November 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1509 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING MAYOR MARIAN serve so unassumingly and carry on the fine IN MEMORY OF DEPUTY DANNY DELEON GUERRERO TUDELA tradition not only of her predecessor but of the OLIVER mayors of all our islands should serve as an HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO inspiration for women, but more, should serve HON. TOM McCLINTOCK as a model for all people who aspire to serve OF CALIFORNIA SABLAN their communities. OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 12, 2014 f Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, June 8, 2014 A TRIBUTE TO BRIGADIER along with Representative AMI BERA, Rep- marked a pivotal moment in the history of the GENERAL JAMES DEREK HILL resentative DORIS MATSUI, and Representative Northern Mariana Islands, when Marian DOUG LAMALFA, in honor of the service and Deleon Guerrero Tudela was sworn in not only HON. TOM LATHAM sacrifice of Sacramento County, California, Sheriff Deputy Danny Oliver. as the first female mayor of Saipan, but the OF IOWA first female mayor of any of our municipalities. Danny Oliver grew up in the Del Paso IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mayor Tudela assumed this position by oper- Heights neighborhood of Sacramento, where ation of law upon the untimely death of Mayor Wednesday, November 12, 2014 he graduated from Grant High School. During his youth, Danny experienced parts of the Donald Glenn Flores. Though residing at the Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to time in the mainland United States, she honor- community that he was determined to im- recognize the retirement of Brigadier General prove. This drove his desire to work in law en- ably agreed to serve her community through James Derek Hill of the Iowa Air National the remainder of his term, and returned to forcement, even though he came from a family Guard and to congratulate him on his illus- of firefighters. Saipan. trious 29-year military career. With over 21 years in the private sector and Danny finished the academy at the top of over 10 years in government service, Mayor General Hill began his military service in his class and served with the Sheriff’s Depart- Tudela has a long and rich professional his- 1985 upon receiving his commission through ment for fifteen years. In keeping with the life- tory. And this is not her first time to answer to Direct Appointment. Eighteen years later, Gen- long goal of cleaning up his community, Dep- the people directly. From 1994 to 1998 and eral Hill joined the Iowa Air National Guard as uty Oliver worked on a highly competitive from 2006 to 2008, Mayor Tudela was a mem- a Lieutenant Colonel and has faithfully de- team of problem-oriented policing officers. ber of the Saipan and Northern Islands Munic- voted the following decade to guiding our Tragically, Deputy Oliver was killed in the ipal Council. She has also served on the state’s men and women in uniform. General line of duty on October 24, 2014, during a vio- boards of the Northern Mariana Islands Retire- Hill retired as the Iowa Air National Guard’s lent crime spree that would later take the life ment Fund and the Commonwealth Ports Au- Deputy Adjutant General where he served as of another officer, Detective Michael David thority. principal advisor to Iowa’s Adjutant General Davis, Jr. Deputy Oliver died for his love of As mayor, Ms. Tudela oversees a staff of while organizing, manning, equipping, and and devotion to his community. approximately 40 hard-working members of training more than 1,800 airmen to accomplish Danny loved going into his job an hour early our community. Her office undertakes pro- missions assigned at both the state and na- every morning, knowing he was putting his life grams and projects that range from improving tional level. General Hill’s unfailing leadership on the line to make a difference in Sac- local infrastructure to fostering better relations has proven to be instrumental in preparing the ramento County. While his sacrifice is to be with our tourism partner countries. For exam- men and women of the Iowa Air National honored, this is not his legacy. Rather, ple, each year, the mayor’s office sponsors Guard for numerous successful deployments Danny’s legacy is the memory of the man he exchange programs among our high school in an often chaotic and unpredictable environ- lived his life as: a devoted husband to his wife students and students from Japan and Korea. ment. Susan, a father who guided and supported his And on any given day, you can find her em- Throughout nearly three decades of selfless two children, and a dedicated officer. Mr. Speaker, Deputy Danny Oliver will be ployees trimming trees to make our beautiful service, General Hill has earned numerous deeply and sorely missed not only by his fam- lagoon more visible to tourists traveling on decorations for his consistent leadership and ily, but also by the community that he tire- Beach Road, patching potholes on secondary uncompromising standards. Most recently, lessly worked to better. The State of California roads or catching stray dogs that roam the General Hill was nominated by Iowa’s Adjutant is particularly blessed to have such men of streets. Couples intending to wed visit the General Timothy Orr to receive the hallowed character and heroism protecting our citizens. mayor’s office to obtain their marriage license, Legion of Merit for his ‘‘exceptionally meri- Danny was known for influencing his chil- and those who do not drive but desire identi- torious conduct’’ as Iowa’s Assistant Adjutant dren to do what they love, just as he did. We fication cards can receive those through her General over the past four years. I believe it can all learn from his heart and strength of office. The mayor’s office also spearheads the goes without saying that the Iowa Air National character. It is my privilege to rise in recogni- annual Liberation Day festivities on Saipan, Guard’s world-renowned 21st century capabili- tion of his sacrifice and to honor his memory. which celebrates the freeing of our islands ties would not be possible without the positive from occupying Japanese forces by the Amer- and professional guidance expertly offered by f ican military in 1944. General Hill over the past decade. TRIBUTE TO ALEXIS HARDRICK— Mayor Tudela is now one of the highest- Mr. Speaker, our country owes Brigadier RECIPIENT OF THE GIRL SCOUT ranking female officials ever to hold office in General James Derek Hill a great debt of grat- SILVER AWARD the Northern Mariana Islands. And as such, itude for his decades of selfless service and she serves as a role model and a reminder to sacrifice. His unwavering commitment to his HON. SCOTT DesJARLAIS country and fellow Americans is a testament all women that they have come of age in our OF TENNESSEE local political arena. But championing women’s to our nation’s service members and our great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES issues is nothing new to Mayor Tudela. She state. I know my colleagues in the United formerly served as a Governor’s Special As- States House of Representatives will join me Wednesday, November 12, 2014 sistant for Women’s Affairs, and over the in thanking General Hill and congratulating Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today years has participated in numerous symposia him on a truly stellar career. In retirement, to honor Alexis Hardrick of Girl Scout Cadette addressing issues of import to women in the General Hill leaves behind a grateful state and Troop #1677, who recently earned the Girl Pacific region. nation and I wish him, and his wife Rhonda, Scout’s prestigious Silver Award. Marian Deleon Guerrero Tudela’s willing- the very best as they begin a new chapter in The Silver Award is the highest honor a Girl ness to step into this position so unexpectedly, their lives. Scout Cadette can earn and was presented to ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Nov 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12NO8.001 E12NOPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 12, 2014 Alexis for her project on raising awareness recognizing Dr. Shafi Ahmed, President of the break of World War II. Miraculously, the about Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Additionally, Alexis Genesee County Medical Society, for his out- Lowenstein family was reunited after the war also earned the Girl Scout Journey Award and standing service and unwavering commitment and was able to immigrate to America in 1947. completed over 50 hours of work and planning to community. Consistently fighting against discrimination in devoted to this cause. Dr. Ahmed lived in several countries before any form, Henry held a deep compassion for In the spring of 2013, Alexis began to re- moving to the United States of America, where artists and outcasts. This passion, born from search CF, a disease her sister has been di- he now practices internal medicine at Court the horrors of Nazi Germany, would shape the agnosed with. Shortly thereafter, she compiled Street Family Medicine. Dr. Ahmed is a kind- artist he would become. a learning board exhibit which detailed the ef- hearted individual who has lived a broad life.
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