Extensions of Remarks

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Extensions of Remarks 1154 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 27, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS QADHAFI AND TERRORISM: THE Libyan leader Mu'ammar Qadhafi consid­ against Libya, there was a series of attacks DESERT COYOTE CONTINUES ers himself an agent of historical forces. He against US targets that were linked by cir­ HIS BATTLE AGAINST THE is implacably committted to ending US and cumstantial evidence to Libya. Just prior to WEST other Western influence in the Third these attacks, Qadhafi publicly predicted World, to unifying the Arab world, and to that progressives around the world would destroying the state of Israel. He sees Israel, strike US facilities, but later denied any HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD the US, and other Western countries as bar­ Libyan responsibility. OF MICHIGAN riers to his goals. To achieve these ends, The Japanese Red Army <JRA> was re­ Libya has employed threats, terrorism, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sponsible for the April 14, 1988 bombing military aggression. outside a USO club in Naples. The attack­ Friday, January 27, 1989 Since the US airstrikes in 1986 and Libya's claimed under the covername "Organization military defeat in Chad in 1987, however, of Jihad Brigades" and specifically linked to Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I want to many believe Libya has chosen to operate share with my colleagues a disturbing State the US bombing raids of Libya two years through surrogate terrorist groups willing before-killed five people including one US Department factsheet documenting Colonel to strike at Western targets, rather than servicewoman and injured at least 20 per­ Qadhafi's continuing involvement with terror­ become directly involved in terrorism. For sons. Italian authorities have linked the car ism. I commended President Reagan's April example, Libya has appealed to groups it used in the attack to a known JRA terrorist 1986 military operation against Libyan terrorist supports to attack US and other Western who was implicated in the June 1987 attack training facilities in response to Libya's direct targets. Qadhafi has also relied increasingly against the US Embassy in Rome. on aggressive diplomacy and on offers of co­ involvement in the 1986 bombing of a disco in operation and outright bribes. In the past, A US Air Force communications facility West Berlin that resulted in the death of two however, when Qadhafi has turned from near Torrejon, Spain was bombed on April U.S. Army sergeants and injuries to 64 other subversion and terrorism to more conven­ 15, 1988. The US suspects involvement by Americans. However, I am concerned that Qa­ tional forms of diplomacy, he has eventual­ Libyan sympathizers. ly resumed his violent ways. On April 14, 1988 gunmen set off explo­ dhafi has begun to play the role of "terror sives in the USIS binational center in Me­ master" again. The wily colonel has recently SUPPORT TO TERRORISTS dellin, Colombia. The attack was claimed by added a new arrow to his quiver of terrorist Qadhafi has provided safehaven, money, members of the 19th of April Movement tools. arms and at times logistical support over <M-19>. which has received training and Thanks to the good work of our intelligence the years to Palestinian groups such as the money from Libya. services, Qadhafi's schemes to obtain poison Popular Front for the Liberation of Pales­ The Revolutionary Movement Tupac chemicals for his terrorist and military plots tine-General Command and to other Amaru <MRTA> claimed responsibility for groups, both pro- and anti-PLO. These have been revealed to the world. While the two attacks against USIS binational centers groups have conducted most of their oper­ on April 16, 1988 in Lima, Peru. While spread of chemical weapons is a threat to all ations against Israel and the occupied terri­ MRTA claimed these attacks were a protest of us, I cannot imagine a national leader who tories. The ANO, which transferred its against a Peruvian-Shell Oil Company is more unpredictable and diabolical in his headquarters to Libya in 1987, frequently agreement, we note that in 1986 it claimed international intrigues and terrorist plots than conducts its operations outside the Middle responsibility for several attacks on US tar­ Qadhafi. East, including in Europe. Recently, the gets in Peru to protest US policy towards While our allies around the world should ANO has resumed its operations with Libya shortly before the airstrikes. deadly consequences. A group with ties to Libya is the prime march shoulder to shoulder with our Govern­ The ANO conducted the July 1988 ma­ ment in our efforts to shut down Qadhafi's suspect in the April 19, 1988 bombing near chinegun and grenade attack on the Greek the USIS binational cultural center in San poison factory, I believe that America may be cruise ship, The City of Poros. An apparent­ Jose in which several were injured. forced to act alone in order to stem the colo­ ly accidental car explosion earlier that same French authorities in late 1987 intercept­ nel's efforts to add a terrible weapon to his al­ day in Athens was probably caused by a ed a 150-ton Libyan arms shipment, includ­ ready formidable arsenal. While diplomacy bomb intended for an attack planned to ing surface-to-air missiles, intended for the may prove to be the best solution to this most complement the cruise ship incident. Libya Provisional Irish Republican Army <PIRA> recent threat, and international cooperation in has been linked to these incidents. For ex­ in Northern Ireland. There is conclusive evi­ the struggle against the terrorism menace is ample, a submachinegun recovered from the dence that this shipment-the equivalent of cruise ship and another from the bomb essential, I believe that other options should 60 large truck-loads of munitions-originat­ damaged car were purchased by Libya in ed in Libya. PIRA has used the SEMTEX not be ruled out by the administration in deal­ 1976. According to Greek officials, a known explosives obtained from Libyan shipments ing with the Rabta chemical facility. ANO member linked to the attacks used a in destructive bombing campaigns against I urge my colleagues to carefully read the Libyan passport to enter Greece. both military and civilian targets in the UK following excerpts from the Department of ANO terrorists have confessed to the May and Western Europe. Last October, police State factsheet concerning Libyan terrorism: 1988 submachinegun and grenade attacks at uncovered a munitions cache believed to the Acropole Hotel and Sudan Club in have come from an earlier Libyan shipment. LIBYA'S QADHAFI CONTINUES SUPPORT FOR Khartoum that killed eight and wounded TERRORISM The cache, hidden at a retirement home in scores of other people. Under interrogation, West Belfast, included a Warsaw Pact-type LIBYA UNCHANGED they said they had come to attack US and flamethrower capable of incinerating a vehi­ Despite a public posture of moderation, British targets. cle at up to 80 yards. Libya continues to support terrorism. It has The ANO is also believed responsible for a given aid to terrorist groups. It has also par­ car bomb which exploded prematurely in AGAINST HIS OWN ticipated directly in at least one operation in May near the Israeli Embassy in Nicosia, Although Qadhafi has intermittently-in­ Senegal. Libyan operatives have been active Cyprus, killing one of the two terrorists in­ cluding in 1988-offered amnesty to Libyan worldwide, especially in Africa, Latin Amer­ volved. An ANO gunman also confessed to dissidents, such expatriates continue to be ica, and the Caribbean. Libya maintains the March 1988 attack on an Alitalia Air­ targets of Libyan attacks. Eleven dissidents training camps for foreign dissident groups. lines crew at the airport in Bombay in were killed in the first phase of executions It has permitted the Palestinian terrorist which a machinegun jammed and explosives ending in 1981. Another series of planned group, the Abu Nidal Organization <ANO>, failed to detonate-later claiming he intend­ attacks were uncovered during 1984 and to establish its headquarters in Libya. Libya ed to hit a US crew. 1985. Assassins in these cases have some­ has also abused diplomatic privileges by Several other groups that Libya supports times used handguns supplied in country by shipping arms through the diplomatic have conducted terrorist operations against Libyan diplomats. In 1987 two Libyan dissi­ pouch and by storing explosives at its diplo­ US and Western targets. At the time of the dents were assassinated in Europe and an matic missions. second anniversary of the US airstrikes attempt was made on the life of a third. In e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. January 27, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1155 that last case, Austrian officials identified incident that occurred in Dakar last year, In the United States: Libya also has at­ the local Libyan diplomatic mission as sup­ when the government of Senegal arrested tempted to seek influence illegally within porting the attack. In the fall of 1987, two Libyan operatives on February 20, 1988 the United States and may have been in­ France and Switzerland both expelled for carrying weapons and explosives into volved in possible acts of subversion there as Libyan agents suspected of plotting terrorist the Dakar airport from Benin. Subsequent well. actions. to the arrests of these two, Benin expelled In July 1988, two alleged Libyan intelli­ MIXING CHARM WITH VIOLENCE the head of the Libyan People's Bureau. gence agents along with four other Libyans Libya has a record of seeking to destabi­ The two were believed to have been plan­ and one Moroccan were indicted before a lize moderate Arab and African govern­ ning to attack Western targets in Senegal.
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