Cuba's Liberation Vowed by Invaders
Weather , 3 mm imftfttmt n. May, fety fat the tow Ms^. CJeaV BED BAM 21,175 (••Iffe few 2J. Fair (omorrew and foaday. High tomorrow la the law Mi. Sec Wealber, Pafe 2. Dial SH I-0010 VOL.' 85. NO 133 rria«7. amst CUM 1*14 «t « 4 Bt n RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1962 7c PER COPY AUllil VUll O1UCM. Cubans toPresent Kennedy With Battle Flag By FRANCIS LEWINE "We will pay our debt by say that he hoped some day brigade, but "to express our rades were locked in Cuban PALM BEACH (AP) -Cuban freeing 'our country," said to visit a free Cuba." appreciation for his personal ef- ceils "naked, sleeping on floon, fighters who survived the Bay Manuel Artime, the political ' His eyes sparkling, the dark- fort which led to ... the sal- being the object of insults on of Pigs Invasion will give Presi-' leader of the invasion brigade. haired, youthful Artime spoke vation and freedom of the the part of Jptoial guards that dent Kennedy their combat Asked whether Kennedy had with emotion in Spanish — bis brigade. the Communists imposed on flag — "the greatest treasure given them any encouragement words translated by a U.S. Artime, who was among the us." . •• :•••.•: .-..'.• we possess" — when he re- toward this eventual goal of State Department interpreter. 1,113 prisoners liberated from "At that time, Artime re- views their brigade Saturday freeing Cuba, Artime said, "We He said the Cuban delegation Castro prisons on Christmas called, "a voice was heard, a in Miami's Orange Bowl.
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