A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 0 8 Association for PPerspectiveerspective Humanistic Psychology ahpweb.org Transpersonal Training in Italy: The Grossmans Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs—but Whose Pyramid? A Thought Experiment: Where Is Here? Prison State of Mind Reviews Professional Life Coach Soul Visioning Healing Tales Christianity & Non-Dualism LOGO OF THE WHITE DOVE CENTER FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN POTENTIAL Past Life Dreamwork IN GENOA, ITALY, FOUNDED BY JULES AND TEDDI GROSSMAN Unstuck: Out of Depression Awakening of Intelligence AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2008 ahp PERSPECTIVE 1 ASSOCIATION for HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY . since 1962, kindred spirits on the edge, where human potential and evolving consciousness meet AHP principles include integrity in personal and professional interactions, authenticity, trust in human relationships, compassion and deep listening skills, respect for the uniqueness, value, independence, interdependence, and essential oneness of all beings. PAST PRESIDENTS JAMES F. T. B UGENTAL AHP OFFICE & PERSONNEL SIDNEY M. JOURARD 510/769-6495; Fax: 510/769-6433, AHP MEMBERSHIP E. J. SHOBEN, JR.
[email protected], 1516 Oak St., Suite #317, CHARLOTTE BÜHLER Alameda, CA 94501-2947, ahpweb.org connect with conscious community, Membership Director: Bonnie Davenport, S. STANSFELD SARGENT enhance quality of life,
[email protected] JACK R. GIBB and advance awareness & skill Web Producer: John Harnish,
[email protected] in humanistic principles & practices GERARD V. H AIGH CEC Coordinator: Deb Oberg,
[email protected] FLOYD W. M ATSON Perspective Editor: Kathleen Erickson,
[email protected] DENIS O’DONOVAN Journal of Humanistic Psychology Editor: Kirk Schneider
[email protected] FRED MASSARIK LAWRENCE N.