
PRIVdTA wtDc/62 I coHrrnrilcE 0F n{E EtGHTEEru-Hnrroil c0MMITTEE 7 Septenbor 1962 OII DISARiIAMENT ENGLISE Orlglnal: E{GIISS-HJSSIAAT

e@oRf T0 Tm ufltm Nduo$s

The Couferaace of tbe l8-Ne,tion Gomnittee on nisarnanent transmits hetesith to ihe Unit eil Natione Disa,rrnament Cormission anil to the l?tb SessLon of tbe GeaeraJ' Assenbly a, seconil iaterin pxogress raporb on the Conforence ileliberatious for t'he period I Juoe 1962 to 8 Septeober L962. I. 0rgsJd.zetiou of Confereuce A. Particip,a'ot s in the Confereoce Repreeent'atives of the fotJ.oriag stotes contioued ibeir pertlcipation in the rork of the Connittae: Brazil, Bu1garia, Burtra, CaJxadE, CzechosLovakial tlhiopia, Inilial ltaly, ie:r-ico, Nigeria, Polanil, Ronania, Sweilen, Union of Soriet Socialisi Bepublics, United Arab Bepubl-ic, Uniteil Klngdon of Great Brita.in antl i{orthero Irela.od., and the United States of .Anerica.

]. .6t its 47th neeiiag on l- , the Conference d.ecid.eit to recess fron. 15 June to 16 . 2, At iis 5fth ueeting on 16 Juty 1962, the Cou.ferencs ailopteil certain

aiklitionar pro corlural amangements recomenileil by ibe C o-{ba"irnen (m{I)Cr/f /Ad.a. e1x coocercning the. nulber of neetings of the ful.l Co4leittee to be hekl e&cb wsek alxal the scbeilule of those meeti-ugs aoil a.ny subcomlttee neetings. 3. At its 60th xoeeting on 24 July 19621 thq Conference a,ilopted further reconnenrtaiions by tha Co-{hairnen concerniog. the procedu-ro of rork of the Committee on the first sta,ge of a treaty on denera,I and col4:lete disarma,Bent (EWA/Add.3)*. These reconhendations rere based r4ron tbe sequeuce of eeasures proposed both iu Stage I of ttre Draft Treaty on GeneraL and Corylete Disaroe,Eeat Under Stri ct Interna,tional Control, int,roducad. on 15 llercb L962 by the Delegetion

Asi eri sk i-nrlicat es Conference documsnts whi ch are ettacheil bereto as 3:nnex I. ENDC/62 7 atle 2 of tha Soy:iet Unior (trmOi/2), anel in Stage I of the 0utline of Basic Provisions of a lreaty c'n General ald Conplete Di sa:nanent in a Peaceful llorltl, introduce

a treaty r-,n genetal ancl corplete

  • und.et discussion rras to be referred. to the C o-Chairnen for furlher ileig,il-ed consideia'tron, rith the ain of blinging positions closer together €i.nat of achl evin6 agreetDono on i,exts of appropriate articles of tbe fj.rst stage of a treaty on general and. complete disarnanent. Noih5,ng in the alreed. proceilure ras int enaled. to preclude a.ny delegat'ion flon cliscussing a,rey subj ect or proposal i-r: aay plena:cy meeting. Consideration both of the question of a t,rea,iy b"nn{ag nuclea"r ryaspon tests a,nal of guestioDs to be

    g. The question of a treaty tannruqi nucles,r weopon tesis was ttiscusserl by

    the C o::rrittee durirg a nur&er of Plera,ry peetirgs. liscuaaiou was oontinuerl of the proposals of the unitetl stato s and of the Uaitad. Xin8don itated 18 Aprtl 1961 (nOC/g), of the Sotiet Union dated 28 l{ovelober 196I (EilDc,/Il), and of the Joint uenoranalum of, hazllr Burnal Ebhiopia', , (B{DC/28). lfexicol ilig€ria, Srpaden and the United Ara,b Eepublic ilatecl 16 LpfiI ].962 !t ti:e 69th raeetiag of, tJre comlttee on 14 August L962 r the Dele6ation of tJre Onltod State s review€d tbe reYiseal Uniteil States position shich lt barl ?rasentod at the 23rd aeeting of tbe Sub-c or'ffit ttee ou a Treaty fortJre Disc cntl nuanc e of Nuclea'r ?eapoa Tests on 9 ,Augrrst 1952. it the neeting of the Co"rrl.ttee on 20 August 1962 r on o joint proposs'I by Inttie antl tlre United Areb Bspubilc I tbe Comittes reglr€steal the Co.{ha,irnen, nbo acceptod, to oonsicler practicel a,nil adoquat'e ways fon a test ban trea'ty. h 27 lugust 1962 the DoleEp,t,ions of the unite't State s arit ihe llnited lIJ'ngdom introduced tbe texts of, tvo proBosa,ls for a treatyq These ore a tlraft troaty banaing suclos,r *€a'por t€sts l'' ell enrlroononts (ruW,/58)* u* a tbaft treaty bann{ pg nucLesr weapOu tOete in the atnoOgholO r ouisr space' SInl uUd ertva,ter (mnc,t591x. At tbe 8lsi, plottg,xy neetiag of the Gonnitiee oo 5 Septerdber L962 2 atbe D6logotLons of the Soriet,Un:ionp the Unlted I'iiugdon antl the Un-iteal Stotes ogreeil that tbe Cub4 o,,""l.ttee on e lroaty fbr the DiscontLnuanca of lhrclear feo;rou Tc'sts *ould continuo to noet in Geneve duri:rg tbe leooss. I1I. InfqElEJ- liaetinss -of the CoryiWeq r- sirort infornal Eeoting io dLscuss a,nd agree uBon 6 reoess pf,oo€dsd the 73rd plenary neoting. IT. Couuai.bleo _of__t!4._Sh_e1e. .r'r aeoting of the Cor:rni ttee was helil on 19 July 1962. The subjocts tliscusseal (b) | *.tu, (a) tUo preventloo of the fiuther ilLssoxri$ation of ntrclear r€opone; ard I reduction of ths posslbility of war by accidentl riscalculatione or fallure of c orolrnic oti oae . I I T. SuUconrdttee on o freatY fm I nissontin@ t. T!:e Subco',r'rittee ha,s h€ld aevsn neetings

    VI" lieetines of the C o-{haj.rBelr Durilg the perioil covered by ihis reportl the Bepresentet'ives of t'be United Stades of lnerica aacL of the IIui oa of Soriet Soclalist Bepublicsl in their capocity as Co-Cha,irnsn of the Elghteerr. Na,tioa Cor."ni ttee on Disatpa,ment I bave he}rl n:nerous meoti::gs, iacluiling cousulta,tlons of staff Lsvel. Scheitule of and procodure f,or

    the sorl: of ths C onf,erencel Draft.A.rticle 4 of a, treaty on ganenal and. coqrlete tlLsorna,nent I and cessa,$Lon of luc1eo,r seapoa +,ests rrere a,Hong the subjects Aiscusseil. rIII. e lAfelens e_! qsrlnsatg TrarsEritted herernith as 3.E1ox 1I to this ropori is a llst of {tll docuaents and. verbatLn rectrrd.s of the plenasl' teooting.s of the Eightsen NatioD Disacno,nent

    Comittool of the C orn:ittee of the ilhola o,nd the Subcormittee on o Preoty for the Discontiauancs of, lfuclecr. iieapon ?ests. Ccgrios of theso verbatin records and docuneu'ts hsee besu or s.re Ln the courEe of being circulated to all iierbo?s of the Unlted" ilaiions.

    This report ts subnitted by the C o-Chairnen on beha,lf of tha Conferencc of the Eighteon llotion Con'ni tt'ee on DisqrgqJrent,.

    Uni o:r of Jorniet Socialist Benubllcs Uni*'od Sta.tes of ";crica,

    V.Y. Ktrznetsov i.rthur E. Deoa nrDC/62 Anne:r I

    AN}IEX I

    List' of c'l.o cument s attacbed to the Reoort

    Frcueriural sr.gg es-tions of Co-Chairmen D{DcftlAdd,2

    Re c,-rr,raenclat i on s try the Co-Chairmen concerning frirDC /L /Add,.J tb.c procecl:re of ror?r of ilie Ei.ghteen Nstion Conniti-,ee on tlie firs-ir sta6e ot' a Treaty on Cr:ncral ["r(t C oTlo].ete lisarrntmeni:

    United &ingitom: ?roposals by the Unit ed .{ingdom Dele6ation of n\rDcl50 Subjects s!-liiat1e f c'r Discussion in Depth during the Curlcnt S e ssj-on

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsr Add.j tions a:rcl norlifisations 1o the ilraft treaty fr{DC/z/AAd..L oD +eneral aod Corcpl.-be D i sa:ruo,nent unaler strict i:r'o elnetj-onaL control, zubnitted. by the USSR dele8ation on 15 riarsh 1962 (D-IDC/2*)

    Unitcd Svr,.t e s of Americo: Anendme rs 'bo the U.S" Outline of Ba,sic provisious ENDC/30/Add.1 of a Tleat;r oL General and Cornplete Disaxmament in a ?eaceful VorLd (e\lm/30, "A*rxit 1.8, Lg6Zl reJ a'oing to zhe p:coduction of armarnent s in StaB-e I,

    Uniied States of .funeri ca:' ,A,mendrnent s t,o the U.S. 0rrtlins of Basic prorrisioas turw/3a/add..2 of a Treaty or. General and L;ompLote D i sarmarnent in a peacefur irorld (ENtrC/3o, -A.nri I 18, 1962) relating to Trans.itiun

    Union of Soviet Socialist Repulrlics and ll:i'b ecl- Slotes of -tmerica. 'lforking Dra^ft cf P ar-t I of the Treaty on General EslDc /4olRev. r a,rrd Cornplete D i sa.rmanent (in a Peaceful Worlrt) ploposed by the USA ard USSR TNrn/62 knex I -ire';ge 2

    Union of Soviet Scsialist ?epublics oni Ilnited Stotes :if A&erica; liorking Drcft'of r"rticle 4 of }ert iI of the fi.rDcl55 Treaty on Genera,l an

    FoopJ.esr' -lo;ubJ.ic of Bul;aria: rTorking ?cper: lraft arbicle 4 of tire ?reaty rtrD]/ -.17 on GenoraL aaf. Col;rlote lis*rnanient Pa,rt II: *lirsb Sta3-e cf SenAral nn

    Peoplos I -?e3ubLic of Bulgariar Vorh:ing Sapor: ievised Dra,ft articLe 4 of tbe ENDcf.,.17/&6v.1 Shaety oa Geaeral Brrd Corplato Disarueaead Pa,rt II: Sirst Sto,ge of Genoral anC Co;plete Disernaaent Article 4 - First stage tasks bited Stetes of r.iaeri.ca: ilorking Draft of j*tiole 4 of Sreety on GeneraL taa

    Unit€d ilingdo-"ri Ireliniae,ry Study of Problei:s CoDnected. ',rith the ESTDC,/53 Eliai-r:ation of Aochets as NucLear lolivery .YebicLes

    IhiteC i(in6Co;r: Preli:ainary Stucly of ProbLems Connected. sith tbe sNDc/51 Yerificaiion of the Destruction of Cerie-in Nuolear De1ivorll Yehicles

    Unlted Kingd.o:r: the Tecbnical lossibiLity of laiernational Control ENDC/60 of Sissile i.:aterieL Procluctioo ilttc/ 52 r,::ne:; t pa.ge 3

    llnited Kingd.o: and Sdites inexic e3 Draft tre aty bl,nnifr6 nucle i,r'l weapon tests in d{Dclrs B,II enviro:[ent s I

    United. !tingi.o;: .urd lhited 'lteies of r;iexica: Droft treaty be,:r-uing Nueleui ioepon ?est,s Eilto/59 ia the it;'.r s;i:ere, 0uter 6:cca, ead Underweter BCc/62 Annex II I pa;;o 1

    ji{rtr rr

    cgtrli-'.,rsT 0F Dogtr,,EllTs ISSTIO BY TgE} CONTP.ff{CE .A].ID ITS SUBSITI3ET OIiSAI{S ( I .r-uae L962 - 7 Septonbor 1!62 ) ts.wc/62 }bnex II Pa6e 2 {

    SACTION I - DOCIIIENTS OF TAE CONFXTENCE Part A Yerbatim reoord.s of the Confere-nce fUOCTPT. Serie5y' .@ Synbol 4fth neeting to 8J th rleoting I .iuns 1962 EhrDc,i?v.4T to 7 Sept. 1952 ro ENDCFV.82 It** Part B Docurobnts of the Conferense fnmC/- Serie;y' litLe of docu::rent Date Swrbo I

    Proceihral Sug6estions of Co-4ha,i:rara.a L6 Jrity 1962 &{Dc/vadd.2 Aitopied a.t 57tb Ueeting of the Conferenoe on 16 .l-u1y 1962

    Recoranenilations by the Co-Chaimen concerrring 24 Jr,Ly 1962 En{Dc/vadd.3 the prooeilure of r'o4-'. of the L8-ltlation Co'l'rittee on the first ste€e of a ireaty on Geo€laL auil CorEr1ete Di sa,rnatoent Ailopieil at 60th s,eeting of the Confereoce oa 24 iuLy 1962

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: L6 ;-uly 1962 nDc/2,/Ada.r Aclitit,ions anil notlificaliions to the draft treaty on Ae!€ral end. co:rplate dliss,:,"nalent uniler strict intolDa,tioDa,l control subnitteat by the IISSR ilelegation on 15, i"srch 1962 (Esc/2*)

    Un-itetl Siates of Aneeica; 6 .Au5ust 1952 E{Dcl3oladd.1 .6roendrsents io the U.S. Outl-ins of Basic Provisions of o Treaty ou Geaera.l anil Compiete Disa,rnaaent in a Peaceful Sorltl (EblDC/3O, , 1962) relgtiq to 'tbe procluction of srlra,aents in Stage I

    Uuited States of 3orerica: 3 August 1962 noo/3oladd.2 ;|sendn6ats to tbs U.S. Outliae of Ba,sic korrisione of, a frea.ty on Genera,I a,Ed. Complete Disa.roaaent in a, PeacefuL rTorlil (UoC/30, ,April L8, 1962) reJ.atio; to Ira,osition United Sts,tes of Asericar Corrigenilur io thq Docueent m[DC/3O/.dda.2 I August 1962 ll.gflr/3o/ldd..z/corr..-t Ftohsh onlJ noc/ee Ame:i II pago 3 D -Titt._-99_ggcu,ront Date ..S'uaboL Enion of Soviet Socialist Eepublios. 4 June L962 END0/43 Statenent by tJre Sowiot governoont on the Uniteil States higb altitutle uuclea.r explosious, datetl 3 ,962

    Uoited States of Aserica,r Statenent by t'he Sresiilent of the Ut"iterl 16 July 1962 n{Ilc/44 St'ates mad.e on L4 Ju4r 1962 on the eve of the resui:ption of the Conference of tha Eigbtean-

    . Nation Coluuittee on Disa,ltra.Beut

    llaitetl States of A.nerica: Eeport by th€ llnited States Departarent of 16 Jub' 1962 mDc/4t Defease ilatetl 7 July on 3toject Yela Unit'eil States of inerica: Statenent issueal by tio Unitsil Staties 16 july 1962 llrul,'/d6 Departroent of Stato oa j'uly 101 1962, in reaBorlo€ to certain resarl--s of Choirrr:an iibrushchev onthe quesJrioo of, nuclea.r tests at tbe forlil Congrees f,or General, Dlsa.roanent anil Peaca in iioscor on uro so:re doy Unioa of Soviet So'oialisi B€publicet Lretter ilatail 16 July 1962 f,ron the Doputy 16 .r=uly 1962 fr{sr/47 iiinisier for Forei;o i.ffairs of the U$SR to the Speoial Bopresoutative of tJre A.ctiq Seoretery-Generel. of the prtiteal Nations, tranaaittin; the speecir by ttre Chailaan of the Coulcil of idinisters of the USSR, i,r. N.S. lihrusbchev, d€Liveleal on 10 ju\r 1952 at the lforltl Congress for Genera,l Di esxmallent anil Peacs

    Union of Soviet Socialist Republicsr 16 o-uly 1952 tum/e Adilitions ancl aaen

    Union of Soviet Sooiolist Republicsr L7 JnLy 1962 SUf,l46/Corr.1 Corrigenilun to the Docu.iont $lDCl43 French onJ.y

    Urion of Sov-iet Socialist nopublicst 16 July 1962 n{Ilc/49 Tass coonunique of 13 ,fuIy 1962

    lluited i.incd.orar t Z .tuly 1962 mffi/50 Proposals by, iho Unito

    i E'0f/62 an"b:c II pa8s 4 a TitL€ of alocuBeut @ SYBbol UEioo of Soviet Socialist EepubLicsr 23 3u1y L982 rNDc/51 Stateoent iif the Soviet Govetrulent on 22 Jrny L962

    Becounenilations by tbe Co-Cbei.nren conc€rtlirg 24 $tLy L96Q fitr/52 the Brocetlure of ?on: of tbe l8-Natioo Comoittee on the First 5ta,6e of a. lroety on Gsnetal, aad. Coqllete Disaroa&ent

    Uniteil !.indiloa: I August 1962 n0c/53 Prelin:iaery I Nuil5r of, Stoblens Connectetl with the Elinina,tioa of Rociets as l{uclear Delivery Yehicles

    Uniteil i,.iDgdon! I As;ust 1962 uEc/54 Preli;aiaarlr Study of Probleas Cornecteil sit& t'he Yerif,ication of tbE Destruction of, Csrtain l{ucloar Delivery Vehicles

    Uniou of Sov:iot Social{st Bepublics anrl Uniteil States of, Aaerica: 7 August 1962 BIDC/'5 Forcini, Draft of, Srticle 4 of, gart ii of the lreaty ou General" anil Cor5rlete Disa,rla,neni ( is a ->eacefuL 9orlil ) proposeil by the USA a,nd USS:E

    Bra.ziI: 1.7 August 1,962 srDc/56 Note oJ the GovelnBeat of Brazil on a NucLear Tesi Dan

    Union of Soviet SociaList Republicsr 17 Auguet 1962 M,/57 Appeal, of the Ceotta,l Co:crittee of tbe Conrurrisi ?arty of *'be Soqiet Uuion, tbe Presidiuf, of tJre Supre::e Soviet of *Jeo Soviet Union anil the Governneni of, i,ire Sorriet Uaion to the Co':'luaist Perty aatl Peoples of the Soviei Un:ionl To the FeopLes and Governaen'ls of aLl Countriesl To al.L ?ro6ressive ilu:a.oilyl

    Uniteil iiingdon anil Uai'r:ed. States of ir$ericar 27 Au6ust L962 EW,/54 Draft treoty baoaia,; nuclear weelron tests in all enviroulents


    lbtd 6 sopteEber L962 ErDc/61,/Bev.1

    Unj.on of Soviet Soclallst Republics ? Septouber i.962 nvoc / 6t /F. ev,..A aorl .L onlY and '.rnl.ted Statos of Anorica: Spenlsh ccrrlgorttun to' tho Docurent ENDc/61Fev.1

    .t*** HIIDC/6" Anaex 1I - lace F I Pert C func/u sortef

    Title of iiocrnent Data SJrBbol

    3N@LESI BAUBLIC OF BUIGJRIA Torking Papee: ha^ft arbicle 4 of tbe 25 Jttly 1962 8{N/L.17 Treaty on General iud Congrlete Disarrnap aent Sart IIt First Stage of, Gensral aul Corplete Dis arme[rent IrticLe 4 - First stags ta^shs


    Vorking ?e4rer: Rev;iseal Draft article 4 of 31 July 1962 ENDC,rt . rZlhev . r the Treaty on Geueral ard Corplato Disarnanent ?art IIr First Stage of Gsnerol. aatl Corplete Disarnament .Ar,lic Ie 4 - &irst stage taske

    tll{ITD ST43ff 0F -AiymICl, ?orlsing lba.ft of l,rticle 4 of Treety ou 30 Jury 1962 ENDC,/L.18 I Genoral aacl Conrplate DisaraeDent in e ?eaceful'llorld proposed by the Unite

    ?ert I locraents conta.l.Liag infopnation of dB adnlrristrative netnte 7,fu1C/nm.-SerieS/ Title of docunent w. Svnbof Bosic information for dolegations 16 JuIy 1962 nqiEAm.r/nev.r

    List of lienbers of Delegations to tho 19 JuIy L962 mrm,/nrr. zt?ev. f Confereuce ']i"Dl/n:i Corrigentluro to t'be itocunont A/\W.3 24 Jttly 7962 arocr/rNF . 2/? ev . l Corr. I

    List of ldenbers of Delegations to the 15 trugust 1962 nmnc,/nrr. z/hsv.4 Conference

    ibiil 3 Septenber 1962 sNDcA$F .21hev.5 B,IDC/62 :o-ues II t ?e,g'e 7

    Title of do cu:ent fc!e Srrubol Chech-i.ist of cfocuiaeats issuod. betveen I June Lg62 BDC/II1F.4/edd.4 16 i{ey 1962 e-rrA 31 May tg52

    Check-lisi of (:.ocuneuts issued. betveetr 18 June 1962 ENDg/IilF.4/Add.5 I Juno 1952 e:ri. 15 Juae 1962

    Check-list of docuno[ts issued. betweeo, 2 Jury 1962 mIDC,/ilI5. 4/r-C.4. 6 16 Jr.ne 1962 cnrt 29 June 1962

    Check-lisi of docutents issuod between 15 July 1962 ENDC/IIrJ.4/A4d.7 '30 June 1952 end. 13 July 1962

    Check-l.ist of d.ocu:rents issued. betneen 14 July 1962 ancl 31 .Ju1y 1962 t .l-ugust 19 62 E{DC//nnJ.4//add.A

    Check-list of iocunents issueC beiween l-o iu6uet 1962 BrDClrr-J.4,&.ad.9 I ;lu6us_t L962 3.5 ;.qusi 1962 "ni Chectr-Iist of eocu;ronts issued betweoa 7 Septenber 1962 Bnc/r'm.4/rdd..lc 16 r',ugust 1962 end. f Septe::ber l!62

    I Iublic reloaso of final verbati[r record.s 6 June L962 m"rc/x,l-J.'/Add.3 docunsnts'

    Corriglqdrn to t\e do olrlnont EIIDC/ IIIF.'/tdd.3 '{ Jvte L962 EI{DC//IrJ , 5/Add . 3/ Corr.1

    Iubl,ic ls1€aee of final verbatia recold.s 2O Juue 1962 sllDc/Xm.5/'dd..4 do cr:nents

    ibid 4 July 1962 ENm/flrJ.5/Add.5

    ibid 16 July 1962 Er'rJO/xr.5/.in.6

    ibid 31 ;u1y 19,62 Er,nolnl3.5r.d,1.7

    2C .mgust 1962 ! !l j/ _rrJJ . )/l-dd.6

    ibid 31 j:rgust 1962 ENw/riif .5[dd..9 ?"rt E N""4""""*""t"t C. /ftUCftlCC/_Series/

    Title of d.ocur:ent Dote Sy; ibc L

    List of Col;unications received by the 13 July 1962 Secreta,rj-at of tire Conference duriag the poriod 2P i:ay 'co 13 JuLy 1962

    List of Co..:rmications received by the Septenber 1962 Eli!C/il'jil/5 Secretariot of tlre Conforence Curin.,t :e 2eriod. 14 July io 3 Se;rter:iber 1962 t- aoc/62 'li Lnnex II q 1lrg" 8

    4. $vnbo 1 9th nestind 1.9 JuLy 1962 ff{e/c.1/r-".9

    tatre Svubo I

    tr9th neetin€ to 25lh I"reeting I .J-rxla L962 siDc/Jc.1.,/"Y.19 to 4 Bept. to flDc/sc.1/"v.25

    :F Supplgnslt No. Com.L

    A/5201 Annual Report of the SecretarTr4eneral on the I Work of the Organizatlon (16 Jrrne 1961- 15 June 1962) and Add.L - Introduction to the.,. 1A A/ 5202 Report of the Securlty Councll to the G€lerel Assernbly (16 July L96L-L5 July 1962) A/52O3 Roport of the Econonlc and Soclal Councll (5 -3 Augu6t 1962) Arl5204 Roport of the Trusteeship Councll 4 (ao Juty r96L-2o Ju.Iy l-962)

    A,/ 5205 $:d'eet. Estimtes for the FlnanclEl Year 1963 end lnforuatlon Annex€s ard Add.I - Budget for the Flnan ci.al Year 1953 5A L/ 5206 Finarclal neport ana nccounts for tne year 6 ended 3I Decerber 1961 and Report of the Board of Auditors and Add.l - Urited Natione Chi].dronr s Fund 64 and Add.2 - Untted Nations Re1l€f snd Worke Ag€ncy 68 for Pa].estlne Refugees ln the Neer East and Add.3 - Voluutar';r Funds Adnjristered by the 6c F United Natlons Hfuh Comigsloner for R€ftrgees

    A/ 5207 Advleory comltt€o on Adnl-nlstratlve 8nd Budgetary Quostlons - Seventh Report of the General AseenbJy at lts seventeenth sesslon

    A/5208 unlted Nations Jolnt Ste.f,f Pension trund Annual Report of the Unit ed Natlons JoLnt Staff lension BoarrC A/5209 Repori of ths Internatlonal Law Comission 9 E onJ.y ( covering tho rdork of its fourtoenth sesslon fu Aprd'L-29,Iune 19&) 'lA A/5210 Report of the Connlttee on Contr{butlons Supplenot No.

    A/5zn/Hdr.L Report of the Unlted Natlons Htgh 11 Comnissioner for Refllg€es abd Add.l - Addendum to the... rLA L/52tffi Roport of the Special- Cffirltt€e for )2 South West Afrlca ond Add.l - Annex Xf (Record of the hearlnge held Ml-meo only by the Chairnan ard Vl-co-Cheirnan ln South Wo6t Afr{ca) end Add.Z - Armex XII (Wr{tten potltlons and commJ.- MJ.neo on\r cations recolved by the Spocial Comlttee)

    A,/ 52L3 Repoxt of tbe Unlted Netlons ComLsslon fcr L3 the Unlflcation and RehabLll"tation of Korea and Add.l - Addendura to tbe... 134 A,,/5214 Annual Report of the Dlrector of the Unlted J4 Nations Bell-ef a.nd Worko Agerrcy for PaLestine Befugees ln the Near East (1 - 30 June L952) A/52L, Report of tho Comrittee on fnforratlon fron L5 Non-S el-f -Covernlng Tenrltories A/ 5216 nepa'ft of the Unlt ed Natlons Sclentlfic 15 Comlttee on the Effects of Atonic Radiatlon A/52U Resolut!"ono adopied by ihe General Assenbly L7 durlng lts seventeenth sesslon (L8 SepteBber L962-2a Decorber 1962)