
transport at : Inferences based on igneous thermobarometry

Keith Putirka Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York 10964

ABSTRACT Pyroxene + liquid equilibrium in Hawaiian lavas occurs at a range of pressures for each . Ranges are systematic and may be related to the stage of development of the magma conduit system. Kilauea, which is in its shield-building phase, yields relatively shallow storage estimates. Loihi and Mauna Kea, which are in the early and late stages of volcano growth, re- spectively, yield deeper storage estimates. Shallowest depth estimates at Loihi and Mauna Kea are similar to estimates of elastic plate thickness, suggesting that the mechanical behavior of the lithosphere, rather than density contrasts at the Moho, regulates magma delivery. Appar- ently, a large increase in fracture energy below the brittle-ductile transition inhibits transport at depth, whereas magma transport by fracture propagation is rapid through the brittle lithosphere. Some shallow depth estimates at Kilauea support the hypothesis that the strength of the unbuttressed southeast flank influences magma storage. Kilauea transport depths cor- relate with an eruption sequence, which illustrates a top-to-bottom emptying of the conduit system. Successively deeper reservoirs at Kilauea were tapped within 300 days, indicating that magma is stored at a range of depths, including in the mantle, rather than at a single level within the lithosphere.

ol-liq INTRODUCTION tem behavior was made on the basis of KD lavas are from the East Rift Zone vent, Pu‘u O‘o Magma transport and storage are influenced [Mg-Fe] (= 0.30 ± 0.03; Roeder and Emslie, (Garcia et al., 1989, 1992). Pu‘u O‘o lavas have by density variations (Stolper and Walker, 1980), 1970). For five samples (2A, 3A, H26, H1, been divided into episodes; episode 1 began on ol-wr stress (Dieterich, 1988), and elastic rock proper- MU-9) KD [Mg-Fe] did not equal 0.30 (wr = January 3, 1983. The P-T estimate for episode 1 ties (Shaw, 1980). Pressures of crystallization es- whole rock), and the bulk composition was cor- was determined from an average of three lavas. timated from igneous thermobarometers can be rected by adding or subtracting the reported P-T estimates for Mauna Kea (Frey et al., 1991) translated into magma staging depths and used to olivine-core composition. If corrections exceed- have been discussed previously (Putirka et al., constrain magma transport and storage. This pa- ed 10%, or required subtraction of more olivine 1996); a picrite and a (Frey et al., 1990) per presents a reconnaissance study of P-T esti- than the reported modal abundance, the P-T esti- have been added to this data set. mates from Hawaiian lavas using new pyroxene- mate was considered unreliable. In several cases, P estimates were converted to depth from liquid thermobarometers. more than one pyroxene analysis was available; second-order polynomial depth vs. P curves de- For some volcanoes at Hawaii, the composi- in these cases P-T estimates were individually rived from seismic- and gravity-constrained den- tion, structure, and seismic activity have been calculated and averaged. sity profiles of Hawaii (Hill and Zucca, 1987). well studied. Such observations were integrated Temperatures for olivine + liquid equilibrium Depths to Moho used for Mauna Kea, Kilauea with pressure (P) and temperature (T) estimates were determined. An olivine + liquid thermome- and Loihi were 18, 15, and 12 km below sea level, of pyroxene + liquid assemblages in lavas from ter, applicable to pressures up to 30 kbar (cf. Roe- respectively (Hill and Zucca, 1987). Maximum Mauna Kea, Kilauea, and Loihi volcanoes to sort der and Emslie, 1970), was calibrated from exist- regression error on the depth vs. P curves was out controls of magma transport. As these volca- ing experimental olivine + glass pairs. The <0.6 km. Small errors in density estimates and noes span much of the history of a single Hawai- resulting equation is placement of density boundaries changed the ian edifice (Moore et al., 1982), the resulting P-T curves very little. The most significant source of 104ol Mg  estimates may yield a time-integrated view of the =+6.. 41 0 75ln − 18 . 1 NaAlliq error on depth estimates was from error on P Hawaiian magma conduit system. T Mgliq  estimates. −−1.. 42Siliq 0 026P (1) METHODS RESULTS P-T estimates were computed from the pyrox- where T is in Kelvins and P is pressure in kilo- Most T estimates from equation 1 were equi- ene + liquid thermobarometers of Putirka et al. bars. The superscript “liq” refers to the cation valent to pyroxene T estimates within error (1996), which are based on the jadeite content of fraction of the indicated element in the liquid, (Fig. 1). In three cases (3-A, 186-7, and 186-11), pyroxene. To avoid pyroxeneÐwhole-rock pairs and Mgol is the cation fraction of Mg in olivine. multiple pyroxene compositions yielded signifi- unlikely to yield valid P-T estimates, several data The term NaAlliq is the product of the cation frac- cantly different P-T estimates; pyroxene T esti- filters were employed. Most samples were nearly tions of Na and Al in the liquid. Experimental mates closest to those calculated by using equa- aphyric. P-T estimates were for pyroxenes de- data used for calibration are from sources cited tion 1 were selected. For all other samples, scribed as euhedral phenocrysts, when that infor- by Putirka et al. (1996). The thermometer has an agreement of T estimates indicated that the esti- mation was given. Pyroxenes were checked to error of ±31 K. mates were not spurious. The average difference yield four cations per six oxygens and minimal Loihi lavas consist of four tholeiites (Hawkins between olivine and pyroxene temperatures was Fe3+. Samples were also avoided in which geo- and Melchior, 1983; Garcia et al., 1995), a transi- 31 K, perhaps indicating that olivine saturation chemical data indicated magma mixing. Most tional basalt (187-7), a hawaiite (186-14), and a preceded pyroxene crystallization. Application rocks contained olivine, and a test for closed-sys- basanitoid (186-11) (Garcia et al., 1995). Kilauea of a liquid line of descent program (Longhi,

Geology; January 1997; v. 25; no. 1; p. 69Ð72; 3 figures; 1 table. 69 Figure 1. Temperatures from equa- tion (1) are compared to T calcu- lated from pyroxeneÐwhole-rock compositions (model T2 of Putirka et al., 1996). A one-to-one correla- tion line is shown for reference; error for individual T estimates is indicated.

Figure 2. Temperature and depth estimates calculated from pyrox- ene + liquid thermobarometers of Putirka et al. (1996) and pressure to depth conversion discussed in text. McKenzie and Bickle’s (1988) mantle solidus is shown for refer- ence. Also illustrated are depth es- timates computed from pyroxene- rim compositions for episode 3 lavas at Pu‘u O‘o, Kilauea. Depth- estimate error is approximated from error on P estimates.

1991) to several bulk compositions showed that voirs are likely shorter than the time required for 4% olivine should crystallize over a T interval of pyroxene reequilibration (Dvorak and Dzurisin, 29 K prior to pyroxene saturation. This percent- 1993). The limiting condition for extracting P-T age of olivine was less than the reported modal information is that magma and coexisting crys- Moho placement. Closure of fractures is ex- olivine for the samples tested. It is thus con- tals have approximated a closed equilibrium sys- pected to be complete between 9 and 10 km cluded that higher-T estimates from olivine are tem which has recorded a period of magma stor- (Ryan, 1987); above this depth, bulk density may plausible and possibly real. age and pyroxene growth. be reduced. Also, closure of fractures will require Most P estimates fall to the high-T side of the a magma overpressure for dike propagation— mantle solidus (Fig. 2). Most depth vs. T esti- DISCUSSION without magma accumulation, transport at depths mates from Mauna Kea and Loihi also overlap, Constraints may be placed on transport of >10 km by fracture may thus be inhibited. whereas lavas from Kilauea yield lower depth and processes if the distribution of depth estimates Kilauea’s unbuttressed southeast flank may T estimates. Two discrete depths have possible correlates with transport barriers. Below, poten- also influence magma transport (Denlinger and relevance to magma transport: 10 km, the shallow tial transport barriers are discussed and compared Okubu, 1995; Delaney et al., 1990; Ando, 1979). limit for most Kilauea lavas, and 20 km, the ap- to depth estimates from thermobarometry. Dieterich (1988) noted a decrease in the propor- proximate deep limit for Kilauea lavas and the tion of extrusive to intrusive igneous activity fol- shallow limit for Mauna Kea and Loihi tholeiites. Depth Estimates of 0Ð15 km lowing the 1975 Kalapana earthquake and postu- P estimates greater than 1 bar (Table 1) indi- Depth estimates of less than a few kilometers lated that igneous activity is modulated by the cate that magma transport was rapid enough that likely reflect storage in summit or rift-zone reser- strength of the detachment beneath Kilauea’s pyroxenes did not reequilibrate at low pressure. voirs and can be attributed to a shallow level of southeast flank. Between eruptive episodes, rift- On the basis of a diffusion coefficient (D) for py- neutral buoyancy (Ryan, 1987). Depth estimates zone intrusions increase the horizontal stress × Ð16 2 o σ roxene of 7.0 10 cm /s (1200Ð1250 C; for episode 3 lavas at Kilauea may be consistent ( h). Magma pressure may become great enough Brady and McCallister, 1983) and the relation- with ponding of magma at the base of the vol- to support a column of magma equal to the height ship t = d2/D (t = time; d = distance), a crystal canic edifice or perhaps near the Moho (Hill and of the edifice, and eruptions occur. Failure along with a radius of 0.25 mm (average pyroxene size Zucca, 1987). Although the Moho may occur at the detachment reduces the supporting stress, and for Pu‘u O‘o pyroxenes) will require 35 400 yr 10 km beneath Kilauea (Hill and Zucca, 1987), subsequent magma pulses are trapped. Depth es- for reequilibration. For a 102-fold increase in D, the density above the Moho at all three volcanoes timates of 10 km may thus reflect a period of reequilibration will still be on the order of hun- is 2.9 g/cm3 (Hill and Zucca, 1987) and does not temporary magma storage following failure of dreds of years. Preservation of high P-T informa- provide a level of neutral buoyancy to magma the detachment. tion is thus unsurprising, even for small crystals, with a density of 2.7 g/cm3. A highly fractured Whereas most core and rim analyses yield since residence times of magma in shallow reser- edifice may yield a density barrier regardless of similar P-T estimates, some pyroxenes were

70 GEOLOGY, January 1997 zoned. Compared to cores, rim compositions from episode 3 and MU-2 yield distinctly lower P-T estimates (Table 1). These differences may indicate discrete ponding levels or crystallization during upward transport. Magma mixing may also cause pyroxene heterogeneity (sample 3-88; Figure 3. Depth estimates for Pu‘u Garcia et al., 1992). Pyroxenes that nucleate after O‘o samples are plotted against mixing, however, will yield valid P-T estimates; number of days after eruption began (January 3, 1983). Eruptive P estimates would then place mixing at nontriv- episodes are indicated. ial depths for some samples.

Depth Estimates of >15 km The maximum depth estimate was 46 km for a lava from Mauna Kea. This depth reaches a lo- calized zone of low seismic velocities (Ryan, 1988) and is close to the greatest depth recorded for seismic tremor (Aki and Koyanagi, 1981). stresses above 20 km should facilitate magma ported to the surface by fracture mechanisms This correlation may indicate that low velocities transport without stagnation; pyroxene reequili- without shallow-level storage. Below Te, dikes result from the presence of melt. bration (of crystals formed at greater depths) may will stall or propagate at subcritical velocities un- The depth to the Moho at Loihi is probably thus be limited. The upper 20 km of lithosphere, til dikes become relatively large; a range of trans- 12Ð13 km; at Mauna Loa, the Moho is at 18 km though, is also tensile at Kilauea. The lack of es- port depths may reflect a range in dike h/w. Shal- (Hill and Zucca, 1987) and should be similar at timates >20 km at Kilauea may indicate that lower transport depths at Kilauea may be due to Mauna Kea. Most depth estimates at Mauna Kea transport barriers occurring at 0Ð15 km (dis- the mature nature of the conduit system. A steady and Loihi exceed these values. Depth estimates cussed in the previous section) are more efficient magma supply at Kilauea should cause greater for Pu‘u O‘o episodes 9 and 10 also exceed depth during the shield-building stage compared to thermal softening of the wall rock and local in- to the Moho at Kilauea. These depth estimates, other stages of volcano growth. It is also conceiv- creases in Kc compared to Loihi and Mauna Kea. and the density relationships discussed above, able that 0Ð15 km depth estimates at Kilauea re- Slower transport rates at Kilauea may result. As show that the Moho does not provide an intrinsic sult from slow transport rates during the shield- frequency of eruptions wanes, elastic properties barrier to magma transport beneath Hawaii and building phase (high P pyroxenes are reset to of the conduit walls relax back to regional values. that magma storage does not necessarily occur at lower P). Given the length of time required for Thermal softening of the conduit may also ex- the -mantle boundary. reequilibration coupled with short magma pro- plain the range of depth estimates at Mauna Kea: Depth estimates near 20 km are in the range of cessing times it is perhaps more likely that py- rocks with P < 8 kbar are from the shield-build- estimates of Te, the elastic thickness of the lithos- roxenes have nucleated between 0 and 15 km at ing stage (high magma-supply rate) whereas phere (Watts et al., 1985). Bodine et al. (1981) re- Kilauea. A scenario for slow transport, though, is rocks with P > 8 kbar are from transitional and lated the depth represented by Te to the brittle- discussed below. post-shield stage (low magma-supply rate). ductile transition. A change in the mechanical behavior of the lithosphere at 20 km is also indi- Controls on Fracture Transport of Magma Reservoirs Tapped During Sustained cated from earthquakes that occur as swarms at The correspondence of shallowest depth esti- Eruptions <20 km, but are unclustered at depths >20 km mates for Mauna Kea and Loihi with elastic plate Because deflation of the Kilauea summit is (Dvorak and Dzurisin, 1993). Earthquake thickness implies a relationship between fracture closely followed by eruptions at rift zones, Wolfe swarms are observed from regions with recent mechanisms and lithosphere strength. Stresses et al. (1987) concluded that the summit reservoir volcanic activity (Sykes, 1970) and have been re- are concentrated at crack tips because of their and rift zones are hydraulically coupled. When lated to a change in strength and fluid flow shape, and propagation occurs when the stress in- eruptive volumes exceed summit deflation vol- (Scholz, 1990, p. 209). It is inferred that below tensity factor, K, at the crack tip exceeds a critical umes, tapping of magma stored below the sum- σ, σ depths of 20 km, ductile behavior inhibits frac- value, Kc. The stress, at a dike tip is given by mit reservoir is indicated (Dvorak and Dzurisin, σ σ ture transport of magma. The absence of shal- = r(1 + 2h/w), where r is the remote stress, h is 1993). The depth versus time relationships indi- lower depth estimates at Mauna Kea and Loihi the dike half-height, and w is dike width (Scholz, cated in Figure 3 support this hypothesis and are may result from the facility with which fracture 1990). As a result, stress concentration is a func- consistent with the timing of changes in deflation mechanisms can transport magma through a rel- tion of aspect ratio, h/w: for a given dike width and eruption volumes (see Table 1 of Dvorak and atively brittle lithosphere. there will exist a dike height beyond which Dzurisin, 1993). A progressive emptying of the Deep estimates from Loihi and Mauna Kea K > Kc. A transition from brittle to ductile behav- conduit system, from top to bottom, is thus indi- may indicate that magma transport above depths ior will cause an increase in Kc (Scholz, 1990, cated. Also, because a systematically deepening of 20 km is relatively rapid compared to rates of p. 37): first, the crack must overcome the addi- range of depths is sampled in less than 300 days, pyroxene equilibration. Flexural stresses, which tional work of plastic flow; second, plastic flow magma is likely stored over a range of depths result from loading of the oceanic crust by the blunts the crack tip, which reduces stress concen- rather than at a single level within the lithosphere. growing volcanoes, vary with depth; part of the tration. A substantial increase in fracture energy lithosphere is in compression and part is in ten- below the brittle-ductile transition is thus antici- SUMMARY sion (ten Brink and Brocher, 1987). Ten Brink pated. Such an inverse relationship between Pyroxene + melt thermobarometry applied to and Brocher (1987) placed the neutral surface strength and fracture energy is observed for met- Hawaiian lavas produces linear P-T arrays paral- that separates these regimes at 20Ð25 km, where als (Cherepanov, 1979). lel to the mantle solidus. A 0.4 kbar estimate for there is also an observed gap in seismic activity. At Mauna Kea and Loihi, ductile creep mech- Pu‘u O‘o episode 1 at Kilauea indicates ponding σ During the early phases of volcanism, h is ten- anisms at depths of

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