Commandant's Annual Report, 1961-1962

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Commandant's Annual Report, 1961-1962 COMMANDANT'S ANNUAL REPORT 1961 ... 1962 The Judge Advocate General's School United States Army Charlottesville, Virginia FOREWORD It is with great pleasure and much satisfaction that I present the Commandant's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1962. Al­ though this represents the first report of this type published by The Judge Advocate General's School, it is intended that it become an integral feature in chronicling the continuing development of the Army's military law center. The report has a three-fold purpose: --- 1. To summarize the operations of the School during the past fiscal year. ---------2. To preserve in printed form a record of the School, its staff and faculty, students, and enlisted personnel. ~ To describe the various courses of instruction offered at - The Judge Advocate General's School. ThiE report reflects continued progress on the part of The Judge Advocate General's School. The value of any educational institution, however, is measured by how well it prepares its student body for the roles which await them upon graduation. Accordingly, our goal, as in the past, is to increase and make more effective our services to the Army by thorough preparation of officers for service in the Judge Advocate General's Corps. JOHN F. T. MURRAY Colonel, J AGC Commandant i COMMANDANT'S ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR 1962 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section I -The Judge Advocate General's School Today ....................... 1 Mission ............... 1 History ..... 3 Section II -Organization of The Judge Advocate General's School ............ .......... 5 Academic Department ................ 5 Nonresident Training Department 5 Research and Publications Department 5 Office of School Secretary .. 7 Board of Visitors 7 Section III -Academic Activities. 8 Judge Advocate Officer Career Course 8 Judge Advocate General (Special) Course ........................... 12 Procurement Law Course 14 Military Justice Course . 16 International Law Course ..... 16 Civil Law Course ... 17 Civil Affairs Law Course 17 Military Affairs Course ... 18 Contract Termination Law Course. 18 Law Otficer Seminar 19 Judge Advocate Officer Refresher (Reserve Component) Course .. 19 Guest Speaker Program ............... 19 Text Preparation Program ... 21 Section IV -Nonresident Legal Training Programs 22 In General ................................ 22 Training Programs Available to Judge Advocate Reservists ............. 22 USAR School Judge Advocate Officer Career Course ........................ 24 Judge Advocate Officer Career Extension Course ....... ............. 25 Judge Advocate Officer Career (Reserve Component) Course ...... ....... 25 USAR School Judge Advocate Reserve New Developments Course .................... 25 iii Judge Advocate Army Extension Course Program ........................................................ 25 Preparation and Distribution of Training Materials ...................................................... 27 Liaison Visits ...................................................... 28 Career Management.......................................... 28 Section V -Research and Publications ................................. 30 In General ............................................................ 30 Publications .......................................................... 30 Training Films .... .............................................. 34 Instruction in Army Service Schools 34 Special Activities ............................................... 35 Section VI -Administration .......... ...................................... 37 In General ............................................................ 37 Facilities of the School .......................... ........... 37 Quarters ......................................... ...................... 40 Messing ................................................................ 40 Officers' Open Mess .............................. ............... 40 Bookstore ........... .................................... ........... 41 Logistical Support ............................. 41 Adjutant and Personnel Offices ...................... 41 Medical and Dental Facilities ......................... 42 Athletic Facilities .................... ........ ...... 42 Section VII-Appendices ........... ..... .............. .......... 44 Appendix I (Organizational Chart of School) ......................................................... 44 Appendix II (Organizational Roster of School) ......................................................... 45 Appendix III (Changes in Officer Personnel, FY 1962) ....... ............. ... 47 Appendix IV (Background Statements of Officer Personnel) .......................... 49 Appendix V (FY 1962 Course Cycle Chart)........................ ................... 56 Appendix VI (Resident Students, FY 1962) ................................................. 57 Appendix VII (FY 1963 Course Cycle Chart) .......................................................... 58 Appendix VIII (Guest Speakers) ................... 59 Appendix IX (Awards) ........................... 63 Appendix X (Thesis Topics) ........... 64 Appendix XI (Text Book Program) .... ........ 68 iv THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL'S SCHOOL TODAY MISSION The Army lawyer of today is a carefully selected and highly trained specialist in military law. Not merely a lawyer, he re­ eeives intensive training on a graduate law school level in many aspects of military law before he begins his military law prac­ tice. Training the modern Army lawyer is the function of The Judge Advocate General's School, located at Charlottesville, Virginia. The Judge Advocate General's School, located on the Grounds of the University of Virginia opposite the Law School, is the Army's military law center. It is an approved law school rated by the American Bar Association inspectors as offering the highest quality specialized graduate program in law to be found in America, and provides a graduate law school atmosphere where the modern Army lawyer is professionally trained in the many aspects of military law. The School's function is to orient the Army lawyer in the fundamentals of military law, to keep his training current, and to give him specialized legal training on an advanced level. As a military law center, it attaches considerable importance to its research and publica­ tions, including texts and case books, as wen as several legal periodicals. The Judge Advocate General's School operates on a year­ round basis. Over 6,000 students have graduated from courses offered at the School in its 11 years of operation; during Fiscal Y.ear 1962, 803 students were graduated from courses offered at the School. Classes are held in the University of Virginia Law School, where many of the JAG School faculty maintain their offices. There, in the Law School, the JAG students can avail themselves of the largest law library in the South. All newly commissioned officers in the Judge Advocate Gen­ eral's Corps receive an introductory course at the JAG School. This 10-weeks' course is designed to train these newly commis­ sioned lawyers in the fundamentals of military law and prepare them to advise the commander and his staff on legal problems, to perform the duties of trial and defens'e counsel before general courts-martial, to review reports of investigations and cases tried before summary and special courts-martial, and to give legal assistance to servicemen. The cours-e includes instruction on military justice, military administrative law, claims, procurement law, military science, civil and international law, and staff judge advocate operations. 1 Two such courses are held each year, one in the fall and one in the spring. i:f' These students come from all over the United States, and even J;I from allied nations. They bring to their classes their varied ,I' experiences as citizens and lawyers, and the training of many i different law schools. Upon their graduation, they are assigned 1 to military posts throughout the United States, to such places ! as San Francisco, Chicago, San Antonio, New York City, Wash­ \. ington, and to nations in such foreign countries as France, 'I 1 Korea, Iran, and Ethiopia. \~ Outstanding career military lawyers return to the JAG School for a 34-week course in military law. This course is similar to the law schools' masters programs. The student is thoroughly immersed in the many subjects of import to the military: legal history, jurisprudence, admiralty, military justice, military ad­ ministrative law, procurement law, international law, compara­ tive law, claims, civil affairs, legal assistance, military reserva­ tions, military training, and counterinsurgency. In addition, each career class student is required to present a thesis on a significant problem area in military law. These students also participate in a logistical field exercise with career course stu­ dents from other service schools. The School also conducts several 1-3 week courses for judge advocates and for civilian attorneys employed by the armed services and federal government whose work lies within a specialty. Military justice, procurement law, contract termi­ nation, international law, civil affairs law, civil law, and mili­ tary affairs are among those courses offered. Reservists not on active duty may also attend a two-week refresher course in the summer, which course emphasizes current trends and developments. For persons not in residence, a number of legal training pro­ grams are offered by the School. Judge advocates in the field continue their military legal training by taking extension
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