Bali: So Many Faces--Short Stories and Other Literary Excerpts in Indonesian. INSTITUTION Western Sydney Univ., Macarthur (Australia)

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Bali: So Many Faces--Short Stories and Other Literary Excerpts in Indonesian. INSTITUTION Western Sydney Univ., Macarthur (Australia) DOCUMENT RESUME ED 411 529 CS 215 987 AUTHOR Cork, Vern, Comp. TITLE Bali: So Many Faces--Short Stories and Other Literary Excerpts in Indonesian. INSTITUTION Western Sydney Univ., Macarthur (Australia). Language Acquisition Research Centre.; Australian National Languages and Literacy Inst., Deakin. ISBN ISBN-1-87560-40-7 PUB DATE 1996-00-00 NOTE 200p. PUB TYPE Collected Works General (020) Creative Works (030) LANGUAGE English, Indonesian EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Anthologies; *Audience Awareness; Cultural Background; *Cultural Context; Foreign Countries; *Indonesian; Literary Devices; Non Western Civilization; *Short Stories; *Social Change; Tourism IDENTIFIERS *Bali; *Balinese Literature; Indonesia ABSTRACT This collection of 25 short stories (in Indonesian) by Balinese writers aims to give Bali's writers a wider public. Some of the stories in the collection are distinctly and uniquely Balinese, while others are more universal in their approach and are self-contained. But according to the collection's foreword, in all of the stories, experiences of Bali are presented from the inside, from the other side of the hotels, tour buses, and restaurants of "tourist" Bali. The writers presented come from a range of backgrounds, reflecting the diversity cf Balinese society--different castes, differences between urban and rural baa4xiouncl.s, .and varieties of ethnicity are all important to the multiplicity of voices found in the collection. In addition, the collection draws from backgrounds of journalism, theater, cartoons, poetry, and academia, and from writers who may have been born in other parts of Indonesia but who have lived for decades in Bali and reflect Bali's inseparability from the Indonesian nation. The stories consider Balinese life at a time when the sheer pace of change threatens to overwhelm Bali, when tourist development, television, and the international economy seem outside the control of most Balinese. The stories, ranging from black humor to surreal fantasy to down-to-earth realism, speak directly to the Balinese audience to help them make sense of that change--they are powerful social documents and rich artistic creations. Extensive notes are included, and historical and critical information on Balinese literature is attached. (NKA) ******************************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ******************************************************************************** _/ \ r. SHORT ,STORIES AND OTHER LITERARY EXCERPTS IN INDONESIAN /. SELECTED AND ANNOTATED:1 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS _ MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY by VERN CORK / ' TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." tkl ;". t 5 `'"re,`. A. ; .1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION LA'RC Materials in Indonesian Points of view or opinions stated in this Office of Educational Research and Improvement document do not necessarily represent E UCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION - official OERI position or policy. CENTER (ERIC) . This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. EST copy AVAILABLIF 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. \ , University of , _ _ -. -- The.,National Langtiages - 'and Literacy Institute of Australia ....... - - Western Sydney Language ; L ...= .-. ,4,Id,d.. Acquisition ,,,,,i t,:::, Research =,74.., 4111 Centre 1,.1 ,,,. :.<,:, > . -,;,,,. ;:.,,....---- ...i Macarthur ;6,,,,,°, --=,.:..';:. 4 Vern Cork BALI; SO NY FACES © 1996 Cork, V. NLLIA/LARC UWS Macarthur ISBN 1 875760 40 7 ARC Materials in Indonesian 3 CONTENTS Foreword Adrian Vickers Letter to Director of LARC Dedication Vern Cork BALI: SO MANY FACES - Introduction 1 FAMILY, LOVE AND MARRIAGE 2 Gurat-Gurat Oka Rusmini 7 Pernikahan. AASM Ruscitadewi Ketika Kentongan Dipukul di Bale Banjar. I Nyoman Rastha Sindhu 13 Rumah Tak Berpintu Gus Martin 19 26 Notes RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT 34 Malapetaka. Putu Setia Langit Hitam Di Atas Desa. Windhu Sancaya 39 Putu Menolong Tuhan. Oka Rusmini 46 57 Seminar. Abu Bakar Notes 60 THE IMPACT OF TOURISM Lukisan Rinjin. Gde Aryantha Soethama ... 69 Mandi Api. Gde Aryantha Soethama . ..79 Tahun Baru di Sawah Bapak. Komang Agus Sedana 84 Notes 88 CONCERNS ABOUT CHANGE IN TRADITIONS/IDEALS Terompong Beruk. Gde Aryantha Soethama 94 Pertarungan. Mas Ruscitadewi 100 Catatan Perjalanan . Yos Rahardjo Ks. 106 Se lip. I Wayan Artika 112 Batal. Abu Bakar 116 Notes 120 COMMUNITY PRESSURES TO CONFORM Bali. Putu Setia 128 Kubur Wayan Tanggu Gde Aryantha Soethama .. 133 Notes 138 CONCERNS ABOUT DEATH Mati Salah Pati. Gde Aryantha Soethama . 141 Notes 146 4 FEAR AND MAGIC Muktamar Leak Ogik Gede. Gde Arythana Soethama ... 147 Leak. I Wayan Suardika 149 Pawang Tikus. Made Adnyana Ole 155 Mega Hitam Pulau Kayangan Putu Oka Sukanta 162 Notes 170 REVENGE AND JEALOUSY Tarian Terakhir. Agus Sedana 175 Notes 179 FANTASY Penyamak Ku lit. Tan Lioe le 180 Notes 184 Additional Notes. The following excerpts are from the Editor's publication "Bali Behind the Seen" (1996) for those who are interested in the history and development of the Indonesian short story as it applies to the island of Bali. The Indonesian Short Story in Bali. I Nyoman Darma Putra .. .. 186 Notes on the Authors 190 5 FOREWORD In the 1970s, just when Bali's second tourist boom wasstarting, Vern Cork worked in Denpasar as an Australian Volunteer, helping to getthe public library running as a major service.Many Balinese who lived in Denpasar at the time remember thiswork with appreciation, even though Vern has moved on to other things, Balinese reading habitshave changed, and public libraries in Indonesia continue to be inadequately funded and resourced. Vern Cork's work in the 1970s was part of his strong senseof wanting to make a contribution toBali, and he has pursued thisin other ways, for example sponsoring individualsand contributing to private aid programs.This book is another continuation of the contribution which Vern has made to contemporary Bali. Many of the storiespresented here were published in newspapers, and may easily have been forgotten.By assembling them, with the assistance of Nyoman Darma Putra, Vern has given some of Bali'smajor writers a wider public.The authors themselves have been enthusiastic about this project,for they see their images of contemporary Bali being able to reach a broader audience. These stores cross cultures. Some of them are distinctly anduniquely Balinese, and Vern has provided the kinds of background material which explain those unique aspects to us.Others are more universal in their approach, and are verymuch self-contained.In all of these stories experiences of Bali are presented from the inside, from the otherside of the hotels, tour buses and restaurants of tourist Bali.Some deal with the impacts of tourism and social change, others with issues of Balinese identity.For many that identity is sought through reference to the not-so-distant world of Bali before the full impacts of themodern had been felt. The writers come from a range of backgrounds, reflecting the diversityof Balinese society different castes, differences between urban and rural backgrounds, andvarieties of ethnicity are all important to the multiplicity of the voices found here. Journalism,theatre, cartoons, poetry and academia provide the working backgrounds which go into thesestories. A number of the writers were born in other parts of Indonesia, but have lived for decades in Baliand reflect Bali's inseparability from the Indonesian nation. Writing at a time when the sheer pace of change threatens to overwhelmBali, when tourist development, television and the international economy seem outside thecontrol of most Balinese, these authors have spoken directly to Balinese audiences first of all.They have helped them to make sense of that change, just as they can help non-Balineseaudiences make better sense of Bali.Ranging from black humour to surreal fantasy to down-to-earth realism in their quest to convey perceptions of the world, the stories arepowerful social documents and rich artistic creations. We owe Vern Cork an immense debt for his efforts inbringing these stories across cultures. Adrian Vickers University of Wollongong To: The Director, Language Acquisition Research Centre Associate Professor Stuart Campbell University of Western Sydney, Macarthur I hereby certify that I have obtained the permission of the authors below to use the literary works listed hereunder, in Indonesian, for the anthology which I have selected and edited entitled "Bali, So Many Faces." Gurat-Gurat (Excerpts from novel) I A Oka Rusmini Pernikahan AASM Ruscitadewi Ketika Kentongan Dipukul di Bale Banjar N Rastha Sindhu Rumah Tak Berpintu (Part 1 of TV Drama) Gus Martin Malapetaka Putu Setia Langit Hitam Di Atas Desa Windhu Sancaya Putu Menolong Tuhan Ida Ayu Oka Rusmini Seminar Abu Bakar Batal Abu Bakar Lukisan Rinjin Gde Aryantha Soethama Mandi Api Gde Aryantha Soethama Tahun Baru di Sawah Bapak Komang Agus Sedana Terompong Beruk Gde Aryantha Soethama Pertarungan AASM Ruscitadewi Catatan Perjalanan Yos Rahardjo KS Se lip I Wayan Artika Bali Putu Setia Kubur Wayan Tanggu Gde Aryantha Soethama Mati "Salah Pati" Gde Aryantha Soethama Muktamar Leak Ogik Gedegik Gde Aryantha Soethama Leak I Wayan Suardika Pawang Tikus Made Adnyana Ole Mega Hitam Pulau Kayangan Putu Oka Sukanta Tarian Terakhir Agus Sedana Penyamak Ku lit Tan Lioe le Vern Cork Editor 332 Wilson Street DARLINGTON NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9690 1852
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