THE 21St and 22Nd JUNE 1965
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF MONUMENTS AND SITES REPORT ON THE CONSTITUTIVE ASSEMBLY HELD IN WARSAW THE 21st AND 22nd JUNE 1965 I CO MOS MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICOMOS CONSTITUTIVE ASSEMBLY Summary 1. Report on the Constitutive Assembly 3 2. Rules of the ~onstitutive Assembly . 11 3. Statutes 11 4. Report on the first General Assembly 15 5. Rules of the General Assembly . 17 6. Rules of Procedure of the Executive Committee. 22 7. Rules of the Advisory Committee . 23 REPORT ON THE CONSTITUTIVE ASSEMBLY HELD IN WARSAW THE 2lst AND 22nd JUNE 1965 The Constitutive Assembly of the International Council Mr. Josef Dutkiewicz, Mr. Stanislaw Lorentz, Mr. Jerzy of Monuments and Sites met at Warsaw, as guests of Lomnicki, Mr. Alfred Majewski, Mr. Kazimierz Mali the Polish government, in the Rudniev Room of the nowski, Mr. Bohdan Marconi, Mr. Andrzej Micha Palace of Culture and Science. Mr. Lucjan Motyka, lowski, Mr. Kazimierz Michalowski, Mr. Adam Milo Minister of Culture and the Arts, and Mr. Zygmunt bedski, Mrs. Hanna Pienkowska, Mr. Mieszyslaw Przy Gartstecki, Vice-Minister of Culture and the Arts, were lecki, Mr. Mieczyslaw Ptasnik, Mr. Bohdan Rymaszew delegated by the government of the host country to ski, Mr. Jerzq Szablowski, Mr. Jan Zachwatowicz; represent it at the sittings. from Romania : Mrs. Gabriella Bordenache, Mr. Geor ges Curinski, Mr. Grigore Ionesco, Mr. Mihail Ionesco, In attendance were : Mr. Livin Stefanescu; from West Germany: Mr. Georg S. Graf Adelmann, from Sweden: Mr. Zygmunt Lakocinski, Mr. Carl F. Mrs. Hanna Adenauer, Mr. Werner Bornheim gen. Mannerstrale, Mrs. Dagmar Selling, Mr.
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