3 May 1962 ": ··
: 1,' - -.. .~ -· .0 . • - . ',["~ ., . ~ ... - o,,,cr 0, lfA·VAl L_ IECUlll'FY -01,1s,o,, ,,,,,_I.L18£11CJ ; . i . ~ NEWS LEnER ' [ -' :1. ·r i .. I.. • ,, • { . .. J.•.· 3 May 1962 ": ·· ..-. ·, '·'(This ·Ie,1sletter fs inte nded for dissemination to all :' persons concerned uith ;. investigations. Sufficient copies are furnished to allow distribution of . ·::_. ·i ndi vid,ml copi es. to ea.ch Naval Intelligence Agent) . ·-::°"*-';('°****~k**-Y,-~,-Y..-,i.rlP.P?,.-:-~-'lrk-r.-Yt*'A-**1;·ll:~'-Y."°*-'l,***-'k-:',~HH:-~-)\--\<-'.H'--****l~***~k-¾-***·:(-·:'°*°:H:-·~**-:l-;}~-**°* .l. , ' r' THE BACKLOG STAYS WI'rH US ., ; ,' ::, · S! !'.- .:· . _In spite of a gratifying increase in case output· ever the past quarter, dli~'oo.ckl.Qg of__cas~s continues to creep upwp.rd. v'J.lhe high productivity per J J .. .. J{._; - , t • • t,,, :. I I • • • a gent is noted with•'pl.easure.i,:,· h_9'jever, and tt· i-s--hoped.___ th°:t i~ will continue to r i se. A recently authorized a.\J.gmeri"te.tion- in overall agent strength should :,-. begirt to make itself felt in the near future... Al.sci" it~is :. hoped that t he .l's'ubstantial number of grade ,promotions which are in prospect, will tend to have a stabiJ..iZirl6 effect onpereOilllEµ attrition. These factors, together ,,ith a ,. , little sustained. extra effort ·on the part of all _. of ~s will provide a good · start to·wa.rds _J,.icking this problem . ./To those fe,i average producers - get on . the ball? To .:the majority - keep up the good ,-rork! -. ~ . .. ~- ..... · .:..... , ·' \:,i6t·;·TI,1ER RETIRES , • ~·, • I s/A Clarence R.
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