Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962
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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1961-1962 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1962 Eastern Progress - 18 May 1962 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1961-62/29 -SI—T JU. ■ ii Mi OVC VISITS EASTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGES PAGE 4 oezess PAGE 2 "Keeping Pace In A Progressive Era" Friday, May 18, 1962 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky Vol. 39- No. 29 Cooper, O'Donnell, Donovan Eastern Honors 150 Men To Receive Honorary Degrees At 55th Commencement May 31 At Ninth Annual Program Conference in Paris. He holds honorary uegrees from Board Of Regents Centre College, University of Ken- Clifton Basye WMtaker. tucky, Georgetown, Berea College, Lincoln Memorial, and Nasson Approves Fifth (Maine) College. Gives Talk Showalter O'Donnell Men- students recognized at Wed- Degree From ESC O'Donnell, who served longer nesday's Men's Honors Day were Preside than any of his four predecessors told that they are "the reason for Eastern Kentucky will award as president of Eastern, was the the existence of this institution, Nearly 156 men students were honorary doctor of lawa degrees chief administrator of the Rich- and "the more of them there are, honored Wednesday morning at the to U.8. Senator John Sherman mond college for 19 years. He be- the greater this institution will be- ninth annual Honors Day pi opium Cooper, President-emeritus W. F. came the fifth Eastern president come." by Clifton A. Basye, giv- for men in Hiram Brock Auditor- O'Donnell and former president In 1941, succeeding Herman Lee ing the principal address at the ium at Eastern. Herman Lee Donovan, at its 55th Donovan. He holds an honorary de- event. gree from Transylvania College. Sponsored by Omlcron Alpha Rrlng commencement May Slat, He urged students in the crowd- Kappa and Kappa Iota Epsilon, esident Robert R. Martin said Donovan, the third Eastern presi- fed auditorium to work hard be- dent, serving from 1928-41, Is Presi- men's honorary fraternities, Don (otlay. cause "Talent is nothing more than Whltaker, Cynthlana, and Don dent-emeritus of the University of ai) unusual amount of concentra- The degrees, approved by the Kentucky. Eastern's $2 million Showalter, Louisville, presidents board of regent* after discussion ted interest and hard work," add- of the two groups, presided at the and approval by the college faculty laboratory school plant, the Dono- ing that those students who were van Building, was named In his program. will bring the total number of hon- being honored were there because Awards presented Included: orary degrees conferred by East- honor. they had not slacked during their ern to five. Commencement exercises will be school years, fighting the grow- BIOtOGY — Richard Eversole, held at 10 a.m. In the Hiram Brock ing "cult of medlocracy." Jackson, received the award for Vic* President Lyndon B. John- Auditorium, Coates Administra- SEN. JOHN SHERMAN COOPER It is very necessary that 'the the most outstanding senior In son received the first when he tion Building. the department. spoke at the spring commencement students be not satisfied with anly £t year and General Carlos Rom- average work, he said, because ENGLJSH^Jernr C Metcalfe, the second at the graduation "If'we don't have a respect . Grays Knob, received the Presley exercises last August. for education, Krushev won't have M. Grise Award for the best short Cooper, Republican from Somer- to bury us. we will bury ourselves." story In this year's BeOes Lettrea. set, will deliver the commence- Pride :n Grades Galand W. Pettys, Richmond, re- ment address on May 31st to about He gave these reasons for hard ceived the Roy B. Clark Award BOO graduates. Following the exer- study: working hard fosters pltde for the beat poem In the student cises he will take part In corner- in oneself; industries hire people publication. stone-laying ceremonies for two more readily who have achieved GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY new Eastern dormitories, McGreg- better than average grades;'' to- —Gary McBee, Cynthlana, and day's complex society requires William Bladen, Richmond, were or Hall, six-story women's dorm, , THESE ABE THE MEN . These planners of this year's Men's Honors Day program prepared the event alld Earle Combs Hall, men's resi- more training for specialized : recognized as the outstanding stu- and future teachers will need - ' which was the subject of Wednesday's assembly hour. Standing with the faculty advisors. Dr. H. Zimmack dents in the department. dence hall. Both are set for com- training for their students. and Dr. Quentln Keen, are to the left, Don Whltaker, president of OAKS and Don Showalter, president of pletion next March. KIE, sophomore men's honorary. s> < MATHEMATICS —James Sho- Senator . Former President H. L. Dono- walter, Louisville, was recognised He has served four terms In the van spoke to the students, and then as receiving a $2,300 graduate fel- U.S. Senate and as Ambassador was presented with a port rail of lowship to Purdue University for to India and Nepal. A graduate of himself which will be place in; the advanced study in mathematics. both Yale and Harvard, Cooper Donovan Laboratory School. ' Robert Vickers, Richmond*, was has served as advisor to Secretary Di a surprise..presentation. Dean the recipient of she freshman of State, Dean Acheson, at the Lon- Emma Y. Cfcse, Dean of Women, Mathematics Achievement Award. don and Brussels meetings of the "was given a plaque honoring her MILITARY SCIENCE — Tenta- Council of Ministers of the North years of service at Eastern by the tively designated as Distinguished Atlantic Treaty Organization, He KJE and OAKS men's honorary Military Students were: William societies. Dean Case will retire also was congressional advisor, to DR. H. L. DONOVAN DR. W. F. O'DONNELL H. Blount, Richmond; Hugh A. file U.S. Delegation to the UNESCO this June. Jenkins, LaGrange; Daniel Mc- Donald, Jr., Mt Sterling; Stephen At Senior Women's Dinner McMiilin, Springfield; John F. Jim Sho waiter Morris, Salyersville; John C. Par- Miss Grace Champion, outstand- from Maysvuie, Is chairman of the mentary education department at rish, Frankfort, David H. Rust, lng professional educator and sup- committee on arrangements. Other George Peabody College. Oovlngton and George Beckett, Bonds Are Sold To Finance ervisor of the Louisville Public She received a B.S. degree from Georgetown. Tells Group Schools, will deliver the main add- members of the committee Include: Eastern In 1937 and an M.A. in PHYSICS — Don Dykes, Rich- ress at the 8th annual Senior Wo- Mary Ann Lyons, Maysville, tick- 1943. mond, received the Physics men's Dinner next Thursday even- ets; Diane Wenderoth, Dayton, About 'Moms' ways and means; Carol Oaldwell, Her experience In teaching Achievement Award for outstand- ing at ( p.m. in Eastern's Student ranges from first grade through ing work in a beginning Physics $16 Million Construction James Showalter told assembled Union Building. Paint Lick, publicity; Linda Mur- course. parents, students, and faculty, Sun- rell, Irvine, reception; Barbara Junior high school. She was the An Eastern alumnus, Miss elementary supervisor of the New CHEMISTRY — Recipients of day afternoon that the most influ- Edwards, Louisville, decorations, medical school scholarships were ential character in forming per- Champion w.111 have' as her topic, and Diana Munsen, Frankfort, pro- Albany City Schools from 1943 to "Our Values: A Mirror For Us." 1950. Leroy C a t r o n, Monticello, and sonality was a mother. Speaking gram. Douglas Scutchfleld, Prestonsburg. Program Now In Progress at the 26th Annual Mother's Day Presiding at the dinner will be The guest speaker has served as Scholarships for graduate study program, Showalter. a Louisville Mrs. Evelyn Craft Turner, senior general supervisor of the Louis- from Frankfort. In chemistry at Ohio State Uni- married student housing units are has served as vice-chairman of the senior and president of the Student ville schools since 1965. Prior to versity went to James Barrett, Various Projects completed and Martin Hall is ex- board for six years, was re-elect- Council, gave the principal address Miss Nancy Campbell, senior this time, she taught in the ele- Mlddlesboro; Don Dix, Hazard, pected to be completed in June. ed vice-chairman. at the event. and Gary Booth, Campton. The To Be Financed The action took place during a Dr. Russell I. Todd, Richmond, Jim pointed out that mothers outstanding sophomore chemistry meeting of the Eastern board of was elected representative of the try to give their children the things major was Charles Hensley, Plne- regents. college to the Council on Public they didn't have. He added that vUle. The Dr. William H. Cox ' By Series V Bonds Two new members were sworn Higher Education. the great lesson of life that is ROTC Cadets Win 3 Award for the most outstanding Eastern today sold $6,875,000 in to office today by circuit Judge, Members of the board present taught by a mother Is one that pre-medlcal student went to H. O. Porter. They are Wilson were Clay, Palmer, Combs, Todd, we must pass, and only God will Dwight Short, Richmond, and the revenue bonds to finance part of Palmer, Cynthlana and Sidney W. F. L. Dupree. Harlan, and Judge know if we have passed. most outstanding freshman a $16 million construction pro- Clay, Louisville. They replace H. Thomas B. McGregor, Frankfort, The College and Parents Trophies At Meet chemistry major was Oourtland L. gram in progress on the campus. D.- Fitzpatrtck, Prestonsburg, and Chairman of the board, Wendell President Robert R. Martin deliv- Hanlon, Ghent. Three and one-half million dol- Robert B- Hensley, Louisville.