
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 10/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 345 - Dezember 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, Dort stehen eine junge Schauspie- liebe Filmfreunde! lerin und ihre ambitionierte Regis- seurin Rede und Antwort zu Endspurt! Mit Riesenschritten TRAUMLAND, einem der interes- bewegt sich das Jahresende auf santesten Filme des Jahres. Last uns zu und 2015 blinzelt bereits but not least: wer sich im Internet um die Ecke. Allerhöchste Eisen- zufällig auf die Startseite der Laser bahn also für unseren Hotline verirrt, den erwartet dort Jahresabschluss-Newsletter, den ein kleiner Weihnachtsgruß in Bild wir sogar noch vor Weihnachten und Ton. Damit verabschieden wir unter Dach und Fach bekommen uns in die wohlverdienten Weih- haben. Darin erfahren Sie nicht nachtsferien und sind ab 07. Januar nur etwas über Annas Lieblings- 2015 wieder in alter Frische für Sie Soundtracks oder Wolfram da. Hannemanns zuletzt gesichteten Kinofilme, sondern auch welche Wir wünschen allen unseren Le- DVDs und Blu-rays den geneig- sern, Kunden und Freunden ein ten Sammler im neuen Jahr erwar- frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen ten. Und für unsere audiovisuell guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! geprägten Leser gibt es Nach- schub in unserem Youtube-Kanal. Ihr Laser Hotline Team

Darstellerin Luna Zimic Mijovic (links) und Regisseurin Petra Volpe (rechts) freuen sich über den LASER HOTLINE Newsletter

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014

Play it again, Sam

Als ich fünfzehn war, hatten meine Freunde und talen Revolution zu verdanken, die das Aufsuchen ich ein wöchentliches Ritual. Jeden Donnerstag und sofortige Runterladen eines Songs kinder- pilgerten wir nach der Schule zum U-Bahn-Kiosk, leicht machte. Hörte ich in einer Serie oder einem kauften saure Schlangen, Mäusespeck und die Film einen Track, der mir gefiel, googelte ich ihn Bravo. Wieso? Die Bravo teilte uns mit, welche und zog ihn mir geschwind auf den mp3-Player. Musik gerade in war, wer und was es Neues gab. So lernte ich neue Künstler kennen, horchte auf Sie sagte uns in nicht geringem Maße, welche Mu- YouTube in die Alben rein und konnte mir, bei Ge- sik wir hören sollten. fallen, viele weitere Stücke herunterladen und ge- nießen. Doch mit etwa 17 war das Bedürfnis, Bravo zu lesen, von einem Tag auf den anderen verpufft. Meine Angst, neue Künstler und Musik zu verpas- Die in der Zeitschrift gepriesene Charts-Musik war sen, verflog und ich praktiziere bis heute diese mir langweilig geworden, im Radio spielten sie melodiösen Entdeckungsreisen, die mir immer diese 40 Songs rauf und runter und ich? Ich konn- wieder neue Lieblingslieder- und Sänger besche- te es nicht mehr hören. Auch der Reiz von MTV ren. Einige, die momentan auf meiner Soundtrack und seinen Videos war weitgehend erloschen und Playlist ganz oben im Kurs stehen, möchte ich da auf dem vermeintlichen Musikkanal nun immer heute mit Ihnen teilen! mehr Reality-TV lief, stand ich plötzlich vor einem Dilemma: Wo hole ich mir neue Musik her? Es Ein Film, den ich alle Jahre wieder gucken kann, mag lächerlich erscheinen, doch dieser Schritt ist die schelmische Alien-Komödie Evolution von weg von den Jugendmedien machte mir tatsäch- Ivan Reitman. Dieses Jahr merkte ich plötzlich, lich zu schaffen. Woher sollte ich mir denn jetzt wie viele gute-Laune-Lieder in dem Film vorkom- neue, aufregende Musik holen? Alben und Songs, men. Schwupps landeten Play That Funky Music die wochenlang auf “repeat” standen, erst in mei- von Wild Cherry auf meinem iPod und Anyway nem Discman, später in mp3-Playern? The Main Thing Is von Patty Larkin. Letzteres Lied Musik ist ein wichtiger Teil meines Lebens und ich höre ich seitdem rauf und runter. Es ist sanft, hat hatte geradezu existenzielle Ängste, nun ohne einen Bohemian-Touch und erzählt etwas von gute Anleitung zu sein. Die Rettung kam, sanft Bauchgefühl und zu sich selbst finden. Es hat ei- aber bestimmt, seitens meiner liebsten Kunst- nen coolen Groove und Pattys Stimme ist wunder- form: den bewegten Bildern. bar warm.

Soundtracks jeglicher Couleur hatten schon im- Ebenfalls “Folk Artist” und heiß geliebt von mir mer zu meiner musikalischen Sammlung gehört, sind Audra Mae and The Almighty Sound mit ihrem aber nun erschloss sich mir eine andere Art, mit Song Ne’er Do Wells. Ich entdeckte ihn in einer ihnen umzugehen. Dies war nicht zuletzt der digi-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014

CSI: Las Vegas Folge, er spielte während einer Ähnlich unkonventionell ist Yellow Flicker Beat von Montage-Sequenz in der eine Ermittlerin in einem Lorde. Es ist das Abspannlied von Mockingjay Versuchsraum die Blutindizien der Tat analysiert. Part 1 und ist aus Katniss Everdeens Perspektive Ne’er Do Wells hat alles, was ich an einem Song erzählt. Es nimmt Elemente des Plots auf, wird besonders schätze: Guter Text, der eine Ge- aber durch Lordes eigenwillige Poesie veredelt. schichte erzählt, eingängiger Beat, originelle De- Fast verstörenden Rhythmen während der Stro- tails wie das rhythmische “hooh! hah!” der Arbei- phen, dann klare Beats in der Kampfansage des ter, um die es geht. Hier paart sich Folk mit Refrains, dazu Lordes unverwechselbare Stimme Country zu einem leicht hymnischen Lied, das ei- – der Song ist berauschend. nem nicht mehr so schnell aus dem Kopf geht. Eine Band, in die ich mich erst richtig reingehört Betörend ist mein aktueller Ohrwurm No. 1: Hal habe, als ich ihren Kracher Wanted Dead or Alive von Yasmine Hamdan. Ein libanesisches Lied in einer bedeutsamen Folge von Supernatural hör- über die Sucht, die Liebe und Verlangen auslösen te, ist Bon Jovi. Seitdem kann auch ich Livin‘ On A und für die es kein Heilmittel gibt. Dieses Kleinod Prayer und It’s My Life lauthals mitsingen, aber ist in Jim Jarmuschs Film Only Lovers Left Alive Wanted… gehört seit einigen Jahren zu meinen zu finden. Yasmine Hamdans leicht kratzige Stim- Lieblingssongs fürs Leben. In der Serie singen die me, die sphärischen Klänge der Melodie gepaart Brüder Sam und Dean, in ihrem schwarzen Impa- mit Percussions, die den Bezug zur schmerzhaf- la des nächtens durch den strömenden Regen ten Realität der Sehnsucht wiederherstellen, ma- fahrend, diesen Bon Jovi Song und fühlen sich chen aus Hal einen musikalischen Opiumrausch. zum ersten Mal seit langem wieder verbunden. Ich hörte Wanted… zum ersten Mal zu einem Zeit- Wenn Sie diese Songs und Künstler noch nicht punkt, an dem es mir – man kann es nicht anders kennen sollten oder Sie das typische ausdrücken – extrem dreckig ging. Die Zeilen “I Weihnachtsgedudel nicht mehr aushalten, dann walk these streets / A loaded six-string on my schenken Sie sich doch einige (oder auch alle!) back / I play for keeps, ‘cause I might not make it davon selbst zu Weihnachten. Sie halten länger back” berührten etwas tief in mir. Ich hatte nichts vor als Plätzchen und sind auch viel gesünder. mehr zu verlieren und diese Strophen sagten mir, In diesem Sinne: Ich wünsche Ihnen ein frohes dass auch das OK sein konnte. und besinnliches Fest, mit lieben Menschen, lek- kerem Essen, guten Filmen und neuer musikali- Ein Season-Finale von Revenge öffnete mir die scher Unterstützung! Tür zur fast unwirklichen Musik von Florence + The Machine. Seven Devils ertönt und bringt in einer Montage all die abscheulichen Schicksale und Machenschaften der Hauptfiguren zusammen. Das Lied legte sich wie ein schleichendes Gift um mein Herz. Es ist gespenstisch schön, keinem Genre zuzuordnen und hat eine unglaubliche Po- wer. Ich besitze mittlerweile viele weitere Songs der Band und kann mich an ihrer Musik immer noch nicht satt hören. In meinen Augen besonders Anna freut sich über Feedback: empfehlenswert: Remain Nameless, Leave My [email protected] Body und What The Water Gave Me.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014

Jetzt auf Lager!



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Es geht weiter! Für alle Fans der „Smilebox“-Filme hat Flicker Alley nun die nächsten beiden 3-Streifen-Cinerama- Filme in exzellenter Ausstattung veröffentlicht. Beide Filme enthalten je 2 DVDs und ein Blu-ray-Disc, die weltweit ohne Einschränkung abspielbar sind. Gemastert wurden die Filme von den Original- Negativen - höchstmögliche Bildqualität ist damit garantiert!

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Samstag, 22. November 2014 OT: Men, Women & Children OT: The Imitation Game Gruppentherapie Verleih: Paramount Verleih: SquareOne (DCM) Heute ausnahmsweise mal wieder ein Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Land/Jahr: USA, Großbritannien 2014 Griff zu einer Screener-DVD Regie: Jason Reitman Regie: Morten Tyldum Darsteller: Ansel Elgort, Adam Sandler, Darsteller: Benedict Cumberbatch, FAMILIENFIEBER (1:2.35, 5.1) Jennifer Garner Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode Verleih: Daredo Media Kinostart: 11.12.2014 Kinostart: 22.01.2015 Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Regie: Nico Sommer Sieben Familien in einer texanischen Darsteller: Kathrin Waligura, Peter Kleinstadt. Und jedes Familienmitglied Trabner, Deborah Kaufmann, Jörg hat mit Problemen zu kämpfen, die von Witte, Anais Urban, Jan Amazigh Si digitaler Nähe und analoger Entfrem- Kinostart: 15.01.2015 dung geprägt sind. Wie die Trubys beispielsweise. Der Papa bestellt eine Der Ausflug der Roths zu den Prostituierte online, um dem Ehetrott zu Ohnsorgs, den Eltern des Freundes entkommen. Die Mama sucht ihr neues ihrer Tochter, gerät für alle Beteiligten Glück in einer Partnerbörse. Der ge- aus den Fugen, als sich Papa Ohnsorg meinsame Sohn hat schon alles gese- als heimlicher Geliebter von Mama hen, was es an Pornos im Netz gibt und Roth entpuppt. Zwei ganz normale Fa- bekommt dadurch Probleme mit der ei- milien sind die Protagonisten in Nico genen Sexualität. Und seine Schulka- Sommers tragikomischem, in verschie- meradin Brandy wird von ihrer Mutter dene Kapitel unterteilte Film. Zwei Fa- auf Schritt und Tritt digital über- milien mit unterschiedlich finanzieller wacht... In seinem neuesten Film zeich- Ausstattung zwar, aber mit demselben net Jason Reitman ein sehr präzises Problem: sowohl die Ehe der Roths als Bild der heutigen Gesellschaft, die nur auch die der Ohnsorgs ist vom Alltag noch damit beschäftigt ist zu Tweeten, eingeholt worden, verschwunden sind zu WhatsAppen, zu Facebooken. Schü- die gegenseitige Anziehungskraft und ler laufen wie Zombies durch die Aula die Liebe. Während sich die beiden der Schule und starren nur auf die Dis- Aufgrund einer Sperrfistvereinbarung Paare kennenlernen (nicht nur das je- plays ihrer Smartphones, lassen sich gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film weils andere Paar, sondern auch wieder von Websites zum Abmagern verleiten, erst ab 01.01.2015 an dieser Stelle sich gegenseitig), keimt zwischen ihren konsumieren Porno-Videos jedweder Sprösslingen eine neue Liebe, die alle Couleur. Aber es sind nicht nur die Ju- Dienstag, 25. November 2014 am Ende des Films vor eine ganz neue gendlichen, die sich durch digitale Me- Von Folterkellern, Skiassen und Fürzen Aufgabe stellt. Trotz seinen nur knapp dien einander entfremden, auch Er- An Tagen wie diesen kommen Presse- 80 Minuten Spielzeit offenbart der Film wachsene werden internethörig. Wohin vorführungen im Dreierpack... leider ein paar Längen, die vom Zu- sich eine solche Gesellschaft entwik- schauer mit Langeweile belohnt werden kelt, hat unlängst Spike Jonze in HER SCHÄNDUNG (1:2.35, 5.1) dürften. Etwas seltsam mutet die “The- demonstriert. Reitmans Film spielt noch OT: Fasandraeberne rapie” an, bei der sich die zwei erwach- in der Gegenwart – und das ist umso Verleih: NFP (Warner) senen Paare gegenseitig vor laufender erschreckender. Anders als frühere Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Deutschland, Videokamera verzeihen und ausspre- Reitman-Filme wie z.B. UP IN THE AIR Schweden 2014 chen sollen. Immerhin macht das En- ist #ZEITGEIST ein ziemlich ernster Regie: Mikkel Nørgaard semble Spaß. Die Darsteller füllen ihre Film, der zum Nachdenken anregt. Ein Darsteller: Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares Rollen hervorragend aus, insbesondere Bild, das die Voyager-Sonde geschos- Fares, Pilou Asbæk Jörg Witte als impulsiver Vater gefällt. sen hat, bevor sie unsere Galaxis ver- Kinostart: 15.01.2015 Weiterer Pluspunkt: die Kameraarbeit lassen hat, macht uns klar, wie unwich- von Eugen Gritschneder. tig derlei digitale Medien tatsächlich Der Doppelmord ist zwar schon 20 Jah- sind: da erscheint Mutter Erde nur als re und der geständige Täter schon lan- Montag, 24. November 2014 ein winzig kleiner blauer Fleck inmitten ge wieder auf freiem Fuß, aber Carl Von digitaler Nähe und analoger eines unendlichen Universums. Morck wittert dennoch einen neuen Entfremdung Fall für sein Sonderdezernat. Je mehr Die Pressewoche begann heute mit sich er und sein Team-Kollege Assad einem interessanten Double Feature THE IMITATION GAME – EIN mit dem Fall beschäftigen, desto mehr STRENG GEHEIMES LEBEN (1:2.35, Ungereimtheiten kommen ans Tages- #ZEITGEIST (1:1.85, DD 5.1) DD 5.1) licht. Schließlich führt eine heisse Spur

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog zwei Schritte voraus ist. Wenn Kimmie doch den einzigartigen Effekt, dass es schließlich zu einer Art Lisbeth extrem laute, dafür aber vollkommen Salander mutiert, dann darf man sogar geruchlose Fürze erzeugt. Gesagt, ge- ein wenig schmunzeln ob der Absurdi- tan. Doch das Trio hat nicht mit dem tät der Geschichte. Spannender Krimi skrupellosen Herrn Thrane gerechnet, geht anders. der das Pupspulver für seine eigene Zwecke haben möchte... Arild Fröhlich STREIF – ONE HELL OF A RIDE hat das Kinderbuch von Jo Nesbo für (1:2.35, 5.1) die große Kinoleinwand umgesetzt. Verleih: Red Bull Entstanden ist ein skurriles, aberwitzi- Land/Jahr: Österreich 2014 ges Filmvergnügen für Kinder ab 6 Jah- Regie: Gerald Salmina ren. Allerdings könnten ein paar Sze- Kinostart: 15.01.2015 nen im Film gerade sensiblen Kindern Probleme bereiten (es gibt unter ande- Die “Streif” gilt in Fachkreisen als die rem eine riesige Anaconda, die in dunk- schwierigste Skiabfahrtsstrecke der len Abwasserschächten lauert!). Ande- Welt. Wer hier siegt ist im Olymp der re Szenen wiederum werden den beglei- Skifahrer angekommen. Doch die Strek- tenden Erwachsenen nicht allzu viel ke in Kitzbühel fordert Jahr für Jahr Freude bereiten: es wird gefurzt und auch ihre Opfer. In seinem adrenalin- gekotzt, was das Zeug hält! Die Klei- treibenden Doku-Drama schildert Re- nen werden dabei ganz bestimmt ihre gisseur Gerald Salmina die Vorbereitun- Freude haben. Beachtlich ist die Film- bis in die höchsten Kreise der Gesell- gen auf die Hahnenkammabfahrt 2013 musik: mit großem Orchester und ex- schaft. Bald wird klar, dass Kimmie, und lässt dafür einige der Ski-Asse vor trem großer Dynamik geht sie ans damals ein junges Mädchen, die der Kamera und auch aus dem Off zu Werk, als ob es kein Morgen mehr Schlüsselfigur in der Geschichte ist. Wort kommen. Was hier als Dokumen- gäbe. Und verrät an einigen Passagen Doch Kimmie ist spurlos verschwun- tation verpackt wird, kann höchstens sogar, mit welchen Stücken vermutlich den... Vor genau einem Jahr hat man sie als Doku-Drama klassifiziert werden, da die Rohschnittfassung des Films unter- uns zum ersten Mal vorgestellt: Carl oft Szenen für die Kamera nachgestellt legt war: “E.T.” und der “Darth Vader”- Morck und Assad, die beiden Ermittler, wurden. Unterlegt mit einem Rock- Marsch lassen grüßen! die als “Sonderdezernat Q” ungelöste lastigen, immer vorantreibenden Score Mordfälle bearbeiten sollen. Jetzt also und unter Einsatz modernster Kamera- Mittwoch, 26. November 2014 bekommt es das ungleiche Paar mit technik (u.a. Cineflex und GoPros) lässt Ein Kabinettstückchen ihrem zweiten Fall zu tun. Was den Reiz der Film dem Zuschauer kaum eine Ver- Der Blick hinter die Kulissen einer von ERBARMEN seinerzeit ausge- schnaufpause, der sich mit dem fast Theaterinszenierung ist einer der be- macht hat, nämlich die beiden sehr ver- zwei Stunden dauernden Film etwas sten Filme des Jahres. schiedenen Männer, die sich erst ganz überfordert fühlen dürfte. langsam und nach vielen Anlauf- BIRDMAN ODER (DIE UNVERHOFF- schwierigkeiten zusammenraufen, tritt DOKTOR PROKTORS PUPSPULVER TE MACHT DER AHNUNGSLOSIG- jetzt fast komplett in den Hintergrund. (1:2.35, 5.1) KEIT) (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Jetzt zählt also nur noch “der Fall” – OT: Doktor Proktors Prompepulver OT: Birdman Or (The Unexpected Virtue womit sich SCHÄNDUNG auf gewohnt Verleih: Senator Of Ignorance) typische ZDF-Schwedenkrimikost redu- Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Deutschland Verleih: Fox ziert. Eine Kost, die leider auch oft an 2014 Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Logik vermissen lässt. So kann eine Regie: Arild Fröhlich Regie: Alejandro González Iñárritu junge Frau beispielsweise ganz pro- Darsteller: Emily Glaister, Eilif Hellum blemlos aus der Untersuchungshaft Noraker, Kristoffer Joner Darsteller: Michael Keaton, Zach entkommen. Und nicht zu vergessen: Kinostart: 15.01.2015 Galifianakis, Edward Norton, Emma jeder Bösewicht in Skandinavien hat Stone. Naomi Watts natürlich einen Folterkeller im Haus. Die kleine Lise und ihr noch kleinerer Kinostart: 29.01.2015 Das haben Sie nicht gewusst? Dann Freund Bulle freunden sich mit dem schauen Sie vermutlich keine Schwe- recht skurrilen, aber bislang erfolglo- Als “Birdman” begeisterte Riggan den-Krimis. Mikkel Nørgaards Inszenie- sen Erfinder Doktor Proktor an. Als die Thomson einst das Kinopublikum und rung des Romans “Die Fasanenjäger” beiden das von ihm erfundene füllte die Kinokassen. Doch diese Tage von Jussi Adler-Olsen lässt keinen Pupspulver entdecken, haben sie eine sind längst vorbei, seine Karriere been- Platz für große Überraschungen, da der Idee: warum nicht das Pulver an die det. Mit der Inszenierung eines Thea- Zuschauer dem Drehbuch immer ein bis Kinder des Dorfes verkaufen? Hat es terstückes am Broadway will er jetzt

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ken fallen, ist Kino vom Feinsten. Für es einer gehörigen Portion Sitzfleisch, mich einer der beeindruckendsten Filme um alle 129 Minuten dieser Ullmann- des Jahres. Unbedingt anschauen (und Inszenierung durchzustehen. Immerhin: Atmen nicht vergessen!). ich habe das Stück komplett abgeses- sen. Ist jetzt das Bundesverdienstkreuz Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 fällig? Aber Spaß beiseite: wer richti- Klassenkampf und bäriges Vergnügen ges Theater mag, der dürfte bestimmt Die Reihenfolge war goldrichtig: Film Freude an dieser Inszenierung haben. Nummer 2 belohnte mich für mein Durchhaltevermögen bei Film Nummer PADDINGTON (1:2.35, DD 5.1) 1 OT: Paddington Verleih: Studiocanal FRÄULEIN JULIE (1:1.85, 5.1) Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Frankreich, OT: Miss Julie USA 2014 Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) Regie: Paul King Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Großbritannien Darsteller: , Sally 2014 Hawkins, Nicole Kidman, Jim Regie: Liv Ullmann Broadbent Darsteller: Jessica Chastain, Colin Kinostart: 04.12.2014 Farrell, Samantha Morton Kinostart: 22.01.2015 Mutterseelenallein reist ein kleiner Bär vom tiefsten Peru nach , um Irland am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. dort ein neues Zuhause zu finden. Ge- noch einmal ganz groß herauskommen Mittsommernacht. Die adelige Miss gen den Willen des Vaters gewährt ihm und vor allem sich selbst beweisen, Julie flirtet heftig mit John, dem gebil- die Familie Brown Unterschlupf in ih- dass der einstige Kino-Superheld noch deten Diener ihres Vaters. John jedoch rem gemütlichen Häuschen. Weil sie lange nicht am Ende ist. Doch die Vor- ist mit der Köchin Kathleen liiert. Zwi- ihn an der Paddington Station aufgele- bereitungen auf die Premiere laufen schen John und Julie entspinnt ein ge- sen haben, taufen ihn die Browns kur- etwas aus dem Ruder. Riggan muss fährliches Spiel aus Verführung und zerhand Paddington. Während der sehr sich nicht nur mit Schauspielerkollege Zurückweisung... Gerne hätte kultivierte und flauschige, aber etwas Mike Shiner, einem Publikums- Schwedens große Filmdiva Liv Ullmann tolpatschige Bär den gesamten Haus- magneten, herumschlagen, sondern in ihren jungen Jahren die Rolle der halt durcheinander bringt, begibt sich auch mit seiner Tochter Sam, die gerade Miss Julie selbst auf der Bühne ge- die kaltschnäuzige Museumsdirektorin eine Entziehungskur hinter sich hat spielt. Doch es kam leider nie dazu. Millicent auf die Suche nach dem Bä- sowie mit seiner schwangeren Freundin Jetzt, im Alter von 75 Jahren, inszenier- ren, um ihn ihrer Sammlung exotischer und seiner Ex-Frau. Und dann ist da te sie August Strindbergs Trauerspiel Wesen einzuverleiben – ausgestopft immer noch seine innere Stimme – die über Klassen- und Geschlechterkampf natürlich... Mit seinem riesigen Hut von “Birdman”... Mit BIRDMAN ist höchstpersönlich für die Kinoleinwand. sieht der kleine Paddington wirklich Regisseur Alejandro González Iñárritu Das Drei-Personen-Stück, das vollstän- richtig knuffig aus. Ein Jeder wird ihn ein filmisches Kabinettstückchen ge- dig auf Castle Coole in Nordirland ge- von Anfang an in sein Herz schließen. lungen: ohne sichtbare Schnitte erzählt dreht wurde, brilliert insbesondere we- Und seine tolpatschigen Abenteuer in er seine Geschichte! Das ist oft derart gen der Darsteller. Speziell Jessica der Weltmetropole London animieren verblüffend, dass man einfach nur mit Chastain und Colin Farrell laufen hier wahrhaftig zum lautstarken Lachen! offenem Mund vor der Leinwand sitzt. zur Hochform auf. Allerdings – und das Hier kann sich die ganze Familie köst- Selbst die visuellen Effekte sind nicht sollte nicht verschwiegen werden – lich amüsieren. Wirklich die ganze Fa- mehr als solche wahrnehmbar. Sogar können Kunstbanausen wie ich nicht milie? Wohl eher nicht. Denn (so zeigte wenn Iñárritu am Ende des Films einen sonderlich viel mit einem solchen ver- sich in der heutigen Pressevorführung, ganzen Feuerzauber vom Stapel lässt, filmten Theaterstück anfangen. Denn bei der zahlreiche Kinder anwesend fühlt und sieht sich das vollkommen Kino kann soviel mehr sein als nur waren) sensiblen Kindern bereitet der echt an. Die ruhelose, endlos filmende “Stage Play”. Aber so ist das eben mit Film große Probleme. Insbesondere Kamera wird durch eine fulminante der Kunst. Apropos Kunst: natürlich Nicole Kidman als Femme Fatale, die Tonspur ergänzt, die man durchaus als gibt es im Film immer wieder klassische den knuffigen Bären lieber heute als holographisch bezeichnen könnte. Das Musik zu hören, die anstelle einer ei- morgen ausstopfen will, bereitete eini- Ergebnis: als Zuschauer ist man mitten- gens komponierten Filmmusik tritt. Ein gen der Kinder große Angst. Gemessen drin in diesem Kabinett der Eitelkeiten! klares Zeichen dafür, dass man das bit- an deren Reaktion wurden diese ver- Der Blick hinter die Kulissen einer te als Kunst zu werten hat! Für einfach mutlich ziemlich traumatisiert. Ob sie Theaterinszenierung, in der alle Mas- gestrickte Menschen wie mich bedarf jemals wieder ein dunkles Filmtheater

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog betreten werden, darf angezweifelt wer- wenigstens das zur Verfügung stehen- den. Die FSK-Freigabe “ohne Alters- de schauspielerische Potenzial von beschränkung” ist leider alles andere Michael Nyqvist (er spielt den bösen als zutreffend. Eine Freigabe ab 6 Jah- Oberrussen) und Willem Dafoe (in der ren wäre sicherlich besser, 10 Jahre und Rolle eines Killers) gewinnbringend aufwärts die wünschenswerte Zielgrup- einzusetzen. Fehlanzeige. So bleibt ist pe. Der Film wurde uns in der Presse- JOHN WICK ein tödlich langweiliges vorführung in der eingedeutschten Kinoerlebnis. Fassung gezeigt. Doch entgegen dem, was bereits im Trailer zu sehen war, Montag, 01. Dezember 2014 wurden Texte auf Schildern nicht ins Denn sie wissen nicht was sie tun Deutsche übertragen, sondern im Eng- Junges deutsches Kino kann verdammt lischen belassen. Dadurch werden ge- stark sein rade den Kindern leider ein paar Gags vorenthalten. Möglicherweise handelte WIR SIND JUNG. WIR SIND STARK. es sich bei dieser Vorführung nur um (1:1.85 & 1:2.35, 5.1) eine vorläufige Version. Verleih: Zorro (24 Bilder) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Freitag, 28. November 2014 Regie: Burhan Qurbani Hier wird das Horn weggeballert Darsteller: Devid Striesow, Saskia Der Wochenabschluss hätte wirklich Rosendahl, Jonas Nay besser ausfallen können... Kinostart: 22.01.2015 der Farbe und Kadrierung: nur die letz- JOHN WICK (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Rostock-Lichtenhagen am 24. August te halbe Stunde ist farbig und in OT: John Wick 1992. Seit Tagen schon wird Hass ge- CinemaScope. Bis dahin gibt es aus- Verleih: Studiocanal gen die Bewohner des Asylantenheims schließlich Schwarzweiß und kaschier- Land/Jahr: China, Kanada, USA 2014 geschürt. Die Stimmung ist hochgradig tes Breitwand. Durch die Nähe zu sei- Regie: Chad Stahelski, David Leitch explosiv. Auch Stefan und seine Kum- nen jugendlichen Darstellern gelingt es pels, allesamt orientierungslos und Qurbani Sympathien für seine orientie- Darsteller: Keanu Reeves, Michael desillusioniert ob ihrer nicht allzu rosi- rungslosen Protagonisten aufzubauen. Nyqvist, Alfie Allen, Willem Dafoe gen Zukunft, wollen mitmischen. Wenn die Gruppe dann schließlich ent- Kinostart: 29.01.2015 Rechtsradikales Gedankengut bricht schlossen (und unterstützt von ent- sich Bahn. Im Heim selbst regiert die sprechender Powermusik auf der Ton- Als ein paar kriminelle Russen sein Angst: die Vietnamesin Lien hat zwar spur!) der randalierenden Menge an- kleines Hündchen töten und seinen eine unbeschränkte Aufenthaltsgeneh- schließt, wird man als Zuschauer gera- Oldtimer klauen, holt ein in Frührente migung bekommen, will aber aufgrund dewegs dazu verführt, mitzumachen. In gegangener Killer noch einmal zu einem der Krawalle lieber fortgehen. Während der gleich darauf folgenden Sequenz großen Rundumschlag aus und produ- sich die politisch Verantwortlichen nur holt uns der Regisseur aber gleich wie- ziert Leichen im Überfluss. Dass Keanu um Wählerstimmen kümmern und sich der zurück auf den Boden der Tatsa- Reeves sein Action- ausge- die Polizei sogar vom Ort des chen. Da nämlich werden die Jugendli- rechnet mit einem derart substanzlosen Geschehens zurückzieht, eskalieren die chen von einem Fernseh-Reporter zu Ballerfilm gibt, ist erstaunlich. Zumal Krawalle am Abend. Molotovcocktails ihren Gründen für die Teilnahme be- von ihm weitaus Besseres in dieser fliegen... Regisseur Burhan Qurbani, fragt. Betretenes Schweigen ist die Richtung gewöhnt ist. Erinnert sei an der vor vier Jahren mit SHAHADA sein Antwort. Weniger ist manchmal eben SPEED und die MATRIX Trilogie. Der Kinodebüt gab, liefert nun mit seinem mehr. Als etwas zu dick aufgetragen vom Gespann Chad Stahelski und Da- zweiten Kinofilm wieder starkes deut- könnte man dagegen eine Szene emp- vid Leitch inszenierte Racheakt hat nur sches Kino. Auch wenn im Vorspann finden, in der Stefans Vater, der Lokal- ein paar ganz wenige gelungene - “ZDF – Das kleine Fernsehspiel” als politiker, die klassische Musik in sei- mente: nämlich immer dann, wenn der einer der Produzenten auftaucht, hat nen Kopfhörern extra laut einstellt, um Film sich selbst auf die Schippe nimmt. Qurbanis Film alles andere als TV-Qua- weder die Lärmkulisse der Krawalle Allerdings sind Genre-Fans seit dem lität: dieser Film gehört auf die große noch das ohne Halt klingelnde Telefon fulminanten THE TOURNAMENT sehr Leinwand! Das liegt insbesondere an hören zu müssen. Doch damit ist die viel originellere Kost gewohnt. Da seinen Bildern, die Kameramann Yoshi Aussage unmissverständlich: die Ver- nützt es auch nichts, dass die Filmema- Heimrath hier aus dem Ärmel schüttet. antwortlichen haben einfach weg- cher eigens für JOHN WICK eine neue Seine oft ungewöhnlichen Perspektiven geschaut an jenem Abend des 24. Au- Kampfsportart ersonnen haben: “Gun geben dem Film seinen ganz besonde- gust 1992. Laut eigenem Bekunden Fu”. Viel schöner wäre es gewesen, ren Reiz. Hjinzu kommt das Spiel mit möchte Qurbani mit seinem Film nicht

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog anklagen oder denunzieren, sondern Sie gehört zweifelsfrei zu den berühm- Der 18jährige Felix verbringt die Weih- erinnern. Das ist ihm recht eindrucks- testen Kunstmuseen der Welt: die “Na- nachtsferien zusammen mit seinen El- voll gelungen. tional Gallery” an Trafalgar tern und dem älteren Bruder im thailän- Square. Frederick Wiseman hat sie jetzt dischen Phuket. Dort verliebt er sich in Dienstag, 02. Dezember 2014 als Protagonistin für einen Dokumen- eine bildschönes Thai-Girl, das eben- Nachmittags im Museum tarfilm auserkoren. Kein gewöhnlicher falls auf Urlaub ist. Trotz aller Warnun- Wenn es draußen nur kalt ist, dann Dokumentarfilm. Denn alle Personen, gen seitens der Eltern, dass es sich bei freut man sich doch auf einen die er vor der Kamera (immer indirekt) Fai höchstwahrscheinlich um eine Pro- Museumsbesuch im Kino zu Wort kommen lässt, werden dem stituierte handele, lässt sich der junge Zuschauer nicht vorgestellt. D.h. es Mann von seinem Herzen leiten – so FINN UND DIE MAGIE DER MUSIK gibt weder Namenseinblendungen noch wie es Mama ja schon immer gepredigt (1:2.35, 5.1) ein erklärendes “Voice Over”. Als Zu- hat: am Abreisetag erscheint er nicht OT: Finn schauer muss man sich selbst einen am Flughafen, sondern sitzt neben Fai Verleih: Arsenal Reim darauf machen, um wen es sich im Bus, der die beiden in Fais Heimat Land/Jahr: Niederlande, Belgien 2013 dabei im Einzelnen handelt. Wisemans bringen soll. Kurzerhand entschließt Regie: Frans Weisz Kamera ist bei allen Anlässen präsent. sich Felix‘ Mutter auch zu bleiben und Darsteller: Mels van der Hoeven, Daan Sei es eine Vorstandssitzung oder eine ihren Sohn zu finden... Es gibt Passa- Schuurmans, Jan Decleir Ausschusssitzung, die Eröffnung einer gen in Susanna Salonens Film, die rich- Kinostart: 04.12.2014 Ausstellung, ein Workshop für Akt- tig nerven. Meist steht dann Mama malerei oder einer für sehbehinderte (etwas weltfremd gespielt von Victoria Der 10jährige Finn lebt alleine bei sei- Menschen, eine Führung usw. Es ist Trauttmansdorff) im Mittelpunkt und nem Vater, die Mutter ist bei der Geburt zwar interessant, den vielen Ausfüh- entpuppt sich als Alptraum von Mutter, gestorben. Weder der Vater noch Finn rungen und Erläuterungen zu einzelnen bei der man(n) nicht freiwillig Sohn haben den Verlust überwunden. Eines Bildern oder dem Restaurieren solcher sein möchte. Überhaupt ist diese Figur Tages trifft Finn auf einen alten Mann, zu lauschen, doch erscheint die Zusam- jene, die im Film eigentlich nachhaltig der in einem verlassenen Bauernhaus menstellung der Sequenzen recht will- stört. Dramaturgisch gibt es für diese Geige spielt. Von der Musik auf wun- kürlich und lässt ein dramaturgisches Figur keine Notwendigkeit. Zumindest dersame Weise berührt, erscheint Finn Gesamtkonzept vermissen. Bei einer nicht in der zweiten Hälfte des Films, das Bild seiner Mutter. Der Junge bittet Lauflänge von 173 Minuten ohne Pau- wenn Sohn Felix auf eigene Faust Thai- den Alten, ihm Geigenunterricht zu ge- se ist das kontraproduktiv. Vielmehr land durchquert, um mit Fai glücklich ben. Allerdings darf sein Vater nichts gewinnt man den Eindruck, dass zu sein. So wirken dann die Zwischen- davon erfahren. Der glaubt nämlich, Wiseman hier nur einen ganz kleinen schnitte mit der Mutter wie Füllmateri- dass Finn Fußball spielt. Doch schon Querschnitt aus dem gesamten Material al, um den Film auf Länge zu bekom- bald bemerkt Finn, dass es zwischen präsentiert, das vielleicht irgendwann men. Die Liebesgeschichte zwischen dem Alten und seinem Vater ein Ge- einmal zu einer mehrere Episoden um- Felix und Fai hingegen schildert der heimnis gibt, das offenbar mit dem Tod fassenden TV-Serie ausgeweitet wird. Film ziemlich realistisch. Hier gibt es der Mutter zu tun hat... Mit wunder- Für Kunstinteressierte sicherlich inter- keine komischen Elemente so wie bei schöner Musik und stimmungsvollen essant, für Kinogänger aber unbefriedi- Mama, Melancholie und Drama beherr- Bildern beweist Frans Weisz, dass Mu- gend. schen die Szenen. Max Mauff und sik etwas Magisches hat. Sie öffnet die Aisawanya Areyawattana spielen beide Herzen aller, die sie berührt und hilft, Montag, 08. Dezember 2014 ihre Rollen sehr überzeugend. Das The- alte Wunden zu heilen, Trauer zu über- Lost in Thailand ma Geschlechtsumwandlung im Film zu winden und neue Kraft zu schöpfen. Angesichts verschwindend geringer thematisieren ist zwar ein ehrenvolles Geschickt verwebt der Film Realität Pressevorführungsdichte in dieser Wo- Anliegen, doch werden Hintergrundin- und Phantasie fast unmerklich mitein- che greift der Rezensent mal wieder zu formationen nur in unzureichendem ander und nimmt dadurch die kindliche etwas, was er gar nicht mag - einem Umfang geliefert. Das offene Ende der Perspektive ein. Ein wunderbarer Kin- Screener Geschichte indes stimmt versöhnlich. derfilm, der nicht nur zur Weihnachts- Fazit: mehr Fernseh- als Kinokost, aber zeit passt. PATONG GIRL (1:1.85, 5.1) in den Hauptrollen gut besetzt. Verleih: Barnsteiner NATIONAL GALLERY (1:1.78, Mono) Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Dienstag, 09. Dezember 2014 OT: National Gallery Regie: Susanna Salonen Neulich in Memphis Verleih: Kool (Filmagentinnen) Darsteller: Max Mauff, Aisawanya Krankheitsbedingt musste ich eine Land/Jahr: Frankreich, USA 2014 Areyawattana, Victoria ganze Woche ohne Kino auskommen. Regie: Frederick Wiseman Trauttmansdorff Da kamen mir die zweieinhalb Stunden Kinostart: 01.01.2015 Kinostart: 25.12.2014 heute gerade recht

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog EXODUS: GÖTTER UND KÖNIGE jene Plage, in der sich Heerscharen le in seinem endlos erscheinenden (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) riesiger und extrem gefräßiger Krokodi- Portfolio. Rupert Wyatts THE OT: Exodus: Gods And Kings le über die Menschheit hermachen. Das GAMBLER ist die Adaptation eines Verleih: Fox ist dann doch ziemlich trashig und er- Drehbuchs von Regisseur James Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, USA, Spa- innert mich – keine Ahnung warum – an Toback, das 1974 mit James Caan in der nien 2014 Filme wie SHARKNADO. Interessant Hauptrolle verfilmt wurde und das Regie: Ridley Scott hingegen Moses Begegnung mit Gott. Tobacks autobiographische Züge trägt. Darsteller: Christian Bale, Joel Anders als bei DeMille, wo eine tiefe Abgerundet wird Wyatts Version durch Edgerton, John Turturro Stimme zu hören ist, zeigt sich der einen ausgezeichneten Soundtrack, der Kinostart: 25.12.2014 Schöpfer Moses gegenüber in der Ge- eine perfekte Mischung aus stim- stalt eines kleinen Jungen. Trotzdem mungsvollen Songs und einem Zur Zeit der Pharaonen werden die He- liefert Scott in seinem Film keine nach- Orchesterscore darstellt. Kino für An- bräer von den Ägyptern unterjocht und haltig wirkenden Momente. Für zwei- spruchsvollere. zu Sklavenarbeit gezwungen. Als sich einhalb Stunden Kino eine schwache herausstellt, dass Moses, der Halbbru- Bilanz. NACHTS IM MUSEUM – DAS GE- der von Pharao Ramses, ebenfalls ein HEIMNISVOLLE GRABMAL (1:1.85, Hebräer ist, wird er in die Verbannung Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2014 DD 5.1 + Atmos) geschickt. Viele Jahre später folgt er Von Zockern und Nachtwächtern OT: Night At The Museum: Secret Of dem Willen Gottes und kehrt wieder Die letzten beiden Pressevorführungen The Tomb nach Memphis zurück, um sein Volk in dieser Woche wurden gleich in einem Verleih: Fox das gelobte Land zu führen. Doch Ram- Doppelpack abgehandelt Land/Jahr: USA 2014 ses ist extrem uneinsichtig... 1956 ver- Regie: Shawn Levy suchte sich Cecil B. DeMille bereits ein THE GAMBLER (1:2.35, 5.1) Darsteller: Robin Williams, Ben Stiller, zweites Mal an der Geschichte Moses. OT: The Gambler Owen Wilson 1923 lieferte er eine Stummfilmfassung Verleih: Paramount Kinostart: 18.12.2014 ab, 1956 dann alles lautstark, in herrli- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 chen Farben und in VistaVision. Jetzt Regie: Rupert Wyatt Die in einem Pharaonengrab entdeckte, hat Ridley Scott offenbar den Stoff für Darsteller: , Brie goldene Steintafel ist der Grund dafür, sich entdeckt. Und es wird bestimmt Larson, , John Goodman dass Museumswärter Larry mitsamt nicht bei der einen Fassung bleiben, Kinostart: 15.01.2015 einigen seiner zum Leben erweckten auch wenn diese bereits mit ihren 150 Ausstellungsstücke eine Reise ins bri- Minuten einfach zu lang geraten ist. Es Tagsüber unterrichtet er an der Uni, tische Museum nach London unterneh- gibt deutliche Anzeichen dafür, dass nächtens steht er am Spieltisch. men muss. Denn die Tafel beginnt ihre ganze Passagen für die Kinoaus- Literaturprofessor Jim Bennett liebt das Magie zu verlieren und bedroht damit wertung der Schere zum Opfer gefallen Risiko: alles oder nichts ist das Motto, alle Museumsbewohner. Nur der ur- sind, die dann aller Voraussicht nach das er mit seiner Spielsucht jeden Tag sprüngliche Besitzer, der im britischen wieder in einer integralen Heimkino- aufs neue füttert. Doch der aus wohl- Museum aufbewahrte Pharao, kann fassung auftauchen werden. Doch die habendem Hause stammende Mann hat deren Geheimnis lüften... Wer die bei- spannende Frage ist: ist Scotts EXO- ein riesiges Problem: sein Geld ist alle! den ersten Teile der NACHTS IM MU- DUS sehenswert? Meine ganz subjekti- In seiner Verzweiflung begibt er sich in SEUM Trilogie nicht gesehen hat, dem ve Antwort darauf lautet “Nein”. Zwar die Hände sehr unliebsamer Kredithaie machen es Regisseur Shawn Levy und präsentiert der Meisterregisseur präch- – was die Sache für ihn definitiv nicht sein Drehbuch leider nicht einfach. So tige Schaubilder, doch dank der besser macht! Ausgerechnet in seiner wird hier einfach vorausgesetzt, dass Farbreduzierung und der überbord- größten Not beginnt er auch noch eine man schon längst mit den Museums- enden visuellen Effekte erinnern diese Affäre mit einer seiner Studentinnen... figuren bestens vertraut ist, denn diese zu stark an Peter Jacksons Interpretati- Dank der ausgezeichneten Fotografie werden gar nicht mehr erst eingeführt. on von Mittelerde. Übergossen werden von Greig Fraser gelingt Regisseur Neueinsteiger landen damit direkt im die Schlachtengetümmel von einem Rupert Wyatt ein atmosphärisch dich- kalten Wasser. Aber auch alten Hasen Orchesterscore, der alles andere als tes Thriller-Drama, das gleichsam eine macht es der Film nicht ganz einfach: er prägnant, sondern extrem beliebig er- faszinierende Milieustudie der Zocker- langweilt nämlich. Der dritte Teil zeigt scheint. Wenn es dann im Film nach szene. Mark Wahlberg spielt den dem deutlich, dass die Grundidee längst über der Hälfte an die Plagen geht, die Spiel verfallenen Literaturprofessor mit aufgebraucht ist und so gibt es reich- über Memphis hereinbrechen, fackelt überzeugendem Understatement: in lich wenig wirklich witzige Einfälle zu Scott typisch Hollywood’sches Effekt- seinen Gesichtszügen gibt es keine erleben. Da darf dann schon jene Se- feuerwerk ab. Das sieht freilich wesent- Gefühlsregungen! John Goodman mimt quenz als Ausreißer gewertet werden, lich ausgereifter aus als damals bei den Kredithai Frank mit vollem Körper- in der sich ein zum Leben erweckter DeMille, doch wundert man sich über einsatz – eine weitere einprägsame Rol- Lancelot in die Londoner Musical-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog version von “Camelot” verirrt und dem bar fotografiertem Dokumentarfilm Infinity: My Life with Stephen” von singenden Hauptdarsteller Hugh Auskunft über das, was sie tun, was Hawkings‘ Ex-Frau Jane. Sein Film kon- Jackman das Leben schwer macht. Da- einen Gigolo ausmacht. Nicht weniger zentriert sich also eigentlich auf die mit konnten freilich die Kinder, die man scheu lassen sich auch die aufgetakel- Beziehung zwischen den beiden Ehe- eigens zur Pressevorführung eingela- ten Weiblein bei ihrem Stelldichein mit leuten, doch kann man die Geschichte den hatte, ganz und gar nichts anfan- den grauen Panthern über die Schulter natürlich nicht erzählen ohne dass da- gen. Von denen gab es nur dann wahr- schauen. Dabei entstehen wunderbar bei auch gleichzeitig ein Biopic über nehmbares Gelächter zu hören, wenn lustige Momente für den Zuschauer, den genialen Physiker entsteht. Aber das Kapuzineräffchen mal wieder seine die sicherlich so von den Akteuren gar genau das ist etwas grenzwertig, da die Blase entleerte. Es ist irgendwie ent- nicht wahrgenommen werden. Berg- zentrale Figur nach wie vor unter den würdigend, dass ausgerechnet mit die- manns Film wird das Publikum vermut- Lebenden weilt (Hawking ist heute 72 sem Film von zwei Hollywood-Größen lich spalten in solche, die Kreuzfahrten Jahre alt). Für seine CinemaScope-Bil- Abschied genommen werden muss: als ihren heiligen Gral für sich entdeckt der bemüht Kameramann Benoît Robin Williams und Mickey Rooney haben und solche, die endlich vorge- Delhomme in diesem Biopic oft und sind in ihrer jeweils letzten Rolle zu führt bekommen, warum sie solchen gerne Weichzeichner. Die Bilder wirken sehen. Eine Bitte an Hollywood: keinen Schiffen fern bleiben. In seinem Film dadurch verklärt romantisch. Passend weiteren Museums-Film, auch wenn die lässt der Regisseur auch viele weitere dazu liefert Jóhann Jóhannsson eine visuellen Effekte berauschend sind! Gäste des Kreuzfahrtschiffes zu Wort Orchestermusik, die man durchaus als kommen und sich erklären, warum diese kitschig bezeichnen kann. Beides zu- Montag, 15. Dezember 2014 überhaupt an solchen Veranstaltungen sammen fühlt sich dick aufgetragen an, Alles alte Leute teilnehmen. Dadurch ergeben sich tiefe ein Sturmangriff auf des Zuschauers Ein Ex-Agent im Ruhestand und zwei Einblicke in eine extrem künstliche Tränendrüsen. Dass der Gigolos gesetzten Alters waren die Welt, die nur noch am Genuss interes- Tränenausfluss dennoch minimal aus- Protagonisten am ersten Tag einer vol- siert ist und das wahre Leben weit hin- fällt, liegt insbesondere an der Darstel- len Pressewoche ter sich lässt. Fazit: extrem vergnügli- lung jener großen Liebe, die Stephen che Dokumentation! Hawking und seine Frau verbindet. 96 HOURS – TAKEN 3 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Denn zumindest Felicity Jones gelingt OT: Taken 3 DIE ENTDECKUNG DER UNENDLICH- es leider nicht, diese Liebe mit Leben Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) KEIT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) auszufüllen: man kann ihre Liebe für Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 OT: The Theory Of Everything Stephen einfach nicht nachvollziehen. Regie: Olivier Megaton Verleih: Universal Immerhin gelingt es dem Drehbuch und Darsteller: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 auch den Darstellern im Laufe des Famke Janssen, Forest Whitaker Regie: James Marsh Films das Ehepaar Hawking als ein Kinostart: 08.01.2015 Darsteller: , Felicity ganz normales Ehepaar zu zeigen, das Jones, mit genau denselben Beziehungs- Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Kinostart: 25.12.2014 problemen zu kämpfen hat wie jedes gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film andere Paar auch (auch wenn diese im erst ab 04.01.2015 auf 1963 verliebt sich die Sprachstudentin Falle Hawking natürlich durch seine www.wolframhannemann.de Jane in den etwas absonderlichen Krankheit ausgelöst wurden). Richtig Physikstudenten Stephen. Die beiden grandios ist dann der Regieeinfall am DIE LETZTEN GIGOLOS (1:2.35, 5.1) werden ein Paar. Obwohl bei Stephen Ende des Films, wo versucht wird, die Verleih: Neue Visionen eine schwere, unheilbare Krankheit Zeit einfach zurückzudrehen, sozusa- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 diagnostiziert wird und ihm die Ärzte gen alles nochmal auf Anfang zu set- Regie: Stephan Bergmann gerade einmal eine Lebenserwartung zen. Diese Bilder stehen dann im Ein- Kinostart: 29.01.2015 von maximal zwei Jahren prophezeien, klang mit Hawkings Theorien über die heiraten Jane und Stephen und bekom- Zeit, die ihn so berühmt gemacht ha- Da schwebt das Traumschiff auf dem men sogar Kinder. Stephen promoviert ben. Insgesamt aber ein eher enttäu- purpurfarbenen Ozean der Sonne ent- schließlich und revolutioniert die ge- schender Film. gegen. Mit an Bord: Peter Nemela und samte Physik mit seinen Theorien über Heinz Löffelbein, zwei Profis ihres Fa- die Zeit. Doch der fortschreitende kör- Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014 ches. Als Gigolos haben die beiden perliche Zerfall des Genies wird zu ei- Hoppe hoppe, Reiter! Herren im gesetzten Alter auf der MS ner zunehmenden Belastung für die Heute gab es mal wieder nur einen ein- Deutschland angeheuert, um die zu- Ehe... Regisseur James Marsh, dem wir zigen Film. Der war dafür dann umso meist weiblichen Passagiere ebenfalls einen so großartigen Dokumentarfilm skurriler. gesetzten Alters zu betanzen und zu wie MAN ON WIRE verdanken, insze- beflirten. Ungehemmt geben die beiden nierte seinen Film nach dem autobio- VON MENSCHEN UND PFERDEN Männer in Stephan Bergmanns wunder- graphischen Buch “Travelling to (1:2.35, 5.1)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog OT: Hross I Oss 4:3!) machen aus der Vorlage ein über- Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) aus spannendes Krimi-Drama zum Mit- Land/Jahr: Island 2013 raten. Empfehlenswerte Kinokost für Regie: Benedikt Erlingsson Freunde anspruchsvoller Krimiunter- Darsteller: Charlotte Bøving, Helgi haltung. Björnsson, Ingvar E. Sigurdsson Kinostart: 19.02.2015 DER HOBBIT: DIE SCHLACHT DER FÜNF HEERE (1:2.35, HFR 3D, DD 5.1 + Die Stute bleibt mitten auf dem Weg 7.1 + Atmos ) mitsamt ihrem Reiter einfach stehen OT: The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five und wartet. Schon kommt ein Armies heissblütiger Hengst angallopiert und Verleih: Warner besteigt die weiße Stute. Dass da noch Land/Jahr: USA 2014 ein Mensch auf ihr im Sattel sitzt stört Regie: Peter Jackson die beiden Vierbeiner in keiner Art und Darsteller: Sir Ian McKellen, Martin Weise. Und das ist nur eine von vielen Freeman, Richard Armitage seltsamen und vorzüglich fotografier- Kinostart: 10.12.2014 ten Szenen made in Island, die es hier zu sehen gibt. Man ist ja inzwischen so Nachdem der Drache Smaug getötet Einiges an Skurrilem aus skandinavi- wurde, nehmen die Zwerge um Thorin schen Ländern gewohnt. Benedikt Eichenschild wieder Erebor in ihren Erlingssons tragisch-komisch anmuten- Besitz. Doch die unermesslichen Reich- der Film setzt dem Ganzen aber noch Auf der Tonspur sind deutlich die Lau- tümer in den Höhlen führen dazu, dass die Krone auf. Und nicht genug damit: te eines Paares beim Liebesspiel zu Thorin Eichenschild der Drachen- der Regisseur lässt seine Zuschauer hören, während die Kamera bereits die krankheit zum Opfer fällt, seine Gier eigentlich im Ungewissen darüber, ob Bilder “danach” präsentiert: ein leeres, nach Reichtum steigert sich ins das hier einfach nur typisch isländi- zerwühltes Bett, sonnendurchflutet, Unermessliche. Derweil bezieht ein scher Humor ist oder ob er es am Ende irgendwo in einem kleinen, abgelege- Elbenheer vor den Toren Erebors Stel- gar ernst meint. Wer sich also nicht nen Hotel. Erst nach und nach enthüllt lung. Und es ist nicht das einzige Heer, davor scheut zuzuschauen, wie ein die Kamera die beiden Menschen, um das die Reichtümer für sich bean- Mann in arktisch kalter Nacht sein die es geht. Zuerst in Detailaufnahmen, sprucht... Um es gleich vorweg zu sa- Pferd ersticht und dieses ausweidet, dann irgendwann in der Totalen. Es ist gen: der Film ist besser als der Ruf, der um dann Schutz in der warmen Hülle zu eine Art von Spurensuche, die hier ihm vorauseilt! Nachdem ich aufgrund finden, dem könnte dieses Sammelsuri- passiert. Plötzlich verrät uns die Ton- von Krankheit leider die Pressevor- um an Merkwürdigkeiten wohl gefallen. spur, dass Er offenbar einem Verhör führung nicht wahrnehmen konnte, Dass die Isländer überhaupt ein sehr unterzogen wird. Dazu im Bild ein habe ich den Film jetzt dafür gleich im inniges Verhältnis zu ihren Pferden Tropfen Blut, der auf ein Handtuch IMAX-Kino “nachgesessen”. Und das haben, wird in allen gezeigten Episo- fällt. Sie hat Ihn gebissen. Hat es eine obgleich ich von meinen Kollegen vor- den thematisiert. Das hat dann aller- Bedeutung? Noch weiß man als Zu- gewarnt wurde: “Nur Schlachten, sonst dings ganz und gar nichts mit der ver- schauer gar nichts, stellt nur Vermutun- nichts” war der Tenor. Weit gefehlt! klärt-romantischen Sichtweise gängiger gen an. Genauso wie die Polizei und Zwar konzentriert sich Peter Jackson in Teenager-Pferde-Geschichten zu tun. der Richter, die dem Protagonisten un- seiner finalen Mittelerde-Geschichte ermüdlich Fragen teils intimer Art stel- auf die letzte entscheidende Schlacht, Mittwoch, 17. Dezember 2014 len. Ein Verbrechen ist geschehen. doch es gelingt ihm, diese aufzulösen. Mitrate-Krimi Doch wer ist das Opfer? Mit DAS So gibt es neben Massenszenen auch Nur eine einzige Pressevorführung BLAUE ZIMMER hat Hauptdarsteller sehr viele Einzelschicksale sowie einige heute und die dauerte auch nur 76 Mi- Mathieu Amalric höchstpersönlich ei- spannende Duelle zu bestaunen. Auch nuten nen Roman von Georges Simenon in- dringt Jackson beeindruckend nah zum szeniert, der in seiner Art an die Kern der Geschichte vor: der Gier nach DAS BLAUE ZIMMER (1:1.33, 5.1) “Noir”-Filme der vierziger Jahre erin- Reichtum und wie dadurch Kriege ent- OT: La Chambre Bleue nert: ein großes Orchester stimmt zu stehen. Das alles wird wie immer fulmi- Verleih: Arsenal Herrmannesker Klangfülle an, eine nant in Szene gesetzt und zu einem per- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Femme Fatale dominiert das Gesche- fekten Abschluss gebracht, an den sich Regie: Mathieu Amalric hen. Schnelle Schnitte, ungewöhnliche die HERR DER RINGE-Trilogie nahtlos Darsteller: Léa Drucker, Mathieu Perspektiven, ein noch ungewöhnliche- anschließt. Fazit: ein “muss man gese- Amalric, Stéphanie Cléau res Bildformat (weder CinemaScope hen haben”-Event. Kinostart: 05.02.2015 noch Breitwand, sondern klassisches

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2014 Slapstickeinlagen (z.B. muss Anke Eng- Darroussin und es macht Spaß, ihnen Bodyguard und Hubschraubereltern elke ihr Handy aus dem schuleigenen bei dieser Auszeit von der Ehe zuzu- Heute gab es Action physischer und Swimmingpool fischen), die das Niveau schauen. verbaler Art in der Doppel-Presse des Stoffes leider in den Keller absak- ken lassen, fast so, als gelte es, einen BRASSERIE ROMANTIEK – DAS WILD CARD (1:2.35, DD 5.1) zweiten FACK JU GÖHTE zu inszenie- VALENTINS-MENÜ (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: Wild Card ren. Angesichts der guten Darsteller OT: Brasserie Romantiek Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) und ihrer herrlichen Wortgefechte las- Verleih: Rendezvous (Filmagentinnen) Land/Jahr: USA 2014 sen sich diese Abschweifungen jedoch Land/Jahr: Belgien 2012 Regie: Simon West verkraften. Regie: Joël Vanhoebrouck Darsteller: Jason Statham, Michael Darsteller: Filip Peeters, Koen de Bouw, Angarano, Dominik García-Lorido Freitag, 19. Dezember 2014 Barbara Sarafian Kinostart: 12.02.2015 Alles dreht sich um die Liebe Kinostart: 12.02.2015 Die beiden letzten Pressevorführungen Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung des Jahres widmeten sich der Liebe in Pascaline betreibt zusammen mit ihrem gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film all ihren Schattierungen Bruder ein kleines Restaurant, das es erst ab 29.01.2015 auf immerhin auf einen Stern gebracht hat. www.wolframhannemann.de SEHNSUCHT NACH (1:1.85, Am Abend des Valentinstages wartet DD 5.1) die Küche mit einem besonderen Menü FRAU MÜLLER MUSS WEG! (1:2.35, OT: Paris / La Ritournelle auf und ein Sammelsurium an Gästen 5.1) Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) gibt sich die Ehre – und an jedem Tisch Verleih: Constantin Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 tun sich bald Abgründe auf... Die Idee Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Regie: Marc Fitoussi zum Film ist nicht schlecht: an jedem Regie: Sönke Wortmann Darsteller: Isabelle Huppert, Jean- der besetzten Tische im netten, kleinen Darsteller: Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Pierre Darroussin, Michael Nyqvist Restaurant spielt sich ein anderes Justus von Dohnányi, Anke Engelke Kinostart: 12.02.2015 Schicksal ab. Ob es der verflossene Kinostart: 15.01.2015 Liebhaber der Chefin ist, eine sitzenge- Brigitte und Xavier sind schon seit lassene Ehefrau, ein Ehepaar in schwe- Die Elternverteter sind sich einig: vielen Jahren verheiratet und arbeiten rer Krise oder der mit extremen Komple- Grundschullehrerin Müller ist kontra- erfolgreich als Rinderzüchter. Seit ihr xen behaftete Single – jedes dieser produktiv für ihre Kinder und muss Sohn aus dem Haus ist, geht alles nur Schicksale wird an diesem Valentinstag deshalb verschwinden. Als sie die Leh- noch seinen geregelten Gang. Das än- eine Wendung nehmen. Während ein rerin mit ihren Absichten konfrontieren, dert sich erst, als Brigitte auf einer Par- Gang nach dem anderen zubereitet und liest die den Anwesenden erst einmal ty den jüngeren Stan kennenlernt, der serviert wird, eskaliert die Situation die Leviten, bevor sie aus dem Zimmer heftig mit ihr flirtet. Brigitte wird klar, sowohl in der Küche als auch im Re- läuft und verschwindet. Alleingelassen was sie in der Beziehung mit Xavier staurant. Das exzellent in Szene gesetz- beginnt die kleine Gruppe von Eltern vermisst und beschließt, sich auf ein te Essen steht dabei zunehmend im untereinander zu diskutieren. Schon Abenteuer einzulassen. Unter falschem krassen Gegensatz zu dem, was hier an bald liegen die Nerven blank: jetzt Vorwand reist sie nach Paris, um dort Zwischenmenschlichem abläuft. Leider herrscht Krieg! - Basierend auf dem Stan wieder zu treffen... Marc Fitoussis zieht sich hier nicht nur das Mehr-Gän- gleichnamigen Theaterstück lässt uns kleine Komödie mit melancholischem ge-Menü in die Länge, der Film selber Regisseur Sönke Wortmann teilhaben Einschlag richtet sich hauptsächlich an tut es auch – und das trotz nur 97 Mi- an elterlichen Eitelkeiten, die bis zur Menschen im gesetzteren Alter. Jene nuten Laufzeit. Es wurde hier wohl ein- Selbstzerfleischung führen. Nicht un- Altersgruppe also, die schon auf einen fach zuviel ins Drehbuch gepackt, frei ähnlich dem Polanskis brillanten DER gewissen Erfahrungsschatz zurückgrei- nach dem Motto “Zu viele Köche ver- GOTT DES GEMETZELS prallen auch fen kann was zwischenmenschliche derben den Brei”. Manchmal ist weni- hier die verschiedenen Charaktere auf- Beziehungen angeht. Und es würde ger einfach mehr. grund ihrer sehr unterschiedlichen In- nicht mit rechten Dingen zugehen, teressen ungebremst aufeinander und wenn sich gestandene Eheleute nicht beweisen damit, dass Eltern wesentlich mit den Protagonisten identifizieren schlimmer sind als ihre Kinder. Vermut- könnten. Gespielt werden die beiden lich um den Theatercharakter der Vorla- von Isabelle Huppert und Jean-Pierre ge zu kaschieren, gibt es ein paar

Tagesaktuelle Rezensionen immer auf www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063707 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 min. Animation Paramount Home Giovannis Insel Entertainment() 05.02.2015 Giovanni No Shima Aschenputtel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063408 Dir. Mizuho Nishikubo Bildergalerie, Interview, Making of, Videoclip Cinderella Emily Erdbeer - Neues aus Trickfilm 2014 97min. Dir. Richard Slapczynski Bitzibeerchenhausen, Box 3 (2 Universum Film Home Bonusfilm Entertainment(Universum Anime) Trickfilm 1996 51min. Discs) 20.02.2015 EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 Strawberry Shortcake 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063386 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063315 Trickfilm 1981-2010 200min. justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Barbie in: Die Super-Prinzessin Giovannis Insel (Blu-ray) 23.01.2015 Giovanni No Shima Barbie In: Princess Power 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063502 Dir. Mizuho Nishikubo Dir. Zeke Norton Bildergalerie, Interview, Making of, Videoclip Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2015 80min. Felix der Kater und seine Freun- Trickfilm 2014 102min. Universal Pictures (Universal) de Universum Film Home 26.02.2015 Felix The Cat Entertainment(Universum Anime) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063507 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1960 150min. 20.02.2015 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063401 Barbie in: Die Super-Prinzessin Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 01.12.2014 (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063387 Das goldene Märchenbuch (4 Barbie In: Princess Power Discs) Dir. Zeke Norton Full Metal Panic! - Box 1 (3 Discs) Des Kaisers neue Kleider / Der Froschkö- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2015 82min. Full Metal Panic nig / Aschenputtel / Die Bienenkönigin / Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Koichi Chigira Der gestiefelte Kater / Däumelinchen / 26.02.2015 ca. 20 Minuten Pinocchio / Der Rubinprinz 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063558 Trickfilm 2001 300min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015 ZYX Music 02.01.2015 Boats - Elias und die königliche 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063672 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063397 Yacht Elias Og Kongeskipet Full Metal Panic! - Box 1 (3 Discs) Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 1 Dir. Espen Fyksen, Lise I. Osvoll (Blu-ray) (Re-Cut-Edition) Wendecover Full Metal Panic Herushingu Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007 74min. Dir. Koichi Chigira Dir. Taliesin Jaffe EuroVideo Medien 12.02.2015 Trickfilm 2001 312min. Action/Zeichentrick 2005 60min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063640 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 12.12.2014 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063708 Charlie und Lola - Acht 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063298 Charlie And Lola Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 2 Dir. Kitty Taylor Vol. 3 (2 Discs) Herushingu Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005 77min. Hagane No Renkinjutsushi Dir. Taliesin Jaffe polyband Medien GmbH 30.01.2015 Booklet, Episodenguide Action/Zeichentrick 2005 60min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063349 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 188min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015 KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 16.02.2015 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063670 Coppelion 1 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063527 Coppelion Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 2 Dir. Shingo Suzuki Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Action 2013 100min. Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.01.2015 Herushingu Hagane No Renkinjutsushi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063603 Dir. Taliesin Jaffe Booklet, Episodenguide Action/Zeichentrick 2005 60min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009 196min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015 Coppelion 1 (Blu-ray) KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 16.02.2015 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063706 Coppelion 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063572 Dir. Shingo Suzuki Science Fiction/Action 2013 104min. Futurama - Season 8 (2 Discs) Highschool DXD - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Highschool DXD AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.01.2015 Futurama 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063614 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Dir. Tetsuya Yanagisawa Trickfilm/Satire 1999-2013 min. Booklet Action/Zeichentrick 79min. Doc McStuffins - Spielzeugärztin, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment AV Visionen(Kazé) 28.11.2014 Germany 05.03.2015 Vol. 5: Hilfe für jedes Wehweh- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063303 chen 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063493 Doc McStuffins Ghost in the Shell 2.0 James und der Riesenpfirsich Kiara Muhammad, Lara Jill Miller, Robbie James And The Giant Peach Kôkaku Kidôtai 2.0 Rist, Loretta Devine, Caitlin Carmichael, Paul Terry, Joanna Lumley, Miriam Dir. Mamoru Oshii Jess Harnell Margolyes, Pete Postlethwaite - Dir. Henry Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2008 85min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 115min. Selick AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015 The Walt Disney Company Komödie/Trickfilm 1996 min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063671 (Germany)(Disney) 08.01.2015 capelight pictures Gerlach Selms 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063361 Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (Blu-ray) 06.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063737 Dora - Doras Eislauf-Spektakel Kôkaku Kidôtai 2.0 Dir. Mamoru Oshii Dora The Explorer Johan und der Federkönig Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2008 88min. Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Resan Till Fjäderkungens Rike AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015

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Dir. Esben Toft Jacobsen satz (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 23.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 min. Planes / Planes: Fire & Rescue 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063500 Universum Film Home Dir. Klay Hall, Roberts Gannaway Entertainment(Universum Kids) 06.03.2015 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013-2014 176min. Yakari - Das schnellste Tier der 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063734 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Prärie 04.12.2014 Yakari Kasper Geschichten (3 Discs) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063440 Dir. Xavier Giacometti Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 270min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 65min. da music(SJ Entertainment) 28.11.2014 Samurai Flamenco - Vol. 3 (2 Edel:Kids 23.01.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063350 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063414 Kikis kleiner Lieferservice Samurai Flamenco Dir. Takahiro Omori Yakari - Der Vogel mit den hun- Majo No Takkyûbin Action/Zeichentrick 125min. dert Stimmen Dir. Takashi Shimizu AV Visionen(Peppermint) 30.01.2015 Yakari Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 104min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063604 Dir. Xavier Giacometti EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 65min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063293 Samurai Flamenco - Vol. 3 (Blu- Edel:Kids 23.01.2015 Kikis kleiner Lieferservice (Blu- ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063413 ray) Samurai Flamenco Dir. Takahiro Omori Majo No Takkyûbin Action/Zeichentrick 125min. Dir. Takashi Shimizu AV Visionen(Peppermint) 30.01.2015 Film Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 108min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063615 EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063300 Die Schöne und das Biest 12 Uhr mittags - High Noon (Special Edition) High Noon Die Kinderbox (3 Discs) Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges, The Beauty And The Beast Kleine Prinzessin 3. Staffel Teil 1 / Ian MacDonald, Thomas Mitchell, Katy Dir. Richard Slapczynski Cartoonito Märchenstunde Teil 1 / Tickety Jurado, Lon Chaney jr., Otto Kruger - Dir. Toc 1 Bonus-Zeichentrickfilm Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1996 50min. Fred Zinnemann Kinderfilm 200min. EuroVideo Medien 12.02.2015 Dokumentation, Trailer, Wendecover justbridge entertainment GmbH 23.01.2015 1952 80min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063643 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063499 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tom & Jerry Show - Staffel 1, Teil Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Lego: Legends of Chima - DVD 9 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063608 Lego: Legends Of Chima 1 (2 Discs) Dir. Peder Pedersen The Tom And Jerry Show 12 Uhr mittags - High Noon (Blu- Musikvideos Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 272min. ray) Trickfilm 132min. Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 High Noon Universum Film Home 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063727 Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges, Entertainment(Universum Kids) 06.02.2015 Ian MacDonald, Thomas Mitchell, Katy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063525 Tom & Jerry Show - Staffel 1, Teil Jurado, Lon Chaney jr., Otto Kruger - Dir. 2 (2 Discs) Little Cars 7 & 8 Fred Zinnemann The Tom And Jerry Show Dokumentation, The Making of, Filmmusik, Trailer, Wende- Os Carrinhos Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2014 min. cover Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2008 80min. Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 Western 1952 85min. justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063728 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 23.01.2015 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063501 Wedding Peach - Vol. 1 (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063616 Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach Magical Doremi, Episode 01-26 (5 Dir. Kunihiko Yuyuma 2 Broke Girls - Die komplette 3. Discs) Trickfilm/Science Fiction 1995 min. Staffel (3 Discs) Ojamajo Doremi AV Visionen(Nipponart) 30.01.2015 2 Broke Girls Bildergalerie, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20063673 Komödie 2013-2014 495min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 593min. Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 KSM GmbH(KSM Anime) 16.02.2015 Die Wilden Kerle 11 - Gemeine 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063726 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063528 Intrigen 30 Rock - 7. Staffel (2 Discs) Peter Hase, DVD 4 Dir. Mike Maurus Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 60min. 30 Rock Peter Rabbit Edel:Kids 30.01.2015 Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063415 Jane Krakowski, Jack McBrayer, Scott Universum Film Home Adsit, Judah Friedlander, Katrina Bowden, Entertainment(Universum Kids) 13.03.2015 Die Wilden Kerle 12 - Kampf um Keith Powell, Maulik Pancholy, Kevin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063735 den Teufelstopf Brown, Grizz Chapman, Lonny Ross, John Lutz - Dir. Don Scardino, Gail Mancuso, Dir. Mike Maurus Planes / Planes 2 - Immer im Ein- Michael Engler, Adam Bernstein, Beth Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 60min. satz (2 Discs) McCarthy-Miller Edel:Kids 30.01.2015 Planes / Planes: Fire & Rescue Komödie 260min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063416 Dir. Klay Hall, Roberts Gannaway Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013-2014 169min. The - Die komplette 5. 19.02.2015 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063520 04.12.2014 Staffel (5 Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063412 The Winx Club - The Winx Club Die Abenteurer vom Rio Verde - Trickfilm/Fantasy 2004-2008 572min. Der komplette Vierteiler (2 Discs) justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Planes / Planes 2 - Immer im Ein- Le Pilote Du Rio Verde: Manana

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Mario Adorf, Jean-Pierre Bouvier, Gladys Jan Georg Schütte Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Sarah Ibarra, Cosme Cortazar, Freddy Pereira - Drama/Experimentalfilm 2014 75min. Paulson, Evan Peters, Lily Rabe, Taissa Dir. Duccio Tessari ZYX Music 06.02.2015 Farmiga, , Emma Roberts, Booklet, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063606 Denis O’Hare, Josh , Gabourey Abenteuer 1991 306min. Sidibe, - Dir. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Altersglühen - Die Serie, Teil 4-6 Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, Michael Uppendahl, AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 20.02.2015 Mario Adorf, Senta Berger, Victor Bradley Buecker, Howard Deutch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063285 Choulman, Jörg Gudzuhn, Michael Featurettes Gwisdek, Matthias Habich, Brigitte Janner, Horror/Drama 2013-2014 min. Absoluter Gehorsam - Silent Gisela Keiner, Hildegard Schmahl, Christine Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Retreat (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Schorn, Jochen Stern, Ilse Strambowski, Germany 26.02.2015 Silent Retreat Angela Winkler, Jan Georg Schütte - Dir. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063496 Chelsea Jenish, Sofia Banzhaf, Robert Jan Georg Schütte Nolan - Dir. Tricia Lee Drama/Experimentalfilm 2014 75min. Annabelle Wendecover ZYX Music 06.02.2015 Annabelle Horror 2013 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063607 Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, Tony Maritim Pictures 27.02.2015 Amendola, , Kerry O’Malley, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063291 Altersglühen - Speed Dating für Brian Howe, Eric Ladin, Ivar Brogger, Geoff Senioren Wehner, Gabriel Bateman, Shiloh Nelson, Absoluter Gehorsam - Silent Michelle Romano, Sasha Sheldon, Camden Mario Adorf, Senta Berger, Victor Singer, Keira Daniels, Paige Diaz, Morganna Retreat (k.J.) Choulman, Jörg Gudzuhn, Michael May - Dir. John R. Leonetti Silent Retreat Gwisdek, Matthias Habich, Brigitte Janner, Horror 2014 95min. Chelsea Jenish, Sofia Banzhaf, Robert Gisela Keiner, Hildegard Schmahl, Christine Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Nolan - Dir. Tricia Lee Schorn, Jochen Stern, Ilse Strambowski, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063517 Wendecover Angela Winkler, Jan Georg Schütte - Dir. Horror 2013 95min. Jan Georg Schütte Maritim Pictures 27.02.2015 Annabelle (Blu-ray) Drama/Experimentalfilm 2014 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063286 Annabelle ZYX Music 06.02.2015 Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, Tony 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063605 Das Alien aus der Tiefe Amendola, Alfre Woodard, Kerry O’Malley, Alien Degli Abissi Am Sonntag bist du tot Brian Howe, Eric Ladin, Ivar Brogger, Geoff Daniel Bosch, Julia McKay, Robert Marius, Wehner, Gabriel Bateman, Shiloh Nelson, Calvary Allan Collins, Charles Napier - Dir. Anthony Michelle Romano, Sasha Sheldon, Camden Brendan Gleeson, Chris O’Dowd, Kelly M. Dawson Singer, Keira Daniels, Paige Diaz, Morganna Reilly, Aidan Gillen, Dylan Moran, Isaach De Science Fiction 1989 88min. May - Dir. John R. Leonetti Bankolé, David Wilmot, Killian Scott, Orla da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Horror 2014 99min. O’Rourke, David McSavage, Pat Shortt, M. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063659 Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Emmet Walsh, Gary Lydon, Owen Sharpe, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063567 All Cheerleaders Die Marie-Josée Croze, Domhnall Gleeson - Dir. John Michael McDonagh All Cheerleaders Die Apocalypse Now Drama/Komödie 2014 101min. Caitlin Stasey, Sianoa Smit-McPhee, Brooke Apocalypse Now Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.03.2015 Butler, Tom Williamson, Chris Petrovski, Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert tba BestellNr.: 20063510 Leigh Parker, Jordan Wilson, Felisha Duvall, Dennis Hopper, Frederic Forrest, Cooper, Nadia Boceski - Dir. Lucky McKee Am Sonntag bist du tot (Blu-ray) , Harrison Ford, Sam Behind the Scenes, Trailer Bottoms - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Horror/Komödie 2013 86min. Calvary Intro, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Wendecover Koch Media 04.12.2014 Brendan Gleeson, Chris O’Dowd, Kelly Drama/Kriegsfilm 1979 141min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063473 Reilly, Aidan Gillen, Dylan Moran, Isaach De STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bankolé, David Wilmot, Killian Scott, Orla Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 All Cheerleaders Die (Blu-ray) O’Rourke, David McSavage, Pat Shortt, M. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063609 All Cheerleaders Die Emmet Walsh, Gary Lydon, Owen Sharpe, Caitlin Stasey, Sianoa Smit-McPhee, Brooke Marie-Josée Croze, Domhnall Gleeson - Dir. Apocalypse Now (Blu-ray) Butler, Tom Williamson, Chris Petrovski, John Michael McDonagh Apocalypse Now Leigh Parker, Jordan Wilson, Felisha Drama/Komödie 2014 105min. Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Cooper, Nadia Boceski - Dir. Lucky McKee Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.03.2015 Duvall, Dennis Hopper, Frederic Forrest, Behind the Scenes, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20063561 Laurence Fishburne, Harrison Ford, Sam Horror/Komödie 2013 93min. Bottoms - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Koch Media 04.12.2014 : Coven (3 Audiokommentar, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063474 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama/Kriegsfilm 1979 153min. American Horror Story STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment All-American Murder (k.J.) Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Sarah Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 All American Murder Paulson, Evan Peters, Lily Rabe, Taissa 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063617 Christopher Walken, Charlie Schlatter, Farmiga, Angela Bassett, Emma Roberts, Joanna Cassidy, Josie Bisset - Dir. Anson Denis O’Hare, Josh Hamilton, Gabourey Archer, die Abenteuer eines Williams Sidibe, Alexandra Breckenridge - Dir. Rennpferdes Thriller 1992 90min. Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, Michael Uppendahl, Archer’s Adventure da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Bradley Buecker, Howard Deutch Brett Climo, Robert Coleby, Nicole Kidman - 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063666 Featurettes Dir. Denny Lawrence Horror/Drama 2013-2014 min. Abenteuer 1986 99min. Altersglühen - Die Serie, Teil 1-3 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Spirit Media 17.02.2015 Mario Adorf, Senta Berger, Victor Germany 26.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063626 Choulman, Jörg Gudzuhn, Michael 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063553 Gwisdek, Matthias Habich, Brigitte Janner, Darren Aronofsky Edition (3 Discs) Gisela Keiner, Hildegard Schmahl, Christine American Horror Story: Coven (4 (Blu-ray) Schorn, Jochen Stern, Ilse Strambowski, Discs) (k.J.) Pi / The Fountain / The Wrestler Angela Winkler, Jan Georg Schütte - Dir. American Horror Story Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis, Ben

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Shenkman, Pamela Hart, Stephen Pearlman, Spiner, Stanley DeSantis, Edward Herr- Papaiani, Jean Constantin, George Paul Samia Shoaib, Ajay Naidu, Kristyn Mae- mann, Willem Dafoe, Kenneth Walsh, J.C. Avram, Julieta Szönyi - Dir. Mircea Muresan Anne Lao, Lauren Fox, Jo Gordon, Hugh MacKenzie - Dir. Abenteuer 1976 568min. Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Dokumenta- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 30.01.2015 Stephen McHattie, Fernando Hernandez, tionen , Featurettes, Soundtrack, TV-Spots, Wendecover 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063384 Drama 2004 170min. Cliff Curtis, Sean Patrick Thomas, Donna STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Murphy, Ethan Suplee, Richard McMillan, Black Cobra Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Lorne Brass, , Evan Rachel When The Cobra Strikes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063618 Wood, Marisa Tomei, Todd Barry, Wass M. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, T.J. Storm, Jeff Stevens, Judah Friedlander, Ernest Miller, Banshee Chapter Wolfe, Michael Chinyamurindi, Kiralee Dylan Summers - Dir. Darren Aronofsky Hayashi, Ogy Durham, Damion Poitier, Ro- The Banshee Chapter Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, bert Pike Daniel - Dir. Scott Donovan, Lilly Katia Winter, Michael McMillian, Ted Levine, Musikvideo, Trailer, Filmmusik, Interviews, Bildschirm- Melgar schoner, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie, Making of, Wendecover Monique Candelaria, Jenny Gabrielle, Cyd Action 2012 84min. Drama/Science Fiction 1997-2008 290min. Schulte, William Sterchi, Chad Brummett - justbridge entertainment GmbH(justbridge STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Blair Erickson Germany(Arthaus) 05.02.2015 Making of, Behind the Scenes movies) 27.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063598 Horror 2013 87min. tba BestellNr.: 20063299 Koch Media 29.01.2015 Assault Girls (Uncut Version) (Blu- tba BestellNr.: 20063310 Black Cobra (Blu-ray) ray) When The Cobra Strikes Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, T.J. Storm, Jeff Asaruto Gâruzu Banshee Chapter (Blu-ray 3D) Wolfe, Michael Chinyamurindi, Kiralee Yoshikazu Fujiki, Rinko Kikuchi, Meisa (Blu-ray) Hayashi, Ogy Durham, Damion Poitier, Ro- Kuroki, Hinako Saeki, Ian Moore, Takanori The Banshee Chapter bert Pike Daniel - Dir. Scott Donovan, Lilly Tsujimoto - Dir. Mamoru Oshii Katia Winter, Michael McMillian, Ted Levine, Melgar Trailer, 2 Kurzfilme, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Monique Candelaria, Jenny Gabrielle, Cyd Action 2012 88min. Action/Science Fiction 2009 70min. Schulte, William Sterchi, Chad Brummett - justbridge entertainment GmbH(justbridge Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Dir. Blair Erickson 16.12.2014 Making of, Behind the Scenes movies) 27.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063439 Horror 2013 91min. tba BestellNr.: 20063304 Koch Media 29.01.2015 At the Devil’s Door tba BestellNr.: 20063336 Blood Dungeon (Blu-ray) (k.J.) At The Devil’s Door Dungeon Girl , Catalina Sandino Moreno, Die Bergretter - Staffel 6 (2 Discs) Wendi Jean Linn, Marcia James, Stacey Ashley Rickards, Mark Steger, Assaf Drama/Heimatfilm 2014 531min. Worth, Darrin McDuff, Bud Watson - Dir. Ulli Cohen, Olivia Crocicchia, Tara Buck, Rob Universum Film Home Lommel Brownstein - Dir. Nicholas McCarthy Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 27.02.2015 Trailer Thriller/Horror 2008 83min. Horror 2014 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063385 da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063369 Bunch Germany) 06.02.2015 Bewaffneter Widerstand - Armed 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063390 Response Blood Island (Blu-ray) (k.J.) In Security At the Devil’s Door (Blu-ray) The Seamstress Ethan Embry, Michael Gladis, Clea DuVall, Lance Henriksen, Kailin See, David Kopp, At The Devil’s Door Cary Elwes, Ving Rhames, Vinnie Jones, James Kirk, Lara Gilchrist, Sarah Mutch, Naya Rivera, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Adam Arkin, Jr. - Dir. Adam Richard Stroh, Kevin McNulty - Dir. Jesse Ashley Rickards, Mark Steger, Assaf Beamer, Evan Beamer James Miller Cohen, Olivia Crocicchia, Tara Buck, Rob Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 94min. Horror 2008 76min. Brownstein - Dir. Nicholas McCarthy Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 27.02.2015 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Horror 2014 94min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063454 28.11.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063347 Bunch Germany) 06.02.2015 Bewaffneter Widerstand - Armed 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063404 Response (Blu-ray) Blood Island (k.J.) Aviator In Security The Seamstress Ethan Embry, Michael Gladis, Clea DuVall, Lance Henriksen, Kailin See, David Kopp, The Aviator Cary Elwes, Ving Rhames, Vinnie Jones, James Kirk, Lara Gilchrist, Sarah Mutch, Leonardo DiCaprio, , John C. Adam Arkin, Ed Begley Jr. - Dir. Adam Richard Stroh, Kevin McNulty - Dir. Jesse Reilly, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, Jude Beamer, Evan Beamer James Miller Law, Matt Ross, Adam Scott, Gwen Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2013 98min. Horror 2008 72min. Stefani, Sir , Danny Huston, Alan Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 27.02.2015 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Alda, Kelli Garner, Frances Conroy, Brent tba BestellNr.: 20063468 28.11.2014 Spiner, Stanley DeSantis, Edward Herr- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063324 mann, Willem Dafoe, Kenneth Walsh, J.C. Billy und die Schneemänner - Ein MacKenzie - Dir. Martin Scorsese Bloodparty (k.J.) Audiokommentar, Wendecover Rekord für die Ewigkeit Drama 2004 163min. Snowmen Home Sweet Home STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bobby Coleman, Josh Flitter, Ray Liotta, Sallee Elyse, Jake Steinfeld - Dir. Netie Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Christopher Lloyd, Talon G. Ackerman, Pena 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063610 Carolina Andrus, Jennifer Klekas, Terry Wendecover Horror 1981 min. Wood - Dir. Robert Kirbyson Maritim Pictures 30.01.2015 Aviator (Blu-ray) Komödie 2010 89min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063545 The Aviator justbridge entertainment GmbH 23.01.2015 Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, John C. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063498 Bloody Hunter (k.J.) Reilly, Alec Baldwin, Kate Beckinsale, Jude Death Hunter: Werewolves Vs. Vampires Law, Matt Ross, Adam Scott, Gwen Bis ans Ende der Welt (3 Discs) Sam McConkey, Shari Wiedmann, Paulino Stefani, Sir Ian Holm, Danny Huston, Alan Toate Pînzele Sus Hemmer, Mike Lawler, James Ryan, Rich Alda, Kelli Garner, Frances Conroy, Brent Ion Besoiu, Ilarion Ciobanu, Sebastian Williams, Mark Alderson, Robert Jensen -

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Dir. Dustin Rikert Reinout Scholten van Aschat - Dir. Alex van 12.02.2015 Horror/Action 2010 92min. Warmerdam 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063380 daredo media(Azurite Pictures) 12.12.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063462 Thriller/Drama 2013 113min. Bulletproof Monk - Der kugelsi- Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) chere Mönch / Zatoichi - Der blin- 17.02.2015 Blutiges Blei (Blu-ray) (k.J.) de Samurai (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Il Prezzo Del Potere tba BestellNr.: 20063560 Giuliano Gemma, Warren Vanders, Maria Discs) Cuadra, Ray Saunders, Fernando Rey, Born Undead (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bulletproof Monk / Zatoichi Antonio Casas, Benito Stefanelli, Van Garden Of Love Chow Yun-Fat, Seann William Scott, Jaime Johnson - Dir. Tonino Valerii Natacza Soozie Boon, Daryl Jackson, King, Takeshi Kitano, Tadanobu Asano, Trailer, Artworkgalerie James Matthew-Pyecha, Bela B., Andrea Michiyo Ookusu - Dir. Paul Hunter, Takeshi Western 1969 112min. Losleben, Martina Schuster, Jacek Kitano Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Gluszko, Martina Kundinger, Anja Lange, Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene 12.12.2014 Jeff Motherhead, Kayla Motherhead, Do- Szenen Action/Abenteuer 2003 211min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063365 nald Stewart, Alexandra Thom-Heinrich - Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Dir. Olaf Ittenbach Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Edition 1 - Aetbaar / Horror/Thriller 2003 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063355 Husn da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Aetbaar / Husn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063372 Bulletproof Monk - Der kugelsi- Drama/Kriminalfilm 286min. chere Mönch / Zatoichi - Der blin- da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Das Bourne Ultimatum 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063358 The Bourne Ultimatum de Samurai (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn, Discs) (Blu-ray) Bollywood Edition 2 - Shakti / Scott Glenn, Paddy Considine, Édgar Bulletproof Monk / Zatoichi Duplicate Ramírez, Albert Finney, - Dir. Chow Yun-Fat, Seann William Scott, Jaime Paul Greengrass Shakti / Duplicate King, Takeshi Kitano, Tadanobu Asano, Action/Thriller 2007 110min. Drama/Komödie 330min. Michiyo Ookusu - Dir. Paul Hunter, Takeshi Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Kitano 05.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063359 Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063529 Szenen Action/Abenteuer 2003 220min. Bollywood Edition 3 - Dus / Der Das Bourne Ultimatum (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde verloschene Mond The Bourne Ultimatum Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Dus / Chand Bujh Gaya Matt Damon, Julia Stiles, David Strathairn, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063368 Drama 262min. Scott Glenn, Paddy Considine, Édgar da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Ramírez, Albert Finney, Joan Allen - Dir. Buried Alive - Back for Revenge 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063360 Paul Greengrass (k.J.) Action/Thriller 2007 115min. 3 Days Gone - Best of Bonanza, Teil 2 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Christopher Backus, Patrick J. Adams, (10 Discs) 05.02.2015 Michelle Stafford - Dir. Scott McCullough Bonanza 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063580 Thriller 2008 88min. Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Dan Blok- Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) ker, Pernell Roberts, Victor Sen Yung Boxring des Todes (k.J.) 28.11.2014 Wendecover Beyond The Ring 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063327 Western 1959-1973 1925min. Aandre Lima, Gary Busey, Brye Cooper - STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Gerson Sanginitto Cannibal vs. Pussys (k.J.) Germany 05.02.2015 Trailer The Cook tba BestellNr.: 20063578 Action/Drama 2008 86min. Mark Hengst, Kit Paquin, Makinna Ridgway, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Penny Drake, Nina Zuckerman, Noelle Borgman 01.12.2014 Kenney, Justine Marino, Brooke Lenzi, Ste- Borgman 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063392 fanie Solano - Dir. Gregg Simon Jan Bijvoet, Hadewych Minis, Jeroen Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar Perceval, Sara Hjort, Eva van de Wijdeven, Breaker! Breaker! Horror/Komödie 2007 79min. Annet Malherbe, Tom Dewispelaere, Alex Breaker! Breaker! Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) van Warmerdam, Elve Lijbaart, Dirkje van Chuck Norris, George Murdock, Terry 28.11.2014 der Pijl, Pieter-Bas de Waard, Gène O’Connor, Jack Nance - Dir. Don Hulette 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063328 Bervoets, Mike Weerts, Pierre Bokma, Action 1977 81min. Ariane Schluter, Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 John Carpenter’s The Ward / Reinout Scholten van Aschat - Dir. Alex van 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063348 Pathology (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) Warmerdam (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Bros before Hos The Ward / Pathology Thriller/Drama 2013 108min. Bros Before Hos Amber Heard, Mamie Gummer, Danielle Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Tim Haars, Daniel Arends, Sylvia Hoeks - Panabaker, Johnny Whitworth, Alyssa Mila- 17.02.2015 Dir. Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil no, - Dir. John Carpenter, tba BestellNr.: 20063509 Komödie 2013 90min. Marc Schoelermann EuroVideo Medien(Wild Bunch Germany) Borgman (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Interviews, B-Roll, Featurette, Making-of 12.02.2015 Horror/Thriller 2007-2010 203min. Borgman 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063379 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Jan Bijvoet, Hadewych Minis, Jeroen Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Perceval, Sara Hjort, Eva van de Wijdeven, Bros before Hos (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063444 Annet Malherbe, Tom Dewispelaere, Alex Bros Before Hos van Warmerdam, Elve Lijbaart, Dirkje van Tim Haars, Daniel Arends, Sylvia Hoeks - John Carpenter’s The Ward / der Pijl, Pieter-Bas de Waard, Gène Dir. Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil Pathology (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) Bervoets, Mike Weerts, Pierre Bokma, Komödie 2013 94min. Ariane Schluter, Benjamin Boe Rasmussen, EuroVideo Medien(Wild Bunch Germany) (k.J.)

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The Ward / Pathology tba BestellNr.: 20063599 Code 37 - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) (Blu- Amber Heard, Mamie Gummer, Danielle ray) Panabaker, Johnny Whitworth, Alyssa Mila- Citizen Code 37 no, Milo Ventimiglia - Dir. John Carpenter, Citizen Kane Veerle Baetens, Marc Lauwrys, Gilles De Marc Schoelermann Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Agnes Schryver, Michael Pas, Carry Goossens, Audiokommentar, Interviews, B-Roll, Featurette, Making-of Moorehead, Harry Shannon, Ruth Warrick, Geert van Rampelberg, Ben Segers - Dir. Horror/Thriller 2007-2010 195min. Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Erskine Jakob Verbruggen, Tim Mielants, Joël Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Sanford, Buddy Swan, Sonny Bupp, Ray Vanhoebrouck, Jan Matthys Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Collins, William Alland, Paul Stewart, Kriminalfilm 2009-2012 614min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063431 George Coulouris, Fortunio Bonanova, Gus Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.01.2015 Schilling, Philip Van Zandt, Gregoria 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063443 Chicago Backus - Dir. Orson Welles Chicago Audiokommentar, Trailer, Wendecover, Bildergalerie, u.a. Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Drama 1941 115min. Code 37 - Staffel 1 (4 Discs) Richard Gere, , John C. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Code 37 Reilly, Taye Diggs, Lucy Liu, Colm Feore, Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Veerle Baetens, Marc Lauwrys, Gilles De Christine Baranski, , Mya, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063645 Schryver, Michael Pas, Carry Goossens, Deirdre Goodwin, Denise Faye, Susan Geert van Rampelberg, Ben Segers - Dir. Misner, Sebastian Lacause, Marc Calamia, Citizen Kane (Blu-ray) Jakob Verbruggen, Tim Mielants, Joël Patrick Salvagna, Joseph Scoren, Mike Citizen Kane Vanhoebrouck, Jan Matthys Haddad, Chita Rivera - Dir. Rob Marshall Orson Welles, Joseph Cotten, Agnes Kriminalfilm 2009-2012 590min. Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Moorehead, Harry Shannon, Ruth Warrick, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.01.2015 Scenes, Featurette, Wendecover Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Erskine 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063429 Musikfilm/Kriminalfilm 2002 109min. Sanford, Buddy Swan, Sonny Bupp, Ray STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Collins, William Alland, Paul Stewart, College Killer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 George Coulouris, Fortunio Bonanova, Gus The Sleeper 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063611 Schilling, Philip Van Zandt, Gregoria Brittany Belland, E. Ray Goodwin, Tiffany Arnold, Jessica Cameron, Riana Ballo, John Chicago (Blu-ray) Backus - Dir. Orson Welles Dokumentationen, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Wende- Bloom, Jason Jay Crabtree, Ali Ferda - Dir. Chicago cover, u.a. Justin Russell Renée Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Drama 1941 119min. Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Richard Gere, Queen Latifah, John C. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Horror 2012 89min. Reilly, Taye Diggs, Lucy Liu, Colm Feore, Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Christine Baranski, Dominic West, Mya, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063699 tba BestellNr.: 20063289 Deirdre Goodwin, Denise Faye, Susan Misner, Sebastian Lacause, Marc Calamia, Clément - Viel zu jung College Killer (k.J.) Patrick Salvagna, Joseph Scoren, Mike Clément The Sleeper Haddad, Chita Rivera - Dir. Rob Marshall Olivier Gueritée, Emmanuelle Bercot, Kevin Brittany Belland, E. Ray Goodwin, Tiffany Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Goffette, Rémi Martin, Lou Castel, Arnold, Jessica Cameron, Riana Ballo, John Scenes, Featurette, Wendecover Catherine Vinatier, Jocelyn Quivrin, David Bloom, Jason Jay Crabtree, Ali Ferda - Dir. Musikfilm/Kriminalfilm 2002 110min. Saada - Dir. Emmanuelle Bercot Justin Russell STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bildergalerie, Trailer Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Trailer Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Drama 2001 139min. Thriller/Horror 2012 86min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063619 cmv-Laservision 23.01.2015 Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063533 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063282 Collection (4 Discs) Der Clou Comtesse des Grauens (Blu-ray) Das Böse unter der Sonne / Mord im Spie- The Sting Countess Dracula gel / Mord nach Maß / Tod auf dem Nil Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Ingrid Pitt, Nigel Green, Sandor Eles, Mau- , Geraldine Chaplin, Tony Shaw, , Ray Walston, rice Denham - Dir. Peter Sasdy Curtis, Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Martin Harold Gould, Eileen Brennan, Robert Earl Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie, u.a. Balsam, Sir Peter Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Colin Jones, John Heffernan, Dana Elcar, Jack Horror 1970 93min. Blakely, Hayley Mills, Hywel Bennett, Britt Kehoe, Dimitra Arliss, Avon Long, James Anolis Entertainment 17.12.2014 Ekland - Dir. Guy Hamilton, , Sloyan, Charles Dierkop, Arch Johnson, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063612 Sidney Gilliat Lee Paul, Ed Bakey, Brad Sullivan, John Interviews, Making of, Bildergalerie, Featurette, Entfallene Quade - Dir. George Roy Hill Comtesse des Grauens (Blu-ray) Szenen, Trailer Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1973 124min. Countess Dracula Kriminalfilm 1972-1981 min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ingrid Pitt, Nigel Green, Sandor Eles, Mau- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 rice Denham - Dir. Peter Sasdy Germany 19.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063530 Booklet, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie, tba BestellNr.: 20063596 u.a. Horror 1970 93min. Agatha Christie Collection (4 Der Clou (Blu-ray) Anolis Entertainment 17.12.2014 The Sting 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063613 Discs) (Blu-ray) Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Das Böse unter der Sonne / Mord im Spie- Shaw, Charles Durning, Ray Walston, Contracted (Blu-ray) (k.J.) gel / Mord nach Maß / Tod auf dem Nil Harold Gould, Eileen Brennan, Robert Earl Contracted Angela Lansbury, Geraldine Chaplin, Tony Jones, John Heffernan, Dana Elcar, Jack Najarra Townsend, Matt Mercer, Caroline Curtis, Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Martin Kehoe, Dimitra Arliss, Avon Long, James Williams, Alice Macdonald, Katie Stegeman, Balsam, Sir Peter Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Colin Sloyan, Charles Dierkop, Arch Johnson, Simon Barrett, Charley Koontz, Ruben Pla - Blakely, Hayley Mills, Hywel Bennett, Britt Lee Paul, Ed Bakey, Brad Sullivan, John Dir. Eric England Ekland - Dir. Guy Hamilton, Sidney Lumet, Quade - Dir. George Roy Hill Horror/Drama 2013 84min. Sidney Gilliat Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1973 129min. Interviews, Making of, Bildergalerie, Featurette, Entfallene Mad Dimension GmbH 06.03.2015 Szenen, Trailer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063576 Kriminalfilm 1972-1981 min. 05.02.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063581 Contracted (k.J.) Germany 19.02.2015 Contracted

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Najarra Townsend, Matt Mercer, Caroline Catherine Byrne, Britta Smith, David Duffy, Think Like A Man Too Williams, Alice Macdonald, Katie Stegeman, Brian Blessed, Michael James Ford, David Adam Brody, Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Simon Barrett, Charley Koontz, Ruben Pla - Kelly, Gregor Fisher, Don Wycherley, Mi- Meagan Good, Regina Hall, Dennis Dir. Eric England chael Kitchen, Jimmy Keogh, Bosco Hogan, Haysbert, Jenifer Lewis, Terrence Jenkins, Horror/Drama 2013 81min. Des Braiden, Christopher Casson, Brian Taraji P. Henson, Romany Malco, Wendi Mad Dimension GmbH 06.03.2015 McGrath, Darren Monks, Gerry O’Brien, McLendon-Covey, Gary Owen, Gabrielle 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063548 Oliver Maguire, Jonathan Ryan, Alan Union, David Walton, La La Anthony, Kevin Stanford, Adam Blackwood - Dir. Ivan Pas- Hart - Dir. Tim Story Die Copiloten ser Komödie/Lovestory 2014 102min. Miroslav Nemec, Udo Wachtveitl, Nicole R. Abenteuer 1995 180min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Beutler, Friederike Kempter, Ulrike C. Spirit Media 24.02.2015 26.02.2015 Tscharre, Oliver Nägele, Marc Oliver Schul- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063648 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063433 ze, Antje Schmidt, Sophie Engert, Claudia Lössl, Wolfgang Mondon, Carolin Fink, The Dead 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Denk wie ein Mann 2 (Blu-ray) Neshe Demir, Herman van Ulzen, Gotthard The Dead 2: Think Like A Man Too Lange, Andreas Lukoschik - Dir. Thomas Joseph Millson, Meenu Mishra, Anand Adam Brody, Michael Ealy, Jerry Ferrara, Jauch Gopal - Dir. Howard J. Ford, Jonathan Ford Meagan Good, Regina Hall, Dennis Komödie 2007 92min. Horror 2013 97min. Haysbert, Jenifer Lewis, Terrence Jenkins, EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 Soulfood Music Distribution(M-Square Taraji P. Henson, Romany Malco, Wendi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063674 Pictures) 28.11.2014 McLendon-Covey, Gary Owen, Gabrielle 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063343 Union, David Walton, La La Anthony, Kevin The Cottage in the Dark Woods Hart - Dir. Tim Story (k.J.) The Dead 2 (k.J.) Komödie/Lovestory 2014 106min. Malevolence The Dead 2: India Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Samantha Dark, R. Brandon Johnson, Keith Joseph Millson, Meenu Mishra, Anand 26.02.2015 Chambers, Richard Glover, Heather Magee, Gopal - Dir. Howard J. Ford, Jonathan Ford 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063446 John Richard Ingram - Dir. Stevan Mena Horror 2013 93min. Thriller/Horror 2004 86min. Soulfood Music Distribution(M-Square Der Liebe entgegen (2 Discs) Great Movies GmbH 16.01.2015 Pictures) 28.11.2014 Esther Zimmering, Katja Studt, Anna Loos, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063450 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063318 Clint Eruera, Nicholas Hopkins, Genieve Mclean, Lauren Jackson, Shane Bartle, Der Dackel im verzauberten Ei- Dem Himmel so nah (Blu-ray) Katherine Mcrae, Ian Mune, Jane Waddell, chenwald A Walk In The Clouds Stephen Gledhill, Heather O’Carroll, Asleigh Keanu Reeves, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Seagar, Martyn Sanderson, Nancy Dumbrava Minunata Anthony Quinn, Giancarlo Giannini, Brunning, Larry Rew, Günter Junghans, Diana Musca, Elena Dragoi, Matei Angelica Aragon, Evangelina Elizondo, Charlotte Schwab, Ines Nieri, Janina Stop- Alexandru, Ernest Maftei, Florina Cercel - Freddy Rodriguez, Debra Messing, per, Jil Funke, Marielle Shaker, Olaf Dir. Gheorghe Naghi Febronio Covarrubias, Roberto Huerta, Rauschenbach - Dir. Martin Enlen Fantasy 1981 75min. Juan Antonio Jimenez - Dir. Alfonso Arau Drama 2002 277min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.01.2015 Drama 1995 110min. Pidax film media 17.02.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063427 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063631 Dämonen aus dem All Germany 05.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063438 Devil Dance - Im Spiegelbild des La Morte Viene Dal Planeta Aytin Teufels (k.J.) Jack Stuart, Ombretta Colli - Dir. Anthony M. Demon Forest (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dawson, Ruggero Deodato Raven Dance Trailer, Bildergalerie Night Of The Flesh Eaters Tracy Wells, Roddy McDowall, Sally Science Fiction 1965 86min. James Lemire, Gia Franzia, David Rosen- Kellerman, Lois Nettleton, Veronica cmv-Laservision 23.01.2015 haus, Jessica Alexandra Green, Frederick Cartwright, William Sanderson - Dir. Jimmy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063543 Stoverink, J.R. McGarrity, Erick Daman, Lifton Amanda Abraham, Jay Costelo, Tom Devlin, Wendecover Dämonen aus dem All (Blu-ray) Cedric Shuman - Dir. J.R. McGarrity Horror 1993 87min. La Morte Viene Dal Planeta Aytin Horror/Action 2008 86min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim Jack Stuart, Ombretta Colli - Dir. Anthony M. Great Movies GmbH 23.01.2015 Pictures) 27.03.2015 Dawson, Ruggero Deodato 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063467 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063550 Trailer, Bildergalerie Science Fiction 1965 90min. Demon Forest (k.J.) The Devil Returns - Der Priester cmv-Laservision 23.01.2015 Night Of The Flesh Eaters des Satans (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063574 James Lemire, Gia Franzia, David Rosen- Lucifer haus, Jessica Alexandra Green, Frederick Emma Sutton, Jared Morgan, Frank Dark Assault (k.J.) Stoverink, J.R. McGarrity, Erick Daman, Rozelaar-Green, Jane Price, Alan Legend Of The Bog Amanda Abraham, Jay Costelo, Tom Devlin, Rowlands, Alister Meikle, David Charles, Vinnie Jones, Jason Barry, Nora Jane Cedric Shuman - Dir. J.R. McGarrity Lisa Opie, Niki Rainsford - Dir. John Eyres Noone, Adam Fogerty, Gavin Kelty, Amy Horror/Action 2008 82min. Horror 1987 88min. Huberman, Shelly Goldstein, Paul Valentine Great Movies GmbH 23.01.2015 Great Movies GmbH 12.12.2014 - Dir. Brendan Foley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063453 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063461 Horror 2009 88min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) Demonic Toys Doktorspiele 28.11.2014 Demonic Toys Merlin Rose, Lisa Vicari, Max von der 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063322 Tracy Scoggins, Bentley Mitchum, Michael Groeben, Jannis Niewöhner, Christiane Russo, Jeff Weston - Dir. Peter Manoogian Paul, Oliver Korittke, Ella Maria Gollner, David Balfour - Zwischen Freiheit Horror/Fantasy 1991 70min. Olga von Luckwald, Gerd Knebel, Ivo und Tod (2 Discs) da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Kortlang - Dir. Marco Petry Kidnapped 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063660 Making of, Promo-Clips, Featurettes, Trailer, Teaser Armand Assante, Brian McCardie, Brendan Komödie 2014 92min. Gleeson, Patrick Malahide, Antoine Byrne, Denk wie ein Mann 2 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

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Germany 05.02.2015 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dying Of The Light 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063305 12.02.2015 Nicolas Cage, Anton Yelchin, Alexander 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063485 Karim, Irène Jacob, Aymen Hamdouchi, Doktorspiele (Blu-ray) Claudius Peters, Adetomiwa Edun, Robert Merlin Rose, Lisa Vicari, Max von der Dracula Untold (Limited Edition, G. Slade - Dir. Paul Schrader Groeben, Jannis Niewöhner, Christiane Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Thriller/Action 2014 89min. Paul, Oliver Korittke, Ella Maria Gollner, Dracula Untold Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Olga von Luckwald, Gerd Knebel, Ivo Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063482 Kortlang - Dir. Marco Petry Art Parkinson, , Diarmaid Making of, Promo-Clips, Featurettes, Trailer, Teaser Murtagh, Paul Kaye, William Houston, Noah E.T. - Der Außerirdische Komödie 2014 96min. Huntley, Ronan Vibert, Zach McGowan, E.T. - The Extraterrestrial Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ferdinand Kingsley, Joseph Long, Thor Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, Germany 05.02.2015 Kristjansson, Jakub Gierszal, Joel Benjamin Drew Barrymore, Robert MacNaughton, K. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063330 - Dir. Gary Shore C. Martel, Sean Frye, C. Thomas Howell, Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Erika Eleniak, David O’Dell, Richard Dollman vs Demonic Toys Featurettes Swingler, Frank Toth - Dir. Steven Spielberg Dollman Vs Demonic Toys Fantasy/Action 2014 92min. Science Fiction 1982-2002 115min. Tim Thomerson, Tracy Scoggins, Melissa Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Behr, Phillip Brock, Phil Fondacaro, R. C. 12.02.2015 05.02.2015 Bates, Willie C. Carpenter, Peter Chen - Dir. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063486 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063532 Charles Band Horror 1993 60min. Drones E.T. - Der Außerirdische (Blu-ray) da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Drones E.T. - The Extraterrestrial 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063663 Eloise Mumford, Matt O’Leary, Whip Hubley, Dee Wallace, Henry Thomas, Peter Coyote, William Russ, Amir Khalighi, Vivan Dugré, Drew Barrymore, Robert MacNaughton, K. Das doppelte College Treasure Mallory, Nishi Munshi - Dir. Rick C. Martel, Sean Frye, C. Thomas Howell, The Happiest Days Of Your Life Rosenthal Erika Eleniak, David O’Dell, Richard Alastair Sim, Margaret Rutherford, Joyce Trailer, Bildergalerie Swingler, Frank Toth - Dir. Steven Spielberg Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 76min. Grenfell, John Turnbull, Richard Wattis, Science Fiction 1982-2002 120min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 John Bentley, Guy Middleton, Percy Walsh - Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063521 Dir. Frank Launder 05.02.2015 Komödie 1950 78min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063583 da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Drones (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063352 Drones Elizabeth Eloise Mumford, Matt O’Leary, Whip Hubley, Elizabeth William Russ, Amir Khalighi, Vivan Dugré, Dracula - Season 1 (3 Discs) Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Christo- Treasure Mallory, Nishi Munshi - Dir. Rick Dracula pher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, Lord Ri- Rosenthal Horror/Drama 2013 421min. chard Attenborough, Fanny Ardant, Kathy Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 80min. Burke, Eric Cantona, James Frain, Vincent 12.02.2015 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 Cassel, Daniel Craig, Sir John Gielgud, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063515 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063570 Angus Deayton, Edward Hardwicke, Terence Rigby, Amanda Ryan, Kelly Dracula - Season 1 (3 Discs) (Blu- Der Duft der Frauen Macdonald, Emily Mortimer - Dir. Shekhar ray) Scent Of A Woman Kapur Dracula , Chris O’Donnell, James Rebhorn, Drama/Historienfilm 1998 118min. Horror/Drama 2013 438min. Gabrielle Anwar, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Richard Venture - Dir. Martin Brest 05.02.2015 12.02.2015 Komödie 1992 150min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063534 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063566 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.02.2015 Elizabeth (Blu-ray) Dracula Untold 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063531 Elizabeth Dracula Untold Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Christo- Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Der Duft der Frauen (Blu-ray) pher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, Lord Ri- Art Parkinson, Charles Dance, Diarmaid Scent Of A Woman chard Attenborough, Fanny Ardant, Kathy Murtagh, Paul Kaye, William Houston, Noah Al Pacino, Chris O’Donnell, James Rebhorn, Burke, Eric Cantona, James Frain, Vincent Huntley, Ronan Vibert, Zach McGowan, Gabrielle Anwar, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Cassel, Daniel Craig, Sir John Gielgud, Ferdinand Kingsley, Joseph Long, Thor Richard Venture - Dir. Martin Brest Angus Deayton, Edward Hardwicke, Kristjansson, Jakub Gierszal, Joel Benjamin Komödie 1992 157min. Terence Rigby, Amanda Ryan, Kelly - Dir. Gary Shore Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Macdonald, Emily Mortimer - Dir. Shekhar Fantasy/Action 2014 89min. 05.02.2015 Kapur Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063582 Drama/Historienfilm 1998 123min. 12.02.2015 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063477 Dying of the Light - Jede Minute 05.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063584 Dracula Untold (Blu-ray) zählt (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dying Of The Light Dracula Untold Endstation 13 Sahara Nicolas Cage, Anton Yelchin, Alexander Luke Evans, Sarah Gadon, Dominic Cooper, Station Six-Sahara Karim, Irène Jacob, Aymen Hamdouchi, Art Parkinson, Charles Dance, Diarmaid Carroll Baker, Peter van Eyck, Hansjörg Claudius Peters, Adetomiwa Edun, Robert Murtagh, Paul Kaye, William Houston, Noah Felmy, Ian Bannen, Denholm Elliott - Dir. G. Slade - Dir. Paul Schrader Huntley, Ronan Vibert, Zach McGowan, Seth Holt Thriller/Action 2014 93min. Ferdinand Kingsley, Joseph Long, Thor Abenteuer 1962-1963 96min. Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Kristjansson, Jakub Gierszal, Joel Benjamin Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063491 - Dir. Gary Shore 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063602 Audiokommentar, Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Dying of the Light - Jede Minute Der englische Patient Fantasy/Action 2014 92min. zählt (k.J.)

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The English Patient Armstrong - Dir. Randy Moore Amy Brenneman, Jess Weixler, Linda Park, Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem Thriller/Mystery 2013 90min. Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Nathan Clarkson - Dafoe, Kristin Scott Thomas, Naveen Koch Media 26.02.2015 Dir. Arie Posin Andrews, Colin Firth, Julian Wadham, Jür- tba BestellNr.: 20063562 Drama 2013 92min. gen Prochnow, Kevin Whately, Clive Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Merrison, Nino Castelnuovo, Hichem Eternal Shades of Bloody Sex Bunch Germany) 20.02.2015 Rostom, Peter Rühring - Dir. Anthony (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063402 Minghella Eternal Audiokommentare, Trailer, Wendecover Conrad Pla, Caroline Néron, Victoria Fantasy Klassiker (2 Discs) Drama/Abenteuer 1996 155min. Sanchez, Sarah Manninen, Ilona Elkin, John The Most Dangerous Game / She / Things STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dunhill, Nick Baillie, Arthur Holden, Kathleen To Come / 20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer / Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Munroe, Romano Orzari, Yves Corbeil, Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde / The Lost World 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063646 Liane Balaban - Dir. Wilhelm Liebenberg, Fantasy 501min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 23.01.2015 Der englische Patient (Blu-ray) Federico Sanchez Thriller/Horror 2004 107min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063422 The English Patient MIG Film 26.02.2015 Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063475 The Fighters Collection (2 Discs) Dafoe, Kristin Scott Thomas, Naveen (k.J.) Andrews, Colin Firth, Julian Wadham, Jür- Der ewige Gärtner Unschuldig im Knast / Head Full of Nails / gen Prochnow, Kevin Whately, Clive The Constant Gardener Massacre / Revenge / Little Man / Security Merrison, Nino Castelnuovo, Hichem Ralph Fiennes, Daniele Harford, Rachel Horror/Action 521min. Rostom, Peter Rühring - Dir. Anthony Weisz, Danny Huston, Pete Postlethwaite, Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Minghella Interviews, Audiokommentare, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Gerard McSorley, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Hu- 01.12.2014 Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. bert Koundé, Richard McCabe, Eva 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063393 Drama/Abenteuer 1996 161min. Plackner, John Keogh, Archie Panjabi, Do- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment nald Sumpter, Bill Nighy, Sidede Onyulo - Der Foltergarten der gelben Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Dir. Fernando Meirelles Schlange 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063700 Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Du Bi Quan Wang Yong Zhan Chu Men Jiu Drama/Thriller 2005 123min. Zi STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment The Equalizer Jimmy Wang Yu, Chen Hung Lieh, Lung Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 The Equalizer Chin, Tsung Hua, Wei Hou Po, Hsing Hsieh, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063647 Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloe Kuo Chu Huang, Han Chang Hu, Kao Grace Moretz, , Bill Pullman, Der ewige Gärtner (Blu-ray) Cheng-Peng, Lo Lieh, Lung Fei, Pao Ching Melissa Leo, Haley Bennett, Vladimir Fang - Dir. Teng Hung Hsu The Constant Gardener Kulich, Johnny Messner (P&E Worker) - Dir. Action/Eastern 1976 78min. Ralph Fiennes, Daniele Harford, Rachel Antoine Fuqua da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Weisz, Danny Huston, Pete Postlethwaite, Thriller/Action 2014 127min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063658 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Gerard McSorley, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Hu- 19.02.2015 bert Koundé, Richard McCabe, Eva Die Frau des Polizisten Plackner, John Keogh, Archie Panjabi, Do- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063432 Alexandra Finder, David Zimmerschied, Pia nald Sumpter, Bill Nighy, Sidede Onyulo - Kleemann, Chiara Kleemann, Horst Reh- The Equalizer (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Fernando Meirelles Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Erwei- berg, Katharina Susewind, Lars Rudolph, The Equalizer terte Szene, Trailer, Wendecover, Behind the Scenes, u.a. Fabian Stromberger - Dir. Philip Gröning Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloe Drama/Thriller 2005 128min. Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Making-of, Trailer Grace Moretz, David Harbour, Bill Pullman, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 2013 172min. Melissa Leo, Haley Bennett, Vladimir Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Filmgalerie 451 13.02.2015 Kulich, Johnny Messner (P&E Worker) - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063701 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063635 Antoine Fuqua Thriller/Action 2014 132min. Ex - Jeder hat eine(n) Die Frau des Polizisten (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Ex Alexandra Finder, David Zimmerschied, Pia 19.02.2015 Silvio Orlando, Claudio Bisio, Claudia Kleemann, Chiara Kleemann, Horst Reh- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063445 Gerini, Flavio Insinna, Elena Sofia Ricci, berg, Katharina Susewind, Lars Rudolph, Fabio De Luigi, Cécile Cassel, Nancy Brilli - Fabian Stromberger - Dir. Philip Gröning Erben des Fluchs - Die 3. Season Dir. Fausto Brizzi Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Making-of, Trailer Drama 2013 179min. (5 Discs) Komödie/Lovestory 2009 90min. Filmgalerie 451 13.02.2015 Friday The 13th KNM Home Entertainment 12.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063696 Horror 1989-1990 915min. tba BestellNr.: 20063639 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Der Frauenmörder 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063409 The Face of Love - Liebe hat vie- Criminal Law le Gesichter Escape from Tomorrow Gary Oldman, Kevin Bacon, Karen Young, The Face Of Love Joe Don Baker, Tess Harper, Ron Lea - Dir. Escape From Tomorrow Annette Bening, Ed Harris, Robin Williams, Martin Campbell Katelynn Rodriguez, Jack Dalton, Danielle Amy Brenneman, Jess Weixler, Linda Park, Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1988 109min. Safady, Annet Mahendru, Alison Lees- Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Nathan Clarkson - Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(OfdB) Taylor, Roy Abramsohn, Elena Schuber, Lee Dir. Arie Posin 17.02.2015 Armstrong - Dir. Randy Moore Drama 2013 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063628 Thriller/Mystery 2013 86min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Koch Media 26.02.2015 Bunch Germany) 20.02.2015 Der Frauenmörder (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20063511 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063388 Criminal Law Escape from Tomorrow (Blu-ray) Gary Oldman, Kevin Bacon, Karen Young, The Face of Love - Liebe hat vie- Joe Don Baker, Tess Harper, Ron Lea - Dir. Escape From Tomorrow le Gesichter (Blu-ray) Martin Campbell Katelynn Rodriguez, Jack Dalton, Danielle The Face Of Love Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1988 114min. Safady, Annet Mahendru, Alison Lees- Annette Bening, Ed Harris, Robin Williams, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(OfdB) Taylor, Roy Abramsohn, Elena Schuber, Lee

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17.02.2015 Larkin, Frank Whaley, Tom Berenger, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063694 Stephen Baldwin, Oliver Stone, John Getz, Get On Up (Blu-ray) Jamie Talisman, Sean Stone, Seth Allen, Get On Up Die Freibeuterin Josh Evans, Anne Bobby, Jenna von Oy, Chadwick Boseman, Nelsan Ellis, Dan The Spoilers Samantha Larkin, Kevin Harvey Morse - Dir. Aykroyd, , Craig Robinson, Oc- Marlene Dietrich, Randolph Scott, John Oliver Stone tavia Spencer, Lennie James, Jill Scott, Tika Wayne, Margaret Lindsay - Dir. Ray Enright Drama/Kriegsfilm 1989 144min. Sumpter, Fred Melamed, Brandon Smith, Abenteuer 1942 84min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tariq Trotter - Dir. Tate Taylor Spirit Media 24.02.2015 05.02.2015 Audiokommentar, Alternative, erweiterte und entfallene Sze- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063649 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063585 nen, Songs, Featurettes Drama/Musikfilm 2014 139min. Der Fremde Das Geisterhaus (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 12.02.2015 The Stranger The House Of The Spirits 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063487 Edward G. Robinson, Loretta Young, Orson Jeremy Irons, Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Welles, Philip Merivale, Richard Long, , Antonio Banderas, Vanessa Getting On - Die komplette erste Byron Keith - Dir. Orson Welles Redgrave, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Jan Niklas, Drama 1946 91min. Maria Conchita Alonso, Vincent Gallo, Staffel Edel Germany(Starmovie) 30.01.2015 Joaquin Martinez, Sarita Choudhury, Teri Getting On 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063421 Polo, Miriam Colon - Dir. Bille August , Alex Borstein, Niecy Nash, Drama 1993 144min. Ann Guilbert, Mel Rodriguez, Mark Harelik, Funny / Der grosse Blonde Highlight Communications Brandon Fobbs, Joel Johnstone - Dir. kann’s nicht lassen (Deutschland)(Constantin) 02.04.2015 Howard Deutch, Becky Martin, Miguel Art- eta Funny Money / Le Bonheur De Pierre tba BestellNr.: 20063743 Komödie 2013 min. Chevy Chase, Pierre Richard, Penelope Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 Ann Miller, Armand Assante, Sylvie Testud, Die geliebten Schwestern 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063729 Rémy Girard - Dir. Leslie Greif, Robert (Director’s Cut & Kinofassung) Ménard (Blu-ray) Der Glöckner von Notre Dame Komödie 198min. Hannah Herzsprung, Florian Stetter, Henri- Notre-Dame De Paris da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 ette Confurius, Claudia Messner, Ronald Gina Lollobrigida, Anthony Quinn, Jean tba BestellNr.: 20063353 Zehrfeld, Maja Maranow, Anne Schäfer, Danet, Alain Cuny, Danielle Dumont, Jean Andreas Pietschmann, Michael Wittenborn, Funny Money / Der grosse Blonde Tissier, Robert Hirsch, Philippe Clay, Mau- Peter Schneider, Elisabeth Wasserscheid - rice Sarfati - Dir. Jean Delannoy kann’s nicht lassen (Blu-ray) Dir. Dominik Graf Drama 1956 115min. Funny Money / Le Bonheur De Pierre 2 Filmfassungen, Making of, Interviews da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 171min. Chevy Chase, Pierre Richard, Penelope 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063363 Ann Miller, Armand Assante, Sylvie Testud, Senator Home Entertainment 20.02.2015 Rémy Girard - Dir. Leslie Greif, Robert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063469 Gone Girl - Das perfekte Opfer Ménard Die geliebten Schwestern Gone Girl Komödie 205min. Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 (Director’s Cut) Harris, Tyler Perry, Carrie Coon, Kim tba BestellNr.: 20063367 Hannah Herzsprung, Florian Stetter, Henri- Dickens, Patrick Fugit, Emily Ratajkowski, ette Confurius, Claudia Messner, Ronald Missi Pyle, Casey Wilson, David Clennon, Galaxy Quest - Planlos durchs Zehrfeld, Maja Maranow, Anne Schäfer, Boyd Holbrook, Lola Kirke, Lisa Banes - Dir. Weltall (Blu-ray) Andreas Pietschmann, Michael Wittenborn, David Fincher Galaxy Quest Peter Schneider, Elisabeth Wasserscheid - Audiokommentar Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Dir. Dominik Graf Drama/Thriller 2014 144min. Rickman, Tony Shalhoub, Daryl Mitchell, Making of, Interviews, Wendecover Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 164min. Enrico Colantoni, Sam Rockwell, Robin Germany 05.02.2015 Senator Home Entertainment 20.02.2015 Sachs, Patrick Breen, Missi Pyle, Jed Rees, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063411 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063456 Justin Long, Jeremy Howard - Dir. Dean Gone Girl - Das perfekte Opfer Parisot Die geliebten Schwestern (Kino- Science Fiction/Komödie 1999 102min. (Blu-ray) Paramount Home fassung) Gone Girl Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.02.2015 Hannah Herzsprung, Florian Stetter, Henri- Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063410 ette Confurius, Claudia Messner, Ronald Harris, Tyler Perry, Carrie Coon, Kim Zehrfeld, Maja Maranow, Anne Schäfer, Dickens, Patrick Fugit, Emily Ratajkowski, Geboren am 4. Juli Andreas Pietschmann, Michael Wittenborn, Missi Pyle, Casey Wilson, David Clennon, Born On The Fourth Of July Peter Schneider, Elisabeth Wasserscheid - Boyd Holbrook, Lola Kirke, Lisa Banes - Dir. Tom Cruise, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline Dir. Dominik Graf David Fincher Kava, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Making of, Interviews, Wendecover Audiokommentar Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 134min. Larkin, Frank Whaley, Tom Berenger, Drama/Thriller 2014 150min. Senator Home Entertainment 18.02.2015 Stephen Baldwin, Oliver Stone, John Getz, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063455 Jamie Talisman, Sean Stone, Seth Allen, Germany 05.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063434 Josh Evans, Anne Bobby, Jenna von Oy, Get On Up Samantha Larkin, Kevin Harvey Morse - Dir. Get On Up Oliver Stone Good Kill - Tod aus der Luft Chadwick Boseman, Nelsan Ellis, Dan Drama/Kriegsfilm 1989 138min. Good Kill Aykroyd, Viola Davis, Craig Robinson, Oc- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ethan Hawke, Bruce Greenwood, January tavia Spencer, Lennie James, Jill Scott, Tika 05.02.2015 Jones, Zoë Kravitz, Jake Abel, Stafford Sumpter, Fred Melamed, Brandon Smith, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063535 Douglas, Kristen Rakes, Alma Sisneros - Tariq Trotter - Dir. Tate Taylor Dir. Andrew Niccol Geboren am 4. Juli (Blu-ray) Drama/Musikfilm 2014 134min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2014 104min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Born On The Fourth Of July Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 09.06.2015 12.02.2015 Tom Cruise, Raymond J. Barry, Caroline tba BestellNr.: 20063308 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063478 Kava, Kyra Sedgwick, Willem Dafoe, Bryan

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Good Kill - Tod aus der Luft (Blu- Tobey Maguire, Charlize Theron, Delroy Finney, Abbie Cornish, Tom Hollander, ray) Lindo, Paul Rudd, Sir Michael Caine, Jane Freddie Highmore, Isabelle Candelier - Dir. Alexander, , , Ridley Scott Good Kill Kieran Culkin, Kate Nelligan, Heavy D, K. Drama/Komödie 2006 117min. Ethan Hawke, Bruce Greenwood, January Todd Freeman, - Dir. Las- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Jones, Zoë Kravitz, Jake Abel, Stafford se Hallström Germany 05.02.2015 Douglas, Kristen Rakes, Alma Sisneros - Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063435 Dir. Andrew Niccol Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wendecover Drama/Kriegsfilm 2014 108min. Drama 1999 125min. Hacked to Pieces (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 09.06.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Klischee tba BestellNr.: 20063333 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Sabrina Brencher, Stephanie Voit, Birte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063712 Good Will Hunting Hanusrichter, Kim Perleberg - Dir. Marcel Walz Good Will Hunting Götz von Berlichingen Thriller/Horror 2007 73min. Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Ewald Balser, Albin Skoda, Judith Holz- da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Minnie Driver, Stellan Skarsgård, Casey meister, Raoul Aslan, Hilde Mikulicz - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063669 Affleck, Cole Hauser - Dir. Gus Van Sant Alfred Stöger, Josef Gielen Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Booklet Musikvideo, Making of, Wendecover, u.a. Drama 1955 84min. Harry Palmer - Der rote Tod Drama 1997 122min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Bullet To Beijing STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment AG(Filmjuwelen) 13.02.2015 Sir Michael Caine, Jason Connery, Mia Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063284 Sara, Michael Sarrazin, Michael Gambon, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063677 Burt Kwouk, Sue Lloyd, Patrick Allen, Grimms Horror Märchen - Das Shaughan Seymour, Helena Michell, Anatoli Good Will Hunting (Blu-ray) Grauen lauert im Walde (Blu-ray) Schwederski, Ingolf Gorges, Anatoli Good Will Hunting Dawidow, John Dunn-Hill, Grégory Hlady, Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, (k.J.) Lew Prigunow, Alexander Iljin, Ivan Minnie Driver, Stellan Skarsgård, Casey Hänsel & Gretel / Das Dornröschen Mas- Shvedoff - Dir. George Mihalka Affleck, Cole Hauser - Dir. Gus Van Sant saker / Das Hänsel & Gretel-Massaker Thriller 1995 93min. Interview, Dokumentation, Audiokommentar, Featurette, Horror 2008-2011 277min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Epix) Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 24.02.2015 Wendecover, u.a. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063709 Drama 1997 126min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063654 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Grimms Horror Märchen - Das Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Harry Palmer - Herren der Apoka- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063710 Grauen lauert im Walde (k.J.) lypse Hänsel & Gretel / Das Dornröschen Mas- Midnight In Saint Petersburg Gott verhüte! saker / Das Hänsel & Gretel-Massaker Sir Michael Caine, Jason Connery, Michael Svecenikova Djeca Horror 2008-2011 265min. Sarrazin, Michael Gambon, Lew Prigunow, Kresimir Mikic, Drazen Kuhn, Marija EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 Serge Houde, Michelle Burke, Juri Petrow, Skaricic, Niksa Butijer, Lazar Ristovski, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063675 Vlasta Vrana, Anatoli Dawidow, John Goran Bogdan, Zdenko Botic, Filip Krian, Dunn-Hill, Tanya Jackson - Dir. Douglas Inge Apelt, Jadranka Dokic - Dir. Vinko Die große Family Entertainment Jackson Bresan Collection 1 (2 Discs) Thriller 1996 86min. Komödie/Drama 2013 93min. After the Wizard / Bigfoot und die Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Epix) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.01.2015 Hendersons / Gullivers Reisen / Der Herr 24.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063314 der Elfen / Jack and the Beanstalk / 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063655 Leapin’ Leprechauns Gott verhüte! (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 523min. Haunting of the Innocent Svecenikova Djeca EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 Haunting Of The Innocent Kresimir Mikic, Drazen Kuhn, Marija 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063313 Rib Hillis, Jessica Morris, Hannah Cowley, Skaricic, Niksa Butijer, Lazar Ristovski, Dane Hillis, Neil Dickson, Judd Nelson, Goran Bogdan, Zdenko Botic, Filip Krian, Die große Family Entertainment Mariah Bonner, Autumn Federici, Matt Hish - Inge Apelt, Jadranka Dokic - Dir. Vinko Collection 2 (2 Discs) Dir. Matt Hish Bresan Kalle und der Engel / Der Trollkönig / Trailer Horror 2014 80min. Komödie/Drama 2013 97min. Ghost Dad / Der kleine Lord / Little Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.01.2015 Hercules / The Way She Moves 12.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063339 Abenteuer 1936-2008 530min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063641 EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063681 The Cider House Rules Haunting of the Innocent (Blu-ray) Tobey Maguire, Charlize Theron, Delroy Ein gutes Jahr Haunting Of The Innocent Rib Hillis, Jessica Morris, Hannah Cowley, Lindo, Paul Rudd, Sir Michael Caine, Jane A Good Year Dane Hillis, Neil Dickson, Judd Nelson, Alexander, Kathy Baker, Erykah Badu, , Marion Cotillard, Albert Mariah Bonner, Autumn Federici, Matt Hish - Kieran Culkin, Kate Nelligan, Heavy D, K. Finney, Abbie Cornish, Tom Hollander, Dir. Matt Hish Todd Freeman, Paz de la Huerta - Dir. Las- Freddie Highmore, Isabelle Candelier - Dir. se Hallström Trailer, Bonusfilm Ridley Scott Horror 2014 82min. Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Promo, Musikvideos, Trailer, Wendecover, Audiokommentar Kinotrailer Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Drama 1999 120min. Drama/Komödie 2006 112min. 12.02.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063698 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Germany 05.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063679 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063418 Herr Lehmann Christian Ulmen, Katja Danowski, Detlev Gottes Werk und Teufels Beitrag Ein gutes Jahr (Blu-ray) Buck, Janek Rieke, Uwe-Dag Berlin, Martin (Blu-ray) A Good Year Olbertz, Hartmut Lange, Margit Bendokat, The Cider House Rules Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, Albert Johann Adam Oest, Annika Kuhl, Tim Fi- scher, Michael Beck, Michael Gwisdek,

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Sven Martinek, Bernhard Schütz, Stephan - Dir. Alejandro Hidalgo Trischan, Holger Daemgen, Heio von Baumecker, Karsten Speck, Fabian Oscar Horror/Mystery 2013 104min. Stetten, Lara Joy Körner, Sarah Tkotsch, Wien, Heidi Züger, Christoph Waltz, Tho- Universum Film Home Entertainment Claudia Mehnert - Dir. Jürgen Brauer, Frank mas Brussig, Ümit Inaler, Pepe Danquart, 20.02.2015 Gotthardy, Mathias Luther, Matthias Zirzow, Steffi Kühnert, Thorsten Ranft - Dir. Lean- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063489 Christoph Klünker, Hans Werner, Peter der Haußmann Wekwerth Making of, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Interviews, Entfal- Hüter der Erinnerung - The Giver Drama 783min. lene Szenen, Musikclip, Trailer The Giver STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Drama 2003 105min. Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Germany 19.02.2015 DCM 27.02.2015 Thwaites, Alexander Skarsgård, Katie tba BestellNr.: 20063579 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063724 Holmes, Odeya Rush, Taylor Swift, Herr Lehmann (Blu-ray) Cameron Monaghan, Emma Tremblay - Dir. In den Schuhen meiner Schwe- Phillip Noyce Christian Ulmen, Katja Danowski, Detlev ster Featurettes, Erweiterte Szene, Trailer, Wendecover In Her Shoes Buck, Janek Rieke, Uwe-Dag Berlin, Martin Science Fiction/Drama 2014 94min. , , Shirley Olbertz, Hartmut Lange, Margit Bendokat, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment MacLaine, Mark Feuerstein, , Johann Adam Oest, Annika Kuhl, Tim Fi- Germany 05.02.2015 Candice Azzara, Francine Beers, Norman scher, Michael Beck, Michael Gwisdek, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063396 Sven Martinek, Bernhard Schütz, Stephan Lloyd, Jerry Adler, Brooke Smith, Richard Baumecker, Karsten Speck, Fabian Oscar Hüter der Erinnerung - The Giver Burgi - Dir. Curtis Hanson Wien, Heidi Züger, Christoph Waltz, Tho- Featurettes (Blu-ray) Komödie 2005 125min. mas Brussig, Ümit Inaler, Pepe Danquart, The Giver Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Steffi Kühnert, Thorsten Ranft - Dir. Lean- Jeff Bridges, Meryl Streep, Brenton Germany 05.02.2015 der Haußmann Making of, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Interviews, Entfal- Thwaites, Alexander Skarsgård, Katie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063425 lene Szenen, Musikclip, Trailer Holmes, Odeya Rush, Taylor Swift, Komödie/Drama 2003 109min. Cameron Monaghan, Emma Tremblay - Dir. In den Schuhen meiner Schwe- DCM 27.02.2015 Phillip Noyce ster (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063731 Featurettes, Erweiterte Szene, Trailer, Wendecover In Her Shoes Science Fiction/Drama 2014 98min. Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette, Shirley STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Der Hexer MacLaine, Mark Feuerstein, Ken Howard, Germany 05.02.2015 Paul Richter, Maria Solveg, Carl Walther Candice Azzara, Francine Beers, Norman 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063405 Meyer, Wera Engels, Fritz Rasp, Paul Lloyd, Jerry Adler, Brooke Smith, Richard Henckels, Leopold Kramer, Karl Etlinger, I Used to Be Darker (OmU) Burgi - Dir. Curtis Hanson Karl Forest, Franz Schafheitlin - Dir. Carl Featurettes, Trailer Lamac, Martin Fric I Used To Be Darker Komödie 2005 130min. Kriminalfilm 1932 85min. Deragh Campbell, Hannah Gross, Ned Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Spirit Media 30.01.2015 Oldham, Kim Taylor, Nick Petr, Geoff Grace Germany 05.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063419 - Dir. Matt Porterfield 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063436 Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideos Tom Holland’s Twisted Tales (Blu- Drama 2013 90min. Inside Haunted Places (k.J.) Filmgalerie 451 13.02.2015 Nightmare House / When the Night Comes ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063636 Tom Holland’s Twisted Tales / Creature of the Night AJ Bowen, Danielle Harris, Sarah Butler, Im Westen nichts Neues Horror 240min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) William Forsythe - Dir. Tom Holland All Quiet On The Western Front 01.12.2014 Horror/Episodenfilm 2014 147min. Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063394 Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 Slim Summerville, Arnold Lucy, Russell tba BestellNr.: 20063557 Gleason, Raymond Griffith, Ben Alexander, Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 22 (2 Beryl Mercer, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. Tom Holland’s Twisted Tales (k.J.) Lewis Milestone Discs) (Blu-ray) Tom Holland’s Twisted Tales Kriegsfilm 1930 128min. Midsomer Murders AJ Bowen, Danielle Harris, Sarah Butler, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) John Nettles, Neil Dudgeon, Jane Wymark, William Forsythe - Dir. Tom Holland 05.02.2015 Barry Jackson, Laura Howard, Jason Horror/Episodenfilm 2014 142min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063536 Hughes, Daniel Casey, Fiona Dolman, Kirsty Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 Dillon - Dir. Peter Smith, Renny Rye, Ri- tba BestellNr.: 20063506 Im Westen nichts Neues (Blu-ray) chard Holthouse, Sarah Hellings, Jeremy All Quiet On The Western Front Silberston, Nicholas Laughland, Alex Pillai House at the End of Time Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, John Wray, Kriminalfilm 374min. La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos Slim Summerville, Arnold Lucy, Russell Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.01.2015 Ruddy Rodríguez, Gonzalo Cubero, Rosmel Gleason, Raymond Griffith, Ben Alexander, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063442 Bustamante, Guillermo García, Héctor Beryl Mercer, Wolfgang Staudte - Dir. Mercado, Adriana Calzadilla, Simona Lewis Milestone Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 22 (4 Chirinos, Efraín Romero, Yucemar Morales Kriegsfilm 1930 133min. Discs) - Dir. Alejandro Hidalgo Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Midsomer Murders Horror/Mystery 2013 100min. 05.02.2015 John Nettles, Neil Dudgeon, Jane Wymark, Universum Film Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063586 Barry Jackson, Laura Howard, Jason 20.02.2015 Hughes, Daniel Casey, Fiona Dolman, Kirsty 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063480 In aller Freundschaft - Die 17. Dillon - Dir. Peter Smith, Renny Rye, Ri- chard Holthouse, Sarah Hellings, Jeremy House at the End of Time (Blu- Staffel, Teil 2, 18 Folgen (5 Discs) Dieter Bellmann, Thomas Rühmann, Bern- Silberston, Nicholas Laughland, Alex Pillai ray) hard Bettermann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, Kriminalfilm 360min. La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos Thomas Koch, Cheryl Shepard, Hendrikje Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.01.2015 Ruddy Rodríguez, Gonzalo Cubero, Rosmel Fitz, Karsten Kühn, Ursula Karusseit, Rolf 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063428 Bustamante, Guillermo García, Héctor Becker, Alexa Maria Surholt, Roy Peter Mercado, Adriana Calzadilla, Simona Link, Jutta Kammann, Maren Gilzer, Arzu IRIS - Der Spion aus der Kälte Chirinos, Efraín Romero, Yucemar Morales Bazman, Uta Schorn, Udo Schenk, Michael A-I-Ri-Seu 2

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Hyuk Jang, Lee Da-hae, Lee Beom-su - Dir. Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Interviews, Entfal- Min-soo Pyo, Tae-Hoon Kim lene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer Kommissarin Heller: Querschlä- Komödie 2011 110min. Making of ger Action/Thriller 2013 114min. DCM 27.02.2015 Lisa Wagner, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Peter Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063732 Benedict, Lena Stolze, Lennart Betzgen, tba BestellNr.: 20063283 Julia - Blutige Rache (Blu-ray) Franziska Neiding - Dir. Christiane Baltha- IRIS - Der Spion aus der Kälte (k.J.) sar Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. Julia (Blu-ray) Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Ashley C. Williams, Tahyna Tozzi, Jack A-I-Ri-Seu 2 13.02.2015 Noseworthy, Joel de la Fuente, Cary Hyuk Jang, Lee Da-hae, Lee Beom-su - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063297 Min-soo Pyo, Tae-Hoon Kim Woodworth, Darren Lipari, Ryan Cooper, Making of Bridget Megan Clark - Dir. Matthew A. Kultbox der 80er Action/Thriller 2013 119min. Brown Private School - Die Superanmacher / Tiberius Film 05.02.2015 Thriller 2014 100min. Cool As Ice / Die Chaotenclique / Reine tba BestellNr.: 20063290 Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 Glückssache tba BestellNr.: 20063555 James und der Riesenpfirsich Komödie 360min. Julia - Blutige Rache (k.J.) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.01.2015 (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063423 James And The Giant Peach Julia Paul Terry, Joanna Lumley, Miriam Ashley C. Williams, Tahyna Tozzi, Jack Kultbox der 80er (Blu-ray) Noseworthy, Joel de la Fuente, Cary Margolyes, Pete Postlethwaite - Dir. Henry Private School - Die Superanmacher / Woodworth, Darren Lipari, Ryan Cooper, Selick Cool As Ice / Die Chaotenclique / Reine Bridget Megan Clark - Dir. Matthew A. Komödie/Trickfilm 1996 min. Glückssache Brown capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Komödie 370min. Thriller 2014 95min. 06.03.2015 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.01.2015 Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063745 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063441 tba BestellNr.: 20063504 Jenseits von Afrika Der Kapitän Lachsfischen im Jemen / Schiffs- Out Of Africa meldungen (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Heinz Rühmann, Johanna Matz, Horst Brandauer, Michael Kitchen, Malick Janson, Horst Tappert, Ernst Stankovski, Discs) Bowens, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Bugara, Terry Torday, Hans Korte, Günter Salmon Fishing In The Yemen / Shipping Joseph Thiaka, - Dir. Syd- Pfitzmann, Monika Lundi, Joseph Offen- News ney Pollack bach, Ruedi Walter, Margrit Rainer, Carl Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt, Amr Waked, Abenteuer/Drama 1985 154min. Lange, Jane Hempel, Irina von Bentheim - , Julianne Moore, Dame Judi Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Kurt Hoffmann Dench - Dir. Lasse Hallström 05.02.2015 Wendecover Making of, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar Komödie 1971 90min. Komödie/Drama 2001-2011 218min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063538 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Jenseits von Afrika (Blu-ray) AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.02.2015 Home Edition) 12.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063287 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063357 Out Of Africa Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Klaus Maria Der Keuschheitsgürtel The Last Ride Brandauer, Michael Kitchen, Malick La Cintura Di Castità The Last Ride Bowens, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Bugara, Tony Curtis, Monica Vitti - Dir. Pasquale Dennis Hopper, Will Patton, Fred Ward, Joseph Thiaka, Michael Gough - Dir. Syd- Festa Campanile Chris Carmack, Peter Onorati, Deena Dill - ney Pollack Trailer, Bildergalerie Dir. Guy Norman Bee Abenteuer/Drama 1985 161min. Komödie/Lovestory 1967 93min. Action/Thriller 2004 81min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold 05.02.2015 AG(Colosseo Film) 27.02.2015 Productions) 16.01.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063587 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063547 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063503 Jerry, der Super-Astronaut King Kong (Limited Edition, Leaving Las Vegas Visit To A Small Planet Steelbook, Extended Version) Leaving Las Vegas Jerry Lewis, Joan Blackman, Earl Holliman, Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian Fred Clark, Lee Patrick, Jerome Cowan, (Blu-ray) Sands, Richard Lewis, Valeria Golino, , Barbara Lawson - Dir. King Kong Steven Weber, Graham Beckel, R. Lee Norman Taurog Naomi Watts, Adrien Brody, Jack Black, Slideshow Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Andy Ermey, Laurie Metcalf, David Brisbin, Science Fiction/Komödie 1960 80min. Serkis, Jamie Bell, Evan Dexter Parke, Lobo Xander Berkeley, Lou Rawls, Mike Figgis, Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) Chan, Kyle Chandler, John Sumner, Craig Kim Adams, Emily Procter, Stuart Regen, 28.11.2014 Hall - Dir. Peter Jackson Thomas Kopache, Waldemar Kalinowski, Ed 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063329 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2005 200min. Lauter - Dir. Mike Figgis Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) B-Roll, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover, Featurette Drama 1995 107min. Jonas 19.02.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Christian Ulmen - Dir. Robert Wilde, Christi- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063569 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 an Ulmen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063680 Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Interviews, Entfal- Kommissar Beck - Die komplette lene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Trailer Komödie 2011 105min. erste Staffel (8 Discs) Leaving Las Vegas (Blu-ray) DCM 27.02.2015 Beck Leaving Las Vegas 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063725 Peter Haber, Mikael Persbrandt Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue, Julian Alternative Szenen, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Vor- und Abspann der Originalversion Sands, Richard Lewis, Valeria Golino, Jonas (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1997-1998 672min. Steven Weber, Graham Beckel, R. Lee Christian Ulmen - Dir. Robert Wilde, Christi- cmv-Laservision 28.02.2015 Ermey, Laurie Metcalf, David Brisbin, an Ulmen 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063638 Xander Berkeley, Lou Rawls, Mike Figgis,

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Kim Adams, Emily Procter, Stuart Regen, Sloane, Julia Worsley, Ashley Artus, David Golfstrim Pod Aysbergom Thomas Kopache, Waldemar Kalinowski, Ed Cann, Isabelle Allen, Killian Donnelly, Fra Ville Haapasalo, Olga Schepitskaja, Juri Lauter - Dir. Mike Figgis Fee, Patrick Godfrey, Hugh Skinner, Hadley Tsurilo, Igor Tschernewitsch, Jekaterina Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Wendecover Fraser, Gabriel Vick, John Warnaby - Dir. Wilkowa, Danila Koslowski, Anna Drama 1995 112min. Asarowa, Alexei Serebrjakow, Kseniya STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Musical/Kostümfilm 2012 152min. Rappoport - Dir. Yewgeny Paschkewich Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063713 05.02.2015 Drama/Mystery 2012 120min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063539 Donau Film 27.02.2015 Das Leben ist schön 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063476 La Vita E Bella Les Misérables (Blu-ray) Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giustino Les Misérables Love & Rage Durano, Sergio Bustric, Marisa Paredes, , Russell Crowe, Anne Love & Rage Horst Buchholz, Lidia Alfonsi, Giuliana Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Greta Scacchi, Daniel Craig, Stephen Lojodice, Giorgio Cantarini - Dir. Roberto Cohen, , Eddie Dillane, Valerie Edmond, Donal Donnelly, Benigni Redmayne, Samantha Barks (Éponine), David Walshe, Lalor Roddy, Olivia Caffrey - Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Wende- Aaron Tveit, Daniel Huttlestone, Tony Rohr, Dir. Cathal Black cover Drama 1999 96min. Drama/Komödie 1997 119min. Richard Dixon, Andy Beckwith, Colm Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.01.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Wikinson, Paul Thornley, Stephen Tate, Mi- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063424 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 chael Jibson, , Nicola Sloane, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063682 Julia Worsley, Ashley Artus, David Cann, Isabelle Allen, Killian Donnelly, Fra Fee, Love of My Life (Blu-ray 3D, Das Leben ist schön (Blu-ray) Patrick Godfrey, Hugh Skinner, Hadley Uncut Unrated Edition) (Blu-ray) La Vita E Bella Fraser, Gabriel Vick, John Warnaby - Dir. (k.J.) Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giustino Tom Hooper Love Of My Life Durano, Sergio Bustric, Marisa Paredes, Musical/Kostümfilm 2012 158min. Diarmid Heidenreich, Peter O’Brien, Bel Horst Buchholz, Lidia Alfonsi, Giuliana Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Deliá, Michael Budd, Isaro Kayitesi, Rob Lojodice, Giorgio Cantarini - Dir. Roberto 05.02.2015 Messer, Amanda Jermyn, Tom Pelik - Dir. Benigni 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063588 Michael Budd Dokumentation, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Wendecover Der letzte Kaiser Thriller/Horror 2013 96min. Drama/Komödie 1997 124min. The Last Emperor Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Lone, Joan Chen, Peter O’Toole, 22.01.2015 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Victor Wong, Ying Ruocheng, Dennis Dun, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063342 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063714 Ryuichi Sakamoto, Maggie Han, Vivian Wu, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa - Dir. Bernardo Love of My Life (Uncut Unrated Left Bank Bertolucci Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Linkeroever Trailer, Wendecover Love Of My Life Eline Kuppens, Matthias Schoenaerts, Sien Drama/Historienfilm 1986-1987 156min. Diarmid Heidenreich, Peter O’Brien, Bel Eggers, Marilou Mermans, Frank STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Deliá, Michael Budd, Isaro Kayitesi, Rob Vercruyssen, Robbie Cleiren, Ruth Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Messer, Amanda Jermyn, Tom Pelik - Dir. Becquart, Sara de Bosschere, Siska 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063683 Michael Budd Bouwer, Tom De Wispelaere, Darya Trailer, Bonusfilm Gantura, Bert Haelvoet - Dir. Pieter van Der letzte Kaiser (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2013 96min. Hees The Last Emperor Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer John Lone, Joan Chen, Peter O’Toole, 22.01.2015 Horror/Mystery 2008 98min. Victor Wong, Ying Ruocheng, Dennis Dun, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063341 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) Ryuichi Sakamoto, Maggie Han, Vivian Wu, 24.02.2015 Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa - Dir. Bernardo Love of My Life (Uncut Unrated 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063653 Bertolucci Edition) (k.J.) Featurette , Wendecover, u.a. Left Bank (Blu-ray) Drama/Historienfilm 1986-1987 162min. Love Of My Life Linkeroever STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Diarmid Heidenreich, Peter O’Brien, Bel Eline Kuppens, Matthias Schoenaerts, Sien Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Deliá, Michael Budd, Isaro Kayitesi, Rob Eggers, Marilou Mermans, Frank 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063715 Messer, Amanda Jermyn, Tom Pelik - Dir. Vercruyssen, Robbie Cleiren, Ruth Michael Budd Becquart, Sara de Bosschere, Siska Lifelong (OmU) Trailer Thriller/Horror 2013 94min. Bouwer, Tom De Wispelaere, Darya Hayatboyu Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Gantura, Bert Haelvoet - Dir. Pieter van Defne Halman, Hakan Cimenser, Gizem 22.01.2015 Hees Akman, Onur Dikmen - Dir. Asli Özge 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063317 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Drama 2013 103min. Horror/Mystery 2008 102min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 30.01.2015 Macabre - Die Küsse der Jane Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(8-Films) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063382 24.02.2015 Baxter (FSK 18) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063703 Like Someone in Love (OmU) Macabro Like Someone In Love Bernice Stegers, Stanko Molnar, Roberto Les Misérables Tadashi Okuno, Rin Takanashi, Denden, Posse, Victoria Zinny, Ferdinando Orlandi - Les Misérables Ryo Kase, Mihoko Suzuki, Ryota Nakanishi, Dir. Lamberto Bava Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Kaneko Kubota, Hiroyuki Kishi, Reiko Mori, Horror/Thriller 1980 86min. Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Sacha Baron Kouichi Ohori, Tomoaki Tatsumi, Seina Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.01.2015 Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Eddie Kasugai - Dir. Abbas Kiarostami 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063430 Redmayne, Samantha Barks (Éponine), Drama 2012 108min. Aaron Tveit, Daniel Huttlestone, Tony Rohr, absolut MEDIEN 06.02.2015 The Majestic (Blu-ray) Richard Dixon, Andy Beckwith, Colm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063633 The Majestic Wikinson, Paul Thornley, Stephen Tate, Jim Carrey, Laurie Holden, Martin Landau, Michael Jibson, Bertie Carvel, Nicola Lilith - Ewige Verführung David Ogden Stiers, James Whitmore,

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Jeffrey DeMunn, Ron Rifkin, Hal Holbrook, Banter film, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Bob Balaban, Brent Briscoe, Gerry Black, Scott Paulin, Tony Curtis, Lola Bayo, Irene Science Fiction 2014 114min. Susan Willis, Catherine Dent, Karl Bury, Miracle, Gregg Henry, Kate Vernon, Jose Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Brian Howe, Chelcie Ross, Matt G. Wiens, Luis Gomez - Dir. Herve Hachuel Germany 26.02.2015 Amanda Detmer, Allen Garfield, Daniel von Thriller/Drama 1986 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063551 Bargen, Shawn Doyle - Dir. Frank Darabont Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Drama 2001 min. 28.11.2014 Mein Freund, der Delfin 2 Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063326 Dolphin Tale 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063338 Harry Connick jr., Ashley Judd, Nathan Maps to the Stars Gamble, Kris Kristofferson, Cozi Malcolm mittendrin - Die kom- Maps To The Stars Zuehlsdorff, Morgan Freeman, Austin plette Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Julianne Moore, Robert Pattinson, Mia Stowell, Austin Highsmith, Bethany Hamilton, Julia Winter - Dir. Charles Martin Malcolm In The Middle Wasikowska, John Cusack, Evan Bird, Smith , Justin Berfield, Erik Per Olivia Williams, Sarah Gadon, Carrie Fisher, Drama/Familie 2014 103min. Sullivan, Frankie Muniz, Jane Kaczmarek, Jayne Heitmeyer, Niamh Wilson, Amanda Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Christopher Masterson, Craig Lamar Brugel, Emilia McCarthy, Joe Pingue, Justin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063518 Traylor, David Anthony Higgins - Dir. Todd Kelly, Clara Pasieka, Kiara Glasco, Jennifer Gibson, Ari Cohen, Jonathan Watton, Do- Holland, Jeffrey Melman, Ken Kwapis, Da- Mein Freund, der Delfin 2 (Blu- vid D’Ovidio, Peter Lauer nald Burda, Gord Rand - Dir. David Komödie 2000-2006 560min. Cronenberg ray) Turbine Medien 23.01.2015 Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Dolphin Tale 2 Drama/Satire 2014 108min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063407 Harry Connick jr., Ashley Judd, Nathan MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 03.03.2015 Gamble, Kris Kristofferson, Cozi Ein Mann & seine Maus - Die Walt tba BestellNr.: 20063306 Zuehlsdorff, Morgan Freeman, Austin Disney Story Stowell, Austin Highsmith, Bethany Maps to the Stars (Blu-ray) Hamilton, Julia Winter - Dir. Charles Martin As Dreamers Do Maps To The Stars Smith Olan Rogers, Mark Stuart, Lincoln Cissell, Julianne Moore, Robert Pattinson, Mia Drama/Familie 2014 107min. Ryan Dunlap, William Haynes, Tyler Hayes, Wasikowska, John Cusack, Evan Bird, Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Jonathan Schneck - Dir. Logan Sekulow Olivia Williams, Sarah Gadon, Carrie Fisher, Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Trailer, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063568 Bildergalerie Jayne Heitmeyer, Niamh Wilson, Amanda Drama/Biographie 2014 87min. Brugel, Emilia McCarthy, Joe Pingue, Justin Meine Tochter Anne Frank KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 Kelly, Clara Pasieka, Kiara Glasco, Jennifer Mala Emde, Götz Schubert - Dir. Raymond 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063522 Gibson, Ari Cohen, Jonathan Watton, Do- Ley nald Burda, Gord Rand - Dir. David Doku-Drama min. Ein Mann & seine Maus - Die Walt Cronenberg Universum Film Home Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 20.02.2015 Disney Story (Blu-ray) Drama/Satire 2014 108min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063623 As Dreamers Do MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 03.03.2015 Olan Rogers, Mark Stuart, Lincoln Cissell, tba BestellNr.: 20063331 Ryan Dunlap, William Haynes, Tyler Hayes, Meine Tochter Anne Frank (Blu- Jonathan Schneck - Dir. Logan Sekulow Maximum Violence (k.J.) ray) Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Trailer, Popular Mala Emde, Götz Schubert - Dir. Raymond Bildergalerie Ley Drama/Biographie 2014 91min. Manoush, Nina Faudt, Sandra Fleckenstein, Doku-Drama min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 Stephan Arensmeier-Riva, Anna Habeck, Universum Film Home 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063571 Sascha Hartmann, Nadin Lucia Brehm, An- dreas Pape, Benjamin Poost, Lars Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 20.02.2015 Männer! Alles auf Anfang - Staffel Rohnstock, Alexia von Wismar - Dir. Marcel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063692 1 (2 Discs) Walz Thriller/Horror 2010 78min. Million Dollar Baby Andreas Pietschmann, Hans-Jochen Wag- da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Million Dollar Baby ner, Christoph Letkowski, Eva-Maria Grein 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063668 , Hilary Swank, Morgan von Friedl, Katharina Müller-Elmau, Luise Freeman, Jay Baruchel, Mike Colter, Lucia Bähr, Maren Kroymann, Suzan Anbeh, Götz Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten Rijker, Brian F. O’Byrne, Anthony Mackie, Schubert, Clarissa Knorr, Katharina Kaali, im Labyrinth Margo Martindale, Riki Lindhome, Michael Sarah Maria Besgen, Julia-Maria Köhler, Peña, Benito Martinez, Bruce MacVittie, The Maze Runner Annika Schrumpf, Daniel Aichinger, Roland David Powledge, Marcus Chait - Dir. Clint Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas Kieber - Dir. Edzard Onneken, Sebastian Eastwood Sorger Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter, Patricia Trailer, Wendecover Komödie/Drama 2014 min. Clarkson, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Drama 2004 127min. Universum Film Home Entertainment(RTL Cooper, Dexter Darden, Chris Sheffield - STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment video) 20.02.2015 Dir. Wes Ball Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063624 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063684 Science Fiction 2014 109min. Männertreu Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Million Dollar Baby (Blu-ray) Germany 26.02.2015 Matthias Brandt, Suzanne von Borsody, Million Dollar Baby 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063494 Maxim Mehmet, Lisa Hagmeister, Peri Bau- Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan meister, Claudia Michelsen, Margarita Maze Runner - Die Auserwählten Freeman, Jay Baruchel, Mike Colter, Lucia Broich, Ronald Kukulies, Philipp Hochmair, Rijker, Brian F. O’Byrne, Anthony Mackie, Nico Holonics, Bogdan-Artur Swiderski - im Labyrinth (Blu-ray) Margo Martindale, Riki Lindhome, Michael Dir. Hermine Huntgeburth The Maze Runner Peña, Benito Martinez, Bruce MacVittie, Drama 2013 90min. Dylan O’Brien, Kaya Scodelario, Thomas David Powledge, Marcus Chait - Dir. Clint EuroVideo Medien(ARD Video) 26.02.2015 Brodie-Sangster, Will Poulter, Patricia Eastwood 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063644 Clarkson, Aml Ameen, Ki Hong Lee, Blake Featurettes, Outtakes, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover, B- Cooper, Dexter Darden, Chris Sheffield - Roll, u.a. Das Manuskript Dir. Wes Ball Drama 2004 132min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Outtakes, Kurz- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment

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Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Bock, Tamer Yigit, Derya Alabora, Herbert träume (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063716 Grönemeyer, Charlotte Schwab, Max- Night Wars Volkert Martens, Bernhard Schütz, Martin Dan Haggerty, Brian O’Connor, Cameron Mirror, Mirror (k.J.) Wuttke, Ursina Lardi - Dir. Anton Corbijn Smith, Steve Horton, Chet Hoot, Jil Foor - Mirror, Mirror Making of, Featurette, Wendecover Dir. David A. Prior Thriller/Drama 2014 117min. Karen Black, Rainbow Harvest, Kristin Action/Horror 1987 85min. Senator Home Entertainment 27.02.2015 Dattilo, Ricky Goldin, Yvonne De Carlo, Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063458 William Sanderson - Dir. Marina Sargenti Productions) 13.02.2015 Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063463 Horror/Thriller 1990 93min. A Most Wanted Man (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Maritim A Most Wanted Man Chuck Norris Action Double Fea- Pictures) 27.03.2015 Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063549 Grigori Dobrigin, Willem Dafoe, Robin ture Wright, Homayoun Ershadi, Nina Hoss, Der schwarze Tiger / Der Boss von San Mit Schirm, Charme und Melone - Franz Hartwig, Daniel Brühl, Kostja Francisco Edition 1: Staffel 4 (7 Discs) (Blu- Ullmann, Vicky Krieps, Mehdi Dehbi, Rainer Chuck Norris Action 185min. ray) Bock, Tamer Yigit, Derya Alabora, Herbert Grönemeyer, Charlotte Schwab, Max- da music(Blueline) 28.11.2014 The Avengers Volkert Martens, Bernhard Schütz, Martin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063354 Patrick Macnee, Diana Rigg - Dir. Don Wuttke, Ursina Lardi - Dir. Anton Corbijn Leaver, Peter Hammond Making of, Featurette, Wendecover Northern Soul Diverse Thriller/Drama 2014 122min. Northern Soul Action/Komödie 1965-1966 1300min. Senator Home Entertainment 27.02.2015 Steve Coogan, Antonia Thomas, Elliot STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063471 James Langridge, Christian McKay, Lisa Germany 19.02.2015 Stansfield - Dir. Elaine Constantine 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063593 Motive - Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Drama/Musikfilm 2014 97min. Monsieur Claude und seine Töch- Motive Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kriminalfilm 608min. 12.02.2015 ter Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063505 Qu’Est-Ce Qu’On A Fait Au Bon Dieu? 12.02.2015 Christian Clavier, Chantal Lauby, Ary 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063516 Northern Soul (Blu-ray) Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Frédéric Chau, Noom Northern Soul Diawara, Frédérique Bel, Julia Piaton, Emi- Murder, My Sweet Steve Coogan, Antonia Thomas, Elliot lie Caen, Elodie Fontan, Pascal Nzonzi, Murder, My Sweet James Langridge, Christian McKay, Lisa Salimata Kamate, Tatiana Rojo - Dir. Philippe Dick Powell, Claire Trevor, Anne Shirley, Stansfield - Dir. Elaine Constantine de Chauveron Miles Mander, Otto Kruger, Mike Mazurki, Drama/Musikfilm 2014 101min. Making of, Audiodeskription Douglas Walton, Donald Douglas - Dir. Ed- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Komödie 2014 93min. ward Dmytryk 12.02.2015 good!movies(Neue Visionen) 01.12.2014 Kriminalfilm 1944 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063556 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063447 da music(Laser Paradise) 12.12.2014 Monsieur Claude und seine Töch- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063459 Northmen - A Viking Saga Northmen - A Viking Saga ter (Blu-ray) Nachsitzen für Erwachsene (2 Tom Hopper, Ryan Kwanten, Ken Duken, Qu’Est-Ce Qu’On A Fait Au Bon Dieu? Discs) Charlie Murphy, Ed Skrein, Anatole Taub- Christian Clavier, Chantal Lauby, Ary Paul Henckels, Christl Pfeil - Dir. Albert mann, James Norton, Leo Gregory, Darrell Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Frédéric Chau, Noom Loesnau D’Silva, Mark Strepan, Richard Lothian, Diawara, Frédérique Bel, Julia Piaton, Emi- Komödie 1959-1960 205min. Johan Hegg, Danny Keogh, Joe Vaz, Nick lie Caen, Elodie Fontan, Pascal Nzonzi, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 23.01.2015 Rasenti - Dir. Claudio Fäh Salimata Kamate, Tatiana Rojo - Dir. Philippe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063325 Abenteuer/Action 2014 94min. de Chauveron Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.03.2015 Making of, Deleted Scenes, Outtakes, Tournee-Doku, Audiodeskription Never Talk to Strangers - Spiel tba BestellNr.: 20063309 Komödie 2014 97min. mit dem Feuer Northmen - A Viking Saga (Blu- good!movies(Neue Visionen) 01.12.2014 Never Talk To Strangers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063448 Rebecca De Mornay, Antonio Banderas, ray) Dennis Miller, Len Cariou, Harry Dean Northmen - A Viking Saga Monsieur Claude und seine Töch- Stanton, Beau Starr, Tim Kelleher, Tom Hopper, Ryan Kwanten, Ken Duken, ter (Sonderedition) Lipinski, Phillip Jarrett - Dir. Sir Charlie Murphy, Ed Skrein, Anatole Taub- Qu’Est-Ce Qu’On A Fait Au Bon Dieu? Making of, Filmografien, Trailer, Starinfos mann, James Norton, Leo Gregory, Darrell Christian Clavier, Chantal Lauby, Ary Thriller 1995 83min. D’Silva, Mark Strepan, Richard Lothian, Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Frédéric Chau, Noom Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 17.02.2015 Johan Hegg, Danny Keogh, Joe Vaz, Nick Diawara, Frédérique Bel, Julia Piaton, Emi- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063622 Rasenti - Dir. Claudio Fäh lie Caen, Elodie Fontan, Pascal Nzonzi, Abenteuer/Action 2014 97min. Salimata Kamate, Tatiana Rojo - Dir. Philippe Never Talk to Strangers - Spiel Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.03.2015 de Chauveron mit dem Feuer (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20063334 Making of, Trailer Never Talk To Strangers Komödie 2014 97min. Rebecca De Mornay, Antonio Banderas, Northmen - A Viking Saga good!movies(Neue Visionen) 01.12.2014 Dennis Miller, Len Cariou, Harry Dean (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063449 Stanton, Beau Starr, Tim Kelleher, Eugene Northmen - A Viking Saga Lipinski, Phillip Jarrett - Dir. Sir Peter Hall Tom Hopper, Ryan Kwanten, Ken Duken, A Most Wanted Man Making of, Filmografien, Trailer, Starinfos Charlie Murphy, Ed Skrein, Anatole Taub- A Most Wanted Man Thriller 1995 86min. mann, James Norton, Leo Gregory, Darrell Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel McAdams, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 17.02.2015 D’Silva, Mark Strepan, Richard Lothian, Grigori Dobrigin, Willem Dafoe, Robin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063691 Johan Hegg, Danny Keogh, Joe Vaz, Nick Wright, Homayoun Ershadi, Nina Hoss, Rasenti - Dir. Claudio Fäh Franz Hartwig, Daniel Brühl, Kostja Night Wars - Grauenhafte Alb- Abenteuer/Action 2014 97min. Ullmann, Vicky Krieps, Mehdi Dehbi, Rainer

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Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 24.03.2015 Dawson, Ruggero Deodato Camilla Luddington, Scott Michael Foster, tba BestellNr.: 20063335 Trailer, Bildergalerie Caity Lotz, Patrick Fischler, Amy Pietz, Science Fiction 1965 81min. Haley Hudson, Mark Steger, Nicki Micheaux, The November Man cmv-Laservision 23.01.2015 Suziey Block - Dir. Dallas Richard Hallam, The November Man 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063573 Patrick Horvath Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko, Luke Horror/Thriller 2014 96min. Bracey, Bill Smitrovich, Will Patton, Eliza Outbreak of Evil (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Taylor, Caterina Scorsone, Patrick Kennedy Demonium 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063399 - Dir. Roger Donaldson Claudia Abbate, Andrea Bruschi, Charlotte Featurettes, Making of, Trailer Roche, Giuliano Polgar, Emilia Marra, Panzerkreuzer Potemkin Action/Thriller 2014 103min. Maurizia Grossi, Paolo Di Gialluca - Dir. Bronenosez Potjomkin Universum Film Home Entertainment Andreas Schnaas Alexander Antonow, Wladimir Barski, 06.03.2015 Horror 2001 81min. Grigori Alexandrow, Alexander Lewschin, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063733 da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Michail Gomarow, Ivan Bobrow, Beatrice 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063667 Vitoldi - Dir. Sergei M. Eisenstein The November Man (Blu-ray) Drama 1925 63min. The November Man Outpost 37 ZYX Music 16.01.2015 Pierce Brosnan, Olga Kurylenko, Luke Outpost 37 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063395 Bracey, Bill Smitrovich, Will Patton, Eliza Joe Reegan, Reiley McClendon, Scott E. Taylor, Caterina Scorsone, Patrick Kennedy Miller, Matthew Holmes, Rick Ravanello, Paranormal Terror - Dir. Roger Donaldson Douglas Tait, Brandon Auret, Darron Meyer, The Brink Featurettes, Making of, Trailer Adrian Paul, Sven Ruygrok - Dir. Jabbar Rachel Balzer, Jeff Ryan, Heather Ashley Action/Thriller 2014 108min. Raisani Chase, Jason Flowers - Dir. Benjamin Universum Film Home Entertainment Science Fiction/Action 2014 88min. Cooper 06.03.2015 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Horror 2006 70min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063741 27.02.2015 da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063295 Omnia 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063661 Omnia Outpost 37 (Blu-ray) Das Piano Timo Tirado, Helmut Brandl, Lara Baum, Outpost 37 The Piano Alois Brandl, Günther Brandl, Monika Joe Reegan, Reiley McClendon, Scott E. Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Anna Brandl, Verena Konietschke - Dir. Helmut Miller, Matthew Holmes, Rick Ravanello, Paquin, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon - Brandl Douglas Tait, Brandon Auret, Darron Meyer, Dir. Jane Campion Fantasy 2014 120min. Adrian Paul, Sven Ruygrok - Dir. Jabbar Audiokommentar, Wendecover, Hörfilmfassung für Seh- Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 Raisani behinderte 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063627 Science Fiction/Action 2014 92min. Drama 1992 116min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Omnia (Blu-ray) 27.02.2015 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Omnia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063302 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063685 Timo Tirado, Helmut Brandl, Lara Baum, Alois Brandl, Günther Brandl, Monika The Pact 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Das Piano (Blu-ray) Brandl, Verena Konietschke - Dir. Helmut The Pact / The Pact II The Piano Brandl Caity Lotz, Casper Van Dien, Agnes Bruck- Holly Hunter, Harvey Keitel, Sam Neill, Anna Fantasy 2014 120min. ner, Camilla Luddington, Scott Michael Paquin, Kerry Walker, Genevieve Lemon - Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 Foster - Dir. Nicholas McCarthy, Dallas Ri- Dir. Jane Campion 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063693 chard Hallam, Patrick Horvath Audiokommentar, Interview, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1992 121min. Horror/Thriller 2012-2014 177min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Operation War Zone (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Operation War Zone 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063383 Joe Spinell, Fritz Matthews, William Zipp, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063717 John Cianetti, David Marriott, Sean Holton, The Pact 1 & 2 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Piranha 1 & 2 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Sonny King, David Harris - Dir. David A. The Pact / The Pact II Prior Caity Lotz, Casper Van Dien, Agnes Bruck- ray 2D, Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action/Kriegsfilm 1988 90min. ner, Camilla Luddington, Scott Michael Piranha 3D / Piranha 3DD Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Foster - Dir. Nicholas McCarthy, Dallas Ri- Elisabeth Shue, Jessica Szohr, Steven R. Productions) 20.02.2015 chard Hallam, Patrick Horvath McQueen, Chris Zylka, Katrina Bowden, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063464 Horror/Thriller 2012-2014 185min. Christopher Lloyd - Dir. Alexandre Aja, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 John Gulager Orion 3000 - Raumfahrt des Grau- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063400 Diverse ens Horror/Komödie 2010-2011 min. Ledick Filmhandel 10.12.2014 Missione Pianeta Errante The Pact 2 - Es ist noch nicht vor- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063373 Jack Stuart, Ombretta Colli, Halina bei... Zalewska, Pietro Martellanza, Enzo The Pact II Piranha 1 & 2 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Fiermonte, Renato Baldini - Dir. Anthony M. Camilla Luddington, Scott Michael Foster, ray 2D, Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dawson, Ruggero Deodato Caity Lotz, Patrick Fischler, Amy Pietz, Piranha 3D / Piranha 3DD Trailer, Bildergalerie Haley Hudson, Mark Steger, Nicki Micheaux, Science Fiction 1965 78min. Elisabeth Shue, Jessica Szohr, Steven R. Suziey Block - Dir. Dallas Richard Hallam, cmv-Laservision 23.01.2015 McQueen, Chris Zylka, Katrina Bowden, Patrick Horvath 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063537 Christopher Lloyd - Dir. Alexandre Aja, Horror/Thriller 2014 92min. John Gulager Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 02.01.2015 Orion 3000 - Raumfahrt des Grau- Diverse 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063381 ens (Blu-ray) Horror/Komödie 2010-2011 min. Ledick Filmhandel 10.12.2014 Missione Pianeta Errante The Pact 2 - Es ist noch nicht vor- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063374 Jack Stuart, Ombretta Colli, Halina bei... (Blu-ray) Zalewska, Pietro Martellanza, Enzo The Pact II Piranha 1 & 2 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Fiermonte, Renato Baldini - Dir. Anthony M.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD ray 2D, Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Cynthia Rothrock, Jeffrey Falcon, Conan Dietmar Schönherr - Dir. Helmut Käutner, Piranha 3D / Piranha 3DD Lee, Lim Chen-ying, Sheila Chan - Dir. Rolf Hansen, Kurt Hoffmann, Axel von Elisabeth Shue, Jessica Szohr, Steven R. Wellson Chin Ambesser McQueen, Chris Zylka, Katrina Bowden, Trailer Dokumentation, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Fantasy 1991 82min. Komödie 1955-1962 376min. Christopher Lloyd - Dir. Alexandre Aja, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Shamrock) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Gulager Diverse 24.02.2015 Germany 05.02.2015 Horror/Komödie 2010-2011 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063650 tba BestellNr.: 20063595 Ledick Filmhandel 10.12.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063375 Prince of the Sun (Blu-ray) Die Queen / Die Eiserne Lady (2 Prince Of The Sun in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) Piranha 1 & 2 (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Cynthia Rothrock, Jeffrey Falcon, Conan The Queen / The Iron Lady ray 2D, Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lee, Lim Chen-ying, Sheila Chan - Dir. , James Cromwell, Alex Wellson Chin Piranha 3D / Piranha 3DD Jennings, Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Trailer Alexandra Roach - Dir. , Elisabeth Shue, Jessica Szohr, Steven R. Action/Fantasy 1991 85min. Phyllida Lloyd McQueen, Chris Zylka, Katrina Bowden, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Shamrock) Christopher Lloyd - Dir. Alexandre Aja, Making ofs, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Featurettes 24.02.2015 Drama/Biographie 2006-2011 208min. John Gulager 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063702 Diverse Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Horror/Komödie 2010-2011 min. The Protector (Dragon Edition) Ledick Filmhandel 10.12.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063356 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063376 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Protector Racing Hearts Pirates - Das Siegel des Königs , Danny Aiello, Roy Chiao, Flying Home Hae-Jeok: Ba-Da-Ro Gan San-Jeok Victor Arnold, Kim Bass, Richard Clarke, Jamie Dornan - Dir. Dominique Deruddere Kim Tae-woo, Son Ye-Jin, Kim Nam-gil, Jo Saun Ellis - Dir. James Glickenhaus Komödie/Lovestory 2014 min. Dal-hwan, Yoo Hae-jin, Lee Kyeong-yeong, Action 1985 94min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Park Cheol-min, Kim Won-hae - Dir. Lee Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.01.2015 12.02.2015 Seok-hoon 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063340 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063484 Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 125min. Splendid Film 30.01.2015 The Protector (Dragon Edition) Raid of Death (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063288 (k.J.) Goryachie Novosti The Protector Andrej Merzlikin, Jewgeni Tsiganow, Maria Pirates - Das Siegel des Königs Jackie Chan, Danny Aiello, Roy Chiao, Maschkowa, Sergej Garmash, Maxim (Blu-ray) Victor Arnold, Kim Bass, Richard Clarke, Konovalov, Aleksei Frandetti, Pavel Klimov - Dir. Anders Banke Hae-Jeok: Ba-Da-Ro Gan San-Jeok Saun Ellis - Dir. James Glickenhaus Action/Thriller 2009 106min. Kim Tae-woo, Son Ye-Jin, Kim Nam-gil, Jo Action 1985 90min. Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Dal-hwan, Yoo Hae-jin, Lee Kyeong-yeong, Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.01.2015 Pictures) 28.11.2014 Park Cheol-min, Kim Won-hae - Dir. Lee 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063316 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063346 Seok-hoon Pulp Fiction Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2014 130min. Raid of Death (k.J.) Splendid Film 30.01.2015 Pulp Fiction Goryachie Novosti 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063292 John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Amanda Andrej Merzlikin, Jewgeni Tsiganow, Maria Polizeiruf 110 - MDR-Box 2 (3 Plummer, Harvey Keitel, Christopher Wal- Maschkowa, Sergej Garmash, Maxim Konovalov, Aleksei Frandetti, Pavel Klimov - Discs) ken, Rosanna Arquette, , Ving Rhames, Eric Stoltz - Dir. Quentin Dir. Anders Banke Kriminalfilm 1995-1997 530min. Tarantino Action/Thriller 2009 102min. EuroVideo Medien(ARD Video) 26.02.2015 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063676 Thriller/Komödie 1994 148min. Pictures) 28.11.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063323 Predator vs. Warrior (Blu-ray) Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063686 Ray Flesh Wounds Ray Kevin Sorbo, Bokeem Woodbine, Heather Pulp Fiction (Blu-ray) Jamie Foxx, , Clifton Marie Marsden, Kirk Kepper, Johnny Lee, Pulp Fiction Powell, Harry Lennix, Terrence Howard, Beau Brasso, Gabe Begneaud, Shannon John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Larenz Tate, Richard Schiff, Aunjanue Ellis, Hand, Chris J. Fanguy - Dir. Dan Garcia Thurman, Bruce Willis, Tim Roth, Amanda Bokeem Woodbine, Sharon Warren, Curtis Action/Science Fiction 2011 82min. Plummer, Harvey Keitel, Christopher Wal- Armstrong, , C.J. Sanders, Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) ken, Rosanna Arquette, Quentin Tarantino, David Krumholtz, Wendell Pierce, Chris 28.11.2014 Ving Rhames, Eric Stoltz - Dir. Quentin Thomas King, Thomas Jefferson Byrd, Rick 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063344 Tarantino Gomez, Denise Dowse, Warwick Davis, Featurettes, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Patrick Bauchau, Robert Wisdom, Kurt Predator vs. Warrior (k.J.) Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerien, Dokumentationen Fuller - Dir. Taylor Hackford Thriller/Komödie 1994 154min. Flesh Wounds Drama/Musikfilm 2004 146min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kevin Sorbo, Bokeem Woodbine, Heather Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Marie Marsden, Kirk Kepper, Johnny Lee, 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063718 Beau Brasso, Gabe Begneaud, Shannon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063540 Hand, Chris J. Fanguy - Dir. Dan Garcia Lieselotte Pulver Edition (4 Discs) Action/Science Fiction 2011 78min. Ray (Blu-ray) Die Zürcher Verlobung / Gustav Adolfs Soulfood Music Distribution(Steamboat) Ray Page / Ich denke of an Piroschka / 28.11.2014 Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Clifton Kohlhiesls Töchter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063320 Powell, Harry Lennix, Terrence Howard, Liselotte Pulver, Paul Hubschmid, Bernhard Larenz Tate, Richard Schiff, Aunjanue Ellis, Wicki, Curd Jürgens, Ellen Schwiers, Gun- Prince of the Sun Bokeem Woodbine, Sharon Warren, Curtis nar Möller, Wera Frydtberg, Helmut Schmid, Prince Of The Sun Armstrong, Regina King, C.J. Sanders,

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David Krumholtz, Wendell Pierce, Chris Revenge of the Green Dragons Melissa Joan Hart, Nick Bakay, Caroline Thomas King, Thomas Jefferson Byrd, Rick (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Rhea, Beth Broderick, Nate Richert, Jenna Gomez, Denise Dowse, Warwick Davis, Leigh Green, Martin Mull, Soleil Moon Frye Revenge Of The Green Dragons Patrick Bauchau, Robert Wisdom, Kurt Bildergalerie, Episodenguide, Trailer Justin Chon, Kevin Wu, Ray Liotta, Harry Fuller - Dir. Taylor Hackford Komödie/Fantasy 1996-2003 543min. Shum jr., Geoffrey Pierson, Shuya Chang, Drama/Musikfilm 2004 152min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 Jin Auyeung, Celia Au - Dir. Andrew Wai- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063526 keung Lau, Andrew Loo 05.02.2015 Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 94min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063589 Saw (10th Anniversary Edition, Koch Media 26.02.2015 Director’s Cut, Steelbook) (Blu- tba BestellNr.: 20063563 ReGenesis - Season 1 (3 Discs) ray) (k.J.) (Blu-ray) Revenge of the Green Dragons Saw Regenesis (k.J.) Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Peter Outerbridge, Mayko Nguyen, Conrad Michael Emerson, Tobin Bell, Ken Leung, Revenge Of The Green Dragons Pla, Greg Bryk, Maxim Roy, Dmitri Makenzie Vega, Shawnee Smith, Benito Justin Chon, Kevin Wu, Ray Liotta, Harry Chepovetsky, Sarah Strange, Ellen Page, Martinez, Dina Meyer, Leigh Whannell, Ned Shum jr., Geoffrey Pierson, Shuya Chang, Rosemary Dunsmore, Mishu Vellani, Micha- Bellamy, Paul Gutrecht, Alexandra Chun, Jin Auyeung, Celia Au - Dir. Andrew Wai- el Seater, Darren Boyd, Marc Strange, Avner Garbi, Mike Butters - Dir. James Wan keung Lau, Andrew Loo Vincent Walsh, Maurice Dean Wint, Mark Audiokommentar, Kurzfilm, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. Rendall, Kristin Booth, Tatum Knight, Hugh Making of, Bildergalerie, Featurettes, Alternative Szene, TV- Koch Media 26.02.2015 Spots, Easter Eggs, Trailer Dillon, Kenneth Welsh, Thomas Mitchell, tba BestellNr.: 20063512 Thriller/Horror 2004 103min. Christopher Wiggins, Deanna Dezmari, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Stephen Amell - Dir. John L’Ecuyer, Jerry The Riot Club - Alles hat seinen Germany 19.02.2015 Ciccoritti, Ken Girotti, Bruce McDonald, Don 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063594 McBrearty, Ron Murphy Preis Science Fiction/Thriller 2004-2008 620min. The Riot Club Schindlers Liste Sam Claflin, Max Irons, Douglas Booth, Sam justbridge entertainment GmbH 23.01.2015 Schindler’s List Reid, Ben Schnetzer, Jack Farthing, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063554 Liam Neeson, Sir Ben Kingsley, Ralph Matthew Beard, Freddie Fox, Josh Fiennes, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall, O’Connor, Olly Alexander, Jessica Brown ReGenesis - Season 1 (4 Discs) Embeth Davidtz, Malgoscha Gebel, Shmulik Findlay, , Natalie Dormer - Regenesis Levy, Mark Ivanir, Beatrice Macola, Andrzej Dir. Lone Scherfig Peter Outerbridge, Mayko Nguyen, Conrad Seweryn, Friedrich von Thun, Krzysztof Pla, Greg Bryk, Maxim Roy, Dmitri Interviews, Trailer Drama 2014 103min. Luft, Harry Nehring, Norbert Weisser, Adi Chepovetsky, Sarah Strange, Ellen Page, Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 05.03.2015 Nitzan, Michael Schneider, Miri Fabian, Rosemary Dunsmore, Mishu Vellani, Micha- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063739 Anna Mucha, Albert Misak, Michael Gordon, el Seater, Darren Boyd, Marc Strange, Aldona Grochal, Jacek Wójcicki, Beata Vincent Walsh, Maurice Dean Wint, Mark The Riot Club - Alles hat seinen Paluch, Piotr Polk, Ezra Dagan, Beata Rendall, Kristin Booth, Tatum Knight, Hugh Preis (Blu-ray) Nowak, Rami Heuberger, Jerzy Nowak, Dillon, Kenneth Welsh, Thomas Mitchell, Pavel Delag, Henryk Bista, Tadeusz The Riot Club Christopher Wiggins, Deanna Dezmari, Bradecki, Wojciech Klata, Elina Löwen- Sam Claflin, Max Irons, Douglas Booth, Sam Stephen Amell - Dir. John L’Ecuyer, Jerry sohn, Bettina Kupfer, Hans-Jörg Assmann, Reid, Ben Schnetzer, Jack Farthing, Ciccoritti, Ken Girotti, Bruce McDonald, Don Geno Lechner, August Schmölzer, Ludger Matthew Beard, Freddie Fox, Josh McBrearty, Ron Murphy Pistor, Branko Lustig, Artus Maria Matthies- O’Connor, Olly Alexander, Jessica Brown Science Fiction/Thriller 2004-2008 600min. sen, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Eugeniusz Findlay, Holliday Grainger, Natalie Dormer - justbridge entertainment GmbH 23.01.2015 Priwieziencew, Michael Z. Hoffmann, Erwin 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063497 Dir. Lone Scherfig Interviews, Trailer Leder, Jochen Nickel, Martin Semmelrogge, Alexander Held, Joachim Paul Assböck, Die Reifeprüfung Drama 2014 107min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 05.03.2015 Dieter Witting, Wilhelm Manske, Peter The Graduate 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063746 Flechtner, Dirk Bender, Alexander Strobele, Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Georges Kern, Michael Schiller, Götz Otto, Ross, William Daniels, Elizabeth Wilson, Robert The Bruce - König von Wolfgang Seidenberg, Hubert Kramar, Murray Hamilton, Buck Henry, Brian Avery, Schottland (Special Edition, 2 Razia Israeli - Dir. Steven Spielberg Walter Brooke, Norman Fell, Alice Ghostley, Drama 1993 187min. Marion Lorne, Eddra Gale, Richard Discs) Universal Pictures Germany 05.02.2015 Dreyfuss - Dir. Mike Nichols The Bruce 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063541 Interview, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Oliver Reed, Brian Blessed, Michael van Drama/Komödie 1967 102min. Wijk, Sandy Welch - Dir. Bob Carruthers, Schindlers Liste (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment David McWhinnie Schindler’s List Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Drama 1996 104min. Liam Neeson, Sir Ben Kingsley, Ralph 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063687 Spirit Media 17.02.2015 Fiennes, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063625 Die Reifeprüfung (Blu-ray) Embeth Davidtz, Malgoscha Gebel, Shmulik Levy, Mark Ivanir, Beatrice Macola, Andrzej The Graduate Die Rosen von (3 Discs) Seweryn, Friedrich von Thun, Krzysztof Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Les Roses De Dublin Luft, Harry Nehring, Norbert Weisser, Adi Ross, William Daniels, Elizabeth Wilson, Jean-Claude Bouillon, Berenice Toolan, Paul Nitzan, Michael Schneider, Miri Fabian, Murray Hamilton, Buck Henry, Brian Avery, Kinlay, Yves Afonso, Paul Bennett, Emmet Anna Mucha, Albert Misak, Michael Gordon, Walter Brooke, Norman Fell, Alice Ghostley, Bergin, Colm Meaney, Mairin D. O’Sullivan - Aldona Grochal, Jacek Wójcicki, Beata Marion Lorne, Eddra Gale, Richard Dir. Lazare Iglesis Paluch, Piotr Polk, Ezra Dagan, Beata Dreyfuss - Dir. Mike Nichols Drama 1981 307min. Featurettes, Interview, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Wendecover, Nowak, Rami Heuberger, Jerzy Nowak, u.a. Pidax film media 17.02.2015 Pavel Delag, Henryk Bista, Tadeusz Drama/Komödie 1967 106min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063630 Bradecki, Wojciech Klata, Elina Löwen- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment sohn, Bettina Kupfer, Hans-Jörg Assmann, Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Sabrina - Total verhext! - Die Geno Lechner, August Schmölzer, Ludger 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063719 komplette Staffel 3 (5 Discs) Pistor, Branko Lustig, Artus Maria Matthies- Sabrina, The Teenage Witch sen, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Eugeniusz

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Priwieziencew, Michael Z. Hoffmann, Erwin Britton - Dir. Shawn Levy da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Leder, Jochen Nickel, Martin Semmelrogge, Komödie/Drama 2014 103min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063364 Alexander Held, Joachim Paul Assböck, Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 Dieter Witting, Wilhelm Manske, Peter 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063337 R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Have Flechtner, Dirk Bender, Alexander Strobele, Met My Ghoulfriend? Georges Kern, Michael Schiller, Götz Otto, Small Island (2 Discs) Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Wolfgang Seidenberg, Hubert Kramar, Small Island Ghoulfriend? Razia Israeli - Dir. Steven Spielberg , David Oyelowo, Ruth Dir. Peter Hewitt Drama 1993 195min. Wilson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ashley Fantasy 2014 87min. Universal Pictures Germany (Universal) Walters, Karl Johnson, Shaun Parkes, Nikki Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.02.2015 Amuka-Bird - Dir. John Alexander 05.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063590 2 Discs; Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063483 Drama 2009 174min. The Scorpion King 4 - Der verlo- KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 R.L. Stine’s Mostly Ghostly: Have 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063523 rene Thron You Met My Ghoulfriend? (Blu- The Scorpion King: The Lost Throne Sons of Anarchy - Season 5 (3 ray) Billy Zane, Ron Perlman, Victor Webster - Mostly Ghostly: Have You Met My Dir. Mike Elliott Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Ghoulfriend? Abenteuer/Fantasy 2015 101min. Sons Of Anarchy Dir. Peter Hewitt Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Ron Perlman, Fantasy 2014 91min. 26.02.2015 Maggie Siff, Mark Boone jr., Dayton Callie, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063513 Kim Coates, Tommy Flanagan, Ryan Hurst, Theo Rossi, Danny Trejo, Benito Martinez - 05.02.2015 The Scorpion King 4 - Der verlo- Dir. Paris Barclay, Peter Weller 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063492 rene Thron (Blu-ray) Action/Drama 2012 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ein Tag in Middleton The Scorpion King: The Lost Throne Germany 26.02.2015 At Middleton Billy Zane, Ron Perlman, Victor Webster - 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063552 Andy Garcia, Vera Farmiga, Taissa Dir. Mike Elliott Farmiga, Spencer Lofranco, Nicholas Abenteuer/Fantasy 2015 105min. Sons of Anarchy - Season 5 (4 Braun, Tom Skerritt, Peter Riegert, Mirjana Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Discs) (k.J.) Jokovic - Dir. Adam Rodgers 26.02.2015 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 min. Sons Of Anarchy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063564 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Ron Perlman, 05.02.2015 Maggie Siff, Mark Boone jr., Dayton Callie, Sex Tape Celebration Box (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063351 Discs, Uncut) (k.J.) Kim Coates, Tommy Flanagan, Ryan Hurst, Theo Rossi, Danny Trejo, Benito Martinez - #1 Cheerleader Camp / Alpha House / Ein Tag in Middleton (Blu-ray) Dir. Paris Barclay, Peter Weller Barely Legal / Bikini Spring Break / At Middleton Action/Drama 2012 min. Celebrity Sex Tape / Das Haus der schla- Andy Garcia, Vera Farmiga, Taissa Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment fenden Schönen / MILF / Sex Pot / Sexual Farmiga, Spencer Lofranco, Nicholas Germany 26.02.2015 Intrigue Braun, Tom Skerritt, Peter Riegert, Mirjana 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063495 Erotik 802min. Jokovic - Dir. Adam Rodgers EuroVideo Medien 22.01.2015 Space Mutiny Komödie/Lovestory 2013 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063319 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Space Mutiny 05.02.2015 Reb Brown, Anthony Hickox, James Ryan, Sherlock Holmes - Die große TV- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063366 John Phillip Law, Cameron Mitchell - Dir. Box (4 Discs) David Winters Tannbach - Schicksal eines Dor- Ronald Howard Science Fiction 1988 91min. Kriminalfilm min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold fes (2 Discs) Great Movies GmbH 23.01.2015 Productions) 13.02.2015 Henriette Confurius, Jonas Nay, Nadja Uhl, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063451 tba BestellNr.: 20063465 Heiner Lauterbach, Martina Gedeck, Alex- ander Held, Ludwig Trepte, Ronald Sie können’s mir glauben Der Spitzel Zehrfeld, Natalia Wörner, Maria Dragus, Theo Lingen, Harald Juhnke, Agnes Love Is Forever Florian Brückner, Johanna Bittenbinder, Windeck - Dir. Theo Lingen Michael Landon, Moira Chen, Jürgen Maximilian Brückner, Christian Mock - Dir. Komödie 1960 59min. Prochnow, Edward Woodward, Priscilla Alexander Dierbach Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.02.2015 Presley, Gabriele Tinti - Dir. Hall Bartlett Drama 2014 270min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063601 Thriller/Action 1983 89min. EuroVideo Medien 08.01.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063398 Sieben verdammt lange Tage 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063420 This Is Where I Leave You Tannbach - Schicksal eines Dor- Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, , Splatter Double Collection (Blu- fes (Blu-ray) Adam Driver, Rose Byrne, Corey Stoll, ray) (k.J.) Henriette Confurius, Jonas Nay, Nadja Uhl, Kathryn Hahn, Timothy Olyphant, Connie La Petite Mort / Maximum Violence Heiner Lauterbach, Martina Gedeck, Alex- Britton - Dir. Shawn Levy Horror 2009-2010 140min. ander Held, Ludwig Trepte, Ronald Komödie/Drama 2014 99min. da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Zehrfeld, Natalia Wörner, Maria Dragus, Warner Home Video Germany 29.01.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063370 Florian Brückner, Johanna Bittenbinder, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063311 Maximilian Brückner, Christian Mock - Dir. Alexander Dierbach Sieben verdammt lange Tage Stadt der Toten The City Of The Dead Drama 2014 270min. (Blu-ray) Christopher Lee, Patricia Jessel, Dennis EuroVideo Medien 08.01.2015 This Is Where I Leave You Lotis, Tom Naylor, Betta St. John, Venetia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063406 Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, Jane Fonda, Stevenson, Valentine Dyall - Dir. John Adam Driver, Rose Byrne, Corey Stoll, Llewellyn Moxey Terror Eyes - Der Frauenköpfer Kathryn Hahn, Timothy Olyphant, Connie Horror 1960 76min. (k.J.)

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Night School Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Demme Rachel Ward, Leonard Mann, Drew Snyder, Chang Chen, Lung Sihung, Cheng Pei-pei, Thriller 1979 98min. Joseph R. Sicari - Dir. Ken Hughes Li Fazeng, Gao Xian, Hai Yan, Wang Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(OfdB) Wendecover Deming, Li Li-Li - Dir. Ang Lee 17.02.2015 Thriller/Horror 1981 89min. Audiokommentar 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063695 Maritim Pictures 30.01.2015 Fantasy/Action 2000 115min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063546 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Locker/ Im Tal von Elah (2 in 1 There Will Be Blood 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063690 There Will Be Blood Edition, 2 Discs) Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. Tiger & Dragon - Der Beginn ei- The Hurt Locker / In The Valley Of Elah O’Connor, Ciarán Hinds, Dillon Freasier, ner Legende (Blu-ray) Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Guy Pearce, Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Mary Elizabeth Barrett, Colleen Foy, Hope Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Theron, Susan Sarandon - Dir. Kathryn Elizabeth Reeves - Dir. Paul Thomas Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Bigelow, Paul Haggis Anderson Chang Chen, Lung Sihung, Cheng Pei-pei, Action/Kriegsfilm 2007-2008 min. Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover Li Fazeng, Gao Xian, Hai Yan, Wang Drama 2007 152min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Deming, Li Li-Li - Dir. Ang Lee STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Bildergalerie, Interviews, Making of, Featurettes, Biografien, Home Edition) 12.02.2015 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Wendecover, Trailer, Audiokommentar, u.a. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063597 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063689 Fantasy/Action 2000 120min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt There Will Be Blood (Blu-ray) Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Locker/ Im Tal von Elah (2 in 1 There Will Be Blood 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063722 Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. The Hurt Locker / In The Valley Of Elah O’Connor, Ciarán Hinds, Dillon Freasier, The Timber Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Guy Mary Elizabeth Barrett, Colleen Foy, Hope The Timber Pearce, Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Elizabeth Reeves - Dir. Paul Thomas Josh Peck, James Ransone, Elisa Theron, Susan Sarandon - Dir. Kathryn Anderson Lasowski, Mark Caven, Attila Árpa, Shaun Bigelow, Paul Haggis Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. P. O’Hagan, David Bailie, William Gaunt - Action/Kriegsfilm 2007-2008 min. Drama 2007 158min. Dir. Anthony O’Brien STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Making of, Trailer Concorde Home Entertainment 12.02.2015 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Western 2014 82min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063600 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063721 WVG Medien 27.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063481 Tourist Trap (Remastered Edition) Three’s Company - Herzbube mit Tourist Trap zwei Damen (Staffel 3) (4 Discs) The Timber (Blu-ray) Chuck Connors, Jocelyn Jones, Jon van Ness, Robin Sherwood, Tanya Roberts, Three’s Company The Timber Dawn Jeffory, Keith McDermott, Shailar John Ritter, Joyce DeWitt, Suzanne Josh Peck, James Ransone, Elisa Coby - Dir. David Schmoeller Somers, Audra Lindley, Norman Fell, Ri- Lasowski, Mark Caven, Attila Árpa, Shaun Thriller/Horror 1979 87min. chard Kline, Don Knotts, Priscilla Barnes, P. O’Hagan, David Bailie, William Gaunt - da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Ann Wedgeworth, Jenilee Harrison - Dir. Dir. Anthony O’Brien 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063662 Dave Powers, Bill Hobin Making of, Trailer Western 2014 85min. Komödie 1977-1984 550min. WVG Medien 27.02.2015 Trinity schlägt zurück Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.01.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063490 La Collera Del Vento 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063296 Terence Hill, Fernando Rey, Maria Grazia Tierwelten Edition 1 (2 Discs) A Timeless Love Story - Die Lie- Buccella, Mario Pardo, Ángel Lombarte, William Layton, Manuel Alexandre, Manuel Dear Friend / Dragonworld / Das be meines Lebens de Blas, Andrés Resino - Dir. Mario Camus Dschungelbuch / Piroschka und der Wolf / Chasing Shakespeare Western 1969 101min. Prehysteria / Ein Pferd für Danny Danny Glover, Graham Greene, Chelsea Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 30.01.2015 Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Fanny Ricketts, Mike Wade, Tantoo Cardinal, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063426 Lauzier, Pamela Collyer, Jan Nowicki, Clarence Gilyard jr., Adriana Mather, Justin Alston - Dir. Norry Niven Tomokazu Miura, Teppei Yamada, Midori Undead by Dawn (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kanazawa, Brett Cullen, Colleen Morris, Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Lovestory 2013 91min. Of The Dead Samantha Mills, Alastair Mackenzie, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.02.2015 Michael Carr, Russell Friedenberg, Kimberly Brittney Powell, John Calvin, LeeLee 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063524 Liebe, Joe Cook, Matthias Hues, Hank Sobieski, Robert Urich, Ron Brice - Dir. Stone, Harvey J. Alperin, Darren Shahlavi, Zoltán Korda, Márta Mészáros, Yukihiro Tödliche Umarmung Christopher Kriesa, Morgan Hunter, Jeff Sawada, Charles Band, Albert Band, Ted Last Embrace Motherhead, Birgit Stauber, Chin Meyer - Nicolaou, Dick Lowry Roy Scheider, Janet Margolin, , Dir. Olaf Ittenbach Abenteuer 1942-1995 560min. Sam Levene, Charles Napier, Christopher Horror 2000 105min. EuroVideo Medien 08.01.2015 Walken, Jacqueline Brookes, David da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063312 Margulies, Andrew Dancan - Dir. Jonathan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063371 Tierwelten Edition 2 (2 Discs) Demme Thriller 1979 98min. Undercover - Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Unsere Lassie / Der Junge mit der Schild- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(OfdB) kröte / Phar Lap - Legende einer Nation / (Blu-ray) 17.02.2015 Das letzte Einhorn kehrt zurück / Jurassic Pod Prikritie 2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063629 Kids 2 / Hilfe, Dinosaurier Kriminalfilm/Action 2011 720min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 13.03.2015 Abenteuer 1978-2002 565min. Tödliche Umarmung (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Medien 12.02.2015 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063704 Last Embrace 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063642 Roy Scheider, Janet Margolin, John Glover, Undercover - Staffel 2 (4 Discs) Tiger & Dragon - Der Beginn ei- Sam Levene, Charles Napier, Christopher Pod Prikritie 2 Walken, Jacqueline Brookes, David ner Legende Kriminalfilm/Action 2011 720min. Margulies, Andrew Dancan - Dir. Jonathan Studio Hamburg Enterprises 13.03.2015 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063656 War Basterds Kriegsfilm 2005-2014 278min. Black Sheep EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 Die Verschwörung - Tödliche Ge- Kiril Rubtsow, Wladimir Tolokonnikow, Klaus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063711 schäfte Kurtz, Michail Tarabukin, Wiktor Solowjow, Turks & Caicos Mukhtar Gusengadzhiew, Andrej Frolow, Waterworld Bill Nighy, Winona Ryder, Christopher Wal- Sabine Zindler - Dir. Sergej Chekalow Waterworld ken, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes, Trailer , Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Ewen Bremner, James Naughton, Dylan Action/Kriegsfilm 2010 119min. Tripplehorn, Tina Majorino, , Baker - Dir. David Hare Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Gerard Murphy, R.D. Call, Kim Coates, John Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 95min. Pictures) 28.11.2014 Fleck, Robert Joy, Jack Black, John Toles- Koch Media 26.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063321 Bey, Zitto Kazann, , Sab tba BestellNr.: 20063514 Shimono - Dir. Kevin Reynolds War Basterds (Blu-ray) Science Fiction/Action 1995 130min. Die Verschwörung - Tödliche Ge- Black Sheep Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) schäfte (Blu-ray) Kiril Rubtsow, Wladimir Tolokonnikow, Klaus 22.01.2015 Kurtz, Michail Tarabukin, Wiktor Solowjow, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063466 Turks & Caicos Mukhtar Gusengadzhiew, Andrej Frolow, Bill Nighy, Winona Ryder, Christopher Wal- Sabine Zindler - Dir. Sergej Chekalow Welcome to ken, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes, Trailer Welcome To New York Ewen Bremner, James Naughton, Dylan Action/Kriegsfilm 2010 124min. Gérard Depardieu, Jacqueline Bisset, Baker - Dir. David Hare Soulfood Music Distribution(True Grit Drena De Niro, Amy Ferguson, Paul Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 98min. Pictures) 28.11.2014 Calderon, Paul Hipp, Ronald Guttman - Dir. Koch Media 26.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063345 Abel Ferrara tba BestellNr.: 20063565 Drama 2014 120min. War Machines (k.J.) Vielen Dank für Nichts EuroVideo Medien 12.02.2015 Nam Angels 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063294 Joel Basman, Nikki Rappel, Bastian Wurbs, Brad Johnson, Vernon Wells, Kevin Duffis, Anna Unterberger, Isolde Fischer, Antonio Rick Dean, Mark Venturini, Jeff Griffith - Welcome to New York (Blu-ray) Viganò, Ricardo Angelini, Georg Kaser, Dir. Cirio H. Santiago Welcome To New York Aniko Donath, Fabienne Hadorn, Tim-Owe Action/Kriegsfilm 1988 91min. Gérard Depardieu, Jacqueline Bisset, Georgi - Dir. Oliver Paulus, Stefan da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Drena De Niro, Amy Ferguson, Paul Hillebrand 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063664 Making of, Hörfilmfassung Calderon, Paul Hipp, Ronald Guttman - Dir. Abel Ferrara Komödie 2013 95min. Warehouse 13 - Season 5 (2 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Camino) Drama 2014 125min. 20.02.2015 Discs) EuroVideo Medien 12.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063621 Warehouse 13 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063301 Thriller/Mystery 264min. W pustyni i w puszczy (2 Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Welcome to Sweden W Pustyni I W Puszczy 12.02.2015 Welcome To Sweden Monika Rosca, Tomasz Medrzak, Edmund 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063519 Greg Poehler, Josephine Bornebusch, Lena Fetting, Stanislaw Jasiukiewicz - Dir. Olin Wladyslaw Slesicki Warrioress - Kriegerinnen des Komödie 228min. Abenteuer 1973 185min. Lichts Concorde Home Entertainment 12.02.2015 Pidax film media 17.02.2015 Warrioress 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063738 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063632 Cecily Fay, Joelle Simpson, Will Brenton, Christian Howard, Helen Steinway Bailey, Wer die Nachtigall stört Die Waffen der Frauen Brendan Carr, Jason Beeston, Penni Tovey To Kill A Mockingbird Working Girl - Dir. Ross Boyask Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Philip Alford, Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Melanie Action/Fantasy 2011 92min. John Megna, Rosemary Murphy, Brock Pe- Griffith, Alec Baldwin, , Philip Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 ters, Estelle Evans, Paul Fix, Collin Wilcox Bosco, Nora Dunn, Oliver Platt, Olympia tba BestellNr.: 20063508 Paxton, James Anderson, Alice Ghostley - Dukakis, Jeffrey Nordling, James Lally, Dir. Robert Mulligan Kevin Spacey, Robert Easton, Tom Rooney, Warrioress - Kriegerinnen des Drama 1962 124min. Elizabeth Whitcraft, Maggie Wagner - Dir. Lichts (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 05.02.2015 Mike Nichols Warrioress 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063542 Trailer Cecily Fay, Joelle Simpson, Will Brenton, Komödie 1988 109min. Christian Howard, Helen Steinway Bailey, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wer die Nachtigall stört (Blu-ray) Brendan Carr, Jason Beeston, Penni Tovey Germany 05.02.2015 To Kill A Mockingbird - Dir. Ross Boyask 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063417 Gregory Peck, Mary Badham, Philip Alford, Action/Fantasy 2011 96min. John Megna, Rosemary Murphy, Brock Pe- Maritim Pictures 17.02.2015 Die Waffen der Frauen (Blu-ray) ters, Estelle Evans, Paul Fix, Collin Wilcox tba BestellNr.: 20063559 Working Girl Paxton, James Anderson, Alice Ghostley - Harrison Ford, Sigourney Weaver, Melanie Warships Box Dir. Robert Mulligan Griffith, Alec Baldwin, Joan Cusack, Philip Drama 1962 129min. American Warships - Die Invasion beginnt Bosco, Nora Dunn, Oliver Platt, Olympia Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) / American Warships 2 / Warship Dukakis, Jeffrey Nordling, James Lally, 05.02.2015 Apocalypse Kevin Spacey, Robert Easton, Tom Rooney, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063591 Kriegsfilm 2005-2014 271min. Elizabeth Whitcraft, Maggie Wagner - Dir. EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 Mike Nichols White Zombie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063678 Kinotrailer, TV-Spots White Zombie Komödie 1988 113min. Warships Box (Blu-ray) Béla Lugosi, Madge Bellamy, Robert Frazer, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment John Harron, Joseph Cawthorn, Clarence American Warships - Die Invasion beginnt Germany 05.02.2015 Muse, Brandon Hurst, Frederick Peters - / American Warships 2 / Warship 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063437 Dir. Victor Halperin Apocalypse

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Horror 1932 75min. Horror/Action 2013 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment da music(Laser Paradise) 28.11.2014 Universum Film Home Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063362 Entertainment(SquareOne) 20.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063730 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063403 Wie in alten Zeiten Executioner (k.J.) Love Punch Wrong Turn 2 - Dead End (Blu- Curse Of The Zodiac Pierce Brosnan, Emma Thompson, Timothy ray) (k.J.) Shaun Adams, Lyn Beausoleil, Christian Spall, , Louise Bourgoin, Laurent Wrong Turn 2 Behm, Michelle Bock - Dir. Ulli Lommel Lafitte, Tuppence Middleton, Marisa Erica Leerhsen, Henry Rollins, Texas Horror 2007 82min. Berenson, Sabine Crossen - Dir. Joel Battle, Daniella Alonso, , da music(Laser Paradise) 09.01.2015 Hopkins Steve Braun - Dir. Joe Lynch 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063665 Interviews Horror/Thriller 2007 95min. Komödie 2013 91min. Highlight Communications Zombie Island - The Grave Universum Film Home (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.03.2015 Bandits (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Entertainment(SquareOne) 20.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063742 Zombie Island Massacre 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063479 David Broadnax, Tom Cantrell, Debbie Wie in alten Zeiten (Blu-ray) Wrong Turn 3 - Left for Dead (Blu- Ewing - Dir. John T. Carter ray) (k.J.) Trailer Love Punch Horror 1984 100min. Wrong Turn At Tahoe Pierce Brosnan, Emma Thompson, Timothy Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Shamrock) Cuba Gooding Jr., Miguel Ferrer, Harvey Spall, Celia Imrie, Louise Bourgoin, Laurent 24.02.2015 Keitel, Noel Gugliemi, John Cenatiempo, Lafitte, Tuppence Middleton, Marisa 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063652 Berenson, Sabine Crossen - Dir. Joel Genevieve Alexandra, Louis Mandylor, Hopkins Reed McColm - Dir. Franck Khalfoun Zombie Island - The Grave Interviews Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 85min. Komödie 2013 95min. Highlight Communications Bandits (k.J.) Universum Film Home (Deutschland)(Constantin) 05.03.2015 Zombie Island Massacre Entertainment(SquareOne) 20.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063740 David Broadnax, Tom Cantrell, Debbie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063488 Ewing - Dir. John T. Carter Zero Dark Thirty Trailer Horror 1984 96min. Wie schreibt man Liebe? Zero Dark Thirty Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Shamrock) The Rewrite Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel 24.02.2015 Hugh Grant, Marisa Tomei, Allison Janney, Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Kyle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063651 J.K. Simmons, Chris Elliott, Bella Heathcote, Chandler, Édgar Ramírez, Taylor Kinney, Veanne Cox, Lily Wen, Olivia Luccardi, Scott Adkins, Mark Duplass, Chris Pratt, Zombie Wasteland (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Emily Morden, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Harold Perrineau Jr. (Jack), Frank Grillo, Sick Steven Kaplan, Aja Naomi King, Annie Qian, , Stephen Dillane, Fares Christina Aceto, Richard Roy Sutton, Ro- Nicole Patrick, Maggie Geha, Caroline Aa- Fares, Reda Kateb - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow bert Nolan - Dir. Ryan M. Andrews ron - Dir. Marc Lawrence Thriller/Drama 2012 151min. Horror 2012 99min. Komödie 2014 min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) daredo media(True Grit) 30.01.2015 Highlight Communications 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063470 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.05.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063544 tba BestellNr.: 20063736 Zero Dark Thirty (Blu-ray) Zombie Wasteland (k.J.) Sick Wie schreibt man Liebe? (Blu- Zero Dark Thirty Christina Aceto, Richard Roy Sutton, Ro- Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel ray) bert Nolan - Dir. Ryan M. Andrews Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Kyle The Rewrite Horror 2012 95min. Chandler, Édgar Ramírez, Taylor Kinney, Hugh Grant, Marisa Tomei, Allison Janney, daredo media(True Grit) 30.01.2015 Scott Adkins, Mark Duplass, Chris Pratt, J.K. Simmons, Chris Elliott, Bella Heathcote, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063457 Veanne Cox, Lily Wen, Olivia Luccardi, Harold Perrineau Jr. (Jack), Frank Grillo, Emily Morden, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, James Gandolfini, Stephen Dillane, Fares Zorro - Der blutrote Adler / Zorro Fares, Reda Kateb - Dir. Kathryn Bigelow Steven Kaplan, Aja Naomi King, Annie Qian, im wilden Westen (2 Discs) Nicole Patrick, Maggie Geha, Caroline Aa- Thriller/Drama 2012 157min. Zorro im Wilden Westen / Zorro - Der ron - Dir. Marc Lawrence Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) blutrote Adler Komödie 2014 min. 05.02.2015 Western/Abenteuer min. Highlight Communications 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063592 Delta Music & Entertainment(SJ (Deutschland)(Constantin) 07.05.2015 Entertainment) 01.12.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20063744 Zimmer mit Aussicht A Room With A View 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063391 Wolves Helena Bonham Carter, , Den- Wolves holm Elliott, Julian Sands, Daniel Day- Lucas Till, Stephen McHattie, Merritt Lewis, Sir Simon Callow - Dir. James Ivory Audiokommentar, Biografien, Bildergalerien, Trailer, Wende- Special Interest Patterson, Jason Momoa, John Pyper- cover Ferguson, Kaitlyn Leeb, Jennifer Hale, Drama 1986 112min. Adam Butcher - Dir. David Hayter STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Horror/Action 2013 87min. Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Filmgeschichte Universum Film Home 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063723 Entertainment(SquareOne) 20.02.2015 Michael Ballhaus, Doris Dörrie, Andreas 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063389 Zimmer mit Aussicht (Blu-ray) Dresen, Dominik Graf, Caroline Link, Chri- stian Petzold, Tom Tykwer, Wim Wenders, A Room With A View Hanns Zischler, Wolfgang Kohlhaase - Dir. Wolves (Blu-ray) Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Den- Michael Althen, Hans Helmut Prinzler Wolves holm Elliott, Julian Sands, Daniel Day- Lucas Till, Stephen McHattie, Merritt Audiokommentar, Schnittbilder Lewis, Sir Simon Callow - Dir. James Ivory Dokumentarfilm/Film 2008 102min. Patterson, Jason Momoa, John Pyper- Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer, Wende- absolut MEDIEN 06.02.2015 Ferguson, Kaitlyn Leeb, Jennifer Hale, cover, u.a. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063634 Adam Butcher - Dir. David Hayter Drama 1986 116min.

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Nick Cave, Susie Cave, Warren Ellis, Ray Dir. Luc Jacquet Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Winstone, Kylie Minogue, Arthur Cave, Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Making of, Featurettes, Thomas Wydler, Earl Cave - Dir. Iain Interviews, Bildergalerien, Trailer, u.a. Untold Story of Cannon Films! Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2005 82min. Forsyth, Jane Pollard Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Of Cannon Films Behind the Scenes, Trailer Porträt/Biographie 2014 94min. Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Menahem Golan, Yoram Globus - Dir. Mark Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063720 Hartley 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063460 Dokumentarfilm/Film 2014 107min. Supermensch - Wer ist Shep Gor- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.04.2015 Nick Cave - 20.000 Days on Earth don? (OmU) tba BestellNr.: 20063307 (OmU) (Blu-ray) Supermensch: The Legend Of Shep Gor- Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, 20,000 Days On Earth don Shep Gordon, Sylvester Stallone, Willie Untold Story of Cannon Films! Nick Cave, Susie Cave, Warren Ellis, Ray Winstone, Kylie Minogue, Arthur Cave, Nelson, Derek Shook, Tom Arnold, Alice (Blu-ray) Thomas Wydler, Earl Cave - Dir. Iain Cooper, Michael Douglas, Emeril Lagasse, Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story Forsyth, Jane Pollard Anne Murray - Dir. Mike Myers, Beth Aala Of Cannon Films Behind the Scenes, Trailer Interview, Trailer, Postkartenset, Wendecover Menahem Golan, Yoram Globus - Dir. Mark Porträt/Biographie 2014 97min. Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2013 84min. Hartley Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.02.2015 Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.02.2015 Dokumentarfilm/Film 2014 112min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063472 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063577 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 21.04.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063332 Nick Cave - 20.000 Days on Earth Tour du Faso (OmU, Limited Special Edition, 3 Tour Du Faso Dir. Wilm Huygen Kathedralen der Kultur Discs) (Blu-ray) Dir. Wim Wenders, Michael Glawogger, Entfallene Szenen 20,000 Days On Earth Dokumentarfilm 2012 90min. Michael Madsen, Robert Redford, Margreth Nick Cave, Susie Cave, Warren Ellis, Ray good!movies(RealFiction) 23.01.2015 Olin, Karim Aïnouz Interviews, Trailer Winstone, Kylie Minogue, Arthur Cave, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063452 Dokumentarfilm 2014 158min. Thomas Wydler, Earl Cave - Dir. Iain EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 Forsyth, Jane Pollard Yaloms Anleitung zum Glücklich- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063657 Interviews, Bonusszenen, Making of, Musikvideo sein Porträt/Biographie 2014 97min. Yalom’s Cure Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.02.2015 Kathedralen der Kultur (Blu-ray Irvin D. Yalom - Dir. Sabine Gisiger 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063575 3D, + Blu-ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Trailer, Wendecover Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2014 74min. Dir. Wim Wenders, Michael Glawogger, Die Reise der Pinguine Alamode Film 20.02.2015 Michael Madsen, Robert Redford, Margreth La Marche De L’Empereur 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063637 Olin, Karim Aïnouz Dir. Luc Jacquet Interviews, Trailer Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Yaloms Anleitung zum Glücklich- Dokumentarfilm 2014 165min. Dokumentarfilm/Tiere 2005 82min. EuroVideo Medien 26.02.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment sein (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063705 Germany(KulturSpiegel) 19.02.2015 Yalom’s Cure 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063688 Irvin D. Yalom - Dir. Sabine Gisiger Nick Cave - 20.000 Days on Earth Trailer, Wendecover (OmU) Die Reise der Pinguine (Blu-ray) Dokumentarfilm/Biographie 2014 77min. Alamode Film 20.02.2015 20,000 Days On Earth La Marche De L’Empereur 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063697

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 40 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

butterfly and also transforms - this time into Dark Sparkle, her superhero nemesis. Their rivalry takes to the skies but when Animation they discover the kingdom’s true enemy, can they put aside Blaze And The Monster Machines: their differences to form one super team? Blaze Of Glory Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Blaze, and his driver AJ, are introduced to a world of racing 101 Dalmatians: Diamond Edition Family, Fantasy, girl power, Magic, Special Monster Machines! But when a cheating truck named Crusher (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Editions 74min. uses his dirty tricks to try and win the championship race, Universal Studios 03.03.2015 Blaze will do everything he can to help his friends and beat ray) Crusher to the finish line. Pick your favorite spot to watch - anytime and anywhere - and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125559 Animation, Auto Racing, Children’s, Family, get ready for a fun-filled adventure with 101 Dalmatians for Nickelodeon, Racing, Television 68min. ever on Blu-ray and Digital HD! Pongo, Perdita Ben To: Complete Series - and their super-adorable puppies are in for thrills, hilarious Nickelodeon 17.02.2015 spills and an epic action-packed adventure when they face off Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125429 with Cruella De Vil, Disney’s most fabulously outrageous villainess. Unleash all the excitement and suspense of (Blu-ray) Disney’s 101 Dalmatians, a beloved classic you’ll want to Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, The Book Of Life share with your family again and again! Anime, Blu-ray, , Televisi- Kate del Castillo, Carlos Alazraqui, Ana de Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- on 300min. la Reguera, Diego Luna, Ice Cube, Zoe mation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Classics, Dis- Funimation 03.02.2015 Saldana, Hector Elizondo, Danny Trejo, ney, Epics, Family, Kidnapping, Special 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125676 Christina Applegate, Placido Domingo, Ron Editions 1961 79min. Perlman, Channing Tatum - Dir. Jorge R. Disney / Buena Vista 10.02.2015 Ben To: Complete Series (Blu-ray Gutierrez 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125486 From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge R. + DVD) (Blu-ray) Gutierrez comes a breathtaking animated comedy with a dazzling visual style unlike anything you’ve seen before. Torn Barbie In Princess Power Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, between the expectations of his family and the desires of his Kara (Barbie) is a modern-day princess with an everyday life. Anime, Blu-ray, Cartoon Network, Televisi- heart, a young man named Manolo sets off on an epic quest, One day, after being kissed by a magical butterfly, Kara soon on 300min. that spans three spectacular worlds, in order to reunite with discovers she has amazing super powers allowing her to his one true love and defend his village. Not your ordinary transform into Super Sparkle, her secret, crime-fighting alter Funimation 03.02.2015 fairy tale, The Book of Life is a wondrous fantasy-adventure ego who flies around the kingdom ready to save the day! But, 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125678 filled with magic, music and fun! it’s not too long before her jealous cousin catches the Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- butterfly and also transforms - this time into Dark Sparkle, her superhero nemesis. Their rivalry takes to the skies but when Big Hero 6 tion, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies, they discover the kingdom’s true enemy, can they put aside Katie Lowes, Damon Wayans Jr., Jamie Romance 2014 96min. their differences to form one super team? Chung, T.J. Miller, Genesis Rodriguez, Scott 20th Century Fox 27.01.2015 Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Adsit, Maya Rudolph, Daniel Henney, Alan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125549 Family, Fantasy, girl power, Magic 74min. Tudyk, Abraham Benrubi, James Cromwell - Universal Studios 03.03.2015 Dir. Chris Williams, Don Hall The Book Of Life (Blu-ray + DVD 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125560 With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Disney Animation Studios, Big Hero 6 is an action-packed Barbie In Princess Power (Blu-ray comedy adventure that introduces Baymax, a lovable, personal Kate del Castillo, Carlos Alazraqui, Ana de companion robot, who forms a special bond with robotics la Reguera, Diego Luna, Ice Cube, Zoe + DVD + UltraViolet With Super prodigy Hiro Hamada. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in Saldana, Hector Elizondo, Danny Trejo, Sparkle Mask) (Blu-ray) the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to Baymax and his Christina Applegate, Placido Domingo, Ron Kara (Barbie) is a modern-day princess with an everyday life. diverse group of friends - adrenaline junky Go Go Tomago, Perlman, Channing Tatum - Dir. Jorge R. One day, after being kissed by a magical butterfly, Kara soon neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy discovers she has amazing super powers allowing her to Fred - who transform into a band of unlikely heroes. Bring Gutierrez transform into Super Sparkle, her secret, crime-fighting alter home Disney’s Big Hero 6, featuring comic-book-style action From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge R. ego who flies around the kingdom ready to save the day! But, and hilarious, unforgettable characters - it’s fun for the whole Gutierrez comes a breathtaking animated comedy with a it’s not too long before her jealous cousin catches the family! dazzling visual style unlike anything you’ve seen before. Torn butterfly and also transforms - this time into Dark Sparkle, her Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, between the expectations of his family and the desires of his superhero nemesis. Their rivalry takes to the skies but when heart, a young man named Manolo sets off on an epic quest, they discover the kingdom’s true enemy, can they put aside Animation, Based On Comic Book, Comedy, that spans three spectacular worlds, in order to reunite with their differences to form one super team? Disney, Family, Friendships, Movies, Robots his one true love and defend his village. Not your ordinary fairy tale, The Book of Life is a wondrous fantasy-adventure Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, / Androids, Science Fiction, Superheroes filled with magic, music and fun! Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl power, 2014 90min. Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- Magic, Special Editions 74min. Disney / Buena Vista tba tion, Blu-ray, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Universal Studios 03.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 40125635 Movies, Romance 2014 96min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125600 20th Century Fox 27.01.2015 Big Hero 6 (Blu-ray + DVD + 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125596 Barbie In Princess Power (Blu-ray UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Katie Lowes, Damon Wayans Jr., Jamie The Book Of Life (Blu-ray 3D + Kara (Barbie) is a modern-day princess with an everyday life. Chung, T.J. Miller, Genesis Rodriguez, Scott Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- One day, after being kissed by a magical butterfly, Kara soon Adsit, Maya Rudolph, Daniel Henney, Alan discovers she has amazing super powers allowing her to ray) Tudyk, Abraham Benrubi, James Cromwell - transform into Super Sparkle, her secret, crime-fighting alter Kate del Castillo, Carlos Alazraqui, Ana de ego who flies around the kingdom ready to save the day! But, Dir. Chris Williams, Don Hall it’s not too long before her jealous cousin catches the With all the heart and humor audiences expect from Walt la Reguera, Diego Luna, Ice Cube, Zoe butterfly and also transforms - this time into Dark Sparkle, her Disney Animation Studios, Big Hero 6 is an action-packed Saldana, Hector Elizondo, Danny Trejo, superhero nemesis. Their rivalry takes to the skies but when comedy adventure that introduces Baymax, a lovable, personal Christina Applegate, Placido Domingo, Ron they discover the kingdom’s true enemy, can they put aside companion robot, who forms a special bond with robotics their differences to form one super team? prodigy Hiro Hamada. When a devastating turn of events Perlman, Channing Tatum - Dir. Jorge R. Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in Gutierrez Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl power, the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to Baymax and his From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge R. diverse group of friends - adrenaline junky Go Go Tomago, Gutierrez comes a breathtaking animated comedy with a Magic 74min. neatnik Wasabi, chemistry whiz Honey Lemon and fanboy dazzling visual style unlike anything you’ve seen before. Torn Universal Studios 03.03.2015 Fred - who transform into a band of unlikely heroes. Bring between the expectations of his family and the desires of his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125602 home Disney’s Big Hero 6, featuring comic-book-style action heart, a young man named Manolo sets off on an epic quest, and hilarious, unforgettable characters - it’s fun for the whole that spans three spectacular worlds, in order to reunite with family! his one true love and defend his village. Not your ordinary Barbie In Princess Power (DVD Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, fairy tale, The Book of Life is a wondrous fantasy-adventure Animation, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, filled with magic, music and fun! With Super Sparkle Mask) Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- Comedy, Disney, Family, Friendships, Kara (Barbie) is a modern-day princess with an everyday life. tion, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Comedy, Family, One day, after being kissed by a magical butterfly, Kara soon Movies, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 2014 96min. discovers she has amazing super powers allowing her to Superheroes 2014 90min. transform into Super Sparkle, her secret, crime-fighting alter 20th Century Fox 27.01.2015 Disney / Buena Vista tba ego who flies around the kingdom ready to save the day! But, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125597 it’s not too long before her jealous cousin catches the tba BestellNr.: 40125639

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Dorothy In The Land Of Oz 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125628 Care Bears: Share Your Care Get ready for an Oz-tastic adventure! With her beloved aunt and uncle preparing to move away, Dorothy’s carried back to Gargoyles: Season 2, Volume 2 (DVD + UltraViolet) Oz by a green turkey balloon. There she meets Jack After the Bears catch the Feeling Flu, all their usual feelings Pumpkinhead, the Hungry Tiger, Tik-Tok and others before The ancient struggle between heroes and villains continues are switched - until Harmony leads them to a cure. Then it’s facing off against Tyrone the Terrible Toy Tinker. You’re in for among the skyscrapers and bridges of a modern metropolis as Share Bear to the rescue when twin sisters need help with a ride you won’t forget! Gargoyles returns for a second season. It’s an adventure one their friendship issues, and when Funshine is overcome by Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, thousand years in the making! Goliath, Hudson, Broadway and fears, Grumpy inspires him by bringing happiness to a boy in Brooklyn are back from their stone-cold sleep and ready to need. Open up your heart and journey to Care-a-Lot for this Fantasy, Friendships, Television min. save humanity from evil gargoyle clans, banshees and celebration of caring and sharing! Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 legendary monsters. But will Demona’s diabolical plan to exterminate mankind prove to be the Gargoyles’ final Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125389 reckoning? Prepare for thrills and chills in this collectible 3- Family, Friendships, Television 88min. disc DVD set of Gargoyles: Season 2 Volume 2. Lionsgate 03.02.2015 Ducktales The Movie: Treasure Of Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125455 The Lost Lamp Disney, Family, Television, Thrillers 595min. Join Uncle Scrooge and the colorful cast of characters from Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 Certain Scientific Railgun: the popular Ducktales series in this action-packed wing- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125467 slapping, feather-raising treasure hunt. With his nephews Complete Season 1 (Blu-ray) Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and his niece Webbigail Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Vanderquack at his side, everyone’s favorite rich uncle, Gladiators Of Rome Scrooge McDuck, treks from his mansion home in Duckburg in A new hero is born in this hilarious, animated adventure of International TV, Japanese, Science search of the long-lost loot of the legendary thief Collie Babe. epic proportions! Timo, a student at the Gladiators’ Academy Fiction, Television 600min. But finding the goods isn’t quite what it’s „quacked“ up to be! in Rome, has no desire to become a legendary gladiator like Funimation 13.01.2015 Their thrilling adventure leads to comical chaos, magical his stepfather. That is, until the mesmerizing Lucilla walks , and a lesson about what is far more valuable than into his life. With the help of an unlikely band of sidekicks, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125516 money, gold, and jewels. Timo is determined to be the gladiator of her dreams and Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, embarks on an action-packed journey to become the Chaos; Head: Complete Series Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Family, Televi- Colosseum’s first victor! Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, sion 74min. (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Animation, Comedy, Movies, Romance Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 Action, Animation, Anime, Based On Video 94min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125466 Game, Blu-ray, Foreign, Horror, Internatio- Paramount Pictures 17.02.2015 nal TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Televisi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125552 on 300min. A Max Fleischers Cartoon: Gabby Funimation 13.01.2015 Collection Goof Troop: Volume 1 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125515 Animation, Children’s, Movies 60min. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Cinedigm 13.01.2015 Comedy, Disney, Television min. Chuggington: Turbo Charged 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125419 Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 Chugger 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125412 The trainees are taking their responsibilities to a whole new The Flintstones And WWE: Stone level! In these six turbo-charged episodes - plus coloring pages, new Character Montages and more - Wilson and the Age Smackdown! Goof Troop: Volume 2 Chug Patrollers attempt a daring bridge rescue, Brewster Get ready for some raw-kin’ action in this all-new, original Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, helps the Chuggineers build a new station, Koko tries to movie that brings some of WWE’s toughest, wildest break her Chug-A-Sonic record, the Speed Fleet competes in superstars to Bedrock! When Fred loses his family’s vacation Comedy, Disney, Television min. the Track Dash, and everybody learns how to use the Piggy- money, he hatches one of his hair brained plans to get it back. Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 Back Wagon. And with friends and mentors like Hanzo, Asher It’s a sports entertainment spectacle that involves throwing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125413 and Payce riding along, your own trainees will learn to work his best bud, Barney into the wrestling ring with the likes of together, play fair and use good judgment as they take on new John Cenastone (), Rey Mysteriopal (Rey responsibilities of their own! Mysterio) and even , with Fred himself as Have Yourself A Goofy Little Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, event promoter! The crowds roar, the „clams“ are pouring in from ticket sales and even Mr. McMagma (Vince McMahon) Christmas Television 2014 62min. is taking notice of all the hoopla. Can Fred keep serving up Take home this all-time classic Disney fun for the holidays! Starz / Anchor Bay 10.02.2015 bigger and badder matches or is he in for the rocky ride of his Big-hearted Goofy pulls out all the stops for his son Max on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125447 life? Including all-star appearances from The Boulder Twins Christmas. The problem is, he also shorts out the (Brie and Nikki Bella) Marble Henry (Mark Henry) and neighborhood electricity and usually blows up his house in Daniel Bry-Rock (Daniel Bryan), it’s time to get the whole the process! When neighbor Pete gets tired of Goofy’s Doc Mcstuffins: Cuddle Me family together for a collection of hard-hitting, side-splitting shortcomings, he takes his family to Asperin, Colorado, laughs from the most epic event in all of prehistory! seeking a „silent night“ of his own. Unfortunately, that leaves Lambie Action, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, poor Max alone to make the most of his dad’s hapless holiday No one gives better cuddles than Doc’s warm and fuzzy best mess-ups! This hilarious and heartwarming tale is a holiday friend! She’s a princess and a ballerina, and she’s always Family, Television, Wrestling & Fighting, favorite filled with love, family values, and laughter for all there for toys that need an extra helping of tender loving car. WWE min. ages, Goofy style! Just say three little words: „Cuddle Me Lambie.“ Join Doc and Warner Bros. 17.03.2015 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, the whole gang as they laugh, play and have a ball fixing boo- boos and discovering great ways to stay happy and healthy. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125574 Christmas, Comedy, Disney, Family, Celebrate the power of true friendship as new, sparkly heart Holidays min. toy Val shows Lambie there’s plenty of love to go around. The Flintstones And WWE: Stone Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 Meet Donny and Alma’s monster creation Charlie - who turns 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125468 out to bee very sweet and not so scary after all. Then, see Age Smackdown! (Blu-ray + DVD how Lambie gets out of a super-sticky jam! Bursting with five song-filled episodes and cuddles galore, this „hug- + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Lego: Justice League VS. Bizarro stravaganza“ is magical fun your little one will adore! Get ready for some raw-kin’ action in this all-new, original Animation, Children’s, Disney, Family, movie that brings some of WWE’s toughest, wildest League Friendships, Music, Television 120min. superstars to Bedrock! When Fred loses his family’s vacation Justice League vs Bizarro League - Batman has joined the money, he hatches one of his hair brained plans to get it back. just formed Justice League in order to keep tabs on Superman, Disney / Buena Vista 03.02.2015 It’s a sports entertainment spectacle that involves throwing a mistrust that is complicated by Superman’s bad (but well 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125469 his best bud, Barney into the wrestling ring with the likes of meaning) clone Bizarro and his creation of the Bizarro John Cenastone (John Cena), Rey Mysteriopal (Rey League, but an even bigger threat forces the two Leagues to Mysterio) and even The Undertaker, with Fred himself as join forces. Dora And Friends event promoter! The crowds roar, the „clams“ are pouring in Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Dora and her new group of friends are ready to go on exciting from ticket sales and even Mr. McMagma (Vince McMahon) adventures in a new city. But this is no ordinary city. Around is taking notice of all the hoopla. Can Fred keep serving up Family, Superheroes, Television min. every corner, there are portals to magical worlds filled with bigger and badder matches or is he in for the rocky ride of his Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 surprises, obstacles and villains waiting to Dora and her life? Including all-star appearances from The Boulder Twins 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125568 friends with challenges. Luckily, Dora has new tools to aid (Brie and Nikki Bella) Marble Henry (Mark Henry) and her and her friends -like a smart phone featuring Map app. Daniel Bry-Rock (Daniel Bryan), it’s time to get the whole family together for a collection of hard-hitting, side-splitting LEGO: Ninjago Rebooted Fall Of Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, laughs from the most epic event in all of prehistory! Friendships, Nickelodeon, Television 92min. Action, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, The Golden Master - Season 3 Nickelodeon 10.02.2015 Family, Television, Wrestling & Fighting, Part 2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125388 WWE min. Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, Warner Bros. 17.03.2015

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Family, Movies, Ninjas 88min. screen adventure. Take a jazzy joyride through the streets of Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, , with delightfully trippy dream sequences, Warner Bros. 20.01.2015 imagination-filled musical interludes, and icy flights-of- Family, Holidays, Television min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125581 fantasy - all as Charlie Brown sets out to bolster his shaky Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 confidence at the National Spelling Bee. The prolific, much- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125426 honored cartoonist Charles M. Schulz and franchise director Looney Tunes: Stranger Then Bill Melendez weave a world made of witty dialogue, magical Fiction (Repackage) security blankets and bright-eyed beagles, all set to an Pokemon The Movie: Diancie And Academy Award-nominated score by Rod McKuen and Vince It’s spooky. It’s wacky. It’s Stranger Than Fiction! Exploding Guaraldi. So take a break from the books, the dictionaries, the The Cocoon Of Destruction with sheer cartoon craziness, these all-new Toons star your encyclopedias and thesauri, and sit for a spell with the In a country called „Diamond Domain“ lies the powerful Heart favorite Looney Tunes characters making big-time fun of Peanuts gang as they learn that if at first you don’t succeed, Diamond, which has served as the kingdom’s source of everything from mysteriously goofy TV shows to sci-fi movie take a step back. Maybe a nap. Then grab the closest energy and maintained the Ore Country for centuries. Many blockbusters! Plus, you’ll also be treated to an irresistible beagle... and dance. Carbink live in Diamond Domain, including their princess - assortment of must-see, new-and-improved-deluxe-extra- Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated the Jewel Pokemon, Diancie, who created the Heart Diamond. special Looney Tunes DVD bonus features! In this eerily- Diancie no longer has the power to control the Heart Diamond entertaining volume: Porky and Yosemite Sam go creature- Feature Films, Animation, Based On A Co- and her country is falling into chaos as a result. One day, hunting and end up in a Loch Ness Mess. Daffy hosts a mic Strip, Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Diancie meets with Ash and his friends and asks them to go preposterous paranormal TV show featuring everything from Family, Friendships, Movies, Television on a journey to find the Life Pokemon, Xerneas, in order to the fearsome „Mexican goat-sucker“ to crazy crop circles and restore the Heart Diamond. Standing in their way is the a Shakespeare-spouting Taz! Then, Porky and Daffy land on 86min. Pokemon of Destruction, Yveltal, who once stole all of the life the very odd Planet of the Taz - and discover some even Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 in the Kalos Region. stranger sequel-planets! Plus, more way-Looney spoofs and shorts full of weirdly wonderful Warner-riffic fun! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125394 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Based On Video Game, Children’s, Comedy, Comedy, Family, Television 68min. Peanuts: Race For Your Life Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Friendships, In- Warner Bros. 17.02.2015 Charlie Brown ternational TV, Japanese, Monsters, Televi- sion 90min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125591 Bill Melendez Join Charlie Brown and the rest of the delightful „Peanuts“ Viz Entertainment 17.02.2015 Max & Ruby: Sweet Siblings gang as they journey to summer camp, and participate in a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125622 river-raft race against some cheating bullies. In the late While Max & Ruby may not always see eye to eye... they do Charles M. Schulz’s third full-length animated motion picture. love each other with all their hearts! No matter how different Filled with all the characters and charm that has made Pom Poko (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) their goals, they always need each other - just maybe in „Peanuts“ the most popular and beloved comic strip in the (Blu-ray) unexpected ways! See how, in these 12 funny bunny tales! world. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Studio Ghibli presents a film about the clash between modern Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- civilization and the natural world from acclaimed director Isao Family, Nickelodeon, Television 96min. tion, Based On A Comic Strip, Children’s, Takahata. The raccoons of the Tama Hills are being forced Nickelodeon 17.02.2015 Comedy, Family, Friendships, Movies, from their homes by the rapid development of houses and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125456 shopping malls. As it becomes harder to find food and shelter, Racing, Television 76min. they decide to band together and fight back. The raccoons Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 practice and perfect the ancient art of transformation until A Mouse Tale (DVD + UltraViolet) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125395 they are even able to appear as humans. In often hilarious ways, the raccoons use their powers to try to scare off the Dallas Lovato, Miranda Cosgrove, Drake advance of civilization. But will it be enough? Or will the Bell, Jon Heder, Tom Arnold, Jon Lovitz, Peanuts: Snoopy Come Home raccoons learn how to live in balance with the modern world? Cary Elwes - Dir. David Bisbano (Repackage) Celebrate the magic of the forest and the beauty of the In order to save their kingdom from evil rodents, Sebastian creatures who live among us in Pom Poko - now on Disney (Drake Bell) and Samantha (Miranda Cosgrove) are sent on a Bill Melendez Blu-ray for the first time ever. quest by the King of Rodencia (Jon Lovitz) and the wise Small Dogs. Big Secrets. When America’s most beloved Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani- Wizard Dalliwog (Tom Arnold) to obtain a legendary magic beagle suddenly goes missing, the whole Peanuts gang bands mation, Children’s, Comedy, Disney, Family, crystal that has the power to defeat the rodents. With the help together to bring him back home in this full-length feature from of two trustworthy knights (Carey Elwes and Jon Heder), renowned cartoonist Charles M. Schulz and the Academy Magic 1994 119min. they venture deep into the forest and enter a forbidden world Award-winning musical team of Richard and Robert Sherman. Disney / Buena Vista 03.02.2015 of giants in order to accomplish their mission and restore With „Dogs Not Allowed“ signs everywhere he turns, Snoopy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125484 order to the kingdom. and his newfound feathered friend Woodstock (making his big Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- screen debut), leave the comforts of home behind and head for the highways in search of their true place in the world. Cam- Puff The Magic Dragon: Triple mation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Giant ping out, eating up and just living the life of the open road, the Monsters!, Magic, Monsters, Movies 88min. intrepid twosome make their way across the country, dodging Feature - Magic Dragon / Land Of Lionsgate 03.02.2015 possessive pet-collectors, less-than-hospitable hospital Living Lies / Incredible Mr. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125520 workers, and bullying bus drivers on their way to reveal Snoopy’s secret past - only to discover that there really is no Nobody place like home in this heartwarming story featuring Charlie It’s Puff to the rescue in a trio of amazing stories! First he Nickelodeon Favorites: Brown, Lucy, Linus and the whole gallery of your Peanuts helps Jackie find happiness in Puff the Magic Dragon. Next favorites. he teaches Sandy why it’s important to tell the truth in Puff the Springtime Adventures Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies. And finally, he Ring in Spring with your Nick Jr. friends in these 7 seasonal Feature Films, Animation, Based On A Co- helps Terry find his lost friend in Puff and the Incredible Mr. adventures! Help Wally surprise Gina Giant with a picnic, mic Strip, Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Nobody. You’ll love spending time with Puff! join Dora in the Enchanted Forest, enjoy a day in nature with Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Movies, Television Blue, help the Bubble Guppies prepare for the arrival of the Children’s / Educational, Educational, Spring Chicken, and join Team Umizoomi and the Wonder Pets 80min. Family, Television, Triple Feature 72min. for some egg-cellent egg hunts! Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125396 Nickelodeon, Television 144min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125427 Nickelodeon 17.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125457 Peanuts: Snoopy Come Home / A Ranma 1/2: Set 5 Boy Named Charlie Brown Sentaro, successor to Martial Arts Tea Ceremony, makes One Piece: Collection Eleven Bill Melendez Ranma battle the grand master as his wife to break off his arranged marriage meeting Does Ranma have what it takes to Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated master this new form of martial arts? After that, the world of mation, Anime, Assassins & Hitmen, Feature Films, Animation, Based On A Co- martial arts gets even bigger with the introduction of Martial mic Strip, Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Arts Shogi, Martial Arts Dining, and Martial Arts Calligraphy. Comedy, Foreign, International TV, The hijinks continue as the true identity of the principal is Japanese, Pirates, Television min. Double Features, Family, Friendships, revealed, Ranma’s friends and family are turned into frogs, Funimation 13.01.2015 Movies, Television 166min. and okonomiyaki master Ukyo faces hot competition from Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 Crepe Joe! Lastly, a new student at school named Gosunkugi, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125507 who instantly falls in love with Akane, tries to use curses to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125393 eliminate Ranma so he can have her all to himself! Peanuts: A Boy Named Charlie Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Dra- Brown (Repackage) Peter & The Magic Egg ma, Fantasy, Foreign, International, Interna- It’s an Easter tale for the ages! When Mama and Papa tional TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Television Peter Robbins, Bill Melendez, Pamelyn Doppler are in danger of losing their farm to the greedy 530min. Ferdin - Dir. Bill Melendez Tobias Tinwhiskers, it’s up to their son Peter to save it. When in Doubt, Spell it Out! Join Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Featuring animal friends and even Mother Nature herself, it’s Viz Entertainment 03.03.2015 Snoopy and the whole Peanuts gang in their very first big a story the whole family will enjoy! 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125625

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 44 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Dafoe - Dir. Goro Miyazaki (Blu-ray) Ranma 1/2: Set 5 Limited Edition An epic animated adventure directed by Goro Miyazaki, Tales The heroes of Tiger & Bunny are back in an all-new feature- From Earthsea features the voices of Timothy Dalton, Willem length film! Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, a.k.a. Wild Tiger, and (Blu-ray) Dafoe, Cheech Marin and Mariska Hargitay. Based on the Barnaby Brooks Jr.’s partnership comes to a sudden end Sentaro, successor to Martial Arts Tea Ceremony, makes classic „Earthsea“ fantasy book seriess by Ursula K. Le when Apollon Media’s new owner Mark Schneider fires Ranma battle the grand master as his wife to break off his Guin, Tales From Earthsea is set in a mythical world filled Kotetsu and moves Barnaby back into the First League, arranged marriage meeting Does Ranma have what it takes to with magic and bewitchment. In the land of Earthsea, crops pairing him up with Golden Ryan, a new hero with awesome master this new form of martial arts? After that, the world of are dwindling, dragons have reappeared and humanity is powers and a huge ego to match. When the heroes are sent to martial arts gets even bigger with the introduction of Martial giving way to chaos. Journey with Lord Archmage investigate a string of strange incidents tied closely to the Arts Shogi, Martial Arts Dining, and Martial Arts Calligraphy. Sparrowhawk, a master wizard, and Arren, a troubled young city’s Goddess Legend, they discover three super-powered The hijinks continue as the true identity of the principal is prince, on a tale of redemption and self-discovery as they NEXTs plotting to bring terror and destruction to Stern Bild. revealed, Ranma’s friends and family are turned into frogs, search for the force behind the mysterious imbalance that Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Crime, Fantasy, and okonomiyaki master Ukyo faces hot competition from threatens to destroy their world. Featuring a timeless story Crepe Joe! Lastly, a new student at school named Gosunkugi, and magnificent hand-drawn animation, Tales From Earthsea Foreign, International TV, Japanese, who instantly falls in love with Akane, tries to use curses to is now available for the first time ever on Disney Blu-ray. Movies, Superheroes, Television 2014 min. eliminate Ranma so he can have her all to himself! Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Dis- Viz Entertainment 24.02.2015 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- ney, Fantasy, Foreign, Giant Monsters!, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125617 ray, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, International, Japanese, Magic, Monsters, Movies 2006 International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, 115min. Tinker Bell And The Legend Of Television 530min. Disney / Buena Vista 03.02.2015 Viz Entertainment 03.03.2015 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125485 The Neverbeast 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125631 , Megan Hilty, Ginnifer Talespin: Volume 3 Goodwin, Lucy Liu, , Mae Sailor Moon: Season One, Part Whitman - Dir. Steve Loter Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Return to Pixie Hollow for the heartwarming adventure of Two (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- mation, Children’s, Disney, Family, Televisi- Disney’s Tinker Bell And The Legend Of The Never Beast. An on 251min. ancient myth of a fabled creature sparks the curiosity of ray) Tinker Bell and her friend Fawn, an animal fairy who’s not The epic season 1 conclusion of the timeless anime, Sailor Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 afraid to break the rules to help an animal in need. But this Moon! Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars continue 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125409 creature, massive and wondrous with glowing green eyes, is their quest for the Legendary Silver Crystal as two new not welcome in Pixie Hollow - and the scout fairies are powerful allies join the fight. Sailor Jupiter is the tall and determined to capture the mysterious beast. Fawn, who sees a tough Guardian of Thunder, and Sailor Venus is the Guardian Tarzan (Blu-ray + DVD + tender heart beneath his tough exterior, must convince Tink of Love and the most experienced member. Sailor Moon UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and her fairy friends to risk everything to rescue the herself gets an impressive new power and learns more about NeverBeast. the mysterious Tuxedo Mask. Could their distant past be Spencer Locke, Kellan Lutz, Jaime Ray Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney, intertwined, and does that have anything to do with the Moon Newman - Dir. Reinhard Klooss Family, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Monsters, Princess they seek? The final ordeal with Queen Beryl looms During an expedition to a remote African jungle, the on the horizon, and it will take everything the Sailor Greystoke family’s helicopter crashes, leaving one survivor: Movies, Myths & Legends 90min. Guardians have to be victorious! the young boy J.J., nicknamed Tarzan. Raised by gorillas, Disney / Buena Vista 03.03.2015 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Tarzan lives by the laws of the jungle - until he encounters 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125470 ray, Fantasy, Foreign, girl power, High another human being, the beautiful Jane Porter. For Tarzan School, International, International TV, and Jane, it’s love at first sight - and the beginning of a thrilling adventure - as Tarzan must protect the jungle from a Tinker Bell And The Legend Of Japanese, Magic, Television min. group of greedy business men who want Viz Entertainment 10.02.2015 destroy his home for profit. The Neverbeast (Blu-ray + DVD + 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125629 Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Children’s, Family, Movies, Romance 94min. Anjelica Huston, Megan Hilty, Ginnifer Stawberry Shortcake: Double Summit Entertainment 03.02.2015 Goodwin, Lucy Liu, Rosario Dawson, Mae 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125541 Feature - The Wonderful World Whitman - Dir. Steve Loter Return to Pixie Hollow for the heartwarming adventure of Of Strawberry Shortcake / Tarzan (DVD + UltraViolet) Disney’s Tinker Bell And The Legend Of The Never Beast. An ancient myth of a fabled creature sparks the curiosity of Strawberry Shortcake In Big Spencer Locke, Kellan Lutz, Jaime Ray Tinker Bell and her friend Fawn, an animal fairy who’s not Apple City Newman - Dir. Reinhard Klooss afraid to break the rules to help an animal in need. But this During an expedition to a remote African jungle, the creature, massive and wondrous with glowing green eyes, is It’s a delicious double feature you won’t want to miss! In The not welcome in Pixie Hollow - and the scout fairies are Wonderful World of Strawberry Shortcake, the Peculiar Greystoke family’s helicopter crashes, leaving one survivor: the young boy J.J., nicknamed Tarzan. Raised by gorillas, determined to capture the mysterious beast. Fawn, who sees a Purple Pieman’s up to no good - can Strawberry and her tender heart beneath his tough exterior, must convince Tink friends stop him? And in Strawberry Shortcake in Big Apple Tarzan lives by the laws of the jungle - until he encounters another human being, the beautiful Jane Porter. For Tarzan and her fairy friends to risk everything to rescue the City, Strawberry and the Pieman square off in a baking NeverBeast. contest at „the little theater off Times Pear.“ These two tales and Jane, it’s love at first sight - and the beginning of a are berry-licious! thrilling adventure - as Tarzan must protect the jungle from a Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Double group of greedy New York City business men who want Disney, Family, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, destroy his home for profit. Monsters, Movies, Myths & Legends 90min. Features, Family, Television min. Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Disney / Buena Vista 03.03.2015 Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 Family, Movies, Romance 94min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125487 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125428 Summit Entertainment 03.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125527 Strawberry Shortcake: Watership Down: The Criterion Snowberry Days Thomas & Friends: Dinos & Collection ’Tis the season for winter fun in these berry cool Strawberry Discoveries John Bennett, , Richard Shortcake episodes. A fun-filled playtime is interrupted when Briers, Harry Andrews, Denholm Elliott, someone notices that the squirrels are low on supplies in „The All aboard for a roaring good time with Thomas and his Berry Long Winter.“ Blueberry’s success with her own friends! The engines are filled with wonder at the fantastical Zero Mostel, Ralph Richardson, John Hurt - specially designed ice skates have the other girls feeling left new sights and sounds on Sodor. Volcanoes sizzle and Dir. Martin Rosen out in „The Big Freeze.“ And Raspberry’s spring fashion dinosaurs roar as the engines help the Earl with a special With this passion project, screenwriter-producer-director show plans are put „On Ice“ when cold weather and an out-of- surprise. Marion experiences some dino daydreams, as Bill Martin Rosen brilliantly achieved what was thought difficult, control fountain covers the catwalk in fruit-colored ice. Join and Ben send Timothy on an expedition for a rainbow-colored if not impossible: a faithful big-screen adaptation of Richard Strawberry and her berry best friends as they discover car. Samson discovers his slip-ups cause confusion and Adams’s classic British dystopian novel about a community of working with others ensures a Snowberry good time for delay, while Emily marvels at her giant and worldly Special. rabbits seeking safety and happiness after their warren everyone. It’s time for big adventure and dino-sized fun with Thomas & comes under terrible threat. With its naturalistic hand-drawn Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Friends! animation, dreamily expressionistic touches, gorgeously Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Television 66min. bucolic background design, and elegant voice work from such Dinosaurs, Family, Friendships, Preschool, superb English actors as John Hurt, Ralph Richardson, 20th Century Fox 10.02.2015 Television 68min. Richard Briers, and Denholm Elliott, Watership Down is an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125550 emotionally arresting, dark-toned allegory about freedom amid Universal Studios 03.03.2015 political turmoil. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125636 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Tales From Earthsea (Blu-ray + Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, Classics, DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Tiger & Bunny The Movie: The Criterion Collection, Drama, Friendships, Mariska Hargitay, Timothy Dalton, Willem Rising (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Movies 1978 92min.

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Criterion 24.02.2015 everyone’s funny bone and warm their hearts as they discover man she has come to love - the man who would stop the motor 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125423 how even on rotten days, families can grow closer. of the World. Comedy, Disney, Family, Movies 2014 Drama, In The Future..., Movies, Mystery, 81min. Science Fiction 99min. Watership Down: The Criterion Disney / Buena Vista tba 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015 Collection (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 40125471 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125399 John Bennett, Nigel Hawthorne, Richard Briers, Harry Andrews, Denholm Elliott, Alexander And The Terrible, Atlas Shrugged: Part Three (Blu- Zero Mostel, Ralph Richardson, John Hurt - Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ray) Dir. Martin Rosen (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) This third and final film completes the epic trilogy adapted With this passion project, screenwriter-producer-director from the novel written by Ayn Rand. After 12 years of Martin Rosen brilliantly achieved what was thought difficult, Reese Hartwig, Sidney Fullmer, Kerris suffering mysterious disappearances of society’s most- if not impossible: a faithful big-screen adaptation of Richard Dorsey, Bella Thorne, Dylan Minnette, Steve productive individuals, the nations economy is on the verge of Adams’s classic British dystopian novel about a community of collapse. As the government pursues policies imposing even rabbits seeking safety and happiness after their warren Carell, Martha Hackett, Megan Mullally, greater brutality against those remaining, Dagny Taggart, Vice comes under terrible threat. With its naturalistic hand-drawn Jennifer Garner - Dir. Miguel Arteta President of Taggart Transcontinental, must make a choice animation, dreamily expressionistic touches, gorgeously Disney’s heartwarming comedy will have your entire family between saving the nations collapsing infrastructure or the bucolic background design, and elegant voice work from such laughing out loud. Based on the best-selling book, it follows man she has come to love - the man who would stop the motor superb English actors as John Hurt, Ralph Richardson, the exploits of Alexander as he experiences the most terrible of the World. Richard Briers, and Denholm Elliott, Watership Down is an and horrible day of his young life and wonders if bad things Book-To-Film, Drama, In The Future..., emotionally arresting, dark-toned allegory about freedom amid only happen to him. But he discovers he’s not alone when his political turmoil. dad (Steve Carrell), mom (Jennifer Garner) and family live Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction 99min. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated through their own terrible - and hilarious - day. It will tickle 20th Century Fox 06.01.2015 Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, everyone’s funny bone and warm their hearts as they discover 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125431 Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, how even on rotten days, families can grow closer. Book-To-Film, Comedy, Disney, Family, Friendships, Movies, Special Editions 1978 Movies 2014 81min. The Atticus Institute 92min. Disney / Buena Vista tba Gerald McCullouch, Rob Kerkovich, Julian Criterion 24.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 40125488 Acosta, Sharon Maughan, William 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125441 Mapother, Rya Kihlstedt, John Rubinstein In the fall of 1976, a small psychology lab in Yu-Gi-Oh!: 5DS - Season 1 Alien Abduction became the unwitting home to the only government-confirmed A vacationing family encounters an alien threat in this pulse- case of possession. The U.S. military assumed control of the Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, pounding thriller based on the real-life Brown Mountain Lights lab under orders of national security and, soon after, Family, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, phenomenon in North Carolina. implemented measures aimed at weaponizing the entity. The Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers details of the inexplicable events that occurred are being 2014 85min. made public after remaining classified for nearly 40 years. 1536min. Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. Anderson Merchandisers 13.01.2015 Cinedigm 13.01.2015 Starz / Anchor Bay 20.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125589 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125425 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125586

Annabelle (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- The Atticus Institute (Blu-ray) tal HD + Ultra Violet) (Blu-ray) Hannah Cowley, Rob Kerkovich, Julian Film Annabelle Wallis, Michelle Romanoff, Alfre Acosta, Sharon Maughan, William Woodard - Dir. John Leonetti Mapother, Rya Kihlstedt, John Rubinstein Above Suspicion: Complete She terrified you in The Conjuring, but this is where it all In the fall of 1976, a small psychology lab in Pennsylvania began for Annabelle. Capable of unspeakable evil, the actual became the unwitting home to the only government-confirmed Collection doll exists locked up in an occult museum in Connecticut - case of possession. The U.S. military assumed control of the visited only by a priest who blesses her twice a month. John lab under orders of national security and, soon after, British, Crime, Foreign, International TV, Form has found the perfect gift for his expectant wife, Mia - a implemented measures aimed at weaponizing the entity. The Television min. beautiful, rare vintage doll in a pure white wedding dress. But details of the inexplicable events that occurred are being Mia’s delight with Annabelle doesnt last long. On one horrific made public after remaining classified for nearly 40 years. Acorn Media 13.01.2015 night, their home is invaded by members of a satanic cult, who 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125583 violently attack the couple. Spilled blood and terror are not all Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. they leave behind. The cultists have conjured an entity so Starz / Anchor Bay 20.01.2015 malevolent that nothing they did will compare to the sinister 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125615 Addicted (DVD + UltraViolet) conduit to the damned that is now...Annabelle. William Levy, Tasha Smith, Sharon Leal, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 98min. Tyson Beckford, Boris Kodjoe - Dir. Bille Warner Bros. 20.01.2015 An Autumn Afternoon: The Woodruff 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125490 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Based on the best-selling novel by Zane. Successful Teruo Yoshida, Shima Iwashita, Chishu businesswoman Zoe Reynard (Sharon Leal) appears to have attained it all - the dream husband she loves (Boris Kodjoe), Annabelle (DVD + UltraViolet) Ryu, Kuniko Miyake, Eijiro Tono, Mariko two wonderful children and a flourishing career. As perfect as Annabelle Wallis, Michelle Romanoff, Alfre Okada - Dir. Yasujiro Ozu everything appears from the outside, Zoe is still drawn to The final film from Yasujiro Ozu was also his last temptations she cannot escape or resist. As she pursues a Woodard - Dir. John Leonetti masterpiece, a gently heartbreaking story about a man’s secretive life, Zoe finds herself risking it all when she heads She terrified you in The Conjuring, but this is where it all dignified resignation to life’s shifting currents and society’s down a perilous path she may not survive. began for Annabelle. Capable of unspeakable evil, the actual modernization. Though widower Shuhei (frequent Ozu leading Affairs & Love Triangles, African doll exists locked up in an occult museum in Connecticut - man Chishu Ryu) has been living comfortably for years with visited only by a priest who blesses her twice a month. John his grown daughter, a series of events leads him to accept Americans, Book-To-Film, Drama, Erotica, Form has found the perfect gift for his expectant wife, Mia - a and encourage her marriage and departure from their home. As Marriage Woes, Movies, Romance, Thrillers beautiful, rare vintage doll in a pure white wedding dress. But elegantly composed and achingly tender as any of the Mia’s delight with Annabelle doesnt last long. On one horrific Japanese master’s films, An Autumn Afternoon is one of 2014 105min. night, their home is invaded by members of a satanic cult, who Lionsgate 10.02.2015 cinema’s fondest farewells. violently attack the couple. Spilled blood and terror are not all Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125521 they leave behind. The cultists have conjured an entity so malevolent that nothing they did will compare to the sinister Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Special Editions conduit to the damned that is now...Annabelle. 1962 113min. Alexander And The Terrible, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 98min. Criterion 10.02.2015 Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Warner Bros. 20.01.2015 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125438 Reese Hartwig, Sidney Fullmer, Kerris 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125475 Dorsey, Bella Thorne, Dylan Minnette, Steve The Aviators Carell, Martha Hackett, Megan Mullally, Atlas Shrugged: Part Three min. Jennifer Garner - Dir. Miguel Arteta This third and final film completes the epic trilogy adapted Cinedigm 03.02.2015 Disney’s heartwarming comedy will have your entire family from the novel written by Ayn Rand. After 12 years of laughing out loud. Based on the best-selling book, it follows suffering mysterious disappearances of society’s most- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125406 the exploits of Alexander as he experiences the most terrible productive individuals, the nations economy is on the verge of and horrible day of his young life and wonders if bad things collapse. As the government pursues policies imposing even The Aviators (Blu-ray + DVD Com- only happen to him. But he discovers he’s not alone when his greater brutality against those remaining, Dagny Taggart, Vice dad (Steve Carrell), mom (Jennifer Garner) and family live President of Taggart Transcontinental, must make a choice bo) (Blu-ray) through their own terrible - and hilarious - day. It will tickle between saving the nations collapsing infrastructure or the

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Movies min. Dombasle, Daniel Mesguich, Daniel Emilfork Kant: The Criterion Collection Cinedigm 03.02.2015 Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 1983 (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125432 98min. Margit Carstensen, Hanna Schygulla, Eva E1 Entertainment 20.01.2015 Mattes, Katrin Schaake - Dir. Rainer Werner 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125606 Bad Turn Worse Fassbinder With only a few weeks left until his two best friends leave for Two women form a sexual triangle with a fashion designer in college, Billy Joe (Logan Huffman) robs his cotton farmer The Best Of Me her arty apartment. boss, Giff (Mark Pellegrino), in order to pay for one last blow out weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas. Upon returning, the Luke Bracey, Liana Liberato, Michelle Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies 1972 teens are confronted by the unfortunate and brutal Monaghan, Gerald McRaney, Clarke Peters, 88min. consequences of stealing from his boss. Now Billy Joe, Sue Criterion 13.01.2015 (Mackenzie Davis) and Bobby (Jeremy Allen White) must James Marsden, Jon Tenney, Caroline embark on a dangerous journey that will test their trust and Goodall - Dir. Michael Hoffman 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125601 friendship and take them across the line from carefree Based on the #1 New York Times Best Seller from celebrated adolescence into the harsh reality of adulthood. author Nicholas Sparks comes this tender, romantic drama Black Omnibus Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. about the timeless power of love. When former high school 1973 360min. Starz / Anchor Bay 13.01.2015 sweethearts Dawson and Amanda (James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan) meet at a loved one’s 20 years E1 Entertainment 20.01.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125495 after tragedy separated them, their love is reignited. As they recall and relive the past, they come to a deeper 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125554 understanding about the choices they’ve made. Also starring Batman: The Complete Television Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato, and featuring beautiful Blade Runner: Final Cut Series (Repackage) (Blu-ray) scenery along with music by Lady Antebellum, The Best of Me is a powerfully romantic story of love, hope and second Edward James Olmos, Sean Young, Rutger Burt Ward, Madge Blake, Yvonne Craig, chances. Hauer, Harrison Ford - Dir. Ridley Scott Alan Napier, Stafford Repp, Burgess Affairs & Love Triangles, Book-To-Film, A 21st Century detective is ordered to terminate obsolete Meredith, Cesar Romero, Adam West, Neil Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 118min. android slaves. Hamilton, Frank Gorshin, Julie Newmar 20th Century Fox 03.02.2015 AFI Top 100, Book-To-Film, Classics, Cult TV’s iconic Dynamic Duo has been captured, along with a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125518 Film / TV, Detectives, Drama, Film Noir, In legion of abominable archenemies in this POW-erful 18-disc The Future..., Movies, National Film collection. Featuring ever-popular guest stars like Julie Registry, Robots / Androids, Science Newmar and Cesar Romero, complete episode guide, and The Best Of Me (Blu-ray + exploding with over 3 hours of all-new extras. You can bring Fiction, Thrillers min. home all the crime-fighting action that won generations of UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 fans! Luke Bracey, Liana Liberato, Michelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125401 Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Monaghan, Gerald McRaney, Clarke Peters, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Science Fiction, James Marsden, Jon Tenney, Caroline : The Complete Superheroes, Television 1966 3019min. Goodall - Dir. Michael Hoffman Warner Bros. 11.11.2014 Based on the #1 New York Times Best Seller from celebrated Fifth Season tba BestellNr.: 40125630 author Nicholas Sparks comes this tender, romantic drama , , Stephen about the timeless power of love. When former high school sweethearts Dawson and Amanda (James Marsden and Graham, , , Before I Go To Sleep Michelle Monaghan) meet at a loved one’s funeral 20 years , after tragedy separated them, their love is reignited. As they Concluding a powerful and groundbreaking five-season run, Ben Crompton, Mark Strong, Colin Firth, recall and relive the past, they come to a deeper Boardwalk Empire is an Emmy-winning HBO drama series Nicole Kidman - Dir. Rowan Joffe understanding about the choices they’ve made. Also starring from Academy Award nominee/Emmy Award winner Terence Award winners Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth deliver riveting Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato, and featuring beautiful Winter and Academy Award-winning director Martin performances in this tense thriller based on the best-selling scenery along with music by Lady Antebellum, The Best of Me Scorsese. Season 5 begins in 1931, a full six years after the novel that features a shocking twist ending you will never see is a powerfully romantic story of love, hope and second end of Season 4. In stark contrast with the Roaring ’20s, the coming. Kidman plays Christine, a woman who wakes up chances. country is in the throes of the Great Depression, and with the every day remembering nothing. But when she tries to piece Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To- end of Prohibition in sight, Nucky is looking to legitimize together her former life, she uncovers terrifying secrets that himself by forging alliances with liquor producers, including leave her with no one she can trust. Film, Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 Bacardi in Cuba. Season 5 also includes flashback scenes of Mental Illness, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 118min. Nucky, Eli, the Commodore, Gillian and others from 1884-1900 2014 92min. 20th Century Fox 03.02.2015 - childhood experiences that would shape their relationships 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125524 and their futures. 20th Century Fox 27.01.2015 Crime, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125451 Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Politics, Tele- Bird People vision 480min. Before I Go To Sleep (Blu-ray + Anais Demoustier, Roschdy Zem, Radha HBO Home Video 13.01.2015 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Mitchell, Josh Charles 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125480 In an airport hotel on the outskirts of Paris, a Silicon Valley Ben Crompton, Mark Strong, Colin Firth, engineer (The Good Wife star Josh Charles) abruptly chucks Nicole Kidman - Dir. Rowan Joffe his job, breaks things off with his wife, and holes up in his Boardwalk Empire: The Complete Award winners Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth deliver riveting room. As fate draws him and a young French maid (Anais Fifth Season (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- performances in this tense thriller based on the best-selling Demoustier) together, an audacious second-act surprise novel that features a shocking twist ending you will never see suddenly transforms Csar Award-winning director Pascale gital Copy) (Blu-ray) coming. Kidman plays Christine, a woman who wakes up Ferrans (Lady Chatterley) dark-tinged fairy-tale into every day remembering nothing. But when she tries to piece something altogether richer, more beguiling, and utterly Paul Sparks, Vincent Piazza, Stephen together her former life, she uncovers terrifying secrets that astonishing. Graham, Shea Whigham, Gretchen Mol, leave her with no one she can trust. Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 2014 Anthony Laciura, Steve Buscemi Book-To-Film, Mental Illness, Movies, 128min. Concluding a powerful and groundbreaking five-season run, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 92min. IFC 13.01.2015 Boardwalk Empire is an Emmy-winning HBO drama series from Academy Award nominee/Emmy Award winner Terence 20th Century Fox 27.01.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125403 Winter and Academy Award-winning director Martin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125462 Scorsese. Season 5 begins in 1931, a full six years after the The Bitter Tears Of Petra Von end of Season 4. In stark contrast with the Roaring ’20s, the country is in the throes of the Great Depression, and with the La Belle Captive Kant: The Criterion Collection end of Prohibition in sight, Nucky is looking to legitimize Gabrielle Lazure, Gilles Arbona, Cyrielle himself by forging alliances with liquor producers, including Margit Carstensen, Hanna Schygulla, Eva Bacardi in Cuba. Season 5 also includes flashback scenes of Claire, Francois Chaumette, Arielle Mattes, Katrin Schaake - Dir. Rainer Werner Nucky, Eli, the Commodore, Gillian and others from 1884-1900 Dombasle, Daniel Mesguich, Daniel Emilfork Fassbinder - childhood experiences that would shape their relationships Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 1983 Two women form a sexual triangle with a fashion designer in and their futures. 98min. her arty apartment. Crime, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period E1 Entertainment 20.01.2015 Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies 1972 Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Politics, Tele- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125565 88min. vision 480min. Criterion 13.01.2015 HBO Home Video 13.01.2015 La Belle Captive (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125557 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125492 Gabrielle Lazure, Gilles Arbona, Cyrielle Claire, Francois Chaumette, Arielle The Bitter Tears Of Petra Von The Bob Newhart Show: The

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 48 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Complete Fifth Season La Cienaga: The Criterion 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125473 Make an appointment to see television’s funniest psychologist Collection (Blu-ray) with The Bob Newhart Show: Season Five! This Dark Shadows / Sleepy Hollow classic stars the incomparable Bob Newhart as Dr. Robert Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, Hartley, a Chicago psychologist who finds himself surrounded Movies 102min. (Double Feature) by some unusual and neurotic characters - on the job and at home! But with the support of his quick-witted wife, Emily Criterion 27.01.2015 Michael Gambon, Michael Gough, Jeffrey (Suzanne Pleshette), Hartley can always be counted on to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125672 Jones, Christina Ricci, Helena Bonham deliver a healthy dose of laugh therapy. An outstanding Carter, Jonny Lee Miller, Casper Van Dien, supporting cast - including Bill Daily (I Dream of Jeannie), Peter Bonerz, Jack Riley and Marcia Wallace (The Clash Of The Titans / Wrath Of Miranda Richardson, Johnny Depp, Christo- Simpsons) - is also on call to assist the good doctor in every The Titans pher Lee, Christopher Walken, Alice situation that Season Five’s twenty-four episodes throw at Cooper, Jackie Earle Haley, Richard Mads Mikkelsen, Rosamund Pike, John Bell, him. Indisputably among the best-loved situation comedies in Griffiths, Ian McDiarmid, Michelle Pfeiffer, history (with TV Guide and Time naming it one of the greatest Izabella Miko, Danny Huston, Bill Nighy, Eva Green, Chloe Grace Moretz, Bella television shows of all time), The Bob Newhart Show is a true Hans Matheson, Jason Flemyng, Ralph original from one of comedy’s finest minds. Adding The Bob Heathcote - Dir. Tim Burton Newhart Show: Season Five to your collection is the only Fiennes, Liam Cunningham, Liam Neeson, In Dark Shadows, Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) is sane choice in an insane world. Sam Worthington, Alexa Davalos, Edgar entombed by a jilted lover for two centuries during which time Classics, Comedy, Television min. Ramirez, Ashraf Barhom, Toby Kebbell, his family name collapses. When he emerges into the very 20th Century Fox 03.02.2015 changed world of 1972, Barnabas is determined to get the Gemma Arterton, Luke Evans, - Collins name back. Tim Burton’s (Batman, Edward 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125660 Dir. Jonathan Liebesman, Louis Leterrier Scissorhands) Sleepy Hollow weaves an eerie, enchanting Action, Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, version of the horror classic. Johnny Depp is Ichabod Crane, The Bob Newhart Show: The an eccentric investigator determined to stop the murderous Double Features, Fantasy, Giant Monsters!, Headless Horseman. Complete Final Season Monsters, Movies, Myths & Legends Based On TV Show, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Take twenty-two of these episodes and call us in the morning. 205min. Double Features, Drama, Dysfunctional It’s time to check in for Dr. Hartley’s final sessions with The Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 Bob Newhart Show: Season Six! One of television’s all-time Families, Horror, Movies, Murder Mysteries, great comedies comes to an end with this hilarious last 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125472 Mystery, Myths & Legends, Revenge, season. Chicago psychologist Robert Hartley (Bob Newhart) Romance, Serial Killers, Supernatural & continues his uphill battle to help his eccentric group of Coffee Town patients while maintaining balance with his personal life Paranormal, Vampires, Witches & Warlocks (filled with an equally eccentric group of friends). He and his Ben Schwartz, Jake Johnson, Steve Little, min. wife Emily (Suzanne Pleshette) have moved into a new Adrianne Palicki, Glenn Howerton, Josh Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 apartment - but could an even bigger move be in store for the Hartleys? An unquestioned classic that gives a whole new Groban 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125587 meaning to „screwball comedy,“ anchored by an unforgettable We all have our favorite hangouts, but how far would you go supporting cast featuring Bill Daily, Peter Bonerz, Jack Riley, to protect your beloved coffee shop? When Will (Glenn A Day In The Country: The and Marcia Wallace - what more could anyone ask for? Howerton, It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia), a website Here’s your prescription from Shout! Factory: complete your manager for an electronics company, discovers that the local Criterion Collection collection of The Bob Newhart Show today. Coffee Town - which he uses as his own personal office - is scheduled to be converted into a bistro, he leaps into action. Jane Marken, Jean Renoir - Dir. Jean Renoir Classics, Comedy, Television min. With the help of his two best friends, Will enacts a plan to This bittersweet work from Jean Renoir, based on a story by 20th Century Fox 03.02.2015 stage a robbery in the hopes of convincing the corporate Guy de Maupassant, is a tenderly comic idyll about a city 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125661 interest behind the switch that the neighborhood is unsafe. family’s picnic in the French countryside and the romancing of Can Will save his „office,“ overcome his rival, the disgruntled the mother and grown daughter by two local men. Conceived barista Sam (singing sensation Josh Groban), and win the as part of a larger project that was never completed, shot in Boys heart of his coffee-house crush Becca (Adrianne Palicki, 1936, and released ten years later, the warmly humanist television’s Friday Night Lights)? The first feature film from vignette A Day in the Country ranks among Renoir’s most Drama, Dutch (Netherlands), Foreign, Gay / CollegeHumor, this outrageous and highly caffeinated comedy lyrical films, with a love for nature imbuing its every beautiful Lesbian Interest, Television, TV Movies also stars Steve Little (Eastbound and Down) and Ben frame. 2014 78min. Schwartz (This Is Where I Leave You). These guys like their Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Wolfe Video 03.02.2015 comedy like they like their coffee, hot and dangerous. Foreign, French, Movies, Romance, Short Comedy, Movies 87min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125572 Film Collections 1936 min. Cinedigm 03.02.2015 Criterion 10.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125658 Breaking / Breakin 2: Electric 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125414 Boogaloo / Beat Street (Triple The Color Of Time A Day In The Country: The Feature) Mila Kunis, James Franco Lucinda Dickey, Guy Davis, Rae Dawn James Franco, Mila Kunis, Jessica Chastain, and Zach Braff Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Chong - Dir. Sam Firstenberg, Stan Lathan star in this dramatic and riveting look at the life and work of Jane Marken, Jean Renoir - Dir. Jean Renoir iconic Pulitzer Prize-winning poet C.K. Williams. Williams This bittersweet work from Jean Renoir, based on a story by Comedy, Dancing, Drama, Movies, Musical (Franco) has a beautiful, adoring wife (Kunis) and a young Guy de Maupassant, is a tenderly comic idyll about a city min. son. But as he prepares for a reading in New York City and family’s picnic in the French countryside and the romancing of MGM / UA 06.01.2015 struggles to create new work, he is haunted by memories of the mother and grown daughter by two local men. Conceived his past-from his first sexual encounter to a later tragic loss. as part of a larger project that was never completed, shot in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125404 An ensemble of directors work with a star-studded cast to 1936, and released ten years later, the warmly humanist weave together a moving and unique story of a complex man vignette A Day in the Country ranks among Renoir’s most Capricorn One (Blu-ray + DVD) and the relationships that defined him. lyrical films, with a love for nature imbuing its every beautiful Drama, Movies, Romance min. frame. (Blu-ray) Starz / Anchor Bay 27.01.2015 Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Sam Waterston, David Huddleston, O.J. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125651 Foreign, French, Movies, Romance, Short Simpson, Brenda Vaccaro, James Brolin, Film Collections, Special Editions 1936 min. Elliott Gould, Hal Holbrook, Telly Savalas Cracked: What Lies Beneath Criterion 10.02.2015 The first manned flight to Mars is a flop, so a space official 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125436 fakes it Hollywood-style for the public. Karen LeBlanc, Dayo Ade, Mayko Nguyen, Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, David Sutcliffe, Stefanie Von Pfetten What to do when Detective Aiden Black (David Sutcliffe, Days And Nights Thrillers 1978 120min. Gilmore Girls, Private Practice) - a seasoned Emergency Cinedigm 13.01.2015 Task Force officer with post-traumatic stress disorder - Juliet Rylance, Ben Whishaw, Michael 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125442 suffers an all-too-public breakdown? After psychiatrist Dr. Nyqvist, Christian Camargo, , Daniella Ridley (Stephanie von Pfetten, Lightning Thief, Cherry Jones, Russell Means, Allison Battlestar Galactica) diagnoses him as „cracked, not broken,“ Janney, Katie Holmes, Jean Reno, William La Cienaga: The Criterion Black’s boss transfers him to the Psych Crimes and Crisis Unit. Uncomfortably for Black and Ridley, they now have to Hurt - Dir. Christian Camargo Collection work together. Join the mismatched but dedicated pair as they Days And Nights is writer/director Christian Camargo’s Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, combine skills to solve bizarre and compelling cases of directorial debut, inspired by Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull Movies 102min. emotionally unstable criminals, victims and witnesses. and set in rural New England in the 1980s. The film centers BBC, British, Cops, Cops On The , around Elizabeth (Allison Janney), a movie star, who brings Criterion 27.01.2015 Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Interna- her paramour Peter to her lakeside estate to visit her family 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125662 on Memorial Day weekend. The household includes her ailing tional TV, Mystery, Television 180min. brother (William Hurt), her artist son (Ben Whishaw), his BBC Home Video 20.01.2015 ethereal muse (Juliet Rylance), the family doctor (Jean Reno) and the estate’s custodian (Russell Means), the careless

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA caretaker (Michael Nyqvist) and his wife (Cherry Jones), Weinstein Company 03.02.2015 to crush his enemies. In exchange, he’s inflicted with an their temperamental daughter (Katie Holmes) and her long insatiable thirst for human blood that could force him into a life suffering ornithologist husband (Mark Rylance) — the keeper 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125669 of darkness and destroy he holds dear. of the sacred land where a bald eagle is trying to raise its Action, Blu-ray, Devils And Demons, young. During the weekend a disastrous turn of events leads Don’t Look Now: The Criterion the family from dysfunction to heartbreak and, ultimately, Dracula, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, salvation. Collection Vampires, War 2014 93min. Comedy, Drama, Movies 91min. Hilary Mason, Renato Scarpa, Leopoldo Universal Studios 03.02.2015 IFC 27.01.2015 Trieste, Massimo Serato, Julie Christie, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125542 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125561 Donald Sutherland - Dir. Nicolas Roeg Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie mesmerize as a married The Drop Dear White People (Blu-ray + couple on an extended trip to Venice following a family tragedy. While in that elegantly decaying city, they have a Morgan Spector, Matthias Schoenaerts, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) series of inexplicable, terrifying, and increasingly dangerous Elizabeth Rodriguez, Noomi Rapace, Micha- experiences. A masterpiece from Nicolas Roeg, Don’t Look el Aronov, Michael Esper, Tom Hardy, John Tyler James Williams, Kyle Gallner, Tessa Now, adapted from a story by , is a Thompson, Dennis Haysbert - Dir. Justin brilliantly disturbing tale of the supernatural, as renowned for Ortiz, James Gandolfini - Dir. Michael R. Simien its innovative editing and haunting cinematography as its Roskam Everyone should see this movie“ raves the New York Times. explicit eroticism and unforgettable denouement, one of the The Drop is a new crime drama from Michal R. Roskam, the A sharp and funny comedy about a group of African American great endings in horror history. Academy Award nominated director of Bullhead. Based on a students as they navigate campus life and racial boundaries at Classics, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, screenplay from Dennis Lehane (Mystic River, Gone Baby a predominantly white college. A sly, provocative satire about Gone), The Drop follows lonely bartender Bob Saginowski Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Murder (Tom Hardy) through a covert scheme of funneling cash to being a black face in a white place. Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, Thrillers African Americans, Blu-ray, College Life, local gangsters — „money drops“ — in the underworld of 1973 110min. Brooklyn bars. Under the heavy hand of his employer and Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 100min. Criterion 10.02.2015 cousin Marv (James Gandolfini), Bob finds himself at the Lionsgate 03.02.2015 center of a robbery gone awry and entwined in an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125415 investigation that digs deep into the neighborhood’s past 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125525 where friends, families, and foes all work together to make a living — no matter the cost. Dear White People (DVD + Don’t Look Now: The Criterion Crime, Drama, Movies 2014 107min. UltraViolet) Collection (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 20.01.2015 Hilary Mason, Renato Scarpa, Leopoldo 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125555 Tyler James Williams, Kyle Gallner, Tessa Trieste, Massimo Serato, Julie Christie, Thompson, Dennis Haysbert - Dir. Justin Donald Sutherland - Dir. Nicolas Roeg The Drop (Blu-ray) Simien Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie mesmerize as a married Everyone should see this movie“ raves the New York Times. couple on an extended trip to Venice following a family Morgan Spector, Matthias Schoenaerts, A sharp and funny comedy about a group of African American tragedy. While in that elegantly decaying city, they have a Elizabeth Rodriguez, Noomi Rapace, Micha- students as they navigate campus life and racial boundaries at series of inexplicable, terrifying, and increasingly dangerous el Aronov, Michael Esper, Tom Hardy, John a predominantly white college. A sly, provocative satire about experiences. A masterpiece from Nicolas Roeg, Don’t Look being a black face in a white place. Now, adapted from a story by Daphne du Maurier, is a Ortiz, James Gandolfini - Dir. Michael R. African Americans, College Life, Comedy, brilliantly disturbing tale of the supernatural, as renowned for Roskam Drama, TV Movies 2014 100min. its innovative editing and haunting cinematography as its The Drop is a new crime drama from Michal R. Roskam, the explicit eroticism and unforgettable denouement, one of the Academy Award nominated director of Bullhead. Based on a Lionsgate 03.02.2015 great endings in horror history. screenplay from Dennis Lehane (Mystic River, Gone Baby 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125519 Classics, Criterion Collection, Cult Film / TV, Gone), The Drop follows lonely bartender Bob Saginowski (Tom Hardy) through a covert scheme of funneling cash to Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Murder local gangsters — „money drops“ — in the underworld of The Disappearance Of Eleanor Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, Special Brooklyn bars. Under the heavy hand of his employer and Rigby Editions, Thrillers 1973 110min. cousin Marv (James Gandolfini), Bob finds himself at the center of a robbery gone awry and entwined in an Ryan Eggold, Jess Weixler, Jessica Criterion 10.02.2015 investigation that digs deep into the neighborhood’s past Chastain, Bill Hader, Archie Panjabi, Viola 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125437 where friends, families, and foes all work together to make a Davis, James McAvoy, Ciaran Hinds, Isa- living — no matter the cost. Drama, Movies 2014 107min. belle Huppert, William Hurt Dracula Untold 20th Century Fox 20.01.2015 With his unique vision, writer/director Ned Benson Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Charles ambitiously captures a complete picture of a relationship in 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125599 the beautifully relatable portrait of love, empathy and truth that Dance, Michael De Luca is The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby. Once happily Witness the origin story of one of legend’s most captivating married, Conor (McAvoy) and Eleanor (Chastain) suddenly figures in the action-adventure, Dracula Untold. The year is Dying Of The Night (Blu-ray + find themselves as strangers longing to understand each other 1462 and Transylvania has enjoyed a prolonged period of UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) in the wake of tragedy. The film explores the couple’s story as peace under the just and fair rule of the battle-weary Vlad III they try to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick (Luke Evans, Fast & Furious 6, The Hobbit series), the Anton Yelchin, Irene Jacob, Nicolas Cage - up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone. Screened for prince of Wallachia. But when Sultan Mehmed II (Dominic Cooper, Captain America: The First Avenger) demands 1,000 Dir. Paul Schrader the first time at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, Benson’s Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage ignites a powder keg of latest version of their story combines his previous two films - of Wallachia’s boys - including Vlad’s own son - become child soldiers in his army, Vlad must enter into a Faustian action in this electrifying cloak-and-dagger thriller. Evan titled HIM and HER - uniting their perspectives and taking a Lake (Cage), a veteran CIA agent, has been ordered to retire. further look into the subjectivity of relationships. bargain to save his family and his people. He gains the strength of 100 men, the speed of a falling star, and the power But when his protege (Anton Yelchin) uncovers evidence that Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. to crush his enemies. In exchange, he’s inflicted with an Lake’s nemesis, the terrorist Banir, has resurfaced, Lake Weinstein Company 03.02.2015 insatiable thirst for human blood that could force him into a life goes rogue, embarking on a perilous, intercontinental mission 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125652 of darkness and destroy all that he holds dear. to eliminate his sworn enemy. Action, Devils And Demons, Dracula, Dra- Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, Terrorism, Thrillers 94min. The Disappearance Of Eleanor ma, Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Vampires, War 2014 93min. Lionsgate 17.02.2015 Rigby (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 03.02.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125464 Ryan Eggold, Jess Weixler, Jessica 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125528 Chastain, Bill Hader, Archie Panjabi, Viola Dying Of The Night (DVD + Davis, James McAvoy, Ciaran Hinds, Isa- Dracula Untold (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) belle Huppert, William Hurt With his unique vision, writer/director Ned Benson UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Anton Yelchin, Irene Jacob, Nicolas Cage - ambitiously captures a complete picture of a relationship in Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Charles Dir. Paul Schrader the beautifully relatable portrait of love, empathy and truth that Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage ignites a powder keg of is The Disappearance Of Eleanor Rigby. Once happily Dance, Michael De Luca action in this electrifying cloak-and-dagger thriller. Evan married, Conor (McAvoy) and Eleanor (Chastain) suddenly Witness the origin story of one of legend’s most captivating Lake (Cage), a veteran CIA agent, has been ordered to retire. find themselves as strangers longing to understand each other figures in the action-adventure, Dracula Untold. The year is But when his protege (Anton Yelchin) uncovers evidence that in the wake of tragedy. The film explores the couple’s story as 1462 and Transylvania has enjoyed a prolonged period of Lake’s nemesis, the terrorist Banir, has resurfaced, Lake they try to reclaim the life and love they once knew and pick peace under the just and fair rule of the battle-weary Vlad III goes rogue, embarking on a perilous, intercontinental mission up the pieces of a past that may be too far gone. Screened for (Luke Evans, Fast & Furious 6, The Hobbit series), the to eliminate his sworn enemy. the first time at the 2014 Cannes Film Festival, Benson’s prince of Wallachia. But when Sultan Mehmed II (Dominic Action, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, latest version of their story combines his previous two films - Cooper, Captain America: The First Avenger) demands 1,000 titled HIM and HER - uniting their perspectives and taking a of Wallachia’s boys - including Vlad’s own son - become Terrorism, Thrillers 94min. further look into the subjectivity of relationships. child soldiers in his army, Vlad must enter into a Faustian Lionsgate 17.02.2015 bargain to save his family and his people. He gains the Drama, Movies, Thrillers min. strength of 100 men, the speed of a falling star, and the power 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125453

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adventure in this Dove Family-Approved collection, Addie, Fist To Fist: 2 - Weapon Of Choice James, and Grandma Mills remind us of the importance of Every Man For Himself: The kindness, community, and family. Jack Lee was so leathal at what he did - so quick and so invisible - they called him „The Ghost.“ He struck and he Criterion Collection Adventure, Double Features, Drama, vanished, leaving only the dead to remember him. But Jack Jacques Dutronc, Roland Amstutz, Isabelle Family, Friendships, Movies, Romance, TV wants to leave the life of crime and strikes a deal with crime Movies 124min. boss Banducci for one last hit to settle all scores. But Huppert, Nathalie Baye Banducci breaks his promise and kidnaps Jack’s niece to lure After a decade in the wilds of avant-garde and early video Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 him back into the game to settle a score for his own benefit. experimentation, Jean-Luc Godard returned to commercial 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125390 Partnering with a beautiful female detective to save Jaime and cinema with this star-driven work of social commentary, while bring down Banducci, „The Ghost“ has one last score to settle remaining defiantly intellectual and formally cutting-edge. before he can retire. With time running out, Jack’s life Every Man for Himself, featuring a script by Jean-Claude Fear Clinic depends on his weapon of choice. Carriere and Anne-Marie Mieville, looks at the sexual and professional lives of three people - a television director Angelina Armani Action, Martial Arts, Movies 91min. (Jacques Dutronc), his ex-girlfriend (Nathalie Baye), and a Co-written by Hall and Aaron Drane, the film is based on the Anderson Merchandisers 13.01.2015 prostitute (Isabelle Huppert) - to create a meditative story critically acclaimed and fan favorite 2009 FEARnet.com 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125590 about work, relationships, and the notion of freedom. Made series. When trauma-induced phobias begin to re-emerge in twenty years into his career, it was, Godard said, his „second five survivors a year after their horrifying tragedy, they return first film.“ to the Fear Clinic, hoping to find the answers they need to get Fitzcarraldo (Blu-ray) cured. Dr. Andover (Robert Englund), a fear runs Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, the clinic, uses his „Fear Chamber“ to animate their fears in An Irish dreamer hauls a huge riverboat overland in his quest Foreign, French 1980 88min. the form of terrifying hallucinations. However, the good doctor for opera in the Amazon. Criterion 03.02.2015 soon begins to suspect that something more sinister may be at Drama, Movies 93min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125410 work, something that yearns to be more than just an Cinedigm 13.01.2015 hallucination... 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125444 Horror, Mental Illness, Movies 2014 95min. Every Man For Himself: The Starz / Anchor Bay 10.02.2015 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125632 From A Whisper To A Scream Jacques Dutronc, Roland Amstutz, Isabelle (Blu-ray) Huppert, Nathalie Baye Fellini Satyricon: The Criterion Cameron Mitchell, Clu Gulager, Vincent After a decade in the wilds of avant-garde and early video Collection Price - Dir. Jeff Burr experimentation, Jean-Luc Godard returned to commercial A librarian tells of a lusty old man, bayou greed, a glass eater cinema with this star-driven work of social commentary, while Max Born, Lucia Bose, Salvo Randone, in love, a cruel Civil War sergeant. remaining defiantly intellectual and formally cutting-edge. Hiram Keller, Martin Potter, Alain Cuny, Mag- Horror, Movies, Thrillers 202min. Every Man for Himself, featuring a script by Jean-Claude Carriere and Anne-Marie Mieville, looks at the sexual and ali Noel - Dir. Federico Fellini Cinedigm 24.03.2015 professional lives of three people - a television director Federico Fellini’s career achieved new levels of eccentricity 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125544 (Jacques Dutronc), his ex-girlfriend (Nathalie Baye), and a and brilliance with this remarkable, controversial, extremely prostitute (Isabelle Huppert) - to create a meditative story loose adaptation of Petronius’s classical Roman satire, about work, relationships, and the notion of freedom. Made written during the reign of Nero. An episodic barrage of Fury twenty years into his career, it was, Godard said, his „second sexual licentiousness, godless violence, and eye-catching April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the first film.“ grotesquerie, Fellini Satyricon follows the exploits of two European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, pansexual young men - the handsome scholar Encolpius and Wardaddy () commands a Sherman tank and her five- his vulgar, insatiably lusty friend Ascyltus - as they move man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. Foreign, French, Movies, Special Editions through a landscape of free-form pagan excess. Creating Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face 1980 88min. apparent chaos with exquisite control, Fellini constructs a overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the Criterion 03.02.2015 weird old world that feels like science fiction. heart of Nazi Germany. Ancient Greece / Rome, Classics, Criterion 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125434 Action, Drama, Movies, War 2014 134min. Collection, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Exists (DVD + UltraViolet) 27.01.2015 Italian, Movies 1969 129min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125558 Dora Madison Burge, Samuel Davis - Dir. Criterion 24.02.2015 Eduardo Sanchez 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125421 For five friends, it was a chance for a summer getaway - a Fury (Blu-ray) weekend of camping in the Texas Big Thicket. But visions of a Anamaria Marinca, Jim Parrack, Jon carefree vacation are shattered with an accident on a dark Fellini Satyricon: The Criterion and desolate country road. In the wake of the accident, a Bernthal, Brad William Henke, Logan bloodcurdling force of nature is unleashed - something not Collection (Blu-ray) Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Michael Pena, Brad exactly human, but not completely animal - an urban legend Max Born, Lucia Bose, Salvo Randone, Pitt - Dir. David Ayer come to terrifying life... and seeking murderous revenge. Hiram Keller, Martin Potter, Alain Cuny, Mag- April, 1945. As the Allies make their final push in the Adventure, Animals & Nature, Horror, ali Noel - Dir. Federico Fellini European Theatre, a battle-hardened army sergeant named Movies, Revenge, Thrillers, Urban Legends Wardaddy (Brad Pitt) commands a Sherman tank and her five- Federico Fellini’s career achieved new levels of eccentricity man crew on a deadly mission behind enemy lines. 102min. and brilliance with this remarkable, controversial, extremely Outnumbered and outgunned, Wardaddy and his men face Lionsgate 03.02.2015 loose adaptation of Petronius’s classical Roman satire, overwhelming odds in their heroic attempts to strike at the written during the reign of Nero. An episodic barrage of heart of Nazi Germany. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125454 sexual licentiousness, godless violence, and eye-catching grotesquerie, Fellini Satyricon follows the exploits of two Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, War 2014 Fairy Tail: Collection 3 (Blu-ray + pansexual young men - the handsome scholar Encolpius and 134min. his vulgar, insatiably lusty friend Ascyltus - as they move Sony Pictures Home Entertainment DVD) (Blu-ray) through a landscape of free-form pagan excess. Creating apparent chaos with exquisite control, Fellini constructs a 27.01.2015 Children’s, Fairy Tales, Movies 275min. weird old world that feels like science fiction. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125603 Funimation 06.01.2015 Ancient Greece / Rome, Blu-ray, Classics, 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125435 Criterion Collection, Drama, Fantasy, The Game Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, History & Shaun Dooley, Tom Hughes, Jonathan Aris, Family Classics: Addie And The Events, Italian, Movies, Special Editions Brian Cox King Of Hearts / The Easter Pro- 1969 129min. The Cold War heats up when a KGB defector exposes Opera- mise Criterion 24.02.2015 tion Glass, a potentially devastating Soviet plot to activate 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125439 sleeper agents across the UK. How to stop it? The Lisa Lucas, Mildred Natwick, Jason charismatic but paranoid head of MI-5 - known simply as Robards, Diane Ladd, Jean Simmons „Daddy“ - assembles a secret committee of spies and Finding Graceland intelligence officers to investigate. They’re the only Enjoy two inspiring tales of tradition with this Mills family colleagues he trusts in a world of double agents and lies, but double feature! Addie Mills (Lisa Lucas) is a spunky and Johnathon Schaech, Gretchen Mol, Bridget has he chosen well? Brian Cox (Troy, The Bourne sharp-minded young girl who takes life’s lessons to heart and Supremacy) and Tom Hughes (Dancing on the Edge, The Lady enjoys adding fun and variety to the lives of her stern and Fonda, Harvey Keitel A man meets a Marilyn Monroe impersonator while traveling Vanishes) lead the all-star cast of this stylish spy thriller, serious father James (Jason Robards) and her quirky guaranteed to keeps you in suspense. Grandma (Mildred Natwick). In The Easter Promise, Addie with an aging hitchhiker who thinks he is Elvis. befriends a famous but down-on-her-luck actress (played by Biography, Drama, Movies 1998 min. BBC, British, Drama, International, Interna- Jean Simmons) and encourages her to give back to the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment tional TV, Mini-Series, Spies & Secret community by hosting the school fashion show and having Agents, Television, Thrillers, War 2014 dinner with one of her old schoolmates - James! Love is in the 06.01.2015 air in Addie and the King of Hearts, as Addie copes with her 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125508 357min. father’s new girlfriend and develops a crush of her own Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 during the Valentine’s Day dance. With each heartwarming 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125645

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 52 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

hart, Tanya Roberts, June Lockhart By all appearances, Hector (Simon Pegg) has it all - a Girls: The Complete Third Season There is no greater power than the power of God. When the successful psychiatry practice, a comfortable home and a unbelieving ignore His word and refuse His guidance, there’s beautiful, loving girlfriend (Rosamund Pike). However, he’s Allison Williams, Adam Driver, Jemima Kirke, only one way to right their wrongs. In the story of The Tower frustrated that he can’t provide his patients with real Lena Dunham, Alex Karpovsky of Babel, God proves there is only one true path to heaven. In happiness - or even define it for them. So, he decides to travel Jacob’s Challenge, he struggles with his brother for the world in search of the elusive emotion. From rural China Comedy, Drama, girl power, HBO, Television leadership of their people, and only God’s mercy can show to Africa and even to , Hector’s trek is as 360min. the path to salvation. Abraham struggles to find righteous men hilarious as it is enlightening in this richly satisfying comedy HBO Home Video 06.01.2015 in the corrupt cities of Sodom & Gomorrah. In Joseph in Egypt, that also stars Toni Collette, Christopher Plummer and Stellan when sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, Joseph must Skarsgard. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125400 rely on his faith in God for salvation. The stories of God’s Adventure, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Drama, Power are sure to both guide and entertain the whole family. Movies 114min. : The Complete Fifth Season Adventure, Drama, Educational, Family, 20th Century Fox 03.02.2015 Lea Michele, Kevin McHale, Chris Colfer, Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125517 Matthew Morrison, Jane Lynch Religion/Spirituality, Special Interest, Televi- The fifth season of Glee finds Rachel at an impressive sion 202min. Henry V (Blu-ray) crossroads as she, Kurt and Santana take more bites out of Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 Derek Jacobi, Kenneth Branagh - Dir. the Big Apple. Meanwhile, back in Lima, the New Directions 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125391 kids hope to win back-to-back Nationals, as the tragic pas- Kenneth Branagh sing of Finn and a potential baby for Will and Emma bring Shakespeare’s king of England attacks and declares reminders of the preciousness of life. With its hugely popular Greatest Heroes Of The Bible: his love for the French king’s daughter. Directed by Branagh. guest stars, surprising plot twists and exhilarating musical Action, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies numbers, the Emmy-winning Glee remains one of television’s Volume Two - God’s Chosen most acclaimed series ever! 1989 138min. Comedy, Drama, Fox, Friendships, High Ones: The Story Of Moses / The Cinedigm 27.01.2015 School, Music, Musical, Television 878min. Story Of Esther / Joshua & Jeri- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125619 20th Century Fox 27.01.2015 cho / Abraham’s Sacrifice 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125452 Frank Gorshin, Victoria Principal, William The Homesman (Blu-ray + Daniels, Ron Rifkin UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Gnome Alone (DVD + Digital The word of God both guides and entertains in these classic stories of the triumph of good over evil. Witness the stories of Hailee Steinfeld, Miranda Otto, Hilary Copy) the courageous leaders who God has chosen to lead his Swank, , Meryl Streep, Tommy When timid college student, Zoe, witnesses a hit-and-run, the people to the holy land. Follow the Story of Moses as he Lee Jones, James Spader - Dir. Tommy Lee dying victim gives her a strange amulet. Suddenly, all those warns the Egyptian Pharaoh of God’s wrath. Watch The Story who have offended Zoe in life begin dying horrible deaths at of Esther as the new queen saves her people from Jones the hands of a malicious GNOME (Verne Troyer). When Zoe destruction. In Joshua & Jericho, join him as he leads the Set in 1854 in the harsh Nebraska frontier, a low-life drifter discovers the horrible history behind the amulet, will she be people of Israel to the Promised Land and witness Abraham’s George Briggs (Oscar-Winner Tommy Lee Jones) is rescued able to harness its magical power before the GNOME begins Sacrifice as he proves his undying faith to God. The stories by a pious, independent-minded woman named Mary Bee killing those closest to her? of God’s Chosen Ones serve as inspiration and guidance for Cuddy (Oscar-Winner Hilary Swank). To pay back his debt, everyone. George reluctantly agrees to help Mary transport three Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 90min. women driven mad by the harsh frontier life across the Lionsgate 20.01.2015 Adventure, Drama, Educational, Family, treacherous land - where a kindly minister’s wife (Meryl 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125553 Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Streep) has offered them hospice. The unlikely pair soon Religion/Spirituality, Special Interest, Televi- realizes just how daunting the journey will be and the group sion 220min. must traverse the vast Nebraska Territories which are marked Gone Girl by stark beauty, psychological peril and constant danger. Co- Gone Girl — directed by David Fincher and based upon the Paramount Pictures 10.02.2015 Written, directed and starring Tommy Lee Jones - based on global bestseller by Gillian Flynn — unearths the secrets at 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125392 the award-winning novel by acclaimed author Glendon the heart of a modern marriage. On the occasion of his fifth Swarthout. wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports that Book-To-Film, Drama, Mental Illness, his beautiful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. Hangover / Hangover Part 2 Movies, Western 2014 122min. Under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy, Double Features, Movies 202min. Nick’s portrait of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his Lionsgate 17.02.2015 lies, deceits and strange behavior have everyone asking the Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125673 same dark question: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125460 Drama, Movies, Mystery min. The Homesman (DVD + 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 Hart To Hart: The Complete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125503 UltraViolet) Fourth Season Hailee Steinfeld, Miranda Otto, Hilary Mystery never looked so glamorous. Robert Wagner (It Takes Swank, John Lithgow, Meryl Streep, Tommy Gone Girl (Blu-ray + DVD + A Thief) and Stefanie Powers (The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.) star as the stylish and wealthy Jonathan and Jennifer Hart in Lee Jones, James Spader - Dir. Tommy Lee UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) the fourth season of the television favorite Hart to Hart. With Jones Casey Wilson, Tyler Perry, Rosamund Pike, the aid of their loyal friend and servant Max (Lionel Stander), Set in 1854 in the harsh Nebraska frontier, a low-life drifter Lisa Banes, Missi Pyle, Patrick Fugit, David the Harts are back for another jet-setting round of intrigue, George Briggs (Oscar-Winner Tommy Lee Jones) is rescued adventure... and romance. Through their lighthearted by a pious, independent-minded woman named Mary Bee Clennon, Neil Patrick Harris, Ben Affleck, chemistry and thrilling adventures, the Harts were a true Cuddy (Oscar-Winner Hilary Swank). To pay back his debt, Kim Dickens, Sela Ward, Boyd Holbrook - power couple of ’80s television, charming audiences and George reluctantly agrees to help Mary transport three Dir. David Fincher critics alike throughout their successful network run on ABC. women driven mad by the harsh frontier life across the Created by Sidney Sheldon, both a bestselling novelist (Ma- treacherous land - where a kindly minister’s wife (Meryl Gone Girl — directed by David Fincher and based upon the ster of the Game, Windmills of the Gods) and hit television global bestseller by Gillian Flynn — unearths the secrets at Streep) has offered them hospice. The unlikely pair soon producer (I Dream of Jeannie, The Patty Duke Show), Hart to realizes just how daunting the journey will be and the group the heart of a modern marriage. On the occasion of his fifth Hart is a smart and sexy detective drama. Season Four’s wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports that must traverse the vast Nebraska Territories which are marked twenty-two episodes feature sparkling dialogue, sumptuous by stark beauty, psychological peril and constant danger. Co- his beautiful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. costumes, and a roster of guest stars that reads like the invite Under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy, Written, directed and starring Tommy Lee Jones - based on list to a society party (including Eva Gabor, Cesar Romero, the award-winning novel by acclaimed author Glendon Nick’s portrait of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his and Julie Newmar). Pack your bags and join the Harts on lies, deceits and strange behavior have everyone asking the Swarthout. their most elegant adventures yet with Hart to Hart Drama, Mental Illness, Movies, Western same dark question: Did Nick Dunne kill his wife? Action, Adventure, Classics, Crime, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To- 2014 122min. Detectives, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Film, Detectives, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Lionsgate 17.02.2015 Romance, Television min. Thrillers 2014 149min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125665 Shout Factory 10.02.2015 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125659 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125595 Honeymoon Hector And The Search For Rose Leslie, Rihanna Brown, Harry Greatest Heroes Of The Bible: Treadaway Volume Three - God’s Power: Happiness Newlyweds Paul and Bea want to spend their honeymoon at a Veronica Ferres, Bruce Fontaine, Togo cabin in the woods. But the lovely romantic moments quickly Tower Of Babel / Jacob’s disappears when strange events, such as the appearance of a Igawa, Simon Pegg, Rosamund Pike, Toni mysterious light, the unexpected disappearance of Bea and Challenge / Sodom & Gomorrah / Collette, Stellan Skarsgard, Jean Reno, her strange return, completely hurt and acting differently, are Joseph In Egypt Christopher Plummer - Dir. Peter Chelsom destined to torn them apart. From the director of Serendipity and based on the acclaimed Horror, Movies, Thrillers 87min. Erin Moran, Barry Williams, Richard Base- novel comes this funny, imaginative film with an all-star cast.

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Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.01.2015 compelling fifth season. Featuring guest appearances by bonus materials and some of today’s brightest guest stars, Primetime Emmy Award winner Zeljko Ivanek (Damages), Mos including Sela Ward (The Fugitive), Ron Livingston (Office 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125537 Def (The Italian Job) and Carl Reiner (Ocean’s 13), House is Space), LL Cool J (NCIS: Los Angeles) and Cynthia Nixon the Primetime Emmy Award-winning series that critics rave is (Sex and the City). Be a part of this medical mystery-solving Honeymoon (Blu-ray) „...a terrific show with an A-list cast and first-rate writing...“ team as House and his staff take on baffling cases in the (Michael Starr, New York Post). gripping show critics are calling „both hilarious and Rose Leslie, Rihanna Brown, Harry Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, heartbreaking; this could be network TV’s best current Treadaway Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. series.“ - David Kronke, Los Angeles Daily News Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Newlyweds Paul and Bea want to spend their honeymoon at a Universal Studios 10.02.2015 cabin in the woods. But the lovely romantic moments quickly Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. disappears when strange events, such as the appearance of a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125534 mysterious light, the unexpected disappearance of Bea and Universal Studios 10.02.2015 her strange return, completely hurt and acting differently, are 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125531 destined to torn them apart. House: Season Four (Repackage) Horror, Movies, Thrillers 87min. Anne Dudek, Olivia Wilde, Jesse Spencer, Houses October Built Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.01.2015 Kal Penn, Peter Jacobson, Jennifer Zack Andrews 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125546 Morrison, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Hugh Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted Laurie, Mira Sorvino, , house attractions across the country, there are whispers of Horns Steve Valentine truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, Prepare for even more baffling, complex and shocking medical blood-curdling good fright for Halloween, five friends set off Michael Adamthwaite, Max Minghella, Alex mysteries than ever before as every season four episode of on a road trip in an RV to track down these underground Zahara, Jay Brazeau, Daniel Radcliffe, Kelli House arrives on DVD! Reunite with the perplexing and Haunts. Just when their search seems to reach a dead end, Garner, Joe Anderson, David Morse, prickly Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie in his two-time strange and disturbing things start happening and it becomes Golden Globe winning role) as he tackles impossible cases clear that the Haunt has come to them. Heather Graham, James Remar, Kathleen while putting a new staff of potential team members - including Horror, Movies, Thrillers 92min. Quinlan, Juno Temple, Nels Lennarson - Dir. Kal Penn (Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle), Peter Image Ent. 06.01.2015 Alexandre Aja Jacobson (The Starter Wife), and Olivia Wilde (Tron: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125479 Daniel Radcliffe stars in this twisted new thriller, based on Legacy) - through the medical wringer with his trademark the best-selling book by Joe Hill. Blamed for the murder of his sarcasm and irreverent bedside manner. Get ready for another girlfriend, Ignatius Perrish (Daniel Radcliffe) awakens one dose of one of TV’s most original dramas and what The Identical morning to find hes grown a pair of horns. Armed with new Entertainment Weekly calls „One of the most compelling characters in TV history.“ The Identical tells the compelling story of twin brothers supernatural powers, he sets out to find the true killer. unknowingly separated at birth during the Great Depression. Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2013 min. Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Drexel Hemsley becomes an iconic 50?s rock n roll star, Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. while Ryan Wade (Blake Rayne) struggles to balance his Universal Studios 10.02.2015 love for music and pleasing his father. The Reverend Wade 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125398 (Ray Liotta) and his wife (Ashley Judd) are sure their 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125533 adopted son has been gifted and called by God to be a Horns (Blu-ray) preacher. But Ryan challenges his parents vision for his life, House: Season Six (Repackage) and unflinchingly chooses to launch his own music career Michael Adamthwaite, Max Minghella, Alex with his best friend (Seth Green). Encouraged by his wife Zahara, Jay Brazeau, Daniel Radcliffe, Kelli Jesse Spencer, Jennifer Morrison, Lisa (Erin Cottrell) and employer (Joe Pantoliano), Ryan embarks Edelstein, Omar Epps, Hugh Laurie, Robert on an unpredictable, provocative path - performing the Garner, Joe Anderson, David Morse, legendary music of Drexel Hemsley in sold out venues all Heather Graham, James Remar, Kathleen Sean Leonard across the country. As the brothers destinies tragically Quinlan, Juno Temple, Nels Lennarson - Dir. Get ready for a full dose of medical mysteries with 21 collide, Ryan discovers that Drexel is his identical twin episodes of the riveting drama series, House. Hugh Laurie is which leads him to question everything hes ever believed Alexandre Aja joined by James Earl Jones (Star Wars), (That about God, family and his own identity. Daniel Radcliffe stars in this twisted new thriller, based on ’70s Show) and David Strathairn (The Bourne Ultimatum) in the best-selling book by Joe Hill. Blamed for the murder of his guest appearances as he returns to his Golden Globe winning Drama, Family, Movies 107min. girlfriend, Ignatius Perrish (Daniel Radcliffe) awakens one and Primetime Emmy Award-nominated role as Dr. Gregory Cinedigm 13.01.2015 morning to find hes grown a pair of horns. Armed with new House. In this brilliant sixth season, House finds himself in an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125422 supernatural powers, he sets out to find the true killer. uncomfortable position - away from the examination room. As Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 2013 min. he works to regain his license and his life, his coworkers deal with the staff shakeups, moral dilemmas and their own The Identical (Blu-ray + DVD) Starz / Anchor Bay 06.01.2015 tricky relationships with House. And when House returns 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125430 more obstinate than ever, Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching (Blu-ray) Hospital will never be the same again. The Identical tells the compelling story of twin brothers Horrible Bosses / Due Date (Blu- Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, unknowingly separated at birth during the Great Depression. Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. Drexel Hemsley becomes an iconic 50?s rock n roll star, ray) while Ryan Wade (Blake Rayne) struggles to balance his Universal Studios 10.02.2015 love for music and pleasing his father. The Reverend Wade Jason Bateman, Zach Galifianakis, Colin 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125535 (Ray Liotta) and his wife (Ashley Judd) are sure their Farrell, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, adopted son has been gifted and called by God to be a Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey Jr., Julie preacher. But Ryan challenges his parents vision for his life, House: Season Three and unflinchingly chooses to launch his own music career Bowen, , Kevin Spacey, Do- with his best friend (Seth Green). Encouraged by his wife nald Sutherland, Charlie Day, Lindsay (Repackage) (Erin Cottrell) and employer (Joe Pantoliano), Ryan embarks Jesse Spencer, Jennifer Morrison, Lisa on an unpredictable, provocative path - performing the Sloane, Michelle Monaghan, Steve Wiebe, legendary music of Drexel Hemsley in sold out venues all Danny McBride - Dir. Todd Phillips, Seth Edelstein, Omar Epps, David Morse, Hugh across the country. As the brothers destinies tragically Gordon Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard collide, Ryan discovers that Drexel is his identical twin Two-time Golden Globe Winner and Primetime Emmy Award which leads him to question everything hes ever believed Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Double Fea- nominee Hugh Laurie is back making House calls in all 24 about God, family and his own identity. tures, Movies, On The Job, Road Trips min. engaging episodes of this hit medical series! Dr. Gregory Drama, Family, Movies 107min. Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 House (Laurie) still has the most unapologetically prickly bedside manner ever, but his genius for solving medical Cinedigm 13.01.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125489 mysteries other practitioners can’t has earned him the respect 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125440 of his team. In this provocative and compelling season, A Horseman Riding By House’s unpredictable cases - from killer germs to killer secrets - strain his already tenuous relationship with his co- Incredible Journey British, Drama, Foreign, International TV, workers and put his own health at risk. Take the doctor’s A bull terrier, a Siamese cat and a Labrador retriever trek 250 Television 1978 min. orders: make House: Season Three a habit! miles of wild Canada to reach home. Acorn Media 13.01.2015 Cult Film / TV, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Adventure, Children’s, Disney, Family, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125582 Fox, Mystery, Science, Television min. Movies 80min. Universal Studios 10.02.2015 Disney / Buena Vista 13.01.2015 House: Season Five (Repackage) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125532 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125411 Anne Dudek, Olivia Wilde, Jesse Spencer, Kal Penn, Peter Jacobson, Jennifer House: Season Two (Repackage) Jimi: All Is By My Side Jesse Spencer, Jennifer Morrison, Lisa OutKasts Andre Benjamin stars as Jimi Hendrix in this Morrison, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, Hugh revealing biopic from Academy Award-winning writer-director Laurie, Robert Sean Leonard Edelstein, Omar Epps, Hugh Laurie, Robert John Ridley (12 Years A Slave. Covering a year in Hendrix’s Hugh Laurie returns to his Golden Globe winning and Sean Leonard life from 1966-67 as an unknown backup guitarist playing New Primetime Emmy Award-nominated role as Dr. Gregory House Golden Globe winner Hugh Laurie is on call as sardonic Dr. Yorks Cheetah Club to making his mark in Londons music in House: Season Five! House pushes new boundaries in Gregory House in Season Two of the -hit House, scene up until his Monterey Pop triumph, the film presents an medicine while dealing with emotional chaos as personal and television’s most intelligent and provocative drama. This 6- intimate portrait of the sensitive young musician on the verge professional boundaries blur in all 24 episodes from the disc collection features all 24 innovative episodes, exclusive of becoming a rock legend.

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Biopics, Drama, Movies, Music, Rock ‘N’ sets out to discover the truth and along the way reconnects When her husband (Anthony LaPaglia) of more than twenty Roll 116min. with the family he walked away from years before. years is away on one of his business trips, Darcy Anderson Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Lawyers / (Joan Allen) looks for batteries in the garage. Instead she Anderson Merchandisers 13.01.2015 Legal Issues, Movies, Murder Mysteries, discovers the stranger inside her husband. Its a horrifying 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125588 discovery, rendered with bristling intensity, and it definitively Mystery 2014 141min. ends a good marriage. Warner Bros. 27.01.2015 Movies, Thrillers 2014 102min. Jimi: All Is By My Side (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125570 Screen Media Films 30.12.2014 OutKasts Andre Benjamin stars as Jimi Hendrix in this revealing biopic from Academy Award-winning writer-director 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125402 John Ridley (12 Years A Slave. Covering a year in Hendrix’s Kill The Messenger life from 1966-67 as an unknown backup guitarist playing New Laggies (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Yorks Cheetah Club to making his mark in Londons music Rosemarie DeWitt, Paz Vega, Jeremy Ren- scene up until his Monterey Pop triumph, the film presents an ner, Michael Sheen, Mary Elizabeth (Blu-ray) intimate portrait of the sensitive young musician on the verge Winstead, Tim Blake Nelson, Barry Pepper, Kaitlyn Dever, Ellie Kemper, Chloe Grace of becoming a rock legend. Oliver Platt, Andy Garcia, Robert Patrick, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Music, Moretz, Keira Knightley, Sam Rockwell - Ray Liotta - Dir. Michael Cuesta Rock ‘N’ Roll 116min. Dir. Lynn Shelton In the mid-’90s, journalist Gary Webb uncovers the CIA’s Keira Knightley and Chloe Grace Moretz shine in this feel- Anderson Merchandisers 13.01.2015 past role in importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. good comedy about two unlikely friends: Megan, a 28-year-old 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125616 that was aggressively sold in ghettos across the country to who’s not ready for adulthood, and Annika, a 16-year-old who raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras rebel army. Despite wonders if there’s life after high school. Panicked after her enormous pressure not to, Webb chooses to pursue the story boyfriend proposes, Megan hides out in the house Annika John Wick (Blu-ray + DVD + and goes public with his evidence, publishing the series shares with her single dad (Sam Rockwell). As their paths UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) „Dark Alliance.“ As a result, he experiences a vicious smear intertwine in surprising and hilarious ways, Megan and campaign fueled by the CIA and finds himself defending his Annika help each other to stop lagging... and start living! Alfie Allen, Adrianne Palicki, Michael integrity, his family and his life. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 99min. Biography, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Nyqvist, Bridget Moynahan, Dean Winters, Lionsgate 10.02.2015 Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, Ian McShane, Willem Dafoe, John 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125626 Leguizamo, Keanu Reeves, Eva Longoria, Thrillers 2014 112min. Universal Studios 10.02.2015 Basil Iwanyk Laggies (DVD + UltraViolet) When sadistic young thugs senselessly attack John Wick - a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125637 brilliantly lethal ex-assassin - they have no idea that they’ve Kaitlyn Dever, Ellie Kemper, Chloe Grace just awakened the boogeyman. With New York City as his Kill The Messenger (Blu-ray + Moretz, Keira Knightley, Sam Rockwell - bullet-riddled playground, Wick embarks on a merciless Dir. Lynn Shelton rampage, hunting down his adversaries with the skill and DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) ruthlessness that made him an underworld legend. Keira Knightley and Chloe Grace Moretz shine in this feel- Rosemarie DeWitt, Paz Vega, Jeremy Ren- good comedy about two unlikely friends: Megan, a 28-year-old Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, who’s not ready for adulthood, and Annika, a 16-year-old who Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Revenge, ner, Michael Sheen, Mary Elizabeth wonders if there’s life after high school. Panicked after her Thrillers 2014 101min. Winstead, Tim Blake Nelson, Barry Pepper, boyfriend proposes, Megan hides out in the house Annika Oliver Platt, Andy Garcia, Robert Patrick, shares with her single dad (Sam Rockwell). As their paths Summit Entertainment 03.02.2015 intertwine in surprising and hilarious ways, Megan and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125677 Ray Liotta - Dir. Michael Cuesta Annika help each other to stop lagging... and start living! In the mid-’90s, journalist Gary Webb uncovers the CIA’s past role in importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 99min. John Wick (DVD + UltraViolet) that was aggressively sold in ghettos across the country to Lionsgate 10.02.2015 raise money for the Nicaraguan Contras rebel army. Despite 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125621 Alfie Allen, Adrianne Palicki, Michael enormous pressure not to, Webb chooses to pursue the story Nyqvist, Bridget Moynahan, Dean Winters, and goes public with his evidence, publishing the series Ian McShane, Willem Dafoe, John „Dark Alliance.“ As a result, he experiences a vicious smear Left Behind campaign fueled by the CIA and finds himself defending his Leguizamo, Keanu Reeves, Eva Longoria, integrity, his family and his life. Cassi Thomson, Jordin Sparks, Nicky Basil Iwanyk Biography, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Whelan, Quinton Aaron, Martin Klebba, When sadistic young thugs senselessly attack John Wick - a Chad Michael Murray, William Ragsdale, brilliantly lethal ex-assassin - they have no idea that they’ve Dealers, Movies, Mystery, Spies & Secret just awakened the boogeyman. With New York City as his Agents, Thrillers 2014 112min. Lea Thompson, Nicolas Cage - Dir. Vic bullet-riddled playground, Wick embarks on a merciless Universal Studios 10.02.2015 Armstrong rampage, hunting down his adversaries with the skill and The most important event in the history of mankind is ruthlessness that made him an underworld legend. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125640 happening right now. In the blink of an eye, the biblical Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Mobsters & Rapture strikes the world. Millions of people disappear The Killer Shrews without a trace. All that remains are their clothes and The Mafia, Movies, Revenge, Thrillers 2014 belongings, and in an instant, terror and chaos spread around 101min. Baruch Lumet, Gordon McLendon, Alfredo the world. The vanishings cause unmanned vehicles to crash Summit Entertainment 03.02.2015 Desoto, Ingrid Goude, Ken Curtis, James and burn. Planes fall from the sky. Emergency forces everywhere are devastated. Gridlock, riots and looting 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125667 Best - Dir. Ray Kellogg overrun the cities. There is no one to help or provide The Killer Shrews is so bad... it’s good and, being one of answers. In a moment, the entire planet is plunged into The Judge (Blu-ray + DVD + Stephen King’s favorite Horror flicks, it may be better than darkness. you think! Released in 1959 with a budget of roughly Action, Movies, Science Fiction 2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) $123,000, this movie found its niche with cult horror fans of B- level movies. A ship’s captain, Thorne Sherman (James Best), 110min. Jeremy Strong, Dax Shepard, Leighton arrives at an isolated island inhabited by a scientist Dr. E1 Entertainment 06.01.2015 Meester, Vera Farmiga, Ken Howard, Ro- Marlow Craigis (Baruch Lumet), his daughter Ann (Ingrid Goude/Miss Sweden 1956) and his assistants (Ken Curtis/ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125407 bert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, Robert , Gordon McLendon, and Alfred DeSoto). The group Downey Jr. - Dir. David Dobkin is trapped by a hurricane and takes refuge from the storm in Left Behind (Blu-ray) In The Judge, Downey stars as big city lawyer Hank Palmer, the island house. At the same time, Dr. Craigis is working to who returns to his childhood home where his estranged reduce humans to half size in an effort to help prevent over Cassi Thomson, Jordin Sparks, Nicky father, the town’s judge (Duvall), is suspected of murder. He population and its demand on natural resources. The side Whelan, Quinton Aaron, Martin Klebba, sets out to discover the truth and along the way reconnects effect of this ill-fated experiment is the creation of giant, with the family he walked away from years before. voracious and poisonous shrews. Barricaded in the house, Chad Michael Murray, William Ragsdale, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Lawyers / the group is now surrounded by these beasts that eat 2-3 Lea Thompson, Nicolas Cage - Dir. Vic Legal Issues, Movies, Murder Mysteries, times their body weight each day and are quickly running out Armstrong of food. As things progress, the shrews predictably attack the The most important event in the history of mankind is Mystery 2014 141min. ship s crew and, finally, the group themselves, result happening right now. In the blink of an eye, the biblical Warner Bros. 27.01.2015 Foreign, German, Horror, Monsters, Rapture strikes the world. Millions of people disappear 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125604 Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1959 without a trace. All that remains are their clothes and belongings, and in an instant, terror and chaos spread around 69min. the world. The vanishings cause unmanned vehicles to crash The Judge (DVD + UltraViolet) Film Chest Media Group 11.11.2014 and burn. Planes fall from the sky. Emergency forces tba BestellNr.: 40125386 everywhere are devastated. Gridlock, riots and looting Jeremy Strong, Dax Shepard, Leighton overrun the cities. There is no one to help or provide Meester, Vera Farmiga, Ken Howard, Ro- answers. In a moment, the entire planet is plunged into bert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Stephen King’s A Good Marriage darkness. Downey Jr. - Dir. David Dobkin Kristen Connolly, Joan Allen, Robert Hogan, Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction In The Judge, Downey stars as big city lawyer Hank Palmer, Anthony LaPaglia, Stephen Lang, Cara 2014 110min. who returns to his childhood home where his estranged E1 Entertainment 06.01.2015 father, the town’s judge (Duvall), is suspected of murder. He Buono - Dir. Peter Askin

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 56 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125433 Strand Releasing 20.01.2015 Amanda Bearse, Christina Applegate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125610 Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, Tele- Lifes A Breeze vision min. Pat Shortt, Eva Birthistle, Fionnula Lovejoy: Series 4 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Flanagan - Dir. Lance Daly British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, 06.01.2015 Life’s a Breeze follows a family struggling to stay afloat and International TV, Television min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125511 stay together through hard times in Ireland. Unemployed slacker Colm (Pat Shortt), his aging mother Nan (Fionnula Warner Bros. 13.01.2015 Flanagan) and his niece Emma (Kelly Thornton) must 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125584 Married With Children: Seventh & overcome their many differences to lead their family in a race Eighth Seasons (Combo Pack) against time to find a lost fortune. Comedy, Drama, Movies 83min. The Lucky One / A Walk To Katey Sagal, David Faustino, Ted McGinley, Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.01.2015 Remember Amanda Bearse, Christina Applegate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125538 Daryl Hannah, , Clayne Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, Tele- Crawford, Lauren German, Al Thompson, vision min. Lifes A Breeze (Blu-ray) , Jay R. Ferguson, Shane Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 06.01.2015 Pat Shortt, Eva Birthistle, Fionnula West, Robert Hayes, Blythe Danner, Peter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125512 Flanagan - Dir. Lance Daly Coyote, Zac Efron, Adam LeFevre, David Life’s a Breeze follows a family struggling to stay afloat and Lee Smith, Taylor Schilling, Riley Thomas stay together through hard times in Ireland. Unemployed Stewart - Dir. Scott Hicks, Adam Shankman Married With Children: Seventh slacker Colm (Pat Shortt), his aging mother Nan (Fionnula After three tours in Iraq, The Lucky One, U.S. Marine Ser- Season Flanagan) and his niece Emma (Kelly Thornton) must geant Logan Thibault (Zac Effron), goes in search of the overcome their many differences to lead their family in a race unknown woman whose photo he believes was his good-luck Katey Sagal, David Faustino, Ted McGinley, against time to find a lost fortune. charm during the war. In A Walk To Remember, love brings Amanda Bearse, Christina Applegate Comedy, Drama, Movies 83min. together what peer pressure and lifestyles seek to keep apart Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Fox, Tele- Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.01.2015 in this coming of age story based on the best-selling novel by vision min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125547 Nicholas Sparks. Double Features, Drama, High School, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Illness & Disease, Marines, Movies, 06.01.2015 A Little Game Romance, War min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125510 Ostracized at her posh new uptown school and shaken by the death of her beloved grandmother, a 10 year-old downtown Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 girl finds an unlikely mentor in the form of an irascible chess- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125624 The Masterpiece Manners Of master, who uses the game to teach Max lessons in resilience, perseverance, and how to embrace inevitable change. Maison Close: Season One What goes on behind-the-scenes to get the manners of 1900s Family, Friendships, Movies 92min. Set in Paris in 1871, right after the suppression of la Britain exactly right on Downton Abbey? Enter the world of Commune, a workers’ revolutionary movement that briefly took Edwardian manners with host Alastair Bruce, historian, Anderson Merchandisers 20.01.2015 power, Maison Close follows a cast of gorgeous women expert on royal ceremony and custom, and the historical 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125655 trapped by circumstances beyond their control in the luxury advisor to the hit drama series. This one-hour documentary brothel ‘Paradise’. Considered a first class „closed house“ features revealing interviews with leading cast members, reserved for aristocratic or bourgeois clientele and noted for including Hugh Bonneville, , Elizabeth Love Is The Devil: Study For A strange and refined practices during a time when prostitution McGovern, , , Brendan Portrait Of Francis Bacon was legalized, Paradise is populated by a fascinating cast of Coyle, Sophie McShera, and many others. Discover the characters, each of whom struggles to find escape and solace secrets of how the aristocratic set dined and dressed, how Karl Johnson, Anne Lambton, Adrian in their own way. Hortense (Valerie Karsenti), is the manipu- they married and made money, how they interacted with the Scarborough, Tilda Swinton, Derek Jacobi, lative and, in turn, manipulated mistress of the Paradise who servants (and the servants interacted with each other), and runs her business with iron hand; Vera(Anne Charrier), the above all why they behaved as they did. Illustrated with Daniel Craig - Dir. John Maybury star of the bordello, is a beautiful courtesan in her thirties memorable moments from Downton Abbey, the program is a John Maybury’s searing portrait of the English painter whose career is nearing its end; and, Rose (Jemima West, treat for fans and anyone fascinated with the customs of early Francis Bacon (Derek Jacobi) at the height of his fame in the Mortal Bones: The City of Instruments), the heroine, is a 1900s Britain. 1960s is one of the nastiest and most truthful portraits of the country ingenue raised by nuns who goes to the Paradise Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, artist-as-monster ever filmed. It’s the story of the colossally searching for her mother, only to be blackmailed into becoming self-absorbed painted and his self-destructive younger lover, a prostitute. Unfolding like a serialized 19th century French PBS, Television 60min. George Dyer (Daniel Craig), begins when Bacon awakens in naturalist novel, this uncompromising seri PBS Home Video 06.01.2015 his studio one night to discover a burglar on the premises. Sizing up the thief as an appetizing piece of rough trade, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Television 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125477 Bacon makes a proposition: if the robber sheds his clothes 101min. and comes to bed with him, he promises, he can have anything Music Box Films 27.01.2015 The Masterpiece Manners Of he wants... in presuming to take you inside the mind and heart 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125666 of a major artist, confronting the demonic aspect of the human Downton Abbey (Blu-ray) condition, Love Is The Devil, goes as far and as deep as any What goes on behind-the-scenes to get the manners of 1900s movie has dared. Maison Close: Season One (Blu- Britain exactly right on Downton Abbey? Enter the world of Biography, British, Drama, Foreign 1998 Edwardian manners with host Alastair Bruce, historian, 90min. ray) expert on royal ceremony and custom, and the historical Set in Paris in 1871, right after the suppression of la advisor to the hit drama series. This one-hour documentary Strand Releasing 20.01.2015 Commune, a workers’ revolutionary movement that briefly took features revealing interviews with leading cast members, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125571 power, Maison Close follows a cast of gorgeous women including Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Elizabeth trapped by circumstances beyond their control in the luxury McGovern, Laura Carmichael, Joanne Froggatt, Brendan brothel ‘Paradise’. Considered a first class „closed house“ Coyle, Sophie McShera, and many others. Discover the Love Is The Devil: Study For A reserved for aristocratic or bourgeois clientele and noted for secrets of how the aristocratic set dined and dressed, how Portrait Of Francis Bacon (Blu- strange and refined practices during a time when prostitution they married and made money, how they interacted with the was legalized, Paradise is populated by a fascinating cast of servants (and the servants interacted with each other), and ray) characters, each of whom struggles to find escape and solace above all why they behaved as they did. Illustrated with in their own way. Hortense (Valerie Karsenti), is the manipu- memorable moments from Downton Abbey, the program is a Karl Johnson, Anne Lambton, Adrian lative and, in turn, manipulated mistress of the Paradise who treat for fans and anyone fascinated with the customs of early Scarborough, Tilda Swinton, Derek Jacobi, runs her business with iron hand; Vera(Anne Charrier), the 1900s Britain. Daniel Craig - Dir. John Maybury star of the bordello, is a beautiful courtesan in her thirties Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, John Maybury’s searing portrait of the English painter whose career is nearing its end; and, Rose (Jemima West, PBS, Television 60min. Francis Bacon (Derek Jacobi) at the height of his fame in the Mortal Bones: The City of Instruments), the heroine, is a 1960s is one of the nastiest and most truthful portraits of the country ingenue raised by nuns who goes to the Paradise PBS Home Video 06.01.2015 artist-as-monster ever filmed. It’s the story of the colossally searching for her mother, only to be blackmailed into becoming 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125491 self-absorbed painted and his self-destructive younger lover, a prostitute. Unfolding like a serialized 19th century French George Dyer (Daniel Craig), begins when Bacon awakens in naturalist novel, this uncompromising seri his studio one night to discover a burglar on the premises. Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Television Masterpiece: Jewel In Sizing up the thief as an appetizing piece of rough trade, 101min. Jodie Whittaker, Harriet Walter, Paul Rhys, Bacon makes a proposition: if the robber sheds his clothes and comes to bed with him, he promises, he can have anything Music Box Films 27.01.2015 Ralph Brown he wants... in presuming to take you inside the mind and heart 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125679 The Jewel in the Crown was hailed by critics as one of the of a major artist, confronting the demonic aspect of the human most thoughtful and important TV dramas ever. This sweeping condition, Love Is The Devil, goes as far and as deep as any 14-part remastered adaptation of Paul Scott’s ‘Raj Quartet’ is movie has dared. Married With Children: Eighth the story of the men and women of both ruling and ruled classes of WWII India, trying amidst the turmoil to come to Biography, Blu-ray, British, Drama, Foreign Season terms with the drastic changes taking place around them, 1998 90min. Katey Sagal, David Faustino, Ted McGinley, knowing that their lives will never be the same again.

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British, Foreign, Mini-Series, Television, Nightcrawler Academy Award Winner Russell Crowe stars as Noah in the film inspired by the timeless story of courage, sacrifice and Thrillers 660min. Riz Ahmed, Jake Gyllenhaal, , hope. Also starring Emma Watson and Academy Award PBS Home Video 13.01.2015 Rene Russo - Dir. Dan Gilroy Winners Anthony Hopkins and Jennifer Connolly, this visually 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125563 Nightcrawler is a pulse-pounding thriller set in the nocturnal stunning, action-packed adventure from acclaimed director underbelly of contemporary Los Angeles. Jake Gyllenhaal Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) is hailed as „one of the most stars as Lou Bloom, a driven young man desperate for work unforgettable Biblical epics ever put on film.“ Richard Midsomer Murders: Series 12 who discovers the high-speed world of L.A. crime. Finding a Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times Malcolm Sinclair, Daniel Casey, Anton group of freelance camera crews who film crashes, fires, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, End Of murder and other mayhem, Lou muscles into the cut-throat, The World, Epics, Movies, Religion/ Lesser, Maggie Steed, John Nettles, Jason dangerous realm of nightcrawling - where each police siren Hughes, Leonard Maltin, Samantha Bond, wail equals a possible windfall and victims are converted into Spirituality 2014 137min. Donald Sinden, George Cole dollars. Aided by Nina (Rene Russo), a veteran of the blood- Paramount Pictures 17.02.2015 sport that is local TV news, Lou blurs the line between 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125465 British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television min. Cops, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Acorn Media 06.01.2015 118min. Not Cool 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125497 Universal Studios 10.02.2015 Drew Monson, Lisa Schwartz, Shane 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125638 Dawson - Dir. Shane Dawson Midsomer Murders: Series 13 Shane Dawson directs and stars in this raunchy yet heartfelt coming-of-age comedy from the producer of American Pie. Malcolm Sinclair, Daniel Casey, Anton Nightcrawler (Blu-ray + DVD + Former prom king and college freshman Scott (Dawson) Lesser, Maggie Steed, John Nettles, Jason UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) returns home for break only to be dumped by his Hughes, Leonard Maltin, Samantha Bond, eccentric, long-term girlfriend. With his world turned upside Riz Ahmed, Jake Gyllenhaal, Bill Paxton, down, Scott strikes an unlikely friendship with former Donald Sinden, George Cole Rene Russo - Dir. Dan Gilroy classmate Tori, an ugly duckling who blossomed in her first British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, semester of college. Together, the two embark on an Nightcrawler is a pulse-pounding thriller set in the nocturnal outrageous adventure through their hometown. But when Scott Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television min. underbelly of contemporary Los Angeles. Jake Gyllenhaal and Tori find their friendship turning into something deeper, Acorn Media 06.01.2015 stars as Lou Bloom, a driven young man desperate for work they realize that a few months away may have changed them 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125498 who discovers the high-speed world of L.A. crime. Finding a more than they realized. Costarring Drew Monson and Lisa group of freelance camera crews who film crashes, fires, Schwartz, Not Cool was documented on The Chair, the Starz murder and other mayhem, Lou muscles into the cut-throat, original TV series that follows two directors as they compete Missionary dangerous realm of nightcrawling - where each police siren to adapt separate movies from the same screenplay. wail equals a possible windfall and victims are converted into In this Fatal Attraction-like suspense thriller Katherine dollars. Aided by Nina (Rene Russo), a veteran of the blood- Adventure, Comedy, Friendships, Movies, (Dawn Olivieri), is a single mom to son Kesley who is despe- sport that is local TV news, Lou blurs the line between Romance 2014 92min. rate to make the school football team. When two Mormon observer and participant to become the star of his own story. missionaries, Elders Brock (Mitch Ryan) and Whitehall visit Starz / Anchor Bay 17.02.2015 her home while she and Kesley are practicing football, they Cops, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125448 offer to help prepare him for the tryouts. Elder Brock begins 118min. spending a good deal of time with them and Katherine soon Universal Studios 10.02.2015 The Notebook / Nights In realizes she has a strong attraction to him. Eventually, they 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125641 become romantically involved. Katherine becomes conflicted Rodanthe between her new relationship and her continued feelings for Kesleys father Ian, (Kip Pardue). When Ian and Katherine Ninja Zombies Rachel McAdams, Viola Davis, Ryan decide to reconcile and be a family again, Katherine tries to Gosling, Kevin Connolly, Christopher end things gently with Brock who becomes dangerously On his 25th birthday, slacker geek Dameon receives a possessive. Unknown to Katherine and the church, Brock has package from his parents, who have been dead for years. Meloni, Starletta DuPois, Gena Rowlands, a hidden past that will put them in peril. As events begin to Inside is a key that unlocks a chest in the basement where he Richard Gere, Diane Lane, Scott Glenn, spiral out of control, Katherine must find a way to save herself discovers a secret from his familys past... Dameon has been having nightmares about a Samurai with a magic sword that James Garner, Becky Ann Baker, Heather and her son from his deadly obsession. Wahlquist - Dir. Nick Cassavetes, George Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 min. raises the dead. When undead Ninjas suddenly appear, he realizes that the Zombie Samurai is his ancestor and the C. Wolfe Anderson Merchandisers 06.01.2015 magic Samurai sword is real. Dameon must face his destiny Double Features, Drama, Movies, Romance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125500 and return the Sword to its place of rest, or else the world will be destroyed in a Ninja Zombie apocalypse! min. Action, Horror, Movies, Ninjas, Zombies Warner Bros. 06.01.2015 The Mule 2011 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125474 A naive man transporting lethal narcotics in his stomach is detained by the police. Alone and afraid, the „mule“ makes a Anderson Merchandisers 06.01.2015 desperate choice — to defy his bodily functions and withhold 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125499 Nurse Jackie: Season Six (Blu- the evidence...literally. By doing so becomes a „human time- bomb,“ dragging cops, criminals. lawyers and his mother into ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) his impossible escapade. Inspired by true events, The Mule is Noah Mackenzie Aladjem, Ruby Jerins, Anna a comic nightmare of stomach-churning suspense and belly Finn Wittrock, Logan Lerman, Kevin Deavere Smith, Merritt Wever, , laughs. Durand, Emma Watson, Marton Csokas, Comedy, Crime, Movies 102min. Paul Schulze, Peter Facinelli, Morris Ray Winstone, Mark Margolis, Jennifer Anderson Merchandisers 20.01.2015 Chestnut Connelly, Russell Crowe, Nick Nolte, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125653 The twisted and darkly funny Nurse Jackie returns for a sixth Anthony Hopkins, Madison Davenport, season with Edie Falco as Jackie Peyton, a role that has Douglas Booth - Dir. Darren Aronofsky earned Falco her fourth consecutive Primetime Emmy The Mule (Blu-ray) nomination. Jackie realizes sobriety is the ultimate cover for Academy Award Winner Russell Crowe stars as Noah in the getting high, and now she’s saving lives at work, taking care A naive man transporting lethal narcotics in his stomach is film inspired by the timeless story of courage, sacrifice and of her kids, and her boyfriend is loving the new her. She’s got detained by the police. Alone and afraid, the „mule“ makes a hope. Also starring Emma Watson and Academy Award everyone fooled, but what goes up must come down. desperate choice — to defy his bodily functions and withhold Winners Anthony Hopkins and Jennifer Connolly, this visually the evidence...literally. By doing so becomes a „human time- stunning, action-packed adventure from acclaimed director Comedy, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Nurses bomb,“ dragging cops, criminals. lawyers and his mother into Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) is hailed as „one of the most & Doctors, Showtime, Television 336min. his impossible escapade. Inspired by true events, The Mule is unforgettable Biblical epics ever put on film.“ Richard Lionsgate 10.02.2015 a comic nightmare of stomach-churning suspense and belly Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125540 laughs. Action, Adventure, Drama, End Of The Comedy, Crime, Movies 102min. World, Epics, Movies, Religion/Spirituality Anderson Merchandisers 20.01.2015 2014 137min. Nurse Jackie: Season Six (DVD + 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125670 Paramount Pictures 17.02.2015 UltraViolet) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125458 Mackenzie Aladjem, Ruby Jerins, Anna My Favorite Five Deavere Smith, Merritt Wever, Edie Falco, Rochelle Aytes, Jay Ellis, Erica Hubbard, Noah (Blu-ray + DVD + Paul Schulze, Peter Facinelli, Morris Jillian Murray, Valarie Pettiford, DeRay Da- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Chestnut vis, Brian White, Steven Williams - Dir. Paul The twisted and darkly funny Nurse Jackie returns for a sixth Finn Wittrock, Logan Lerman, Kevin D. Hannah season with Edie Falco as Jackie Peyton, a role that has Durand, Emma Watson, Marton Csokas, earned Falco her fourth consecutive Primetime Emmy Movies, Romance 2015 90min. Ray Winstone, Mark Margolis, Jennifer nomination. Jackie realizes sobriety is the ultimate cover for E1 Entertainment 06.01.2015 getting high, and now she’s saving lives at work, taking care Connelly, Russell Crowe, Nick Nolte, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125408 of her kids, and her boyfriend is loving the new her. She’s got Anthony Hopkins, Madison Davenport, everyone fooled, but what goes up must come down. Douglas Booth - Dir. Darren Aronofsky Comedy, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Nurses

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& Doctors, Showtime, Television min. Action, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2014 min. 06.01.2015 Lionsgate 10.02.2015 Cinedigm 27.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125509 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125526 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125593 The Perfect Wave NYPD Blue: Season 8 Open Windows (Blu-ray) Rachel Hendrix, Patrick Lyster, Scott Rick Schroder, Kim Delaney, Dennis Franz, Sasha Grey Eastwood, Cheryl Ladd - Dir. Bruce Jimmy Smits Nick’s a lucky guy - he’s having dinner with Jill Goddard, the MacDonald The Emmy award-winning drama from co-creators Steven hottest actress on earth. Then a guy named Chord calls: Based on true events. Scott Eastwood - son of screen legend Bochco and David Milch delivers twenty more episodes of dinner’s been cancelled. And it’s Jill’s fault. But Chord’s got Clint Eastwood - delivers a breakthrough performance as Ian gripping police work to DVD in the eighth season of NYPD something better- A 21st Century Rear Window. McCormack, a rebellious young surfer who impulsively Blue. Season 8 finds the detectives of the 15th Precinct Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thrillers decides to leave home and travel the world’s most exotic surf coping with some of their most intense cases yet. But their 2014 min. spots. But living in the moment can have its thrills - including biggest challenges might come from inside the precinct itself, a romance with beautiful kindred soul Annabel (Rachel as an increasingly frustrated Detective Danny Sorenson Cinedigm 27.01.2015 Hendrix of October Baby) - as well as its sacrifices. And (Rick Schroeder) begins to exhibit signs of unraveling. New 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125618 following a horrific accident and near-death experience on the arrivals to the squad room are met with suspicion, while some Island of Mauritius, Ian receives a glimpse into eternity that old friends make their exit-including their beloved leader, will change his life forever. Patrick Lyster (Black Sails) and Lieutenant Fancy (James MacDaniel.) Series favorites Ouija Cheryl Ladd (Charlie’s Angels) co-star in this inspirational Dennis Franz, Kim Delaney, and Andrea Thompson are joined Olivia Cooke, Daren Kagasoff, Douglas true story about the power of faith, the love of family and one by cast newcomers Garcelle Beauvais, Charlotte Ross, and man’s search for The Perfect Wave. Esai Morales in a season of shocking change for one of the Smith - Dir. Stiles White A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears Starz / Anchor Bay, Drama, Family, Movies, most highly acclaimed television dramas of its day. Romance, Surf, Travel & Leisure 2014 ABC, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Tele- when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board. Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Murder 91min. vision 2000 min. Mysteries, Mystery, Myths & Legends, Starz / Anchor Bay 17.02.2015 Shout Factory 13.01.2015 Supernatural & Paranormal 2014 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125449 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125416 Universal Studios 03.02.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125529 Olive Kitteridge The Perfect Wave (Blu-ray) Rachel Hendrix, Patrick Lyster, Scott Rosemarie DeWitt, Frances McDormand, Ouija (Blu-ray + DVD + Eastwood, Cheryl Ladd - Dir. Bruce Donna Mitchell, Ann Dowd, Peter Mullan, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) MacDonald Martha Wainwright, Richard Jenkins Based on true events. Scott Eastwood - son of screen legend Academy Award winner Frances McDormand (, North Olivia Cooke, Daren Kagasoff, Douglas Clint Eastwood - delivers a breakthrough performance as Ian Country) and Academy Award nominee Richard Jenkins (The Smith - Dir. Stiles White McCormack, a rebellious young surfer who impulsively Visitor, HBO’s Six Feet Under) star in the HBO miniseries A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears decides to leave home and travel the world’s most exotic surf drama Olive Kitteridge, a film by Academy Award-nominated when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board. spots. But living in the moment can have its thrills - including director Lisa Cholodenko (The Kids Are All Right, Laurel Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Murder a romance with beautiful kindred soul Annabel (Rachel Canyon). Based on Elizabeth Strout’s Pulitzer Prize-winning Hendrix of October Baby) - as well as its sacrifices. And novel of the same name and written by Emmy-winner Jane Mysteries, Mystery, Myths & Legends, following a horrific accident and near-death experience on the Anderson (HBO’s The Positively True Adventures of the Supernatural & Paranormal 2014 90min. Island of Mauritius, Ian receives a glimpse into eternity that Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom and Normal), this Universal Studios 03.02.2015 will change his life forever. Patrick Lyster (Black Sails) and four-part drama tells the story of a seemingly placid New Cheryl Ladd (Charlie’s Angels) co-star in this inspirational England town wrought with illicit affairs, crime and tragedy, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125543 true story about the power of faith, the love of family and one told through the lens of Olive (McDormand), whose wicked man’s search for The Perfect Wave. wit and harsh demeanor mask a warm but troubled heart and staunch moral center. Executive produced by Academy Award The Palm Beach Story: The Blu-ray, Drama, Family, Movies, Romance, winners Tom Hanks and Frances McDormand, and Emmy- Criterion Collection Surf, Travel & Leisure 2014 91min. winners Jane Anderson and Gary Goetzman. An inventor’s wife meets some sporting millionaires on a train Starz / Anchor Bay 17.02.2015 Drama, HBO, Mini-Series, Television 2014 to Florida. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125461 233min. Comedy, Criterion Collection, Movies HBO Home Video 10.02.2015 102min. Phantom Of Opera (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125580 Criterion 20.01.2015 A sandbagged New York soprano dreams she’s being chased 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125664 by a slasher in Victorian London. Once Upon A Time In Shanghai Horror, Movies 93min. A poor laborer moves to 1930’s Shanghai overrun with The Palm Beach Story: The Cinedigm 17.02.2015 gangsters and femme fatales and gets caught in middle of a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125443 bloody turf war. His Kung Fu skills become legend and save Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) his life. An inventor’s wife meets some sporting millionaires on a train Action, Fighting, Foreign, Movies 96min. to Florida. The Pirates Well Go USA 13.01.2015 Comedy, Criterion Collection, Movies On the eve of the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, an unprecedented robbery shocks the nation-in-waiting: a whale 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125494 102min. has swallowed the Emperor’s Royal Seal, and a bounty Criterion 20.01.2015 placed on its retrieval. Now, every infamous gang of thieves, Once Upon A Time In Shanghai 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125675 thugs, pirates, and government agents take to the seas, battling the elements, creatures of the deep, and each other to (Blu-ray) possess the mother of all rewards. A poor laborer moves to 1930’s Shanghai overrun with Paranormal Activity: 5 Movie Action, Adventure, Movies 2014 93min. gangsters and femme fatales and gets caught in middle of a Collection Well Go USA 20.01.2015 bloody turf war. His Kung Fu skills become legend and save his life. Grossing over $800 million at the world wide box office, the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125573 first five installments of this, breakthrough horror franchise Action, Blu-ray, Fighting, Foreign, Movies phenomenon, have enticed and terrified audiences around the 96min. globe. Now Paranormal Activity returns in one terrifying 5- The Pirates (Blu-ray) Well Go USA 13.01.2015 Movie Collection packed with thrills, chills and unexpected On the eve of the founding of the Joseon Dynasty, an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125513 surprises! unprecedented robbery shocks the nation-in-waiting: a whale Collections, Devils And Demons, Haunted has swallowed the Emperor’s Royal Seal, and a bounty Houses, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. placed on its retrieval. Now, every infamous gang of thieves, One Shot thugs, pirates, and government agents take to the seas, Paramount Pictures 03.03.2015 battling the elements, creatures of the deep, and each other to Action, Military, Movies, Science Fiction, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125459 possess the mother of all rewards. Space min. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies 2014 Anderson Merchandisers 30.12.2014 : The Complete Se- 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125418 Well Go USA 20.01.2015 cond Season (Repackage) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125611 Open Windows Matthew Fox, Paula Devicq, Scott Grimes, Michael Goorjian, Scott Wolf, Lacey Sasha Grey Playing Dead Chabert, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Neve Nick’s a lucky guy - he’s having dinner with Jill Goddard, the Comedy, Drama, Foreign, French, Movies Campbell hottest actress on earth. Then a guy named Chord calls: min. dinner’s been cancelled. And it’s Jill’s fault. But Chord’s got Drama, Fox, girl power, Television min. First Run Features 06.01.2015 something better- A 21st Century Rear Window. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 60 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125482 footage of the unfolding street riots to the BBC. Bahari was 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125420 soon arrested by Revolutionary Guard police, led by a man identifying himself only as „Rosewater,“ who proceeded to Power Rangers Super Megaforce: torture and interrogate the journalist over the next 118 days. Supernova (Blu-ray) The Silver Warrior (DVD + Drama, Movies, War min. Supernova is a science fiction thriller that chronicles the Universal Studios 10.02.2015 high-stakes adventures of a deep space hospital ship and its UltraViolet) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125680 six member crew. When their vessel, the Nightingale 229, As the fight against evil Prince Vekar’s alien Armada gets answers an emergency distress signal from a distant galaxy, tougher, the Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Troy, Noah, the crew soon finds itself in danger from the mysterious young Emma, Gia and Jake) find themselves receiving help from the Rudderless man they rescue, the alien artifact he smuggled aboard and the Legendary Samurai and Jungle Fury Red Ranger! The odds gravitational pull of a giant star about to go supernova — the are further evened when the Rangers are joined by an Selena Gomez, Felicity Huffman, Anton most massive explosion in the universe. James Spader stars unexpected new ally from another planet - Orion, the Silver Yelchin, , William H. Macy, as co-pilot Nick Vanzant. Angela Bassetttakes on the role of Ranger! Witness more action, more teamwork, and more Chief Medical Officer Kaela Evers. Robert Forster also stars Laurence Fishburne - Dir. William H. Macy as A.J. Marley, Captain of the Nightingale. Legendary Rangers than ever before in these four epic In William H. Macy’s moving directorial debut Rudderless, episodes! Billy Crudup plays Sam, a former high-profile advertising Movies, Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers Action, Adventure, Aliens, Children’s, executive whose life is torn apart by the sudden death of his 93min. Family, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Science son. Living off the grid on a docked sailboat, he wastes away Cinedigm 13.01.2015 his days while drowning his pain in alcohol. When Sam Fiction, Television, Thrillers 92min. discovers a box filled with his son’s demo tapes and lyrics, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125445 Lionsgate 03.02.2015 his own child’s musical talent is a revelation for him, a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125523 grieving father who felt he’d been absent from his son’s life. Sword Of Doom: The Criterion Communing with his deceased son’s dashed dreams, Sam learns each song and eventually musters the will to perform Collection (Blu-ray) The Remaining one at a local bar. When Quentin, a young musician in the A brilliant samurai assassin uses his skill to fulfill impulses of audience, is captivated by the song, the unlikely duo forms a lust and revenge. Shaun Sipos, Johnny Pacar - Dir. Casey La rock band that becomes surprisingly popular and revitalizes Scala both of their lives. Action, Criterion Collection, Drama, The Remaining is an action-packed supernatural thriller that Comedy, Drama, Movies 105min. Foreign, Japanese, Movies 1966 88min. addresses questions of life, love and belief against an Criterion 06.01.2015 apocalyptic backdrop. A group of close friends gather for a Paramount Pictures 20.01.2015 wedding, but the celebration is shattered by a series of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125476 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125514 cataclysmic events and enemies foretold by biblical end-times prophecies. The survivors face a horrifying, uncertain future Shirley Temple Collection: as they scramble for safety. But as their world collapses Save Our Skins around them in chaos and terror will they choose real life In this madcap mlange of sci-fi, comedy and horror, two not- Volume 1 through faith, or just try to survive? very-bright British geeks wake up in New York City one Shirley Temple End Of The World, Horror, Movies, Religion/ morning to discover that everyone else has vanished from the earth. Ben and Stephen relish having everything all to Includes Heidi, Curly Top & Little Miss Broadway. Spirituality, Supernatural & Paranormal, themselves until solitary splendor gets boring. But - yikes! - Classics, Collections, Comedy, Family, Thrillers 2014 88min. they’re not alone, after all. Ghostly aliens and ravenous Movies min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment monsters threaten their long-term health, and an SOS message on YouTube gets no reply. Why is this happening to the two 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 27.01.2015 most ill-equipped people in the universe? If they can answer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125504 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125387 that question, the pair may yet be able to save their skins - and the human race! Shirley Temple Collection: The Remaining (Blu-ray) BBC, Comedy, Horror, Horror Series, Science Fiction, Television 86min. Volume 2 Shaun Sipos, Johnny Pacar - Dir. Casey La Warner Bros. 20.01.2015 Shirley Temple Scala 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125577 Includes Baby Take a Bow, Bright Eyes & Rebecca of The Remaining is an action-packed supernatural thriller that Sunnybrook Farm. addresses questions of life, love and belief against an Collections, Comedy, Family, Movies min. apocalyptic backdrop. A group of close friends gather for a : The Best Of Elmo wedding, but the celebration is shattered by a series of 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 cataclysmic events and enemies foretold by biblical end-times 3 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125505 prophecies. The survivors face a horrifying, uncertain future as they scramble for safety. But as their world collapses Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, around them in chaos and terror will they choose real life Sesame Street, Television min. Shirley Temple Collection: through faith, or just try to survive? Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 Volume 3 End Of The World, Horror, Movies, Religion/ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125579 Spirituality, Supernatural & Paranormal, Shirley Temple Thrillers 2014 88min. Includes Dimples, The Little Colonel & The Littlest Rebel. The Station Agent (DVD + Collections, Comedy, Family, Movies min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 20th Century Fox 13.01.2015 27.01.2015 UltraViolet) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125506 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125397 Peter Dinklage, Josh Pais, , Richard Kind - Dir. Tom McCarthy Winner of 2003 Sundance Film Festival awards, The Station That Burning Feeling Rosewater Agent stars Emmy Award winner Patricia Clarkson (TV’s Six Rosewater follows the Tehran-born Bahari, a 42-year-old Feet Under, Far From Heaven), Peter Dinklage (Elf) and Julia Benson, Emily Hampshire, Tyler broadcast journalist with Canadian citizenship living in Bobby Cannavale (TV’s 24, Third Watch) in a comedy about Labine, Jay Brazeau, Paulo Costanzo, John London. In June 2009, Bahari returned to Iran to interview friendship that will have you smiling long after the final Cho Mir-Hossein Moussavi, who was the prime challenger to credits. Fin McBride (Dinklage), a loner with a passion for Adam Murphy had it all: a great job, an endless of controversial incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. As trains, inherits an abandoned train station in the middle of gorgeous women, and the charm to make it all look well- Moussavi’s supporters rose up to protest Ahmadinejad’s nowhere - a place that suits him just fine because all he earned. One night, he went to bed with everything he ever victory declaration hours before the polls closed on election wants is to be alone. But that is not to be. Soon after moving wanted and woke up with something no-one ever wants... That day, Bahari endured great personal risk by submitting camera in, he discovers his isolated depot is more like Grand Central Burning Feeling. footage of the unfolding street riots to the BBC. Bahari was Station. There’s Olivia (Clarkson), a distracted and troubled soon arrested by Revolutionary Guard police, led by a man artist, and Joe (Cannavale)j, a friendly Cuban with an Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 95min. identifying himself only as „Rosewater,“ who proceeded to insatiable hunger for conversation. With absolutely nothing in E1 Entertainment 13.01.2015 torture and interrogate the journalist over the next 118 days. common, they find their isolated lives coming together in a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125478 Drama, Movies, War min. friendship none of them could foresee. Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Movies 2003 Universal Studios 10.02.2015 Track The Man Down 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125668 108min. Lionsgate 03.02.2015 Lloyd Lamble, Ursula Howells, Walter Rilla, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125522 Renee Houston, Petula Clark, , Rosewater (Blu-ray + DVD + Kenneth Griffith, Kent Taylor - Dir. R.G. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Stingray: Complete Series - 50th Springsteen Rosewater follows the Tehran-born Bahari, a 42-year-old A newsman on a British bus meets a young woman unwittingly broadcast journalist with Canadian citizenship living in Anniversary taking dog-track loot to a crook. London. In June 2009, Bahari returned to Iran to interview All 39 episodes of the TV „supermarionation“ adventure series Crime, Drama, Movies 1955 98min. Mir-Hossein Moussavi, who was the prime challenger to from 1963-65. From Gerry Anderson, the creator of Olive Films 20.01.2015 controversial incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. As Thunderbirds. Moussavi’s supporters rose up to protest Ahmadinejad’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125566 victory declaration hours before the polls closed on election Adventure, Television min. day, Bahari endured great personal risk by submitting camera Cinedigm 13.01.2015

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Track The Man Down (Blu-ray) , Mark Wahlberg History & Events, International TV, Televisi- Lloyd Lamble, Ursula Howells, Walter Rilla, Brothers Mark, Donnie & Paul Wahlberg are back with a on 87min. whole new season of grilling up burgers, style! Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 Renee Houston, Petula Clark, George Rose, Comedy, Family, Reality, Television 220min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125576 Kenneth Griffith, Kent Taylor - Dir. R.G. A&E 17.02.2015 Springsteen 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125649 A newsman on a British bus meets a young woman unwittingly White Bird In A Blizzard taking dog-track loot to a crook. , Shiloh Fernandez, Crime, Drama, Movies 1955 98min. The Weapon Shailene Woodley, Eva Green, Dale Dickey, Olive Films 20.01.2015 Detectives, a mother and a killer hunt a British boy who has Christopher Meloni, Sheryl Lee, Thomas 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125607 found a murder weapon and shot someone. Movies, Thrillers 99min. Jane, Angela Bassett - Dir. Gregg Araki Olive Films 20.01.2015 Kat Connors is 17 years old when her perfect homemaker The Two Faces Of January mother, Eve, a beautiful, enigmatic, and haunted woman, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125564 disappears - just as Kat is discovering and relishing her Oscar Isaac, David Warshofsky, Viggo newfound sexuality. Having lived for so long in a stifled, Mortensen, - Dir. Hossein The Weapon (Blu-ray) emotionally repressed household, she barely registers her Amini mother’s absence and certainly doesn’t blame her doormat of a Screenwriter Hossein Amini (The Wings of the Dove, Drive) Steve Cochran, Herbert Marshall, Lizabeth father, Brock, for the loss. In fact, it’s almost a relief. But as makes a stylish directing debut with this sleek thriller set in Scott - Dir. Val Guest time passes, Kat begins to come to grips with how deeply Greece and Istanbul, 1962, and adapted from Patricia Detectives, a mother and a killer hunt a British boy who has Eve’s disappearance has affected her. Returning home on a Highsmiths novel. Intrigue begins at the Parthenon when found a murder weapon and shot someone. break from college, she finds herself confronted with the truth wealthy American tourists Chester MacFarland (Viggo Movies, Thrillers 99min. about her mother’s departure, and her own denial about the Mortensen) and his young wife Collete (Kirsten Dunst) meet events surrounding it. American expat Rydal (Oscar Isaac), a scammer working as a Olive Films 20.01.2015 Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, tour guide. Instead of becoming his latest marks, the two 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125605 Thrillers 83min. befriend him, but a murder at the couples hotel puts all three on the run together and creates a precarious bond between Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.01.2015 them as the trios allegiance is put to the test. Welcome Back, Kotter: The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125539 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 87min. Complete Second Season Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.01.2015 John Sylvester White, Robert Hegyes, White Bird In A Blizzard (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125536 Gabe Kaplan, Marcia Strassman, Ron Gabourey Sidibe, Shiloh Fernandez, Palillo, John Travolta Shailene Woodley, Eva Green, Dale Dickey, The Two Faces Of January (Blu- Mr. Kotter, meet the Sweathogs, the goofiest group of remedial Christopher Meloni, Sheryl Lee, Thomas students who ever set off the fire alarm two minutes before a ray) test or spent algebra class constructing spit wads. Jane, Angela Bassett - Dir. Gregg Araki Oscar Isaac, David Warshofsky, Viggo Sweathogs, meet Mr. Kotter, a former Sweathog who’s Kat Connors is 17 years old when her perfect homemaker returned to his old high school as your new teacher. Gabriel mother, Eve, a beautiful, enigmatic, and haunted woman, Mortensen, Kirsten Dunst - Dir. Hossein Kaplan stars as Kotter and John Travolta, in his breakthrough disappears - just as Kat is discovering and relishing her Amini role, plays Sweathog leader Vinnie Barbarino in this newfound sexuality. Having lived for so long in a stifled, Screenwriter Hossein Amini (The Wings of the Dove, Drive) multicultural, multicomical 1970s smash hit set at Brooklyns emotionally repressed household, she barely registers her makes a stylish directing debut with this sleek thriller set in James Buchanan High School. Join them plus jivin’, high-fivin’ mother’s absence and certainly doesn’t blame her doormat of a Greece and Istanbul, 1962, and adapted from Patricia Freddie Washington, tough-guy Juan Epstein and peppy father, Brock, for the loss. In fact, it’s almost a relief. But as Highsmiths novel. Intrigue begins at the Parthenon when pipsqueak Arnold Horshack for all the fun - or it’s up your time passes, Kat begins to come to grips with how deeply wealthy American tourists Chester MacFarland (Viggo nose with a rubber hose! Eve’s disappearance has affected her. Returning home on a Mortensen) and his young wife Collete (Kirsten Dunst) meet Comedy, High School, Teachers, Television break from college, she finds herself confronted with the truth American expat Rydal (Oscar Isaac), a scammer working as a about her mother’s departure, and her own denial about the tour guide. Instead of becoming his latest marks, the two min. events surrounding it. befriend him, but a murder at the couples hotel puts all three Cinedigm 20.01.2015 Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, on the run together and creates a precarious bond between 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125502 Thrillers 83min. them as the trios allegiance is put to the test. Magnolia Home Entertainment 20.01.2015 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 87min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125548 Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.01.2015 Wetlands 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125545 Carla Juri - Dir. David Wnendt Eighteen year-old Helen Memel (Carla Juri) likes to Why Dont You Play In Hell? skateboard, masturbate with vegetables and thinks that body Master filmmaker Sion Sono (Love Exposure; Cold Fish) The Usual Suspects: 20th hygiene is greatly overrated. Struggling with her parents describes his frenzied, gleeful new masterpiece as „an action Anniversary (Blu-ray + divorce, she spends her time experimenting and breaking one film about the love of 35mm.“ Based on a screenplay he wrote social taboo after the other with her best friend, Corinna nearly fifteen years ago, Why Don’t You Play In Hell? is UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) (Marlen Kruse). When a shaving accident lands her in the among Sono’s very best work, as his trademark excess and hospital, she sees it as a way to reconcile her parents, but outrageousness is infused with an affection for the previous Paul Bartel, Dan Hedaya, Giancarlo ends up forming an unlikely bond with her male nurse, Robin century of Japanese cinema. This is Sion Sono with his talent Esposito, Benicio Del Toro, Suzy Amis, Pete (Christoph Letkowski) in the process. and unique vision completely unleashed. There’s a war going Postlethwaite, Kevin Pollak, Chazz Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 109min. on, but that won’t stop the inexperienced but eager wannabe Strand Releasing 13.01.2015 film crew The Fuck Bombers from following their dreams of Palminteri, Gabriel Byrne, Stephen Baldwin, making the ultimate action epic. Ten years ago, yakuza mid- Kevin Spacey, Jack Shearer, Christine 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125569 boss Ikegami led an assault against rival don Muto. Now, on Estabrook - Dir. Bryan Singer the eve of his revenge, all Muto wants to do is complete his Winner of two 1995 Academy Awards, including Original Wetlands (Blu-ray) masterpiece, a feature film with his daughter in the starring Screenplay, this masterful, atmospheric film noir enraptured role, before his wife is released from prison. And The Fuck audiences with its complex and riveting storyline, gritty, tour- Carla Juri - Dir. David Wnendt Bombers are standing by with the chance of a lifetime: to film a de-force performances (including an Oscar-Winning turn by Eighteen year-old Helen Memel (Carla Juri) likes to real, live yakuza battle to the death...on 35mm! Endlessly Kevin Spacey) and a climax that is truly deserving of the word skateboard, masturbate with vegetables and thinks that body irreverent and wildly, hilariously visceral, Why Don’t You „stunning.“ A $91 million cocaine heist. A devastating boat hygiene is greatly overrated. Struggling with her parents Play In Hell? is a Tarantino-esque ode to t explosion. Two survivors. U.S. Customs special agent David divorce, she spends her time experimenting and breaking one Action, Comedy, Horror, Movies, Thrillers Kujan (Chazz Palminteri) is determined to find out who and social taboo after the other with her best friend, Corinna 90min. what’s behind the melee. As he pieces the clues together with (Marlen Kruse). When a shaving accident lands her in the the help of a half-charred Hungarian gangster and an hospital, she sees it as a way to reconcile her parents, but Cinedigm 27.01.2015 outspoken, crippled con man from New York, Kujan soon finds ends up forming an unlikely bond with her male nurse, Robin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125594 out this story actually begins with five criminal minds...and (Christoph Letkowski) in the process. one infamous master mind. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 109min. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Strand Releasing 13.01.2015 Why Dont You Play In Hell? (Blu- Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125609 ray) Detectives, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Master filmmaker Sion Sono (Love Exposure; Cold Fish) describes his frenzied, gleeful new masterpiece as „an action Revenge, Special Editions, Thrillers 1995 The Whale film about the love of 35mm.“ Based on a screenplay he wrote 106min. On November 20, 1820, in the Southeast Pacific, an enormous nearly fifteen years ago, Why Don’t You Play In Hell? is MGM / UA 27.01.2015 85-foot sperm whale rammed and sank Nantucket whale ship among Sono’s very best work, as his trademark excess and The Essex and set its crew adrift more than a thousand miles outrageousness is infused with an affection for the previous 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125463 from land. Only eight members of the young crew survived century of Japanese cinema. This is Sion Sono with his talent starvation, thirst and exposure, rescued at last by British and unique vision completely unleashed. There’s a war going Wahlburgers: The Complete Se- whale ships three months later. The epic story comes vividly on, but that won’t stop the inexperienced but eager wannabe to life in this gripping drama, with stunning photography and film crew The Fuck Bombers from following their dreams of cond Season seamless special effects. making the ultimate action epic. Ten years ago, yakuza mid- BBC, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, boss Ikegami led an assault against rival don Muto. Now, on

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the eve of his revenge, all Muto wants to do is complete his raiders to protect what little he has, Ernest Holm (Michael The rural town of Elwood has become a „bubble“ against the masterpiece, a feature film with his daughter in the starring Shannon) makes a play to bring a water pipeline to his familys backdrop of a global infection where humans don’t die, but role, before his wife is released from prison. And The Fuck land... but when betrayal comes from those closest to him, it instead roam the land looking to spread the sickness, in a Bombers are standing by with the chance of a lifetime: to film a sets off a vicious chain cycle of greed, murder and revenge. grisly, horrific way. The „Zombie Killers,“ a small band of real, live yakuza battle to the death...on 35mm! Endlessly Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Science young adults, trained by military vet, Seiler (Billy Zane); have irreverent and wildly, hilariously visceral, Why Don’t You sworn to protect the town and aim for the head if anything Play In Hell? is a Tarantino-esque ode to t Fiction 2014 96min. threatens Elwood’s last survivors.“ Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Horror, Movies, Screen Media Films 13.01.2015 Horror, Monsters, Movies, Thrillers, Thrillers 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125608 Zombies 2015 min. Cinedigm 27.01.2015 Starz / Anchor Bay 03.02.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125620 Z Nation: Season One 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125634 DJ Qualls, Kellita Smith, Michael Welch, Tom Wolfblood: Season Three Everett Scott When Rhydian Morris comes to Stoneybridge, he finds that Three years after the devastating ZN1 virus gutted the others share the same secret as him: they are Wolfbloods, country, a team of everyday heroes must transport the only part-human, part-wolf, with extraordinary speed and senses, known survivor of a zombie attack - and humanity’s last hope Special Interest and the ability to transform at will. In Season 3, Maddy is en to develop a vaccine - from New York to . However, route to Canada and Rhydian faces an uncertain future. he’s hiding a secret that could endanger the mission. Friendships are tested as he, Shannon, Tom and Jana work Action, Apocalyptic Future, Drama, End Of 21 Years: Richard Linklater out who they want to be and where they fit in. The prospect of The World, Horror, Killer Viruses, Science It’s been said that the first 21 years defines the career of an life after school creates new challenges and brings new artist. Few directors have single-handedly shaken up the film jeopardy, with lessons to learn about trust, leadership and Fiction, Television, Zombies 2014 min. establishment like of indie, Richard Linklater. responsibility. New allies are not what they seem, old foes Universal Studios 10.02.2015 From the groundbreaking Slacker to his innovative Boyhood, make their presence felt in surprising ways and ambitions 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125530 Linklater has just reached the 21-year mark and has clash with loyalties. In the midst of this, Rhydian must pull his unapologetically carved his signature into American pop pack together to defeat a foe who aims to wipe out all culture. This compelling documentary takes you on a behind- Wolfbloods. Zarra’s Law the-scenes tour into Linklater’s style, skills, and motivation British, Fantasy, Foreign, High School, Zarra’s Law is a compelling story of two brothers on opposite via his friends, actors, and other directors. Get a raw and Science Fiction, Television, Werewolves sides of the law. When one brother is murdered, the other, a honest perspective on Richard through candid conversations retired police detective, finds himself pulled back into the with Ethan Hawke, Jack Black, Keanu Reeves, Billy Bob 90min. criminal world he left behind to solve the mystery surrounding Thornton, Matthew McConaughey, Jason Reitman, Julie Cinedigm 20.01.2015 his younger brother’s death. Starring in the role Delpy, and others, and see their stories brought to life through 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125501 of Tony Zarra, this film climbs to a violent conclusion, fueled hilarious animated sequences. For a guy who became famous by passion, family loyalty and revenge. for celebrating the cool and casual, Linklater emerges as a Action, Crime, Movies 2014 79min. surprisingly strategic and visionary director who has already Wolves established a legacy and perfected a style that can’t be Anderson Merchandisers 13.01.2015 denied. Kaitlyn Leeb, Jason Momoa, Lucas Till 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125592 Documentary, Special Interest min. Popular high school student Cayden Richards wakes from a horrific nightmare, only to realize that he’s living it... He is Breaking Glass Pictures 13.01.2015 changing into something vicious, unpredictable and wild. The Zero Theorem 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125656 Forced to hit the road after the brutal murder of his parents, Cayden tries to hunt down the truth of what he is. In the Gwendoline Christie, Lily Cole, Christoph remote mountain town of Lupine Ridge, he discovers others Waltz, Rupert Friend, Ray Cooper American Arab like him, Including the beautiful Angelina, a young woman Acclaimed director Terry Gilliam (Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Fear In American Arab, Iraqi-born Director Usama Alshaibi takes a caught between two ancient clans. When he finally discovers and Loathing in Las Vegas) returns with the visually stunning provocative look at the contradictions of Arab identity in post the shocking truth behind his ancestry, Cayden realizes there sci-fi epic The Zero Theorem, starring Academy Award 9/11 America, weaving his own life’s journey and „coming-of- is only one way to save the woman he loves: a grisly fight to winner Christoph Waltz as Qohen, an eccentric and reclusive Arab“ experiences into the life stories of several diverse the death, against forces more savage than he could have computer genius. Living in isolation, Qohen is obsessively characters. Exploring the values, passions, and hopes of his ever imagined. working on a mysterious project personally delegated to him fellow Arab-Americans, Usama tries to make peace with his Action, Horror, Movies 91min. by Management (Matt Damon) aimed at discovering the conflicted chosen homeland. American Arab sparks a frank meaning of life — or the complete lack of one... once and for conversation about identity and perception, and argues for Anderson Merchandisers 20.01.2015 all. Increasingly disturbed by visits from people he doesn’t giving people „the space to be complicated.“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125654 fully trust, including the flirtatious Bainsley (Mlanie Thierry), Documentary, Movies, Special Interest his unpredictable supervisor Job (David Thewlis), and would-be digital therapist Dr. Shrink-Rom (Tilda Swinton), 60min. You May Not Kiss The Bride it’s only when he experiences the power of love and desire Passion River 24.02.2015 Dave Annable, Ken Davitian, Katharine that he’s able to understand his own reason for being. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125643 McPhee, Mena Suvari, Vinnie Jones, Rob Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction Schneider, Kevin Dunn, Tia Carrere - Dir. 2013 100min. Barney: Tee-rific Bugs & Animals Rob Hedden Well Go USA 20.01.2015 Barney has gone to the dogs... the birds, the rabbits, the bugs, An unassuming pet photographer is thrown into serious 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125575 and the butterflies! BJ shows off his bug collection and learns action, adventure and romance when he is forced to marry a that having a pet is a big responsibility. Meanwhile, after Croatian bride (Katherine McPhee) and spend his honeymoon building a birdhouse for a lucky bird, Barney takes the on a remote Tahitian resort, where he must rescue her after The Zero Theorem (Blu-ray) children on a tour of the park to learn about other animals and she is kidnapped. Gwendoline Christie, Lily Cole, Christoph their homes. Have a stu-u-upendous time learning and singing Comedy, Movies, Romance 98min. Waltz, Rupert Friend, Ray Cooper about different types of bugs and animals with Barney and Anderson Merchandisers 23.12.2014 friends! Acclaimed director Terry Gilliam (Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Fear Animals & Nature, Children’s, Children’s / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125417 and Loathing in Las Vegas) returns with the visually stunning sci-fi epic The Zero Theorem, starring Academy Award Educational, Dinosaurs, Family, Music, winner Christoph Waltz as Qohen, an eccentric and reclusive Sing-A-Long, Television 63min. Young Ones computer genius. Living in isolation, Qohen is obsessively working on a mysterious project personally delegated to him Universal Studios 03.03.2015 Aimee Mullins, , Michael by Management (Matt Damon) aimed at discovering the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125562 Shannon, Nicholas Hoult - Dir. Jake Paltrow meaning of life — or the complete lack of one... once and for In a post-apocalyptic future when water has become the all. Increasingly disturbed by visits from people he doesn’t worlds most precious resource, those hardened few left alive fully trust, including the flirtatious Bainsley (Mlanie Thierry), The Chair must do whatever it takes to survive. Done with fighting off his unpredictable supervisor Job (David Thewlis), and Zachary Quinto raiders to protect what little he has, Ernest Holm (Michael would-be digital therapist Dr. Shrink-Rom (Tilda Swinton), From Emmy-nominated producer, Chris Moore, the Executive Shannon) makes a play to bring a water pipeline to his familys it’s only when he experiences the power of love and desire Producer of Oscar-winning Good Will Hunting and Project land... but when betrayal comes from those closest to him, it that he’s able to understand his own reason for being. Greenlight comes a competition documentary series that sets off a vicious chain cycle of greed, murder and revenge. Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction follows two directors through the process of bringing their Action, Drama, Movies, Science Fiction 2013 100min. first feature to the screen. The up-and-coming directors, who 2014 96min. have unique backgrounds and skill sets, will be provided with Well Go USA 20.01.2015 an identical screenplay which they must craft as their own Screen Media Films 13.01.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125612 film. The series will document the creation, marketing and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125567 theatrical release of the two adaptations. Both directors will be given the same budget, and both versions will use Zombie Killers: Elephants’ locations in the same city. Through multiplatform voting, the Young Ones (Blu-ray) Graveyard audience will determine which director will be awarded Aimee Mullins, Elle Fanning, Michael $250,000. The film itself is a coming-of-age feature length Gabrielle Stone, Brian Gallagher, Brian comedy that chronicles the first on Thanksgiving Shannon, Nicholas Hoult - Dir. Jake Paltrow weekend by a handful of college freshman who are fumbling In a post-apocalyptic future when water has become the Anthony Wilson, Felissa Rose, Dee Wallace, Mischa Barton, Billy Zane - Dir. towards adulthood, written by Dan Schoffer. worlds most precious resource, those hardened few left alive Documentary, Reality, Special Interest, Tele- must do whatever it takes to survive. Done with fighting off Harrison Smith Quartet

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 63 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 64 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA vision 2014 667min. Hamas elite for over a decade, constantly risking exposure is booming. Thousands of desperate men and women are and certain death while grappling with the perception that he flocking to the region in search of work with little more than Starz / Anchor Bay 17.02.2015 had betrayed his own family and people. Along the way, what the clothes on their backs or the cars they arrived in. The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125446 started a great demand for housing has overwhelmed the community Music Box Films, Documentary, Drama, with many of those who have found employment without a place to live. Pastor Jay Reinke of Concordia Lutheran Fat Sick & Nearly Dead 2 Foreign, German, Special Interest, Thrillers Church is under fire from the City Council, his community and What began as the story of one man, is now a story about 2014 101min. the local newspapers for his heartfelt desire to open the millions. After the film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead documented Music Box Films 20.01.2015 church’s doors to allow the „overnighters“ - as he calls them - his 60 day juice fast, Joe Cross vowed never to go on camera to stay for a night, a week or sometimes even longer, sleeping again. Since then, more than 20 million people have seen the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125598 on the floor, in the pews and in their cars in the Church film and Joe realized there’s still a lot for him to learn about parking lot. When the town learns that Reinke is housing men becoming healthy and staying that way. „Fat, Sick & Nearly Ice Age Giants with criminal records, and a mounting controversy peaks Dead 2“ taps into the tsunami of positive change that’s within the pastor’s personal life, even his diehard quest for sweeping the world when it comes to what we eat. As Joe Step back in time by just 20,000 years and the world is a very humanity can’t stop things from spiraling vastly out of control. sets out to learn how to be healthy in an unhealthy world, he different place. Vast swathes of the northern hemisphere are Animals & Nature, Documentary, Special talks to a wide range of experts, follows up with folks from the covered by ice sheets, glaciers carve great valleys through first film, and connects with new people along the way. Each the landscape and continents merge as sea levels fall. Hairy Interest 90min. one helps Joe learn that healthy eating is only one aspect of beasts and ferocious predators rule, while immense animals Cinedigm 03.02.2015 living a healthy life. From stay-at-home moms to world-class migrate across vast, unfamiliar landscapes. With unique 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125657 surgeons to office workers in Kenya, it seems like everyone access to excavations and state of the art forensic analysis is trying to be healthier, yet struggling to do so. While on the and spectacular CGI, travels back to a land before time to road, Joe experiences some ups and downs when it comes to reveal the Ice Age through the eyes of the animals that lived The Overnighters (Blu-ray) there. managing his own weight. Joe’s food battles resemble those of In the midst of the struggling economic climate of the United the everyday people he meets on his journey. Mirroring Joe’s Animals & Nature, BBC, British, States, the oil business in small town Williston, North Dakota story is a series of testimo Documentary, Educational, Foreign, Interna- is booming. Thousands of desperate men and women are Documentary, Fitness, Special Interest tional TV, Science, Television 100min. flocking to the region in search of work with little more than 88min. the clothes on their backs or the cars they arrived in. The Warner Bros. 13.01.2015 great demand for housing has overwhelmed the community First Look 20.01.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125623 with many of those who have found employment without a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125556 place to live. Pastor Jay Reinke of Concordia Lutheran Church is under fire from the City Council, his community and Keep On Keepin’ On the local newspapers for his heartfelt desire to open the Girls Gone Wild: Sweet 18 Shot over the course of five years by first time filmmaker Al church’s doors to allow the „overnighters“ - as he calls them - Barely legal smokin’ hot college coeds fulfill their wildest Hicks, Keep On Keepin’ On depicts the remarkable story of to stay for a night, a week or sometimes even longer, sleeping fantasies in Sweet 18. Hannah, Shelby, Bianca and Erin know 93-year-old jazz legend Clark Terry. A living monument to the on the floor, in the pews and in their cars in the Church how to have fun in front of the camera and can’t wait to get Golden Era of Jazz, Terry-a mentor to Miles Davis-is among parking lot. When the town learns that Reinke is housing men your hearts racing in Girls Gone Wild: Sweet 18! the few performers ever to have played in both Count Basie’s with criminal records, and a mounting controversy peaks Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. and Duke Ellington’s bands. In the 1960’s, he broke the color within the pastor’s personal life, even his diehard quest for GGW 03.03.2015 barrier as the first African-American staff musician at NBC-on humanity can’t stop things from spiraling vastly out of control. The Tonight Show. Today, after a life spent working with and Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125647 teaching the most totemic figures in jazz history, Terry continues to attract and cultivate budding talents. Keep On Special Interest 90min. Keepin’ On highlights his friendship with the preternaturally Cinedigm 03.02.2015 Girls Gone Wild: Trim My Tree gifted Justin Kauflin, a blind, 23-year-old piano prodigy who 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125671 Olivia, Naomi, Candace and Madeline will jingle your bells suffers from debilitating stage fright. Not long after Kauflin is with their smoking hot bodies and girl-girl fun! These sexy invited to compete in an elite Jazz competition, Terry’s health sorority sisters are going to show you how naughty they can takes a turn for the worse. As the clock ticks, we see two Pleasures Of Being Out Of Step be with their new gifts in Girls Gone Wild: Trim My Tree! friends confront the toughest challenges of their lives. Nat Hentoff is one of the enduring voices of the last 65 years, Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Documentary, Jazz, Movies, Music, Special a writer who championed jazz as an art form and who also led GGW 03.03.2015 Interest min. the rise of ‘alternative’ journalism in America. This unique documentary wraps the themes of liberty, identity and free 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125648 Starz / Anchor Bay 13.01.2015 expression around a historical narrative that stretches from 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125496 the Great Depression to the Patriot Act. At the core of the film The Green Prince are three extraordinary, intimate conversations with Hentoff. Commentary and perspective are offered through additional Set against the chaotic backdrop of recent events in the Last Of Summer Wine: Vintage interviews with such luminaries as Amiri Baraka, Stanley Middle East, Nadav Schirman’s The Green Prince retraces 2003 Crouch, Floyd Abrams, Aryeh Neier and Dan Morgenstern. the details of a highly unprecedented partnership that Interwoven through it all is the sublime music of Duke developed between sworn enemies. In the style of a tense BBC, British, Comedy, Documentary, Ellington, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Charles Mingus and psychological thriller, this extraordinary documentary Foreign, International TV, Television, TV Bob Dylan, along with never-before-seen photographs and recounts the true story of the son of a Hamas leader who archival footage of these artists and other cultural figures at emerged as one of Israel’s prized informants, and the Shin Bet Movies 330min. the height of their powers. agent who risked his career to protect him. As a defiant Warner Bros. 03.02.2015 teenager growing up in Palestine, Mosab Hassan Yousef’s Documentary, Special Interest min. fervor against Israel was unquestionable, ultimately landing 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125578 First Run Features 06.01.2015 him in prison. Shaken by Hamas’s brutality within the prison’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125483 walls and a growing disgust for their methods, particularly My Winnipeg: The Criterion suicide bombing, he had an unexpected change of heart and began to see Hamas as more of a problem than a solution. Collection Slaughter Nick For President Recruited by the Shin Bet (Israel’s internal security agency) and given the code name „Green Prince,“ he spied on the Criterion Collection, Documentary, Drama Rob Stewart Hamas elite for over a decade, constantly risking exposure min. When an out-of-work actor discovers through Facebook that and certain death while grappling with the perception that he Criterion 20.01.2015 he’s been wildly famous in Serbia for almost two decades, he had betrayed his own family and people. Along the way, what sets out to discover why. Slaughter Nick For President started a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125663 examines how Rob Stewart became a symbol of freedom for non-violent Serbian protests through his role as Nick Documentary, Drama, Foreign, German, Slaughter on CBS’s Tropical Heat (aka Sweating Bullets). Special Interest, Thrillers 2014 101min. My Winnipeg: The Criterion Stewart’s Serbian visit, dubbed „Slaughtermania“ by the Music Box Films 20.01.2015 Collection (Blu-ray) national press, uncovers the surprising meaning behind the show’s popularity, the blurred distinction between an actor 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125551 Criterion Collection, Documentary, Drama and his character, and tells the inspiring story of the Serbian 102min. protesters. The Green Prince (Blu-ray) Criterion 20.01.2015 Documentary, Movies, Special Interest Set against the chaotic backdrop of recent events in the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125674 73min. Middle East, Nadav Schirman’s The Green Prince retraces Passion River 24.02.2015 the details of a highly unprecedented partnership that 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125642 developed between sworn enemies. In the style of a tense National Geographic: Eat - Story psychological thriller, this extraordinary documentary recounts the true story of the son of a Hamas leader who Of Food UFC 179 / 180 emerged as one of Israel’s prized informants, and the Shin Bet Documentary, Health, Special Interest agent who risked his career to protect him. As a defiant UFC 179: It’s a night of battles between Brazil and the United teenager growing up in Palestine, Mosab Hassan Yousef’s 240min. States when the Octagon sets down in Rio de Janeiro. fervor against Israel was unquestionable, ultimately landing Cinedigm 13.01.2015 Featherweight champion Jose Aldo headlines another him in prison. Shaken by Hamas’s brutality within the prison’s 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125424 hometown event as he once again must defend his title against walls and a growing disgust for their methods, particularly Chad Mendes, the wrestler-turned-finisher who has been on suicide bombing, he had an unexpected change of heart and a tear since his lone career loss to Aldo. Plus, light began to see Hamas as more of a problem than a solution. The Overnighters heavyweight Phil Davis fights in hostile territory, this time Recruited by the Shin Bet (Israel’s internal security agency) against former title contender Glover Teixeira in the co-main In the midst of the struggling economic climate of the United event. UFC 180: The UFC ventures to Mexico for the first and given the code name „Green Prince,“ he spied on the States, the oil business in small town Williston, North Dakota

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 65 Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) Dezember 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA time as heavyweight legends Fabricio Werdum and Mark Hunt Hogan have all won the and gone on to main battle for the interim UFC championship and the right to face event WrestleMania, who will be the ONE this year? sidelined titleholder Cain Velasquez. In the co-main event, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, Kelvin Gastelum, winner of The Ultimate Fighter season 17, puts his undefeated record on the line against perennial Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. WWE Home Video 24.02.2015 contender Jake Ellenberger. Plus, featherweights Ricardo Telefonische Lamas and Dennis Bermudez do battle to determine who stays 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125585 in the mix at the top of the stacked 145-pound division. Bestellannahme: Extreme Sports, Fighting, Mixed Martial Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Arts, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Televi- WWE: Royal Rumble 2015 (Blu- Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr sion, UFC, Wrestling & Fighting 450min. ray) Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Starz / Anchor Bay 03.02.2015 30 of WWE’s biggest and brightest superstars do combat in Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr an over the top rope Royal Rumble with the winner advancing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125633 to a main event match at WWE’s biggest event of the year - WrestleMania. Greats like The Rock, John Cena and Hulk Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Video Games: The Movie Hogan have all won the Royal Rumble and gone on to main und Feiertags (Baden- event WrestleMania, who will be the ONE this year? Württemberg) bleibt unser Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Chris WWE Home Video, Sports, Sports Verkauf geschlossen. Hardwick, Sean Astin, Wil Wheaton Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & From nerd niche to a multi-billion dollar industry, this is the story of video games from the minds of their greatest creators Fighting, WWE min. and super-players. Featuring your favorite industry, gamer WWE Home Video 24.02.2015 and geek icons including Zach Braff, Chris Hardwick and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125627 Sean Astin. Based On Video Game, Documentary, Special Interest, Television 2014 101min. WWE: Tables, Ladders & Chairs Starz / Anchor Bay 03.02.2015 2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125450 Special Interest, Sports, Sports Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis 2014 min. A unique insight into how ignorance, negligence, and WWE Home Video 13.01.2015 indifference in the US healthcare system led to the tragic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125493 death of a severely autistic Chicago teen, and a charge of Murder One for his mother and godmother. This unprecedented documentary captures the events that WWE: The Attitude Era Volume 2 precipitated the alleged murder of Alex Spourdalakis. Filmed in the months leading up to his death, the film shows what and (Blu-ray) who actually contributed to the tragic outcome. Mute and Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, Newsletter 10/14 (Nr. 345) afflicted with severe autism, Alex went from being a Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. handicapped but happy adolescent to a sleepless, violent ISSN 1610-2606 young man out of control. Gastrointestinal pain and WWE Home Video 04.11.2014 inflammation lay at the heart of his problem. Failing to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125613 Credits recognize this, successive doctors put him in locked Redaktion: restraints for over 70 days while, in spite of expert advice, they numbed his brain with dangerous psychotropic drugs. WWE: The Destruction Of The Wolfram Hannemann Helpless and beyond exhausted, overwhelmed by Alexs Design & Layout: suffering, his mother and Godmother plotted his death and Shield (Blu-ray) their own, unsuccessful, suicide. Follow a behind the scenes journey in the life of WWE’s Wolfram Hannemann Documentary, Television 2010 min. newest and most prolific trio - , on their road to Assistenz: SummerSlam. They were the most dominant faction inside the E1 Entertainment 13.01.2015 ring, taking the entire WWE by storm. Now, the Hounds of Beate Hannemann 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125405 justice have disbanded, and roads now lead to SummerSlam. Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Witness the journeys of the three superstars- Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns - from their humble Anna Rudschies Will For The Woods beginnings en route to the biggest event of the summer! The © (2014) by Documentary, Special Interest min. program will include even more exclusive content than originally aired on the WWE Network, along with hours of LASER HOTLINE First Run Features 06.01.2015 The Shield’s greatest matches. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125481 ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, nur in Verbindung mit einem Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. WWE: Fast Lane WWE Home Video 17.02.2015 „Persönlichen Import- A new hot WWE pay-per-view event. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125614 service“-Vertrag und be- Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, inhaltet den Warenpreis Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 180min. sowie alle anfallenden WWE Home Video 21.04.2015 Importkosten inkl. unserer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125644 Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und WWE: Road Is Jericho - Epic das doppelte D-Symbol Stories & Rare Matches From Y2J sind Warenzeichen der (Blu-ray) Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die Multi-faceted entertainer Chris Jericho is the lead singer of a rock & roll band, a writer, and above all else, a WWE legend. offizielle Informationsbro- This set includes several of Jericho’s greatest matches, with schüre für Kunden der Fir- reflections and insight from the man who lived them. Ride with Chris as he shares his favorite stories with the WWE Uni- ma LASER HOTLINE. verse while traveling across the country to wrestle, write, Alle in diesem Mailing ent- and sing. Documentary, Sports, Sports Entertainment, haltenen Angaben zu Pro- Television, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE dukten, die im Ausland ver- 540min. öffentlicht werden, stellen WWE Home Video 10.03.2015 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125646 sondern dienen nur zur Information. WWE: Royal Rumble 2015 LASER HOTLINE ist 30 of WWE’s biggest and brightest superstars do combat in an over the top rope Royal Rumble with the winner advancing autorisierter to a main event match at WWE’s biggest event of the year - Dolby Merchandise WrestleMania. Greats like The Rock, John Cena and Hulk Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66