Annual Report 1978

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Annual Report 1978 Den norske stats oljeselskap a.slAnnual report and accounts 1978 StotalI ~1 i-i~fl iii..•uuIIIaIIIiiiiit Table of contents Page 3 The Board of Directors, Page 26 Recommendation from the The Auditor Company Assembly, The Company Assembly Auditor’s Report Page 5 Highlights Page 28 More about Exploration Page 7 Projects Activities Page 8 Report from the Board Page 30 Drilling on Norwegian of Directors Continental Shelf Page 19 Statement of profit and Page 31 The Articles of Association loss for 1978 Page 32 Survey of Statoil interests Page 20 Balance sheet as of in licenses allocated as of 31 December1978 1 Jan. 1979 Page 22 Comments to financial Page 33 Survey of the Norwegian statements continental shelf south of Page 25 Source and application the 62nd parallel of funds Page 34 Administration Sta toil’s new offices at Forus in Stay anger can accommodate about 500. The staff began to move in at the end of 1978 and the beginning of 1979. Den norske stats oljeselskap a.s The Board of Directors Company Assembly Director Finn Lied, chairman Editor Egil Aarvik, chairman Professor Ole Myrvoll, vice-chairman Managing Director Ronald Bye, vice-chairman Trade Union Treasurer Thor Andreassen Trade Union Secretary Odd Bakkejord District Governor Einar H. Moxnes Advisor Bodil Bjartnes Manager of the Secretariat Ottar Vollan Director Egil Flaatin Engineer Trond Bolstad Lord Mayor Arne Rettedal Engineer Erling Haug Construction Worker Harald Schjetne Teacher Grethe Westergaard-Bjørlo Alternate members Engineer Knut Helle Professor H. J. A. Kreyberg Engineer Amund Sommerfeldt Housewife Gerd Schanche Dr. ing. Atle A. Thunes Geophysicist Tore Sund Engineer Egil Tveit Secretary Ase Gjerdsjø Economist Magne Hovda Alternate members M.Sc. Øystein Mundheim Trade Union Secretary Evy Buverud Pedersen Director of Finance Johannes Andreassen District Governor Alv Jakob Fostervoll Auditor Geologist Arne Lervik Certified Public Accountant Geologist Klaus Lien Karl-Johan Endresen, Stavanger Comptroller Hávard Berge Advisor Njál Gjedrem Personnel Training Worker Arnlaug Standal Geologist Stig Bergseth / / Nil N ~.I ,_ni ~ Statoil revenue Statoil investments Royalty oil Petrochemical products Exploration R Petroleum derivated industry Other crude oil Production and and gas Other revenue transportation Other investments Refine~i products Mill. N. kr. Mill. 2000 2000 1500 1500 II 1::: I I 1974 1975 1976 II1977 1978 1974 II • 1978 09 f~r Assets Liabilities and Shareholder’s equity Mill. N. kr. Mill. 7000 7000 Cash and short-term deposits Current liabilities 6000 6000 Inventories and short-term Long-term debt receivables 5000 5000 Long-term receivables Shareholder’s equity and investments 4000 4000 Fixed assets 3000 3000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1978 1978 Highlights Amounts in millions of 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 Sales 2001,3 1685,9 1298,3 382,3 98,2 Salaries and social costs 76,8 55,3 36,5 20,1 8,0 Depreciation 132,8 47,0 32,8 1,1 0,3 Financial expenditures 88,0 35,6 —4,8 7,9 7,0 Financial result —193,9 —112,1 —134,2 —62,2 —29,0 Investments 2046,1 1718,6 1889,8 933,1 64,5 Total assets 7794,5 5554,8 3660,9 1491,6 502,9 Share capital issued as of 31 Dec. 2733,5 1851,5 1551,5 755,0 305,0 Number of employees as of 31 Dec. 607 506 401 244 118 U \ ~L 4~4 I’. Projects Activity Company/license Operator Location Statoil Type of share activity Exploration Prod. license 038 Statoil Blocks 6/3, 15/11, 15/12 50 % Drilling Prod. license 044 Statoil Block 1/9 50 % Drilling Prod. license 045 Statoil Blocks 24/11, 24/12 50 % Drilling Prod. license 046 Statoil Blocks 15/8, 15/9 50 % Drilling Prod. license 050 Statoil Block 34110 85 % Drilling Production and Statfjord Prod. license 037 Mobil Blocks 33/9, 33/12 50 % Oil/gas Transportation Murchison Prod. licenseo37 Conoco Block33/12 50% Oil/gas Frigg Prod. license 024 Elf Block 25/1 5 % Gas production Heimdal Prod. license 036 Elf Block 25/4 40 % Gas discovery Norpipe a.s Separate adm. Stavanger 50 % Pipelines Norpipe Petroleum UK Ltd. Separate adm. Teesside 50 % OiIINGL terminal Statfjord Transport a.s & Co. Statoil Stavanger 44.4423 % Crude oil transportation Refining and Rafinor A/S & Co. Separate adm. Mongstad 30 % Refinery Marketing Norsk Olje a.s Separate adm. Oslo 15 % Marketing I/S Noretyl Norsk Hydro Bamble 33 % Petrochemicals IIS Norpoif in Saga Petrokjemi Bamble 33 1/3 % Petrochemicals Service Company A/S Coast Center Base Separate adm. Sotra 50 % Supply base Ltd. &Co. From production testing of the first well on block 34/10, in August of 1978. Report of the Board of Directors These investments will start to gene Fig. 1 Number of wells spudded on the rate income in the years ahead. Stat- Norwegian continental shelf in 1978 oil’s financial result for 1978 was a (Exploration and delineation wells) loss of 194 million kroner. Statoil . operator Other At the end of the year Statoil had 607 Statoil employees. ownership 30 Exploration Statoil’s operative involvement in con 25 nection with exploratory activities on the Norwegian shelf has steadily In ,~. creased since the company completed the first drilling operation in 1975. 20 (Fig. 1). In 1978 Statoil started dril ling of 7 wells on blocks where the III 15 company is operator. The drilling rig Statfjord A with the flotels “Ross Rig”, which Statoil has chart Polymariner and Nortrym. ered for a five-year period, has been in continuous operation throughout liii 10 Main features of the the year. operations Statoil is operator for exploration and liii During 1978 Statoil has expanded its possible development and regular activities on the Norwegian conti operation on block 34110 and has dril nental shelf. The company commen led 2 wells in the block during 1978. 1974 liii1975 1976 1977 1978 ced drilling of 7 exploration wells as In both wells hydrocarbons were found, operator and had during the summer but additional drilling is necessary be season 3 drilling rigs in operation. fore an accurate assessment can be made of the reserves and the pos A production license for block 34110 sibility of development. which is located southeast of the Statfjord field, was awarded to Statoil, In addition to the wells in block 34/10, Norsk Hydro and Saga Petroleum in Statoil as operator has drilled wells June. During drilling of the first two in the blocks 119, 15/9 and 24112. In wells, hydrocarbons have been found. 119, hydrocarbons were found in the Statoil is operator. northern part of the block. The drilling operations on 1/9 have been com Development of the Statfjord field pleted, but further studies of technical continues. Construction of the B plat and economic data are necessary in form commenced in February 1978 at order to evaluate a possible devel Hinnavãgen in Stavanger. The con opment. In 15/9 hydrocarbons were crete structure will be the largest ever found in a structure where discoveries built in Norway. have also previously been made. A possible decision regarding develop The contract for construction and as ment cannot be made until additional sembly of the steel deck for Stat- wells have been drilled. fjord B was signed in October. The value of the deck contract is estimated A total of 11 wells have been dril at 1.6 billion kroner. led during 1978 in blocks where Stat- oil has ownership interests. In blocks On Statfjord A, drilling of the first pro 15/5 and 30/7, where Statoil has a duction well commenced in November, 50% participation, hydrocarbons have signalling the start of the last im been found, but here, too, additional portant phase before the platform is wells will have to be drilled in order ready for production. to determine the size of the reserves. The Norwegian pipeline from the Frigg The Ministry of Oil and Energy has field to Scotland came on stream in offered 15 blocks in the fourth lic August. All installations on the Frigg ensing round. The first awards will field, where Statoil owns 5% of the take place in 1979. In the course of 1. Geologist Jakob Bleie, Manager of Norwegian part, are now in operation. the preparatory work, Statoil has map the Exploration Department, famili ped and evaluated all the blocks. arizes the Sta toil management with In the summer of 1978 Noretyl’s ethy exploration activities. lene plant came into ordinary ope Statoil, Norsk Hydro and Saga Petro ration. The development of the petro leum coordinate their activities north 2. Significant parts of the Statfjord A chemical complex at Bamble is now of 62° through Operator Committee single point mooring buoy have been approaching completion. North. Statoil has mapped explora built by Kv~rner Brug AIS, in Egersund. tion areas of interest and prepared it Statoil’s capital expenditures during self for the possibility of starting dril 3. The single point mooring buoy was 1978 came to 2046 million kroner, of ling operations north of 62°N in 1980. towed out in August of 1978 and which the development of the Statfjord The company has proposed to the placed on the sea bed, two kilometers field accounted for 1503 million kroner. Government a contingency plan for from the Statfjord A platform. 8 0 ~•• these areas and carried out extensive testing of equipment for protection against oil pollution. Production and I transportation Statfjord ~ Development of the Statfjord field has been in progress since the autumn of 1974. The field straddles the border line between Norway and the UK. Statoil has 50% of the ownership interests in the Norwegian part of the reservoir.
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    '73t!2l!inin(J 1961-1962 DET NORSKE ARBEIDERPARTI \ DET NORSKE ARBEIDERPARTI BERETNING 1961-1962 UTARBEIDET VED PARTIKONTORET AKTIETRYKKERIET - OSLO 1963 Innhold. Side lnnledning . 7 Landsmøtet 1961 . 11 Sentralstyret . 12 Sentralstyrets faste utvalg . 12 Landsstyret . 14 Landsstyrets møter . 15 Partikontoret . 17 Partiets representasjon i styrer og komiteer . 17 Årsmøter i distriktsorganisasjonene . 19 75-årsjubileet . 20 Fonds og stipend . 22 Arbeiderpartiets støttefond . 22 Oscar Torps minnefond . 23 Conrad Mohrs legat og Chr. Holtermann Knudsens stipend . 23 Minnesmerke over Olav Oksvik . 23 Jubileumsfondet . 23 Utvalg og komiteer . 23 Debattorgan . 23 Finansiering av trygdene . 23 Valgloven . 24 Prisutvalg . 24 Komite for Sør-Afrika . 24 Industriutvalg . 24 Forhandlingsutvalg med sekretærene . 24 Skoleutvalg . 25 Radioprogram - kommunevalget . 25 Politisk program til valgkampen . 25 Grunnsyn og retningslinjer . 25 Oslo/Akershus-komiteen . 25 Politisk program . 26 Internasjonalt samarbeid . 27 Den sosialistiske internasjonale . 27 Fellesmarkedet . 27 Internasjonale kurs . 28 Internasjonalens Afrika-delegasjon . 28 Tyskland . 28 Storbritannia . 28 Nederland . 28 3 Side Danmark .................. ... ..... ....... ...... ..................... 28 Frankrike . 28 Det polske partiet . 28 Italia . 29 Internasjonalens byrå- og rådsmøte i juni 1962 . 29 Nordisk samarbeid . 29 Fellesmarkedet . .. 30 Organisasjonsarbeidet . 33 Vervekampanje . 33 Organisasjonskomite . 33 Håndbok ...... .... ... ...... ... .............................. .......
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