PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., Aug. 9, House closer to big money vote 5 WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House amendments Tuesday but put over until and how legislation is brought to the floor weeks ago from Rep. Harold S. Sawyer, m ov^ a step closer to approving the Wednesday completion of their work on and what amendments may come up, R-Mich., a member of the House largest single piece of money legislation the bill seems certain to permit the $16.2 billion Assassinations Committee. '' Thei weather The measure is largest single piece of Ways and Means Committee version to be Sawyer could not be reached iin- ever consider^ by Congress, while the Gradually clearing and becoming less humid money legislation ever considered by voted on by the full House. mediately for comment. fate of several tax-cut proposals awaited this afternoon. Highs in the middle 80s, around 29 action by the House Rules Committee. Congress. The brother of confessed assassin In a related development, the The Rules Committee meets today to James Earl Ray told reporters during a assassinations committee, accused of C. Clear tonight with lows 55 to 60. Mostly sunny The House moved slowly Tuesday Friday but with some increase in cloudiness in the toward approval of |119.2 billion to arm,- decide the fate of several tax-cut visit to the Capitol Tqesday Ray has wiretapping and other illegal operations, proposals in the House, including a $16.2 turned down an offer of freedom if he will was denied any additional funding until it maitrhpBtpr lEiif iiitin Hrralft afternoon; highs in the low 80s. Chance of rain 20 pay and train the armed forces, rejecting billion cut approved by the Ways and simply confess he killed Mai'tin ^ th e r answers the charges and justifies* the t A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 percent today, near zero tonight and Friday. attempts to make across-the-board cuts of Outlook: Variable cloudiness Saturday. Chance of billions of dollars from the defense ap­ Means Committee and an $18.1 billion cut King and say how he did it. millions already spent this year. Home delivered copy 15 cents endorsed by the administration. Jerry Ray said the .offer came two showers Sunday and Monday. National weather propriations bill. Vol XCVII, No. 264 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, August 10, 1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents map; page 16. House members acted on several The committee, which determines when Incumbents favored in four primaries ✓ V Inside today By United Press InlemalionBl scheme. A primary victory in his Detroit — Busbee and Nunn each had took a narrow lead over former GOP state district is tantamount to election. five opponents but both won -Chairman Vernon F. Ravenscroft early Food prices drop Georgia Democrats voted for Sen. Sam ^ssouri voters proved overwhelmingly overwhelmingly in a state where the today in a see-saw race for the right to op­ Manchester Nunn and Gov. George Busbee and against Democratic nc^nation is tantamount to pose Evans. Former state Rep. C.L. Betty Talmadge, Michigan Republicans that tax revolt fever is rampant in the state when 88 percent voted to reject a election. "Butch” Otter trailed several thousand Mary LeDuc and John Sullivan renominated popular Sen. Robert Griffin Mrs. Talmadge polled only 18 percent of votes behind, with three other candidates are named to head the campaign and Missouri voted resoundingly to join referendum to increase the state gasoline tax. The money was to go to help repair the vote in the House race. State Sen. far behind. in Manchester for Ella Grasso. the tax revolt. state highways. Virginia Shapard finished first with 45 Missouri — The state’s 10 incumbent See page 2. first time in year Mrs. Talmadge, involved in a messy There were races for the Senate and percent and will be in the runoff with state congressmen all .were renominated—four Water samples show high divorce with Sen. , ' governor in Georgia, Michigan and Idaho, Sen. Peter Banks who received 26 percent. of them had no oppositloon. counts of bacteria but town of­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - $100 in 1967 were priced at $195.90 in higher than June's 0.6 percent climb finished third in a race for the House seat while those three states and Missouri also Two other candidates trailed. ficials foresee no problem like the Wholesale prices rose 0.5 per­ July. and equal to the May level. v acat^ by the retirement of Rep. John President Carter and his economic nominated House candidates. McDonald, a national officer of the John Drownings probed one last year when some residents cent in July, but food costs Prices for meat, poultry and fish On Pentagon tour Flynt, the Democrat who led the House Birch Society, finished narrowly ahead of had to boil water for drinking. See advisers have been waging a cam­ Here are the results. BERLIN (UPI) — Berlin police are stili dropped for the first time in dropped 0.5 percent last month. probe of Korean bribery. Fostei' in the primary vote, and was page 2. paign to convince business and labor Gen. David Jones (left), chairman of the Voters in primary elections in (Jeorgia, Afficbigan — Republican Gov. William investigating the drowning deaths of two almost a year, the government to hold down their price and wage in­ Other declines came for milled rice Milliken was unopposed and Griffin polled forced into a runoff when two other con­ Joint Chiefs of Staff, chats with Gen. Omar Michigan, Idaho and Missouri were men whose boat capsized on Silver Lake creases this year as one method for and vegetable oil end products. more than 80 percent of the vote to defeat tenders blocked either from getting a East Hartford reported today. Roasted coffee prices also fell. Bradley, America’s only living five-star generally kind to incumbents. The only clear majority. Last year McDonald, a Monday. i The half percent rise in overall combatting inflation. Oakland County Prosecutor Brooks Dr. Sterling Taylor, assistant medical The town's Head Start program On the other hand, fresh and dried general, during tour of new Joint Chiefs of exception was arch conservative Rep. doctor, was ordered to pay $15,000 to the wholesale prices equalled the The program has been given mixed Larry McDonald, who was forced into an Patterson. examiner for New Haven County, Tuesday may be in jeopardy because of fruits and vegetable prices Staff Corridor at the Pentagon. Bradley, now On the Democratic side Carl Levin, family of a cancer patient who bad died smallest monthly rise of 1978. The reviews so far as some organizations Aug. 29 Democratic runoff after finishing ruled out foul play in the deaths of Arthur proposed cutbacks in federal have cooperated while others have accelerated as did bread, flour, base 85, was the first chairman of the Joint Chiefs former Detroit City Council chairman after being treated with Laetrile. improvement in prices of wholesale almost dead even with millionaire carpet R. McLaughlin, 68, of Berlin, and funds. See page 6. virtually ignored administration mixes and doughs, and processed of Staff. (UPI photo) won the six-nMn contest to face Griffin, Idaho — Sen. James McClure faced no The Board of Education votes to goods — those ready for sale to con­ magnate Smith Foster. Mansfield oidlins, 64, of Meriden. sumer outlets — was attributed en­ pleas. fruits and vegetables. with newspaper millionaire Phil Power opposition as was the case with his retain a career education Rep. Charles Diggs, D-Mich., won But police say they still want to knovt tirely to a 0,3 percent decline in food, The prices of wholesale goods Gasoline prices declined by 1.1 per­ finishing second. In the four-candidate Democratic challenger in the fall, jour­ specialist who had been told he renomination to a ISth term by a why the boat c a p sid . The men were the first dip in that important other than food rose 0.8 percent, cent last month. Democratic race for governor, state Sen. nalist Dwight Jensen. fishing at the time of the accident and had would be transferred. See page 6. Man burns to death landslide, despite the fact he is under in­ Democratic Gov. John Evans was unop­ category since an 0.1 percent drop in William Fitzgerald won easily. no life preservers in the boat. dictment for 35 counts of misuse of posed. House Speaker Allan F. Larsen September 197-7. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) — An unidentified man was government funds in a payroll kickback Connecticut burned to death early today after he was apparently The administration had been chained to a fence and set afire, authorities said. Bishop Peter A. Rosazza admits predicting that food prices would Grasso defends Police said they were called after a man was heard his hours are longer but says taper off this summer, particularly ONE OF THE STOP 4 SHOP COMPANIES screaming in Dexter Park near the Cranston Street Ar­ UnwutoHy heovy denrond* tnoy tequtn jarishioners still call him Padre for meat, after rising at an annual OUT ietitng reoionoble limtHon rate of 17 percent during the first half mory. Authorities doubted it was a suicide because no gas item ! m ioitne»»io dh cuvum erv Pedro the way they did when he can. was found in the vicinity. was a priest at the Sacred Heart of the year. heat on Leonard The badly charred body was turned over to the state Church. See page 6. July's 0.5 percent overall increase medical examiner for an autopsy and identification. A coalition of groups, angry equalled March’s upswing and was HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. with the public, the department and MediO somewhat less than the average 0.8 Grasso said today State Police Com­ her office “were always concerned because Connecticut’s air is ODIN 7 DAYS polluted by neighboring states,, percent monthly gain registered missioner EMward P. Leonard is a that the rights of everyone were A u rilK files suit against New York, New between January and June. veteran officer who should have protected.” OPIN EV H Y NIGHT expected pressures but she denied The governor said Leonard, “At no IfIETCHER GIASS CO. (Sunday til 6/ Jersey amd federal officials. See However, some private economists Marbu page 8. had predicted an even larger drop any political interference with his time ever disclosed his displeasure Ow 35 fton pt tMpprmcp PRESCRIPTION DRUGSTORES than actually occurred. department. with me,” but she said L^nard’s The nation In an additional bit of encouraging The governor told a news con- decision “came as no surprise.” COMPLETE AUTO CUSS SERVICE news, wholesale prices for crude ference“by its very nature” the of­ The title of state police com­ MNDOW OUU .MimOM-GUSS n m iTM l TOPI The Rules Committee clears missioner will be abolished Jan. 1 PtOUK rRAMlM-nitmACf I DOM IMfWOM goods — those just starting to work fice of state police commissioner TOD UtClOSUKS-SPCCUL DOM the tax cut bill and four proposed their way through the processing “gets a good deal of heat” but she when the agency becomes part of the amendments for House action Corn borer damage system — declined 0.6 percent and said Leonard “has been in the depart­ Department of Public Safety under a today. See page 9. crude food products plunged by 2.5 ment many years and I believe he un­ state reorganization plan. New York City's three major derstood and appreciated that.” During his three-year tenure, rv*nt Dr. John Guthrie examines holes in corn plant at U.S. percent, the best performance since niviMMTui MCANnn daily newspapers are shut down Department of Agriculture test plots, showing damage last August, the Labor Department Leonard announced Tuesday that Leonard has come under fire for his HUWl ItnOOUCTlOM by a pressmen's strike. See page produced by corn borers after being hatched in the plants. If said. he was resigning Aug. 25 after 25 handling of the reinvestigation of the I. 5. the insect lays its eggs in great enough numbers and the The department said its Producer years with the department. In his an- Peter A. Reilly case and alleged Price Index for finished consumer nouncment Leonard said he had been failure to pursue reports of police P LA STIC S IN STOCK The world resistance of the corn is low, entire crops can be destroyed. 3 / ir X 1/4" goods — the formal nsme for bothered by health problems and “a and city corruption in Stamford. STOCK SHEETS OR .CUT SIZES Thousands upon thousands pass The USDA is working at the Ames, Iowa, facility to control wholesale prices — stood at 195.9 last main reason for my leaving is to take Mrs. Grasso, who appointed Low Prices the body of Pope Paul VI at St. corn borers. (UPI photo) month. That means goods that cost the State Police Department out of Leonard in 1975, named Lt. Col. Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican the political arena and let the state Donald Long to seve as acting com­ for everyone announces that a conclave to police do their job.” missioner when Leonard leaves. choose his successor will open Wednesday, some .high-ranking of owr low‘prices, is your preicription. We've listed Mrs. Grasso said the com­ Our lew prices ore for everyone, every doy, without Aug. 25. See page 9. istate police officers said political in­ hoving to show o senior ciNren cord or slmilor gim­ a few examples below. For other prices coll your missioner of public safety and the mick. All you neod at Medi Mart to toke odvontoge nearest h ^ i Mort Drugstore. " I t’s not true," Christina says Peck terference from Mrs. Grasso’s office Zinsser commanding officer of the state Onassis said in Athens. ‘T m com­ was the real reason. (Story on page police could very well be the same Right Guard 5-Ounc* Brand Noma Prascriplion Drugs Qty. Low Price "I LOST 56 ing back" to Moscow and her hus­ 6) person. DEODORANT DALMa MI i s mg. CAPS (Flurazepam) lOO's 8 .V 9 band of nine days. See page 14. Mrs. Grasso said any contacts Mrs. Grasso has asked the State Our Salt Prka K-LYTI POWDERS 30'i * .9 9 between her office and the depart­ Police Civilian Advisory Council, POUNDS AT One of America's ^ LASIX 40 mg. TABS (Furosemide) 100's 7 .9 9 In sports should quit positiou ment were conducted in the usual best selling LIOIX CREAM IS gm. (Fluocinonide) S .1 9 govermental process. She said headed by attorney Paul McQuillan, .deodorants. LOMOTIL TABS 100's 1 1 .4 9 The state gaming commission^ primary Sept. 12. Peck already has He wrote to the secretary of state’s because of its very close dealings to conduct a search for candidates. 100's S .8 9 accepts the Rooney family By GREG PEARSON GLORIA ORINASE O.S gm. TABS (Tolbutamida) Herald Reporter started petitioning for the primary. office when he first considered run­ 4oz. 3 .3 9 application for a dog track in f r PHENEROAN EXPECT. WITH CODEINE Zinsser said that he has criticized ning and received a response in June. QUINAOLUTE DURATABS (Quinidine) 100's 3 4 .1 9 Watertown. See page 12. A member of the Manchester Tile office sent a copy of a 1960 opi­ 100's 7 .9 7 Theodore Cummings in the past QUmiDINE 300 mg. TABS Billy Martin finally admits that Board of Directors said today that nion requested when a person in STEVENS! 100's 8 .7 9 because Cummings is Democratic Chief prosecutor SERAPESTABS Reggie Jackson did play a role in Fred Peck should not continue as 100's 8 .1 9 town chairman and the present state Tolland held four positions at the VALIUM S mg. TABS (Diazepam) his decision to resign as New Republican registrar of voters if he representative from the 12th same time — state representative, ZYLOPRIM 300 mg. TABS (Allopurinol) 100‘s I8 .A 9 York Yankees manager. See page "I have loEt 56 pounds seeks a state representative’s posi­ District. (Cummings will meet the registrar of voters. Republican town Itiel event, you have our ossurence ibat we will hold that Owenlities U it* d Less Then Above Priced SHe^l^V Higher. II. tion. price ogeinit eny further increases lor of least tour weeks. In winner of the Joyner-Peck primary chairman and school enumerator for and 56% inches at Gloria Owr reduced price •« ell prescription items we carry hove been quits state post oddilion, we will provide you with one reWI on ony Modi Mort in oHect since April 26. 1471'. Prom lim e to time, it moy be Peck has receive an opinion from the Board of Education. Stevens Figure Salon. In proscriptiort of owr tormor price. in the November election.) neceeeery ier wt Ip ed|utt seme el our proKriptien prices. In Index the secretary of state’s office that The opinion ruled that one in­ just one year, I have says he can hold both positions. "I find it difficult for someone who HARTFORD (UPI) - Connec­ John Speziale who said he “strongly Area towns ...... 7 dividual could hold all four posts. ticut’s first chief state’s attorney, disapproved” of the decision ^ly achieved something I Classified...... 15, 16, 17, 18 Carl Zinsser, a Republican espouses the Democratic Party “Since there is no apparent provi­ thought I could never Joseph T. Gormley Jr., today (former) Chief Justice Charles S. Suov« 16-Ounc« Comics...... 19 member of the Board of Directors, philosophy to supposedly represent sion for the incompatibility of the of­ Republicans and independents," resigned, saying he will return to House to appoint Gormely to a se­ reach - 1 1 8 pounds. Bondwara 9" East Hartford...... 6 said that he is not questioning the fices or positions described, it must ... and bargciins on lots of things SHAMP(X) legality of Peck holding both jobs. Zinsser said of Cummings’ dual private practice. • cond four-year term. "I highly recommend Elditorial ...... 4 follow that they may be held by one Gov. Ella T. Grasso recommended PAPER PLATES SAlt PRICE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 12,1978 Our Sale Prke He, however, feels that it is not positions. Likewise, he feels the Gormley, 45, was the state’s at­ Gloria Stevens. With Strawberry, Elntertainment ...... 14 person,” the 1960 opinion said. that because of the disagreement Our rtg. 1.09 proper for one person to hold two same problem would result if Peck torney for Fairfield County in 1973 their help, I have become balsom, or Fam ily...... 3 between House and Speziale the lOO-ct. Grease 71ANACANE TUMS EXCEORIN L apricot. such political seats. served both as registrar of voters and Peck, if he should beat Joyner in when he was named chief state’s at­ a new me and feel great." DURO Gardening ...... 14 Legislature should revise the ap­ resistant white 'CM M E ANTACID ANALGESK Zinsser is a backer of Walter state representative. the Sept. 12 primary, plans to run un­ torney. He said he would leave the paper plates. SUPER-GLUE Manchester...... 2, 5, 10 pointment process.. MBMCATION „ , TAIIETS TABLETS Obituaries ...... 10 Joyner, the party-endorsed candidate Peck, however, feels that both jobs der the position that he can hold both $33,000-a-year position effective Oct. 9 9 c for the 12th Assernbly District seat. can be done by one person. He said jobs. Gormley and the state police had REVLON Sports...... 11, 12. 13 15. been criticized by a grand jury for l e l 7 |Sr|le27 1 . 2 9 Peck was defeated by Joyner at an that both are part-time positions, and “If I find that I can’t adequately Our sale ^rice Ourreg. 1.69 exceeding their authority in the Oursakprk* *^[1] Our sale price 3 gm. Lleor, per­ he feels that he can handle the fill both jobs, I’ll consider giving up His re-appointment in 1977 was S a v e o n 100r$2S } Our Gale p^ce CHEEKCOLOR watched indicator had been ahead By linilfd I'd 'hh Inlrrnulional comet visited Earth, several large Assorted size The 15-oz. oil free 9-oz. "The natural 48-ct. The choc­ cleon rinse or the olated laxative. 11 points to 900 early Wednesday, Chicken Little will be nobody's fool fragments may have fallen from its UNLIMITED VISITS! strips with non­ woy to spray." but profit taking eroded the gain. stick pods. 16-oz. creme rinse. 1 .8 9 this weekend. He can proclaim the dwindling nucleus — fragments One introductory otter per person. sky is falling and this time he’ll have which, lacking the energy to travel as CRACKER Our sale Price Briefly COVERGffiL Goes on tike a ... witnesses as up to 50 incandescent far from the sun as the main mass, Fun Exercise Plan JACK I6AROAVEGA G-TTS ^ ORA-FIX NAIL- creom ond is light WASHINGTON (UPI) -T he chunks of cosmic debris an hour are may have returned early. They are Diets Compiled Exclusively by Our Dietitian 3PAK C IG ARS- conoN DENTURE os o powderl expected to cut fiery trails through the ones that blaze as spectacular SWABS Is ADHESIVE SLKKS Environmental Protection Agen­ No Disrobing * Individual Programming 3 99< TWO PACKS cy, trying to reduce the in­ the earth’s atmosphere. , fireballs and sometimes survive IPhysician Inquiries Invited About Our M ED Method I FOR 0 F4 flationary impact of its The celestial fireworks display is their flaming trip through the at­ 7 9 * DOUBLE BONUS OFFER: Our rag. 49c 9 9 « 1 f 1.13 regulations, today was ready to an annual event, staged every time mosphere to crash on Earth as A prize inside 1 . 7 9 Oursal«pric« U , Our sale price 1 Our Sole Price announce plans to relax water the earth’s orbit passes through a meteorites. every box ^ i Ourreg. 4(X)*ct. Double Hli 2.75-oz. For the ) Assorted colors. space-drifting junkyard that once ■ Conditioning pollution standards and,save in­ ACKqice of English tiooed safety IB; seal of confidence. For purists, Franklin explained nail color. dustries an estimated $200 traveled in the nucleus of a comet. Corona or Spanish swobs. cosmic rocks or metallic masses are MINUTE M AB Corona tho| I^Ofl million. Sources said the eased But this year, astronomers at New LEMONADE standards would apply only to York City’s Hayden Planetarium say meteoroids while drifting in space. InuUiM;; film the Friday through Saturday show — They, become meteors when the at­ CRYSTALS COLORBURST non-toxic pollution. CALDESENE RIVAL SlkOT. processing JERUSALEM (UPI) -P rim e in the vicinity of the northeastern mosphere sets them afire, and I CAMERA 1 . 4 7 iMEDKAIED CROCKPOT Minister Menachem Begin said constellation Perseus — may carry a meteorites if they last long enough to America's fastest growing system of franchisad BY KODAK Any roll of llO o r 126 Kodak, special double bill, featuring impact. Ourreg. 1.99 POWDER I GAF, Fuji-color film brought to today Israel will do “anything figure saloro exclusively for women 30.7-oz. Made Medi Mart with coupon tnrv possible" to reach agreement fireballs such as the one that blew up It is just such a meteorite for from real lemon which other astronomers are 7 7 * ■ Aug. 1 9 .1978tob#devoloped with Egypt an next month's peace Aug. 2 over Wyoming. juice. 2 9 .9 9 onoKI printed In our lob. searching in Wyoming. I Our Sale Price Our reg. 37.99 summit called by President “Now fireballs — very bright I 2-oz. Medicated Our reg. 12.99 A Kodak instant MEDI MART COUPON Carter. meteors — are not common in the North American Air Defense Com­ A I povyder helps Stay*cool hondles. feet, ond . print comerg. Perseid shower," said Hayden NABISCO ENFIELD (UPI) —An Enfield mand sensors picked up the explosion Putnam Bridge Plaza Broad St. Post Rd. Plaza * chafing ond 3.position switch. Model #3100. Model #A100 astronomer Dr. K.L. Franklin. 12-OUNa dioperrash. policeman escaped injury today of a fireball somewhere over E. Hartford Manchester, Ct. Rte. 30 Vernon "Perhaps they are harbingers of the Preparing for balloon flight 871-2660 N U A WAFERS Plus FREE FILM after a local man he was arresting southeastern Wyoming on Aug. 2. 569-3522 647 9906 return of comet Swift-Tuttle, the Included with finished prints pulled the officer’s gun from its Scientists Wednesday pinpointed the CHARTER OAK MALL will be a coupon for o pREE origin of this shower. It was here last Anderson checks a high altitude oxygen 5 7 * holster, fired a shot in the suspected impact point in the vicinity Balloonists Ben Abruzzo (left) and Max ROl^ofourreg. $1.09 Fuji- in 1862 and is due about 1982, but this of Pine Bluffs and officials of the Ourreg. 79c 940 SILVER LAKE, EAST HARTFORD color 110 or 1^6 print film. policeman's direction, and fled on Anderson (right) check their equipment as mask. They plan to take off Friday with a Thin, crisp, fresh 12 exposures. foot. The man was apprehended a is a bit uncertain. It could be a year Denver Museum of Natural History they prepare for their second trans-Atlantic new crew member, Larry Newman, a hang vanillo fiovored TEL. 8119-4120 or two either way.” were in the field today in an effort to Hours Mon. thru FrI. 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 3 ^4*l wofen. short time later. glider expert. (UPI photos) Franklin said the last time the find it. balloon attempt. Abruzzo coils a drag line and P*P.R TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. T hurs^JlugJO Jj^ MANCHESTER EVENING ^ A L D , Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10,1978- PAGE THREE BIrthe Munro Park garden wins LeDuc, Sullivan head Engaged i Sieverts, Michael Joseph and His paternal grandparents are Mr. Pelletier, Allen Joseph Jr., son of town race for Ella Grasso Joseph Michael, twin sons of Peter and Mrs. Leonard Gillon of 214 Bab- Allen J. Sr. and Brenda Lee Amcr cock Hill Road, Coventry. His pater- Pelletier of 12 Pillsbury Hill St., Ver­ Chamber's beauty award of Manchester citizens who feel she M. and Roxanne Knight Sieverts of Mandiester’s two representatives Grasso’s campaign headquarters in nal great-grandparents are Dr. Adah non. He was bom Aug. 4 at Rockville deserves another term in office.” 34B Merrow Road, Coventry. They and Beautification Committee with on the Democratic State Central Manchester will open soon. Eccleston of Coventry'and Mr. and General Hospital. His maternal The Manchester Perennial The award was presented The committee also selected the were bom Aug. 3 at Manchester Mrs. Mary Ann Satryb and Mrs. Jane Committee will head Gov. Ella "One of our major goals is to make Mrs. Edmund Gillon of Pittsfield, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Planters Garden Cluh has been Wednesday in front of the garden following positions; treasurer, at­ Memorial Hospital. Their maternal Swan, co-chairmen of the club’s gar­ Grasso’s campaign in town for the the voter aware of the governor’s grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mass. Ernest N. Amer of Keene, N.H. His named the recipient of the 1978 City arrangement that won the club the torney Kevin O’Brien; finance direc­ Sept. 12 primary. solid record and generate a good Wesley Purks of 283 Gilead St., ------paternal grandparents are Mr. and Beautification Award, given by the honor. Mrs. Bonnie Undland, presi­ den committee. tor, Nicholas Jackston; publicity The highly visible garden in Munro Mary LeDuc of 162K Homestead voter turnout for the primary,” Mrs. N orhut, C h ristin e P a tric ia , Mrs. Carmel Pelletier of 20 Laura Environment and Beautification dent of the club, accepted the cer­ chairmen, attorney Richard Dyer Hebron. Their paternal grandmother Park at the intersection of Porter St. and John Sullivan of 89 Finley St. LeDuc said. daughter of Richard F. and Mary Drive, Hebron. Committee of the Greater tificate from Joseph Hachey, chair­ and Barbara Weinberg, state .direc­ is Mrs. Malvina Sieverts of 68 West and East Center streets, was the were elected to head the Manchester Sullivan said of Mrs. Grasso, “We Ann Cowart Norhut of 37 Tolland Manchester Chamber of Commerce. man of the chamber’s Environment tor of the Friendship Force and a re­ St. Their rnaternal great- work of the club members. It Committee to Re-Elect Governor think she’s been good for Manchester grandmoteers’tire Arlie Thompson of Ave., Rockville. She was bom Aug. 1 Golf near Taipei cent candidate for the Democratic at Rockville General Hospital. Her features an array of flowers in Grasso at a meeting of the com­ and good for Connecticut, and our Naples, Maine, and Mrs. Wesley E. TAIPEI, Taiwan (UPI) - Toij^sts nomination for secretary of state. maternal grandparents are Mr. arid various shades of pink and has been a mittee Wednesday night. committee is comprised of a number I^rks of Richmond, Va. on golfing vacations have four pleasant sight for those driving in Mrs. LeDuc represents the ’Third Mrs. Charles Cowart of 84 Grove St., choices of 18-hole country clubs Senatorial .District and Sullivan Rockville. Her paternal grand­ courses only a Short drive from that area. Aides named , for Sarasin Jamie Lee, son of James S. The garden has a border of pale represents the Fourth Senatorial Lt. Gov. Robert Killian, whoever, Gillon, parents are Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Nor- downtown hotels. Richard Weinstein and Karin and June Becker Gillon of 25 pink alyssum followed by rows of District on the State Central Com­ wins the Democratic primary for) but of New Britain. Her maternal Guests need a sponsor and fees on Von Deck have been named Lawrence St. He was bom Aug. 1 at pink begonias, petunias, zinnias and mittee. governor. The engagement of Miss Rosemary great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. weekdays range from $15 to $20. On Manchester election coordinators Rockville General Hospital. His. cleome. Mrs. Grasso is being challenged by for U.S. Rep. Ronald Sarasin’s Mrs. Von Deck lives at 2S Ellen; Chadwick of Manchester to Thomas B. M. Cowart of , Ga. She has weekends, the amount goes up to $21 Tlie Perennial Planters Club was Lt. Gov. Robert Killian in the Sept. 12 Lane. Weinstein lives at 24> I. Clarke of Windsor has been an­ maternal grandparents are Mr. and three brothers, Richard W., Jonathan to $26. Courses are all Around 7,000 campaign for governor. Mrs. Ernest Becker of Glastonbury. R. and Alexander C. ' organized in 1960 and has as its goal prinoary. 'The winner of the primary Sarasin is the Republican can­ McDivitt Drive and ran un-. nounced by her parents, Mr. and yards. the stimulation of interest in hor­ will be the Democratic Party’s can­ didate for governor. He will run successfully last year for the' Mrs. Kenneth W. Chadwick Sr. of 688 ticulture and the protection and didate for governor. against either (3ov. Ella Grasso or Town Board of Directors. ; Center St. PARK H IU JdYCE beautification of the environment. Mrs. LeDuc said that Mrs. The engagement of Miss plane Mr. Clarke is the son of Mr. and Jeanne Johnson to Gregory L. M enus FLOWER SHOP Throughout the years the club The engagement of Miss Vivip Mrs. Charles R. Clarke Sr. of Woodruff, bote of Manchester, has Philadelphia, Pa. and Stone Harbor, members have demonstrated, Rose Remillard to William I. Boorie, been announced by her parents, Mr. N.J. cheese garnish, three-bean through example, that a well- bote of Manchester, has been an­ Elderly salad, pineapple cream SPECIAL organized group of concerned, local Voters can’t shift parties and Mrs. Arthur L. Johnson of 52 The bridMlect graduated from nounced by her parents, Mr. and Menus which will be pudding, roll, margarine, residents can have a positive affect Constance Drive. East Catholic High School and OF THE WEEK Mrs. Jean A. Remillard of Mr. Woodruff is the son of Mr. and served Aug. 14-18 a t skim milk, coffee or tea. on the appearance and attitude of the Torrington.. ' received a bachelor of arts degree in Mayfair and Westhill Mrs. Fredrick Hockla of Stafford economics from Stonehill College in Friday: Oven-baked community. and vote in primary election Gardens to Manchester flounder in lemon sauce, Carnations Springs. Norte Easton, Mass. She received a I Perennial Planter projects include Mr. Boone is the son of Mrs. Esther residents over 60 are as boiled potato in jacket, year-round horal arrangements at The bride-elect attended Drew m aster’s degree in business ad­ ty’s primaries, the registrars of The winner of the prinuuy will be A. Boone of Old Saybrook. follows; buttered spinach, This garden, planted in Munroe Park on E. Center Street, won the Whiton Library, plantings and A member of either the University for two years and ministration from Univereity voters office said. the party’s candidate for governor. Monday: Hot turkey chocolate cake, whole Doxen Chamber of Commerce City Beautification Award for the Perennial maintenance of local biis stops, Democratic or Republican Parties ' The bride-elect graduated from tee graduated from the Computer and is employed as a securities Planters Garden aub. The garden is of varying shades of pii* and con­ will hot be able to switch party af­ There will be four voter-making There also will be a primary that Programming Institute in 1977 and is analyst at The Travelers Insurance sandwich ala king, mixed wheat bread, margarine, •2.69 donations of memorial trees through University of Connecticut School of (CASH ami CARRY) sessions in Manchester before the day for the Republican candidate iir employed as a computer vegetables buttered, skim milk, coffee or tea. tains, alyssum, begonias, petunias, zinnias and cleome. (Herald photo by the chamber’s Memorial Tree filiation now in time to vote in the Nursing. She is employed as a Co. PLOWfM Rfftf ABMHQtUeMT$ POA e¥tHY OCGABIOM... Aug. 29 deadline. the 12th Assembly District. Fred programmer at Connecticut Mutual creamy coleslaw, canned The menu is subject to Richmond) Program, and the recently com­ other party’s Sept. 12 primary. registered nurse at Mt. Sinai Her fiance, also a graduate of 36 O A K ST., MANCHESTER Tfl. 649-0791 or 649-1443 FREE The Herald incorrectly said The sessions will be held at the Peck and Walter Joyner will be the' Insurance Co. in Hartford. sliced peaches, oatmeal change. pleted restoration of the intersection Hbspital in Hartford. Stonehill College with a bachelor of PARKING • FRANK C AKELER. Prou. Tuesday that a voter may switch par­ Savings Bank of Manchester opponents in that primary. The 12th Her fiance, a 1974 graduate of Cen­ cookie, bread, margarine, of South Main and Line streets. science degree in biology; is Hart­ cranberry sauce, skim ty affliation until Aug. 29. Thursdays, Aug. 17 and 24, 6-8 p.m., District Includes four voting districts Jler fiance served in tee U.S. Air tral Connecticut State College, is Beyond its creativity and initial ford area pharmaceutical represen­ milk, coffee or tea. The Aug. 29 deadline applies only and Saturdays, Aug. 19 and 26, 10 in Manchester—two, five, seven and Force and is a member of tee Hart­ employed by tee State of Connec­ tative for Hoffmann-LaRoche of hard work, the Perennjpl Planters’ 10 Tuesday: Savory Chinese emphasis on maintenance and con­ to unaffiUated voters who wish to a.m.-l p.m. . ford Police Department. ticut, Department of Correction. Nutley, N.J. The registrars of voters office also All registered Democrats will be' beef over steamed rice, tinuing care are factors that led to join either the Democratic or The couple is planning a Sept. 23 The couple is planning a Sept. 30 will be open Monday through Friday eligible to vote in the gubernatorial The couple is planning a Sept. 16 canned peas, mixed green SPECIAL COURSES IN EOUCATION the club’s selection for the City Republican Parties or to persons who wedding at South United Methodist wedding at the Church of the from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. primary. Registered Republicans wedding at tee Community Baptist salad with french dressing, Beautification Award, its second are not now registered voters but Church in Manchester. (Village Assumption in Manchester. (Naylor A statewide Democratic primary who live in the 12th District will be Church in Manchester. (Nassiff fruited tropicana pudding, OFFEREO THIS FALt BY THE UNIVERSITY such distinction in five years, want to be sworn in in time to vote in photo) photo) between Gov. Ella Grasso and Lt. eligible to vote in that primary. photo) whole wheat bread, chamber officials said. the Sept. 12 primaries. Gov. Robert Killian will be held Sept. margarine, skim milk, OF CONNEGTICUTI By presenting the beautification Anyone switching parties has to wait six months to vote in that par­ 12 . coffee or tea. award, the chamber seeks to draw Wednesday: Baked N^w Haven is second city These courses are being offered at the Storrs Cam pus of The University of Connec­ attention to local businesses and meatloaf with gravy, groups that have improved the whipped potatoes, ticut; appearance and quality of life in seasoned green beans with Semlnar:Confllct Resolution (EDAD 384-92) Manchester. Changes in CETA deficit to sponsor Friendship flight tomatoes, chilled apricot Public School Finance (EDAD 395-90) The award is presented to those assigned but the ambassadors will halves, cornbread, Collective Bargaining In Education (EDAD 406-90) who have demonstrated outstanding vironment for establishing personal Education of the Handicapped (EPSY 306-90) - New Haven has been designated as simply sign up for tee program and margarine, skim milk, efforts in the areas of architecture, friendships between citizens of the Curriculum Laboratory: Curriculum Development for Moderately Retarded Pupils the second city in Connecticut to will later be informed of their coffee or tea. landscaping, lighting, and will affect town’s plan and citizens of pteer Thursday: Vegetable EPSY 326-90) , sponsor a Friendship Force cleanliness. While initial appearance destination. Behavior Modlflcation (EPSY 358-90) The town’s CEITA positons will be ekehange, according to Barbara countries.” The cost -for the traveling am­ soup, chicken salad on is important, the award is generally was Ralph Hylton, assUtant city In its first yearJ the national Workshop - Teaching Mathematlce to Talented Children (EDEL 311-90) By JUNE '^^MPKINS terminated Sept. 30 unless Congress Weinberg of Manchester, state direc­ bassador on Friendship Force Trips shredded lettuce, julienne reserved for those who demonstrate manager of Hartford and represen­ organization has hawexchanges with Teaching The Language Arts (EDEL 463-90) Herald Reporter makes funding available for con­ tor of tee Friendship Force. The Organization and Use of Instructional Television (EDFC 379-90) an ongoing preservation of aesthetic tative of tee Connecticut Manpower is now $300. This low cost is made tinuation of the program in tee new dates of tee trip will be Oct. 7-17. England, Ireland,/Denmark, Ger­ Production of Instructional Media (EDFC 419-90) appeal, chamber officials said. Manchester will have to revise a office which administers the CETA possible through gifts to tee inter­ fiscal year. Mrs. Weinbeiig also announced tee many, Italy, IsrM , and Korea, national headquarters from in­ BICYCLES Adult Education (EHTA 308-90) The City Beautification Award is a plan somewhat to meet an estimated program in tee state. ^ ^ e Friendship Force grew out of a Rnnnip Undland, left, president of the Perennial Planters Garden Oub, Mandiester will be notified when a appointment of Paul Johnson, presi­ dividuals, corporations and foun­ u s e , Tha Lew and Higher Education (EHTA 485-90) continuing program of the chamber projected $22,200 deficit in tee town’s Hylton explained that the receives the City Beautification Award from Joseph Hachey, chairman of revised formula is due, probably dent of Connecticut Savings Bank, as p r o j ^ s t a i ^ by President and Problems In Secondary School Staff Development (ESEC 337-90) committee and local residents are Title VI CETA program. difference in the Manchester deficit Mrs. Carter in 1973, when he was dations. the Environment and Beautification Committee of the Manchester Area Friday, Werbner said. He said the fiM t chairman. "We are working toward having a These ere Just a few of the courses offered. A variety of other courses are also offered urged to send their suggestions for Mandiester’s deficit is part of a was because of an error in deter­ , which made niamhpr of Commerce. Looking on in the center, left to right, are Jane town’s new formula should be ready aze delisted that a person of cross-section-of citizens on. every In Education. And for your convenience - ell courses mpet In the late afternoon or early future recipients to the chamber projected $400,000 deficit in the Hart­ mining the total CETA positions in possible a KFday exchange between Swan and Mary Ann Satryb, co-chairmen of the garden committee of the within a week. He said there would tl^ quality and stature of Mr. Jolm- flight. The interest is great in the evening. Courses are open to both degree and non-degree students. Cost Is $45 per ford office that heads tee program. the consortium member towns. Some 200 Georgians and 200 citizens of the club. (Herald photo by Richmond) probably be little change from tee son is taking on this responsibility, Friendship Force and in people wan­ credit. Earlier this , monte, the Board of of the pMitions had been double- state of Pernambuco in Brazil. Mrs. pTisting one because the town had ■ Dr. Thomas Glasso, honorary ting to get to know people of other Directors approved a plan that would counted, Hylton said, which would Carter is tee honorary chairman. For more Information on registration procedures and deadline dates call the Office ot already closely met tee original state chairperson, said, “I am countries,” Mrs. Weinberg said. Credit Progrema, Extended end Continuing Education at Storrs. The telephone number Is save a large portion of tee then affect the estimated cost per posi­ In explaining the program, Mrs. projected deficit figure. pleased to see the Friendship Force New Haven Mayor Frank Logue SALES REPAIRS 486-3832. projected 1 ( ^ $19,961 deficit. tion. Weinberg said, "The exchange in­ liie Board of Directors will decide! pi!(^am in Connecticut continue said, “ I am most pleased that New Route 83 - 1 Mile North Water samples fail test, Ilie increased deficit was revealed The town has already taken steps cludes four days to be spent in tee tee method for reaching tee $22,200 because our first exchange between Haven has been chosen as tee second Of Vernon Circle. Wednesday in a report and proposed to meet its share of the projected home of a host. The other four days figure. the Greater Hartford area and Tel city to participate in tee Friendship 872-3189 plan concemii^ tee project^ CETA deficit. Four CETA employees have are optional, either touring tee host Title VI deficit distributed to already found jobs elsewhere. Steven Other towns represented at the Aviv, Israel, was an outstanding Force exchange. This program will meeting were Andover, Blast Hart­ success.” country on continuing tee in-home but no big problems seen Manchester area town officials at a Werbner, personnel assistant, said visit with another host family. provide some fortunate people from ford, Tolland, Vernon and Glaston­ The Friendship Force is a non- all avenues of life throughout comment session in tee municipal there are possibly five more who Independent travel during tee second bury. Greater New Haven with an oppor­ to improve it and update it are under building. Conducting tee meeting have found other employment. four days is done at tee expense of TEC H STEREO By GREG PEARSON which measures the average tunity to learn, to grow, and to over­ coliform count, sample, was well way. With the present system, each ambassador.” HefaM Reporter throu^ come the barriers which too often below tee maximum permitted level. however, tee town has to take steps The gnwp was chartered in March Persons will not normally know tee such as high usage of chlorine, hamper communication in our global During July, the Town of A year ago Tuesday, residents in 1977, with tee aim of creating an en country to which they will be Manchester e x c e e d the permitted tee southwest section of Manchester Jodaitis said. , Red Cross seeks flood funds village.” SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE number of water samples with high This leads to complaints about were told to boil their water because The total cost of Red Cress relief bacteria counts. water taste and smell from The Manchester-Bolton Branch of suffering injuries from tee killer of high bacteria counts that had been operations is expected to exceed Officials of the Water Department, found in tee water for consecutive customers, but it helps keep con­ the American Red Cross is among storm, the remnants of tropical Best temps ALL THESE ITEMS HAVE BEEN DISCONTINUED $300,000. I t o PECK FOR REPRESENTATIVE DiSTHCT 1) however, said that the counts were days. The boiling edict remained in tamination problems in check. other Red Cross chapters who are storm Amelia, which struck Aug. 2. Eight Red Cross shelters housed 1,- Donations may be sent to Texas . NEW YORK (UPI) - just alwve the permitted levels, and effect for about two weeks. The town also does more sampling accepting contributions to aid vic­ .Tomatoes have more 3(5)(W][^§ 'iJ0|U]0(o)f Disaster Fund, American Red Cross, they are confident that no problems “At this point, I don’t think we’re of water and has increased its tims of the recent floods teat have 500 persons at the peak of the WE WANT TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW EQUIPMENT emergency and Red Cross teams in care of tee. Manchester-Bolton flavor and keep best at like the water contamination of last' going to have tee problems we had monitonng of tee system since last ravaged many communities in cen­ temperatures between 55- summer’s problem, be said. tral and western Texas. provided mass care to 3,000 victims (ihapter, 39 Haynes St., Manchester, sununer will occur again. last summer,” Young said. 06040, or to tee American Red Cross, 70. They should be stored STO DBBB I5S©K; “ In tee end run, we’ve become Latest reports, according to tee and emergency workers, including Bob Young, w ater treatm ent “We seem to have learned a lot stem end up on a kitchen more efficient. We’ve come to know American Red Cross, confirm 26 meals from fixed and mobile feeding 209 Farmington Ave., Farmington, manager for the department, said from one incident. When we see a counter, in a fruit bowl or tee system better,” Jodaitis said. dead, 127 injured and 887 families stations. Conn., 06032. that e i^ t of the town’s 107 water problem now, we get right to it,” he on a windowsill. If they’re Young also reported some other samples during July exceeded the said. jq t on a sill, keep them out minor violations during July. The maximum level of coliform per­ Young said that tee town will con­ . «{itroDg d i i ^ sunlight, as turbidity level, which measures tee 35 watts RMS mitted. No more than two violations tinue to have high coliform counts in WEEK-END SPECIALS WQ^d cpQk tee fruity If 20 watts RMS amount of particles suspended in tee 15 watts RMS were recorded at any one site, some samples. But, when a problem U^-ripen. before you are (U) P I O N E E R OOPtONEEfT though, he said. is found, tee town now is better able water, was above tee permitted level r 1 1 9 ^ ^ ( lA P I o r y ^ f T $17995 T«a^7 to eat tbetn, es? SX-SSO The violations occurred at the to cope with it. at tee Lydall Street Reservoir, he QUMTIOIIS * S X -4 5 0 *139®® S X -5 5 0 2.57 dOZMI jArJUteratU" to (irevent PRIM \M FMSTKHIHKwiKm:K \\\ FMTflTHfJiHH LIVLN following sampling sites — Lydall Frank Jodaitis, water and sewer said. The flouride level at the wl-i 4M/FM STTHBI HtXlElVKH «|ec49penii«, or use in Howard Reservoir also was slightly Street, Charter 0 ^ Street, Baldwin administrator, agrees that his CAWikCAflnY «tewa, soups or'eauces.-. Road, Helaine Road, and two each at department is becoming more ef­ low, he said. OKN Zi ■ TEAC A-100 Weaver Road and the public works ficient and proficient in dealing with - -ri#. THURS. CASSETTE DECK garage.. TILSR.M. MEN'S SHOP f lO y g r u E E R developing problems. FRONT LOAD The new water standards permit a “We learned a lot of tricks when P i- “ ’n a D maximum of five percent of the we had that problem last summer,” Clinic set M1M M M HVriHI I BEST BJJY samples to be in violation. The town he said. 85 E. CENTER ST. had slightly more than seven percent The town now does more flushing (» 4 9 .5 2 ^- 50 watts RMS NOW ONLY AT TECH STEREO of its samples in violation. Young of mains to cleanse lines. It also has for smokers The Grooip $O O C 00 (iDPioiMeEiT said. increased chlorine usage to control The Manchester Health Depart­ TO BUY I S X - 7 S O W\ FMtrrKHHtHH;KIU;H ^50®® All of those did not exceed the bacteria. Chlorine residuals in ment and tee Whiton Library will co­ ~ THE maximum level for bacteria by very Manchester water are highw now sponsor another five-week “Smoking a i A N . much, he said. Thus, the town’s mean than ever before, Jodaitis said. Cessation Clinic” starting Tuesday. CONNECTICUT (leesEissf PHILIPS 437 PHILIPS GA 312 coliform density for the month. The system is an qld one, and plans The clinic will be held each TURNTABLE ELECTRONIC TURNTABLE Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in tee USED CARS Reg. $200. 95 Whiton Library Auditorium. It will LAW CLINIC Yes, Mr. Groom, youf NOW *119 be conducted by Jeffrey Stieglitz, complete Formal Outfit is n>9®® Movie scenes at hospital health educator from tee Connecticut OF Free at Regal’s with five CAILER PHILIPS GA 222 State Department of Health. TRANTOLO & TRANTOLO or more paid formals. It’s PHILIPS 4504 to be shot in September Smokers Interested in quitting TURNTABLE REEL TO REEL smoking should contact Agnes our Wedding Gift to YouJ physician who aids her in the Initial Consultation ...... *15 TAPE DECK Manchester Memorial Hospital Agnew or Naomi Zima of the Tha law clinic chargaa $15 for your Initial coniutlallon, which may t>« Come to Regal’s and see n49®5 struggle. The production is scheduled will be us«l as a setting for some Manchester Health Department at appllad toward tha coat of lagal atrvict*. Kor additional Mrvicaa. wa will our large selection of for­ 11229 Main 8t., MancH to be r e l e a ^ in 1979. supply a written f»« quotation. Attar consultation, you ara under no TEl. 64S-6464 * Ptwtos do not corroipond with modol numbors. scenes of a major Hollywood motion 64 9 ^1 , ext. 211 to register. further obligation. picture to begin shooting in mals by 1. Divorce - Uncontested '175.00 September. (MINIMUM) A hospital spokesman said officials Town derby winner 2. Real Estate; ’(o) Representation of Buyer (excludos title search PAN, WEBBER, ONE WEEK ONLY CLEARANCE SA1| from tee Warner Broteers-Jeronae and preparation of documents) ‘175.00 Heilman production of “Promises in EVERYTHINGIN THE STORE IS STILL MARKED DOWN FOR CLEARANCE (b) Raprasantatlon of Sellar 125.00 JAW SiMR tee Dark” said this week they would in Akron for races •30.00 schedule scenes at the hospital about 3. Simple Will CURTIS, BK. KENWOOD. TECHNICS. PHIUPS, ESS. TEAC AND MANY MORE. mid-September, and again tee end of Kimberly Barker, winner of this Kimberly, age 10, of 293 Spruce St. 4. Criminal Matters: OPEN MONDAY will be among 85 junior competitors (a) Motor vehicle •175.00 J n v e stm e n t THRUFIUDAY November. year’s M a ^ e s te r Soap Box Derby, (b) Misdemeanors • preliminary proenudings who will be racing for trophies and '175.00 ' Securities 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. is in Akron, Ohio, this week par­ before Inal SATURDAY Other scenes will be shot at West ticipating in tee junior division of the power tool prizes Saturday. (c) Falonlea • fees discuased at initial intervlaw. • T E C H I 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hartford’s Hall High School and 41st All-American Soap Box Derby. Accompanying Kimberly on tee lADOvO 'eo9 do riot 'nclude court cost or sr***' U 9 ' ROBERT C. YMCA and in downtown Hartford. Hie week’s activities in Akron for trip to Akron are her parents, Mr. HEAVISIDES SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO: and Mrs. Robert Barker, Mr. and COUNT ON ME - ALL ITEMS tee junior and senior division derby OFFICE HOURS Inquiries LIMITED “ S T E R E O Mrs. Tommy Raimondo and Bob Monday through Friday • 11 am to 8 pm FRED PECK FOR 12thl The movie stars Marsha Mason of racers included individual police es­ Saturday - 9 am to 1 pm Invited T O lim O C K Bauer, darker was director of this REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE 83S Fumlngtoa Av*. Caldcc Shopplni PUi. WHhlngton Plu* “The Goodbye Girl” and Ned Beatty corts into downtown Akron on Mon­ KELLY RD.. VERNON CIRCLE QUANTITIES Mlddlctomi. 346-7953 23 ALEXANDER ST., MANCHESTER 06040 ONLY Fuininitoa, 677-2432 M«nch«t«, 646-8364 of “Network.” ITie story is about a day, an inspection of the derby year’s soap box derby and Raimondo 640-0772 27«>2100 ElmPUa Noiwlchtown P lu . terminally ill student’s approach to racers Tuesday and a trial run down will be director next year. 97 OAK STREET, HARTFORD f Read Herald Ads nAme...... PnMfwctPUn 10 Constitution Plaza EoHdd, 745-1074 Nonrtch. 887-1464 death and tee relationship with tee the 954-foot Derby Downs track The derby is sponsored by tee 522-9248 ADDRESS...... ; ...... ; ...... W nt Hwtfofd, 233-2913 Wednesday. Town Firefighters Union, Local 1579. ,Hortlortf, Conn. PAID FOn BY FREO PECK) FOR REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE, WILUAM JOHNSON, TREASURER. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10, 1978- PAGE FIVE

PAGE FOUR — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Thurs., Aug. 10,1W8 beginners group will meet tonight at 7:30 tonight at 7:30 in the Whiton Memorial and Alateen for the 12- to 20-year-old Library auditorium, 100 N. Main St. ( Thought j Public records About town children of problem drinkers at 8 at the _ _ Pathfinders Club. The family groups are The "I Am Responsible" group of m aurl)f0tpr Warranty deed* „ , j Members and friends of South United Al-Anon family groups will meet tonight open to those who are affected by Alcoholics Anonymous will meet tonight Manchester — A City of Village Charm II Tim. 1:12 — "I know whom I J.A. McCarthy Inc. to Raymoto A. Comeau Jr. Md “ emwrs a ^ Pathfinders Club, 102 Norman someone with a drinking problem. at 8:30 at Faith Lutheran Church, Silver have believed and I am sure he is Lane, East Hartford. AA contact Is Founded Oct. 1, 1881 able to guard what has been en­ N a n c y C.Comeau, property on Ledgecrest Terrace, $86,- ^ BiWe sm S groto^^ St., and Friday at 10 a.m. at the South 500...... - — — United Methodist Church campus. The Jehovah's Withesses will have a available 24 hours daily by calling 646- Memb«. Audi! Bureau ol Clrcultllon Mirrbet. Unlled Prees Inlernellonil trusted to me.” Vincent S. Plnnone and Tsani E. Plnnone, both of theocratic school and service meeting Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, We can find security Wethersfield, to Henri M. David, Harwinton, property at For directions, call 646-3234. Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. This Is a world of constant change 230 Scott Drive, $77.55 conveyance tax. where old values, old truths, and es­ Hicluurd T. Donlon and Aime G. Donlon to Bruce W. Raymond F. Robinaon, Edtlor-Publishar Harold E. Turkincton, Managing Editor tablished patterns are not only being Seiffert and Lorraine M. Seiffert, property at 117 lllllllW ffl I I ...... m-r— ...... questioned, but often uproot^ and Briarwood Drive, $67.10 conveyance tax. P H JfeparUhent'Sprats ^ Opinion thrown aside. We live in daily In­ Quitclaim deed* security, uncertainty, and often Manchester Properties Inc., N.Y., N.Y., to Connecticut EATS crises. What can we hold onto in such Natural Gas Corp., Hartford, property on Hartford Road, HANSEL a QRETEL stress and anxiety? no conveyance tax. IIS TOWN M . 4 9 Congressional rush begins Paul answers, "I know whom' I ■' Joan Glennaro, BurtonvillOj Md., to Mary Lou Conlon, U8DA CHOICE BONELESS C 4 GERMAN BOLOCNA have believed and am persuaded that property at 64-66 Ridge St., no conveyance tax. CARL BUDDY It is the season for Congress Congress so far this year. The he is able to keep me.” We know that Judgment lien smsatsm...... » l the "What" of our faith - teaching subdued pace of the first half Monorail Car Wash Inc., Auburn, N.Y., against Herbert SLICED MEATS 3 . 4 5 < 1 to come alive and begin and doctrine are important, but USDA CHOICE BONELESS 4 S9 C! Brown, doing business as Caleb Sayles Co., $10,923.37, HANSEL a QRETEL SPICED producing. Soon it will do that, year will give way to an in­ "Whom” is even more vital Jn property at 543 Woodbridge St. CLOD ROAST . I because it has to, and when it creasingly frantic one in the sustaining us and carrying iis Certificate of attachment HAM LOAF. * 1 . 4 9 begins, the volume of output last half. through. If we have learned this fact Fuzz Auto Parts against Anthony V. Marinelli, $1,50, USDA CHOICE BONELESS C 4 69 by personal experience we know that BUGNACKI NATL CASING could become dizzying. For Since little time will be property on Spring Street and Hartford Road. the power, love and mercy of the Son Mechanic’* lien* TOP BLADE STEAK *1 available for thorough con­ of God — Jesus the Christ — will ^ . * 1 . 7 9 members of the House and Julian Drywall Inc., East Hartford, against C&D USDA CHOICE CHUCK (1st CUT) C 4 0 9 HOT DOGS Senate the weeks between now sideration, much of the legisla­ us through every event of life and Builders, $3,000, property at 37-39 Florence St. N.Y. STYLE into whatever the future holds. and Sept. 29 will be filled with tion to come pouring out of the STEAKwROAST » 1 Do you and I trust our Lord com­ Building permits CHEESECAKE n . 8 9 legislative action. committees shortly will be pletely? Do we know him whom we ’^J.A. McCarthy Inc., new home at 190 Valley View USDA CHOICE CHUCK (CENTER CUT) S 4 1 9 That is the date on the House only superficially scrutinized say we believe in? Road, $36,000. calendar for adjournment. It is by many members. That Lord Jesus, in a world of change Joseph L. Swensson Jr., new home at 439 Vernon St., STEAK or ROAST * i and crisis help us to cling to you, the $30,000. USDA CHOICE e 4 39 set early because this is the means some legislation will one who is the same yesterday, today Leonard and Lynn Persky, addition at 57-59 Lockwood sneak through which will be • DAIRY year all the House seats and and forever — and to be secure and St. $4,500. SHORT RIBS OF BEEF » 1 HOODS strong in your keeping. M lth M. Fratus, fence at 109 Wetherell St., $1,248. one-third of those in the Senate regretted later. USDA CHOICE ___ 3 4 9 9 will be up for election. The It has been years since either Submitted by Horace A. Tetrault for Alfred Coulombe, vinyl siding at Rev. C. Henry Anderson 38 Rtowood Road, $1,930. SOUR CREAM ,pt. lawmakers want some cam­ the House or Senate was dis­ Pastor Emeritus David G. Stratton for George Darby, roof repair at 31 CHUCK CUBE STEAK * 1 paign time. ciplined sufficiently to follow a Emanuel Lutheran Church Keeney St., $720. WEAVER DUTCH FRYE S 069 SEALTEST LIGHT A LIVELY Too bad they didn’t think of timetable which not only Annie Guthrie, roof repair at 21 Hemlock St., $1,700. William W. Chapman, 42 Hiils St., roof repair at 330 THIGHS & DRUMSTICKS * Z that earlier in the year. produced the work on time but COTTAGE CHEESE , 24 oz. Adams St. ,$200. BARBERS STUFFED SO 1 9 Because they didn’t, they have allowed for adequate con­ Almanac Bill ’Tunsky for Knight Chambers, aluminum siding at fallen into a familiar trap. sideration and debate. This s-kbA* 105 St. John St., $2,000. CHICKEN BREASTS .eo. ^ Very little major legislation year is not shaping up as one of William D. Kerr, vinyl siding at 110 S. Main St., $1,500. SHAWN QREEN has come out of either body of them. By United Press International 'Robert E. Vancour, repair porch at 123 Florence St., HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS taken by. Lisa Shepard, Roderick’s colleape $100. FLEX S 4 49 The bundle Lee Roderick is carrying are Twlay is Thursday, Aug. 10, the Harold Parent for John 0. Sullivan, roof repair at 37 .lO o z. in the Washington bureau who wrote an in­ 222rd day of 1978 with 143 to follow. 4/*l your letters to Ask the President, which Eklward St., $1,150. SHAMPOO&COHDmOHER 1 . Other editors say: readers sent to The Herald. Roderick, the teresting analysis of the Connecticut The moon is approaching its first Fire-Glo Distributors for Howard Rovegno, stove and Scripps L eape Newspaper correspondant in Democratic State Convention which she quarter. chimney at 89 Oxford St., $1,900. The miracle of the so-called test where the child is the offspring of a helped cover for The Herald in July. Writers The morning star is Jupiter. Gordon W. Elliott for Bezzini Bros. Realty, sign at 640 duly married couple, we can see no Washington, is shown on the sidewalk at the ■ tube baby is being discussed, lauded, front entrance to the White House as he of those letters are asked to notify The The evening stars are Mercury. Hilliard St., $75. evaluated, and in some cases con­ problem, though thbre may be one Mars, Venus and Saturn. Patrick S. O’Briant, fence at 13 Bunce Drive, $250. delivers those letters. The photograph was Herald when they receive answers. demned. And it is expected the our nonlegal eye cannot see. Those bom on this day are under Ernest J. Reed, fence at 94 Jefferson St., $3,500. debates will go on. We can see, however, difficulties the sign of Leo. Herbert Hoover, 31st Robert B. Regius for Ernest J. Reed, undergroimd We can see what the problems, should experimentation under less president of the United States, was tanks at 94 Jefferson St., $2,000. FIRST OF THE 8EA80I4/LIVE & KICKING from a theological and even legal controlled circumstances take place. bom Aug. 10,1874. Performers Eddie . : Lee and Shirley McCray, alterations at 280 East Middle There is no doubt some laws should Fisher and Jane Wyatt were bom on ’Turnpike, $5,000. viewpoint may be. There has been ERA still three states short • Richard J. Pelletier, desk at 11 Edmund St., $250. condemnation from some church be enacted to cover this truly unique this date — he in 1928 and she in 1913. M AINE LOBSTER situation. For our part, we view all j B g g p ^ FRESH groups in the past of “artificial in­ By DON GRAFF years for the cause of sexual equality Nevertheless, the extension On this day in history: Marriage licen*e* births with awe and wonder but this William D. Willenbacher and Jeanne A. Cole, both ot semination," but the concept of what It had all the marks of a sure before the law, the consequence in recommendation is the best news for In 1776, a committee of Benjamin is artificial or what is merely helping one is truly miraculous. Franklin, John Adams and Thomas .Manchester, by a justice of the peace. winner on a fast track, back there in part of initial overconfidence on the ERA in some time. It would mean ’Timothy R. Cunningham and tolly Colarusso, both of nature along has been rapidly Holyoke (IVIags.) Transrript 1972. part of supporters and possibly some time to rally public support which Jefferson suggested the United While they last! Vernon, Aug. 26. LB. changing. Behind it was a decade of rights- overselling jof the necessity of and soundings show is still there. The States adopt “E Pluribus Unum” as Richard H. Ledbetter, East Hartford, and Elizabeth E. Even the term Used to describe the expanding, consciousness-raising the benefits to be derived from ERA. latest Gallup Poll favors ERA by 58 the motto of its Great Seal. Murray, 88 Porter St., Aug. 19 at Church of the Assump­ •2A9 child bom in England — test tube ( Yesterday ) momentum. In the first year of sub­ There is a considerable body of sym­ percent to 31 percent opposed, with In 1833, Chicago was incorporated tion. baby — begs clarification. True, the mission to state legislatures, it pathetic thought which nevertheless male support at 62 percent actually as a village with a population of 200. •sperm and ova were joined in the test picked up a quick 30 of the 38 ap­ believes adequate protection against exceeding that among women, 55 In 1943, President Franklin Let Our Family tube, but the child grew within its 25 years ago provals needed for ratification. sexual protection already can be percent. Roosevelt and British Prime We Give Old Fashioned mother’s womb and was born of her Town budget of $3,848,470 is ap­ But here is is found in the 14th Amendment. Minister Winston Churchill met in proved by the Board of Directors, 7 Butcher Service... body, not of a test tube. 1978 and the ★ ★ ★ Whatever the outcome, ERA is Quebec for the sixth conference of Serve Your Family! We can see there could be to 2. Equal Rights Add to this under-estimation of the evidence again that sure things can World War II. Will be closed for two problems with scientists and-or doc­ 10 years ago Amendment is extent of opposition and the frequent­ be undependable in politics and In 1977, the United States and weeks beginning August 5 STORE HOURS: tors indiscriminately mixing ova and Final building in Parcel 5 of the still three states ly irrational extremes to which it has social evolution as they usually are in Panama reached agreement in prin­ sperm form various sources to North End Renewal Project is tom ciple to transfer the Panama Canal through August 19. short of ratifica­ been willing to carry the fight horse races. Mon. A Tues. 6:00 317 Highland S t create test tube babies, with or down to make way for a shopping tion, plagued with against the amendment. to Panama by the year 2000, without a host mother. But a child ' center. defections among The original seven-year mandate We will reopen on Robert L. Brock, executive direc­ created from the seeds of a married those already for ERA ratification expires in Wod, Thur$„ A Fri H 9:00 MANCHESTER couple is certainly different from tor of Manchester Chamber of August 21st. Commerce, is recognized by lined up and with prospects of March. The House Judiciary Com­ such a creation. Capital Fare Sal A SMid8)i Syracuse University and the National making it to the finish line at all mittee has recommended a 39-month CONN. From a legal viewpoint, perhaps Chamber of Commerce for com­ riding on congressional extension of extension which, once it gets through By ANDREW TULLY our hangups come from the need to pleting a third year in the Post­ the deadline for ratification. the House, could run into real trouble that didn’^ ^ a k e bullying either assert the legitimacy of persons. In graduate Seminar of the Institute for ★ ★ ★ in the Senate in the form of a WASHINGTON - This capital of fashional^ie or respectable. the case we are now considering, Organization Management. It has been a discouraging six filibuster. the more-or-less United States is a ★ ★ ★ tough town. Hours after Dr. Peter Thus I find the casual, almost Bourne lost his white House head for adoring, attitude of Washington’s writing a Quaalude prescription to a Bright Crowd toward cocaine addict Garden Fresh, Produce Specials New England Notebook: Campaign ’78 fictitious person and simultaneously tion nauseating. It suggests to thi ^ GROCERY SPECIALS was accused of sniffing cocaine at a impressionable that they need not by EASTERN By PETER A. BROWN small fraction of the delegate votes primary in 1976, for all intents and primaries. party tossed by the illicy drug lobby, ashamed, or concerned, or SWEET LIFE . purposes only three of the almost It is those people upon whom scandaymongering became the No, 1 depressed, if they indulge in the 3 9 * BOSTON (UPI) - The 1980 elec­ needed. TOMATO JUICE New Hampshire’s first-in-the- dozen original Democratic can­ presidential campaigns are built and sport. drug. POTATOES 1 0 l 9 9 * tion calendar makes President SENECA .MAC” didates remained viable. that is why Carter’s problems with You can walk 'They’d better be. Ask the Indians Carter’s much-publicized problems nation primary has carried some It seems likely in 1980 the early O’Neill and Kennedy could be impor­ in to any in the Andes region of Bolivia and 1 „ „ 6 9 * SEEDLESS with New England’s Democratic big weight, but the Granite State is APPLE SAUCE...... traditionally Republican and not bloc of New England primaries will tant. fashionable Peru, who for more than a century wigs potentially more hazardous SWEET LIFE representative of the American play an even larger role in cutting For whether the feud is real or not, saloon and hear have chewed the coca leaf from lb. than they might otherwise be. , . . 3 1 * 1 GRAPES down the field. the publicity over it has to increase people telling which cocaine in' derived. The leaf CATSUP...... Carter’s recent problems with Sen. voting public demographically. In 1976, Massachusetts and Ver­ ★ ★ ★ the likelihood local party activisU other people that tastes good, in a pungent sort of way; VLASIC HOT DOG • HAMS. • SWEET NATIVE Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and If Brown does run he must begin in will he willing to become involved in “Of course, you it warms (he body, or seems to, and House Speaker ’Thomas P. O’Neill, mont moved their primaries up to the RELISHES...... week immediately following New New England and seems likely to try a challenge to Carter. did know X has ____ it anesthetizes the stomach. D-Mass., hasn’t helped his standing STAR GRILL TOMATOES lb. Hampshire. But they made the move the same strategy attempted by ★ ★ ★ been on cocaine for years,” and But the Indian leaf-cbewers have U> in the region, which is expected to Carter in recent weeks has run into , . , * 1 . 9 9 late, taking away some of the im­ Ronald Reagan in 1976 when the “You must go to one of Miss X’s par­ have their daily helping. It keeps CHARCOAL SWEET JUICY play an increasingly important role former California governor sought to problems with Kennedy over his ties — everything from pot to them going by cheering them up. The 1 1SOZ. in the 1980 selection process. pact. convince Gerald Ford to withdraw by national health insurance ^licy and heroin.” coca leaf also eliminates the pangs qf 5 9 * Because Carter is thought likely to ★ ★ ★ MARSHMALLOW FLUFF PEACHES The 1980 primary calendar has beating him early. with O’Neill over the firing of a top The victims of this scurrilous talk, hunger and thirst. A Peruvian be challenged for renomination in PLANTER’S Ford just heat Reagan in New official in the General Services Ad­ of course, were all prominent planter once told me why he didnS 1980 by California Gov. Jerry Brown New Hampshire first, with Hampshire, but had the incumbent ministration who was an old O’Neill politicians or exalted hostessed; one pay his help enough to buy a couple Si . . „ * 1 . 4 9 and possibly other disenchanted Massachusetts, Connecticut and Ver­ PEANUT BUHER . , lost, the psychological damage to his ally. The aide has since been given does not drop an unknown name in square meals a day. “You don’t neeS MANCHESTER COLQONITE Democrats, any hard feelings left by mont all scheduled the following campaign would have been another job at the same $50,(XK) Washington. But the underlying point as much food In your stomach If Suburban 328 W.M. Take the recent disagreements could give week. DISHWASHER DET...... SOoz. < 1 ■ ■ . ■ 2 ■ 9 • Democratic candidates must do devastating. salary, but it seems some hard of the scandal-mongers was that you’re a coca chewer,” he said. “My O NN DAILY ( to « With Coupon & impetus to insurgent candidates. GOODYEAR •ATUNDAVSIOIPM well in Massachusetts and Connec­ Carter and Brown both enjoy feelings remain. taking junk was socially acceptable, people don’t really team food.” T ' A IFith Coupon & $7*50 Purchase 643-8189 $7.50 Purchase ticut if they have any real hope of un­ regional bases, with the president Both the White House and Kennedy and bad been for some time. And It’s a fact that those Indians AutoSarvioeoantw’s ★ ★ ★ seating Carter. Massachusetts is im­ solid in the South and Brown tough in have bent over backwards to play A friend who does considerable don’t go bonkers. That’s more tltaSi CRISCO Carter’s relationship with top New " FROZEN FOODS portant because it is ^rhaps the the West. New England is neutral down their problems, emphasizing business with the lords of Hollywood can be said about the cocaine useTT England Democrats — and just as SHORTENING nation’s most Democratic state and ground that could carry great weight. the differences lie over proposed — and who himself takes nothing ★ ★ ★ ' I 3||I can importantly how it is perceived by BOSTON BONNIE GLAZED, JELLY I NESTEA I the party’s nominee must be popular Carter and Reagan, who came national health insurance. more potent than a glass of sherry— Cocaine used to be known as the active party members who are the RETURNING there. Connecticut carries clout within a handful of delegates of A recent Gallup poll showed claims that half the output of films “society drug” because of its h i^ I ICED TEA MIX I cornerstone of presidential cam­ Kennedy the top choice of Democrats <1.69 because it is traditionally something deposing Ford, proved that name couldn’t be produced if actors, price. Using it seeems to have TO DONUTS .. DU* I 10 pack I paigns — is important. Carter’s recognition and incumbency are not for their party’s 1980 presidential i LIMIT ONE S LIM IT ONE of a swing state that is a good in­ producers and directors didn’t become a means of achieving social I VALID THRU AUO. 13 I VALID THRU AUO. 13 ratings in the polls has slipped. nomination, whether or not Carter ^ HIQHLAND PARK MARKET | dicator of national trends in elec­ necessarily insurmountable. “dope.” status. But cocaine — coke, CharleJ, I S HIGHLAND PARK MARKET J ■ Problems with O’Neill and Kennedy COLLEGE? tions. Their campaigns showed the key is wants another term. ★ ★ W snow — can be deadly. t Tha Unlvtralty of Connocticut’s might be enough to convince fence putting together a solid grassroots Kennedy dodges questions about * 1 . 1 9 The early primaries usually do As he put it, that was becoming a Most addicts sniff the stuff. It I C E k A M With Coupon & sitters in the key New England Bacholor of Gonoral Studloa Program I ■ . With Coupon & more weeding out of candidates than organization that can identify the his presidential ambitions by saying problem In movleland: “Drugs are gives them a quick kick, banishds $7.50 Purchase primary states to join those opposing May Ba For Youll 1 I ^7.50 Purchase relatively small percentage of the he expects Carter to win another solidly established in those people’s fatigue, and for an hour or two in­ WALDORF I Carter’s re-election. selecting who will be the actual The Bachelor of General Studies Program la an 1 SEALTEST DUNCAN HINES electorate that traditionally votes in term. life styles. They’ve become creases mental powers. But it aUo I Already potential Republican nominee. After the Massachusetts Individualized, Interdisciplinary degree program BATH TISSUE I fashionable, even respectable.” causes hallucinations, and a stroifg ■ BROWNIE MIX presidential candidates are making of part-time study designed (or the adult student 1 S H E R B E T 4 Pack I 8000P8 Man and toy, my trade has brought dose can cause convulsions by with an associate's degree or with the first two , 7 9 " I 23 oz. the rounds in New England and any Till 49VKHII(lfr MA$ litTIP TOP Hm M m k! me into contact with lots of overstimulating the spinal cord. years of college completed. Democrats planning to challenge naughtiness, byt my square side finds Most longtime addicts suffer from 1 RICHS 69« I piclfcus, fooTfiu, For additional Information contact: I 99« Carter must begin setting up a m ti. m m . tum om it had to view a vicious habit as sleeplessness, morning nausea, and LIMIT ONE • grassroots campaign soon. Anita Bacon at the Marjorie Bennett at the LIM IT ONE VALID THRU AUO. 15 - | loi/iPMinT, m^omf smmkkfi. “respectable.” I know about severe headaches. An overdose kills. i CH0& ECLAIRS 6 9 * I V A U D .THRU A U a 13 ^^^UOHLAN^ARK^^ Brown entered six primaries Storrs Campus oiq Hartford Campus Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud Ugh! I’m no Cotton Mather, but ! against Carter in 1976 and is expected 486-4670 523-4841 and their habitual resort to worry about those of our kids who to challenge the president for morphine, but it still seems to,me an could be persuaded by the New renomination in 1980, if he is re­ aberration by characters I otherwise Thinkers that sniffing coke is the elected this November. Tk* M w lar *f Giiwnl Stsdto htgras respected. latest way to get with it. Maklpg OfflM tf Credt Prtfnan ★ ★ Ar To take another example, the booze and marijuana chic was bad btm M Hd ContMng EtaitiM Traditionally New England has not Ernest Hemingway who was one of enough. Asking kids to admire Tlw IMvtftitt «f CometM had that much input in picking the my literary, heroes was also ah oc­ cocaine addicts could — literally— Democratic presidential nominee, * 4ii 4//lrnuilln> Xrllon/Kgunl O^porlmnlty InilUulaM casional and violent bully. To me. be ’The End. ♦ illllllllllllillllllUllUl with the region representing only a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10.1978- PAGE SEVEN Ryan blames Havensj Council to be asked PAGE SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn- Thurs., Aug. 10, 1978 Little is changed in road problems to exi housing Educators meet today COVENTRY - The Housing Applicants must meet special in­ come limits in order to qualify for By JUDY KUEHNEL Street open or devise ah alternative Authority believes that toe 40 units of for Padre Pedro east-west route to absorb the traffic.' : I apartments for toe elderly now under the housing. Pre-application forms Hrrald Correapondeiit T ^ resolution approved by South ^; j 'construction on Route 31 could be will be sent to those who have on Head Start cutback SOUTH WINDSOR - Councilman Windsor was seen as little more than - j '. expanded to 120 dwellings in toe request them when toe advertising By WILLIAM T. BLASE Richard Ryan said today he believes a tabling of the proposal by ’ I future. J campaign starts, Bradley stated. The school department also has a Leone said that when Head StaH toe only future alternative open to Manchester officials, who had im- Consequently, authority chairman The ALCA Construction (tompany HARTFORD (UPI) - Bishop Peter A. Rosazza admits By CHARLES MAYNARD prekindergarten program for disad­ was first proposed, a master ^ t h Windsor in dealing with toe a deadline of Aug. 1 for South I Albert Bradley plans to ask toe Town of Hartford has poured toe concrete the hours are longer but says little else has changed since Herald Reporter vantaged youths under the federal Ti­ schedule including the average Manchester proposed relocation of K>r acceptance. • . (^uncil to reserve ten acres of town- footings, laid foundation walls, and he was a parish priest at the Sacred Heart Church. For EAST HAR’TFORD - School of­ tle I program. Leone said that as long teacher’s salary was produced. Pleasant Valley Road and toe closing COn Aug. 2, Manchester officials an­ I ' owned land adjacent to toe site. The begun work on the community one thing, parishoners still call him Padre Pedro. ficials will meet with represen­ as the enrollment in the Head Start However, because of the shifting 6f Burnham Street, may be through nounced they would redesign the land is near toe Town Hall and toe building. Bradley hopes to have toe Bishop Rosazza said Wednesday, if there’s a tatives of the Community Renewal program exceeded the ’Dtle I enroll­ enrollment toward Head Start, the toe courts. road plan so as not to enter South Middle School and whitoin walking roadway completed before winter difference, it’s that many of the people in his mostly Team in Hartford today to discuss a ment, the teachers in the Title I costs were inflated because more ' Ryan said he blames Councilman Windsor, with all reconstruction and distance of the Village shopping weather sets in. Hispanic former parish in Hartford’s North End "feel a cutback in federal funds for the Head program would have first crack at experienced teachers would be hired. " dward Havens’ "negative vote road improvement completed up to • area. little more ‘carino’ — affection — for me. Start program. the Head Start program. ’The department, he said, originally londay night” which he said has toe South Windsor line only. Plans now being developed call for •"rhey dpn’t treat me any different in the sense of being "W e’re going there to see what He said 100 youngsters have been requested 396,000 for the program, g' ’closed off all options in dealing with A meeting between Manchester M five buildings housing 40 units on nine aloof in their relationships with m e," said the bishop, they’re talking about in regard to this enrolled in Head Start, as compared but because of the hiring of veteran Manchester on toe potentiai traffic and South Windsor officials last week acres of land. There will also be a whose trademark is the bicycle he rides and the beret he Bussiere appointed cutback in funds,” said Sam J. to 60 in the Title I program. Previous teachers, the department will go into problem created by the massive J.C. opened up toe possibilities of South community building for meetings. wears. Leone, assistant school superinten­ to initiating the Head Start program, today’s meeting seeking 3119,000. Penney warehouse now under con­ Windsor developing its owm east-west State and federal grants for the COVENTRY Richard P. “ Sure, some officials are probably a little more aware dent for instruction. “ If it’s too the school department had 100 ’The department was informed of the struction.” alternative route - hopefully with project total 3742,000 Bussiere, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of me in the political sense that the Kremlin is aware of severe a cutback, we will bypass the students enrolled under Title I. cutback in federal funds after the ” The special meeting Monday was the aid of state funds. Bradley said he has already Bussiere of Boston Turnpike, Coven­ the papacy,” he said winking. "But just how aware, I program this year.” The major dlfferencs between the CRT met with federal officials in hailed to discuss four alternative east- Ryan, today called Havens’ vote received more than 50 applications try, has been appointed vice chair­ don’t taiow.” The Head Start program is a two programs, Leone said, is that Boston Monday. The CRT represen­ (vest routes to accommodate traffic against the alternative a “ turn­ for toe apartments, which have been man of toe activities board at toe He plans to find out. preschool curriculum for tatives said there would be less University of Nevada in Las Vegas. Head Start provides money for which wiii result when Burnham about.” • designed for single or double oc­ He’s written Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., to economically disadvantaged transportation of students and a money for the Greater Hartford area Street is closed. South Windsor of­ "The resolution would have given cupancy. However, the authority is Bussiere is a 1975 graduate of protest cuts that have pulled the rug out from under a youngsters and is slated to begin Oct. breakfast before the morning session than they had originally planned. ficials have feated toe deadending of toe okay to Manchester to change legally required to advertise toe Rockville High School. In his position federally funded neighlwrhobd tutorial program. 1. while 'Title I does not. Burnham Street in Manchester, as Pleasant Valley Road contingent on housing, and Bradley plans to apply he will be concerned with bringing "It’s terrible. That program was keeping 90 kids busy proposed by the town’s officials, will their leaving Burnham Street open or for construction of additional units if concerts, lectures and other special and off the streets. It was a volunteer grass roots send an overpowering amount of planning another east-west traffic many applications are received. events to the university campus. program that was working. Now we have a problem,” he traffic into South Windsor’s residen­ road,” said Ryan. aid. School board restores tial streets. Havens, however, said that he Involvement in community problems is just one of t ' Only five council members were voted against toe plan because it was many burdens the bishop must Moulder in addition to bis present for the meeting. Since all basically toe same resolution council One female applies new duties as one of the archdiocese’s two auxiliary five votes were needed to pass a members had voted on toe previous bishops. career specialist's post proposal. Havens’ vote against an "It’s tough,” he admits. "Sometimes there just doesn’t week. alternative plan was enough to defeat The road relocation controversy for eonstable job seem to be enough hours in the day. I always take desk career education program at toe high level.” a motion. has strained toe patience of officials work home at night. And there are often church functions By CHRIS BLAKE BOLTON — Six persons, including training school, The board’s decision means that Havens, however, who has been in of both towns. — and a lot of talks I’m asked to give.” school level. one female, have applied for toe posi- Peterson said no one will be ap- Herald Reporter Daley then moved that “ the the school administration will haye favor of Manchester’s proposal, said Manchester officials are frustrated He says he looks forward to speaking, but in the long EAST HARTFORD - William tion of constable in Bolton according ’ pointed constable unless and until superintendent insure that the career to fill the guidance position with fumls he voted against toe alternative easL by what they consider ‘"the un­ haul he doesn’t expect to find a home on the rubber Schmid will be back this fall as to ResidentI,—:j ._* State Trooper Robert they pass each phase listed above. education plan that was adopted by from this year’s budget. west plan presented Monday because cooperation” of toe South Windsor chicken circuit. "I expect that to die down soon. Every career education specialist after all. Peterson. The bicycling bishop of Hartford, Peter A. toe Board of Education be realized in Eugene Diggs, superintendent o f ' he believed toe proposal would be un- Town Council. South Windsor of­ dog has his day.” It had appeared that Schmid would Peterson said each applicant will In June the Board ot Selectmen Rosazza, peddles his way around the city . toe 1978-79 school year to toe extent schools, said today the money would ' acceptable to Manchester. ficials, however, feel that the road Rosazza said although he has no preference for a be leaving that post, which he held be given a general aptitude test. The voted to initiate toe establishment of visiting friends and attending to daily that what was done last year not be have to come from toe budget, but he • Four alternatives were presented plan has been designed to protect toe successor to Pope Paul VI he would like to see "some one for five years, because of a school ad­ applicants who pass the test will be a constabulary in Bolton. Selectman curtailed in any way and to the extent is not sure what will be cut. ; Monday night. Three were found Crofts Drive area of Manchester at who throws fast balls rather than curves. I pray that the business. Rosazza, 43, was elevated to the screened to make sure they have no Joann Neath voted against the ministration decision to re-assign that toe plan calls for an enhance­ Diggs said he will set up a meeting -generally unacceptable by the five the expense of South Windsor Holy Spirit is active in the hearts of these cardinals and rank of bishop on June 24. (UPI photo) criminal records and sent for proposal. him to fili a vacancy in toe guidance with Donald Kramer, Penney High’s Council members, and Havens’ op­ residents. that they choose the one that will be good for the times.” ment of what was done on the The town currently has six department at East Hartford High principal, and John Callahan, position to the fourth alternative — “ While Manchester has been total­ physicals. ’The bishop grew up in Torrington, where his parents still previous last year and to continue on Then arrangements will be made constables including one lake con­ School. EHHS’s principal, next week when an industrial spur — defeated toe ly committed to honoring promises reside, and he is a Dartmouth College graduate. I was at with toe plan.” for the applicants to attend police stable. However, the Board of Education Kramer returns from vacation. They final proposal. made to 65 homeowners in its Croft the Hanover, N.H., school that his interest in the Killian asks Grasso The board tabled that motion at its voted Monday night to restore his will discuss toe future of career Last week toe council voted 6-3 In Road area, we are responsible to con­ religious life was fostered by a Roman Catholic chaplain. July 17 meeting and brought it up position for this year and not curtail education. , favor of accepting Manchester’s plan Rosazza, 43, who describe himself as a social activist to join in ceremony again late Monday night. sider the welfare of hundreds of toe master plan for career education. "Mr. Daley’s motion was helpful in Diggs said toe position will be ' for toe relocation of Pleasant Valley families in South Windsor and our Tree removals irk and still rides around the city on a bicycle clad in a black Schmid’s position was funded by HARTFORD (UPI) - Lt. Gov. Robert Killian would setting forth toe board’s priorities,” posted and existing school per- Road, with the stipulation that own future development.” suit and sandals, says he has not changed since his June federal and state school aid funds un­ Manchester either keep Burnham like to conduct a joint news conference with his opponent. said l^rcus. “ Both high school prin­ sonnnel, as well as outsiders, may 24th elevation. til 1976. Then, toe high schools ab­ Gov. Ella T. Grasso, to sign the state’s fair campaign cipals will work with the central ad­ apply. He said that while he got a promotion — from parish sorbed his salary as part of their Marcus said toe salary range would Hebron residents priest to bishop— he didn’t get a raise. He receives 3440 a practice code. ministration in making whatever budgets last year. depend on toe qualifications and HEBRON — Three trees have been month, the same as any other priest with his amount of Kiliian said in a letter to Mrs. Grasso Wednesday he reassignments are necessary to in­ Area bulletin board Swinging shadow ... Fire investigation This year, however, the principals experience of the candidate who is removed from Hebron Green by the service, 17 years. favors the news conference “ to demonstrate our mutual sure toe continuity of the career HEBRON - The fire at toe Village at both Penney High School and selected to fill the guidance post._ The sun came out for awhile Tuesday after more than a week commitments to the ethical standards employed in the education program at the high school highway maintenance crew of the Motel in Hebron was the 14th call toe All the same, he says, he’s “ happy being able to speak EHHS said they couid not afford to Slate named vice officer; and Dennis Shea, code.” of rain and so, in fact, did the children participating in the Department of Transportation and Hebron volunteer firemen responded in the name of the church ... to be able to preach to the do so. HEBRON — The executive com­ Killian faces Mrs. Grasso in a Sept. 12 primary for-the Chaplin. Head Start Program in Vernon. Erick Bilodeau enjoys several residents of Hebron wonder to in five days. The fire, Sunday mor­ whole world.” When a guidance position became mittee od Jones-Keefe-Batson Post 95 Further nominations for any posi­ There have been some concessions, however. Democratic gubernatorial nomination. State swimming areas swinging and being able to see his shadow follow him. The why. ning, destroyed a unit at toe motel. ^ a n t . the administration assigned American Legion has announced its tion on the slate may be made from Crews said two of the trees were For one thing, Rosazza says he has a 10-speed bike now Killian also repeated a suggestion he made last month Head Start Program is a federally funded one and is for pre­ Eugene Goldberg of Colchester, a ^ m i d to fill it. Schmid had been a * plate of nontinees for thie coming toe floor during the meeting. diseased and one was dead. that someone gave him for his ordination. “ But I like the that both camps designate staff members to discuss any resident of the unit, said he had just guidance counselor at Penney High don’t have enough space year. Elections will be tonight at 8 at kindergarten children. (Herald photo by Pinto) Residents especially wonder why the three-speed better,” he said. For special occasions— the problems that arise in the course of the campaign. left to smoke his pipe and turned prior to 1973. HARTFORD (UPI) - Many the Post Home, Hebron Green. diseased trees had to be cut down. bishop now arrives in a style to which he’s not ac­ He said this would make both candidates “ aware of any The plan puts a high priority >on Kennedy named around and realized that his rooms Jerry Marcus, assistant school taxpayers will be deprived of the ■. The proposed slate includes: John One resident asked, “ What disease customed. ' problems that are developing before they turn into public state purchase of waterfront land, VERNON - Leon “ Bud” Kennedy, were involved. superintendent for personnel, said clean swimming water they paid 31 expanding existing facilities, t Kulynyck, commander; Richard can a person catch from a tree?” A 1978 Oldsmobile has been put at his disposal. crises.” a member o f toe Vernon Democratic Monster bash to end Hebron fire marshal Donald Grif­ today that Schmid would retain his billion for over toe past 15 years un­ building olympic-sized pools in areas Grant Sr., soiior vice commander; After toe two diseased trees had Town Committee, has been named fin Sr. Said toe cause of toe fire salary of 319,760 a year. Tliis would less the state intervenes, a new state Clarence Michaud Jr., junior vice been cut down, Robert Elliott of that lack enough natural water local campaign coordinator for toe hasn’t been determined. It is under have been his salary as a guidance outdoor recreation plan says. bodies, and offering more water commander; Warren Holbrook, adju­ Marlborough, who is in toe process of counselor this year, Marcus said. tant; George Brault, assistant adju­ re-election of U.S. Rep. Christopher library program investigation. 'hie report, r e le a ^ Wednesday by access for boating and fishing. restoring abutting Hewitt property William V. Borst, fire chief, said Troopers claim Grasso Until last month, it appeared the state Department of En­ tant. Dodd. and building, ask^ to have toe third The plan says private landownere' The town committee will kick off be featured and children are invited that the department used two attack Schmid would be going to EHHS as a vironmental Protection,^ says the VERNON — The summer reading tree trimmed. However, when the opposition to public acquisition of Also: Joseph Simmons, finance of­ toe fund-i*aising portion of the cam­ to come dressed as their favorite lines from the new fire truck and also guidance counselor. However, board state’s public swimming facilities program at Rockville Public Library crew started to-trim it it was dis­ waterfront property "has created ficer; G. Earl Porter, Judge ad­ paign season with a steak dinner that the Scott air packs, which are at­ member Richard Daley attempted to can accommodate only 265,000 people is winding down to a close. In­ monster if they wish. major difficulties for the state.” It vocate; Howard Grant, historian; covered that that tree was diseased tached to the truck, were immediate­ stop that action. Aug. 20 at toe Elks Lodge on N. Park vitations to the “ Monster Mash Monsters were toe theme of this compared to a demand of up to 375,- suggests more communication and it, too, was cut down. ly available and allowed four interfered with Leonard Daley said the re-assignment Daniel Porter, sergeant-at-arms; Street. The affair will start at 5 p.m. Bash” are being issued to par­ year’s reading program. Janet 000. By the end of toe century, the de­ between citizens, public officials and Raymond Burt, selectman, said firefighters to enter the unit faster. would seriously hamper the growing Roger Thibodeau, assistant sergeant For ticket information or reser­ ticipants who have done a minimum Smith, children’s librarian, said toe “ I’ve been toe focus of that politial mand will be 450,000, the report says. private owners on the issue. that he had received several com­ Previously, the air packs were HARTFORD (UPI) - State Police “ He had to put up with a lot of in­ at arms; Richard Keefe, service of­ vations contact Kennedy at 28 of five book projects during toe children participating in toe reading interference and by removing ficer; cieorge Smith, assistant ser­ plaints about the trees. He said after packed in boxes on another truck. officials say the political in­ terference from tile Capitol,” the Brmduide Lane. program. program have shown a great deal of myself. I’ll be removing toe focus,” some research it was discovered that Borst said that the firemen had no terference State Police Com­ captain said, adding that Lwnard The Monster Bash is scheduled for originality in their projects. Projects he said. the trees were the property of toe trouble knocking down toe fire as toe missioner Edward P. Leonard was subjected to a steady stream of East Hartford police report Aug. 16 from 2:30 to 4 p.m-. in creatrtl include mobiles, dioramas, The comments drew an inunediate state and thus no warning or removal new truck carries 1,000 gallons of referred to when he submitted his messages and telephone calls from toe Edith Peck Room of toe library. puppets, a telescope, and a spider Mrs. Grasso and her aides. denial from Mrs. Grasso who said Area police had to be posted. water. Columbia and Andover resignation came straight from Gov. A 17-year-old East Hartford youth Boulevard near the municipal Stanley W. Krolawicz, 55, of 121 Arts Encounter of Manchester will fashioned from a coconut. Parents First Selectman Aaron Reid, who In announcing his retirement running toe state police "has always volunteer fire departments also Ella T. Grasso. was arrested early this morning and parking lot. Henderson Drive was arrested entertain with mqsic, clowns, and and friends are invited to view these Tuesday, Leonard said “ a main been the business of the com ­ is also the tree warden, wasn’t responded to the 7:43 a.m. call. “ She was constantly looking over charged with assault in toe first Bond was set at 36,000 and police Wednesday, police said, and charged Vernon nonsurety bond for appearance in improvisational toeatef. items as well as toe reading folders reason for my leaving is to take the missioner.” available for comment. his shoulder telling him ‘do this, degree, police said. said Cassello was to be presented with disorderly conduct and reckless Michael D. Ashlaw, 19, of 118 court in Rockville Aug. 15. Refreshments and a raffle will also on display in toe children’s room. State Police Department out of the But Leonard’s aide described toe don’ t to that,’ making all the John Cassello of 31 Carroll Road today in Superior Court. endangerment. Brooks SL, South Windsor, was South Windsor political arena and let the state governor as being "domineering, decisions,” said one State Police cap- was charged with assaulting Lujino Ferretti was taken to Manchester Police said he threatened his wife charged Wednesday with fourth- Golden Taylor, 48, of Hartford, was 7 T police do their job.” arrogant and rude” at meetings he CAlDOa SHOFFMC FIAZA tain, who asked to remain Ferretti of East Hartford with an Memorial Hospital with lacerations with a gun around 3:29 p.m. charged W edne^aywito disorderly MANCHmn attended with Leonard and Mrs. (fegree larceny. OF anonymous. iron bar at 12:21 a.m. at the corner of of the face and head. Krolawicz was released on 3500 conduct. Police said they were called AAon.-Fri. 10-9 Grasso. Police said he was charged after he Board to elect MANCHESTER Main Street and Connecticut bail and his court date is Aug. 28. allegedly took a pocketbMk from a to a minor disturbance on West Road Sol. 10-A “ She made it clear she wanted to Sun. 12-5 know everything that was happening female who had placed it down while and Taylor became abusive to police New England colleges and must be notified if anyone as shopping. He was released on a 3100 during their investigation. He was much as hiccupped,” toe officer said. East Hartford fire calls .Trim FashiMia« nonsurety bond for appearance in released on a 3250 bond for officers tonight The officer said "political in­ court in Rockville on Aug. 13. Police appearance in court in East Hartford S T O C K have 11,000 vacancies pointmnets, tennis courts and a UP NOWIII terference” heiped trigger Leonard’s said employees of toe First National on Aug. 29, BOLTON — The Board of Wednesday, 1:37 a.m. — ner of Forbes and Hills SUncMiing pluMiM fmliism Store, Vernon Circle, where the Police are investigating toe com­ Education will meet tonight at tuition student from BOSTUN (UPI) - (Alleges ad­ any more freshman for toe fall. resignation and caus^ toe state’s i li Medical call to 1251 Silver streets. alleged offense occurred, ap: plaint of toe theft of some 3760 worth 8 at the Bolton Center School Willington. missions officials across New ^hools in Massachusetts took the top lawman to develop stress OVER 500 TO CHOOSE FROM Lane. Wednesday, 12;03 p.m. — prehended Ashlaw. of tools from a truck parked at Bob’s library. It will also discuss an England are faced with more than brunt of toe vacancy problem with 5,- problems. Wednesday, 2:16 a.m. — Medical call to 68 Silver Lane. Glen L. Bickford, 16, of 323 Taylor Arco Station on Pleasant Valley There will be an election of educational project proposal, 11,0(X) freshmen vacancies still open 705 freshmen openings, an increase ‘"The governor didn’t trust him,” Medical call to Burnside Wednesday, 3:02 p.m. — a ll dressed iqp| St., Vernon, was charged Wedne^ay Road. The truck was owned by officers — postponed from July hot lunch and milk program, of 76 percent over last year’s figure. another high ranking aide said. "Tlie Avenue and Long Hill Road. Investigation at 76 Meadow for toe fall, according to a recent sur­ with two counts of third-degree James ({uattro of Elast Hartford. Openings in Rhode Island’s in­ only reason she appointed him in the Wednesday, 9:19 a.m. — St. due to toe absence of board minimum class size policy, vey. burglary and two counts of third- Police are al8b investighting toe stitutions soared 78 percent over last first place was b^ause he had toe Medical call to 232 Woodlawn Wednesday, 5:05 p.m. — chairman Joseph Halohurdo. pilot, evaluation project and The number of freshmen vacancies fo r sc h o o l degree larceny. report of toe slashing of 10 tires on SWEATERS The board will act on bids for policies on entrance age and in toe area’s institutions has climbed year. Vacancies in Connecticut were support of the state employee un­ Circle. Medical call to 64 Jerry Rd. Wednesday, 9:28 a.m.' — Wednesday, 9:55 p.m. — fC Wm VVVWsIm IInSrw*WflVmiiI la fk He was arrested on a warrant after farm equipment left in the meadows a beating system at Bolton budget procedures. There will SO percent since last year, now up six percent while New Hampshire ions.” Minor car accident at the cor­ False alarm at the Langford investigation of an alleged burglary area and belonging to toe South Elementary School and amesit be an executive session for per­ totaling 11,022. ITiose figures were has nine percent more openings than Another source said Leonard had ner of Main and Brewer School on Alps Drive. CHUBEHES and theft from a home on Taylor Windsor Ejquipment Co. of Sullivan paving, resignations and ap- sonnel matters. compiled following a survey of last fall. been under pressure to promote toe SHETUNDS Of toe six states included in toe streets. Wednesday, 10:44 p.m. — 8V4 to 1414 Street. He %as released on a 31,000 Road. HOODED colleges by toe New England Board son of Bridgeport Mayor John C. Wednesday, 9:51 a.m., — Minor house fire at 11 Bliss St. survey, only Maine and Vermont . lOM to IBM of Higher Education. Mandanici from trooper to sergeant. Medical call to 1112 Main St. Today, 12:28 a.m. — CREW NECK PULLOVERS FAIR ISLE show^ decreases in toe number of Of 178 New England schools polled, Sources said Leonard came close to Wednesday, 10:33 a.m. — Medical call to 850 Main St. freshman vacancies. V-NECK PULLOVERS just 12 reported their doors closed to making toe promotion, but didn’t. Autombile accident at the cor­ Wt^padctttj Cliib makes CARDIGANS h r lh $ M -i ROSE SALE STRIPES & NOVELTIES to-IH gill Funding chances still OK THE UMVERSITY OF CONECIKUT fAofAof o| fall plans alreauy approved the sky walk grant and is wtighior} JACKSON NOW At Low At HARTFORD (UPI) — A federal official praponton | expected to approve up to 310 million for VERNON — The first fall activity scheduled for toe ONLY visiting Hartford says the city's chances prMm. PERKINS the civic center, neighborhood projects Community Singles Oub will be an afternoon at toe coun­ of funding for neighborhood projects won’t will still be considered. INVITES Y O U TO 8TTEND THE STOMtS CMVIIS TINS F U l try fair in Woodstock and an evening at toe New England * 2 0 % " be hurt if the U.S. Department of Housing Embry said the conflict between down­ premiere of a symphonic suite of music from toe movie and Urban Development grants money for town and neighborhood interests appears “ Stdr Wflrs.** the proposed skywalk and civic center in cities nationwide, but shouldn’t. <1399 coliseum. On Sept. 2 toe members will meet at toe Route 30 “ I don’t think you should be concen­ A variety of graduate and undergraduate courses are offered in parking lot of the First Ckmgregational Church of Vernon GERANIUMS HUD Assistant Secretary Robert Em­ trating on opposing projects for down­ bry Wednesday met neighborhood leaders the foiiowing discipiines: to carpool to go to the fair. Those wishing to may bring town,” he said. "Every city needs both a their lunch. From toe fair toe group wiil go to the 4Vk” Pola angry over HUD’s 31.9 million grant for Art, Chemicai Engineering, Chemistnf, Civil Engineering, successful downtown and successful Brooklyn Fairgrounds to go to toe Hartford Pops Concert REG $15.00 • $20.00 the .proposed glass-enclosed downtown neighborhoods." Classics, Computer Science, Design and Resource Management, to be conduct^ by Daniel Parker. walkway. The leaders, affiliated with the Embry toured the Park Street area Dramatic Arts, Educational Administration, Educational Other fall plans will be made and presented at a Get- M.19 Hartford Areas Rally Together organiza­ where the organization has proposed its Psychology, Elementary Education, Foundations and Curriculum, Acquainted coffee for members and prospective lO lo rtO J O tion, have claimed the city leaders are own 33 million rehabilitation program for Higher Technical and Adult Education, Physical Education, emphasizing downtown development at members on Aug. 15 at 8 p.m. at toe church. HUD funding. He said he approved of the Secondary Education, Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Ckimmunity Singles is an activity-oriented, social and the expense of the neighborhoods. project because it would use 312 million in support group open to persons who are divorced, But Embry said even though HUD has English, Fine Arts, French, German, History, Human Developnrient private financing. and Family Relations, Italian, Linguistics, Mathematics, Xtt ps ol oaf far faWlM mW separated or widowed. Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy, Music, Nursing, Philosophj^ o tM hM» Mr tad-lo-KM For more information or reservations, call Jan Raber, Physics, Political Science, Portuguese, Sociology, Spanish, and lopt DM a» m r atm club president, 875-85()0. • Reservations for toe Sept. 2 ! M ' nyM Mon.-Wsd., Sat. 1Q-6 events must be made by Aug. 26. INot a threat Statistics. DRIVEWAYS Thu. FrI. 10-9 Vacation closing HADDAM (UPI) - The VERNON — The office of toe Indian Valley YMCA, at;, Most of these courses meet only once or twice a week in the late afternoon or leak at the Higganum Dam Vernon Circle, will be closed from Aug. 14-25 for summer LADY BUG does not pose a serious early evening. Degree and non-degree students are eligible to take courses. ^6olohial vacations. OLD COLONY CRAZY HORSE threat, a spokesman for Cost Is $45 per credit. More than 400 persons have been participating in toe GARLAND the Army Corps of m M t m m «i44 summer activities of toe “ Y ” . 25 programs are planned ALLEY CAT Engineers says. 9avin) tataaOnb Owkiilan CMr for the fall term which will<3tart Oct. 2. Col. Arcade Boivin said MM4N . M M I n. Heb «U WOMMUnHIP auWI/UITgD For additional Information on registration procedures and deadline dates call KnBKBiaaiEMiMr. Wednesday the corps’ the Office of Credit Programs at the Storrs Campus — 486-3032. tann mm report on the dam is to be FREE ESTIMATES Ttl. S28-49S2 vtiBsui asMB m jsiiaii released today. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., Aug. 10, 197g- ■ PAGE NINE I : PAGE EIGHT ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERAllP. Manchester, Conn., Thura., Aug. 10, H78 Thousands view pope’s body; conclave Aug.25 i ^ ^ covered with red and theirtheir medieval medieval Uniforms uniforms ofblue._r^ of blue, r ^ At one moment, a priest among the The bier was covered with red and first mourners n ot^ the pain of BaslBiiui as originally planned funeral. and gold.^But they soon packed solid VATICAN CITY (UPI) - gold satin. those around him in the center nave. because of the vast throngs — up to 'Hie cardinals said the conclave in the crater nave and it took 45 Thousands upon thousands of' The Vatican said on Wednesday He offered to say the rosary. Dozens 250,000 — expected. The basilica would be held in the Vatican’s Sistine minutes to move down to the bier. faithful, many sobbing, passed that it would break with tradition and of voices implored him to do so. holds 30,000 at most. Chapel, the narrow hall just behind People sobbed as the body came before the body of Pope Paul VI seal the body in the final triple casket “ We will do it in Latin for the All cardinals present in Rome will and to the side of St. Peter’s famed into view and ushers in front of the today as It lay in state in the for the lying in state, “ for sanitary benefit of all the foreigners around concelebrate mass at the rite, which for its fresco of the Last Judgment by bier had difficulty in keeping the line awesome majesty of St. Peter’s reasons.” us,” the priest said. will be followed by burial in the Michelangelo. moving as elderly people, tears Basilica. And during the solemn But instructions from the College As the crowd moved slowly down Vatican grottoes below the basilica. Forty-three of the 130 cardinals streaming down their faces, fell to procession the Vatican announced of Cardinals, however, were to have the nave hundreds of voices echoed The body will be placed in an 880- attended today’s congregation, which their knees in prayer. that a conclave to elect his successor the body on open view if possible. It the rosary, responses. pound triple coffin of oak, lead and decided on the date of the conclave. The sound of weeping echoed would begin Aug. 25. was removed from the casket shortly Two electric fans played on Paul’s cypress before it is lowered to the They included four Americans — through the Basilica, especially from The body of Giovanni Battista Mon- before the crowds begah pouring in. the many small side chapels where body. There was a brownish yellow grottoes. William W. Baum of Washington, tlpl, who reigned for 15 years as Paul St. Peter’s, the largest church in tinge to the skin. The Basilica’s doors were opened Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston, masses were officiated. VI, was removed from its plain pine Christendom, was to have been Paul, spiritual leader of the at 7 a.m. An estimated 40,000 people John J. Carberry of St. Louis and For the first two hours there was a casket and placed on a bier in front of opened at 9 a.m. but the Size of the world’s 700 million Roman Catholics Terence J. Cooke of New York. solemn religious atmosphere in the the central altar of the confessional, were waiting outside with thousands waiting crowd, which gathereji soon Paul was dressed in red and gold cathedral. for 15 years, died last Sunday one dpOrfed by the towering Bernini more arriving all the time. after dawn led church officials to ad­ month before his 81st birthday. He The College of Cardinals decreed ceremonial robes over a white lace This changed as the morning went bronze canopy with its twisted vance this by two hours. had been at the papal summer palace today that the conclave to elect a surplice, red slippers, a rosary in the on with the arrival of tour groups, columns. The thousands of mourners moved their leaders waving numbered flags at Castel Gandolfo, 15 miles from successor to the pontiff will open hands clasped in prayer on the chest, The Vatican announced that the into the church at a fairly rapid speed Rome. Aug. 25. They also decreed that the a white and gold miter on his head, and gaily-dressed tourists disregar­ Saturday funeral service for the pope past the Swiss guards standing The body was brought to St. nine days of requiem masses for the papal staff with silver crucifix at ding the ban on taking photographs. will be held outdoors in St. Peter’s before the massive bronze doors in Peter’s Wednesday evening. his side. Lawsuit claims neighbors pollute state’s air Square instead of in St. Peter’s Paul’s death would begin with the _ w» /^DT A ttSoA tlAvirlA«>aAMHenderson oatrl said ConnecticiTt’s lOooooooocioociooooooooooooouuuoBOOoeoof munity that of all the pollutants, Kenneth 0 . Decko, CBIA vice i3ooooaooooeoooooooooooooooooooooopooo*^ooo^o HARTFORD (UPI) - A coaliUon vironmental officials to help Connec­ protection agencies, and the Long geographic position has caused it ad­ ozones travel the farthest. Everyone president and general counsel, said of groups, angry because Connec­ ticut. Island (N.Y.) Lighting Co. which prevailing westerly winds tend to ditional problems because the stLte ticut’s air is polluted by neighboring The suit was brought by the bums 2.8 percent sulfur fuel oil. recognizes the problm but until now, Oil subsidy compromise bring air from the Midwest and is assigned to the EPA Region Ohe, Connecticut Business and Industry no state has been willing to stick its states, have filed suit against New Also cited was EPA Administrator sometimes from the South to Connec­ headquartered in Boston which ^ Vivitar Strobe Sale neck out.” York, New Jersey and federal of­ Association, the Connecticut Douglas M. Costle, who was covers the New England area. That ” If Ckrnnecticut were to simply ticut where it hovers over the state. ficials for failing to enforce the Clean Conference of Municipalities and the previously Connecticut’s com­ region has strict pollution control. shut down tomorrow, it would still be "W e’re geographically at a loca­ Sale Air Act. Boston-based New England Legal missioner of environmental protec­ New York and New Jersey are'lli in violation of federal clean air stan­ tion where the weather forces pleases region’s solons Foundation. Connecticut’s air is dirtier than tion. merge,” he said. “ We have the se­ Region Two which, Henderson sai^, that anywhere in the nation except Tt asks the EPA to stop awarding dards for ozone by virtue of that perr\nv< barrel K«xt*ra1 ofnt importedimnnrffxH noil into those Price, The CBIA spokesman said the suit cond worst ozone problem in the is less tough on the states in forcUig which is blown into this state from figure in about two weeks, but Sen. J. Los Angeles, in part because winds grants to New York and New Jersey also asks the court to order that EPA them to clean up their air. WASHINGTON (UPI) - A half­ states. 51 Strobe 12.9 5 New York and New Jersey,” he said. United States, next to Los Angeles.” Bennett Johnston, D-La., from a Vivitar bring tons of pollutants from New until the states revise their plans to require the states to revise their loaf is better than none, and East The beneficiaries of the en­ major oil producing state, was 27.9 5 York and New Jersey to Connecticut. clean up air pollution and to enforce clean air plans and the Long Island A Coast senators — especially those titlements are industrial consumers Vivitar 215 Strobe The federal govenunent has been air pollution standards regionally in­ Lighting Co. to stop using 2.8 percent from energy-hungry New England — prepared with an amendment to in 17 states and the District of Colum­ 39.95 block the administration entirely. bia included in the government's Vivitar 252 Strobe pressuring Connecticut to clean up stead of state by state, a CBIA sulphur fuel. Connecticut is allowed were happy to get that. SUMMER “ Our head-count showed that we petroleum allocation district number 49.95 its air. The suit, filed Wednesday in spokesman said. to bum only .5 sulphur fuel, he said. I The issue concerned imported Vivitar 265 Sjrobe U.S. District Court in Hartford, is a Among those named as defendants NELF attorney Wayne S Hender­ ELECTMC SUPPLY INC .residual oil, important to New would lose it (a vote to defeat the one, plus the state of Michigan. 84.95 counteraction to force the U.S. En­ are New York Gov. Hugh L. Carey, son said, “ It’s generally ELECTRIC PARK ; England because it is a major in- Original Johnston amendment),” The other states are Maine, New Vivitar 283 Strobe vironmental Protection Agency and New Jersey Gov. Brendon Byrne, the 440 OAKLAND STREET CLEARANCE said Sen. Edward Brooke, R-Mass., Hampshire, Vermont, acknowledge in the scientific com- ■dustrial fuel. Manchester, Conn.'06040 New York and New Jersey en­ heads of b o| h state’s environmental 1 The government requires oil who led the New England group. ” We Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode 203-646-2830 Thun. 9-9, Fri. 9-5, Sat 9-5 felt that half a loaf under these cir­ I refiners in the rest of the country to Island, New York, New Jersey, I cumstances would be better than no THE TRERREND9US SAVINGS • RRAKE THIS THE TIME TO PURCHASE : help out easterners who must depend Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, *6n higher-priced imported oil, by loaf at all.” Virginia, West Virginia, North AIR COMDITIONER8 A FANS •requiring them to pay a subsidy to The Energy Department proposal Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, SCM jury to hear more ' equalize the price between domestic would have boosted total subsidies and Florida. SHOPS U.UW fa m o u s manufacturer air conditioner , aiM imported residual oil. from the current $120 million to The amendment was attached to an well as evidence presented today. MANY OTHER is,boo btu • iis voH • ia Amp • o.o eer MANY OTHER about $400 million. $11.5 billion Interior Department ap­ HARTFORD (UPI) — The jury in The jury said if SCM had not been The administration wanted to go UAWrHF-iTER NEW BRITAIN HARTFORD SIMSBURY FARMINGTON SPRINGFIELD BLOOMFIELD , ITEMS ON Under a compromise worked out the historic antitrust suit brought by excluded from the plain paper Any award would be trebled under ITEMS ON Manutactunn L/tf |475**ECOnomV PrlC9 *349*” all the way, boosting the current 30 propriations bill, $1.2 billion under a M a r S i^ M r KMalnSIre., 10 State Slreal 1227 Hopmaadow Straat Waallarm. Mall Bavatalo Waal Copaco Sheppln, C«,lar j SCM Corp. against Xerox was to' copying market in 1969, the company antitrust law. SALE! SALE! percent subsidy — called an entitle- by Johnston and New England House-passed version, that was sub­ senators, and passed 53-40, the en­ m^i^mjooocwjuoaoonoooon reconvene today to hear evidence on would have earned $23.6 million Following Wednesday’s court ses­ 13,000 BTU • 230/208 VoH • 10 AMP • 6.1 EER tnent — to 100 percent of the sequently passed by a 85 to 5 vote. On titlement would be raised from 30 one more claim, its last task in the dollars in 1976 alone. It must now sion, Richahl Sexton, SCM vice presi­ ; difference. Tuesday, the Senate rejected a move Manutactunn Uat |30Q«* ECONOMY PRICE *299** t o longest jury trial in federal court h ear. evidence on what SCM es­ dent, said “ we are gratified with It has a rule-making procedure in percent 50 percent — or to about by Sen. William Roth, R-Del., to cut history. timates the value of a plain paper these results, although naturally we FAMOUS MANUFACTURER , mm mm process to implement the 100 percent $200 million. That would be about $1 $129 million more from the bill. The nine-member U.S. . District copier divison would be if it had bwn are disappointed that our other 20” FAN • 3 SPEED Box Stylo Fan opMCIBI Court pwel said Wednesday SCM created. claims were not sustained.” was entitled to the $11.5 million in U.S. District Judge Jon 0 . New­ A Xerox spokesman said the com­ ^2ir3_8PEEDJREVER^^ House to debate damages it had sought for lost profits man will make the final award based pany will file a motion against the from 1969 to 1976, but left another on the two sets of figures — the $11.5 jury’s $11.5 figure “ and ultimate - r-PRE-SEASON SPEmS ON PORTABLE ELECTRIC HEATERS^ claim of 848.5 million undecided. estimate and the 1976 potential — as judgment will be in our favor.” tax cutting plan CARPET WAREHOUSE SALE! 36” lA S EN AR D 1000 Watt* Rag. $40.85 Sals *39.99 4S” lASEBOARD ^ WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House, having sent the 3 Tamp 500,1000,1500 Watt* Rag. $68.05 S S iS * 9 1 .8 8 Senate the largest money bill in history, meets to ^ y to DPLLAB DAYS RADUNT FAN take up a number of tax-cut proposals cleared for debate G LEN N rS Fbrcad Two Haat 1250,1500 Wait * Hag. $37.50______SSIS *27.99 ^*The tax proposals cleared for floor action by the Rules CARPET SALE Wednesday include an administration-backed JUST A SAMPLING... |181 biUlon plan intended to shift more benefits to lower- WE NOW INSTAUATION e n d O f m e r £ ||Q 3 income Individuals, the $16.2 billion Ways and Means HUNDffEOa MORE TO SELECT FROM OFFER AVAILARLE Committee bill and several alternatives. (NO SECONDS) The rules panel barred any effort on the floor to either ALL FIRST QUALITY CONOOLEUM (ALL SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE) reduce higher Social Security tax rates taking effect in 7 1 SQ.TD. AUG. January, or to offset them with income-tax breaks. ' The tax bill goes to the floor today after the House ap­ V 12th proved 339-60 and sent to the Seriate a $119.2 billion defense approprlaUon, the largest money biU in history. The measure contairis $2.1 billion for a nuclear aircraft carrier President Carter doesn’t want and was amended KITCHEN CARPET CUT'S’ LOOP PADDING GOME IN NOW FOR HOT AUGUST SAVINGS! at the last minute to bar use of funds for military abor- PRIME ttMs except to save the woman’s life. TIGHT LOOP PILE 100% NYLON MULTI-TONES WITH MANY OTHER - r The legislation carries about $29 billion for the Army, URETHANE RESISTS WEAR. SOIL HIDING ABILITY r $33 hiiiinn for the Air Force and $41 biUlon for the Navy in UNADVERTISED I the fiscal year starting Oct. 1. REG. $8.76 REG. 810.60 SPECIALS ‘ Sen LoweUWeicker, R-Conn, says he wlU introduce an NOW ...... 99 so. YD. 1/l” ....*1«,Q.VO. HORNET J E U WASP SPRAY ... IIWox/MW * 1 .9 0 ‘ amendment to the $23.4 biUion Agriculture Dei»rtinrat $ 5 9 5 ^ $ 6 9 9 : appropriations biU that would bar $56 million in Food for •4** s o . YD. U W N MSECT CONTROL ANT, ROACH & • Prace aid to South Korea. SPRIERSPRAY...... 1 8 ox.8 M -* 1 .0 9 * Weicker’s amendment would place the Senate behind a AFERTIIZER...... 8,000 sq.iLW l4.99 ’ House move to delete the funds to try to force tenner ISOTEX MSECT SPRAY...... -4i0 8 * 3 .7 9 •. South Korean envoy Kim Dong-jo to cooperate with the NOW SUPER TURF B U U E R ...... 6.000 sq.iLM »*S.99 SIZE COLOR/DEOCHIPTION REG. ^ -House Ethics (tommlttee’s investigation of Kim’s alleged m m h ROSE FLORAL JET DUSTER...... *88*1.99 3136 $ 45 I ; cash payments t o congressmen. BURNT OLIVE LEVEL LOOP SURF TURF BOLDER 12x 0.03 127 65 ■ A Senate permanent investigations subcommittee con- 12x10.00 AZTEC GOLD SHORT SHAG + 2 ...... 8,000 m i. r.o a» * 9 .7 9 WEEDBGONE...... Wgal.*88*9.99 148 66 i t|m«» its hearing today with confessed crime syndicate 12x17.00 BROWN STRIPE ARTIFICIAL TURF 95 62 q«- ...... 8.48*4.99 t “ hit man” Gary Bowdach testifying. 12x 7.02 CHOCOLATE SAXONY PLUSH TURF BOLDER...... 1 6 ,000 tq.IL 22.87 • 1 7 .7 9 179 75 ...... 808*2.59 12x11.02 BLUE TEXTURED LOOP p L ...... 168 75 VEGTABIE GARDEN FERTLIZER 12x11.04 RED/BLUE PLAID RED/BRDWN SCULPTURED LOOP 113 73 2-8 lbs...... w4 .» 8 '* 1 .4 9 12x 8.11 75 GREEN GLIMMER SAXONY PLUSH 156 12x 0.00 75 lo ttM ....:...... W 3 . 9 9 aLBERT & BOUEn FENCHIG ZINNIA SCULPTURED SAXONY 144 12x 8.00 65 Vinyl Yard Qard Fanca - WhKa or Oraan WILLOW TWEED SAXONY PLUSH 170 LAWN WEED CONTROL.... . 6,000 tq. il-m 6 '* 9 .9 9 12x13.05 176 65 BEIQE/OFF WHITE SAXONY 36x50 ...... -8888*22.95 12x12.00 131 SO 12x10.04 MUSHROOM SAXONY PLUSH LAWN DISEASE PREVENTER . 7,800 tq.lL-8il8-*7.99 120 85 48x50 ...... -84M-*2 8 .9 5 I2x 8.00 BANANA SAXONY PLUSH 150 00 LAWN BISECT CONTROL . 8,000 sq. IL 4 4 itf-* 1 1 . 9 9 12x15.00 AVOCADO SCULPTURED LOOP 14x25...... PHANTOM WHITE SAXONY PLUSH 200 05 12x11.00 95 SUMMER CRADGRASS GOLD OUST SAXONY PLUSH 102 12x11.00 05 RU8TICANA SAXONY PLUSH 261 CONTROL ...... 8,000 sq. IL-IOif^ * 9 .9 9 Gahragard Fanclng 12x11.11, 06 RED PLAID PLUSH PRINT 108 PACIUGESTORI 12x 0.00 142 00 36x50 > 16 .0 5 PINEAPPLE 8PLU8H MANCNUTM PAMCAOi 12x10.07 174 03 CUPRINOL 12x10.00 ROSE DUST SAXONY PLUSH 48x50 •2 1.8 5 179 95 C/Mr PrtMrvaffpc OPEN S am • 8 pm Mon-Sat 12x11.02 TROPIC GREEN SCULPTURED SAXONY 312 135 quart...... ,«iOI-*Z.98 12x10.06 MOSS GREEN TWEED 8PLU8H 230 125 gallon...... rM 4 -* 9 .9 7 Poultry Fanoing 1x20 Maah BELLOWS VODKA OPEN 12x21.06 SPRING GREEN VELVET PLUSH RUST TONE ON TONE SAXONY 240 155 Sem/ Trantpannt Stain - Colon 36x50 ...... *1 1 .9 0 1.78 L *10 Proof 12x17.00 155 RUM TEXTURED SAXONY 370 quart...... ! ...... a ^ » 2 . 9 9 SATURDAY 10 AM - 6 12x17.09 175 4 6 x 5 0 ...... « m *1 5 .5 0 nao. _ SPECIAL DOMINION GREEN VELVET PLUSH 402 12x23.01 175 gallon...... ■«i»»-*7.99 RED/BMICK TEXTURED LOOP 287 •o S a ^ r *8.08 12x21.05 320 175 CLOSED SUNDAY 12x10.00 BLUSHING BRONZE VELVET PLUSH GARDEN H O S E...... a4:8 » *1 1 .9 9 Wx80 An Waathar Ralnforcad Hoao JENMTE J-16 GILBETS VODKA GLMARHOSENOZZEL...... 78 *1.9 9 Quorl*00 Proof R e g .'$8.99 SPECIAL CONTRACTORS WHEEL BARROW. 8* 4 9 . 9 9 FREE COFFEE 44 eu. (L haapod SPECIAL BARGAINS *4.89 PACER WHEEL BARROW. *15 .9 9 *7.89 ASST. TOMS SHOES UP GLD CRGW B9URBGN fIXi &UUL TXbmi Quart *00 Proof JMK HATOHAUV fWCeOMUU MMO ASST. JOGGING SHOES TO Lawn and Gardan Toolt In Stock STOCKilDE FEME 6SST. BUSKEmtl R*g. 20% OFF 6’x8’ Section Includes 1 Post ; SHOES 70% *8.59 OFF ALL LAWN A GARDEN TOOLS t S M ’* ' 1 9 . 9 5 ASST. 1MNNG SHOES LEGNARDINI LAMBRUSCO \ 50.7PL.ox. Italian Rod WIno 24PL.01. THE W.G. GLENNEY CO. Wa Are Open Mim.-Fri., 8 AM - 0 PM, Sat 8 AM - 5:30 PM *3.29 *1.79 HOME IMPflOVEMENT CENTER Dependabh S«rtlee SInca 1920 Pour CompUu Home Budding Center. 1227 BORNSIDE AVE., EAST HARTFORD, CT. KEG BEERBUfflSnnB HANCHaana ILUNQTON OLaaroNauav W. WILUNOTON JiMt 1 Milo Frem Exit 92 I-8S • Aoroso from Miroo Polo MAtm CHJDWE •MN. IMnat Weeinoed N Hebron Am Haute 44 ■iuimiiaicMiD/Tm tt- iTMiia . tia-4tn 4taatit

L i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs,, Aug. 10, 1978 - PAGE ELEVEN PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10, 1878 O bItuariM ) Changes in bus service Friends may call at Rose Hill Former teammates haunt Red Sox and I’ve been told to be ready to play Funeral Home, 580 Ellm St., Rocky going to be more pressure and hyp care who I beat. It’s tough enough when he threw to second baseman trapped, that’s all" them. It’s been a tough season. Body of missing man HiU, Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. suggested by commission BOSTON (UPI) - The Duane Kuiper in time to eraSe Hob­ Wise, who gave up only four hits not to mention media attention. just winning,” he said. “ Before, I was never worried The family suggests that any When that starts we’ll see how they Boston Red Sox had nobody to Cox, who played his first game son before Hancock could cross the before tiring in the seventh inning, about my hitting and now with all the memorial gifts may be made to Com­ Manchester’s Commission on the Some of the services the commis­ Hartford’s brings people to measure up,” he said. blame but themselves. ever in right field Wednesday night, plate with the tying run. won’t concede Boston the American work I have to do learning new found in lake cottage munity Baptist Church, 585 E. Center Handicapped will ask that various sion feels are needed include Manchester and to Hartford for sho|v But Wise added, "If they play the They not only played poorly, they driving in the ultimate winning run in “He just got caught in between,” League East title. positions. I’ve started pressing at the changes be made in the contract for emergency bus service provided ping and medical appointments, way they’re playing, they’ll be tough St. supplied the Cleveland Indians with the seventh inning with a line double plate,’’ he said. VERNON - Edward H. Poreda, Pratt & Whitney Division of United James E. Bucior the Phone-A-Ride bus service for the upon two to 4 hours notice for such cording to Miss Gertrude DeLeo, 3 to catch.” 6S, of 70 Village St., reported missing Technologies. the two players who beat them. off the left field wall, also got a Despite the victory, Cox said he is Realizing his chances of playing EAST HARTFORD -Jam es E. elderly and handicapped when it is problems as a toothache (not a dental member of Manchester’s commis^ to police several days ago, was found He was an Army veteran of World Ted Cox and Rick Wise, who were special kick out of the victory. unhappy in Cleveland and wasn't with a pennant winner in 1978 are Bucior, 25, of 18 Terrace Ave. died renewed next month. appointment) and other needs of the Sion. dealt to Cleveland for Dennis “I had what I thought were two minimal at best, Cox sees the divi­ dead Wednesday in a run-down cot­ W arn. The present Phone-A-Ride charter afraid to say so. Tuesday in a Nutmeg Village apart­ Barry Bernstein, commission physically handicapped to get Eckersley last March, combined game winning hits against Texas sion flag flying in Boston this year. tage near Shenipsit Lake, police said. He is survived by a brother, medical assistance. calls for at least 24 hours notice given “I’ve been looking to get out. But, ment in Vernon, according to Vernon chairman, said Wednesday night he Wednesday night to lead the Indians over the weekend only to have us lose “I think the Sox will win it. I knew Assistant State Medical Examiner Theodore J. Poreda of Enfield; a One of the problems in providing for service. The commission would I’m going to see what happens for the police. was “happy with the progress of the to a 5-1 victory over the East the game. So, to beat the Red Sox they had the hitting and the pitching Edwin H. Basden of Columbia said nephew, Theodore A. Poreda of emergency service was that a bus like to see this enforced. The present rest of the seasdn. Then, I’m going to An autopsy is being conducted by bus service.” However, with the gives me a special feeling,” he said. has been better than I expected. It Poreda died of natural causes, Derry, N.H., and a niece, Mrs. driver wouldn’t want to be responsi­ 48-hour notice required is un*- Division-leading Red Sox. m m . . . talk with Seghi (Indians General the medical examiner’s office in Far­ charter scheduled to be renewed by Wise, who uppd his slate against The Red Sox did the rest. took them three and a half months to probably Tuesday night. Kathryn McAleer of Springfield, ble if the passenger’s conditioned reasonable, especially when one has Manager) and find out what the plans mington, according to reports. Sept. 21, he and the other com­ his former teammates to 3-0 this In the seventh inning with pinch hit a slump and if they don’t have Police said two youths on' Mass. missioners would like to see some ad­ worsened. Tliere was also the fear to call on Thursday for a ride on Mon^ are for me. But, to be honest, I don’t minibikes, wbo were exploring the The funeral will be Friday at 8:15 Mr. Bucior was bom in Hartford season and 9-14 overall, mystified runner Gary Hancock on second base see any change coming next year,” another one they should win it easy,” and had lived in Blast Hartford all his ditional services to be provided. that such a service might be abused. day. cottage about 1 p.m. found Poreda's a.m. from Wbite-Gibson-Small Boston, limiting them to four hits and and Butch Hobson on first with two he said. he said. iife. He was employed at Pratt and The commission would also like to ’The commission hopes to be in­ body on the floor. Funeral Home, 65 Elm St., one run in 6 2-3 innings. And nothing outs, Rick Burleson grounded a Originally touted as a third Boston will get a chance to avenge Whitney Division of United see some mutual arrangement volved in writing the new contract. could have pleased the bespectacled single to center. Thinking Cleveland the loss Thursday afternoon when Mr. Poreda was bom Nov. 4,1914, Rockville, with a mass at 9 at St. between the Manchester and East Laine Dyer of the town’s Human Ser­ baseman by Boston, Cox has played Technologies Corp. Wincze dies, centerfielder Rick Manning would Eckersley, 13-4, faces his old team­ in Gleasondale, Mass., and lived in Joseph’s Church, Rockville. Burial Hartford free transportation systems vices Department said today that righthander more. “We’re as far back as anyone (fifth six positions for Cleveland thus far He is survived by his parents, “This year it's something special throw to the plate in an attempt to said Manager Don Zimmer of Hob­ mates. Cleveland’s hurler will be Vernon many years. He was will be in St. Bernard’s Cemetery, for the elderly and handicapped. they “would love to have input fron) place 17*/2 games) and we’re not con­ this season and it’s upset him. Joseph and Frances Brown Bucior of was officer to beat Boston because the revenge nail Hancock, Hobson took a wide son’s apparent miscue. When pressed another player involved in the swap, employed most of his life as a weaver Rockville. Manchester’s service only provides handicapped persons in drafting the as to whether or not it was a mental ceding them anything. It’s going to “The only positions left for me are East Hartford; a brother, Thomas J. factor is still there. But, on the other turn at second. righthander Mike Paxton, 8-7. in the Rockville woolen mills. Before Friends may call at the funeral rides within the town, while East new contract.” blunder, Zimmer barked, “He got become tougher for them. There’s catcher, second base and center field his retirement, he was employed at home today from 7 to 9 p.m. Bucior of Enfield; and his maternal at aircraft hand, 1 just want to win and I don’t Manning ruined Hobson’s strategy grandparents, Edward and Alice VERNON - Chester W. Wincze, Henry J. Flaherty . Jack E. Brubaker Brown of Hartford. 56, of 850 Hartford Turnpike, a The private funeral will be at the EAST HARTFORD - Henry ELUNG’TON—Jack E. Brubaker, retired executive of United convenience of the family. Burial ( Manchester polio report ) Joseph Flaherty, 71, of 227 Woodlawn 29, of 127 Maple St. was found Technologies Corp., died Wednesday Gura twirls gem against ^Patsies^ will be in Mount St. Benedict Thoughts Circle died Wednesday at banging by a rope at his home at the Newington Veterans Hospital. Cemetery, Bloomfield. Manchester Memorial Hospital. He Tuesday night, state police said. He was the husband of Mrs. Eleanor John T. Grezel, 26, of 134G Rachel Several burglaries were reported NEW YORK (UPI) - Larry the Royals without a baserunner for 6 Piniella’s one-out squeeze bunt with was the husband of Mrs. Mary He was pronounced dead at the The Newkirk and Whitney Funeral Ronalter Wincze. Road was charged early today with to police Wednesday, three were in ApLENty Gura, who fluctuates between 2-3 innings before Kansas City scored the bases loaded to cap a five-run, Forrest Flaherty. scene by Dr. John Kennedy of Wind­ Home, 318 Burnside Ave., is in Mr. Wincze was executive vice operating under the influence of commercial buildings in the West starting and relieving—depen­ American League] twice in the seventh on run-scoring ninth-inning rally and give the Mr. Flaherty was bom in Beacon, sor Locks, an assistant state medical charge of arrangements. president of the Turbo Power Marine liquor or drugs in connection with an Middle Turnpike and Broad Street singles by A1 Cowens and John Yankees a dramatic victory over the There are no calling hours. ding upon the Royals’ pitching N.Y., and bad lived in East Hartford examiner. System Division of United accident on Tolland Turnpike, west area. Two of the burglaries which oc­ Wathan. Brewers. situation — tossed a four-hit In other AL games, Toronto most of his life. Before retiring, he Mr. Brubaker was bom April 14, Mrs. Anna K. Keeney Technologies Corp., Farmington, of Parker Street. curred sometime between 6 p.m. Royals in 1976. “I’m most effective Tigers 5, Rangers 2 had been employed for 20 years at 1949 in fronton, Ohio, and had lived in before retiring in 1973. Police said Grezel was traveling Tuesday and 7 a.m. Wednesday yieie By Len Auster shutout against his favorite as a starter because I get to set blanked Chicago, 8-0, Cleveland beat Tim Corcoran's grand slam with Mrs. Anna Kristen Keeney, 88, of Pratt & Whitney Division of United Ohio most of his life, living in Union He was bom in Hartford and had west on Tolland Turnpike when he in two businesses at 358 W. Middle patsies, the Baltimore Orioles, batters up, although I’m not a Boston, 5-1, New York downed one out in the eighth inning, his first 32F McGuire Lane died this morning Technologies Corp. He was a veteran before coming to Ellington a short lived in the Vernon area for many lost control of his car, swerved and Turnpike. About $375 worth of tools as he outdueled Scott strikeout pitcher.” Milwaukee, 8-7, Detroit defeated homer of the season, rallied Kip at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Bermudians are more than willing to Texas, 5-2, and Seattle topped of World War II. He was a conununi- time ago. He was employed as a years. He was a member of Ellington struck about 12 guard rail posts. He was taken from the Eastway Corp. Can’t explain McGregor in pitching the Kan­ Gura, 10-2, gave up a double to Young and the Tigers over the She was the widow of Earl W. Ridge Country Club, Ellington, and sustained minor injuries which did try to explain the game, but ... Doug DeCinces and singles to Eddi Minnesota, 4-1. Rangers. Young hurled his fourth cant of St. Isaac Jogues Church. trabtor-trailer driver. and about 3185 worth of tools from American sportswriters would like sas City Royals to a 2-0 vic­ He is also survived by a son, T. Sgt. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Keeney. had served as a its vice president for not require hospital treatment. He Wakefield Electric Service, poli« You know what it looks like? Don’t Murray, Carlos Lopez and DeCinces Blue Jays 8, White Sox 0 complete game to raise his record to Mrs. Keeney was bom June 20,1890 two terms. He was a Navy veteran of was released on a 3200 bond for court you to believe they know everything ask. Well, anyway, it looks like 11 tory. in hurling the Royals to their eighth Jesse Jefferson fired his second 4-1. Stephen B. Flaherty, serving with the Martha Goodhall Bmbaker; a son, said. A break at the Card Gallery at about every thing. Laymen try to in Denmark and had lived in Norwalk World War H. Aug. 22. men standing around all over the “I think this game will keep me in triumph in nine games with shutout of the year, a three-hitter, Mariners 4, Twins 1 U.S. Air Force in England; a Jonathan Brubaker; a daughter, 336A Broad St. resulted in the theft df trick them and they’re brazen enough daughter, Maureen A. Flaherty of Deanna Brubaker; and two brothers for 20 years before coming to He is also survived by a daughter, items, for which the value has not yqt vast expanse with two batters in the the rotation,” said Gura, who has Baltimore this season. Rico Carty lashed three doubles and Dan Meyer’s three-run homer Manchester in 1954. She was a to come up with -some sort of West Hartford; two brothers, Ber­ and two sisters. Sally Wincze of Vernon; his mother, John Breneman, 32, of 687 Main St. been determined, however, poliw middle of the pitch who are faced by won his last five games and is a McGregor was sailing along- until the Blue Jays erupted for six second- capped a four-run first inning and member of St. Mary's Episcopal explanation. nard Flaherty and Robert Flaherty, The funeral was this morning at Mrs. Agatha MechonsU Wincze of was charged with reckless driving in said no expensive items were taken. a pitcher. The bats used look like sizzling 22-7 since coming to the the decisive seventh inning. He held inning runs en route to a rout of the helped Glenn Abbott to a victory over Church. Talk to a football writer about car both of East Hartford; a sister, Mrs. Ladd Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Hartford; and a sister, Mrs. Helen connection with an accident Monday The front glass door of the Cani paddles which most college frater­ White Sox. the Twins. Abbott pitched 7 1-3 in­ She is survived by a sister, Mrs. racing and he’ll hand you a line about Mary Keen of East Hartford; and Ave., Rockville. A committal service Murphy of Burlington. night involving his car and a bicycle. Gallery was smashed in. nities use for initiation ceremonies. Yankees 8, Brewers 7 nings for his fifth victory in nine Francis Bray of Manchester; and A.J. Foyt, Mario AndrettL and the four grandchildren. is scheduled for Aug. 17 at 2 p.m. in The funeral is Saturday at 9:15 The accident occurred on Broad A burglary was also reported at the The wicket looks like something used Catcher Buck Martinez muffed Lou decisions. several nieces and nephews. like. Discuss rodeo with a baseball Ihe funeral 1^ Saturday at 11:15 an fronton, Ohio, cemetery. a.m. from Burke-Fortin Funeral Street at Oliver Road. Police said construction site of the West Sidb in croquet only you can’t hit the ball The funeral is Saturday at 1 p.m. at Home, 76 Prospect St., with a mass Breneman’s car struck a bicycle writer and he’ll remind you that a through it. a.m. from Callahan Funeral Horae, The family suggests that any Recreation building on Cedar S|. rider has to stay on for eight seconds 1602 Main St., with a mass at St. memorial gifts may be made to the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St. at St. Bernard’s Church, Rockville, ridden by Russell A. Bagshaw, 15, of Police said the new wing at the site One facet which couldn’t be figured The Rev. Stephen Jacobson, rector of in order to score points. Isaac Jogues Church at noon. Burial Diabetes Association of Connecticut, at 10. Burial will be in St. Bernard’s 71 Homestead St. Bagshaw sustained was entered Tuesday night and about out is do you hit it forward or Rau ‘incredible’, St. Mary’s Church, will officiate. If, however, you really want to will be in Veterans Memorial Field, 17 Oakwood Ave., West Hartford. Cemetery, Rockville. Friends may minor injuries. Breneman is 331 worth of tools was stolen. The backward, how do you score a run Burial will be in Blast Cemetery. scheduled for court Aug. 22. stump one of the “experts" shift the Hillside Cemetery. call at the funeral home Friday from older wing into the adjoining and how do you get an out? Batters Friends may call at the funeral subject matter to ye ole sport of Friends may call at the funeral Daniel H. Wylie 7 to 9 p.m. Washington School was not entered, would slice the ball forward and continues to win home Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 The family suggests that any James Bellucci, 19, of 54 Orchard cricket. Ask for a full explanation of backward, sometimes far and other home Friday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Daniel H. Wylie, 76, of 53 McKinley police said. j p.m. memorial ^ fts may be made to the Hill Drive, South Windsor, was the rules and the scoring and see occasions just slightly ahead, but you p.m. St. died this morning at Manchester In a burglary at a Summit Street NEW YORK (UPI) — Hall of Earner Ralph Kiner looked at The family suggests that any American Cancer Society, 237 E. charged with evading responsibility what you get. Betcha not much. ’The really couldn’t tell who was on base Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ home, Tuesday night, a television Doug Rau pitch recently and shook his head in disbelief. Mrs. Katherine M. Fookea memorial gifts may be made to the Center St., Manchester. in connection with an accident Satur­ perfect example is this corner here. (if there were men on base). band of Mrs. Edith McLeod Wylie. set, some bottles and some coins It is nice to get away on holiday “I don’t know how he does it,” said Kiner, a former slugger EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Book of Remembrance of St. Mary’s day on Lodge Drive. Police said were reported stolen. Police said What made the ultimate decision to Mr. Wylie was born in New Episcopal Church. Bellucci’s car left the road and drove and for one week 1 spent it on a 26- depart the festivities that much with the Pittsburgh Pirates and now an announcer with the New Katherine Mary Houlihan Fookes of Brunswick, Canada, and had lived in Joins network some youths stopped in front of p mile stretch of island called Ber­ 39 Bliss St. died Wednesday in onto a lawn at 44 Lodge Drive, easier was one specific play. The ac­ York Mets. “He looks so easy to hit. It’s incredible. He ... makes Manchester for 26 years. Before Henry Street residence that evening muda. It so happened that the last BloonMield. HARTFORD (UPl) - State Police causing damage extending for 35 tion was completed (don’t ask what the good pitch when he has to and he wins. retiring in 1968, he had been and threw one of the bottles and the two days of my stay were Cup Match Mrs. Fookes was bom in Terryville Commissioner Edward P. Leonard feet. Bellucci left the scene in happened) and one side exploded into Rau did it again Wednesday, stop­ employ^ at Pratt & Whitney Divi­ coins at the residents who were m days, a national holiday, when and had lived in East Hartford for Lottery ) has signed Connecticut into a another vehicle, police said. He was tumultuous joy with a vast majority ping the San Diego Padres on five sion of United Technologies Corp., their front yard. Somerset (west end) and St. National League many years. She was a communicant national drug intelligence center that released on a written promise to A burglary was also reported at h of the crowd also exulting. And there hits in pitching the Dodgers to a 3-0 East Hartford, for 12 years. He was a appear in court Aug. 16. George’s (east end) collide in the an­ you are, along with other tourists, of St. Rose Church. member of Community Baptist keeps tabs on the activities of known Scott Drive home Tuesday night. nual cricket match. triumph, and the victory moved Los She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. The winning number drawn narcotics pushers. John P. Henderson, 20, of 141 Police said two young men were seen sitting on your hands wondering Angeles to within one game of first- scored twice to lead Houston. A four- Oiurch. Wednesday in the Connecticut daily Waranoke Road was charged with ’The match this year was staged at what’s transpired. That’s when you run first inning, aided by two errors 'f Lucille Booth and Mrs. Hazel Roy, He is also survived by a brother, Leonard said the state, which he on the patio of a home and breaking Somerset with the ‘Stadium’ just off place San Francisco. Cincinnati both of West Hartford; and several lottery was 455. enrolled in the system Wednesday, is operating while his license is upder into a garage. When they saw the know it’s time to go. trails the Giants by a half game. and a balk, sparked the Astros. James Willard Wylie of Dorchester, suspension Wednesday night. Pourt the bus line. You had to look hard to Pliillirs 6, Carilinuls 3 nieces and nephews. Mass.; a sister, Mrs. Hilda Loughlin one of the first to join the Drug En­ witness, they ran in and left in a find the ‘Stadium’ inasmuch as all it “I think this is the time of the year date is Aug. 29. Eighteen other motor when most pitchers get over their Richie Hebner and Greg Luzinski Ihe funeral is Friday at 9:15 a.m. of Hyde Park, Mass.; and several Correction forcement Administration’s El Paso waiting car. There were three is is a big grassy field surrounded Good weapon from the Farley-Sullivan Funeral Intelligence Center in El Paso, vehicle arrests were made suspects altogether. soreness and come around,” said each drove in two runs to help the nieces and nephews. Wednesday. primarily by chainlink fencing. So, if you ever want to confound Phillies snap the Cardinals’ five- Home, 96 Webster St., Hartford, with The funeral is Saturday at 1:30 The Church of the Assumption will Texas. There are no designated seats as we your local know-it-all sportswriter Rau, who snapped a three-game a mass at St. Rose Church at 10. have a memorial mass for Pope Paul losing streak and boosted his record game winning streak. Jim Kaat p.m. at Community Baptist Church. in the states are accustomed. with an endeavor he probably won’t scattered nine hits over 6 2-3 innings Burial will be in St. Thomas The Rev. Ondon Stairs, pastor, will tonight at 7 at the church, and not at There are two expressions be able to profuse words of wisdom Coming in feet first to 11-7. “Tonight, I had the best stuff Cemetery, Bristol. 7:30 as reported in Wednesday’s I’ve had all year — maybe the best for the victory while Bob Forsch, 9- officiate. Burial will be in Rose Hill associated with cricket — how they about, turn the subject to cricket. Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds, noted for head-first slides, 13, suffered his seventh straight Friends may call at the funeral Herald. since 1976.” Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. DOLLAR DAYS $$ « began don’t ask. One is “that’s a If you ask here, the question is a comes in. the conventional way to score against the Atlanta defeat, home tonight from 7 to 9. sticky wicket” and the other “that “sticky wicket” and as far as asking Dusty Baker’s solo homer in the se­ CLIP THESE COUPONS AND Braves. Catcher Joe Nolan takes late throw. (UPI Photo) cond inning and a two-run single by (aihs 5, Piralt‘9 4 Mra. Edward Morano isn’t cricket." me “that isn’t cricket.” Bill Buckner drove in three runs The first accurately covers the When you don’t know ‘tis better to Johnny Oates in the fourth provided Mrs. Laura Lento ... Rau with the only runs he needed. with a fifth-inning bases-loaded dou­ Morano, 44, of 19Vk AL SIEFFERTS SAYS rules and explanation of the game to admit it. ble and Rodney Scott doubled home SAVE UP TO M8.I the uninformed. It is a ‘sticky wicket’ Cricket. Elsewhere in the NL, Cincinnati Eldridge St. died early this Rice also potent routed Atlanta, 10-0, Houston nipped Tim Blackwell with the winning run trying to understand the proceedings. I’m not with it. morning at Hartford AUGUST 10th - 11th a 12th San Francisco, 6-5, Chicago edged in the sixth to give the Cubs their vic­ Hospital. She was the wife “ SAVE LIKE CRAZY! DURING OUR Pittsburgh, 5-4, Philadelphia downed tory. Dave Roberts, 5-7, went the dis­ of Inward C. Morano. driving golf hall St. Louis, 6-3, and New York whipped tance for Chicago. Mrs. Morano was bom Mels 10, Ex|iiis 3 VALUABLE COUPON $$$ VALUABLE COUPON $$$ Montreal, 10-3.. Aug. 20, 1933 in the FANTASTIC MAYTAG CLEAN-SWEEP SALE!’ Reds 10, Braves 0 Willie Montanez hit a three-run SUTTON, Mass. (UPI) - Boston Red Sox slugger Jim Rice Province of Alessandria- Tea Men eliminated Paul Moskau pitched a four-hitter homer, John Stearns added a two-run Fublne, Italy, and came to <2.00 OFF •1.00 OFF says he wouldn’t mind joining the pro-golf tour — but that he s for his first shutout of the season and blast and Joel Youngblood went 5-for- this country in 1952, living; REGULAR PRICE OF REGULAR PRICE OF not about to change jobs right now. doubled home two runs during a five- 5 to pace the Mets’ 19-hit attack. in Glastonbury until com­ ANY FOOT LOCKER from NASL playoff “The big difference is that you run sixth inning to spark Cincinnati. Craig Swan went the first seven in­ ing to Manchester in 1953. MUST ANY FALL HANDBAG have guys on the tour who’ve been Graham said the Bosox boomer could The Reds clinched the game with a nings for New York to even his (With This Coupon Aug. 10, 11, 12) (With This Coupon Aug. 10, 11, 12) She was a communicant of CLEAR-OUT playing all their lives and are star- shave that considerably with some five-run outburst in the sixth. record at 5-5. St. James Church and a FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) — The Fort Lauderdale Strikers ving,vine" ■ said Rice, after competing practice. “He could be a 2 or a 3 with Astros 6, Giants S On probation member of the Alpina scored three goals in an 11-minute stretch in the second half a little work,” Graham said. “He’s Bob Watson drove in two runs and Wednesday in the Pleasant Valley MISSION, Kan. (UPI) - Society. EVERY very long and has a good touch as E rii Cabell and Terry Puhl each Wednesday night to beat the New England Tea Men 3-1 in the Classic Pro-Am. “But in baseball, Grambling State University has been She is also survived by VALUABLE COUPON $$$ opening round of the North American Soccer League playoffs. you have guys who haven’t done well.’ three sons, David Morano, MAYTAG VALUABLE COUPON $$$ Rice said he has never had any golf placed on a year’s probation by the The win eliminated New England anything in a year or two getting NCAA for violations based on infrac­ at home, Michael A. $1(X),000 a year and sitting on their lessons and has played only four Highlight series Morano, serving with the IN S TO C K ! •2.00 OFF <2.00 OFF and advanced the Strikers into the se­ New England’s Ringo Cantillo, times since baseball season began. In NEW YORK (UPI) - The World tions related primarily to the im­ cond round. butts.” Coast Guard at Otis Air REGULAR PRICE OF REGULAR PRICE OF David Irving tied it for the Strikers Rice fired a 79,8-over-par, and had the off season, he said he tries to play Hockey Association announced proper administration of financial The Strikers scored what proved to Force Base, Mass., and with a give-and-go goal at 61:04. birdies on the 17th and 18th holes. every day in his native South Wednesday its 1978-79 schedule will aid to student athletes in both the un­ ANY MISSES, WOMEN’S ANY BOYS’ WRANGLER be the winning goal when Tea Men iversity’s football and basketball John V. Morano, serving Lou Graham, Rice’s pro partner said Carolina. be highlighted by a three-game WHA defenseman Peter Simpson mis­ programs, the NCAA said today. with the Army at Ft. UNIFORM I I CORDUROY JEANS Bill Ronson, a second-half' sub­ Rice is a long ball threat off the tee “I play a lot with Ken Harrelson all-star series against the Moscow Devens, Mass.; two (With This Coupon Aug, 10, 11, 12) (With This Coupon Aug. 10,11,12) takenly booted the ball past his own stitute, gave Fort Lauderdale its in­ and (Red Sox catcher) Bob Dynamo at Edmonton, Alberta, Jan. The NCAA said the one-year sanc­ goalie, , at 68:02 to give as well as at the plate. d a u g h te r s , M ary A. .J *m. surance goal at 72:23 with a booming Montgomery and they’ve given me a 2-3-4 tion will prohibit the school’s inter­ Fort Lauderdale a 2-1 lead. “He’s longer off the tee than collegiate football and basketball Morano and Ann Louise kick that Keelan got his hands on but anyone on the tour right now. His lot of pointers,” said Rice, who The.... official WHA season, the Morano, both at home; two New England opened the scoring couldn’t hold. devours golf books when he’s not league’s seventh, opens Friday, Oct. teams from participating in with another own goal at 24:46 when swing is awesome. He hit a drive on brothers, Carreno Lento of VALUABLE COUPON $$$ I VALUABLE COUPON $$$ the fourth hole into the wind that had doing the same to opposing pitchers. 13, with the Birmingham Bulls postseason competition and from Fublne, Italy, and Luigi Strikers defenseman John Ridley ac­ Fort Lauderdale meets Detroit in a Graham, by the way, shot a 2- hosting the champion Winnipeg Jets appearing on NCAA-controlled cidentally sent the ball into the Fort two-game, second-round series to be 300 yards, ” Graham said. Lento of Torino, Italy; two Rice, who has been playing golf for under-par 69. The team finished with and the Cincinnati Stingers visiting television programs during the 1978- sisters, Mrs. Teresina Bar­ •1.00 OFF I <10.00 OFF Lauderdale net while trying to clear beginning Sunday in Fort Lauder­ 79 season. I REGULAR PRICE OF about 18 months, has a 10 handicap. a best ball of 57, the Edmonton Oilers. ba of Torino and Mrs. R EGU UR PRICE OF a centering pass into the goal area by dale. P auline Genovese of ANY a L SMALL I ANY 9x12’ BROAIIIOOM Quargnento, Italy; and a grdndson. APPLIANCE I 01 BRAIKD RUG ’The funeral is Saturday EVERY i (With This Coupon Aug. 10,11,12) J I (With This Coupon Aug, 10,11,12)j at 8:15 a.m. from Holmes Martin confesses Jackson played role Funeral Home, 400 Main MAYTAG son move inside and out when he was St., with a mass at St. SAVE ON THESE SUPER VALUES NEW YORK (UPI) - The agent, Doug Newton, and Mickey (following a five-day suspension) and thinking of the next hitter (Lou night of inner torment before writing James Church At 9. Burial out his resignation. That was the Sun­ catching. When he moved to the out­ T o Be Sold AND SAVE POSTAGE ON YOUR wound is healing nicely, but Morabito, the Yankees’ public wouldn’t admit he made a mistake. If Piniella),” Martin commented. “Did side, (Rich) Gossage threw it inside will be in East Cemetery. relations’ chief. he came back and said, ‘I messed it ever occur to him they might walk day night before the Monday an­ Friends may call at the , HELCO, SNETCO and CNG UTILIH BILLS. the scar is still there and it and Johnson never came close to the at Huge “Basically, that’s true,” Martin up,’ I'd say that’s quite a guy. But he Piniella? That’s what they pay nouncement of his severance along funeral home Friday from shows up clearly every time ball. BRINQ THEM TO OUR STORE FOB PAYMENT. responded to the question of whether didn’t. And when he said I hadn't managers for — to think about the with the naming of Bob Lemon as his 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. “You sit up there and observe and Price Cuts!^ Billy Martin talks about he felt Jackson was primarily spoken to him in a year-and-a-half, next hitter.” successor. ’^ e family suggests that Reggie Jackson. “I still don’t have any malice or “I couldn’t sleep that night at all,” bite your lip. I don’t want to say this responsible for what happened to that was a lie.” should’ve been done and that any memorial gifts may be dislike in my heart for Reggie Martin said, “I got up the next mor­ Given his choice, the former him. should’ve been done. That’s wrong. 1 made to the American Yankee manager and manager-to-be The Jackson “mistake” Martin Jackson,” Martin said, and he ning early and called him.” He Cancer Society, 237 E. “That,” he went on, “and a slip of motioned toward his agent. “ He was don’t want to do that.’’ again in 1980, would just as soon the tongue.” referred to had to do with a piece of sounded sincere saying it. “I’ve done Tonight in Oklahoma City, Martin Center St. kind of shocked.” forget about all his troubles with the Now he was talking about that insubordination in the Yankees- everything I can to help the young will put on his Yankee uniform again man. Now he has to help himself. Once again, Martin repeated there club, and with Jackson as well, but he widely circulated statement of his, Royals’ game of July 17. Jackson had before the regularly scheduled FOIMII RilMiW'S I’ve never looked at Reggie Jackson is nothing wrong with his health and can’t. the one in which he referred to been ordered to bunt, but after taking American Association game there Fire calls L0CJm0«M4T0 as a superstar because he’s never he could manage again tomorrow if y o u 'r e f/i,p Everywhere he goes, people keep Jackson and George Steinbrenner, a strike, he was given the sign to and conduct a clinic for kids. His bud­ KIEHTST.iUT shown me he’s a superstar. I’ve he had to. What he has been doing asking him questions and inevitably the Yankees’ principal owner. swing away. Yankee Coach Dick dy, Mickey Mantle, with whom he’s ninrotnu never put him above Thurman Mun­ lately is watching the Yankees on Manchester they get around to the key one: Do “They deserve each other,” Martin Howser made sure Jackson un­ planning to open a camp for under­ PUKIH ______you think Reggie Jackson caused said. “One’s a born liar; the other’s derstood the switch by summoning son, Graig Nettles, Chris Chambliss, television. Wednesday, 11:48 a.m. — At ”I haven’t lost a game on TV," he privileged kids, will be there also to diS HARTFORD RD. 1/1/MANCHESTER OPEN THURSDAY NITE TIL 9 P.M. your resignation? convicted." him from the batter’s box and telling Willie Randolph or Mickey Rivers. false alarm. Box 68, Illing 445 HARTFORD RD. laughed. “The other night I was give a hitting exhibition. That question came up again “I didn’t mean it at George,” Mar­ him “ Billy wants you to swing There were times when I put Fred “I’m bringing both my uniforms Junior High School. (Town) m n o n i who huhc you low phicis 6 mhsohai su y ic i watching the game and fell asleep. Wednesday when for the first time tin explained at Wednesday’s away.” Stanley above Reggie Jackson. I'll . along, my home and road ones," Wednesday, 2:07 p.m. — "f YOU an X «u$i« OAist vu*. tmum- 647-9997 945 MAIN STREET since tendering his resignation on Instead of swinging away, though, tell you this much: No player can dic­ Do I miss managing? Sure 1 do. I’ve (iun , u m u M HHusJ, « in iu im k o« o k m luncheon. “I was mad at the other Martin said, smiling. smoke detector, Pascal Lane. July 24 in Kansas City, Martin got Jackson bunted foul twice and was tate policy to a manager. When he seen a couple of games from the box (Town) 647-9998 guy. Why? I’ll tell you why. Here we Either way, he’s always ready to DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER together with newsmen at an infor­ called out on strikes. does, you don’t need a manager.” in the ballpark and I saw things I Today, 10:13 a.m. — false had won five games, the club was go- alarm. Box 393, Manchester TONITE 'TIL 9 • TUES., WED. & SAT. 'TIL 5 • MON., THURS., FRI. 'TIL 9 _ mal luncheon also attended by his happy and this guy comes back “He said he bunted because he was Martin revealed he went through a hadn’t seen before. 1 saw Cliff John­ Memorial Hospital. (Town) > PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTTO EVEWIWQ HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs., Aur. 10. 1978 MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10, 1978- PAGE THIRTEEN f Standings ] Supremes cop Walton after money, too American League wishes to be associated with the Trail treating him. Dr. James Parkes, now I s • :■ East By MILT RICHMAN ,N Blazers because he feels they the Mets’ physician, to get him back W L Pet. GB Feline League NEW YORK (UPI) - Bill allowed him to play with a fractured on the floor again. Reed wanted to 70 41 .631 - Boston Walton has some pretty set foot in last season’s playoffs with play so badly, Parkes injected bim 63 49 .563 7Vk New York , Nine runs in the first inning paved the way as Crispino’s took Weas on any number of sub­ Seattle without telling him the full with a topical anesthetic, which is 61 48 .560 8 Milwaukee the Feline League crown with a convincing 28-9 decision over jects, one of which happens to extent of his injury. For their part, simply a fancy name for a pain­ 50 .550 9 Detroit 61 the ’Trail Blazers are willing to let .536 lOVk Lastrada Pizza last night at Mt. Nebo. be sports medicine, and that killer. Baltimore 60 52 him go even though he has one more Reed went out there and played, Cleveland 52 58 .473 17V4 Leading the way for the Supremes Groman, Sue Setsky and Beth dhd supposedly is the overriding was Denise Boutilier with four hits year left on his contract because they the Knicks beat the Lakers in seven ’Toronto 43 69 .384 27)4 Marcy MacDonald two apiece. ' reason he’s asking the including a grandslam and two-run don’t w ant to be h it w ith a games, and Reed never suffered any Lori Hansen had three hits, Dorrie Portland Trail Blazers to trade West homer. Kathy McConnell and Wilk homered and singled and Cathy multimillion-dollar nnalpractice suit. after effects. W L Pet. GB Chickey Balesano also had four hits Grant, Lynn Ducharme and Rita him. i Walton then sits down and lists the Now, Scott is saying “Who better Kansas City 62 48 .564 - each, Enes Carone three and Mama Lemke each had two hits for Pizza. Don’t rule out the subject of teams with whom he’d agree to play understands the dangers df being California 62 S3 .539 2)4 money, however. ’That’s always a — the Knicks, Lakers, 76ers, Celtics, shot up with pain-killers than Willis Oakland 60 55 .522 4)4 compelling reason, even wito such Nuggets, Warriors and San Diego Reed?” although there is no evidence Texas 53 57 .482 9 avowedly indifferent free spirits as Clippers. the Trail Blazers employ any sub­ Minnesota 47 64 .423 15)4 Bill Walton, who keeps saying money I have a question. How sure is Bill stantially different medical prac­ Chicago 46 65 .414 16)4 FogariyU takes isn’t the only thing in life. Walton about the medical principles tices than other teams in the NBA. Seattle 42 73 .365 22)4 In one breath, his long-time friend of a|l these teams? Did he check Basketball players are not gods. Wednesday's Results and confidant. Jack Scott, says other them out personally? Or if the money Neither are doctors. It’s not always Toronto 8, Chicago 0 Candlelight title things like working conditions and is all right, do these principles possible for them to make accurate Cleveland 5, Boston 1 medical principles are just as impor­ suddenly become somewhat less im­ diagnoses instantly. Sometimes what New York 8, Milwaukee 7 tant to Walton as money, but in the portant? Whenever you hear anyone looks to be merely a soft tissue injury Detroit 5, Texas 2 Sweeping to the Candlelight League playoff title last night wds next breath he says Walton most like­ tell you it isn’t the money, it’s the turns out to be a fracture that even Seattle 4, Minnesota 1 ly will want to renegotiate his salary' principle, you can always bet it’s the X-rays don’t show. Kansas City 2, Baltimore 0 Fogarty’s with a pair of victories, 8-6 and 7-5, over Moriarty’s at Will they be smiling tomorrow? with his new team. money. Look at the case of Pat Zachry, the Today’s Games Robertson Park. In the nightcap, Fogarty’s again - There were plenty of smiles Tuesday when were (left to right), Marvin Bartes, Billy “We’ll just start at David Thomp­ Insofar as that foot fracture of his Mets’ pitcher. He kicked the steps of the dugdut in Cleveland (Paxton 8-7) at Boston Five runs in the sixth inning gave had to come from behind to win it. the Boston Celtics held a press conference to Knight, Nate Archibald, General Manager son’s base salary and go from there,” was concerned, and those pain-killing disgust after Pete Rose hit one of his (Eckersley 13-4) the Oilers a come-from-bebind ’The (liters exploded for four runs in -introduce their three newest players. Will Red Auerbach, owner John Y. Brown, and Scott says. “Bill’s worth at least as Injections generally used for them, triumph in the opener. Jim Flaherty much as David.” xylocaine or novocaine. Bill Walton pitches to run his hitting streak to 37 California (Tanana 14-7) at their half of the sixth to wipe out a 5-3 they be once the season gets going. On hand Coach Tom Sanders. (UPI Photo) Oakland (Keou^ 7-8) h o rn e d and singled, Merrill Myers deficit. No question about that, but what should know, if he already doesn’t, games a couple of weeks ago and the Chicago (Wood 10-9) at Toronto homered and Bob Valk rapped two Myers tripled and ripped three happened to Walton’s oft-stated un­ that frequently some fractures don’t original X-rays were negative as far (Garvin 2-11), N hits in the win. singles, Valk tripled and drilled tWo concern for money? Walton is getting show up on X-rays. as a fracture was concerned. Kansas City (Bird 4-4) at Paul Frenette homered, Fred bingles and Gary Kost stroked a pkir EH midget football CWaASSKS somewhere around $500,0(X) a year He has been talking lately with Zachry kept having pain, however, Baltimore (Palmer 13-10), N Champions of the Feline Softball League Valenti ripped three hits and Bili of hits'for the Oilers in the second now. Thompson draws $8()0,000 a year Knicks Coach Willis Reed, who was and ,re-examination and subsequent Milwaukee (Augustine 10-10) at Daniels, Dave Oberg, Leo William­ engagement. Tips from an Old Reliable from the Denver Nuggets. playing for the Knicks in the 1970 X-rays revealed a tiny fracture. In any case, Bill Walton and Jack New York (Guidry 15-2), N Taking top honors in the Feline Softball Art Thompson, Chickey Balesano, Enes son and Bob Cornell two apiece for Oberg ha'd three hits and Vatenti From all evidence, Walton, whose playoffs with the Lakers when he was Moriarty’s in the opening game set­ and Q)mell two apiece in the losing plates final tryouts contract with the Trail Blazers still forced out of action because of an in­ Scott might be well-advised to do a Friday’s Games League this year was the entry from Carone, Johnah Patelli, Kathy McConnell, . . a I__ # ____ _ t a T 4I.1C. 4c\czwi ^/W icicft back. effort Final tryouts for the before November 1 of this team consists of 9 and .10 has another year to run, wants to jured muscle in his upper thigh. bit more research on sports California at Seattle, N Crispino’s. Team members (left to right) Beth MacDonald, Carol Setsky, assistant year. Candidates will be year olds, weighing up to 90 leave the team he led to the NBA Reed wanted to keep playing. He medicine. In time, perhaps, they Oakland at Minnesota, N Front row; Mama Groman, Sue Setsky, coach. Missing: Linda Chapman, Colleen East Hartford Midget drafted by one of the four pounds. championship two seasons ago felt the Knicks would never have a could achieve the same degree of Detroit at Chicago, N MacGillvary, Joan Beaudry. (Herald photo Football League will teams in East Hartford — Practice begins Monday. because he’s repelled by the way it better chace to win the title than they expertise they obviously have in Texas at Cleveland, N Denise Boutilier, Joan Simmons, Sandy by (Dhastain) be Saturdajyftemoon the Golden Elks; the lAC The games start in uses pain-killing injections so freely. did then, and he was right. sports economics. Kansas City at Toronto, N Bunce, Marcy MacDonald. Back row: Coach Mahaffey attempts starting at l o’clock. Cardinals; the Teamsters September and end in More specifically, he no longer So he asked the orthopedic surgeon New York at Baltimore, N Mustangs; or the VFW November. All home “C” Milwaukee at Boston, N The tryouts will be team games are at held in East Hartford Vikings. Each team is to handle success divided into three teams: McAuliffe Park Saturday National League Rooney family application at Gorman Park off “A” team consists of 12 afternoons; all “A” and Nyad swimming for profit Forbes Street. “B” team home games are East and 13 year olds, weighing $35,000 front money on the SUTTON, Mass. (UPI) - John Mahaffey, a psychology major up to 120 pounds; “ B” at McAuliffe Park Sunday LAUDERDALE, Fla. cal undertaking, and if cents a stroke. W L Pet. GB Applicants must be 9 to service contract for swim Philadelphia 60 50 .545 - from the University of Houston, spent the last two years in the 13'years of age. ’They must team consists of 11 and 12 afternoons. All football (UPI) — Diana Nyad’s th e 28-year-old Cuba Swim Inc., which year olds, weighing under gear, except for shoes and has a 24-member staff, is expenses. Chicago 58 54 .518 3 for dog track accepted, 7-1 depths, trying to rebound from bitter problems on and off the be'9 by December 31 of this projected Cuba to marathon swimmer The shark cage is due in 110 pounds, and the “C” mouthpiece, is supplied by bigger, gauier and costlier Montreal 54 61 .470 8)4 with letters from unions dealing with year and cannot turn 14 Florida swim this Cuba at noon Thursday, WETHERSFIELD, (UPI) - Friend resulted in a change of golf course. the league at no cost to the Julius Boros goes the distance, than anything like it Pittsburgh 51 58 .468 8)4 the Rooneys at their facilities. and she should begin her ownership. He has accomplished that goal, parents. week is both an she’ll earn more than before. And it should New York 48 66 .421 14 A dog track in Connecticut Tim Rooney said the group would Joining Mahaffey will be leading Julius Boros is a m aster at swim Thursday night or Tim Rooney said the family was with a new wife who kept him from money winner Andy Bean, who 1 ^ I There is a registration chipping from long grass athletic and commer- $1(X),(X)0 or about 50 titillate the same audience St. Louis 45 69 .395 17 appears to be the next step in like to have 200 racing days at Water- Jai alai results J Friday if she is to reach prepared to operate the jai alai quitting the pro tour, a fully healed amassed $253,558 this season, in­ fee due in September around uie green, a problem that watched Evel Knievel West the expansion into legalized town between March and November. Key West before dark on facility as trustees for the state but wrist which he broke last year and a cluding wins at the Kemper Open, which covers physical that often bothers even pro­ try to jump an Idaho ca­ W L Pet. GB gambling by America’s first withdrew in view of the scandal and He said he did not feel dog track ;Wednesday Evening IZSd IN l a IN fessional golfers. Sunday. win last week at the PGA cham­ the Western Open and the Memphis iS C r «N u | examination. Parties in­ f Fishing advisory ) nyon on a rocket-propelled San Francisco 67 47 .588 - business would be affected by jai alai “Ordinarily, a chip shot Miss Nyad’s publicist, family in sports. bad publicity. pionship in Oakmont, Pa. terested in playing foot­ this close to the green would motorcycle. 66 47 .584 )4 Classic. Most of the big names,— ' *"* IMMMNN Marcie Rudell, complains Cincinnati The Connecticut gaming commis­ “We didn’t want to get soiled in operations in Connecticut. He said Now he’s trying to handle sudden ball, who are unable to call for a long-roUing shot, tion is spotty with fair to Miss Nyad said her ser­ Los Angeles 66 48 .579 1 their dog track experience in Florida Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Gary ■irKs: 42 JS Inland fishing critics of the swim’s cost sion Wednesday agreed to accept an any way,” he said. success. IhmMMro M M make the tryout, should but the thick grass will slow Field personnel report g o ^ fishing on occasion. vices contract with Colgate San Diego 57 57 .500 10 showed that “when jai alai closes, Player, Lee ’Trevino, Watson, Pafe;— T U. iSih 1*1 down the club so much that and commercialism application for an $8 million track Pat Rooney told the commission “It’s still a little hard for me to call Joe Kronen, league that trout fishing is good in Fluke fishing is slow will pay her $35,000 when Atlanta 53 60 .469 13)4 our business goes up 10 percent to 15 and others, such as Hubert Green and MhHMIM this is impossible,” Boros “simply don’t understand proposed by a group headed by Tim there were some threats made in an believe, that your life can change so U.S. Open champ Andy North, are TiMiM4WJI • S U S l «N IN president, at 568-4202. says. the Farmington River and throughout the Sound. she reaches Florida, $45,- Houston 52 60 .464 14 percent.” that this is an extraor­ and Pat Rooney, sons of Pittsburgh effort to organize dog owners at quickly in four days,” Mahaffey said bypassing the tournament. «MMiiNU>naNi|n He explains, “I play this its West Branch, the Tinker mackerel are 000 for the second year and Grickis said included in the plans ta M iT im N dinary event.” Wednesday’s Results football mogul Art Rooney. Green Mountain when the family Wednesday, shortly before playing in shot with a wedge — and Housatonic River and abundant and providitig $50,000 for the third year. The 150-man field, which will be 1K&. “ IS g TriMi T4-I UMN imagine I am blasting from If all goes acording to (Chicago 5, Pittsburgh 4 The family owns the Pittsburgh took it over in 1976 but they have for parking and other accom­ the Pleasant Valley Classic pro-am. trimmed to 70 at the end of the se­ mMKMHBKMNm Candlewood Lake. good to excellent fishing in She also got the price of a sand. plan, M ss Nyad will spend Houston 6, San Francisco 5 Steelers of the National Football since been resolved. • modations are proposals for railroad “I have a lot more responsibility l2MiMh »N M TN Kokanee are providing eastern and central Long sliark cage ($42,000 plus) cond round Friday, will be shooting * MlM 14 KN (•Mliwm IN « “Position the ball for­ slightly over 66 hours in the Cincinnati 10, Atlanta 0 League as well as harness tracks in Tim Rooney said, “We’ve had a passenger service to the track, and I know it, but it will help my con­ for a $45,000 top prize over the par-71, , r MWI-UMUI ward, opposite your lead fair fishing at East Twin Island Sound. from Colgate along with utilizing a Ck>nrail spur line that now water. New York 10, Montreal 3 Philadelphia and Yonkers, N.Y. and very fine rapport with labor at all our fidence, and I know it’s helping my 7,119-yard layout of the Pleasant foot, and open your stance,” runs from Waterbury to Watertown. • u . u. N M i 14 in N Boros says. “Swing the club- Lake. Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 3 dog tracks in Florida and Green locations. We’ve never had a day of golf game,” he said. Valley Country Club in central TiMl 14-117UI Bass fishing is fair to The service could be subsidized from Mahaffey won the PGA by drop­ llKyMI head into the grass about Los Angeles 3, San Diego 0 Mountain, Vt. strike.” Massachusetts. reniiMiwwiMmm • „ two or three inches behind good at Bantam Lake, track revenues if necessary, he said. N M iM U M I 7Bnli '^,12 12 Today’s Games Tim and Pat appeared before the William Grickis, attorney for tte ping a 10-foot birdie putt on the se­ Defending champion Ray Floyd I k ik n l IIN H! ! the ball. Quaddick Reservoir and group, presented the commission cond sudden death playoff hole, I t a IN “The wedge’s wide flange Pittsburgh (Biyieven 9-7) at nine-member commission to answer will be looking to repeat his thrilling mvmnummn tM N M O N Pachaug Pond. Philadelphia (Ruthven 9-8), N questions about labor relations at eliminating Tom Watson and Jerry one-shot victory last year. Others in nil lui %M MMta M IIIN .Ides throuM the grass un­ Panfish are providing Pate. It was his second win in his SJI U l TriMi M -1 UMN der the ball, producini Cincinnati (LaCoss 3-1) at San their other legal gambling, the field include Hale Irwin, the 1974 IM anumiMimm wHiyns high trajectory for the Ball good fishing at Pachaug eight years on the PGA tour, the Diego (Jones 9-10), N operations. The commission, which U.S. Open champ and seventh- S B n U M ‘H* ,‘f2 1 2 to land softly on the green Pond, Glasgo Pond, Amos San Francisco (Biue 16-4) at Los regulateslegal gambling in the state, Nancy Lopez again other victory coming in 1973 at the leading money winner this y ear;las nnc 1 kihpTwh 11.H IN with very little roll.” Lake, Aspinook Pond,, I tihHiil|r Ain*»(on VT*''*Ul4Aap>« or Color) Fuss & O’Neill 67 (Jay Seven runs in the opening frame cluding a two-run homer, Jim tributed three blows to-the attack. 25.00 For 3 Financing 5pon>th5rv>>n0

•* P* • V 'v m

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Thurs.. Aug. 10, 1978- PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. tfa n c h M te riC g m j.^ ^ Christina is going back Pressmen’s strike closes □ NOTICES Loti ami Found t MOSCOW (UPI) — “It’s not true,” Christina said. ’’But when I’m Christina denied that. Christina Onassis Kauzov said. “I’m finished. I’ll be back.” “My family went out and told the newspapers in New York LOST JULY 22 Vernon area, In Moscow, Kauzov also denied the press they have absolutely nothing Route 83, female long haired coming back.” cat, orange with white chest, And with that, the 27-year-oid reports that his marriage was against Sergei and they just want me NEW YORK (UPI) - New York rules for the 1,600 pressmen. F*ressmen’s Local No. 2, told a news family misses her very much. Greek millionairess dismissed foundering. to be happy,” she said. REWARD! 871-9715. Christina also dismissed published ' City was without its three major dai- The pressmen walked off the job at conference. rumors that her nine-day-old “I am speaking to her regularly,” 7:33 p.m. at the Dally News, at 8:07 reports that Kauzov once worked aS a • ly newspapers today because of a But H.J. Kracke, executive direc­ Ptrwnalt marriage to Russian Sergei Kauzov the 37-year-old former shipping p.m. at the Times and said they tor of the Publishers Association, executive said. KGB agent and was responsible ^ r . pressman’s strike. is on the rocks. ‘ • ’The walkout by pressmen against wiould strike at 5 a.m. today at the rumpled and tired after two days of RIDE WANTED from Christina canceied her plans for a Rumors of a split surfaced after placing agents on Soviet merchant ! j. ’The New York Times, the New York Post. intense talks, said; “We’re not happy Manchester to New Britain, honeymoon in Siberia and flew to Christina’s abrupt departure alone ships. early morning hours. Call Daily News and the New YoYk Post ’The papers have a combined cir­ about the situation. In no way did we Greece last Saturday, four days after from Moscow, ^ e said her family "I know my husband and I know after 5, 643-1257. that’s not true,” she said. “I don’t was the city’s second newspaper culation of 3 miUion. want it.” her marriage, for what she said was had called her back on business. Shortly after the walkout started, The association said it would post “I’ve got all kinds of documents believe what the papers say.” strike in two months and brought ANYONE WHO SAW an acci­ urgent business. back bitter memories of the 140-^y reporters, deliverers and craft un­ the rules Tuesday if an agreement dent August 5th, 1978 at 2:30 In a telephone interview from that I luve to sign and things to Kauzov also denied the rumor am involving a motorcycle walkout — New York’s and the coun- ions began supporting the pressmen wasn’t reached, but it extended the Athens We^esday, Christina toid finish. ’That’s all there is to it — emphatically. and car at exit 93 of 1-86 and - try’s longest — in 1966. and the newspaprs announced they deadline for 24 hours so talks could UPI she will return to Moscow and nothing more.” “This is something I have been Tolland Tpke., Manchester. ' Wednnday’s strike began after the were suspending pUbUcaUon. continue. The union voted, 551 to 1, Please call 643-2433 or 646- rejoin Kauzov. Among the various rumors were expecting,” he said. ’"The newspapers Publishers Association, rejecting a "They wanted it ... 4hey got it,” Sunday to walk out if the rules were 5237. "I don’t know the exact date reports her family was trying to are going to say some nasty things request for a delay from a federal William Kennedy, the portly, posted. because I’ve got things to do,” pressure her to divorce Kauzov. But about me. mediator, decided to post new work bustUng president of the Printing Leonard Moffett, the federal government’s No. 2 mediator, Bondt-Stoeftt-MortgagM • requested and received the first PaopM alk delay. On Wednesday he asked for FOR SALE ■ 132 shares of Ground union strikes another one, but it was denied. South Windsor Bank and Trust Stock. 568-3814. “It. was their determination that Two-way mermaid says he won’t stop trying. there with Toto in tow. Lynn Pan American Airways they would not wait any longer,” It took 12 hours, 47 minutes and 51 Nathan — a 40-year-old former Air Redgrave showed up with her oWn Moffett said. “I felt we had made Breather during fire Force pilot — runs a floating “Voice anonymous pooch, and Lassie progress yesterday and today. □ EMPLOYMENT seconds for Cindy Cleveland to swim NEW YORK (UPI) - The union United States and Guam and Puerto the treacherous Santa Barbara of Peace” radio station a mile show^ up with his own anonymous "We just ran out of time.” Firefighter Vern Mirante lets water from canteen splash over his offshore from Beirut. His converted trainer. representing some 7,500 ground per­ Rico, How long the strike would last was Channel round trip, but she still had Genoese said talks at the Pan Am face as he gets breather from fighting forest fire in Gifford-PinchOt Htip’waniiad’ 1 i will let them dry and use them in winter tramp steamer is loaded with Lassie is playing the Big Apple 'in sonnel employed by Pan AmericM an open question. No form al Cucumber tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the energy to jog out of the water to World Airways struck the airline in Building in New York City under a National Forest, Washington. The blaze claimed about 150 acres of greet her backers. medical supplies, toys and lollipops person these days, joining the negotiations were scheduled today SALES POSITION - Straight Robert Delcampe in Bolton gets its common bouquets. (Herald photo by Pinto) Rockettes on the stage at Radio City the United States and its possessions federal mediator broke off after forest before being contained. (UPI photo) The 23-year-old California State that he’d h o ^ to deliver to the city and Moffett said; "R ight now, commissions, leads furnisned Music Hall. early t ^ y in a dispute over job management presented an offer "we to homeowners. Call 242-5402. name from these seeds pods. Mrs. Delcampe University student is believed to be this week. The effort was thwarted by tempers are pretty high on both sides a Lebanese patrol boat that forced security. could not live with.” and we won’t be calling a meeting the first person ever to make the two- He said there was no time set for IF YOU ARE an attractive him back to sea when he tried to William Genoese, secretary- right away.” motivated woman we need way crossing. She went into the 68- treasurer of Teamsters Local 732, the talks to resume. Agreement on fishing degree water at Port Hueneme dock. As a result of the walkout, several you. If you are looking for a Says Nathan, “I’m optimistic still. said ttie walkout by reservations, Pickets were reported at Pan Am other newspapers in the area and glamorous, challenging posi­ Beach at 10:08 a.m. Tuesday, swam Glimpses facilities at Kennedy Airport and tion, with a new Parisian I’ve got enough supplies to stay here cargo and other employees began television stations said they would in­ to Anacapa Island, then turned ... At upcoming performances In after a strike deadline of 12:01 a.m. Teterboro Airport in New Jersey and seems likely in West cosmetic line, you need us. a year.” crease their news coverage. 236-2381, 633-3366. around and emerged triumphant Philadelphia and New York, singer to ^ y passed without agreement on a in Honolulu. Wednesday. There were no reports of violence SOUTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. (UPI) - An “The Canadians seem to be having Dog days Teddy Pendergrass, who has become contract. But a Pan Am spokesman insisted Gardening Geographically, the distance was or arrests on any of the picket lines American negotiator says (tonada seems second thoughts about the ban they im­ WANTED - Gas sUtion atten­ The party went to the dogs something of a sex symbol, will add ' Teamsters officials said the unions the union had not called a walkout posed on reciprocal fishing,” Norris said dant, full or part time. 22 miles, but tides and currents made Wednesday in New York’s Central set up at the newspaprs’ buildings. more willing to resolve its West Coast Mature, responsible person special midnight shows for women Representing flight attendants, and that the talks were continuing. The key issue in the dispute is the after reporting on negotiations to a New it longer. Park. That’s how it was planned. The ’The airline spokesman said all fishing dispute with the U.S. than the one for third shift. References. By Frank Atwood only and present them with engineers and pilots planned to honor newspapers’ desire to reduce staffing England Fishery Management Council Call 871-1698. Mission impossible city’s ASPCA billed the benefit “I chocolate-covered lollipops ... Dpn ' the union’s picket lines. Genoese said operations were "normal at this on the East (toast. in the pressrooms. In June, the U.S. asked Canada to stop meeting at the University of Rhode Saved a Dog Today,” and the stars Knotts and Georgia Engle have -the strike would affect the entire time.” TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. Israeli peace crusader Abie salmon fishing for two months, off British Island. Nathan won’t get to play Santa turned out to support the fund drive. Signed for guest appearances on the Apply 81 Commerce Street, Columbia. Canada asked the U.S. to “Previous to last week’s meeting the (Jlaslonbury. tT G Company. The garage was welt filled with their stems and strung on fine wire rich reddish brown. As they dry, the Oaus to the war-weary citizens of Stephanie Mills, star of the new ’TV show “Bonkers”.... Canadians said they would not consider scales on the “cucumbers” will open reduce its catch in the Georges Bank area Telephone 633-7631. armfulls of roadside plants, some like beads. Beirut, Lebanon, after all, but he Broadway musical “The Wiz,” was settling the West and East Coast disputes i There was rye, already dried like the scales of an artichoke and let off New England. with blossoms, some with seed pods, separately. But I think that they are SALES PERSON naturally in the field. It had been the ripe seeds fall. New plants grow Women have best tool When neither side complied, both coun­ Experienced Full Time Retail all intended for later use in dried WILUAM HOLOIN MANCHESTER tries closed its waters to fishermen from changing their minds,” he said. arrangements. Mrs. Robert planted as a cover crop at the nearby from the seeds under the tree. L U aM M T Furniture Store position with DRIVE-IN/ROUTES G &44A its neighbor. Norris, vice chairman of the fishery emphasis in Caipeting and Delcampe of Bolton had enlisted the Treat Nursery and most of it plowed It was sUch a seedling that a friend in Middletown gave Mrs. Delcampe, CMOS TONin M « « I In Tm . hi. IS Thomas A. Norris, a member of the U.S. council,______, ___said talks over the East (toast dis- Draperies. Call Mr. Larco, help of her husband and two children under, but some plants escap^ the pute are at a standstill. He predicted the Watkins, 643-5171. plow. There was oats, also ripened and she had been surprised by its STAR WARS AT 8:30 to fisht breast cancer negotiating team, Wednesday said the to sort the plants and tie them in dispute will have to be settl^ through in- rapid growth. The small tree is Canadians have apparently reversed their MACHINIST - Experimental. bunches. They were hung upside naturally, found in a field near Birch ’The study found that of every 1(X) ternational arbitration, probably by the becoming a big tree and the en­ BOSTON (UPI) — Doctors have publicity about Happy Rockefeller’s stand and are ready to work toward in­ Must be experienced in down to dre. Mountain Road. breast cancer cases, seven lives World (tourt in Brussels. cyclopedia says it can grow to a proven what many women already and Betty Ford’s breast cancers, sur­ dividual settlements on the West and East Bridgeport and Lathe. Must . The farmly had returned recently Learned from mother would be saved by self-examination. be ^ le to do own set up. towering height of 90 feet. It is a believe — perhaps the best tool for veys show few women do the exams The study found an even better sur­ Coasts. from a trip to the Pennsylvania Dutch ‘T il try anything,” said Mrs. and of those that do, only half do Scharr Industries, 243-0343, native American tree, although rare fighting breast cancer are a woman’s vival rate — about a 25 per cent im­ country around Lancaster, and Mrs. Delcampe. She likes the cmiousiy them every month, the studies said. in Connecticut. It seems to be hardy HVANOVaAL iNweof* NMsarcituK* ikmcdcm* own h s ^ . provement — if the examination was MILLWRIGHT - Experienced Delcampe had seen teasel growing shaped s?ed pods of columbine and Elghty-flve per cent of the women in Bolton, since it has lived through A woman can save her life by conducted by a physician. New Y ork and V ermont in machine repairs, on textile there beside the road. The the shiny red of rose hips. Soon she •THE |IH«| rTVEotiTivimil' - A M H U l whose breast cancer is detected In its and coating equipment. several winters. examining her breasts for lumps But few women can afford the time Delcampes harvested a bushel of the will go out to look in swampy spots M N V tV . early stage still are alive after five Scharr Industries, 2434)343. once a month, two studies in l i e and expense of a monthly doctor’s prickly stuff to bring home. The seed for Joe Pye Weed. The pink color in Farmers' markets DRIVER" (B) ‘1SIAND0F years, noted Dr. Peter Greenwald of pods of teasel are covered with stiff, New England Journal of Medicine visit, ^ surveys have found that near ppllulion accord OIL BURNER MECHANIC - the buds can be kept if the flowers When I wrote about the farmers’ 649-9333 DR. MOREAU,pm the New York State Cancer Control Permanent job on staff of long hooked barbs and, in an earlier day, reported today. only about hhlf of all gynecologists do are dried before they are fully open. market on the lawn of the Old •TAiiTt m o k f Bureau. But a woman whose cancer shut down the plant if it doesn’t adhere to established fuel oil company. One in 13 American women breast exams as part of a regular MONTPELIER, Vt. (UPI) - Gov. these were used to raise the nap on Dock, said Mrs. Delcampe, if cut Statehouse in downtown Hartford, I has spread to other parts of the body its permit.” Must be licensed and have develi^ breast cancer — the most physical. Richard Snelling says new cooperation homespun woolen cloth. Their use early, will stay green. Cut later, it inquired whether there are others in Iev^m ie n “THE before it’s detected has only a 10 per IPC has violated its federal pollution references. Mellcn White & now is ornamental. common cancer killer of women in Hie other study reported today was with New York state may finally give Ver­ P a lsh a w , 107 B u rn sid e A will be pink, and still later brown. Connecticut. Yes, said Robert Gold­ cent chance of living five years. mont a handle on pollution of Lake permit on many occasions, and recently There were many bunches of “My mother always picked wild man at the State Department of DEEP” this country. Survival depends on by a group of doctors at the'Universi­ Avenue, East Hartford. how soon it is cau ^t, and that is the Greenwald, chief author of one of Champlain by the International Paper Co. Vermont officials expressed annoyance goldenrod from roadsides nearer flowers to dry,” Mrs. Delcampe said. Agriculture, there is a market in OMEN l | ty of Vermont College of Medicine, value of self-examiiiation. the studies published today, said a Snelling said Wednesday New York with the Environmental Protection Agen­ RN, LPN, 7 to 3 and 3 to 11 home, and Mrs. Delcampe said that, “That’s where I got the idea.” downtown Willimantic that is in its Burlington. It came out even more shifts. Good pay, good ’The studies suggested a renewed woman could Improve her five-year recently has won from the federal govern­ cy for refusing to fine the company for a dried in a dark room, the flowers An ornamental seed pod that she emphatically for self-examination. benefits and working condi­ third year. campaign to teach women the value survival chances by almost 20 per ment the right to enforce the terms of its number of violations. would keep Uieir yellow color, while valued for dried arrangements is The study noted that, based on tion. Apply in person, Vernon A farmers’ market was started last Summer Pops ’78 of monthly self-exams. Despite the cent with regular self-examination. own water pollution permits. “The new era of cooperation between Manor, 180 Regan Road, Ver­ tumor size, Vermont women who the green stems would turn brown. growing now on a Cucumber Tree year in the redevelopment area of New York and Vermont ,... will have tong non. There were Lunaria, which Mrs. checked their breasts monthly found More importantly, Snelling said, New near the walk to the front door. The New Britain, where acres of York for the first time appears ready to ranging and far-reaching consequences,” Delcampe calls Money Plant, raised garden encyclopedia says it is GER8HWIN*S RHAPSODY IN BLUE tumors much more quickly than SECURITY GUARDS - Must buildings have been tom down and no get tough with the New York City-based Snelling said. from seed and recently harvested. Magnolia acuminata, and Mrs. new buildings constructed in their & , : women who checked them less than He said Vermont Environmental be 18 years or older. Have own Another name is Silver Dollar but once a month, or women who dis­ company’s Ticonderoga plant. car. Telephone, an" a clean Delcampe showed it to me when I place. The New England Premiere Of the Complete Vitamin added to liquor Vermont has been trying to end pollu­ Conservation Agency officials will travel police record. Men or women Mrs. Delcampe observes that the called early in the spring to see her I learned at a dinner party with covered the tumors accidentally. to Albany, N.Y., next week to begin wanted for Manchester and "I think our data and the data from tion by the plant for 10 years. The state’s pods are really not as large as silver Christmas roses. I asked her then to friends in Granby that this rural town SYMPHONIC SUITE FROM STAR WARS partially successful suit against the com­ working out details of the cooperation. Stafford Springs areas. If you dollars. The Lunaria had been given tell me when the “cucumbers” has had a farmer’s market, in a may help avert disease the New York group are about the quality, call M3-443-1837 or pany went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Snelling also told reporters at his week­ apply to Northeast Security, space in the family vegetable garden appeared. school parking lot, that is in its fourth conductor most solid information to date that ly news conference he expects the Ver­ Aut uAm vou (hoHuM DANIEL PARKER BOSTON (UPI) — Thiamine, the fortified booze, but Criqui said the there is benefit from self- Court. New York State sided against Ver­ 158 williams Street, New Lon­ where it could have full sun. The They are strange fruits, year. It operates on Saturdays, with Uwaamkktgobaai mont Yankee nuclear plant in Vernon^o don, Conn,, Monday thru flower beds near the house are vitamin essential to life which study addresses a quite serious examination,” Dr. Roger S. Foster mont in that suit. resembling cucumbers in size and eight or 10 growers offering biUKunfeiu. While Vermont has monitored dis­ begin operating next week after ar six- Friday, 10 to 4. shaded by large trees. shape, growing on a small tree with Tickets available at all already is used to fortify milk and problem. Jr., head of the study, said 1n a vegetables and some fruits. They pay “We’re talking about saving the charges from the plant for a number of week shutdown for repairs. He announced From the vegetable garden, too, very large, flat leaves. Large white TICKETRON OUTLETS bread, should be added to alcoholic telephone interview. CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC nothing for their space but puCone public tnoney and the opportunity of years, the state has no sanctions it can there will be a news conference Friday for came strawflowers. The small, gay blossoms appeared in early summer dollar apiece into a hat each week to MKSZ UNDER THE STARS: beverages, two medical researchers Were the studies needed? - Experienced only. Top virtually eliminating a disease in a apply against a firm located in another the press to question two independent wages, ^ p ly : Atlas Tile, 1862 blooms in white, orange, red and pay the premiums for liability in­ bleachers, your lawn said today. Foster and Greenwald say yes, and fruits, which were green when Saturday cotfntry. That opportunity occurs state. welding experts hired bythe state to make Berlin Tpke, Wethersfield, yellow, had already been cut from Vitamin-fortified alcohol could since there’s been surprisingly little 5634)151. our picture was made, are turning surance. They think it’s great. chairs or blankets very rarely,” Criqui said in a “Now its a whole new ball game,” sure the repairs made the reactor safe. Rain Date keep thousands of alcoholics from if any scientific proof of the value of Sept. 2 , telephone interview. Snelling said, ‘‘New^ to r l^ a n jite r a ll^ ATTRACTIVE POSITION Sept. 3. I97EI developing a disease that forces self-xamination. them to be put in institutions per­ The disease is called Wernicke- For gal in Data Processing Information Number Others say no. Department. Knowledge of 7:45 P.N. manently because their memories Korsakoff syndrome. Its main cause Norma Swenson, a co-author of the Whale faces greater danger 9744)392 is thiamine (Vitamin B-1) deficiency, Key Punch helpful. 5-day of starvation, the major obstacle that could threaten its have crumbled to nothing, the popular women’s health book, "Our week. All benefits. Pleasant SEA ISLE CITY, N.J. (UPI) - The baby Beluga whale Children under and alcoholics are practically the existence now is a cruel hunter who might kilt it for a researchers said in The New England Bodies Ourselves,” said, “All they’re surroundings. East Hartford which scientists thought was in danger of dying because Brooklyn 12 FREE Journal of Medicine. only ones who' suffer from it because location. Phone 289-2736. thrill. CAN Tickets S6.(X) ‘proving’ is that women Who examine it was separated from its mother is facing a greater And keeping alcoholics out of the most people get thiamine in food. It’s their own breasts find lumps, and “Our biggest fear now is the general public,” said CT. present naturally in beans, green REAL ESTATE Marketing danger — man. William Flynn, spokesman for the New York Aquarium, hospital would save society millions women who don’t, don’t. Who needs representative - Manchester, The lost and confused whale has been eluding marine WATT of dollars, far more than the vegetables, liver, egg yolk, brown proof of that?” East Hartford, Vernon areas. which has been trying to catch the rare whale. “Our main S I* AnuuMOUKTPcnjic Fairgrounds scientists since it swam into Townsends Inlet Sunday. concern is that some oceangoing pedestrian would put a 10 WEISTES MMS program would cost, they suggested. rice and sweet corn. But both sides agree on this; All Earn lucrative commission. Scientists predicted the baby, which became separated The disease starts with mental con­ Receive professional harpoon in it.” The study was performed by Bran­ women over age 35 should check from its mother, would starve without her and wanted to fusion, uncoordinated walking and an GRAND guidance, education, com­ The race to capture the whale slacked off Wednesday don S. Centerwall, a medical student their breasts once a month. And it’s prehensive marketing tools. capture it to care for it. at the University of California-San inability to focus the eyes. It gradual­ after the scientists saw the videotap, provided by a HMTFOim especially important for childless Call Mr. Sammartino, But on Wednesday, videotapes of the 500-pound Diego, and Dr. Michael H. Criqui, an ly worsens to a state of severe l! television station. women or women who have their Fireside Realty, Inc. 647-9144. creature indicated the whale is in no immediate danger 'assistant professor of community amnesia where a victim engages in first baby after age 20, because for OPENING * Boaters lost sight of the whale temporarily overnight “confabulation,” constantly making Tuesday, but it was sighted again after dawn feeding of tnedicine at the school’s La Jolla reasons so far unclear, having a baby RN-LPN wanted for full or campus. up stories to fill the frightening gaps part time on all shifts. Apply fish two to four miles offshore. as a teen-ager seems to protect a FAMILY THRIFT STORE director of nursing. Salmon- The Oceanic Society, which has been tracking the It’s easy to joke about vitamin- in his memory. woman from breast cancer. brook Convalescent Home, off (TV highlights tonight) whale, was trying to lure it closer to shore in the House Street, Glastonbury. Townsends Inlet so Aquarium crewmen could make Please call 633-5244. 8 p.m. CBS, The Waltons. men track down a corporate another attempt to catch it with special equipment. FURNITURE & CLOTHING Nuclear protestors arrested NURSES AIDES wanted for John-Boy discovers Sheriff Ep vandal.(R) PBS, World. “You don’t stand a chance of catching^it in open water (For every room (For every member full time on all shifts. Apply was a World War I “Black's Britannica.” without risking injury to the animal or some people,” By United Press International custody. The die-in was organized by the director of nursing. Salmon- doughboy.(R) NBC, CHIPS. 9:30 p.m. ABC, Movie. “ For Flynn said. “ An animal in deep water is v e ^ swift and More than 170 people were Protesters also spread symbolic Rocky Flats Truth Force, which has In your house) of your family) brook Convalescent Home off John and Ponch rush to a Pete’s Sake," starring Barbra arrested Wednesday in American ashes in Philadelphia, prayed in New maintained a four-month vigil on the House Street, Glastonbury. series of false alarms.(R) very powerful, and someone could get hurt.” Please call 633-5244. Streisand and Michael protests marking the 33rd anniver­ York and laid down in Sunnyvale, railroad tracks leading to the plant. ABC, Welcome Back, Hotter. Sarrazin. An eager young Calif., to remember the last atomic There was no violence In NURSES AIDES - Full time, 7 Feeling responsible for a housewife will do anything to sary of the atomic bombing of Wednesday’s demonstrations. (XHK M & SEE THE BIWIiMIIS am-3 pm and 11 pm-7 am. Why cook this weekend? Bring the femlly to bomb dropped in anger, which killed teacher's heart attack, Vinnle help her husband. Theatre schedule J Nagasaki, one of the horrors that begat the nuclear age. tens of thousands in the Japanese In Oregon, demonstrators carried Experience preferred but we turns himself in to the 10 p.m. CBS. Barnaby Bonenze and enjoy a good meal In comfortable DISHES TELEVISIONS will train. Apply in person ; Seventy-nine people were arrested port city. sets of homemade stairs to the fence police.(R) PBS, Once Upon a Jones. When an old college Thuraday House” 2:15-4;45-7:4510:00 surroundings and at good prices. For Instance. . . East Hartford Convalescent friend disappears, Betty is In the Colorado protest, an orange- of the Trojan power plant, criticized ANTIQUES SMALL APPLIANCES Classic. "The Legend of Robin E. Hartford Drive-In — U.A. Theater 3— “Hooper” ip a “die-in” at the Rocky Flats Home, 745 Main Street, East left to care for her nine-year- frocked Buddhist monk beat a for its alleged vulnerability to Hood." “High Ballin’” (PG) 8:30; 2:00-3:50-5:40-7:30-9:30 nuclear weapons plant in Golden, BEDROOM SETS NEWIREBUILT) Hartford. 8:30 p.m. ABC, What's old son.(R) NBC, Operation: Vernon Cine 1 — “The Goto., including “Pentagon Papers” ceremonial drum as the chanting earthquakes, and crossed in waves of “ Breaker, Breaker” (PG) PERMANENT PART-TIME Happening. Rerun falls in love Runaway. A woman in flight Driver” 7:10-9:10 4 CHILD’S PLATE $ .79 informant Daniel Ellsberg and poet members of a procession fell to the about 20. QUALITY CLOTHING MATTilESS A with the priestess of a strange 10:15 cashier. 9 to 12 hours per week from her life of lies en­ E. Windsor Drive-In— “The Vernon Cine 2 — “Damien Smill burgar, French (rln. todi and tootsla roll pop. Allen Ginsberg. road, writhed in pain and "died.’’ In Rhode Island, 50 demonstrators religious cult.(R) in the evening. See Mr. Carter counters a young runaway Driver” (R) 8:30; “ Damna­ Omen H” 7:30-9:30 ; Seventy-two people were arrested Then the arrests began at the capped a four-day march against WINTER COATS BOX SPRINGS in person. Carter (toevrolet 9 p.m. CBS, Hawaii Five-0. with a compulsion for tion Alley” (PG) 10;00 late ' W^nesday for invading the Rockwell International plant, where nuclear power plants and weapons, Co. Inc. 1229 Main Street, A wealthy island family lying.(R) PBS, Masterpiece SINGLE: $32 / Manchester Drlve-In — grounds of the Trojan Nuclear Power plutonium parts are made for with a noon rally in Providence. Six DOUBLE: $39 (EACH) Manchester. figures in a murder case.(R) Theatre. “Poldark.’’(R) “Star Wars” 8;30; '“The RANCH STEAK SZ.39 NBC, Richie Brockelman, Plant near Rainier, Ore., for the nuclear bombs. All but 10 arrested priests participated, drawing some RECEPTIONIST wanted for Island of Dr. Moreau” 10;30 TOMMY’S larvad with potato, Taxaa loatL and all-you-can-oat ulad. ' fourth time in four days. Nearly 200 once before were later given sum­ criticism from nuclear energy Every donation and tvary purchaaa aaaiata ua Private Eye. Hired to See Saturday’s Weekend U.A. Theater 1 - “Eyes of dental specialty office In proponents. downtown Hartford, Mature purchase an antique car at supplement for complete Laura Mars" 2;00-4;30-7:00- PLEASE CALLIHEATREl people had been previously taken into mons and released. i with our rehabilitation program for Unattached, auction, Richie becomes in­ television program informa­ nZZARIA FORSCREENTMES RIB-EYE STEAK S3.29 person with experience volved in a homicide.(R) 9:20 . , Homoleaa Mon & Women. Your Giving - preferable. Pleasant working tion. U.A. Theater 2 - “ Animal aarvad with potato, Taxu loatL and all-you-can-aat aalad. conditions, fri^ce benefitsK.n«fit. ABC, Barney Miller and his Your Buying, makoa our program poaalblo. available. Call I 3868. INVITATION FROM Monehoolor Evoning HoraM ABA endorses ads on TV T-BONE STEAK S3.49 DEMONSTRATORS - Earn OUR FAMILY Publlthfd wmy wysno «pg>l NEW YORK (UPI) — Despite war­ Sunday, and holldaya. Entarad at th# aarvad with potato. Taxu toaat and all-you-can-aat aalad. Until last year, the ABA opposed special considerations, so it left that $1000 or more, trip to Nassau, TO YOURS Manotwatar. Conn. Poat Olllea aa So- nings that it may lead to abuse and virtually all forms of lawyer adver­ issue unresolved until the annual con­ Aug. 14, 1978 Free kit. Sell name brand toys cond Claaa Mall Maltar. increased malpractice suits, the Join Us For BONANZA - THE FAMILY RESTAURANTIII tising. ’The Supreme Court changed vention that wound up Wednesday. and gifts (Fisher-Price, Suggested Carrier Rates American Bar Association has en­ that with a June 1977 ruling saying Many lawyers think advertising is Tonka, Fenton). Treasure OUR MON.-THURS. ST. & HIRTFORD RD., HUNGflESTER House party plan. Call collect Payabl.ln,Adyanoa dorsed lawyer advertising on televi­ lawyers could advertise fees for unprofessional and worry about how 210 m SPECIALS Sinel. copy. MANGHESTEII • SHOP RITE PLAZA sion for the first time. person-to-person (or Miss “Tommy* routine services In newspapers. to prevent abuse. However, top (OLD CHENEY SILK MILLS) Carol 491-2100. Also booking $0 3 5 11 SPECIALS Ona m onth...... iJ S -W MANCHESTER - WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE The 141-69 vote by the group’s ’The 235,000-member association courts in a number of states already parties. TO CHOOSE Thraamoniha ...... policy-making House of Delegates Is promptly revised its standards to ap­ have adopted rules allowing TV Stors HourK 9 AM - 5:30 PM, Mon. thru Sit. six moniha...... JM-40 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS for FROM aMNEH 217 EAST Ona yaar...... S4o.0O not binding, but may have an impor­ prove some restrained forms of print Man Rataa Upon Raquoat advertising under various restric­ Call for pick South Windsor. Will train. DAVIS FAMILY m ini ST. GonasT. tant influence on state courts and and radio advertising. But the court tions. >■ Subaedbora who tall w '**•'*• V state bars that regulate the Apply 90 Brookfield Street or ilhair nawapapar P;!"; had noted television might raise 646-4928 1106 call 28^5918. EAST WINDSOR RESTAURANT 6 4 6 4 M 1 846-2SS0 ahould tala^ona tha oiroulallon ^ 'Professional conduct of lawyers. s CALOOR PLAZA, MANCHF8 TER usnntjTi*. ORIVf IN i>7i ».’9 , daparhnant. e47-9*4e______MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs.. Aug. 10, 197 8 - PAGE SEVENTEEN

40 Ardcltt lor Solo 41 Arlfcfaa lor Solo 41 homot For Solo 23 Homot For Solo 23 BHueUoa Wontod^ IS Butinott Proportr 25 H o u tth o M Goods PAGE SIXTEEN - MANOIESTER EVF.NING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10,1978__ MANCHESTER - For sale STEAMER TRUNK ■ A-1 con­ DARK LOAM Delivered - 5 WASHER - and like new Hit And M iss MATURE DEPENDABLE dition. Medium size rug, good, yards, $34. plus tax. Also sand, dryer. Pool table, coffee 23 woman would like part time commercial building and 2 smaller. Dye cut a few sizes table, lamps. Telephone 569 REALE REALTORS H ip Wm M IS Horn— For 8 th 23 Homot For Solo gravel land more stone 643- or full time position in doc­ liquor store. Call for details, 3547. Marion E. Robertson, pipe vice. A 9x12 Salem tor's office. Salary secondary. braided rug like new. Call 649 SKI SHOP - Immediate 6497236 after 5 p.m. Realtor, 6465953. IS A available In retail 8708. ONE PAIR ANTIQUE Satin ONE OF A KIND - 7 foot National Weather Forecast IF YOITRE TiMKMG MNHIT padded bar with railing and sales, binding mechanic, and drapes- Australian valance- ;m b ski repair. Must be pleasant, Pool Batoto Wontod 25 Jade, 144x84, $45. Touch and formica top. $400. 6465968. aggressive and like to work BUYMG OR SELUN6 A HOME. □ MI8C. FOR SALE sew sewing machine with with people on a personal □ EDUCATION ALL CASH For your property, Maple cabinet, $65., 25 gallon ONE SQUARE OTTOMAN GF HeralJi fish tank with filter-and basis. Experience in within 24 hours. Avoid Rm Ardeloo lor Solo 41 with wood cover, one opened saleswork and skiing essen­ THNUUNHIT Tape, Instant Service. Hayes accessories, $35. 2 Rupp snow twin bed, was $110, will sell Ds PiWata fnatnwtfoos IS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING tial. Submit resume with ^rporation, 6460131. ALUMINUM sheets used as mobiles-40 horse power, best for $50. 6465037. application to the Alpine offer. Call 5666559. REMEDIAL READING and printing plates, .007 thick, Haus, Route 30, Vernon, 872- SELLING your house? Call us 23i^”, 25 cents each or 5 for 5 PIECE MAPLE Bedroom O F HOMES 6547. ______math; individualized work first and we'll make you a TIRES - Ski boots, skis, bikes, Set with mattress and box DUBALDO/ program, (lst-8th grade) by $1. Phone 6462711. May be sewing machine, and tent cash offer! T.J. Crockett, picked up A.M. only. spring, in good clean condi­ PHONE 643-2711 MEDICAL ASSISTANT for master's degree teacher. 566 Realtor, 6461577. (10x16). May be seen at 108 tion. $175. (Hass and chrome 5 Scott Drive, Manchester, all FOR A$SISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD Physicians office in Vernon 8075. UNIFORMS WANTED -Cub shell decorator unit, $35. 649 Ardelot lor Solo 41 Ardelot lor Solo 41. office area. Monday, Tuesday, 646-OSOS LESPERAHCE IMMEDIATE Cash for your Scouts, Boy and Girl Scout, day Saturday. 0125. Sehooh-Chtooo IS Let us explaineyilaln our pur LIVING ROOM - sectional MOVING - all kinds of l m a n q b a IV I Thursday, Friday, 9-8 pm. Brownies, nurses. East posal. (/all Mr. set, stereo, studio couch and household iteips and bedroom Saturday 91 pm. Replv to fair p'rupos Catholic School. 6 4 9 1 ^ . SINCiER SEWING Machine. BABY ITEMS - Crib, dressing Manchester Herald Box L. FOR THE BEST - Manchester Bem ore, 647-1413.______kitchen set. Call 6 4 ^ 3 5 . furniture. Call 6462026. 3 H ip Wontod IS H ip Wontod 13 Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 With maple cabinet. 6 years table, car seat, stroller, etc. ADVERTISING ADVERTISING HlORin^TfMfflAliNIItVj^ TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - Reasonable, (/ail 649-8023, Tires 18670, 2 Tires F7614 pupils per teacher. FREE in- MAY WE BUY your hon.c? old. Buttonhole attachment. 1 LAPIDARY MACHINE and with wheels. NURSES AIDES- 7 a.m to 3 CONCRETE LABORER to PART TIME HELP wanted - Good condition. Good for year guarantee. $125 firm. after 5 p.m. DEADLINE RATES p.m. and 3 p.m. to 11p.m. Full troduefory lesson with this ad. Quick, fair, ail cash and no diamond blade trim saw. Call set and strip forms. fast food restaurant opera­ Call 6 4 6 ^ , or 6463549. plating, or welding. Call 649 Call 6A-2967. time and part time. Enjoy Experienced or will train. 876 roblems. Call Warren E. 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. 8 PIECE SOLID MAPLE 6467137. 3 PIECE STAINLESS STEEL t^OO noon tho day MIoro 1 day ....lie word par day tion. Hours 11:30 to2:30, Mon­ countertop stove, oven and publlc«tk>n. 3 daya ... 10a word par day working with a skilled and 1103 after 6 p.m. day through Friday. Ad­ Blowland. Realtors, 6461108. . dining room set. Made by HAPW 6 daya .... Pa word par day dedicated staff, in a very plea­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• NCR CASH REGISTER - BRAND NEW Plush Moosehead of Maine. Drop- KITCHEN SET 60 inch round hood, miscellaneous. After 5 D u dlino lor Solurdiy ond ditional hours optional. Apply □ REAL ESTATE with one leaf, 4 side chairs Monday la I 2 M Noon Friday. 28 daya .... ea word par day E 3 * sant and modem atmosphere. PART TIME HELP needed. Wendy's, 260 Broad Street, HoutohoU Qoodt 40 Reconditioned, with many Turquoise rug. 12x14. Selling leaf table and cane chair p.m. caii 6461201. 15 worda $2.00 minimum UP! WCATNin POTOCAtT 0 and 2 captian chairs. Pine Experience preferred. Good C a ^ register experience help- Manchester. totals. Call after 5:30 p.m., for half price $120. Call seats. 2 antique Chinese Happy A d a ...... $2.30 Inch benefits, excellent working ■ ■ ' Ire My Store For Homoo For Sato 22 REFRIGERATORS between 69 p.m. 247-3758. Bridal vase lamps. 2 Chinese wood with dark finish. 8 ELECTRIC RANGE, good PLEASE READ ful. Inquire 228-3957^______■ months old and hardly used. condition. $150 or best offer. conditions. Please call Doris Levis, f inchester Parkade, Washers, ranges, ' used, Sister of Mercy lamps. 529 YOUR AD For period ending 7 p.m. EST 8/10/78. During Thursday, Blaln RN, Director of Nurses, 6469013. Butinott OpportunUf 14 SOUTH WINDSOR - Income guaranteed and clean. New MOLDED FORMICA top and 5871 after 7 p.m. $200 firm. Cali 6590233 or 246 Call 6465289. thundershowers are expected in the Gulf Region, the Middle 6460129, Manchester Manor property. RC zone, shipment damaged, GE and paneled bar with two shelves 3302. C tm IfM adt art tahtn ov*r SMALL ENGINE Service m fessional office use. Three th« phon« u ■ conv*ni«nc«. Mississippi Valley, Ohio Valley and Tennessee. Elsewhere Nursing Home, 385 West BABYSITTER - Reliable, Fri^idaire. Low prices. B.D. and four stools.$175. 646-6028. MANCHESTER ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Center Street, Manchester. mature, loving person to care Corporation - expanding family 12 rooms, excellent Th« Htrild It rMpontIbl* for weather is fair in general. Maximum temperatures include: dealer network. No Pearl and Son, 649 Main onty ont Incorrtct InMrtlon and for 1-year-old in our location. Principals only. $59,- TWO PAIRS of bucket seats Atlanta 82, Boston 86, Chicago 78, Cleveland 76, Dallas 92, experience necessary. Street, 6462171.-______6 ROOM L SHAPED than onty to tha tlza of tha Denver 87, Duluth 78, Houston 89, Jacksonville 88, Kansas Manchester home during 900. Alter 5, 644-1778. from Pontiac. 1 pair red, 1 original Inaartlon. Errort which TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Complete training program. City 88, Little Rock 88, Los Angeles 79, Miami WANTED - Full time. Apply school year. 7:45-4 p.m. $500. investment required to LOVE SEAT. Like new condi­ pair white. Excellent condi­ RANCH do not lattan thd valua of tha References, own transporta­ BY OWNER - Custom Cape 6 tion, orange background with tion. $50 pair. 6360131. advartitamant will not ba cor> Minneapolis 83, 87, New York 86, PhoenixW , in person Parkade Lanes start your own business. Ideal Rockledge area.. 3 tion. 5^75%. 4 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, white floral print, (/all after 4 ractad by an additional Intar- San Francisco 79, Seattle 79, St. Louis and Washington 89. between 9 am and 5 pm. EOE. for retired or part time. fireplaced living room and rec bedrooms, Itk baths, eat-in lion. 5192 p.m., 646Ura. kitchen, formal dining WAITRESS - Part time. Details on request. Mr. room, wall to wall carpeting, PERSON TO WEED SMALL room,, carpeting, garage. Inquire 6461442. Barker. ESCAA Field A wonderful way to use aluminum sided. One car gar­ HAPPY GARDEN-Call after 6 pm, Training Division, box 619, those left-over scraps. . . NOW IN CONN. Treed shaded lot. ^,900. age, plus put buildings. Looking for kitchen •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6496455. Wading River, New York. a Hit and Miaa Quilt BIRTHDAY NURSES AIDE - Laural Mautiful one acre lot. $58,500. appliances? See the H ip Wontod 13 Holp Wontod 13 11792.______No. 5192 has complete 6463502. HAND REALTY H ip Wontod M H ip Wontod<;,______M PART TIME cleaning woman. Manor, 91 Chestnut Street. great buys In today’s I 6494519. directions. ^ 6 4 t « 2 0 0 0 TAXI DRIVERS NEEDED - HOUSEKEEPERS and Call 6465747. SERVICE BUSINESS - With ra taaia. mm yt at fir sssa Classified columns. DANYELL ACT NOW - Join the OLDEST SERVICE STATION $800 a week income available •eltoa $#• tu nr pictiai me BLUE RIDGE AREA- Toy and Gift Plan in the Coun­ All shifts. Neat and clean ATTENDANT needed full JANITORS - Full tim e MATURE PERSON wanted ^cious 10 room, hillside i From Mom, | appearance. Call 646-1140. positions available. Apply in GENERAL OFFICE CLERK, in this area. A cash business. Itench on cul-de-sac. One-t- try - our 31st year! Com­ time, evenings. Must be over for kitchen help, 5 days a Minimum investment ._ M a b e a i M I Dad and David | 18. Apply in person only, Get­ person. East Hartforif Con­ d^s. Hours 10-5 pm. «/•! acre, brick front with missions up to 30% PLUS ElrpbTlenced. Must be week, approximately 6 hours required. 206627-0550, 206481- u aaaiijS am EXPENSES. Fantastic SECURITY PERSON - SUrt ty, 118 CeiCenter ■ "■Street. ■ valescent Home, 745 Main St., aluminum, 3 full baths, 2 $3.15. After training $3.50. mature. Call 643-5147 for ap­ a day. Apply Cavey’s 9544. Hostess Awards. Call Collect East Hartford. Restaurant mornings only. ■m DP fireplaces, formal dining 673-0494, of write SANTA'S Must be neat in appearance. PERSON QUALIFIED in pointment. room, all appliances. Family Weapons permit required. LAUNDRY WORKER - TO FULFILL the last stage of 19T8autniwitha86pa(e room with wet bar, walkout to TOWN OF BOLTON PARTIES, Avon, Conn. 06001. buildings maintenance and EXPERIENCED Small "Gift Saedea” with fail ALSO BOOKING PARTIES. Call 236-6119 for interview. Mature individual, for full or our expansion program, we inground pool. Oversized dou­ grounds care needed at engine Mechanic, Must have will be looking for 2 full-time directioBa. Plica. . . $2.N PUBLIC part time. Must work every previous experience and ble garage, electric doors. LPN - Full or part time, 3-11 Wickham Park. Full time per­ real estate salespeople. Call $i$a m u aatn H $14$ ucN. manent position, for interview other weekend. Apply in per­ L A R G E FA M IL Y excellent growth opportunity. Buy owner, $94,000. Principals WANTED - FULL 'HME - p.m. Laurel Manor. 91 Chest­ son between 9 a.m. and 4 ^m ., F.J. Spilecki Inc. Realtor, 646 only. 6466208. NOTICE call Mr. Maron at 5264856. RESTAURANT - (open 24 Also part time set up delivery, 2121. ZONING BOARD mature woman with a keen in­ nut St. Call 649-4519. Experienced only please. Monday thru Friday. East M.>m-amT$ $apu$$t hours) locating Vernon------utility man. Eckert’s Lawn aaetom Hr iWiee awn. OF APPEALS terest in foods for training as Hartfora Convalescent Home, area has openings for and Leisure, Coventry, 742- ANDOVER - New 6room PART TIME Cleaning MANCHESTER Package aa a t ii-a a a a N ia iim r u » Contemporary. Fireplaced A hearing of the Zoning a second cook in a convmes- PART TIME ASSISTANT - In 745 Main Street. waitress, hostess, office assis­ 6103. n aatira. i i Hitiiatief eeim. cent home. Prerequisites: woman, window washer and Orthodontic Office. Oerical store. Excellent location. Well living room, 6bedrooms, 6 Board of Appeals of the Town experienced rug cleaner. 643- tant, dish machine operator established business. Call m. aiif-M M iiu's rMHiiTi willingness to learn and a love work plus experience in CONSTRUCTION MAN. and cooks. EbtperiencM or in­ traum. a teseUM iiHetiM. baths, garage, spacious lot. of Bolton will be held at the 5747. WANTED - APPRENTICE Marion E. Robertson, as. a - iN - a a n $ airr. om of people. Come in for an in­ laboratory technique. Hours Preferably knowledgeable in experienced a^ly immediate­ Quick occupancy! CaU Arthur NEW 1978 Town Hall on August 21, 1978 for graphic arts conmany. Realtor, 6465953. 2 Or. Coups, protective terview, 9-3 pm, Mon-Fri. flexible. ^11 56924W. Masonry to work on large ly. Connecticut State Employ­ or Suzanne Shorts, 6463233. J. at 8:00 p.m. to hear the Silver Lane Pavilion, 51 ACCOUNTANT, Bookkeeper. project as a clerk. Age Cali for appointment, 6494I9&. body Aide molding. Landau ment Services, 806 Main St., Watson Beach Co., BUCK REGAL top, auto, trana., power following appeal: Applegate Lane, East Hart- Full or part time. A preference 65 or older. Send GROWING GROCERY Manchester Office, 647-9139. Manchester public accountant SUPERVISOR AND Super­ Manchester. See Mrs. STORE with beer permit steer., deluxe wheel covers, Appeal of Leonard Giglio, foid. visor Assistant - Ambitious resume to Box JJ, c/o Ladabouche. DRIVER WANTED - Full Equal Housing Opportunity. steel belted w/wtiree, rsdk), requires bright person to availabie for immediate sale. eccommodstion pkg. Stk. Jr., of South Road, Bolton for self starting individuals able Manchester Herald. time position for a responsible WANTED - REAL ESTATE assist busy practitioner in ac­ person for early morning Fine location with great EAST HARTFORD - $48,900,7 No. 7180. <5150 variance of Section 7 of the to work independently. Must PARTS SUPERVISOR counting and tax areas. Reply potential. Owner looking for ■ Butlottt Oppoftunltf 14 'dealer prep. & irans. Incl. Zoning Ordinances, to allow HELP, experience not have administrative and WE ARE A Quality neinled for automative parts delivery route. Applicant Room SpUt Level, 3 bedroom 2 required, licensed or takjng Box J, care of Manchester Restaurant, we n e ^ good must be 18 years of age and immediate sale. Priced at full bains, laundiy room and THE HOME OF construction of an out building mechanical knowledge. For department. Full time salary $17,500. Call for additional MANY PEOPLE only dream the course. Fantastic earning Evening Herald. large school transportation quality waitresses, with good have a giiood (■driving ■ ■ record. paneled family room. By MR. QOODWREHCH less than 25 feet from the side starts at $150 weekly. All com­ deUils, R&D Realty, 6464968. oi owning their own business. owner. No agents please. 566 potential, generous com­ fleet in the Ver- references. Must be conscien­ pany benefits. For appoint­ Job most suitasuitable for a line at property located at the missions, referrals. Join the RESPONSIBLE Woman tious, neat, and willing to man as lifting of large Perhaps it's time for you to 1287. W E S T i andd hla golden mrid wanted for child care. 2 non/Manchester area. Call ment call 6862233. -pursue that dream. I have east side of South Road. largest Real Estate Company 643-2414. work for great tips. Apply in hampers is necessary. Applyply John Roberts in uie World. Call Norma or children in my home. 646-6521. person: Tliursday thru Satur­ in person, Swiss Laundry, 10 over 1,000 businesses for sale Picturesque well maintained 4+ acres with considerable frontage K MECHANIC WANTED for Harlow Street, Rockville. by owners. Many for BOLTON Chairman , Don at Century 21, Tedford GAS STATION MANAGERS - day, 9:30 to 11 at Rein’s N.Y. general repairs, must have oh Bolton Lake compliments this unique and private 10 room Real Estate, M7-9914 - 4 ^ NOW IN CONN. minimum down. For free Under Coiwtnietfan Zoning Board PART TIME Bookkeeper - Guaranteed salary plus week­ Style Deli-Restaurant. El experience and own tools. country home. Home features Include 4 bedrooms, 4^/4 baths, 4- Camino Plaza. Route 30, Ver­ TEXAS OIL COMPANY brochure write: Interstate of Appeals Receptionist, flexible hours, ly incentive. Excellent benefit Starting salary $8.00. All com­ (Business Marketing, P.O. Box 7 R 0 0 M Bolton some typing required. 646- program including paid life in­ non, Conn. pany Mnefits. For appoint­ urgently needs person M/F NETWORK car garage, 3 fireplaces, large family room, library and much HEMX BUKOIC. SECRETARY / Marketing over 40 for protected in­ <1888, Pueblo, Colo. 81002. 109-08 4552. surance. Call toll free l-(800)- ment. Call 6862233. (W E COD more. Also Included Is a boathouse with a fireplaced large living Department • Starting salary 628-4(X)2 for additional infor­ GAS STATION ATTENDANT dustrial sales territory. No $10,000 annually, plus liberal - Wanted to pump gas, and relocation. AAA-1 firm es­ 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths, con­ "TK PEOPLE niASERS” BABYSITTER NEEDED in mation. GENERAL CLERICAL and .SItMilon IVanlad 15 temporary staircase, for­ room, kitchenette, 2 bedrooms and spacious deck. $170,000. fringe benefits. Ground floor Bowers School area for first work in garage, Tuesday thru secretarial duties includes tablished since 1933. Liberal 599809 FMMLMkVE lUnFOH) opportunity for person with grader. Part time school PART TIME FOR package Saturday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., commissions. Opportunity for LOMTOMCME mal dining room, eat-in LEGAL good secretarial skills. operating computer terminal. advancement. For personal RESPONSIBLE Mother will TAKE AIRPORT RD. EXIT OFF 1-91 to days. Full time vacations. store. Flexible hours. Vernon and Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m: T^ing Aility required. Per­ t m m m care for children in my home. kitchen. Acre plus treed Proficient in transcribing area. Write Manchester ciall Buddy lO'ebb Pit Stop, interview write P. H. Braun, shaded lot with view. $57,- Brown S t and Left on FRANKLIN AVE. NOTICE from dictating equipment and Beginning September. Call manent position with liberal Southwestern Petroleum, Box for local Medical Review Call 6461076. 5 to 8 p.m. only. The Planning Commission after 5:30 pm. 647-1387. Herald box number KK. 6464539.______benefits. Contact Mrs. Rivers, 900. pleasing phone manners. Beneficial Finance Co., 993 789, Fort Worth, Texas. 76101. Program. RN with clinical ,(XX)K - Capable of managing of the Town of Bolton intends Need individual now with HOUSE CLEANING-Start EiD Really 6 4 8 - 4 9 6 8 EOE. experience in iong-term FWHO REALTY^ to have a public hearing for TYPIST And other various of­ FULL AND PART TIME for September. Experience. Main Street, East Hartford, 'and buying with small ability to organize and work in iolf course maintenance. App- 289-3371. care. UR experience with 'restaurant. Making dinner the purpose of presenting fice duties. Experienced Wednesdays preferred. laCT e46-5M0 |K) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ team setting. Send resume to ireferred. Fringe benefits. y in person at Tallwood Coun­ knowledge of specials. Availahle im­ e g g s proposed changes to the sul^ f Transportation provided, (iill Robert Fleming, NCC/HMO 7e are an EOE. 289-8291. try (flub, Route 85, Hebron. LAUNDRY MAN - Full or Medicare/Medicaid mediately. Call 742-5066. division regulations on Inc., 275 Broad St., Windsor, Karen 6462142. part time. All shifts. Call programs preferred. Car Wednesday, August 16,1978 at C t., 06095. D eadline for KMG FIVE OPENINGS Available ASSEMBLERS - For light Meadows Convalescent required for travel withip 8 p.m. in the Community Hall. resumes, August 15. EOE. DENTAL HYGIENlST-2-3 needs men and women full to work locally. Part time 80 manufacturing. No Home, 647;4194. Hartford (kmnty. Salary The followifig sections are per-week. Must be 18 or older. experience necessary. Good days, start October 1. Call or part time days or I r Karen, 6462142. $12,500. Send resume to: House of the Week Car necessary. Call Cutco opportunity. Apply Namrok recommended for change: NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS LAUNDRY FOLDER - Part evenings from 5 p.m. till H C n M APPLIANCES TELEVISION ^ CATALOG AUDIO Section 1.1 “Definitions” Estate of boss hunteb begg, Dist. 4-7 pm (Vernon) 872- Industries, Vernon Industrial HELP WANTED-Baker’s time all shifts. Call Meadows closing. Must be over 18. 7 A.M. to I P.H. Sr. aka BOSS HUNTEB BEGG 7157. College students Place, Vernon, Ct. Convalescent Home, 647-9194. 1000 Atytom Am . ' Section 1.6 “Changes in Con­ The Hon. William E. FiUGerald. helper, nights. Apply at Bess Apfdy in person, 467 Center 5 Daira Par Waak Hartford, C t 00106 p**'- ' tour” Judge, ol the Court of Probate, welcome. Eaton Donuts, 150 (/enter St. Street, between 2-5 p.m. FuO Tima, Mon. thru Fri. District of Manchester at a hearing BARTENDERS, COCKTAIL Builders, Plumbers, Hsmodslers, Section 2.2.2 “Application WANTED - Retired man or or calt Valorto at 025- Appif held on July 31, 1S78 ordered that all OIL BURNER MECHANIC - Waitress, sandwich maker - man and wife, either or. Also 0000.______OsetiMsns, Bsel EitaM irokers end Fee” claims must be presented to me Permanent job on staff of long AM morning maintenance. COUPLE TO MANAGE fiduciary on or before October 31,1978 Wholesale outlet from home, articles for sale. 649-5459. Section 2.2.3 “Site Develop­ or be barred as by law t>rovided. established fuel oil company. Call 644-9637 between 9 and 12 : MISTER DONini Sshsmsa — Caff Us far Spaeiaf Pearl J. Hultman part time. $1350 plus per , ment Map” Must be licensed and have a.m. T 255 Waat MIddto Tpka. Priess on r o a r Appffanea Naada and Ssnlees... Section 2.2.10 “ Erosion and Ass’l. Clerk references. Mellen White & month potential without MANCHESTER CARPET CENTER INC. The fiduciary is: P a lsa h w , 107 B u rn sid e RECEPTIONIST - Articulate leaving present position. JOBS ARE HERE Sediment Control Plan” Ross H. BeM. Jr. Hartford interview 5265045 4 4 3 ^ HMtnMD ROMIJUIICHEITER 311 Main Street 646-2130 68 Plymouth Lane Avenue, East Hartford. and attractive individual Section 2.3.1 “Approval” Immediate temporary FHORI R47-gei7______Manchester, Conn. 06040 needed for modern showroom. ask for Lee. FACTORY OPENINGS Section 2.3.3 “Performance iiisomenta avallaole in 113^ PART TIME ONLY - Drivers Light typing and some bookeepiog, secretariet, typista, MECHANICS Bond — Maintenance Bond” KITCHEN HELP part time and other office skills. Sign up now for school buses and station bookkeeping background. and full time openings. Apply Eatabllahod growing company noada H U n COlimBGTIMI Section 3.2.25 "Street wagons. Manchester and Ver­ Benefits and excellent pay. at our special recruiting centtf for East Convalescent Home, 745 "close b home” asslaunents, or Signs” NOTICE TO CREDITORS non area. Good pay, enjoyable Call Tom at 6497544. machinlata, angravara, N.C., and Bridgaport Main Street, East Hartford. 9 register any weekday In our Hart- Section 3.5 “ Drainage” ESTATE OF GROVER I. MITCHELL work. Must be availanle 7-9 fora office. oporatora. Wo maka apacializod macftlnary that n tlT U N S K Y S m U s F o r Section 3.5.9 "Detention a/k/a GROVER IVAN MITCHELL 4 pm. Must be capable of com­ The Hon. William E. FitzGerald. am, 1:30-3:30 pm, or after­ S E C R E T A R Y offara chaiionga and varialy. Qood atarting rklaa TAe FoUowingt Basins” Judge, of the Court of Probate, noons only. Call for appoint­ MANCHESTER MEDICAL plete overhaul of diesel and District of Manchester at a hearing CLEANING WOMAN IM y Sonricas and company paid fringa banafita. CaU ua for tha ★ ALUMINUM i VINYL MDINB A copy of the proposed ment, M3-2414. OFFICE. No short hand gas engines and other con­ ^m Um a BanqiMtf A.Uwn 4 OardM held on August 3,1978 ordered that all WANTED - 4 hours a week. changes is on file in the office required, but good traing skill 100 Conatttutton Ptaxa baat opt>Winlty. struction equipment In­ (to Colors To Choose Pnm) claims must be presented to the Must have own transporta­ 240-0000 ExarciMiAMovlno*l A Moirino • 69 ,., _ _ ^ of the Town Clerk in Bolton. fiduciary on or before November 3, EARN $4-$8 HOURLY Ser­ essential. Heavy phone con­ cluding heavy Duty Auto A Convalaoeoneo • PaMing • Baby tion. Call 6466243. MANCHBDTM. YMCA ★ AW NIIM S A CANOPIES Robert E. Gorton, 1978 or be barred as by law provided. vicing our customers from tact and ability to deal with Trucks, Caterpillars and TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Mary Lou Danany, Ass't. Gerk home on your telephone, public important. 5 day week, 70 N. Main Straal HOME FITS NARROW LOT INOBM rM . Chairman The fiduciary is: NOBLE & WESTBROOK Hydraulic Loaders. H you ★ STORM WINDOWS A DOORS Harriet Ann Mitchell (ihoose own hours. 2497773. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Reply LOONMOFORA THRSNY, XoiMt IM think you 649 James S. Klar, including references to 553 East Center St. 20 WESTBROOK STREET 5249. •40-24M ' Secretary Manchester, Conn. 06040 APPLICATIONS NOW Being Manchester Herald Box K. M M A O m U R E ^ SMtoini Phoiw 649-9095 © By W. D. FARMER PM»§M miLAkT. 1024)8 114-08 IVever a Fee EAST HARTFORD ♦■MrasmRBrtMCC accepted at the Union SchooL A leading family An IqutI Opportundjr Cmptoff FREE ESnWATES + EASY TERMS 771 Main St., South Windsor, WANTEd: restaurant chain is seeking KELLY SERVICES An activity room with a Hie master bed room has a Ct., for a part time custodial. PRECISION Assistant Manager mw«KiaV OWL” RMfto vaulted ceiling is the special private bath and plenty of LEGAL NOTICE Ws WsmS To tfejp Custom closet space. The other two WOMEN OVER 18 part time. Trainees. Position offers Equal Opportunity Employer M/F feature of this home, Also Your Message Can u.pSfii!!'.re ..D excellent growth potential Johanna's Cnationi Draperies included are a brick fireplace bed rooms have generous - Invitation for Bids for repair and resurfacing parking area and To work for Carvels evenings JOHANNA LERCH. OWNER and weekends. Applications Bridgeports & N/C Cin- for a successful career in sized closets and hall access to south-end Driveway at Bolton Center School will be received by We Own a Operate Our Own Workshop and a french duor leading to a now being accepted at 811 timatics. First or 2nd Shift, the restaurant field. Apply rear terrace. a full bath. the Bolton Board of Education until August 15,1978. Bid forms Main St., Manchester. Top Wages & Benefits. immediately — Connec­ ONE STOP SHOPPING SERVICE Be A Part of This • CUSTOM GRAPERIES • SUP COVERS The country style kitchen The laundry is located in the should be returned to the office of the Supt., 104 Notch Road, Please apply in person: ticut State Employment • LARGE P/tCRIC SELECTION • WOVEN WOODS has plenty of cabinet and bed room wing. It includes 1 i Bolton, Conn. Information and Bid Forms may be obtained at COCKTAIL WAITRESS - Services, 806 Main St., LE-MCORPOM • QUILTED BEDSPREADS • FRENCH VQILE washer-dryer connections. | | the Office of the Supt., Raymond A. Allen, Jr., Supt. of Schools. Fridays and Saturdays. Manchester. Ct. See Mrs. counter space. Having the Experienced only. Apply in 190 Tunnol Road • DRAPERY RODS 6 ACCESSORIES A choice of exteriors is Page Each Week I 11608 Ladabouche. ______Fountain Village breakfast - area included and person 11-4 p.m. Podunlc Mill Vamon. Cl. 06006 CLIP & MAILI INSTALLATIONS ARRANGED FOR OUR WORK offered with either a beii^ located adjacent to the Restaurant, 989 Ellington Rd., Manchester You Con*t Afford To h n Uotd You dining area allows quick contemporary or an oriental South Windsor. QERUAN SrvlE Compare Our P rk t A Service front included. For Only M2 Per Ad. SHEER transfer from kitchen to table. INVITATION TO BID Fin CALL 6A7-9946 manchaetar The bed rooms are grouped - The home contains a total of CASHIER - Mature, reliable NAME M AIL TO: /Uiirelisvilv! 647-1145 ;j j Sealed bids will be received in the Office of The Director of person for part time work. 501 HAIinOm) RO., MANCHESTER in a wing to divide the home 1,376 square feet of living tj i General Services, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut, Flexible work schedule in ADDRESS into active and quiet zones. space. , , ’ until 8-22-78 at 11:00 a.m. for the following: health and beauty aid store. Experience preferred but will Tip of the Week One (1) Vi ton 4-wheel drive Pick-up (Police Dept.) tram. Apply Brooks Discount, CITY The Tom of Manchester is an equal opportunity employer, and 277 W. Middle Turnpike, P.O. BOX 591 WE ARE EXPANDINQ Notice to Our PLAN NO 3 5 5 ^ ' requires an affirmative action policy for all of its Contractors Manchester. 6469196. STATE Manckaator, Conn. 00040 our manufacturing HOUSE I3T0 5Q FT Attic Fan Can McDonald’s® STOOHS HO S O F T . and Vendors as a condition of doing business with the Town, as facilities on Tolland Street, SCO ROOM GARAQC 0 BED ROOM ■ ii’-e'iii'.o' |- per Federal Order 11246. ZIP EXAMPLE: East Hartford. We need ADVERTISERS ll'.«'alS'-or Save Energy McDonald’s® in Manchester still STONAOe Ill Bid forms, plans and specifications are available at the General good men Immediately to Ventilating a home with a whole-house fan instead of NOW IN CONN. PHONE IS Words for 6 Days If you would like to advertlae your i f ! Services Office, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connecticut. has opportunities available during train in prjntlng and cooling it with an air conditioner can a very effec­ TOWN OF MANCHESTER, breakfast (6 or 7-3) and lunch (11- O nly *8.10 laminating of plastic films Bualneaa or Service In thia apace, pleaae $>l» r*^e« '**' LMua-tfl & ' CONNECTICUT p CHECK ENCLOSED on equipment being in­ tive way to save energy, the National Bureau of Stan­ KfTO CN’ ■ ; BED ROOM ROBERT B. WEISS, GENERAL 3) periods. Positions are also stalled in our plant. We are call The Herald Claaalfled Advertlaing ll'-6*a|l’-0’ dards reports. , , l l ; MANAGER available for closing hours (7- - MINIMUM 15 WORDS a small ag^esalve bard Department, 643-2711. ’l Vj 3- FILL IN ONE WORD PER RLAIfK working concern which I r i ACTtVTTV ROOM However, the bureau reported that use of an attic i ! ' 1154)8 close). (closers must be 18 years or Vim VI* •''•■OM man 8 ' I prints and' makes plastic fan in conjunction with air conditioning may not ^ as 2 >, 4 ? \ Ixm ilN C tD Mto body np0k _ bags. We need men of keen 3 te rm r o o m older). ' is'-'e'itj'-dr effective in saving money as has sometimes been man. Qood pay and fringa eye slght-not color blind- KI’-B'liM'-S* banalNa. Apply In paraon to Hr. 8 9 to ! 1 suggested. if LEGAL NOTICE Cartor or Hr. Pateh, aarvloa As a member of our crew, you < 1 7 witb some mechanical V- INVITA'nON TO SUBMIT LEASE PROPOSAL managar. * background. Willing to OMAOE The bureau’s findings were based on experiments in Lease proposals .will be. received at the office of the will receive supervisory training, . 14 . 10 ti’-aTito'-o* CUTEI CHEVIOta ca MG. 1* 18 work fast and bustle. Must- IS FOR Department of Administrative Services-Bureau of Public 12MHalntgaat three test houses in Houston. Manchaalar, CL free meals; pleasant working con­ be willing to work any shift , Works, Room 480, State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, assigned and sometimes on ditions and regular wage Increases. 17 II I t N According to the agency, a whole-house fan was u ^ Hartford, Connecticut 08115. weekends. Excellent OrouR instead of air conditioning whenver the ouUide Interviews will be held Monday, f t chance for rapid advance­ ITEM: Approximately 15,000 sq. ft. of office space with •• 3f temperature dropped below 82 degrees-The results in­ f WOMEN Aug. 14th between 3-5 p.m. H a ------M.' ment depending on speed ; parking for ninety (90) cars for the Department of Social of learning. CaU 5269471 You may purchase complete working drawings, material dicated substantial savings could be achieved, depen- Services in Manchester, Connecticut. HO WANTED I f ' ------20 M for an interview apiwint- ding on geographic location, since the fan used con­ ^ ' For additional information, please contact Mr. Donald R. Apply In person at McDonald’s®, »;5i------^ . lists and plans for the above house, Number 355 — from ment. Hooper, telephone 5664261, Bureau of Public Works. 7 P.M. to 12 MMnlgM /' siderably less energy than an air conditioner. 2 Daya Par Waak 46 W. Center St., Manchester, Ct. Larry Farnsworth, P.O. Box 1841, Las Vegas, Nevada, ; it The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals not in : 11------H " a f — 1 - the best interest of the State of (kinnecticut. Alao IneiiJ^a^aakanda or 1221 Tolland Tpke.j North 89101. * ' V I ' State of Connecticut Manchester, Ct. a ^ ^ ! :; c. Thomas Foley, Deputy Commissioner MISTER DONUT You Deserve A Rreak Today " ...... 4 • i'J 1 ■' Department of Administrative Services- ] 2S8 Waat MMdla Tpka. An Equal Opportunity Em ployx M/F______^ Bureau of Public Works II14I8 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Thurs., Aug. 10, 1978- PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs,, Aug. 10, 1978 ACROSS 63 Horto’i g ilt Aniwor to Privioui Puzili DOWN s HT5 r e 7 7 7 T 7 I FMM me [REST ______4partnimla For Root 53 WtnM io Root 57 Tmckt h r Sgl* 62 1 PiMM C 1 N e U L N A N E w Charles M. Schultz Rlobllo Homoo 5 Photnix L E 1 Fiitiircrtft C p • • A T 0 N 0 c ig s n U 8 1 R 44x10 FOOT MOBILE home. COUPLE WITH One child 1969 FORD E-106For parts. (ibbr.) K 1 T C 0 1973 INTREPID - 20 ff 6 Conciit C H U In Bolton. Working single per- needs 5 or 6 room duplex or CaU 6460407 after 5 pm. 2 Above t z L 1 0 t/i Travel Trailer - Stotf 12 M ilt P a 0 T 1 Q E T C 1 L A son only. No pets, animals or house. Reasonable. 6468952. D e a r A b b y 3 (ithillo vllliln H U N . . ju s rr l i k e refrigerator, heated. F1 13 Wngra> ord! ofui unuii- . „ . 8 A R E A R 4'OU CAN HAVE THE] WITH 2-W6IT MEMORY children. Call 6462880. 1971 DODGE WINDOW VAN- OKAV, I LL TAKE THE I LL ALSO TAKE THE shower, and toilet. TandB d tn tin d ln g (2 * J f T N A I • A U A N T WANTED TO RENT - 6 V-8. Automatic. Fully 6 Shut up T H 1 A R 0 U FRONT PA6E, THE 5P0RT5 BOOK REVIEWS, THE BIRD NEWS You^ ERNIE. wheels. CaU 6$60383. wdi.) 6 Entertainment D e A 3 BEDROOM DUPLEX- Rooms plus, older home for carpeted. Must sell! $130(). By Abigail Van Buren 14 T hrH (prillx) T f N D 0 L D E H 5ECTI0NANPTHE THEATER SECTION AND remodeled kitchen and bath. responsible family of 4. Call 6469188 noon, or 5 to 8. group (tbbr.) T Y U e F A A 1974 APACHE solid state 15 Draped 6 2 THE COMICS.., Available Seotember 1. Paul Willing to do repairs and g irm in t 7 Gall t 1 R T R A 1 T R f 8 8 ^ EDITORIAL PA6E.„ ^ Camper. Sleeps 6, stove, ice 8 Watching W. Dougan, Realtor, 6464535. maintenance. Manchester or 16. Fo Folk i r F f V L 1 8 1 8 box, portable heater, good 8 Engrave c 0 8 C E N T nearby town. Call collect; DEAR ABBY: I just read about that father who broke knowledge 0 R E R condition, $1375. 6465215. 1 7 ______10 Aih-colortdTech IDEAL FOR SINGLES. Fine (413) 782-0272. Motorcyeloo-BIcfeloo 54 Bis nose, when ■he fell off hie 14-yeer-old eon’s skateboerd. I 31 Family joint one bedroom. AH bills paid. 18 Clemor 11 Gallery TENT FOR SALE excellAit can un^retand understand why he would be upset, but I think member 48 Parle airport Has basement and appUances. 20 French ipe hanging HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1973 condition. 10x10 wiUi awning, throwing hie son’s wteboard in the trash wee inexcus No lease. Only gl60 (9623). □ AUTOMOTIVE 22 Sewbuck 18 Place to lit 32 Home of Eve 49 Mention ,C) FX-12% - 871-2511. $175. CaU after 6 pm. 647-1544. Rental Assisters, 2365646, Abtot 23 Compete 21 Roman deity 34 Skillful 61 River In I’m a 66year-old grandmother. Last year I feU off my % small fee, point 24 New York City 38 Destroyed Europe Autos For Solo 51 TRIUMPH 1976 Bonneville JAYCO TENT TRAILQR 24 Look tt grandson's skateboard and broke my wrist, but it was my river 39 Scrawblll (el.) 52 Roman tyrant 7%, 80% miles, oil cooler and sleeps eight, extras, mint con­ own fault, and I certainly wouldn’t puntah my grandson for 27 26 Tima divlelon DUPLEX, kids ok, in this rack. $1,7%. 2864042. 41 Dying events 53 Snakalika frih PLYMOUTH VOLARE dition. (^11 after 5 pm. 646 It It was greet fun, and I may even try it again sonutime. 29 Dirt 26 Indian charming 6room. Has base­ Premier 1976 - blue with wood 33 Oxygentted 46 Fourth month 56 Choler ment, carpeting, garage and 3766. I to ^ a wt of ribbing from everyone who knew about it, 28 Blue-pencil Wlnthrop grain, luggage rack, slant 6, TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE - 36 Minced oath 47 Arm and hand 57 Astern SERVICE more. Only $270. (94-01). Ren- but I just la u ^ d right along with them. 30 Opera prince low mileage, power steering 1973, 750CC. Must sell. First 1970 OPEN ROAD seU con­ 36 Told U1 Assisters, 2365646 small $11 % takes it. CaU 6461663 or ' If you can get in touch with that father, Abby, ptoase teU 37 Maddening and brakes, dectric rear win­ tained track camper. $1,5%. 4 S 6 7 9 9 10 11 fee. him for me that a nice move would be to buy his son a 40 In a difficult 1 2 3 A N P W E N T MUST^VE BEEN dow defogger, standard shift. 6462123. CaU 6467766. IN petition 14 A FT^ETTV Must be seen to be ap­ hrmurnewdeeteboerd. g^,rEBOARD GRANDMA t2 13 WISCJCMS5IN/ HOME FAMILY niEAT. Extraor­ 1973 HONDA 90cc, exceUent 42 Chintit A N P S U D W CAV/ preciated. 6469888. 17 msmANBDGiWJ- e c A K B P dinary 6room Duplex. Has condition, 988 miles, $4%. Call LAWRENCEVILLE. ILL. phllotophy IS 19 H IS F E E T IN NEWS-WISE. 43 Fled PeUVBRBPALU carpet, appliances, yard and 1974 MUSTANG GHIA - 6461814. AutomoUvo Sorvico 55 21 44 Pod vegetable 11 10 20 HI3AAAIU... HOTMWER. free heat. Call for informa­ speed, 6 cylinder, 4 new DEAR GRANDMA: You sound Uke the kind of grentoa ELM MOTORS - ToyoU, Dat- 46 Make a tion. (9628). Rental Assisters, radials, (2 snows), excellent 1975 HONDA CB200, 800 every Ud would Uke to have. However, 11 eU grandmas 22 23 2365646, small fee. sun specialists, factory promiie condition 2260475 or 2269550. miles, excellent condition, 32 y trained, one day service, 114 4rere to take up skateboarding, they ere Ukely to become a 48 Ready for 24 2S 26 29 29 30 31 $5%. 1974 HONDA XL3% g ^ action (2 FIRST FLOOR, carpeted 2- East Main Street, Rockville. vaaiehing breed. 31 SarvfCM O Ihrod 31 Pohtlng-Popotfng St Building CoiHraeOng 33 DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS running condition, $5%. Call 34 35 Sonleoo Othrod 871-1617. wdi.) 33 bedroom, has parking, Mr. 'S Automotive World. 289 SO Ohio city appliances and yard. Only $185 . . • DEAR ABBY; I’m going with a wonderful man who 3S 37 39 39 S K C liU . HOUSEWORK GOT YOU INTERIOR - EXTERIOR FIRST CLASS Carpentry - Oakland Road (Route 30), • wanU to merry me. I am a widow, and he’s a wdower who 53 Geological pe­ Remodeling and Additions. (01-30). Rental Assisters, 236 ^uth Windsor. Speed/Van riod 43 MTUROAV ONLY, AU|U.I IDh, DOWN? General cleaning, Painting - And odd jobs. Two ; has loot two wives. Wo seem so right for each other, but 40 41 42 wot Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 5646, small fee. Accessories. 64693%. 54 Wheal T UK. M I M L Ml* Stoam extraction carpet experienced College students. ttm Itoid. Free Estimates. Call excellent work References. recreation rooms, roofing, sell. CaU 6463053. - don’t want to live in the past.) . . . „ H l O f O S peaitnt 90 Free estimates. Fully in­ siding QualiU Work! Best 1 * ■ I once told my new love (jokingly I that smee he a*®™* ** SB S9 DOMES'nCARE at 643-1945. BOLTON - Large 3-room 61 C tuitic sured. Martin Matson, 649- Prices! Bud "1011Talaga, 742-8732. 1972 MUSTANG, V-8 GUESS BEALfTV apartment, stove, Courtety o f • fond of wearing wedding r ^ , I wuit a iubitanct 62 63 TVRONE? T H A rs SHE SAVS ITS A C iM TREE SERVICE - Free or 6464501. automatie, power steering, SI >0 PRISCILLA, PLEASE A-1 TREE SERVICE - Will 4431 refrigerator, quiet > ceremony, but I don’t cere to bo t pert of a "3-rlng circus, 62 Snow ilidar SUPER-GLAMOROUS jS IN THE EVE . estimates, discount senior radials, $1,9% or best offer. (DOME IN HERE ANP > WHAT SHE . cut and clear unwanted or neighborhood. No pets. : so to please put his first two rings away. (NIWSPArlH EMIRPfllSI ASBN I NAMEPERFECT F T H E BEHOLPER! citizens. Company GENERAL CARPENTRY, 6463973. NEW ENGLAND STREET RODDERS • He seemed to appreciate my little joke, but I notice he io GETTVFONE/ NAMEP HIM? d ^ d trees. Please call and QUALITY PAINTING and References required. $210 FOR SUCH A HANP- Mpnchester owned and Paper Having by Willis Repairs, Remodeling, receive our Low Elstimates, monthly. 6465SW. • still wearing hie rmgs. SOME FELLOW/r- operated. Call 646-1327. M9-3571.' S ch u ltz. Fully in su red , Garages, Additions, Porches, 1974 FIAT 4-door, 6speed, air • - I bring it up a ^ 7 It really bothers me to see 343. conditioning, AM/FM stereo. references. 6494. Decks, Rec Rooms, FIVE ROOMS - Furnished or Win at Bridge BiM TREE SERVICE. Hatchways. Roofing, Gutters, $1,5()0 or best offer. Call 246 ; : ttoee reminder, of hieTormer wivee. A-1 LIGHT TRUCKING - unfurnished. No pets. Adults. Complete tree care, spraying PAINTING - Interior / , Formica, Ceramic Tile. Call 83% days/6460162 eves. Appliances, furniture and Security. References. Call partner out and removal. Insured and Exterior. Best Workmanship! Dan Moran 6462629. Heiping your pianos moved. Cellars, attics, 6465747 anytime. experienced. Senior Citizen Quality Paint! Lowest Prices! 1968 PONTIAC TEMPEST 6 • * DEAR PBOW-EM: What your “wonderW" n roep^ve on the clubs must be the ace and garages cleaned. For all • hMbend wears on hie fingers la leee Important than what If £ Discount. 643-7285. your Light Tracking needs. Dan Shea, 6465424. FARRAND REMODELING - cylinder, automatic, exceUent of diamonds to tell W est that . hi hli head and hla heart. Hhe’a right for you, and wanta to For the Lowest Prices, call Specializing Cabinets and For­ running condition. $8%. Call NORTH 610-A his diamonds are all ROOM ADDITIONS, 649-3571. R.J. MAGOWAN & SONS - mica Tops, Roofing, Gutters, Homoo h r Ron! 64 649-46% after 5 p.m. . marry yon, don't let hie Jewelry get in the way. ♦ 10 8 5 winners. Dormers, kitchens, garages, liiird Generation. Painting & Room Additions, Decks, W K Q 7 East’s next two discards rec-rooms, suspended ceilings A&W PAINTING - Quality Paperhanging Free Repairs. Phone 643^17. MANCHESTER - Available MGB 1967 - Excellent engine. ■ * M)AR ABBY: My problem is me. I never know what to « 1 0 8 are the five and then the two and roofing, 528-8958. workmanship. Interior and Estimates. FuUy Insured. immediately. 3 bedroom cape 22-30 mpg. Body needs work. ^ ' aay when someone asks me a question that I prefer not to ♦ KQ 986 of hearte. Thus, West can exterior. Fully insured. Telephone 6461959. with fireplace and garage. $7%. 649^12. ? t answer. For example, queetions of a private family nature, afford to chuck hearts at WEST E A S T Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrence LAWN MAINTENANCE. Wayne 649-7696. Convenient to schools, shop­ • such as, ’m e t happened between your eistor and her each turn. ♦ Q3 ♦ B7642 Reasonable and dependable ^WALLPAPERING and ••••••••••••• ping and busline. $365 per 1958 METROPOLITAN ; r husband?" Or. “Why doesn’t your son marry that girl ho e Finally, South comes to college veteran now accepting W J964 ♦ AS2 EXPERT PAINTING AND PAINTING is my full time RoolIng-SIdIng-ChImnof 34 month plus utilities. Children Convertible - Fair condition- the moment of decision. He ...SUT IE V'WANTA ‘obs in your area. Call 289- ’ been living with for so long?” a J9764 e AQ2 YOU TRVrM' T'MAKB , JU5TTRYIM' jobs LANDSCAPING -Specialized, business. Quality work, fast permitted. Mr. Rothman, needs work. Many extra m m I ■ Other queetions that aren’t all that personal also irnteto has seven tricks In. He can NO PROBLEM... T'BB HELPFUL, m a k e ANVTHINE ♦ 74 ♦ 53 JU ST A COUPLA m e l o o k BAD OR . 1 Exterior House Painting. service, fully insured and free BIDWELL Home Improve­ Frechette, Martin & Rothman parts. Must sell $85() or .best ‘ . roe. such as. "How much did you pay for t l ^ e ^ e ? get two more and make his SUMTHIW4l.,.WHO PODNER- OUT OF IT- 80 estimates. Bob Jobin, ment Co. Expert installation Realtors. Call 6464144. EKCmNC SOUTH L006E ISNITIOM RISHT AHEAPl Tree pruning, spraying, offer. 6465288 after 5 pm. i • I suppose I could say, “It’s none of your business, but 1 game if he gets two more WIRB5„TRy IT ASKED YOU T'BUTT REWEAVING bums, holes. mowing,weeding. Call 742- of aluminum siding, gutters ♦ AK J proprietor. 6469027. I don^ hevethe nerve, so I find myself answering a tot o f , spade tricks. ABAIkliWASHl IN ANYHOW, WISE Zippers, umbrellas repaired. 7947. and trims. Roofing installa­ MANCHESTER-Luxurious 2 MUSTANG n, 1974, 6speed, W 108 3 What would you do if you S U Y T l Window shades, Venetian KEEP SMILING tion and repairs 6466495, 871- bedroom condominium at 4-cylinder, air conditioning, L ; questions I don’t really want to aiw er. e K53 weren’t looking at all the T - If you have a solution for my problem, ploaao put It to blinds. Keys. TV for rent. CHAIN SAW WORK KEEP HAPPY 2323. Northfield Green. 11/2 baths, radials. Good condition. ♦ A J 10 2 cards? Marlow's, 867 Main St. 649- full basement, familv room. your column because I’m sure I’m not the only one who WANTED. By the job o r ^ Asking $19%, Call after 9 p.m. Vulnerable: Neither Just what South did. He 5221. the hour. Free estimates, 875- SPECIALIZING cleaning'.and Available immediately. Paul 6 465& . tried a spade finesse; lost to Building ControeOng 33 Dealer: iteutb 7890. repairing chimneys, roof, new W. Dougan, Realtor, 6464535. ; t o n g u e -t i e d ’TERRE HAUTE the queen and was down two. ODD JOBS Done - Cellars, at­ roofs. Free estimates. 30 1968 NOVA - Good condition. West North East Sontli WES ROBBINS carpentry tics, garages, yards cleaned, INTERIOR / EXTERIOR years Experience. Howley, N EW LY D ECORATED 2- New battery. $5% or best DEAR T.T.: When youVe eeked a questton yon don’t IN T remodeling specialist. Ad­ moving, trucking. Loam for Painting - Paheling, Ree M3-5361. bedroom house. Has offer. Call 6 4 9 ^ or 5266780. Pass 3N T Pass Pass ditions, rec rooms, dormers, ^ I want to answer, don’t be defensive or apologetic. Say, Fd sale. Lawn service. No job too Rooms. No job too small. Ful­ appliances and yard for kids. Pass built-ins, bathrooms, prehr not to anawer that." big or small. 568-8522. ly insured. Call 745-5681, ROOFER WILL Install roof, Only $175 (89-24). Rental 1974 BU ICK C E N T U R Y You hold: kitchens, 6463446. T - T t j It. You’ll be amaxed at how effective It ia. anytime. siding or gutters for low dis­ Assisters, smaU fee. WAGON, good condition. Best S-IO-B COMPLETE CARPET & Tile count price. Call Ken at 647- Opening le a d : ♦& CUSTOjH CARPENTRY - offer. 6462156. > ♦ AQ743 installation and repairs. Free QUALITY TYPING at 1566. (X)ZY ONE bedroom house. Alley Oop — Dave Graue estimates. Call Pat, at 646- homes. Additions, Repairs, W K2 reasonable prices done at my Newly decorated. Has 1974 TOYOTA CORONA sU- 3745, after 5 p.m. Cabinets. Call Gary Cushing, e K J4 home. Envelopes, letters, refrigerator and stove. A steal tion wagon. Asking $2,400. Astro-graph ♦ K97 3462009. manuscripts, etcetera. Call at $165 (98-21). Rental Call 647-9019. ED’S LIGHT niUCKING- At­ Y O U LOVE GARS • W E LOVE By Oswald Jacoby 6464995. Assisters, 2365646, small fee. A Wisconsin reader wants tics and cellars cleaned. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY HtoOng-Plumblng 35 By BERNICE BEDE 080L and Alan Sontag 1%7 BUICK SPECIAL - Needs East starts the defense off to know our opening bid. Reasonable rates. Call 646- STEREO FREAKS - Sound Carpentry and general con­ 21) You have a tendency today SEWERLINES, sink lines, OtOcoo-Shroo hr Ront 55 work. Asking $1%. Call 646 EV ER Y O N E LOVES CARS and running by ^laytog his We open one notrump. We 1943 for free estimate. systems deteriorate slowly tracting. Residential and to create needless problems commercial. Whether it be a cleaned with electric cutters, 2988. queen of diamonds at trick have 16 high-card points and and often require service for yourself. Your talent for small repair job, a custom by professionals. McKinney MANCHESTER STORE for one. South can't afford to 5-3-3-2 distribution. A no- BRICK, BLOCK, STONE. before the system goes dead, extricating yourself, however, Bros. Sewage Disposal'Com­ Rent - 249 Broad Street. 600 1974 VW-4 good rims, good duck. For all be knows, the trump opening is Indicated Fireplaces, concrete. so have your system checked built home or anything in WE FIGURED IF YOU will get you out of It. pany, M 6 5 ^ . ^ square feet. 643-5681. engine, $1%. Call 6460031. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. II) ace is in the West hand and a clearly m spite of our five Chimney repairs. No job too now to see if it's performing between, call 6461379. small. Save! Call 644-8356 for Available July 1st. In any agreements today, the duck would give West the spades. correctly, and to avoid more 1967 MUSTANG - 6speed, 6 LOOK AT THEIRS YOU more generous you are the estimates. CARPENTRY & Masoniy - NO JOB TOO Small - Toilet ! - August 11,1171 whole suit. INEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) costly break downs in the cylinder. Cali 643-6572 after 5 • tven though you may not think mors you’re apt io receive In Additions and remodeling. repairs, plugged drains, ROCKVILLE - 19 X 39 foot Now South cashes one high (Do you have a question (or future. Call Jack, 643-1262, p.m. MM»T LOOK AT OURS • so now, the good times are return. Subdue tendencies to QUALITY CARPENTRY By Free estimates. Call Anthony kitchen faucet replaced, store on busy street. Large be llghtflsted. spade and runs off his clubs, the experts? Write "Ask the evenings. display windows. $125 ■ rolling again for you this com- Ham Construction Additions, Squitlcote, 6460811. repaired, rec rooms, ■ 'Jng year. Someone Influential AQUARIUS (Jen. 26Feb. 19) No hoping to get either diamond Experts," care ol this newspa­ bathroom remodeling, heat monthly. Lease required. Lee 1971 PONTIAC CATAUNA - roofiniiling, siding, decks and gar- MATURE WOMAN would like ' 4e quietly pulling strings that need to get your dander up discards or inormation per. Individual quastlons will CARPENTRY - Repairs, modernization, etc. Free & Lamont Realty, 875-46%. Small 8, full power, very ages. 11 anytime, 643-5MI1. to do babysitting in her home. Will greatly benefit your future. ioday over one who tries to about the spade queen. be answered If accompanied 8*10 Estimate gladly given. M & M reliable transportation. 646 take credit lor something you by stamped, sell-addressed S197lbr$tA»c.TJ«.HsQ.U. Call between 5 and 9 pm, 643- remodeling, additions, gar­ LEO (July 26Aug. 22) A mem­ Here is where East must MAGNAVOX authorized fac­ ages, roofing, call David Plumbing & Heating. 6462871. MANCHESTER, Main Street, 5547. ber o) your family might cause did. The praise won’t go to a envelopes. The most Interest­ 6075. really help his partner by tory service on color and Patria, 644-17%. Modern offices available' 400, you some frustrating moments secon6strlnger. doing what he can to protect ing questions will be used In The Flintstones — Hanna-Barbara Productions MANCHESTER PLUMBING 750 or 11% square feet. Heat 1972 DODGE WAGON with today, but being of a forgiving PISCES (Feb. 26Mireh 2S) this column and will receive black and white TV. Stereo, TREE TRIMMING, removal ' bis partner’s queen of ,& H E A T I N G -R e p a ir s . and air condition included. Reese Hitch. Needs some ■nature, you wTlI quickly sot Over-analyzing will dilute your copies of JACOBY MODERN.) phonograph. A&B Electronic, and other odd jobs with pick­ LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - ability to appraise situations spades. So bis first discard Remodeling. Pumps repaired 6462469 or 6462755. mechanical work. Call 646 • ‘ things right again. Like to find 1160 New Britain Ave West up track. Reasonable. Call New homes custom built ‘ -out mors about yourself? Send correctly looey. Stay loose and I WAS JUST THINKINtS, / replaced. Free estimates. 3244 after 5 p.m. Berry’s World — X Hartford, 561-0655. 649-1837. remodeled, additions, rec ' • lor your copy of Astro-Graph good fortune will smile on you. A mV t h a t ©ASIC DESIGN rooms, garage, kitchens Electric drain-snaking; 24- EXCELLENT OFFICE ‘ Letter by mailing % cento lor ARIES (March 21-Aprtl II) If you CLOTHES l a t e s t COULD BE PUT TO A remodeled, bath tile, cement HOUR SERVICE. 6460237. UJCATION - Heat, air con­ 1968 DO D G E PO LA R A - "each end a long, sell-ed- keep your nose to the grind­ P R E S S i n v e n t i o n CARPET INSTALLATION - LAWNS MOWED / FLOORS Excellent running condition. aerrsK use/ work. Steps, dormers, ditioning, parking, janitor ser­ dressed stamped envelope to stone today, the possibility lor ?/.. F=RED.' Stair Shifts. Repairs. Carnets. CLEANED - Quality work. $3%. Call Mike at 6465391. Steam Cleaning. Free residential or commercial. PLUMBING - Call Tom vice. Reasonable rent. Call if’; Astro-Graph, P.O. Box 489, Ra­ gain Is very strong. To neglect Reasonable rates. Call 643- dio City Station, N.Y. 1%19. Be uly for pleasure diminishes Estimat^. Call M9%265. Call 6464291. Dawkins at 649-7630. Max Grossman at 6465334. 'l l - ' 1967, or 8766381. — ' 7— 1970 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX. ’ sure to spoclly birth sign. your chances. ROCKVILLE Store space on Best offer. Call 6466472. : VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sspt. 22) The TAURUS (April 26May 29) As­ sociate with one wifh whom Union Street, 19’x39’. with I more open and honest you are, 45 Aportmonio For Ron! 53 1969 VW BEETLE not run­ ' - the belter your chances are lor you can relax and be yourself. 41 Dog»-Blrd»-Pot» 43 Boats-Accessorles good window display area. ! ; a happy day. Trying to cover up ou’re not up to tolerating Ardeho h r Sale ning, good for parts. $2% or Y( • ■ • ------$125 without.heat. Lee and La­ HARRY STICKELS I -sensitive situailons could re- im[ilneering li types. They could BEAUTY PARLOR, chair DOG-CAT boarding bathing / 1974 FURY - 16t4-foot FOUR ROOM APARTMENT mont Realty, 875-0()%. best offer. Call 872-8092. ' -suit In embarrassment for you. spoilII youryc w hole day. with dryer, table and mirror grooming. Obedience, protec­ fiberglass, tilt trailer, with - 426 Broad St. $155. Security ’ .LIBRA (Sept. 2S-Ocl. 23) An GEMINI (May 21-Juns 29) Think and desk table. Call 5665608. tion classes. Complete 1975 ^horsepower outboard deposit. No appliances. MANCHESTER - RETAIL, 1972 COLT AUTOMA'nC - Use SUBURBAN MOTORS I Inlllelly negative event could about the long-range aspects modern facilities. Canine Chevy engine. 2 tanks, $2,500. Married couple. No pets. storage and/or manufacturing for parts. No reasonable offer • fum out to be u forulnate of the job today and you won’t TWO FRONT BUMPERS for Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldbn Also 50 horse Johnson out­ Telephone 6434751. space. 2,000 square feet to refused. Call 646^04 after 5 Rt 83 ‘ happenstance today. It may not be as apt to grumble about It. board, v$300. 2260475 or 2 2 6 100,000 square feet. Very p.m. 1 appear so at first, but condi- Knowing the benefits a 1978 Chevrolet pick-up. One Road, Manchester. For reser­ strengthens your effort. 9550. FOUR 1/2 rooms - heat, reasonable. Brokers A tions will take a unique twist. painted and one chrome. CaU vations please call 6465971. (MANGKSIER-TALCOTTVUE TOWN LIE) ' SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) CANCER (June 21-July 22) 568-6408 after 5 p.m. parking, air conditioned, protected. Call Heyman Trueko h r Solo 52 Born Loser — Art Sansom appliances. Middle aged, ! Getting uptight over what You’ll be generally lucky today POODLES - Guaranteed tiny Gordon Products 47 Properties, 1-22612%. “ManchMter’t Urgaat • needs doing will bog you down In most areas except finances. t y p e w r i t e r c h a i r with toy puppies and stud services senior citizen, no children. 1971 INTERNATIONAL • . todsy. Relax. You'Tl not only Leave the long-shots to those 2868309. PICKUP 306Automatic. Good Indepandent Car Daalar" metal base and casters, black at fair prices.1-4268789. SUGAR AND BUTTER STORE FOR RENT - With 2 J . accomplish more, you'll do a who gamble and are Inured to WHAT'S THE MATTER, leather set and hack rest. 566 CORN, pick your own, 50 bay garage, near parkade. 188 running condition. $4% or best • -goodJob, too. losing. ' r SAID, REAP w e offer. Moving, must sell! 646 ALWAYS 50 AUTOMOBILES ON HAND INEWSPAPED ENTERPnSE ASSN.) ARe'lbUlLUTERAieTy MARRlEP^'tom^ 2 ^ ^ BEAUTIFUL Silver cents a dozen. Also other W. W ddfe Turnpixe. CaU 646 QITTARIUS (Nov. 260ec. VERNON - 6room apartment 0438, anytime, keep trying. l97SbyNEA. THe REP0(2T! miniature male Poodle pup­ vegetables. Natsisky Farms, 6802. Pufls Bunny — Helmdahl and Btoffal pies. AKC registered. Putten- 6tf0304. in 2-family home. Convenient TAG SALES cove breeding. 2269297 / 426 rural location. $2% monthly, includes heat, hot water, 6333. AnUquoo 45 M I N U T E S ; t h a t 's A LL- \ "Congress, James — we're demonstrating appliances and parking. 647- 1113 after 6:30 p.m. F R O M : F E P . T H IS V today I" TAG SALE ESTATE Settle­ AKC MALE APRICOT WANTED. Antique furniture, "fmIIP “THE FORD STORE” SITDN’,, ment - Rain or shine. August POODLE, 6weeks. Parents glass, pewter, oil paintings or MANCHESTEH PETUNIA/ Our Boarding House — Carrol & McCormick 12th. / 13th. 28 Foley Street, can be seen. $100. Call 566 other antique items. R. TWO - 3 1/2 and ONE - 2 1/2 room apartments. Main ■AMCHBTEB CRIIA FORD Manchester. House' items, 3920. Harrison, 643-8709. furniture and much more!. •«•••••••••••••••••••••••• Street location. 2nd and 3rd GARBA(5EMEN HAVE IT ROUGH, MAJOR! JU6T AKC GERMAN Short Hair Wanted to Buy 49 floors. Heat, hot water, because MV NAME 15 6ARBO EVERYONE MOVING TO FLORIDA - Pointer Pups. Show and field appliances. References, 5AV5 '")(7I/«’£ /V TME R I6H 7 UOB IF '*?U < security, lease. No pets. Call Everything must go. Blond stock. Whelped 7/4/78. Call 1- CASH PAID Immediately - WANT ro BE ALONE~HA-HA"\ 1 WDNPER CH7l>v>iAlBC-TiUt$B.aiW.0H desk, large wall mirror, 2 3424165. for gold jewelry and after 6 p.m., 6463911. ______^ IF THEV'Q LAU6H IF X LEFT THEIR blond end tables, blond coffee diamonds. Licensed broker TRA5H BARRELS ALONE' table, drop-leaf table and DOBERMAN - 7 month old for over 1/2 century. Savitt many other items. Saturday, male, shots. $100 without P.O.M.G. Jewelers, 35 GLASTONBURY - Newer ALL OUR 1078 INVENTORY^' August 19 and Sunday August papers. $150 with. Black and decorated 6bedroom Duplex. IT TAKES ME ■ VE5,THE Heathcliff This Funny World Asylum Street, Hartford, 527- PUBLIC 20, 64 pm. 14 Martin Circle, Rust. Dock and ears done. 872- 01&. All modern. Has laundry A caiPLE HOURS' East Hartford.. 8500. facilities plus appliances. Call ON MY CABIN c e r t a in l y now (9619). Rental Assisters, CRUISER JUST . CAN BE , , POODLE - AKC with shots, 2365646. small fee. THOUGHTLESS.' MOVING MUST SELL. □ RENTALS WHAT DO VA THINK S A M E T IM E vtO UNWINP/ Miscellaneous items. Satur­ male, 6weeks $100. Call 646 TOMORROW? -HAK-KAFF.'- day, 65 pm. 40 Glenwood St., 0880 after 5 p.m. 6R 00M S 6fam ily, Garden OF rr SO FAR.i’ ^ PIP YOU SAY ■ ' / Manchester. Rooms h r Ront 52 Street, 2 or 3 bedrooms, CABIN CRUISER?J AKC POODLE PUPPIES- parking, yard, basement. O TAG SALE 2-FAMILY, Tiny toys and small THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - Availanle immediatley. Friday August 11th. 9 to 4. miniatures at reduced prices. Birch House Women. Central­ Children excepted. $230. 646 Housewares, toys, mis­ Buy now and save. 423^89. ly located. Downtown 2871. /______cellaneous. 60A Ambassador Manchester. Kitchen privileges. CaU 6462358. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT Drive, Manchester. TOY POODLE, apricot, male, W A S > 7 t « 8 : on Main Street. Available (Northfield Green). with papers, full grown. $100. 6461814, Bolton. FURNISHED ROOM for September 1st, $1% monthly, older working or retired man. heat included. One month ? ( ^ A R B O MULTI-FAMILY tag sale HW 19T8 THUNDERBIRD // ‘ Near Center Street. One week ty.' Call after 8 p.m., LIVES August 11th and 12th.. 10 am to FREE MALE HUSKIE securit; '.S > 3 pm. 410 Felt Road, South Shepherd, 4 years old, all security. 647-1145 or 64668%. 644-23114. Factory Air Conditioned. Auto. Trans.. Power Steering, • s m * ! L IK E A Windsor. shots. O b^ience school, good Power Front Disc Bfakes, Radial Whitewalls. Opera Win­ I LPLUMBERu with children and good watch LIGHT Housekeeping Room - dows, Full Wheel Covers, Radio, Electric Rear Window ‘ Dealer Prep. 0-fO TAG SALE Saturday and Sun­ dog. Moving can't take with Fully furnished. Stove, refrigerator, linens provided. Defroster, Tinted Glass. Stock No. 780773. & Trans. Excl. day, Furniture and mis­ us. 6461720. NOW IN iCONN. 801 Main Street. Call 6469879. Short Ribs — Frank Hill cellaneous. 162 School Street. IISAMA> DOOSe CITY d i s c o '', Smart apartment Terms Eat iArrungad 9 am to 4 pm. Aportmonio For Ront 53 OtftT Cara Similar iavings PANCIN©CANBE owners know — the Trades Saicomed 1 - PANOEROUS. TAG SALE - 33 Lilac St. (off best way to find the LOOKING for anything In real OPEN MON.-FRl. TIL 9 Center), Saturday only, 94 THE FORD STORE” 2 7 8 - 2 5 0 0 * renters you need Is estate rental - apartments, 5 B-IO p.m. SAT. TIL BANS )H7aM.N.WlklS7u4..l»c. with a Classified Ad. homes, multiple dwellliws, no "Hi, Sylvial I finally got my act togetharl” Building SuppIlM 42 Try on e.. fees. Call J.D. Real Estate Asociates, Inc. 6461980. OFFICE SPACE NATURAL STONE for Uvastook 44 FORREItT PARTS MANCHESTER MAIN s m ic E HOOKEPITOH A SOPER VWMteR RNMBOvr U *E / retaining walls, veneers, CALIA FORD 527-7029 r. V STREIET 2 and 3 room apart­ Itso iquart lt«t. center oil 525-1048 patios, etc. Pick up by the RIDING LESSONS indoor 722 WETHERSFIELD AVE., HARTFORD ment, heated, hot water, ■Manchester, air conditionlns and I pound or delivery by the ton. riding ring. Western stock Iparkinii. a n MS-tHI 'l i appliances, no pets, parking,' TAKE AIRPORT ROAO EXIT OFF l-Rl TO WFTHERSFIELD A'v'E 1 «i OCK SOUTH '6«> *iinfcXi».K.n< "wu.s. Bolton Notch Stone Quarry, seat, saddle seat, and hunt security. 5267047. 69-3161. 'seat. All levels 2269817. 4 L i