November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1509 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING MAYOR MARIAN serve so unassumingly and carry on the fine IN MEMORY OF DEPUTY DANNY DELEON GUERRERO TUDELA tradition not only of her predecessor but of the OLIVER mayors of all our islands should serve as an HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO inspiration for women, but more, should serve HON. TOM McCLINTOCK as a model for all people who aspire to serve OF CALIFORNIA SABLAN their communities. OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 12, 2014 f Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, 8, 2014 A TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER along with Representative AMI BERA, Rep- marked a pivotal moment in the history of the GENERAL JAMES DEREK HILL resentative DORIS MATSUI, and Representative Northern Mariana Islands, when Marian DOUG LAMALFA, in honor of the service and Deleon Guerrero Tudela was sworn in not only HON. TOM LATHAM sacrifice of Sacramento County, California, Sheriff Deputy Danny Oliver. as the first female mayor of Saipan, but the OF first female mayor of any of our municipalities. Danny Oliver grew up in the Del Paso IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mayor Tudela assumed this position by oper- Heights neighborhood of Sacramento, where ation of law upon the untimely death of Mayor Wednesday, November 12, 2014 he graduated from Grant High School. During his youth, Danny experienced parts of the Donald Glenn Flores. Though residing at the Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to time in the mainland , she honor- community that he was determined to im- recognize the retirement of Brigadier General prove. This drove his desire to work in law en- ably agreed to serve her community through James Derek Hill of the Iowa Air National the remainder of his term, and returned to forcement, even though he came from a family Guard and to congratulate him on his illus- of firefighters. Saipan. trious 29-year military career. With over 21 years in the private sector and Danny finished the academy at the top of over 10 years in government service, Mayor General Hill began his military service in his class and served with the Sheriff’s Depart- Tudela has a long and rich professional his- 1985 upon receiving his commission through ment for fifteen years. In keeping with the life- tory. And this is not her first time to answer to Direct Appointment. Eighteen years later, Gen- long goal of cleaning up his community, Dep- the people directly. From 1994 to 1998 and eral Hill joined the Iowa as uty Oliver worked on a highly competitive from 2006 to 2008, Mayor Tudela was a mem- a Lieutenant Colonel and has faithfully de- team of problem-oriented policing officers. ber of the Saipan and Northern Islands Munic- voted the following decade to guiding our Tragically, Deputy Oliver was killed in the ipal Council. She has also served on the state’s men and women in uniform. General line of duty on October 24, 2014, during a vio- boards of the Northern Mariana Islands Retire- Hill retired as the Iowa Air National Guard’s lent crime spree that would later take the life ment Fund and the Commonwealth Ports Au- Deputy Adjutant General where he served as of another officer, Detective Michael David thority. principal advisor to Iowa’s Adjutant General Davis, Jr. Deputy Oliver died for his love of As mayor, Ms. Tudela oversees a staff of while organizing, manning, equipping, and and devotion to his community. approximately 40 hard-working members of training more than 1,800 airmen to accomplish Danny loved going into his job an hour early our community. Her office undertakes pro- missions assigned at both the state and na- every morning, knowing he was putting his life grams and projects that range from improving tional level. General Hill’s unfailing leadership on the line to make a difference in Sac- local infrastructure to fostering better relations has proven to be instrumental in preparing the ramento County. While his sacrifice is to be with our tourism partner countries. For exam- men and women of the Iowa Air National honored, this is not his legacy. Rather, ple, each year, the mayor’s office sponsors Guard for numerous successful deployments Danny’s legacy is the memory of the man he exchange programs among our high school in an often chaotic and unpredictable environ- lived his life as: a devoted husband to his wife students and students from Japan and Korea. ment. Susan, a father who guided and supported his And on any given day, you can find her em- Throughout nearly three decades of selfless two children, and a dedicated officer. Mr. Speaker, Deputy Danny Oliver will be ployees trimming trees to make our beautiful service, General Hill has earned numerous deeply and sorely missed not only by his fam- lagoon more visible to tourists traveling on decorations for his consistent leadership and ily, but also by the community that he tire- Beach Road, patching potholes on secondary uncompromising standards. Most recently, lessly worked to better. The State of California roads or catching stray dogs that roam the General Hill was nominated by Iowa’s Adjutant is particularly blessed to have such men of streets. Couples intending to wed visit the General Timothy Orr to receive the hallowed character and heroism protecting our citizens. mayor’s office to obtain their marriage license, Legion of Merit for his ‘‘exceptionally meri- Danny was known for influencing his chil- and those who do not drive but desire identi- torious conduct’’ as Iowa’s Assistant Adjutant dren to do what they love, just as he did. We fication cards can receive those through her General over the past four years. I believe it can all learn from his heart and strength of office. The mayor’s office also spearheads the goes without saying that the Iowa Air National character. It is my privilege to rise in recogni- annual Liberation Day festivities on Saipan, Guard’s world-renowned 21st century capabili- tion of his sacrifice and to honor his memory. which celebrates the freeing of our islands ties would not be possible without the positive from occupying Japanese forces by the Amer- and professional guidance expertly offered by f ican military in 1944. General Hill over the past decade. TRIBUTE TO ALEXIS HARDRICK— Mayor Tudela is now one of the highest- Mr. Speaker, our country owes Brigadier RECIPIENT OF THE GIRL SCOUT ranking female officials ever to hold office in General James Derek Hill a great debt of grat- SILVER AWARD the Northern Mariana Islands. And as such, itude for his decades of selfless service and she serves as a role model and a reminder to sacrifice. His unwavering commitment to his HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS country and fellow Americans is a testament all women that they have come of age in our OF TENNESSEE local political arena. But championing women’s to our nation’s service members and our great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES issues is nothing new to Mayor Tudela. She state. I know my colleagues in the United formerly served as a Governor’s Special As- States House of Representatives will join me Wednesday, November 12, 2014 sistant for Women’s Affairs, and over the in thanking General Hill and congratulating Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today years has participated in numerous symposia him on a truly stellar career. In retirement, to honor Alexis Hardrick of Girl Scout Cadette addressing issues of import to women in the General Hill leaves behind a grateful state and Troop #1677, who recently earned the Girl Pacific region. nation and I wish him, and his wife Rhonda, Scout’s prestigious Silver Award. Marian Deleon Guerrero Tudela’s willing- the very best as they begin a new chapter in The Silver Award is the highest honor a Girl ness to step into this position so unexpectedly, their lives. Scout Cadette can earn and was presented to

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.001 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Alexis for her project on raising awareness recognizing Dr. Shafi Ahmed, President of the break of World War II. Miraculously, the about Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Additionally, Alexis Genesee County Medical Society, for his out- Lowenstein family was reunited after the war also earned the Girl Scout Journey Award and standing service and unwavering commitment and was able to immigrate to America in 1947. completed over 50 hours of work and planning to community. Consistently fighting against discrimination in devoted to this cause. Dr. Ahmed lived in several countries before any form, Henry held a deep compassion for In the spring of 2013, Alexis began to re- moving to the United States of America, where artists and outcasts. This passion, born from search CF, a disease her sister has been di- he now practices internal medicine at Court the horrors of Nazi Germany, would shape the agnosed with. Shortly thereafter, she compiled Street Family Medicine. Dr. Ahmed is a kind- artist he would become. a learning board exhibit which detailed the ef- hearted individual who has lived a broad life. After working for years as a foundry man fects caused by CF. After graduation from medical school, he and a gravedigger, Henry joined the U.S. Air Over the next several months, Miss Hardrick worked in the capital of Bangladesh and com- Force, where he worked as an illustrator be- traveled to various events around Lewisburg, pleted two years of surgical residency. He fore attending Yale University. While at Yale Tennessee, discussing her learning board and then went to Algeria to practice in a govern- he studied theatrical design and worked as a arranging activities to promote a greater un- ment clinic for four years. He was recruited to stagehand on Broadway. It was during that derstanding of CF. Moreover, during the fall of Saudi Arabia, Libya and Iran but political time he received a call from the Denver Post 2013, Alexis enlisted the help of her Girl Scout chaos eventually landed him in Algeria. publisher, Mrs. Helen Bonfils, who was the Troop to host CF Awareness Day and from all Dr. Ahmed’s wife, Ruqsana, became preg- wife of theater producer George Somnes. That accounts was a great success. nant while the Ahmeds were living in Algeria. 1956 request to run what would become the On behalf of the people of Tennessee’s She returned to Bangladesh to stay with his nationally recognized Bonfils Theatre changed Fourth Congressional District, I want to con- parents and joined Dr. Ahmed eight months not only Henry’s life but the lives of hundreds gratulate Alexis on receiving the Silver Award later in the United States where he had begun of artists over the next five decades. Henry and thank her for her dedication and hard studying for Masters in Public Health in Dallas. earned the nickname ‘‘Father of Denver The- work in raising awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. Dr. Ahmed then switched to a research asso- ater.’’ The Bonfils Theatre produced more than f ciate position in a cancer research institute in 400 plays, operas, ballet, children’s theater, CONGRATULATING THE JOHN F. Dallas for three years. His ‘‘big break,’’ as he and touring productions until it closed in 1986 KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS refers to it, occurred when Dr. Norwood Hill by which time it had been renamed the VOLLEYBALL TEAM FOR WIN- took him under his wing along with a Pakistani Lowenstein Theater. It was then that Mr. NING THE CHICAGO CITY CHAM- oncologist, Dr. Amanullah Khan, helped him Lowenstein retired—for the first time. The next PIONSHIP get a permanent visa and a residency at Hur- stage in Mr. Lowenstein’s theatrical life was to ley Medical Center in Flint, MI. found the Denver Civic Theater which he ran HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Dr. Ahmed decided to stay in Michigan to until his second retirement in 1995, although OF ILLINOIS raise his family and make a living practicing Henry never fully retired. He was a prolific IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES medicine. He is honored to be a resident of scenic and costume designer and contributed Genesee County, and we are grateful to have designs into the early 2000’s. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 him. Our community is made better because Mr. Lowenstein’s passion for theater was Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of people such as him. equaled by his commitment to human rights. honor the John F. Kennedy High School Girls Mr. Speaker, I applaud Dr. Shafi Ahmed for Henry was a prolific mentor, particularly for Volleyball team. On October 17, the Cru- his resilience, strong leadership, and unwaver- women and people of color. His hiring prac- saders won the Chicago Public League Cham- ing commitment to our community. tices, like his theatrical productions, consist- pionship and became the first non-selective f ently broke down racial and societal barriers. enrollment school to win in nearly a decade. I His work was so important to the theatrical appreciate all of the incredibly hard work and RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- community that the Colorado Theater Guild’s dedication everyone on the team puts into TIONS OF HENRY ERNEST annual theater awards were renamed ‘‘The their sport and would like to congratulate them LOWENSTEIN Henry’s’’ in his honor in 2008. In his later on this tremendous achievement. years, Mr. Lowenstein was also actively in- The 25–21, 22–25, 25–20 win over Whitney HON. DeGETTE volved in the historical preservation of per- Young Magnet School was a monumental vic- OF COLORADO sonal artifacts related to his family’s experi- tory for neighborhood schools. Coached by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ence in Nazi Germany. Tim Laughlin and Kimberly Thinnes, the Cru- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. Lowenstein is survived by his wife, saders finished the season with a 16–1 Deborah Goodman Lowenstein and sons record, securing the top seed in the tour- Ms. DEGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor David, Daniel and Joshua by his late wife, nament. To get to the championship, the Cru- the life of one of Colorado’s most respected Doris Brewer, and his granddaughters Sarah saders had to get through Young High School and honorable residents, Mr. Henry Ernest and Nyssa. and Payton High School, who between them Lowenstein, who passed away October 7 at Please join me in commending Mr. Henry have won 7 city championships. The Cru- age 89. This remarkable man merits both our Lowenstein for his leadership in the search for saders are composed of seniors Grace recognition for decades of work in the theater justice, equality and beauty through the vehi- Jurevis, Nebal Algoleh, Dana Majerczy, Syd- and gratitude for his unwavering efforts to im- cle called theater; which dares to show us our ney McCarthy, Melissa Mazur, and Morgan prove our community. He leaves behind an humanity. Henry’s generosity of spirit, kind- Paske, along with freshman Johanna Hoefling. impressive body of theatrical work as well as ness and compassion continues to enhance Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me his legacy of encouragement and mentorship our lives and builds a better future for us all. in recognizing this impressive accomplishment not just in the arts, but for social justice as f made by the John F. Kennedy High School well. He made an enormous impact on scores Girls Volleyball team and to congratulate them of lives and is widely considered one of the HONORING THE SERVICE OF MR. on their city championship win. most important people in the shaping of Den- VERNON H. HUKLE JR. f ver. RECOGNIZING DR. SHAFI AHMED Henry Lowenstein was born in Berlin on the HON. ANDY BARR FOR HIS LEADERSHIP AND 4th of July in 1925, to parents Max and Maria OF KENTUCKY SERVICE AS PRESIDENT OF THE Lowenstein, whose home became a magnet IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for that city’s arts scene. In fact, Henry often GENESEE COUNTY MEDICAL SO- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 CIETY told the story of listening to Kurt Weill com- pose the now classic Three Penny Opera in Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I would like to rec- HON. DANIEL T. KILDEE his parent’s apartment. But Berlin in the ognize an outstanding individual, Mr. Vernon 1930’s was no place to raise a Jewish family. H. Hukle Jr. of Winchester, Kentucky, for his OF MICHIGAN Fearing for the safety of their son following the distinguished military service during World IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES harrowing Kristallnacht in 1938, Henry would War II. Mr. Hukle served our nation in uniform Wednesday, November 12, 2014 become part of history himself as a child of from October 20, 1942 to November 20, 1945. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I ask the United the Kindertransport program, which saved the As a young man, Mr. Hukle began his serv- States House of Representatives to join me in lives of thousands of children before the out- ice in the United States Marine Corps as a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.005 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1511 Corporal within the 2nd Marine Division—8th provide meals to the homeless and clothing to RECOGNIZING THE 40TH ANNIVER- Regiment—1st Battalion—Company C 182. the disadvantaged. Under the leadership of SARY OF EDGEWATER BEHAV- He entered the war against the Axis Powers Pastor Gordon Simmons, Holy Trinity’s mem- IORAL HEALTH SERVICES by storming the deadly beaches of Okinawa bership has grown and the church community and fought valiantly, sustaining serious injuries has been strengthened. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY during combat. OF INDIANA On June 20, 1945, Mr. Hukle received two Mr. Speaker, I honor Holy Trinity Lutheran separate bullet wounds to his arm and leg. Church, its leadership and its congregants for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Throughout the heated battle, Mr. Hukle wit- 125 years of faithful service to our community, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 and wish them good health and happiness in nessed many of his comrades killed in Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with the years to come. including the 10th Army Commander, Lieuten- great respect and admiration that I recognize ant General Simon Bolivor Buckner Jr. The Edgewater Behavioral Health Services as the battled raged on for two more days until Allied f organization celebrates its 40th anniversary. In Forces were able claim victory in controlling honor of this momentous occasion, the organi- HONORING ST. JANE DE CHANTAL the island on June 22, 1945. Mr. Hukle re- zation is hosting a celebratory event on Fri- PARISH ON ITS 60TH ANNIVER- ceived two Purple Hearts for being wounded day, October 17, 2014, at the Radisson Hotel SARY in action by an enemy of the United States. at Star Plaza, in Merrillville, Indiana. Mr. Hukle embodies the best of America’s The growing need for quality mental health ideals, values, and work ethic. He served this care in the United States led to Congress nation proudly, answering the call to prevent HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI passing the Community Mental Health Act of the Axis Powers threat from arriving on our OF ILLINOIS 1963. The Gary Community Mental Health shores. Center was one of the original facilities set up Mr. Hukle’s bravery and that of his fellow IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Indiana after the passage of this bill. In men and women in uniform protected our Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1974, due to the hard work of many leaders American freedoms for future generations. He in Gary at the time, the center was incor- is truly an outstanding American and an inspi- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to porated as a not-for-profit organization. Over ration to us all. honor St. Jane de Chantal Parish on its 60th the years, the organization continued to grow, f anniversary as a Catholic community of faith expanding its range of services and leader- RECOGNIZING CORETHA MACK in Chicago, Illinois. St. Jane de Chantal em- ship. Under the direction of current president bodies the core pillars of the Roman Catholic and chief executive officer, Dr. Danita Johnson HON. DANIEL WEBSTER Church and its congregation upholds the val- Hughes, the center’s name was changed to Edgewater Systems for Balanced Living, Inc. OF FLORIDA ues and practices of Catholicism through their and, in 2014, began doing business under the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES devotion to charity and spiritual development. From humble beginnings in 1954, Father John name Edgewater Behavioral Health Services. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Edgewater provides services ranging from cri- Ward organized the first Mass at the Mark sis intervention and addiction services to day Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is Twain Public School, which he rented for $96 an honor to recognize Ms. Coretha Mack of treatment, out-patient programs, and residen- on a Sunday. Today, the parish celebrates 60 tial services, to name a few. Due to the out- Clermont, Florida as she celebrates her 90th years of faithful service to God and to the Gar- birthday on November 14, 2014. standing leadership of Dr. Johnson Hughes field Ridge community and to the 3rd District Ms. Mack was born in Orlando where she and the entire staff, Edgewater currently pro- spent her childhood and graduated from Jones of Illinois. vides services for over 30,000 clients each High School in 1946. She then moved to Hart- St. Jane de Chantal Parish is currently led year. The organization also provides over $3 ford, Connecticut where she lived and worked by Fr. Ed Cronin, with Fr. Joe Mol in resi- million in services to charity cases. for more than 50 years. In Hartford, she was dence and Fr. John Wachala as the Polish As- Edgewater partners with other service pro- a member of Faith Congregational Church and sociate. As part of the Archdiocese of Chi- viders, groups, and organizations in order to meet the needs of each person that walks served on the church’s Diaconate Board and cago, the parish offers daily masses, commu- through its doors. This year, Edgewater is Board of Trustees. Ms. Mack returned to Flor- nity-building events, and countless fundraising honoring Dr. Daniel Lowery, Ph.D., president ida in 2002 and has been an active member and community-outreach events. The Parish of Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church. of Calumet College of Saint Joseph, with the hosts blood drives on Saturdays and food Her faith and dedication to service have been Commonweal Award for Personal and Profes- drives on the weekends. In November, they an inspiration to others, and she continues to sional Leadership. This award recognizes dis- cherish her relationships with God, her family run a Hungry and Homeless Turkey Tree pro- tinctive contributions made by individuals who and her friends. gram in which families from the Parish spon- hold the value of the common good over per- I wish Ms. Mack a very happy birthday, and sor needy families from the community and sonal gain. The Sojourner Truth House, a min- all the best in the future. provide them with Thanksgiving meals. istry for women and children in Gary, will be honored with the Commonweal Award for In- f The Polish Ministry of St. Jane de Chantal stitutional Leadership. This award recognizes supports the Polish community by offering five ACKNOWLEDGING THE 125TH ANNI- institutional and organizational leadership that VERSARY OF THE HOLY TRINITY services a week as well as other special promotes the common good within commu- LUTHERAN CHURCH Masses and events. The school, led by Prin- nities faced with long-term, difficult challenges. cipal Nancy Andrasco, provides a Catholic For their exceptional commitment to the com- HON. PATRICK MEEHAN education for children starting in pre-school up munity of Northwest Indiana, and for touching OF PENNSYLVANIA to the eighth grade. Children are taught the the lives of countless individuals, each recipi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Catholic ideals of love, sacrifice, and charity ent is worthy of the honors bestowed upon while receiving an outstanding education in a them. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 compassionate and supportive environment. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my distin- Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I am happy to join with St. Jane de Chantal guished colleagues join me in honoring celebrate the 125th anniversary of the Holy Edgewater Behavioral Health Services as the Parish and help commemorate its 60th anni- Trinity Lutheran Church in Wallingford, Penn- organization celebrates its 40th anniversary. versary. I am confident that they will continue sylvania. Edgewater has played an important role in en- Since its founding in 1889, Holy Trinity has to perpetuate Catholic ideals by providing spir- riching the quality of life in Northwest Indiana. been at the center of the religious life in Dela- itual nourishment through worship and service As a community we are grateful and proud to ware County, and the congregation lives its to their community. Mr. Speaker, St. Jane de have had its support during the past 40 years. faith of love and charity every day. Members Chantal is an exemplary Catholic parish and I For its remarkable leadership, devotion, and of the Holy Trinity family are well known for ask my colleagues to join me as I extend my compassion shown in its service to so many in their commitment to their community through blessings to all the parishioners on this signifi- need, Edgewater is worthy of the highest charitable fundraising and volunteer projects to cant milestone. praise.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.013 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 CONGRATULATING JASMINE In 1990, the newspaper was sold to the cur- is my privilege to represent the 26th District of BABERS FOR RECEIVING USA rent publishers, Michael and Karen Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives. NETWORK’S CHARACTERS UNITE Villalpando. By June 1990, the Villalpandos AWARD had expanded the paper to a weekly installa- f tion that reaches more than 5,000 homes in neighborhoods in Los Angeles. In 1991, the RECOGNIZING THE 2014 DISTIN- HON. CHERI BUSTOS GUISHED CITIZENS AWARD RE- OF ILLINOIS circulation was expanded again and the name Beverly Press was added to the original Park CIPIENTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Labrea News masthead. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Michael and Karen Villalpando have been HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the publishers for the last twenty-five years OF INDIANA congratulate Jasmine Babers of Rock Island, and have transformed the paper from a 3,000 Illinois, who is one of ten individuals nation- circulation, bi-weekly newspaper, to a 13,000 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wide to receive the USA Network’s Characters paid circulation newspaper, delivered weekly Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Unite award this year. with the Los Angeles Times. The Villalpando’s Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with Jasmine Babers, at a very young age, has goal has been to provide the best local news great respect that I take this time to recognize shown an amazing amount of dedication, hard coverage to the residents of Park Labrea, the 2014 Distinguished Citizen Award recipi- work, and drive. She is the founder and pub- Hancock Park, Miracle Mile, the Fairfax Dis- ents, presented annually by the Boy Scouts of lisher of Love, GIRLS, a magazine that strives trict, Hollywood and West Hollywood. They America Calumet Council. To commemorate to build confidence and self-esteem in teenage have proved extremely successful in their this special occasion, the organization hosted girls. Jasmine’s hard work has paid off as she goal. Local community members look forward a celebratory event on Monday, November 3, was able to publish the first issue in 2012. to receiving the paper every Thursday and rely 2014, at the Center for Visual and Performing Love, GIRLS has expanded its distribution on it to get global news and community hap- Arts in Munster, Indiana. over the past two years from Illinois to include penings. Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, as well as Michael and Karen Villalpando, through the Since 1992, the Boy Scouts of America Cal- the District of Columbia, reaching more than Park Labrea News and Beverly Press, play a umet Council has presented the Distinguished 5,000 young girls. Jasmine also has led local key role in sharing national, state, and local Citizen Award to individuals who have made a events, in conjunction with her magazine, that news within the community. I ask my col- significant positive impact on the community in help bring attention to bullying and the dan- leagues to join me in thanking and recognizing Northwest Indiana and across the state. This gerous effects that it can have on our youth. Michael and Karen and the Park Labrea News year, the Boy Scouts of America Calumet The Characters Unite award is presented and Beverly Press. Council honored Michael and Jill Schrage. annually to ten individuals who through ex- f Michael Schrage, president and chief execu- traordinary efforts are able to combat hate, in- tive officer of Centier Bank, is a truly innova- tolerance, and discrimination, as well as make IN RECOGNITION OF RALPH tive business leader. Mike became the fourth significant contributions towards promoting LESLIE BUDDY COLE, JR. generation of his family to own and operate greater tolerance, respect, and acceptance in the First Bank of Whiting, which was renamed their communities. HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Centier Bank years later. This family-owned Mr. Speaker, I am proud to know that indi- OF TEXAS bank has grown throughout the years, and today Centier includes over fifty branches in viduals like Jasmine Babers are making a dif- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ference in our communities. Once again I Indiana. Under Mr. Schrage’s leadership, an would like to congratulate her on her momen- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 award winning lender division was established, tous achievement and wish her luck with her Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a financial literacy program was introduced, ongoing efforts, as well as her upcoming colle- recognize Ralph Leslie Buddy Cole, Jr. for a and the company has been named one of In- giate career. noteworthy life dedicated to public service. Mr. diana’s best places to work for the past eight years. This is unquestionably due to Mike’s f Cole passed away at the age of 80, having lived a selfless life as a veteran of the Texas value-based work ethic, and the importance HONORING PARK LABREA NEWS Air National Guard, public servant, and civic he places on Centier’s most important re- AND BEVERLY PRESS leader. source: its employees. Additionally, Mike gives Buddy was born on August 19th, 1934 and much of his time and efforts to charitable en- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN grew up picking cotton in Krum, Texas. His deavors, including the Saint Jude House, the American Red Cross, the YMCA, and the Boy OF CALIFORNIA commitment to public service and civic leader- Scouts of America, to name a few. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship started at a young age, notably when he founded the Krum Young Citizens Club and Jill Schrage is a true humanitarian in every Wednesday, November 12, 2014 subsequently served as its first president. sense of the word. She gives selflessly and Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Buddy’s public service career included serving passionately of her time and efforts to various recognize the Park Labrea News and Beverly on Pilot Point’s City Council, first by election in organizations and civic activities throughout Press. 1981 and again by appointment in 1986. Addi- Northwest Indiana and beyond, including the Park Labrea News and Beverly Press has tionally, he served as Denton County Judge American Heart Association, the American been a local paper and critical presence in for 4 years after being elected in 1982 and Cancer Society, TradeWinds, Speaking of Miracle Mile, Hancock Park, Hollywood and then served as Denton County Commissioner Women’s Health, the Girl Scouts of America, West Hollywood since 1946. Park Labrea for Precinct 1 after winning election in 1986. the Women’s Association of the Northwest In- news and Beverly Press have a long and im- Buddy is deserving of recognition not only for diana Symphony, Opportunity Enterprises, and portant history in our community. Residents of his continuous dedication to civic leadership the Valparaiso Art Advisory Committee, Park Labrea began distributing a newsletter and public service, but also for the example among others. For her truly exceptional devo- throughout the apartment complex in 1946 he demonstrated in his personal life and char- tion to such worthy causes, Jill serves as an and within a few months ‘‘Parklabrea News’’ acter. Buddy was regarded throughout the inspiration to us all. was born. community as a pragmatic problem solver, Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other In 1948, Joseph Duplain took over the something that no doubt contributed to his distinguished colleagues join me in honoring newsletter and converted it into a newspaper. success in public office. the Boy Scouts of America Calumet Council In the 1950s, Nan Dayhoff became editor and Buddy is survived by his wife, Norma, his and its 2014 Distinguished Citizen Award re- ran the paper for the next twenty years, pub- sons Alan and Leslie, eight grandchildren and cipients, Michael and Jill Schrage. For their lishing twice a month. In the 1970s veteran TV five great grandchildren. I join his family and lifetime of leadership and outstanding dedica- newsman Charles ‘‘Chuck’’ Riley acquired the the community of lives he touched in cele- tion to serving those in need, Mike and Jill are paper. brating the accomplishments of Buddy Cole. It worthy of the highest praise.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.022 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1513 HONORING THE VETERANS OF THE ranch in Big Sur. After living in the San Fran- lic education, and service to the poor. In 1999, CLASS OF 1964 FROM WINTERS cisco Bay Area for a few years, they returned Van Lieshout Park was named in his honor in HIGH SCHOOL to Big Sur to raise their children Mark, Jona- Little Chute. than, and Annika. At the same time, Beverly Today, Dr. Van Lieshout and his wife live in HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY became an integral part of the Big Sur com- Appleton, where he enjoys volunteering, OF TEXAS munity. She took active roles with the Big Sur spending time with his family and friends, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Volunteer Ambulance Service and the Big Sur fishing. It is truly an honor to represent an ex- traordinary citizen who has dedicated his life Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Historical Society. And in an effort that has had tremendous long term value, Beverly to serving the people of the Fox River Valley Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to helped co-found the Big Sur Land Trust, which in Northeastern Wisconsin. honor the twenty veterans of the Class of has played a pivotal role in the intervening Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 8th district of 1964 from Winters High School as they cele- years in preserving Big Sur’s incomparable Wisconsin, I congratulate Dr. Van Lieshout on brate their 50th class reunion this year. natural landscape. his 87th birthday and sincerely thank him for These twenty men embody a spirit that As their children entered high school, Bev- his service to Wisconsin. echoes throughout Texas, a spirit that has erly and Roger moved up the coast to the f made America strong. Their decision to join Monterey Peninsula. Beverly became active RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE AND and serve is a reflection of their love for coun- with her church, Mayflower Presbyterian, RETIREMENT OF JUDGE JEAN try and the understanding that everyone has a where her deep faith helped her serve many BOYD part to play in making our nation great. Win- years as a deacon. As her children grew and ters High School wishes to honor these proud moved away, Beverly returned to her profes- Blizzards: Kenneth Adams, United States sional life as a physical therapist working with HON. KAY GRANGER Army; Adolfo Arroyo, elderly patients in local nursing homes as well OF TEXAS (ret.); Glynn Awalt, National Guard; Dickie as people suffering from cerebral palsy. She IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bellis, United States Army; Alan Benson, also devoted herself to the lives of her grand- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 United States Marine Corps; Ricky Boles, children: Kyler, Micaela, Ohanapecosh, and Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to United States Army; Ronald Colburn, United Tole. honor the career and accomplishments of States Army; Lynn Cornelius, United States Beverly was the sort of person who had a Judge Jean Boyd, who has been a proven Navy; Earl Green, United States Air Force; tremendous influence on the lives of the peo- leader in Fort Worth, Texas. William Green, United States Army (ret.); B.M. ple around her. She was invariably kind and Judge Jean Boyd is the presiding judge of Grenwelge, Jr., National Guard; Steve loving. People’s lives were enriched from the the 323rd Family District Court, which serves Grissom, United States Army; Gary Hester, simple joy of being with her. She was also Tarrant County as its Juvenile Court. Judge United States Army and National Guard (ret.); inexhaustibly creative. She was a phenomenal Boyd has presided in this Court since 1995, Mike Hill, National Guard; Johnney Hopper, pianist who could play just about anything having previously served as its Associate United States Army; Charles Nitsch, United from ear. She also loved creating beauty with Judge since 1987. She is retiring from the States Army; Mike Mitchell, United States her hands whether through weaving, sewing, bench in December 2014 after 27 years of ju- Army; Louis Simpson, United States Marine ceramics, gardening, or many other ways. dicial service. Corps; Arnold Thormeyer, United States Air Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for the whole Throughout her career, Judge Boyd has Force; Marcelo Torres, United States Army. House in offering our condolences to Beverly’s worked to serve her community and her pro- These veterans embody the qualities that family and friends. While we mourn her death, fession as a whole. She is the Chair of the Ju- are necessary to serve a greater good, without we celebrate the gift that her life was to all of venile Justice Committee of the Judicial Sec- which, our nation could not secure life, liberty, us. The world is a far better place because tion of the State Bar of Texas, and she has and the pursuit of happiness. Today, we show Beverly lived her life with her own particular previously served as Chair of the Juvenile Law our debt of gratitude for these men and style of love and joy. Section of the State Bar of Texas. She served women and the displays of greatness that f on the Board of the Texas Juvenile Probation have defined us as a nation. Commission from 2005 to 2011. In January Colleagues, please join me in honoring HONORING DR. FRANCIS X. VAN LIESHOUT 2014, she was appointed by Governor Perry these veterans and their families for their dedi- to the Supreme Court of Texas Permanent Ju- cation and service to our great nation. dicial Commission for Children, Youth and f HON. REID J. RIBBLE Families. OF WISCONSIN Judge Boyd is a past board member of the IN HONOR OF BEVERLY ANN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NEWELL Tarrant County Bar Association and a past Wednesday, November 12, 2014 president of the Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court, Mr. RIBBLE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Tarrant County Young Lawyers’ Associa- HON. SAM FARR tion and the Tarrant County Women Lawyers’ OF CALIFORNIA honor Dr. Francis X. Van Lieshout on his 87th Association. Judge Boyd was honored as the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES birthday, which he celebrated on October 11, 2014. Dr. Van Lieshout has been an integral Outstanding Young Lawyer of Tarrant County Wednesday, November 12, 2014 member of the Fox Valley community and I in 1988 and received The Professionalism Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to am proud to recognize his dedicated service Award from the Tarrant County Bar Associa- honor the life and memory of Beverly Ann to the people of Wisconsin. tion in 2001. In 2011, Judge Boyd became the Newell, a truly remarkable woman who en- Dr. Van Lieshout was born in Kimberly, Wis- first woman to receive the Tarrant County Bar riched us all. Beverly’s recent death has left consin on October 11, 1927. After graduating Association’s prestigious Silver Gavel Award, her family and friends with a deep sense of from Kimberly High School in 1945, Dr. Van which is given to jurists who have made a grief, though the memory of her life still shines Lieshout served for three years overseas in substantial contribution to the bench by exem- brightly. the U.S. Navy. Upon returning to the United plifying ability, integrity and courage. Beverly was born in December, 1936 in Al- States, he received his undergraduate and In 2000, Judge Boyd spearheaded the im- buquerque N.M., the descendant of New Mex- medical degrees from Marquette University. plementation of National Adoption Day in ico and Colorado pioneers. She moved with Dr. Van Lieshout returned to Little Chute Tarrant County and has participated in every her family to Seattle where she grew into a vi- with his wife Josephine after graduating from National Adoption Day event since then. She brant young woman. Beverly attended the Uni- medical school. There, he and his wife raised was selected as Judge of the Year by Texas versity of Washington where she began her seven children. He practiced family medicine CASA in 1999. In 2002, Judge Boyd received lifetime career in physical therapy. She quickly in Little Chute for 42 years, working long the Judge Scott Moore Award from Child Ad- followed with a masters degree in physical hours at the hospital and making house calls vocates of Tarrant County. In 2003, she was therapy from Stanford University. Then in following work. After retiring from medicine, he the recipient of the Angel in Adoption Award 1961, she found herself in Switzerland where dedicated his time to volunteering in the com- from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption she met a young traveling American student munity, working at St. Vincent de Paul and St. Institute. She served on the founding boards named Roger Newell. Bernadette’s parish in Appleton, WI. of CASA of Tarrant County and the Alliance In 1965, Beverly and Roger married and He has received multiple awards for his for Children and is currently a member of the began a long honeymoon on the Newell family service to the community, dedication to Catho- board of Gill Children’s Services.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.027 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Judge Boyd has dedicated her career to suburban areas in Northwest Indiana. This ex- recognition of his sacrifice for Placer County making Tarrant County a better place to live, pansion is a key component to capitalizing and to honor his memory. and her contributions to our community are upon our region’s transportation network and f undeniable. I join in congratulating her on her maximizing economic development opportuni- outstanding service and retirement. ties. Although Jerry Hanas retires this fall, he CONGRATULATING T. WOOD ON HER 100TH BIRTHDAY f leaves a completely rebuilt and vibrant South Shore Rail Line to serve as his legacy and a ON NOVEMBER 12, 2014 HONORING JERRY HANAS well-established corporate vision to keep the momentum going for future generations. HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Jerry’s commitment to his career and to the OF ILLINOIS OF INDIANA community of Northwest Indiana is exceeded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES only by his devotion to his family. He and his Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 wonderful wife, Nancy, have a daughter, Me- Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lissa, son-in-law, Tom, and one beloved Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with congratulate Ms. Virginia T. Wood on her grandson, Donovan. They also have one son, 100th birthday. Ms. Wood has led a remark- great pleasure that I stand before you today to Roger, whose fiance´e, Annie, will be joining honor Jerry Hanas and to wish him well upon able life as a lifelong resident of Chicago and Jerry’s exceptional family. has lived in my district for over 60 years. his retirement as General Manager of the Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other Virginia Wood has devoted much of her Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation distinguished colleagues join me in com- time as a High School Physical Education District. Mr. Hanas’s many years of service mending Jerry Hanas for his lifetime of leader- Teacher for the Chicago Board of Education, and expertise in his field have been a remark- ship, service, and dedication to the Northern teaching at several schools including South able asset to the community of Northwest Indi- Indiana Commuter Transportation District. Jer- Shore High School and Bogan High School. ana and beyond. In honor of Jerry’s retire- ry’s impact on the region will be evident for Ms. Wood was then promoted to Coordinator ment, a celebratory reception was held on generations to come, and he is worthy of the of ’s athletics for the Chicago Board of Wednesday, November 5, 2014, at Sand highest praise. I ask that you join me in wish- Education, eventually retiring with over 26 Creek Country Club in Chesterton, Indiana. ing him well upon his retirement. years of service. Even after retirement, she re- Northwest Indiana’s extensive transportation f mained an active supporter of girls high school network earns this region’s reputation for sports. being the crossroads of America. Interstates IN MEMORY OF DETECTIVE Ms. Wood has enjoyed a very active life, 80, 94, 90, and 65 traverse our landscape, as MICHAEL DAVID DAVIS, JR. continuing to swim and bowl until she reached do the railroad tracks servicing the Norfolk the age of 96. She has never missed voting in Southern, Canadian National, and CSX rail HON. TOM McCLINTOCK an election, and became involved with the lines, connecting travelers and business inter- OF CALIFORNIA neighborhood watch program for the Chicago ests alike from the East to West Coasts. Most IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Police Department. She is a model participant notably, the South Shore Rail Line, a pas- in her community, and we should all try to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 senger rail service offered by the Northern In- emulate her outstanding service. diana Commuter Transportation District Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Ms. Wood has led an extraordinary life that (NICTD), provides riders access to the envi- along with Representative DOUG LAMALFA, in has given so much to others. I join her many rons of Chicago and its $500 billion economy. honor of the service and sacrifice of Placer family members and friends in celebrating this Under Mr. Hanas’s direction, NICTD and the County, California, Sheriff Detective Michael event and I wish her more years of happiness, South Shore Rail Line have flourished. David Davis, Jr. fulfillment, and health. Congratulations to Ms. Established in 1908, the South Shore Rail A long-time resident of Roseville, Detective Wood on her centennial birthday milestone. Line provided passenger service to the city of Davis was a man of integrity and compassion. f Chicago as well as to the recreational opportu- He cared about the community and took initia- nities found in Northwest Indiana, given its tive to protect and better it. Such an example IN RECOGNITION OF MARCUS HIGH proximity to Lake Michigan and South Bend. would be when Michael organized a funeral SCHOOL MARCHING BAND With the advent of the interstate system, and for an abandoned baby. the newfound ability to travel between neigh- On October 24th, Detective Davis displayed HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS boring communities with ease, ridership along immense courage and gallantry during a man- OF TEXAS the South Shore Rail Line began to decline. In hunt for the murderer of a fellow officer, Sac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES order to prevent the complete loss of this ramento County Deputy Sheriff Danny Oliver. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 asset, the state of Indiana created NICTD for Detective Davis was killed in the line of duty, Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the sole purpose of maintaining and operating just as his father was struck down 26 years celebrate another stellar achievement by the the passenger line. Jerry Hanas was hired as prior to the day. Marcus High School Marching Band. This is the General Manager of NICTD upon its cre- Detective Davis faithfully and honorably the fifth time the Marcus High School Band ation in June 1977, and it is here where he served the Placer County community, joining has won first place in the University Inter- has served the railroad for 37 years. the Sheriff’s office in 1996. For the past fifteen scholastic League (UIL) State Marching com- NICTD’s success is due to Jerry’s com- years, Michael contributed to his family’s leg- petition and been crowned state champions! petence, hard work, and dedication to a long- acy of law enforcement, just as his father did The Marcus High School Marching Band has term vision in which passenger rail service is before him. Michael tirelessly worked as a furthered their already impressive record of improved and expanded throughout the re- homicide investigator, but he will be remem- four consecutive state marching finals vic- gion. He effectively coordinated NICTD’s pur- bered for much more. tories, cementing their UIL record. chase of the South Shore railroad and pas- His bravery and kind soul will never be for- The Marcus High School Marching Band senger assets, resulting in a stable and reli- gotten. He was a family man, devoted to his has a talented and dedicated leadership team, able relationship between the passenger and loving wife and four children. Michael is also headed by Amanda Drinkwater, Director of freight services. This acquisition required a survived by his four siblings, mother and step- Bands, and Associate Directors: Kennan steadfast commitment to a series of strategic father. Wylie, Chase Howard, and David Simon as investments to ensure the line’s continuation. Mr. Speaker, Detective Michael David well as Color Guard Director, John Leonard. To that end, under Jerry’s leadership, since Davis, Jr. will be deeply and sorely missed not The student members of the Marauder Band 1977, over $500 million has been dedicated to only by his family, but also by his community. have worked long hours over many months to upgrading the rolling stock, stations, track, cat- The State of California, and particularly the bring their winning performance ‘‘Imperial enary, bridges, and signals associated with Fourth Congressional District, was blessed to Treasures’’ to fruition. They have been capa- the line in order to enhance safety and to have had such a man of character and bly led by Drum Majors Amanda Elmendorf, make much needed capacity-related track im- heroism protecting our citizens. Hannah Hadden, and Nicholas Kohn. Edward provements. Michael’s legacy will live on in the lives that S. Marcus High School is located in Flower Currently, NICTD is in the process of con- he touched. Just as he served, he died em- Mound, Texas within the Lewisville Inde- ducting the appropriate environmental studies bodying the virtues that form the foundation of pendent School District. The school’s adminis- as part of its effort to expand services to the this great nation. It is my privilege to rise in trators, teachers and students as well as its

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.032 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1515 committed booster organization have whole- to the end. As a teacher, Mr. Groff had an im- years, she has sent at least one package per heartedly supported the band’s endeavors and pact on countless students. I hope some of week at her own expense. As a token of re- should also be recognized and commended them are as inspired by him as I am and will membrance, Ms. Sissel has created scrap for their contributions to its great success. carry on his work to fight the good fight. His books containing every letter that she has re- I am pleased to join the community in con- talents and perseverance are an example for ceived from recipients of her care packages. gratulating the Marcus High School Band, win- us all. However, her efforts did not stop at her front ner of the 2014 Class 6A Texas UIL State Please join me in commending Regis Groff. door. Ms. Sissel has also led many Odessa Marching Band Contest. They have been ex- His leadership in the search for justice and organizations to join her mission in showing cellent ambassadors for Flower Mound and equality enriches our lives and builds a better our armed service members that they are in the 26th District of Texas. It is my privilege to future for everyone living in Colorado. our thoughts and prayers back home. She has serve them in the U.S. House of Representa- f brought together the VFW and local churches tives. to help in running community care package HONORING THE LIFE OF MR. f drives. These care package drives allow peo- ROSCOE R. CASSIDY ple to donate goods or their time to help fill RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF REGIS care packages for our veterans. GROFF HON. ANDY BARR Clara Sissel’s selflessness and determined OF KENTUCKY dedication embody the American spirit and has lifted the hearts of thousands of service HON. DIANA DeGETTE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO members worldwide. Her weekly token of ap- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES preciation reminds our service members that Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I would like to rec- their daily sacrifices are not taken for granted, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ognize the life of an outstanding individual, Mr. and I am sure they are thankful for Ms. Ms. DEGETTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Roscoe R. Cassidy of Preston, Kentucky. Mr. Sissel’s support. I am honored to recognize the life of one of Denver’s most respected Cassidy served our nation in military uniform her as a true patriot in our community and to residents, former Colorado State Senator from June 3, 1942 to October 9, 1945 and re- share her story with you all today. Regis Groff, who passed away on October 5 cently passed-away at the age of 107. f at age 79. This remarkable man merits both As a young man, Mr. Cassidy began his IN HONOR OF BOB LEE our recognition and gratitude for his unwaver- service in the United States Army as a Private ing efforts to stand for what’s right. He leaves First Class assigned to Company E, 335th En- behind an impressive record of leadership in gineering Regiment, Duty Soldier 188. During HON. SAM FARR social justice and education, and he made an the United States’ campaign to achieve victory OF CALIFORNIA enormous impact on many lives. over the Axis Powers, Mr. Cassidy fought his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Regis Groff wasn’t afraid to fight the tough way from Tunisia, Africa, up through southern Wednesday, November 12, 2014 battles when he knew he was standing up for France, across Italy and did not stop until the Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to others. He worked to strengthen education Allies achieved victory in Germany. honor the memory of Bob Lee, a champion for and to ensure a fair system for everyone. He Mr. Cassidy’s performance fighting in justice who committed his life to public service was an educator, a state senator and a com- four major campaigns earned him great dis- and worked tirelessly to assure that the Cen- munity servant. We in Colorado are fortunate tinction, and for his actions he received the tral Coast of California is a safe place to live to have had Mr. Groff laboring for equality in European Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbon, for all. our community. The legacy that he leaves be- four Bonze Stars, and a Good Conduct Medal. Bob launched his career in 1985 as a pros- hind should inspire us all to continue his fight After victoriously returning to his home in ecutor in Monterey County before joining the with a measure of dedication with which he Preston, Kentucky, Mr. Cassidy began his ca- Santa Cruz County District Attorney’s Office in worked. reer of farming and working for the Bath 1988, where he served as Assistant District Born in a small town in Illinois, Regis Groff County Road Department. Mr. Cassidy en- Attorney for fourteen years. Bob was a notably first came to Denver while serving in the joyed life and loved to dance while listening to gifted trial attorney, having never lost a case United States Air Force, where he was sta- country and bluegrass music. in Santa Cruz County. tioned at Lowry Air Force Base for several Mr. Cassidy’s bravery and that of his fellow Bob was elected Santa Cruz District Attor- months. He returned to Illinois and attended men and women in uniform protected our ney in 2002. As District Attorney, he made sig- Western Illinois University earning a BA in American freedoms for future generations. He nificant structural improvements to the District 1962. When it came time to settle down and was truly an outstanding American, a protector Attorney’s Office. He led efforts in developing raise a family, he chose to make Denver of freedom, and an inspiration to us all. and strengthening specialized units that pros- home. He taught at Smiley and Lake Junior f ecuted gang members, violent criminals, sex High Schools before starting an African-Amer- offenders, and cases involving environment ican history class at East High School. Later RECOGNIZING MS. CLARA I. and consumer protection abuses. Bob also he earned a master’s in Education from the SISSEL played a pivotal role in establishing the Santa University of Denver in 1972. Cruz County Gang Task Force, which cen- A long-standing interest in politics led him to HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY tered on the containment of gang activity and run for the Colorado State Senate. He was OF TEXAS prosecution of gang members. successful in his bid and served from 1974 to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A native of Santa Cruz, Bob was the young- 1994. During those twenty years, he dem- est of four brothers. He earned a Bachelor’s of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 onstrated time and again his willingness to Science Degree in Public Administration from fight for fairness and justice, including an effort Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to California State University of Sacramento in to divest Colorado from South Africa’s apart- recognize Ms. Clara I. Sissel of Odessa, 1980. His Juris Doctorate was obtained only heid government. He cites the highlight of his Texas. Since 2002, Ms. Sissel has sent more four years later from the University of Santa time in the Senate as passing legislation that than 1,200 care packages to our armed serv- Clara. established a holiday for Martin Luther King, ices members stationed overseas. For her ef- After a long and brave battle with cancer, Jr. in Colorado. His colleagues recognized his forts, she is being honored by her family, the Central Coast of California mourns the leadership and elected him the first African- friends, and the members of the Omni Club for loss of one of its strongest leaders. Bob will American Minority Leader of the Colorado her tireless and selfless service to our armed be remembered for his incredible achieve- State Senate. His efforts were also rewarded forces. ments in building a safer and more thriving en- with numerous awards from the community, Ms. Sissel has made her care packages, or vironment in Santa Cruz County. He gave his including Legislator of the Year from the Asso- love boxes as she prefers to call them, a per- life to his service and his fervor for justice will ciated Press. sonal mission to show each service member forever remain unmatched. The District Attor- appointed Regis as the first Di- that someone back home is thinking of them ney’s office will certainly cherish Bob’s unfor- rector of the new Youthful Offenders System. and cares about their well being. Although gettable dedication and will continue to carry His dedication to community service then con- fourteen years is a long time, her service did out his resolute spirit in future pursuits. Bob tinued in his role as Executive Director of the not start in 2002. Ms. Sissel started her mis- was also an amazing family man, and is sur- Metro Black Church Initiative. He was selfless sion during the War. Through the vived by his wife, Barbara Lee.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.025 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the mem- the Argyle High School Band deserve praise a staff of more than 200 employees. Beth has ory of an accomplished seeker of justice and for their hard work and commitment. also earned distinction as Porter County Com- loving husband, District Attorney Bob Lee. His I commend the staff and students of Argyle munity Foundation’s 2012 Outstanding Execu- life, legacy, and service to Santa Cruz County High School for their tremendous support of tive and was honored by Porter County United will never be forgotten. the Band under the dedicated leader- Way as an Outstanding Agency Professional f ship of Band Director Kathy Johnson, Asso- in 2014. ciate Band Director Michael Lemish, Super- Among her many accomplishments, Beth is HONORING THE RESIDENTS OF intendent Telena Wright, and Principal Jeff a member of the Indiana Primary Healthcare THE VILLAGE OF PALOS PARK Butts. It is my privilege to represent the ad- Association Board and has previously held the ON THE VILLAGE’S CENTENNIAL ministrators, teachers, staff and students that position of president. She also serves as an ANNIVERSARY OF ITS INCORPO- comprise the Argyle Independent School Dis- adviser to many medical groups, including In- RATION trict in the U.S. House of Representatives. diana University Northwest Medical School, f and has presented at many conferences, both HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI at the national and state level. RECOGNIZING THE ASIAN AMER- OF ILLINOIS Additionally, Beth selflessly gives of her time ICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through her involvement in various organiza- AND HONOREE BETH WROBEL tions and civic activities, such as the Porter Wednesday, November 12, 2014 County Reading Foundation Board and the Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY City of Valparaiso Human Relations Council. honor the residents of the Village of Palos OF INDIANA She also serves as president-elect of the Park as they celebrated the 100th anniversary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Valparaiso Rotary Club and is an active mem- of the village’s incorporation on October 31, ber of Immanuel Lutheran Church. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 2014. Beth’s compassion and dedication to her European settlers first came to the area Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with sin- field and her commitment to charitable en- around the village in 1834. Not long after, the cere admiration that I recognize the Asian deavors exemplifies the self-driven person that building of the Illinois-Michigan Canal—com- American Medical Association, which will host she is and is exceeded only by her devotion pleted in 1848—brought an influx of laborers, its 38th Annual Gala on Saturday, November to her wonderful family. Beth and her hus- blacksmiths, and woodcutters to join the local 15, 2014, at Avalon Manor in Merrillville, Indi- band, Joe, have three amazing sons. farmers. A township was organized in 1850 ana. Each year, the Asian American Medical Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my other and named Trenton, but that name was soon Association pays tribute to prominent, out- distinguished colleagues join me in com- changed to Palos by the recommendation of standing citizens and organizations for their mending the members of the Asian American the first Postmaster, M.S. Powell. contributions to the community. In recognition Medical Association, as well as this year’s In the late 1800s the Wabash Railroad was of their efforts, these honorees are awarded Crystal Globe Award recipient, Beth Wrobel, extended into the area, allowing people to live the prestigious Crystal Globe Award at the an- for their outstanding contributions to their com- in along the rail route and commute to work in nual banquet. munity and beyond. Their unwavering commit- Chicago. The resulting increase in population The Asian American Medical Association ment and dedication to improving the quality led to the incorporation of the Village of Palos has always been a great asset to Northwest of life for the people of Northwest Indiana and Park in 1914. The village attracted many art- Indiana. Its members have generously de- throughout the United States is truly inspira- ists, writers, and intellectuals and became voted themselves to providing superior med- tional. known as a country retreat outside of Chicago. ical services to the residents of Northwest In- f diana and have always demonstrated exem- Today, Palos Park, under the leadership of HONORING THE CAREER OF REAR plary service through their many cultural, aca- Mayor John Mahoney, has a little over 4800 ADMIRAL GARY W. ROSHOLT residents who enjoy a residential area nestled demic and charitable endeavors. within beautiful forest preserves. One of the At this year’s Annual Gala, the Asian Amer- special places in Palos Park is the McCord ican Medical Association will present the Crys- HON. KENNY MARCHANT OF TEXAS Gallery & Cultural Center, which is a learning tal Globe Award to one of Northwest Indiana’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES center for the arts and cultural history which finest citizens, Beth Wrobel. Mrs. Wrobel is to also showcases artworks of local and regional be commended for her exceptional contribu- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 artists. Among the many special events that tions to her field and her community. Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today occur in the village every year, I especially In 1979, Beth graduated from Valparaiso to honor the career and celebrate the retire- enjoy participating in the Autumn in the Park University where she majored in Mechanical ment of Rear Admiral Gary W. Rosholt, who Festival and Parade in September. Engineering. Mrs. Wrobel’s engineering career has served in the for over Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me includes twenty years of service with thirty-four years and, though with the U.S. Em- in honoring the residents of Palos Park as NiSource, Inc. Subsequently, in 2007, she bassy at the United Arab Emirates at this time, they celebrate the 100th anniversary of their also earned her Healthcare Executive Certifi- resides in Irving, Texas. village and to wish them continued success. cate from the University of California, Los An- Rear Admiral Rosholt’s decades of service f geles, Anderson School of Business. to our nation were notably preceded by his Beth has been the chief executive officer of own father’s career with the U.S. Air Force. IN RECOGNITION OF ARGYLE HIGH HealthLinc, Incorporated since 2002. She has Rosholt himself was commissioned during his SCHOOL MARCHING BAND since advanced the organization from a free years at the University of Illinois at Urbana- medical clinic serving only adults to a Feder- Champaign, where he earned a degree in HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS ally Qualified Health Center that provides electrical engineering and was enrolled in the OF TEXAS medical services to over 4,000 uninsured or Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES underinsured patients, through all life cycles, (NROTC). In February 1980, he completed from prenatal to seniors. HealthLinc provides Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training comprehensive, quality and affordable care with Class 106. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to that includes medical, dental, optometry and In his commendable career, Rosholt served recognize the Argyle High School Band from behavioral health services at six locations and multiple tours in Naval Special Warfare, in- Argyle, Texas for their recent outstanding one mobile van in Northern Indiana. cluding assigmnents with Underwater Demoli- achievement in winning the 2014 Class 4A In 2013, Beth was honored by Northwest In- tion Team 12, SEAL Team One, and Special UIL Texas State Marching Band Champion- diana Business Quarterly as top not-for-profit Boat Unit 20. He also earned his masters of ship. chief executive officer in Northern Indiana due science degree in operations management at Argyle High School’s Band decisively won to her success improving and expanding the University of Arkansas while on a shore the Class 4A crown for the fourth consecutive HealthLinc from a one-location, small organi- duty assignment with the Chief of Naval Tech- time. The band’s stellar performance of zation, known as Hilltop Community Health nical Training. ’’Alleluia’’ earned the top award and allowed Center, with a budget of less than $350,000 in Rosholt served valuable roles in the Re- them to retain the state title they have held 2001, to the multi-location organization that is serve component as well. He held a staff posi- since 2008. The accomplished members of known today, with a budget of $20 million and tion in the Naval Surface Warfare Center,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.030 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1517 White Oak, and was a Navy emergency pre- as Director of Nursing for Monette Hospice year. Since its formation, the New Brunswick paredness liaison officer with the Director of until it closed in 2009. She was then led to Fire Department has upheld its duty to protect Military Support and the Office of the Assistant open Dignity & Mercy Adult Day Services, and serve the community. Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense. LLC. Organized in 1764, the New Brunswick Fire He also commanded five units in the Navy Re- During her first year as an entrepreneur, Department has seen many changes and serve: Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activ- she also gave birth to her first born, Mckenzie much growth throughout its history. Its equip- ity Norfolk Detachment 406, Special Boat Unit Janae Jackson on July 2, 2009. On Sep- ment has advanced as new technology be- 20, Naval Special Warfare Unit 4, U.S. Special tember 6, 2010 she gave birth to her 2nd came available, from buckets to various en- Operations Command Detachment 108, and born, Cayden Allen Jackson. They are out- gines and wagons. During its first 100 years, Naval Special Warfare Command head- going, intelligent, inquisitive children. She also more than ten companies were organized. quarters. has a son, Alex Shaw, 17 years old, whom Throughout the 1900s, 493 volunteered to In October 2008, Gary W. Rosholt earned she adopted from a prior marriage. serve in the department. On July 1, 1914, the his promotion to Rear Admiral and returned to While working at Monette Hospice, the New Brunswick Fire Department was officially active duty in the U.S. Navy. He then served owner opened an Adult Daycare next door. installed as a paid department. as the deputy commanding general for Special Tamekia found herself drawn to the partici- Over its long history, a number of qualified Operations Command in U.S. Central Com- pants of this center. She also realized there leaders have served the New Brunswick Fire mand. Currently, he serves as the Senior De- was no such program at home for the elderly Department. Staasts Van Dursen was the first fense Official and Defense Attache´ at the U.S. and disabled. She began to research adult head of the department. James M. Carman Embassy at Abu Dhabi in the United Arab daycare and sought information in the commu- served as the first Fire Director over 200 years Emirates. nity regarding funding, transportation, and later. Today, the New Brunswick Fire Depart- Rosholt is a licensed Professional Engineer other services needed in Panola and the 8 ment is led by a Director, five Deputy Chiefs, in Virginia and, in a civilian setting, was also surrounding counties. In August of 2010, Dig- eight Captains, eight Lieutenants, fifty-six fire- a consultant with a focus on Special Oper- nity & Mercy Adult Day Services received a fighters and a secretary and operates out of ations, particularly with regard to research, de- provider number for Adult Daycare in the state three companies and its headquarters. Sev- velopment, and acquisition programs. of MS. Later Dignity & Mercy also received a enty-five percent of the force are also trained Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to ask all of my provider number for Respite and Homemaker Emergency Medical Technicians and certified distinguished colleagues to join me in marking Services. In January of 2014 Tamekia felt lead in defibrillation, a result of a requirement the retirement of Rear Admiral Gary W. to open a facility in Oxford, MS. On July 1, begun in 1989. Rosholt and thanking him for his long career 2014 Dignity & Mercy received a contract for Mr. Speaker, I sincerely hope that my col- of honorable service to the United States Non Emergency Transportation with Division leagues will join me in congratulating the New Navy. of Medicaid via MTM. Brunswick Fire Department on this milestone. f Dignity & Mercy is located at 569 Hwy 6 Its outstanding service is truly deserving of West in Batesville, MS. Dignity & Mercy re- this body’s recognition. HONORING DIGNITY & MERCY cently purchased and renovated a 13,000 sq. f ADULT DAYCARE SERVICES ft. facility located at 405 Hwy 51 south in TRIBUTE TO JOSH NELSON Batesville, MS. The date for occupancy is set HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON for Oct. 1, 2014. They are excited about the OF MISSISSIPPI grace of God affording them such an oppor- HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tunity. OF WEST VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Dignity & Mercy services 50 to 60 clients per day at the Batesville location and 10 to 15 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- clients at the Oxford location. Their partici- er, I rise today to honor Dignity & Mercy Adult Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- pants range from 21 years of age to 99 and nize the valiant effort of a friend and col- Daycare Services. provide the transportation to and from the cen- Tamekia Renix Jackson was born on Sep- league, 2nd Lt. Joshua ‘‘Josh’’ Nelson, West ter along with breakfast, lunch and a snack Virginia Air National Guard. I have come to tember 18, 1974 to Albert Black III and Fannie before they leave. The participants attend Renix Johnson. Tamekia is the oldest of her know Josh through his service in the West Vir- movies monthly, visit schools and nursing ginia Legislature, and feel that it is most fitting seven siblings. She is a graduate of the North homes. The Adult Day Care offers exercise Panola High School Class of 1992. She cur- to acknowledge a recent good deed. class daily and other activities including shoot- Earlier this year, Josh stopped by his local rently resides in Como, MS, where she was ing pool, reading, cooking, quilting, gardening, born and raised. She attends the First Baptist Wal-Mart, near Laughlin Air Force Base, basketball, checkers, bowling, wii sports, ring Texas, to pick up some fish hooks for a family Church in Como, where she serves faithfully toss, crocheting, coloring, and various arts and as associate minister, choir president, and trip. This small stop would soon turn out to be crafts. an experience that he will, likely, never forget. youth advisor. She serves on the Board of Di- Dignity & Mercy has faced numerous chal- rectors for Aaron E. Henry Community Health The following account is taken from the U.S. lenges but God has delivered them from them Air Force News, written by Joel Langton, 47th Center and as President of the Mississippi As- all. When Tamekia is faced with struggles she sociation of Adult Day Services. Flying Training Wing Public Affairs, published takes comfort in the scripture from Jeremiah October 24, 2014: In 1995 Tamekia graduated from the Li- 29:11 ‘‘For I know the thoughts that I think to- censed Practical Nursing Course at Northwest The West Virginia Air National Guards- ward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace man was walking to the Hunting and Fishing Community College in Senatobia, MS. She de- and not of evil, to give you an expected end.’’ section when he heard a woman say, ‘‘Stop, cided to further her education by enrolling in Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me put it down!’’ the Registered Nurse Curriculum in Senatobia, in recognizing Dignity & Mercy Adult Daycare ‘‘I could tell she was stressed and she MS. She graduated in 2005 and passed her Services for their dedication to serving their sounded frightened,’’ said Nelson. ‘‘I looked NCLEX as a RN. community and this great state and country. into the aisle, and this young man had a Tamekia began working at the age of 15 at knife to a woman’s stomach.’’ f Wendy’s in Senatobia, MS. After passing her According to police reports, the young man IN RECOGNITION OF THE 250TH AN- was mad at his mother, who he had a knife LPN NCLEX, she became employed with to, because she wouldn’t buy him a gun. Nel- Golden Living Center in Batesville, MS and re- NIVERSARY OF THE NEW BRUNS- son told his wife Brittany to go alert the mained with the company for three years WICK FIRE DEPARTMENT store manager and call the police. learning that she really desired the role of RN. Nelson, who has a concealed weapons per- After becoming an RN she was gainfully em- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. mit stepped up beside the woman. ‘‘I put my hand on my pistol where he’d ployed with Baptist Desoto Hospital, where OF NEW JERSEY she remained for 2 years working in critical notice, and then I stepped in between them,’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES said Nelson. ‘‘I kept demanding he hand me care. She later moved on to the position of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 the knife. I wanted him to see only one op- travel nurse where she traveled extensively tion. As I was standing beside that lady, I and enhanced her skills, gained friends, and Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to felt like I was responsible for her life. I was encountered remarkable experiences. After congratulate the New Brunswick Fire Depart- going to do whatever I had to do to protect becoming home sick, she accepted a position ment as it celebrates its 250th anniversary this her.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.001 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1518 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Then, according to the police report, Nel- ment. She also has coordinated the Sixth Dis- services provided by public schools. As the son went from trying to stop a murder to trict Job Fair since 1997, an event which con- center grew in size, the volunteers and staff trying to stop a suicide when the assailant tinues to this day. Kim also worked for Con- members recognized that these young adults turned the knife on himself. Nelson pointed to his training and the Air gressman David McIntosh as his Social Secu- had an interest in working and many skills to National Guard and previously in the Marine rity caseworker from 1995 to 2001. Kim al- offer employers. Merrick Community Center Corp as helping him talk the young man ways went above and beyond in these various began working tirelessly to partner with busi- down. roles. She produced positive results to im- nesses and clients to provide valuable em- By this time, several Wal-Mart employees prove people’s lives in a caring and compas- ployment opportunities for these young adults. had joined Nelson’s effort. ‘‘When he handed sionate manner. Since it was founded, Merrick Community me the knife, he turned like he was going to Mr. Speaker, hiring Kim was one of the best Center and Daytime Activity Center has grown just leave,’’ said Nelson. ‘‘We told him he decisions I made after my election to Con- into a non-profit charitable corporation with needed to have a seat and wait for the police two program sites. More than one hundred to arrive.’’ gress. I learned very quickly that her stellar ‘‘It was the most surreal five minutes of reputation among Hoosiers in the Sixth District professional staff are dedicated to providing my life while waiting for the police,’’ said was well-deserved after watching how dili- necessary support for over 375 adults with de- Nelson. He added that throughout the entire gently she worked on their behalf. I hope she velopmental and intellectual disabilities. As event, he was never scared. knows how much she has meant to them and Merrick, Inc. has expanded, the community ‘‘I just relied on all of the training I’ve to me. I wish her and her husband, Robert, all around them has also seen great advances had,’’ he said. the best as they embark on the next chapter and growth. Through day training and habili- This event was just another storied chap- of their lives. tation, adult day services and the Ticket-to- ter in an almost Hollywoodesque life for Nel- Work program, young adults at Merrick, Inc. son. He’s gone from working in coal mines, f to the Marine Corp, back to the mines, and build personal and professional relationships, today, when he’s not refining his flying INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION actively engage in their communities, and lead skills, he serves in the West Virginia legisla- HONORING KAILASH SATYARTHI more self-determined lives. ture as a delegate. Mr. Speaker, during the last 50 years, The former Liberty University student HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Merrick, Inc. has worked towards improving body president points to his grandfather for the quality of life for every person who passes OF FLORIDA his love of flying and the Founding Fathers through their doors. The families and commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for his passion to serve his nation and state nities of Minnesota have been empowered . . . When Nelson graduates Oct. 24, he will Wednesday, November 12, 2014 and advanced as a result of this remarkable be serving like the Founding Fathers never dreamed as he flies C–130s around the globe Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I organization. In honor of the 50th anniversary for the WVANG’s 130th Airlift Wing.’’ rise today to introduce a Resolution Congratu- of Merrick, it is a privilege to recognize the great work of the many dedicated employees, The first time I met Josh, I knew he was a lating and Honoring Kailash Satyarthi, Recipi- as well as those whose lives have been en- smart, caring and capable young man. This is ent of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. riched through job skills and career training. just one instance of Josh’s outstanding service I am also pleased to be joined by Rep- to the citizens of this country, whether in uni- resentatives MCGOVERN, BROWN, WILSON, f form or civilian clothes. MEEKS, RANGEL, COHEN, SCOTT, and GABBARD PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE Mr. Speaker, in closing, I would like to rec- in honoring 2014 Nobel Peace Prize recipient HONORABLE SUE LANDSKE ognize the heroism and selflessness exhibited Kailash Satyarthi for his tireless efforts to com- by 2nd Lt. Joshua ‘‘Josh’’ Nelson, WVANG. bat child labor, forced servitude and human HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY trafficking. In his 34 years as a children’s He could have easily turned away, but he OF INDIANA rights advocate and social activist, Mr. chose to become involved and save two lives, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Satyarthi has saved over 80,000 children from instead of one. I would also like to thank him Wednesday, November 12, 2014 for his service to the State of West Virginia forced labor, has vigorously worked to call and the United States of America. It is indeed international attention to the scourge of same Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with tre- an honor to call him friend and fellow West by spearheading global initiatives, and has mendous gratitude and the highest respect Virginian. been instrumental in launching local programs that I take this time to honor a dear friend and one of Indiana’s finest citizens, the Honorable f to teach trades to Indian youth and rescue girls sold into abusive forced marriages. His Sue Landske, Indiana State Senator. During HONORING KIM BENNETT ON HER contributions to the protection of children’s her many years of public service and because RETIREMENT rights and the promotion of peace are deserv- of her countless efforts toward improving the ing of recognition. lives of her fellow Hoosiers, Sue has left an in- HON. LUKE MESSER I welcome my colleagues in the House to delible mark as an outstanding public servant, OF INDIANA join me in honoring and congratulating Kailash and for this, she is to be commended. Senator IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Satyarthi on receiving the 2014 Nobel Peace Landske will be retiring at the end of this year. Prize by becoming a co-sponsor of this resolu- Sue Landske pursued her education at Wednesday, November 12, 2014 tion. Saint Joseph’s College and Indiana University, Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor f followed by graduate studies at the University my Director of Constituent Services, Kim Ben- of Chicago. In the years to follow, Sue, nett, as she prepares to retire from her two HONORING THE STAFF OF through hard work and a spirit for public serv- decades of public service. MERRICK, INC. ice, was elected Center Township Assessor in Kim has served the State of Indiana and our 1978. She was also elected Lake County Re- country very capably throughout her career. HON. BETTY McCOLLUM publican Vice Chair the same year and main- She has headed our team’s constituent serv- OF MINNESOTA tained that position until 1989, then again from ices operation since my election last year. Kim IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2001 to 2007. Senator Landske was first elect- helped get our district offices up and running ed to the Indiana Legislature in 1984 and has so that residents of Indiana’s Sixth Congres- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 selflessly represented the people of Indiana sional District continued to receive the assist- Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay Senate District 6 for the last thirty years. ance they needed with the federal govern- tribute to the staff of Merrick Incorporated, Throughout her tenure as State Senator, Sue ment, even during the congressional transition. past and present, on the occasion of its 50th has consistently fought for the rights of the I have heard from many of my constituents anniversary. Since this private, non-profit orga- residents of her district and throughout Indi- about how caring and professionally Kim has nization was founded in 1964, it has served as ana. In particular, Senator Landske’s legisla- served them in matters involving a myriad of a shining example of leadership and progres- tive achievements include authoring Indiana’s federal agencies. sive commitment to advancing the quality of lemon law, which guards Hoosiers against the She worked for my predecessor in Con- life of those with intellectual or developmental sale of defective vehicles, creating living will gress, Governor Mike Pence, for more than a disabilities. legislation, which gives Indiana residents bet- decade, serving in various roles, including Merrick Community Center first opened to ter control over their future medical decisions, Deputy District Director, Director of Grants, serve fifteen young adults with intellectual and and spearheading the passage of a bill requir- and Director of Economic and Rural Develop- developmental disabilities to supplement the ing all Indiana nursing homes to have fire

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.004 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1519 sprinklers throughout their facilities and smoke college basketball at Texas Southern Univer- ical school. At that moment without telling any- detectors in every patient’s room. Senator sity. In 1955, he was drafted to the Boston one, Dr. Chaney closeted in her mind that she Landske’s record speaks for itself. She has Celtics, but ended up playing for Marques wanted to become a physician. She thought passionately devoted herself to improving the Haynes’ barnstorming team, the Harlem Magi- that her idea was a bit farfetched. She had lives of Hoosiers and to protecting the inter- cians. During his time with the Harlem Magi- never seen or known a black or white female ests and well-being of Indiana’s most vulner- cians, he ruptured his Achilles tendon and physician. able citizens. Highlighting her leadership in began his legendary coaching career. However, Tougaloo offered unique experi- Northwest Indiana and the Indiana General From 1958 to 1973, Hughes coached the ence. Dr. Chaney excelled in her studies and Assembly, Sue has distinguished herself by Fort Worth I.M. Terrell High School basketball took the exam for entry into medical school. serving as the Assistant Pro Tempore in the team, with an astonishing record of 378–84. Her score was good enough to get her into Indiana State Senate. She has also served on During this time, I.M. Terrell was a segregated her choice of four schools. She chose the Uni- numerous legislative committees including the high school, placing the team in a specific divi- versity of Mississippi, because she wanted to Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee, as a ranking sion called the Prairie View Interscholastic practice in Mississippi. member of the Civil Law Committee, and as League. The PVIL governed the Texas African Dr. Chaney entered medical school with chair of the Elections Committee. Along with American high schools. Hughes won three only five other African Americans. There were her career as a State Senator, Sue is also a PVIL championships and came second in two five black males, and she was the only black retired colonel in the Indiana National Guard more during his time at Terrell. In 1973, the female. It was a very grueling experience, but and president and owner of All Golfcar, Incor- desegregation of public schools would lead to they all managed to finish. Dr. Chaney admits porated. the closing of Terrell and the beginning of that she did better in medical school than in Senator Landske’s exemplary service has Hughes career at Fort Worth Dunbar High college. Probably because she really wanted been rightfully recognized numerous times School. to be a doctor. It was also important to her during her legislative career. In both 1980 and Hughes remained at Fort Worth Dunbar until that the medical community get to know her 1983, she was honored with the prestigious he retired in 2005 with an astonishing overall and see what she was capable of doing. Sagamore of the Wabash for her service to career record of 1,333–264. He had the most When Dr. Chaney completed her residency the people of Indiana. Following this honor, wins in the entire nation until recently when in 1977, there was only one other black pedia- Sue was awarded the title of Outstanding Re- Leta Andrews passed his record. During his trician in the Jackson area. She knew that she publican Senator, as well as the accolade of 47 seasons at Dunbar, Hughes brought his couldn’t start a private practice right out of Business and Professional Woman of the team to victory while changing the lives of school, because she would be swamped by Year. Sue was also recognized as Lake Coun- thousands of students. As a coach, he broke those looking for a black physician to care for ty Republican of the Year in 1988, the Jay- the racial divide and bridged the gap between their children. So, she spent the first ten years cees’ Citizen of the Year in 1991, and was communities. For 50 years, the Southwest working at the clinic, the University Medical named Small Business Champion in 2000 by Conference denied entry to black high school Center, with another physician, and volun- the National Federation of Independent Busi- athletes. Hughes navigated his way around teering. She also worked part-time in public ness. these policies and created relationships with health and consulting. Senator Landske’s remarkable career is ex- the Big Ten, Pacific 8 and Missouri Valley Dr. Chaney is one of the most prominent ceeded only by her devotion to her amazing Conferences so that all of his players could be pediatricians in the state of Mississippi, serv- family. Sue and her loving husband of fifty- offered the same opportunities. ing patients of all races and nationalities. seven years, Bill, have five children and seven Dallas cinematographer, Ronald Nance and Dr. Chaney is quick to point out that her grandchildren. Lindell Singleton, producer of major feature husband played a huge part in her success. I have been truly fortunate to call Sue films such as Lone Star and Holy War, are She left her salaried position at the Health Landske my friend. Throughout the years, she partnering to bring Robert Hughes’ story to life Center to start her own business, and he has been an outstanding advocate for the in a feature-length documentary called Relent- stood with her 100%. When she began the community of Northwest Indiana, as well as less, which will premiere in February 2015. practice, her earnings were only half of what for all Hoosiers. She epitomizes what it means The film will capture the incredible feats of she had made from the clinic and consulting. to be a public servant, and for her selfless, Hughes and the impact that he had on the But, she knew that was only temporary. In her lifelong commitment to the people of Indiana, Texas basketball community. own words, ‘‘To build a business, there has to she is worthy of the highest praise. In honor of Coach Robert Hughes, a pillar of be some sacrifice.’’ She and her family de- Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask that you and the Fort Worth and Texas athletic community, cided that they could make the sacrifice. my other distinguished colleagues join me in this statement will be entered into the CON- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me honoring Indiana State Senator Sue Landske GRESSIONAL RECORD on Wednesday, Novem- in recognizing Dr Geraldine B. Chaney for her for her lifetime of leadership and exceptional ber 12, 2014. dedication to serving others. service to the people of Northwest Indiana and f f throughout the state. Senator Landske’s im- pact will be evident for generations to come, HONORING DR. GERALDINE B. IN HONOR OF STEPHEN H. and she serves as an inspiration to us all. CHANEY ELMORE f HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON HON. JUAN VARGAS IN RECOGNITION OF ROBERT OF MISSISSIPPI OF CALIFORNIA HUGHES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MARC A. VEASEY Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 OF TEXAS Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Mr. VARGAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES er, I rise today to honor a remarkable public honor of Stephen H. Elmore who was post- servant, Dr. Geraldine B. Chaney, M.D., who humously selected as the 2014 Farmer of the Wednesday, November 12, 2014 is a native of Mississippi. She was born into Year by the Imperial County Farm Bureau and Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in a family of nine children (six girls and three will be presented with the Tenth Annual Jim recognition of Robert Hughes, a man who boys), with parents who stressed the impor- Kuhn Memorial Farmer of the Year Award as broke incredible records in basketball while si- tance of strong religious beliefs. Dr. Chaney’s a tribute to his exemplary record of agricultural multaneously overcoming tremendous obsta- parents were not formally educated, but pos- and community leadership. cles. Robert Hughes paved the way for African sessed a wealth of knowledge. They taught Before passing away in 1999, Mr. Elmore American students to have the same opportu- God first, family and education next. was a distinguished agriculturalist who had nities as their counterparts and bridged the di- Dr. Chaney chose to attend Tougaloo Col- half a century of experience in agriculture with vides of a segregated community. lege and major in Biology and Chemistry. As The Elmore Company, Stephen H. Elmore Robert Hughes was born on May 15, 1928, tradition would have it, Dr. Chaney’s brothers Company, Desert Sky Farms and Echo II. in Sapulpa, Oklahoma. He was the youngest and sisters who had gone to college before Under his leadership, they grew numerous of five brothers with a successful high school her, went to school to become school teach- amounts of crops of all shapes and sizes such basketball career. After a tour in the U.S. ers. All of that changed when she heard some as sweet corn, sugar beets, tomatoes, wheat, Army during the Korean War, Hughes played of her classmates talking about going to med- onions, melons, potatoes and many more.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.021 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Throughout his life, Mr. Elmore was highly re- portive of the Holy Cross mission. He has On December 19, 1998, LU 375 moved to spected by his community, employees and maintained a strong bond with the College for their new office and training center at what is family. He was known for his innovative water 47 years since graduation. Since 1967, his en- now their current headquarters in Allentown. A management practices and active participation gaging and informative class letters to his fel- short eleven years later, in 2009, they hired with well-regarded organizations such as Im- low Crusaders has added to the cohesiveness their first full-time Training Director and ex- perial County Farm Bureau, Imperial Valley of our class. panded the apprenticeship program. Today, Vegetable Growers Association, and the West- The esprit de corps John has sustained they serve up to 150 apprentices in their train- ern Growers Association, among others. among his classmates and the strong ties he ing center and offer programs to keep veteran Furthermore, Mr. Elmore never hesitated to has helped them to maintain with their Alma members current on the newest techniques support local youth activities such as Brawley Mater have led to record levels of participation and technologies. Although hit by the eco- and Westmorland Little League, Brawley in annual giving to the Holy Cross Fund from nomic downturn in 2008, they have since seen Parks and Recreation Youth Sports, and the the Class of 1967. Thanks to his work, a ma- new opportunities, including those generated Boys and Girls Club of Brawley. He will al- jority of our classmates have donated gener- by the redevelopment of downtown Allentown ways be remembered by all those that were ously for the past thirty years. During reunion through the Neighborhood Improvement Zone lucky enough to experience his goodwill. years, that number hovers closer to 70 per- awarded in 2013. f cent. As one of the oldest unions in the region, John has also been a driving force in the LU 375 has grown to a membership approach- IN RECOGNITION OF RUTH HYMAN Holy Cross Club of Central New York and a ing 1100, with ranks continuing to expand leader among a core group of dedicated alum- thanks to well-planned organizing. After 100 HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. ni in the Syracuse area. A frequent organizer, years, the IBEW Local Union 375 has re- OF NEW JERSEY sponsor and host of alumni activities in his mained true to their mission to provide strong, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hometown, John is a prominent alumnus fair representation and open communication Wednesday, November 12, 2014 whose dedication to the College is widely for members, fellow unions, contractors, and known. John has mentored many young Holy Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the community. It is an honor for me to recog- Cross graduates over the years and has fos- nize their 100 years of service and fraternity. recognize Ms. Ruth Hyman on the occasion of tered interest in Holy Cross among students at her 95th birthday this year. I would like to join the Christian Brothers Academy in Syracuse, f with her family and friends in honoring her re- where his decades of work has earned him HONORING MR. EUGENE HICKS markable accomplishments and philanthropy. recognition for distinguished service. Born and raised in Long Branch, New Jer- After college, John graduated from Cornell HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON sey, Ruth Hyman continues to give back to University Law School and is now a partner in OF MISSISSIPPI the community. At a young age, Ms. Hyman the law firm Hiscock & Barclay, LLP He and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognized the meaning of generosity and has his lovely wife, Cecilia, live in Cicero, NY, and spent her life working to make a difference in have six children, including Laura, Holy Cross Wednesday, November 12, 2014 the world. Her achievements are numerous, Class of 2005. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- wide-ranging and noteworthy, from serving in Mr. Speaker, John deserves the recognition er, I rise today to honor a remarkable Entre- the federal government to opening her own of this body for a job well done. His years of preneur of Clarksdale, Mound Bayou, Mis- small business. She has been actively in- service have made our class, college, and our sissippi. volved with various organizations, including country ever more deserving of our respect Clarksdale business owner, Eugene Hicks, the Long Branch Hadassah, Deborah Hospital, and our pride. Sr., continues to receive recognition for his Jewish Family and Children’s Services, the f world famous hot tamales. He has been fea- Jewish Community Center, and Congregation IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- tured on the Food Networks television show, of Brothers of Israel. She is also a life member Rachel Ray’s, Chile Pepper, Southern Living, of Daughters of Miriam and the Central Jersey NIVERSARY OF THE INTER- NATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF Esquire magazines and other national maga- Jewish Home for the Aged. Ms. Hyman is an zines. He has also been featured in the local esteemed member of the Jewish community ELECTRICAL WORKERS LOCAL UNION 375 and national newspapers. and a passionate philanthropist. Mr. Hicks has hosted and served quite a Ms. Hyman’s impact on the community has few famous people and celebrities from the not gone unnoticed. The Chabad House at HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT late, John F. Kennedy Jr., and John Amos, OF PENNSYLVANIA Rutgers University presented her with the Blues entertainers, Bobbie Rush, Rufus Thom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kesser Shem Tov (Crown of a Good Name) as, Tyrone Davis, and many worldwide tourist award and she was named Philanthropist of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 travelers. The most exciting historical event the Year from Generations ElderCare Charity, Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to hosting and serving President , among many other honors. honor the 100th anniversary of the Inter- Rev. Jessie Jackson, and several Mississippi Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to recognize national Brotherhood of Electrical Workers governors including Governor Ray Mabus, Ruth Hyman on her 95th birthday. I know that Local Union 375 and to acknowledge their Governor Ronnie Musgrove, and Governor I join with all those who know her in express- persistent endeavor to fairly represent their Haley Barbour, and many more distinguished ing my sincere gratitude for her warm and giv- members. customers. ing nature and immeasurable contributions to On February 3, 1914, a dedicated group of Mr. Hicks, who is now 70 years old, has our community. Her leadership and spirit of seventeen electricians organized into the been making tamales since age 16 when he generosity are truly admirable. Local Union 375. Their goal was to obtain bet- was introduced to the cooking craft by the late f ter wages and better working conditions. In Angelo Thompson who was the owner of Lib- HONORING MR. JOHN P. SINDONI 1947, LU 375 initiated an apprenticeship pro- erty Super Market in Clarksdale. Mr. Thomp- gram. Now seen as a key function, the ap- son instructed him on how to properly cut HON. JAMES P. MORAN prenticeship program meets the demand for meat and how to manage a store and a res- high quality electricians highly skilled in fiber- taurant. Mr. Hicks started working at the Lib- OF VIRGINIA optics and advanced technologies as well as erty Super Market at the age of 12 years. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the traditional delivery modes. That same would work after school and worked at local Wednesday, November 12, 2014 year, LU 375 joined the National Electrical stores doing various types jobs. Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Contractors Association, which leveraged their During the same time around the age of 12, honor my good friend and fellow Holy Cross bargaining power. The benefits afforded mem- an older black gentleman named Acy Ware alumnus, Mr. John P. Sindoni, Esq., class of bers increased again in 1961, when the Health befriended him. Mr. Ware made and sold 1967. John has served with distinction as a and Welfare Plan was put in place to provide tamales to the public by push cart and Mr. highly effective class chair and co-chair of the healthcare and other benefits. Another mile- Hicks would go back and forth to the local gro- Holy Cross Alumni Association since gradua- stone was reached on June 1, 1990, when LU cery stores on his bike to pick up the different tion. 375 began to train Telecommunication Techni- spices and shucks that Mr. Ware needed to Through his dedicated efforts, he has kept cians as part of the Telephone Interconnect make his tamales. A couple of years later, Mr. his classmates informed, energized and sup- Communications system agreement. Ware taught Mr. Hicks how to make tamales

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.010 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1521 and informed him that the skill of making Brocklebank’s achievement is truly commend- HONORING THE SERVICE OF HIS tamales can assist in him becoming an entre- able. At 80 years of age, Mr. Brocklebank con- EXCELLENCY NGUYEN QUOC preneur. tinues to maintain active duty at the fire com- CUONG, AMBASSADOR EXTRAOR- Mr. Hicks was drafted into the military at the pany, fulfilling the Emergency Services Volun- DINARY AND PLENIPOTENTIARY age of 21 and worked in the mess hall pre- teer Length of Service Award Program OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF paring and cooking for the officers and his fel- VIETNAM TO THE UNITED (LOSAP) requirement to make 50 percent of low soldiers. His ability to cook afforded him STATES the company fire calls, meetings and borough the opportunity to stay state side and be shipped off to Vietnam. After his military serv- functions listed in the program. Mr. Brocklebank has served as Captain, Chief, HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA ice he went back to work at Liberty Super OF AMERICAN SAMOA President and Trustee of the company, and Market, and at the federal building before IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opening his own grocery store. He opened became a life member in 1989. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Hicks’ Superette in 1973, on 109–5th Street at In addition to his service to Port-Au-Peck the age of 26 with $52 dollars where he sold Chemical Hose Company No. 1, Mr. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise groceries and his tamales. Brocklebank also joined the Oceanport, Mon- today to honor my good friend, His Excellency Business was booming and people from all Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Ambassador Extraor- mouth County and State Relief and Exempt over the world came to eat his tamales. Cus- dinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Re- tomers liked his tamales and the word spread Fireman’s Association, the Oceanport Ex- public of Vietnam to the United States. Am- that he had the best tamales in the Mississippi Chiefs Association, the Port-Au-Peck Benevo- bassador Cuong is more than a friend. He is Delta and they would request orders to be lent Association and the Oceanport Fire Police my brother and, for historical purposes, I wish shipped to them in various parts of the United Unit. He is also a life member of the New Jer- to pay tribute to him as he completes his term States and foreign countries. sey State Fireman’s Association. in the United States and returns to Vietnam. ‘‘The mid–90s were really tough,’’ Hicks Mr. Brocklebank was born on July 14, 1934 Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong was ap- said. However, he had to close down Hicks’ and has been a resident of Oceanport since pointed by President Nguyen Minh Triet as Superette. In 2000 because of high crime and 1964, joining the Port-Au-Peck Chemical Hose Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary drug usage in that area of down town, people of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Company No. 1 in April of the same year. He began to move out. United States of America in early 2011. He Mr. Hicks moved and opened a restaurant/ and his wife, Patricia, are the parents of Don- has been accredited to the title of Senior Am- banquet hall, called Hicks’ World Famous Hot ald, Jr. and Matt and grandparents of 5 grand- bassador—the highest rank for a Vietnamese Tamales & More on 305 South State Street. children and 4 great-grandchildren. career diplomat. He presented his Credentials He has independently own his business for 41 Mr. Speaker, once again, it is my great to President Barack Obama in July 2011. years now. Hicks is one of the oldest inde- honor to pay tribute to Clarence D. From 2008 to 2011, Ambassador Nguyen pendent black business in Clarksdale. Brocklebank, Sr. for his 50 years of contin- Quoc Cuong was Deputy Foreign Minister in Mr. Hicks is amazed that these years his uous, active service to Port-Au-Peck Chemical charge of relations of Vietnam with European business still attracts people from all over the countries. He was also the chief negotiator in Hose Company No. 1. His remarkable dedica- world. charge of relations between Vietnam and the tion and duty to his community is truly deserv- So, what is the secret to Mr. Hick’s suc- Vatican. cess? It is the shucks he uses to wrap the ing of this body’s recognition. From 2007 to 2008, Ambassador Nguyen tamales in before cooking. Many people use Quoc Cuong was Director-General, Executive wax paper which is cheaper. It’s kind of ex- f Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister cum pensive the way he does it, but it is the way Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was later ap- he was taught 50 years ago and it has paid RECOGNIZING BOBBY’S pointed as the Assistant Minister of Foreign off. He does not believe in cutting comers like PLAYGROUND Affairs. most people may. From 2005 to 2007, Ambassador Nguyen His wife, Betty, of 44 years has worked in Quoc Cuong served as Deputy Director-Gen- the business for the last 11 years after retiring HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK eral, Department of Multilateral Economic Co- from the Clarksdale Public School System. OF PENNSYLVANIA operation, Head of Political and Security Sec- She said, ‘‘Eugene has recently contemplated tion of the APEC Vietnam Secretariat when IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retirement.’’ Vietnam was host of APEC in 2006. Mr. Hicks stated that his career has been a Wednesday, November 12, 2014 From 1981 to 2005, Ambassador Nguyen blessed one, because he has had a chance to Quoc Cuong was an officer at the China De- meet a lot of people due to his tamales. Mr. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, on October partment and researcher at the Institute of Hicks lives by the motto of: ‘‘What you do—do 18, 2014 a community in my district teamed International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Af- it well.’’ up to show that together we can overcome fairs. During this time, he also served in the Mr. Hicks and his wife are the proud parents heartbreak. Vietnam People’s Army from 1983 to 1985. of 3 children. During his 30 year career, Ambassador Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Over 100 volunteers, local businesses and Nguyen Quoc Cuong was posted twice to in recognizing an amazing entrepreneur for his community leaders worked to complete Bob- Vietnam’s missions abroad, as Minister Coun- dedication and service to his profession. by’s Playground—a new park area at the selor, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy f Lower Bucks Family YMCA’s Holland Camp- of Vietnam in Ottawa, Canada from 2002 to IN HONOR OF CLARENCE D. ground. The playground is named in honor of 2005 and as Second Secretary at the Em- BROCKLEBANK, SR. Robert Edward Osterhout IV of Holland who bassy of Vietnam in Beijing, the People’s Re- tragically passed away at just 14 months. public of China from 1990 to 1993. Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong grad- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. The project, a Kaboom Playground, was uated from the University of Foreign Affairs, OF NEW JERSEY completed by the hands of volunteers who Vietnam (1976–1981) and earned an MA in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedicated their time and talents to remember International Relations at Fletcher School of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 the life of Bobby and ensure that generations Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I join with the of kids to come would have a safe place to (1996–1997). Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Port-Au-Peck Chemical Hose Company No. 1 play, laugh and learn. Cuong also conducted studies on public ad- in Oceanport, New Jersey in recognizing Clar- It was a pleasure to participate in the event ministration at the Maxwell School of Public ence D. ‘‘Buddy’’ Brocklebank for his 50 years and offer a few words about the amazing work Administration, Syracuse University in 1998. of continuous, active service to the company. being done in my district by those I represent. He also participated in the Vietnam Executive Mr. Brocklebank’s outstanding record will be Leadership Program at the Kennedy School of honored at the fire company’s 37th Annual While Bobby’s passing is a tragedy, the Government, Harvard University in 2009. ‘‘Old Timer’s Night’’ on October 20, 2014. completion of this playground serves both as On November 7, 2014, the U.S. Department As the only member to accomplish this a reminder of his memory and a point of com- of State honored Ambassador Nguyen Quoc record in the company’s 98 year history, Mr. munity pride. Cuong by hosting a farewell reception for him

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.014 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1522 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 at Blair House, the President’s Guest House ington, South Carolina. Mr. Hudson, 60, was ANTHONY F. WIENERS which serves as a site for American diplomacy the founder and owner of Hudson’s Smoke- in action. Blair House is the official state guest house in Lexington, South Carolina, and is re- HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. house for the President of the United States membered as a kind and generous gentleman OF NEW JERSEY and is maintained by the Department of State. of character who dedicated himself to sup- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES An invitation to be hosted at Blair House is an porting the local civic groups and his fellow Wednesday, November 12, 2014 honor of the highest significance. Ambassador citizens. Nguyen Quoc Cuong is the first Ambassador Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to from Vietnam to be honored with a farewell re- His obituary in The Lexington County recognize Anthony Wieners’ leadership and ception at the Blair House and this speaks to Chronicle of Lexington, South Carolina, con- dedication to the law enforcement community the significance of his work for and on behalf tained this tribute: and the citizens of New Jersey. To honor his of strengthening U.S.-Vietnam relations. BOBBY EARL (ROBIN) HUDSON, JR. years of commitment, his friends, family, and As Ranking Member of the House Foreign colleagues joined together in October to cele- Affairs’ Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, LEXINGTON.—Robin Hudson, age 60, died on brate his amazing career. it has been my distinct privilege to work side Thursday, October 30, 2014. Born August 16, Anthony F. Wieners is a life-long resident of 1954 in San Marcos, Texas, Robin was the son by side with Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Belleville, New Jersey. A veteran of the United of Bobby Earl (Bob) Hudson and Stella H. States Navy, Anthony began his law enforce- Cuong. Together, we created the first Friends Kyzer. He moved back to South Carolina in ment career in January of 1980 as a patrol- of Vietnam Caucus in the U.S. Congress, and 1958. Robin graduated from Airport High I have every hope that it will grow in impor- School in 1972 and attended Massey Fashion man with the East Orange Police Department, tance. We have also worked to improve eco- Institute in , . Shortly there- transferring to the Belleville Police Department nomic and trade relations and I am pleased after Robin moved to Clemson, South Caro- in September of 1980, where he held the posi- that during Ambassador Nguyen Quoc lina, and opened up a successful Foosball tion of Detective until his retirement in July Cuong’s service in the United States, the U.S. Parlor/Bar Business. This would prove to be 2014. In 1991, Anthony was elected State Del- and Vietnam celebrated 20 years of trade rela- his initial first step into business ownership. egate of Belleville Police Benevolent Associa- tions. From there he went to work for Explorer tion (PBA), a position he held until his retire- I commend Vietnam’s leadership on the Van Sales, where he served as the South- ment. Anthony also held the offices of Belle- matter of maritime territorial and Exclusive eastern Sales Representative. After many ville PBA Local President and Vice President. Economic Zone (EEZ) disputes in the South successful years with Explorer he went on to In addition to holding local offices, Anthony is and East China Seas. Vietnam has dem- open his own Van Business in Columbia, a past chairman and co-chairman of the Essex onstrated restraint and strength in dealing with which was known as Buddy Baker Boat and County PBA Conference. Van World. He later joined his brothers, Dar- China by adopting a strategy that promotes Anthony was appointed to the New Jersey rell and Chuck, opening up Hudson Brothers State PBA Executive Board in 1993 and on peace and stability in the region and, going Truck Accessory Center where he headed up forward, I have every reason to believe that the Truck Accessory Department. Along the May 1, 1997, he was appointed to the position Vietnam’s influence in the region will be piv- way he began cooking BBQ using the recipe of Executive Vice President. In 2007, Anthony otal in resolving further disputes. from his family heritage back in Warsaw, was elected State President of the New Jer- On a personal note, I want to publicly thank North Carolina. He began catering on the sey PBA with a membership of over 33,000 Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong for all he side and eventually bought a trailer and did officers. Anthony served as PBA President did on behalf of The Church of Jesus Christ of mobile catering. From then he went on to with distinction until earlier this year when he Latter-day Saints, of which I am a member. open what we all know and love today, Hud- stepped down to allow for new leadership. For as long as I live, I will never be able to son’s Smokehouse in 2002, with the help of As PBA President, Anthony instituted many thank Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong for his wife, Barbara and sons, Clint and Clay. new programs within the organization includ- giving his all to bring about recognition of the Robin was a creative genius in marketing ing the NJ PBA COP SHOT program that pro- interim representative committee of The and he made Hudson’s Smokehouse what it vides automatic reward money whenever any is today. He is known for his dependability, NJ law enforcement officer is killed or wound- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in his enormous heart and strong work ethic. ed in the line of duty. On the national level, Vietnam. Robin worked tireless, endless hours to serve For their love, support and prayers, I espe- the community with whatever need they Anthony was a Vice President of the National cially express my deepest gratitude to Ambas- had. It was truly his heart’s desire to serve Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), sador Nguyen Quoc Cuong and his very tal- others. which represents over 254,000 law enforce- ment officers from more than 4,000 organiza- ented and beautiful wife, Madam Hoang Minh In addition to his successful restaurant Ha. When I was ill, they prayed over me and business, he was a beloved son, admired tions throughout the United States. Anthony when I returned to work they stood beside me. brother, loving husband and devoted father. has also been involved in the Police Unity They are more than friends. They are family to Robin is survived by his wife, Barbara Kice Bike Tour for many years. In 1998, 2006 and me, and I hope I am family to them. Hudson, and 4 children, Clinton Garrett Hud- 2014, he participated in rides from NJ to We have walked together with faith in every son, Clayton Windham Hudson, Jessica Washington, DC and helped raise over $2 mil- footstep and it is only fitting that I conclude my Lauren Brown Hudson and Cody Arthur Hud- in funds for the National Law Enforcement service in Washington, D.C. at the same time son; father, Bobby Earl (Bob) Hudson and his Officers Memorial Fund. Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong and wife Laura Slade Hudson; mother, Stella H. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Law En- Madam Ha conclude their service. I wish for Kyzer; brothers, Darrell Craig Hudson and forcement Caucus, I was proud to have An- the Ambassador and his wife life’s sweetest his wife, Gay Jewell Hudson, Charles Alan thony as a partner on many efforts including Hudson and his wife, Cindy Momand Hudson; blessings. I wish the same for the Ambas- our fight to protect the COPS program from sister, Melinda Hudson Dailey and her hus- budget cuts that would have decimated the sador’s daughter and son—Nguyen Huong Chi band Gregory Scott Dailey. Robin is also and Nguyen Quoc Anh—and Madam Ha’s survived by many aunts, uncles, cousins, program. niece Mai Hoang Anh. I pray God will be with nieces, nephews and many, many dear Anthony holds memberships in many orga- them, until we meet again. friends who will all miss him terribly. nizations, including the NJ Police Honor Le- f gion, the Belleville Kiwanis Club, the Asian A Drop-in Celebration was held at 5 p.m., American Law Enforcement Advisory Com- Sunday, November 2, 2014 at Hudson’s IN MEMORY OF BOBBY EARL mittee, and the Knights of Columbus in Belle- (ROBIN) HUDSON, JR. Smokehouse, 4948 Sunset Blvd., Lexington, SC. A memorial service was held at noon on ville. Monday, November 3, 2014 at Lexington Bap- Anthony is married to Julia, and they have HON. JOE WILSON tist Church, 308 E. Main Street, Lexington, two children, Michael and Kaitlin. OF SOUTH CAROLINA SC. The service was officiated by Pastor The job of a United States Congressman in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mike Turner and longtime friend, Pastor R. volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing V. Brown. compares to recognizing and commemorating Wednesday, November 12, 2014 The family requests that in lieu of flowers, the services of individuals like Mr. Anthony F. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- donations may be made to Habitat for Hu- Wieners. er, on Monday, November 3, 2014, funeral manity, 209 S Sumter Street, Columbia, SC Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- services for Bobby Earl (Robin) Hudson, Jr., 29201, and/or Oliver Gospel Mission, 1100 Tay- leagues, Mr. Wieners’ family, friends, and all were held at Lexington Baptist Church, in Lex- lor Street, Columbia, SC 29202. those whose lives he has touched, and me, in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.017 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1523 recognizing Anthony Wieners for his dedica- In the fall of 1946, having a desire to com- IN RECOGNITION OF KATHERINE tion to his family and his nation. plete his high school education, he enrolled in GRANT-DAVIS f the Alcorn Laboratory High School in Lorman, MS. With an interest in furthering his edu- TRIBUTE TO ED WALKER AND HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. cation, after graduating from high school, he ‘‘THE BIG BROADCAST’’ OF NEW JERSEY enrolled in Alcorn College, with a major in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES education. Later, he received the Master’s de- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN gree from Jackson State University in Admin- OF MARYLAND istration and Supervision. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to recognize the accomplishments of Ms. In 1952, Mr. Crudup began his teaching ca- Katherine Grant-Davis as she retires as Presi- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 reer in the Madison County School System dent and CEO of the New Jersey Primary Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I am hon- and remained with this school system until his Care Association. Her contributions to the ored to rise today to congratulate WAMU retirement in 1985. His first position was as a health care field are truly deserving of this 88.5’s ‘‘The Big Broadcast’’ on its 50th anni- high school teacher at the Farmhaven High body’s recognition. versary and to celebrate the extraordinary ac- School in Farmhaven, MS. After teaching for Ms. Grant-Davis brought a wealth of experi- complishments and career of my constituent, one year, his leadership abilities were recog- ence to the New Jersey Primary Care Asso- Ed Walker, one of the most respected radio nized, and he was offered the position of prin- ciation. Prior to joining the New Jersey Pri- broadcasters in generations. Mr. Walker’s dis- cipal of that school. Later the school was relo- mary Care Association, Ms. Grant-Davis tinguished career spans over 50 years as a cated to a new school building with the name served as the New Jersey Department of broadcaster, most recently as the outstanding changed to Luther Branson. He continued to Health Chief of Staff. She also held positions host since 1990 of The Big Broadcast. serve as principal in that community for 14 as Director of Payment and Health Care Deliv- Through The Big Broadcast, Mr. Walker has years. Then he was asked to accept the prin- ery for the Health Industry Manufacturers As- kept alive and shared with new generations cipal position at Rosa Scott High School, in sociation in Washington, D.C., Assistant Direc- the classic radio shows of a bygone era— Madison, MS, where he served in that position tor and Acting Director of the New Jersey shows like ‘‘The Lone Ranger,’’ ‘‘Gunsmoke’’ for 19 years, retiring in 1985. and ‘‘Fibber McGee.’’ The art form in these DRG Hospital Reimbursement Program, Direc- He married his college sweetheart, Miss broadcasts was magnificent, of the highest tor of the New Jersey WIC Program and Annie Camille Jefferson of Yazoo City, Mis- quality, and truly innovative. In addition to en- Project Director for Title XX Implementation. sissippi. They have one child, Linda Crudup tertaining us, they served a unique role in She also served on Governor Jon Corzine’s Gladney, and one grandchild, Brian Timothy American society by uniting us with imagery Department of Health and Senior Services Gladney. that one finds only in radio, featuring the great Transition Team and Governor James writing and talent of the performers, and shar- Although Mr. Crudup’s career as an educa- McGreevey’s Department of Human Services ing unique perspectives. Families would crowd tor was in the Madison County School Sys- Transition Team. around the radio listening for the latest epi- tem, he and his wife made their home in In addition to her professional work, Ms. sodes and waiting to learn of the latest heroics Yazoo City, Mississippi. He was active in both Grant-Davis is an active member of the com- or antics of their favorite characters. In the Big communities. Upon his retirement, he was rec- munity, working with Jack and Jill of America, Broadcast, Mr. Walker not only brought all of ognized by the Madison Ridgeland branch of The Links, Inc., the National Association of this extraordinary material to us week after the NAACP for his dedicated service in the Community Health Centers, Capital Link, Inc. week, but put it in context and served as our field of education and his pivotal role in school and the United States Swimming Association. tour guide through decades of American his- desegregation in Mississippi, specifically, in She has been named one of the 100 Most In- tory as portrayed through the wonderful radio Madison County. Also, he was recognized by fluential New Jerseyans by City News and one broadcasts. Rosa Scott Parent/Teacher Association for his of the Power 50 in Health Care by NJ Biz. Mr. Walker was appropriately recognized in leadership and unceasing efforts to provide She has also received numerous awards her 2009 by the Radio Hall of Fame for his lifetime quality education for all students of Madison service and accomplishments, including the of achievements, placed alongside the greats County Schools. National Association of Community Health Centers Leadership Award, the New Jersey that include Bob Hope and Abbott & Costello. A strong spiritual foundation has always I am pleased and honored to represent him in Citizen Action Community Service Award and been central in Mr. Crudup’s personal and the Shirley Chisholm Catalyst for Change the U.S. House of Representatives. I ask my family life. He has been very active in Mt. colleagues to join me in congratulating Mr. Award, among many others. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church where he Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- Walker on his distinguished contributions to served as Deacon, Superintendent of the Sun- radio and to our cultural heritage. lating Ms. Katherine Grant-Davis on her retire- day School and Church Treasurer. He dedi- ment and thanking her for her service to the f cated much of his time in service through his residents of New Jersey. church, in whatever capacity needed. The HONORING MR. TIMOTHY CRUDUP f church formally recognized his many years of service in 2005. TRIBUTE TO FRIENDS OF KENNA HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON OUTDOOR LEARNING ENVIRON- OF MISSISSIPPI In the Yazoo City community, he served on MENT/PLAYGROUND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Board of Trustees for the King’s Daugh- ter’s Hospital from October, 2002 through Wednesday, November 12, 2014 March, 2005. Other organizations he was affili- HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ated with are: Masons, Phi Beta Sigma Frater- OF WEST VIRGINIA er, I rise today to honor a remarkable veteran nity, Inc., Phi Delta Kappa, Yazoo County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and community servant, Mr. Timothy Crudup. Alcorn Alumni Club, American Legion, the Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. Crudup has shown what can be done Yazoo County Fair and Civic League, Inc. On through hand work, setting goals, and aiming March 26, 2006, the Lieutenant Governor of Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to high. the State of Mississippi and Senator Joseph commend the citizens of Jackson County, and Timothy Crudup, the fourth child of Mr. Thomas, commended the civic and charitable the Friends of Kenna on an exciting commu- Jonas Crudup and Mrs. Tommie Lyles accomplishments of Mr. Crudup and des- nity development project that has taken place Crudup, was born in Scott County, Forest, ignated that day as ‘‘Timothy Crudup Day’’ in in my district. Kenna Elementary School is the Mississippi. He lived in Forest all of his child- Yazoo City, Mississippi. first new school construction in the county in hood and young adult life, where he attended 40 years. The unincorporated community of elementary school and the ninth and tenth Mr. Crudup has been a role model to many Kenna, illustrates what is best about America grades of high school. While in high school, and is spoken highly of by so many citizens of and the State of West Virginia. It is a rural he was drafted in 1943, to serve in the United various segments of the community. area that believes in hard work and helping States Navy, during WWII. After his tour of Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ones’ neighbor. The geography of the area duty, Mr. Crudup received an honorable dis- in recognizing Mr. Timothy Crudup for his physically separates its residents, but that charge from the United States Navy in Janu- dedication to serving our great Country and does not deter it from making an extra effort ary 1946. his community. at creating community. That’s why I think it is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.019 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 important to recognize the work of the Friends and its Outdoor Environmental Learning play- While raising and tending to her two young of Kenna, a group of residents, whose work ground and track. Community effort, such as children along with her fun loving, good na- has resulted in a state-of-the-art outdoor learn- this, makes me proud of my state and proud tured husband Mac, she decided to run for a ing environment, playground and walking track to be a West Virginian. seat on the Passaic Board of Education. For in Jackson County, as a part of the new f the next 6 years while on the Board of Edu- Kenna Elementary School. The new school cation she began her illustrious career as a playground and track is available for all of the HONORING LAUREN HILL public servant in which she earned the respect residents of Jackson County to use and of the residents in the City of Passaic. should serve as a shining example of the im- HON. LUKE MESSER Margie decided to further her career and portance of fitness and health. I would like to OF INDIANA passion for serving the people of Passaic. For applaud all of those who rallied together to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the next sixteen years, she was able to serve bring about this substantive change. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 the residents while on the Passaic City Coun- I would like to recognize The Friends of Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cil. Her passion to being a public servant Kenna Association and local residents who drove her ambitions when she was elected as are responsible for this extremely worthy honor Lauren Hill for her athletic accomplish- ments and continued strength in her fight the Mayor of the City of Passaic in 1993. She project. Special recognition for the effort be- became the first and only female mayor to hind the project should go to Kerynn Sovic, against Pediatric Brain Cancer. Last year, Lauren was diagnosed with Dif- serve for eight years during her term from Sonya White, Deanna Cunningham, Jessie 1993–2001. Cox, Jessie Thompson, and Melissa fuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, an incurable form of Brain Cancer. The disease has made In 2005, Margie was indicted into the New Donelson. I would also like to salute the fol- Jersey Elected Officials Hall of Fame. She has lowing: Mike Gwinn, John Zimmer, Corky it increasingly difficult for Lauren to fulfill her dream of playing college basketball. Yet, this been and remains to be a vital asset to the McCorkle, John & Gina Myers family, Larry City of Passaic. Margie is an active participant Thompsons, State Senator Mitch Carmichael, college freshman at Mount St. Joseph Univer- sity persevered and scored four points in her in various public and civic organizations. She State Delegate Steve Westfall, Steve Wedge, has a great love for animals and an even Steve Chancey, Jim & Sally Laine, Amy college debut earlier this month to help her team defeat Hiram College. Lauren was greater affection for the city in which she has Mellace, Larry & Terry Hersman, Paul & Aiden called her home for nearly her entire life. Barnette, Erin & Michael Sovic, Lisa named Heartland Collegiate Athletic Con- ference Women’s Basketball Player of the Margie continues to serve on the Board of Quisenberry, Gale Donelson, Robert & Terri Directors of the Passaic Head Start and re- McCloy, Tanna Craigo, Kam Barnette, Patrick Week for her performance. Lauren is a remarkable young woman, not mains an avid supporter of the families and Anderson, Robert, Rachel & Sarah White; just because of her athletic ability, but for her children in the City of Passaic. As a result of Christian Walker, John & Patsy Stanley, Lori, passion and dedication to live her life to the her tireless dedication and commitment to the Mack & Daney Brookover; Greg, Shannon & fullest while raising awareness about Pediatric people of Passaic, the staff, policy council, Ace Eagle; Jason & Tucker Landis, Steve, Brain Cancer. Her grace and dignity has been and the Board of Directors of the Passaic Brock & Luke Matson; Steve, Melissa, Michael a source of strength for children and families Head Start have renamed their building to the & Jarrett Lough; Luke Lopez, Brenda & facing this terrible disease. Lauren has chosen Margie Semler Education Center in her honor. Sammy Brown, Jimmy, Hilary & Joyce Groves; to donate all proceeds from the basketball Margie is married to the late Mac Semler Janice Stump, Mike & Rita Casdorph, Raymon game to The Cure Starts Now, an organization and have two children, Lorrie and Marc. Cunningham, Eduardo & Ellen Goff, Jessie working to find a cure for Pediatric Brain Can- The job of a United States Congressman in- Cox, Dr. Tom Layne, Arden Lantz, Bill cer. Though Lauren’s story has made national volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing Barnette, Donna Spencer, Toby & Christy headlines, she has remained the same hum- compares to recognizing and commemorating Scholl, Mrs. Rucker & Children, Jill & Mike ble and tenacious young woman whose story the services of individuals like Ms. Semler. McFee, Vernon & Paul Holstine, Todd Games, has inspired our nation. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- Tabitha Martin, Dylan Martin, Toby & Denise During the game against Hiram, Lauren said leagues, Ms. Semler’s family, friends, and all Hershey, Josie & Clay Eisenhard, Bill ‘‘I’ve never felt so good in my entire life. Let’s those whose lives she has touched, and me, Shanklin, Karen Barnette, Crystal, Paige & not call it my last game. This is my first colle- in recognizing Margie Semler for her dedica- Johnny Harrison; Karen, Patrick, Everett & giate game.’’ This positive attitude should tion to her family and her nation. Garnet Kish; Sherry Dillard, Rylan & Erin Petry serve as a reminder about what we can ac- f & Grandpa Bird; Krista Baker, Heather, Elliot complish even against the most insurmount- & Hailey Baria; Juanita Wimmer, Michelle THANKING PATRICK MILLIGAN able odds. Brotherton, Bob, Terri & Ellie McCloy; Brandi, I ask the entire 6th Congressional District to Trey & Kieren Poff; Kenneth, Kendall & Lucas join me in honoring this outstanding young HON. PAUL COOK Allison, Dave Miller, Leslie & Mark Stover; woman for the way she has lived her life and OF CALIFORNIA Cardinal Concrete, Atlas Poured Walls, BBU the courage with which she has bravely fought IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Service, CJ Enterprises, TomKat Construction, this disease. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Ben’s Bobcat & Backhoe Service, Life Tite Metal Products, Dougherty Company, Bobby f Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Bostic Masonry, Jackson County Community MARGIE SEMLER tribute to a retiring leader of the San Foundation, Highmark Foundation, Action for Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Healthy Kids, Sisters of St. Joseph Charitable HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. Patrick Milligan. Patrick Milligan was born in San Bernardino in 1937. His family started Funds, McDonough Foundation, Little OF NEW JERSEY one of the original citrus farms in Rialto. He Kanawha Resources Conservation & Develop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment, Jackson County Home Builders Asso- fondly recalls memories of growing up in Ri- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ciation, Sayre Excavating, Dairy Queen of Rip- alto during a time when he and his friends ley, Blosser Concrete, Francis Brothers, Alpha Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to could walk through vacant land shooting bb Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, EQT, recognize Margie Semler’s leadership and guns. In 1955, he graduated with honors from Boy Scout Pack 419, Floyd Bowlby, dedication to the community of Passaic and San Bernardino High School and later grad- Brickstreet Insurance and to all who donated the citizens of New Jersey. To honor her uated from Stanford University and Stanford and volunteered, for their generous contribu- years of commitment, her friends, family, and Law. He returned to his hometown and began tion to the construction. colleagues joined together in October to cele- practicing trial law in 1961, starting a law firm And finally, I would like to acknowledge brate her amazing career. in San Bernardino where he continues to prac- Blaine Hess, Superintendent of Jackson Coun- Margie Semler, daughter of Max and Riva tice law. Pat is married to Jean Miller Milligan ty Schools for his oversight and commitment Orlin, a life-long resident of Passaic, New Jer- and has four children, two of whom have fol- to the Friends of Kenna and this very impor- sey, was born on June 22, 1923. In 1941, she lowed in his footsteps as attorneys. tant project. moved to Passaic with her husband Mac and In 1964, at the age of 28, Pat was elected Mr. Speaker, in closing I would like to con- for the next eleven years began her career in to the Board of Directors for the San gratulate the Friends of Kenna for their invest- government, where she took a part-time job at Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District ment in the next generation through the con- a junkyard run by the city’s public works de- (Valley District). He has served on the Board struction of the new Kenna Elementary School partment. for over 41 years and has served as President

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.023 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1525 of the Board for 19 of those years, almost half veiled an ambitious flood control plan on the sionalized the operation of city departments. of his tenure. When Pat was elected, Valley Santa Ana River that included the proposed Mrs. Hunt was only the third woman elected to District was only 10 years old. So, Pat has Mentone Dam that would capture both the the Saint Paul City Council, serving from 1972 been involved in building this new agency Santa Ana River and Mill Creek. While the to 1982. During that time, she continued to im- from the ground up. He ‘‘hit the ground run- Mentone Dam made sense as a flood control prove the functions of city government includ- ning’’ helping Valley District settle two lawsuits facility, it did not make sense to people that ing moving the Housing and Redevelopment with Orange County Water District and West- lived in the valley. The dam would have cre- Authority under the control of the City Council. ern Municipal Water District, respectively. The ated an eyesore on the east end of the valley In 1983, Mrs. Hunt was elected to the Ramsey settlements fairly divide water resources pro- and covered over most of the community of County Board of Commissioners and served viding the downstream agencies with the guar- East Highland! Valley District took the lead in until 1995. As a Commissioner, she played a anteed amounts they desired while providing encouraging alternate proposals and in 1986, vital role in the establishment of the Ramsey the upstream, Valley District service area, the the Army Corps agreed to an alterative that County manager position and the privatization flexibility they desired. The resulting court moved the dam into the foothills where it of Regions Hospital through Health Partners. judgments are still used to this day to manage stands today. Under Pat’s leadership, the She also had an early role in the development water resources. To help reduce the possibility Seven Oaks Dam is being used not only for of the Central Corridor/Green Line Light Rail of costly lawsuits in the future by providing a flood control but also for water supply. Valley Transit corridor. forum where water issues could be discussed, District, on behalf of water customers through- Ruby is a quiet leader with a passion for Valley District along with Orange County out the valley, partnered with the Western Mu- building alliances across lines and working to- Water District, Chino Basin Municipal Water nicipal Water District and secured Water Right ward social justice. She has dedicated her District (now Inland Empire Utilities Agency), Permits to capture the newly detained water lifework to the common good and even in re- and Western Municipal Water District formed made available by the construction of the tirement continues to make the world a better the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority. Dam. The capture of this water, which would place. She is committed to mentoring women Pat was also instrumental in settling a 40- have historically flowed into the Pacific Ocean, as public servants and encouraging them to year legal dispute that involved both the De- will save the people of the valley hundreds of become government leaders. partment of Water Resources and Metropoli- millions of dollars. In recognition of her lifelong commitment to tan Water District of Southern California Pat has always understood the value of the public service and achievements as an elected (MWDSC). He directed the effort to negotiate investment in the State Water Project. When official for over 20 years, Ruby Hunt was se- with MWDSC which led to a cooperative that value was threatened by the Department lected by Hamline University as the first recipi- agreement. Under that agreement, MWDSC of Water Resources and other State Water ent of the Women in Public Service Lifetime has purchased some of Valley District’s un- Contractors, Pat directed litigation to protect Achievement Award in 2012. As a former used imported water from the State Water the District’s contract right to sell any unused Saint Paul City Council Member and Ramsey Project resulting in substantial revenues used imported water at a fair price. Valley District County Commissioner with a passion for good to build facilities and purchase water for stor- prevailed and the resulting revenue has been governance and social justice, Mrs. Hunt truly age locally. The agreement also benefited used over the years to help fund regional fa- exemplifies the spirit of the award. On Novem- MWDSC when their partially completed Inland cilities, reducing local costs. ber 14, 2014, Hamline University is celebrating Feeder Pipeline was connected to Valley Dis- Pat has always believed in good planning the establishment of the Ruby Hunt Endowed trict’s Foothill Pipeline allowing MWDSC to fill backed by solid science. Valley District has Scholarship in Public Administration. Estab- their newly constructed Diamond Valley Res- been a leader in studying the valley’s re- lishing a scholarship devoted to women in ervoir before their pipeline was complete. sources to determine the opportunities and Mrs. Hunt’s honor is a fitting recognition of her When Pat took office, Valley District had a constraints. Through a relationship with the contributions. contract with the State of California to receive United States Geological Survey that has Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring up to 98,000 acre-feet of water from the State lasted decades, a groundwater flow model Ruby Hunt’s many substantive and impressive Water Project but Valley District had no facili- was produced which has proven invaluable to contributions to Minnesota’s Capitol City and ties in place to distribute the water. Under his analyze water management scenarios and Ramsey County. Our nation is grateful for the leadership, Valley District built a regional pipe- new projects. This model continues to be en- selfless commitment she has made throughout line system that began with the 84,000 foot hanced and is used every year to develop a her life supporting and encouraging others. long, 6.5 foot diameter Foothill Pipeline. The management plan for the valley. f system now spans from Rialto in the west to This year, Pat announced that he would be Yucaipa in the east. To save money, these fa- retiring from the Valley District Board. His vi- ON INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION cilities were built in partnership with other sion and leadership will be dearly missed by HONORING MALALA YOUSAFZAI water agencies. Pat shepherded this ambitious both the Board and the Staff. I commend Pat project through good and bad economic times, for his years of leadership and service and HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS and never lost the vision to complete these re- wish him all the best. OF FLORIDA gional facilities. Later, Valley District had the f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES foresight to purchase an additional 4,600 acre- feet of entitlement water raising the total an- HONORING MRS. RUBY HUNT Wednesday, November 12, 2014 nual amount to 102,600 acre-feet. Pat was the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I innovator and force behind using ‘‘Super HON. BETTY McCOLLUM rise today to introduce a Resolution Congratu- Wells’’ to lower high groundwater conditions in OF MINNESOTA lating and Honoring Malala Yousafzai, Recipi- South San Bernardino to help prevent lique- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ent of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. faction, a new term at that time, during earth- I am also pleased to be joined by Rep- quakes. The super wells and accompanying Wednesday, November 12, 2014 resentatives MCGOVERN, BROWN, WILSON, pipeline, known as the Baseline Feeder, Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise to MEEKS, RANGEL, COHEN, SCOTT, GABBARD, pumped the nuisance high groundwater to honor the public service of Ruby Hunt. Mrs. FRANKEL, LOWENTHAL, WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, meet needs in Rialto. On the east end of the Hunt has dedicated her life to working for the CLAWSON, and CASTOR in honoring 2014 valley, additional facilities were added that en- public good. Her efforts were instrumental in Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai abled the transport of local storm water. These leading good governance efforts in both the for her outstanding contributions to global edu- facilities, in combination with other local facili- City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County, Min- cation equality. As the youngest Nobel lau- ties, were used in a creative arrangement to nesota. reate in history, Ms. Yousafzai has distin- meet supplemental water needs in the Ruby was introduced to the world of public guished herself as a courageous and tireless Yucaipa area without construction of a pipeline service as a long time and highly active mem- activist for gender equality in education de- to Yucaipa. The agreement, known as the ber of the League of Women Voters. Her work spite being met with great adversity. After sur- ‘‘Exchange Plan’’, enabled Mill Creek water to with the League led to a leadership position viving an assassination attempt by Taliban be delivered to Yucaipa in exchange for State on the Charter Commission where she was in- gunmen she has emerged as a leading advo- Water Project (SWP) water. strumental in crafting and passing the Saint cate for gender equality in education in a time Pat has always looked out for the Valley in Paul City Charter. The new Charter created a when approximately 13 million school age girls which he grew up. In the early 1970’s the strong mayoral form of government, increased in her home country of Pakistan remain de- United States Army Corps of Engineers un- accountability for the city budget, and profes- prived of an education and where girls’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.026 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 schools continue to be targeted by militants. Bayou, Mississippi. Carla is the niece to Ms. RECOGNIZING THE HOUSE Her strength, determination and accomplish- Portia Burton of Mound Bayou, Mr. Carlton GERMAN-AMERICAN CAUCUS ments are deserving of recognition. Ross of Conyers, Georgia, Mr. Stanley Burton I welcome my colleagues in the House to of Memphis, Tennessee and Mr. Ozzie Ross HON. JIM GERLACH join me in honoring and congratulating Malala of Waco, Texas. Carla is the grand-daughter OF PENNSYLVANIA Yousafzai on receiving the 2014 Nobel Peace of the late Dorothy Ross Grady and niece to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Prize by becoming a co-sponsor of this resolu- the late Brenda J. Grady and Bruce K. Burton tion. of Mound Bayou, Mississippi. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 f Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the House German-American Cau- HONORING MS. CARLA ROSS in recognizing an amazing Professional for her dedication and service to her profession. cus and the work it has done to maintain and strengthen the economic and cultural relation- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON f ship between the United States and Germany. OF MISSISSIPPI The German-American Caucus is an infor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN REMEMBRANCE OF COMER mal, bipartisan group of House Members that Wednesday, November 12, 2014 COTTRELL was established in 2011. The idea of the Cau- cus originated with one of my constituents in Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Pennsylvania’s 6th District, Thomas er, I rise today to honor a remarkable Profes- HON. MARC A. VEASEY Siedenbuehl, who is a native of Germany and sional woman of Mound Bayou, Mississippi. OF TEXAS now a proud U.S. citizen. Given the countless Ms. Carla Ross is an effective, skilled and contributions that early and recent German IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES professional community developer. Carla has e´migre´s have made to our nation, the forma- used her education and work experience to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 tion of a caucus to bridge the historical, cul- transform her community. She is a native of tural and economic ties of the U.S. and Ger- the Mississippi Delta, having been born and Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in many was most appropriate. raised in Mound Bayou, Mississippi. She has remembrance of Comer Cottrell, one of Texas’ In total, over 50 million American citizens worked for Mound Bayou Public School Dis- leading African American entrepreneurs and claim German ancestry. Additionally, Germany trict and St. Gabriel Mercy Center. As the Par- an education philanthropist in the Dallas com- is not only the largest economy in the Euro- ent Center Coordinator, she supervised daily munity. His passing on October 3, 2014, pean Union and third largest in the world, but operations of the center, conducted workshops leaves a void in the city of Dallas, and I join the largest market for U.S. goods in Europe, and seminars, provided educational materials with the Texas community in giving our condo- importing more than $50 billion each year. and equipments, and served as a link between lences to the Cottrell family. German-owned companies are investing in home and school to improve parental involve- Comer Cottrell was born on December 7, America and have created approximately one ment in the education of their children. 1931, in Mobile, Alabama. He was 15 when million jobs in the U.S. Because of these During her time at St. Gabriel Mercy Center, he graduated from a private high school in strong economic and cultural ties, the Caucus Carla served as the Assistant Director super- 1946 and attended the University of Detroit, a has worked to build a closer relationship with vising all educational programs, coordinated Jesuit college. At age seventeen, Mr. Cottrell our European ally to encourage further invest- community service group activities and worked joined the United States Air Force and ex- ment in America. independently to develop methods and proce- celled to the the rank of First Sergeant at a In addition to the numerous roundtable dis- dures to enhance existing programs. She is very young age. After completing his military cussions and dinners between Members of presently serving on the Board of Trustees for service, Cottrell returned to Alabama, where Congress and the German Bundestag, as well St. Gabriel Mercy Center. Carla previously he worked part time for his father’s insurance as with the German Ambassador and U.S. served as the Regional Coordinator for Amer- company. Ambassador to Germany, the Caucus has ica Reads Mississippi, the largest AmeriCorps In 1968, Mr. Cottrell recalled his time serv- helped facilitate various other events that high- program in the state of Mississippi for the Mis- ing in the U.S. Air Force and the lack of ethnic light and strengthen German-American ties. sissippi Delta Region at Delta State University. hair-care products, which sparked his interest These include the Congress Bundestag Youth During that time she was instrumental in plac- in the black hair care business. In 1970, Mr. Exchange, the Maifest Dinner, and the annual ing individuals from the community in various Cottrell and his brother James Cottrell founded Oktoberfest celebration. The Caucus also school districts to tutor students in the area of Pro-Line Corporation, an African-American works closely with the German-American Busi- reading. hair care products company in Los Angeles, ness Council and its executive committee Carla is presently employed with Southern California. The company’s success grew and chairman, Uli Gamerdinger, who provides out- Bancorp Community Partners as an Individual prompted his move to Dallas, Texas in 1979. standing advice and support for Caucus activ- Development Accounts (IDA) Program Coordi- In 1990, Mr. Cottrell purchased and restored ity. nator. She is helping the Mississippi Delta the former Bishop College land in southern Mr. Speaker, in recognition of the work the residents save funds to purchase a home, Dallas to persuade Paul Quinn College to Caucus has done to maintain and strengthen start a small business or further their edu- move its campus from Waco to Dallas, Texas. the relationship between the United States cation. Today, the historically black college continues and Germany, and with the hope of continuing Also, teaching financial literacy classes to to provide educational opportunities for the en- the work it has begun, I ask my colleagues to program participants. Carla has earned a Mas- trepreneurs of tomorrow. In addition to his in- join me today in recognizing the efforts of the ters Degree in Community Development from terest in education philanthropy, Mr. Cottrell German-American Caucus of the United Delta State University and a Bachelors Degree became the first African-American to hold a States House of Representatives. in Family Human and Development from Mis- major stake in a professional baseball team. In f sissippi University for Women in Columbus, 1989, he became a part owner, with George Mississippi. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 90TH AN- Carla is a proud member of Zeta Phi Beta W. Bush, of the Texas Rangers. NIVERSARY OF THE ATLANTIC Sorority Incorporated and serves as the Vice Mr. Cottrell is survived by his wife, Felisha HIGHLANDS LIONS CLUB President of the Theta Phi Zeta Chapter lo- Starks Cottrell of Dallas; a daughter, Renee cated in Mound Bayou, Mississippi. The orga- Cottrell-Brown of Arlington; four sons, Comer HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Cottrell III of Dallas, Aaron Cottrell of New nization focuses on community service, aca- OF NEW JERSEY York, Bryce Cottrell, a University of Texas at demic achievement and mentorship. Serving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to educate the public, assist youth, provide Austin student, and Lance Cottrell, a Univer- scholarship, support charities and promote sity of Colorado student; a brother, James Wednesday, November 12, 2014 legislation for social and civic change. Sup- Cottrell of Dallas; nine grandchildren; and one Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to porting such projects as Breast Cancer Aware- great-grandchild. congratulate the Atlantic Highlands Lions Club ness, Prematurity Awareness, Highway Clean- In honor of Mr. Comer Cottrell, a pillar of the as its members gather to celebrate its 90th up and Youth Literacy Rallies. Dallas business community, this statement will anniversary this year. This milestone and its Carla is the daughter of Ms. Carolyn Ross be entered into the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD commitment to service is truly deserving of and sister to Mr. Chance Ross of Mound on Wednesday, November 12, 2014. this body’s recognition.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.028 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1527 Founded by local businessmen, the Atlantic became a teacher at Passaic High School, ers of our time, the late Congresswoman Jua- Highlands Lions Club was chartered on De- later becoming the Principal at the Learning nita Millender-McDonald, by designating a fa- cember 14, 1924. Over its 90 years, the Atlan- Center Elementary School in Passaic. Greg cility of the United States Postal Service in my tic Highlands Lions Club has grown in out- also held various administrative positions district as the ‘‘Juanita Millender-McDonald reach and in membership. Today, its 42 mem- throughout the Passaic Board of Education, Post Office. bers continue to carry out the mission of Lions before becoming the Supervisor of Physical Rep. Millender-McDonald was a pillar in Club International, serving its local community, Education and Health, and later appointed to many of the communities I represent. She was the State of New Jersey, our nation and the become the Director of Athletics. a resilient public servant who was deeply world. Its efforts provide a range of assist- Greg’s achievements and passion in serving loved by her community first as an educator, ance, including heath programs, youth pro- his community has led him to hold various then as program coordinator for a nonprofit grams, environmental programs, and disaster leadership roles within his community. After fighting gender issues, and finally as a be- relief. It has also sponsored Lions Clubs in being a lifetime member of the Holy Rosary loved elected official. Undaunted by the work nearby New Jersey communities as well as Young Men’s Club, he became its President. to be done, Rep. Millender-McDonald took the local Leo Club, which was one of the first Later, he went on to serve as the President of charge of her opportunity to serve and be- Leo Clubs established in New Jersey. the Passaic Boys and Girls Club. Through his came the first African American woman to be The Atlantic Highlands Lions Club has been leadership and dedication, he was able to es- named Chairwoman of the House Committee providing active community volunteer work tablish the annual outdoor Jimmy Sturr Con- on Administration. She was also an active since its inception. Its members promote the cert in Passaic which is now in its eleventh member of the Congressional Black Caucus Lions Club International mission to improve year. Greg’s devotion to the community and to and served over a decade in the House of eye health and sight, providing free eye the youth led him to the Clifton Little League Representatives. exams, eye treatments and surgery to local and Babe Ruth League where he served as An exemplary piece of her legacy was her residents. They also uphold the mission to Coach. Later, he went on to become the Gen- work to better the lives of not just those here provide disaster relief, supporting recovery ef- eral Manager/Coach of the Wayne Post 174 at home but internationally as well. Her work forts in Indonesia, Haiti, Honduras and the American Legion Baseball League, then be- to aid victims of genocide and human traf- United States, including New Jersey and its coming the President of the Bergen Area ficking serves a testament to her dedication to own community in the wake of Superstorm American Legion Baseball League. creating a better world. Millender-McDonald Sandy. Among many other community service His service to his community even led him worked tirelessly for her constituents taking efforts, the Atlantic Highlands Lions Club pro- to pursue public office. In 1968, he became a only a week of leave before she succumbed to vides scholarships to local students, has taken Member of the Passaic Redevelopment Agen- cancer. part in the Lions Club International project to cy; later in his career in 1972 he was selected By designating a United States Postal Serv- plant one million trees globally, honored our to become the Chairman of the Democratic ice facility in my district as the ‘‘Juanita nation’s veterans through the purchase of a Party in the City of Passaic. Then in 1976, he Millender-McDonald Post Office,’’ we honor an state highway construction project that would was a Delegate to the Democratic National exemplary woman with an incredible public become a median in their honor (which the At- Convention in New York City. In 1978, Greg service record that I hope will further serve as lantic Highlands Lions Club still maintains and was given the opportunity to serve his State inspiration for the community which I serve— enhances), helped develop the Atlantic High- when he was appointed to the North Jersey the same community which so revered her. lands Harbor, and provided evacuation assist- District Water Supply Commission, where he f ance from New York City after the September served as Commissioner. In 1983 he was 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The Atlantic High- elected to the Passaic County Board of Cho- TRIBUTE TO THE COLUMBIA CLUB lands Lions Club also pays the club member- sen Freeholders and later in 1985 was se- ship dues of a member of the United States lected to become the Freeholder Director. In HON. TODD ROKITA Coast Guard and encouraged Lions Club 1984 Greg became a member of the Camp OF INDIANA International to offer membership discounts to Hope Commission and the Passaic County IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members of the military. Community College-Board of School Esti- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I sincerely hope that my col- mates. leagues will join me in congratulating the At- Greg is married to his wife Susan, and they Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lantic Highlands Lions Club on its 90th anni- have two sons Kevin and Christopher. recognize and salute an extraordinary Hoosier versary and thanking its members for their The job of a United States Congressman in- institution, The Columbia Club, which cele- dedication to local, statewide, national and volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing brates its 125th anniversary this year. I wish to international community service. compares to recognizing and commemorating express my admiration and appreciation for the Club and its members’ service to our com- f the services of individuals like Mr. Greg Komeshok. munity, state, and country. GREG KOMESHOK Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- The Columbia Club was originally formed in leagues, Mr. Komeshok’s family, friends, and 1889 by local prominent Republicans as the HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. all those whose lives he has touched, and me, Harrison Marching Society to support the pres- OF NEW JERSEY in recognizing Greg Komeshok for his dedica- idential campaign of the last Hoosier presi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to his family and his nation. dent, Benjamin Harrison. After the election, f the Society moved into a clubhouse on Monu- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ment Circle and changed its name to the Co- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to INTRODUCTION OF THE DESIGNA- lumbia Club to continue operating as a private recognize Greg Komeshok’s leadership and TION OF THE ‘‘JUANITA club. As its membership grew, the Columbia dedication to the community of Passaic and MILLENDER-MCDONALD POST OF- Club became the premier private club in Indi- the citizens of New Jersey. To honor his years FICE’’ anapolis. No longer a partisan club; the Co- of commitment, his friends, family, and col- lumbia Club welcomes Hoosiers of all political leagues joined together in October to cele- HON. JANICE HAHN stripes and affiliations as members to share in brate his amazing career. OF CALIFORNIA fellowship. Greg Komeshok son of John and Emily IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Columbia Club’s members can also join Komeshok, a life-long resident of Passaic, associations within the Club. It hosts the Co- New Jersey was born on March 23, 1947. A Wednesday, November 12, 2014 lumbian Business Network, Columbian Vet- product of the Passaic School District, Greg Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, as you know, here eran’s Association, Columbia Club Devine graduated from Holy Rosary grammar school in Washington we have the unique opportunity Dames—a chapter of the National Red Hat and Passaic High School where he played on to work for the citizens of this great nation and Society, and the Harrison Society—the Club’s both the basketball and baseball teams. After provide positive change in the lives of many. premier group for young professionals. high school, Greg went on to further his edu- Together we work for the good of our commu- In 1925, the current home of the Columbia cation where he earned his Bachelor’s in In- nities, and in the process we cross paths with Club was built on Indianapolis’ famed Monu- dustrial Arts and a Master’s in Administration some remarkable leaders. ment Circle on the very location that the origi- and Supervision from Montclair State Univer- Today I am introducing a bill that will recog- nal building was once located. In 1983, the sity. Upon achieving both of his degrees, Greg nize the life of one of those very special lead- current structure was added to the National

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.032 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Register of Historic Places. Legend indicates His schoolmates started seeing him around changed her Hebrew name to Baila Chaya in that the founders of the Indianapolis Motor and they began to make fun of Albert, Jr. with a ceremony at her synagogue, Congregation Speedway, home of the Indianapolis 500, met words like ‘‘He done quit school and ain’t gon’ Beth Mordecai in Perth Amboy. at the club to discuss construction of the mount to nothin’ . . . plus he smells like Through her own journey, Ms. Siperstein famed track. It also served as host to discus- horses and mules.’’ Well, Albert just kept on became a pioneer of transgender equality. sions that eventually brought the NFL’s Colts because his father’s words and work ethics She is a political activist and a staunch advo- to Indianapolis. were deep inside of him, ‘‘Never give up and cate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and The Columbia Club has hosted every Re- make people’s ideas of you a lie!’’ As he grew transgender (LGBT) causes. In 2009 she be- publican President since Benjamin Harrison older, people began to notice him never wa- came the first openly transgender member while in office or as a candidate. Thousands of vering, never quitting, steadfast, and focused, confirmed to the Democratic National Com- business leaders and politicians have been but they just didn’t see anything—material that mittee (DNC). Additionally, she was appointed members of the Club as have famous Hoo- is. to the New Jersey Civil Union Review Com- siers like musician Hoagy Carmichael and Im- Time to start a family: In 1964, Albert, Jr. mission and served as Vice Chair of Garden pressionist T.C. Steele. Each year the Club met and married Alma ‘‘Emma’’ Jean Black- State Equality. She has also been a member holds its annual Beefsteak Dinner, of which I burn. She was his soul-mate and helpmate— of the DNC’s executive committee, deputy vice had the honor to keynote on October 7, of this heaven sent. She was strong in areas he was chair of the New Jersey Democratic State year. weak. He was hard working and could make Committee and president of the New Jersey Congratulations to the Columbia Club and money while she was strong minded and book Stonewall Democrats. all of its current and former members for the smart (as they called it). Emma managed the Ms. Siperstein was married for 34 years to 125 years of excellence in our Indianapolis books, opened up bank accounts, paid the the late Carol Siperstein, who stayed by her community. bills . . . she took care of the family business. side until she lost a sudden battle with cancer f Soon the couple had acquired enough money in 2001. Together, they had a daughter and and assets that they were able to purchase two sons. In addition to her activism, Barbra is HONORING MR. ALBERT A. CURTIS, their own home and leave Grandma Curtis’ a United States Army Veteran and a small- JR. home. business owner. Albert, Jr. then with the support of this wife, Mr. Speaker, I sincerely hope that my col- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON set out to re-acquire all the land and holding leagues will join me in congratulating Barbra OF MISSISSIPPI his father had lost. He began buying land back Siperstein on receiving the prestigious Stone- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from his family members (e.g., aunts and un- wall Legacy Award and thanking her for her continuous efforts on behalf of the LGBT com- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 cles and anyone who had his daddy’s land). He was the only one who had the money to munity. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- do this. Eventually Albert, Jr. was able to buy f er, I rise today to honor a man of noble char- back all the property and land his father had acter and determination, Mr. Albert A. Curtis, RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF owned but two (2) pieces of property.—Now, EDUARDO POSADA Jr. of Tallahatchie County. He is the son of it’s not known of anyone else accomplishing Lucille and Albert Curtis, Sr. this, but Albert deserves being recognized and HON. ALAN GRAYSON As a child: Like his father, Albert A. Curtis, applauded. OF FLORIDA Sr., he was a shrewd manager of a few as- But wait, this story is not over . . . Remem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sets. But here is how he got started. This was ber, Albert, Jr. was never wavering, never during a time when racism was considered ac- quitting, always steadfast and focused, and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ceptable. Albert, Sr. saw no racism in money. didn’t understand because they just didn’t see Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, in And as a little boy Albert, Jr. learned that as anything—material that is. Well, by now he honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, to recog- he watched his father conduct business with managed to acquire a wife, home of his own, nize Eduardo Posada. Born in Puerto Rico on Blacks, Whites and everyone else. Albert Sr. money in the bank, all his daddy’s previously February 8, 1929, his father was a Colombian had several mantra’s his son would often hear owned property (but 2 pieces) and now prop- native and his mother was Puerto Rican. He him say like, ‘‘A lil negotiation don’t hurt, but erty of his own. Albert continued until he was spent his early years in New York City until don’t compromise your beliefs and dignity.’’ or able to acquire 52 residential properties, com- 1935, when his family moved back to Puerto ‘‘A bicycle of your own is better than someone mercial properties, more acres of land, several Rico. Except for two brief stints back in New else’s Cadillac . . . always work hard cause types of businesses of his own (e.g., plumb- York, Ed stayed in Puerto Rico where he ob- nobody is going to give you anything’’ and ing, and financing for other small business tained his BA from the Polytechnic Institute of ‘‘Sometimes you got to lose to win.’’ owners) and work a full-time job for the City of Puerto Rico (now Universidad Interamericana Time to grow-up: Albert, Jr.’s mother, Lucille Public Works in the community he lived. de Puerto Rico) in 1949. died suddenly when he was eight (8) years Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Ed worked for two years in Puerto Rico as old. But because of his strong belief in family today in recognizing the legacy of Mr. Albert a secondary school teacher. He married and deep love for his wife, Albert, Sr. felt that A. Curtis, Jr. of Tallahatchie County, from the Urania Feliciano and had a son, Luis. The was all gone when she died. He was broken Second Congressional District of Mississippi. family then moved to New York, where Ed hearted and turned to alcohol to escape the f joined the U.S. Air Force. While serving at reality of that inevitable change. Albert, Jr. Governor’s Island, New York, Ed and his wife saw his father lose his will to live and began IN RECOGNITION OF BARBRA had a second son, Danny. In June, 1955 Ed losing the businesses he had worked so hard SIPERSTEIN was separated from the Air Force as a ser- to build. Those businesses also provided the geant and assigned to the U.S. Air Force Re- financial support for the family. The family HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. serves. In 1956, he was found unfit for active began moving around from place to place until OF NEW JERSEY duty and discharged from the service due to Mattie Curtis took the family in, which is Albert IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES disabilities. Jr.’s grandmother. The family began to hire Ed went to work as a secondary school Wednesday, November 12, 2014 out, young Albert, Jr. to work on other farms teacher and completed his MA at Hunter Col- for money and to work odd jobs. Unfortu- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lege of the City University of New York in nately, young Albert remembers how his father recognize Barbra ‘‘Babs’’ Siperstein as she is 1959. Ed eventually became Assistant Dean would take the money from him to buy alcohol honored with the Stonewall Legacy Award by for Boys at Theodore Roosevelt High School. instead of support the family. Rather than defy The Pride Network at their New Jersey Lead- The family next moved to Miami where Ed his father in any way, he simply quit school to ership Awards Dinner. It is truly a fitting tribute continued to teach until 1987, when he retired. increase his work hours, believing he could to recognize Ms. Siperstein as we celebrate While in Miami, he had the honor of being part continue giving his father the ‘‘little’’ money LGBT History Month as she has played such of the newly formed United Teachers of Dade and the extra money he would make by in- a vital role in the LGBT movement. and served as vice president for the group. In creasing his hours, he thought some money Born Barry Siperstein, Barbra Siperstein ac- 1987, Ed retired from teaching and moved to would go to the family. This was a life chang- knowledged her true identity when she was Orlando with his wife. ing decision for a young boy—who didn’t truly nearly 50 years old. In 2007, she legally Ed has since been an active member of the understand. changed her name and the following year American Legion, Korean War Veterans, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.035 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1529 the Disabled American Veterans (DAV). He that decorate the County Courthouse in Hack- that more than the tiny office Gillen occu- has held leadership positions in all three orga- ensack. At the onset of World War II, Bergen pies as the Athletic Director at John F. Ken- nizations and, at present, he is a member of County once again demonstrated its commit- nedy High School. Tucked in behind the ticket office next to the gymnasium that’s the executive board and legislative officer for ment to the nation, with more than 26,000 of named after him, the work space can best be the local chapter of the DAV. He also volun- its residents enlisting to serve. described as a cubicle. With a desk, chair and teers at the VA Medical Center and runs the In the Civil Rights Era, Teaneck became some filing cabinets in place, there’s no Bingo event once a month at the VA nursing one of the earliest towns to voluntarily inte- more than 50 square feet of walking space. home in Lake Nona. grate its public schools by busing, doing so in To get a view of the outside world, Gillen has I am happy to recognize Eduardo Posada, 1964. to step from the office and peek through the during Hispanic Heritage Month, for his serv- I am truly honored to represent Bergen ticket office towards a set of doors. To some it might seem a bit claustrophobic, but to ice to our country and the Central Florida County as part of New Jersey’s 9th Congres- sional District in the United States Congress. Gillen it’s served with the comfort a tree community. house would to a young boy for decades. f As such, I was proud to cosponsor H. Res. John F. Kennedy athletic director John 624, to honor the 350th anniversary of the Gillen is shown in his office at the high OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL founding of New Jersey and recognize the val- school. Gillen has been AD since 1971 and was DEBT uable contributions of people of the Garden a part of the first staff when Kennedy opened State. its doors in 1964. ‘‘I never wanted to move,’’ HON. MIKE COFFMAN As we move forward, I would like to recog- Gillen said as he took a break from work on nize the Bergen County Historical Society and a late July day. ‘‘They asked me if I wanted OF COLORADO to move down close to the main offices. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Bergen 350 Gala on October 15th, 2014 to like it here. It would probably make a great commemorate the role of Bergen County in Wednesday, November 12, 2014 bomb shelter if we ever get attacked; or a light of the state of New Jersey’s 350th Anni- hurricane or earthquake; this would be the Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January versary. place to come.’’ Gillen moved to the office 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me, our col- from a nearby work space that was even fice, the national debt was leagues, and the state of New Jersey in rec- smaller. To the best of his recollection, he’s $10,626,877,048,913.08. ognizing the historic contributions of Bergen been in the current office about 35 years, County in honor of the 350th anniversary of which was about seven years into what is Today, it is $17,937,617,036,693.09. We’ve now his 42nd year as athletic director. added $7,310,739,987,780.01 to our debt in 5 New Jersey’s statehood. It probably seems like only yesterday to years. This is over $7.3 trillion in debt our na- f Gillen, who is living proof that the love of tion, our economy, and our children could work and an active mind can keep a person CONGRATULATING COACH JOHN have avoided with a balanced budget amend- young at heart. Gillen doesn’t show much of GILLEN ment. his 81 years other than the usual gray hair and perhaps slower walk that are inevitable f HON. TIM RYAN with the aging process. His mind is sharp, BERGEN 350TH ANNIVERSARY OF OHIO which it has to be to deal with the demands GALA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of a job that can be thankless and rewarding at the same time. How he does it when most Wednesday, November 12, 2014 people his age have given in to retirement or HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today infirmity is remarkable. The phone calls OF NEW JERSEY to congratulate my former coach and dear from parents upset about a child’s lack of playing time. The constant demands of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES friend, Mr. John Gillen, for his over 50 years scheduling at a time when it’s become im- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 of incredible work at my alma mater, John F. possible to find an area conference willing to Kennedy High School. His titles were athletic Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend JFK an invitation to the club. The se- director, coach, and teacher, but those were cret for Gillen is to keep physically active bring to your attention the outstanding just labels. Coach Gillen was a role model for and tap into the energy of those around him, achievement of the 350th anniversary of New me and many other student athletes. He was including his wife Gloria, and an unwavering Jersey’s statehood. Furthermore, I am proud fair, dedicated, and had a great sense of faith in God. It starts with a workout with to celebrate the historic tradition of Bergen humor. But most importantly he was able to light weights every morning. ‘‘Dealing with County and its many important contributions to give us the tough love that was so often need- the kids,’’ Gillen said. ‘‘They keep you young. They’ll keep you on your toes, I’ll the history of New Jersey as part of the Ber- ed to instill discipline and resiliency. He would gen 350 Gala. As one of the first four original tell you.’’ spend countless hours at our school and Another key to Gillen’s longevity is his counties of New Jersey, I have the honor of would ask for so little in return. His joy and ful- humility and the accommodating manner in being its Representative in the U.S. Congress. fillment comes from shaping the minds and which he’s treated those he’s worked with all Founded by Dutch settlers in the 17th cen- spirits of the young people at our school. these years. Ask any JFK coach that’s had tury, the area of Bergen County was settled as I will never forget watching daily as a high dealings with Gillen, and you won’t find one part of the New Netherlands, the 17th century school student Mr. G quietly stepping into the that will say a bad word about him. ‘‘John is North American colonial province of the Dutch school chapel. He took time to pray, meditate, a very calm, easy-going guy,’’ said Dennis Zolciak, who coached the Eagles’ football Republic. In 1683, Bergen County received of- and to thank God for all of his blessings. That ficial recognition as an independent county by team from 1977–90. ‘‘The thing is his heart is stuck with me as I walked my own personal totally into the school. He wants what’s best New Jersey’s provincial assembly. spiritual journey. I have him to thank for, for the school.’’ There are generally two It is clear that Bergen County has played a through his modeling and leadership the en- types of athletic directors—ones that want crucial role in shaping the proud history of the couragement to pursue my own personal jour- control of everything, including calling a few Garden State. ney. For that I will be forever grateful as it is plays, and ones that take a back seat and try In the Revolutionary War, Bergen County the best gift he could have given to me. I to make life as easy as possible for the demonstrated its commitment to American treasure my experiences on and off the field coaches. Gillen fits the latter category to the max, always being careful to meet the independence. In fact, Fort Lee served as a with Coach Gillen. He represents the best of key strategic asset to General Washington demands of every coach, even if he might not Kennedy High School and the best example of agree with all the requests. ‘‘He couldn’t do and his army. what it means to be a practicing Catholic. If enough for you, and then some,’’ said Tony In the Civil War, Company K of the 22nd those who know him could measure up to be Napolet, the football coach from 1970–72 and Volunteer Infantry Regiment trained at the half the person he is we would vastly improve 1991–2010. Civil War Drill Hall Theatre, which still stands our schools, our community, and our nation in Few people know Gillen better than in Leonia today. In World War I, Bergen Coun- countless ways. Napolet, whom Gillen coached in football at ty made use of innovative agricultural knowl- I would like to also submit the following arti- St. Mary’s Junior High School more than 60 edge to support the war effort, canning fruits years ago. The two are as much a part of the cle that appeared in the Tribune Chronicle on athletic fabric at JFK as any person ever as- and vegetables and sending them to where August 9, 2014 in his honor. sociated with the school. ‘‘He’s the best part they were needed. STILL GOING STRONG GILLEN A LEGEND IN of that place,’’ Napolet said. ‘‘He’s been After the nation fell into the Great Depres- KENNDY HISTORY there 50 years. Since before they opened. He sion, Bergen County hosted numerous Work WARREN.—John Gillen likes to keep things loves it. That place is his life.’’ Gillen was Projects Administration projects like the murals simple and understated. Nothing displays raised here and graduated from St. Mary’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.038 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1530 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 High School in 1950. He coached basketball many who he touched through his various pro- nity Anti-Drug Coalitions of America. CADCA and served as the school’s athletic director fessional, military and civic affiliations through- has honored Mr. Gorsky with the Humanitarian before moving to JFK High School when it out his life. of the Year Award for his advocacy on behalf opened in 1964. He taught and coached before Ken was a native of my hometown, Charles- replacing Jim McQuaide as athletic director of CADCA’s Drug-Free Kids Campaign. in 1972. Gillen has worked closely with each ton and graduated from Stonewall Jackson Mr. Gorsky’s efforts with CADCA have had of JFK’s six football coaches prior to this High School. He earned a Bachelor of Science a profound impact on drug abuse prevention season. From George Landis in 1964 to in chemical engineering from Kansas State efforts in my district. Bucks Promise for Youth McQuaide (1965–69), followed by Napolet, University in 1957. Following graduation, Ken and Communities is comprised of a number of Gene Nara (1973–76), Zolciak, Napolet again moved to Ravenswood and was employed by Drug Free Communities whose outstanding and Dave Pappada (2011–12). He’s begun Kaiser Aluminum as a chemical engineer. Ken work to combat the rise of teen drug abuse in working this year with first-year coach Jeff worked for Kaiser for 28 years, including his our community was recognized last year by Bayuk. Add the coaches of other sports, boys role as Carbon Plant Superintendent with his CADCA. One of the success stories from the and girls, and you can begin to understand how many lives Gillen has touched. final post as Environmental Services Super- district is the Prescription Drug Take Back ‘‘When the bricks for the school came to- intendent. In this role, he managed the air, Program which has captured more than 19 gether, John was there,’’ said Dennis water, solid and hazardous waste environ- tons of unused medication since the program Jasinski, basketball coach from 1978–89. mental systems and procedures at the alu- began just 4 years ago. The potential for ‘‘He’s a solid part of the whole thing. We al- minum plant. In 1976, Ken also served as these drugs to harm, addict, and take lives ways got along. He was a pleasure to work Carbon Plant Superintendent for the Kaiser has been extinguished due to the vision and with. He’s a gentleman and a friend.’’ Aluminum Smelter in Ghana, Africa. commitment of individuals like Alex Gorsky. Jasinski recalls a time when Gillen was set Ken had a long and distinguished military On behalf of the constituents of the Penn- to scout a future basketball opponent but at the last minute had to cancel. Jasinski as- career in the West Virginia Army National sylvania’s 8th Congressional District, I would sumed the task of driving to Akron, which Guard. He served in various line, staff and like to express my sincerest gratitude and ap- led to a surprising moment when he settled command positions with the Engineer Units of preciation to Alex for his unrelenting support into his seat to begin taking notes. ‘‘I went the State, which included Battalion Com- for CADCA’s mission—building safe, healthy with an assistant coach and a minute before mander of the 1092nd Engineer Battalion. He and drug-free communities around the country the game started, who comes walking in? I further served as the Operations Officer and and in my home state of Pennsylvania. said, ‘John, I thought you couldn’t scout,’ ’’ Commander of the 111th Engineer Group. In f Jasinski said. ‘‘He said, ‘I told my wife I was 1963 he completed flight training, becoming a going out for a loaf of bread.’ That’s the type RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- of guy he was. He was always willing to fixed wing, rotary wing and instrument quali- fied pilot. He served on continuous flight sta- TIONS OF KENNETH D. MCCLIN- help.’’ Gillen doesn’t like to talk about him- TOCK self. He’s more comfortable in the back- tus until 1980 and was awarded the Master ground, where he can let others accept the Aviator badge. Colonel Shaw’s military training laurels of victory. He allows himself a mo- included 34 specialty schools, including the In- HON. ALAN GRAYSON ment of boastful pride when pointing out dustrial College of the Armed Forces at Fort OF FLORIDA that each of his four sons—John, Brian, the McNair in Washington, D.C., and the U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES late Tom and Jim—played on JFK football Army Command and General Staff College. teams that made the playoffs. Brian and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Colonel Shaw was placed on active duty in Tom were on the 1991 team that won the only Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, in state championship in school history. All 1986 and appointed the United States Prop- Gillen needs these days to remain happy is erty and Fiscal Officer for West Virginia in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, to recog- morning exercise, daily prayer, the love of Buckhannon. nize Kenneth D. McClintock. McClintock friends and family and a cozy seat in his tiny Ken was an active member of the commu- served as the 22nd Secretary of State of the office. The one that sits a few strides from nity and held positions on many organizations Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. As Secretary the gymnasium that bears his name. in Jackson County, as well as national organi- of State, he fulfilled two roles, serving as the It will seem strange when the day arrives zations such as Rotary International, Toast- head of Puerto Rico’s Department of State that Gillen is no longer the athletic director. masters International and Alpha Tau Omega and, perhaps even more important, serving as Life will go on, but not quite the same. lieutenant governor. McClintock also served as ‘‘You’re only one part in a machine,’’ fraternity. Ken was a longtime member of Our Zolciak said. ‘‘I’ve seen guys go, and the Savior Lutheran Church in Ravenswood. Acting Governor whenever the Governor was wheels keep turning. The great thing about Ken is survived by his wife, Gayle Twigger- away from Puerto Rico. John is he’s healthy, he can do things, and Shaw; his sisters, Katherine Bowns of Tampa, As Secretary of State, he digitalized his de- he’s glad he can do it. When the day comes Fla., and Nancy Burns of Ashville, N.C.; his partment, reducing backlogs and speeding up and he leaves, the place will keep on going. children: daughters, Janie Frist (Moe) of Mor- services, in spite of having lost 60 percent of I think he’s left a great legacy there.’’ Re- gantown, Juli Seaman (Steve) of Leesburg, his employees through early retirements, attri- tirement can be a lonely place for those that Va., and Carolyn Yost (Brian) of Clarksburg; tion and involuntary layoffs triggered by the thrived on work for lengthy periods of time. fiscal of 2008 to 2009. Governor Fortun˜o Some don’t handle it well but find a way to and sons, Jim Spano (Beverly) of cope. Others give in to time and fade away Ravenswood, Joe Spano (Donna) of Charles- delegated multiple additional responsibilities to quickly. Gillen has no fears when he con- ton and Mike Twigger of Charleston. Ken had McClintock, such as chairing the Advisory templates retirement. six grandchildren, Joseph Spano Jr., Council on Government Reform and Reorga- ‘‘A gentleman told me at one time, and I’ll Samantha Spano, Jessica Spano, Ian Frist, nization. McClintock’s government reorganiza- never forget it,’’ he said. ‘‘When you retire, Jillian Frist and Hunter Yost. tion plans resulted in the streamlining of gov- you know what you’re retiring from, but do Mr. Speaker, the State of West Virginia, our ernment services and agencies, the creation you know what you’re retiring to? I’ve communities, and indeed, the United States of of new agencies, such as the Financial Edu- thought about that often. What would I do cation Institute, and multi-million dollar sav- after I retire?’’ Exactly how will Gillen live America owe Colonel Shaw a debt of gratitude life when that day arrives? ‘‘I won’t lay on for his many years of distinguished service in ings. the couch; I know that,’’ he said. his professional, military and personal life. I McClintock capped a 16-year career as a member of the Puerto Rico Senate, serving as f am honored to have known him and call him a fellow West Virginian. the 13th President of the Senate of Puerto TRIBUTE TO KEN SHAW f Rico from 2005 to 2009. He also served as the youngest and the first Hispanic chairman HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO RECOGNIZING MR. ALEX GORSKY of the nationwide Council of State Govern- OF WEST VIRGINIA ments in 1999. In 2000, McClintock served as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK the second president of the hemispheric-wide Parliamentary Conference of the Americas Wednesday, November 12, 2014 OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (COPA). Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to McClintock is the author of Puerto Rico’s recognize Colonel Kenneth ‘‘Ken’’ Alden Shaw Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Telecommunications Reform Law of 1996 as (Ret.) who passed away Oct. 19, 2014 fol- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today I well as over 100 other laws. lowing a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. would like to recognize Mr. Alex Gorsky for his McClintock is an adjunct professor of US He was 80 years old and will be missed by dedication and leadership to CADCA, Commu- Government and Government Management at

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.041 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1531 Interamerican University’s San Juan campus. HELPING ENCOURAGE REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR MAKING SURE OUR DISABLED VETERANS RECEIVE THE He coauthored a book with Puerto Rico’s VETERANS HEALTHCARE AND DISABILITY COMPENSATION THEY State Democratic Chair, Roberto Prats, about I introduced H.R. 4110, the Transitioning HAVE EARNED the 2008 Clinton presidential campaign in Heroes Act, which amends the Internal Rev- I co-sponsored the H.R. 333, the Disabled Puerto Rico, which they co-chaired. enue Code to allow employers a business-re- Veterans Tax Termination Act, which in- The founder of a congressional internship lated $1,000 tax credit for each veteran hired. creases veteran’s pay and disability com- pensation and maintains secure, dependable program that has been replicated by nineteen ENSURING JOBS IN ENERGY FOR VETERANS states and territories, he is a longtime board and reliable veterans’ programs, especially for I am proud to have authored legislation member of a DC-based nonprofit, The Wash- disabled veterans is very important. amending the Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) to in- ington Center for Academic Internships and I also strongly supported and voted to pass clude a provision requiring the PTO Director to Scholarships. In his spare time, McClintock is H.R. 3202, the Veterans Access, Choice, and evaluate the economic impact of the Innova- an avid coin collector and an active member Accountability Act of 2014, which expands ac- tion Act on the ability of veteran-owned small of the Episcopal Diocese of Puerto Rico. cess to health care for veterans and address- businesses to secure their right to their inven- Born in London, England in 1957, his father, es the shortage of health professionals in the tions and discoveries. a native of Texas, was an architect, while his VA. mother, born in Puerto Rico, was a college This amendment was critical to our commu- This legislation also ensures access to care professor. McClintock is the proud father of a nity of veterans and to the strength of our for rural veterans and provides funding to es- Georgetown University sophomore and aspir- economy because historically veterans have tablish 27 new VA clinics, including a new re- ing actor, Kevin Davison, and a high school struggled to adjust to life upon returning home. search facility in Houston. senior, Stephanie Marie. HELPING HOMELESS VETERANS The law also expands access to education I am happy to honor Kenneth McClintock, The House of Representatives unanimously for veterans and their families and extends a during Hispanic Heritage Month, for his con- adopted an amendment I offered to the Mili- community-based housing program for vet- tributions to the Puerto Rican community. tary Construction and Veterans Affairs Appro- erans. f priation Act for FY 2015, which expresses the From 2007 through 2010, when Democrats sense of Congress that programs designed to were the majority in both the House and the COMMEMORATING THE SAC- assist homeless veterans should receive pri- Senate, there was no government shutdown— RIFICES OF AMERICA’S VET- ority consideration by the Department. the Congress made historic gains for Amer- ERANS Reducing and eliminating homelessness ica’s troops, veterans and military families. among veterans, those who risked their lives That is why the American Legion said HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE to protect our freedom, should be one of the ‘‘111th Congress Achieves Banner Year on OF TEXAS nation’s highest priorities. My amendment will Veterans Legislation.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help ensure that the rate of homelessness The real successes were the passage of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 among veterans in the United States does not bills that affected nearly every veteran in Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to increase. America. pay tribute to all of the men and women who The Jackson Lee Amendment helps remind For example, the Democratically-led Con- have worn the uniform of country and risked us of our obligation to provide our veterans gress: their lives to keep our nation free and safe. the assistance needed to avoid homelessness, Enacted the new Post 9–11 GI Bill to re- We come together to celebrate our veterans which includes adequate funding for Veterans store the promise of a full, four-year college who have courageously defended our free- Administration Supportive Housing (VASH) education, that has already allowed over dom, and honor the memory of those who programs that provide case-management serv- 700,000 veterans of the and have borne the battle, including the more than ices, adequate housing facilities, mental health Wars to afford college, just like after World 4,400 American servicemen and women who support, and address other areas that con- War II, along with tax incentives for hiring to have died in Iraq and more than 2,200 who tribute to veteran homelessness. expand job opportunities for returning soldiers. have died in Afghanistan. GUARANTEEING MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELORS TO MEET Strengthened health care for more than 5 We also honor the sacrifices of over 50,000 THE LONG TERM NEEDS OF OUR ARMED FORCES, VET- million veterans, with a historic commitment— brave troops wounded in Iraq and Afghani- ERANS, AND THEIR FAMILIES including the largest single increase in the his- stan. I am also proud to have succeeded in tory of the VA—for more doctors and nurses, Let us pay tribute to those currently serving amending H.R. 1960, the FY2014 National better access for rural veterans, and expanded around the globe as well as veterans and Defense Authorization Act to include my efforts to treat the signature injuries of the service men and women who are with us amendment providing qualified and profes- war, PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury, while today as they have served our nation with sional mental health care to serve our armed enacting a law to guarantee timely and pre- honor and distinction. forces members, veterans, and their families. dictable funding for veterans’ health care and Today, I reaffirm my commitment to the na- Without proper mental health services vet- to address the health care needs of our nearly tion’s more than 2 million troops and reserv- erans will fall short of full recovery and be less 2 million female veterans. ists, their families, and 22 million veterans, in- able to function as productive citizens. Provided troops and veterans the benefits they have earned and resources they need, cluding 32,477 in the 18th Congressional Dis- INCREASING PTSD FUNDING BY $5,000,000 trict of Texas, that they will be provided the giving troops a pay raise, restoring military quality job opportunities they have earned. I succeeded in amending National Defense readiness, providing the best training and A grateful nation cares for its soldiers, sail- Appropriations Acts for FY2014 and FY2015 equipment for the men and women serving in ors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, to include my amendments providing $10 mil- our Armed Forces, taking steps to reduce the not only when they’re abroad, but also upon lion in increased funding to treat veterans suf- backlog and wait for veterans trying to access their return home. fering from PTSD. their earned benefits, providing special pay- Congress must communicate its whole- The additional funding is necessary to iden- ments for service members and veterans who hearted support for the security of the nation tify the research needed to combat these dis- were forced to serve under stop-loss orders and build upon the historic improvements eases that are crippling our men and women since 2001, and making headway in ending made in strengthening quality health care for in our Armed Services and their respective the Disabled Veterans Tax and the Military veterans and offering the promise of college to families. Families’ Tax. those returning from the battlefields of Iraq As we look to PTSD, some of a soldier’s Strengthened support for military families, and Afghanistan. wounds are invisible to the naked eye, for building more military child care centers and On the battlefield, the military pledges to these are wounds that should be properly better military family housing, and enacting leave no soldier behind. As a nation, it is our treated. landmark legislation to provide much-needed duty to leave no veteran behind. One of the best ways to increase access to support for family members and other care- This day and every day, let us honor their treatment is to increase the number of medical givers for wounded veterans. service with actions that fulfill our commitment facilities and mental health professionals who Added $23 billion for veteran’s health care to our troops, their families, and our vet- are available to serve the needs of men and and services, and accomplished a 60% in- erans—and that are worthy of our grateful na- women currently serving and those who have crease in VA discretionary spending between tion. become veterans. 2007 and 2010.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.044 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Secured advance appropriations for the Vet- 3. Reducing the national new patient Pri- 2015 and will continue to expand online claim- erans Administration for the first time—cre- mary Care wait time by 18 percent. submission capability in all programs. ating an uninterrupted source of funding for 4. Completing 98 percent of appointments Mr. Speaker, as we honor and remember medical care for veterans. within 30 days of the Veterans’ preferred date, the sacrifices of the millions of veterans who The Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus or the date determined to be medically nec- have served our country throughout its history, Health Services Act helped veteran caregivers essary by a physician. let us always remember that the first obligation with training, access to mental health coun- 5. Authorizing 1.1 million non-VA care au- of a grateful is, as President Lincoln reminded seling, and 24-hour respite care in veteran’s thorizations, a 47 percent increase over the us long ago, ‘‘to care for him who has borne homes. same period last year. the battle, and for his widow and his orphan, 1. The law helped veterans of Operation En- Secretary McDonald addressed all employ- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just during Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom ees via Video Teleconference, where he di- and lasting peace among ourselves and with by allowing them to select a caregiver who rected each employee to reaffirm the mission all nations.’’ would receive a financial stipend along with and core values of the Department. f travel and lodging expenses associated with A new award program has been initiated to the veteran’s care. highlight employees who truly embody DVA’s IN RECOGNITION OF AMERICAN 2. This law also expanded and improved ICARE values—Integrity, Commitment, Advo- VALOR AT THE BATTLE OF THE services for the then 1.8 million women vet- cacy, Respect, and Excellence. The first nomi- BULGE AND THE 70TH ANNIVER- erans, and provided for the expected in- nations for this new incentive program will be SARY OF THE PATTON PRAYER creased number of veterans that would transi- accepted in January 2015. CARDS tion from active duty to civilian life. Since June 2014, DVA has proposed dis- 3. The law authorized the VA to provide ciplinary action against more than 40 employ- HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT healthcare for newborn infants of women vet- ees nationwide related to data manipulation or OF PENNSYLVANIA erans. patient care. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It is important that we preserve and build DVA is also working diligently to cooperate Wednesday, November 12, 2014 upon this record of achievement. with the over 100 investigations currently Veteran homelessness was addressed in being undertaken by the VA Inspector Gen- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of eral, the Justice Department, and the Office of honor and remember the bravery of American 2008 by increasing the VA loan limit which Special Counsel (OSC). troops who fought in the Battle of the Bulge helped veterans with refinancing their homes On October 3, OSC certified DVA under and to recall the unique prayer cards General by making low-interest home loans more avail- their Whistleblower Protection Certification George Patton distributed to his Third Army in able to veterans. Program after DVA worked to achieve compli- December 1944. The prayer, which asked for Mr. Speaker, all members of this body were ance and protect employees who identify or favorable weather, was printed on the back of deeply concerned over the troubling disclo- report problems from unlawful retaliation. a Christmas greeting from General Patton. sures reported in the media regarding condi- DVA also worked closely with OSC to suc- The troops received these prayer cards prior tions as some of the nation’s VA facilities. cessfully resolve whistleblower retaliation com- to the Battle of the Bulge. I am pleased to report that the Department plaints filed by three individuals from the DVA The incident of the now famous Patton of Veterans Affairs, at the direction of Presi- Phoenix Health Care System. Prayer commenced with a telephone call to dent Obama and mandated by Congress, has DVA has posted data online on a regular the Third Army Chaplain on the morning of made substantial progress in improving the basis since the beginning of June showing the December 8, 1944. After weeks of severe performance of VHA healthcare now, devel- number of appointments on waiting lists and rains that threatened the prospects of victory, oping a positive service culture, transitioning the average wait times at each medical center General Patton called to ask Msgr. James H. from ‘‘sick care’’ to ‘‘health care’’ in the broad- across the country. O’Neill if he knew a prayer for good weather. est sense, and developing agile business sys- Additionally, each medical center and bene- While looking out on the steadily falling rain, tems and management processes that are effi- fits office has conducted a town hall with Vet- the chaplain wrote an original prayer alongside cient, transparent and accountable. erans and the public to collect feedback. a Christmas greeting, and then had it cir- For example, The ‘‘Road to Veterans Day’’ These town halls will continue at each facility culated it to all 250,000 Third Army troops on initiative, launched on September 8, 2014 by every three months. the eve of the Battle of the Bulge. Secretary Robert A. McDonald, has resulted in DVA is reviewing options to reorganize the The prayer, in part, read: ‘‘Almighty and significant progress for Veterans over the past department for success, guided by ideas and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech 3 months initiatives from Veterans, employees, and all of Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these During that time, DVA has taken deliberate our stakeholders. immoderate rains with which we have had to actions to improve service delivery for Vet- This reorganization will be known as contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Gra- erans, rebuild trust, increase accountability ‘‘MyVA’’ and is designed to provide Veterans ciously hearken to us as soldiers who call and transparency and put the department on with a seamless, integrated, and responsive upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we the path to long-term excellence and reform. customer service experience—whether they may advance from victory to victory . . .’’ Secretary McDonald has traveled exten- arrive at VA digitally, by phone, or in person. The Battle of the Bulge, one of World War sively during his first few months in office, vis- Long-term reform of DVA also means mak- II’s most critical battles, started when Nazi iting 41 DVA facilities in 21 cities while also ing sure DVA has the medical professionals forces launched a major surprise offensive on making 11 recruiting visits to medical schools. we need to best care for our patients, which December 16. Fought among the dense for- To improve service delivery, VA has is why Secretary McDonald launched a na- ests bordering Belgium and Luxembourg, it prioritized efforts to accelerate Veterans off of tional recruiting effort in August, visiting med- was the bloodiest battle the U.S. encountered wait lists and into clinics through the Acceler- ical schools in an effort to bring the best and during the World War II, with over 18,000 ated Care Initiative begun by Deputy Sec- brightest to work at DVA. Americans killed and over 65,000 captured or retary Sloan Gibson this summer. On September 17, DVA announced an in- injured. The heavy rains and thick fog eventu- Through this initiative, VA medical centers crease in the salary pay scale for DVA doctors ally subsided, and Allied forces were able to have increased access to care inside and out- and dentists to aid in recruiting and retention. hold off Nazi forces and severely deplete their side of VA, added more clinic hours and work As part of the ‘‘Road to Veterans Day,’’ Sec- resource supply. The Battle of the Bulge is days, deployed mobile medical units, and retary McDonald has reaffirmed DVA’s home- symbolic of the resilience and strength of shared their best practices from VA’s high-per- lessness program and the Veterans Benefits American soldiers, who were unyielding in the forming facilities throughout the organization. Administration’s Claims Transformation Strat- face of both enemy fire and debilitating weath- Significant improvements have resulted na- egy. er. After the Battle, General Patton told Msgr. tionally: DVA remains committed to working with its O’Neill that ‘‘our prayers worked.’’ To General 1. Scheduling more than 1.2 million more federal, state and local partners to end home- Patton, prayer was just as powerful a weapon appointments in the past four months than in lessness among Veterans, which has been re- of war and as defense and attack strategies. the same period last year. duced by 33% since 2010. It is an honor for me to commemorate the 2. In total, VA medical centers have sched- With the backlog of disability claims reduced valor of these American soldiers, the leader- uled over 19 million Veteran appointments by 60% since its peak in March of 2013, DVA ship of General Patton, and the ultimate vic- from June to October 1, 2014. is also on track to eliminate the backlog in tory of the ‘‘Greatest Generation.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.045 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1533 IN RECOGNITION OF THE HONOR- RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- interview with Joseph Acaba, the first person ABLE LAWRENCE M. LAWSON TIONS OF IZADELI ‘‘IZA’’ of Puerto Rican heritage to be named as a MONTALVO VA´ ZQUEZ NASA astronaut candidate. Iza’s professional experience also includes HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. HON. ALAN GRAYSON working as a producer for Univisio´n WVEN TV 26 in Altamonte Springs and as my press sec- OF NEW JERSEY OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retary during 2013. She has been a member IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the National Association of Hispanic Jour- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 nalists (NAHJ) since 2001, and she was re- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. GRAYSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, in cently named honorary godmother of the Inter- honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, to recog- Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to national Association of Writers and Poets nize Izadeli ‘‘Iza’’ Montalvo Va´zquez. Iza was recognize the outstanding achievements of the (AIPEH). At age 39, Iza became the editor in born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and was Honorable Lawrence M. Lawson and con- chief of La Prensa, Central Florida’s oldest raised in the town of Sabana Grande. From a gratulate him on his recent retirement as Mon- Spanish language newspaper. La Prensa is very early age, she demonstrated a gift for po- owned by ImpreMedia, the leading Hispanic mouth Vicinage Assignment Judge. Judge etry and by the age of seven, she wrote her news and information company in the U.S. Lawson has served honorably, breaking bar- first poem. Her love for writing was inherited I am happy to recognize Iza Montalvo riers and serving as an example for younger from her uncle, Emilio Forestier Gregory, a Va´zquez, during Hispanic Heritage Month, for generations. lawyer and published poet in Puerto Rico. her contributions to the Central Florida com- Judge Lawson received his undergraduate Her parents, both public school teachers, munity. degree at Bowie State College (now Bowie encouraged her to get involved in the commu- f State University) and his Juris Doctor from nity. She started writing theatrical plays for her HONORING DR. TALMADGE The Catholic University of America Columbus school to bring awareness to different topics WILLIAMS School of Law. Prior to enrolling at The Catho- and to raise funds for student clubs. In middle lic University, Judge Lawson completed the school, she founded the student’s newspaper, ‘‘Eco Estudiantil.’’ Iza was an honor student Council in Legal Education Opportunity HON. JAMES P. MORAN throughout her school years. At the age of 14, (CLEO) Program and earned a 3-year scholar- OF VIRGINIA she started playing professional volleyball. In ship for law school. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her senior year of high school, she was of- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Judge Lawson’s judicial experience began fered a scholarship to play for the InterAmer- after he graduated from law school. In 1972, ican University of Puerto Rico’s volleyball Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to he worked as a law clerk for the late Honor- team. The Puerto Rican Volleyball Federation honor my friend Dr. Talmadge Williams. He able Thomas L. Yaccarino in Monmouth Coun- also signed her to join Las Leonas de Ponce. was a man of consequence who forever ty, and was the first black law clerk to work in In college, Iza continued to follow her pas- strived to restore balance to the scales of jus- the Freehold court house. He was nominated sion for writing by joining the Jose´ Gautier tice, whether it was ensuring that our govern- as a Monmouth County judge by Governor Benı´tez literature club, where she received nu- ment committed to telling the full story, or Tom Kean in 1987 and was appointed to As- merous awards for her poetry. She also making sure someone he knew had a fair shot signment Judge on April 15, 1993, serving as earned third place in a poetry competition at success. And he was my friend. the first black assignment judge. Early in his where film director, Jacobo Morales, served as I am not exactly sure when our paths first crossed, but Talmadge had a way of growing career, Judge Lawson served in the Civil Divi- the judge. In 1998, Iza moved to New York City. She on you. As a local elected official, particularly sion and the Criminal Division, eventually continued her undergraduate studies at St. in my early years of service, I was out almost serving as the Presiding Judge of the Criminal John’s University in Queens, where she grad- every night at a different event, connecting Division. With this assignment, Judge Lawson uated with a Bachelor of Science degree in with communities and constituents I rep- became the first black judge of a division of Journalism in 2001. During that time, she in- resented, first at City Hall in Alexandria and the court system. Judge Lawson retired as As- terned at Univisio´n 41 in New Jersey and at subsequently in Congress. signment Judge on September 1, 2014. El Diario La Prensa, where she was hired to Somewhere among the meetings and In addition to his judicial service, Judge work as reporter. She has reported about the events I saw Talmadge as a familiar face and Lawson worked for the New Jersey Depart- protests at the United Nations against the in a short while we would seek each other out ment of Community Affairs State Office of Navy’s presence on the island of Vieques, and discuss local issues of concern. His quiet Legal Services, held a general law practice in protests in Times Square against the War in demeanor and keen insight made him an in- Asbury Park for 12 years, worked as the As- Iraq, the World Economic Forum, the after- dispensable ally and a trusted friend. bury Park Municipal Prosecutor, the Neptune math of September 11th, Abner Louima and He always seemed to know more about a Township Board of Adjustment Attorney and Amadou Diallo’s police brutality cases, and local issue than what was common knowl- edge, and in sharing it with me, he opened my served as a delegate at the 1980 Democratic dozens of homicides. In 2004, Iza moved to Orlando to work as eyes to a narrative and a perspective that was National Convention and the 1984 Democratic a reporter for El Nuevo Dı´a Orlando, part of largely unknown. National Convention for Ted Kennedy and Puerto Rico’s largest daily newspaper. Her It was more than just folklore; it was history Walter Mondale, respectively. Judge Lawson work has been published in newspapers in- that was still unwritten but needed to be. And, also served on the Neptune Township com- cluding Caribbean Business, El Nuevo Dı´a in there was often a reason it went unrecorded mittee and was elected mayor in 1984, serving Puerto Rico, La Prensa in Panama´, La and remained unwritten. It was part of a pain- as the first black mayor of the township. Opinio´n, La Raza and El Mensajero. ful truth that too many, particularly those in Judge Lawson is also an active member of Iza has also worked as a reporter for The power, found inconvenient or uncomfortable to his community. He has coached a midnight Ledger, a company owned at the time by The acknowledge. basketball team, volunteered as a mentor at New York Times Regional Newspaper Group. Well, Talmadge’s sense of justice wouldn’t Second Baptist Church and worked with the There she covered immigration and other top- let it stand and a great deal of his life was de- United Fellowship men’s program. Through his ics of interest to the Hispanic community. In voted to finding ways to tell the full story. background and community outreach, Judge Florida, Iza reported on the 2004 Atlantic Hur- One monumental way he found to tell the Lawson has motivated the community’s youth ricane Season, the NBA’s All-Star Game in full story was when he conceived the idea of to strive for success. Orlando, and the 2012 presidential and local building in Arlington The Black Heritage Mu- elections, among other stories. Iza has con- seum. It was a vision I am pleased to be as- Mr. Speaker, I sincerely hope that my col- ducted many interviews, including one with sociated with through congressional legislation leagues will join me in congratulating the Hon- Jose Me´lendez Pe´rez, the U.S. Customs and I helped pass that reserved a segment of the orable Lawrence Lawson on his retirement Border Patrol Protection Inspector at the Or- Navy Annex site for the future museum. and thanking him for his service. Judge lando International Airport who became a key But, Talmadge was not one to pass up on Lawson dedicated nearly 30 years to the national figure when he refused entry to a ter- other opportunities and I was proud to join bench and his contributions and achievements rorist involved in planning the 9/11 attacks. As with him in restoring the surviving slave quar- are truly deserving of this body’s recognition. a TV producer, she arranged an exclusive ters at Robert E. Lee’s Arlington House. You

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.047 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1534 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 see, before Talmadge made it an issue, the lution, information technology, project manage- our nation. It is my true honor and privilege to Park Service was using the two surviving ment, as well as everyday administrative sup- recognize Major Sarai Martin for his distin- slave quarters as a storage facility, erasing the port. guished career, and I offer him my best wish- significance of these two buildings and the She later relocated to Lexington, Mississippi es for continued good health and success in story of slavery at Arlington House. where she created OfficeStar Administrative the years to come. It is not uncommon to find some of Vir- Consulting, LLC to provide the same adminis- f ginia’s historic plantations beautifully restored, trative expertise to entrepreneurs and small but with all traces of its slave history removed, businesses to help them focus on growing HONORABLE PATRICK J. ROMA as if that peculiar institution never existed. We their business instead of worrying about every- could not undo what these owners did to day administrative tasks. HON. BILL PASCRELL, Jr. erase the vestiges of slavery from their Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me OF NEW JERSEY grounds, but we were not going to let the Na- in recognizing an amazing entrepreneur for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her dedication and service to her profession. tional Park Service get away with it. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 I made sure the Park Service had the funds f and the instructions from Congress to restore Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to RECOGNIZING MR. BERNARD the slave quarters. recognize the Honorable Patrick J. Roma who MAZZOCCHI ON HIS BIRTHDAY Today, Talmadge’s work is now on display was celebrated in October for his retirement at Arlington House. When Talmadge made his from judicial service by his friends, family, and point, it had a lasting effect. HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK coworkers. He retires after a long career in While I was on the Legislative Branch Ap- OF PENNSYLVANIA which he faithfully upheld New Jersey’s Con- propriations Subcommittee I made sure the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stitution. history of the U.S. Capitol acknowledged the Wednesday, November 12, 2014 The Honorable Patrick J. Roma received his undergraduate degree from Seton Hall Univer- sweat and blood of the slaves who built it. Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today I Today, in the Capitol’s new visitor center there sity in 1971. He later received his law degree would like to acknowledge the many contribu- from Samford University’s Cumberland School is a memorial dedicated to the slaves who tions of Bucks County businessman and entre- built the nation’s house of democracy. For me, of Law in 1975 and his L.L.M. Degree from preneur, Bernard Mazzocchi, on the occasion New York University School of Law in 1981. this memorial also honors my friend Talmadge of his birthday. As an entrepreneur, he has Williams. Early in Judge Roma’s legal career, he developed small businesses and properties, worked as the late Judge John J. Cariddi’s While we have faced some setbacks on ac- and revitalized aging buildings that have quiring the land for the Black Heritage Mu- Law Secretary in the Superior Court of New added to the economy and the quality of life Jersey. Judge Roma then went on to work at seum, I have no doubt it will be built. in the Lower Bucks County community. Addi- You see, Talmadge is recruiting new allies Friedman, Pearlman & Roma, P.C. where he tionally, he uses his energy and drive as a vol- worked as an attorney for over two decades. in heaven to aid the cause. Though I am sad- unteer on the local level. In this way, Bernard dened by his death, I rejoice in knowing that During this time, he also served as Prosecutor Mazzocchi represents American enterprise at for the Boroughs of Palisades Park, Fairview, Talmadge has transformed those around him its best, having worked his way up the ladder directing us to a better, more just tomorrow. Little Ferry, Saddle Brook, Haworth, and to success and always willing to give back. Leonia. He is a man who dared to make a dif- With a generous spirit, he contributes the ben- ference, and I am so ever grateful I am among During his time as Partner at Friedman, efit of his experience to civic, educational and Pearlman & Roma, P.C., Judge Roma was those he touched. charitable causes. In so doing, he has set an f elected as Council President and Police Com- example of what it means to be a successful missioner for the Borough of Palisades Park. HONORING MS. CHERISSE businessman and a good neighbor. We wish He served from January 1985 through Decem- MARSHALL him continued success with our appreciation ber 1987. Thereafter, Judge Roma was elect- for his good work. Happy birthday and many ed as New Jersey’s District 38 General As- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON more. semblyman from 1988 through 1997 during f OF MISSISSIPPI which time he served as Assistant Minority IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE OCCASION OF THE RETIRE- Whip and Assistant Minority Leader. MENT OF MAJOR SARAI MARTIN As an Assemblyman, Judge Roma received Wednesday, November 12, 2014 a number of awards. He was awarded Legis- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS lator of the Year by Local 518 the Motor Vehi- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable Entre- cle Employees Union in 1993, and Shelter Our OF FLORIDA preneur Ms. Cherisse Marshall from Lex- Sisters and the Italian American Police Society IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ington, Mississippi. both in 1994, as well as, Man of the Year by Cherisse Marshall was born in Chicago, IL Wednesday, November 12, 2014 New Jersey AFL–CIO in 1995 and Parole Offi- and at an early age her parents moved to Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I cers Association in 1991. Flint, Michigan along with her other five sib- rise today to recognize Major Sarai Martin on Judge Roma received a Distinguished Serv- lings. She was raised in Flint, MI where she the occasion of his retirement after 22 years of ice Award presented by Consul General Fran- attended school. After graduating from high service in the United States Army. co Mistretta, on behalf of the Italian Govern- school, she later attended Ferris State Univer- Major Martin’s distinguished military career ment, in recognition of his outstanding con- sity where she studied journalism. After grad- began as a Private at Fort Benning, Georgia tribution and dedicated service to the Italian- uating from Ferris State University, she later when he was only 17 years old. He served as- American community from Ambassador Boris entered into the corporate world in an adminis- signments throughout the United States and Biancheri, Ambassador of Italy to the United trative support role that would be the begin- abroad as an enlisted Soldier, Non-Commis- States. ning of a long rewarding career in administra- sioned Officer and Commissioned Officer as Judge Roma was appointed in 1997 to the tion. well as enduring deployments to both Bosnia Superior Court of New Jersey by Governor After a few years of working at home in and Iraq. Christie Todd Whitman and reappointed with Flint, MI, she decided to relocate to Atlanta, Throughout his career, Major Martin contin- tenure in 2003 by Governor James McGreevy. Georgia where she continued to tune and de- ued to improve himself and rise through the He has served on the bench in the Criminal velop her administrative expertise. ranks. After earning a college degree, Major Division of the Bergen Vicinage. As a detail-oriented, results-oriented profes- Martin was commissioned as a Second Lieu- Having served alongside Judge Roma in the sional, she has effectively utilized her diverse tenant. He served in positions as varied as State Assembly, I know personally of his dedi- skills to benefit companies in the engineering, Company Commander for an Ordinance Com- cated and hardworking nature. Judge Roma financial, insurance, information technology, pany, a Military Transition Team advisor in has made an outstanding mark on Bergen and advertising industries. Throughout her cor- Iraq, and eventually rose to become the Mobi- County with his compassionate nature and porate career that spans over 17 years, she lization Chief in the Logistics Division of the passion for upholding justice. has provided diverse administrative support in ’s G4 department. The job of a United States Congressman in- the areas of office administration, customer We owe Major Martin a debt of gratitude for volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing support, contract administration, problem reso- his selfless devotion and years of service to compares to recognizing and commemorating

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.049 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1535 the achievements of individuals like the Honor- partment of Corrections and Rehabilitation. In doctors, aviation pioneers, and thousands of able Patrick J. Roma. his leadership position at the Imperial County men and women who have served in uniform. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- Probation Department, Chief Benavidez prac- For this reason, and on the occasion of its leagues, Judge Roma’s family, friends, co- ticed and preached ethical conduct, profes- anniversary, it is my honor to acknowledge the workers, and all those whose lives he has sionalism, knowledge, loyalty and evidence- educational leadership of this remarkable insti- touched, and me, in recognizing the Honor- based practices. He also created a new mis- tution, under the direction of Lieutenant Gen- able Patrick J. Roma. sion statement that embodies the driving force eral William B. Caldwell, IV. Furthermore, I ex- f and tempo for all officers, enhanced officer tend my sincere appreciation to the entire training, established the Day Reporting Cen- community—students, HONORING FRED T. NOLAN ter, a one stop shop for services and referrals, staff, faculty, alumni, and supporters—for the improved Juvenile Hall Medical Services and contributions they have made for more than a HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON brought a wealth of resources to the area century to Georgia and beyond. OF MISSISSIPPI through his collaborative efforts. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chief Benavidez was heavily involved in the THE INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO Wednesday, November 12, 2014 community he served. He routinely attended Imperial County Board of Supervisors meet- PROHIBIT TAX-EXEMPT STATUS Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ings, Law Enforcement Coordination Council TO PROFESSIONAL SPORTS er, I rise today to honor a remarkable public meetings, Community Corrections Partnership LEAGUES THAT PROMOTE THE servant, Mr. Fred T. Nolan, a native of Dyer, meetings and local events designed to bring USE OF THE TERM REDSKINS Tennessee, but raised in Paducah, Kentucky, awareness to the resources available in the and has lived in Jackson, Mississippi since his community to reduce recidivism, motivate be- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON graduation from Tougaloo College in the early havioral change and advocate for victims. With OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1960s. a degree in Criminal Justice Administration IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES One of his early career choices was teach- from San Diego State University, Chief Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ing in the Jackson Public School District Benavidez continues to be a valuable asset to (JPS). Mr. Nolan taught two years at the then the Imperial Valley College faculty as a Cor- Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- Brinkley High School located on Livingston rectional Science instructor. duce a bill that would amend section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to prohibit Road and was a ninth grade teacher of Social f Studies and Mathematics. He left JPS to pur- tax-exempt status to professional sports sue other career options and worked briefly for TRIBUTE TO GEORGIA MILITARY leagues that promote or allow a member club the Urban League of Jackson as director. The COLLEGE or franchise connected to that league to pro- majority of his career spanned 25 years as the mote the use of the term ‘‘Redskins.’’ Senator executive director of Fair Housing and Equal HON. PAUL C. BROUN MARIA CANTWELL has introduced the same bill Opportunity, a division of Housing Urban De- OF GEORGIA in the Senate. velopment (HUD). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Currently, the National Football League After fully retiring from HUD in 1996, Mr. (NFL) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(6) ‘‘business Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Nolan rejoined the JPS family as a substitute league’’ organization that receives tax-exempt and limited service teacher. He worked three Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise status. It is the nation’s largest sports fran- years in a limited service capacity at Siwell today to congratulate Georgia Military College chise, generating almost $10 billion annually. Middle, Lanier High, and Forest Hill High as it celebrates its 135th anniversary. I take Unlike some of its counterparts—the National schools. great pride in representing this historic institu- Basketball Association and Major League Mr. Fred Nolan is married to Mrs. Kisiah tion, comprised of a junior college and a sepa- Baseball, for example—it operates as a non- Nolan, a former JPS Board member and presi- rate preparatory school, located in scenic profit, which allows for its profits to trickle dent. His son, Fredrick Nolan, is coordinator of Milledgeville, Georgia. down to its 32 teams, including the Wash- the JPS WATCH D.O.G.S. program. The Once the site of the Georgia state capitol, ington football team. Nolan’s also have two daughters: Renee GMC now is one of only five United States Over 300 tribes and two million Native Nolan Johnson of Huntsville, Alabama, and Military Junior Colleges. At the center of its Americans, as well as religious and human Adrienne Nolan Colar of Smyrna, Georgia. All main campus stands the Old Capitol Building rights organizations, have called on NFL Com- three of their children are graduates of the where the met missioner Roger Goodell and Daniel Snyder, Jackson Public School District. from 1807 until 1868 before the capital was the Washington football team owner, to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me moved to Atlanta. As President Emeritus change the name of the Washington football in recognizing Mr. Fred T. Nolan for his dedi- Major General Peter J. Boylan has highlighted, team because the name and mascot insult na- cation to serving others. ‘‘It was on the parade on the east plaza that tive people. In addition, several media outlets f every soldier from Georgia marched before around the country no longer print or use the going off to defend our values in war . . . the term ‘‘Redskins’’ when referring to the Wash- IN HONOR OF CHIEF BENNY G. War of 1812, the Indian Wars, the War with ington football team because the term is offen- BENAVIDEZ Mexico, and, of course, the Civil War.’’ In light sive. of this rich history, it is fitting that the institu- On June 18, the United States Patent and HON. JUAN VARGAS tion’s core values are that of Duty, Honor, and Trademark Office, in a landmark decision OF CALIFORNIA Country. (Blackhorse v. Pro Football, Inc.), found the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES What began in 1879 as Middle Georgia Mili- name used by the Washington football team to tary and Agricultural College with just 219 stu- be disparaging to Native Americans and not Wednesday, November 12, 2014 dents has flourished into an institution with deserving of trademark protection, and can- Mr. VARGAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in more than 12,000 students enrolled online or celled federal trademark protection for the honor of Chief Benny G. Benavidez for his at one of its nine campus locations. Nationally ‘‘Redskins’’ trademarks. While the ruling did outstanding and invaluable service to the Im- recognized as one of the best community col- not persuade Daniel Snyder or Roger Goodell perial County community and to congratulate leges, GMC is producing accomplished and to change the name, the ruling has the poten- him on his retirement. Throughout his 37-year well-rounded individuals. It has a highly re- tial to affect the profits received from the sale public service career, Chief Benavidez exhib- garded junior college cadet program that cul- of the team’s merchandise. ited dedication to the Imperial County Proba- minates at the end of two years of study with American taxpayers have been subsidizing tion Department’s staff and clients, while keep- a select few men and women being commis- a multibillion dollar league that promotes what ing a steadfast commitment to improving serv- sioned as officers in the United States Army. has now been officially found to be a racial ices in Imperial County. Additionally, it boasts such prestigious grad- slur for profitable gain. Relief from taxes Chief Benavidez began his career in Impe- uates as Georgia Governor George Busbee, should no longer be given to a league that rial County Probation as a Juvenile Hall Offi- Coach Bill Yoast of ‘‘Remember the Titans,’’ profits from the continued use of a racial slur, cer in the 1970s. During his career, he served U.S. Secretary of Labor W.J. Usery, and co- which degrades some Americans. As an orga- in many capacities for the Imperial County median and actor Oliver Hardy. Its alumni in- nization that enjoys tax-exempt benefits, the Probation Department and the California De- clude judges, artists, educators, inventors, NFL also has a duty to American taxpayers to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.053 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1536 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 ensure that its teams are not promoting or IACP, began his career as a retail pharmacist issues of our day. They have stood with mem- benefitting from a racial slur. This bill would and founded Lionville Pharmacy in 1979. bers of the community to help them grieve revoke the tax-exempt status of professional While the store was originally located in the times of loss and to offer courage in times of sports leagues that choose to continue to use Medical Arts Building on Route 100, it moved change. the offensive and derogatory term ‘‘Redskins.’’ in 1987 to a larger location on Route 113 and It is my honor to commend the Temple Cov- Because this bill only revokes the tax-ex- Whitford Road, and then finally to its current enant of Peace and their commitment to culti- empt status of leagues that promote the use location in 1992 at Route 113 and Gordon vating a love and understanding of the Jewish of the term ‘‘Redskins,’’ it would not affect Drive. In 1996, the store was renamed heritage and to inspiring fellowship in the Jew- other leagues that fall under the same Lionville Natural Pharmacy and Health Food ish Community as well as service in the 501(c)(6) tax exemption such as the Profes- Store. In 1999, upon his graduation from the broader community in the Easton area. sional Golfers Association and the National University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Hockey League. Ben’s son, Michael, Pharm.D., CNC, also f I urge my colleagues to support this impor- joined the practice. tant legislation. Over the years, Lionville Natural Pharmacy HONORING COLONEL ANDREW J. f added a compounding pharmacy lab and a FRANK holistic health center offering therapeutic mas- REMEMBERING PAUL G. (JERRY) sage, acupuncture, shiatsu, and more. HON. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR. GOFORTH Throughout its long and storied history, OF WISCONSIN Lionville Natural Pharmacy has been featured IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PAUL COOK in numerous newspaper and magazine arti- OF CALIFORNIA cles, including Best of the Main Line in Main Wednesday, November 12, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Line Today from 2006 to 2014. Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, in recognition of its 35 years of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 today to pay tribute to Colonel Andrew J. faithful service to its patients and customers, Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Frank who retired after 36 years of faithful along with its outstanding history of commit- service in the United States Army on Sep- honor the life of Paul G. (Jerry) Goforth who ment to the life and health of the Chester passed away on October 3, 2014. Jerry, a tember 30, 2014. As a fitting finale to his long County community and its citizens, I ask my and distinguished career, on July 28, 2014, family man, United States Marine, and a colleagues to join me today in recognizing horseman will be remembered as a compas- Colonel Frank was awarded the National Intel- Lionville Natural Pharmacy of Chester County, ligence Medal for Valor in recognition of his sionate and respectful man who provided un- Pennsylvania on the occasion of its 35th Anni- conditionally for his family. extraordinary heroism while serving in Afghan- versary. istan in support of Operation ENDURING Jerry enlisted in the United States Marine f Corps Second Division, in 1943 and served FREEDOM. As the Intelligence Community’s over two years in the Pacific Theatre. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 175TH AN- second highest award, the National Intel- After leaving the USMC, Jerry made South- NIVERSARY OF THE TEMPLE ligence Medal for Valor recognizes only the ern California home where he fell in love with COVENANT OF PEACE most exceptional acts of courage in the pursuit his wife Barbara (Bobbie) Baylis. Together of intelligence community and national security they married in 1948 and raised a family. HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT objectives. On the occasion of Colonel Frank’s retire- Jerry was a distinguished member of the OF PENNSYLVANIA ment to my home-state of Wisconsin, I would Long Beach Police Department as a motor of- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ficer. After an accident that prematurely ended like to take a moment to underscore his heroic Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Jerry’s career, he joined the team at State actions to the House. Farm in Costa Mesa as a claims super- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to On March 20, 2008, while serving as the intendent. honor the 175th anniversary of the Temple Defense Intelligence Agency’s Chief of the De- Retiring after twenty-five years, Jerry and Covenant of Peace. They are the third oldest fense Intelligence Support Organization in Af- Bobbie built their dream home and moved to Temple in Pennsylvania and the tenth oldest ghanistan, Colonel Frank displayed unflinching my hometown of Yucca Valley. in the United States. Committed to a mission leadership and bravery leading security activi- I can remember Jerry and Bobbie traveling of cultivating a love and understanding of Jew- ties for an inter-agency intelligence task force. at every opportunity they had. Either abroad or ish heritage and to inspiring fellowship in the Caught in an ambush by a numerically supe- in their motor-home, they loved the chance to Jewish Community, they have offered many rior enemy force with a marked tactical advan- see old friends and make new ones. Jerry avenues for service to the larger community. tage, Colonel Frank courageously disregarded raised Arabian horses, leather tooled, and re- Their history is intertwined with the history of his own safety, maneuvering through multiple stored antique factors. the City of Easton, Pennsylvania. kill zones over open terrain, on no less than Jerry was a member of the California Chap- Founded on August 26, 1839, the Con- seven occasions, to save the lives of his ter of the Second Marine Division Association. gregation Brith Sholom (Covenant of Peace) teammates, coalition soldiers, and civilian by- He was devoted to promoting the tenets of the held their services in a rented space on Third standers. He personally led the fire and ma- association and served as both President of and Bank Street in Easton. As they grew, they neuver of his team, rallied the Afghan National the California and National Associations. endeavored to build a synagogue on Sixth Police (ANP) to engage enemy forces, and ‘‘Once a Marine, Always a Marine’’ Street between Pine and Ferry. Its fac¸ade mir- heroically retrieved a critical resupply of am- Semper Fi rored that of a great synagogue in Florence, munition desperately needed by his team. f Italy. Until 1959, it was the oldest synagogue Colonel Frank’s uncommon valor and deter- in continuous use, for 117 years, in the United mined leadership allowed his three-member RECOGNIZING THE 35TH ANNIVER- States. In 1954, the Covenant of Peace pur- team, trapped in two ambushes for over two SARY OF LIONVILLE NATURAL chased property to build a new synagogue for and one half hours, to neutralize the enemy PHARMACY OF CHESTER COUN- their growing congregation. This synagogue without a single loss of U.S. or ANP life. Colo- TY, PENNSYLVANIA was dedicated on November 20, 1959. The nel Frank’s bravery under fire is in keeping synagogue was built with no work performed with the finest traditions of military service and HON. JIM GERLACH on the Sabbath or on Jewish holidays. The reflects great credit upon himself, the Defense OF PENNSYLVANIA Temple Covenant of Peace has what is be- Intelligence Agency, and the United States In- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lieved to be one of the first free-standing telligence Community. monuments to the victims of the Holocaust. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of a grateful Nation Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Through the years, members of the Temple and my colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Covenant of Peace have served the Easton resentatives. I would like to express my sin- recognize Lionville Natural Pharmacy of Ches- community well. The Rabbis and members cere thanks to Andrew and his family for their ter County, Pennsylvania on the occasion of have served on the boards of community non- many years of faithful service and a job very its 35th Anniversary. profits and similar organizations. They have well done. I wish them years of good fortune After graduating from Philadelphia College organized food drives and participated in com- as they enjoy their retirement from military of Pharmacy in 1973, Ben Briggs, RPh, CNC, munity dialogues on faith and the ethical service in Wisconsin.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.057 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1537 IN RECOGNITION OF THE REPUB- CELEBRATING VIVIAN L. WOOD many changes took place. Long known for in- LIC OF CHINA’S (TAIWAN) 103RD novation, Save Mart was one of the first su- NATIONAL DAY HON. JOHN R. CARTER permarkets to offer customers pre-packaged OF TEXAS meats, yard and garden supplies, plants, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fresh-cut flowers and gift items, all creative HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS concepts for the 1950s, and relatively unheard Wednesday, November 12, 2014 of for the area until Save Mart introduced OF FLORIDA Mr. CARTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to them. In 1984, major growth occurred for Save IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celebrate the extraordinary service of Mart Supermarkets with the opening of eight Williamson County Treasurer Vivian L. Wood new stores and a new partnership established Wednesday, November 12, 2014 as she begins the next exciting chapter of her to produce Sunnyside Farms dairy products. Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I life. Recognizing the importance of allowing a The company expanded throughout the 1980s am pleased to recognize Taiwan’s 103rd Na- new generation of leaders a chance to make including the acquisition of twenty-seven Fry’s tional Day on October 10, 2014. This event a positive impact, Vivian is stepping down supermarkets located in the East Bay area in marks the anniversary of the 1911 uprising from her two decades of dedication to making 1989; 1997 saw the acquisition of 10 Lucky that led to the establishment of the Republic of Williamson County a great place to live and stores in the Central Valley. work. With their success, the company developed China. Under Vivian’s stewardship, Williamson its own warehouse concept under the name As my colleagues know, the U.S.-Taiwan re- County has enjoyed tremendous population FoodMaxx, which it owns independently. In lationship is a warm one, cemented by our and job growth while the rest of the nation 2003, Save Mart Supermarkets acquired 25 shared commitments to democracy and free was still recovering from recent economic Food 4 Less stores and rebranded them enterprise. This stands in contrast to Taiwan’s challenges. As the fastest growing county in FoodMaxx. The FoodMaxx division is now 50 unique political status in the international com- the USA from 2010 through 2012, Williamson stores strong. munity, which too often leaves it shut out of County is home to Dell Computers, cutting Still growing, in 2007 Save Mart Super- the world’s deliberations. All across the globe edge medical centers, and thriving small busi- markets acquired Albertsons stores in the today, we see new and emerging threats of nesses. Vivian’s forward-thinking financial Metro Sacramento area, San Francisco Bay rare complexity, the solutions to which would management has been critical to the county’s Area, and Northern Nevada, and converted benefit greatly from Taiwan’s participation at continuing success. them to Lucky and Save Mart stores. Today, the negotiating table. Widely admired and respected for her lead- the company operates stores throughout the ership, Vivian has been a treasurer both her Central Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, and I ask that my colleagues join me in redou- colleagues and constituents could rely upon. Northern Nevada. bling our efforts to secure meaningful partici- Her commitment to public service doesn’t end Save Mart Supermarkets is committed to pation, wherever possible, for Taiwan in the when she leaves the office. Vivian has served being a responsible corporate citizen—con- work of international and multilateral organiza- in all offices of the County Treasurers Asso- ducting business ethically and giving back to tions. As we work toward that end, I once ciation of Texas since 1996 and has received the communities that it serves. The company again join my colleagues in wishing our Tai- numerous awards for her dedication to excel- has partnered with a number of organizations wanese friends all the best as they commemo- lence. and established giving programs that can de- rate this momentous day. Vivian’s extraordinary commitment to serv- liver both tangible and intangible benefits to ice reflects the best values of Central Texas. the communities served by Save Mart Super- f She’s positively impacted the lives of thou- markets’ stores. Some of the partners include sands and there’s no doubt that Williamson American Heart Association, City of Hope, RECOGNIZING DR. AHMED County is a better place because of her. Children’s Hospitals: Madera, Oakland, San MAZAHERI Retirement is to be celebrated and enjoyed. Francisco, and Sacramento and local food It is not the end of a career, but rather the be- banks. ginning of a new adventure. I commend Vivian One event that the company has made its HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK Wood for her selfless service to her beloved own is the Toyota/Save Mart 350. Ranked as OF PENNSYLVANIA community and wish her only the best in the one of the top ten annual NASCAR races by years ahead. Maxim magazine, the Toyota/Save Mart 350 is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series event held Wednesday, November 12, 2014 every year in June at Sonoma Raceway. Save RECOGNIZING SAVE MART Mart Supermarkets has sponsored this race SUPERMARKETS Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today, I since 1989, when it attracted only 20,000 would like to proudly acknowledge the many spectators. The annual event now draws a accomplishments of Ahmed Mazaheri, M.D. HON. JEFF DENHAM crowd of approximately 110,000 and raises and his contributions to the local and global OF CALIFORNIA money for the company’s charities and Save community. He recently was recognized by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mart CARES. Rotary Club International and the Rotary Club Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. Speaker, please join me in praising of Doylestown with its ‘‘50 Years of Service Save Mart Supermarkets for their significant Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to contributions to agriculture and to the people Award.’’ Dr. Mazaheri retired from medical recognize and congratulate Save Mart Super- practice in 1994 and, with his generous spirit, of our local community. markets, who will be inducted as a member of f devoted his time to community and inter- the Stanislaus County Ag Hall of Fame’s ‘‘Leg- national service, particularly through the Ro- ends in Agriculture’’ during a ceremony in Mo- RECOGNIZING DR. LARRY tary Club of Doylestown and service on var- desto, California, on November 13, 2014. SCHMITZER ious county health and educational associa- Save Mart Supermarkets, a California cor- tions. Dr. Mazaheri, a native of Iran, left his poration, owns and operates 221 stores in HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK country at age 18 to study medicine at the Northern and Central California and Northern OF PENNSYLVANIA University of Bonn and the University of Lon- Nevada under the Save Mart, S-Mart Foods, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES don and later, medical residencies at George- Lucky, and FoodMaxx banners. A privately- town University and Pennsylvania Hospital. owned retail food company, it is sustained by Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Prior to 1961, he was a medical liaison for the a familial corporate culture. The company has Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, today I U.S. Army in Germany. We sincerely con- always believed in supporting local suppliers would like to proudly acknowledge the many gratulate him for selfless dedication and devo- and producers, and is actively engaged with accomplishments of Dr. Larry Schmitzer and tion to the health and well-being of the greater the charities and causes of the communities his legacy of kindness and commitment to the community and grateful that he has reached where its stores do business. well-being of others. Prior to serving individ- out to so many others. In so doing, Dr. Their long history began when the first Save uals and families in Bucks County, Pennsyl- Mazaheri has set an outstanding example for Mart opened in Modesto, California on Janu- vania, Dr. Schmitzer served our country as a others to follow. ary 17, 1952. Over the next four decades, flight surgeon in Vietnam.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.062 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Dr. Schmitzer started his medical practice Al and Anna currently reside in Bloomfield, HONORING VINCE CALLAHAN along with Dr. Mark Radbill. As their practice NJ. Al keeps busy with gardening work, play- grew, they saw the need to expand in order to ing the guitar, and cooking. He also takes care HON. FRANK R. WOLF better serve our community. Along with other of Anna who is wheelchair bound. OF VIRGINIA individuals, Drs. Schmitzer and Radbill helped As his friend, I am very pleased to have the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES establish the Delaware Valley Medical Center. great fortune of being able to honor such a Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Eventually, the organization joined Aria and is marvelous member of our community. I sin- now known as Aria Health-Bucks County. Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Although an esteemed medical practitioner, cerely wish Mr. Gaetano Armando Formica honor Virginia Delegate Vincent F. Callahan, the hallmark of Dr. Schmitzer’s career was his and his entire family the best. Jr., who passed away on September 20th, effort to form the Warminster Chapter of The job of a United States Congressman in- 2014, at the Virginia Hospital Center in Arling- Gilda’s Club. Dr. Schmitzer was among the 12 volves much that is rewarding, yet nothing ton, Virginia. original founders and deemed the driving compares to recognizing and commemorating Vince represented Virginia’s 34th District in force. Named after comedian Gilda Radner the services of individuals like Mr. Gaetano the Virginia General Assembly for nearly four who died from ovarian cancer in 1989, the or- Armando Formica. decades. During his tenure on the Appropria- ganization provides emotional and social sup- tions Committee, he worked tirelessly on im- Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- port for people living with cancer and the fami- portant regional projects for his constituents in leagues, Mr. Formica’s family, friends, and all lies that love them. They have been particu- McLean and Arlington. He was always willing those whose lives he has touched, and me, in larly attentive to the needs of children im- to work across the aisle to find compromise recognizing Gaetano Armando Formica for pacted by family members battling this horrible and get things done. disease. one hundred years of life dedicated to family Vince’s many legislative accomplishments On behalf of the constituents of Pennsylva- and nation. include supporting the growth of George nia’s 8th Congressional District, I offer Dr. Mason University and the Dulles Corridor, as Schmitzer my gratitude for a career marked f well as securing state funds for public spaces, with selfless dedication and compassion for like Wolf Trap. The we know HONORING FRANCHESTER our friends, neighbors and loved ones. Thank today would not exist if it were not for Vince COLEMAN EASON you, Dr. Schmitzer. and his outstanding statesmanship in the Vir- f ginia General Assembly. The region owes him a debt of gratitude for his faithful and effective GAETANO ARMANDO FORMICA HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON service. OF MISSISSIPPI Vince was a man of strong convictions and HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. the highest moral character. He was a true IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW JERSEY Virginia gentleman, family man and a loyal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 12, 2014 friend; he will be sorely missed by his family, friends and community. Vince is survived by Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- his wife Yvonne, eight children, 22 grand- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to er, I rise today to honor a self-motivated lead- children and two great-grandchildren. recognize Gaetano Armando Formica who er and innovator of the community, Mrs. I respectfully submit Vince’s obituary from selflessly served as a U.S. Army soldier during Franchester Coleman Eason, who is the The Fairfax Times and ask my colleagues to World War II and is celebrating his 100th birth- owner of Franchester’s Salon. join me in honoring Vince’s life and achieve- day. His family and friends will join together ments. Franchester was born January 3, 1969 to this Sunday to celebrate and wish him contin- [From, Sept. 26, 2014] the late Eddie and Henrietta Coleman. She ued health, happiness, and prosperity. CALLAHAN’S LEGACY BURNS BRIGHT along with her 13 siblings was raised south of Gaetano Armando Formica, also known as Fairfax County lost one of its true states- Al, was born September 4, 1914. Al worked in Rolling Fork, MS in a small rural community men—and untold amounts of institutional the family bakery and then went on to work for called Edgermount. Franchester is a graduate knowledge—when longtime state legislator Federal Leather. With his experience there, Al of Rolling Fork High School and holds an AA Vince Callahan died last Saturday from com- eventually went on to open his own shop degree from Hinds Community College in the plications related to West Nile virus. where he recovered chairs and furniture. field of Cosmetology. She has worked as a Callahan, who represented McLean in the Al married his wife Anna in 1943. Soon cosmetologist since earning a license from the Virginia House of Delegates from 1967 to 2008, will best be remembered as someone thereafter, he was drafted into the Army and MS State Board of Cosmetology in 1990. who cared deeply about Northern Virginia served in several European countries during Franchester began her career working for and spent more than half his life fighting for World War II. His services in World War II de- the late Minnie Pearl Brown at the Rolling his district, his constituents and for Vir- serve special recognition. Fork Beauty Charm. After working at Rolling ginia. Al was on Utah Beach, the westernmost It’s hard to travel through Fairfax County Fork Beauty Charm for several years part of the Allied landing beach on D-Day, the today and not see Callahan’s fingerprints on Franchester decided to work for Lee’s Hair Invasion of Normandy. He also fought in the many key institutions and roadways. He was Care, for the late Mrs. Letha Lee. Upon the Battle of the Bulge toward the end of World critical in drumming up dollars and support passing of Mrs. Lee, Franchester managed for George Mason University and Northern War II. Virginia Community College; many Fairfax Al helped to liberate the Buchenwald Con- the shop as her own for many years. In 2009 she and her husband, Frank, were blessed residents could locate either school on a centration Camp. It was one of the first and map. He championed Wolf Trap National largest concentration camps on German soil with the opportunity to buy the business. The Park for the Performing Arts when many where over 55,000 innocent souls lost their beauty shop is now called Franchester’s Salon others viewed the project as a waste of lives. Today, the remains of Buchenwald serve and is located at 153 North 2nd Street; opens money and land. He was instrumental in es- as a memorial and permanent exhibition and at 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m., Tuesday thru Fri- tablishing Georgetown Pike as a scenic museum. day. Franchester’s Salon offers a wide variety byway, fending off intense pressure to four- of hair care techniques. lane the road through Great Falls and parts Al returned to civilian life after being injured of McLean. during the war. For many years, he served as Franchester is a member of the National He also played a lead role in establishing commander in the Disabled American Vet- Beautician Association. She is also a member the Dulles Toll Road, erecting sound walls erans Post 38. He was also the Grand Mar- of Mt. Ollie M. B. Church in Edgermount. along Interstate 495 and sparking commer- shall in the Memorial Parade in 2009. cial development on the Dulles corridor. Franchester and her husband, Frank, are Al and his wife Anna have been blessed Callahan’s list of accomplishments goes on with three children, Armand, Gary, and Ro- the proud parents of Catina, Mariesha, Jeremy and on, fueled mostly by a calm, inclusive berta as well as six grandchildren and eight and Frank III. leadership style rarely seen in today’s Gen- eral Assembly. great-grandchildren. Sadly, his son Gary was Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me In an era of partisan bickering and polit- killed in 1970 while serving his nation in the in recognizing Mrs. Franchester Coleman ical gamesmanship, Callahan built his career Vietnam War. Truly the Formica family has Eason for giving back to the community in on putting people ahead of party and solving given of itself in service of our great nation. which she was born and reared. old problems rather than creating new ones.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.066 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1539 He was keenly aware that he worked at the in North America with a rich history dating Dr. Stakes prestigious career in the behest of those in the 34th House district— back to before the Revolutionary War. In the sciences is a product of her academic tenacity not the other way around. A lifelong Repub- 1700s, upon receiving rejection by over a and achievements. She is a graduate of Rice lican, he went to Richmond each winter fo- University and received her doctorate in cused on improving the lives of his constitu- dozen colonial Freemasonries, a freed slave ents in McLean, Arlington and other parts of by the name of Prince Hall, along with four- Oceanography from Oregon State University. Virginia. That often meant crossing the aisle teen other freed slaves, created a chapter Dr. Stakes’ prominent postgraduate work in- and working with Democrats to pass critical through the Grand Lodge of England, the cluded research appointments at the Massa- legislation. It also meant standing up to law- original source of Freemasonry. The position chusetts Institute of Technology and the Cali- makers in his own party when they were of Worthy Grand Joshua is one of the highest fornia Institute of Technology, as well as a pushing policy harmful to his district. honors within the Prince Hall Freemasonry. year at the National Science Foundation. In the midst of yet another expensive, at- During the past two years, Mr. Johnson’s du- Among her many accomplishments, Dr. tack-oriented election cycle, Vince Cal- Stakes was the first woman to participate in a lahan’s passing should serve as a reminder ties have involved a demanding schedule of that there’s always going to be a place for visits to many lodges throughout the common- range of groundbreaking discoveries such as people with firm spines, positive ideas and wealth of Pennsylvania and participation in the seafloor hot vents. good intentions. countless ceremonies and events. Later, Dr. Stakes taught at the University of South Carolina for almost eight years, where f A lifelong resident of Pennsylvania, Mr. Johnson was born in Harrisburg and spent his she was the only woman on a faculty of twen- RECOGNIZING THE COLLINSWORTH formative years in Steelton. He graduated ty-five in the Department of Geology. During FAMILY AS THE 2014 WALTON from Steelton-Highspire High. After completing her time at the University of South Carolina, COUNTY, FLORIDA, FARM FAM- high school, Mr. Johnson entered the U.S. Dr. Stakes promoted the management of large ILY OF THE YEAR Army and was able to retire as a Chief War- educational programs to support students to rant Officer 3, as a Criminal Investigator for excel and succeed in the fields of mathe- HON. JEFF MILLER the Department of the Army. matics and science. Dr. Stakes continued her work and research OF FLORIDA His career after the military includes working in scientific and oceanic developments during IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the Department of Environmental Re- sources, the Office of the Attorney, and the the decade she worked as the only female sci- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Securities and Exchange Commission. Most entist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Re- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise recently, after four years as a Security Investi- search Institute. to recognize the Collinsworth family of gator, Mr. Johnson left to pursue part-time In 2006, Dr. Stakes began teaching at Westville, Florida, for being selected as the work as a private investigator, constable, and Cuesta College in the fields of Geology and 2014 Walton County Farm Family of the Year. tax preparer. It is during this time that he be- Oceanography, where she became involved in The Collinsworth family traces its Northwest came the Worthy Grand Joshua, of the Most the faculty union as a Division Representative Florida roots to 1894, where their ancestors Ancient Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho, and later as the Committee on Political Edu- settled near the small community of Gaskin, Inc., PHA. He has served in this capacity for cation (COPE) Chair. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Florida. Today, about 25 miles southeast of two years, performing his duties professionally Stakes became the Vice President and took Gaskin, the Collinsworth family farm, owned and never without a smile. on the role of the organization’s Chief Nego- by Bobby and Hazel Collinsworth, comprises Outside of his current role as Worthy Grand tiator. three generations of farmers, including their Joshua, Mr. Johnson also serves on the Exec- Dr. Stakes’ passion for the sciences is evi- son-in-law and grandchildren of the Currid utive Board of Steelton Youth in Action dent throughout the trajectory of her career. family, each of whom play an integral role in (S.Y.I.A.) as the Financial Secretary. Even She has been a trailblazer for women in her the family’s farming operations. with his many commitments, he finds time in field and has continuously shown outstanding Since 1924, Bobby and Hazel Collinsworth his schedule to drive a school bus for dedication towards the value of people’s work have worked tirelessly to cultivate their farm to Steelton-Highspire, McDevitt, and Central and has stood against the injustice to deny the successful operation it is today. What Dauphin students. anyone acknowledgement of their contribu- originally produced corn, soybeans, cotton, George Washington, a notable Mason, once tions. As the current Chief Negotiator for Cuesta peanuts and consisted of hogs and cattle has shared: ‘‘To enlarge the sphere of social hap- College’s faculty union, Dr. Stakes continues flourished into 320 acres owned and 240 piness is worthy of the benevolent design of a to strive for the progress and enhancement of acres leased to raise 129 crossbred cows and Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to our education system, as well as the lives of 16 registered Simmental cows. be wished, that the conduct of every member educators. Dr. Stakes has encouraged and Mr. Speaker, our great Nation was built by of the fraternity, as well as those publications, cultivated a strong bond of partnership be- farmers and their families. The Walton County that discover the principles which actuate tween Cuesta College and the Tri-Counties Farm Family of the Year Award is a true re- them, may tend to convince mankind that the Central Labor Council, which has benefitted flection of the Collinsworth’s family dedication grand object of Masonry is to promote the many people throughout San Luis Obispo, to family and farming and their shared passion happiness of the human race.’’ for ranching and caring for the land for future Mr. Speaker, upon the completion of his du- Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. For these reasons, I am pleased to join the generations to come. On behalf of the United ties as Worthy Grand Joshua, I thank Mr. Tri-Counties Central Labor Council in honoring States Congress, I would like to offer my con- Johnson for all that he has done for our area Dr. Debra Stakes for her unwavering dedica- gratulations to the Collinsworth family for and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. tion and tireless efforts to expand the role of being outstanding in their field. My wife Vicki f women in the workforce, the education sector and I extend our best wishes for their contin- and our community. ued success. HONORING DR. DEBRA STAKES f f HON. JULIA BROWNLEY HONORING PETER ANDREAS CONGRATULATING CALVIN L. OF CALIFORNIA SZEGO JOHNSON, SR. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 12, 2014 HON. ZOE LOFGREN HON. LOU BARLETTA OF CALIFORNIA Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today I rise in recognition of Dr. Debra Stakes, President of the Cuesta College Federation of Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Teachers, AFT 4909. Throughout her career, Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise with my Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Dr. Stakes has been a committed individual to colleagues, Congress members ANNA ESHOO Calvin L. Johnson, Sr. as he completes his the advancement of high-quality education and and MIKE HONDA, to recognize the impact of time as the Worthy Grand Joshua, of the Most scientific research. She has been a champion Mr. Peter Andreas Szego’s lifelong involve- Ancient Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho, in moving forward these principles all while ment in the life of our community. We would Inc., Prince Hall PHA of Pennsylvania. being a staunch advocate for faculty concerns like to express our deep sadness over his The Prince Hall Freemasonry is a collection and promoting community engagement, orga- passing on September 28, 2014, in San Jose of predominately African American jurisdictions nizing, and political activism. at the age of 89.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.069 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 To escape Hitler’s Germany, Mr. Szego im- preserve Sikh holy sites, especially the birth- They have made the country more aware of migrated to the United States with his family in place of the first Sikh guru, Guru Nanak Dev, the evil of sexual assault and have aided mil- 1934. After he started his studies at Stanford and to allow Sikh pilgrims the right to visit lions of victims. University, his education was interrupted in these sites. However, his cause was consid- RAINN created and operates the National 1944 when he entered the U.S. Army to serve ered far too radical, and he was taken into Sexual Assault Hotline, which provides victims in Europe as a dental technician until 1946. custody and held in the Nabha jail for a year of sexual assault with free, confidential serv- After WWII, Mr. Szego returned to the United and a half. It would take fifty years for this bat- ices around the clock and has served over 1.5 States to finish college, undertake course work tle to be won; in 1999 the President of Paki- million people since 1994. toward a Ph.D., and teach at Rice University, stan finally granted the Pakistan Gurdwara The hotline expanded its services going on- Houston, Texas, and Santa Clara University. Parbandhak Committee the right to maintain line in 2007 helping to reach even more vic- Around this time, Mr. Szego began his life- Sikh shrines and began granting more visas tims. long activism for civil rights, justice, peace, so that Sikhs abroad can visit them. In addition, RAINN operates the DOD Safe and many political campaigns for candidates With the help of S. Mann, Sardar Ganga Helpline to aid victims of sexual violence in who stood for these causes. After doing re- Singh Dhillon moved to the United States in our military. search for over a decade and while continuing the 1960s where he continued his advocacy Beyond the hotline and other direct victim to work and publish in applied mathematics, on behalf of Sikh concerns. S. Dhillon was services, RAINN advocates for policies that Mr. Szego left engineering to join the staff to committed to improving relationships and un- change the lives of victims of sexual assault Mr. Dan McCorquodale, the Santa Clara derstanding between Sikhs and other cultures and engages the public to advocate on behalf County Supervisor at the time. Among other and religions. He discussed issues with pa- of victims’ rights bills. things, in 1963, Mr. Szego joined an interracial tience, logic, and advocacy for peaceful solu- They were vital in the passage of the group to take part in the March on Wash- tions, even with his most bitter adversaries. In Debbie Smith Act, its subsequent reauthoriza- ington. Additionally, Mr. Szego served as an 1965, S. Dhillon founded the John F. Kennedy tions, the DNA Fingerprint Act, and the Kate advisor to U.S. Representative Phil Burton on Memorial Hockey Tournament. The core mis- Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act, the issue of drafting fair political districts long sion of this tournament was to build friendship and the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Re- before computer programs were used to draw and stronger bonds through sport, and to de- porting Act. boundaries. velop better understanding and mutual respect I worked with RAINN on SAFER for years After his retirement from the Legislature in for people of all countries, rich and poor, along with Congresswoman MALONEY and 1991, Mr. Szego continued to work even hard- through competition and sportsmanship. This Senator CORNYN. er to improve the lives of people of all races, tournament is now one of the largest inter- SAFER provides grants to states and local- backgrounds and ages, both on the local and national hockey tournaments in the United ities with existing funds to audit their rape kit national levels. In fact, in recognition of his nu- States. backlog and makes this information available merous years of dedicated volunteer service, In 1981, S. Dhillon returned to India to de- to the public. Mr. Szego received the AARP’s highest state liver a Presidential Address entitled ‘‘Sikhs Are SAFER also mandates that more current honor, the California Percy Andrus Award for a Nation’’ at the 54th All India Sikh Edu- funds go directly to test rape kits. Community Service. Deservedly, in May, cational Conference. Reaction to his speech Despite the various barriers we encountered 2014, Mr. Szego received the Santa Clara was overwhelmingly hostile, forcing him to throughout the years since this idea was County Democratic Party Don Edwards Life- leave India immediately. He was banned from brought to me by RAINN, Scott Berkowitz and time Achievement Award. ever travelling to India as a result. the incredible staff at RAINN never gave up. We join Mr. Szego’s family, colleagues, and S. Dhillon was also a leader on other issues They persevered because they knew it was our community to express our heartfelt sense of importance to the international Sikh commu- right. of loss. Mr. Szego’s service leaves our world nity. He along with others established the They knew that SAFER would bring justice a better place, and he will be dearly missed. Nanakana Sahib Foundation, the purpose of to victims and put perpetrators where they be- which was to bridge the gap between Sikhs f long, behind bars. and their Pakistani Muslim brothers. This foun- Scott’s spirit is like that of a Texan, even TO COMMEMORATE THE LIFE OF dation is jointly funded and run by Muslim and though he’s from New Jersey, but we won’t SARDAR GANGA SINGH DHILLON Sikh private individuals, and houses a library, hold that against him. a guest house, and hospital where free med- That is why we work together so well. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ical care is provided to the poor. Congratulations on 20 years of making a Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join OF VIRGINIA true difference in victims’ lives. me in commemorating and celebrating the life IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f of my friend, Sardar Ganga Singh Dhillon and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 in expressing sincere condolences to his fam- RECOGNIZING SUSAN CUNDIFF AS Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- ily. Sadar Ganga Singh Dhillon rightfully be- THE HURLBURT AIR FORCE AS- memorate the distinguished life of Sardar longs in a select group of very rare individuals SOCIATION CHAPTER 398 HIGH Ganga Singh Dhillon, who passed away on who, through peaceful means, have truly SCHOOL TEACHER OF THE YEAR September 24, 2014 at the age of 86. changed the world. His efforts on behalf of the FOR 2014 Ganga Singh Dhillon was born in the international Sikh community and in improve- Sheikhupura area of West Punjab. He re- ment of relationships between cultures will HON. JEFF MILLER ceived his early education at Chak 19 and the leave a lasting legacy. OF FLORIDA Guru Nanak Khalsa High School Nanakana f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sahib. He later joined the Sikh National Col- RAINN’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY lege Lahore. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 This was a time of great political and reli- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my gious turmoil throughout the Indian sub-con- HON. TED POE privilege to recognize Ms. Susan Cundiff as tinent. The region was on the verge of being OF TEXAS the Hurlburt Air Force Association (AFA) divided, and the interests of the Sikh commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chapter 398 High School Teacher of the Year nity were not being addressed. S. Dhillon be- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 for 2014. Ms. Cundiff was among three edu- came one of the foremost original leaders of Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, it’s my cators selected throughout Northwest Florida the Sikh struggle. In 1947 he was arrested in honor to recognize the 20th anniversary of the for her inspiring efforts to bolster her students’ Lahore along with several other students for Rape Abuse & Incest National Network interest in science, technology, engineering promoting Khalistan, a Sikh nation. That same (RAINN), one of our Nation’s most effective and math (STEM) education, and I am year, his father was shot and killed by the victims’ organizations. pleased to honor her outstanding achieve- Pakistani army while trying to resolve an issue Founded by Scott Berkowitz in 1994, RAINN ments. between the Sikhs and Muslims. is the Nation’s largest anti-sexual violence or- Ms. Cundiff joins the ranks of teachers pre- Ganga Singh Dhillon then moved with his ganization. viously bestowed this honor for her more than family to India where he was mentored by S. Their cutting edge work has changed the three decades of service as an educator at Joginder Singh Mann, an old family friend. outcome for victims of sexual violence for Gulf Breeze High School and her service to While in India, S. Dhillon began his battle to years. the Gulf Coast community. Since 1983, she

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.048 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1541 has witnessed and has played an integral role thropy Award, named in honor of the family ‘‘A lawyer, author, educator, community lead- in the growth of some of the finest minds of that donated the first parcels of parkland to er, and philanthropist. The only title missing is our Nation’s youth. Through her passion for the Park Authority more than 50 years ago, Proud Italian American.’’ teaching, which has helped spark her stu- the Mayo Stuntz Cultural Stewardship, named Mr. Speaker, for his exemplary service to dents’ sense of wonder and interest in the in honor of a celebrated local historian and the Italian American community and the great- world around them, Ms. Cundiff’s contributions military veteran, and the 2014 Sally Ormsby er Hazleton Area, I commend and thank Mr. to producing the next generation of active par- Environmental Stewardship Award, named in Schiavo and wish him the best in his future ticipants in our society, and perhaps future sci- honor of a local champion of environmental endeavors. entists and engineers, cannot be overstated. education and protection. I congratulate each f Her tireless efforts and innovative tech- of the following recipients of these prestigious niques have brought unique hands-on learning awards and proudly enter their names into the HONORING DR. STEVE HALL opportunities into the classroom. As a result of CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: this practical learning, her students gain a 2014 Elly Doyle Park Service Award Recipi- HON. JULIA BROWNLEY working knowledge of wireless computer inte- ents: James ‘‘Curly’’ Anderko, Bob Dinse, Alan OF CALIFORNIA gration and electronics construction. Today, Figgatt. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her students can also be found researching, Elly Doyle Special Recognition: Mona Wednesday, November 12, 2014 building, wiring, programming and testing ro- Enquist-Johnston, John Eltzroth, Fairfax Coun- bots on a specified task. ty Farmers Markets Market Masters, Donn Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, Her dedication to the community, however, Grover, REI. today I rise in recognition of Dr. Steve Hall, is not confined within the classroom. Ms. Student Honoree: Matthew Baker.Eakin Phi- President and Chief Negotiator for the Ventura Cundiff is active in Hurlburt AFA Chapter’s lanthropy Award Recipients: Mike Rolband, County Federation of College Teachers, AFT aerospace educational programs, devoting her Transurban—Fluor. Local 1828, who has successfully worked with time and energy to assist in planning and or- Mayo Stuntz Cultural Stewardship Award: labor and community groups throughout Ven- ganizing events. She also utilizes her consid- Bob Lundegard. tura County to promote high-quality education erable experience and success in the class- Sally Ormsby Environmental Stewardship and academic excellence for all students room to assist in the professional development Award Recipient: Diane Hoffman. throughout the region. of other educators throughout the area at the Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join Throughout his life, Dr. Hall has followed his Chapter’s Teacher Workshops, sharing best me in congratulating and thanking these hon- passion for teaching, but more importantly practices and stimulating lessons that can be orees for their demonstrated commitment to helping others attain their highest potential. brought back to their respective classrooms. our open spaces and public parks. Fairfax With this in mind, he pursued a Doctor of Edu- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to congratulate County is able to enjoy a high quality of life cation Degree with an emphasis in Organiza- Ms. Cundiff on this well-earned achievement because of the efforts of these individuals and tional Leadership at Pepperdine University, of Hurlburt Air Force Association Chapter 398 they are deserving of our praise and apprecia- and has since dedicated his career to the High School Teacher of the Year for 2014 and tion. fields of education and teaching. thank her for her commitment to service and f For several years, Dr. Hall has been an es- dedication to the Northwest Florida commu- teemed and respected member of the Oxnard nity. My wife Vicki joins me in wishing Ms. RECOGNIZING PASCO L. SCHIAVO College faculty. After only two years at Oxnard Cundiff all the best for continued success. College, Dr. Hall was recognized for his excel- lence in teaching when he was voted ‘‘Teach- f HON. LOU BARLETTA OF PENNSYLVANIA er of the Year’’ and delivered the commence- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 2014 ELLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment address in 1998. DOYLE PARK SERVICE AWARDS In addition to teaching, Dr. Hall has also Wednesday, November 12, 2014 served as the Dean of Mathematics, Science, HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to Physical Education and Athletics, and Health OF VIRGINIA recognize Pasco L. Schiavo, who has been Sciences at Oxnard Community College for six IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES selected as the 2014 UNICO Hazleton, Penn- and a half years. Dr. Hall was the lead admin- sylvania Chapter’s Italian American of the istrator responsible for starting an array of pro- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Year. grams at Oxnard College that have immensely Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- A lifelong resident of Hazleton, Mr. Schiavo helped numerous students over the years. ognize the honorees of the 2014 Elly Doyle served our country honorably as a first lieuten- These programs have included the Oxnard Park Service Award, the Elly Doyle Special ant in the United States Army Reserves. In College Dental Assistant Certificate Program, Recognition Award, the Eakin Philanthropy 1962, after completing his military service, he the ‘‘Proyecto Access’’ program, and the Award, the Mayo Stuntz Cultural Stewardship established a law practice in Hazleton and Oxnard College Marine Education Center. Dr. Award, the Sally Ormsby Environmental Stew- began teaching at the local Penn State Hazle- Hall has diligently worked alongside fellow fac- ardship Award as well as the 2014 Student ton Campus. Mr. Schiavo generously donated ulty, staff, and community partners to make Honoree. These awards, sponsored by the not only his time, but also his financial support these milestones for Oxnard College students Fairfax County Park Authority Board in co- to the school, establishing multiple scholar- a possibility. operation with the Fairfax County Park Foun- ships in memory of his parents. In 2010, Dr. Hall began serving as the dation Board, recognize individuals and orga- Along with his commitment to higher edu- President and Chief Negotiator for the Ventura nizations for their extraordinary contributions cation and learning, Mr. Schiavo has held County Federation of College Teachers, AFT to our environment and public park system. many leadership positions in the community. Local 1828. In this role, Dr. Hall worked in Fairfax County is regarded as one of the He served as Assistant District Attorney of partnership with faculty and colleagues to se- best places in the country in which to live, Luzerne County, was President of the County cure a successful three year contract that pro- work, and raise a family, and our nationally- Commission on Economic Opportunity, and vided stability for the teachers and students of recognized park system has played a key role was appointed to the Disciplinary Board of the the Ventura County Community College Dis- in that distinction. Our community has a strong Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Additionally, trict. commitment to promoting and preserving our he served as solicitor for the Hazleton Area In November 2012, Dr. Hall was elected by environment, including our public parks and School District, Hazleton Housing Authority, the communities of Oxnard, Camarillo, and outdoor spaces. Each year thousands of vol- Hazle Township Municipality, and the Hazleton Port Hueneme to the Oxnard Union High unteers donate their talents and time to pro- City Authority. He continues to give back to School District School Board. Following his tect our natural and cultural resources and en- the community through his support of the Ha- election, Dr. Hall continued his steadfast and hance public educational and recreational zleton Public Library, Hazleton Kiwanis, the outspoken advocacy for teachers and stu- services. Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, and dents. He has worked diligently to raise The Elly Doyle Service Awards were estab- the Serento Gardens Drug and Alcohol Serv- awareness about the necessity in reducing lished in 1988 in honor of former board mem- ices. class sizes, raising pay for teachers and staff, ber Ellamae Doyle’s many years of out- He has taught at and held many leadership and reducing expulsions. Dr. Hall has truly standing service. In addition, recipients also roles at Penn State Hazleton. The plaque on been a champion for Ventura County’s stu- have been selected for the 2014 Eakin Philan- the side of Pasco L. Schiavo Hall says it all: dents and teachers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.034 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 IN RECOGNITION OF DAVID L. RECOGNIZING PENNY MOORE AS IN RECOGNITION OF THE 74TH AN- MCKEEHAN THE HURLBURT AIR FORCE AS- NUAL ANNANDALE VOLUNTEER SOCIATION CHAPTER 398 MIDDLE FIRE DEPARTMENT AWARDS HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN SCHOOL TEACHER OF THE YEAR BANQUET AND INSTALLATION FOR 2014 OF MASSACHUSETTS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY HON. JEFF MILLER OF VIRGINIA Wednesday, November 12, 2014 OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Wednesday, November 12, 2014 to pay tribute to David L. McKeehan, the Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my North Central Massachusetts Chamber of ognize the Annandale Volunteer Fire Depart- privilege to recognize Ms. Penny Moore as the ment and to congratulate the 2014 award re- Commerce (NCMCC). After 30 years of dedi- Hurlburt Air Force Association Chapter 398 cated service, Dave will be retiring from the cipients and incoming 2015 officers and board Middle School Teacher of the Year for 2014. members. Chamber of Commerce on December 31, Ms. Moore was among three educators se- 2014. The Annandale Volunteer Fire and Rescue lected throughout Northwest Florida for her in- Department is one of 12 volunteer fire depart- Dave formed the North Central Massachu- spiring efforts to bolster her students’ interest setts Chamber of Commerce by merging the ments in Fairfax County, and since its found- in science, technology, engineering and math ing in 1940, it has provided lifesaving, fire sup- Fitchburg and Leominster Chambers of Com- (STEM) education, and I am pleased to honor merce, along with smaller business groups. pression/prevention, and emergency medical/ her outstanding achievements. rescue services to the residents of the Annan- Over the course of his tenure, he procured The never-ending yearning to help others is dale area and the surrounding community. over $4.5 million in private sector funding and the foundation on which Ms. Moore has built The AVFD owns two stations, Station 8 on over $1 million in government grants for eco- her success as an educator. Prior to moving Columbia Pike and Station 23 on Little River nomic development programming in the re- to Northwest Florida, Ms. Moore worked as a Turnpike, and its front line fleet includes two gion. Under his leadership, the Chamber of special needs teacher inspiring students at ambulances, a medic, two engines, and one Commerce has grown a community of busi- Churchill Academy in Montgomery, Alabama. canteen unit. The Department also provides ness memberships reaching over 1,000 mem- She has since spent the last decade of her opportunities for professional growth and de- ber firms that employ upward of 25,000 indi- professional career teaching at Avalon Middle velopment of the membership. viduals in the cities of Leominster and Fitch- School in Milton, Florida. Her willingness and The most valuable assets of the AVFD are burg and surrounding towns. Dave was instru- constant ability to adapt to the ever-changing the volunteers who donate their time and re- mental in the creation as well as saving of needs of her students is a challenge that Ms. sources in service to our community. Last year jobs within North Central Massachusetts dur- Moore embraces and is furthermore evidence alone, these highly skilled and committed vol- ing his years at the Chamber. of her passion to mold and enlighten the unteers contributed in excess of 15,000 hours Dave is a true leader within the community minds of our Nation’s youth. responding to emergency incidents, attending and Chambers across the country. His hard While she holds high expectations for her training, and fundraising. Each year the AVFD work and dedication was recognized when he students and works diligently with them to recognizes those volunteers who have ex- was awarded the ‘‘Service Above Self Award’’ master theory and practice, she also inspires celled in service and commitment, and it is my by Mount Wachusett Community College for and motivates her students to rise to the occa- honor to enter the following names of the his contribution to the school as well as the 29 sion and put theory into practice. Under her 2014 Annandale Volunteer Fire Department surrounding cities. Dave was also recognized leadership and guidance as the school’s award recipients into the CONGRESSIONAL by Fitchburg State University as being one of science, technology, engineering, activity and RECORD: the ‘‘100 Most Influential People in the Last math (STEAM) team, nearly 100 students from Outstanding Service Award (4 recipients): 100 Years.’’ When David officially retires, the all grade levels have competed in boosting en- Kathleen Hinman, Richard Mitchell, Jason Chamber of Commerce will lose a remarkable gineering, science, and technology (BEST) ro- Pavelko, William ‘Bill’ Richmond. president and asset to their organization. botics competitions and the Science Olympiad Highest Administrative Hours Award: Shirley I ask all of my colleagues to join me in con- and have represented Northwest Florida at Binsky. state and national competitions. Furthermore, gratulating David McKeehan on his retirement Admin Member of the Year: Walter Ms. Moore recognizes the importance for her and wishing him the very best with his future Ferrebee and Diana Phan. students to experience science and tech- endeavors. Rookie Members of the Year (two recipi- nology outside of the classroom and affords ents): Nicole Dellinger and Kelly Kardos. them the unique opportunity to visit the Flight f Most Training Hours: Yuan Yao. Adventure Deck and the National Naval Avia- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 95TH Most Riding Hours: Chessy Dintruff. tion Museum aboard Naval Air Station Pensa- Support Member of the Year: Fran Carfaro. BIRTHDAY OF WILLIAM B. WIL- cola, where students complete preparatory KINS President’s Award: Anthony ‘Tony’ Ruth. lessons and apply their knowledge of what Chief’s Award: Laura Dye. they have learned through hands-on activities EMS Provider of the Year: Sean Bhatty and HON. MIKE ROGERS at the Adventure Deck. James Tuttle. OF ALABAMA Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to congratulate Firefighter of the Year: Robert Melgar. Ms. Moore on this well-earned achievement of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Additionally, I wish to congratulate and Hurlburt Air Force Association Chapter 398 Wednesday, November 12, 2014 thank the following men and women who have Middle School Teacher of the Year for 2014 agreed to assume additional responsibilities as Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I and thank her for her commitment to service officers and board members for 2015: ask for the House’s attention today to honor and dedication to the Northwest Florida com- Chief: Roger Waller. Mr. William B. Wilkins on the occasion of his munity. My wife Vicki joins me in wishing Ms. President: Gary Moore. 95th birthday. Moore all the best for continued success. Vice President: Sean Bhatty. Mr. Wilkins was born October 31, 1919 in f Treasurer: Ronald Waller. Anniston, Alabama and was married to Ms. PERSONAL EXPLANATION Secretary: Diana Phan. Eunice B. Wilkins for 72 years. He served in Directors: Shirley Binsky, Michael Hassan, the United States Air Force for two years and Peter Snitzer. spending 18 months in Europe during World HON. SAM GRAVES Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join OF MISSOURI War II. me in congratulating the 2014 award recipi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Wilkins resides at Col. Robert L. How- ents and in commending the Annandale Vol- ard State Veterans Home and enjoys spend- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 unteer Fire Department for 74 years of serv- ing time with his fellow Veterans Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, on ice. I thank the brave volunteers whose dedi- Mr. Speaker, please join me in thanking Mr. Monday, September 15, I missed a rollcall cation to public safety is deserving of our high- Wilkins for his selfless service to our country vote. Had I been present, I would have voted est praise, and to each of these men and and celebrating his 95th birthday today. ‘‘yea’’ on No. 497. women I say: ‘‘Stay safe.’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.071 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1543 HONORING CONSTABLE MARTIN developed into a flourishing community since In presenting the 2014 Naomi Berber Me- RODRIGUEZ its incorporation. The city has become known morial Award to Ms. Lawton-Forsyth, the Print- for its outstanding high-tech retail stores, spe- ing Industries of America honors this out- HON. HENRY CUELLAR cialty businesses, and modern buildings. Addi- standing woman in the graphic communica- OF TEXAS tionally, Camarillo has been ranked as one of tions industry for her exceptional record of ac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the safest communities in Ventura County, an complishments, contributions to the develop- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ideal and premiere city to raise a family, live, ment of the graphic communications industry and work. and for furthering the industry’s interests. She Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Furthermore, the City of Camarillo is home has served on their Executive Committee honor the career of Constable Martin Rodri- to an exceptional educated workforce, with a since 2004 and on numerous other commit- guez. Constable Rodriguez has faithfully premiere four-year public university. California tees, including Research and Development, served the people of South Texas in many ca- State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) was Finance, Marketing, and Government Affairs. pacities, and he honorably served his country established in 2002 and has been a phe- So today, I rise to acknowledge and thank in the Navy during the Vietnam War. nomenal addition to the fabric of the city and Ms. Laura Lawton-Forsyth for her years of Martiniano Rodriguez was born in San Anto- surrounding community. dedication and hard work. I also want to con- nio, Texas on December 8, 1944. The second Throughout the years, Camarillo has main- gratulate her, as leader of Lawton Printing Inc. of eight children, Martin graduated from C.W. tained a balance between modernity and his- and File-Ez Folder Inc., for receiving the 2014 Fox High School in 1965. Upon graduating tory. While providing modern amenities to its Naomi Berber Memorial Award. I applaud her from high school, Martin joined the Navy and residents, the city is peppered with significant dedication to the printing industry and her con- served two tours of duty in the waters of Viet- cultural and historic landmarks, such as the tributions to the success of the economy in nam. After completing his Navy service, Martin Camarillo Ranch House, the Pleasant Valley Eastern Washington. started work at Kelly Air Force base, where he Historical Museum, and Saint Mary Magdalen f worked in the civil service for 18 years. He Catholic Church. concurrently took classes at San Antonio Col- IN RECOGNITION OF JULIA Since 1964, the City of Camarillo has de- BANCROFT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL lege and graduated in 1977. In 1985, Martin fined itself as a distinguished community, with decided to change careers, and began work at a wealth of history, culture, and innovation. the Bexar County Constable’s Department as Camarillo takes pride in its unparalleled quality HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN OF MASSACHUSETTS an investigator. In 1993, Martin began working of life and the many attributes of the commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department nity that have lasted throughout the years. For and retired in 2006. Then in 2009, Martin ran these reasons, it is my sincere pleasure to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 for the office of Wilson County Constable, and congratulate the City of Camarillo on their 50th Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today has served in this role to this day. Anniversary. to ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of In addition to a lifelong career of service to f Representatives to join me in recognizing the his country and his community, Constable accomplishments of Julia Bancroft Elementary Rodriguez will celebrate his 50th anniversary CONGRESSWOMAN HONORS MS. School. with his wife Belinda this coming January. To- LAURA LAWTON-FORSYTH, RE- Julia Bancroft Elementary School, located in gether, they have four children, ten grand- CIPIENT OF THE 2014 NAOMI BER- Auburn, Massachusetts, was recently named a children, and two great grandchildren. Further, BER MEMORIAL AWARD 2014 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Constable Rodriguez has been a member and Department of Education. Julia Bancroft prides Officer of the Board of both the San Antonio HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS itself on the ability to prepare its students to and Wilson County Veterans of Foreign Wars OF WASHINGTON succeed in a dynamic and fast-paced world. (VFW), served as a life member of the Wilson IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With a student body of approximately 285 third County Housing Foundation, and served as a Wednesday, November 12, 2014 through fifth graders, Julia Bancroft Elemen- member of the Knights of Columbus of Wilson tary focuses on its students at an individual County. Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, level. Under the leadership of Principal Susan Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have the op- I rise today to congratulate Ms. Laura Lawton- M. Lopez, teachers and staff have worked tire- portunity to recognize Constable Martin Rodri- Forsyth of Spokane, Washington for receiving lessly to create a rigorous yet inviting environ- guez for a lifetime of service to his family, his the Printing Industries of America’s 2014 ment where students are valued and dif- community, and his country. Naomi Berber Memorial Award. I am pleased ferences are celebrated. The Julia Bancroft f to recognize her contributions as a business pledge, ‘‘I believe, I will achieve, and I will HONORING THE CITY OF leader who works diligently to support Eastern succeed,’’ encompasses Julia Bancroft Ele- CAMARILLO Washington’s economy as well as providing mentary School’s tenets to help each student employment opportunities for citizens in East- reach their potential. HON. JULIA BROWNLEY ern Washington. To encourage students to become leaders Founded in 1940 by Frank A. and Frank H. and give back to their community, Julia Ban- OF CALIFORNIA Lawton, Laura’s grandfather and great-grand- croft Elementary promotes numerous Commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES father, Lawton Printing Inc. has remained a nity Service Learning Projects. Through fund- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 family business for more than seven decades. raising, volunteer work, and reading programs, Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, Through the years, Lawton Printing Inc. has these projects have instilled in the students today I rise to recognize the City of Camarillo been dedicated to serving the needs of its cli- the importance of ‘‘giving back.’’ Other pro- as it celebrates 50 years as a thriving and ents, enabling them to grow and diversify their grams that contribute to student development prosperous community in the heart of Ventura business offerings. while simultaneously benefiting the community County, California. I would like to acknowledge Joining the company in 1991, Ms. Lawton- include the Inventors’ Fair, Turkey Trot, and congratulate the City of Camarillo, along Forsyth held a variety of positions before C.A.R.E. program, Literacy Night, Math Night, with its residents, on this historic milestone. being named president in October of 2001— annual Community Reading Day, the Festival The City of Camarillo was incorporated on the fourth generation of her family to hold that of the Arts, and various food drives. October 22, 1964, and was named after position. In 2012, Laura served as Chair of the Additionally, Julia Bancroft Elementary has Adolfo and Juan Camarillo, the proprietors of Board of the Printing Industries of America, strived to close academic gaps between stu- Rancho Calleguas. At the time of the city’s in- overseeing the direction and activities of the dents. Through the implementation of planned corporation, a population of approximately world’s largest graphic arts trade association, Intervention Blocks, Professional Learning 10,500 residents covered the 5.2 square miles representing an industry of more than 900,000 Community discussions, and consistent dif- of the municipality. Today, Camarillo boasts employees. As such, she became the second ferentiated instruction, teachers have targeted an appealing mixture of rural and suburban woman to be elected to the position since its high-achievers and developed specific tar- lifestyles to its over 66,000 residents covering founding in 1887. Leadership on a national geted instruction. This has resulted in the clos- a region that spans an estimated 19.5 square level runs in the Lawton family. Her father, ing of gaps in the low income and special miles. Ray, was also Chair of the Printing Industries needs subgroups. Located in the Pleasant Valley at the east- of America, making the Lawtons the only fa- None of this would be possible without the ern end of the Oxnard Plain, Camarillo has ther-daughter pair to serve in that role. talented educators and staff members of Julia

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.074 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1544 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Bancroft Elementary School. Principal Susan neers, and Ms. Mason has partnered with Gulf the river, athletic fields, picnic areas, and con- M. Lopez has demonstrated a deep passion Power Company making it possible for her nections to multiple regional trails, including for the success of her students, as well as a students to engage its engineers in the devel- the Gerald E. Connolly Cross County Trail and commitment to creating a warm and wel- oping of their classroom robots. the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail. coming learning environment. The tireless ef- Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to congratulate The modernization of this regional park will forts of educators and staff at Julia Bancroft Ms. Mason on this well-earned achievement of feature a new entrance with greater roadside Elementary School have earned them the Hurlburt Air Force Association Chapter 398 El- visibility, a loop trail traversing the entire park, ‘‘Level I School’’ status for the past two years. ementary School and the esteemed Overall a landscaped waterfront plaza, and other infra- I’m so proud to represent the faculty, stu- Teacher of the Year for 2014 and thank her structure improvements. dents, and staff of Julia Bancroft Elementary for her commitment to service and dedication A new focal point of the park will be the School, and I cannot wait to hear about their to the Northwest Florida community. My wife Jean R. Packard Center, named in honor of future successes. I ask you to join me in con- Vicki joins me in wishing Ms. Mason all the my good friend and mentor. Jean recently re- gratulating Julia Bancroft Elementary School best for continued success. tired from the Regional Park Board after 24 for being selected as a 2014 National Blue f years of dedicated service. It is difficult to Ribbon School. HONORING NATIVE HERITAGE overstate the tremendous environmental leg- f MONTH AND SACRIFICES MADE acy Jean has cultivated here in Northern Vir- RECOGNIZING SARAH MASON AS BY NATIVE AMERICAN VET- ginia. A veteran of the Women’s Army Corps THE HURLBURT AIR FORCE AS- ERANS during World War II, Jean moved to Fairfax in SOCIATION CHAPTER 398 ELE- 1951 and got her start in public service much MENTARY SCHOOL AND OVER- HON. DUCKWORTH the same way I did as president of her neigh- borhood civic association. Thus began five ALL TEACHER OF THE YEAR OF ILLINOIS decades of civic engagement, particularly fo- FOR 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cused on environmental stewardship and pro- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 HON. JEFF MILLER tection. Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I rise in She was the first woman elected as chair- OF FLORIDA recognition of Trickster Art Gallery for its pres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES man the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors entation of Native American Veteran artwork in in 1972 and was an unabashed environ- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 honor of Native Heritage Month and Veterans mentalist before it became trendy. During my Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my Day. 14 years on the County Board starting in privilege to recognize Ms. Sarah Mason as the During the month of November, we cele- 1995, Jean was a member of my trusted kitch- Hurlburt Air Force Association Chapter 398 El- brate the ancestry and time-honored traditions en cabinet and helped shape our award-win- ementary School and the esteemed Overall of Native Americans, as their contributions ning environmental agenda. After her tenure Teacher of the Year for 2014. Ms. Mason was have been and continue to be instrumental in on the Board of Supervisors, Jean became the among three educators selected throughout the development of our great Nation. Native first woman elected to the Northern Virginia Northwest Florida for her inspiring efforts to Americans have helped shape American con- Soil and Water Conservation District Board of bolster her students’ interest in science, tech- servation policy, enriched American culture Directors. Though not continuous, she has nology, engineering and math (STEM) edu- and have fought gallantly for our country. served on the Board multiple times over the cation, and I am pleased to honor her out- From the Revolutionary War to current com- past 40 years, and she is in the midst of her standing achievements. bat missions, American Indians have played a most recent term at the age of 91! Though Ms. Mason has been teaching for vital role in the United States Military. In World War II, for example, over 375 Navajo Marines She was a founding member of the North- ten years, she was keenly aware of her pas- ern Virginia Conservation Trust, which recently sion for putting others before herself long be- were trained as Code Talkers and famously saved countless lives with their unbreakable renamed its lifetime achievement award in fore she stepped foot in a classroom as an Jean’s honor, and she has served on the na- educator. Her teaching aspirations took flight codes. Native Americans continue to serve honor- tional board of the Sierra Club. She has been in high school, when she joined the Gold Seal recognized as Fairfax County’s Citizen of the Quality Care program her junior year, which ably on behalf of our Nation. According to the Department of Defense, American Indians and Year and Fairfax County Conservationist of afforded her the opportunity to inspire the the Year. I was proud to present Jean with the young minds of local elementary school stu- Alaska Natives have a greater proportion of Veterans than the general United States popu- Fairfax County Park Authority’s Sally Ormsby dents. Ms. Mason built on this positive experi- Environmental Stewardship Award, which is ence and pursued a Bachelor of Education at lation. As a Veteran myself, I understand the great sacrifice and courage of the Native named in memory of our dear friend and fel- the University of West Florida. She has spent low community leader. the last seven years of her decade of teaching American Veteran community. I am proud to represent the Eighth Congres- at Blue Angels Elementary School in Pensa- Fittingly, the new center that will bear Jean’s sional District where the diverse cultures of cola, Florida. name will include a robust educational compo- Ms. Mason credits her family for igniting in our great Nation are celebrated. nent on our local history and the environment. her curiosity and passion for science, which f It will tie in with the nearby Suffragist memorial within the park, and it will feature an interpre- indirectly led to the chemical reaction rocket COMMENDING THE NORTHERN VIR- tive collection showcasing the native flora and experiments in her backyard as a child that GINIA REGIONAL PARK AUTHOR- fauna of Northern Virginia at the time of John have helped her cultivate tomorrow’s scientists ITY ON ITS NEW JEAN R. PACK- Smith’s historic expedition in 1608. From its and engineers as an adult. She brings science ARD CENTER to life in her classroom through hands-on ac- perch overlooking the river, the Jean R. Pack- tivities, like the pegboard ‘‘engineering wall’’ HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ard Center will put on full display the beauty that allows students to engineer their own cre- of our local parks and demonstrate the value OF VIRGINIA ations using pegs, rubber bands, and pipes of protecting environmental treasures like the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the building and analyzing of marble roller Occoquan for future generations. coasters to understand mathematical, scientific Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me and engineering concepts through real world Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- in commending the Northern Virginia Regional applications. gratulate the Northern Virginia Regional Park Park Authority for undertaking this grand park Ms. Mason also welcomes the latest tech- Authority on the ground breaking for the new renewal and for its stewardship of its many nology in her classroom, including iPads load- Jean R. Packard Occoquan Center. Work on other properties throughout the region, and I ed with STEM applications that stimulate stu- this multi-purpose facility will kick-off of a ask my colleagues to join me in celebrating dent interest in outer space through the engi- major rejuvenation effort throughout Occoquan the immeasurable contributions of Jean Pack- neering of models of irregular galaxies and Regional Park, which sits in Fairfax County ard a true environmental champion, who has discovering the complex motions of the plan- just across the Occoquan River from the Town dedicated her life to protecting and improving ets of our solar system, as well as con- of Occoquan in Prince William County. the natural resources that make our commu- structing motors. In addition, Northwest Florida The 400 acre park is popular with families, nity such a wonderful place to live, work, and is home to some of the world’s finest engi- boaters, and fisherman with its easy access to play.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.076 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1545 TRIBUTE TO JIM XINIS I urge my colleagues to join me in honoring throughout his remarkable career, Colonel Mil- Mark and Ismini Svensson for their hard work ler flew 140 combat missions in 31 different HON. STENY H. HOYER and devotion to improving the lives of children aircraft, and received three Distinguished Fly- OF MARYLAND across the globe. Their charitable journey is ing Crosses, 11 Air Medals, and four Battle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an inspiration for others and, through their Stars, amidst an interminable list of decora- hard work and kindness, has made the world tions, honors, and awards for his distinguished Wednesday, November 12, 2014 a better place. service in World War II. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate f Mr. Speaker, Colonel Justin McCarthy and recognize Jim Xinis and his twenty-five ‘‘Mac’’ Miller is a valued member of our com- years at the helm of Calvert Memorial Hos- RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATION munity and national history. He is a true pital. Jim has been a tireless fighter to ensure AND HONORABLE SERVICE OF ‘‘American Patriot’’ and an inspiration to all the best service for the people of Calvert COLONEL JUSTIN McCARTHY who have had the privilege of being a part of County and throughout southern Maryland. ‘‘MAC’’ MILLER, USMC (RET.) his exemplary life. My wife Vicki and I wish Jim is an honest, confident, creative, and in- him a happy birthday as he turns 100 years spiring leader. He’s been an effective manager HON. JEFF MILLER young, and we wish him and his entire family and a visionary. His twenty-five years leading OF FLORIDA all the best in their future endeavors. Calvert Memorial Hospital have been a period IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f of growth and change that have increased Wednesday, November 12, 2014 quality, efficiency, and innovation for the ben- IN RECOGNITION OF UNITED efit of patients and their families. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise STATES NAVY SEAL LIEUTEN- I will never forget how, in the summer of to recognize a member of the Greatest Gen- ANT MICHAEL MURPHY 2009, when the nation was engaged in a heat- eration, Colonel Justin McCarthy ‘‘Mac’’ Miller, ed debate over passage of the Affordable United States Marine Corps Retired, upon the HON. PETE SESSIONS occasion of his 100th birthday. Colonel Miller Care Act, I asked Jim to facilitate a town hall OF TEXAS has dedicated his life to service to his commu- meeting at North Point High School so I could IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hear from residents of the Fifth Congressional nity, his family, and to our great Nation, and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 District on this important issue. It was quite a I am humbled to honor him and his remark- meeting with over 1,500 in attendance—and able achievements today. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Jim displayed such grace and tact in keeping Born in 1914, aviation has always been a honor of a fallen American hero, United States the meeting focused over several hours on the stronghold in Colonel Miller’s life. As a young Navy SEAL Lieutenant Michael Murphy with a issues at hand and making sure everyone had man, he admired the pursuit pilots, or fighter tribute to his most heroic life. On October 22, a chance to weigh in. It was no easy task. pilots, of the Allied Forces. From his early en- 2007 The Medal of Honor was presented to But Jim has never been one for easy tasks. counters with comic books and magazine cov- his family by President George W. Bush at Recognizing the challenge of rising health ers depicting the Lafayette Escadrille, to his The White House. This Veterans Day let us care costs and affordability, Jim created Cal- application to the United States Naval Acad- remember all of the Fallen like Lt. Murphy who vert Healthcare Solutions, which serves the emy, Colonel Miller knew his life’s destiny was have given That Last Full Measure to protect uninsured throughout the county. And under to become a fighter pilot. us. I submit this poem penned in his honor by his leadership, Calvert Memorial Hospital has While at the Naval Academy, he resigned Albert Carey Caswell. been the lowest cost hospital in Maryland for as a midshipmen and enlisted in the United BUT, WHERE OUR HONOR LIES twenty consecutive years, with a reputation for States Marine Corps as an aviation cadet in (By Albert Carey Caswell) 1940 before receiving his wings in 1941. His providing a full range of services at a very All . . . high quality of care. At the same time, he has first assignment was as an Instructor Pilot in All in our darkest days of night! worked to preserve its warm community spirit, Pensacola, Florida, where he would return As all around us the most wicked of evil where patients can feel comfortable, cared for, later in life. He then was assigned to Staff and casts its light! and empowered. Jim’s good humor and posi- Command school at United States Marine When before us death so lies! tive attitude have surely contributed to his ef- Corps Base, Quantico. Though these two as- While, all out there on that road of life! signments were perhaps not the most ideal for When, all in the throes war realized! fective leadership and his reputation for excel- All in those moments of truth comprised! lence. someone just pinning on wings eager to enter theater, shortly after the beginning of World Are but all of those defining moments of I wish him well in retirement and thank him light! for his extraordinary service to Calvert County, War II, not only would Colonel Miller be pre- Which shine so very bright! to Maryland, and to our nation. sented with the opportunity to fly in combat, Are but a true reflection of one’s soul and but he would be assigned as the Commanding f might! Officer and take on the role of Executive Offi- Which shines like gold this sight! RECOGNIZING STAYUNITED cer of the newly-established fighter squadron Comes the most precious of all things! VMF 217, training in the F4F Wildcat. In 1943, Above all else which surely rings! HON. NITA M. LOWEY the squadron embarked on the USS BARNES As lies the proof of ones most inner being! (CVE–20) deployed to the South Pacific, Is But, Where Our Honor Lies! OF NEW YORK When all between life and death comprised IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES transitioned aircraft to the F4U Corsair, and ... flew combat missions over the Solomon Is- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 When one’s courage comes to rise! lands. In 1944, the squad embarked on the All in those moments when who lives or dies! Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to USS SANTEE (CVE–29) and deployed to So all depends on you comprised! recognize StayUNITED, a nonprofit organiza- Guam, where they commenced strikes against But comes only America’s Best! tion based in Rockland County, New York, the island of Rota. In October 1944, Colonel Is But Where Our Honor Lies this test! and its founders, Mark and Ismini Svensson. Miller took Command of VMF–321 until 1945, When, uncommon valor is extolled! StayUNITED is devoted to improving the when the squadron returned to the United And with clenched fist we see the greatest of all virtues, behold! quality of life for children and youth across the States. Throughout his tour in the Pacific The- Coming from all within one’s soul! country and throughout the world. Their recent ater, Colonel Miller commanded two fighter To our world as now exposed! initiative, ‘‘50 Acts of Giving Back,’’ promotes squadrons. He then joined the Reserves in Is But Where Our Honor Lies! volunteerism while highlighting the power of 1948 after the end of the war, where he con- As we lose so lose our breath! social media to promote good causes. Mark tinued his career in flight while also proving to As we so reflect upon all of this and those and Ismini Svensson, both constituents of the be a successful businessman, as evidenced ... New York 17th District, are traveling across by his ownership of many radio stations, in- Most Christian acts as so! the country, visiting all 50 states, to perform cluding WCOA Pensacola. Now carried deep in our souls! All in hearts to have and hold! 50 acts of kindness. At the same time, they Amongst his vast array of accolades and Could we but live by such an honor code? are using social media platforms to inspire contributions lay a century’s worth of anec- Would we ever see such light as have all of others to become active members of their dotes, including being taught to fly his favorite those? communities by performing their own acts of aircraft, the F4U Corsair, by the legendary With such Uncommon Valor who into that kindness. Charles Lindbergh himself. Amazingly, darkness did go!

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.078 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 What all their fine hearts emote! Sonny Hashmi of Oakton, Virginia for being CELEBRATING 120 YEARS OF To win that day and night! selected as a 2014 Samuel J. Heyman Serv- SERVICE BY THE SISTERS OF All in those darkest of all fights! ice to America Medal finalist in the manage- MERCY All in this brilliance, As when one’s soul ignites! ment excellence category. Shinning All In The Brilliance of Honor’s The nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for HON. HENRY CUELLAR Light! Public Service presents the Samuel J. OF TEXAS Now In Hearts To Hold! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Of which all our children must be told! Heyman Service to America Medals annually Will we so be the ones? to pay tribute to America’s dedicated civil serv- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 With such uncommon courage, ants. These prestigious medals honor and cel- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to And grace as you Murph on earth as it is in ebrate an esteemed group of Federal employ- celebrate a momentous occasion—the 120 heave they will be done! ees that have achieved significant accomplish- years of service the Sisters of Mercy have And shine as bright as the midday sun! ments in the course of serving their country. While all in the face of evil, graciously provided the City of Laredo, Texas. For your Brothers In Arms to death look Honorees are public servants who represent a For over a century, these Sisters have faith- upon . . . broad and diverse array of disciplines and ca- fully contributed to the health and well-being of To Follow! reer fields. All nominees exemplify the ideal the residents within my hometown. To Lead! Federal employee with respect to their strong Three Sisters arrived in Laredo in 1894 with To help them succeed! commitment to mission, and the creativity and the mission of building the city’s first hospital. But, Where Our Honor Lies! spirit of innovation each brings to his or her They came from Dublin, Ireland, and less than To evil to erase! one month after their arrival, they accom- As with your fine heart they could not keep respective agency. plished their goal and opened a medical facil- pace! Mr. Hashmi serves as the Chief Information ity with six rooms and twelve beds. Though Out On Point! Officer for the United States General Services All In Your Strength In Honor! they were not formally trained in nursing, they No one could take your place! Administration, or GSA. In this role, Mr. committed to learning in order to serve the As you heard death’s haunting call! Hashmi is responsible for managing GSA’s needy of Laredo. As the population and health And the face of death Michael you saw! $600 million information technology budget care needs grew, Sisters of Mercy expanded And yet you did not hesitate! and ensuring that GSA’s IT initiatives effec- to new buildings to care for as many Standing Strong and Standing Tall! tively align with the agency’s strategic goals Laredoans as possible. As our Lord and his Angel’s watched you fall and government-wide leadership responsibil- Over the last 120 years, nearly 120 Sisters ... ities in key areas, such as information security With tears upon their face! have faithfully served in Laredo, many of How proud of you they must have been that and enterprise architecture efforts. whom served for decades at a time. There are day! According to the Partnership for Public presently five sisters who serve the Laredo Watching you all in Honor’s way! Service, Mr. Hashmi was instrumental in community: Sister Maria Luisa Vera, who re- Standing back all in such awe . . . cently celebrated her 50th jubilee and is Presi- As your fine soul up to Heaven would ascend launching GSA’s groundbreaking ‘‘Drive to the Cloud’’ initiative. This program enabled GSA dent of Mercy Ministries; Sister Rosemary ... Welsh, who has served Laredo for 22 years With you new life as an Angel to begin . . . to lead by example in becoming the first agen- and is the Executive Director at Casa de In The Army of Our Lord, cy to transition its email services to a cloud- Misericordia and the Director of Outreach to watch over us and defend! based platform, along with its collaboration Services at Mercy Clinic; Sister Olivia This Congressional Man our Nation has so and documents management tools. It is pro- Obregon, who has served for a total of 33 blessed! jected that these two migrations from legacy For Heaven could not wait for one of its best! years in various nursing supervisory positions; As we lower you fine body down to rest! systems to cloud-based platforms will result in Sister Kathleen Tinnel, who has served La- With but tears upon our face, $15 million in savings for the agency by 2016. redo for 12 years both as a pediatric nurse as Michael you showed us how to behave! Under Mr. Hashmi’s visionary leadership, and a minister; and the newest Sister—Sister As these word in our hearts At East we GSA has also worked to ensure its lesson made! Beth Yoest—who is on the faculty at St. Peter But Michael, learned and best practices permeate across Memorial School. we will hear you in the night! the Federal Government, and it is a testament Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have the op- Upon gentle breezes so slight . . . to Mr. Hashmi’s success that each year, addi- portunity to recognize the Sisters of Mercy for And we see will see your face and realize . . . tional agencies follow GSA’s blueprint and commendably caring for the citizens of Laredo You are an angel to watch over us both day guidance in moving to embrace shared serv- throughout the past 120 years. and night . . . ices and innovative cloud-based solutions. f In life, moments are all that we so have! Mr. Hashmi represents precisely the type of COMMEMORATING THE 50TH ANNI- As our time begins To Make A Difference to Federal Chief Information Officer our govern- VERSARY OF THE WEST FLOR- grab! ment desperately needs more of. I fully concur IDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUN- To Crush Hearts! with GSA Administrator Daniel Tangherlini’s CIL To But Find Where Our Honor Lies! SEAL . . . ED WITH A KISS, recent observation that, ‘‘Sonny not only fixes AS MURPH WE SAY GOODBYE! problems, but also provides newer and better HON. JEFF MILLER On this day knowing . . . solutions. He is a leader in the best sense. He OF FLORIDA But Where Our Honor Lies! is all about the outcome and builds a team IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that shares that desire.’’ f Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me RECOGNIZING THE LEADERSHIP Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my in extending our highest praise and congratu- OF MR. SONNY HASHMI IN AD- privilege to commemorate the 50th Anniver- lations to Mr. Sonny Hashmi for being se- VANCING INNOVATIVE TECH- sary of the West Florida Regional Planning NOLOGY INITIATIVES THAT EN- lected as a finalist for the 2014 Samuel J. Council and recognize its significant impact HANCE CITIZEN SERVICES, SAVE Heyman Service to America Management Ex- and contributions to Northwest Florida. TAXPAYER DOLLARS, AND PRO- cellence Medal. Mr. Hashmi and his fellow The West Florida Regional Planning Council MOTE BEST PRACTICES ACROSS nominees all boast impressive accomplish- was established in 1964 as the Pensacola- THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ments, from working to eradicate polio in India Escambia County Regional Council when the to landing an exploratory vehicle on Mars to need of transportation planning and coordina- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY saving the Air Force more than $1 billion in tion was recognized. As the third regional OF VIRGINIA 2012 by reducing energy consumption. It has planning council to have been formed in the been my great privilege and honor to rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State of Florida, it has since grown to also in- resent Mr. Hashmi and the tens of thousands clude Bay, Holmes, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 of exceptional Federal workers who hail from Walton, and Washington Counties and their Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Virginia’s 11th Congressional District. Each municipalities. In addition to transportation ognize and congratulate my constituent, Mr. one deserves our gratitude and respect. planning, the Council today provides a forum

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.080 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1547 to engage its members in regional planning, commitment to improving the care provided to The work being facilitated by Dr. Borg and comprehensive economic development stra- our nation’s veterans.’’ his colleagues is truly groundbreaking re- tegic planning, emergency preparedness plan- As president of the Gay, Lesbian, and Bi- search. For example, Dr. Borg’s leadership is ning, environmental planning and education, sexual (GLB) Veterans of Greater New York, credited with overcoming numerous technical and intergovernmental review. Furthermore, Donald’s leadership inspired GLB veterans and logistical challenges that enabled the Na- the Council provides assistance in grant-writ- who were discharged from the military for ‘‘ho- tional Science Foundation to complete the ing, project management, technical planning, mosexual conduct’’ to demand the respect and West Antarctic Ice Sheet drilling project, which and data analysis. honor due for their faithful service. When un- extracted ice core that dates back 68,000 Due to its collaborative nature, the Council foreseen circumstances forced the closing of years and represents the highest-resolution naturally recognizes the importance of an all- the GLB Veterans’ office in January 2014, record of climate obtained to date. Further, Dr. of-community and region approach. To that Donald went once again to action. Concerned Borg also oversaw the development of clean end, it welcomes and encourages citizens that decades of activism and records of the drilling technology that retrieved the first-ever throughout the Gulf Coast to become engaged discriminatory treatment of GLB veterans pure water samples from an Antarctic lake a in the process to actively address and solve would be lost to history, Donald selflessly vol- half mile below the surface of ice sheet. These problems of the growing region. unteered hours of his expertise to a coalition samples are estimated to have been sealed Over the past five decades, the Council has dedicated to preserving the GLB Veterans’ ar- under the ice for approximately 15 million dedicated their efforts to preserving and en- chives. In March 2014, Donald singlehandedly years, and may enable researchers to under- hancing the quality of life in Northwest Florida. organized, securely packaged, and trans- stand what types of life can survive on other Their contributions have helped ensure that ported sixteen boxes of archived records to a worlds. the Emerald Coast remains a top tourist des- secure storage site in Bronx, New York. His Being named a finalist by the Partnership tination and a place where thousands live like continued stewardship of the records protects for Public Service is just the latest honor in Dr. millions wish they could. the memory of military veterans who faithfully Borg’s outstanding and celebrated career that Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States served our country in World War II, Korea, has made tremendous contributions to the Congress, it gives me great pleasure to com- Vietnam, and elsewhere. It is impossible to global research community and elevated the memorate the 50th anniversary of the West calculate the value of Donald’s contributions to prestige of Federal scientific research over the Florida Regional Planning Council. My wife GLB veterans’ recognition and equality in New past two decades. Vicki joins me in thanking all of its members York City and the United States of America. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me for their devotion to service and wishing them f in extending our highest praise and congratu- and the Council all the best for continued suc- RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- lations to Dr. Scott Gerald Borg for being se- cess. TIONS AND CAREER ACHIEVE- lected as a finalist for the 2014 Samuel J. f MENTS OF DR. SCOTT GERALD Heyman Service to America Career Achieve- ment Medal. Dr. Borg and his fellow nominees IN RECOGNITION OF DONALD BORG, WHOSE LEADERSHIP HAS BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN DEVEL- all boast impressive accomplishments, from FRAZIER MACIVER, JR., CHAM- working to eradicate polio in India to landing PION OF LGBT VETERANS OPING AMERICA’S ANTARCTIC RESEARCH PROGRAM INTO ONE an exploratory vehicle on Mars to saving the OF THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS AND Air Force more than $1 billion in 2012 by re- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL ACCOMPLISHED IN THE WORLD ducing energy consumption. It has been my OF NEW YORK great privilege and honor to represent Dr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Borg and the tens of thousands of exceptional Federal workers who hail from Virginia’s 11th Wednesday, November 12, 2014 OF VIRGINIA Congressional District. They all deserve our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is a great thanks and respect. privilege to recognize Donald Frazier MacIver, Wednesday, November 12, 2014 f Jr., who has dedicated his life to serving his Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- country, his community, and his fellow military ognize and congratulate my constituent, Dr. RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATION service members and veterans. Donald’s serv- Scott Gerald Borg of Fairfax Virginia, for being AND HONORABLE SERVICE OF ice began as a Senior Medical Specialist Non- selected as a 2014 Samuel J. Heyman Serv- CAPTAIN ROBERT ‘‘BOB’’ RAS- Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Army’s elite ice to America Medal finalist in the career MUSSEN, USN (RET.) 5th Special Forces Group. In Vietnam, Donald achievement category. showed the depth of his commitment to serv- The nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for HON. JEFF MILLER ice by participating in extraordinarily haz- Public Service presents the Samuel J. OF FLORIDA ardous missions behind enemy lines as a Heyman Service to America Medals annually IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES member of the covert Military Assistance to pay tribute to America’s dedicated civil serv- Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Command Vietnam Studies and Observations ants. These prestigious medals honor and cel- Group (MACV–SOG). His military decorations ebrate an esteemed group of Federal employ- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise include the Bronze Star Medal. ees that have achieved significant accomplish- to recognize retired Navy Captain Robert In the last fifty years, Donald has worked ments in the course of serving their country. ‘‘Bob’’ Rasmussen for his lifetime of honorable tirelessly to advance the dignity and equal Honorees are public servants who represent a service and dedication to our great Nation on treatment of GLB service members and vet- broad and diverse array of disciplines and ca- the occasion of his retirement as Director of erans. In 1993, Donald was arrested at the reer fields. All nominees exemplify the ideal the National Naval Aviation Museum aboard White House for his nonviolent civil disobe- Federal employee with respect to their strong Naval Air Station Pensacola. dience in protest of the implementation of the commitment to mission, and the creativity and A native of Sacramento, California, Bob was U.S. military’s discriminatory ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t spirit of innovation each brings to his or her born on May 26, 1930, and entered the Navy Tell’’ policy. Donald has also served as a vol- respective agency. through the Naval Aviation Cadet Program in unteer consultant on proper treatment and dig- Dr. Borg serves as the Head of the Section 1951. He excelled in flight training school at nity for those living with HIV and AIDS. His for Antarctic Sciences within the National NAS Whiting Field and NAS Pensacola, both contributions to the HIV/AIDS community in- Science Foundation’s Division of Polar Pro- located in Northwest Florida, and was as- clude time as the Chair of the Community Ad- grams. According to the Partnership for Public signed to a fighter squadron in San Diego, visory Board of the New York University Med- Service, under Dr. Borg’s direction, the Na- California, where he deployed on multiple oc- ical School, NYU Langone Medical Center, tional Science Foundation’s Antarctic research casions to the Western Pacific aboard the car- and Bellevue Hospital Center HIV/Hepatitis/In- program has become one of the most es- rier USS Philippine Sea. In 1956, he was se- fectious Diseases Research Networks, and teemed and comprehensive on the continent. lected to join the elite Navy Flight Demonstra- volunteer consultancy to the U.S. Department Today, Dr. Borg plays a critical role in guiding tion Team, the Blue Angels. For three years, of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Public the U.S. Antarctic science program that sup- he awed and inspired millions of Americans Health/Clinical Public Health. In 2011, Donald ports cutting-edge research across a range of flying flight demonstrations as the right wing was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation topics, including climate change, the origins pilot and number four slot. Bob continued his from the VA Office of Public Health/Clinical and nature of the universe, and the discovery tours at sea in Fighter Squadron 33 aboard Public Health for his ‘‘dedicated service and of new species of extinct dinosaurs. the USS Intrepid and as a Flag Lieutenant to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.038 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Deputy Commander Atlantic Fleet before com- School strives to encourage intellectual curi- lected as a 2014 Samuel J. Heyman Service pleting the Navy Postgraduate School program osity, spiritual inspiration, and a high moral to America Medal finalist in the homeland se- in Monterey, California. In 1966, he was as- compass. Its rigorous academic program, curity and law enforcement category. signed to Fighter Squadron 111 aboard the commitment to Catholic values, and diverse The nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for USS Oriskany, where he completed two com- student body has led the School to be called Public Service presents the Samuel J. bat tours in Vietnam and served as first Exec- the ‘Flagship of the Diocese’ by the Most Rev- Heyman Service to America Medals annually utive Officer and then Commanding Officer. erend Robert J. McManus, Bishop of Worces- to pay tribute to America’s dedicated civil serv- Before returning to combat in Vietnam as the ter. ants. These prestigious medals honor and cel- prospective Air Wing SIXTEEN Commander, Since its founding in 1997, St. Bernadette ebrate an esteemed group of Federal employ- subsequently selected for Captain and as- School’s enrollment has grown exponentially. ees that have achieved significant accomplish- signed as Chief of Staff and Operations Offi- The School’s current body of approximately ments in the course of serving their country. cer of Carrier Division SEVEN and then as 500 students enables it to give students indi- Honorees are public servants who represent a Commanding Officer of the ammunition ship vidual attention while holding them to high broad and diverse array of disciplines and ca- USS Mount Hood, Bob completed a tour in academic standards. reer fields. All nominees exemplify the ideal our Nation’s capital region. Through new initiatives, St. Bernadette Federal employee with respect to their strong After the end of the war, he served as Com- School has incorporated technology into the commitment to mission, and the creativity and manding Officer of Roosevelt Roads Naval learning process. Recently, the School has spirit of innovation each brings to his or her Station in Puerto Rico before later returning to built a computer lab, a mobile Macintosh lab, respective agency. Washington to command the Aviation Officer and installed interactive whiteboards in every Ms. Lippert is one of three United States Distribution Division of the Bureau of Naval class room. An iPad program was also started Department of Energy officials who are being Personnel. Following three decades of service in the 2012–2013 academic year, providing recognized for their significant contributions to as one of the finest Naval aviators in history, every student with additional learning opportu- the development of the groundbreaking data recording 650 carrier traps and with more than nities. Foreign language programs are re- visual platform, known as EAGLE–I. EAGLE– 5,000 flight hours logged, as many quired at every grade level, in addition to pre- I is our Nation’s first-ever system that can servicemembers do, Bob found his way back algebra and project-based learning initiatives. gather and share real-time emergency situa- to Pensacola where he completed his Naval This diverse curriculum has resulted in many tion information on power and natural gas in- service in 1983 as the Commanding Officer of middle school students at St. Bernadette being frastructure. As one disaster program manager the Naval Aviation Schools Command. selected to the Junior Honor Society, an orga- at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers noted, Throughout his prestigious career, he received nization that recognizes achievement in Schol- before EAGLE–I, ‘‘It was difficult to get a clear many awards, including three Legions of Merit, arship, Leadership, Service, Character and picture of what was going on. Now we rely on the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the citizenship. the DOE as the authoritative source.’’ Bronze Star. St. Bernadette also fosters community According to the Partnership for Public Bob’s love for aviation, however, remained, through its extra-curricular programs, hosting a Service, Ms. Lippert, a senior technical advisor and his artistic prowess proved too strong, as variety of family-oriented events and fund- in the Department of Energy’s Office of Elec- he went on to serve as the Naval Aviation Mu- raisers throughout the year. The Parent Guild tricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, was in- seum Foundation Director of Development for hosts events such as Spree Day, Family Pic- strumental in recognizing that our country’s in- four years before becoming Director of the Na- nic, Walkathon, and more. The parents of St. ability to collect and access real-time data on tional Naval Aviation Museum in 1987. During Bernadette students also coach the school’s energy infrastructure during an emergency his tenure there, he produced hundreds of sports teams, which include basketball, cross represented a critical vulnerability that ham- naval aviation watercolor pieces and several country, golf, ski, and track. In addition, stu- pered the Federal Government’s ability to ef- bronze sculpture works for the Museum, the dents from grades 6–8 are divided into fectively coordinate the response to major nat- Foundation, and several other historic venues, Houses, where they practice leadership and ural disasters, such as the destructive Hurri- earning him the R.G. Smith Award for excel- responsibility while planning communal out- canes Katrina and Rita. lence in naval aviation art. As a direct result reach programs. Ms. Lippert was not satisfied with the status of his efforts, the Naval Aviation Museum None of this would be possible without the quo emergency response system, which was more than tripled in size and remains the most work of the talented educators and staff mem- antiquated and cumbersome in requiring De- successful Naval museum in the country as bers of St. Bernadette School. Principal Debo- partment personnel to directly contact energy close to one million people visit and enjoy the rah C. O’Neil has demonstrated a passionate companies to obtain data that would have to museum each year. commitment to the success of her students. be manually entered into a data base. This My wife Vicki and I join Northwest Florida— Time and time again, this has been exempli- process could take hours and did not provide and a grateful Nation—in thanking Captain fied through the School’s consistent growth Federal, State, and local first-responders with Bob Rasmussen for his more than six dec- rate and track record of achievements. the real-time data they needed to gain situa- ades of admirable military and public service I’m so proud to represent the faculty, stu- tional awareness of a locality’s battered power and wish him all the best as he takes off in his dents, and staff of St. Bernadette School, and and natural gas infrastructure. retirement alongside his wife, Phyllis; their I cannot wait to hear about their future suc- Ms. Lippert took the initiative by contacting children, Kathryn and Eric; and grandchildren, cesses. I ask you to join me in congratulating two colleagues with subject matter expertise in Christopher, Ashton, Emily Page, Madison, St. Bernadette School for being selected as a advanced grid modeling and computer pro- Avery, and Jack. 2014 National Blue Ribbon School. gramming. Together, these civil servants worked in-house to build EAGLE–I, which now f f covers 75 percent of all U.S. electricity cus- IN RECOGNITION OF ST. RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- tomers. However, it was not until October BERNADETTE SCHOOL TIONS OF MS. ALICE LIPPERT IN 2012 that EAGLE–I was put to the test, and DEVELOPING A CRITICAL INFOR- the true value of Ms. Lippert’s leadership and HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN MATION-SHARING SYSTEM TO hard work was realized. OF MASSACHUSETTS COORDINATE THE EMERGENCY In the aftermath of the damaging Hurricane RESPONSE SERVICES OF THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sandy, our Nation’s first-responders and FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND emergency managers had access to regular Wednesday, November 12, 2014 POWER COMPANIES FOLLOWING updates on the grid status in the hard hit Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today NATURAL DISASTERS areas, enabling decisions to be guided by ac- to ask my colleagues in the U.S. House of curate and up-to-date data and information. As Representatives to join me in recognizing the HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY the Department’s Assistant Secretary for Elec- wonderful accomplishments of the St. Berna- OF VIRGINIA tricity Delivery and Energy Reliability noted, dette School. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘These reports were critical to decisions by St. Bernadette School, located in federal, state and local officials in responding Northborough, Massachusetts, was recently Wednesday, November 12, 2014 to and recovering from the catastrophe. The named a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- power outage reports gave insight to senior by the U.S. Department of Education. Deeply ognize and congratulate my constituent, Ms. DOE leadership and responders that allowed rooted in Catholic ideals, St. Bernadette Alice Lippert of Fairfax, Virginia, on being se- them to make informed decisions, reducing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.039 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1549 both the human and economic impacts associ- By 2010, the Brady law had blocked felons delegates power, believes in a team approach, ated with the storm.’’ trying to buy guns more than a million times— motivation, recognition, and at the core; an un- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me an average of 171 felons denied applications derstanding for the veterans and their issues. in extending our highest praise and congratu- to buy firearms a day. Almost 300,000 domes- He has been a strong advocate for continuing lations to Ms. Alice Lippert on being selected tic violence offenders were prevented from professional growth through education and ini- as a finalist for the 2014 Samuel J. Heyman buying guns. Thanks to Jim and Sarah Brady, tiated a mentoring program. Service to America Homeland Security and countless families have been spared the trag- Under Kent Hill’s direction, the hospital has Law Enforcement Medal. It has been my great edy of gun violence. undergone a complete floor to floor update privilege and honor to represent Ms. Lippert In recognition of this leadership, Jim Brady and expanded to include: new surgical suites, and the tens of thousands of exceptional Fed- was awarded the Presidential Medal of Free- Women’s Clinic, Chiropractic care, state of the eral workers who hail from Virginia’s 11th dom by President Bill Clinton. Today, the art Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Hos- Congressional District. They all deserve our White House press secretary addresses the pice Unit, Blind Rehab Center, Cochlear im- deep gratitude and respect. media—and the nation—from the James S. plant program, Sleep Lab, New Ambulatory f Brady Press Briefing Room. Surgery Unit, an OIF/OEF Case Management Every day, the Bradys’ legacy is felt in lives Program and a new Dialysis Unit. MARKING THE PASSING OF JAMES saved by the law that bears his name. Jim Access to VA healthcare and services have BRADY Brady’s perseverance challenges all of us to long been a priority for Director Hill. His man- never stop fighting for the common sense gun agement and oversight of veteran access in- HON. NANCY PELOSI violence reduction measures our nation needs. cluded weekly meetings with clinical leaders to OF CALIFORNIA Jim Brady was a man of extraordinary wit, review capacity for appointments and wait IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charm and courage, and he will be sorely times as well as decisions on adding staff and Wednesday, November 12, 2014 missed by all who had the good fortune to new services. To facilitate easy access for vet- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor know him erans to the programs and services of the the memory of James Scott Brady, a coura- I hope that it is a comfort to Jim’s wife, Kansas City VA Medical Center, Director Hill geous champion in the fight against gun vio- Sarah, his children and all of his loved ones originated a Greeter program, a Vet 4 Vet lence and the legacy of lifesaving leadership that so many people across the country share navigator program and shuttle service to and he leaves behind. Through triumph and trag- their grief and mourn the loss of such a valiant from the parking lots; and a successful and edy, Jim Brady remained an insistent and im- and dedicated man. long awaited Veterans Transportation Service passioned voice of clarity and consequence in f became operational. He tackled telephone ac- cess and electronic messaging to providers. our national effort to strengthen our gun laws. IN RECOGNITION AND APPRECIA- His death at age 73 concludes a life defined Director Hill did not stop with services and TION OF MR. KENT HILL, DIREC- programs at the main hospital—but placed by public service and personal bravery—and TOR OF THE KANSAS CITY VA renews the call to action that he made so well emphasis on taking VA healthcare outside the MEDICAL CENTER FOR 40 YEARS parent facility and into the surrounding com- for so long. OF SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY Jim Brady, a proud alumnus of the flagship munities. He activated a Mobile Medical Unit, AND CONSUMMATE DEDICATION institution in his home state, the University of opened Community Based Outpatient Clinics, TO OUR VETERANS Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, discovered a and built a community-based Radiation Ther- life-long passion for public policy after earning apy Building. One of his more noteworthy a Bachelor of Science degree in political HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER achievements was the opening of a large out- science. OF MISSOURI patient building—the Honor Annex—that After graduating, Brady worked with some of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES houses mental health services, primary care and a women’s clinic. the leading American political figures of the Wednesday, November 12, 2014 late 20th century. As an aide to then-State One of the compliments that I have heard Senator Everett Dirksen—who would later Mr. CLEAVER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in often is regarding cleanliness and moderniza- serve in the U.S. House of Representatives recognition of Kansas City VA Director Kent tion of the hospital. An example of his recep- and as the U.S. Senate Minority Leader— Hill, a transformational leader with an open tiveness and desire for a more accessible en- Brady deepened an abiding belief in the power door policy that is known for the unselfish pub- vironment can best be illustrated with the Di- of public service to build a better world. lic service that he has provided to our vet- rector’s directive to remove glass partitions As an advisor to top-level public officials at erans, their families, his staff, and to me in my that had created barriers between staff and the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- capacity as United States Representative for veterans. This important move coincided with opment, Office of Management and Budget, the Fifth District of Missouri. I think it is impor- many communication and outreach initiatives. Department of Defense and the U.S. Senate, tant to recognize the accomplishments of During my time in office, I have watched the Brady became an indispensable counselor those who professionally serve with distinction. Kansas City VA gear up for returning veterans and trusted friend to many. He was tapped to Director Hill has done so modestly without from current conflicts while maintaining serv- serve as Director of Public Affairs and Re- bringing attention on himself. ices to all of our existing veterans. An exam- search for the Reagan-Bush Committee and, The scope of his work since 2002 at the ple of Director Hill’s proactive style became following the election, as Spokesperson for the Kansas City VA Medical Center included an evident as the current conflicts brought new Office of the President-Elect and White House operating budget of approximately mental health problems and illnesses, he Press Secretary. $260,000,000, approximately 1,500 employees called for focused education for his staff on On a fateful March in 1981, Jim Brady suf- and providing healthcare services to more how to identify and help veterans coming fered a gunshot wound to the head during the than 45,000 veterans. He had the added re- home from combat. With the continual evo- assassination attempt on President Reagan’s sponsibility of opening and overseeing clinical lution of hidden wounds from war, he ensured life. The road to recovery would be hard, but programs, including five Community Based the staff was trained to identify signs of Post- Jim and his wife, Sarah Brady, would inspire Outpatient Clinics, and the new Honor Annex. Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain In- the nation with their resolve. In addition, the Kansas City VA Medical Cen- jury and possible suicide. Expanding of mental Strengthened by their own struggle, Jim and ter has a vibrant research and outreach pro- health services included veterans having ac- Sarah vowed to take a stand on behalf of all gram. cess to Veterans Court as well as a multitude victims of gun violence. This couple’s heroic When Kent Hill took over as Director for the of homeless programs and initiatives. An ex- leadership challenged our nation to act, and Kansas City VA Medical Center, he came in ample of the influence and impact of Director because they did, millions of Americans are as a veteran who had attended the Air Force Hill’s leadership is the widespread participation safer and many of our communities are more Academy and has spent 40 years in Federal of the KCVA staff in the spring and fall com- secure. service. During his career, he cultivated a suc- munity Heart of America Stand Down for It took the Bradys six years, seven votes, cessful management style, centered on per- homeless veterans. Director Hill can be seen three administrations, endless strength and sonal involvement and respect for his staff and every year personally distributing boots to boundless courage to enact the Brady Hand- the veterans and their families that he served. homeless veterans. Since arriving in Kansas gun Violence Protection Act. But, thanks to He was an advocate of the methodology out- City, Director Hill has championed inner city their dedication, the Brady bill became the law lined in the book, ‘‘The Servant Leader’’. His and rural outreach programs to ensure vet- of the land. staff worked within a management style that erans are aware of their many benefits. His

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.055 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 outreach efforts have touched veterans in with cancer at the young age of 19. Melissa Good Shepherd Housing Foundation was many different locations throughout the Heart- found great joy in frequenting agricultural fes- established in 1989 when the need for hous- land. In 2013, Kansas City VA staff hosted tivals throughout the Gulf Coast and the spe- ing for the mentally ill became apparent. The and/or participated in more than 40 veteran-fo- cial sense of community that festivals often first group home, ‘‘Shepherd House I,’’ opened cused events. Director Hill can be seen at bring to life. After her passing, the Gabberts in 1989 with a $1,500 donation from co-found- many different events always supporting started the Jay Peanut Festival to keep ers, Horace and Virginia Baker. As the parents causes and programs for our veterans. He has Melissa’s memory alive and bring together the of an adult child with mental health issues, the a strong dedication and commitment to the entire Northwest Florida community in celebra- Bakers knew firsthand the challenges in find- veterans he serves. One of the most compel- tion of the area’s deep agricultural history. ing safe housing options that would allow their ling stories about Director Hill is when he at- In the 25 years since, the festival has flour- son to live as independently as possible while tended the funeral of a civil war veteran, ished. While the pig chase has remained a receiving the care he needed. Mr. and Mrs. whose family had long-awaited formal burial. highlight, what began in 1990 as a one-day Baker, along with Good Shepherd Lutheran These are only a few of the many examples event with 30–40 vendors is now a two-day Church, worked closely with the Prince William of how Kent Hill has torn down barriers and event with 230 booths, live entertainment, car- County Community Services Board to estab- gained the respect of our veterans. nival rides, 5k run, and a parade. The staple lish the bedrock of a stable and lasting pro- Perhaps the most gratifying praise one can of the festival—the peanut—may attract the gram. In its beginning, the Foundation pro- receive is to have the respect and apprecia- tens of thousands of visitors from all over; vided housing for five single adults. tion from those they serve. Among the vet- however, to the Town of Jay, the festival is Since its inception, Good Shepherd Housing erans of Missouri’s Fifth District, Director Hill is much more than that. It’s also a celebration of Foundation has grown substantially in both cli- entele and breadth of mission. Now in 25th regarded as a listener who takes their con- community, that Melissa was so fond of, and year, the Foundation provides housing and cerns seriously and will take the time to dis- its members who have helped carry on this supportive services for 77 single adults and 45 cuss solutions, explains his position with diplo- proud tradition. families in 70 households throughout Prince macy and compassion. In an effort to have a Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to commemorate William. Assistance is extended to those with the 25-year history of the Jay Peanut Festival. closer relationship with our veterans, he meets chronic low income and mental or physical My wife Vicki joins me in wishing the Gabberts periodically with the Veterans Focus Liaison disabilities. The organization is sustained by and the Town of Jay all the best for continued Committee. This committee concept was pre- the efforts and donations of individuals, busi- success. sented to Director Hill by a group of veterans nesses, and churches, and it receives assist- who received services at the Kansas City VA f ance from local, state, and federal funding. Medical Center. The idea was readily accept- HONORING ATASCOSA COUNTY The Shepherd Homes Program offers group ed and this grassroots committee took shape. JUDGE DIANA BAUTISTA living and single adult housing options to men- The members talk to their peers and relay tally-ill individuals. Shepherd Homes I, II, and their concerns to the Director. He has been re- III are properties owned by the Foundation ceptive to their suggestions and always willing HON. HENRY CUELLAR that function as group homes. The Foundation to investigate their grievances. This partner- OF TEXAS also provides eight apartments, one town- ship has resulted in more honest communica- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES house, and one affordable rental house main- tion and better relations between staff and the Wednesday, November 12, 2014 tained by the Foundation offering the mentally veterans they serve. Veterans have com- Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ill, some of whom are veterans, relief from mented that when meeting with Director Hill, honor the exceptional career of Atascosa chronic homelessness. Beyond housing assist- he already was aware of the issue and had County Judge Diana Bautista. Judge Bautista ance, the Foundation offers services that put been working on solutions. has served the people of South Texas since residents on a path to financial and psycho- Mr. Speaker, please join me and our col- she was elected in 2002. logical stability. leagues in recognizing and honoring Mr. Kent Prior to becoming County Judge, Diana Over the years, the Foundation has ex- Hill, Director of the Kansas City VA Medical Bautista worked for the county as a clerk, as panded its mission providing a broader scope Center upon his retirement from the Depart- a Secretary for the jail Administrator, and then of resources to the community to aid in pro- ment of Veterans Affairs. While he embraces became a Pleasanton police officer and viding housing to individuals and families who this next phase of life with his wife, Anita; chil- Atascosa County Sheriffs Deputy. During her are homeless or in danger of becoming home- dren, Blake, Kirk, Keith and Stephen; and time with public service offices such as these, less. The Foundation offers a holistic program approach aimed not only at providing housing grandchildren, he leaves with the respect and Judge Bautista learned how she could best but also teaching program participants the im- admiration of those who have had the pleas- serve the people of Atascosa County. Taking portance of education and financial manage- ure of working with him. I wish to personally her oath in 2003, Judge Bautista has served ment. Programs and services include the Af- thank him for his tireless service to our coun- admirably for over a decade, boldly advocating fordable Rentals Program, Shepherd Homes, try and his unquestionable dedication to our for the citizens and employees of the county. veterans. His imprint will long be felt by future Shepherd Leasing, and a two-year Transitional In addition to her exemplary career, Judge Housing Partnership. Tutoring and child-care generations at the Kansas City VA Medical Bautista is a committed wife and mother and Center and in our community. services are also available for the children. a cancer survivor. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join f Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have the op- me in honoring the work of Good Shepherd COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNI- portunity to recognize Judge Diana Bautista. Housing Foundation in Prince William and in VERSARY OF THE JAY PEANUT Her dedication to the citizens of Atascosa congratulating it on the occasion of its 25th FESTIVAL County has truly made her community a better anniversary. The Foundation exists thanks to place to live and work. the dedication and generosity of its board, f staff, volunteers, and many community sup- HON. JEFF MILLER porters, and it is another example of what OF FLORIDA RECOGNIZING THE 25TH ANNIVER- makes Prince William such a wonderful place IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SARY OF GOOD SHEPHERD HOUS- ING FOUNDATION to live. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 f Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it is my HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATED privilege to commemorate the 25th Anniver- OF VIRGINIA SERVICE OF NORTHWEST FLOR- sary of the Jay Peanut Festival and recognize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IDA’S DEBORAH ‘‘DEE’’ its founders, Gene and Brenda Gabbert and COPELAND the community of Jay, Florida. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 The Town of Jay, situated in northern Santa Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Rosa County, Florida near the Florida/Ala- ognize the 25th Anniversary of the Good HON. JEFF MILLER OF FLORIDA bama line, is home to over 500 residents and Shepherd Housing Foundation. For the past IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the annual Jay Peanut Festival. quarter century, the Foundation has provided A quarter of a century ago, Gene and Bren- low-cost housing to the homeless and those Wednesday, November 12, 2014 da Gabbert founded the festival in honor of on the brink of homelessness in Prince Wil- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am their daughter Melissa, who had lost her battle liam County. privileged to recognize Ms. Deborah ‘‘Dee’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.085 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1551 Copeland upon the occasion of her retirement. occasion of its 10th anniversary and the crit- Engineer Operator EMT Robert Bebee, 41, For 42 years, Ms. Copeland has dedicated her ical health care services that it provides to of Station 51; career to educating our Nation’s youth and stroke survivors and their families in our com- Firefighter EMT Robert Garner, 29, of Sta- serving the Gulf Coast community. munity. tion 68; A graduate of Belhaven College in Jackson, The SCC is a non-profit founded by Darlene Probationary Firefighter Anne Sullivan, 24, Mississippi, Ms. Copeland began teaching at Williamson and John Phillips in 2004 to create of Station 68. Mowat Junior High School in Panama City, a community in which stroke survivors and They were the best we had in Houston, and Florida, in 1972. Eight years later, she joined their families could receive proper long-term we are still saddened that they are gone. the faculty at King Middle School in Milton, treatment. Meaningful care for stroke survivors The hotel’s hellish inferno claimed the lives Florida, where she has established herself as is limited in the United States, and the SCC is of these four firefighters and injured fourteen a leader amongst the great educators in one of less than ten such facilities. The mis- other firefighters when the roof collapsed— Northwest Florida and where she teaches sion of the SCC has been to pick up where some critically. One of the brave who survived today, chairs the History/Civics Department, traditional health care coverage misguidedly was Captain William Dowling, also known as and is the Student Government Association leaves off by providing affordable speech and ‘‘Iron Bill.’’ Advisor. language services to stroke survivors in a sup- Iron Bill was injured serving Houston, the For over four decades, Ms. Copeland has portive and participating environment. No pa- community in which he was raised. A graduate inspired the minds of our Nation’s youth, and tient is ever turned away because they can’t of Klein Oak High School, Captain Dowling left her innovative techniques have brought unique afford the cost. Texas to serve his nation as an enlistee with learning opportunities and experiences to her The current situation of stroke coverage and the United States Marine Corps. In 1993, on students. Whether organizing an annual visit care is in desperate need of reform. It is com- leave from Marine boot camp training, he mar- to Tallahassee, the state capital, to engage mon misconception that recovery is quick and ried his high school sweetheart—Jacki. As a her students in the legislative process, spon- easy when in reality stroke survivors require Marine, Iron Bill served 4 years, including a soring an annual Veteran’s Day program to comprehensive rehabilitation for a protracted deployment to Somalia with I Marine Expedi- honor area veterans and first responders and period of time to fully regenerate their cog- tionary Force in support of Operation Restore educate her students on the contributions and nitive and physical abilities. Yes insurance Hope, 1995. He returned home to Texas and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, or coverage for such care, if provided at all, runs to Jacki to begin his career and to start a fam- building pyramids and volcanoes, Ms. out within 3–12 months, and the Medicare ily. Twenty-one years later, Captain Dowling Copeland’s passion for teaching is dem- therapy cap for speech and physical therapy and Jacki have three children: Forrest, Faith onstrated through each of her tireless efforts falls well short of covering the true costs. and Foster. in making learning enjoyable and bringing it to There is an estimated direct and indirect cost Iron Bill’s patriotic spirit and love of the com- life. of about $73.7 billion. However, it is impos- Her dedication and service, however, is not munity led him to join the Houston Fire De- sible to measure the emotional, physical, and confined to her classroom at King Middle partment. He graduated from the Houston Fire financial burden a stroke puts on a survivor School. Ms. Copeland teaches hospital home- Department Academy in 2000 and steadily and their family. bound students in the evenings as well as rose through the ranks. He worked at Stations Today, the SCC operates with about 100 in- Sunday School at her local church. She has 12, 19, and 48 before making Captain at Sta- dividuals served in 40 groups weekly, growing also organized and sponsored countless tion 68 in January of 2013. Firehouse 68 is lo- from just five groups in 2005. More than a events, including the Ronald McDonald House cated at the corner of Bissonnet and South dozen committed volunteers contribute more Easter Basket to benefit Sacred Heart Chil- Gessner in the ‘‘heart of Southwest Houston’’. dren’s Hospital in Pensacola, Florida; a than 3,000 hours annually. The SCC works In 2013, the fire apparatus of Firehouse 68 Thanksgiving food basket drive to provide for closely with national, state, and local stroke- made 14,847 responses, making it the third the needy; a blanket giveaway for our area’s related organizations and receives referrals busiest fire station in the City of Houston. homeless and to support low-income families; from all of the major hospital centers in the There, at Firehouse 68, Captain Dowling be- and Meet-the-Candidate breakfasts during metropolitan area. Ninety-three percent of sur- came known as ‘‘Iron Bill,’’ a fitting nickname election years to afford an additional oppor- vivors report improvement in one or more to describe a strong and courageous hero. tunity to her students and the local community areas of speaking, listening, writing or reading. It was just five months after he arrived at to participate in the democratic process. On average, survivors report that they are now Station 68 that Captain Dowling and fellow Her involvement in the classroom and three times more confident in their social inter- firefighters received an alarm call that would throughout the community has not gone unno- actions allowing them to reestablish their role take them to the gates of hell. ticed. As a result of her commitment to excel- in their family and the community. The suc- On that fateful day, in the heat of the Texas lence and service, Ms. Copeland has received cess of the SCC is due in part to their noonday sun, Captain Dowling along with the myriad awards, including the Alpha Delta undiminished and comprehensive programs. four other firefighters rushed into the hotel to Kappa Educator of the Year in 2012, the Gov- Its life participation, group-based approach find potential trapped guests. While the fire- ernor’s Award in Education, the International helps patients achieve their maximum poten- fighters were in the hotel, the roof collapsed, Award ISTE Ana Mackay-Gutierrez Award for tial. trapping and killing Garner and Sullivan from Community Giving, the Santa Rosa County Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Station 68 and Bebee and Renaud from Sta- Volunteer of the Year in 2006, the Veteran’s in recognizing the contributions and achieve- tion 51. Captain Dowling’s legs were crushed State Teacher of the Year in 2007, and the ments of the Stroke Comeback Center and its and burned, but he remained calm, radioed for King Middle School ‘‘Teacher of the Year’’ dedicated staff and volunteers over the past help and waited for his brothers to pull him award three times throughout her tenure. 10 years. The services and programs offered from the flames. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to recognize Ms. by the SCC fill a void in the rehabilitation proc- The attending physician in the ambulance Deborah ‘‘Dee’’ Copeland for her lifetime of ess and significantly improve the quality of said that Captain Dowling, though severely in- achievements and dedication to the Northwest lives of stroke survivors and their families. jured, kept asking about the condition of his Florida community. My wife Vicki joins me in f crew. He was more concerned for the safety wishing Ms. Copeland all the best for contin- IRON BILL of others than himself—the testament of a true ued success in her well-earned retirement and hero. He told the doctor, on the way to the thanking her for her service. hospital, to tell his wife and children that he f HON. TED POE would fight for them. Hearing this comes as no OF TEXAS surprise to Captain Dowling’s family: they RECOGNIZING THE STROKE COME- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BACK CENTER’S 10TH ANNIVER- know him as a fighter. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 SARY Captain Dowling was seriously injured with Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on May 31, burns over thirty percent of his body, and he HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY 2013, Houston Fire Department suffered its was placed in a medically induced coma for most tragic event in its history. Four of Hous- months at Memorial Hermann Hospital and OF VIRGINIA ton’s bravest firefighters died in the line of Medical Center. He subsequently had both IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duty, fighting a 5-alarm blaze at a hotel in legs amputated and suffered brain damage. A Wednesday, November 12, 2014 southwest Houston: long road of recovery was ahead for Captain Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- Captain EMT Matthew Renaud, 35, of Sta- Dowling, but surrounded by a team of doctors, ognize the Stroke Comeback Center on the tion 51; his family, firefighter family, friends, church

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.041 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 and the entire city and state of Texas, Iron Bill again. For our community will always be grate- in extending our sincerest condolences and was not alone. Deservingly, Captain Dowling ful for his service and sacrifices. Once a hero, prayers to his wife, Annelle; daughters, Angela became everyone’s hero. always a hero. and Ann; grandchildren; great-grandchildren; Finally, six months after the fire, Captain And that’s just the way it is. and the entire Whitehurst family. He will truly Dowling left the hospital and went home, be missed. f riding in Station 68’s newly dedicated fire f truck. Of course, he sat in the Captain’s Chair. HONORING THE LIFE AND DEDI- Along the drive home, he was greeted by fire- CATED SERVICE OF NORTHWEST RECOGNIZING NETKAL AND fighters and members of the community, who FLORIDA’S BELOVED GEORGE H. KOREAN AMERICAN SERVICE DAY lined the streets and highways from the Texas WHITEHURST Medical Center to Tomball. HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL Since returning home, Jacki left her full time HON. JEFF MILLER OF NEW YORK job at Frank Elementary to care for her hus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF FLORIDA band full time. It’s no surprise that as a Texas Wednesday, November 12, 2014 woman, she’s strong and determined, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I am very quite simply, the strength that she possesses Wednesday, November 12, 2014 is amazing. To keep the community updated pleased to applaud the efforts of a group of on Iron Bill, she started blogging on a commu- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Korean-American leaders in the United States nity Facebook page (entitled ‘‘Capt. William to recognize the life and dedicated service of as they successfully launched the first Korean- Dowling Iron Bill’’). This blog allows the com- Northwest Florida’s beloved George H. White- American Service Day, (‘‘KA Service Day’’) on munity to rally behind the Dowling family: cry hurst who passed away on October 19, 2014. Saturday, November 8, 2014, with hundreds of with them, laugh with them, pray for them and Throughout his long and distinguished career volunteers participating in various events held see their hero survive. as a mayor and businessman, Mr. Whitehurst in New York, Atlanta, Washington DC, Los An- In the last year, Captain Dowling has re- served as a mentor and an inspiration to geles and San Francisco. ceived a customized fire tank chair. It’s an countless individuals. All those who have been KA Service Day was conceived by the Net- ATV-like wheelchair, and he loves driving it! At blessed by his presence and leadership mourn work of Korean-American Leaders (NetKAL), a leadership program organized by the Center home, Houston Texans’ JJ Watt visited Iron the loss of a great man and esteemed public for Asian-Pacific Leadership at the University Bill and presented him with a Houston Texans’ servant. of Southern California for the purpose of incu- jersey with the #68 proudly displayed. Captain Mayor Whitehurst was born in Greenwood, bating the next generation of Korean-American Dowling loves to sing and play guitar—from Florida on July 28, 1926 to George and Ethel leaders. In 2014, the eighth class of leader- Bon Jovi to Third Day—and Texas Country Whitehurst. Upon graduating from Greenwood ship fellows convened in New York City over music star, Cory Morrow, played for him when High School, he enrolled in Florida State Uni- the course of six months and, as in years he was in the hospital. He was even able to versity where he was a part of the Flying High Circus and performed on the flying trapeze. past, was challenged to come up with a com- travel to San Diego to see his son Private For- munity service project with far-reaching im- rest Dowling follow in his footsteps and grad- From 1943 to 1945, Mayor Whitehurst honor- ably served our Nation in the United States pact. The creation of ‘‘Korean-American Serv- uate from the Marine Corps’ Recruit Training. ice Day’’ was an idea put forth by the 2014 When Private Forrest Dowling held his newly Navy as a hospital corpsman, as well as an operating room technician. Following his mili- class of NetKAL fellows. earned Eagle, Globe and Anchor in the palm The five-city service day aimed to encour- of his hand with pride after completing the tary service, he continued his education and graduated from the Indiana College of Mor- age Korean-Americans across the nation to Crucible, April 17, 2013, Forrest said that the give back to their local communities. Some of main reason he decided to sign the dotted line tuary Science in 1950. In 1955, Mayor White- hurst settled in Crestview, Florida, where he the volunteer opportunities ranged from food and become a Marine, was because of his pantries and meal programs to outdoor res- dad. He said my dad was a Marine and al- and his wife, Annelle, opened the Whitehurst Funeral Home. In 1961, he entered the public toration projects. They partnered with non- ways wanted me to become a Marine as well, profit organizations, such as City Harvest to service arena where he would use his great so it’s what I set out to do. Despite his amaz- distribute fresh produce in the South Bronx business sense to lead the Crestview commu- ing progress, Captain Dowling has had his neighborhood of my congressional district in nity as mayor for more than two decades. share of challenges. His pain is debilitating— New York City. From sorting donations to the As Crestview’s longest serving mayor, so much so that Jacki cried out for help and Downtown Women’s Center in Los Angeles Mayor Whitehurst tirelessly worked to better prayers that he could be seen by a team of and planting trees in a community greenspace experts who had experience with traumatic the city he loved. He successfully advocated in Atlanta, volunteers on KA Service Day dem- amputations. She had heard of the work of the for increased public safety and economic de- onstrated their collective will and power to be- team at Brooke’s Army Medical Center, which velopment, which resulted in the establishment come positive agents of change in our society. operates the only DOD Burn Center, at Fort of two police substations and the Crestview I hope that the huge success of the inaugural Sam Houston and set out to work to get him Public Safety Building, development of an KA Service Day will inspire thousands of dedi- admitted. The community rallied, launching a emergency transportation corridor, restoration cated volunteers to help grow it into one of the petition, emailing and calling of a cemetery, construction of the Okaloosa largest days of service in America. BAMC and reaching out to my office. It’s rare- County Veterans Memorial, conversion of the As a Korean War veteran, I have been ly talked about, but most Congressional offices former Yellow River Railroad bed into Indus- proud to witness the Korean community flour- spend the majority of their time on ‘‘case- trial Drive, and a revitalized downtown, among ish across our nation. Since 1903, when they work,’’ offering constituents help with a federal other efforts. first came to America, Korean immigrants department or agency. Mayor Whitehurst was a man of conviction have played a vital role in shaping our society Within a matter of hours, Brooke’s Army and was widely respected by those who knew through their strong family ties and hard work. Medical Center deemed Captain Dowling ad- him. The community’s immense appreciation They have inspired us with their missible, saying they are honored to receive was well evidenced when he received the Mae entrepreneurialism and perseverance toward him and that he would be embraced by fellow Reatha Coleman Citizen of the Year Award in building success and wealth for their families Marines. Once the appropriate medical August 2013 for his outstanding service. and communities. As a Congressman rep- records were transferred, an ambulance trans- Mayor Whitehurst, fondly known as ‘‘Mr. resenting the communities in the New York ported Iron Bill from St. Luke’s Hospital to Crestview,’’ will be remembered for his excep- metropolitan area I have been greatly im- Brooke’s Army Medical Center for further tional leadership and contributions to the Gulf pressed by the tremendous contributions treatment. Coast community, and his legacy will not be made by half-a-million Korean Americans and As Iron Bill gets the medical care that he forgotten. To his family and friends, he will be 1,000 professional, educational, religious, and needs, I hope he knows the community of remembered most as a loving father, grand- trade organizations, as they play a vital role in Tomball and the greater Houston area and, of father, and great-grandfather. the Great City of New York. I am grateful to course, Texas’ Second District eagerly awaits Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States them and the members of NetKAL for their his return home. When that happens, I hope Congress, I am privileged to honor the life of leadership in making a positive impact on our we line the streets and cheer for him once George H. Whitehurst. My wife Vicki joins me society.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12NO8.088 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1553 RECOGNIZING THE 23RD ANNIVER- HONORING WILSON COUNTY JUDGE MEETINGS SCHEDULED SARY OF LITERACY VOLUN- MARVIN QUINNEY TEERS—PRINCE WILLIAM NOVEMBER 14 HON. HENRY CUELLAR 2 p.m. OF TEXAS Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To receive a briefing on Ukraine’s piv- OF VIRGINIA Wednesday, November 12, 2014 otal parliamentary poll, focusing on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the conduct and results of the elec- tions, as well as the potential for the honor the exceptional career of Wilson County Wednesday, November 12, 2014 newly elected parliament to confront Judge Marvin Quinney. As a veteran of our the coming challenge of forging a Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today nation’s armed services, a dedicated officer of democratic, secure, independent future to recognize the 23rd Anniversary of Literacy the State of Texas, and as a man of God, for their strategically important coun- Volunteers of America—Prince William. Judge Quinney has and continues to faithfully try. serve the people of his county to the best of SD–608 Founded in 1991 by local librarian Dona his ability. Swanson to help teach a library patron to Marvin Quinney’s lifetime of public service NOVEMBER 18 read, Literacy Volunteers of America—Prince began in 1965 when he joined the United 2:30 p.m. William has maintained its direct service ap- States Army to assist military efforts in Viet- Committee on Finance proach, by providing individualized adult lit- nam. After two years in the Army, future Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Over- eracy tutoring based on the personal needs Judge Quinney spent a year working in a sight and goals of adult learners. LVA–PW under- Texas oilfield—a period he cites for shaping To hold hearings to examine tax relief after a disaster, focusing on how indi- stands that literacy is a critical skill which can his strong work ethic. He returned to public open the doors to educational and employ- viduals, small businesses, and commu- service in 1968 as a Texas Department of nities recover. ment opportunities. As a literature major in Public Safety Trooper from 1968 until 1995. SD–215 college, I cannot agree more. He later served as a Federal Court Security Committee on Homeland Security and LVA–PW’s programs are well-researched Officer in San Antonio for three years. It was Governmental Affairs and constantly tracked and evaluated by staff after this period that Judge Quinney an- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- to ensure their effectiveness. This has proven nounced his bid for the office of Wilson Coun- tion of Earl L. Gay, of the District of ty Judge, promising to serve the County with Columbia, to be Deputy Director of the to be a highly successful model: in 2014, Office of Personnel Management LVA–PW served 667 adult learners who re- responsibility, integrity, and confidence. Since his election in 1998, Judge Quinney has SD–342 ceived a total of 14,000 hours of instruction Select Committee on Intelligence stayed true to his word. Among his many from 212 trained volunteer tutors. Many of To receive closed briefings on certain in- achievements in office are the protection of these participants learned to read and write telligence matters. Wilson County’s water rights, the continuation thereby enabling them to become full partici- SH–219 of low tax rates and the organization of a suc- pants in our communities and, in many cases, cessful Sesquicentennial celebration. Cur- NOVEMBER 19 to earn their GEDs and achieve employment. rently, he is focused on overseeing the res- 10 a.m. Literacy Volunteers of America—Prince Wil- toration of Wilson County’s beautiful, historic Committee on Banking, Housing, and liam has established itself as an institution in Courthouse. When he retires on December Urban Affairs the community, fostering local partnerships to 31, 2014, Judge Quinney will have served four To hold an oversight hearing to examine strengthen both their own services and those terms in office and will leave an honorable leg- the Federal Housing Finance Agency, of other community groups, including the acy in his stead. focusing on balancing stability, Prince William County Library System, the Vir- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have the op- growth, and affordability in the mort- portunity to recognize Judge Marvin Quinney. gage market. ginia Employment Center, Northern Virginia SD–538 Community College, the Prince William County His dedication to his nation, the state of Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Adult Education Program, and local busi- Texas, and especially to the citizens of Wilson and Pensions nesses through workplace literacy programs. County is truly admirable. Business meeting to consider an original LVA–PW has been recognized as Community bill entitled, ‘‘Adding Ebola to the Service Organization of the Year by the Prince f FDA Priority Review Voucher Program William Regional Chamber of Commerce, Vol- Act’’, H.R. 669, to amend the Public unteer Organization of the Quarter by Prince SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Health Service Act to improve the health of children and help better un- William County, and Friday’s Hero by the local Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, derstand and enhance awareness about Channel 9 News. Literacy Volunteers of Amer- agreed to by the Senate of February 4, unexpected sudden death in early life, ica—Prince William is a model to be emulated. 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- and the nominations of P. David Lopez, Each year the Literacy Volunteers of Amer- tem for a computerized schedule of all of Arizona, to be General Counsel, and ica—Prince William recognizes individuals for meetings and hearings of Senate com- Charlotte A. Burrows, of the District of their commitment as students, tutors, or volun- mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- Columbia, to be a Member, both of the Equal Employment Opportunity Com- teers. I am pleased to enter the following tees, and committees of conference. This title requires all such committees mission, Adri Davin Jayaratne, of names of the 2014 honorees into the CON- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Michigan, to be Assistant Secretary of GRESSIONAL RECORD: Labor for Congressional and Intergov- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- ernmental Affairs, Mary Lucille Jor- Students of the Year—Rut Amdemskal and mittee—of the time, place and purpose Iftikhar Haq dan, of Maryland, and Michael Young, of the meetings, when scheduled and of Pennsylvania, both to be a Member Tutors of the Year—Davine Irving and Linda any cancellations or changes in the of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Mazzucchi meetings as they occur. Review Commission, and any pending As an additional procedure along nominations. Volunteer of the Year—Ernestine Jenkins with the computerization of this infor- SD–430 Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Committee on Homeland Security and me in congratulating Literacy Volunteers of Digest will prepare this information for Governmental Affairs America—Prince William on the occasion of its printing in the Extensions of Remarks To hold hearings to examine prepared- ness and response to public health 23rd Anniversary and in thanking the volun- section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD threats, focusing on how ready we are. teers, sponsors, staff, and community partners on Monday and Wednesday of each SD–342 for their efforts in support of this worthwhile or- week. Committee on Veterans’ Affairs ganization. I also commend Vicki Gross for Meetings scheduled for Thursday, No- To hold hearings to examine veterans’ her many contributions to LVA–PW while serv- vember 13, 2014 may be found in the mental health and suicide. ing as Executive Director. Daily Digest of today’s record. SR–418

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.057 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1554 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Commission on Security and Cooperation Committee on Small Business and Entre- commodities, focusing on the extent to in Europe preneurship which banks and their holding compa- To hold hearings to examine combating To hold hearings to examine the nomina- nies own physical commodities like oil, corruption in the Organization for Se- tion of Gilberto de Jesus, of Maryland, natural gas, aluminum and other in- curity and Cooperation in Europe to be Chief Counsel for Advocacy, dustrial metals, as well as own or con- (OSCE) region, focusing on the link be- Small Business Administration. trol businesses like power plants, oil tween security and good governance, SR–428A and gas pipelines, and commodity including a need to build effective in- warehouses. NOVEMBER 20 stitutions and the important role SD–106 played by civil society in combating 9:30 a.m. corruption. Committee on Homeland Security and DECEMBER 2 SVC–203–202 Governmental Affairs 11 a.m. Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- 9:30 a.m. Committee on the Judiciary tions Committee on Armed Services To hold hearings to examine The FANS To hold hearings to examine Wall Street To hold hearings to examine the nomina- Act, focusing on if sports blackouts bank involvement with physical com- tions of Robert M. Scher, of the Dis- and antitrust exemptions are harming modities, focusing on the extent to trict of Columbia, to be Assistant Sec- fans, consumers, and the games them- which banks and their holding compa- retary for Strategy, Plans, and Capa- selves. nies own physical commodities like oil, bilities, David J. Berteau, to be Assist- SD–226 natural gas, aluminum and other in- ant Secretary for Logistics and Mate- 2:15 p.m. dustrial metals, as well as own or con- rial Readiness, Alissa M. Starzak, of Special Committee on Aging trol businesses like power plants, oil New York, to be General Counsel of the To hold hearings to examine the private and gas pipelines, and commodity Department of the Army, and Admiral industry’s role in stemming the tide of warehouses. Harry B. Harris, Jr., USN, for re- phone scams. SD–106 appointment to the grade of admiral SD–562 and to be Commander, United States NOVEMBER 21 2:30 p.m. Pacific Command, all of the Depart- Committee on Indian Affairs 9:30 a.m. ment of Defense. To hold an oversight hearing to examine Committee on Homeland Security and SH–216 protecting our children’s mental Governmental Affairs health, focusing on preventing and ad- Permanent Subcommittee on Investiga- dressing childhood trauma in Indian tions country. To continue hearings to examine Wall SD–628 Street bank involvement with physical

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M12NO8.000 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS