版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 © 2019 Kong Museum of History 目 錄 Contents 編者的話 Message from the Editor

香港歷史博物館 Museum of History

專題展覽 Special Exhibition 現代化之路 — 共和國七十年 04 The Road to Modernisation – 70 Years of the People's Republic of China

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 香港故事 The Hong Kong Story 09

文物捐贈 Donation 10 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 博物館動態 News and Events Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 常設展覽更新工程 11 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 香港博物館節 2019 Muse Fest HK 2019 15 動與醒︰五四新文化運動 40 The Awakening of a Generation: The May Fourth and New Culture Movement 第九屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽 18 The 9th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong’s History and Culture 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 孫中山與近代中國 Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China 44 公眾節目 Public Programmes 20 孫中山時期的香港 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time 44 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum版權為香港歷史博物館所有 of Coastal Defence © 2019 公眾節目 Public Programmes 46 海防館更新工程 MCD's Revamping © 2019 Hong Kong Museum其他分館 ofOther History Branch Museums 流落香江的「孤軍」 "Solitary Soldiers" Stranded in Hong Kong 30

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 48 公眾節目 Public Programmes 32 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum 50 外展活動 Outreach Programmes 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum 51 《香港海防歷史多面睇》A Closer Look at the ’s Coastal Defence  33 軍事紙品模型製作坊 Paper Armament Model-making Workshops  34 資源及服務 Resources & Services 兒童故事坊 Story-telling Workshops for Children 35 團體預約參觀 Group Visits by Appointments 52 學校節目 School Programmes 36 預約手語傳譯導賞 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments 53 外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops 37

巡迴展覽導賞服務 Special Docent Service for the Travelling Exhibitions 37 外借服務 Loan Out Services 54

參考資料室 Resource Centre 55

 56 博物館位置及開放時間 Location and Opening Hours

節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 編者的話 Message from the Editor

暑假是旅遊旺季,博物館除了接待絡繹不絕的 The high tourist season is almost with us, and while 訪港遊客外,我們可不會忘記為大小朋友在炎 our museums offer a warm welcome to the many 香 炎夏日泡製清涼的博物館消暑秘方。 overseas guests who walk through our doors, we are also preparing a host of exciting summer 為配合小朋友的需要,我們特意推出各式各樣 programmes for local visitors both big and small. 港 適合一家大小的親子活動。歷史博物館除了設 有專題展覽的動感體驗區外,還安排3D立體拼 For children, we present a wide array of parent-child 圖工作坊、中秋節手作坊,以及外展圖書館親 activities. In addition to the interactive areas in the 歷 子故事坊;在孫中山紀念館優雅的古建築內, thematic exhibition, the Museum of History will also 欣賞中樂表演和參與小手作工作坊,又可在 host 3D puzzle workshops, Mid-Autumn Festival workshops and outreach parent-child story-telling 「動與醒:五四新文化運動」專題展覽內試穿 史 workshops. Visitors to the refined historic premises of 民初校服及拍照留念;雖然海防博物館現正閉 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum can enjoy Chinese musical 館進行更新工程,但仍繼續推出一系列的外展 performances, develop their crafting skills in a variety 博 活動,如圖書館和兒童及青少年中心的親子紙 of workshops and take photographs of themselves 品模型製作坊或兒童小劇場,歡迎大小朋友參 dressed in school uniforms from the early Republican 加;葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館又為大家準備了參 物 period at the thematic exhibition “The Awakening 觀消防局、救護站和「精英號」滅火輪的外展版權為香港歷史博物館所有 of a Generation: The May Fourth and New Culture © 2019 活動...... ,精彩節目多籮籮,還不快快報名參 Movement”. Although the Hong Kong Museum 館 加? ©of 2019Coastal Defence isHong currently closed for Kong a revamp, Museum of History 博物館是一個寓教育於消閒娛樂的好去處。隨 we are delivering a series of outreach activities 著暑假的來臨,豐富的博物館節目定能吸引更 for people of all ages, such as parent-child paper 多充滿好奇心的小朋友和大朋友。今個盛夏何 model workshops in libraries and youth centres, and 不相約到博物館,給自己一個全新的驚喜和體 students' theatre programmes. And the Fireboat 驗呢? Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery has prepared some exciting outreach activities including visits to fire station, ambulance depot and the fireboatElite in this quarter. Sign up for these fantastic activities now!

Museums offer the perfect combination of learning and fun. With the summer holidays fast approaching, our exciting programmes are sure to appeal to big people and small ones with a sense of curiosity. So why not come along to the museum with your friends and family for some delightful surprises and entertaining experiences?

Hong Kong Museum of History

https://hk.history.museum 專 題 展 覽 專 題 展 覽

Special Exhibition 現代化之路 – 共和國七十年 Special Exhibition The Road to Modernisation - 70 Years of the People's Republic of China

至 Until 26.8.2019 香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳 Special Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Museum of History

聯合主辦 Jointly presented by

康樂及文化事務署 中國國家博物館 Leisure and Cultural Services Department National Museum of China

聯合籌劃 圖三 Fig.3 Jointly organised by 圖四 Fig.4

香港歷史博物館 中國國家博物館 版權為香港歷史博物館所有錄音導賞服務 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Audio Guide Service National Museum of China © 2019 Hong Kong Museum備有粵語、普通話及英語介紹,租用費為港幣 of History 免費參觀 10元。歡迎到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」查 Free Admission 詢詳情。 Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English narratives at a rental of HK$10. Please check out details at the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby.

圖三 Fig.3 中信國際合作公司承建的伊朗德黑蘭地鐵1及2號線項目建設 紀念章 2006年 中國國家博物館藏 Medal to commemorate the construction of Line 1 and 2 圖五 Fig.5 of the Tehran Metro by CITIC International Cooperation 圖一 Fig.1 圖二 Fig.2 Co., Ltd 2006 Collection of the National Museum of China

圖一 Fig.1 圖二 Fig.2 圖四 Fig.4 上海人民美術出版社編印的《大躍進牆頭畫報》創刊號 撫順鋼廠職工用試製成功的不鏽鋼製作的大鑰匙 魯藝美術部為慶祝中華人民共和國成立創作的宣傳畫《人類 1958年6月 1955年 史上三件偉大的勝利》 中國國家博物館藏 中國國家博物館藏 1949年10月 中國國家博物館藏 The first issue of the Great Leap Forward Wall Pictorial Large stainless steel key made by workers at Fushun Steel issued by Shanghai People’s Fine Art Press Plant Propaganda poster entitled Three Great Victories in the 圖五 Fig.5 June 1958 1955 History of Mankind created by Luyi Fine Arts Department 北京2008第29屆奧運會金牌 Collection of the National Museum of China Collection of the National Museum of China in honour of the founding of the People’s Republic of 中國國家博物館藏 China October 1949 Gold medal of the Beijing 2008 29th Olympic Games Collection of the National Museum of China Collection of the National Museum of China 05 04 專題展覽 專題展覽 Special Exhibition Special Exhibition

圖九 Fig.9

圖七 Fig.7 Since the founding of the People’s Republic of This exhibition is one of the highlight events of China in 1949, there have been significant changes the Hong Kong SAR Government to celebrate the in the politics, economy, society, culture and 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s 圖六 Fig.6 people’s livelihood in China. Modernisation, as Republic of China. Showcasing some 170 exhibits, 中華人民共和國自1949年成立以來,不論在政 the driving force behind these changes, has been including pictorials, newspapers, commodity ration 治、經濟、社會、文化和民生等方面都有重大 turning our country into a modernised society. vouchers, medals, certificates, artworks and models 的變化。現代化是帶動這些變化的動力,目標 China first proposed the realisation of “Four from the National Museum of China, as well as 是帶領國家走向現代化社會。國家在1950年代版權為香港歷史博物館所有Modernisations” in the 1950s, then implemented about 40 exhibits from the Hong Kong Museum 提出實現「四個現代化」,至1978年實行「改 the Reform and Opening© Up2019 policy in 1978. In the of History, along with a great amount of valuable 革開放」,並於1980年代開始建設有中國特色 1980s, it started with the socialist modernisation historical photos, multimedia programmes and 的社會主義現代化,以至近年以「全面建設小© 2019 Hong Kong Museumwith Chinese characteristics of and Historytargeted to build videos, the exhibition illustrates the achievements 康社會」為目標,多年來致力發展多元化經濟 a moderately prosperous society in all respects in of modernisation of China in the aspects of the 來促進國家的發展,大幅提高全國的工農業生 recent years. Over the years, it has been committed economy, education, technology, culture, sports, 產,改善人民的教育和生活水平。 to developing a diversified economy to promote and people’s livelihood. Visitors will learn about 是次展覽為香港特區政府慶祝中華人民共和國成 the country’s development, greatly increasing the the progress and changes that the New China has 立七十周年的重點項目之一,通過約170件/套中 industrial and agricultural production across the undergone in the 70 years since its establishment. 國國家博物館的館藏,包括畫報、報章、糧票、 country and improving the education level and It will help Hong Kong people, particularly the 獎章、證書、藝術品和模型等,並輔以大量珍 livelihood of people. youth, to know more about our country. 貴的歷史照片,以及約40件/套香港歷史博物館 的藏品,配合豐富的多媒體及視聽節目,從經 圖八 Fig.8 濟、教育、科技、文化、體育、民生等方面展現 圖七 Fig.7 中國現代化的建設成就,讓參觀者了解新中國成 四合院微縮模型 —「記憶」 立七十年來國家的進步和現代化的進程,增進市 2018年 民,特別是年青人對國家的認識。 中國傳媒大學藏 Siheyuan miniature – “Memory” 2018 圖十 Fig.10 Collection of the Communication University of China

圖六 Fig.6 圖八 Fig.8 圖九 Fig.9 圖十 Fig.10 上海無線電二廠生產的「紅燈」牌711-3六燈二波段電子管收 國務院授予袁隆平的全國勞動模範獎章 中國科學院數學物理學部授予馬中騏的理學博士學位證書 京九鐵路開通運營北京西站首發105次客車使用過的「北京 音機 1979年12月 (編號10001) 西—深圳」列車方向牌 1970年代 中國國家博物館藏 1982年3月 1996年9月1日至10月29日 中國國家博物館藏 中國國家博物館藏 中國國家博物館藏 The National Medal of Model Worker awarded to Yuan “Red Lantern”-branded 711-3, 6-lamp, 2-band vacuum Longping by the State Council Certificate of Doctor of Science (No. 10001) awarded by The “Beijing (West) - Shenzhen” route plate once used by tube radio produced by Shanghai Radio No. 2 Factory December 1979 the Division of Mathematics and Physics of the Chinese the 105th Train from the Beijing West Railway Station on 1970s Collection of the National Museum of China Academy of Sciences to Ma Zhongqi the Beijing-Kowloon Railway Collection of the National Museum of China March 1982 1 September to 29 October 1996 Collection of the National Museum of China Collection of the National Museum of China 07 06 專題展覽 常 設

展覽 Special Exhibition 公眾導賞團 香港故事� Permanent Exhibition Public Guided Tours The Hong Kong Story 全程約1小時,每團名額30人,請於該節開始前 「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力 1小時內到導賞服務處索取籌號,以預留登記名 蒐集、保存及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔 額。先到先得,額滿即止。 地七千平方米,共有八個展區,分布於兩層展 Each tour lasts about 1 hour and admits 30 廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、「史前時期的 persons. Quota slips for registration can be 圖十一 Fig.11 香港」、「歷代發展:從漢至清朝」、「香港 collected at the Guided Tour Service Counter within 的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香 1 hour before each session starts. First come, first 港開埠及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代 served. 都市及香港的回歸」。通過逾四千件展品、多 廣東話 (每天):上午11時及下午3時30分 個立體造景及多媒體劇場,配以聲和光的特殊 Cantonese (daily): 11am and 3:30pm 效果,生動有趣地介紹香港的自然生態、民間 風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的 英語 (星期六、日及公眾假期):下午2時 泥盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內 English (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 2pm 容務求雅俗共賞,趣味與教育並重。 普通話 (星期六、日及公眾假期):下午4時30分 The Hong Kong Story permanent exhibition Putonghua (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 4:30pm showcases the dedicated hard work done by the Museum staff in the past years in collecting, preserving and researching the history and 版權為香港歷史博物館所有development of Hong© Kong. 2019 Occupying an area of 7,000m², The Hong Kong Story comprises 8 galleries on two floors, including “The Natural Environment”, © 2019 Hong Kong Museum“Prehistoric Hong Kong”, of“The Dynasties:History From the Han to the Qing”, “Folk Culture in Hong Kong”, “The Opium Wars and the Cession of Hong Kong”, “Birth & Early Growth of the City”, “The Japanese Occupation” and “Modern Metropolis & The Return to China”. Through the display of over 4,000 圖十二 Fig.12 exhibits, a number of dioramas and multi-media programmes, and enhanced with special audiovisual and lighting effects, The Hong Kong Story outlines 免費公眾導賞團 the natural environment, folk culture and historical Free Public Guided Tours 圖十一 Fig.11 development of Hong Kong in a vivid manner. 約一個半小時,每團30人,請於該節開始前1小時內 袁隆平從事水稻研究時使用過的國產15倍簡易顯微鏡 The exhibition, both interesting and educational, 1977年 到導賞服務處索取籌號,以預留登記名額。先到先 中國國家博物館藏 starts telling the story from the Devonian period 得,額滿即止。 400 million years ago and concludes with the China-made 15x microscope used by Yuan Longping for Each tour lasts about 1.5 hours for 30 persons. research on rice cultivation reunification of Hong Kong with China in 1997. Quota slips for registration can be collected at the 1977 圖十三 Fig.13 Collection of the National Museum of China 錄音導賞服務 Guided Tour Service Counter within an hour before 圖十二 Fig.12 圖十三 Fig.13 Audio Guide Service each session starts. First come, first served. 人民日報社和解放軍報社為中國成功發射第一顆人造地球衛 國產第一代「速淨」牌手搖洗衣機 廣東話 (每天):上午11時30分及下午3時 星聯合印發的喜報 1980年代初 備有粵語、普通話及英語介紹,租用費為港幣 1970年4月25日 中國國家博物館藏 10元。歡迎到一樓大堂「錄音導賞服務處」查詢 Cantonese (daily): 11:30am and 3pm 中國國家博物館藏 China’s first generation of “Sujing”-branded hand-operated 詳情。 英語 (星期六、日及公眾假期):下午2時30分 Article co-published by the People’s Daily and People’s washing machine Liberation Army (PLA) Newspaper to celebrate the Early 1980s Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English English (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 2:30pm successful launch of China’s first artificial satellite Collection of the National Museum of China narratives at a rental of HK$10. Please check out details 25 April 1970 普通話 (星期六、日及公眾假期):下午3時30分 09 Collection of the National Museum of China at the Audio Guide Service Counter on 1/F Lobby. Putonghua (Sat, Sun and P.H.): 3:30pm 08 文物捐贈 博 常設展覽更新工程 物館動態 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition

Donation 文物捐贈� 香港與海外華人展覽系列 Donation Hong Kong and the Overseas Chinese Exhibition Series News and Event

藏品是博物館的靈魂,也是博物館與群眾之 正在籌劃中的新常設展不僅會介紹本地的民生變 間的橋樑,我們會利用市民捐贈的文物進行 遷,更會把香港置於世界視野,為此我們將會有 研究、展覽和教育用途,與普羅大眾分享文 一個以海外華人為主題的展覽系列,當中首輪展 物背後的故事。文物同時也是時代的見證, 覽擬以加利福尼亞州華人為主角。 透過對它們的研究和詮釋,我們可以超越時 加利福尼亞州雖然只是美國的一個州份,在華僑 空,了解前人的生活點滴,記取歷史給予我 歷史上卻極具代表性;加州不僅是美國早期華人 們的啟迪。 活動與聚居的集中地,亦是美國華僑往來祖國的 我們一直致力蒐集、保存、研究、詮釋和展 進出港。從廣東到美國的華人,到達美國的第一 示與香港和華南地區歷史相關的文物。本館 站幾乎都是加州。 館藏絕大部分來自公眾人士的熱心捐贈。有 香港是中國最開放的門戶,在太平洋兩岸的互動 你的參與,文物才可得到更好的保護和承 中佔著無可取代的居中地位。1848年加州發現 傳。如欲捐贈物品,可致電(2724 9042)、 金礦的消息最先傳到香港,翌年消息得到證實 電郵([email protected])或郵寄香港歷史博 後,掀起了廣東人出洋到金山的熱潮。從1850 物館(信封面請註明「文物捐贈」),以便跟 年至1939年間,超過630萬華人人次從香港出 進。 洋,有770萬人次經香港回鄉,當中往來美國加 A museum’s collection is its soul. It also serves as a 州者佔極大比例。及至美國華人漸多,金山庄興 bridge between the museum and the public. We 起,華人需求的中國食用雜貨從香港運銷加州, use items donated by members of the public for版權為香港歷史博物館所有 加州的金山貨運銷香港與廣東,香港都肩負貨運© 2019 research, exhibition and education purposes in order 中心的角色。 to share with visitors the stories behind each artefact. 捐贈者芳名 Donors 鑑於香港在中國與海外之間的中轉地位,以及太 運銷至美國的香港品牌玫瑰露酒 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of HistoryHong Kong-brand rose wine for sale in the US. Meanwhile, artefacts are empirical evidence of a (1.3 - 31.05.2019) 平洋兩岸的人貨互動對香港及美國的歷史都十分 period in time. By investigating and interpreting the 重要,本館將從美國借來大批文物,細訴海外華 中國銀行(香港)有限公司 華慧娜女士 artefacts, we can travel through time to get a glimpse 任玉儀女士 黃文偉先生 僑與香港密不可分的關係。 into the lives of our predecessors and learn important 江燕玲女士 黃良旭先生 historical lessons. 吳美嘉女士 黃愛蘭女士 李家強先生 路政署 Our mission is to collect, preserve, research into, 李峻嶸博士 甄偉龍先生 interpret and display artefacts related to the history of 東藝宮燈廠 蔡振威伉儷 Hong Kong and South China. Most of our collection 張西美女士 蔡群芳女士 items have been donated by members of the public. 郭家明先生 鄭雅明女士 With your help, these marks of history can be better 郭麗芳女士 鄭煥鳳女士 陳子健先生 鄭寶儀女士 preserved. If you would like to make donation, please 陳桂榮先生 謝錦德先生 contact us by phone (2724 9042), e-mail (hkmh@ 陸建南先生 鍾楚維先生 lcsd.gov.hk) or post (please mark ‘Artefact Donation’ 麥堅強先生 (按筆劃序) 專營美國三藩市與香港航線的太平洋郵船公司廣告 on the envelope) for our follow- up. 曾漢賢先生 Advertisement by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, which specialized in scheduled routes between San Ms Candy Choi Francisco, in the US, and Hong Kong. Mr Anthony Hardy Hongkong Post Mr K L Leung Ms Elaine Siu Ms Rita Agnes Wong 1898年美國三藩市與香港對開輪船的日程表 Shipping schedule between San Francisco, the US and (in alphabetical order) Hong Kong in 1898. 11 10 博 博 物館動態 常設展覽更新工程 物館動態 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition

香港葡裔社群文物徵集行動 News and Event Hong Kong Portuguese Community Artefact Collection News and Event

The renewed permanent exhibition under planning Campaign will not be confined to the development of Hong Kong internally; it will also look at Hong Kong from 二次大戰後的香港百廢待興,葡裔西洋波會曾 六十年代中起任教該校的周盧娉嫻老師憶述, an international perspective. With this mission in 於1947年在會所內設立一所幼稚園,為葡裔學 該校設有幼稚園和小學,當時幾乎一半學生 mind, we are going to organise an exhibition series 童提供臨時教育。由於臨時學校不能應付日益 是本地葡裔,其餘是歐亞混血兒、印度人、菲 on the overseas Chinese community, focusing first 增加的需要,葡萄牙駐港領事於1951年11月在 律賓人和華人。課程除了英文、歷史、地理、 and foremost on the Californian Chinese. 香港政府、西洋會所和西洋波會等本地葡裔團 健教、宗教等常規科目外,還設有葡語科,是 Even though California is only one state in the United 在香港設計及印刷的三藩市藥房月份牌 體,以及布勞達上校和沙理士先生等葡裔知名 為該校一大特色。雖然後來葡裔和外籍學生減 Calendar poster of a medicine shop in 人士的支持下,推動向各界募捐建校的計劃。 少,學校仍致力傳承葡裔文化,例如畢業禮有 States, it is iconic in the history of Chinese emigration. San Francisco, designed and printed in Most early Chinese Americans lived and worked in Hong Kong. 1954年6月29日,葡僑學校(又名賈梅士學 葡語詩朗誦表演,亦會特別注重聖誕節、復活 California, or travelled between the United States 校)在九龍覺士道開幕,開啟了本地葡裔教育 節等天主教節日。 and China via California. The majority of the Chinese 的新一頁,至1996年前一直由葡裔團體營辦。 如果你想進一步了解本地葡裔接受教育的概 people who left for the United States 況,請密切留意更新後的香港故事,我們會與 made California their first stop in the US. 你分享有關的文物,以及葡裔在香港學校生活 Hong Kong was China’s first gateway to the world, 的點滴回憶。 and played an indispensable role in the interaction between the two sides of the Pacific Ocean as an in- between place. In 1848, news of the discovery of版權為香港歷史博物館所有 gold mines in California first spread to Hong Kong. © 2019 When the news was confirmed the following year, large numbers of Chinese people left Guangdong© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History for San Francisco. From 1850 to 1939, more than 6.3 million Chinese travelled abroad via Hong Kong, and 7.7 million Chinese returned to their hometowns 從香港運銷至美國的醬油桶 through Hong Kong – most of them travelling Barrel of soybean sauce shipped from between California and China. As the Chinese Hong Kong to the US population in the United States grew, companies specialising in trade with the US, known as “Gold Mountain companies”, flourished. Chinese food items and groceries wanted by overseas Chinese 葡僑學校昔日懸掛的校徽(保良局陳守仁小學提供) The school emblem of Portuguese Community Schools, were shipped to California via Hong Kong, and Inc., Escola Camões. (Courtesy of Po Leung Kuk Camões goods from California were shipped to Hong Kong Tan Siu Lin Primary School) for sale both locally and in Guangdong. Hong Kong became an important trans-shipment centre in both 葡僑學校昔日使用的校鐘(保良局陳守仁小學提供) directions. The school bell of Portuguese Community Schools, Inc., Escola Camões. (Courtesy of Po Leung Kuk Camões Tan As Hong Kong’s status as a transit point between Siu Lin Primary School) China and overseas countries, along with the network and interaction between the two sides of the Pacific, played an important role in shaping 如有意提供資料或捐贈文物,請透過下列方法 香港萬國寶通銀行代理商為美國華僑提供 聯絡我們: the history of both Hong Kong and the United 匯兌服務的匯價表 States, we will spare no effort in borrowing a large An exchange rate notice put up by an 電話:(852) 2763 7367 agent of the Hong Kong office of the 傳真:(852) 2724 9090 quantity of artefacts from the US and showcasing National City Bank of New York for the inseparable relationship between the Chinese a remittance service for the overseas 學生在聖誕聯歡會唱聖詩,攝於 1971 電郵:[email protected] Chinese community in the US (舊生Maria Roliz提供) 地址:香港九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號香港歷史博物館 emigrants and Hong Kong. The students sang carols at the Christmas party in 1971. (Courtesy of alumna Ms Maria Roliz) 「香港葡裔社群文物徵集行動」 13 12 博 博 物館動態In post-Second World War Hong Kong, the 物館動態 local Portuguese community ran a temporary kindergarten at Club de Recreio in 1947 to fill the immediate schooling needs of their children. Owing to an increase in the number of students, 香港博物館節 2019 News and Event in November 1951, the Portuguese Consul in Muse Fest HK 2019 News and Event Hong Kong, with the support of the Hong Kong Government and local Portuguese institutes and 22.6 7.7.2019 individuals, such as Club Lusitano, Club de Recreio, Colonel Botelho and Mr A. de O. Sales, put 今年的香港博物館節已展開啦!以「變新」為 forward a plan to raise funds for a school mainly 主題,我們帶你一起看看博物館是如何經歷和 for local Portuguese. The Portuguese Community 展現蛻變。你可以發掘歷史原來能夠變得更為 Schools, Inc. Escola Camões (Escola Camões) on 年青的故事,又或看到博物館因應時代進展而 Cox’s Road, Kowloon was inaugurated on 29 June 調節她的方向,又或與換上新裝的她一起重新 1954, which was an educational milestone for 出發馳騁廣闊的藝術世界,又或觀賞一場因著 The Muse Fest HK 2019 has kicked off! With the local Portuguese community. Only in 1996 did 你的意見而帶來靈感所炮製的新意節目。 “Curating the New” as the theme, this year’s Portuguese management of the school come to an 不要錯過我們的精采節目,一起參與,共同創 festival will bring you on a journey with the end. 造新體驗。有關節目詳情,請瀏覽網頁www. museums to explore how they experience and Mrs Edna Chow, who started teaching there in the museums.gov.hk/mf2019。 display transformation. You may be inspired by the mid-1960s, said that the premises accommodated story of how a museum could grow younger over a kindergarten and a primary school. Nearly half time or how a museum is working on redefining of the students were local Portuguese, while the itself to face the challenges of the new era. You others were Eurasian, Indian, Filipino and Chinese. 1970年6月10日,學生穿上葡傳統服飾慶祝賈梅士日。(舊 may also go with the museum in a new look to 生Maria Roliz提供) Besides regular subjects, like English, history, Students dressed in traditional Portuguese costumes to navigate the world of art or come join a creative geography, hygiene and religious knowledge, the版權為香港歷史博物館所有 celebrate Dia de Camões, on 10 June 1970. (Courtesy of programme which is produced with inspiration alumna Ms Maria Roliz) © 2019 school taught Portuguese. Although the number from you. of local Portuguese students fell in later years, the© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of HistoryDon’t miss the bunch of fantastic programmes. school still put a lot of effort into preserving the Take part and create new experience with us. For Portuguese cultural legacy, with Portuguese poems programme details, please visit website at www. recited at the annual Speech Day, and emphasis museums.gov.hk/mf2019. on important Catholic festivals, like Christmas and Easter, for example. If you would like to learn more about the education 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History received by the local Portuguese, stay tuned to our revamping Hong Kong Story. We will share with 節慶文化手作坊:迷你喜慶壽桃製作 you artefacts and stories of the school life of the Handicrafts Workshop of Festival Culture: Longevity Peach Bun Miniatures 本地及葡裔學生不分你我,積極參與學校的運動日,攝於 Portuguese in Hong Kong. 1970年。(舊生Maria Roliz提供) 「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 每節15人 / 活動 Students of different ethnic groups enjoyed Sports Day together in 1970. (Courtesy of alumna Ms Maria Roliz) 於下午1時15分開始接受報名 / 費用全免 / 先到 先得 Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong To make a contribution, please contact us through Story / 15 persons per session / Registration any channels below: starts on the spot at 1:15pm / Participation is Tel: (852) 2763 7367 free / First come, first served. Fax: (852) 2724 9090 Email: [email protected] 6 / 7 (六Sat) Post: "Hong Kong Portuguese Community 2:30 - 3:30pm Artefact Collection Campaign" 3:30 - 4:30pm Hong Kong Museum of History 1984年校內上課的情況。(周盧娉嫻女士提供) 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Classroom during a lesson in 1984 (Courtesy of Mrs. Edna Chow) Kowloon, Hong Kong 15 14 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

香港博物館節 2019 香港博物館節 2019 News and Event Muse Fest HK 2019 Muse Fest HK 2019 News and Event

香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence 文物修復辦事處 Conservation Office 與退役海軍對談:「紫水晶號」事件的來龍去脈 香港博物館節2019 — 文物修復辦事處特備節目 Sharing with the Ex-Navy Servicemen: The Amethyst Incident 「文物復修現場直擊」 二次世界大戰退役軍人會 Muse Fest HK 2019 – Conservation Office Special Programme 銅鑼灣摩頓臺 (近香港中央圖書館西入口側) “Live from the conservation labs” 名額40人 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 WWII Veterans Association 為響應「香港博物館節2019」,文物修復辦事處分別於6月及7月開放位於香港文化博物館及香港 Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay (at the west 歷史博物館的文物修復室讓公眾參觀。在修復主任帶領下,參加者將可近距離觀賞修復中的文物 entrance of the Hong Kong Central Library) 及了解其背後有趣的修復故事。 40 persons / First come, first served. 由於反應熱列,報名經已於五月截止,四場名額均已告滿,多謝市民踴躍支持! To echo with Muse Fest 2019, Conservation Office’s laboratories at Hong Kong Heritage Museum & Hong 7/7 (日 Sun) 資料來源:www.navyphotos.co.uk Kong Museum of History will be an ‘open house for the public' in June and July respectively. Guided by 3 - 4pm Source:www.navyphotos.co.uk the conservators, participants will have a closer look of the artefacts undergoing conservation treatment and learn about their interesting conservation stories in the behind the scenes tour. 香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence The application was closed in May due to overwhelming responses from the public. Quotas for all tour 海上英姿:海軍裝備展示坊 版權為香港歷史博物館所有sessions are full. Thank© you 2019 for the support! Gear Up! Demonstration of Military Gears during WWII  2724 9989 二次世界大戰退役軍人會 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum [email protected] of History 銅鑼灣摩頓臺 (近香港中央圖書館西入口側) WWII Veterans Association Moreton Terrace, Causeway Bay (at the west entrance of the Hong Kong Central Library)

7/7 (日 Sun) 4 - 5pm

孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 電影欣賞:《建黨偉業》 Film Show: “Beginning of the Great Revival” 地下高層專題展覽廳 / 名額40人 / 先到先得, 額滿即止。 Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / 40 persons / First come, first served

7/7 (日 Sun) 2:30 - 4:45pm

17 16 博 博 物館動態 物館動態

第九屆校際香港歷史文化專題研習比賽� The 9th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on News and Event Hong Kong’s History and Culture News and Event

主題 Theme 集體記憶 — 香港戰後的流行文化 Collective Memories – Hong Kong’s Popular Culture after World War II 流行文化是指一些商品、生活方式廣受社會大眾歡迎或關注,形成一種風潮的文化現象,又稱為 Popular culture refers to cultural phenomena that emerge – in the form of products, lifestyles and trends 普及文化。香港流行文化的發展,深受不同時期的社會背景和外來文化的影響,形成不同年代的 – and are well received by a majority of the general public. Reflecting social contexts and exotic cultures 社會特色,見證香港社會的變遷。大眾傳播媒介愈趨發達,這些商品如電影、電視劇、音樂、漫 at different periods of time, the development of popular culture in Hong Kong also bears witness to the 畫、雜誌報刊、廣告等,或衍生的生活方式更風靡一時,成為跨世代的「集體記憶」。 various characteristics of local society and the changes it has undergone. As the mass media flourished 參賽同學可以以本港戰後的流行文化為切入點,挑選其中一個範疇來訂立研究題目,探討這些流 and the cultural industry thrived, films, TV dramas, music, comics, magazines and newspapers and even 行文化的背景和發展,以及其所反映的社會面貌和價值觀,並且如何塑造成現今的香港。 advertisements grew in popularity and now form the collective memories of generations of Hong Kong people. 組別 Students entering this competition can choose one form of Hong Kong’s popular culture after World War 初級組:中一至中三學生 II as their research topic and investigate its background and development, the social landscape and values 高級組:中四至中六學生 it embodies and how it has helped shape Hong Kong today. 參賽學生可以個人或每組最多五位學生參加

項目 Division I. 文字報告 Junior Division: S.1-S.3 Students II. 多媒體製作 Senior Division: S.4-S.6 Students 獎項 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Open to individual students or a team of not more 各組均設冠軍、亞軍、季軍及優異獎,得獎隊伍將獲頒發獎座及書券。 than five © 2019 截止報名日期 © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumCategory of History 16.12.2019(星期一) I. Written Report II. Multimedia Production 截止遞交作品日期 23.5.2020(星期六) Prizes Prizes for the Champion, 1st runner-up, 2nd 查詢 runner-up and Merit Award will be offered for each 香港歷史博物館: category. The winning team will also be awarded a 2724 9026 trophy and book coupons.

香港中華文化促進中心: Deadline for Application 2559 4904 16.12.2019 (Mon)

Deadline for Submission 23.5.2020 (Sat)

Enquiries Hong Kong Museum of History: 2724 9026

The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture: 2559 4904

19 18 公眾節目 公眾節目 專題展覽特備節目 文化遺產的現代演繹:剪剪剪紙藝術 Programmes for Special Exhibition Paper-cutting Workshop: Modern Interpretation of Cultural Heritage 每節15人 「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 請留意各項活動的報名時間 / 費用全免 / 先到先得 15 persons per session Public Programmes Public Programmes Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story / Please take note of the registration time of each 31 / 7 (三 Wed)、 activity / Participation is free / First come, first served. 16 / 8 (五 Fri)、 讓古典再現:青花花瓶製作 21 / 8 (三 Wed) 3 - 4 pm 3D Puzzle Making: Classical Blue-and-white Porcelain 4 - 5 pm 每節5對親子 5 families (1 parent + 1 child) per session 活動於下午1時45分開始接受報名 Registration starts on the spot at 1:45 pm 12/7 (五 Fri) 3 - 4 pm 外展活動 4 - 5 pm Outreach Programmes 活動於下午1時45分開始接受報名 合辦機構:香港中央圖書館 Registration starts on the spot at 1:45 pm Co-organiser: Hong Kong Central Library

轉出我未來:自創彩虹陀螺 親子故事坊:一眨眼回到票證時代 17 / 8、24 / 8 (六 Sat) Homemade Rainbow Gyro: Turning out of my Future Family Story-telling: Back to the Era of Ration Coupons

每節15人 香港中央圖書館二樓兒童活動室 / 每節20對親子 / 入場券將於每節活動舉行前兩星期起在香港中 15 persons per session 央圖書館一樓資訊服務櫃枱派發 / 費用全免 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 17 / 7 (三 Wed) 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Children’s Activity Room, 2/F, Hong Kong Central Library / 20 families (1 parent + 1 child) per session / 3 - 4 pm Admission tickets will© be issued2019 two weeks before each session commences at the Information Service 4 - 5 pm © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumCounter on 1/F of the Hong of Kong History Central Library / Participation is free / First come, first served. 活動於下午1時45分開始接受報名 適合6-12歲小朋友及一位家長陪同參加。 Registration starts on the spot at 1:45 pm For children aged 6-12 with one of their parents.

3:30 - 4:30 pm 中式水墨飾盒設計 Design Ink Jewelry Box in Chinese Style 有關活動詳情,請參閱香港中央圖書館網頁 每節15人 For programme details, please check out from 15 persons per session www.hkpl.gov.hk/hkcl

26 / 7 (五 Fri)、 查詢電話 Enquiry: 2 / 8 (五 Fri)、 2921 0385 7 / 8 (三 Wed) 2:30 - 4 pm 圖書展覽:新中國的情、景、事 1 - 31 / 8 (一至日 Mon - Sun) 4 - 5:30 pm Book Display: The Memories of the People's Republic of China

活動於下午1時15分開始接受報名 香港中央圖書館二樓兒童圖書館 Registration starts on the spot at 1:15 pm Children’s Library, 2/F of the Hong Kong Central Library

10 am - 9 pm (一至二、四至日Mon - Tue, Thu - Sun) 1 - 9 pm (三 Wed)

免費參觀 Free Admission

21 20 公眾節目 公眾節目 講座系列 「科大人文新語」講座系列 Lecture Series HKUST Public Humanities Lectures

香港歷史博物館演講廳 / 免費入座 / 座位先到先得,滿座即止 / 演講廳將於講座開始前15分鐘開 合辦機構:香港科技大學人文學部 Public Programmes 放。 Co-organiser: Division of Humanities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Public Programmes Lecture Hall, HKMH / Free admission / First come, first served / Admitted 15 minutes before each lecture 3 - 5 pm starts.

講座內容並不代表博物館立場。除特別註明外,所有講座均以粵語進行。 荀子的“偽”與莊子的“真” 14 / 7 (日 Sun) The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures. All lectures will be The Establishment of the Rites vs. Following Nature: on the Difference between Xunzi and conducted in Cantonese, unless otherwise specified. Zhuangzi in Motivation of Action 「現代化之路 ─ 共和國七十年」講座系列 丁安祺博士 Lecture Series on “The Road to Modernisation - 70 Years of the People’s Dr Angel O K TING Republic of China” 消失的風情 ─ 1950年代初香港通俗雜誌《小說世界》的廣式趣味 18 / 8 (日 Sun) 3 - 5 pm Gone with the Wind? The Cantonese Aroma in the 1950s Popular Magazine The Novel World Weekly

黎秀明博士 革命與現代性:中華人民共和國的戲曲改革 6 / 7 (六 Sat) Dr Cleo S M LAI Revolution and Modernity: Opera Reform in the People's Republic of China

許國惠博士 (香港教育大學文學及文化學系助理教授) 語言與國家建構:現代中國語言規劃與政策 (英語主講) 25 / 8 (日 Sun) Dr HUI Kwok Wai (Assistant Professor of the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education Language and Nation Building: Language Planning and Policy in Modern China (in English) University of Hong Kong) 潘萍博士 Dr Cathy Ping PAN 中國共產黨的興起 1921-1949 版權為香港歷史博物館所有21 / 7 (日 Sun) © 2019 The Rise of the Chinese Communist Party, 1921-1949 港英時期香港回民的社會生活 (普通話主講) 29 / 9 (日 Sun) 蘇維初教授 (香港大學中文學院名譽教授) © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumSocial Life of the Chinese of Hui MuslimHistory in Hong Kong in the Colonial Era (in Putonghua) Professor SO Wai Cho (Honorary Professor of the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong) 馬健雄教授 Professor Jianxiong MA 毛澤東時代的中國 28 / 7 (日 Sun) China under Mao Zedong 廟宇文化講座系列

連浩鋈教授 (香港大學歷史系名譽副教授) Lecture Series on Chinese Temples Culture Dr Alfred H Y LIN (Honorary Associate Professor of the School of Humanities (History), The University of 合辦機構:華人廟宇委員會 Hong Kong) Co-organiser: Chinese Temples Committee 3 - 5 pm 香港文化講座 Lecture on Hong Kong Culture 廟宇與華人喪葬禮俗 27 / 7 (六 Sat) 合辦機構:香港教育大學中國文學文化研究中心 Temples and Chinese Funeral Rites Co-organiser: Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture, The Education University of Hong Kong 鄧家宙博士 (香港史學會總監) 3 - 5 pm Dr Billy TANG Ka Jau (Director, Society of Hong Kong History)

打醮與儀式專家:香港新界的節日、生活與鄉村禮儀 8 / 9 (日 Sun) 香港廟宇與社區 31 / 8 (六 Sat) Jiao and Ritual Experts: Festival, Life and Rites in the New Territories of Hong Kong Hong Kong Temples and the Local Communities 蔡志祥教授 (香港中文大學歷史系教學教授) 鄭寶鴻先生 (香港歷史博物館名譽顧問) Professor CHOI Chi Cheung (Professor (Teaching) of the Department of History, The Chinese University of Mr CHENG Po Hung (Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Hong Kong) Museum of History) 23 22 公眾節目 公眾節目 香港史探研 「香港故事」特備節目 Lecture Series on Hong Kong History Special Programmes for The Hong Kong Story

合辦機構:珠海學院香港歷史文化研究中心 費用全免 / 請留意各項活動的報名時間 / 先到先得,額滿即止。 Public Programmes Co-organiser: Centre for Hong Kong History and Culture Studies, Chu Hai College of Higher Education Participation is free / Please take note of the registration time of each activity / First come, first served. Public Programmes 3 - 5 pm 漁船模型製作 神奇鑄幣作坊 兩次大戰之間的香港,1919-1941 7 / 9 (六 Sat) Model-making: Fishing Junk Amazing Coin Press Workshop Interwar Hong Kong, 1919-1941 23 / 8 - 27 / 9 (五 Fri) 14 / 7 - 22 / 9 (日 Sun) 丁新豹博士 (香港大學中文學院名譽教授) 3 - 3:45 pm 4 - 5 pm 3:45 - 4:30 pm Dr Joseph TING (Honorary Professor of the School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong) 「香港故事」展區六 「香港故事」展區四活動室 Gallery 6 of The Hong Kong Story 1944-1945年英美情報機關在香港和兩廣地區的競爭 14 / 9 (六 Sat) Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story 每節50人 Competition between the OSS and the BAAG in Guangdong-Guangxi and Hong Kong, 1944-1945 每節8人 50 persons per session 鄺智文博士 (香港浸會大學歷史系助理教授) 8 persons per session 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名 Dr KWONG Chi Man (Assistant Professor of the Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University) 活動於開始前15分鐘接受報名 Registration starts on the spot 15 minutes before Registration starts on the spot 15 minutes before the activity commences 戰前香港道堂的慈善救濟 21 / 9 (六 Sat) the activity commences Charity Provided by Daoist Associations Daotang before WWII

游子安教授 (珠海學院中國文學系副教授) Professor YAO Chi On (Associate Professor of the Department of Chinese Literature, Chu Hai College of Higher Education) 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 動物雙城記:戰前香港與上海的動物保護運動 28 / 9 (六 Sat) A Tale of Two Cities: Animal Protection Campaign in Hong Kong and Shanghai before WWII 本土工藝工作坊:準備上學去! 中秋節手作坊:當月兔遇上月餅 © 2019 Hong Kong MuseumLocal Craft Workshop: Rubberof HistoryStamps Carving Mid-Autumn Festival Workshop: When Jade 潘淑華博士 (香港中文大學歷史系副教授) Rabbit meets Mooncake Dr POON Shuk Wah (Associate Professor of the Department of History, The Chinese University of Hong 28 / 8 (三 Wed) Kong) 2:30 - 4 pm 7 / 9 (六 Sat) 4 - 5:30 pm 2:30 - 3:30 pm 「人文與當代人」講座系列 3:30 - 4:30 pm Lecture Series on “Why do the Liberal Arts Matter?” 地下活動室 Activity Room, G/F 「香港故事」展區四活動室 合辦機構:香港中文大學文學院 Activity Room in Gallery 4 of 每節10人 Co-organiser: The Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Story 10 persons per session 3 - 5 pm 活動於下午1時15分開始接受報名 每節8對親子 Registration starts on the spot at 1:15 pm 8 families (1 parent + 1 child) per session 國家興亡,翻譯有責:從鴉片戰爭談起 22 / 9 (日 Sun) 活動於下午1時15分開始接受報名 Nation and Translation: The Roles Played by Translation in the Opium Wars and Modern Chinese Registration starts on the spot at 1:15 pm History

王宏志教授 (香港中文大學翻譯系系主任及教授) Professor Lawrence Wang-Chi WONG (Chairman & Professor of Humanities of the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

25 24 公眾節目 公眾節目 影片欣賞 博物館共融計劃 Film Shows Inclusive Life: Museum for All

「香港故事」展區四活動室 / 座位20,先到先得,滿座即止 / 影片均為香港電台製作節目,粵語 傷健共融 Public Programmes 旁述 / 免費入場 / 活動室將於影片放映前5分鐘開放。 Interactivity Scheme Public Programmes Activity Room in Gallery 4 of The Hong Kong Story / 20 seats; first come, first served / All these video 香港歷史博物館與香港展能藝術會合作舉辦, programmes are produced by RTHK and narrated in Cantonese / Free admission / Admitted 5 minutes 為歷史博物館常設及專題展提供特別導賞及模 before the show commences. 型製作工作坊,讓聽障、視障及傷健人士增進 對香港歷史文化的認識,並參與及分享博物館 《中國故事 II》 公眾節目。 “China Stories II” Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Museum of 3 - 3:25 pm 3:30 - 3:55 pm History and Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, these special guided tours and model- 逝影留光 生 ∙ 不逢時 10 / 7 (三 Wed) making workshops are tailor-made for people with The Vanishing Shadow The Invisible Citizens hearing and visual impairments, and disabilities to 網紅新勢力 廣西 ∙ 1968 enable them to better understand the history and 24 / 7 (三 Wed) Web Stars – a New Force Guangxi ∙ 1968 . 尋找桃花源 滾動回歸 14 / 8 (三 Wed) Building a Utopia Speedy Home Coming 團體預約特別導賞及工作坊

末代馴獸師 盲人足球隊 Special Guided Tours and Workshops for Groups by Appointments 28 / 8 (三 Wed) The Last Animal Tamer Blind Soccer 費用全免 / 每節約1小時至1小時30分鐘 / 先到 人象之爭 隱形的翅膀 先得 / 有關節目及報名詳情,歡迎致電2724 4 / 9 (三 Wed) Man vs Elephant 版權為香港歷史博物館所有Invisible Wings 9082查詢。 Participation is free© / Each 2019 tour lasts about 1-1.5 《香港風物誌》 hours / First come, first served / For enrollment and © 2019 Hong Kong Museumdetails, please contact us atof 2724 History9082. “Heritage Connect”

3 - 3:25 pm 3:30 - 3:55 pm 「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞 我這一代大澳人 桌桌有漁 11 / 9 (三 Wed) Sign Interpretation Guided Tours to The Hong Kong Story My Generation of Tai O People From Farm to Table 4 / 7 - 27 / 9 客家武林 活於太平山下的薄扶林村 (一、四及五 Mon, Thu & Fri) 18 / 9 (三 Wed) Hakka Martial Arts Pokfulam Village – the Village that (每月兩節 2 sessions per month) Lives under the Victoria Peak 每節20名聽障人士 (包括同行照料者) 漁歌餘韻 戰後炮影 25 / 9 (三 Wed) 20 persons with hearing impairment (including accompanying carers) per session Sing a Long Song Postwar Traces

「香港故事」手語傳譯導賞及紙模型製作工作坊 Sign Interpretation Guided Tours and Paper Model-making Workshops on The Hong Kong Story 4 / 7 - 27 / 9 (一、四及五 Mon, Thu & Fri) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month)

每節20名聽障人士 (包括同行照料者) 20 persons with hearing impairment (including accompanying carers) per session

27 26 公眾節目

Public Programmes 社區關懷 Caring for the Community

香港歷史博物館一直積極與不同社區團體及機 構結成合作夥伴,透過舉辦多元的推廣活動, 讓不同社群的市民增進對香港歷史文化的認 識,並參與及分享博物館公眾節目。 香 We continue our close collaboration with local community groups and associations to foster public awareness and understanding of the local history 港 and culture through varied extension activities. 海 團體預約外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops by Appointments 防 專為本地註冊非牟利機構及慈善團體而設,由 香港歷史博物館統籌,於各社區中心內進行外 展工作坊。 博 Specially designed for charitable or non-profit- making organisations registered in Hong Kong, and 物 conducted at their service centres. 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 費用全免 / 每節約1小時 / 先到先得 / 有關節目 館 及報名詳情,歡迎致電2724 9082查詢。 © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Participation is free / Each session lasts about 1 hour / First come, first served / For enrollment and details, please contact us at 2724 9082.

港昔生活模型製作 Model-making: Hong Kong Oldies

11 / 7 - 27 / 9 (一、四及五 Mon, Thu & Fri) (每月兩節 2 sessions per month)

社區及長者中心 / 每節15人 Community and Elderly Centres / 15 persons per session

Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

https:/ /hk.coastaldefence.museum 海防館更新工程 海防館更新工程

流落香江的「孤軍」 “Solitary Soldiers” Stranded in Hong Kong

MCD’s Revamping 1937年「蘆溝橋事變」後,日本加快侵華的步 After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, Stranded in a foreign land, this group of Chinese MCD’s Revamping 伐,大舉南下。1938年10月12日,日軍登陸大 Japan accelerated the pace of its invasion of China, soldiers (known as “solitary soldiers” at the 亞灣;不久,廣州、虎門等地也相繼淪陷。同 sending its troops southwards. On 12 October time) kept strengthening themselves during 年11月底,國軍更退守至沙頭角,其中一千餘 1938, the Japanese landed at Daya Bay; soon after their detention in Hong Kong. They underwent 人因救援不繼,陸續退入香港境內。 that, Guangzhou and Humen fell. At the end of physical training in the camps, and learned various 由於當時英國政府對日本仍保持「友好」態 November of the same year, the Chinese army languages and skills. For instance, they formed a 度,面對突如其來的國軍,港英當局立即勒令 withdrew to . Without backup, about "stretcher unit" to prepare themselves for first-aid 他們繳械,並予以拘禁。此外,這批國軍的到 1,000 men retreated to Hong Kong. work on the battlefield in the future. 臨加重了難民潮帶來的問題,時任香港醫務總 At that time, the British government still took a On 8 December 1941, the Japanese attacked Hong 監司徒永覺醫生在他的回憶錄有以下的記述: 圖一 Fig.1 "friendly" stance towards Japan. Therefore, when Kong, and the “solitary soldiers” were immediately 「日軍佔據廣州,觸發突如其來的逃兵, these Chinese soldiers suddenly arrived in Hong engaged in defence deployments. During the 加劇了我們正面對的問題。這批為數1,600 Kong, the authorities ordered Battle for Hong Kong, in addition to transporting 餘人的國軍,被臨時扣押在停泊海港的兩 them to disarm and detained them. Their arrival wounded soldiers and cleaning hospitals, they were 艘又熱又擠的蒸汽輪。」 aggravated the problems caused by the influx assigned on a mission to set up dispersal areas of refugees to Hong Kong. The then Director of near the Taikoo Dockyard as temporary refuges 自1938年12月起,國軍被集中拘留在九龍馬頭 Medical Services, Dr P. S. Selwyn-Clarke, recalled in for residents of North Point, in a bid to reduce 涌難民營,該營位於今天聖母院書院至馬頭圍 his memoir: casualties from the Japanese bombings. 邨一帶。過了一年多後,國軍入住亞皆老街集 中營,該營位於今天九龍城裁判法院至香港眼版權為香港歷史博物館所有 “The Japanese capture© 2019of Canton (present-day In our revamped permanent exhibition, we will 科醫院一帶。 Guangzhou) had suddenly added military fugitives revisit the little-known stories of these heroic to our existing problem, and some 1,600 Chinese warriors resisting the Japanese forces and 這群流落異鄉的國軍(時人稱之為「孤軍」)© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History soldiers had been temporarily interned in two very defending Hong Kong. 被羈留在港期間自強不息,在營內積極鍛煉體 圖二 Fig.2 hot and congested steamships in the harbour.” 魄,並學習各種語文及技能,其中包括自發組 織「擔架隊」,以準備應付日後在戰場上的救 In December 1938, the Chinese soldiers were 護工作。 detained in a refugee camp in Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon; the camp was located near the 1941年12月8日,日軍攻打香港,孤軍獲釋後 present-day Notre Dame College and Ma Tau Wai 隨即擔任各種防衛工作。在香港保衛戰期間, Estate. About a year later, the soldiers were moved 他們除負責運送傷兵及清潔醫院外,也奉命到 to the Argyle Street Camp, in the vicinity of the 太古船廠鄰近地方參與設立疏散區供北角一帶 present-day Kowloon City Magistrates’ Courts and 之居民暫時棲身,藉以減輕日軍轟炸時造成的 Hong Kong Eye Hospital. 傷亡。 我們會在海防館更新後的常設展裡重温孤軍這 段鮮為人知的頑抗日寇、防衛香港事蹟,以向 圖三 Fig.3 當年這群抗戰勇士致敬。

圖四 Fig.4

圖一 Fig 1 圖二 Fig 2 圖三 Fig. 3 圖四 Fig. 4 1939年在邊界遭截獲的中國士兵。站在後方的兩個英兵隸屬 遭拘禁在亞皆老街集中營的孤軍,背景是獅子山,攝於 1940年初《香港憲報》刊登政府招標在亞皆老街孤軍營建一 1941年12月10日《大公報》報導孤軍獲釋及參與防衛香港。 米杜息士團,他們有份參與之後的香港保衛戰。(相片由高添 1940年。(相片由高添強先生提供) 個禁閉工場。 Newspaper clipping on the release of the “solitary 強先生提供) The “solitary soldiers” detained in the Argyle Street Camp, Tender notice for the construction of a closed workshop soldiers” and their participation in defence missions for Chinese soldiers intercepted at the border, 1939. The two 1940. The Lion Rock can be seen in the backdrop. at the Interned Chinese Soldiers Camp in Argyle Street, Hong Kong, in the 10 December 1941 issue of Ta Kung British soldiers, standing in the background, were from Courtesy of Mr Ko Tim-keung published in the Hong Kong Government Gazette in early Pao. the Middlesex Regiment who later fought in the Battle for 1940. Hong Kong. Courtesy of Mr Ko Tim-keung 31 30 公眾節目 外展活動 公眾節目 《香港海防歷史多面睇》 Public Programmes 與香港公共圖書館合辦 A Closer Look at the History of Hong Kong’s Coastal Defence 參加者須年滿16歲 / 每節30人 / 需預先報名,詳情請參閱網頁 / 若報名人數超額,將以抽籤方式 Outreach Programmes Public Programmes 決定參加者名單。 In collaboration with the Hong Kong Public Libraries All applicants should be aged 16 or above / 30 persons per trip / Prior registration is required; please refer 公開講座 to our website for details / If over-subscribed, the participant list will be determined by drawing lots. Public Lectures 有興趣人士可於開始留座日期起,致電或親臨下列圖書館預約。名額有限,先到先得。 《與修復師同行》文物修復工作坊 Reservation starts on the dates specified below and can be made by phone or in person at the respective Conservation Workshops: “Meeting with Conservators” libraries on a first come, first served basis. 語言:粵語 Language: Cantonese 日期及時間 地點 題目 講者 開始留座日期 Date & Time Venue Topics Speaker Reservation Starts 地點:香港歷史博物館地下活動室 13 / 7 香港 從作戰層面看1941年香港戰役 鄺智文博士 不設留座, Venue: Activity Room, G/F, Hong Kong Museum of History (六 Sat) 中央圖書館 in 1941 香港浸會大學 先到先得 13 / 7、10 / 8 (六 Sat) 10:00 - (演講廳) from Strategic Perspective 歷史系助理教授 First come, 10 am - 12 nn 11:30 am Hong Kong Dr Kwong Chi Man first served. Central Library Assistant Professor, (Lecture Theatre) Department of History, 公眾參觀活動 Hong Kong Baptist Public Field Visits University 參加者須年滿16歲 / 每節30人 / 需預先報名,詳情請參閱網頁版權為香港歷史博物館所有 / 若報名人數超額,將以抽籤方式 決定參加者名單。 17 / 8 香港© 2019日軍侵略華南1938-1941 高添強先生 不設留座, All applicants should be aged 16 or above / 30 persons per trip / Prior registration is required; please refer (六 Sat) 中央圖書館 Japanese Invasion of Southern 香港歷史博物館 先到先得 to our website for details / If over-subscribed, the participant© 2019 list will be determined Hong by drawing Konglots. Museum2:30 - 4 pm (演講廳) of HistoryChina from 1938 to 1941 專家顧問 First come, Hong Kong Mr Ko Tim Keung first served. 城門水塘軍事陣地 Central Library Museum Expert Military Relics at Shing Mun Reservoir (Lecture Theatre) Advisor, 領隊:香港史學會 Hong Kong By the Society of Hong Kong History Museum of History 集合及解散地點:城門郊野公園遊客中心 Meeting & Dismissal Point: Shing Mun Country Park Visitor Centre 7 / 9 屯門 英國戰後初期在香港設置的 24 / 8 22 / 9 (日 Sun) (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 軍事設施 (六 Sat) 2 - 5 pm 11:00 am - Tuen Mun British Military Installations in 2450 0671 12:30 pm Public Library Hong Kong during the Early 松林炮台與香港保衛戰 Post-war Period Pinewood Battery and the Battle of Hong Kong 領隊:香港史學會 By the Society of Hong Kong History

集合及解散地點:山頂廣場 Meeting & Dismissal Point: The Peak Galleria 講座內容並不代表主辦單位立場。 29 / 9 (日 Sun) The organisers make no representation concerning the contents of the lectures. 2 - 5 pm 33 32 外展活動 外展活動 軍事紙品模型製作坊 兒童故事坊 Paper Armament Model-making Workshops 武器小劇場:香港海防的故事

模型製作坊活動歡迎5至10歲小朋友由一位家長陪同參加。家長可於活動開始報名日期起,致電或 Story-telling Workshops for Children Outreach Programmes 親臨相關圖書館預約。名額有限,先到先得。 Weapons Theatre: The Story of the Hong Kong Coastal Defence Outreach Programmes Children aged 5-10, to be accompanied by a parent, are welcome to join the model-making workshop. 故事坊活動歡迎5至10歲小朋友由一位家長陪同參加。家長可於活動開始報名日期起,致電或親臨 Prior registration for individual workshops starts on the specified dates and can be made by phone or in 相關圖書館預約。名額有限,先到先得。 person at the respective libraries on a first come, first served basis. Children aged 5-10, to be accompanied by a parent, are welcome to join the workshops. Prior registration for individual workshops starts on the specified dates and can be made by phone or in person at the 日期及時間 地點 模型製作 開始報名日期 respective libraries on a first come, first served basis. Date & Time Venue Model-making Enrolment Starts

14 / 7 保安道 布倫南魚雷 30 / 6 日期及時間 地點 開始報名日期 (日 Sun) 公共圖書館 Brennan Torpedo (日 Sun) Date & Time Venue Enrolment Starts 2:30 - 4 pm Po On Road 2928 7055 6 / 7 北葵涌公共圖書館 22 / 6 Public Library (六 Sat) North Kwai Chung Public Library (六 Sat) 27 / 7 屏山天水圍 13 / 7 2 - 3 pm 2421 4740 (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 (六 Sat) 21 / 7 新蒲崗公共圖書館 7 / 7 2:30 - 4 pm Ping Shan 2126 7520 (日 Sun) San Po Kong Public Library (日 Sun) Tin Shui Wai 2:30 - 3:30 pm 2927 6107 Public Library 26 / 7 大埔公共圖書館 12 / 7 11 / 8 石塘咀 彗星一型坦克車 28 / 7 (五 Fri) Tai Po Public Library (五 Fri) (日 Sun) 公共圖書館 Comet Mark I Tank (日 Sun) 2:30 - 3:30 pm 2651 4334 2:30 - 4 pm Shek Tong Tsui 2922 6055 Public Library 版權為香港歷史博物館所有21 / 8 ©石塘咀公共圖書館 2019 7 / 8 (三 Wed) Shek Tong Tsui Public Library (三 Wed) © 2019 Hong Kong Museum2:30 - 3:30 pm of History 2922 6055 24 / 8 東涌 撒拉森二型裝甲運兵車 10 / 8 31 / 8 東涌公共圖書館 17 / 8 (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 Saracen Mark II Armoured Personel Carrier (六 Sat) (六 Sat) Tung Chung Public Library (六 Sat)  2:30 - 4 pm Tung Chung 2109 3011 2:30 - 3:30 pm 2109 3011 Public Library 28 / 9 將軍澳 14 / 9 (六 Sat) 公共圖書館 (六 Sat) 11 - 12:30 pm Tseung Kwan O 2706 8101 Public Library

35 34 外展活動 外展活動 學校節目 《香島上的黑色聖誕》互動劇場 School Programmes Interactive Theatre: Black Christmas 1941年至1945年期間,香港經歷了三年零八個月的悲慘歲月。劇場以戲劇結合現場互動,把日佔 有關詳情及報名,請瀏覽本館網頁或致電2569 1248查詢。先到先得,額滿即止。 時期的民生苦況重現眼前,讓同學了解先祖輩一段慘痛的歷史,明白和平的可貴。 Outreach Programmes For the programme details and enrolment, please visit our website and contact us at 2569 1248. Outreach Programmes Hong Kong went through its bitter three years and eight months from 1941 to 1945. Using an interactive First come, first served. approach integrating elements of drama, we will re-enact the hardship experienced by the Hong Kong people during the Japanese occupation. It will provide an opportunity for the students to better 市區軍事古蹟遊蹤 understand the miserable experience of their ancestors, thereby realizing the value of peace. Field Trips to the Urban Military Relics 地點 :學校禮堂 / 活動室 透過走訪位於中區或尖沙咀區的軍事遺址,增進同學對本地軍事歷史的認識,行程約2小時。 Venue School Hall / Activity room Students are encouraged to learn more about local military history through visiting various military sites in 對象 :中二至中四 Central or Tsim Sha Tsui through this 2-hour tour. Target S.2 - S.4 以學校為報名單位 (中一至中六),每節30人 日期 :10-12/2019 30 students per session on a school basis (S.1 – S.6) Date 時間 :約45分鐘 中環線 尖沙咀線 Duration about 45 mins 集合地點:茶具文物館 集合地點:九龍公園衞生教育展覽及資料中心 Central Route Tsim Sha Tsui Route 語言 :粵語 Meeting Place: Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware Meeting Place: Health Education Exhibition and Language Cantonese Resource Centre, Kowloon Park 名額 :每場約100-250人,名額有限,先到先得。 Quota About 100-250 participants per performance. First come, first served. 演出團體 :7A 班戲劇組 By Class 7A Drama Group Limited 版權為香港歷史博物館所有查詢 :2582 0274© 2019 Enquiry © 2019 Hong Kong Museum報名詳情請瀏覽本館網頁「最新消息」。 of History For enrolment, please visit “What’s On” of our website. 《日治時期的艱苦歲月》體驗活動 Experiencing Hard Life during the Japanese Occupation 海防館會派員到校帶領同學們進行體驗活動,透過角色扮演及互動遊戲,認識和了解香港當時的 民生苦況。 Through role plays and interactive games, the student-participants will get a better understanding of the miserable life of the Hong Kong people during the time. Museum staff will come to the schools to deliver the programme. 每節30人 (P.4 - S.3),每間學校可申請一天兩節活動 / 每節約1小時,將與學校商議活動時間。 30 students (P.4 - S.3) for each session. Each school can apply for a maximum of 2 sessions a day / One hour per session, time to be confirmed with the applicant.

37 36 外展活動 外展工作坊 Outreach Workshops

有興趣人士請致電2569 1248 預約。先到先得,額滿即止。 Outreach Programmes Reservation can be made by contacting us at 2569 1248. First come, first served.

軍事紙品模型工作坊 耆樂無窮:立體相架工作坊 Paper Armament Model-making 3D Photo Frame Making for the Elderly

兒童及青少年中心 / 社區長者中心 / 每節25人 每節15對親子 (10歲以下兒童需家長協助製作) Community Centres for the Elderly / 25 persons per Children and Youth Centres / session 15 pairs per session (being accompanied by parent is required for children below 10) 孫 中 山 紀

巡迴展覽導賞服務 念 Special Docent Service for the Travelling版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Exhibitions © 2019 博物館特別為兩套巡迴展覽,安排到校導賞服務,歡迎學校申請外借服務時,一併辦理。 館 Special docent service will be delivered to schools for two travelling exhibitions. Schools can apply for the service when submitting loan applications. © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History 對象 :小四至中六 Target P.4 – S.6 日期 :至till 1/2020 Date 時間 :每節45分鐘 Duration 45 mins per session 展覽 :「海防風雲六百年」(10塊) Exhibitions  「同禦鐵蹄 – 香港的抗戰歲月」 圖片展 (15塊) “Coastal Defence over 600 years” (10 nos.) “Braving the Storm: Hong Kong under the Japanese Occupation” (15 nos.) 語言 :粵語 Language Cantonese 名額 :每節30人,每間學校可申請一天 Quota 兩節導賞服務。 30 students for each session. Each Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum school can apply for a maximum of https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum two sessions a day. 專題展覽 專題展覽

Special Exhibition 動與醒︰五四新文化運動 Special Exhibition The Awakening of a Generation:

The May Fourth and New Culture Movement 由陳獨秀、胡適、魯迅等知識份子提倡的 The New Culture Movement, initiated by intellectuals Chen Duxiu, Hu Shih and Lu Xun 至 新文化運動於1915年展開,他們宣揚 Until 25.8.2019 「民主」、「科學」、「自由」與「平等」的 among others, began in 1915. Through advocating 孫中山紀念館一樓展覽廳 啟蒙思想,掀起了中國青年學生的思想革命。 the enlightenment ideas of democracy, science, Exhibition Gallery, 1/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 第一次世界大戰結束後,中國在巴黎和會上的 freedom and equality, the intellectuals inspired a 聯合主辦 外交失敗,最終引發1919年5月4日北京學生 thought revolution among students in China. The Jointly presented by 舉行集會及遊行,並很快發展成為社會各界 country’s diplomatic setback at the Paris Peace 廣泛參加的全國規模的五四愛國運動。五四 Conference after the end of the First World War 康樂及文化事務署 新文化運動在中國社會各領域開花結果, sparked the rally and demonstration of Beijing 北京魯迅博物館 (北京新文化運動紀念館) 留下了深刻的印記。 students on 4 May 1919. The demonstration Leisure and Cultural Services Department 適值今年為五四運動一百周年,康樂及文化 quickly developed into the nationwide patriotic Beijing Lu Xun Museum 事務署特別邀請北京魯迅博物館(北京新文化 movement supported by all walks of society. (The New Culture Movement Memorial of Beijing) 運動紀念館)合辦是次展覽,透過來自北京的 The May Fourth and New Culture Movement 文物,配合香港歷史博物館的藏品,回顧這場 blossomed and left a deep mark in various areas of 籌劃 充分展現中國人的愛國和民族意識的運動,並 Chinese society. Organised by 認識其對近代中國發展的影響和重要貢獻。 This year marks the centenary of the May Fourth 孫中山紀念館 Movement. The Leisure and Cultural Services Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 Department sought a partnership with the Beijing Lu Xun Museum (New Cultural Movement 免費入場 圖一 Fig.1 Memorial of Beijing) in jointly organising this Free Admission © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of Historyexhibition. Through showcasing relics on loan from Beijing alongside items from the Hong Kong Museum of History, the exhibition revisits the movement which aptly illustrated the patriotism and national awareness of Chinese people, and investigates its influence and contribution to the development of modern China.

公眾導賞團(粵語) Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)

圖二 Fig.2 圖三 Fig.3 星期六、日及公眾假期 下午3 - 4時 圖二 Fig.2 圖三 Fig.3 每團20人,先到先得 圖一 Fig.1 1917年,胡適在《新青年》發表〈文學改良芻議〉一文, 1919年出版的《中國哲學史大綱》卷上,是胡適用現代觀念 集合地點︰一樓展覽廳入口處 1932 年創刊的《兒童晨報》,旨在增進兒童對世事的認識, 提出改良文學的八個主張,這是1920年錢玄同抄寫的版本。 和方法研究中國古代哲學的著作。 北京魯迅博物館藏 滿足兒童的求知欲。 北京魯迅博物館藏 Sat, Sun and public holidays 北京魯迅博物館藏 In 1917, Hu Shih published “Wenxue Gailiang Chuyi” Zhongguo Zhexueshi Dagang (Outline of the History of Ertong Chenbao (Children’s Morning Post) was founded in (Preliminary Discussion on Literature Reform) in Chinese Philosophy), Volume 1 was published in 1919. 3 - 4 pm Xinqingnian, proposing eight guidelines for literature 1932 to enhance children’s knowledge of the world and Hu Shih made use of modern concepts and methods in 20 persons per session; first come, first served satisfy their curiosity. reform. This version is copied by Qian Xuantong in 1920. studying ancient Chinese philosophical works. Collection of Beijing Lu Xun Museum Collection of Beijing Lu Xun Museum Collection of Beijing Lu Xun Museum Meeting Point: Entrance to Exhibition Gallery, 1/F 41 40 專題展覽 專題展覽

Special Exhibition 號外:香港師生以書法篆刻回應五四的創作運動 Special Edition: Creative Works of Chinese Calligraphy Special Exhibition and Seal Engraving by A Hong Kong Teacher and His

這次展覽特別邀請了香港浸會大學視覺藝術院 Students as A Response to the May Fourth Movement 參與製作,在副教授劉澤光博士的帶領下, The Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist 修讀中國書法或篆刻課程的學生及校友,以 University was invited to participate in the 五四為主題,製作一系列藝術作品,以回應 production of the exhibition. With the support 一百年前愛國學生的情懷及五四精神!在 of the Associate Professor, Dr Daniel Lau Chak 5月4日當天,劉博士更在館內進行巨幅書法 Kwong, students and alumni from the Chinese 現場表演及標語書法大師班,以特別方法與 calligraphy class and seal engraving class created a 觀眾共同紀念五四運動一百周年,場面熱鬧。 series of art pieces to express the views on the May 劉澤光博士: Fourth Movement and echo the spirits and patriotic 「感謝孫中山紀念館的邀請,讓我以參展者和 feelings of students 100 years ago. On 4 May, Dr 老師的身份,啟發及指導浸大學生的創作。我 Lau presented large-piece calligraphy performance 在展廳中的作品,一件是傳統的紙本書法, and slogan calligraphy masterclass in the museum 另一件是非傳統而較活潑的書法雕塑。我非常 to celebrate the centenary of the May Fourth 劉博士主持的巨幅書法現場表演 享受在五四一百周年當天完成的巨幅書法現場 Movement with visitors. Large-piece calligraphy performance by Dr Lau 表演,我和觀眾有不少互動和對話,大大提升 Dr Daniel Lau Chak Kwong : 了書法表演中的即興元素,達至與眾同樂的 "I would like to thank Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum 目標。」 for inviting me to participate in the exhibition as 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 a contributor and instructor, providing inspiration 鄧志永: © 2019 劉博士與部分參與的同學 and guidance to Baptist University students in 「感謝孫中山紀念館賜予機會,讓我和同學能 Dr Lau and some of the participating students the creative process. Two of my works have been 夠發揮所長,參與創作。過程滿載而歸,獲益© 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History showcased in the exhibition: traditional calligraphy 匪淺,實在感激不盡!」 on paper along with an unconventional and lively 李紫文: calligraphy sculpture. I thoroughly enjoyed the 「劉澤光老師的大型書法表演以形式的創新回 live performance on the centenary of the May 應五四變革的精神。同場有幸師生共同參展, Fourth Movement, during which I created a large- 無疑是對五四的最佳呼應。」 scale work of calligraphy. There were interesting interactions and dialogues between myself and the audience. These added impromptu elements to the 劉澤光博士及其書法作品 Dr Lau Chak Kwong and his calligraphy calligraphy performance and enabled me to have fun with the audience."

Tang Chi Wing : "I am grateful to Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum for the opportunity to create art with my university friends and realise our potentials. We have learned a great deal during the process. Thank you!"

Li Tsz Man "In his large-scale live calligraphy performance, Dr Daniel Lau responded to the spirit of reform in the May Fourth Movement in an innovative manner. The exhibition, which engaged teacher 展廳展示香港浸會大學師生創作的藝術作品 and students as contributors all at once, perfectly On display are the artworks by the teacher and students of the Hong Kong Baptist University echoed the May Fourth Movement." 43 42 常設展覽 常設展覽 公眾導賞團 Public Guided Tours

常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions 孫中山與近代中國 Permanent Exhibitions Permanent Exhibitions Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China 粵語 Cantonese: 2 - 3 pm (星期三、六、日及公眾假期 孫中山紀念館一樓展覽廳 This exhibition aims at explaining how Dr Sun Yat-sen Wed, Sat, Sun and public holidays) Exhibition Gallery, 1/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum was transformed from an aspiring medical student into a renowned revolutionary leader. Supplemented 展覽闡述孫中山先生如何由一位立志懸壺濟世 4 - 5 pm (星期六、日及公眾假期 by a scene setting and historical photographs, the 的醫科學生,搖身一變成為矢志救國的革命 Sat, Sun and public holidays) invaluable artefacts help reconstruct the legendary 家。透過珍貴的文物,配合復原場景和歷史照 life of this great Chinese statesman. Visitors can 普通話 Putonghua 片,重構孫中山先生的傳奇一生,也可得知孫 understand why Dr Sun admitted that he developed 3 - 4 pm (星期六 Sat) 中山先生曾公開表示其革命思想植根於香港的 his revolutionary ideas in Hong Kong. 原因。 英語 English * 由於舉辦專題展覽,原於一樓展覽廳的「孫 * The “Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China” 3 - 4 pm (星期日 Sun) 中山與近代中國」展覽現暫停展出,會於9月 permanent exhibition at the Exhibition Gallery, 探索甘棠第建築特色之旅 (粵語) 初重開。不便之處,敬請原諒。 1/F is temporarily closed for special exhibition. It Exploring Tour of Kom Tong Hall (Cantonese) will re-open in early September. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 14/7, 21/7, 28/7, 4/8, 18/8, 25/8, 1/9, 15/9, 29/9 (日 Sun) 4:30 - 5:30 pm

孫中山時期的香港 每團20人,先到先得 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s版權為香港歷史博物館所有 Time 集合地點︰二樓展覽廳入口處 20 persons per session;© first 2019 come, first served 孫中山紀念館二樓展覽廳 Apart from going through Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Meeting Point: Entrance to Exhibition Gallery, 2/F Exhibition Gallery, 2/F, Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum ©activities 2019 in Hong Kong,Hong this exhibition Kong inspires Museum of History visitors to probe into an intriguing question, that is, 錄音導賞服務 展覽除介紹孫中山先生在香港的事蹟外,更希 why and how Hong Kong in the late 19th century Audio Guide Service 望引發參觀者思考十九世紀末的香港如何孕育 nurtured someone like Dr Sun, who possessed such 備有粵語、普通話及英語,租用費為港幣10元。有興趣人士可到地下低層票務處辦理租用手續 出像孫中山先生這般具有革命創新思想的劃時 progressive revolutionary ideas. With the display of (只限「孫中山時期的香港」常設展)。 代人物,並透過珍貴文物,展示香港在清末革 invaluable artefacts, the exhibition also illustrates Available in Cantonese, Putonghua and English narratives at a rental of HK$10. For enquiries and rental, 命運動中所扮演的重要角色。 explicitly the role of Hong Kong as a revolutionary please proceed to the Box Office, LG/F (only for “Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Time” Permanent pivot in the late Qing era. Exhibition).

孫中山先生受洗記錄,二十世紀初。 Baptism record of Dr Sun Yat-sen, early 20th century.

45 44 公眾節目 公眾節目 特備節目 互動環節 Special Programmes Hands-on Activities

2019社區文化大使 ─《樂‧中樂》巡迴演出暨展覽 4/8 (日 Sun) 二樓活動室�/�每節24人�/�下午2時起到活動室報名 Public Programmes Public Programmes 2019 Community Cultural Ambassador – “Chinese Music Wave” Touring Concert cum Exhibition Activity Room, 2/F / 24 persons per session / Registration starts at 2pm at Activity Room 3 - 4:30 pm 華夏音樂促進會 Hua Xia Chinese Music Association 14/7、28/7 (日Sun) 《新青年》搪瓷杯製作 2 - 3:15pm The Making of New Youth Enamelled Mug 3:45 - 5pm

每節40人 / 即場參加,先到先得。 40 persons per session / First come, first served

「漫遊孫中山成長之路」導賞團 8/9 & 22/9 (日 Sun) “Revisiting Dr Sun Yat-sen’s Youth Journey” Guided Tour

2 - 3pm 甘棠第圖案 ─ 紥染披肩製作 11/8、25/8 (日Sun) Patterns of Kom Tong Hall - The Making of Tie Dye Shawl 每節15人 / 需預先報名 中秋彩繪走馬燈製作 15 persons per session / Prior registration required 1/9、8/9 (日Sun) The Making of Mid Autumn Hand-Painted Trotting Horse Lantern 講座 Lectures 影片欣賞 Film Shows 地下高層專題展覽廳�/�座位40�/�展覽廳將於講座開始前5分鐘開放 Special Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / 40 seats 版權為香港歷史博物館所有/ Admitted 5 minutes before each lecture starts ©地下高層展覽廳�/�座位40�/�展覽廳將於影片放映前5分鐘開放 2019 3 - 5 pm Exhibition Gallery, UG/F / 40 seats / Admitted 5 minutes before each show commences © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History2 - 2:30 pm 五四新文化運動與百年文化發展 20/7 (六 Sat) 24/7, 21/8, 25/9 (三 Wed) 《百年留學: 容閎與留美幼童》 The May Fourth and New Culture Movement and One Hundred Years of Cultural Development 27/7, 17/8, 14/9 (六 Sat) A Hundred Years of Overseas Studies: 陳萬雄博士 (饒宗頤文化館名譽館長) 14/7, 4/8, 22/9 (日 Sun) Yung Wing and Young Children Studying in the US Dr Chan Man Hung (Honorary Director, Jao Tsung-I Academy) 10/7, 7/8, 11/9(三 Wed) 《百年留學︰近代香港留學生》 31/7, 3/8, 7/9(六 Sat) A Hundred Years of Overseas Studies: 五四文學遺產在香港:李歐梵、曹聚仁與香港魯迅閱讀史 3/8 (六 Sat) 28/7, 18/8, 29/9(日 Sun) Foreign-educated Students of Modern Hong Kong May Fourth Literary Heritage in Hong Kong: Leo Lee and Cao Juren and the History of Lu Xun Readership in Hong Kong 「長者暢遊博物館」/「融入香港」活動 張歷君教授 (香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系助理教授) “Museum Tour for the Elderly” / “Integration into Hong Kong” Programmes Professor Cheung Lik Kwan (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, The Chinese 對象Targets:受政府資助的非牟利長者活動中心、長者社區中心、長者鄰舍中心 / 為新移民 University of Hong Kong) 提供服務的綜合家庭服務中心 Non-profit making elderly centres funded by HK government, District Elderly 傳說與想像:紅樓革命史的建構 14/9 (六 Sat) Community Centres and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres / Integrated Family Service Legend and Imagination: Constructing the Revolutionary History of Hung Lau Centres for new immigrants 劉智鵬教授 (嶺南大學協理副校長、歷史系教授) 內容Content:旅遊車接送、導賞服務及工作坊,費用全免 Professor Lau Chi Pang (Associate Vice President and Professor of History, Free coach service, guided tour service and workshop Lingnan University) 查詢Enquiry:3580 6780

講座內容並不代表紀念館立場。除特別註明外,所有講座均以粵語進行,免費入場。 The Museum makes no representation concerning the contents of the lectures. All lectures will be conducted in Cantonese with free admission, unless otherwise specified. 47 46 其他分館 其他分館

Other Branch Museums 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 公眾導賞團 (粵語) Other Branch Museums Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery Public Guided Tours (in Cantonese)

2367 7821 每團20人 / 即場參加,先到先得 / 有興趣人士可到葛量洪號滅火輪船頭集合 20 persons per session / First come, first served / Please wait at the head of FireboatAlexander Grantham

一般導賞團 General Guided Tours 2:30-3:30 pm & 4-5 pm (星期日及公眾假期 Sun and public holidays)

駐船退休消防員特備導賞團 Special Guided Tours by Retired Firefighters who Used to Work On-board 2:30-3:30 pm & 4-5 pm (星期六 Sat)

*7月2日至8月31日因閉館暫停服務 Service suspended during the closure from 2 July to 31 August 特備節目 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館於2019年7月2日至8月31日閉館,以進行大型維修工程,預計9月重 Special Programmes 開。不便之處,敬請原諒。 The Gallery will be closed from 2 July to 31 August 2019 for large-scale maintenance work, 每節名額40人�/�參加者須年滿6歲�/�需預先報名,詳情請參閱展覽館網頁 and will be re-opened in September 2019. Sorry版權為香港歷史博物館所有 for any inconvenience caused. 40 persons per session / Participants must be aged 6 or above / Prior registration required © 2019Please refer to our website for details.

「葛量洪號」由香港黃埔船塢製造,除了見證 The Alexander Grantham was built by Hong Kong 參觀消防局 14/7、25/8 (日 Sun) 香港的消防歷史外,更反映香港上世紀五十©& Whampoa2019 Dock Co.Hong Ltd., and as anKong enduring Museum of History Visit to Fire Station 2 - 3 pm 年代的造船成就。香港歷史博物館把它列為藏 witness to the history of Hong Kong’s sea rescue 品,並建設展覽館,配以獨特的消防文物和多 services, it is also a testament to the achievements 媒體介紹,增進市民對香港海上救援工作的認 of Hong Kong shipbuilding in the 1950s. The Hong 識。 Kong Museum of History acquired the fireboat for its collection, refitting it and opening it to the public in the Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery. Showcasing a number of unique 參觀救護站 28/7 (日 Sun) firefighting artefacts, the Gallery offers a wealth Visit to Ambulance Depot 3:30 - 4:30 pm of information displayed in multimedia formats to enhance the visitors’ understanding of marine rescue work in Hong Kong.

「融入香港」活動 “Integration into Hong Kong” Programme

對象Target :為新移民提供服務的綜合家庭服務中心 參觀「精英號」滅火輪 11/8 (日 Sun) Integrated Family Service Centres for new immigrants Visit to Fireboat Elite 3 - 4 pm 內容Content :旅遊車接送及導賞服務,費用全免 Free coach service and guided tour service 查詢Enquiry :3580 6770 *7月2日至8月31日因閉館暫停服務 Service suspended during the closure from 2 July to 31 August 49 48 其他分館 其他分館

Other Branch Museums 李鄭屋漢墓博物館� 羅屋民俗館 Other Branch Museums Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum Law Uk Folk Museum 2386 2863 2896 7006 博物館展廳位於漢墓旁邊,展示古墓出土的陶 器和青銅器,同時設有「李鄭屋漢墓」展覽和 「互通有無:漢代絲綢之路與貿易圖片展」。 觀眾可透過裝崁在羨道入口的玻璃,或展廳內 的電腦模擬互動展品窺探古墓的內貌。

The exhibition hall was built adjacent to the Han tomb. There are two exhibitions, namely Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb and Trade Passages: A Pictorial Exhibition of the Silk Road in the . In addition to the display of pottery and bronze wares excavated from the tomb, visitors can have a glimpse of the interior of the tomb through the glass panel at the entrance passage, or the interactive computer model in the gallery.

互通有無:漢代絲綢之路與貿易圖片展 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 Trade Passages: A Pictorial Exhibition of the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty © 2019 Hong Kong Museum羅屋建於十八世紀,因原戶主姓羅而得名,是柴灣僅存的古村屋,見證了柴灣的歷史發展。鑑於 of History 2019年1月29日至2020年1月 羅屋的歷史及民俗價值,前巿政局於1976年決定將羅屋修復為民俗館。1989年羅屋被列為法定古 29 January 2019 – January 2020 蹟,羅屋民俗館於1990年開幕。

展覽以兩漢時代的絲綢之路為引子,透過在海 羅屋的中央為正廳,廳外設有天井,左右兩旁是建有閣樓的工作間和睡房、儲物室及廚房。屋內 陸絲綢之路上發現的文物圖片,介紹漢代的運 展示了香港歷史博物館館藏的鄉村傢具及傳統農具,復原了村屋的內部面貌,反映客家人儉樸刻 輸交通及進出口貨物,讓大家了解漢代的貿易 苦的生活方式。羅屋外的空地設有展板,介紹柴灣和羅屋的歷史、羅屋的建築特色,以及客家人 面貌。 的習俗。

Making use of photographs of relics Law Uk (the Law House) was built in the 18th century and named after the original owner, whose discovered along the land and sea routes surname is transliterated as Law. It is the sole remaining example of traditional Hakka domestic of the Silk Road, this exhibition introduces architecture in the district of Chai Wan. It stands as a reminder of the shifting changes in Chai Wan in the transportation and trade in the Han dynasty, course of time. Acknowledging the historical and cultural values of Law Uk, a decision was made by the starting with the Silk Road in the Western former Urban Council in 1976 to conserve Law Uk as a folk museum. In 1989, Law Uk was declared a and Eastern Han dynasties, to give visitors an historical monument, and in 1990, Law Uk Folk Museum was officially open. understanding of the explosion of trade in the Han The house has a central main hall that opens to a light well and is flanked by lofted work area, lofted dynasty. bedroom, storeroom and kitchen. The traditional village furniture and farm tools on display in Law Uk are selected from the collection of the Hong Kong Museum of History, giving visitors a realistic experience of how the inhabitants would have lived. There are reader rails in the open ground in front of the house featuring the history of Chai Wan, the history and architecture of Law Uk, as well as the Hakka customs. 淡藍色玻璃杯 東漢 合浦漢代文化博物館藏 Light blue glass goblet Eastern Han Collection of Hepu Han Dynasty Cultural Museum 51 50 資源及服務 資源及服務

團體預約參觀 預約手語傳譯導賞 Resources and Services Group Visits by Appointments Sign Interpretation Guided Tours by Appointments Resources and Services

香港歷史博物館 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) 2724 9080 2724 9082 https://hk.history.museum https://hk.history.museum

孫中山紀念館 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) 3580 6780 3580 6780 https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum

葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery (7月2日至8月31日因閉館暫停服務) (7月2日至8月31日因閉館暫停服務) (Service suspended during the closure from 2 July to 31 August) (Service suspended during the closure from 2 July to 31 August) 2367 7821 2367 7821 版權為香港歷史博物館所有 https://hk.history.museum © 2019 https://hk.history.museum

以下團體可申請免費導賞服務及豁免專題展覽 The following organisations can apply for free 博物館為聽障人士提供每月兩節手語傳譯導 We offer sign interpretation guided tours 入場費: ©guided 2019 tours and waiverHong of admission Kong charge to Museum賞。每節約1至2小時,名額20人 of History( 包括陪同 for people with hearing impairment. Each i. 參觀人數達20人或以上的註冊幼稚園、小 our special exhibitions: 者),先到先得。有興趣人士請於辦公時間內 tour lasts about 1~2 hours for 20 persons 學、中學、專上學院、大學及慈善團體或非 i. registered kindergartens, primary schools, (星期一至五上午9時30分至下午12時45分;下 (including accompanying minders) on a first come, first served basis. Please contact 牟利機構。 secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, 午2時至5時30分)致電各館查詢或預約。 us during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30 am – universities and charitable or non-profit-making ii. 參觀人數達10人或以上專為殘疾人士或長者 12:45 pm & 2 pm – 5:30 pm) for enquiries or organisations in a group of 20 visitors or more. 服務的註冊學校、慈善團體或非牟利機構。 reservation. 合資格團體可在參觀前兩星期至三個月(由該 ii. registered schools and charitable or non-profit- 月的第一個工作日開始接受報名)向各館遞交申 making organisations serving people with 請。請於辦公時間內(星期一至五上午9時30分 disabilities or the elderly in a group of 10 visitors 至下午12時45分;下午2時至5時30分)致電預 or more. 約。名額有限,先到先得。 Applications should be made 2 weeks to 3 months * 孫中山紀念館專題展覽免費入場。 (from the first working day of the month) to individual museums in advance before the date of visit. Please contact our staff during office hours (Mon-Fri: 9:30 am – 12:45 pm & 2 pm – 5:30 pm) for reservation. All services are arranged on a first come, first served basis. * Free admission for the special exhibition of SYSM

53 52 資源及服務 資源及服務

外借服務�� 參考資料室�� Resources and Services Loan Out Services Resource Centre Resources and Services

版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 博物館提供一系列展板及教學資源,歡迎本地 香港歷史博物館 參考資料室位於香港歷史博物館二樓,收藏有 開放時間:  註冊學校,以及慈善團體或非牟利機構免費申©Hong 2019 Kong Museum Hong of History (HKMH) Kong Museum關中國及香港歷史、考古、民俗、自然歷史及 of History星期一至五:上午9時30分至下午12時45分 請借用,更提供免費運送服務,先到先得。 2724 9026 博物館學等參考書刊及影音資料,以及香港早 下午2時至5時正 請於辦公時間(星期一至五上午9時30分至下 https://hk.history.museum 年面貌的歷史圖片。不設外借服務,只供於資 星期六:上午9時30分至中午12時 午12時45分;下午2時至5時30分)致電各館預 料室內使用及閱讀。 (請於一個工作天前預約) 香港海防博物館 約。有關展板目錄及詳情,可瀏覽各館網頁及 星期六下午、星期日及公眾假期休息 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal (HKMCD) Located on 2/F of the HKMH, the Resource Centre 下載申請表格。 Opening Hours : 2569 1248 provides reference books, periodicals and audio- Mon to Fri : 9:30 am - 12:45 pm & 2 pm - 5 pm We offer exhibition panels and teaching aids https://hk.coastaldefence.museum visual materials on Chinese and Hong Kong history, Sat : 9:30 am - 12 nn for free loan and free delivery to local registered archaeology, ethnography, natural history and 孫中山紀念館 (Please make appointment one day in schools and charitable or non-profit-making museology, as well as historical photos depicting Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum (SYSM) advance) organisations on a first come, first served basis. early Hong Kong views. All materials are only used 3580 6780 in the Resource Centre and not available for loan. Closed on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public Please contact us during office hours (Mon-Fri: https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum holidays. 9:30 am-12:45 pm & 2 pm - 5:30 pm) for  reservation. For catalogues and details, welcome 2724 9009  to visit our websites and download the application 2724 9033 form.

55 54 博物館位置及開放時間 博物館位置及開放時間 香港歷史博物館 Hong Kong Museum of History https://hk.history.museum 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery https://hk.history.museum

九龍尖沙咀漆咸道南100號 香港鰂魚涌公園 開放時間 Opening Hours : 開放時間 Opening Hours : 100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Quarry Bay Park, Hong Kong 星期一、三至五:上午10時至下午6時 星期一、三至日:上午10時至下午6時  2724 9042 2724 9090  2367 7821 3580 0498 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 星期二(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 巴士站 Bus Stop: 尖沙咀東巴士總站 巴士站 Bus Stop: Monday, Wednesday to Friday: 10am-6pm Monday, Wednesday to Sunday: 5, 5C, 5P,5X,8,8A,28, 87D, TST East Bus Terminus: 乘搭途經鯉景道的巴士(2A, 2X, 77, 99, 110, 722),至鯉景灣休憩公園對面下車, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10am-6pm 213X,215P,215X,219X,224X, 13X,26,35A,41A,98D,98P, 再沿行人路向西步行約5分鐘,經香港電影資料館至鰂魚涌公園。 Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 796P,973,A21 208,796X 10am-7pm Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: Take any bus that runs via Lei King Road (2A, 2X, 77, 99, 110, 722). Get off 10am-5pm 10am-5pm opposite Lei King Wan Leisure Area and walk westwards for around 5 minutes, Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and 港鐵站 MTR Station: Location and Opening Hours Closed on Tuesdays (except public holidays), and going past the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park. the first two days of the Chinese New Year Location and Opening Hours 尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口沿金馬倫道向尖沙咀東部方向步行約15分鐘。 the first two days of the Chinese New Year 紅磡港鐵站D1出口沿行人天橋往尖東方向步行約15分鐘。 港鐵站 MTR Station: 免費入場 Free Admission 尖東港鐵站P2出口沿麼地道步行約10分鐘。 免費入場 Free Admission 太古港鐵站E出口經太古城中心和行人天橋步行約10分鐘至鰂魚涌公園。 About 15-minute walk along Cameron Road from Exit B2 of Tsim Sha Tsui Station (指定的專題展覽除外) towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. 西灣河港鐵站A出口向西經香港電影資料館步行約10分鐘至鰂魚涌公園。 (Except specified special exhibitions) About 15-minute walk along the footbridge from Exit D1 of Hung Hom Station Take Exit E of Tai Koo Station, walk through Cityplaza and then cross the footbridge towards the direction of Tsim Sha Tsui East. to the Quarry Bay Park for about 10 minutes. About 10-minute walk along Mody Road from Exit P2 of East Tsim Sha Tsui Station. Take Exit A of Sai Wan Ho Station and then head west via the Hong Kong Film Archive to Quarry Bay Park for about 10 minutes.

香港海防博物館 Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence https://hk.coastaldefence.museum 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum https://hk.history.museum

香港筲箕灣東喜道175號 九龍深水埗東京街41號 175 Tung Hei Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong 41 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon 開放時間 Opening Hours :  2569 1500 2569 1637  2386 2863 2361 2105 星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 版權為香港歷史博物館所有© 2019 星期四(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 香港海防博物館現正閉館,進行常設展及史蹟徑的更新工程,並提升館內外設施,我們將於2020年以全新面貌再為公眾服務,為大家帶來 巴士站 Bus Stop: Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: 10am- 耳目一新的參觀體驗。 2,2A,112,796C,970,970X 6pm The museum is now closed for revamping its permanent exhibition and historical trail, and upgrading visitor facilities. We look forward to © 2019 Hong Kong Museum of History Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: meeting you with a fresh look in 2020. 10am-5pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and 港鐵站 MTR Station: the first two days of the Chinese New Year 長沙灣港鐵站A3出口沿指示牌步行約10分鐘。 免費入場 Free Admission 孫中山紀念館 Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum https://hk.drsunyatsen.museum About 10-minute walk from Exit A3 of Cheung Sha Wan Station.

香港中環半山衛城道7號 7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central, Hong Kong 開放時間 Opening Hours : 星期一至三、五:上午10時至下午6時  2367 6373 3580 0498 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum https://hk.history.museum 星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至晚上7時 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 香港柴灣吉勝街14號 開放時間 Opening Hours : 巴士站�Bus Stop: 專線小巴 Minibus: 星期四(公眾假期、孫中山先生11月12日誕辰及 14 Kut Shing Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 星期一至三、五至日:上午10時至下午6時 12,12M,13,23,23B, 8,10,22,22S,28,31 3月12日忌辰除外)、農曆年初一及二休館  2896 7006 2724 9090 聖誕前夕及農曆新年除夕:上午10時至下午5時 40,40M,103 Monday to Wednesday, Friday:10am-6pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 星期四(公眾假期除外)、農曆年初一及二休館 10am-7pm 巴士站 Bus Stop: 專線小巴 Minibus: Monday to Wednesday, Friday to Sunday: Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 8 16M,18M,43M,47M,48M 10am-5pm 10am-6pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays, the Christmas Eve and Chinese New Year’s Eve: 港鐵站 MTR Station: anniversaries of Dr Sun’s birth on 12 November 10am-5pm Closed on Thursdays (except public holidays), and 中環港鐵站D1或D2出口往中環至半山扶手電梯至堅道,再沿行人路向西步行 and death on 12 March), and the first two days the first two days of the Chinese New Year 約5分鐘。 of the Chinese New Year 港鐵站 MTR Station: Take Exit D1 or D2 of Central Station to the Mid-Levels Escalator from Central to 柴灣港鐵站B出口沿指示牌步行約5分鐘。 Caine Road, and walk westwards along the pavement for around 5 minutes. 免費入場 Free Admission 免費入場 Free Admission About 5-minute walk from Exit B of Chai Wan Station.

編輯:推廣服務組 Editorial : Extension Services Unit 版權屬康樂及文化事務署所有©2019年 版權所有,未經許可,不得翻印、節錄或轉載 Copyright©2019 Leisure and Cultural Services Department All rights reserved. 57 56