Laurel Special School, the New Town Council and Mayor, SAT
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TREES AVAILABLE DELAWARE COLONY Clarke Abbott Named FOR REPLANTING CENTURY CLUB 'VOTE AT .TODAY’S ELECTION! ROW-FACULTY GROUP BROAOCAS1 Council President The State Forestry Department to HAS EDUCATION NIGHT ENJOYED' day annunced that while the supply of Every citizen of the Laurel Special School, The new town council and Mayor, SAT. AFTERNOON Some species of reforestration trees is which included but one new member, already absorbed by orders filed late PROGRAM TUESDAY 5yhq is interested in, good school's and the Charles S. Gunby succeeded Holland HERE ON MONDAY last year and early this year, there is H. Cooper, took office at the regular A broadcast by Delaware Colony en An Educational program in charge monthly meeting Tuesday evening* rollees, Saturday afternon, April 22, a surplus of other species. The spe welfare of the children, should go to the The annual Rotary-Faculty night was. cies for which no further order can be of Mrs. H. Bertrude Lewis, was the The bther members include J. Clark hold Monday evening, in the form of at 1.00 o’clock from WDEL. via the feature of the regular meeting of the polls in the school house between the hours Abbott, who was elected pi’esident of Dover studio, will preview the operetta accepted are Douglas fir, ' .Norway a turkey banquet held in the Laurel spruce and old cypress. Those which Laurel New Century Club Tuesday .of one.and eight o’clock today (Friday) and the council. Marshall Pusey, Gola they are preparing for their semi-an Dolby, Roy Mitchell and Luke .E Col Municipal Building, the dinner being* are still available in seedling sizes are afternoon. The' principal speaker was prepared and served by the members nual open-house on the fqllowing Sat Mrs. Clarence Fraim of Wilmington express himself on the matter of bonding lins, Thomas W, Records was install urday. The program will also take white pine, red pine, shortleaf pine, of the Firemen’s Auxiliary. loblolly pine, black locust, and yellow Delaware State Chairman of Educa ed for his second term as mayor of E. P. Burkholder of Dover, a promi recognition of the twentieth anniver tion, Mrs. Fraim,gave a travel address .the district for $115,000 for the erection of Laurel. sary of the opening of'Delaware Col poplar. nent Rotarian and School Official, was concerning her trip to the Holy lands, a much-needed building. It is understood all the town officers the principal speaker of the evening. ony, May 11, 1921, for the past term have been renamed Several' thousands of trees have al at which time she also visited numer Mr. Burkholder discussed the impor The semi-annual openhoUses were ready been lifted and shipped from the ous other adVoining countries. Mrs. The School Board is anxious to get a fair to incude: Harley Hickman, chief of originated, and have been sponsored police, William Records and Harry R. tance of cooperation between the home State Forest Tree Nursery to farmers Fraim, in addition to hdr interesting and the school, and especially the in since 1921 by the Board of Lady Vise and forest tree planters in the State. address, showed colored moving pic expression of the citizens, and they have Mitchell, police officers; Roscoe Phil tors. Part of the program will be oc lips, building inspector, Harvey Phil fluence of the home conditions on Orders are being filled as rapidly as tures which she made on the trip. pledged themselves not to issue the bonds school programs and discipline. Mr. cupied with a dialogue between two possible. Other numbers on the program in lips Sr., water commissioner; and Sam of the original members of the Board uel G. Ralph, town clerk, Burkholder especially referred to the cluded a quartet by Misses Aline Giv unless assured they will be liquidated from recent statement of Miss Dorothy and Colony Superintendent Howard T. Last year 293,000 trees were shipped ens, and Gloria Thompson, and Robert Ennis. Mr. Ennis has been superin from the States nursery. But orders state funds. i Thompson in which she criticized the Henry and Walter Durham. They B. C. Grange News schools for endeavoring to develop tendent since the Colony opened. at present filed with the Department were accompanied by Mrs. W. T. The program will be opened with do no indicate that this figure will be This means the real estate tax rate can Grade A students, rather than develop Jones and their numbers were “Dear Worthy Master Norman C. Hedges ing the proper attitudes abong pupils a selection by the Colony band, fol eiher equalled or excelled this year. Old Southern Songs” and “Nonsense lowed by a short dialogue explaining not be increased more than ten | cents per president at the regular meeting of that will aid them In later life. The ——- ——__ Songs”; vocal slos by Mrs. Ford War Broad Creek Grange, and following speaker agreed largely with the opin thq growth and attainments . of the rington, “Tommy Lad” and “Banjo hundred of assessed valuation, and this Colony. The preview of the forthcom Food To Cost More the routine business, Dr. Preston West ions of Miss Thompson, and cited num Song.” She was also accompanied by of Georgetown, showed colored pic erous examples to illustrate the point. ing operetta will occupy • the latter, Mrs. .Tones. will decrease annually as the bonds are paid and major portion of the program. During Year 1941 tures of Havana, Cuba. Bermuda, the He also defended the position of the Announcement was made that the off: Panama Canal Zone and various points Rotary Club and its members who took This will be the second broadcast benefit parties, sponsored by the Club experience for many of the children, Indications are that food will cost of interest in the United Slates. The an active part in community affairs, as more during 1941, and the following are proving successful and are netting pictures were greatly enjoyed and Dr, against those persons who sit back and for they presented an abridged edition a substantial sum for the treasury, This mattei’ of voting is a privilege that of “The Mikado” last year. This year's winter season, than it has for several half of the world’s population is denied — West was given a vote of thanks for wait for some one else to do tlie work presentation is tire narrative of a little years, according to C, R. Snyder, Co. the entertainment. The refreshment and then criticizes tlie manner in which begger lad who becomes a prince thr Agricultural Agent. Farmers and oth Delaware CCC Camps so we advise our readers to make good use committee served sandwiches and cof- it is done. ough rendering a singular service to ers living in towns to whom a plot of . fee to all In attendance. Dr. J, H. Elliott served as toastmas land is available, should plan to help Salute 8th Birthday of the onportunitv. rather than criticize the I Another meeting will be held tonight ter, and Clifton E. Phillips, president of an afflicted monarch. tho Rotary Club gave the address of A series of Saturday afternoon meet this situation by having a good action that is taken. ' at which time Broad Creek Grange and garden in 1941. A nationwide “Open-House" birth ! will be host to the Grangers of the welcome to toe guests. Responses broadcasts by Slate organization, day party will be held next week by were made by Miss Elizabeth Anderson other public bodies, has been arranged J gy intelligent and efficient effort in ; county nt tho April Nelghbr's Night tho Civilian Conservation Corps. Dela The Editor ! meeting. At this time Milford Grange and Chester Dickerson. by the authorities of the Dover Com- (pjannjng and maintaining a home gar- wareans are invited to visit tiro CCC I will fill tho officer’s chairs, and Cool- An interesting part of the program munity School, A studio has bcenjjon, living costs can be greatly reduced, camps located at Wyoming and Geor . spring Grange will furnish th0 pro- consisted of quiz with six members of prepared in the Conlmunity School. A«mcajs made more enjoyable and the getown! o see what life is like for 300,- BETHEL W C. T. U. Hears ' gram. tlie audience, picked nt random, par gludio hfi., been prepared in the school. of family improved, In ad- 000 CCC hoys scattered over the Untied . ! On Thursday, April 10, Broad Creek ticipating. This was conducted by Ray lundins, horn when, whence thc P*0" j dition, (fie surplus vegetables can be States tn camp groups of 150 to 200. Bethel Methodist Church County President Grange will sponsor tho Kid Smith Peters and thc questions related to toe grams go by wire to Wilmington for j^^red or canned and thus provide Rood Eight years ago on April 8 the CCC (program nt Laurel High School audi- early history of Delaware, Prizes broadcasting by WDEL. This ’ cheap food during the winter months, Rev. Cliss. W Spry, Pastor was founded to take boys off street The regular meeting of the Worn-! lorittm. This will he an entirely new were won by Miss Virginia Anderson, mint has made broadcasting j According to demonstrations conduct- corners and give, them a chance to be en’s Christian Temperance Union was j "-how and everyone is invited to attend, Mrs, Norman S. Hoffeeker, Mrs, Ira more readily available to down-state Delaware, a good garden is worth Sunday, April 6. Church Schol 10 come. , healthy citizens—mentallya and„/ 1 °* m’ Morning worship 11 a. m. hold Wednesday afternoon with 28 in 1 ---------- Lewis and Robert Ruch.