Oh holy night sheet music soprano so

Continue Welcome to TNW Basics, a collection of tips, guides and tips on how easy it is to get most of your gadgets, apps and other things. From your weight to your money, there is a tracking app for everything now. Of course, they can make our lives more comfortable, and they give us a sense of control, but just the fact that they exist doesn't mean we should actually use them. In fact, some of them are simply abusing our laziness to collect personal information for commercial purposes. Previously, we've shown you how to track your stock portfolio and how to manage your personal budget with Google Sheets. Today we show you how to manage your (personal and/or professional) business with a simple to-do list created with... Wait for it ... Google sheets! At the bottom of this article we refer to a template based on the instructions we are going to give you. Prepare a sheet to create a new Google document sheets. Now add the following blanks to A1, B1 and C1: 'Due date', 'Task', 'Done?'. To make sure the title line is fixed and doesn't disappear no matter how long your to-do list becomes, select the entire front row by clicking on '1' on the left, go to the View, Freeze menu item, and select 1 line. Flags and conditional formatting We really only need two built-in Google sheet features to make this work. First, we need checkboxes to add a check mark to the tasks that have been completed. To add a box to the C2 box, select C2, and go to the Insert menu, and then check the box. When you click on the C2 box, the box is checked. Click again, and the check mark will disappear again. To make sure the entire C column is filled with flags, just select the C2, and drag the blue box into the bottom right corner of the cell all the way down. Now the flag itself doesn't have much use. Ideally, it is associated with a specific task, and both the task and the style of the flag should change depending on whether the window is checked or not. To do this, Google Sheets has an excellent feature called Conditional formatting. Let's use this first to make sure that the task will strikethrough when the flag next to it is marked, and thus completed. Select the entire B column by clicking on B on top of it. Now go to the menu item format and then conditional formatting. A sidebar tool appears. Click - Add another rule. Change the application to the range part to B2:B1000 to make sure the B1 header is not affected. Also, choose a custom formula under the format cells if.... In the field below it, fill out 'C2:C'TRUE'. Now, in Format style, choose black text, white as background color, click on the impact symbol and click on the Finish button. Now that the checkbox is being checked (TRUE), The task will be percussive. Otherwise (not verified, thus FALSE) it will not. Now, let's check the green sign so so a little clearer when the task is completed. Select Column C and go to the conditional formatting format, and add another rule again. Change the range to C2:C1000, add 'C2:C'TRUE' as a custom formula, choose the white background color and text color green of your choice. Click on Finish. Now the check mark will be green when choosing. Finally, let's make sure the box only appears and the tick can only turn green if the task is actually completed. Again, select Column C, Format, Conditional Formatting, and add another rule. Change the range to C2:C1000, add 'ISBLANK (B2:B as a custom formula, choose the white background color, and the text color is the lightest gray. Click on Finish. The template If all of this still sounds too overwhelming, feel free to check out the template we made and make a copy of the sheet (File zgt; Make a copy) to start using it yourself. Read next: So you've got Bitcoin 'masturbation vid' email - here's what to do GoogleGoogle sheetsTo-doSpreadsheetProductivity Welcome to TNW Basics, a collection of tips, guides and tips on how easy it is to get most of your gadgets, apps and other things. Google Translate is an amazing feat of technology that uses artificial intelligence to translate speech and text from your chosen language to another. In most cases, Google Translate's own interface built into Google search or translate.google.com enough to get some special stuff translated quickly. But in some cases, you want something more powerful and scalable to be able to translate in bulk. For example, there is a translation API for programmers. But what if you're less technical and still want to use Google Translate in a structured, more scalable environment? Again, as with this entire series of articles, Google Sheets comes to the rescue! The simple formula for translating something into Google Sheets is this: GOOGLETRANSLATE (A2, en, es) Here, the 'A2' part concerns a link to a cell containing the text you want to translate. You then add the original language - the language in which the source is written - using the language acronym. You then announce the target language - the language to which the source code should be translated - again using the acronym for that language. If you want to create translations in bulk, just add more text to the cells in column A, select the B2 cell and drag the blue box in the bottom right corner of the selected cell down. The formula will now apply to more lines. Read next: This app will help you get more from regular meetings while running remote GoogleGoogle TranslateInsightsGoogle TranslateGoogle sheets for Soprano lovers, it was very Year. Of course, it's been 12 years since the HBO series left, but news of the film's prequel in the works has guaranteed more action from New 'ealand. favorite fictional criminal family. That's a big positive. Watching the cast and crew gather for the show's 20th anniversary party also had to ignite fond memories. Seeing everyone from (Paulie Walnats) to (Big Pussy) and Dominique Chianer (Uncle Junior) in good health was a welcome sight. But there's still a wait to do until follow-up, Many Saints of Newark, arriving in theaters next year. Chances are you'll need at least a few shows to tide you off until then. With that in mind, we've put together a list of the best shows with The Sopranos quality you can stream now. They all have several seasons to enjoy, and some have new episodes coming in front of many Saints hits theaters. 1. Americans, or hide crime from the children of Americans FX In the first two seasons of The Sopranos, there is a lot of tension in the family as Meadow (Jamie-Lynn Sigler) and J.J. () learn about the family business. When Meadow buys a good friend's car (as payment for his father's gambling debt), he gets too close to home. This corner of the suburban family resonates very differently than scenes from, say, Goodfellas or The Godfather. In The Americans, a spy thriller that ran for six excellent seasons on FX, you'll find a similar strain. Instead of a mobster, mom and dad are Russian spies who kill when work requires them. As the children grow up and suspect that they do not have a normal suburban family, the plot thickens. Find this in full on Amazon Prime. 2. Barry, or opening goofballs among gangsters Bill Haider (Barry Berkman) and Anthony Carrigan (Noho Hank) in Barry HBO's The Sopranos is a crime drama, but there have been countless hilarious moments throughout the show's run. Whether it's Uncle June telling Livia even coffee is old in her nursing home or Paulie demanding his Tupperware back from Vito, David Chase and his writers delivered on comedy. If dark comedy with a violent background is your thing, HBO's Barry (starring Bill Ader) could be your lane. In this case, the supporting characters (including an upbeat Chechen mobster named Hank) keep the laughs coming. Fans of the soprano also return among the amateur actors Christopher Moltisanti () met in his screenwriter days. Barry Ader is a hitman who wants to become an actor. Sign up for Barry's second season starting March 31, or return and stream season one on HBO. 3. 'Get Shorty One,' a mafia tale with real wit and style by Ray Romano and Chris O'Dowd in Epix's 'Get Shorty' over the past few years, there's been one brilliant show lurking in sight: Epix's Get Shorty. Maybe it's because the series works on Epix, an MGM product that comes as a standalone app or as a additions to cable packages. However, when Netflix Netflix pre-season 1, which opened up gangster comedy for more exposure, and it deserves every bit it can get. As in John Travolta's film, the show tells the story of a mafia henchman who works their way into the movie business. But Get Shorty is taking it in a completely different direction - and wow, it works. Chris O'Dowd, who plays the role of Chile Palmer (Travolta), shines in this series, as does Ray Romano as a low-rent producer gullible enough to mingle with organized crime financiers. After two seasons (the second of which can be found on Epix), we'll get a third next year. It may be the best thing Sopranos fans can do with their time in 2019. 4. , another HBO crime show with the talent of Soprano and in season 3 of Boardwalk Empire ,EN HBO What made The Sopranos so great? Of course, acting and production design were decisive, but it all starts with writing. Chase and Terence Winter just knocked him out of the park. After that big run, Winter created Boardwalk Empire, which had a five-season stint (2010-14) on HBO. This time, the setup moved south to Atlantic City during the ban, but the win is almost as big. Starring Steve Buscemi, another Sopranos vet, in what was one of his most meaty roles. This show is considerably darker than the Sopranos (imagine that), but as a crime drama it's hard to find a series with a higher quality reel for reel. Michael C. Williams (The Wire), , (as ), Shea Wigham, and (as Arnold Rothstein) shine in that rock-solid cast. Check out the Cheat sheet on Facebook! Facebook! oh holy night sheet music soprano solo

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