More gasoline may be on the way at higher prices COMPILED FROM UPI REPORTS -- Odd And now residents of two more Still, overall supplies will re- It's likely to get even more expen- even gasoline rationing hasn't done states are joining the fray. main lower than normal in July. sive, but how much depends at least much to cut lines at pumps in the and Delaware both The companies credit more oil im- in part on what the OPEC nations de- Northeast, more relief may come went on the odd-even system at mid- ports and dropping of special die- cide in Geneva. next month when four oil companies night. sel fuel allocations to farmers for In the second day of their meeting say they will increase their deliv- The shortage is also hopscotching the increased supply. yesterday, the cartel's oil minis- eries, but fuel costs seem sure to to Chicago where many stations are In another optimistic report, oil ters failed to reach agreement on a go up once the oil cartel agrees reported closed as June's alloca- industry experts in New York said new price. on a price increase. tion runs out. there's a sharp rise in how much Motorists in the Northeast said It may be a little greener next oil is being refined into gasoline. They'll be meeting again today to yesterday their odd-even gasoline month, however. The American Petroleum Institute debate the latest compromise which rationing has only given them the Standard Oil of Ohio, Standard said U.S. gasoline production last would put the average price of a opportunity to wait in long lines Oil of Indiana, Cities Service Com- week was at its highest level since barrel of crude oil at about $18. every other day. pany and Gulf Oil Company all an- February -- more than seven million Hard-line nations want a much Siphoning is common and the price nounced yesterday they will increase barrels a day. Gasoline inventor- stiffer increase -- Libya, for in- of locking gas caps has soared. Some gasoline deliveries in July. ies are also up. stance wants up to $27 a barrel. S two-car families with one odd and Whether the gas lines in the one even license plate One oil industry analyst are switch- said United States get longer or shorter, The base price is not $14.54 a ing plates and some pump jockeys June may go on the books as the however, the price of gasoline is barrel, but many nations are adding have been noted taking bribes. tightest month yet for gasoline. only going in one direction. high surcharges. 0 Seven-nation summit opens TOKYO (UPI) -- The seven-nation sum- round of bilateral talks Wednesday mit formally opened here this morn- to line up support for their posi- ing. tions. Guantanamo The four European countries plus In areas where there are disagree- the United States, Canada and Japan ments the U.S., Canada and Japan are trying to reach agreement on are generally lining up against oil conservation steps and present Britain, France, West Germany and a united face to the OPEC nations Italy. and their expected price increase. Meanwhile, a White House official But the conference opened amid a here announced that Carter is def- squabble between the United States initely going to skip his planned Gazette and France. vacation in Hawaii and will return President Jimmy Carter and French home Sunday after the economic sum- President Valery Giscard d'Estaing mit and a visit to South Korea. exchanged only a very curt handshake Air Force I will just make a re- Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as they arrived at the residence fueling stop on its way back to of Japanese Prime Minister Ohira. Washington. A spokesman said Carter wants to Carter is angry about an inter- Vol. 34 No. 123 Thursday, June 28, 1979 get back to work with his staff and view Giscard gave to Newsweek Maga- _ Congressional leaders on interna- i zine haughtily accusing Americans tional and domestic energy problems. Affirmativeaction programs approved of energy piggishness. Presidential aides concede pri- Carter was up early -- jogging vately they were worried Americans as he has done for the past four might resent the president relaxing Civil rights c ase decided mornings, his tee-shirt drenched on the beach while they are stuck with sweat. at home because WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- Benjamin black applicants of gasoline short- half the openings The seven leaders had a tough Hooks, executive director of the in a workers' training program. ages. National Association for the Advance- The decision overturns lower court hailed it rulings that the program constitutes Colored People, I tthe of "most important civil rights a racial quota violating the 1964 Snipers wo und truckers case of this decade." Civil Rights Act. COMPILED FROM UPI/AP REPORTS -- meat, produce and vegetables, es- "It" is yesterday's Supreme Court The loser of the legal battle was More sniping incidents and dire pecially from California, Florida decision permitting certain affirm- Brian Weber, a white lab technician predictions of grocery shortages and the Midwest. ative action programs in business. for Kaiser Aluminum in Gramercy, La., highlighted the independent truck A 5-2 majority of the high court who brought the reverse discrimina- strike yesterday. This could lead to higher super- ruled that employers may give minor- tion suit. Two non-striking truckers were market prices and some shortages by ity workers special treatment in An official of the United Steel- wounded by sniper fire yesterday, next week. hiring, training and promotion if workers Union, which appealed the one in Ark aisas and one in Illinois. Hundreds of food industry workers they want to. case to the Supreme Court, called Two strikers were arrested in a have already been laid off as a re- The decision means private indus- the decision a "total victory." series of Illinois sniping inci- sult of the strike. try may operate many employment pro- A major issue was whether such an dents, and Governor Jim Thompson Grocers in New York, New England grams that favor blacks without fear affirmative action program is con- called out the National Guard to and Chicago say meat, produce and of so-called "reverse discrimina- stitutional when the company has no patrol interstate highways. dairy products are growing scarce tion." history of racial bias it's trying North Carolina's governor has al- and will get a lot more expensive. The court upheld an affirmative to overcome. so called out the guard in the wake Vice President Walter Mondale, action plan voluntarily adopted by The court said it is in some cir- of scattered shootings and fire- filling in while President Jimmy a union and Kaiser Aluminum and cumstances, but it was vague in de- bombings. His action came after Carter is in Tokyo, said crops are Chemical Corporation reserving for fining them. seven drivers were arrested while rotting in the fields and urged the allegedly trying to block a truck truckers to return to work. leaving a fuel terminal in Char- There are a few signs the strike lotte. is weakening. Furthermore, convoys of truckers Truckers lifted blockades in Ari- invaded New York City at rush hour zona and Connecticut and agreed to yesterday morning and also slowed return to work in Kentucky. Dateline. highway travel in Pennsylvania, But the easing in some states was Texas and Maine. more than offset by increasing mili- Meanwhile, independent haulers tancy and attacks on non-striking TEL AVIV (AP) -- Israel and Syria each had different explanations for continue to disrupt the movement of truckers in other states. yesterday's aerial clash over Lebanon. An Isreali Embassy official in Washington accused Syria of trying provoke a confrontation with Israel, but a high-ranking official Damascus said Syria's air force had been ordered to resist Israeli ervention in Lebanon for some time. Israel claims its U.S.-made F-15 Eagles downed five of Syria's Soviet-made MiG-21s, but Syria said four of its planes were hit. Syria said it shot tow Israeli planes out of the air, but Israel claims all its planes returned safely.

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -- Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza's national guard bombed eastern Managua again yesterday and Sandinista guerrillas fought back with rockets and automatic weapons from fox- holes and street barricades. Refugees fleeing the area said the guardsmen appear to be making little headway.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Despite a sharp drop in petroleum imports, the U.S. trade deficit grew to nearly $2.5 billion last month. In April, the deficit was $2.15 billion. This was the thirty-sixth straight month the country has run a trade deficit.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A new group named "Consumers Opposed to Inglation in the Necessities" -- COIN for short -- claims the inflation rate can be cut three percent in the next year and a half. The organization wants a ceiling on hospital costs, subsidies for consumer food bills, reimposition of oil price controls and lower mortgage rates. Furthermore, consumer advocate Ralph Nader is calling for a nation- This poster by Billy Kite, a fourth grader at W.T. Sampson Elementary al consumer boycott this fall to protest government economic policy. School, won him a second place prize in the recent resources conservation poster contest. P ti :L. Guantanamo3 Gazette Thursday, June 28, 1979 community Clubs & organizations THE REEF RAIDERS will meet at the THE CPO HARBOR LIGHTS LOUNGE an- CPO dining room on Thursday, July 5 nounces disco entertainment by at 7 p.m. All members and persons Graphic Expression Friday, June interested in becoming members are 29 and Saturday, June 30 from 9 bulletin board urged to attend. p.m. to 1 a.m. for your dancing and listening pleasure. Dinner con .nea ncie . .d i 8a da ilylearsec1 . ton d 11 th weekof 8 selections will be from the open e thps r kn eu. . . . 1 .o. THE GUANTANAMO BAY OFFICERS WIVES menu from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 9 5 1 4 wnV114y be a evetg mrcida l d etoisa/. is eding r proh ~tdal.bli.hthoug d a nonnt Board will meet on Monday, July 2 at 9:30 th . C8~ .ti5.8.,8 Sa psohi181tad .1 11/8 888888 a.m. in the home of Betty 8Antes11118 sent, 88 fo 11b. .51 88* 5, 1qirig .4888 ppova1 ma Bailey, M-102.

41.888418 on8th 888. f .r, red, clo, o national88851 of 11 8e8be " 8.p tad. Th. 8I11U, 88.18 8ireStaff 8.r the right 88 Take note The Navy Exchange will have the As directed by congress in DOD 951144 following facilities open on the Appropriations Act of 1977, leave L 4th of July: Naval Station and earned on and after September 1, Leeward Point Mini Marts, Naval 1976 and subsequently sold will be " Station Coffee Shop, Naval Station reimbursed on basis of basic pay and Leeward Point Pizza Pubs, Golf only. Members who had accrued leave Course Special announcements. Canteen and Marblehead Hall on August 31, 1976 are entitled to Snack Shack. sell that "saved" leave on basis THE COFFEE SHOP will close at COME ONE'- COME ALL! A free Puch The following facilities will be *of basic pay, BAQ and BAS. If saved 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 3 due to Moped demonstration will be held closed on 4th of July: Naval leave balance is reduced at any the monthly spraying for pest con- every Saturday and Sunday from 12 Station and Leeward Point Retail time by taking leave, that saved trol. noon until 3 p.m. at the Navy Stores, Sound Scene, Hospital leave balance cannot be restored. Exchange Mini Mart. Come join the Canteen, Naval Station Laundry, When leave is taken, leave earned Moped generation with Gitmo's Laundromat, Blue Caribe, Barber/ after August ATTENTION ALL PUCH MOPED OWNERS: 31, 1976 is charged number one Moped. Try it - it's Beauty Shops, Optical/TV Repair/ off first If you purchased your Puch at the and then saved leave free, you must be 16 or older with Appliance Shops, Navy Lodge Reser- balance is charged. Navy Exchange since November 1978, Also, members a valid drivers license. For Puch vation Desk, Villamar Snack Shack, please contact Joe Snare at 95543 are prohibited by law from carry information and demonstration ride Tea Shop, Gas Station, Auto Parts over for your certificate of more than 60 days leave of origin. You contact Joe Snare at 95543 or Store and Kountry Kitchen. September 30, end of fiscal year. will need your Moped Serial number Jerry Ashley at 97265. Also being located under the seat, right side. offered is complete parts and service for Puch Mopeds so contact Joe or Jerry. And for those of you AMBULANCE SERVICE who have bought your Puch Moped CPO PRACTICE will be already, contact Joe Snare at CHAMPUS generally shares the cost 4th of July notes held at 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 30 95543 for your "Certificate of of local ambulance service to a at Cooper Field #3. All interested Origin." hospital, from a hospital, and be- CPO's contact FTGC Click at 8730 tween hospitals when medically DWH or 98221 AWH. necessary.

THE NAVY EXCHANGE GAS STATION Fleet Training Group Queen Can- THE FIDELITY AMERICAN BANK has patrons are reminded: Smoking is didate, Ms. Linda Pierson, is extended its banking services to stricly prohibited while under the sponsoring deep sea fishing trips the Naval Air Station as follows: canopy area of the Gas Station, outside of the harbor on the motor each Thursday from 11 a.m. until and it is a requirement that your vessel Admiral Leffler. Reserva- 12:45 p.m. and on Military payday engine be turned off while fueling tions can be made for each of the from 9 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. your vehicle. Your cooperation is next three Sundays by calling Doug The bank teller will serve cus- appreciated in observing these Hall at 8515 DWH or 952243 AWH. 0 tomers on the Admin side of the fire safety regulations. All reservations must be made and hangar, just off the main hangar prepaid no later than Monday, July bay. If military payday should 2. Equipment and bait are avail- fall on Thursday, the hours will THE DAY CARE CENTER is taking able. Parties must bring their own applications MOVIES be 9 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. These for work. For more food and drink (beer is permitted). information banking services will be available call 95405. Lyceums All trips depart from Pier Delta at two days a week whenever military Downtown: The Wiz, G 6 a.m. and return at 12 noon. The payday occurs other than Thursday. McCalla: Island of the Damned, R price is $15. per person. Marine: The Outlaw Jose Wales, PG ALL TEENS are invited to attend Leeward: The Fury, R the Semi-Formal Dance to be held at Local Forecast Clubs the Teen Club on Saturday, June 30 high tide-11:59 pm 8813 Windjammer: Take a Hard Ride, PG Take from until 8 11:30 p.m. Disco music low tide-- 4:49 pm Post 46: Moment by Moment, R stock will be provided by Stonebridge. sunrise--- 6:24 am high--91 CPO Club: The Innocent, R iflAmerica. Admission is $1.50 for Teen Club sunset---- 7:44 pm low--. 75 COMO Club: Karate Olympia, R members and $2 for non-members. For further information call 97249. Today's forecast is for mostly cloudy skies with scattered rain and thunder showers in the vicini- ty, southeasterly winds at 12-16 FTG ship schedule knotts and bay conditions at 2-4 SHIP HULL NUMBER DATE OF ARRIVAL DATE OF DEPARTURE feet. USS Saipan LHA-2 June 19, 1979 July 19, 1979 USS Oliver H. Perry FFG-7 June 11, 1979 June 29, 1979 TV guide USS Ainsworth FF-1090 May 19, 1979 June 25, 1979 USS Hermitage LSD-34 May 21, 1979 June 22, 1979 THURSDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING USS Miller FF-1091 June 25, 1979 July 28, 1979 1:00 General Hospital 1:45 Cartoons 2:00 Mod Squad WASTE 3:00 Jericho 4:00 Cartoons 4:30 Barnaby Jones Calendar 5:30 Newswatch 6:30 Fourth of July Preview N T L 7:00 Little House on the Prairie 7:55 Notes of Interest Today 8:00 Lou Grant Leeward queen candidate's Bingo, SPO Club, 7 p.m. 9:00 Movie of the Week: God Spell 10:50 Newswatch Update I Tomorrow 10:55 Movie: Gentleman's Agreement Gitmo's First Womanless Queen 12:50 Sign off Guantanamo Gazette Pageant, for Leeward queen candidate, l elementary school ampitheatre, 8 p.m. FRIDAY MORNING Pentacostal prayer meeting, Pentacostal Church, Bay Hill Road, 7 p.m. 9:00 Sesame Street Captain John H. Fetterman Jr. 10:00 Tony Randal Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, 7:45 p.m., East Bargo Point old nursery 10:30 Beverly Hillbillies 'Naval Station Commanding Officer school building (90269, 8275). 11:00 Gentle Ben Lt. Richard L. Thpson.Public Affairs Officer Leeward queen candidate donut, orange juice & coffee sale, Ferry Landing, 11:30 My Three Sons Ensign Susan Hehhan.Assistant Public Affairs Officer 6:30 - 7:30 a.m. 12:00 Tic Tac Dough JO2 Brenda K. Starkey.Editor YNSN Charles S. Bishop.Jourlist 12:30 Washington Week in Review JOSN Mary E. Mrshall .Joumnalist JOSN Damon I. Johnson. . . Journalist Saturday JOSA Paul Clifton'. .Journalist Navy Exchange Fourth of July Sale begins. Mrs. Regions Flaharty. Production Asistant Spanish food sale and yard sald for Leeward Point queen candidate, Radio Live firing schedule The Guatanamo Gazette is published according to the r and4les regulations for ship and station newspapers Point 725, 8:30 a.m. Thursday. 9a.m.-midnight as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. Printed Commissary queen candidate dinner and dance, Barrel Club, 7:30 p.m. Friday.9 a.m.-midnight five times weekly at government expense on government Saturday.3 p.m.-midnight equipment at the Navy Publications and Printing Service Roman Branch Office, the opinions or statements in as8s items Catholic mass, 6 p.m., Base Chapel. Sunday.none scheduled that appear herein are not to be construed as official Monday.10 a.m.-5 p.m. or as reflecting the views of COMNAVASE or the De- partment of the Nay. Seventh Day Adventist Church meets, McCalla Chapel, 9:30 a.m., (8638 Weir). Thursday, June 28, 1979 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 ------Club Latino held a successful fiesta Youth at Windmill Beach for its members program and guests. The fiesta lasted 22 Registration for Session II (July 9 through July 27) of the Summer hours with drink, food, games, Local note Youth Program will be held at Special Services Sports Department on music . . . It was a joyous family July 3, 5, and 6 from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Classes are limited and celebration. again the registration will be on a first come first serve basis. If there are any questions concerning the Program or any comments, please contact Mrs. Monica at 951160 or stop by the Special Services Sports Department. Final schedule for Session II is as follows: SNORKLING

Adult: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Windjammer Pool Instructor: Jackson Aid: Sue Huston Children: 11 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Instructor: Jackson Aid: Sue Huston Windjammer Pool BOWLING

Children: 9 to 10 a.ma_, Tuesday through Thursday, Marblehead Lanes 10 to 11 a.m. Instructor: Happ GOLF Children: 9 to 10 a.m., Golf Course 10 to 11 a.m. Instructor: "Moose" Claxton PARK RECREATION PROGRAM

Children (age 5 and up): 9 to 11 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday Instructors: Winke and Anita Coats SWIMMING Beginners: 9 to 10 a.m., Villamar Pool 10 to 11 a.m., J. Instructor: Clarke Aids: Bernard, Trish and Jackson Advanced Beg.: 9 to 10 a.m., Villamar Pool 10 to 11 a.m. Instructor: Forrester Aids: Davy and Counsell Intermediates: 9 to 10 a.m., Windjammer Pool Instructor: Speid Aid: Walcutt by YN3 Charles S. Bishop out they leave their bad luck behind, starting new. Swimmers: 10 to 11 a.m., Windjammer Pool The Club Latino held a successful Guests included Father Patrick Instructor: Speid Aid: Jackson fiesta in honor of the tradition of Fryer, Captain John H. Fetterman, Infants: 9:30 to 10 a.m., COMO Pool San Juan Day at Windmill Beach from Jr., Commander Naval Base, and Instructor: Brown Aid: Jackson July 23 through 24. Commander F. Patrick Roll, Execu- The fiesta began at 4 p.m. on tive Officer. Noted by Captain Adult Beg. Class: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday aturday with over 125 inatten- Fetterman was the broad range of Instructor: Speid ance. The fiesta was a family cross sections that included BOWLING celebration with a large assortment Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Americans, of food and drinks. Included with Jamaicans and Mexicans. 11 a.m. to 12 noon, Tuesday through Thursday, Marblehead Lanes Instructor: Childers feast was a whole pig turned This successful celebration was burning coals against the the first organized by Club Latino. WOODWORKING SHOP salt-scented air called "Lechon a It was originated by their commit- la Barita." There was rice, green tee consisting of German Moreno, Age (10 years and up): 9 to 10 a.m., Tuesday through Thursday plantains and a large cake. president, Hector Ruiz, vice- 10 to 11 a.m., Carpenter Shop Children played games throughout president, Oscar D. Trujillo, Instructor: Owens the day with the devoted assistance treasurer, and Norma Garcia secre- ARCHERY - under consideration of a clown and some helpful mothers. tary. ARTS & CRAFTS - under consideration There was music played by musicians Treasurer Trujillo said the - under consideration and neophytes wishing to join in group would like to get involved with the instruments supplied by with the Cuban American Day and DAY CARE CENTER - SWIMMING members. said they will be involved with the Beginners: 8 to 9 a.m., Villamar Pool Day of Cuban Patron "Virgen del Instructor: Clarke Aid: Benard and Trish The fiesta was in honor of San Cobre," in September. Juan--the baptist (John the About the fiesta, Trujillo said, Advance Beg.: 8 to 9 a.m., Villamar Pool Instructor: Forrester Baptist). At the arrival of mid- "It was a lot of work, but it came Aid: Davy and Counsell night the people walk backwards out better than we expected. At into the water and then dipped four and five in the morning every- three times into the water to one was still going strong. Many of No ifs, ands, or butts symbolize the cleansing of the us also had a good breakfast there WASHINGTON (NES). and 20 times the chance of smoking has long been recog- soul, or spirit; leaving the weight with eggs, coffee, some rice, and "Warning: The Surgeon General dying from lung cancer. nized as a cause of cancer of the of their problems behind them. This some pig. has determined that cigarette The diseases mostly as- lip. is not only in the spiritual sense Anyone interested in the Club smoking is dangerous to your sociated with cigarette smoking but for those who have had bad Latino may call the secretary Norma health." are lung cancer, coronary heart Symptoms of oral cancer luck. After the dipping and walking Garcia anytime at 951296. An act of Congress requires disease, emphysema and chronic this warning to appear on all bronchitis. Cigarette stoking af- Sores that persist or tend to cigarette packages manufactured fects mainly the respiratory and bleed easily, white patches on for sale in the United States and circulatory systems. the tongue or inner surfaces of on all advertising for cigarettes. Cigarette smokers have the mouth. persistent stre In a single sentence it ex- more disability and illness than throat. lumps or swelling around presses a scientific judgment that non-smokers. ear or upper throat and/or re- has been supported by medical stricted movement of the tongue If it's a short distance-walk! facts since it was first issued in Symptoms of lung cancer or jaw. Bonds 1964. It's good Persistent cough. increased If at first you don't suc- for you and Remember these facts sputum with cough (sometimes ceed, quit. quit and quit blood stained). vague chest again! your country! Te. At every age from 35 on. pains. shortness of breath. unex- death rates are higher for ciga- plained weight loss and weak- Ten million people have quit rette smokers than for non- less. in the last five years. So can smokers (among men between Smokers run a greater risk of you! 45 and 54. the death rate for developing cancer of the oral Think of running upstairs smokers is almost three times cavity (lips. tongue. inner mouth without wheezing. that of non-smokers). surfaces). upper portion of the Mark down how much you Q ILn The more one smokes, the throat. the larynx (voice box) save each day by not smoking. greater is the risk. Compared to and esophagus. If you smoke two packs a day. from bad guys, non-smokers. tie two-pack-a-day Pipe and cigar smokers are as S5 10 a year goes utp in smoke! smoker has more than twice the likely to develop oral cancer as (Reprinted from The Compound from bad luck, l , 11 chance of dying of heart disease are cigarette smokers. Pipe Chronicle. . Pa.) from bad memory. (I4 ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday. June 28, 1979 American League scores LOCAL 3, Detroit I Kansas City 10, Oakland 3 Texas 4, California 2 SPORTS Milwaukee 9, Minnesota 8 sports SOFTBALL STANDINGS Baltimore 3, Cleveland 1 V L GB Seattle 4, Chicago White Sox 3 American League National League results 1 - NSGA Red 11 0 2 - VC-10 Red 10 1 1 New York Meta 12, Pittsburgh 9 by Bill Frede 3 - NAVSTA Blue 9 3 2 St. Louis 5, Montreal 0 4 - M/B Red (SNCO) 6 5 5 Chicago Cubs 11, Philadelphia 4 5 - MCB-40 3 6 7 Continued from Tuesday's Gazette San Diego 2, Atlanta 1 (1st game) 5 - AAWC 5 8 7 Atlanta 5, San Diego 2 (2nd game) The FTG League had mild mannered Yandell 170/474, Debbie Lee 170/ 7- M/B Gold 4 8 7 Cincinnati 9, Los Angeles 1 Mike Mader bowling a superb 192, 445, Desi Shive 134/392, Madeline 8 - Commissary 2 10 9 San Francisco 6, Houston 3 192, 203/587, followed by D. Purs- Cunningham 133/390 and Vivian Kite 9 - Desal Demons 0 12 11/ ley 233/546, J. Turner 192/526, 138/385. NASL action P. Eldridge 190/525 and Jon Stein- The Pin Pals Leageu of Tuesday, National League Rochester Lancers 2, Seattle Soun- kamp 194/524. R. Morin had a 5C3, June 19 had Debbie Lee leading all 1 - FTG 10 3 ders 1 D. Beyer 198/502, J. Peebles 186/ women with a 170/455, Anna Click 2 - NAVSTA White 8 3 1 3, Houston Hurri- L55 and J. Shirkey had a 193 game. 160/436, Mancy Mon 157/415, Terry 3 - NAS 7 4 2 cane 2 The Midnight Ramblers on Friday, Benhart 159/411, Tern Mader 148/ 4.- M/B White 7 5 2 2, Edmonton June 15 had Dan Murray leading all 403, Murriel Copeland 149/402, Barb 4 - Hospital 7 5 2 Drillers 0 bowlers again with a real nice 256/ Burkley 146/399, Anne Holmes had a 4 - Seabeel 8 6 3 8, Ft. Lauderdale 604, followed by Mike Fisher with 153 game, Suzie Cawthorn a 152 and 7 - VC-10 Blue 5 7 5 Strikers 2 a 198/543, other scores were John Kathy Borchers a 144 game. 8 - SRD 3 10 7 San Diego Sockers 2, Landsittels 181/519, Hap Hallam The Wednesday Might Late Mixed 9 - NSGA Bravo 0 12 9 1 191/515 and John Turner 183/474. League on June 20 had Jima Lee Vancouver Whitecaps 3, Atlanta The women are still being led by leading all bowlers with 215/555, Chiefs 1 Kerry St.John with a 183/487, Dave Charles 212/532, Jim Shirkey SOFTBALL SCORES Cosmos 3, Portland Timbers 1 followed by Diane Landsittels 168/ 175/491, Tim Blackie 190/487, Rich AAWC 13, Desal 3 477, Beba Daily 170/427, Cindy Gilpatrick 201/485. The women were 3, NSGA Red 22, MCB-40 4 2 (OT) Pietras had a 161 game, Mary Jo led by Debbie Lee (it looks like Jim AAWC 15, NAVSTA Blue 13 2, Tampa Bay Rowdies Zientek had a 156/413 series and and Debbie Lee swept honors that M/B Red 11, Commissary 5 Shirley Franks had a 150/422. week) 160/465, Lynda Day 182/455, 1 (OT) Cl.ifedaderiseens aybeca Cunnibewen ga 133/390handrid Vivint Kit New England Tea Men 1, San Jose The Monday Night Odd Couples had Kathy Borchers 165/435, Rhoda Blackie Earthquake 0 Steve Kinder leadingHealie all orpulletdn scorings oo te r wr160/42,6, Theu Pinda. dPaelsiLeeAlma Kaiser ofwo168/422, sdy Tern this week with a really super 180/ Mader 153/420, Mary Jo Zientek 147/ 222/221/623, followed,toone by awek.Adafo Tombaina Borbon 160/436,es417.eqirngcmancyapMorinl 157/15,eTerr 237/573, John Steinkamp 195/553, So if you're bored and are look- Chuck Carpenter 192/541, Bill Wais ing for entertainment while contri- 208/533 Virgil Yandell 192/521, busting to the energy conservation Jerry Duhme 199/507 and Mike Mader cause, leave your quarters, turn A had a 219 game. The women were led off your lights and turn on to bowl- @T by Rose Wais with a 176518,Arlene ing.Remembe , bowling is fun! The tallest play- er of all time was Amil Rached of Brazil who was 7 feet7-5/8 inches tall. For Sale '76 Ford LTD 8 passenger station A/C motor for a 23,000 BTU A/C, wagon, four brand new steel belted like new, $40; 5,000 BTU A/C, for radial tires, A/C, AM/FM stereo parts, $15. 95559 AT. class5ieds radio, luxury group interior, excellent condition, all maintenance Yashica 35mm camera with electronic done recently. 95559 AT.

flash attachment, excellent condi- pu madebieiLe Jad 1 aesh9d eadngal tion, $75; three stairway gates, althaoetdewiha170/455 whibiomd $1 each. 952233 AT. Giveaway a,,ex.ed,clatnafoogllBehar 1e59d. Th, Terr Ma der148/ s thigh eitad rewrit e1 43,e . MurrieiCopelAT-Aaynie/DW-D 149402Btarg Refrigerator, good for barracks or Bukly4-A6/99 WAningelshd). Picnic table. 97189 AT. outside use, $75; indoor or outdoor plants, 50 to $5. 99158 AT. Beautiful black male cat, loves to 951144 be loved and is good with children. '73 Kawasaki 175 F7, dirt bike; 8120 DWE, 8818 AWH. trailer for dirt bikes, $30. Ask 24,000 BTU Fedders A/C, good condi- for Thomas at 64250 DWH. '73 Kawasaki 100 G5, two helmets, Chilton's manual included, $225, tion, $150. 97191 AT. Wanted available July 12. 64376 DWH, an afghan, I 14,000 BTU A/C, 12,000 BTU A/C, 9' x 12' green carpet; 9' x 12' Someone to crochet 951084 AWH. have the yarn. 952233 AT. $200 for both or will sell red carpet; maternity clothes, separately, both in good running size 14 to 16; assorted drapes; in acquiring a condition; Hamilton dryer, good Minibike, $50. 952216 AT. two stairway gates; prices nego- We are interested make any running condition, $75; all three tiable. 95398 AT. Cocker Spaniel, doesn't available July 12; G.E. washer for One dress blue uniform, new, double difference if it is male or female. parts, $20. 97189 AT. knit, medium size, $50. 96164 AT. '63 Comet, black convertible, new 99220 AT. transmission, 289 engine, needs 8' x 11' red rug, excellent condi- '58 Oldsmobile, good running condi- electrical work, $135. Contact Alex Two used EFRG 7814 tires. 951123 AT. tion, $40; 8' x 11' brown & black tion, $300; '78 35 h.p. Johnson Smith at GHB room M-206. rug, excellent condition, $40; two outboard, will also include 12' x Baby sitter in my home from July 6 12' x 15' gold rugs with pad, good 32' barrel boat & accessories, boat '65 Ford 4-door station wagon, through August 3, prefer 14 years condition, $80 for both. 952247 AT. needs work, $1,200. 913234 DWE, engine overhauled recently, new of age or older, in the Kittery 90255 AWH. seals, two new mufflers & tailpipe, Beach or Tierra K area. 96269 AWH. Motorcycle helmet with face bubble, rebuilt starter, needs alternator new & never used, $30. 8271 DWH, Best buy in Gitmo - absolutely last & battery, $400. 8121 DWH, 95410 Someone to repair an Akai GXC-570D 951023 AWH. call, G.E. self-cleaning oven, 4 AWH stereo cassette deck and car radio. burner stove, good condition, $75 951211 after 6 p.m. 15 cubic foot Sears upright Cold- down from $150. 95348 AT. Speargun and a two piece wetsuit. spot freezer, excellent condition. 8701 AWH. Male Chow Chow. 951017 AT. 96275 AWH. '70 Delta 88, good condition, solid transportation, has new front end, 18,000 BTU Whirlpool A/C, $100; Sleeping bag in good condition. 17 cubic foot Signature deluxe brakes, muffler system and more, 12,000 BTU Fedders A/C, $100; both Contact MAC4 Hoagland at 64337 DWH. freezer, avocado green, excellent $750; 10,000 BTU A/C, $125; 12,500 in very good condition; Kenmore condition, $150; electric rod & BTU A/C, $125; 5,000 BTU A/C, needs dryer, in good condition, $20; Would like a mature person to reel complete with line and weights; recharging, $40; prices negotiable; 9.5 h.p. Evinrude outboard motor, baby-sit my 2 year old in my home G.E. 10 cup perculator, new & still available end of July. 8102 DWH, needs a little work, $100; 100 cc in Villamar. 913223 DWH. in box, $15: Proctor Silex 12 cup 97288 AWH. Kawasaki dirt bike, $200. 99115 AT. perculator, $12. 96164 AT. Services 8' x 20' barrel boat with new '74 Suzuki 500, good running condi- 24,000 BTU A/C, $150; 12,000 BTU barrels, has completely overhauled tion, $700. 64340 DWH, ask for Experienced woman wants to baby- A/C, $100; both in good condition; 40 h.p. Johnson with new crankshaft, Mitch. sit, preferably days. 97264 AT. 22 h.p. Scott outboard motor, needs head, rebuilt carburetor, gaskets, work or will sell for parts, best motor mounts and much more, many '75 AMC Hornet Sportabout wagon, Lost offer. 90207 AWH. extra parts, $750, price negotiable. blue, $1,700; evening dress with 8102 DWH,. 97288 AWH. cape, aqua blue print, size 16, One 15 quart playmate cooler, FTG Aquarium stand, $5; 200' of wire never worn, $15; 12,000 BTU Fedders printed on it, blue, left at Cooper fence with posts, $75; two 12,000 Penco six string acoustic guitar A/C, bad fan motor, $20; full size Field #2 prior to June 21st. 98221 BTU A/C, & 11,200 BTU A/C, $200 for with case and accessories, $150 or print bedspread, $5; lime green AT. all three air conditioners, good best offer. 8120 DWH, 8818 AWH. curtain panels, 83" x 94", $3, running condition, also sparemotor 67" x 94", $2, will negotiate. Two Turkish shish-ke-bab skewers, comes with them; baby crib mattress, 12,000 BTh A/C, $150; 8,000 BTU A/C, 96155 AT. lost at Kittery Beach. 952250 AT. $10; Sears baby backpack, $5; baby $100; 6,000 BTU A/C, $75; all in stroller, $10; lawn mower, $25. excellent condition & available Pink, green and white floral full Found 98221 AT. after July 12; golf clubs, bag & size bedspread, $5; two matching pull cart, golf balls, bowling ball pillow shams, $2; matching curtains Sunglasses with gold frames, found '66 Ford station wagon, $300 as is and many miscellaneous items. 4 section, 24" x 80", $5; will Friday evening at Kittery Beach. or will sell for parts. 96269 AWH. 95595 AWH. negotiate. 96155 AT. 952250 AT.