,:ll PRIVdTA wtDc/62 I coHrrnrilcE 0F n{E EtGHTEEru-Hnrroil c0MMITTEE 7 Septenbor 1962 OII DISARiIAMENT ENGLISE Orlglnal: E{GIISS-HJSSIAAT e@oRf T0 Tm ufltm Nduo$s The Couferaace of tbe l8-Ne,tion Gomnittee on nisarnanent transmits hetesith to ihe Unit eil Natione Disa,rrnament Cormission anil to the l?tb SessLon of tbe GeaeraJ' Assenbly a, seconil iaterin pxogress raporb on the Conforence ileliberatious for t'he period I Juoe 1962 to 8 Septeober L962. I. 0rgsJd.zetiou of Confereuce A. Particip,a'ot s in the Confereoce Repreeent'atives of the fotJ.oriag stotes contioued ibeir pertlcipation in the rork of the Connittae: Brazil, Bu1garia, Burtra, CaJxadE, CzechosLovakial tlhiopia, Inilial ltaly, ie:r-ico, Nigeria, Polanil, Ronania, Sweilen, Union of Soriet Socialisi Bepublics, United Arab Bepubl-ic, Uniteil Klngdon of Great Brita.in antl i{orthero Irela.od., and the United States of .Anerica. ]. .6t its 47th neeiiag on l- June 1962, the Conference d.ecid.eit to recess fron. 15 June to 16 July 1962. 2, At iis 5fth ueeting on 16 Juty 1962, the Cou.ferencs ailopteil certain aiklitionar pro corlural amangements recomenileil by ibe C o-{ba"irnen (m{I)Cr/f /Ad.a. e1x coocercning the. nulber of neetings of the ful.l Co4leittee to be hekl e&cb wsek alxal the scbeilule of those meeti-ugs aoil a.ny subcomlttee neetings. 3. At its 60th xoeeting on 24 July 19621 thq Conference a,ilopted further reconnenrtaiions by tha Co-{hairnen concerniog. the procedu-ro of rork of the Committee on the first sta,ge of a treaty on denera,I and col4:lete disarma,Bent (EWA/Add.3)*. These reconhendations rere based r4ron tbe sequeuce of eeasures proposed both iu Stage I of ttre Draft Treaty on GeneraL and Corylete Disaroe,Eeat Under Stri ct Interna,tional Control, int,roducad. on 15 llercb L962 by the Delegetion Asi eri sk i-nrlicat es Conference documsnts whi ch are ettacheil bereto as 3:nnex I. ENDC/62 7 atle 2 of tha Soy:iet Unior (trmOi/2), anel in Stage I of the 0utline of Basic Provisions of a lreaty c'n General ald Conplete Di sa:nanent in a Peaceful llorltl, introduce<I on 18 .4pri1 L962 by the Delegation of the United. States ($,IDC/3o) r and. also took accourat of the suggestions submitt ed by the Dalegation of ihe Unit ed Kiagd.on on 1J Jury 1962 (tr{Dc/5o))c. rite reconmeddations prov'ld.ecl that the overall objective of the Connittee in the present phase of rvorh shoulA be to overcone the obstactes antl disagreenents between various ilelegations which becane appa.rent during the discussions of the basic proposals of tha Soviet Union (BDc/2) anrl of the United States (mmc/30) on general and. complete di- sarmameat i-n the first poriod. of Comnittee actiwity fron 14 liiarch to 14 June 1952r and that the initial focus shoultl .be on first s*age of a treaty r-,n genetal ancl corplete <Li sarma^uent, s:ith the a:in of consialeriug iu detait the measures of cli sarmament,l verification al,d naint €lra.nc e of interuatLonaL peace and security of the said st,age, ancl of agreeing o ttre texi of appropriete arr"ic1e6 to be incorp<iratecl i:rto the first s'Cat:e of a treaty on genara'l snd conplete {isaJmaaent. The e,6reed. proceilure set forth a list of 12 measures a:td topios fdr consesutive iliscussion. It also prorirled tha,t iliscussion take plaoe ioitia,trIy nt plenary meetings al'd that during srch sorisl-deration all dLslegatiods courd. suboit relovari treaty lar:.6;uage. Therea.fter, at a suitabla tin6, the measuro or topic und.et discussion rras to be referred. to the C o-Chairnen for furlher ileig,il-ed consideia'tron, rith the ain of blinging positions closer together €i.nat of achl evin6 agreetDono on i,exts of appropriate articles of tbe fj.rst stage of a treaty on general and. complete disarnanent. Noih5,ng in the alreed. proceilure ras int enaled. to preclude a.ny delegat'ion flon cliscussing a,rey subj ect or proposal i-r: aay plena:cy meeting. Consideration both of the question of a t,rea,iy b"nn{ag nuclea"r ryaspon tests a,nal of guestioDs to be <Iiscussetl iu'the Conmittee of the Whole wa,s specifically exerryted from the agreod. procedure of worh, E. Recess enil Datq of Resumpt,ion The Con-ference at its 73rd meeting on 22 August L962 a.greed. to a recess begiuring I September L962 afi, to a resurqrtioa of worh i-tr Geneva, on 12 No?erber L962. The Co-Chairmen, after eonsultaiion with roemt'ers of the Comnittee, aJte er4rowered. by the Committee to set a tliffarent d.at e for reconvening in Geneva if circumsta,nces iu tbeir jufuuent so rarraot, takiag into accou:rt both ttre eJpected ternination dat e of the consid.eration of ili sarna.ment at the ITth Sassion of tbe General AssembJ.y antl the desirability of teconvening the Comrqittee at Geneva at as early a d.at e as possible. w{Dcl62 I pa&e 3 II. Pleqary Deliberations L. Ten plenary i eetings toolr place frora 1 .iune to 14 June 1962, prior to the recoss froro 15 .iuna to 16 iuly 1962. 2. Trenty-si.x plenary ueetinAs tooh place fron L6 July to B Septeaber I962t folloring ihe recess. The Foreign i,,in:isters of Canada, the Union of Soviet Socialist Bepublics, tire Unitecl Kingdon of Great Brita;in a.nd Northern lreland., and the Uuiteil States of l,ilerica, andl the Defense ltinisdor of Int1ia, took pa,rt of the 6oth neeting on 24 JaLy L962. J. At its plenaxy ineeiings, the Corc$ittee continuetl to considerr in accortlanse with the rsconnend.ations conceroing the procedure of its vorl:, the draft treaiy on general aad compleie disa.ri.'ra,:rent sub'tritted by the Soviet Union on 15 lia,rrh 1962 (AnDg/z )r the outllne of basio grovisions of a treaty on 3eneral and. ronplete clisarrrra,nent i.n a peaceful world. subnitted by the Unit ed Stotes on 18 April 1962 (EIDc/3O)e aud other proaosaLs subnitted by nerabers of the Coranitiee, in tho ligbt of the Joinr; Stateoeni of Agreeil Principles of 20 Septenber 1961 and of the Genera,l .&"ssenbly.lesoLution f722 (XW I ot 20 Dec auber 1961. 4, l'he Delega,tion of the Union of Soviet Socialisi iepublics r on l-6 July 19621 subrlitted certain additions and nodifications in iis draft treaty on geueral. and col,+)Iete d.isa;r,raaent (uuclz/",rac. r )*. These adrlitions and doilifica,tions couceroed, itrter a1&, (t) a lO/" reduction in Stage I arfi. a 3i"/i reilirction in Stage iL of couventionaL ar&radents, and. (2) iaeasures to reiluce the danger of the outb!ea;:'. of wa,r. The Delegation of the Soriet Union also made hnown its readill€ss to lengtheu to 5 years the period it proposes for inplenentation of a treaty on general and conplete di sa.rr,raaent, to lengthen to 24 r:lonths froir the tlate of entry into fo"eo of a troaty the perio<l it proposes for corplotion of Stage I, aoil to set in Stage I a leve1 of 1.9 ilillion tlen each for tbe reducod arnad forces of the United Siates and. the Soqiat Union. ,. The )ale6adion of the Urrited Siates of Atterica, on 6 l:.ugust 1962t suboitteal cartain amsn&aents to its outline of basic prorisions of a treaiy ou general an(l coq)16te ali sa,"na$ent in a pea,ceful sorLd (ESDC/3o/Ldd. I)*' These a.rrrendments proritted for restrictiotls o$ t&'e production of exisiing arraa,raents anil Binc/62 pa'ge 4 tbe prohibitiou of proCuction of new types. in Stag,e i. 0n 8 Au;;ust L)62, trbe Dele;a'bior of t'he Uniteil States of A,;rerica subaitted certain otbar a.r:rendienis relatin: to the proceCulo for tra,nsition fro'i Stage I io Sta6a II a,ncl fron Sta;e II to Ste;e III (nw/r1.oaa.z)x. 6. After discussion in plena:ry ,eeetiugs, the followinj; j.teasures or topics listed in m{DC/ I/Add. I vere referred -to the Co-Chairr:en: Saraltaph 5.4. Fasic obligations concern:in3 the i.leasurss of disa.r:aurent, varifi- cation &ntl rrraintenance of interna,tional rieacB a,nd. security in the first stcge and tbe tit.oe lilrits for tbeir ii r; leraentation. Parapraph 5;b. Disanuaoilent megsures in regarrl to nuclear rsepotr del"lvory vehiclos, inclucli.ug the probloas pertaining to the protluction of sucb vehicles, together with a,ppropriate control nea,sures. Pa,re,:Iaph 5.c. Disa,rmoinent neosures in regard to conventional arura,reents, . inc luilin; tb,e problens ?ertaining io '&ho proaluction of such arna..lents, to;ether witb appropriate Bsasures of control. 7, Ihe toxt of o ?ori'.ing iraft of Part I of a tree,ty, conteining Arti.clos I, 2 and 3 (m{DC/40/Rev. t )x, vhich was subraitted on 3I !,ay Lg6? by the Delagations of the Soviet Union a,nal ths Unitecl Stetes but rhich was not includ,sd. anong the docunents in AnDex I of the fitst interin trroLjxsss report of tha Corferencs, is sttachod in Annex I of the present reBort. 8. Pure:raat to ths discussiots insntioned. in paragrapb 6 above, ttre foJ.lorring docuaeats vele subndtted.: (fi ey tne Co-4hairnen of tbe Co,roittee a,t the 5?th pleaary ineetiDe otr 7 August }962, a worhin4 dra,ft of Lrticle 4, Part II, rrBasic Tasks a,nd.
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