Public Law 91-142 Be It Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatl'ves of the United States of America in Congress Assemble
83 STAT. ] PUBLIC LAW 91-142-DEC. 5, 1969 293 Public Law 91-142 AN ACT Decembers, 1969 To authorize certain construction at military installations, and for other [H.R. 13018] purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatl'ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ^ Military •' i7 1 Construction Authorization TITLE I ^^'' '''"• SEC. 101. The Secretary of the Army may establish or develop ^^y- military installations and facilities by ac(iuiring, constructing, con verting, rehabilitating^ or installing permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment for the following acquisition and con struction : IxsiDE THE UNITED STATES UNITED STATES CONTINENTAL ARMY COMMAND (First Army) Fort Belvoir, Virginia: Operational and training facilities, hospital facilities, and utilities, $4,316,000. (^irlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: Community facilities, $145,000. Fort Dix, Xew Jersey: Community facilities and utilities, $1,539,000. Fort Eustis, Virginia: Training facilities, $1,825,000. Fort Hancock, New Jersey: Utilities, $625,000. A. P. Hill Military Reservation, Virginia: Maintenance facilities, $364,000. Fort Holabird, JNIaryland: Administrative facilities, $489,000. Fort Knox, Kentucky: Training facilities, troop housing and utilities, $4,006,000. Fort George G. Meade, Maryland: Administrative facilities, com munity facilities, and utilities, $4,845,000. Fort Monroe, Virginia: Utilities, $534,000. Fort Story, Virginia: Training facilities, $430,000. Fort Wadsworth, New York: Utilities, $545,000. (Third Army) Fort Benning, Georgia : TTtilities, $2,391,000. Fort Bragg, North Carolina: Training facilities, and maintenance facilities, $3,760,000. Fort Campbell, Kentuckv: Mahitenance facilities, and community facilities, $1,176,000. Fort Gordon, Georgia: Training facilities, maintenance facilities, and troop housing, $10,286,000.
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