The Fifth Estate
THE FIFTH ESTATE ** * OVER BLACK: A WHISPER OF VOICES, barely audible at first. Confessional, personal, people sharing SECRETS. WE FADE IN: EXT. GUARDIAN - LONDON, ENGLAND - NEAR MIDNIGHT A looming modern structure, steel and glass, home of... July 2010 The Guardian - London, England The whisper builds, pushing us into -- INT. GUARDIAN, BULLPEN - LONDON, ENGLAND - NEAR MIDNIGHT A low buzz, a hustle of activity, journalists swirling. REPORTER NICK DAVIES, 50s, handsome, hustles along with RUMPLED EDITOR ALAN RUSBRIDGER, 50s. Alan's on a blackberry. NICK DAVIES If we hold the shooting in Kabul we can keep it all to 14 pages. They pass ONE SHEETS tacked to the wall, we note the FRONT PAGE -- MASSIVE LEAK OF SECRET FILES EXPOSES TRUE AFGHAN WAR. ALAN RUSBRIDGER (off his blackberry) The Times wants to go. Alan glances over at Nick. Nick frowns. NICK DAVIES Let me talk to Rosenbach. INT. ANKE'S APARTMENT - BERLIN, GERMANY - NIGHT (SAME TIME) A quiet room. CLOSE ON a laptop screen, The Guardian website, no mention of the Afghan War Logs. The cursor moves, hits the REFRESH BUTTON. The screen refreshes. Nothing's changed. The cursor HITS the button again. The screen refreshes, again it's the same. As the cursor hits the button AGAIN -- EXT. POTSDAMER PLATZ - BERLIN, GERMANY - NIGHT (SAME TIME) A SMALL BUILDING overshadowed by an array of GRAND MODERNITY. Der Spiegel - Berlin, Germany A rumble of German voices take us into -- INT. DER SPIEGEL, STARK'S OFFICE - BERLIN - NIGHT (SAME TIME) A small office, ICONIC SPIEGEL COVERS on the walls. A BUTTONED UP EDITOR, STARK, 40s, stands over a PROGRAMMER working on the front page of SPIEGEL ONLINE.
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