Press Release
IL PRESENTE COMUNICATO NON È DESTINATO ALLA PUBBLICAZIONE, DISTRIBUZIONE O CIRCOLAZIONE, DIRETTA O INDIRETTA, NEGLI STATI UNITI D’AMERICA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA O GIAPPONE O IN QUALSIASI ALTRO PAESE NEL QUALE L’OFFERTA O LA VENDITA SIANO VIETATE IN CONFORMITÀ ALLE LEGGI APPLICABILI O AI SOGGETTI IVI RESIDENTI NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN, OR INTO, THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, OR IN THE OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE THE OFFERS OR SALES OF SECURITIES WOULD BE FORBIDDEN UNDER APPLICABLE LAWS OR TO RESIDENTS THEREOF PRESS RELEASE ITALIAN SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (CONSOB) APPROVES PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT FOR BANCA CARIGE'S RIGHTS ISSUE OF UP TO 726,216,456 ORDINARY SHARES PUBLICATION OF PROSPECTUS AND SUPPLEMENT Genoa, 5 June 2015 – Further to the press releases issued on 3 June 2015 and 4 June 2015, Banca Carige S.p.A. announces that the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission, Consob, has today approved, by way of the Note registered under protocol no. 0045658/15 of 5 June 2015, the Supplement to the Prospectus containing the final terms (approved by the Board of Directors on 4 June 2015) for the Rights Issue for Banca Carige's ordinary and savings shareholders, and admission to trading on the Electronic Stock Market (Mercato Telematico Azionario), organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., of Banca Carige's ordinary shares arising from the capital increase for a maximum amount of EUR 850 mln, which was approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of 23 April 2015 and effected following the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors on 4 June 2015.
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