INTERTOURS > Established 1989 < / Licence Nr. 20 /

Monasteries in and (7 days, 6 halfboards – Bus)

Serbian offer divine inspiration, and give eternal trait to everyone ...

1. day /Tour 2/ Arrival in the morning. Transfer to hotel with 3 or 4*. Accomodation. Departure for sightseeing town: Kalemegdan fortress, Republic Square, National theatre, National museum, , Federal Assembly, St. Marco's church ... Afternoon free. Dinner. Overnight.

2. day Breakfast. Visit Orthodox Cathedral, Patriarchate and St. Sava Temple (among the biggest orthodox temples on the world). Departure for (60 km from Belgrade). Visit old Patriarchate and Cathedral. After that going to Petrovaradin , old medieval fortress on Danube near . Visit fortress with great panoramic view on Novi Sad. Little break for lunch /Optional/. After break visiting Novo Hopovo – XVI century. Back to Belgrade. In late afternoon hours visiting Belgrade from the rivers by boat - 2 hours. End of the day in one of the national restaurants in old quarter where dinner will be served. Overnight.

3. day Breakfast. Leaving Belgrade by bus and ride for (80 km from Belgrade). Visit temple of Karađorđević Dinasty. With its monumentality and internal composition of this temple is interesting for everyone. Little break in summer garden of "Oplenac" hotel. After Oplenac bus ride to monastery (XV century). Visit monastery, tipical example of Morava school, foundation of Stefan Lazarević. Frescoes in this monastery are most beautifull in Morava cycle and among most beautifull in whole serbian medieval painting. After this monastery going to monastery (XIV century). Another great example of Morava school, well known beacuse of frescoes of King Lazar, his wife Milica and sons Stefan and Vukan. The most beautifull is The entry of Christ in Jerusalem. Departure for Kruševac (old capital of Serbia). Lunch break in one of the restaurants / optional/. After Kruševac, bus ride to monastery (XV century) – foundation of Princess Milica. Visit monastery (only women monastery). This monastery is work of Rad the architekt and painter Makarije – very famous from that period. Departure for Vrnjačka spa. Accomodation in hotel. Dinner. Overnight.

4. day Breakfast. Departure for Žiča. Visit Žiča monastery (XIII century). This monastery was founded by Stevan Firstcrowned and is a typical example of Raška school. Due to influence from Mt. Athos monasteries, Žiča monastery was outside painted in red, and that color remains untill present time. This monastery was the seat of the first Serbian archiepiscopy and cultural center and legislative body in Serbia in XIII century. Departure for Studenica. Little break for lunch in Mataruska spa /Optional/. Arrival Studenica (XII century). Visit this monastery one of the most important shrine of serbian people !!! It consists of 3 churches: church of Holy virgin, church of St. Nikola and King church. This monastery is foundation of of Stevan Nemanja, and King church was intended for his grave. Monumentality of the churches, richness in frescoes and iconostasis escite vevverzone who comes here ! Fresco "Crusifiction of the Holy Virgin" is one among most beautifull frescoes in whole serbian medieval painting. This monastery is under UNESCO protection. Lunch break /optional/ in the restaurant of the hotel Studenica near the monastery.

After break bus ride to monastery Sopoćani – (XIII century). The monastery is foundation of King Uroš, and was built for his grave. Frescoes from this monastery are considered among most beautifull achievments in serbian medieval painting and among most beautifull among all Bizantyne painting at all !!! These paintings can be compared only with much later works of the artists from the epoche of . One of the most important fresco is "The death of Holy virgin" which spreads all over the west wall, and just after comes the scenes from the life of the Christ and several figure of the Saints. As a real treasure of old and culture this monastery is under UNESCO protection. Departure for Zlatar mountain. Accomodation in hotel. Dinner. Overnight.

5. day Breakfast. Departure for Ostrog, over Nova Varoš, Prijepolje, B.Polje and Podgorica. Arrival (XVII century). Visit monastery founded on a cliff by metropolitan Vasilije Ostroški later proclaimed as a Saint. Legend about this healer and Saint who perform miracles is that he is not dead - "he is walking" ... Lunch break /optional/. Departure for Budva over Podgorica and . Accomodation in hotel. Free time untill 18 h when is departure for Kotor (old town under UNESCO protection). Sightseeing Kotor: old part of the city, navy museum, St. Tripun cathedral , St. Georgius church ... Backward ride to Budva. Dinner. Overnight..

6. day Breakfast. Departure for Cetinje. Sightseeing Cetinje – old capital of Montenegro. Visit King Nikola's castle – unique architectural monument from his period and real treasure of paintings, furniture, peasant costumes and reachness of his family. Nearby is situated (XV century), foundation of Ivan Crnojević. This monastery was cultural center of South Slaves. Oktoih, first book of southern Slavs was printed in this monastery in 1493. Backward ride for Belgrade through Morača valley. Lunch break on the road /optional/. Arrival Prijepolje at 15 h. Visit monastery Mileševa (XIII century), foundation of King Vladislav. This monastery is typical example of Raška school but with mortar outside. Glory of Mileševa painting was carried through the whole world thanks to its most famous fresco Angel on the Christ tomb also known as a White Angel. ther frescoes are partly preserved and composition is very interesting. In this monastery was burried first serbian archiepiscop . Continue ride for Belgrade. Arrival Belgrade in the evening. Accomodation in hotel. Dinner. Overnight.

7. day Breakfast. Transfer to airport. Deaprture flight.. END OF PROGRAMME

PRICE PER PERSON: 355 EUR /for minimum 35 persons/

IN PRICE INCLUDED: - 6 halfboards in 3,4* hotels (one dinner is in Skadarlija quarter with music programme) - BUS ride according to programme (bus with WC, TV, video, air condition) - all entrancies - tourist guide, lokal guides - free places 1/25

IN PRICE NOT INCLUDED: - Air ticket to/ from Belgrade

ORGANIZER: INTERTOURS – Belgrade, Djure Djakovica 88 /Licence No: 20/

11000 Belgrade,Djure Djakovica 88 / Serbia,Yugoslavia - Tel: 00381 11 2762-139; Tel/fax: 00381 11 2759-089 | | E-mail: [email protected] |