Information Document (Documento Informativo) Relating to the Merger Pursuant to Art

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Information Document (Documento Informativo) Relating to the Merger Pursuant to Art A Joint Stock Company - Registered Office in Genoa - Via Dante, 1 - Head Office in Milan – Piazza Cordusio; Registered with CAPITALIA - Registered Office in Via Marco the Genoa Courts in the Companies Minghetti, 17, Rome – Share Capital € Register, fiscal code and VAT number 3,123,792,732 – Rome Register of Companies, Tax 00348170101; Registered in the Register of Registration Number 00644990582 – Member of the Banking Groups and Parent Company of Interbank Guarantee Fund – The Company is a the UniCredito Italiano Banking Group Registered Bank and is the Parent Company of the registered with code 3135.1 - Member of CAPITALIA Group, a Registered Banking Group the Interbank Fund for Deposit Protection Capital: € 5,222,465,096.50 fully paid up. IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN DDOOCCUUMMEENNTT MERGER INTO UNICREDIT S.P.A. OF CAPITALIA S.P.A. DRAWN UP PURSUANT TO SECTION 70, PARAGRAPH 4, OF THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING ISSUERS - CONSOB REGULATION NO. 11971/99, AS AMENDED This is an English translation of the original Italian document. This translation has been prepared solely for the convenience of the reader. The original version in Italian takes precedence. - 2 - NOTICE OF CALL OF A SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING PUBBLISHED ON GAZZETTA UFFICIALE – II part - n. 64 DATED JUNE 5, 2007 UNICREDITO ITALIANO A Joint Stock Company Registered in the Register of Banking Groups and Parent Company of the UniCredito Italiano Banking Group registered with code 3135.1 Member of the Interbank for Deposit Protection Fund Registered Office in Genoa - Via Dante, 1 Head Office in Milan – Piazza Cordusio Capital: € 5,222,465,096.50 fully paid up Registered with the Genoa Courts in the Companies Register fiscal code and VAT number 00348170101 NOTICE OF CALL The Shareholders of UniCredito Italiano are hereby convened to an Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held in Genoa, Via Dante 1, on 28th July 2007 at 9:00 am, and, if necessary, with regard to the extraordinary session, in second call, on 29th July 2007 at 18:30 pm in the same location. If the necessary quorum is not reached, the Shareholders’ Meeting is convened in second call for the ordinary session and in third call for the Extraordinary session, on 30th July 2007 in Genoa at 10:00 am at the same location, to discuss and to resolve on the following AGENDA Ordinary Part 1. Appointment of a Director. Extraordinary Part 1. Approval of the merger plan concerning the merger by way of incorporation into UniCredit S.p.A. of Capitalia S.p.A. pursuant to articles 2501 and the following of the Italian Civil Code and subsequent amendments of the Articles of Association; 2. Authorization to allocate part of the own shares held by UniCredit to service the 425,000 option rights to be assigned in favour of managing directors (not employees) of Capitalia Group’s companies in exchange for an equal number of warrants previously attributed to them, for this purpose changing the allocation of the such own shares resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of UniCredit of 16th December 2005; 3. Amendments of Section 27, sub 2 and 3, of Section 28, sub 1, 2 and 3, and of Section 32, sub 1, of the Articles of Association. The Directors’ report related to the item on the Agenda on the Ordinary part will be available pursuant to the terms of the law at the Company’s Registered Office and the Head Office, as well as at Borsa Itlaliana S.p.A. and will be also available on the Company’s website at This documentation may be examined by the Shareholders. Concerning this, it is pointed out that the Company, in line with the guidelines of the Corporate Governance Code of the Listed Companies, would appreciate that the possible candidatures for the office of directors be deposited with the registered office, together with their curricula vitae, at least 15 days prior to the scheduled Shareholders’ Meeting. - 3 - The documentation related to the envisaged Transaction pursuant to Art. 2501 septies of the Italian Civil Code (the merger project and related attachments, the Directors’ report, the financial statements and the experts’ valuation on the adequacy of the exchange ratio) is made available to Shareholders at the Company’s Registered Office and Head Office as well as at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. pursuant to art. 2501 septies of the Italian Civil Code during the 30 days preceding the Meeting. This documentation is also made available in the same terms on the Company’s website at No later than 18th July 2007, the Information Document (documento informativo) relating to the merger pursuant to Art. 70 of Consob Regulation on Issuers (Regolamento Emittenti) will be made available in the same manner. Shareholders can require for copy of the above documentation. Please be also informed that Banca D’Italia was provided with the request of authorization for implementing the merger transaction and for adopting the amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association. The proceedings for the issuing of such authorizations by the Supervision Authority is at the time of the publication of the present notice in progress. Under article 12 of the Company's Articles of Association and article 3 of its Shareholder Meeting Regulations, meetings may be attended by those holders of ordinary shares who display a copy of the notification that Monte Titoli participant issued to the Company and which, in compliance with applicable law, are obliged to make available to them. It has been recalled that, in accordance with article 12 of the company’s Articles of Association, the company must receive the notification sent by Monte Titoli participant at least two days prior to the date set for the first call of the Meeting. Dieter RAMPL (CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS) - 4 - NOTICE OF CALL OF A SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING PUBBLISHED ON GAZZETTA UFFICIALE – II part - n. 64 DATED JUNE 5, 2007 CAPITALIA Società' per azioni Registered Offices in Via Marco Minghetti, 17, Rome – Share Capital € 3,119,605,842 – Rome Register of Companies, Tax Registration Number 00644990582 – Member of the Interbank Guarantee Fund – The Company is a Registered Bank and is the Parent Company of the CAPITALIA Group, a Registered Banking Group Notice of Shareholders’ Meeting Dear Shareholder, you are kindly invited to attend the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, which will be held in first call on July 28, 2007, at 8:30 a.m., at the Company’s Registered Offices in Via Marco Minghetti, 17, Rome, and, if necessary, in second call, on July 30, 2007, at 10:30 a.m., at the Registered Offices of Banca di Roma in Viale Umberto Tupini, 180 – Rome, Italy. Should a quorum not be reached and, consequently, the Extraordinary Meeting not be held on the above mentioned dates, the date of third call of the Shareholders’ Meeting will be announced as per legal requirements. The Shareholders will be asked to vote on the following agenda items: - Approval of the merger project of Capitalia S.p.A. into UniCredit S.p.A., as per Article 2501 and those immediately following of the Italian Civil Code. Related resolutions. The documentation regarding the operation foreseen by Article 2501 septies of the Italian Civil Code (Merger project and related documents, Report of the Board of Directors, Balance sheet and Experts’ valuation on the congruity of the exchange ratio between ordinary shares) will be made available to the public at the Company’s Registered Offices and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. during the 30 days before the Shareholders’ Meeting. This documentation will also be available on the Company’s website By July 18, 2007, in the same manner, the Information Memorandum regarding the merger, which will be written in compliance with Art. 70 of the Consob Rules Governing Issuers, will be made public. Shareholders may obtain copies of the aforesaid documents. The request for authorization to perfect the merger operation has been submitted to the Bank of Italy for approval. The authorization procedure by the Regulatory Authority is in progress as of the date of publication of this notice. To participate in the Meeting, Shareholders must request from the intermediary which is a registered member of the Italian Central Securities Depository as per Art. 80 of Legislative Decree n. 58 of February 24, 1998, the issuance of the relevant certificate pursuant to Articles 33 and 34-bis of Consob Resolution 11768 of December 23, 1998, as subsequently amended. Subject to the provisions of Art. 2372 of the Italian Civil Code and of Legislative Decree #58 of February 24, 1998, on proxies, Shareholders entitled to participate in the Meeting are permitted to vote by written proxy issued to third parties, including individuals who are not Shareholders in the Company. Proxies shall bear the Shareholder’s signature as certified by a Director or a - 5 - duly authorized company employee or, alternatively, by a notary public, consular official, an Italian or foreign bank or a member of the Central Securities Depository, which issued the documents required to participate in the Meeting in accordance with Art. 8 of the Company’s Bylaws. In accordance with the Meeting Rules, for easier verification of representative powers, any parties intending to participate in the Meeting in their capacity of legal or voluntarily appointed proxy of any Shareholder or any other persons entitled to participate in the Meeting may deliver the original documentation confirming such powers or a copy thereof to the Corporate and Legal Affairs Department prior to the date of the first call of the Meeting. Said documentation can be either mailed to CAPITALIA S.p.A. – Area Affari Legali e Societari – Affari Societari – Via Marco Minghetti, 17 – 00187 Rome, Italy, or faxed to any of the following numbers: +39 06 6707 0958, +39 06 6707 0319, +39 06 6707 0050.
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