International Language of the Delegation



Revised by L. DE BEAUFRONT (President of the French ldistic Society).

In wnformitr with the decisions of the Ido Academy


PAGE. Foreword ...... v . Introduction ...... vii .

The of Ido ...... 3

English Idioms and Ido ...... 20

Grammatical Terminations and Affixes ... 41

Exercaro ...... 45

English Translation of Exercaro ...... 67

Ido-English Vocabulary ...... 89

English-Ido Vocabulary ...... 129

List of Geographical Names ...... 185 VISCOUNT NORTHCLIFFE AND ID0


Dear iZlarquis de Beaufront, I thank you for yotrr letter. I am bplensed to assist your work in Propagating Ido by giving the new inter- national language Pz~blicity in tny news- papers. Believing Ido to be a practicul auxiliary tolcgue and a valuable time- saver to nations adopti~zg it, I trust you will realize your ideal that it may further a still closer entente between tlte Britislt Elnpire and France, and indeed betweett the Allies gen~rally. Youvs tvuly, (sgd.) NORTHCLIFFE.

27th May, 1917.


The present volunle has been issued to meet the widespread demand for an up-to-date text-book of Ido. In all countries interest in the international language, which had abated in the early part of the world-war, is awakening anew, and from all quarters enquiries about Ido are being received. To the individual we can recommend Ido : (1) as alanguage which one can easily, quickly and pleasantly acquire ; (2) as a language which constitutes an attractive and unique personal : and (3) a5 a language which will probably bestow im- portant advantages on its experts.

Apart from its obvious advantages as a medium for international communication, Ido will play a great part in language study. It is a well-known fact that the first foreign language learnt, whichever it may be, is always the most difficult, for the student has to learn to discard the limits of his mother tongue when thinking. Once this is done, the learning of subsequent languages is easier. Ido is regular and logical in its construction and the simplest language ever devised. Make Ido the first foreign language to be learnt and many of the initial troubles of language students can be avoided. It is quite possible to learn Ido and follow on with French or another European language and make better progress than could be obtained by applying oneself directly to the national language with all its idioms and irregularities.

In a sense the Complete Manual is not a new work, though it has never appeared before in the present form. The grammatical section is substantially the Practical Grammar as revised by our lamented colleague, Dr. J. L. Moore, of Bristol University, shortly before his death. No apology is needed for including M. de Beaufront's Exevcaro, the standard international set of exercises in Ido. The English key to the Exercaro has been supplied by Mr. L. H. Dyer v. of Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., and should be of considerable assistance to the student. The vocabularies, while not claiming to be exhaustive, are in advance of any which have appeared for English-speaking students. For the lists of geographical names we are once more indebted to M. de Beaufront,

To the great number of friends who have extended their counsel and assistance to us in the preparation of this book we tender our cordial thanks. The kindness of M. de Beaufront in revising and augmenting the vocabularies during a time of great , if not actual danger, must not be left without mention. Our colleague's residence was destroyed during the German advance of March, 1918, and that unfortunate circumstance will have the effect of still further delaying the production of the greater English-Ido and Ido-English dictionaries. Undei the circumstances we must consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have secured M. de Beaufront's co-operation in this more modest work. INTRODUCTION.

N international auxiliary language is not meant to replace the natural languages, but to help everyone, A including people possessing only an average elementary education, to speak and write to citizens of foreign countries, The need of an international language, to be learnt in all countries, by all people interested in communicating their thoughts and needs to one another, is to-day universally recognised. Opinions are, however, divided as to whether this role should devolve upon one of the existing natural languages, such as English or French, or whether a specially formed artificial language should be preferred. There are many obstacles that prevent any natural language being used for the international medium of expression. There are difficulties of grammar, idioms, exceptions and irregularities, and English-whose grammar is the simplest of all, possesses an additional difficulty in its pronunciation which follows rather custom than spelling. Another obstacle is the national pride and national interest of the other nations who would fear to see the prestige and the influence of the favoured nation grow to proportions menacing to them. The use of a neutral language, on the other hand, spares all susceptibilities and not only does each people discover in it something of the essence of its own speech, but it is a hundred times easier to learn than even the simplest natural language. The idea of an international language is by no means recent. Already in 1629 Descartes had defined the two principal systems of international language. Firstly, the a prior; system of the so-called philosophical languages, consisting of arbitrarily selected letters, or words indicating an idea or a group of ideas in accordance with a determined vii. classification and based in no way upon any natural language. Secondly, the a posteriori system based on roots already existing in the natural languages with a grammar reduced to its most simple explession and comprising neither irregu- larity nor exception.* Reason and experience have proved that a priori auxiliary languages are interesting only as curiosities evolved by the human intellect. To return to the a posteriori system, Descartes even foresaw the possibility of modifying the meaning of primitive roots by means of affixes and thus of unburdening the memory to a very great extent; for instance, 5,000 roots, modified in their meanings by five different affixes, represent 30,000 ideas, viz., 5,000 simple conceptions and 25,000 derived ideas. From the time of Cromwell to our days dozens of projects for an international language of both the a priori and the a posteriori, as well as of mixed systems, have been produced. Worthy of mention are the a priori systems of Sir Thomas Urquhart (1653), George Dalgarno (1661), John Wilkins, Bishop of Chester (1668), Liebnitz (1679)) Delormel (17g5), Sudre (1817)~Grosselier (1836), Letellier (1852), Dr. Nicolas (1900) ; the mixed systems of Monseigneur Schleyer (Volapiik, 1879) and of Bollac (La langue bleue, 1899) ; also various a posteriori systems based upon Latin, German, Anglo-French, Italian and other languages. None of the a priori languages had any vogue. Volapiik was a mixed system, invented in 1879 by the Abbe Schleyer, who is supposed to have possessed a knowledge of more than fifty natural languages. It was welcomed and learnt in a number of countries. Within nine years it was spoken by one million people. Instruction books were printed in twenty-five languages, and there were nearly 300 Volapiik Societies distributed throughout Europe, America and the British Colonies. This progress was achieved entirely without

* An example of an a priori language is the system of Letellier of Caen,in whifh, for instance, the letter a=animal ; ab =mammal ; abo=camivorous ; aboj=feline ; abojc=cat. In the same manner abo&=dog, because the dog is an animal (a), a mammal (b), carnivorous (c), of the camne genus (d),and of the dog specles (c). Such a system is veritably a linguistic algebra. any governmental aid, and so sensational a success shows how widely felt is the need of an international language. The printed appearance of Volapiik is outlandish, and although the vocabulary is supposed to be based mainly upon the , the words are built in so arbitrary a fashion that they bear no resemblance whatever to the English ones which are supposed to have suggested them. The word Volapuk, for instance, is stated to be based on the

English words " world " and " speak " ! The language and grammar are quite ingenious. Volapuk fell rapidly from favour because its disadvantages were so obvious that groups arose in different localities, each desirous of reforming the language. Bishop Schleyer would not consent to a reform, and sections of his " followers " proceeded to introduce changes. It was this schism, together with the difficulty of the language, which caused it to fall from favour. No one knew which to learn of the several different kinds of Volapiik in existence. After Volapuk had quickened the interest in a universal language, numbers of other systems made their appearance, several of them almost practical, , invented by Dr. Zamenhof, and published in 1887, presenting the maxi- mum of internationality until 1907, when Ido appeared and offered to the world a simple and efficient means of international communication. These are the circumstances in which Ido originated. At the time of the Paris Exhibition in 1900, when so many International Congresses met in the French capital, the necessity of adopting a language for international use seems more than ever to have been felt, because, as is customary, although authorities from all countries found themselves in the presence one of the other, they were practically tongue- tied ! A number of these Congresses and learned Societies, there- fore, appointed Delegates for the consideration of the inter- national language question. These Delegates met in January, 1901, and founded " a Delegation for the Adoption of an Auxiliary International Language." They, furthermore, drew up the following Declaration, which was also approved by the Delegates they elected subsequently. ix DECLARATION OF PROGRAMME OF DELEGATION.

I. To select and promote the use of an auxiliary inter- national language destined not to replace the national lan- guages in their everyday use, but to serve as a means of communication between people speaking different languages. 2. In order to fulfil usefully its intended purpose, an inter- national auxiliary language ought to satisfy the following conditions :- (a) It must meet the requirements of ordinary social life, and also those of commerce, science, and philosophy. (6) It must be easily acquired by people having an ordinary elementary education, and especially by the peoples of European civilization. (c) It must not be one of the national languages.

From its foundation up to the year 1907 it had received the adherence of 310 Societies from all countries, and the approval of 1,250 members of Academies and Universities. It then elected an international committee composed of scientists and linguists having special competence in the matter. Prominent Esperantists recognised the impartiality of the Delegation, as well as the scientific spirit in which it prepared to select the auxiliary language to be adopted and agreed to accept the decision of the Committee. There seemed to be little doubt that Esperanto would be the artificial language selected by the Delegation from among the seventy odd projects that were to be considered. The Secretaries of the Committee of the Delegation were Messrs Couturat and Leau, two eminent French philologists and mathematicians, who are the authors of " L'Histoire de la Langue Universelle " and " Les Nouvelles Langues Internationales," the two standard works on the . The Committee was composed of :- Prof. Louis Couturat (D6s lettres Paris), Philologist and Mathematician. Prof. Dr. Leop. Leau (Univ. of Paris), Philologst. Prof. Dr. Otto Jespersen (Univ. of Copenhagen), Philologist. Prof. Dr. Baudouin de Courtenay (Univ. of Petrograd), Philologist. Mr. P. D. Hugon (London), Linguist. (Representing Mr. W. T. Stead). Dr. Boirac (Dijon), Linguist. M. Gaston Moch (Dijon), Linguist. Prof. Dr. Foerster (Univ. of Berlin), Philologist and Astronomer. Prof. Dr. W. Ostwald (Emeritus Prof. of Leipzig Univ.). Philologist and Nobel Prize-Winner for Chemistry. Prof. Dr. Peano (Univ. of Turin), Philologist and Mathe- matician. These details are mentioned to indicate that this was no hole and corner Committee, but a Committee composed of men as eminent and competent as any that could be appointed by an interested Government. It is evident, therefore, that the matter was properly investigated and that the decision of the Delegation may be accepted. If any Government committee were officially to consider the matter they would only have to go over the same ground again, and probably take as long to do so as the Delegation did. After six years of preparatory studies the Committee deliberated in 1907, and finally decided that none of the languages submitted to its examination could be adopted as it stood. They decided to adopt Esperanto in principle, modified in accordance with the suggestion of the Marquis de Beaufront, whose revised Esperanto is termed Ido. The word Ido is an Esperanto meaning " derived from," i.e., derived from Esperanto. Ido has not the uncouth appearance of the original Espe- ranto, and is more euphonious in sound. It has about it something suggestive of Italian. It has suppressed all accented letters and may, therefore, be printed with the ordinary founts of type or written on any typewriter. Ido has, furthermore, suppressed all but a few grammatical rules which have neither exception nor irregularity. The xi. correlative words of Esperanto, which are constantly recurring, though difficult to learn and ugly in sound and look, are abolished and replaced by simple words of Latin derivation. All former language projects have tended constantly and surely towards the evolution of Ido. Although the Marquis de Beaufront established the natural principles upon which Ido should be artificially constructed, the language is far from being the invention of any one man. It has been formed by the united efforts of many distinguished philologists in many countries, and has involved over seven years' work. Couturat, Leau, de Beaufront, Casares, Jespersen, Mackensen (San Antonio, U.S.A.), Ostwald, Pfaundler, Lorenz, Chalon, Peus, Waltisbiihl, Schneeberger (Switzerland), Ahlberg (Stockholm), Donnan (London University), Hugon, Dow, Koopman (Brown University, Providence, R.I., U.S.A.), and the late Dr. J. L. Moore, of Bristol University, are among the men who have collaborated in this great task and made it a labour of love. The vocabulary is scientific, being con- structed upon the principle of the maxiw~unzof internationality. This means that the authors, when choosing a certain root. examined all the equivalents in European languages and selected a root which most resembles that understood by most $eo$le, in look, if possible, as well as sound. This basis is simple and fundamentally sound, where- after all that is left to arbitrary choice are the grammatical endings. These are very few and are established in a manner completely analogous to that of natural languages. For example, the ending o is natural for the singular, and i for the ; anta is natural for the active and ata for the passive participle. There then remains the question of afixes (9rejixes and sufixes) used to modify the meanings of the primitive roots. Their selection is not difficult, and cannot be arbitrary, being likewise subject to the law of the maximum of internationality ; for instance, the suffix ev must necessarily indicate the who performs the action ex- pressed by the , because it is used in this sense by the majority of the great European languages ; eur in French, cv in English and German, ero in Italian and Spanish, etc. These examples show that the evolution of the international language takes lace in a well-determined and mathematically defined directibn. That is the maximum of internationality of the root based upon the number of people who understand it, which is briefly the law of the least effort applied to the science of language. M. Louis Couturat, the eminent French mathematician and linguist, who devoted his personal fortune and the last years of his life to the task of codifying the vocabulary of Ido, counted the 5,379 roots of the first Ido dictionaries, and found that of these the follo~vingnumbers occur in the inter- national languages :-

French 4,880 i.e. 91 per IOO Italian 4,454 ,, 83 ,,

Spanish 4,237 9, 79 ,, English 4,219 ,, 79 ,, German 3,302 ,, 61 ,, Russian 2,821 ,, 52 ,, For all these languages the above percentages are relatively higher than in the case of any previously suggested auxiliary language. Ido is thus truly a neutral language, of ideal simplicity and regularity, and because of these qualities it permits the easy and clear expression in a manner free from all am- biguity of the most concrete and the most abstract ideas with a minimum of brain work. Ido is the final international language, the result of long evolution and of the experience gained from former systems. Ido has been in practical use for some years past. It is read and spoken by men of the most diverse nationalities, and not one intrinsic difficulty has stood in the way of its spread. One thing alone is neces- sary to assure its success, and that is a desire on the part of mankind to shake off indifference and scepticism with regard to so pleasing an invention and thus to render possible the same progress in the communication of ideas as has been rendered possible in the material world by the invention of railways, telegraphy and the telephone. The student should know that more than thirty years ago the Marquis de Beaufront invented an earlier auxiliary lan- guage which he, however, discarded when the first books on Esperanto reached France. He became the enthusiastic chief of the Esperanto movement in Western Europe, and xiii. not only has he been called the codifier of Esperanto, but it is generally recognised that had it not been for his personal efforts little more would have been heard of Esperanto. When M. de Beaufront submitted his suggestions for the new auxiliary language, he did so anonymously, in order that the Committee of the Delegation might judge the project on its intrinsic merits, and not on the linguistic prestige of its author. The Ido project, as mentioned earlier, was unanimously approved, and at the end of its eighteen meetings in the College de France (October, 1go7), the Committee of the Delegation appointed a permanent Commission charged to settle the details of the language adopted. It is as a result of the labours of that Commission that the first manuals and dictionaries of the language Ido were compiled, in conformity with the oficial decisions of the Committee and the Commission. This is formally attested in a declaration of the said Com- mission signed by all its members, and notably by the pro- fessors Ostwald, Baudouin de Courtenay, and Jespersen, President and Vice-Presidents of the Committee of the Dele- gation, who were present and took part at all its meetings. The Delegation having thus achieved its , was regularly dissolved on the 31st July, 1910, after having founded, in accordance with one of the articles of its programme, Tlte Union for the International Language, whose mission was to develop and to propagate the " International Language of the Delegation." That Union, regularly constituted, with headquarters in Zurich, is directed by a Committee and an Academy, regularly elected and periodically re-elected. F. H. B.


THE ALPHABET.-The ordinary English alphabet of 26 letters is used, without accents or other mark$. Spelling is phonetic, but the values of certain letters differ from the Eligllsh values. Roughly, the are sounded as in English, the vowels as in German, Italian or French. THECONSONANTS b, d, f, k, 1, m, n, p, t, v, w, x, z are pronounced as in English, except that x keeps the ks sound even initially. c=ts in tsetse. qu as in queen. g=g in get (never as 111 gem). sh as in shall. A hyphen IS used h is always sounded. in words to show j is sounded as in French, that that each letter keeps its own is like s in zi6szon. sound, as chas-hzrndo, c hunting- r is trilled or clearly pronounced. dog )). s is always sharp, as in a house y is always a , like the (never like z, as in to house). y in yes. Hence mavo 1s mah- ch as in church. vo, not may-o. THE VOWELSare a, e, i, 0, u and are sounded as in the words fathrr, vezl, machine, SOT^, rule. The southern English tendency to diphthongize the vowels, especially those in liezl, soul should be avoided; they should be single sounds as sung on a single note Listen how a foreigner or a Scotchman pronounces them. There are two dzphthongs in Ido, au and eu. Give each half of the diphthong the sound it would have if standing alone, only making the u shorter and weaker. Thus, nu is pronounced ah-oo (something like ow in cow) ; eu is pronounced eh-00. THE ACCENTor stress of falls (I) on the last of the (-by, -ir, -6r) , (2) on the last syllable but one of other words. (3) But in polysyllabic roots, i and u immediately before a vowel cannot receive the stress. E.g. : (I) amIr, kredir, findr ; (2) amlta, kredita, finhta, espert3bIe. faclnda, j6y0, boId, muzeo, herb, dio, diio ; (3) fhlio, ltlio, mentio, Itllia, akademio, melddio, Iquo, linguo, pdrtuo, r@vuo. I MANUSCRIPT.-T~~written forms of certain letters differ slightly in different countries. In international correspondence it is then advisable to choose these forms that most resemble the italic printed letters, especially in the case of capitals ; e.g. the small e, g, x, the capital C, F, J, T, S. With regard to figures, the same rule holds. In a nutshell, write clearly and avoid flourishes.

PRONUNCIATION EXERCISE Ka vu ja lernas la nova linguo Kah voo zhah Ilirnahs lah nbhvah lCengwoh iaternaciona ? Me komencis studiar 01 ante eentairnahtsibhnah? meh kohm6ntsees stoodeahr oh1 Shnteh kelka dii, e me trovas, ke 01 esas vere kClkah d6e-ee, eh meh trbhvahs, keh oh1 6hsahs vehreh tre faeila. Omna-die me lektas texto dnm treh iahts6elah. bmnah-d6e-eh meh lCktahs tdkstoh doom un horo ; me sempre lektas iaute. Ka vu oon hbhro ; meh sdmpreh ldktahs l6uteh. Ka voo komprenas to ? komprdhnahs toh ? THE GRAMMAR OF IDO.

LESSON I. .-T~~definite article (the) is la. There is no indefinite article (a or an) : patr-ulo, a father ; la patr-ulo, the father. .-The noun ends in -0 in the singular ; in -i in the plural : frat-ulo, brother ; frat-uli, brother.. . la frat-ino, the sister ; la frat-ini, the sisters. .-The adjective ends in -a (singular and plural) : bon-a, good ; long-a, long. bona patrulo, bona patruli. VERB.-T~~present infinitive of ends in -ar (bearing the accent or stress of voice) : kred-ar', to believe ; don-ar', to give. The present tense ends in -as : me kred'-as, I helieve. me don'-as, I give. The past infinitive ends in -ir (accented) : kred-ir', to have believed. don-ir', to have give~z. The past tense ends in -is : me kred'-is, I believed, I Jzave believed. me don'-is, I gave, I have given. QUESTIOXS.-Questions are asked by beginning the sentence with kad : Kad vu kredas ? Do you believe ? Kad vu komprenis ? Did you understand ? (= Question you understood). If there is a word like who, where, etc., kad is not used : Ube vu lojas ? Where do you live ? NEGATION.-The word ne, not, is always placed before the verb or word it modifies : I1 ne esas, He is not. Do, D1~.-The English auxiliaries, do, did, are not translated : Do 3ou come ? (= Question you come), He does not say (=He not says). Kad vu venas ? I1 ne dicas. Did you speak ? (=Question you spoke), They rlidnot go (=They not went) Kad vu parolis ? Li ne iris. AFFIXES.-Gender is usually left unmarked in Ido, as is often the case in English : filio, child. sekretario, secretary. kuzo, cousin. When necessary, the suffix -ul marks masculine. -in feminine : Illi-ul-o, son ; fili-in-o, daughter. kuz-ul-o, male cousin ; kuz-in-o, female cousin. doktor-ul-o, man doctor ; doktor-in-o, woman doctor. 3 When necessary, the prefix ge- markn common gender (both sexes together) : ge-patri, parents. ge-avi, grandparents. ge-filii, children, sons and duughters. A few words are of one gender only : viro, man. matro, mother. amazono, amazon. damo, marvied lady. The suffix -id denotes offspring : Izrael-id-o, Israelite. bo- = -in-law : bo-patrulo, father-in-law.* E~1s1ox.-In the following words the final d is part of the root ; it may be dropped before a consonant, But the elision is not com- pulsory ; those who prefer to use either form only may do so : ka, kad, question word. e, ed, and. a, ad, to. 0, od, or. KARAAMIKO, Ka vu ja lernas la nova linguo internaciona ? Me komencis studiar 01 ante kelka dii, e me trovas, ke 01 esas vere tre facila. Omna-die me lektas texto dum un horo; me sempre lektas laute. Pose me facas kurta traduko e fine me skribas letro en la nova linguo. Ka vu komprenas to ? Kun kordiala saluto, Vua amiko, B. LESSON 11. .-Adjectivesare compared by : plu . . kam, more . . than. tam . . . kam, as . . . as. min . . kam, less . . than. ne tam . . . kam, not so . . .as. maxim . . de, most . . . of. trey very. minim . . de, least . . . of. E.g. : Me esas tam richa kam il, I am as rich as he (is). El esas plu granda kam me, She is taller than I (am). 01 esas la maxim bela de omni, It is the finest of all. I1 esas tre brava, He is very brave. Kam is used in making comparison, even where English does not use than : Me preferas ico kam ito, I prefer this to that. Translate as good as possible and similar phrases thus : maxim bona posible. ADVERBSof manner are formed from by changing -a into -e : bon-a, good ; bon-e, well. fln-a, final ; fin-e, finally. They are compared like adjectives : I1 lektas plu bone, He reads better. PRONOUNS.-The personal pronouns are : Sing. : me, I, me. il, he, him. tu, thou, thee. el, she, her. vu, vou (speaking to one person). 01, it. Plur. : ni, we, us. vi, you (more than one person). 11, they, them. * For Reference List of affixes see pp. 11-42. 4 When necessary, the gender of they, them may be indicated by using the fuller forms : ill for the masculine, ell for the feminine. and oli for the neuter. And similarly in the singular lu is the common gender form of il, el, 01, corresponding to 11 in the plural ; it is con- venient in such sentence3 as : If the reader des~resfuller detazls, let him or her (lu) turn to page so-and-so. on, one, they, people : E.g. : On dicez quon on volas, Let people say what %)eylzke. The reflexive pronoun is su, himself, herself, itself, themselves (third person only) : I1 lavas su, He washes hzmself. Li lavas su, They wash themselves. But : Me lavas me, I wash myself. VER~. The future tense ends in -0s ; the conditional in -us ; the imperative in -ez : Me esos, I shall be. El vidas, she would see. Venez hike 1 Come here ! AFFIXES. -er, one who habitually does something, amateur : fum-ero, smoker. voyaj-ero, traveller. This suffix is also used for animals or things characterized by an habitual action : rept-ero, reptile, remork-ero, tug (-boat). -kt, one whose profession has to do with : art-isto, artist. iotograf-isto, professzonal Photographer. dent-isto, denttst. (Cp. fotograf-ero, amateur photoprapher.) Tie suffix -1st also indicates an adherent of a party or school of thought : social-isto, socialist. ideal-isto, idealist. -Ism, system, doctrine, party : social-ismo, socialism. Katolik-ismo, Catholicism. -an, member of a community, country, town or body : societ-ano, society member. Paris-ano, Parisian. Kanad-ano, Canadian. partis-ano, pavtisan. -ier, who or what bears or is characterized by : pom-iero, apple-lree. roz-iero, rose-bush. millon-iero, millionaire. Also, in a few wordq, holder : plum-iero, pen-holder. sigar-iero, cigar-holder.

Me arivis en la staciono. La veturo haltis. Portisto ad\-enis. " Ube vu iras ? " il questionis. "Me iras a Paris." me respondis.- " Ka vu havas vua bilieto ? "-" No ! -" Venez komprar 01 en la kontoro." Me pagis la veturisto. Me donis ad il drinko-pekunio. " Hastez ! " klamis la portisto. " La treno departos sen vu."- " On devas vendar la bilieti plu rapide I Me volus komprar jurnalo. Ube esas la jurnal-vendeyo ? Me perdis mea monetuyo : Ho no I" Esas tri kloki. La treno departas. Mea kofro esas en la pako-vagono. Ti1 la rivido ! LESSON 111. POSSESSIVEPRONOUNS. mea, my, mine. nia, our, ours. tua, thy, thine. via, your, yours vua, your, i~ozrrs, (belonging to more than one). (belonging to one person). lia, thcir, theirs. lua, his, her, hers, its. sua, his own, her own, its own, their own. When necessary use : ilua, his ; ilia, their (belonging to men). elua, her, hers ; elia, thpir (belonging to women). olua, its ; olia, their (belonging to things). Me visitis mea dentisto, I went to see my dentist. I1 vizitis lua (sua) matro, He visited his (his own) mother. El perdis ilua parapluvo, She lost his umbrella. Li admiris sua chapeli, They admired thetr (own) hats. 111 admiris elia ehapeli, They (the men) admired their (the women's) hats. A possessive pronoun always implies the definite article ; thus mea amiko is my friend, the friend I spoke of, while a friend of mrne is translated amiko di me. AFFIXES:- -eri, establishment where something is made or done. rafin-erlo, relznevy. chapel-erio, hat-factory. distil-erio, dzstillery. -11, instvument : plug-110, plough. fotograf-ilo, canzern. pekt-110, comb. Many special names of instruments exist, e.g., kleio, key, martelo, hammer; from these verbs can he formed by compounding them with the root -ag to do, act : e.g., klef-agar, to lock, martel-agar, to hammer. -ey, place (room) devoted to some object or action]: kaval-eyo (horse )stable. preg-eyo, oratory. tomb-eyo, cew&terzl. koqu-eyo, kitchen. dorm-eyo, dormitory. vit-eyo, uznevard. lern-eyo, srhool-room. As the meaning of this suftis is rather wide, special words are to be used where the sense requires them : e.g., universitato, skolo, etc., for lerneyo ; katedralo, kirko, etc., ior preg-eyo. -uy, receptacle : ink-uyo, znkwell. kafe-uyo, coffee-box. sigar-uyo, czgar-box. te-uyo, tea caddy. XOTE.: coffee-pot, tea-pot are kafe-krucho, te-krucho. -1, domain or sphere of action : duk-io, dtcchy. komt-io, coayty. episkop-10, bishopric. -ed, the full of, amount covresponding to : bok-edo, moztth fttl. pinch-edo, phch. glut-edo, gulp. 6 Good morning ! Bona matino ! Good day I Bona jorno ! How are you ? Quale vu standas ? Very well. Tre bone. Thank you ! Me dankas ! Are you tired ? Kad vu esas fatigita ? Not at all ! Tote nc ! Yes, a little. Yes, kelkete. No, sir. No, sioro. If you please. Me pregas. I am hungry. Me hungras. Are you thirsty ? Kad vu durstas ? Give me a glass. Donez ad me glaso. A cup of tea. Taso de teo. Do you want .... ? Kad vu deziras .... ? I don't mind. Me ne objecionas. It does not matter. Ne importas.

LESSON IV. IXTERROGATIVEAND RELATIVEPRONOUNS.--QUB (singular), who, what, which (person) ; quo (singular), what, which (th~ng); qui (plural), who, what, which : Qua esas ibe ? Who is there ? La viro qua parolis, 7'he man who spoke. Quo eventis ? What ha@pened ? Qui parolis ? Who (plural) spoke ? La viri qui parolis, The men who spoke. La aeidenti qui eventis. The accidents that took place. Qua is also used as adjective : Qua viro parolis ? Which nzan spoke ? ACCUSATIVE.-Qua, quo, qui, when they are the object of a verb and placed before the subject, take the accusative (-n) : La viro quan vu vidfs, The man, whom you saw. Quin YU vidas ? Whom (plural) do you see ? uon il dicis ? What did he say ? Se ne audis quon il dieis ? I did not hear what he said. PLURALPRONOUNS.-T~~ adjective is invariabIe ; but when used without a noun, it becomes a noun itself, and takes the plural, if necessary : Blanka hundi, nigra kavali, White dogs, black horses. La blank], e la nigri, The whites and the blacks. I1 manjis sua pomi, el manjis sui, He ate his apples, she ate hers. DERIVATION.-T~~adjective in -a forms a noun in -0 having the same sense : bon-a, good ; bon-o, good one, good man. acesor-a, accessory ; acesor-o, an accessory. Or, vice versa : or-o, gold ; or-a, golden, made of gold. 7 AFFIXES.- -a1 forms adjectives meaning " belonging to " or " relating to " . univers-aia, universal. raeion-ala, rational. -0z means " full of," " containing," " rich in " : por-oza, porous. sabl-oza, sandy. kuraj-oza, courageous. fam-oza, famous. -em means " inclined to " : babil-ema, tal,kntii~e. oci-ema, lazv. labor-ema, industrious. -ik means " sick of," " suffering from " : ftizi-iko, consumptive. artrlt-iko, arthritic. alkohol-iko, alcoholic patient. -atr means " like," " similar to," " -ish " : sponj-atra, spongv. har-atra, hair-like. verd-atra, greenish. -e means " having the appearance or colonr of " : viol-ea, violet (-coloured). mus-ea, mouse-coloured. roz-ea, rosy, . CONVERSATION. Give me a fork, Donez a me forketo. I have no spoon. Me ne havas kuliero. This knife is not sharp, Ta kultelo ne esas akuta. Pass me the sa!t, Pasigez a me la salo. May I trouble you for the bread ? Kad vu voluntus pasigarla pano ? Bring me a bottle of stout, Ad-portez a me botelo de nigra biro. Will you have a glass of ale ? Kad vu deziras glaso de flava biro ? I only drink water, Me drinkas nur aquo. Are you a teetotaler ? Kad vu esas anti-alkoholisto ? Will you have some salad ? Kad vu deziras salado ? Here is a fine lettuce, Yen bela latugo. Do you take oil and vinegar ? Kad vu prenas oleo e vinagro ? Here are the pepper and salt. Yen la pipro e salo.

--A LESSON V. TIIE DEMONSTR.~TIVEPRONOUN (this, these ; that. those) is ita, shortened to ta, when euphony permits : KaiP lta esas vua libro ? Is this yoznv book ? Ta libri esas mea, Those books are mine. When quite necessary to distinguish between "this," "that," use iea (or ea) for this, and ita (or ta) for that : Ica esas bona, ita esas mala, This one is good, that one is had. When it means " this thing," " that thing," use to (or, ito, co, Ico) : Quo esas to ? What is this ? Ico esas libro, it0 esas plumo, This (thing) is a book, that (thing) is n pen. " That which," " what " is translated to quo when used in the most general sense of "that thing or matter which." When some definite thing is referred to, use ta qua, "the one that," fplural : ti qui). 8 To quon me dicas esas. .. M7hat I sav is- Yen omnaspeca frukti, prenez ti quin vu preferas, Here are all kinds of fruit, take those 5'ou hke best. When distinction of gender is necessary, il-, el-, 01- may be pre- fixed to these or any other pronouns, except naturally the personal pronouns themselves : Ilti facis 01 ed elti regardis, Those (men) did it, and these (women) looked on. La matro di mea amiko, elqua .... My friend's mother, who-. La matro di mea amiko, ilqua ..., The mother of my friend, who-.

PO~SESSIVE.-Insteadof whose, Ido uses of whom, of which, di qua : La autoro, pri la libro di qua me parolis, The awthor whose book I spoke of (literally, the author concerntng the hook of whom I spoke). The pronoun lo, analogously to co, to, quo, refers to an indeter- minate object-to a fact rather than a thing : Prenez tca pomo, me volas lo, Take this apple, I desirr zt (= I desire jrott to do so ; me volas 01 would mean I desire it [the apple].) Lo is also used with adjectives to mark theindeterminate sense : Lo bona, lo Vera, lo bela, The Good, the True, the Btautifu.1.

AFFIx~s.-para-, warding off : para-suno, parasol. para-vento, wind-screc?z. para-pluvo, umbrella. par-, completion of action : par-lektar, to peruse, read through. par-drinkar, to drink up. par-kurar, to make the circuit of. par-lernar, to learn thoroughly. -esk, beginning of action : dorm-eskar, to /all asleep. irac-eskar, to grow angry. sid-eskar, to szt down. With noun roots, -esk means to become, to tzw~~: vir-eskar, to become a man, reach man's estate. pal-eskar, to grow pale. When added to the passive participle of a , it has the same sense : vid-at-eskar, to become vistble. -ad, repetition, frequency : dansar, to dance ; danso, a dance ; dans-ado, danrzng. -fg, with a verbal root, means " to cause to " : dorm-igar, to send to sleep ; with a non-verbal root, it means " to make, cause to be (such and such) " . bel-igar, to beautify. 9 -iz, to cover, supply, provide with : arm-izar, to arm (provide with weapons), limit-izar, to limit (fix a limit to). adres-izar, to addvess (write address on). When necessary, the sense " coat, cover with" may be rendered clearer by prefixing sur I = on) : sur-or-izar, to gild, plate with gold. -if, to produce, generate, secrete : flor-ifar, to blossom. sudor-ifar, to pevspire. sang-ifar, to bleed, lose blood. CONVERSATION. I want to pack this up, Me volas pakigar ico. Give me some brown paper, Donez a me pak-papero. I want some string, Me bezonas kordeto. Have you any sealing-wax ? Kad vu havas siglovaxo ? I can give you some paste, Me povas donar a vn gluo. That will do, To konvenos. Where is the pastebottle ? Ube esas la botelo de gluo ? Here it is, Yen olu. There is no brush in it, Ne esaq pinselo en 01. Here is the brush, Yen la pirtselo. Now I want a label, Nun me deziras etiketo. A gummed label, Gumizita etiketo. I haven't a gummed one, Me ne havas un gumizita. Will this one do ? Kad ica konvenos ? Yes, thanks, Yes, danko.

LESSON VI. NuMERALS.-T~~cavdinal numbers are : un 1 SOP 7 du 2 ok 8 tri 3 non 9 quar 4 dek 10 kin 5 cent loo sis 6 mil 1000 milion 1,000,000 bilion 1,000,000,000,000 From these all others are formed, the adjectival -a being used to show multiplication and the conjunction e to show addition. Thus : dek e un, 11 (ten plus one). dek e du, 12 (ten plus two). dek e sis, 16 ($en plus six). dek e non, 19 (ten plus nine). dua- dek, 20 (twice ten). dua- dek- e- un, 21 (twzce ten plus one). tria- dek- e- quar, 34, quara- dek- e- kin, 45. kina- dek- e- sis, 56, cent- e- sepa- dek- e- ok, 178. mil- e- sisa- dek- e- sis, 1066, mil- e- nona- cent- e- dua- dek- e- tri, 1923. I0 As in English, numbers may be given out, e.g., when dictating, by naming the digits only. The name of the digit 0 is zero. The last two numbers given would then he : un zero sis sis, 1066. un non du tri, 1923. Ordznals are formed by the suffix -esm : unesma, 1st centesma, 100th. duesma, 2nd milesma, 1000th. triesma, 3rd dekeduesma, 12th. dekesma, 10th. omna duesma dio, every second day. Cardinals and ordinals can be used as or adverbs by adding -0 or -e : uno, a unit trio, a trio duo, a couple dekeduo, a dozen. un-esmo, the first one une, in one manner. dek-esmo, the tenth unesme, firstlv. Fractions are formed by the suffix -im : du-imo, a half. quar-imo, a quarter. dek-imo, a tmth part. cent-imo, a hundredth. du triimi, two-thirds. sep okimi, seven-eighths. Multiples are formed by the suffix -opl : du-opl-a, double. cent-opl-a, hundredfold. (mult-op-la, manifold.) Distrihutives are iormed by the suffix -op : quar-op-e, in fours, four at a time. (pok-op-e, little bv little. vort-op-e, word for word.) The word tzmes in counting is translated foye : three times, tri-foye. once, un-foye. a hundred times, cent-foye. twice, du-foye. When used as prefixes the numbers have special forms (except 3) : mono-, bi-, tri-, quadri-, quinqua-, sexa-, septua-, okto-, nona-. E.g. : mono-plano, bi-plano, tri-folio, quadri-pedo, etc. .-The present participle active ends in -anti3 : vid-anta, seem$. The past participle passive ends in -ita : vid-ita, seen. These are the two chiefly needed ; there are six altogether, the vowels -a-, -i-, -0- being used exactly as in the indicative and infinitive to form a present, a past, and a future participle: both in the active and in the passive. This gives us the complete set : pres. vid-anta, seeing ; act. { vid-ata, being seen ; pass. vid-inta, having seen ; act. past {vid-1 .t a, seen ; pass. (vid-onta, about to see ; act. fut' Ivid-ota, about to be seen ; pass. I I How old are you ? Quante vu evas ? I am ten (years old), Me evas dek (yari). She was thirty (years old). El evis triadek. When I was seven. Kande me evis sep. He is aged (of age). I1 esas ev-oza (grand-eva), The aged gentleman. 1.a evoza sior-ulo. I am forty years of age. Mea evo esas quaradek yari, The baby was five months old. La infanteto evis kin monati.

LESSON VII. The Tenses of the verb are formed by means of the suffix -ab-, placed after the root and before the grammatical ending : Me parol-ab-is, I had spoken. I1 fin-ab-os, He will have finzshed. El en-fal-ab-us, She would hale fallen in. Fin-ab-ez, kande me arivos, Have finished when I (shall) arric:e. For the Present Perfect the ordinary Past is used : Quon me skribis me skribis, What I have written. I halve written. The Progressive Forms (Iam sp~aking, I was speaking) may be translated literally : but most languages find the simple forms of the verb sufficient, so that these are to be preferred in Ido : Me parolas, I speak, I am speaking. Me parolis, I spoke, I was speaking, I hnzle spoken. Me parolos, I shall speak, I skall be speaking. Me parolus, I should (or wozcld\ speak, I si ould be speaking. The future participle in -onta translates the English "to be about to." "to be going to " : Me esas parol-onta, .I am going to speak. I1 esls parol-onta, He was about to speak. Kelka homi esas sempro o manjanta, o quik manjonta, o jus manjinta, some people are always either halting a meal, or just going to have one, or just having had one. The Emphatic Forms are translated by the Ido simple forms reinforced by the adverb ya, indeed : Me ya askoltas, I do listen, I am listening. Me skribis ya, I did write. Me atencis ya, I was attending. Venez ya, Do come ! AFFIXES.-~~S-,separation, dissemination : dis-donar, to distribute (by hand). dis-sekar, to dissect. dis-sendar, to distribute (hv letter). des-, the contrary (of any action, quality, etc.) : des-honoro, dishonour. des-plezar, to displease. des-facila, dzfficirlt. des-espero, dcspnir. des-pruvar, to disfivo~e. ne-, really an adverb meaning " not," is much used as a prefix to indicate negation. It differs widely from des-, which marks the " direct opposite." There is all the difference in the world between

12 a piece of evidence that does not prove a charge (atesto ne-pruvanta) and one that disproves it (atesto des-pruvanta) : vole o ne-vole, willv-nzlly. sen-, a preposition meaning " without," is also used as a prefix having the value of the English suffix -less : sen-viva, lifelers. sen-hara, hairless. mi-, half : mi-horo, half-an-hour. mi-apertita, hnlf-open, ajar. mls-, wrongly, amiss : mls-lektar, to misread. mis-pozar, to misplace. (Note the verb egarar, to mislay). -ach, pejorative, giving a bad sense : popul-acho, populace. rid-achar, to guffaw. skrlb-achar, to scrawl. CONVERSATION. You look pale, Vu aspektas pala. Are you unwell ? Kad vu esas ne-sana ? I have a cold, Me hava3 kataro. I have caught cold, Me prenis kataro. Don't stand in the draught, Ne restez en la aer-fluo. Send for the doctor, Querigez la mediko. Are you often ill ? Kad vu esas ofte malada ? No, very seldom, No, tre rare. I don't remember being ill Me ne memoras esir malada, depos since I was a child, mea infanteso. Last year 1 had cold in the head, Lasta yaro, me havis nazkataro. I had to stay at home two days, Me devis restar en la domo dum du dii. But I did not go to bed, Ma me ne restis en la lito.

LESSON VIII. THE PASSIVEVOICE is formed with the verb "to be " followed by a passive participle : La puero esas am-ata, The boy is loved. La puero esis am-ala, The boy was loved. La puero esos am-ata, The boy will be loved. The Perfect Tenses are formed with the suffix -ab : La puero esabis amata, The boy had been loved. La puero esabos amata, The boy will have been loved. All these forms can be contracted by adding the verb "to be" directly to the root : La puero am-esas, The Boy is loved. It is, however, advisable not to contract the -ab forms as they are clumsy and hard to follow in conversation. Thus La puero esabos amata is to be preferred to L.a puero amesabos. The present participle passive is most used, but the others are occasionally required. For example, the past perfect passive can be translated with the help oi the past participle : La puero esis amita, The boy had been loved (literally, was a was-lolqed-person). = 3 The future in -ota is used in the same way as -0nta is in the active voice, to translate " about to be," " going to be " : 01 esas fac-ots, It is about to be done. La letro esas skrib-ota, The letter is going to be written. The contracted passive is useful in sentences like the following : Ica vorto uzesas rare, This word is seldom used. It is frequently neater and clearer to avoid the passive by using the pronoun on, one, thej~,people, with the active : On trovas diamanti en India, Diamonds arc found in India. The preposition by after a passive verb is always translated by da : 01 esas recevita da li, It has been received by them. The preposition of (possessive and genitive case) is di ; from is de. This is Peter's book, received by Paul from John. Ita esas la libro dl Petro recevita da Paulo de Johano. The reception of the President of the French Republic by the King of England. La acepto dl la Prezidanto dl la Franca Republiko da la Rejo dl Anglia, Like other adjectives, the participles can be changed into nouns of the same sense by changing the final -a into -0 or -i : La parol-ant-o esas la urb-estr-o, The man-now-speaking is the mayor. La kant-ant-o esas yun-in-o, The person now singing is a young lady. La disput-ant-i aceptis arbitro, The contending parties accepted arbitration. La bat-at-o kriis, ma la bat-ant-o duris sua bat-ad-o, The one-who-was-being-beaten cried, but the one-who-was- beating him continued beating. La regn-at-i expresas granda kontenteso pri la agi di sua reg- nant-i, The subjects (=those governed) express great satisfaction with the acts of their rulers. They can also form adverbs of manner by changing -a into -e : Ni progresas aston-ant-e, We are progressing astonishingly (wonderfully). AFFIXES.--et forms diminutives, marking smallness and changing the idea of the root : domo, house ; dom-eto, cottage. rivero, river ; river-eto, brook. kantar, to sing ; kant-etar, to hum. ridar, to laugh : rid-etar, to smile. It also serves to form pet names : matro, mother ; matr-eto, mamma. Johano, John ; Johan-eto, Johnny, Jack. -eg forms augmentatives (the opposite of diminutives), denoting largeness with a change in the idea of the root : dom-ego, mansion. pluvo, rain ; pluv-ego, downpour. arki- denotes pre-eminence : arki-episkopo, archbishop. arki-anjelo, archangel arki-duko, archduke. arki-fripono, arch rogue. 14 -estr, head of, chief of : urb-estro, mayor. nav-estro, ship's master. polic-estro, chief constable. The two following affixes should be grouped with the participial -ot " about to be." -ind, worthy to be-: estim-inda, estimable. am-inda, lovable. kred-inda, credible. -end, that must be-, is to be- : lekt-enda, that must be read. me havas nulo skribenda, I have nothing to write (that must be written). Thus, a problem to be solved (solvenda) is possibly not about to be solved (solvota) nor even worthy of solution (solvinda). -0s forms nouns having the sense " state, condition, quality " : san- esar, to be healthy ; san-eso, health. avar-eso, avarice. bel-eso, beauty. qual-eso, quality. konstrukt-eso, (state of) construction. [compare konstrukto, (act of) construction.] konvert-eso, conversion, (act of being converted). okup-eso, state of being busy, occupation. CONVERSATION. What is your name ? Quale vu nomesas ? I am ealled John, Me nomesas Johano. Where do you come from ? De ube vu venas ? What is your father's name ? Quale nomesas vua patro ? Where were you born ? Ube vu naskis ? I was born in London. Me naskis en London. When were you born ? Kande vu naskis ? I was born in 1897. Me naskis en mil e oka-cent e nona-dek e sep. Where do you live ? Ube vu habitas ? I live at the sea-side. Me habitas an la mar-bordo.

LESSON IX. PREPOSITIONS.-Each preposition has a well-defined meaning, and (like all words in the International Language) must be used only when the sense clearly requires it ; e.g. : I bought it of him, becomes : I bought it from him. Me kompris 01 de 11. He cut himself with his knife, becomes : by means of his knife. I1 sekis su per sua kultelo. The preposition ye, however, has no definite meaning, and is only to be used when no other preposition will do : Ye la duesma (di) marto, On the 2nd of March. I1 kaptis la kavalo ye la kolo per lazo, He caught the horse by the ~zeckwith a lasso. Me doloras ye la kapo, I have head-ache (= I ache at the head). '5 C~~j~~~~~~~~.--Conjunctionsare followed by whatever mood and tense are logically required : (a) Se vu esus malada, If you were (should be) ill. (b) Se vu esos malada, If you are (will be) ill. (c) Imperez, ke il venrz, Order him to come (imperative). (d) Restez ti1 ke il venos, Stay until he comes (will come). (e) Kande il departos, dicez ad 11 ... Whcn he leaoes (=will depart), tell him- (t) Segun ke me esos fatigita o ne, me iros kun vu, According as I am (shall be) tired or not, I will go with you. (g) Preparez chambro, por la kazo se il Venus, Prepare a room in case he came (should come). (h) En la kazo ke I1 venos, en-duktez 11, In case he comes (will come) show haw in. Conjunctions are often formed from prepositions byadding ke : pro, because of (prep.) ; pro ke, becausc (conj.). por, for, in order to (prep.) ; por ke, in order that (conj.). dum, durina (prep.) ; dum ke, while (conj.). de-pos, since (prep.) ; de-pos ke, since (conj.). til, as far as, till (prep.) ; ti1 ke, till, until (conj.). The prepositions (without ke) are used before a noun, pronoun, or infinitive ; the conjunctions before a verb (except the infinitive! : De-pos mea mariajo, Since my marriage. De-pos ke me mariajis me, Since I got married.

AFFIXES.-pre-, fore-, pre-, ante- : pre-dicar, to foretell, predict. pre-avo, great-grandfather. [Compare pos-nepoto, great-grand- son.] pre-datizar, ante-date. prim-, primitive : prim-avi, forefathers. retro-, back : retro-venar, to return, come back. retro-irar, to return, go back. retro-sendar, to return, send back. ri-, again : ri-dicar, to repeat, say again. ri-polisar, to repolish. Retro is used as an adverb ; the adverb corresponding to ri- is Itere, again. -iv forms adjectives signifying " able to," " capable of doing " : instrukt-iva, instructive. respons-iva, responsible. sugest-iva, suggestive. -ebl forms adjectives signifying "that can be," "capable of being-", -able : kred-ebla, credible. lekt-ebla, legible. ne-sond-ebla, unfathomable. I 6 -ari denotes the indirect object (with to expressed or understood) of verb : legac-arfo, (persota to whom something is bequeathed). CONVERSATION. Do you like travelling ? Ka vu prizas voyajado ? I seldom travel. Me rare voyajas. It is too expensive. 01 esas tro kustoza. Not so much as formerly. Ne tam multe kam olim. Do you think so, really ? Ka vu tale opinionas, vere ? According to my experience. Segun mea experienco. Have you visited France or Ka vu vizitis Francia o Ger- Germany ? mania ? No, I don't know French or No, me ne savas la Franca nek German. la Germana. They are so hard to master. Li esas tante desfacile aquirebla. It is to be hoped that everyone Espereble, omnu balde lernos will soon learn Ido. Ido.

LESSON X. INDEFINITEPRONOUNS.--T~~ following, though belonging to the vocabulary, are mentioned here on account of their very frequent use : } some (indeterminate quality). ulo, Ula is an adjective : ula libro, some book. Ulu is a pronoun : ulu dicis, someone (a certain person) said. Ulo is a noun (thing) : ulo mankas, something is wanting. Irga, lrgu, irgo, (used in the same way as ula, ulu, nlo) =any whatever : irgo konvenos, anything whatever will do. Kelka, kelko, = some (an indeterminate number or quantity) : kelka homi, some men. donez ad me kelko, give me some (quantity of it). Note the difference between kelka and poka ; kelka means some, a certain amount, a few (opposed to nula, none) ; poka means some, but little, few (opposed to multa, much). omna, omnu, omno, all, every : omna homi, all men. Plural, omni, all : omni dicis, they all said. omnu kantis, every-one sang. omno esas hike, everything is here. Altra, altru, altro, other : altra ioyo, another time. altru parolos, someone else will speak. altro montros, ke -, another thing will show that- Nula, nulu, nulo, none, nobody, nothing (the opposite of ulu, etc.). 17 Slngla, single, each. singla karti, single cards. li venls single, they came singly. dek centlmi po singla, a penny apiece. The difference between omna and singla is slight, but clear : omna means every (collectively), while singla means each (distributively) : Omnu parolis, singlu en sua Iinguo. Everyone spoke, each in his own language. Observe that each other can be translated una la altra (in the plural uni la altri) when the prefix Inter- is unsuitable : Amez uni la altri, Love one another. Li lnterparolis longe, They talked together (with each other) long. Li donis donaci uni a I'altri, They gave each other gifts (gave gifts each to the others).

AFFIXES.--aj with a verbal root, marks the object of the action expressed by the verb (transitive or mixed) : manj-ajo, food (what is eaten). drink-ajo, drink (what is drunk). chanj-ajo, thing changed. With an intransitive verb it marks the subject of the action : rezult-ajo, result (what results). rest-ajo, rest (what remains). With a non-verbal root, it signifies a thing made of a certain matter, or possessing a certain quality : Ian-ajo, woollen article. bel-ajo, beauty, beautiful thing. mol-ajo, soft part. By extension it expresses " act of-" : amlk-ajo friendly act. infant-ajo, childish prank. -ur marks the concrete result of the action expressed by the verb : pikt-uro, a painting. imlt-uro, an imitation (made). (Compare imit-ajo, the thing imitated). imprim-uro, printed work, letterpress. fotograf-uro, a photograph (picture). -ar, collection of : hom-aro, mankind. vort-aro, vocabulary. " One of a mass " is expressed by -un : grel-uno, a hailstone. Where the elements are pieces, rather than individuals, use peco : sukro-peco, lump of sugar. ex-, ex, former : ex-konsulo, ex-consul. ex-oficlro, ex-officer. -um is an indefinite suffix with no fixed meaning. Consult the dictionary for words in which it occurs : mond-umo, The World, smart society. foli-umar, to thumb, turn over the leaves of. kol-umo, (shirt-) collar. nuk-umo, neck-flap. I 8 Are you a chess-player 7 Ka vu esas shak-ludero ? I used to know the moves. Olim me savis la stroki. I have forgotten the names Me obliviis la nomi di la peci. of the men. I couldn't even castle right. Me ne povus mem roquar korekte. Should you prefer to go out and Ka vu preferus ekirar e juar la enjoy the fresh air ? fresha aero ? Yes, indeed ; the rain is over. Yes, certe ; la pluvo cesis. Very well ; we'll takeour umbrel- Bone ; ni prenos nia parapluvi, las, in case it begins again. kaze ke 01 rikomencus. If you are cold, we won't Se vu sentos vu kolda, ni ne restos stay long. longatempe.

REZUMODI LA REGULIPRI LA PUNTIZADO.- La pztnto ( . ) uzesas por separar la frazi ; komo ( , ) por separar la propozicioni ; la punto- komo ( ; ) por separar frazi gramatikale nedependanta, ma ligita per la senco ; la bipunto ( : ) por anuncar expliko o citajo ; la klamo- punto ( ! ) pozesas pos frazo klamanta ; la question-punto ( ? ) pozesas pos propoziciono direte questionanta (ne pos propoziciono subordinita). La cito-hoketi (" ") uzesas porinkluzar omna citajo. Laparentezi ( ) inkluzas frazo o vorto separenda de la cetera texto ; la kramponi [ j . ~ ed embracili 1 havas analoga roli ; un embracilo I juntas plura I i linei (dextre) ad una (sinistre). La streketo ( - ) unioAas la parti di vorto kompozita; 01 indikas anke la seko di vorto inter du linei. La streko (-) indikas chanjo di parolanto : 01 devas sempre uzesar en dialogi. On ne darfas uzar 01 vice la parentezi, o vice la puntaro. La puntaro (. . .) indikas interrupt0 di la penso. L'alineo (new paragraph) indikas chanjo di temo o nova ordino di pensi. La noti (infre di la pagini) devas referesar per numeri (ne per steli, kruci, etc.) ENGLISH IDIOMS AND IDO. LESSON XI. POSSESSIVECASE.-(I) The English possessive case has to be turned round, and translated by the preposition di : The father's dog (=the dog of the father). La hundo di la patrulo. The mothers' meeting (=the meeting of the mothers), La asemblo di la patrini. A mothers' meeting (=a meeting of mothers), Asemblo di patrini. A beggar's revenge (=the revenge of a beggar). Venjo di mendikisto. (2) With prepositions to and at, the possessive case is translated by preposition che : She lives at her uncle's (house), El lojas che sua onklulo. He went to his tailor's (shop). I1 iris che sua talioro. (3) The possessive case was formerly used with all nouns. We still find traces of it in expressions like, an hour's walk, where there is no real possession, and preposition de is to be used : Un horo de marcho, or : marcho de (or, durn) un horo. (4) A few expressions where the possessive case is found can be rendered by simpler forms : at arm's length, ye brakio-disto. for mercy's sake, pro kompato. a hair's breadth, har-dikeso. to-day's news, la ea-diala novaji. for forw's sake, por la formo. (5) Another form of possessive is the adjectival noun : a railway carriage = fer-voyala vagono. or better, vagono di fervoyo. the park gate = la parkala pordego. or better, la pordego di la parko. POSSESSIVE=THAT.-T~~ possessive case at the end of a sentence often has to be translated by the pronoun that : He said his writing was better than his brotherls(=than that of his brother), I1 dicis ke lua skribajo esas plu bona, kam ta di lua fratulo. She liked her sister's best (=that of her sister), El maxim prizis ta di sua fiatino. It is as good as my grandfather's (=as that of my grandfather), 01 esas tam bona, kam ta di mea avulo. It is the old man's (=that of the old man), 01 esos ta di la oldulo ; or : It belongs to the old man, 01 apartenas a la oldulo. PARTITIVE ARTICLE.-^^^^ the indefinite adjectives some, any, are used with words of quantity in place of a, an, they are not to be translated : The children have some bread, La infanti havas pano. Did he get any money ? Kad il recevis pekunio ? 20 He wote without any ink. I1 skribis sen inko. In such cases the word some or any could easily be left out. Did he get money ? etc. If the word some or any cannot be left out, then it is an adjective or a pronoun, and must be translated : Whether he got any or not, I don't know, Kad il recevis kelka o ne, me ne savas. APPARENTPLURAL.-Note the following and all similar : bellows, suflilo. contents, kontenajo. breeches, pantalono. dregs, lizo. scissors, cizo. alms, almono or almoni. tongs, tenalio. means, moyeno or moyeni. billiards, biliardo. news, novajo or novaji. Some nouns of quantity remain singular in English when preceded by a number ; they should, of course, be plural in Ido : They had three brace of partridges and six dozen oysters, Li havis tri pari [de] perdriki e sis dekedui [de] ostri. LESSON XII. HOWTO TRANSLATE THAT. (1) If it joins two sentences, use ke. (2) If it means who, whom, which, use qua as subject, quan as object (if before the verb). (3) If it means that (person),use ita, ta. (4) If it means that thing, use ito, to. (5) If it means that kind of, use tala. (6) If it means in order that, use por ke (with imperative). E.g.- (1) I see that you are here, me vidas, ke vu esas hike. (Joins sentences " I see," "you are here.") (2) The cat that was here, La kato qua esis hike. The dog that you saw, La hundo, quan vu vidis. (3) That man is too old, Ita (or, ta) viro esas tro olda. (4) That is no use, Ito (or, to) ne utilesas. (5) That person I Well, I neoer ! Tala persono ! ne-kredebla I (6) I tell you now, that you may be prepared, Me dicas 01 a vu nun, por ke vu esez preparita (or pronta). THAT SHOULD NEVER BE OMITTED. The word that is very often omitted in English, but should NEVER be omitted in Ido : (1) The book I gave you (=the book that (or which) I gave you), La libro quan me donis a vu. (In this case that is the pronoun.) (2) I think he will come (=I think that he will come), Me opinionas, ke il venos. (In this case that is the conjunction.) It is generally omitted in English after verbs like to think, to hope, to wish, to believe. It is impossible to pay too much attention to this rule, as the correct use of the word ke is the key to a good international style for English-speaking students. 2 1 OTHER WORDSOMITTED.-A11 other words omitted in English have to be inserted in Ido : It was he mentioned the fact (=he who mentioned), I1 esas ta qua meneionis la fakto. He knew the man we were speaking of (=of whom we. . . .), I1 konoois la viro pri qua ni parolis. Do what he will (=let him do. . . .), he cannot. . . . I1 faeez quon il volas, il ne povas. . . . If a man was great while living (=while he was living), Se homo esis famoza, dum ke il vivis. He gave the boy a penny (=a pemy to the boy), I1 donis dek eentimi a la puero. Show it me (=show it to me), Montrez 01 a me. WHOSE,OF WHICH.-Whose and of which are translated di qua (or di qui) : The boy whose book I saw (=the boy of whom I saw the book), La puero di qua me vidis la libro. The sword which Hector gave Ajax was that on whose point Ajax fell, La glavo quan Hektor donis ad Ajax, esis ta sur la pinto di qua Ajax falis. The books, the bindhzg of which you liked, La libri di qui vu prizis la binduro. INFINITIVECLAUSE.--Another case in which that as a conjunction (= ke) should be used is the infinitive clause : I want you to come, Me volas, ke vu venez. He ordeved them to go away, I1 imperis, ke li de-irez. It will be noticed that such phrases occur most frequently with verbs of command and desire.

LESSON XIII. HOWTO TRANSLATE WHAT. (a) If it means that which, use to quo or to quon, according to sense : (1) What is here is good (= That which is here is good), To quo esas hike, esas bona. (In this sentence which is the subject of is.) (2) What you say is right (=that, which you say, is right), To quon vu dieas, esas justa (Here which is the object of you say.) NOTE.-^^ the correlation to quo, or to quon, the to can be omitted after a verb : I heard what he said, Me audis quon il dicis. I know what they are, Me savas quo li esas. (6) If it is a question and means what thing, use quo or quon : What is it ? Quo esas ? What is the matter ? Quo eventas ? What do you want ? (=you want what thing ? you subject, what object, placed before the verb), Quon vu volas ? 22 (c) As an adjective, use qua, quan : What carriage ? Qua veturo ? What day ? Qua dio ? (d) As an exclamation, use qU0 ! What ! is it true ! Quo, ka Vera ? (e) Followed by a, translate what by quala : What a wind ! Quala vent0 ! INDEFINITEADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS. Some, alzy. See Lessons X. and XI. No, before a noun of quantity=not before the verb : I have no bread (= I not have bread), Me ne havas pano. No before a noun of individuality = not one : nula : No man will say, Nula homo dicos. Either (=the one or the other) : Either of them will do (=one or other will suit). Una od altra konvenos. Either book will do (=one book or the other will suit), Un llbro o la altra konvenos. [Either . . or is a conjunction, sive . . siVe.1 Neither (=%or one nor the other) : Neither door was open, Nek una nek la altra pordo esis apertita. Few =poka. A few = kelka. Several= plura. Many, much= multa (too many, much = tro multa). Such, meaning " quality " = tala, , meaning those = ti. Such as we are, Tala, quala ni esas. Such as like it, Ti qui prizas 01. All, meaning everything= omno. ,, meaning everybody = omni. ,, as an adjective=omna. All I have said, Omno, quon me dicis. All were there, Omni asistis. All trouble, all efforts, Omna peno, omna esforci. All the, meaning the whole=la tota. All the town was ablaze, La tota urbo flagris. Each other= una altra. One another= una altra (or verb commencing by inter-) They loved each other, Li amis una altra. They loved one another, Li amis una altra (or : inter-amis). They took each other's hats, Li prenis la una la chapel0 di la altra. Not anything, ) ne . . ulo Nothing, i or, nulo. Not anyone, ne . . ulu No one, or, nulu. None. 1 One is translated by un as a number, una as an adjective showing unity, unu as a pronoun of person : One and one make two, Un ed un facas du. The One Holy Church, La Una Santa Eklezio. The one said this, the other said that, Unu dicis ico, la altru dicis ito. One after (this one, that one, the other one), and after adjectives (a young one, a good one) is omitted : This one said this, that one said that, and the other one said the other thing. Ica dicis ico, ita dieis ito, e la altra dicis la altro. The little one was tired, La puereto esis fatigita. One, after an adjective, is often translated by a repetition of the noun : She had a doll, a beautifzsl one too, El havis pupeo, vere bela pupeo. The ones as a pronoun= uni : The ones were long, the others were shovt, Uni esis longa, l'altri esis kurta. Ones, after an adjective, is not translated : Give me two small ones, Donez ad me du mikra. Self.-The pronoun self is translated by ipsa : Who was there ? Only myself, Qua esis ibe ? Nur me ipsa. When myself, himself, etc., are used after the simple pronoun (I myself, she herself, etc.), or after a noun (the king himself), translate the simple pronoun or noun, and add ipsa as separate word : They themselves told me, Li ipsa dicis to a me. She saw it herseZf, El ipsa vidis 01. She saw thz thing itself, El vidis la kozo ipsa. It will be noticed that the word ipsa should be placed next to the word it refers to. Self as a noun is translated by persona : My whole self, mea tota persono.

LESSON XIV. THE CONJUGATION. HOWTO TRANSLATE SHALL. (1) If it is a simple future, use -0s : I shall be here to-morrow, me esos hike morge. (2) If it means " duty," use devar or the imperative : He shall do it, I1 devas facar lo. Thou shalt not bear false witness, Tu ne false atestez.

HOWTO TRANSLATE WILL. (1) If it is a simple future, use -0s : He will wride to you, I1 skribos a vu. (2) If it means " emphasis," use ya with future : I will do it, me ya facos lo. (3) If it means to be willing, to be so good, use voluntar : Will you do me a favour ? Ka vu voluntas faear favoro a me ? (4) As a , it is not translated (except by a peri- phrase or by -ad-) : Sometimes he will look in of an evening, Kelka-foye il venas vizitar ni en la vespero (or, Eventas kelka- foye ke il venas vizitar nl . . . or, I1 vizitadas ni vespere). HOW TO TRANSLATE SHOULD. (1) If it is a simple conditional, use -us : I should be glad lo have it, Me esus feliea havar 01 (or, se me havus 01). (2) If it means ought, use devas : You should write to them, Vu devas skribar a li. When really conditional, devus not devas is used. Compare " You ought (devas) to do it if you can " and " you ought (devus) to do it if you could." (3) At beginning of the sentence, use se with future : Should you require my seruices, Se vu bezonos mea servl.

HOWTO TRANSLATE WOULD. (1) If it is a simple conditional, use -us : He would not forget it, I1 ne oblivius 01. (2) If it means "insistence," use volis (=did wawt) : I tried to stop him, but he would do it, Me probis haltlgar il, ma il volis faear 01. (3) If it means " habit," use -ad- : She would sit on that little chair, El sidadis sur ta stuleto. (4) In the phrase would that, use either Se nur with conditional or Deo volez ke with imperative : Would that we were young again ! Se nur nl esus itere yuna : Would that peace reigned eoerywhere ! Deo volez ke paeo omna-loke regnez ! HOW TO TRANSLATE MAY. (1) If it means perhaps, use forsan : It may rain, Forsan pluvos. It may be so, Forsan esas tale. (2) If it means "permission," use darfar or a periphrase : May I conw in ? Ka me darfas en-venar ? You may not do it (=you are not allowea co do it), Vu ne darias faear 01. [The same sentence : "you may not do it," meaning "perhaps you won't do it," would be forsan vu ne facos 01.'

How TO TRANSLATE MIJST (1) With a personal subject, use the personal verb mustar ; I must go, Me mustas departar. 25 (2) When the subject cannot, or need not, be expressed use the impersonal verb oportar : We must go now, Oportas departar nun. (3) Sometimes an adjective in -end suffices : A book that must be read, Libro lektenda. FREQUENTATIVEFORM -The word used to, when it really means "a habit," is translated by affix -ad- : We used to walk up and down for hours, Ni iradis e venadis dum hori.

CHANGEOF TENSE (1) In Ido tenses do not govern each other : I thought it was raining (= I thought that it is raini~zg= "It is raining," I thought), Me pensis, ke pluvas He found she was tired (= He found that she is tired-at the time he found it), I1 trovis, ke el esas fatigita. (2) The English present perfect with date is translated by present tense and the word since. I have known it these four days (= I know it from four days), Me savas lo de quar dii. I have been here two months, Me esas hike de du monati. I had been in Rome a week when I received your letter (= I was in Rome from a week . . .), Me esis en Roma de un semano, kande me recevis vua letro. (3) The English preterite with for equals a past tense with dum. I was there for two months (=during two months), Me esis ibe durn du monati. She used it for one year, El uzis 01 durn un yaro. TAGGEDQUESTIONS AND THE LIKE.--The following examples wiil explain better than any rule how to translate sentences of the sort : Are you tired ? Ka vu esas fatigita ? I am not tired, Me ne esas fatigita. You are tired, aren't you ? Vu esas fatigita, ka ne ? You aren't tired, are you ? Vu ne esas fatigita, ka yes ? I am not tired ; are you ? Me ne esas fatigita ; ka vu (esas) ? I am tired; aren't you ? Me esas fatigita; ka vu ne (esas) ? He is tired, isn't he ? I1 esas fatigita, ka ne ? He isn't tired, is he ? I1 ne esas fatigita, ka yes ? I have finished; have you ? Me (ja) finis ; ka vu (anke) ? I have ! Me anke ! Has he ? Kad il (anke) ? He hasn't. I1 ne. You'll come, won't you ? Vu venos, ka ne ? She won't come : will you ? El ne volas venar ; ka vu volas ? I don't know, I am sure. Me tote ne savas. Oh ! do ! please ! Ho, yes ! (venez) me pregas ! 26 LESSON XV.

How TO TRANSLATE THE ENGLISH-1NG.-The English termina- tion -ing seldom is a real present participle that can be translated by -anta. The following rules cover most cases : (1) Use -anta only if the word in -ing is a true verbal adjective, quallfylng a noun : A crying child, Krianta infanto. A gratifying result. Kontentiganta rezulto. In the above, the adjective in -ing can be replaced by a verb, with who or which : a child who cries, a result which gratifies, (2) In most cases, -ing is merely a noun of action, i.e., a word expressing an action : to beat, a beating. to brush, a brushing. to institute, instituting. Such nouns are rendered by the simple termination -4which, when the root is a verb, precisely means action : bat-ar, bat-o. bros-ar, bros-o. institue-ar, instituc-o. If it is intended to convey an idea of particular duration, use the affix -ado : To dance, dans-ar ; A dance, dans-o ; Dancing, dans-ado. Young people are fond of dancing, La yuni prizas dansado. Angling is a pleasant pastime, (Angel-) peskado esas agreabla tempo-pasigivo. Constant travelling is bad for the nerves, La sempra voyajado noeas la nervi. In the last two examples, the simple form pesko, voyajo, would mean catching a jish (not catching fish), and a journey (not tmvelling). (3) At the beginning of a sentence or clause, the word in -ing should he translated by -ante, if it could he or is preceded by a preposition or conjunction like while, in, on : Replying to your letter (=in reply to your letter), Respondante a vua letro. On coming in, I saw her, En-irante, me vidis el I spoke to him standing (=while standing), Staeante, me parolis ad il. Taking his hat, he went out, Prenante lua ehapelo, il ek-iris. If the word in -ing is the auxiliary to have, then the past participle of the second verb must be used : Having spoken thus, he sat down, Tale parolinte, il sideskis.

2 7 Having been in the place, I know it, Esinte en la loko, me konoeas 01, or : Pro ke me esls . . . (4) After a preposition, the word in -ing is the equivalent of an infinitive, as English prepositions, except to, govern the participle : Before going away (=before to-go-away), Ante departar. .4fter speaking (= after to-have-spoke%), Pos parolir. Instead of writing (= instead-of to-write), Vice skribar. After answering her letter, Pos respondir ad elua letro. NOTE.-While is a conjunction (during being the correspondixig preposition) : Wh.ile running, they fell down, Dum ke li kuris (or, dum lia kuro), li falls. (5) A large number of cases cannot be classified under any of the above heads, but a few examples will suffice : (a) Angry for being disturbed (=angry because one disturbed him), Iraoanta pro ke on trublis il. (b) Particular ways of doing things (=to do things), Speoala manieri faear kozi. (c) He was far from appreciating her good qualities (=he cevtainly did not value highly her good qualities), I1 oerte ne alte prizis elua bona qualesi. or : He was far from alz appreciation of her good qualitiss. I1 esis for prizar elua bona qualesi. (d) He agreed with her in liking sweets (=he agreed with her in that thing, that they two liked sweets), I1 akordis bun el en to, ke Ii du prizis sukraji, or : 11 akordis knn el en prizar sukrajl. (e) I can't help loving the child (= I cannot not love the chitd), Me ne povas ne amar la infanto. (f) They hindered him from running, Ll impedis, ke iI kurez. (g) She intended coming yesterday (=she intended to cotm), El intencis venar hiere. (h) Out of hearing (=not able-to-be-veached by a call), Ne-atingebla per voko, or : Exter voko (out of call), or : Ja ne-vokebla (=already not call-able), (i) A boarding-house, gasteyo. An eating-house, restorerio. A dining-room, manjo-chambro. '4 walking-stick, promen-bastono. A sitting-room, saloneto. A swimming-bath, nateyo. A writing-table, skribo-tablo. A drawing-pencil, desegno-krayono. A camping outfit, acesori di kamp(ad)o. 28 (6) If the word in -ing is the subject of a verb, use either the infinitive or the noun form : Smoking is bad for the health, Fumar esas mala por la saneso. (7) If the word in -ing is preceded by to be, see Lesson VII., " Pro- gressive Form " : I am calling you, Me vokas vu. -- LESSON XVI. LIST OF PREPOSITIONS. De, from, since, of (in quantities) : unu de li, one of them. de-pos, since, after. di, of (possession and genitive). da, by (authorship or after passive verb). a, ad, to (direction, object, intention) : pensar a, to turn one's thoughts to, think of. amo a Deo, love of God. irar a..., to go to- aden, into. adsur, on to. en, in. ek, out of (with motion, choice, material). vazo ek oro, a vase of gold. irar ek la chambro, to go out of the room. exter, outside (without motion). sur, on. super, above. sub, under (with or without motion). intre di, at the bottom or foot of, below. inter, between, among. tra, through (in crossing only). cis, this side of. trans, the other side of, across (with or without motion). preter, beyond, leaving behind. lor, at the tiw of. ante, before (in time). pos, after (in time). avan, in front of, before (in space). dop, behind, after (in space). koram, in the presence of. che, at, to (the house of). apud, ne.xi to, b~,beside. an, on, at (contiguity) : an la tablo, at table. an Seine, on the Seine. cirkum, around, about (place, time, quantity, etc.). kontre, against. pro, because, on account of. por, for, in view of, in order to. 20 per, by means of, through. pri, concerning, of, about, relating to, on. kun, wzth (in company with). sen, without (privation). ultre, beyond, in addition to. proxim, near, close to (not touching). po, for, at the price of, in exchange for. dum, during. til, till (prep.), as far as : ti1 la pordo, as far as the door. malgre, in spite of, notwithstanding. vice, instead of, in place of. segun, according to. alonge, along. vers, towards. ye, at (indefinite preposition). FINALPREPOSITIONS. Prepositions must always be placed before a noun or pronoun : This is the book he spoke of (=of which he spoke), Yen la libro, pri qua il parolis. What are you talking about (=about what. . .) ? Pri quo vu parolas ? It is frequently possible to combine a final preposition with its verb, or to form a phrase : This is the stick he came with (=which he brought), Yen la bastono, quan il ad-portis. The doctor was sent for (=owe caused-to-be-fetched. . . .), On quer-ig-is la mediko. The bag he came for (=which he fetched), La sako, quan il queris. This will do to go on with (=at the begiuning), Ico konvenos en la komenco. The boat had not been intended to be lived in, La batelo ne esis destinita por habitado. The church had not been preached in for many years, On ne predikabis en la kirko dum multa yari. PREFOSITIONSAS ADVERBS. A word which is a preposition, if before a noun or pronoun, may be an adverb, if alone : Near the brook, Proxim la rivereto. The brook ran near, La rivereto fluis proxime. All Ido prepositions can be changed into adverbs by the addition of an -e : dum, during ; dume, meanwhile. lor, at the time of; lore, then. pos, after ; pose, afterwards. ante, before ; antee, previously. kontre, against ; kontree, on the other hand, contrariwise. As adjectives, antea means previous, posa, subsequent, kontrea, opposing. (Extere, interne, are used in place of ene, eke.) 30 SENSEACCORDING TO PLACE. Some prepositions are used as adverbs in English with a different sense : (About an hour, Cirkum un horo. 1 They ran about, Li kuris hike ed ibe. !On the bell, Sur la klosho. They rang on, Li sonigadis. ,I ,I Over the way, Trans la voyo. ( The storm was over, La sturmo esis finita (o : cesabls). j Up a tree, Supre di arboro. I The door is shut up, La pordo esas tote klozita. Turn round the horse, Turnez cirkum la kavalo. iTurn the horse round, Turnez la kavalo. PREPOSITIONSAS VERBS. Prepositions, in English, are often used with the full meaning of a verb, the verb accompanying them having only the value of an adverb : To walk in, ride in, creep in, run in, float in (=to enter by walking. riding, creeping, running, floating), En-irar marchante, vehante, reptante, kurante, flotacante. I wind about and in and out, Me sinuifas, en-iras, ek-iras. He was trudging through woods, up hill and down dab. I1 pene tra-iris boski, acensis kolini, decensis vali. It was blown off into the dirt, 01 esis de-portata da la vento aden la fango. The consequence of this peculiar use is that an intransitive verb can (apparently) take a direct object : Will you row me to the bridge ? Ka vu voluntas rem-vehigar me a la ponto ? The child will cry her eyes out, La infantino ruinos sua okuli per lakrimi. Kiss away her tears, Sikigez elua lakrimi per kiso. He was argued into allowing the fact, 11 esis obligata per argumenti aceptar la lakto. Adjectives are also used in same way : They walked themseloes dry, Li per marcho sikigis su

LESSON XVII. PASSIVEVOICE TRANSLATED BY on. When the speaker does not want to name, or does not know, the author of an action, he states it in the in English : The father is loved. In Ido, the indefinite pronoun is used : On amas la patrulo. This avoids such passive constructions as : He was not told the whole truth, On ne dicis ad il la tota verajo. Sometimes, instead of the passive voice, a pronoun is used in English ; the pronoun we is used when the speaker wants to associate himself with the statement : We are all mortal, Ni omna esas mortiva. But when the statement applies to everybody, on should be used : When we hear but one bell, we hear but one sound, Kande on audas nur un klosho, on audas nur un sono. The same is true of the pronouns they, you, and the expressions people, somebody : They manage those things better in America, On administras ta kozi plu bone en Amerika. You cannot eat you7 cake and have it, On ne povas manjar sua kuko e konservar 01. People say it is their own fault, On dicas, ke 01 esas lia propra kulpo. A man is not always lucky, On ne sempre esas fortunoza.

PREPOSITIONBEFORE INFINITIVE. Any preposition can be used before an infinitive, as the infinitive is the equivalent of a noun : Loko por studiar (=loko por studio). A place for studying (=a place for study). Sen dormar, without sleeping. Sen dormo, without sleep. Ante departar, before starting. Ante departo, before departure. Sen parolir, without having spoken. Preposition to is not translated if it is part of the infinitive : I want to come, me volas venar. If it means in order to, use por : He wrote fo come, I1 skribis por venar. If you could use the form in -ing with nearly the same sense, the por is not necessary : To be or not to be (=being or not being), Esar o ne esar.

After an adjective, preposition- - to means neither in order to nor an infinitive : Easy to learn (=easily learnable), Facile lernebla. ~iffiultto understand, ~esfacilekomprenabla. They have only themselves to blame, Li ipsa esas sola blaminda. For the infinitive clause, " I want you to come," etc., see Lesson XI1 IMPERSONALVERBS. Verbs like to rain, to , to hail have no real subject ; therefore the English pronoun it is not translated : It rains. Pluvas. It snowed. Nivis. It is going to hail, Esas balde grelonta. (See also Lesson XX.) The same is true when the pronoun it does not refer to anything : It is you, Esas vu. " I AM COLD " Translate such phrases by means of sentar, to feel, used reflexively : Me sentas me kolda. Vu sentos vu tro varma.

These are simply translated by the verb to be, the real subject being the word that follows : There is a hill outside the town, Esas kolino exter la urbo. There are twelve hens in the cage, Esas dek-e-du hanini en la kajo. But when there is points to a person or thing, use yen : There he is (= There he comes !) Yen 11 venas !

An hour is horo, but time by the clock is expressed by kloko, kloki : What tipne is it ? Qua kloko esas ? It is two o'clock, Esas du kloki. At half-past two, Ye du kloki e duimo. Always reckon quarters and minutes from the last hour, not to the next one : A quarter to eight, Sep klokl e tri quarimi, or Sep kloki quaradek-e-kin mlnuti. Twenty to ten f = 9.401. Non kloki auaradek. continental timetables, etc., reckon up tb 24 o'clock (midnight) : Twelve noon, Dek-e-du kloki. One p.m., Dek-e-tri kloki.

The words plus, minus, multiplied by, divided by, are translated plus (pronounced ploos), minus (mid-00s).per (pair),sur (soor) : 2+3- 1, du plus tri minus un. 4 x2=8, quar per du facas ok. 9t3= 3, non sur tri facas tri.

DAYS,MONTHS, ETC. The names of the days of the week are (no capitals, except at head of sentence, etc.) : Sundio, lundio, mardio, merkurdio, jovdio, venerdio, saturdio. The names of the months are (capitals as above) : Januaro, februaro, marto, aprilo, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septembro, oktobro, novembro, decembro. The names of the seasons are : Printempo, somero, autuno, vintro. The international hotel custom is followed in naming the chief meals : Breakfast, dejuneto. Dinner, dineo. Lunch, dejuno. Supper, supeo. The corresponding verbs are : dinear, supear, etc. 33 In dating, begin with the day, end with the year. Sept. 12th, 1914, 12-ma septembro 1914.

LESSON XVIII. LIST OF PRINCIPALCON JUNCTIONS. Ed (e), and. ke, that. od (o), or. se, if. od . . . od, either . . . or. sive . . . sive, whether. . . or neb, nor. whether. nek . . nek,, neither . . nor. se ne, if not. or, now (in argument). se . . . nur, nur se, provided that. nam, for (=because). ecepte se, wnless. do, then, so (=therefore). quale se, as though. ma, but. quankam, although. tamen, however, nevertheless, yet. pro quo ? why ? yen, here is, here are. por quo ? what for ? lore . . . lore, wow . . . then. de kande, as soon as, since when. ka(d), (question word) whether por ne, lest (with infinitive). COMPOUNDCONJUNCTIONS. In addition to the conjunctions formed from prepositions by adding ke (see Lesson IX.), many can be formed irom adverbs in the same way : tale ke, so that, in such a way that. tante ke, so much that. tam longe ke, as long as. kaze ke, in case. kondicione ke, olz co*zditio%zthat. unloye ke, once (that). . . omnafoye ke, each time (that).. . tam ofte ke, as often as. time ke, for fear that. tante plo . . . ke, all the more . . . that. quante plu . . . tante plu, the more . . . the more. quante min . . . tante min, the less . . . the less. tante plu bone ke, all the better . . . because. A few examples will help to understand the value of the most difficult, and show how many others not given above can be formed. The general rule is that EVERY WORD MEANS ONE DEFINITE IDEA, and can be combined with another word also meaning ONE DEFINITE IDEA,to form the exact equivalent of any English phrase consisting of two or more words that have often lost their original meaning : se, means if, / se nor (=i/only) is translated nur means only, provided that. de means from, de kande is translated since kande, means when, when ? or how long ? means on account of, pro is translated why ? quo means what thing, pro quo 31 quik means imwdiately, 1 quik kande is translated as kande means when, I soon as. pro means on account o!, pro to is translated that's to means that (thing), why. quante means so much, quante min . . . tante min min means less, is translated the IESS . . . tante means thus m~tch, I the less. E.g.-- Quante min me manias, tante min me drinkas, (How-much less I eat, thus-much less I drink,) The less I eat. the less I drink. De kande vu lojas hike ? me lojas hike de un monato. (From when you are-living here ? I am-living here from one month.) How long have you lived here ? I have lived here one month. De kande il arivis . . . (From when he arrived) As soon as he arrived, . . . Apene il arivis, kande el klozis la pordo, (Hardly he arrived when she shut the door,) He no soorzer arrived than she closed the door. AND. Very often, between an imperative and an infinitive, and cannot be translated by ed : Take care and behave yourself, Take care that you behave yourself, Sorgez ke vu kondutas bone. Be careful and see that he does it, Carefully see that he does it, Sorge atencez ke il facas 01. Be sure and come, Fail not to come, Ne faliez venar. As. The word as conveys so many different ideas, that several examples of its use are necessary : He came in as I spoke (=while I spoke), I1 en-venis dum ke me parolis. It happened as I told you (= in the way in which I told you), Lo eventis, quale me pre-dicis a vu. They were as like as two peas (comparison), Li esis tam simila kam du pizi, or : Li tam similesis una a l'altra kam du pizi. Great as he is, he is not infallible (=although he is great), Quankam il esas granda, il esas eroriva. Much as I regret it. . (=however much . . .), Irge quante me regretas 01. . . Such as have anything to say . . . (=those who), Ti, qui havas ulo dicenda . . . It's pluck as does it (=which causes success), La audaoo esas to, quo sucesigas. As you are angry, you should not sfieak (=because you are angry), Pro ke vu fracas, vu devas silencar. 35 KOM AND QUALE. These both translate as, or like, but while kom implies identity, quale only marks resemblance : I1 esis aceptata kom rejo, He was received like a king (and he was a king). I1 esis aceptata quale rejo, He was received like a king (though he was not a king). I1 aparis quale Hamlet, He appeared as Hamlet (in the character of H.). Me ne parolas kom experto. I do not speak as an expert. (As one who was an expert would). NOR. At the beginning of a sentence or clause, nor means : and not : Nor was he tired, Ed il ne esis fatigita. Nor . . either is translated nek . . . anke : I am not tired, nor he either, Me ne esas fatigita, nek il anke.

LESSON XIX. LIST OF PRINCIPALADVERBS. maxim(e), most. pre-hiere, the day before yesterday. minim(e), least. pos-marge, the day after to-morrow. pluse, further, moreover. jus, just (in the past). maxim . posible, most . possible : quik, at once, immediately. Maxim granda posible ankore, still. The greatest possible. ja, already. minim(e) . posible, least. possible. ne . . fa, not yet. tam . kam posible, as . as possible. interne, inside. admaxime, at the most. extere, outside. adminime, at least. supre, up, upstairs. proxime, approximately, near. infre, down, below. kelke, a little. avane, in front. poke, little. dope, behind. sat@), enough. retro, backwards. tro, too much. dextre, on the right. sam-tempe, at the same time. sinistre, on the left. nul-tempe, never. fore, far away. sempre, always. cirkume, around. kune, together. forsan, perhaps. nun, now ; ago = before now, ante komprenende, of course. nun. mem, even; still (with comparative) olim, once upon a time, formerly. ya, indeed. true, early. nur, only. tarde, late. precipue, chiefly. erste, only = no earlier than. aparte, apart, separatel??. ca-die, to-day. itere, anew, afresh, again. hiere, yesterday. okazione (di), apropos (on. morge, to-morrow. oportune, by-the-way, by-the-bye. cra-vespere, this ewening. 36 BUT. The word but can be (I) a conjunction, joining two statements ; (2) a preposition, before a noun or a pronoun in the objective case in English ; (3) an adverb, explaining a verb, an adjective, or another adverb ; (4) a pronoun, subject of a verb ; (5) a verb, expressing an action ; (6) a noun, expressing a thing done : (1) I like peas, but I do not like beans. Me prizas pizi, ma me ne prizas fazeoli. (2) All but him liked it, Omni ecepte il prizis 01. (3) I had but one friend, Me havis nur un amiko. (4) There is no one but loves her, Nulu esas qua ne amas el. (5, 6) But me no buts, No opozez a me kontre-dlcL EVER. The word ever may mean (1) all time, always ; (2) at any time : (1) The Maple-leaf for ever, La acer-folio por sempre. I shall loue you for ever, Me amos vu sempre, sempre. (2) If he ever comes, . . . Se il ul-tempe venos, . . . Ever, in compound words like whenever, wherever, whoever, is translated irge, irga, etc. : Do whatever you like, Facez irgo quon vu volas. Whatever might be his anger, . . . Irge quala (or, quanta) esas ilua iraco. . . . Whower they may be, . . . Irge qui li esas, . . . Whenwe? I hear the birds singing, . . . Irge kande me audas la uceli kantar. . . . Whichever is here, . . . Irge qua esas hike, . . . Give me anylhzng whatever, Donez a me irgo. Let it be wer so small, . . . Irge quante mikra 01 esos. . . . We have bought ever such a tiny cottage, Ni kompris tote mikra rurdometo. JUST. The word just can be (1) an adjective meaning correct, translated justa ; (2) an adjective meanlng r~ghteous,translated yusta ; (3) an adverb meaning the moment before now translated jus ; (4) an adverb meaning the moment nozu coming, translated quik ; (5) an adverb meaning exartly, translated exakte, juste : (1) He made a very just remark, I1 facis tre justa remarko. 37 (2) Be just and fear not, Esas yusta e ne timez. (3) She has just come, El jus arivis. (4) She is just coming, El esas nun venanta (quik venonta). I will just do it, and then I am ready, Me quik facos lo, e lore me esos pronta. (5) It's just the thing I want, 01 esas juste to quon me deziras. BOTH. Both, as a pronoun, is translated we two, they two, the two : as an adverb, at the same time together ; or, in many cases, by the use of also : They both went to the station, Li du iris a la staciono. We were both agreed, Ni du konkordis. Both the men were drunk, Omna du viri esis ebria. Both I and my brother think so, Me ed anke mea frato opinionas tale. All the tourists were both hungry and thirsty. Omna turisti sam-tempe hungris e durstis. The address was both on the paper and on the envelope, La adreso esis sur la papero ed anke sur la kuverto.

LESSON XX. ORDEROF WORDS. Generally speaking, the English order of words is the clearest, since English, having few inflexions, has to arrange its words logically, subject, verb, object. Me amas il, I love him. The adjective (if there is only one, and not too long) is better placed before the noun : Longa voyo, A long way. (Voyo longa would, of course, also be correct). Adverbs are also normally placed before the word they modify: I1 vere dicis, ke il tote komprenas. The adverbs ne and tre must always be placed before their word : Me tre amas 11, I like him very much. Ne tote, not entirely (=not quite). Tote ne, entirely not (=not at all). ACCUSATIVE. Any noun, adjective, or pronoun can be made an accusative, but only when it is the direct object of a verb and placed before the subject. This is done by adding an -n : A fine story, he told me ! Bela rakonton il faals a me ! It was they that I called Lin me vokls. 38 The pronouns 11, el, 01, are abbreviations for ilu, elu, olu, and their accusatives would be ilun, elun, olun : Elun me tante amis ! She it was whom I loved so ! But the accusative is not necessary, if the object is preceded by the subject : Me li vidis, I saw them (= I them saw). COMPOUNDWORDS. Nouns can be united as in English to do away with a proposition : A tea-cup (=a cup for tea), te-taso (= taso por teo). A steam-ship, vapor-navo. The -0- between the words depends on the euphony : skribo-tablo or skrib-tablo, but tablo-tuko (not tabl-tuko). The hyphen is often better inserted : fervoyo-vagono (rather than fervoyovagono). When the compound is formed with adjectives or adverbs. it may be useful to write the termination : English-speaking people, Angle-parolanti. Sky-blue, Clel-blua. Sunburnt, Sun-brulita. A dark-eyed, curly-headed little boy, Nigr-okula loklo-hara pueruleto. Compound words formed with prepositions take the prtposition first and remain in the same order as in English : sub-tera, subterranean. Such compound words do not require the usual affixes, as the relation is expressed by the preposition : nacion-al-a, national. inter-nacion-a, international. Again natur-al-a natural. super-natur-a, supernatzdral. In compound words formed by a preposition and a vtrb, care should be taken not to let the compound form alter the object of the verb. For instance : Me vidas la stoni di la fundo tra la aquo, I see the stones at the bottom through the water. becomes as a compound : Me tra-vidas la stoni di la fundo, en la aquo (not : me travidas la aquo). The adjective travidebla, therefore, cannot mean transparent ; it only applies to the stones, and means visible through (the water). (The word transparent is diafana : Stoni travidebla tra diafana aquo). MIXED VERBS.-M~~Yverbs, in the L.I., as in English, can be transitive or intransitive : Mea laboro komencas, duras, cesas (intransitive) : Me komencas, duras, cesas mea laboro or laborar (transitive). IMPERSONALvE~Bs.-The following are used without a subject, and are followed by an infinitive : oportas= it is necessary. importas= it is important. 39 konvenaszit 2s convenient. decas=it is proper. suileas= it is sufficient. Oportas levar ni frue morge, It is necessary to raise ourselves early to-morrow (=We must get up early to-morvow). Other impersonal verbs can be formed by the use of esar with an adjective : Esas utila vakuigar la barelo, It is useful to empty the barrel. DERIVATION. The logical relation of words must be strictly adhered to in deriva- tion. We cannot, for example derive the verb to address, from the noun address, except by means of the affix -iz, to cover with : adres-o, adres-iz-ar. We cannot derive the verb to brush, from brush ; the root is the verb of action, brosar, and the noun broso can only mean the act of brushing ; a brush requires the affix of instrument 41 : bros-il-0. But in addition to the affixes that can only be affixes, many roots are used as affixes, forming then a kind of compound word. Thus the root ag- of the verb meaning to act, do, wield, is used with many names of instruments, when it was necessary to take the instrument as the first root ; e.g., we say a kammer, to hammer, the second being evidently derived from the first. We therefore have to use the root -agar to play the part of an affix : Martel-o, martel-agar, or martel-uzar. This verb, meaning to hammer, is a transitive verb, that can be followed by an object. I1 martel-agis la pikturo He hammered (at) the picture. In the same way we have : klef-agar, to lock ; buton-agar, to butto?&; fren-agar, to apply the brake ; pedal-agar, to pedal. TITLES OF COURTESY. In addressing noble persons, etc., the word Sinior(u1)o (or Siniorino) is used, and if necessary followed by the name of the dignity : Sinioro Rejo, me humile pregas . . . Sinioro Episkopo di London. Siniorino Komto (The Coztntess . . .) Yes, Sinioro, Yes, your Honor, your Worship. ELISION. The final a of la and of adjectives, particularly derived adjectives in -al-, may be dropped when no confusion in sense can arise : il parolis a l'infanto. la naeional sentimento. The accent remains on the same syllable as if the a was inserted. The definite article may be contracted with certain prepositions : dal = da la dil = dl la del = de la a1 = a la 40 GRAMMATICAL TERMINATIONS AND AFFIXES.

The numerals in parentheses indicate the lessons of the grammar treating of each termination and affix.

The grammatical terminations are 12 in number, viz. : -0 for singular nouns ; -i for plural nouns or pronouns ; -a for adjectives ; -e for adverbs ; -ar, -ir, -or for infinitive (present, past, future) ; -as, -is, -0s for indicative ,, -us for conditional present ; -ez for imperative. To these must be added the of the participle : -ant-, -in&, -ont- for the active voice (present, past, future) ; -at, -it, -ot for the passive voice (present, past, future) (VI); besides -ab- for the perfect tenses (VIII).

Prefixes : arki-, pre-eminence : arki-anjelo =archangel (VIII). bo-, relationship by marriage : bo-patro =father-in-law (i). des-, contrary : des-honoro =dishonour; des-esperar = to despair (VII). dis-, separation : dis-sekar = to dissect (VII). ex-, ex-, former, late : ex-Oficiro =ex-officer (x). ge-, unites both sexes : ge-patri=parents (I). mi-, half : mi-horo = half-an-hour (VII). mis-, mis-, wrongly : mis-komprenar=to misunderstand (VII). ne-, negation, ne-utila = useless (VII). par-, completely: par-lektar=to vead through (v). para-, warding off: para-suno=parasol (v). pre-, : pre-, ante-, fore- : pee-lndo, prelude ; pre-dicar, to foretell, to preZict (ix). prim-, primitive : prim-avi, forefathers (IX). retro-, back : retro-sendar =to send back, return (ix). ri-, again : ri-dicar=to say again. (ix). sen-, devoid of : sen-viva=lifeless (vii).

-a&, pejorative, giving an unfavourable meaning : popul-ach-O= populace (vn). -ad-, frequency, repetition : dans-ad-o = da>tcinq (v). -aj-, thing made of or to which something is done : Ian-aj-o= woollen stuff ; insert-aj-o = insertion (x). -al-, relating to : nacion-al-a=national (IV). -an-, member of : senat-an-o =senator (11). -ar-, collection : hom-ar-o=mankind (collection of men) (x). -ark, receiver of : legac-arl-o =legatee (IX). -ah, like : eponj-atr-a =spongy (N). -0-, coloured : roz-e-a=rose coloured (IV). -ebb, that can be (done) : fac-ebl-a=feasible (IX). -ed-, contents of: manu-ed-o =handful; pinch-ed-o=a pinch of (m). -eg-, augmentative : pluv-eg-o =downpour (v~n). -em-, inclined to : venj-em-a = revengefd (IV). -end-, which must be : solv-end-a = to be solved (VIII). -er-, amateur : totograf-er-o (11). -mi-, establishment : distil-eri-o = distillery (IU). -0s-, to be : san-es-ar = to be in health ; thence are derived nouns showing state or quality : san-es-o=good health (VIII). -esk-, to begin to : dorm-esk-ar =to fall asleep; pal-esk-ar =to turn pale (v). -estr-, head of, chief of : urb-estr-o = majjor (VIII). -et-, diminutive : river-et-o = brook (VIII). -ey-, place for : kaval-ey-o = stable (111). -I-, domain, sphere : komt-i-o = county ; parok-i-o = parish (111). -id-, offspring : Sem-id-o = Semite (I). -ier-, holder of : kuras-ier-o =cuirassier ; sigar-ier-o = cigar-holder ; pom-ier-o = apple-tree (11). -if-, to produce : frukt-if-ar=to fructify ; Ilor-if-ar=to bloom (v). -ig-, to make, cause to be : bel-ig-ar = to beautify ; dorm-ig-ar = to send to sleep (v). -ik-, sick : artrit-ik-a = arthritic ; alkohol-ik-o = alcoholic (IV). -il-, instrument : bros-il-o = brush (111). -in-, feminine : frat-in-o = sister (I). -ind-, deserving to be : respekt-ind-a = respectable (~111). -ism-, system, doctrine : social-ism-o, imperial-ism-o (11). -kt-, professional, adherent : art-ist-o = artist ; social-ist-o (11). -iv-, that can (do) : instrukt-iv-a = instructive (IX). -iz-, to supply or cover with : or-iz-ar=to gild ; alkohol-iz-ar (v). -oz-, full of: por-oz-a=porous (IV). -ul-, male : kat-ul-o =tom cat ; kaval-ul-o =stallion (I). -urn-, suffix without any definite meaning. Words in which it is found are to be looked up in the dictionary (x). -ur-, result of action : pikt-ur-o=picture (x). -ynn-, young one : bov-yun-0 =calf. -uy-, receptacle : ink-uy-o = ink-pot (111).

Numeral Suffixes : -esm-, ordinal numbers : un-esm-a= first ; du-esm-a=second (vI). -Im-,fraction : tri-lm-a=third part ; quar-im-o =a qttavter (vI). -op-, distributive : quar-op-e=in fours, four at a time (vI). -opl-, multiplying affix: du-opl-a =double (vI). 42 GRAMMATICAL INDEX.

Page Page ACCENT ...... 1 ELISION ...... 4. 40 ACCUSATIVE...... 38 Ever ...... 37 of qua. qui. quo ...... 7 FRACTIONS...... 11 Ad.ed. od ...... 4 GENDERS ...... 3.5 ADJECTIVES ...... 3 I am cold ...... 33 Indefinite ...... 4.23 -i?zg termination ...... 27 used as verbs ...... 31 Just ...... 37 ADVERBS.List of ...... 36 KOm and c)uale ...... 36 of manner ...... May ...... 25 AFFIXES(List of): ...... 41 MONTHS...... 33 MULTIPLES...... 11 AGE (Conversation ...... 12 ...... 25 ALPHABET ...... NEGATION ...... 3. 12 And ...... 35 h'or ...... 36 Any ...... 17. 20 o ...... 3 (partitive article) ...... 20 NOUNS...... 3 ARITHMETIC...... 33 Possessive case of ...... 20 ARTICLE.Definite ... 3. 9. 40 Participles as ...... 14 Indefinite ...... 3 Apparent plural of ...... 21 Partitive ...... 20 as adjectives ...... 20 As ...... 35 NUMERALS ...... 10 AUXILIARIES: do. did ... 3 On ...... 5. 1 4. 3 1 to have ...... 12 One ...... 23 to be ...... 13 ORDEROF WORDS ...... 38 may ...... 25 PLACEOF WORDS (preposi- shall. should ...... 24. 25 tions as adverbs) ...... 31 will. would ...... 24. 25 PLURAL.Apparent ...... 21 Both ...... 38 POSSESSIVEcase ...... 9. 20 But ...... 37 PREPOSITIONS.Sense of i5. 31 By after passive verb ...... 14 List of ...... 29 COMPARISON ...... 4 Final ...... 30 COMPOUNDWORDS ... I. 39. 40 before infinitive ... 28. 32 CONJUNCTIONS.List of ... 34 and -iq ...... 28 Compound ...... 16. 34 as adverbs ...... 30 formed from prepositions 16 as verbs ...... 31 Mood and tense governed PRONOUNS. ... 8 by ...... 16 Indefinite ...... 8. 17. 23 CONSONANTS ...... 1 and relative 7 DATES ...... 34 Personal ...... 4 DAYS ...... 33 Plural adjectives as ...... 7 DERIVATION...... 40 Possessive ...... 6 adjectives and nouns ... 7 Reflexive ...... 5 Di. de. da ...... 14 Relative ...... 7 Do. did ...... 3 PRONUNCIATION...... 1 43 Page Page Puntizado (punctuation) ... 19 VERBS- QUESTIONS ...... 3 Infinitive clause ...... 22 Self ...... 24 Mixed (transitive or in- Shall ...... 24 transitive) ...... 39 Should ...... 25 Participle as a noun ...... 14 Some ...... 17.20 Passive voice ... 13. 14 TAGGEDQUESTIONS ...... 26 Passive voice translated That ...... 2U. 2 1 .22 by on ...... 14 Theve is. there are ...... 33 Perfect tense ...... 12. 13 TIME OF DAY ...... 33 Progressive form ...... 12 TITLESOF COURTESY ... 43 Tense correlation ... 26 To with infinitive ...... 32 VOWELS...... 1 VERBS ...... 3. 5. 12. 13 What ...... 22 Change of tense ...... 26 Whose ...... 9. 22 Emphatic form ...... 12 Will ...... 24 Frequentative form ...... 26 Words omitted in English 21. 22 Impersonal ...... 32. 39 Would ...... 25 Infinitive after preposition28. 32 Ye ...... 15 EXERCARO

Konsili a la Studianti.

On povas, mem sen pre-studio di la gramatiko, uzar ica Exercaro, nam en l'unesma pagini ni separis l'elementi kompozanta di la vorti. Tale, per simpla sercho en la lexiki Ido-nacional, on havos la valoro di la parti formacanta, e fine la signifiko di la tota vorto. Tamen on agos plu saje, se, ante komencar l'exerci, on aquiros kelka konoco gramatikala, aparte pri la finali -0, -a, -e, -i, -as. -is, -os, -us, -ez, -ar, -ir, -or, -ant, -int, -ont, -at, -it, -ot. Per ta procedo on plufaciligos a su la koinpreno e la traduko di l'exerci (1). Ante omno ni dicos : Euitez la hasto : konsiderez tre atencoze mem la maxim mikra detali. La linguo internaciona devas esar extreme facila, e fakte Ido esas tala ; ma ica facileso divenas danjero por la ne-atencanti. Pro ke li komprenas sen esforco nek peno, li erore imaginas, ke la formi e vorti rivenos en lia kapo kun egala, facileso, kande li volos parolar o skribar la linguo internaciona. Ma, pro ke li ne atencis sate, li montras lore, e sentas ipsa, ke li ne posedas bone la linguo. Ido substitucas expresuri justa e logikala a multa idiotismi e stranjaji di nia lingui, pro ke nur l'expresuri justa e logikala povas esar komprenata da omni. Ma, se on ne donos ad oli atenco suficanta, on ne aquiros li, ed on transportos en Ido l'expresuri nelogikala e nekomprenebla di la lingui national. L'experienco konsilas la sequanta procedo : le Pronuncar laute (se on povas) la vorti di la texti, tre atencante pozav sur la konuenanta silabo I'acento lonika, qua esas plu-fort-igo, di la voco sur ta silabo. Tale la orelo kustumeskos la soni di la linguo, e la vorti penetros e restos plu facile, plu bone, en la memorado. 2" Skribar la traduko di l'exerci, quin on facos sen ula omiso, e komparar lu kun la tradukuro imprimita sur altra pagino. 3e Atinginte la 12" exerco (ma ne plu fvue), on rikonstruktos kun grand avantajo (per la tradukuri en Angla qui trovesas en ca libro) la texto di 1'Exevcaro. Por ica laboro on sequos tre fidele l'ordino di la numeri, ed on ne rikonstruktos, me supozas, la 3" exerco ante la la o la 2a.

(I) A 1' Angli ni tre konsilas kornencar per n The Elementary Grammaro, qua esas komposita precize por preparar a 1'Exercaro. 45 4e Samtempe on finos tradukar en la linguo nacional la restanta duimo di 1'Exercaro ; e kande ta traduko esos finita, on rikon- struktos anke en Ido ica duesma parto. Komparante ta rikonstrukto kun la texto, on facile povos vidar la kulpi facita ed emendar oli.

I. Substantivi.--Genro e nombro. J,a hom-o nask-as infanto, diven-as puer-o (I), adolecanto, adulto. -La speco ((homo))es-as, per la sexu-o, iive hom-ul-o, sive hom-in-o. --Homulo divenas vir-o cirkum su-a 20 yar-i.-Famili-o konten-as du spozi (spoz-ul-o e spoz-in-o) kun li-a fili-i (fili-ul-i e fili-in-i), qui mas reciprok-e frat-i (frat-ul-i e frat-in-i).-La filii dev-as respekt- ar ed am-ar su-a ge-patr-i (la patr-ul-o e la patr-in-o).-Vu-a onkl-o (onkl-ul-o od onkl-in-o) esas la frato di vu-a patr-o (patr-ul-o o patr-in-o).-La filii di vu-a onklo esas vua kuz-i (kuz-ul-i o kuz-in-i). -La ge-patri di vua gepatri esas vua av-i. Singl-u hav-as du av-ul-i e du av-in-i, di qui lu esas la nepot-o (nepot-ul-o o nepot-in-0). -Inter la rej-i di Anglia existis eminent-a rej-in-i ; ma Francia hav-is nur rej-ul-i.-Letr-o komenc-as per : Sior-ul-o, o per : Sior- in-0.-Sior-i, dic-as orator0 a la sioruli ed a la siorini, qui askolt-as 1u.-Me vid-as ge-siori M....--Me-a fratulo esas profesoro, e mea fratino esas sekretario di advokat-in-0.-Inter la besti-i on disting-as maskul-i e femin-i, exempl-e bov-ul-i e bov-in-i ; ma ordinar-e on union-as li per la nom-o komun-a ctbovi)).-La nomo ctfeminon ne konven-as por homino : on uz-as I11 nur por besti-o femin-a. On uz-as -ul e -in nur se to esas absolut-e neces-a por indikar la sexuo di bestio o persono. Nam esas ordinar-e tre komod-a parol-ar, mem pri homi, sen distingar la sexui, exempl-e pri su-a frati, pri sua profesori, pri sua amiki, qui povas esar homuli o homini.

11. Adjektivi ed adverbi. -La kontreaji. La filio di vua kuzino esas tre fort-a ; kontre-e, la filii di vua fratino, vua ge-nevi, esas feblx ; mem li semblas ma1ada.-No,

(I) De 7 ti1 15 yari. 46 li ne esas malada, ma kelk-e delikata ; li-a ge-patri anke esas plu o min de1ikata.-Vua patrino (o matro) kantas ver-e tre bon-e.- Yes, el kantas bone, ma el ne povas kant-ar 1onge.--Lav-ez vua manui, narn li esas sordida.-Yes, me konfesas, ke li esas mem tre sordida ; ma por lavar li, me bezonas la sapono. Ube 01 esas ?-01 esas sur la mikra tablo, apud la fenestro.-La libri esas tre interesanta, ma li esas tro serioza por vua filii ankore infanta.-Kad vu amas vua yuna kuzini ?-No, narn li esas superba e des-afab1a.-Rakont-ez (naracez) a me la kozo, ma rapide e kurte, narn me havas nur kelka minyti.-Bone, bone, la kozo esas des-agreabla, ma on povas facile aranlar omno.

111. Pronomi personala e posedala. Me amas mea frati.-Tu ne sat respektas tua olda patru10.- Vu esas tro severa por vu-a filii.-Il(u) deziras trovar en la domo sua patrino e sua fratini.-El(u) esas tre bona por omna sua serv- ist-i.-La kavalo esas tro fatigita : ol(u) ne plus povas tir-ar la veturo. -La afero semblas bona, ma forsan 01 ne esas tala, e ni saje ag-os, se ni ne aceptos lu blind-e.-La komenco di la voyajo es-is agreabla, ma lua fino esos forsan des-agreab1a.-El(u) ed il(u) venos kun nia kuzini.-Vu akompanos mea onklulo e lua filii, se li arivos sat frue. -Pro quo vu prenas elua libri ? Lekt-ez la vui e lasez la e1ui.- I1 ne amas mea filiulo, e me ne amas la i1ua.-Vua servisti ne fre- quentas la mei, e la mei ne frequentas la vui.-Pardonez a tua filiini, quale me pardonas a la mei.--I1 ri-trovis elua libri, ma il ne povis ritrovar la sui.-Ili departis plu fru-e kam eli, e tamen ili arivis plu tarde.-Pueruli e puerini su propoz-is por guidar me : ili postulis de me tri franki, ed eli konsentis po du franki; me do elektis eli e refuzis i1i.-Me venos morge kun mea frati e lia amiki. -Prenez elia manteli kun la vii, narn vi retro-venos erste nokte kun e1i.-Me renkontris viri, qui duktis kavali ; la viri e la bestii ne konkordis inter su, e mem forte luktis, narn ili tiris ad-dextre, dum ke oli tiris ad-sinistre ; ma fine li pac-esk-is, e me vidis ili ed oli irar en la sama direciono.

IV. Konjugado aktiva-Chefa tempi. Me ne pov-as amar ilu, narn il odias me.-Tu sempre devas obediar tua gepatri e respektar 1i.-El dicas, ke el preferas restar hike.- Se l'infanto volas, 01 darfas akompanar vu por manjar.-Hiere ni labor-is dum la tota jorno.-Vu dicis a me, ke il esas malada, e me renkontris lu en la publika gardeno.-I

Aktiva konjugado.-Sekundara tempi. Participi. Kande me en-ir-is, il skribis (esis skrib-ant-a) letro tre longa, quan il donis a me por 1ektar.-La puerino tre deziris venor, ma lu ne povis, nam lua patrino ne permisis.-Pro quo vu tante forte kriis ? Pro ke mea fratulo batis me.-Ma pro quo il batis vu ? I1 batis me, pro ke me sen-intence rupt-ab-is (esis rupt-int-a) lua pulchinelo, ed il esis tante furioza, ke il ne mem audis enirar mea patrino, qua fortun-oze por me salvis me ek lua manui.-Kande ni bone labor-ab-is, on permisis, ke ni ludez kun nia mikra kuzini.- Me esas tote certa, ke me havis ankore du franki ; me do perdis li, nam li ne plus esas en mea monet-uy-0.-Quik kande il lern-ab-is (esis lerninta) sua leciono, il ad-kuris a me por recitar olu ; e me rekompensis lu, se il recitis 01 bone.-Yes, vu darfos ek-irar, kande vu fin-ab-os (esos fininta) la tasko quan me donis a vu.-Se vu rakontabus (esus rakontinta) la kozo a vua gepatri kun omna (o)lua 48 detali, probable li ne punisabus (esus punisinta) vu.-Me amabus lu, se il esabus plu yusta por me.-Kande li pagabos sua debaji, ni aceptos li volunte ; ma ti1 ta tempo ni ne volas, ke li venez che ni o ke li parolez a ni.-Se ni savabus lo, ni nultempe frequentabus 1i.-Ne jenez vu ; me paciente vartos, ti1 ke vu finabos (esos fininta). -En tala cirkonstanci, ni agabus (esus aginta) tote a1tre.-Me deziras, ke vu reparabez (esez reparinta) ito ante lia retro-veno.- I1 volabus, se on lasabus (esus lasinta) lu facar, ke on demandez de lu permiso pri omno.-Se me bezonabus (esus bezoninta), ke il finez plu frue, me dicabus 10.-Kad vu vidas ta oldino sidanta en l'angulo di la korto ed atence lektanta jurnalo ?-Me renkontris li promenanta kun sua pueri ; li semblis a me trista.-La tempo pasinta ne plus apartenas a ni ; la tempo futura ne ja apartenas a ni, e mem forsan 01 ne venos por ni ; konseque ni devas okupar ni nur pri la tempo prezenta.-Jac-ant-e sur la lito e kloz-int-e la okuli, il semblis mortinta, tante pala e tante magra il esis.-Manjinte peco de pano, il departis a sua magazine.-Me pensas montr-ir (be me montris) a vu omna vid-inda edifici di nia urbo.-La abon-int-i di ca jurnalo probable komprenos, ke quante plu ni havos multa lekt-er-i, tante plu ni povos 01 plu-bon-ig-ar.-La traduk-int-i di ta verki ne esas konoc-at-a.-Pro quo laborir tante, se ni esas perd-ont-a la tota frukto di nia laboro ?-Me esperas ven-or (ke me venos) matin- morge (morge matine).-Ven-ont-e pos du dii, me ad-portos 01 a vu sam-temp-e.

VI. Konjugado pasiva-Formi analizala e sintezala. Me nun esas punisata (punis-es-as) pro kulpo quan me ne facis. -Esez quieta, nam hike tu esas amata (am-es-as) da omna habitanti. -11 esas omna-foy-e honor-iz-ata per longa aklami.-Ni esis laudata (laudesis) da la multa asistanti.-Ta libro esas editita en Amsterdam. -Vu esos rekompensata o punisata mem en vua vivo.-Esez male- dikata da omna vivanti, hipokrito !-Me tre dezirus, ke la kozo esez des-kovrata (des-kovresez) en omna detali, por ke vu esez judikata (judikesez) segun vua menti.-Yes, ni pensas esar plu amata (plu amesar) kam e1i.-El opinionas esir sat rekompensata (sat rekompensesir).-Me esis felica, nam me esis amata da mea gepatri e da mea instrukt-er-i.-I1 laboris tante male, ke il esis sempre punisata.-Quik kande me facis maxim mikra kulpo, me esis batata. -Kad vu ja esis reprochata da nia mastrulo ?-Se vu olim ne men- tiabus (esus mentiinta), vu ne esus kondamnita.-Esas necesa, ke ta debaji esez balde pagata.-Kande ni esis punisata, il konsolacis ni tam dolce kam matro.-Batata (batate) da sua fratulo, la puer- in-o kriis e ploris bitre.-Klozita (klozite) en la matino, la pordo restas klozita ti1 la mezo di la jorno.-Amata (amate) de la benigni e timata (timate) da la maligni vu havas la influo necesa por ito.- Kad la konstrukt-ot-a palaco kustos multa pekunio ? No, 01 kustos nur poka pekunio, nam on urns materialo di la incendiita.-Ta 49 ri-nov-ig-it-a atesto augmentos lia forteso kontre lia enemiki.- Vere, kad la posedo di ruinita kastelo igas lu tante richa ?-La arest-it-o esas nun questionata (nun questionesas), ed il esos balde punisata (balde punisesos).

VII. Pasiva substantivi. I1 su okupas pri la konstrukto di la nova teatro.-Me regardas la palaco ed admiras lua konstrukt-es-0.-Kad vu asumas la instrukto di ta infanto ?-El posedis instrukteso tote astonanta.-Lia aban- dono lasis ni en granda danjero.-Quon me povis facar en tala abandoneso ?-Ni sempre laudis lua talent0 di konvinko e konverto. --La konvinkeso quan produktis en me lua argumenti, efekt-ig-is mea konverteso.-Kad la civilizo praktikata dal Europani sur la sovaji esas vere kapabla produktar en li la deziro di la civilizeso ?- La eduko di la pueri e lia morala formaco ne esas kozo faci1a.- En ta cirkonstanco il donis pruvo di perfekta edukeso.-La organizo di la kongreso obligis ni abandonar omna altra 1aboro.-Vere nula societo prizentas tam bona organizeso.-La orno di ta chambro kustos de vu multa pekunio.-Ha ! quante bela orn-es-o-n posedas nun tua salono !-La preso di la fingri sur mola vaxo sempre lasas traci.-La konstanta preseso, en qua N vidas la organo, explikas lua funcionado ne-regul-oz-a.-Segun mea opiniono, vua interpret0 esas ne-justa; la texto parolas pri la krueleso quan ta rejulo uzis en la submiso di la rebe1i.-La submiseso di ta populi esas nur sem- blanta.

VIII. Reciproka verbi e substantivi. Amez l'uni l'altri (o reciproke) quale me amis vi, imperis la Kristo a sua dicipu1i.-Ta homi ne volas tolerar l'una l'altra (o reciproke) ; li sempre inter-disputas ed inter-kombatas.--Se ni esus vere homi, ni devus montrar lo, ne inter-nocante, ma helpante l'uni l'altri (o reciproke).-Nu, kad vi ne venos inter-aranjar la afero ?-Yes, ni venos, ma ni timas ke on ne povos inter-konsentar.-Pueri, pro quo vi sempre batas l'una l'altra (o reciproke) ? Kad vi ne savas, ke la homi ne esas pozita da Deo sur la tero par internoco, ma por inter-helpo e mem interamo ? Or, komencante la vivo per interkombato, vi preparas vi facor ti1 la morto precize la kontre-aj-o di via devo.-L'interpardono esas plu bela karn 1'intervenjo.- Ne flatez, ma helpez l'uni l'altri (o reciproke) nam la flato esas mala, kondamn-ind-a, e la interhelpo esas imperita ad omna homi.- La membri di vua familio esas vere tre serv-em-a ; li sempre esas pronta servar l'uni l'altri (o reciproke).-Me pre-vidas, ke mea du fratuli balde interdisputos, nam li ja iracoze regardas l'una I'altra ; to finos male.-Se me savabus (esus savinta), ke en ta domo sempre regnas deskonkordo ed interkombato, tre certe me ne venabus (esus veninta) aden ol(u). On vere kredus, ke hike la regulo esas inter- disputar sempre.-Ta homi per envidio e jaluzeso nocis l'uni l'altri lo reciproke).-Li su jetis l'una sur l'altra ed interbatis furioze.

Komparativi e superlativi. I1 esas plu obedi-em-a e laboras plu diligente karn vu.-Tu esis min richa, en (i)ta tempo, e posedis min mlilta kapitalo kam nun.- Kad il voyajis tam o plu multe kam vu ? I1 ne tam multe voyajis karn me, ma vizitis plu lnulta 1andi.-El esas min bela ma plu afabla karn vu.-Se vi laboros tam fervor-oze karn li, ni donos a vi la sama rekompenso karn a 1i.-Petro esas la maxim bona puero sur la tero ; il laboras maxim diligente ek omni.-Mea pueruli esis la maxim respektema ek (de, inter) la sam-eva pueri, ma anke li esis la minim laborema.-Me rekompensas lu maxime, nam il maxim kurajoze kombatis.-Ilus instrukt-er-i amas lu minime, nam il laboras maxim male.-Ni trovis du exempleri pluse en la kesto de libri, ma tri glasi minuse en la kesto de vazi.-Venez tam rapide karn posib1e.-Vokez lu maxim forte posib1e.-Parolez minim rapide posib1e.-Pluse me dicos, ke se vu venabus (esus veninta) plu frue, ni povabus (esus povinta) finar ante la nokto.-Admaxime il refuzos, ma tre certe nia invito ne ofensos il(u).-Adminime vu devus konfesar, ke vu plene eroris.

Pronomi demonstrativa e questionala-relativa. Ta vilajo esas tote simila a la nia.----Ka tu preferas ica od ita kavalo ? Ita esas plu forta, ma ica plu bela.-Nek ica nek ita flori plezas a me : li tro forte odoras.-Ta soldato e lua kamarado tre konkordas pri omno ; kande ta volas ulo, ca quik 01 facas.- La yuni e la oldi tre deziras lo : iti, pro ke li pensas, ke 01 amuzos li, ed ici, pro ke li pensas, ke 01 esos utila por 1i.-Camatine ta pueri ludis dum tri hori per ica ludo : la puer-ulo celis naz-tuko, e la puer-ino serchis lu. Ilta (il) devis dicar ad elca (el), bad el esas proxim o for la objekto. Kande olca (01) esis trovita da la puerino, el remplasis la puerulo por la celo, ed il remplasis el por la sercho.-Ta qua volas vivar felica, devas esar vertuoza.-Ilti qui konocas me bone savas ke mea karaktero ne esas tala.-Elta quan me amas ne amas me.- Omna ti quin me amis esas mortinta.-Qua venas a ni ? La viro quan vu prizentis a me en la lasta semano, che siorulo B. ; me ne plus memoras lua nomo.-To quo plezas a vu maxim ofte plezas a me.-Prenez to quon vu volos : omno esas vua hike.-Di qua esas ta garden0 ? 01 esas di mea onklino ; el kompris lu de nia komuna konoc-at-i, gesiori P.-Kad vu savas, ye qua kloko il arivos ?-No ; il ne dicis ye qua kloko ; ma me supozas, ke il arivos erste en la vespero. -Ek omna flori, ta quan me judikas la maxim bela esas tre certe la rozo.-Pri quo il parolis a vu ?-Pri la afero quan on propozis a lu ; il dicas, ke 01 esas kozo tre grava.-Quon facar en ta des-facila kondicioni ?--Me tre dezirus povar donar a vu konsilo ; ma me ipsa ne vidas to quo esas fac-ebl-a.-Ta qua amas la danjero perisos en lu, dicis sajo. --La pani quin adportis la panisto esas harda.-To quon vu rakontas ne esas kredeb1a.--Ti qui vidis vu afirmas, ke vu mentias.---Elti quin me vidis esas plu o1da.-Kande la persono quan ni vartas arivos, vu duktos lu aden la salono e pregos lu repozar, ti1 ke ni retro-venos.-Me judikis tre interesanta la libri quin vu donis a me hiere matine.-Omna ti qui deziras havar facila komuniki skrib-al-a o parolala kun homi di altra linguo ne darfas restar indi- ferenta avan la question0 di linguo inter-naciona.

XI Pronorni generala. Me vartis ilu durn kelka tempo ; ma vidante ke nulu venas, me departis.-Advere ni ne esis multa, ma tamen plura, nam ni esis du en la komenco e tri en la fino.-Omnu qua volos venar esos bone aceptata (bone aceptesos).-I1 invitis omni quin il renkontris.-- Kad vu komprenis omno quon el dicis ? Me komprenis nulo.- Se irgu prizentos su pos la di-mezo, vu dicos, ke me ne esas hike.- Ne multi ma kelki tale opinionas.-Ube vu pozis omna mea libri ? Me pozis li en ula angulo, ma me ne plus memoras en que.-Uli prizas la danjero, ma nuli (prizas) la morto.-To esas certa : uli preferas esar judikata (judikesar) maligna kam stupids.-Se vu ne volas pro irga motivo aceptar mea invito, vu adminime devas dicar a me pro qua.---I1 esas tam bona kam brava, e tam brava kam prudenta.-I1 montris tanta maligneso, ke nulu volas frequentar il p1use.-La varmeso esas tala, ke ni omna ne plus povas ek-irar dum la jorno ; ni restas inkluzita ti1 la nokto.-Omni qui venos kun me ne regretos lo.-En irga qua dio vu me advokos, me quik adkuros a vu.

52 Kardinala nombri. La homo havas un boko, du oreli, quar membri.-La hom-al-a manuo havas kin fingri, ed omna fingro tri falangi, ecepte la polexo, qua havas nur du.-La tri filiini di vua kuzulo esas plu bela, kam on povas imaginar.-Quanta uceli-n vu kompris de la ucel-ist-o ? Me kompris de lu sis kolombi.-Sep plus non facas dek-e-sis, e dek- e-sis minus quar facas dek-e-du.-Dua-dek plus dek-e-tri facas tria- dek-e-tri, e kina-dek minus dek-e-kin facas tria-dek-e-kin.-La nombro di la habitanti diminutas omna-yare en nia urb-et-o ; nun 01 esas nur mil e oh-cent e quara-dek-e-du.-En un horo esas sisa-dek minuti, ed en omna minuto sisa-dek sekundi.-I1 ganis dua-mil franki.-Un homo ne povas facar tanta laboro ; du adminime esas necesa por (i)to.-La ordinara yari havas tria-cent e sisa-dek-e-kin dii.-El retrovenos pos dek-e-quar dii de la longa voyajo, quan el entraprezis non monati ante nun.-Cent personi asistis la festo, e li esis tre presata, nam la salono povas apene kontenar sepa-dek o sepa-dek-e-kin sen-jene.-Kad me povas komprar naz-tuki en ta butiko ? Me bezonas un dek-e-duo de 1i.-Duo esas la du-opl-o di 1'nno.-Cent yari facas yar-cento, e mil yari facas yarmilo.

Nombri ordinala e cetera. La un-esm-a republiko Franca, same kam la du-esm-a e la triesma, esis una e ne-divid-ebl-a.-La dek-e-duesma dio di (od en) aprilo e la kinesma di (od en) mayo esas dati memor-ind-a por me.-I1 skribis a ni ye l'sepesma (dio) (en) oktobro.-Quon vu lektas en la komenco di la letro ? ((London, ye (od en) la dek-e-unesma (dio) (di) januaron.-Nia filiulo naskis ye la nonesma (dio) (di) februaro, dum la yaro mil-e-oka-cent-e-nona-dek-e-duesma, e lua fratino naskis ye la nonesma (dio) (di) novembro, en la yaro mil-e-nona-cent-e- unesma.-Ye l'unesma foyo, me kompris de ta homulo un mi- dek-e-duo de glasi ; e, ye la duesma, me kompris de lu un mi-cento de 1i.--11 ne esas kontenta pri la salario quan il recevis ; il volas la duoplo, e me ne konsentas, pro ke il laboras tante male, ke il apene meritas la du-im-0.-Se vu savos perfekte vua leciono, vu havos duopla rekompenso.-Camatine la profesoro parolis a ni pri la fra- cioni, ed unesme explikis to quo esas duimo, triimo, quarimo, e c. -En mea skolo, esis absolute ne permisata interparolar du-e durn la amuz-tempo ; on devis sempre dar kun la ceteri.-Quale me povus vinkir ? Li atakis me trie.-L'unika rekompenso quan on 53 donis a me, esis lektar o desegnar.-Quarople sis o triople ok esas (facas) dua-dek-e-quar.-Me abonis ita revuo po dek franki por un yaro.-I1 abonis nia jurnalo po dua-dek-e-quar franki dum un yaro, ma pose il cesis, asertante ke po ta preco l'abono devus valorar por du yari.-Abonigez da omna via amiki revuo kombatanta por nia idealo.-Quante kustas ito ? To kustas non franki e duimo.-To esas multe tro chera ; po la sama sumo on havas la duoplo che omna komercisto di nia urbo.-Ho ! quanta labori-n, (quanta) penin, (quanta) dolorin kustabos (esos kustinta) de sua pioniri la linguo internaciona, kande ol esos en-plantac-ita en nia rutin-em-a, skeptika mondo !-Me kompris ta dek sigari po un franko, konseque li kustas dek centimi single.-Ni marchis ne quar-op-e, quale soldati, ma diiope ; mem kelki marchis unope (o single).

XIV Adverbi. Kad ja vu asistis kunsido akademi-al-a ? No, me ne ja asistis tala kunsido. -Ka vua filio esas ankore malada ? No, me dankas vu (o danko), lu ne plus esas malada ; lu ja rikomencis levar su de tri dii.-Vu vizas ankore tro alt-e ; pro to vu ne povas atingar la skopo.-Irez ti1 la kirko, e de ibe vua vido embracos un de la maxim bela e maxim vasta panorami.-Pos-e ni arivis hike, ube ni restis, quale vu konstatas.-Nun, se vu volos, ni iros a la komon-domo por querar diversa paperi quin me bezonas.-I1 apene parolis, e nur mi-voce.- Kad vu havas sat multa pano ? Me havas ne nur sate ma tro multe. -Forsan el ne komprenas bone, ke olim el esis for ni, dum ke nun el esas proxim ni.-Nultempe, nek nun nek olim, me volis to.- Anke il opinionas, ke vu povos retro-venar erste matin-morge e ne ca-vespere.-Quanta lakto-n vu deziras ? Ho ! tre poka, me pregas, nam la mediko imperis (preskriptis) ke me drinkez ne-multe. -Kad il ja retrovenis ? No, il ne ja retrovenis ; probable il retro- venos erste vesper-morge (morge vespere).-Quante joyoza esas vua fratulo cadie ! I1 kantis dum la tota matino ; il cesis nur ye la dimezo por manjar.-Quanta homi-n me vidas sur la placo ! On pensus, ke esas dio votala por ula e1ekto.-Frue o tarde la mali esos punisata. -La puerino ploras, quale se on batus lu, o quale se el sentus tre granda chagreno.

xv Prepozicioni. Ni iras a1 urbo che la mediko, nam nia patrulo esas grave malada. Che qua vu lojis, kande vu habitis Madrid ?-La soldati ne lojos che la habitanti dil urbo, ma en kampeyo, ye du kilometri de ibe. -Me kombatos por la linguo internaciona e kontre lua enemiki ti1 mea lasta sopsiro.-Pos nia leciono, ni iros ad-sur I'agro, qua esas dop la domo, por koliar vio10.--Ante la nuna yaro, me ankore povis venar avan la fenestro, an la gardeno, e sidar ibe.-Ube il esis ? I1 esis en sua laboratorio, ube il iris (marchis) per granda pazi, de un extrem-aj-o a 1'altra.-Ad-ube vu iras ? Me iras a rnea chambro por querar rnea mantelo, quan me obliviis en 1u.-La muso kuris tranquile sub la lito ; ma la hundo en-venis e su jetis ad 01; lore la besti-et-o pavorante saltis desub la lit0 adsur la tablo.-Portez to (ad)en la salono ; vu pozos lu sur la kanapeo.-Omn-ube vu habitos, me habitos anke, ed (ad)omnube vu iros, (ad)ibe me iros kun vu.- De la domo il klamis, ke ni venez ; ma regret-ind-e ni ne audis.- Ek la barelo en qua la hundo celabis su, lu jetis krio a ni, e tale atraktis nia atenco.-De la matino ti1 la nokto on vidas lu sidanta an sua tablo e skribanta sen-cese.-Cirkum la gardeno e trans la muro esis vidata (videsis) soldati kun fusili en la manui.-De Paris a Lyon il dormis dum la tota voyajo.-De nun me ne plus pagos vua deb- aj-i.-Quik pos la morto di sua patrulo il iris ad Amerika.-El ne povis venar, pro ke el esas malada de du dii.-Kad vu vidas ta amaso de pueri avan nia pordo ?-Me kompris du metri de drapo e mi-deb-e-duo de tasi.-Ek quo esas la tasi ? Li esas ek porcelano. --I1 drinkis granda glaso de vino ed il departis a la staciono.-Da qua esas ta libro ? 01 esas da me e da Petro.-Di qua esas ta naztuko ? 01 esas rnea (di me).-A (o pri) quo vu pensas nun ? Me pensas a rnea gepatri.-Cadie me recevis de nia fratino la vesti di Henriko.-Da qua vu esas sendita ? Da rnea ge-mastri, qui deziras respond0 pri la letro quan li skribis a vu de Paris.--Me venos che vu inter la dimezo e la vespero.-Cis la muro esas nu1 danjero, ma trans olu vu riskus la vivo.-Pri ta temo ni parolos pos 1'asemblo.- Departinte ante ni, la amiki arivis pos ni ; nam ni rajuntis li e preteriris li ; konseque li arivis pose e dope.-Pro rnea povreso, il pagis vice me por la voyajo quan ni facis kune.-Segun vua reko- mendo e malgre lua nepoliteso, me restis po1ita.-Vice laborar, vu dormis o repozis dum la tota jorno.--Vartez rnea retroveno, e ni iros kune (por) abonar ta jurna10.-Apud la muro e kontre vua domo il haltis dum adminime du 11ori.-Dextre e sinistre dil kameno, an la muro, pendis du tre bela portreti.-Me facis omno per rnea propra manui.


Ni do opinionas ke nek vu nek ilu povos solvar ta desfadla questiono.-El esas vere tre stranja o malada, nam lore el ridas, lore el ploras sen-kauze.--Nu ! vu ne venas kun me malgre vua promiso !-Kad vu judikas lu kom bona ? Yes, me judikas lu kom bona e kom tre fid-ind-a.-Sive el moitos, sive el vivos, vua destino esos tre kompat-ind-a,-Vu facos to quon me imperos a vu ; se ne, vu quik cesos akompanar me.-Se nur el obedios bone, me ne reprochos e1u.-Quankam la pueri ne esas sempre jentila, tamen omna bon-kordia homo esas atraktat a 1i.-I1 recevis ta frapo sen ke lua vizajo montris la maxim mikra signo di do1oro.-Me avertis vi, bon amiki, por ke vi ne falez en ta danjero.-Pro ke la fero esas plu solida karn la ligno, on preferas lu en multa uzi. Ilua chagreno venas de ke il recevis icamatine longa letro plena de tre des-agreabl informi.-De kande vn savas to ? De kin dii.--Ube e kande il mortis, me tote ne povas dicar, nam, depos ke il abandonis me, nu1 inform0 pri lu arivis a me.-Segun ke vu esos richo o mizerozo, la homi judikos vn kom bona o kom mala.-Se vu laboros bone, kara puero, me volunte rekompensos vu ; kontre ke me devos punisar vu, se vu esos oci-em-a.-Quik kande il en-iris, ni omna levis ni polite.-Quante plu me lu vidas, tante plu me odias 1u.- Tam ofte karn il venas, vu donas ad il pekunio.-Kondicione ke vu sempre obedios, me sempre konkordos kun vu.-Omna-foye kande me probas manjar, me sufras balde pose ; mea stomako nun toleras nur drink-aj-i.-I1 respondis tale, ke me qnik ek-pulsis lu ek la domo.-Quante min vu laboras, tante min vu volas 1aborar.-Pro ke vu ne permisas to, me ne iacos o1u.-Pro to me ne povis venar plu frue.-Ha ! por to il bezonos multa pekunio, ed il havas tre poka.-Pos ke vu ek-iris, lu queris la mediko.-Dum ke vu repozis, me skribis a nia klienti por avertar li pri nia balda paso tra lia urbo.

Akuzativo ed eliziono. Nulo-n altra il volis dicar a me.---To-n me naracos a vu detale, kar' amiko, pos kelka dii, kande ni esos plu quieta karn nun.- Quante bel' vetero ! mem 1'Jtaliani ne havas plu klar e plu blua cielo karn esas cadie la nia.-Del fenestro a1 pordo me kontis dek e sis pazi.-Nova seminon ankore plu o min perdata ni semadas tra la mondo : ma tam certe karn la sun0 lumas super nia kapi, ta semino ne sempre perdesos ; pos kelk o mult yari 01 jerm-if-os, kreskos, e kovros la tero. Advere, la final vinkon ni ne havos tam rapide karn opinionas uli ; ma la kombaton ni ne livos, e, se ni la triumfon ne vidos, per quo to importas ? Olun vidos a1tri.- Quon vu kompris en la merkato ? Terpomin, napin, kaulin, rapin, pizin e fungin me kompris de vua vendistino ; sika prunin, figin, oranjin, nucin de vua olda protektati, quin vu konoc- -ig-is da me en la lasta semano.-Blamin, mokin, persekutin, tor- mentin, omno ton il sufris por restar fidel' a sua kredo.-Omnon kredas l'infanti, ni devas do tre atencar por ne trompar 1i.--Bona, simpla e modesta, el esas amata da omni.-Simpla, flexebla e t)elsona, vere internaciona en sua elementi, ta linguo prizentas a1 mondo civilizita la sole Vera solvo di la linguo internaciona, nam, tre facil por homi poke instruktita, 01 esas komprenata sen pen0 da omnu bone ednkita.-((To esus ne nova linguo, ma nur kelke chanjit Esperanto ! Konseque la tota question0 pri la futuro di la linguo internaciona reduktesas nur a co, kad Esperanto aceptesos sen- chanje en lua nuna formo, o kad en 01 facesos ul-tempe kelka chanji. 56 Ma ca question0 por 1'Esperantisti ne plus havas ul graveso ; li protestas nur kontre to, se aparta personi volas chanjar Esperanto segun sua arbitrio ; ma se ultempe yur-iz-ita kongreso od akademio decidos facar en la linguo tal od altra chanji, 1'Esperantisti ton aceptos kun plezuro e nulon perdos pro to.)) (Kvestomatio di DrOZarnenhof, p. 312).

XVIII Afixi CE-, BO-, -ID, -YUN, EX-, -ESTR, -AN, -ISM, -1ST. Ta uobelulo esas Vera parazito ; il vivas nur per la repasti quin il mendikas hike od ibe.-Santa Virgino, el klamis, sokursez ni en ta danjero teror-ig-anta ; helpez ni trovar ul moyeno por eskapar la morto.-Vere vua lavistino esas tre ne-akurata ; el venas omnase- mane en diferanta dii e hori.--Me ne dicis a vu ke rnea fratino esas doktorino, ma nur ke el esas la spozino di doktoro.-Regardez ta bovini, qui pasturas kun la kavalino di rnea patrulo ; li nun esas sat grasa por vendesar.--Nia ge-patri e nia cetera parenti donis a ni ne-negebla pruvi di amo en ta cirkonstanci do1origanta.-Gesiori H. camatine venis vizitar nia kara malado.-La Israelidi naskis ek Izrael, e la Karolidi, rejal dinastio en Francia, naskis ek Karolo la Granda, imperiestro di 0cidento.-Tam longe kam la genit-ur-o dil gebovi esas yuna, on nomizas 01 bovyuno, same kam on nomizas la tre yuna kavali, kava1yuno.-Ne konfundez bopatro, bofilio, kun stifa patro, stifa fi1io.-Omna parenti di rnea spozo (N.B. : spozulo o spozino) esas rnea boparenti.-Mea stifa patro esas nur la spozo di rnea patro ; rnea mi-frato esas la filio di un de rnea gepatri ; ma rnea stifa frato esas nur la filio di rnea stifa patro ; In havas nula patro komuna kun me.-I1 esas ex-prezidero di republiko, nam il esis dum sep yari la statestro di Francia, ed antee il esis vice- prezidero dil senate.-La urbestro tote ne prizas la nobeli ; volunte il qualifikus li, quale dum la unesma republiko Franca, l'ex-nobeli. -La skolestro e la navestro esas la chefi di skolo o di navo.-La skolani o la navani esas la instruktati o komandati di skolestro o di navestro.-Hike l'urbani obedias tre male l'imperi di sua chefaro. -La gemastri di ta domo esas ex-Kristani, nam nun li esas Mohame- disti. Li abandonis la Kristanismo, e mem la katolikismo, nam li esis baptita kato1ike.-El volas esar membro di nia societo, ma olua chefaro ne volas membr-ig-ar elu ; el havas tante mala karaktero ke el disputus kun omna societani pos un o du monati.-Nia dentisto e nia mediko esas socialisti.-La florist0 esas specale la homo qua profesione kultivas la flori, e la florvendisto esas specale la homo, de qua on kompras li endetale. La soldati qui portas kuraso esas kurasieri.-Ta yuna rentiero kuracesas de du yari kom ftiziiko.-Manjez nur la molajo di ta frukto e lasez la hardajo.-La kozo quan il rakontis a vu esas pur neverajo.-Me preferas la porkokarno kam la bovkarno.-Lia amikaji esas perfidaji.-Qua naivajon el facis itere ?-Ilua tablo sempre esas plena de paperi e skriburi.-Me recevis vua sendajo.- Ni vizitis omna vidinda konstrukturi dil urbo.- An la muri videsis diversa tre be1 pikturi.-Erste cadie me remarkis la fenduro di ta vazo.-La skulturo quan vu vidas sur la kameno esas imituro. -On devus klozar l'aperturo, nam la vento pasas tra olu e tre jenas me, kande me esas an la fenestro.-La tota pueraro di ta urbo semblas malad-em-a.-Promenante en ta tre granda foresto, me remarkis divers arborari, plantacita segun la speci : en un parto popli, en altra querki, hike alni ed ibe abieti.-Hastez, hastez, la gastaro arivas.-Quante be1 navaro ! 01 esas la maxim be1 ek (de) omni, quin me ultempe vidis.-Ha ! pro quo la homaro plu similesas vasta enemikaro kam vasta frataro ?-Me serchas la brosilo por brosar mea panta1ono.-Ni renkontris lu en posto-kontoro, ube tra la gicheto il regardis la telegrafilo, vartante sua foyo.-Me demandis de vu ne irga tranchilo, ma precize ku1telo.-Omna arm0 pafanta esas pafilo, ma omna pafilo ne esas fusi1o.-Querez tua libri en la skribeyo ; li esas apud la skribmashin0.-La lavistino ne ja esas en la laveyo ; el ne ja arivis ; el esas ankore neakurata qnale sempre ; el venos kande to plezos ad el(u).-Sigaruyo kontenas kelka sigari ; 01 esas por li specala etuyo, kontre ke sigariero kontenas un sigaro, e mem ne komplete, nam nur extremajo dil sigaro esas en la sigariero. Per l'unesma objekto on portas sigari an su, kontre ke per la duesma on fumas li.-Ube do la servistino pozis la kandeliero ? Yen ol(u), siorulo ; me trovis 01 apud sukruyo, stranja vicineso por ta objekti. -Nia pomieri havas quaze nu1 pomo ; ni ne havos cidro cayare. -Ha ! quante bel roziero ! 01 esas tote kovrita da rozi.- I1 sufras de facial(a) doloro tante forta, ke il ne plus povas laborar de quar dii.-To ne esas normala, e vu devus querar la mediko.- La linguo universala esas la specal instrumento dil internaciona relati.-La rezultajo di nia demarsho ne esas tre agreabla por ta olda alkoholiko ; ma, se on ne inlrluzos lu, certe il ocidos ulu en krizo di furio.-Ha, la be1 katyuni ! Kad vu konservos li omna ? -No, me konservos nur la katulo e donacos la katini.-La kavalini duktesas plu facile kam la kavaluli. Afixi -OZ, -IV, -EM, -IND, -END, -ATR, -ES, -ESK.

Ta aquo esas tre kalkoza, pro ke la kalko abunde trovesas hike.-Kontree, en mea lando, la tereno esas sabloza ; pro to ni havas tre klar e tre pur aquo.-Nula danjero pavorigas ilu ; on ne povas renkontrar homo plu kurajoza kam ita.-El donis a me tante konvinkiv argumenti: por respondar a vua objecioni, ke me esas tre certa konvertor vu.-To ne esas nutriva, ma facile digesteb1a.-Quankam ta verko ne esas instruktala, 01 tamen esas tre instruktiva.-I1 esas tre sentema, e havas nu1 rezistiva povo (rezistiveso).-Me adportas a vu konsolaciv informi. -Vua responsiveso en ta afero esos extreme grava ; vice vu, me ne aceptus.-La persono qua havas la inklineso kredar omno esas kredema ; e, se lu havas anke la inklineso iracar, lu esas anke iracema. -I1 esas un ek (de) la maxim laborema homi en la mondo.-Mea filii ne similesas la ceteri ; li esas tre studiema.-Forsan to esis neposi- b1a.-Posibla o neposibla, la kozo eventis ; yen nediskutebla fakto, ne nur kredebla o kredinda, ma kredenda.-Ta skriburo esas tote ne1ektebla.-Me povas afirmar, ke lua konduto esis sempre digna e respektinda.-Quale vu volas, ke me skribez ? Me havas nulo por skribar, nek inko, nek plumo, ne mem krayono; e tamen me mustas skribar, nam me havas ja de tri dii grava letro skribenda. -Kad vu havas ulo facenda cadie ? Yes, me mustas vizitar mea gepatri.-To ne esas verda, ma nur verdatra, sioru10.-Ta nntrivo havas dolcatra saporo tre desagreabla a mea palato.-Ta ligno tante longatempe restis en l'aquo, ke 01 divenis sponjatra.-Elua sente- meso esas extrema, ed elua rezistiveso tote nula. Pluse, febral agemeso prenis el de du monati, ed igas me timar plu kam la cetero. -1lua avareso ne povas nomizesar.-Vu ne povas imaginar, quanta esis ilua emoco.-Izoleso, maladeso, mizero, omno to atakis il(u) dum longa yari.-Pri ta konstrukturo me precipue admiras lua vasteso ; la cetero dil konstrukteso ne tushas me tante.-Venez, venez, il morteskas !-En la lasta nokto me ne povis dormeskar. -Lore il iraceskis e krieskis furioze.-Unesme el vidis nulo, ma pose el videskis formo, qua pokope precizeskis.-Mult exerci esas necesa a puero, por ke 01 adu1teskez.-Komence on ne amis me en ta familio ; ma pos quar monati me amateskis (o ameskesis) da lu, e nun me esas tre amata da omni.--El redeskas pro iraco ; el furieskas, me tre bone vidas lo.-Se vu volas forteskar, vu devas movar, promenar, kurar, edc. XXI Afixi -IC, -IZ, -IF, DIS-, RI-, RETRO-, DES-, MI-, -EC, -ET, -UM, -ACH, MIS-, -AD. Por netigar la chambro, vu demandos la helpo di Johano.- Ta vino esis bona ; quon do on pozis en lu por maligar lu tante ? -Kar amiko, vu febligas vu e riskas perdar la saneso, laborante tale del matino ti1 la vespero, e mem ofte dum la nokto.-Kad vu venigis la mediko ? Yes, me ipsa queris il(u).-Dormigez la infant-et-o ; 01 ja dormeskas.-Me sendigis a vu du kunikli e tri kolombi da Petro hiere matine.-Da qua vu instruktigas vua filii ? Me instruktigas li da nia skolestro, qua docas a li lektado, skribado, kalkulado, edc.-Ni ja vidigis da Henriko nia domo ; nun ni vidigos 01 da vu.-Kande mea kavalo esos olda, me manjigos lu ; ma tamen me ne igas lu manjar tro mult aveno, nam me ne volas ke lu ma1adeskez.-I1 su celis tante bone, ke il ne videsis dal enemiki. -Kande infanto esas lavata da altra persono, on darfas dicar, ke lu lavesas ; ma kande lu lavesas da su ipsa, on devas dicar : ctlu lavas sun, por montrar bone, ke lu facas la ago a su ipsa. Kon- seque, omnafoye kande persono o bestio facas ago a su ipsa, ne uzez la sufixo ctes*.-El su levas e su kushas sen helpo, nam nun el ne plus esas infanto ma puero.-Staceskez pueri ; via profesoro eniras.-Fine la kaldrono neteskas ; de du hori me lavas e frotas lu. Vu netigis mea chambro, ma obliviis ordinar 1u.-El su amuzas kolorizante imaji.-Vestizez vu rapide, nam ni mustas ekirar ante la dimezo.-Kad vu piprizis la salado ? No, me nur salizis 1u.-Por konservar la karno, uli sulfizas 1u.-Ne tushez ta mashino, nam pro sua elektrizeso 01 povus mortigar vu.-La florifo di omna arbori pre-iras lia fruktifo.-Quo eventis a vu ? Ha ! preske nulo ; me nur sangifas del nazo.--11 versifas tre bone ; il esas tre remarkinda versifisto.-Kad vu volas vizitar kun me la armiferio ? Yes, tre vo1unte.- -La shuifisti (o shuisti) facas shui, e la chapelisti facas chapeli o vendas 1i.-Me dissendis o disdonis omna broshureti quin me recevis por to.-Ye qua kloko facesas hike la disdono di la letri ? Ye dek e tti kloki-Enirante me trovis desordinita sur la tablo mea paperi, quin me ordinabis (esis ordininta) tante bone.-Me to dicis e ridicis a vu multafoye, ma vu sempre obliviis 01.-I1 cedis a me omna sua yuri, e me retrocedis li pose.-Rikomencez, on ne komprenis tu.-I1 esas neyuna, e tamen il ne ja esas o1da.-Kad esas permisata fumar hike ? No, siorulo, to esas interdiktita.-Pro ke el esas tre superba, el tre sufros de ta ofenso.-I1 esas maligna por omni ; pro to il esas odiata (o odiesas) da omni.-La verajo esas juste la kontreajo di vua dico.-Me studiis la kantado e la dansado.--Quankam il ne facis mem un diskurseto, tamen, pro ke il paroladis kun ni dum la tota jorno, il snfras ye la guturo cavespere. -Kad vu audas la pafado ? Yes, ma ne tre bone ; me darfus dicar, ke me lu miaudas.-Pro quo il sempre parolas mivoce ?-Pro quo il klamas omno quon il dicas ?-Semblas a me, ke me audis kriego. -Cesez vua bruisego ; vu surdigas me.-To esas tre varma, e mem varmega.~-Ni renkontris kelka rivereti ; pose un rivero : e fine arivis a fluvio.--Mikra monto esas plu granda kam kolino e min granda 60 kam montego, qua esas plu granda kam tre granda monto.--I1 esas tre joyoza cadie ; il ridetas ad omni e kantetas sencese.-Patru- leto, kad vu permisas, ke me ekirez pos la dimezo ?-To esas ne domo ma domacho.-Ha ! me ne pavoras pro la populacho, qua tote ne reprezentas la popu1o.-Me facis rnea devo ; sive on laudos, sive on blamos me, to esos por me granda konsolaco.-I1 sempre mis- komprenas to quon ni dicas ad i1u.-To esas multe tro chera ; certe on misevaluis lu, o vu miskalku1is.-Desvestizez vu, altre vu desnetigos laborante vua nova vesto.-La soldati esis desarmizata ed en- karcerigata. XXII Afixi PRE-, -ED, PAR-, -ER, -I, ARKI-, -ERI, PARA-, -E, -ARI. Nia prim-avi esas anke la primavi di nia preavi.-La fratulo di rnea avulo esas rnea preonMo.-Li esas ne rnea kuzi, ma rnea prekuzi. -Me iras a la chambro di rnea preavino ed eniros ol(u), se me audos nula bruiso. - I1 manjis nur un hokedo de pano e drinkis un glasedo de vino. - Ni asemblos ni vesper-morge (morge vespere) por parlektar la grava letri quin me recevis. -Vu dicas, ke vu parlernis vua lecioni, ma to esas tre dubinda, nam vu ne povas recitar oli. - On vidas facile, ke ta dansanti ne esas danseri, nam li dansas tre male.- -La paroko di ta parokio esas tre habila peskero e chasero. -La granda-dukio Luxemburgia esas lando tre pikt-inda.-La prehistorio esas tre necerta.--Saja homo ne havas prejudiki, e lu ne predicas suceso o falio segun idei plu o min senbaza.- Ca pot0 esas neplena, ma ita esas vakua.-Sendube (certe) il venos ; ma pri la veno di rnea onklino existas nur probab1eso.- On povas restar senmova e tamen esar tre moveb1a.-Pronuncez tre distingeble ta vorti ; vu tre bezonas lecioni di pronuncado e di deklamado ; la soni ne ekiras vua boko, por tale dicar : vu parolas ne feble o mivoce, ma koniuze.-Me nedubeble devis agar quale me agis, e facar to quon me facis.-En Rusia la frati di l'imperiestro esis granda-duki, ed en Austria li esas arki-duki. -L'arki-diakoni esas sacerdoti, kontre ke la diakoni ne ja esas sacerdoti.-Trovinte damzelo N.. .. , me questionis lu pri la stando di lua patru10.-El dicis a me, ke il standas tre bone e posedas saneso perfekta malgre sua evo.---Nu, quante il evas ? Ha ! il esas evoza ; il esas nona-dek-e-sep-yara.-Mea filiulo esas direktisto di tre granda rafinerio ; ma antee il direktis importanta distilerio. --Me instaligos parafulmino sur la tekto di nia domo.-Mea fratino serchas sua parasuno, e me serchas rnea parap1uvo.-Buton-ag-ez vua kolumo di surtato ; ni quik sentos la koldeso sur ta ponto.- La rozi esas rozea e la violi vio1ea.-Di qua koloro esas rnea rob0 ? Lu esas brunatra ; no, kastanea.- Ordinare la kati esas plu o min tigrea, ma ica havas la pili perlo-griza.-Me ne fidus a vua konfi- dencario: lu esas tro babilema por konservar la sekretaji.-La legacario ne aceptis la heredajo, pro ke lu savis kc la debaji di la legacinto superesas lua havajo.-Ne trovinte la destinario, la post0 retrosendis a me la letro. 61 I1 restas en sua dqrmo-chambro, ma del fenestro il regardas la placo dil komon-domo.-La invent0 dil vapornavi esas plu ancien kam ta dil fervoyi-Venez vidar la bela ciel-arko (o pluv-arko) ; 01 esas la maxim grandioza quan me vidis en mea vivo.-l'agro- kultivo ne esas la gardenkultivo, quankam la du esas terku1tivo.- El promenas omnadie an la marbordo, vestizita per ciel-blua robo, ed el esas avino kina-dek-e-tri-yara !-Me tre prizas la terpomi, irge quale li esas koquita, ma me tote ne povas tolerar la florkauli ; li efektigas en me mala digestado e konseque kapdo1ori.-Quanta. sturmo ! Sencese tondras, e la vento-stroki intersucedas konstante. -Dum l'inter-akto ni asemblis ni en la foyero dil teatro por konversar kun altra spektanti pri la dramato reprezentata.-L'Esperantisti, adminime pluri de lia maxim eminenta chefi e multi de la tro docil dicipuli, asertas ke li konstitucas internaciono, mem supernaciono, e ke Esperanto esas la vivanta linguo di populo vivanta !-I1 esas tante superba, ke il kredas esar super-homo.-Portez ica letro a1 posto-kontoro, e jetez lu ipse (vu ipsa) en la letro-buxo ; pose vu kompros por me posto-marki (o marki postala) e posto-karti (o karti postala).-On ne kredus, ke ica du pneruli esas frata, nam la senior0 esas mikra e nigr-okula, kontre ke la junior0 esas granda e blu-okula. -En aquo diafana on facile travidas la fishi e mem la stoni dil fundo di la rivero.-Donez a me sub-taso, altre me povus faligar kafeo sur ica be1 tablo-tuko.-La submara navi esas inventuro recenta.-I1 kredas nu1 fenomeno supernaturala; mem il tote negas l'existo di supernaturo.-Vu ne sat enterigis ica planto ; lua radiki esas apene kovrita dal tero.-Me ne povas komprenar, ke uli trovas plezuro en asistar la senkapigo di kondamniti.-La balno- kuvo di mea balneyo esas tro kurta por vua amiko : il esas tante 1onga.-Tatempe ni esis richa, e nun ni esas mizeroza.-Kad vu povus indlkar a me bon enkadrigisto di pikturi ? Me volus igar lu enkadrigar ta be1 portreto.-En nia epoko on preske ne plus vidas vento-muelili, quale olim ; ma on vidas ankore aquo-mue1ili.- Ube vu kompras vua ter-karbono ?-On dicas bonsapora la pork- yuni ; me ne savas ka to esas vera : nultempe me manjis de o1i.- Ni ne darfas nomizar undia bestli la efemeri, nam li ne vivas precize un dio.-On ekterigos la kadavro, nam on dicas kc la kompatinda fervoyisto ne mortis de acidento, ma esis venenagata.-Omno to esas preopinioni, prejudiki. kontredici senbaza.-I1 recevis de lu ne nur insulti, ma mem vango-frapo.-Me drinkos nur un glasedo de aquo kolda kun un sukropeco.-Ni bezonas lit-kovrilo (o lital kovrilo) e kap-kuseno (o kapal kuseno) por la chambro di vua amiki. --hero, on trompis vu ; ne existas reale papilioni or-a1 oza ; to esas nur poezial expresuro.-On povas dicar ke la printempo esas flor- sezono e l'autuno frukto-sezono, ma nur en la zono temperata di 62 la norda mi-sfero.-La rokaji ne esas enti mortinta, ma kozi sen- viva.--Ne esas justa dicar, ke kalvo esas senhara.-Same ne esus justa dicar, ke tuerto esas un-okula, nam la ciklopi esis un-okula e ne tuerta.-la homo esas un-langa e du-orela, por indikar ke lu devas min parolar kam askoltar, nam la par010 esas arjenta, on dicas, e la silenco ora.

XXIV Kelka expresi distingenda. Pro quo vu dormas, kande vu devus laborar ?-Yes, me konfesas, ke me devus nun laborar ; ma me mustas dormar, pro ke me vigilis dum la tota lasta nokto.-La pordo ne esas klefo-klozita ; ni do povus enirar.-Yes, ni povus, ma ni ne darfas enirar ; videz ya l'afisho, qua dicas : cdnterdikto enirar, kun puniso per amendo.))-Li pasis la riv ero canokte, dum ke ni pasis la tempo ludante per karti.-Ni expektas lua vizito ye dek-e-quar kloko (du kloki pos la dimezo) ; ma, se il ne venos akurate ye ta kloki, nine vartos i1u.--Me venis vartar la treno ye la horo regulala, quankam me ne erspektas lu ante mi-horo, pro lua tardeso kustuma1.--Me judikas, ke ta homo esis tre yuste judiciata.-Durez laborar ta moblo, por ke 01 esez pronta maxim balde (posible).-Yes, me duros la laboro asidue e diligente, ma me ne povos duvar lu kontinue ; nam me mustos ya interruptar lu por manjar e dormar.--Ta societo facis mult asembli en ica yaro ; e singla de oli esis grandanombra, nam la societo havas tre multa membri. La kasero facis sua raporto pri la financi, raporto nombroza e tedanta, quale omna tal doku- menti. Ma la diskurso dil prezidero rivekigis l'atenco dil asistanti e rekoltis mult ap1audi.-Quon vu agas dum la tota jorno, se on interdiktis a vu facar irga laboro manuala ? Ha ! me ne restas nul-aganta ; me facas argila statueti ; to ne esas penigiv okupado. -Me persequis la furtisto dum preske un horo, ante atingar e kaptar lu.-Se il ne tante persequabus la plezuro, il ne esus nun persequata avan la tribuna10.-La mali persekutas la boni, pro ke li odias la bonajo (o : lo bona).-Longe e kruele la Kristani persekutesis dum l'unesma yari di 1'Eklezio.--Ne ca festi igas me timar, ma la festini, quin me mustos partoprenar dum oli.-Me vidis elua dorso, ne lua ,facie ; konseque me ne konocas elua vizajo, e ne savas, kad el esas bela.-La ombro desegnis sur la kontrea muro figuro homala mi- profile.-Me konfidis a lu mil franki ye la procento di quar po cent. -Grand interesti debatesis dum ta diskutado, ed on tre longe deliberis par savar kad esas oportuna konocigar quik dal publiko la rezultajo dil debati.-Se du homi marchas sur lineo perfekte rekta, li sequas tote sama direciono ; ma se ica marchas vers la dextra extremajo, durn ke ita marchas vers la sinistra, certe li ne sequas la sama sinso. -11 dicis a1 tribunal0 : (( hfe ne volis advokar testi, e me nule invokas via klementeso ; me nur apelas a via yusteso pri mea mis- kondamneso.s-Ta veturo esas male charjita, nam on kargis omna pakegi sur la sama latero. 63 Sintaxo.

Singlu serchas ante omno sua profito, ed omnu deziras esar sua mastro.-La sentenco : ct A singlu lua debajo D imperas, ke ni traktez singlu segun lua laboro e merito.-La domi di qui la mastri esas absenta restas ordinare k1ozita.-Omna grupi a la chefi di qui la prezidanto sendis ta cirkulero respondis per varma aprobo. -Ni esperas, ke la homi di qui ni favoras l'interesti montros su gratitudoz a ni e protektos ni omna-maniere.-Ta patrono, por la profito di qua ni tante longe laboris, nule rekompensis ni.- Evitez segun posibleso pezoza frazi tal quala ici : (( Yen la libri quin me deziras ke vu lektez s ; <( Ube esas la vesti quin vu volas ke me rapecez ? )) Dicez exemple : (( Yen la libri di qui me konsilas a vu la lekto s ; (( Ube esas la vesti, quin vu volas rapecigar da me ? ))-Preferinda esas tarde kam nultempe, dicas konocata pro- verb~.-Tam fore karn ni povas retroirar en la historio, nia ancestri habitis ica 1ando.--Tam longe kam tu esos felica, tu kontos mult amiki ; tam balde kam la fortuno livos tu, tu restos sola.-Tante ofte la krucho iras aden la puteo, ke fine 01 ruptesas.-I1 esas tante avara, ke il donas nu1 almono a1 mizerozi.-Se on reprochas lu pro lua avareso, il audacas respondar : t( Me esas tro povra, o : me ne esas sat richa, por donar grand almoni D. Ed omni savas, ke lu esas mi1ioniero.-Vu esos tante plu richa, quante vu havos min multa bezoni.-On esas richa nur segun quante on havas plu granda revenui kam bezoni.-Ni kompris tante multa provizuri, ke certe ni havos sat multo por manjar e vivar per oli dum un monato, irge quanta ni esos.-Ta desfortunoza rejino dicis a sua persekuteri : Se vi ue respektas me kom rejino, adminime egardez me kom matro.- Tro benigna, la rejo dicis a sua revoltinta filiulo : t( Kom suvereno me kondamnas vu : ma kom patro me pardonas vu )). I1 ya devabus mem kom patro impozar puniso e pardonar erste pose.-Konsi- derante, quale il agis ad vu, me judikas lu kom deshonesta.-I1 esis proklamata kom rejo.-Se me sucesus, me esus felica quale rejo.-I1 ne darfis agar kom prezidero, e tamen il agis quale prezidero.--Ni omna facas projeti, quale se ni esus vivonta cent yari, e ni esas necerta mem pri la morgo.-I1 kondutis che me quale se il esus en sua hemo. -11 semblas quaze fola. No, ma il agas preske quale fo1o.-El aspektis quale mortintino, e fakte el esis quaze mortinta pro pavoro. Me sequos vu irga1oke.-Irgube vu iros, me sequos vu.-Ni helpos vi irgatempe.-Irgekande vi vokos ni, ni qnik adkuros.-De qua vu kompris ica pikturo ?-Me kompris lu de mea kuzulo, qua aqui- rabis lu de olda piktisto tre mizeroza.-I1 ne plus savas, de qua pruntar la sumo quan il bezonas, nam nulu volas prestar ad i1u.- Ne mokez la oldi, nam vu oldeskos, e forsan vu anke mokesos.- Ni pardonez nia ofensinti, por esar pardonata pri nia propra kulpi. -Esez atencoza, pueri, se vi volas profitar la bona lecioni di via instrukteri.-Vu ne eskapos la danjero, se vu restos tante neprudenta. 64 Vortordino.

Me ya facis to (ne altru). - Pro quo vu ne respondas ? Vu savas ya Ido !-Pro quo vu eniris ? Vu vidas ya, be me esas okupata ! - Advere ta martelo ne esas forta ; ma por stekar ica klovo, 01 povas ya suficar. - Ta infanto ne esas advere tre forta, ma il esas nultempe malada. -Ne vu facis ta laboro (ma altru) ; me vidas lo tre bone.-Vu ne facis ta laboro (quan vu devis facar).-Vu facis ne ta laboro, ma altra tote neutila. --Ca libro esas tote ne interesanta (nule interesanta) ; 01 esas mem ne tote korekta (01 ne csas tote korekta).-I1 tre deziras divenor balde richa.-I1 deziras divenor tre balde richa.-I1 deziras divenor balde tre richa.~~-Nurel povas kantar tale (ne altru).-El nur povas kantar tale (to esas nur povo, ne vole).-El povas nur kantar tale (el ne povas facar altro).--El povas kantar nur talc (e ne altre).- Dum la vakanco, il nur promenas (il ne facas altro).-En la mezo dil maxim varma jorni, nur il promenas (la ceteri restas en sua hemo).--Dicez : (I Me recevis letro skribit en linguo ne konocata da me )) e ne : (( me recevis en da me ne konocata linguo skribita 1etro.))-Dicez : El esas amata e laudata da omna ti qui prizas la beleso ed afableso,)) e ne (( El esas da omna ti qui prizas la beleso ed afableso amata e 1audata.))-Dicez : (( Ta urbo esas abunde provizita ye kozi utila por la viva,)) e ne : (( Ta urbo esas ye por la vivo utila lrozi provizita.a-Dicez : ct Tablo kovrita per ancien reda tapiso lacerita,)) e ne : (( tablo per anciena reda lacerita tapiso kovrita.n-Dicez : (( Ni refutis omna objecioni prizentita da nekom- petenta personi ed ofte genitita da nesuficanta konoco di nia lingua,, e ne : (( Ni refutis omna da nekompetanta personi prizentita ed ofte da nesuficanta konoco di nia linguo genitita objecionis-Dicez : ((Me propagas la linguo helpanta Ido, konstruktita sur logikal principi e sencese developata per ciencal diskutado,)) e ne : ((Me propagas la helpanta, sur logikal principi konstruktita e per ciencal diskutado sencese developata linguo 1do.s-Dicez : ct La linguo helpanta esas l'inventuro maxim utila por la developo di l'inter- naciona relati e maxim fekunda de grava konsequi por la profito di la homaro futura,)) e ne : ((La helpanta linguo esas la por la developo di l'internaciona relati maxim utila e por la profito di la futura homaro de grava konsequi maxim fekunda inventur0.a- Dicez : a La mastro ebria de furio bastonagis l'asno ne volanta avancar,)) e ne : ((La de furio ebria mastro bastonagis la avancar ne volanta asno.))-Dicez per la formo aktiva : (( On (o ni) sequis la voyo, acensis la kolino, vizitis la kastelo, ed admiris la bela panoramo, quan on vidas del somito,~prefere kam per la fonno pasiva : (( La voyo sequesis, la kolino acensesis, la kastelo vizitesis, e la panoramo admiresis, qua videsas del s0mito.u Noto pri l'eliziono e l'adjektivo.

(( On darfas elizionar l'a di l'artiklo la e dil adjektivi, tam egale avan konsonanto kam avan vokalo, observante ica nura kondiciono, ke to ne produktos akumulajo de konsonanti. Esas konsilata uzar ta eliziono precipue kun la derivit adjektivi (I), e partikulare pos la sufixo a1 : infanta1 annzo, amikal ago, edc. Ta eliziono ne diplasas l'acento (2). On devas ne uzar lu tro freque, e precipue kande 01 produktus ambigueso : l'afer-la fero.)) (Grammaire complkte de la langue internationale, da L. DE BEAUFRONT,pagino 12). Ek ita texto konvenas prenar ica principo : l'eliziono esas kozo tote permisata, ma nule obliganta. On do konservas la plena yuro uzar l'artiklo e l'adjektivo kompleta, sen ula eliziono. Se ni aplikis lu en l'Exercaro, ni lo facis le por donar exempli, 2e pro ke, se l'eliziono ne esas obligant en Ido, ni mustas konfesar, ke dicerne praktikata, 01 donas a la linguo plu granda lejereso, e harmonio plu agreable fluanta. Irgu qua havas delikat orelo ne kontestos la kozo, Te lu komparos la frazi dil Exercaro, en qui ni praktikis l'eliziono, kun la sama frazi sen olu. Esas Vera alejo ne audar kun tedanta monotoneso la, la, -a, -a konstante. Nia gramatiko konsilas ccta eliziono precipue kun la derivit adjek- tivi.)) La vorto ccprecipuea implikas necese, ke l'eliziono darfas anke praktikesar mem kun la prima adjektivi ipsa, to esas kun la adjektivi nederivita. Pro to la studianti renkontris la prima adjektivi (( bon, bel, klar, pur, ancien e c. )) elizionita en kelka exerci, ube ta eliziono produktas nek l'aku9nulajo de konsonanti, nek l'ambigueso evitenda segun la gramatiko. Omno co naturale duktas ni parolar pri la plaso dil adjektivi en la frazo. Kad ni devas, quale en 1'Angla e la Germana lingui, pozar l'adjektivo sempre e mashinatre avan la substantivo ? Certe no ; ico ne esas dubebla. Se la du lingui jus nomita procedas tale, altri agas segun maniero tote kontrea ; li pozas l'adjektivi sempre pos la substantivi ; e funde li esas plu justa, nam esas plu logikala nomar la enti o la kozi ante dicar quala qualesin li havas. Poke importas tre ofte lia qualesi, ed on ne vidas pro quo ta qualesi havus sempre e mashinatre la prefer0 e la precedo. Pozar nia adjektivo sempre avan la substantivo esus konseque donar ad Ido entravilo qua, nejustifikata segun la logiko, produktas pro e per la ...a, ...a, audata kun tediva monotoneso, impreso preske netolerebla. Ico explikas la diverseso plasala, quan ni donis a1 adjektivo en la frazi di I'Exercaro. Cetere to ne devas desquietigar irgu, nam ni donis exempli por la stilo sorgata ; ma en Ido, quale en omna linguo, apud ta stilo existas la parolmaniero di la vivo singladia. Nu, por ica, en qua on sorgas nur komprenigar su, sen multe suciar pri eloquenteso e mem eufonio, pozez vua adjektivo ube jetos lu spontane vua pensado. Ido esas tale konstruktita ke (( bona homo )) e (( homo bona )), exemple, expresas nur un sama ideo, e ne du diferanta, quale en la Franca linguo. (I) La derivit adjektivi esas ti qni posedas sufino (-al,-iv, -08 edc.) o mem, quale I'adjektivi-participa, gramatikal sufixo . -ant, -int, -ont : -at. -it, -ot. (1) Konseque I'acento restas sur la silabo qua portis lu en l'adjektivo neelizionita. Ma pro ke ta silabo arltee prelasta divenas lasta, pos l'eliziono, omna adjektivo elizionita bavas fakte l'acento surla lasta silabo. Esas uotinda, ke la substantivi, en Esperanto, same portas l'acento sur la silabo Insta, kande 01 elizionesas. 66 EXERCISES.

Some Words of Advice to Students. This set of exercises can be used even without a previous study of the grammar, because in the earlier pages we have separated the component parts of the words. Thus, by simply referring to the Ido National Dictionaries or the Guide manuals, the force of the component parts will be arrived at and finally the meaning of the word. It would be more prudent, however, before making a start on the exercises to pick up some grammatical knowledge, particularly as regards the terminations -0, a, e, i ; -as, -is, -os, -us, -ez ; -ar, -ir, -or ; -ant-, -in&, -on& ; -at-, -it-, -ot-. Proceeding in this way the com- prehension and translation of the exercises will be rendered easier to the student. At the outset we would say : avoid hurry. Consider very atten- tively even the smallest details. The international language should be extremely easy, and as a matter of fact Ido is such ; but this fact that it is easy becomes a source of danger in the case of the inattentive. For the very reason that they understand it without effort or trouble, they erroneously imagine that the forms and words will recur to them with like facility when they want to speak or write the international language. Now in consequence of having paid insufficient attention such people then show and themselves perceive that they have not got a firm grip of the language. Ido substiti~tesreasonable and logical expressions for many idioms and oddities which occur in our modern languages, and does so for this reason, that only those expressions which are of this nature can be universally understood. If, however, sufficient attention be not paid to these substitutes, they will not be learnt, with the result that the illogical and incomprehensible expres- sions of modem national languages will be introduced into Ido. The following procedure is recommencIed as being the result of experience : (1) To pronounce aloud if possible the words of the text, taking great care to put the tonic accent on the proper syllable, i.e., to emphasize or stress such syllable in the utterance. In such a way the ear will grad,ually get accustomed to the sounds of the language and the words willsink deep into, and be better retained by the memory. (2) To write out the translation of the exercises studied without making any omissions, and compare it with the translation prin!ed on another page. (3) After reaching the twelfth exercise, but not earlier, the text of Exercaro may (with the help of the translations in English which the student will find in this book), be with great advantage retrans- lated into Ido. For this tack the order of the exercifes should be rigidly followed. Thus, for instance, exercise No. 3 should not be taken before Nos. 1 and 2. (4).When the student has finished translating the remaining exercises of Bxercnvo into his own vernacular, and when the written translation has been completed, the student should also retra~~slatethi-; second part into ldo. On comparing the translation with the text the student will readily see the mistakes he has made and correct them. I. Substantives-Gender and Number. Man is born an infant, becomes a child, an adolescent, an adult. The ,species " homo " is, by sex, either male (ho>zio, man) or female (lioirio, womaii). A man becomes fully developed (viro, a male, adult human being) at about his 20th year. A family consists of (contains) two married perrons (husband and wife) with their children (sons arltl

VIII. Reciprocal Verbs and Substantives. Love one another (or, reciprocally) as I have loved you (plural), enjolned Christ upon (to) his disciples. Those men do not wish to bear with one another; they are always disputing and fighting (against one another). If we were truly men we should show it by not injuring, but helping one another. Well, won't you (plur.) come and (to) settle up the business ? Yes, we will come, but we are afraid that an agreement (mutual arrangement) will not be possible. Boys (and/or girls), why are you always striking one another ? Do you not know that man was not placed on the earth by God for reciprocal injury, but for mutual aid and even for love ? Now (argu- mentative) starting life by quarrelling, you prepare yourselves to do, till death, exactly the opposite of your duty. Mutual forgiveness is more beautiful than mutual revenge. Do not flatter, but help one another, for flattery is bad, to be condemned, while mutual help is inculcated on all men. The members of your family are, indeed, very helpful (inclined to serve) ; they are always ready to serve (render service to) each other. I foresee that my two brothers will soon quarrel (be involved in a dispute with each other), as they already regard one another angrily ; that will end badly. Had I known (if I had known) that in that house there always reign discord and mutual contention most certainly I would not have come in (to) it. One would, indeed, think that here the rule is always to quarrel. Those men have injured (harmed) one another through (by means of) (their) envy and jealousy. They threw themselves on one another and fought furiously. 72 IX. Comparatives and Superlatives. He is more obedient and works more diligently than you. You (familiar) were not so rich at (in) that time and had not so much capital as now. Has he travelled as much or more than you ? He has not travelled as much as I have, but has visited more countries. She isless handsome (beautiful), but more affable than you. If you work (shall work) as earnestly as they do we shall give you the same reward (remuneration) as we do to them. Peter is the best boy on (the) earth ; he works the most diligently of all. My boys were the most respectful among (out of) the children of the same age, but, also (it must be added that), they were the least inclined to work. I rewarded him the most, for he contended the most couragcously. His teachers liked him least, because he worked the worst. We found two copies (in excess) in the chest of books, but three tumblers (drinking glasses) less (short) in the chest of table-ware (china and glass, etc.) Come as quickly as possible. Call him (or her) as loudly as possible (most strongly possibly). Speak as slowly as possible (least rapidly possibly). Furthermore, I will say that if you had come earlier we should have been able to finish before night. At most, he will refuse, but, it is very certain (very certainly), our invitation will not offend him. At least you should confess (ownj that you were entirely mistaken.

Demonstrative and Interrogative Relative Pronouns. That village is just like (totally similar to) ours (the ours). Do you prefer this or that horse ? That (one) is (the) stronger, but this (one) is (the) more handsome. Neither these nor those flowers please me (give pleasure to me) ; they smell too strongly. That soldier and his comrade (much) agree about everything ; when the former wants anything the latter immediately does it. The young and the old greatly desire it ; those (the former) because they think that it will amuse them, and these (the latter) because they think that it will be useful to them. Those children played this game for three hours this morning ; the boy hid the handkerchief and the girl hunted for it. He had to tell her whether she was near to or far from the object. When it was found by the girl shr took the place of the boy for the hiding (of it), and he took her place for the search. Who would live (he, she, who will live) happy (happily) should be virtuous. Those (masc.)who know me, know well that my character is not such. She whom I love does not love me. All those whom I loved are dead. Who comes to us ? The man (whom) you introduced to me (in, during the) last week at Mr. B's ; I forget (do not now remember) his name. What (that which) pleases you generally (most often) pleases me. Take what you will ; everything here is yours. Whose is that garden ? It is my aunt's. She bought it of (from) Mr. and Mrs. P., acquaintances of ours and of hers. Do you know at what hour he will arrive ? No, he did not say at what time ; but I suppose he will arrive not before the evening (that he will not arrive before 73 the evening). Of all flowers that (the one) which I consider the most beautiful is very certainly the rose. Of (concerning) what did he speak to you ? On the matter which was proposed to him ; he says it is a very serious thing. What is to be done (what to do) in (under) these difficult conditions ? I (should) very much desire to be able to give you advice ; but I, myself, do not see what is feasible (what can be done). One who loves danger will perish in it, said a sage (wise man, wise person). The loaves (breads) which the baker brought are hard. What you relate (recount) is incredible. Those who saw you affirm that you lie. Those (fern.) whom I saw are older. When the person whom we await (expect) arrives (shall arrive) you will conduct him (her) into the drawing-room and beg him to rest (take rest, rest himself, herself) until we return (shall return). I consider the books which you gave (to) me yesterday morning very interesting. All those who desire to have (wish for) easy written or spoken communication with persons of another language may not (cannot) remain indifferent when confronted with the question of international language. X1. Pronouns in General. I waited some time for him (awaited him during some time), but, seeing that no one was coming, I left. True, we were not many, but still, (we were) more than one, for we were two at the commencement and three at the end. Everyone who is willing (shall be willing) to come will be well received. He invited all whom he met. Did you understand all that she said ? I understood nothing. If anyone should present himself after the middle of the day (after mid-day) you will say that I am not here. Not many, but some, are of the opinion (hold such an opinion). Where did you put all my books ? I put them in some corner, but forget (no longer remember, do not now remember) in which. Some like danger, but none like death. That is certain ; some prefer to be considered evil-disposed rather than stupid. If, from any motive whatever, you do not wish to accept my invitation, you should at least tell me why. He is as good as (he is) brave and as brave as (he is) prudent. He displayed such malignity that no one wished to associate with him any longer. The heat is such that none of us can go out any more during the day time ; we remain shut in until (the) night (fall.) All who come (shall, will, come) with me will not regret it. Whatever day you summon (shall summon) me I will hasten to you at once. xn. Cardinal Numbers. (The) man has one mouth, two ears, four limbs. The human hand has five fingers, and every finger three finger bones, except the thumb which has but two. Your cousin's (masc.) three daughters are more beautiful than can be imagined. How many birds did you buy (have you bought) of (from) the bird-dealer ? I bought of (from) him six doves. Seven plus nine make sixteen, and sixteen minus four make twelve. Twenty plus thirteen make thirty-three, and fifty minus fifteen make thirty-five. The number of inhabitants in our little town diminishes yearly : now it is only eighteen hundred and 74 forty-two. In one hour there are sixty minutes, and in every minute sixty seconds. He gained (won) two thousand francs. One man cannot do so great a (thus much) labour (work, task) ; two at least are necessary for that. The ordinary years have three hundred and sixty-five days. She will return in (after) fourteen days (fourteen days' time) from the long voyage (journey) which she undertook nine months ago (nine months before now). A hundred persons were present at (attended) the feast (f&te,entertainment) and they were very much crowded, as the drawing-room is hardly capable of accom- modating seventy or seventy-five without inconvenience. Can I buy handkerchiefs in (at) that shop ? I want (need) one dozen of them. A couple is the double of the unit. A hundred years make a century, and a thousand years make a millennium (period, length of time, not necessarily in the sublime or any particular sense). I bought those ten cigars for one franc, consequently they cost (therefore they cost) ten centimes each (apiece). We walked (marched), not in fours as (like) soldiers, but in (by) twos ; some even walked (marched)singly (by ones). XIII. Ordinal and other Numbers. The first French Republic, as well as the second and the third, was one and indivisible. The twelfth day of (or in) April and the fifth day of (or in) May are memorable dates for me. He wrote to us on the seventh day o{(in) October. What did you read at the beginning of the letter ? London, (on) the eleventh (day) of January." Our son was born on the ninth (day) of (in) February, in (during) the year 1892 and his sister was born on the ninth (day) of November in the year 1901. On the first occasion I bought of (from) that man half a dozen glasses (one half-dozen of (from) glasses) ; and, on the second. I bought of (from) him a half-hundred of them. He is not content (satisfied) with (about, concerning) the salary he received (has received) ; he wants (the) double, and I do not agree (toit),because he works so badly that he scarcely deserves (the) half. If you know (shall know) your lesson perfectly, you shall have a double reward. This morning the professor spoke to us of (about, concerning) fractions (the fractions) and, firstly, explained what a half, a third, a quarter, etc., meant. In my schooi ~twas (we were) absolutely forbidden (not permitted) to converse together in twos (carry on private conversa- tion) during the play-time ; one had always to play with the rest. How could I have won ? They attacked me three at a time (literally threely). The sole reward given to me (which ' one' gave to me) was to read or to draw. Four times six or three times (triple) eight are (make) twenty-four. I subscribed to that review ten francs a year (at the rate of ten francs for one year). He subscribed (to) our journal (paper) twenty-four francs a year (at the rate of twenty-four francs during one year), but, afterwards, he ceased (stopped), assert- ing that, at that price (at that rate) the subscription ought to hold good for two years. Get all your (plural) friends to subscribe to a review contending for our ideal. How much does that cost ? That costs nine francs and a half. That is much too dear ; for the same sum one can get (one has) double the amount (twice as much, ' the double ') of (at) every firm (businessman, commercial house) in our 75 town. Oh ! how much labour (plural objective), how much pains, how many griefs will the international language have cost (from) its pioneers when it has been (shall have been) implanted in our routine- bound, sceptical world ! XIV. Adverbs. Have you as yet attended an academic meeting ? No, I have not yet been present at such a gathering. Is your child still ill ? No, thank you (or thanks), he (she) is no longer ill ; indeed he (she) began to get up again three days ago. You still aim too high ; that is why you cannot hit the mark. Go as far as the church, and from there your view will embrace one of the most beautiful and extensive of panoramas. Afterwards we arrived here, where we remained, as you see for yourself. Now, if you wish, we will go to the Town Hall to fetch various papers which I need. He scarcely spoke, and only in a low voice. Have you enough bread ? I have not only enough, but too much. Perhaps she does not quite realize that once she was far distant from us, whi!e now she is near. Never, neither now nor formerly, have I wanted that. He also is of opinion that you will only be able to return to-morrow morning and not this evening. How much milk do you want ? Oh ! very little, please, because the doctor ordered (prescribed) that I should not drink much. Has he already returned ? No, he has not returned yet ; probably he will not return before to-morrow evening. How joyous your brother is to-day ! He was singing the whole morning : he only stopped at noon to take his meal. \What a lot of people I see in the square ! One would think that it was an election day. Sooner or later the wicked will be punished. The girl cries as though she were being beaten, or as if she were experiencing very severe grief. xv. Prepositions. We are going to the town to the doctor's house, because our father is seriously ill. At whose house did you lodge when you lived in Madrid ? The soldiers will not lodge with the inhabitants of the town, but in a camp two kilometres distant from here. I shall con- tend for the international language, and against its opponents (enemies) until my last breath. After our lesson, we will go into the field, which is behind the house, to gather violets. Before the present year I was still able to come in front of the window looking on to the garden, and sit there. Where was he ? He was in his laboratory, where he was walking with long strides from one end to the other. Where are you going to ? I am going to my room to fetch my cloak, which I forgot in it. The mouse ran quietly under the bed ; but the dog came in and sprang at it : then the little animal in its terror jumped from under the bed on to the table. Carry that into the drawing-room ; you will put it on the couch. Wherever you may live, I will live also ; and whithersoever you may go, thither will I go with you. He shouted from the house for us to come ; but unfor- tunately we did not hear him. From the barrel in which the dog had concealed itself it cried to us, and thus attracted our attention. From morning till nightfall one sees him sitting at his table and 76 writing incessantly. Around the garden and beyond the wall were seen some soldiers with muskets in their hands. From Paris to Lyons he slept during the whole journey. Henceforth (from now) I shall no longer pay your debts. Immediately after the death of his father he went to America. She could not come because she has been ill for two days. Do you see that crowd of children in front of our door ? I bought two metres of cloth and half a dozen cups. What are the cups made of ? They are made of china. He drank a large glass of wine and went to the station. Whom is that book by ? It is by Peter and myself. Whose is that handkerchief ? It is mine. What are you thinking about now ? I am thinking of my parents. To-day I received Henry's clothes from our sister. By whom have you been sent ? By my master and mistress, who want an answer to the letter which they wrote to you from Paris. I will come to your house between midday and evening. On this side of the wall there is no danger, but on the other side you would risk your life. About that subject we will talk after the assembly. Having departed before us, our friends arrived after us ; because we overtook them and passed them by; consequently they arrived later and behind us. On account of my poverty, he paid for me (instead of me) for the journey which we made together. According to your advice and in spite of his rudeness, I remained polite. Instead of working, you slept and rested during the whole day. Wait for my return, and we will go together to subscribe to that journal. Close by the wall and opposite your house he stopped for at least two hours. On the right and left of the chimney-piece, on the wall, there hung two very beautiful portraits. I made everything with my own hands. XVI. Conjunctions. We are of opinion therefore that neither you nor he will be able to solve that difficult question. She is really very odd or ill, for some- times she laughs, sometimes she cries without cause. Well ! you are not coming with me notwithstanding your promise ! Do you consider him good ? Yes, I consider him good and very trustworthy. Whether she will die or live, your fate will be a very pitiable one. You will do what I tell you ; if not, you will at once cease to accom- pany me. Provided she obeys well, I will not rebuke her. Although children are not always polite, yet every kind-hearted man is attracted to them. I-Ie received that blow without letting his face betray the least sign of pain. I warned you, good friends, in order that you should not fall into that danger. Because (the) iron is more substantial (solid) than (the) wood, it is preferred for many uses. His grief is due to his having received (comes from receiving) this morning a long letter full of very disagreeable news. How long have you known that ? For five days. Where and when he died, I am quite unable to say, for since he abandoned me, no information about him has reached me. According as you are rich or needy, (the) men will judge you as good or bad. If you work well, dear child, I will gladly reward you, on the contrary, I shall be obliged to punish you if you are idle. As soon as he entered we all rose politely from our seats. The more I see him the more I hate him. As often as he comes you give money to him. On condition that you will always 77 obey me I shall always get on with you. Every time I try to eat 1 suffer soon afterwards; my stomach will only take liquids now. He replied in such a way that I immediately drove him out of the house. The less you work, the less inclination you have to work. Since you do not allow it, I will not do it. It was on that account that I could not come earlier. Ah ! for that (undertaking) he will need much money, and he has got very little. After you went out, he fetched the doctor. M'hile you were taking a rest I wrote to our clients to give them notice of our early passage through their town. XVII. Objective Case and Elision. (There was) nothing else he wanted to say to me. That I will narrate to you in detail, dear friend, in a few days, when we shall be quieter than now. What beautiful weather ! even the Italians have not a more clear and blue sky than is ours to-day. From the window to the door I counted sixteen steps (paces). New seed, yet more or less lost, we go on sowing through the world ; but as certainly as the sun shines above our heads, that seed will not always be lost ; after a few or many years it will germinate, grow and cover the earth. Truly the final victory will not be ours so quickly as some think; but we will not relinquish the combat, and, if we do not see the triumph, what does that matter ? It will be seen by others. What did you buy in the market ? Potatoes, turnips, cabbages, white radishes, peas and mushrooms I bought from your dealer (/em.); dried plums, figs, oranges and walnuts from your old protkggs, with whom you made me acquainted lost week. Reproaches, mockeries, persecutions, torments, all these he suffered in order to remain faith- ful to his belief. Children believe everything, therefore we ought to be very careful not to deceive them. Good, simple and honest, she is loved by all. Simple, flexible and euphonious, truly international in its elements, this language presents to the civilized world the only true solution of the international language ; for, while very easy for men of little education, it is understood without trouble by every well educated person. " This would not be a new language, but only a somewhat changed Esperanto ! Consequently the whole question about the future of the international language is reduced simply to this, as to whether Esperanto will be accepted without change in its present form, or whether some changes will be made in it at some (future) time. But with Esperantists this question has no longer any weight ; they only protest against this, in the case of individuals wanting to change Esperanto according to their own will ; but if at any time an authorized congress or academy shall decide to make one or other changes in the language, the Esperantists will accept such change with pleasure and will lose nothing thereby." (Kres- tomatio, by Dr. Zamenhof, p. 312). XVIII. Afixes CE-, BO-, -ID, -Y UN, EX-, -ESTR, -AN, -ISM, -1ST. That nobleman is a veritable parasite ; he lives on the repasts which he begs here and there. Holy Virgin ! she exclaimed, assist 78 us in this terrible danger, help us to find some means of escaping (the) death. Really your laundress is very unpunctual ; she comes every week on different days and (at different) hours. I did not tell you that my sister is a lady-doctor, but only that she is the wife of a doctor. Look at those cows which are grazing along with my father's mare ; they are now fat enough to be sold. Our parents and others of our relations give us undeniable proofs of their love under those painful circumstances. Mr. and Mrs. H. came this morning to visit our dear invalid. The Israelites (were born of) sprang from Israel, and the Carolingians, a royal dynasty in France (were born of) sprang from Charlemagne, Emperor of the West. So long as the offspring of cattle is young, we call it a calf, just as we call very young horses, colts or fillies. Do not confound the terms father or mother- in-law, son or daughter-in-law, with a step-parent, a step-son or daughter. All the relations of my spouse (husband or wife) are my relations-in-law. My step-father (or mother) is only the spouse of my mother (or father) ; my half-brother is the son of one of my parents ; but my step-brother is only the son of my step-parent ; he has no parent in common with me. He is an ex-president of the republic, because for seven years he was the head of the ~tateof France, and previously vice-president of the senate. The Mayor thoroughly dislikes (the) nobles ; he would gladly style them, as during the first republic in France, ex-nobles. The schoolmaster and the skipper are the chiefs of the school or of the ship. The scholars and the sailors are the instructed or commanded of the schoolmaster or the skipper. The citizens here attend very badly to the orders of their leaders. The master and mistress of that house are ex-Christians, for now they are Mohamedans. They abandoned Christianity and even (Roman) Catholicism, for they were baptized according to Roman Catholic rites. She wants to be a member of our society, but its leaders will not enrol her as a member ; she has such a bad disposition, that she would fall out with all the members of the society (after) in the course of a month or two. Our dentist and our medical man are socialists. The florist is specially the man who professionally cultivates flowers, and the flower-seller is specially the man from whom one buys them retail. XIX. Affixes -IER, -IK, -AJ, -IL, -UR,-AR, -EY, -UY, -AL. (The) soldiers who carry a cuirass are cuirassiers. That young gentleman has been treated for the past two years as a consumptive. Eat only the soft part of that fruit and leave the hard part. The thing which he related to you is a pure falsehood. I prefer pork to beef. Their friendly acts are treacheries. What act of simplicity has she been guilty of again ? His table is always full of papers and writings. I received what you sent. We visited all the buildings worth seeing in the town. On the walls were seen several very beautiful paintings. To-day for the first time I noticed the crack in that vase. The sculpture which you see on the chimney- piece is an imitation. The aperture should be closed, for the wind 79 passes through it, and very much inconveniences me when I am by the window. All the children of that town seem to be sickly. Walk- ing about in that very large forest, I noticed several clumps of trees, planted out according to their species ; in one part poplars, in another oaks, here elms and there firs. Do make haste, the guests are arriving. What a fine fleet ! it is the finest I have ever seen. Ah ! why does mankind more resemble a vast horde of enemies than a vast brotherhood ? I am looking for the brush in order to brush my trousers. We met him in the post-office, where he was watching the telegraph instrument through the grating while awaiting his turn. I asked you not for just any cutting instrument. but precisely for a knife. Every shooting weapon is a fire-arm, but every fire-arm is not a musket. Fetch thy books into the writing-room ; they are beside the typewriter. The laundress is not yet in the laundry ; she has not yet arrived. She is still as unpunctual as ever; she will come when it pleases her. A cigar-case contains some cigars; it is a special case for them ; on the contrary, a cigar-holder contains one cigar, and even that not completely, for only one end of the cigar is in the holder. By means of the first object one carries cigars on one's person, while by means of the second one smokes them. Where then did the maidservant put the candlestick ? Here it is, Sir ; I found it by the sugar-bowl, a strange vicinity for objects such as that. Our apple-trees have so to speak not an apple ; we shall have no cider this year. Ah ! what a beautiful rose-tree ! it is entirely covered with roses. He suffers so badly from face-ache, that he has not been able to work for four days. That is out of the normal (a normal condition) and you should fetch the physician. The universal language is the special instrument of international relations. The result of the step we have taken is not very agreeable to that old drunkard ; but, if he is not shut up, he will certainly kill someone in a fit of fury. Ah ! the pretty kittens ! Will you keep them all ? No, I shall only keep the tom-cat and give away the females. (The) mares are more easily led than stallions.

XX. Affixes -OZ, -lV, -EM, -IND, -END, -ATR, -ES, -ESK. This water is very chalky, because chalk abounds (is abundantly found) here. On the contrary, in our country, the ground surface is sandy ; on that account we have very clear and pure water. No danger daunts him ; one cannot meet with a more courageous man than he is. She gave me such convincing arguments, in answer to your objections, that I am very sure of converting you. This is not nourishing, but easily digestible. Although that work is not in- structional, it is nevertheless very instructive. He is very sensitive, and has no resisting power (reGstivity). I bring you Eonsolatory (consolincr) news. Your responsibilitv in this affair is extremelv heavy ; & your place, I shouid not accept. The person who has thk inclination to believe everything is credulous ; and, if he has also the inclination to be angry, he is irascible as well. He is one of the 80 most industrious men in the world. My children are not like the rest ; they are very studious. Perhaps that was impossible. Possible or ~mpossible, the thing happened ; it is an indisputable fact, nct only credible or worthy of being believed, but which must be believed. That writing is quite illegible. I can affirm that his conduct was always dignified and worthy of respect. How do you wish that I should write ? I have nothing with which to write, neither ink, pen nor even a pencil ; and yet, I must write, for I have indeed an important letter of three days standing which must be written. Have you anything which must be done to-day ? Yes, I must visit my parents. That is not green, but only greenish, Sir. That food has a sweetish taste very disagreeable to my palate. That wood has remained in the water such a Iong time that it has become spongy. Her sensitiveness is extreme and her power of resistance n~l. Moreover a feverish activity has overtaken her for the past two months and makes me fear it more than the other (complaint). His avarice cannot be given a name to. You cannot imagine how gre t his emotion was. Isolation, illness, misery, all these attacked h:m for a long series of years. With regard to that structilre I prin- clpally admire its vastness ; the remainder of the construction does not appeal to me so much. Do come, he is dying ! Last night I could not get to sleep. Then he began to be angry and began to cry out furiously. At first she saw nothing, but afterwards she began to see a form, which little by little took a definite shape. Many exercises are necessary for a child, to enable it to become an adult. At first they did not love me in that family ; but after four months I began to be loved by them, and now I am loved very much by all. She flushes red with anger ; she begins to rage, I see that very well. If you want to become strong, you should move, walk, run, etc. XXI. Affixes -IG, -IZ, -IF, DIS-, RI-, RETRO-, DES-, MI-, -EC, -ET, -UM, -ACH, MIS-, -AD. In order to clean the room, you will ask for John's help. That wine was good ; what then has someone put into it in order to make it so bad ? Dear friend, you enfeeble yourself and risk losing your health, working thus from morning till evening, and often even during the night. Did you cause the doctor to come ? Yes, I fetched him myself. Put the baby to sleep ; it is already going to sleep. I caused two rabbits and three wood-pigeons to be sent to you by Peter yesterday morning. By whom are you having your children instructed ? I am having them instructed by our school- master, who teaches them reading, writing and arithmetic, etc. We have already shown Henry our house ; now we will show it to you. When my horse is old. I will feed him up ; however, I will not make him eat too much corn, because I do not want him to become ill. He concealed himself so well, that he was not seen by the enemies. When a child is washed by another person, one may say say that he is washed ; but when he is washed by himself, one ought to say : " he washes himself," in order to show clearly (well) that he does the act for himself. Consequently, whenever a person or a beast 8 I does an act for himself or itself do not use the suffix -es-. She gets up and puts herself to bed without help, for she is now no longer a baby, but a girl. Stand up, children; your professor is coming in. At last the cauldron is clean, for two hours I have been washing and polishing it. You cleaned up my room, but forgot to put it straight again. She amuses herself by colouring printed pictures. Dress yourself quickly, for we must go out before noon. Did you add pepper to the salad ? No, I only added salt to it. In order to preserve meat, some put sulphur on it. Do not touch that machine, for owing to its electrification it might kill you. The blosson~ingof all trees precedes their fruit-bearing. What has happened to you ? Oh : nothing much ; only my nose is bleeding. He versifies very well ; he is a very remarkable verse-maker. Would you like to visit the arms factory with me ? Yes, with pleasure. (The) shoemakers make shoes, and (the) hatters make hats or sell them. I sent away or distributed all small brochures which I received for that (purpose). At what time do they distribute (deliver) the letters here ? At ten and three o'clock. On entering I found littered upon the table my papers which I had tidied (had put in order) so well. I told and reminded you of that many times, but you always forgot it. He ceded to me all his legal rights, and I afterwards restored them to him. Begin again, people cannot understand you (familiar). He is not young, and still he is not yet old. Is smoking alldived here ? No, Sir, it is prohibited. Since she is very conceited, she will suffer very much, by giving offence. He is ill-natured towards all, hence he is hated by all. The truth is just the opposite of your statement. I studied (the) singing and (the) dancing. Although he did not make even one short speech, nevertheless since he had talked with us during the whole day, he is suffering in his throat this evening. Do you hear the shooting ? Yes, but not very well ; I might say that I hear it faintly. Why does he always speak in a low voice ? Why does he shout everything that he says ? It seems to me that I heard a loud cry. Cease your uproar ; you deafen me. That is very warm, and even hot. We came across some brooks ; afterwards a river ; and finally arrived at a river running into the sea (an estuary). A small mount is greater than a hill and not so big as a big mountain, which is bigger than a very big mount. He is very joyful to-day ; he smiles on all and hums incessantly. Papa, have I your permission to go out in the afternoon ? That is not a house, but a hovel. Oh ! I am not afraid on account of the rabble, who do not represent the people at all. I did my duty; whether I am praised or blamed, that will be a great consolation to me. He always misunderstands what we say to him. That is much too dear ; cer- tainly it has been wrongly valued or you have miscalculated. Take off your things. otherwise while working yon will soil your new garment. The soldiers were disarmed and imprisoned. XXII. Affixes PRE-, -ED, PAR-, -ER, -I, ARKI-, ERI-, PARA-, -E, -ARI. Our forefathers are also the forefathers of our great-grandparents. My grandfather's brother is my great-uncle. They are not my 82 cousins, but my great-cousins. I am going to my great-grand- mother's room, and shall enter it if I hear no noise. He ate only one mouthful of bread and drank one glass of wine. We shall assemble to-morrow evening to read through the serious letters which I have received. You say that you have thoroughly learned your lessons, but that is very doubtful, for you cannot recite them. One can easily see that those dancers are not trained dancers, for they dance very badly. The vicar of that parish is a very skilful fisherman and huntsman. The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg is a very picturesque country. The pre-historic is very uncertain. A wise man has no prejudices, and does not foretell success or failure depending on more or less baseless ideas. This pot is not full, but that one is empty. Without doubt (certainly) he will come ; but with regard to the coming of my aunt there exists only a probability. One can remain motionless and yet be very ready to move (or be moved). Pronounce those words very distinctly ; you need lessons in pronunciation and declamation very much ; the sounds do not get out of your mouth, that is to say, you do not speak feebly or in a low voice, but con- fusedly. I undoubtedly ought to have acted as I did act, and to have done what I did. In Russia the brothers of the Emperor were Grand Dukes, and in Austria they are Archdukes. Arch-deacons are priests, on the other hand, deacons are not yet priests. Finding Miss N., I questioned her about her father's condition. She told me that he was very well and was in perfect health in spite of his age. Well ! what is his age ? Oh ! he is very old ; he is ninety-seven years of age. My son is general manager of a very large refinery, but previously he managed an important distillery. I shall install a lightning-conductor on the roof of our house. My sister is looking for her sunshade, and I am looking for my umbrella. Button up the collar of your overcoat ; we shall feel the cold on the bridge directly. Roses are rose-coloured and violets violet-coloured. What colour is my gown ? It is brownish ; no, chestnut-coloured. Usually cats are more or less striped (tiger-coloured), but this one has a pearl-gray coat. I should not trust to your confidant ; he is too talkative to keep secrets. The legatee did not accept the inheritance, because he was aware that the debts of the legator exceeded the value of his property. Not having found the adressee, the post (authorities) sent back the letter to me.


He remains in his bed-room, but from the window he looks on to the square of the communal-house (the town-hall square). The invention of steamboats is more ancient than that of railways. Come and see the beautiful rainbow ; it is the finest I have seen in my life. Agriculture is not garden-culture, although both are included in the term ground-culture. She walks everyday by the seaside, dressed in a sky-blue gown, and she is a grandmother of fifty-three (years of age). I am very fond of potatoes, however they are cooked, but 83 I am quite unable to take cauliflowers ; they cause me bad indigestion and consequent headaches. What a storm ! It thunders incessantly, and the gusts of wind succeed one another unceasingly. Betu;een the acts we assembled in the green-room of the theatre to converse with other spectators about the drama performed. The Esperantists, at least several of their most eminent leaders and many of their too docile disciples, assert that they constitute an inter-nation, even a super-nation, and that Esperanto is the living language of a living people ! He is so conceited that he believes himself to be a super- man. Take this letter to the post-office, and drop it yourself into the letter-box ; afterwards you may buy stamps and post-cards for me. One wonld not believe that those two boys were brothers (,fvata akin in brotherhood), for the elder one is small and black-eyed, while the younger one is tall and blue-eyed. In clear water one can easily see the fishes and even the stones at the bottom of the river. Give me a saucer, otherwise I might spill some coffee on this pretty table cloth. Submarine boats are a recent invention. He believes no supernatural phenomenon ; he even totally denies the existence of the supernatural. You did not sufficiently bury this plant ; its roots are scarcely covered with earth. I cannot understand how anyone can find pleasure in attending the beheading of the con- demned (plur.) The bath in my bath-room is too short for your friend ; he is so tall (long when in the bath). At that time we were rich, and now we are badly off. Could you tell me of a good picture- framer ? I should like him to frame this beautiful portrait. In our days one scarcely ever sees windmills as formerly ; but one still sees water-mills. Where do you buy your coal ? Some say that sucking-pigs are nice to eat ; I do not know whether that is true ; I have never eaten them. We have no right to call creatures of one day the Ephemeridae, for they do not live precisely for one day. The corpse will be disinterred, because it is said that the unfortunate railway servant did not die as the result of an accident, but was poisoned. All those are baseless preconceptions, prejudices and contradictions. He received from him (her) not only insults, but even a box on the ears. I shall drink only one glass of cold water with one piece of sugar. We need a quilt and a pillow for your friend's room. Child, you have been deceived ; golden winged butterflies do not really exist ; that is only a poetical expression. One can say that Springtime is a flower-season and Autumn a fruit- season, but only in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. Rocks are not dead entities, but things without life. It is not correct to say that a bald-headed person is without hair. In the same way it is (would) not be correct to say that a person blind of one eye is one-eyed, for the Cyclops were one-eyed, but not blind of one eye. Man is one-tongued and two-eared, in order to indicate that he ought to talk less than listen, for speech is silver, they say, but silence golden. XXIV. Some Exprejsions which must be Distinguished. Why do you sleep when you ought to work ? Yes, I confess that I ought to work now ; but I must sleep, because I was awake during 84 the whole of last night. The door is not locked, we should therefore be able to enter. Yes, we might be able to but we have no right to enter ; just look at the poster which says : " Entry forbidden, under penalty of fine." They have crossed the river to-night while we have spent the time playing cards. We expect his visit at fourteen o'clock (two hours after noon) ; but if he does not come punctually at that time we shall not wait for him. I came to wait for the train at the regular time, although I do not expect it for half an hour, on account of its being usually behind time. I consider that that man was very justly judged. Continue to work at that piece of furniture in order that it may be ready as soon as possible. Yes, I will go on with the work assiduously and diligently, but I shall not be able to continue it without stopping ; for I must, of course, interrupt it in order to take my meals and sleep. That society has held many meetings this year ; and each of them was very fully attended, for the society has very many members. The treasurer made his report concerning the finances, a statistical and tedious report, like ail such documents. But the president's speech roused the attention of those present and elicited much applause. What do you do all day. if you are forbidden to do any manual labour ? Oh ! I do not remain inactive ; I make clay statuettes ; that is not an arduous occupation. I pursued the thief for nearly an hour before overtaking and captur- ing him. If he had not pursued pleasure so much, he would not now be brought up before the tribunal. The wicked persecute the good, because they hate what is good. Long and cruelly were the Christians persecuted during the first years of the Church. It is not these festivals which cause me to fear, but the banquets in which I must take part during them. I saw her back, not her front ; consequently I am not acquainted with her face, and do not know whether she is pretty (or otherwise). The shadow outlined the form on the opposite wall of a human figure half in profile. I entrusted to him a thousand francs at the rate of four per cent. Matters of great interest were debated during that discussion, and there was a long deliberation to ascertain whether it was opportune to make known at once to the public the result of the debates. If two men march on a perfectly straight line, they follow the same direction, but if this one marches towards the right whilst the other marches towards the left, certainly they do not follow the same direction. He said to the tribunal, "I did not want to call witnesses, and I by no means invoke your clemency; I only appeal to your justice in reference to my unfair condemnation." That waggon is badly loaded, for they have stowed all the large packages on the same side. xxv. Syntax. Each one seeks before everything else his own'profit, and everyone desires to be his own master. The phrase : To each his due " inculcates that we should deal with every one according to his work and merit. The houses from which the masters are absent usually remain closed. All groups, to the heads of which the president 85 issued that circular, responded with a warm approval. We hope that the men, whose interests we favour, will show themselves grateful to us and will protect us in every way. That employer, for whose profit we laboured so long, in no wise rewarded us. Avoid whenever possible cumbersome sentences such as these : " Here are the books which I wish that you should read," " Where are the garments which you wish that I should patch ? " Say, for example : " Here are the books I advise you Ao read " ; " Where are the garments which you want me to mend ? Better late than never, says a well-kno wn proverb. So far as we can go back in history, our ancestors in- habited this country. So long as thou art well to do thou wilt count many friends ; as soon as fortune deserts thee, thou wilt remain alone. So often does the pitcher go to the well that at last it is broken. He is so avaricious, that he gives no alms to the poor. If anyone reproaches him on account of his avarice, he has the audacity to reply, " I am too poor," or " I am not rich enough to give great alms," while all know that he is a millionaire. You will be so much the richer as you have fewer needs. One is only rich according as one has a greater revenue than needs. We bought so many provisions, that we shall certainly have sufficient to eat and live upon for a month, however many we may be. That unfortunate queen said to her persecutors : " If you do not respect me as a queen, at least regard me as a mother." Too benign, the king said to his son, who had revolted : " As a sovereign I condemn you, but as a father I pardon you." He ought surely in his capacity as a father to have imposed a punishment and to have pardoned only afterwards. Considering how he acted towards you, I judge him as being dishonest. He was proclaimed as king. If I should succeed, I should be as happy as a king. He had no right to act as president, and yet he acted as though he were a president. We all make projects, as though we should live a hundred years ; and we are uncertain even about the morrow. He behaved himself at my house as if he were in his own. He seems as though he were mad. No, but he acts almost like a madman. She looked like a dead person, and in fact she was as though dead from fright. I will follow you anywhere. Wherever you go, I will follow you. We will help you at any time. Whenever you (phv.) call us, we will immediately run to you. From whom did you buy this painting ? I bought it from my cousin (m), who had acquired it from a very poor old painter. He no longer knows from whom to borrow the sum which he needs, for no-one wishes to lend to him. Do not mock the old, for you will become old, and perhaps you also will be mocked. We should pardon those who have committed offence against us, in order to be pardoned for our own faults. Be attentive, children, if you want to profit by the good lessons of your instructors. You will not escape danger if you continue to be so imprudent. XXVI. The Order of Words. I most certainly did that (not another). Why do you not reply ? You surely know I do ! Why did you come in ? You surely see that I am busy ! It is true that hammer is not strong ; but to drive 86 in this nail it will do. That child is not, it is true, very strong, but he is never ill. It was not you who did that work (but someone else). I see that very well. You did not do that work (which you ought to have done). You did not do that work, but something else quite useless. This book is quite uninteresting (not at all interesting) ; it is even not quite correct (it is not quite accurate). He very much wishes to become rich soon. He wishes to become rich very soon. He desires to become very rich soon. Only she (not another) can sing so. She only can sing so (that is, power only not will). She can only sing so (she cannot do anything else). She can sing only so (and not otherwise). During the holidays, he only walks (he does nothing else). In the middle of the hottest days it is only he who walks (the others remain in their home). Say : " I received a letter written in a language not known by me," and not " I received in a by me not known language written a letter." Say : " She is loved and praised by all those who appreciate beauty and affability," and not " She is by all those who appreciate beauty and affability loved and praised." Say : " That town is abundantly provided with things useful for (the maintenance of) life," and not " " That town is for the (maintenance of) life with useful things provided." Say : " A table covered with an old red torn cloth," and not " A table with an old red torn cloth covered." Say : " We refuted all objec- tions presented by incompetent persons and often based on insuffi- cient knowledge of our language," and not " We refuted all by in- competent persons presented and often on insufficient knowledge of our language based objections." Say : " I propagate the auxiliary language Ido, constructed on logical principles and unceasingly developed by means of scientific discussion," and not " I propagate the auxiliary, on logical principles constructed and by means of scientific discussion unceasingly developed, language Ido." Say : " The auxiliary language is the most useful invention for the develop- ment of international relations and most fruitful of weighty conse- quences for the profit of (the) future humanity," and not " The auxi- liary language is the for the development of the international rela- tions most useful and for the profit of (the) future ffumanity of weighty consequences most fruitful invention." Say : The m~ster drunk with fury beat the ass unwilling to advance," and not The with fury drunken master beat the to advance unwilling ass." Say by means of the active form : " One (or we) followed the road, ascended the hill, visited the castle, and admired the beautiful panorama which one sees from the summit," rather than by means of the passive form : " The road was followed, the hill was ascended, the castle was visited, and the panorama was admired, which is seen from the summit."

Note Relating to the Elision and the Adjective.

" One may elide the a of the article la and of adjectives as well before a consonant as before a vowel, observing this sole condition, that it does not produce an accumulation of consonants. It is advisable to make use of elision principally with derivative adjec- tives (I), and particularly after the suffix -a1 : infanta1 annzo, amikal ago, etc. Elision does not displace the accent (2). It should not be used too frequently ; especially when it would produce ambiguity : l'afero-la fero." (Complete Grammar of the international language, by L. de Beaufront, page 12). From this text it is convenient to take this principle : the elision is a thing quite permissible, but by no means obligatory. It is quite legitimate to use the article and the adjective complete, without any elision. If we have applied it in the Exercaro, we have done so lst, by giving examples ; 2nd, because, if the elision is not obligatory in Ido, we must confess that, practised with discernment, it gives the language a greater lightness, and a more agreeably fluent harmony. Anyone who has a sensitive ear will not contest this if he will compare the sentences in the Exercaro in which we have practised the elision with the same sentences without it. It is a real relief not to hear constantly with tedious monotony la, la, -a, -a. Our grammar ~ounsels" that elision be used principally with the derivative adjectives." The word " principally " necessarily implies that the elision may also be practised even with the primary adjec- tives themselves, that is, with the underived adjectives. On this account the student has met with the primary adjectives-bon, bel, klar, pur, ancaen, etc., elided in some exercises where that elision produced neither an accu+nulation of consonants nor ambiguity, which must be avoided according to the grammar. All this naturally leads us to speak about the position of the adjec- tive in a sentence. Should we, as in the English and German langu- ages, place the adjective always and mechanically before the sub- stantive ? No, certainly, there is no doubt about that. If the two languages just named proceed in this way, others work in quite a contrary manner; they put the adjective always after the sub- stantive ; and fundamentally they are more correct, for it is more logical to name the entities or the things before saying what qualities they have. Their qualities are very often of little importance, and one does not see why those qualities should always and mechanically have the preference and the precedence. To place our adjective always before the substantive would consequently give to Ido a fetter, which unjustified according to logic, would produce an almost intolerable impression on account of and by the -a, -a, heard with wearying monotony. This explains the diversity with regard to place which we have given to the adjective in the sentences of the Exercaro. Besides that ought not to cause trouble to anyone, because we gave examples of the style concerned ; but in Ido, as in every language, there exists besides that style, the manner of speaking in everyday life. Now for this,-in which one only takes the trouble to make oneself understood, without being much concerned about eloquence or even euphony-put your adjective where it will spontaneously throw your thought. Ido is so constructed that bona homo and homo bona, for example, express only one and tine same idea, and not two different ones as in the French language. --- -- P -- (I) The derivative adjectives are those which possess a suffix (-a1 -iv -oz etc.) or even as the participle adjectives, a grammatical sufflx : -ant -int -o;tt .'-at lit -ot.' (2) Consequently the accent remalns on the syllable which boie it in tie Anelided adject~ve. But because that syllable, yyiously the last but one, became the last after the elision, every adjective elided as In fact the accent on the last syllable. It isnoticeable that the substantives in Esperanto in the same way bear the accent on thc last syllable when it is elided. 88 IDO-ENGLISH VOCABULARY

This vocabulary is not exhaustive, but contains most oi the roots usually met with, though many useful derivatives have had to be omitted. To recognise the root-part of a word, it is iiecessary to know the rules of word-building, i.e., the grammatica! terminations, prefixes and suffixes given elsewhere. The roots preceded by an asterisk (*) do not require a ternlina- tion, though they may also be used with such terminations or affiscs as may be useful. E.4. apud, which is a preposition, gives tlle adverb apud-e (=besides), the adjective apud-a (=ve.ut), the verb apud-esar (=to he ~zez-tto), etc.

/ -ad-, cowti?~uavlce(only moderate A duration) -a, adjective ad-avan-e, forward *a(d), to adi-ar, to say good-bye abad(u1)-o, abbot I adjudik-ar, to adjudge, award abas-ar, let down, or cause to let / adjutant-o, aide-de-camp down (in level) / admaxim-e, at the most abat-ar, to strike down / adminim-a, at the least abel-o, bee (honey-) 1 administr-ar, to mailage, he at head abiet-0, fir of affairs (act) abism-o, abyss (also fig. ) / administr-ant-ar-e, adn~inistration ablakt-ar, to wean (not fig.) (whole) abneg-ar, to abnegate, deny oneself 1 admiral-o, admiral something admis-ar, to admit abolis-sr, to abolish 1 adolec-ar, to be adolescent abon-ar, to subscribe (to a paper) ador-ar, to worship, pay divine abord-ar, to get alongside (of ship, honours to (not fig.) wharf) ados-ar, to set the back of. . . against abort-ar, to miicarry (intr.) adult-o, an allult; one of mature age aboy-ar, to bark (dog or fox) adres-o, address abrevi-ar, to abridge (of book, etc.) adulter-ar, to commit adultery absolv-ar, to absolve advent-o, advent abstrakt-ar, to abstract, separate advere, to say the truth me~ltally I advokat-(~1)-o,advocate aceler-ar, to accelerate adyunt-o, assistant (in some duty) acend-ar, to set alight aer-o, air (gaseous substance) acens-ar, to ascend, also in thought, afecion-ar, to have an affection for quality (not time) 1 afekt-ar, to alfect (disease), also aeept-ar, to accept mentally acer-0, maple afeictac-o, aflectation aces-ar, to have access to ; (of afer-o, affair, any business of life disease) to attack sfln-a, having affinity with (r:/li.m. acesor-a, accessory (not essential) anil jzq.) -ach-, dcpreciatiuc allsh-o, bill, pvslrr acian-o, cornflower aflikt-ar, to afflict aeion-o, shave (finc4r?ce) , afrank-ar, to sct free, pre!~ay *a(d), to, towards ! (lpttri, c!G.) 89 aiust-o, (gtln) carriage alianc-ar, to ally (by marriage) agac-ar, to irritate, to annoy (lit alienac-ar, to be lunatic or insane and fig.) (not fig.) ag-ar, to act, effect alkemi-o, alchemy agit-ar, to shake, agitate alk-o, elk agl-o, eagle almon-ar, to give alms agnel-o, lamb aln-0, alder tree agnosk-ar, to recognise, admit ar alo-o, aloes true *alonge, along agoni-ar, to be dying aloy-ar, to alloy (?lot fig.) agost-o, August alpak-o, alpaca agreabl-a, pleasant, agreeable alt-a, high, lofty, of exalted quality agr-0, field, pasture, tillage altar-o, altar agul-o, needle, for sewing altr-a, other -21-, thing made of, has quality of alud-ar, to allude to (tv.) ov to which something is done alumet-o, match (Izrcifer) ajfl-a, nimble, light and quick in alur-o, gait, pace, rate motion am-ar, to love ajlot-o, stock-jobbing amans-ar, to tame, render gentle ajorn-ar, to adjourn (beasts, etc.) ajur-o, light, appearance (avt,archit.) amas-o, heap, pile opening for admitting light ambici-ar, to be ambitious akapar-ar, to forestall by buying up ambos-o, anvil akar-o, mite, tick amik-o, friend aklam-ar, to acclaim (not shout) amil-o, starch (lit.) akne-o, acne (wed.) amnesti-ar, to include in an amnesty akolut-0, acolyte amor-ar, to be in love with akompan-ar, to accompany (also amortis-ar, to deaden, to pay off musically) amuz-ar, amuse, entertain akont-o, instalment (sum) %n, at, on (of place) akord-ar, to be in tune, agree -an-, membev of (gram.) anad-(in)-o, duck akr-a, acrid (lit. and fig.) ancestr-o, ancestor akrid-o, grasshopper anchov-o, anchovy akroch-ar, to hook on anex-ar, to annex, append to book, akul-ar, to bring to bay etc. akurata (of pevsons), punctual angel-o, fish-hook akush-ar, to deliver (obst.) (child- angor-ar, to be in anguish bivth) angull-0, eel, snake-like fish akut-a, sharp, pointed, acute (also angul-o, angle of ang'es, direases) anhel-ar, to pant, gasp for breath akuz-ar, to accuse, indict anjel-o, angel -al-, relating to 'anke, also ale-o, alley, walk in garden, park, knkore, yet, still etc. ankr-o, anchor al-o, wing anm-o, soul alabastr-o, alabaster snomal-a, anomalous, irregular, alakt-ar, to suckle abnormal alaud-o, lark xns-o, handle (of cup etc.) alb-o, alb (vestment) .ant-, pves. pavticip., actiue alberg-o, inn 'ante, before (of time) alej-ar, to alleviate, lighten, lessen mtifon-o, anthem sli-o, garlic mtropoid-a, anthropoid anunc-ar, to announce, give first arki-, superior degree notice of, be lpublished arkipelag-o, archipelago apar-ar, to appear ark-o, arch, arc aparat-o, apparatus armator-o, shipowner apart-a, apart, separate arme-o, army aparten-ar, belong to (not depend) arm-o, weapon, arm(s) *apene, scarcely armor-o, cupboard apert-ar, to open (also of heart) I arm-iz-o, armament (act) api-o, wild celery, smallage armistie-o, armistice aplast-ar, to crush arorut-o, arrowroot aplik-ar, to apply, lay on arsen-o, arsenic aplomb-0, assurance, self- artez-a, artesian (well) possession artichok-o, artichoke apog-ar, to cause to lean for support artific-o, trick, artifice, contrivance apostol-o, apostle artik-o, joint (aszat.) apotek-o, chemist's shop aruf-ar, to ruffle (feathers, hairs) april-0, April -as, indicative present aprob-ar, to approve (ratify, con- as-o, ace (cards) firm) asalt-ar, to storm, make assault on aprob-o, approval asekur-ar, to insure against loss apr-(u1)-o, wild boar asel-o, wood-louse apsid-o, apsis asembl-ar, to assemble *apud, by, beside, next to, near asent-ar, to assent to apunt-ar, to point, i.e., take aim asert-ar, to state, put forward as aquafort-o, nitric acid true aquafort-aj-o, etching asist-ar, to be present at aquir-ar, to get for one's own asket-o, ascetic aqu-0, water askolt-ar, to listen to (not yield to) -ar, infinitive present asn-0, donkey -ar-, collection of asoci-ar, to associate into function arach-ar, to pull, snatch, or tear out or dignity arane-o, spider asoci-it-aro, association (persons) aran j-ar, to arrange asom-ar, to knock down (not fig.) aran j-0, arranging (act) asort-ar, to match (with) (colozcr, aranj-ur-o, arrangement (result) quality) arbitr-ar, to judge, decide (arhitra- asparag-o, asparagus tor) aspekt-ar, to look (as if) arbitr-o, arbitration asper-a, rough arbitri-o, free will aspers-ar, to sprinkle (holy water) arbor-0, tree aston-ar, to astonish, cause to be arbust-0, shrub astonished arch-o, Noah's ark astrikt-ar, to be astringent ardez-0, slate asuncion-o, assumption (relig.). ardor-ar, to be ardent (also fig.) -at-, pres. particip. passive are-0, area atenc-ar, to pay attention to arest-ar, to arrest (a prisoner) atent-ar, to make criminal attempt argil-0, clay upon ari-o, tune, air (mz~sic) ating-ar, to attain arist-0, lawn, ridge of nose, moun- I -atr-, resembling tains ; fish-bone atrakt-ar, to attract (lit. and fig.) arlv-ar, to arrive atun-o, tunny arjent-o, silver aturd-ar, to stun arkabuz-o, arquebus aucion-ar, to bid for 91 aud-ar, to perceive by the ear bart-0, whalebone audac-ar, to dare. have the face to I bas-a, low (of things only) aurikul-a, auricle (anat. med). basament-0, basement autun-o, autumn basen-o, basin av-o, grandparent bask-0, coat tails, skirt *avan, in front of (spnce) baskul-ar, to see-saw avantaj-o, advantage (not superi- basot-o, basset hound ority) baston-o, stick, staff avantal-0, apron (also of carriages) 1 bat-ar, to beat. strike repeatedly avar-a, avaricious batel-o, boat avari-o, average (inszir.) batist-o, cambric avelan-o, hazelnut bav-ar, to slobber aven-o, oats bay-o, bay (geog.) avers-o, right-side (e.g., o/ coin) baz-o, base, basis avert-ar, warn, call attention of i bazil-o, basil avid-a, greedy, craving, eager be-ar, to gape, be open-mouthed aviz-ar, advise, give notice to beat-a, blissful ax-o, axle, axis bed-o, flower-bed axel-o, arm-pit bedel-o, beadle, usher bek-V, beak of bird B bel-a, beautiful babil-ar, to chatter (talk excessively) bend-o, band (cloth) bagaj-o, baggage benedik-ar, to bless bagatel-o, trifle (of small impor- benign-a, kind, morally good tance) benk-o, bench, form, seat bak-ar, to bake (dry heat) benzo-o, benzoin balanc-o, scales, balance ber-0, berry bal-o, ball, dance berenjen-o, egg-plant balay-ar, to sweep berlok-o, trinket (01%watch chain) balbut-ar, to stammer, stutter bers-ar, to rock (tv.) baldaken-o, canopy besti-o, beast *balde, soon bet-o, beet baldri-o, shouldcr-belt, baldrick beton-o, concrete (maso~~ry) balen-o, whale betrav-o, beetroot balif-o, bailiff bezon-ar, to need (tI.) baln-ar, to bathe (bath) bicikl-o, bicycle balot-ar, to elect by ballot bidon-o, can balzam-o, balm biel-0, connecting rod bandolier-o, bandolier, shoulder- bilanc-o, balance sheet belt bilboket-o, cup and ball (game) baner-o, banner bilg-o, bilge (ship) bankrot-ar, to become bankrupt bil-o, gall, bile bapt-ar, to baptize biliet-o, ticket ; bill (fin.) bar-ar, to bar or stop up I bind-ar, to bind (books) barak-o, wooden shanty. / binokl-o, spectacles, eye-glasses barakt-ar, to struggle I biret-o, biretta (of priests) barb-o, beard birk-o, birch barbel-o, barbel bir-o, beer barbot-ar, to dabble (ii~tr.,lit. a~irl/ *his ! encore ! fag.) biskot-o, rusk barbuli-ar, to splutter I bisquit-o, bihcuit (hwad, cake) barel-o, cask, barrel bitr-a, bitter, opp. to sweet (also barok-a, odd, queer 92 bizel-0, bevel 1 brokant-ar, to deal in secondhand blank-a, white goods blat-o, cockroach brokat-o, brocade blaz-ar, to pall, be tired of (tr.) bronki-o, bronchial tube (auzat.). blind-a, blind bronchia blokus-ar, to blockade bronkit-o, bronchitis blotis-ar, to crouch (ilz a corner) bros-ar, to brush, furbish blu-a, blue brosh-ar, to stitch (books) bo- (father, etc.),-in-law brov-o, eye-brow bobi-0, spool, bobbin bruet-o, wheelbarrow bokal-o, glass-jar bruis-ar, to make a noise bok-o, mouth (also fig.) brul-ar, to bum (tr., intv.) boli-ar, to boil (intr.) brusk-a, abrupt (ill address or bolt-o, bolt of iron with head manners) bon-a, good (simply good) brut-o, brute (animal or personj bor-ar, to bore (with revolvi+zgtool) bub-o, urchin (pet or roguish child) borach-o, borage buch-ar, to slaughter (animals), borde-ar, to tack, change ship's butcher course bud-ar, to pout borgez-(u1)-o,burgess, one of middle bufal-o, buffalo class bufr-o, buffer bors-o, exchange, bourse buket-0, bunch (nosegay), bouquet bosk-o, a wood (of tvees) bulion-o, broth botel-o, bottle bul-o, ball (ofany kind, not bullet) bot-0, boot bunt-a, of ill-assorted colonrs bov-o, ox (any bwuine anivzal) burask-o, squall of wind boy-o, buoy burdon-o, humble-bee brach-o, breeches burel-0, coarse woollen cloth brae-o, fathom (nav. measurc) burg-0, borough braki-o, arm burjon-o, bud (hot.) bram-ar, to bellow (ofany animal- bur-o, hair, flock, wad (material for its characteristic call) ; not dog, padding) fox, cat, cock, crow, frog, hen bus-0, box-tree branch-o, bough, branch, genealogy bush-o, bush (not cut duw~) (not of knowledge) bushel-0, bushel (meicsztre) brandi-o, brandy busol-o, compass (mariners') brand-o, fire-brand i busprit-o, bowsprit bran-o, bran butik-o, shop (store) brandis-ar, to brandish (not fig.) 1 butr-0, butter brankard-o, shaft of vehicle buvrel-o, bullfinch branki-o, gill, branchia i bax-o, box bras-ar, to stir (to mix ingredients) brech-o, breach, gap C brek-o, wagonette *ca, this bretel-o, braces, suspenders car-o, Tsar brev-o, brief, Pope's eel-ar, to hide, conceal ; keep brez-o, ember (of wood) secret brid-o, a bridle celib-a, celibate -o, brig (?taut.) celul-o, cell (all senses) bril-ar, to be bright, glare (atid cement-o, cement (Portland) k.) cen-o, scene (theatre) brisk-a, brisk 1 cent-o, hundred brod-ar, to embroider (~otfig.) centr-o, centre 93 centr-al-a, central cimas-o, ogee (arch.) ceptr-o, sceptre cimitar-o, scimitar cer-0, wax-taper cinam-o, cinnamon cerebel-o, cerebellum cindr-o, cinders cerebr-0, brain cintil-o, spark (also fig.) ceriz-o, cherry ciraj-o, blacking (subst.) cert-a, certain, sure (Itt.) cirkl-o, circle ceruz-o, white lead *cirkum, round, around cerv-(ul)o, stag, hart cirkum-ar, to surround ces-ar, to cease *cis, on this side of ceter-a, (plural : ceteri) the rest, cistern-o, cistern, tank the remainder ; ceter-e, beside?, citron-o, citron moreover civil-a, civil (not milit., relig. or chagren-ar, to grieve (ivztr.) crim.) chambr-o, room, chamber civit-an-o, citizen cham-o, chamois civit-o, city champani-o, champagne wine ciz-o, scissors chanj-ar, to change (wet exchaiige) *co, this (Ihing) chapel-o, hat chapitr-o, chapter of book D char-0, chariot, car (two-wheeled) 'da, by, agent after passive verb charj-ar, to load, burden someone daim-o, fallow deer or something with damask-o, damask (silk wtwen) charnir-o, hinge, joint damzel-o, young lady, unmarried, chas-ar, to chase, hunt miss chast-a, pure, chaste dank-ar, to thank *che, at or to the (house of),among, dans-ar, to dance with darf-ar, to have a right to, be chef-o, chief, head permitted cher-a, dear (in price) ' darn-ar, to darn cherp-ar, to draw (water) (also fig.) date:-o, date (fruit) chiir-o, secret writing, cipher dax-o, badger (animal) chik-a, chic *de, from ; of (quantity) chinion-o, chignon De-o, God chip-a, cheap deb-ar, to owe, be under obligation chopin-0, pint 1 debet-o, balance due (of debt) chose-o, road-way (travellittg pn1.t) deb-o, -aj-o, debt chuv-o, jackdaw 1 deboch-ar, to live dissolutely *ci, these 1 debut-ar, to make one's first cibol-0, kind of onion, shallot appearance, one's outset cibori-0, pyx (eccl.) I dec-ar, to be correct, decent ciel-o, sky (also fig.) deeembr-o, December cienc-al-a, scientific decens-ar, to descend cienc-o, (a) science decept-ar, to disappoint, to defeat cifr-a, figure, cipher of expectation or hope cigan-0, gipsy deehifr-ar, to decipher (not depict) cign-0, swan / decid-ar, to decide, settle, determine cikad-o, cicada 1 dedik-ar, to dedicate (temple, etc.) cikatr-o, scar, cicatrix dedukt-ar, to deduce (by reasoning) cikoni-0, stork I defekt-o, defect, imperfection cikori-o, chicory deiens-ar, to defend cikut-o, hemlock defi-ar, to defy cim-0, bug 1 defll-ar, march in file 94 degn-ar, to deign (intr.) diagnoz-ar, to diagnose dejun-ar, to breakfast (at abovt I diakon-o, deacon noon) diant-o, pink dejur-ar, to he on duty die-ar, to say, express in words *dek, ten dieern-ar, to discern dekan-o, dean (of cathedral, etc.) dieipul-o, disciple, follower dekolt-ar, to cut low (dress), bare difam-ar, to defame the neck difer-ant-a, different deleg-ar, to delegate as agent difer-ar, to differ delekt-ar, to delight (tv.) difer-o, difference delfin-o, dolphin, dauphin difuz-ar, to diffuse, shed abroad deliber-ar, to deliberate, take coun- dig-o, dam, dike sel digest-ar, to digest (food) (tr.) delie-o, delight (or its caztse) dign-a, worthy, deserving delikt-ar, to commit an offence digres-ar, to make a digression against law (not cvime) from the subject delir-ar, to be delirious dik-a, thick (in dimension) demand-ar, to ask for a thing dilet-ar, to be a lover of demarsh-ar, to take steps dilut-ar, to dilute by thinning (by dementi-ar, to give the lie to, to mixture ) deny diluvi-o, flood, deluge demis-ar, to resign (a post, ofice) diminut-ar, diminish demokrati-ala, democratic din-a, thin (not thick) demolis-ar, to demolish (also fig.) dind-o, turkey denar-o, coin (ancient, denarius) dine-ar, to dine denigr-ar, to disparage some one dine-o, dinner dent-o, tooth diplas-ar, to displace dentel-0, lace direkt-ar, to direct (way, course) depart-ar, to depart, go forth diret-a, direct, leading by the depesh-o, dispatch (urgent message) shortest way deplor-ar, to bewail, deplore dis-, distributive, prefix (sepavation depres-ar, to depress (also fig.) and dissemination) des-, contrary dish-o, dish (tood) desegn-ar, to draw (represent object) disip-ar, to waste, squander deser-o, dessert diskont-ar, to discount, lend money deskripbar, to describe by words diskurs-ar, to make a speech despens-o, pantry, larder diskut-ar, to discuss (not consume) despit-ar, to be irritated by pre- dism-0, tithe ference shown to another dispon-ar, to have at ones disposal ilestrukt-ar, to destroy, break up disput-ar, to dispute (intr.) detal-o, detail, minute item disput-(ad)o, a dispute dev-ar, be obliged by duty dist-ar, to be remote devast-ar, to devastate, ravage disting-ax', distinguish (to set apavt). develop-ar, to develop, make fuller characterize devoe-o, piety, devoutness distrakt-ar, to divert attention devor-ar, to devour, eat up greedily diten-ar, to detain in possession devot-a, devoted ditres-o, distress (severe) dextr-e, to the right diven-ar, to become (change state) dezir-ar, to desire, wish divers-a, diverse *di, of, belonging to divid-ar, to divide (tr.) di-o, day (of 24 hours) divin-ar, to guess (by any means) diabl-o, devil dizastr-o, disaster (not ill luck) diafan-a, transparent *do, then, so ( =therefore) 95 doari-0, jointure, dower eben-o, ebony (wood) doe-ar, to teach (n subject) -ebb, . ..d, that can be dogan-0, customs, duty ebri-a, intoxicated dole-a, sweet, mild ebuli-ar, to form bubbles dolor-ar, to be in pain (body or ' ecel-ar, to excel, be pre eminent mind) eeelene-o, Excellency dom-o, house (building) ecept-ar, to except (tr.) domaj-ar, to damage eees-ar, to exceed limits dominac-ar, to dominate (tu.), to eeit-ar, to excite have commanding influence -ed-, quantity, -full over edifik-ar, to edify domt-ar, to tame (beasts) edit-ar, to issue copies of book, don-ar, to give, bestow engraving, etc. dome-ar, to make a present of edr-o, side (geom.) *dop, behind eduk-ar, to educate (also of beasts) dorlot-ar, to cuddle, pet efekt-o, effect, result dorm-ar, to sleep (be asleep) eflk-ar, to be efficacious, produce dorn-o, thorn, prickle marked effect dors-0, back (of anyone or thing) -eg-, augmentative dosel-o, canopy egal-a, equal (not impartial, etc.) dragoman-o, dragoman egal-es-0, equality draje-o, sugar-plum egar-ar, to mislay drak-o, dragon (myth.) egard-ar, to pay regard to, take dramat-o, drama into account drap-o, cloth (woollen) *ego, (the) self drapir-ar, to drape (avran~e in egorj-ar, to cut the throat of folds) ek-o, echo drash-ar, to thresh (grain) *ek, out of dres-ar, to train, break in (anirnols) ekin-o, sea-urchin drift-ar, to drift (naut.) ekonomi-o, economy, management dril-o, drill (rnechan.) (not saving) drink-ar, to drink (not fig.) ekonomik-o, economics, national-a drol-a, droll, funny -political economy dromedar-o, dromedary ekonomik-al-a, economic (pert. to dron-ar, to drown (tr.) economics) *du, two eklezi-o, church (soc.) dub-ar, to doubt, hesitate to believe eklog-o, eclogue duen-o, duenna, chaperon *el(u),she duet-o, duet elekt-ar, to elect duk-(ul)o, duke elektr-o, electricity dukt-ar, to lead, conduct elev-ar, to elevate (eyes, face, etc.) *durn, during *eli, they (fern.) dung-o, manure elizion-ar, to elide dur-ar, to last, continue -em-, inclined to dur-iv-a, durable emali-o, enamel durst-ar, thirst, be thirsty embrae-ar, to embrace, clasp in dush-ar, to douche (give a shower arms bath) embrag-ar, to put into gear embusk-ar, to place in ambush E emend-ar, to free from fault or *e(d), and error, change for the better -8, adverb emers-ar, to emerge (from a liqzcid) -9-, coloured, or looking like emis-ar, to emit (also physics) 96 emoe-ar, to feel emotion, be moved eskudel-o, porringer empirikism-o, empiricism -esm-, -th (ordi~zalnrlmbei) empost-o, impost (arclz.) espad-o, broadsword emuls-ar, to emulsify espaler-o, espalier emund-ar, to prune, trim, pick espart-o, esparto (salad, rtc.), also fig. espel-ar, to spell out letters *en, in esper-ar, to hope -end-, that must be ...d espinet-o, spinet endetal-a, -e, retail (cow.) espres-o, express (train) enemik-o, enemy esprit-o, wit ; -aj-o, a witticism engros-a, -e, wholesale (com.) espruv-a, proof against enigmat-o, enigma, riddle est-0, the east enoy-ar, to be bored establis-ar, to establish, set up ent-o, being, entity estal-ar, to display (com.) entraprez-ar, to undertake, engage estaneh-ar, to stanch (tr.) to perform estomp-ar, to stump (drawing) entraten-ar, to support (with the -estr-, chief of needs of life) estrib-o, stirrup (rider's) entrav-ar, to shackle, put fetters on esvan-ar, to swoon away envidi-ar, to envy (not court) -et-, diminutive epistol-0, epistle etaj-o, storey of building episkop-o, bishop etajer-o, set of shelves, what-not equitat-o, equity (not lau~) etap-ar, to halt at a stage (in travel) er-0, era etat-0, statement, account (receipts -er-, doing habitlta/l%f and enp~nditure),roll ere-0, ore etern-a, eternal -eri-, establishmerit for etiket-o, label erik-o, heather etik-o, ethics ermin-o, ermine etuy-o, sheath, case for scissors, etc. eror-ar, to be mistaken, err (intr.) evalu-ar, to estimate the value of *erste, not before (time) evangeli-o, gospel erud-ar, to make erudite ev-ar, to be (so many years) old -0s-, quality, state evident-a, evident 8s-ar, to be evier-o, kitchen sink esam-o, swarm (bees) event-ar, to happen, come about esbos-ar, to rough-cast, sketch out evit-ar, to avoid, shun esforc-ar, to make efforts ex-, former, ex- eshafod-o, scaffolding, spectators' exajer-ar, to exaggerate stand exaue-ar, to hear and grant a -esk-, to begin to, to become prayer or request eskadr-o, squadron (nazrt.) exempl-o, example eskal-ar, to touch at (naznt.) / exhaust-ar, to exhaust (not con- eskald-ar, to scald (not cause to boil) sume (also fig.) eskaler-o, staircase 1 exist-ar, to exist eskamot-ar, to perform conjuring exkav-ar, to excavate by digging tricks I exkluz-ar, to exclude eskap-ar, to escape, find a way out i exkurs-ar, to make an excursion eskarp-a, steep (of slopes) 1 expans-ar, to expand (intr., tr., eskart-ar, to put aside ; to step / also fig.) acide i expekt-ar, to expect eskombr-C, rubbish, useless frag- ' expert-a, expert ments I expertiz-ar, to appraise, set a value eskrok-ar, to swindle On (offic.) 97 expiac-ar, to expiate 1 far-o, lighthouse explik-ar, to explain farb-0, paint, colouring matter explor-ar, to explore farin-o, flour explot-ar, to get the value out of. I faring-o, pharynx to exploit (also persons) farm-0, farm (due payable by way expoz-ar, to expose, exhibit / of rent, etc.) expres-ar, to express by symbols, I fars-0, farce (also cookery) gesture, words, etc. fashin-o, fascine, bundle of sticks, extens-ar, to extend (tr.) etc. *exter, outside, outside of fask-o, bundle of things bound exting-ar, to extinguish, quench together (flowers, carrots, etc.) extors-ar, to extort fason-ar, to fashion extrakt-ar, to extract (ore, text, etc.) fast-ar, to fast not deduce fatig-ar, to tire, fatigue extrem-a, extreme fat-o, fate extrem-aj-o, extremity, end fatu-a, foppish, self-satisfied -ey-, place for fauc-o, throat, gorge -ez, imperati~jc favor-ar, to favour, treat kindly fayeno-o, crockery fazan-o, pheasant F fazeol-o, kidney-bean tab-0, bean fe-in-o, fairy (fabulous) iac-ar, to make, perform (also fig.) facil-a, easy (not difficult) febr-o, fever facil-ig-ar, to facilitate, make easy facin-ar, to fascinate feder-ar, to confederate faoi-0, front of a person fek-o, excrement facion-ar, to be 011 sentry duty, fekund-a, fruitful, prolific mount guard fel-o, skin, fell, hide (dressed) fag-o, beech feld-o, sphere of activity (also fair-o, fire elect., etc.) fak-o, compartment, branch (of felg-o, felly, rim of wheel knowled~le) felic-a, happy (of pwsons) iakt-o, fact lelp-o, a kind of plush fakultat-o, faculty (also of Univer- felt-o, felt (stuff) sity) femin-o, female (of animals only) ial-ar, to fall (not as in battle) fend-ar, to split, cleave (lengthwise) falang-o, phalanx (rzoi bot.) fen-o, hay ialch-ar, to mow (tr.) fenestr-o, window fald-ar, to fold (tv.) fenikul-o, fennel fali-ar, to fail, be missing (intr.) fer-o, iron (metal) fals-a, false, imitating (hair, teeth, ferdek-o, deck (of a ship) etc.) feri-o, fair (market) falset-o, falsetto ferma, solid, steady (compact) ialv-a, fawn, reddish yellow fervor-ar, to be fervent fam-o, fame fest-ar, to make festive (en fdte) Ian-ar, to winnow grain festi-ar, to banquet ianlar-o. flourish (of tncmpeti), i festuk-o, a little bit of straw, stalk fanfare let-0, fetus fanfaron-ar, to play the braggart ; feud-o, fief, feud to boast of *fl, oh fie ! fang-o, mud flakr-o, hackney coach fantazi-ar, to have a fancy for flal-o, phial 98 flbr-o, fibre folieton-o, serial story fld-ar, to irust, rely upon fond-ar, to found, establish fldel-a, true, faithful (not nccuvaie) font-0, spring (of water),source fler-a, proud ( =proper sense of self- *for, far from respect) forej-o, forage 81-0, thread, yam forj-ar, to forge by heating filas-o, tow forest-o, forest flli-0, son or daughter fort-a, strong, (not firm) filik-o, fern fork-o, fork (agric.) film-o, film (photog.) formac-ar, to form !bar, to finish, end (not die) formik-o, ant fing-ar, to pretend, feign forn-o, oven (forbaking bread, etc.) flngr-0, finger, toe, digit *torsan, perhaps flnk-o, finch fosat-o, ditch, moat flrm-o, business firm fost-0, post, pillar (stake, stout pole) fish-o, fish fox-0, fox flt-ar, to fit (suit as to shape, size) foyer-o, lobby (theatre), green-room flad-o, custard foy-o, time, multa-foye, many times flag-o, flag frag-o, strawberry flagr-ar, to be flagrant, deflagfate frakas-ar, to shatter to pieces (chem.) frak-o, dress-coat flaming-0, flamingo fram-o, frame, framework, of motor- flan-ar, to lounge, saunter car, etc. (not of picture) flank-o, flank (anat. ; also mil. and Pramason-o, freemason ~zav.) framb-o, raspberry flat-ar, to flatter franj-o, fringe (not border or margin) flar-ar, to smell (tr.) by scent, frank-o, franc (coin) suspect frap-ar, to strike, hit flatu-ar, to be affected with flatu- frat-o, brother or sister lency fraxin-o, ash-tree Bav-a, yellow fray-o, spawn (of aquatic animals) flech-o, arrow, spire fraz-o, phrase, sentence fleg-ar, to nurse, wait upon the sick fremis-ar, to shudder with horror fleret-o, foil (fencing) frenezi-o, frenzy (delirious) flex-ar, to bend out of the straight fren-o, brake (for stopping motion) flitr-o, spangle, tinsel frequ-a, frequent, often occurring flog-ar, to whip fresh-a, fresh, newly gathered flor-o, flower (lit.) frez-ar, to countersink Boron-o, flower (ounam~nt) friand-a, dainty, toothsome flos-o, fin (of a fish) fricion-ar, to rub flot-o, fleet (nau.) frigor-o, cold (subst. tech.) flotac-ar, to float on the surface of frip-o, old clothes liquid fripon-o, petty thief, knave flu-ar, to flow, run, glide (also of frisk-ar, to frisk about blood) iris-o, frieze (archit.) flug-ar, to fly in air ; be driven by frit-ar, to fry (tr. and intr.) wind friz-ar, to curl flur-o, landing (on a staircase) fromaj-o, cheese fluvi-o, large river frond-o, sling (for throwing stones) flux-o, flood ( ebb) frost-ar, to freeze (intr.) fok-o, frot-ar, to polish by rubbing fol-a, mad, insane fru-a, early ; adv., frue foli-o, leaf or thin sheet frukt-0, fruit 99 Xrument-o, wheat garb-0, sheaf fruns-ar. to gather (tzeedlework) garbanz-o, chick-pea fug-ar, to flee, run away gard-ar, to guard iuk-o, sea-weed garden-o, garden fuligin-o, soot gargar-ar, to gargle (Ir.) fulmin-o, flash of lightning, fulmina- garit-o, sentry-box ti.on garnis-ar, to complete by orna- fumur-o, smoke menting, arming ; complete fund-0, bottom part on which any- with what the object must bear thing rests or contain funel-o, funnel garson-o, waiter luner-o, funeral garter-o, garter funest-a, baleful gas-0, gas fung-o, mushroom gast-ig-(em-es-)o, hospitality fuort-o, Iort gast-o, guest furgon-o, baggage cart, ammunition gay-a, gay xvaggtjn gaz-0, gauze furi-ar, to 1)e in a rage gazon-o, turf (of grass) furnel-o, .ktove, kitchen range ge-, to include both sr ~rs furnis-ar, to furtliqh, .;upply gebl-o, gable fur-0, fur gem-0, gem iurt-ar, to stcal gener-al-a, general fush-ar, to 1)unglc gener-o, genus fueil-o, musket genit-ar, engender, to breed (trans.) fust-o, shaft (nvchit.) genr-0, gender (grammat.) fusten-o, fustian gent-o, clan, gens (Roman) futer-o, lining genu-o, knee futur-a, future gerundi-o, gerund fuz-ar, to fuze gest-ar, to gesticulate Puze-o, rocket (fir,zuork) getr-0, gaiter gib-o, hump gichet-o, wicket gate G gigant-o, giant gimnazi-o, secondary school gaban-o, pilot coat ginest-o, broom (plant) gagat-o, jet gips-o, plaster gam-o, sheath gis-ar, to cast, found molten meta galimatias-o, gibberish glac-ar, to gloss (tech.), glaze, make gal-0, gall-nut glossy gamb-o, leg glaci-0. ice gambit-ar, to trip up and to -gambit I Glan-0.' eland (shrss) A glas-0,' ilass (for drinking) gambol-ar, to gambol glat-a, smooth gamel-0, metal vessel for soldiets' glav-o. sword rations gleb-o; clod (lump of earth) gan-ar, to win, gain glez-ar, to glaze (pottery, etc.) gans-o, goose glikos-o, glucose ganso-pel-o, creeping of the flesh glin-ar, to g1ea.n gant-o, glove glir-o, dormouse gap-ar, to open the mouth in glit-ar, to slide, to slip wonder or surprise glori-o, glory garanti-ar, to guarantee, warrant glu-o, glue garanti-o, guarantee glut-ar, to swallow glute-o, buttock guf-o, horned owl glutin-ar, to paste, glue guid-ar, to guide gobi-0, gudgeon gum-0, gum gond-o (door), hinge gurt-o, girth gorgol-ar, gurgle gust-ar, to taste got-0, gout gut-o, drop -ar, to engrave gutur-o, throat grac-0, grace (theolog.) graci-o, grace, charm gracil-a, slender, slim grad-0, degree, step habil-a, skilful gramatik-o, grammar habit-ar, to inhabit (tr. and zntr.) gramin-o, gramineous plant habit-ant-ar-o, total population, grand-a, great (lit. and fig.) I inhabitants gran-0, grain (of seed, stone or stuff) hach-ar, to chop, cut up; cross-hatch granari-o, granary hak-ar, to cut with an axe granat-o, garnet hal-o, hall grant-ar, to grant halt-ar, to stop (rntr.) gras-a, fat ; gras-o, fat, grease halter-o, dumb-bell grat-ar, to scratch (so as to allay hamak-o, hammock itching) hanch-o, hip, haunch gratitud-ar, to be grateful hangar-o, shed gratul-ar, to congratulate han-o, fowl, cock (of n ,own) grav-a, heavy, serious, grave han-ul-o, cock (fowl) gravi-o, gravel har-o, hair gravid-a, pregnant hard-a, hard greft-ar, to graft haring-o, herring grel-ar, to hail harnes-o, harness gremi-o, lap (of sitting person) harpun-o, harpoon grenad-o, pomegranate, grenade hast-ar, to make haste gres-0, sandstone haul-ar, to haul gret-o, grate hav-ar, to have grili-o, cricket (insect) heder-o, ivy grinc-ar, to grate, rub with grating hei-o, yeast noise heg-o, hedge grip-o, influenza helie-o, propeller ; helix (geom.) griz-a, grey helik-o, snail grond-ar, to roar; growl help-ar, to help grop-o, croup, rump hem-o, home gros-a, thick hepat-o, liver grozel-o, gooseberry herald-o, herald gruch-o, crutch herbari-o, herbarium (collection of gruel-o, gruel, oatmeal dried plants) grum-0, groom herbor-o, herb (used for medicinal grumel-o, clot, clod (of blood, salt, purposes) etc.) herd-o, hearth grun-ar, to grunt (pers.),growl hered-ar, to inherit (tr.) gru-o, crane (bird) heris-ar, to bristle up guard-o, guard (milit.) herpet-o, herpes guat-ar, to lie in wait for, waylay, hers-o, a harrow : herse, portcullis watch for, spy hidrops-o, dropsy guberni-o, government (area) hier-e, yesterday gudr-o, tar hike, here hip-ar, to hiccup ignor-ar, to ignore (disregard wil- hipnot-ar, be in a hypnotized state fully) hirund-o, swallow -ik-, ill with histori-o, history 41-, znstrument for hoboy-o, oboe ilex-o, holly hok-o, hook *ili, they (masc.) hold-o, hold (of a ship) iliterat-a, illiterate hom-o, man (human being) *il(u),he, him homard-0, lobster -im-, fractional hom-ar-o, mankind, human race, iman-ar, to be immanent humanity (whole) imbast-ar, to baste, tack (sewing) hom-es-o, human nature imers-ar, immerse hom-in-0, woman imobl-o, real estate hom-ul-0, man (male) imped-ar, to hinder, impede honest-a, honest imper-ar, to order honor-o, honour imperfekt-a, imperfect (gram.) horde-o, barley imperi-o, empire hor-o, hour impetu-o, impetus, impetuosity horloj-o, clock import-ar, to matter hornis-o, hornet impost-o, tax horor-ar, to abhor, hold in abhor- impotent-a, impotent (physiolog.) rence imprek-ar, utter imprecation host-(ul)o, host (who receives) impres-ar, to impress hotel-o, hotel imprim-ar, to print hui-o, hoof imun-a, immune human-a, humane -in-, feminine human-es-o, humanity (feelzng) inat-a, innate humid-a, wet, humid incendi-ar, to set fire to humil-a, humble incens-o, incense humor-o, morbid fluid ; humour -ind-, worthy of being -d (disposition of mind), temper indemn-o, indemnification, indem- humur-0, jocose imagination (less nity intellectual and more sympathetic indic-o, token, that guides in in- than wit) tricate matters hund-(ul)o, dog indign-ar, to be indignant hungr-ar, to be hungry indij-ar, to lack, need hurd-0, hurdle indijen-a, indigenous indolent-a, indolent, sluggish, sloth- ful I indos-ar, to endorse (fin.) -i, plural indukt-ar, to induce, opposite of -1-, domain of deduce (phy~.log.) *ibe, there indulg-ar, to be indulgent, spare *ha, this indut-ar, to coat, do over with *id, these infalibl-a, infallible, not liable to *ice, this (thing) fail -id-, descendant of infant-o, little child Ide-o, idea infern-o, hell ident-a, identical infl-ar, to inflate, swell (tv.) idili-o, idyll inflam-ar, to inflame (tr.) -ier-, holder influ-ar, to influence -if-, to produce inform-ar, to inform -ig-, to make. cause, vender infr-e, down (opfi. to supr-8) I02 inglob-ar, to join, unite (tech.) *ito, that (thing) ingran-ar, to throw into gear -iv-, tha! can... inguin-0, groin (anat.) ivor-o, ivory inici-ar, to initiate -iz-, to furnish wzth, coosr with injeni-ar, to contrive (tax one's ingenuity) inkas-ar, receive (money) (fin.) J inkastr-ar, to let in or fit in *la, already inklin-ar, to incline jabot-o, (shirt-) frill inkluz-ar, to include jac-ar, to lie (position) ink-o, ink jaluz-a, jealous inkombr-ar, to encumber (hinder januar-0, January passing) je-0, lay inkurs-ar, to make incursion jelat-o, jelly inquest-ar, to inquire into jelozi-0, venetian blind insidi-ar, to lay snares for !em-ar, to moan, groan (intr.) insign-o, badge jemel-o, twin Instant-o, instant, moment jeneroz-a, generous instig-ar, to instigate jeni-0, corps of engineers instituc-ar, to institute jen-ar, to embarrass, incommode instrukt-ar, to instruct jenjiv-o, gums of the mouth insul-o, island jentil-a, daintily pleasant -in&, past pnrticip., active jer-ar, to manage integr-a, whole, entire, integral jerm-o, germ intenc-ar, to intend (purpose) jet-ar, to throw *inter, between, among jilet-o, waistcoat interces-ar, intercede jilflor-o, gillyflower interdikt-ar, to forbid jin-o, gin interes-ar, to be interesting, interest jinjer-o, ginger interest-o, interest (advantageous jir-ar, to turn about, veer round thing ; also finance) jok-ar, to joke intermit-ar, to be intermittent lorn-0, day (not ~cighl) intern-a, inside, internal jovdi-o, Thursday inton-ar, to strike up (hymn, song, joy-o, joy etc.) par, to enjoy (tr.) intrik-ar, to tangle jud-(ul)o, Jew intuic-o, intuition judici-ar, to judge judicially invad-ar, to invade judik-ar, to judge ips-a, self juli-0, July -ir, past infinitive jung-ar, to ,put horses to yoke, ir-ar, to go " inspan irac-ar, to be arigry juni-o, June irg-u, anyone junior-a, younger irid-o, iris (bot). juniper-o, juniper irigac-ar, to irrigate -0, rush (plant) irit-ar, to irritate junt-ar, to join -is, past indicative jup-o, skirt -ism-, systtm, doctrine jur-ar, swear (not blaspheme) -ist-, professing, adhere~zt jurnal-0, journal -it-, past particip., passive *jus, just now *ita. that just-a, right (exact, well-grounded) itere, again justiflk-ar, to justify *iti, those juvel-o, jewel 103 kanel-o, channel K kankr-0, crayfish ; cancer *ka(d), (shows interuogation) kanonik-o, canon (persow) kab-o, cape (geog.) kanson-o, song, ditty, glee kabr-ar, to rear (horse) kant-ar, to sing kadr-o, frame (also fig.) ; staff kantor-o, chorister, precentor (milit.) kap-0, head kaduk-a, in decay, near falling kapae-a, able to contain kafe-o, coffee kapel-o, chapel kait-o, kite kaper-o, caper (bota~~.) kaj-0, cage kapitel-o, capital (archit.) kakatu-o, cockatoo kapon-o, capon kal-o, corn (on foot) kapr-o, goat kaldier-o, boiler ; copper kapreol-o, roebuck kaldron-o, caldron kaprifoli-o, honeysuckle kalembur-0, pun kapriol-ar, to cut capers kalendari-o, calendar kapstan-o, capstan kalendul-o, marigold kaptae-ar, to obtain by ur~derliand kalfat-ar, to calk (a boat) means kalie-o, cup, clialice kapt-ar, to catch, capture kalkane-o, calcaneum kapue-o, hood, cowl kalk-o, calx, lime kar-a, dear (beloved) kalkol-o, calculus (medic.) karat-o, decanter kalkul-o, calculus (math.) karambol-ar, to make a cannon kalm-a, calm (without comn;otio~z) (billiards) kalor-o, heat (phys. qitantity) karb-o, carbon kalson-o, drawers karbon-o, coal kalumni-ar, to calumniate karbunkl-o, carbuncle (disease), kalv-a, bald precious stone kalz-o, stocking kareer-o, prison *kam, than, as kardel-o, goldfinch kambi-ar, to barter, swap, exchange kardon-o, thistle kambi-o, exchange ; liber-kambi-o, kardun-o, Fr. cardon (plant) free trade kare-ar, to do without kamel-0, camel karel-o, slab, tile, diamonds (cards) kamen-o, chimney and chimney karesm-0, Lent piece karez-ar, to caress kamer-o, camera (photog.) karg-ar, to place goods, etc., on or kamfor-o, camphor in a cart (for carriage) kamil-o, stretcher, litter, hand- karikat-ar, to caricature barrow kariofll-o, clove kamion-0, dray karitat-o, charity (not alms) kamizol-o, camkole karnaeion-o, carnation kamiz-o, chemise, shirt karn-o, flesh, meat kampani-ar, to campaign karos-o, coach kanab-0, hemp karpent-ar, to work timber kanape-0, couch karpin-o, hornbeam kan-o, cane, reed kart-o, a card kanali-o, rascal, scoundrel, scamp kartav-ar, to pronounce one's r's kaneeler-o, chancellor (not secretary) gutterally *kande, when kartoeh-o, cartridge kandel-o, candle karton-o, cardboard kandi-o, sugar candy karusel-o, carousal, tilting match I04 kask-o, helmet, casque klar-a, clear kasac-ar, to quash, annul (law) klarion-o, military bugle kas-o, cash-box, till klaudik-ar, to limp kason-o, caisson for sub-aqueous klaun-o, clown work (eng.) klav-0, key (of a key hoard), clef kasrol-o, saucepan (rnzts.) kasquet-0, cap for men or boys klavikord-o, clavichord kastan-o, chestnut klef-o, key (of a lock) kastel-o, castle klem-ar, to tighten, squeeze, clench kaston-o, bezel (of ring) klematid-o, clematis kastor-o, beaver klerik-a, ecclesiastical kastr-ar, to castrate, geld klif-o, cliff kat-0, cat klik-o, catch, click (n~echan.) katedr-o, chair (professor's), pulpit klikt-ar, to click, clang, clash katekism-o, catechism klim-ar, to climb katekiz-ar, to catechise klink-o, latch (of door) katen-o, chain kloak-o, sewer ; cloaka (anat.) kaucion-o, caution, surety (law) klok-0, o'clock kaud-o, tail klosh-o, bell kaul-o, cabbage klostr-o, cloister kauz-o, cause klov-o, nail kav-a, hollow kloz-ar, to close (ti..) kaval-o, horse kluk-ar, to cluck kavalk-ar, to ride on horseback koakt-ar, to force, compel kavalier-o, knight kobold-o, elf, sprite kavern-o, cave, cavern kocinel-o, lady-bird kay-o, quay kodex-o, code (laws) kayer-o, stitched blank book kofi-o, woman's bonnet, cap, coif kazern-o, barracks kofr-o, chest, trunk, coffer kaze-0, cream-cheese kok-0, coke kaz-o, case (not casing) kokle-o, cochlea (anat ) kazual-a, casual koklush-o, whooping cough *ke, that (conjunc.) kokos-o, cocoa-nut kegl-o, skittle kol-o, neck kel-o, cotter pin, linch pin (much.) kolaret-o, cellarette keler-o, cellar koleai-o, college kelk-a, some, a little kolekt-ar, to make a collection kemi-o, chemistry koler-o, cholera kerl-o, fellow, blade kold-a, cold kern-o, kernel, core koli-ar, to gather, pluck kerub-o, cherub koliar-o, collar (any kind) kest-o, box, chest kolimb-o, diver (bird) kik-ar, to kick, fling (of hovse) kolm-o, zenith, culminating point kili-o, keel (of ship) kolofon-o, colophony kimer-o, chimera kolok-ar, to invest money *kin, five kolomb-o, turtle-dove kirk-o, church (buildin?) kolon-o, column, pillar kirurgi-o, surgery koloni-o, colony kis-ar, to kiss kolor-o, colour klad-o, rough draft, rough copy kolorit-o, colourinl; klam-ar, to shout kolport-ar, to hawk about (lit. klap-o, flap-valve, leaf of folding and fig.) door, table or shutter kolubr-0, ring or grass snake '05 kolum-o, collar (of coat, shzrf) konfes-ar, to own up, confess kolz-0, rape, colza konfid-ar, to confide (a thing to) *kom, as, in the capacity of konfldenc-ar, to tell in confidence komat-o, coma konfidencal-a, confidential kombust-ar, to burn konfisk-ar, to confiscate komenc-ar, to commence konflt-ar, to preserve by boiling komenc-0, commencement with sugar komend-ar, to order (commerc.) konflikt-ar, to be conflicting komerc-ar, to trade, traffic konlund-ar, to confuse one thing komis-ar, to entrust with another komis-o, commission, command, kongres-o, congress charge koni-o, wedge komis-it-ar-o, commission (asse~)z- konjed-ar, to cause or permit to go bly) konjekt-ar, to conjecture, surmise komisari-o, commissary konjunt-ur-o, conjuncture komitat-o, committee bonk-o, shell (of a molZusc) komlz-o, clerk, shop assistant konkluz-ar, to conclude, bring to an komon-o, parish community (local) end kompan-o, companion konkord-ar, to agree, be in har- kompat-ar, to have pity, com- mony, concord, concordance passion, be compassionate with kompetent-a, competent konkurs-ar, to compete komplez-ar, to please, adapt oneself konoc-ar, to know, be acquainted to another's taste or temper with kompost-ar, to set up (type) konoc-o, knowledge kompot-o, stewed fruit konquest-ar, to conquer kompr-ar, to buy konquest-o, conquest (act.) kompren-ar, to understand konquest-aj-o, conquest (thirzg) kompres-ar, to compress konsakr-ar, to consecrate kompromls-ar, to compromise konsent-ar, to consent, give consent komt-(ul)o, count, earl I konsequ-ar, to ensue, to result komun-a, common, pertaining 1 konserv-ar, to conserve equally to more than one konsil-ant-ar-o, council kon-o, cone konsil-ar, to advise, offer counsel koncept-ar, to conceive, become konskript-ar, to conscript, enroll by pregnant conscription konces-ar, to concede, grant konsolac-ar, to console koncl-ar, to be conscious of konsonant-o, consonant koncienc-o, conscience konsput-ar, to treat (publically) koncill-ant-o, conciliator most contemptuously koncili-ar, to conciliate with, cause konstituc-ar, to constitute, estab- to become friendly again lish, make up, constitution konclli-o, conciliation konstitucion-o, constitution (phy- kondamn-ar, condemn siol.) kondicion-ar, to stipulate, make konstrukt-ar, to cotistruct one's conditions konsum-ar, to consume (tr.) kondlcion-o, condition kontant-o, cash, ready money kondol-o. condolence kont-ar, to count kondukt-ar, to conduct (heat, etc.) konten-ar, to contain kondut-ar, to behave kontent-a, content, satisfied konlekt-o, confectionery, sweetmeat kontent-lg-ar, to satisfy konfer-ar, to confer (intv.) kontor-o, office (administr.) konfer-a, conference kontraband-o, contraband I 06 kontrafakt-ar, to counterfeit (for kot-o, quotation (fin, comm.), deceiving) quota, proportional part kontrafort-o, buttress, counterfort kov-ar, to brood, hatch (not fig.) kontrakt-ar, to shrink. draw to- kovr-ar, to cover gether (trans.) koz-0, thing kontrat-ar, to make a contract krag-o, band (clolhing) kontrat-o, treaty, contract krak-ar, to crack, creak (noise) kontre, against kraknel-o, cracknel kontribut-ar, to contribute (not kran-0, crane (wzach.) literary work) krani-o, skull, cranium kontrol-ar, to control, check krecent-o, crescent kontur-0, outline, contour krapul-ar, to live in debauchery kontuz-ar, to bruise kras-o, layer of dirt which gathers konvalec-ar, to be convalescent on skin, linen, etc. konven-ar, to suit, be fitting, be in krateg-o, hawthorn conformity with the demands kravach-0, riding-switch of society krayon-o, pencil konvencion-ar, to make an agree- kre-ar, to create ment bred-ar, to believe konvink-ar, to convince krem-o, cream konyak-0, cognac kremac-ar, to cremate koordin-ar, to co-ordinate krenel-o, battlement kooper-ar, to co-operate (society) krep-0, crape kops-o, coppice krepuskul-o, twilight kopulac-ar, to couple sexually (intr.) kres-o, water-cress koqu-ar, to cook kresk-ar, to grow kor-o, choir kresp-o, pancake korali-o, coral krest-o, coch's comb, crest, top *koram, in the presence of kret-o, chalk korb-o, basket krev-ar, to burst (tr.. ttnd zlit~.) kordi-o, heart krevet-o, shrimp kordon-o, tape, chain of soldiers krevis-ar, to crack, chap (cordon), ribbon of an order kri-ar, to cry out korekt-a, correct kribl-o, riddle, sieve korelat-ar, to be in correlation k~imin-ar,to commit a crime kork-0, cork krin-o, (horse-) hair kornamuz-o, bagpipe krip-o, crib kornel-o, dogberry kripl-a, crippled, deprived of use of kornic-o, cornice a limb kornik-o, carrion crow krisp-a, (hair) crisp, woolly korn-o, horn Krist-o, Christ korp-o, body of man, animal, krist-an-eso, Christianity (qualily) troops krist-an-ismo, Christianity (doctrine) korsaj-o, bodice kroch-ar, to crochet korsar-o, corsair krok-ar, to crunch, make a noise kors-o, promenade, public walk of crunching kort-o, court (justice, s~lt~ereig~),kron-o, crown yard krop-o, crop (of birris) kortic-o, bark (of a tree) kroz-ar, to cruise korund-o, corundum kruc-o, cross korupt-ar, to corrupt kruch-o, pitcher, jug korv-o, crow krud-a, raw, in unwrought state kost-0, rib (anal.) krug-o, wooden or tin mug 107 krul-ar, to fall, give way krumpl-ar, to rumple L krup-0, croup (disease) *la, the krur-o, thigh, leg labi-o, lip krust-o, crust labor-ar, to work, labour (tr., int.) kruzel-o, crucible lacer-ar, to tear, lacerate kuaf-ar, to dress (hair) lacert-o, lizard kud-o, elbow laciv-a, lascivious kugl-0, bullet (of musket, rifle) lac-0, lace (stays, boots, etc.) kuk-0, cake lad-0, tm (-plate) kukul-o, cuckoo lag-o, lake kukumbr-o, cucumber lake-o, footman, lackey kukurbit-o, pumpkin lak-o, lacquer, japan kulbut-ar, to turn a somersault lakrim-o, tear kulc-o, gnat lakt-o, milk kulier-o, spoon lamen-0, knife blade, sheet of metal kul-o, bottom (hunznn) lampir-o, glow-worm kulis-o, side-scenes (Ihcsut.) lampred-o, lamprey kulp-ar, to commit a fault langust-o, spiny lobster kultel-o, knife land-o, country, land kult-ar, to worship, idolize lang-o, tongue (anat.) kultur-o, culture (intel. and mural) langor-ar, to pine away, languish kumpres-o, compress (med.) lanj-o, swaddling clothes *kun, with lan-o, wool kun-labor-ar, to co-operate, work lans-ar, to hurl, fling together lanug-0, down (wool) kun-feder-it-o, ally lapid-o, precious stone kunikl-o, rabbit, lard-o, bacon kupe-o, coupe, front seats ; laric-o, larch brougham laring-o, larynx kupl-ar, to couple (mechan.) larj-a, wide, broad kuplet-o, stave, stanza (in song) las-ar, to leave, let, permit kup-o, prize cup (not ternup) lash-o, splint (chir.),fish-plate (rails) kupr-o, copper last-a, last kur-ar, to run later-o, side kurac-ar, to treat (medic.) lat-0, lath kuraj-ar, t? have courage latrin-o, w.c., latrine kuras-o, cuirass latug-o, lettuce kurat-ar, be guardian, trustee, latun-o, brass curator laub-o, arbour kurs-o, course (studies, commerc.) laud-ar, to praise kurt-a, short laur-o, laurel kurtaj-o, brokers' business laus-o, louse kurten-o, curtain laut-a, loud (strongly audible) kurtez-ar, to pay court to, woo lav-ar, to wash kurv-a, curved, bent lava-0, lava kusen-o, cushion, pillow lax-a, lax, loose, slack (opp. of kush-ar, to lay down tense, taut, also med.) kust-ar, to cost laz-o, lasso kustum-ar, to be in the habit of 10, the plur. of la before adj. without kuv-0, tub no ail^. kuvert-o, envelope lecion-o, lesson kuz-o, cousin led-a, ugly 108 ledr-o, leather 1 Iokac-ar, to rent, hire leg-o, law lokl-0, curl, lock of hair legac-ar, to bequeath lok-o, place legum-0, vegetable lokust-0, locust lejer-a, light (in weight, also fig) loll-0, darnel, tares lek-ar, to lick lombard-o, pawnbroker lekt-ar, to read lombrik-o, earthworm leni-0, log (rough timber) loneh-o, slice (of bread, meat, etc.) lens-0, lentil, lens long-a, long lent-a, slow *lor, at the time of leon-o, lion lorn-o, telescope lepor-o, hare lotri-ar, to cast lots for lepr-o, leprosy loyal-a, loyal lern-ar, to learn *lu, he, she or it lesiv-ar, to wash in lye luci-o, pike (fish) letr-o, letter lud-ar, to gamble, play games lev-ar, to lift (tv.) lug-ar, to let or hire, lease lever-o, lever Iukt-ar, to wrestle, struggle lez-ar, to injure (law ar~dplzys.) lul-ar, to lull to sleep *li, they (mas., fem., neu.) lum-ar, to shine, light liber-a, free lumb-o, lumbar region (anat.) liber-es-o, freedom, liberty lun-o, moon liber-kambi-o, free trade lundi-o, Monday libr-o, book lupul-o, hop (plant) lie-o, list (/or combat) lut-o, lute (tech.) lietnant-o, lieutenant lur-ar, to allure, entice Iig-ar, to tie, bind lutr-o, otter lign-o, wood, timber lux-0, luxury liken-0, lichen (tot.) luxac-ar, to luxate, dislocate (limb) lik-ar, to leak (tr. and iv~tv.) lilac-o, lilac M lili-0, lily *ma, but lim-ar, to file, rasp maestr-o, master (one who excels in limak-o, slug (zool.) art, etc.) limit-o, limit, boundary magnet-o, magnet lineh-ar, to lynch magr-a, lean, meagre line-o, lynx mahagon-o, mahogany line-o, line maiflor-o, lily of the valley lineal-o, ruler (drawing) maiz-o, maize lingu-o, language makrel-o, mackerel lin j-o, linen makul-o, stain, discolouring (also lin-o, flax fig.) liquidac-ar, to liquidate mal-a, bad lir-o, lyre malad-a, ill, sick lit-o, bed maldieens-ar, to disclose (gratui- liter-o, letter, alphabetical sign tously) a fault or defect in litor-o, shore someone liut-o, lute maledik-ar, to curse (tr.) liv-ar, to leave, quit maleol-o, ankle liz-o, dregs, lees Xmalgre, in spite of *lo, that, it, that which is . . . malic-o, malice loj-ar, to lodge, live malign-a, evil, wicked loji-o, box (theatre) malv-o, mauve 109 malvavisk-o, marshmallow mason-ar, to build masonry about, malyot-o, bathing costume over mam-o, udder mast-o, mast mana-o, manna mastik-ar, to masticate manch-o, handle, shaft, haft mastr-o, master mandel-o, almond mat-o, mat manet-o, hand-lever matin-o, morning mani-o, mania materi-o, matter (not pus) manier-o, manner, way, mode (not matid-a, dull (colour, light, sound), habit, custom, conduct) unpolished manik-o, sleeve matr-o, mother manivel-o, crank matrac-o, mattress manj-ar, to eat matur-a, ripe mank-ar, to be lacking, wanting, mayuskul-0, capital letter missing maxil-o, upper jaw manot-i, handcuffs *maxim, most manovr-ar, to manceuvre, handle an may-o, May army, ship (tv. and intr.) mayor-o, major (milit.) mansard-o, garret maz-o, club, mace manshet-o, cuff, wrist-band *me, I, me mante-ar, to toss in a blanket meeh-o, wick, match mantel-o, cloak medali-o, medal manten-ar, to hold (of thi?zgs), keep medi-o, medium, circle, set, one's in the same position (t~.) surroundings (also nut. sciences) manu-o, hand mediae-ar, to mediate, be mediator map-0, map medik-o, doctor, physician mar-o, sea medul-o, marrow, pith marchand-ar, to bargain for (notfig.) mefit-o, noxious exhalation, choke- march-ar, to walk (by stepping) damp mardi-o, Tuesday meger-o, shrew, visen mare-o, tide, ebb and flow melzs-o, treacle, molasses margrit-o, daisy melk-ar, to milk mariaj-ar, to marry, join in wedlock melolont-o, cacBcha.fer (tr.) *mem, even marin-ar, to pickle membr-o, limb, member (all senses : marjin-o, margin (on page) of body, society, party, place, mark-o, a mark eqzlation) markez-o, marquis memor-ar, to remember markot-ar, to layer (garden) menaj-o, housekeeping marmit-o, porridge-pot mendik-ar, to beg one's bread marmor-o, marble menti-ar, to tell a lie marn-o, marl menton-o, chin maron-o, chestnut (edible) ment-o, kind, seat of consciousness, marquiz-o, marquee thought, volition and feeling marsh-o, marsh, morass, feu menuz-ar, to do joiner's work marshal-o, marshal mercer-o, haberdashery, mercery mart-o, March merin-o, merino (auzinzal) martel-o, hammer merit-ar, lo deserve, merit marvel-o, marvel, wonder meriz-o, wild cherry masaj-ar, to massage merk-ar, to memorize mash-o, mesh, link (in kxittiq, ctc.) merkat-o, market mashinac-ar, machinate merkurdi-o, Wednesday maskul-o, male merkuri-o, qnicksilver, mercury I I0 merlan-o, whiting (fish) monak-o, monk merl-o, blackbird monat-o, month meskin-a, paltry, shabby (fig.) mond-o, world (~zortn) mes-o, mass (R.C.) mond-al-a, world (adj.) mestic-o, half-breed mondum-0, world (society) mestier-o, handicraft monet-o, coin met-ar, put on (clothes) mont-o, mountain mez-a, middle montr-ar, to show mezur-ar, measure (with fixed unit mor-i, manners, morals of known size) morb-o, disease of any nature mi-, half morbil-o, measles miel-o, honey mord-ar, to bite mien-o, mien, look, appearance of morg-e, to-morrow face morili-o, fire-dog migr-ar, to migrate from one place mort-ar, to die, become dead to another within one's country morter-o, mortar (#or bliildin,o) mikr-a, small, little mors-o, bit (hnrse's) *mil, thousand moru-o, cod-fish mili-o, mile morus-o, mulberry milit-ar, to make war mos-o, cabin-boy *min, less mosk-o, musk (perfztme) min-ar, to mine, undermine moskit-o, mosquito minac-ar, to threaten, menace most-o, must, unfermented juice of *minim, least fruit, new wine minion-a, nice, small and dainty mot-o, motto of a book or chapter minoritat-o, minority (nitmcrical) motor-o, motor (mecJ~an.) mint-o, mint (plant) mov-ar, to move (tv. and intr.) minus, less (arith.) moyen-o, instrument, way to do minuskul-o, small letter anything minut-o, a miiiute mu-ar, to mew, moult, break (of miop-a, short-sighted voice) miozot-o, forget-me-not muel-ar, to @nd (by mill) mirmekofag-0, ant-bear muev-o, sea-gull mirtel-0, bilberry muf-o, muff (woman's) ; casing mis-, wvongly (mech.) mispel-o, medlar muj-ar, to bellow, roar (winds, mistel-o, mistletoe waues, thzhndcr, cannon) miten-o, mitten muk-o, mucus mitrali-o, grape-shot mul-o, mule mix-ar, to mu (tr.) mulat-o, mulatto mizer-ar, to be in distress, in want muld-ar, to mould (trans.) mizerikordi-o, mercy, mercifulness mult-a, many mobl-o, piece of furniture, table, mumi-o, mummy etc. mung-ar, to wipe one's nose moder-ar, to moderate (tr.) municip-o, municipality, munici- modiflk-ar, to modify, make partial pium (antiq.) changes munt-ar, to fit, mount (techn.) modl-ar, to model, fashion, shape in mur-o, wall clay or wax mus-o, mouse mok-ar, to make fun of mush-o, fly (insect) mol-a, soft muskad-o, nutmeg mold-ar, to turn mouldy (intrans.) musk-o, moss (plant) moli-o, mole (jortif.) muskul-o, muscle (anat.) 111 musl-o, mussel neutr-ig-ar, to neutralize must-ar, must (v.) neutr-ig-o, neutralization mustard-o, mustard (food) nev-o, nephew or niece mut-a, dumb *ni, we, us muton-o, sheep nigr-a, black muzel-o, muzzle (also $4. and nihil-ig-ar, to annihilate metaph.) niv-ar, to snow myel-o, spinal marrow nlvel-o, level, horizontal plane *no, no nobel-a,-o, noble (by birth) N nobl-a, noble (morally) nab-o, hub, nave noc-ar, to harm, damage, injure, nacion-al-a, national wrong nacion-al-0s-0, nationality (of in- noch-o, notch, indentation, nick divid.) nod-o, knot (of thread, cord, rope) nacion-al-ig-ar, nationalize (Ir.) and naut. nacion-es-0, nationality (of peopl~) nokt-0, night nacion-o, nation noktu-o, barn-owl nab-a, artless, naive nom-ar, to name, call by name naktigal-o, nightingale nombr-o, number *nam, for, because nomin-ar, to nominate for office nan-o, dwarf *non, nine nap-o, turnip notor-a, notorious, well known narac-ar, to narrate notari-0, notary narkot-ar, to be in the state pro- nov-a, new duced by narcotics novel-o, novelette nas-0, bow net novembr-o, November nask-ar, to be born *nu, well ! nat-ar, to swim at or below surface nuanc-o, shade (of colozlr) of water nub-o, cloud naufraj-ar, to be (ship-) wrecked nuc-o, walnut (intr.) nud-a, naked, bare, nude nauze-ar, to feel sick, accompanied nudl-o, German vermicelli by nausea (intr.) nuk-o, nape of the neck nav-o, ship nul-a, no, not any naz-o, nose numer-o, number (written No.) *ne, not *nun, now nebul-ar, to be foggy nunci-o, nuncio neces-a, necessary *nur, only neg-ar, to deny, declare untrue or nutr-ar, to nourish non-existing neglij-ar, to neglect, be remiss about negoci-ar, to negotiate, procure or arrange for by negotiating 0 *nek . . . nek, neither ... nor *o(d), or nepoto, grandchild -0, noun sing. nervatur-o, nervure (bot., zool.), obedi-ar, to obey rib, arch objekt-al-a, objective nerv-o, nerve (anat.) objekt-o, object (plesented to senses), nest-o, nest of bird material thing observed with net-a, neat, clean optical instrument ; personal neutr-a, neutral object ; subject of thought neutr-es-o, neutrality oblat-o, wafer (for sealing letters) I12 oble-o, thin pastry (fr. plaisiv) orfan-o, orphan oblivi-ar, to forget organ-0, organ, part of animal or obstrukt-ar, to obstruct (tr., intv.) vegetable body adapted for obsed-ar, to obsess I special function, viz., heart, obus-o, shell (gun) medium of communication, oei-ar, to idle, pass time in idleness language, magazine (not voice) ocid-ar, to murder Organ-iz-es-o, organization (stale) ocident-o, west organ-izo, organizabon (act.) ocil-ar, to oscillate (not fg ) organ-iz-ur-o, organization (product) ocit-ar, to yawn orgen-o, organ (mus.) *o(d),or oriol-o, golden oriole odi-ar, to hate orl-ar, to hem, turn down and sew odor-ar, to have a smell or scent. edge ofens-ar, to offend orn-ar, to adorn, deck with orna- oflc-o, office, post, charge, duty ments oflci-o, services, office (li~liq.) or-o, gold oficir-o, officer ort-a, rlght (angle) ofr-ar, to offer (/r.) -os, future indicative oft-e, oiten ostent-ar, to show off ogl-ar, to ogle ost-o, bone (anat.) *ok, eight ostr-o, oyster okazion-o, occasion, opportunity -0t-, future particip. passive oktobr-o, October ov-o, egg okul-o, eye oxal-o, sorrel (plmzt) okup-at-a, busy, occupied -0z-, full of ...... old-a, old ole-o, oil *OM,they (neut. only) *olim, once, formerly *ol(u),it pac-ar, to be in peace ombr-o, shadow pac-if-ist-o, pacifist omis-ar, to omit pac-0, peace omn-a, every (pl. omni, all, every- pad-o, pad (for doors, windows) body) padel-o, pan, frying-pan ond-o, small wave, swell on surface padlok-o, padlock of a liquid, undulation (physics) paf-ar, to shoot with fire-arms *on@), one, they, people pagan-o, heathen -0nt-, fztture particip. active pag-ar, to pay onyon-o, onion plant, also its pagin-o, page (book) edible bulb pal-0, page (boy) -op-, . . . at a time, distributive pak-o, package, parcel, bundle opinion-ar, to have the opinion paketbot-o, packet-boat opinion-o, opinion pakotili-o, venture (commerce) oper-o, opera pakt-ar, to make a compact operac-ar, to operate (surg.) palac-o, palace -0~1-, . . . fold, ~~ltiple palat-o, palate (anat.) oport-as, it is necessary pali-o, straw opres-ar, to oppress palis-o. stake, pale (f~nce) -or, futuve infinitive palm-o, palm of hand, palm branch orden-o, order (velir., chivalry) palp-ar, to feel (by touch) ordin-ar, to put in order, arrange palpebr-o, eyelid ordinar-a, ordinary paltot-o, overcoat orel-o, ear panch-o. belly of animals, paunch I I pane-0, state of being stopped, pee-0, piece, fragment hove to pech-0, pitch panel-o, panel, wainscot pedik-o, louse pan-o, bread ped-0, foot pans-ar, to dress (a sure) peg-0, woodpecker panse-o, pansy peizal-o, scenery, landscape pantalon-o, trousers pek-ar, to sin pantofl-o, slipper pekt-ar, to comb papagay-o, parrot pektor-o, chest, breast papaver-o, poppy (the plant) pekuni-o, money paper-o, paper pelerin-o, tippet Pap-0, Pope pelis-0, fur-cloak, pelisse papilion-o, butterfly pel-o, skin papir-o, papyrus pelot-o, ball (of thread) papl-o, formless mass, mash, pap pelv-o, pelvis (anat.) paprik-0, Cayenne pepper pen-ar, to toil hard, labour at, par-, completely trouble oneself about par-a, even (numbers) penach-o, plume, tuft para-, warding off pend-ar, to hang (tr. and intr.) paraf-o, flourish in writing, paraph pens-ar, to think parament-o, cuff of a sleeve pent-0, slope, declivity parent-o, relative, kinsman pentekost-o, Whitsuntide pari-ar, to bet peoni-o, peony pariet-o, partition wall *per, by, by means of parlament-o, parliament percept-ar, to perceive through the par-o, pair senses parok-o, parish priest perd-ar, to lose parol-ar, to speak, talk perdrik-o, partridge parom-o, ferry-boat peren-a, perennial (bot.) parquet-o, inlaid floor, parquet perfekt-a, perfect parter-o, pit (theatre) pergamen-o, parchment partis-o, party, faction peris-ar, to perish part-o, part (of a thing or number) perk-o, perch (fish) parto-pren-o, participation perlomatr-o, mother-of-pearl partur-ar, to give birth to perman-ar, to be permanent paru-o, tomtit perme-ar, to permeate (of fluids and paser-o, sparrow gases) pask-o-(festo), Easter permis-ar, to allow pasment-o, lace, trimming of gold per-0, peer (of England, etc.) or silk peron-o, flight of steps (outside a pastet-o, (meat) pie, pasty house) past-o, paste perpendikl-a, perpendicular pastur-ar, to graze, to feed (off persequ-ar, to pursue, prosecute grass), persien-o, venetian shutter patel-o, knee-cap persik-0, peach patri-o, fatherland peruk-o, wig patr-o, parent, father or mother pervink-0, periwinkle patrie-o, patrician pesk-ar, to fish patroli-o, patrol petris-ar, to knead pav-o, paving stone petr-o, stone pavon-o, peacock petrosel-0, parsley pavor-ar, to be afraid petul-a, of turbulent vivacity paz-o, step, pace pez-ar, to weigh (intrans.) 114 pi-a, pious *plu, more pice-0, spruce fir plug-ar, to plough ground pig-o, magpie plum-o, pen, feather pikl-0, spice (pikl-i, pickles) plump, puff ! pikon-o, pick-axe plump-a, dolt, dullard, blockhead pikt-ar, to depict (lit.), paint (lit.) plunj-ar, to plunge (intrans.) pilgrim-ar, to go on a pilgrimage plur-a, several pil-o, hair ; bristle (bot.) *plus, plus-e, further pilul-0, pill plush-0, plush pinch-ar, to pinch, nip pluv-ar, to rain pingl-o, pin *PO, at, for (price), in exchange for pini-o, silvered pine pok-a, few pinion-o, -wheel, pinion polar-eso, polarity pinsel-o, brush, paint-brush polex-o, thumb pint-o, point (tapering sharp end) polis-ar, to polish (not fig.) pioeh-o, pick, pick-axe politik-0, politics, policy pion-o, pawn (chess) polit-a, polite, civil, courteous pionir-o, pioneer polip-0, polyp, polypus (zool.) pipi-ar, to pipe, chirp (birds) polster-aj-o, material with which pipr-0, pepper anything is padded p!ps-o, pip (birds) polut-ar, to pollute plr-0, pear polv-o, dust pist-ar, to pound, crush pom-o, apple pistol-o, pistol pomel-0, pommel (of saddle, etc.) piz-0, pea pompon-o, top-knot (soldier's), tuft plad-o, plate (table) ponder-ar, to weigh (tr.) plafon-o, ceiling poniard-0, dagger, poniard plag-o, sore ; plague pons-a, poppy colour plaj-o, beach (sands, etc.) pontifik-o, pontiff plak-o, plate, sheet (metal, etc.) pont-0, bridge pland-o, sole (of foot) ponyet-o, wrist-band plank-o, plank popl-o, poplar plantac-ar, to plant in ground poplit-o, back of knee-joint plantag-0, plantain popul-0, people, pl. peoples, nations plastr-o, sticking plaster (medic.) popul-iz-o, peopling plat-a, flat popul-02-es-0, population (density) plaud-ar, (of water) to break, beat popurit-o, hotch-potch (dish) ; con- against, splash (intr.) fused mixture ple-ar, to play (mus.), to act *por, for (!heatre) pord-o, door pleblcit-o, plebicite, referendum porel-o, leek plekt-ar, to intertwine, plait (hair pork-o, .pig or straw) porkespm-o, porcupine plen-a, full portal-o, doorway, portal plend-ar, to complain port-ar, to carry, convey in vehicles, plet-o, (tea-) tray, (pin-) tray ship, hand, on person ; aLso of pleuronekt-o, brill (fish) wind, water, etc. (as agent) plevrit-o, pleurisy portu-o, harbour plez-ar, to please, be agreeable *pos, after plezur-o, pleasure posed-ar, to possess, hold as pro- plomb-o, lead (metal) perty, own, have faculty or plor-ar, to weep, cry quality plis-ar, to plait (fold zn plaits) posh-o, pocket "5 posibl-a, possible primroz-o, primrose posibl-aj-o, something possible printemp-o, spring (season) pos~bl-es-o, possibility (qualitv) prismat-o, prism post-0, post (for letters, etc.) privac-ar, to deprive, bereave (!tot posten-o, post, station (mil.) depose) postern-0, postern (fort) privat-a, private postig-o, casement priz-ar. to prize, to like postul-ar, to reluire, need, call for, prizent-ar, to present depend for success on *pro, because of, on account of postnrar, to pose (intr.), a:;sume prob-ar, to try, test an attitude probabl-a, probable potene-o, power (~~zatl~.) problem-o, problem potent-a, powerful, mighty, potent procent-0, percentage potent-es-o, might, potency proces-ar, to bring an action against pov-ar, to l)e able, can prod-eso, prowess ; -ajo, feat povr-a, poor I produkt-ar, to produce poz-ar, to lay, set, place prognoz-ar, (med.) to prognosticate pragmat-o, real fact (e.g., what's dow program-0, programme ; definite and can't be ttndone) plan prat-o, meadow progres-ar, to make progress pre-, before : pre-dicar, to predict progres-0, progress prec-o, price projekt-ar, to project (geom., optics) preced-ar, to precede projet-ar, to scheme, plan precipu-a, principal projet-o, scheme, plan predik-ar, to preach prokurator-o, procurator preciz-a, precise promen-ar, to go for a walk prefer-ar, to prefer (choose rather) promis-ar, to promise prefer-al-a, preferential promoc-ar, to promote, advance preg-ar, to pray, beg of (God or man) pront-a, ready premic-o, first fruits pronunc-ar, to pronounce prerni-o, prize, premium pronunc-o, pronunciation pren-ar, to take, lay hold of with propoz-ar, to propose, offer for hand, or instrument consideration or adoption presbiteri-o, council of parish church propoz-0, proposal (act.) *preske, almost propoz-aj-o, proposition preskript-ar, to prescribe, advise proprya, own (ad?.) use of (medicine, tveatment) propnet-ar, to own (not to confess) prest-ar, to lend proskript-ar, to proscribe *preter, beyond, just past . . . prospekt-o, prospectus prevent-ar, to prevent, make im- prostern-ar, to prostrate one's possible of occurrence self prevost-o, provost prostrac-ar, to be reduced to prezent-a, present (not past or extreme physical weakness future, opp. to absent) protekt-ar, to protect prezid-ar, to preside protokol-o, report, minutes of a prezid-ant-o, -er-o, president meeting . prezunt-ar, to have undue con- proviz-ar, to provide, supply fidence in oneself *proxim, near, close to *pri, about, regarding prud-a, prudish prikl-ar, to prickle (tr.) pruin-o, hoar-frost prim-a, primary, first in order of prun-o, plum development or time (not prunt-ar, to borrow d~rivrd) prurit-ar, to itch I 16 pruv-ar, to prove, demonstrate, quant-a, how much, how many, make certain how great ; -esma (dio), what paalm-o, psalm day of the month 2 psik-o, the human soul (agent of *quar, four conscious functions) quarc-o, quartz puber-a, pubescent quarter-o, quarter, part of a town pudel-o, poodle quartet-o, quartet pudor-ar, to be modest, decent quaz-e, so to speak pudr-o, toilet powder quer-ar, to fetch (fv.) puer-o, boy or girl (fr. 7 to 15) querk-o, oak puf-0, large cylindrical stuffed foot- quest-ar, to collect (alms) stool question-ar, to question (somebody) pugn-o, fist quiet-a, quiet, not anxious, peaceful pulc-0, flea *quik, immediately, at once pulchinel-o, Punch quing-o, quince puli-0, pulley *quo, what (rel. and intelrog.), which, pulmon-0, lung that (thine) puls-ar, to push, throb, beat (I~ealt) quot-o, share, quota pultr-o, poultry pulver-o, powder (pharnz. ; mzl.) R pumic-o, pumice pump-ar, to pump rabat-ar, to make an allowance pune-ar, to punch, perforate, stamp rabi-o, rabies (cani*ze),hydrophobia with punch or die rabot-0, plane (tool) punis-ar, to punish racion-o, reason, faculty of compre- puns-ar, to trace, pounce (dramin:) hending punt-o, point radi-ar, to radiate (intr.) pupe-o, doll radi-o, ray, beam (light), radius ; pupitr-o, desk (not pulpit) spoke pup-o, stem, poop radik-o, root pur-a, pure (air, water, soul, etc.) rad-0, roadstead (nau.) pure-0, mash rafan-o, horse-radish ; 40,radish purpur-o, purple raft-o, raft pus-0, pus rag-o, rag, waqte piece of cloth pute-o, well, shaft sunk in ground ragut-0, ragout (water, oil) rajunt-ar, to overtake, catch up putor-o, polecat rak-ar, to draw off from the lees putr-ar, to rot (intr.) (liquids) rack rakont-ar, to relate, tell (a story) ram-o, branch, ramifying, springing from bough Q ramn-o, buckthorn *qua (par. qui), who (interrog. and rang-o, rank, row, turn (in a series) relat.), which, that (relnt.) ran-o, frog quadr-o, freestone rankor-ar, to bear spite quadrat-a, square, of square shape rapec-ar, to patch qual-a ; -0, what, of what kind, rap-o, a kind of cole with edible root quality ; how ; tala quala, such rap~d-a, rapid as ; quale se, as rapt-ar, to rob or kidnap qnali-o, quail rar-a, rare qualiflk-ar, to qualify, attribute rar-e, rarely some quality to, style raskal-o, rogue, rascal *quankam, although ras-o, race (of men or animals) 1'7 rasp-ar, to grate, rasp relat-ar, to have reference to, stand rast-ar, to rake in some relation to rasteler-o, rack for holding fodder religi-o, religion ratifik-ar, to ratify rel-o, rail (of railway) rauk-a, hoarse rem-ar, to row (boat) raup-o, caterpillar remedi-ar, to remedy (fig.) ravis-ar, to enrapture, ravish remis-ar, to remit (debt, sins) ray-o, skate, ray (fish) remonstr-ar, to make a remon- raz-ar, to shave strance reakt-ar, to react (intr.) remork-ar. to haul, tow (by water) real-a, real (also in math., optics) remors-ar, to feel remorse (intr.) recens-ar, to review (book) rempar-0, rampart recept-o, recipe (med.) reneg-ar, to disown recev-ar, to receive renesanc-0, Renaissance red-a, red renkontr-ar, meet, come by accident redakt-ar, to draw up, write out, or design into the company of edit ren-o, kidney redemt-ar, to redeem, ransom rentir-o, reindeer redukt-ar, to reduce, lessen rent-o, income, annuity reluj-ar, to take refuge renvers-ar, to throw down reflekt-ar, to reflect (all senses) repar-ar, to repair, restore building, ref-o, reef of a sail machine, etc. reluz-ar, to refuse repartis-ar, to distribute in due regard-ar, to look at proportion regf-o, administration, excise, go- repast-ar, to take a meal vernment monopoly repent-ar, to repent regn-ar, to reign repet-ar, to repeat regolis-o, liquorice repoz-ar, to rest, be still, repose regol-0, wren repres-ar, to repress regres-ar, to go back, retrograde reprezal-ar to make reprisaLs regret-ar, to regret reprezent-ar, to represent, stand in regul-ar, to regulate (a machine) ; the place of, fill a place -bar, to regulate (not terh.) reprezent-ant-o, a representative regul-o, rule reprimand-ar, to scold rej-o, sovereign, king or queen rept-ar, to crawl, creep rekalk-ar, to ram home (techn.) repuls-ar, to repulse (not refuse) reklamac-ar, to claim, demand as requizit-ar, to requisition due, debt, reward, compensation reskript-o, rescript rekolec-ar, to commune with one's resortis-ar, to be under the juris- own heart diction of, be amenable to rekoli-ar, to gather in in order to respond-ar, to answer, make an save from loss answer, respond rekolt-ar, to gather in, reap respons-ar, to be responsible rekort-ar, to clip, pare rest-ar, to stay, remain (be left rekt-a, straight, without curve or over), stay in the same place or bend condition rektiflk-ar, to rectify restor-ar, to refresh (with meals) rekuper-ar, to recover, get again, restrikt-ar, to restrict regain possession or use of ret-o, net rekurs-ar, to have recourse reten-ar, to retain rekuz-ar, to challenge, to decline to retort-o, retort (chem.) accept the authority of (juror, retrakt-ar, to retract, withdraw, etc.) disavow I 18 retret-ar, to beat a retreat, retreat, rov-o, bramble to retire oneself (intr.) rovr-o, English oak retro-, backwards roz-0, rose retush-ar, to touch up, retouch ruband-o, ribbon reumatism-o, rheumatism rubi-o, madder revanch-ar, to take one's revenge mbin-o, ruby (precious stone) rev-ar, to day-dream, imagine as rud-a, rude, uncultivated, unedu- in a dream cated rez-a, level with (reze del quo) rut-a, red-haired rezed-o, mignonette rug-o, wrinkle of face rezolv-ar, to make up one's mind ruk-o, distaff about, resolve on, determine mkt-ar, to belch, eructate rezolv-o, resolution rul-ar, to roll by turning over (of rezon-ar, to reason planets in their courses) ri-, again rum-o, rum rib-o, currant rumor-o, rumour ricin-o, caster-oil plant rump-o,rump rid-ar, to laugh rupt-ar, to break into parts by con- rig-aro, (naut.) cussion or stress (also fig., of rigl-o, bolt fast, hope, heart) rigor-0, exactness, rigorousness rur-o, country (not toum) rimbors-ar, to reimburse rust-o, rust rimen-o, strap ; belt (mech.) rum-o, routine (unvarying per- rim-o, rhyme formance of certain acts) rinforc-ar (mil.), to reinforce ruz-ar, to use low craft, statagem, ring-o, ring, circular band or hoop, to dodge circlet rism-o, ream (of paper) risort-o, (metal) spring S rib-0, rite (liturgy) riv-o, byk, coast, shore sabelik-o, Savoy cabbage river -0, nver sabl-o, sand riz-09 rice sacerdot-o, nest mblnet-o, cock, tap for draining of? saci-esu (&),to content one's self liquids with rod-ar, to gnaw saim-o, lard rog-o, stack of wood (funeral pik) saj-a, wise, sage (not grave) rok-o, rock (in situ) ; jutting-out sakr-a, sacred rock (sea) = rockajo sakrfflk-ar, to sacrifice roman-o, a novel saliv-o, spittle romb-o, lozenge, rhomb salarl-ar, to pay (salary, wage) rondel-o, rondeau, roundelay sald-ar, to balance, settle (account) ronk-ar, to snore salt-ar, to project, jut out ros-0, dew salik-o, willow rosmarin-o, rosemary salmon-0, salmon rosp-o, toad sal-o, salt rost-ar, to roast (tr.) salt-ar, to jump (ifltr.) rostr-o, trunk, proboscis (of some salut-ar, to greet, salute insects, of elephant) salv-ar, to save (tr.) rot-o, wheel salve-ar, to fire a volley rotac-ar, to turn as a wheel about an salvi-o, sage (plant) axis, rotate (intv.) sam-a, (the) same rotan-o, rattan sambuk-o, elder (tree) = 19 san-a, healthy send-ar, to send sang-o, blood senior-a, elder, eldest, senior sanguisug-0, leech sens-0, sense (the five) sant-a, holy sent-ar, to feel (a sensation) santuari-o, sanctuary *sep, seven sapon-0, soap separ-ar, to separate sapor-ar, to have a certain flavour sepi-o, cuttlefish (taste) septembr-o, September sapt-o, sap (also fig.) septet-o, septet saracen-o, bush-wheat septik-a, septic sark-0, coffin sepult-ar, to bury (corpse) sarsaparel-o, sarsaparilla sequ-ar, to follow *sat, enough, or sat-e serin-o, canary (bitd) satirus-0, satyr ser-o, serum (natural) satisfae-ar, satisfy, fulfil hope or seraf-o, seraph desire, promise, obligation, serch-ar, to search (not try or test) comply with command, make seren-a, serene (also fig.) atonement for sin sering-0, syringa satur-ar, to fill beyond the natural serioz-a, serious desire or appetite, saturate serpol-0, wild thyme saturdi-o, Saturday serur-0, lock sav-ar, to know sesg-ar, to cut deeply sav-o, knowledge sextet-o, sextet *so, if (not whether) sext-o, sixth (mus.) seb-o, tallow sexu-0, sex sed-0, bottom, hinder part or seat sezon-o, season (of body) shablon-o, pattern, model (dress- sedici-o, riot, disturbance, revolt maker's) sedukt-ar, to seduce shaft-o, shaft of lance, musket, seg-ar, to saw hair broom segl-o, sail (of a ship) shak-0, chess (game) *segun, according to shak-lud-ar, to play chess sek-ar, to cut shakt-0, shaft (of a mine) sekal-o, rye shal-o, shawl sekrec-ar, to secrete (biolog.) shalm-0, stalk of straw, pipe ; sekretari-o, secretary blowpipe sekular-a, secular, opposed to rep- / shalot-o, shallot lar clergy 1 shalup-0, ship's boat, launch sekund-o, second (of time ov arc) sham-ar, to be ashamed sekur-a, safe I shampun-o, shampooing selakt-o, whey ' shancel-ar, to totter selekt-ar, to select, choose ' shapk-0, cap (lined with fur) sel-o, saddle j shark-0, shark (fish) sem-ar, to sow (lit., fig.) , sharpi-o, lint seman-o, week sharp-0, scarf, sling (bandage) sembl-ar, to seem shel-o, shell, peel, hard outer case semid-o, Semite (nuts, etc.) semin-o, seed shibr-0, slide valve, sluice (tech.) semol-o, semolina shifon-0, bit of fabric, paper, etc., semperviv-o, house-leek crumpled up *sempre, always shikan-ar, to quibble, chicane (legal *sen, without proceedings) sene-o, meaning, sense shild-o, shield I20 shindol-o, shingle (wood) skapul-o, shoulder-blade, scapula shink-o, ham (for food) skarabe-o, scarab or dung beetle shirm-ar, to shelter skarlat-a, scarlet shovel-o, shovel skars-a, scarce, not plentiful shok-ar, to shock (giae shuck to), skem-0, a scheme (9zot project) cause to shake (also fig.) skeptik-a, sceptic shov-ar, to shove (anything) skerm-ar, to fence (pmctise sword shu-o, shoe (for human foot) play) shultr-o, shoulder (of body) sket-ar, to skate shutr-o, shutter (of window) skis-ar, to sketch sid-ar, to sit, be seated skism-o, schism siej-ar, to besiege skist-o, schist sifl-ar, to whistle sklav-o, slave sigl-ar, to seal, to affix seal, mark skol-o, school with seal skop-o, target, object aimed at, signifik-ar, to mean, signify aim, purpose, objective, scope sik-a, dry (not wet) skrach-ar, to scratch (tr.) sikl-o, sickle skrap-ar, to scrape (with tool) silenc-ar, to be silent skren-o, (fire) -screen, (window) silk-o, silk -screen silv-o, grove, wood of lofty trees skrib-ar, to write silvi-o, warbler (bird) skrub-0, screw simi-o, monkey skud-o, crown (money) ; escutcheon simil-a, like (similar) skur-ar, to scour (tr.), cleanse by simp]-a, simple, not complex friction simui-ar, to simulate skurel-o, squirrel sinap-o, mustard (plant) slam-o, slime, fine oozy mud singl-a, each slang-o, slang singlut-ar, to sob sling-o, loop (cord, thread, etc.) singular-a, singular (gram., logic) slip-o, slip (of a scvew, tech.) remarkable (not strange) sluz-0, sluice sinior-(ul)o, lord smerald-o, emerald sinistr-a, left-hand smeril-o, emery sink-ar, to sink, fall in level (fig.) snap-ar, to snap, snatch (with teeth) sin-o, inward parts, bosom (fig.) snifl-ar, to sniff sins-o, direction snort-ar, to snort, (of horse) sinu-o, winding, bend soci-o, society (in general) sior-ul-o, sir, Mr. ; -in-o, madam, soci-et-o, a society (special) Mrs. socis-0, sausage siring-o, syringe sod-0, soda *sis, six sok-o, ploughshare sis-ar, to hiss , sokurs-ar, to come to aid of when in sitel-0, pail. bucket I danger, to succour siv-o, sieve (not riddle) sol-a, only *she . . . sive, either . . . or ; sold-ar, to solder whether . . . or sole-0, sole (Fsh) siz-ar, to seize, lay hold of suddenly solen-a, solemn, ceremonious, skabel-o, stool senous, weighty skabi-o, scab, itch solidar-a, binding upon every one skabin-o, alderman soli-0, door-sill, threshold skali-o, shell (of oyster, tortoise) solv-ar, to solve skal-o, ladder ; scale (drawing, map, solv-o, solution (act.) Plan) solv-ur-o, solution (result) 121 solvent-a, solvent (com.) spring-ar, to spring (intr.), leap, somer-0, summer start, rise suddenly (not rush) somit-o, summit (geom. ; mountai~, spros-0, shoot (of a plant), sprout tree and fig.) spul-ar, to wind (tr. ; roll round somnol-ar, to be sleepy a spool) son-ar, to sound, make a sound spum-o, scum, foam, froth sonali-o, small bell (for dogs, etc.), sput-ar, to spit, eject saliva toy-bell squadr-o, square (instrument) sond-ar, to fathom (lit. and fig.) squam-o, scale (skin, fishes, sonj-ar, to dream (asleep) reptiles) soport-o, bearing squat-ar, to squat down sorb-o, sorb-apple stab-o, staff (officers) sorc-ar, to practise witchcraft stabl-0, stable for cattle sorg-ar, to take care of, look after stac-ar, to stand up ; be standing sospir-ar, to sigh staclon-o, station sovaj-a, savage (not rude or cruel) stadi-o, stadium (Greek antiq.) spac-o, space (not of time), interval stagn-ar, stagnate (liquid), to be at between points a standstill (intr.) spad-o, spade (tool) stal-o, steel span-o, shaving (made by a plane) stamp-ar, to stamp, impress with a spaniel-o, spaniel mark spanyolet-o, window-fastening stan-0, tin spar-ar, to save for future use stand-ar, to be in . . . health sparvier-o, sparrow-hawk standard-o, standard (distinctive) spec-o, species, kind stang-o, bar spegul-0, looking glass stapl-o, mart, emporium, market (of spekt-ar, to look on town or puvt) spens-ar, to spend (tr.) by pur- starch-ar, to starch, stiffen (also fig.) chasing, consume start-ar, to set going (tr., intr.) of spic-0, spice (peppev, nutmeg, ginger, machine etc.) stat-o, State (political) spik-o, ear (covn, etc.) steb-ar, to stitch (sewing) spin-o, back-bone, spine stek-ar, to thrust point in, drive in, spinat-o, spinach stick spindel-o, spindle (in hand spinning, stel-o, fixed star spinning wheels) stele-0, stela (arch.) spion-ar, to spy (not to watch fov) stelt-o, stilt ; stelti, stilts spirit-o, spirit, thinking being stenograt-ar, to take down in short- spis-o, spit (for cook) hand splen-o, spleen (anat.) stenografl-0, shorthand splin-ar, to have the spleen, low sterk-o, dung spirits stern-ar, to lie down at full length splint-o, pin (tech.) sternut-ar, to sneeze splis-ar, to splice (naut.) stertor-ar, to rattle (at death) split-0, splinter from wood or stift-0, peg (of wood or metal for stone frames) spoli-ar, to despoil, spoil, spoliate stip-o, stem of plant; flower stalk sponj-0. sponge stipendi-o. scholarship, maintenance sporn-o; @(of horseman) - for a scholar spot-o, mole (on skin) stipul-ar, to stipulate for spoz-o, spouse (of married couple) stow, as in vessel's hold spric-ar, to spout forth or gush out (of liquid) stoi-o, stuff (any woven fabric) stol-o, stole submis-ar, to submit (tt. ; *rot refer stomak-o, stomach (anat.) or present) ston-o, pebble, small stone submis-it-0, subject (polit.) stop-ar, to stop up subsidi-ar, to subsidize, aid with a stor-0, (roller-) blind subsidy stoter-ar, to stammer, stutter substituc-ar, to replace, substitute strab-a, squint-eyed (tr. of persons, things) strad-o, street subvers-ar, to overthrow, upset strand-ar, to run aground, strand suces-ar, to succeed, accomplish (intr. ; also fig.) one's purpose strangul-ar, to strangle by squeezing sucin-o, yellow amber windpipe sud-o, the south stranj-a, strange, queer sudor-o, sweat, perspiration stranjer-a, foreign sufic-ar, to suffice (intr.) strat-o, layer, stratum sufl-ar, to blow (wind, air), to strek-o, stroke, dash (of pen) prompt (hesitating speaker) stret-a, narrow sufok-ar, to stifle, choke (tr.) strig-o, barn-owl sufr-ar, to suffer strigl-o, curry-comb (horse) sug-ar, to suck (not suckle, nor draw strik-ar, to strike (intr.), quit air) work sugest-ar, to suggest stri-o, streak, stripe, stria suk-o, juice (also fig.) strip-o, trouser strap sukr-0, sugar strok-o, stroke. feat (of pen, chess, sukus-ar, to shake (tt.), cause billiards, cards, piston, wing, violent vibrations stroke o/ policy, luck, coup or sul-o, ground, soil cunning) sulf-o, sulphur struch-o, ostrich sulk-o, furrow, made by plough, student-o, student, learner ship's track (ako fig.) studi-ar, to study, make a study of sum-o, sum, total amount stuf-ar, to stew, cook in closed sumn-ar, to summon vessel sundi-o, Sunday stul-o, chair sun-0, sun stult-a, foolish, silly suol-o, sole (of boot) stump-o, stump (tree, limb, column, sup-0, soup cabbage) supe-ar, to take supper stunt-ar, to stunt (tr.) supe-o, supper stup-o, tow *super, above, higher than sturg-o, sturgeon superstic-o, superstition sturm-o, storm, with thunder and suple-ar, to be a substitute for lightning (also fig.) suplik-ar, to entreat sturn-o, starling suport-ar, to support (tr.) stuv-o, stove supoz-ar, to suppose *su, (him-, her-, it-) self, themselves, supr-a, upmost, highest in degree oneself or place *sub, under (rest or motion) supres-ar, to suppress, do away with subis-ar, to undergo *sur, on ; ad-sur, on to subit-a, sudden (not abnormally sur-o, calf (of leg) rapid) surd-a, deaf subjekt-o, subject (only gram. log.) surkruto, sour krout (Sauarkraut) subjekt-aka, subjective surmen-ar, to overwork, or cause to, subjunktiv-o, subjunctive work beyond one's strength (tr.) submers-ar, to submerge (tr.) surogat-o, succedaneum, substitute 123 surpriz-ar, to surprise, take un- tarok-0, tarot (cards) awares tartar-o, tartar surtut-o, overcoat tas-0, cup (for tea or coffee) survey-ar, to keep an eye on task-0, task, work imposed, or suskript-ar, to subscribe, contribute undertaken specified sum tast-ar, to grope (lit. and fig.) suspekt-ar, to suspect, imagine to taur-o, bull be guilty taxus-o, yew tree suspens-ar, to suspend, debar tem- tay-o, waist (of body) porarily from office or function ted-ar, to bore (fig.), tire, weary (tr.) susur-ar, to whisper, say under the teg-ar, to cover up (a bed, piece of breath furniture) susten-ar, to keep up, sustain, keep tegul-0, roof tile from falling, sinking tekt-o, roof sustracion-ar, to subtract (arith.) tel-o, cloth, fabric of linen fibre sustrakt-ar, to embezzle tem-0, theme, topic, subject (treated sutau-o, cassock of) sut-ar, to sew temat-o, theme (mus. and gram.) suveren-a, sovereign temp-o, time tempest-o, tempest T tempor-o, temple (forehead) *ta, that ten-ar, to hold ; keep in a given taban-o, gad-fly, ox-fly, breese situation tabel-o, table, list (of contents. etc.) tenali-o, pincers (of joiner) tabl-o, table (furnitztre) tench-o, tench (fish) tabul-o, shelf, slab tendenc-ar, to tend, be directed to taburet-o, footstool an object or purpose tac-ar, to keep silence (on) tendin-o, tendon taft-o, taffeta tend-o, tent (portable lodging) tag-o, tag (of a lace) tendr-0, tender (loco.) tak-o, (tech.) cleat, whelp, wedge tenebr-o, gloom, darkness takt-o, tact, use of sense of touch, tener-a, tender, susceptible to love sensitive mental perception or kindness tal-a, such tens-ar, to stretch, strain (tr. ;also tal-e, in such a way, so fig.) tali-ar, to cut (out), shape from tent-ar, to tempt, entice talior-o, tailor tenu-a, fine, small, thin talon-o, heel (of foot) tepid-a, lukewarm, tepid (lit. and talp-o, mole (animal) fig.) talus-o, embankment, slope, bank, teplic-0, hothouse talus (fortif.) terin-o, earthenware pan *tam . . . kam, as . . . as ter-o, earth tambur-o, drum terakot-o, terra-cotta *tamen, however, nevertheless terapi-o, therapeutics tampon-o, stopper, plug, tampion terc-o, tierce (mzts., ~rtath., cards, tang-ar, to pitch (ship) ferzcing) tank-o, tank tercet-o, trio (mus.) ; triplet (poetry) tant-e, so much (adv.) teren-o, ground, soil tap-ar, to tap (for screws) teritori-o, territory tapet-o, hangings, tapestry termin-o, term (gram., logic) ; boun- tapis-o, carpet tard-a, late teror-ar, to be terrified tarii-o, tariff I terpentin-o,dary turpentine 124 test-0, a witness trakt-ar, to deal with, treat tex-ar, to weave tram-o, hollow rail *ti, those I trampl-ar, to stamp (with feet) tibi-o, tibia (anat.) trampolin-o, spring-board tif-o, typhus fever tran-ar, to draw, drag, pull along tifoido, typhoid, enteric fever tranch-ar, to cut off tik-o, wry motion, tic *trans, across. beyond *ti& till, until transakt-ar, to compromise. tili-o, lime-tree, linden compound (intr.) tim-ar, to fear transakt-o, compromise timbal-o, kettle-drum transfer-ar, to transfer timbr-o, clock-bell translac-ar, to have a movement of timinan-o. thyme translation (mech.) timon-o, carriage-pole transmis-ar, to transmit tindr-o, tinder transpar-ar, to appear through tine-o, moth (worm) tras-ar, to trace, draw, delineate tini-o, scurf, scald-head trat-ar, to draw (a bill of exchange) tinkl-ar, to tinkle, jingle (zntr.) (com.) tint-ar, to dye traur-ar, to mourn (for dead) tir-ar, to draw, pull *treyvery titil-ar, to tickle (tr.), titillate tref-o, clubs (cards) titul-o, title trek-o, track, path, footway tizan-0, herb-tea, ptisan, tisane trelis-o, trellis, lattice work *to (pron.), that (thing) trem-ar, to tremble tof-o, tufa tremp-ar, to dip,soak, steep(&.. intr.) tombol-o, charity lottery, raffle tremul-o, tremolo (mzcs.) tond-ar, to shear tren-o, train (railway) tondr-ar, to thunder tresay-ar, to start (intr.), to feel a tonsil-o, tonsil thrill top-0, top (naut.) trest-o, trestle, easel (not trestle torak-o, thorax work) tord-ar, to wring, twist trezor-0, treasure torf-o, peat, turf *tri, three tormentar, to torture, torment tribon-o, tribune (person) (also fig.) tribul-ar, to cause tribulation torn-ar, to turn (in a lathe) trifoli-0, clover tornasol-0, litmus trikot-ar, to knit a fabric (not torped-o, torpedo crochet) torpor-ar, to be benumbed, or in trimestr-o, quarter of year state of torpor trist-a, sad, a£flicted with grief torsad-o,, twisted fringe *tro, too, too much tort-o, pie (food) trog-o, trough, hod tortug-o, tortoise tromb-o, water spout (at sea) tost-ar, to drink . . 's health tromp-ar, to deceive, mislead tot-a, whole trotuar-o, pavement, sidewalk *tra, across, through trov-ar, to find, discover, come trab-o, beam (bttilding or sh~p) across (not judge) trac-0, trace, track tru-o, hole, hollow, excavation traduk-ar, to translate (language) trufl-o, truffle trahiz-ar, to betray trul-o, trowel trait-o, feature (of face), trait (of trump-o, trump (cards) character) trunk-o, stump (of tree), frustum trake-o, wind-pipe (of cone) 125 trus-ar, tuck up unt-o, swarf, cart grease trut-o, trout upup-o, hoopoe tu, thou -ur-, result of action, product of tuber-o, knot (in wood) uragan-o, hurricane tubul-0, tubulure (chem.) urb-o, town tuert-a, one-eyed urd-ar, to warp (weaving) tuf-o, tuft, puff (for applying urj-ar, to be urgent powder) urogal-o, capercailzie tuk-0, piece of cloth or linen U~OX-0, aurochs tumor-o, tumour urs-o, bear tun-o, ton (mar.) urtik-0, nettle tupi-0, (peg-)top -us, conditional tur-0, tour utensil-o, utensil turb-o, crowd (persons) util-a, useful turd-o, thrush (bird) -uy-, receptacle for turkez-o, turquoise uz-ar, to use, avail oneself of, em- turm-o, tower P~OY turnir-o, tournament uzuirukto, usufruct (kw) turt-0, oil cake, . . . cake uzur-ar, to practise usury turtur-o, turtle-dove tus-ar, to cough tush-ar, to touch, be in contact with v (also geom. not to concern) vab-0, honey comb tutel-ar, to be the guardian of vaein-0, cow-pox (someone) vacini-o, red bilberry, whortle tuy-0, arbor vitae berry vad-ar, to ford, wade vafl-o, wafer (used for mass) u vagon-o, railway carriage *ube, where ; ad-ube, whither vajis-ar, to wail, to cry (of child) ubiqu-a, ubiquitous vak-ar, to be vacant (of office) ueel-o, bird vakano-ar, to have a holiday -ul-, masculine vaku-a, empty Ul-a, some, a certain one ; 111-0, val-o, valley something ; ul-u, someone ; ul-i, valiz-o, suit case, portmanteau some (person, things) valor-ar, to be worth ulan-o, Uhlan van-a, vain, without value ulm-0, elm vanel-o, peewit, plover, lapwing uln-o, ell (measure) vang-o, cheek (of face) Ultramar-a, ultramarine (adj.) vango-frapar, to cuff on the head *ultre, (prep. and adv.), beyond vanitat-o, vanity (desire to show off) ~1~1-ar,to howl (of animals) vant-o, shroud (naval) -urn-, indefinite sue vapor-o, steam ~mbilik-0, navel, umbilicus var-0, ware ; -i, wares umbr-0, umber varik-o, varices, varix (med.) *un, one varm-a, warm (also fig.) unanirn-a, unanimous vars-ar, to pour (liquids or grain) uncion-ar, to anoint vart-ar, to wait for ungl-0, nail, claw vask-o, basin (as of fountain) unguent-o, ointment vaskul-o, blood vessel unik-a, unique vast-a, vast, stretching far in extent unikorn-o, unicorn vat-o, wadding, prepared sheets of univers-al-a, universal , carded cotton 126 vax-0, wax (of any kind, nut. or veter-o, weather artific.) vetrin-o, glass-case vaz-0, vessel, vase vetur-0, carriage, wheeled vehicle *ve ! alas ! vex-ar, to vex, irritate veh-ar, to go about, drive in a vehicle vex-es-o, humiliation (state) vein-o, vein vezik-0, bladder (anal., 2001.) vek-ar, to wake (intr., also fig.) *vi, you (plur.) vekt-o, beam (of scales) vi burn-0, viburnum vel-0, veil, to hide an object (anat. *vice, vice, instead of also) vicer-i, viscera velin-o, vellum vici-0, vice, depravity, immorality velk-ar, to fade (intr.), lose fresh- vicin-o, neighbour ness vicin-a, ueighbouring velur-o, velvet vid-ar, to see (by eye or mind) ven-ar, to come (not reach) vidv-a, widowed vend-ar, to sell vidv-111-0, widower venen-o, poison (also fig.) vidv-in-o, widow venerac-ar, to venerate vigil-ar, to be awake veneral-a, venereal vikari-o, vicar, curate venerdi-o, Friday vikun-o, vicuna (animal) venial-a, venial (only theol.) vil-o, (anat.) villous (hairy) venj-ar, to avenge vild-o, game (sport), animals vent-ar, to be windy ; -as, it blows hunted, their flesh ventr-o, belly (also fig.) vimpl-0, wimple (dress) ventuz-o, cupping glass vin-o, wine ver-a, true (all senses) vinagr-o, vinegar verbask-o, mullein (bot.) vind-ar, to hoist, lift with tackle verben-o, verbena (bot.) vink-ar, conquer, overcome verd-a, green (of colour only) vink-0, victory verdigris-o, verdigris vink-es-o, defeat verg-o, rod, birch vintr-o, winter veriflk-ar, to verify, establish truth violac-ar, to violate (law, or a verk-0, work (artistic, or in any but woman) phys. sense) violin-o, violin verm-o, worm, maggot viol-o, violet (bot.) vermut-o, bitters, vermouth vir-o, adult man in his prime vern-o, varnish (not fig.) virg-a, virgin, maiden (also soil, etc.) *vers, towards, in direction of vis-ar, to screw, by means of screws vertic-o, sinciput (opp. of occiput) vish-ar, to wipe dry by rubbing (not vertij-ar, to feel dizzy fig.) vertu-o, virtue (moral, not chastity) viskomt-(ul)o, viscount veruk-0, wart viskoz-a, viscid, viscous, sticky vesp-0, wasp vist-ar, to examine and sign, to vise vesper-o, evening vit-o, vine, (plant) vespertili-o, bat (creature), flitter- vitel-o, yolk (of an egg) mouse (colloq.) vitr-o, glass (material) vespr-i, vespers vitrali-o, stained-glass window (of vest-0, garment, vestment church, etc.) vesti-0, jacket, loose with sleeves viul-0, viol (for men only) viv-ar, to live (not reside) veston-o, jacket. close fitting (for vivac-a, lively men) vizaj-o, face, front of human head vet-ar, to veto viz-ar, to aim at, have in view 127 vizel-o, weasel voc-o, voice (human) vok-ar, to call, shout (also fig.) *ya, truly, indeed (used to confirm vokal-o, vowel a statement) vol-ar, to wish, will, exercise yakt-o, volition yar-0, year volt-0, wolf *ye, at (indef. prepos.) volumin-o, volume (geom.) *yen, behold, lo ! here volunt-ar, to be willing, be so kind as *yes, yes volupt-o, voluptuousness yodl-ar, to yodel volv-ar, to roll up yol-o, vom-ar, to vomit yuft-o, Russia leather vort-o, word (as a z~nitonly) yug-0, yoke of wood (also fig.) vortie-ar, to whirl, rotate rapidly yun-a? young (applied to living vov-ar, to vow solemnly thzngs otzly) voy-o, way, road yur-o, right, implying just claim, voyaj-ar, to travel, voyage vested power *vu, you (sing.) yust-a, just, (equitable) vult-o, vault, arched roof (only) yust-es-o, justice (+totjzrdge or court vultur-o, vulture 4) vund-ar, to wound (not fg.) warf-o, wharf (for discharging cargo) weld-ar, to weld zek-o, tick (insect) west-0, the west zel-ar, to be zealous wlst-o, whist zeze-ar, to lisp zibelin-o, sable (animal) zink-o, zinc zan-o (geom., geog.), belt for waist xilograf-ar, to engrave on wood zum-ar, to buzz, hum ENGLISH-ID0 VOCABULARY

In th~svocabulary the composite parts of the Ido words are separated by hyphens' to help beginners to d~stinguish the unvarying root from thy different affixes which add to it new shades of meaning. In using the language these hyphens are omitted. Combinations of roots and affixes not appearing in this short list of words can, of course, be used without restriction, provided always that the composite parts of the new words have not to sacrifice their true meanings to express intelligible ideas.

to absorb, absorb-ar to. accustom, kustum- A to abstain, absten-ar ~g-ar; become ac- a, an (not tranilated) I to abstract, .111~tr.:Icl I: customed, kustum- to abandon, abandon- 1 absurd, absurd-a esk-ar ar to abuse, mi,-urar, ace (~o,d$\,CLT-O to abase, (/el doCi11 ), tro-UZ-ar ache, dolor-o ; to ache, aba5-nr to abut, abut-ar dolor-ar abbey, abad-ey-o I abutmen+, .~I~utminf-nto achieve, erekut-ar. abbot, al)aJ-c, abyss, ahi5nl-o par-fac-ar to abbreviate, abrevi-ar academy, akademi-o acid, acid-a, -0 to abdicate, abdik-ar to acceierate, a~elr~-,~ito acknowledge (own to abhor, horor-ar accent, acent-o up), agnosk-ar ; - ability, takultat-o to accept, acept-ar receipt of, atestar to abjure, ablur-ar to have access to, recevo di able, habil a ; kapabl-a aces-ar acolyte, dkolut-o to be able, pol -ar accessory, aceqor-a to acquire, aquir-ar able to contain, , accident, acident-o to acquit, pag-ar, ab- kapac-a to acclaim, aklam-ar solv-ar to abnegate, al~ncg-:ir aklimat- acrid, akr-,I (lit. and to abolish, abolli-ar If,..) abortion, abort-o (act), alcnm across, *trans abort-ur-o (thzng) jjan-ar (also nzvs.) to act, ag-ar, (th~ot~r). to abound, abund-ar to be in accord, akord- ple-ar about, *prl, (n?ouiid), 1 ar; of one's own action (deed), ag-(ad-) "clrkum accord, vol-e, liber-e o ; (legal) proces-o above, "super, sup]-e according to, *segun active, ag-iv-a, -em-a ; to abrade, exkori-ar account (payment on), (opp. of passrue), to abridge (epztow~z-r), akont-o amv-a abrm I-ar account, etat-o (state- actor, aktor-o abroad, exter-land-e nzrnt) actual, real-a ; (of the abrupt, bruqk-a I accountant, kont-1s t-o present tzme), aktual- to absolve, al)iolx-ar to accumulate, aku- a absent, absent-a ; mul-ar acute, akut-a -minded, dlstrakt- accurate, just-a, to adapt, adapt-ar at-a exakt-a to add, ad-junt-ar; absolute, absolut-a to ~.ccuse,akur-a1 (arzth.) adicion-ar 129 address, adres-o ; to have an affection alder (tree), aln-o (speech) diskurs- for, afecion-ar alderman, skabin-o (et-)o; (skill), habil. afflnity, afin-es-o alert, alert-a es-o ; to address (c having affinity with, alienation, (mental), letter), adres-iz-ar afin-a alienac-o adherezt, -ist to afflrm, afirm-ar alike, sirnil-a adieu, adi-o to afflict, aflikt-ar all, omn-a adjective, -a to afforest, arbor-iz-ar to allege, deg-ar adjoining, *apud to be afraid, pavor-ar to alleviate, alej -ar to adjourn(tr.), ajorn-a] after (behznd), *dop alley (walk), ale-o to adjudge (award), after, *pos alliance, feder(-ur)-o adjudik-ar afternoon, pos-di-mez- to allot, repartis-ar to adjust, aranj-ar ; 0 to allow, permls-ar ajust-ar (tech.) afterwards, pose to make an allowance to administer (manage), again, *ankore, itere, (cow.), rabat-ar adrninistr-ar ri- to alloy, aloy-ar administration (act), against, *ko~~tre to allude to, dud-ar administr-o age, ev-o to allure, lur-ar administration (wl~ob), agent, agent-o to ally (by marvzn

1.52 interest (taken in a inward, intern-a jointure, doari-o thing), interes-o ; iris, irid-o to joke, jok-ar (advantage and on iron, fer-o journal, jurnal-o money), interest-o irony, ironi-o journey, voyaj -0 to interfere, interfer-ar to irrigate, irig-ar joy, JOY-0 interior, intern-a to irritate, irit-ar to judge, judik-ar intermittent (to be) island, insul-o to judge judicially, intermit-ar to isolate, izol-ar judici-ar internal, intern-a to issue (tr.), emis-ar ; jug, kruch-o to interpellate, inter- (publish), edit-ar ; to juggle, jongl-ar pel-ar (intr.), ek-ir-ar juice, suk-o to interpose, inter- it, *ol(u) July, juli-o poz-ar to itch, prurit-ar to jump, salt-ar to interpret, interpret- its, (o)lu-a juncture (of events), ar ivory, ivor-o konjuntur-o Interpreter, interpret- ivy, heder-o June, luni-o ant-o, -er-o, -kt-o jungle, jungl-o to interrupt, inter-rupt- junior, junior-a ar juniper, juniper-o interspace (intervening jurisdiction, judici-o ; space), inter-spac-o to be under the juris- interval (time), inter- diction, resortis-ar temp-o ; (space),in- jurist, yur-isto ter-spac-o ; (music), jury, jurl-o, judici-ant- interval-o J ar-o intimate (adj., n.), in- , just (just now), *jus ; tim-a, -0 ! jackdaw, chuv-o (correct), just-a ; to intimate, notifik-ar, / jacket (loz*nge, tight), (rightful), yust-a deklar-ar I veston-o justice, yustes-o to intone, inton-ar jaconet muslin, to justify, justifik-ar to intoxicate, ebri-ig-ar jakonet-o to jut out, sali-ar to intricate, intrik-ar jail, karcer-o to intrigue, intrig-ar jam, konfit-ajo to introduce, en-dukt- January, januar-o ar; (make known in jar (jug), kruch-o formal manner one : jargon, jargon-o person to another), jaw, maxil-o introdukt-ar i jay, je-o intuition, intuic-o jealous, jaluz-a K to inundate, inund-ar jelly (cookery), jelat-o to invade, invad-ar i jersey (garment), jerze- keel, kil-o invalid, invalid-a, -0 ; o keen, akut-a (not valid), ne-valid- Jesus, Jesu to keep, konserv-ar ; a jet, gagat-o (guard), gard-ar ; invective, invektiv-o Jew, jud-o (manage), direkt-ar ; to invest, invest-ar ; jewel, juvel-o (support), nutr-ar. (money), kolok-ar i jeweller, juvel-isto entraten-ar ; -an eye investigation, explor- I to jingle (intr.), tinkl- on, survey-ar ; -In (ad)-o ar ; (tr.), tinkl-igar mind, -up, manten- invidious, ofens-ant-a ; to join (tr.), junt-ar ar; -silence (on),tac- odi-ind-a joiner-work (to do), ar (tr.) to invent, invent-ar , menuz-ar kernel, kern-o invoice, faktur-o 1 joint (anat.), artik-o / kettle-drum, timbal-o I53 key (uf a lock), klef-o to lacerate, hcer-ar law suit, proces-o (of a keyboard) to lack (tv.), indij-ar lax, lax-a klav-o ; (much.) lackey, lake-o lay (adj.), laik-a kel-o lacquer, lak-o to lay (tr.), poz-ar ; to kick (beast), kik-a] ladder, skal-o kush-ar, stern-ar ; kidney, ren-o lady-bird, kocinel-o -down (deposit),de- kidney-bean, fazeol-c lake, lag-o poz-ar ; -over, in- to kill, ocid-ar lamb, muton-yun-o ; dut-ar kind (adj.), afabl-a ; (fig.), agnel-o layer (stratum),strat-o benign-a ; (sort), lame, klaudik-ant-a, to layer (oines), sort-6 -er-a ; to be-, to go-, markot-ar kindly, afabl-e klaudik-ar layman, laik-ul-o king, rej-(u1)o to lament, lament-ar lazy, oci-er-a, indo- kinship, parent-eso lamp, lamp-o lent-a kiosk, kiosk-o lamprey, lampred-o lead (metal), plumb-o to kiss, kis-ar lance, lanc-o to lead (guide),guid-ar, kitchen, koqu-eyo land (country), land-o ; dukt-ar kitchen sink, evier-o (ground), teren-o to lead a dissolute life, kite, kait-o landing (staircase), deboch-ar knave, fripon-o, ras- flur-o ; (place for leaf, foli-o kal-o Zandi?zg),desembark- league, feder-o, -ur-o ; to knead, petris-ar ey-o (covenant), pakt-o knee, genu-o ; knee- landlord, propriet-ant- to leak (tr. and intr.), cap, patel-o 0, -er-o lik-ar knickerbockers, brach- landscape, peizaj-o lean (meagre), magr-a 0 language, lingu-o to lean one's back, knife, kultel-o to languish, langor-ar ados-ar su knight, kavalier-o lap, gremi-o leap (year), bisextil-a ; to knit, trikot-ar larch, laric-o (ajump), salt-o to knock down, lard, saim-o to learn, lern-ar asom-ar larder, despens-o learned, cienc-oz-a knot, nod-o; (in wood), lark, alaud-o to lease (only, grant tuber-o larynx, laring-o I. of),(farmo-) lug-ar to know (by acquaint- lascivious, laciv-a (onlv: take 1. of), ance), konoc-ar ; (by assitude, fatig-es-o (farmo-) lokac-ar; learning), sav-ar ; asso, laz-o farme-don-ar, farme- let me-, inform-ez ast (adj), last-a; at-, pren-ar me fine least, minim-a, -e ; at-, knowledge, sav-o ,o last, dur-ar ad-minim-e atch, klink-o leather, ledr-o ate (adj.). tard-a to leave, las-ar, liv-ar ately, nov-e, recent-e leek, porel-o ater (adj.), pos-a leech, sanguisug-o ath, lat-o to leer, ogl-ar Latin, latin-a lees, liz-o ,o laugh, rid-ar left, sinistr-a label, etiket-o aunch (boat),shalup-o leg, gamb-o to labour (tr., intr.), ;O launch, lans-ar legacy, legac-aj-o ; to labor-ar aurel, laur-o leave a-to, legac-ar laboratory, laboratori- ava, lava-o egal, leg-al-a 0 o lavish, prodig-ar egend, legend-o lace, dentel-o ; (fov aw, leg-o ; (science), eggings, cetr-i shoe, etc.), lac-o yur-o-cienc-o egion, legron-o '54 legitimate (adj.), legi- light, lum-o ; (in litmus, tornasoi-o tim-a ; (to make I.), weight), lejer-a, to-, litter, litier-o legitim-ig-ar (lamp, slc.), acend-ar little, mikr-a ; (not leisure, liber-temp-o ; lighthouse, far-o much), pok-e ; a-, to be at-, havar lightning, fulmin-o kelk-e liber-temp-o like, -atr- littoral, litor-o leisurely, sen-hast-e like, (similar), simil-a to live, viv-ar ; -dis- lemon, limon-o (ad) solutely, deboch-ar lemonade, limonad-o to like, p~iz-ar lively (active), vivac-a length, long-es-o likely, probabl-a liver, hepat-o to lend, prest-ar liking for (to have a livid, livid-a lens, lens-o great), dilet-ar lizard, lacert-o lent, karesm-o (relig.) lilac, lilak-o to load (person or thing lentil, lens-o lily, lili-o with something), leprosy, lepr-o lily of the valley, charj-ar (per); less, *min; (arith.), maiflor-o (something on to a minus limb, membr-o boat, vehicle, person to lessen, diminut-ar lime, kalk-o or animal), barg-ar lesson, lecion-o lime-tree, tili-o (sur) to let (allow to be), limit, limit-o ; to-, to loaf, flan-ar las-ar ; (a house), limit-izar ; restrikt- to loan, prest-ar lug-ar ; -down, ar lobby, (green-Ioonl), abas-ar ; -in the to limp, klaudik-ar foyer-o clutch, embrag-ar linden (lime-tree), tili-o lobster, homard-o letter, letr-o ; (of line, line-o ; (series), local (adj.), loli-al-a alphabet), liter-o ; seri-o to localise, lok-iz-ar capital-, mayuskul- linen (flaxarticle), lin- locomotion, lokomoc-o o ; small-, minu- a]-o ; (cloth), tel-o ; lock (for key), serur-o ; skul-o (a piece), tub-o ; (of hair), lokl-o ; (in lettuce, latug-o (clothes), linj -0 river), sluz-o level (n.), nivel-o ; (in- lingual, lang-al-a to lock (door, etc.), strument), libel-o, linguist, lingu-ist-o klef-kloz-ar ; -agar nivel-iz-il-o ; (adj.), linguistic, lingu-al-a, locust, lokust-o plat-a, sen-inklin- linguistik-al-a to lodge, loj-ar es-a, horizont-al-a, linguistics, linguistik-o lodgings, loj-ey-o sam-nivel-a (kun) lining, futer-o log (wood), leni-o lever, lever-o links (cuff),buton-i loin(s), lumb-o, -i lewd, laciv-a linnet, kanabin-o lonely, sol-a , lexik-o lint, sharpi-o long, long-a ; a-time liar, menti-er-a, er-o ; lion, leon-o (adv.), longa-temp-e -em-a, -em-o lip, lahi-o longboat, shalup-o liberty, liber-es-o liqueur, liquor-o to look at, regard-ar ; library, bibliotek-o liquid (adj.), liquid-a ; -like, aspekt-ar to license, licens-ar (F.), liquid-o (quale); -on (as a lichen, liken-o to hquldate, liquidac-ar spectator), spekt-ar ; to lick, lek-ar liquorice, regolis-o -after, sorg-ar ; sur- to lie (position), jac- to lisp, zeze-ar vey-ar (tr.),; -for, ar ; -down, kush-ar list (roll), list-o serch-ar su ; (tell lies),menti- list(el), listel.-o looking glass, spegul-o ar to Iisten lo, askolt-ar lord, sinior-(ul)o lieutenant, lietnant-o literature, literatur-o to lose, perd-ar life, viv-o to lithograph, lito- lot (allotment, share lift (clt.vator),awns-il-o graf-ar allotted to one), lot-o 155 lottery, lotri-o magic, magi-o mankind, hoin-ar-o loud (voice), laut-a magnet, magnet-o manna, mana-o to lounge, flan-ar magpie, pig-o manner, manier-o louse, laus-o mahogany, mahagon-c manners, mor-i to love, am-ar ; (have maiden, virgin-o mannikin, manekin-o tender and passiorz- maid servant, servist- to manoeuvre, ate affection for owe in-o manovr-ar of the opposite sex), to maintain, manten-a1 mantel, mantel-o amor-ar maize, maiz-o manure, dung-o, loving, am-oz-a, amor- majesty, majest-o sterk-o ; to-, dung- oz-a ; (tender) major (avnzy), mayor-o izar tener-a majority, major-es-o ; many, mult-a low, bas-a (ralzk of a major), map, map-o to lower, abas-ar mayor-es-o ; (greater maple, acer-o lower part, bas-o number or part of), to maraud, marod-ar low spirits, depres-es-o majoritat-o marble, marmor-o loyal, loyal-a to make, fac-ar ; (ren- March (month), mart-o lozenge (geom.),romb-o der), ig-ar ; -a to march, march-ar lubric, laciv-a noise, bruis-ar ; -a margin, marlin-o luck, chanc-o compact, pakt-ar ; marigold, kalendul-o luggage, bagaj-o konvencion-ar ; -a marine, mar-al-a lukewarm, tepid-a mistake, eror-ar ; marjoram, maloran-o to lull, lul-ar -fun of, mok-ar (tr.); mark, mark-o lumbar region, lumb-o -the most of, spar- to mark, mark-iz-ar ; luminous, lum-oz-a ar ; -one's first (to observe), remark- lump, mas-o, blok-o appearance, debut- ar lunch, dejun-o ar ; -up one's mind, market, merkat-o luncheon, repast-et-o rezolv-ar ; -war, marl, marn-o lung, pulmon-o milit-ar marmalade, marme- lute (chem.), lut-o ; male, maskul-a, -0 lad-o (mus.), liut-o malice, malic-o marquee, marquiz-o luxury, lux-o mall(&), mali-o, malio- marquis, markez-(ul)-0 to lynch, linch-ar lud-o, malio-plac-o to marry (tr.), mariaj- lynx, linc-o man (human being), ar ; (get nzarried), lyre, lir-o hom-o ; (a male). mariaj-ar su (bun) hom-ul-o ; (adult male), vir-o marsh, marsh-o manacle, menot-o marshal, marshal-o ;o manage, direkt-ar. marshmallow, mal- administr-ar, jer-ar ; vavisk-o (animal), dres-ar mart (trade-centre), nane, krin-ar-o stapl-o mace (club), maz-o nanege, manej-o marten, martr-o machination, mashi- nangsnese, mangan-o martyr, martir-ul-o, nac-o nanger (crib), krip-o -in-o machine, mashin-o nania, mani-o Imarvel, marvel-o mackerel, makrel-o ,o manifest, manifest- 1rzasculzne, -ul- mad, fol-a ar 1mash, pure-o madam, sior-in-o ; nanifold, diversa- 1nass (quantity),mas-o; (noble lady), sinior- form-a, divers-aplik- (R.C.) mes-o in-o a, multa e diversa : 1,O massacre, masakr-ar madder, rubi-o (multifarious), mult- 1,O massage. masai-ar madness, fol-es-o opl-a mast, maitio 156 master, maestr-o ; (of meat-pie, pastet-o mien, mien-o the house, etc.), mas- mechanics, mekauik-o method, metod-o tr-ul-o medal, medall-o tO mew (as a cab), to masticate, mastik-ar to mediate, mediac-ar miaul-ar mastiff, dog-o mediation, mediac- microbe, mikroh-o mat, mat-o (-ad)-o mid-day, di-mez-o match (Zlscifer), medium, mez-3 middle, mez-a, -0 alumet-o medicine (art), niecli- midnight, nokto-mez-o to match (tr.), mariaj- cin-o ; (drug), medi- might (could, perhaps), ar (asorte) ; lukt-ar kament-o pov-uq ; (power, (kun) ; egal-es-ar ; to meditate, medit-ar strength), potent-o (tr.) asort-ar ; (intr.) medlar, mispel-o mighty, potent-a mariaj-ar su ; es-ar to meet, renkontr-ar ; mignonette, rezed-o asort-it-a, inter-kon- (intr.), kun-ven-ar to migrate, migr-ar ven-ar meeting, asembl-o mile, mili-o material (n.),materi-o, melody, melodi-o milk, lakt-o -ar-o ; melon, melon-o to milk, melk-ar matter, materi-o ; -of to melt (tr.), fuz-ar mill, (machine), muel- fact, fakt-o ; it does member, membr-o 10; (building), not matter, ne im- membar of, -an- muel-ey-o; to-, port-as membrane, membran-o muel-ar mattress, matrac-o memory (the act), to mimic, mim-ar mature, matur-a memor-o ; (the ;o mince, hach-ar mauve, malv-o ; (adj.), faculty), -ad-o ; (a mind, ment-o mnlv-a good, bad, elc., mem- ;o mind, atenc-ar ; maxim, sentenc-o ory), memor-es-o ; (a (look after), sorg-ar maximum, maxlm-o, recollection), memor- nine (of me), me-a -a aj-o ;o mine, min-ar May (month), mayo to menace, minac-ar ,o mingle, mix-ar may (verb),forsan-s ; to mend, repar-ar ninimum, minim-o (have a right to-), mental, ment-al-a ninister, ministr-o ; darf-as ; (can), pov- to mention, mencion-ar (eccl.), pastor-o as menu, menu-o ninor, minor-a mayor, komon-estr-o mercenary (soldier), ninority (numerical), me, *me mercenari-o minoritat-o meadow, prat-o mercer, mercer-ist-o nint, monet-if-eri-o ; meagre, magr-a merciful, mizerikordi- (plant),mint-o meal, repast-o ; (grain) oz-a ; klement-a ninute, minut-o ; (adj., farin-o mercy, mizerikordi-o, small) mikr-a,tenu-a mean, tro spar-ema, klement-es-o niracle, mirakl-o avar-em-a ; (poor), mere, pur-a, nur-a nirage, miraj-o povr-a ; (bad tem- merely, *nur nirror, spegul-o pered), mal-humor-a merino (animal),mer- o miscarry, abort-ar to mean, signifik-ar ; in-o ; (material), nischievous, petul- (person), oplnlon-ar merino-lan-o, mer- ant-a (person) meaning, senc-o ino-drap-o niser, avar-o means, moyen-o to merit, merit-ar nisery, mizer-o meanwhile, dum-e merry (adj.), gay-a nisfortune, des-for- measles, morbil-o mesh, mash-o tun-o meaSUr8, mezur-o message, mesaj-o o mislay, egar-ar (also mus.) ; to-, messenger, kurier-o Kiss, damzel-o mezur-ar Messiah, Mesi-o o miss, fali-ar, indij-ar meat, karn-o metal, metal-o, -a (intr.), mauk-ar I57 mission, mision-o moreover, ceter-e to multiply (tr.), (plu) mist. nebul(-et)-o 1 morning, matin-o mult-igar ; (math.), mistake, eror-o ; to Morocco leather, moro- multiplik-ar ; (intr.), (v1u)mult-eskar make a-, eror-ar kin-o .A . mistletoe, mistel-o mortal (a), mort-iv-o ; mummy, mumi-o to misuse, mis-uz-ar (adj.), -a municipality, muni- mite, akar-o mortar (for buzlding), cip-0 mitten, miten-o morter-o muscle, muskul-o to mix up, mix-ar to mortify, mortifik-ar museum, muze-o to moan, jem-ar mosquito, mosk~t-o mushroom, fung-o mob, popul-ach-o moss, musk-o music, muzik-o mobile, mov-em-a most, *maxim ; the-, musk (perfume), to mock, molc-ar maxim-e mosk-o mode, mod-o moth, tine-o musket, I~isil-o model, model-o mother, patr-ino, muslin, muslin-o to model, modl-a]. matr-o mussel, musl-o to moderate, moder-ax mother-of-pearl, must (n w wine), most- modern, modern-a perlomatr-o o ; (to be obliged). modest, modest-a motion, mov-o must-ar ; (have to). modesty, modest-es-o ; motive, motiv-o dev-ar pudor-o motley, bunt-a mustard (food), mus- modification (act.), motor (nzechalz.), tard-~; (plant), modifik-o ; (effect). motor-o sinap-o modifik-ur-o motor-car, automo- to mutilate, mutil-ar to modify, modifik-ar bil-o mutton, muton-o moist, humid-a motto, mot-o mutual, mutual-a mole (animal), talp-o ; to mould (cast in plas- muzzle, muzel-o (on skin), spot-o ter, etc.), muld-ar my, mea moment, instant-o mouldy (musty), mold- mystery, misteri-o momentum, moment-o inta, -oza Monday, lundi-o to moult, mu-ar money, pekuni-o ; to mount (tech.), (coin), monet-o n~unt-ar monk, monak-ul-o mountain, mont-o monkey, simi-o mourning (to be in), monopoly, monopol-o traur-ar monster, monstr-o ; mouse, mus-o (great, immense), moustache, labio-bar- grand-eg-a bo nail (of nzetal), klov-o ; month, monat-o mouth, bok-o (on finger), ungl-o ; monument, monu- to move, mov-ar to- (fasten with ment-~ movement, mov(ad)-o nails), klov-agar moon, lun-o to mow, falch-ar klovo-fix-igar ; (fur- moor, marsh-o, vild- Mr., sior-(u1)o nish, bedeck wzth ey-o Mrs., sior-(in jo nails), klov-izar moral, mor-al-a ; (mor- mucus, muk-o naive, naiv-a ally good), etik-al-a ; mud, fang-o naked, nud-a (n.), etik-o muff (for hands), muf-o name, nom-o ; to- more, *plu ; no more, mulatto, mulat-o (call, mention, by n.), ne plus ; the-, the-, mulberry, morus-o nom-ar ; (give a quaute plu, taute plu mule, mul-o distinctive n. to!, morel (kind of mush- mullein (hot.), ver- nom-izar ; (nomz- room), morel-o bask-o nate), nomin-ar 158 nape of the neck, nuk-o new, nov-a ; recent-a, I nowhere, nul-loke napkin, bok-tuko fresh-a noxious exhalation, to narrate, narac-ar newspaper, jurnal-o fume, mefit-o narrow, stret-a next,sequ-ant-a, -ant-e; nude, nud-a nasal, naz-ala la maxim proxim-a, number (quantity), nasty, des-agreabla la apud-a nombr-o ; (order), nation, nacion-o nib, bek-o numer-o national, nacion-al-a nice (dish), friand a ; numerous, mult-a nationality, nacion- (perhon),afabl-a nun, regulier-ino eso ; (nation), na- nickel, nikel-o nuncio, nunci-o c~on-o niece, nev-(in)o to nurse (infant, to nationalize, nacion- night, nokt-o patient), fleg-ar al-ig-ar nightingale, naktigal-o nut, nuc-o native, indijen-a, -0 nimble, ajil-a nutmeg, muskad-o nature, natur-o nine, *non nausea, nauze-o to nip, pinch-ar to nauseate, ; nitric acid, aquafort-o ( with n.), no, *no nauze-igar no more, ne plus naval, nav-ala no, not any, nul-a nave, nab-o no one, nul-u navel, umbilik-o noble (by bzrth), nobel- to navigate, navig-ar a,-o; (nzornlly),nobl-a nobody, nul-u oak, querk-o ; (Eng- near (prep.), *proxim ; noise, bruis-o lish), rovr-o (adv.), proxim-e ; oar, rem-ilo (adj.), proxim-a to nominate, nomin-ar none, nul-a oath, jur-o nearly (almost), preske noon, di-mez-o oatmeal, gruel-o neat, net-a north, nord-o oats, aven-o necessary, neces-ar nose, naz-o ; to blow to obey, obedi-ar neck, kol-o one's-, mung-ar su object, objekt-o to need, bezon-ar (tv.) not, *ne to object, objecion-ar needle, agul-o notary, notari-o objective (adj.), ob- negative, neg-ala notch, noch-o jekt-ala ; (n.), ob. to neglect, neglij -ar note, not-o (also mus.) jekt-a10 (opt.), to negotiate, negoci-ar to note, not-ar ; (an- skop-o negro negr-o, -a notate), not-iz-ar to oblige (to force), neighbow, vicin-o notice, aviz-o, notic-o ; oblig-ar ; (to serve), neither . . . nor, *nek to-, remark-ar sew-ar . . . nek notion, nocion-o obliging, sew-ema nephew, nev-(u1)o notorious, uotor-a oblivion, oblivi-o, -eso nerve, nerv-o nought, nul-o ; (arith.), oblong, oblong-a nest, nest-o zer-o oboe. Iloboy-o net, ret-o noun sing., -0 obscene, obcen-a nett (price, etc.), net-a to nourish, nutr-ar obscure, obskur-a nettle, urtik-o novel, nov-a ; a-, observatory, observa- neutral, neutr-a novelette, novel-o, tori-o neutralization, roman-o to observe, observ-ar neutr-ig-o November, novembr-o to obsess, obsed-ar neutrality, neutr-es-o now (at present), *nun ; obstacle, obstakl-o to neutralize, (in argument), or ; obstinate, obstin-era, neutr-ig-ar, lore. ..lore ; -ema never, nul-tempe -then !, nu I to obstruct, obstrukt-ar I59 to obtain, obteu-ar one-eyed, tuert-a outline, kontur-o obvious, evident-a onion, onyon-o outside (p~ep.),*exter occasion, okazion-o only (adv.), *nnr ; oven, forn-o occident, westo, oci- (adj,) sol-a over (prep.), *super dent-o to open, apert-ar overcoat, surtut-a occult, okult-a opera, oper-o overcome, vink-ar to occupy, okup-ar to operate, operac-ar to overtake, rajunt-ar to occur, event-ar opinion, opinion-o ; to to overthrow, renvers- ocean, ocean-o hold the-,opinion-ar ar o'clock, klok-o, -i opportune, oportun-a to overwork, surmen-ar October, oktobr-o to oppose, opoz-ar (tr.) to owe, deb-ar octopus, polp-o to oppress, opres-ar owing to, *pro odd, barok-a ; (num- optics, optik-o owl (Savn), strig-o ber), ne-para or (conj.), o(d) own, propr-a ; to- odoriferous, odor-anta oracle, orakl-o (possess), posed-ar, of (possession), *di ; oral, parol-a,, -al-a propriet-ar (mode of or contain- orange, oranl-o owner, propriet-er-o ing), *de ; concern- orator, orator-o OX, bov-o ing), *pri orchestra, orkestr-o oyster, ostr-o offence (unlawful act), to order (goods), delikt-o komend-ar ; (com- to offend, ofens-ar mand), imper-ar to offer, ofr-ar order (relig., chival.), office (duty, function), orden-o ofic-o ; (local), kon- ordinary, ordinar-a tor-o ; (relig.),ofici-o ore, erc-o officer (milit.), oficir-o organ (of body, etc.), official, ofic-isto ; (adj.) organ-o ; (music), ofici-ala orgen-o pace, paz-o ; (gait), offspring, genit-uro organization (act.), alur-o often, oft-e organ-iz-o; (arrange- pacific, pac-em-a ogee, cimas-o ment), organ-iz-ur-o; to pack, pak-ig-ar to ogle, ogl-ar (state),organ-iz-es-o packet, pak-o, -et-o oh fie ! *fi ~rient, orient-o packet-boat, paketbot- oil, ole-o wigin, origin-o 0 oil-cake, turt-o ~rnament, om-iv-o, to pad (door, window), ointment, unguent-a ornament-o pad-iz-ar old (in years), old-a ; lrphan, orfan-a. -0 pad (for doors, win- (in date), ancien-a ; lrthography, ortografio dows), pad-o, pol- how - are you ? o oscillate, ocil-ar ster-o qnant-e vu ev-as )sier, ozier-o pad, pad-o olive, oliv-o Istentation, ostent-o to paddle, barbot-ar omelet, omelet-o lstrich, struch-o padlock, padlok-o to omit, omis-ar Ither, altr-a pagan, pagan-o omnibus, omnibus-o Itherwise, altr-e page (ofbook), pagin-o ; on, sur ; -account of, Itter, lutr-o (boy), paj-o Pro. ~ught,dev-us pail, sitel-o on this side of, *cis lunce,. unc-o pain (to be in-, to once (one time), un- Iur, nl-a feel-), dolor-ar foy-e ; at-, *quik ; ~utof, *ek pains, pen-o -upon a time, *olim ~utlandish, altra-land- painstaking, sorg-er-a, one, un(a) ; (indefinite a ; (fig.), stranj-a, -em-a protzoun), on(u) barok-a to paint, pikt-ar I 60 paint, farb-o ; (for parlour, salon-o, kon- pavement, pav-ar-o face), fard-o vers-eyo 1 pavilion, pavilion-o paint brush, pinsel-o to parody, parodi-ar paving stone, pav-o pair, par-o parquet, parquet-o to paw, trampl-ar; palace, palac-o parrot, papagay-o (horse), piaf-ar palate, palat-o to pamy, pare-ar pawn, pion-o pale, pal-a ; (n.),palis-c parsley, petrosel-o pawnbroker, lombard-o paling, palis-ar-o, palis parsnip, pastinak-o to pay, pag-ar ; -at- fenc-o part, part-o tention to, atenc-ar; palissade, palisad-o to partake, partc -court to, knrtez- to pall, blaz-ar pren-ar (tr.) ar ; -a salary to, palm, palm-o (also o, participation, partc salari-ar ; -regard hand) pren-o to, egard-ar (tr.) to palp-ar particulars, detal-i to palpitate,, palpit-ai partridge, perdrik-o pea, piz-o paltry, meshn-a partisan, partis-ano peace, pac-o pamphlet, pamflet-o partner, partener-o to be in peace, pac-ar (booklet), brosh-ur-c party, partis-o peach, (fruit),persik-o pan (frying), padel-o to pass (tr., intr.), pas peacock, pavon-o panel, panel-o ar pear, pir-o panic, panik-o passable, pasabl-a pearl, perl-o pansy, panse-o passage (in house),kori peat, torf-o to pant (gasp for dor-o ; (on ship) peasant, rur-an-o breath), anhel-ar pasaj-o pebble, ston-o pantry, despens-o lassenger, pasaj-ant-o peculiar, partikular-a pap, pap]-o er-o pedal, ped-al-o paper, paper-o ; (news- lassion, pa~ion-o; (o, pedant, pedant-o paper), jurnal-o Christ), sufr-ad-o pedestal, piedestal-o papyrus, papir-o 'assover, Pask-o pedigree, genealogi-o to parade, parad-ar lassport,, pasport-o pedlar, kolport-kt-o paradise, paradiz-o last indzcatzve, -is peel, shel-o paradox, paradox-o last infinitive, -ir peer,. per-o parafin, parafin-o last particip., active, leew~t, vanel-o paragraph, paragraf-o -int- leg, stift-o parallel, paralel-a, -0 'ast particip:, passive, leg-top, tup-o to paralyse, paraliz-ar -it- )elisse, pelis-o parasite, parazit-o ast, pasint-a, -0 lellet, bul-et-o parasol, para-suno aste, past-o bell-mell, pelmel-e Parca (fate),Parc-o D paste, glutin-ar lelvis, pelv-o (anat.) parcel, pak-o, -eto astor, pastor-o ten, plum-o parchment, perga- astry, kuk-aj-o lenance (to do - for), ma-o 3 pasture (tr., intr.), penitenc-ar to pardon, pardon-ar pas tur-ar lencil, krayon-o to pare (tr.), sen-shel- patch, rapec-ar enetrate, penetr-ar igar ; (clip),rekort-ar atent, patent-o eninsula, peniusul -0 parent (fath~ror ath, voy-et-o enitence, penitenc-o mother), patr-o atient, pacient-a ension, pension-o parents, ge-patri atriarch, patriark-o eony, peoni-o parish, komon-o ; atrician, patrici-o eople, popul-o; horn-i ; parok-i-o atriot, patriot-a, -0 (one, anyone), on(u) parish priest, parok-o atrol, patroli-o epper, pipr-o parliament, parla- attern, shablon-o perceive, percept-ar ment-o I pause, pauz-ar ercentage, procent-o 161 to perch, perch-ar philately, filateli-o pineapple, ananas-o perch (/or n bzrd), philosophy, filozofi-o pink (flower), diant-o ; perk-o phonograph, fonograf- (adj.), roz-ea to percuss, perkut-ar il-o pint, chopin-o perennial (bot.), peren-a phosphorus, fosf-o pioneer, pionir-o perfect, perfekt-a photograph, fotograf- pious, pi-a perfidious, perfid-a uro pip (poultry disease), to perforate, perfor-ar phrase, fraz-o pips-o ; (in fruit). to perform, (nzus., etc.), to physic, drog-iz-ar kern-et-o ; (on dice, exekut-ar physician, medik-o dominoes, etc.), punt- perfume, parfum-o physics, fizik-p 0 perhaps, *forsan pianoforte, plan-o to pipe (birds), pipi-ar period, period-o to pick (gather), koli-ar pipe (smoking), pip-o ; to perish, peris-ar pickaxe, pikon-o - (tube), tub-o ; (mus.), periwig, peruk-o to pickle (vegetables), shalm-o periwinkle, pervink-o vinagre, konserv-ar ; pipette, pipet-o permanent,permanant- (fish, meat), marin-ar pirate, pirat-o a pickles, pikl-i pirouette (to perform to permeate, perme-ar pic-nic, piknik-o a), piruet-ar to permit, permis-ar p!e, pastet-o piscene, balno-basen-o permitted (to be-, piebald, bunt-a pisciculture, fish-eduk- may), darf-ar piece, pec-o; (cotton or ad-o perpendicular, per- linen), tuk-o pisciform, fish-form-a, pendikl-a to piece up, rapec-ar -atr-a perpetual, perpstu-a to pierce (bore), bor-ar pistol, pistol-o perplexed, perplex-a piety, pi-eso piston, (much.), piston- to persecute, perse- p!g, pork-o 0 kut-ar pigeon, kolomb-o pit, fos-o ; (thedre), to persevere, persever- Bike, piquo ; (fish) parter-o ar luci-o pitch (tar), pech-o to persist, persist-ar pile (heap), amas-o person, person-o lilgrim, pilgrim-anto, pitcher, kruch-o to perspire, sudor-if-ar -ero place, (town square), to persuade, persuad-ar Iilgrimage (to go on a), plac-o ; (spot), lok-o ; pert,liber-ega,temerara pilgrim-ar (for person), plas-o ; to pertain, resort-es-ar )ill, pilul-o (suffix), -ey- (ad ) ~illar,pilastr-o to plagiarize, plaji-ar to peruse, lekt-ar ;o pilot, pilot-ar plague, pest-o ; Peruvian bark, quin-o ~imento,piment-o (plague-spot), plag-o perverse, pervers-a Bimple (acne), akue-o (also fig.) pet, favor-at(ul)o, ;o pin, ad-lig-ar, ad- -(inlo ; to- dorlot-ar junt-ar, fixig-ar (per plain (n.), plan-aj-o ; to petition, petition-ar pinglo) ; tra-pik-ar (adj.), (distinct), petroleum, petrol-o (per pinglo, lanco, klar-a, evident-a ; petticoat, sub-jupo etc.) ; (tech.). stift- (simple), simpl-a ; petulant (to be), petul- ag-ar, stift-union-ar (flat), plat-a ; (not ar )in (ordinary), pingl-o ; ornamented), sen- phalanx, falang-o (cotter), splint-o ; ornament-a phantom, fautom-o (tech.), stift-o plain-chant, plan- pharmacy, farmaci-o hoe-nez, naz-binokl-o kant-o pharynx, faring-o ,o pinch, pinch-ar plaintiff, plend-ant-o pheasant, fazan-o o pine away, langor-ar plaintive, plend-ant-a, phial, fial-o pine, pin-o -em-a, -atr-a 162 plait, plis-ur-o ; to-, plural (adj.), plural-a ; POPPY, papal'er-o ~115-ar; plekt-ar, in- (ti. i?if lexion), -i populace, popul-ach-o ter-plekt-ar ; (hnzr) plus (wath.), *plus popular, popular-a tre,-ig-ar plush, plush-o population (prople), to plan, prtljct-ar pocket, posh-o popul-o ; (peopl- plane (ad? ), plan-a ; poem, poem-o z9zg). popul-iz-o ; (tool), rabot-o poet, poet-o (densitv), popul-oz- planet, planet-o poetry, poezi-o ey-o plank (n.), plan1;-o to point (to), apun1.-a1 porcelain, porcelan-o plant, plant-o ; to-, point (sharp), pint-o ; porch, port~k-o plantac-ar (dot, place), punt-o porcupine, porkespin o plantain, plantag-o pointed, pint-a, -oz-a, pork, pork-o(-kam-o) plaster, pps-o -atr-a ; (shavp), porous, por-oz-a plate (ealii?~),pla.1-o ; akut-a porridge-pot, rnarmll-o (photo, of metal, etc ), poison, vencn-o porringer, eskudel-o ; plak-o polarized, pol-ar-(ig- (of soldzers), gamel-o platform, platform-o it)-a port (harbour), portu-o to play, lutl-ar ; (ml~szc, ole (qeog.), pol-o ; portal, portal-o theatre), ple-as ; (stick) stang-o portion (apart), part-o; (~amblt),lml-ar, lutl- polecat, putor-o (a heleing of food, riik-ar polemics, polemik-o etc ), porcion-o play, lutl-o ; (dv,ma), police? polic-o ; -man portrait, portret-o dramat-o pollc-1st-0 to pose, po,tur-ar to plead, pled-ar policy, politik-o positive, pozitiv-a pleasant, agreabl-a to polish, polis-ar position, lok-o, punt-o ; to please (gzue plea- polite, polit-a situ-es-o ; rang-o ; sztre), plez-ar ; be politics, politilr-o ofic-o, employ-es-o ; pleased u~zth), esar to pollute, polut-ar poz-e-;-o ; postur-o ; kontenta (de); if poltroon, poltron-o propozicion-o you-, me preg-a\ ; polygamist, poligam- -write, volunt-ez a, -0 to possess, posed-ar 5krib-ar polyglot, poliglot-a, -0 possibility (qzhality), pleased, kontent-a (de) polygon, poligon-o posibl-ey-o ; (what pleasure, plezur-cl polynomial, polinomi-o is possible), -aj-o plebiscite, plebic~t-o polype, polip-o possible, posibl-a plenty, abund-o polysyllable, plur-silab- post, fost-o ; (for lrt- pleurisy, plevr~t-o a, -o t~rs),post-o ; (milit.), plomb, plomb-o ; -line, polytheism, politeism-o posten-o aplomb-o pomade, pomatum, postage, airank-o to plot, komp!ot-ar pomad-o poster (placard), afish-o to plough, plug-ar posterity, decedent-ar- ploughshare, sok-o pomegranate (fluit), 0 to pluck, koli-ar grennd-o postern, postern-o plug, tampon-o (spec. ~ommel,pomel-o postilion, postilion-o sure.) lamp, pomp-o posture, postur-o plum; 'prun-o (iiot a ~onder, ponder-ar pot, pot-0 raisin ) )oniard, poniard-o potato, ter-pom-o plume, penach-o )ontiff, pont~fik-o poultry, pultr-o plummet (plz~mb-lirze), )oodle, pudel-o to pound, pist-ar aplomb-o loop, pup-0 to pour, vars-ar plump, plump-a loor, povr-a, -0 to pout, bud-ar to plunge (intrntzs.), powder, pulver-o ; plunj-ar (toilet), pudr-o power, pov-o ; (influ- pres. pnrticiple, passive. proboscis, rostr-o ence, aztthority, as- -at- proceedings (legal), cendancy), potent-es- preponderance, pre- proced-ur-o 0 ponder-o process, proces-o ; powerful, potent-a to prescribe, preskript- (way), proced-o practical, praktik-al-a ar procession, procesion-o to practise (use prac- prescription (recipe), to proclaim, proklam- tically), praktik-ar ; recept-o ar (exercise), exerc-ar presence of (in the), to procure, prokur-ar to praise, laud-ar *koram prodigal, prodig-ant-a. to prance, kabr-ar present (adj.), prezent- -em-a; -ant-o em-o to pray, preg-ar a ; (y~ft),donac-o ; to produce, produkt-ar to preach, predik-ar at-, nun ; -time, profane (atij ) profan-a precaution(s), pre- prezent-o ; to make to profane, profanac-ar sorg-o a-, donac-ar to profess, profes-ar precedence, preced-o to present, prizent-ar profession, profesion-o precedent, precedent-o present at (to be), professional (adj.) pro- precentor, kantor-o asist-ar fesion-al-a ; (%.) precept, precept-o to preserve, prezerv- profesion-an-o ; precious, prec-oz-a ; ar, konserv-ar (suffix) -kt- -stone, lapid-o to preside, prezid-ar professor, profesor-o precipice, precipis-o president, prezid-ant-o, to proflt, profit-ar precise, preciz-a -er-o profound, profund-a precocious, prekoc-a to press, pres-ar prognostic, prognoz-o predecessor, preced- to presume, supoz-ar (med.) ant-o presomption, prezunt-o programme,program-o to predict, pre-dic-ar pretence, pretext-o to progress,.progres-ar to predominate, pre- to prevent, prevent-ar ; to prohibit, interdikt-ar dominac-ar, pre- impecl-ar project, projet-o ponder-ar previous, ante-a to project (tr.) projekt- pvr-~minencc, arki- price, prec-o ar ; (ft:.) projet-ar ; pre-eminent, super-a, to prick, prikl-ar (intr.), sali-ar ecel-ant-a, pre- pride, fier-es-o projectile. projekt-il-o valor-ant-a, pre- priest, sacerdot(-u1)-o prolix, prolix-a ponder-ant-a primary, primar-a to prolong, prolong-ar to prefer, prefer-ar primitive, primitiv-a ; promenade, kors-,o preferential, prefer-al-a (not derived), prim-a to promise, promis-ar preflx, prefix-o primrose, primroz-o to promote (~levatc, preynant, gravid-a principal, precipn-a advance), promoc-ar prejudice, (pre-judg- principle, principo prompt, quik-a, rapid-a went), pre-judik-o to print, imprim-ar to prompt (thent ), sufl- preliminary, prelimi- prism, prismat-o ar nar-a prison, karcer-o to pronounce, pro- to prelude, pre-lud-ar private, apart-a, nunc-ar (intr.) privat-a proof, pruv-o premature, pre-matur- privateer, korsar-nav-o proof against, espruv-a a privilege, privilej-o to prop up, apog-ar premise, premis-o prize (vewavd), premi-o to propagate, propag-ar premium, premi-o to vrize, priz-ar propeller (scfew), to prepare, prepar-ar probable, probabl-a helic-o to prepay, afrank-ar to probe, sond-ar (also proper, just-a, korekt-a pres. particip., active, fig.) dec-ant-a -ant- problem, problem-o property, propr-aj-o prophet, profet-o to pull, tir-ar quadrant, quadrant-o proportion, propor- to pull out, arach-ar quadrature (math.), clon-o pulley, puli-o quadrat-ig-o ; (astr.), proposal (act.), pro- pulp (of fruit), pulp-o quadratur-o poz-0 pulpit, katedr-o quadrille, quadril-o to propose, propoz-ar to pulsate, puls-ar quadrumane, quadri- proposition, propoz- to pulverise, pulver-ig- manu-o a]-o ar quadruped, quadri- proprietor, propriet- pumice-stone, pumic-o ped-o er-0 to pump, pump-ar to quadruple (tr.), to proscribe, proskript- pumpkin, kukurbit-o quar-opl-ig-ar: lintr.) ar pun, kalembur-o quar-opl-esk-ar prose, proz-o Punch, pulchinel-o quail, quali-o to prosecute, per- to punch, punc-ar to quake (shakf with), sequ-ar punctual, akurat-a trem-ar (pro, de) prospectus, prospekt-o to punish, punis-ar to qualify (as), qualifik- to prosper, prosper-at pupU (school), lem-ant- ar (kom). to prostrate one's self, o ; (eve), pupil-o . qualitative, qual-es-al-a prostern-ar puppet, pupe-o, mario- quality, qual-es-o ; prostration (great net-o (suffix),-es- depression), pros- to purchase, kompr-ar quantitative, quant- trac-o pure, pur-a (also es-al-a to protect, protekt-ar nzorally) quantity (couc~cte), to protest, protest-ar purgatory, purgatori-o quant-o ; (abstract), protestant, protest- to purge, purg-ar quant-es-o . ant-0 to purify, pur-ig-ar quantum (appointed, proud, fier-a purple, purpur-o prescrihpd), quant-o to prove, pruv-ar purport, skop-o ; quarantine, quaran- proverb, proverb-o (sense), senc-o ten-o to provide, proviz-ar purpose, skop-o to quarrel (dispute). providence, providenc- purse, burs-o inter-dis nut-ar 0 to pursue, persequ-ar quartan, quartan-a providing that, se nur pus, pus-0 quarte (l~?tci?zg),quart- province, provinc-o to push, puls-ar, o provisional, provizor-a shov-ar quarter (year), tri- to provoke, provok-ar to put, POZ-ar; -off, mestr-o ; (town), provost, prevost-o ajorn-ar ; -on quarter-o ; (arith.1, prowess, prod-aj-o (clothes), met-ar ; quar-im-o proximity, proxim-es-o -out (Eight), exting- quartet, quartet-o prudent, prudent-a ar ; -in gear, in- quartz, quarc-o prudish, prud-a gran-ar ; -in order, to quash {law),kasac-ar to prune, emund-ar ordinar quasi (used as an psalm, psalm-o to putrefy, patr-ar adj.), quaz-a, quaz-e psychic, psik-ala puzzle, enigmat-o pubescent, puber-a pyx, cibori-o quaternary, quater- public, publik-a, -0 nar-a public-bouse, tavern-o quatrain, quatren-o to publish, publik-ig- quay, kay-o ar ; (book, etc.),edit- queen, rej-in-o ar Q queer, drol-a, barok-a pudding, puding-o quack, sharlatan-o question, question-o puff ! plump quadrangle, quadri- questions btgin by kad puff, puf-0 angul-0 to quibble, shikan-ar '65 quick, rapid-a ; race (running), kur-o to rasp, rasp-ar oltce),*quik -ad-o ; (human) raspberry, framb-o quickly (sfieedil,y),(at I ras-o rat, rat-o *quik to race, kur-lukt-ar rate (o/ iutevest, dis- quicksilver, merkuri-o kur-konlrur+ar GOZ~Z~),procent-o quicunx, quikunc-o racer, kur-lukt-er-o rather, prefer-e ; (in- quid pro quo, quipro- rack, roto-tornieirt-o terj.), cert-eg-e ! quo tre,t-o ; ra.,telier-o to ratify, ratifik-ar quiet (not a,%xin*ts), trofe-o ; hurd-o ration, porcion-o quiet-a ; (?tot ~LIY- to rack off, ralr-ar rational, raciou-al-a bulent), tranquil-a racket, raket-o (also math.), racion- to quilt (stitch), stch-ar to radiate, 1x5-ar oz-a quince, quing-o radiograph, radiograf. rattan, rotan-o quinine, quinin-o ur-o to rattle (to h.ave tlid quinquagenarian, kin- radiography, ralio. death--). stertor-ar a-dek-yar-a graf(-a[!)-o to ravage, dtvast-ar quint (mz~s.,cards), radish, to rave, delir-ar quint-o rafi, raft-o raven, li-orv-o quintal (metric), quin- rzg, I-as-o ravine, raven-o tal-o rage, furi-o to ravish, ravis-ar quintessence, quin- to rage (be i7? a vqe), raw, krud-a tesenc-o (lit. and fig.) furi-ar ray (of light), radi-o to quintuple (t) ragout, ragut-o razor, raz-il-o kin-opl-ig-ar ; (z?ztr.), raid, inkurs-o to reach, ating-ar -esk-ar rail, rel-o to react, I-eali-t-a.r to quit (ieave), liv-ar, railway, fer-voy-o to read, lekt-ar for-las-ar railway carriage, readily (willi~~@'~~), quite, tot-e, plen-e, 1 vagon-o volun t-e komplet-e to rain, pluv-ar ready, pront-a ; quittance, quit-ig-o, rainbow, pluv-ark-o ; -money, kontant-o -1g-ur-o ciel-ark-o real, real-a ; -estate, to quiver, fremis-ar ; to raise, (lift), lev-ar imobl-o trem-et-ar to rake (collect, gather reality (ahst.), real-es- to quiz (ridicule), rid- , up with rake), rast-ar o ; (COIICY.),real- ind-ig-ar i to ram (tech.), rekalk-ar aj-o ; in-, real-e quorum, minima nom- to ramble, divag-ar to realize, real-ig-ar ; bro (11ece;a por va11- rampart, rempar-o (conoevt ,i?zto fact), deho di voto) rancid, ranc-a uz-ebl-ig-ar ; exeknt- quota, quot-o rancour, rankor-o ar, fakt-ig-ar ; (con- quotation (conz.. /in .), rank (pla:~),rang-o ceive cl~a~lv),con- kot-iz--o rape, li-olz-o cept-ar, kompren-ar to quote (corn., fill.), rapid, rapid.a imagin-ar klar-e kot-iz-ar rare (~zot frcquelzt. ream (01 ~(~IIPY),l'lsm-0 seldonz jozigzd), rar-a ; to reap, relrolt-ar I1 (/lot nhulzdnnt), rear, (adj.), dop-a skars-a ; (?rot dclzse), to rear (horse, etc.), (lei-dens-a kabr-ar , to rarefy, des-dens-ig- reason, racion-o ; (for ar, --esk-ar doing a thing), mo- rascal, raskal-o tiv-o , to -, rezon-ar to rase, frol-ar rebate, rahat-o rabbit, kunikl-o rash (reckless), tern- rebel, rebel-o ; to-, rabies, rabi-o erar-a revolt-ar I 66 to rebuke, repdmanrt reef (of sail), ref-o; to relieve (make light), ar (vocks, aand), rif-o alej-ax to recapitulate, re. io refer, refer-ar religion, religi-o kapitul-ar reference to (in), *pri to relish, savur-ar receipt, quit-ig-o ; on- to reflne, rafin-ar to rely (on, upon), fid- of, ye recev-o di to reflect, reflekt-ar ar (ad) to receive, recev-ar ; to reform, reform-ar to remain, rest-ar -(nzoney), inkaq-ar ; to refract, refrakt-ar ; to remark (not s+enk), (person appointea to be refracted, re- remark-ar to-), recev-irt-n frakt-es-ar to remedy, remedi-ar receiver, recev-ant-o, to refrain (intr.),reten- to remember, memor- -int-o ar su, absten-ar (de) ar recent, recent-a to refresh with meals, to remlnd, (ri-)memor- vrceptacle for, -uy- restor-ar ~g-ar recipe, recepk-o refreshment room to remit (sin),remis-ar reciprocal, reciprok-a bufet-o remonstrance, re- to reciprocate (mech.), refreshments (to take), monstr-o altern-ar ; (person,). restor-ar su remorse (to feel), re- ag-ar reciprok-e (acl) refuge (to tnke), refuj- mors-ar to recite reprat aloud), ar remote (to be), dist-ar recit-ar ; (dcclnim), io refuse, refuz-ar (per, de) rleklam-ar to refute, relut-ar to remove (tr.), for-ig- to reckon, kalkul-ar to regale, regal-ar ar, de-pren-ar ; to reeognise, ri-konoc- regard, egartl-o; to, (push uside), eskart- ar; (~o'mit),agnosk-ar pay-to, egard-ar ; ar ; (intr.), for-ir-ar, to recollect, to-, regaru-ar liv-ar ; depart-ar to recommend, reko- .egarding, *pri We) mend-ar .egards (hind), salut-i Renaissance, to recompense, lrom- .egent, regen t-o Renesanc-o pens-ar : rekom- 'egiment, regiment-o to render, ig-ar; (suffix), pens-ar or punis-ar ; -egion, region-o -1g- inclemn-iz-ar 'egister, regis tr-o rendez-vous, rendevu-o to reconcile (vestore to ,o regret, regret-ar to renounce, renunc- harn~onv),ri-lroncili- 'egular, regul-oz-a ar ar ; (harmonize, o regulate, regul-iz-ar ; renown, fam-o vnake coentible), (tech.), regul-ar rent, lokac-o prec-o ; koncili-ar o reign, regn-ar (periodical profit), record (sp~ed,c~c.), re- o reimburse, rimbori- rent-o ; to-, (tnke kortl. o ar at a-), lokac-ar ; recourse (LO haae-), eindeer, rentir-o (grant use lor-), lug- rek~lrs-dr o reiterate, iter-ar ar to recover, rekul~eral- o rejoice, joy-ar .o repair, repar-ar to recruit, rekrut-ar o relapse, recidiv-ar *epast, repast-o rectangle, rekt-angul-o o relate, rakont-ar ,o repay, rimbors-ar to rectify, rectifih-ar (tr.); -to, lroncern-ar o repeat, repet-ar rector, rektor-o elated to (to be), relat- o repent, repent-ar red, red-a ar .o repercuss, reperkut- red-haired, ruf-a, -o alatl~tgto, -al- ar red tape (fig.), paper- elative (pcrs.), parent- ;o replace (put back in ach-1, burokrat-lsm-o 0 Place), ri-poz-ar, ri- lo redeem, redempt-ar elaxed (phvsiol.),lax-a lok-iz-ar ; (take the to reduce, redukt-ar elic (of saints), reliqm- place of, st@@& the reed, kan-o o ; rest-aj-o want of), remplas-ar '67 replete, replet-a rest. (vemainrler), rest- revolver, revolver-o to reply, respond-ar ; &]-o; (the others), to reward, rekompens- (to a rep!y), replik-ar ceter-i ; to-, repoz- ar report, raport-o ar rheumatism, reuma- to report, raport-ar restaurant, restor-eri-o tism-o to repose, repoz-ar to restore, repar-as. rhyme, rim-o to represent, repre- restaur-ar rib (a%&.), kost-o zent-ar to restrict, restrikt-ar ribbon, ruband-o representative (Person) to result, rezult-ar rice, riz-o reprezent-ant-o result, reziilt-aj-o, re- rich, rich-a to repress, repres-ar zult-0 ridge, arist-o (anat, reprisals (to wmke), resurrection. ri-viv-ig- geom.) reprezal-ar o ; (one's self-), riddle. kribl-o to reproach, reproch-ar ri-viv-esk-o ; (fig.), to ricle, kavalk-ar republic, republik-o ri-nask-o ridiculous, rid-ind-a to repudiate, repudi-ar retail (n.) detal-o ; riding switch, kravach- repugnant (to 5e), re- (adj.) detal-a ; by- 0 pugn-ar (tr.) iletal-e rigging, rig-o to repulse, repuls-ar to retain, reten-ar ; (not right (handside),rlextr- reputation, reput-es-0 fovget) memor-ar a ; (correct), just-a ; to repute, reput-ar retipence, tac-o, tac- (morally), yu5t-a ; to request, demand-ar a]-o -angle, ort-o ; - to require, postul-ar to retire, retret-ar side, avsrs-o ;to the-, to requisition, re- retort (vessel), retort-o (ad) dextr-e ; a quisit-ar to retract, retrakt-ar right, yur-o rescript, reskript-o to retreat, retret-ar rigid, rigid-a research, explor-(ad)o to return (cow back), rim, felg-o to resemble, simil-es-ar retro-ven-ar ring, ring-o (tr.1 reunion, ri-union-o ; to. ring (a bell), son- to reaerve, rezerv-ar (state),ri-union-es-o ; ig-ar ; (intr.),son-ar to reside, rezid-ar (assembling), asem- to rinse, rim-ar residue, rezidu-o bl-o, -uro riot, sedici-o to resign (a post), to reveal, revel-ar ripe, matur-a demision-ar revenge, revanch-o ; to rise (cet np), lev-ar resigned (to be), rezign- to take-, revanch- su ar ar to risk, risk-ar resin, rezin-o to revenge, venj-ar rite, ritu-o to resist, rezist-ar (tr.) (tr.) ; to-one's self river, river-o ; (large), resolution, dis-wlv-o ; on, veuj-ar su (ad, fluvi-o (sol~~ingof doubt, pro- person ; pri, thing) roach, gardi-o blem, elc.), ~olv-o, revenue, revenu-o road, voy-o -ur-o ; (resolve), reverse, revers-o roadstead, rad-o rezolv-o ; (deter- to reverse, invers-ig-ar road-way, chose-o wtnsd temptr). review (publication), rezolv-cm-es-o revu-o ; to-, (book), to roar (animals),bram- to resolve, dis-solv-ar ; recens-ar ; (milit.), ar ; (winds, sea), (solile), solv-ar ; (de- revu-ar muj-ar ; (thunder, cide), rezolv-ar to revile, insult-ar cannon), tondr-ar ; to respect, respekt-ar to revise, reviz-ar (of horse : disease), to respire, respir-ar to revolt, revolt-ar ror-ar responsible, respons- revolution, revolu- to roast, rost-ar anta, -iva ; to be- cion-o robber, rapt-ist-o respons-ar to revolve, turn-ar robe, rob-o I 68 rock (solid part of to rule, guvern-ar, salad, salad-o earth's crust under- direkt-ar salary, salari-o lying soil), rok-o ; ruler (drawing),lineal-o sale, vend-o (mass of this project- rum, rum-o saline, salin-o, -a ing or standing up), to rumble, grond-ar salmon, salmon-o rok-aj-o to ruminate, rumin-ar saloon, salon-o to rock, bers-ar rump, rump-o salt, sal-o rocket, fuze-o rumour, rumor-o salubrious, salubr-a rod, verg-o to rumple, Brumpl-ar salutary, salutar-a roebuck, kapreol-o to run, kur-ar ; (of to salute, salut-ar rogue, fripon-o, ras- water. etc.), flu-ar salvage (act), salv-o ; kal-o to run aground, (malerial), salv-aj-o roll, volv-aj-o ; list-o ; strand-ar (intr.) same, sam-a ; the (bread), pan-et-o to run away, fug-ar same (thing),la sam- to roll (intr.), rul-ar ruse, ruz-o o ; in the - way, to roll UD, volv-ar rush (b ont), junk-o sam-e roller blind, stor-o to rush, precipit-ar su the same, sam-o rondeau, rondel-o rusk, biskot-o to sanction, sancion-ar roof, tekt-o Russia leather, yuft-o sanctuary (the most rook, frugileg-o rust, rust-0.; to-, rust sacred part of any room (extent of space), -mar, -1g-ar ; (tr.), religious building), lok-o ; (clear space --esk-ar. -iz-es-ar santuari-o for person), plag-o ; rye, sekal-o sand, sabl-o (part of house), sandal, sandal-o chambr-o sandstone, gres-o root, radik-o sap, sapt-o rose, roz-0 to sap, sap-ar rosemary, rosmarin-o sarcophagus, sarko- to rot (intv.), putr-ar; fag-o (tv.), pub-ig-ar sardine, sardin-o rough, rud-a sardonic, sardonik-a to rough-cast, esbos-ar sarsaparila, sarsa- rough cony, klad-o parel-o round (adj.), rond-a ; Sabbath, sabat-o sash (silk, etc.), zon-o ; (prep. around), sable, zibehn-o (window), fram-o *cirkum sabre, sabr-o satan, satan-o roundelay, rondel-o sack, sak-o satchel, skol-sak-o routine, rutin-o sacrament, sakrament- satellite, satelit-o row (line), rang-o ; 0 to satiate, satur-ar (tumult), tumult-o sacred, sakr-a satin, satin-o to row (intr., use oars to sacrifice, sakrifik-ar satire, satir-o in rowing a boat), sacrilege (to commit satisfied, kontent-a (de) rem-ar a), sakrilej-ar to satisfy (fulfil desire, sacristy, sakrist-i-o request, obligation, royal, rej-al-a sad, trist-a etc., make atonement to rub, fricion-ar saddle, sel-o for sins), satisfac-ar rubbish, eskombr-o safe (ail.), sekur-a to saturate, satur-ar ruby, rubin-o sage (plant), salvi-o Saturday, Saturdi-o rude, grosier-a sail (01 a shifi), segl-o satyr, satirus-o to rufae (turn up), to sail, navig-ar sauce, sauc-o aruf-ar sailor, navist-o sauce-boat, sauc-uy-o to ruin, ruin-ar sainfoin, esparset-o saucepan, kasrol-o rule, regul-o saint, sant-o. -1110, -in0 sausage, socis-o 169 savage, qovaj-a, -0 scissors, CIZ-o 1 sea-weed, fuk-u to save (forfuture use) to scold, reprimailil at second (of tz111eov wc), spar-ar; (from de scope (end aimd at), sekund-o ; (adj.), structzon), salv-ar skop-o ; vid-o-felcl-o tlu-esm-a saviour, calv-ant(u1)c ag-o-feltl-o, ag-o- to second (irz a duel or a -into, ---onto, --ere sfer-o ; atiilg-o, - marvinge), sekoucl-ar to savour. 5avur-a] aj-o, -+list-o ; liber- secondary, sekuntlar- Savoy cabbage, sabc a spac-o, feld-o ; a lik-o oportun-a okaziou-o secondary school, gin!- to saw, seg-as scoundrel, kanali-o naz1-o to say, die-ar to scour, skur-ar secretary, seliretari-o scab, skabi-o scourge (fig.), plag-o secret (adj.), sekret-a ; scaffold, eshafod-o to scourge, flog-ar (it. ~ekret-aj-o; to saald, eskald-ar to scout (milit.), ex- (mystery), mi:-teri-o; scale (measure, prices), plor-ar moyen-o skal-o ; (music, to scowl, regard-ar secret writing, chifr-o clzromatic), garn-o ; tlesafabl-e, sever-e, sect, sekt-o (tartar), tartar-o ; irac-oz-e, mal- section, secion-o (fish,shiia), squam-o; humor-e ; lrontrakt- secular (not S~LLI,CI/). scales, Irralanc-o ; on ar la brov-i seklllar-a a large-, grantia- scrap, pee-o, rezi(1u-o, to secrete, selirec-at skal-e ; on a small- fragment-o, rest-aj-o secure, sekur-a mikra-skal-e to scrape, skrap-ar sedentary, setiei~tar-a scapula, skapul-o to scratch, sltrac11-ar sedition, setlici-o mar, cikatr-(I screech-owl, noktu-o to seduce, >edukt-ar scarce (not abundauzt), screen, skrcn-o to see, vid-ar hkars-a ; (?lot fre- to screen (shelter), seed, scmin-o quent), rar-a shirm-ar to seem, sembl-ar scarcely, *apene screw, skrub-o to seesaw, baskul-ar scarf, sharp-o to screw (fastell, to seize (to lay I~old ot to scarify, skarifik-ar tighter1 by meavls of folflciblj! or si~ddcirly), scarlet, skarl:tt-a s) skrub-ag-ar, hiz-ar ; (luzw), em- to scatter, tlis-sem-ar, skrub-lig-ar ; (tir~,~~barg-ar dispens-ar -), vis-ar to select, selekt-ar scene, cen-o scrupulous, .\ksupul- self, ipsa ; the-, ego ; scenery, (b%xdsmafi~), oz-a oneself, himself, her- peizal-o ;O sculpture, skult-ar self, itself, them- sceptic, skeptik-a, -o scum, spum-o ; to-, selves, su sceptre, ceptr-o (ti,.),.en-spurn-ig-rtr ; ;elfish, egot-ist-s scheme (pla~a),projet-o (intr.), spum-if-ar to sell, vend-ar scheme, skem-o scurf, tini-o to sell by auction, schism, skism-o scurvy, skorbut-o nuciori-ar schist, skist-o sea, mar-o semestrer, ~enlcstr-o scholar, cieiic-ist-o, iea-gull, muev-o Semite, Semid-o erud-it-o leal, mar-hunti-o semolina, scmol-o scholarship, stipendi-o o seal, sigl-ar senate, sellat-o school, skol-o ,earn, sut-ur-o ,o send, sellcl-ar ; - sciatic (adj.), ciatik-a #earnan, mar-ist-o for, quer-ig-ar ; -off, sciatica, ciatik- o search (for), serch-as expedi-ar nevralgi-o ~eason, sezon-o senile, (wed.), senil-a science, cienc-o ,eat (to sit on),sid-il-o ; sensation (feelk~zg),sen- scientific, cienc-al-a to -, sid-ig-ar to ; (eager ilztcrest), rdentist, cienc-ist-o ea-urchin, cliiri-u seasacion-o 170 sense (the five-s),sens severe, sever-a to shear, tond-ar o ; (sense, percep to sew, sut-ar sheath, galn-o tion, fetling), senc-o sewer, liloalr-o shed, hangar-o (judgment), saj-a sex, sexu-o sheep, muton-o rekt-a, bon-a judik-c sextet, sestet-o sheer, pur-a sensible (reasonable) shabby, meskin-a sheet, foli-o sal-a to shackle, cntrav-ar shelf, tabul-o sensual, sensual-a shade, ombr-o ; (dark- shell, shel-o ; (of oystev, tortozse), sentence (wise saying) ness), obskur-es-o, tenebr-o ; (of colour) 5kall-o ; (of cannon), 5enteac-o ; to - obus-o kondamn-ar nuanc-o to shade off, nuanc-iz- to shelter, s111in1a1 sentiment, sentiment-c ar, grad-iz-ar shelves (set o'), et'ljcr-o sentry, sentinel-o shadow, ombr-o shepherd, pastor-o sentry-box, garit-o shield, shild-o to be 021 sentry duty: shaft (of a carriage), to shine, bril-ar lacion-ar brankartl-o ; (of a shingle, sh~ndolcr to separate, scp;~r-ar lance), shaft-o ; (of a shio, nav-o September, >eptembr-L mirze), shakt-o ; (of ship-boy, mo5-o septet, septet-i) a colt~mlz),fu3t-o shio-owner, iim,rtr~c septic, s(*pt-:t to shake, agit-ar, shipwreck, 11aufraj-o; sepulchre, tomb-o sulius-ar to be -d, naufraj-ar sepulture, sepult-o to shake (tve~l~ble), shirt, kamlz-o ; -front, seraph, seraf-o t~~lll-RL. plastron-o serene, seren-a shall (ftrttrre in-as) ; to shock, shok-ar serf, serf-o shall be, es-os shoe, shu-o serial story, folieton-o shallot, shalot-o shoot (of a 'hut). series, seri-o to sham, tromp-ar, spros-o serious, scrior-a simul-ar to shoot, paf-ar sermon, predik-o to shame, sham-ar (pri) shoo, butik-o serpent, serpent-o shampooing, s11ar11- shore, riv-o ; (spec serum (7iattcral),ser-o ; pun-o land skzrtzng sea), (med.), serum-o shanty, kaban-o litor-o servant, serv-ist-ul-o ; to shape, fason-ar short, kurt-a maid-, serv-ist-in-o to shape (tr.), kre-ar, shorthand, ytenograf- to serve, serv-ar form-ig-ar ; (corr- art-o, -ad-o serviette, bok-tuk-o ceive), imagin-ar ; short-siqhted, miop-a session, se,ion-o (adapt), adapt-ar to set, pox-ar 1h0~1d(ought), dev-uz ; to set alight, ;t(:cncl-al- ihare, part-o, porcion- (condzt~onal mood), to set fire to,incrndi-ar o ; (finance), acion- -us o ; (of n. pZozigA), ihoulder, shultr-o ; to set up (,ti8pi>),liom- sok-o ; (iprota),ri uoi - post-ar -belt, baildolier-o 0 shoulder-blade, to settle (tr., esticblisic). ihark, zl~;l~.h-o skapul-o ehtablis-ar ; (quiet), ;harp, aku t-a ;o shout, klam-ar kalm-ig-ar, cert-ig- ,o shatter (tr.), frakas- ;o shove, shov-ar ar ; (pacify), pac- itr ;hovel, shovel-o ig-ar ; (arvalzge), .O shave, raz-ar .o show, nlontr-ar, ara~ij-ar; (-an ac- ;having (I kip), span-o pru~,-ar count), sald-ar ihawl, shai-o 1.o show off, ostent-ar seven, *sep ;he *el(u) shrew, meger-o several, plur-a ,heaf, garb-o shrimp, krevet-o 17' to shrink (tr.), stret-ig- to simulate, simul-ar ; sleepy (to be), somnol-ar ar ; (intr.), kontrakt- (imitate),. fing-ar . sleeve, manik-o es-ar to sin, psk-ar slender (thing),tenu-a ; shroud (supporting since (prep.) de-pos ; (pers.), gracil-a nzast), vant-o -(co~zj.), de-pos ke ; slice, lonch-o (because), pro ke to slide (intr.), glit-ar shrub, arbust-o sincere, sincer-a slide valve, shibr-o to shudder, fremis-ar sinciput, vertic-o slime, slam-o to shut, kloz-ar to sing, kant-ar sling (for thvowing shutter, shutr-o single (not double ov stoner), frond-o ; (to sick (ill), malad-a ; to multiple), un-opl-a ; support the arm or feel-, nauze-ar simpl-a ; unik-a ; hand), sharp-o sickle, s~kl-o apart-a ; privat-a ; slip (of a screw), slip-o side, later-o ; (flank), (unmarried), celib-a to slip (intr. slide), flank-o (mil. and singular, singular-a glit-ar ; in a furtive nav.) ; (geom.), edr- to sink, sink-ar manner), insinu-ar o ; (of coin, etc.), sink (kitchen), evier-o su ; (tr.), glit-ig-ar avers-o, revers-o ; sinuous, sinu-oz-a siipper, pantofl-o (face, back) ; -scenes, sir, sior-fu1)o to slobber, bav-ar kulis-o ; -walk, siren, (math. instr.), slope, pent-o trotuar-o siren-o slow, lent-a siege (to lay-to), siej- sister, frat-in-o slug, limak-o ar to sit, sid-ar sliiice, sluz-o sieve, siv-o ; (riddle), site, situ-o, --so sly, ruz-oz-a kribl-o situation, situ-o, -es-o ; to (intr., of to sift, siv-ag-ar, kribl- (employee's office), whip or lips), klak- ag-ar employ-es-o ar ; (tr.), klak-ig-ar t3 sigh, sospir-ar six, %is small, mikr-a, tenu-a sign, sign-o sixth (n ), sexto; (ov- small bell, sonali-o to sign (tr., affix one's dzna ) , sis-esm-a smart (chic), chik-a signature to), signat- size, dimension-o smell, odor-o ; (sense ar ; (make a-), to skate, sket-ar of-), flar-ad-o ; to sign-if-ar ; (mark skate (,fish), rap-o -(tr.), flar-ar ; (intr.), with a sign), sign-iz- to sketch, slris-ar odor-ar ar skilful, habil-a smith, forj-ist-o signal, signal-o skin, pel-o smoke, fum-ur-o ; to signature, signat-ur-o -, (emit s.), fum-ar ; to signify, 5ignifik-ar to skin (tr.), sen-pel- (smoke a pipe, etc.), silence, silenc-o ; (ab- ig-ar ; cover as with. fum-ar pip-o, etc. ; sence of mention), skin), pel-iz-ar ; (apply s. to), fum- tac-o (intr.), pel-iz-es-ar ag-ar to silence, silenc-ig-ar skirt, jup-o smooth, glat-a silent, silenc-oz-a ; (un- skittle, kegl-o to smuggle, kontra- uttered), tac-it-a ; to skull, krani-o band-ar be-, silenc-ar ; to skull cap, kalot-o snail, helik-o be-about, tac-ar (tr.) sky, ciel-o snake, serpent-o silk, s~lk-o slang, slang-o to snap up, snap-ar silly, spirit-febl-a, slate, ardez-o to snare, insidi-ar stult-et-a, stult-a to slaughter, masakr- to snatch, siz-ar silver, arjent-o ar ; (butcher), buch- to sneeze, sternut-ar silvered pine, pini-o ar to sniff, snifl-ar similar, simil-a (ad) slave, sklav-o snob, fatu-o simple, simpl-a to sleep, dorm-ar to snore, ronk-ar 172 to snort, snort-ar (only son. fili-ul-o to spend, spens-ar of a horse) song, kanson-o 8pherq sfer-o snow, niv-o, -ad-o ; sonorou6, sonor-a spice. spic-o (spec. the thing), niv- soon, bald-e to spice, spic-iz-ar ur-o ; to -, niv-ar soot, fuligin-o spider, arane-o so (in such a way), sorb-apple, sorb-o spigot, stopil-et-o tal-e ; (in compari- sorcery, sorc-o. -ad-o spike, spik-o son), tam ; -as to, sore (to be), dolor-ar to spin, iil-ig:ar, -if-ar Par sorrel, oxal-o spinach, sp~nat-o to soak (saturate, and sort (kind), sort-o spinal marrow, myel-o be saturated in a soul, anm-o spindle, sp~ndel-o fluid), tremp-ar sound (n.) son-o ; (adj.) spine, spin-o soap, sap011-0 san-a spiny lobster, langust-o to sob, singlut-ar to sound (intr.), son-ar ; spiral (adj.), spiral-a ; sober, sobr-a (tr.), son-ig-ar (n.), spiral-o social, soci-al-a soup, sup-0 spirit, spirit-o society (natural), soci- sour-krout, surkrut-o spirits, alkohol-aj-o o ; (special group), south, sud-o spiritual (of spirit as soci-et-o sovereign, suveren-a ; opposed to matter), sock (garment), kalz- (fzg.),supr-a,-eg-a ; ment-al-a et-0 (person). suveren-o to spit, spnt-ar soda, sod-o space, spac-o spit (fop cooking).spis-o sofa, sofa-o spade, spad-o spite, despit-o ; in - soft, mol-a ; (gentle, spangle, flitr-o of, malgre sweet, not harsh), je~i- spaniel, spaniel-o spittle, saliv-o til-a, dolc-a to spare, spar-ar ; (per- to splash, (of water), soil (suvfacc), sul-0 ; sons), indulg-ar plaud-ar (earth), teren-o spark, cintil-o spleen, splcn-o to solder, sold-ar sparrow, paser-o splendid, splendid-a soldier, soldat-o ; milit- ~parrow~hawk, to splice (two ropes or ist-o sparvier-o parts of a rope), sole (adj.), sol-a ; (a., to spawn (of fish, frog, splis-ar fish), sole-o ; (of mollusc, crustacean). splinter, split-o ; (surg.), shoe), suol-o fray-if-ar lash-o solemn, solen-a to split, fend-ar to solicit, solicit-ar to speak, parol-ar to splutter, barbuli-ar solid, solid-a special, specal-a to spoil, spoli,-ar solidary, solid-ar-a species, spec-o sponge, sponj-o solitary, solitar-a (loko) specimen, specimen-o spontaneous, spontan- solution (nct.), solv-o ; specious, bon-, ver- a (result), solvnr-o sembl-ant-a spool, bobin-o ; to -, to solve, solv-ar speckled, makul-(et)- spul-ar oz-a solvent (finan.), sol- spoon, kulier-o vent-a spectacles, binokl-o some (quantity), kelk- to speculate, spekul-ar sport, sport-o ; sports- a ; (indeterminate), to make a speech, man, sport-ist-o ul-a ; (a little), kelk diskurs-ar spot, lok-o ; (stain). -e speech (to make a-), makul-o somebody, someone, diskurs-ar ul-u speed, rapid-es-o ; hast- spouse, spoz-o somersault, kulbut-o 0 to spout (intr., gush something, ul-o to spell, espel-ar out), spric-ar ; (tr.), sometimes, kelkafoy-e spelling, ortografi-o spric-ig-ar I73 to spread (tr.), extens. stall (stabk), fak-o ; steamer, paketbot-o ar ; (p1u)vast-ig-ar (seat), klap-sid-il-o steamship, vapor-nav- difuz-ar ; (intr.), to stammer, balbut-ar 0 extens-es-ar, extens. stamp, stamp-il-o, steel, stal-o ar- su, difuz-es-ar -uro ; (postage), steep, abrupt-a, spring (leap, bound), posto-mark-o, mark eskarp-a spring-o ; (season), -0 post-al-a steeple, klosh-turm-o printemp-o ; (metal), to stamp (with ink stem, stip-o risort-o ; (of match), stamp), stamp-ar ; step (walking), paz-o ; font-o ; -blind, stor-o ped-o-frap-ar ; (staircase), grad-o ; trampl-ar to spring (leap, bound), -(brother), stif-a to stanch (tr., blood, (frat-ul-o) spring-ar ; (astream etc.), estanch-ar from its source), to stand (be set up- steppe, step-o spric-ar ; (grow), right), stac-ar sterile, steril-a nask-ar, ven-ar (de) standard (distinctive stern (poop), pup-o to sprinkle, aspers-ar flag), standard-o ; sternum, sternum-o sprite, kobold-o (rule, model), norm-o stew, ragut-o spruce-fir, pice.-o standpoint, vid-punt-o; to stew, stuf-ar spur, sporn-o !fig:), opinion-o, stewed fruit, kompot-o to sputter, barbuli-ar lu~llk-o stick, haston-o to spy, spion-ar standstill (to be at a-), to stick (tr.), pik-ar, squadron (milit.), es- atagii-ar (politics, stek-ar ; (with an ad- kadron-o ; (naval), trade) hesive), glutin-ar eskadr-o star, stel-o ; astr-o sticky, glutin-em-a, squall, I-lurask-o starch, amil-o visk-oz-a square, quadrat-a, -0 ; to starch, starch-ar stiff, rigid-a (instr)., squadr-o starling, sturn-o to stifle, sufok-ar (tr., to squash, aplast-ar ;o start (surprise, sud- intr.) to squat down, squat-ar den fear), tresay-ar ; still (adv.), ankor-e; to squeeze, klem-ar (go off), depart-ar ; (quiet), kalm-a squint-eyed, strab-a start-ar (tech.) stilt, stelt-o squirrel, skurel-o to stimulate, stimul-ar stable (for lodging itate (condition of beiuzg) to stink, mal-odor-ar cattle), stabl-o stand-o ; (nation, to stipulate, stlpul-ar stack of wood, lign- part of feder : resp :), stirrup, estrib-o amas-o ; (stake),rog- ehtat-o ; (suffix), to stitch, steb-ar; 0 -es-o (hooks), brosh-ar stadium, stadi-o ; (of o state, asert-ar, stock (corn.), stok-o disease), periotl-o ; afirrn-ar stockade, estakatl-o etap-o, grad-o ,tatement (of accottlzt, stocking, kalz-o staff (milit.), stab-o etc.) , etat-o Stock Exchange, Bors- stag, cerv-(u1)o (genus tation, stacion-o, 0 ceruus) posten-o stock-jobbing, ajiot-o, to stagnate, stagn-ar tationer, paper-ist-o -ad-o (not of persons) tatue, statu-o stole, stol-o stain, makul-o tature, statur-o stomach, stomak-o stained-glass window, tatute, statut-o vitrali-o D stay, rest-ar stone, petr-o ; (ronnd staircase, cskaler-o teady, ferm-a pebble), ston-o ; pre- stake, palis-o ; !fig., teak, lonch-o cious-, lapicl-o death by burnzng), o steal, furt-ar stool, skabel-o ; (sflec. rog-o team, vapor-o for feet), taburet-o 174 to stop (intr.), halt-ar strike (to obtain morc to submerge, submers- (a hole, etc.), stop pay, etc.), strik-o ar a ; (r) halt-ig to strike, frap-ar- (lit to submit (tv.), sub- ar ; (tech.), arest-a and fig.) ; strik-ar mis-ar stopper, tampon-o string, kord-et-o to subordinate, sub- storey (floor), etaj-o string-board, trampo. ordin-ar stork, cikoni-o lin-o to subscribe, suskript- storm, tempest-o stripe, stri-o ; bend-c ar ; (-to a paper), thunder-, sturm-o to strive (make efforts), abon-ar (journal) to storm (tr. milit.) esforc-ar ; (con. to subsidize, subsidi-ar adt-ar ; (intr.) tend), lukt-ar (kon- to subsist, exist-ar, dur- furi-ar tre) ar ; nutr-es-ar story, rakont-o ; (0, stroke, bat-o, frap-o ; substance, substanc-o past events), histori-c (single effort put substitute (to serve as stout (corpulent), kor fovth ; feat), strok-a -for), remplas-ar pulent-a, obez-a strong, fort-a to substitute, substi- stove (for heating an6 strophe, strof-o tuc-ar cooking), furnel-o to struggle, lulit-ar subterfuge, subterfuj-o (tech.), stuv-o stud (shirt),buton-o subtle, subtil-a to stow, stiv-ar student, student-o to subtract (arith.). straight, rekt-a studious, sbudi-em-a sustracion-ar to strain (tr.),tens-ar ; ;o study, studi-ar suburb, suburb-o (constrain), koakt- $tuff, materi-o ; stof-o to subvention, subven- ar ; (intr. strive), to stuff, polster-iz-as cion-ar es forc-ar io stumble, mis-paz-ar, succedaneous, suro- straits, stret-aj-o fal-et-ar gat-a to strand (rutz aground) ~tump, stump-o succedaneum, suro- strand-ar ,o stun, aturd-ar gat-o strange, stranj-a ,o stunt, stunt-ar to succeed (be success- stranger, straujer-o itupid, stupid-a ful), suces-ar ; (fol- to strangle, strangul-ar ~tupor, stupor-o low), suced-ar strap, rimen-o iturgeon, stusg-o stratagem, milit-ruzo- o stutter, stoter-ar success, suces-o stratum, strata, strat-o, ityle, stil-o ; tO-, to succumb, sukomb-ar -1 qualifik-ar (kom) such, tal-a sug-as straw, pali-o o subdue, submis-ar ; to suck, strawberry, frag-o vink-ar to suckle, alakt-ar streak, stri-o sudden, subit-a stream, flu-o, aqu-o ubject (gram., log.), to suffer, sufr-ar flu-o ; fluvi-o, river- subject-o ; matter to suffice, sufic-ar treated of), tem-o ; 0 sumx, sufix-0 street, strad-o (of study, love, etc.), to suffocate, sufok-ar ; to strengthen, plu- objekt-o ; (member asfixi-ar fort-ig-ar ; (milit.), of a State), regn-at-o, submis-it-o ; (ndj.), suffrage, vot-o ; (right rinforc-ar of voting), vot-yur-o tens-ar submis-it-a, expoz- to stretch, it-a ; to-, submis- iugar, sukr-o stretcher (for carrying ar, expoz-ar iugar-candy, kandi-o disabled person ow), ubjective, subjelc- iugar-plum, draje-o kamil-o tal-a ;o suggest, sugest-ar to strew, dis-sem-ar, ubjunctive, subjunk- luicide, su-ocid-o tra-sem-ar (sur) tiv-o suit (at law), proces-o ; strict, strikt-a ; exakt-a ublime, sublim-a (of clothes), vest-ar-o 775 to suit (be suitable), to survey, konsider-ar, syndicate, sindikat-o konven-ar ; (be pro- examin-ar ; inspekt- synod, sinod-o per), dec-ar ar, survey-ar synonymy, sinonim-es- sulphur, s~~lf-o susceptible, kapabl-a 0 sum (amount), sum-o (de); sent-iv-a,- synoptic, sinoptik-a to sum up, rezum-ar em-a (pri) (also gospels) summer, somer-o to suspect, suspekt-ar syntactic, sintax-al-a summersault (to throw to suspend (hang up), synthesis, sintez-o a-), kulbut-ar suspend-ar ; (defer), syringe, sering-o summit, somit-o; kolm- ajorn-ar ; (debar), system, sistem-o ; (suf- o (lit. and fig.) suspens-ar fix),-ism-o to summon, sunin-ar suspici~us, suspekt- sun, sun-o ind-a, suspekt-em-a Sunday, snndi-o to sustain, susten-ar sunflower, tornasol-o suzerain, suzeren-o to sup, supe-ar swaddling clothes, superficial, surfac-al-a; lanj-o ne-profund-a, ne- to swagger (intv.), serioz-a fanfaron-ar superfluous, superflu-a swallow, gutur-o ;glut- superior, super-a (ad) ; ed-o ; (bird),hirund- tabernacle, tabernakl-o (pew.), superior-o o ; to-, glut-ar table (furnilure),tabl- superstition, super- swan, cign-o o ; (on which an in- stic-o swart (~iland dirt), scviptiolz, drawinf, supper, supe-o : to unt-o etc., may be produced; take - , supe-ar swarm (hem), esam-o list, table of con- to supplant, suplant-ar to swarm, pulul-ar tents), tabel-o supplement, suplement to swear, jur-ar to tack (sewing), im- -0 sweat, sudor-o bast-ar ; to-about, to supplicate, suplik-ar to sweep, balay-ar borde-ar to supply, furnis-ar to swell (tr.),infl-ar tact, takt-o (lit. and to support, suport-ar sweet, dolc-a fig.) (lit. and fig.) to swim, nat-ar taffeta, taft-o to suppose, supoz-ar t!, swindle, eskrok-ar tag (of a lnce), tag-o to suppress, suprm-ar to swing (intr.),ocil-ar tail, kaud-o sure, cert-a sword, glav-o tailor, talior-o surety (thing), kau- syllable, silab-o to take (lay hold of), cion-o ; (person), syllogism, silogism-o pren-ar ; (cavry), garanti-ant-o symbol, simbol-o port-ar ; -care of, surface, surfac-o to symbolize (tr.), sim- sorg-ar (tr;); -one's surge, ond-o, ond-eg-o bol-iz-ar ; (intr.), revenge, revanch-ar ; ond-agit-es-o simbol-es-ar (da) -steps, demarch-ar ; surgery, kirurgi-o symmetry, simetri-o -down in short- to surmise, konjekt-ar sympathetic, simpati- hand, stenograf-ar al-a ; simpati-oz-a ; tale, rakont-o to surmount (fig., harmoni-ant-a, kon- talent, talent-o crown), kron-iz-ar ; kord-ant-a (kun); to talk, parol-ar (conquer), vink-ar -nerve, simpabk-a tall, grand-a surname, sur-nom-o, (nerv-o) -0 tallow, seb-o to-, sur-nom-iz-ar symphony, sinfoni-o to tame, domt-ar ; (do- to surprise, surpriz-ar symptom, simptom-o mesticate), amans-ar to surrender, renunc-ar syncope, sinkop-o tamtam, tamtam-o to surround, cirkum-ar (gvam., mus.) tan, tan-0 176 tandem, tandem-vetur- temerarious (rash), term, termin-o (boun- o ; tandem-bicikl-o temerar-a dary, gram., log.) ; tangent (adj.),tangent- temper, humor-o terms (conditions), a ; (n.), tangent-o to temper, temper-ar kondicion-i tangible, tush-ebl-a, temperament, tem- termite, termit-o palp-ebl-a perament-~; (mus.) terrace, teras-o to tangle, intrik-ar temper-o terra-cotta, terakot-o tank, tank-o (a large temperance, temper- terrible, teror-ig-ant-a, closed, artificial re- em-es-o, moder-em- -1v-a ceptacle for Izqzdids) es-o ; (zn eatzng and to be terrified, teror-ar tap, robinet-o drinking), sobr-es-o territory, teritori-o to tap (screzer), tap-ar temperate, moder-at- to test, prob-ar tape, lin-ruband-o, a ; (abstemious in testament, testament-o hoton-ruband-o food and drink), testimony, atest-o, tapestry, tapet-o sobr-a -ur-0 tapioca, tapioka-o temperature (of the tetanus, tetan-o tar, gudr-o atmosphere), tem- text, text-o tardy, tard-a ; (slow), peratur-o texture, tex-ur-o ; (fig.) lent-a tempest, tempest-o lig-es-o, junt-es-o tariff, tar~f-o temple (building), -th (orri?nal ?:ulnber), tarot (cards), tarok-o templ-o ; (anat.), -esm- tart (fruit pie), tort-o tempor-o than, *kam tartar, tartar-o temporal, temp-al-a, to thank, dank-ar task, task-o pens-iv-a, --em-a thankful (to be), grati- taste (flavour), sapor-o (opp. to eternal) tud-ar to taste, gust-ar temporary, kelk-a- thankfulness, grati- tavern, tavern-o temp-a, provizor-a, tud-o tax, tax-o ; (zmpost), ne-kons tant-a that (copzj.), ke ; (212 impos t-o to temporize, temporis- order that), por ke ; tea, te-o; -pot, te- ar (adj.), ita, ta ; kruch-o to tempt, tent-ar (thing),ito, to ; (who, to teach, instrukt-ar ten, *dek which), qua ; (sing.), (person); doc-ar tenacious, tenac-a qui (plur.) ; (thing (a subject) tenant, 1okac-ant-0,- which), quo. teal, sarcel-o er-o that can . . . -1r- tear, lakrim-o tench (fzsh),tench-o that must be . . d, to tear, lacer-ar ; to tend to, tendenc-ar -end- -away, arach-ar tendency, tendenc-o to thaw, des-frost-ar to tease (fig.),vex-et-ar tender (of locomotive), (tv.), des-frost-ig-ar technique (n.),teknik-o tenclr-o ; (adj.), mol- the, la ; (le, plural, tedious, ted-ant-a a ; (sensitive), sent- only to be used when telegram, telegraf-ur- iv-a, -em-a ; (affec- there zs no other sign o, telegram-o tionate, lovzng), ten- of the plural, e.g., to telegraph, telegraf-ar er-a the ayes and the telepathy, telepati-o tendon, tendin-o nays, le yes e le no) to telephone, telefon-ar tennis (lawn), tenis-o theatre, teatr-o telescope, lorn-o ; (as- tenor, tenor-o (voice thelr, lia tron .), teles kop-o and person) theme (mzts. and grnm ) to tell (a story), rakont- tense (n.), temp-o temat-o; (treated of), ar ; -me, dicez a tent, tend-o tem-o me ; -a lie, menti- tentacle, palp-il-o themselves, *su ar ; -a secret, kon- tenuous, tenu-a then (at that time), lore ; fidenc-ar tepid, tepid-a (therefore), do 177 theocracy, teokrati-0 three, *tri to tinkle, tinkl-ar theology, teologi-o threshold, soli-o tip,. pint-o ; extrem- theorem, teorem-o thrifty, spar-em-a a]-0 theory, teori-o throat, gutur-o tippet, pelerin-o therapeutics, terapi-r to throb, puls-ar tired, fatig-it-a there, *ibe ; -is (point- throne, tron-o ; to en-, tithe, dism-o ing), *yen en-troll-ig-ar title, titul-o ; to-, thermal, term-al-a through (prep.), *tra ; titul-ie-ar ; qualifik- these, ci, ici ; (followeii (by means of), *per; ar (kom) by noun), ca, lca (adw.), tra-e to, *aid) they, li, ili (masc.), eli to throw, jet-ar ; to- toad, rosp-o (fern.),oli (neuter) down (overthrow), toast, rostita pan-o thick, dik-a ; (big), renvers-ar toast (to give a), tost-ar gros-a thrush, turd-o tobacco, tabak-o to, thicken (plu-)dik- thumb, polex-o to-day, (i)ca-di-e ~g-ar; (plu-)dens- to thunder, tondr-ctr together, kun-e ig-ar ; (intr.), (plu-) Thursday, joi~di-(1 toilet, tualet-o ; (al- dik-eik-ar, tiens- thus, tal-e tire), vest-ar-o esk-ar thyme, timinart-o to tolerate, toler-ar thicket, dens-a kop5-o; tibia, tibi-n tomb, tomb-o bush-ar-o tic, tik-o to-morro w, morg-e thief, furt-ist-o tick (insect), zek-o ; tomtit, parn-o thigh, krur-o (mite), akar-o ton (mn~.),tun-o thimble, (sewing), to tie, lig-ar tongs, tonali-o fingr-o chap-o ticket, biiiet-o to-night, (i)ca-nokt-e thin, din-a (not thick) ; to tickle (I?.), iitil-nr tone, ton-o, son-o tenu-a, (of small tide, mare-o tongue (anat.), lang-o diameter) ;iger, tigr-o tonic ton-ala ; tonic thing, koz-o :o tighten, klem-ar accent, acent-o to- to think, pens-ar ile, karel-o ; (roof), nik-a third, tri-esm-a ; (n.) tegul-o tonnage, tun-ar-o, tun- terc-o (of time or ,ill (n.), kas-(tir-keit) konten-o angular mensure- -0 ; (prep.), *ti1 ; tonsil, tonsil-o melzt ; mus.) : tri- (conj.),ti1 ke too (also), *anke ; (too im-o ;o till, plug-ar mztch), *tro thirst, durst-o ; to be lit, vetur-teg-il-o, tego- tool, utensil-o thirsty, durst-ar tel-o, gudr-o-tel-o tooth, dent-o ; -pick, this, *ca, *ica imber, lign-o dento-pik-il-o this (thi~g),*CO, *icn ime, temp-o ; (repeti- top (summit),somit-o ; thistle, kardon-o tiotz of act . . . . . (naut.), top-o ; -of thorax, torak-o times),fay-o ; (Izour), a carriage, em- thorn, dorn-o klok-0 perial-o ; top-knot, thoroughly, komplet- imely, oportun-a, -e pompon-o e ; (prefix),par- imid, timid-a topic, tem-o those, *ti,*iti ;(followed in (metal), stan-o ; toque, tok-o by noun), *ta. *ita (tin-plate), lad-o torch, torch-o though, *quankam incture (pharm.),dis- to torment, torment-ar thousand, *mil ; (noun) solv-ur-o ; (fig.), torpor, torpor-o mil-o nuanc-o ; quant-et- torrid, torid-a to thrash, drash-ar o, nocion-et-o tortoise, tortug-o thread, fil-o (filametrt), inder, tindr-o LO torture, torment-ar filament-o o tinge, tint-ar ; kolor- to toss in a blanket, to threaten, minac-ar mar mante-ar 178 total (adj.),tot-a ; (n.), LO transfer, transport- trifle, bngaiel-o, min- sum-o ar ; (corn. law). uci-o to totter, sliancel-:ir transfer-ar to trim, 1:ortl-iz-ar, to touch, tush-ar to transform, trans- reko:t-ar to touch up, retush-ar form-ar trimming ((7; :old or touchy, des-afabl-a ; to transgress, violac-ar; silk), pasrnc~~t-(I ~rac-em-a (sin), pek-ar Trinity, Tri-un-o tough, hard-a ; (tena- transit (corn.),tranzit-o trinket, berlolc-o cious), tenac-a to translate (into an- trio (~Izz~s.),tcrcet-o tour (short joztrney, other language), tra- to trip up, jiaml~it-nr walk), tur-o tluk-ar tripe, trip-o tournan~ent, turnir-o to transmigrate, trans- triple, tri-opl-a tow, filas-o : (oakzinz), migr-ar triplet (poeir~,).tercet-I) stup-0 to transmit, tranymis- to triturate, tritur-ar to tow, remorlc-nr ar to triumph, triumf-ar toward(s) (prep.), *vers transparent, dia fan-n trivial, trivial-a towel, tualet-tnk-o to transport, trans- troop, trup-o tower, tnrni-o port-ar tropic, tropik-o town, urb-o to transpose, trans-poz- to trot, trot-ar toy, lutl-il-o (lit. nnd ar (also nztrs.) to. trouble, irulll-nr, fig.) transverse, transvers-a ]en-ar trace (tmck), trac-o trap, kapt-il-o ; -door, trough, trog-o to trace, tras-ar ; (dmw trap-o trousers, pantalon-o through tratzsparent to travel, voyxj-at. trout, trut-o paper), kalgu-ar to traverse, tra-ir-ar trowel, trul-o track, trac-o, -i ; to-, to travesty, traveqti-ar truck (an oprn railroad sequ-ar la trac-o (c!i), tray, plat-o !wight cav), truk-o sequ-ar (animal, per- treacle, melas-o true, ver-a, sincer-a son, thing) segun- treason, trahiz-o truffle, trufl-o trac-e treasure, trezor-o truly, ver-e, *ya trade, komerc-o ; to-, to treat (act towards, trump (cnrds), trump-o komerc-ar behave to ; subject in trumpet (inst.), trum- tradition, tradition-o liter. or art), trakt-ar pet-o trafRc (vehicznlar, etc.), treaty, kontrat-o trunk (of tre,~),trunk-o; trafik-o tree, arbor-o (box), kofr-o; (PIP- trefoil, trifoli-o $ha.nt, insfct .t' oitr-o train (railway),tren-o ; trellis, trclis-o to, truncate, stump- (of dress, etc.), trau- to tremble, trem-ar ig-ar ; (grow.), aj-o ; to-, (break trench, tranche-o trunk-ig-ar ilz), dres-ar trepan (surf.), trepan- trust, fitl-o (ad) ; (com- trait, trait-o ag-ar trestle, trest-o mission), lromis-o ; trajectory, trajektori-o (pers., thing i~cwhich tram-car, tram-vetur-o trial, prob-o ; (at lnw). jud~ci-o confidence is w- to trammel, etltrav-ar posed), fitl-ind-aj-o ; to trample, ful-ar, pede- triangle, tri-angul-o (also mzrs.) fconz. cvedit), lcredii- prey -ar o ; (association), tramway, tram-voy-o tribulation, tribulac-o tribune (pers.), tribon- trust-o ; on-, kredit- tranquil, trauquil-a ; o ; (thing), tribun-o e ; to-, fid-ar (ad.) kalm-a ; (not tributary, tribut-ant-a to try, prob-ar a?zxious), quiet-a (ad); (n.), -ant-o, tub, kuv-o to transcribe, trans- --er-o tube, tub-o skrib-ar, kopi-ar trick, artific-o tubercle, tuberkul-o tuberculosis, tuber- unity, un-es-o ; (con- klos-o cord), konkord-o, to tuck-up, trus-ar ubiquitous, ubiqu-a harmoni-o ; (thing Tuesday, rnardi-o ugly, led-a that forms a com- tufa, tof-o uhlan, ulan-o plete whole), un-aj-o ; tuft, tuf-o ; (bird's) ulcer, ulcer-o (the number I), un-o penach-et-o ultramarine, ultra- universal, univers-al-a tulip, tulip-o mar-o, -a universe, univers-o to tumble down (intr.), umber, umbr-o university, universitat- krul-ar umbrella, para-pluv-o 0 tumour, tumor-o unanimous, unanim-a unless, sen ke, se . . . tune, ari-o ; akord-o ; unarmed, sen-arm-a, ne ; ecept-e se to - (tr.), akord-ig ne-arm-iz-it-a unmarried, celib-a ar uncle, onkl-(u1)-o unpolished, matid-a ; tunic (also milit., anat.), unclean, des-net-a, sor- (fig.),grmier-a, brut- tunik-o did-a, des-pur-a a tunnel (subterranean uncooked, krud-a until (prep.), *ti1 ; passage way), tunel- under (prep.),*sub (conj.),ti1 ke o ; funel-o to undergo, subis-ar unusual, rar-a, ne-kus- tunny, atun-o to undermine, min-ar ; turn-al-a, ne-orcti- turblne, turbin-o (fig.), sub-destrukt- nar-a turbot, turbot-o ar up (upstairs), supr-e ; turbulent, petul-em-a to undersign, sub- to go-, acens-ar tureen, terin-o signat-ar to uphold, susten-ar turf, gazon-o to understand, kom- upper, supr-a turkey, dind-o pren-ar upright, rekt-a to turn (tr., intr.), to undertake, entra- to uproot, extirp-ar turn-ar ; (with ro- prez-ar to upset, renvers-ar tary motion), rotac- underwear, linj-o upstairs, supr-a, -e ar ; (--about, veer to. undress, des-vest- upstart, par-ven-int-o round). jir-ar ; mar urohin, bub-o, --4-0 ; (mech.), torn-ar ; to undulate (intr.),ond- (animal),heris-on-o -aside, sustrakt-ar ; if-ar, fluktu-ar ; (tr.), urgent (to be), urj-ar -up tras-ar, (hair), ond-iz-ar US, nl aruf-ar unfortunately, regret- usage, use, uz-ad-o turnio, nap-o ind-e to use, uz-ar turnspit spis-o-turn- unicorn (the fabulous useful, util-a il-o animal), unikorn-o useless, ne-util-a turquoise, turkez-o miform, uniform-a ; usher, bedel-o turtle-dove, turtur-o (n.), uniform-o usual, ordinar-a, kus- twelve o'clock (day), ;o unify, un-ig-ar tum-al-a ; uz(ad) di-mez-o at-a twilight, krepuskul-o inion, union-o ; -ur-o, twin, jemel-o --es-o ; Postal usufruct, uzufrukt-o twist, torsad-o Union,Post-Union-o, to usurp, uzurp-ar to twist (fr.),tord-ar ; postal-union-o usury (to practise), iord-e-volv-ar mique, unik-a uzur-ar two, *du init, un-o utensil, utensil-o type, tip-o ;o unite (tr.),union-ar ; utmost, extrem-a ; to typewrite, mashin- (materially), junt- maxim alta, grand-a skrib-ar ar ; (intr.), union-ar utopian, utopi-al-a, typhus, tif-o su, union-es-ar ; kimer-al-a tyrant, tiran-o juntes-ar utopbt, utopi-ist-o 180 to utter, emis-ar (also vapour, vapor-o ventricle, ventrikul-o phys. and fin.) ; ex- to varnish, varnis-iz-ar ventriloquist, ventr-o- pres-ar, pronunc-ar various, divers-a parol-er-o uvula, uvnl-o varix, varik-o venture, risk-entra- to vary (tr.), alter-ar, J prez-o ; (corn.), chanj-ar vari-ar ; pakotili-o (if.), alter-es-a.r, to venture, risk-ar chanj-ar, vnri-ar verb, verb-o (also the vase, vaz-o word) uassal, vaeal-a, --o verbal, verb-al-a ; vast, vast-a I (oral), voc-al-a, vat, knv-o parol-a vault, vult-o 1 verbatim, vort-op-a, V veal, bov-yun-karn-o 1 vort-ope vacancy, lakun-o, vedette (mil.),vedet-o, verbena, verben-o vakn-aj-o ; (leisztre), (TIUP.),veciet-batel-o verbosity, paroI- sen-okup-es-o, liber- to ,,veer (intr.. naut.), abund-o, parol-oz- tenlp-o 11r-ar es-o, ---em-es-o vacant (to be), vak-ar vegetable, legum-o ; verdant, verd-a, verd- to vacate, las-ar vakn- () 1-ejet-ant-~, aspekt-a a, ne-okup-at-a ; -1v-o verdict, verdikt-o valtu-i g-ar vegetarian, vejet-ar- verdigris, verdigris-o vacation (holid~y), ant-o, -ant-ul-o, to verify, verifik-ar vakanc-o , -ant-in-o vermicelli, vermicel-o ; to vacillate vacil-ar to vegetate, vejet-ar German-, nudl-i (lit. and iz:.) vegetation (act ou pro- 1 vermilion, cinabr-o to, vaccinate, vacin- cess), vejet(ar1)o ; versatile, van-em-a 12-ar (plantr rollt.ctiveZy), verse, liuplet-o vacuum, vaku-o vejet-ant-ar-o to versify (turn,$rose vagrant (n.), vag-er-o ; vehement, impetu-oz- into u.), vers-ig-ar ; (adj.), vag-em-a, a, ---em-a (make vevses), vers- -ant-a vehicle, veh-il-o if-ar vain (irzritless),van-a ; veil, vel-o vertebra, vertebr-o (conceited), superb-a vein, vein-o vertical, vertik-al-a to validate valjtl-ig-ar vellum, velen-o verve, verv-o valley, val-o velocipede, velocipecl-o very, *tre ; -much value, valor-o, merit- velvet, velur-o (before verb), *tre ; o ; prec-o ; to- velveteen, koton-vel- (by itself), mu1t.e evalu-ar ; (priz~), ur-o ' vesicle, vezik-et-o priz-ar vendor, vend-ist-o, vespers, vespr-i valve, valv-o (tech,, komerc-ist-o vespiary, vesp-ey-o, bot., 2001.) to venerate, vcnerac-ar vesp-o-nest-o vanguard, avan-guard- venereal, vener-al-a ; vessel, vaz-o o -ilc-a (nzrd.) to vest, vest-iz-ar to vanish, des-apar-ar ; venetian blind, jelozi-o vestibule, vestibul o (be annihilatrd cr venetian shutter, per- vestige, trac.0, (re- lost), nihil-ig-es-ar. / slen-o mains), rest-aj-o nihil-eik-ar, - perd- vengeance, venj-o I veteran, veteran-o es-ar venial, vend-a vanity, van-e,-o ; (of venom, venen-o (Zd. veterinarian veteri- perscn : empty and fiq.) nar-o pride), vanitat-o to ventilate, ventil-ar I to veto, vet-ar to vanquish, vink-ar ventral, ventr-al-a vexed (to be), despit-ar viable, viv-iv-a, viv. visionary, vizion-er-a, to wade, vad-ar (only kapabl-a --em-a ; (n.),vizion walk throztgll wotev) viaduct, viadukt-o -er-o wafer (cookery),vafl-o ; viaticum, viatik-o to visit, vizit-a! (for sealing letters). (prof. and relig.) to vitiate, VICI-iz-ar, ohlat-o to vibrate, vibr-ar korupt-ar, alter-ar wages, salari-o viburnum, vibern-o vitreous, vitr-atr-a wagon (railway), vicar, vikar-o to vitrify (tr.), vitr-ig- vagon-o (for goods vice, vici-o ar ; (antr.), vitr-esk- or persons) victim, viktim-o ar wagonette, brek-o victory, vink-o vitriol, vitriol-? wagtail, motacil-o victuals, viktuali-o vivaflous, vlv-oz-a, waif, abandon-it-o vicuna, vikun-o auim-oz-a to wail, vajis-ar to vie (intr.), rival-es- vixen, meger-o wain, chariot-o ar, lukt-ar (pri) vocabulary, vort-ar-o wainscot, panel-0,-ar- view (act), vid-o ; vocation, vok-es-o 0 (scene), vid-aj-o voice, voc-o waist (of borl,,), tay-o opinion-o ; to-, volcano, volkan-o waistcoat, jilet-o vid-ar, regard-ar, volley, salve-o to wait for, vart-ar konsider-ar volume (book), tom-o ; waiter, garson-o vigil (being awake), (geom.), volumin-o to wake (vigil),vigil-ar ; vigil-o ; (eccl.),vigi- voluntary (not cox- (cease to sleep), vek- li-o ; (religious strained) volunt-al-a ar seruice), vigili-ofici-o volunteer, voluntari-o to walk (for pleasure), vigilant, .;urvey-em-a, voluptuousness, o - promen-ar ; (not observ-em-a, atenc- upt-0 run), march-ar em-a to vomit, vom-ar wallet, ledr-o-sak-et- vignette, vinyet-o vortex, vortic-o o ; utensil-uy-o vigorous, vigor-oz-a to vote, vot-ar wall, mur-o vile, sen-valor-a ; des- to voyage, voyaj-ar walnut, nuc-o nobl-a, abjekt-a navlg-ar to waltz, vals-ar vine, vit-o to vow, vov-ar to wander, vag-ar vinegar, vinagr-o rowel, vokal-o to want (tr.), inaij-ar viol, viul-o vulgar (ntde) trivial-a (be deficieqit in); de- to violate, violac-ar vulture, vultur-n zir-ar violence (act),violent-o to war,milit-ar(kontre) (qunlrty), violent- warbler (hedge), silvi-o em-e5-o to ward (guard), gard- violet, vio!-o ; (adj.), ar defens-ar (dt3, viol-e-a kontr?) violin, vinlin-n wardship, tutel(ad)-o virgin (adj.)! virg-a ; ware, var-o (n.), virg-in-o warehouse, magazin-o virtue, vertu-o warm, varm-a virulent, virulent-a to warn (put on gltard), virus, viru.;-o avert-ar ; (notify, visa, vist-o inform), aviz-ar, in- viscera, vicer-o wad, fen-, pali-o-, vat- form-ar ; (admoaish), viscount, viskomt-(ul)n o--, filas-maset-o ; exhort-ar viscous, visk-oz-a (in gun), bur-o, felt- to warp, urd-ar vision, vid(ad)-o; (thing o-disk-o ; to-, bur- to warrant, garanti-ar seen), vid-aj-o ; (ap- iz-ar ; warrantee, garanti-ari- parition), vizion-o wadding, vat-o 0 I 82 warranter, garanti-ant- weary (o/), ted-at-a ; whey, selakt-o 0 (tiresome), ted-ant- which, qua, qui (subj.), warranty, garanti-o a ; to be weary, quan, quin (obi.) warrior, mlit-ist-o enoy-ar ; tea-es-a1 while, temp-o ; after wart, veruk-o weasel, vizel-o a-, kelka tempe wary, cirkonspekt-a weather, veter-o pose ; between -s, to wash, lav-ar weatherboard, shin- inter-tempe. dume ; to wash in lye, lesiv-ar dol-0 (cowj.),dum ke washerwoman, lavist- to weave, tex-ar to whip, flog-ar in-o to wed, niariaj-ar (tr.), to whisper (tr.), mur- wasp, vesp-o mariaj-ar su mur-ar ; susur-ar to waste, disip-ar wedge, koni-o whist, uist-o watch (i+~strztment), Wednesday, merkur- to whistle, sifl-ar horloj-et-o, posh- di-o white, blank-a horloj-o week, seman-o white lead, cernz-o to watch (spy), guat- to weep, plor-ar whiting (fish),merlan-o ar ; -over survey- weft, weft-o Whitsuntide, ar to weigh (intmns.), pentekost-o water, aqu-o pez-ar ; (t~.),pon- who (sing.)! qua ; water-cress, Itres-o der-ar (plur.), qul waterfall, aqu-o-fal-o, weight (of a thing), whole, i~itegr-a,lot-a kaskad-o pez-o wholesale, engros-a. -e waterproof (adj.), aqu- welcome (PI.), bou-ven- wholesome, salubr-a, espnlv-a o ; (adj.), bo~i-ven- (fig.), salutar-a water-spaniel, pudel-o ant-a ; -, you are-, whom, quan (object), waterspout, tromlj-o vu esas plezure a qua water-sprite, nix-o acept-at-a wick, mcch-o wave (hair, etc.), ond- welcomer, boil-ven- wicked, malign-a o ; (sea), ontl-o- ant-o wicker, ozier-o eg-o ; to-, (inlr.), to weld, weld-ar wicket, gichet o ond-if-ar, fluktu-ar well (adi.), Don-e ; -! wide, laria wavy, ond-if-ant-a, (znterj.), nu ! widow (ad?.), viclv-a ; -oz-a well, a, pute-o (n.), vidv-in-o wax, vax-o ; -candle, west, west-o wife, spoz-in-o light, buji-o ; -taper, wet, humid-a wig, peruk-o cer-G whale, balcn-o wild, sovaj-a to wax and polish, whalebone, bart-tr wild-boar, apr-



Abisini-a, Abyssinia ; -ano, Asturi-a, Asturias ; -ano, As- Abyssmian. turian. Acori (insuli), the Azores. Atlantik-a, -0, Atlantic (oceavt). Adriatik-a, Adriatic. Australi-a, Australia ; -ano, Aus- Adriatika, -0, Adriatic. tralian. Atgano, Afghan. Austri-a, Austria ; -ano, Austrian. Afganistan, Afghanistan. Azi-a, Asia ; -ano, Asiatic ; Afrik-a, Africa ; -ano, African. Avan-Azia, Asia Minor. Albani-a, Albania ; -ano, Alba- nian. Badeni-a, Duchy of Baden. Alenti (i~zszllz),Alentian (islands). Bahama, Bahama (islands). Algarvo, Algarve. I Baleari, Balearic Isles. Aljer, Algiers (the town) ; -ano, Baltik-a, -0, Baltic (sen). of Algiers. Barbados, Barbadoes. Aljeri-a, Algeria ; -ano, Algerian. Bavari-a, Bavaria ; -ano, Alpi, Alps. Bavarian. Alzaci-a, Alsace ; -ano, Alsatian. Belgi-a, Belgium. Amerik:a, America ; -an0 (a%), Belgo, Belgian. Amer~can. Beludjo, Beloochi. Anatoli-a, Anatolia. Beludjistan, Beloochistan. Andaluzi-a, Andalusia ; -ano, Bengal, Bengal. Andalusian. Berberia, Barbary. Andl, (the) Andes. Berbero, Berber. Andoro, Andorra. Bermudi. Bermudas. Angli-a, England. ~esarabia,Bessarabia. Anglo, English(man). Biskay, Biscay. Angola, Angola Blanka Monto, Mont Blanc. Anam, An(n)am ; -ano. Bohemi-a. Bohemia ; -ano, Bo- Anhalt, Anhalt. hemian: Antili, (the) Antilles. Bolivi-a, Bolivia ; -ano, Bolivian. Apenin-i, (the) Apennines. Borneo, Borneo. Arabia, Arabia. Bosni-a, Bosnia ; -ano, Bosnian. Arabo, Arab. Brabant, Brabant ; -ano, Bra- Aragon, Aragon ; -ano, of Aragon bantese. Arden-o, -i, Ardennes. Brazili-a, Brazil ; -ano, Brazilian. Argentini-a, Argentine (Republic) Bretonia, Brittany. -ano, of the Argentine. Bretono, Breton. Armeni-a, Armenia ; -ano, Britani-a, Great Britain. Armenian. Britano, a Briton. 185 Brunsvig-o, Brunswick (Duchy of) Flandr-o, Flanders ; -ano, Bukhari, Bokhara. Flemish. Bulgari-a, Bulgaria : -ano, Bul- Formoza, Formosa. garian. Francia, France. Burgundi-a, Burgundy ; -ano, Franeo, French(man). Burgundian. Frizi-a, Friesland ; -ano, Fries- Burm-a, Burmah ; -ano, Burmese. lander.

Ceylon, Ceylon ; -ano, Cingalee. Galici-a, Galicia ( A ustuia) ; -ano, Champani-a, Champagne (pvo- Galician. z~ince); -ano, of Champagne. Galile-a, GaliIee ; -ano, Galilean. Chili, Chili ; -ano, Chilian. Galisi-a, Galicia (Spain): ; -ano, Chini-a, China ; -ano, Chinese. Galician. Chipr-0, Cyprus ; -ano, Cyprian. Gailia, Gaul. Cirkasi-a, Circasia ; -ano, Cir- Gall-i, Gauls. casian. Gambia, Gambia. Gaskonia, Gascony, Dalmati-a, Dalmatia ; -ano, Gascon. Ddl matian. Gaskono, Germania, Germany. Dania, Denmark. Germano, German. Dano, (a) Dane. Glacial-a,-o, Glacial. Danubin, Danubc. Gold Coast (ocenrr), Ora Rivo. Dardaneli, Dardauclles. Gotia, Gothiand. Dominga Republiko, San Domln- Goth. go (in Havti). Goto, Grekia, Greece. Doming-ano, Don1:n:can (oi the Greka, Greek. IlepttOlic o/ Donzzlzgo). Grenland-o, Greenland : -ano, Dominika, Dominica ( Islar~d). Greenlander. Egadi (i~lsnlz),Egadcs (islaiid\., Guadelupa, Guadeloupe. Sicily). Guatemala, Guatemala. Guayana, Guiana. Egipti-a, Egypt ; -ano, Egyptian. Guinea, Guinea. Epir-o, Epirus ; -ano, Epirot. Equador, Ecuador. Eritrea, Erythrea. Haiti, Hayti. Eskipok-o, -i, Eskimos. Havayi, Hawaii. Estoni-a, Esthonia ; -ano, Es- Hebridi, Hebrides. thonian. Helveti, Helvetians. Etiopi-a, Ethiopia ; -ano, Ethio- Helvetia, Helvetia. pian, Ethiop. Hesi-a, Hesse ; -ano, llcssial~. Etruri-a, Etruria ; -ano, Etrurian Herzegovina, Herzegovina. Europ-a, Europe ; -ano, European Hinduo, Hindoo. Hispania, Spain. Fair-tero, Tisrra drl J'uego. Hispano, Spaniarcl. Falkland (itzstilr), Falltlarid Holand-o, Holland ; -ano, Ilutch (isl~izris). (man). Fernandopo (il) Fcrnan- Honduras, Honduras. tlopu. Hungari-a, Hungary ; -ano, Fidji, Fiji. Hungarian. Filipin-i, Philippines ([~i~i/s); -ano, Philippine (nzu~z). Indi-a, India ; -ano, Lndiar~. Finland-o, Finland ; -ano, Fin- Ioni-a, Ionia ( 'lsia Miliov) ; lander. -ana, Ionian, Irland-o, Ireland ; -ano, Irish Lago di quar Kantoni, Lake of the (man). Four Cantons (Switzerland). Istn-a, Istria ; -ano, Istrian. Lagos, Lagos. Itali-a, Italy ; -ano, Italian. Laponia, 1,apland. Ivora rivo, Ivory coast. Lapono, Laplander, Lapp. Jamaika, Jamaica. Leman-a,-o, Lake Leman. Japoni-a, Japan ; -ano, Japanese. Libano, Lebanon. Jav-a, Java ; -ano, Javanese. Liberi-a, Liberia ; -ano, Liberian. Jude-a, Judea ; -ano, Judean. Libi-a, Libya ; -ano, Libyan. Judo, a Jew. Liguri-a, Liguria ; -ano, Ligu- rian. Kab-lando, Cape Colony. Lituani-a, Lithuania ; -ano, Kabo de Ban-Espero, Cape of Lithuanian. Good Hope. Livoni-a, Livonia : -ano, Kaboverdo, Cap Verd. Livonian. Kalabri-a, Calabria ; -ano, Cala- Lomhardi-a, 1,ombardy ; -ano, brian. Lombard. Kalde-a, Chaldza ; -ano, Lotringi-a, Lorraine ; -an0 Chaldean. (man) of Lorraine. Kaliforni-a, California ; -ano, Luxemburgi-a, Luxemburg Californian. (Ourh?~ 01) ; -ano, Luxem- Kambodj-a, Can~bodia; -ano, burger. Cambodian. Luxemburg, Luxemburg (town) ; Kamchatka, Kamtchatka. -ano, Luxemburger Kamerun, Cameroons. Kampania, Campania, Madagaskar, Madagascar. Kanad-a, Canada ; -ano, Cana- Madeira, Madeira. dian. Makedoni-a, Macedonia ; -ano, Kanal-0, (English) Channel. Macedonian. Kanarii, Canary ( Isla??d.q). Malay o, Ma!ay. Karpati, Carpathian EIountains. Malt-a, Malta ; -ano, Maltese. Kashmir, Cashmere. Mandjuria, Manchuria. Kaspfa, Caspian (Sea). Mariani, Mariana Islands. Kastili-a, Castile ; -ano, Castilian. Marok-o, Wrorocco ; -ano, Mo- Kataluni-a, Catalonia ; -ano, roccan. Catalonian. Marquesas, 1LIarcluesas Islands. Kaukazia, Caacasia. Martinika, Martiniclue. Kaukazo, Caucasus. Maurioo, Xlauritius. Khiva, Khiva. Mayorka, RIajorca. Kolumbi-a, Co1uml)ia ; -ano, Medi-a, Media. Columblan. Med-i, Medes. Kongo-lando, Congo ; -&no, Mediterane-a, -0, &Ieclilerranean Congolese. (Sen). Kordilieri, Cordilleras. Mexiki-a, Mexico (ru1(11tvi) ; -ano, Kore-a, Korea ; -ano, Icorean. Mexican. Kornwal, Cornwall. 1 Mexiko, Mexico Ciiu ; Mexi- Korsik-a, Corsica ; -ano, Car- can. scan. Mezopotamia, Mesopotamia. Koshinchini-a, Cochin-China ; Minorka, Minorca. -ano, Cochin-Chinese. Moldavi-a, Moldavia ; -ano, Kostarika, Costa-Rica. Moldav~an. Kroati-a, Croatia ; -ano, Croatian. I Monak-o, &Ionaco; -ano, (man) Kub-a, Cuba ; -ano, Cuban. of Monaco. 187 Mongolia, Mongolia. Pomerani-a? Pomerania ; -sno, Montenegr-o, Montenegro ; -ano, Pomeranian. (man) of Montenegro. ' Porto-Riko, Porto-Rico. Moravi-a, lMoravia ; -ano, Portugal, Portugal ; -ano, Portu- Moravian. guese. Mortinta Maro, Dead Sea. Posni-a, Posen (province) ; -an0 Mozambik, Mozambique. (man) of Posen. Prezidii, Presides (islands). Natal, Natal. Principe, Principe (island). Navara, Navarre. Provenc-o, Provence (in France) ; Nederland-o, Netherlands ; -ano, -ano, Provenpl. Dutch. Prusi-a, Prussia ; -&no, Prussian. Nigeria, Xigeria. Nigra Maro, Black Sea. Quinsland-o, Queensland ; -ano, Nikaragua, Nicaragua. Queenslander. Normandia, Normandy. Normando, Norman. Reda Maro, Red Sea. Norvegi-a,, Norway ; -ano, Reunion, Reunion or Bourbon Norwegian. (island). Nova Guinea, New Guinea. Reus, Reuss. Nova Kaledonia, New Caledonia. Rheno, Rhine. Nov-Land-o, Newfoundland ; -ano, Rodezia, Rhodesia. Newfoundlander. Rokoza Monti, Rocky Mountains. Nov-Sud-Wals, New South Rumani-a, Rouniania ; -ano, Wales. Roumanian. Nov-Zelando, New Zealand. Rumeli-a, Roumelia ; -ano, Nubi-a, Nubia ; -ano, Nuhian. Roumelian. Rusia, Russia. Ruso, Russian. Oceania, Oceania. Ora Rivo, Gold Coast. Sahara, Sahara. Oranjia, Orange River Colony. Samari-a, Samaria ; -ano, Orkadi, Orkncy Islands. Samaritan. Samoa, Samoa (islands.) Paeifik-a, -0, Pacific (Ocean). San Domingo, San Domingo. Palatenio, Palatinate. San-Gall, Sain Gall. Palestina, Palestine. San-Marino, San Marino. Panama, Panama. San-Salvador, San Salvador. Paraguay, Paraguay. San-Thome, San Thomas (island). Partia, Parthia. Sant-Helena, Saint Helena. Parto, Parthian. Sardini-a, Sardinia ; -ano, Patagonia, Patagonia. Sardinian. Persia, Persia. Sarmatia, Sarmatia. Perso, Persian. Sarmato, Sarmatian. Peru, Pern ; -ano, Peruvian. Savoy-a, Savoy ; -ano, (man) of Piemont, Piedmont ; -ano, Pied- Savoy. montese. Saxonia, Saxony. Pikardia, Picardy. Saxono, Saxon. Pirenei. Pvrenees. Senegal, Senegal ; -ano, Sene- ~olinezia,*~olynesia ; -ano, galese. Polynesian. Serbi-a, Serbia ; -ano, Serbian. Polonia, Poland, Siam, Siam ; -ano, Siamese. Polono, Pole. Siberi-a, Siberia ; -ano, Siberian. Sieili-a, Sicily ; -ano, Sicilian. / Transilvani-a, Transylvania ; Sierra-Leone, Sierra Leone. 1 -ano, Transylvanian. Silezi-a, Silfsia ; -ano, Silesian. Transval, Transvaal ; -an0 (man) Siri-a, Syria ; -ano, Syrian. I of the Transvaal. Skandinavi-a, Scandina.via ; Trinidad, Trinidad. -ano, Scandinavian. I Tripolis, Tripoli (towgz). Skita, Scythia. Tripolit-o, Tripoli (coulztry); -ano, Skitio, Scpthian. Tripolitan. Skotia, Scotland. Tunis, Tunis (town). Skoto, Scotch(man), Scot. Tunizi-a, Tunis [prov~nce); -ano, Slavonia, Slavonia. 1 Tunisian. Somal-o, -i, Somali . I Turkestan, Turkestan. Somali-lando, Somaliland. , Turkia, Turkey. Sporadi, Sporades (islamis). Turko, Turk. Stiri-a, Styria ; -ano, Styrian. Turingi-a, Thuringia ; -ano, Suabi-a, Swabia ; -ano, Swabian Thuringian. Sudan, Soudan ; -ano, Souda.nese Suedi-a, Sweden. Ural-o, -i, Ural (vrv., nzouv~t.). Suedo, Swedish. Uruguay, Urnguap. Suisi-a, Switzerland ; -ano, Usa, t United States of N.A. ; Swiss. Usano, Yankee, American. Sumatra, Sumatra. Surinam, Surinam (Dutch Guiana). Valaki-a, \qTalachia ; -ano, Wala- chian. Tartarla, Tartary. Venezuel-a, Venezuela ; -ano, Tartaro, Tartar. Venezuelan. Tasmani-a, Tasmania ; -ano, Vestfali-a, Westphalia ; -ano, Tasmanian. Westphalian. Tesali-a, Thessaly ; -am, Thes- Viktoria, Victoria (Australia). salian. Vogesi, Vosges (mo~dntains). Tibet, Tibet, Thibet ; -ano, Volini-a, Volhynia ; -ano, Thibetarl. Volhynian. Tirol, Tyrol ; -ano, Tyrolese. Togo, Togo ('Cogoland). I Wurtemberg, Wurtemberg ; Tonga, Tonga (zsla?zds). 1 -ano, bvurtemberger. Tonkin, Tonquin ; -an0 (man) of Touquin. Zanzibar, Zan~ibar. Toskania, Tuscany. Zulu-land, Zululand. TosKano, Tuscan. Zuluo, Zulu. Trakia, Thrace. ------Trako, Thracian. t U.S.A. ENGLISH-I DO.*

Abyssinia, Abisinia. Austria, Austria. Abyssinian, Abisiniano. Austrian, A~~striano. Adriatic, Adriatik-a, .o. Asia, Azin. Afghan, Afgano. Asia Minor, Avan Azia. Afghanistan, Afganistan. Asiatic, Aliano. Africa, Afrika. African, Afrikano. Baden (1)11rRv of), Badenia. Albania, Albania. Bahama (zsl(o~ds),Baliama. Albanian, Albaniano. Balearie Isles, Raleari. Alentian (islattds), Alenti (insuli). Baltic (sfrc), Eallili-a, -0. Algarve (irz Povt~rpal),Algarvo. Barbadoes, Rnrbarlos. Algeria, Al jeria. Barbary, Rerberia. Algerian (man), A1 jeiiano. Bavaria, Bavaria. Algiers (the towrz), Aljer. Bavarian, Bal-ariano. Alps, Alpi. Belgian, Belgiano. Alsace, Alsaco. Belgium, Belgia. Alsatian, Alsacano. Beloochi, Reludjo. America, Amerika. Beloochistan, Beludjistan. American (an), Amerikano. Bengal, Bengal. Anatolia, Anatolia. Berber, Brrbero. Andalusla, Andaluzia. Bermudas, Bermudi. Andaluslan, Andaluziano. Bessarabia, Besarabia. Andes (the), Ancli. Black Sea, Nigra Maro. Andorra, Andoro. Biscay, Biskay. Angola, Angola. Bohemia, Bohemia. Anhalt, Anhalt. Bohemian, Rohemiano. An(n)am, Anam ; Anam-ano. Bokhards, Bukhari. Antilles (the), Antili. Bolivia, Bolivia. Apennines (the), Apenini. Bolivian, Boliviano. Arab, Arabo. Borneo, Borneo. Arabia, Arabia. Bosnia, Bosnia. Aragon, Aragon ; Aragon-nno. Bosnian, Bosniano. Ardennes, Arden-o, -i. Brabant, Rrabant. Argentine (Rel)ul,lic), Arjcntinia, Brabantese, Brabant ano. Arjentiniano. Brazil, Brazilia, Armenia, Armenia. Brazilian, Braziliano. Armenian, ilrmeniano. Breton, Bretono. Asturias, Asturia, Asturianc, Great Britain, Eritania. Atlantic (or-rat?),Atlantik-a, -0. Briton (a), Britano. Australia, Anstralia. Brittany, Bretonia. Australian, Australiano. Brunswick (Dzrchv 01). Brunsvigo.

'La nomi di la urbi, fluvii, x~ronti, ex., qui ne trovesas en ica vortaro, havas l'ortografio uzata en la landi originala. Ex. : London, Paris, Koma, Bn~xolles, Labrador, Quebec, Mcnton, Jcrrcy, Simplon, Setnc, SaBnr, Thamea, tic. 190 Bulgaria, Bulgaria. Corsican, Korsikano. Bulgarian, Bulgariano. Courland, Kurlando. Burgundian, Burgundiano. Costa Rica, Kostarika. Burgundy, Burgundia. Croatia, Kroatia. Burmah, Burma. Crotian, Kroatiano. Burmese, Rurmano. I Cuba, Kuha. Cuban, Kubano. Calabria, Kalabria. , Cyprus, Chipro. Calabrian, Kalabriano. 1 Cyprian, Chiprano. California, Kalifornia. Californian, Kaliforniano. Dalmatia, Dalmatia. Cambodia, Kambodja. Dalmatian, Dalmatiano. Cambodian, Kamhodjano. Dane (a), Dano. Cameroons, Kamerun. I Danube, Danubio. Campania, Kampania.. Dardanelles, Dardaneli. Canada, Kanado. Dead Sea, blortinta Rlaro. Canadian, Kanadano. Denmark, Dania. Canary ( Isla~zds),Kanarii. Dominican (of tkr h'uprtblic of Cape Colony, Kab-lando. Donzilz$o), Domingano. Cape of Good Hope, K~l)odi / Domingo (San), Dominga Rc- Ron-Espero. , publiko (in Hnyti) Cape Verd, Kaboverdo. Dominica ( Tslnr~d), Dominilta Carpathian Mountains, Karpati. Dutchman, Holanclano Cashmere, Kashmir. Caspian (Sen), Kaspia. Ecuador, Equador Castile, Kastilia. Egades (isln,7d$, .Sici(~,),Egadi Castilian, Kastiliano. I (insuli) Catalonia, Katalunia. Egypt, Egiptia Catalonian, Kataluniano. Egyptian, Egiptiano Caucasia, Kaukazia. Epirot, Epirano Caucasus, Kaukazrt. Epirus, Epiro. Ceylon, Cevlon. Erythrea, Eritrea. Chaldea, Kaldea. Eskimos, Eskimok-o, -i. Chaldean, Kaldeano. Esthonia, Estonia. Champagne (provi~?~:~),Cham- Esthonian, Estoniatlo. pania, Chan~paniano. Ethiopia, Etiopia. Channel (E~flish),Iianalo. Ethopian, Ethiop, Etiopiann. Chili, Chili. Etruria, Etruria. Chilian, Chiliano. Etrurian, Etrurians. China, Chinia. Europe, Europa. Chinese, Chiniano. European, Europano. Cingalee, Ceylonano. Circasia, Cirkasia. Falkland ( Islnr~d,$), Fa! kland Circasian, Cirkasiano. (insnli). Cochin-China, Koshinchinia. Fernandopo, Fernandopo (insnli). Cochin Chinese, Koshinchiniano. Fiji, Fiji. Columbia, Kolumbia. Finland, Finlando. Columbian, Kolumbiano. Finlander, Finlandano. Congo, Kongo-lando. Flanders, Flanaro. Congolese, Kongo-iandano. Flemish, Flandrano. Cordilleras, Kordilieri. Formosa, Formoza. Cornwall, Kornwal. France, Francia. Corsica, Korsika. French(man), Franco. 191 Friesland, Frizia. Jamaica, Jamaika. Frieslander, Friziano. 1 Japan, Japonia. Japanese, Japoniano. Gaiicia ( '1 rlstr in), Galicia. Java, Java. Gaiician, Galiciano. Javanese, Javano. Galicia (Spain), Galisia. Judea, J udea. Galician, Galisian. Judean, Judeano. Galilee, Galilea. Jew (n), Juilo. Galilean, Galileano. Gallea, Gallia. Lagos, Lagos. Gambia, Gambia. Lake Leman, Leman-a, -0. Gascon, Gaskono. Lake of the four Cantons (Switcev- Gascony, Gaskonia. Innd), Lago di quar Kantoni. Gaul, Gallfa. Lapland, Laponia. Gauls, Galli. Laplander, Laponiano. German, Germano. Lebanon, Libano. Germany, Germania. Liberia, Liberia. Glacial (ocecz~),Glacial-a, -0. Liberian, Liberiano. Goth, Goto. Libya, Libia. Gothia, Gotia. Libyan, Libiano. Greece, Grekia. Liguria, Liguria. Greek, Greko. Ligurian, Liguriano. Greenland, Grenlando. Lithuania, Lituania. Greenlander, Grenlandano. Lithuanian, Lituaniano. Guadeloupe, Gaadelupa. Livonia, Livonia. Guatemala, Guatemala. Livonian, Livoniano. Guiana, Guayana. Lombard, Lombardiano. Guinea, Guinea. Lombardy, Lombardia. Lorraine, Lotringia, Loiringiano. Luxemburg, (town), Luxemburg, Hayti, Haiti. Luxemburgano. Hawaii, Havayi. (Duchy Luxem- Hebrides, Hebridi. Luxemburg o!), 1 burgia. Helvetia, Helvetia. Luxemburgiano. Helvetians, Helveti. 1 Luxemburger, Hesia. Hesse, Madagascar, Madagaskar. Hessian, Hesiano. Macedonia, Makedonia. Herzegovina, Herzegovina. I! Macedonian, Makedoniano. Hindoo, Hinduo. Madeira, Madeira. Holland, Holando. Malay, Malayo. Honduras, Honduras. Malta, Malta. Hungarian, Hungariano. Maltese, Maltano. Hungary, Hungaria. Manchuria, Mandjuria. 1 Mariana Islands, Mariani. India, India. Marquesas Islands, Marquesas. Indian, Indiano. Martinique, Martinika. Ionia, ( .4sia Minov), Ionia. I Mauritius, Maurico. Ireland, Irlando. Mayorca, Mayorka. Irish(man), Irlandano. Media, Media. Istria, Istria. Medes, Medi. Istrian, Tstriano. Mediterranean (Sen), Meditera- Italian, Italiano. ne-a, -0. Ivory Coast, Ivora Rivo. Mesopotamia, Mezopotamia. 192 Mexico (country), Mexikia. Poland, Polonia. Mexican, Mexikiano. Pole, Polono. Mexico City, Mexiko. Polynesia, Polinezia. Mexican, Mexikano. Polynesian, Polineziano. Minorca, Minorka. Pomerania, Pomerania. Moldavia, hloldavia. Pomeranian, Pomeraniano. Moldavian, Moldaviano. Porto-Rico, Porto-Riko. Monaco, Monako, Monakano. Portugal, Portugal. Mongolia, Mongolia. Portuguese, Portugalano. Montenegro, Montenegro, Mon- Posen, (p~ovince),Posnia, Pos- ienegrano. niano. Horavia, Moravia. Presides (islands), Prezidii. Moravian, Moraviano. Principe (island), Principe. Morocco, Maroko. Provencal, Provencano. Moroccan, Marokano. Provence (in Fva~zc~),Provenco. Prussia, Prusia. Natal, Natal. Prussian. Prusiano. Navarre, Navara. Netherlands, Nederlando. Queensiand, Quinslando. New Caledonia, Nova Kaledonia. Queenslander, Quinslandano. Nicaragua, Nikaragua. Nigeria, Nigeria. Norman, Normando. I Red Sea, Reda Maro. Normandy, Normandia. Reunion or Bourbon (island).Re- Norway, Norvegia. union. Norwegian, Norvegiano. Reuss, Reus. Nubia, Nubia. Rhine, Rheno. Nubian, Nubiano. Rhodesia, Rhodezia. Newfoundland, Novlando. Rocky Mountains, Rokoza Monti. Newfoundlander, Novlandano. Roumania, Rumania. New Gulnea, Nova Guinea. Roumanian, Rumaniano. New South Wales, Nov-Sud-Wals. Roumelia, Rumelia. New Zealand, Nova Zelando. Roumelian, Rumeliano. Russia, Rusia. Oceania, Oceania. Russian, Rusiano. Orange River Colony, Oranjia. Orkney Islands, Orkadi. Sahara, Sahara. Samaria, Samaria. Pacific (Ocean), Pacifik-a, -0. Samaritan, Samariano. Palatinate, Palatenio. Samoa (zslarrds), Samoa. Palestine, Palestina. Saint Gall, San-Gall. Panama, Panama. Saint Helena, Sant Helena. Parazuay, Paraguay. San Domingo, San Domingo. Parthia, Partia. San Marino, San Marino. Parthian, Partiano. San Salvador, San Salvador. Patagonia, Patagonia. San Thomas (~sland),San Thome. Patagonian, Patagoniano. Sardinia, Sardinia. Peru, Peru. Sardinian, Sardiniano. Peruvian, Peruano. Sarmatia, Sarmatia. Philippines (islands), Filipini. Sarmatian, Sarmato. Philippine (man), Filipinano. Savoy, Savoya, Savopano. Piedmont, Piemont. Saxon, Saxono. Piedmontese, Piemontano. Saxony, Saxonia. 193 Scandinavia, Skandinavia, Skan- Thracian, Trako. dinaviano. Thuringia, Turingia. Scotland, Scotia. Togo (Togoland), Togo. Scotch(man), Scot, Skoto. Tonga (islands). Tonga. Scythia, Skitia. ~oniuin,~onkino, yonkinano. Scythian, Skito. Transylvania, Transilvania. Senegal, Senegal. Transylvanian, Transilvaniano. Senegalese, Senegalano. Transvaal. Transvalo, Transval- Serbia, Serbia. ano. Serbian, Serbiano. Trinidad, Trinidad. Siam, Siam. Tripoli, (tow~z),Tripolis. Siamese, Siamano. Tripoli (co~cvtrv), Tripolito. Siberia, Siberia. Tripolitan, Tripolitano. Siberian, Siberiano. Tunis (tow?), Tunis. Sicily, Sicilia. Tunis (Prm~i~ice),Tunizia. Sicilian, Siciliano. Tunisian, Tuniziano. Sierra Leone, Sierra 1.eone. Turk, Turko. Silesia, Silezia. Turkestan, Turkcst an. Silesisn, Sileziano. Turkey, Turkia. Slavonia, Slavonin. Tuscan, Toskano. Somali, Sornalo, -i. Tuscany, Toskania. Somaliland, Somali-lando Tyrol, Tirolo. Soudan, Sudan. Tyrolese, Tirolano. Soudanese, Sudrtnario. Sporades (zslnr~N'c),Spirradi. Ural (riv., moziwt.), TTral-o,-i. Styria, Stiria. Uruguay, Uruguay. Styrian, Stirinno. United States of N.A., U.S.A., Sumatra, Sumatra. Usa: Usano ( Yn~?kee.<-I uneri- Surinam (Dutch G~richi?n),Suri- can). nam. Swabia, Suahia. Swabian. Suabiano. Venezuela, Venezuela. Venezuelan, Venezuelano. Sweden,. Suedia, Victoria, (Aztstralin), Viktoria. Swedish, Suedo. Volhynia, Volinia. Swiss, Suisiano. Switzerland, Si~isia. Volhynian, S'oliniano. Vosges (nzorintair7~),Vogesi Syria, Siria. Syrian, Sirinno. Waiachia, T'alakia. Tartar, Tartaro. Waiachian, Valakiano. Tartary, Tartaria. Westphalia, Vestfalia. Tasmania, Tasmania. Westphallan, Vestialiano. Tasmanian, Tasnlaniano. Wurtemberg, Wurtemberg. Thessaly, Tesalia. Wurtamberger, \Viirteml>ergano. Thessalian, Tesaliano. Thibet, Tibet, Tibet. Zanzibar, Zanzi1,ar. Thibetan, Tihet ano. Zulu, Zuluo. Thrace, Tralria. Zululand, Zul ul and.