~ . · ~gain ,i~ . ~·oih_g;. §t~oil _g '~ on ~ ~rot~1r,s i~ SU):}bing_th,e ··airt ~Of on ip_ghway' an(nlmp vVOr~, do- ... : . .' _ . · - .._ -ac- . · .~ ; , . · · · 73 . ~~~~~e~~~~~{~~~Wlh~~~;~;d~f? ~·~-~I~~Y: .~f ~ek!; ~~~~~ho~~dl~-~ j · ~f~:~~~6:~~~~c~~!ofs~ -~~~~~- at lng:V~ w:;:c::; . ~t~~=~:~ -~~~ ~!:~~:; ~!:~.ee~ ._, , ; • . ·; _ , , :, - ~ . . J variou.s locations a~d ]ust fmi~h, Oakland,_ho.wever, more than z.oo QJ.embers turned ~ut for a: · -s ··'-..... -•I('··. ,; '" P 'b ' _. ing ·the_ ..·. overpass : JOO at. Na,pa; rece_nt meefuig;Brotherswhoregularly attend.meetings,and .. _: __ ; >· ·--- s·. . · ··s :··~, -ro·- e _·:· . Mcyui~e &. H~ster is in.the)i- ~artieipate in the-operation of our union_not only are insur- : •. , . 8 - . e...... U . . . , .- . naL stage,S of ·the .Se\\{_age p_lant_ :mg .the best .for them~elves, b~t ~they · know, also, that they_ ._ - ·-~ · .' .· -. ··- .- ·-·_ .:· .. ·.. ,--, ·.. · ,- c~· .. H.-. . · .__ -:: .· co~~tr~ct.io. n ·· at '. Calist~ga . P.on are taking · the res.. ponsi~ility of. good.. tmiom. ·sts and good ··· . . . ·t-···w· ;_a·~ · te" ·- r· e~ .- ...- ... , D_o~v~ IS .busy Wlth ·van?us ,sub,- · Americans. . .· ...... : ,:. _ ·,, ~ ·am o· . ·· . .· . .: , _-, . ,· · .... . • :diVIs!Ons, ,buthas· veryhttle·ma- ._.- · . · · . · . · . a·c-· · . ._., · ·_ · #. . · : • .. . .- . • . ·: -· ·• ·:· · , , · · • · , jorwork.Alrtherock,sandatid ·· . N ·h ·· · - ·. ..:. ':1 ti. . -f . th Stat f N d h • . :;:~':Ag~fitU:ltnr~ - Secre +_~ry, Dr\~i lle 0 0 .. 9t~~~,· J:Iam ·Robbery!''. · · .· · .· I gray¢1:-planti ar~ -. going strong_. ... . e~ . ' ~mg ~e15wa . ons. ~ . ~ . , e ~ ·.··· eva . a ;ve. · .·.. ' -·- -:: "· "·· "• - • ' •• ~ ·· ,,... : . •· ·" .... ' J • • • : ~:'\The·':.inagazine ··is :published ~. by. l D.H.L: ·co-. is,inA be; final sta oe•s. be~n overwhe-lmmgly approved. This 1s •.. , .fr~ema 1y 111 ·: another- demonslra· pa~ :;~ W·;~A · ~9 ·- ~ ~~ IE1:'t 'c6ris~tners Union,.:.-'Qig ,- hatibnal : 0 £.the Boonvili'e. Road ·. job .. P~te . tion of the .necessitY, for a strong local' union an. -oFder -Issued by, former Sec- · .. · · ·." : · · · · d ,. and a .. .;·:·.<-;" !)ygf~V~fitrqn : wl:pc~b~ests · · - · · · - t t' 1 · W'th ·t th · th · k. · -'~;ti -· ·1d " an Yom•:attention is' drawn to. wage increase·s that have- . ~v_h'~t~e!' :' ~~~:y' '~re~ef :"Yatgr~:d b€en ' :9~/ :;< \-/~':- '· NO liEAR:IN~ .· : '· :,: !road:-·"v?rk between · Fort·-'Ross ,negqtiated by yoYt union,, and wh:icj1 ·have recently ' gotie - ~ntQ · < •. l!~·y~ter_~~ -:~ .l1lll~ ":. C.: '-\:}.>: ~ - ~<> 1:-~.~,'I'J:~::r~~ticle 'P~ftnt~ : ?~tthatthe and · ~e~ne~ . .· · <. .... ::.. .· ·· -. -- >: · effe~t m;-y:Vill go, j_n~o §ff~t.i~ --th~ near.: fut~e . ., ·- Under.,..:· £-.ens9J;l' <.TIJ.e:at 1 · ~ .:~henthepay) , ~ pagk~rs .,B.~n~~p, .·~ or.de_r". ·· off~cially_ .- re_de- ; _. .. . · . o N~W .. 'V:O}tK · · '-' .. ·o ... check reflects the .merease· each Brother Is ·~remmded- of,tJie :·.: •w~~te~, ~~~~n ~~~);~tif~ -; Ni~:t:.J~:t~~it/ r~e!Jiib: :e~h10·' ~~j.~~~~~u~:e~ !;n:;it(l~~!~vk~;h\V~~~~)~~;.t::~ ' on~ .I;>ig . be?ef~t ' ()f go0d.~?~ .sm< T~e ~-ci:~-e~t~rd.s .t?' Ouf·Wp~ i : : -~-~H-~ew:nres ;'·· ~·'~f>'+~l'~~~;' 'w~Je:V; . - .·~~ ~ ·:\¥itJi :~, Sv'ater .~:. · T.l)is. • J'i~s ,;;dQne: was .bid . on ;May 31'. The .buqget tfh,e bsafletyyrootffam, t~e frmft ge~_benefitst' b~~ the _;:asot . p~i~ess tothe~ thn~ ,. t;:P'J~ : J)loreyra' fi.:: $ .S :a :g~_lf : :';wjth:O\it a . Pl!blic , ge(!ririg:'· ~uid allocatiqn . y/is for · $l, 75Q;OQO.. .. or,·.·. e ongmg 0. a :rmo~ :. o _ en a:.;-e n(} · o .rous .o us. ·-01 ·· e .... Ion. That 'Cfiatge'- w~s.'. made : iri an:· ::.Wit1io.uta ''publi(:! r:~oord." · . / . ' Reichhold; .and Jurkovich· were pay check alwaY:S lS~ ' . . . - . .: . ·.: ·.... - . . - · afticfe - ·th~ ib -Mar~hjs;~u~ -~ Crf- ~C~il:: ~j~~~ J11: ~tl).:e . p:fOcess of : "pickling~' - lo~ ~ Qi_dders,. -at $130,000, · ::.Oll _ :Here .. ·are the currerit ·)Vage .. increases': ~ ·· · s~~_er :.:!leport~. -,~-~l)titl~~ . :~J:hf . ~; :~·v .. ham,_it ~s ROSSibJ; to pu~p brid~e~· and -approach work. !).ear '' .· Wth AGC, Intermqtmtairt Brarich,;Utah; - ~ffective _ June i~ . • ·o • .• .• • •• • ·-_ ._·[, ;; • .::,. ~ , •• · ;· ··· 1:r:t9 ),t,h,~ - ham e~ough . water to Valley Ford,_ also }Ow at - ~,89:~00 for pile dri.'ving, erfeet_ive July . _ ·. ' .. - . •:· --, : , 1. · · . : :n~cn~rease th.e weight by up to -30 on re-surfacmg work at vanous - . _ . . . ~ . · . . · . ..•,·, ;..t· ...."'- t.-, S ~- -t. ~ ·t, . ._,_·· .•· ·-. ·:._-,: • 1.-ne_r ·cen_:t. .·· ~Many 1 1 an · c1en IS - · · hams -•sold ·.only loc·a-ti·ons 1·n so·n..... ma cn.u·nt.y IV_faster agreement With AGC for Nortliern Cahforrua; ef-:; M \I:' · ·.· · -· · · ·. · ·· v .... · . · · . , ... . ·. · ·. / i. · · . ·· ·••. · >:: . wit.l,iin states-h_ave been i!lflated The Chicago Bridge - Company ~ fective July 1; . . . . . - In . :~aslimg!on ;" D-C;~ ; ·.. an; ~Ir accordingly. 'fh.ey have not been was awarded the 6 000-000 aal~ Master piledriving agreement for Northern California,: . F_orce· s._cien~ist, 'lVIajot :'_l'lie?doit: ~ubj~: ct !o . Fe~eral irispecti~n- _ ! lon tank job in santa Rosa. T'he Northern Nevada and Utah; effe~tive--July 1. _ '· > C:· ·Kabn ; tesi_giH~~d . · fro.f(i' ·the •; •. The "big natio~

Business representatives ap.rl di~~-atchers o( :Loc;l 3 have complet~d - ~ s p eda i tfain1r{( c.ourse to increase their effectiveness in deal ing .with their fellow member.:s ;· employers . - ._ . . . other unions, the governmEmt and the :. pqblic. . The 12-week course was taught by Wiili:arr. Friedhind ~ ( second from left, · first rqw), an(· was given thr·ough coope!ation} f Lo~a l 3', the Dakland Junia~ College 'and the Institute . o' Industrial Relations at ·the University qf Cali •

' 1 :fomia. The participants: Front row: W. V. Mina£a;:Instruct9r Fre-id ·land, banny Dees, Dale Marr a_nl:i · Tom Eck Second row: Al Dalton, Ed Dubos; Mike Dray­ -11icl( Bill Rimey; Aaron Smith, ·Don Kinchloe . · and- Charlie Cockayne. Third' row: George ·Baker,' Art Pennebaker, Leo Cuinmings, Erni< . Nelson a~d William Mettz. Last row: D-ar ­ - Iviatte~on; "Tiny" La:ux ,- Russ Swarison, Norri Casey, Harlei Davidsoi1, A. J. Hop (O and· Walt · Talbot.

---~ ·------· - - · . •

j nn-ual Blood Ban-k ay San Mateo. For -Building. T.radesm~ · ;1 ·· · ninsul _/ . The annual Blood Bank Day TO£ Local 3, Bryan Deavers of the nt was !1eld again on Saturd_ay I Building -Trades, and Jim Ware~ - By B:LL F A"-EY ' '" .t der"On the highway and bfidge . ator is gettLng more and -more , . mbrnmg, , at the -Penm- is e creta r y of the Bu1lami DAN IVIATIE ).(f\i 1 work at Pescadero. This -should ! publicity ~ · but prospects look 'Sll l " Memorial BJo o d Bank in Trades. . In , . · · · soon cause Pmkams to put on r dim for another year. · 11 0 11 1 Millbrae. _ i . stpll et ~ ' re\ :r asrge another kettle of Noodle Soup . Your Business '-Reuresenta· · · pn ]ec s .s ar Lmg ._The event _d.r:ew: J?Ubhc ac· J super. ioi~ty to_:. us in .. something : with '~ he_ 1 pile driving. · .-- two .or three weeks work f.o.r· . .The _tt~~king cpp.cerris~- ~re: . . ·,,, cL11m from city offlClals down ;_else; which they set equal and -·O. . C: Jones· was : aw~rded a .those top-notch operators. . _ still _ fightmg the. ~ -r._esttwti.v(l< "' t he Peninsula. A_n~ong those who' I exclpsive store by. • - J 5?9 b:y 20.0 ·foot 'wnway ex!en- ~he proposed 180-apartment ~~astires set/ dowp: ·; pY, :Y.~~~?:~§ r: . '?· were to attend were __Hugh f\. , ... · . _ . __ _._ . . · ' swn Jpb at the ~an Francisco u~Ir _near _th~ r:os Pr~ad~s sub: -crtles. t_hrough . wh~yh t?~Y_';;p¥~~ -·;' Wayne, the Mayor of San Ma- ~ . '~Do not waste your time ·on an·port. .--· · diviswn site w1ll cost . m the 1l pass _m . order tn'·get ·dirt to··the ,· . t eo, and County Supervisors Ed- ·soda! Questions. 'What is the· · ·At this writing, rumor-has it neighborhood of $3,000,000. bay> The -latest impasse · see:in:s: - V.\ard R. McDonald and Louis , n1att~Cr- w-ith the poor .is ·Pover- t_hat Rat,kovich got .th .:: Pan Brewer's Island and 19th.· Ave. ! to be_. that one judge· says, thi;it ·.· Chess. . · · : ty~vvhat is the matter. with the_ American Airways hal£ m.llion extension is still a hot issue~ hi1ti the ai_rport is a · public · utility, ·

1 -Union of,fi,cials)Fel'iel)t includ-' 1 rich is Usefulness." ·. . - . .. . fill j o b ~ . . ' . .·' . . . nothing new at t~is vvdting. and ther~fpre J?USt be allowed_. • ed Al Clem, .. -business manager · - -Geor-ge Bernard Shaw ·,Brag<:tu Pavmg .was low bid- - The. Stanford · Lme_ar J\cceler- .to be · bmlt unhi.Ddered by lo-caL ,; · - · · · . ·· ·· - city gover-nments. Another

·1· S. fnall ·Contracts - in Va U·· o Area, ~~ by~~,~ both t~~~~~·~:~:r:~~~:~: sides:: ~· By Aaron Smith - dise Engineers has a_ job at the ment spread through Solano ~through .Solano County, sho_uld · A. concern from Phoenix, Ari- 1 - . -~ . . _ _Maritime Academy, and H_. F. i Co~mty with rigs wor ~ing at va- . be- moving in between· .June 1 ' zona, · is P\?Posing _a $5,000,00.0 ·. · Last month there were no Launtzen has - a JOb at Gnzzly . · .t . ., . f' ld-. T . ' and 15, Tom Hanna Construe- ' motel at Millbrae Ave. and Bay- · - · no us s1 es m l' air re ravrs . . - •: . - ; . . · large jobs let or started, l1ow- Island. . . · . , ' . bon IS workmg on a yard for shore Blvd. This would make

ever, a numbe[ of small con- AFB, an9 ValleJo. Freancl{ a_nd _them by Kaiser Steel Plant, _ four major .hotels adjoining the 1 tracts were · awarded.~ Van Allen PIPELINE JO_BS. . Al termatt snou1 ld b e star t mg jI which· will be used as a yard to ,airport, with. dozens of minor and Motter got a pipe job. at Underground _ConstructiOn ":as ; ~ heir 'pipeline jobs for the De- , wrap the pipe before it is laid. ! ones building on the perimeters. Ma nkas Corner, Peter J. Bar- :·ebcenf,tly hlowC?Iddefr~F. 0 ~1 f~ Pdrpet partment of _Irrigation and Rec-l1 Kaiser Stee1 Fabrication Plant ; every year. ~ - rette was awarded a -grading and JO . or t e Ity 0 · mr re 1 a · . . . . - in Napa is workincr a full crew 1 . · · " ''I.I1bcr )·ob nor't.heas-t of N·apa, . ~95 960 George Slinsen is keep- . lamatwn- sometime this week. , t l 'ft db . ll . , CALLAN PARK • PCI._ •• , • _ . - • • : • •• ._. 1 on wo s 11 s an a sma crew I . ' Braga to Paving picked up a pav- mg the boys busy on vanous They were av'(arded two seccwns , on the third . shift. They have Callan Park _can only be_bui lt '· 1 1 ing job for the City of Napa, ~?bs 111 Solano an~ Napa Coun- 1~f canal, one ,.~t ~417,709 _and 1 c.onsiderable.tonnage of pipe for outside ,all city_ . limits,_ smce E;,.ving Turf Pr;oducts has a job ues, and .he has_ re~ently been che other at $;J.c.9 ,6o6, 1l1 Su·1Slll1 1 the California portion cif the South San _FranCISCO ?as ~urn ~­ at the Napa Fairgrounds, Malott, awarded two pavmg JObs · for the Valley. _ i gas line from Canada, approxi- down annexation. This will still Peterson ~ and Grundy has a Crty of .Napa. · _ . I _H. C. Price, who has the s_ec- mately from Oregon to Antioch, SOJ?ed_ay be. a mamn:ro~h el~er- street job · at Mare Island, Para- . Syar ·and Harms has ~ eqmp- tron of the gas lme that IS_gomg · · ~ ·· r pns_e_Jnvolv;ng 15 milliOn yards · . _ _ 1 . .!!JNCOURAGING_ 1 of dirt. -~ On_ the wh~le! the pi~e I ~ c - 1 . If you have not acqi.lired your ture IS encouragmg and u lJoKs 1 endorsed license for drivins:r like it will be a very good year i heavy equipment on the J1igh: for them. ,Wunderlich ,compb on Highway · 40 j ust ber. Take "the written test at a northeast of Solano County Fair- ·Motor Vehicle office and we will' grounds, they have 64 engineers 1call you and teli you when '2.i)d J_n the payroll at the pres~n,t I where the examiner will ~ be to - •. :- ._ rme. Th1s has been a good, JOO give you the drivincr test. · with very little turnover.- They I . b ,ar_e using a Le Tourneau _eJec- •c;""' ·"".-.~~ ~""i


·UTAH: Brother· Hcyrnm KI1ight suffered a severe injur y: . -:. . • I When a large l "OCk . fell oi1 him. He expects to:_ be off wor k ! :.bout -three months . : . Congratulations to Brother Dfu.ni -'·:.- ._ 3raitln'>.'aft~ a1~:d wife--'-a baby boy ... B1:other Mark lViiiHF~ ; son, P,resJmi, died on :his birthday, May 23, as a result of ani ·::tutom;bile,accident . ·· 0 0 -- 0 ·

' SAN. _ JO:SE:. . Brothe. -l: ., James. L. . Walls, . . . \vas.. _· killed.inl an Ii ~ utomobile ac~ident recei1tly : .. Now /qn ol.lr ·sick list: Rp.y ~ : in9i1d l{een~, AlberL:sharon;- Nic1c'Enfant£rro! U. · f\ldrit~, i F:rlmli: Jo~es, Russ· Jo~n~s'ton, -- Joe -Jirentiss, ~ M. ;R~muimi CI).lld, ·-, •• ' . . ' . . • -. -! Roy_London ·; . . . - · · · '· 0 0 , 0 . /. . ' SAN- RAFAEL: Brother· Bill Weldon:.·under)vent surgery ' t.t Marin Ge ~1eral Hos]:litaJ for an. accident sustained on the C. 6.- Madse-n-jo.b rece·nt1y -:- .. Bi"other Jatf'. Zap~r \YQ.S kill2di n an automobile accident on May 19' ... Note: Our offce ~ till has.a good-supply of Time Record_Books available at $1 ARCH DA:to/.[~b·~ V\1hitney, opel·ator,_and - June 1 /on top of the .reguhu; W!:tge increa-s~ • ·ach. · Reed Durfey,oil'er~~: are on tlie ' 45QO · lU~ni­ .~ for · QUi;_ mmnbers' working mt the fll;l:Qh' - towoc. In the· foregromid is Distr~ct R~p -­ Da1n -Project at Flam~n.g .. Gotge:· 'l'bey · ·o o o li"esentative /I\ · J.· Stapleton. \Ve .v)ere suc­ should • _b<;) pnuring , at 'capacity · smnetim~ VALLEjO: ·BI' other Bill ·'Castner passed, away at tht~ ce.s_stul.in ge~ting _ a: 2Q' ce~t]"ais ~ · ef.f~gfiv!( in the middle. Qf ~ .the -- su~1l}-~er._- ,_ -. . .. ';- .-- . - '-~: -.:.-· ~ueen of Valley Hospital in· Napa after an extend~d -> illi1 ~ss. He· had -, ,~;cii'lze2Lamund the Napa-Vallejo ·area for quite a. Utah ,Roundup· ·mmber -of -years,· and had been working for-- Geor..ge Slim: en ~ t the tiri1e he became illlast.fall. He had worked as an oi-ler n this area ;for over ten y.ears. ,Golf ·- . ~rway "o o o ) ,- ... ~· -_. . ' """;

By E. J. Stapleton., 1\1. .:f. Bqw- crew . at ~ Dimh~l's Qai~y .on :with 1 · Th.oq1 · Conwa~y and .Ford MARYSVILLE: Condolences to -Brother and Mrs. I)a.vid - n1~n, John Thot:nton· ann· :itraffic 'and r~ck problei11s.· .They ' have a crew on. u'p the river ;by .:{~ .. Mead ori., the·death .or.'.their, son, Jay, at the ,~age of :·three , .J~y ·· Neeley . . : l f'inally decided . to try ".a ·Dw _. 20 Woodlanct bu,t the rive~ is at li tE <. nd _one. half inontli.s, by pnemnonia .. '. J;3rhther Savely .. i'e- r. ~·-··_.- Tiago Constructi on; Company ~· q11 'this job, b u~bit may notf\~ot· Irk r. high }~v~l and th~ir V.ro~k wiJl ;,ently · undh,erv;r ~nt a ':;etYd s 'e_ri!}u,~ 6pe1~ati~i1 hd\ Shand·· Fr ancis~o, _ :. has moved .some men· onto . the o.ut too we 11 ecause · 0 1e be ·limited for a few vveeks. ·ne type t; at IS referre - to as massive - an · a ·a . 1 ung C''e- - Riv~rsid~ co\.1ntry .Cl11b ~n _- the r?cky terrain. · GENEVA · · . ~ Broth21' ·'Savely :worked ,foi'.-yea.rs for ·~·. ; EaiL-P.ar? m~ · Provo area,. but ;1ot to ·play golf. '.~ -Ti1.ere is a .little activity above - " T . f . . k and we.. m~ e ·st.rre tha:t his many fl~1 ends will be happy to kmw · · · · · · · · • .. , · · ·- · • ne are 110PI'1cr or SO"'"''-wor- · · ' · , They IJ:~N~ , JJVQ . DW 20's and a - Heber '\Vith. E. ·y. Chittle mov: I") . .: : o ~ L ·'•v . ,hat he i$ doingJiri~ . ... B1:9j:her Walter' l\iortenslYn is w_aJk- couple of dozer~, _: b_nil~_ing so~e hig som'e dragl~i,les a1id d!J·zers ~or our . Engme_~ :·s '\L~Gene . v? _ '111 ;i1g around lately'' feel~ng very prDud ~ as·· l1Is daughte·r "N ()r..: · farrways and green~. - , . : on ·the Proyo River c~1annel .re- Lhe near futu1 e, w1tp -foo ·2ne: recently launched, ·with' gl~eat ' fanfare, her-· eareer as a , ~ , : :w.. : :r.;,: ~Pl::~,~P. d~ ·a.nd.:.,son hav~ vision .. : E~lp t~)'~·ar()v ~ c~ .a_ng__ L_a- goj11cg in -Qn an,__expm}-sion of ·"[i;ess desig11er ii1 :Bevel'ly HiHs ·. ; . -Brother:. Evereti'·Y~ JI~riry .. so,t11e .~-~ eqpiptnenf· ·along- \Vitl1 ' Vell Robison ar~> runmng one e oil' Storage Building. Ameti' -Ued in an/ acCident .on May - 15 ~ while:. on a fishing trip w{th !i~~.Jt,;ig~ t:RA~.~~~, ds and hi~o ele- . d~agline: dt ; t1J!~ ti.!fie ~nd Wrex can-· Bddge Company· is- tJ de ;ome friends. According t6 repE)rts he w·as helptng l.inload th~ 1 X~~ ilJ.,g ·pqlLT,l(-IS probably won't Lm~say _.1s on a doze~· As: the · ' · . .. d· St 't . El t' ·r . ')O,at with a gin oo.le ~vhen ' the pole brGke,·;str.iking l_1_i.m a:nd, r-·• ·c -de cr "b t at least it is bureau o·pens up m01~ e workfor I tl1eere,cqon an a .e ec rk . . . . . "- ., ...... _ _ _alSL ·~? ; l(~llo~ ·- U .. . ~ th- there w-ill be more opera: the excavation. "Consolidated ;ausmg·hlS ·death.+Iewas ,52 :Years /of age a_nd IS survivedJby c ose LO 1omv. . etn, . . ' . . · . · · 'f- C' · . · Ch · 1 · tl · ,... b <' Tia ·o is also' runnincr a full toi;s' on the payroll. ' , ·Iwestern Steel t12.S the fabriea- us ~\VLe, -c- laii;e, 1JlS SOIL ' _ar.es •. age · 1ree, ·anl-< a romer, g · · ·· o · · --··- - · ·--··-- t·. f th .-. · tl. · 1 1 Jtu·is, '\Vho" is a,lso a member and·ls empl0yed by,Butte Creek . . . ·wn , or e ).ron on us·p 1a,n . . ~ · · - G . ;.- . , n - H . · f 1~ · N·:· v ··"k ~ . .Al ...) J b m - 'and v,iilf probably. do the. same - vO ·, . '" . b . ' . ,:1 - '-v ·' -. , 0 ) '< - mg ";_:Igmee~s. J.ey a~e some. v!ega Bay, Russ was over the swe because gf bemg knocEed claims smce July 1, _~ ~9. 60, c\\ 11 Aplll 30 .• L6~. . I growmg pams. - at therr new ' <.1 l" . , b ,· ' l "''t be eligible ,, .. ' . , . · ·· ·· -· . - t - . ~ . . ,n LITe 1eaa y a \\me 1 p ...... r ~. , • . · ·. . . - ; ~ · . - . · ,Program Wl1 l ermmaLe e.: plant,._ but the stewards are do- , ~ . · . State emp~oyrr1ent. offl:es .will. tirely by ,r1962. ina a crood job and these we 0 0 0 ' . • start· aecepb~g claims u;r ex: ' Th_e Depa.rement _of E!n~lo y- 1 hope t; overcome. i'he Safetf T • _ , " . • _ " L . ·> • _ t~n?ed benefits_l ._mder. t?etemp ment. Se.eu. nty. estlm. ate.s L.·1 a COlnmittee .w.ill .qe r. o.lling . soon · ~- . • -REN_O. All the brothers m _the ullve~0 - ~taLe ,"';.. r e .stuns .ed . , __m:.~r:y prog~_am . ~~ walhn?-.Iscre, th~re are . a: b ,out 4;00Q unem to overcome- safety· problems.' . by the ]Jews of the geath of B_rother "B1g'' John llt.ud.t·{m; {,\.1- :. ql_l!.red:· Claups. ":' 111 commence ployed. wo~·kers in :Utah~ wh,Q , . · SOUTHERN -~<\REA . ''fuu;Sh he ha~ been: ill for -som~ - time, still it -~ame ·. as a sh~ ck wiLh date, of. fih£1~· . . · 1will b~ entitled_ to ~xtendea ,. ber, I · -_ - c· - ·,. ___ • • • _(} '2:llto know that Brother Johtnvas goN~ : b.Is: tall rangy ng- All state bene~Its m .us t be .efits. under. tlus: pr::::Jgram: - ?t~al:ns Rogers Con,.; ...1 y :Js 'Cl~~ e and warm smile · so familiar o.n the job will be miss2d .by drawn before ·claimant be~on~es _ . · · . . _ domg very well on th ~ t:'l!lf!r _: · . ~ ; ., '· . ·.. · '" . v.,_ ., ..... 1,; ·"' ··· ,, ·; ·· el_ig~b~e for_extended .. benefi~s , · ...~ ., .:-. , - Ja'= :, ·. and exc~vating of ,shaft lt w ~ll ~u" all. 0 UI Slnce-le sympathles q_~c e."enl}ed1 .. c l!.s l ~ nwy . .. under the temporary program. be two months ·or more before · 0 · 0 - .M~ny Worll'ieFS . 0 · .. Applie~nfs.el~giblef?rexte_nd: .. l'-JM~"'~ - ~ a~~ y-. ~-; 6"<~-il - they will ~e able .tq ·do .· t?ol - •. . . .· .·· . _ . . , . ·: ed :benefits w1U be entitled to an Elll>li!Ql bib>..,_ ~ ~~'I!J.I " much. . . · · · · · , -STOCKTON: Brother. Harvey Edwards-,. a member oLtms ~gd~tl01~a1 n u m b_..e r of :we~· k_s Mu~i~n~.m V/'age .· 'YY: VV'· Clyde ~s pro~ressing ,I ~rganlz'ati_qn for .the past_)G yea1~~ a~d a t~sident of -stockto~ ,'·- ~~ual to. one-half the amot:-nt of Don~ld Dre~r heaci of the w~P at ~Moab_. We :·ha_Ye • abopt r?r nearly as many, 1s the new dispatcher m the Stockton of- \hisr~gular exhausted ~laim to Salt- Lake offic~ of the Wacre- ten· brothers· on this ·pb.. - ; . · Jrcc ~ .. Brother ~Oil- L~nahan i~ at.home _recupero.tingaftef. .· ~ ~~~~rmu~ total benefit_ of 3~ Hour and Publit Contracts D~ri- ' ~- ~,t:~\_ · co~1~trvct~.~n .. C ompa~y a 37-d~y visit ill: ~he -hospit~l. Bn=lther Rori _had .two majo!" 011 3 . ""· ,: · .· . , _ · . i n . 6f the De . artment of La- I ~t vnv '_f Ml!H s L1 ~edar CI1ty mrgenes tq reactivate a collapsed lung. : Best·w1shes. for a; • Tlus act prov1des for extended so__ P . •~ - IS now m ftlll-. preductlon·and 'at , · : ~ ,. · · ,. - - ·- · · . ' be'Tefits to elicrible applicants Ibor, , reports- that $r78,60· w. a~ I tl . t' . ·h .. · t ~ · f , :d- .opc,;e¢!y I ecove-ly . . • L • • • o .· , f Jcl . wino· to . Utah 11s nne ave _pu on a. ~e.v _ a . 0 11190 up LO ~n additwnal 13 weeKs. . om . A ~ . , o ' . . . ,, _ ! ditional m ~rv Many who \!\iere - _ 0 , 0 0 - EvAl\lflPLE· If r·ecrular· ex- worker;:, u, 1960 as a result of , . , .. ff. li b - - d . I . ·- - · A · · - o 1 · . - -- · · ' 1aw o · ave · eeiYreca11 e. : • · . n~usted _b e. n. e fits_was for ~0 1 - oy~rti.me and minimum . wage \ ' ' · · - _OAKLAND: In last months' Iiews it was reported that wejOks, extended amount__ Will VlOla~wns. ., Brother · l~Jfike ·JticGreev:v had gone to Indiana polls to t'l7y for" '"e f,J. an "ct-di't'ol1.al 10 "'eeks·l This was for failure to com- , ., ,...no . '1 . .. ~ . h.. 1\ ... , -. h f' d :J ~:v- - - a L 1 -- v~. , ' - ·' ·-. ' - ! .'l-110-;JU !TILe -~race. brot er 1/nkewasunaoh;, ,t;wever, to. m · ' If regular e~- .I · _Jt, 1v •. · ' , l "'1 ... . 7 Lt. \ la~ exhaust~d· benefit 'w~s for .· 0 There was much opposition_: · :uck nextJfear; . In .t:he, rneantip1e he -is biek tq.. w or~<: - on the 3B weeks- extended amount · will froni employers when the .. Utah ' greas~ . tru-ck foT .San .Leandro Pipr:::line, ..: · . Broth2-:r LeorHiTd· be for three weeks: . ' . ·I State A£·L-.Cl0 attempted to have j - '~fhve-ile " fil::iE!1Kon o\vns the Club 7 af 212 E. ·14th . Stre'?t, Benefits. will be paid under ,,·a -$1

$ame weekly amount as P.aid_ in I 'Jucl.ging ,from , t~e ~u .rfi,P? . : ~f Sllt0 use· some more dqnors such 8.'s Ed. 0. ,:rrrfkie cy - ~ nd ~wife , the regular e}thausted d alm. vwlatwns found, L.ls_ 1eg1s atwn Beve.dy ·are the proud parents of a baby bov weiahinr- 8 If only .1"Ja.rtia.·l weekly benefits !·seems to be of gre_at_1mportance .. -. · - · · " ' "' o ·were d· r a w n b ecause" · of part 1' t o t'ms · . s t a~e.L 1• lbs. 4- ozs. ENGINEERs ·NEWS . -~ ~- JPg.J'~, -J,®J~::;_• '::;·'·

' Published each month by Local Union No: 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers (Northern California, Northern Nevadll, State of Utah, the Ha\~·aiian Islands) ' Office:_474 Valencia St., San Francisco 3, Calif.

AL CLEI\L ...... :.. Editor and Bt!siness 11anager PAUL EDGECOMBE ...... : ...... Presidel'lt JERRY DOWD ------Vice-President W. V. MINAHAN ...... Recording-Corresponding Secretary A. J. HOPE...... :.... ,...... Financial Secretary H. T. PETERSEN ...... :...... Treasurer

How Tean;zwork) Settles Diputes

For several years, the Bask Trade~ and the Associated ,.G eneral Contractors of America, Inc., hav~ tried to find . -· \ ' . some solution to mutual problems and to _provide a voluntary disputes procedure. Such a procedural agreement has now Con·su me'r b een reached. Advice .: It provides for the est'ablishment of a Joint Appeals Board . ~a de up of representatives of the Contractors and officers of the.sev~n unions comprising the basic tJ.~a des ·i ,n the building DinnerS Costly· and constJ.·uction industry: Operating Engineers, Bricklayers, . H d c . d L b I U T k c By ·SIDNEY MARGOLIUS C te 9 . :e~e~a~~s ~nd ;::::e:.'Fo: . ::r~pe::~~ in~~eer:; _Wlwn ·yo1.,1 buy one of these frozen meat or sprou.ts, .• a,nck shrimp broth, :with .. the: shrimp -1-· . G~neral President Joseph J, Delaney is the representative. fish dinnersc to .eat .c while you look at TV, or. itself ih .fo11rth place. _ < . S T many -'!)ther ready-cooked, frozen .and canned And do -yo,tLknow _what'the Iea_9ing ingreqi~nt Jt Preside1~t Delaney and General ecretary,- reas~er . fr>i>'qs . in the supers today, you often get ID()re · is in " -~~ri~? : cto_quett~~ - ~ith :~ Newburg ' ~a~:ce?'J ..qlillter P. _Wharton ~ark - diligently to settle · dispti.~swe may. ·.of. such . inexpensive fillers as ' potatOes .. . watel; '. Not shr~rn.P,:- bu~ .:water. - . ''- .!'' · .. :.---; . . . hfrve 'with o'ther 'crafts .. But there . is a standardized. method flout, cele_yj.,, et9··· tha:n of-meat or fish.' ' We 'dld:: som_e· further ~ shopping and, found A .bY - ~:vhich disputes ar~ broughf to their attention. : - Recently, ~ .the New York : State Co-operative a branct · p~

: ,' -:JP·:N"E_; ::·i%:r~~:::_,: ;{, :··: :·r : ~: ..· ·· -~ f: .··- . · ENGINEERS·iNEWS ····- .. .~ ., . ·. .- .--...... • r: ·1 · ..F ·.- .· .. .. ~·,.:.·· ; ~-->, :~:·::: ~ .; '~•':r ~- ',.,:..,_,.· ' .··- ,. ' ~ . ~ ,.· . :_:.:: .rt:~rr.ny :_--: · 1n:an¢. ~s· . ...: · ·___ .:._ : ~·, ···.- · .,. - J:.•'

.··· M~st .· Fao1ilies ·are ''•"1, in ·. Bebt·, .. ._, T-\¥0" ~ut 'of e v~ l~ Y 'th'ree : Affi~ri- sumer Finances," just' pu bliSh_ed . third of tho-se ~ ina~i:hg -nlonthly . . ' ·- can families are aebtors today. by the Survey Reseai'ch Cf?nter payments have :¢I;.ough money About half of the families have of· the University of Michigan. ' jn· the bank - 01.- ·other lig uid · installment debt. One third have · Here are .some of the facts assets '- t.o pay up call their mortgages. Another fourth have about install.lnent debt presen- installment debts...... straight bank loans. or debts of ted in the study: . The · stu. d y claims ·that · "peo- ·other kinds. M a ·n y 9we more ...... ~ Half · of. the famili!=S with ple \~ho · btiy 011 tim e, . e\ren: · ....~. than one type of deJ?h installme-nt d~ · b t owe '"$500 or thougJ} they are in a positiori to . • ' These .findings are reported. more. The -other ' half owe dess· pay cash. for their croo.ds see ]n t he " 1960 _Survey of Con- than $500. : ... ~,- "'""". · installment buying a~ a n~eans · (j) Five years ago, only one in of getting bett~ ;r service or even. 11 Cons~.nner _is 14 fan1ifies o w ~ d m9re than b~tter · price, · feel tnonthly pay­ $1,000 on the installment plan. ments are means - of . self-disci- 11 forgotten MCJU1 Today, one family in seven owes pline, ,o.r .:"ant t ~a~e thejr cas!: WASHINGTON . D C _ "Th that mud1. . . _ for a ,1 awy ~ay or· so me other . . ' · .·· e · · 8 Installment ,buymg. Is most P.1lrpose." .,.. -. ~ ' Am.er:Ican consum_e~ Is the for- popular among ,families in $5,- The "1960 $urv.ey of Consum­ gotLe_n _man when It c9mes to d_e- 1GOO to $10,000 income bracket. er: Fina,nces" lncludes reports on terJ?:nmg the general, economic Families w i t h ·incomes below four recent nationql surveys of pollCles of . our government," $-2,000 and above $10,000. a·· year c0nsi:uner. attitti:c!:es and inclina-_ Senator Clmr :- Engle has an: seldom use installment plans. ·tio11s to buy, !nvolvi!)_g ,a total of nounc;ed._ . . The tJriivetsity of J\IIichigan more than 7,000-interviews. The . . He sard the. ans~~er ·lles m 'stud-y reports that . installment bo-ok '6n sale "for-$7.'5o;. should . ~ewFederal .legislatwn to es ~a~~ J?uy~ng is _:no ~ ,_ a_s , P2PUlar toda_f be a~_ai l able in irtost'libraries'• in [ • llsh a Department of Corsum as .It . was .efore- · . Senator Engle said one Sigm- ward to ·higher _inconws" are who are manpower exp ~rts , . and Ass1;;tapt Se~reta _~- y Seymour J the Labor Law Comm!ttee of the ,, fu~ant reason w~y aDepart~en t among those most likely to·'have management officials,·. to join IWolfbem _as Its Dn:ector. 1 Federal Bar Association. He said. ·: 1 o~ Consumers Is n~eded Is t~ h~gh debts. Abo~~ on ~ family in with . G9vern~ent officials · to "It js my belief that in devel- ' he has made it a Lab.dr D .:: part-· r ~ protect ~nsumers m ~n. econ- - ~1g~t has ~ebt pay~n~-~1~_s exce~d - form a 24-man advisorv commit- oping governmental policy for ment policy fo consult with, - o~y domn~. ated by admmist~red mg I one_fifth of Its yearly, m- "tee 6n automati9n ~nd man- ! technological change, we· should ,"people ii1 e\iety · w'alk of - life · . ~nces W~Ich 9eny· the ,protec~ Ico me. ' o;. . . ' . • power. I . 1·-have the best advice and com- who can help tis do ,o_ur job ,-. · tions o~ competition. - · InterestinglY., . more than "one. The' Secreta1:y recently estab- · ment froin our general society:" better/' · . . ; BY-Laws 'of · G. perOting ., EngiAeerslo~al No.' 3 .,· . .Six:tli -Installment Local Union from. a11-y; M~m~er · his .Declaration of Candidacy. · .. . · . . , ...... ~ · ", ·• · t" '' • .,. · ·. · . ' ' "" ~ or applicant;f6i·: mei~1hership pr - · No -Member ,:who.·is on therull- 1 :' .t.t · shaf~ , be. " a ~uty ~ of ~ Q _ memb~. r:,. to be~~rru~1., : : ,_ . • 1 1 • ArtiQl~\-.XI ". , aq:;h 9ther per_son.·'", ' . . · time payroll of tl;I e. Lo.cal 1Ji1ion - - f~m•l•~r w1th -these , By•La\ys. the .. ·. lnternahona!:C' · .. . :,~.::.';: J~~'§T~~~~~~~;,< . . ..: s~-ctt~n t',4 ,, '- . ... · may a~cent - a .nominption J or --or . con~~ti,u .ti .on · and · th ~ zwor~. i; ng · ~ -~l es in the ;;· speci~\.: . Section r~l >"·~;:.:.r.., '!"'t· ·'·A .'Jo,brtic 2 involving moral turpitude offen- is no regularly scheduled meet-. ACCEPTANCE of NOMINATION tion to requests of the member- ELECTH)j\IS sive .to t~~ade union morality, or ing in that distr~<;t. :---.., The undersigned ~tates that !' ship for the appointment of !A) ELIGIBILITY ·-~·=· Iwho has been found a'fter, trial Nominations shall be in writ- he w ill accept nomination only Stewards. ~ · Section 1 · · ·· by the Union or by Civil Court ing in tp.e form following, and for...... ----- ~ --- and her eby Sectim1 2 , (a) Officers.: No Member shall . to h~ve been _false to. his trust shall be-delivered by the- nomi- declii:~s all o~her nomina~i?ns. '· • be eligible for election, be elect- / or misappropnated Umon Funds nator: at the meeting when nom- I desue my name to _apepar on . A Job SLe\~rar_d ~h il;ll be a r_eg- ed or hold any office other than or property or:. wl~o is commonly inations are called for by the the ballot as ·follows: ...... Jstered voter Withm the ternto- . ·- _ ' k t b k k t · -d· f" · •· · ------.------· :rial jurisdictio"n-o of the Local Busmess Manager, . unless . ~e ~0\~n o e t~ crfob or_rac e ee~ , presl mg. of Icer._ ~he ~ J?re~wmg I Signature ~ Union. as evidenced byr cunent shaH have, be~n _coi?-tmum.isly m predyi_ntg '- ~nd:e a orf mo ve~ ent Iofifcer when nommatwns _are . . · . . cr . . goodstandmg m the parent I..,-ocal an I s ,oo name or <;orrup closed shall r ~ad tl;le nomma------~ - : .... , ...... ,_,..-- :------· :.nd contmum"' vahd regis~r a- Union for not less than two (2) purposes, whet-her or not pre- tions to the meeting and deliver- Register No. · 1 ron, _and a -Member of the Un:on years and continuou«lv a Mem - ~l _vious l y convicted for such ne- : them to the Recordincr-Corre- 1...... : ...... : ...... -~r five ~ 5 ) year:s ?ext p~·ecedmg · ber- of "the parent to~al Union farious activities. · i spendincr Secretary. "' . ' Social. Se curity No . . h1s appomtment, If possible. f t tl r· ( ~ ) I ··· ·· "' ------· . _. ....' . - or no ~ 1ess 1an . IVe : ;) yeaFs I r T ~ T . . ' ' NO M-INA IO J -: SectiOn ·, ~~~u~hont:Y;~r . an ,~next ·. precegi~Tg ,,thed ?s t ·~ da~ I :~B) , ~o~ .v!INATIONS . "" _ - - . T · ~ . . Print Name (a) _Th ~ ·J JoJ:t ~Ste~~a~d) 't.dilties, ·sel:fm; , tl_le-fi llng -\ ~~ h~s 'i D: eclara- ~ · $.eetwn :~1 · · l ne·unders1gned hereby · n o~ni- .Jn 1the ~ even_t n~ such ~ccept- . ft~nctl _o~~-··i• and;\ -.~ res~ 0 ~1 sil:iiHties '·timi'•of-Ca'iididBcy . ... · . . (a) D~~la ra Wm ·of· C:rildidacy: na~~~" ---_------.:---_------.. :... ·. ~nee . of . Nommatwn I!. fi;ed ~ are_. lm.1ted to receivmg com- (b) Bus:hiess M a a ge r: ''N .,_ Ail candidates. for any- Elective Re>=L~er No ...... !OI ...... --·:· -- Candidate shall be for 11 0 1 de ~n:ed pla mt~ from . the lV~emb_ers ; Member shall be eligi,ble for I· Office, or for I)i~tr ic t M.em?er ; :·----;; .-- -- .... ·:· ...... : -I all p_urposes to l.1 ~ ve d e cl~ned all checkmg the JOb for vwlatwns election be . elected or hold .t he . of the Local Umon -Executive I . u1gnatm e [ nony_nat.1011s for. the -offwEs or of agreement h~aUh and safety; ··t· ' f B · -c I\ ,~ . cr : Board shall between midnicrht ...... _ ...... ______, ______positions for wluch he has· fried : . . ' . . . . ~ posi .ron 0 USlllvSS . Lanaber ' ' . . ,., R ' t ' N . . . . . f·· c d " . . mvesbgatm~ and ~eportmg to unless he shall have ·. been ·con- December . 31st . and midmght,:. i egrs er 1 o. - ; a ~eclara_twn o - an wacy ex- the appropnate Busmess Repre- t' . · g d . t d' cr · · J anuary 15th precedincrthe elec- ...... :...... ; cepe. the first such office Dr po-- - . . . . muo-us 1y m - o_o s an m 0 m . . . ~ - "' . . S · ~ ·t , -- 1 •• _ • 1 h · · ,_ d sentahve. .. the parent Loca1 .Unioi1 for not non, file . wrth the Recordmg- __ . oc1a oecun_:r c\lo . 1 srt1011 to ';'h1ch e IS no~ma te ., (b1'4;he ·Job. Stew~rd has no less.· than two (2) years and con- ' Co~respoi1 ding Secr~tar y at his ------_--: ...... ; :------' ------_:;.------I and for wn~c~ he ha~ _f1l~d ":''Ith a~t ho~·Ity to seek adJustment of tinuously a Member of the par- of:1ce m ~an . Francisco, a ,Dec- , __Fnn~ N:a"ne . . .· . ,_ t h~e·<>.t R_e:orclmg ~ Coll~S l10no mg vwlatwns of .the agreement or ent Local Union for not less laratwn of Ca ndidacy fo r th ;~ of - ~ (d) Nonce: NJt J.Ce of the ng;tt 1 Se...r '"'"a ry. . of the International Constituti'oi1 than seven (7) years, all next fice or position or. Di~tr i ct l\!em- t_~, I~o r;~~ r:ate -~~?~th e f?rn'l in I (f). Eligi.bi.iity- nf J\i~mbcrs to .r of these By-Law~. nor shall preceding the last day set · for b_er of tb~ Local ~mon Exccu- . '"'11 CL1 tne nO, lH1 ,,tJon Sc1al1 be : Nom!nate: Every IVIem oer: of the he purport to .have the authority the filine: of his Declaration of tive Board_ to wh1ch he s2eks made and the tunc and place of 1 p3:rent Local UniJn and its sub­ or be deemed to have the author- Candida~y. · · . · election, _accomp~nie~ ~y a Non- tr:e rec;dar ~nd sp2c i ::: ll ~ c:t!Ied ! divisions, except sub divisio·.l A, ity, nor shall he a_ct to cause_ ar J (c) Dist.'rict Mel'nb ."'o:r ·of the Con:mu:ust . Arfid~vit . and ~n ~ I stpct n~e,et mgs _at wh1pn n:ml"- J-Wh~ is not suspended f or non- ~, attempt to cause, m any fasbl0!1 Exe:cutiv:o Board: No Member 1 Aff1dav1t that he meets th,e re- ,Itatw_ns w1 .1 be made, shalr be payment of dues as of Apnl 11th whatsoever, any person·, wheth'er I shall be eligible for election, be quire~nents of Section 50,4 of !he ,. gbre_n by pu~lica~i~n. _in t:1e ~pr~l l preceding . the electi?"1 · i;hall fl employee, superv1sor, or em- elected- of hold the possition of Labor _- Management Reportmg edition o~ L1e .c, _:gl:1eeis N~w s 1 have -the nght to ·nommate. No ployer, to take any action, or any District ·Member unless he shall and D1sclosure Act ,of 1959. . no£ less tnan 15 days precedmg . Member whose dues have. b l?. en person to cease f~· om any action ~· h3:ve been-continuously in good . (b) Notice: The names of ali i the first of such meetings, and i withheld by his · employeT for i.n violation of, or in furtherance s ta~1ding in · the pai·ent Local Me~ber~ who have_ filed · the_ir I pro:r;pily ~Js ~ ed,. i~ tbe Distri'ct i payment to-_t his ~gcfl Uni0n y u~~ of, _the agre en:e n~ or the Inte r - ~ Umon for not ~es s than two (2) J Deci~ratwn of _Candidacy witl?m 1 Em~~oyrr:e,1t OfHC·.:;S. . · s u~~nt to his vomnc~r y- a ut1:~n- · . natwnal Constltutwn or of these years 1 and contmuously- a M~m: I the tn;ne alolwed :_and the off~ce i (e) Eacn ~ember ·.vlw_ has filed zatron~ provided form Co ll ~cbve By-Laws; but the·· Job Steward ber. o£. the parent Local Umon or offices or posmon . f®r wluch l a Declar atwn of Candidacy for Bargammg Agreeme'Jts, shall . ·· shall, i"hstead, report to the Busi- for not less than five (5) years each Member has - ~ile d shall be 1 nn re than one ol'fice ·or possi- be declared irleligible to"l10mi- , . es s .R:epr:sen~ative of th~ Union ai? d _a registered voter in the 1 published i~ tl!e March edition 1t ion shall between. April 15th , nate by reason ~f any alleged · seryicmg Ll1e· J~b or proJect 'for Drstnct he_represent s .o·r seeks . ?f the En;pn~ers , News pr eced - ~' a_nd M~ y ·1st : precedmg the e_lec- _J delay or d~fa ult m payn:_e nt of . • I . appropnate actron. He may un- to represent for not less than mg the electwn, · and promptly twn file with th -?. Recordmg- ! dues by h1s employe:r: LO the ·~ ... . ~ d~r no -circumstances collect any one (1) year, alyl next preceding posted in the District -En\ ploy- Coi·responding Secretary at his Local U~1 ion. , · ,..... · money due or payable to the. the hist day: set for "the filing of ment Offices .. · · · c '-· • • office in San Frqncisco a stati7- 1 (Continued in next issue) ' PAGE TEN -· . ENGINEERS NEWS ' JUNE.- 1961: ----_'---_-_-_-_-_--'--_--.;___-- _--- _-_-_-__·------~_-_...:..::....:_.:____;,..._. _ _:______'---__,~ S-ta->t--'-e'--" · ..;..;_;.;_La~-.- w~-- ·~.:___'s -...i• 0 · ~:;:,~~ !~'1 ·.· · Safety, RepOrt. · ~ . esigned to

'i;t._l_~~ · n._· r~e.- 1 -J.o_··b_· .· s_:. II · :~~- o2R311;~~~- · -- ~~~~~~.. .~• • . 14,200 Save lives : We hear a Jot of ta·lk about · n nr;;n.J t~'iYI\a'\"'~1:,;, WORKERS· By_ THOMAS N. .SA UNDERS · . t he· safely conditions. in ·our.· tun- TEMPORARILY PERMANENH Y KillED . Chief, mv. ·of cJndustrial .;nel work and we· an know that·. DISABLED IMPAiRED Safety. ··· __t unn.el "';?.rk__ is _.._ liard .· a_nd.· dange1:;., .. ous. but 1t 1s :.ll1t·ere·stin·g to ·-look :.. , ..... The Safety: Orde_rs · · -Pi.omul- . at .th e records on>·j obs where ·. · gat ed. by th(t Dh,iSlonof · lndu~- botlf ·the :, supervision :and theJ1 ·' trial Saf.etyr :or thdse· safety sec- · . .. man : t'ake , - a ~{ aCtive intei.;esLill- ·• - , - tions. 6f the Penal Co(le, . 4 ' :safety_,. ·.. : . ;_·. ·.. ·.· .·. ·..... _•. : .· · ., , .. there lYecatise there' was ·and is a .specific ai1 d .' proy~ri - -h~d- for ' ·- ' ·_ Qh · the: 9i"6vpl( w djecttunc:,. them ' . . ·.' '. ne1s, und:er .the 'direction ·of ·Ju-, _ . '- Th~ . ·two· Calirbrnia .i egula- J ius Williams. Woodleaf ~ ttmnel ·. tions: gover,Iiing cont :;n~t through , is, no'w · 9300 :feet .-unctei:l51:ou.nd·. · -. . · . - . _ . · - ~B H' ~-· d. .- ~quip]Ji~nt ,} -,\r1th/ _ hlgh:~() ltage . . :,~ f\: - tata(bf :1_2S,OOO :.i;hah hOllrS C/t.·a··· te·· .. · Ue·· ·a· r·l·n' g' s· ...... t- 0 . ·e ·e ~-· ~ ·0 n-. lines ·'' are_. no ei!iepti6n ~ ··· Dur1ng . _ ;, ~~~:: ~~~fct~riYked , \yitllpu~ _a . l.~sf['P- .~ ~ _ ~· ·.>._ D · -- ~. ~ ·. ·. _··.. _: . . · ·. · - _· · -~~~ ~!~6~~~fo~~ t,9f:ju~!~t~~~

0 1 P'add.y ·O'Dowd, Sl~permte~: · r· ·J·· . ' . .. . . ·1. 's f t ~ t :t. - ·R . 1.12 were k:illed , by contact with - ~ent r _ · and '. ail . th~ ·, rrren ol1: that,. U·fl11-el - a !high-voltage lines are not excep- ' J Ob ·sl1BUld bs p_roud of thrs -rec- ·· · · . e y LaW eVIS·- ·Ions-- ti01i Durin , 1 ord. It shows \vhat .carl be clone .--- · . . . • · , _ i . . · · · high-voltage lines through im- _0 11 a toucrh job when everyone By DALE -IVIARR I ·fl..- number of m].uues and would apprecate rt rf you would . . f . t I tl 0 j - • ·"' - • · - · .. - - 1 1 call your Busines Representa- proper use eqmpmen · n 1e t akes an actrve mterest m safe - ~ We are star+in'cr -0 ,1 our heavv 1some deaths could be pr ever, tee; . - s period since 1947 225 workml +. · ' "' • -· J j · k .· . I tlve 'ith an accident and representatl\:es, especrally · year~ pr~batwn , .and als_o lost next mcm! h> If any .of youhave of High~Voltage Lines:" , . • f_t~equency of only 31. . .· 1 our safety_ engi~eg-r., . _Br:Pth~r I +11~ ·JOb due :o,_ these ,char.~es . . .any ~deas that you .-;,woul? ~ ike . Electrical:' Safet~ ';Orqet 26q3 - ' I DaJe_ M.arr, also. . B·r_-o.. thers Erme [· .I _ l;w.~e . that y. ou c.an m:d a ~o. pr esen.t, I would appr ecrate IS even mo_r.e· ex. phcr.t . and; mor~ "'" . ti,. . E · Nelson and Wrlllam )!; .. Mettz. way, w1th the safety · p~ogram i it If you would send them to me restrictiye. Under·. this regula~ ~r · ra~~ier ror . Had. it _not been:·for }heir ~u~ck : we now have m -_operatiOn; to in the main office right away. I tiori no iwpl()y~l.{ slJ:i!Wr~gH~f;,l? ,,Q~~ ~ _s · ;;.; .~. ·r.-' • Of·fcer - andeffl_crent ~_chon and. untmn¥ j l]Jl~re~s : on th~ n.:md~ of , e_ver~ - ~~PNNER SUMMIT . . perrnJt '- Ji?qJ!kWR~: e_g 11 iri)~~.e~htq · . ~v~:NJ · . - a · · · · ~£forts 111 g~ttmg the secor:d o~· 1 QP~r~tn~~ ~ e_~gm~"r ..t~_e . -~~~Ett3 l.i<~tThe poss1ble ~ealth haz~rcts to ~p

ge_neral spread of . th~ llght of 1 any yower )me1 am! . any trme I · yve .are ~ontmu,mg _ V~'lth t~ ~ 1 tl:e, t;fe ,,~~p,e~~ar:cy o~ Calrf~f ~ i our records..., IJ1,?rc~te . that m science ~1as already la1d open.. to : he ~, <:llr~ct~d . to a_posrhon where pr?_ ~ra_ m _ and _ acc. el. _era~u~g- } :" r n .r~,~ . ":'otk~~1g ~1. en . ancl ; vvoi~"-' y n · ,. l scor ~s J,gl __ Y~?e~ 1t,.. :;1 .S almost_; al­ .every -vrew . tl1e palpable truth, an - accrden.t of . this k,md could. I ac;tr vr~r es ' OILs.a.:f~t):' . as. our . wq~~k ! . : l ne. st~.~,Y ,wl~l. }e cqn~wit,e¢ · wq..:ys t~1e 9per?t9!· ·w.ho !e:ceives that the mass of rn_a~k111d has happ,en,· he . should park the ' pace mcr~ase ~. · 1' ·. . , i m coo~eiaLI,O_H .fith ~he Scate. the . sentenG~ ·, · a.frl}e.. or Jail, _and not beeri.: born with saddles on equipment and call the State Best wrshes tOr success m ' Drv1s10n of Hrgmyays and the the company may go free. fmes 1 th(Oir backs, _nor c:~Javored few Safety Engineers, _as_ th~y are your ef~o:· ts to promo h

1 do no less. · · · ...)! Operators yvho have recoFds. of habitual ~ iolati oi1 (and many , do) should· be watched carefully -

II b. y their. ltnio. ~s . and employer to see that tneir carelessness . , does not endanger their ·own or I the lives c;>f others. Meanwhi_k, the Division of Industrial S•· _ . . . • • , , £ . .,.., • I ty will exercise every vigilance. ...Alt JEi:tnrtex-~s POint :r~ zrval $l1iuyard1 . Operatir~. g JE:D.gineei~s 1~epresenta1..1ve Gem·ge .B;o,ker ann 0a£eiy li'.lngmeer Dale I to reduce and ultimately.Lto er• were shown ~ovies recently abri'ut the Irnp~rb:uJ.Ce. d safe­ ·· Y/[m·x'. .Vaughn B. Fe:rrgnson is-Dir!'eeto!', of L.J.d.ustri.al Rela- I r'adicate the shocking death anci ty Gil the job. At fa.rrlght in the backg:rom:d are Bu§in,ess tion§ ·at the y~:rd. · ·,.. - I inj\Jry rate in this field. · ·•. rUNE, ;l~J.. :.. ENGI:WEEJ1S NEW~ · • PAGE·: ELEY.EN . Booming W~, f- k . · at Bea . le:: 'E, B ~< -' '' · . By : Harold : ll;u·st~n, ~- )t. Van · Constructi~n at · ~eale Air : l}ouses .in the fir~t'< of _the three 1 ·. N~tiieHini : · S9~st_ructig~1 .! 9Dp.' ~ec_up.an_cy ln IT}fq , J~LliY,.: lA~co ·r~<- : .. WhtkJe;: w>~. - 1-Veeks and 'IForce Base IS a rna] or part of I Capehart HoUSI)lg prOJeCts hav~ . , paey.. and· .F / Br . Latllrojr; Con: [.ing .e ta·•'' .schedule . 130 ... units ... ' Jtm Hall I pteseilt building in the Yub~- 1 b~en in US S!. since las_t May. Har"-:i struct_iori : comp. ari :( we:r,~ ~ ;v.atir ·should be· compJ.~t~d : by fall. : ,· .· . ·. · · · ·· . , S~1tter area. A. . survey takenct~IS : bison & rviaho11ey C01JlP'>f1Y was j. ed th').s -~~ontr~~t .ynth a )n ~v ~bid L.Th _e.. s:c{led,uled .corp ·pletion date .. · W oli'k ·.. in tt1e .. Mary~ville area week of work m ·progress . 111- i recently awa:r~ed a . $166,848. of .· '$4,949,000::. W~. th -.pt? ::work- :· o~1 230: quplex: units. 'Yhich roui).d · tas ?tarted. to: opep. up. A Jot ?f . clic~ted the total cost of these : contract fo!· cleanup .. ~vork : s~; J dgne: b_:i ' fla ~es> the · t~ ·t'\'!'::~. .o~t ,pf·· out _fhe '·t~ree · JJ~j:leh _in; t _Housing ~~ he JO'bs we have . all been wa1t- 1 proJects to exceed · $10,000,000. i these dwellmgs. Some work has j the ·400 _umt.J; p1<;!I:eme!lt- ',Is "eX' ProJects, is .February '1962. Al- ·: · ng fo:r · h~ve . eithei started or I' In additi~n to pres·ent w:ork, . beeri s~arted . tbwa~d completion I p ect~~ to be ~bo~it $7.5 IJ:_1ill_iqn., eqn : Pacific C_ompany· of. _,- Sacra.:.~ r'e.ib-out rea?y tq start. ~wo b1g_ proJects-the base mecl- ~ of th_e '100 houses m the se~ond ! Tl11S . ·Is ,?h9'].l.L $.1-,{) 00~ 000 .. :g1ore m~nto was.- awarded ·a .$3,714,000 \W cleared 252 men so ·far 1cal ,tacihty and the B~ a le Offi- mcrement. 1'hese were aoo.ut 1 than . t11e ongmal. l;[ayes' ~.on- aontract on . the buil.dings, and ~ . th . th- f Ma but Ic ers Club, which cost m excess I one-t111rd completed when work I tract. . - : ! ~ ~ - Baldwin Construction; Company· ----- urmr- e mon o y, " 1 • , J - . · - · · · · · · ~l h " perator· and of $~.000.000 . l1ave · JU 3t been 1 was · halted last year by HaL B. The- first of these. four-hun- of Marysville is doing t 0 75 0 1 the off-_·- le s I.t ave s 1 t · d '1'' 1 t f t' 570 H ....._ 1 ' d d" h · · · b · · 1 f I · "--- - · 0 o ~ers on our out-ohvork I ~ e e · ~ne , as o · ne ayes. ·. - r:_e. ou~es m ay .~ e ,_ r~~cy or .site .work UJ:):der·a $128,450 CO!!- ._ .sts. .- . I - tr:a~t. . , · CHICO. Gordon H, _Ba11 ; In_c., ." has been.:, . :;len ·:~-. c~a: My.cjn ~ · moviii.g:aiong oi1" their job .at.tbe' .·.: . . College in Chico:· T);e' hid:on .trus c · job wa:;· $,1,200,000.to hulld 'a 'new ' . =ii~ .~·:. Sh~w : n ~ men's .gymnasium.· Bro.: Henry· •. · { . ' . . . -- . ~ Wyman h as. been operating the ··· :hoist'fm 'them whim they make·; . . their co:il:crete pours·. · · · ·. · I A. ~ Te~~4 ert - ~ .sop. Chic(( B.'i' ar~~n···L~_Moine ~nd W. L. of. I was awarded the .contract to a_P,- - .. "Bili"· Tomberlin · · 1 ply ·seal coating to va_rious stre·ets: . ., .. : . . . . :,_··: : .· . I At t he Emeka safety meeting · of GliiCo .~ by th~ . City of Chico,.. I.for the'ir· Iow bid -:~of $4:,144. "- teld lVIa~J5 ; ; p?le tw~rr show~d f .. At th~ 'Black Btl he .:Dam, Geo. film :on' the: )Juilding bf ,Glen_ ·M. Brewster has twQ sl;:tifts -goiruf.: :any on. bridge -- i~ " Utah, Arizo~a. · ana: a!e right ~ ).ip·._ to ,schedule:->: )n MayJ.. 6,. it .wa's shown at·Mad •· Tl).is job should las~ at .least an- tiver fo.r: hie·membe'rs• working . ·18 months. Case Hood .and - Fo,ster · _ha,.v~ ,:jtl~.r ab;~t i1 the ·R'lith :Dain · for ·F~del. . compl~V 1 ed -.their ,. diversiOn tunnel..: . ;r:ariit~ : · rli.e~e :~vi·e!~ 3~ . ~ne~be;~ Ball and. Sirnpsori.'s· Railroad _ · • 1res en t .. ,at •~ :this ·-c ni eeti~g:. · :.retocatiorl. jo'b 'atiable M9l).ntairi: · is ·rolling :'alon'g .on. a -- -two ' shif(· -operation ·and· ·s-hould. ,be .gdod : for ; ai:rothe~;:s~asoh;.' as~~ th'ey : l:i~V.e>· . . Jo:t; . :.~~fft~t:-~to : . ~~t!.~ : Vr{;~0:~;. :, :·_·_;,: ./: .•..

; ' _.,.

·- .Jor tti€{' ·· ~~~a .. ·,,,)···s~:-·;n .-,~·;·.:. j,(;£~:.. --· ·.. : _:: K .a-- .·-s:e::.._.'s.; ~·~=·B· . ;e. •s·· -t·. ·· · · ·~ , <- ·. ) ·.. of. ~otit~ , ~ .. - -' i'.. ~ "'· ('')L!'l.';..f.'';'· ~. ., .. - · ~· : . ·'""· •.. ' . . .: :;· .. ,_.... and tw.o:Jane . high,~ ~ ,b·_.··. . ~Ao _. ~. ~...·.· ~c·. ·.. ··. o,·n·__ .. .:.._·_:_~.:'~·.-.·t'·... - ....:·· h·_a ·..' _.. s· ..~ ·,'. ..·_, b·__ - ~e··· ~-·.n:_ _·, ..'.: ·a .·'11. ·a·_···_r.. ;l ·· e.d . '" . . . . . on . -,40 .• ·. . , . LL·': _ ~ u ·' Safety .gets. more than.talk . year tl:).ey .ope:t;ate:d. withoy,Ua , sa.f~. tY -minded . cre ,\~ ~ ~ i~ . - ~e:I.'Y.. : qi-ov~l!l~ : : :T~~ -··PiQJAltBrriate.e~ f,_i~qc~~d~~ ~outl{(. , ...; :· · ) ;~-:~I!th~H:;~ , ;~,I~Q .~'~9 < for .):)ase -among the ~i-ew 6( the. Kilis~r lost time·.. accident. · · '~ :. . ·pro.ud · (>f,..the:-.awar9,_. , · · ·~ extension -·of. the ·Feather . RI:v:er · nd payll).g· ·l?:etw.~~n. . Lord ;~Ellis "plant"at ·Oro.ville., Recently, as Considering. tl1at the K?is~r ... ' Left to. right_. are:: (~pe~l~ng) ·. . :Sridgeon Highway 2lanci lison, ' R,os~ndo .. B e . r _ul~ e?, ,. ' ·is cfciing :the CleadiJg. an(\- getting:: . mploymerit office. project. to best sifety .re"cm:q of any:- of gether without much thougllt Ralph _Ha"l l\IJ.elvm _McG.omr.y, started on the excavation-of-their . oubie .. the ' office space of the the plants of the .world· widf of safety, this' is an a'ccom- B~ng Biondo. B1:other Al Me- road job . at Almanor Lake- ureka branch ·of the State -De- .arid far flung Kaiser Indus- plishment. . ?ma was absent_on _account of .through . .Prattville . .They · ba.vce ilrtment of Employment. The tries: - . · . Superinten.dent of the plant IUness when this p1ct.ure was orie sub-contractor .on t)1is job. .· . Dnstr,uc_tio!l \V._ill- ad~ . a ' seCOl).d For }he second .co'nsectitive is, _Stanley Lord, who, with his· taken: Tl;:tey' were '.also low "bidder for ;ory t o «the 6,00_Q square foot · .. h-i:ghwl!-Y surfacing ten milos east . uildi~g at Fourth and !(·Streets 1- . _· · • • :· d. . ~~ - . , &. • t • _ of Cl;les.ter, at a ~ost of ~ 108~740, nd Will ·P-11Sh the · wal~s · of the l Neg·ottat ·l·ons I;J.n...... erwa·y· .. .-..ego-"10 aons Souza-Wright-has star~ed - _call~ . \.l ilding out_ to property limits. - , · . . . . 1 U 1 , . _ . . · ing for a few m_~_ n on -1ts ]o,bs. & R ·is currently .constructing · · ·. 0 . . w•th Th~y have a job at Bla.r.isdon_ _to le science bu'ilding on · the w·t'h' t·h G ld I d ; t .. . I pen. .. I . . fl,nish and ,one at.? _old,Lak_e, al_so linpus· ·at . Humboldt State Col- I e 0 \ n u 5 ry. I . . a Forest Service· road at· VIre;llta • . :ge in Arcata.. . - . ft• F9 Isbell has finally got their two ~· Morrison-Kntidsen C?mpany of Negotiations :-vith the gold I' tive agreements_on · fringe issues, . if"" I pe I rm s. shift .opera,tion . st~:·ted on . l~e ea. , Wash., 1s gettmg under dredging . companies seem to be , and hopefully there - will be a I . Frenchmans Flat Dam. Tins ,Is . ay on the ·job at Hazelvie:v taking .a Httle Jqnger J haJ} jn pre- pension. f!gre?ment ~coveftn_g . tl:e On May 23 negotiations start- going to be most1y shovel and· 1:nmit,. ~e, Jei~ : rn_ Tl~s ~0. ' 1~t~ :;· of l · 'b9;u~ ·.: ~r-~# .Wi'tl1 ·' tJ~·_(if_ at. oma_ s ~ .efllberJ iri the; giild hn Fred~ncks?n ~ _Nelson -Car- that an~ agreement. consum- open with th~ gold dredging i w.lll b~ the fu;st time ~ ve · have ! tors are startmg to r~-llno~ V\?th r and Fr._ed ~ P1etnck. A_t · the mated will be retroactive to the companies, we begin to hear met :With the compame::; for two two shifts on ,eqmpmenc . unQ.._ ~a~ of ...this -)Ob• there Will be I date of expi~ation. . , · rumors of a possible increase in. years, the last· ageement con-; three . _?hifts on h?avy · du_ty · lout . 40. , · . _·. . ; There have been some. tenta- the price of. gold. Whether this 1 summated_ wa~ for t:vo years, .[ ~echamcs ·.,and grease trticks~ . . _ is due to the eompan'ies' usual J It . had no' reopemng : c~a_t~se ! TJ1e · weath~r !1as . caus e ~l a Jate. ·.g;, ·· ·· B 3 =~ · ·· · . ...J ~ stOJ:y of the hardship t1.1. e_y a_'re_· a_n.d, of' course,-d._,ur__ m _g _t_hat time_.., sta.rt on this_ ~ol:l. _. - . ~s ; 1),0 . ge· peneu ~oon sufferi:t;J.g due -to the increo.se ot I ~here hav.e been Improve:n.,ents~i . 1\t a speCI~l .eJectwn ].~ay 1~6, , · · - · . cheir cost- of doing business with I)1 other ~greement~ ?nd ,_ nl the the. voters approved b:y _12 t o _1, :>n· :,tJk-S. ~ 5 a~ Free.w.av. Job-the stationary price of the prod- g?ne~a.lJield ·of labor ~~l?tJOns. t..?- · $~85 - lJ!llllOn reyenueooncvs-; · • ' · e . - "· :. · · · .. . - '9 - · - uct· they sell, we do not know. ' As t\1e members· so ably yomted; sue:. to fmar:ce th~ ·. Yupa _f~t :er: 1T h e •. Ca_lifornia ' Division of station near Salinas. - Througn tile o~:~ce o.l . C.ongre ss~ j out m. U1e spe c ~al . mee~mg l_ast : _P~o]~ct. Th~ Yuba Cou~ty waLer" !ghways· will open bids in Sac- S H' ·. . c.> 69 · d man Harold T "Bizz" J ohnsoh month, the employers. are gomg d1stnct antlcip~tes star "1-ng con- 1 000 1 lmenfo june '14 for a $3 2 mil- I 0 a;n - ralldC~?C~.ll.P ~, _ '. a_n - of the second ~ongressional dis- Ito 113.ve to give serious _· consid- ~ struction on this pro)ect m late 1 , • , . . , • •• . • , scap,ng an msra mg an Irnga- . . . . t· t t - 1962 · tn freeway constructwn JO'b m tion system on .4 m)ie of u.s .. tnct, we have mfor-matwn that era.wn °-on1 reques s. · j1 . · -- f Dorado C,ounty. · . - 1101 be t wee n Boylston Streel he and Senator Clair Engle have I J\11 these matters haye been I ~ . IThe. p;oj,Bct involves construe- ~ and the J ames LI ~k Freeway. introduced i<;lentical bills iii the P ~: e~a~~d, ,after ca~eful consid- A1d ·to Farm Workers · jn o-f 2.8" miles of four-lan:e -Ali.uneda: $50,000; . lfmdscap t.wo hou-:es of Con>;ress· designed i eratw i:!. by ,the legal experts - ~f LOS ANGELES-Led by_Jo ~n eeway on US. :-BO between .4 ing . culverts on sigh ; route 20' to stimulate procluC'tion of. gol,d. l the umons, anp were presented 1St~il).beck ·and· Carl _Sandburg, he west bf ·Perk_s Corner and l · b'etwe~n Fort Bragg fJ:nd W1lllts The plan would · authQrize ·the·. to: the ..em~lo :~ ers and,_ ·as . '~e , wnters, educator:s and c~urcb. a.ville. · · . · 1 and -on State Route 1 between Secretary of the Interior to1 make. s_ald, they. h;ve not at th~ tm.e _leadei:s ·. have . f o ~me d _· t~e 0. ~1 e r Northern. Califor?ia Westport and Leggett. in~entive payments. to domestic this IS hem, prep~red, ·had ;l~~ "Emergency C?,mmit_tee . to. Aic:l ad JObs, set for bid openmg Humboldt: $110,000 ·channel m_mers of gold durmg the next time to come up With an ans\~ e1. -Farm Workers .. Their .aim. Is t(}. ~e 7: · · : revisions ori State Ro~te 36 be- ~ five years. Itj,s based upon the .better the- position of "Ameri- uyrontere~: . $210,000,. new · di- tween 9.7 and 10 miles east of pres_ent subsi~iz~~ion of the gold Every f"'l ember ca's truly forgotten people," the- non of highways mamtenance 1 U.S. 101 near Carlotta mmmg mdustry ..m Canada. An Organizer:! farm workers. .. .PAGE TWELVE . ENGINEERS NEWS . . .. ~ - . . - . JUNE 1961 . I ,_

,_ - -·· . . ·~ ,. ·.•·· - - ·-· . -· ...

··:.e~>··· ...... ·:: ktorl .C . icks Up

.. .

ow !1 Governor Edmund G. Brown has put California bel~ind a national.job drive launched in Washiagton, D.C., under 'the ._;jNi)·l961

Eftesrt6 :·.;f.¥rea·.:·. -- .. : . ·'.• . .. . . ' . . ork a1ts on...... · ·. okay 'fr mArMy By Ed Heru.~ne, Joseph Miller ditch. Winston-Green' on the . and B. F. Helling tunnel at Balch Camp still has , · . . . . . -eight Operating Engineers work- . Wmk 111 the Fresno area _Is ing one shift. This c;ompany left. v~I.Y sl~w. and has shown no Sig- teri feet on the east end because m•an~ 1 ~~ I~ease. Our ~ut ~f 1 there. . \viH. be_· a call for .· bids / 'Y'June 5. ·. . . · 1 ·tJn:ee Operating Engineers b. e · going~ for quit ~ sometime y~t. ~ - The B. ureau.. of Public Rga.ds - ~t Hanford, - one instmment ·. nian. to ·.. the Baldwn:~ will open bids on June 1 on two .I ; Enc ~son~~ampbell Company .Is,I road jobs at Jol1n.sond;lle. One check . grade, .an operator movmg !.Igl;lt alo,ng on the. Arm- ~job . will be' four miles of road .• 3trjig :R:ubber Company· plant. and the other will be ~about' - ·' a.~d an oHer. ,The m ac4ine f.h~ :'pave poured ~. he concrete four a~ ti_ onechalf . miles · long. · ~a~ a tube of · mercury in. ~l9or ~nd , ar_e.;.Po_urmg t,he pre- These· jobs .will . be 70 • miles _th~ ditch - ,b~hirid It a.n d one· ~ a]). roof~eetwns m tlJ.e prefo-:p~- above Potterville close to Quak­ ')'~ .: ,· ._ ,. . ' ·.. . \ ll~ ,Y_ard .. .''_Vhen . ~omp1eted' t:l:ns ing Aspen Camp across the • ; in . front . which .cq_ntrol the 9.WJJ~u~ g wtU; :Pav~ -2Q acres UJ;l-· western divide · se qtl · ". ·'·~· .... ,,,""' m~tting . wp~el. ~~J 9-ll~ '·fQO f :,;-:.1 :L.:F·' .,-;;,;. . : '.' • '"• aLEore.st;r: ~J __ :~ •·•· L. ~- Wel~s has tSS$. aDbed~ Ahis~ · ~~~ -; I\~;~~~ ·: ~ · ~ : ·~~. ~~ ~ . ~ , ~. , \ =;- ; • · • • ~ ~ r:o ad ' :]t;Jh ' ne.aiiThgmBa ·· ?ahd'·~ is · F~· "";~~ ~~ _n·•l ,. i [ " ' ·e .··:·--:1 ,; ....," ... ,. s·· '-'.' 1' f . . ~--~~- ;~~~~j:~~~~i;~~~~~~h::~~iv= -- 1·e-;. ,_,l· "\ ~U r.v:.ey: ~ ~ .._. .. 1 -·. tru-g FREEwAY .:g· 'JOB · or ~ . ~.,.,>-.~-··t:: •j•' - .. .. "" · · · ' : . e ... ""·f'>· )•Y . ~. - 5tatuS ,.. ' - _..... ' - ·. . ·: "; . ; Westl>r "' M:ora son _. Knud- . 'ook By AI. Boardman . & ' in Ol:ll' i;e).atio:hs with the- Civil paid fpr/"in \vhole dr in p.art- 'I Senate in op_position to the ~~/?:: ;;q op-ipany · ~s" :rp.aking. ·good · · : Aatt Venn.ebakeili' . Engineers and L;md Stirveyors; ;oll:t . of publ:ic ftm!}s. ·-r_ro be ex- me~s~re; . as a tesul~ of _this _op ~ )rogress oil the freeway south we feel that as . employers they phc1t, t}?.e wage scal~s of your . positron the b~ll dred m com• Jf A'resno. They have three Over the years your u~ion have . never accepted the union contract; your welfare, pension mittee, . )oMUr loaders! k'eeping 'a .large has , att~Jnpted to Gooperate with to the-· extent they reg a r. d and vacation plans .would. be- We would like to temi'nd .the :leet_· of trucks ' employers on matters we believ- b th th t : ~usy. Th~y a:t:e ·ed to be of ·mutual interest. Of their empl9~ees as working peo-1 c.ome mandatory in their pay- · . ~o ers . a ·any f 1}Jout through .With the DW 20 one o you' ple. The _stigma borne by the ment under, state .law. ·. · WI~h ten or more years of etn- !pread, according. {to . Del Hoyt ; paramount importance; we have working man is not ever to .be ~ STATE .· BIDS ploy:rp.ent with your ., cu-rrent. In·· ;upetintendeilt on ·the job: ' believed, 'has been · the training admitted or ev..en thought of by This, the union fe.lt, was_neco dividu!ll Employer is. entitled to'- . Chetf ·Brothers arid 1 Sandkay ?f .young_men to be.com~ ~killed t.Q.e professional. engineer. · essary because of the increasing three wee.ks of .· vacation ,time. 1t Madera have new automat- Ill, a the freld. of sur:V~y~ng. T.o -STATUS amount of field survey work be- This is under the. terms of the ._ c· trenching machine (see pic- that en?; w~ _ have. Imtlated an · The . desperate struggle to l.ng let under state bid. , Out of Bay Counties Civil Engineer~. ures). . They have one · insttu~ _appre-nb ~ eship . ·program and keep. f.tom being .under . union state engineering firms have un:. arid Land Surveyors Association i:lent ·man behind the machine, ·)lave agreed with · 1?-al'l~ ·of ~he · contract, the tot.!ll lack of ·:pro- derbid local firms by_as mtlch Agreement. ~hecking grade with a rod that p_roposals-. of : the . engmeermg tedion under the •' labor. code, as $2 per hour. It was felt by ,· -----'------s-. on the machine, one oiler arid fums: _ . ,· · . ' ~ · ar·e tlie result uf the.never ~nd- . the union' that bringing the . .. tp.e· o'perator. This· I?achine _ha~ · At tpe mument, _; employer~ ing struggle for statu~. Thi_s fact field . survey parties under·. the U S SeekS 1 tube· of mercury m .the ditch have take11 the ...-proposed Ap~ was. brought home With SI,ck.en- . state labor code would protect . • . • · 1ehind it ~ and .also ,0n~· tube. : of _ prent~ce ~hil1Plan qac~ to the irig ·impact r~c~nt~.Y in Sac~a-[ our memb~rs as well as_' the em- nee.1ry · 111 · front Jo·,··n· t -P·a·ct of It, which ·A.ssoci_atwn to be approved : or menta. Your umon, through Its player agau~st out uf state sub- . . . nakes -th¢· cutting ·wheEJl go· \II> : ct1sappro~.e.d . ,~e . d? . J:!.ot, kn~vy .legts!!ltt:-ve ~epr.e§~r:t:tati:veJ:i:rvs:gc· standard . wages ·and working 'Q· .. ,...... ti' down- t :. . . ; ... ,n' ;· ·. . :I SS ~ I .Iso lias a '' notjqi 1 .es rt~ [£dffC)_qt<:?ftip~; ft:;:t.ke; rwe :·;can. 6ril!._ ~0~~ ·1~~01: ,th~~ ' l~gtsl~~ u;r.~ :'a "biU :? m~nd.ing i'!the · ·:- So it ·was w•ith £, n:o:)n ttle:' dis-· . . S . . f L . b -A th · J nachine tl:).at .pou'fs" ~ ' :ffl ·!. pJ &cEi' 1best. "" · 1 t .. ,0 . 1':!w-"·a.:·,;; .:i" >~ ,~;-:; ~~,c;·. Stat.e .of California Labor· Code: may, not to say consternation·, G 1 ~~re a_r~ t a or r _ur .f iipe. , This e omp!J.ny has abo_ut . What. we. would like. 'tcf 'ex- Th~s- ame_hdment would have re~. when th~ representative· of the m~eti~~; · ,;y~~hseun~~n: s~~~~~a~~ \~o more · wee:k~ : on th~ ·dirt press he-re. IS the tho~ght ~ y hat 1 qmr~d .field suryeys for maps employer . appeared before the tors, .and Defense · D~partiJ;len :pre_ad __ -and· U?hl A'Mgust on t the thougP, .we-have had fair s~ccess specially made under contracts . labor committee of the State officfals To assume efficient and:. · · · · ;·. · · · · · · · .unil1ter;upted· work) on the ~a~ SWAP 'SHOP: ·· free wa.nt a:ds · for engine.e.-s tio~~;~!~~ec~~~!;::·e,thesea.J ' , i ,· · .. : :· • . A h -sin. insulatea t:ui .ao;c ~lU LE,S ' FOR SUBMITTING . . . · . .. . ., retary said he had been asked .A:DS . nyt· • living rtn·., kitcqen. , . by the . r . . ng . . to' ' .. ,. . . nished, . op.en- beam P1:esident to get. . ~ eve'ry.- & · ·. · ·· · · · · 1 · · · ·· · · Any .Operating . ' .Engineer ·. ma.y · · · .. - · · ·. · . • ·· m- glassed . end .. g:rbles,oo w·1t , ·.- thin. g possible .do-ne.. so that OUJ;' .dvet;tise·_in thes_e colmmis ".:vithout 5 6 ·.bu' ·.·, .· tra' de··... ' ' ' .. ~r~ly:f'ff . ri~ ~s~~- t ·~ -~rr missile pr-ogram moves forwar!l. . :barge any PERSONAL PROPER- I • • ·· · l'YA , • - •• ~·~o. 6105 Le- sau, W1s . ~ ··· cit · full speed:" · . ..: .. wishtes to sell, swap. or pur ~ ...,. . I ' . -, . ', .. . .alif. . .BUSINESS B~O~K . . indust. ' Mr. Goldberg halr. 'Ads Will not· be aiCCepted· for has 'already con- ·entals_, p'ersonal_ services or. side-''.or ·.. sel ·l , . .•·LBLEWARE 16- :·CentraL N. 2 Y., fully-equ•· f d . ··t·h s . t J h 'L Me ~... · • • .-quart alunlirmm · · cheoJ:!ette, ,stores, .7-rm, ~ . erre WI · ena ·or o n . •. ines. ""· · .&u<..~ ',..a<~S, $2 each . Silver · $15,_00~ " 0wner retmn?, WH Cl Ii - h h d th ··t tra"Y-. $2.50. Whistling - tea ~ · ;vnte. KeSifii_~. R. Hans< · e an, W 0 e.a S e COmpu ~· . : $2.50. Ali e PRINT OR TfPE ,the wording . are new ~~ Write: B: C. .. !!~-- mn St., Itha< . tee investigating the missile prO• ..nte .. · · .. m.' lid!§a ~5\lz l'iiiilillm! BOAT,- Hi' fiberglass Lap Strall.- ·' ' d.· 'th. 'D f · · S ·ou wan't in your·adve1·tisement on , Ave., ·Los AniJii1 .l. ~alif . . . 40 h.p. Eyinrude outboard, \ . gra~, an . WI e ense ecre• ' s.eparate sheet of paper, limiting. J, com­ EMBROIDERED PILLOWCAS-Es ·· - · steering gear, r.emote control, ' tar_·y ..-R.ob .e,rt S. McNatnar.a."· Th. e . ~er, field . . . :a • c;ro lent conditiOn. Best offer. 0-rl,, · 'ourself to 30 words or less, in- ' · 3est offer. cheted ~!dgmgs, $3.50.~ - .aby , ·quilts, cost: $2,200 . . Write: Sol .. Kornl. Secretary will also rheet with hiding your NA!VIE, complete AD­ -- ·----· fifitll d6-year cnb;.. dapplique _df dacron - ~ Jp til! i*Logim St. -.>Do. lAM Lodge e , v guarantee ,· postpaid. Send Iyn ~ · · ' pu=Ulll'c 'expe'r' t-s. I·n· th. e labor-rna· ll•: . ~ESS and· REGISTEg NUMBER. ..,;don St., Provid.ence ·4, ' ·stamp. for · more . information to: · · - Gladys Lindsey, J&'!lf"'l rige 18, ~ AMERICAN FLYERS.' ""' agement relations field. loAllow for a time ;Ia.pse t< 'ORD .of. sev- -~ COLUMBIA · r~ar end, $25. N .. E. ~; .. ~ ·. Wml!'i. ·~ .. transfohne,. •--.. - Following the meetings onJ he ral weeks between the 'p· osting of . Front hood fe'nder &'· grill assembly 59 'TAUNUS, .Ger. Ford, station wagon, $c~g pi? ' . from 48 . Ford . wagon. M-ake offer. like 0 - ' d • .·,. bl h ' h' th S . etters .atnd l'eCelpt of your new, R/H, W/W, must sacrifice, 'adi• '.'· .· so_"· ·111 missile pro em, W I ~ e ec-, a-d by . . Write·: Harold' ReieewH;!:, ~~ take . over pa-yments. ·Write: L. J.. J/ ~11 · 11 . 'l!l n fefary called "o.. n e of . ut_·mo-st ufo readers. , . - · ... ~!:n: , ~~ canyon,..s- ~t~:ai!'un'tn~Z::Ji£@:/~. ?lst .· . . . · d · urgency,", he ·said he" :"will be ·' I ·-dressA all ads · to: Engip.eers' ~.- A C R_ E FARM, good hous!!, outbuild- BOAT, ~4', •W Shop AL CLEM . Editor 474 fiberglassed Thomr. yftl ~ r· !Pi! · prepar.ed promptly to make rec- . mgs, .year-round creek, payed road; speed, ·fisherman model V'W ~ 7alenc • ' ' .' • ' school bus, 4 miles from ~ . Mercury motor deluxP : · · · ia ..Street , San Francisco 3, Wash. Write: .Charles 'll!kliloe ~ ·er accessories' ·· · · f . ommendq· tions to the President )alifornia. Be · sure to include ~l'"'WP, Route 1, mtr: ' :a&K-' ~ ;- Write.;' Lyle... . nBV!.J'AJf ·. -Of· . for, appr.opriate action." ' '' .. register. number . . .No a!l will ~;· WaSh. -· . - .. . 1181, 900-1": .. ·· · ~ '1/!Y ·e• :i:mblislietl without this .informa• YEAR.-ROUND ~:_ HOl\iE; · · -\nicely . fur-· E' ·' · mshe·q; 3-bedrm.. batq,_ on· .water . ..,.. ~TJ;I.V J ~ • · · ron. • , fro · . , . fi e ,. ' ~ ~ e R ~,c. nt, .67' :well;dot. 100x300' ·g·ood ·.f1•" . · u . <.;. &~~ M ~ · U.S. Savin·.9.s Bonds, :''If-.: ADS ARE' FR' .EE ing, Hamlin Lake. . write; _-: •. · ~ ,. Robbins. ~ lOS, T ~ 1 Yolilr Best Investment , fl_AGE SIXTEEN ENGINEERS NEWS JUNE,. iij! ) . Your Pension P~an Operating 'Engine·ers ' *

ers fficial - -irectOry·:, : J _' _ i Her_t are more questions members ask about the Pensio~1 ,,....:-__; _____.:.._.. ____ . MAIN OFFICE- SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA iPlan - which is- supported solely by employer payments --= and i 474 VALENCIA Tel: HEmlock 1-1568 '·~ some answers_ - . . - · -. I AL .CLEM, Business Manager ...... WYman -2-0294 1 If you have specific problems that are ~1ot answered here, San francisco. I PAUL ·EDGECOMBE, President ...... Mission 7:-4743 ' :Write to· the Pension Trust Fund, 476 _Valencia St., San Frar1:- i JERRY DOWD, Vice President and Representative ...... UNion 7-9369 ' (~rn~p pisco. ·Generai "Membership W. v. MINAHAN; Recor:(ling-Sec ret aryF ir es id~ 5-2616 (San N~atlt" H. T. PETERSEN, Treasurer and Representatwe ·...... ESsex 1-_61 Q- How much is the early retirement pension? - (San Jose) ·Meeting ...... 'ln 5:-3!171 ··' monthly amount is determined as . f>Ollows: AL B·OARDMAl'f, Business Representative A_:_ The GEORGE BAKER, Business Representative ...... JUniper 6-4423 1. Figure ·the amount of the normal or reduced pension DALE MARR, Safety -Engineer .. ..; ___ ...... Hilltop 7-3668 (Liverfriore) to which the man would be entitled if he 'were then 65. I -· SiEMb·ANNUAL <· NO- ,. California 2. Reduce this afnoupt by % of 1 p~r cent fur each month SAN MATEO, 1527 South "B" Street .. FI 5-8237 j . he is younger than 65 . . TICE Of G E N ER AL I BILL RA ...N'EY, Business Representative ...... EMerson 8-5690 . is then r·ounded off to the highest l 3. The resulting figure DAN MATTESON, Business Representative ___ ...... JUno 9-0977 multiple .of 50 cents. ·· MEM~ERSHIP M!E£1 .. I SAN RAFAEL, California "* 701 Mission Aveii'ue GLenwood 4-3565 · Q-When is an Engineer elligi!Jie for a disability pension? ING~ __ J uly · s~ . 196i, 1:00 I F'. A. LAWRENCE, Business Representative .... ____ GLenwood 4-2214 disabled when · is A-If he becomes permanently and totally he P. M• m S·g:ar fr~mcfst:o VALLEJO, 'California at least 50 years of age, but before he is 65; he has at least ten 2l72 :Springs Road . . Mid_way.. 4-2667 _ . . years of pension credit; and. he l a ·ib o r . 'fe mpi r~m i940 .. AARONS. SMITH, Business Representative ...... MI\l. -vvay 2-0034_ . has received two quarters of . • · cre dit since Jan. 1, ~@~ill Streei·, San F:r aai~ . - OAKLAND, California _...... ;~ pension I, 1444 Webster Street TWinoaks 3-21 ( 1958. DON KINCHLOE, District Representative ...... VErnon 7-7418 \ · · ...... (Danviile) Q-What nmst a man do to ~..-______;;,_:______. .~l / . NORRIS CASE~- Bu~siness Rep1~es~ntative ...... MU 5-4341,., ( Con:~r~)· prove ·:ne is "p-ermanently and L. L. LAUX, Bu_mess Representatwe ...... LAnds,ape 4 _023 t all ·· bl d · ART PENI\TE'B~4.KER, Business Representative ... ,CL 4-8681 . (Orinda) :01 · Y disa ,· e . ?·' "' SAN FR. ANCISCO THOMAS .ECK, Business Re:presentative ...... :...... ;.. ,.. .Oakland A - An Engine-er applying for cl' bTt · t ' STOCKTON, California a .:1sa 11 ~ p _ens~on m u+s suD- ·Next regular meeting in San mil a determmat~on by che _Fed- Francisco will be on Wednes- 2626No, California St. . HOward 4-7687 l S 1 S t Ad t WALTER -TALBOT, bistd.ct Representative ...... HOw,ard 4"1092 era OCla · ecun Y mrrus ra- , day July 12 1961 AL :McNAJVLI\.RA, .Business ) 1-epresentative .:...... ,:._.... BOward 4o ~ Oj06 tion t1i.1t he is entitled to a So- · ' · · .. · I · MODESTO; California ·· · ·· · cial Security disability b~nefit 1 · '' * * ' · · · · · . ' , I in connection with his Old Age,' i52Jl K Street . LAmbert 2-0833 ...... Lf'-mbert 2-7632 Q ;.,-i,rors . ~nd rll·sabr.ll'ty-- .DSlli' RENO GLENN DOBYNS. Business Representative . \ 11 1 · - ~<'UREKA , Cal1_·form· a . ., "-' - ' "- ' " ~ , u:. · · ~~~.t&D~ -'-'-' - *I anc; coverage. . / At · the regul~r district ineet - ~ 280S :Broadway . ' Hillside 3- 7~ 28 * mg to be held m Reno on June WARREN LEI\'IOINE, District Representative ...... HI 2-8628 .:...... :.. HillSide 2-4089 Q- Hiow much is a disability pension? . 14,. igsl (Wednesday), Reno lVIu- i BILL TOMBERLIN, Business Representative · A- The' disability pension- is determined by multiplylng $2.40 sicians Building, 120 w. Taylor 1 ' _· . FRESNO; California . • by the n_umber of years of pension credit. . _ St., Reno, Nevada, there will be 312llEJa5t Olive ADa-ins 3-1981 v l"tmsi.on re, a SPECIAL ORDER OF B. USI- JOSEPH MILLER. District Representative ...... _...... :...... BA 2-8232 Q-W_ hat happens if an En~ineer 011 a rlisabilit ED HEARNE Business Renr-esentative · ~ • lt' Bfldwin 7-3764 covers? · 1 NESS TO VOTE on the question · B. F. HELLING, Business Representative ...... A-He will no longer be entitled t·o re-ceive H1e pension. He of whether meetings /shall be MARYSVILLE, California may, however, return t o ·work and resume accrual- of pension 1hel? on Saturday nighL or re- 10li,O Eye Street . SHerwood 3-7321· credit earned before the disability. • maul. the s.ame. · _ - . _ HAROLD HUSTON, District Representative ...... SHer-.vood 2-1728 C. R. VAN VTIW.r H. W. Meadows, Roseville 307964 3 2-25- . '08 5- 3-'61 521 Third Street, Santa Rosa, SAN JOSE,.California Cecil C. Thompson, Rodeo 338338 3 7-16· '07 5- 5-'61 California. 760 Eilnory ~treet CYpress 5-8'788 W: D. Eastwood, Felton 267621 3 3-21-1894 5- 8-'61 * * * A. J, HOPE, Financial Secretary and · . . . :R. E. Wyman, Graham, Mo. 795953 · 3 10-. 7- '07 5- · 9-'61 . District. Representative ...... YOrkshire-,7-2942 ·(Los Altos) ~- S. Leonesio, Richmond 240287 3 2-10- '01 5-12-'61 UTAR DANNY o. DEES; BusineS.s Representative ... :...... A~~~2j~~; David Kahoe, Hawaii 1043766 · HB3A 4, 1- '09 5-11-'61 , _ . · . . . LYNN MOORE, Business Representative ... E·. V. Henry, Chico 955079 3 :i2 ~1 8~ '08 unreptd Next: · reg1.1lar _, meeting · Salt W. HARLEY DAVIDSON, Business Representative .... ____ .. :::PA 4"5490 , ;Stephen Leonesio, Alameda 184569 _· 3 · 7-23-1892 5-16-'61' La~e Clty; utah,- , 1961, · · · ·e;-ty 6-~87 .:.. ... ~J: Standley, Sr., S. Leandro 598639 3 8- 9-1898 5- 8 _,61 Vernal and Cedar Citv, June RUSSELL SWANSON, Business Representative ~ Libe~ty 5-44~ B. McMullen, San Pablo 268492 3 10-. 3: '07 5'-23-'61 20·'·1961 · • RENQ N-evada . · · ·· · 0. 1 236 Romualdo Maruelli, Fairfax 503186 3 7-21-1895 5-20-'!:11 ·' . - : · . > .. . ·· · · - · .·· M - 1W~n ' 4ve.nue , :- . . ._, . . -. ·· ,~ - ~Af~t~~W.c&-,0 Proyo~lst . :'I}le_sday · of·;· each ·' H: L:S~l'JNCEi pi_S,ttJ.ct · ~e_y.z:e5eh:~!:i~~-:-': ,•:· ..: .:,~ --·-· ... ::FArrVJ.ew ' 2~l420 We, the .offiCers· and members;·- wish to ·- e.ll:tend. our .sincere moil.thi'&:OO ·p.m.; Labor'Temple;· · -:- &.ALT:]jA:KE CITY; ~ .. ~lt ' MOVI. .. . ' . .. . · · ·· p.m;,. Qldh.am Hall,-. Logan,:·Utah: . '~ oGDEN, Utah . · EXpOrt .4::_l011- - · '· ' . ' . 2501 G t ; . .Kennecott' Cop· .per. Co_mpan_ v..:.;..:. l ' · · · nm ... ' .I : So ~ou ~ will 'not·- mi.ss: one is­ . " . )HONOLULU,_Hawaii . . , 1 st Thursda.y of ea,ch month, Pi- , 208 N.lcCandless Bldg. '· · ·· · . HOnolulu 6-5418 .. · . f· sue. of~~- Eli'gineei-s·· News;:. ' oneer 'Hall; West Jordan, Utah, • HAROLD LEwiS, Distl'ict Representative . ::...... ~: .. HOnolulu· 7'75;-:00S· ~-:·' · ot'vour · · RUPERT ,H:· T_EVES; _Business Rep:t~se~tative ::. ::~: .. E'onololilu· 9~1• .. 'sttRE.·- ··to .ad.~e . . -· us'· " · · · 12:30 ~md· ' 7:3o ·~ i>~m . ~;: BER1I"NAKANO; Busmess' Representatwe-- ·. - . . . . change of address. * * JEURE~A ·· · ·: · ·,' · ·:. ~-- ~AM E______- ~- : . : ·_ ~ -__ ·:______,______.: ___ ------.------<---.------·· .Next ie~i~r nieeti'ng July ;>, M~il Due~ Q'~,re~ :+:-- +o . - ~an:: · Francise~ 19.in .' (Wednesday),'· 2806 Jkoad- ' · .,... ,.. . way, Eur?ka· ~ (;a11I - .· . ~~~vice -· .Fo,. ·P . rompt·: · y' . - .OLD ADDRESS ·---- ' ·- .... - .. '· ~- .: ·:· ., ·. ------' ------. ------. -. *·... *· :(~ - .. .:· -.. CITY; ·------·- ' -·------:· - ~:;.-'-- , ~ -:------' ------··------~-- -- -··- . ,. : : RlEUDING ·. _hll · maUing . in · you~r due~ .f.r th·e ,fblfd :.:q ·ucn··ter~l', . . , .· .. ·.. ,...... - . . .I -·- -. NEW ·ADDRESS ______. ~ ; Sn.J.;It.JG · FORM" Poriiorl' :~ ;:: regular~ meeting,July · MAIL IN THE ·~ Next .slliire . . lbe . to. .. . . :• '. ' ~ . ; ...... ; 1961 ('fl_lut,:sday):, fS'ew)~ lk' s Hall, BeritQn Drive" · . " , :. : :. . to ensure. prcper_,_,. credit.Cllfid · fa~ter service. e -: -/ * ~: * . IEae~ morn_ing the mai; is picked up at 7~30 a.m. _. Clip an.d mail to En.gillileers N2ws, OROVILLE is in our office at 8 a .. m.· ; - ~ 474 Valencia St., San Frandsco 3, Calif. , I ~m~d \ ,• .<-.: .. ·• . I ·. Prospector:s village; July 7.