
Life Group Guide | August 15 & 16 A guide for Life Groups, families or individual study. Feel free to use the back of this sheet for notes. Missed the weekend message? Visit our website’s online sermons page and listen online: redeemerconnect.com/sermons- online. OPENING PRAYER , you are the and God in the flesh. You are greater than any other. Help us to go into the world as representatives of your character. May we remember, because of who you are and what you’ve done, that we can persevere when faced with temptation and persecution. Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross so that we may be restored and redeemed. Amen. CONNECTING QUESTION The greatest ____ is _____? Fill in the blank with a category of your choice (friend, baseball player, natural wonder, etc.) What makes that person or thing great?

SCRIPTURE READING Read Aloud & Meditate on God’s Word: Hebrews 1:1-6, 13, 3:1-6

EXPLORE THE TEXT  Hebrews 1:1-4 reminds us of who Jesus is. He is not just “like” God, but he is God. Scripture reveals that Jesus is greater than the . Because Jesus performed the work of redemption, he now sits at the right hand of God. Which of the qualities of Jesus, mentioned in verses 2-4, do you most appreciate?  Hebrews 1:4 says, “So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.” At that time, angels were honored and revered. However, Jesus became “superior” because his name (Son) was a name to which no could claim. How is his name more than a description or title? How does his name describe his nature and character?  Read :14-18. We know that those who believe in Christ are God’s children because of the sacrifice of Jesus. He came to rescue us from sin, and died in our place. What did Jesus accomplish by his death as “one of us”? Why did we need someone fully human, not an angel, to die in our place?  Scripture also tells us that Jesus is greater than , and He is worthy of our trust. Read :4-6, making note of this distinction. God is the builder of everything. And while Moses was faithful as a servant in God’s house, Christ is faithful over God’s house. In what ways are Jesus and Moses similar?  Jesus and Moses were both sent by the Father to lead his people out of bondage, but what are the differences in those circumstances that make it clear that Jesus is greater than Moses?  Read Hebrews 3:6. Jesus is our ultimate example, not Moses. Because Jesus was the one who came to fulfill God’s plan, we can hold firmly to our confidence and the hope we have in him. Continue reading Hebrews 3:7-13. As believers, what warning are we given against disobedience and unbelief? How can we encourage one another? SCRIPTURE FOR FURTHER STUDY Psalm 8:4-6, Mark 10:25, Acts 15:10-11, Romans 8:34, Romans 13:8-10 LIFE GROUP OPTIONAL PRAYER TIME —HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU?

CLOSING PRAYER & THE LORD’S PRAYER Jesus, through your suffering, we have been redeemed. Thank you for the work you did on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice so that we may be restored. Help us to recognize who you are, fully human and fully God, and that you rescued us from death. Help us to humbly serve others in love. Amen.

Our Father…