EoP Submission to Swiss Federal Council; Re: Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, ITO Article 142 & 143 [PDF]: Admin [PDF]:

Encl B: Anti-War, Disclosure & Race Relations Experts [PDF] 01 PDF: Notices: 06 June – 10 June 2014

EoP v WiP Negotiations are updated at MILED Clerk Notice.

EoP Submission to Swiss Federal Council documentation is available at: EoP NWO social contract options → EoP Axis Military Necessity Evacuation.

MILINT Earth Day Request to Anti-War, Disclosure and Race Relations Experts; for Race Relations Expertise Information; and related subsequent correspondence.

01 PDF: 06 June – 10 June 2014

06 June 2014 - June 10, 2014: MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

1 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.


TO: [Name] CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: ______; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

I am the Clerk for the GMC 4643-13 Applicants MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace POW Amendments to Geneva Convention submission; scheduled to be submitted to the Swiss Federal Council, on behalf of President Obama and Putin, on 11 September 2014. On behalf of the GMC 4643 Applicants, President Obama and Putin, I am writing to request your race relations expertise advise.

The Ecology of Peace (EoP) POW submission argues in support of implementing MILINT Earth Day due process solutions to honourably humanely and orderly de-industrialize by implementing a CommonSism international law social contract requiring all the worlds nations to legally restrict their citizens consumption and procreation to ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP CommonSism principles consider ‘racism’ – like colonialism, imperialism, Zionism, etc – to be simply one of the many tribal resource thieving justifying ideologies resulting from humans failure to recognize that beings which reside in a finite resource environment, must implement a social contract limiting such beings procreation and consumption to ecological carrying capacity limits, to avoid resource warfare. Put simply: Anyone sincerely motivated to abolishing racism, colonialism, imperialism, Zionism, etc; knows that you have to abolish the War is Peace (WiP) social contract, cause you ain’t gonna abolish racism, colonialism, imperialism, Zionism, etc; until you implement an Ecology of Peace social contract.

Of the approximately 12,875 EoP legal invitations sent; approximately 2,764 (21.46%) indicated their support; while 821 (6.36%) objected; but not one of the objectors filed an official Legal Objection brief.

Media Silence:

As you may be aware there has been no mention in the disclosure (Wikileaks, et al), alternative and mainstream media of the EoP POW submission.

EoP Supporters Silence Motivations:

We suspect the silence from supporters is due to their concern that disclosure of the EoP submission to the public would initially generate public interest and discourse, but soon as the discourse shifted to the CommonSism social contracts demand for responsible procreation from ‘non-Europeans’ – ie. Africans, Muslims, Chicano’s, etc – it would inevitably lead to a slugfest of ‘racism’ accusations, particularly from so-called ‘racism / race relations experts’.


EoP Objectors Silence Motivations:

In the absence of the EoP objectors filing objection briefs clarifying their objection arguments, it is not possible to say with certainty what their objection motivations are. We suspect they are any one or a combination of the following:

1. Flat Earthers: They are ecologically illiterate: ecologically deaf, dumb and blind clueless of impending Peak Resources MadMax Armageddon reality, and/or its overpopulation and overconsumption causes;

2. Fundamentalists: They are fundamentally serious about their racial and/or religious -- RaHoWa / Kill Whitey / Eschaton / Final Solution -- end times prophecies; and perceive Impending Peak Resources Ecological Collapse of the SY Civilization Titanic as a race/class/religious war opportunity for their totally unrestricted blood guts gore orgy of violence to totally eliminate their respective ‘ni**ers / spicks / crackers / joos / liberal’ enemies from the face of the earth; to establish their respective racial or religious -- White Power / Black Power / Christian / Catholic / Islam -- New World Order.

3. Mi$ery Para$ite$: They got their ego's and bank balances stuck in the misery – selective anti-racism, anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, anti-zionism, anti- misogyny, anti-war, etc – profiteering till / cookie jar.

Mi$ery Para$ites Racism / Race Relations Experts Motives to Silence Discussion about Non-European Irresponsible Procreation Behaviours:

The Clerk’s transparent working hypothesis conclusions are that:

(a) Generally speaking Non-European males are untermenschen: not voluntarily physically or intellectually willing or capable of responsible procreation; the Clerk is aware of Non-European females who grew up in extreme poverty, yet chose to remain virgins until well into their late twenties. (b) Any individual from any race, class, culture or religion – including non-european untermenschen – who is perceived to be inferior in any behaviour or skill to another individual or group of individuals: a. Deserve sincere honest constructive feedback about their ‘inferior skill’ including the skill of responsible procreation behaviours. b. Must never be deceived that they are ‘equal’ in any skill, in which they are clearly inferior to any other human; or group of humans. c. Sincere, honest, constructive and fact based face-to-face criticism of any untermenschen’s moral, physical, psychological, cultural or spiritual failure or inferiority in any skill; is tough love, not ‘racism’. d. Deserve to be sincerely, honestly, constructively confronted about how they have allowed, and continue to allow themselves to be enslaved – as breeding war broods sows and sperm donors – on Neoliberal Duhmockery welfare vote farm slavery plantations, to breed endless vote and economic victim pity party cannon fodder for the Neoliberal corporate and political elite. (c) If a ‘Just War liberation struggle’ is a liberation struggle that is committed to addressing the root causes of any form of totalitarian agriculture socio-political oppression; as opposed to simply replacing one group of resource thieving oppressors with another group of resource thieving oppressors; then there has never been any ‘Just War liberation struggle’ against ‘White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’.

3 (d) Except for the Ecology of Peace campaign; the Clerk is unaware of any past or current so-called liberation struggle against ‘White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’; where the so-called ‘freedom fighters’ were committed to confronting, advocating, negotiating, and only if militarily necessary by Just War means eliminating the ecological root – overpopulation and overconsumption of carrying capacity limits – resource war causes of ‘White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’.

In the Clerk’s personal activism experience:

(a) The majority of European and Non-European Race Relations Experts are Mi$ery Para$ites; who secretly believe that: a. Generally speaking Non-Europeans are untermenschen: not physically or intellectually capable of responsible procreation and engaging in fully informed consenting agreements. b. These Non-European untermenschen: i. Do not deserve sincere honest constructive feedback about their irresponsible procreation behaviours. ii. Must constantly be deceived that they are ‘equal’ iii. Any criticism – no matter how sincere, honest, constructive and fact based – of any untermenschen moral, physical, psychological, cultural or spiritual failure is ‘racism’ iv. Only deserve to be enslaved – as breeding war broods sows and sperm donors – on the Neoliberal Duhmockery welfare vote farm slavery plantations, to breed endless vote and economic victim pity party cannon fodder for the Neoliberal corporate and political elite. b. ś ‘Just War liberation struggle’ against ‘White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’; is a liberation struggle that is committed to replacing one group of resource thieving oppressors with another group of resource thieving oppressors; namely themselves.

Citizens and Race Relations Expertise Info required for Submission Process Decision-Making:

The following race relations expertise information requested from citizens, civil society and race relations experts, shall be used to advise President Obama and Putin whether to proceed in this submission matter by choosing to: (A) Engage in a responsible sincere transparent mainstream media public discussion of EoP POW ecologically literate responsible procreation issues prior to their referral to the Swiss Federal Council; or (B) Simply negotiate and legislate the International Ecology of Peace social contract into law in secret (as is being done with the TPP); and then present it to the people as a ‘fait accompli’; based upon ‘race relations’ experts respective feedback beliefs about Non-Europeans respective capacity or incapacity for voluntarily and nonviolently agreeing to the implementation of an international social contract restricting all the worlds citizens to breeding below carrying capacity limits.

Expert Race relations information requested:

1. Are you a Flat Earther, Fundamentalist or Mi$ery Para$ite? 2. If Not: śre you a ‘anti-racism/ anti-White Supremacy / anti-Colonialism / anti- Imperialism / anti-Zionism’ liberation struggle ‘freedom fighter’ activist or academic; who has publicly confronted, exposed and advocated on behalf of eliminating the ecological root – overpopulation and overconsumption of carrying capacity limits – resource war causes of ‘Racism / White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’?

4 3. If so: What exactly is your ecologically literate ‘racism expert’ definition for the term ‘racism’? 4. In your race relations experience: Do you believe that Non-Europeans are capable or incapable of: a. responsible ecologically literate procreation: voluntarily (i.e. nonviolently) restricting their own breeding to below carrying capacity limits? b. engaging in a sincere mainstream media public discourse conversation about the general capability of Non-Europeans to engage in responsible ecologically literate procreation? c. voluntarily (i.e. nonviolently) agreeing to the implementation of an international social contract restricting all the worlds citizens to breeding below carrying capacity limits?

Kindly provide your race relations expert answers to the Clerk by or before 04 July 2014. Alternatively if you require more time to provide your answers, please notify the clerk by 04 July, by when you shall be providing your race relations citizen/expert answers.

Your failure to respond to aforementioned race relations expert questions, by 04 July 2014; shall be interpreted as follows:

1. You are a Flat Earther, Fundamentalist or Mi$ery Para$ite. 2. You are not willing to publicly confront, expose and advocate on behalf of eliminating the ecological root – overpopulation and overconsumption of carrying capacity limits – resource war causes of ‘Racism / White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’. 3. You have no ecologically literate ‘racism expert’ definition for the term ‘racism’. 4. You believe that Non-Europeans are incapable of: a. responsible ecologically literate procreation: voluntarily (i.e. nonviolently) restricting their own breeding to below carrying capacity limits. b. engaging in a sincere mainstream media public discourse conversation about the general capability of Non-Europeans to engage in responsible ecologically literate procreation. c. voluntarily (i.e. nonviolently) agreeing to the implementation of an international social contract restricting all the worlds citizens to breeding below carrying capacity limits. 5. Except for this Ecology of Peace social contract campaign; you are unaware of any past or current so-called liberation struggle against ‘White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’; where the so-called ‘freedom fighters’ were committed to confronting, advocating, negotiating, and only if militarily necessary by Just War means eliminating the root – overpopulation and overconsumption – causes of ‘White Supremacy / Colonialism / Imperialism / Zionism’. 6. Your advice to Presidents Obama and Putin is to: “negotiate and legislate the International Ecology of Peace social contract into international law below the mainstream or alternative media radar; and then present it to the worlds people as a ‘fait accompli’”.


Lara Johnstone, Clerk MILINT Earth Day Applicants Ref: GMC 4643-13 Applicants and Observers Correspondence: * Some EoP Facts & Semi-Facts we Know and Don't know [EoP | WiP] * MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014 [EoP | WiP]

5 PS: Radical Honoursty culture’s definition of racism is borrowed from Dr Gedalhia Braun, and can be found in MILINT Earth Day Amicus submissions to (a) United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention: California v USA; and (b) Florida Fourth Judicial Court: Florida v. Michael Dunn.


Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Mr. Mutuma Ruteere' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Mr. Mutuma RuteereŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Mr. Mutuma Ruteere ([email protected]) Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance Palais des Nations CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WGAfricanDescentŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Ms. Mireille Fanon-Mendes France (Chairperson, France) Ms. Monorama Biswas (Bangladesh) Ms. Mirjana Najcevska (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) Ms. Maya Sahli (Algeria) Ms. Verene Shepherd (Jamaica) Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Marc H. Morial CEO National Urban League'; 'Chanelle Hardy: Senior Vice President of Policy'; 'TI: Michael Miller'; 'ULBCFL: Kerline Jules'; 'Teresa Candori' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'

6 Subject: Black Leadership ForumŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Black Leadership Forum Members via Marc H. Morial CEO National Urban League ([email protected]) CC: Chanelle Hardy: Senior Vice President of Policy ([email protected]); TI: Michael Miller ([email protected]); ULBCFL: Kerline Jules ([email protected]); Teresa Candori ([email protected]); Latraviette D. Smith-Wilson ([email protected])

BLF Member Organizations: 100 Black Men, Inc. | A. Philip Randolph Institute | Blacks in Government | Coalition of Black Trade Unionists | Conference of Minority Transportation Officials | Congressional Black Caucus | Constituency for Africa | Hip Hop Caucus | Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund | NAACP | National Action Network | National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education | National Bar Association | National Black Justice Coalition | National Black Law Students Association | National Black NBA Associations | National Black Police Association | National Coalition of Black Civic Participation | National Conference of Black Mayors | National Congress for Black Women | National Minority Supply Development Council | National Newspaper Publishers Association | National Pan-Hellenic Council | National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials | National Black Caucus of State Legislators | National Urban League | National Council of Negro Women | OIC of America | Rainbow PUSH Coalition | Sourthern Christian Leadership Council | The LINKS, Inc. | TransAfrica Forum Non-European ‘Fulfill the Promise’ Civil Rights and Education Groups: National śction Network | National Council of La Raza | The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights | Campaign for High School Equity | Alliance for Excellent Education | National Coalition on Black Civic Participation | National Indian Education Association | MALDEF

CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Black Leadership Forum's Symposium on Racism in the United States and Civil Rights and Education Groups Commemorate 60th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education and ask "How Far Have We Really Come?"; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'ICARE' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ICAREŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

ICARE: Internet Center Anti-Racism Europe Secretariat ([email protected]) For ICARE Secretariat submission to Crosspoint Anti-Racism Groups and Antiracism ([email protected]); Antisemitism ([email protected]) lists. CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

7 As documented at: World Conference Against Racism, Internet Center Anti-Racism Europe, ICARE: Crosspoint Anti-Racism; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’; or as you explain: “ICśRE is the information disseminator for the European NGO-community working in the fields of anti-discrimination, Human Rights, antisemitism, diversity and migration, with a focus on anti-racism. ICARE is a NGO community networking system, an environment where large and small organizations can work on local, national, regional and international issues. The purpose of ICARE is the empowerment of democratic, non-violent Human Rights and antiracism work by offering information and reporting on events taking place, by facilitating communication, advocacy, campaigns and actions and by stimulating intersectional and international co-operation of NGOs.”

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'RSA Dep of Intnl Relations & Coop: Minister Ms M E Nkoana-Mashabane'; 'Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs'; 'Special Advisor Dr E T Maloka'; 'Chief Director: Chief of Staff Ms P Mazibuko'; 'Director Ms T Sefolo'; 'Acting Director Mr M Tawana' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DIRCOŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Minister Ms M E Nkoana-Mashabane ([email protected]) Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs ([email protected]) Special Advisor Dr E T Maloka ([email protected]) Chief Director: Chief of Staff Ms P Mazibuko ([email protected]) Director Ms T Sefolo ([email protected]) Acting Director Mr M Tawana ([email protected]) RSA Dep of Intnl Relations & Coop CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Third World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance Organizers; the SA Ministry of Foreign Affairs are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: NMF: NMF ([email protected]); NMF: Ethel Arends ([email protected]); NMF: Verne Sheldon Harris ([email protected]); NMF: Nelson Mandela Foun ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NMFŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

NMF: Ethel Arends ([email protected]); NMF: Verne Sheldon Harris ([email protected]); NMF: Nelson Mandela Foun ([email protected]); Nelson Mandela Foundation ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

8 As documented at among others: Third World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance: Speech by Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Video message delivered by Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa; Mr. Mandela and his Foundation are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'Alexandre Owona'; 'Tami Kuboye'; 'Bomani Johnson'; 'Monica Aleman'; 'Asha Noel'; 'Mohamed Haji-Kella'; 'Donatella Rostagno'; 'Giacomo Filibeck'; 'Asian Students Association'; 'World Youth Foundation'; 'Amani Olubanjo Buntu'; 'Yaa Ashantewaa' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WCAR Youth Secretariat: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: WCAR Youth Secretariat Alexandre Owona ([email protected]); Tami Kuboye ([email protected]); Bomani Johnson ([email protected]); Monica Aleman ([email protected]); Asha Noel ([email protected]); Mohamed Haji-Kella ([email protected]); Donatella Rostagno ([email protected]); Giacomo Filibeck ([email protected]); Asian Students Association ([email protected]); World Youth Foundation ([email protected]); Amani Olubanjo Buntu ([email protected]); Yaa Ashantewaa ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: World Conference Against Racism; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Board of Directors: Human Rights Internet' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Human Rights InternetŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Scott Fraser-Dauphinee, Jackie Strandberg, Vivien Runnels, Corrinne Parker Board of Directors: Human Rights Internet ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: World Conference on Racism Youth Summit; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'UNITED for Intercultural Action'; 'European-wide Action Week Against Racism'; 'International

9 Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UNITED for Intercultural ActionŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

UNITED for Intercultural Action ([email protected]) European-wide Action Week Against Racism ([email protected]) International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism ([email protected]) European Network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: UNITED for Intercultural Action and 5000 European organisations listed in the European Address Book Against Racism; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM | To: 'CAPSDH' Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2014 1:09 AM | To: 'CAPSDH via: OMCT Int Secretariat'; 'OMCT Europe' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CAPSDHŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Create Africa South (CśS), Self Employed Women’s Union (SEWU), Women National Coalition (WNC), & Commission Africaine des Promoteurs de la Santé et des Droits de l'Homme (CAPSDH) ([email protected]); via: OMCT Int Secretariat ([email protected]); OMCT Europe ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Voices of Women IIIrd World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia And Related Intolerance; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'Mary Robinson Foundation' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Mary RobinsonŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Mary Robinson Foundation ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

10 As documented at: Address by Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and Secretary-General of the WCAR; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'INACH: International Network Against Cyberhate' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: INACH: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

INACH: International Network Against Cyberhate ([email protected]) Board: Philippe Schmidt, Chairman | Suzette Bronkhorst, first secretary | Stefan Glaser, second secretary | Thomas Günter, first treasurer | Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat, second treasurer | Ronald Eissens, member Network Nodes: Austria: ZARA - Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit | Belgium: Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism | Canada: Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society (CAERS) | Czech Republic: Czech Helsinki Committee | Denmark: Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination (DRC) | France: LICRA - Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme | Latvia: The Latvian Centre for Human Rights | Germany: jugendschutz.net | The Netherlands: Meldpunt Discriminatie Internet | Poland: Nigdy Wiêcej/Never Again | Romania: Media Monitoring Agency | Russia: Sova Center | Serbia: Regional Centre for Minorities | Slovakia: People Against Racism | Spain: Movimiento Contra la Intolerancia | Sweden: Diskrimineringsbyrån Uppsala (DU) | Ukraine: Institute of human rights and prevention of extremism and xenophobia (IHRPEX) | United Kingdom: The Community Security Trust (CST) | U.S.A.: ADL - Anti Defamation League | International: Centre Simon Wiesenthal - bureau l'Europe CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: INACH Mission; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations / ethnic discrimination experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn'; 'Christina López'; 'Australia'; 'CA Los Angeles'; 'Oregon'; 'Washington'; 'San Francisco'; 'New York'; 'Seattle' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Radical Women Race ExpertsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn ([email protected]); Christina López ([email protected]) Radical Women: Australia ([email protected]); CA Los Angeles ([email protected]); Oregon ([email protected]); Washington ([email protected]); San Francisco ([email protected]); New York ([email protected]); Seattle ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

11 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Decoding the book Race Experts: Diversity training exposé masks a neoconservative agenda; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'HRC: Susan DeVoy' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: HRCŚ Susan DeVoyŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: HRC: Susan DeVoy ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: DeVoy's Role as Race Relations Commissioner - Expert; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:35 AM To: 'Prof Gerald Horne' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Prof Gerald Horne: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Prof Gerald Horne ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Gerald Horne, White supremacy and slavery: Gerald Horne on the real story of American independence; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'Lewis Walker' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Lewis WalkerŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Lewis Walker ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Julie Mack: Lewis Walker, Selma native and Kalamazoo expert on race relations, ponders whether have we overcome; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.


Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'UW Madison Race Relations experts: John Hawks'; 'William Powell Jones'; 'Stephen Kantrowitz'; 'Lauren Kroiz'; 'Marie-Louise Mares'; 'Brenda Gayle Plummer'; 'Gary Sandefur'; 'Hemant Shah' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UW Madison Race Relations ExpertsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

UW Madison Race Relations experts: John Hawks ([email protected]); William Powell Jones ([email protected]); Stephen Kantrowitz ([email protected]); Lauren Kroiz ([email protected]); Marie-Louise Mares ([email protected]); Brenda Gayle Plummer ([email protected]); Gary Sandefur ([email protected]); Hemant Shah ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: UW Madison Race Relations experts; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Pitzer College Race Relations experts: Dipa Basu'; 'Jose Calderon'; 'Adrian Pantoja'; 'Maria Soldatenko' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Pitzer College Race Relations expertsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Pitzer College Race Relations experts: Dipa Basu ([email protected]); Jose Calderon ([email protected]); Adrian Pantoja ([email protected]); Maria Soldatenko ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Pitzer College Race Relations experts; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Office of Multiculturalism: Dr. Alvin Poussaint: Harvard Medical School'; 'Fidencio Saldana'; 'Rosa Soler'; 'Barbara Sweeny' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Harvard Office of MulticulturalismŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Harvard Office of Multiculturalism: Dr. Alvin Poussaint: Harvard Medical School ([email protected]); Fidencio Saldana ([email protected]);

13 Rosa Soler ([email protected]); Barbara Sweeny ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Harvard Office of Multicultural Affairs, Race Relations Expert Laments Poor Media Coverage of HIV, Homosexuality Among Blacks; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Spelman College: Beverly Daniel Tatum' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Beverly Daniel TatumŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Spelman College: Beverly Daniel Tatum ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: A Semester of Racial Tensions, Internationally acclaimed expert on race relations; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Souls of Black Girls: SoBG'; 'Daphne Valerius' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Souls of Black GirlsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Souls of Black Girls: SoBG ([email protected]); Daphne Valerius ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Souls of Black Girls; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Carol M Swain' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Carol SwainŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Carol M Swain ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

14 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Carol Swain: Race Relations expert: Stop Questioning Zimmerman verdict: address black on black crime; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Rahim Reed: assistant dean and director of the Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Rahim ReedŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Rahim Reed: assistant dean and director of the Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: University of Florida Race Relations Expert to Head Campus Community Relations Program at UC Davis; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'Michael R. Klein: Professor of law at Harvard University' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Michael KleinŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Michael R. Klein: Professor of law at Harvard University ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Harvard Law Professor Expert on Race Relations to Speak at Canisius; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'Institute of Race Relations: Board of Directors and Management: Liz Fekete'; 'Jenny Bourne'; 'Black History Collection'; 'Hazel Waters'; 'Harmit Athwal'; 'Jon Burnett'; 'Ryan Erfani-Ghettani'; 'A Sivanandan' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Inst of Race RelationsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Institute of Race Relations: Board of Directors and Management: Liz Fekete ([email protected]); Jenny Bourne ([email protected]); Black History Collection ([email protected]); Hazel Waters ([email protected]); Harmit Athwal ([email protected]); Jon Burnett ([email protected]); Ryan Erfani-Ghettani ([email protected]); A Sivanandan ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

15 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Institute of Race Relations People; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'Harvard Prof: Joe Feagin' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Joe FeaginŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Harvard Prof: Joe Feagin ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Racial & Ethnic Studies Professor, UF Race Relations Expert Says Racism Is At Its Worst In 30 Years; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:36 AM To: 'Michele Norris - NPR'; '[email protected]' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Michelle NorrisŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Michele Norris - NPR ([email protected]); ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Norris family secrets led insight race America; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'Florence Nosegbe'; 'Rita Chadha: CEO: RAMFEL: Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London'; 'Nero Ughwujabo: Croydon BME Forum'; 'Thulani Molife: Nottingham city council'; 'Roger Griffith: MD: 2morrow 2day' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Council tips to Combat RacismŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Florence Nosegbe ([email protected]); Rita Chadha: CEO: RAMFEL: Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London ([email protected]); Nero Ughwujabo: Croydon BME Forum ([email protected]); Thulani Molife: Nottingham city council ([email protected]); Roger Griffith: MD: 2morrow 2day ([email protected])

16 CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: How councils can work with local people to combat racism – expert tips; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'Tim Wise'; 'Black Agenda Report: Bruce Dixon'; 'Margaret Kimberley'; 'Bruce Dickson'; 'Dr Ron Daniels' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: TWise & BlackAgendaReportŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Tim Wise ([email protected]); Black Agenda Report: Bruce Dixon ([email protected]); Margaret Kimberley ([email protected]); Bruce Dickson ([email protected]); Dr Ron Daniels ([email protected]); CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Anti-racism expert speaking at Grossmont College, Black Agenda Report Questions the Authenticity of Anti-Racism Activist Tim Wise; White Racism, Reverse Racism, you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Varsha NaikŚ ChairŚ Peel’s Regional Diversity Roundtable'ś 'Access EmploymentŚ Sue Sadler'ś 'Afghan Women's Org: Fauzia Khan'; 'Big Brothers Big Sisters: Susan Nomi'; 'MIssauga Fire & Emergency Svc: Mark Ormond'; 'Peel Childrens Aid Society: Kike Ojo'; 'Peels Children Ctr: Dilys Watanabe'; 'Brampton MultiCulti Comm Ctr: Salima Tejani'; 'Peel Regional Police' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Peel Regional Diversity RoundtableŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Varsha Naik: Chair: Peel’s Regional Diversity Roundtable (varsha.naikŚpeelsb.com) CC: Access Employment: Sue Sadler ([email protected]); Afghan Women's Org: Fauzia Khan ([email protected]); Big Brothers Big Sisters: Susan Nomi ([email protected]); MIssauga Fire & Emergency Svc: Mark Ormond ([email protected]); Peel Childrens Aid Society: Kike Ojo ([email protected]); Peels Children Ctr: Dilys Watanabe ([email protected]); Brampton MultiCulti Comm Ctr: Salima Tejani ([email protected]); Peel Regional Police ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

17 As documented at: Racism is prevalent, persisting and perpetually growing - experts warn; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Univ of Dayton School of Law: Vernellia Randall' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Vernellia RandallŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Univ of Dayton School of Law: Vernellia Randall ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Expert views on racism challenged in trial; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Harvard: David Williams' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: David WilliamsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Harvard: David Williams ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Harvard Expert on Racism and Health to visit Nova Scotia; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Sharon Davies: Exec Dir: Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity via Barbara Carter' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Kirwan InstŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Sharon Davies: Exec Dir: Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity via Barbara Carter ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Experts: Racism More Subtle Today; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.


Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:37 AM To: 'Matthew Feldman: Contemporary History: Teesside University' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Matthew FeldmanŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Matthew Feldman: Contemporary History: Teesside University ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Lot of racism is coded in US but that doesn't mean it's not racism - expert; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Thomas Pettigrew' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Thomas PettigrewŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Thomas Pettigrew ([email protected]) Professor Emeritus Univ of Santa Cruz CA CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Racism expert Thomas F. Pettigrew receives top UC honor for emeriti faculty; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:39 AM To: 'Umtapo Center Board of Directors & Patrons' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Umtapo CenterŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Umtapo Center Board of Directors & Patrons ([email protected]) Board of Directors: Mrs Ntsiki Biko | Professor Bennie Khoapa | Dr James Marsh | Ms Asha Moodley | Professor Mbulelo Mzamane | Mr Jay Reddy | Dr Farida Patel | Mr Deena Soliar | Ms Linda Yhukutwana Patrons: Ms Marjan Boelsma | Ishmael Mkhabela | Dr Oshadi Mangena | Professor David Macharia CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: An International Workshop: Smashing Racial Myths and Stereotypes - Putting Anti-Racism into Action; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations expert/s’.


Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: Northwest Front ([email protected]); Kevin McDonald ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: HCovington | KMcDonaldŚ MILED request for ‘racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Harold Covington: Northwest Front ([email protected]); Kevin McDonald ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: US: Noam Chomsky: ([email protected]); Greenpeace - Kumi Naido ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NChomsky | KNaidoŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: US: Noam Chomsky: ([email protected]); Greenpeace - Kumi Naido ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: The Left, Class, Xenophobia and the Right, Kumi Naidoo; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: Jewish Racism: CJ Bjerknes ([email protected]); UBerk: Michael Parenti ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CJBjerknes | MParenti: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Jewish Racism: CJ Bjerknes ([email protected]); UBerk: Michael Parenti ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Michael Parenti: Racism, Jewish Racism; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

20 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Dr MarJohnson'; 'Info'; 'Erica Holmes' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: GBS: Race Relations Speakers: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Ed Gordon, Charles Ogletree, Dr Avis Jones Deweever, Dr Marc Lamont Hill, Rebecca Walker, Dr Julianne Malveaux, Keith Beauchamp, Ellis Cose, Farai Chideya, Kevin Chappell, Clay Cane, Matthew Fogg, Dr Jacqueline Wade, Dr David Points, Michael Cottman, Dr Jeffrianne Wilder, Michael Bullock, Dr Annalise Fonza, Christopher Chestnut, Ronnie Nunn, Rev George Walters Sleyon, Chris Tyson, Neil Foote, Dr Shonta Smith, Umar R Badullah-Johnson via: Great Black Speakers: Dr MarJohnson ([email protected]); Info ([email protected]); Erica Holmes ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Great Black Speakers: Race Relations Speakers; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Lead Stories: Utrice Lead'; 'COWS: Gus Renegade Justice Radio'; 'Dr. Gedaliah Braun' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ULead | GRenegade | GBraunŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Lead Stories: Utrice Lead ([email protected]); COWS: Gus Renegade Justice Radio ([email protected]); Dr. Gedaliah Braun ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Dr William Barber, Decline of Black Politics; Racist Assault on the 14th Amendment, Being Black at the University of Michigan, The COWS with Dr Gedahlia Braun, Leid Stories: News with Racial Blinders; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Reverend William Barbour'; 'Kevin Alexander Gray'; 'UMich BSU: Robert Greenfield' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WBarbour | KGray | RGreenfieldŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Reverend William Barbour ([email protected]); Kevin Alexander Gray ([email protected]); UMich BSU: Robert Greenfield ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

21 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Dr William Barber, Decline of Black Politics; Racist Assault on the 14th Amendment, Being Black at the University of Michigan, The COWS with Dr Gedahlia Braun, Leid Stories: News with Racial Blinders; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 12:40 AM To: 'Randy Blazak' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Randy BlazakŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Randy Blazak: Sociology Prof: Portland Univ ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at: Racism expert says that opposing white genocide is low grade terrorism; you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations expert’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:16 PM To: CSVR: ([email protected]); Hugo vd Merwe - CSVR ([email protected]); Trudy Ajibogun - CSVR ([email protected]); Kindisa Ngubeni - CSVR ([email protected]); Tshegofatso Maswabi - CSVR ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Ctr Study Violence & ReconciliationŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: CSVR: ([email protected]); Hugo vd Merwe - CSVR ([email protected]); Trudy Ajibogun - CSVR ([email protected]); Kindisa Ngubeni - CSVR ([email protected]); Tshegofatso Maswabi - CSVR ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: CSVR Mission, Racism Still a Threat to South śfrica’s Democracy, Racism in the SAPS must be stamped out, Racism Still a Threat to South śfrica’s Democracy; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations violence prevention experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:16 PM To: Nonhlanhla Hlomuka - COSATU Secretariat ([email protected]); Dolly Ngali - COSATU ([email protected]); Sifiso Khumalo - COSATU ([email protected]); Jacqueline Mpolokeng - COSATU Policy ([email protected]); Khanyisile Fakude COSATU Admin Sec ([email protected]); Olympia Vumisa - COSATU Parliament ([email protected]); Dudu

22 Lithuli - COSATU Intnl ([email protected]); Nelisiwe Mbatha - COSATU Educ ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: COSATUŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Nonhlanhla Hlomuka - COSATU Secretariat ([email protected]); Dolly Ngali - COSATU ([email protected]); Sifiso Khumalo - COSATU ([email protected]); Jacqueline Mpolokeng - COSATU Policy ([email protected]); Khanyisile Fakude COSATU Admin Sec ([email protected]); Olympia Vumisa - COSATU Parliament ([email protected]); Dudu Lithuli - COSATU Intnl ([email protected]); Nelisiwe Mbatha - COSATU Educ ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: SA Council of Trade Unions Leading Role in Struggle Against Apartheid; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:16 PM To: Joyce Mokoena - SACC ([email protected]); Twinkie Moche - SACC ([email protected]); Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:50 PM | To: 'SACC Support' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SA Council of ChurchesŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Joyce Mokoena - SACC ([email protected]); Twinkie Moche - SACC ([email protected]); SACC Support ([email protected])) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Kairos Document; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:16 PM To: Dr Clement Fugh ([email protected]); Coptic Orth. Ch ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Ame & Coptic Orth ChurchŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Dr Clement Fugh ([email protected]); Coptic Orth. Ch ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Kairos Document; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.


Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:16 PM To: Ch - Methodist Ch in SA ([email protected]); Methodist Ch in SA ([email protected]); Methodist Ch in SA ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SA Methodist ChŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ch - Methodist Ch in SA ([email protected]); Methodist Ch in SA ([email protected]); Methodist Ch in SA ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Kairos Document; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:15 PM To: Anglican Ch of SA ([email protected]); Bishop Nils Rohwer ([email protected]); Bishop Nils Rohwer ([email protected]); Fr. Mike Deeb - Cath Bishops Conf. ([email protected]); Toni Rowland - Cath. Bishops ([email protected]); Padraig Smyth - Catholic Bishops ([email protected]); Kabelo Selema - Cath Bishops Conf. ([email protected]); Sean Hurley ([email protected]); SA Council of Priests ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SA Anglican Ch & Catholic BishopsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Anglican Ch of SA ([email protected]); Bishop Nils Rohwer ([email protected]); Bishop Nils Rohwer ([email protected]); Fr. Mike Deeb - Cath Bishops Conf. ([email protected]); Toni Rowland - Cath. Bishops ([email protected]); Padraig Smyth - Catholic Bishops ([email protected]); Kabelo Selema - Cath Bishops Conf. ([email protected]); Sean Hurley ([email protected]); SA Council of Priests ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Kairos Document; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:15 PM To: NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SA NG KerkŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

24 TO: NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]); NG Kerk ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Kairos Document; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:15 PM To: Evang. Lutheran Ch ([email protected]); St. Martini CT - Evang Lutheran (gemeinde@st- martini.co.za); Arthur C Bekker - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); E Scharf - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); F Meylahn - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); Evan Luthern Ch ([email protected]); S Hambrock - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); P Molchin - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); F Meylahn - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); A Hahne - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); D Trumpelman - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); T Marienhagen - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SA Evan Lutheran ChŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Evang. Lutheran Ch ([email protected]); St. Martini CT - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); Arthur C Bekker - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); E Scharf - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); F Meylahn - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); Evan Luthern Ch ([email protected]); S Hambrock - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); P Molchin - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); F Meylahn - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); A Hahne - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]); D Trumpelman - Evan Lutheran ([email protected]); T Marienhagen - Evang Lutheran ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Kairos Document; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:17 PM To: SAHRC: NC: Chantelle Williams: Martie Muntingh ([email protected]); SAHRC: Gaut: Chantal Kisoon: Nthabiseng Kwaza ([email protected]); SAHRC: KZN: Tanuja Munnoo: Mduduzi Sibisi ([email protected]); SAHRC: WC: Melanie Dugmore: Shafeeqah Salie ([email protected]); SAHRC: MP: Eric Mokonyama: Carol Ngwenyama ([email protected]); SAHRC: FreeS: Lindiwe Khumalo: Baneoang Pitso ([email protected]); SAHRC: NW: Kleinbooi Matsetela: Poppy Mochadibane ([email protected]); SAHRC: Limpopo: Victor Mavhidula: Mahlatse Ngobeni ([email protected]); SAHRC: ECape: Loyiso Mpondo: Yolokazi Mvovo ([email protected]); ([email protected]); Penny Carelse ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SAHRCŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

25 TO: SAHRC: NC: Chantelle Williams: Martie Muntingh ([email protected]); SAHRC: Gaut: Chantal Kisoon: Nthabiseng Kwaza ([email protected]); SAHRC: KZN: Tanuja Munnoo: Mduduzi Sibisi ([email protected]); SAHRC: WC: Melanie Dugmore: Shafeeqah Salie ([email protected]); SAHRC: MP: Eric Mokonyama: Carol Ngwenyama ([email protected]); SAHRC: FreeS: Lindiwe Khumalo: Baneoang Pitso ([email protected]); SAHRC: NW: Kleinbooi Matsetela: Poppy Mochadibane ([email protected]); SAHRC: Limpopo: Victor Mavhidula: Mahlatse Ngobeni ([email protected]); SAHRC: ECape: Loyiso Mpondo: Yolokazi Mvovo ([email protected]); ([email protected]); Penny Carelse ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: SAHRC hosts a roundtable discussion on Equality, Racism, ANC lodges complaint with SAHRC over DA's 'racist tweet', SAHRC to investigate racism at UFS; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:17 PM To: SAIRR - Anthea Jeffery ([email protected]); SAIRR - Franz Cronje ([email protected]); SAIRR - John Kane Berman ([email protected]); Lucy Holborn - SAIRR ([email protected]); Kerwin Lebone - SAIRR ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SAIRRŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: SAIRR - Anthea Jeffery ([email protected]); SAIRR - Franz Cronje ([email protected]); SAIRR - John Kane Berman ([email protected]); Lucy Holborn - SAIRR ([email protected]); Kerwin Lebone - SAIRR ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Research and Policy Brief: Two scenarios for the future of South Africa - 14th January 2013, The Long Shadow of Apartheid; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:17 PM To: 'Ezra Klein'; 'UC: Marianne Bertrand'; 'UC: Sendhil Mullainathan' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: EKlein | MBertrand & SMullainathan: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ezra Klein ([email protected]); UC: Marianne Bertrand ([email protected]); UC: Sendhil Mullainathan ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.


As documented at among others: Racism isn’t over. But policymakers from both parties like to pretend it is, Are Emily and Brendan More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:17 PM To: 'WP: Wesley Lowery'; 'UBerkley: Law Prof Ian F Haney-Lopez'; 'VCU: Timothy Thurber'; 'ASU: Donald Critchlow' Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:54 PM | To: 'Wesley Lowery' Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2014 | To: Wesley Lowery Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WLowery | IFH-Lopez | TThurber | DCritchlowŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: WP: Wesley Lowery ([email protected]); ([email protected]); (via Facebook Washington Post Messages on 07/06/2014 at 12:33 GMT+2 hrs); UBerkley: Law Prof Ian F Haney-Lopez ([email protected]); VCU: Timothy Thurber ([email protected]); ASU: Donald Critchlow ([email protected]); Wesley Lowery ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Ian F Haney-Lopez, Does small-government conservative ideology have racist roots? Academics offer a history lesson, you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:16 PM To: Adv. Nikki de Havilland ([email protected]); Adv. Nikki de Havilland ([email protected]); Shan Wolksky ([email protected]); Dave Steward - FWF ([email protected]); Piet Le Roux - FWF ([email protected]); Patricia Brand-Adams - FWF ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FW de Klerk FndŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Adv. Nikki de Havilland ([email protected]); Adv. Nikki de Havilland ([email protected]); Shan Wolksky ([email protected]); Dave Steward - FWF ([email protected]); Piet Le Roux - FWF ([email protected]); Patricia Brand-Adams - FWF ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: FW de Klerk Foundation: No Place for Racism in Our Society, FW de Klerk – Nobel Lecture, you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

27 Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:20 PM | To: 'Dylan Matthews' Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:31 PM | To: 'Zack Beauchamp'; '[email protected]' Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2014 2:00 AM | To: 'WP: Dylan Matthews' Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2014 | To: Dylan Matthews Cc: 'Pres Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'Jason Richwine: Heritage Fnd' Subject: WP DMatthews | TP ZBeauchamp: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: WP: Dylan Matthews ([email protected]) (via Facebook Washington Post Messages on 07/06/2014 at 12:33 GMT+2 hrs), TP: Zack Beauchamp (via ThinkProgress Form on 06/06/2014 at 23:19 GM2+2 hrs); ([email protected]); ([email protected]) CC: Jason Richwine: Heritage Fnd ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Author of Heritage Immigration Scandal Resigns Amid Racism Scandal, Heritage study co-author opposed letting in immigrants with low IQs; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations journalist experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:24 PM To: 'Soraya Nadia McDonald' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SNMcDonald | HAaronŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Soraya Nadia McDonald ([email protected]), Atlanta Braves: Hank Aaron (Sent via Atlanta Braves Form on 06/06/2014 at 23:23 GMT+2 hrs) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Hank Aaron, Atlanta Braves receive racist hate mail; you are considered to be ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:17 PM To: 'Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn'; 'Senior Prosecutor: Mr. Jacobs co NPA: Head of Communications: Bulelwa Makeke'; 'NPA Communications'; 'Plaintiff: Patricia de Lille - ID'; 'Mayor de Lille'; 'SAPS Investigating Officer: Inspector CD Christian co SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CT-CAS: 1340/7/07Ś S v JohnstoneŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Capetown Magistrates Court: Magistrate Louw co CT Area Court Manager: Mr. C de Bruyn ([email protected]), TO: Senior Prosecutor: Mr. Jacobs co NPA: Head of Communications: Bulelwa Makeke ([email protected]); NPA Communications ([email protected]);

28 TO: Plaintiff: Patricia de Lille - ID ([email protected]); Mayor de Lille ([email protected]); TO: SAPS Investigating Officer: Inspector CD Christian co SAPS WC Comm: Lt Gen AH Lamoer ([email protected]) Ref: State v Lara Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08

CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented by your statements and actions in the criminal proceedings: State v Lara Johnstone: CT-CAS 1340/7/07 & 17/1384/07 & 14/1198/08; you consider yourself to be legal ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 11:29 PM To: LeadSA: Adriaan Groenewald ([email protected]); 'MAngelou Family via McRae Speakers'; 'Tutu Fnd: Desmond Tutu' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta'; 'Ann Johnson' Subject: MAngelou Fam | LeadSA | DTutuŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: LeadSA: Adriaan Groenewald ([email protected]); MAngelou Family via McRae Speakers ([email protected]); Tutu Fnd: Desmond Tutu ([email protected]) (Sent via Tutu Fnd Form on 06/06/2014 at 23:26 GMT+2 hrs) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta; Ann Johnson

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Tutu: Unity sacrificed on altar of self, Kairos Document, His Day is Done - A Tribute Poem for Nelson Mandela by Dr Maya Angelou, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom - Review, you are considered to be a ‘racism / race relations experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe'; 'Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz'; 'Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen der Schweiz'; 'Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk'; 'Genève – Cointrin'; 'Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz'; 'RBS bei der ES Basel: ES-BAS'; 'EVZ Chiasso'; 'EVZ Kreuzlingen'; 'EVZ Altstätten'; 'CEP Vallorbe'; 'Susanne Bolz' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CHŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Switzerland ECRE / ELENA: Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe ([email protected]); Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz ([email protected]); Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen der Schweiz ([email protected]); Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk ([email protected]); Genève – Cointrin ([email protected]); Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz ([email protected]); RBS bei der ES Basel: ES-BAS (es-bas@bas- basel.ch); EVZ Chiasso ([email protected]); EVZ Kreuzlingen (rbs- [email protected]); EVZ Altstätten ([email protected]); CEP Vallorbe ([email protected]); Susanne Bolz ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta


MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'Orcun Ulusoy'; 'Mülteci Hakları Koordinasyonu'ś 'Sığınmacı ve Göçmenlerle Dayanışma Derneği'ś 'Mültecilerle Dayanışma Derneği'ś 'Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı'ś 'İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı'ś 'Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği'ś 'Amnesty International Turkey'ś 'İnsan Hakları Derneği'ś 'İnsan Hakları ve Mazlumlar İçin Dayanışma Derneği' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: TKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Turkey ECRE / ELENA: Orcun Ulusoy (orcunulusoyŚizmir.av.tr); Mülteci Hakları Koordinasyonu (infoŚmultecihaklari.org); Sığınmacı ve Göçmenlerle Dayanışma Derneği (sgddŚsgdd.org.tr); Mültecilerle Dayanışma Derneği (bilgiŚmulteci.org.tr); Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı (vanŚtihv.org.tr); İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı (ikgvŚikgv.org); Helsinki Yurttaşlar Derneği (refugeeaidŚhyd.org.tr); śmnesty International Turkey (multeciŚamnesty.org.tr); İnsan Hakları Derneği (ihdŚihd.org.tr); İnsan Hakları ve Mazlumlar İçin Dayanışma Derneği (infoŚmazlumder.org.tr) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'Abdulhalim YILMAZ'; 'Salih EFE'; 'Taner KILIÇ'; 'Nesip YILDIRIM'ś 'Prof. Dr. Nuray Ekşi'ś 'Associate Professor Lami Bertan Tokuzlu'ś 'Didem Danış'ś 'Ayse Parla' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: TKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Turkey ECRE / ELENA: Abdulhalim YILMAZ ([email protected]); Salih EFE ([email protected]); Taner KILIÇ ([email protected]); Nesip YILDIRIM (nesipyildirim21Śgmail.com); Prof. Dr. Nuray Ekşi (nurayeksiŚgmail.com); śssociate Professor Lami Bertan Tokuzlu (bertan.tokuzluŚbilgi.edu.tr); Didem Danış ([email protected]); Ayse Parla ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'David Chirico'; 'Alison Harvey'; 'Amnesty International – International Secretariat'; 'Amnesty International UK'; 'Asylum Rights Campaign'; 'Immigration Law Practitioners Association'; 'Immigration Advisory Service'; 'Midlands Refugee Council'; 'Refugee Action'; 'Refugee Council' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: United Kingdom ECRE / ELENA: David Chirico ([email protected]); Alison Harvey ([email protected]); Amnesty International – International Secretariat ([email protected]); Amnesty International UK ([email protected]); Asylum Rights Campaign ([email protected]); Immigration Law Practitioners Association ([email protected]); Immigration Advisory Service ([email protected]); Midlands Refugee Council ([email protected]); Refugee Action ([email protected]); Refugee Council ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'Refugee Studies Centre'; 'Save the Children UK'; 'Scottish Refugee Council'; 'Welsh Refugee Council'; 'Africa Educational Trust'; 'Refugee Education Training Advisory Service'; 'Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities'; 'Northern Refugee Centre Scotia Works'; 'North of England Refugee Service'; 'Asylum Aid'; 'Immigration Advisory Service'; 'Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants'; 'Immigration Law Practitioners Association' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: United Kingdom ECRE / ELENA: Refugee Studies Centre ([email protected]); Save the Children UK ([email protected]); Scottish Refugee Council ([email protected]); Welsh Refugee Council ([email protected]); Africa Educational Trust ([email protected]); Refugee Education Training Advisory Service ([email protected]); Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities ([email protected]); Northern Refugee Centre Scotia Works ([email protected]); North of England Refugee Service ([email protected]); Asylum Aid ([email protected]); Immigration Advisory Service ([email protected]); Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants ([email protected]); Immigration Law Practitioners Association ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

31 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'BOSNIA AND HERGEGOVINA'; 'CROATIA'; 'CYPRUS'; 'CZECH REPUBLIC'; 'GREECE'; 'HUNGARY'; 'IRELAND'; 'POLAND'; 'ROMANIA'; 'RUSSIA' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UNHCRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: UNHCR ECRE / ELENA: BOSNIA AND HERGEGOVINA ([email protected]); CROATIA ([email protected]); CYPRUS ([email protected]); CZECH REPUBLIC ([email protected]); GREECE ([email protected]); HUNGARY ([email protected]); IRELAND ([email protected]); POLAND ([email protected]); ROMANIA ([email protected]); RUSSIA ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:43 AM To: 'SERBIA'ś 'SERBIAŚ Mr. Dušan Aralica'ś 'SERBIAŚ Cara Dušana'ś 'SWITZERLAND'; 'UNITED KINGDOM' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UNHCRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: UNHCR ECRE / ELENA: SERBIA ([email protected]); SERBIś: Mr. Dušan śralica (śRśLICśŚunhcr.org); SERBIś: Cara Dušana (srbkrŚunhcr.org); SWITZERLAND ([email protected]); UNITED KINGDOM ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Advokat Olof Wijk'; 'Björn Bjurström'; 'Hans Elgerot'; 'Stockholm Arlanda'; 'Muriel Trummer: Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe'; 'Seraina Nufer: Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe'; 'Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe'; 'International Catholic Migration Commission'; 'Lutheran World Federation'; 'Office de consultation sur l’asile' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Olof Wijk ([email protected]); Björn Bjurström ([email protected]); Hans Elgerot ([email protected]); Stockholm Arlanda ([email protected]); Muriel Trummer: Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe ([email protected]); Seraina Nufer: Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe ([email protected]); Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe ([email protected]); International Catholic Migration Commission

32 ([email protected]); Lutheran World Federation ([email protected]); Office de consultation sur l’asile (infoŚkkf-oca.ch) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'CSP Berne-Jura'; 'BCJ CARITAS Suisse'; 'BCJ CARITAS Suisse'; 'Centre de contact Suisses- Immigrés'; 'Centre de contact Suisses-Immigrés'; 'CSP-GE'; 'SSISS'; 'ELISA Genève'; 'Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende Lürlibadstrasse'; 'CSP Berne-Jura' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: CSP Berne-Jura ([email protected]); BCJ CARITAS Suisse ([email protected]); BCJ CARITAS Suisse ([email protected]); Centre de contact Suisses-Immigrés ([email protected]); Centre de contact Suisses-Immigrés ([email protected]); CSP-GE ([email protected]); SSISS ([email protected]); ELISA Genève ([email protected]); Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende Lürlibadstrasse (rbs.gr@ spin.ch); CSP Berne-Jura ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Flüchtlingshilfe Liechtenstein' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: LIŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Liechtenstein ECRE / ELENA: Flüchtlingshilfe Liechtenstein ([email protected]); CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'Caritas Schweiz: I Mueller'; 'Caritas Schweiz: S Gnekow'; 'Caritas Schweiz: C Tamuk'; 'Centre Social Protestant CSP'; 'Caritas NE'; 'Coordination-Asile NE'; 'Groupe Accueil Réfugiés';

33 'Beratungsstelle für Asyl'; 'Rechtsberatungsstelle für Asylsuchende Solothurn' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CHŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Switzerland ECRE / ELENA: Flüchtlingshilfe Liechtenstein ([email protected]); Caritas Schweiz: I Mueller ([email protected]); Caritas Schweiz: S Gnekow ([email protected]); Caritas Schweiz: C Tamuk ([email protected]); Centre Social Protestant CSP ([email protected]); Caritas NE ([email protected]); Coordination-Asile NE ([email protected]); Groupe Accueil Réfugiés ([email protected]); Beratungsstelle für Asyl ([email protected]); Rechtsberatungsstelle für Asylsuchende Solothurn ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:44 AM To: 'HEKS Rechtsberatungsstelle für Asylsuchende'; 'Thurgauer Rechtsberatungsstelle für Asylsuchende Kreuzlingen'; 'Consultorio giuridico per i richiedenti d'asilo'; 'Consultorio giuridico per i richiedenti d'asilo'; 'Centre Suisse-lmmigrés'; 'Forum Migration Oberwallis'; 'SAJE'; 'Zürcher Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende'; 'Freiplatzaktion Zürich' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CHŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Switzerland ECRE / ELENA: HEKS Rechtsberatungsstelle für Asylsuchende (rbs- [email protected]); Thurgauer Rechtsberatungsstelle für Asylsuchende Kreuzlingen (rbs- [email protected]); Consultorio giuridico per i richiedenti d'asilo ([email protected]); Consultorio giuridico per i richiedenti d'asilo ([email protected]); Centre Suisse-lmmigrés ([email protected]); Forum Migration Oberwallis ([email protected]); SAJE (h- [email protected]); Zürcher Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende ([email protected]); Freiplatzaktion Zürich ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Alvaro Garcia Quintana'; 'Amparo Carranza Simón'; 'Ana María Gamboa Monte'; 'Andres Lopez Rodriguez'; 'Andrés Malamud Serur'; 'Arsenio García Cores'; 'Carola Callegari'; 'Belén W. Martin'; 'Paloma Favieres'; 'Berta Muñoz' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Alvaro Garcia Quintana ([email protected]); Amparo Carranza Simón ([email protected]); Ana María Gamboa Monte

34 ([email protected]); Andres Lopez Rodriguez ([email protected]); Andrés Malamud Serur ([email protected]); Arsenio García Cores ([email protected]); Carola Callegari ([email protected]); Belén W. Martin ([email protected]); Paloma Favieres ([email protected]); Berta Muñoz ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Francisco Rojo Herrero'; 'Inés Díez de Frutos'; 'Javier Sanchez Ribas'; 'Marcelo Belgrano'; 'Maria Ascension Vargas Mendieta'; 'María Gutiérrez'; 'Miguel Angel Muga'; 'Olga Bermejo Hernández'; 'Virginia Alvarez Salinas'; 'Mª Dolores Ferri Hidalgo' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Francisco Rojo Herrero ([email protected]); Inés Díez de Frutos ([email protected]); Javier Sanchez Ribas ([email protected]); Marcelo Belgrano ([email protected]); Maria Ascension Vargas Mendieta ([email protected]); María Gutiérrez ([email protected]); Miguel Angel Muga ([email protected]); Olga Bermejo Hernández ([email protected]); Virginia Alvarez Salinas ([email protected]); Mª Dolores Ferri Hidalgo ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Alberto Revuelta'; 'Lourdes Navarro'; 'José Carlos Budia'; 'Inmaculada Martínez'; 'Alejandro Romero'; 'Mercedes Rubio'; 'Miguel Ángel Barrera'; 'Vicente Figueroa Velasco'; 'Judith García Padilla'; 'Aurelia Alvarez Rodríguez' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Alberto Revuelta ([email protected]); Lourdes Navarro ([email protected]); José Carlos Budia ([email protected]); Inmaculada Martínez (inmaculada.martí[email protected]); Alejandro Romero ([email protected]); Mercedes Rubio ([email protected]); Miguel Ángel Barrera ([email protected]); Vicente Figueroa Velasco ([email protected]); Judith García Padilla ([email protected]); Aurelia Alvarez Rodríguez ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

35 As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Judith Sobrino González'; 'Natalia Cañiz García'; 'Patricio Sánchez Cortés'; 'Peñas & Portilla Arnaiz Abogados'; 'Anna Figueras'; 'Elena Muñoz'; 'Anna Serra Gironès'; 'Concha Par Lopez-Pinto'; 'Gerard Catalá'; 'Gisela Cardú Prins' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Judith Sobrino González ([email protected]); Natalia Cañiz García ([email protected]); Patricio Sánchez Cortés ([email protected]); Peñas & Portilla Arnaiz Abogados ([email protected]); Anna Figueras ([email protected]); Elena Muñoz (elena.muñ[email protected]); Anna Serra Gironès ([email protected]); Concha Par Lopez-Pinto ([email protected]); Gerard Catalá ([email protected]); Gisela Cardú Prins ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Imma Mata Burgarolas'; 'Víctor M. Merino i Sancho'; 'Alejandra Zapata Maceiras'; 'Javier Galparsoro'; 'Begoña Lobo Abascal'; 'Jaume Dura'; 'Daniel Sanjuan'; 'José Manuel Illán Medina'; 'María Teresa Mompó Alventosa' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Imma Mata Burgarolas ([email protected]); Víctor M. Merino i Sancho ([email protected]); Alejandra Zapata Maceiras ([email protected]); Javier Galparsoro ([email protected]); Begoña Lobo Abascal ([email protected]); Jaume Dura ([email protected]); Daniel Sanjuan ([email protected]); José Manuel Illán Medina ([email protected]); María Teresa Mompó Alventosa ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Kimi Aoki'; 'Beatriz Alfonso'; 'Leonor Pulido'; 'Rocío Cuellar'; 'María Oviedo' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014


TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Kimi Aoki ([email protected]); Beatriz Alfonso ([email protected]); Leonor Pulido ([email protected]); Rocío Cuellar ([email protected]); María Oviedo ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Anders Sundquist: Swedish Refugee Advice Centre'; 'Amnesty International'; 'Madeleine Seidlitz'; 'Caritas Sweden'; 'Radda Barnen Sweden'; 'Swedish Red Cross'; 'Anki Carlsson'; 'Swedish Refugee Aid'; 'FARR: Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups'; 'FARR: Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Anders Sundquist: Swedish Refugee Advice Centre ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Madeleine Seidlitz ([email protected]); Caritas Sweden ([email protected]); Radda Barnen Sweden ([email protected]); Swedish Red Cross ([email protected]); Anki Carlsson ([email protected]); Swedish Refugee Aid ([email protected]); FARR: Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups ([email protected]); FARR: Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Church of Sweden'; 'Rådgivningsbyrån för asylsökande och flyktingar'; 'Advokat Håkan Svahn'; 'Per Allocco'; 'Advokat Bo Forssberg'; 'Sven Grönberg'; 'Anders Karls'; 'Staffan Berfeldt'; 'Yvonne Berglund'; 'Kai Lindström' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Church of Sweden ([email protected]); Rådgivningsbyrån för asylsökande och flyktingar ([email protected]); Advokat Håkan Svahn ([email protected]); Per Allocco ([email protected]); Advokat Bo Forssberg ([email protected]); Sven Grönberg ([email protected]); Anders Karls ([email protected]); Staffan Berfeldt ([email protected]); Yvonne Berglund ([email protected]); Kai Lindström ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta


MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Hans Carlsson'; 'Maria Dorch'; 'Advokat Carl Robert Rommel'; 'Advokat Tryggve Emstedt'; 'Advokat Marianne Andersson'; 'Advokat Rickhard Backenroth'; 'Jur Kand Göran Norberg'; 'Advokat Sten Westman'; 'Advokat Hans Hjalmers'; 'Advokat Christer Mellberg' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Hans Carlsson ([email protected]); Maria Dorch ([email protected]); Advokat Carl Robert Rommel ([email protected]); Advokat Tryggve Emstedt ([email protected]); Advokat Marianne Andersson ([email protected]); Advokat Rickhard Backenroth ([email protected]); Jur Kand Göran Norberg ([email protected]); Advokat Sten Westman ([email protected]); Advokat Hans Hjalmers ([email protected]); Advokat Christer Mellberg ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Advokat Olle Karlsson'; 'Agneta Bäverbrandt'; 'Katja Kinnunen'; 'Advokat Lars-Ove Andersson'; 'Advokat Dan Lindgren'; 'Sverker Bohman'; 'Per-Ola Magnusson'; 'Lennart Franson'; 'Advokat Lars Magnusson'; 'Jur kand Elisabet Thorson' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SE: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Olle Karlsson ([email protected]); Agneta Bäverbrandt ([email protected]); Katja Kinnunen ([email protected]); Advokat Lars-Ove Andersson ([email protected]); Advokat Dan Lindgren ([email protected]); Sverker Bohman ([email protected]); Per-Ola Magnusson ([email protected]); Lennart Franson ([email protected]); Advokat Lars Magnusson ([email protected]); Jur kand Elisabet Thorson ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Lena B. Larsson'; 'Ylva Brohage'; 'Advokat Carl-Olof Lindberg'; 'Gunnar Berge Försund'; 'Lars Edman'; 'Advokat Marie Lagerlöf'; 'Advokat Christopher Lagström'; 'Advokat Sophie Palmgren Paulsson'; 'Advokat Johan Sarvik'; 'Advokat Bo Lindskog' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Lena B. Larsson ([email protected]); Ylva Brohage ([email protected]); Advokat Carl-Olof Lindberg ([email protected]); Gunnar Berge Försund ([email protected]); Lars Edman ([email protected]); Advokat Marie Lagerlöf ([email protected]); Advokat Christopher Lagström ([email protected]); Advokat Sophie Palmgren Paulsson ([email protected]); Advokat Johan Sarvik ([email protected]); Advokat Bo Lindskog ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Advokat Blenda Wallman'; 'Advokat Kåre Månson'; 'Rolf Davidsson'; 'Krister Finnsson'; 'Advocat Jörgen Frisk'; 'Daniel Ahl'; 'Advokat Sten De Geer'; 'Advokat Berenike Alfvén'; 'Advokat Louise Bjurwill'; 'Advokat Hans Bredberg' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Blenda Wallman ([email protected]); Advokat Kåre Månson ([email protected]); Rolf Davidsson ([email protected]); Krister Finnsson ([email protected]); Advocat Jörgen Frisk ([email protected]); Daniel Ahl ([email protected]); Advokat Sten De Geer ([email protected]); Advokat Berenike Alfvén ([email protected]); Advokat Louise Bjurwill ([email protected]); Advokat Hans Bredberg ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Carl-Åke Ekström'; 'Advokat Gunnilla Fungdal'; 'Advokat Marianne Gattberg'; 'Ingrid Granler'; 'Margareta Hedelius'; 'Bo Hegestam'; 'Advokat Gunilla Judell'; 'Advokat Kjell Jönsson'; 'Ulf Klementsson'; 'Advokat Siri Leithoff'

39 Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Carl-Åke Ekström ([email protected]); Advokat Gunnilla Fungdal ([email protected]); Advokat Marianne Gattberg ([email protected]); Ingrid Granler ([email protected]); Margareta Hedelius ([email protected]); Bo Hegestam ([email protected]); Advokat Gunilla Judell ([email protected]); Advokat Kjell Jönsson ([email protected]); Ulf Klementsson ([email protected]); Advokat Siri Leithoff ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Advokat Eva Lilliesköld'; 'Lars Lundin'; 'Advokat Per Stadig'; 'Advokat Ingemar Strandberg'; 'Advokat Erik Sätherberg'; 'Advokat Bo Thorén'; 'Advokat Björn Törnell'; 'Advokat Susanne Urwitz'; 'Advokat Jan Wasberg'; 'Åsa Bergdahl' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Eva Lilliesköld ([email protected]); Lars Lundin ([email protected]); Advokat Per Stadig ([email protected]); Advokat Ingemar Strandberg ([email protected]); Advokat Erik Sätherberg ([email protected]); Advokat Bo Thorén ([email protected]); Advokat Björn Törnell ([email protected]); Advokat Susanne Urwitz ([email protected]); Advokat Jan Wasberg ([email protected]); Åsa Bergdahl ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:45 AM To: 'Lars Lindblom'; 'Advokat Jan Herelius'; 'Helena Kjällgren'; 'Camilla Dahlberg'; 'Advokat Ulf Holst'; 'Advokat Lena Isaksson'; 'Lars Carlén'; 'Advokat Olle Hancock'; 'Advokat Roger Häggquist'; 'Avesta Karim' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Sweden ECRE / ELENA: Lars Lindblom ([email protected]); Advokat Jan Herelius ([email protected]); Helena Kjällgren ([email protected]); Camilla Dahlberg ([email protected]); Advokat Ulf Holst ([email protected]); Advokat Lena Isaksson ([email protected]); Lars Carlén ([email protected]);

40 Advokat Olle Hancock ([email protected]); Advokat Roger Häggquist ([email protected]); Avesta Karim ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Asylum Protection Center'; 'Belgrade Centre for Human Rights'; 'Danish Refugee Council Serbia'; 'Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance'; 'Asylum Protection Center'; 'Belgrade Centre for Human Rights'; 'PRAXIS' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RSŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Serbia ECRE / ELENA: Asylum Protection Center ([email protected]); Belgrade Centre for Human Rights ([email protected]); Danish Refugee Council Serbia ([email protected]); Humanitarian Center for Integration and Tolerance ([email protected]); Asylum Protection Center ([email protected]); Belgrade Centre for Human Rights ([email protected]); PRAXIS ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Asylum Protection Center'ś 'Directorate of Border Police'ś 'Mr. Dušan Aralica'ś 'Mr. Radoš Đurović'ś 'Ms. Miroslava Jelačić'ś 'Dr. Ivana Krstić'ś 'Ms. Jovana Zorić' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RSŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Serbia ECRE / ELENA: Asylum Protection Center ([email protected]); Directorate of Border Police (borderpoliceŚmup.gov.rs); Mr. Dušan śralica (śRśLICśŚunhcr.org); Mr. Radoš Đurović (rados.djurovicŚapc-cza.org); Ms. Miroslava Jelačić (mjŚgrupa484.org.rs); Dr. Ivana Krstić (ikrsticŚius.bg.ac.rs); Ms. Jovana Zorić ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Slovak Humanitarian Council'; 'International organisation for Migration'; 'Goodwill Society'; 'Slovak Humanitarian Council'; 'Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Slovak Republic'; 'Slovak Refugee Council'; 'Slovak Humanitarian Council'; 'Human Rights League'; 'Dalibor Kiselica'; 'Human Rights LeagueŚ Miroslava Šnírerová'ś 'JUDr. Katarina Galdunova Comenius University'ś 'Mgr. Darina Macková Law clinic' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SK: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Slovak ECRE / ELENA: Slovak Humanitarian Council ([email protected]); International organisation for Migration ([email protected]); Goodwill Society ([email protected]); Slovak Humanitarian Council ([email protected]); Ecumenical Council of Churches in the Slovak Republic ([email protected]); Slovak Refugee Council ([email protected]); Slovak Humanitarian Council ([email protected]); Human Rights League ([email protected]); Dalibor Kiselica ([email protected]); Human Rights League: Miroslava Šnírerová (snirerovaŚlawclinic.sk); JUDr. Katarina Galdunova Comenius University ([email protected]); Mgr. Darina Macková Law clinic ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'PIC'; 'Slovenska filantropija'; 'Matevž Krivic'; 'Maja Katarina Tratar'ś 'Saša Zagorc'ś 'Neža Kogovšek' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: SIŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Slovenia ECRE / ELENA: PIC ([email protected]); Slovenska filantropija ([email protected]); Matevž Krivic (m.krivicŚsiol.net); Maja Katarina Tratar ([email protected]); Saša Zagorc ([email protected]); Neža Kogovšek (neza.kogovsekŚmirovni-institut.si) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Natalia Cañiz: ACCEM'; 'Paloma Favieres: Spanish Commission for Refugees'; 'Cruz Roja Española'; 'Accem'; 'Comisión Española de Ayuda al'; 'Fco. Javier Mahía Cordero: ACCEM ASTURIAS'; 'Mª Luisa Martínez González'; 'Raquel Palacio Torres'; 'Raquel Palacio Torres'; 'Manuel Sánchez Montero' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014


TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Natalia Cañiz: ACCEM ([email protected]); Paloma Favieres: Spanish Commission for Refugees ([email protected]); Cruz Roja Española ([email protected]); Accem ([email protected]); Comisión Española de Ayuda al ([email protected]); Fco. Javier Mahía Cordero: ACCEM ASTURIAS ([email protected]); Mª Luisa Martínez González ([email protected]); Raquel Palacio Torres ([email protected]); Raquel Palacio Torres ([email protected]); Manuel Sánchez Montero ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Manuel Guijarro Jurado'; 'Julia María Ortega García'; 'Macarena Fandila Aguilera'; 'Agustín Vázquez Pérez'; 'Rodrigo Andrés Gómez Alvarez'; 'Carolina Cueto'; 'Braulio Carlés Barriopedro'; 'Danilo Campos Pereira'; 'Maribel Corraliza'; 'Pilar Carlés Barriopedro' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Manuel Guijarro Jurado ([email protected]); Julia María Ortega García ([email protected]); Macarena Fandila Aguilera ([email protected]); Agustín Vázquez Pérez ([email protected]); Rodrigo Andrés Gómez Alvarez ([email protected]); Carolina Cueto ([email protected]); Braulio Carlés Barriopedro ([email protected]); Danilo Campos Pereira ([email protected]); Maribel Corraliza ([email protected]); Pilar Carlés Barriopedro ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Ana Belén Sanz Cerezo'; 'Salem Salem'; 'Mª José González Santiago'; 'Daniel Duque Virseda'; 'Olga Aguilar García'; 'Encarna García San Martín'; 'Mónica Puente Cosmen'; 'Daniel Duque Virseda'; 'Daniel Duque Virseda'; 'Ôutaïle Benabid' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Ana Belén Sanz Cerezo ([email protected]); Salem Salem ([email protected]); Mª José González Santiago ([email protected]); Daniel Duque Virseda ([email protected]); Olga Aguilar García ([email protected]); Encarna García San Martín ([email protected]); Mónica Puente Cosmen ([email protected]); Daniel Duque Virseda ([email protected]); Daniel Duque Virseda ([email protected]); Ôutaïle Benabid ([email protected])

43 CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Ôutaïle Benabid'; 'Gema Trias Lafuente'; 'Olga Aguilar García'; 'Melita Bardhi Isak'; 'Carmen Vázquez Pérez Batallón'; 'Paula de la Rocha García'; 'Marinela Ifrim'; 'Fernando Arjona Antolín'; 'Mohamed Kebaili'; 'Empar Guerrero Valverde' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Ôutaïle Benabid ([email protected]); Gema Trias Lafuente ([email protected]); Olga Aguilar García ([email protected]); Melita Bardhi Isak ([email protected]); Carmen Vázquez Pérez Batallón ([email protected]); Paula de la Rocha García ([email protected]); Marinela Ifrim ([email protected]); Fernando Arjona Antolín ([email protected]); Mohamed Kebaili ([email protected]); Empar Guerrero Valverde ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Empar Guerrero Valverde'; 'Lucía Rodríguez López'; 'Fatma Mohand Al-Lal'; 'Ivette Andrea Benavides Gómez'; 'Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado - CEAR'; 'Lourdes Navarro'; 'Alejandro Romero'; 'Mercedes Rubio'; 'Inmaculada Martínez'; 'Jaume Durá' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Empar Guerrero Valverde ([email protected]); Lucía Rodríguez López ([email protected]); Fatma Mohand Al-Lal ([email protected]); Ivette Andrea Benavides Gómez ([email protected]); Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado - CEAR ([email protected]); Lourdes Navarro ([email protected]); Alejandro Romero ([email protected]); Mercedes Rubio ([email protected]); Inmaculada Martínez (inmaculada.martí[email protected]); Jaume Durá ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:47 AM To: 'Anna Figueras'; 'Kimi Aoki'; 'Rocío Cuellar'; 'Leonor Pulido'; 'María Oviedo'; 'ONG RESCATE internacional'; 'AI: Amnistía Internacional'; 'Colegio de Abogados de Madrid'; 'SOS RACISMO'; 'Alberto Martín Castillo' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ESŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Spain ECRE / ELENA: Anna Figueras ([email protected]); Kimi Aoki ([email protected]); Rocío Cuellar ([email protected]); Leonor Pulido ([email protected]); María Oviedo ([email protected]); ONG RESCATE internacional ([email protected]); AI: Amnistía Internacional ([email protected]); Colegio de Abogados de Madrid ([email protected]); SOS RACISMO ([email protected]); Alberto Martín Castillo ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Mónica d'Oliveira Farinha Centro de Acolhimento para Crianças Refugiadas'; 'Reception Center Portuguese Refugee Council'; 'Santa Casa da Misericórdia Social Emergency Department'; 'AMI /IMA International Medical Assistance Rua José do Patrocínio'; 'Cruz Vermelha / Red Cross'; 'Carla Narane Mendes Rua Andrade Corvo'; 'Edviges Ribeiro Rua Andrade Corvo'; 'Herculano Vieira Rua Sampaio e Pina'; 'Rui Elói Ferreira'; 'Helena Castelo Soaraes'; 'João A. Cunha'; 'Sílvia Cristovão Beloura Office Park'; 'Lisbon Airport' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: PTŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Portugal ECRE / ELENA: Mónica d'Oliveira Farinha Centro de Acolhimento para Crianças Refugiadas ([email protected]); Reception Center Portuguese Refugee Council ([email protected]); Santa Casa da Misericórdia Social Emergency Department ([email protected]); AMI /IMA International Medical Assistance Rua José do Patrocínio ([email protected]); Cruz Vermelha / Red Cross ([email protected]); Carla Narane Mendes Rua Andrade Corvo ([email protected]); Edviges Ribeiro Rua Andrade Corvo (edviges.ribeiro- [email protected]); Herculano Vieira Rua Sampaio e Pina ([email protected]); Rui Elói Ferreira ([email protected]); Helena Castelo Soaraes (helena_soares- [email protected]); João A. Cunha ([email protected]); Sílvia Cristovão Beloura Office Park ([email protected]); Lisbon Airport ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Andreea Mocanu: Romanian National Council for Refugees'; 'CNRR: The Romanian National Council for Refugees'; 'ARCA: Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants'; 'Save the Children – Romania'; 'OFRR: The Refugee`s Women Organisation in Romania'; 'Jesuit Refugee Service – Romania'; 'CNRR - The Romanian National Council for Refugees'; 'Baia Mare'; 'Daniela Stefan'; 'Eugenia Crangariu' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ROŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Romania ECRE / ELENA: Andreea Mocanu: Romanian National Council for Refugees ([email protected]); CNRR: The Romanian National Council for Refugees ([email protected]); ARCA: Romanian Forum for Refugees and Migrants ([email protected]); Save the Children – Romania ([email protected]); OFRR: The Refugee`s Women Organisation in Romania ([email protected]); Jesuit Refugee Service – Romania ([email protected]); CNRR - The Romanian National Council for Refugees ([email protected]); Baia Mare ([email protected]); Daniela Stefan ([email protected]); Eugenia Crangariu ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Emanuela Bozai'; 'Magdalena Rapolti'; 'Victor Florin Pestean'; 'Carmen Silvia Popian'; 'Nora Drulea'; 'Andreea Ionescu'; 'Nadina Morarescu'; 'Andrei Evi Associate'; 'Calin Daniel'; 'Dragos Dumitriu' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RO: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Romania ECRE / ELENA: Emanuela Bozai ([email protected]); Magdalena Rapolti ([email protected]); Victor Florin Pestean ([email protected]); Carmen Silvia Popian ([email protected]); Nora Drulea ([email protected]); Andreea Ionescu ([email protected]); Nadina Morarescu ([email protected]); Andrei Evi Associate ([email protected]); Calin Daniel ([email protected]); Dragos Dumitriu (dragos.dumitriu@david- dumitriu.ro) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Ioana Fetcu'; 'George Craciunescu'; 'Vlad Marinache'; 'Iuliana Cornea'; 'Anca Porutiu'; 'Eugenia Crangariu'

46 Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RO: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Romania ECRE / ELENA: Ioana Fetcu ([email protected]); George Craciunescu ([email protected]); Vlad Marinache ([email protected]); Iuliana Cornea ([email protected]); Anca Porutiu ([email protected]); Eugenia Crangariu ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Olga Osipova Tseytlina'ś 'Human Rights Centre “Memorial” Committee “Civic assistance”'ś 'Human Rights Centre “Memorial” Committee “Civic assistance”'ś 'Human Rights Centre “Memorial”Civic Assistance Committee'; 'Memorial Network'; 'Vassily N. Popov'; 'Vassily N. Popov'; 'Iolanta A. Agababovyan'; 'Nikolay S. Polyakov'; 'Dziguli K. Sacaeva' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RU: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Russia ECRE / ELENA: Olga Osipova Tseytlina ([email protected]); Human Rights Centre “Memorial” Committee “Civic assistance” (SGannushŚmtu-net.ru); Human Rights Centre “Memorial” Committee “Civic assistance” (LcrmoscowŚmtu-net.ru); Human Rights Centre “Memorial”Civic śssistance Committee (ccaserverŚmtu-net.ru); Memorial Network ([email protected]); Vassily N. Popov ([email protected]); Vassily N. Popov ([email protected]); Iolanta A. Agababovyan ([email protected]); Nikolay S. Polyakov ([email protected]); Dziguli K. Sacaeva ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Tatiana Tutunnik'; 'Lidia F. Naumova & Svetlana I. Tarasova'; 'Tatyana A. Lyndrik'; 'Vyacheslav I. Bityutsky'; 'Oyub Titiyev'; 'Lilia S. Yusupova'; 'Lilia S. Yusupova'; 'Irina Nekrasova'; 'Iryna Sokolova'; 'Fizuli Balafendiev' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Russia ECRE / ELENA: Tatiana Tutunnik ([email protected]); Lidia F. Naumova & Svetlana I. Tarasova ([email protected]); Tatyana A. Lyndrik ([email protected]); Vyacheslav I. Bityutsky ([email protected]); Oyub Titiyev ([email protected]); Lilia S. Yusupova ([email protected]); Lilia S. Yusupova ([email protected]); Irina Nekrasova ([email protected]); Iryna Sokolova ([email protected]); Fizuli Balafendiev ([email protected])

47 CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Fizuli Balafendiev'; 'Lubov Moseeva-Elie'; 'Lubov Moseeva-Elie'; 'Elena Denisenko'; 'Valery P. Litvinov'; 'Vladimir E. Gaidash'; 'Vyacheslav A. Lukshin & Larisa Kortykova'; 'Sergey V. Salasyuk'; 'Sergey V. Salasyuk'; 'Dmitry Allenykh' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Russia ECRE / ELENA: Fizuli Balafendiev ([email protected]); Lubov Moseeva-Elie ([email protected]); Lubov Moseeva-Elie ([email protected]); Elena Denisenko ([email protected]); Valery P. Litvinov ([email protected]); Vladimir E. Gaidash ([email protected]); Vyacheslav A. Lukshin & Larisa Kortykova ([email protected]); Sergey V. Salasyuk ([email protected]); Sergey V. Salasyuk ([email protected]); Dmitry Allenykh ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:32 AM To: 'Tamerlan Akiev'; 'Marina A. Dubrovina'; 'Anatoliy A. Zaitsev'; 'Aleksey G. Gladkikh'; 'Boris I. Ponosov'; 'Nina F. Efremova'; 'Elena E. Drozdova'; 'Sergey M. Egorkin'; 'Svetlana G. Dubinina'; 'Svetlana V. Kolbneva' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RU: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Russia ECRE / ELENA: Tamerlan Akiev ([email protected]); Marina A. Dubrovina ([email protected]); Anatoliy A. Zaitsev ([email protected]); Aleksey G. Gladkikh ([email protected]); Boris I. Ponosov ([email protected]); Nina F. Efremova ([email protected]); Elena E. Drozdova ([email protected]); Sergey M. Egorkin ([email protected]); Svetlana G. Dubinina ([email protected]); Svetlana V. Kolbneva ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:31 AM To: 'Natalya I. Vaskovskaya & Tatiana P. Sabinina'; 'Olga P. Tseylina & Svetlana E. Muraveva'; 'Valentina M. Molokova & Zhanna A. Biryukova'; 'Mikhail I. Solyanikov'; 'Vladimir I. Tretyakov'; 'Irina Trofimova'; 'Valentina A. Shaisipova'; 'Arthour R. Unusof'; 'Olga Tseytlina: Russian Lawyers Committee in Defense of Human Rights' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: RUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Russia ECRE / ELENA: Natalya I. Vaskovskaya & Tatiana P. Sabinina ([email protected]); Olga P. Tseylina & Svetlana E. Muraveva ([email protected]); Valentina M. Molokova & Zhanna A. Biryukova ([email protected]); Mikhail I. Solyanikov ([email protected]); Vladimir I. Tretyakov ([email protected]); Irina Trofimova ([email protected]); Valentina A. Shaisipova ([email protected]); Arthour R. Unusof ([email protected]); Olga Tseytlina: Russian Lawyers Committee in Defense of Human Rights ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Sadhia Rafi: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland'; 'VluchtelingenWerk Nederland / Dutch Council for Refugees'; 'VON: Vluchtelingen-Organisaties Nederland'; 'Mr. L. Vellenga: Advocatenkantoor Vellenga'; 'Cohen Metzger: Moraal-Roos advocaten'; 'Mr. R.J. Hamerslag: Advocatenkantoor'; 'Mr. M. Berg Advocatenkantoor Wormhoudt Berg'; 'Mr. G.E.Jans Jans & Hagenaars Advocaten'; 'Mr. P.J. Schüller: Böhler Franken Koppe Wijngaarden'; 'Mr. B.J.P.M. Ficq: Blaauw Advocaten' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NL: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Netherlands ECRE / ELENA: Sadhia Rafi: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland ([email protected]); VluchtelingenWerk Nederland / Dutch Council for Refugees ([email protected]); VON: Vluchtelingen-Organisaties Nederland ([email protected]); Mr. L. Vellenga: Advocatenkantoor Vellenga ([email protected]); Cohen Metzger: Moraal-Roos advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. R.J. Hamerslag: Advocatenkantoor ([email protected]); Mr. M. Berg Advocatenkantoor Wormhoudt Berg ([email protected]); Mr. G.E.Jans Jans & Hagenaars Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. P.J. Schüller: Böhler Franken Koppe Wijngaarden ([email protected]); Mr. B.J.P.M. Ficq: Blaauw Advocaten ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Mr. H.C. van Asperen & Mw. Mr. M. Huisman Advokatenkollektief Rotterdam'; 'Mr. Ms A.T. Bol Advocatenkantoor Van Riet Advocaten'; 'Mr. F.S. van Nierop Advocatenkantoor Van Nierop en Hijma'; 'Mr. H. Langenberg & Mr. S. Spans Schoolplein advocaten'; 'Mr. J.Th.A. Bos Zumpolle Advocaten'; 'Mr. J.C.E. Hoftijzer De Saen Advocaten'; 'Mr. L.F. Portier: Van den Hoogen & Ruijters Advocaten'; 'Mr. P.L.M. Stieger: Langstraat Advocaten'; 'Braakman Advocaten'; 'Mr. A.H. Odekerken-Holtkamp' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NLŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Netherlands ECRE / ELENA: Mr. H.C. van Asperen & Mw. Mr. M. Huisman Advokatenkollektief Rotterdam ([email protected]); Mr. Ms A.T. Bol Advocatenkantoor Van Riet Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. F.S. van Nierop Advocatenkantoor Van Nierop en Hijma ([email protected]); Mr. H. Langenberg & Mr. S. Spans Schoolplein advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. J.Th.A. Bos Zumpolle Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. J.C.E. Hoftijzer De Saen Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. L.F. Portier: Van den Hoogen & Ruijters Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. P.L.M. Stieger: Langstraat Advocaten ([email protected]); Braakman Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. A.H. Odekerken-Holtkamp ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Mr. J.M.M. Verstrepen: Advocatenkantoor Verstrepen'; 'Mr. A. Carli: Advocatenkantoor Carli & Sprenkels'; 'Mr. C.L.J.M. Wilhelmus Corten Advocaten'; 'Mr. M.C. Heijnneman: Dietvorst en Te Braake Advocaten'; 'Mr. J.H. Brouwer: B & C Advocaten'; 'Mr. H.F.J.L. van Pelt'; 'Grootjans Advocaten'; 'Mr. Th.H. Meeuwis Advocatenkantoor Meeuwis'; 'Mr. T. Pondaag Verrips & Pondaag Advocaten'; 'Helpdesk VluchtelingenWerk' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NLŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Netherlands ECRE / ELENA: Mr. J.M.M. Verstrepen: Advocatenkantoor Verstrepen ([email protected]); Mr. A. Carli: Advocatenkantoor Carli & Sprenkels ([email protected]); Mr. C.L.J.M. Wilhelmus Corten Advocaten (corten@corten- advocaten.nl); Mr. M.C. Heijnneman: Dietvorst en Te Braake Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. J.H. Brouwer: B & C Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. H.F.J.L. van Pelt ([email protected]); Grootjans Advocaten ([email protected]); Mr. Th.H. Meeuwis Advocatenkantoor Meeuwis ([email protected]); Mr. T. Pondaag Verrips & Pondaag Advocaten ([email protected]); Helpdesk VluchtelingenWerk ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Prof. Mr. Ben Vermeulen: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam'; 'Prof. Mr. H. Battjes: Professor European Asylum Law'; 'Prof. Mr. T.P. Spijkerboer: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam'; 'Regional UNHCR-Office at Brussels: Head of Office R. Bruin'; 'Prof. C.A. Groenendijk: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen'; 'Prof. dr. A.B.Terlouw: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen'; 'Permanente Commissie van Deskundigen in Internationaal vreemdelingen' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NLŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Netherlands ECRE / ELENA: Prof. Mr. Ben Vermeulen: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ([email protected]); Prof. Mr. H. Battjes: Professor European Asylum Law ([email protected]); Prof. Mr. T.P. Spijkerboer: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ([email protected]); Regional UNHCR-Office at Brussels: Head of Office R. Bruin ([email protected]); Prof. C.A. Groenendijk: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen ([email protected]); Prof. dr. A.B.Terlouw: Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen ([email protected]); Permanente Commissie van Deskundigen in Internationaal vreemdelingen ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Advokat Halvor Frihagen: Advokatfirmaet Andersen & Bache-Wiig'; 'NOAS: Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers'; 'Amnesty International'; 'Amnesty International'; 'Assistance for Immigrants and Refugees'; 'LLH: The Norwegian Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Organization'; 'Norwegian Refugee Council: Mi Christiansen'; 'Advokat Siri Barfod'; 'Advokat Trond Romstad'; 'Advokat Thom Arne Hellerslia' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NO: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Norway ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Halvor Frihagen: Advokatfirmaet Andersen & Bache- Wiig ([email protected]); NOAS: Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Assistance for Immigrants and Refugees ([email protected]); LLH: The Norwegian Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Organization ([email protected]); Norwegian Refugee Council: Mi Christiansen ([email protected]); Advokat Siri Barfod ([email protected]); Advokat Trond Romstad ([email protected]); Advokat Thom Arne Hellerslia ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Advokat Dagfinn Hodt'; 'Advokat Knut-Johan'; 'Advokat Per-Erik Gåskjenn'; 'Advokat Kristine Aarre Hånes'; 'Advokat Sjur Vinje'; 'Advokatfirmaet Wold AS Nordre Frydenlund'; 'Advokat Monica Samland'; 'Advokatfirmaet Karen Hagland Amundsen'; 'Advokat Sjur Skjævesland'; 'Advokat Cecilie Schjatvet' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NOŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Norway ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Dagfinn Hodt ([email protected]); Advokat Knut-Johan ([email protected]); Advokat Per-Erik Gåskjenn ([email protected]); Advokat Kristine Aarre Hånes ([email protected]); Advokat Sjur Vinje ([email protected]); Advokatfirmaet Wold AS Nordre Frydenlund ([email protected]); Advokat Monica Samland ([email protected]); Advokatfirmaet Karen Hagland Amundsen ([email protected]); Advokat Sjur Skjævesland ([email protected]); Advokat Cecilie Schjatvet ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Advokat Halvor Frihagen'; 'Advokatfirmaet Andersen & Bache-Wiig'; 'Advokat Carolyn Midsem'; 'Advokatfirma Hoff Schøning & Tjugum'; 'Advokat Kjell T. Dahl'; 'Advokat Carl K. Rieber-Mohn'; 'Advokatfirmaet Mette Lisbeth Jensen'; 'Legal Adviser Andreas Furuseth'; 'Advokat Thor Gardarsson'; 'Advokat Astrid Seip Haugsnes' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NOŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Norway ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Halvor Frihagen ([email protected]); Advokatfirmaet Andersen & Bache-Wiig ([email protected]); Advokat Carolyn Midsem ([email protected]); Advokatfirma Hoff Schøning & Tjugum ([email protected]); Advokat Kjell T. Dahl ([email protected]); Advokat Carl K. Rieber-Mohn ([email protected]); Advokatfirmaet Mette Lisbeth Jensen ([email protected]); Legal Adviser Andreas Furuseth ([email protected]); Advokat Thor Gardarsson ([email protected]); Advokat Astrid Seip Haugsnes ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 2:33 AM To: 'Advokat Trond Olsen Naess'; 'Advokat Bjørn Ottar Winsvold'; 'Advokat Knut O. Eldhuset';

52 'Advokat Håkon Elvenes'; 'Advokat Torstein Leipsland'; 'Terje Einarsen: University of Bergen'; 'Vigdis Vevstad: Ph. D. Law'; 'Cecilia Bailliet: University of Oslo'; 'Advokat Cecilie Schjatvet: Hestenes og Dramer & Co' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: NOŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Norway ECRE / ELENA: Advokat Trond Olsen Naess ([email protected]); Advokat Bjørn Ottar Winsvold ([email protected]); Advokat Knut O. Eldhuset ([email protected]); Advokat Håkon Elvenes ([email protected]); Advokat Torstein Leipsland ([email protected]); Terje Einarsen: University of Bergen ([email protected]); Vigdis Vevstad: Ph. D. Law ([email protected]); Cecilia Bailliet: University of Oslo ([email protected]); Advokat Cecilie Schjatvet: Hestenes og Dramer & Co ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:00 AM To: 'Stowarzyszenie "Jeden įwiat'ś 'IOMŚ International Organization for Migration'ś 'Association for Legal Intervention'ś 'Halina Nieć Legal Aid Center'; 'Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights'; 'Jagiellonian University Human Rights Centre'; 'Jagiellonian University Human Rights Clinic'; 'Legal Guidance Service KUL'; 'The Rule of Law Institute'; 'Klinika Prawa UW' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Poland ECRE / ELENś: Stowarzyszenie "Jeden İwiat" (projektyŚjedenswiat.org.pl); IOM: International Organization for Migration ([email protected]); Association for Legal Intervention (interwencjaŚinterwencjaprawna.pl); Halina Nieć Legal śid Center ([email protected]); Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights ([email protected]); Jagiellonian University Human Rights Centre ([email protected]); Jagiellonian University Human Rights Clinic ([email protected]); Legal Guidance Service KUL ([email protected]); The Rule of Law Institute ([email protected]); Klinika Prawa UW ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:00 AM To: 'Adwokat Zofia Deniszewska-Dek'; 'Radca Prawny Dagmara Buniak i Damian Buniak'; 'Biuro senatorskie senatora RP Zbigniewa Cichonia'; 'Adwokat Piotr Sendecki'; 'Adwokat Anna Stachowiak'; 'Agata ForyİŚ Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights'; 'Agnieszka Gutkowska: Association for Legal Intervention'ś 'Ewa OstaszewskaŚ Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights'ś 'Katarzyna PrzybysławskaŚ Halina Nieć Legal Aid Center'ś 'Tomasz Sieniow: Legal Guidance Service KUL'

53 Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Poland ECRE / ELENA: Adwokat Zofia Deniszewska-Dek ([email protected]); Radca Prawny Dagmara Buniak i Damian Buniak ([email protected]); Biuro senatorskie senatora RP Zbigniewa Cichonia ([email protected]); Adwokat Piotr Sendecki ([email protected]); Adwokat Anna Stachowiak ([email protected]); Agata Foryı: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (a.forysŚhfhrpol.waw.pl); Agnieszka Gutkowska: Association for Legal Intervention ([email protected]); Ewa Ostaszewska: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (e.ostaszewskaŚhfhrpol.waw.pl); Katarzyna Przybysławska: Halina Nieć Legal śid Center (przybyslawskaŚpomocprawna.org); Tomasz Sieniow: Legal Guidance Service KUL ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:01 AM To: 'Karolina RusiłowiczŚ Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights'ś 'Amnesty International'ś 'Caritas Polska'; 'Centrum Pomocy Migrantom'; 'Children Victims of Trafficking'; 'Fundacja Ocalenie'; 'Polish Humanitarian Organisation'; 'Polish Migration Forum'; 'Polish Red Cross'; 'Stowarzyszenie Polska Misja Medyczna' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: PLŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Poland ECRE / ELENś: Karolina Rusiłowicz: Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Caritas Polska ([email protected]); Centrum Pomocy Migrantom ([email protected]); Children Victims of Trafficking ([email protected]); Fundacja Ocalenie ([email protected]); Polish Humanitarian Organisation ([email protected]); Polish Migration Forum ([email protected]); Polish Red Cross ([email protected]); Stowarzyszenie Polska Misja Medyczna ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:02 AM To: 'David O’Neill'ś 'Paul O’Shea'ś 'Conor Power'; 'Bill Shipsey'; 'John Stanley'; 'Sarah Walsh'; 'Mark White'; 'Saul Woolfson'; 'Refugee Documentation Centre' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: David O’Neill (pdjdoneillŚhotmail.com); Paul O’Shea ([email protected]); Conor Power ([email protected]); Bill Shipsey

54 ([email protected]); John Stanley ([email protected]); Sarah Walsh ([email protected]); Mark White ([email protected]); Saul Woolfson ([email protected]); Refugee Documentation Centre ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:02 AM To: 'Michael Lynn'; 'Kieran Kelly'; 'David Leonard'; 'Catherine Mc Conville'; 'Natalie McDonnell'; 'Feichin McDonagh'ś 'Agnes McKenzie'ś 'Rory Mulcahy'ś 'Caroline O’Connor'ś 'Colm O’Dwyer' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: Michael Lynn ([email protected]); Kieran Kelly ([email protected]); David Leonard ([email protected]); Catherine Mc Conville ([email protected]); Natalie McDonnell ([email protected]); Feichin McDonagh ([email protected]); Agnes McKenzie ([email protected]); Rory Mulcahy (rmulcahyŚlawlibrary.ie); Caroline O’Connor (caro.oconnorŚgmail.com); Colm O’Dwyer ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:02 AM To: 'Patricia Brazil'; 'Eilis Brennan'; 'Mel Andre Christle'; 'Aideen Collard'; 'Nicholas Donnelly'; 'Nuala Egan'; 'Michael Farrell'; 'Peter Fitzmaurice'; 'Michael Forde'; 'James Healy' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: Patricia Brazil ([email protected]); Eilis Brennan ([email protected]); Mel Andre Christle ([email protected]); Aideen Collard ([email protected]); Nicholas Donnelly ([email protected]); Nuala Egan ([email protected]); Michael Farrell ([email protected]); Peter Fitzmaurice ([email protected]); Michael Forde ([email protected]); James Healy ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

55 As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:01 AM To: 'Eugene Smartt'; 'Colm Stanley'; 'Derek Stewart'; 'Brendan Toale'; 'UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees'; 'Frank Caffrey: Refugee Legal Service'; 'Legal Aid: Cork Office'; 'Refugee Legal Service Galway'; 'Noeline Blackwell'; 'Theresa Blake' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IE: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: Eugene Smartt ([email protected]); Colm Stanley ([email protected]); Derek Stewart ([email protected]); Brendan Toale ([email protected]); UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ([email protected]); Frank Caffrey: Refugee Legal Service ([email protected]); Legal Aid: Cork Office ([email protected]); Refugee Legal Service Galway ([email protected]); Noeline Blackwell ([email protected]); Theresa Blake ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:01 AM To: 'Collins & Crowley Solicitors'; 'Michael Crowe'; 'Edmund Henry'; 'Albert Llussa I Torra'; 'Claire McCarthy'; 'Conor O’Brian'ś 'Pól Ó Murchū'ś 'Cathal O’Neill'ś 'Anthony C. Pendred'; 'Finbarr Phelan' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: Collins & Crowley Solicitors ([email protected]); Michael Crowe ([email protected]); Edmund Henry ([email protected]); Albert Llussa I Torra ([email protected]); Claire McCarthy ([email protected]); Conor O’Brian ([email protected]); Pól Ó Murchū (polomurchu1Śeircom.net); Cathal O’Neill ([email protected]); Anthony C. Pendred ([email protected]); Finbarr Phelan ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Frank Wies: Etude Noel Wies & Majerus'; 'Letzebuerger Flüchtlingsrôt c/o Caritas Luxembourg'; 'A.C.A.T.: Action des Chrétiens pour l'Abolition de la Torture'; 'A.S.T.I.: Association de Soutien aux

56 Travailleurs Immigrés'; 'C.L.A.E.: Comité de Liaison des Associations d'Etrangers'; 'Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise'; 'SESOPI: Centre Intercommunautaire'; 'Bauler Anne'; 'Elvinger Marc'; 'François Jean-Philippe' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: LUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Luxembourg ECRE / ELENA: Frank Wies: Etude Noel Wies & Majerus ([email protected]); Letzebuerger Flüchtlingsrôt c/o Caritas Luxembourg ([email protected]); A.C.A.T.: Action des Chrétiens pour l'Abolition de la Torture (e- [email protected]); A.S.T.I.: Association de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés ([email protected]); C.L.A.E.: Comité de Liaison des Associations d'Etrangers ([email protected]); Croix-Rouge Luxembourgeoise ([email protected]); SESOPI: Centre Intercommunautaire ([email protected]); Bauler Anne ([email protected]); Elvinger Marc ([email protected]); François Jean-Philippe ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Laurynas Bieksa: Lithuanian Red Cross'; 'Lithuanian Red Cross'; 'Egle Samuchovaite: Lithuanian Red Cross'; 'Ms. Lyra Jakuleviciene: Head of the UNDP Office in Lithuania' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: LTŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Lithuania ECRE / ELENA: Laurynas Bieksa: Lithuanian Red Cross ([email protected]); Lithuanian Red Cross ([email protected]); Egle Samuchovaite: Lithuanian Red Cross ([email protected]); Ms. Lyra Jakuleviciene: Head of the UNDP Office in Lithuania ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Dottssa Serena Bartolucci'; 'Dottssa Lucrezia Sassanelli'; 'Avv Lucia Aleni'; 'Dr Paola Balbo'; 'Avv Lara Olivetti' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Dottssa Serena Bartolucci ([email protected]); Dottssa Lucrezia Sassanelli ([email protected]); Avv Lucia Aleni ([email protected]); Dr Paola Balbo ([email protected]); Avv Lara Olivetti ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta


MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'Avv Cosimo Assanti'; 'Avv Andrea Sortino'; 'Avv Marco DAntonio'; 'Avv Maria Antonietta De Santis'; 'Avv Ernestina Scalfari'; 'Avv Anna Di Feo'; 'Avv Giorgio Bisagna'; 'Dottssa Francesca Cucchi'; 'Dottssa Anna Barbaresco'; 'Terminal T3 Arrivi Internl: Valentina Tortorella' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Avv Cosimo Assanti ([email protected]); Avv Andrea Sortino ([email protected]); Avv Marco DAntonio ([email protected]); Avv Maria Antonietta De Santis ([email protected]); Avv Ernestina Scalfari ([email protected]); Avv Anna Di Feo ([email protected]); Avv Giorgio Bisagna ([email protected]); Dottssa Francesca Cucchi ([email protected]); Dottssa Anna Barbaresco ([email protected]); Terminal T3 Arrivi Internl: Valentina Tortorella ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'Avv Giovanna Intorcia'; 'Avv Daniela Consoli'; 'Avv Paolo Farci'; 'Avv Simonetta Furlan'; 'Avv Daniele Stoppello'; 'Avv Roberta Randellini'; 'Avv Franco Gagliardi La Gala'; 'Avv Carla Pennetta'; 'Avv Antonio Di Muro'; 'Avv Antonio Di Muro' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Avv Giovanna Intorcia ([email protected]); Avv Daniela Consoli ([email protected]); Avv Paolo Farci ([email protected]); Avv Simonetta Furlan ([email protected]); Avv Daniele Stoppello ([email protected]); Avv Roberta Randellini ([email protected]); Avv Franco Gagliardi La Gala ([email protected]); Avv Carla Pennetta ([email protected]); Avv Antonio Di Muro ([email protected]); Avv Antonio Di Muro ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'Studio Legale Varali Rigotti'; 'Avv Giuseppe Romano'; 'Avv Ilaria Dalla Rosa'; 'Avv Giovanni Iacono'; 'Avv Nazarena Zorzella'; 'Avv Carlo Bianconi'; 'Avv Alessandro Marin'; 'Avv Alessandro Cimaglia'; 'Avv Bruno Martellone'; 'Avv Salvatore Fachile' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Studio Legale Varali Rigotti ([email protected]); Avv Giuseppe Romano ([email protected]); Avv Ilaria Dalla Rosa ([email protected]); Avv Giovanni Iacono ([email protected]); Avv Nazarena Zorzella ([email protected]); Avv Carlo Bianconi ([email protected]); Avv Alessandro Marin ([email protected]); Avv Alessandro Cimaglia ([email protected]); Avv Bruno Martellone ([email protected]); Avv Salvatore Fachile ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'Avv Mirco Rizzoglio'; 'Avv Marco Paggi'; 'Avv Alessandra Rossari'; 'Avv Francesco Mason'; 'Avv Sara Russi'; 'Avv Stefania Santilli'; 'Avv Giacinto Corace'; 'Dott Elisa Fornale'; 'Avv Simone Rossi'; 'Avv Mario Lotti' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Avv Mirco Rizzoglio ([email protected]); Avv Marco Paggi ([email protected]); Avv Alessandra Rossari ([email protected]); Avv Francesco Mason ([email protected]); Avv Sara Russi ([email protected]); Avv Stefania Santilli ([email protected]); Avv Giacinto Corace ([email protected]); Dott Elisa Fornale ([email protected]); Avv Simone Rossi ([email protected]); Avv Mario Lotti ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'Avv Rossella Stievano'; 'Avv Bruno Mazzi'; 'Avv Lorenzo Trucco'; 'Avv Livio Neri'; 'Avv Maurizio Veglio'; 'Avv Sergio Onesti'; 'Avv Susanna Pelzel'; 'Avv Alberto Bertuletti'; 'Guariso Neri'; 'Avv Stella Abbamonte' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IT: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014


TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Avv Rossella Stievano ([email protected]); Avv Bruno Mazzi ([email protected]); Avv Lorenzo Trucco ([email protected]); Avv Livio Neri ([email protected]); Avv Maurizio Veglio ([email protected]); Avv Sergio Onesti ([email protected]); Avv Susanna Pelzel ([email protected]); Avv Alberto Bertuletti ([email protected]); Guariso Neri ([email protected]); Avv Stella Abbamonte ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'ICS Assoc Diritti Umani'; 'Bari Centro di Informazione per rifugiati'; 'CIR Calabria'; 'Avv Gianfranco Pagano'; 'Avv Claudio Tessarin'; 'Avv Francesco Rizzuto'; 'Avv Ivana Roagna'; 'Avv Massimo Pastore'; 'Avv Domenico Anfossi'; 'Avv Alessandra Barbero' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: ICS Assoc Diritti Umani ([email protected]); Bari Centro di Informazione per rifugiati ([email protected]); CIR Calabria ([email protected]); Avv Gianfranco Pagano ([email protected]); Avv Claudio Tessarin ([email protected]); Avv Francesco Rizzuto ([email protected]); Avv Ivana Roagna ([email protected]); Avv Massimo Pastore ([email protected]); Avv Domenico Anfossi ([email protected]); Avv Alessandra Barbero ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:03 AM To: 'ICS: Allessandra Fantin'; 'CIR Trieste'; 'Progetto Diritti - Sportello Immigrati'; 'IOM: Intnl Org for Migration Rome'; 'Sportello Rifugiati'; 'ICS: CGIL'; 'CIR: Ufficio Informazione Immigrazione'; 'CIR: Catania'; 'CIR: Palermo'; 'ICS Gruppo Laici Terzo Mondo' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: ICS: Allessandra Fantin ([email protected]); CIR Trieste ([email protected]); Progetto Diritti - Sportello Immigrati ([email protected]); IOM: Intnl Org for Migration Rome ([email protected]); Sportello Rifugiati ([email protected]); ICS: CGIL ([email protected]); CIR: Ufficio Informazione Immigrazione ([email protected]); CIR: Catania ([email protected]); CIR: Palermo ([email protected]); ICS Gruppo Laici Terzo Mondo ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

60 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:02 AM To: 'Centro Solidarieta Caritas'; 'Caritas Roma Area Immigrati'; 'Animi Onlus'; 'Animi Onlus'; 'Infopoint migranti'; 'ICS: Facciamo Pace'; 'Caritas Consulenza Profughi'; 'Naga Har'; 'CIR Udine'; 'ICS: Consorzio Italiano di Solidarieta' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IT ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Centro Solidarieta Caritas ([email protected]); Caritas Roma Area Immigrati ([email protected]); Animi Onlus ([email protected]); Animi Onlus ([email protected]); Infopoint migranti ([email protected]); ICS: Facciamo Pace ([email protected]); Caritas Consulenza Profughi ([email protected]); Naga Har ([email protected]); CIR Udine ([email protected]); ICS: Consorzio Italiano di Solidarieta ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:02 AM To: 'Avv. Lorenzo TruccoAvv'; 'Avv. Maria Cristina RomanoAvv'; 'CIR: Consiglio Italiano per i Rifutiati'; 'SAI: Servizio Accoglienza Immigrati'; 'Caritas Ambrosiana'; 'ASGI: Assoc per gli Studi Giuridici'; 'ASGI'; 'ICS: Consorzio Italiano di Solidarieta'; 'Caritas Servizio Roma'; 'ATAS: Assoc Trentina Accoglienza Stranieri' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ITŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Italy ECRE / ELENA: Avv. Lorenzo TruccoAvv ([email protected]); Avv. Maria Cristina RomanoAvv ([email protected]); CIR: Consiglio Italiano per i Rifutiati (cir@cir- onlus.org); SAI: Servizio Accoglienza Immigrati ([email protected]); Caritas Ambrosiana ([email protected]); ASGI: Assoc per gli Studi Giuridici ([email protected]); ASGI ([email protected]); ICS: Consorzio Italiano di Solidarieta ([email protected]); Caritas Servizio Roma ([email protected]); ATAS: Assoc Trentina Accoglienza Stranieri ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'RA Rainer M. Hofmann'; 'RAin Catrin Hirte-Piel'; 'RA Andreas Becher'; 'RA Günter Meyners'; 'RA Günther Wegmann'; 'RA Frank Schleicher'; 'RA Gunter Christ'; 'RAin Kerstin Müller'; 'RA Theobert J. Stauß'; 'RAin Stefanie Bieling' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: RA Rainer M. Hofmann ([email protected]); RAin Catrin Hirte-Piel ([email protected]); RA Andreas Becher (becher- [email protected]); RA Günter Meyners ([email protected]); RA Günther Wegmann ([email protected]); RA Frank Schleicher ([email protected]); RA Gunter Christ ([email protected]); RAin Kerstin Müller (Kerstin.mueller@koelner- advokaten.de); RA Theobert J. Stauß ([email protected]); RAin Stefanie Bieling ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Maria Papamina: Greek Council for Refugees'; 'Erika Kalantzi: Attorney-at-Law at the High Court'; 'Greek Council for Refugees'; 'ARSIS Social Organization for Youth'; 'ERP: Ecumenical Refugee Programme of the Orthodox Church of Greece'; 'Klimaka – Organization for Development of Human & Social Capital'; 'Klimaka – Organization for Development of Human & Social Capital'; 'Medecins du Monde'; 'Medical Intervention'; 'PRAKSIS – Development Social Support and Medical Cooperation Projects' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: GRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Greece ECRE / ELENA: Maria Papamina: Greek Council for Refugees ([email protected]); Erika Kalantzi: Attorney-at-Law at the High Court ([email protected]); Greek Council for Refugees ([email protected]); ARSIS Social Organization for Youth ([email protected]); ERP: Ecumenical Refugee Programme of the Orthodox Church of Greece ([email protected]); Klimaka – Organization for Development of Human & Social Capital ([email protected]); Klimaka – Organization for Development of Human & Social Capital ([email protected]); Medecins du Monde ([email protected]); Medical Intervention ([email protected]); PRAKSIS – Development Social Support and Medical Cooperation Projects ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

62 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Social Solidarity'; 'Amnesty International'; 'Greek Council for Refugees: Maria Papamina'; 'AITIMA'; 'AITIMA: Spyros Rizakos'; 'Bar Association of Athens'; 'Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees'; 'Ioanna B. Babassika'; 'Yiota Masouridou'; 'Yianna Kourtovik' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: GRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Greece ECRE / ELENA: Social Solidarity ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Greek Council for Refugees: Maria Papamina ([email protected]); AITIMA ([email protected]); AITIMA: Spyros Rizakos ([email protected]); Bar Association of Athens ([email protected]); Group of Lawyers for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees ([email protected]); Ioanna B. Babassika ([email protected]); Yiota Masouridou ([email protected]); Yianna Kourtovik ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Vassilis Papadopoulos'; 'Helen Spathana'; 'Natasa Strachini'; 'Georgios Petalotis'; 'Prof. Paroula Naskou-Perraki: University of Macedonia-Thessaloniki'; 'Prof. Ioannis Papageorgiou'; 'Prof. Achilleas Skordas'; 'Mr. Kenneth Hansen' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: GRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Greece ECRE / ELENA: Vassilis Papadopoulos ([email protected]); Helen Spathana ([email protected]); Natasa Strachini ([email protected]); Georgios Petalotis ([email protected]); Prof. Paroula Naskou-Perraki: University of Macedonia-Thessaloniki ([email protected]); Prof. Ioannis Papageorgiou ([email protected]); Prof. Achilleas Skordas ([email protected]); Mr. Kenneth Hansen ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Dr. Júlia Iván: Legal Officer: Hungarian Helsinki Committee'; 'Hungarian Helsinki Committee'; 'Menedék Association for Migrants'; 'Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims'; 'The Hungarian Reformed Church Refugee Mission'; 'Hungarian Interchurch Aid'; 'Péteri Law Firm: Biro Csaba'; 'Albert Pucsok'; 'Szabolcs Toth'; 'Dr. Júlia Iván' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: HUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

63 TO: Hungary ECRE / ELENA: Dr. Júlia Iván: Legal Officer: Hungarian Helsinki Committee ([email protected]); Hungarian Helsinki Committee ([email protected]); Menedék Association for Migrants ([email protected]); Cordelia Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims ([email protected]); The Hungarian Reformed Church Refugee Mission ([email protected]); Hungarian Interchurch Aid ([email protected]); Péteri Law Firm: Biro Csaba ([email protected]); Albert Pucsok ([email protected]); Szabolcs Toth ([email protected]); Dr. Júlia Iván ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Dr. Attila Szilvágyi'; 'Dr. Tímea Kovács'; 'dr. Orsolya Szántai Vecsera'; 'Dr. Róbert Miskolczi'; 'Dr. Mr. András NACSA'ś 'dr. Gábor Győző'ś 'Dr. Boldizsár Nagy: Eötvös Lóránd University'; 'Dr. Imre Papp: Eötvös Lóránd University'; 'Dr. Ágnes Ambrus: UNHCR Regional Representation for Central Europe'; 'Dr. Judit Tóth: University of Szeged'; 'Dr. Júlia Mink: John Wesley Theological College'; 'dr. Katalin Haraszti: Office of Parliamentary Commissioners/Ombudspersons' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: HUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Hungary ECRE / ELENA: Dr. Attila Szilvágyi ([email protected]); Dr. Tímea Kovács ([email protected]); dr. Orsolya Szántai Vecsera ([email protected]); Dr. Róbert Miskolczi ([email protected]); Dr. Mr. András NACSA (nacsa.andrasŚgmail.com); dr. Gábor Győző (gabor.gyozoŚhelsinki.hu); Dr. Boldizsár Nagy: Eötvös Lóránd University ([email protected]); Dr. Imre Papp: Eötvös Lóránd University ([email protected]); Dr. Ágnes Ambrus: UNHCR Regional Representation for Central Europe ([email protected]); Dr. Judit Tóth: University of Szeged ([email protected]); Dr. Júlia Mink: John Wesley Theological College ([email protected]); dr. Katalin Haraszti: Office of Parliamentary Commissioners/Ombudspersons ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Grainne Brophy: Refugee Legal Service'; 'Nick Henderson: Irish Refugee Council Independent Law Centre'; 'Irish Refugee Council'; 'Amnesty International Irish Section'; 'ARASI: Association of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Ireland'; 'Cairde'; 'IOM: International Organisation for Migration'; 'NASC: Irish Immigrant Support Centre'; 'Jesuit Refugee Service'; 'Rape Crisis Centre' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

64 TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: Grainne Brophy: Refugee Legal Service ([email protected]); Nick Henderson: Irish Refugee Council Independent Law Centre ([email protected]); Irish Refugee Council ([email protected]); Amnesty International Irish Section ([email protected]); ARASI: Association of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Ireland ([email protected]); Cairde ([email protected]); IOM: International Organisation for Migration ([email protected]); NASC: Irish Immigrant Support Centre ([email protected]); Jesuit Refugee Service ([email protected]); Rape Crisis Centre ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Refugee and Migrant Project of the Bishop’s Conference'; 'Residents Against Racism RAR'; 'SPIRASI'; 'Vincentian Refugee Centre'; 'Kevin Brophy'; 'Stephen Collins'; 'Colgan & Co. Solicitors: Maureen Connolly'; 'Vincent Crowley'; 'Collins & Crowley Solicitors'; 'Luis Penna Abogado' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: IEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Ireland ECRE / ELENA: Refugee and Migrant Project of the Bishop’s Conference ([email protected]); Residents Against Racism RAR ([email protected]); SPIRASI ([email protected]); Vincentian Refugee Centre ([email protected]); Kevin Brophy ([email protected]); Stephen Collins ([email protected]); Colgan & Co. Solicitors: Maureen Connolly ([email protected]); Vincent Crowley ([email protected]); Collins & Crowley Solicitors ([email protected]); Luis Penna Abogado ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Katrine Camilleri: JRS Malta'; 'Neil Falzon: Aditus Foundation' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: REŚ MTŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Malta ECRE / ELENA: Katrine Camilleri: JRS Malta ([email protected]); Neil Falzon: Aditus Foundation ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

65 As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:04 AM To: 'Fatholahzadeh Ardavan'; 'Lang Olivier'; 'Moyse François'; 'Plottke Gilles'; 'Rollinger Frank'; 'Schons Roby'; 'Thomas Guy'; 'Tinti Louis'; 'Tumba Mwana Yves'; 'Vanhoutte Jan' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: LUŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Luxembourg ECRE / ELENA: Fatholahzadeh Ardavan ([email protected]); Lang Olivier ([email protected]); Moyse François ([email protected]); Plottke Gilles ([email protected]); Rollinger Frank ([email protected]); Schons Roby ([email protected]); Thomas Guy ([email protected]); Tinti Louis ([email protected]); Tumba Mwana Yves ([email protected]); Vanhoutte Jan ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'Chemin Olivier'; 'Cerf Emmanuelle'; 'Diallo Mamadou-Samba'; 'Martineau Christine'; 'Gaspar Isabelle'; 'Jacqmin Thierry'; 'Le Goff Carine'; 'Malterre Jean-Louis'; 'Nogueres Dominique'; 'Ostier Cécile' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: France ECRE / ELENA: Chemin Olivier ([email protected]); Cerf Emmanuelle ([email protected]); Diallo Mamadou-Samba ([email protected]); Martineau Christine ([email protected]); Gaspar Isabelle ([email protected]); Jacqmin Thierry ([email protected]); Le Goff Carine ([email protected]); Malterre Jean-Louis ([email protected]); Nogueres Dominique ([email protected]); Ostier Cécile ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'Saligari Sylvain'; 'Sinegre David Macha'; 'Wendling Thomas'; 'Beltran Geneviève'; 'Nador Souhila'; 'Taelman Pascale'; 'El Abdouli Issam'; 'Abbou-Suertegaray Shanny'; 'François Julien - Laferriere: Université de Paris-Sud'; 'Catherine Teitgen-Colly'

66 Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: France ECRE / ELENA: Saligari Sylvain ([email protected]); Sinegre David Macha ([email protected]); Wendling Thomas ([email protected]); Beltran Geneviève ([email protected]); Nador Souhila ([email protected]); Taelman Pascale ([email protected]); El Abdouli Issam ([email protected]); Abbou-Suertegaray Shanny ([email protected]); François Julien - Laferriere: Université de Paris-Sud ([email protected]); Catherine Teitgen-Colly (teitgen- [email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'Prof. Dr. Holger Hoffmann: University of Bielefeld'; 'Arbeiterwohlfahrt'; 'Deutscher Caritasverband e.V.'; 'Diakonisches Werk der EKD'; 'Diakonisches Werk der EKD'; 'Pro Asyl'; 'Diakonie Deutschland'; 'Amnesty International: German Section'; 'Internationaler Sozialdienst'; 'Raphaels-Werk' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: Prof. Dr. Holger Hoffmann: University of Bielefeld ([email protected]); Arbeiterwohlfahrt ([email protected]); Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. ([email protected]); Diakonisches Werk der EKD ([email protected]); Diakonisches Werk der EKD ([email protected]); Pro Asyl ([email protected]); Diakonie Deutschland ([email protected]); Amnesty International: German Section ([email protected]); Internationaler Sozialdienst ([email protected]); Raphaels-Werk ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'DPWV: Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband'; 'Psychologisches Zentrum für Migranten'; 'Pro Asyl'; 'RAin Vera Kohlmeyer-Kaiser'; 'RA Horst Stumm-Szelenczy'; 'RA Klaus Peter Stiegeler'; 'RA Berthold Münch'; 'RA Ernst Okolisan'; 'RA Holger Rothbauer'; 'RA Manfred Weidmann' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: DPWV: Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband ([email protected]); Psychologisches Zentrum für Migranten ([email protected]); Pro Asyl ([email protected]); RAin Vera Kohlmeyer-Kaiser ([email protected]); RA Horst Stumm-Szelenczy ([email protected]); RA Klaus Peter Stiegeler (info@jeutter- kollegen.de); RA Berthold Münch ([email protected]); RA Ernst Okolisan

67 ([email protected]); RA Holger Rothbauer ([email protected]); RA Manfred Weidmann ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'RA Ulrich Hahn'; 'RA Helmut Riedl'; 'RA Hubert Heinhold'; 'RA Gerhard Meyer-Heim'; 'RA Wolfram Steckbeck'; 'RAe Franz Auer & Partner'; 'RA Klaus Schank Unterer'; 'RA Michael Koch'; 'RAin Veronika Arendt-Rojahn'; 'RA und Notar a.D. Jürgen Moser' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: RA Ulrich Hahn ([email protected]); RA Helmut Riedl ([email protected]); RA Hubert Heinhold ([email protected]); RA Gerhard Meyer-Heim ([email protected]); RA Wolfram Steckbeck ([email protected]); RAe Franz Auer & Partner ([email protected]); RA Klaus Schank Unterer ([email protected]); RA Michael Koch (m-koch@unsere- anwaelte.de); RAin Veronika Arendt-Rojahn ([email protected]); RA und Notar a.D. Jürgen Moser ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'RAin Oda Jentsch'; 'RA Heiko Habbe'; 'RA Felix Isensee'; 'RAin Dr. Elke Maleika'; 'RA Hartmut Jacobi'; 'RA Dr. Reinhard Marx'; 'RA Johannes Hallenberger'; 'RAin Ursula Schlung-Muntau'; 'RA Victor Pfaff'; 'RAin Anna Krug' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: RAin Oda Jentsch ([email protected]); RA Heiko Habbe ([email protected]); RA Felix Isensee ([email protected]); RAin Dr. Elke Maleika ([email protected]); RA Hartmut Jacobi ([email protected]); RA Dr. Reinhard Marx ([email protected]); RA Johannes Hallenberger ([email protected]); RAin Ursula Schlung-Muntau (kanzlei-schlung- [email protected]); RA Victor Pfaff ([email protected]); RAin Anna Krug (annakrug@t- online.de) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

68 As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 10:06 AM To: 'RA Axel Selbert'; 'RA Reinhold Wendl'; 'RA Thomas Wanie Ärztehaus'; 'RA Christoph Rolfs'; 'RA Michael Hayens'; 'RA Michael Anding'; 'RA Bernd Waldmann-Stocker'; 'RA Heinrich Freckmann'; 'RA Ekkehard Hausin'; 'RA Ralf Albrecht' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: RA Axel Selbert ([email protected]); RA Reinhold Wendl ([email protected]); RA Thomas Wanie Ärztehaus ([email protected]); RA Christoph Rolfs ([email protected]); RA Michael Hayens (hayens@hayens- werthschulte.de); RA Michael Anding ([email protected]); RA Bernd Waldmann- Stocker ([email protected]); RA Heinrich Freckmann ([email protected]); RA Ekkehard Hausin ([email protected]); RA Ralf Albrecht ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:18 PM To: 'Ivelina Trifonova'; 'Mariana Andreeva'; 'Maria Valiovska'; 'Mariana Petrova-Nikolova'; 'Martin Hristov'; 'Mitko Chatalbashev'; 'Plamen Zhelev'; 'Svilen Ovcharov'; 'Valentina Nilsen'; 'National Bureau for Legal Aid' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BGŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Bulgaria ECRE / ELENA: Ivelina Trifonova ([email protected]); Mariana Andreeva ([email protected]); Maria Valiovska ([email protected]); Mariana Petrova- Nikolova ([email protected]); Martin Hristov ([email protected]); Mitko Chatalbashev ([email protected]); Plamen Zhelev ([email protected]); Svilen Ovcharov ([email protected]); Valentina Nilsen ([email protected]; National Bureau for Legal Aid ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:18 PM To: 'Dr. Vesselin Tzankov'; 'Iliana Savova'; 'Marinela Radeva' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BG: ECRE/ELENA: MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014


TO: Bulgaria ECRE / ELENA: Dr. Vesselin Tzankov ([email protected]); Iliana Savova ([email protected]); Marinela Radeva ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:18 PM To: 'Lana Tučkorić/ Ana PaskaŚ Hrvatski pravni centar/Croatian Law Centre'; 'Centar za mirovne studije/Centre for Peace Studies'ś 'Hrvatski crveni križ/Croatian Red Cross'ś 'CESI- Centar za edukaciju'ś 'Ženska soba/ The Women’s Room'ś 'Koordinacija udruga za djecu u Hrvatskoj/ Coordination of Associations for Children'; 'Mreža mladih Hrvatske/ Croatian Youth Network'ś '“Izazov” – udruga za promicanje prava I socijalizaciju djece I mladih oboljelih od HIV-a'; 'ISKRA – Centar za edukaciju I savjetovanje/Iskra- Centre for Education and Counselling'ś 'Kuća ljudskih prava/ Human Rights House'ś 'Institut za međunarodne odnose/ Institute for International Relations'ś 'dr.sc. Goranka Lalić NovakŚ University of Zagreb' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: HRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Croatia ECRE / ELENś: Lana Tučkorić/ śna Paska: Hrvatski pravni centar/Croatian Law Centre ([email protected]); Centar za mirovne studije/Centre for Peace Studies ([email protected]); Hrvatski crveni križ/Croatian Red Cross ([email protected]); CESI- Centar za edukaciju (cesiŚcesi.hr); Ženska soba/ The Women’s Room (zenska.sobaŚzenskasoba.hr); Koordinacija udruga za djecu u Hrvatskoj/ Coordination of śssociations for Children (kudŚkud.hr); Mreža mladih Hrvatske/ Croatian Youth Network (monikaŚmmh.hr); “Izazov” – udruga za promicanje prava I socijalizaciju djece I mladih oboljelih od HIV-a ([email protected]); ISKRA – Centar za edukaciju I savjetovanje/Iskra- Centre for Education and Counselling ([email protected]); Kuća ljudskih prava/ Human Rights House (kontaktŚkucaljudskihprava.hr); Institut za međunarodne odnose/ Institute for International Relations (senadaŚirmo.hr); dr.sc. Goranka Lalić Novak: University of Zagreb ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:18 PM To: 'Corina Drousiotou: Head of Humanitarian Affairs Unit'; 'Future Worlds Center Humanitarian Affairs Unit'; 'KISA- Action for Equality Support Antiracism'; 'Nicoletta Charalambidou'; 'Michalis Paraskevas'; 'Olga Komiti: UNHCR Representation in Cyprus'; 'Nicoletta Charalambidou' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CY ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

70 TO: Cyprus ECRE / ELENA: Corina Drousiotou: Head of Humanitarian Affairs Unit ([email protected]); Future Worlds Center Humanitarian Affairs Unit ([email protected]); KISA- Action for Equality Support Antiracism ([email protected]); Nicoletta Charalambidou ([email protected]); Michalis Paraskevas ([email protected]); Olga Komiti: UNHCR Representation in Cyprus ([email protected]); Nicoletta Charalambidou ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:18 PM To: 'Martin Rozumek: OPU: Organization for Aid to Refugees'; 'Eva Holá: OPU: Organization for Aid to Refugees'; 'Consortium of Refugee Assisting NGOs: Elena Tulupova'; 'SOZEŚ Sdružení občanů zabývajících se emigranty'; 'SIMIŚ Sdružení pro integraci a migraci'ś 'SIMIŚ Association for Integration and Migration'; 'PPI: Poradna pro integraci'; 'COM: Centrum pro otázky migrace'; 'PPI: Poradna pro integraci'; 'Czech Helsinki Committee'; 'Czech Helsinki Committee'; 'Marek Čechovský'; 'Prof. Dalibor Jilek: University in Brno'; 'Věra HonuskovጠCharles Univesity in Prague' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: CZ: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Czech Republic ECRE / ELENA: Martin Rozumek: OPU: Organization for Aid to Refugees ([email protected]); Eva Holá: OPU: Organization for Aid to Refugees ([email protected]); Consortium of Refugee Assisting NGOs: Elena Tulupova ([email protected]); SOZE: Sdružení občanů zabývajících se emigranty ([email protected]); SIMI: Sdružení pro integraci a migraci (faltovaŚrefug.cz); SIMI: Association for Integration and Migration ([email protected]); PPI: Poradna pro integraci ([email protected]); COM: Centrum pro otázky migrace ([email protected]); PPI: Poradna pro integraci ([email protected]); Czech Helsinki Committee ([email protected]); Czech Helsinki Committee ([email protected]); Marek Čechovský (cechovskyŚadvokati_ceva.cz); Prof. Dalibor Jilek: University in Brno ([email protected]); Věra Honusková: Charles Univesity in Prague ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:17 PM To: 'Dorte Smed: Danish Refugee Council'; 'Red Cross'; 'Amnesty International'; 'Amnesty Intn: Lisa Blinkenberg'; 'Mogensen Hans'; 'Fredin Jan'; 'Hvam Kim'; 'Antonsen Vibeke'; 'Anberg Rasmus'; 'Bruhn- Petersen Jens' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

71 TO: Denmark ECRE / ELENA: Dorte Smed: Danish Refugee Council ([email protected]); Red Cross ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Amnesty Intn: Lisa Blinkenberg ([email protected]); Mogensen Hans ([email protected]); Fredin Jan ([email protected]); Hvam Kim ([email protected]); Antonsen Vibeke ([email protected]); Anberg Rasmus ([email protected]); Bruhn-Petersen Jens ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:17 PM To: 'Elmquist Bjørn'; 'Falk-Rønne Christel'; 'Fjelsted Hans Fjelsted'; 'Giersing Peter'; 'Harild Dan'; 'Homann Gunnar'; 'Kauffmann Michael V.'; 'Krog Hannah'; 'Lindgård Jytte'; 'Osbak Anne' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Denmark ECRE / ELENA: Elmquist Bjørn ([email protected]); Falk-Rønne Christel ([email protected]); Fjelsted Hans Fjelsted ([email protected]); Giersing Peter ([email protected]); Harild Dan ([email protected]); Homann Gunnar ([email protected]); Kauffmann Michael V. ([email protected]); Krog Hannah ([email protected]); Lindgård Jytte ([email protected]); Osbak Anne ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:17 PM To: 'Paabol Ulla'; 'Von der Maase Jens Christian'; 'Vølund Marianne'; 'Waarst Birgitte'; 'Viuff Palle'; 'Nørrung Helge'; 'Mørck Birgitte'; 'Bech Jens H.'; 'Klokhoj Jens'; 'Møller Allan B.' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Denmark ECRE / ELENA: Paabol Ulla ([email protected]); Von der Maase Jens Christian ([email protected]); Vølund Marianne ([email protected]); Waarst Birgitte ([email protected]); Viuff Palle ([email protected]); Nørrung Helge ([email protected]); Mørck Birgitte ([email protected]); Bech Jens H. ([email protected]); Klokhoj Jens ([email protected]); Møller Allan B. ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

72 As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:17 PM To: 'Lindquist Michael'; 'Dam Lars Peter'; 'Overmark Bjarne'; 'Taggatz Helge'; 'Vedsted-Hansen: Aarhus Universitet'; 'Kjaer Kim U.: Danish Institute for Human Rights' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DKŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Denmark ECRE / ELENA: Lindquist Michael ([email protected]); Dam Lars Peter ([email protected]); Overmark Bjarne ([email protected]); Taggatz Helge ([email protected]); Vedsted-Hansen: Aarhus Universitet ([email protected]); Kjaer Kim U.: Danish Institute for Human Rights ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:16 PM To: 'Kristi Toodo: Estonian Human Rights Centre'; 'Human Rights Centre' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: EEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Estonia ECRE / ELENA: Kristi Toodo: Estonian Human Rights Centre ([email protected]); Human Rights Centre ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:16 PM To: 'RA Alexander Dauch'; 'RA Manfred Clemens'; 'RA Bernhard Dahm Am'; 'RAin Ute Berger'; 'RA Lothar Hermes'; 'RA Reinhard Lange'; 'RA Dr. Wolfgang Breidenbach'; 'RA Daniel Kaufmann'; 'RA Michael Hiemann'; 'Flüchtlingsreferat des Evangelischen Kirchenkreisverbandes'; 'Kirchliche Dienste am Flughafen München'; 'Stuttgart Kirchliche Dienste am Flughafen' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Germany ECRE / ELENA: RA Alexander Dauch ([email protected]); RA Manfred Clemens ([email protected]); RA Bernhard Dahm Am (RAe.Adam.Mazurek.Dahm@t- online.de); RAin Ute Berger ([email protected]); RA Lothar Hermes ([email protected]); RA Reinhard Lange ([email protected]); RA Dr. Wolfgang Breidenbach ([email protected]); RA Daniel Kaufmann

73 ([email protected]); RA Michael Hiemann ([email protected]); Flüchtlingsreferat des Evangelischen Kirchenkreisverbandes ([email protected]); Kirchliche Dienste am Flughafen München ([email protected]); Stuttgart Kirchliche Dienste am Flughafen ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:18 PM To: 'Bulgarian Refugee Council: Kina Sabeva'; 'Bulgarian Red Cross: Vera Rangelova'; 'ACET: Mimoza Dimitrova'; 'Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants'; 'Bulgarian Helsinki Committee Refugees and Migrants Unit'; 'Atanas Dolapchiev'; 'Alexandra Vicheva'; 'Georgi Toshev'; 'Iliana Savova'; 'Iva Papazova' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BGŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Bulgaria ECRE / ELENA: Bulgarian Refugee Council: Kina Sabeva ([email protected]); Bulgarian Red Cross: Vera Rangelova ([email protected]); ACET: Mimoza Dimitrova ([email protected]); Association for Integration of Refugees and Migrants ([email protected]); Bulgarian Helsinki Committee Refugees and Migrants Unit ([email protected]); Atanas Dolapchiev ([email protected]); Alexandra Vicheva ([email protected]); Georgi Toshev ([email protected]); Iliana Savova ([email protected]); Iva Papazova ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'SBG: Ulrike Brandl'; 'Caritas: Karin Abram'; 'ASYL: Asylkoordination'; 'Diakonie/Protestant Refugee Service Austria'; 'Amnesty International'; 'Asyl in Not: Michael Genner'; 'Austrian Red Cross: Minoo Amir-Mokri-Beilza'; 'Caritas Vienna/Asylzentrum: Peter Steinkellner'; 'Counselling Center for and Migrants: Elisabeth Stocker'; 'Nordstraße Ecke: Karin Knogl' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ATŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Austria ECRE-ELENA: SBG: Ulrike Brandl ([email protected]); Caritas: Karin Abram ([email protected]); ASYL: Asylkoordination ([email protected]); Diakonie/Protestant Refugee Service Austria ([email protected]); Amnesty International ([email protected]); Asyl in Not: Michael Genner ([email protected]); Austrian Red Cross: Minoo Amir-Mokri-Beilza ([email protected]); Caritas Vienna/Asylzentrum: Peter Steinkellner ([email protected]); Counselling Center for and Migrants: Elisabeth Stocker

74 ([email protected]); Nordstraße Ecke: Karin Knogl (sondertransit@caritas- wien.at) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'Piritta Raivio: Refugee Advice Centre Finland'; 'Finnish Refugee Advice Centre'; 'KOUVOLA Refugee Advice Centre'; 'OULU Refugee Advice Centre'; 'Johanna Ojala'; 'Kirsi Tarvainen'; 'Ilse Lehtimaja'; 'Asianajotoimisto Fredman & Mansson'; 'Asianajotoimisto Streng Ky'; 'Lakiasiaintoimisto Ville Punto' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FIŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Finland ECRE / ELENA: Piritta Raivio: Refugee Advice Centre Finland ([email protected]); Finnish Refugee Advice Centre ([email protected]); KOUVOLA Refugee Advice Centre ([email protected]); OULU Refugee Advice Centre ([email protected]); Johanna Ojala ([email protected]); Kirsi Tarvainen ([email protected]); Ilse Lehtimaja ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Fredman & Mansson ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Streng Ky ([email protected]); Lakiasiaintoimisto Ville Punto ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'Caritas Salzburg'; 'Diakonie-Evangelischer Flüchtlingsdienst'; 'Caritas Innsbruck'; 'Caritas Feldkirch'; 'Ausländerberatung'; 'Caritas Klagenfurt'; 'AusländerInnenreferat'; 'Caritas Graz Refugee Department'; 'ZEBRA: Zentrum für sozialmedizinische, rechtliche und kulturelle Betreuung'; 'Beratungszentrum für Migrantinnen' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ATŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Austria ECRE / ELENA: Caritas Salzburg ([email protected]); Diakonie-Evangelischer Flüchtlingsdienst ([email protected]); Caritas Innsbruck ([email protected]); Caritas Feldkirch ([email protected]); Ausländerberatung ([email protected]); Caritas Klagenfurt (office@caritas- kaernten.at); AusländerInnenreferat ([email protected]); Caritas Graz Refugee Department ([email protected]); ZEBRA: Zentrum für sozialmedizinische, rechtliche und kulturelle Betreuung ([email protected]); Beratungszentrum für Migrantinnen ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta


MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'Österreichischer Integrationsfonds'; 'IOM: International Organization for Migration'; 'Eva-Maria Barki'; 'Georg Bürstmayr'; 'Peter Jandl'; 'Julia Ecker'; 'Wilfried Embacher'; 'Nadja Lorenz'; 'Herbert Pochieser'; 'Wolfgang Rainer' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ATŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Austria ECRE / ELENA: Österreichischer Integrationsfonds ([email protected]); IOM: International Organization for Migration (iom- [email protected]); Eva-Maria Barki ([email protected]); Georg Bürstmayr (georg- [email protected]); Peter Jandl ([email protected]); Julia Ecker ([email protected]); Wilfried Embacher ([email protected]); Nadja Lorenz ([email protected]); Herbert Pochieser ([email protected]); Wolfgang Rainer ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'Heinrich Vana'; 'Peter Hajek'; 'Michael Schuszter Robert'; 'Ingrid Herzog-Müller'; 'Helmut Blum'; 'Heinz Lughofer'; 'Rainer Hessenberger'; 'Gerhard Mory'; 'Werner Steinacher'; 'Martin Dellasega' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ATŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Austria ECRE / ELENA: Heinrich Vana ([email protected]); Peter Hajek ([email protected]); Michael Schuszter Robert ([email protected]); Ingrid Herzog- Müller ([email protected]); Helmut Blum ([email protected]); Heinz Lughofer ([email protected]); Rainer Hessenberger ([email protected]); Gerhard Mory ([email protected]); Werner Steinacher ([email protected]); Martin Dellasega ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

76 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:19 PM To: 'Mag. Christof Korp'; 'Klaus Kocher'; 'Friedrich Piffl-Percevic'; 'Wolfgang Vacarescu'; 'Hans Jalovetz'; 'Peterpaul Suntinger'; 'Ewald Wiederin: University of Vienna'; 'Ulrike Brandl: University of Salzburg'; 'Wolfgang Benedek: University of Graz' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: ATŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Austria ECRE / ELENA: Mag. Christof Korp ([email protected]); Klaus Kocher ([email protected]); Friedrich Piffl-Percevic ([email protected]); Wolfgang Vacarescu ([email protected]); Hans Jalovetz ([email protected]); Peterpaul Suntinger ([email protected]); Ewald Wiederin: University of Vienna ([email protected]); Ulrike Brandl: University of Salzburg ([email protected]); Wolfgang Benedek: University of Graz (wolfgang.benedek@uni- graz.at) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 1:18 PM To: DE v Zschape: IASE: Islamische Arbeitgemeinschaft fur Sozial-und Erziehungsberufe: Her Dr. Ibrahim Ruschoff ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinde Saarland: Mohamed El Kawash ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinde in Erlangen: Herr Mohamed Abuelqomsan ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinshaft der Bosniaken in Deutschland- Zentralrat: Office ([email protected]); DE: DITIB: ([email protected]); DE: DITIB: HQ Office Koln ([email protected]); DE: DMK Berlin ([email protected]); DE: Haqqani Trust: Scheikh Hassan Dyck ([email protected]); DE v Zschape: Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg: Herr Ayatollah Dr. Reza Ramezani ([email protected]); DE: Freier Verband der Muslime: Herr Randolf Hamza Wordemann ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinde in Erlangen: Herr Mohamed Abuelqomsan ([email protected]); DE: Deaf Islam: Office ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: De-IslamŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: DE v Zschape: IASE: Islamische Arbeitgemeinschaft fur Sozial-und Erziehungsberufe: Her Dr. Ibrahim Ruschoff ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinde Saarland: Mohamed El Kawash ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinde in Erlangen: Herr Mohamed Abuelqomsan ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinshaft der Bosniaken in Deutschland-Zentralrat: Office ([email protected]); DE: DITIB: ([email protected]); DE: DITIB: HQ Office Koln ([email protected]); DE: DMK Berlin ([email protected]); DE: Haqqani Trust: Scheikh Hassan Dyck ([email protected]); DE v Zschape: Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg: Herr Ayatollah Dr. Reza Ramezani ([email protected]); DE: Freier Verband der Muslime: Herr Randolf Hamza Wordemann ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinde in Erlangen: Herr Mohamed Abuelqomsan ([email protected]); DE: Deaf Islam: Office (info@deaf- islam.org) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.


Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:48 PM To: 'Association pour le Droit des Etrangers: Isabelle Doyen'; 'Comité Belge d'Aide aux Réfugiés: Tristan Wibault'; 'BCHV: Belgisch Comité voor hulp aan de vluchtelingen'; 'Communauté française de Belgique'; 'Vluchtelingenwerk'; 'Aide aux personnes déplacées'; 'Amnesty International Belgique'; 'ADDE: Association pour le droit des étrangers'; 'Caritas Secours international'; 'Centre des immigrés' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Belgium ECRE / ELENA: Association pour le Droit des Etrangers: Isabelle Doyen ([email protected]); Comité Belge d'Aide aux Réfugiés: Tristan Wibault ([email protected]); BCHV: Belgisch Comité voor hulp aan de vluchtelingen (info@cbar- bchv.be); Communauté française de Belgique ([email protected]); Vluchtelingenwerk ([email protected]); Aide aux personnes déplacées ([email protected]); Amnesty International Belgique ([email protected]); ADDE: Association pour le droit des étrangers ([email protected]); Caritas Secours international ([email protected]); Centre des immigrés ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:50 PM To: 'Croix-Rouge de Belgique'; 'EXIL: Centre médico-psychosocial pour réfugiés'; 'Ligue des droits de l'homme'ś 'MRAXŚ Mouvement contre le racisme l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie'ś 'Sireas ASBL'ś 'Amnesty International-Vlaanderen'; 'Het Belgische Rode Kruis'; 'CAW Artevelde - Transithuis'; 'Caritas Internationaal'; 'Foyer: regionale intergratie centrum' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Belgium ECRE / ELENA: Croix-Rouge de Belgique ([email protected]); EXIL: Centre médico-psychosocial pour réfugiés ([email protected]); Ligue des droits de l'homme (LdhŚliguedh.be); MRśX: Mouvement contre le racisme l’antisémitisme et la xénophobie ([email protected]); Sireas ASBL ([email protected]); Amnesty International-Vlaanderen ([email protected]); Het Belgische Rode Kruis (info@ rodekruis.be); CAW Artevelde - Transithuis ([email protected]); Caritas Internationaal ([email protected]); Foyer: regionale intergratie centrum ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:50 PM To: 'Protestants sociaal centrum'; 'Sociale dienst - Socialistische solidariteit'; 'VMC: Vlaams Minderheden Centrum'; 'Werkgroep Integratie Vluchtelingen'; 'France Blanmailland: Pierre Robert- Céline Verbrouck'; 'Stéphane Filleul'; 'Véronique Mélis'; 'Claire Nimal'; 'Jean-Marc Picard'; 'Jan Fermon' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

78 TO: Belgium ECRE / ELENA: Protestants sociaal centrum (csp.psc@ ping.be); Sociale dienst - Socialistische solidariteit ([email protected]); VMC: Vlaams Minderheden Centrum ([email protected]); Werkgroep Integratie Vluchtelingen ([email protected]); France Blanmailland: Pierre Robert-Céline Verbrouck ([email protected]); Stéphane Filleul ([email protected]); Véronique Mélis ([email protected]); Claire Nimal ([email protected]); Jean-Marc Picard ([email protected]); Jan Fermon ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:53 PM To: 'Thomas Descamps'; 'Dominique Jadot'; 'Philippe Favart'; 'Pierre Hallet'; 'Jean-Yves Carlier: UCL:'; 'Sylvie Sarolea: UCL'; 'Philippe de Bruycker: Odysseus Network Université libre de Bruxelles'; 'Dirk Vanheule: U.F.S.I.A.:' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Belgium ECRE / ELENA: Thomas Descamps ([email protected]); Dominique Jadot ([email protected]); Philippe Favart ([email protected]); Pierre Hallet ([email protected]); Jean-Yves Carlier: UCL:(jean- [email protected]); Sylvie Sarolea: UCL ([email protected]); Philippe de Bruycker: Odysseus Network Université libre de Bruxelles ([email protected]); Dirk Vanheule: U.F.S.I.A.: ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:52 PM To: 'Miep Grouwels'; 'Antoon de Pourcq'; 'Geneviève Adam Faubourg'; 'Valérie David'; 'Philippe Diagre'; 'Nele Evaldre'; 'Odette Ignace'; 'Dirk Vanheule'; 'Norbert van Overloop'; 'Dominique Andrien' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Belgium ECRE / ELENA: Miep Grouwels ([email protected]); Antoon de Pourcq ([email protected]); Geneviève Adam Faubourg ([email protected]); Valérie David ([email protected]); Philippe Diagre ([email protected]); Nele Evaldre ([email protected]); Odette Ignace ([email protected]); Dirk Vanheule ([email protected]); Norbert van Overloop ([email protected]); Dominique Andrien ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

79 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:54 PM To: 'Jean-Paul Brilmaker'; 'Mohammed Ellouze'; 'Jean-Pierre Jacques'; 'Rodrigues Lecomte'; 'Zaverio Maglioni'; 'Olivier Vajda'; 'Jean-Maurice Arnould'; 'Thierry Drumel'; 'Joelle Dieu'; 'Xavier Dehan' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BEŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Belgium ECRE / ELENA: Jean-Paul Brilmaker ([email protected]); Mohammed Ellouze ([email protected]); Jean-Pierre Jacques ([email protected]); Rodrigues Lecomte ([email protected]); Zaverio Maglioni ([email protected]); Olivier Vajda ([email protected]); Jean-Maurice Arnould ([email protected]); Thierry Drumel ([email protected]); Joelle Dieu ([email protected]); Xavier Dehan ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:54 PM To: 'Association “Vasa prava BiH”'ś 'Sarajevo'ś 'BHWIŚ “Bosanskohercegovačka inicijativa žena” Sarajevo'ś 'NGO “Medica”'ś 'NGO “Lara”'; 'NGO “La-Strada“-Mostar' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BAŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Bosnia & Herzegovina ECRE / ELENA: śssociation “Vasa prava BiH” ([email protected]); Sarajevo (sarajevoŚvasaprava.org); BHWI: “Bosanskohercegovačka inicijativa žena” Sarajevo (sekretarijatŚbhwifoundation.com.ba); NGO “Medica” ([email protected]); NGO “Lara” (laraŚrstel.net); NGO “La-Strada“-Mostar ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:57 PM To: 'Gilles Piquois'; 'Forum réfugiés'ś 'France Terre d’Asile'ś 'GISTI: Groupe d'information et de soutien des travailleurs immigrés'; 'ANAFE: Association nationale d'assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers'; 'Oudin Mathieu'; 'Ciciolini Joseph'; 'Bera Edouard'; 'Biju-Duval Jean-Marie'; 'Carnohan Patrick' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FRŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: France ECRE / ELENA: Gilles Piquois ([email protected]); Forum réfugiés (directionŚforumrefugies.org); France Terre d’śsile (infosŚfrance-terre-asile.org); GISTI: Groupe d'information et de soutien des travailleurs immigrés ([email protected]); ANAFE: Association nationale d'assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers ([email protected]); Oudin Mathieu ([email protected]); Ciciolini Joseph (Cabinet.ciciolini@liberty- surf.ch); Bera Edouard ([email protected]); Biju-Duval Jean-Marie ([email protected]); Carnohan Patrick ([email protected])

80 CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:56 PM To: Muslim Council Britain: ([email protected]); Muslim Council Britain: ProgCoord: Mr. Aamer Naeem ([email protected]); Muslim Council Britain: ProgMng: Dr. Sarfraz Jeraj ([email protected]); Shia: Sayed Ammar Nakshawani ([email protected]); Shia: Sayed Ammar Nakshawani ([email protected]); UAF - London ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: Muslim Council | SAmmar | UAFŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Muslim Council Britain: ([email protected]); Muslim Council Britain: ProgCoord: Mr. Aamer Naeem ([email protected]); Muslim Council Britain: ProgMng: Dr. Sarfraz Jeraj ([email protected]); Shia: Sayed Ammar Nakshawani ([email protected]); Shia: Sayed Ammar Nakshawani ([email protected]); UAF - London ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Race Relations expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: Muslim Council of Britain; Defining Oppression, Islam and Racism, Guardian Letter condemning UKIP's racism, Over ten thousand join UN Anti- Racism day demo; you are considered to be experts on the issue of discrimination against Muslims.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:58 PM To: 'Lakiasiaintoimisto Auli Nuotio'; 'Lakiasiaintoimisto Jaana Korhonen'; 'Asianajotoimisto Anna Virmakoski'; 'Lakiasiaintoimisto Graff & Karhunen Oy'; 'Asianajotoimisto Markku Jakobsson Oy' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FI: ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Finland ECRE / ELENA: Lakiasiaintoimisto Auli Nuotio ([email protected]); Lakiasiaintoimisto Jaana Korhonen ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Anna Virmakoski ([email protected]); Lakiasiaintoimisto Graff & Karhunen Oy ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Markku Jakobsson Oy ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

81 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:58 PM To: 'VT Kirsi Hytinantti'; 'Lakiasiaintoimisto Laine'; 'Eero Lamberg'; 'Asianajotoimisto Bergholm Oy'; 'Asianajotoimisto Simonen &Savolainen Oy'; 'Marianne Säkäjärvi-Ekpa'; 'Asianajotoimisto Koskela'; 'Harri Nevala'; 'Asianajotoimisto Karimaa &Vahatalo'; 'Asianajotoimisto Pirkka Lappalainen Ky' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: FIŚ ECRE/ELENAŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Finland ECRE / ELENA: VT Kirsi Hytinantti ([email protected]); Lakiasiaintoimisto Laine ([email protected]); Eero Lamberg ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Bergholm Oy ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Simonen &Savolainen Oy ([email protected]); Marianne Säkäjärvi-Ekpa ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Koskela ([email protected]); Harri Nevala ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Karimaa &Vahatalo ([email protected]); Asianajotoimisto Pirkka Lappalainen Ky ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

As documented at among others: ECRE: Integration, Elena Directory; you are considered to be ‘racism (i.e. xenophobic failure of multicultural integration) experts’.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:01 PM To: DE: Coord Councils of Muslims in Germany ([email protected]); DE: Deutsche Muslim-Liga Bonn: Bashir Ahmad Dultz ([email protected]); DE: Haus des Islam: Her Muhammad Siddiq ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland: Herr Samir Falah ([email protected]); DE: Deutsch - Islamischer Vereinsverband: Herr Abdassamad El Yazidi ([email protected]); DE: DITIB: Management ([email protected]); DE: ZMD: Central Council of Muslims in Germany ([email protected]); DE: Deutsche Muslim-Liga: Michael Muhammad Pfaff ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DE-IslamŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: DE Self Appointed Islamophobia experts: Coord Councils of Muslims in Germany ([email protected]); DE: Deutsche Muslim-Liga Bonn: Bashir Ahmad Dultz ([email protected]); DE: Haus des Islam: Her Muhammad Siddiq ([email protected]); DE: Islamische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland: Herr Samir Falah ([email protected]); DE: Deutsch - Islamischer Vereinsverband: Herr Abdassamad El Yazidi ([email protected]); DE: DITIB: Management ([email protected]); DE: ZMD: Central Council of Muslims in Germany ([email protected]); DE: Deutsche Muslim-Liga: Michael Muhammad Pfaff ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:02 PM To: DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Ecclesiastical Court ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Preservation church monuments ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Editorial ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Council ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch:

82 Missionary ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Journalism ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Library ([email protected]); DE: TurkUn: CEO: Fuat Sengul (info@tbb- berlin.de); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spokeswoman: Ayse Demir (ayse.demir@tbb- berlin.de) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ Religious OrgsŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Religious ‘racism’ experts: DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Ecclesiastical Court ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Preservation church monuments ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Editorial ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Council ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Missionary ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Journalism ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Library ([email protected]); DE: TurkUn: CEO: Fuat Sengul ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spokeswoman: Ayse Demir ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:01 PM To: DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Info ([email protected]) ; DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Church leaders ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Council Rep to EU ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Education ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Women ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Joint Center for Worship ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Press-PR ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Synod ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Legal issues ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Work abroad ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DE-Evangelical ChŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Religious ‘Racism’ experts: DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Info (infoŚekd.de) ; DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Church leaders ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Council Rep to EU ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Education ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Women ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Joint Center for Worship ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Press-PR ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Synod ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Legal issues ([email protected]); DE: EKD: Evangelical Ch: Work abroad ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:03 PM To: DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Assess: Humeyra Baykan (huemeyra.baykan@tbb- berlin.de); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spokesman: Hilmi Kaya Turan ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Assess: Ilker Duyan ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spokesman: Mustafa Doganay ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spare: Ali Sonmez ([email protected]); Islam: INT: Jihadology: Aaron Y. Zelin ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

83 TO: Phallic Worshipper Racism experts: DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Assess: Humeyra Baykan ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin- Brandenburg: Spokesman: Hilmi Kaya Turan ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Assess: Ilker Duyan ([email protected]); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spokesman: Mustafa Doganay (mustafa.doganay@tbb- berlin.de); DE: Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg: Spare: Ali Sonmez (ali.soenmez@tbb- berlin.de); Islam: INT: Jihadology: Aaron Y. Zelin ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:04 PM To: Islam: INT: Jihadology: Phillip Smyth ([email protected]); UK: Muslim Council of Britain: SecGen: Farooq Murad ([email protected]); UK v Adebolajo: MCB: ProgCoord: Mr Aamer Naeem ([email protected]); UK: MCB: ProgMng: Dr Sarfraz Jeraj ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Sharia Council ([email protected]); UK: Muslim Public Affairs Committee - UK ([email protected]); UK: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: USA ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Society of Britain: Office ([email protected]); UK: Minhaj-ul-Quran ([email protected]); UK: Al Hidayah: Office ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: DEŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Phallic Worshipping ‘Racism’ experts: Islam: INT: Jihadology: Phillip Smyth ([email protected]); UK: Muslim Council of Britain: SecGen: Farooq Murad ([email protected]); UK v Adebolajo: MCB: ProgCoord: Mr Aamer Naeem ([email protected]); UK: MCB: ProgMng: Dr Sarfraz Jeraj ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Sharia Council ([email protected]); UK: Muslim Public Affairs Committee - UK ([email protected]); UK: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: USA ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Society of Britain: Office ([email protected]); UK: Minhaj-ul-Quran ([email protected]); UK: Al Hidayah: Office ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:05 PM To: UK v Adebolajo: Association of British Muslims: Dr. Talib Warsi co Mohammed Abbasi ([email protected]); UK: Muslim Association of Great Britian ([email protected]); UK: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: Canada ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Society of Britain: Press ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Foundation ([email protected]); UK: Al Hidayah: Spokesman ([email protected]); UK v Adebolajo: Muslim Parliament of Great Britain: Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: UKŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Phallic worshipping racism experts: UK v Adebolajo: Association of British Muslims: Dr. Talib Warsi co Mohammed Abbasi ([email protected]); UK: Muslim Association of Great Britian ([email protected]); UK: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community: Canada ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Society of Britain: Press ([email protected]); UK: Islamic Foundation ([email protected]); UK: Al Hidayah: Spokesman

84 ([email protected]); UK v Adebolajo: Muslim Parliament of Great Britain: Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: ''; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press (contact@-press.org); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Disclosure expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

śs citizen ‘anti-war disclosure experts’ of among others: Iraq War Logs, Afghanistan War Logs, Collateral Murder, Cablegate, and Kissinger cables; I am writing to request your ‘racism’ ‘disclosure’ expertise.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:24 PM To: : John Young ([email protected]); US: Daniel Ellsberg ([email protected]); Wiki: Pirate Party: Rick Falkvinge ([email protected]); Wiki: Prof. Maximilian C. Forte ([email protected]), ; Wiki: Geoffrey Robertson QC ([email protected]); Wiki: John Jones ([email protected]); Wiki: Professor Andrew Ashworth ([email protected]); Wiki: GreenLeft: Andrew Wilkie MP ([email protected]); Wiki: Prof. Maximilian C Forte ([email protected]); Wiki: Helena Kennedy QC ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Vladimir Putin CO Kremlin Press Office'; 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Cryptome: John Young ([email protected]); US: Daniel Ellsberg ([email protected]); Wiki: Pirate Party: Rick Falkvinge ([email protected]); Wiki: Prof. Maximilian C. Forte ([email protected]); Wiki: Geoffrey Robertson QC ([email protected]); Wiki: John Jones ([email protected]); Wiki: Professor Andrew Ashworth (andrew.ashworth@all- souls.ox.ac.uk); Wiki: GreenLeft: Andrew Wilkie MP ([email protected]); Wiki: Prof. Maximilian C Forte ([email protected]); Wiki: Helena Kennedy QC ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

From: Lara [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: 'Kristinn Hrafnsson'; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press'

85 Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Disclosure expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

śs citizen ‘anti-war disclosure experts’ of among others: Iraq War Logs, Afghanistan War Logs, Collateral Murder, Cablegate, and Kissinger cables; I am writing to request your ‘racism’ ‘disclosure’ expertise.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:26 PM To: 'Wiki: Jay Rosen'; 'Wiki: Antony Loewenstein'; 'Wiki: Julian Burnside QC'; 'Wiki: John Jones'; 'Wiki: Senator Scott Ludlam'; 'Wiki: ACLU: Lit.Dir: Ben Wizner'; 'Wiki: Slate: Columbia Law Prof: Tim Wu'; 'Wiki: Michael Moore'; 'Wiki: Lecturer: Clay Shirky'; 'Wiki: Alan Dersowitz' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Wiki: Jay Rosen ([email protected]); Wiki: Antony Loewenstein ([email protected]); Wiki: Julian Burnside QC ([email protected]); Wiki: John Jones ([email protected]); Wiki: Senator Scott Ludlam ([email protected]); Wiki: ACLU: Lit.Dir: Ben Wizner ([email protected]); Wiki: Slate: Columbia Law Prof: Tim Wu ([email protected]); Wiki: Michael Moore ([email protected]); Wiki: Lecturer: Clay Shirky ([email protected]); Wiki: Alan Dersowitz ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

From: Lara [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: 'Kristinn Hrafnsson'; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Disclosure expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

śs citizen ‘anti-war disclosure experts’ of among others: Iraq War Logs, Afghanistan War Logs, Collateral Murder, Cablegate, and Kissinger cables; I am writing to request your ‘racism’ ‘disclosure’ expertise.

86 Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:28 PM To: Wiki: Nation: Greg Mitchell ([email protected]); Wiki: GlobCampFreeExpression ([email protected]); Wiki: Lecturer: Clay Shirky2 ([email protected]); Wiki: Uppsala Prof: Christian Christensen ([email protected]); Wiki: Mwali Mati ([email protected]); Wiki: EFF: Trevor Timm ([email protected]); Wiki: IntFreedomofExpExchange ([email protected]); Wiki: NYU Prof: Dave Winer ([email protected]); ([email protected]); Anonymous ([email protected]) Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Wikileaks Supporters: Wiki: Nation: Greg Mitchell ([email protected]); Wiki: GlobCampFreeExpression ([email protected]); Wiki: Lecturer: Clay Shirky2 ([email protected]); Wiki: Uppsala Prof: Christian Christensen ([email protected]); Wiki: Mwali Mati ([email protected]); Wiki: EFF: Trevor Timm ([email protected]); Wiki: IntFreedomofExpExchange ([email protected]); Wiki: NYU Prof: Dave Winer ([email protected]); Anonymous ([email protected]); Anonymous ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

From: Lara [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: 'Kristinn Hrafnsson'; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:29 PM To: Wiki: John Pilger ([email protected]); Wiki: Ctr Inv. Journo: Gavin MacFadyen ([email protected]); Wiki: Daniel Ellsberg ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Fair Trials Int: Jago Russell ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Per E Samuelson ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Olle Andersson ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Ingrid Carlqvist ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Prof. Marcello Ferrado Noli ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Pirate Party MEP: Henrik Alexandersson ([email protected]); Wiki: Sweden: ([email protected]) Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Wikileaks Supporters: Wiki: John Pilger ([email protected]); Wiki: Ctr Inv. Journo: Gavin MacFadyen ([email protected]); Wiki: Daniel Ellsberg ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Fair Trials Int: Jago Russell ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Per E Samuelson ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Olle Andersson ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Ingrid Carlqvist ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Prof. Marcello Ferrado Noli ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Pirate Party MEP: Henrik Alexandersson ([email protected]); Wiki: Sweden: ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

87 From: Lara [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: 'Kristinn Hrafnsson'; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Disclosure expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

śs citizen ‘anti-war disclosure experts’ of among others: Iraq War Logs, Afghanistan War Logs, Collateral Murder, Cablegate, and Kissinger cables; I am writing to request your ‘racism’ ‘disclosure’ expertise.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:30 PM To: Wiki: SE: Liberty Shami Chakrabarti ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Harald Ullman ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: William Butt ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Ann Helena Rudberg ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Henrik Arnstad ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Uppsala Prof: Brian Palmer ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Att. Jense Lapidus ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: UKIP: Gerard Batten ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Former Pros: Sven-Erik Alhem ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Lawyer: Ulrika Borg ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Wiki: SE: Liberty Shami Chakrabarti ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Harald Ullman ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: William Butt ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Ann Helena Rudberg ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Henrik Arnstad ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Uppsala Prof: Brian Palmer ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Att. Jense Lapidus ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: UKIP: Gerard Batten ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Former Pros: Sven-Erik Alhem (sven- [email protected]); Wiki: SE: Lawyer: Ulrika Borg ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

From: Lara [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: 'Kristinn Hrafnsson'; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

88 MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Disclosure expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

śs citizen ‘anti-war disclosure experts’ of among others: Iraq War Logs, Afghanistan War Logs, Collateral Murder, Cablegate, and Kissinger cables; I am writing to request your ‘racism’ ‘disclosure’ expertise.

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:31 PM To: Wiki: SE: SE Bar Assoc. Gen. Sec: Anne Ramberg ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Al Burke ([email protected]); Wiki: NatWhistleblowerLegDefFund: Richard Renner ([email protected]); Wiki: NatWhistleblowerLegDefFund: Richard Renner ([email protected]); Wiki: Wiseup ([email protected]); Wiki: Wiseup ([email protected]); Wikileaks: ([email protected]) Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

Wiki: SE: SE Bar Assoc. Gen. Sec: Anne Ramberg ([email protected]); Wiki: SE: Journo: Al Burke ([email protected]); Wiki: NatWhistleblowerLegDefFund: Richard Renner ([email protected]); Wiki: NatWhistleblowerLegDefFund: Richard Renner ([email protected]); Wiki: Wiseup ([email protected]); Wiki: Wiseup ([email protected]); Wikileaks: Israel Shamir ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

From: Lara [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 8:22 PM To: 'Kristinn Hrafnsson'; 'Wikileaks Central'; 'ThisDayinWikileaks'; 'Wikileaks Litigation'; 'Wikileaks Press'; 'Wikileaks Press' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: WikileaksŚ MILED request for ‘Anti-War Disclosure expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Kristinn Hrafnsson ([email protected]); Wikileaks Central ([email protected]); ThisDayinWikileaks ([email protected]); Wikileaks Litigation ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]); Wikileaks Press ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta

MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Disclosure expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

śs citizen ‘anti-war disclosure experts’ of among others: Iraq War Logs, Afghanistan War Logs, Collateral Murder, Cablegate, and Kissinger cables; I am writing to request your ‘racism’ ‘disclosure’ expertise.

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12:14 AM To: 'Jesse Lee Peterson' Cc: 'President Obama co US Emb-Pta'; 'Pres Putin co RU Embassy-Pta' Subject: BONDŚ MILED request for ‘Racism expertise’ Info by or before 04 July 2014

TO: Jesse Lee Peterson ([email protected]) CC: President Obama co US Emb-Pta; President Putin co RU Emb-Pta


MILINT Earth Day request for ‘Racism expertise’ Information by or before 04 July 2014.

[At request of Timothy Truthseeker: Jesse Lee Peterson]