The President's News Conference with Prime Minister Sali Berisha Of
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June 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 The President’s News Conference With Prime Minister Sali Berisha of Albania in Tirana, Albania June 10, 2007 Prime Minister Berisha. Honorable Mr. powerful support of the U.S.A., the greatest President Bush, honorable close collabo- and the most precious friend of Albanian rators of Mr. President Bush, ladies and nation. God bless your great Nation. gentlemen: Today is a beautiful day. Today At the beginning of last century, Presi- is a great day, historic for all Albanians. dent Wilson did not allow the partition of Among us is the greatest and most distin- the newly proclaimed Albanian inde- guished guest we have ever had in all pendent state. The U.S.A. recognized Alba- times: the President of the United States— nia 85 years ago. Your visit on this anniver- [inaudible]—George W. Bush; his lady, sary is its most beautiful crown, is the cli- Mrs. Laura Bush; and their close aides. For max of excellent, friendly relations between me, it’s a great honor and a special pleasure our two countries. to thank them with gratitude and extend Afterwards, President Truman made big the most heartfelt welcome in this historic efforts to free Albanians from their Orwell- visit, the first visit ever of a United States ian dictatorship. At the outset of the nine- President in Albania. ties, President George Herbert Bush and Thank you heartily, Mr. President, from his administration provided an exceptional the bottom of our hearts, fulfilling ardent contribution to the fall of Berlin Wall, but and long-awaited wish of all Albanians to the fall of this wall in Tirana as well, open- have a special guest in their home. ing the doors of freedom for Albanians. Tungjatjeta, an Albanian word, means ‘‘May President Bill Clinton led the North At- you have a long life.’’ This is a most tradi- lantic Alliance in the fight for Kosovo lib- tional greeting of Albanians that I chose eration from the barbarian occupation. And to greet you on their behalf, on behalf of today, Kosovo citizens find in you and your Albanians. Welcome to Albania, President administration, Mr. President, the greatest Bush. hope and support for their project of a Mr. President, you are today an honor- free, independent, and integrated state in able guest and friend of a nation whose Europe. gratefulness and friendship towards your Centuries ago, until our present days, great Nation and your country have been hundreds and thousands of Albanians mi- deeply embodied in the historic memory grated to your great country. They are loyal and in the conscience of its citizens. No and honorable citizens of the United States other nation in the region or in Europe who have always loved and still love the has ever gone through so much suffering, nation and the country of origin. They ethnic cleansing, racism, partitions, occupa- have—[inaudible]—a lot; they have kept a tions, and severe dictatorships as we Alba- life of hope and freedom for Albanians al- nians have. History was unjust and very ways on. severe to us. In your presence, I’d like today to extend We have been blessed, however. We the most cordial greetings and my deepest have won in all our efforts to defend our gratitude. The friendly feelings towards identity in Western-oriented national voca- the—your Nation and your great country, tion to emerge from the age of oppression the proud Americanism of Albanians are to the age of dignity, from the age of dark- indeed a matter of their national pride. Al- ness to the age of freedom. We have won banians are very proud about the friendship because our just cause has always had the with the U.S.A. and the cooperation they 720 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00720 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.023 214691 Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 / June 10 have with your nation in the war against other reforms launched by my Government international terrorism, of their presence on and their results in strengthening the rule your side in Iraq, Afghanistan. I assure you of law, the zero-tolerance fight against orga- that they will be on your side wherever nized crime, the valuable assistance that their modest, but resolute contribution is law enforcement agencies from the United needed against international terrorism, this States and other friendly countries are pro- most dangerous enemy of free people. viding to this end. We talked about the Above all, Albanians feel proud of their fight against corruption and the much-ex- friendship with your nation because we pected assistance that a series of projects share the values and the principles of free- funded by the Millennium Challenge Ac- dom and market-oriented democracy. In count related to e-taxes, e-procurement, this road, they have received an exceptional and one-stop shop offer in this regard and overall political, economic, financial, and other reforms in the judicial system, police, technical assistance provided—military— education, et cetera. provided by the U.S. and the EU countries I briefed President Bush on the signifi- and other friendly countries, for which we cant reforms that we are undertaking in remain truly, always grateful. the view of turning Albania into a very at- Sixteen years ago, Secretary James Baker tractive country for U.S.A. and the foreign brought to Albanians the message from the investors—other foreign investors. We hope country of freedom, ‘‘Freedom works.’’ that this visit will encourage others. Today, after 16 years, I can say that despite A special place was the question of Alba- the hardships of our country, experienced nia’s membership into NATO as the main by our country, freedom for Albanians has priority of Albania. In this regard, we have worked more than any other nation. Alba- decided to increase our defense budget to nia, a country of denied freedoms and 2 percent of GDP, to triple our presence human rights, banned the Constitution, a in Afghanistan, and implement with seri- country of hypercollectivization and true ousness the requirements of the ninth MAP human slavery and the most extreme isola- cycle. In addition, let me mention that 90 tion, today is the country of political, eco- percent of Albanians support Albania’s nomic, consolidated pluralism, of excellent membership to NATO. The support of religious tolerance, of functioning, working President Bush and his administration is democracy. It is the country with a fast of a vital importance to Albania for mem- economic growth, with the private sector bership into NATO as the most secure fu- accounting for 80 percent of GDP. And ture. the income per capita have increased 20 We discussed about the situation in the times more. region. After this press conference, we’ll Albania is the country that signed and continue the discussion in the framework is implementing successfully their stabiliza- of Adriatic Charter, A–3, with the very tion association agreement with the EU and good friends of Albania, the Prime Minister received the message from Riga summit on of Croatia, Ivo Sanader, and Prime Minister the possibility of receiving an invitation for of Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski. NATO membership. It is a country that Special attention in our discussion was welcomes today the President of the United given to solution of the final status of States of America, George W. Bush. God Kosovo in compliance with the proposal of bless Albanians. President Ahtisaari for its independence as Ladies and gentlemen, in our talks with a—gradual independence as a precondition President Bush, we have discussed our ex- for stability and peace in the region. cellent, friendly bilateral relations and their Ladies and gentlemen, in December further development. I informed him of 1990, students and citizens in Tirana took 721 15 2010 15:52 Feb 25, 2011 Jkt 214691 PO 00000 Frm 00721 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\214691.023 214691 June 10 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 to the streets and the squares with—shout- I appreciate the fact that Albania is a ing, ‘‘U.S.A., long live President Bush.’’ We model of religious tolerance. And I appre- want Albania like the rest of Europe. Presi- ciate the fact that Albania is a trusted dent Bush visit Albania in 1994—2004 and friend and a strong ally. And this visit 2006, and Mr. Jimmy Carter before. And today, hopefully, will send the signal to the after this visit, Mr. President, our country people of Albania: You can count on Amer- will be visited by other Presidents of the ica, just like America can count on you, United States. But in their memory of Al- to do hard work necessary to spread free- banian citizens, the great honor that you dom and, therefore, peace. made to them with your first visit of a We discussed a lot of issues. We dis- United States President in office in Albania. cussed Iraq and Afghanistan. I thank the Thank you very much, Mr. President Prime Minister and his Government for Bush, great friend of Albanian nation, of putting troops in harm’s way. Albanians my nation. know the horror of tyranny, and so they’re President Bush. Miredita. [Laughter] working to bring the hope of freedom to Thank you for having me. Prime Minister, people who haven’t known it. And that’s thank you for your hospitality. I thank the a noble effort and a sacrifice, and I appre- President for his hospitality as well. ciate your sacrifice. Albania now has 120 of its elite com- I am proud to be the first American sit- mandos stationed in Iraq.